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No. 244778
Recently there has been a bit of milk flowing from Cyr's camp which is proving to be quite interesting:
>his roommate and frequent partner in videos (and fellow youtuber) Edwin was kicked out of their apartment with his girlfriend, Mina>Mina is also Cyr's ex, and is (or was) very close with his current girlfriend, Dasha>Dasha and Cyr have been dating for about a year>Dasha and Mina are known for looking extremely similar and have caused some questions towards Cyr not only due to this but also their age (very early 20s)>Whenever the girls are in Edwin and Cyr's videos they are dressed and act very sexually presumably for clickbaitWhile it hasn't been confirmed as to why they were kicked out, there are many different rumours going around. Dasha also did a periscope explaining her side but it has been taken down.
Cyr is a longtime youtuber who used to be good friends with Onion and had a messy falling out. Hasn't gotten huge but is known for edgelord 'aesthetic' videos: is a smaller youtuber, mainly gets his views from using cute girls in his thumblnails or being in Cyr's videos: is Cyr's current girlfriend from Russia. She's a model and is now making chokers: is Cyr's ex and Edwin's current gf. Also a model: No. 244787
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In Edwin's video where he vlogs him and Mina leaving for Arizona, here is a comment that someone seems to summarize what happened according to Dasha.
No. 244803
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Just from watching her shit all over Onion the past month or so, she seems like an okay person. Is there really any milk to be had from her, Cyr, and the other two you mentioned?
On a related note, what is up with this and similar pics she's taken and put on Twitter? Does she have BDD or something?
No. 244822
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>>244803She says that she edits her photos a ton for her own aesthetic. Somewhere in her insta she posted about it saying people need to stop complaining because she does it for fun or something.
In regards to the milk, there's definitely something there. It seems that Mina was brought to LA to be in a poly relationship with Dasha and Cyr, and her and Edwin hid their relationship from them for some reason. We're hoping more info comes out soon. Tbh it's kind of funny how the whole poly with much younger women is happening with Cyr.
No. 244823
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>>244822Her reasoning is a bit weird honestly, but to each their own, I guess. Shit looks pretty dumb though.
How much older is Cyr than Dasha and Mina?
No. 244901
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>>244803Her shoops creep me out, especially since we've seen her in vids and she's clearly pretty good-looking without shoops.
No. 245221
>>245205Lol no. You wish haha.
>>245191Yeah this was a mistake on my behalf - i think i'd a be a cunt if I spilled it on here. Plus, I think eventually I would reap the repercussions and I don't want any drama in my own life.
>>245192This is the only thing I don't really get but maybe it was taken as a spur on the moment thing? I don't see Edwin as a nasty person although I've never spoken to him.
No. 245343
>>245292Because I saw this and my feelings made me want to write a post. It would not be logical though and would probably shit back on me and wouldn't be worth the risk - like I said I don't want drama in my life despite what I know. I regret posting that.
All I will say is a lot of girls got fucked over by him and he's always struggled with women and admitting he was poly.
I don't know what his relationship with Dash is like but I presume they are both poly as they invited Mina back.
Can we get past this now? Derailing the thread a bit.
No. 245663
>>245400Mina is Cyr's ex and Dasha's best friend. I think they were friends before Cyr came along, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
I can see them "playing around" for the cameras. It brings in views and money for both Edwin's and Cy's YouTube channels, and it gives Dasha and Mina attention on Instagram with amateur modelling.
No. 245666
I forgot to mention that because Dasha and Mina are such good friends, they are probably okay with pretending to be sexual with each other as well as Cyr.
No. 245846
>>245663Mina dated Cyr and didn't even know Dash. Dash was a side chick Cyr started seeing while seeing Mina. Mina was unaware of him being poly and flew back to the Uk thinking things were ok and then found out about Dash. They brought Mina back to basically apologise hurting her and probably to have a poly relationship.
Dash likes to make out they are 'best friends' but in reality is probably jealous of Mina which is why she started wearing the same clothes, same aesthetic. Something shady.
No. 245880
>>245846Oh shit, I never knew that.
Tbh though, the fight seems to be bewteen Edwin and Dash. Edwin and Dasha no longer follow each other on twitter, while the rest of them all follow each other.
>>245671Thank you.
No. 246203
>Edwin comes across as super fame hungry and tryhard.>he is so quick to hop on onision's dickEdwin really is and I'm not surprised about the whole Greg thing tbh
I've known about Edwin since he was a well known person on BlogTV and he's always been really tryhard and shady and most of the "friends" he had were only in his life so he could benefit from them.
That isn't to say that Cyr and Dasha are blameless, of course.
No. 246226
>>246164Cyr also mentioned after he told edwin that his brother is insisting he kick everyone out, they talked again and things seemed to be a little more back to normal and he told edwin he would talk to his brother again and see if he would be okay with edwin staying for one more try.
It sounds like cyr wasn't happy with edwin living there (he even stated some friends just don't live together well which is completely true) and edwin was aggressive about cyr prioritizing his relationship. So cyr felt unable to be direct with edwin and kind of copped out in regards to making his brother be the reason edwin had to leave. But then suddenly edwin chilled out a bit so cyr wanted to try to make it work, but edwin lied while agreeing and then left and stole his stuff.
No. 246374
>>246321also shes a 9 and he's a straight 3 on good days, especially with bleached hair
>>246326in edwins vlog's comments he says they finally broke it off because they found out "they were going to get kicked out a second time", something i dont think they mentioned in the periscope. i dont know, just seems like misunderstanding/childish behavior. the whole note shit is so dumb imo
No. 246461
i dont see how dasha is being the manipulative one. edwin tried to pull some fake tears bullshit, he took off like a little bitch, he does seem like an idiot that tried to coax mina into sleeping with him or some shit.
so is mina not polyamorous or what? because having searched around, she seems to really like to take her tits out, get naked out of nowhere for attention, show off her tits (dasha does to some degree, but i think it's a lot more tasteful and appropriate, imo), idk, i just get the vibe from mina that she tries to be the cool sexual girl, like, "haha we're having dinner at a Chili's next to a family of four, but let me whip my tits out I'm so fun with a natural, TOTALLY not photoshopped curvy ass!". same vibe from dasha, but less extreme. idk.
and cyr seems like a POS
No. 246465
>>246461I agree anon. I think dasha can come across very strongly and be a bit dramatic, as most girls are in their young 20s, but she doesn't seem manipulative. I won't lie when I first saw her I judged and imagined she was vapid and such but then I saw her responses to the onision drama and gained respect. The vegan shit scares me but I don't think she's a bad person.
I think Mina wanted cyr to herself. And was jealous of Dash, hence why she was always so unhappy.
No. 246470
>>246465exactly what i think. i honestly think dasha is pretty clever and pretty funny (vids of her and cyr reading fanfiction were actually pretty good; she was the highlight tbh) and she goes after onion HARD. i do think cyr really likes her. i don't think she's lying. i don't get the impression that she isn't genuine, idk. the vegan shit is annoying, but whatever, lots of them are like that.
i agree completely. i could totally see mina as being the poly type, cyr too, but i'm getting bad vibes from edwin and mina especially, like she was trying to spite them by going with edwin. why go with him at all on a roadtrip in the US when you barely know him and you have no car, no ability to drive, no friends? it's fucking awkward. it makes no sense.
>>246468ngl with the editing she looks gorgeous but she looks nothing like that irl. like, at all. her twitter is loaded with nudes and comparative candids from like 2 years ago and she has no figure at all and an avg face. dasha overedits too but dasha has a really nice figure.
No. 246475
>>246472Don't get me wrong when the whole drama between Cyr and Onion went down I was loving her posts, but that was months ago now and she's still talking about it. I'm not talking about the Edwin thing because well that's going on and understandable to be annoyed about. What I'm saying is she's killed and is still beating the dead horse. It doesn't seem the slightest bit genuine to me anymore - the onion thing atleast.
Also pretty sure Dasha is also a farmer or atleast lurks. There was a high influx of "babe," "honey" and other similar pet names when the Cyr thing happened through the Onion threads, then stopped when someone called her out on lurking. With the white knighting going on in this thread "oh mina's just ok but DASHA IS AMAZING!!!!" I'm almost certain.
No. 246482
>>246475i dont think there has been any whiteknighting. its been like the last three posts talking abut mina, which were recent, like, two or less hours ago. and onion just made a video basically entirely dedicated to disparaging dasha, so…
as far as mina goes, even PULL has complained in the past about her because she lies about her shooping. at least dasha admits it and dasha doesn't need to photoshop her body, tbh. mina lies and says that shit is her natural figure. please.
No. 246485
>>246482I can't see Mina as anything but a sad dash ripoff.
OT but scrolling through cyr's nsfw tumblr trying to find some milk
No. 250463
>>249678Your immaturity is showing.
>>250231I think this is genuine. I'd respect them more if Dasha just said "I dont like Edwin so he won't live here" rather than sugarcoating it. Idk she seems shady and bitchy as fuck to me.
>>250365Examples? I don't think she stalks but it would be interesting to see what posts you think she made.
No. 250700
>>250463I'm pretty convinced these are her
>>246472>>244945>>246231>>246482Potentially this one too.
>>246465The only reason I'm sure she lurks is cause of the onion threads, straight after the dasha thing there was loads of "babe" "honey" etc going on in his threads.
No. 250714
>>250700No, I was
>>246231 and I can tell you I'm not Dasha.
No. 251561
Even in my city I would guess 50% of people I know are on coke. LA must be more and Cyr has that look lol
No. 251629
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Edwin's on younow mentioning cyr shit here and there with Mina
No. 251809
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>>251472I don't think this counts as being broken up.
No. 251922
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>>250730For real real, she's actually a controlling narcissistic bitch who sh00ps herself into a literally completely different person and tried to say that it still looks just like her and it's only "very minor editing" & spergs a bit when people call her out on the IG comments, she's def enjoying this drama, she never liked Edwin and always wanted him gone, and since she does all the speaking on cyr's behalf and keeps bantering on basically taking the reins on a situation that really is just between Edwin and cyr, during her periscope she was like giddy and was like "I'm spilling the tea! Spilling tea". So I think dasha is really the one controlling this whole kicking Edwin out, she's the one the pushed it, she's manipulating and controlling this whole thing, refusing to let Edwin speak to cyr and to only go through her, when he lived there & has known cyr wayyy longer + not her apartment/doesn't pay any rent. And dasha made fun of Edwin & Mina's goodbye letter, and instigated a lot of this whole drama on twitter, along with releasing personal info about the both of them in her long ass periscope rant, "but don't do this publicly guise!!"
In other events, Edwin and mina said that it wasn't just "asking him to leave the apartment", dasha&cyr told Edwin that he had to leave bc cyrs bro wanted everyone out/no one was supposed live there/only CYR was suppose to live there/cyrs bro co signed lease/(even though cyr AND Edwin have lived there together paying rent & utilities since the moved in together (litterly the bro was just signed on the lease for credit purposes, but he never paid rent or needed the apt for himself at all) & cyr never told Edwin any of this at all until he asked he to move out, which he should've said something when they first moved in (cyr said that from the getgo his bro wanted cyr to live there alone? But didn't say anything to Edwin),but then after cyr kicked Edwin out the first time & asked him to leave, dasha&cyr went behind Edwin's back and told mina, that when Edwin was kicked out, that she could have his room and move into Edwin's room. So wtf? I think they (mainly dasha) didn't like Edwin and wanted him out of the apartment and manipulated and lied (with making cyr go along with it/lie to Edwin) and made up this whole "my brother suddenly wants everyone to leave the apt except cyr!" Just to boot Edwin and then move Mina in to be their new girlfriend in their poly relationship, without Edwin living there to interfere. Bc if everyone, but cyr, had to move out, then why was Dasha not being kicked out or asked to leave/kicked out too? She's still living there with no plans at all to move out (even tho, unlike Ed, she's not paying rent & hasn't been there that long) & if they all had to move out, why would they ask Mina to move in the day after kicking Ed out? Bc it was all BS to get rid of him. /end long rant
No. 252133
>>251561Cyr drinks or use to drink a LOT.
>>251809I swear he looks like he's aged being with her. No wonder though.
No. 252158
>>251922That's what annoys me the most about the whole situation as well. The fact that Edwin had to move out because Cyr was supposed to live alone or whatever and yet Dasha is there living with him (most likely rent free) and they wanted Mina to stay there as well.
To me it just seems like Dasha hated Edwin/is extremely possessive over Cyr and wants him to have her and only her (you can tell Mina would've just been a secondary almost plaything for them, especially Dasha).
