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No. 23163
File: 1622325181305.png (827.37 KB, 1864x1752, moids.png)

>>23160I have an actual complaint about closing the Kiwifarms thread in /snow/. It attracts Kiwifarms scrotes who were banned from Kiwifarms to this site. It has been happening over and over again in the previous Kiwifarms thread, which is why it is in autosage mode. But some retard decided to make a new one and my complaint to close it has not been listened to.
Picrel is a guy called SIGSEV shitting up the site with his unfunny copypastas, a part of the reason he has been banned of KF is because of this type of behavior.
The banned KF scrotes have made their own site to shitpost on (not gonna mention it), but they are also watching this place and trying to stir up shit by posting bait and causing infights.
No. 23164
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>>23160Here is a post by one of their members talking about the current spam in the MtF thread so you know the scrotes are definitely watching and probably engaging in egging on the crazy troon further.
Please don't give them their own thread cause they will spread their scrote autism all over the site and not stay contained in the KF thread.
No. 23166
>>23165The only people posting in it are autistic males who are too fucking spergy to even stay on the Kiwifarms. If anything actually happens at Kiwifarms we can still make a thread about it, you are just giving them a reason to come to this place and they will go into other threads as well and you know they know how to ban-evade.
But it's your site, I think it is a mistake to keep the thread.
No. 23167
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>>23162kek what does this even mean? Im sorry admin but you sound retarded as fuck creating new acronyms to cover all the users that “
TERF” doesn’t cover lol. This site’s really entering its death throes now ladies
No. 23172
File: 1622329152670.jpg (262.32 KB, 1080x914, Screenshot_20210529-155715_Sam…)

I'm tired of seeing this thread bumped. Autosage it or nuke it. These spergs bump and complain about WKs as much as the Bellefags. They probably are tbh.
>>>/w/153485 No. 23173
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>>23167Radfems are too morally pure for imageboards.
No. 23179
>>23162Lmao admin, who the fuck will understand that?
Just go with
terf, anons don't mind it.
No. 23190
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>>23168Nobody cares, trannies are the ones whose identity is so insecure that they throw a tantrum whenever anyone says they're male.
No. 23200
>>23191Done here
>>23198also, not the one who created the OC image
No. 23223
File: 1622382863319.png (474.82 KB, 668x668, 1585420324295.png)

>>23203>>23204Thanks for the warning, I'll keep on avoiding this site for few more days.
Advice for the anons who are staying:
>download an extension that swaps every picture in the page with something else (I use Ncage on Chrome, it swaps every picture with one of Nicolas Cage)>turn it on before browsing lolcow>don't hover on pictures, don't click on pictures, otherwise the Cage censorship will go off>report suspicious posts (ie: an empty post only containing a picture, a more obvious post containing a picture and some word salad or copypasta)>check the replies to decide if it's safe or not before opening the picture, if there's none, don't risk itGodspeed. Sending strength to the farmhands too, hope anyone who's dealing with the removal of those posts is at least desensitised to gore. Hopefully the incel will remove himself from this planet soon.
No. 23225
>>23224Just read the past complaint threads and you will find plenty of evidence of this.
>the screenshots are totally doctored and fabricated!cope
No. 23230
>>23218This site isn't some radfem,
TERF safe haven. This is lolcow. Its never been some radicalized man hating space just because men aren't allowed
No. 23234
>>23233On the subject: What ever happened to the practice of just deleting super obvious bait/raid posts? It's been repeated for years now but the best policy is to delete. That way no farmers will have the opportunity to misunderstand and reply. The reason why anyone does that shit to begin with is because they know it will be seen and will bother someone in the userbase. They don't care about being redtexted and banned because they will evade. The best way to deal with this kind of person is to not give them a platform.
Worked really well with getting rid of robot posters a few years back.
No. 23237
>>23235Seriously I don't see how MTF threads are worse than for example celebricows thread (imo worst threads on lolcow). How is femboy thread worse than lefthots or tradthots where there's also a lot of dumb takes and sperging?
I didn't think this before but it's really starting to feel like shitting on and nitpicking women is allowed but doing it to men crosses some line here.
No. 23253
File: 1622398511391.png (244.93 KB, 2392x1444, modleaks.png)

>>23252Re-posting it for you and probably getting banned for it, but here you go.
These are leaks from the mod discord. Ingenue is the current admin.
No. 23256
>>23160I've been having real problems using the catalog on multiple boards but it's mostly happening on snow, every thread I click on it redirects me to a diffrent one plus it's usally redirecting me to Shaynas thread or the vent thread?
I've cleared my browser cache and it's still happening, so is it the site?
No. 23257
>>23255I imagine they’ll want someone to code that for them. Kek
>>23253damn no gossip site/servers free of shite admins/mods.
No. 23261
>>23256It's the site telling you that it's time to post that Shaynas pussy is ugly and she has ass boils for the 4 millionth time.
>>23238Yeah but many threads pull in non-regulars. In fact I'd say most threads do because the moment you pick a new target, they and their friends come spilling in. If any topic is interesting show up. If someone is big and people are curious about them, randoms come spilling in to hate or defend. Every thread has this.
>>23237You are correct. Kiki spammed gore but the threads about her, her sister,and her foes all stayed until they died peacefully in their sleep. Male thread though, we are under fucking attack!!! Close it omg!!
Also, I think it's interesting how any time any of us ask about the actual topic at hand (which is the gore spamming problem) we completely get ignored and then when someone chimps out about either side about what thread should stay or go THEN we get a reply basically telling us all to shut up lol.
Like what are you dooooooooooooooooing???? I'm starting to think there is a solution but they're just not taking it because they're so fed up with users here for just using the damn site. Which if it's that, just give the site to someone else. No need to act holier-than-thou in the OP and then scurry off giggling with some deranged expression.
No. 23269
>>23261I agree with this.
>>23267She can't complain about being shit on when she constantly posts passive-aggressive shit like in the OP of this thread. She hates the userbase and it shines through in every post and ever since the discord mod chat was leaked a lot of people don't think too highly of her. Especially after it was revealed that Ian, former admin and gay scrote, is still involved with the back-end of the site cause she can't deal with it herself.
No. 23271
>>23256Try giving the catalogue a few seconds to load fully before clicking, I'll sometimes get the wrong thread if I click too fast, maybe that's your issue too.
>>23261>It's the site telling you that it's time to post that Shaynas pussy is ugly and she has ass boils for the 4 millionth time.Kek
No. 23273
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>>23270It's not tinfoil, it's all leaked info from former moderators.
No. 23275
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This anon is right
If she can't complain on the vent thread or here on meta, then, why don't you just make a gc thread and done?
No. 23279
>>23276Nta, but I believe them
Do I have to remind you admin gave a star to someone who said "I hate radfems"?
>>23278I feel like we're this close _ to people letting trannies run wild into this site. We already have so much baiting and raid shit. Mods probably love trannies.
No. 23280
>>23276Yes I do believe that this person is a former moderator and old fag, since I read all of their posts and they know a whole lot about the history of the site, shit that you can't make up at the top of your head.
You don't have to believe it, nobody is forcing you.
No. 23284
>>23281>Admin is niceDang do you like liking boots this much?
If admin is so nice, then why do actions speak louder than words?
>You can't gatekeep lolcow foreverGatekeeping on what? Because we don't want stupid disgusting unstable trannies and scrotes running wild on here? Gatekeeping them is a good thing. Why do you hate women? Why do we have to give them our space? Can't they be the ones to fuck off to 4chan, kiwifarms, reddit and twitter? They have those spaces aaaall for themselves. It's like you're the one gatekeeping things because you want to give this site to trannies and scrotes.
>>23283>Admin and a few others are the ones trying to stop the natural evolution of this site.Exactly. This site is naturally a terfy site, a radfem site, a site for women only, for all kinds of biological women. We love, appreciate, and need lolcow. They literally hate "femcels".
No. 23288
>>23281She very clearly hates radfems, she doesn't allow GC discussion or a manhate thread even tho a large portion of the site wants to have that back. She literally made the site worse in every way because of her own personal biases against women who she perceives to be more priviledged than her.
The culture has very clearly changed in that with the current year troonery and anti-feminist sentiment in our society a lot of women feel pushed more towards
TERF ideas, since this website is mostly made up of female posters a lot of us wish to have a place to talk about these very real issues that are becoming more and more important. Admin is literally the only thing standing in the way of that because she wants to get rid of GC discussion completely, which very much goes against what the userbase wants.
If she leaves maybe we can finally have those threads back and not have to bend over backwards to not step on troons feelings.
No. 23297
>>23293I didn't even say that, are you the same anon that can't read as
No. 23298
>>23296Are you completely retarded? Because obviously
>>23275 this anon in /ot/ just got banned for GC discussion. Try making a GC thread and see what happens you donut.
No. 23299
>>23294Wishing an entire board is radfem and filled with TERFs isn't going to make that true, anon. Thats not what most of the userbase is just because that's the majority of anons you stick to interacting with. Not to mention how anons have pointed out exactly what everyone hates about you guys, you don't keep to your containment thread. Trying to derail other threads with you GC biases isnt suddenly making the entire board a
TERF playground. You guys are retarded as hell.
No. 23305
>>23285>there are no raidsWhat is all the gore posting and scrote threads then
>get a fucking liferight back at cha
No. 23307
>>23302>MtF thread is not for GC discussion, go to /OT/!>/OT/ is not for GC discussion, go to your containment thread!You are honestly so fucking dumb.
Admin refuses to give us a GC thread and then at the same time is upset when people talk about GC issues elsewhere. You just can't fucking win, because it is obvious that Admin doesn't want TERFs on her website.
No. 23308
>>23303Because a lot of farmers are radfems, radfem and gender critical opinions pop up naturally
Honestly, if trannies want their own drama site, there's the new 8kun or whatever and they have a whooole board for scrote drama. Why do we have to accomodate trannies and scrotes? Just accept that this website isn't for you. Stop trying to push the narrative that radfems are the ones ruining things. You and your dumb complaining is. Go back to kiwifarms. This is so pathetic.
>>23306Lmao no arguments left? You lost
No. 23309
>>23307Scroll up nerd you can do some more reading where these anons (>>23295
>>23294 >>23289) point out GC discussion is allowed in most threads there's just not a specific thread for it because it creates a situation where undesirables come to the board and annoy everyone.
No. 23311
>>23307Nah you're the retarded one. If you can't understand why someone would be banned in the vent thread on /ot/ for bitching about meta that belongs in meta, you need to get the shit out from between your ears.
There are plenty of gc discussions that happen in /ot/, you just refuse to settle with knowing that. Take a break, your seething is super annoying and whiny. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the anon that got banned in vent thread actually.
No. 23313
>>23309>>23311Nta, then why did this anon
>>23275get a "not a gc thread" red marker?
If mods were less asleep all the time they would ban all other discussions too
No. 23318
>>23308Do you think there are like two groups of people in the world, radfems and trannys, and no one else? I don’t get how much of an echo chamber you have to be in for it to be this unfathomable for you that people on a gossip site don’t want to read retarded
terf discourse recycled from 2014 in every thread for years on end. I don’t get how it’s not a simple thing to people to understand that this degree of derailing on any topic would and should be banned and why there has to be this much “debate” over it.
No. 23320
>>23317You're just giving space to larping scrotes to try and prove they're female and answering you
>>23315We know you are retarded no need to prove it bro
And I don't even know what anon you think I am kek
No. 23321
>>23318What exactly bothers you about
terf discourse? Cause most of it I read is just people saying men are not women and women are not men and also that sexwork is no work. What bothers you about people saying these things?
No. 23324
>>23318More like the tranny movement is so high right now that trannies are everywhere and on a site as terfy as this they get so
triggered that they wanna claim it for themselves
No. 23326
>>23313Because it's clear that that anon moved from meta to vent just to continue the argument about whether or not radfem shit should be allowed on the site. That anon's responses were all to posts specifically about how /meta/ sucks and people were complaining about gc.
I'm not sure how many times this needs to be said: they went into vent thread to have meta gc/radfem discussion. Vent isn't a GC thread but nothing they said had to do with personal venting, it was all meta gc stuff. So maybe a poor choice of words but the way I read it was "don't bring that bs here, this is not the right thread for it"
No. 23329
>>23318Yes. There are a lot of types of people in this farm.
Gender critical people
Libfems that hate trannies
Scrotes larping as female
Trannies seething
Girls that know this world is dehumanizing towards them
Fujoshis that are only into 2D men
Girlfriends that get mad at their boyfriends and wonder why are all men the same
Lesbians being loving to one another
And people like you who complain
No. 23333
File: 1622405413174.png (1.67 MB, 2000x2177, mv8oebovje941.png)

