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No. 124217
>>124216I've never heard of him. Any more info?
Does someone here know saran?
No. 124295
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Kenichi the nose izuka
No. 124361
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>>124212Excuse me for being a lowly midwesterner, but who are these people? I don't get it. Do you have to be in some sort of "seekret club" to know these boys?
No. 124486
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>>124483This one. I'm not sure, he tend to have multiple Facebook accs, but he's always switching names and I can't find him among the 3000 other people on my list.
No. 124491
Anyone know this guy Atshushi Kawano? I was in japan he sent me a random fb request, I asked around and apparently he tries to get with every gaijin girl
No. 124494
>>124490Some girls aren't just after the Japanese D, but after serious relationships. Not everyone who goes to Japan is a hooker after all.
>>124491Never heard of him before, but damn that hawk nose is unfortunate!
Bu'y the amount of gaijin he has on his friendlist I wouldn't doubt he's a hunter
No. 124495
>>124493Wait whaaaaat? That's sandras ex?!?!? Hahahaha omg finally I got the whole story! Thank you fellow farmer!
He still tries to get foreigners in his pants as far as I know. Occasionally writes to me on LINE
No. 124498
>>124495Jup. They even lived together for a year or so. Could be shorter, my memory is bad.
Kazuki is on almost every dating site existing. Kinda sad. He has to change names all the time just in order to get some white pussy.
No. 124503
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>>124491I always mix up Atsushi with his twin brother Takashi. Takashi is better looking, but they both seem to date only white girls. They both seem fairly nice though.
Tensei Sugahara though, now that guy is a creep.
No. 124509
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>>124506Really? Tensei used to act like a total creep. Has he changed?
No. 124510
>>124509He still is a little creepy, for people who aren't into all that fetish and goth stuff. But if you say 'no' it's no and he'll understand you without telling you to go amd die or something like that.
I'm friends with this guy since 2012 now or maybe longer. He's a good one
No. 124548
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im starting to come down with a fever
No. 124557
>>124553It's illegal. But as we saw with sere, immigration gives a shit about it.
She is working as a hostess in a club in Roppongi and supposedly fucking with the manager. Currently run out of her visa so that hunter everlasting came at the right time.
No. 124608
>>124579Atsushi ( has a white girl fetish but I wouldn't say he's a hunter seeing as he's dated Japanese too and mostly hangs out with other Japanese goths. Total goth who goes to alt parties all the time and has a twin brother. He recently dated Manon, the Australian shopgirl at 6%. No. 124617
>>124539The author's personal blog is here: got into a tumblr fight with Sere last year. She's pretty much out of the Kyaba/host scene now though.
No. 124636
>>124619I really like her too! I've been following her blog for about two years now.
From what I've gathered she went with her family to Nara for her dad's job when she was 15, and they went back when she was 18 and she stayed in Japan and went to Tokyo. She was raped around the time she arrived, which I think is what really fucked with her.
I'm not really sure of the timeline, but she has worked as a kyaba-jo, has been married and divorced, went to and dropped out of Temple and now actually has Permanent Resident visa (Mira wishes lol). All that shit and, she's still making it in Japan!
Anyway, back to rando gaijin hunters.
No. 124642
>>124636I thought she got a working visa though.
Getting raped in Japan comes faster than one could think, it happened to me too, but I've never told anyone aside of my dearest friend.
Beware of hunters girls. Beware of them.
That's why I think this thread is somewhat important. Everyone should know the most common hunters and how hunters will approach to you
No. 124651
>>124647True story.
Can we make a list of people kazuki fucked with? Kek
No. 124654
>>124651He's like 38 and straight crazy.
Just a warning to girls visiting or moving to Japan. Don't go for Hosts unless you want something NSA. They only want money and pussy.
Don't go for hunters. If a guy says "I don't like Japanese girls because XYZ" or some other bullshit run.
If you notice the girls who actually have their shit together in Japan are with clean looking salary men or fellow students like themselves.
Sleazes like Sere or the bunch who want a quick visa get married to Hosts and Hunters. It's only a disaster in the mix. If the Japanese girls don't even want them, run. It's a bad bad sign.
No. 124655
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Someone here knows this lil'pervert?
No. 124703
>>124700Yeah they aren't the cutest of them all. But I never expected katie really to be that desperate as some ppl mentioned in the gaijin thread and shany well ok shany. But the twins?
Anyway lets get back to the topic
No. 124815
>>124486Oh my god! This guy is insane. Holy shit. He tried to friend me on Facebook about 6 different times, and when I told him to stop talking to me, he told me "Go to hell you stupid cunt" So classy
And when he was trying to get me to go on a date with him, he insisted that he take me to McDonalds because I am American and that's obviously the only thing we can eat here in Japan
Sage for blogish post
No. 124819
>>124491>>124496Atsushit. Oh my god, this guy is a piece of work.
He lives in a beat up, tiny-ass apartment in Saitama, and he can't move out because his cat has torn the wallpaper up to hell. The walls of his bathroom are so moldy that they are black, and he doesn't clean because he's "too goth" to do so.
His poor cat has to put up with him throwing it against walls and locking it in the mold-infested bathroom for hours on end.
I have so much more milk on this guy, I could fill at least fifteen gallons to the brim with it.
He's my friend, but….
No. 124824
>>124821I became friends with him before I knew what kind of person he is. We don't talk at all anymore, though, so I guess friends would be too strong of a word now. We are more like acquaintances now? Maybe even less than that.
We have the same group of friends, more or less, and are civil to each other when we are together in person. But after seeing how he treats his cat and the girls he picks up, I have distanced myself greatly.
No. 124836
>>124833I didn't, but I have heard stories. And those stories are one of the reasons why I decided to distance myself from him.
And I don't doubt that he cheated on her and hit her. He is definitely that kind of person.
I don't know Guen, but I am glad she got out of that relationship before it got worse. And from what I have heard, it was pretty bad.
No. 125120
>>124642She posted about getting her PR a few months ago. She's been in the country long enough, so it makes sense.
I'm sorry to hear that something so terrible happened to you. Japan is only "safe" for men.
My first bf here was a hunter, which I thought was cool, since I am into Asian guys so whatever right? Yeah NO
>>124654 is ON POINT with the advice.
No. 125126
>>125120I wish I could get a PR one day…but I'm not even living in Japan.
Anyway, some other popular ACTIVE hunters?
No. 125148
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>>124524yes my ex boyfriend imai kei says he use to be bandman but hes just a shitty gyao with an equally shitty personality to match. stole money off me and tries to talk to and fuck every white girl he sees. on pretty much every deai app
No. 125149
>>125148Did he ask you to pee on his face? He's asking me for it all the time kek don't worry I'm not even in Japan. But do you have some more info on him? Job? Age?
He never told me that he was a bandman though
No. 125152
>>125151Guess I confused him with
>>124655Photos look so similar, sorry.
Hope you'll get better soon and be able to forger this asshole
No. 125299
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Kei when he looked like an ugly okama
No. 125300
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At least he paid dinner
No. 125313
>>125312What really??? He never called me things.
But he is weird as fuck
He always told me he wants to marry a russian.
A few months after he said he only wants a japanese girl
No. 125318
>>125316I'm sorry anon
But i knew from the beginning he was a liar.
Met him because i had too much time. He wanted to hold hands and stuff the first time we met. Gross.
I used him lol he helped me with my furniture or paid for dinner
But that was already 3 years ago
No. 125338
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Ohhh nobu
Married a russian girl
No. 125521
>>125517Damn that's some hot mess of a guy. Currently hanging out with Fin.
Recently told me to die, cuz I asked if he was fine kek
No. 125746
>>125744Your pussy still alive? Kek
I mean, is he at least good at it?
No. 125865
>>125862And I also noticed that these guys have a damn good memory!
Two years ago, TK Tokyo contacted me out of the blue on Facebook and we chatted for a while.
I didn't tell him that I was going to Tokyo and after one night of clubbing he told me that he saw me in the club and wanted to talk to me but I was gone after some time. That is so scary! Especially, I was in the club that night…
No. 125868
>>125865Yeah.. Without revealing too much about myself, Id say yeah, Kei and guys like that do have a good memory. He used to stalk my old deai app account and constantly post comments, and well, I made a new account when I bought a new phone… and..HE TRACKED ME DOWN..and remembered who I was, I was really surprised. And then he kept doing the same to that account. Commenting, messaging, I'd play along thinking he was just being playful, and he'd call me Honey this, and marry me that, on my pictures Id upload. He seemed really stalker-ish but i let him continue because I have a soft spot for guys that look VK. Ugh.. what was I thinking.
No. 125915
>>125911lol so he's just asking me to marry him all the time for shits and giggles or…..?
nah i already know the answer to that. He wants my pussy. He said to me he doesnt want anyone else to have me and im sitting there thinking dang son the thirst is real. I think he needs a hobby, other than bothering gaijin with fake marrige proposals.
No. 125920
>>125916Second ex here.
One of the first things he asked me was with which visa I'm in Japan lol. He knew my visa was expiring this year so he kept telling me to enter to uni in order to stay with him (tho he told me 100 times he would marry me lol). He also never asked me for nudes or porn videos before we dated tho we had contact for almost 6 months before that. He asked me for porn after we started going out tho, he told me he has lots of videos with his ex's but I told him I'm not into that kind of stuff and he never asked again. He really sucks at sex and his dick is small. once he finds a girl he suddenly stops messaging until he dumbs/gets dumped by a girl.
No. 125924
>>125922If he askes for nudes it means he just want sex, if he doesn't he's interested in a relationship with you. Sometime he came to my place just to hang around without having sex etc.
As far as I heard he asked sere to help him to find a job as host lol
Also when I was looking at his purikura I found some with Melissa and another blond (French?) Girl. He admitted He had sex with melissa and told me that the blond girl was a crazy stalker of his lol.
No. 125925
>>125920I didn't date him but met him a few times. He never asked for photos or videos.
But when i went drinking with him and after that went to love hotel xD he didn't want to enter the bathtub naked because hazukashii lol
No. 125926
>>125920Really he told you that? I never took videos with him haha
>>125924Thats so gross he fucked saggy old sere and melissa. He doesnt like tattood girls
No. 125929
>>125926I don't believe he fucked sere
She is too ugly
No. 125931
>>125926I think it was with Japanese girls !
He had so many pictures with girls, I think I still have the pictures of his line chat timeline (full of girls). He told me because I asked him if he took porn videos with his ex girlfriends, after he asked me for porn.
No. 125933
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who got stories about this hot mess?
No. 125935
>>125928I'm not sure..
He told me about Melissa, the blond French girl and a Russian girl since I found the purikura. He tried to hide the fact that he's a manslut. I just found out because I saw the purikura in his wallet while he took a shower, that little fucker used to shower for 1HOUR ! My bills increased so much…
>>125930If you're not good/fluent in Japanese he would insult you like he did with me tho I'm intermediate level.
>>125932He just wanted pictures and videos of my boobs and while we were doing it.
No. 125940
>>125935haha…. he chooses not to insult me because I think he's smart enough to figure out i'll rip into him even worse. He hasnt done that yet, he says he likes my personality. idk why. Like I said, I ripped him off on kakao consistently.
Thats weird, Yeah he just mostly just to ask me for pussy. As y'all have heard already.
No. 125941
>>125938You're the first gf with the money right?
How long have you been dating ?
I think he never mentioned you and maybe they were purikura of you together but if you're half maybe I mistook you with Japanese !
Well he was telling me all the time how much I sucked and that i should study more (during that time I was studying Japanese for about 6 months ). I had to correct stuff he wrote in English for his work, it was so bad.. But he kept complaining about my Japanese (dude I speak 5 languages shut up)
