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No. 29145
Kelly Eden’s Los Angeles calves who are all clawing for a taste of that sweet social media relevance, all between their mid twenties and early thirties -personality wise, they’re all unique variations on weeaboo middle schoolers from 2008 - down to the public sperg-fests.
>Most notable sperg-fests occur at giant holiday get togethers where they act like obnoxious, INCREDIBLY loud children, usually in nice restaurants/tea-houses - often complete with air horns for some fucking reason. >Like many cults, members are indoctrinated with a matching tattoo - now in two variants: phallic sparkly anime crystal, and blown out dragon ball z sailor moon weeb tat - both done by Courtney’s husband. Notable Members:
Dre Ronayne
>Kelly's (ex) ”best friend" and roommate. Dre has been distancing herself from Kelly for a while now, the most telling moment being when Dre requested they start doing a lot less videos together and Kelly proceeding to throw a shitfit over it on Twitter (literally saying it was wrong for Dre to leave her out of the spotlight she helped create for her)
>Following this, Dre and Kelly are seen in less and less of each other’s social media posts, and Dre announces she is moving out.
>Receipts are dropped that Kelly may have unfollowed and refollowed Dre’s social media. >Incredibly defensive and sperges out when people make positive comments about her weight/body, while literally selling “Gothicc” tee shirts and promoting being thicc as part of her brand. >Claims recent weight loss occurred simply due to carrying a water bottle >Recently dropped Kelly for Chris Villain, her new ‘best friend’ who she constantly does couple cosplay with - again sperging out at fans for asking whether or not the two of them were dating, despite posting countless pictures of the two of them almost kissing. >tries to promote positivity and antibullying - but also does a ‘basic white girl’ makeup video, complete with blown up prosthetic dick sucking lips. >Currently teaming up with hot topic for an atrocious mall goth revival, either in an act of newfound self awareness, or total lack thereof. Stephanie Michelle’s best friend and the first to martyr (Moo-Tyr?) herself to defend Kelly’s bad behavior - Also the oldest of the fellowship, at 31-32.
Seems to be the most genuinely kind out of Kelly’s friends, but can still be a total cringefest.
>Is a ‘body-positive cosplayer’ who posts semi-nudes and lewds, while, in trend with most of these types of cosplayers, really hams out on the photoshop>Recently married, her husband films/photogs most of her nudes/is completely supportive of her sex work - probably because it rakes in major bank. >Is always the first to come to Kelly’s defense when Kelly has a shitfit on twitter, will blindly follow her pink leader no matter how stupid/crazy kelly is being>Used to self-post to r/bimbofication, Envy>Was added to the fellowship suspiciously soon after Kelly was called out for only having white friends. Quickly rose the ranks as the most annoying member.>A patreon costhot >Works in animal rescue (apparently?)
By far the most annoying of the fellowship.Phi
>Not TECHNICALLY a member of the fellowship, but she’s Kelly’s new roommate and best friend forever so it’s really only time. Courtney Dawne>Generally one of the more quiet (sane) of the group>Husband is a tattoo artist, and is responsible for the fellowship’s questionable tattoos >A fellow cosplayer - suffered through an entire con of Kelly Eden complaining that she should have been cosplaying that character>Kota
>Was/is in a band with Dre Ronayne - some kind of emotional revival shit >another one of the more quiet members of the fellowship>another victim of Kelly’s trigger happy unfollow finger. Claire
>Another queen of the pastel-vomit aesthetic>Cosplaying didnt gain her fame like she wanted so she started wearing lolita more. >Now popular/famous within the lolita community - despite many Lolitas hate-boner for her >Seems to have a more rocky relationship with Kelly, but was a bridesmaid in Stephanie’s wedding, indicating closeness with the rest of the fellowship >As a lolita, Claire claimed to have offered Kelly help during The Dress Incident. >Also complicit in the great Final Fantasy Gallery Nucleus scandalKatie>Disney ‘expert’/enthusiast>Confirmed lolcow lurker - mentioned the website on her instagram live, proclaiming her hatred for it. Even mentioned donating to a petition to have the site taken down. >Another nominee for the NHK’s Kawaii Ambassador thing >Constantly hounding Kawaii.i and kissing their ass as much as possible >Of all of the fellowship, she’s the reigning queen of bizarre and obnoxious photoshop jobs - to the point where it’s almost an art form of her own >Was assigned the job of “Vlogging” Steph’s wedding - thus leaving her out of most of the video of it. VividVivka
>Another plastic cosplayer/patreon cosplayer, but actually produces content daily >Gets a lot of unnecessary and costly procedures, like a brazilian butt lift and lipo, despite already having a great bodyLindsay>Seamstress, usually sews the rest of the fellowship’s cosplays No. 29146
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Envy is probably the worst at taking artistic liberties with her cos-thotting. This is supposed to be a genderbent version of Greg Universe - THE DAD from Steven universe. There’s literally not a fucking thing drawing any kind of a resemblance here.
No. 29152
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>>29151Wow, that was A LOT. I did not need to see Stephanie's asshole. Anyway, what is with the confused face she kept making? She seemed out of it in most of these videos.
No. 29157
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>>29156I'm not sure if there's any real milk on her, the most I've seen is some hate on lolita threads and BTB over posting photos of coords that are pretty much the same.
No. 29158
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I had posted this in the Kelly thread because I didn't know about this thread. But here's Stephanie photoshopping herself smaller. Embrace the thigh squish. There's nothing wrong with it. Also she had apparently bought the cosplay from italisalouwho (mentioned in the video)
No. 29159
>>29157Honestly? The Lolita culture is one of the nastiest and cattiest places on the internet. Yeah people in it can be nice but it’s overrun with bitches like this. She’s being criticized for wearing a dress she likes a lot??? Wha…
Im just saying if y’all ever wanna see some REAL pettiness over nothing, set foot into the Lolita side of the internet.
No. 29161
>>29159I don’t understand this, maybe because I’m not a lolita. Is it really not okay to wear a dress more than once? Aren’t these dresses super expensive?
If anyone in the lolita community can explain what’s actually wrong here that would be cool. Sorry if I’m being stupid.
No. 29165
>>29163I think that not only was she posting similar coords, but she was posting them really frequently too so people were getting annoyed of her spamming.
>>29158The difference in the roundness of her cleavage is laughable too omg. The anon in Kelly's thread who said this doesn't looked shopped must be blind. Even without the right pic to compare the shop on her legs is so obvious and janky.
No. 29171
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Looks like Dre is in on that photoshop game. Not quite Envy/Katie/Kelly level yet but she's getting there.
There's nothing wrong with not having a flat stomach… until you start pretending that you do.
Looks like Kelly, Dre, Phi, Courtney, Stephanie and Envy all went to Disneyland and hung out at a pool this weekend.
Kelly was vlogging the entire time, so I'm guessing that's what video we'll be getting Sept 1st(as she says). Phi and Kelly didn't swim, they just sat in the poolside chairs, fully clothed, what bummers.
Envy was wearing a thong one piece with her boobs spilling out everywhere, I didn't see any kids around but it looks like an apartment building and I'm sure they have windows.
No. 29172
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Looks like Phi is starting to do YouTube.
She says in her intro that she wants to use the channel to:
> express herself> talk about issues like racial issues in entertainment/cosplay, mental health> that's it?Hopefully she will be serving tea. No. 29173
>>29172God no. this is the last thing anyone needed.
>>29171THIS is what gets me about Dre- which is something that has been brought up in the Kelly thread a MILLION times. Dre's whole "brand" is about body positivity, but she photoshops her body flatter while simultaneously contradicting herself and hiding her weight loss/ignoring fans who tout her as anything other than "thicc goth goddess"
No. 29174
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>>29168Now that you've brought her up - this is really weird. Some rudimentary googling shows that she was obviously a fellowship member at some point. Do any of the people who were commenting on her from the Kelly thread have more intel on this? Kind of strange that a fellowship member with a social media presence just disappeared from the friend group - there has to be some good milk there.
No. 29176
Molly McIsaac overview:
> Original Fellowship/Hogsmeade Hotties member, seems to have been kicked out some time in late 2016 for unknown reasons. (Not present at the '16 xmas tea party but was present at all summer activities> Current or former roomie of Claire Max> SJW, triggered by everything, posts trigger warnings> Substance abuse issues (alcohol/benzos/weed)> hypochondriac extrordinaire (endometriosis, allergic to everything, BDD, anorexia, PTSD (from rape/abusive relationship), anxiety/depression, insomnia, night terrors, social anxiety> "pansexual" that only dates men> member of the child-free reddit group> starving artist that wants to be in the entertainment history but has no real focus(stand up comic, actress, writer, model)
> been on a failed reality show (Fangasm/Syfy) and a music video (Hotel Sex - Explode)> She said she was drunk the entire filming of Fangasm because the producers kept supplying her with unlimited alcohol.> Grew up in Alaska/northern Idaho in a very conservative family> Has lived in Alaska, Idaho, Seattle, LA and now Pasadena (on a hobby farm, with chickens + hipster fiance)> wiccan, talks too much about astrology> Obsessed with wine culture> Basically a goth version of Kelly, attention seeking, narcissistic, owns poms, obsessed with Kylo Ren and J-culture, complains constantly about her family yet visits them often and then gushes about them until she goes back to hating them, constantly complaining about her weight and not understanding why she is gaining while eating junk and consuming alcohol> seems to have deleted/made private all posts on facebook/twitter pre-2018That all being said, despite her affinity for over-sharing on social media, I can't find any info on what happened between her and the fellowship.
Facebook: No. 29177
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>>29171 So, she models for this company Foxblood, makes pins and Dre merch for it and whatever.
Anyway, she posts this tweet. So, I searched Fox Blood plus size and I get 13 results out of 238 in the store, a store that carries her Gothicc merchandise. And get this, the Gothicc merch goes from S-XXL. So, if you're thick you're gonna be like, at least a large.
She also posts a conversation between her and flat tummy tea ( saying that she does "not believe in the morals that they push on impressionable women about their body image" and then proceeds to shop herself in a flat tummy. What a hypocrite.
No. 29178
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>>29176Molly and Claire have not been roommates for several years now as both live with their significant others.
Saged because not really milk, but Claire is dating (or possibly engaged to, but couldn't find any sources to confirm that) Kyle Hill of Because Science. He has a huge following and I wonder if that is why the fellowship girls keep her around, since she doesn't seem to hang out with them at all.
No. 29179
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Well, it looks like she still hangs out with Vivka and Claire so she's not that far removed.
No. 29186
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>>29183Guessing it was related to this twitter meltdown.
>>29185The fellowship is fractured for sure.
Kelly doesn't seem to get along with Dre, Kota, Vivka, Courtney and Claire. They're seen around the least so I think they're reluctantly showing up to major events and that's it.
Nina and Racquel never seemed to be in it to begin with other than dying everyone's hair.
So that leaves… Kelly, Steph, Phi and Envy? lol, friendship fail.
I'm guessing it's 50% Kelly antics and 50% that most of the models to moved to LA to model more are just sex workers now. Which is silly because, you don't need to be in LA, paying LA rent to be a sex worker, you can do that from Iowa.
No. 29187
Re: Molly
The Fellowship is dramatic as hell, as we know, but I wonder if it’s due to Molly’s suuuuper negative disposition. She changes friends more than she probably changes her undies.
I now see her constantly commenting on threads started by equally dramatic/shit stirring girls that are deeply involved in the LA pinup and burlesque scene.
Same shit— “TRIGGER WARNING: guy commented on my dog while I was walking it… SEXUAL ASSAULT”
While I have some mutual friends she is Facebook friends with, I blocked her w d many of those girls because they seem to spend their spare time trying to ruin the lives of others that don’t agree with.
There’s a girl named Dollie something that was more or less run out of LA due to a tattoo she got, inspired by a trip to a slavery museum and also for breaking free from a bad relationship. Everyone, including Molly, called it racist and I saw comments from Molly saying she wanted to find out every bit of info on this Dolllie chick (like employer, real name, etc) so she could “ruin her life”. This is someone she had never met, who was doing nothing to affect the lives of these random internet people.
So basically she jumped on the shit stirrer bandwagon with all of these bored dummies who unhappily sit at their 9-5 and cause Facebook drama while on the clock, pitchforks out, and forced this girl to move from LA and sort of go into hiding because they were hellbent on screwing her over.
No. 29189
>>29176>>29188Wow this Molly chick really pisses me off. She is a spoiled woman (seeing that she has no steady employment history) while acting oppressed and badass at the same time.
I'm assuming her fiance/family must be supporting her? So much for being a super magickal mysterious witch feminist then.
>>29186But life in Iowa isn't ~glamorous~ anon.
No. 29190
>>29178Not engaged. She was married to a guy who she claims is abusive.
Don’t be surprised that she ends up to be just like the rest. She left her perfume? job and now wants to do the kofi/patreon route. Doesn’t want to do lewds like her friends do big time well tell.
No. 29193
>>29188I remember a long time ago kelly, steph, Dre, Kota, everyone BUT Molly were in a live video on ig during a drunken movie night….and someone asked what happened to Molly and they said she “betrayed someone” in the fellowships trust - but to me it seemed like they were bullying and targeting her.
I think they are jealous she found a hot and cool boyfriend honestly. Kelly has copied so many of her interests, quirks, and even mannerisms in some videos. She’s Kelly’s secret inspiration but instead of being able to admire stuff like normal people, kelly must destroy anything that threatens her. I think Kelly’s larp character Leora the blue haired witchy elf is legit Molly’s style. It’s some single white female shenanigans here.Just my theory.
No. 29194
>>29193I have no doubt that Kelly is jealous of everyone around her, but Molly isn't exactly an inspirational figure. She's an unemployed alcoholic with nothing on her resume but a series of short lived jobs who can't even write a referral letter because she got fired from all of them.
Some minor Molly milk. Back in 2012 she got a lot of heat on 4chan for accepting paypal donations for a breast augmentation. She claims she got tons of emails from people totally willing to throw money at her so she just decided to add a donation button to her website, which is long since deleted. She obviously never got the boob job, so I guess she just ran off with the money. No. 29196
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>>29194So Molly is really unemployed then? I guess she is mooching off of her boyfriend to do important things like go to fancy Vegas pool parties? What a feminist and inspiring figure.
No. 29198
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No. 29199
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You know you're a narcissist when you are so "upset" that you are crying and you're like… let's take a selfie and post it.
How upset can you be and how genuine can your tears really be if you stop midway and think of taking a selfie? It's so calculated.
No. 29200
>>29198Well now we have another confirmed lurker it seems- and judging by Kelly and Stephanie's replies it seems they regularly lurk too.
If you look up your name in a 'gossip forum' you're asking to get burned, girl. You're literally going out of your way to find stuff written about yourself. AFTER BEING WARNED TOO.
No. 29201
>>29197She used to be mass follower. She started following my boyfriend out of nowhere. Nothing about him is of interest to her at all. He was even like… why the fuck is this weird goth trying too hard chick even following me? Kinda think it was to get him to follow. So she could, you know. Unfollow
I peeked at her Instagram profile and she unfollowed a shit load of people. She was one of those that made you wonder how the fuck could you manage following 1k+ profiles
No. 29202
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So I’m i this beauty group and we get discounts with one of LA’s top plastic surgeons. I was stunned to see Molly replying to one of the posts!
So I guess she’s marrying that dork next year (I swear she used to say she was already married) and wants to show up to the wedding with a whole different body and face!
No. 29213
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My god, she's this well trained already.
She put out one video and she's already e-begging her followers for some patreon-esque rewards.
How do these people in Youtubewood think regular people deal with unexpected expenses?
No. 29214
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Dre is at it too, albeit more subtle. Where does she make videos now, does she do twitch or something? I thought she didn't do YT anymore.
I also thought she was a brand ambassador for hot topic, a paid guest for emo nite, working at Foxblood and a makeup artist working on sets. Doesn't she have like 10 jobs(according to her) that makes her SO busy that she can't do YT anymore, how can she not afford a camera?
No. 29217
>>29215Kelly seems scary codependent. Like Phi or Dre can't leave her side without her getting cranky about it and calling them out. It seems like she's still in the honeymoon phase with Phi, but it also seems like Phi is happy to have the attention, gifts, and money that can be thrown your way when suddenly strangers pay attention to you.
Kelly probably feels like she lucked out with an aspiring actress who is tall and pretty and 100% down to be loud or weird if it means being ~on~ on camera. However you feel about Dre, I'm glad she got away from that live-in amount of smothering crazy.
Kelly very obviously seems to seek out people who she can use to elevate her image and brand, especially tall friends to use a props to highlight how relatively short she is and to get and keep viewers using her friends and their audiences.
No. 29218
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>>29215I haven't watched Kelly in awhile but whatever she is doing with her hair and makeup lately is making her look really washed out and haggard.
No. 29223
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I wonder which ones will actually turn up
No. 29224
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Looks like dre is already moving again
No. 29226
>>29225They also had the bad scene in Fangasm where the group was at a bar and there were women onstage in skimpy superhero Halloween costumes and Molly was OMG
TRIGGERED and then there was the worst dialogue about Cosplay Not Consent. It was bad. Trying to remember if there were any other stand out moments in the show. It was pretty bland.
No. 29230
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Definitely showed her boobs.
No. 29232
>>29230why in the hell would she post this? she trying to get in to porn or something?
or is this not actually her? I don't pay enough attention to her to know what her tattoos look like.
No. 29233
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Found this on google and it was posted on her former Snapchat and looks like her chest tattoo. The irony is she’s in escape the fates new music video holding up a sign saying she’s not attention seeking
No. 29239
>>29228Honestly I can't believe you would bring this up, this was obviously a mistake her posting this, it was up for less than 20mins before her entire snap was deleted
>>29230The fact that you have this and saved it for almost 2 years is sad and pathetic. You could be ruining her life by doing this
No. 29242
>>29241her chest tattoo is extremely generic. i'd agree if it were identifiably her, but it's not.
at the same time. it's the internet. she's the one that posted it to thousands of people. unfortunately, shit happens. i sincerely doubt anon that posted it is the only one that grabbed it, and it's probably been posted plenty of different places by now.
No. 29248
>>29247Agreed. The Dre white knights were horrible on the KE thread, was hoping they wouldn't come over here too.
How does somebody go through that many steps and have it be a mistake?
1. Take an intimate photo.
2. Edit and Caption it.
3. Snapchat it to thousands of people, even if it was meant to be one person… WHY?! lol
No. 29253
>>29241Literal member of the fellowship in the thread, otherwise why would you care? Also she was still 20-21 when that was posted and has never said anything about being intellectually challenged or having learning difficulties. Therefore, she should stand up for her dumb choices. Also not like actual sex tapes haven't
helped women's careers
No. 29257
>>29255HARD AGREE I have the same feeling. It’s obvious Phi knows about lolcow, which means Kelly knows and had to tell Phi they were talking about her too, which means Dre knows because I’m almost sure it was Kelly stoking some of the fire about Dre in her own thread, which means Kota and Stephanie absolutely know because kelly tries to make herself look like a victim to anyone and everyone.
TL;DR: yeah it’s pretty confirmed that all the cows lurk here, it’s not a stretch to feel like they’re posting about each other and airing their shit about each other because they can’t publicly.
Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they all secretly hated each other..
No. 29259
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KK white knights but it's definitely her
No. 29269
>>29266Dude, you're on a forum that refers to everyone that uses it as fags and you have a problem with the "r" word? Are you lost?
Also, that is definitely Dre in the cumshot, if you can't tell from the stretched and faded tattoo, you can tell from the wide-set outward facing tit.
No. 29270
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Just why
No. 29275
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looks like steph got surgery yesterday. anyone wanna bet that it's cosmetic?
No. 29277
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So she masturbates on camera and is naked most of the time, but is not as sexual as people "thinks" she is? Girl, who are you trying to fool?
No. 29278
>>29277I mean, I hate dealing with legal stuff and reading medical records bores the shit out of me, but 90% of my job is reading and summarizing medical records for legal purposes. So…
Sex work is her job.
No. 29280
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>>29278It's not adding up. It's hard to see her being asexual when everything is does is so sexual. Even outside of her patreon/ig. Like hanging out with her friends. (Photo from Kotas Easter party a bit back. Hand between her legs) not like the most sexual thing but more than others.
And if she's not a sexual person why is she doing sexual things for money.
No. 29281
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>>29280Exactly. Here she is at a convention. That's not a professional picture or anything yet there she is being sexual with someone.
No. 29282
>>29277I don't want to wk her but I've been there and kinda get what she means
There a difference between being sexual with yourself and being sexual with others. Some might be comfortable just touching themselves but might not like others touching them. And some dress a certain way only for themselves because it makes themselves feel good. If that made any sense?
I don't get why she wouldn't think that people find her a super sexual person now though. If she's not happy with it then why continue to do it? Especially since she has other options to branch out on for money. Guess she just wants to take the easiest route (even though it makes her uncomfortable)?
No. 29283
>>29280>>29281>>29282She said she isn't as sexual as people think she is, not that she isn't sexual. She said she went through a time in her life when she wasn't, but that she isn't like that anymore. And she never said she was uncomfortable with it.
Her entire life is on display and even if she isn't actively working (making a video or doing a shoot), she is promoting herself/her work.
I really don't care for any of these girls, but if you're going to judge them, do it with accuracy. Otherwise completely legitimate complaints/milk will be overlooked.
No. 29286
>>29285you probably should have included the link lol.
Here you go.
No. 29287
>>29286Kota has gotten fat, sheesh
All play and no work really adds on some weight.
No. 29290
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>>29289Forgot the photo of the post
No. 29291
>>29286Oh my god, if 13 year olds had to do an extra credit assignment in choir, this is what it would look like.
Usually Dre brings down the whole group when she's signing but they were all awful in this. The mashup was terrible, the Maroon 5 bit was the worst of it. Dre is always so awkward in everything she does, you can see it in her face, you can hear it in her voice, every bit of it screams PLEASE LIKE ME. I like that they don't even bother to auto-tune out her inability to hold a note, she's just jumping all over the place from lack of strength.
Chris just over-acts everything, he'll never be able to do anything except amusement park shows. Odd that those two were the worst considering they both supposedly have training in acting.
Kota just seems like she hasn't been keeping up with her voice training, she's much better suited for rock music, every time she strays into pop it sounds strange, she sounds like a kid. I didn't notice the extra weight though until it was pointed out, Dre should have given her some contour. The bitten lip look they did on her did not help, her lips are already so tiny, it made her look like 100% cheeks.
No. 29292
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I don't believe Dre is as busy as she says she is, in fact, I think she lacks focus and motivation but blames everyone else for her lack of success (YouTube, Instagram, Instagram MUAS, her audience). But, I do love how she just fired shots (albeit, unintentionally) at how literally all of her friends make a living. The patreon bit made me actually LOL. Friendly fire.
No. 29293
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I had first followed kota because of her super cute outfits. But this outfit is not cute nor flattering
No. 29299
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I'm not sure what they're doing (they're not on the schedule for a panel and they're not guests) but they're gonna be at PMX
No. 29302
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I was just checking out Bad Wolf's twitter wondering if they came out with any music lately and they posted this awful pic of Dre, lol. I hope that wasn't their best shot.
No. 29303
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>>29301They all likely decided to say the same thing.
No. 29304
>>29303Yikes the entitlement.
“Now it’s just a shitshow”
Yeah or you and your friend group aren’t as important as you think you are. A panel for what? Who would attend that?
“how to have a group of friends where everyone secretly hates each other but somehow you get your shit together collectively to trick companies into treating you like you’re special”
Side note: now I tooootally understand why people don’t like Claire. She sounds like such a stuck up bitch
No. 29309
File: 1540765677015.png (1.78 MB, 1125x2436, 0982229E-1268-48B8-BAB8-F56045…)