>Picrel is a guy called SIGSEV>Kiwifarms scrotes who were bannedIt couldn't possibly be someone who's not him and has no connection to the Kiwi Farms whatsoever that posted that post, right? It couldn't be that someone got so enamoured with said post, they posted it on the copypasta thread for a laugh, right?
You all act like pic related, holy shit. You millennials really need to get lives, let alone jobs and hobbies LMFAO.
No. 23334
>>23285>You annoying cunts won't stop shitting up threads complaining about the same shite when you've been told to report and ignore.Tell that to the sperg who started this whole discussion again in the first place, when they could just report rule breaking "gcsperging" and hide the mtf thread. At this point anons just immediately get hyper defensive because they knew the same baiting shtick from 1+ years ago successfully got 3 threads and a whole board closed and calling out obvious troons and men banned, yet they never once get painted as the infighter or shitstirrer or get redtexted or shat on by the mods and jannies themselves or get their samefagging revealed or get warned to not sperg out in the OP. The blame is always on the radfems who aren't even fucking radfems.
I fully understand the frustration of the staff team, but I also understand anons feeling unfairly treated.
No. 23336
>>23318>people on a gossip site don’t want to read retarded terf discourseand who could these be? trannies, scrotes and cows themselves?
>>23319>same cuntsAnd you aren't the same dick complaining all the time right, no, totally another new set of balls complaining
No. 23341
>>23338>>23332Hey now, I for one am one of those people on a gossip site who love to read retarded
TERF nonsense written by men pretending to be women. It's a breath of fresh air from reading about the men pretending to be slutty, no limits women on Reddit if I do say so myself.
I urge all "TERFs" to continue posting their nonsense.
>Get a lifeNah, that would require work, and millennials hate work. I can't blame them. Getting handed trophies just for showing up - man, what a racket.
Millennials treat life like everything should be handed to them.
>I need a job, you have an opening, hire me! What do you mean I'm not qualified? I need a job, you have an opening!>You're single, I have the required genitalia, let's fuck! What do you mean I'm not attractive to you? But I have the genitalia you like!>This franchise appeals to people other than me. It needs to pander exclusively to my interests. What do you mean that's not right? And what do you mean I haven't financially supported the last few franchises that've pandered to me?>We have to stop climate change. But what do you mean I have to make sacrifices and stop living the way I do?>Zoomers are fucking awful. What do you mean I'm projecting my own flaws onto them just like we complained boomers did to us? I deserve to be able to not have to face my mistakes and errors!>>23338
>TwitterfagsImagine being this irrationally angry over a random site online you can ignore.
No. 23345
>>23341>copying my "Nah" to make it seem like you are meNah bro
>>23340no 1 curr go to sleep irishfag
No. 23349
>>23341>millenials>millenials>millenialsWho the fuck literally asked, who the fuck cares
>>23340leave and don't come back autist, you sound exactly like the type of moid that uses 4chan as their personal blogpost, no one cares if you have an unwashed irish ass, your opinion is less than warranted, mate.
No. 23351
>>23342I don't know exactly why, but my guess when would how they said "I hate you all" and "I don't know why I subject myself"
It just seems more like a personal venting rather than blatantly complaining about the site itself, which does belong in /meta/. idk idk
No. 23352
Who bets that once this motherfucker
>>23340 goes to sleep no more actual discussion about hating on radfems will happen because he's the same larping scrote who samefags kek
No. 23358
>where they all get asspats for sucking tranny dickImagine being this obsessed with a literal less than %00000.1 percent of the population.
>>23346Bait harder? Why? You took it anyway. Also, the fact you have to keep resorting to "Kiwimoid" is so touching. Keep on pretending you're a woman, dude. Not like it shows in how you speak. I'm sure if I keep posting, you'll eventually call me a kike or a nigger like your generation usually does.
>>23349Who the fuck cares? Then why did you bother responding?
>>23347That'd require actually leaving the house, millennialoid. But then you'd be risking boomer lives if you did, so no go.
>>23348TBQH, I didn't even know I was banned at any point. But hey, if the admin would like to ban me, I wouldn't care. You'll probably assume just about anyone is me or some shit anyway, and it's not really a big loss to me. Unlike you, I wouldn't feel
triggered by my loss of access to a rinky dink gossip forum lol.
Heh, ban-evading. LOL. Unwarranted self-importance is such a staple among the millennialoid generation.
No. 23364
>>23358>Who the fuck cares? Then why did you bother responding?Why do you keep posting then?
it's so painfully obvious it's just the same poster baiting lmao, down to the weird reddit spacing.
>less than %00000.1 percent of the population.Tell that to twitter, tranner
also, why so pressed about millenials? literally who mentioned that shit lmao take your meds please
No. 23367
>>23354*I feel are from Twitter
No. 23368
>>23364it's the dumb moids who sperg out here constantly cause daddy Null kicked them off his moidsite, you can tell it's them cause they don't believe anyone on the internet could be a woman.
Also post gore cause they are disgusting moids.
No. 23370
>>23368Like I said
8kun has a whoooole drama board for scrotes only
I've seen it before
Why can't they fuck off there and instead have to come and shit on this website
8kun is literally the place for that kind of moid
No. 23371
>>23370They have 4chan, they have Kiwifarms, they have their weird Kiwifarms enclave, they have twitter, they have 100 of other imageboards dedicated to them and their porn addictions. Literally the entire internet caters to moids and their delusions. But they want to post here because they know this place has women posters and they are fascinated by a female community, trying to learn how to "pass better" and probably some are getting off on reading scrote-hate. They will literally never stop trying to insert themselves into female spaces and trying to control them. Until all the women leave cause we don't want to be surrounded by scrotes and go somewhere else, only for them to do it again in the new place.
Women can't have shit without trannies and scrotes wanting to be involved in it.
No. 23374
>>23371>They have 4chan, they have Kiwifarms, they have their weird Kiwifarms enclave, they have twitter, they have 100 of other imageboards dedicated to them and their porn addictions. Literally the entire internet caters to moids and their delusions.Fucking this, exactly. Damn exactly.
And now that the irishfag went to sleep, no one else is complaining about radfems lmao. Like this anon said
>>23352>>23321>>23317>>23331Exactly, they couldn't give an answer, they just want us to bend over for them because they can't tolerate radfem discourse and want the farm for themselves. But they will continue complaining, and complaining, and complaining, and then gaslighting everyone and pinning it onto us. And then they will say we're the problem, and bait, and bait, and bait harder and complain on meta and admin will talke in account their shitty poop-stained opinions because she dislikes radfems as well.
No. 23375
>>23373Well I'm brown and mexican and I'm a
terf because troons are disgusting, so why is she even complaining
also, jesus christ. It's so obvious who in here is a scrote baiting. Now the baiting has subdued because the self important asshole went to sleep lmao
No. 23383
>>23378You keep calling GC discussion sperging but you can't even define it. What bothers you about radfem discourse? Does it
trigger you when someone says that men can't be women?
No. 23384
>>23381Didn't you go to sleep?
chill down with that self importance bitch
No. 23390
>>23386and do you think we care
go and do as you promised here
>>23340 No. 23399
>>23389if they're annoying to you then just ignore their posts and continue scrolling down to read more drama or whatever. Literally not that deep, easy as moving your mouse as you eat hot cheetos staring at a screen, why even get mad for nothing?
unless you are a troon and gc comments do get to you personally
No. 23411
>>23162why is it when male-centric boards make fun of trannies it's just normal boi stuff but when a woman-centric board does it suddenly it's a political statement?
Do you really think a bunch of users here are second-wave feminists that are coordinating an attack against a random imageboard? Or is it more likely that the OG userbase of this board are depressed millennials that think idpol went too far so now they bitch about it anonymously online to pass the time.
I feel like most of the "radfem bad" posts come from zoomers who discovered this shit via PULL dying/ the onision threads. We haven't even had pinkpill/fds/radfem threads for months but everytime I come to meta some retard is in here bitching about them kek
anyway admin remains retarded. don't cut yourself over it.
No. 23414
>>23406No one here cares if you're bothered by tranny talk. What is up with all of these
victims here crying over not being able to have the site be 100% in their favor?
No. 23421
>>23416Not the case actually. Anons want to GC talk, they don't want to force everyone else to have GC talk.
Forcing a group of people to not do something is not the same thing as wanting to do something but being forced to not be able to.
No. 23426
>>23423I guess I never saw it this way.
>They don't want anyone to speak in favor of trans people here though. However, if they had a board they would be able to talk about it as much as they want. But other anons don't want them to have their own board aka "go to asherhera garden" or however you spell that.
No. 23430
>>23426>>23427You two just contradicted each other. My point is there shouldn't be a need for "post on x site instead" because it should be possible to passively support trans people without infighting as well gc discussions without infighting on here.
>>23428This normally results in getting labeled as bait. Obviously idk anyone else's post history though, so maybe that is the case in some instances.
No. 23434
>23430People will infight for any reason, it's in the nature of the site.
>>23431>Lolcow is a place to chill,It's a drama/gossip imageboard.
No. 23448
>>23445Mtf thread isn't a containment thread for GC, it's a thread to make fun of mtf cows. GC is a banned thread. GC discourse happens throughout the site.
>>23446 just get over it. Majority of women do not like trannies, western women are already getting the abominations shoved in their female only spaces IRL. Just another fucking failure of society we have to keep our mouths shut about, so forgive us if on our little board in cyberspace that is a dedicated female space we moan about men and trannies in relevant ways. Maybe if you all left us alone we wouldn't speak about you
No. 23452
>>23448“Most women” also don’t want to talk about nothing but trannies 24/7, that’s not the point of this website or why people come here. Again with the usual mentally ill conspiracy that everyone who doesn’t have your exact same perspective is a tranny. It shouldn’t even be a source of debate. There’s no
valid reason why this group of spergs should just be given continuous special treatment to derail every thread and if it’s something the admin doesn’t care about and intends to just continue to allow why even bother keeping up with this “lolcow doesn’t pander to your ideology” and “the mtf thread is for cows” charade. Just make it a radfem site because it practically is at this point.
No. 23461
>>23458Ignoring spam is a
valid tactic for moderating image boards. Constantly banning and deleting spam just encourages a spammer to spam more. It some situations it's better to not give them the reaction they're looking for and let them get bored while wasting their time.
No. 23462
>>23284You're deluded but you can keep trying to re-write the history of this site. It is not a radfem website, and many of the users calling themselves radfems are going through a phase. Sorry to break it to you but there is more to being a radical feminist than hating on trannies and shaming camgirls. It also doesn't involve making racially charged memes of me, or spamming threads in a tantrum.
I don't have anything against actual radfems and I don't dislike all GC posters. They're not all unhinged and they don't all vomit their manifestos in every MtF thread.
>>23273I want to understand the reasoning behind this. So this person may or may not have had previous involvement with the site, but they provided no specific details about under who or how many years ago. What does this have to do with the current staff? Let me entertain the theory that the original admin is still involved, and I totally can't code. Wouldn't there actually be site improvements by now if you really believed this?
Oh wait, that
isn't what the post says, but it differs from Nulls pathetic running theory
from the exact same source. He actually made an announcement the same day of these "leaks" and changed a few details, spouting that the old admin is running the site as proof of women's inferiority. All I'll say is that these totally legitimate sources should really refrain from using the same handles everywhere, and these sources should refrain from proudly flaunting their relationship to Null because it's absolutely embarrassing. It's totally not suspicious to proudly proclaim your dm'ing null right before you both make posts in the same thread.
I really don't care what the majority of imageboard users think of me, I think that's the point of the sysadmin / administrator gig. There will be improvements to the ban system and banning specific images from ever being posted again, it isn't AI though. However, whether or not you want to believe the rumors I'm reiterating that I'm the only one doing all the technical work. It's difficult to find qualified women to help out, I got maybe 3 other farmers helping out with the other server. That's it. I really do wish there was some mysterious fag watching over all of us and doing all the work but it's not the case. I've been paying the majority of the server bill out of pocket and the server has already been upgraded twice in the past 2 years alone. I do appreciate the donations we've received in the past and the help of some staff who also chipped in, so I cannot say that I've paid
all of the bills. All I wish for is for the site to thrive, whether or not it's in my hands. Trust me when I say that there's already been an attempt to infiltrate the site from at least one adjacent community.
No. 23464
>>23458>Why did mods let the most absolute woman-hating rape photos and gore photos be spammed for HOURS a few days back yet people get banned in a thread like Shayna (snow) for bringing up her zombie boob or talking about how much better her animals would be if animal services visited her.How many retards like you will it take to understand that different mods mod different boards and that a mod on one board might not be able to moderate another board? Gore and cp for the most part are mostly posted on /meta/ and /pt/, you will rarely see gore being posted in /snow/. Know why? Because the sicko is aware that their posts are less likely to be removed quickly if they post it on /pt/ or /meta/. That's why they also rarely seem to post it on /ot/.
Did you even see that cp was posted here just a few hours ago? No because it was deleted quickly enough because apparently /meta/ mods are around. But other times they aren't around. Even if mods from /snow/ know about the cp/gore they can't do anything without the right perms.
No. 23468
>>23462Thank you admin for laying it out
I'm gender critical but even when I was at the height of my trans anger phase (it's a common feeling I think for women who peak) I could see that this site is being filled up with pp/gc topics. At the time out of frustration with troons, I was happy about that, but it quickly got overwhelming. If I'm in /ot/ trying to read unrelated threads, it's annoying to keep running into the same shit I read elsewhere multiple times. And I get it, I usually agree with the points, but please can we take our minds off it sometimes? This site isn't radblr, it gets annoying even though I agree because I'm just trying to chill, not get angry all the time about troons or men. You
can sperg all you like on radblr, and I think it's fine to discuss here but right now it's a mess. When anons keep bringing it up in unrelated conversations it makes us look bad, too, like they really do live in our heads rent free. I enjoy the mtf thread but lately it has been filled with derailing, even when I agree with the points or find them interesting: you know it's not milk. I agree that a lot of you aren't radfems, your motivator is being angry at troons, which is 100% the understandable reaction I had too but dude stop taking yourself and this site so seriously. If someone even makes a joke they get replies taking it seriously or calling them a scrote for anything. I get it. I've reported anons who were likely scrotes but it's way out of hand when anons pull that card on someone for the littlest reasons. You may not like how other women think or behave here sometimes, I often don't, but stop assuming we're all scrotes it's actually its own kind of restricting to assume all women think the same. I know you
want us all to agree, but remember this is a gossip imageboard filled with strangers. Most of us are against troons so stop freaking out thinking if we're not radfems then we must be TRAs, it's not so black and white. And being gender critical is not the only quality of a radfem. AND some farmers will disagree, there's no rule saying we all have to share beliefs.
Also I know how horrible it is to see gore, but when some of us complain we seem to forget that the mods are the ones who have to assess
all of it. I'm positive they hate it even more than we do. It just sounds unhinged when people in /meta/ act like mods totally don't care about gore posting. They aren't paid and are understaffed so I can imagine how sometimes it takes a while to be spotted and removed by them
I know it sounds like boot licking but trust me we all have complaints for the site. I'm trying to say chill a little, everyone isn't out to get us. I don't see why we can't be a little more civil to save everyone the headache as well.
No. 23469
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Can we have the snowflakes back like in picrel circa Dec 2020?
No. 23472
>>23462>Wouldn't there actually be site improvements by now if you really believed this?Not related to the gc/radfem/previous mod stuff, but why hasn't there been site improvements?
>>23469The snowflakes were kind of annoying after a while, tbh.
No. 23477
I don’t get it. Why not just let the TERFs be? Literally why is it such a huge problem if anons don’t like trannies?
>They derail every thread
Where? Can you post specific examples? It should be really easy to do this if it’s true. The closest thing I’ve seen is what’s going on here, ie someone spergs about hating radfems and then the struggle begins. Or someone mentions that they think trannies are gross offhandedly. If the latter keeps happening and it bothers you, maybe you just need to accept that a lot of farmers just don’t like trannies and ignore it instead of starting a fight. You don’t even need to be a radfem to dislike them. Admin literally called them TELFs, kek.
>It attracts scrotes to the site
This site will naturally attract scrotes because it’s for women only. I know some people who post this specific take actually want that rule removed too, so I’ll move on.
>They make it seem like Lolcow is a radfem site
Why would you care about an anon board’s “reputation”? Were you hoping for it to be seen as “normal” one day? That won’t ever happen, and it shouldn’t. Women come here to talk about how ugly, fat, stupid, and fake other women are. It can already be classed as a “woman hate” site if you know which threads to take evidence from. If trans women are women, why make exceptions for them? Their general thread and overall bitching about them belongs here for the same reasons tradthots, lefthots, IG and Twitter e-girls, etc have threads and anons on /ot/ talk about disliking pick-mes.
If we can talk about how hideous a woman like Shayna’s pussy is, why can’t we talk about another (biologically male) woman’s ballsack pussy lips?
No. 23481
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Literally this could all be solved if pink pill/man hate threads would come back. Just add more rules in the threads and try to encourage more people to become mods if you really feel like you need the leverage admin-chan.
the biggest issue that we don't have any place to dispel our manifesto autism and the mtf thread doesn't encourage, which is fair.
No. 23482
>>23474Yeah I saw that happen too. Pronoun policing should be against the rules from either side.
Sometimes I think things are attributed to radfems but there's some tells that make me think it's just /pol/-tier male homophobia using GC as a trojan horse. If /pol/ terms were red texted it'd be really easy to spot the difference (not an actual suggestion).
No. 23484
>>23471? Why would they make you itchy?? You're cute in an unusual way lmao idk why that cracks me up. Anyway though lets not have them back yeah
>>23423>>23462I think a lot of this discourse is unfairly centered around "radfems" tbh. As others have said, you don't HAVE to be a radfem or GC person overall to dislike trannies. The reality is most people (both genders!) don't like how aggressive the whole trans thing is being pushed lately. It's not even just a women thing, men cant stand it either. but they'll never be as loud because FtM's mostly leave them alone whereas MtF's stalk women every place they go desperate to fit in or fuck. So regardless of what your political stance is, as a biological women in todays world its completely natural to have such a strong aversion to them. You know?
Think a lot of this keeps revolving around "well them with their political takes!!" Women just want men/trannies to leave them alone. In all languages, in all countries all over the world this is what women all have in common. So yes, from time to time women here will gripe about men. Because they're sick of it and know that the rest of us will understand which is the perk of a womens site. Once you remove that perk though, then its the same as any other scrote site where we're told to shut up and go back to the kitchen. I think all this anger about "GC seeping into all other topics" is silly because of course women will slap down annoying man-favoring shit. Just like men do to women-favoring shit. The only difference is men high five each other and women + men tell women to shut up when they go to do it. To stop talking about gender altogether removes the need for the site to be women only to begin with.
Anyway none of this matters-when do we get the lolcowfarm patch that patches out the gore/cp posting? What does it take to get that? How does 4chan do it on their blueboards, it's just all jannies too?
No. 23489
