File: 1486818274033.jpg (Spoiler Image,911.32 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170211_075543.jpg)

No. 249034
1st thread is years old.
2nd thread:
>>2133563rd thread:
>>225956Her social media: amalgamation of silicone, delusion and failed parenting known as Luna Lanie has always been a source of lols but recently she's made it known what a bag of cockroach jizz she is due to her drama with Mariah Mallad.
It all began in Mariah's 6th thread after a twitter fight where Mariah called out Luna for being trash: Luna linked to mariah's lolcow thread then came to the thread herself:
>>>/pt/310703Luna's greatest hits in that thread:
>>320197>>320252>>320256>>320260Luna is also known to have drama with cosplayer Kayyybear and as such hates any cosplayer who is friends with her. Luna's "reasoning" for this is found here in Mariah's 6th thread:
Kay "ripped her pants" in high school because they liked the same boy. cue Spongebob ripped pants song
Delanie/Luna is Linked to a twitter troll account that spawned right after Luna and Mariah had their twitter spat and attacks Mariah and Kay while retweeting all luna's photos:
>>318932>>318962The account's typing style is similar to Luna and similar to the posts made on lolcow in Luna's defense.
After the drama in Mariah's 6th thread Luna took to /pt/ to further whiteknight herself and the thread was moved to snow:
>Call's other cosplayers "costhots" and "ratchets" even though she sells her nudes
>Porked Alex Ramos, internet renowned trashlord and instigator in Amanda Todd's suicide.
>Rumored to have been pumped and dumped by Martin Wong
>Also whiteknights herself in her own patreon exploitation thread on anon-ib
> Continually attacks Swimsuit Succubus, Kaybear, Krissy Victory, and Momokun in her thread. Also name drops tons of nobodies constantly.
>Got invited to a convention in Mexico, bragged about it for weeks, then some IG model she pretends to be friends with 'goes missing' (she was fine) and Luna starts going on how dangerous Mexico is (she has never been) and how she is unsure about going to the convention (issue happened at the border, convention is way down in Guadelejara)
> will come whiteknight herself and boost her own thread when it has been dead for over a week
> is in Malibu currently recovering from a secret surgery
> says topless nude is fake and not how her nips look in OP cover image but other wet tshirt image she posted herself on her social mediaFrom first thread OP →*I made this thread because a farmhand said that posts about Luna in the thread she made to whiteknight herself were derailing and that we should make Luna her own thread.
No. 249093
>>249034That first pic looks like she's standing in a puddle of piss. I get what it's
supposed to look like, but the whole thing is unfortunate.
Nipples have diverse looks, but damn, there is no way they are naturally cockeyed like that. How the actual fuck do people think this is realistic?
No. 249153
File: 1486840693730.png (147.63 KB, 985x1009, IMG_5177.PNG)

>>249123You know what's really nasty? Asians in cosplay that aren't attractive and smell like fish all the time. Another gender bend type of girl boy so I guess not having money to afford the best plastic surgery in the world is
triggering right fishface
No. 249154
>>249149Wow your insulting nicknames are like, 4th grade level, way to go. Literally all of those woman actually live in their own houses/apartments now (I don't know about Krissy, but I know the other 4 do.)
who the actual fuck even is this?
No. 249158
>>249156but out of the mouth of luna herself
"it's a site for only women no men allowed men would never post there"
No. 249202
File: 1486844280403.png (2.05 MB, 1440x2560, 1485905452382.png)

>>249201here ya go
also Malibu fuckin sucks if you've ever actually been there. I'm sure you've only ever seen it in the pics you see online though, Loonie
go finger yourself on the beach for them patreon buxx tho
No. 249269
>>249256>>249256Ok but can we stop with the Nigri dick riding. Even PULL doesn't dick ride Nig this much lol. It makes this forum look like a bunch of jnig fangirls
Luna is on Chel's level tbh so idk why not compare her to that train wreck
No. 249331
File: 1486864539238.jpg (49.19 KB, 654x243, bbahahaha.jpg)

>>249329>>249307hey luna just an fyi you can delete your tweets but they still search up in google search you fucking idiot
No. 249444
>>249325Do you agree that Nigri does porn because it seems like you have been
triggered big daddy
No. 249447
File: 1486885071051.png (383.34 KB, 1121x1307, IMG_5193.PNG)

Now this is a meltdown what a fucking bitch. I can't believe the stupidity of her fans lol
No. 249471
File: 1486888692439.png (268.3 KB, 600x336, Screen Shot 2017-02-12 at 12.3…)

>>249456"Drop dead beautiful"
lol ok lanie
No. 249730
File: 1486929872532.jpg (169.67 KB, 1155x1732, IMG_2671.JPG)

>>249663Her new pics are just as terribly photoshopped as before
No. 249735
>>249730Damn this is like an icky Vicky level shoop. She looks like a real doll.
>>249663>stunning Hhhhhahahaha
No. 250461
>>249730This looks like a photo from a Fredrick's of Hollywood catalog from the early '90s.
Also that obviously shooped in snow. kek
No. 251752
File: 1487123409021.png (161.69 KB, 1124x1207, IMG_5229.PNG)

>>251245Yeah she has no chance
No. 251845
File: 1487138207694.jpg (330 KB, 1286x1556, IMG_0738.JPG)

The bows on her lingerie are going opposite directions
More proof of wonky nips lol
No. 251859
File: 1487141074315.png (90.83 KB, 813x1205, IMG_5230.PNG)

Nah it's definitely Momo posting I'd be jealous too if all I had was broke kmart workers as fans lol the amount of crisco this bitch must put on her to slide into this cheap outfit must be phenomenal
No. 252105
File: 1487181934580.png (341.92 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170215-130434.png)

>>252099>>251862since it's obvious most of her fans can't tell for themselves
No. 252195
File: 1487190845418.png (37.66 KB, 457x515, IMG_5231.PNG)

Go away ugly cunt you shop your crater face and try so hard to look white with blue contacts All the time. Your an ugly nigger and will always be deformed and now fat as momo lol
No. 252262
>>252195Kay is cute with a small nose.
Triggered much, Loonie?
No. 252423
File: 1487210617364.png (378.51 KB, 1024x954, IMG_5234.PNG)

Kay cosplaying as white characters
No. 252431
>>252337That's not how "
triggered" works, Loonie.
No. 252482
File: 1487216414570.jpg (726.66 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170215_223847.jpg)

further proof her 'fans' are fucking retarded
>omgz it is so cool and sexy you speak spanish
you fucking idiots all she did was copy the post the convention posted originally
No. 252486
>>252463Literally what does this have to do with the comment you replied to?
Damn at least with Kiki's self posts she tried to make it seem natural just a little bit.
Luna is more insane than Kiki. Must be her greatest achievement
No. 252518
>>252504all i have seen are modeling shoots not a single cosplay in like 3 months lmfao
>>252503good i hope she is in a relationship so maybe she will stop sperging her own threads constantly and finally have "friends" irl lmfao
No. 252547
File: 1487224710355.png (3.48 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_5235.PNG)

>>252543Yeah she use to be so hot
No. 252549
File: 1487224842637.png (46.66 KB, 469x558, IMG_5236.PNG)

Nose job Nigri
No. 252693
>>252547this is obviously insanely photo shopped dont even try.
>>252549her nose looks exactly the same except she learned how to finally contour now…you have 0 milk quit trying loonie
No. 252697
File: 1487262152419.jpg (55.21 KB, 500x734, a0f4350efb9ff6eae1f0824f36668d…)

>>252547the original image lol jfc
No. 252735
File: 1487266025169.jpg (1.62 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170216_122444.jpg)

>>252728but why hate so much when loonie is so obv all natural :')
No. 252753
File: 1487266616107.jpg (1.37 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170216_123526.jpg)

>>252735do boob jobs just make bitches more thirsty and narcissistic she looked so much nicer and even less bitchy before the boob job they were also so much more proportionate for her size
No. 252755
>>252753and the pics are literally only a year apart
yea ok all natural delanie i fuckin see you
No. 252772
File: 1487267453583.jpg (428.51 KB, 1920x1200, IMG_2740.JPG)

>>252753Not sure what ruined her apperance more. The lip fillers or breast implants. Also why does every cosplay ho with a tit job cosplay Rikku with a push-up bra? The character has small breasts. I doubt Luna even played the game, she just copied Jnig.
No. 252773
File: 1487267471914.jpg (974.8 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170216_125002.jpg)