I like cyr but I think he's begin completely too influenced by the pussy
No. 252188
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> Edwin reference?
she milks the drama until it's gone dry and it gets the the point it's like for fucks sake shutup, you don't like them, we get it. She did it with Greg and now with Edwin. How boring and unfortunate must her life be to be constantly going on about it day after day after day after day, and we obviously don't hear the full of it, imagine living with her angry shout rant crying drinking water psychotically (poor cyr). Dasha don't you have your own friends you crazy russian карга rather than constantly ruining cyrs life beefing on everyone cyr is friends with including ones you met like once ever. It wouldn't surprise me if once she segregates him from his friends and family, that she starts abusing him. If anyone should be angry at Edwin or Greg it should be Cyr (not that i feel Edwin did much wrong) but why is Dasha always in the middle of it??? That's right, she's dramatic, instigating everything and loving it, and cyr is a massive pussywhipped cuck for blindly going along with it.
No. 252200
I had a nightmare where Cyr and Dasha moved in with me and then Dasha started yelling at me for having coloring books.
sage for nightmare blogpost but that periscope fucked with my subconscious apparently. Dasha is a bit scary. I wonder if she yells at Cyr like that. Poor guy. Even on this
>>251922 post you can feel the pure anger. She was probably yelling in her head when she typed it.
No. 252234
>>252188God this tweet is so cunty. It looks like Edwin tried to go back and grab some of his furniture last week and they didn't let him in, and she even made fun of the price saying it was a $30 table and stuff in another tweet last week.
But oh right, their defense was that "everyone but cyr had to move out" but look who is bragging about the locks being changed wew
No. 252974
>>252962Yeah I for sure don't think Edwin and Mina are innocent lol.
On another note, Cyr was friends with gerg for such a long time it's always made me feel a bit questionable towards his character. Even if he was just in it to gain views/popularity… I think most people would have bailed much sooner.
No. 253222
>>252962No one is sticking up for Edwin or Mina. We just like to point out how batshit Dash is.
>>252833Biggest kek.
No. 253225
>>252962Mina is a grown ass adult who chose to go with Edwin, she is not an object nor Cyrs property or Dashas plaything, she wasn't kidnapped or 'taken', she used her legs and walked away.
I don't think anyone is saying Edwin is innocent, I feel like the victim in this is Cyr… not because Edwin wronged him, but because Dasha gone and dashed his peaceful life away kek. I think Dasha caused this whole thing to happen, I mean what a weird thing it all happens when Cyr has gone away. If Edwin was using Cyr I doubt he would have up and left so easily, he must have put up with a lot of shit from Dasha when Cyr wasn't around to make him leave.
No. 253307
>>253243Hi Dasha
Get that weak ass shit out of here and contribute or shut the fuck up
No. 253809
Dasha just posted on Snapchat that she isn't into cocaine because "drugs are bad".
Kinda suspicious when looking at
>>251507 No. 253815
>>253809thought the exact same thing anon
Hi Dasha!
No. 253962
>>244778So the jist is Cyr and his brother co-owned the flat. Cyr invited his friend to stay, then the two women. Cyr paid for his friends rent. The brother after a distressed phone call from Cyr says he wants everyone else to leave.
All sounds reasonable. Edwin was basically freeloading, and I'm sure the two women aren't paying rent either. Dasha then backtracks on Cyr's valid explanation and bitches for a bit.
I don't think any of them are bad people, just social media involvement has made them create a mountain out of a molehill. Yes Edwin should have gave notice and not taken the camera, and Dasha should have let Cyr alone say why his two friends left.
No. 254090
>>253962Lmao wait so it's cool for two girls (one of which didn't want to be in a relationship with them because they were shitty people) to freeload but a guy who was a friend for longer and actually worked with cyr had to leave?
I still don't get the whole "oh my brother wanted everyone out" story when it was literally just edwin. That was it. It's such a shitty excuse. Cyr either has to admit that he just didn't want to live with edwin anymore or that dasha convinced him to do it.
No. 254217
>>254090Doesn't matter how long they worked together, Edwin still could have been a freeloading annoying friend.
If the landlord or co-owner says get the fuck out, you get the fuck out. Edwin didn't even contribute to the finances it appears.
No. 254508
>>254326I am way too lazy to go through that periscope again but where does Dasha say it was Mina's idea?? This post is literally the first time I heard that. Everyone else is either saying it was cyr's idea or Dashas. Plus how is it shady for being uncomfortable. She clearly wasn't happy if she left with edwin.
>>254330>theyif anything its just cyr. I bet you that dasha is not paying rent either, and I also bet you if Mina had stayed she wouldn't be paying as well.
I'm not saying edwin or mina are completely innocent but its retarded to place the blame on them.
No. 254606
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Edwin just posted a new vlog and Dasha is retweeting people commenting on the fact he and Mina apparently tried to break in to their home when they returned to LA the most recent time
No. 254607
>>254593What? She is an adult and that's why they broke it off and she left with Edwin. Clearly she still wants to be in the US/be with Edwin or else she would have gone home. She obviously was never forced into anything but she didn't like it so she left.
>>254606It's funny because first she bitched at Edwin for putting the drama in the vlogs and now she's mad that he's not wew
No. 254613
>>254608tbh I have a feeling most of this drama/fallout was caused by Dasha and Edwin.
Cyr even said the reason he and Edwin would get into fights was because Edwin thought Cyr was changing too much because of Dasha. For the worse or for the better that's up to them and their friends to decide, but she was definitely the leading cause of the rift between them.
No. 254650
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Dasha and Cyr don't seem to realize that what they did could easily be considered an illegal eviction.
No. 254775
>>254685>>254761Actually depending on the state (not familiar with Cali), squatter laws/tenant rights do play into effect. Basically if you spend more than a certain amount of time (some states it's as little as 24 hours) in one location you are considered a resident there and to be removed the homeowner needs to get a court warrant.
Now most of the time this is expensive and time consuming for both parties so usually unless the person has nothing to lose if they are told "leave" they leave. Also depending on how early cyr told edwin about him having to leave it was in their legal right for them to change the locks/officially kick them out, that also depends on the state at how early it has to be.
No. 254778
>>254775Sorry for the doublepost but also referencing
>>254650 If Edwin has proof of ownership of the stuff he was trying to get back (receipts or bank statements of the desk, chair, etc.), he could possibly claim theft on Cyr and Dasha, as he can spin it that they are fellow tenants that are not letting him get his things (especially since cyrs name is not on the lease so he is also theoretically just a regular tenant and his brother is the only person with legal power there)
No. 254811
>>254808I definitely agree. Edwin seems to have this idealization of just living off of YT money, and it probably isn't aided by the fact that he and cyr socialize(d) with much more successful youtubers who did in fact make enough to live off of it. The thing is he is in no way charismatic or interesting enough to become a successful daily vlogger, and his skits are mediocre at best.
Cyr has an advantage because he hits an aesthetic, edgy quality that might not make him extremely popullar but nabbed him a core, loyal audience and probably makes enough to get an ok living off of it. Now I'm not sure how much he actually makes because as far as I remember he has had no sponsors which are the key to making big bucks but I might be wrong (I've never actively followed his videos). So he probably makes enough to get by but in no way enough to support him, his gf, a friend, and his friends gf/his ex.
No. 254917
>>254775Also in
>>254912 I am speaking about California specifically as well as most western states.
No. 256033
>>256027Reposting to clarify my post.
Around 39 min in to the periscope Cyr says Edwin was kind enough to pay the security deposit
Around 57 min Cyr says Edwin remarked he wasn't sure if he wanted to be on the lease anymore because Cyr was (financially?) irresponsible. Perhaps he used the wrong language here, but if it was not a slip Edwin was equally entitled and clearly Cyr's brother was not only cosigning under the impression he would live there alone.
No. 256935
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Mina needs better friends. Friends that don't snitch on her.
No. 256936
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It's not a secret that Mina is very interested in the whole YouTube community. She had some of her fans tag Idubbzz on her pictures before..
i am very certain that she isn't as innocent as she seems to be
No. 256945
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No. 256948
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No. 256952
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No. 256957
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I know this has little to do with it but I think it's pretty hilarious. Someone wrote a story about them. (Mina+Edwin) No. 256958
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Friendly reminder that Mina has ALWAYS been a jealous psycho since Dasha and Vincent first got together. It's not surprising to assume she's not innocent
No. 256959
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No. 257071
>>256953How Can We Take You Seriously When You Are Dasha's Minion And Clogging Up This Thread
>>256954No one claimed she was. This is for objective discussion in pursuit of milk but it gets fucked up when Dasha's army of indiscriminate high school twitter friends come here and post garbage
No. 257212
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Anyways, I found the whole conversation. It's real and gives a pretty good insight on the kinda person Mina is.
No. 257229
>>257224it's the exact thing you posted before with the black bar removed, showing a different message. it does not show the other side of the conversation.
Nobody asked you for proof.
You are the same person who has been shitposting under Charlie and Xenia.
Once you figured out how obvious you were being you changed to posting as an Anon.
Please grow up.
sage for OT
No. 257231
>>257229 I am not Charlie if you show me how to proof it I will. You can't just assume it's me just because we use similar words etc.
it doesn't even matter what the other person said. I am not here to defend anybody. I was just giving you guys a little insight on Minas intentions since everybody here thinks she is the sweetest
No. 257236
>>257232Lmao. Don't forget they both happened to also be emailfags leading back to this account: the fanfic by "Charlie" was posted under the name "xenia", then deleted and posted again under anon. I was here this morning, samefag, don't even try me. You are obvious as hell.
No. 257246
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>>257236wew. So Dasha has definitely seen the thread/is following it.
No. 257255
>>257251she gave enough of a shit about the online drama to spend an hour shrieking at people on periscope.
I could believe cyr not being invested in shit like this, though. the look on his face when he said he didn't want to discuss the poly business with mina only to have dasha say that she already had was priceless.
No. 257324
>>257255Agreed. Someone who constantly retweets her teenage fans making idolising comments on her selfies is definitely self invested enough to care about drama surrounding her.
It's either Dasha's "friends" are getting enraged over this because they're young and stupid and will come here to sperg over their snowflake mom fox princess being insulted or Dasha is sending them. Either way, this confirms Dasha lurks so thanks Charlie for fucking it up!
No. 257332
So does
>>257212 make Mina into a Youtube whore now? I mean she doesn't even have a channel of her own, and barely has a following on IG. Why does she waste her time wanting to f*ck youtube celebrities? Idgi.
No. 257337
>>257334agreed. also 'xenia' above used an email at
>>256936 with 'fawnie' in it. there's a PULL thread on this drama with a user called fawnie getting called out for seeming to have a fixation on dragging mina.
smells like a vendetta.
No. 257351
>>257341Welcome to lolcow, dipshit.
Did somebody link this thread? Newfags pls lurk more.
No. 257354
>>257353 It's not fake. The person that leaked it has the whole conversation with Mina.
Of course you'd say it's fake. Everyone here is either up Minas or dashas ass
No. 257372
>>257354i say that its fake as fuck because no human talks like that. the way "mina" is talking in those screencaps makes no fucking sense and no one would DM that to another person.
>>256936>>256935seems like your Mina is an attention whore trying to become a youtuber (even tho she doesn't even have a youtube channel) fanfiction isn't getting good reviews
No. 257377
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so, this Charlie person keeps samefagging all over this thread. trying to make us realize that Mina is apperantly a monster and what not. she's clearly a dash minion, but she just got RT by dash herself.
tinfoil hat time: what if dash is reading all of this? and she knows we know about Charlie being dumb as fuck, but she gave her a RT anyways cuz she likes seeing people try to drag Mina.
>>256945>>256948>>257229>>257236 No. 257378
>>257355Well typically this amount of retardation in such a short time frame is from dumb stans following a link. Congratulations, you're retarded all on your own.
>>257377She probably is. Dasha and Mina are probably both self absorbed enough to have this shit pinned in their browsers.
Dasha your friend's an idiot, why associate yourself with this person
No. 257382
>>257377>>257378I doubt they're actually friends,
dash probably sees that charlie is getting torn apart here and just did that to fuel the "YOU KNOW HER" shit…..
either that or her friend really is an idiot…kek
No. 257384
File: 1487992100076.png (131.74 KB, 582x557, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 03.0…)