>>23462>you can keep trying to re-write the history of this site. It is not a radfem websiteJust because its not historically a radfem website doesn't mean that it hasn't evolved to have a large userbase of GC women, radfems and overall trans-exclusionary ideologies. You can't dictate the userbase, you tried your hardest by taking away the GC thread and trying to silence GC discussion as much as possible by making it "off-topic" in the MtF thread and in /OT/.
>there is more to being a radical feminist than hating on trannies and shaming camgirls. It also doesn't involve making racially charged memes of meWhat memes? YOU are the one being criticized for being racist cause you think we are all rich white women based on some dumb statistic from years ago. I didn't know someone who so desperately wants to silence GC discussion is the authority on what GC discussion is supposed to be about.
>Let me entertain the theory that the original admin is still involved, and I totally can't code. Wouldn't there actually be site improvements by now if you really believed this? But you DON'T CODE ANYTHING! The most you do is give us new banners and dancing snowflakes. You leave up old site announcements for months and you have failed to put a stop to CP and gore spam for years. You don't do anything, the site still looks like something out of 2004. You can't even include several images in one post like almost all other imageboards allow.
>Null Null Null NullNobody brought up Null, I don't know why you're so obsessed with him trying to secretly plan something to usurp you just because he keeps tabs on what is happening on here and posts about it on his own site, who gives a shit?
>All I'll say is that these totally legitimate sources should really refrain from using the same handles everywhere, and these sources should refrain from proudly flaunting their relationship to Null because it's absolutely embarrassing. It's totally not suspicious to proudly proclaim your dm'ing null right before you both make posts in the same thread.I honestly have no idea what this is even in reference to but you seem to know the person who is posting the leaks, so you confirm that they are a former moderator and know what's going on, hm?
>I really don't care what the majority of imageboard users think of meYou clearly do and you have complained many times about how much it stresses you out. But you do not take any advice, you actively go against what the majority of the userbase wants and you try to control discussion on the site that you personally don't like by banning topics and threads. Don't be surprised if people don't appreciate you for it.
No. 23490
>>23477Based post, anon.
The only "GC sperging" outside of the MtF and FtM thread I have seen recently is in celebricows, but it is topical because Ellen Page just trooned out. You moved the thread to /ot/ instead of /snow/ against everyones wishes, so now you will get more spergery in it and we get blamed for it.
>>23478Literally nobody has explained yet what their issue is with radfem posters other than this vague "you don't contain your sperging to the containment thread that doesn't exist." If someone mentions off-hand that they don't like trannies or if someone doesn't respect a troons pronouns, why does it bother you that much? Honestly it's because you're either twitter-tards, Aidens or Hons yourself. Any rational woman who is not a handmaiden agrees with at least with the TE part of
TERF. Otherwise you will in a while when a disgusting troon enters your own sphere.
Honestly how can you still say "troons aren't that bad, you just have a persecution complex" when they have literally been spamming gore of dead women in the MtF thread for DAYS just because women dare to make fun of them?
No. 23492
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This thread is my favorite
No. 23495
>>23493Why do you want to merge it? /w/ is perfect to keep the weebs away from the normal people.
If anything we should have more boards. For example one for GC discussion and move the MtF and FtM thread there.
No. 23497
>>23411>why is it when male-centric boards make fun of trannies it's just normal boi stuff but when a woman-centric board does it suddenly it's a political statement? This is like an off-site meta statement now, but tranny sperging on 4chan is still frowned upon outside of the shithole containment boards. People will randomly bring up trannies whenever there's a masc female character or a trap or accuse people of being trannies, and they're told to fuck off back to /pol/, /lgbt/ or twitter, and stop obsessing over girldick.
Anons here will tell you to hide the threads you'd be interested in, but get mad when they get told that if they think someone's a LARP-er, then don't engage them and start calling people scrotes left and right.
No. 23498
>>23492>you're breaking the rules, can you stop that?May I remind you with what this "meltdown" actually started with?
>>22897It started with infighting, just like you and the anon above making spergy fanart of admin did for almost two fucking threads now. Stop trying to play the "normal person who did nothing wrong" when all you do is provocate and somehow never get punished for it.
No. 23502
>>23497This isn't true at all, lmao. Go on 4chan right now, any board that's for discussion instead of image dumping.
Use a cat girl as a reaction image casually. At least one person will call you a tranny, and if you try the "Go back to /pol/ or /lgbt/", they'll tell you to dilate. Try it now if you don't believe me. Stop spreading false narratives.
No. 23504
LC is not one thing or the other. It's only the autists who can't understand.
No. 23505
>>23497>tranny sperging on 4chan is still frowned upon outside of the shithole containment boards.kek no it's not? it's trannies who get told dilate and sneed and ywnbaw the second they identify themselves. You're crazy if you think the tranny sperging on here is worse than on 4chan
>hide threads you might be interested inand why exactly does twanzphobia make threads sooo unbearable to you? Since you use 4chan and are definitely a woman you should be used to ignoring violent misogyny all the time. Why don't you do the same here? Did you also write the 4chan mods asking them to ban misogyny because it dErAiLs threads you want to read? Or does transphobia affect you in a way that misogyny doesn't?
No. 23506
>>23502What? They tell trannies to go back to /lgbt/, not /pol/tards. Both groups are annoying when they bring troonism into everything, can you not comprehend that?
>>23503I never said it was worse, I said male spaces do not just automatically accept derailing and consider it non-political. The rest I won't even address, take your meds.
No. 23508
>>23505There is also raging misogyny on here that nobody ever complains about. And racism that nobody ever complains about. And homophobia that nobody ever complains about.
The only thing that is constantly complained about is transphobia in the form of "le evil GC spergs". Wow I wonder why.
No. 23509
>>23505>it's trannies who get told dilate and sneed and ywnbaw the second they identify themselves.Because it shuts down discussion. No one wants to discuss tranny issues, regardless of if it's positive or negative. Most people want to discuss a board's subject matter.
>>23505>and why exactly does twanzphobia make threads sooo unbearable to you?Because it's fucking boring. The exact same shit has been repeated for years. Posters here agree that troons are abominations that will never be women. Posters here agree that they shouldn't be allowed in women's spaces because they are all sick perverts. It doesn't need to be said because everyone already agrees.
No. 23510
>>23506>non politicaldepends. Just calling elliot page a woman or saying nonbinary isn't real or that agps are creepy etc aren't political opinions, they're just factual observations that most people irl would agree with regardless of political ideology. Whole essays about gender identity and radical feminism are political and often annoying, i agree.
Anyway I'll take my ban but literally everyone here can tell you're male
>>23509good thing that the rules of the site aren't based on what you think is boring or needs to be said
No. 23511
>>23506What you said:
>People will randomly bring up trannies whenever there's a masc female character or a trap or accuse people of being trannies, and they're told to fuck off back to /pol/, /lgbt/ or twitter, and stop obsessing over girldick. That's definitely not "They tell trannies to go back to /lgbt/". Don’t try and backtrack.
No. 23512
>>23510>good thing that the rules of the site aren't based on what you think is boring or needs to be saidGlobal Rule 6
>Do not derail or disrupt discussion./pt/, /snow/ and /w/ Rule 7
>The following contribute nothing, even globally.>Repetitive comments/ot/, /g/ and /m/ Rule 2
>Infighting is highly penalized and discouraged here. No. 23513
>>23510No one actually got banned of saying Ellen Pge is an anorexic FtM or saying trannies are cringe. People do get banned when they go to ban evade in the vent thread or write a "I'm so worried about girls today, since so many autistic women[…]" maniphestos as a non-sequitur into the unpopular opinions thread when it's in the OP to stop saying the same (GC) shit over and over, it's not unpopular, and it just leads to a wall of condolances and trite discussion. It's not even like anti-natalism or sex industry discussion which usually gets forcibly stopped because it leads to infighting, even though it's at least not as stale, but most people agree that troons will never be women.
>ad scrotum argumentHow original
No. 23516
>>23510>Because it's fucking boring. That's your opinion. Personally I find the threads that just post camwhores porn and dissect it and criticize every inch of her body boring, but I know that other people find it interesting. I don't come to /meta/ to consistently ask about getting it banned because "it spreads misogyny across the site and they also criticize other women's bodies in /OT/ and talk about how a celebritiy cow is fat!
This site is not a hivemind and differnt people care about different things. If you are a scrote then you probably just don't see trannies as threatening because they are not threatening YOU. Ofc it is boring to you that they want to go into women's bathrooms and harass little girls for tampons because you're not personally affected by it. If you're a woman then I guess just wait a couple of years until you realize that you will be expected to completely cater to these men in dresses in your everyday life and run the risk of getting fired from your job for accidentally misgendering a totally real and
valid 6'5 womxn. Come back to me when that happens to you.
Sorry that women's issues are boring to you, but you're on a site for women. There are literally a million sites where nobody talks about trannies ever cause it is a banned subject.
No. 23519
>>23516>you disagree with me so therefore you must be a manEvery time. It's the weakest argument possible and it's just another misogynistic tactic to stop women from speaking. Men have preconceived notions about women are allowed to think and say, just like you.
>This site is not a hivemind and differnt people care about different thingsWhich is exactly why people are asking for a limit on GC discussion, not for it to be banned. Not everyone wants the site to be purely about nitpicking some camwhore's asshole for nth time, just as no one wants the site to be nothing but GC discussion. I don't get why this is hard to understand.
No. 23530
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All they do is derail and complain about how ugly they think Belle is and complains if someone doesn't agree and starts samefagging. Can we nuke this anon already? This retarded nitpicking isn't milk, but everyone is a whiteknight if you disagree with them, right?
>You too belle anon, not everyone is a WK.>>>/w/153682 No. 23532
>>23529If you mean the sex work thread, I don't even get who that's for. When I glimpsed inside it was all infighting, sometimes someone blogging about wanting to start camming, some actual sex workers trying to justify it with figures, but mostly just anons shitting on them
fortunately. But I assume most actual onlyfans-anons avoid /ot/ and any cow thread where they can't nitpick more successful camgirls.
No. 23533
>>23531So basically… things you don't like (GC sperging) ALWAYS off topic and must be contained!
Thinks you like (nitpicking women's bodies) is totally on topic and should be allowed everywhere!
Sound logic, anon! We really should enforce the rules based on what people find boring and don't like! Please ban all subjects I don't personally want to read about!
No. 23538
>>23523What you posted is another GC sperg that is not relevant to the current discussion.
>If you're a woman then I guess just wait a couple of years until you realize that you will be expected to completely cater to these men in dresses in your everyday life and run the risk of getting fired from your job for accidentally misgendering a totally real and valid 6'5 womxn. Come back to me when that happens to you. How is this relevant in any way? Derailing threads with GC shitposting on an image board is not going to protect anyone or do anything in real life.
>>23537>you don't want troons living rent free in your head? You don't want to talk about troons all day every day? Then you must love troons. No. 23541
>>23537You people are so stupid I feel like you have to be being wilfully obtuse. They don’t “have a problem with transphobia specifically”. Gc sperging is being brought up specifically because there is a problem with derailing about
that particular topic across the board. If there was an equivalent amount of derailing about some other topic anons would (and have, many times, which you would know if you weren’t a complete newfag) complained about that too. No one is out to get you. People don’t care about the topic of derailing, it’s annoying regardless of what it is.
No. 23549
>>23547I don’t think it is. And I have seen literally zero people asking for that. People are just asking for mods to do something about derailing.
>Being "gender critical" is the default for 99.9% of the worldOkay? I don’t get why you people keep saying this like anyone has disagreed.
No. 23554
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>>23530This sped is a certain kind of samefag when called out.
No. 23568
>>23565i dunno the fact its been mainly in the mtf thread makes me think its some scrote
>>23567like i said if it bothers you i would suggest getting a chrome extension for an image blocker. there isn't much else you can do atm
No. 23574
>>23569I came here to say I'm hoping it's him falseflagging a fight with himselves and not actual anons when it was asked continously to not engage in flamewars with him and there's a
big red bold text asking people not to do it.
No. 23579
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>>23162Should you not be worrying about those ugly cuts on your wrist first and foremost instead of what other peoples political beliefs are? Especially on a heavily female oriented site, you dumb retarded faggot?
No. 23584
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No time to delete gore, but they got time to ban people for drawing cows?
I don't get it, I thought that was pretty hilarious.
No. 23601
>>23524Never! Stupid function only good for attention whores and trolls.
Pls don't implement
No. 23605
>>23501>/pt/ a legacy cow boardSeems more like a board for active cows that have more interesting milk than just "is fat, ugly, and says stupid shit on twitter". Though the current state of both boards is honestly pretty shit in terms of active and interesting cows.
I'd move cows like the queen, lori, kiki, and even gimpgirl to the "legacy" board. The legacy board would be kinda like /manure/ only not hidden and anons could post their own threads on it, I'd imagine it more like a hybrid of nostalgia posts and in keeping up with any web 1.0 cows who've lasted to this day. Whereas /pt/ is more for active cows that constantly produce milk and /snow/ is more for minor e-celebs and such who act stupid and say stupid things but not to levels of say, sperg-chan in her prime.
Sorry if I ended up describing the function of /pt/ I just thought it'd be a neat idea.
No. 23613
>>23611An anon in /ot/ was once having a meltdown over how her worldview was ruined after being exposed to radfem ideals and how horrible men truly are and how she wanted to go back to the time when she wasn't aware of any of this. It's painful to realize that men or the society at large don't really give a shit about you so it's better to pretend that women who do speak up are just being fussy stupid blue haired feminists who should ease up a little.
>>23609>Muh anonymous vietnamese cave painting forum reputation! We can't have people think that a website created to discuss some costhot's pointy elbows doesn't care about my pet issue! kek
No. 23617
>>23544None of those places are anonymous or imageboards.
> kiwifarmsThe same place where there was an incel complaining about not getting laid and that women only want successful men in their MtF thread like 2 days ago…sure.
No. 23619
>>23615And you sound like a man trying to mansplain radical feminism. It's pretty hard not to pipeline from seeing how men act when they're anonymous to becoming pinkpilled and eventually radical feminist. Maybe they aren't full-fledged no-makeup wearing radfems but not everyone is so autistic to make a checklist of what is and isn't a radfem aside from belief in the core beliefs.
If I have to rephrase my question for your liking then: how can you be a female on the internet and not become disillusioned with men (i.e, pinkpilled)?
>>23613Kek if none of us woke up to it how many of us would have gone along with obvious predatory moids and gotten raped or had our heads chopped off? I'd rather be miserably aware of my status as a second class citizen than missing and presumed dead.
No. 23620
>>23618I never said anything about the rules, I just wanted to make fun of your suggestions because you're bullshitting so hard kek.
> crystal cafeTroons are all over that site, please tell me you aren't this stupid. Are you new or something?
(Samefagging) No. 23628
>>23614No one is stopping you from complaining. You can't stop people from commenting on it though.
Zoomer newfags unironically believe that you can control the general sentiment on an anonymous forum. Given that your whining, I mean
complaints are mainly with the userbase, the non-retard option is to go to a place where the userbase is more like you. It really is that simple.
Do you know why the scrote haters are here and not on 4chan? Because they're not retarded and they understand that they shouldn't be in a place where "/v/- NOT VIDYA" used to have containment "misogyny threads" that did jack shit go stop /v/irgins from raging about wemins literally every 5 posts in every other thread. The idea that we should take your proselytizing seriously instead of embracing scrotehate as part of the culture and telling you to kys/dilate is peak newfaggotry. What do you think big bro 4chan would do if farmers tried minimodding misogyny there?
I can give you examples of posts where obvious moids whine, I mean LEGITIMATELY COMPLAIN about the girls being mean to them, as if the situation isn't reversed in 99.9% of other imageboards. As per usual, all the bubonic faggots whining about SJWs "taking over" lolcow are doing what SJWs do - ordering people to radically change the culture of their online corner because it'll totally happen if they stomp their feet enough.
(Move on ) No. 23633
>>23468>Also I know how horrible it is to see gore, but when some of us complain we seem to forget that the mods are the ones who have to assess all of it. I'm positive they hate it even more than we do.Previous jannie here who had to deal with the gore and had a meltdown over it. Can confirm, the gore I had to remove (which I did so quick it wasnt reported) was accompanied by misogynistic text which was either done by a tranny or a scrote larping as a tranny (and to some people here, thats the same thing). I will say this peaked me, I used to think GC anons were OTT but now I have sympathy with them.
The only criticism was when I was a janny and suggested if the non cow boards were causing so much trouble delete them and just keep this site discussion of lolcows, and was proudly told by the owner that this site is all about "free speech" and that would be "stifling" it. This was after deleting and banning the pinkpill thread and banning certain other things being discussed. I'm all for the owner doing what they want with the site, but that statement in conjunction with those actions just made me laugh.
No. 23636
>>23619NTA, I used to call myself a radfem, but realized most modern radfems are just libfems with rad aesthetics or conservafems trying to larp as radfems. Guess that's what happens when giants like Dworkin fell to reformism/allying with conservatives, now everyone does it. Nobody wonders if this is just another one of one of her bad takes, like calling lesbians nazi's for not putting up with polilez bs. Older, still alive radfems are just purple tankies ever since 'the Tyranny of structurelessness' came out. If I want to argue over theory or get sperged at, I'd go to radblr, Ovarit or one of the many discord servers. Sometimes I just want to laugh at trannies, without having to read spergy pseudotheory rants or multiple 'if you don't join in with our spergy liberal culture war, you're a troon/scrote' posts in a row.
It's also laughable that ya'll genuinely seem to think that getting troons to post gore on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is 'true activism', bc you feel you need to preach to the choir a little more. There are women out there protesting outside of abortion clinics to scare away conservatives posting gore irl and then you got 'radfems' wanting women to witness gore online and allying with those same conservatives irl 'to own the troons'.
This is more a vent than a complaint, so it's understandable if I receive a ban for this. The culture war ruined imageboards (further) and this stuff is just the culture war, but make it for women.
No. 23637
>>23636This annoys me, because for men, not liking trannies isn’t the culture war. It’s just Tuesday. But when it’s us, it’s a whole fucking thing with endless infighting and a movement that must be stomped out before it dominates the world or whatever. It’s like women aren’t allowed to have opinions that Twitter hasn’t co-signed.
Why can’t we make fun of Buffalo Bills and tell them to fuck off from our spaces and have that be normalized without libfem/radfem shit? Why does it have to be a big deal? Why is it a radical move to reject mentally ill males? Most of them are no different from incels, so why is it taboo to dislike them? Activism for what? FOH, most of us still have to pay for menstrual products while condoms are free in some places.
You don’t need to be a radfem who’s read 10000 Andrea Dworkin writings to say “Chopping off your cock won’t make you a woman”. Manifesto anons should start blogs and podcasts so anons who are interested can keep up, and I’m sick of the interlopers coming here to complain about anything anti-troon being posted. Love how mocking other women for having imperfect tits is fine, but
god forbid we have a giggle at the ugly man in a dress who harasses lesbians.
No. 23640
File: 1622627651600.png (119.05 KB, 1829x784, whereisthemilk.png)