Dre seriously out here tryna start shit with a cosplayer who has the triple amount of followers and more talent by a landslide.
No. 29311
>>29309Can you post the original post? I follow ModerlyOkay and he is a really good cosplayer.
Why is Dre trying to start shit with him? Over what? Emo culture? is she serious? that's really pathetic.
No. 29313
>>29312This! It's for really offensive shit like Geishas (putting on a bathrobe and yellow facing..) or wearing a xia pao and pretending you're chinese.
She is a scrub and a joke tbh
No. 29314
File: 1540771002016.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1919, 11270B5F-6D07-4FB1-959F-1C54FA…)

There ya go
No. 29316
File: 1540772165582.jpg (42.73 KB, 396x567, CMazPi8.jpg)

>>29312>>29313are you actually autistic? it's clearly a joke, it's been memed to death. can't find the emo example, but see pic related, it's a whole series of parodies. lurk more
No. 29317
File: 1540772232497.png (200.45 KB, 490x355, utzTCyo.png)

>>29312>>29313I smell samefaggotry. Like someone trying to be talked about and relevant, for what is obvious a non-event.
No. 29321
File: 1540779333608.jpeg (155.4 KB, 720x835, D0679B56-DDB1-40F0-9A51-C3C599…)

Sage for maybe unpopular opinion but I think the way they reacted was justified. If I planned an event an announced it and the con didn’t follow through I’d be upset too. They even retweeted stephanie’s Tweet about it so it’s not like they were just pretending to have a panel. I agree that giving these nobodies a panel in the first place was stupid but If they agreed to it they should follow through. It seems like a small enough con that anybody who requested a panel got one.
No. 29334
File: 1541015586443.jpeg (373.13 KB, 750x549, 28D07AC1-9648-490F-BA27-8A4F34…)

>>29333I guess they’re cute. It’s just a green version of the brands other shoes.
No. 29338
File: 1541724540076.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, 62F3602F-32BB-4EB5-AAD4-EE526F…)

>>29334 it even legal for this company to ape so much from T.U.K.’s creeper designs? Like everything down to the grommets is exactly the same- just slap a different material and some ugly bat wings on them.
No. 29340
File: 1542641323357.png (70.24 KB, 155x275, Dre Jessie.png)

Thoughts? Are they for real? I ship them.
No. 29342
File: 1542686437546.png (181.46 KB, 750x1180, IMG_7690.PNG)

>>29340Well the girl has an insane amount of followers so Dre's probably doing it to up her follower count.
No. 29343
File: 1542756755621.png (7.94 MB, 1242x2688, 00E38310-8BED-4C22-835D-D3D480…)

>>29341queer baiting coming Dre who constantly had a stick up her ass over people assuming her relationships and made entire videos dedicated to how “two people can just be friends” eg her and Chris villain and how she was always complaining about the people who said they ship her and kelly, fucking kek
I hope they are dating and she’s not just being a cow
No. 29344
>>29342Isn't Jessi Page the latest girl that the Onion and his boi wife are super creepily obsessing over?
cow crossover. they happen SO often. not that I'm saying Jessi's the cow. I don't know shit about her other than she's another Billie in the creepers' eyes.
No. 29353
>>29351>>29352Fucking weird since Jesse is the one who tagged the post #girlfriends #gaystagram
Gave me the impression that she was announcing that relationship with those tags, but if she’s spouting about being single, I guess not.
While Dre is the nastiest relationship baiter in the fellowship I honestly think the fault falls 50/50 on Jesse for this one then.
No. 29354
File: 1543171764528.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7755.PNG)

Kota had a friendsgiving and Dre is the only one from the fellowship there
No. 29357
File: 1543367614958.png (Spoiler Image,100.42 KB, 619x1011, IMG_7797.PNG)

>>29355Well it wasn't Lipo from what I can tell but it doesn't seem like she ever revealed what it was
No. 29358
>>29357What's up with her face? That's scary
Anyone notice how Kelly didn't wish Steph a Happy Birthday? Also how she hasn't interacted with any of them for a while? Makes me wonder if the "toxtic" video she made was about Steph
No. 29359
File: 1544342841662.png (2.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181209-094751.png)

No. 29360
File: 1544395487508.jpg (373.28 KB, 720x659, ihifohefoih.jpg)

>>29357Tinfoil but i think she got a second boob job. She's gained a lot of weight since her first one and on her bigger frame her boobs weren't as bimbo/ridiculous looking as she wanted them to be.
pic related, left is now and right is a year ago. They're also farther apart which would be the case if she just got them done.
No. 29364
>>29361She looks like a blow up doll. It’s gross.
Also I can’t believe the day has come that the rest of the fellowship basically dumped kelly. She is barely hanging on by a thread.
No. 29366
>>29361She looks like a blow up doll. It’s gross.
Also I can’t believe the day has come that the rest of the fellowship basically dumped kelly. She is barely hanging on by a thread.
No. 29369
File: 1544544548835.png (141.54 KB, 747x791, IMG_7987.PNG)

>>29360The photo on the left is old not new. She says in the comments it's from her first patreon set
No. 29370
File: 1544562121908.png (945.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7984.PNG)

Fellowship 2.0
No. 29374
File: 1545416045228.png (770.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181221-194516.png)

Anyone knows more about this
No. 29376
>>29375Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 29377
>>29375Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 29378
>>29375Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 29381
>>29379Looks like a new fellowship. Katie and Dre were a part of kelly’s now dissolved group
Also I think dre fucks around with a lot of people (m & f) anyways..but Jesse and Dre are taking advantage of their young followers liking the stupid ships/fiction bs. They both have a ton of followers so it’s likely a lot of them will go to each gal
No. 29382
File: 1545927602809.jpg (761.35 KB, 2048x2048, 8E22A467-EB83-4919-A8CE-C0BB14…)

I think Stephanie may have gotten bigger boobs looking at the different here. Left is new photo. Right is old.
No. 29385
File: 1545960602578.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181227-202604.png)

Dre's moving to NYC. Kinda wanted an apartment tour just to see how her room changed from the one at the Doll house
No. 29388
>>29385Living there “for a bit” typically implies work. Maybe she got a gig/some kind of contract in New York?
Time will tell. Unless she pulls a typical Dre by responding “UGH HOW RUDE AND INSENSITIVE HOW DARE YOU ASK” to even the politest of questions.
Dre’s biggest problem is and will always be how she chooses to speak to her audience. She’s young so maybe she’ll learn? But as of now she’s so rude and condescending that I can’t figure out how she has a fan base.
No. 29389
File: 1546399332966.png (195.53 KB, 745x935, IMG_8235.PNG)

This boob job is just ridiculous. Is she trying to be like penny underbust? also she just looks so disproportionate since her head and shoulders are small since she's not an hourglass. end rant
No. 29390
File: 1546820557551.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6209.PNG)

>>29389She used to be so cute
No. 29393
File: 1547247304994.png (158.45 KB, 750x1334, 808ADFC0-64AA-4414-B9F5-9A397F…)

samefag but I just saw this on Courtney’s Twitter. Why do I feel like this involves Kelly somehow? She seems to have been pretty ostracized from the fellowship lately.
No. 29396
File: 1547436870099.png (116.51 KB, 750x639, IMG_8375.PNG)

This is why people have a hard time thinking of Stephanie as a "serious cosplayer". Because it looks like it's headed towards porn
No. 29397
File: 1547440436114.jpeg (420.23 KB, 1486x2009, D739CA14-45FC-4E4B-91C2-0487E2…)

>>29390 this was just on her insta stories. She was so pretty, kind of looked like a young Stevie Nicks. I’m glad she feels better and isn’t starving herself anymore. She just went waaaay in the opposite direction.
No. 29404
>>29396Pearshaped body+implants=you end up looking fatter than you are
Both her and Kelly did this and look worse as a result.
No. 29407
>>29405Probably learned all of it from Kelly lol
Except for the Twitch because Kelly never got her shit together enough to stream like she promised everyone hah. Not surprising though, she's probably too scared that she'll get called out in chat and you can't photoshop a livestream
No. 29408
File: 1547780109219.png (64.24 KB, 536x256, c.png)

kek, meanwhile Kelly is tweeting and instagramming about how alone, depressed, betrayed, etc she feels
No. 29409
>>29408The fact she wrote "ya girl" when kelly's catchphrase is "ya boy"
The pettiness of these cows
No. 29411
File: 1547963747171.png (870.36 KB, 1366x594, cd.png)

Courtney dyed her hair blue. It looks quite nice on her. Wonder if this is why they fought kek
No. 29420
File: 1548103616325.jpg (529 KB, 2048x2048, 3DAFA8FD-A008-43D0-9CFA-3CF15D…)

Screen shot of video on the left vs shooped photo on the right
No. 29422
File: 1548105252311.jpg (737.73 KB, 2048x2048, 50A4B4F6-E272-4870-9B00-6C1A77…)

>>29421It gets worse. It's gotta be so awkward to be on vacation and be like let me take photos for my fans
No. 29426
File: 1548117025832.jpg (181.55 KB, 1080x1092, IMG_20190122_002908.jpg)

>>29420Ehh crotchless or very badly shooped? She looks horrendous on all these pics.
No. 29428
>>29422wtf is this? lmao. i too enjoy squatting and looking off into the distance while i adjust my ill-fitting swimwear.
the shoop on the one on right makes it look like her legs are on backwards.
No. 29431
File: 1548179999008.jpg (66.78 KB, 400x312, IMG_0995.JPG)

>>29430>>29425Stop bringing it up in both threads. It's not milk
No. 29434
File: 1548274134039.png (99.35 KB, 750x909, IMG_8547.PNG)

