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No. 942916
This thread (originally dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro) features the assorted cows in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models.
>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.
>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.
>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dating cancer victim youngbabycoco while looking like a starving hobo next to her.
>Courtney Neville/Coco/youngbabycoco - Kevin’s girlfriend/enabler. Instathot with what is possibly the most horrendous make-up application in history and self-proclaimed ~angel~. Suffering from soft tissue cancer yet still finds the energy to accuse her boyfriend’s rape victims of lying. Becoming less angelic and more desperate by the day, defends her rapist boyfriend and relentlessly attempts to stick it to the “liars”. Screeches about FAAAAAX, slander and lawyers in a gloriously unhinged manner that can only be rivalled by Onision.
>Nicholas Minucci/Fat Nick – Grossly obese rapper associated with Peep and Pouya who also has several rape accusations under his belt. Rode Peep’s dead dick for clout. Is currently paying a cross-eyed stripper who looks like 6ix9ine in drag (Cam Anderson/luvmecamille) to be his girlfriend proxy. She calls him “big stink” (barf) and probably only tolerates him because he pays for her wigs.
>Cassidy Hill/Cass/hotelshrimp - Layla’s ex BFF turned skinwalker who took her obsession too far when she started dating Layla’s ex boyfriend Corey 2 weeks after Peep’s passing. Known for her atrocious anatomically impossible shoops and make-up that is almost as bad as Courtney’s. Currently trying to stay sober and become a wholesome qween role model after celebrating and oversharing her coke addiction and raging dumpster fire lifestyle.
>Paris Vazquez/prodbyparis - Vacuous Bud Light shotgunning dudebro fuckboi who produced the imaginatively titled album ‘One Night In Paris’ in 2 days. Snapped up by a record label to profit off Peep’s posthumous popularity. Subtweets and deletes shit about other artists. Slowly fading into irrelevancy. Aubrie Elle/sp00kybabyyy’s poisonous on/off flavour of choice.
>Arzaylea Rodriguez/Arz/Arse - Dated Peep for a hot minute, was his most recent ex at the time of his passing. One of the many scumbags that has attempted to ride his dick for clout, most notably via an unauthorised pop-up and GoFundMe campaign which she alleged was for Peep’s family (all proceeds of which are MIA). Has terrible lip fillers and writes the worst poetry known to mankind.
>Marilyn Rondon/sheyatted/intellectualchica - Peep-obsessed artist, constantly regurgitating new age hippy nonsense and despite her self-proclaimed intellectual status has a very poor grasp on spelling and grammar. Has a proliferation of Peep-inspired memorial face tatts and refers to him as her “twin flame” despite spending limited time together/their relationship being platonic. Has pitched a tent in the comments section of all SoundClout social media posts. Is in her 30s and way too old for this nonsense.
>Annie - 18 year old girlfriend to Diego - Lil Xan. Faked a pregnancy and then a miscarriage. Insists it's true but the ultrasound pic she posted was stolen from Google images.LATEST MILK:
>Netflix released a documentary about Lil Peep's music, life and death which (of course) allowed many of the usual characters to milk what clout they could get from making an appearanceSOCIAL MEDIA:
All lolcow rules apply. Read them and follow them: Furthermore, the following topics are frowned upon and may lead to a ban:
-Peep psychoanalysis and the dissection of his “romantic” relationships. Only discuss current milk relating to Peep’s ghost. Peepettes can either integrate or fuck off
-Discussion of musical merits
No. 943221
>>942916good OP anon!
I missed these threads
No. 943432
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Grosso being gross
No. 948501
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>>948355>>948355They interviewed all of gbc iirc, even going to see wicca in bumfuck where he lives but they all got cut, really weird since they went through the trouble.
Peep being a giant wicca Stan is very funny to me.
No. 956779
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no milk but fuckkk can this chick match her extensions to her hair/blend them better, it really looks like shit
can't believe she's back with rapist too btw
also wish this thread was more active
No. 957085
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>>956779no milk either but i wonder til when she’s gonna keep trying to make coco pose happen. like how narcissistic do you have to be to claim a pose every other girly toddler has made since the age of corny old-timey photo studios? is that what it’s like to lack enough personal redeeming qualities
I feel sorry for these kids whose parents did em dirty like this
No. 957967
>>957085HAHA my thoughts exactly, only recently caught up with these threads and could not believe she wasnt joking about literally trademarking that stupid fucking pose. plus threatening a c&d to some insta girl who did it.
selfies, fake eyelashes and a sexual abuser/low-brow rapper bf, what a great claim to fame!
No. 959765
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followed and egirl and this was her bf (now ex lol) he’s a SoundClout boy and poser and creepy
No. 964849
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Cass and horsehead broke up so she’s been on a like 3 day bender now and started an onlyfans
No. 968686
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No. 968690
>>959765this guy is pathetic, peep died years ago and hes out here pretending to be him. half of his posts are directly about peep or are tagged #lilpeep. how the fuck do people become like this?
>>964851its not normal at any age. kids might be inspired by celebs but skinwalking is very abnormal.
No. 969636
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No way in hell she isn’t on coke again with these pupils
No. 970858
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Yeah Layla, you’re really not 21. You’re now about 30 and can still only post hideously filtered pics of yourself. This weird veiling around her actual age because she refuses to actually act like an adult (a common theme with this thread’s subject) is so uncomfortable.
No. 971302
>>970511She used to be such a pretty fun girl cloutchasing really ruins people
>>969678not sure if this is a eat hot chip and lie tier pasta or not but u do realize everyone male and female in the scene has an eating disorder right? Being thicc is “in” but in a fake way, it’s all surg or photoshop because being fat or even ~normal size uwu~ is still unacceptable
No. 974730
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Check out the drug tray on the table complete with rolled up bills. Cass is going off the rails again, but insists she's doing better than ever and only got sober before because of her ED.
No. 974775
>>974730Kek. Anon there’s literally whip it’s all over the floor. She’s huffing shit and straight up posting about it, she even says she was huffing in the caption.
>>974760Literally why? She is just as bad as cass, an anachan attention whore with bad fashion taste. She seems to be the reason why hotelshrimp is spiraling/using tbh, cass was not doing drugs or drinking (again) until she started staying with genesis. Genesis is totally enabling her. Genesis’s face looks like a damn ugly little rat.
No. 974868
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How is coco claiming she’s natural and never had any work done? Pouya tweeted a while ago girls always be hating cause her lips and boobs are real…. sure kev!
No. 975023
>>974892nta and I don't give a shit about this thick skinny genetics trend crap, but she's skinny because she's a drug addict lmao, not because she's "naturally skinny"
unless you meant 'naturally skinny' to mean not naturally curvy or some shit, idk, this is a shit-post convo and I feel shame for engaging in it
No. 975167
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No. 983070
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Wash your goddamn hair, gross-o. ffs.
No. 983169
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Coco before discovering a lip lift and denying surgery or fillers. LOL holy shit gremlin
No. 991826
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Old tea but Marilyn is pregnant
No. 1063218
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Just wanted to share this gem of an anon opinion on peep from our very first Soundclout thread
No. 1072862
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Ugh, has anyone seen the ugly clothing now being sold on his website??
No. 1074345
>>1072862for some reason i thought it was peeps brother who designed these based on something liza posted, but her instagram is deleted or deactivated? sad.
who would have access to use peeps name for this, wouldn’t it only be the family or at least approved by them? at that price point it’s obviously not for his younger fan base so the designer should use their own name. the clothes and campaign are so ugly and include an intentionally bad 3d peep walking a runway with the pink set on. wish they just promoted some anti addiction or mental health stuff with his name and literally reanimated corpse instead.
who tf buying this during a pandemic
No. 1074833
>>1074345I feel Peep would have absolutely hated the clothes, the idea, the actually going through with it, and especially the hologram.
I can't get over how derivative, generic, cheap and tacky those garments are.
How have they got the chutzpah to price them like that?
They look like a cross between a "punk collection" from forever 21 and some budget price internet only fetish wear.
No. 1085282
>>1074833i mean he got an ironic whole ass entire upper arm tribal tattoo to cover his ironic girlfriends name tattoo that he got for clout as he publicly abused her (layla) into the hospital and further into her own addictions, so he probably would’ve loved the shitty coked out 90s pleather relaxed fit nickel back disgusting garbage set, and if not he deserves it because if he was still alive we all know he would be continuing to exploit and drain women like objects.
people bitched about azalea making merch off his name, which was tasteless just like w/e this release is and whoever authorized it, but he only fucked and made sure to publicly claim her like a sexual accessory because she was blackbears ex groupie. he made up a whole ass intimacy with her and used her mere image for petty revenge (claiming to cover said layla tattoo with gigantic tribal by azaleas request) while ex (layla) was reaching out about taking care of him at his worst from his addictions. he dropped emily (i think, back home gf) for layla to clout hop while still leading her on enough for his mother, cheated on layla for chello then bella thorne of all people thennn azalea all while also fucking the murder manager lady who wasn’t even competent enough to get a junkie narcan and plowing about 3,000 underaged girls who pay rent to their parents by selling tie dyed clothes online while never once acknowledging them.
females 100% were not people to him so why are females defending his name that was built on
abusive narcissism? Liza knows better and needs to fucking do better as an adult woman to peeps fan base. it’s been years, obviously that’s her son, but the reality is so many way too young girls look up to him for the wrong reasons. She knows this and could be a very intelligent and strong female influence they all desperately need. fucking stop selling them bullshit clothes and emotionally manipulating their loyalty, and fuck his untalented brother never going to be sorry for nepotism especially in his case. i’m sure peep would’ve wanted him to come up, and you guys are going to hate me for this, but if layla grew a backbone and got further education and training in fashion she would kill it and she deserves it far more.
tldr peep only happened bc girls learned to hate themselves on the internet and now that he’s dead an Adult™ needs to rectify tf out this shit not sell them musty 90s butt rock outfits but that’s clearly not the wAvE so i have 2many feelings
No. 1086933
>>1085282Ahaaaaahaha,a very succinct sumup of Peep's (at least public) life!
All in all then, this cheesy clothing collection is a fitting epilogue to all of that.
And I fully agree about his brother, ugh, his fam are certainly carrying on the clout chasing tradition.
Everyone who modeled those garms looks terrible in them, and low key embarrrased to be there.
No. 1109132
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still spiraling
No. 1109156
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is there any good milk on this old woman that is coldhart’s baby mom @jimmytoast ?my friend called her out for being rude to her followers in which she harassed her for an hour sending her pics of her and her cats asshole lmfao. also messaged her on her BABYS acocunt when she got blocked lol. shes middle aged and acting like this
No. 1109210
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lmao @ silverlittlecat still trying to get groupie clout from peep all these years later. sharing vids with her face in them to popular fan accounts
No. 1109473
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ot sorry but coco is my favourite cow itt
i find this really hard to believe. also i know her whole image is meant to be "trashy" but googling and sharing your own figurative worth online is just sad and a weird way for her to flex.
No. 1120795
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this chick deserves her own thread, she's super milky and cringe
No. 1121212
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>>1121156hard to feel sorry for someone so bitchy and mean. typical cow who is so self-absorbed and thinks her shit don't stink. she constantly lies. lotus is just as bad but at least he's quiet and not blabbing every detail of his life. apparently back in march-april they got back together and she'd tweet cringe shit about "LETS HAVE AN ABORTION TOGETHER" then she actually got pregnant, then tweeted "abortion shower otw" then she lied and said she had a miscarriage and threw a woe is me vuv i am infertile and have to pay 20k for a baby. her weird obsession for a baby since lotus already has one is concerning. i guess she thinks she hasn't won him fully ? she's wack. i'd made a thread myself but she's the kinda narc that would get off on being on lolcow. screen caps provided
No. 1121756
>>1085282You retards embarrass me with how much you screech about "m-muh abuse". Obviously if Layla has a problem with Peep still, that's between them, but she clearly likes cashing in on that Peep check, for someone that was abused, they sure love collecting that money every corner they turn. You act like there were no conditions to these relationships and that these adults are consenting, I swear. Act like people with face tattoos just have this magical wand they wave around and every girl that comes into contact with them just gets "manipulated" and "used" when the situation is literally just between those 2 people as adults.
You can bitch and moan all you want, but people liked Peep for his music and his image, even his brother came out and said that the Peep we saw was not the Peep he knew at all. That's all there is to it, anyone else that decided to interact with peep otherwise made that choice themselves, but to say that he, and most other people that get posted on this forum for you whiney ass babies, is just another
abusive narcissist is just a stretch like every time it's screeched out loud, when really all it is the fact that a guy got famous, some girls got involved, some girls got their feelings hurt, boohoo. Layla didn't have to reach out for his drug addcition, Peep didn't have to respond, he doesn't owe Emily anything if he wants to not be involved in her life anymore nor does he owe Layla or anyone else anything at all. It amazes me how entitled to his life you act, when people acting entitled to his life led to his death. GBC felt they were entitled to his fame(they let him in the group, they wanted to be on the stage with them when most of them make mid music), Emily felt entitled to his love(insisting that was the love of his life and he couldn't have an option to leave), his management felt entitled to his Persona (feeding him drugs), Layla felt entitled to be a "problem" solver (Peep clearly didn't want his problems solved if he was doing so many drugs), and all of these people acting entitled to him are why he lost his life, because the only thing we might agree on, is that it was his responsibility to deal with his life at the end of the day, and everyone tried to take that responsibility away from him. He killed himself and there's no one to hold accountable for his death other than him, but to keep screeching abuse every time these people voluntarily cooperate is so fucking dumb, I don't know why you milktards can't accept reality for what it is and do these amazing mental gymnastics.
No. 1121768
>>1121758Someones mad they got called out. I think most of the people posted here are immature and Peep is no different in that regard, but you all keep trying to do mental gymnastics to defend every other person because this forum is full of arm-chair psychologist, and you do enough psychologizing to where you attempt to justify and understand every nuance for every character if it supports a dogshit narrative crafted by censored instagram post, missing context interactions, and outright falsehoods in some cases. Despite missing out on lots of critical information, I.E. you weren't there at all, I find it amusing everytime I see the screeching of "abuse". I don't care if you wanna talk shit about Peep, cause like I said, I'm the first to admit here that he killed himself and he's responsible for it, but he absolutely isn't responsible for the way that others feel, and he's absolutely allowed to detest any interjection he would want into his personal life. Bexey isn't, Mackned isn't, etc. for his life. The only person that could be partially responsible is the person that pressed fentanyl into the pills, but other than that, Peep was going to likely die from drug abuse anyway. I don't even think most of these people are bad people, other than the obvious obsession for clout that all of them participate in. Other than that, they're no different from anyone else in your personal life probably, they're just outright clout chasing is probably it.
No. 1123837
>>1122737lmao, the reading comprehension presented here. And sure he can have a problem with drugs and his brother may not have known the extent, but he obviously wasn’t this emo persona all the way around. that wasn’t the point i was trying to make
>>1123481i don’t care about that conversation, but this psychologizing shit has gotta stop is more what i was going for. It brings nothing to this thread, and doesn’t add anything to most of the threads on this board because that shit is almost entirely all projection or outright falsehoods. talk shit about the guy, but underhanded excuses to always excuse the girls from the guys behavior is stupid way to view this subject when everyone is participating. excusing toopoor for “
abusive narcissistic boyfriend with machismo” mentality is just such a dumb fucking mindset, but it happens way too often on this forum as a whole.
No. 1124106
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Sage bc not new milk but ffs
No. 1124654
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Okay but what the fuck is wrong with ogaquafinas tits? Why do her nipples look like they were cut and pasted onto her body like that lmfao? And this chick was supposedly a stripper…? Bet they were paying her to put her clothes back on because she gives me major ariana vibes in the sense that I feel like I could smell her through my screen kek saged for sage since that's what her name actually is and because she isn't even relevant to bump the thread in the first place
No. 1125594
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she's literally getting surgery rn for them to fix her areolas…. ugh she is another vapid narc, talking about her here prob fuels her ego
No. 1126754
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lol ew
No. 1127633
>>1121768I agree. Sure Peep acted like an idiot in his public relationship meltdowns and didn’t seem to have a ton of respect for women but he was definitely playing a character to some extent. Not saying don’t hold him accountable for shitty behaviour but there was lots of shitty behaviour all around. Plus he was barely 21, and a lot of people act like assholes in their late teens early 20s - immaturity has a lot to do with it. I think jumping to the diagnosis of
abusive narcissistic is a bit much.
No. 1129484
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peep’s mom all up in the lil peep sub. I feel for her losing a son but honestly is this healthy?
No. 1129654
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>>1127633He constantly messed with Layla and poked at her purposely to make her melt down publically. He fucked every alt fangirl he came across but decided to lie and act like Layla cheated on him. This image still comes up when you google Layla because it was the biggest meme that wasn't even true on his part. He was a scumbag who got fame for being a sadboy. Lil peep was absolutely
abusive to the women he dated emotionally.
No. 1130035
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Hotel shrimp is def on drugs again and on a bender. It’s weird how her and genesis make an acct to showcase their drug use and make tik toks about benders, catering to 15 yr olds. Their whole aesthetic is tired.
No. 1132811
>>1129654Again, Layla is still cashing in on the Peep Check, and not only that but he didn't want to see a video of her sucking another dudes dick when she got on twitter and lied and said she was doing coke off their dick. Lil Peep was about as
abusive as these girls are empowered by retards like you over psychologizing and justifying their shitty behavior. He got famous because of his music and image, like most entertainers nowadays. If you're just gonna keep trying to give Layla the pass for being shit, take it somewhere else.
No. 1133503
>>1129654It always seemed like their relationship was one of those extremely
toxic ones fueled by drugs, drama, and sex, and stupidity that a lot of people have in their late teens and early 20s. They were awful to each other publicly - no doubt. Still don’t think you can diagnose him as an
abusive narcissist based on that.
No. 1140395
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>>1139962lil aaron, lotus, smrtdeath/sloppymakeout & their cringe “boyfriends666” group, hotelshrimp, genesis n her ex matthew, copes and that general friend group, wouldn’t consider them as gbc fallout i was just tryna be specific lol
No. 1140397
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No. 1140652
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so which one is it?
No. 1140656
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just my two cents but i'm pretty sure she found out she's infertile cause 20k is the cost of ivf and she's tweeted lashed out at others on twitter about family planning before. i think lotus left her because she continuues to whore herself with the defense of "using my youth while i can and to save so we can have a baby" cause we know lotus is broke and also pays child support for his other kid. i would feel bad for her but she's openly bragging about taking plan b and "lEt's HaVe aN aBoRtIaN tOgEtheR, PaPi" – like what do you expect? that shit prob fucked up her uterus
No. 1140657
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she's obviously terribly salty
No. 1140844
>>1140750does it matter lol
>>1140650this is so laughable
No. 1140866
>>1139930>>1139932almost everyone in this scene is harmless and just causes drama, none of it is really anything serious other than losers being losers.
>>1140395This scene of people is really just irrelevant trap nation music makers and spoiled LA girls at this point, honestly shows how much this thread has died in the last 2 years. Soundcloud rap is pretty much dead at this point, and no one is paying attention to these artist at all. IMO until something big happens again, this thread she be permasaged/sent to the grave, especially the last 80 post have just been irrelevant cherry picking. I can't even think of the last time I've seen anyone I follow bring any of them up, not even Pouya gets thrown out anymore.
No. 1141552
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>>1140397Lotus is giving serious Schlitzie vibes here.
No. 1142284
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lol we knew u were
No. 1144005
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literally no one:
here comes the 33 year old pudge face who gets off on 14 year old attention after trapping the lowest grade member of gbc ak a group who died off 2017:
No. 1144117
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idk if milky just kind of sad but genesis’ recent ig post & matt’s comment, i thought they weren’t speaking lol
No. 1144122
>>1144005lmao no bitch you are a dusty and crusty homie hopper you just trapped a low level member of a defunct goth trap group. you are all just fall out now.
and calling out lolcow is embarrassing enough but what a stupid insult to call us bored asses during a pandemic with stay at home orders. now your followers/lurkers are going to look for this and you out here ensuring they catch your stupidity framed correctly. what tf you doin. hope her kid isn't a girl she's already slut shaming.
No. 1145606
File: 1611968336193.jpeg (20.08 KB, 243x192, D267A6C3-8833-40CE-BE58-24A222…)

