File: 1481662345732.jpg (98.41 KB, 500x750, loonatic loonie.jpg)

No. 213356
Her social media: amalgamation of silicone, delusion and failed parenting known as Luna Lanie has always been a source of lols but recently she's made it known what a bag of cockroach jizz she is due to her drama with Mariah Mallad.
It all began in Mariah's 6th thread after a twitter fight where Mariah called out Luna for being trash: Luna linked to mariah's lolcow thread then came to the thread herself:
>>>/pt/310703Luna's greatest hits in that thread:
>>320197>>320252>>320256>>320260Luna is also known to have drama with cosplayer Kayyybear and as such hates any cosplayer who is friends with her. Luna's "reasoning" for this is found here in Mariah's 6th thread:
Kay "ripped her pants" in high school because they liked the same boy.
cue Spongebob ripped pants songDelanie/Luna is Linked to a twitter troll account that spawned right after Luna and Mariah had their twitter spat and attacks Mariah and Kay while retweeting all luna's photos:
>>318932>>318962The account's typing style is similar to Luna and similar to the posts made on lolcow in Luna's defense.
After the drama in Mariah's 6th thread Luna took to /pt/ to further whiteknight herself and the thread was moved to snow:
>Call's other cosplayers "costhots" and "ratchets" even though she sells her nudes
>Porked Alex Ramos, internet renowned trashlord and instigator in Amanda Todd's suicide.
>Rumored to have been pumped and dumped by Martin Wong
>Also whiteknights herself in her own patreon exploitation thread on anon-ib*I made this thread because a farmhand said that posts about Luna in the thread she made to whiteknight herself were derailing and that we should make Luna her own thread.
No. 213359
File: 1481662672093.png (21.93 KB, 188x275, okluna.png)

>>213356twitter account believed to be Luna's sock puppet
No. 213361
File: 1481662742199.jpg (15.57 KB, 275x224, becausesherippedmypants.jpg)

>>213356Luna's sob story about her rampant hate for Kay
No. 213363
File: 1481662806709.jpg (615.76 KB, 1080x1503, lunakaydrama.jpg)

>>213356>>213361More Luna/Kay drama
No. 213365
File: 1481663044900.jpg (118.82 KB, 888x1070, costhots.jpg)

>>213356Luna calling other girls "costhots" despite being the one selling nudes.
No. 213368
File: 1481663261759.png (Spoiler Image,153.68 KB, 750x1085, 1480838952838.png)

>>213356Luna whiteknighting herself on her patreon exploiting thread and proof that she sells nudes.
No. 213370
File: 1481663305352.png (163.37 KB, 750x957, 1480915309785.png)

>>213356>>213368further proof that Luna sells nudes
No. 213379
File: 1481663987946.jpg (496.47 KB, 1564x1564, 1481507351710.jpg)

>>213365She's known to be a huge hypocrite, lol
No. 213380
triggered again who the fuck cares
No. 213382
File: 1481664157769.png (184.3 KB, 1242x1386, IMG_2709.PNG)

Calling people who use Patreon prostitutes then making one herself, where she sells nudes.
No. 213387
File: 1481664622801.jpg (1.06 MB, 1002x937, IMG_2710.JPG)

>>213385Yes these look very regular lol
No. 213390
File: 1481664672403.jpg (564.33 KB, 2609x1458, expereal.jpg)

I advise ignoring the whiteknights(LUNA herself) coming here and just keep laughing at this fridge-bodied cow.
Here's Luna Lanie photoshopped versus how she actually looks
No. 213399
File: 1481664967917.jpg (174.83 KB, 1200x892, 1480580020783.jpg)

Why does she photoshop herself to look like Michael Jackson with bolt on tits?
No. 213402
File: 1481664988291.png (132.01 KB, 407x286, 1481151204423.png)

>>213390Oh good lord her shooped abdomen
No. 213404
File: 1481665048601.png (132.16 KB, 750x612, 1480583931165.png)

Luna wants to be bimbo status so bad she even sexualize underaged photos of herself
No. 213406
File: 1481665124782.jpg (97.31 KB, 801x1200, loonie lanie.jpg)

>>213404100% natural lol. No photoshop or implants at all
No. 213407
File: 1481665143641.png (621.5 KB, 1242x1898, IMG_2704.PNG)

She used to be somewhat pretty but then she ruined herself lol
No. 213419
File: 1481665495103.jpg (84.95 KB, 504x960, LOL.jpg)

so natural, no photoshop at all…
No. 213421
File: 1481665510861.jpg (1.27 MB, 1332x1332, IMG_2719.JPG)

no surgery guise
No. 213424
File: 1481665597326.jpg (1.2 MB, 1242x1242, IMG_2720.JPG)

Its all just ANGLES!!!!
No. 213425
File: 1481665613630.jpg (60.97 KB, 481x720, 1481245072343.jpg)

everyone else is such a costhot, they can't be nearly as CLASSY as Luna. such elegance
No. 213432
File: 1481665901041.jpg (1.1 MB, 1242x1242, IMG_2725.JPG)

everyone is jealous of me!!!
No. 213435
File: 1481666025220.jpg (70.94 KB, 735x490, 1481658182950.jpg)

you guise are so EXTRA I'm 100% natural you jelly cunts!
No. 213438
File: 1481666175282.jpg (63.22 KB, 600x900, 1481249540597.jpg)

100% Natural
No. 213441
File: 1481666327021.jpg (600.42 KB, 2600x1876, natural.jpg)

No. 213450
File: 1481666706542.jpg (61.6 KB, 599x382, 1481006946244.jpg)

>>213446Luna probably tracked down Nigiri's surgeon for her boob job too seeing as how Luna wants to wear Jessica's skin.
No. 213452
File: 1481666774777.png (427.12 KB, 1440x2560, sKwrIvp.png)

>>213444She is only like 5'1" but what I find funny is she used patreon money for a gym membership in LA and then complained they made her "gain weight" are you fucking stupid? It's called gaining muscle lmfao
No. 213454
File: 1481666874732.png (557.02 KB, 1440x2560, 1YQ0XOh.png)

No. 213458
File: 1481666971224.jpg (299.03 KB, 1440x2560, mCaxyU4.jpg)

if she is yoyoing her weight it wouldn't all just go to her ass and boobs. though even her photos are inconsistent, as her ass and tits def get shooped a LOT
No. 213459
>>213418She said it was "November Rikku"
And yes. Rikku from FFX/X2.
No. 213462
File: 1481667170339.jpg (16.51 KB, 221x319, 1480574516712.jpg)

>>213459So… Rikku in a slutty Native American-themed outfit for Thanksgiving. Okay.
No. 213491
>>213480I remember that incident
It was some totally random surgeon that had no idea who she was and was using a photo he pulled off google
No. 213492
File: 1481668870518.png (429.67 KB, 967x1418, IMG_2727.PNG)

ah yes all natural
No. 213510
File: 1481669968727.jpg (476.74 KB, 1536x2048, 1481005538631.jpg)

Anyone have the video of Luna crying because she didn't win a costume contest?
No. 213526
>>213510's a podcast she was featured in talking shit about DC and "using her promotion".
Starts around 13:00
No. 213527
File: 1481671028210.png (269.96 KB, 562x354, schoolforants.png)

>>213359>>213361These are a little hard to read.
No. 213545
>>213503She's complained about every single one of those
She thinks fanime is too cliquey
Svcc is just a shit show by everyone's standards
She complained about drama non stop at sdcc and colossal
No. 213550
>>213548> on her socialThere ya go.
You guys think she's unbearable online? Try in person.
No. 213551
File: 1481672691709.jpg (66.5 KB, 600x489, IMG_2735.JPG)