No. 125942
>>125938I can imagine he is racist.
He said he likes european girls mostly. European fetish. But im half brittish, welsh, I dont think it matters to him where it is, even wales sounds exotic for him as long as its white enough. kek.
No. 125977
>>125975Just spat out my coffee ahahahaha
>>125976Please post pics when asking about people
No. 125980
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My phone is a slow bitch right now… But here's Ken Page. He is also a cosplayer and Otaku. His private Twitter account: DJkitty_san and his 'work' one: danceoftune_DOT
No. 125981
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>>125980Found a better picture. Not sure if he has this hair color now as he changes back and forth all the time.
No. 125985
>>125982Apparently he wants a foreign girlfriend, used to cheat on a girl in the UK with under aged girls etc.
I met him on Badoo some time 2014 and he would always try to get me to one of his stupid events and only wanting to fuck or taking a shower at my home. He never pays his bills so he had to shower somewhere else.
No. 125994
>>125993Don't know
He had something with a german girl but cheated on her
No. 126036
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How about Yuto Nagatomo? He messaged me and two friends I know of on FB but I never replied…
No. 126041
>>126036Stay away from that guy!
To the ones who've dated him or went out with him: his real name is Kazuki or is it something else?
No. 126042
>>126040I know like what he said was "hi i am japanese how are you??" so um ok. Whatever brings Gaijin gurls living in Nippon to u.
Also other names such as gt noa, Tomohiro Kobayashi, anyone else got messages from them?
No. 126054
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>>126036Took me like half an hour to find this kek
No. 126055
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>>126054Is his chipmunk still alive?
No. 126066
Oops building watching, still creepy
>>126063How could I forget lol
No. 126067
>>126061>>126063>>126066This is from September 2013, but I don't think his hobbies changed.
But what about his job? I never really believed him there, cuz wouldn't he be rich then?
No. 126197
>>126054Favorite spot
Mcdonalds Lol
No. 127706
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No. 127708
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No. 127770
>>127706You're a stupid bitch if you let a guy with eye liner and shitty brando fuck you.
All you girls need better standards.
No. 127782
>>127778It looks like it could be interesting too but the girls with the info are too fucking stupid to make a summary post and give us deets.
This is this their virtual hug box after being played by 0/10 asian dudes I guess.
No. 130390
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is that the hiro guy?
No. 130420
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Here is another one
He's on every app searching for girls to take purikura with
His name on facebook is blue monday
No. 130997
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Does anybody know this guy Keito Onose?
No. 131012
>>130997Bleached hair
Says everything
No. 131076
>>130997why's there a spoiler over this? kek
>>130500>>130518>>130542TBH not every white/black girl going to Japan wants to repeatedly end up with a gaijin hunter. Just because you like asian/Japanese guys doesn't mean you're a weeb or just after the D.
Japanese men still 'learn how to lurk women into there arms'. Seriously, Japanese men ate the gentlemen gen with huge spoons, but if you get to know them closer a lot of them will evolve back into the macho they're.
sorry for sounding a little weird, i haven't slept for days now
No. 131094
>>131090I don't think all of them are ugly. Some of them can look really good, which is the real problem here.
people like gayas husband are just visa boys
No. 131134
>>131132Hunter - someone who's desperately fucking one person after another of a specific race
I'm into Japanese guys, because I've tried a few 'western' guys even european born asians and their behaviour, character and looks where all crap and please never again. The two Japanese guys I've been into relationships with were super nice and cute and treated me like an actual princess. Though I'd never consider me as a hunter, because I'm out for a relationship and not out for fucking around, I'm neither 14 nor sere
No. 131390
>>131341This ^^^
But, to stay woth the theory of evolution it's also always 60-70looks and 40-30% chemistry aka love, inner values etc
No. 133495
>>126054>>126036This guy added me on facebook holy fug
I never added him back since I had no idea who he is and also no mutuals, he just added me out of blue.
No. 133753
>>133495I wrote with him in 2012
He's a weirdo
No. 139439
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A story about a nasty ass ho.
>Host asks for my Line. He seems attractive. Big mistake/many keks later
>Sends me a dick pic
>Several masturbating videos later
>He creams himself.
>It looks like runny bird poo.
>I regret nothing. Hosts are the most hilarious gaijin hunters. Don't ever go to a host club, you're just wasting money.They will come to you.
> Lets just hope I don't see this guy in the streets. I cannot unsee the bird poo cum.
No. 139452
Don't understand these girls actually paying for host attention. I have 10hosts on each of my fingers, not spending a single penny on them
No. 139455
>>139452Exactly they're such easy man whores. Spending money on them is worse then setting your yen on fire.
Save your money ladies. Spend money on a nice kotatsu for your apartment instead.
No. 139462
>>139455I get host buying me stuff without even having sexual intercourses with them.
Want that too? Try gyaruru
No. 139467
>>139465Yep second this. I get so many hits on Gyaruru (esp from hosts) when in Japan I have to switch my notifications off otherwise my battery runs flat. These are thirsty hoes.
Just wear nice makeup and do your hair and don't look like Shrek and you won't have to spend a single cent on hosts. Honestly. Before people go ruining their life owing host debt, consider not stepping foot in a club in the first place.
No. 139517
>>124486Sorry for replying to an old post, but oh man I'm surprised to see this guy on here haha
I matched with him on tinder and had really sparse conversation (probably because i'm such a fucking boring awkward person lol) but I thought it was really funny and weird how we were chatting one day and then he suddenly just said "bye" in the middle of the conversation and that was that LOL
Well, after reading this I'm glad he just said bye though. I was probably too boring for him lol. The profile I found him through had a different name, but I forgot what it was but when I added him on LINE it said Kazuki so I was a bit weirded out about that. I think that tinder profile also said 28? I was trying to see if he also sent me that long ass list of shit but our tinder convo is gone, but I think I did get it too haha
No. 139529
>>139517Oh he did this 'bye' thing with me over 10times now?
I somewhere have a dick pic of him and tbh at least that part of him really attracts me kek
No. 139538
>>139529I was really confused because it was out of nowhere so I just sent a stamp like ???! but he hasn't read the message or messaged me at all after that so I'm just like w/e about it haha
I'm also Asian (but American born and raised) so maybe I wasn't white enough for him to chase after haha
No. 139542
>>139538Well, someone here mentioned that after his sandra period he now has a Japanese gf since last year or sth?
But he recently tried to contact me again several times so I doubt he still is in a relationship
No. 150485
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No. 150499
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>>150486my personal favourite hahaha
No. 150519
>>150512Be careful
Soon he wants to marry you
No. 150857
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No. 150865
>>150857what a faggot
which ever weeb bitch dated him is a desperate person lmaoooooooo
No. 158801
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Revival with blanka?
No. 158804
>>158803That's true!
I think they went to see fireworks together awwww
No. 164563
>>164561Every gaijin bitch in Japan that looks half decent (as in not a hambeast) gets lots of dicks.
Obvious vendetta is obvious. I don't know Blanka, but seriously some of the shit you guys go on with for the sake of vendettas is ridiculous OR nobody gives a shit??
Everyone's got jap hotdogs thrown down their hallway these days. Don't think it's anything special.
No. 164660
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>>164576>>164583Elizabeth caught posting on lolcow again, right before she moves to Japan no less. I bet she's planning on getting that nippon dick.
No. 164684
>>164576Nice try. But I just came here to shoot down rumours that were SO obviously not true. I don't know Blanka. But that rumour is fake af and if you're foolish enough to believe all these stupid girls vendettas, then there's no hope for you. You just became the cows yourselves.
And when are y'all gonna learn that going to Japan and getting Japanese dick ain't special. Who gives a shit??
Once upon a time I thought it was special and I had vendettas, but you know what happened?? I grew the fuck up. Bevause I don't wanna be like that person. I only come here to shoot down rumours, and stop you from picking on girls that have nothing wrong with them. Don't bring those girls that wouldn't hurt a fly on the gaijin in Japan threads. Get them out of there. And shut the fuck up, like you're any better.
You're all the ones that want that dick more than anything. That's why you talk about these girls that don't mean you harm and pretend they're the biggest whores ever.
So you know what. Grow the fuck up. I don't care that I'm mentioned because I have thicker skin then that anyway. Growing up in a domestic violence situation does that to you. And you know what, I didn't want to turn into a narcissist like my abuser, that blames others for their shortcomings in life. I could see that out of hurt and anger I was taking on traits like my dad, and I chose not to become like that person. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be like you girls.
Sure I'll joke around about Kei being an asshole, but that's it. It's all jokes. But y'all take it too far, whatever happened to just having a laugh at someone.. It's all turned into ugly vendettas. As soon as you post someone's address or pretend that someone's pregnant, like that's crazy?? What's up your ass?? Who hurt you??
And if you want that Japan life so badly, go get it. There are no limits to what you can achieve in life. Grow the fuck up.
No. 164699
>>164695And say… What's stopping you from getting dick in Japan too?? It's not a crime.
If everyone just realised how easy it is, just to download Gyaruru or Hellotalk and use their feminine charms. You too would discover (shock,horror) how not special it is. Gaijin getting laid in Japan?? Groundbreaking isn't it. Heck, this whole thread is showing you just how easy it is.
No. 164703
>>164697He's ugly yeah but he has a kind heart. I'm not with him anymore but, I'm not that shallow to cast aside someone's kindness for a host that doesn't even care if you were discovered dead in a ditch the next day.
That's the first mistake y'all bitches make. Focus too much on looks, and you're gonna turn yourself into a cum dumpster that needs hosts to feel loved.
No. 165014
>>164699Way the fuck off topic, I had Gyaruru Chat for a while but the other day actually opened it to look at the style pages and stuff, and this thirsty af dude messaged me trying to figure out where exactly in the (non-jp) city I am. It's really funny. A few others messaged me but I never responded, this guy keeps going at it though.
And then I downloaded HelloTalk because I really need to stick with learning Spanish, and maybe this will help, almost immediately I got inundated with messages from potential Latin lovers lol. Some started off as simple "hey i wanna learn english" but just escalated after being friendly. You can't even see my face in the pic! And the picture is super small! I just want to learn Spanish but, man, girl, you were not kidding.
If you want sex with a guy from another country, these are two very easy ways to find it.
No. 174611
>>174493You mean kazuki? Haven't someone mentioned that before?
Also, does someone know more about Tensei Sugahara?
No. 174637
>>174611Whos he? Pics please lol
Did everyone witness that elizabeth and kei facebook post disaster on the gaijin in japan thread?
No. 174809
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fucking kek
No. 181452
Those girls definition of friends is rather vague to be honest. Gaya shittalked sere, sere shittalked shiena and I do to 100% know that Blanka shittalks most of the people on here and that a lot of posts and threads have been made up by her. So I wouldn't be surprised if at least Blanka would hit on Sandra. The other way around? Well we all know Sandras English kek btw is Sandra already in Osaka with her 'yakuza' husband or not?
No. 181932
>>181930active farmer, yes, but so are you.
and what makes you sure that she's a prostitute? where's the proof?
No. 181935
>>181932I'm only someone who comments I never post screenshots of private conversations or personal information unlike she does.
Hasn't there been proof for that in the gaijin in japan thread?
No. 181940
>>181935well okay
No, there wasn't any actual proof.
Assuming that pretty much every gaijin in Japan is a prostitute is just ridiculous.
No. 181944
File: 1476210402096.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-11-20-25-32…)