What is up with Emma’s lips? A cold sore, grossly overdrawn, or has she had really Shitty injections?
No. 1145611
File: 1611968436949.jpeg (87.78 KB, 291x270, 1AA57D67-D959-481D-AFA6-2B46D4…)

I mean…
No. 1146533
>>1145606overdrawn. these fucking idiots have been literally drawing like an additional curve over their cupids bow to give themselves triangle lips instead of
lightly connecting the cupids bow, and also lining the bottom lip so it balances out. women naturally have bigger bottom lips than top lips so they're just fucking up hard. grimes did the same thing.
No. 1151565
File: 1612413188922.jpeg (372.33 KB, 1125x1492, 6357C85C-2B41-401E-8728-F30616…)

archiving in case it gets milky
No. 1162690
>>1162621did I miss something? did genesis post on her story being butthurt or what?
smrtdeath and cass a one shower per month match made in heaven
No. 1164455
>>1164374Genesis said it on live retard.
How am I gonna post screen caps of that?
No. 1166333
>>1165977 she is not out of his league
she is disgusting and looks like the crypt keeper not to mention they both look like herpes
No. 1166800
>>1165977>>1166333She always looks so fucking greasy and unwashed, they belong together. An annoying try-hard "stylist" with no fucking style and a musty wannabe soundclout rapper with a pedostache.
I hope they get married ASAP, can't wait to see the fallout.
No. 1167787
>>1167610this is hilariously messy if true
impressive cass found a way to downgrade from fucking horsehead
No. 1168249
>>1124654theres nothing wrong, those type of surgery scars (called lollipop and another idr) are either from a lift or a reduction. More visible under certain lights or skin tone etc
But you sound like a scrote or a shut in femcel why I',m even typing this.
Her tiddies are nice and not milky to trash her on. How about her taste in men, lip fillers and personality if you have a hate boner for Sage
No. 1168779
>>1168710genesis looks really good there.
and yeah girl, no shit. if she doesn't/cant keep girl friends it's a huge red flag. you're lucky she didn't come after your man.
No. 1171572
>>1170396isn't it even less because of the pandemic, even more homeless people swarming in, and the police being largely defunded?
>>1170164that's $40 they could've put up their noses
No. 1174577
>>1174487Please post more from her finsta, I’m not following it. Genesis has some drama in her comments section now too for supporting a pedo predators
Are they still posting to iwantfriendslikethis ?
No. 1175210
File: 1614786882457.png (339.83 KB, 828x1792, 45C60171-62FC-4635-B39B-C04A50…)

People honestly give her money. What is wrong with this world ffs
No. 1175359
>>1175210She's bitching about free money, and posting that should deter other people from donating but they seem to love fin dom.
Invisalign is trash lmao, my friend had it and hated it. Have fun.
No. 1177678
>>1176472Maybe he pulled a Cassidy and ghosted Montana when he got engaged.
>>1174577To be fair, nobody even knows who is.
No. 1177957
File: 1615066449364.png (3.34 MB, 828x1792, 9DE813B6-FF0D-48CC-B98B-BB0BEE…)

Is there no longer a pandemic in LA or…
No. 1185132
File: 1615829951219.png (450.9 KB, 1840x582, what the hell.png)

sage cause this isn't big news but either Cass is back on Twitter or someone is being really weird and impersonating her. Literally remade a word by word old tweet she had about Miley Cyrus
No. 1189718
>>1189601Crazy that Cass befriended Genesis and then got herself into Genesis’s whoooooole friend group and they all still like and hang out with her. Like damn. Genesis went to high school with Chloe and Sophie.
Like is Chloe just being friends with her bc she’s dating copes and it’s convenient? Surprised there’s not more drama tbh
No. 1189741
>>1189718Right, hotelshrimp hasn’t been around genesis in a while and that’s obvious because they all post every minute of they’re lives on instagram. Cass has been with chloe every day now. Genesis has been hanging out with other people but I’m surprised she hasn’t posted any shade on her finsta about cass or chloe.
>>1189602She might be condescending but Montana seems more mature than this group of people, maybe she for some reason supports the relationship but I have no idea why she would.
No. 1190864
File: 1616468929767.jpeg (786.93 KB, 821x1436, A6E5EC5C-A6BE-4219-A996-ED14B6…)

Now Genesis is begging followers for money for injectables. I hope they at least get botched, so boring now.
No. 1190893
File: 1616472731984.jpeg (92.83 KB, 1125x487, A23212DA-EF1A-4262-8C07-44CF0B…)

this bitch obsessed with lotus still. quite embarassing
No. 1193259
File: 1616717716747.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, 9D141D1D-53FC-42E7-95B9-264A8B…)

Seems like everyone who hangs out with Cassidy becomes a junkie empty shell of their former self.
No. 1194208
File: 1616805690734.jpeg (Spoiler Image,500.76 KB, 750x1019, 8B02A38A-A842-44B0-B86C-753EC8…)

Was lurking on Genesis’s old post and wtf is going on with Cassidy’s crotch?
No. 1194209
File: 1616805719744.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.58 KB, 278x235, 4341EA4E-C14E-4DCD-8640-9C63E5…)

No. 1195139
File: 1616886696774.jpeg (170.56 KB, 828x1461, F52977FD-3BEE-4FD9-9755-A32CB9…)

Annnnnd this is what she’s up all night “creating”
No. 1195493
File: 1616927267962.png (1016.84 KB, 750x1334, EAA4672E-652E-497E-A7FC-071B68…)

>>1195332Tried posting the screen recording.
But here’s a screen cap of her reacting to the thread lol.
No. 1195636
File: 1616941471233.jpeg (219.58 KB, 828x1432, D069BAD0-28D3-4CD0-88D7-147E87…)

Did anybody else see Lil Tracy’s accuser post saying DNA was found in her rape kit…? She is saying her case is going to court now because DNA is substantial evidence.
No. 1195649
File: 1616942542886.jpeg (259.63 KB, 828x1699, DE128834-E8A8-4DC8-9304-D29973…)

>>1195636She explained it on her TikTok…
No. 1196678
File: 1617036614451.jpeg (71.85 KB, 1125x277, 89FF274C-90E2-4095-89BB-951461…)

>>1140656confirmed, worthless ovaries
No. 1198714
>>1195649whoah this is crazy but also not surprising. what is surprising is that it seems to be going unnoticed right now but then again people refuse to listen to
victims a lot.
No. 1198966
File: 1617240393683.png (1.42 MB, 792x1226, fatso.png)

>>1198566he's till active on twitter, stil being his crusty-ass dead-eyed junkie self
No. 1198976
File: 1617240821689.png (1.34 MB, 1196x1178, doaflip.png)

>>1198566>>1198966oh and he's still suicide baiting too, in case you were wondering
No. 1199458
File: 1617292652985.jpeg (247.98 KB, 828x776, 94B0999C-84AF-4953-B157-459443…)

Nah, I’m gonna continue to pronounce it GROSS-oh
No. 1199595
File: 1617302268954.jpg (324.42 KB, 1284x1200, IMG_0949.jpg)

sp00kybabyyy being a conservative trump supporter is hilarious considering her faux gothic alternative schtick.
No. 1200296
>>1199595it is really funny and around the election she had to make her twitter private bc people were dragging her
i think someone asked layla about it and she just dodged the question.
No. 1202422
File: 1617659337663.png (301.39 KB, 828x1792, EB04ACF1-567F-44AA-BE3B-84D7C6…)

she also was arrested in august for felony battery and apparently has had a baby.
>>1199296 No. 1205113
File: 1618029298721.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3464x3464, F4C4896C-02AC-4803-8BB8-F0C0F5…)

Genesis has been giving me Shoddy Lynn vibes lately.
No. 1206881
File: 1618273137624.jpeg (658.75 KB, 828x1319, CE2D0DB6-0044-4197-8F90-A53618…)

i still cannot believe this is how smrtdeath proposed to her
No. 1208143
>>1206881Engagements are meaningless. See if they actually get married, because then they’ll have to get legally divorced. I doubt either of them are capable of filling out the paperwork.
This is why it was so weird for genesis to be mad, I wonder if something else happened
No. 1208767
>>942916ngl it's pretty funny to see tracy having breakdowns and deleting his twitter every 5 seconds
you guys think he's back on the nose candy?
No. 1208899
File: 1618476929303.jpeg (82.42 KB, 393x640, B16E2F16-D8C3-45D6-B1E3-0EAFD5…)

Why is Coco with this man, he looks like a 50 year old trying to get “in shape” after having hip surgery. His hair is so disgusting
No. 1208991
>>1208899Coco is a fat drunk and rape apologist/
victim blamed. They deserve each other. They’re both disgusting people.
No. 1209754
File: 1618571013124.jpg (44.32 KB, 640x903, PKUHYxB_d.jpg)

>>1209043Loving how he is bitching about how everybody only cares about him because of peep and can't realise it's because his solo stuff is trash
No. 1213080
>>1211029Nah, those
toxic as hell, drug fueled, immature relationships don’t tend to last long term. Even if people grow up and stop using it’s hard to move on from all or that bullshit.
No. 1219598
File: 1619709747400.jpg (62.83 KB, 720x518, 20210429_122226.jpg)

What kind of fuckery is this? Is this guy really a "singer"? Wth come on
No. 1221020
File: 1619883916895.png (361.02 KB, 828x1792, 7E0A25F2-B83E-46D2-A1BE-C195A6…)

No clue what this means?
No. 1222264
>>1221433“Two years later and crickets” way to invalidate a
victim’s story cause they haven’t received justice yet? If you knew a single thing about sexual assault cases and investigations you’d know it was never “covered” and there aren’t “crickets”, and she has no control over how much time it will take to get that man in a court room. You’re trash and you’re speaking out of context at this point for deliberately ignoring the proof that girl issues every time she is asked.
No. 1222332
File: 1620052661402.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3464x3464, 21B2C2B0-0E22-45DE-8506-635DAB…)

No. 1222641
>>1222632>>1222632Men actually deny others allegations to protect themselves, like paying it forward to get defended later or have their friends harass their
victims. So I’m glad he supported Tracy’s
victim, it doesn’t excuse his own abuse but maybe he was trying to do something right and change instead of just doing nothing or protecting another rapist. I won’t say her name but didn’t his ex get a lot of shit for cheating when he was hooking up with middle schoolers apparently? I believe it also, and weren’t underage girls peep had been with posted here too? This is such a weird thing to look back on
No. 1222756
Exactly, say it with your mf chest or don’t say shit at all. Thanks for agreeing half-heartedly
No. 1223119
File: 1620112114126.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, AF6BDBC9-9225-4730-910A-957656…)