No. 257385
File: 1487992147150.jpg (34.69 KB, 1149x224, tru.JPG)

>>257377Charlie/intimiGREATing on Twitter is absolutely Dasha's friend/ego stroker. Dasha is "friends" with a girl named Petra Zec on twitter and she is friends with Charlie as well, which leads me to believe this sperging was a triple effort. Dasha has retweeted many of Charlie and Petra's posts in the past and the best part is both these girls are teenagers and they are both obsessed with Cyr and by extension Dasha. Way too obvious, guys. Be better minions by at least not putting your names and posting stupid fanfic targeting Mina and Edwin with your twitter handle which is easily traceable back to Dasha.
No. 257387
>>257381Lmao so that basically confirms Dasha posted the 'leaks'.
Bitch get over it. If you want to pretend you're on the high horse then stop fucking posting about them.
>bweh bweh don't mention us or our drama>keeps bringing them up and adding fuel to the fire by giving the details herselfWew Cyr sure he got himself a great gf there
No. 257390
>>257384If the original screenshot of the conversation with Mina is actually fake and Dasha is using fake "evidence" to manipulate her fans into being against Mina then is she really any better than the Onision she so vehemently hates?
Sage bc tinfoil
No. 257391
File: 1487992494417.jpg (39.6 KB, 1165x252, milkyxbell.JPG)