>>181940Well just stop whiteknighting her then.
Anyway, someone here who knows this guy? He recently added a lot of foreigners I think.
No. 181959
Also blanka is the most rude bitch i know
No. 181962
>>181959Have to add that he's 22 and not in his late 30's what was what I assumed first.
Yes, Blanka acts like a sweet little angle while being on even a higher level than barbie and sere if it comes to shittalking others. She doesn't even know those people in person who she's talking bad about or has ever interacted with them. She's collecting information just like riana does and then publishes it on here
No. 182191
>>181944>>181962Let's be real here, he claims to be 22.
He needs to lay off the makeup and fix his brows. His face is almost uncanny valley level.
No. 183266
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Elizabeth and…Kei or a look-alike?
No. 185459
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Kei's hooking up with Osaka gaijins now kek
No. 185542
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>>185459Lol never mind it is mia.
No. 185781
>>185763Low standards and extreme desperation for Japanese vkaaay dick.
Are there any pictures of Kei without filters and/or makeup? He seems to wear so much of it, I'm curious as hell as to what these girls are waking up to.
No. 185877
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No. 185904
>>185547She actually married her ex for a spouse viaa and now works at a low class lounge in Nishinakajima which is basically the boonies of Osaka, and comletely irrelevant.
She also had a short lived friendship with Eleanor according to both their instagrams and fb. Suits them both since they are both super hungry for host dick.
No. 185910
File: 1476949328707.jpg (88.04 KB, 960x720, 12743983_10153975951892112_580…)