Here's a better pic of her kayyybear vendetta
>>213356 No. 213573
>>213557> too bad I'm not LunaIM SO CONVINCED
No. 213599
File: 1481674703684.jpg (101.69 KB, 540x720, 1480090989305.jpg)

>>213595Correction, The fact that LUNA has this much time to whiteknight herself and be proud of it is really sad lol
Either way just keep posting her laughably bad photoshops and botched implants
No. 213600
File: 1481674771789.jpg (70.08 KB, 480x720, 1480091601812.jpg)

her face in this pic legit scared me
No. 213603
File: 1481674836074.jpg (172.6 KB, 1155x1732, 1478634139143-1.jpg)

every photo you can see the dementia in her eyes
No. 213606
File: 1481674922964.jpg (61.05 KB, 720x480, 1476480120945-1.jpg)

the boob photoshopping in this pic is fucking horrendous
No. 213607
File: 1481675001013.jpg (304.21 KB, 1280x1920, 1478634139143-2.jpg)

please save her, her insanity is really apparent in this photo
No. 213609
File: 1481675151559.jpg (90.99 KB, 999x211, 1480578390079.jpg)

further proof Luna comes to Lolcow
No. 213615
File: 1481675641204.png (236.86 KB, 1230x2056, IMG_2736.PNG)

>>213607Ew if you're selling photos and consider yourself at least edit this shit out instead of editing your boobs to look even more ridiculous
No. 213626
File: 1481676519802.jpg (117.06 KB, 866x578, t9hjHHt.jpg)

>>213425this is so gross.
No. 213627
File: 1481676638666.jpg (78.82 KB, 497x720, cat (2).JPG)

her lip injections make her lips look like those giant novelty wax lips
No. 213630
File: 1481676814173.jpg (149.37 KB, 700x1050, IMG_9553.JPG)

That stomach pudge kek
Soon she'll be as big as momo
No. 213660
File: 1481680308664.jpg (147.06 KB, 863x1182, IMG_9557.JPG)

She's 22?? Holy shit. She looks like she's nearing 30. Her plastic surgery did her no good, especially on her face.
No. 213704
File: 1481683384728.jpg (76.32 KB, 637x960, IMG_9556.JPG)

>>213684Just like this "look"
No. 213706
File: 1481683445194.png (946.38 KB, 1024x888, IMG_9559.PNG)

This is so fucking cringy
No. 213855
File: 1481695957462.jpg (2.06 MB, 1156x1731, 11 (4).JPG)

look at the wallpaper by her ass, nice shoop Luna
No. 213856
File: 1481696006216.jpg (2.67 MB, 1155x1732, 9 (6).JPG)

she's really wide
No. 213858
File: 1481696269873.jpg (2.37 MB, 1732x1155, 7.JPG)

she looks like she's squatting to shit
No. 213891
>>213856Oh shit she looks like that ganjin hooker bitch Lorena kek
>>213717My age has nothing to do with the fact that this lady looks way older than 22. More like 29-35. She's not aging well and it'll only get worse. She'll be one of those blonde plastic surgery soccer moms who start drinking at 9am and try to seduce her kids male friends so she feels young.
No. 213909
File: 1481705410491.png (526.69 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>213606she spent so much time making sure her tits were perfectly spherical that she forgot to check if she squished her hand or not.
No. 213926
>>213356Thank you for her links I love her Instagram. She reminds me of mena suvari with curves
The most important question I have is single?
No. 213942
File: 1481710782735.jpg (128.44 KB, 555x960, IMG_0881.JPG)

What does Luna think these weak troll comments are going to do? We'll just continue to laugh at her wide beefy body, hag face, flat ass and boulder tits.
Speaking of flat ass, it's practically concave.
No. 213943
File: 1481710887450.jpg (151.61 KB, 640x960, IMG_0892.JPG)

She's built like a sausage.
No. 213945
File: 1481710969786.jpg (120.05 KB, 1080x1349, IMG_0880.JPG)

Why does she have the same figure as Caitlin Jenner?
No. 213947
File: 1481711357742.jpg (115.73 KB, 611x960, IMG_0887.JPG)

Looks like Luna's photoshop hasnt gotten any better over the years. Nice drawn on cleavage. Did she learn that from Dakota?
No. 213984
>>213961They do make you look fat. You have to gain weight to make them look proportional and not like boobs on a stick
Crystal took hers out because they were leaking and became neurotoxic over time. That combined with all the blow she did was just no bueno
Idk why I know all this useless shit. Natural is always better, wouldnt ever wanna be a boob gremlin like these bimbos
No. 214060
File: 1481734011684.jpg (58.79 KB, 400x570, IMG_0889.JPG)

She used to look like Dakota in her scene phase but is somehow aging much more rapidly and much worse.
No. 214071
File: 1481734777134.jpg (52.22 KB, 400x600, IMG_0888.JPG)

>>214064These pics were before her disaster of a boob job
No. 214346
File: 1481763959887.jpg (138.01 KB, 720x960, IMG_0885.JPG)

Martin Wong sure thinks highly of himself when just a little while ago he was cosplaying with Loonie. He's such a pretentious douche because he's worked with Jnig.
No. 214408
>>214365wouldn't surprise me, most photogs are kinda dicks.
definitely think she used him for free promo until he caught on though.
No. 214409
File: 1481771700086.png (1.98 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161214-221306.png)

she just posted this. where did her tig ol bitties go these dont look that big
No. 214413
File: 1481772082231.png (111.49 KB, 265x341, Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 9.19…)

>>214409lol photoshopping her face smaller. Glad she didn't inflate her tits with photoshop. maybe this thread will teach her to stop deforming herself.
No. 214493
File: 1481783151364.jpg (70.88 KB, 640x960, IMG_0884.JPG)

>>214488Super young looking. Lol you tried Luna
No. 214494
>>214491Fan dumb bitch but keep being jealou
Lol keep being bitter and ignoring video posted today that's on fire
No. 214534
File: 1481792279847.jpg (109.09 KB, 640x960, IMG_0883.JPG)

What is up with that hair? Jesus
No. 214538
File: 1481792869113.png (1.79 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_4750.PNG)

>>214534>>213858Let me simulate humping and spreading my diseases cunt
File: 1481792950321.jpg (70.89 KB, 480x480, IMG_4809.JPG)

>>214538Kill it with fire
No. 214550
File: 1481794728819.png (145.41 KB, 750x711, IMG_0866.PNG)

>>214541I can't believe Kay and Luna are the same age. Luna looks old as fuck, acts mentally retarded and has to show her botched implants on the internet to get paid while Kay was filming an actual commercial.
No. 214631
File: 1481814481673.png (2.34 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_9562.PNG)

>>214495This is not the face of a 22 year old kek
No. 214768
File: 1481842047448.jpg (100.47 KB, 640x640, Luna-Lanie-021-07142015.jpg)

>>214763There goes Luna outing herself. Assuming Kay is also anonymously shit talking her just like Luna herself does. "Paid to model with Kanye's designer" LMAO
Who would pay Luna's dusty plastic bimbo ass to model when there's thousands of natural beautiful models out there? Luna is 22 and already way past her prime and selling softcore porn. Luna is a joke.
No. 214773
File: 1481842454784.jpg (674.38 KB, 2819x2039, sonatural.jpg)

No. 214782
File: 1481843343731.jpg (184.27 KB, 800x1200, IMG_4827.JPG)