>>252768cuz..ya know…lips just grow as you age too…
this is one thing that surprises me that nigri actually HASNT done to herself yet lol
No. 252780
>>252774I actually thought X-2 was pretty fun and cute. People didnt like how it was way less dramatic and serious than X so it was an odd change of pace.
Anyway, it's not like Loonie even played the game. She just coppied Jnig and wanted an excuse to shove her stiff looking implants into a push up bra and parade around. "I'm not an attention whore, I'm doing acurate cosplay!" "I dont do nudes, I just post photos of tits out"
No. 252782
File: 1487268046088.jpg (1.29 MB, 2048x1365, 15550394785_ee68ecde9b_k.jpg)

her "thanksgiving" themed rikku that i'm also pretty sure she just used her snow bunny nidalee necklace for…that fucking schnoz though
No. 252882
>>249937this is my new personal copypasta if that's ok
sage for sage
No. 253251
File: 1487338428085.png (Spoiler Image,174.87 KB, 1124x739, IMG_5163.PNG)

Take a look at the Queen who's going to rule in the next few years. Bye bye bye
No. 253254
File: 1487338856482.png (Spoiler Image,67.35 KB, 628x640, IMG_5175.PNG)

Anyone who thinks this is beautiful is fucking mental and must be on drugs
No. 253255
File: 1487338943724.png (Spoiler Image,138.98 KB, 961x1261, IMG_5238.PNG)

Normal small boobs and why? Because she lost the abusive boyfriend and gained self respect. Keep trying lizard lips to bullshit people
No. 253282
File: 1487343132503.png (188.08 KB, 999x1224, IMG_5237.PNG)

More like Victoria Secret model than Kmart granny panties thumb in fat vagina looking cunt Momo
No. 253303
File: 1487346565315.png (172.86 KB, 329x290, IMG_9110.PNG)

>>253281Never change loonie. Btw I'm not MooMoo or any of those bitches you'll probably claim. Also take a look at our other cow Luna, she does coke and she's still pretty hammy.
No. 253340
File: 1487349886483.png (1.1 MB, 1125x2001, image.png)

>>253332here you go, just scrolled down her 2nd thread to find it
No. 253347
File: 1487350746893.jpg (37.28 KB, 530x297, IMG_9809.JPG)

Loonie is such a dumb cunt kek.
>>253340How did she not think this would backfire at all?
No. 253368
>>253364yes, someone who is not Loonie posts screenshots directly from loonie's phone while white knighting Loonie in loonie's thread every day and taking great offense to being called Loonie.
Makes perfect sense
No. 253379
>>253354Dont you insert people into your own threads that werent even involved? Case in point your post here:
>>249153You keep posting photos of kay, momo, succubus and randoms in every thread and bringing them up. It's really weird.
No. 253391
>>253354Who the hell is this Kimchi person Luna keeps bringing up?
Seriously why does Luna continue to name drop all these random people no one even knows when white knighting herself? Does she not think herself even worthy enough to have her own merits, she is only capable of being "better than" whichever random cosplayer she is jealous of at the moment?
Luna, you might seem less crazy if you quit your obsession with all these other girls. You are the only one who continuously fills these threads with your blind hatred for these people.
They are not posting about you because they literally don't care about you. You are making yourself look obsessive and pathetic.
And no, I am not whichever random person you've decided hates you most today. I am just another anon that doesn't even cosplay, but can't comprehend your serial-killer level of obsession with ththe she random girls.
No. 253394
>>253251Tries to defend her cock eyed nipples, but posts a photo of herself that clearly shows her nipples pointing in opposite directions.
Oh loonie. You are so dumb.
No. 253401
File: 1487353742189.png (534.21 KB, 533x800, IMG_9807.PNG)

RIP to the pretty loonie
No. 253405
>>253396So Luna, what exactly are these "better things" you are doing besides cosplay?
Cause I wouldn't really consider nude modeling any better on the scale.
And on that note, since you think you are too good for cosplay, why do you keep measuring your self worth by which conventions you get invited to?
No. 253426
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No. 253428
File: 1487355323971.png (75.28 KB, 750x726, IMG_2752.PNG)

Also why does she do this awful 90's porn star hair?
Make note of the likes. 200k follows and only 5k likes on a 4 week old pic lmao. Compare that to everyone she shit talks and it's clear Luna bought IG followers.
No. 253526
>>253471>>253506literally no one mentioned vamp except loonie/her fans
like half the ppl that get mentioned here for literally no reason
like no one even said they liked vamp here lmfao
No. 253539
File: 1487369518845.png (2.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170217-171015.png)

>>253526o maybe i figured it out. vamp is now sponsored by pink city which nigri started working with a couple months ago…maybe loonie is jealous a sponsor that was with her from the beginning doesn't only use her for advertising?
No. 253674
>>253672yeah cuz posting a photo of you rubbing yourself and literally popping your titty out while you do so is classy…
also have never seen any lewd things with the above mentioned cosplayers so unless you post proof you can stfu
No. 253702
>>253695literally zero proof keep saying the same shit over and over but without any proof you're just talking out your ass
oh and ps a nip slip is accidental luna flashes her tits online for fun all the time
No. 253720
>>253705Seriously, Luna. If that cockeyed nip pic is fake, then you'd jump at the chance to prove It by posting the original.
Also, if all these girls you're jealous of have naked porn pics, why not post them? All you've ever posted are normal non-nude photos.
No. 253752
File: 1487398775764.png (249.64 KB, 999x1430, IMG_5242.PNG)

Luna at 18 for those who don't believe in late bloomers
No. 253757
File: 1487399971353.png (174.16 KB, 701x1096, IMG_5243.PNG)

When cosplay turns you into a fat fuck Jesus Christ what happened did the eating disorder fail you Kay?
No. 253772
File: 1487402537112.png (129.23 KB, 558x1147, IMG_5246.PNG)

>>253771Under the definition for faggot cosplay fanboy in Webster dictionary I submit this picture. This is the face of mental illness, I even cut out Momo because that bitch and the fans she attracts are the dregs of society. Can someone do an intervention for this man child lol
No. 253817
>>253772literally no idea who these people are you guys are on some next level stalker shit.
>>253757k still looks skinnier than luna if you actually think that is actually fat kindly walk off a bridge you delirious fucks
No. 253849
>>253744Soooooo you can't pony up the evidence of your constant accusations so you just start supergiant about something completely unrelated to the comment you've replied to.
Luna, get help and stop stalking these other girls on the internet.
Have you been trolling Facebook all day for katsucon pics of your rivals?
Since they're all at the con, guess they aren't the ones posting here after all.
No. 253972
File: 1487452074456.gif (2.35 MB, 440x440, IMG_9822.GIF)

>>253970On a scale of 1-loonie how mad at you?
No. 253975
File: 1487452253555.jpg (192.86 KB, 1233x2048, IMG_9823.JPG)

>>253757She looks a lot better than loonie
No. 254179
>>254089Talking about Luna in a thread about Luna?
No fucking way.
It's almost like…this thread is about Luna.
No. 256233
File: 1487814914361.png (39.35 KB, 750x438, IMG_0918.PNG)

No. 256909
File: 1487925876255.png (Spoiler Image,139.62 KB, 480x767, Screenshot_2016-05-16-15-53-37…)

Where's your whiteknight now Loonie?
No. 257015
>>256909Those raw files you still haven't shared that will prove OP pic is shopped ?
Suuuure loonie
No. 257107
File: 1487963164327.png (332.55 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170224-140402.png)

>lemme just boost a false narrative to bring to light bullying in the community even though im one of the biggest bullies here
No. 257142
File: 1487968313861.png (948.61 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170224-152857.png)

>>257107things I find hilarious:
>luna signal boosts this post that claims lisa is bullying another cosplayer named helena steele>said cosplayer supports kay against luna who bullies her> fuckin KEK No. 257156
File: 1487969758027.png (122.4 KB, 750x1283, IMG_0949.PNG)

>>257142Thanks for letting us know anon
I couldn't help myself
No. 257177
File: 1487972726974.png (217.13 KB, 1109x1320, IMG_5328.PNG)

>>257142Must be awkward for Helena that Kay and Lisa friends lol
No. 257190
>>257188you are on a hate board anon.
we hate lots of cows on this board.
provide milk proving ppl other than regular lolcow posters are posting here, or gtfo
No. 257200
File: 1487975757295.jpg (460.6 KB, 1439x1548, 20170224_173447.jpg)

>>257192no idea who this is but have seen her post on the lisa stuff a bit recently and saw this lol
No. 257205
>>257188If you actually go look at the tweet or previous threads, that tweet was made in response to when she claimed Kay photoshopped her nipples in the OP picture.
But keep whiteknighting yourself Loonie.
No. 257213
>>257209Not @ so continue with your fantasies
>>257205No one cares if anything Kay just wants Luna to give her a shout out because that's the only reason she got attention in the first place lol
No. 257222
>>257218>>257213keep whiteknighting loonie
everyone in the world knows you have a psycho vendetta against kay and you tried to blame your botched nipples on her
No. 257614
File: 1488002262407.png (296.14 KB, 1105x1666, IMG_5330.PNG)

