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No. 1478580
General conspiracy thread.
Discussions surrounding government coverups, elite gender inversion, entertainment industry secrets, Cult of Cybele/Magna Mater, predictions, transvestigations, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1417052 No. 1478707
File: 1674347806091.jpg (16.49 KB, 180x240, Cybeles_Castration_Clamps.jpg)

>>1478688Don't work yourself into "an emotional frenzy and self-mutilate, symbolic of her lover’s self-castration"
nonnie kek. I created this thread as a compromise and olive branch: I will not spam with info about Magna Mater/Cult of Cybele (CC) or its temple prostitutes unless summoned or asked directly.
In return my dubious naysayers will accept EGI and transvestigation as a
valid tinfoilism and keep DARVO'ing to a minimum when brought up. It is hereby, between the castration clamps of Cybele that we agree to this pact.
No. 1478851
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>>1478843die mad retard, this bitch is literally going through a fucking pedo controversy right now anyways pizzagate real
No. 1478873
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>>1478851> anon who never saw Jamie Lee Curtis in the movie Perfectspoilered because shes wearing a skintight leotard
No. 1478892
>>1478882>you guysDon't address me by addressing the group that's lame, and I'm not claiming to be an expert I'm saying she wouldn't look the way she does if she had an observable dick or balls as an infant.
>i believe that they were castrated, accidentily or intentially idk, and was then raised as girl.You're retarded.
No. 1478908
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>>1478892im using "you all" in general, because you and
other anons reply like how you have when this take comes up, even though you actually admit to your ignorance in the subject in your 2nd reply - you guys arent experts in the subject and neither am
I, however because of
my ignorance, i choose to learn what i can regarding intersex conditions rather than just remain ignorant. here's a
confirmed intersex athlete btw, sarah gronet, raised female
No. 1478922
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>>1478908Samefag but your own example doesn't even have hips, compare any photo of her to a photo of Jamie and it's obvious Jamie's never had a dick that "accidentally got cut off." For someone who's trying to claim their just an ignorant tinfoiler doing their own research you've done a piss poor job and instead created dumb theories with 0 evidence to back them up.
No. 1478934
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>>1478912>smugness reeks of moidoh fuck off, im not even being smug about shit, youre just projecting because you dont know shit about intersex conditions and legit get mad when i try to share what little i know! somehow that makes
me a scrote? youre confusing actual intersex disorders with tranny shit, arent you
>so you just googled an intersex athlete, wow such researchnow this is smug! yes, because like i said in my previous comment, i am ignorant about intersex disoders in general, but am open to learning more about them thus a full body picture of a confirmed intersex athlete who did get into controversy back in 2009 over their sex disoder.
>Did she have a full on dick an/or balls? she was born with mixed/ambiguous genetalia and raised as a girl, got surgery on her genetalia before professionally doing tennis and chooses to continue to indentify as a woman.
>>1478922>your own example doesn't even have hipsshe's a banana body type, the most common in natal women. idk why youre lying to yourself in trying to proclaim that she looks masculine, she doesn't.
>>1478873this isnt even mentioning that the pic you posted of jamie lee, they are in a position where you cant actually determine their figure fully, so i searched a full figure pic and
they are hipless with wide shoulders - uncommon, but not unheard of in natal women. dont know if i should actually spoiler the pic tbh
No. 1478943
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>>1478934>you guys arent experts in the subject and neither am I, however because of my ignorance, i choose to learn what i can regarding intersex conditions rather than just remain ignorant.You're retarded if you don't see the smugness in that, especially the way you italicized certain words, it's very moidy.
>and legit get mad when i try to share what little i know!I'm not mad, but you very clearly are considering you responded to my first post with a spergy reply and then just continued sperging. You're the one who started this convo calling everyone ignorant and then when you get the same attitude back you clutch your pearls at how rude and angry I seem? Lol okay sperg, keep projecting.
>raised as a girl, got surgery on her genetalia before professionally doing tennis and chooses to continue to indentify as a woman.None of that answers anything, being "raised as a girl" means nothing in terms of biology. A boy can be "raised as a girl" and he's still biologically male. You're research is googling photos and reading interviews, that's not research.
>idk why youre lying to yourself in trying to proclaim that she looks masculine, she doesn't.She looks intersex, I've never seen an intersex woman who doesn't look intersex.
>this isnt even mentioning that the pic you posted of jamie leeI didn't post that pic, not every anon that disagrees with your baseless tinfoiling is the same anon.
>so i searched a full figure pic and they are hipless with wide shoulders - uncommon, but not unheard of in natal women.She has bigger hips than your intersex athlete? And that isn't an uncommon body type. How is it that the "banana bodytype" (hipless fridge waist) is common but Jamie's figure isn't common? You just contradicted yourself. Anyway this is retarded, you're retarded and I'm done.
Oh yeah she's totally hipless… I'm convinced you've been baiting this whole time, unless you really are just stupid. Either way I'm embarrassed for you.
No. 1478952
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>>1478943in the new pic you posted jlc feet cannot be seen, blah blah, and her body looks completey diff compared to other pics
im just gonna pic spam so you and others can see what im seeing here
No. 1478954
File: 1674366009308.jpg (35.96 KB, 474x736, th-1327680382.jpg)