>>214631This is called past prime this is called 40 year old used up hoebag this is what you will end up looking like because you girls stupid and have no brains or education
No. 214791
File: 1481843647974.jpg (77.73 KB, 547x832, 1480201049053.jpg)

>>214776>legitimate modelingKEK
No. 214801
>>214790Ecstacy is great have you tried it? You should candyflip and gtfo of lolcow.
>>214763>Luna is actually shooting a show and being paid to model with Kanyes designerI'll believe it when I see it. But just so you know the Yeezy fashion shows specifically seek out thot looking models.
No. 214817
>>214814Wow and that guy obviously bought fake followers on facebook. How do you have 100k likes and average 50 likes per post??
Luna is shooting with a nobody.
No. 214829
File: 1481849649434.jpg (624.8 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1261.JPG)

>>214806Haha go look this up on google images doesn't exist and that's her man toy babe so get over your jealousy you dumb bitches can't even get Ronald McDonald to fuck your dried up diseased pussy
No. 214847
File: 1481850990251.jpg (137.93 KB, 500x321, 1433072731096.jpg)

>>214806It's incredible how obvious and awful they are at even trolling a thread. Nothing clever or interesting, pretty much bottom of the barrel insults with shitty ass lies tacked in there for good measure.
How sad.
No. 214888
File: 1481857423461.png (907.19 KB, 900x900, 1477877699316.png)

>>213541first you're the fag saying she didn't have plastic surgery and now you say shit like this. like, you're the one that seems pretty buttmad at everything people post about her dude.
No. 214908
File: 1481861026524.png (487.62 KB, 585x387, thathandtho.png)

>>213858Her hand in that picture… her shops are so bad.
No. 214934
File: 1481864813592.jpg (148.74 KB, 1200x900, IMG_4830.JPG)

She's all natural you jealous Asian bitches
No. 214945
>>214928Yet here you are.
>>214938>thinks Luna looks like used-up skank>MUST BE JELLY AZNS!sure jan
>>214944>artisticPrying your ass cheeks apart and photoshopping your fake tits isn't artistic, you silly ho.
No. 214956
>>214948Hi Luna!
How's your discount barbie arse doing these days?
No. 214967
>>214964i know for sure you don't know what fancy is lmao
you don't even know what classy is
you seem to have trashy down very good though
No. 214993
File: 1481872640457.jpg (246.66 KB, 950x1419, IMG_0943.JPG)

She looks like someones methed out mom
No. 215121
File: 1481909935207.jpg (133.5 KB, 329x333, Comparison.jpg)

>>215040I'd say it's a fairly safe bet she got implants too.
No. 215796
File: 1481954615329.jpg (63.53 KB, 640x640, Luna-Lanie-002-07142015.jpg)

Here's a pic of her before the lip fillers. Those fillers added about 10 years to her face
No. 215819
>>213630this is incredibly nitpicky but why is her belly button so nasty
>>213356the only thing i can think of when i see her name is Lunatic Loony. not flattering.
No. 216018
File: 1482005030776.png (227.52 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3530.PNG)

Hey guise, just thought I'd drop Luna's fake sockpuppet twitter account. I'm 99% sure it's her. Tons of tweets to @ Mariah Mallard, linking it to her lolcow thread tons of times, and in mariahs twitter convo about Luna, and other people, and A LOT of really racist, mean, nasty shit about other cosplay girls, ESP Mariah. All while coincidentally only promoting Luna, posting and retweeting Luna's promos & Luna's tweets about how other cosplay girls suck, & complimenting Luna. The acc also obviously posts on lolcow & PULL. I screenshotted everything. Almost certain it's Luna. Not sure if someone posted this already. No. 216038
File: 1482009534093.jpg (49.03 KB, 640x720, Cz2W0f2WQAAtcAY.jpg)

lmfao any one else think she looks dumb as fuck in this photo
No. 216058
File: 1482012134945.jpg (76.81 KB, 640x478, luna 6.jpg)

For those wondering why Luna constantly attacks Swimsuit Succubus. Fucking dirty little thieving bitch. At least SSS doesn't have to shoop the hell out of herself to look good. Luna's botched lip injections make her always look like she has a fucking mustache.
No. 216069
>>216066These cosplayers all seem to have the worst photoedits ever. They all are super air-brushed and have really obvious and inhuman looking waist liquifying going on.
Lunas photos are some of the worst. Shitty ant sized resolution, that ghetto ass vignette, hideously blatant body editing, terrible color and lighting as well as an ugly subject.
No. 216099
File: 1482015139133.jpg (265.13 KB, 734x1024, IMG_3552.JPG)

lol couldn't help myself, why so racist luna?
ps. your welcome that i covered up your fatty belly flap with your jealou… i mean dislike for kay. i got you girl.
No. 216100
File: 1482015248937.png (1.75 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0975.PNG)

Her body sucks.
No. 216101
File: 1482015301393.png (1.65 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0974.PNG)

>>216100Also wasnt she attacking Kay for wearing Yandy lingerie when she herself is wearing fucking Yandy in this video???
No. 216352
File: 1482033551522.jpg (201.39 KB, 650x1024, IMG_3582.JPG)

>>216230So you mean like Luna, being the "lesser one" attacking Mariah, SS, Kay, Nigri, etc. (who are the "bigger ones") because she wants to be like them and is so jealous that she went ape shit self posting all over this thread? So you just basically described the reason that YOU, Luna, created that twitter account to shit talk and be racist to people that could end your career in the cosplay community like that. And it's already happening…. good luck with your already and slowly fading work Luna! I know that's your twitter account, your writing and phrases/words and grammar are the exact same. Fucking embarrassing, go focus on your fat ass instead of selfposting "10/10 would fuck her is she single" on your own thread and do something like that commercial that Kay is doing right now that your so jealous of…. oh wait you can't. lmao
No. 216354
File: 1482033796003.png (30.68 KB, 749x217, IMG_0984.PNG)

CRINGE. And she calls others thots when she posts shit like this and sells her nudes??
No. 216371
File: 1482035667059.jpg (3.52 MB, 1155x1732, IMG_0988.JPG)

>>216354Why does she have midget proportions?
No. 216393
>>216388Her and nigri and Sheena and momo
NO ASS. Hah.
No. 216422
File: 1482047404033.png (204.16 KB, 429x234, loon.png)

>>216074>>216100>>216101It's not even just her fridge body that's the problem though. Her face, that nose…
No. 216425
File: 1482047793132.jpg (3.12 MB, 1155x1732, IMG_0989.JPG)

>>216422She looks deformed
No. 216453
>>216444I know competitive gymnasts
That's not a gymnasts' body
No. 216462
>>216444>>216457>>216458Your lack of self-control is guaranteeing that this thread will remain active. A lot of us are only here because it's so fun watching you sperg out like the exceptionally retarded gutterslut you are. Sure, even if you weren't constantly shitting up the thread, there'd still be people mocking you for being an angry, slutty refrigerator masquerading as a human, but
you are choosing to come here and call further attention to yourself.
No. 216557
>>216469Ummm…you are on this board lmfao
>>216474No one gives a fuck about her cosplaying, some people just don't like a dumb ugly bitch that has no humility
>>216490Hardly call what Nigri does anyone as cosplay…actually, she does Glamour Modeling which is exactly what Loonie is trying to do. Has been? Nigri banking over 50k a month on patreon ALONE and Luna makes like 5k sooo yeah no where even near Nigri's level nice try.
No. 216629
File: 1482085893148.jpg (208.42 KB, 886x1024, IMG_3624.JPG)

