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No. 254751[Reply]

This girl is recovering from anorexia and eats those HUGE amounts of food since fucking months. She gets extremely pissed when you ask her about ANYTHING bmi or inpatient related - so i have 3 theories: she is a fat fuck who binges on food and claims to recover from anorexia, she has a "hypermetabolism" or she was so fucking underweight (like a bmi of 10 or so) and must eat like that to keep gaining weight. I doubt the last theory is true because : she would've probably been weight restored by now by eating all this shit ton of food and/or her parents probably weren't watching her starving herself down to a bmi of <12 without putting her into hospital and fucking force feeding her.
So what do you think? This account is bothering me for a long time now..
Oh and she also says, even after downing all this food on a daily basis that she's still sooo afraid of it

No. 254752

Why isn't this posted in the pro-Ana thread???? It's highly unlikely this girl needs a thread all to herself

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No. 254621[Reply]

>Danielle Bregoli's(aka the cash me outside girl)mom
>let her 13 year old daughter drop out of school
>there are rumors that she's allowing her 13 year old to date the rapper Kodak black
>her daughter now has 5.1 million Instagram and she's using her daughter as a cash cow
>allows her daughter to get tattoos, a belly button piercing and a tongue ring
>encourages her daughter to post selfies with her boobs and ass out
>is ok with her daughter doing drugs and dropping out of school as long as you brings in more internet fame

Danielle's 20 year old friend who influenced her

No. 254649

It's obvious what you're doing. We can't have a thread on this girl as she's too young. You aren't providing anything concrete about her mother, just gossip about the true, 13yo subject of your thread.

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No. 220048[Reply]

old thread hit limit

>20 y.o. heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief

>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life
>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so
>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!"
>tries to be exactly like courtney love
>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles

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No. 254596

This is not cute or funny!
That looks really fucking bad, like, I'm not going to be surprised if she dies of sepsis or something.
That's so not okay… holy shit…. I wanna throw up

No. 254599

That is so stupid. Like aren't screens easy to take out? Plus why even leave the AC in??? Like she realizes you can take them out pretty easy?? It's even a small one lurch could do it by himself.

No. 254604

She mentioned that Matthew was making her dinner but I doubt it because she would have posted an ~uwu look Chief Areola cooked me dinner~ pic and also I doubt they make food, they live off cereal, takeout and junkfood.
I think things between them are definatley more shitty than usual.

No. 499725

Wow…no activity here since 11 months ago.

No. 892994


New thread

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No. 240809[Reply]

Old thread >>219802

Recent developments:

- Anisa moved in with Ian
- Ian spends $200+ to show up to Tana Mongeau's meet and greet
- Grabs her by the arm and says "saaaaay n**ger" repeatedly until asked to leave
- Anisa films the whole thing
- Everyone continues kissing almighty edupz ass because "it's a meme bro"
- Sky Williams kisses Ian's white mangled dick but shits on Anisa
- Anisa is hurt

Please refrain from whiteknighting Ian and/or excessively shitting on Tana or vice versa. If you want to discuss her exaggeration of the events take it to her thread.

Ian's twitter:
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No. 253568



No. 253601

No. 253633

I'll make a new thread tomorrow if nobody else has made one by then

No. 253701

now ian has egg on his face lol

No. 253747

ol crusty nasty lips looking ass, budget rent a kim k ass bitch, she been busted since the 8th grade, back alley botox, bitch sound like she 1 pack away from havin a cancer kazoo

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No. 185637[Reply]

Does anyone of you ever heard of the youtuber Screamkiwi?
-Claims to be the Queen of kittenplay
-Thinks everybody copies her
-All her friends left her after sometime because she insults them
-Wants to give her cat away to get ferrets with her boyfriend
-Dated her protector (which is a big no-go in BDSM)
-denied her boobjob, which later got confirmed
-Makes a big deal about her weightloss and weight gain, even though nobody sees it besides her

She goes by xxscreamkiwiwxx on every social media plattform

Any thoughts?
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No. 197264

I find it hilarious that she thinks she can get away with lying that she can't give Wilfred enough attention, so she has to give him away. But then talks about getting ferrets and a husky. which are way more high maintenance pets

No. 197276

Cats are pretty self dependent. And have a ferret myself. Love her to bits, but easily the most needy animal. Ever.
Not to mention, if it's a puppy husky. Omg. Lol. This will be a train wreck. There's no reason she should've given Wilfred away.
I'm with a lot of people. She gave Wilfred away cause of Jon. Oh. Jon also asked if he could have Wilfred. She turned it around like he wanted her back lol

No. 234768

I'm into bdsm, but what is this autistic shit? This is why i stopped using fetlife.(no1curr)

No. 245903

where are the receipts on her boob job? I believe it, but I didn't realize there was hard evidence proving it.