Right loonies you're saying the actress from charmed is pledging to you. This bitch lost it
No. 257746
>>257614I mean…grats to her I guess but I thought she didn't measure herself by Twitter followers? Also why not actually write about it on Twitter then if she's "such a big fan"?
There are plenty of women who support other women. I don't see Luna doing much to support anybody else? You get what you give, honey.
No. 257862
>>257746Lol she has said twitter followers don't matter?
Didn't she use the whole "you only have X number of followers so your opinion doesn't matter" argument during that twitter fight she had with Lindze ?
No. 262807
File: 1488577544156.png (139.74 KB, 1042x1373, IMG_5341.PNG)

Photoshop? Loonie looks different or did her lips deflate?
No. 264309
File: 1488826242166.png (123.89 KB, 750x1296, IMG_1135.PNG)

No. 264330
>>264315How does it look ok?
It's a bought zentai suit that's d.vas pattern with mercy colors and all the props are photoshopped in lol
No. 264460
File: 1488842855777.png (133.53 KB, 927x1647, IMG_5343.PNG)

Looks like this isn't shopped land nips are much bigger than the one Kay shopped to look ? wonky.
No. 264689
File: 1488876487434.png (139.11 KB, 947x1708, IMG_5342.PNG)

>>264677Lol momo youre the only one obsessed with Luna to keep reviving this thread. No one cares about her cosplays she doesn't need to post them or disgusting porn like you do for likes lol
No. 264690
File: 1488876636314.png (75.3 KB, 1099x555, IMG_5344.PNG)

>>264677Oh god someone tell this ratchet escort that no one wants to fuck her 49 year old garbage man
No. 264703
>>264691>>264690Go to sleep loonie
This lack of sleep is why your mental health is non existent
No. 264704
>>264674Do you not see the abundance of arm fat on the arm that's tugging on her shirt? It's clearly being pressed as hard as possible against her tits
Try harder next time
No. 264732
>>264707who knows. She only has 190 Patrons and even though she charges more than most people I see on that site, she changed it to show her number of pledges vs. amount taken in…so I am thinking she lost a few. Her goal has been 500 pledges on her page for a while now, and I haven't seen the number move from 190 in weeks. As I said
>>264701 pretty sad that someone with such a large social media following can't get more than 190 pledges.
No. 264760
>>264755>>264756first off quit samefagging it's obvious the same person is responding to all of these.
2nd, nothing Luna is doing merits a "real job" either, so I don't see how you can bash the others yet defend Luna when her content is still low-tier and not real modeling. I mean…maybe she'll get there one day but she needs to actually film and shoot with more reputable people than she currently is if that's the case. I personally think she is better just doing glamour modeling than any of the cosplay stuff she's doing…she never fits the characters she cosplays and they are always half assed but her glamour and pin up modeling are actually decent.
No. 264849
>>264794And when she said that she "needs to die" because she blamed her shitty botched nipples on Kay photoshopping them lmao
And every time momocon comes around
And all the time with "costhots"
Stop being delusional
No. 264850
>>264807You realize Loonie created the first thread herself right
How stupid are you people
No. 265088
>>265049You revived your own days old thread just to randomly talk shit about Kay.
And while we're on that topic, you think just because you don't @ someone specific on twitter that means you aren't talking shit? Every time you talk about "that girl I went to high school with", everyone knows you're talking about Kay. So it's the same damn thing. You're obsessed with her.
But please, to be fair, go ahead and post screen shots of Kay talking shit about you. Should be really easy, cause I am sure you have them all saved.
No. 265388
File: 1488980907242.png (224.96 KB, 1109x1159, IMG_5348.PNG)

LOL Jesus selling yourself so cheap just get your furry ass to Vivid and start doing the porn you were born to do Kaybear
No. 265420
File: 1488986011384.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_5351.PNG)

Someone needs to tell these ugly fat cows to stop omg
No. 265442
File: 1488990061490.png (198.22 KB, 1035x1379, IMG_5271.PNG)

It's not the same guys. It's artistic.
No. 265488
>>265475Luna IS a lewd cosplayer. If she really thinks she isn't then she's just as delusional as JNig who thinks if she makes goofy faces somehow that means what she is doing isn't porn.
The only ones who deserve respect are the ones that do it and own up to it. When they tried to act like they're above it all, THAT is when they reach trash level. As of right now, Luna is on the level.
No. 265768
Seriously. Mods, plz. Out this cunt.
No. 265889
>>265768Hard to out someone random.>>265767
She shares a ton about her life on patreon not publicly but I'm not sharing where she actually posts
No. 265911
File: 1489035181291.png (2.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1200.PNG)

That cheap plain eBay corset and knit leggings….
That aluminum foil belt….
This is like a spirit Halloween ciri lol it's so inaccurate and lazy
And then she captioned the photo with a geralt quote, not even a ciri one
The scar doesn't look bad though I'll give her that.
No. 265914
>>265911And then the wolf emoji when ciri didn't even go to the school of wolf (just trained at a location) and even has a school of the cat medallion lmao
What a fake gamer
No. 266203
>>266173not the sonico set. the red lingerie and ribbon set. though all the facial in expressions in the sonico set looked fucking retarded.
i don't get why she even cosplays sonico…considering the person she claims she hates is the english VA and official sponsor for sonico…
No. 266208
File: 1489085774980.png (149.08 KB, 1159x1816, IMG_5381.PNG)

This graphtreon websites says that she's lost about half of her Patreon supporters from her highest amount, which was once in the 400s.
No. 266331
>>266318She already is on a cumdump site……………….
It was posted last thread you fucking inbred
No. 266354
File: 1489100198189.png (93.93 KB, 496x1306, IMG_5355.PNG)

No. 266372
>>266361Neither of them sell nudes thiugh so nice try Loonie. Oh look, Loonie Lanie bringing up another random girl she's jealous of.
>>266354When will the mods confirm its Luna? We all know it but this insane cow wont stop playing pretend until she's fully exposed.
No. 266414
>>266395If it bothers you so much get off being on anon boards. Here no one is safe from getting roasted and only the person getting torched is
triggered. It's easy to guess who keeps posting by looking on social media. Luna hardly posts but the others are always bitching or shading. They seem really uneducated and low class. And whoever is justifying furry porn shit as harmless needs to be lobotomized
No. 266416
File: 1489105996987.png (203.27 KB, 1038x975, IMG_5356.PNG)

No. 266424
>>266414Luna if you want to bitch about all these other random bitches, start a thread for them.
Also LOL at the claim that Luna doesn't post shade and stuff on her twitter. The screen shots are literally in this thread you crazy crazy nutcase.
No. 266515
>>266507You are disgusting we have tracked your ips go do some more software and hardcore porn. You all post when this board has been dead for days because you get
No. 266519
>>266512make sure you watch your dick 'dear'. be a shame if someone were to chop it off…
…that is how ridiculous you sound. get off the internet you obviously can't handle being here freak
No. 266525
File: 1489116036873.jpg (51.53 KB, 612x612, ANON.jpg)

If you thought it was her so much wouldn't you confront her? You hide. You make posts. I wouldn't be surprise if half the post are you crazy SOBS pretending to make her lookalike she is "sperging" by hiding. You guys don't think she has told her fans about this place?
No. 266542
File: 1489116366747.jpg (158.67 KB, 667x500, make-me-laugh-d884e93a2b0d0bca…)

No. 266546
>>266536? who the fuck out of the chicks yall claim keep attacking her even lives in Canada
…also canada isnt a coast?
No. 266558
File: 1489116574333.jpg (37.75 KB, 800x642, Looniesnewroom.jpg)

No. 266572
File: 1489116774907.png (110.28 KB, 750x759, IMG_3082.PNG)

Luna lanie is trying so hard to take attention away from the fact that mods exposed her
No. 266586
>>266581Highland park is the only place that I've ever been to the most amazing thing ever happened with the other two guys and the best thing about it was that it happened so much for me the whole night is so weird but wow I love you so much and you can just come back
hi loonie, hitting the predictive text button sounds just like you
No. 266589
File: 1489117225966.jpg (76.08 KB, 655x1300, IMG_9827.JPG)

>>266587that is literally a picture that comes up from googling "woman in a straight jacket" it's a mannequin
No. 266592
File: 1489117257247.jpg (3.68 MB, 2931x2966, IMG_5358.JPG)

