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No. 304278
>>304273Yeah in one of her insta comments she said she works morning &night now
How does she get customers at all? Her Japanese is still bad and Japanese people are pretty racist against other Asian nationalities
No. 304279
>>304278If she had. a lot of customers, she wouldn't be working day & night. lol
She is probably living off the hourly wage (it's like ¥4000~¥5000 per hour).
No. 304368
>>304292She "dated" a host named Ai. He made her do things like wait for him in the snow for 5 hours and always pushed her away.
The way she wrote about the relationship really showed what a whackjobs she. "Our eyes met through the smoke across the room in the host club and I knew we understood each other and our souls bonded" etc etc.
She whined all the time about how she wanted to get married or adopted by Japanese so she could stay in Japan. He got drunk and jumped off a roof and died.
No. 304378
>>304368"Our eyes met through the smoke
across the room in the host club and I knew we understood each other and our souls bonded"
Omg do you have more of these gem quotes? I almost died laughing
>>304342is right, OP should have at least posted her insta, FB and hilarious old blog if it still exists
Insta name is ningyosama btw
No. 304431
>>304368Ai has been dead for ages.
This 'milk' is practically a block of stank ass gorgonzola it's that old. Either you guys need to catch the fuck up or move the fuck on. A whole new thread for this blast from the past bullshit with OP begging for receipts with no new input to add? Reach for the stars OP, at least you tried ☆彡
No. 305028
>>304998What is interesting with Shiena is that she's always keeping the drama as low as possible. Yet hangs out with all of the groups/parties which (openly) dislike eachother.
>hanging out with katies group >hanging out with lorena Also, it would be nice to know her visa status. She's working at two clubs now, while her Japanese is shit, or at least appears to be shit. Even I can understand what she writes, which makes me wonder if she does it on purpose to
trigger people online of if her Japanese really is that bad.
No. 306354
>>306054Not the anon who mentioned gingira, but I looked through the models and I do think that this might be her measurements are right and from the first photo she has the same stumpy fingers that Shiena has.
No. 306381
>>306368That's not her dumbass. The measurements are lied about so shittily for these shops and they often probably use preset measurements. If it if the measurements match up Asians don't have that much fucking variation in size.
It looks nothing like her even with the shoop. Shannon is delusional and annoying but I'm kind of fucking tired of Lara and Sandra making vendetta threads about dried up milk and random bullshit
No. 306388
>>306354hahahahhaha this looks nothing like shiena and the fact you've identified her through
>the same stumpy fingershas me rolling. not all asians look the same anon. and even with photoshop, unless they are directly copy and pasting someone else's facial features and entire head on top on shiena's, this is not her. give up and quit reaching.
No. 306411
>>306382>Sandra is batshit and even signed up as a hooker so she could spy on these bitches IRL. It's been proven she make tons of threads on here>LaraI used to know Lara and her little group years ago before she fled to Osaka. She said she liked posting on Gyaru Secrets about herself as well as other girls.
The reason it's both of these girls starting it as well as other girls who know them IRL joining is because these threads know every single fucking detail about nobodies in Japan. Nobody knows whose these bitches are except people in their smelly weeb group. Katie has posted here, so has Shani and Charlott.
No. 306479
>>306472Except she looks like a typical gyaru and not notably foreign asian. She can't speak chinese nor have chinese mannerisms and speaks fluent english without an asian accent. If you don't see her last name no one will know she's chinese decent at all. For ID checks it lists your country not your blood. So you will be seen as your nationality regardless for law related things.
It's only office work, english teacher stuff etc that she might have some discrimination for having chinese blood.
No. 306490
>>306481My friend was Chinese American and got caught for night work a long time ago but she was let off the hook when she said she made and honest mistake and won't do it again and for good grades, perfect attendance and most of all coming from a "good country".
In the paperwork, they only care about your nationality. Because the rules per country is designated by your country not your blood unless it's Japanese.
On the contrary a white guy friend of mine who had Mexican nationality was scrutinized and examined strictly for his marraige just because of his Mexican passport.
So because she doesn't look foreign the only place that might discriminate against her for Chinese blood are employers.
No. 306503
>>306499She's not kek
Someone who knows her told me it was made up
No. 307288
There's a high chance Shiena had a 3-some with Lorena and Cody Sanderson for jewellery. If you look at Lorena's instagram posts on the 20th March, it seems to be quite a coincidence that it was in Shibuya too (where the love hotel was) . me though if march milk is old milk)
No. 307305
>>307295I did put 'a high chance',
It is just a specualtion/observation. It doesn't mean I believe it to be 100% true, just possible.
No. 307469
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No. 307564
>>307296>>307288You guys are dumb as fuck with no business/marketing experience.
Sanderson makes tack that hosts love. Shiena and Sere go to host/work around hosts, they are perfect for marketing/advertising. Hosts become interested in their huge tacky jewelry and ask the brand, thus Sanderson gets his name spread <i>just</i> a little further.
Why do people bash so hard on people that get stuff for free and can't ever get past the notion that <i>they must have fucked for it!</i>
No. 307961
>>307564Sere only/mainly fucks white old man. It's ages ago that she came close to hosts except for her little boytoy. Even hosts have standards.
I mean, I do see your point and if this story would only include Shiena then I'd definitely be pro your argument. But this story includes Lorena, so your argument becomes invalid. That woman had threesomes with this man before -it was even mentioned on TAG as far as I remember- and she also slept with his son kek
No. 308032
>>307965Yes, personally offended that you're all such fucking morons you can't even see simple business logistics.
>>308018Exactly, Shiena doesn't have this personality type. Only Sere.
Which is why I am still entirely convinced it's BS and this Sanderson dude looked at it from a business perspective. Especially with Shiena, who is a hostess, who is in kabuki surrounded by hosts. Who works with people that avidly go to host clubs and buy their tacky hosts tacky presents.
It makes PERFECT sense why he would select people like that to give gifts of his tack if it means potential business/free advertisement.
No. 308037
>>308035I don't know Shiena personally, I'm just offended at how GODDAMN STUPID people are that no one can think of anything other than people gaining things from sex.
Sere must have met this Sanderson guy in/around/from a connection to the host environment. So, even though she fucks him it doesn't mean Shiena does. It really does make perfect BUSINESS AND MARKETING sense that HE would use them as advertisement, especially Shiena because of where she works!
No. 316336
>>315974Will say it again for yet another dumbass anon.
I'm not her friend.
The level of stupidity and one track mind irritated me.
No. 317863
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Is she doing drugs? She looks so bad these days. And nothing is helping her powdery ass makeup.
No. 317870
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Shiena is dating this guy…maybe they're just fucking. Saw them a couple of times in Shibuya. His name is Andy. He's some haffu bar owner.
No. 317947
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Shiena made a JAV
No. 318023
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No. 318045
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No. 318163
>>318045She knows basic Japanese, she has spoken it in videos, she literally is just socially awkward.
Christ this thread is lame.
No. 318182
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No. 321802
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College graduation photo.
No. 321804
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No. 321962
>>321782>won a scholarship for her art How bad must everyone elses art have been then?
She has a good hand for coloring, but lacks sense for construction.
No. 321968
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bahahahah most of the art she does is of herself and it's just shit
No. 322012
>>321971I think it's only episode 7 or 8 missing. I watched on of them when they were first posted on Ashley's channel and they are pretty much all the same.
its not like anything special happened in them. I just don't think they were saved.
No. 322424
>>322055She can barely speak Japanese so this is dubious at best. If she had such a great job, why is she doing morning kyaba at a shit club now?
>>322108She and Shiena went to language school and were on student visa
No. 322504
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>>322497She didn't even buy half her kyaba dresses. Ashley gave them to her. LOL
No. 322518
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No. 322542
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lol looking through Lorena's ig and found this sequence with Shiena going to meet one of Lorena's clients…wonder what the three of them did kek
No. 322581
>>322571Dania has only had sex once. She was gloating about losing her virginity last year and had pictures. lol
There is no proof for Shiena. The closest anyone got to proof was when Were said she had a three some with Shiena and Cody Sanderson. She ended up changing the ig caption once people pointed it out. Shiena also dated some guy in exchange for her tuition at Vantan. No idea if they had sex or not.
No. 322668
>>322590Because both shiena and lorena have 10k+ followers on social media?
>>322504What if shiena was the thief and not ashley? Maybe that's why ashley stayed silent over those rage posts
No. 322711
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Her English is such shit. lmao
No. 322729
>>322726>>322713Post some actual proof that she is married. Who did she marry?
Why isn't she living with them? If Shiena always does everything legally, she would be living with her husband. It is illegal to live apart from your husband on a spouse visa.
No. 322732
>>322729That horseface girl who married a doctor doesn't live with him
Also laras ex best friend alice didn't live with her husband since 2011
No. 322739
>>322735This! Who the fuck is going to control if every couple is actually living together? Nobody. And the old fuckers don't care as long as they get to have sex with their sugar babies sometimes
Also who the fuck was that whiteknight here defending shiena?
Her Japanese is still fucking horrible. She's a perfectionist and does care if there are mistakes in her statuses. Idk about her speaking skills but her texts are hard to even read. You always have to guess what she's trying to say
I agree she is a very artsy girl but working kyaba for years without even getting to appear on their website doesn't look like great skills.
There's also no way she had much responsibility at 10sion with her limited language skills
No. 322772
>>322764*where people assumed that she would. But alas no baby. None for years.
She didn't quit Vantan. She properly graduated lol. Wtf.
Realistically no Japanese club in Kabukichō will hire someone on a tourist visa and definitely not an overstay. Remember sere had to quit hosting around the time her visa ran out.
No. 322774
>>322772She graduated Vantan in 2015. This was in 2011. It is when she was having some more visa issues. I think she quit because she couldn't pay the school fees.
I think she wanted the baby is with Ai and he said no. She came right out and said she was thinking about getting married and having a kid as an option. I'm glad she was smart enough not to try that.
You're right. Everything in kabukicho is 100% legal. All the clubs pay their taxes, none of them hire people illegally, nothing is shady at all.
No. 322778
>>322776This! I feel like people are completely baseless in half the stuff they're saying. A lot of really stupid shit is being said because people are upset.
Someone post some proof of something. I get that a lot of this stuff relates to her (now private) blog so it's hard to prove. But that is all really really old news. Shiena has obviously changed a lot (job, friends, etc) since the blog ended.
I think we can all agree that not everything she has ever done has been 100% legal or morally correct but like…she's just a normal person. Stop white knighting her and stop just attacking her.
I mean, she hangs out with the most depraved human ever (Sere) and works at two clubs in kabukicho. I am sure we can dig up some really good dirt if we tried. Like, there literally has to be something there. No one leaves a career in kabukicho unscathed. It's impossible.