Those lips are tragic
No. 30500
File: 1548898964611.png (Spoiler Image,247.88 KB, 750x1192, IMG_8670.PNG)

This video teaser that Stephanie posted is just so awkward. It really makes me think that her husband is influencing her to do these things. The faces she makes are lack luster and it's got to so weird to be flashing your tits in public all the time especially while on vacation. The running video she has in there really shows how much she photoshops her images. But you know body positivity and love the body your have etc
No. 31253
File: 1549051474642.png (2.75 MB, 1536x2048, E4ED3CDF-9205-4009-A20F-D76DF5…)

Announced on social media that she “landed her dream job”. Mentions it several times.
But how dare someone ask what that new job is because it has nothing to do with social media.
How ever could she get her work done when everyone will be going there to take her picture???
Im ToO fAmOuS
No. 31258
>>31253I don’t see anything wrong with this comment.
I was at Disney once when dre was there and she was swarmed with people.
Her fans are all little kids. So I’m sure they’d actually do that.
She could at least say it’s “makeup” or “film” or whatever though
No. 31351
File: 1549126550451.png (119.08 KB, 750x996, IMG_8736.PNG)

>>31330Instagram doesn't care about boobs Or if she's pretending to finger herself
No. 31452
>>31253this is bullshit.
Her last "real" job was at morphe in burbank. she herself said she left for youtube, not because she was "too famous" and people were stalking her at work. I've been to that exact morphe store, there is literally a security guard on duty. Anyone who was being weird or making her uncomfortable would be escorted out.
No. 32195
File: 1549406772360.jpeg (300.99 KB, 1563x1563, 6EF65134-5A51-4725-BAA0-9D7D27…)

So Kota and Tommy are in a poly relationship it seems?
No. 32225
>>32195The way she phrased those answers makes it seem like a current situation. They do share the house so possibly a relationship is happening with third or fourth parties
Explains Tommy's bemused expression he always has.
No. 33461
File: 1550030964502.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8869.PNG)

Super serious cosplayer steph with her nips about to pop out
No. 33642
>>33635Envy is extremely female, so is Phi, they obviously don't realize, by suggesting that short hair =
I is boi now/I have no gender is restricting the gender boundary even more
No. 33671
>>33642Exactly. Snowflakes like Phi and Envy think they're being so "progressive" and "woke" when they say they don't feel like women because they like short hair and looking masculine. It's Onion tier levels of stupidity, yet here we are. This fad is doing nothing but reinforcing gender roles. It's so regressive and annoying that women can't just be women anymore.
Calling it now, I give it less than a week before Phi is asking everyone to use they/them pronouns.
No. 36240
File: 1550459622419.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8940.PNG)

>>33465 at least she knows she's a thot. But also asexual.
No. 36241
File: 1550459648637.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8939.PNG)

>>36240Same fag with another photo
No. 36655
>>36241ngl that hair color kinda suits her
but the rest.. y i k e s
contacts don't do her any favors either, she looks even more dead inside
No. 37535
File: 1551039083117.png (Spoiler Image,177.71 KB, 750x1096, IMG_9005.PNG)

Oh so she's the one that had the hentai panel that turned into an orgy at katsucon. Her asexuality is showing (not!)
No. 37546
She calls it lewds but it's porn.
No. 38010
File: 1551291645728.png (207.52 KB, 1283x533, dumb.png)

Here we have Phi claiming she prefers the pronouns 'they/them'. Place your bets now: How long before she ends up coming out as a nonbinary transgender male?
What I find hilarious about this pronoun conversation is how unsure about it Phi seems. Like this wasn't even something she thought about until this girl asked her about it, and now she's just saying what she thinks she is supposed to say. It really looks like Phi is just playing a LARP character and she forgot her character stats.
Phi, since I know you lurk here: you're still a woman. Wearing different clothes and making your appearance more masculine doesn't change that fact. Why can't you just be an androgynous woman or a masculine woman? Stop drinking the LA UwU koolaid and being just like everyone else.
No. 38027
>>38010well, anon called it.
>>33635phi is stupid snowfake bitch who honestly thinks short hair = masculine
No. 38051
File: 1551312010829.png (131.28 KB, 750x514, IMG_9042.PNG)

>>36241She doesn't even know how to pose. Why is she in the front with that big peacock tail
No. 38316
File: 1551479483224.png (685.44 KB, 631x761, pressflasses.png)

this is the saddest thing i've seen. she fucked herself up big time
No. 38358
>>38331Two different anons
But it's gross and it sucks that it's making it so that people think this is what the cosplay world is about when it's not. People like her, momokun, nigri etc are the problem. Soon people will think about cosplay like they do about furries. That it's all about lewds and sex
No. 40822
File: 1553219924854.png (Spoiler Image,250.62 KB, 750x1239, IMG_9374.PNG)

She's so gross she's using a poor cat in her videos to undress her.
And she's photoshopping her stomach so much. #selflove and body positivity
No. 40824
File: 1553220700276.jpeg (76.99 KB, 698x867, 5C522029-ACE3-48CD-A279-F2FCF1…)

>>40822it’s a shiny dangling string and the cat hops up into frame to bat at it. being cheeky with the cat yes, but using the cat to undress herself? not exactly. she doesn’t make his claw get stuck
No. 41026
She looks like she ate her former self and is just a breeder now with no brain cells left for a single though. Not a good look.
No. 44244
File: 1555389819566.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.69 KB, 699x1243, D99CB6D4-C19F-4EF8-9A62-FA04C0…)

Screen shot of a short video Stephanie posted in her subreddit… I don’t know how those guys are able to keep it up when she’s dancing in a tub that looks that crusty(emojis)
No. 44999
File: 1556150032618.jpg (868.04 KB, 806x2386, JgygVCK.jpg)

Speaking of Molly… I've never seen someone self diagnose symptoms as much as she does.
Profile is her backup cause she keeps getting banned on her main for attacking and calling out all the terrible things men do to her life.
No. 45039
File: 1556167254953.png (8.9 MB, 1242x2208, 552C930B-258A-489B-ACF8-C7D62A…)

No. 45040
>>44999>Profile is her backup cause she keeps getting banned on her main for attacking and calling out all the terrible things men do to her life.Why would her facebook get deleted just for that? I wouldn't be surprised if she was making shit up just like with her self diagnoses. kek
>>44854I hate chicks like Molly so much. She is some spoiled woman who acts like she is so much better than the rest of us because she is so woke and alt.
No. 45049
File: 1556178618591.png (6.65 MB, 1242x2208, 9730E2A3-0B2E-4F04-A689-A26D36…)

I don’t think Phi and Kelly are living together anymore. Phi is staying at her mums.
No. 45053
File: 1556182591860.png (2.01 MB, 750x1334, 76774167-4F63-4BE1-BA29-0CD477…)

>>45049No her mom came to visit
No. 45172
File: 1556251472739.jpg (236.97 KB, 1080x819, 4kF43Y7.jpg)

Welp, look who wants to follow down Steph's path and be disgusting.
I'm honestly surprised she hasn't already gotten lip fillers. She looks toothless when she smiles.
No. 45182
File: 1556261311848.jpg (66.4 KB, 720x720, 46491823_2373600499534312_1583…)

>>45172She'd look better with lip fillers than the absolutely horrible way she overlines her lips now. You can clearly see where her real lip ends and it is so ugly.
No. 45381
File: 1556390388412.png (136.97 KB, 750x867, IMG_9941.PNG)

She's so gross. Don't expose yourself in public. Flashing her boobs to trump probably isn't the right way to send what ever message she wants to send
No. 45558
File: 1556555148498.jpg (672.22 KB, 810x3160, VNbcWs8.jpg)

>>45557Here's the post that Claire made about a month ago regarding the creepy predator that Molly let into their lives.
No. 45665
>>45557This isn’t even the milkiest of it.
-known scammer who likes to claim to be “so broke” to get people to pay for/buy things for her
-scams tattoo artists for free tattoos in exchange for “promotion,” until they realize that she doesn’t have the following she says she does and can’t actually bring them business, so she finds a new artist to scam.
-Apparently works in “PR” despite not knowing what she’s doing. Her only clients are her friends who have too much money to blow. The only thing she really does for her “clients” is buy them followers.
-Has been fired from any actual job she’s ever had for constantly being late, sitting on social media all day not doing any work, and skipping out of work to go get tattoos/go to Disneyland
-is an alcoholic. Hardcore. She’s admitted this herself before and calls herself a “functional alcoholic.”
-used to be a stripper. Says she “worked at a bar.” Despite claiming to support sex workers and be sex-positive she still lies about having been a stripper.
-major social climber. Tries to infiltrate any popular group she can.
-ran a gofundme to raise money to get breast implants years ago. Never got the surgery obviously. Ran off with the money.
I’m sure there’s more that I can’t think of right now.
No. 45792
File: 1556746459163.jpg (522.94 KB, 1080x1652, xMKoO4p.jpg)

"This personality trait is what makes me such an awesome publicist"
No. 45833
File: 1556763783179.jpg (1023.89 KB, 810x3154, ngbng5j.jpg)

You feel like you sold out cause you have, Molly.
Everything about her is faceted to get attention and feeling that need to fit in. Maybe this is what happens when you're homeschooled and only had internet friends growing up.
But for real though, what kind of makeover show do you all think this is for? Surgery or just a closet swap kinda deal?
No. 45851
File: 1556774468053.png (559.73 KB, 526x655, molly.png)

>>45833You feel like youre selling out because you are, molly. You don't want or need the makeover, you're just doing it for money. That's the definition of selling out.
She says they're not going to change her hair, so what are they going to do? Just dress her in a different oufit? She can do that on her own. Theres nothing stopping her from doing natural makeup and putting on a normal outfit. She's done that plenty of times before when she had a job and had to go to events in a professional capacity. You don't even have to scroll that far back on her instagram to find pictures of her looking pretty normal.
They can't get rid of her tattoos and she said they're not going to change her hair so what are they going to do to change her appearance much more than this?
No. 45876
File: 1556796875042.jpg (582.89 KB, 616x760, r19b6wo.jpg)

>>45833The fact that she dressed up over the top on purpose for this interview hoping it would help her get it makes it obvious what her intentions were.
Half of her photos lately on fb or twitter are her living that 'chicken lady' life and wearing no makeup with hair up in a sloppy bun.
Its clear that she wanted to get cast and any remorse and sadness she feels is just her identity crisis talking and need for attention.
Of course, shes just one of those people who need the attention and wants to be on reality tv, regardless of how they 'falsely portray' her.
She was just posting recently how she auditioned and was upset she hadnt heard back from WWE after telling everyone she was going to be the next Paige.
No. 45882
>>45557I really hate rich white woke women who sit on their ass all day scolding people while acting sooo high and mighty.
>>45833I am rolling my eyes so hard on this one. Cry me a fucking river.
No. 46152
File: 1556868782324.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1523, DE6A18A9-9D7C-442D-86FE-7D30D6…)

I do feel like Molly deserves her own thread. She calls herself an “Internet personality” but she’s not, except when she manufactures drama to try to draw attention to herself. It seems like every day she’s having some new crisis.
No. 46317
File: 1557003911974.jpg (592.34 KB, 1065x1278, Screenshot_20190504-140303.jpg)

No. 46332
>>46317the fuck is this mary sue monologuing shit
bitch probably self posts itt
No. 46347
>>46317"someone had sent me" gtfo.
We know nobody sent it to you and that you lurk here with hopes of reliving your five short minutes of internet fame
No. 46356
File: 1557042073203.jpg (728.23 KB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20190505-003804.jpg)

this is a public status btw
No. 46358
File: 1557043733149.jpg (182.72 KB, 990x386, Screenshot_20190505-010711.jpg)

>>46357she also has reported physical withdrawal symptoms in the past :/ i hope she gets help
No. 46361
>>46317This self worth BS matches Kelly's posts from Twitter. And also if she is talking about lurking on here, arent most the posts even mentioning her from her recent daily pity posts? She puts herself out for the world to see and shares everything.
>>46358It does seem like she needs some help with the drinking if she was having withdrawls that badly. Hope she really is getting the help she needs from whoever is in her life.
No. 46406
File: 1557083008883.png (4.35 MB, 750x1334, D0AF8E58-2B95-4F06-BB6C-6AB2B9…)

Do you think Phi moved out and is no longer living with Kelly? She seems to be posting from her aunt’s place a lot.
No. 46417
File: 1557092098502.jpg (88.15 KB, 640x697, IMG_0070.JPG)

Stephanie has been tweeting that's she's sad and burnt out
No. 46418
File: 1557092140050.jpg (54.71 KB, 640x381, IMG_0071.JPG)

No. 46424
>>46417>make your whole "career" about your body>get surgical procedures to take said body centric career to extremes >"Why do ppl treat me like I am only my body :(((" One thing I dont get about girls who choose to be a thot for a living is when you act like a stereotype, dress like a stereotype, get surgeries to appear like a stereotype and go as far as make money off of BEING a stereotype… how can you possibly be offended people approach you as one?
When you make 90% of your life your body you can't get upset nobodys instinctive reaction is to ask you about your amateur art hobby or whatever you spend those 2hrs out of your day on.
Idk you dont see Ronald McDonald depressed that people think hes a clown.
No. 46440
I used to love Steph, she seems so negative now, ever since she's been hanging out exclusively with the sad girls club, Envy, Dre, Courtney and Vivka.
I find it odd that she's frustrated with nobody taking her seriously when she paid thousands of dollars to feed into a sexist stereotype, the bimbo. You know that was a stereotype created to discredit women so nobody would take them seriously, right? It's kind of poetic, actually. I don't have anything against sex workers but, I feel like most girls know going into it what they are sacrificing for easy money.
All I know is, both Steph and Kelly are horrible without each other. It's like they made each other tolerable. I don't know what I ever saw in them. The failowship has really gone down the shitter since Courtney moved there and Envy joined. I hope Phi leaves soon, she was such a flop.
No. 46452
>>46440I actually thought the same thing, Stephanie and Kelly seemed to balance each other out really well when they hung out on camera. Both were more appealing in the other person's company.
Phi is just boring - worse, she's cringe-inducingly fake, which is bad because her job is as an actress and she's a bad one.
I think Dre and Steph were good/better with Kelly and vice versa. Steph is really boring now, absolutely agree with
>>46424 too, I guess she's regretting the bimbofication. Maybe her patrons have got bored now and the money isn't so good. Anyone would get bored and regretful at times, if having giant fake boobs and wearing a thong was their entire life. Even Belle Delphine has more variety. Maybe she can save up, get a reduction, and rebrand.
No. 46540
File: 1557187612020.png (119.5 KB, 750x694, IMG_0075.PNG)

That Photoshop on her stomach to make it look flat. If she's so for body positive and self love she should leave it the way it is. Such a hypocrite.
No. 46554
>>46540You're gonna mention that and not the absolute nightmare that is her face?
I never noticed before that her tit job is uneven too. one of her nipples is a good inch higher than the other.
No. 46997
File: 1557510700149.jpg (171.96 KB, 425x198, sK5ErEj.jpg)

>>46994That makeup… Yikes.
Nobody even cares about these boring haul videos anyways. She doesn't do anything to make them different and stand out from other youtubers except yelling at her animals and drinking wine while showing off the money she wasted.
No. 47079
File: 1557550815628.png (757.36 KB, 750x1334, 1E3590D0-CCF7-4B86-8E11-98ACA0…)

Here she goes over sharing on social media again. Her alcohol problem probably contributes to this bad habit.
No. 47097
Absolutely nobody:
Molly: I had an abortion. I was raped. I bled everywhere and had to go to hospital but I don't regret it.
I sympathise with this story
but I don't understand the purpose of randomly telling it. I assume it is a subtweet/Facebook-vague directed towards a pro-life friend, considering the recent news stories regarding abortion laws, but if you need to talk to someone via subtweets you shouldn't care that much about their opinon in the first place. Like you are not close enough to DM them? Don't waste your time and embarrass yourself. With the onset of weaselgate, I wonder if Twitter will become the new place for oversharing, replacing Facebook.
No. 47173
File: 1557619293351.jpg (87.96 KB, 600x242, no.jpg)

>>47097Nah, it's a thing, people are sharing their stories about abortions they have had that would now be illegal under the heartbeat bill to show the many legitimate reasons to have an abortion after 6 weeks. This is a petty nitpick.
Can we talk about how thirsty ass Stephanie "take me seriously uwu" Michelle was just on twitter the other day asking someone to pay her $1200 to sniff her feet? She went on another huge twitter rant trying to be taken seriously as a cosplayer despite the fact that she just gets a wig, thong and a bikini top for a costume, meanwhile other people spend months making their full costumes with props. lmao
I don't think I've ever seen an e-thot have to beg for customers before. Times must be tough, maybe she should have gone for mass appeal instead of some very niche fetish for which she's exhausted her customer base already.
No. 47592
File: 1557879601470.png (176.61 KB, 575x572, sm.png)

