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No. 837490
Should you tell your parents you're adopted? Ask here!
>>>/ot/826927 No. 837681
>>837670oof and other words get redtexted because they're usually used as symbols for new and/or twitfriends. i know
triggered is one,
nonnie is another, i think
POC is another? there are so many i don't remember all of them though kek
No. 837686
>>837670I think
abusive and
TERF are also on the list
No. 837776
File: 1624574226363.jpeg (168.09 KB, 1124x1337, A4F231ED-2EC6-452E-B2A2-5245BD…)

what are they from?
No. 837781
>>837777lel I didn't realize
>>837778>>837779thanks dudettes I am gonna watch! I've actually wanted to try that already but didn't make the connection with these cute characters, so now I'm double interested
No. 837813
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How do you and your partner save for trips? I was thinking of opening a savings account, which would be our first joint account too. Maybe we should look into a mutual fund instead?
No. 838002
File: 1624603521319.png (267.28 KB, 567x339, imagen_2021-06-25_014522.png)

>>837905Yes, a lot lol. We really fucking love Drake and Josh, it was even on free tv (canal 5)
No. 838051
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>>838049Eat slightly thawed frozen fruit drizzled with lime or lemon juice, especially grapes. Take short and cold showers. Put the wet cloth in the freezer between uses, and alternate so there’s always one waiting in the freezer. Fill a hot water bottle (picrel) with ice or cold water. Do not fill it all the way if using water, and do not use the same one you plan on using in the winter. Alternatively you can use regular water bottles like the plastic ones or soda bottles and freeze them with water and use those as body ice packs. Have many so you can keep swapping them out once the ice melts.
No. 838067
File: 1624615011410.jpg (297.11 KB, 1199x1800, feet in cold water.jpg)

>>838049Feet in cold water. And pull down all the blinds before the sun rises.
No. 838212
>>838185>>838186based on this criteria I feel like some sociopath leaning people might be successful though (celebrities for example) and just hide their messiness from the general public or have good pr teams that hide it for them
also those markers for sociopathy are present and comorbid with many other mental illnesses, cluster b personality disorders excluding aspd which some basically say is a proto sociopath arent sociopathy but they still share some traits with sociopathy
No. 838286
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How the fuck does this even happen to a neck/throat/chin
No. 838299
>>837517I would do it but it depends on the neighbor. Go ring at his doorbell and try to assess the situation when you see him. If he seems unfriendly or weird or smth then just invent some other reason like "oops do you have eggs/parsley" whatever
>>837713god i WISH mods redtexted samefriend newfriend etc just use fag like a normal person. Not even normie gay men mind it.
No. 838489
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>>838472my hangover prevention tip is to drink some nice hot ginger herbal tea before you go to bed bc ginger helps with nausea.
in any event drink lots of water, bc dehydration is a a big part of what makes hangovers so unbearable
No. 838628
File: 1624678349265.jpg (259.31 KB, 1620x1080, Tramp_Stamps.jpg)

Who were the Tramp Stamps target demographic supposed to be ?
I can't think of any group that likes them, Punk Rock is a niche genre, with a mostly straight white male audience and the women in the community are pretty hardcore and can spot a faker, so they were never ever gonna appeal to them, WOC also pointed out that a lot of situations their describing apply to the men of their communities and were mostly infuriated, Gay/Bi women could also tell that they were Queerbaiting
So who were they made to appeal to
No. 838630
>>838628Also literally googling the main singers name(marisa maino) reveals her previous content and persona as a Lana Del Ray knockoff
Not even a full year after this video she would be part of Tramp Stamps
No. 838659
>>838655that's not the reason people dislike them, its that their Industry shills who are actively lying and promoting a false image that their a grassroots punk rock feminist band, also their very badly handled Industry shills, also many Millennial women in the Punk rock community called them out even before Zoomers
It almost feels they were designed to be unlikeable towards every demographic possible
No. 838759
>>838745I'm drunk but I'm ready
X: Find out where the drone is coming from
■: call the police
!○:shoot it down
◇:live in darkness and never have a cool shower again
No. 838794
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if he's on a wheelchair then how the fuck is he sitting like this
No. 838943
File: 1624726143168.webm (3.12 MB, 480x480, 29587236_2114983422115639_2540…)

>>838920Idk if it was my post, but if it was, here's the video. It's from Stephanie Sarley.
No. 838952
File: 1624727031029.webm (Spoiler Image,7.34 MB, 576x1024, bread.webm)

>>838943samefag, here's another dough spanking video. Alright, I'm done
No. 838956
File: 1624727576932.gif (29.07 KB, 500x500, a.gif)

>>838943>>838952thank you
nonnie No. 839052
>>838741I've been on SSRIs, they don't reduce my drive. Prozac made me get failed orgasms, though.
>>838933I have hobbies, none make me feel gud or accomplished in the way sex does. I've never tried toys, I'm scared of them, I like it that I prefer live sex.
No. 839100
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Anyone know picrel's name? I saved the pic awhile back because she looks hot and muscular. Her body is gym goals.
Reposting because my dumbass forgot to attach the image the first time.
No. 839115
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>>839107Oh kek. I reverse image searched it too but I guess I just wasn't reading or paying enough attention because I didn't see a name in any of the links. Thanks.
No. 839117
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>>839100God each time I see this pic it just fills me with primal lesbian instinct.
No. 839133
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What does it mean to 'be feminine'? Is it having certain hobbies e.g. baking? or is it a lifestyle?
No. 839145
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Was o__O really only ever a thing in Germany? Especially asking other euroanons
No. 839264
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Who's an example of a "real" findom expert, or just an example of what this chick is actually trying to pretend she is? I've been going through the Katherine McMahon thread and even I can tell it's a big larp, but I grew up too lower class to really have any frame of reference for what an actual high class internet personality would look like? The only rich people I tend to see online are the new rich LA "influencer" types.
No. 839281
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Do you think a lot of people associate a red baseball cap (from afar) with MAGA now? I just bought a new cap and didn't think about this until now.
No. 839310
>>839273Exposure therapy. Be patient with yourself. I'm recovering without medication and it
is tough, but totally worth it. Get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Also remind yourself anxiety comes in different forms, if anxiety felt the same the entire time, you wouldn't have anxiety anymore, so any "new" sensation you feel is simply anxiety. Focus on your progress and be prideful. I hope for the best for you, anon.
No. 839386
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I remember hearing the term shifting before on here and I searched it up because I was curious. Is it basically just forcing yourself to lucid dream? Does anyone here have any experience doing it? Seems like something that will turn you schizo
No. 839390
>>839386Someone commented on it on the dumbass shit thread, I think the #48 or #47. Give it a ctrl+f, maybe
Lucid dreaming is a much safer bet imo
No. 839392
>>839388Obviously there's no concrete definition of 'oldfag', but
in my opinion it's someone who's been regularly visiting this site from its /cgl/ days up to maybe 2017.
No. 839393
>>839388I consider myself an oldfag because I've been in here for 6 fucking years lol
But I'd say anyone that has been around for 3+ years and know most of the injokes (lolcow bot that was actually a thing for April's fools, tranny janny, keekweek and everythingit entailed) and famous anons (komaeda discharge anon, anorectal violence kun, diy dildo anon etc)
No. 839399
>>839397Me too kek
I hope she got herself a real dildo as a treat
No. 839457
>>839442in my head i automatically categorize bishounen as like pretty boys in shoujo mangas, who even look a bit soft and feminine when compared to male characters from other series. think the boys in arina tanemura mangas compared to idk golden kamuy dudes. ikemen, to me, are grown up men who also put some effort into looking good and who aren't just naturally pretty but underline it because they are aware of their good looks and try to look even more attractive with nice clothes, hairstyles, etc. bishounen are usually just cute boys who aren't aware of how attractive they are to the 13 year old girls around them.
i could be entirely wrong though, this is just a personal 'experience' from years of being a weeb.
No. 839583
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What do I have to search to find wigs like this for sale online?
I like this Alice Cullen style, but I'm not ready to cut my hair for it.
No. 839591
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>>839583Idk did you try searching Alice Cullen? Anyways you'd have to take this and style it with hairspray but this is basically it.
No. 839594
File: 1624806412426.jpg (460.15 KB, 1035x1280, Alice_Cullen_Wig__48346.138041…)