No. 322779
>>322775Soapland is different. It's more under the table. Kyabakura is more out in the open.
Mayyyybe let's say she got lucky with one club taking her in but what are the odds of two?
>>322774She said something about marriage. Nothing about babies. That's all gossip speak.
No. 323278
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She buys her brand stuff from fril lolololol
No. 323284
>>323278And????? Japanese people keep their stuff in amazing condition to sell it on. It always comes packaged beautifully too.
Brand stuff in good condition for 1/3 of the price…. Yeah….. thats REALLY dumb and snowflakey……
Wow you guys are reaching.
No. 323362
>>321999Not really. If it were middle school-tier, it'd be yaoi hands, wonky faces and proportions galore.
>>323278What's up with Fril? Never heard of it until now.
No. 323427
>>323405It's probably just her internet name, since shiena is also not her real first name
Are you dumb to think that she displays her real full name on some public clothing site? It's just the fantasy name she wishes she had
No. 328608
>>327983Yep. But then again I feel like these gyaru threads that have 20 diff renamed threads are just girls bitching about their friends and ex friends. You don't see this shit on other threads on lolcow.
Most of them incl Shiena aren't cows. Being an escort or hostess does make you a cow yet that's the only milk that's on these threads. That's how you can tell these people have vendettas.
No. 328743
>>328741Wow!!! Such milk!!!!
No. 328744
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She is so ratchet
No. 328782
>>328749Shiena posted one of them together on Instagram. Katie just posted photos of herself.
Why does it matter?
No. 330687
>>330636I like all her friends low key dragging her
"you could be a stylist… but you gotta be flexible… and it takes a lot of talent"
No. 336934
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Criticises gyaru for their makeup
»has zero makeup skills herself
No. 336935
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Just for the kek
No. 336989
enough said lol
No. 337289
>>336992A bar can't give you more than a working holiday visa usually. Maybe it's because they market themselves as a cafe that they actually could sponsor a visa. I really don't know. But she definitely can't get a work visa from a kyaba and she doesn't have a student visa. Is she on a working holiday visa? No visa at all?
Since she started working morning kyaba originally, I suspect that she has no visa. Not really sure. She also works night kyaba now which makes me think she could have some kind of visa but it would have to be a spouse visa. Did she get married?
No. 337297
>>337289She would be required to live with her spouse if she had a spouse visa. With that said, a lot of girls don't do that and test their luck with immigration.
She obviously didn't marry anyone for their money or she wouldn't still be living in that shithole apartment. It also doesn't seem like she was ever pregnant.
No idea what why she changed her name on Facebook to Sasaki. Is it just part of her made-up Shiena identity? Maybe she did actually take her husband's last name. There isn't anyone with the same last name in her FB friend's list who could be her husband. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist though.
She is also still chasing after hosts and other guys who work in Kabukicho so she didn't marry for love. It could be that she married a customer from 10sion and that would explain her leaving? A lot of guys who go to those bars have fetishes.
Has anyone ever seen her on the street with a guy? I know someone posted a picture of a guy on here but she doesn't seem to be married to him, just liking all his stuff on IG.
She also chases after hosts. I don't know if she has anyone host friend's but she probably does. Maybe one of them married her for the visa.
No. 337303
>>337299No. her tumblr is but she rarely uses it anymore.
No. 340469
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What part of this is gyaru? Looks like heavy idol makeup.
No. 340502
>>340494Well, since she constantly cries about things were so much better back then and how she loved her looks far better back in 2006/08 why not?
On a side note:
In a recent post she stated that she makes a rough 300-600$ at one of her jobs a week. That doesn't sound too well for kyaba. I'm not living in Japan right now nor have I tried that job, but I was digging througb blogs and documentaries about this as well as having friends working in this business and they make this amount of money on a single day.
No. 340507
no, she looks good now.
No. 340544
>>340502She's a shit kyaba working at a shit place and so makes shit money
>>340469This softer make looks better on her tbh. Lol that she refused to get a real job because she "just couldn't!" change her look, and now she has to change it for kyaba too. Welcome to being an adult
No. 340550
>>340543I just checked it out and you're right. I misread it. But if she really is making that much in two days in only one job, for what reason does she need two jobs?
Her apartment is probably 600-800$ a month at the absolute max though I think it's more on the 450-600$ side. She doesn't spend much on clothes either, so for what again does she need two jobs?
No. 340596
>>340595She mentioned it a few times on her FB that she wants to buy a condo.
>>340594Since she's doing fuzoku she's probably also not even paying taxes so even if she gets someone to sell a condo to her it'll most likely be at a super shady place
No. 340662
>>340660At the gyaru meets, Shiena never buys anything while everyone else is shopping. She always claims it's because she doesn't like the current trends.
At restaurants, she always orders the cheapest of everything.
I am pretty sure she is broke.
No. 340666
>>340660I agree. It's kinda impossible to tell.
But I don't think she ever tried to make her life seem luxurious or perfect or anything. She says a lot of stuff telling how not perfect her life is and talks about how she used to struggle with this and that giving tips on how to work on a budget if you needed to.
No. 340804
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>>340803Her and Gaya oblivious to the fact these dudes are just giving them lip service
No. 340819
>>340804You are too beautiful
Haha best joke i've heard today
No. 340866
>>340803Her English is so bad! I can't believe it's her first language.
And like…do we even need to comment on her narcissism?
No. 340983
>>340804>I'm taken, I'm not interested anyway Why again do you go to host clubs then?
Aren't you a literal hoe?
Isn't your husband fucking around as well (for a living)?
This is leaving me with so many questions…
No. 341523
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I don't think Shiena is living in Tokyo on a visa. Someone is talking about reporting Lorena to the Australian embassy. Someone do the same for Shiena! Report her to the Canadian Embassy and immigration.
Name: Shannon Wong
Residence: Shinjuku
DOB: March 23, 1989
Employer: Lugano (current), Enchante (current), 10sion (previous)
This is the best picture proving she works in Kabukicho.
No. 342077
>>342071i think you are wrong
there a lot of us here who are living in japan lmao
No. 342117
>>3421111. You don't know for sure if what she is doing is illegal because all you guys have is online gossip
2. Interfering with someone else's life because of gossip you hear on the internet and pretending to be some sort of angel of justice saying you're only doing it because you think someone is doing something technically illegal when we all know truth is no one would give a shit if they weren't in japan and have some online popularity.
3. Let's pretend we do know for sure she is illegally working kyaba. Is she hurting anyone? No. So just sit back and relax and let the law you pretend to care about take care of it… that is… IF your hunch is right.
No. 342119
but it's different for lorena. we all know she does illegal stuff
No. 342564
>>342009If she is freaking out then she obviously has SOMETHING to worry about. Funny that you say this that she is worrying whilst Lorena doesn't seem to give a fuck so Shiena must be lurking HEY GURL
>>342071Actually I am in Japan, just trying to take the trash out c:
No. 342591
>>342564I hope no gaijin befriends your judgmental ass if you are willing to try to do something to someone with negative intent based on rumors you hear about them on the internet.
Is it so hard to enjoy your Japan life without trying to viciously attack others? Something must be really missing in your life anon
No. 342597
>>342591Not that anon, but why do you even care so much?
You are on a gossip site, that is full of threads like this. If you really want to cry about it, report the posts for cowtipping, but otherwise, stop bumping the thread with your whining. Thanks.
No. 342668
>>342597thank you anon
but i don't think shannon is doing illegal stuff now. she must be married
No. 348350
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Lmao shiena is being bullied by her clubs hairstylist and doesn't even notice it
No. 348453
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Lest we forget how Shiena acts at work. Makes sense that no one would like her.
No. 350124
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shannon and her host addiction. when will she learn
No. 351313
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will she ever stop ranting?
No. 354027
This is crazy cringy. has she always been so immature? Yes, this was 3 years ago but she was like 25 then. Something is seriously wrong with her. Also kek at her calling him the #1 host.
No. 355196
>>355191>>355192>>355193Anon, what is with your bizarre obsession/vendetta against Shiena? It's pretty clear you keep bumping her thread along with other threads talking about her all the time, but with no real milk each and every time.
Did she do something to you, anon? I don't get it. You've been at this for a while now. I don't even like her, but it might be time to stop. At least give it some time until actual milk is available? Otherwise it just looks kind of sad and obsessive.
No. 358977
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No. 380000
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The edit on this one…
No. 380002
>>380000I love how Katie usually doesn't tag Shiena or mention her on instagram.
Also, why can't shiena afford to get her nails done? They are so gross and short.
No. 380560
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it was never gonna happen. EVER
he played you like a damn violin and treated you like shit. didn't answer your messages, pushed you away, cheated, lied, ignored you, left you waiting forever - your entire relationship
the only possible positive thing he did for you was to encourage you to do something with your life besides being a shitty hostess illegally, and you ignored it
I don't like you at all because you're a skeezy lazy cunt and full of yourself, but get over this trashy piece of shit guy who was absolutely awful to you for f sake
No. 382460
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No. 386854
>>386670I know that very well you retard, but I tried to explain this to
>>384131 She probably won't ever be that successful especially because she makes out that she hates her job and customers, but also because she got no spouse to support her.
Also successful is always somehow a very wrong word if used in the same content as nightwork. Except for 'they successfully left nightwork behind them'
No. 395739
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>>322550To answer your question.
No. 402611
>>402546Does that
trigger you? She's complained about it ONCE in maybe a month and you choose to focus on it.
No. 408072
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No. 420805
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Someone tagged her in a photoset. This is what she looks like at work for those of you thinking her job is amazing and she isn't in the business of doing anything not classy.
No. 421509
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Yeah…always glamorous
No. 421510
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No. 421511
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And classy lol
No. 422656
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10 years in Japan…
No. 422661
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She worked at Lugano with Shiena. Classiest club ever…
No. 430137
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The boxer client is actually a yakuza client lol
No. 430138
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No. 430178
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The quality of the girls where Shiena works is just laughable…they're all chubby and ugly.
No. 430461
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>>430308That is Shiena alright
No. 430474
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The guy on the right is the one passed out in Shiena's lap in that really red picture of her with straight hair
No. 434659
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No. 434864
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oh Shiena…..
No. 435904
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No. 436011
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No. 436330
File: 1512232442645.png (112.26 KB, 135x385, Untitled.png)