>>185904She looks busted irl. Kei seems to have low standards too. Makes me wonder all the more what he really looks like without filters and make/up as
>>185800 is just more natural makeup and still, purikura filters.
No. 186046
>>186043So, is blanka jealous that kei fucks everyone but her by now? Kek
You should have married him for that visa, blanka! (As I know that you're a frequent to this page anyway)
No. 199850
File: 1479338230788.jpeg (104.44 KB, 640x900, image.jpeg)

Another gaijin hunter
No. 212075
>>211973Half French, half Chinese. He came to Japan about 9 or 10 years ago? Married some gyaru girl in Hokkaido for a visa then left her to work as a host in Kyoto and soon after Kabukicho.
Never has been interested in foreign girls from what I know of…
No. 212079
>>212075Oh the rather someone who'd belong in the gaijin in Japan thread then.
10 years ago? So he's about 28-30 now then?
No. 212513
>>212510French girl who slept with him lmao
Also shiena was into him but he didn'tlikeher
No. 223185
>>223150Clearly she is separated.
You can tell when Kei is dating though because he disappears from gyaruru.
No. 223648
>>223233She serial dates hosts.
Her Japanese is also shit.
No. 223843
>>223794It bugs me why girls settle for these scummy fuckers anyway. You know… forget aiming for a Japanese football player or someone decent, toned, good looking with shit tons of money. They go for STD ridden greasy anime bishie lanky fuckers who look like they haven't bathed in weeks and probably stink to high heavens. Yet it's just easier because host club, you as a foreigner are a target and shit like that.
Why settle for a dogs dinner when you could have a golden platter?
No. 224063
>>223843Why go to Japan if you're just gonna go for the asian american equivalent. Actually white guys tend to stink more than asians because of the type of sweat gland they have.
Though yes I agree these gaijin hunters are trash. Go for someone who likes you for you and not just because you are foreign.
No. 224630
>>224626It isn't hard to just google.
Shagging = fucking
No. 224869
File: 1483189536739.jpg (230.73 KB, 1080x1697, _20161231_220447.JPG)