I got to penetrate Momo beast she's so popable
No. 266624
File: 1489118263715.png (Spoiler Image,185.86 KB, 1019x1671, IMG_5360.PNG)

You keep saying "loonie" brings this thread to life when it's really you jealous bitches. Anyone that has a brain will recognize it as I use to fan Nigri but once I read about all the shit she did on pretty liars it all made sense.
No. 266645
File: 1489118989948.png (1.1 MB, 1120x970, Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 10.0…)

Must be sad to be sitting on a computer ALONE while our queen is being paid to fly to places. I would be upset too. Now go shoot some more porn at home.
No. 266665
>>266538She said kaybear needs to die ON TWITTER because she blamed her ugly nipples on kaybear photoshopping a nude which NEVER HAPPENED
are you a fucjing idiot
No. 266666
>>266548>>266559>>266208Lol this
Every time I think she can't get any more crazy she proves me wrong
It's amazing
No. 266668
>>266551Have fun dealing with a DMCA Loonie. Especially since there's proof of you admitting to it here.
Mod can you mark at least this post for legal purposes?
No. 266681
File: 1489121132340.jpg (1.06 MB, 2400x1009, IMG_1222.JPG)

>>266677>>266672>>266671While incident is in the previous thread
No. 266745
> you post on this thread 24/7 instead of improving your craftProjecting much, Loonie? LOL
Quit trying to cover your ass because you didn't mention her by name Loonie. Everyone with an IQ of at least 20 (so none of your followers) knows you're talking about Kaybear because you have some dumb high school vendetta.
No. 266909
File: 1489159045213.jpg (518.01 KB, 1155x1732, IMG_8423.JPG)

Since admin won't mark posts (understandably, since Luna is a nobody who has made a million sperg comments that everyone has accurately pinpointed themselves) here ya anons go….. + more to come
Ps. Luna I was one of the MAIN posters on your 1st and 2nd thread and I'm not even in the cosplay community, litterly Kay, momo, SS, Kristen, & Nigri have never posted here. Most of us posting are regular lolcow members who just came upon your thread (without knowing you) and thought your BS and sperging was crazy and funny. You literally are just paranoid over nothing bc all the girls you're obsessed with just honestly don't ever think of you, it's just you, being crazy. Plz I spent many a minute making collages of you. Take this advice if any, seek some professional private intense therapy, I sincerely mean this.
And by the way that Arabic you posted pretending to be multiple users is copy&paste in google translate. I'm fluent. There are litterly NO white knights, it's ONLY Luna. And using VPNs doesn't mean your invisible, retard.
No. 266923
File: 1489160215723.jpg (601.56 KB, 1439x1439, 20170310_103513.jpg)

this doesn't even look like her…and that nose does not look anything like her live videos…
No. 266940
File: 1489163524115.jpg (265.13 KB, 734x1024, IMG_3552.JPG)

>>266687"This is the only proof?"
Don't forget about the sockpuppet account Luna made on twitter at the start of the drama (before her first thread was even made) that she used to bully, talk shit, and spread lies about the girls she's obsessed with, all while promoting herself at the same time and retweeting her promos, and she called them out by name AND even @ and tagged them in the twitter posts. And it was 100% made by Luna, a fact.
>nevar forget No. 267018
File: 1489174339399.jpg (224.26 KB, 685x1024, IMG_8429.JPG)

No. 267019
File: 1489174394707.gif (977.54 KB, 162x288, IMG_8450.GIF)

Gif proving her tits are fake and hard cantaloupes
No. 267021
File: 1489174587075.jpg (Spoiler Image,341.63 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_8482.JPG)

Just a peek at Luna's "professional artist glamor modeling that's super classy and not slutty at all like Kay" lmao
I have 3 more collages, one for bullying kay & two for racist comments, death threats, and sexual creepy loonie shit. I don't want to flood the board, post em later? I figure it's at least close to marking her posts.
No. 267037
File: 1489176482058.jpg (1.1 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170310_150703.jpg)

since ppl like to bring up everyone else's plastic surgery here…
No. 267084
File: 1489181513812.jpg (484.92 KB, 1155x1729, IMG_8476.JPG)

>>267070Your wish is my command anon.
No. 267086
File: 1489181564494.jpg (444.16 KB, 1732x1155, IMG_8428.JPG)

No. 267089
File: 1489181673863.jpg (490.81 KB, 1155x1732, IMG_8477.JPG)

No. 267283
File: 1489198486780.jpg (855.03 KB, 1135x1575, Screenshot_20170310-211233.jpg)

def got a nose job. all of a sudden she is dropping all these side profiled pics and this one doesn't seem photoshopped.
No. 267321
>>267283Oh nooo :( her doc went way too small and her nostrils are already exhibiting that pinched look which is the dign of a botched nosejob… she's gonna have major issues with it and need a revision in 5-10 years. That sucks. I mean yeah she's obnoxious as heck but I still feel bad for her.
A bad nosejob is way worse than no nosejob
No. 267342
File: 1489203902513.jpg (536.33 KB, 816x1235, Screenshot_20170310-224253.jpg)

>>267336>>267327this was taken about a week before her "mystery surgery" (around pax south…late jan i think?) and the other side profile photos are both recent
No. 267350
File: 1489204498378.jpg (524.05 KB, 1920x1200, IMG_3986.JPG)

>>267302It's so ridiculous that she denies having a boob job, all while ragging on jnig for her tit job (and lying, saying nigri had 3 boob jobs, when she's only had 1), when she literally went from an A cup at age 18/19 to a DD in a period of a year.
>"Luna is a late bloomer!!!!!!1111"That's just not biologically or physically possible. It's one thing to lie or be private about plastic surgery jobs, but the hypocrisy of spreading false rumors and shit talking others for the exact same thing she has done is what bothers most people.
And the nose job is obvious, and not just deviated septum surgery, but a full on nose reconstruction. And pre-surgery she would shop her lips, nose, and boobs to look like she does now. But it's not surprising since she lies about almost everything and talks shit about others when she does the same thing, or in most cases, she does even worse, accompanied by the "holier than thou" attitude. And the "Luna is more popular! She is more famous! She makes WAY more money than so-and-so!" When everyone she compares herself to DOES make more money and ARE more popular, like as a fact. How delusional are you that you believe your own hype and are so egotistical that you are completely blind to numbers, views, patreon money, likes, sponsorships, etc? How can she boldly proclaim she makes WAY more patreon money than nigri or momo and that "they wish they made as much as her! They wish they were as popular as her!" When it's documented and graphed as a fact on patreon? It's a whole 'nother level of insanity.
No. 267365
File: 1489205111179.jpg (55.59 KB, 750x342, IMG_3638.JPG)

>>267350Don't forget this gem. I'm making an imgur account with all her old, racist, sexual harrasing, rape & murder threats, disgusting tweets from her sockpuppet account, her old Delanie highschool account, & her official one she uses now (all twitter + tagging herself and the girls she hates) Will post soon.
No. 267465
File: 1489233115512.jpg (540.26 KB, 3994x1851, IMG_3641.JPG)

Is it just me or do people think Luna copied Kay on her cosplays? After Kay did these cosplays, Luna only did them afterwards (not counting the third one in leotard). It might just be coincidence, but it's funny that she always says Kay copied her when she did these same outfits AFTER Kay….
No. 268057
File: 1489317460218.jpg (31.77 KB, 604x235, Untitled.jpg)

God what a narcissistic cunt.
No. 268336
File: 1489354327833.jpg (1.73 MB, 1933x3657, IMG_5362.JPG)

Its hard to be Kay Thomas when your mom was a stripper
No. 268362
>>268360Fuckin psycho with a god complex when you're as useless and dumb as a rock
There's no dirt on Kay you pathetic talentless bimbo
Nobody likes you
No attractive man wants you
No company wants you
No amount of shit talking Kay or her family will change any of that
No. 268363
>>268358Or what about how Loonies mom paid big bucks for her to move to Cali to go to acting school for her to drop out half a year later because she was so bad at it lmao
That's why she moved to California in the first place
Not cosplay, some scam trade "get famous" acting school in Hollywood.
She used to call herself an actor before she realized she has NO talent even after paying big bucks with mommy divorce money and just went porn model
No. 268367
>>268360you dug up a photo of someone's MOM from like 20 years ago by the looks
good job
you are insulting Kay with shit she has zero control over
that doesn't make her look bad, but it sure gives me a whole new level of hatred towards you
No. 268427
>>268425"You all have no jobs except spreading your legs on Patreon"
No. 268437
>>268432She's blocked every account I've made to confront her on
She's the biggest coward
No. 268441
>>268440Don't give her any ideas, she deserves to be punished for what a shitty person she is
And I know she doesn't make much on Patreon but she makes enough to afford therapy at least
No. 268456
File: 1489364206298.jpg (67.65 KB, 570x571, IMG_5370.JPG)