no money to eat but still fat LOL how
No. 436613
>>436428She’s not fat at all, this is a huge reach.
This thread is just the same person posting zoomed in pictures of her trying to find flaws.
(whiteknighting) No. 436993
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Look at her left leg…lol she messed up the Photoshop.
No. 436997
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No. 437079
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No. 437149
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She is wearing a corset…lol
No. 437495
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omg these are so cringe-worthy of the links are about 10-sion and feature Shiena…
and you can see from that pic that her boobs are like an American c-cup (big for Japan)
No. 437524
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Normal clothing hides her bust because Japanese clothing squashes boobs if you have them. This pic you can clearly see the size
No. 438159
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No. 438542
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>>438534For people who zoom up on her photos so much you sure don’t pay attention. Not including boots or shoes worn in previous years enjoy shoe creeps.
No. 438969
>>438926Not paid anything. Just like to thread to stick to real stuff. Like yes she works kyaba but no there’s no evidence of prostitution. Yes she’s 28 and not balling in cash and no foreseeable bright future but no she’s not dirt poor and can’t afford clothes and eating out. A worthy cow doesn’t need fabricated rumors to be interesting. If she’s truly the cow you think she is, milk should come easy no? But so far all you guys got are some zoomed up photos calling her fat which is subjective, calling her poor which I debunked but even then, being poor isn’t that milky, and some links to pornstars you think look like her.
Sage for no new info.
No. 438993
>>438988You can buy jd. There are shops in Nagoya, Osaka and a showroom opened by appointment in tokyo. There’s also the online shop.
Even second hand it only makes it the same price as 109brands. It’s not a bad idea. Japanese take really good care of their clothes so it’s almost like new.
No. 439227
>>439170Last time I checked jd lucky bags are expensive. She wasn’t wearing it last winter so I doubt she got it in the fukubukuro. The coat is also sold separately and still being sold. She also got both shoes in black and white so would that mean she got at least two bags? That’s minimally $1000 right there.
400 in shinjuku? That’s impossible. Even the tinniest apartments are 700-800.
Just because Sere flashes money and spends every cent she gets right away doesn’t mean Shiena has the same spending habit. Judging from her when she was broke stories she budgets naturally.
No. 440121
>>440010"If" you have customers.
Even if you don't get customers you still get some hourly wage. On average in my area 8 to 12 dollars an hour depending on the place.(not talking about upper-class ones, not 100 on those)
If she is making 30 dollars hourly with no customers, I need to move stat. Lol jk.
From my experience, yours may differ. I'm in Low income area, not sure about Tokyo.
No. 440130
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No. 440193
>>440147I wonder if she's just misunderstanding the word to be honest.
In small bars the guy serving the drinks is usually the owner, so you just call them tenchou.
She must've heard that sometime, and once she was behind the counter she thought "I'm here, that must been I'm the tenchou now", without being aware of the actual meaning of the word.
I mean, even if she was trying to lie and use the word to mean she was in charge of the bar, if the bar is inside a club then calling yourself tenchou doesn't mean you're the barista, it means you're in charge of the whole club.
No. 440196
>>440193That photo is of her gyaruru profile when she was tencho of Sere’s bar and she was in charge of the whole bar. Just like when she was producer/substitute tencho of gyaru cafe.
Anyways it’s an old photo. Her gyaruru profile has been saying kyabakura for a long time now.
No. 440199
>>440121Yes you definitely need to move. The lowest hourly wage with no customers for kyabakura in tokyo is 2000-3000yen. 9-1200yen an hour is base wage of a maid cafe or izakaya or clothing shop staff.
>>440159Proof? I’ve only ever seen statuses saying how she survived when she was broke. Past tense. She said it to help newcomers to tokyo out on how to survive on very little.
No. 440889
>>440840>>440837Hello Shiena
Whether she's poor or not we don't know… At least it's obvious that she's not rich. And she has several mental illnesses. Probably narcissism and autism which keep her from having a normal job and normal relationships
No. 441944
>>435904>>434659God this shit is depressing. She's happy to receive a balloon and eating Fami Mart chicken? And this is what she chooses to show to the world? This is what she's bragging about?! I thought y'alls were being too harsh on her before but she is seriously gaining weight and starting to look her age… sad… my advice for Shiena would be to find a homely but stable salaryman living in Yokohama or some shit and settle down. Her current lifestyle is NOT sustainable.
No. 442051
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No. 442077
>>442050I’m pretty sure if someone doesn’t want to pay for family mart chicken it could mean they’re just not hungry. Posting on the internet = bragging now?
>>442051My god stop with the zooming up randomly on shit. The way you crop photos I don’t know wtf you’re getting at other than being a try hard at attempting to make a otherwise normal photo look wierd and out of context.
No. 442569
>>440121800yen an hour is conbini/izakaya wages
Literally ALL hostess clubs pay upwards of 1000an hour even if you don't have your own customers
Most pay 2000-3000 an hour as a basic wage where the fuck are you getting your info from?
No. 442576
>>442569>800yen an hour is conbini/izakaya wages 7/11 and Lawson pay something like 1100/hour.
Once I applied for Famima and they told me I'd be starting at 1000/h if I took the job.
Not saying that you'd be swimming in money as a clientless hostess, but I severely doubt that it pays less than konbini work…but then again, I've never been in a club so I might be wrong.
It just seems weird for borderline prostitution to pay less than working a register does, is all.
No. 442612
>>442598Yeah you’re right other than almost always work other sex work. Some do I’m sure but a lot do also work night as well as morning or are single moms (childcare hours/kid is at school) and some are there because it’s more laxed than night kyaba.
And they’re actually open longer than night Kyaba. But yes it is cheaper than night kyaba.
No. 443296
>>443248Kabukichō is getting strict with foreigners even if they have proper visa. I had a friend with a spouse visa and didn’t make it for any of the night clubs.
Ginza and roppongi is more for Russian looking type gaijin or gaijin like gaijin. If they are Japanese or Asian, oneesan type. In other words not gyaru.
Most night clubs in major areas require you to have dark hair and be ultra skinny. Like model skinny. I’m sure she can get a night club in Ikebukuro, ueno or nakano though. But since she lives in shinjuku maybe she only wanted Kabukichō.
Not too long ago she worked night too. If anyone remembers she has brown hair at that time.
>>443257Shiena already went to Anubis’s opening. She’s known Naoki for a very long time. Longer than she’s known Sere actually. It’s more likely Sere knows of Anubis because of Shiena.
No. 448412
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No. 448936
>>448461>gross lolita trends First of all what is gross abt lolita?
And second, nothing of this, in any way, screams lolita. It looks more like ahe mixed her gyaru stuff with whatever she could find in Harajukus backstreets
No. 448972
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taking this as a career lol. RIP liver. I wonder how she will look or survive in few years. What an aspiring job.
No. 448976
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Actually starting to feel pity and bad for her..
No. 449018
>>449011To be fair her apartment is probably quite dark lol.
From what little she posts of it the walls looked a very dark color and it is severely cramped/cluttered with clothing and other items resembling a hoarder nest. Probably not much natural light or space to properly gauge the overall look.
No. 449829
>>449756>>449758She probably lives in a 1R, a 1LDK has a separate bedroom and 'living' area, if her fridge is across from her bed then its not an LDK.
Also most apartment walls are white regardless of size.
No. 449834
>>449824She made 7000$ for the club/her customer spend 7000$ on the clubs service doesn't equal that she made this amount of money for herself. From her stories on instagram you can tell that she rarely gets hired alone, there's always other girls from the club with here. If you split it she might have made 1000$ or so. That at first seems like alot, but remember this is fast money: what comes fast will leave you as fast as it came to you.
I agree she's not a cow, because she's either really good at keeping her milk in secret or well, she's just not producing any. What I can't agree on though is people who claim she's in any way successful. Because no, the life of a kyaba if legal or not is not a career. It's as some call it borderline prostitution.
Sage for blogpost
No. 450076
>>450011Can we stop with the Hi Shiena bullshit? Looks like anons here don't like it when they are called out for nitpicking or reaching.
sage because no milk
No. 456119
File: 1514539372073.png (631.46 KB, 720x1066, IMG_20171229_101156.png)