Who the fuck orders a water with whipped cream?
Genesis really hit rock bottom after being associated with Shrimp.
No. 1223394
>>1223119I think she’s on some kind of fucked up diet which is bizarre giving she’s about 50 lbs.
Does anybody know the backstory on her? Where is she from etc? I’ve been through this thread and didn’t see. Was she involved with Peep or TP in some way?
No. 1223576
File: 1620165629236.jpg (110.23 KB, 1080x1285, 2E7lo28idYVaUskI8oSKhCypC3tnnx…)

>>1223119the photo is literally a shitpost meme that's been around for ages. the original caption is "ha ha can't believe they spelled my name wrong" about the Geff on it when obviously the bizarre thing about the photo is the fact it's water with whipped cream. did you people just disover the internet 20 minutes ago?
No. 1225398
File: 1620400801090.jpeg (73.03 KB, 1125x1383, F5062869-C222-414D-8929-38961D…)

aubrie and Layla no longer follow each other?
No. 1226055
>>1222787Tracy is so guilty. When I read his
victim’s story and she included proof of the other suspects telling a fake story about some fucking tampon to cover up their tracks I knew there had to be seriously something wrong that’s being hidden.
No. 1231902
File: 1621260630092.jpeg (562.8 KB, 828x1316, 4FEB41BD-E2BD-47D3-AAC4-20C45C…)

That eyebrow.
No. 1239556
File: 1622082580180.jpeg (120.92 KB, 1125x391, E8764842-7A8D-43F4-A5B2-E37129…)

not something you should say outloud, and this bitch wonders why no one wants to marry her… lol
No. 1239893
File: 1622134239793.jpeg (174.26 KB, 1125x456, 86810295-1B76-405D-858D-DC4F2C…)

at least she's self aware
No. 1241329
File: 1622306860922.jpeg (399.21 KB, 720x1444, 13D1BCDA-C739-443F-8873-58F6EC…)

Going hard for washed up rapists.
No. 1241484
>>1241329When women do this shit it’s the worst, she was his
victims ages once. It’s also not hard to just not post pictures of him.
No. 1265934
File: 1624847376828.png (Spoiler Image,869.14 KB, 1125x2436, A8D20D64-B657-445E-808D-F5CF6C…)

>>1264329wonder who’s she suing even tho she’s not even milky anymore
No. 1270963
File: 1625357654136.jpeg (378.6 KB, 1125x1268, BABE7FCA-B59E-43F1-A7E3-52838C…)

Not really milky but i think it’s hilarious how he clapped back, joking or not, she’s so annoying
No. 1275101
>>1274085Cass seems to be doing better emotionally and mentally which is good, it’s also good she has a goal or a plan to be a stylist. I always wondered wtf she was going to do for a living in LA because the sugar baby life isn’t forever.
but I think Chloe is a better dresser with a more cohesive style and eye for fashion
No. 1275805
File: 1626145130060.png (8.06 MB, 1242x2688, 383F9837-7AD0-42C8-A977-8FD908…)

is she literally serious???? she’s literally still flexing that she fucked peep and a bunch of girls who came out about being with him while he was with layla. like i get it’s embarrassing knowing that you dead ex bf who you had a terrible toxic relationship it’s just like why even bring this up? people love to ride his dead dick so hard and it’s not even something you should be bragging about chelji literally uses this to milk any clout she has which is gross it’s just ew what the fuck…?
No. 1275875
Anybody else see peeps soundcloud got hacked a few days back and some of his shit got stolen/deleted? I'm curious as to how somebody could do that to such a big acc unless his password was like 'ilovelayla123' lol
>>1275805>you dead ex bfpotato was never that close to him, just one of his many side hoes
No. 1277421
File: 1626384912503.jpg (270.79 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_1614.JPG)

>>1277403it's not a good cover up either, like the tattoo of her and peep is still kinda visible. makes no sense.
No. 1283255
File: 1627104410886.png (53.97 KB, 749x418, IMG_1890.PNG)

Peep's crazy grandma talking shit on Emma and being nice to Layla lol.
No. 1283517
File: 1627148014972.png (4.73 MB, 1242x2208, 4A08C50E-A89B-49AF-8627-31B559…)

Even after all these years potato is still obsessed with Layla. Lol girl move on
No. 1285620
File: 1627428463530.png (688.31 KB, 828x1792, 44CDF0F9-35E0-474B-8C97-6B5066…)

I’m going to post some screenshots from the girl who said Tracy raped her cause I think they are worth noting…. I’ve been following her for a while and she posted these today. 1/3
No. 1285621
File: 1627428535035.png (887.99 KB, 828x1792, 8B403E42-5ADD-4247-9980-2E195B…)

2/3 This makes me really sad cause she seems to be really honest and upfront about it all like she has to prove her trauma to others. Even when there is a lot of proof of Tracy or these other dudes being guilty of something
No. 1285623
File: 1627428593264.png (630.54 KB, 828x1792, C68A9999-C4E3-4C9F-904C-310F28…)

3/3 This one is just crazy cause that’s a very bold thing to accuse somebody of without proof of it lmfao
No. 1285817
>>1285620these soundcloud groupie thooters accuse someone of rape once and never let it go. it’s a pattern with them. pouya was accused of being a rapist years ago and his accuser, to this day, searches his name on twitter to argue with his fans and tell them pouya raped her. you’d think that they’d be too traumatized to obsess over their alleged rapists constantly but hey, anything for attention i guess. tracy’s accuser said she was going to provide proof “soon” but it never fucking happened.
>>1285721nobody gives a shit.
No. 1286275
>>1285817Scroll up in this thread. Look at the screenshot of an email from an investigator saying DNA was found. Read what that entails. All them have to issue samples so someone will be proven guilty. She was raped that night regardless. Why would vaginal tearing be found? and You’re retarded if you think SA cases are quick and easy for
victims. She doesn’t sound obsessed she sounds traumatized. You’re a dumbass and to defend Pouya too is wild cause there’s plenty of suspicious information about him on here, too. Consider suicide
No. 1286350
>>1286275i never denied that she was raped but DNA being found doesn’t make tracy her rapist, does it? accusing him specifically when she doesn’t even know who raped her is attention-seeking and flat out fucking stupid. at least wait until you have your results back before you go publicly accusing someone of rape. i’m not defending pouya either, he is a rapist. i’m saying that searching your rapist’s name constantly (in regards to pouya’s
victim) to argue with his stans years after the rape happened is childish and, again, attention-seeking. you’re telling me to kill myself because i don’t support these spergy clout-chasing wannabe goff tumblr girls and find their behavior ridiculous. get the fuck off lolcow.
No. 1286409
>>1286350lol you genuinely sound retarded as shit and you’re
victim blaming. yes we don’t know if its tracy yet but we also don’t know it’s not. and you don’t have proof of her lying when she says she woke up next to him that morning. almost all her other claims about that night have been proven so i doubt she’s lying about that part. and i doubt you were there that night too lmfao. people should be putting more pressure on the people accused rather than her because of how much evidence has been identified. a rape
victim giving their testimony without knowing the full truth of everything that happened to them doesn’t make them an attention seeker. it’s true she actually sounds traumatized as fuck. very upset and like she has PTSD or something. actual rape
victims don’t continue speaking on it like that for attention cause so much of the attention is negative. she seems hurt as fuck and like she needs help and i don’t mean that in a “she’s crazy” way i mean these people obviously hurt her bad. so i reiterate that you should end your shit cause you’re an apologist to rapists if you put your energy into demonizing a
victim instead of a group of people already proven to have involvement with the
victims assault.
No. 1286411
>>1286350Ew you sound gross. How can you acknowledge she was raped then call her attention seeking because she is still talking about it. Rape
victims deserve the space to express their emotions about their trauma freely, You’re the one who should get off lolcow
No. 1286421
>>1286409when did i say she was lying? 9/10 soundcloud rappers are pedophilic coomer rapists, it could’ve been anyone. why would you definitively name someone as your rapist when you’re unsure? in what world does that make any sense? sure, put pressure on tracy. he’s responsible for proving his innocence. but, she quite literally named him as her rapist and should be responsible for proving it as a result. it’s that simple. if you want to moralfag, go to twitter. there’s tons of your kind there. i’m not going to apologize for wanting evidence. there’s help out there for
victims of assault in abuse, she should reach out instead of leading a fucking e-girl twitter crusade against a washed up soundcloud rapper. i learned my lesson from doing that.
No. 1286560
File: 1627551186786.jpg (31.41 KB, 320x693, wghzm3coz3e71.jpg)

>>942916Tracy the rapist is currently having a sperg out over people saying that peep made him (actually true numbers wise) and set his insta account to private. I'd post more but there's nothing much else other than him bitching lol
No. 1286562
File: 1627551378824.jpg (38.3 KB, 320x693, besfn1yt54e71.jpg)

>>1286561>actually have talentlol
No. 1286563
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No. 1286564
File: 1627551519820.jpg (48.48 KB, 320x693, uwsrknyy94e71.jpg)

>>1286563actually kinda funny
No. 1286574
>>1286421No one is moralfagging. Sucks to suck you got burned by some whore but this ain’t that situation. how is she unsure when she’s named him and said she woke up to him and has stuck with the same story this whole time?
> sure, put pressure on tracy. he’s responsible for proving his innocence but she quite literally named him as her rapist and should be responsible for proving it as a result.So.. you agree she’s named him(sounds sure) and she should be proving that through the court system like she is? Make it make sense
Like someone else said get offline
No. 1288833
File: 1627836153800.png (9.52 MB, 1125x2436, 2F035F9C-FEC1-4EFD-98CE-A4808F…)

Hotel shrimp has some audacity promoting her “styling skills” I fucking hate LA so much
No. 1289860
File: 1627961146649.jpg (136.83 KB, 1000x1000, 803ba86fd4f8bb3191fb1ad3e8db0a…)

i don't see any scars
No. 1289862
File: 1627961405354.jpeg (356.1 KB, 828x1454, 6C7DE8B9-9E58-4CBF-8C2C-C063BF…)

sorry for shitty pic, lil tracy posted horse head on his story the other day after everyone in gbc cancelled him??
No. 1290206
File: 1628015575318.jpeg (478.96 KB, 828x982, 43139D89-FC93-43AE-A78B-E7FF18…)

>>1289935Horse Head tweeted this after Hotel Shrimp tweeted about how everyone in gbc was staying silent about the Tracy situation. It escalated pretty intensely and everyone in gbc unfollowed him, Tracy posted videos of him pissing on HH’s porch, apparently slapped him, Fish Narc said HH called the cops on Tracy, Cold Hart said Tracy was innocent and posted a bunch of shit about HH, wicca unfollowed him, Tracy started saying HH was racist, even Mackned made vague tweets talking shit about him, etc. It was covered pretty well on r/gothboiclique. Strangely enough, at Wicca’s show last week he shouted out HH.
No. 1290233
>>1290036thanks i am a dumbass
i dont understand why he goes by michael and sethany??
No. 1291453
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Sorry to change the topic but looks who’s going down the shitter again.
No. 1291454
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No. 1295924
File: 1628516057991.jpeg (441.08 KB, 828x1406, 7A125192-71F1-4980-8BEE-077489…)

Peep’s mom is fighting with the kids on the lilpeep sub Reddit again - this time arguing that he wasn’t an addict. I feel for her, I really do. She lost a child and I cannot imagine the pain she’s in. But I can’t see anything productive about trolling that sub and arguing with 16 yr olds. It must be exhausting.
No. 1298769
File: 1628797646340.png (134.48 KB, 750x829, IMG_2679.PNG)

coldhart's wife not happy that he's playing a show with tracy. not sure who she's referring to as her friend who was "deeply hurt" by him.
No. 1298804
>>1291448yeah, he was buddybuddy with another winnipeg “musician” who was a major rapist with a whole laundry list of
victims. the group was called GUTES HAAR and the rapist is named mike gachenga but he went by patrick bateman (yes, after american psycho) and some other names i’m forgetting now
No. 1301742
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No. 1303871
File: 1629405602730.png (722.15 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210819-153427.png)

Germ from G59 ($uicideboy$ and Ramirez rap collective) called 911 and watch through the window while his gf got kidnapped in front of his house. She was murdered later.
No. 1303879
File: 1629405762734.jpeg (265.38 KB, 946x2048, E9FlsDNVkAkjpwg.jpeg)

I guess he had fun charged so that's why he didn't shoot the guy. Idk how u can carry on w a hard persona after something like this. But idk I don't think anybody really thought he was hard tho dude is friends w Pouya and fat nick lol
No. 1305179
File: 1629515352677.jpg (59.98 KB, 431x767, z9p5w6i48ki71.jpg)

Peeps mom with coldhart from GBC
i thought she wasn't on good terms with GBC or is it just specific members?
No. 1305195
File: 1629516890212.png (19.22 KB, 682x116, Screenshot 2021-08-21 3.31.47 …)