Stephanie: preaches about body positivity etc
Also Stephanie: retweets crap like this
Steph has become more and more of a bigger cow as time has gone on. She's trash kek
No. 47666
File: 1557926170161.jpg (12.17 KB, 589x103, odRUTdO.jpg)

What notable thing has she written to call herself a writer? Just another excuse to explain her destructive behavior.
I bet she suffers from imposter syndrome, she doesn't even know who she is.
No. 49125
>>47666Impostor syndrome is the term for the phenomenon of highly intelligent and accomplished women commonly questioning the authenticity of their achievements & abilities due to the chronic effects of sexism on their self-perception. It has nothing to do with lack of identity.
I feel like every unsaged post that's this level of retarded is probably one fellowship (or ex-fellowship member) taking a swipe at another, tbh.
No. 50064
>>50062Who’s even gossiping about what she does ? And what was the big secret why she wasn’t shouting this job she loves out to every corner on the internet. It isn’t like her to not just call out the person who is saying stuff about her. Molly’s always full of either rage, passive agressive attitude, thirsty for attention or what we can assume is making up scenarios to make herself seem interesting or a
No. 50577
File: 1558725373256.jpeg (528.1 KB, 1125x1809, C49EB7FE-6D9A-4F94-8879-4208C6…)

lol THIS is her wedding dress?! did she not get enough attention as a child or what? she’s so annoying. and who the hell is stupid enough to marry this freak
No. 50610
File: 1558740979588.jpeg (365.43 KB, 1125x2186, 85D0E521-0520-4F6E-84FA-5A2C92…)

>>50588It’s a stupid ugly mess to hide how fat she is is what it is. What a hideous cow. I can’t beljeve her fiancé didn’t barf at the sight of her, I would run the other way if this was my girlfriend
No. 50698
>>50610i reaaally hope she didn't spend too much on this literal aliexpress tier LARP outfit.
>>50614>>50615>>50622no one is jelly of that, probably not even kelly. if we just ignored everyone who seemed to be happy and not hurting anyone, there'd only be 3 cows on the site.
No. 50746
File: 1558812632528.jpeg (350.73 KB, 1125x1788, 4F5C765D-E823-467D-87F3-1E6964…)

>>50698I don’t think her dress looks cheap, from the few pics she’s posted it seems to be really nice
No. 50787
>>50782I agree, I don't get all the nitpicking on Molly. I find her to be a bit much and the alcoholism thing is sad but, I dunno, I really like her real life rpg style. I like the dress, the hair and the crown but I think she should do natural makeup with it and go with an elf queen kind of look. I think that the issue is the makeup is über goth and it clashes with the dress.
I also don't think Kelly would come in here and shit talk her since she's one of the few people Kelly is on good terms with now. I'm shocked Molly took her back after the fellowship banished her and were all sorts of petty about it. I guess that's probably what they bond over now. What a ruthless bunch of LA thot mean girls that just outcast anybody that ceases being useful to their career. It seems like the fellowship went downhill after Dre joined.
Dre was such a snowflake and was butt hurt all the time, and then they invited Envy in, who is the ultimate butt hurt snowflake, crying about her PCOS, that isn't even that unusual to have. Tons of women have it, they all work and maintain relationships.
Vivka has just always been a snobby bitch, she still has the ego of a late 2000s suicide girl but she's always been a butterface. Phi is just pathetic, god, I don't even know where to start on her, and even if I did, who would care?
No. 50803
>>50787WKing Molly: check
Shifting blame from Kelly while pretending not to be her: check
Claiming the fellowship "banished" Kelly after she wasn't useful to their careers anymore and were "petty" about it when the only one being petty about it to begin with was Kelly: check
Dre (who Kelly resents and threw a shit fit over for passing her in terms of social media popularity),
Envy (who Kelly resents because Envy refused to do everything for Kelly while she got her useless cosmetic surgeries),
Vivka (who distanced herself from Kelly first/was seemingly posting on Kelly's threads first and who Kelly never seemed to get along with/always seemed somewhat jealous of her body),
then Phi (who lives with the bitch but always shadily calls Kelly out on her shit over social media without actually mentioning her and has been caught posting in the Kelly thread),
all while conveniently leaving out those who naturally drifted away (Kota, Courtney, Katie, and Steph): check
Suspicious… I'm just surprised that nothing was said about Steph kek
No. 50848
>>50830Unsaged posts sounding like cringy high schoolers sitting on a moral high horse
"You guys shes not harming anyone let someone be happy you're being
cruel its petty abluhbluh UwU"
Shes a diet cow but still a cow associated with the fellowshit and posting cringe tier "fuck the haterz zomg public personality lifu" fb posts before showing off a dress whos bodice is so wrinkled and unflattering you wonder what Aliexpress store it came from, she doesnt have a bad shape to her however that dress doesnt sit right and no amount of "reee shes just happy, reee 5ever love, reee wedding" is gonna make her immune to basic criticism.
No. 50849
>>50803Yeah, the bit about not being useful to their careers anymore sealed the deal for me. Kelly felt so betrayed when Dre was ready to build her own brand (that melodramatic tweet about sharing the spotlight). That whole debacle was a window into how Kelly views personal relationships, and it's very transactional. She lacks the insight to realize that this is very distorted, so she assumes others think and feel the same way she would. She notices that their careers don't get boosts from including her in their content, so presumes that it's the same scenario as the exploitative friendship style she projected onto Dre.
Plus, I don't think there are any farmers who believe Kelly is above talking shit on the girls she's on good terms with - half her threads are about how envious she is of them. And it's not like she went to great lengths to kick it with Molly before the rest of the fellowship gave her the cold shoulder, I'm sure she's never liked her all that much. She's just desperate for friends rn. Molly and Kelly have presumably been talking about all this nonstop, and I think Molly would definitely say all these things. Also, it's more articulate than Kelly, and saged - Molly knows her way around board culture a little.
>>50830 Is clearly Kelly, since it's unsaged and retarded in a lowkey manipulative way - the poster was talking at length about fellowship drama, not just saying "hmm some of this is a lil nitpicky."
"Retarded, in a lowkey manipulative way" is actually a great descriptor of Kelly's personality, & half the fellowship, too.
No. 50927
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No. 50948
File: 1558911921092.png (347.32 KB, 576x436, sad.png)

this is so sad she used to be so cute
now she looks like a constipated Pete Burns.
No. 51004
File: 1558944480065.png (315.03 KB, 936x741, kek.png)

The hostile entitlement of these two, topkek. "Muh privacy" Steph, you literally show your vagina online.
"if you were a fan you would know I don't talk about this topic and won't" BITCH WHERE? Where did you ever publicly announce or post that you don't want to talk about this? You're the one always subtweeting and posting stories shading Kelly lmfao Steph needs help
They were fine posting about their friendships everywhere on social media when it got them clout but now they're backtracking and saying that they don't want to talk about it, all while still talking about it instead of choosing to ignore it (like Courtney did)? Wow, they're no better than Kelly. Makes sense that they were friends for so long.
No. 51049
File: 1558976933227.jpeg (125.58 KB, 750x838, E8E96107-FB41-411F-89EC-E46EAC…)

>>51004Replied back to Steph saying “you don’t follow Kelly, so I guess that answers that.” Got blocked. Kek.
No. 51078
File: 1558992073682.jpg (454.39 KB, 1482x1997, ew.jpg)

y i k e s those lips
starting to look like lisa rinna in a bad way
No. 51090
>>51079About a month ago she posted an instagram story with one of Molly's chickens. She's been friendly with Claire and Molly again since the fallout. It's really ironic considering how standoffish she and the rest of the fellowship were to Claire for still being friends with Molly after she was kicked out.
I would LOVE to see a video of Molly and Kelly exposing the whole fellowship. All of the petty revenge, surgeries, most desperate things they've done for money, I just want to see their little rainbow world burn.
LA Thot Cult exposed: Steph does whip-its before she does her "sexy" videos which is why she looks full on retarded in all of them, Envy's weight issue isn't because of PCOS, it's because whining doesn't burn calories, Courtney makes Dan do an extra shitty job on Kelly's fellowship tattoo out of spite. Dre knewe can't sing all along, she's just copying Trisha Paytas' troll attempts at singing, that's also why she acts so
triggered all the time. That group trip to Mexico? It was because they got a group discount for back alley fillers in Tijuana. All imaginary of course but it would be entertaining.
No. 51215
File: 1559077563343.jpg (297.22 KB, 591x972, oye.jpg)

She just doesn't get it. When cosplayers have an actual costume, it shows off their talents, sewing, crafting, acting, creativity and ability to think outside a box. It takes them months to prepare a work of art.
Nobody has an issue with her being a sex worker, it's just that there is no talent in lewd cosplay, how much talent does it take to throw on a wig and bikini and have huge tits? That's your surgeon's talent, not yours. How much talent does it take to pose with your mouth open and looking surprised an confused? None. How much creativity does it take to cater to the same old sexy bimbo stereotype basement dwellers have been lusting after for centuries? None.
Nobody gives a shit that you post nudes for cash, the problem people have is when you shove it down everyone's throat, pretend it's your main personality trait and beg for "donations" and demand that everyone praise you for it.
Do you really have nothing else to say or show the world than your tits? Is that why it offends you so much when people don't like them? Not everybody likes that but you can have other parts of yourself or things you stand for that people can like and you've gotten rid of all of them . She's just the same insecure girl she's always been, hiding in a plastic shell, begging to be loved, and getting confused that when people lust for her that she's been truly accepted. There's nothing envious about that, it's sad. If you want to sell nudes for money, have it be your job, not your lifestyle. Be an e-thot from 2pm-10pm and then be yourself the rest of the time. You have to turn it off some of the time or you'll drive yourself insane.
Sorry for the rant but this is just all she posts about anymore. I used to love her as Zilla308.
No. 51238
>>51215I’ve never seen her support a cosplayer who cosplays for talent and who doesn’t do lewds/oversexualized cosplays. I think she has a problem with the more conservative cosplayers tbh. She doesn’t like them distracting away from her “business”. She’s mad mad because she can’t get a normal job and sits on her obese ass shoving food down her throat after going to get more injections and she’s lashing out because this threatens her lazy ass lifestyle. What a cunt.
Also, that’s a Blastoise, not a Bulbasaur you airhead. It even says so in the photo topkek
No. 51592
File: 1559295694893.jpg (90.26 KB, 750x746, 3ep9tj0vr6131.jpg)

Saw the image on the right and thought of Steph. That's what she looks like in person.
>>51526It's sad because she actually was entertaining to watch when she was zilla308. Now she's just become an empty shell of a person. Her dead eyes and inflated lips only grow more and more prominent. Girlfriend needs therapy and to get away from her enabler husband.
No. 52044
File: 1559613199313.png (481.7 KB, 936x768, kek.png)

What a hypocrite
Make up your mind Steph. We all know you hate doing this, we can see it in your empty dead eyes.
No. 52794
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I thought this was Steph for a second kek
No. 53351
File: 1560375250403.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, 988D5E2F-7127-4A54-942C-60DB15…)

Those lips are so tragic.
No. 53600
File: 1560543968566.jpg (118.58 KB, 525x430, 81205_231529.jpg)

She does make a really classy fish though
No. 53704
File: 1560637803116.jpg (946.4 KB, 491x3815, 70908_142004.jpg)

She needs a regular job. Can you imagine fighting both for and against social justice on twitter all day everyday?
No. 53774
>>53704She only fights for "social justice" when it suits her lol
Stephanie is honestly no better than Kelly in regards to getting butthurt about anyone challenging her.. the "IM BAD CANCEL ME" is so fucking disingenuous and self victimizing. She's gross.
No. 54251
File: 1561004798328.png (Spoiler Image,2.78 MB, 1488x2560, blehh.png)

sage for no contrib but with those huge honkers, janked proportions (small shoulder frame), and her dead-eyed stare into space, steph always reminds me of a Randy StarFru1t character come to life and it's just super jarring. It's a wonder how she doesn't have neck/back problems.
No. 54293
>>54282IDK I guess I just care more about actual real children being groomed and manipulated and abused/sexualized, not some bimbo who looks like a middle aged mother wearing something HP related. Agree to disagree I guess.
But the sad fact is this sperging about fictional characters and lumping people into being a pedophile which is a hefty fucking accusation/label to give someone is pretty rampant and the norm in geek culture nowadays. I am not saying I don't agree with you but I just feel like it takes away from the bigger picture.
saged for obvious reasons
No. 54410
File: 1561113113904.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1142x1146, IMG_1935.png)

>>54251She doesn't have neck or back problems because she lays in bed all day kek
It's so sad that she celebrates going downhill…
No. 54683
File: 1561279185561.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1393x1803, 7D09CE57-17D8-41B1-A2E8-CECB5E…)

Kelly’s ex-friends speaking out against her current friend. Another reason for their fall out?
No. 55786
File: 1562017705351.png (926.4 KB, 744x732, Ss (15).png)

So not worth the hype, honestly
No. 55836
I don’t see anything warped.
I wish she went blue though. Mostly to fuck with kelly’s Nasty hair.
No. 55860
File: 1562084557109.png (1.1 MB, 739x730, badshoop.png)

>>55836not that anon but you can see the direction of dress's gathering is straight up horizontal on the right but the gathering is ridiculously warped diagonally on the left, going completely against the design of the dress. gathering doesnt work like that so it's clearly shooped
No. 55923
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No. 64079
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No. 64140
File: 1566738646808.png (297.97 KB, 406x591, IMG_0056.png)

>>64093>>64097>>64108Phi is outtie.
By the way, I used to live in LA a few years ago before moving and that much rent is enough for your own place. Kelly is 100000000% super overcharging her roommates, this even with rent prices going up every year. They should definitely make contracts through the manager/landlord instead of through Kelly. Rent shouldn't be that high for one room, especially in a ghetto Hollywood area like where Kelly lives. Not to mention that the roommate probably can't even contribute to the rest of the home knowing how nitpicky and particular Kelly is about the "dollhouse".
topkek "good energy and harmony". Kelly you literally are the only one that causes drama in that place.
No. 64142
>>64140Finally she moved out! Now who would want to move in with that bitch.
>>64079I remember Phi offering Kelly to go to Germany for Xmas last year but that never happened kek. Imagine showing Stephanie to your parents during the holidays.
No. 65207
>>65170>>65175Didn't Dre also move to New York for work? That could also be why.
I noticed that Courtney is moving to NY for work as well along with dying her whole hair pink
No. 65215
>>65207That was temporary, she's back in LA now and just recently moved into a new apt… again. She's dating some pretty alt model/metal boy named Alexis Montalvo.
Speaking of Courtney, is she even relevant anymore without the FotR? I saw on her twitter she was crying about losing followers on IG.
No. 65218
>>65175Looked to me like she was with the new boyfriend since he was in town.
She probably just ditched them for him. I don’t think that relationship will last though.
No. 65251
>>65250Well, besides Kota* I totally forgot about her.
As for Dre, I've always gotten the bi vibe from her but I 100% get the gay vibe from her new bf. He may be there for looks and to get people to stop "shipping" her and Chris Villain.
No. 65717
File: 1567874240754.jpeg (144.33 KB, 750x803, 55539A46-5D21-4568-B359-71D261…)

I’m not one to tell people not to sell their underwear but it’s pitiful that this is Stephanie’s solution to paying for a vacation. What happened to her? I feel so bad that her life turned this way.
No. 65803
>>65717i just don't understand how all these e-thots and adjacent personalities think it's a good business idea to
a) name a reason why they need funds (true or not)
b) admit that they're lacking funds (true or not)
instead of just launching another thing and marketing it as a "favour" they're doing their audience by offering it up.
i'm not sure whether i'm lying here but i feel like Belle Delphine has not e-begged but instead her or her boy toy are pretty good at marketing her as a luxury good, as desirable, as in power, as scarce.
whether or not my specific example is true, i still don't see how Steph gains anything from putting herself in a position of "request" to her audience instead of adding this to her bimbo transformation narrative. "you lucky incels get to lick my gusset if you pay me a pretty penny"
No. 65936
>>65870I mean Kelly was never a good friend to begin with so I'm not surprised that they ditched her forever unstable
victim-card-pulling ass kek
And Steph has always been a porn "personality" lmao they all used each other these friendships were doomed from the beginning
No. 65982
File: 1568108867959.jpg (969.68 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190910-105106_Ins…)