>>839591All I found was this sad thing when I tried, ty anon
No. 839632
>>839604I think its a meme, people just wanna have sex for the most part but they attach too much meaning to it, so they add themes about submissions and domination to make it appear deeper then it actually is
I just have sex "vanilla" sex and I'm happy
No. 839633
>>839604My ex was actually
abusive so i can tolerate choking and slapping and such from my bf. He's not literally
abusive to me. I've told him I don't like it but I smile and laugh while I'm saying it because it's a reflex of mine. Understandable, he doesn't get I'm not joking. I don't want to devolve into my own issues but I'm never going to be happy anyway sexually, I have always wanted sex way more than whoever my partner is, and I am not kinky. It's a shit combination. I tolerate everything because, like I said, it's not literal abuse. My bf thinks I like it.
No. 839666
>>839660I'm acting embarrassed and weird when I say it, he interprets it as like I'm just saying that but in reality I like it. Kind of when you ask someone if they like their crush and they'll start giggling and laughing while saying "no". Except in this case, I really don't like it. My point is that I understand his confusion.
>>839655It really is pathetic, I'm in agreement. I feel like it would be different if he knew for a fact I don't like it. I guess I can love him despite that because he's better than every other male figure in my life.
No. 839695
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>>839666Why does it seem like every single straight woman on the internet makes excuses for her boyfriend when he disregards her sexual boundaries and deludes herself into think that he is actually a caring guy. Don't you want better for yourself?
No. 839710
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Why do burger moids get deployed to non-war zones like Japan or LATAM countries? For how long they stay there? Can they be deployed to such places and leave their families at home? Or when you go to a non-war zone you need to take your family with you? Can we work at those US military bases located in our country as non-american civilians?
No. 839715
>>839710some countries literally pay the other nations for projection, Korea and Japan for e.g cause of threat of China and Russia
The US has a militarily presence in panama for trade purposes
No. 839833
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>>839715>some countries literally payHuh, had no idea. I hope that my country doesn't because we really are not in a dangerous zone and that would be just tax payer money down the american drain.
My other questions still remain, if any other anon knows, that'd be much appreciated!
>>839710 No. 839867
>>839862Most children's math education is pretty poor, especially during covid. I voluntutored a third grader and she wasn't great at basic arithmetic. Fractions are kind of abstract, like what is a half of 1? 2? A lot of the math that children learn at the elementary level are very concrete and I wonder if children are even able to understand more abstract concepts at a young age. Moreover, algebra with fractions involve some basic multiplication (to change the bases into mutual ones) then sometimes division is needed to simplify them into a smaller one. Math is cumulative; if you don't have the prerequisites, you fall behind hard. Teachera can only do so much. I probably did better on fractions because my parents had university educations and could help me out, but not all parents finished high school.
Tldr: fractions are a bit too abstract, math education sucks at the elementary level, math skills build on each other, not all parents are knowledgeable to help their children
No. 840060
>>840035depends on the cost of living, but $35k is good enough if you live in a rural area. $ 43k in suburban area, with a roommate. urban area, i'm thinking $50k. the best benefit would be a union site that gives you free healthcare.
i also think a good idea would be to try to eliminate any debts you have under your name. avoid buying a new car, finding used cars and paying it in full is best. not having to pay off a car is great, especially if your health insurance isn't cheap.
No. 840077
>>840073Have you started your thesis yet? Do you think you can?
That will be the hardest thing. If you think you can finish that without too much effort I would stay in the program.
No. 840106
>>840073Not really. Expensive as fuck for it to not be an investment in a career.
If you can afford it just for the sake of it, yeah get your education.
No. 840146
>>840141Why would you subject yourself to that?
Expect small pp because of enormous belly.
No. 840333
I relegated a guy as hookup only (only been on a date nd not hooked up yet) because he has a kid, but now i'm putting the pieces together on his lack of effort I think HE only wants a hookup, and now i'm offended kek. Why is this? Just plain old hypocrisy? I want to blame it on scroteishness, but lack the intelligence to spin it.
toxic gaslighting
triggered are my attempts, i''m not sure which actually work
No. 840389
>>84003530-40k, would be life-changing. 40k+ would make me feel rich and comfortable on buying stupid shit I want. I currently make 25k kek. My expenses are relatively low (half my income) so the extra cash would be funneled into paying off my student debt and taking more vacations.
>>840386I have two main hobbies, drawing and cooking, and several offshoots such as sewing and gardening. I don’t manage time for them. It’s whatever I seem interested in doing during my free time since I work for a living. Sometimes I neglect a hobby for weeks in favor of another, but that’s okay.
No. 840398
>>840069Depends if he's cute and has a sizeable cock. One of my exes was tubby but also 6' tall, decent cock, and was pretty cute.
Most fat guys are terrible though.
Not to mention they have massive chips on their shoulders.
No. 840412
>>840035Right now I'm 20/hr with health coverage paid fully by my employer.
Decent PTO which comes out to be 4 weeks a year. Low stress office work aside from typical workplace drama and gossip which ain't shit to deal with.
My situation in life would only be made better had I not been shilled into having a student loan and amassing credit card debt when I had a stressful job.
It's amazing how differently my life is when I have a job where I'm paid alright, not being screamed at by shitbag people, and can see a doctor.
No. 840450
>>840443the extremely poor ones? maybe
the rest? absolutely
every man has the desire to cheat but unstable mentality and their income decreases and increases the chances of them acting on it.
However if he's mexican he WILL beat you at least once
No. 840568
>>840554This has happened to me recently, I broke out really bad on my chin , forehead, and on my cheek bone this past week.
I think it's the weather. It's been abnormally humid and I recognized it worsened after I took a shower. How is the weather for you?
No. 840579
>>840554Like other anon said it could be heat, or could be facemasks mixed with heat?
I'm over 30 and getting spots right now from that combo of heat, masks and oily suncream
No. 840655
>>840622I think at this point it should be
valid to say sage colloquially only bc sa-ge would be too cringe irl. Sage to ward off shitpost energy kek
No. 840686
>>840683Samefag, I also was abused ages 9-11 and had a terrible aftermath. I had extremely strict parents to the point where it could be argued it was
abusive. I remember being 5 and thinking as I was playing with blocks by myself that I better remember and experience being happy now, because I knew I'd be unhappy very soon.
No. 840694
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Is it supposed to be embarrassing to use lolcow? Is it cringe by normie standards to talk on discord every day? Which one is worse and would make it less pathetic to stop using them?
No. 840896
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So I'm pretty sick right now
I have a headache, fever, dizziness and nausea. Took 2 covid tests both negative + no coughing or loss of taste and smell
So is it safe to assume it's not the vid and just a flu/stomach bug? I'm a bit paranoid so I wanna hear others opinions or if I've missed anything
No. 840930
>>840927Opposites attract, i guess…
On an unrelated note, political inclined men are so shit. I want a centrist bf.
No. 840958
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OK QUESTION for people who were on tumblr in the early days. Wasn't the "kin" shit that sprouted from tumblr stem from Native American beliefs? Or something similar to that? I could have sworn I saw a post about it on tumblr around 2013. It's fucking out of control now, but in the beginning it was seen as a stupid thing by most.
No. 840983
>>840971Probably not the best idea to take Wellbutrin the day you drop a biccie.
Serotonin syndrome sucks donkey balls and can happen with stupidly small doses of any serotonergic drugs.
No. 840985
>>840930Get a bf who drinks up your views anon
No. 841015
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Does anyone know hotwheel's pfp credit and account style?
I want to make account like this.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 841023
>>840927>What's the appeal of being a liberal woman and dating a Trump supporter?Trump supporters are stereotyped as being more productive, more attractive, and wealthier than liberals. All things that tend to attract women.
>>840930>political inclined men are so shit.This is correct. If you have nothing more personal in your life than take on two heads talking, I've got some bad news. It's less about people being political, and more about people getting something done in their lives. The kids who only talk about politics need a bloody hobby or something.
No. 841034
>>840958fictionkin was based on the multiverse theory
otherkin is a pretty old community that didn't start on tumblr and i think it's different from the spirit animal stuff, i remember there was discourse about that at one point
No. 841046
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Is it retarded to momentarily take my shoes off to put extra long socks on in public? I’m cold in a train and the only person who can see me is on the other side but I don’t think they would care. I’m guessing it will look retarded because of my outfit.
No. 841063
>>841026That's funny. Where I live, it's the opposite. Trump supporters/Conservatives are seen as hard working, industrious, and productive. Meanwhile, if it comes out that someone is liberal, they will be mocked for living in their parent's basement. Which they almost always do.
>>841037I'm not British. That said, "bloody" is indeed a bloody good swear. I guess the brits are good for one thing.
No. 841103
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Is there a website or an app that lets you check all post that are still around from a deleted tumblr? I know searching "[nameblog] posted tumblr" on google helps find some post that has been reblogged but I want more if I can
No. 841143
File: 1624959808054.png (32.82 KB, 707x526, wa.PNG)