>>216611Man, the jealousy. It must really suck to be you. Stop bashing on girls your jealous of, it's unbecoming and obsessive. And stop yelling on about the vaginas of the girls your jealous of. Their sex partners, STDs, their "fat Arab pussy" like for real Luna you're so gross wtf that's creepy bruh
No. 216650
File: 1482088656460.png (318.29 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161218-141636.png)

>>216630Guess he became gay after smashing that Loonie pussy then
No. 216712
File: 1482094780169.png (430.71 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161218-155606.png)

>>216674>>216669>>216668You are all retarded
I know this shit because I followed Luna for 2 years before she became a fucking psycho jealous bitch
I followed her when she DATED MARTIN
She has never tried to hide this well…this convo can be found on her Twitter at this very moment.
No. 216727
>>216718>>216716This thread started by multiple ppl claiming she never dated M Wong, first off, and second: sorry I am not down to support some racist fucking pig. Regardless of what the fuck she does for a living. No one expects to make a career from cosplay alone lmfao it's literally COSTUME PLAY
Only ppl are mad at Luna with cosplay is how she used it to get a name for herself
Nigri promo'd Luna lmfao you idiots the only reason this bitch is even known is because Nigri supported her until Luna got what she wanted and then turned on her.
Is Nigri perfect? Fuck no. But she is the main reason this bitch is even popular today.
No. 216780
File: 1482100456090.jpg (157.19 KB, 1334x750, IMG_3628.JPG)

>>216752No, you THINK it's momo, krissy, kay, & co.'s crews coming here to "talk shit" about Luna (you!) because that's what Luna (you!) does herself, she's so paranoid that all the people that she talked shit about & insulted & sockpuppeted are now doing the same to her (bc she knows she rightly deserves it) bc she thinks everyone is as shallow and horrid as her and now she's obsessing about it randomly responding to random posts that aren't hers and going "I know it's you posting kay!" "Is that so krissy? Right, this is krissy" "momo stop posting and making threads about Luna" "is that you niggi?!" When wholetime it's just her samefagging and sperging out on everyone. Like a "get them before they get me" she can't believe they aren't other people that she's insulted and been rude to and pissed off besides the 4 girls she's obsessed with and talked the most shit about, but there are, and she will never know. It's so obvious that all these posts in this thread are just Luna. Painfully obvious, like she has any fans that care about her this much who use the same spelling, grammar, phrases, words, punctuation, & misspelling. Jesus Christ you're worse than KiKi.
No. 216789
File: 1482101302814.jpg (72.52 KB, 1024x567, IMG_3629.JPG)

This was for her fans ~gross~, or in the words of Luna herself: "pussy ass beta males".
>Luna is a real glamour legit model!!11 she's modeling for Kanye!!!111 I heard she slept with Jeremy renner!! Honestly so true 100% true!!!!11111
No. 216806
File: 1482103238193.png (142.44 KB, 750x919, IMG_3594.PNG)

>>216802Esp all those comments & posts insisting momo is a $50 prostitute, and raging on kay with random (most def/prob) fake stories from a decade +more ago.
In the pic: the fuck did her nips go?
No. 216807
File: 1482103423759.jpg (237.78 KB, 750x979, IMG_3630.JPG)

I tried to get everything. The face had a good amount of shoop, to make her look more like Angelina. Who you fooling Luna?
No. 216809
File: 1482103656994.jpg (193.01 KB, 749x1124, IMG_3631.JPG)

One more, you can tell by her tits, forehead, & side of face where she shoopd and the loose strands of hair are blurry, more transparent, and wavy. Jawline blurry and pushed up, nose a bit blurry and pushed down, face made thinner, etc.
No. 216811
>>216695Wow what a bad ass comeback, my feelings are so hurt.
What does actually hurt, though, is my brain. Loonie and her "lunatics" are not only deluded and shallow, but have the comprehension level of a 3rd grader. Actually, perhaps that is an insult to the 3rd grader. Rather, they have the comprehension and language level of a 6th grade white trailer trash 'mean girl'.
No. 216812
File: 1482103940122.png (49.05 KB, 750x342, IMG_0781.PNG)

>>216806Lets not forget THIS gem
No. 216821
>>216806True, but lets not imply moomoo could get any suing done. Its not like Loonie has any money, so MooMoo doesnt care.
It must hurt to be as irrelevant as Loonie, shes so irrelevant people dont care enough to sue her for slander. I doubt nigri or Kay even care enough to occasionally look her up for laughs. Let alone moomoo, she has lately had way too much bulking to do.
Loonie you need to call your doc and complain of that refund gap on those torpedoes. Thats subpar work, also opt next time for fat transfers on the ass NEXT to glute and a lipo from tailbone. Then you wont look like a stretched out dwarf.
For your face id recommend less fillers and a doc not found from a dollarstore notice board. Thatll come a longway, also stop buying your makeup from the dollarstore. Get some bombass moisturisers and a cosmetologist to fry that skin off, no way to salvage that haggardness unless you just go full on snake mode (oh the irony.).
Cant tell you to just wear a bag because Im sure your fans aint there for the mines of Moria survivor thing you got going on right now. Its a mystery, you dont have a pleasant personality, you have made your face and body busted and PAID FOR IT, tell me, is your fan demography consisting of barely legally blind older british men who mistook you for a legit Hobbit?
No. 217497
File: 1482185449532.jpg (154.98 KB, 960x1200, IMG_0992.JPG)

Wtf is up with her face?
No. 217528
File: 1482187349739.png (108.24 KB, 750x1232, IMG_1035.PNG)

>>217497What the fuck is going on with her chin specifically??
No. 217658
File: 1482204071272.jpg (75.67 KB, 566x960, IMG_0991.JPG)

In 3 years she looks double her age.
No. 217701
File: 1482209006597.png (63.18 KB, 673x341, IMG_1048.PNG)

>>217694Luna you said the same thing on anon-ib and no one believed you there either.
No. 217753
File: 1482213321574.jpg (64.99 KB, 480x720, IMG_1049.JPG)

Looking at pictures of luna from just a year or two ago is depressing. She used to have potential but now she looks so ugly and plastic
No. 217763
>>217722Yeah you're right, that explains why.
>>217724Go take a chill pill Luna
No. 217793
>>217785Stories straight thots she doesn't use photographers because she does it herself and has for over a year. Don't you remember when she trashed all the cosplay photographers for being creepers? This thread should be moved anyway all the things being brought up is over two to three years old. Again nothing scandalous just a bunch of
triggered ugly girls hating the hot girl thats going places while they are cleaning toilets in Wendys
No. 217810
File: 1482216489603.jpg (192.61 KB, 1233x2048, IMG_0993.JPG)

Go to bed Luna. It's getting old hearing you go on talking about the same cosplayers over and over like the obsessed weirdo that you are. And you're not black so stop saying "thots" constantly. And consider hitting the gym before you shit talk momo for being fat.
No. 217812
>>217810Keep using old pictures Mariah because you're so
triggered by her beauty and maybe you need a nose, chin, lipo oh shit just kill yourself bitch
File: 1482216787565.png (629.82 KB, 399x660, IMG_0944.PNG)

>>217810Wide as a truck with a concave ass. Luna has no right to talk shit about anyone's body,
No. 217826
File: 1482217072066.jpg (52.94 KB, 500x750, 2.jpg)

No. 217828
File: 1482217138454.png (55.92 KB, 745x424, IMG_1051.PNG)

>>217820She has no definition between her hips and waist. She's built like bratwurst.
No. 217829
File: 1482217166793.jpg (152.21 KB, 1016x1017, 11270530_10202988449830885_843…)

Whats this shit
No. 217872
File: 1482221997433.png (149.65 KB, 1098x832, IMG_4850.PNG)