No. 251675

"new kink"

just changed ears + tail


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No. 224520[Reply]

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Bahuh/ (public figure page)
https://www.facebook.com/BakharNabieva (personal)
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bakharnabieva/
Youtube www.youtube.com/BakharNabieva8

Early 20s Russian muscle chick, doesn't seem to be a massive amount of personal details within her social media but in 2016 she exploded and currently has one million followers on Instagram and something like 136,000 likes on her Facebook page.
>formerly a camgirl
>currently trying to milk her exposure hard
>Unsuccessfully created a Patreon with seemingly little idea how the platform is meant to work
>Has a YouTube channel where she reuploads her Instagram clips and also steals clips from other Instagram muscle chicks in an attempt to exploit their names/faces
>Since the blow up seems to have attempted to kill herself unsure if directly related
>currently using HGH and attempting to appeal to fetishists to keep the gravy train rolling

Likely going nuclear in the near future
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No. 224527

If she doesn't watch out and doesn't know if I'm her family women have cancer history, she will end up with cancer. Don't fuck with HGH if you have endometriosis or PCOS or cancer in family.

Dumb bitch

No. 224528

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Her calves look small as hell compared to her giant thighs. Reminds me of these pants kek

No. 251077

>swn crush you with her thighs
why even live?

No. 251101

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Horsefucker pls go.

No. 251121

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>implying you wouldn't

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No. 250168[Reply]

The previous banned cow/snowflake rules have been retracted.

At this time, the only banned topics are Princess Doll (because she's a troll trying to exploit sites like these for attention, fame, and money) and anyone related to the Ember anorexia crew.

All threads are allowed except for those, as long as the thread subject is 16 or older.

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No. 36266[Reply]

I figured why not? Anons love drinking milk from Raven. There has been brief mention of Adora and Toxic Tears here. Why not have a thread for cringe found within the goth/alt scenes in general?
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No. 250116

I guess when he says it's not a phase he means it.

No. 250136

He's in his 40s I believe.
Her weight itself doesn't matter to me either, what bothers me is that she is almost delusional about it.

No. 250137

Out of Topic of TT anyone else annoyed by Drac wannabe Kat Makens is being lately?

No. 250138

I'd like to see what she says if she gets lipo and continues to gain weight afterwards and gets fat again

No. 250141

Has she been acting worse lately? I stopped paying attention to her after she started wearing red like Kat.

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No. 236006[Reply]

Let's discuss drama with the people who make their living in j-fashion. Models, shop girls, designers, let's talk dirt.
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No. 242480

I know that MF got into KonMari aka hold onto nothing you don't want or need, and went super minimalism with her whole lifestyle. You could see it on her instagram kind of before just vanishing off of public social media.

I never understood why she just bailed on lolita. If it were me, I'd keep dresses I really loved and would enjoy it all privately. Just because you have a hording problem doesn't mean you have to purge an entire collection. It makes me wonder if she really loved lolita at all, since she got rid of literally everything, as far as I can tell.

No. 242610

this. I think she said somewhere that "milkyfawn" was a character she created? That it wasn't really her and she grew tired of it?
It shocked me how she went from "kawaii lolita brandwhore hoarder" to "minimalist hipster" in no time after seemingly spending so much time (and money) into lolita.

No. 242696

Sage for blog, but as someone who's gone from brand hoarder/shopping addict to minimalist, once your priorities/world views change fundamentally it's pretty easy to get rid of an entire collection. Maybe she still likes lolita but doesn't feel like she needs it anymore.

No. 249110

she's not Japanese, she's half american. I believe her name is Janette

No. 249504

there's a full page ad for anime matsuri in a recent issue of glb

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No. 249118[Reply]

>Got shot in head by Taliban
>Cashed out on a book now living the high life

No. 249125

I've always doubted that this bitch actually got shot in the head.

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