I keep hearing about excessive heat (40+ celcius) in WA but when i google it, it says there's barely 30; what's going on?
No. 841207
>>837490Can someone please explain to me how Baylee Jae's art is "bad"? There's no way I'm asking a question like this in the actual thread. I've looked at her instagram, and she seems like a pretty good illustrator. So are people just genuinely ignorant about art or do they genuinely believe she's bad because she does illustration work and not realism? I'm just wondering what people are expecting of her, exactly. What is "good art" to Baylee Jae observers?
I'm sure she has plenty of other reasons to have 12 threads on her, but the bad art thing totally baffles me.
No. 841280
>>841262dont, he's just going to either block you or ask for sex.
you're better than this
nonnie No. 841283
>>841246No, that's the worst part, these people are complete randoms, I never met them and I only passed next to that one dude, no talking or anything.
>>841251>>841249So wait, the app can just fetch location data from other apps/pictures? Because I have location for the app off. Either way it's fucking creepy ugh
No. 841415
>>841373there are much nicer places to study in europe anon.
>>841412i think all europeans despite americans lmao
No. 841516
>>841470Not french but I was on a course years ago and one of the other students got kicked off after calling me ladyboy. I'm a short haired woman with a deepish voice. Is it still transphobia if you aint even trans? Apparently yes
I would've felt bad but after she got kicked out she waited around and cornered me in the hallway to lean in and whisper 'eunuch' in my ear. Again I'm not trans and I didn't insist on kicking her out. After that though I lost sympathy for her.
No. 841546
>>841504in my experience a lot of russians were nice to me when they saw i made an effort to speak the language. i think they're just not too fond of obvious tourists.
Also a lot of foreigners think russians are rude bc they din't smile or act super friendly to strangers. like waitstaff and salespepole are going to be all business. that doesn't mean they're hostile though.
it's just different standards for what's considered polite. when someone is friendly that's usually because they actually mean it.
No. 841572
>>841555If you haven't tried writing ahotty poetry or lyrics in a journal I'd highly recommend that one.
Even if you think you're not good at it. Let out your inner wannabe deep tumblr kid.
If not have you tried psychedelics?
Not really a hobby but definitely gives you something to do
No. 841576
>>841570I'd only call myself an occasional junkie but I mean a recreational drug thread could definitely be fun.
As long as we don't go full blown moralfag territory
Because let's be real the thing you learn once you're an adult is cheese is expensive a lot of people do coke
No. 841578
>>841573Lolcow 2.0 and then lolcow 3.0
Ya'll can take this piece of cow dung side out of my dead hands
No. 841579
>>841373I am russian.
Us, russians, are nice and one of the most loyal friends you could meet but I have to be brtually honest with you - your plan sounds like a horrible plan unless you want a REALLY GOOD reality check.
A lot of russians hate people who don't speak russian, hell, i lived in st petersburg and i met a black guy who wore normal clothing, begging me for money for lunch because he said that he is waiting for nearby university to accept him to work as a teacher there. After all its one thing being a tourist, its another living there.
Russia generally is a dangerous and hell place for women, I said a lot of things about it in one of the eurovision threads on /m/.
You will have it easy there ONLY if you are rich as hell, country itself is poor as fuck, our minimum wage is 110$ or less, we are barely surviving out there.
>>841401Moscow is the filthest city and its known for a huge sex traffic, while St Petersburg is the main drug city. We literally throw mentally ill people off asylum to walk on the streets.
No. 841581
>>841555If you don’t already work out look at some dare bee exercises.
Journaling, writing, drawing or art in general, origami, if you have magazines you’re never gonna touch again collage (highly recommend). If you have some cash to spend crochet, cross stitching, macrame.
No. 841583
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>>841516>cornered me in the hallway to lean in and whisper 'eunuch' in my eari'm sorry wtf?? kek
No. 841589
>>841586Fuck yeah!
Always good to support an artist and it sounds like you think they are dope anyway
No. 841622
>>841620Animated art outside of children's entertainment only became Popular in the past few decades.
Give it some time anon
No. 841645
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>>841620Are they supposed to? What is this question? I'm guessing you don't actually know anything about the animation industry before 1990.
No. 841647
File: 1624994223071.jpeg (153.37 KB, 640x894, 8A117168-BB4D-48D6-B71F-03C126…)

Should we start a temporary newfag-shaming thread to try to get the newfriends that joined lolcow due to the Shanon drama to either integrate or leave due to ‘bullying’? Though I think it’ll just cause anons to infight
No. 841662
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I know this is dumb, but I only started noticing this now. Is the password randomly generated each time you make a post, or is it based on the passwords you regularly use?
No. 841672
>>841647Do it
nonnie, they're getting too comfortable already.
No. 841705
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did anyone else get ass zits after spending so much time sitting on ass during the pandemic
picrel it me
No. 841733
File: 1624999251913.png (123.63 KB, 997x802, Untitled72_20210629213738.png)

