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No. 361206
ex vegan mukbanger nikocado he do ? you ask?
>yelled about how he wanted to eat dog in thailand>has a sloth and other pets he treats like shit and feeds his crappy food>promotes obesity and enables "hungry fat girl">use to be vegan and now makes videos clogging his arteries >complains about being sick all the time and wondering if he's gonna die but the whole reason he went vegan is because of an illness >has army of fans that flip batshit the second you say "hey you shouldn't feed your animals avocado or taki ramen">always feels attacked and plays victim>uses the homophobia card when someone calls him out>claims his boyfriend is sick and he needs to pay medical bills, but a few days later brought a pet sloth and buys junk food for mukbangswhat do you guys think of this youtuber ? is he cow worthy?
No. 361242
>>361209my first impression of him is that he is an attention whore (one could argue that this is the case for many youtubers, but this guy screams it. He makes fucking mukbang videos.)
He doesn't really say anything of real value in terms of his observations of a country he hasn't been to before. He comes off as judgmental more than anything else, and not surprisingly, extremely prejudiced.
>always feels attacked and plays victimuses the homophobia card when someone calls him out
One thing I cannot stand for the life of me is when people who are part of a group that experiences discrimination, then goes on to treat another group like shit.
No. 361245
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No. 361264
>>361247"so cruel"
man he has an army of kids defending him the second someone calls him out for the awful shit he did
something tells me his parents spoiled the fuck out of him
No. 361272
>>361252Oh god.
Lol idk why he mentioned the "healthy" food he ate without mentioning how it was cooked or how much he ate.
Also, if you're not happy being fat, start changing your diet, work out and lose weight. He's upset because he wants to continue eating the same shit and stay the same/lose weight.
No. 361312
File: 1501121448742.gif (Spoiler Image,4 MB, 480x360, bouncy.gif)

>>361252Hardcore resisting the urge to immortalize his giggles…. Like I did to vexxitard's tits. kek.
No. 361315
>>361206dont forget paid for an exotic pet license to be able to buy and own that sloth.
>eating arbysif only he knew how we "make" that food and how we "clean"
fucking gross. dont eat at arbys
No. 361325
>>361297if thats the case then thats even more milk
some of it is growth hormones, but a lot of it is true milk such as him lying about what he does with money and treating his animals horribly
No. 361516
File: 1501154731878.png (612.1 KB, 1080x1486, 20170727_122304.png)

>>361513Dropped pic sorry
No. 361594
File: 1501168047618.jpg (58.91 KB, 480x480, 13597656_1111649798891413_9965…)

he use to be a tiny bit attractive before he become a raging gay fatass
>>361558from what I've heard he pissed of trisha paytas
No. 361598
>>361206Wait do people really make mukbang videos in fast food restaurants? lmao what.. how hard is it to get delivery or take out. Ugh.
Also mukbangs can be interesting if the person is knowledgeable of different cuisines or well-traveled/cultured. Not to mention the entire Korean trend came about because of viewers living vicariously through the streams due to heavy restriction and dieting culture. It's the country with the highest suicide rate which is related to one's success based on appearance. Koreans basically WISH they could eat that much and that's why mukbangers practically became celebrities.
This just does not translate over to western culture very well considering its already known for indulgence/lack of restriction and the highest obesity rates in the world.
Watching a white person stuff their face full of fast food is like every day in America. Just go sit at any mall cafeteria and you have hundreds of real life mukbangers.
No. 362334
File: 1501263930240.gif (1.68 MB, 480x270, touchmytitties.gif)

Fuck it .. Its happened, I've immortalized his titties too.
>>361468If I had the foggiest idea on how to edit it to fit the banner I would.. But i'm pretty tech stupid, and only know how to upload/add captions on websites like giphy…
No. 363122
File: 1501367539474.jpg (39.25 KB, 660x371, ActivistsXwithXpetXdogsXhanded…)

>>361209why did he seem so excited about wanting to eat dogs in thailand? that kinds strikes me as racist/generalizing
plus don't most of the countries that do eat dog also have a big community of people there trying to end it
No. 363385
>>363377100% confirmed for feedee/ feder fetish.
Either that or he's trying to gain weight so he can make a weight loss channel when this fad gets old
No. 363857
File: 1501485181953.jpg (54.68 KB, 579x960, IMG_6739.JPG)

>>363844holy shit, this is so fucking gross, there's no way this isn't fetish material.. i'm pretty sure watching this took ten years off my life
No. 363932
>>363844less than 0:30 in:
> flopping his fat gut in screen> "that was not a fart, that was a spring"> calling himself mis piggy-wiggy avocadoHe just seems like his weird, autistic ass, attention-seeking self.
The "fart call-out" seems like how Trisha Paytas called him gross for always burping and farting in one of her recent-ish videos.
No. 363980
>>363844the fact that in the title alone it says
>(not for kids)definitely a fetish video….
honestly wonder if he's getting off to himself doing this tho kek
No. 367376
File: 1501989285209.png (649.75 KB, 1015x593, 2017-08-05 (1).png)