Mia's visa (husband).
No. 225392
>>225277So what you're saying is, she is violating her visa status by illegally working in a lounge in Japan? Because if she isn't married then her only other option would be a work visa. I hope someone reports this piece of shit.
As for the husband abuse, it's all likely bullshit. Mia is a psycho bitch that is obsessed with hosts and fucking any guy that will put his dick in her. She also steals and owes a lot of people money.
No. 225602
>>225543Why does someone always try to bring up lara. Fuck off vendetta chan
>>225562If thats the case then shes fuckng dumb as shit posting constantly about working as a kyaba on the internet for everyone to see. So long visa
No. 225605
File: 1483254509682.jpg (98.2 KB, 473x668, IMG_20170101_160701.jpg)

Lol mia just posted this…she lurks here.
No. 225609
File: 1483255782283.jpeg (48.15 KB, 750x461, image.jpeg)

"foreign girls write a lot of shit about me in the Internet. Going to lock my Twitter. "
>>225605Yeah she does lol
No. 225661
>>225605Outside Giraffe in Minami. I heard she lurks there as well as Cheval and begs host boys to meet here there after lol
Please move to Tokyo Mia, Osaka doesn't want you.
No. 225665
File: 1483280423057.jpg (73.09 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1483280280467.jpg)

She reminds me of Lorena, flaunting non-expensive shit. Pompador is 800yen sparkling wine you can buy at a regular super market kek
No. 226286
File: 1483348050968.jpg (59.5 KB, 400x300, IMG_0001881925.jpg)

>>174611>Tensei SugaharaA woman once told me that she commissioned jewelry from him, paid him, and he never gave her the product (his jewelry line was insanely overpriced as well). This was some years ago, after he was a guest at Pacific Media Expo in LA (I briefly talked to him there but I had no idea he was a GoH lmao) The woman was an event host I think and she was telling me how he was barred from her events.
He also does BDSM/fetish shows? I haven't heard his name since PMX, I nearly forgot about him. I haven't finished reading the thread so pardon if you guys already know that people have claimed him to be a scam.
No. 226289
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>>225652>I'm cheating on my fiance for example.>>225654>He cheated on me first lol.Then why'd you let him put a ring on it? What a fucking skank.
No. 226899
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No. 230367
>>225611how is that terrible?
she writes like most Japanese hostess
No. 230679
>>230666Stop derailing the thread beckie. No one cares that you cant speak japanese.
Anyway do we know for sure if kei has relocated to kansai or is he jst lurking out the foreign weeb puss
No. 232860
>>230679Well Kei has a legit job and Mia keeps banging on about how she wants to move back to Tokyo, as another anon pointed out earlier. So seems Mia will be the one relocating for Kei
I wouldn't be surprised if he moves in with her but he will have a tough time chasing down girls when she knows his every move
No. 232877
>>232873Pretty sure Mia sees it differently if she is willing to relocate for him and he goes out of his way to visit her multiple times. Not something someone you're "just fucking" would do.
Kei even refers to Mia as his girlfriend?
No. 235561
>>235532Living that Nippon dream prostituting out ur pussy to pay the rent. - This an accurate portrayal of all the gaijin trash in Tokyo kekkk
No. 235571
>>235547most Japanese guys aren't interested in foreign women.
No. 235601
>>235578I have dated a few Japanese men but I avoid the ones that speak English for this very purpose.
These gaijin hunters all are similar. Try to learn/speak English. Most of them are often seen at spots where foreigners frequent. Serial add foreign girls on social media, etc.
No. 253807
>>235571I don't think that's true actually.
While there are gaijin hunters there are also a lot of guys that speak English, have traveled abroad for work or hobby, and are pretty well rounded in the world.
A trend I've noticed when meeting Japanese guys or talking to my coworkers is that they're under the impression foreign women aren't interested in them at all (Western men be they black white or whatever isn't Asian, are generally seen as the ideal because they are the epitome of manly men) so they don't bother trying. They have terrible complexes about it, and it's honestly really sad. They're also perfectionists with English and if they feel they can't speak it well enough or they mess up, they just won't bother.
In general they're just really shy, and with low self esteem and the language barrier it's just a waste of time in their eyes. Not all Japanese men are like this obviously, but it's definitely the majority.
I think the statement should be "Japanese men aren't interested in foreign women because they assume foreign women would have no interest in them" most of the time anyway.
No. 254049
>>253919they've figured out how easy weebs are and they keep going. Probably not every guy in Japan is aware of that whole thing.
And I hope at least there's a few who aren't into that kind of shit even if they do know about it, for humanity's sake.
No. 254300
>>254286Dude you sound like an extremely sheltered 20yr old haha
I know him because i use to be a slut to put it blantly. He a scout so if you live around shinjuku and are know people you know him
No. 292997
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This guy has hit on me and just about every one of my other foreign friends in Tokyo. I heard he was dating a girl but I guess not? Seems sketchy "kazu Aki"
No. 294001
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>>293715now we know what sailor moon was suppossed to look like.
do you think it's just major bulimia cheeks or does she have some other disease?
i knew a girl with a liver disease. she was at BMI of 17 but her face looked like a blown-up balloon.
No. 295805
>>295793If you've ios you can always use gyaruru, but usually you can't expect more than fuckboys and creepers there.
Other than that, tinder might also work, but it's just the same as gyaruru.
Twitter is also always a nice option
No. 295807
>>295805agreed, if u want to meet good looking guys who are fucking weird use gyaruru
tinder is a little bit better
No. 300914
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So how many girls is he sleeping with?
No. 300951
>>300928There's a pretty famous salary man gaijin hunter, Kazuki I believe is his name
Kei is also a salary man
No. 318933
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gayas husband
No. 326086
>>227860Visual kei guys dont dress like this 24/7 if they feel extremely comfortable around you (y)
But I do enjoy the feminine guys, crossdressers, no unless they are feminine and not some drag queen piss.
No. 384405
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>>384403Saw it on twitter
No. 384419
>>384405Can someone wake her up please? I mean she's annoying, but even she doesn't deserve someone like kei.
I always wondered why kei never got together with sere, they're my secret dream couple kek
No. 384423
>>384421if theyre gone, probably.
she said also tweeted that hes going to sweden in december lol, good luck with that
No. 384445
>>384423He always says shit like this. How can someone like pastelbat who's been in the scene for so long can fall for a trap like kei kek
She probably lurks here then
No. 384514
it's so obvious
No. 389830
>>389824oh god how dumb is she
she will notice soon enough
No. 390365
>>390123Just the fact that she posted 4 pictures of him on instagram shows how much of a trophy he is to her, "look guysss i found a vk boi!!"
Normal people don't act like that
No. 392165
>>391917I know this guy! I have met him in person a few times. He used to be a bar tender but now he works in a normal salary job. At least he did a year ago…
But yeah, there is something super off about him.
No. 402436
File: 1507799370948.jpeg (194.62 KB, 750x1011, D697B4E1-C0F3-44DA-87CB-691201…)