>>841647Doubleposting but I was also wondering if we/I could post mini-info graphics that basically explain how to use the site, so that newfags actually learn to intergrate. Even though I'm bitter that they need an explaination when they should just lurk for a month
No. 841766
>>841647Do it anon, they deserve it. A few newfag flags to get the ball rolling:
>sus>lmfaooo>I know this is lolcow but let's not be mean in this specific way I don't like>I used kek instead of lol at the end of every sentence, I'm so integrated they'll never catch me>call someone else a newfag, forget to sage>new thread in /pt/ for my very unique Creepshow hot take>could someone spoonfeed me about something that happened ten posts ago?>typing? like?? Taylor Dean???>it's okay fellow newfag, not everyone here is transphobic/ hates sex workers (sadface)>>841733This is sweet but entirely against imageboard culture. The whole point is to lurk and learn the ropes, so we only get the highest quality autistic contributions. This isn't reddit, we don't need a friendly welcome guide for normies and casuals.
No. 841768
>>841733I do want the users to integrate and learn quickly so this is cute but if we don't bully them at all then they won't want to even try
More importantly I have this tinfoil that if they speed through the integration process they might pass as normal farmers whilst still posting like twitter stans and that will just cause so much infighting
No. 841810
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>>841808ngl this sounds pretty newfag-esque. Like, the over the top 'faggot' stuff and telling them to intergrate
No. 841827
>>841826I only go on there to see what people have to say about chris chan
Thread here is not active.
But let's be real, even the chris chan threads are mostly a replacement for magazines to read on the toilet
No. 841908
>>841905If you plan on cutting ties with them anyway confront them
Either you get some closure or you'll be able to give him some food for thought
No. 841993
>>841959People overestimate the amount of people using this site, it’s probably an average of 20-50 people using this site and look at the quality, it’s
still shit.
No. 841998
>>841988Breakfast/morning probably can be the healthiest time to eat during the day, but if you're eating other meals, they're just as important as eating breakfast.
Like if you're eating once or one meal for the entire day, I would think eating in the morning is the best because you're fueling yourself for the rest of the day and the food will be out of your digestive system by nighttime so your body can sleep without trying to process food at the same time.
But if you're eating fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, it doesn't mean you can eat fast food for dinner and the effects will be negated. No matter what you eat for breakfast, you should also follow up with a healthy lunch and dinner.
But this is all my tinfoil. I think it does make sense health-wise that if you eat one big meal, it would be in the morning. But I like eating and think it's more fun in the evening than the morning…like your day is done and you can relax
No. 841999
>>841988>>841989It's not. That was made up by american lobbyists. No meal is more important than thd other, just eat when you're hungry and need food. Listen to your body.
>>841993>>841959Back in it's peak it was more than 6k users, I remember the stats that admin posted. Obviously not at the same time, the whole userbase. No idea how much iit is right now, but I'd say that a couple of hundreds per hour in general for all boards seem accurate.
No. 842044
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Really wanna build on my piano abilities and finesse those jazz/rnb fundamentals, but I also wanna get into analog synthesizers. Should I get an analog keyboard synth with like 61 keys, or should I invest in an electric keyboard and add a separate modular unit later on? Probably option B right?
No. 842131
>>841993No way, there are too many nationalities on here, some have their own threads plus burgers still being the majority.
It would be interesting to see new stats.
No. 842145
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>>841844I made the thread, but then got banned almost immediately kek. I don't really understand why it was banned because some anons wanted the thread. I guess the mods hated it
No. 842151
>>842146If an art anon wants to make a bingo card, here's the examples of newfag behaviour I wrote for the thread. Maybe it can help
Typical newfag behaviour and terminology:
>creating individual threads to post their own opinion, and nothing else>getting mad at the use of the suffix '-fag' and anti-TRA sentiments>responding to obvious bait>liberal feminism>overusage of slurs so that ‘I look like I’m integrating’>sus> not knowing how to sage>talking about K-pop>putting their personal information on lolcow>trying to type in their own passwords when making posts>tone indicators e.g. /gen, /s, /j>emojis>bumping threads for nearly half a decade ago No. 842169
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Does anyone else feel like your mom is fine and a good person even though she has some (very) toxic traits here and there but she tries her best, and that you want the best for her and on a good day or week everything goes perfect and you feel happy with the kind of mom you have even if she has done you wrong in the past…
…but like, even if you try to keep things positive and nice, there are certain small things that make you feel like you would have a better relationship with her away from her? idk
No. 842195
>>842169I remember the time when I innocently thought this way about my mom.
Until her every now and then
toxic traits became habitual routine, and more often she chose to say and do things that showed a pattern that she wasn't very good to me.
I don't have a relationship with her now and she plays dumb as to why, and blames me. Tbh I don't think me having given her the benefit of the doubt or trying to spin her behaviors positively served anyone but herself in the end. Because now she uses that to convince herself she was a great albeit "not perfect" parent because I internalized her shit and blew smoke up her ass all those years when I didn't know better.
Only you know your relationship with your mother, you'll have to decide for yourself if her behaviors are something you can tolerate or need to cut off for your mental wellbeing.
No. 842200
>>842169My mom got cancer when I was in my teens and then died right when I hit adulthood. I haven't turned her into a saint post-death but I look back and see her as a whole person independant of me. Someone who was around experiencing life (lil bit of abuse happened to her) and who only became my mom when she was already 38. She had a whole life before me. She was a thousand different things and her friends might've known her in a different light than me seeing as they knew her decades longer. I don't look at her parenting lapses and define her by that and nothing else.
Overall she did her best for everyone. Her best was short of perfect but then people didn't always treat her perfect. Her parents didn't. My dad didn't. Why would she turn out as super mom if surrounded by that?
No. 842230
>>842211Anon I say this compassionately but your best chance in recovery is removing online engagement with ED circles. I know it can feel nice at first, and sometimes part of the cycle is actually being in those groups coming to grips with the way it rules your life, but you are better off without it.
Even recovery groups become competitive as
>>842219 pointed out. That's not a product of lolcow, that's a product of nearly all online ED recovery circles or even harm reduction groups.
Maybe try to think holistically about your ED and the purpose (or lack thereof) it serves in your life. Distractions are good too. I actually learnt to cook and bake so food carries different meaning from what it used to.
No. 842235
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Why don't any women want to date me?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 842290
>>842282He's an egotistical short prick. I watched the Kanye one because I unabashedly love Kanye West and the only good thing I will say was that Joe rogan knew his place and to stfu and let Kanye speak.
Overall the Joe Rogan sounds like he's in love with his own voice, is aggressively opinionated and annoying. You can tell he's so hateful because of his insecurities of being a bald short cunt.
No. 842292
>>842219Never thought about it this way, thank you!
>>842230I get it kind anon, thank you! Sometimes i just wish i had ppl in a similar situation as me so i could vent to those who understand but i love your advice tho, because i'm an artist and one of the things i most love to paint are desserts (specially cakes!!), i just love them so much because they are so beautiful! Maybe trying to learn and actually making them will be a positive experience for me. Earlier today i took the difficult choice of starting therapy and you know what? I'll actually look for baking classes right now, thank you! feel hugged
nonnie No. 842379
>>842330Weird? No. Bitch move, yes.
Look at it this way: they're your safety net's safety net. It would be unwise to pull them out.
No. 842479
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>>842438I put mine in the washing machine on the delicates setting once and didn't realize they weren't supposed to be washed. they were fine. they're even the fuzzy kind, pic related. they still look new
No. 842519
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Anons, do you think its possible to build some sort of immunity against lactose intolerance? I swear a long while back I couldn't drink straight milk without planning to run to the bathroom within two hours even though I could eat cheese and yogurt just fine (unfortunately had give up my morning oatmeal and coffee). Now however I can eat a large bowl of cereal in the morning and still be fine for the rest of the day. Though now that I think about it, using powdered milk vs fresh might have something to do with it? Or is there no difference?
Anyways, I love dairy and I don't plan to give it up regardless but I still wonder.
No. 842615
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Is my dad wanting to kill my mom with a gun but shooting a nearby tv instead a good source for trauma or is it a shit one? because in my mind I keep telling myself that wasn't bad enough
No. 842630
>>842620Thanks, I think of it everyday. I'm actually scared of loud noises and whenever I listen to a sudden loud noise I get paralyzed in fear
I don't know how to stop thinking about this, it happened so many years ago
No. 842666
>>842659For work/school? Never. What is good for another wear stays outside the closet/drawer to be worn again in 2/3 days.
Outside work i use the same outfit until they are not fit to wear anymore.
No. 842702
>>842659I layer up (even in the summer) with, for example, t-shirts and dresses. I change the underlayer every day cause I get stinky quick, but I can repeat the same overlayer two days in a row, then maybe skip a day and rewear the day after. I do have light one-pieces for the summer but since it's one-and-done I save those for really hot days.
>>842686I'm thankful it's relatively tame compared to what I was expecting and am comforted by the fact that apparently it's the same image every time. I'm just optimistic, I guess
No. 842742
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>>842736Wtf, I always smell of piss whenever I don't wipe all of the pee, I can't imagine the terror their partners face
No. 842757
>>842728Are you
>>842736 sister or mother by any chance?
No. 842761
>>842756>>842742>>842741>>842740>>842739>>842738Thank you all! Phew.
Another thing that they don't do is use a clean shower puff to scrub their bodies with the soap, they just rub it on with their hands. And they share towels!! That's musty af too, right?
The thing is my mum doesn't smell bad, but my sister always smells awful. Like a heavily used sanitary pad on a hot day. There was a point when she would go to work smelling of antiseptic and tonsil stones because she'd wipe her armpits and vulva with TCP instead of going for a quick shower, and never brushes her teeth. Literally what the fuck.
No. 842791
>>842778Oh they use soap! They just rub the soap on their bodies with their hands instead of scrubbing with a sponge or a puff. Sorry if I phrased it confusingly.
>>842781I lived with my friend's family throughout my teens because my stepdad was a creep, his mum helped me out a lot with self-care and grooming. Not to get too heavy but we always had social services on us because of our parents' neglect/alcoholism, so I came to their family pretty feral.
No. 842945
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anyone else feel like they're becoming a "pick me" catering to solely lolcow women
No. 843018
>>843017either a porn addicted incel that follows prageru or a lowkey neo nazi who watches snuff porn.
No. 843023
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>>843018He might also just be a metalhead
No. 843030
>>843018I want to say not to jump to the extremes, but I've read so many shitty boyfriends stories here that I can't help being anxious.
>>843022That's what I hope, my favorite Chaos god is Nurgle and I'm not a slob, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything. I've seen so many troons reclaim Slaanesh though, that's why I'm slightly worried.
>>843023Lol he is, that's why we are dating.
No. 843061
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Moving into my new flat today, any flat items that come in handy that you wouldn't tjink of? Tryna be prepared as I can
No. 843082
>>843061Cheese grater for whatever cheese you want on your food
Ladle if you make soup or noodle dishes
More than 1 measuring cup and spoons for cooking so you can have one washed always
Fly papers for the windows incase hell breaks loose
Dietenatious earth to put on top of plant soil if nats happen, great at killing bugs without killing animals or kids
For windows and glass showers: a squeegee thing with glass spray
Balcony with no hose? Buy a large watering can or use a storage box filled with water to dump water for cleaning, outdoor dust/wash brush, outdoor rug, clothes rack outside depending on preference, extra light bulbs, AC filters, Tupperware, bag clips, multiple scissor/nail clip/tweezers incase of loss, first aid that has all pill types: mucus, anti diarrhea, pain, fever reducer, allergy, bacteria spray, alcohol, bandages, eye drops, bug repellent, bug ointment, sunblock, aloe for sunburns, ice cube trays incase the ice maker dies, glass mugs in freezer for cold drink, draino
No. 843091
>>843082Straws (metal, plastic reusable), vacuum for your floor type, water filter (machine with dispenser, jug type, or ones for your fridge), large liquid container for punch/tea/coffee batches, good filter for tea or coffee to make large batches if that's what you're into, organizers for silver ware in drawers, metal stand for pantry so you can have 2 layers of spices, another charger for living room or guests, Wifi info put on fridge, fridge magnets, a weekly or monthly whiteboard with marker holder so you don't lose it, metal door hangers for purses coats hats, a few outfits fully hanging to go incase you have to run somewhere, nice hand towels and shit towels that will be used for drying pots or cleaning and are totally fine to ruin, tool box, grill stuff, glasses repair kit, fire extinguisher
No. 843111
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What's the name of this art style? (When ppl draw anime over irl scenery)
No. 843145
>>843138They do constantly, most people in my family are already 8+ years into their medical fields and I stagnated after a parental death for a bit, putting me massively behind the other kids my age. I deal with it by knowing in my heart that I'm a nice person to everyone in my family, and because I'm not in full-time schooling or work I'm able to help people at the drop of a hat. I spend a lot of my time doing the more time-costly chores and tasks that family needs since I'm expendable and just hoping that when my parents die, they feel some sense of pride over the fact that I strived to give them small comforts over making more money personally. But even still, the voice in the back of my head when I do even the smallest of mistakes like missing a turn is literally "Wow, no wonder they aren't proud of you. You're an embarrassment"
Sucks. At least it comes from a place of them wanting better for you in life.
No. 843149