this guy has better cleavage than me… also he crying about being pre-diabetic, next video more disgusting mukbangs. He is so gross.
also says it's a thyroid problem when previously says he has an amazing metabolism
No. 367380
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God I know what it is! His over the top dramatic character he puts on display reminds me of that gay guy from Reno 911 played by Nick Swardson
No. 367581
>>367413most likely just fucking with you
I have relatives who lives in vietnam all their life, while it is a thing there sadly, a lot of people just avoid it or try to stop it No. 367827
>>367792mukbangs are fun when people know about the food and the cuisine, this guy is legit just a fat fetish channel. I would punch him if I met him.
it's also funny that every non-asian mukbanger visually gains weight over time
No. 387929
>>387891It looks stupid either way.
Stupid because we know the waifish asians have a spitbucket under the table or cut so they can go throw up, but they're willing to do that for monetization bux.
No. 397546
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He's made another channel and is trying real hard to look dramatically unstable, or whatever the fuck he's been doing for views (trying to get this new channel monetized)
He melted a stick of butter to refry KFC in and I'm not surprised. I wonder how much he'll balloon up in six months or a year.
No. 397831
>>397565I don't think his boyfriend is bothered by it (god knows why…)
Nick make a video confessing how he cheated with 12 guys and caught an STI, and Orlin actually sat next to him in the video. He seems pretty off himself and he's worn wigs and makeup in videos too.
No. 401028
>>397546Really kind of makes me sick that he’s using mental illness and his eating disorder to try to make money on YouTube.
You think kids watch this and try to be like nick?
No. 401559
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I'll thank the dumb fan for posting on the comments about the 8:15 stamp, where he's out of frame and says "I'll suck your dick later"
I'd be so concerned about any kids watching his content, it's not 100% wholesome because he's definitely acting out more weird feeder fetish behaviour.
Normalizing this level of gluttony is disgusting too. He shouldn't have ad revenue.
No. 401697
>>401574>>401574Oooooh girl,
1. Is his relationship abusive? I feel like he takes advantage of Orlin. Not sure how long they've been together/if you can answer this.
2. Explain scammer milk plz.
3. Explain narcissist milk plz.
4. Do you think he is now a fat fetishist? like, playing it up for people to get their rocks off to, or do you think he's just stupid about his weight and habits.
5. Was he always this crazy? Any armchair diagnoses?
!!!!! Thanks for protein filled milk I need it.
No. 410174
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I really hate this guy. He's such a greedy disgusting sellout swine.
I don't have the video but I remember when he was early in his ex-vegan days, Trisha Paytas said on a younow stream that creeps with feeder fetishes pay really good money (behind closed doors of course) for vegans to break their diet and eat meat on camera.
Even back when he was vegan he would always use the most vulgar sexual tags on his generic mundane videos. I even have a screenshot saved from back then. This guy would do ANYTHING for money. He has no morals.
No. 443681
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>>443680Found it. Also this is saged in case newfags don't realize it.
No. 443821
>>443680On Twitter he's been crowing about making-up with Orlin with a rooftop pizza date.
The comments on his video are largely critical of how he is handling himself.
No. 471830
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>>471069>throws empty cheetos bag>MY ARM CAME OUT OF SOCKET! waahhHe's not deleting shit! He cycles through these "tragedies" on a regular basis, he just wants his followers to beg him to stay and shower him with compliments.
>>471104Seriously it's so over the top and almost aggressive when men do this. I used to know a guy who would get like this sometimes with seemingly little provocation or warning. I didn't know if he was going to continue on with the tantrum or start hitting people. I don't talk to him anymore lol.
No. 472920
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When cows collide. Yumi is in the comments section of his, hopefully last youtube video
No. 472934
>>471830At the end he dares people to go see the amount of hate he gets. His video is full of people going "… what hate?"
He blames youtube because they aren't giving him ad revenue, ad plays right away on both of his videos.
He's so immature. He just seems upset youtube wont give him more money for being a fat fuck. So instead he is blaming his fans
No. 473683
>>473488He gave her to a rescue org last year after she accidentally bit him and it was becoming evident that they could not provide her with the optimum environment.
Over the weekend I got suckered (yes, I feel shame) by his most recent clickbait video about being "taken to court by Youtube." He set-up the bait via the title of and pinned comment for a recent fire noodle video which he claimed Youtube took down. He wasn't actually "taken to court" as a defendant. His video was used as supporting evidence in an infringement lawsuit.
No. 475392
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what the fuck is going on
No. 475402
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>>475392Guess binge eating a lot of grease carbs and sugary shit is bad for your health, shocker
No. 475456
>>475392stress herpes. now that's a new one.
there's dramatic, there's histrionic, and then there's nikocado. i hope he get the help he so sorely needs.
No. 475812
>>475811he passed out and his heart skipped a beat. so much for dying nikocado.
sorry for samefagging but this faggot pisses me off to no end
No. 476022
>>475811"I DIED!
Now that I have your attention, listen to me ramble and give me ass pats
No. 476186
>>475811 he says he has 24 days left before he has to leave. He will spend 60 days in the US at his parents and then return to Colombia. He and Orlin have a lawyer to file his marriage visa this time. Nothing tragic. He is not being barred from the country.
He admits that he needs to gain control over his emotions and says he will be going to therapy while he is in the US. Even if he went three times a week while he is there, that wouldn't be enough.
He was adopted as a child from Ukraine. He may have experienced trauma and/or abandonment which would explain his histrionic personality disorder. He was in intense therapy as a child.
No. 614590
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First, clickbait title by making it seem like they were back together recently. Second, way to go on respecting your dying husbands fucking wishes on not posting things on social media he asked specifically to keep private.
No. 614594
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No. 614595
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No. 614637
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>>614608Saw that to but this is his most recent picture, his other ones don't mention Nik either. So unless the comments are being made on Nik's photos? I'm not accepted to follow him so I'm unsure
No. 615652
>>615638>Thats feeder pornYep.
Here's a short 18min style doc about it, for anyone interested in watching. Vid related. It's titled "Inside the hungry world of feeder fetishes".
No. 621462
>>620633Wasn't the reason that his HIV was getting worse? In that case, it's possible to treat by stabilising on medication and de-stressing. It might require a hospital stay. But I don't know why people converted this into "AIDS" in this thread? These days it's not likely to get or die from full-blown AIDS if you have access to HIV treatment.
Anyway, this could be the reason for him looking ok at this point. It's probably bad for his health to stay with this nutbag.
No. 621535
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Orlin's insta
No. 622069
>>621452Is Nikocado's story coming to an end?
I feel like we're in endgame territory.
No. 622297
We have a new installment in this saga.
>>621543If Orlin is indeed in the end stage of an illness for him to divorce now is an attempt to save his family from Nick barging into the country and claiming everything after his death. He wants to handle the division of assets while he still can rather than just hoping for the best outcome for his family who I'm sure are the ones actually caring for him right now.
>>622110I do too, he seems nice enough and had to witness his husband turning into a screaming fat guy on the internet for a job.
No. 622485
Whats wierd is that there were comments on past videos where people were arguing about which ailment it could possibly be. Was leaning towards the big one, but these descriptions are oddly specific and not symptoms of that.
If he's stressed, his organs shut down, and he bleeds everywhere. The vegan fruit diet is strange, because it keeps the disease in check, but just odd. He can't have calcium, can't have half of the amino acids, no lysine, very little iron. Aldo, he says he asked his mom about the disease, and its supposedly really rare, like there's not much known about it, and 1 in a million people are born with it, according to him.
Just seems like, with all those specifics, it's not hiv, but rather some other disease.
No. 622831
>>622785At first I thought unchecked diabetes, but that wouldn't explain the ""rare diagnosis"" bit. Maybe Bright's Disease aka glomerulonephritis.
>renal failure >hemorrhaging >dietary therapy including not eating meat, limit protein and uptake fruits and veg>certain vitamins from food make the condition worse>not curable Take your pick though. You've basically gotta look for rare autoimmune diseases that could cause kidney failure. The diet part is what's throwing me off since I'm not sure if that's Orlin's tinfoil diet science or a legit recommendation.
> No. 623164
>>623158This is the anger stage.
Bargaining next.
>>623090Didn't someone here get an accepted follow? post a cap.
No. 623167
>>623158gotta make sure to stretch that breakdown to 10 minutes
he's just exaggerating for attention
No. 623343
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Christ, he's a fucking mess.
No. 624449
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No. 624471
>>624449man this is like the third time he claimed he died and came back to life. He is basically Margret. Orlin is legit dying but he has to blame Orlin for giving him so much stress he died
"He isn't that sick gaiz! Fell bad for me! He is killing me with stress!!!"
No. 624677
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>>624653 AAH! I still have it open on my browser!
A synopsis:
The video alternates between him raging in daylight to him crying in a dark room. In both clips he is shirtless. At night, he cries and wipes his face in what can only be a pair of underwear.
His raging is about people judging him for being 'public about his breakup on social media' and that 'no one knows him' with a large dose of 'you shouldn't complain because social media is why you even know of me'. The bits where he cries, he rocks back and forth and wonders if his ex cheated on him.
He also tard rages about Orlin having their pets and 2000 in his underwear drawer.
I'd definitely rip the video if I knew how to do it. Absolute worst case I'll film it with my phone but the quality will be absolute garbage.
No. 624725
I'm transcribing the first 90 seconds of the video.
Video title:
Catching my husband going behind my back
Video opens with a series of titlecards on a black background. The text reads: 'In this video I will explain to you the truth the reality the reason and the lies. Again, this video is inappriopriate for kids. I am posting more videos about this situation on my 2nd channel before Orlin strikes this one down. Click the link below to go there. If you want to. Thanks.
[It's daylight, fatty boom boom is standing in a kitchen, shirtless, clearly in full on psychotic tard rage mode but feeling sassy.]
The video cuts into him talking so clearly he put this up mid-rant.
[Cut edit]
I wanna see you! I wanna see you! Iwannasewyeeeew!!! I'MNOTEVENPLAYINGWITHYOU!
Uhwunnaseeeewyeeeew your fuckig morning routine!! You brush your teeth, you put on yer diedor-d- duh, you shit out your coochie and you take a dawyum shower and you add some Korean fire noodles, boiling, scoiling, water in your eyes and then AND THEN you can deciede to call me dramatic!
[Cut to evening/afternoon. The light is dim and fatty is sitting on the floor in all his Zoidberg glory. He is sobbing, snot clearly featured dribbling from his nose. He is in another room, a bed is in the background.]
He sobs.
'He waaaaa-aaah-ahsss just perfeee-eeeee-ct. And even if his teeth got in the way, he is so [unintelligeble] [Im guessing he is saying he was handsome? and something about someone being experienced or being an experience??]'
[Zoidberg sobs, sniffles and claps sadly or maybe his titties make the sound]
'[Mumbling] It's not my faaaaaauuuult I haaave a biiig diiiick.'
[Sobbing again]
'And he always says he doesn't want to talk about it but dig it out like surgery like his grandma's [unintelligable] He said I can just get dentures and pull them out it doesn't even matter he can take the dentures out to suuuck my diiiiiiiick.
[More sobbing, mantitties bounce}
This is just the first 94 seconds of the video.
No. 624732
File: 1530315588645.jpg (277.26 KB, 800x494, lifeimitatesart.jpg)