No. 257402
File: 1487992973177.png (13.59 KB, 525x110, isitrealisitfakeyoudecide.png)

Hats on cowboys
No. 257409
>>257406 You know it's fake, or you wouldn't keep posting "Why do you think it's fake????" "It's not fake!!!" Your desperation is showing, which in turn gives us EVEN MORE reason to believe it's fake.
We are not stupid, honey.
No. 257420
File: 1487993941416.png (134.23 KB, 533x583, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 03.3…)

Dasha's not letting up.
No. 257430
File: 1487994346604.png (142.66 KB, 524x468, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 03.4…)

oh boy. will sage follow up screenshots
No. 257431
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No. 257432
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No. 257435
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No. 257436
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No. 257440
File: 1487994858540.png (16.62 KB, 525x110, s.png)

Who is this girl anyway?
Both sides are so fucked up, this high school drama shit is sad.
No. 257445
>>257381HOLY SHIT ITS HAPPENING!! the mad man did it!!
damn, lolcow had the screenshots before everyone else
No. 257448
File: 1487995131713.png (110.83 KB, 992x644, Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at 7.42…)

>>257212this cap is probs from petra, given the shame shade of purple used for twitter. time and date added as a time stamp before she changes her layout color
No. 257464
>>257456she'd have good company in contacting his exes. I remember back when this was uploaded, and the tags originally called cyr out for being a terrible liar/cheater. comments on the vid still reference it being about him.
sage bc this is from 2012 lol fuck
No. 257466
>>257436>>257435>>257432>>257431>>257430okay so the girl was suicidal… but she didn't mention in the texts. Why was Mina supposed to jump to assumptions? sure, its rude that she didn't ask but she didn't have to. after all, she was only talking to her for a very specific issue.
she doesn't sound unreasonable either, she's paranoid because she just got cheated on. wouldn't you be mad as fuck if you saw that one of your friends was hanging out with the girl who stole your bf? regardless if they had sex or not (i doubt they told her the truth) what they did to Mina was shitty and she was allowed to feel betrayed and hate both Cyr and Dash.
No. 257475
File: 1487995948997.png (53.7 KB, 558x307, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 04.1…)

Cyr just weighed in.
No. 257476
>>257466Yeah, seriously. All of these girls are fucking embarrassing. I HAVE to side with Mina right now because she's not the one throwing a bitchfit on twitter over things that happened months and months ago. She's just minding her own business.
>being purposely vague to get people to ask you what's wrong>hold it against them when they can't read your mind and don't give you the attention you wantedClass act this one
No. 257481
File: 1487996063109.jpg (2.34 MB, 3299x2284, milk-iStock_000008916365_Large…)

>>257475oh my god. i'm so glad this thread went from samefagging to actual milk
No. 257485
File: 1487996268959.png (64.26 KB, 544x313, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 04.1…)

well that's new
No. 257486 from Mina
I don't want to like this girl but she's stealing my heart a little bit
No. 257499
>>257464sage for ot
but, did he date the girl in the vid? cause he clearly has a type… she looks like a more…human version of dash and mina
No. 257514
File: 1487997134866.jpg (37.03 KB, 1138x226, wingardiumpettyosa.JPG)

>>257486Just realized she bleached her hair and it wasn't strong enough so it turned ginger…which explains Dasha's tweet. Mature
No. 257526
File: 1487997981124.png (54.88 KB, 334x568, ins.png)