>>843138When I was a kid my mom had a weird liking for another girl in my class, that girl was pretty, smart and outgoing. According to my mom I was pretty and smart but not outgoing enough. It was a comparison I was sick to death of hearing. She was creepily into this girl at times. Then she did the same at family gatherings because I had cousins who were each an only-child and were fussed over alot. They liked attention, were used to getting lots of attention and seemed very outgoing. I was withdrawn, true. But how she talked to me was the perfect way to compound that issue. She made me feel lesser than everyone around me. I further withdrew from people. She was both the cause of it and the biggest critic of it. Ironically. A lot of people deal with that same type of parent. Unfortunately.
I'm not too bitter nowadays, tbh she's long dead and even before then I mostly got over it but it's a reflection of the person whose being so insensitive, not on you. It's a poor way of dealing with their feelings. When you have kids you have to accept that they might be high achievers, they might be anthing else. That's the risk. Encourage kids in a healthier way. That style is not the answer.
No. 843150
>>843129For a lot its just porn sick coomers liking the idea of treating women as sluts so they play pretend and act that way too, then when the fun is over they can go back to their moid lives, like putting on and taking off clown makeup.
For a few others there's a appeal in a sort of escape it offers, it can be enjoyable to put the actual work and effort in to look and feel nice, like exercise or meditation, some want a chance to just look nice or feel nice and it can be confidence building to escape that box society places you in.
so its more dress up and wanting to feel nice and wanted. but the mistake a lot make is attributed these views to women as a whole and not just a small aspect of feminity that doesn't need to involve others.
>tldr coomers gonna coom fuck em, some men/women want to be explore, consent needs to be respected, reasons for validation needs examined. No. 843190
>>843182are you logged in?
>>843180yes, my friend did that 3 yrs ago and is now getting 6 figures as of last week. that's not promised though, but there is good money to be had
No. 843193
>>843186Since when? Yesterday I could scroll the first twelve posts still …
>>843190Not logged in, no. Just a casual lurker lol
>>843191??? please tell
No. 843203
>>843197This is just my experience, but whenever I tell someone around my circle about my plans, they don’t happen.
It could be just that I self-sabotage so nothing happens, but I just avoid it because
my grandmothers always told me to never tell anyone about my plans because everyone is envious of whatever little accomplishment you might even plan on getting and envy is so fucking strong that it makes everything go to shitI honestly think it’s better to only share with those you truly think are wishing the best for you.
No. 843204
>>843194from time to time I'm able to weasel myself into the web version and see stuff but sometimes it isn't possible.
>>843199Will check out! Really don't want to download that garbage app just to see the latest updates on bands and artists I like. Fuck Insta!
>>843202I see.
No. 843219
>>843214I see, I was currently in and could scroll really deep down but got booted out when I wanted to see another account. Will try!
I miss Insta being a basic bitch site, with everything to see. I hope Suckerberg has to drop it because of the lawsuit that's going on …
No. 843232
>>843230ntayrt but do you have a method to weed out the fake sellers. just curious
No. 843268
>>843266doing the lord's work
>>843263op should try that and let us know how it goes
No. 843470
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>>843464I'm pretty sure that epsiode of My Cat From Hell was cancelled.
No. 843484
>>843475It's a joke
No. 843536
>>843236There was a period I spent a lot of time on Reddit, sadly, and if you hang around r/relationships and the like you'll find
tons of women complaining that their partner doesn't want sex as often as them. Mostly because their brains are fried by porn and they'd rather sit on their ass watching pixels and use a hand than actually have to interact with another human and work with their whole bodies. Similarly like
>>843238 my exes never wanted sex as much as I did. I've always been fit and attractive. They loved having the arm candy and talked a big game, but when it came down to actual sex they were lazy as fuck and got all defensive about it.
No. 843622
Is a condo just another word for an apartment or is it a certain type of apartment?
>>843616I'm the anon that asked and I wasn't implying anything when I asked. I was more just curious if his exes told her instead.
No. 843631
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Are bike shorts comfortable at all? Specially for working out?
No. 843640
>>843636Definitely Italy or Spain, both countries are nice for walking around and learning new things.
I’m a bit biased though, last time I went to France I got all of my stuff stolen so yeah.
No. 843654
>>843549I suppose it had to do with the fact Billie was trying to be ~totally going out of her way to not draw any sexual attention to herself~ until the white tank top pic came along where it was see through and a black push up bra and when people commented she pulled the whole "muh big tits stop body shaming me" card as if she wasnt purposefully emphasizing her tits as much as possible.
I hate her for this reason, how quickly she turned on young girls for finally not being yet another Hollywood hoe into trying to be a bimbo and making everything about her tits despite for the longest time screaming bloody murder about people sexualizing her and can't help but having "big fucking tits" (which is clearly like 50% push up bra)
She's like the pop star version of Mrs Midwest
No. 843667
>>843662I love wearing leggings at home, mostly because I also feel less frumpy than while wearing huge pants, they’re also nice for running quick errands around like buying some bread or something like that.
For working out they’re amazing because I feel lighter than with sweatpants.
No. 843755
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>>843678It always makes me laugh when girls pull the "I have big tits so people call me a slut" card like she didnt just go out of her way to emphasize her boobs like other women don't know the clothing tricks she uses. She thinks her female fans are as stupid as she is. It's like she wants her cake and to eat it. She wants support for women for being a totally cool unsexualized babe teen girls can look up to but also do everything in her power to beg for male attention
Anyway sorry if it seems unhinged. I just can't fathom how unbelievably fake she is
No. 843762
>>843757They're using her to cause a chain reaction. They waited until she got a large fan base of teenage girls who want to be like her and once that was set they just turned her into an artificial bimbo as soon as it was legally allowed so young girls can be like "if Billie says it's okay then it's okay if I do it"
Would also explain why so many of her die hard fans start sexualizing themselves to hell and back and make only fans as soon as they turn 18
No. 843795
>>843752Here are some more of my recs, though most don't fit the best friends > lovers trope
>>>/g/180581I hope you enjoy them!
No. 843796
>>843740Yes. I actually recently had to leave my long term boyfriend because he became an obnoxious dick after losing weight. He was around the same weight as me in the end. Not skinny or fit, just not overweight, but still thought he could make snarky remarks about my food choices. The final straw was when he started to make mean comments about my family members and friends who were chubby or fat. People who have been nothing but kind to him, were suddenly not worth his presence because he saw them as beneath himself.
He was the sweetest person when we met. After he lost weight he was the most boring bag of dicks you cold imagine. I'm so glad I don't have to endure him anymore.
No. 843898
Can someone tell me what the webm in
>>183248 is because my computer is bricked and I can’t watch it on mobile and it’s driving me crazy
No. 844069
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The legs look really odd, like they're way too thin compared to the torso. It's edited, right?
No. 844096
How unethical is it to purchase products from Shein?
>>844041The Governor-general who is the link between the Queen and the Canadian government, but their power is barely used these days.
No. 844124
>>844121Had it since I was very young, mine gets
triggered by sunlight or stress, sometimes if I get a cut on my lip or something. I always have to wear spf on my lips and if I do get an outbreak, I use plasters and meds. The one thing it helped me with as a kid was to become very fucking hygienic, especially with an outbreak, I wash my and sanitize my shit so well compared to people without shit like this. The worts downsides are the fact that during the summer I live in fear and once I have an outbreak, it comes with fever and sometimes even scarring no matter what I do.
No. 844130
>>844121I'm pretty sure almost every adult has the virus, but it's only gets
triggered by certain things (sunlight, fever, stress, etc.). So just because someone has it, it doesn't mean they have it for example on their lips 24/7
No. 844131
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>>844130Samefag, I was right
No. 844141
>>844132Anon is talking about HSV-1 which presents most commonly as sores around the mouth.
Most kids get it from their parents as you can be infectious without actually having sores. So a parent has an active infection, gives kid a smooch and that's how it's transmitted. You can be infected with the virus and have no idea because it can be dormant for years. But if you have it, you have it for life.
No. 844152
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Does anyone know where I can find the clip of South Korean and US soldiers watching some female K-Pop group dancing on an outside stage and the SK men are acting like retarded 3 year olds screaming and jumping up and down and the US troops are entirely unimpressed and pissed off? It's one of the funniest clips I've ever seen and I can't seem to find it! Thanks.
No. 844216
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Is there a female version of Like, a lifestyle/lifehack site with actual practical tips not just things like makeup recs.
No. 844251
>>844250This I never understood about Buddhism either. I mean getting rid of your self is removing what makes you
you. And I'm not sure why anyone would want to do that
No. 844254
>>844251> what makes you youThat's the crux of my problem. What is it that makes me
me and you
you? It's such an abstract and immaterial concept that just like the term
soul cannot be properly described. How do you get rid of it then?
No. 844281
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>>844250I'm not an expert on Buddhism but I do know a decent bit about its teachings, and I think there is a common misconception around this idea. Buddha never actually said we don't have unique identities or we don't truly exist. There is, however, anatta or "non-self." How is that different? It means we are not fixed, permanent, unchanging beings. The issue is that people get stuck to certain qualities they believe they have and will always have. When you cling to anything, people, objects, a concept of self (ego), that causes suffering. Consider very depressed people who say, "I've always been like this, I will never change, I was born to suffer." Well, they've already created this concept of who they are in their minds and unless they change that way of thinking then they're correct, they will never improve. Anatta is about understanding that we are always in flux, we always have the potential to grow and become better (or worse) people, and you have to remain aware of that fact so you can continue improving in life. If you don't, that's when you're truly a "puppet." A puppet to your own limiting beliefs and fractured logic.
No. 844286
>>844281So what you're saying is it's like an eastern Panta Rei philosophy?
That doesn't seem right. Sure, it's not saying
"things are", but it's not even saying
"things change/are becoming", it straight goes to negation. Idk shit about buddhism, but your interpretation doesn't sit right to me, philosophically.
No. 844293
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>>844291thank you i love u
No. 844300
>>844294I mean negative in the classical western logic sense, as non-S, the opposite of S. And semantics is an integral part of logic/philosophy, first you need to name things right to be able to make correct conclusions.
But maybe my mind is too muddled with what's, let's face it, indoctrination in school, and that's why I don't get buddhism.
No. 844320
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>>844300Does that not fit in with the Western definition of negation though? As in, Buddhism says that we should strive for non-self, which means we should see ourselves as beings free from qualities defined as permanent and unchanging. Since in Buddhism's context, "self" is defined as ego and not our basic existence as humans. It's not saying we're imaginary or anything. I don't know, maybe I'm not quite hitting on the right explanation to make it click! Sorry about that.
>>844303I like some of his concepts but he's a total historical cow.
>Rich family but emo and misanthropic to point he was dubbed "the weeping philosopher">Didn't want to help making laws because it was "toilsome">Hated a bunch of other philosophers>Spoke in paradoxes and riddles often enough to annoy people>Dealt with edema and thought he could cure it himself by smothering himself in cow dung and was possibly eaten by dogs as a result (likely an "embellishment" from historians, but still funny)Picrel my favorite image of him, a mood.
No. 844347
>>844250>>844251>>844281>>844320As someone who actually studied comparative religion, it depends on what sect of Buddhism one is talking about, people have had their interpretations, they have expanded on it, removed certain, adapted it towards for another culture in a never ending cycle really
For e.g These was a sect of Japanese Buddhsim that believed that no matter who dies our souls become part of the Buddha regardless of social class or actions, so in this sect Death was the greatest gift you could give anyone and se they became a Militaristic Death cult who were Buddhist monks but incredibly violent and that's just one sect that died off
however it got brought in Imperial Japan, by indoctrinating the Buddhist Japanese and Taiwanese soldiers in Zen meditation. They taught the soldiers they weren't responsable of killing civilians and enemy soldiers because it was the will of nature acting through their emptiness or some bullshit like that
No. 844384
>>844303I read it like here-a-clit!us
>>844320>Privileged but emo and misanthropic>Lazy>Overly complicated language>Smells badIt's a shame he died before he could find his people on Reddit
No. 844387
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I recall a website (for artists) that showed faces from different angles, genders, and races. Does anyone know it?
No. 844493
>>844337Kek I really have no idea why you're being so condescending. You're not doing a great job of explaining your position, hence your confusion. In Buddhism, self refers to ego. Hence the opposite of self refers to not having an ego. It only doesn't make sense if you define "self" as something other than that. I'm quite certain my education is just as sufficient as yours, but whatever you need to feel superior, "honey."
>>844384The "cli" portion is pronounced like "fly" but with a c, but the sexual innuendo was fun.
No. 844533
>>844523it's up to you. do you want to prepare for another relationship right now? or do you want to be independent for a bit, or long term? plan some things you felt you haven't been able to do.
if you have the funds, go on a date with yourself. i'm not single, but i do it all the time and did so when i was.
i went to chuck e cheese alone the other week, best highlight of my month. $10 worth of play credits lasted me over an hour and a half, also many kids just stock up credits without knowing.
you can also do things without funds, download some video game roms or go on streaming sites and just watch away.
drink plenty of water and go on a long-ish walk every other day to keep yourself grounded and mood stable, anon. i hope for the best for you.
No. 844553
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>>837490I have a pic related Nokia smartphone(TA-1056), it has 8gb memory and 1gb ram, whenever I play mkv videos on it, using many different video player apps, there's sound and video lag, mp4 videos however work fine. May I please have advice on how to play mkv videos on my phone properly?
No. 844626
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How old is your phone, anon? I currently have galaxy s9, got it in 2018.
No. 844676
File: 1625287761889.jpeg (48.05 KB, 462x426, F63B3DCE-B04F-4B76-84D5-996B22…)