lmao im sorry but………….
No. 624759
>>624725Anon, bless you for doing this, but.
> Uhwunnaseeeewyeeeew your fuckig morning routine!! You brush your teeth, you put on yer diedor-d- duh, you shit out your coochie and you take a dawyum shower and you add some Korean fire noodles, boiling, scoiling, water in your eyes and then AND THEN you can deciede to call me dramatic!Did he put noodles in his eyes at some point? What's he trying to SAY?
No. 624914
>>624910it's the same video… guess after deleting it he was still foaming at the mouth and jiggling his titts in narc range and reuploaded it… even though nothing makes sense in this video. At one point he even repeats
"If it wasn't for me he would be DEAD!!!" like Orlin owes him his life or something
No. 625131
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I know he's a drama queen through and through but it seems extra messed up that he he's so dramatic about health issues considering what Orlins been going through. Also with Nick most of his issues are either extremely minor or self inflicted. It's like a toddler who mimics someone else who is getting more attention than them.
No. 625662
File: 1530380750681.png (109.61 KB, 1075x584, giphy.png)

>>624809>I'd gif the jiggleYou or anyone can make gifs, in general. This website is great. It's free and you don't have to have an account to use the site. I too am not interested in viewing his moobs. Anyway here it is. No. 625904
File: 1530395466108.jpeg (41.88 KB, 550x560, 4359517F-E245-4BAF-A5DC-A545EA…)

Come to papa gimme a kiss
No. 626238
>>626183>Orlin doesn't want any dirty laundry aired out. Which is why he broke up with Nik in a very public way via social media and then proceeded to make a youtube video about everything.
If that's what you call 'ignoring the troll' and being mature, yikes.
No. 626270
>>626238Isn't "Orlin broke up with me via social media" what Nick is saying though, so people would feel more sorry for him? I doubt Orlin just made a public post about the break-up without saying anything to Nick first.
And I think this is a pretty civil post from him, considering Nik's antics:
>>621535The Youtube videos are probably unnecessary - but on the other hand, Orlin probably wants to take the public route in case Nick does some shady shit and the whole thing isn't just Nick's psychotic echo chamber. I can understand that.
No. 626326
>>626238>If that's what you call 'ignoring the troll' and being mature, yikes.No. I said that NOW all orlin has to do is stop feeding the troll. Nik is a troll. He needs to begin to stop giving Nik what he wants. I said that orlin should start to handle his business in a private fashion, if he wants anything of his removed off the net. If that is not possible then he needs to leave it and move on.
>>626270>Orlin probably wants to take the public route in case Nick does some shady shit and the whole thing isn't just Nick's psychotic echo chamber. I can understand that.That's good. That way all this is documented. If anything this is all going to continue to blow up in nik's face the more he acts out.
No. 626378
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>>626359How do you know all this
No. 631790
>>631757Lmao, am I the only one who thinks his crying is extremely hilarious?
I don't know if he does it on purpose or what, but it's just the fact that everything he cries about is so melodramatic! Like who cares if Thai people think he's fat? He would still be the outsider in that country even if he were thin because he's WHITE.
Or god he could always move back to an English-speaking country.
>THE DENTIST CALLED ME FAAAAATHahahahahaha! Omg. Just who fucking cares.
Asians are fucking blunt like that. Deal with it or lose the weight Nik. Jesus.
No. 632994
>>632867Thanks for the answer. I really couldn't watch the video without skipping through it, as the sounds he produces while eating are
triggering me (apart from his meltdowns and crying about random nonsense). He behaves like a pig. I wonder who his target audience is. Like there couldn't be that many gay feeders around.
No. 633585
>>632724Fucking this.
I laughed my ass off when he was doing that tard face and the sauce splashed on his eye lolol Even his noodles won't have his bullshit
No. 634397
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>>633610Wish I has seen that. Was it on his YT or his insta?
Also, saw this ad for avocados before nicks vid, and thought it to be wildly appropriate ad placement lol.
No. 634432
File: 1531410094529.jpg (357.67 KB, 1878x1216, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 4.46…)

Nicked from KF.
No. 642216
>>642145Has anyone watched this?
I'd be interested in knowing what he said about Orlin and the 'boys he's been talking to' or whatever but I can't deal with watching him stuff his face for 2 hours.
No. 642243
File: 1532089798016.png (600.37 KB, 800x1110, Screenshot_2018-07-20-05-25-00…)

Meanwhile, on Orlin's channel.
No. 642872
>>642265One guy in the comments said that it could have been the bee dying that
triggered his anaphalactic shock. He said that he was so sick he had to go to the hospital at 4am because his throat was closing up. Nobody even thinks about the bee sting. I didn't either until I saw that random comment in the comment section.
No. 643150
>>642243Is Orlin trying to get back at Nick by pretending to be him now? What.
>>642991According to Nick it's supposedly because vegan mukbang videos didn't rake in the money like eating utter crap does. Orlin was a fruitarian to ~keep his autoimmune condition in check~, but considering all those videos of him eating junk, who even knows.
No. 644112
>>642145Keep trying to get past the first hour, damm! It's a relief to not have a crying mess vid.
That said, boy, did he D R A G that Divine Munchies girl! Think he's referred to her before, but not in name. Not this time! He called her out for being fake, and nailed the imitation to a tee.
Guess she got super thirsty when she found out they were in Thailand (?) together and kept harassing him to collab. He kept ignoring her, because he claims that Star repeatedly tried to shut down his channel,and now that her views have dropped, she's getting desperate. His words.
I'll say this about her, she got her own huge bag of problems, I do agree that shes got screws loose, her manic moods have to be indicative of something.
But bless her heart Nick sure don't think to well of her.
No. 660224
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No. 660234
File: 1533786966577.png (434.71 KB, 563x884, Capture.PNG)

No. 660320
so over this faked drama
No. 664987
File: 1534320159955.jpg (113.7 KB, 1186x820, Capture.JPG)

He's at it again
No. 664991
File: 1534320326231.jpg (116.82 KB, 1176x820, Capture.JPG)

More attention seeking I guess since god knows what that caption even means
No. 679701
File: 1535968861768.jpg (72.86 KB, 438x777, Capture.JPG)

Alleged new man - I bet they'll turn out to be just friends
No. 686459
>>686313Damn this is just sad and not in the boohoo way. Orlin has said he doesn't want any more videos with him in them uploaded, and he puts this up?
Just because there are lots of beeps over them talking to hide information, he's still talking about Orlin having cancer or a brain haemorrhage or something.
It's fucked up. No wonder Orlin dumped him.
No. 692220
File: 1537397237124.png (638.43 KB, 866x481, wtf.PNG)

how is it humanly possible to have such a disgustingly weird face? hes looks like a rat, it really gives me the chills.
No. 693320
File: 1537514832673.png (697.45 KB, 929x602, Capture.PNG)