Shiena is presenting her fabulous nihongo skills again.
She tries so hard to speak slang but she can't even get that right. Sad when you can't form a SINGLE correct sentence after living there for 10 years. She can't be seen as anything more than a poor katakoto refugee by the Japanese
No. 457081
File: 1514644900173.png (651.58 KB, 720x852, IMG_20171230_153745.png)

Im not even gonna comment on this outfit. If she likes it, whatever. But for always complaining about her clubs hairdresser, she sure does a shitty job at styling it herself, too. Her hair always looks so greasy, roots growing out, hair ends dry and dead-looking af. I liked when she had dark silver hair
No. 457335
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>>457081Nah fam, her self sets look like this
No. 457659
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>>457471She never has her Suji sticking out like that. It’s not her style. The last for sure self set is Halloween. She usually meets friends after work because their days off don’t line up with hers.
No. 457799
>>457659Lol shienas no1 fan. Mad stalking.
No. 460483
This is going to be a pretty long post. Sorry in advance! This is also going to be very difficult for me to write. I have been following Shiena for years now. I used to really look up to her. I thought the Trouble in Tokyo videos were fun, glamorous, and exciting.
My awe dwindled over the years as I watched Shiena move through a horrible relationship, continue to want after hosts, fight with her best friend, and continuously justify her life through one arrogant post after another on Facebook. The longer she's kept this up, the harder it is to feel sorry for her.
I understand the girls on here who defend her. She was able to pick up her life in Canada and figure out way after way to remain in Tokyo to chase after a dream she had. Whether that was bravery, naivety, or arrogance is up for debate. Nevertheless, she did something that many of use have wanted to do. We remember hearing about her struggles on her blog (and those of us who were friends with Dania heard about the rest of the things that were happening in Shiena’s life).
There comes a point (and maybe that point is 1,000 lolcow posts) where we should sit down and look at things for what they are. Shiena has found another way to maintain her life in Tokyo: kyaba. Working in Kabukicho is not a stable, glamorous, or easy job. You can read what you will on the internet but girls who work kyaba face a string of men who don’t respect them, propositions for sex, long hours, and feeling consistently ill from what they’re drinking all while having to maintain a particular public image. We have all seen the ever-increasing amount of photoshop she does to her pictures…
Being a foreigner, Shiena isn’t working towards a 401k or a retirement fund. That has to be tough and scary. She posted today on IG that she worked for 22 days straight. I really, truly hope she has health insurance. Kyaba don’t provide any contribution to health insurance premiums and you must be paying taxes to be on the national health system. I do feel bad that she has so much uncertainty in her life.
This brings me to the reason I am writing on here. Shiena has recently become an indirect part of my outside-of-the—internet life. She has befriended one of my good friends. I have seen how she uses him for money, connections, and entertainment. I’ve brought it up with him and he doesn’t seem to believe it (just like he didn’t believe me when I told him how she actually is). She’ll get him to go to her club and spend more than he should. I know that’s what kyaba do but she pockets a little of the cash each time without telling anyone but him. Her excuse is always that she’s a little short on funds that month. Beyond that, she will invite herself when we (my friends and I) all get together to go out clubbing or for dinner. He can do whatever he wants with his money. She’ll blow him and go to his place in Shinjuku to have sex with him when she needs something. I understand that he is an adult and is getting something out of the relationship. That’s fine if he wants to be oblivious.
The thing that irks me the most is that this is the kind of person she has become. I know she reads this so I won’t post screenshots of their conversations since I know she’ll figure out who it is and he’ll get mad at me. I am also certain that she does this to other guys since I’ve seen her around Kabukicho. Please stop.
No. 460554
>>460483Is your friend dumb to pay a refugee for sex or just really desperate? He deserves it
And there's really no need to pity Shannon at all. She chose this and still thinks she's the shit anyway.
I wonder what she's telling her mom? All Chinese immigrant parents I know drill their kids hard and if one went to JAPAN out of all countries to become an escort, they'd be disowned by their parents immediately
No. 460568
File: 1514993118450.png (405.42 KB, 720x930, IMG_20180103_162330.png)