So, isn’t constantly wishing/hoping for death, kind of not what God wants for us? Like, I’m not exactly too crazy for religious stuff, but it’s said that suicide is not being thankful of the life that was given to you, so wishing to die would be kind of the same as committing suicide even if you’re not killing yourself, right?
No. 844683
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Will this dog be okay? It's just marijuana but I've never seen such a big reaction.
No. 844927
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What does this mean?
No. 845117
File: 1625344729463.png (1.22 MB, 1000x560, imagen_2021-07-03_153858.png)

I have questions about edibles
>Should you always only take one?
>How long does it take to hit?
>Should you start with low, middle, or high intensity?
>If I eat half of a medium will it hit like medium either way? or…
thank you weed anons
No. 845123
File: 1625345221938.png (107.91 KB, 466x332, 09sghgs0highg.png)

>>845119I found this dealer. Their medium dose is 0.7gr does that sound alright?
To be completely frank the worst trip I've had was when I ate edibles, but back then I was a retard and ate more than one. I'm pretty much a noob at this stuff so I wanna get high but not super wasted you know??
No. 845134
>>845123Obviously don’t take the whole thing because you’re going to end up a puddle on the floor, if its cut up into chunks try only eating one or taking half a bite and wait a while for it to kick in. If you feel like you could get a little more stoned take another but try waiting a long while for it to take full effect before taking more. You’re going to have 700 mgs of THC to use if you buy the 0.7 gr and you only need 5-10 mgs tops to feel a good buzz as a beginner. Take it slow
nonnie and remember the high is going to last a few hours
No. 845136
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Are these any good for someone who wants to fuck around with gouache or just a meme? I’m not a beginner artist and I’d like to try a new medium and find something that isn’t a huge investment but not so awful it’ll be turned off by the medium completely.
No. 845185
File: 1625351600341.jpg (7.09 KB, 310x163, ael.jpg)

What are the odds there will be anything of value shown on Anime Expo Lite event? There are some Jojo news teased, but is this event even big enough to get any really attention worthy exclusive news, like release date or anything of that magnitude?
No. 845358
>>845312Even though it's a waste of money and dangerous for animals I still love
>Community feeling of gathering in the dark to watch a public firework display>Lights, sounds and smells of the fireworks being so overwhelming they distract you from your thoughts>The possibility of carnival foodBut people who set them off in residential or agricultural/rural areas or just anywhere during the day should be decreed by law to eat shit
No. 845361
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wtf is this?
No. 845367
>>845361that combined with this
>>>/meta/24550 is kinda weird
No. 845431
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>>845147Stay up 3 hours later each day until you fall asleep at a normal time again. If you're too tired to stay up 3 hours later then stay up at least 1.
No. 845772
File: 1625425775299.jpg (92.2 KB, 1546x1008, Screenshot_12.jpg)

