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File: 1675555537600.webm (2.15 MB, 1100x618, glasses.webm)

No. 273444

Puppets! Puppets everywhere!

Pili shows also welcome.

No. 273449

I didn't even know this genre of entertainment existed until now. Holy shit.

No. 273528

File: 1675590511268.webm (950.88 KB, 1000x562, 1621174613551.webm)

Yeah. Urobuchi promoted Taiwanese puppet shows worldwide like nobody else.

No. 274107

File: 1675799855858.jpg (203.1 KB, 900x1200, DsagvxjUwAA1IcM.jpg)

Posting a webm as the OP was a mistake.

No. 426151

File: 1729581585222.png (2.91 MB, 1584x1847, rank.png)

I can't believe Crunchyroll betrayed us like this.

No. 426512

File: 1729690000085.webm (2.77 MB, 854x480, madoka.webm)

No. 426677

whats the source

No. 426678

No. 426988

File: 1729849619918.jpg (789.6 KB, 1094x1570, fox.jpg)

Will anybody die this season? I bet Kasei Meikou and all his underlings will perish.

No. 427013

I was curious about this show until I heard this is from Gen Urobuchi. Genuine question, is it full of gore, graphic child rape/torture and annoyingly misogynistic characters like Fate/Zero or is it safe to watch for sensitive babyz like me?

No. 427025

File: 1729863863670.jpg (147.35 KB, 540x540, s3.jpg)

There are no children, no set-up like Fate/Zero ('every character is a shitty/inept/unlikable human being' maybe save for Waver and Rider), no gore (aside from a brief scene in episode 1 and characters coughing up blood as is typical in wuxia/cultivation stories). I'd say it's an educational family-friendly show, but I grew up in the 90s where lots of questionable stuff aired on day-time TV.

No. 429265

File: 1730631204594.jpg (656.12 KB, 1024x1536, 1618810592085.jpg)

I don't want this show to end. It tops 95% of anime that come out each season.

No. 429267

This thread makes this show sound like peak entertainment. Would you recommend torrenting it?

No. 429273

File: 1730632571666.webm (1.02 MB, 852x480, nendo.webm)


No. 429283

Is there a good website to stream it? I can't torrent because I don't have enough drive space on my pc

No. 429286

File: 1730637712577.png (600.73 KB, 750x873, wizards.png)

No. 429291

Thank you anon

No. 429399

File: 1730667516443.png (288.69 KB, 451x639, 1542746322250.png)

A useful character guide:

No. 430120

File: 1730900474409.jpg (306.54 KB, 1360x1030, ban gun ha.jpg)

Did you vote for him, Burgers?

No. 430797

File: 1731154094805.webm (3.77 MB, 1920x1080, demons.webm)

So many new designs.

No. 447929

File: 1736708269051.png (51.45 KB, 197x241, 1577374658191.png)

Final thoughts on the last season?

No. 450722

File: 1737381581667.jpg (672.48 KB, 1920x1080, uhhh.jpg)

This is getting out of hand…

No. 450724

I saw this on the front page and immediately clicked on it. A Thunderbolt Fantasy thread on lolcow? Amazing.

No. 450727

File: 1737382391326.jpg (526.83 KB, 1920x1080, ikemen.jpg)

It's 1 year old… Perhaps I should spam it to make more nonas notice it.

No. 450729

File: 1737382862415.jpg (686.36 KB, 1920x1080, look.jpg)

No. 450734

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No. 450735

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No. 450738

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No. 450739

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No. 450741

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No. 450743

File: 1737384679800.png (5.66 MB, 1240x2274, 59271909_p0.png)

No. 450746

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No. 450748

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No. 450749

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No. 450750

File: 1737385150043.png (612.04 KB, 833x1000, tumblr_pkdhmldG521rnfkl1o2_r1_…)

No. 450751

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No. 450752

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No. 450753

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No. 450754

File: 1737385352024.jpeg (67.03 KB, 566x800, EymgPmfUYAUA7NK.jpeg)

No. 450755

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No. 450756

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No. 450757

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No. 450758

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No. 450759

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No. 450760

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No. 450761

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No. 450763

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No. 450764

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No. 450766

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No. 450769

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No. 450772

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No. 450774

File: 1737385971887.jpg (273.93 KB, 831x1200, DsagvxkVsAATeif.jpg)

No. 450775

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No. 450776

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No. 450777

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No. 450778

File: 1737386116269.jpg (114.69 KB, 600x696, keikaku.jpg)

No. 450780

File: 1737386149238.gif (257.73 KB, 660x371, 1729459030970313.gif)

No. 450781

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No. 450782

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No. 450783

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No. 450784

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No. 450785

File: 1737386451519.jpg (61.32 KB, 500x375, 1619339724903.jpg)

No. 450786

File: 1737386557374.png (1.22 MB, 1181x1417, tumblr_pgpzqxcxdl1rnfkl1o2_128…)

No. 450787

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No. 450788

File: 1737386683535.jpg (109.45 KB, 1366x768, thisworld.jpg)

No. 450789

File: 1737386847899.png (637.14 KB, 746x846, troll.png)

No. 452839

File: 1737789309929.jpg (113.63 KB, 773x520, s4.jpg)

So late, huh.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 4 Premieres on Crunchyroll January 25

No. 452841

File: 1737789385042.jpg (35.42 KB, 741x182, final.jpg)

No. 452844

File: 1737789789442.webp (167.15 KB, 566x800, filters_quality(95)format(webp…)

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