He's drunk instagramming again
No. 708653
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JFC why
No. 714691
File: 1539748671777.png (376.05 KB, 507x939, tosh.PNG)

what reason is tosh.0 having him on the show for? sounds fake
No. 714798
>>708869there was a rumor some time back that thats how he knew hungry fat chick
she's a known feeder who even does "stuffing" porn and actual porn, and it was rumored that nik was one of her feeders and she was paying him so i wouldnt be surprised at all if he's into that for himself too
No. 720473
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The Tosh.0 appearance actually happened. He came off a bit more normal than I thought he would've. He says he's just an emotional guy but I think we all know he exaggerates the histrionics for views. I'm surprised he didn't shove Tosh away from all that food. No. 720476
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>>720473The video tags on the comedy central are appropriate lol
No. 725454
>>725371He's been a clickbait asshole for a while. They likely worked it out a while ago but are using it for as much exposure as possible - Orlin's renamed his channel to Orlin & Nikocado and it has some of Nick's mukbangs on it.
It's working though, 6 months ago he was at about 650k subs and now he's only 50k from 1m.
No. 726649
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Thanks for the TL;DW, Niko…
KEK Orlin must be more retarded than Nick
No. 745028
>>744983so when is he going to admit he's an active member of the feeder community?
he literally gets paid by guys that masturbate to fat people eating to make these videos, especially the ones with kandy
No. 748440
>>748424What a fucking waste of eggs and noodles omg
Is he trying to get an acting career?
No. 748563
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No. 748565
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Two channels of daily gluttony!
No. 755521
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I randomly stumbled on this old ass pic of nikocado. Crazy this is how he used to look.
No. 755785
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>>755775I watched it. wang would lose her damn mind if a thread was made about her on lolcow. She would completely and totally flip her shit.
No. 806772
>>806530Eh I get the feeling he's leaving something out. He shows convos they had together on January 9th 2017 and then from January 17th-20th where he didn't get any response. What happened in the time between? He then jumps to undated clips of her saying she doesn't know him or is grossed out by him. When he showed those twitter dms and clicked on her icon you could see that he wasn't blocked by her. Is it possible they had talked more but he's not sharing that? Maybe but we'll never know for sure. I do think he's exaggerating when he says he's been harassed by Trishas viewers continually for 2 years and that he's been silent this entire time when he was the one only who publicly brought up the collab that never happened.
I will say Nikocado is weird about his eating collabs. I still remember seeing that video he did with Hungry Fat Chick where he fed her melted ice cream through a funnel. He's been wanting to collab with Amberlynn Reid for about 2 years now. I've seen him in her younows talking about collabing while AL gets vague about it, she'll mention in passing the possibility of meeting with him. In this past year she has gained a lot of weight and has difficulties breathing while standing, her situation is dire. A light hearted mukbang between the two of them sitting in front of a massive amount of food is not what she needs at all and Nick would basically be enabling someone into the grave if it were to actually happen. It wouldn't be viewed positively for either of them. All I'm saying is that I think Trisha got creeped out by him and changed her mind but she should've been direct about telling him no rather than pretending she hadn't talked to him at all. Overall I guess I'm team neither on this one.
No. 853445
>>852941it's so cringey how he keeps trying to make physical contact with her and she's clearly so uncomfortable.
she sure made her bed, huh.
No. 878317