Kay's been projecting since she started this plugfest and you know she's has this up her poophole look at the goosebumps
No. 268460
>>268454slow clap anoni feel you
but i really do not believe kay has been posting here regardless, she is the only one already in a relationship, going to college, and hopefully if she knows better, not shitposting on the internet if she wants to take her restraining order against loonie seriously. i couldn't know for sure, but she has been the only seemingly genuine one out of this.
No. 268468
>>268464Everyone knows Loonie dropped out of acting school last year quit trying to make it seem like she's doing college on the dl
If she couldn't even handle a few acting classes no way she could handle real college courses
And she doesn't make enough to be a homeowner lol just look at her one and only job: selling nudes on Patreon and she doesn't even make that much
No. 268483
>>268459Lol yeah I know I sound like that. Nothing wrong with being a Christian though, you at least got that part right.
>>268464"Bitch that wrote a novel" here. Hi. I'm going to assume you're Luna because you probably are. I don't understand half of what you just typed and I have a sneaking suspicion that you may think I am someone else - or at least way more informed in your dramu than I actually am. Listen kiddo, you have no idea who I am. I came way before your time. I don't browse this place much, I come here to check up on my old buddy Pixyteri once every few months. I browsed this thread out of sheer boredom while I had some very rare free time and was surprised by how much you remind me of myself when I was your age. I just wanted to slap you with a nice dose of reality before you get any worse.
So here's my prescription for how Luna can become a normal girl who is not a mental unstable shitstain on society:
- stop doing drugs. Yes, weed is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Stop that shit.
- stop cosplaying. Forget about cosplay.
- stop taking revealing photos
- stop taking photos of yourself and posting then online in general for awhile. Just stop attention whoring until you are no longer addicted to it and don't feel the need to do it.
- work toward going back to school
- figure out a way to make money that doesn't involve men paying you to show them your body. A normal job. You know, a real one.
That would be a good start.
No. 268509
File: 1489369737837.png (Spoiler Image,2.6 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_5373.PNG)

Am I a pretty girl
No. 268510
File: 1489369801133.png (2.21 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_5375.PNG)

Yeah Kay you are now lick this pussy
No. 268512
File: 1489369876999.png (59.09 KB, 562x677, IMG_5377.PNG)

No. 268513
File: 1489369940919.jpg (3.85 MB, 2898x3577, IMG_5366.JPG)

What gaffesishlistms happened
No. 268514
File: 1489370116654.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_5374.PNG)

Guys I'm a cute girl this is where daddy puts it
No. 268629
>>268333>>268336>>268346>>268353>>268360>>268374>>268376>>268380>>268381>>268405>>268406>>268409>>268425>>268429>>268432>>268456>>268459>>268464>>268485>>268486>>268509>>268510>>268511>>268512>>268513>>268514HI LUNA! We ALL see you. Please seek therapy. That is the 2nd time you have posted Kay's mother, that is so wrong, how would you feel if we posted photos of YOUR family members or private information. Especially considering that I think Kay's mother died recently (?) Your comments are so disgusting, perverted, sexually charged, racist, homophobic, mean, rude, nasty, and just shockingly disturbing and quite unstable. The OP of this thread, and this threads MAIN posters (including me) have all come forward to say that none of us are any of these girls. We don't even know half the people you randomly post or claim are posting here. I truly think you are extremely paranoid, because you KNOW you have said horrible, disgusting things about these 5 specific girls, that you think out of revenge (which tbh you 100% deserve) that they are the ones posting here bc you KNOW you deserve it. And because sadly, that is what YOU would do if the roles were reversed. But the sad thing is, they aren't. Which is so sad. Because then you KNOW that if they aren't the ones posting here (which they aren't bc all main posters have told you, including those who started the threads that none of us are those girls/arent even "cosplay e-famous") then those 5 girls (momo, krissy, kay, SS, nigri):
A) they don't care about you
B) your nothing to them
C) they have better and bigger things to do (which you obviously don't since you're here everyday)
D) they are morally better than you
E) they're above you and your crazy obsessive disgusting comments
F) youre all alone
G) tons of people hate you (not just these 5 girls) but lots lots more who are posting here
H) the girls you obsess with don't think about you when you think about them daily
I) your way too in deep after all these comments and are struggling to strike at anything in the nastiest way you can desperately (and it shows)
J) you're 100 times worse then they will ever be bc none of them have gone anywhere near as far as you have with insults
K) your not as big or popular or well known or important enough
L) that even though you've said the worst things about them, that they're better than you than to stoop to your level
M) your uglier than all of them on the outside AND ESPECIALLY on the inside
N) you can un-burn your bridges
O) that even though all those girls (most likely) have been informed/are aware of your disgusting hateful comments, that they dont care enough about you to respond
P) you're crazy, you respond to yourself, make sexually harassing comments focused on their vaginas like the creep you are and that they (most likely) are aware of them and probably hate you a million times more than they did in the first place when that twitter call out momo did months ago (which is the only time they've really ever mentioned you)
S) you realize because all this your extremely jealous, spiteful, lacking self esteem, and spiteful of these girls bc they have what you want (sponsors, more money, more fame/popularity, more fans, invites to cons, popular cosplays, houses, boyfriends, education, traveling, tv shows, web shows, ads, more well known, liked by the general public, connections etc)
And T) this was all for nothing and you made your shitty situation that would have blown over quietly in a short time into a full on shitstorm that you will never bounce back from (bc just a quick google of your name and all your fuckery shows up with all your racist, nasty, death threat shit)
And it's all your fault. Your own doing. And you are all alone in this. And you're SO GUILTY that you can't help but paranoidly & wildly point to every single posts that critizes you, saying "I know it's you Kay!!!!!11 Hi momo get out of here!!!!1 Jess I know you posted this!!!!11 SS stop talking about me!!!!!1111" because you know you've done all of them wrong. It's just getting so sad and appalling watching you meltdown like this all while knowing this girls just don't even think about you daily, if not ever. You stalk them seeing them have fun, making more money, getting attention, going to cons, having friends, living on social media while your just here…. on your own lolcow gossip thread, alone, sticking out like a sore thumb, sperging almost 24/7, using proxies on your computer & VPN apps on your phone, thinking no one knows (so naive top kek). You might as well hold up a fucking sign saying "HI LUNA HERE!" on every post and everyone in the community knows what you've said and done, everyone, even people who had no idea who you were.
There is something SERIOUSLY fucked up in your head. I have never seen ANY lolcow act or speak as disgustingly as you, EVER. Not even Kiki & not even the pedophilic ones, and that's saying something, STOP and get help man seriously.
No. 268630
>I truly think you are extremely paranoid, because you KNOW you have said horrible, disgusting things about these 5 specific girlsI'm not even one of those 5 girls and she's shit talked me briefly in previous threads with her little "hi (insert location here) I know it's you" when it wasn't even me lol
She's so paranoid because she's burned every bridge she's come across from shit talking because she's THAT disgusting of a human being
No. 268634
File: 1489392658114.png (37.19 KB, 750x421, IMG_3604.PNG)

>>268422I'm the anon who made the collages and said I was going to make the imgur album with Luna's nasty ass tweets, don't worry, I didn't forget ;) I've been using all my free time to crop, circle, underline, organize, and arrange them in a easier-to-understand order. I've already created the album and started to upload. It will also include (besides the 3 twitter accounts) every collage from every thread, other anons evidence and collages, the worst self posts (+evidence that it's her posting, the posts where she gives herself away, reveals info only she would know, cellphone SC), the photoshopped photos with the shopped parts circled/pointed out/comparison of candids vs ones she posted/sh00pd, super slutty hooker hypocritical pics, 1st person callouts who've witnessed her behavior IRL, & recently, her lies concerning the "sexual harassment" at momocon from years ago, + bonus old pics (I have loads) of what she use to look like (esp Ramos-era shit). It's a lot of images, so bare with me. If you guys have any more suggestions or images you want me to add, holla.
Pic related is how crazy I imagine Luna looks like irl, shitposting here all today.
No. 268895
>>268876You're so
triggered and sound like you forgot to take your meds anon. Get a fucking grip
No. 269071
>>269007Can you fucking read you numskull? Anon never said the word banned. They said burned bridges and turned against her.
I swear all the silicone in you is smarter than you
No. 269073
>>269048Momo and Kaybear actually have Patreons to tend to
Loonie doesn't even have that and that's her only "job" lol
No. 269287
File: 1489472399762.jpg (187.61 KB, 639x938, IMG_8735.JPG)