>>23639No one's against transphobia, people are against treating LC like it's your radblr blog. This isn't event "transphobia" per se since it's from that femboys thread that I think it actually mainly /lgbt/ tourists vendetta posting their own boardmembers.
No. 23645
>>23644I do report them, I just brought an example, because anons will sometimes I saw someone say it doesn't leak outside in the past.
>>23644Discussion pertaining to milk. Not "hey, I've been thinking, and why do they hate terfs". But at this point this discussion did the same circle 80 times, so it's probably useless to debate in good faith.
No. 23646
lmao I knew they would come for the femboy thread next, since it is another thread talking about male cows and needs to be silenced
Curious how every time a thread from lolcow is posted to /lgbt/ suddenly you have a bunch of people in meta complaining that it needs to be removed from the site.
>>23640Literally discussing femboys saying "we are just feminine men and not degenerates, everyone who criticizes us is a manly
TERF". It is as on topic as you can get. There is also a shit ton of milk being posted every day.
Literally you are only whining because the on-topic discussion is twansphobic.
No. 23648
File: 1622643400609.png (256.9 KB, 1890x840, angry_tranny.png)

>>23640This poster is also whining about the same post on /lgbt/ right now. Literally just an angry tranny trying to get threads talking about them taken down. Good job moderators for banning a woman to please a man.
(BE-Take your ban and go ) No. 23656
>>23651There's no such thing as just banning all VPNs across the board. VPN companies constantly lease new IP ranges or they'd be absolutely useless, and anyone can make their own VPN which then wouldn't be known to this system. The only reason it seems to "work" on 4chan is because they have so many users that every conceivable VPN has already been used by a bannedposter by the time you try to do the same thing, not because they can somehow automatically ban all VPNs. You already can't post here with a lot of common VPNs. It'll continue being a game of whack-a-mole. Either way, it might reduce the CP, but not the gore. It's not like they're afraid of spamming that with their actual IP.
>>23655I saw
and reported this too, absolutely ridiculous.
No. 23664
>>23639there's this comrade autogynephilia cow who periodically spergs in the tranny sideshow threads because 1) the way people make fun of trannies is hurting his soft scrotal skin and 2) what people believe about incels is feminist libel. according to him, the only correct way to make fun of trannies is some milquetoast "lol autistic tranny" comment here and there, you can't observe anything about their dumb moid nature because it's femimist muh sand tree. VERY similar to what we see here.
the best part is that 9 times out of 10 he gets told to fuck himself. when scrotefarms is better at dismissing whining incels than (apparently) a "personal radblr blog" kek
No. 23665
File: 1622671360736.png (79.9 KB, 496x761, thumbnail.png)