found a host on insta who is shienas type lol
someone introduce them to each other
No. 460924
>>460568Face isn’t horsey enough
>>460554Her mom is her FB friend and has also come to visit her in JP. Tbh her mom also seems like a money grubber who thinks tacky flashy shit is “glamorous”, so Shannon is living a good life in her eyes
>>460483Her goal is to get married or get adopted so she can stay in Japan forever. Like anybody wants to marry or adopt a Chinese crappy hostess. And if that happens, what is she going to do? Can’t kyaba forever. I assume since she’s working illegally she isn’t paying health insurance or pension. She gonna be doing night work and going to hosts when she’s 40/50?
No. 464155
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No. 467326
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I know that her native language is English, I really do get that. Even people whose first language is English can be so poorly educated that they don't have a proper grasp of the English language.
I know you people will defend the fact that this was posted online so she probably didn't proofread it but her English is consistently atrocious. Read this. It's cringe-worthy.
She can barely form a sentence in English or Japanese. I don't understand what she's doing with her life. This is just so baffling. Why does she think dressing in ugly "kawaii" fashions when she's nearly 30 makes her look anything but pathetic?
No. 493546
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No. 493547
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No. 493550
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No. 493568
>>493547the cirus is open
everybody looks awful
No. 493667
>>493535Knew it. It was complete bullshit or you mistook someone else for her. She was at the Sanrio event that day. Her outfit was not a fur coat and her hair was done up.
About time you stop making up lies.
No. 493682
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She doesn’t look as wide faced in the newest nhk episode. Maybe I’m just used to seeing the unflattering pictures people post here
No. 493685
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No. 494846
>>493682sage for off topic but UGH sarah, she is fucking trashy herself surprised her fucking mom isn't holding her hand
>>493692just resting horse face lmao
from that angle it is unfortunate
No. 497944
>>496878god does anyone else miss her old blog? Ningyo sekai or some shit?
That was some good shit. Reading about Shiena's failed love endeavors and waiting for hours outside Shinjuku station. Mmmm that's some dank sadcringe right dere.
No. 499672
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No. 499680
File: 1518266130626.png (299.97 KB, 264x708, lol.png)

loving the double chin
No. 499742
>>497944i miss it because it was very… raw and real (not in a good way).
she would just ramble on and on. at times i would want to punch a hole through my monitor but if i managed to wtihstand her horrible english, it made for some good lols
No. 500315
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No. 500717
>>500422Yeah, I said before she was sadcringe but tbh, the more that I think about it– she's living the kind of life she wants, living in Tokyo, enjoying the night life etc. It's not my dream life by any means and I can't imagine being content to sell myself (even if she's just selling companionship), but to each their own.
I must ask though: do we have proof her host "boyfriend" actually died? I always thought she made that up and the real reason is that he moved back home to inaka or got engaged to some other girl etc. and Shiena didn't wanna admit it.
Or even that the host faked his own death to get Shiena off his tail.
No. 501356
File: 1518433208992.jpg (142.96 KB, 718x1098, Screenshot_2018-02-12-03-53-26…)

Shiena is still hanging out with Lorena. This is from the end of last year.
No. 501358
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>>501356This basically confirms she is also escorting. Every other girl in this picture is an escort.
No. 504956
File: 1518800453613.png (70.6 KB, 632x467, shiena.png)

my friend found this gem from 2010 lol
No. 504999
File: 1518802225071.png (113.23 KB, 931x575, shiena 2.png)

>>504989not photoshopped. what more proof do you need?
No. 505092
File: 1518805736347.jpg (94.88 KB, 750x1277, shienaaa.jpg)

>>505081>>505081Tell me how can I prove it? if you look closely this is clearly NOT photoshopped. its from 2010.
No. 507304
File: 1518975386678.png (59.46 KB, 940x376, korea.png)

Shiena on visa hopping lol
No. 507306
File: 1518975429166.png (84.76 KB, 608x485, shiena6.png)

When gyaru secret found out she's working as a hostess
No. 516310
I found it rather interesting stumbling on this "thread" out of nowhere whilst browsing the web, and I must say, you guys have a lot of facts right and many things are just straight wrong.
She came to Japan on a working holiday visa, and later changed it to a Student Visa. I thought I knew her well over the 2 years I "helped" her out. We both attended the same Japanese Language School in Takadanobaba, called Yoshida Nihongo Gakuin. She hardly attended class, mostly due to working in a Kyabakura called Neo.
I stumbled upon her and 2 of her classmates outside school one day, and we all got talking, and I decided I'd take them all to lunch. After this we got talking about things and she was worried about her visa in Japan. A few week passed and I decided I'd help her out. I "lent" her the money after talking to supervisor at Vantan and also her mom.
Most of the dresses/jewelry and things you see in her photos between 2012/2014 I bought her. I just had 1 condition for our "friendship" no pictures of me, hence why'd you only be able to find 1 picture of me together with Shiena.
Said photo also includes Ashley and a man Named Kunio.
Oh should I mention I also know Ashley and Sere and many of the other people you lot fancy going on about? I might be persuaded to share more, proof of things I've said here and more, but as of right now I'm not in a very giving mood.
But thank the high heavens I left Japan and all that psycho and treachery behind.
No. 522301
>>522273How can you tell she stuffs and doesn’t just squish them down to fit certain dresses? People who get the pancake effect in Lolita aren’t faking their size but minimalizing it.
Anyone into fashion, especially j-fashion wouldn’t stuff if they aren’t A-B size.
No. 524716
>>524672Oh, please. It's a proof she doesn't have insurance and nothing else.
I don't have insurance either and my visa is renewed every time without any problem.
No. 528068
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This girl surely never get tired of puroland
No. 528558
>>528068wtf is she wearing?
it looks awful
No. 528817
File: 1521027932671.jpg (67.18 KB, 476x705, Screenshot_2018-03-14-04-40-21…)

Anyone in Tokyo is probably already familiar with him. If you're not…he owns a pretty famous bar called Royce where all the girls who work in the red light district go (kyaba, AV stars, etc) as well as yakuza-connected people and other bar owners. Basically who knows everyone in Kabukicho. Mia from Mejibray also frequents it.
Ask anyone who works in Kabukicho, the only girls he follows on instagram are girls who have come to his bar who he's fucked. He's one of the generic rich guys in kabukicho who girls flock to for free booze, fancy meals, and expensive gifts in exchange for sex. Sere is a good example. Welp. He just followed Shiena…
No. 528826
>>528817He is bar owner of Royce and runs a publishing company connected to Ageha. He is really buddy buddy with Sakurai Nonoka who is the producer of Kyabakura N which Shiena works morning shift for.
If you go to bar Royce you will see Nonoka’s photo everywhere there.
No. 528831
File: 1521030015984.jpeg (397.11 KB, 750x424, 5A74278F-B886-4565-A921-4AAD46…)

It’s the pincushion distortion. Making her and everyone else’s heads bigger and fatter while squashing middle that gets stretched out horizontally as it strays from the center.
No. 528840
Nonoka is the producer of this N: is the shop page: you can see, her name is all over it. The same company owns the morning kyaba N. They purchased it recently and renamed it (it was Lugano). However, Nonoka is not affiliated with N morning. Producing and owning a club are different. Nonoka is basically the figurehead.
Shiena works at N morning which is a morning kyaba. No. 528871
File: 1521032994472.jpg (78.92 KB, 720x960, SENPAI3.jpg)

How tall is she? Under 5'?
No. 531676
>>531542tell me more
what happend
No. 536510
>>536506I'm just not sure why Shiena has spent all these years trying to convince us that she's this classy girl living a luxury life.
She's been living in the same god awful, old, one room apartment since she moved out of the apartment she had with Ashley. Her room is a filthy mess from all of her pictures. She's never gone on vacation even once since moving to Japan. 10 years and no trip back home? I assume she doesn't leave the country because she's poor and wouldn't be able to get back in since she's here illegally.
Is she ever going to go home?
No. 536531
>>536519Her mom is tacky af. Country bumpkin Chinese immigrant that thinks anything tacky and shiny is classy. She thinks Shannon’s life is “glamorous”.
>>536501She keeps talking about and posing with her new wallet lol
No. 542334
File: 1522486794916.jpg (75.39 KB, 750x890, 29855605_1672408782825337_9299…)