Kota finally mentioned it
No. 66068
>>65870I second this. Was Envy even really a part of the group in the earlier years? I don't remember her coming around until like 2018. Kelly and co all have their [many] flaws, but to me there was always something really off-putting about Envy. She just seems like one of those girls who likes to stir the pot and instigate crap with people then turn around and play
victim. She seems no better than Kelly in her own right. Makes you wonder if they'd still be friends if she hadn't come in and initiated the cancelling of Kelly (had to use her favorite word).
No. 66303
>>66109You're right, it was on this thread
>>29418Someone definitely called that one.
No. 66361
File: 1568420203655.png (94.8 KB, 744x634, boobs didnt get me attention.p…)

>>66068Just some background on Envy.
From CGL and cosplay deviants, Envy was always a shit-stirrer. She was a jealous cosplayer in the Florida scene before she moved out to CA and was fame-hungry for cosplay spotlights so she joined the easy route via cosplay deviants in 2011 I believe. She didn't get noticed until she did Velma, otherwise, she was just an ugly fat blob on cosplay deviants trying to get noticed for being 'curvy' [thicc wasn't the cool term yet].
>>29418 Yes. She caused a whole group of them, the group Envy would cosplay with all the time and mostly Alychu, to stop hanging with each other and got some deviants involved that coddled her due to 'fake drama' she was spreading and saying Alychu was jealous of her and literally sabotaged Alychu's rep at the time. No one was collabing with her now.
The cosplay scene in Florida was very Miami 'notice me' Chola-like, but Envy started to become really spotlight hogging and the biggest event there was her breaking up with Alychu and ditching her out of nowhere once her Velma kicked off on cosplay deviants. She has a porn video you can still find online that she's tried to bury for years because she didn't want it associated with her new cosplay curvy girl brand. She rode her Velma train to LA and started doing more cosplay deviant events around the area and to cons where she'd be their booth girl at. She stopped doing cosplay deviants once she felt she could make a living off of patreon and from there I think she joined FotR.
Envy also had a cosplay group at MetroCon with SuperMaryFace and Penny Underbust. She and PU were mad that Mary got a lot of attention and ripped the con apart for their attendees not acknowledging them, being rude to them in cosplay and basically Penny went on a rant via her Patreon about how she and Envy were body-shamed in outfits that didn't fit. The usual
victim card scenario, but with added 'my fat body and tits didn't get me attention and I'm insulted'. Envy became a real self-centered cunt. [They had no problem feeling good enough to film a video during though]
She's always been into drama, always on a side that's being attacked, usually one of her slutty cosplay friends pulling shit. It's been the past two or three years she's suddenly become so 'tame' and 'love everyone' and picking up on the body love thing when she's always talking about how fat she has gotten 'but happy' then she turns around and says how sad and unhappy with her body she is. She's a mess and the coddling and needy nature of Stephanie is what grabbed Envy into the FotR because they have the same mentality. Me, me, me, but also 'depression, give me money'.
No. 66390
>>66376Courtney is such a loser trying to get her followers to guess what stupid hair color she is doing. Acting like she is 13, and not like 30 year old.
>>66361Envy seems like a psycho. Her velma cosplay is mediocre. I like that she tries to be taken as a serious cosplayer for wearing nothing at all. Envy that is called porn. Go to porn.
>>65717She normally doesn't do this, but your reddit says otherwise in which you state to sale used couple days old underwear for sale and lingerie.
the relationship of FOTR seemed so superficial.
No. 66392
>>66391Can confirm on Vivka. I've met a few of them at cons/events and Vivka was the most genuine feeling one. Dre and Steph both very strongly gave off the fake-nice vibes. Steph moreso. Courtney was shy I guess, I didn't really talk to her and she stood off to the side. And Kelly was Kelly, a walking disaster as usual. I haven't met Envy, Phi, Katie, or Claire.
I also met Kota at LoJ. She was super nice. I like Kota the most out of them all tbh she kind of has always just seemed to mind her own business
No. 66398
>>66391Im just glad people are asking about her because Ive been waiting years to expose her shit. She's always been a huge bitch and it really shined the most before she moved to LA to try and get big off of cosplay at the time which Jessica and Yaya [specifically] were big. Vivka had started premiering with great reception on cosplay deviants and aside from Madison Valentine, Envy didn't have a get into until she latched onto the top cosplayers on that site. That was her big in when the company was still small. Once Velma blew which was like her 3rd or 4th set, and shitty as fuck, she started getting more collabs and event invites and she tried harder and harder to hide her porn video. I remember her going off on CGL one time about finding someone posting it. She was going mad in the cosplay deviants chat about it and pigeon foo was there and madison at the time I think. She's just a super self centered cunt who is mad she fucked up her past and its online and can't do anything about it.
Im really really shocked no one came out about Envy's money hungry fame tendencies, but like I said before too the past few years shes become all peace and love and I literally think that's Stephanie's doing and Vivka since she lived out there and both were genuinely nice. Then Stephanie got a boob job, started collabing more with Envy because she felt bad for her 'fat girl, no Im thicc' act and yeah thats where we pretty much see where everything else happened with Kelly and them.
I really really dont know how people have not talked about her before or maybe CGL was just the wrong place to bring her up years ago because they dont do drama.
No. 66524
File: 1568620538878.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.55 KB, 964x504, 902751.jpg)

>>66439Oh absolutely. Its not as bad as it used to be, going to say that right now since she's turned full 'love everyone' mode, but yeah. Her edits were BAD and IRL she looks bad too without filters and such.
No. 66580
>>66524The photo on the right, EW! What is that supposed to be for?
People like Envy should know the difference between body positivity and skewed “body positivity” that just makes you look tasteless and disreputable. You know it has the opposite effect right? You just look like a methhead meathole.
No. 66629
File: 1568779034154.jpg (87.62 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nqeafbeFxY1qhk81qo1_540…)

>>66622I gave background on Envy, anon. You don't have to get mad and even her selfies aren't good looking. The only thing spoiled is the older photos, but she's heavier than ever now, so not like much has changed. She looks good when shooped and she only posts things with filters now and SNOW editing.
No. 66701
File: 1568874715563.jpg (67.85 KB, 640x960, 13658947_961017177341992_28902…)

>>66700Yep. She has been known to shit talk other cosplay deviants and he old Florida scene, especially Aluchu. I dont know what the hell happened between the two of them, but Envy, after the split, really had a bashing streaking on sites like cgl. No one had heard of alychu until cgl when envy and her had duo cosplay photos that were posted and mocked in the bad cosplay thread. Then when envy started getting more popular on cosplay deviants, she started getting extra clingy to madison valentine and showed up more at events. People wanted to see the velma and she acted like she was the first person to ever cosplay her and would wear her nonstop because thats the only set and character that fit her 'curvy' look. Well she started talking shit about some deviants, said she'd make more sets for months via other social medias but nothing ever got accepted and she started rotating to selling her own content and got patreon when she could. She seemed to only hang with vivka and madison at this point.
No. 67184
File: 1569266080724.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7052.PNG)

Ooof, Dre looks like she gained some weight…
No. 67256
File: 1569303182067.png (89.32 KB, 809x736, 1428428649592.png)

>>66701 found it. Yeah, she was posting about Aly thinking she was anonymous, but she's a dumbass. Girl is a massive cunt.
No. 67263
File: 1569312136289.png (632.52 KB, 846x353, 1428428794933.png)

>>67256Ooof yep that's her alright. I wouldn't be surprised if she's been hounding these threads as well
If she's been posting here too, then that means the rest of the FotR most likely knows about these threads too. Which makes me wonder which of them was talking about Kelly in Kelly's early threads.
No. 67514
File: 1569599242627.jpg (55.55 KB, 500x500, 194c46d5921ab1d99ee84c0433ac4e…)

This isn't milky at all i just thought they looked really cute together here. They both looked so much better, unlike now with their blown up sex doll bodies.
No. 67524
File: 1569616400442.png (778.81 KB, 750x1334, 7EC70748-AF0C-452A-9F56-50EEDD…)

Guys I’m dying Phi finally moved out lmaoooo
No. 67898
File: 1569873253897.png (Spoiler Image,465.35 KB, 1102x627, hypocrite.png)

"I try my hardest to put my content behind a paywall where kids can't see it"
proceeds to tweet nude video from very public twitter account
Stephanie is fucking dumb.
No. 67968
>>67898She's gone full bimbo holy shit she's stupid
"celebs have nudes and y'all never bring that up"
That's because almost all the celeb nudes are leaked nudes that the celebs didn't want out there! How is she equating her choosing to throw her nudes out like candy to having nudes leaked? Did she stop cosplaying an SJW finally? Because that's not very woke to imply celebs should be punished just like her for their non-voluntary nudes being put out there.
No. 68524
File: 1570356579388.jpg (859.34 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191006-110025_Ins…)

Not quite milky but new information for me anyway.
Do you think FoS drama got in the way or just Dre moving details?
No. 68627
>>68524I think it’s more so that Kota’s Band isn’t active enough to keep its members. And it’s probably easier to just be Tommy and her since they live so far away. Dre was their like 3rd bass player since I started following. And they got rid of their drummer that had been with them for a while
Also Dre posted in her story she gets zero money from YouTube so that’s why she hasn’t been posting videos
No. 68914
File: 1570598811609.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x2012, 489DD176-3873-4A68-A084-566C9D…)

Dre and Katie chillin
>>68627Why doesn’t she get revenue? That’s weird
No. 69277
>>69136 That’s a strong reaction, man. I don’t blame people who cut back if making vids is taking time and not making money. I think money is the end goal, obv.
>>69271She was using one of those companies a lot of YouTubers use where they promote and seed your content and take a cut of your adsense. I think she left the service when she wasn’t making enough to justify using it, and YouTube demonetized her account as a kind of fluke.
Stephanie, meanwhile, has had problems with YT because her stuff is just too porn-y these days.
No. 69295
>>69293Samefag, she really goes on an angry rant about Trisha for not liking "they/them" as pronouns and for looking feminine
Yes, the transtrender Phi who thinks cutting her hair makes her a man is here to tell you how "trans" you are and whether you are allowed in the club, while wearing makeup and a low cut top showing her cleavage.
No. 69304
File: 1570939314851.jpg (14.88 KB, 400x400, lUpCZ6rF_400x400.jpg)

Anyone know why Stephanie privated her Twitter? Also her profile picture on there is fucking scary in a really bad way
No. 69313
>>69304idk but her and Envy are both doing their usual, monthly when they have paying subs, 'Im too depressed and need mental health time off'. They literally milk this shit. You have people who have been 5150'd who work more than them. They just want to relax and not work.
Steph canceled LACC 'last minute' and was still able to book a villa in Mexico when a lot of schools have break right now for fall. You know they are just using money and using mental health as a scapegoat. Im so over these two. They talk about how bad it is when the immediate next day 'Buy my porn!!!'. Come on.
No. 69322
File: 1570952524607.png (47.45 KB, 830x411, My MenTaL HeaLTh iS ImpoRTAnt.…)

>>69304>>69320Are you though?
No. 69764
File: 1571296852556.png (122 KB, 911x728, yt.png)

No. 69846
File: 1571367438702.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 03C05774-1C22-4A46-8F48-E1EF2B…)

No. 70028
File: 1571453864985.jpg (707.87 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191019-035635.jpg)

Kota is looking rank these days…
No. 70090
File: 1571513053625.jpg (109.11 KB, 1200x799, EHLgis-UYAEvRev.jpg)

WTF is going on with Steph's lips? She looks disgusting, literally from a nightmare. Posted to Twitter
>>70028>>70038TBH I feel bad for her. She's one of the fellowship members I can actually stand who doesn't use her mental illness for pity and instead does things to actually help and spread awareness of it, unlike those like Kelly and Envy (and Steph sometimes too).
No. 70108
File: 1571530872594.png (1.27 MB, 1440x801, 30 minutes later.png)

>>70090She looks like a bad piece of digital art. It's probably just the photoshop making her look this weird though
Incidentally kelly has a (less busted) photo of her in wings she started inserting in her most recent video. The tattoo removal one.
No. 70276
File: 1571640265580.jpg (774.99 KB, 1080x1098, Screenshot_20191021-074128_Ins…)

Wtf did katie get done to her hair!? Granted, her hair was split and scraggly before, but this…this is just awful.
No. 70279
File: 1571641265023.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1242x1878, 36F5320E-BA29-427D-9BE0-FD8C68…)

It seems like all the ex fellowship members have changed a lot since dumping Kelly. I wonder how much of their old personalities were based on being friends with her/what she wanted them to be.
Claire I think is the only one who still follows Kelly and Kelly follows her back. It seems like she dropped the whole kawaii lolita thing and got into cyber punk style and is super into fitness. This is so different from how she used to look
No. 70442
>>70279Claire is literally cosplaying here.She’s working out and showing her stomach nonstop but she’s still the same color hair pastel Lolita trainwreck.
Such a reach that anyone based their personality off of Kelly. Everyone is the same, just minus her.
No. 70599
File: 1571839577851.png (311.42 KB, 379x709, Capture.PNG)

I actually feel bad for Vivka. Her new house (like, she's not even moved in all the way) was robbed the other day and it looks like they came back again. That's pretty scary.
No. 71045
File: 1572056958519.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.45 KB, 400x400, rbSY6NyQ_400x400.jpg)

No. 71139
File: 1572163608628.jpg (297.72 KB, 1080x1770, 20191027_005738.jpg)

Stephanie put her IG profile on private Friday. Is it because she fears the recent crackdown IG is doing on sexually suggestive images?
No. 71154
File: 1572179774917.png (2.87 MB, 1242x2208, 1572173690776.png)

No. 71198
File: 1572214224904.jpeg (691.02 KB, 2048x2048, FBAA0DDB-0FDA-4F88-B1D9-4167A6…)

Dre and her boyfriend are total cringe
No. 71219
>>71198They're into all the fetishes doncha know!
This was for a party at Kota "swingers" house and the caption says she loves a man in a dress.
I have "fetishes give me personality" fatigue at this point.
No. 71221
>>71154It's funny she is so serious while morphing her ladylike original body into a literal joke - bimbofication (sp) is about looking like a laughing stock.
Sitting at home taking lewds while looking like a clown is "working"
The truth is she probably doesn't go out because people look at her like she is a sideshow attraction. In which case I feel really sorry for her. I wonder what her parents think of all this.
No. 71231
>>71198>>71219Because “IM TOTALLY PAN” dre only dates men and has to pretend to be into women with fake shit like her straight bf in dresses and posed kisses with Jesse paege or whatever.
This is as disgusting as cosplaying as a sexy child. Now you’re promoting incest?
Gg dre.
No. 71478
File: 1572488454943.png (4.35 MB, 750x1334, 80F2CE3A-CFAD-45A6-9643-496415…)

Jesus, those lips are horrendous.
No. 71484
File: 1572496595406.jpeg (246.02 KB, 1080x1920, 6C86F47F-C4DE-4CAF-94F9-E0C49E…)

>>29145Dre released her new hot topic merch today and it’s a rip off of a small designer (no surprise)
Sorry for the bad collage. I don’t have editing apps for it on my phone.
Basically the brand mallgothtrash has had this design since 2017 and Dre’s looks similar, minus the word trash. She’s acting like an entitled brat in the comments and sending her boy toy to fight for her too.
No. 71485
>>71484Hmm. That’s actually a different font, though they are in the same wheelhouse aesthetically. Mall goth is also pretty common slang, so I think they’re okay there, too. Nothing about either one of those designs looks original enough to be considered creative theft, really.
I’m sure Hot Topic has stolen art before, but this isn’t really a strong case.
No. 71487
>>71486Literally every single letter is different here.
Plus, the Hot Topic one looks like a ‘00s goth font and the other artist is using what looks more like an early ‘80s horror font.
No. 71490
File: 1572499087110.jpeg (163.02 KB, 699x262, 3A9C18AF-F347-4A43-8D0D-BB6528…)

The Hot Topic font looks very similar to the store’s original logo, too.
No. 71504
File: 1572540166251.jpg (494.19 KB, 1080x1542, 20191031_053328.jpg)

Hot topics on font, not the same words in it, and mall goth has been on shirts before.
The artist who is but hurt has other "original" designs such as a coffin with an upside down cross on it, and 666.
No. 71514
>>71478Omg they look like they’re about to explode!
I bet the reason why she doesn’t do anything besides “work” is because she doesn’t know how to act normal any more. She only knows how to be a porno girl when she needs to be sexual all the time
No. 71521
File: 1572562111845.jpeg (157.99 KB, 750x1051, 25B210CF-6F62-455D-9C94-3C756A…)

An old picture she reposted today. Her body does not look like anymore. Now she’s just fat.
No. 72255
>>72149That's not bizarre at all. I've watched several documentaries about porn stars and the female porn stars usually say they don't enjoy it at all and are just doing it for money.
Just like almost any other job.
No. 72614
File: 1573605728475.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, 7F302395-3EF5-4099-A796-D25FC2…)

