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No. 45205[Reply]

The "most popular" cosplayer in Austria.

All love her.

You have information about Nana? Do you have an opinion about her? You would like to describe this person? Then welcome.


>>>/w/33300 (last threats of her)
152 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76095


I don't know this site very well, but I always thought it was a site for porn stars who want to offer their private porn films and photos themselves without external companies. Does anyone know what Nana offers there?

No. 77380

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Freely translated

But unfortunately I have to tell you, I think I fell in love with you very much, please don't be angry.

No. 77465

Sage your useless posts.

No. 83596

lol 100$ isnt much and theyre like.. extensions of the shots. so.. yeah some boobgrabs or posing ass, but no nipps showing or pussy etc.
so not that kidn of erotic like masturbating or something. doenst change in higher tiers, I can confirm.

No. 83598

basically a lite version of patreon. but you can buy topless directly via dm. so you be off cheaper some sort.

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No. 22369[Reply]

>Forever 20 y/o lolicon wannabe who tags her photos as ddlg/nymphet/etc
>Ex (?) friend of Tavia after apparently stealing and wearing her stuff and not returning it
>Hosted multiple gofundmes- Failed
>Tried being gal- Failed
>Now is trying to do the ddlg or big brother or whatever shit to get people to buy off her amazon wishlist

IG: https://www.instagram.com/kikithewannabe/
NSFW IG:https://www.instagram.com/kinkythewannabe/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kikithewannab3
AskFM: https://ask.fm/KuroKitsunechan
180 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 22550

Sure is a good thing that I followed her before she did that

No. 22551

Any milk?

No. 22552

Nope she hasn't posted anything so far (she still has 29 post)

No. 22553

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Sage for no milk. Don’t mean to nitpick but those baby hairs look like a mustache on her forehead. Does she really think that’s cute? There’s so many other ways to style your babyhairs.

No. 141308

No. 8849[Reply]

Discuss things you hate about cringey, annoying, or generally shitty anime youtubers such as Lost Pause, The Anime Man, Akidearest, and the rest of the annoying anime youtube community.
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No. 135766

Ahegao face? Bitch looks like shes having a stroke!

No. 135914

am i the only one who can't stand the cartoon cipher after following mr aj on twitter? his videos were really decent but he's such a costhot attention whore that i ended up unsubbing. it left a really bad taste in my mouth, especially after seeing all the whining he does about people not sharing his content enough.

No. 136056

I'm curious why this community stays incredibly small despite the medium pretty much being mainstream now, with manga dominatign the printing scene. Anime channels don't do as well as videogame ones. The most successful one is debatably supereyepatchwolf (dunno how, his voice is the worst) and even then he's a mix media channel

No. 136200

IDK maybe since once you see one ani-tuber you have seen them all because ani-tubers come in 2 flavors, degenerate coomers and pretentious coomers (sometimes a mix of both). Anitubers I feel also rely on memes too much to keep their audience engaged.

The only anituber I watch is Red Bard because I like learning about a bunch of weeaboo shit from years ago and interesting things from anime I never watched and will never bother watching lol.

No. 138637

mentioned in the other thread but that unfunny bitch sydsnap made a joke about the 7.1 earthquake in japan stating it happened because she fell down, boobs big LOL ROFL
fucking cancer

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No. 143867[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/w/118444

Stefany Lauren (aka Stefany Mancebo aka Eloise Frazer) is a Canadian cosplayer who has gained popularity through her Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Frozen cosplays. Originally her following grew from her Rey cosplays due to her “likeness” to Daisey Ridley (who plays Rey), but people soon realized that she was actually just photoshopping Daisy’s face on top of her own. She lied about having worked for LucasFilms (implying that she was a stunt double or photo double for Rey) and caused other drama in the Rebel Legion that caused her to get kicked out.

After being shunned from the Star Wars community, she moved onto Game of Thrones and started skinwalking Maisie Williams and cosplaying as Arya Stark. She obsessively photoshopped Maisie’s features onto her own face and changed her entire personality to go between Maisie and Arya. She claimed to be HBO’s “official” Arya Cosplayer (which isn’t a thing). Just another instance of pathological lying.

After Frozen 2 came out she latched onto Elsa. She latched on so hard that she decided to change her name to Eloise Frazer on social media (Elsa Frozen) and claimed it was because hearing her real name gave her PTSD. She really wants to be seen as a cutesy Disney Princess now, and as a result has once again changed her personality to match.

Other milk includes but is not limited to:

> Faking a British accent for over a year even though she’s Canadian

> Pretending she has a mysterious illness that is “progressive” and makes her blind every once in a while, but won’t seek treatment despite having universal healthcare
> Scamming cosplay seamstresses, commissioners, and “friends” out of tons of money
> Claiming two of dogs are service animals (they aren’t)
> Trying to convince people she’s an equestrian when she really just has horses for props and replaces them all the time
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)

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No. 40847[Reply]

KawaiiBroCosplay (and friends) thread
Since it seems like it deserves its own thread.