This picture smells like fish and stink
No. 542335
>>542334Tbh, this pic from the bust up is pretty flattering. Her makeup and contour doesn't look as harsh and uncanny valley as it usually does. Maybe because of the lighting or because it's taken from the side?
But then you look at the lower half of the image and it's just… why would you pull this deep squat "I'm pooping" pose in this kind of dress? You can almost see everything and it's extremely unflattering/gross looking in general.
No. 542578
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No. 542654
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No. 542803
>>542578Her slouch wow girl needs to protect her posture
>>542574Pretty sure there is a 'beauty' auto slim filter on the camera as the feet and legs on another girls photo from the same day looked odd too, but no blurry obvious editing
No. 542878
File: 1522544301198.png (2.75 MB, 1446x1117, piccomp.png)

Here is a pretty clear example of how Shiena edits her body shape. The one on the right is from her IG while the other is a photo she's tagged in. The only difference here is that Shiena has here eyes closed in the left photo but everyone is in the exact same position in each photo so saying that "she's leaning over more which makes her look fatter blah blah" is obviously not true.
No. 542881
>>542843I think she edits but not nearly half as much as people on here claim she does.
People on here seem to not know how camera lenses, angles, lighting and clothing works.
Simple camera 101
Wide angle lenses and video stretches out people on the edge of the frame
Tv video cameras flattens depth making women look fatter and men look more masculine/stronger jawline
Shots taken from above are slimming. Shots from below makes legs look longer, shots from the middle or slightly below makes people look fatter.
Posing/flexing vs relax and slouching makes a huge difference
High contrast makes people look slimmer cooler whereas soft lighting makes people look more youthful, cutesy but also fatter.
No. 542886
File: 1522544856331.png (92 KB, 265x167, survivor's guilt.png)

>>542878why do two of them look like they've really seen some dark shit?
No. 542905
>>542895I agree with this. But I don’t think she edits her boobs bigger or claims them bigger than they are. Just brings in her waist for some photos yet not all of them.
I suspect her weight yo-yos and she edits it more when she’s bigger and less or not at all when she’s thinner
No. 542928
File: 1522548962066.jpeg (Spoiler Image,546.56 KB, 590x1033, A716C9D5-0589-4EE2-8709-1C7849…)

Red is the garment bust line
Blue is her real bust line.
Regardless of whether she’s big or not in America, having boobs 1.5-2x bigger than allotted boob room is bound to make clothes fit weird or uncomfortable. Impossible for garments without sheering or stretch.
No. 543034
File: 1522554831468.png (799.91 KB, 1136x640, E5EF8438-0745-4005-B81C-324D46…)

She was on Kawaii International so you could see what she looks like in real
No. 543036
File: 1522555024277.png (791.73 KB, 1136x640, 343EDFD9-E46D-4F3D-BF2B-C02C9C…)

Can see that her contour to change from a natural flat nose is very dark. Also there is a double chin she tries to hide with dark shading and with the sides of hair
No. 543052
File: 1522556938725.jpg (74.75 KB, 834x719, Screenshot_2018-03-31-21-25-27…)

This is from one of Katie's YT videos. You can really see how harsh the contour is and how much of a double chin she has. It's probably a bit worse looking since her mouth is very slightly open but still. I guess her jawline is just going because of age and how poorly she takes care of herself?
No. 543058
File: 1522557340829.jpg (112.34 KB, 704x884, Screenshot_2018-03-31-21-31-16…)

Professional shoot with edits here and still almost no jawline
No. 543065
>>543060Watched the show and she doesn’t when she’s not looking down. but since a lot of the show involves looking at things lower than eye level she’s looking down a lot.
>>543058As I said weak chin
No. 543112
File: 1522565244781.jpeg (144.24 KB, 784x879, CDC911B9-055F-4E3F-932B-4EB5A1…)

Dat arm
She is too desperate to have a tiny waist and skinny arms
No. 543123
>>543122Yeah that explains him sending me large amounts of dick pics.
>>543113To be honest is was 3 years ago can’t remember his name haha I looked through my line block list but couldn’t find him.
No. 543142
File: 1522575784995.jpeg (514.94 KB, 640x677, BE8D7C19-7BF5-4D81-91B3-A4DD8F…)

Fuck that chicks makeup is busted..the worst overdraw lips I’ve seen
No. 543146
>>543122She mentions on Facebook that they live together but didnt she move to Japan recently? Gross esp. considering how he bounces from gaijin to gaijin. Why is he with her then?
And if anyone has caps of talking to him please share
Sage for zero milk
No. 543801
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No. 543807
File: 1522633146663.png (100.26 KB, 640x859, IMG_5816.PNG)

>>543587Not for long if she's vague posting like this. He probably has been chasing other gaijin for months and it sounds like she's starting to crack
No. 543858
File: 1522636652087.jpg (244.15 KB, 1000x1500, e2bd4e641d64af05b503d0850db2e5…)

>>543136Not really a weeb, but I do have a soft spot for alternative fuccboi types regardless of race. I'm not saying I have good taste, but from what I've seen, he's pretty decent looking for a visualkei wannabe gaijin hunter type?
>>543801>>543805I think she's implying emotional abuse/neglect moreso than actual physical abuse. She seems like a nice enough girl, but very idealistic/naive. I'm sure he seemed like a catch at first given her interests in Japanese subculture, but it sounds like he takes out his personal problems on her. I am pretty curious to see who the next gaijin girl he chases after/dates is. He might be worth posting in the gaijin hunter thread after all.
No. 543901
>>543810They still live together and have photos of each other on FB/IG up. If someone is closer to them please give deets
But we should carry this over to the gaijin thread since theyre Shienas friends
No. 544099
File: 1522667313533.jpeg (330.13 KB, 750x1174, 5B3DDAA2-3F7C-4257-949E-64F869…)

For those who are too stupid to look for themselves…
No. 545210
>>544495I rather wonder why she bought such ugly ones for such a high price
>250$ for two swimsuits Sth she could have easily gotten for like 20$
No. 545341
>>543036>>542878Asia really gets the worse europeans. I've never seen a beautiful white woman in asia. I live in japan.
I would not have guessed that was shiena. she edits herself to look like a blowfish. She really is a lolcow and I am going to follow her sms.
No. 545731
>>543858Oh my god. I was wondering when Daisuke was going to be mentioned on this site.
He is a piece of work.
Before I moved here, he found me through my instagram and messeged me on Line "because I was cute" and we started talking. When I finally moved to Japan, we went out to eat and then to a love hotel and I had one of the worst sexual experiences of my life.
He then proceeded to tell me all about his life and how everyone should feel sorry for him because he has had a terrible life due to the fact that he is a bastard child that was the result of an affair.
Also, he saw my tattoo, and then got a similar tattoo to mine like a week after that. It's on his wrist.
I'm so for discussing this guy in the gaijin hunter thread, hell, if there enough milk, maybe even making a thread specifically for him, cause he is pretty milky to be honest.
No. 546338
>>545731Did he give you the story of how his dad committed suicide in front of him as a kid?
I had to eventually block him and he keep saying he was going to kill himself and nobody loved him….
No. 547867
>>547858Everyone is a slut for something.
There promiscuity in every culture, or race. Every culture is different ideals what is sexual and what isn't. None of you are right.
That's typical chrtianized way of thinking. So people can't like sex now? Is it some kind of sin? Clothics don't have anyroom to talk about sexuality. We're animals, it's natural.
You guys are just race baiting. Quit it with the complex. Get on topic.
No. 548348
>>545210She always buy ugly shit and have awful outfits.
>>544099She might want to get that checked out and her club don't have insurance or shit wtf?
No. 575688
File: 1525676112132.jpg (175.31 KB, 718x1058, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-54-03…)