Really Dre? This is so gross. One photo was more than enough. The world doesn’t need or want to see this shit.
No. 72837
File: 1573808352308.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1429x1649, 20191115_085723.jpg)

Steph come on, this looks awful and uncomfortable
No. 73116
File: 1574199920376.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.9 KB, 716x1099, Screenshot_20191119_164415.jpg)

This is so cringy. It sucks cuz I use to like her but now she just looks bad
No. 73407
File: 1574309607985.jpg (152.86 KB, 462x890, dre.ig.jpg)

not so subtle hit at the matching tattoo with kelly
No. 73744
File: 1574624107881.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 973C3636-6CC1-41BA-B689-1AFA2B…)

Kota hosted a birthday party for Stephanie and she looks terrible
No. 73745
File: 1574624164261.png (871.21 KB, 750x1334, 9B416D46-58A8-42DE-A3F3-005C72…)

But I wonder if she photoshops her lips bigger. They don’t look as big as they do in her photos. Or maybe it’s just the angles
No. 73947
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No. 73949
File: 1574815645139.png (5.06 MB, 1125x2436, E6ADB2C0-7795-4E03-9353-F12FAC…)

No. 73956
>>73955Don't think it was intentional, since they're two different pictures. Courtney must have been on the outside of the pic next to Kelly in the one shared.
>>73950I don't really think Dre needs to be grateful to Kelly forever. Sure she got a big boost from being Kelly's goth roommate but if Kelly was a massive cunt to her (which lets face it, in their videos it was obvious there were times Dre was annoyed by Kelly butting in to her videos sometimes but was still trying to be nice) then why should she have to keep bowing her head? This really sounds like Davey's vague-ing about people (namely Dre) "needing to remember where they came from" lol
No. 73982
File: 1574831987932.png (1.99 MB, 750x1334, 1C7ADB55-EDAE-4DFC-AF11-2F8BBF…)

>>73978>>73950>>73949This is the post you all need to be talking about.
No. 74782
File: 1575582057127.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 642FE882-4E61-4FDF-8602-4C150F…)

Kota has been posting her memories on her instagram stories of the year and they’re all so cringy
No. 74909
File: 1575680869301.jpeg (192.81 KB, 749x1059, 4461BC40-3B53-4024-942A-5C9B22…)

>>74782“I’m posting bare face, wow growth”
She’s become so narcissistic and look at me I’m so odd I'm a goth ninja. She’s becoming just as boring as Kelly
No. 75394
>>75380Looks like they have a very healthy relationship where they break up and then not and then break up again
I checked it earlier too and it was all pictures of her. Now he's back.
No. 76528
File: 1577195839771.png (651.02 KB, 821x562, meitu'd.png)

i like how dre did a lazy shoop on all her photo's with mcr. she fucking airbrushed all of them kek
No. 76605
>>75746For all of them except Solo, you had to be in one of the official clubs (501st etc.) and had to be very active and chosen by Lucasfilms and command of the clubs. This is because they do charity events and aren't allowed to get paid for anything, so they give them some tickets for active members who do a lot of charity work.
For Solo they had some social media influencers, but they were all people who were friends with the right people and got invited (like Her Universe got a block of tickets etc.) So apparently you're not friends with the right people who know about Star Wars being your whole personality Molly.
No. 76701
>>76605A few people commented on her post saying that they got their connections through Disney, and molly is not exactly a family-friendly Disney person. The way she publicly blasts her SJW shit all over the Internet, there’s no way Disney would touch her with a ten foot pole. She shot herself in the foot of thats the kind of “influencer” she wants to be.
Plus, her following is pathetic. She acts like she’s famous because she was on a shitty reality show no one watched.
No. 78795
File: 1579222607731.png (980.04 KB, 750x1334, 8DC04E37-8DB8-4063-B20B-018EBF…)

Stephanie made her instagram public again and has story upon story in her highlights of “dating advice” because she’s such an expert
No. 79259
File: 1579534655298.jpg (97.88 KB, 698x570, Screenshot_20200120_103719.jpg)

When did she do this… Also I didn't know her name was Josephine…
No. 79260
File: 1579536056710.png (287.27 KB, 1080x1746, 20200120_075647.png)

Molly McIsaac and her husband are divorcing after a grand total of 6 months of marriage lol
No. 79323
File: 1579579943225.png (475.81 KB, 1203x724, hmmmmm.png)

hmmmmm the timing of these. I think they still stalk eachother
No. 80023
File: 1580112126939.png (26.43 KB, 602x228, 7Uza6WW.png)

No. 80030
>>80023Embarrassingly short relationship broadcast publicly on social media: check
Think it was obvious he was in it for clout purposes.
No. 80255
File: 1580271840097.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, D46793CC-D29A-42D0-9C51-943C25…)

Stephanie had a dig at Kelly in her stories. Someone asked about getting more tattoos, as well as getting any removed. She was, like, “removal? Never! No, why, no, what?”
No. 80268
File: 1580278402003.jpg (13.5 KB, 442x112, Annotation 2020-01-28 221331.j…)

>>80224since the other anon won't do it, ask and you shall receive
No. 80330
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No. 80357
File: 1580343653711.jpeg (765.58 KB, 828x1337, F1E8720C-45A7-4DFB-8983-290669…)

No. 80358
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No. 80359
File: 1580344097550.jpeg (580.24 KB, 818x1395, F4CD80DC-6CCB-4E6A-BB8F-5810DD…)

No. 80375
>>80374he hell, you say? you mean, being a professional, vapid blow up doll isn't a viable long term career plan? and that it might not be fulfilling to be nothing but meat and silicon to every one you meet, sell your smut to, and who follows you online once the initial thrill of making money and the ego boost wears off?
No. 80593
File: 1580484128358.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, 8066C51C-60F1-427D-BCED-47165E…)

Dre posting a lot of pictures from “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” Ah, the moping break-up posts.
No. 80615
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No. 80668
File: 1580541878992.jpeg (327.89 KB, 1242x833, 38BAB929-7060-45F7-BC30-A4669B…)

No. 80708
>>80668I mean, when follower numbers impact spons and income, I get why losing followers after a breakup is a double whammy… and that’s pretty sad, but when you become a social media star and influencer you really fuck with reality boundaries.
Regardless, they always had an awkward as fuck vibe on Insta. They never seemed comfortable with each other. At least, that’s how they came across when they were filming each other. Not a great sign that there’s a lasting connection.
No. 80953
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No. 81200
File: 1580811604602.jpg (Spoiler Image,515.09 KB, 1216x2160, 1216x2160_44ec84f2e27861de500c…)

who ordered moose knuckle(spoiler imgs like this)
No. 81676
File: 1581119536234.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, AFE99DA1-D012-42FE-B0D9-6C4F65…)

Stephanie’s family came to visit and she had to hide all her lewd things (fanart, figurines, her own calendar, her “to do” list mentioning OnlyFans, etc) — I’m surprised they don’t know what she does. Don’t they have questions about how she makes a living/supports herself?
No. 81732
File: 1581172806000.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, 5104D8D5-F683-430B-90AF-C59F0D…)

>>81676I wonder what they think about her getting her massive tits and lips.
No. 82040
File: 1581363121802.jpg (38.95 KB, 375x634, Capture.JPG)

I bet you Molly divorced her husband of six months because of this guy.
No. 82291
File: 1581559167406.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1852, 731A4A89-9BD1-4D52-94B6-205E45…)

>>82040Definitely. He’s her “new roommate” that she flew across the country to bring back to LA. La is full of people who need roommates, you don’t travel thousands of miles to move in with someone unless you’re fucking them.
How long has she been divorced? A week?
No. 82322
File: 1581587167697.jpg (54.46 KB, 812x586, ahshitherewegoagain.jpg)

ah shit here we go again
No. 82588
File: 1581717155866.jpg (39.84 KB, 370x614, Capture.JPG)

Calm down, it's not even freezing outside. (I live in the same city where Katsucon is located.)
No. 83676
File: 1582247040151.jpg (37.64 KB, 602x381, sm.JPG)

No. 83876
File: 1582380678556.jpeg (975.65 KB, 828x1399, C381DB15-C251-48AC-A22C-E3562A…)

No. 83981
>>83876Translation, she wants to move to Mexico to be closer to her boyfriend.
She is hardly overlooked and underappreciated, she's doing very well for herself. How much demand is there for Goth makeup artists/Plus sized models? She's pretty much cornered the market there. Imagine being one of her friends and hearing this whining, like what else do you want?
No. 84794
File: 1583003802094.jpeg (256.8 KB, 828x1549, 9B1EF59E-D598-46A0-B0F0-4F1331…)

Blackcraft did Dre dirty lmao
No. 84863
>>84822>thats the point NTA but congrats however they’re still bad photos and she looks like a witch neanderthal in the bottom pic. Nothing “sinner” about looking like your forehead is bloated, no brows and the tilted down witch laugh in that lighting ages her 10-20years.
Feel i could cut myself on that nose kek
No. 85164
File: 1583339562617.jpeg (181.54 KB, 750x708, 4D71D24B-8FD9-4884-8828-5F8F02…)

Kota really has let herself go
No. 85479
File: 1583708548505.jpeg (391.83 KB, 828x1269, 6B885775-F4BF-4F12-A493-908430…)

No. 85675
File: 1583911059406.jpeg (97.51 KB, 747x476, 9386F6AA-5199-466F-AEF1-59EA6C…)

Oh god
No. 87149
File: 1585135818623.jpg (156.08 KB, 550x487, 2ADOAsQ.jpg)

what a bunch of clowns(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 87874
File: 1586018093913.jpg (155.88 KB, 1374x2048, EUosHZ8UYAE3ZSj.jpg)

steph recently tweeted this, can't even with her awful shoop.. what was she thinking????
No. 89087
File: 1587081887122.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.95 KB, 1080x360, wtf.jpg)

Reposting bc forgot to spoiler image
>>88712Agree with you.
Honestly wtf is this second pic? Steph tweeted this yesterday and I'm horrified. She's just getting worse and worse and she keeps butchering her face.
It's sad because she used to be so cute and she was fun to follow. Her YT channel used to be so enjoyable. How is she okay with turning herself into Frankenstein's hideous monster?
I feel bad for her and it really does feel like her sleazebag husband is the main factor in doing this to her. Her personality has evaporated as well. She spends all her time acting 'holier than thou' while promoting sex work and will vehemently rage on anybody who says otherwise and then turns around and act all positive and smiley. Envy and Vivka do this too and they're all trash tbh. Airheads. When will the instathot trend end
Can't wait for the day when Steph hopefully opens her eyes and does a 180, and is divorced while whining about being abused by her ex online. Maybe her personality will return then as well but it's too late for her butchered and bloated body. Super pathetic.
No. 89091
File: 1587082967959.png (82.99 KB, 571x330, bitchnmoan.png)

Dre constantly tweets and bitches and moans about being fat, most of the time she's complaining about it in the fashion industry. Seriously, if anybody spends five minutes reading her twitter they'll see it all. It's always phrased in a way where her insecurity and jealousy of skinny girls is blazing through. Hun, if you ate less+ate well, worked out, and stuck to it, you too can be the skinny girl of your dreams!! Or you can go the Kelly route and get lipo, but you'll probably gain it all back+more like she did and also be stuck with a permanently botched body.
It's ridiculous that she will do this and then tweet about "body positivity" when called out (or she'll ignore it altogether and bitch some more). She purposely avoids responding to skinny people who talk about their health struggles too. We get it, you're a plus sized "model".
"Just cuz you're skinny doesn't give you the right" Bitch, I've been seeing fat people everywhere making jokes about quarantine bodies too. It's literally one of the many jokes going around to help people cope with the times. Take that stick out of your ass. She always has a self made problem to tweet about (i.e. her recent bitching about Dolls Kill being "toxic", when her Strange Cvlt creepers were sold on there). God, what an insufferable cunt.
Calling it now that if she ever gets skinny in the future, she will be spamming everywhere with barely clothed photos.
No. 89237
>>89091I remember when she called me out on Twitter (I think 2018?) because I made her a compliment about her weight loss and if she has any tips (I also had probs with my weight). She attacked me lol. And I never knew she posted my comment on Twitter. Thanks to Guru Gossip and this page I found it out. She should not going too far how she reacts and reply… since then I unfollowed her. And she told the people she tried to reach out to me! Funny lady, she never did and she had the chance on Instagram because I wrote a message.
/ To Steph… it's sad how she looks. Do you guys think her husband… forces her? Sometimes she looks like she has fun.
No. 89243
>>89237I remember that. And then she said that the reason for her weight loss was that she "started drinking more water." like that on its own would make anyone lose weight.
I don't think steph's husband forces her to do anything, I think she built a following for herself in a very niche porn category (bimbofication) and now she's stuck and has to keep going further and further in order to keep making money.
No. 89246
File: 1587261065509.png (165.99 KB, 565x633, here we go again.png)

here she goes again
"not a complaint" ok dre.
we see you lurking.
No. 89249
File: 1587261366606.jpg (529.98 KB, 2048x2867, 33r294hh6ft41.jpg)

>>89248"This before and after genuinely makes me sad. She used to be so beautiful" is the thread title
No. 89251
File: 1587263083039.png (Spoiler Image,983.27 KB, 1085x676, steph.png)

This is reallllly sad. She's very obviously mentally ill and on some heavy drugs, or both.
Wonder if Justin supplies her with drugs to keep this going.
Her family must be so ashamed bc I can't see anybody being ok with this without some underlying bullshit.
Hope she gets the therapist she clearly desperately needs soon.
Spoilered pic bc it's very much needed
No. 89254
>>89251Sex work is empowering!! Get that cash! Hustle!
She looks miserable honestly in that left pic. Like a feeder's wife just getting through the day.
No. 89264
>>89254correct me if i'm wrong but the weird faces shes pulling is part of the fetish is it not? she's trying to look like a lifeless blow-up doll or a classic "air head bimbo".
I do agree with
>>89251, she really does look mentally ill it's a borderline joke at this point
Seeing the comments on reddit
>>89247 makes me feel more sorry for her, even the majority of men think she's ruined her body. Shes did this for a small % of men with the same fetish her (i assume) her/her partner.
No. 89271
>>89251>>89249>>89087>>88712It's wild that almost 2 years ago I was posting pretty much this exact sentiment but got shut down by wks yelling "This is HER choice! It has nothing to do w her husband as they are CLEARLY VERY HAPPY TOGETHER, OK?" I told you so doesn't mean much on a site like this, but at least people are starting to noticed how fucked up her body and lifestyle has become as the main breadwinner.
Isn't Justin some never made it self proclaimed "freelance" videography bro? Imagine shooting and filming someone you allegedly love do this to themselves because they are your meal ticket. All the surgery and injections can't be cheap to maintain either. It's so sad.
No. 90433
File: 1588204038336.png (128.48 KB, 546x442, stfu.png)

Dre is such a dumb ungrateful bitch kek I hope she loses all of her fans and sponsorships. She doesn't deserve them
No. 91659
File: 1588855635922.png (251.48 KB, 442x707, dre.png)

She tweets about not talking about the weight of people then talks about her own weight then gets pissed off when people talk about her weight.
Dre sweetie it's so obvious you are immensely insecure with your body. Especially by adding a gif of anorexic Paris Hilton.
Maybe if you weren't such a hypocritical egotistical cunt to everybody, more people would like you. /shrug
No. 92543
File: 1589145410977.jpg (324.93 KB, 1080x1565, IMG_20200510_231538.jpg)

Dre's latest posts on twitter
No. 92575
>>92543This looks like someone who is also her size looking for encouragment, but of course she's so insecure she took the offensive.
She is in Mexico with the bf so any weird posts (most recent two) are probably because they had another fight. This seems like he makes nasty comments on the reg
>>91659 No. 92702
>>92543smh the person sounded like they were being vulnerable and wanted help.. instead of replying positively, she publicized it. imagine if that person follows her on twitter and saw that? and right after she tweets about how she wishes people would be real with her.
she always talks about disliking it when people always bring up her weight, but that's all she ever tweets about? she's only inviting the topic to be discussed by doing that. just say you hate/are envious of skinny people and go.
she's a fucking mess. you're right dre, get off social media. you're a bad person and shouldn't be a social influencer. go work out your own mental issues first.
No. 92959
>>92789how does Dre actually still have supporters? She's done this to SO many people who have sent her DMs. She's constantly reposting them then shitting on the FAN that sent them. Then Envy/Steph/whoever show up to retweet it and shit on the fan more. It's become a pattern that happens almost monthly with her. Not to mention her other antics of queerbaiting with Jessie Paege. Where she convinced everyone they were dating and so gay and then it just stopped when they got all the attention they could out of it. Or when she baited with Chris Villain and then FLIPPED in videos/instastories/twitter for people DARING to ship them. After they did nothing but couples cosplay and kiss pictures.
she treats her fans like garbage that it's a real mystery that she still has any at all.
also does anyone know what happened with chris? did she just drop him when she got a real bf?
No. 96374
File: 1590594416313.jpeg (210.25 KB, 732x1035, CD77F41A-0536-44BB-98A5-D4897B…)