Oh raq I'm so sorry your parents gave you up but look at you can you blame them
No. 217874
File: 1482222103312.png (178.8 KB, 1094x873, IMG_4847.PNG)

OMG can it be killed with fire
No. 217876
File: 1482222163105.png (193.07 KB, 1125x955, IMG_4848.PNG)

Hey guys I'm a Persian stud with a chode can you girls suck it for .50
No. 217885
*So to speak
(Ty phone)
No. 217894
File: 1482223339538.png (438.16 KB, 1125x2001, IMG_4845.PNG)

Here's your five minutes of fame now go back to backpage and pretend you're underage for that daddy money
No. 217923
File: 1482227705978.jpg (163.81 KB, 768x1024, IMG_3933.JPG)

>>217922Because she's loonie. Get some fuckin work, Luna, & stop being paranoid in the thread.
No. 217924
File: 1482227739256.jpg (187.31 KB, 1024x682, IMG_3934.JPG)

No. 217925
File: 1482227786247.jpg (179.7 KB, 741x1024, IMG_3935.JPG)

Such a sweet girl, what a role model!
No. 217927
File: 1482227970596.jpg (207.96 KB, 821x1024, IMG_3938.JPG)

Oh and I have lots more pics of Delanie Wheeler from back in her emo alex day. vine vids: No. 217930
File: 1482228883744.png (120.58 KB, 559x854, IMG_3902.PNG)

I don't get why she calls everyone a costhot and saying krissy, SS, mono, Kay, nigiri are whores & prostitutes when she's producing completely nude quality ass content like this.
No. 217932
File: 1482229004037.gif (920.64 KB, 450x337, IMG_3884.GIF)

>>217929Yeah, I even have a pic of him in what I'm going to assume is Luna's old b cup bra and Luna's tampons in his nose. I guess she's a fucking loser for dating him right?
No. 217938
File: 1482229617936.jpg (150.32 KB, 750x1004, IMG_3945.JPG)

>just pasting shit on top of images doesn't associate that person with those wordsOh rly?
No. 217948
File: 1482230983484.jpg (206.89 KB, 480x480, IMG_3885.JPG)

>>217894Man, swimsuitsuccubs is way hotter than Luna ever could be, even with braces, stop being so salty that you had to sleep with Martin & kiss Nigri's ass & get plastic surgery to get known while SS…. didn't, and she's still more famous. Ouch.
No. 217966
File: 1482233797097.png (819.25 KB, 1279x1212, fatass.png)

>>217965To each their own I think she looks like my chubby fat neighbor Zachary whose mom feeds him too much cookies
The only good thing that's working in her favor is that her big ass implants make the weight gain in her stomach and arm area look semi proportionate
No. 217968
>>217966She didn't get ass implants. This is all over
Darshelle who edits most of her photos shoops the fuck out of that washboard butt. You can find recent candid photos of her from cons and tell her ass is still flat.
No. 217971
>>217968I meant BIG ASS implants not big "ass" implants
Like big ass titties.
>>217969? Ok.
No. 217986
File: 1482236883826.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3936.PNG)

>>217973Damn wtf Luna, why ya gotta be such a agitated hoe?
No. 217995
File: 1482240739126.png (134.5 KB, 1240x1264, IMG_2850.PNG)

Luna is well aware of who she is. According to her girls only slut shame when they don't love themselves enough or are ugly. Since everyone's a costhot, Luna hates herself more than any of the girls she cries about.
No. 218156
File: 1482268031491.jpg (524.05 KB, 1920x1200, IMG_3986.JPG)

Just knowing this is a fact, must kill Luna, so sad she has to rip on other girls to make herself feel better. Shit like her ruins the community.
Ps. I was talking to the nerdy grocery store cashier at Whole Foods today about Katsucon, he's really into cosplay girls/goes to cons, loves nigri, was familiar with SS, kay, & momo. "What about Luna Lanie?" …. "huh? whose that?" Lmao so relevant~
No. 218158
File: 1482268485783.png (Spoiler Image,109.56 KB, 750x1167, IMG_3982.PNG)

More quality patreon cosplay content….
+how is it cosplay when you're completely naked?
No. 218167
>>218162Gurrrl it says on your patreon that you posted this December 20 at 12:39am, I thought it was just a picture, I didn't know it was a video, thanks for telling me Luna! Damn, a naked patreon pic is bad, but a naked patreon video? That's worse.
No. 218172
>>218162This is Vicky-level of delusional.
"It's an old pic, dumbass"
No. 218176
>>218164>>218166>>218167>>218172>>218173I figured checking a few ticks off of
>>217987 this list, intentionally making a contradiction in the very same sentence and saging would make it obvious enough that it was a mock post, but I guess not adding a "/s" tripped you up.
Good to know it's that easy to pretend to be her, I suppose?
No. 218177
File: 1482272825578.png (85.38 KB, 750x506, IMG_3995.PNG)

>>218169But anon! Luna WOULD NEVER stalk other girls, people only stalk HER, duh.
No. 218179
File: 1482273095806.png (Spoiler Image,123.65 KB, 750x1251, IMG_3991.PNG)

I wonder what character shes cosplaying in this? And on facebook none the less. Klassy.
No. 218214
File: 1482280525789.png (1.65 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_9564.PNG)

>>218158That fucking door frame
No. 218223
File: 1482281354065.png (162.19 KB, 637x796, Screen Shot 2016-12-20 at 6.46…)

you have to be the saddest beta to pay this ho when THIS is her attitude towards patrons.
No. 218243
File: 1482286583572.jpg (51.6 KB, 576x1024, 332D3373-22E7-4DDA-893A-771B5E…)

>>218214Lol look at the doorfrae here too
No. 218266
File: 1482290067005.jpg (208.56 KB, 545x771, luna 8.jpg)

>>218223She already changed it. I swear she changes this like twice a week.
At least she's moving away from calling herself a cosplayer…still a shit personality and fake as fuck but I'll give her the BOAD she does actually put her Patreon $$$ to decent use for her "art".
No. 218311
>>218304Yeah but she doesn't release content weekly lol
She charges weekly and releases shoots like what? Once or twice a month?
No. 218333
>>218327I'm not a cosplayer or have a patreon so I have got all day to drag this ratty cunt through the mud
praise the queen of bad shoops and shit personality all you want. you all only make fools of yourselves bringing up shit no one gives a fuck about and drawing more attention to how shit Luna and her following is
No. 218336
File: 1482296611548.png (13.72 KB, 465x84, Screenshot_3.png)

is this bitch brain dead how the fuck does she tweet stupid shit like this and then come to talk shit about people more successful than her anonymously
No. 218341
File: 1482296857494.jpg (62.35 KB, 700x525, IMG_1100.JPG)

No. 218349
File: 1482297696963.png (1.1 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_4853.PNG)

Lol look what we are sending in gc bitches. Ok I'm done for the evening but the calendar is over dumb cunts and she's shooting with actual fashion companies and publications. I really would fuck with her anymore she has friends in high places and you might find yourself in more trouble than it's worth. BTW to assume she doesn't have help with her social media etc and the fact that you are literally so obsessed that you watch everything done means you're a fan lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 218357
File: 1482298302342.png (1.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161130-155423.png)

>>218349o im sorry i was under the impression she handled her own social media after she tried to claim it was someone else attacking ppl earlier this year and thats why she deserved to be paid on patreon for doing everything herself ?
No. 218362
File: 1482298526673.png (403.31 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161130-132038.png)