Oh look…it's Shiena who is definitely not an escort or prostitute.
No. 589994
>>589850Sage for no milk but…
Please stop bumping this thread. It's pretty clear that there are just a couple of people posting the majority of the things here. Maybe it's Shiena trying to stay relevant or someone obsessed with her.
To the Obsessed with Shiena anon: Shiena is really not someone you need to be jealous of. She's a year away from 30, she doesn't have a stable job, she's got no car or house, and her life isn't going very well. She works in the redlight district hustling gross, rude, disrespectful old men for nowhere near enough pay. I mean, it took her 10 years in Japan to buy a decent mattress. Beyond that, her parents rarely come to visit and she hasn't left Japan since she moved. She's probably also living illegally here with no health insurance. Don't be jealous of her. She's got milk, it'll surface when and if it does. No need to keep trying to get it out of people.
No. 590031
>>589994Sage for no milk
Realistically speaking, you’d have to be a millionaire to get a house and car in tokyo. Even then that’s not stuff you buy until you’re ready to settle down.
I doubt it TOOK her 10years to buy an expensive mattress, it just took her 8yrs to care or need to replace one. No other jfashion kid cared about buying a good mattress ever. The fact she thought of it is surprising. And why would anyone WANT to go home every year or travel if they like where they live so much.
Tl:dr if you think these are things anons here care about you’re way too adult to understand.
But I agree she’s boring in terms of milk.
No. 590328
>>590031You don't need to be a millionaire to have a car in Tokyo. I have one. Car costs in Japan are pretty similar to where I'm from in the US.
Also, vacations are great and have nothing to do with how much you love where you live. I see my parents every year. I get that Shienas parents don't seem to care about her though.
No. 590620
>>590328It said car AND house not just car. You don’t need a car in tokyo though. Parking is like 3-50,000yen a month anyway. Complete waste of money.
Believe it or not not everyone likes to travel. Her parents not caring about her is bullshit. Her mom and her are super close.
No. 590870
>>590789I rent a house here so my parking is free (in my driveway).
Also, her mom has only visited once. Her dad came to Tokyo on a business trip and bought her something expensive to make up for the fact that he doesn't pay any attention to her. He didn't even come to see her. Like…Her parents don't love her. It's obvious.
No. 590898
>>590870Yeah you RENT a house. Not the same as buying one and I doubt it’s in shibuya/shinjuku area if even tokyo.
She phones her mom a lot. They’re really close. It’s pretty obvious on sns that they’re close too.
No. 595641
>>595538Oh and obviously it’s very important for her to keep her hair blonde.
She’ll never leave kyaba
No. 599163
>>599139It's possible she might have had a kid, given the way she dresses, it would be somewhat easier for her to hide it wiht empire waistlines if she laid off those belts a bit.
Tbh though, in reality it's likely she just got fat. It's already been shown she edits and depends heavily on posing/angles to try to look slimmer and yet she still looks kind of chubby most of the time despite her efforts.
No. 599206
>>599169I don't know about that anon. She's honestly just kind of an average, short, somewhat chubby girl. She does have a fairly large chest for being a short Asian girl I guess, but her waist/hip ratio, and short stocky legs are meh at best, even outside of Asia. I don't think Shiena is particularly ugly either, she's just a kind of average looking girl with a lot of makeup, filters, heels and tight belts.
She is pretty clever as far as to knowing how to dress though. The fluffy skirts give her an illusion of wider hips to balance her larger bust, the too tight belts pinch in her waist as a kind of a make do corset of sorts. The heels give her a little more length on her legs, etc.
No. 599781
>>599654Really hate it when forginers complain how Japan inconvenient for them. It's your choice to stay here, so suck it up. Maybe reflect on your own life, maybe your the problem. If you move to another country, you can't force your own customs or veiws on those people. It really gets on peoples nerves, they will ask your opinion if they want to know. Be repectful.
B. If you hang out with skech people, what do you expect? You put your self in that position. (not saying they deserve it, if someone has done crime towards you yes report it) You don't have to chill with them.
C. If you think Japan is that bad. Let me tell you all the things wrong about your country.
No. 599839
>>599781D. You suck it up in real life and don’t talk about it to Japanese people and rant about it on fb.
Japan has its faults just like any other country. Just because you chose to be there doesn’t mean you have to like everything about it. That’s just unrealistic. If you only want to see the positive side stay on her Instagram.
No. 606791
>>606788Her blobs lmao
10/10 spit out my tea laughing
No. 606792
>>606788Her blobs lmao
10/10 spit out my tea laughing
No. 613660
File: 1529276440625.jpeg (56.97 KB, 750x296, 74664819-C27F-48F2-87AF-9C4908…)

A friend was asking people in japan their working hours/payment
Then this shows up… she doesn’t mention her wages, just her daily routine and admits she does work the morning
Friend was surprised to learn drinks in japan are literally a 24 hr thing lol
No. 614863
>>614557My friend was mostly making complaints that she works shit hours (but is a teacher so it’s expected) and asked in general what everyone else’s working hours were like in Japan, where most of them are also teachers (your usual one year visa with no perm contract visa hopping shits) with terrible contract hours but more free time.
And that was basically it, but confirms her working hours and days blah blah for those wondering how she can afford to live in Tokyo
No. 615807
>>614986>>615797The amount she makes was highlighted in the gaijin gyaru thread, someone found the pay rates that her club offer for morning kyaba. Its 4000yen per hour.
She works between 4 to 9 hours a day and 6 days a week.
So, a minimum of 4 hours at 4000yen per hour is 380,000 a month
She makes decent money. Quit being bitter.
No. 615880
>>615807Yeah and you conveniently ignore the points that make it impossible for her to earn the full wage
1)she looks cheap af, where'd that money be going?
2)don't fucking believe what a shady kyaba ad says. They only write that stuff to have as many girls come in as possible. They ALWAYS find excuses to pay less unless you're a super erokawaii plastic surgery goddess
3)working illegally
4)she's Chinese and her Japanese is extremely bad. It's sad but most Japanese are very racist against Chinese and Koreans and no popular rich guy would pay to have an illegal immigrant talk to them in katakoto nihongo.
It's the poor disgusting alcoholic guys who go after philipino nomiya girls(you know, the ones who go to kyaba in the morning or at noon……)
No. 627785
File: 1530616904392.png (848.01 KB, 720x1057, IMG_20180703_132054.png)

>>616071Yes keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Nonoka Sakurai only let shiena work for her because she gets bullied for being half-filipino herself
Bonus RECENT pic of Shiena. She def looks like someone who makes 6000k+ a month /s
No. 630244
File: 1530891394419.jpeg (89.9 KB, 750x261, 7B474293-089A-42FF-9815-646E9E…)

Just let people alone Shiena, the most people think the same for your make up and fashion sense too
No. 632139
File: 1531122112608.png (637.59 KB, 720x974, IMG_20180709_093824.png)