Apparently, Nick met a fan through Grindr, they met up in new york. He deleted the video.
but here's the note from this HORRIBLY edited reupload.
Dude said he was a big fan. Nick invited him to do a mukbang.
Nick said that he'd thought they'd just eat and then fuck.
Said he ordered food, the dude was really picky.
Nick spent $130 dollars on the meal. Nick said he was willing to do everything because he just wanted to get "fucked" or "Sucked" I couldn't tell what he said
Nick said he even texted the guy before and asked is he attracted to "Chubby Guys" or is it just because it's him. Dude said yes.
Then NIck said the dude showed him guys he was attracted too, they were skinny, blonde w/ blue eyes, Which Nick said, "which he could never get with"
Then he said he started talking about politics and Nick just wanted to fuck.
Said the guy said he hadn't had sex in 4 years (He's 24) and Nick called him a loser for that.
Brags about being happy for being "married" again.
Said he wasted 6 hours.
Then he said the person told him he was very shy and waits for the person to make the first move.
Nick then said that he'd touch his leg, put his arm around him, he complimented him and he didn't compliment him back, at all.
Nick keeps trying to get him to come onto him but the dude didn't seem interested.
The NIck goes on about how he had SO MANY THIN CUTE GUYS who are into feederism and want to feed him. Begging to stroke his belly and turned on by him being jiggly.
Then Nick said, that the guy "Sent videos of him watching him eat burger king jacking off"
(sounds like a lie to me. Nick wouldn't asked him if he was into feederism if he KNEW he was, I also feel like Nick would've mentioned this earlier.)
He said the dude sent him nudes.
He texting the guy throughout the video, "you were supposed to come over to, flirt, show affection and "Jack off? Get off?" Nothing happened"
3 more hours went by after they filmed the Mukbang and nothing happened.
He's SO happy he's not dating and he's married.
He talks about how he's supposed to be "ready" for sex and that he's not going to grab it because "me too movement"
He asks the dude if he has a type, The dude admits he has a type. THIN, THIN, THIN.
Talked about their favorite pornstars, dude didn't like his favorite pornstar.
Then Nick whines about wasting his time, being with someone whose not attracted to him and who won't touch him.
He called the guy a loser, and said it made him appreciate Orlin more. He says even the people he enjoys still make him more grateful for Orlin.
They both talked about how they both had "flings" (Orlin and Nick)
The dude says "he's sorry for the miscommunication and he should've left earlier"
Got mad that the dude called him dramatic. Says he's very upset.
Said the dude scooted away when he moved closer. Said he's not going to make a move on someone whose not into him.
He talks about "harassment moves"
He then says, "If I were to put my hand on his junk, while he wasn't doing anything reciprocate me…" and then started to ramble.
sorry if this is hard to read, the video was edited really fucked up.
So all in all, Nick made a 40-minute video, upset he met up with a fan to fuck, the fan didn't want to fuck him and he deleted the video.
I really would like to know how crazy Orlin is to deal with nick, but then again, they both fuck other people I doubt they even talk much.
I also wonder if Crazy Nick just hooks up with guys without checking status? He seems like the type that doesn't check to see if they are clean or not.
If he has so many hot THIN guys who want to feed him and bang him, why doesn't he go for them??
No. 878580
>>878317he also copyright struck someone for uploading the video.He made a response video which he also deleted.
He basically tried to erase everything he could about the video.
No. 878663
>>878317dont understand why anyone would want to fuck that thing
not only due to how fat, ugly and revolting he is physically but also the amount of stds he's confirmed to have
if i were a gay guy the only youtuber id be persuing is brutalmoose
No. 880064
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>>879945I wanna punch him so bad lol this i why I hate drama club kids with a passion.
(a-logging) No. 880666
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>>879945He should try acting I laughed way too hard at this
No. 886308
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and I got this off of Guru gossip, I thought it was funny.
No. 887340
>>887324Does he ever say what exactly Orlin tested positive for assuming this isn’t more of his drama club queen bullshit? I couldn’t tell and no one in the comments could tell either.
Seems he’s phishing for “omg potential AIDS” sympathy points.
No. 909129
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Here’s a Twitter thread and cctv clip showing Stephanie Soo’s fiancé taking care of her: No. 909141
>>909133in the video stephanie said that during the whole ordeal she was blaming herself for the way nik was acting. even when she was having these breakdowns, she probably was still blaming herself and hadn't come to the realization that nik was manipulating her. if i had someone going through this, i wouldn't want to be another voice telling my SO how they should be feeling and how they should be reacting, especially when they've struggled with having their own voice and power after it was taken from them through sexual assault.
he looks like he was doing the best he could by physically being there to comfort her and make her feel safe as she works through her emotions.
No. 909520
>>909508I looked at guru gossips thread for her (it wasn't much) and already they were calling her an overreacting manipulative bitch for crying on camera and saying stupid shit like "I'm not dismissing Nik BUT.. " it's disheartening to read.
Nik wanted desperately to resurrect old stale drama for views. And then to add on top, he took photos of the inside of her home? Where there's nothing to see. Listening to that creeped me out.
No. 910896
>>910792Yeah dude because mental issues are really gonna turn you into a complete dick that manipulates people and then says it wasn't your fault. If anything, narcissism is probably the way to go there and doesn't give him any sympathy points anywhere.
I also looked at GG threads and the amount of people not being able to understand how trauma can impact reactions to 'small' situations like this is insane.
No. 911232
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>>911075it's like I'm reading a diary entry by a fem incel. Imagine stanning a fat ex vegan piece of shit who eats hair on eggs???
No. 911864
>>911840He literally said he uploaded the video late because of the holidays, which is a completely
valid excuse.
No. 911870
>>911864cool. cool. I really didn't listen to it properly, to which I apologize for the misinformation. I didn't even finish it.
there were a few people in his comment section that actually compared this drama to the tati vs james charles and in some way it does have similarities. Idk.
No. 911967
>>911232>reading that>"well she wasn't exactly raped either!" Holy fuck wtf did I just read.
That anon above said it best. GG and Pull and I guess LSA now hate her simply for being rich, korean and unproblematic. Alot of users on GG are cringy in general though. Blogposting and emphasizing that their "hubby" knows of their online gossip. It's the weirdest flex on a gossip forum
Can't imagine hating someone for having a
good public image either. Then again, this is the same site that ended one youtuber's engagement simply because they wanted her to just fail and live a struggling life like they do.
>>911840Nik doesn't have fans. Just enablers watching him die
No. 912007
>>911967There are people who have an irrational hate boner for this girl. That post from LSA is just up their ally. Going, "She wasn't raped" as if the girl even said or implied that?
I love how they talk about how she's disrespecting
victims (whilst being a
victim of sexual assault herself) but not the man making fun of Metoo.
Then she's a pervert, a thot and all this other shit for the DUMBEST shit in the world, but the language towards Nick is just SO fucking hand-wavey and tame. You can tell they came into the situation ready to defend Nik and trash this girl no matter what.
I really don't care whose wrong and whose right, but the crazy hate i've seen this girl get, the people putting words in her mouth and just making it seem like she was accusing Nick of something she NEVER DID is crazy. I don't expect much from LSA there's a bunch of retards over there tbh and GG hates some women for the DUMBEST reasons.
I don't think this is ANYTHING like James Charles, tati and Jeffree Star. At best she said Nick made her uncomfortable and was mildly creepy. She wasn't accusing him of all the shit that Tati & the horrid shit that Jeffreak did.
And like that situation, there's everyone's going to go relatively unharmed, well maybe SS will get the most shit but Nick will go on being the gross fucked up person he is.
No. 912016
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>>911840There's a lot to unpack here, from obvious dishonesty to "evidence" backfiring on him, but I honestly think one of the juicier bits from this utter trash heap was Nik admitting he has an attachment disorder from being orphaned.
starts at 1:21:13
>1:23:17>"I don't like to use my mental struggles as a crutch or an excuse for why I'm the way I am."lol. just, lol.
the whole tangent is pretty awkward and wasn't worth putting in the video if it was not for pity points, which he claims it wasn't.
No. 912019
>>911840The whole response is honestly annoying and turns into 'she portrayed me as a predator and now brands won't sponsor me :('
I think she did to some extent and possibly accidentally portray him as a predator to some people (personally didn't get the feeling when I watched the video)
I do question how his brand deals are more important than the way his family and friends view him and potentially the public. Something he mentions very little or far less emotionally than the BrAnDs.
He also talks about the 'me too' video which turns into a rant how he is not a predator because he didn't make a move because he was worried about the movement and potential implications and it turns into a bit of a rant on that too. Even the out of context clip is basically him ranting about it.
He talks about how Steph wanted to talk about Veronica but it's pretty clear from the actual receipts (and not the fucking chats he showed with Zach which are hardly receipts) about how she wanted to do longer videos with Veronica or her agreement and talk about it. That doesn't magically mean that she wants to turn all of her collabs with him into a one big 'expose' thing, and since we have no proof that they talked about it in that context lol.
Also lets not forget how he tries to do this whole thing with 'manipulation = sexual predator' so he naturally can't be manipulative, like what?
No. 912057
>>912049This is also how I feel about it.
I don't know if she does suffer from PTSD or has symptoms of it but i have seen it mention. The way she described the situation and how she felt seemed to be giving her 'flashbacks' and putting her in an emotional state which she experienced during her trauma.
If he did say that he does not want to use his 'mental struggles' as an excuse of some sort or a way to shade Steph, I find that so rude. Shit like trauma will impact your life and the way you view situations, and it clearly did in Steph's case
No. 912094
>>911840What does all that have to do with Stephanie being uncomfortable to talk about the old drama in that video? Even if she had talked about in with Nick irl before. God, can't he just step away from this and maybe make a decent apology? She did, and she didn't have to.
(>>911967 Can you please …. tell me what girl that was? I'd really like to read that story.)
No. 912133
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>have two people, Stephanie and Zach, tell you that they don't want to be involved in drama>take personal offense by this?? (lol wtf)>involve them both in drama anyway>keep villifying Veronica whenever anyone brings her up, won't be honest and admit to vendetta>also hypocritically doesn't Steph to talk with Veronica if he's not involved (again wtf lol)>just end up proving Stephanie's points about manipulation and gaslighting correctLook at how childish he is, his attitude about the collab is if Veronica doesn't totally asskiss then it's a "waste of everybody's time". You don't get to force an apology out of someone like that. A forced apology is worthless, it's worse than no apology. Seems like everyone else was on board with making the video at the time except Nick.
And then Nick 100% puts words in Steph's mouth that she never said. Not even once has she said "we can't collab bc you are a dramawhore" but apparently that's what his insecure ass got out of all this anyway lolol
No. 912134