Anyone familiar with this guy? (I only have his LINE picture…). His name is Yuuki/Yuki. He used to be in a Visual Kei band but he hasn’t told me which one. Just saw some pictures he showed me on his phone. (I can’t separate these guys anyways….) Had a date with him recently and he told me that he had a Spanish girlfriend for 6 years.
No. 402693
>>402515He randomly talked to me in Shinjuku on the street.
>>402484Definitely not Yuuki from An Cafe
No. 402950
>>402719clearly you people are n00bs when it comes to dating band guys.
1 - most of them are indie fag vkei bands that no one has heard of. Therefore untraceable on the net unless you have more information.
2 - They don't use their real names, so searching for them via that name won't produce info. If he gave you his band stage name only, then he's clearly not that into you.
If this guy wanted to be found, if his band was even big enough TO be found, he would have given his band name.
No. 429763
File: 1511322211948.jpeg (197.17 KB, 750x1334, 4FE4273C-A53A-48AF-8F5A-23C9FE…)

Yuya is a gayjin hunter i met him on interpals. My friend dated him befindet er that why at first I didn’t talk at all. But then she said that she love someone so it’s ok. So I met him to know him better.
I was thinking he is nice but theming found out that he already had much girls from foreigner country.
If u met him be careful he is just using u.
I was stupid to think that the girl talk the trues about him. She still liked him and in the ending she moved to him when I kicked her out of my room. She and him was just using me.
The name of his German bitch is Melanie.
If u once met him u should now that he just use persons also the girl is like this(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 467390
How pathetic you gotta be to fall for this shit?
Didn't even start talking and he's already "I like you! Meet me! I wanna have a gf!"
People who fall for hunters fascinate me…Those guys are the same as thirsty Indian guys who message you "i love u, open bob pls"
No. 545214
>>544018I return with details:
first, he showed up super late (I almost went home), we went to a cheap restaurant nearby (he did pay for most of it), but tbh he was just so awkward? Kind of reminded me of L from death note. Also his makeup looks terrible irl. I met him on tinder several months ago, at first his profile said "I have a girlfriend" and we didn't talk but then he messaged me again 2 months later (I guess he must have broken up with her because that was missing from his profile).
No. 546651
File: 1522889617392.jpg (244.15 KB, 1000x1500, diefall666.jpg)

This guy has been mentioned in Shiena's thread, but it's more appropriate to talk about him here because of his gaijin hunterness.
Daisuke, or 666die_fall666 on instagram, is a 29 year old tortured soul who people just don't understand, but he's oh so ~fashionaburu~ and has been featured on TokyoFashion plenty of times for his 'look how dark and hardcore and 3edgy5me' aesthetic and has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Kyo from Dir en Grey.
He apparently has a hobby of browsing instagram in search of gaijin girls that he deems worthy enough for him and then contacts them so he can meet them when they come to Japan.
His most recent victim was a student who moved to Japan for study abroad and immediately moved in with him. They got pets together despite the fact that she is moving back to her home country soon. They have also broken up recently but are still living together because she has no where else to stay.
He also likes to tell people that his father committed suicide infront of him and that he wants to die and thinks about killing himself everyday.
>>543858 ←— the post in Shienas thread for anyone who wants to read it
sorry if formatting and linking is messed up. I'm still a newfag
No. 546727
>>546709Yep, he was sending them to me almost every day for a while. Who actually believes those kinds of texts?
>>546681He's also super short in real life, but lies about his height when he is trying to get laid. He told me that he was 170 cm tall when he's more like 160 on a good day
No. 548701
>>548696wtf really?!
that's new to me
No. 549271
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>>546651His ex looks busted af without the editing lol
No. 549553
>>549547his name is Yuuki/Yuki. he kept his LINE and Gyaruru very private. he had told me "let's get married, you can come and live in Japan with me!"
he said he was planning on coming to the USA April 27th.
he claimed he had a private life, and seemed to have a normal worklife, as what it had seemed.
he disappeared recently for 5 days.
we had persistently spoke for 3 months until recently.
No. 549559
>>549553Original anon here. He did the same with me… I mean, disappearing for a while and then suddenly coming back talking about meetings and relationships. That was two months ago. I have blocked him since.
He’s an idiot… he was very pushy when I met him on a date and got upset that I wanted to sit in front of him instead of next to him.
No. 549567
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No. 549570
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No. 549573
>>549571weebs? it's called an experience with a shit person. it's life.
if i would've known, i wouldn't of even spoken with him.
No. 549574
>>549571don't act like you're superior to anyone.
i'm sure you've been lied to before, huh? sit down.
No. 549979
File: 1523223985449.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