I was given a permaban and no reason was given. It didn't even indicate what post I was banned for. I sent an e-mail like a week ago and I got no response, so I guess I have to ban evade and post here.
If the ban wasn't an accident, I would like to know what the hell I was banned for. I've been posting here for five years.
No. 23671
>>23661I already do this. But part of the discussion in meta on whether GC sperging is an issue or not is if it's causing frequent derailing in unrelated threads. If you've been following, there's multiple posters saying they don't see it and asking for examples. I've provided one I came across as it's happening.
Feel free to take your own advice in regards to my own post though.
No. 23672
>>23657This is untrue. I'm one of many anons who have actively lurked this site since /cgl/. It was never like this previously, and this same issue has been dealt with and discussed on other topics that get out of hand derailing (racebaiting, blog posting, armchairing, ana-chans, munchies, so on so forth).
I personally don't believe the mtf thread should be removed and I don't care if there's a GC thread because I simply won't view it. That still doesn't mean there is not an issue that needs to be addressed or brought to attention with people sperging off topic. I don't care if 4chan has roastie sperging, I find that just as annoying there and if 4chan had the same board culture as lolcow I'd be onboard for people being punished for OT roastie sperging there too.
Not sure why it's so difficult for you to pull your head out of your ass for .5 seconds and recognize a world exists outside of your personal battles and perspectives and other people live in it, kek.
No. 23679
>>23677because it's an asshurt tranny/pickme who literally admits that s/he's only here and not on 4chan because only lolcow permits whining and minimodding. the pp or tranny "derailing" in 99% of cases happens in threads that have something to do with gender, like the tradthots one, or a cow saying something gender related. god fucking forbid people respond with something gender related! you gotta take it like a good girl or (gasp) a moid will post (gasp) gore that he would post anyway!
here's a real suggestion: if you're gonna delete pinkpill threads and thus further enable anons to spam pinkpill elsewhere, just make a containment thread for all the scrote sympathizing cockmongs so they can wah wah muh men there.
No. 23682
>>23677In the past when they get out of hand, I have. I don't think other problems are non existent, this is just the current prominent topic at hand and one I've seen ramp up largely in all the threads I read. I hardly think the existence of other issues negates discussion of this one: this concept of one evil canceling out another being used on repeat is a really weak defense.
>>23672>>23655>>23671Are my only posts on this subject or in the past few meta threads, for the record.
I am not sure why a select few posters here cannot seem to understand the concept of gray areas or variety of topics. The black/white thinking on this issue is very unproductive regardless of which side someone takes, if they take any.
I have stated my piece, why I made my initial post and then explained it. If anything I'm starting to think the lady doth protest too much and weird posters like this
>>23679 are trolls trying to create discourse.
No. 23687
File: 1622699845390.png (89.12 KB, 537x857, the fuq.PNG)

HAHAHA the jannies in /snow/ have got to be legit retarded. Bitch leaves 4 pictures of gore up in MtF (which I reported all of them hours ago) but then redtexts some farmer's post. The gore has been up for hours. You can't see it because I covered the image but if you get there before retarded janny does then you'll see it as well.
Are the jannies the trannies themselves or are you all just actually this incompetent?
No. 23690
>>23686NTA, but why do people like you add unnecessary comments on other people’s ban-related questions? It could’ve easily been a mistake, or someone in the same range as anon was a shitposter (this happens a lot). What does your post add to the thread, and who exactly is it helping?
Are you just addicted to infighting, and banking on the hope that the mods won’t ban you for it as long as you’re technically defending them? You should actually be permabanned for this type of shit, it’s a cancer on /meta/.
No. 23693
>>23670I did, but I haven't got an email back yet. How long did it take for you to get a response when you did it?
>>23686I got a few 24 hour bans back when I was a newfag, but nothing recent. The hell's your problem?
>>23691I'm using data currently, but the ban was issued to my home wifi IP.
No. 23699
File: 1622723392401.jpeg (110.41 KB, 828x399, 1D3E5321-C07B-4F0F-82F6-1926D8…)

I got temp banned for posting a non shooped image of Nicole davis in her thread, I didn’t touch it and I even posted an imgur video and link of her tweet where she posted it herself, it’s not my fault she has a fucked up lip so it looks edited.“Don’t edit photos of cows”
No. 23706
File: 1622737891601.jpeg (358.4 KB, 828x834, 6BE7FD76-70B7-4275-9352-4291F9…)

>>23704Also show me where I said she’s using filters? I don’t give a shit, are you mad because I said weirdlips.png?
Why are you blatantly ignoring the paragraph where I mention she’s charging $15 a month for 2 posts and nitpicking the picture I attached + retardedly accusing me of editing it mysef?
No. 23712
forgot to add how stupid your rant on wk is when nowhere did I mention any whiteknighting and I’m not this anon
>>23702 so take your beef with them
No. 23713
>>23709Starting to get used to the typing style of this person, it's very obviously the same person falsely reporting posts in that thread, and accusing that anon of posting edits when it was a screenshot from a video which they also posted.
The only sperg here is you, wk.
No. 23715
>>23714Oof you’re more retarded than I thought, you seriously think I’m the same anon as
>>23713 what are you actually trying to infight about? Like what’s your point? Months ago?? Elaborate because there is another anon from the Nicole thread and you keep lumping us in as the same anon like a bitter hag
No. 23719
File: 1622741870171.jpeg (405.86 KB, 828x1213, 83F4D59A-35C9-4A75-BFA5-286D50…)

>>23718A leaked content site can’t exist without confirmed “subscribers” to leak shit, stay salty nitpicking my milk but there are definitely more than two out there upset with her barely posting while paying 15 bucks
No. 23721
>>23720Continue twisting my words anon when all I said is that her subscribers are complaining, please.
Now I’m showing you more than just a leaked site where people are contacting her directly and since that has 3 likes I can only assume ~4+ more subscribers~ are upset
No. 23726
>>23724I have gotten one that said "I want to rape and murder as many women as I possibly can" or something like that several times before, can't remember what country it was, but it's usually something along those lines.
I get that those people deserve perma bans but they should be cleared out after like a couple of years, especially when made from a VPN and not a static IP cause you KNOW other people use VPNs too and it just permanently blocks that IP for everyone.
No. 23728
>>23699I have no dog in this race but if farmers are gonna start getting banned for posting retarded shooped pics of cows then there's gotta be a lot more bans enforced elsewhere for the same offense.
Moo's thread is basically 'post the selfie of the fattie and laugh', for instance. Her thread is basically non-drama updates about her stupid life it might as well be one of her pseudo socials.
No. 23731
>>23728It was a retarded ban to begin with because all I did was screenshot a video from the cow’s OF talking about her laziness with her OF content, I come to meta to complain about the ban because I didn’t edit shit and an angry sperg keeps calling me a vendetta fag for digging up milk on her.
>>23720 apparently backing up my claims is now vendetta
Who is this sperg and where did they come from?
“Stop complaining about whiteknighting!1”
“Stop vendetta posting!1”
“Stop samefagging!1 Nice try with different IPs!1”
I didn’t do any of those
No. 23737
>>23732Nobody is mentioning her filters except you,
>Cheating tinfoilGee idk maybe because the timeline doesn’t add up and they were still interacting with each other long after he got back together with her boyfriend? That’s not tinfoil, anon
No. 23742
>>23723Just continuously, repeatedly being annoying will do it. Repeated infights, repeated derailing, spam, racebait, cowtipping, repeated ban evading, doxxing, being unnecessarily
abusive to other users on a regular basis, posting gore etc etc. Basically if admin thinks you’re enough of a pain in the ass, then you will get permabanned eventually and forced into the upside down world.
No. 23745
>>23741I really doubt this tradition will ever die, nonna.
Let us remember such self posting legends as Kiki Ostrenga, Mystery, Raven Sparks, and many more.
No. 23750
>>23748Oops,I replied to the wrong anon
I'm almost certain I've encountered year-length bans with the ban reason being "scrote" so they're not exactly permabanning everything
No. 23767
>>23763as much as you wish it weren’t true, nicole moving in with a pedophile is milk, same way mikan collabing with yunnyan the pedo is milk.
if you’re the idiot who sperged about how being associates with a creep doesn’t make you a bad person then stfu
No. 23768
>>23763it’s even funnier when nicole used to shade sex workers saying it isn’t dignified and saying she makes an honest living and loves herself with her clothes on, to now posting intentional nip slips and naked videos on OF. homegirl also said she won’t be posting nudes a week before actually doing exactly that
also the only reason people would constantly discuss her use of filters is because she had a history of denying it and getting her friend to defend her and say she looks exactly the same irl
also it’s milky for a cow to say they haven’t been posting on a service subscribers pay for because she had a “busy month” when she only works 3 days a week at a card shop at the rest of the time she’s posting about playing video games, raising butterflies she found in the wild and spending over 2 hours dusting her animu figures. that’s not a busy month she’s just a lazy cow who doesn’t want to stick to a commitment.
inb4 “VENDETTTAAAAAAA” I follow multiple threads on w and if this were any other cow this type of milk wouldn’t be met with such defense.
hide the thread moron
No. 23774
>>23772who cares what other thots are doing? the things i listed in
>>23768 and
>>23767 are still reasonable milk, but I’m starting to think you just don’t want people making fun of Nicole on a gossip forum
No. 23776
>>23775If you think she’s a milkless cow hide the thread, but you’re still ignoring what I wrote in
>>23768 and
>>23767the thread does have vendetta posters like many other costhots but it’s still funny you’re ignoring the fresh milk in front of your eyes
No. 23784
File: 1622895564049.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.99 KB, 1147x1800, F136044C-71D5-4AE5-9EA0-3EE44F…)