also forgot to mention that according to the hackers that hacked peeps sc and have previously leaked a lot of stuff an unreleased EP will have trippie redd added onto a song
how cash grabbing can you be lol? these were finished songs also, i wouldn't be surprised to hear about a drake feature next album
No. 1305198
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Sage for blogpost but what a dumbass worthless cunt. Seriously sits there and cries for attention on how abusive this piece of shit is then “flaunts” him around in some mediocre low class joke. Hope she k*los herself. Fucking whore
No. 1307009
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Lol jimmytoast subtweeting ogaquafina
No. 1307520
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Aw pedos supporting rapists. Warms the cockles of the heart, doesn’t it? I screen capped the video but it won’t post here. You can barely understand what they are saying through the drugs.
No. 1308838
>>1275805I find it so funny that she tries to have any relevancy. She used to go around saying that Peep gave her a playboy bunny necklace and that he was in love with her but in reality it was a shitty amazon necklace she got herself. Her tattoo on the side of her face says good girl because "peep called her that", when she had only met him one or two times.
She and her mum where arrested for fraud, and had over 10k in debts the last time I heard. She was also arrested for benefit fraud, she opened up an only fans account after leaking her own nudes and didn't declare her income, kept collecting benefits. She was begging people on snapchat to give her money. Now she lives in a YMCA and makes Tik Toks.
There's a lot more and I only know because I used to hang out in the gbc circle and dated someone who she slept with her. He said she stunk and would get guys to take her clubbing for free drinks and then she pissed in his bed. She also talked about Peep the whole night and lived in a council estate tower block with her mom at the time.
No. 1309547
>>1290370Wicca not the oldest one mackned and yawns both have a few years on him I’m pretty sure. And his statement doesn’t mean anything since they all kissed and made up in the end. I think the biggest beef now is between fish who is pretty unstable and rides for tracy very hard and the rest of them because they’re all friends with horse again fish keeps tweeting about feeling betrayed. You’d think he’d just be happy tracy has his long time friend back with how much he mothers him.
>>1290206Horse was at that show that’s probably why he got shouted out. Must have been insanely weird since hotel shrimp and mike were a few feet from him for a lot of the night
No. 1310041
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>>942916lil kawaii (friend of tracy and other soundclout members) died of an overdose overnight. Wonder if this will finally be the wakeup call to all the junkies? (it wont let's be real)
No. 1319037
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Is she admitting to doing drugs to sound cool? After pretending to be sober for so long?
No. 1319041
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Hotelshrimp is freaking out over having a couple pimples. Maybe it’s from all the alcohol and drugs you brag about doing? Just a thought
No. 1322710
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Lol she posted her full name… good job ever getting a real job outside of prostitution ogaquafina Marlowe Crosland
No. 1323236
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>>1322710This chick is crazy. I can’t believe she’s on lolcow now. It’s funny bc she always does things to “spite” others and not for herself. That 20k on a detox center is about to be a big fat waste. She won’t stay clean. She’ll always be a barred out retarded prostitute.
No. 1326921
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>>1323236Lol guess we’ll see. She’s in rehab now exposing herself. I guess her real name is Marlowe? What kind of parents would do that to a little girl kek.
No. 1327663
>>1327143she should take it seriously and write things that would be too real to post online. it’s way too basic to be an exercise or she’s not committed at all. that line “
abusive relationships aren’t my thing anymore”, really??? and now she can be herself? she was that whole time, she was just using and coping destructively, it’s still something she needs to face and resolve if she doesn’t want to use again. getting off of benzos takes months even if you quit cold turkey and you can get seizures from that. it’s a really serious thing, if she’s tapering that’s fine and cool, if she’s this open to posting about this while sober she should share how she’s getting off of it because it’s so common but wtv
No. 1328159
>>1327923Kek this is like people being shocked Marilyn Manson was a mega abuser when it's all in his lyrics. Third world elite loves pictures of young teen girls, he basically just deflects the accusations instead of deadass addressing. And hey, there's a reason he never shows his uggo babyface.
>>1327967An account popular with these types of people
No. 1328490
>>1328349i agree. especially lotus.
he’s such a weird mean person, not gonna give too many cause he would definitely know but he gets mad about the littlest things. only spend a brief amount of time with him so i can only imagine what actually dating and being with this guy long term would do to someone’s mental state. (sage for not really relevant sorry lol)
No. 1329211
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Ahh shit here we go with the MU COUNSELOR this MU COUNSELOR that… fucking Kek
No. 1329320
>>1329208lotus anon here. can confirm.
he acts very full of himself and like he’s some sex god but he performs like someone who has never had sex before
sorry for possible nitpick. just really enjoying the shit talking on someone who was so cruel to me lol
No. 1329496
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>>1329487sorry for double post, but anon here again. did a bit of digging.
from what im gathering sincewhen's girlfriend was telling lotus (him and sincewhen are good friends) that her and SW broke up and they ended up fucking. im not sure why these full grown adults had to make this so public but it only took a quick google search to find a few of SW's stories.
No. 1329765
>>1329320>>1329208How was he cruel? And what drugs is lotus on why are they all constantly talking like he's some hard up addict. Is his dick actually small?
I believe you anon, he gives me BPD male vibes like bitchy and evil and insecure. Which is a shame cause he seems to actually be a talented vocalist compared to everyone else he hangs out with.
>>1329555Let the girl tell her story you dumb bitch groupie anons always deliver milk
No. 1329872
>>1329765oops sorry for double posting, i didnt see this comment. i actually dont know what drugs he was ever on because when him and i were "talking" or whatever you wanna call it he was "sober" and didnt really talk about the drug stuff much.
his dick is pretty skinny and small yes, kek.
and he was really easy to anger like i said before, he would get mad for miniscule things and always complained unprovoked about his ex. im trying to give examples without giving myself away but it's hard lol.
also not relevant but not a groupie, i met him through someone else and he seemed nice at first. im also an artist so unfortunately i have mutuals with these guys sometimes.
No. 1330792
>>1330712100% lovebombs then devalues. at risk of embarrassing my anon self, i thought he was super genuine at first, kept acting excited to see me, acted all into me and after i got home got really cold, barely talked to me, few days later snapped on me for some seriously dumb shit (can’t say what but if i told you i promise you’d all be really confused too) and then a couple months later started talking to his fans about how awful i am, they were showing me the screenshots. he messaged me kinda recently too but i mentioned i had a boyfriend and he hasn’t said a word since. dudes a user, with people and drugs.
i know that’s not really milk but basically from what i’ve seen and experienced all your tinfoil about him is confirmed. and i don’t doubt he is the same way with other girls, at least he never publicly posted me so i didn’t have to deal with the public humiliation haha
and unfortunately no milk on sethany. talked to him once but after all the stuff with lotus i just stayed far away from him and all those soundcloud guys.
No. 1331051
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Let these dudes fucking die already
No. 1335420
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The irony of this is that she's the biggest pick me of all
No. 1335492
>>1335243No offense but you obviously didn’t know him long nor well enough to really get a grasp on what kind of person he is and probably are here because you’re sad he didn’t pick you. And I’m not trying to in-fight but that’s basically what these (as in him) narcissists do…
there’s no mIsUnDeRsTaNdInG. Elias tells everyone he “held his dying father in his arms after he shot himself”. Intentionally, lying for attention and empathy. Yeah it IS sad his dad died. But what kinda sick person lies about something that deep, not only that, but somewhat profits off of this “poor me muh daddy killed himself” image. A long time ago, he accidentally exposed info that didn’t add up. Not that it even mattered (how his dad passed) but why lie? Then multiple other people said they heard the same story (about blown out brains). No one ever compared stories at the time because a normal human being would figure that’s a touchy subject -and maybe like, not think twice someone would lie about something like that??? Anyways, Dude looks like a corpse now though. Can only be dead inside for so long until it starts showing on the outside. And he’s definitely gay-baiting lol.
No. 1337032
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>>1336861>he looks like a goddamn horse with warped tour tattoosjfc, he looks like the final Kentucky Derby evolution of Trace Cyrus.
No. 1337189
>>1337049 you don't know me, please don't dislike me haha
>>1337104 kek, i stopped replying cause no more milk, but thank-you for actually getting it anon. i never really talked to anyone about it so venting to a bunch of anons who also think hes trash is a very nice feeling
No. 1338839
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>>1336085Smrt Deaths old girlfriend once again accusing him of sexual assault via email to his record label
No. 1339119
>>1338839Good for her, these people fucking suck and at least half their brain dead fanbase is women who need to wake the fuck up. If employers didn’t accept this and give these people platforms they wouldn’t have access and their fucked up fans wouldn’t imitate it. This shit should never be ok and it’s repulsive every one of these men turn out to be narcissistic abusers who take advantage of girls who already have issues. I hope more people keep speaking out, I hate that sharing stories about being abused by the same person brings more people together than supporting the first
victim so this never happens again.
No. 1339358
>>1339324sextingatcostco is where those screenshots are from, its been locked for like a year now maybe she lets ppl in idk
ig is tessadeactivated. be warned she’s hardcore bpd anachan on both if that sets you off
No. 1339760
>>1339501As he should because it’s defamation, if she couldn’t pull a conviction, police at this point in time are looking for any good reason if they can help it. And regardless, if the civil suit can’t pull anything either, which would probably have been more pull for her evidence, she would have got something.
>>1339641Kek, sorry this girl literally chooses to live and die by her “trauma”, and supposedly can’t get anything in private either. It doesn’t mean shit, it’s just another way to get leverage in the court of public opinion. Like I said, I’m sure he’s a fucking goober, but this isn’t milk, and these aren’t girls trying to get justice, and they’re trying to build up gotcha moments the same way that looks like for all of these accused people. Surely by now one of them would have went through. I’m not saying there aren’t legit cases, but come on now, don’t you think it’s a little bit ridiculous to email the label and no one else has a conviction? That’s not a move from someone trying to get a conviction, that’s a move from someone trying to take away their success, which isn’t much cause it’s fucking smrtdeath lmao. Move on.
No. 1339986
>>1339953>>1339760shut up
victim blamer ur obviously the same person
No. 1344856
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Make up your mind on where you want to stand with lotus, Marlowe.
No. 1344880
>>1344856She’s so predictable she’s pulled this shit like 5 times now. She’ll get into a relationship with lotus they’ll have a big falling out she’ll accuse him of being
abusive tell all of Twitter that she’s working on herself and that she’s the best she’s ever been without him, then she’ll hookup with some randoms while on a drug binge constantly posting about it to make lotus jealous he’ll tweet some whiney emo bullshit and then they’re back together and claiming they’re so good for each other.
No. 1344902
>>1344897at some point you have to stop letting yourself be abused and used by males. it’s retarded that she knows he’s
abusive but continues to go back to him, that’s her fault not anyone else’s
No. 1345164
>>1344931Can you please learn to understand that abusers are defined by their ability to coerce, manipulate, lie, and use
victims good and trusting nature against them? This happens to very intelligent people all the time, not just people addicted to drugs in sex work who have likely been subjected to a pattern of abuse their entire lives. No matter how much therapy you are in, that is always there. Enough already.
>>1344917Agreed. What happened to pepper Ann and that Paris twink
No. 1345167
>>1345164Not true. You definitely have a choice in who you choose to be around. That's nobody's fault (or problem) but your own. Stop with this ~abusers have magical powers bs. That's your own
toxic mindset.
No. 1345172
>>1345164I’m not here to cape or white night for Sage or Lotus, but anon has a point. Addiction at some point becomes out of your control, much like depression or anxiety. If it were that easy to say “no,” these terms wouldn’t exist. Making the choice to admit you have a problem and seeking external help is a huge first step.
Also, coming from this forum? Where so many of us women have been abused and taken advantage of? It’s incredibly disingenuous to reduce it this much. It’s not your fucking fault if a liar lied to you, and you… idk, believed it? Again not to wk but you guys praying on her downfall cus she participated in the sex trade is brain dead as hell. Go back a few threads and peep the videos of lotus berating her on the phone. We’re here for him and his ilk, after all. She’s a cow for sure but at least she has sought help. Same can’t be said for xanbrained ass deadbeat dad lotus.
No. 1345649
>>1344917ya but she's being fucking annoying about being an addict now, won't stop posting throwback photos to when she was fucked up, talking about As An Addict in every tweet as well as tweeting stuff like
"My favourite thing when all the hard ass AA guys are telling their war stories is to just be like but did y’all ever suck dick for alcohol??"
like I don't doubt she had a problem cause xanax is super addictive but it's also not meth or crack and you can be functional on it especially if you've got a tolerance, and she's always been functional enough to afford a place to stay and a range rover and designer shit she flaunts for social media. She should shut the fuck up with the ~addict narrative~ she's now spouting for clout on all her social media and be humble and do some actual work. I feel bad for her because she does seem like a mixed up girl who just wants a family but she's not going to find anyone who treats her right when she leads a superficial life that's about nothing but being a object for shitty men and feeding her own ego with designer shit and flexing online. I'm sure lotus was a piece of shit to her but it's bs to blame him for her addictions or any of her other choices.
>>1345164Agree I miss these threads being milky and Pepper Ann's endless antics.
>>1345615Who else did he drive to enter a facility?
No. 1345748
>>1344897who the hell was actually mad lay got it somewhat together? by the end of her time on here everyone was more or less rooting for her and nitpicking to nitpick with no heart behind it
>>1345615tell us about the other girl anon i've never heard of this.
Sage is obnoxious as hell but I hope she can leave lotus behind for good. I remember when adam22 was getting outed she called out a bunch of rappers in the scene that did a 180 once the benefit of backing him was gone and it was cool to hate on him for being so transparent and fakewoke
No. 1345827
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>>1345164Paris randomly decided to switch to a raw diet, reposts dumb conspiracy and woo woo shit to his story on the primalparis account and also announced that he impregnated some thot. i guess he's done with being an emo twink kek
No. 1345828
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And the pregnancy announcement
No. 1346118
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>>1345950I want whatever you’re smoking, Nona. Is he conventionally attractive? Absolutely, 100%. I love the long hair and brows. But shit like picrel make me think he’s a bisexual degenerate, possibly at risk of trooning out when the attention shifts to his gorgeous baby momma and soon to be child. I seriously cannot trust a man that flirts with cross dressing, but that’s my two cents.
No. 1349172
>>1348316where do you get that impression from?
he's genuinely just a nerdy music autist with a slight drinking problem. He's into chasing cold adult girls that are out of his league if you see the two women he's dated publicly (singer of bleed the pigs and bbyafricka) you'd see what type of girl he likes in private too.
the only vaguely milky thing is that he has a baby but he's a pretty committed dad so it's not that milky.
No. 1349294
>>1348979you obviously know these ppl irl stop gossiping about ur fake friends online weirdo. using their real names on a imageboard just makes you look desperate cause no one else knows what or who ur talking about.
>>1349163tranny in seeyouspacecowboy
No. 1349329
>>1348979nah sorry i want to see his loser
abusive ass suffer from loneliness as long as possible thats more fair than death
No. 1349679
>>1349553 for google. add what i missed
sethany / smrtdeath/sloppymakeout/mike skwark
lil lotus/elias / john elias villagran
horsehead/therealhorsehead/ chris christopher thorne
lil tracy / orenjivert / jazz ishmael butler
yunggoth / luis venegas
kevin pouya
fat nick / nicholas minucci
COMPLACENT (support careers and ignote allegations of those above):
lil aaron / aaron jennings puckett
nedarb / braden morgan
coldhart / Jerick “Jay” Quilisadio
wicca phase springs eternal / adam mcllwee
doves / william hayward
mackned / trey gable
yawns / roman luna
fish narc / ben funkhouser
youngbabycoco / courtney neville
slugchrist / charles paul chaz bell
zubin / kevin o’neill
foxwedding (can’t find real name)
abvhvn (can’t find real name)
jupiter keys (can’t find real name)
gcoco (can’t find real name)
dark medicine merch
Tyler Grosso
killstation / nolan
sp00kybabyyy/ aubrie elle
Arzaylea Rodriguez
ethel cain / Hayden
hotelshrimp / cassidy hill
ogaquafina/ sage / marlowe
genesistheangel / genesis
sheyatted / marilyn rondon
GRADUATES (not milky):
ghostmane / eric whitney
toopoor / layla shapiro
lil peep / gustav ahr
pullingteeth / cheyenne snyder
No. 1349702
>>1349679Very good work
nonnie,I was a little lost myself. Miss the milk in this thread.
Also here is the allegations on pouya and fat nick: No. 1349712
>>1349679HAHAAHAH hilarious. Sage for adding last names to
Ethel Cain @mothercain Hayden Anhedonia
Ogaquafina @ogaquafina @5150_barbie Marlowe Crosland
Killstation @killstation Nolan Ryan
abusive lolcow real name
No. 1350652
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>>1349712Sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but I’ve never seen @mothercain online before today. She’s all over King Woman’s story from the NYC show at Saint Vitus last night. Whats her deal? I’ve read the last few threads and can’t remember seeing her name before
Sage for my retardation
No. 1350774
>>1350652Yah, she’s not a calf.
>>1349570Don’t be too sorry. He may not be an abuser/rapist himself but he’s best buddies with/supports an awful lot of them.
No. 1350796
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>>1349679This reminded me of coco. No idea if she’s still with the rapist but she made two carousel posts about her “sister”’s wedding and they’re 20 pictures of just her. This is the only one with anyone else. She posts videos of herself in bikinis and her body has been through a lot so I’m not going to say anything, but she really should have stayed out of the sun and stopped drinking. There is still a wine stain on her tongue in her pfp.
No. 1350864
>>1350798Waaah go cry about it w ur rape apologist bros on Reddit faggot
These ppl tour and shit together so unless they do their own thing most of these ppl know what's up with their peers.
No. 1351230
>>1350763 is an outlier
No. 1351419
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>>1351415Sage for samefag but Jesus Christ.
No. 1351680
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im just supposed to give nedarboner the benefit of the doubt that he doesnt know his roll dawg got a blowjob from an 8th grader?
No. 1352272
>>1351236She’s always going on about what a lefty she is and how woke. Like, it’s easy to take a Twitter stand against texas abortion laws or police brutality or Kanye’s latest bullshit but harder to take a stand against actual friends and/or acquaintances that have allegations. That is uncomfortable and not a single one of these fake woke fucking assholes are willing to get uncomfortable. I’m so tired of their endless inane posts about their boring lives and their virtue signalling that is absolutely meaningless when they don’t speak out against
abusive people in their own circles.
No. 1352694
>>1352272Yeah it’s dumb as fuck and these dudes have been involved with like children and very nonconsensual sex. Those people literally never get involved with misogyny in their lives and resent the women for speaking out because it exposes and inconveniences
them for having to feel a moral obligation to idk act on the morals they jerk themselves off to. They don’t give a fuck about real actions regarding vulnerable people.
No. 1354202
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>>1351419well. should we promote ethel now
No. 1354698
>>1354236i linda like it. he looks like the pornsick rapist that he is. also kek at the worlds smllest bulge.
>>1354592the incest merch is giving me dolly mattel vibes, its sixth grader level humor but what else do you expect from a nicole dollaganger skinwalker
No. 1362215
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Great to see Peep’s mom and whoever else runs his estate big upping this alleged pedo. Honestly Liza should know better, and I’m surprised at her given she seems to be so left.
No. 1362742
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Now doubling down. I can’t imagine anything more painful than losing a child that way, and I hope she’s successful in her lawsuit, I think it has merit. But jfc there’s no way spending so much time on social media interacting with fans is good for her.
No. 1364476
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>>1364217More caping for the Yung goth.
No. 1375436
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Jesus Christ crimson chin
No. 1381192
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Still confused on what’s up with these two bitches being friends now. I thought they had beef but I guess they made up. I recall Jamie saying she believes Rosey but Rosey had posted a false allegation against Yams, so maybe they talked it out and came to an understanding? Either way I find it strange and confusing but whatever. Ugly bitches will stick together I guess
No. 1381760
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Layla unfollowed Killstation?? Had a feeling they broke up or something because he wasn't in any of the pics or vids of the new store or her nights out. She also unfollowed him on Twitter.
No. 1381761
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No. 1382888
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happier than he's been in years because he's not with layla anymore lol
No. 1385229
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People were talking about how Emma and Layla's friendship is kinda odd. And now they're business partners. I genuinely hope they are doing alright
No. 1390671
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Not milk but WHY
No. 1390875
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TFW you don’t know that a triangle is used for the word delta and you just took some Delta 8 drugs without knowing what it is and instead of looking it up for yourself you just ask random people online further showing that you like to use as little brain power as possible
No. 1425096
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Sage for boring but ogaquafina new alias 5150barbiee on Twitter 5150_babie Instagram Marlowe crosland is so fake lol she got caught posting fake Cartier then immediately deleted it 1/5
No. 1425098
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No. 1425101
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No. 1425102
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No. 1425106
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No. 1430050
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Is Layla not making enough money with her ugly merch and reselling $4 thrifted clothes for $30 in her and Emma's store? Now she wants to contribute to influencers/celebs taking away money from actual sex workers who rely on Onlyfans for their sole source of income?
No. 1433554
File: 1643869787772.jpeg (606.35 KB, 1125x1601, 653FC80E-69D0-47D6-8487-17E41A…)

