File: 1491487587581.jpg (6.46 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

No. 285594
Anna Storelli has 10 FB accounts, 8 amateur porn videos under the name Anna Marie, a deranged Bieber obsessed twitter, a criminal past with profection orders, and another video has surfaced of her talking to herself about mermaids.
I won't link all her FB profiles since half are duplicates with the same pics or no pics. No. 285595
File: 1491487932074.png (345.93 KB, 679x509, 20170406_081052.png)

Before and after:
Her in college and her now, at 28.
What happened?
No. 285603
File: 1491494881753.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.86 KB, 720x960, IMG_20170406_100423.jpg)

Gonna do a pic dump in case she starts deleting accounts
No. 285606
File: 1491495210742.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.44 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1491494970415.jpg)

No. 285607
File: 1491495394898.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.29 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1491495032020.jpg)

No. 285608
File: 1491495443746.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.63 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1491495010162.jpg)

No. 285613
File: 1491495671526.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.73 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1491495034513.jpg)

No. 285614
File: 1491495729098.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.6 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1491494987213.jpg)

No. 285615
File: 1491495847163.jpg (39.25 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1491495001698.jpg)

No. 285616
File: 1491495939973.jpg (39.23 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1491494999024.jpg)

No. 285619
File: 1491496165184.png (694.21 KB, 1080x1854, 20170406_102611.png)

The perfectly normal Facebook account of a 28-year-old.
No. 285620
File: 1491496333409.png (1.19 MB, 1069x1447, 20170406_102631.png)

No. 285624
File: 1491496460669.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1446, 20170406_102653.png)

No. 285628
File: 1491496607140.jpg (76.17 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1491494912105.jpg)

No. 285630
File: 1491496720617.png (959.46 KB, 1080x1412, 20170406_102714.png)

No. 285632
File: 1491496834651.jpg (26.37 KB, 481x480, photo.jpg)

No. 285635
File: 1491496907468.jpg (7.49 KB, 180x240, 163621878_display.jpg)

No. 285649
File: 1491497759919.jpg (187.38 KB, 683x1024, 3102344614_9150aa6281_b.jpg)

No. 285650
File: 1491497876119.jpg (65.16 KB, 1200x628, 5cad-e187-4260-8442-59b0be0074…)

No. 285651
>>285606She was pretty normal…what's happened?
Wow, this is actually kind of sad.
No. 285653
File: 1491497984828.jpg (155.1 KB, 720x1200, 2015_05_21_17_31_54_345_Mint.j…)

She looks normal in her younger pics and as she gets chubbier and older she looks more and more unhinged
No. 285713
>>285602It can't just be the virtual reality experience, right? There were other participants, and I doubt they ended up like this. She probably had the genetics for schizophrenia or something similar.
It's really sad. It looked like she was going to be a promising artist. I wonder how she makes a living now.
No. 285720
> She may have lost her mind following a college experiment where she spent 365 hours submerged in virtual realityOk, I'm no scientist, but I know enough to know that a whole ass year in an altered reality is gonna
trigger something in somebody
No. 285725
File: 1491507022354.jpg (44.92 KB, 722x479, margo.JPG)

for a moment I honestly thought this was about margaret palermo and her failed hair perm experiment lmao
No. 285873
>>285649This is mostly sad, she's clearly mentally ill. Look at how cute she was.
I feel like she's not a cow at all and just a sort of lost soul.
No. 285876
She's obviously developed some sort of mental issues. Really sad to see the change in
>>285595Just like the guy said in the video - she must be harboring a lot of shit that's turned her into a nasty bitch from the inside out. Something(s) must've happened that's made her lose her shit even more as she gets older.
No. 286178
File: 1491583299579.jpg (256.25 KB, 750x993, img_3943.jpg)

does anyone have a link to the study this fuck (prof?) Cardenas @ UCDavis did about being a weirdo for an entire year (second life)
would be interesting asf to see the notes on that shit, eh? c'mon internet don't fucking let me down pls
No. 286270
>>286268Punctuation is the difference between
>I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horseand
>I helped my uncle jack off a horse No. 286324
>>286281In this link
>>285596it says she's burned all bridges with anyone that's close to her due to her mental illness.
I assume her family gave up when she started racking up criminal convictions. Also, she's publicly accused her father of sexual abuse, which could be her paranoia.
No. 287166
File: 1491689475843.png (Spoiler Image,104.85 KB, 622x525, lol.png)

wow she is a new crazy she thinks Justin beiber is her bf and she even posted her number for him. Justin has banned her on twitter twice now.
No. 287326
File: 1491707752561.png (38.96 KB, 606x307, annastorelli.PNG)

>>287321No way this is her real Twitter? I can't believe this is the same woman losing her damn mind over a forehead kiss.
No. 288574
File: 1491848393309.gif (Spoiler Image,481.67 KB, 320x180, BEST_OF_ANNA_STORELLI_FREAK_OU…)

>>288573Meant that comment for pic related.
No. 288598
Maybe she was grumpy becauae she needed blood and seeing folks giving each other hickeys
triggered her.
Ha, didn't know this happened in Santa Monica.