Trying to read this mess gave me brain cancer.
She's been living there for what, 8 years? SHE CANNOT EVEN ASK "WHAT DO YOU THINK?" CORRECTLY IN JAPANESE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS what the actual fuck, is she even trying?
No. 632718
>>632139I just about went cross eyed when I read 流行っしている(
No. 633245
>>633039Seriously after years and years of living there one should be able to form a single sentence correctly, even without studying. How can you live like that?
The most unlikable thing about her is that she's always calling herself a perfectionist and has a "better than you"-attitude, when she's actually just a lazy mess.
She thinks so high of herself, but what's the actual difference between her and some random immigrant who comes to America and gets hated on because they refuse to learn the language and adapt to the culture?
There's none.
No. 633252
>>633248She graduated. There’s pics of her graduation and her graduation folder.
Maybe she’s just one of those people who cares about some things and doesn’t care about others. Like doesn’t proofread what she writes on the internet but properly writes things if it’s an essay etc.
Regardless of a couple of mistakes it’s not like you don’t know what she’s trying to say.
No. 633259
>>633247What do you mean? That her Japanese was only bad in that recent insta post?
lol no, go look at her other Japanese posts, every single one is cringey as fuck. There's just no reason to write about them here all the time.
>>633252Hi Shiena.Yeah, if you're cool with being the baka chugokujin forever of course you can go on like this. Funny how you're only a perfectionist when it's convenient for you.
No. 633328
>>633323This. Her Japanese is cocky too. You don't say 今度コーデみしてあげる as if you're some super famous celebrity and everyone's just waiting for your pics.
As everyone has already noticed her language skills are shit though so she probably doesn't even realize it. I think it's something she does unconsciously. No wonder she has no Japanese friends, as their culture is all about acting modest
No. 642411
>>633186Japan has a declining birthrate for some time now, which means declining enrollment for colleges. The standards are going down. For instance, the admissions rate of Tokyo U is about 25%, whereas for top American universities like Harvard and Stanford it's 5%.
A school like Vantan (vocational college for people aspiring to go into makeup, hair, fashion etc) would already attract the students who aren't great at book learning. On top of that Vantan is not considered to be the most prestigious fashion college in Tokyo, it's more of a mill like Blaine in the US.
My guess would be as long as Shiena submitted SOMETHING for her assignments, and kept paying her tuition, that was probably enough to graduate. Her program might have had one or two courses that were specifically writing focused (most Japanese colleges have something like "information skills" which involves using a computer etc, and a basic accounting course, for instance), but she could get help from friends or do "group work".
Source: Did a degree in an Asian university considered very prestigious in its country; instruction was only in Chinese; we definitely had foreign graduates could barely string a sentence together in either English or the local language because they were willing to fork over tuition and the university liked seeming "international" and "cool" by having a French guy around, even if all he did was hit on girls and complain
No. 645616
>>645294 a visa would never take 2 years to process. No country in the world would allow someone to stay in the country for that long a period just waiting for a visa. Heck some people only get a 1 year visa and you honestly think she basically got 2 visas whilst waiting for hers? Looool anon you are wild.
>>645304 I agree this is also a load of shit because people go to Japan on student visas and working holidays. They don't pay into the pension. You take a picture, leave your fingerprints and information and then you get your residency card. Have you ever lived in Japan? It doesn't seem like it. Pension is paid partly by yourself and by your company, city tax is based on where you live. For example, the tax in Minato-ku is going to be a different price to that of Shinjuku-ku. The amount you pay is also dependent on how much you earn. Your first year in Japan you don't pay city tax and health insurance is capped at 1000yen a month.
You girls are really reaching to give some kind of 'milk' on this girl, but at least try to do it intelligently.
No. 645796
Foreigners aren't eligible for pension benefits, so don't have to pay into it. National Health insurance is technically required, but visas can't be denied over it. TAXES on the other hand…
A lot of foreigners think that because the cops don't show up immediately if you don't pay, that they can get away with not paying at all. EVENTUALLY, the tax people come after you. When you try to apply for visa renewal, immigration WILL check if you've been paying. So if you HAVEN'T been paying, or are even just behind, they will deny your visa.
I was a bit behind on mine before getting my renewal, so I scraped together everything I had, and was able to pay everything to get up to date before submitting my visa renewal application.
Girls like Shiena play with fire by not paying, thinking that "everybody gets away with not paying, so why should I pay?".
I think it's either taxes, or they found out about her sham marriage.
No. 645822
Foreigners in Japan are required to pay taxes and into the social insurance if they are residents. Resident means that they have lived in Japan for more than a year. Everyone who earns money in Japan must also pay income tax on those earnings no natter their visa type or how long they worked in the country.
Even people on a student visa must pay the social insurance but it has a very low cap and is often dealt with through the school. I did my master's degree in Japan and had to pay both taxes on the income from my job and social insurance., all residents of Japan must enroll in some form of social insurance., these costs are split between an employer or school and the person. Kyaba won't offer any of this for obvious reasons. Shiena would need to be on the National Health Insurance because she would need to pretend to be unemployed or self employed.
More likely than not, she is not paying taxes or any kind of social insurance. If she participated in either of these systems, someone would need to see her visa at some point (which it is unlikely she has).
The only confirmed visas she has had are a working holiday visa and a student visa. She probably had a work visa when she was working at 10sion and/or Pictop.
It is possible that her break from social media is because she is in some kind of trouble. She has taken more than two weeks off at this point which is really unusual. If she was ill, she would most likely have updated something by now.
I would say immigration could definitely have caught up with her. She is most likely working illegally at her club (not on the website, no evidence of being married, etc) which puts her in a pretty risky situation. She also went to a hospital not long ago because she cut her finger with a knife. You have to fill out a bunch of forms in Japanese hospitals that ask about your visa status, whether you are on the national health system, and where you live. Her trip to the hospital could have raised a lot of flags depending on how she filled out her forms. You have to show some kind of ID with an address on it which is not good if you are living in a country illegally. No doubt Shiena has her old visas and Japanese ids of some sort. Showing any of these would cause a reasonable person to be suspicious. If she has an expired visa, red flag. If she has an id with a Japanese address but isn't on the national health system, red flag.
No. 645823
>>645796If you work in an actual company you pay into pension and are eligible for it, the company pays in too. If you leave the country you are eligible to take up to 3 years of it out of the country and then return to collect the rest if you paid more. I don't know what shit company you worked for that didn't do your taxes properly.
>>645813>>645810I was replying to the anon stating about the change in laws. Thats the bullshit. You pick up your card at the airport and pay your tax when you work. Your company will deduct everything for you, or you can opt to pay your city tax yourself.
No. 645863
>>645842That guy lives in Hokkaido. How do you figure?
>>645823You pick up your FIRST card at the airport. ALL renewals are done at immigration.
Also, any company that has you on a "temp worker" or "independent contractor" (which is almost ALL major English teaching companies), there are no paid benefits, including pension. So, even Japanese people who are temps (which is a LOT these days, because Japanese companies are becoming as stingy as American companies), you have to pay your own benefits.
Your visa doesn't require proof of pension or NHI payments. Only proof you've paid your taxes.
No. 645872
>>645863You get your actual card, the only thing you go to the ward office for is to register your address. You don't have to pay anything upfront. The only time you have to prove you have made payments is for renewals as you said, unlike in your OP where you suggested that you had to pay before you even got your card, which is incorrect.
Yes exactly, temps If you work a temp job in your own country you get no benefits such as pension so why would it be any different in Japan. What is with you trying to bullshit people?
If you want to work and make a life in Japan, work full time at a proper company/school/hospital, whatever, and all your taxes and pension etc will be done properly, they will even renew your visa for you and all you have to do is wait for it to arrive at your place of work. I haven't been to immigration in 3 years and I'm currently on a 3 year visa.
No. 646733
>>646596I entered with a student visa. At the airport, when you fill out your declaration forms and stuff, you indicate if you are coming in on a visa. When you arrive at the airport, you go to the immigration people there who check all your paperwork and stuff.
The alien registration card system was abolished in 2012 and replaced by the residence card system. This is issued at the airport unless you are on a tourist visa. The alien registration card could be issued at the airport or a local immigration office.
All of the alien registration cars expired in 2015 and everyone had to get the new residence card. You must bring this card with you when you try to extend your visa. For me, my local office asked for proof of my degree completion as well as proof that I had paid taxes and social insurance. I got my tax receipt from a konbini and my social insurance stuff was on an official document my school issued me. When I switched from a student visa to a different visa, I also had to prove that I had paid taxes and my social insurance.
I think the tax forms were the ones they actually cared about though. I also got the sense that they track the social insurance payments more strictly now because you are eligible for a Japanese pension even as a foreigner if you get permanent residency.
The new IC card system has made immigration much tougher recently. Even if Shiena was in a sham marriage, her address and tax situation would raise serious red flags if she walked into any immigration office. I think she probably just has been hoping that no one will catch her overstaying. Her landlord wouldn't care about her visa status if she rented the apartment at a time when she had a valid visa. They just wouldn't check. She also lived in that awful apartment illegally with Ashley all those years ago so she is definitely willing to take all these risks to stay in Japan.
Maybe she went overseas to try to get a tourist visa or a working holiday visa? That would be a pretty big risk trying to come back into Japan though…but Lorena has done it a bunch.
No. 647002
Post proof
No. 647033
Post proof
No. 647282
>>647089Different processes for different areas. I arrived directly into Tokyo. The smaller airports send you to immigration/city hall for the card.
I still don't understand how you had to pay upfront, tax is based on your income so how can they tax you when you haven't worked yet
No. 647778
>>647772When you go to apply for the kyaba job, they usually start by offering you half the rate on the ad. If you are a foreigner, the club usually won't budge in that. Then they always find a way to do small deductions from your paycheck. It's awful.
Not as awful as the though if Shiena as an English teacher. She barely knows how to use proper grammar.