Lol damn she misses the attention so bad. Welp that was a good 4 year streak of being boring. Getting back to her old outbursts and trashyness i see
No. 1451375
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Lol ok?
No. 1451376
File: 1645744810488.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1125x1560, 1ECB62EF-C9E4-4D01-8D0B-1AAB22…)

ummm looks like this hook nose bitch is spiraling after killstation. Relapse?
No. 1452744
>>1451376She looks too thin. It makes her head look huge blow pop head ass bitch
>>1451375Does she know what a pillow princess is? Lol
(learn2sage) No. 1453847
I never cared for Soundclout scene, but i'm binge reading all threads bc the milk was hilarious in the day and looking into now, gotta say i cannot believe they still are there and have fans. Layla, Pepper Ann, Paris, Hotelshrimp, whoever from soundclout collective and countless supplementing insta hoes. That following must be all zoomer fans, Peep fans who never let go and dead insta accounts, right? i get following them for the decreasing but sporadically happening milk, but not real fans. completely don't grasp why Chelji still sticks around obsessing over Layla and even attention whores on tiktok… what for? Layla probably stays the most popular person from that scene but even she is, as someone said, a long forgotten meme who's boring not only in terms of milk, but boring overall (looks, posts, music, her nonsensical clothes brands) and her porny pics of her sticking her butt to a tv screen (?) and boasting about making men tattoo her idiotic name for like what, 6th year are such a pathetic and juvenile scream for attention. yes Layla, you tried. next.
Just think it's funny how Soundclout rap became passe just like nu metal and pop punk, except nu metal and emo are having a nostalgia comeback full force. It's been a wild ride, now it's fun to watch them fall out of relevance completely and freak out over them getting older.
No. 1454258
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>>1451376She def still lurks here lol
No. 1459741
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“Pay attention to me. Pay attention to me. Pay attention to me. Pay attention to me. Pay attention to me.”
No. 1462098
>>1461966seriously. and even then it’s like what’s the point we all know she ODed on something.
>>1461798come back and beg for a new thread if it turns out her death was a hoax or anything but an OD, otherwise stfu and let her rest jfc
No. 1470436
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>>1461798Lmao! She died?!
May she rest-in-shit!
No. 1486560
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So the university of Oregon is just going to allow a prostitute aka Marlowe Crosland 5150barbiee ogaquafina onto their campus and in their classrooms? How embarrassing for them
No. 1486563
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The university of Oregon is allowing a prostitute to be amongst young students after she threatened of beating an elderly man to death
No. 1486876
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who is gonna tell cassidy to shut the fuck up? nobody cares that you have a job now. congrats, you’re like the rest of normal, working America.
No. 1491735
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Marlowes new boyfriend certainly looks…familiar
No. 1493154
>>1492741whose lotus new gf? any more milk on lotus?
also sincerely hope marlowe bitch gets her life together and moves on from being a bimbo xlout obsessed sex worker, she's wat 23 years old now? yeah a lot of
toxic dumb bitchTM stuff on her twitter from 2 years ago but tik tok and instagram and normalization of porn is a psyop.
No. 1493177
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His new gf is @montanamartz
No. 1493191
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Dark hair does nott suit her at all, makes her look older and hella washed out. Anon u hit the nail on the head… matrix looking background and everythint lol ok tRiNitY
No. 1493768
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>>1493666Speaking of Smrtdeath he’s been booted off a tour and might’ve been dropped from epitaph there’s no confirmation of him being dropped by his label but they haven’t promoted his music in a while and he’s not followed by any of the epitaph social media pages
No. 1494081
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>>1494072Yeah these two are perfect for each other
No. 1495639
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so LBW died of a drug overdose, confirmed. Apparently an investigation is ongoing.
No. 1496178
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Speaking of LBW and keeping with the original theme of this thread, I was lurking and found this post by LBW on the day of Peep’s death. Check out the message he sent to her. She would have been, what, 16 at the time? 17 at the most? Fucking gross, but so unsurprising.
No. 1496179
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No. 1507961
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Bro wtf… she just keeps getting uglier and uglier now. A mullet? Talk about quarter life crisis, either that or she’s still tryna get lil lotus attention (he used to have mullet)
No. 1508410
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>>1507961I get wanting to move away and start over but i just think it’s sad how she felt she had to do this in order to fit in in Portland. Yeah, sure, there’s a very witch-y community, but she just comes off as trailer trash trying to be pop-punk
No. 1510297
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I know she’s technically graduated but Marilyn is now getting all of her face and neck tats removed. LOL
No. 1510298
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No. 1511280
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>>1491735As far as the sage/marlowe thing goes, the worst part of this all imo is finding your exes body double and dating him. I’m all for the idea of growing as a person and learning from your mistakes, wanting to grow up and branch out. But it all feels very forced from her. Like another anon pointed out, Portland is a very different vibe from LA, and it just seems like she’s doing this stuff to fit in. Whatever, she’s been way less milky lately so who really cares. It’s more funny to see Lotus with some chick that has been passed around the whole scene tbh.
As for the vendetta anon who keeps dropping her full name with her university. Get a grip. Admissions aren’t searching for that shit on every student and in Oregon it’s legal to shoot up on the streets, you think they care if a stripper is attending their university? In a city that is
huge on strip bars? Embarrassing. Take your personal beef with her somewhere else lmao.
No. 1512364
>>1511793Agreed, nona. I understand why she feels she had to leave LA to start fresh. Good for her. Hopefully she’ll stop feeling like she needs to step on other women and people just living their lives like this
>>1492735 >>1492733 in order to be happy.
>>1511903Get your eyes checked. He absolutely looks like lotus, and I’m saying this as another South American.
No. 1513543
>>1513046you really cant tell?
>>1513428i agree but still even as brothers they dont look alike. they dont even have the same hair texture or face shape. lotus face looks like he fell off a building and landed on his nose. the new guy is literally cute
No. 1519776
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>>1519738>>1519738If you order a Shirley temple it will be sprite and grenadine, period. Because it is not a “mocktail” it’s a fucking kids drink. It was my fave as a child and always ordered it at restaurants, I have worked in plenty of restaurants- if someone orders it it’s soda and syrup. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
No. 1519808
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>>1519776do u know what a mocktail is, nona? why so aggressive?
No. 1519859
>>1519808Google Shirley temple dumb bitch, it’s not a mocktail which I’m very aware of.
>>1519790You’re a shit bartender if you give kids alcohol.
>>1519790 No. 1521002
>>1519776>>1519790>>1519808>>1519829>>1519854>>1519859>>1519868Cool story, now can you stop sperging about Shirley Temples so we can continue speculating why TP and her latest toy-boy have split up?
Please and thank you.
No. 1524183
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>>1522137none of these ppl ya'll talk about are relevant LMAO… killstation n toopoor tea is actually relevant cause he's being psychotic online its interesting… and tp wont even speak abt him. Very odd
No. 1524185
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No. 1526340
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>>1525600Meth would be my guess.
No. 1568452
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>>1492739KEK this comment had me rolling. looks like her 13 year old fans are starting to catch on to how fake she is… she posted it on her story i cackled. like ok hAcKeR grl
No. 1579948
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uhhh people been going in on 5150barbiee ogaquafina she went private and changed her @ to simulationleadr… these have been popping up, quite disappointing that she uses it with the hard R
No. 1579949
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no one better say wElL tHeSE aRe OlD! so? why would she say this in the first place? simulationleadr got some explaining to do
No. 1686917
File: 1666963521324.png (739.8 KB, 742x754, layla.png)

anybody followed soundclout idiots closely for the last months? anything going on in this scene? seems like a lot of them stopped being active. what happened to Pepper Ann? kinda miss times when these idiots were milkier
picrel layla in her beetlejuice desperately trying to stay cool goth phase
No. 1688197
>>1686917This thread was my favorite to follow! Sad nobody keeps up with the lame soundclout scene anymore.. Seems like they're all trying to pull the "sober" card these days for clout. Coco is still acting like a damn fool and embarrassing herself online 24/7, pretty sure her and pouya are doing the
break thing but still milking their love on social media. I really wish this thread was more active though. Layla still looking disgusting as always, guess that will never change.
No. 1689514
>>1688197I'd be honestly up to keep discussing these washouts still at least sometimes. I get it they're not as milky as before but i suppose some of them are still pulling some ridiculous shit. if we update the thread other some of anons would prob join convo as well.
i'm pretty out of touch with what they've been doing. for example i didn't know Layla has a clothes shop, which is just some scammy second hand shit uglified with crappy applications and probably hiked up prices. uh why is she keeping that "brand" with Emma? it's a bit weird how hard she tries to be friends with other Peep's exes. Pepper Ann unfortunately vanished. Chelji still riding that infamy and looking like shit on tiktok, can't believe she's still around. Hotelshrimp prob still taking druggy selfies next to her fridge?
i think it would be funny to see what the squad is doing rn because all these idiots fell out of relevancy and entered this seething level when they know they're aging. soundcloud is dead and nobody cares for their thot pics bc millenials grew out of this and zoomers have their own zoomer hoes to obsess over now (and alot of the younger ones probably don't even know about Peep & co anymore)
No. 1690077
File: 1667236025559.jpg (906.68 KB, 1079x1350, Screenshot_20221031_100424.jpg)

Just for laughs, this is the same type of garage coco is posting, except gradually worse. every photo is blurry, she's in motion, or drunk or all three usually… Meanwhile pouya is posting thots lip syncing to his music on his stories lol
No. 1692280
>>1686656can you elaborate i get the worst vibes from him
>>1688197i love these threads you should keep it updated
>>1692235shes all over the peep subreddit and when anyone says he was a drug addict she corrects them and says he was never actually in to drugs and then all the little kids are like wow respect mamapeep. its really really sad she lost her son and really sad she is so involved with the internet and in denial to whatever extent
No. 1692550
>>1690077>pouya is posting thots lip syncing to his musici'm amazed that there are any thots STILL lipsyncing to anything of his. is that old fans or zoomers?
>>1692280 what happened to grandma peep though? she was long on the internet peep arc as well, attacking GBC. idk why are thye still in such denial, didn't he ever talk about to his family about his addictions? 2022 and still on their "he was drug free" stuff.
>>1692280>i love these threads you should keep it updatedNTA but i'm for keeping the thread, even if the milk is not as good and if it's just regular cringe. even just shitty pics like Coco. i'll take a look at these cows ig lately and see what's up but for now i'll say my biggest surprise is that this monstrosity
>>1283517 hasn't deleted herself from the internet yet, more, she has any following on tiktok. unless it's bots, does tiktok do bots like instagram?
No. 1692990
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Lol look who is back online. i didn't know which thread to post this, but she was always hanging around same soundclout whore sphere milking all the poor little rich girls including toopoor at some point. and since we're doing sort of "were are they now" throwback here lately
she's mostly active on tumblr these days and oh boy, she's aging so bad. these are more natural ones but it's ridiculous how much she hides behind tons of uwu kawaii filters in other pics. i see she put up a paypal link on her instagram, lol. like anyone's gonna donate to your drug expenses, Holli.
No. 1692995
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>>1692990hello fellow kids
No. 1693032
>>1693028the only milky thing i know about Bones is that he was friends with Corpse Husband lol
(still disappointed of how irrelevant this idiot got to the point nobody cared about face reveal, CH thread was wild)
No. 1693034
>>1693027it's a druggie who always was hanging out with Lilith Levisis, Lopholora, Too Poor, Lil Bo Weep, that Karman something guy, idk the og soundclout somewhat related instahoes from back in the day. she's been mentioned in a few threads i think old sounclouts as well. not relevant or anything but i'm sure other farmers remember.
as for Killstation no Too Poor i don't think he's with Toopoor anymore.
No. 1693038
File: 1667522753929.png (958.63 KB, 514x916, tp1.png)

Are these idiots using snapchat still at all? back in a day they were all oversharing so fucking much on snap. now they barely update even instagrams. Gross and Arzaylea hasn't posted for a year or more for example.
That being said it's fucking hilarious to see these washed up 30yo barely-has-beens trying to be edgy and pandering to zoomies on tiktok. i just discovered Layla has TT and the shit she posts gives the old snap cow days vibe lol
No. 1693044
File: 1667523086240.png (606 KB, 525x916, tp2.png)