>>218358better work on getting a good lawyer than honey cuz you can't sue anyone for being "mean" on the internet
No. 218366
>>218349You know this isn't 4chan right?
And whoever you're texting knows you're posting too so…. Way to go
No. 218372
>>218368Admins do not provide IP and also I'm 99% sure your friend is not "friends with the admins".
Also just outed yourself again. You're really not good at this lol
No. 218375
File: 1482299039032.jpg (238.39 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_1105.JPG)

>>218372She was baited so hard holy shit.
No. 218414
File: 1482300100152.jpg (54.92 KB, 486x409, 1439614257182.jpg)

>>218405people who make posts saying they dont care means they care.
No. 218508
>>218461so basically luna is admitting to posting anonymously
way to go luna
No. 218514
>>218429>>218411Hey loonie bin, you do realize people do things (like cosplay!!!) Because they love it? Or possibly because they enjoy portraying their favorite characters? That maybe juuuuust maybe, a lot of people's motivations aren't about being famous or whatever the fuck you think being "important" means?
The answer is no. Because you're so shallow and do garbage things because you have a garbage life. You possibly cannot fathom a person who isn't as miserable, shitty, and desperate as you.
Probably also doesn't help that you have the IQ of an amoeba.
No. 218537
File: 1482322115425.png (21.78 KB, 602x157, IMG_4846.PNG)

No. 218627
File: 1482341758701.png (Spoiler Image,109.99 KB, 744x1278, IMG_4006.PNG)

>>218458Oh Luna oh Luna, I go to sleep for just a few hours and this is what you do? SO EMBARESSING. You know that Indian guy you've been obsessing about, yeah like none of us even knew/cared who he was until now. And tracing ips is not "illegal" you're literally retarded, there are actual business that do just that as a living, tracing an IP of a poster on THE SITE YOU ADMIN AND OWN is not illegal. Luna, you came here, we didn't force you to come here. This is our forums, where we talk about people, just like people is a gossip magazine, we stay here and don't interfere with "e-celebs" real lives or even go on their platforms, but your dumb racist ass just had to come here and rile shit up while bumping your own thread. And yes, you are racist, and no, a tiny balding Indian man did not "force" you to be racist and you are DEFINATELY not going to be in futures upcoming music video (LMAO wtf) and the ONLY REASON your going on about "I'm going to sue!!!1 it's illegal to search ip addresses!!!" Is because you're so paranoid that your posts will be flagged and everyone will see all the horrid racist mean shit you wrote here about other cosplay girls. YOU are just a mean person, whose extremely jealous, hateful, and very racist. Plz stop samefagging
Ps. Imma order me a calander of this fantastic cosplay! Pic very much related
No. 218633
File: 1482342215589.jpg (113.23 KB, 888x1024, IMG_4016.JPG)

Luna makes so much more money than all those girls! "ITS CALLED DISCLOSURE!" lololololol it just doesn't show on her patreon! Which is like her only source of income bc she has nothing going on except for in her imagination. (Luna chill with the fake shit "I'm sleeping with Jeremy renner!" "I'm modeling for Kanye!" "I'm going to be in futures video!") like your lies are aiming way too high.
No. 218635
File: 1482343080957.jpg (146.67 KB, 1024x567, IMG_4075.JPG)

>>218458>where are the screen caps of Luna calling Kay a nigger?Not only did she say she needs to be lynched, that she was a nigga, that she takes white dick, that she's a prostitute, BUT you ALSO threaten to jump her and posted a picture of her mother. Pic related.
(Which is fucking slander and liable and threatening Kay's life, you fake titty retard)
And I have TONS of tweets from your sockpuppet accounts, your real accounts, your old accounts saying racist ass shit about momo being Arab, burkas, Islam, etc.
No. 218642
File: 1482344012356.jpg (201.18 KB, 743x1024, IMG_4077.JPG)

The insecurity…..
No. 218644
File: 1482344136750.jpg (226.77 KB, 480x480, IMG_3883.JPG)

Oh Luna….. so natural~~
No. 218647
File: 1482344865978.jpg (77.4 KB, 512x768, IMG_4078.JPG)

Dem blurry lines tho.
No. 218658
File: 1482346788474.png (2 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_4841.PNG)

God jessica go fix that broken face and get a real man. Maybe you won't obsess about females more attractive than you
No. 218719
>>217812>>217819>>217822Nigga, the game for that character came out less than a month ago. Sure, it's been in production for eons, but why the fuck would someone do the "OMGFIRST!!!!!" cosplay in 2014?
Either that, or you're pants on head retarded by replying to images that don't apply to what you're saying.
No. 218722
File: 1482358110863.jpg (66.5 KB, 750x469, IMG_1277.JPG)

>>218715Luna lanie just as important as the emoji movie
No. 218881
The last comment was 8 hours ago and here you come and resurrect the thread yourself lol.
No. 219967
File: 1482425143830.jpg (243.96 KB, 699x1024, IMG_4159.JPG)

>>218876No, you stir the pot. Guuuurrrrrrrrrrllllll you need Jesus. #SendLunaToPopeFrancis
You give such great commentary, a collage in your honor m'lady.
No. 219968
File: 1482425508310.jpg (170.81 KB, 683x1024, IMG_4160.JPG)

Damnnn…. Luna, you supposed to be 22? I'm 24 and I don't fucking look like that you look like my mums age wtf
Ps. Classy calander, lol
No. 220097
File: 1482441530546.png (416.72 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161222-161654.png)

Looks like someone is trying to do some image boosting…"I don't do thot shit like that" lol no but your patreon is pretty thot like itself
No. 220161
>>220097She's probably saying this because she feels insecure seeing other cosplayers get these things while she isn't.
Recall her posting pretending to be someone else who gifted her a "$1500 purse". Basically confirming that to be a load of bullshit, as if there was any doubt.
No. 220166
>>220161OH YEAH LOL
How was she gifted a $1500 purse if she doesn't accept gifts? So either bs on the purse or bs on her goody goody donation act and she's just pulling that now to make herself look good
No. 220229
File: 1482461022381.png (169.64 KB, 750x1303, IMG_1288.PNG)

>>220224That's so fucking rude omg
Prints are so cheap to produce too and she said that publicly just wowwwwww
No. 220233
File: 1482461383577.png (158.13 KB, 750x1203, IMG_1290.PNG)

You take it to a fucking vet, Genius.
No. 220246
File: 1482462721938.jpg (238.46 KB, 841x918, luna 10.jpg)

>>220242>>220233It's funny how she isn't nearly as lewd or tryhard on her personal fb as she is on Twitter lol
No. 220251
>>220246Did she really go and get her personal fb verified…….
No. 220278
File: 1482470862097.jpg (81.76 KB, 500x750, IMG_3899.JPG)

>>220233inb4 Luna starts posting as the stray cat…
>"I'm a stray cat who hung out with Luna once, she's not racist and is a beautiful hot legit model who can bend doorframes with her titti…mind. When I was pooping on the floor I saw her in her bedroom with Kanye West, do you guise think they're dating?! Lol momo is a fat thot SS is terrorist suck a dick thots! I'm not Luna, I'm Luna's stolen cat don't be stupid jealous thots." No. 220281
File: 1482471503611.png (115.18 KB, 750x795, IMG_3492.PNG)

No. 220328
File: 1482485117871.png (89.68 KB, 1117x906, IMG_4873.PNG)

Omg guys they're going to fuck lol
No. 220329
File: 1482485186747.png (85.7 KB, 1110x892, IMG_4874.PNG)

Ryan has competition since Alex is already verified lmao
No. 220331
File: 1482486214294.png (1.31 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161223-044026.png)