I love it how the idiots on here are saying vkei guys are fuggo.
"Just find yourself a normal guy" Boy do I have news for them.
These are all Japanese men taken from a dating app.
Welcome to Japan. :)
No. 550121
>>549979Middle right is ok/nice
Rest are your typical cross-section of men
No. 550205
>>550180About middle right? He has nice features/eyes
Just bad angle and bad hair. Like the rest are terrible (Tho I suspect top left is your standard middle aged Dad type) but you get the same "range" with western men too (to our great misfortune)
No. 550210
>>549859Right anon you be lucky if he fuck you with all the overtime salary men pull.
>>549979You won't find good looking guys on apps, they don't need it, just walking outside they can find a chick. Low tier guys usually on apps and if you do find a "good looking" one he might be a catfish.
No. 550375
>>550364I feel sick reading this.
Where did you meet Kei ?
No. 550399
>>549480>>550375Met him from one of the many dating apps he uses, this was awhile back.
Didn't last even 1 weekend with him because I'd seen quite enough.
I mean… Dude was rubbing his filthy penis all over my belongings because i made a remark that his dick stank and I didn't want him sitting naked on my bed.
Threw all my stuff into the wash and never invited him over again.
No. 550422
File: 1523261232429.jpeg (19.93 KB, 240x240, 71D7E4EF-0C43-4A62-A615-B0CDFE…)

>>550415Here’s another one of the famous one who ended up fucking barbie kkkk
Hirororo ….he’s a disgusting try hard vkei/bartender/ex host cluster fuck who’s always in Kabukicho. Has had plastic surgery but still looks a mess and is just an all round cringey cunt. He told me to kill myself once when I rejected him kkk
No. 550423
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>>550415Then there’s cheese dick Kei Imai lol
No. 550425
File: 1523261376374.jpeg (72.03 KB, 640x1027, image.jpeg)

>>550415Picture of kei. Not Keis real name. I just named him that because he smells like ass
No. 550467
>>550454I think I can complain after I discovered what he was like and how he rubbed his cheese dick all over my belongings???
Like bitch. That shit was nasty. Who wouldn't complain. Like I said, lapse in judgement and weeaboo rose coloured glasses.
Certainly was an eye opener for me when I literally had a Japanese man marking himself on my stuff like some sort of male cat that needs the snip.
No. 550479
>>550436I met this dude and didnt fuck him, being around him for 1 hour is enough to know he has issues
Bailed and blocked lol
No. 550484
>>550466Nope. He doesn't talk to me. Tried to talk to me once while he was supposedly dating Pastelbat (lol) and ask me out for drinks but I rejected him again and he never did since. I wasn't entirely clueless, he asked me to be his girlfriend multiple times after the fateful dick cheese weekend and I must've rejected him more times then I can count. I'd seen more than enough.
I even got so upset on the last night that I yeeted his ass out of the bed, twice. So… We don't talk anymore. Not at all. He knows I hate him.
No. 550493
>>124212>>550492What the fuck when did he date pastelbat? Hahaha photographic evidence and please,
I’m embarrassed to say I dated this guy 5-6 years ago. But this was before social media and all that was really big and I was never part of any gaining community etc. he was disgusting
No. 550495
>>550493Gaijin community*
I only found out he had a rep for gaijin hunting in 2016 when I was alerted to this thread lol
No. 550508
>>550506Kei had a little meltdown after his beloved Blanka was posted on Tanuki "have you fucked a gaijin" mens thread by multiple vkei bandmen kek
They all wrote "Blanka smells"
No. 550624
>>550422He told me to kill myself too when I refused to let him come to my apartment in the middle of the night. I blocked him after that but he keeps trying to add me on all the other account too!
>>550493She posted on her Twitter about dating him but deleted it (it was posted on one of the threads). But he cheated on her too
He is really gross. He tried all the same tricks on me, I guess there’s always a flow of new gaijin to Japan for these kinds of guys
No. 551077
>>550624Lol was it some kind of long distance relationship? Or was she in Japan.
Kei once dated a German girl who knew absolutely no Japanese and he said he couldnt communicate with her haha he’s so thirsty
No. 551460
>>550401Please please tell me you got tested for any kind of diseases afterwards. Cause this doesn't sound like your typical unwashed dick smell.
It sounds like he has trichomoniasis as well as poor poor hygiene
No. 552085
>>551816Well aren’t you basically doing the same when it comes to shit talking a person on lolcow ?
My friend is a friend of hers so I’m wondering if I should warn her..
What kind of psychic games does she do ?
No. 552292
>>552085 I agree that I’m also on here, but I only occasionally post what I think rather than befriending people for the mere reason of posting them here once they don’t match my standards anymore.
Blanka will give you presents and help you to get the things that you want from Japan. In exchange she’ll just screen cap whatever private or public talk she might be able to use against you.
This is basically her thing
>presents and help for
>dirt on yourself No. 552388
>>552325I have both. And apprenticeship as a tailor or well just an apprenticeship is definitely NOT worthier than a High School dip, because if you got a high school dip you can go to Uni. You can’t do that with just an apprenticeship kek
You receive a monthly income that is lower than welfare money if you work as a tailor.
My friends knew her for years, before she moved to Japan. She didn’t make herself friends in the German scene as she’s been as deluded as she’s now for ages
No. 552450
>>552448I highly doubt you'd manage to land an office job as a tailor (unless it's something clothing related and even then you need to be very lucky)…
Most people with an apprenticeship for tailoring only went to middle school and usually that's not enough to get an office job, so no, having any kind of apprenticeship is not a free card for higher paying jobs in different fields.
No. 552452
>>552448You must be 18+ to use this board girl go back to school. If she wants to work in an office she has to do another apprenticeship towards office management or has to accept that she’ll get less wage than a person in the same job who actually learned it.
And now back on topic: has anyone heard sth from kazuki in the past few months? He used to be super active as a hunter
No. 552917
>>552494>>552594Then its not highschool is it dumbass. American 'highschool' is shown through major movies and tv shows. Why would anyone that isnt german or has 0 german relatives know shit about the german school system.
So its college or university equivalent.
No. 558578
>>557945Spill the beans or gtfo.
Really pretty? Shes not ugly she isn’t beautiful shes inbetween
No. 559861
File: 1524128828576.jpeg (34.86 KB, 640x157, 4BF26C25-6656-40D5-A239-184181…)