>>1478952her shoulders are significantly wider than her hips there and theyre wider here
No. 1478955
nonny. GAIT.
No. 1478957
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just posting this one cuz they look like david bowie
No. 1478960
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no comment
No. 1478965
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>>1478959I'm saying find a candid where you can see her gait, the way she walks naturally.
No. 1478986
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>>1478969They're getting BBLs because they're covert trannies trying to look like women (but actually men, so have a gross/sexual interpretation of that). Kim K is responsible for inverts idealizing this retarded "look". It's supposed to resemble the goddess (Magna Mater) and probably the closest they've gotten without dying from fat transfer sepsis over the decades (Marilyn Monroe's looked pretty good though).
Regular people have
zero influence, trannies have control of
all fashion and body trends. Which isn't hard to figure out when you think about how stupid trends have been throughout the decades. What a crazy coincidence they all happen to benefit tranny shapes and sizes.
Anyways this Jamie Lee Curtis transvestigator is probably trying to do controlled opposition. Or they're really new to this and maybe ESL.
No. 1478992
File: 1674368198765.jpg (46.99 KB, 560x561, Young_Jamie_Lee_Curtis_3-560x5…)

whatever i shall keep spam posting anywayz!!
No. 1478995
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inverted triangle square face
No. 1479017
File: 1674369060377.jpeg (200.31 KB, 1000x847, trooncatgirl.jpeg)

Stop responding to bait nonitas, the spammer is a troon who will never be a woman.
No. 1479025
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>>1478995They're all inverted. Why are you focusing on this one person? Hasn't anyone wondered why every celebrity female ages into a man??
No. 1479032
>>1479029They dug too greedily and too deep…into the couch cushions! Buncha layabouts but what do you expect from a species of scrotes?
It's both sides at this point, those halflings in Washington have their fingers in every pie.
No. 1479036
he is a tranny so why is it so shocking
he is a pedophile?
No. 1479037
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>>1479030Okay but the pedo propaganda is just a cover for the tranny stuff, like most fake conspiracies pushed on the public constantly. We can still talk about it like it's not though I guess, to keep the thread lively.
No. 1479041
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>>1479039Yaknow I think you're honestly clinically retarded at this point.
No. 1479042
>>1479040even ftms are mose likely to pedos than natal women kek
>>1479041either talk about jamie lee cutis pedo shit or fuck off
No. 1479044
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Not sure if anyone caught this with my Disick the Breeder/young mtf pic but they discard the old males, not the females. That's just another inversion they trick plebs into believing. That's why you'll see ftms like Leo DiCaprio with several young men one after the other. It's usually the duration of pregnancy and recovery before he's on to the next one. I think only Rob Kardashian's utereus is in higher demand.
No. 1479046
>>1479042It was 'art' of a child in a suitcase in a wall she's a pedophile, that isn't art. It's another case of Hollywood elites letting their mask slip in my opinion, not too much to kick around since its her account posting it so it's her.
>>1479044Leo is expecting? When is she due?
No. 1479053
>>1479048im honestly still sckeptical of invert shit, but i have heard of certain things about multi generational satanic families regarding them from recovered/recovering mk-ultra
victims and their psychotherapists, so im open to everything/anything at this point… just, wouldnt the cross sex horomones fuck the fetus/baby up significantly? if it doesnt make the baby low-functioning, it would still make them have lowered fertility, so they wouldn't be able to keep it for multiple generations
No. 1479058
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>>1479053You can change the sex of a fetus by sitting in a bath, if it's done at the right time. There's basically an oral tradition passed down in these families and they probably have their own little methods and tricks.
No. 1479062
>>1478954Most women have shoulders wider than their hips, some significantly wider. The "ideal" body type that's always shown in porn/movies/media is that of the hourglass figure shown in this illustration here
>>1479037That is not the most common female bodytype, if you seriously think that the drawing with the massive hips and shoulder span barely past her ears is the only bodytype women have and if they don't then they are men I am begging you to leave your house and look at actual women not animated/photoshopped ones. You're dumb theories can be disproven by simply knowing biological women, which you clearly do not.
No. 1479075
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>>147906299% of porn are inverts having simulated sex with ftms or other mtfs. There's a video of some UK tranny named Jordan Gray dancing around a piano "naked" wearing a male one. Jordan Gray is a "trans woman" who is actually female but meant to be inverted as male (kept female for this purpose). They don't butcher the genitals of their own so you end up as the gender you were born with. Jazz Jennings was always going to be female for example. Now she's another Hollywood breeder, which is pretty easy to see from her alleged "fat" photos. She doesn't get the benefit of baggy clothing like Adam Sandler and Kevin James when they're gestating since she has a narrative to drive home. A lot of internet trannies are legit (obviously) but tons were also put in place to advance an agenda. The vast majority of outspoken radfems/terfs are also inverts, Graham Linehan and friends being some of the most obvious imo.
No. 1479099
File: 1674375690161.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.12 KB, 1085x705, mystery_man.jpg)

>>1479087Thank you Nonna. That is exactly what I meant, many internet TIMs are incredibly obvious and genuine. TIFs too. They don't care about regular people, they're happy idiots are signing up to be guinea pigs for invert medical care.
I was jk about my diminished mental capacity but really am getting tired now so will leave you all to your tranny-created tinfoil stories.
Before I go, I will answer the question I know you've all been asking yourselves: if Jazz Jennings is one of the only "real" women in Hollywood, who are the "real" men? So far, only one has been found. Whether you believe in EGI or not, you'll probably find the answer pretty funny.
No. 1479127
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pluto will enter Aquarius for the next 20 years.
Its happening