I guess she also steals content from others, how original. She jumps on the defense far too quickly to ever be considered innocent lol
Link to FB page of person who was stolen from: /EcliptikaCosplay/posts/1153315898057556
No. 220332
>>220331It was most likely a misunderstanding and she had to handle it in the TRASHIEST and ugliest way possible holy shit
The other cosplayer was polite about it and then here comes Luna just name calling and being trash like usual
No. 220363
>>220337why would she care anyways, she's almost as bad with harassing people and bullying as he is tbh lmfao
idk, Alex is a weird kid…I get the draw Luna might of saw of him at first, but I'm sure even her crazy is no match for his crazy.
In terms of Jessica? Idk…does seem kind of weird but he has also seemingly calmed down a bit since him and Loonie broke up so maybe she was the cause of his crazy at the same time?
No. 220372
>>220370>>220371Not Kay. I was legitimately wondering how the fuck he and Amanda Todd were related dipshit. I didn't know he pulled a knife on her 2 weeks ago when many other "fans" of Luna have come here saying "oh she hasn't talked to or hung out with him in months" so you all need to get your fucking stories straight amongst each other then. And where the fuck do you see a link here of him asking for a hit man? Jesus fucking christ can you be anymore obvious Luna? Why are you talking about shit no one has even mentioned in this thread?
No. 220384
>>220383ah thanks for the clarification.
>>220382then why bother changing the edit caption on the photo (which she just posted in the past few months on FB) to the salty ass message she did about how it WASN'T stolen but then still not credit who edited the image? liar.
No. 220409
>>220407Considering her feud with Kayla started while she was STILL COSPLAYING and Kayla STARTED COSPLAYING the argument is completely valid. Luna has her Patreon SAYING MAKING COSPLAY up until a couple months ago. This fight has been going since
>>213361 was posted August 2015. So nice try.
No. 220424
>>220422So Kay should just ignore all the cyber bullying Luna has done to her since she started cosplaying? o ok.
Luna has no proof that she was ever bullied by Kay besides that one post last year and many people have already come forward and said the bullying claims are false.
No. 220437
File: 1482502966055.jpg (237.68 KB, 1175x1465, IMG_2985.JPG)

hi, Luna. Nice to hear from you
No. 220468
File: 1482507137749.png (1.51 MB, 1624x620, Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 10.3…)

Does this bitch know any other poses? Same as her "fan" nidalee
No. 220478
>>220473Who? Luna you're being way too specific again about someone only you know.
>beautiful white girlskek
No. 220527
>>220525Luna not racist gais she has multiple poc on her snapchat and dated one black!
No. 220585
>>217818>>217820Samefagging because I just saw the truth in these… holy fuck no. Whoever did the shop in
>>220468 worked wonders. The reality is a horror show.
No. 220606
File: 1482526780507.jpg (178.32 KB, 596x922, kay 1.jpg)

As Luna says…HUM
No. 220611
File: 1482527205330.jpg (163.79 KB, 595x921, luna 11.jpg)

No. 220630
File: 1482530863993.jpg (106.9 KB, 616x831, luna 12.jpg)

Sooo…why would Luna pretend to get along with Kay and like her posts to her and then decide to attack her and tell everyone Kay "bullied her" 2 months later for no reason?
No. 220643
I get it now.
Alex was always a little cock munch…
but maybe Alex is the one that made Loonie into the giant bitch she is now? like she was going through blocking random people and freaking out over his fangirls that same as she did with the cosplayers last winter (2015)
No. 220665
File: 1482534377359.jpg (98.3 KB, 600x900, IMG_1250.JPG)

Luna has always been a cunt
No. 220697
>>220696i really still don't get why you think she stalks her feed dude. the only time they have tweeted each other since they were friends is when luna made that comment about how she thought it was gross that some boyfriend's pimp their gf's and some dude named vince_undead tagged nigri and said "oh like jessica does" and then jess stood up for herself and made the claim that luna's bf shot for her
might have not been true, but i'd hardly call that stalking by any means.
No. 220702
>>220698i mean…she was literally a nobody before alex.
then got into cosplay.
then got noticed by martin wong and jessica nigri and got promo'd by both.
then cut ties with the community and started doing "glamour modeling" once she had a fan base. i'd assume it's how anyone gets famous but can't call it using someone if you don't just cut ties with them after getting what you want
No. 220704
>>220700he knows what the money maker issss.
plus she did it before him so it'd be pretty shit for him to be like "you can't do this anymore" after they got together.
No. 220726
File: 1482539820041.png (687.62 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161223-193434.png)

so since ppl wanna keep saying that jessica promo'd kay to go against delanie. first off, kay kept fangirling to jess, like many do, first. jess didn't pick her out just to shove it in delanie's face
No. 220727
File: 1482539916971.png (697.96 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161223-193448.png)

>>220726second, jess didn't promo kayla until december which was 5 months after delanie attacked kay and at least 3 months after her and jess stopped associating with each other
No. 220794
File: 1482550847498.jpg (71.81 KB, 600x960, IMG_1252.JPG)

What is with her body????
No. 220796
File: 1482550912077.jpg (65.06 KB, 600x944, IMG_1247.JPG)

No. 220797
File: 1482550974834.jpg (59.41 KB, 576x1024, IMG_1248.JPG)

Why does he have multiple pics next to her unconscious looking body? It's creepy
No. 220814
>>220692hi Luna
Alex stood up for you all the time, he sided with you after you made up ridiculous shit about one fan "threatening to push you down the stairs" and lying about death threats. most of his fans actually liked you and him together until you proved yourself to be a raging pyscho and everyone saw how toxic the relationship was.
No. 220885
>>220870Men will literally jack off to anything. Her looks aren't anything to aspire to, and that trout mouth is hardly turning me jelly.
Is she offering free prints for every sad lonely mouth-breather who comes and white knights her garbage career?
No. 220916
>>220900no…actually she doesn't. The one who plays the race card all the time is Mariah when she tries to stand up for Kay.
Plus, it's not playing the race card when the only person on here saying extremely racist remarks that tie in with extremely private shit only Luna would know is likely Luna hiding behind anon.
>>220899Justified hate. She's a dirty liar and the proof is in the thread. Defend her skank ass all you want, all she does is constantly talk shit about people. Who are the stalkers!? Besides Jessica following Alex she literally hasn't done anything else different? And yea, artists care if shit gets stolen cuz it's fucking tacky the way she handled that shit…and funny because despite your bullshit people already support Kay, Nigri, etc and their numbers are only rising while your precious Luna stays the same. I guess once people see her tits all over the internet it becomes stale and old news; who wants to pay for that when they can now easily find it for free online?
No. 221003
>>220899>>220900Lol. Wat. I'm not a cosplayer and I'm not in the "scene". I'm just a fan of this site and it's cows. So your wall of text was a poor waste of energy.
Also, I never claimed she was giving away prints. It was a question. Learn to fucking read you wretch.
No. 221036
>>221033take your own advice and stop assuming Kay wastes her time posting here either. The only people who mostly use this site post on a lot of lolcow pages…but none of us would be surprised to see luna's psycho ass here considering she's done it in the past.
>>221034Yeah Kay has @'d her calling her ass out, because Luna loves to subtweet bitches and throw up people's personal info like a cunt. But keep trying. Your girl is a fucking scared little bitch who can't talk to people like grown ups and deal with this misunderstanding and bs one on one so she hides behind that little block button and spews bs on her thread that her fans who follow both people let the other party know. WELCOME TO THE FUCKIN INDUSTRY. If you don't have something nice to say SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH amirite
No. 221040
File: 1482608109373.jpg (81.68 KB, 469x546, luna 13.jpg)