Can an artist anon who uses Paint Tool SAI help me? My lines are always wobbly no matter what the settings are (I tried all the stabilizer settings). When I use my mouse however the lines are all smooth. It also works in Photoshop but I'd prefer to use Sai because Ps makes my laptop overheat
No. 845782
>>845772I wish I could help you anon but SAI has been acting up for me as well, my pen pressure has been fucked for a while even though it works on literally every single other drawing program out there. Maybe uninstall and install again? If that doesn't work maybe give fire alpaca a try, it's really good if you get used to it, you can make all sorts of wacky brushes that are more complex than SAI's (and it's free)
>>845775kek anon I just imagined a tiny mouse sitting on a full sized toilet reading his tiny mouse newspaper
No. 845834
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What is this type of confetti used in packaging called? I need it for a project but I have no idea how to search it
No. 845878
>>845867A bit before noon
t. euro
No. 846010
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I think my dad trying to kill my mom with a gun gave me BPD
I mean it's not only that. A lot more happened before and after that you know? but I'm not gonna disclose it because thinking about those things just makes me sad and it's pointless
Either way even though I'm trying to manage my BPD tendencies (I was diagnoses with tendencies not full on BPD since I don't do rekless shit I guess?) my "boyfriend" (not fully there yet) has been noticing some of my bpd behaviors. Example…
My all or nothing kind of thinking
Me being judgamental (he dislikes that I'm too judgamental against trannies)
Me being stubborn
Me hearing one thing and understanding another or "making things up" (I swear to god I don't know why my brain thinks this way)
Idk probably more shit
My question here is how do I have this "I have BPD tendencies" talk with him? to be frank I just don't want to have bpd tendencies because people with bpd are just horrible or they are potrayed as such. Sorry if this question seems dumb
No. 846035
>>846010I ruined my first relationship. I was def less fucked in my following relationship but still bad at times. No matter what you do you might just crash and burn through some early relationships tbh. I think being aware of that and also being aware it can generally ease up with age is helpful. Therapy is needed (cbt/dbt) but you almost need to just fuck up and learn from it too. I've seen it with friends aswell. Some things I wish I knew
Be honest. As soon as you start lying or hiding stuff things will quickly spiral into manipulation/guiltsville and getting back out will mean admitting to things people may never forgive you for
It's not the end of the world if you're frustrating and men get sick of it and nope out of there. Non bpders fuck up in their earliest relationships too.
No break up is worth harming yourself over. 20 year long marriages end and people cope with that. You'll make it
No. 846069
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Why most of people on is so autistic?
No. 846087
File: 1625452206169.jpeg (97.53 KB, 750x1000, A8429EB7-BCDB-4121-9E2E-B8BFB5…)

Why do people like Jerma? I’ve seen a bunch of “best-of” type clips on YouTube from his streams and there’s never anything remotely funny about them. Maybe I’m missing something?
No. 846091
>>846087I think he appeals to a very specific sense of humor thats really polarizing. I didn’t really get him for awhile either but one day it clicked for me and now I’m obsessed. I understand why he wouldn’t be some peoples thing though.
Imposter is sus was never funny though kek.
No. 846107
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>>846087Honestly I think it's just a meme, like when people would spam Forsen's emotes in twitch chat.
No. 846109
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who the fuck is julie orr and why does her face keep getting posted here
No. 846115
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>>846109Probably just some balding autist who likes attention whoring on imageboards.
No. 846139
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Why do korean corn dogs use funky fish sausage instead of beef or hog? For every place I’ve been to selling them, only 1 of 12 didn’t use fish sausage by default. Even the frozen ones are always made with fish sausage and it tastes terrible.
No. 846180
>>845147Just set your alarm for 6AM and get up at that time regardless, have several alarms around the room. Then get plenty of exercise through the day and put away all phones and computers after 7pm, instead watching a movie on the TV.
The solution is simple, even if you have to do an all nighter, brute force it "no choice 6am" regardless of how much sleep you get.
No. 846219
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does anyone have an idea where this dress is from? i saw it in shaynas thread, this is how much i remember of it
No. 846311
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>>846275don't FGM yourself, anon! Go to an actual surgeon
No. 846394
File: 1625494971372.jpeg (26.25 KB, 300x254, B8DFF5A6-95CA-4D51-86D6-7DA9EC…)

Are succulents edible? Because some of them look succulent
No. 846397
>>846394 i think the only ones that are really
toxic are euphorbias
No. 846442
>>846414Hands… clean short nails and long slim fingers, used in a lingering/languid way.
Neck and collarbone, broad shoulders. The nape of a woman with short hair.
Physically, I'm drawn to those things. But compatibility, dependability, personality, confidence, intelligence, kindness, passion - all these things are much more important factors in my attraction than aesthetic.
No. 846451
>>846414Samefag sorry, but the gaze that focusses on cleavage, bums, hips, etc. is inherently straight male to me; they're attracted to what they don't have. I think because lesbians have boobs and bums themselves, it's not a point of fixation like it is for men.
I will say that I unconsciously seem to avoid heavy make-up users, women in dresses and/or heels, women with fake breasts or lip injections. If I examine that, I think it's because I know that they've been sculpted by the male gaze and to an extent, male validation and sexual attraction is still important to them. I feel like they'd happily leave for a man, or cheat on me with a man. Maybe that's not very fair, but it's how it works for me.
Another thing I forgot to mention about what I like to see: body hair. I'm wild about armpit hair and treasure trails on women, it's so sexy.
No. 846465
>>846414Anons who posted
>>846442 and
>>846451 gave some good points. To add to those, I also feel like the male gaze doesn't put enough emphasis on (natural) facial expressions. Lots of male gaze "art" doesn't even show the woman's head or face and that always bothered me, feels dehumanizing.
No. 846496
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>>846491I hate these, I don't even know how the fuck do they work. They make cute bracelets though
I use pic related for my hair instead
No. 846516
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Is earl grey tea cake with lavender buttercream too strange for a wedding cake?
No. 846536
>>846522Love this idea! Thank you for thr advice!
>>846528I think it really depends, my fiance and I chose a date the same day we got engaged because we were buying a house and wanted to make sure it was in both our names. I know couples who have been engaged for years who aren't in a rush to get married so no date has been chosen yet. I don't think there is really a timeline that you need to follow, just do what's best for your relationship!
No. 846642
File: 1625518497354.png (517.8 KB, 1002x1270, 1607300840946.png)

UK anons, are there actually any over the counter drugs that can kill you, or is everything made super safe now?
My sister took an overdose of paracetamol and I knew it wouldn't be pretty, but I was surprised at how awful it was. She survived after a few days of antidote infusions, even though it looked like her liver was failing at one point, but what struck me was that looked like a really painful and inefficient way to kill yourself.
So why does everyone try paracetamol? Is it because it's the only easily available thing that could potentially kill you, or is it just that people get memed into using it by bad soap operas?
No. 846655
>>846642Probably both those options, but more so the first. Depending on your country it can be so hard to get anything strong OTC - for example in the U.K. it doesn’t seem like you can get proper sleeping pills without a prescription, only herbal ones. Of course you can get certain prescriptions easily enough but that’s not helpful if you’re impulsively suicidal.
Also restrictions against purchases of paracetamol probably leads people to believe it’s a more effective suicide method than the reality - only being able to buy two boxes gives the impression that any more is very dangerous.
No. 846657
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How do I know if I have cellulite? Seriously, I've had a weird texture to my butt for as long as I can remember. It doesn't resemble the stretch marks I have on my hips and they don't really have a colour, aside from being slightly lighter than my skin I think. My mother told me it was just stretch marks when I was young, but I don't remember them ever bein red (like most stretch marks are). Eh, I don't really care, but I would like to know fully well if it's cellulite or not
No. 846659
>>846642honestly carbon monoxide is the best way. may be hard if you dont have a car but if you do all you'll need is a working engine, duct tape and a hose.
steal the car if you have to lol
No. 846669
>>846642Vitamin A pills will kill you painfully.
Related paragraph:
>Bears and seals have generally high levels of vitamin A in their livers but polar bears have the most of any animal. … The entire liver contains enough vitamin A to kill as many as 52 adults! If you spread it out and ate just enough to get your RDA every day, that liver would last you 143 years! No. 846689
>>846642I don't get why anyone bothers trying to use OTC drugs anyways. Just get some heroin or another opiate off the street and OD on that, much more pleasant way to go. Painless and quick.
(Not encouraging suicide but like, come on, OD'ing on fucking /Tylenol/? Talk about needless suffering.)
No. 846796
File: 1625535503119.jpg (35.28 KB, 570x569, il_570xN.1759520641_1cfv.jpg)