No girl, nobody wants YOU
No. 559880
>>559861Always waited for her getting posted on here kek
Ria, it’s not that Japanese guys don’t want German girls (they actually love German girls, because blonde hair big boobs stereotype) it’s just that they don’t want you! And that’s not even about your looks, but your personality.
No. 564374
>>564197He does go after foreign girls, but it's just one Japanese girl he's with now, he was seeing her while still with his foreign girlfriend and telling her they'd try to work it out but instead lead her on the last few months and lied to her, he does speak English and she knows Japanese but he acted pretty superior and would ignore her if she needed help
>>564243It was on her Facebook
No. 576678
File: 1525785039085.png (Spoiler Image,964.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180507-180328.png)

Anyone knowing something about this guy?
No. 576719
>>559861Japanese men will generally like any woman with a normal to skinny build, not taller than them, have a face that's average cute or up, and a personality that is not dominant to the point it scares them away. That's it, all you need, no matter who you are and where you're from
I don't know which factors she is missing, but I'm guessing height, personality, or both.
No. 586096
File: 1526566667440.png (475.13 KB, 480x482, kiyotaka.png)

A friend asked me if I knew this guy she was talking to. Anyone who has info on him? Is he a gaijin hunter? Name is Kiyotaka.
No. 591783
>>591685Man he was weird
And badmouthed everybody
No. 591826
File: 1527074120579.jpg (37.38 KB, 470x246, P1ZPClW.jpg)

what is he doing now?
No. 591827
File: 1527074349325.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.15 KB, 600x799, dZNEA6I.jpg)

No. 591863
>>591836he often went to germany
i think he was into SM
and he is the M haha
No. 593830
>>592448It's out and looks like she didn't shave either. This guy is like the only guy on this thread that look decent,among the other guys posted here.
>>592739Not all weebs are attracted to asian guys only those weird ass ones are.
No. 594480
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Does anyone know this guy? He's a little shit who likes to control every girl he talks to and says "only talk to me ! !" Yet he hits on my gaijin friends. He became angry with me everytime I posted on Gyaruru or LINE and would always accuse me of talking to other men daily, while he goes and flirts with many gaijin😂
No. 594485
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This is his LINE photo
No. 594488
File: 1527357648114.jpeg (Spoiler Image,212.17 KB, 1108x1478, image.jpeg)

Why his dick look like a shriveled MEALWORM? Lol(spoiler nsfw images)
No. 594516
>>594488Why the fuck does it have pubes sticking out the japseye?
And why is it that colour?
Spoiler that shit
No. 598450
>>598430Maybe this?
>>150485And what should I put as thread description?
No. 602976
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Have you guys seen this chick? How many of these "50 guys" do you think have been posted in these threads? No. 608429
>>602976oh, and she is already writing a book
No. 608439
>>602976She's only 18 and she quickly moved to Japan to whore herself.
>She claimed that Japanese men have “small dicks,” although they reportedly make up for it with their “crazy foreplay” which involved making out with her “armpit and kneecaps” and a lot of “eating ass.”Wow amazing, greatly thankful for her input and all the media that is reporting this shit. I bet that book is going to have some quality writing.
No. 661050
>>602976 I am so tired of this bitch turning up on my fucking twitter and it is ONLY my POC friends who keep liking and retweeting her disgusting shit.
No offence but seriously why are most POC hyping this shit? She also posts a lot of photos which I am sure the guys do not agree to?
"This guy eats pussy so good" photo… seriously.
sage for no actual milk, just shes a piece of shit
No. 661055
>>661050"Most POC" LOL anon not really at least not me and all my friends. also POC isnt an adjective no offense.
But I've been loosely following her PULL thread for fun and apparently she's an ebeggar too - begs her followers for Patreon bucks, donations, and to buy her shitty merch because she can't save money for shit since she only eats McDs and moved off campus into a big ass apartment despite free dorming (she wants dick and her Christian university probably isn't down with that). Her mom sends her 500 a month too.
No. 662068
>>661055 kay so not most but enough to swamp my feed that every black girl I am mutual with will be all hands up YAAAAAS GURRRRL SLAY
But yeah she is an ebegger, brags about the amount of youtube followers but I can assure it is mostly dick thirsty weebs wishing to live her life. Though she fed one dude mac and cheese with just water, like what the fuck and girls licking her ass just for that, what on earth
She bitched her mom could only send her 100 one month/week which was hilarious.
>>661056 She is 100% arrogant cant wait till she stoops even lower to be honest.
>>661117 A link would be nice (: because I am not scrolling through catalog to find this girl
No. 664598
>>223063I'm new at this and that post is from the last year but who's he? I mean, his Twitter?
And is so easy fuck with those guys? Btw reading this thread a couple of times I noticed that the most you mentioned here look like creeps.
No. 751886
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>>751840Always hilarious how these objectively fug dudes with absolutely nothing going for them think they will look more attractive if they turn their hair into some weird color two containers full of hairspray granny wig abomination. He's not cute and the pale skin puru puru lip thing doesn't help.