>>268960You sperg on the daily about how this site is stupid and these boards suck and how dare we gossip about online personalities on this website. Are you fucking retarded? THAT IS LITERALLY THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE AND THESE BOARDS. Luna, you coming on here and posting MAKES you someone who uses this website that you hate. You stick out like the biggest fucking sore thumb on the planet because no one comes on these boards to complain that it is being used for the EXACT purpose it was made for and posting other random unknown people's photos on a thread about you, only photos of YOU (Luna) belong in a thread about Luna, you are outing yourself as a complete foreigner to these boards by doing these things, because no one is that retarded to come to a place they hate, actively contribute and post in a place they hate, all while complaining they hate the place they are in. How fucking dense can you be? That's like People Magazine writers, writing articles IN People Magazine about how they hate People Magazine and no one should write for/in People Magazine on any topic that is directly related to the entire reason of the foundation of the magazine (gossip/celebrities/news). Jesus Christ.
>after Kay's stripper moms pic was exposed which proves the only one posting here is Kay and her accomplicesStop being a shit human being. You are vapid as fuck if you think posting an innocent person's (who doesn't even post here) dead mother's pictures accompanied by heinous captions in the post would ONLY offend Kay (or Kay's friends?) and NO ONE ELSE?! That just proves how autistic and shitty of a person you are. The extreme majority of us posting here are complete strangers to Kay (I had no idea who she even was until you started sperging about her) had never or barely even heard of her, the majority of us are REGULAR long time lolcow posters (a few are from random cosplay communities from around the world) who are regulars in other cows/flakes threads for a very very long time and came upon your thread by chance and saw how fucking shitty and batshit you were, and started your threads and found your BS that is all over your social media accounts and posted it here (that is LITERALLY how this site works newfag) the VAST majority of us don't know ANY of the cows or snowflakes personally at all and are strangers from all over the world. You are not a special unique flower, more than 5 people in the world hate you, trust me. Plus your like a fucking nobody. People were upset about you posting someone's dead mother IN YOUR OWN THREAD (like a megatard you are) and thought it was fucked up and a DISGUSTING thing to do, believe it or not loonie some people have morals and aren't horrible human beings, not everyone is as shitty as you are. Some of us think that's a fucking awful thing to do, bc it is. So much so that STRANGERS on the internet have more empathy for a complete stranger in a cosplay community, than you have in just one of your lopsided fake nipples. And that's really saying something. And loonie you should really think twice bc you might encourage some of us to post pictures of your family members in your thread with disgusting comments, wouldn't be so funny then huh?
If you want to post here, be fucking logical, follow the rules, and contribute quality commentary and opinions. If not then just get the fuck out of here if you hate this site so much for solely the reason this site exists for. Stop being retarded, and we won't treat you like the retard you are acting like and most likely are.
P.s. Get your head out of your own ass, you're just another crazy internet attention whore for us to laugh at, there are a million others like you. You're the only one obsessed and losing sleep over your own shitshow, trust me.
No. 269639
>>268454>>268483Miyu, is that you…?
>if so, I have a big lesbo crush on you>>268869>Kay has copied and pasted this site under her name all over the Internet.Caps/proof or gtfo.
>>268960The only "meltdown" you saw was the sheer lack of human decency. Nothing you have, Luna. I know we (as in, lolcow) can be awful, but that took it to a new level.
This anon gets it
>>269287I migrated here from CGL, MaxFag, and StamRose for my cosplayer shit talk. I only came into Loonie's thread due to the sheer gross amount of posting, which usually indicates milk. Instead, we got a wealth of a lone sperging person. I feel really sad for Luna's 2edgy4u attitude, because she thinks she's hot shit, but I only know of her from this site. Sure, free publicity, but it isn't good publicity.
Luna is insane enough to put into /pt/, methinks. That seems to be what she wants.
No. 270390
File: 1489621398454.jpg (465.6 KB, 1393x1849, Screenshot_20170315-194149.jpg)

luna your life is just one big tragic mistake lmfao
No. 270394
File: 1489621763590.jpg (1.29 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170315_194716.jpg)

can someone please teach this bitch that smudging black eyeliner all over her bottom lid looks like trash. also where did her tits magically go? and why does her face look so drastically different in every photo? only common thing is her crazy eyes
No. 270404
File: 1489622690955.jpg (77.87 KB, 506x289, xoURpvZ.jpg)

>>270372its just so fucking gross lol hes like 20 years older than her kay has daddy issues for sure thats the only way their together
No. 270405
>>270404not really..even with a 16 year old daughter he looks like he just knocked some girl up really young so he only looks to be in his mid 30s…
how you all gonna be excited when you thought loonie was sleeping with fucking jeremy renner who literally is 20+ years older than her yet give kay shit for being in love with someone 10 years older.
y'all some fuckin creeps
No. 270413
>>270404>>270405Yeah I think it's reaching. Even though Kay's guy is older than her, he's definitely nowhere near 20+ her age, dude looks to be in his late 30's at most. He also seems like a decent guy, financially stable, decent looking, and surprisingly fit. He's definitely nowhere near my cup of tea, but I can see his appeal for Kay.
Jeremy Renner is too good for Loon and I always thought he was pretty uggo to begin with…
No. 270416
>>270413Yeah, I like him as an actor but I don't really think he's attractive, and there's no way a high paid Hollywood actor would do anything more than pump and dumb Loonie, if even that.
And yea, that picture clearly shows that Kay and her guy have been together at least 2+ years already…they seem to be happy, which makes it all the more obvious why Loonie would attack their relationship since she always projects the shit she's so obviously insecure about here.
No. 273654
>>273642how the fuck do you even know where kay is…first off. fucking stalker.
2nd, threads die when luna isn't posting…there hasn't been anything relevant on her the past few days. stop trying to revive a thread unless you have actual milk about the person the THREAD is about.
No. 274335
File: 1490123310161.jpg (725.44 KB, 1394x2124, Screenshot_20170321-150657.jpg)

I don't quite understand why anyone would look up to Luna or Chell tbh
No. 274364
>>274335Did she RT "united we scam"?
That's ironic considering her patreon is a scam
Charges weekly and doesn't even post lol
No. 276216
File: 1490323405179.jpg (917.56 KB, 1433x1927, Screenshot_20170323-224208.jpg)

what a surprise!
No. 280353
File: 1490838919394.jpg (93.81 KB, 704x522, 87958664ffgv.jpg)

good lord girl you need to chill it on those lip injections. you can basically still see the mark from them. she looks like a blow up sex doll.
No. 281752
File: 1490985573731.jpg (843.25 KB, 1423x1810, Screenshot_20170331-143454.jpg)

the fuck is this shit? she has to start advertising this smut again since her patreon numbers dropped so low. and kek at her tits…they're so fake and rock solid they are pushing the other chicks boobs in
No. 281797
File: 1490990262425.jpg (1.92 MB, 1424x2220, Screenshot_20170331-155540.jpg)

she has already deleted all other mentions of attending FED since this was posted…why are ppl paying her to travel on her patreon when she constantly cancels appearances she promises?
No. 284171
File: 1491316867113.png (181 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170404-103957.png)

No. 284172
File: 1491317378872.jpg (118.17 KB, 1113x782, 47jfjh92u.jpg)

>>284171Now even Kay is making more than Loonie per month. The irony. Glad all that sperging on here really helped your cause, Loonie.
No. 285320
File: 1491445073557.jpg (317.9 KB, 1419x1373, Screenshot_20170405-214936.jpg)

I am guessing this was her response to us showing her that Kay makes more money off her Patreon than she does. No one would be surprised if Moomoo bots follows since she has with every other social media, but I don't think Kay does
No. 286083
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No. 286136
her mom used to fly out to cons with her when she cried about being bullied
No. 286409
I shit you not.
I was morbidly curious if she had vag shots.
No. 294211
File: 1492559945712.png (327.86 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170418-195803.png)

this chick gets it lmfao
No. 294861
File: 1492647839717.png (150.34 KB, 785x597, IMG_5631.PNG)