Am I being dumb or does the bride not get a choice to choose out their own wedding ring?
Like I trust my bf, but he isn't the one who has to wear it, so I feel I should have some say in what he picks out. idk maybe I'm being dumb (don't even want anything expensive)
No. 846862
>>846796as the previous
>>846829 anon said, sometimes the guy just picks an engagement ring for the girl, i.e to surprise her. some go ring shopping together. anyway even if the engagement ring isnt chosen by you theres still the wedding band itself, which can be pretty different. my mothers engagement ring is completely different to the actual wedding band they ended up buying.
No. 846877
>>846796Your pic reminds me of the opal wedding ring my cousin picked out. When they showed me I had to be polite and go all “oh it’s so beautiful!” when really I’m a geologist and was just cringing inside because I know how poorly a stone that soft will hold up to a lifetime of continuous wear.
(Diamond rings are boring af though. I think I’d want a sapphire, ideally one me and/or my SO mined ourselves.)
No. 846878
>>846869me and my bf split rent 50/50 and electricity 50/50. However he pays for internet fully, and our separate bills are cellphone plans, groceries and whatever else. Occasionally we'll buy groceries for each other but most of the time we'll get our own food because we're both too busy to cook food so regularly have to buy stuff on the go.
The annoying part thought is that we don't split chores 50/50. Most of the time I'm the one cleaning/organizing. He RARELY cleans. If you move out with a dude do yourself a favour and TALK ABOUT THAT and make sure he follows it. LOL
No. 846887
>>846877>I know how poorly a stone that soft will hold up to a lifetime of continuous wearDamn thanks for the warning, opals are my fav. Not that I'm getting married but still.
You could've told her without hurting her feelings imo. Not like 'don't buy that you dumb bitch' but more like 'it's beautiful but be extra careful' or something.
No. 846907
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Is finding twilight princess Link hot and attractive illegal? He's officially 17
No. 846919
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>>846916I did just the other day, it feels weird but I guess it has to do with blood pressure
pic unrelated
No. 846980
File: 1625558814827.jpg (10.47 KB, 295x378, 2d2f9380-635f-4b1c-a2e0-953a54…)

Why is anime, alternative-ish fashion and kpop suddenly so popular with everyone including normies? Please, I want an explanation
No. 847051
>>847038Both are good and normal
also pansexual is a fancy word for a bisexualAll woke points go to you nonna, for stirring shit and rating people based on their sexual history, congrats
No. 847056
File: 1625563794019.png (3.1 MB, 2272x1560, links.png)

What Link is the most attractive and what Link is the ugliest? Rate them please.
No. 847090
>>847059It's rare to find men with the benign fixer-upper kink, normally it's women who have it and instead men tend to have the insidious variant of "I made you what you are so you can't leave me"
Nice, now send him my number kek
No. 847201
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If DID isn't real… then explain how this person didn't know they closed their window??
No. 847204
>>847201Don't you know anon?
>If you forget to do something you have ADHD>If you did something then forgot you did it you have DID>If you don't like doing something you have ASD>If you're upset someone else did something you have BPDNo exceptions
No. 847208
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>>847204but anon don't you see that singlets will NEVER understand the pain systems feel when they have to operate a body ALL by themselves???
No. 847212
File: 1625576753799.jpg (97.86 KB, 750x748, I_hate_being_like_this.jpg)

>>846414I don't have a type, there are so many different kinds of hot women who all have something uniquely sexy about them, so it's difficult to describe specific features. I feel like a harmful stereotype. Though some things I do like a lot: long sensitive necks (I like giving neck kisses), body hair, strong thighs, moles, freckles, going braless, no or artsy make-up, taller women and short hair. Implants are a massive turnoff to me, because 1/3 lose sensation and sensitivity>size and having similar concerns as
>>846451. I still look at boobs and butts, but it feels different from how scrotes do it, which might be a cope. Scrotes mainly seem to think about the pleasure of their
d*cks, while my thoughts are preoccupied with other women's (hypothetical) pleasure. The immense guilt I feel every time I catch myself glancing at another woman on the street or when I feel aroused by random music videos/ads/online posts, also probably makes it different. At first I felt guilty for internalized lesbophobia reasons, now for feminist reasons.
No. 847233
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What are some household items you've anons masturbated with? I defiled a hairbrush and an eraser stick. Also thought about masturbating with the handle of a knife once but decided against it
No. 847234
>>847233> Also thought about masturbating with the handle of a knife once but decided against itReminds me of a story I read on quizilla where the protag
gets vaginally raped with a knife.
To answer your question though, I've used a hairbrush handle and electric toothbrush, and the lid of a big candy container that was shaped like a baby bottle (so the lid had a nub I would ride). I've also used some straw like thing (shaped like a plastic straw but was attached to a toy or something) and shoved it into my urethra because I was super young and didn't know my pee came out of a different hole than my vagina.
No. 847236
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>>847233The only thing I've ever used before realizing I hated penetration was a hair braiding machine, picrel.
No. 847275
File: 1625584622633.png (41.31 KB, 618x303, IMG_1248.PNG)

Am I retarded or are other people unable to solve the new Captcha 4chan has?
No. 847322
>>847238kiss and marry komaeda-chan
kiss and marry DIY dildo chan
ghost av-kun
>>847253>herAV kun was revealed to be male
nonny No. 847371
>>847310Well, can't say I didn't see it coming
>>847320>>847324You're right nonnies. I am prone to anxiety and I don't feel the pressure anymore, after doing some house chores and having lunch. Thanks!
No. 847375
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>>847364>America wants to keep peace between their citizensKek
No. 847406
File: 1625595941780.png (1.5 MB, 2488x1566, imagen_2021-07-06_132538.png)

>>847056smash bros link looks like british jimin
No. 847438
>>847404They've always gone a step too far and seemed extremely depressive to me. "Women were born to get fucked over by men, biology is against us, we are weak and most women are retards who want to be abused and destroyed by men, we could never survive an uprising against men, life is suffering and I wish I'd never been born."
On the other hand, radical feminism believes that society needs to be restructured "at the root" (the real meaning of "radical" in this sense, not "extreme") where women practice separatism from men, creating a framework that's completely outside of the existing oppressive patriarchy that prioritizes men's desires over our well-being.
No. 847481
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I never understood the relationship between Hugh Heffner and those ‘bunnys’ or ‘girlfriends’. I remember watching the show as a child?? But to this day idk if they were all polygamous, just payed to hang out or in a relationship with him. Somebody who knows please enlighten me
No. 847541
File: 1625605374936.jpg (145.21 KB, 411x590, 20210706_175325.jpg)

How many tries writers usually take to get their shit right?
I wrote about 100k words total, 2 different versions of the same story and lots of notes and editing here and there before I figured out what wasn't working was the protag. So much time wasted, feels like every writer I talk to knows what they're doing right off the bat.
No. 847545
>>847541Are you talking to actual published writers, or fangirls? Dunning-Kreuger for the most part. I once read somewhere that every writer has to get through about 250k words of crap before they write anything truly worthwhile. Obviously it depends when you start in life, but I think that's about right.
Also, put away whatever you've just finished for a few weeks and then come back to it. The parts you think are weak are usually better than you remember and the parts you thought you were great might suck.
No. 847564
>>847545I wrote other stuff before but never finished anything, left it alone for a few months but keep coming back for the same specific thing.
The people I know are unknown published writers and many also write fanfiction. They keep talking about their next projects and I don't know how they handle all that stuff when I can't even finish a single story.
No. 847565
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will an aluminum water bottle float in a body of water? (lake) which capacity do you think would help a 12-16oz aluminum bottle float if possible?
No. 847583
File: 1625610385116.jpg (45.92 KB, 650x219, icehaven3.jpg)

>>847541I don't have an answer for you but Ice Haven is great, so at least you have good taste. good luck
No. 847595
>>847590>Desperation. Fear that you won't find anyone new so you just resort to recycling old partners? It's not even flatteringI've thought about that, or maybe he wants to use me for a cheap self esteem boost. But he's attractive and I doubt he would have a hard time finding someone who likes him. And would he go such great lengths for a cheap boost of self esteem that I denied him so many times already?
None of his behavior makes sense to me. The relationship wasn't even good outside of sex.
No. 847658
>>847656A bit of all of the drugs is still a bit
super hans is such a lovable cow No. 847671
File: 1625619214085.jpg (78.57 KB, 960x540, E3c6AzRVoAUJNtz.jpg)

I know it sounds dumb but is there an age to learn a language? I'm gonna hit 24 this summer and I already feel old. I've always wanted to learn japanese but Idk, in my stupid brain if you wanna learn a "hard" language like this you should start early, especially if you're a weeb cause then you grow up and people may see your interests as childish.
No. 847677
>>847671Not at all
nonnie! It's a great mental exercise anyways. I do recommend going to an academy to learn a language like japanese, it's very complex for english speaking people. It's totally possible to be self taught, but if it's your first time learning a language I'd go to a professional and receive an orientation, to save some stress and frustration.
No. 847680
>>847671>that picturekek.
Nonny are you watching sotsu soon?
No. 847685
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I thought me liking kokichi was a meme because I don't find him that likeable EXCEPT that this bastard is kinda growing on me. But my boyfriend hates kokichi. But I see myself in kokichi kind of. What do I do now??
No. 847688
Language anon here, thank you so much for the replies, I feel relieved. English is actually my second language (English classes at school helped but I became fluent by myself) so I'm pretty confident I can learn another one. I'm just self conscious of starting "late" compared to other japanese learners who have begun during their teens.
>>847680I finished the visual novels recently and I just started the first anime, gonna catch up on Sotsu as soon as I can ! Glad to come across another Higurashi connoisseur hhh