>>257506>>257508I agree just wanted to show anon why she looks that way
>>257499I think the song was written about "candiceemoe", some Asian girl I guess Cyr dated back around when he was living in cali with onion and stef.
>>257515So if you look back on Mina's instagram she has several photos with captions like "reuploading this because it was deleted again" and shit like that, either insta or someone who had her log in was deleting random photos for seemingly no reason. Apparently this was her second account because her first insta was deleted randomly.
Then she posted this caption on one of them. Dasha seems a bit crazy so it wouldn't surprise me if she was going in to Mina's phone and deleting shit. It could possibly just be an insane fan, too. I suppose Mina could have done it herself, but deleting your account with all of your followers for attention seems pretty counter productive.
I'm "new" to this drama and only know of the above from skimming her instagram a couple weeks ago so I don't know all of the details. That being said Dasha seems like the one who looked up to/copied Mina, so, jealousy seems like a pretty damn good motive for deleting someone's instagram (and all of their followers and posts). Just some petty, fucked up shit. Actually it's VERY fucked up because Mina is a model and instagram is a part of her career right now.
No. 257537
>>257526Samefagging but it just occurred to me that Mina probably felt really uncomfortable living with them if Dasha was deleting her instagram and posts. She probably didn't want to share a living space with someone she can't trust.
Another thought. Mina and Edwin seem to be uncomfortable with confrontation. I'm not excusing their actions because it's actually pretty childish, but think about it. You're uncomfortable with or afraid of confrontation and living with a very hotheaded and confrontational person who has no problem with raising their voice and causing a scene. I would want to avoid it, too.
They're not evil robbers like Dasha is making them out to be, they're people that don't want to be screamed at "FUCKING LEAVE NOW! NO WHY ARE YOU LEAVING! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE! GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR APARTMENT!", Cyr probably still sitting in the corner soaked in his own tears and piss.
None of them know how to act like adults.
No. 257561
>>257552It's weird, because I used to really like Dasha, especially after she went in on Onision and then I was kind of on the fence until today. Now I feel like she might actually be quite an awful person. Wondering how bad the fights actually got in that apartment…
sage for saying nothing new
No. 257576
>>257567which quite disproves the theories about her sociopathic social climbing, don't you think?
sage because discussing your transparent stanning for dasha is not fucking milk
No. 257587
>>257570I don't see the problem. Wearing a semi revealing shirt is not a big deal. I don't see how wearing something that looks good and makes you feel good constitutes as "bait". That's such a weird way of thinking. Dasha, Mina, your neighbor, your mom. Who cares if they wear a thin shirt and go without a bra. It's not like she's naked. You're the one that seems disillusioned mate.
She was taking photos for instagram in that outfit that day, anyway. Sage for dumb topic
No. 257710
>>256050I love how this is now deleted.
>>257440This girl seems like the type who always wants to be 'within the circle' so she was friends with mina while she got with cyr, dumped mina when dasha came in the picture.
No. 257715
>>257710social climbers accusing others of being social climbers as a form of social climbing.
don't you love the internet?!?
No. 257784
>>257729Cyr's fanbase is composed of mostly teenage fans so I wouldn't be surprised if at least half of those nudes are underage.
Encouraging underage fans to send lewd pics of themselves…sounds like a certain onion we know of
No. 257792
File: 1488038316504.jpg (Spoiler Image,823.81 KB, 3988x3701, 277163352.jpg)

>>257317Not Dasha/Dasha stan at all, but this is unshooped Mina vs unshooped Dasha. You can say she's a crazy bitch and all, but imho she's the one who definitely won in the features department.
All this drama is high school tier, but I somehow want more. A good ol' Twitter catfight, maybe?
No. 257899
File: 1488050396938.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.72 KB, 1200x1193, cyrdash.jpg)

I was looking up Dash in pictures and found this kek i've never seen it before.
It looks like she's getting molested.
No. 257928
File: 1488054516398.jpg (270.53 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_9217.JPG)

there's petty but then there is this…
> btw nice use of photoshop there, it's like you could almost have the skills to fake entire screen shots of mina chasing after idububububz benis… out of all the youtubers why ian hmmmm. also noticed a few super kewl funny posts related to tana mojo you made… did you enjoy the latest content cop @babydashtrash? it's quite popular right now, convenient… isn't it.
No. 257948
>>257928Dasha is definitely condoning this shit too given the photoshops posted earlier here by her little army.
Dasha is allegedly doing her master's in rhetoric so like…doesn't she have a thesis to write instead of playing victim and throwing hissy fits on twitter? Mina may have done a lot of bad shit but the fact Dasha perpetuates this event and is turning it into a whole witch hunt against Mina is making her lose the credibility she had to begin with. She honestly sounds like a massive brat whose rich parents sent her to LA to "study" while she takes advantage of their money.
No. 257953
>>257950samefaggint but also,
about the whole onion vs cyr drama. in the video where onion was making fun of cyr, he made one petty comment about Dash and that was it. The rest of the video he said that Cyr was a lazy loser and that he wouldn't pay him back on lots of things. he said that he pretty much just took advantage of him and leeched his popularity. like, all of that was true. all of it. but cyr only harped on the comment about Dash and that was it. how convenient.
cyr sounds like he's going to be broke in like four years
No. 257962
>>257950Yeah. I think Cyr truly believes he's found his special snowflake soulmate because she ~isn't like the other girls~ in LA. They still haven't been dating for more than one year so Cyr is still in the honeymoon phase where she can do no wrong.
I do think Cyr is a genuinely nice fellow but one of his fatal flaws is he seems very spineless and deeply desires to be liked which is why he tolerated Onision's manipulation for a long time. The only reason he has ended his friendship with Greg is because he now has someone that is just as manipulative as Greg, if not more, because he is romantically involved with her as well.
No. 257963
>>257948Well it's not the first time she's done a witch hunt against someone, she did it to onion which ngl I was like kek when it happened until I saw how onion didn't give her the time of day and she kept going on and on and on and on for like months (i don't feel that's an exaggeration is it?), onions a fggt but she was legit
cyberbullying him haha and it's like chill and let it go you psychotic devochka. Now she's doing it to Mina, she clearly likes being alpha and probs won't let this go any time soon… until she finds someone else to bully. But I feel with her already underlying jealousy of Mina (considering the constant attack on minas appearance over her personality and intelligence or the situation at hand) i doubt she will let it go easily.
>>257950Yeah I think they'd have made up by now tbf but Dasha got Cyr cucked af. It's hilarious how Onion was the OG cucklord with his strange poly relationship and Cyr and Dasha was laughing @ him… look who's the cuck now after a failed poly relationship… clue: it you Cyr
No. 258074
>>257963agreed. even though i think both mina and dasha are vindictive bitches, i def think that dasha takes the cake for not being able to let shit go.
mina could upload a video talking about the fucking weather and dasha would tweet "it's 65 out!!?!? you're a whole 65 shades of bitch!!" or some lameass angry shit like that
No. 258092
>>257928We have seriously reached the point of Onision levels of petty obsession. Goddammit why does everyone who calls out Onision turn out to be insane themselves?
RIP Cyr's career if she keeps this shit up.
No. 258103
>>258096I think everyone knows that and is replying re: Dasha's obvious condoning of babydashtrash and her other retarded fans. See
>>257928 which clearly mentions who posted the pictures.
Reading is indeed a valuable skill.
No. 258110
File: 1488072193231.png (26 KB, 564x184, Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 01.2…)

>>258096looks like she's been lurking – no replies/likes on twitter so clearly not aimed at someone on there.
who wants to guess which of the posts failing to incite feeling against mina are her?
No. 258176
>>258110Caught lol
This whole thing is a mess but yeah dasha is incredibly petty and you can tell cyr wants nothing to do with it but being the cuck he is he'll do anything for the pussy.
No. 258394
File: 1488090180095.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.29 KB, 400x400, sl6OXDG4.jpg)

more of dashas minions posts
No. 258395
File: 1488090227079.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.03 KB, 400x400, REaH02J-.jpg)

No. 258400
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No. 258425
File: 1488093375686.png (48.95 KB, 640x601, IMG_9222.PNG)