>>23779yep. it’s hilarious
nonnie thinks we’re trying to pass off her creating an OF as milk, when that’s not it at all. it’s the hundred claims that she won’t be doing it for money or showing nudity and tries to pass her OF account as a place for wholesome cute cosplay lewds when that’s not it at ALL. at least most thotties admit to being thots, but she’s extremely defensive
No. 23799
>>23790Admins have said multiple times this thread is not for
> - "Can you lock this thread because I don't personally like it?"Use the fucking hide thread feature. If the thread violates a global or board rule then use the report system.
No. 23809
>>23808So dumb that guys get so
triggered to do this every day now lol I got to home page and just thought “oh of course”
No. 23810
>>23806Log off. The only autist I see is
>>23763 >>23772
>>23775 repeatedly asking for it because they refuse to take it inside /w
No. 23819
>>23814You mfs critiquing the milk in meta is what causes anons to bring it here, and honestly she’s a more interesting cow than nitpicking mikan’s nose, venus angelic’s looks for the thousand time, or kelly edens calves having shitty makeup.
It’s not autistic milk for a cow to mention a hundred times that they’re not going to be charging money or showing nudity and then doing that, you’re just salty about something. Log off x2
No. 23826
>>23819Anon, calm down. You're making this a big deal for no reason. All I said was that meta isn't the place to post your milk because this isn't the nicole thread. I dint understand why you're going on about Mikan either. I said nothing about nitpicking or Mikan. Get some help for your autistic vendetta. There was no reason to post
>>23784 here.
No. 23850
File: 1623067876413.jpeg (119.37 KB, 700x700, 70D78C71-6195-4F20-8409-FD2A76…)

No. 23854
File: 1623068001383.jpeg (65.96 KB, 1000x642, D1CE2E44-7CCE-4F3A-9C00-010809…)

No. 23862
>>23861It's almost as if the disgusting no-life scrote who wants to upset people waits until an optimal time when mods are away to post his disgusting shit, wild
Sure is too bad that there aren't like ten people in each global timezone who want to mod this site for free
No. 23865
>>23863Well then there's not going to be a lolcow because there's aren't enough mods to do that, obviously
Like fucking obviously if there were enough people to stop this from happening, it would be done, wouldn't it? What, you think admin is in favor of cp? What's your thought process here? Fuck off god damn, yes I fucking mad
No. 23867
Reminder to send a tip to FBI and here
>>23857 (assuming he's American)
Hope farmhands are also tipping, since they can actually see more info on the scrote. Best turn of events, he kills himself before the police arrives
No. 23869
>>23867>>23866He uses multiple VPNs and it's actually most likely two different people
farmhands are absolutely reporting it, but who knows what country he/they're in and whether or not the fbi is watching him already or if they even care
>>23868read the thread
>>23860>>23862>>23865 No. 23871
>>23869>read the threadThey either can't read or don't want to, you know this. They would rather not think farther than they can breathe because it's too much work for them and they enjoy being dramatic rather than using just a little rational thinking. But that's how fearmongering works. I also find it a bit weird that it's always like 10 people saying "jesus this site is awful" "wtf is wrong with admin!?! can we get a new one?!" every time this happens. It's such convenient timing that a large amount of people come here to say those exact things after cp is posted. Look back at other meta threads. Everytime cp is posted, it's the same phrases being spoken and repeated. (I'm not speaking specifically where people are reporting cp but the people that get vitriolic towards admin/farmhands). They always pretend like they don't know why mods aren't always around and they always say null should take over or we need to replace admin.
No. 23877
>>23875nta so I don't know where they said it, but you would have to be pretty fuckin dumb to not report cp being posted on your website, I feel safe in assuming they do
Although I would like a reference if someone has one
No. 23880
File: 1623078866531.jpeg (129.95 KB, 828x417, 8BEB5AA5-2413-4A5C-A51B-4C2D51…)

>>23826This you? Stop ban evading you piece of shit lol
No. 23885
>>23883>>23884I hear you, I just read that it was something 4chan was able to do.
Hope the current situation can be solved in some way. All the best to the mods who have to deal with this shit.
No. 23891
>>23871>>23872>>23887>>23890Probably a moid who is blended in well and is now trying to become a part of staff or be the new admin.
Or it's an anon who got banned from the site and is trying to be get back at the mods by being edgy due to chronic retardation. Or I'm just an autist and it's just a moid being a moid.
No. 23895
TERF femcel.
No. 23896
>>23895No? Why would you even allude to that? Don't just blame TERFs because you have a vendetta. I really doubt they would post cp to get at mods.
It's gotta be a kiwifag or a scrote, maybe a troon that wants the site taken down.
No. 23903
Admin already said she's working on a solution to ban certain images from being posted, here
>>23462Also, the cp spam started after the time the kf thread was made, just saying.
No. 23908
>>23902seconding this
they’re not actual content, any more than ad spam would be
No. 23910
>>23909NTA but
>be mad at the people posting>that let it sit on the front pagethese are two different people
>the front pageHuh????
No. 23914
>>23871This was my first time ever posting in a meta thread, and I rarely post on lolcow overall. Maybe it's incorrect to blame admin, but from where I'm standing as a mega lurker, I see a management team who has absolutely no handling of the board culture and as a result, angry mtfs are posting CP to 'piss off the
terf website!!!'
No. 23931
>>23927anon above you seems oblivious
>>23925pretty sure there's an overlap, from what I've noticed. You're right though, they really don't screenshot anything either. A lot of threads are just "THIS" responses or "lol". It's constant verbal diarrhea that reads like a reactionary thread.
No. 23936
>>23934You're the retard here. We're not talking about punctuation spacing.
Users use double spacing, which isn't necessary here (but is necessary on reddit) and is what is considered "reddit spacing". Holy shit lurkmoar, newfag.
No. 23937
File: 1623176225508.jpeg (329.12 KB, 1201x1800, C971F082-D944-4294-9D44-8697C2…)

Genuine question, how hard would it be for admin to confirm these are all Nicole? I’m sick of her shitting up the thread with her constant ban evading, her posts were getting red texts bans before her thread even existed and she was just briefly discussed in the costhot thread, the writing style is very similar to hers and they got another ban as recently as an hour ago. This shit has been going on for a year.
If it truly is her she’s actually retarded to think what she’s doing will help. The whole reason her thread even existed was because of her/a “scrote” seething at the mention of her.
No. 23939
>>23163That wasn't me, retard. I barely even post on this site.
>>23192It's called banter, sweetie.
No. 23942
File: 1623187155898.png (116.54 KB, 880x986, ban.png)

I didn't know criticizing men for being homophobic, misogynistic pieces of shit is banned if they have dark skin.
Fuck you.
No. 23947
>>23942nobody cares about fags and your post is blatant racebait
>muh white peoplegimme a break anon
No. 23948
>>23947That's literally the documentary tho. It's made by a homophobic, closeted black man and the entire thing is about how white people have been trying to keep black men down by turning them gay and the LGBT movement is a white supremacist conspiracy.
>nobody cares about fagsSo homophobia is allowed but criticizing a black man for being homophobic isn't? Nothing I said was racist.
No. 23951
File: 1623190617893.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.62 KB, 720x1280, 167728958_4208255402518573_422…)

>>23948calm down
File: 1623191524887.jpg (497.74 KB, 1080x2104, Screenshot_20210608-182323_Chr…)

Can admins clean up the influx of newfags threads clogging up the front page of /pt/. Is this even possible? Yall ban the person but leave the thread up.
No. 23953
>>23948Your ban appeal was accepted but tread carefully with the discussion. That goes for everyone. /pol/ anons will get banned.
>>23952Some janitors can't delete threads so that's probably the reason. Thanks for letting us know.
No. 23969
>>23961Nah, it was definitely worth it. And it's not like this is the first time this shit has happened. Joy Sparkles, MM / the celeb thread, pedojared and hoelly, TND. There's been heaps. It passes.
And it has been great watching Shamu burning down her brand and making mistake after mistake in the aftermath.
No. 23974
>>23966The picture that started the anachans off is the most obvious body check ever from a clearly underweight woman. How is the way she is deliberately jutting her collar bones out not a dead giveaway? All the little ana crack heads in any body check ever do that same pose
Or, you could just look at her and see the obvious
No. 23988
>>23986I don't care about the word per se and yes, the memes are funny.
But newfags having nothing to contribute except from stupid takes like "kek", "based", "lmfao xd" is quite obnoxious.
LC isn't a livechat.
No. 24000
File: 1623353719481.jpg (85.37 KB, 789x507, two.JPG)

newfag anon made two threads
No. 24003
>>23902once again i am samefagging
mods pls delete the new fag threads made by retards on /pt/ & /snow/
all they do is shit up the catalog they do not need to be archived just delete them pls theyre getting so annoying
No. 24010
>>23996The amount of autism here is strong. Anons were sperging when comparisons with Nicole and Leda were made, at least photos were provided from the first thread and proof of her shooping her own pictures when non-sageing anon denied it
Keep in mind the same anon(s) kept posting about Nicole’s stalker copying her tattoos without providing images or proof whatever except their word, when it’s an image board. When asked for proof they just stayed silent. It doesn’t work like that, I wasn’t around for the first thread so I have no vendetta against this girl but I’m allowed to complain in meta if a retard bumps the thread over 13 times without any images to back up what they’re saying.
I hope there doesn’t become a third thread, Nicole’s thread (and most threads in /w/ for that matter) attract the most autists and it’s not worth it
No. 24013
File: 1623377017496.jpg (6.67 KB, 225x224, Luigi.jpg)

>mfw I have to be rude because some of you newfags don't know how to behave
No. 24017
>>24011>No1currsYou don’t matter lmfao, I’m just in meta to complain about the sperg who doesn’t know how to sage or use an imageboard
Also don’t try to pass off every single shoop as his,
>>>/w/155373 isn’t his
No. 24019
File: 1623377970766.jpeg (97.56 KB, 828x477, 8DF166B5-86E5-4FCC-92B9-B28CFE…)

Thanks to the farmhand who banned the non-sageing autist, they probably do this shit in dozens of other threads
No. 24022
>>24021>>23996Nooo it’s you again, saying “you guys” and blaming one anon for every retard to every exist in the Nicole thread
I for one sage my posts unless it’s milk like
>>23784I can smell you seething because you seem to have a hate boner for that thread yet at the same time you can’t look away. Get a job, anon
No. 24023
File: 1623393827971.jpeg (187.71 KB, 828x512, 18659449-C428-427F-A390-D4FFB8…)

Half the anons in creepshow art are garbage because they didn’t even read the OP this time, where it blatantly says
- Don't post petty insults and nitpicks ("she fat xD"), stick to discussing the drama.
Oh boy can’t wait for hundreds of red texts by the time the thread is full
No. 24025
>>24024It’s not nitpicking, the ethot who was so anti-sex work saying it’s undignified started selling her nudes
I have never once said you’re whiteknighting, but you’re free to bring your autism to a locked thread
No. 24035
>>24034Same, but
I saw
this kinda
No. 24036
>>24035It's really more like they post a reply and then press enter
Then they post another sentence and press enter again
Press enter one more time so they can reply to another person
>23160Yeah I agree with what you said, just showing another example
No. 24040
>>24038You really like to dumb down her milk huh? You left out the part where she says sex work is undignified and she makes an honest living loving herself with her clothes on lol
>Multiple videos dancing with her hands off the wheel and recording snapchats showing off items in her car while driving the speed limit, all while telling people she would never touch her phone while driving and anyone who does that is an idiot, gets into car accidents while mysteriously leaving out what causes it too>Illegally giving out injections as a pharm tech because her mom is the boss and she never went to med school, got the job at 18 directly after graduating high school with no higher education, while also claiming she’s helping people because she works in the medical field and rejected modelling opportunities because she’s a selfless personThe milk is her being a massive hypocrite anon, the reason her first thread was created was the anon seething at the mention of her and when being spoonfed milk while also pretending they don’t see it. You’re probably the same sperg who spent over a year trying to get her thread locked just because you don’t like people discussing her
No. 24041
>>24034>some people just like to separate their paragraphsno one reads this shit. it's an image board. anons shouldn't be writing fucking paragraphs.
>>24040go back to twitter
No. 24047
>>24041when admins say it’s an imageboard they mean to provide visual proof of the milk you’re talking about, not you being too lazy to read more than a few sentences
anyways most images if provided with proof/milk still consist of paragraphs
No. 24048
>>24047>not you being too lazy to read more than a few sentencesImageboards are used to communicate as much information as possible between users in a clear and concise manner without clogging it down with text. This is not reddit, this is not twitter, and this is not kiwifarms. No one wants to read your autistic monologue.
>anyways most images if provided with proof/milk still consist of paragraphsNo, they don't. If you are writing actual paragraphs, you are either blogposting or tinfoiling, both of which are against the rules.
No. 24055
>>24054her ex friend chase confirmed her cheating though
still haven’t heard your opinion on her illegally injecting people at her mom’s pharmacy with no education past high school
No. 24058
>>24057They’ve been doing it for over a year lmao. As soon as anyone points out legitimate milk they grasp for straws and go “but but one vendetta chan in the thread made tinfoil milk and and she never cheated!! Porn isn’t milk! The cow is doing something illegal and injecting people without a medical license??!? Fake context!”
It’s reaally not that deep. We’re all just here to point at the cow and laugh, but they are attempting to make it a cringe gossip forum war of vendettas vs whiteknights
No. 24060
File: 1623461858000.jpeg (98.76 KB, 639x1002, 149870FC-ED4A-43D9-A6D9-0010E8…)