>>912057The context to him making that statement was that he was explaining why ghosting bothers him so badly; Trisha asked him how his adoption affected his relationships and then he went off about his personal mental issues, which really had nothing to do with any of the Soo situation other than inadvertedly explaining his flakey and narcissistic behavior.
How much do you want to bet when he cheated and got chlamydia he privately pulled this attachment bullshit to excuse himself? "I have attachment issues, that's why I had sex with other men and thought it was nbd even tho ur my hubby :'( sorry"
No. 912195
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Zach Choi makes an statement 1/4
No. 912196
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No. 912200
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No. 912201
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No. 912694
>>912666Thank God we are starting the year off with actual professionalism and no-nonsense transparency. Masterpiece video.
Nick is still in total social media lockdown mode lmfao
consent or repent
No. 912714
>>912712did you watch her new follow up?
>>912666 a lot of lies are unpacked.
No. 912746
>>912108Idk her name. She was one of those body positivity youtubers. Some GGers decide to fuck with her fiance to "test" his loyalty to her over snap. Turns out he wasn't shit. They exposed him to her and she ends her engagement. Meanwhile GG was happy to have fucked up her life for a bit. They couldn't just watch their cow, but had to intervene.
>>912716I'm sure gg is filled with with people just like Nik hence their crying. Spiteful and only about "spilling tea." You're right, they're like femcels. Steph must be a Stacy to them kek
No. 912748
>>912716Then they come on Nick's thread pretending they don't have a bias, every time I look EVERY SINGLE thing she does is being blown up to seem so much worst, but everything he does is being lessened or not even discussed. It's like they come on Nick thread to talk about how Trash SS is.
I don't care about SS, I don't know much about her but someone PLEASE inform me if she's as fucked as Nik.
No. 912768
>>912712How did she paint him as a predator when the guy that he pursued and then blackmailed actually came out with his story.
Nick was so angry this guy didn’t suck his dick he made at least 2 VIDEOS complaining about him. Luckily even nicks fans were like this is WRONG so he deleted them.
No. 912778
>>912748I read the SS thread there and basically what I took away from it is:
She has some shady give aways in which the winners never got prizes or something of the like, and were questioning the legitimacy of her giving all the merch money to the charity.
She rents/rented a car or something, and is therefore misleading her audience who thinks she owns the car.
She hides food during her mukbangs or makes it look like she has more food than she actually does.
They also call her manipulative and fake which seems to be potentially the most concerning out of everything mentioned above. There's also someone who apparently knew her or was friends with her saying how her parents bought her a way into Harvard and how annoying/popular she was and whatever.
No. 912782
>>912778Only one of those points sounds interesting which is if someone didn't get a prize, while the rest sounds like a bunch of jealousy. Why do so many girls drag online people for their money and materials as if it villainizes that person?
She just seems really tame and boring and unproblematic. Hopefully, she's learned to choose her friends wiser after this. Wonder if Nik will become OBSESSED with her as he did with Veronica.
No. 912789
>>912778The fact that's all it takes for them to be on this fatass side says a lot
My favorite is them being mad she puts the food close to the camera DECEIVING the audience with how big her portions are like we don't know how big a big Mac is already plus a lot of mukbangers with normal portions do the same trick.
In the meantime they see no problem with Nik actually wasting so much food on the daily.
I saw a couple of her videos and never seen her hiding anything, now, her fiancee could be the one doing it since he's off camera but it still seems a very petty reason to want someone off the internet she's a little boring but that's it.
How can someone see the both of them, Nik and SS and decide she's a master manipulator who planned Nik's downfall is literally retarded. Nik simply chose the wrong person to mess with, that's all, it's easier to play
victim when you're up Trisha than it is against a no name with an apparently clean record (there's no definitive proof of her doing anything bad or he would've used it) I'm glad tho that he chose her and his ass is now at the receiving end of things.
No. 912791
>>912778>She rents/rented a car or something, and is therefore misleading her audience who thinks she owns the car.It's insane to me how immature people are on the internet. First people think SS is a hypocrite because an article has pictures of her home and assume that she gave them permission. Do people not know realtors take pictures of homes and upload them online like a catalog to buy???
People who own businesses, and in this case youtubers who have declared their channels under a LLC, lease their cars. They lease these cars not because they don't have money or that they only want a brand new temporary car to flex on their viewers. They lease because you can write it off as a business expense. (Which is not shady and very legal, despite how backwards it sounds)
everyone siding with niko over these points are fucking poorfags I swear
No. 912870
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No. 912888
>>912797Makpe a thread for GG cows if you want
>>912875She was sexually assaulted in her own home, doesn't feel 100% safe and yet Nik still goes for the lowest blow in making her feel even more unsafe in her home. While his fans continue to shit on her for being overreactive. Nik is like a male Trisha paytas.
No. 912948
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The insta for anyone who cares, tho this info is p public. Still in bad taste- the name is telling
>>912882Can someone have a source on this
No. 912950
>>912944>>912948He honestly looks about what I expected, just an average looking Korean guy. They make a cute couple tho.
I personally find Zach cuter but that's because he has good lips and a nice jawline but I don't think I could ever date an e-celeb. I feel bad for Steph's fiancé, being the SO to an influencer isn't easy if you like your privacy.
No. 912960
>>912778>and were questioning the legitimacy of her giving all the merch money to the charityThe GGers are likely going about this the wrong way: The problem isn't whether
she is embezzling the merch funds or not, it's if
the charity is embezzling it. There are a lot of phony charities out there and ones that manage to avoid legal charges of embezzlement but still put the money towards stupid shit like making sure the office furniture for the seminar is high end, putting money towards goodie bag trinkets to give to the students/patients, money put towards equipment that only serves to create an atmosphere for students/patients rather than focus on the original purpose of the cause, etc. etc.
Anti-bullying organizations in general are a huge waste of money. Anything that they could help you with is not much different than what advice you could read online for free. Soo is probably unaware that the money is mainly just lining other pockets and believes the sappy emails they send out to her, rather than digging any deeper or asking the questions that make sponsors mad.
In the end, all Soo actually gains is free advertisement when people wear her merch around and other people ask what does the shitty meme mean.
That, of course, is assuming that people just don't look at it and go "must be quirky depressed zoomer humor" and think nothing else of it.
No. 912995
>>912948It just keeps getting pettier and pettier the more they dig. It's like high school all over again lmao.
>>912960GG users are always so clueless and spinning stories out of nothing or completely missing the point out of their own blind stupidity. It's gotten worse over the years too; the site is just out of control autism and tone deafness.
>>912964There is a GG thread but it's dead. Maybe we can revive it if you guys are interested? But we need real milk, not just cheese curds.
>>>/ot/363838 No. 913156
>>913127I don’t think she was doing other than comment on it, I don’t think her word has any weight anyways
Speaking of Veronica girl looks depressed after the shookbang thing and I sorta feel bad for her, they’re are comparisons to how she eats differently and it looks soulless
No. 913165
>>913156Actually she looks depressed because a close friend of her passed away on new year's day.
I don't know but she seems like she has matured a lot since that shookbang incident.
No. 913217
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>>913043Back with the Trisha shit I was confused at how she was ‘canceled’ for ghosting a mentally unstable blimp who cries and flails knives around a camera. How anyone can stan or even want to be around this greasy attentionwhore is beyond me, he lives off this drama since it’s basically his income.
No. 913553
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>>913392I really think most of them have some sort of mental problem. They come up with all sorts of theories with no evidence whatsoever damn.
Pic related: they don't even make sense anymore.
No wonder this girl is scared of people knowing her security system equipment and showing her house.
Back on topic tho.
Is he really going to keep posting and pretending nothing is wrong? I thought his petty ass would try something but he hasn't said anything after SS posted her reply.
He really didn't think things through didn't he? He thought it would be another Trisha Paytas situation but he messed with the wrong person.
No. 913603
>>913553God damn her thread is plagued with so many bitter femcels feeling so sorry and bad for Nik uwu while claiming how they
immediately hated Steph. Haven't checked other threads on her. But they must see themselves in Nik to feel so angry at Stephanie/Zach/Veronica for defending themselves. Obese, mentally ill, only living for drama that they create, and
triggered when called out.
Nik has enabling fans still who are like him so they'll probably encourage him to ignore everything and continue to kill himself by overeating on camera for their entertainment. I hope he loses more subs and just leaves the internet. He needs a damn therapist
No. 913883
>>913603The Stephanie Soo and Nikocado threads are unreadable.
They are so fucking bitter simply because Stephanie is young, pretty, has a rich fiance and money and doesn't work.
It's disgusting seeing them defend Nik and completely invalidating Stephs feelings.
They are always shitting on every little thing Nik did, but now it's all forgotten because they hate Steph more, talk about being biased.
No. 914318
I may get banned for this, but lord I looked at SS's thread on GG. So can someone point me to where she accused Nik of sexual harassment? The way some of them are talking is like she flat out ACCUSED Nik, not that it's what they took from it.
Then someone comes on Nik's thread like, "Yes it's better to talk about it on Soo's thread" yes, because it's a huge HATE circlejerk. People are agruing points on Nik's thread, where as on Soo's it's 100% hate for her, so everyone is agreeing.
I've seen people there flat out say they HATE her, some weird shit about getting an investigator or something, to check out Soo?
I don't want to post caps, because I don't know if we are able to do that here.
However, they don't truly have ANY reason to hate this girl the way they do.
They keep obsessing over her finance, which comes off like jealously. I really want to see what the fuck this girl has done that BAD.
It's crazy as hell and I bet Nik is all up in that thread stirring the pot. They are even saying she should say, "Nik never sexually assaulted me" who STILL thinks that at this point?
No. 914537
>>914318People there straight up think she wasn't sexually assaulted in general because allegedly all the guy did was take a upskirt (?) picture. I don't know where they got the info but I did see screenshots of some claim she won.
It's dumb either way, if people have to discredit her feelings to say she is wrong… what even.
What is Nik doing with these videos he's trying to pass off as a hacker uploading? How rude is it for him to not even say sorry
No. 914635
>>914537Honestly I think it's hilarious to see the lengths he's gone to avoid posting any of the proof she's asked for when he was doing the same thing so venomously just a few days prior.
Apparently it's showing in his recent mukbangs too, he looks like he's been crying a lot and all he'll say is that there's a lot going on in the bg he can't discuss so I'm sure he's getting his fat ass handed to him.
No. 915391
File: 1578533755560.jpeg (348.44 KB, 1125x2330, D8EFFF34-FEC4-4E0B-80B8-D73BDF…)