>>258400It's actually embarrassingly petty how in to all this dasha is. Even though she thinks she is v. clever and manipulative she's far too impulsive and reckless and not very smart with who she publicly associates herself with, which works against her when she tries to play victim and cover her tracks. Whatever support she did originally have from god knows would be completely lost when she begins these juvenile hate tirades. Ontop of that yeah dasha can continue with the ~~internet~~ disliking her, but don't you think this is damaging Cyrs public image too, I mean, it appears he's vertually condoning his ex being harassed and bullied on the internet to excessive levels
>> notice who he's started following (babydashtrash, charlie), both linked with lurking lolcow to bash Mina and posting photoshopped over 9000 images of her on twitter. Classy association there Cyr. No. 258433
>>258425Cyr did delete his tweet calling Mina "crazy", which shows he knows how fucked up this bizarre obsessive hate campaign against Mina actually looks. I guess that's something.
Dasha is absolute trash. I regret ever thinking differently.
No. 258441
File: 1488096757802.png (757.42 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170225-183846.png)

Confirmed to lurk, and we don't give a fuck if you're dasha or not, her support for you just shows how trashy she is.
Like literally this shit is so immature coming from the people acting like their privacy had been breached and I'm sorry i ever believed anything dasha said.
Anyone else see the similarities between the harassment of mina and onision and his previous exes??
No. 258449
File: 1488097309212.png (60.01 KB, 593x270, Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 7.20…)

she's still going..
No. 258459
>>258452I guess it's that thing people often do, becoming enraged at the pieces of themselves they see in other people.
For the love of God though, I hate the fact that now everything she said about Onision is less biting because of this hypocrisy. (I also hate that I'm kind of wondering if Dasha IS actually manipulating Cyr, I don't want Onion to be right, ugh.)
No. 258477
>>258469Dasha is one of THOSE feminists that believes not wearing a bra is empowering while putting down other women she feels threatened by.
That's not to say we know the entire scope of what happened but dasha is acting like a highschooler for fucks sake.
I wonder if cyr and dasha will break up and we'll see the meltdown and the return of grease.
No. 258484
>>258477Yeah she seems the type. She does seem quite threatened by mina which is hilarious to me.
>>258481Probably artsy nsfw picture but it actually looks like she's a molestation victim. Tragic.
No. 258486
File: 1488101108245.jpg (256.08 KB, 748x736, shadybitch.jpg)

>>258477I just found this while looking at her twitter a while back.
I wonder if she did this out of pure shade/spite.
No. 258538
File: 1488109539225.png (47.62 KB, 640x316, IMG_9223.PNG)

> terrifying
> shaking in boots
> such threaten
> oh the scares
come play with us then kek… I think everyone dasha talks to now on twitter is 12 by looking on her twitter. Following in onions footsteps too much Dasha. Either you become what you hate or you have been onision in a wig this whole time- poly relationship, publicly obsessively dragging exs, manipulative behaviour and now talking to 12 year olds, didn't cyr also have fans submit nudes on his tumblr? kind of like onion boy. At this point I wonder, if gerg had a vaginal hole, would cyr have put his dick inside?
No. 258547
File: 1488111392696.png (176.56 KB, 750x1047, IMG_9359.PNG)

When u have to send 12 yr olds to do your dirty work
No. 258553
File: 1488112427297.png (582.72 KB, 593x518, d2d03e25cb309432ec2a4a2ded15ce…)

Nice friends Dash.
tbh they're reminding me of those catty tumblr groups that like, constantly start drama and shit but they can DO NO WRONG and the second they're called out on it it's "oh im sad i have depression uwu"
It's extremely obvious who is in their group chat and looking at their twitters shows like half posting emo tweets about how ~sad they are~. Hey, why not focus on yourselves instead of an idiotic hate campaign for a girl who successfully cucked your internet friend?
No. 258566
File: 1488114880269.png (103.29 KB, 750x1069, IMG_9360.PNG)

>>258563This is one of her ex friends that she had a falling out with. (Her name is Lyndsay lovell) when she had curious cat she said they stopped being friends cause she would always hit on cyr, but I'm pretty sure they had a threesome and cyr took this photo.
No. 258567
>>258566I genuinely can't tell if dasha is poly because she's afraid that cyr will leave her for another one of his fans or if she's incredibly jealous of girls and can only be the girl in his life.
Spoiler alert: if you constantly have new friends and can't hold a friendship for very long. Is it really them that's the problem or is it you?
No. 258619
>>258566That's a shame because I follow Lyndsay and she seems very lovely on instagram. She's posted about how she works a ton on top of going to University so it's too bad she couldn't stick around to at least keep Dasha grounded and focused on school - that is if Dasha even goes to school anymore as it appears that harassing other girls and acting like she's twelve has replaced her academic life.
>>258570The fact her relationship started on the premise she was sort of "the other woman" probably gets into her head constantly. The way she posts about her relationship on social media shows that she needs something to prove to the rest of the world or to show the side chicks she's the "main girl" that he will always love the most. She used to post a lot about her ex-bf who she was very in love with and apparently was a toxic relationship so she seems to want control in her life through Cyr (maybe to even prove something?) and by sending her flying monkeys around to harass a girl she was "in competition" with. I just don't think they're a good match long-term, on both ends.
No. 258636
>>258622Single White Female vibes.
Maybe there should be a sequel, "Poly" White Female
No. 258696
>>258566Cyr confirmed he had a threesome on his 'private' tumblr so yeah i'd imagine it was with lyndsay.
>>258682He always was grease.
No. 258844
>>258582all I heard in my head while I read this was that little outro… "on-i-si-on"
I guess Cyr needs someone to manipulate him, and he damn sure has a type.
No. 258915
File: 1488154871768.png (86.23 KB, 750x934, IMG_9361.PNG)

Back at it again
No. 258942
File: 1488157989995.png (315.74 KB, 514x513, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 12.1…)

>>258932It's hilarious to me because dash has almost the exact same makeup style as mina, she overdraws her lips like mina does, she wont even admit to having her lips injected. babydash trash has a 13,000 following but can only get 5 likes on photos of herself kek
No. 258965
>>258942reeks of teenage jealousy. Mina is clearly prettier than her.
also, its so fucking pathetic that they're stanning this hard for Dasha. Like if Dasha was a popstar, a writer, a painter, literally anything else, it would make some sense to me. But all Dasha does is post photoshoped pictures on insta and spam vegan tweets. why are they so passionate about her? How sad can your life be if your teenage hero is a "instagram personality".
No. 258980
File: 1488161751832.png (286.96 KB, 499x559, Dasha.png)

No. 258993
File: 1488163142966.gif (346.15 KB, 500x500, PicsArt_01-01-09.18.09.thumb.g…)

someone made a nice gif of dashas extreme shooping.
I was wondering why mina and dasha looked alike for awhile and now I know why they look like themselves in vlogs instead of photos.
I will say that minas shops are much more subtle but dasha definetely could have have edited minas photos if the insta allegations are correct.
No. 258994
File: 1488163211056.png (316.05 KB, 1155x567, fawnie2.PNG)

it also seems this fawnie user has had a hate boner for mina for months now
No. 258997
File: 1488163509130.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.91 KB, 322x500, dasha_kid.jpg)

>>258996fawnie most likely posted the photos of dasha and mina unedited I found them on that forum as well
No. 259006
this babydash bitch looks like a 30 year old soccer mom w/ too much plastic surgery without the photoshop
and with the photoshop she looks like an aged dakotakoti wannabe.
i'm team mina because at least in the youtube vids she looks like a qt
No. 259007
>>258994note the screenshots from Xenia at
>>256936 come from a yahoo email account called fawniemelanie, before they figured out they don't have to use an email in their follow up posts.
there are valid things to say about the level of thinness that mina shoops into her pics but a blind hateboner totally ruins any argument to be had
No. 259012
File: 1488165013464.png (44.9 KB, 750x434, IMG_9362.PNG)