>KawaiiBroCosplay aka Zayan

>based in Texas
>notable for "turning your waifus into husbandos", his sensual cosplays and body, being "cute goofy angel sweetie boi uwu"
>profits off this façade
>turns out to be an average run of the mill Chad asshole
>brags about all the people he fucks, but shittalks said people for being "whores" and "thots" like he's better than them
>got arrested at a con for public intoxication
>more and more people come forward talking about similar experiences, and people in the local Texas con scene talk about the same since long ago
>drug use, excessive alcohol, public intoxication, letting minors into his parties and giving alcohol to minors, sex with minors, unprotected sex
Most recently
>a screenshot of a group convo with him and his friends (CagedAngelCosplay included) surfaced
>he brags about "thots" he fucks, "lowering his standards" and mentions shady use of medication (cialis)
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46 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 41661

Surprised he doesn't pack tbh. That's a sad and tiny bulge.

No. 41669

That's why he doesn't need a dancer belt.

No. 41953

What the fuck is up with the Photoshop on his face?

No. 42194

Him using Cialis makes sense now lol

No. 150935


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No. 150884[Reply]

Anyone have anything on this dude? Something feels off about the lack of info on him.(shit thread)

No. 151071

dude gives me creep vibes and all his fans seem lonely neet women

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No. 151491[Reply]

Carleigh Councell, famous for that one time she cosplayed Hinata, having giant udders, and putting people on blast in her stories for complimenting her.

Notorious for editing her photos and flip flopping on modesty to suit her mood.

No. 151493

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Here's one of her zero effort cosplays. Can you tell he character?

If you guessed "girl wearing one size too small shirt" I don't blame you.

No. 151494

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Her widowmaker cosplay. Notice a trend?

No. 151495

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Now the one time she spent any time on a cosplay

No. 151507

Nice vendetta. She's not milky. Send her to the costhot thread.

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No. 210936[Reply]

Stefany Lauren (aka Stefany Mancebo aka Eloise Frazer aka Jillian E. Valentine) is a Canadian cosplayer who has gained popularity through her Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Frozen cosplays. Originally her following grew from her Rey cosplays due to her “likeness” to Daisey Ridley (who plays Rey), but people soon realized that she was actually just photoshopping Daisy’s face on top of her own. She lied about having worked for LucasFilms (implying that she was a stunt double or photo double for Rey) and caused other drama in the Rebel Legion that caused her to get kicked out.

After being shunned from the Star Wars community, she moved onto Game of Thrones and started skinwalking Maisie Williams and cosplaying as Arya Stark. During this period she claimed to have a mystery degenerative illness characterized by periods of blindness, and tried to legitimize this by falsely claiming multiple family pets as "service dogs." She obsessively photoshopped Maisie’s features onto her own face and changed her entire personality to go between Maisie and Arya. She claimed to be HBO’s “official” Arya Cosplayer, and added archery and horse riding to her laundry list of talents.

After Frozen 2 came out, she latched onto Elsa. She latched on so hard that she decided to change her name to Eloise Frazer (Elsa Frozen) on social media and claimed it was because hearing her real name gave her PTSD. She was determined to be seen as a cutesy Disney princess, and as a result once again changed her personality to match. She became a complete scandiboo, claiming that she was a practicing Norse pagan (despite having to ask others for answers to the most basic questions about the pantheon) and hinting that her Guatemalan father may not be her real dad. She made frequent reference to being unable to feel cold, and to experiencing illness due to the heat in the summer. During this period she acquired a prop gecko as a pet (it was only briefly showcased on her socials) and a white horse with blue eyes which she named Nanok. She promptly dyed his mane blue and participated in a children's Hallowe'en pagent with him where they cosplayed as Elsa and the Nokk from Frozen 2. Following this, he was used in several photoshoots, but we never saw her ride him again.

Next came a throwback to a short-lived lie: that she is related to Elizabeth Gilles (Jade from Victorious on nickelodeon). She did everything she could to make her appear like Jade/Elizabeth, including dyingPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1202 posts and 295 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 281436

I’ve actually had my card info stolen by a skimmer and got my money back in about a day of reporting it. Surprisingly enough, financial institutions are pretty experienced with fraud detection so unless they used her card at the same shops she frequents in the same town/state she’ll get her money back and there’s no reason for her bank to make her believe otherwise. Sorry if this kills the thread, but yeah just another blatantly obvious lie.

No. 281440

No you're right, fraud is rampant and banks rarely think you're lying if it seems out of place. If she isn't outright lying, then I think she was just an idiot and overcharged herself into the negative

No. 281610


As someone who works for a bank, typically you may get your money back early but they still have to perform an investigation. If it's from an ATM they have to check out the ATM. If it's online they have to contact the merchant and let them investigate as well. If it's not resolved in your favour they can then take that refund right back again.

Not in the same country as her though so may be slightly different.

No. 281892

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Surprised she was willing to admit her dog is just a boring mutt.

No. 281899

Seems like she "owns" 4 dogs atm. No doberman in sight. The way her pets just appear and then disappear two months later is really scary. How long until this new puppy is gone?

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No. 280763[Reply]

Vegan, pedo, racist who lies and ruins lives.
Adrielliverse, adriellesigler, veganbonez, veganpunk

Keeps running from accountability and her chat is trolling tf out of her. Evidence on TT thetruthaboutadriellesigler and r/drielle_sigler_snark

Also constantly doxxing herself and blaming the internet

Says anyone against her is a back the blue cult.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 280798


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No. 278910[Reply]

She has such cute ways of getting around saying that she's a jobless loser who does nothing but smoke weed and sit on her fat ass. "Self employed?" Where do you get off, Jill, seriously.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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