this is actually disgusting
since when has this rat had an onlyfans??
No. 915402
File: 1578537378103.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.5 KB, 404x720, IMG_20200108_203525.jpg)

Holy shit I didn't expect him to go full retard and record himself allegedly masturbating. I hope someone gets more screencaps or if he's joking.
No. 916267
File: 1578720663103.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x3818, 20200111_083018.jpg)

Wait I was just watching Zach's video and saw his pinned comment… what's this about?
No. 916779
File: 1578807071019.jpg (Spoiler Image,102.45 KB, 897x1200, ENzxd6LXsAUCt7J.jpg)

>>915403>>915402re's a twitter that uploads some of Nicks videos and pics. No. 916935
>>916908I mean she lied because he was pushing and pushing and being so manipulative that she had panic attacks, so personally dont think she owed him any truth when he couldnt even show her the decency to fucking lay off when she refused the first 10 times. Doesnt matter if she at any point
wanted to talk about Veronica, she said no. No means no. None of the drama would have happened if Dick just shut up about it and let the three of them have fun with the collabs that she did consent to.
No. 917268
>>916908you do realize you're
victim blaming right?
that's the exact kind of mentality with "well maybe she should've said no to the rape durrhurr"
No. 917448
>>917268>that's the exact kind of mentality with "well maybe she should've said no to the rape durrhurr"No, it isn't, because rape is when someone engages in sexual behavior with someone who explicitly said they didn't want to. There's no "saying no" to being a rape
victim, as that's precisely what rape is. That's understood.
After watching both Stephanie and Nik's videos on the matter, it's pretty obvious that both of them skewed the truth to fit their narrative a bit more by leaving out certain pieces of information. People acknowledging that Stephanie
also did that isn't equal to blaming her for the situation in any way.
No. 919040
>>917448>No, it isn't, because rape is when someone engages in sexual behavior with someone who explicitly said they didn't want to.This is factually incorrect and you better read up on your local laws for your own sake because rape is nearly always defined as
a lack of (able-minded) consent. It is never exclusively "explicitly said they didn't want to", which is only another form of affirming nonconsent.
Your brain must be pretty warped if you think it's not rape if you knock someone out, either physically or by means of drugs, and sexually assault their body when they never once "explicitly said they didn't want to" be done that way. That is definitely rape. That individual did not consent to being knocked out and assaulted. Sex is a consensual act.
No. 923919
>>923071I don't get gg's and pull's love for nik unless they see themselves in a gay obese mentally fucked up narcissist that hates women that are better than him. Unless those accounts are just nik himself giving himself pity
>>923669>Nikocado later confesses to Raini that he was the one who was behind that account and that he copystriked him.Nik needs his channel nuked
No. 924077
>>923919They hated his guts, but since Stephanie came out with her story they're all up his ass.
The liberal fags over there are even worse than those on here.
No. 927810
File: 1580768753861.jpg (111.17 KB, 720x487, IMG_20200203_182400.jpg)

So remembering this thread exists also made check the infamous GG thread and lmao
No. 928315
>>927810how do they still view nik as some pure bullied
victim after more and more evidence of him being hostile comes out… I don't get it…
No. 929112
File: 1581048382987.jpeg (100.17 KB, 750x542, 49CAD174-D625-4396-A321-4A1F89…)

>>929110Screenshot of him bellyaching in his comments lmao.
No. 929120
File: 1581049370065.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1236, 9C37A84D-1AFF-4822-8E97-856FBD…)

The likeness is uncanny
No. 929897
File: 1581216198379.jpeg (18.86 KB, 332x363, images (1).jpeg)

I can't get this image out of my head. I legitimately think it was modelled after nik
No. 952141
File: 1585635651823.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.6 KB, 972x764, xaav.jpg)

In case you guys are wondering what kind of content Nik is posting on his OnlyFans…
No. 952151
>>952141Gosh, what an unfortunate looking asshole.
Also this ruined my night.
No. 952152
File: 1585637039376.jpeg (81.23 KB, 398x571, C0F1B0FE-621C-4F45-A53B-EC4B0F…)

>>952141>>952142I can’t fucking stand this disgusting excuse of a human being and now I want to throw up
No. 952165
>>952142And then this ruined my life. Does he not wash. His asshole.
No. 952171
File: 1585640250040.jpg (Spoiler Image,301.14 KB, 741x814, kk.jpg)

Another one from his onlyfans. It's his… well, click and find out if you're old enough.
No. 952245
>>952171 So this is the mega dick he boasted about here? -
>>886308 I cringe to ask this but have there been any pics of it hard? Maybe Orlin is the one with mega dick and that's why Nicks asshole is an echoing swamp cave.
No. 952247
File: 1585669046106.jpg (42.07 KB, 540x522, 1584140357588.jpg)

>>952141>>952142Thanks, I didn't want that pizza I ate last night anyway.
No. 952426
>>952171>Don't mind Orlin jacking off in the backgroundI wonder if Orlin knew he was taking this at the time? Does he post too?
>>952413That thing is so huge, I'd be surprised if he wasn't already.
No. 952446
File: 1585696965317.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.81 KB, 980x863, xxxx.jpg)

>>952426Orlin has his own OnlyFans but Nik sometimes posts pictures of his husband. And there's WOMEN in his comments saying they want his dick. It's disturbing.
Here's another picture I made from stuff I got sent. It's just text so feel free to click. The top and bottom text aren't related, just how I cut the picture together. The top shows some of the "content" he offers and the bottom shows how many women comment on his stuff. I could have added more. Obviously those could be dudes in disguise but I don't know why actual gay men would pretend to be women on a gay guys page… and everyone of them is paying money too.
No. 954975
File: 1586156981293.png (1.93 MB, 1078x1847, Screenshot_20200406-020822(1).…)

No. 955010
File: 1586171633346.jpg (92.09 KB, 1080x312, IMG_20200406_071206.jpg)

Who the fuck cares about some old drama with that Korean girl when he's already being shit to another person
No. 955011
File: 1586171910648.jpg (45.82 KB, 1080x312, IMG_20200406_071739.jpg)