Wow dashas army are even going as far as to following minas Instagram and commenting the snake on her pictures (there's Charlie) The level of petty tho
No. 259013
File: 1488165059265.png (27.31 KB, 522x95, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 03.0…)

>>259008 >>259010
yep, mina said they were fake and the video dasha said would materialise verifying them never did.
sidenote to say that dasha sounds exactly like laney in the middle of one of her woe-is-me tirades about billie atm
No. 259017
File: 1488165484159.png (96.31 KB, 553x727, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 03.1…)

the level of this pettiness is fucking ridiculous.
wonder how long billie's going to stay friends with them now they're publicly dragging an ex online in a pretty familiar manner…
No. 259021
File: 1488165695008.png (76.85 KB, 740x636, IMG_9363.PNG)

Did this forum give cyr morning anxiety? Good
No. 259031
>>259009I'm positive Dasha's posted here before so I'm pretty sceptical. I do think most of the stanning/anti mina stuff on here is Dasha though.
If she hasn't then yeh, fawnie is her.
No. 259035
>>259009to add to your theory
>everyone in the cyr circle is quiet for days.>suddenly the thread gets spammed with all that fawnie bullshit and mina hateboner circlejerk>the person doing it gets banned, and no one takes them seriously.>a day or two later, dasha starts raging on twitter and reposting the same shit that was posted itt.>she starts trying to make everyone hate minai think its quite suspicious. like she wanted cyr's fan to think dirt of mina and started posting vague shit in the thread but it didn't work. so instead she just started doing everything herself on twitter.
No. 259059
>>259012It's starting to veer from the beyond pathetic territory into the unbelievable range. It's almost as if Dasha planned this whole kicking out thing all along to finally have reason to shit on Mina like she wanted to for months. I cannot believe someone so vehemently opposed to Onision is literally doing the exact same shit he's been doing for years - twisting the truth, using fans to attack, manipulation, etc. She's becoming a parody of herself and I hope she is lurking and reading all our comparisons of her and Cyr to Onision.
Is there any way to like…defend Mina? I don't think any of her actions are excusable and I really like that she isn't firing back but the more posts I see from Dasha's retarded minions the more I want to at least message the poor girl to keep her head up.
No. 259060
File: 1488168281385.png (93.27 KB, 500x450, minatweets.png)

>>259041definitely ironic parallels with the onision shit. mina's done the right thing by staying out for the most part. I honestly think if it had just been Dasha and her minions peddling the hate that Mina wouldn't have said anything at all. Cyr calling her crazy and saying she had an agenda was hurtful enough to bait her into impulsively responding. She was very clearly in a bad place mentally after their split, judging by the kind of stuff she was tweeting.
Grabbed some for context. She was very much Not Ok and I have no idea what Cyr thought he was doing flying her out to him and the girl he left her for and thinking that would work out well.
No. 259083
File: 1488170031237.png (173.05 KB, 599x697, Yikes.png)

No. 259090
>>259084And the funniest thing is that none of us would have wised up to how trash she is if she'd handled this entire situation right. No periscope, no twitter tirades, no using an army of desperate stans to publicly bully a girl. In response to Edwin's vlog and Onision's subsequent video on it she genuinely could have just made some statement along the lines of "Cyr & I are aware that some details of our personal lives have been made public, but we'd prefer to deal with this privately so won't be addressing it in a public space."
We'd have nodded and gone right back to laughing at her Onision memes. She's a fool.
No. 259093
File: 1488170834123.jpg (51.96 KB, 570x351, Oink.JPG)

Mina's insta has some more keks cuz Dasha's minions are also harassing her there. Apparently Edwin asked people on snapchat to comment pigs on her pics to combat the snakes which was kind of cute
No. 259094
File: 1488171071598.jpg (42.55 KB, 561x262, itsbabypetra.JPG)

Sorry for double post but it's also good to see that people are defending her against Dasha's minions too. Petra is arguably the worst one who seems to be Dasha's friend for the longest time - apparently she is obsessed with Cyr and is from Europe and wants to move to LA. Pretty sure she's still a teen so maybe they're gonna pull an Onion and fly out a teen girl for their threesomes again
No. 259096
>>259094noteworthy also that anon at
>>257448 figured out that the screenshots dasha posted most likely originate from petra.
No. 259111
>>259103When they do respond it's hilarious vague accusations backed up with a whole lot of nothing and a whole lot of projection on Dasha's part.
I'm really happy Mina and Edwin got out of there.
No. 259134
File: 1488176163644.png (123.04 KB, 750x1043, IMG_9364.PNG)

Charlie's been lurking here again for sure
No. 259140
>>259134Charlie… you showed no context [THE OTHER SIDE of your conversation], did not disprove the use of inspect element which is the ENTIRE POINT of doing a video, and I won't even mention the other targets of proof you missed.
Please reply on twitter, we love we get under your skin.
>>259137 no, no one cares. What they've done in the past few days is reprehensible and evil. At this point its so insignificant which is why we've only mentioned it a handful of times since the real shitstorm began.
No. 259147
>>259134ok, first of all that potato quality vid is very carefully not showing any more than Mina's side of the conversation. I'm willing to bet that she was receiving encouragement at the other end, if it's real at all.
and second… so what? you're a pack of bullies mercilessly tearing into every aspect of mina that you can for days on end, pursuing her across multiple forms of social media – and for what? internet points with a girl dating a youtuber that you like? you should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
No. 259148
>>259142and all it really proves if true is that she was angry at one point in time… whoop dee doo.
without context and knowing the situation in depth it's just boring and makes one question the leaker's morals.
No. 259151
File: 1488177705121.png (43.12 KB, 600x184, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 5.41…)

i'm actually dead
No. 259155
>>259151No one cares if you were trying to hide it or not
Charlie, it just proves what a colossal retard YOU are. Go back up Dasha's asshole and stay there
No. 259161
File: 1488178823162.png (48.55 KB, 527x195, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 06.5…)

>>259157oops, made charlie mad :/
No. 259168
>>259161 it's so cute he thinks the video would have proved anything even in HQ. charlie. you. gave. no. context.
he's really upset about not being able to convince anonymous people on an internet message board that Mina is actually Hitler. poor charlie. hope he stays mad, i'm liking the milk.
No. 259171
File: 1488179533536.png (90.85 KB, 592x464, REtard.png)

we don/t care for what reason to follow you. they are condoning this shit but liking and RTing your stuff. After Dasha spoke out against onision it comes across VERY hypercritical
No. 259175
File: 1488179792997.png (422.89 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170226-231454.png)