No. 1693146
File: 1667529488458.png (815.18 KB, 500x902, qwee.png)

jfc she's still on that "omg i made this random guy i don't even know tattoo my name on his dick" shit. it's like what, 7th year of her saying this shit all the time.
No. 1693155
File: 1667530147556.png (982.86 KB, 526x886, 1877.png)

>tightest pussy
>broke girls
ew okay grandma toopoor.
i see she's still on her same old bullshit. but somehow now it's so much more cringey and desperate than when she was younger.
No. 1693560
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>>1693206>How does she make money?she mentioned being sugar baby before, and prob mostly a drug dealer. Idk if she has rich parents, or if she just thought orbiting (and stealing from) rich club kids is good way of living. thinking back, Holli was always hanging out with a lot of these Heaven club health goth idiots (and introducing them into drugs), but when they posted her mom on IG she looked white trash and she smoked weed with her daughters. she and her sister (hoodbrat69 i think was the handle) sure behaved like pretend rich kids.
She also shoplifts and steals shit from her friends (aka all these rich trust funds like Lilith, prettynymph, nightcoregirl) like crazy, she was arrested for robbing someone's boyfriend actually. Holli also sold xanax to another rich teen Athena and she overdosed (you know this drama right?) and then fucked her boyfriend after her death. And i've seen some other rumours that she sold dope to another person who then had a stroke. idk
She prob profitted from hanging out with Lilith. they've been doing drugs together for a good while and even claiming they're "in relationship together" what a cringe. seems she fell out with all the IG chicks, so no idea who she scams now
picrel health goth trust funds 2014
No. 1693564
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link related i found some trustfund's tumblr blog where there's a lot of Holli's 2014/2015 pics in her health goth Alice Glass skinwalker phase. she really went downhill from here rich morons with fake gucci bags photographing themselves with pills. damn i forgot how actually cringe was soundclout healht goth xanax scene.
No. 1693574
File: 1667581505174.jpeg (31.59 KB, 640x427, 1520922029776.jpeg)

nvm i remembered she was mentioned a lot in old ass instahoe thread
>>>/snow/273904i always thought it's a shame this heroingranola idiot never does spergouts on social media, just orbits around insta famous and posts awful pics with odd kiddie filters and precious moments care bears x heroin xanax shit. and ugly pics with Clare. you can tell she's a cow and a bad person but she just posts pics. some of these bitches looked up to this rat and copied her "aeshtetic" and didn't even realize it's nothing original at all.
No. 1693862
>>1693807Oh yes it is anon, i'm having such nostalgic feelings and fun reading this old thread ngl. holli was mentioned here
>>>/snow/178475 and in several Lilith threads.
i have a soft spot for these older insta/soundcloud idiots, that's why i'm happy to post here still. honestly new insta/tiktok/egirl threads don't do it for me
No. 1700589
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Coco getting roasted in the comments on this video is glorious, she has her wasted friends telling her to do her dumb ballet, drunk as shit on a wet platform. I'm not sure how to embed videos but the comments are hilarious. She really thinks it's cute and she's some miraculous gift from god
No. 1700594
File: 1668539328912.jpg (303.69 KB, 1080x1696, Cringe.jpg)

Pic rel, how could someone be so unaware of how embarrassing their actions are?
No. 1701460
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No. 1721066
>>1701460Shocked it's his sister, but not shocked bc he's known about and supported other 100% outed rapists so of course they're related for him to say some. They watch it kill their survivor friends all the time.
If it was my sister that happened to i would be doing a fuck of a lot more than some lame twitter posting. Sack up, doesnt he have a kid? Glad he let people know but that could have been presented in a much more serious way. Like that's your sister, but i know too much about men to be surprised.
And the rapist is already fucking whining like he's the
victim, he doesn't give a fuck or could ever understand what he did. How much do you have to fucking suck at life to think thats an option to do to anyone. That was her virginity too and he's like im sowwwwwy. Im so glad covid killed out a lot of subcultures by default, all these people have always been foul towards girls yet that's what they live for.
No. 1726848
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No. 1745821
File: 1673838922512.jpeg (478.43 KB, 1284x844, 97642442-12AC-4B9C-AA79-15E94A…)

end of hotel shrimp
No. 1746064
>>1745821Oh no, ridding of her cow past? at least it's archived here, lol.
So weird, our soundclout kids are changing, "growing up", lasering off their tattoos, raising children and deleting old pics. Except for Layla, who still talks about strangers tattoing Toopoor on their dicks on tiktok.
No. 1790520
>>1790471curious about this as well. I think Pepper's twitter was restricted, is anybody following him or having hm on snapchat?
we need to check up on these idiots more regularly, wonder if we missed up on any milk just by not following them
No. 1790673
>>1790520this was about a year ago, so it was probably already mentioned here, but paris had a baby with @sumr333 (aka poison), and then they broke up soon after, im not sure what happened but if anyone has info on that situation i’d love to hear about it.
as for pepper, i’m still following him everywhere, once in a blue moon he’ll post something self-pitying but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. shame
(sage your shit) No. 1794293
>>1790806Pepper seems to have fallen off completely, there’s very little social media posts/ interaction from him that isn’t fawning over some wrestling chick. No clues or hints as to what he’s doing with his life, though I’m sure he’s close to pissing away his “fortune”. By the way, he claimed to be a millionaire back in his prime, was this ever confirmed or just more bullshit.
It seems as though a lot of the others from the SoundCloud generation don’t hold the popularity they used to. Pouya the rapist doesn’t have anywhere near the reposts/ shares/ likes on his new music, fat nick as well. him and fat nick dropped the buffetboys name and rebranded under a new label name AllBut6. I don’t think Pouya and coco are still a couple but they still continually post each other. Fat nick is gross as ever, is a trump supporter and Andrew Tate lover. Not that any of us are surprised.
No. 1794401
>>1794293I think it was bullshit. even if he made a sufficiently big money in his prime, he most certainly lacks ability to save/spend money wisely… my only idea is that Grosso must have rich parents he can fall back on. anyways, he's dumb as all fuck. If he left superradical, he could just rembrand onto even more Y2K/emo shit that's trending, this shit is even more popular now than it was in 2017. (except nobody cares for sounclout rap now ofc)
Damn it's 2023 and Coco& Pouya still on same old shit? i can't believe someone like Coco could have any followng and yet…
No. 1794487
File: 1679681702272.png (2.87 MB, 1444x1402, coco1.png)