This is just me nitpicking. But those are some unfortunate extensions on Kota
No. 96407
File: 1590614217514.png (193.78 KB, 564x740, IMG_0058.png)

Steph made a post about how her cat got really sick and somehow made it all about herself and snuck in subtly promoing her content/ showing off her botched body? This girl is fucked in the head
No. 97184
File: 1590980699517.png (588.91 KB, 751x596, bob.png)

Wants to be ""taken seriously as a cosplayer""… this is her cosplay of Bob from Animal Crossing….
No. 97465
>>97184Looking at her makes me feel such disgust. I need a bucket for my puke.
Really so sad what a waste she is. Sure this is probably making her money now, but I can't wait to see her get old and be begging for handouts when her looks and plastic surgery don't cut it anymore. She had such potential to make a career out of her personality when the iron was hot but she dropped it and now has to resort to whatever the fuck this mess is. She looks like a botched beast. I'm sure her family is rullll proud.
No. 101762
File: 1592725680745.jpeg (804.91 KB, 828x1444, FEC473DD-90C4-48A4-81E2-73913F…)

She been in Mexico for months with him at his place and by the look she’s back in la , and they have split … again ! How many time’s is this now
No. 101948
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No. 101955
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No. 104333
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No. 104800
File: 1594542101429.jpeg (281.5 KB, 828x631, E5CAAA55-1B3E-4E78-89AA-CADEB8…)

Dres ex alexis has been posting on Twitter and insta things like this … he also did it
Last time they broke up.
No. 104854
File: 1594597354407.jpg (558.62 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200712-194131_Ins…)

No. 104860
>>104854But she DOES make porn
Fingering yourself counts
No. 104940
File: 1594677598536.jpeg (104.38 KB, 828x370, 3BB678C5-39B6-43F4-AE16-FB87D1…)

Strange, after years of wanting to move in with her best friend Chris villain ( yes I know there’s two others also friends in the apartment ) she’s now moving out.
I’ve noticed she never posts anything with Chris anymore since they moved in together , they were always doing YouTube videos, instagram etc and seen nothing for a long time,
Also noticed she went back to her grandmas after breaking up with Alexis and been at Kotas for a while.
Seems she’s pissing off more people
No. 104983
File: 1594703033196.jpg (444.22 KB, 1066x1600, Abbey-Bominable-017.JPG)

Just randomly found this when searching the name of a Monster High doll used in a cosplay by someone else. Kota used to look very different.
No. 106330
File: 1595483368699.png (43.3 KB, 553x237, dreidiot.png)

how long until she realizes hating on skinny people isn't going to make her into one? we get it, you envy skinny girls
don't ever preach body positivity again you hypocritical pig
No. 106521
>>106472Listen Dre/wk, this isn't the first time there's been "subtle" airing out of jealousy and looking down on skinny women via tweet. This was clearly sent out as a fake "woke" tweet to disguise the obvious hatred being harbored. It's not hard to see.
Remember how many tweets there were saying to not talk about her body even whenever people make positive comments about it? Pretty hypocritical since she's always blabbing about skinny people. Replace the word "skinny" in her tweet with "overweight" or "fat" and see how bad it still sounds.
Get over yourself.
No. 106527
File: 1595570445879.jpg (732.6 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200724-015843_Ins…)

No. 106552
>>106551you can literally see her muffin top and
>>>endless shopping(also potential lipo I don't follow the rainbow cows enough to know if she actually had it done)
No. 107142
>>107086Ok but she is self employed. Meaning she has chosen to make her whole life and livelihood about taking sexy pics. Or rather, her husband, who I guess she has little to no sexual relationship with if she's "ace."
Like why would you make that career choice? I think most people try to do jobs they somewhat like or are interested in when they work for themselves. It sounds like bullshit because it is
No. 107275
>>107142She chose to make it her career because she has a niche body type that people will pay money for and she can make bank. She also doesn't have any other marketable skills or education. The whole "bimbo" thing is a huge fetish and there aren't a lot of girls who are willing to degrade themselves and destroy their bodies in that way in real life, so there's definitely a market for that kind of content, as gross as it is.
Unfortunately, sex work (especially in such a specific niche) is not a long-term sustainable career, and iirc she's already in her mid-thirties. I hope she's at least smarter with her money than most thots.
No. 108540
File: 1596988849948.png (29.38 KB, 513x358, Capture.PNG)

So now this is a change in story. It's her husband who asked for a divorce after she made a big deal of "we both realized we don't actually love each other" which came after 5 years together. I'll bet he got sick of her shit. It's interesting that she used to post "I don't talk about Chris because our relationship is strong and I don't need to splash it on social media and now with her new man, she posts about him regularly. Does that mean she's not secure with her new relationship or did her husband just not mean anything?
No. 108607
File: 1597018323725.png (30.39 KB, 508x325, d.PNG)

Of course she "had" corona. How self obsessed is this girl?
No. 108791
File: 1597152312418.jpg (470.96 KB, 1500x1996, vnuowie.jpg)

No. 108793
>>108791Lol she is such an asshole whenever people comment
anything on her pics. She always has to call out her fans like it's some sort of compulsion. She can't ever keep it to herself. This lady is so bitter and mean.
No. 111015
File: 1599013473120.jpeg (280.67 KB, 750x776, A197F6F2-B42E-4460-9481-98CDC2…)

Isn’t Cushings one of the things Kelly said was wrong with her and why she kept gaining weight back? Maybe when they were still friends Kota had brought it up and Kelly copies her?
No. 111249
>>111015Was it cushings or was it Hashimotos? I wouldn't put it past Kelly though
Kelly also claimed that she's bipolar on a tweet recently and then a few days after Steph tweeted about the difficulties of dealing with bipolar people topkek
No. 111288
>>111249I remember her saying she had Hashimotos.
But I also remember her saying (to reason her lipo) that extreme weight-gain after 25 is genetical for all of the women in her family…
No. 112043
File: 1599867743646.jpeg (836.87 KB, 1125x2089, A32C1730-6811-47B5-8006-8C1652…)

Hi Molly! :)
No. 112861
File: 1600449745376.jpg (161.44 KB, 1440x1440, kodda.jpg)

Hey remember when Kota was a glamorous faerie with long silver hair? She looks like Holly Conrad now!
She seems to be a nice person and her music is underrated imo but her health has definitely done a job on her.
No. 112907
>>112861I think she also is doing recreational drugs which could add to decrease in health. I think she also used to be active and now just stays at home not really doing much.
But she is a really good song writer and singer. She would make a lot of money and feel accomplished if she worked as a song writer for others
No. 112941
>>112861Say what you will about the rest, but I actually like Kota and Courtney. They're pretty nice and lay low and I think Courtney spends her time fostering animals the last time I checked. Kota replied to one of my comments years ago and was super sweet and helpful too.
Now, has anybody seen Stephanie lately? Woof. idk how to post a video here but her lips look like they're about to explode and not in a good way. She keeps gaining weight too. She and Dre both rub me the wrong way, they're always immediately hostile. Vivka and Envy I don't know much about to judge. All I've seen from Vivka is her constantly making tweet threads being self righteous about everything and Envy I just know about her from this thread.
Molly, Claire, and Katie are all not memorable people.
No. 113054
>>112941Asexual Stef is a full-time blow-up doll for the sexual amusement of men, mostly her husband who is the photographer of all her porn.
Kelly who adamantly doesn't want kids now wants kids, because her boyfriend Stefan wants kids.
These women are real walkovers, huh.
No. 113055
>>113054Also they seem to attract dudes with power fantasies over women, like their main hobby is manipulating their girlfriend to do the opposite of what she naturally wants to. So: creeps.
I wonder if it's being a manic pixie dream girl trope that attracts such manipulative scum, or just bad luck (emphasis on Stef with this line, I don't think having kids is anywhere near as bad of a life choice as what Stef is doing, but both choices still oppose the true expressed wishes and interests of these women)
No. 113264
File: 1600681768881.png (691.2 KB, 775x762, Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 2.47…)

>>112941Claire is interesting in that she went from lolita to full bodybuilder. She looks like this now.
No. 114546
File: 1601506715393.jpeg (698.32 KB, 1125x1308, 0A7C1071-8073-4B3E-BD01-BF69FE…)

I think Claire looks amazing. She’s really been putting in the work.
No. 114575
>>114546Okay claire.
her non stop need to change her look seems like borderline personality disorder
(hi cow) No. 114592
>>114575Sage your "hi, cow" and retarded armchairing next time.
Claire seems like one of the more stable members of the former fellowship, and aside from not wearing lolita anymore it's not like she's going through crazy Abby Brown-style phases. She posted on IG that she doesn't wear much of her lolita anymore because it doesn't fit since she's gotten so muscular. I'm happy for her honestly, she seems much happier and at least she's changing her body in a healthy way and not turning it into a blow up doll horror show like Stephanie.
No. 114763
File: 1601693502757.jpeg (205.93 KB, 1694x1125, 6C7D426C-B1B0-4BD2-88F3-DA6126…)

Her videos are literally steps away from pornography. How long until she does actual penetrative porn?
No. 114784
>>114763Feminist queen doing porn under a sign that says "office cum dump"
Ironic also in that she'll never be able to get a normal job again after doing this shit. Even an actual office slut is higher tier than this, but repeating and acting out hateful sexist tropes is real great, Stef.
No. 114838
File: 1601798494173.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x1685, F0123F21-F737-45B6-8259-4CC20A…)

This is horrific. Not only does she look awful, she looks nothing like the character she’s supposed to be cosplaying.
What is she going to do when she ages out of the “bimbo” aesthetic (which will be soon;, I think she’s already in her mid-late thirties)
No. 114898
>>114874She looks pregnant or just really fat in her recent video
I don't know how to clip a video to here. She tweeted it with her recent nauseating bimbo vampire cosplay.
Asexual Stephanie tweeting about wanting to suck cock. What an absolute mess topkek
No. 114964
File: 1601914899856.jpg (648.09 KB, 2880x2880, 93d2e19.jpg)

>>114949The sad thing is that Stephanie was legit beautiful before she had any of the surgeries. I mean, it would be a tragedy even if someone unattractive had all this shit done to them but she could have definitely done the sex work stuff as an alt girl without making herself look like a parade float monster.
No. 114988
>>114960Yeah I see her interacting with the rest of the girls on Twitter. They literally all stayed in contact except for Kelly. Yet kelly thinks the rest are all the problem and she’s perfect top kek
>>114964jfc this is so sad to look at. She could have made a killing on YouTube bc she was interesting to watch back then but she went this route instead… I’ll never understand
Wish she’d stop with the bs asexual claims though. You can’t be a pornstar pretty much literally at this point and still claim to be ace. I feel bad for her husband. She probably wanted someone to take care of her and give her a roof while she stuffs herself with food and silicone while not touching him and leaving him with blue balls while providing jackoff content for scrotes with money online. Keep pretending to be pc and nice, Steph. You’re no better than
toxic ass Kelly lmfao
No. 115203
>>115113I think I read it in a past thread but don’t have a source, that the fetishes she decided to become involved in were
his fetishes, and that’s the reason why she got the boob job in the first place, etc. because he’s into it. Just tinfoil but it does make sense, she wasn’t doing this kind of stuff prior to getting engaged to him. She had real jobs for a while, I’m pretty sure she worked for lime crime at one point.
No. 115917
>>115203I don't even think that's tinfoil at this point.
There are women who get into the bimbo shit by themselves, but the rapid pace and dedication Steph went to look like a horrifying porn cartoon doesn't fit someone who secretly had this fetish all along
No. 116467
File: 1602991462006.jpeg (78.82 KB, 960x960, 461B48E7-3560-4C9F-980B-02E972…)

Can’t remember if Vera was a part of the Fellowshit or not, but she’s been cast as Poison Ivy in a fan-made DC film
Real talk though I did a double take and thought it was Courtney heh
No. 118501
File: 1604017228098.png (732.19 KB, 750x1334, AF80F532-C2BE-47E2-8FAD-F0DA7F…)

Does anyone know who or what Dre and TT are talking about?
No. 118583
>>118501They are referring to someone named Adora Batbrat wearing a "rape
victim" Halloween costume. She apparently deleted everything but there's a Reddit thread about it here: No. 119409
File: 1604636250848.jpeg (Spoiler Image,958.53 KB, 1125x2337, 56B0BF20-C299-4AF5-B9DB-121417…)

Warning: NSFW Image. Welp, looks like Stephanie is doing legit porn now.
No. 123318
File: 1606708063151.png (5.62 MB, 1125x2436, 8D72DD61-C31B-4ADA-9DBC-0A62C4…)

I guess she broke up with the guy she left her husband for…
No. 123982
>>123925She and her ex husband aren't even on speaking terms anymore, she's mentioned that several times in groups and on her personal page. She also said that part of why he broke up with her was because she "forced" him to be poly. Basically she wanted to cheat on him and get away with it.
If you've followed her for any amount of time, she has a history of this. She can't stay single for any amount of time, she rushes into relationship after relationship but doesn't actually bother to get to know anyone before jumping on their dick so the relationships never last.
Tbh i feel bad for her ex husband, he was the nicest and most stable guy she's ever been with. She's an insane narcissist who always has a convenient excuse for her behavior that you can't call her out on without looking like the asshole. She's now claiming to be autistic and ADHD so you can never criticize her behavior or else you're ableist.
No. 124040
>>123982Yeah I just wanna confirm this. I'm sure she's telling people it was a chill separation like in
>>123925 but she's just softening it to save face. She absolutely did leave Chris for her internet boyfriend. He was so upset about being ignored for a stranger (right after they got married too, they barely even lasted 6 months) that he eventually stormed out and left her ass. Then she moved the new bf in immediately from across the country because she was convinced they were in twu lub. Unsurprisingly, as with all of Molly's rationships she's now been crying for weeks about how he abused her and is milking that for endless sympathy points. Molly is a trainwreck
No. 124127
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No. 124128
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No. 130289
File: 1609704506784.jpeg (211.33 KB, 828x1490, 915B6D08-9111-4D9C-8D66-D2EA52…)

Am I nitpicking? Why is she always so hateful?
No. 131550
File: 1610273424475.jpeg (511.21 KB, 1080x1737, F48D4DD5-A7DA-4FC6-8EEB-424986…)

Stephanie talking about her “bimbofication” journey on Reddit and admitting that she has an online sugar daddy who drops 1k+ a month on her as well as her husband
No. 131564
>>131550So if her online SD stops giving her money, what happens then? She obviously has a niche audience, like I doubt bigger thots like Belle would consider a 1k donator to be a SD, he's probably Stephanie's main fan. Maybe another 50 guys giving $50 a month.
And this whole "Maybe I
am really a bimbo" - yeah that's called being groomed and bought out.
No. 132514
>>131598Was just going to say this. If she claims she's still asexual after this she's mentally retarded.
She probs was faking it when she started getting dms like that to throw men off. That's sad for the asexual community. Fuck you Stephanie.
It's times like this I wish plastic surgery didn't exist other than for legitimate medical reasons. It's hard enough being a woman let alone on the Internet, then you have stupid cunts like Stephanie enabling men to harass us even more online. I hope her "sugar daddy" drops her
No. 133253
>>132889She posted recordings she had taken of him screaming at her in a private group I’m in with her. He was terrible. She is absolutely doing better because he was so emotionally
abusive to her. I’m happy for her.
No. 134319
File: 1611582533682.png (145.44 KB, 497x622, hypocrite.png)

>>132514..She's mentally retarded. "lewd asexual mom" topkek
"I haven't talked about my pretend sexuality since it would deter me from making money from dumb paying scrotes"
You're not asexual or anywhere neaaar it honey, get over it.
One take at her nightmare fuel cringe porn vids would tell you that.
Her shoops are getting more and more horrific too. She wants us to believe that she's not obese and botched so bad lmfffao
No. 134744
File: 1611775862183.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1125x1879, E73BA10B-20CB-494D-9496-B02F77…)

Oh god, she’s going bigger.
No. 137340
>>136294That’s not true anymore.
(Mine are 11 years old)
Doctors also show peoples who are removed after a decade and essentially can be wiped clean
No. 138095
File: 1613226718498.png (7.88 MB, 1125x2436, 4AF44B98-9E79-44C3-ABC7-669065…)