>>24059He heard that because he’s bestfriends with Nicole’s ex, if you have a problem with anons interacting with people who don’t even communicate with the cow anymore then report it, but as of now I don’t see a ban on that post
2. You still didn’t answer my question about Nicole illegally giving injections to patients without a license (relevant pic)
No. 24063
File: 1623465232206.jpeg (454.95 KB, 828x991, 7EFB65C2-910D-47BC-8C2A-26DF0E…)

Can admins just purge every single Reddit newfag in Shannon’s thread who decides to write paragraph upon paragraph of their personal opinion?
No. 24067
File: 1623484431485.png (39.61 KB, 1458x481, dontletyourpostslooklikethis.P…)

>>24036>>24035Here's an actual in-thread example of redditposting in action.
Do half the posters in pixielock's thread have autism or are they just pull refugees? No. 24069
File: 1623498817715.jpeg (217.03 KB, 562x586, 72ABF230-D159-4638-87B2-1E8BB6…)

can you please ban the unhinged racebaiting /pol/fag in the scandinavia thread? i've reported several times and he's still going
No. 24071
File: 1623513885123.png (33.54 KB, 916x561, shit.png)

>>24070This is the entire thread. Twitterfags making non contributing posts, not saging, and reddit spacing.
No. 24074
File: 1623517764561.png (3.52 KB, 396x99, retard.png)

>>24073and then you have retards like this who try too hard to integrate and don't even sage their own shit. Just perma ban these people, honestly. I appreciate the farmhands for banning some of newfags, but they either come back, or new ones enter the thread.
No. 24079
>>24070Is that why the site has been flooded with newfriends making threads about ~
problematic~ randos?
No. 24082
>>24071 So much nitpicking about double spacing. People really getting
triggered over that, out of everything? Autism is off the charts.
No. 24083
>>24082>so muchcalm down, it was only me and another sperg
I honestly wouldn't go full autismo if the newfags wouldn't fuck up the other threads too
No. 24086
File: 1623533766547.jpeg (569.56 KB, 828x1223, 1DA692B0-539B-487A-A393-B0EF56…)

This troll has been posting the same picture in different boards (first meta, now w) and although his threads keep getting deleted he manages to do it some more.
Can you just permanently ban this retard? Or if he’s ban-evading then rip. It’s just annoying to see this uggo at the top of every board when I check lc
No. 24093
File: 1623545449765.png (99.92 KB, 516x327, lol.png)

Where are these people coming from…? It can't just be from Twitter.
No. 24094
File: 1623545905051.png (24.66 KB, 950x222, creepshow.png)

>>24093Youtube. Everyone is referencing lolcow in their videos of the recent creepshow drama. The entire thread is blogposting/tinfoil garbage.
No. 24095
File: 1623546127843.jpg (65.21 KB, 640x960, sigh.jpg)

>>24094I just want us to be left alone…
No. 24096
File: 1623546228696.png (61.98 KB, 1488x176, ...png)

There's a retard "hi cowing" >>1254064
No. 24099
>>24098Anon you can always copy the link of a post,
>>>/snow/1254064 so you can quote a post from a different board
No. 24104
>>24089The moderation of the site has always been incredibly unbalanced and awful. Some threads like MtF have always been watched like a hawk (yet for some reason gore stays up for hours) meanwhile some other threads are left completely unmoderated and the spergs run wild. I have given up on the MtF thread here, I just read the tranny sideshow thread on KF. I like the femboy thread tho cause they are pretty much the same level of hilarious as tranners and the Frenemies thread is great too so I will stay for those.
It's very obvious tho that radfems are not welcome on the site anymore by admin and moderation.
>>24091>it's much worse there, frienit's really not. Granted I only lurk and don't have an account, but it seems users there mostly seem to patrol each other and if you post is dumb you get dumb stickers and move on. It definitely doesn't have as many rules as here where you get banned for dissenting against the general opinion of the site.
No. 24106
>>24104>using their reddit-tier upvote downvote systen as a general show of quality.Fucking kek. I'd argue we have better moderation
though that's not saying much considering entire threads on kf get derailed by pathetic moids spending pages upon pages either blogposting about their lives or giving everyone their unwanted political manifesto with kf mods doing fuck all about it, along with it being the norm that users drop reddit-tier paragraphs trying to larp about their knowledge on subjects they know jack shit about. I know a lot of our radfem/gc anons are still pissed about the way admin's been treating them but come the fuck on, just because kf let's you shit on trannies doesn't automatically negate the fact that a majority of the userbase, and null, are edgy autsitc women-hating neets who like to larp as the last bastion of "muh freeze peach". Along with it's female users being troons, handmaidens, insecure landwhales/anachans, or equally autistic as their male counterparts.
No. 24107
>>24103I can tell that they are avid reddit users as well
>this…>THIS>This!And then proceed to write about their retarded tinfoil or blogpost.
No. 24109
>>24106>no you can't talk about GC on, fuck off radfems you ruin everything!Ok we'll go somewhere else then where the discussion we want to have is allowed
>NOOOO how dare you go somewhere else?! Don't you know that this is the only good website on the internet? What about evil Null the literal child rapist?! Sorry but their thread on tranners is a lot more entertaining. Yeah people sperg out in it sometimes but if you're a person who's not a total autist you can just.. you know, scroll past it. The ability to include multiple images in a post is also a huge bonus that this place doesn't have. And some people like to actually engage in discussions and aren't afraid to read more than 10 words of text.
Doesn't mean I won't still come here for other threads, it's not like you have to pick a team, you can use multiple websites.
No. 24112
File: 1623601332090.png (10.78 KB, 1083x129, why.png)

can we ban anons who coddle newfags by responding to them and telling them how to sage. They are perfectly capable of lurking long enough to read the rules that admin referenced. Let the newfags get banned for not integrating.
No. 24115
File: 1623612266337.png (10.16 KB, 638x157, newfriends.png)

god help us
No. 24125
>>24089It doesn’t seem tightly moderated at all, if anything it seems like the rules of /snow/ dont even apply there. Barely any of the posts even stick to the thread topic and there isn’t much redtext. The first frenemies thread has a similar amount of redtext to the mtf one. At least the frenemies thread is actually talking about cows whereas the mtf one is just being used as a gc general thread or a thread where people dump random, contextless selfies from Reddit of some irrelevant ugly tranny and call that “milk”. I think spergs in that thread just think any moderation at all is them being targeted.
>But the presence of blogposting, derailing, nitpicking, even medfagging with zero redtexts and thus little to no mentions of bans/jannies.This is as, if not more, true for the mtf thread. Also why would there be mentions of bans/jannies in the thread? I know spergs in the mtf thread do that but you’re not supposed to and it’s not suspicious if people aren’t posting derailing about their bans or sperging about jannies in a thread?
No. 24127
File: 1623627940008.gif (86.15 KB, 640x326, 1618428735922.gif)

>newfags treating the csa thread as if it was reddit or twitter quote replies
No. 24132
File: 1623650173743.png (71.18 KB, 1088x431, g.png)

The "near max posts" message seems useless at this point since no one actually understands it and will keep making new threads anyway
No. 24135
>>24125Not all bans are redtexted because mods are retards.
>Oh no people are having discussions about a topic that they all feel strongly about and are not just constantly posting milk without talking about it everSeethe.
No. 24153
>>24144Wait kek I'm
>>24145 I read your post wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't sleep when I read that.
No. 24156
>>24145>>24153Kek it's fine, I agree with you.
>>24148Yeah, but they're still farmers who are familiar with imageboards. If too many newfags who know nothing about imageboards (and the tism surrounding it) and dislike or don't give a shit about the culture of it, migrate all at once, it kills the atmosphere, the old userbase leaves and the website becomes just like the ones the newfags originally came from.
In short, I don't want lolcow to go down the way /cgl/ did.
No. 24163
>>24106I’m the OP of the original complaint; I used to agree with you. Hell sometimes I fucking hate KF and its autistic alt right userbase. But Ovarit doesn’t have a tranny cow thread and it’s impossible to contribute in the MtF thread without being banned. I got banned for a WEEK with the explanation “:)”, I didn’t even reply to bait. This is my second ban in like a month that had no reasoning behind it. Whoever moderates the MtF thread is purposefully trying to make the site unusable for those of us who contribute the most to that thread. Look at the redtexts and compare it to the Frenemies threads which are full of blogposting, derailing, medfagging, etc. The janny team can laugh at me for being a schizo but I strongly recommend admin herself looks into whoever is banning everyone in that thread if it isn’t her herself. I’ve tried to be rational about it but that janny’s redtexts are over the top and the bans are constantly having to be appealed bc he’s got some issue against the farmers in that thread. I highly recommend hiring someone else because the person keeps giving me bans that I have to appeal since they make no fucking sense/aren’t justified.
>>24111The redtexting in Frenemies is mostly for obvious newfags just fyi. The redtexting in the MtF thread is for farmers, many of whom are just discussing the milk. i know some of it is justified but a good portion of it is reaching.
Btw banning gore isn’t the same thing as banning farmers who converse about the milk. It’s gotten worse in the last year.
>>24135Ofc I understand this which is why I ask WHY does the janny in the MtF need to redtext and make their presence so obvious when banning “derailing”/“blogposting”/etc. then? For those of us who contribute to MtF we already know that the janny is there because we’re being banned over and over.
Also I feel like you all are assuming that the reasons I’ve been banned are justified. Half of them are not, I frequently have to appeal because like I said, the janny is a schizo and is banning for zero fucking reason but simply to ban anons.
No. 24173
>>24163>one of the most hated threads on the site because it's just one big REEEEEE and spills out regularly>muh contributions aren't valued!If you 'frequently have to appeal' what were probably justified bans, then maybe there's a message in that for you.
>>24169This is actually a decent suggestion. The threads were a reaction to the crapshow thread getting clogged but they aren't really self-sustaining (yet)
Anyhow, speaking of Shannon, there's a bpd fag on a rampage of wking and blogging and such. Please put them out of our misery.
No. 24185
>>24168Indeed, I emailed 3 days ago to the main lolcow email and 2 days ago to the admin to try and appeal this ban after I fucked up the appeal. I only noticed it was a week-long ban after sending a shitty message @ tranny janny for the appeal. I thought worse case scenario I'd just email to try and get it fixed but I still have no response from the emails. I get it, you all don't get paid for moderating.
But since you're here do you mind looking at this post
>>>/snow/1250185 and telling me how a week long ban is justified? I didn't respond to bait. At worst a ban for that could fall under "hi cow" or a general rule 1 ban which would at most be 3 days.
No. 24192
>>24190Use a different browser for those threads. Worked for me.
>>24182Would it be possible for a janitor to delete the sperg posts instead of just giving bans? The thread is quite unreadable like this. But I get if it's too much trouble.
No. 24194
File: 1623741961456.jpg (92.05 KB, 540x960, Showsagedposts.jpg)

>>24190>>24192You have saged posts hidden, to unhide them click "show saged posts" just below the reply box, see pic
No. 24196
File: 1623764770174.jpeg (64.87 KB, 1080x683, 7381A8DA-C738-46AF-A8E2-14912D…)

Why do people keep posting just random discord logs of them talking to a tranny, or pictures of trannys they see on dating apps in the mtf thread? Should that not go in the personal cow thread if it even needs to be posted at all? How is that remotely milky and how are these literal who’s cows? Its extremely weird and reminds me of picrel
No. 24197
File: 1623766032032.png (11.93 KB, 1282x141, screenshot.png)

Huh, I had no idea posting a wojak was against the rules.
That's alright, but posting a picture once is not "spamming".
No. 24202
File: 1623769919700.png (470.54 KB, 1280x990, lol.png)