>>1794428i don't get it how this works, she has sometimes 11 thousand likes and 50 comments and otherwise she has maybe 3000-5000 likes and 20 comments… probably buys followers. Also the bottom left row… the cringe is immense
No. 1794608
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Sage for no milk but cocos build is absolutely baffling to me. How is she fat, but also, not ~exactly~ fat at the same time?
No. 1794791
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>>1794736Clout be damned. Why would you want to condemn yourself to being known for your attachment to this creature.
No. 1798273
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Our sloppy, narcissistic, angel, puppy, actor, ballerina, lash designer, self proclaimed baby queen is still up to the gross and irritating antics.
No. 1802371
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I am surprised this hasn’t been posted as it had been a few weeks. however, all found guilty of first degree murder regarding xxxtentacion.
No. 1827939
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So uncomfortable looking at this shit
No. 1849148
>>1849091I've seen Layla saying she left the shop because she wants to concentrate on making her shitty music, but if they unfollowed each other then guess they had/have some beef.
(and kek Emma is STILL out there leeching that expired old clout from dating Peep as a teen? can't believe anybody's still following her…)
No. 1856940
>>1856712No but i heard his new girlfriend he had while dating LBW (that curvy model Karlee something) isn't dating him anymore. And she deleted her socials. they both were scummy, after Bo Weep's death she was preaching about ~knowing your body and your doses and how much you can handle~ and posted pics of herself drinking lean, while Steven posted some xanax or adderal. Idk what this rat is up to now, he maybe didn't do all the shit Winona accused him of, but he seems shady as fuck anyway, and wouldn't be surprised if introducing his girlfriends to drugs is a norm to him.
>>1856933Damn, that's awful. i stopped paying attention to Layla's musical AND instagram "outputs", does anybody still genuinely care? Is she even
touring live with her music?
No. 1856957
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>>1856949>the ugly glasses, denim skirt, visible bra and thongkek feels like she wears one and the same outfit whole year. Not spoilering cause its just thong pulled all over her back, not her bottom. Honestly she reminds me of Kat Von D circa 2005 on Miami Ink and people laughing at her for wearing way too tight cow leather shorts in 30 degree C heat, same vibes.
No. 1857028
>>1857008Nah stfu, we aren't defending this wannabe ass loser like it's 2012.
"The songs and videos were pretty cool?" What are you, 11?
No. 1857067
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Kek is that her version of "jumping on wooden panel 70's religion coquette Ethel Cain bandwagon"? You know which photos i'm talking about, he always takes these ugly pics with crosses and wooden walls. Really wouldn't be surprised, Toopoor has an active typical "two-headed fawn, Nicole Dollanganger cockroaches and coquette clothes" tumblr blog on which she reblogs from zoomer edgelords and anachans.
No. 1868912
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>>1868911Hit reply before sending oops
No. 1875763
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i wonder what's going on here
No. 1895844
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Might be irrelevant but does anyone know what happened between Lil Lotus and that girl Montana he was married to
No. 1899466
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Our narcissist queen baby Coco is single and posting passive aggressive things for the millionth time… supposedly this is it this time LOL
No. 1903065
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Maybe this sandy person is related to the breakup drama? I haven’t followed coco in forever because she’s embarrassing but I checked on her last night and this was on her story
No. 1903067
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Samefag and sage for no milk but it seems like she tries to look sultry or feminine in a lot of her pics but she just ends up looking droopy eyed drunk and completely hammered
No. 1903093
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>>1902315I don’t follow them anymore but I just went to Pouyas instagram and he reposted some random girl using his song in her story. Wonder if it’s a jab at Courtney
No. 1903106
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>>1903088Just can’t imagine the thought process behind posting this when you look completely blacked out. How her parents haven’t cut her off yet is insane.
No. 1903304
>>1903086>the girls pouya cheats withI honestly can't process this, that there are STILL any girls self-hating enough to sleep with Pouya. I mean, Pouya is not famous. NONE of these soundclout washouts are famous anymore. Soundclout rap is dead. Who is still listening to this? A bunch of now-30+ year olds looking back fondly to their Lil Peep xanax youth and still wearing Holli tier clown/Harley Queen looks to pretend it's still 2017?
Like damn, i bet half of these rappers suddenly turned "pop punk" and make videoclips posing as high schoolers (despite being 30 going on 40yo) like Mod Sun or Blackbear
No. 1904131
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No. 1904351
>>1904195she is in fact retarded. she has no personality, no hobbies, nothing outside of attention whoring. her entire life is spent partying and posting on social media, showing off her tits and drunkenly rambling on about how she's the most perfect beautiful pretty puppy angel baby. no interests except herself.
and she sleeps with pouya, which alone demonstrates room temp iq
No. 1904855
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>>1904130>>1904131Merged all three videos into one. Posting for archival purposes.
>>1904351Her schtick is so cringeworthy to me, I was surprised she’s still at it with the ballet and “Coco pose”. I don’t get how she still has “fans”.
No. 1905210
>>1904855I'm at a loss for words. I only saw the first video with her tit exposed. The other ones are just wildly embarrassing.
The outfits are so tacky, silky dresses with Adidas and socks on??? These girls are weird. The other one has clout because she's Rubys sister. (Ruby from $uicideboy$)
So Coco still thinks she's in the underground game that's faded away years ago LOL.
I cannot understand the ballet posing/stumbling barely able to open her eyes/recording herself doing this and strangers randomly appear in her videos looking confused at her.
I can't lie though, I enjoy seeing how much of an ass she makes out of herself.
No. 1906111
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Leave it to Coco to compare herself to anything to feel relevant lol can't even just post a picture of the pumpkin without making it about her, she has some weird self obsession.. It's creepy
No. 1912585
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Here she goes again about all the songs pouya wrote about her, she's so delusional..300000 songs lmao, meanwhile he's posting girls on his story
No. 1914220
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Shots fired at Coco's alcoholism couldn't help but LOL
No. 1951703
Anybody here familiar with Phem? Got this song recommended all of the sudden and couldn't help reviving soundclout thread cause it's one of the most pathetic stuff i've heard in a long while."you're not happy on the internet, you're still smoking cigarettes" "Gonna blow my bag in Ikea" wtf. also the chorus is a ripoff of Tatu "all the things she said", which she admits to but it's not any less pathetic sounding even if she openly states she's giving this a tribute for whatever reason.
No. 1951706
>>1951703continuing, I'm sure i've seen her in old pics with Toopoor, Lil Bo Weep and whoever tf else, but i don't remember her presence in the scene itself. She's blown up for whatever strange reason & she's touring with avril Lavigne. She reminds me of Lilith Levisis tbh, same crazy overblown botched lips which she can barely move while talking/singing
No. 1951707
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>>1951706also her instagram is annyoing, it always looks like that. Just a coupleof actual pics and this dumb anime vag/edgy chains/2 kissing girls stuff at the bottom. i think she used to post more of her normal pics & stuff from avril tour last year but i see she went right back to this oh so randum!1 and mysterious shit.
No. 1955180
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Can we revive this thread sometimes. Did a little checkup on GBC cows bc i randomly rememered they exist, it's stale ass milk but honestly, i don't expect too much from soundclout cows anymore anyway.
Yunggoth is periodically throwing tantrums & suicide baiting online (picrel)
YungCortex apparently is scamming people selling his shitty beats and never providing, then not refunding ppl or doing it 1 year later (when they expose him on reddit). also he's dating internetgirl but he's always there thirsting in other girl's IG comments, even on his girlfriend's own brand (iGirl) page hyping up every chick that models for her
No. 1955183
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Lil Tracy just recently made a music video in which he's buring Lil Peep's photographs, here's his explanation of whole ~deep symbolism~ behind it. Jfc these people won't let this go will they. anything for 2 seconds of lukewarm attention
No. 1955184
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Honestly i'm most disappointed that Pepper Ann left the internet. Discovered he has "I'm alive uwu" insta stories that he updates sometimes, in most recent he enters his anachan phase (lol) and shows he lost weight and allegedly he's 2 years sober? (not really sure i believe but whatevs good for him if its true)
No. 1955187
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Guess this one's for farmers lmao, but nobody noticed at the time.
would make a good thread pic if only any of them were still milky enough to warrant next one fast enough
No. 1955249
>>1955238I thought he switched onto stimulants instead, his face looks kinda gaudy but maybe it's just bc of big weight loss. I wonder if he ever tries pulling a new Superradical collection again since his moment is long gone.
>>1955227>hey have the most cultural value of this whole websiteso true, we watched this pathetic trend rise and fall- and ngl, these threads are probably unironically the most detailed chronicle of soundclout history (and all the shadyness involved)
>please make another one loli will once the thread maxxes out at 1200 posts, unless someone else makes one!
No. 1955258
>>1955249I don't even think it's pathetic just interesting the kind of shallow and empty lives of all these young people involved in this scene for clout or actual music or whatever else, feel bad for the kids who die in the process. It's defs the most detailed chronicle I reread all these threads from the beginning recently and felt like I was trapped in hell with too poor lol
Are you familiar with Semetary? babyface suburban kid who makes horrorcore rap music and has a pretty big following, does lame performative drug shit from time to time, I'm sure there's others who will continue on with this niche.
No. 1955367
>>1955258>feel bad for the kids who die in the processI felt kinda bad for Peep, Lil Bo Weep etc this wasdefinitely shocking, but not XXXtentacion, didn't care for JuiceWrld either. Ofc it's a shame such young people died, but this scene honestly was/is plagued with pedos, rapists, women abusers & idiots who have no qualms filming themselves fucking (underage? drugged?) groupies for some paid onlyfans tier "project". so i can't tell i feel bad for them fucking up their lives overall, just very few select ones
>Are you familiar with Semetary?no but would appreciate if you told us more
No. 1955374
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Any anons know what's up with Steven Moses (Lil Bo Weep's ex)? He crawled out of soundclout scene so guess he fits here. Winona obviously fucked him over, but i always thought he must be a scumbag in hs own right and way shadier than people thought. There must be some kernel of truth in it all, like he clearly was/is a drug dealer. After Bo Weep's death he didn't say RIP or anything, so people came at him& he wrote some pissed off comments how he doesn't owe her anything and "doesn't fuck with her dead or alive" & then disappeared. I remember he would post angry spergouts on r/stevenmoses. He had a case hanging over his head - apparently gave laced drugs to a neighbour, but idk what came out of that. also his gf Karlee Jane dumped him not long after & according to reddit, she spilled some milk on IG how Steven robbed her (but ofc these dimwits wrote "go check her stories" instead of screenshotting).
He had a record out at Def Jam Records. guess nothing cvme out his astounding music career, wonder if they dropped him. It's just incredible,he had & lost it all.
No. 1955375
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bonus Lip Peep skinwalking because of course. You're not troo soundclout if you never had a Peep skinwalker phase.
No. 1955863
>>1955180I really want this thread to be revived, it's my favorite! Been following these threads since the stupid Layla days.
Is yungcortex really a scammer!? He's always posting he's "selling" beats still but I'm more interested in knowing what the actual fuck is up with his relationship with Bella???
He comments on every single thing she posts and she legitimately NEVER replies. She replies to other comments but never his. And apparently he just moved to another state and so did she. Whatever they have going on is just so strange to me.
Also noticed Coco lost about 32k followers after finally revealing she's no longer with Pouya.
No. 1955927
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No. 1955930
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No. 1955933
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No. 1955939
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Yeah they're together but Cortext never lets go of the opportunity to thirst at girls modelling for Bella's shitty brand. Check iGirl instagram, he's in every post commenting something like "yaaa very swaaaggg!" One could say maybe he's trying to show support to his girlfriend & her business in this awkward way, but i honestly think he found a sneaky way to thirst at hot girl's pics but without saying anything "inappropriate". Like he could say "B-but honey, i only said this new belt is absolute swag???" No. 1958617
>>1958574If they were married, i would say she stays with him for that american visa she got, but they aren't (?) Sometimes i wonder if she stays with him out of habit, just bc she's vaguely associated with that soundclout crowd, so she has to have SC boyfriend by default.
i'm hoping it doesn't die as well, but we need more people to engage cause i feel like talking to myself lol. It's extremely hard to revive threads like this, indie bands, arrow, alt cows, spam comm etc. even though they were thriving just a year ago. Idk if old farmers massively left or they just stopped caring for anything beyond whatever shows up on front page.
No. 1959855
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Anyone up for "where are they now" type nostalgia trip? First off actual news, Emma Rose is still thriving riding that "famous via being Peep's ex" status, but seriously wtf girl has no bounds. apparently she released some shitty book and organizes a book signing cross dance class (?) event with… Peep's mother. Idk i'm so done with this "Mama Peep's daughter-in-law" bullshit. it's fucking 2024 and these women still act like Peep and Emma were basically married & bound forever, who cares he fucked he dumped her to fuck insta famous chicks & didn't even bother to answer her messages even as a "friend", that's just a minor detail!
Also this awful advert drawing… is the pink haired one Lil Peep in ballet flats? topkek
No. 1959857
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Not milky but continuing my where are they now checkup. I randomly remembered this cringelord exists. Paris looks like a cross of Conchita Wurst and Michał Szpak these days lmao. also guess the "next Lil Peep" clout is long gone, he gets 900-1200 likes & 20 comments per IG post MAX.
No. 1959859
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New The Fly looking ass selfie from Holli. Ngl she puzzles me a little. Wonder what is she even doing these days? She goes MIa of socials for months, just to suddenly drop by on Tumblr to post photos of those miniature animals/Sylvanian Families type toys & then disappear again. That and sometimes these shabby greasy selfies decorated with Precious Moments and other cutesy gifs.
No. 1960122
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>>1960073That's Paris/Prodbyparis from the old ass sounclout threads… don't you guys remember him? He became "famous" right after Peep died & was "scheduled" to be the next it boy. I think he got famous thanks to Post Malone but i don't remember well. That was at the time when record labels were chasing to sign the next Peep. Paris was rambling on how much Peep influenced his music paths and shit, even though he'd never met him when he was still alive.
He basically got his songs written in recorded in literal few days, just to be on time while the soundclout wave still lasts. I remember for a while fucking Tyler Grosso was trying to promote him and considered himself his manager lmao
No. 1969285
>>1964128I never cared for that guy, he was so lame. All of these SoundCloud fucks can't hold down a relationship or engagement. Ghostemane was engaged like 4 times or some shit, he finally actually married some dumb OF whore (go figure)
$crim from $uicideboy$ is engaged again, as well. Pretty sure he's been engaged once or twice before. Anyway, still wish there was more milk in this thread. Saw yungcortex posting that tacky, cheap dumbass igirl jewelry earlier. They're all so fuckin weird.
No. 1969320
>>1969288it's fucking 2024, time to move on. That hairy skeletal scrote isn't famous at all. Really nothing to brag about.
If it hurts her so much, maybe Coco should date another sounclout fuck as a rebound, at least we'd get some fresh milk lol.
>>1969285Cortex seems fucking desperate for cash, maybe he just tries hard to "provide for his family", but so far feels like Internetgirl is the breadwinner. Btw, not much bread to win needed, Bella is a bratty spoiled rich girl, i'm sure her wealthy parents still finance her career is one way or another.
No. 1969522
>>1969361Peep was from a well-off family too. We could run through all the names in these threads and it woul probably turn out they were either rich to begin with, or coming from a very stable background (american "average" wealthy is still rich af comparing to most places in Europe - like if you have one of these huge ass gigantic family houses in the suburbs & pay for the living no problem, them it is wealthy at least imo). It's the same old scheme, rich kids nnever tasted povertyor real life problems, so they think it's cool. There are idiots out there regretting they never lived in the hood/flat blocks/whatever & crying bc they want the be gangsta, poor as fuck but also rich! no other way around! and that includes always being able to run back to mommy when things go south. In the end aren't these soundclout "gangstas" back on mom and daddy's cash? Lilith just sits around in a place bought by her dad and occasionally takes pics of her butt and dog, in that order, Holli vanished, Tyler vanished completely (where does he get his cash from now? Reallly made so much back in a day?), Pouya, Fat Nick, Tracy & co more or less live off from the scraps of attention and the groupies involved start scammy clothing jewellery companies.
Speaking of, Internetgirl always sold creased, dusty,ugly clothes but i guess she dumped that idea instead for selling cheap jewellery. she has fancy ass pics and photoshoots with "cool" people, but then you realize it's not clothes or accessories they promote, it's one cheap ass thin, oxidized, ball chain necklace with iGirl written on. like wow, amazing. so mallgoth y2k.
No. 1983649
>>1969288>>1969288May God and everyone else in this near- decade old thread PLEASE Forgive me for rehashing a years old topic, but I simply cannot help myself. So Pouya is going to be part of the GreyDay tour with Suicideboys this year. This info has caused the Pouya allegations to resurface on Twitter, Reddit, IG, etc. While there are some who know and believe he is most definitely guilty (which he is), most of the conversation and opinions on the topic have been… alarming. The most popular opinion is that he is completely innocent. Which isn’t surprising because I’d venture a guess that most $B/ G59/ Pouya fans are boys/ men. The comments I see the most are “those allegations were proven to be false!” Or “there’s no proof”. Both of these statements are untrue. There most certainly was pretty solid evidence against Pouya, but I think a lot of evidence has been lost somewhere on Twitter, and other forums that had this info are nowhere to be found. With that being said, I’ve been an avid follower on this thread for an embarrassingly long time. And, I distinctly remember several years ago when his allegations were the hot topic, pretty much everything including screen shots and info about Pouya and the girl settling in court were posted here. If my memory serves I think there was even a screenshot of one of the files from the actual court case, it showed Pouya and the girls legal name and other party info.. Anyway, All of the evidence against Pouya that was posted here was extremely compelling, you’d be an idiot to think he was innocent. There was legitimately more proof on this thread than there was anywhere else that I could find. I could attempt to pilfer through this thread in its entirety but tbh that would take forever. I’m hoping someone has the screen shots, links, anything that might be helpful in proving he is not innocent. I know it’s pointless to argue with people on the internet about stuff like this especially when it’s against an artist that they adore. But again, I cannot help myself. It really irks me that not only he still has supporters, but also that he’s somehow pretty much been able to convince most that the allegations are false. When he never even addressed the situation outside of screaming and ranting on Twitter about how he’s treated unfairly and wishes everyone would shut up about it. Also, I cannot find proof of this but for the 112th time, him and Coco are back together? That’s the rumor anyway.
No. 1983842
>>1983649Do not apologize, always glad to see it bumped. I said it a lot before but still cannot imagine how Poyua still has any fans left. And not even because of allegations. Because soundclout is dead. Because he's ugly balding rat whose music sucks, and he's just boring. There's plenty of better music around to listen to instead of sounclout, would think people would just move on. Especially since zoomers don't have to listen to soundclout as a temporal nostalgia stand-in for pop punk, when they have "real" pop punk comeback (as shitty as it is but still pop punk sounding not just rap with emo haired boys). Plus they're too young to witness Peep, Too Poor or anyone itt really. So i'd suppose it's all millenial balding boys that's never grown out of riding soundclout rappers dicks. That's why they all brush off the allegations, they're scotes sympathizing with another scrote.
I don't think anyone has allegation links or screens sitting in their folders ready to post, anon. But i approve collecting the evidence and reposting to other websites (reddit?), i'm sure it was all in a couple of
latest threads. You can Ctrl + F search and type "Pouya" or "allegations", should throw out the results you need.
>>1983652I vote he should jump on "pop punk" trend. Maybe try to suck up to Machine Gun Kelly and offer to be his manager kek. Hear this, Pepper? Give us the milk
No. 1984822
>>1983842Weirdly enough Fat Nicks newer music has a pop punk sound. It sucks.