At least her ex came out of the closet now wondering when he's going to stop posting here
No. 296377
>>296200>>296185>>296229I'm the anon who posted the comment
>>296169 and I'm not (thankfully) not Loonie– sorry to disappoint. It seemed pretty clear to me that the post I responded to was MooMoo because she referred to herself (or apparently not herself, according to you) as Mariah Mallad, which no one does on here.
sage for further derail but just wanted to clarify that I'm a simple anon who honestly believes that
>>295970 is MooMoo.
No. 296380
>>296377fuck, typo in that first line, sorry: meant to say, " I'm (thankfully) not Loonie…"
No. 296423
>>296377you think it's moomoo simply because anon said "mariah mallad" which is already clearly displayed in the moomoo thread?
a+ sleuthing anon
tbh that doesn't sound like her at all, and what would she know about spergchan/kaka?
No. 296545
>>296423>>296377People have referred to her as Mariah before. I'd assume there are plenty of people here who knew Mariah was trouble without looking at her threads…either way, Moomoo sperges her own thread and it's super easy to pinpoint hers as she always says "dude" or "bro" and even that dumb bitch refers to HERSELF as Momokun so I doubt the OP was, in fact, Moomoo.
But that seperates you from the 2 following responses that tagged off you, which I'm 90% sure were Loonie or her one creepy stalker fan that is always here.
No. 297347
File: 1492969123290.png (645.6 KB, 1216x1749, IMG_5698.PNG)

>>296718 Yandy seems to be popular with cosplayers even ones that get played big bucks to make their own
No. 297747
>>297498They never even attack the good stuff with jnig. There's literally an entire thread with current topics yet loonie just comes here making this stupid shit up.
her nose ring and tiny wannabe tattoo still not nearly as bad as your trashy tattoos loonie
No. 297779
>>297747Your tone is
triggered anon who the fuck cares if someone has body mods like tattoos or a nose ring. Get help for your body shaming shit talk and deal with your own insecurities you sound crazy as hell.
No. 297867
>>297779>>297785Did you even read my Post? You are brainless.
First off this isn't a fucking Nigri thread.
Second, so it is not okay for me to talk about loonies trash tattoo work but I am
triggered for defending Nigris tat and piercing?
I have 5 tattoos and 6 piercings. From an artistic standpoint, I'm sorry, but loonies tattoos look like shit and she herself even said she is lazering them off so obviously she thinks so too. That's what happens when you admittedly go get tattoos from trailer park trash while someone is coming off a night of drinking…
She literally admitted to getting her tramp stamp this way on that Philly D interview
No. 298129
>>298041It's pretty pathetic that you are openly acknowledging this chick makes up and over exaggerates everything yet defending her for it.
And Nigri's tattoo is the size of a fucking penny on her finger. Loonie's takes up a huge chunk of space and is visible in 90% of her photos because the thirsty bitch is half naked in every thing she posts
No. 298144
File: 1493059266076.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2827.PNG)

Lmfao she's so bad at shooping herself she can't even use a makeup app right
She added those fake contacts to her eyes and look at her right eye it's just smeared all over lmfao
No. 298389
>>298260Instagram filters alter the colors Loonie
They don't add colored contacts onto your eyes
That's what makeupplus and beautycam does AKA your terrible photoshop apps
Pls defend yourself harder and just look even more stupid
No. 298399
File: 1493086748809.png (28.11 KB, 365x417, IMG_5059.PNG)

>>298144Just looks like the stupid Snapchat filters(specifically the one pictured based on the colors and starry eyes). A lot of them lighten your eyes and make them "sparkle". Most of the time it just makes your face look overly shooped.
No. 298511
>>298396Loonie is an empty headed bimbo. All her self whiteknight devolves down to her delusion that she's the most beautiful woman in the world even after fucking herself with multiple plastic surgeries that make her look like a dried up suburban mom desperately clinging to her youth. Bitch is 22 going on 40 and makes chump change getting her snatch out on patreon. Her "photography" is shit tier low res trailer trash looking garbage probably shot by her mom and she wears ugly cheap looking lingerie. Loonie is a broke slut trying to posture like she's well off and succsesful. Her twitter followers are all bullshit as she pulled a justin bieber and followed like 100k+ people then deleted them all after she got enough follow backs. It's obvious her twitter fans dont give a shit about her because she has 100k and barely ever gets even 1k likes on a selfie. her FB is obviously just a bunch of bought likes bia that "boost your post" crap that just gives you a ton of spam bot likes and not real fans.
Luna Lanie is a fucking joke.
No. 298514
>>298087Calling people by random food or animal names again lol
the marking of loonie
No. 298546
>>298399Usually there are more to Snapchat filters though
This just looks like her normal shit shooping job
No. 298660
>>298546I thought this was a Snapchat screenshot not realizing it's twitter? (Not familiar with the app much) so I take back my previous words of it just being a lame filter.
Sage for dumb
No. 299321
File: 1493235114611.jpg (76.21 KB, 539x960, 18034133_1307620915991602_2675…)

wtf did she do to her nose?
No. 299322
File: 1493235217474.jpg (63.54 KB, 547x846, 14691070_1121555834598112_6374…)

>>299321this is the first time she did snow white back i think in fall 2016? nose job confirmed or terrible shooping?
No. 299569
File: 1493274966633.jpg (1.71 MB, 2941x4411, AssMouth.jpg)

Luna Lanie @Patreon
Creating good times & smut
Currently: Thinking about ass cream, how im gonna redeem myself and if somebody out there likes me.
Did I mention ass cream?
No. 299596
>>299569I honestly thought your post was something she said lmao
Her eye makeup looks nice here for once
No. 299623
Im the one who wrote..
>>249937>>265638>>266327>>294537..and I have something to say.
Before all this, I had no idea sites like this existed. I had no idea who Kiki Kannibal was until conducting a little research. Quite frankly, reading her story really put things into perspective. For months, i've been flipping back & forth on this thread hoping to watch it die. It's a disturbing piece which should be attributed as a sincere reminder of the dark, dreary & disgusting place the internet can be.
Delanie, enough is enough.
Its not right what you’re doing. You are not only objectifying yourself, but the cosplay community altogether; using the excuse of artistry to justify explicit imagery (Personally I don’t find an issue with provocative outfits, but your presentation is borderline pornography. Again, I don’t have an issue with the medium, but there is a major difference between the two).
If its not your future in which you care most, then consider the future amongst others and their interest within this industry. Primarily, the younglings that will grow into this trend.
On a more personal note..
Ive shared intricate aspects about myself to you directly. Things I hold in reserve strictly for those I deem worthy of said knowledge. For someone whose never met me, you have severely taken advantage of my generosity & trust more than any female ive ever encountered.
The only person I’ve permitted to utilize that knowledge was someone I once held close to my heart.
You’ve mocked, ignored & completely lied about who you are so badly that I strongly feel you lost your sense of identity. A product of ourselves that most are still discovering.
Its atrocious. I've honestly never had to step away from the internet the way I did due to the reflection of the community. Its girls like you that set the definition of why derogatory terms against women are used so often with certain men.
We don’t need an example like you to represent our community.
I have spent too much time on repairing the damage you caused on my end. To invest in someone who chooses to thrive on image rather than truth has been a tremendous fault on my part; but I refuse to sit back & watch you gradually tear this industry apart for your ulterior motive. Whatever that is, I really don’t give a shit. Im tired; and with my declining health, continuing focus on this forum robs me of whatever time I have.
Therefore, I have orchestrated all data symphonizing every messages, link & file regarding the act & demeanor of the identified Luna Lanie in the event our current situation transcends to a court of law.
Under no circumstance should anyone proceed any further to this thread.
Doing so will be considered an act of disturbance and a personal threat towards the cosplay community under the responsibility of the aforementioned Delanie Francis Wheeler (Luna Lanie).
Otherwise, by whatever power invested in me, I _______ deem you socially outcasted throughout the entertainment industry due to your excessive racism, bigotry, indirect assaults & death threats toward public figures. No more will you be allowed to further endanger the security of countless individuals for your promotion.
Although you may not care for the future, the rest of us do.
If publicity is what you seek, then this is what I say to you:
take some time off from the internet. Go out and meet people. Take part in communal activities around your neighborhood. Feed the homeless. Find yourself. Find something you can constructively distribute that defines some authenticity; because in the end, regardless of how your quest unfolds, you can never go back and say I didn’t give you a chance.
No. 302088
File: 1493654061603.jpg (617.32 KB, 1155x1732, IMG_4550.JPG)

>>301756>loonie is hotter than most of the cosplay chicks…sure
Anyway here's a horrendous photo Loonie posted that really highlights her hob goblin midgit body.
No. 302138
>>302088let me rephrase: most of the cosplay cows.
obviously i can think of tons more attractive AND talented cosplayers. but i'd still take a loonie over a moomoo anyday.
No. 302444
10 Hottest Cosplay Women Of All Time "a younger" and they couldnt spell nigs name correctly.
No. 302494
File: 1493688267371.jpg (841.35 KB, 1072x1789, Screenshot_20170501-212318.jpg)