So this happened as well
No. 955012
File: 1586171975039.jpg (110.4 KB, 1080x278, IMG_20200406_071803.jpg)

Just one day ago tho lmao
No. 955065
>>954976He gives nik the benefit of the doubt every single step of the way and assumes the absolute worst about her throughout it.. every word she says is 'manipulation' but he doesn't explain his reasoning behind thinking that. How old is this guy?
I haven't even watched many of stephanies vids but I clearly remember her telling multiple stories where she is a nervous and on-edge person when it comes to her personal safety. But here you have turkey tom claiming that her crying is not even an overreaction but a calculated manipulation tactic that women use. That's it.. it took him 40 mins to make that intelligent argument.
No. 955112
>>955031Basically the comment section of every male commentary channel
>>955065I remember her opening up about being sexually assaulted in her own home. To him, a woman talking her own assault and how uncomfortable she is when her boundaries are crossed is calculated manipulation. Like nik is going on making other people uncomfortable
>>955010 No. 956300
File: 1586421435465.png (76.64 KB, 1713x610, nikocadoavocado.png)

We wanted to share this, enjoy.
No. 956304
>>956300Cherry picking the rules to prove they are in the right.
I wonder if they even bother to check what board it's on or they are pretending not to see it
No. 956540
>>956300No pornography lmao
I think we all know the rules imply porn for enjoying not laughing at
No. 956634
>>956300>>956304Lmao it's the /m/ rules
Get fucked Nikofato
No. 956701
>>956300imagine if he gets so buttmad that instead of copyrighting the images, he'll trademark them.
Then EVERYONE will see.
No. 957797
>>952141>>952142Genuinely can't tell if he's so blown out from anal stretching, or if it's all the junk food that he eats. He must have diarrhea constantly, what percentage of his life is spent on the toilet? Maybe his transformation into a giant baby will come full circle when he requires diapers in his mid thirties.
>>952171He was pathetic before, but now we all know he has a hideous chubby to boot. Who even asked for this?
>>956300Hey PR contact coordinator for Nikocado Avocado, eat shit!
No. 963347
File: 1587557675682.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.03 KB, 878x831, lol.jpg)

No. 966258
>>966239The sphincter will still close in most cases, but the hole itself has undergone large amounts of stretching via penis and probably hands and toys. The buttocks encourages the hole to close lengthwise.
Most anuses aren't stretched sho they're like a pin prick. This one is, so it appears like a thickened coin slot.
No. 973793
>>964480>his penis looks pretty smallpure cope
I don't have the image at hand but there is one where he is erect and I can say that it didn't look small to me and looked like there was a good bit of girth behind it.
No. 973797
>>973796Go suck it bitch and sage your stupid posts. Don’t bump thread unless you have milk.
>coping For his dick isn’t
No. 976046
File: 1589860207917.webm (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 3a78000d5957361j7d6a99937291.w…)

No. 976218
>>976046That spank at the end LMAO.
Somehow this is exactly how I imagined him sounding like before I clicked the spoiler.
Amazing for want of not doing real work to earn a living will drive people to do.
No. 976346
File: 1589921628991.jpg (10.86 KB, 250x190, images.jpg)

>>976046And he's wearing that red t shirt he's always in too, like a slutty Winnie the Pooh with none of the charm. Sad to see that Orlin is almost a c cup, I didn't think he had gotten so big.
No. 976509
>>976048Anon, please don't make my sides hurt any more
>>976046This is the most degenerate shite I've seen in weeks, Nik looks like he's exaggerating for the fans. This is incredible.
No. 976577
File: 1589974119999.webm (Spoiler Image,476.42 KB, 1920x1080, 111569082-68j789h2.webm)

Nik milking his little fat burrito
No. 980494
File: 1590708173202.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.11 KB, 1242x880, mi1vri6gpe151.jpg)

No. 980508
File: 1590709492731.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, 1580932487507.jpg)

>>980494I've had enough for today.
No. 980605
>>980494Every. Fucking. Time.
Why do I compulsively click every spoiler while browsing.
No. 982082
File: 1591043713650.jpg (164.84 KB, 1920x1080, ydel1drvba251.jpg)

No. 982574
File: 1591133087259.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.48 KB, 1063x588, _20200602_172457.JPG)

P A I N PT 2(namefag)
No. 984639
File: 1591567489193.jpg (231.71 KB, 1078x1285, _20200607_180529.JPG)

The fuck is this?
No. 1001383
File: 1593750677442.jpg (Spoiler Image,544.51 KB, 1029x770, Eye of Sore-on.jpg)

>>952142A visual representation of a typical post-mukbang shit. On a horrifying side note, the slit pupil lined up perfectly with his asshole.
No. 1018802
File: 1596768112646.jpg (761.63 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg)

No. 1022709
>>1022703This is outrageous. Honestly Tho.
To be fair, this actually motivates me to exercise more lol.
File: 1597916993335.webm (Spoiler Image,884.08 KB, 1920x1080, moonlight_sonata[1].webm)

I'm sorry you will have to see this, anons.
No. 1075468
>>976046this is the most funniest shit i've ever seen
(necro) No. 1445847
File: 1645148316506.jpg (423.47 KB, 2100x1500, wht.jpg)

possibly one of the weirdest places for him to show up, commenting on craig hamilton-parkers psychic stream. He was making tonnes of comments constantly through the stream. I dont follow nikocado very closely but I didn't think he was a conspiracy theorist as well as everything else.
No. 1477056
>>1475049Why does he look slapped/scratched in the face on the thumbnail?
Is he just squeezing out fake tears that hard? Looks about to have an aneurism.
I am 100% convinced he has a fetish for being seen as gross and humiliated. The way he presents himself goes way farther than just looking shocking for Youtube
No. 1479158
>>1473175>if the camera picked it up i have a hard time believing he didnt hear it in personTo be fair, good quality microphones and cameras such as the type ASMRtists use are very sensitive and pick up sounds that you may not have heard, or only heard faintly. I haven't seen those two react to the screams, so it seems plausible to me that they were just thinking of stuffing their mouths.
Not justifying him leaving the video up though, that's pretty awful.
No. 1649069
File: 1663274988613.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.1 KB, 750x917, A8408DF0-42B6-4029-BC2E-752B13…)

No. 1702174
File: 1668708330136.jpg (110.96 KB, 1024x680, 4553277701_32fefab169_b.jpg)

>>1702159Jfc that thumbnail is a straight eldritch horror
No. 1702242
>>1702159looks like he just wants to die at this point. A part of me likes to believe that Nick is doing a social experiment on the dangers of fast food and his death is just the outcome "See, meat makes you crazy and will make you die"
Anyway of course Oompaville is desperate enough to collab with Nick. Never liked him before, like him less now
No. 1709472
>>1702159that youtuber also did a interview with Nic.
Hypocritical as hell the youtube commentary's are to criticize him but then jump on the challenge of collabing with him for clout if they get the chance.
No. 1709774
File: 1669410099999.png (73.2 KB, 1402x140, s0iok.png)

does anyone have any caps of this?
No. 1710301
>>1710239no retard im talking about the same spoilered caps that anons post in threads about know damn well what i mean.
If its spoilered and in the appropriate thread its okay.
No. 1712955
>>1712665being disgusting and obnoxious draws children who think that that's funny and bold (b/c their parents do not allow them to go crazy) trolls who just enjoy watching trainwrecks and concerned onlookers.
though he must be loaded at this point… right? who would keep on self harming when it's not necessary? the of account was definitely degrading, though. who knows what's wrong w him
No. 2037588
File: 1727080024921.png (2.36 MB, 1686x913, Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 11-26…)

isnt it harder to keep the weight off once you were once fat since you create extra fat cells?