Pouya was on TikTok live a couple days ago saying after this tour he’s stepping away from music permanently, to, in his words “ enjoy my wealth in peace”. He’s said he’s quitting music before - likely to boost ticket sales. But anyway serious question- how the fuck do both him and Fat Nick have any wealth at all?? During the height of their fame I completely understand but that was like 7-8 years ago. They’ve both essentially flopped ( fat Nick especially yet they both still post flexing money, expensive cars, lavish lifestyle type of shit. I really wanna know how they are able to maintain their lifestyles. Like I know some things are easy to fake. Idk it just amazes me that they’ve both come away from their allegations relatively unscathed, no repercussions and no remorse
No. 1985031
>>1984822Maybe he invested in something smart that brings him steady income. No way he made that much money just on fucking soundclout + a couple of music videos on youtube. Musicians make nothing on streaming, unless you're Billie Eilish or something. the only money is in constant touring. I can see Lil Peep retiring & living in a villa forever (in an alternate reality where she never overdosed), but Pouya? Haha, yeah no.
He either 1) has wealthy parents to fall back on 2) invested in some business, even small and gets enough to live comfy instagrammer life. Or 3) there's some actual allegations and evidence about to be revealed and he knows it, so he kind of plans to disappear before shit hits the fan
No. 1985472
>>1985031As crazy as it sounds, they HAVE been touring/going on tour with others since the beginning. I truly think they got "lucky" in the sense of staying relevant in that scene. What happened to Bexy? Kill station? Paris? Chelji? LMAO they all overdosed or fell of the face of the earth. Despite the "allegations" about Nick and Pouya the only screenshots floating around are the same old ones with no solid proof of anything. It's literally he said, she said with absolutely nothing to show. I remember there was a video or tweet a very long time ago that one of the supposed
victims talked about how she dropped it and never went to the police like she said she was going to. I'm not trying to defend these guys, but I also believe what she said happened is exactly how it went down… Busted stripper/cam girl got invited up to their room, proceeds to strip and let them all start having their way with her(She admitted this herself) leaves and regrets it because humiliated. Then starts pulling the rape card with no proof except admitting to letting them do it to her? I know there are others stories, but they all are just screenshots of things people SAID. Anyway, it looks like him and Coco are back to commenting stupid shit on each other's posts, maybe more milk will come.. They live off of attention.
No. 1985561
>>1985472Honestly? You may be right about these women that never provided the promised proof(?). These "loud" allegations and court cases that never came to be very well might've been fake/exaggerated. BUT i don't think these guys are innocent. They may as well have been more actual
victims they drugged, sexually abused or coerced or even simply groped, but these women never came out publically with what happened, either out of shame or bc there's no proof. I have no problem believing all these guys are capable of using and abusing women, be it groupies or fans that idolize them. I mean look at them. These guys loved their "bestie" so much they just let him die while thye laughed, and then it was just "it wasn't MEE!" neither of them took any responsibility, they just took away and shared his clothes eagerly. These guys made a fucking group orgy porn video including their fans, which was allegedly filmed against their will, and tried to sell online (remember that saga?). Hyenas and vultures all around, except that would be an insult to hyenas and vultures. So i'd say it's just a big shame that nothing came out and eventually these people came out of it with no trouble at all. Are they rapists? Pedos messing with teens? No idea. Misogynists and pervy creeps? Absolutely.
As for Chelji last i've seen she's been "serving homeless looks" on tiktok (and still bitching about TooPoor). instead of just fogetting about her, there are still idiots willing to browse her tiktoks. I can't believe it
No. 1988558
>>1987846>Veruca SaltMy first thought was Veruca Salt the band, then Veruca Salt the film character and i was like wtf
>>1987847>lives in NYC to be close to Broadwaythat's some Emilie Autumn arc shit going on here
No. 1993679
>>1990149Sage/ samefag af for no new milk but…
It absolutely baffles me that this 34/35 year old woman is doing the exact same shit she’s been doing for the past 10 years. She has not changed. At all. Made no apparent progress as a human being, no attempts to further her education or just be a better person. I empathize with the whole cancer thing — my whole life would come to a screeching halt… but imagine being near 40 years old and not having done anything of value. Just prancing around nearly nude and posting it all on IG.
But to make matters worse she won’t sever her ties with Pouya. They’ve broken up and got back together I can’t even count how many times. A literal fucking rapist. My theory is she only clings to him because he’s “relevant” to an extent in spite of his obvious fall off.
No. 1993683
>>1987845All of these men living in a mansion together like roommates is funny to me, like they are all at least 30 yrs old if not older…
In response to an earlier comment Pouya has been saying he’s “leaving the music scene “ idk how many times in the past, it’s all cap, plus he’s about to tour with $uicideboy$.
Speaking of, yes, Scrim is engaged to a woman named Sage, not much info on her but her IG is @topangalawrnce she tries to keep her identity on social media well hidden).
Ruby from $uicideboy$ was dating Justine, the YouTuber but they broke up a while ago and he’s with a chick 12 yrs younger than him, she’s like 22. From what I can tell she is an IG/ TikTok model but she privated all of her accounts after someone on Twitter exposed her as rubys gf. Her accounts are @skateflys if you’re curious, I’ve never heard of her before or seen any of her content anywhere.
No. 1993688
>>1993686He recently got married and had a baby with some IG model. She has a kid from a previous relationship, so he’s a parent to two children which is terrifying.
OT - GOD DAMNIT, I sure miss this thread and the absolutely train wrecks/ societal leeches showcased here. Perhaps there is a chance for thread revival - I know the SoundCloud scene is dead and most everyone therein is irrelevant but with a slight rebrand/ different focus this thread could be HOT.
Some of our old cows are still slightly milky and the cows they associate with offer fresh new milk. Wishful thinking on my part.
No. 1993734
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>>1993686not OP but picrel incoming (1/6)
these screenshots were posted by a friend of jaki’s
No. 1993736
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>>1993686police report and protective order paperwork
No. 1993794
>>1993686I thought they were cheating on each other and Poppy was probably screeching abuse, while Ghostmane screeched that she was
abusive and cocaine fiend and blah blah. Which probably means, both of them were correct lol. can't remember exact reason. then he married some boring influencer and had a baby
>>1993679Well Coco is just a rich kid of rich parents. Rich kids of rich parents can afford to do absolutely nothing. That's annoying but honestly i find it less irritating than nepo kids that "make careers", read: become shitty singers, "punkers" or 160cm tall models thanks to mommy's connections. All the soundclout related chicks just settled on their tiktoks and do nothing. Lilith, Holli, Arzaylea, Internetgirl, they barely even post nowadays they can just sit and sometimes post some boring selfie and continue to age using up all of mom & dads money
>Some of our old cows are still slightly milkyThen post milk if you have, i don't monitor sounclout scene closely but i'm up for reading the thread. the problem is that lolcow became a dead zone and nobody responds in older threads, i swear to god /pt is doing good but the only snow boards that are active are boring ass troon threads. Oldfags and semi-oldfags, where are you
No. 1993807
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>>1993688I see Haunted Mound and Joeyy/Shed Theory as the zoomer evolution of this scene. They are both somewhat milky and “beef” with each other but I haven’t followed them enough to make a new thread or revive this one because half the milk is locked away in long drug-addled IG lives.
AFAIK Sematary/Haunted Mound associates with suicide boys and citymorgue so they wouldn’t be a ridiculous addition to the thread, shed mainly has cow crossovers with MDE/Sam Hyde and the dimes square scene
No. 1993892
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>>1993688Anon please make a new thread there is lots of random drama associated with all of these people, these threads are too fun to die.
>>1993807These threads should just be underground music/rap general now, I agree about Semetary being the zoomer continuance of the scene. He's been dropped by like 6 different collaborators now for being a drug addled egotistical monster, his fans bully him for having been fat and being a dork trying to fit the evil persona he has created, and he has aquired an addiction in order to emulate his idols like Chief Keef. He just played a show in the basement of the same venue as Elusin and Snow Strippers, both artists he could have built with if he wasn't a
toxic mess. I feel bad for him cause he is young and you can just tell he really wants to live up to his horrorcore image, but everything that's been said about him by former collaborators sounds like he has always been a huge asshole. One of his earliest and most talented collaborators Ghost Mountain distanced himself because of Sems misogyny in lyrics and also wanting to go to college and be a normal person and not a clout demon. Semetary does stuff like picrel so it seems to have been the right move.
>>1993891Me too and I am so excited that that style of music is getting popular again.
No. 1993964
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>>1993807so semetary is a huge leftist, openly hates anything right wing surrounding his image lmao.
his beef with joeyy is that joeyy is associated with sam hyde/mde.
sem has openly said that if he sees joeyy anywhere he will jump him.
joey, sem get invited to a chief keef album release party, sem just ignores joeyy/dont follow up on putting the beef irl like hes said to multiple times. sem then allegedly calls the police on joeyy at the party, the day after that sem then gets mad at gonner (HM member) for not getting involved in the beef that night. people are shitting on semetary for calling the cops because he notoriously hates cops and even has a song called We Don't Dial 911 :>>1993892so the main allegations that have been leveled against sem have been by two former haunted mound members turnabout and goner that left recently. apparently sem is heavily addicted to opiates, has all members of haunted mounds personal info like government id's social security number, passports etc. that he uses to blackmail them with. Alot of allegations of just being a shitty/
abusive person in general. apparently too sem parents are rich (dad works for disney) and help him fund the label. Most of what the allegations are come from goner here: the haunted mound sub some people are not surprised at all that this is how sem/zane behaves, some are defending sem, but there is some overall sympathy for those involved has alot of interesting characters and i do agree that this is the next wave of sound cloud rap i know a lot more and if any other anons are interested in HM lore so they can catch up LMK, ive been aware of them since 2019
No. 1993975
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>>1993964Anon I would love to hear all the HM lore you have, I like their music but they all seem such a mess.
>>1993927He got sent home from the Australia tour to work on his drug problem, video is from current tour 20 days ago so he is definitely still a tweaker
No. 1994063
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>>1993975they are messy and i love the horror-core style they have, sem is such a sassy man
Haunted mound started in 2019 with Ghost Mountian and Sematary, they had both been dabbling in music/videography for a couple years before they started, they were pretty good childhood friends. during late 2020 ghost mountain decided to step back, due to not wanting to release music anymore and going to college/irl stuff.
this left both GM and sem on not the best terms because with the growing popularity of HM and the persona sem had, was turning sem into a massive asshole/verbal abuse, GM and JJ valhalla (former HM member) had both said so in the past and even leaked some texts dissing sem and saying basically a lot of what GONER had said too.
Because tbh most of the HM fan base is incredibly autistic after GM left the mound some fans went absolute batshit. one of them was a stalker undergroundbasedgod, who revealed past personal photos of ghost mountain and sematary when they were kids, thats how we know that sems family is rich (beside pursuing soundcloud rap as a viable career) the stalker found their family's and leaked everything on tiktok.
the stalker then goes on to harass ghost mountain and and his family, leaking photos of his underage sister and sexually harassing her on tiktok, old videos of when ghost mountain was a kid, current photos ghost mountain in college with his girlfriend, creep shots of him on his college campus, what classes he had, harassing his family members and so on. there were a lot of people on tiktok that took it WAY too far, originally thinking the leaks were a joke, there were also people that were calling the stalker shit out immediately from the beginning; but it stopped when sem and other haunted mound members posted texts from GM (who they were not on the best terms with) basically saying hey control your fans, this stalker shit is weird as hell. Most people on tiktok were starting to call the shit out and report it, HM has alot of just, honestly really shitty grimy fans, and even tho a majority of people called out undergroundbasedgod; there are still a select few who kinda encourage him and work on digging up the personal lives of GM, and other current/former members of HM
No. 1994284
>>1994197TooPoor: posts a new pic/song once every 4 months, then deletes her instagram feed and starts all over. Gets by selling tacky TooPoor themed clothes
Pepper Ann: inactive for years, sometimes posts a random story, claims he's sober.
Emmalita Rose: she's now the sole owner of Rat Clothing as Too Poor left. She's still milking her relationship with Peep after all those years, teams up with momma Peep to do occasional "technically not Peep related but you'll come for Peep anyway" type events. Tries to be a shitty poet now
Prodbyparis: forgotten and faded out, now he tries hardest to look like viking Conchita Wurst
Coco and Poyua: still on and off, Poyua threatens retirement to accumulate maximum sold out shows
anons help us with this further
No. 1994496
>>1993683Anyone have more tea on $uicideboy$/ G59 affiliates?
Some girl on TikTok said last tour scrim was cheating on his fiancé with groupies on a tour bus with City Morgue, she deleted her comments and TikTok’s though.
No. 1994511
>>1994509Honestly both him and Shakewell seem pretty wholesome, but I have to question their decision making skills seeing as they both actively associate with Pouya and Fat Nick. I think a lot of these artists feel like they owe Pouya and Nick… Suicideboys basically got famous through Pouya, a lot of these artists gained attention after linking with Buffet Boys
And Ramirez is genuinely talented.
No. 1994520
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>>1993679Oh look she forgot to filter/ shop her tits
No. 1994769
>>1994520Wow she's lost some weight hey?
>>1994496Did anything ever come of the fiance of the suicide boys who was kidnapped and murdered? I find that such a sad story I really can't believe it
No. 1995129
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>>1993683rubys 22 yo gf had a fanhouse (OF content)
> he turned 30 when she graduated hs No. 1995405
>>1995129You know, these things shouldn’t surprise me and here I sit repulsed. Men who go for women significantly younger than them are predatory and you can’t convince me otherwise. They know that women their age are more mature and won’t put up with their bullshit. It’s way easier to manipulate a 22 year old I guess.
You’d think his family/ scrim would hold him accountable and interestingly enough scrims fiancé is 30/31.
Then again, scrim and ruby are the 2 bozos who refuse to address any drama they are involved in. Up until recently both scrim and ruby were completely silent on the whole pouya/ fat Nick gang rape allegations… they said nothing for years. many fans speculated that the boys stopped associating with them because of the allegations but that was never the case. They just stopped publicly associating with pouya until recently. It was weird seeing conversations in G59 Reddit saying “the boys know better than to associate with Pouya, they would never support a rapist”… people were making these wild assumptions with absolutely no factual basis. Lo and behold, they never stopped associating with pouya, they just kept it under wraps because a.) they don’t want to address the allegations and b.) they don’t want to be under scrutiny for associating with the rapist. We tend to put those we admire on a pedestal and assume the best of them, when in reality we should be assuming the worst.
A few years ago there was a Reddit post (or maybe it was just a comment - can’t remember.) in g59 where someone accused ruby of fucking a minor while on tour and it was promptly deleted. There’s no other info and it could be entirely made up but this made me think… it’s extremely unusual how there is very little info on fan/ groupie interactions with the boys. They were notorious for fucking fans while touring for years and it’s just hard to believe there aren’t any stories or allegations. I mean look at who they associate with. Birds of a feather…
No. 1995408
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This account that actually found out about rubys girlfriend because she posted a Tiktok from the inside of his house in New Orleans before she went private.
No. 1998152
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>>1996513Pouya having a meltdown on IG over apparent break up with Coco. Prior to this he was posting CRAZY shit about CoCo.
No. 1998153
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>>1998152More craziness. He’s deleted all his IG posts
No. 1998154
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>>1998153Cocos only response so far.
No. 1998161
>>1998152Anymore screenshots? I missed this one, he's deleting stuff very quickly after posting since last night. He was asking for girls in Philly to come suck his dick and fuck him very early this morning, but deleted it really fast. Also said his relationship with Coco was over all because of " some faggot"
I'm interested in their bullshit because it's so embarrassing NGL
No. 1998194
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>>1998161Check out r/pouya for more screenshots , all of them have been posted there. ALEGEDLY… this is all over Coco taking this trip to paris without him and allegedly cheating on him. Weird seeing him get upset about her cheating when he cheated with her god knows how many times over the years.
He also posted screen shots of her making purchases with his credit card on this trip to Paris. Honestly if they are truly done for good this time Coco needs to go completely no contact.
Have any of her friends told her that she can have a relationship with a man that doesn’t have allegations against him? Like, there are men who dont rape women and I’m sure there’s one of two who would be interested in Coco.
No. 1998195
>>1998161JFC, anyone who in the year 2024 that uses the term faggot to describe a person is trash. But perfectly on brand for Pouya.
I also saw the post where he says he’s in NY looking for a “bitch to suck my dick”, based on his behavior for the past 2 days I’d say this guy has lost his fucking mind. He sounds manic.
No. 1998197
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>>1998161Umm this maybe a person clowning but any info on this??
No. 1998220
This is next level unhinged for no direct link. The web app wouldn’t let me upload it
No. 1998223
>>1998220He has lost his mind! I 100% support Pouyas downfall and can’t wait for him to become completely irrelevant.
So let me be sure I have it completely straight. He’s been on and off with Coco for 10 years. Never had a problem with the type of content she posts - bikini pics with her tits pretty much completely exposed. In fact, it’s probably what first attracted him to her in the first place. But now, his opinion is that women who post like that are “whores”? I don’t particularly care for Coco but Pouya is a
toxic mess and grade A narcissist.
No. 1998362
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If you aren’t aware of what’s currently going down with Pouya I highly suggest you check out his Reddit. He’s doing his best to manipulate coco. Here’s him casually referring to someone as a faggot in the midst of his public downward spiral. I missed the memo where we all decided it was cool to use that term.
No. 1998365
>>1998226Ok so his IG stories are an absolute mess, and he keeps posting songs/ images of people named Jimmy? He’s being super weird and cryptic and it’s basically impossible to figure out what he’s trying to convey. Some are speculating that “Jimmy” must be the name of the guy that Coco allegedly cheated on Pouya with. However there’s absolutely no proof of this and I highly doubt Coco cheated on Pouya.
They were perfectly fine 2-3 days ago, relationship still in tact, posting each other and such. Aaand now this mess. I’m thinking Pouya is upset about her girls trip to Paris for one. But, it’s a trip to celebrate her friend’s engagement, she’s in a foreign country spending time with her close friends which is why I highly doubt there’s any cheating going on. That and they fact that she very obviously loves Pouya. Her IG still have plenty of photos with him still. She LOVES him in spite of 10 years of bullshit he has undoubtedly put him through.
I don’t like coco but I also don’t hate her. And I just ultimately feel sorry for her. I think she’s lived a sheltered privileged life and doesn’t understand that the relationship she has had with this man for the past 10 years has been
He somehow convinced her that he never cheated and that the allegations against him were false in spite of ample evidence to both.
No. 1998660
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rubys gfs are slutty doppelgangers of the gf who left him before fame and the age she was. krystal on left (broken krystal ball, clyde)
> how does he stay private? hes paying to keep this relationship under wraps. sarah (skateflys) started seeing him when she was 20 / he was 32.
>>1998365hard to see coco as a
victim after she harassed pouyas other
victims No. 1998696
>>1998660Wow, how do you know they starting fucking around when she was 20? He was recently with the Justine girl I wanna say late 2022. so don’t their timelines overlap? I mean I’m not surprised that he’d be fucking more than one whore at a time. It also doesn’t surprise me that he pays/ makes them sign an NDA to keep it all under wraps. I gotta know where you get the inside scoop.
He has Krystal’s name tatted on his neck - mind you they’ve been broken up for years. I’d be so embarrassed to be seen pubically with a man who has his exes name still tatted on them that’s extremely pathetic.
(sage your shit) No. 1999683
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Pouya showing his true colors
No. 1999773
>>1999683he’s truly so deranged, there have been so many rumours about him cheating (that one porn vid of him and fat nick w some girls? tf was that about anyway) and the way he’s always acted in general and now he’s playing the
victim? i think they’re both abhorrent but truly when you think they can’t sink any lower they always do lmao
makes you wonder what was the last straw considering their relationship has always been messy af
No. 2003236
Have y’all been following his continued downward spiral? Every day it’s something new with Pouya!