Her giant boulders ruin this for me tbh
No. 302888
>>302856because since you obviously haven't followed luna for long she used to be a huge yaya and nigri ass kisser and wanna be. that's why they always compare the two.
they also are both scam artists, and patreon hos with minimal talent and fake nerd personas.
No. 302982
>>302494Lynch me if you want, but I think that hair color looks better on Loonie than the barbie blonde.
Loons, you should have worn this when you did MJ.
No. 303203
File: 1493780767783.png (1.66 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20170502-230428.png)

I don't even know anymore…
No. 303212
File: 1493781791097.png (78.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20170502-232108.png)

>>303203>more than the average cosplayerLoonie just because you buy your costumes or make up these weird I'll fitting alternate costumes does not make it impressive or give you bragging rights compared to people who actually just their ass on their costumes
No. 303221
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No. 303325
>>30321215 a year really isn't impressive
1 a month plus some? And they're all bought Halloween store crap or shitty lingerie lmfao
No. 303358
File: 1493806490376.png (266.89 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20170503-061205.png)

She would be the type of person who enjoys the new sw over the original. She should have cosplayed jar jar it's more fitting to her personality
No. 303772
>>303568I don't know if you knew this, but not everyone wants to be famous for cosplay, some people actually do it for fun and care about their craft…aka not money grubbing sluts like Loonie.
>>303650I have heard multiple accounts about many I used to admire like Kamui and Yaya that their partners play a much larger role than I previously thought. No doubt Yaya is talented, though.
>>303594It was proven that Loonie has never encountered Renner. I'm sure a celebrity in his 40s would give money to some 22 year old skank that dresses up for a living…
She has no visible sponsorships, and the few conventions she actually got invited to she turned down…so aside from her store and Patreon, where do you think she is making all this money? She also lives near most of her family at this point…so I'm sure some of her livelihood comes from mooching off them.
No. 303949
>>303908Loonie's projecting again.
She's so jealous of Kay and her older boyfriend that shes pretending to date Jeremy Renner.
No. 303952
>>303910>>303946Did I say I cosplayed? No. Why are you so obsessed with Nigri, Loonie? Why are you so delusional to think that Nigri gives a single fuck about you?
All of my information? Came from this board. It only takes a tiny search on google to find this info, sweetie. If you had half a brain, you'd realize it.
I don't care about money or looks, I just like coming here to see this shit show of a person embarrass herself. Free entertainment.
And you are actually retarded if she said she was hooking up with a celebrity and you believed it. Classic Loonie lying out her ass again.
No. 303959
>>303955lmfao not kay either but keep trying lowlife.
fyi the first thread was started almost 2 years ago before half the people i assume you think are posting here even knew loonietoons existed but nice try
No. 303967
>>303965what's pathetic is how you all seem proud that she is supposedly "dating" some 46 year old with a kid and ex wife that doesn't want anyone to know he's with this skank (if he even knows who she is) but shit on kay for dating someone for multiple years that she pretty obviously has feeling for and is like 10+ years younger than renner…
i guess all of loonie's fan base are as hypocritical as she is
No. 303980
File: 1493865245317.jpg (105.89 KB, 750x387, IMG_4662.JPG)

>>303962She did try to blast them on all her social media and no one gave a shit.
No. 303986
File: 1493865732217.jpg (93.66 KB, 516x921, IMG_4664.JPG)

>>303980And her little bullshit story she posted on twitter that got like 90 likes even with her 100k following
No. 303987
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>>303980"Karma will be delivered soon"
No. 303999
>>303997I can't wait. Literally on the edge of my seat to see what Luna has up her sleeve left.
We're youre biggest fans Luna lol
We need a good image for the 5th one.
No. 304407
File: 1493910012373.png (224.4 KB, 1225x1238, IMG_5784.PNG)

>>304381Someone that's so revelant in cosplay super popular would you say?
No. 304408
File: 1493910141897.png (213.93 KB, 1242x1680, IMG_5786.PNG)

Someone you say that is irrelevant and "only shows her boobs" but is totally dressed lmfao. Try harder losers you can't buy likes on Facebook live and she did this unannounced and on a Sunday
No. 304483
>>304369I doubt many of us idolize the other cosplayers on this board. We observe those cows and have a giggle at their idiocy too. There are some cosplayers that get brought up that are hardly cows though. They don't go out of their way to play the cray-cray part. They just skank it up without the drama (like SSS, for example). We don't idolize them, it's just they're boring and we don't talk about them because there's hardly anything to discuss.
I don't cosplay anymore really. Mostly just don't have the time and my heart's not in it anymore. So inb4 "HI ______" I wasn't really anyone popular in the scene anyway. I just like reading the cosplay equivalent of the tabloids once or twice a week. :^)
>>304408I don't think the super bombshell red lipstick is a good look for you, Loons. Why do you always seem to stream in a cave on a low-res camera? Assuming this was being streamed in the afternoon like the timestamp says (I'm not going to check because I don't give
that much of a fuck and I'm lazy) it's weird for no natural lighting.
No. 304495
File: 1493917178855.jpg (799.97 KB, 1225x1238, IMG_4672.JPG)

>>304407Wow Luna. Nice job givingyourself away yet again. It wasn't enough for you to share a screeshot of your own texts a few threads back?
No. 304505
>>304407>>304495LMFAO OMG WHAT A DUMB CUNT.
Also I don't even have any clue who this person is that Luna is posting about lol
No. 304507
File: 1493917770207.jpg (214.39 KB, 916x1017, loonie is so dumb.jpg)

>>304505I'm just leaving this here before she realizes and deletes her original post for proof
No. 304510
File: 1493918032592.png (202.74 KB, 1125x1727, IMG_4676.PNG)

>>304505She likes to bring up people no one knows that she has personal grudges against and accuse them of attacking her. Like she did with that Indian kid who baited her into outting herself a few threads back.
>>>/snow/220535Post number:
>>218349 No. 304886
>>304885Samefag cuz my post cut off
It's been pointed out before but she didnt stip then. Must have been that twitter post that scared her off.
No. 304918
File: 1493956418181.png (Spoiler Image,1001.77 KB, 781x1558, 35345.png)

when one of your nipples wants to browse fb but your other nipple wants to sperg in your thread
No. 306697
File: 1494186989912.jpg (227.08 KB, 852x922, sara patreon.jpg)

So I was on Sara Underwood's Patreon today to see how much she charges and I noticed something that sounded very…familiar…
No. 306706
File: 1494187767973.jpg (86.65 KB, 640x478, IMG_4792.JPG)

>>306698This isn't shocking considering Luna hates SSS for pointing out that Luna did the exact same thing to her.
Original post:
>>216058 No. 307222
>>306697>>306698ya know…people have bashed on Nigri recently because she's been vocal about her Sara Underwood admiration and has been trying to emulate her in some of her photos…but at least I can verify Nigri does support SJU's Patreon and has been open about wanting to be like her…
which is better than actually trying to copy and Bbe SJU, Loonie.
No. 309143
File: 1494427762398.jpg (885.83 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20170510-104802.jpg)

So fucking ugly why does she look so old and dried up
No. 309389
File: 1494443994447.jpg (466.26 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5841.JPG)

>>309345More tone than this thot
No. 309394
File: 1494444125197.png (214.44 KB, 967x1479, IMG_5847.PNG)

>>309345Yeah I bet she wishes she was as tone as this landwhale
No. 309572
>>309333holy fucking shit loonie. obv jnig will never be sara underwood but you will never be close to either.
and sara may have just started patreon a year ago but she is leagues above you in skill, and looks so sit the fuck down
No. 310227
File: 1494531529850.jpg (388.93 KB, 1080x1448, Screenshot_20170511-153739.jpg)

>>310213Then stop talking shit and calling girls that don't even show their nips hos and thots ya fucking twat
No. 311667
File: 1494642552998.jpg (254.53 KB, 1150x677, LMFAO.jpg)

Wow Luna even lies out of her ass to the few conventions she gets invited to (hey here's another con this year she just decided not to go to!)
> as a child growing up in LA, was an actress in multiple commercials and brand ambassador for Warped Tour
You were born in TN and raised in ATL. You literally went to LA for the first time when you moved there 2 years ago.
No. 312744
File: 1494780455008.png (285.06 KB, 1238x1497, IMG_5906.PNG)

>>312324No it really hasn't. Pasting quotes over her picture, saying the admins have tagged her when they haven't, posting fake nudes it all falls under revenge porn or stalker laws at least in California. I know another cosplayer got someone fired for posting her real nudes on ib anon. Plus looks like Luna's got no boobs so that "video" a fake