I guess Dre is back with her boyfriend… again.
No. 139322
File: 1614089582151.jpg (45.31 KB, 735x715, omystephanie tesla.JPG)

e-whoring plus that husband must be paying pretty well
No. 140105
File: 1614732833053.jpg (190.28 KB, 1080x1818, Screenshot_20210302-185128_Ins…)

Sooo….is this a filter or are we seeing Katie's true face for the first time ever?
No. 140449
>>140345Yes, she's always trying to be extra queer. Was fucking hilarious to find out her "girlfriend" is a male troon
>>140426We don't need your input Molly
No. 141600
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>>141588I'm surprised you'd rather be this autistic about identity and not instead mention she's working with Holly Conrad soon.
No. 141659
>>141638Extra ironic since one of the reasons they were salty about Kelly is because she's friends with that cosplayer dude Leo (iirc) who cheated on his wife or something. But
this cheater is a fantastic human!
No. 141703
>>141659they were also salty with kelly for being friends with someone who has abuse allegations/grooming allegations. but evidently Jared's abuse and grooming allegations are okay.
it's also ironic that they threw shade at the companies kelly worked with because they had negative press. holly has documented proof of scamming a cancer patient, causing drama and bullying on the set of that cosplay show she participated in, stalking people who say "mean" things about her, cheating on her significant other, the Etika situation, merchandising her "scandal" by selling her canceled merch and using Jared as a model for it, gaslighting, and there are tons of caps of her alluding to killing herself due to the "bullying" whenever people say she's done shitty things. If that's not negative press then idk what is.
No. 141742
>>141703Is it really that shocking that these women seek out dating abusers? They like the constant
victim hood that comes with it.
No. 142259
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Steph got her shot. Now to wait for the spergs who demanded Moo and anyone of that age, can't get it, like before.
No. 143280
File: 1617168104315.jpeg (127.22 KB, 750x360, 2ED543DD-FD13-496F-88AE-24C82B…)

>>141832Not even a month into this post and she’s talking about getting plastic surgery. OnlyFans next I’m sure.
No. 143360
>>143357Or she could just want to improve herself for her own self confidence and happiness.
Keep reaching though!
No. 143456
>>143348Steph and Dre are constantly having drama and are
problematic af, they're just so extremely boring and repetitive one-trick-ponies that it's just not interesting anymore. I unfollowed them months ago because it'd be exhausting to even talk about them. But yeah, don't get the Molly talk either. A lot of these posts smell like self-posts, especially since these dumbasses still haven't learned how to sage.
No. 143528
>>143488Ma'am, this is a Wendys
>>143483>not doing this for other people>"terrify and turn on everyone" Other people are clearly in the forefront of her mind, she also publicly announced it on Facebook. If it was a purely personal journey uwu why announce it or mention other people at all?
Extra hilarious if it is Steph itt since she literally larps the bimbofication fetish full-time for money, which is the epitome of "getting surgery for other people"
No. 144428
File: 1617924744529.jpeg (304.88 KB, 750x1084, 8370D241-69FD-4FDB-B79A-EF776D…)

I wandered over to Kota’s page. And she still gripes about having gained so much weight. Kota you’re not the first person who’s ever gained weight before and you’re not the only one that has trouble getting dressed. It’s been 3-4 years. Throw on some spanx or work on losing the weight stop complaining
No. 144485
File: 1617956979420.jpg (206.36 KB, 1170x1894, 170281564_462593298157118_7222…)

>>143546This is a trend with her, though. Every time she gets into a new relationship, which is constantly, she goes on a brief "self improvement" kick which lasts a few weeks at most before she goes back to being a lazy slob and blames it on everything except herself. The only difference is now she has a partner with money (they've paid for her to get terrible tattoos, paid out of pocket for her doctors' visits, etc, according to her own public posts, and they are talking about buying a house together which molly absolutely couldn't do on her own) so she can afford a solution she doesn't have to work for.
Pic related. The one and only time she went to a gym with her last ex. But she was totally dedicated!!
She is milky because she goes through identical cycles in relationship after relationship, but nothing ever changes, because she never views herself as the problem. She always blames everything on her partner and thinks things will be different with someone new, but because she refuses to address the real issue (her own behavior), nothing changes.
No. 144566
>>144485And honestly who the fuck cares if she’s
gasp had failed relationships?! Everyone has!!!!
No. 144649
>>144485“She couldn’t afford to buy a house on her own”
LOL who could?!
How is that milk lmao
No. 144676
>>144528>>144564>>144566>>144567>>144649learn to sage at least if you're going to be so transparent about the fact that she sent you here to wk for her.
Yep, the image was posted before covid, which is obvious because they're in a gym and not wearing masks. How long before covid? How do you remember this so specifically? Spoiler: it was long enough before the pandemic that she could have gone back to the gym at least once. She didn't. She went one time, said she was totally changing her lifestyle to be a "health goth," even made a whole instagram for it which she abandoned, and then never mentioned it again until these recent posts. Even with gyms closed, if she was "committed" to changing her lifestyle there is a lot she could have done during quarantine. Plenty of other people did. She is just fucking lazy, and it's a pattern. It is always someone else's fault with her.
and no, i'm not "obsessed with her" or screenshotting everything she does. i actually saved this screenshot from either this thread or the previous one. Scroll back and you'll find it. the filename should give away the fact that it isn't my own original screenshot.
why do you cape for her? Like seriously, what is she doing to make you defend her so hard? She's a shitty person and she treats all of her friends like shit. Maybe you are the one who needs to get help if you are willing to go in so hard on defending someone who treats everyone around her like garbage.
No. 152948
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>>152381I had been wondering the same thing. Lurked and found her ig. She's still active
No. 154668
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You would think by now you would know this isn’t a good choice for make up
No. 167669
File: 1628983135668.jpg (420.92 KB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_20210815-011500__01…)

Two year anniversary??
Didn't they break up like three times in the past year?
(idk how to post the TT video so here's a screenshot from insta)
No. 167921
>>167671He dropped her 1000% bc of the boyfriend
Dre lost like all her friends kek
No. 173740
>>173354Oh my god… she looks awful, her face is haggard and her eyes look so tired and empty. Her surgeon should have held off from giving those implants, hell that size shouldn’t even exist, it looks so fragile and the skin is probably pulled taut. She is not mentally well. She’s using this bimbofication stuff to cope with her depression but it’s the last thing she needs right now.
She needs an intervention but the people around her are only fuelling this lifestyle. And her Twitter is full of just fandom junk, it’s sad but it just feels like she’s empty. Terrifying.
No. 174540
File: 1632761685106.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1125x1825, 8F60B84C-3085-47A4-B2C4-516CAC…)

Welp. NSFW.
No. 180499
File: 1636096020468.png (124.29 KB, 1080x652, Screenshot_20211105-013118.png)

It's been a whole month since we had any updates on our cows, so here I am.
Kelly: Has been living with her boyfriend for over a year. Claims to be bipolar and still don't know how her boyfriend copes with it because it can be very draining. She has distanced herself from her social media presence, she hasn't streamed in a while and supposedly is fully dedicated to her art. This past summer she mentioned wanting a breast reduction (finally). She patched things up with her ex Davey Suicide and I am not sure if she remains friends with Leo Camacho.
Dre: Still the same snowflake. Got back with her mexican boyfriend Alexis for the 100th time so they can milk each other. Still queerbaits claiming to be pan. She either lost a lot of weight or she shoops herself is even more extreme than before. Still bitter that reacts aggressively to any comment.
Stephanie: Went bigger with her implants, fully commited to the bimbofication process. Doesn't she get extreme back pain? I still think her husband Justin is to blame.
Envy: Still the same thot, but apparently she is in a relationship with a so called artist in LA.
Phi: Still into cosplay and seems to be close to Steph and Envy. She claims to be a writer. What did she write?
Courtney: Now can be found on Onlyfans. I haven't confirmed how explicit her content is, or if she went downhill and followed Envy and Steph. Everything points to her trying to stay relevant.
Kota: She gave her IG account to her apparel store Mori Moon, but hasn't been able to commit to one aesthetic, her items are all over the place and seem to come from Aliexpress. Her band was rebranded as "Future Moons" and it's only her and the hubby Tommy. I read somewhere that they were not in good terms with all the other former bandmates, they couldn't keep up with Kota's demands. Or maybe is the husband's fault, who knows.
Claire: She completely followed the fitness path and wants to get certified as a health coach. But somewhere in her journey she decided to be poly. She supposedly lives with her boyfriend Kyle but neglects him because she is too busy milking her girlfriend Alyssa as a prop for her daintygal & beefywoman couple trope. Neither her boyfriend or her girlfriend appear to have other relationships, only Claire.
Katie, Vividka and Molly: I have never followed them so I cannot spill any tea.
And this is it for now. Please don't let this thread die.
No. 186288
File: 1638925791295.png (2.02 MB, 1080x1340, Screenshot_20211207-200248.png)

>>184932Claire is loooking like a snacc rn, too bad she is fooling around with the poly bullshit. I lost track of her but checked out on insta and her girlfriend's couple photos are cringy af. As for Kyle, online info says he is single. Did he finally get tired of Claire's ego? I hope so.
No. 191467
File: 1641163444747.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1598, Screenshot_20220102-174110.png)

>>186364Kyle posted this on xmas. I am confused now. Are they still together or not? I heard he claimed to be in a poly relationship and has two partners. Who is the other partner? Because he only displays Claire. The other partner must be horrible or imaginary kek.
No. 195482
File: 1643475821212.jpg (309.28 KB, 1920x1440, poly.jpg)

>>195475Kyle doesnt have a 2nd partner, unless he starts getting with Alyssa too.
No. 197086
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No. 200912
File: 1647213832805.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, E938269C-D788-4F2F-959E-B14AC6…)

Kelly may have gotten rid of her crystal tattoo but Courtney still has hers
No. 207925
File: 1650418857985.jpeg (Spoiler Image,168.8 KB, 700x1459, A075E673-FE64-48C2-B74E-63EFFF…)

she went full bimbo now
No. 207943
File: 1650424211721.png (Spoiler Image,538.62 KB, 638x467, whattheactualfuck.PNG)

>>207925just went through some of her reddit posts and holy shit it's depressing
No. 207975
>>207943This screams "I'm in an
abusive relationship with a coomer who has eroded my self esteem to the point where I pretend to and/or have convinced myself that I enjoy being the breadwinner of our family sacrificing my body and dignity to make other coomers coom" level degradation kink. She probably had pretty poor self esteem to get roped into being Kelly's sidekick for as long as she was, but yikes. LA is such a sick city.
No. 208063
>>207975This is precisely it, I suspected the same even years back when she hadn't gone full bimbo.
She's had her Insta deleted a few times, last time I checked, but she does angle her photos and use fisheye lenses/effects so things aren't quite as bad as they look. There was a clip of her walking down the street and she just looked normal.
I think a major component of the bimbo kink is "ruining" a "nice girl" so she regularly posts these comparisons so her simps can think of how much they "ruined" her, but she is enabled to shit by her husband here. What a life. Remember when they got engaged via a cute puppet show with all their friends? How times change…
No. 217751
File: 1654471789260.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1125x1976, ACC7DF3A-FBAD-449C-A13F-385020…)

With the amount of muscle Claire has put on in a relatively short amount of time, especially with how vascular her hands look, those abs and that defined V — she’s got to be on some juice.
No. 217776
>>217751Something mildly terrifying about this, her face just says
pain to me. Is this a trauma response or what?
No. 217881
File: 1654540434906.jpg (481.39 KB, 1079x1045, Screenshot_20220606-111708_Ins…)

>>217795>>217751She was basically Olive Oyl if she was a sweet lolita. I think she's dating Kyle Hill aka sci_phile who's enabling her transformation
No. 218081
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>>217841I can’t say that she’s not on something, I have no idea what to even look for in that department, but i think the way her face looks in that photo is just because of the lighting and being sweaty. She posts lots of makeup less photos and doesn’t look bad at all. I think like you said she just used to photoshop a ton in the lolita days.
No. 218292
File: 1654632265605.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1733, 77C33A8B-52D7-46CB-A2D1-EB5B36…)

>>218154She started about mid-2019. Her side-by-side photos are pretty surprising. I’m a certified personal trainer and have been lifting for several years. Her body transformation definitely gives me not-natty vibes.
No. 218435
>>218424Exactly. Everyone so thirsty for some new milk they are reaching.
It’s been like 3-4 years not months. She’s still got the same frame, she’s just shredded.
No. 218577
>>218292I call bullshit, no one who is a personal trainer says "certified" because we are all certified, lol. Its a given. If anon is a personal trainer, I'm the Queen of France.
This comparison from 2019 to 2020 is hilarious.
Let me explain something to you that would have been covered in your cert, if you actually had one. the volume of a muscle as compared to the diameter is not constant. the difference in muscle volume between a 9" diameter bicep and a 10" diameter bicep is not NEARLY as much as as difference between the volume of a 13" diameter bicep and a 14" diameter bicep.
This is called the square-cube law, and you definitely should know it if you are a personal trainer. for every proportional increase in size of an object, the surface area is squared and the volume is cubed. this isn't even difficult math.
so of course someone who is super skinny is going to look a lot bigger a year later. that's literally how all of this works.
this can absolutely be done naturally.
No. 218632
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>>218608How do you know she isn’t certified? She posted about taking the classes
No. 222537
File: 1656005627873.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1119x1624, 0E956D5B-BD2F-47DF-BEB9-44ECAE…)

Man hands.
No. 231285
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No. 231740
File: 1658532162763.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1125x1964, E55EA6AD-AF01-4728-BD4F-061BAB…)

Looking rough.
No. 250663
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No. 284443
File: 1677994093773.jpeg (Spoiler Image,147.63 KB, 750x917, 0D3884D9-7323-4AFB-8C78-12A525…)

Boobzilla looking botched barely able to fit into her panties at waifu expo(spoiler your shit)
No. 284490
File: 1678048205787.jpg (738.91 KB, 1450x1034, st.jpg)

Stephanie used to be soooo gorgeous before all the botched surgeries.
She advertises that all men are after her now but I'm betting more men were interested in her before
No. 284495
>>284486The scum she's catering to don't really care about weight as long as there's giant boobs stuck on a body. It's like she's trying to emulate fetish deviantart.
>>284490This new look of hers is probably easier for moids to approach because they don't respect her. She's just an object to them.
No. 284548
>>284490the more you objectify yourself and pick-me, the more you will be used by men. in the literal sense. used up, thrown away. beshitted and bespoiled.
no woman deserves this. we gave those fools life, and they take ours and our everything for their coom. they are the antithesis of woman: men are the death of womanhood.
look at this poor woman. look at what she's done to herself for this. that amount of surgery, and pain, and harrowing mental gymnastics. for what? one greasy xy with his hands in his boxers to glance at and move on.
we deserve better. this is so fucking fucked to see. this hurts the soul to see.
fucking bleak.
No. 284761
File: 1678250981327.jpeg (106.82 KB, 750x600, awful cosplay phase.jpeg)

>>284628not that anon, but that's not the same thing at all. after she got cheated on she tried dressing sexier and did cosplay shit, yes but the first boob job was not because she was into bimbo shit (no woman is)
>>131550 she only started to lean into the bimbo shit later because of her creep husband whose into it. some thot cosplay is not the same as becoming a full-time pornstar of a niche fetish like extreme bimbo modification with millions of dollars spent on plastic surgery. she changed a lot after that breakup, but the bimbo shit is for her husband. she was thot posting but its not "leaning into" botching your body beyond recognition till and posting porn of yourself on reddit. the moid husband has a bimbo fetish and recorded all of her content because he was the one into it and she just went along.
had she dated a different type of loser like kelly did with skeletor, her whole life would be devoted to being a commie larper with a boob job like kelly is. but shes with the weirdo porn-addicted guy so shes now a porn-addicted, "bimbo". this was absolutely not where she was heading, shes just retarded and easily influenced by moids
No. 284769
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>>284758>Yes nonna, people date and are engaged before getting married usuallyThat has nothing to do with anything that was said.
>>284761It's not her husband then. he probably likes it the same way the scrotes who follow her do, but acting like her's been behind all of it when she clearly gets off to it too if you look at any of her content, is insane. She was messing with surgeries before they even met. Botox and looking around for doctors isn't his fault and she got the attention she wanted and spiraled.
No. 294741
File: 1682783724889.jpg (Spoiler Image,271.39 KB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_20230429_082338_Twi…)

Forgot to spoil, sorry, reupload:
Did she even get her surgery? Her profile are all scrubbed of the gofundme but this and a link way at the bottom of her linktree to a deleted gofundme. She had a family member get surgery on Feb 15th of this year. Did she scam people? Her tits don't look any different and she has had zero downtime.