I am also sick of having to argue about income bs so here's a little fun fact for you all:
Luna does this shit full time, she has no other job. She makes $2,641 weekly, which is $10,564 roughly a month.
No. 221041
File: 1482608186921.jpg (43.18 KB, 277x608, luna 14.jpg)

Kay just started working on her Patreon full time during break at college, but before was attending school full time AND working. She has more Patrons than Luna but she also has lower pricing for her tiers.
No. 221042
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And, you all want to say Mariah ain't making more, so stfu because numbers speak louder than words. And Mariah's tiers are STILL lower priced than Luna's.
No. 221043
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And, of course, Swimsuit Succubus…who's highest tier payment option is $20…and she has over 1000 Patrons.
No. 221047
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ummm…this one is new to me though…now I see why people kept coming in here claiming Martin was gay (didn't know about this shit from a year ago) but why did no one mention the Luna/cocaine part when they brought this up???
No. 221134
Congrats for being the current cringiest thread on lolcow.
>>220703why are you so angry, man. embrace the holiday spirit.
No. 221146
File: 1482628245598.png (124.31 KB, 750x978, IMG_1316.PNG)

Girl what happened to where your areola/nipple is supposed to be
No. 221244
>>221236>>221238>>221239>>221241Is this what you do all day, Luna? Get a fucking life. It's Christmas Eve. And lmao calling her manly because you're mad she's a swimmer with a perfect body who's making more money than you've ever seen and is more popular than you'll ever be.
I didn't know how these girls were until you sperged about them and now I'm following them. Good job, you bitter bitch.
No. 221252
>>221249Momokun/Mariah Mallad and Krissy both publically insulted Luna on twitterand facebook, Kay allegedly bullied Luna in highschool and according to this thread Nigiri called Luna out on some bullshit.
Yet Luna has said nothing about swimsuits actually doing anything bad to her and is on here every damn day even on christmas eve talking shit.
No. 221256
>>221245That person was disproving Luna's bullshit, though.
>>221244That was my second post in the thread, but please sperg more. I guess when you're not getting money or attention, you have to keep yourself busy in some way.
No. 221294
>>221285Where's the proof? Admins don't listen to nigris paid idiots. I went back read the incident about Luna posting about boyfriends taking picture for dudes to squirt to and why did nigri think it was about her? because she liked a fan saying "like nigri" and how much do you stalk or have you fans stalk someone's twitter waiting to pounce on them? Lastly she has 83k likes? She probably has her mom push the like button too lmao. Nigri was
triggered so hard she tried to out Luna but failed because her fans gave her wrong information MERRY CHRISTMAS dumb bitch
No. 221311
>>221307>DMIt's a text message and you can see the guys phone number.
Who else but Luna has access to Luna's texts? Even if luna didnt post that image she sent it to the person whiteknighting in the thread and obviously is telling people to come here and defend her. She is directly responsible for the sperging. That is, if she isnt just writing all this maddness herself.
No. 221334
>>221318>>221329There goes Luna's black guy persona again making rape and death threats to the admins and various girls Luna is so convinced talk about her. No one has made any threats to Luna but to a narcissistic phsycopath like her anyone who doesnt like her gross behavior deserves death.
Keep going. You think just disguising your IP is enough to keep you from being outed? Lol so did Kiki.
No. 221342
>>221334We need to start naming Luna's sockpupets.
There's that one that talks like a black stereotype that I dub "Lamar Lanie"
There's the one spewing white supremacist shit that I dub "Grand Wizard Lanie"
Then there's the one sperging out hard and putting fucking Old McDonald lyrics in the thread that I dub "Lulu Lanie" in honor of Sperg-chan Kiki.
No. 221396
>>221296if you want to take it that way then you can kindly shut the fuck up because Jessica Nigri has over 1 million likes on Facebook and Luna herself has tried to call out Jessica for her FB numbers being fake and purchased blahblahblah AND I posted the screenshots to show the Patreon numbers, I don't run a patreon, I am not a cosplayer, I work 40 hours a week like a normal person…just stating some hard facts. What's to say Luna ain't self funding her own Patreon? She just boasted about buying $800 worth of photo equipment to take better photos when she lives with her sister and makes over $9k a month? Either she REALLY doesn't give any fucks about her "art" or she really ain't making as much money as she claims lmfao
She should really hire someone to run her PR better. She probably would be doing better and be more popular if she didn't shit spew on her Twitter/FB so often. You can tell she knows what she does is wrong when there are so many posts and lies that get deleted
No. 221418
>>221408Why not tag the post you're responding to?
Obvious about what?
If you really think Nigri is posting here please just stop. The only reason I used Nigri as an example in posts
>>221396>>221398 is because for whatever reason Luna likes to try to compare herself. I'm not Jess nor do I have any relationship to her, I've only met her at conventions. The IP those were posted from would pull up from NY anyways but please, tell me how Jnigs keeps posting here.
No. 221438
>>221422and again, I don't give a fuck about Nigri. Everyone in this thread knows she has done shady ass shit. But good luck to you all following Luna since she's walked in Nigri's footsteps since day one to gain popularity. Same cosplays, same type of look, typical blonde bimbos with boob jobs appealing to neckbeards for money. I don't give a shit about Alex; never knew him before Luna, have no interest to know about him now.
Literally all anyone wants in this thread is for Luna to just be straight up. You got fake tits? Cool. Good for you. People only care when you say they're real and they are.
You photoshop your photos? Cool. So does every other cosplayer. But don't try to play it that we don't see the fucking warped walls in the backgrounds of every pic of yours.
You don't like catty girls or apparently most girls in general? Cool. You like to bully people. You don't need to say you harass people. Just stop playing the fucking victim all the time.
You want to get away from cosplay? Fine. Do "glamour modeling". Do porn. Do "artistic nudes." Do whatever the fuck you want, Lanie, but don't constantly contradict yourself and talk down to other girls who make their living the same way as you and then preach about how girls need to support each other/promote each other rather than body shame, etc.
No. 221506
File: 1482694316190.jpg (118.57 KB, 1200x675, C0ds6rMUoAA0XbR.jpg)

ppl actually paid for this? the cover alone has such bad level photoshop. Luna needs to invest in some classes or something if we plans to continue doing this herself
No. 222936
File: 1482903971106.png (260.93 KB, 473x490, Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 12.4…)

look at that cow
No. 222942
>>222936I don't think that photo is too bad honestly especially when you compare it to
>>221506 right above it
No. 224417
File: 1483130244994.png (87.72 KB, 750x381, IMG_1491.PNG)

Found this on her patreon exploiting thread
No. 224422
File: 1483130417475.jpg (526.61 KB, 2048x2048, 2272C48C-368D-426B-ABAC-2F869A…)

>>224417Lunas patreon at the start of this month vs now
No. 224661
File: 1483153330899.jpg (148.53 KB, 639x967, luna 18.jpg)

found these old gems. back in her ass kissing days.
No. 224663
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No. 224668
File: 1483153664930.jpg (117.2 KB, 640x870, luna 20.jpg)

blocked Destiny for no reason. they've never even met before.
No. 224671
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I also love how everyone says Mia attacked Luna blahblahblah but again, Luna got all defensive and turned this shit about her when it wasn't.
No. 224672
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No. 224679
File: 1483154100872.jpg (105.49 KB, 632x838, ddjhsfjh2jlh3.jpg)

god she used to kiss so much ass
No. 224788
File: 1483167630136.jpeg (156.61 KB, 750x1288, image.jpeg)

I can't get over this pose
She's pointing her finger gun like straight at her face