>>24174I mean it's treading heavily on this site right now. So yall are going to be flooded with newfags for awhile now.
No. 24221
>>24216>>24217>>24218How have you missed that we're in the middle of this lot of mods flouncing? Why the fuck would they decide to add a shitload of work to their schedule when they don't even want to be here anymore?
Just ride it out like we do every summer.
No. 24236
>>24226The ftm thread is as bad, maybe even worse. Literally 90% of the thread is just constant derailing about off topic things, blog posting and autistic fan art. There is practically no discussion of any cows at all.
>>24233Jfc do you have some kind of actual intellectual disability or something?
>the trans community is one of the milkiest of them all.Then post some milk? That’s literally all anyone is saying. The delusions of persecution you all have is insane.
No. 24239
>>24232There are a ton of threads where people completely ignore the rules and sperg out all the fucking time. The camwhore threads, Momokun and Shayna almost never have any milk other than "she is fat and ugly". Yet I never see anyone complain about those threads. It's always the MtF thread that gets people booty-bothered, it's not that far fetched to assume it's because trannies are the people who complain THE MOST out of any group and have gone through tremendous efforts on literally every single other website to get negative discussion about them banned.
Just hide the thread, I hide like 60% of the threads in /snow/ for the reason that they constantly get bumped by unsaging cows selfposting.
No. 24240
>>24233>oh, what's that? you don't want to read my blog on thoughts about trannies in the mtf cow thread? You must like trannies!Every time.
>>24239>you expect me to follow the rules? that's because you're a troon who wants to take away my free speech!Here we go again.
No. 24243
>>24242She’s right and anon didn’t make any actual points to for her to ignore. It’s extremely autistic that even after over a year of it being banned these spergs
still have been unable to stop immediately defaulting to “hi troon” at the even just being expected to follow the same basic rules as everyone else, why shouldn’t she point that out?
No. 24244
>>24239Lol you’ve “never see anyone complain” about Shayna’s thread? Like come on. It’s always just the exact same irrelevant paranoia and tinfoiling about things no one even said in the first place. Asking people to not post about their random tinder matches and focus on actual cows isn’t
anywhere near getting “negative discussion about them banned”?! I truly don’t get what’s even remotely controversial about it or why the people in the mtf thread would even have a problem with that. Why is it
so important discussion stays focussed on literal who reddit/discord users instead of actual cows that people complaining about it warrants these retarded conspiracies, it’s a completely normal request and it’s more suspicious and out of the norm that people would take issue with it, like do you just not know what this website is for? And if you notice a problem in another thread, no one is stopping you posting about it in /meta/. The fact that issues also exist in other threads is something no one would disagree with and has literally zero relevance to anything. That being said, the reality is that there is
no other thread where people are frequently (or ever) posting dating app screenshots, news articles about politics, and discord logs. Even in boring cows like Shayna, or other shit threads like instagrammers you hate/cosplay cringe, it doesn’t happen. It’s just a fact that the extent of the problems in the mtf thread are unique to that thread.
No. 24245
>>24244This. I was even the anon who suggested dead tranny cows threads be posted to the thread to spice up discussion and was told "what's point?". Even the shit hole that is the youtube, twitch, and ana-chan generals have at least a few cows they regularly discuss.
>inb4 radfem/gc anons reee about everyone persecuting them/not wanting their threadNo one's saying that, anons just want a wider variety of milk that isn't just
>omg tranny-kun does thing everyone look and laughI want something like digitroon getting into a fight
ethan fucking ralph, jessica yaniv's family getting arrested, sophie labelle getting caught for being a furry pedophile and other funny shenanigans like that. Gross plebbitors trying to larp as women, while funny, isn't the only thing troons get up to.
No. 24247
>>24239>nobody ever complains about the camwhore, momokun, and shayna threadsTop fucking kek.
everyone that isn't a /cgl/fag or camwhore themselves shits on those threads constantly. Even /ot/ has shit on those threads for their blatant selfposts and general lack of milk.
No. 24253
>>24224The invitation to apply is at the top of every page, guide dog-chan. It has been for ages.
>>24245Sophie Labelle should be able to power an entire thread by itself. Why are they like this in that thread? It's such a trainwreck.
No. 24255
File: 1623950726156.jpeg (24.39 KB, 700x395, habib-rizieq-santap-nasi-mandi…)

we should just implement sharia law to /snow/
No. 24265
>>24263It’s redundant and attracts even more retards, there’s already a bunch of threads for everyone to post about the characters they like, it’s not that difficult to make a post with a picture of Batman squatting and saying
>this is my comfort character uwuIt doesn’t need a whole thread.
No. 24267
>>24265What about this thread
triggers you? And the hornyposting thread etc. does not? Just hide it.
No. 24269
>>24261I agree.i don't see any point in this thread where "your favourite character" thread already exists.
There are even husbando/waifu threads and "characters that are similar to you" one. Comfort character thread is useless.
No. 24285
File: 1624028549715.jpg (257.21 KB, 1200x798, 1511124313952.jpg)

>they made a thread i do not like oh my god
No. 24290
File: 1624041477940.png (10.21 KB, 201x251, download.png)

I know theres a lot of newfags right now who don't know how to sage, but your fucking jannies are going off the rails.
No. 24291
>>24290what'd you get banned for,
No. 24292
>>24291I am just seeing a shit ton of bans for derailing that are just normal discussion. This whole "no discussions about any topics can ever happen" mindset that is being enforced on this site is really painfully unenjoyable and anti-fun. Just make it so people can only post images and no text anymore if you are so hellbent on having ONLY THE PUREST STREAM OF FLOWING MILK ALL THE TIME! DO NOT EVER TALK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SHOWN IN THE PICTURE!
fucking cringe the moderation of this place is fucking ass
No. 24298
>>24292tbf i think it's needed. I'm seeing so many newfags and clearly underage users talking about the dumbest unrelated shit just because one person mentions something slightly related to what's being talked about. the ones that got banned for derailing seem to also have been dumb enough not to sage
on another topic, i just wish there was an age confirmation on this site and that users had to input their age, and if they put anything under 18 their ip is permabanned.
No. 24309
File: 1624042977774.png (211.39 KB, 512x400, nothing to say.png)

No. 24315
File: 1624049208212.png (668.95 KB, 2048x1483, Screenshot_20210618-154534.png)

>>24314samefag. Did I just get grouped in with the idiot below me who didn't even know how to reply? I only made that first one
No. 24329
File: 1624053878932.png (1.1 MB, 1440x1664, sus.png)

Ok so isn't this a janny overstepping the boundaries to be scouring the post history of MfF posters to try and figure out how unhappy and insecure they are? How would they know who was posting where unless they were a farmhand?
Some people only use one board and don't use /ot at all, so it's a suspicious leap to suggesting /ot posts are by the same anons in the MtF thread, and suggests they have been reading post histories in some weird vendetta.
No. 24330
>>24328Most people who appeal bans aren't newfags or scrotes, if it's a regular who learned their lesson I don't see the problem.
>>24329This is clearly bait.
No. 24333
>>24332idk even the language of
girls/women is suspicious since people posted ITT are known for calling themselves
girls well into their 40s, and the reference to how fat and ugly posters are uwu is in line with those same ageing trans women usually complaining jealously about cis women. I wouldn't be surprised if this was tranny janny on a different ip/device.
No. 24334
>>24329>>24333i've never in my life seen a more retarded individual than you right now oh my god
you've never heard sayings like "the people that do xyz are the same people that turn around and do yzx" do you really think people that say that phrase know the history of whoever they're talking about? I'm actually shocked right now
No. 24343
>>24340hahahahahahaha. this is satire right?
Nonny you got me…
No. 24345
>>24339Same I was scrolling through there thinking it was glorious.
Good job, mods.
No. 24353
File: 1624113154629.jpg (23.45 KB, 533x533, 20201210_105825.jpg)

>>24348samefagging to apologize to modmin for my dumb post, I guess I was just feeling paranoid idk. please forgive me and thank you for all y'all do to keep this little corner of the internet running.
No. 24407
>>24406Seriously who has time for that, at least be funny if you're going to attempt to raid or something
I stand by what I said here
>>24384Pls ty
No. 24425
>>24401jackie has known about lolcow long enough. if that esl bitch cant learn to sage or not namefag without emailing admin for a trip then she deserves the ban. integrating doesnt mean you get cool with hating jews or saying nigger or calling people fags constantly, just that you follow basic rules and respect the space youre gonna beg attention from.
ill welcome anyone to my home but i will tell all of them to take their shoes off, if you wont, you dont get to come in. its just like that
No. 24439
File: 1624632963107.jpg (728.93 KB, 1080x2201, Screenshot_20210625-075118_Chr…)

>>24438The only people complaining are the people thinking anyone who isn't outlandishly bashing her looks is a whiteknight. It's a new thread and already you retards, with 13 replies in, whine about a mysterious WK when no one is even doing that. You bump your thread then get mad when anons can tell its half vendetta posting when its active on W. You don't get to pick and choose who replies to a thread when you make one. Deal with it or mods should just lock it.
No. 24440
File: 1624633188209.jpg (200.25 KB, 1080x727, Screenshot_20210625-075856_Chr…)

>>24438Is this interaction the "infighting" you're talking about? Kek The thread photo is 2 different angles, so what's the lie?
No. 24445
>>24439Didn’t anons ban you for over a year now? You even talk the same way when you say shit like “you don’t get to pick and choose”
Stop camping the nicole and complaint thread and minimodding kek
>>24050 No. 24446
File: 1624649762940.jpeg (120.54 KB, 723x287, 23AB9980-0F4C-45A2-A553-A449DF…)

>>24439You keep getting banned over Nicole and risking another ban over the thot again? Quit sperging about her kek. Her thread isn’t getting locked even though you keep derailing it with your billion attempts. She already has three threads which existed because of so much infighting like what you’re doing. You’re not helping her
No. 24450
>>24448Right, but you keep getting banned for being the Nicole sperg and you keep coming back just to do the same shit over and over again. Not sure what your goal is but how are you not tired?
The comparison images are funny and accurate, sorry Nicole has a schnoz and regardless of angles she still doesn’t have an upturned nose.
No. 24474
File: 1624832827050.png (611.28 KB, 1674x752, Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 3.25…)

There's some spamming in /w/ specifically. I've already reported these threads, but I wonder what set it off.
No. 24476
File: 1624832874889.png (Spoiler Image,213.17 KB, 620x722, Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 3.26…)

This one in /meta/ feels gross, I think it's related to
>>24474 No. 24480
File: 1624834376958.jpg (2.13 MB, 4160x3120, 20210205_175857.jpg)

No. 24491
File: 1624892054089.jpg (84.54 KB, 1834x380, Screenshot_9.jpg)

No. 24498
>>24490>>24488both of you seem like self hating pickme's jealous that a girl got raped.
seek help instead of making a rape
victim feel like shit because you think lacking empathy is funny
(This is meta ) No. 24503
File: 1624905622648.jpg (64.48 KB, 573x300, c5c174880a74ac76ee372c46f82ab0…)

There's a scrote in the Kiwifarms thread, please put him in his place, jannies
No. 24507
>>24491>>24492>using curdled milk as a way to advertise their shitty siteDunno know of this is just summer antics or if this is because of Twitter trying to cancel GG, PULL (rip), KF, and LC,
no thanks to Josh's attentionwhoring self but admin and mods should be wary of an uptick in moid/tranny posting alongside twitter newfaggotry since some people are pissed that anonymous posters on a taiwanese basket weaving forum are calling their friends fat ugly degenerates who will never be real women- I mean, "cyberbullying people to the point of suicide".
No. 24509
>>24508I couldn't possibly care less about them. This has been a bountiful summer. I expected amdin to resign and the website in crisis. Instead we get a flood of milk from various sources and out competitor is writhing.
I'm sippin' campari juice and enjoying the shitshow.
No. 24531
>>24530I guess deleting all the receipts of their insanity, because they think there aren’t any archives that can be accessed by just googling their first names or shitty account handles.
Other than that, I honestly don’t see the need to delete the farms, like, if someone gets posted in a farm and manages to get not only a whole thread for herself/himself but multiple threads full of screenshots and such, there’s more to that than just boolying and sutalking, maybe It’s just time for that guy or woman to check herself/himself.
No. 24534
>>24488>>24490The vent thread should be subject to more rules. You guys are essentially trolling.
You’re both sociopaths for going to the vent thread to kick people when they’re down. I honestly hope you get your comeuppance. You are very lowly human beings and you should learn to shut up. I bet you never make a peep IRL because youre actually spineless cowards.
“You think I’m edgy”
I never called you edgy. I called you a piece of shit. I bet you have no friends. Horrible people.
No. 24535
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>>23160Stop cyberbullying transwomen or you are next, We are anomalous tranners and we are legion. We got enough on our side who will 41% themselves and blame it on you for real! You better watch out because we haven't been dilating in weeks!
No. 24537
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>>24536Anonymous poster No. 24536, thank you for volunteering to be named the sole person responsible for Lilith Gewndolyn's suicide. Enjoy life in jail, cyberbully!
No. 24539
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>>24538Since you didn't bother to read the farmhand message or the new ban message you received; posting random celebrities for being trans isn't milk and doesn't belong in snow.
No. 24548
>>24541they’re already here shitting up various threads, there has been a noticeable increase in suspiciously scrotey and /pol/tard sounding posts since a while now.
>>24545I guess because they don’t like the idea of a female only imageboard.
No. 24550
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Wtf kind of weird ban message is this? What is going on "behind the scenes" with Is admin really considering handing the site over to one of those scrotes? Or does this moderator not know that and is not the same site? Cause ROFL if true.