The irony in dashas liked comments
This is making cyr look bad.
No. 259179
>>259175 "maybe don't say it anonymously" - "babydashtrash"-2017
I cannot stop laughing.
No. 259181
>>259166saging bc this is going to be blogposty.
listen, charlie. let me spell this out for you.
the veracity of the screenshots doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Mina's birthday was when she was in LA I think, and Dasha said in the periscope that Mina is currently 20. So lets look at this in the hypothetical situation in which the screenshots are verified 100% real.
Mina, a 19 year old girl, got her heart broken. She left LA happy and in love, and once home discovered that her partner had - if not sexually, then certainly emotionally - cheated on her, and left her for another girl.
Whilst still hurting - what were we, like a month or two post-break up? - she acts in an immature manner. Hell, she's 19 and this might be the first time she's really experienced heartbreak. She lashes out pettily, and cooks up some elaborate scheme to get her revenge. She brags to her online friends about it, because she wants to feel a little less like the victim for a change.
Progress half a year. Yes, she reached out to Dasha for petty reasons originally, but they're actually getting on. Tensions with Cyr have smoothed over. Honestly, she probably still cares for him at this point. Him inviting her to LA is a weird situation but it means seeing him again - for closure, maybe - so she takes the opportunity.
She arrives in LA, and it's fucking weird. Dasha talked about her drinking frequently, and being miserable when doing so. Whatever Mina's intentions, they clearly quickly went to shit once she was there. Thinking that maybe kinda having Cyr and sharing him with Dasha might cure the heartbreak, she gives that a go. But hey, not many people can do poly and when the person you're sharing him with is the reason your monogamous relationship ended that's way too fucking complex to really deal with emotionally.
Ultimately, she decides to get the fuck out of dodge. She thought she could do it, but she couldn't. She leaves in a dramatic manner with a guy that seems to understand how much she's struggling emotionally. Edwin handled leaving poorly, but Mina's not at fault for that.
The point of all this? It was a shit show on all sides. Everyone behaved immaturely. Dragging up old screenshots and bullying a girl on twitter and instagram is going to do nothing to solve that. Grow up. Leave it behind. Let these people part ways with good or bad blood, but leave it in the past all the same.
….. the milk has been entertaining tho ngl so on a less compassionate level thanks for the material.
No. 259186
File: 1488180288576.png (52.6 KB, 614x225, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 6.23…)

Babydashtrash claims are hilarious because she is also obsessively posting about it AND posting memes of mina. so stop thinking you're better
No. 259187
>>259178"We're not obsessed with the drama lulz u guise r the anonymous meanies"
> dedicates time to bullying girl online to please rich white girl who doesnt give a fuck about said stan"I love dasha because she stands up for what she believes in!"
> said feminist dasha puts down fellow womynn when convenient > activism includes militant veganism while shopping at american apparel > spreads body positivity while shopping herself and lying about modifications on top of making fun of another womans appearence No. 259201
File: 1488180717344.png (487.37 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170226-233028.png)

22 minutes ago
>ive posted once
So what is the truth?
No. 259254
>>259246not only that, but aren't they NICE when their queen is in danger? Wow what a 180. Isn't school is session? It's gonna be late soon kids.
Publicly posted info by Dasha's friends is not private.. sooo?
No. 259261
File: 1488182223976.png (2.1 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170226-234503.png)

>>259238Funny though, before dasha deleted her curious cat she talked about how abusive her ex was and how her old friends were drug addicts so.
I'll take her word over yours.
No. 259265
>>259261Now you take Dashas word?
But as soon as Dasha posts a screenshot of exposing a fake friend you flee
No. 259276
>>259265Because dasha was casually answering questions on curious cat and there was no sign of bias. She even admitted to cutting contact with certain individuals because she still has feelings for her ex (which is understandable). She refers to him as her first love lol
Yeah its a shame you can't scrub the internet.
No. 259277
>>259265we already told you
-screenshots were old
-no context
-mina didn't say anything terrible
please go back to white girl twitter city where you belong.
No. 259290
File: 1488182727706.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1440x2417, 20170227_000308.png)

>>259278Dasha didn't post that you moron.
No. 259300
File: 1488183118609.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170227-001045.png)

Look who I found on instagram
No. 259320
File: 1488183662379.gif (489.07 KB, 420x315, 0hQyd5L.gif)

We're watching them evolve into spergchan in real time.
No. 259326
File: 1488183746311.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2439, 20170227_000234.png)

No. 259355
File: 1488184141814.png (3.13 MB, 1440x2449, 20170227_002657.png)

Posting because he doesn't allow public follows. Nothing besides the obvious.
No. 259367
File: 1488184346355.png (72.14 KB, 450x550, 8_10.png)

>>259341And confirmed underaged dumbass.
>>259353Literally go to the onision thread if you want to pull the misgendering card, lainey owns it.
No. 259378
File: 1488184502553.png (426.7 KB, 784x420, qayDLnZ.png)

>tfw mods asleep so no one takes out the Trash
No. 259390
File: 1488184656521.png (Spoiler Image,137.71 KB, 520x312, Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 08.3…)

>>259379genuinely hope you're over 18 or you retweeting porn like this is fucking disturbing.
No. 259418
>>259412Nobody said it did, just ironic she denies it.
Her character is nasty for counting on 15 year olds to bully her ex, onison the female.
No. 259445
File: 1488185933935.png (2.05 MB, 1440x2415, 20170227_005702.png)

Look who liked minas photo
No. 259448
>>259444sage isn't the poster's name, it's what you put in the email field to post without bumping the thread. the sooner you're banned the better god this thread is a fucking mess
>>259446he'd be smarter to leave it alone now, even if it's a sad end to the milk
No. 259464
File: 1488187650596.png (588.89 KB, 1350x617, bbtrash.png)

kek someones triggered
No. 259483
>>259479>>259481fuck forgot to take off my name from when i was impersonating
No. 259515
File: 1488190664587.png (128.01 KB, 493x405, 2f60dd25d7e957f5b5926defa928c4…)

>>259505I screenshotted this like two days ago and forgot to post it to the thread. She's definitely not well in the head in this hate campaign.
No. 259527
>>259506I mean no shit I've been following this charade since its advent and I literally am astounded at how it's unfolded, I mean it's literally turning into Salem.
Dasha's band of desperately pubescent fame and approval-hungry tweens might be better off grouping together to craft a chair to see if Mina fucking floats. Would at least be more purposeful than the barrage of hilarios paint memes.
I used to think a lot differently of Cyr, but now I can't help but get the feeling that Cyr he's watching this all rapt, jerking off at how twisted and disturbed his good girl is. Fuckd
No. 259544
>>259541Yeah I think his pattern was getting tired of his gf, cheating on her and then them breaking up and him getting with the girl he cheated with.
Douche mentality but its pretty typical douchebro, nothing too weird.
No. 259547
>>259545Nah she's his "pure queen" who he buys flowers regularly and who is pure and innocent and can do no wrong.
She plans on being a twitch streamer which will be hilarious because she clearly has no filter or patience. I'm so ready for livestreamed breakdowns and blowouts on cam.
No. 259555
>>259547she posts often about him giving her roses etc, could this possibly be insecurity about the relationship that she constantly has to prove he loves her online? relationships aren't always how they appear online, for all we know the roses could be after a long night of arguing kek.
>>259544It's clear now that the poly thing is only so cyr won't get bored of her, cheat and leave her like everyone else. that's why she always falls out with the "other woman", she gets jealous because she wants him all to herself but knows that if she was to keep him all to herself he would want something new and exciting and leave. She realises that 75% of cyr is better than attempting 100% and being left with 0.
No. 259563
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No. 259581
File: 1488194044587.png (143.14 KB, 750x921, IMG_9366.PNG)

This genuinely terrifies me
No. 259705
File: 1488217186065.jpg (46.28 KB, 354x393, IMG_20170227_183915.jpg)

Dasha looks like Putin with lip injections
No. 259847
File: 1488233488972.png (115.32 KB, 750x991, IMG_9368.PNG)

Dasha should take some of her own advice maybe
No. 259848
>>259844It was low tbh but it goes to show she has no right to be living with cyr either if allegedly everyone had to leave?? I think he said it because dasha stans were calling mina illegal until she said she was on a 3 month visa when dasha isnt even here legally.
From her old insta photos you can instantly tell shes one of those girls shipped into LA to become "models". If you look through insta you can see lindsay and dasha modeled for noodie and lingerie companies. She's probably living off of cyr with small time modeling gigs. (Aka free advertisement kek)
No. 259890
File: 1488238608693.png (91.56 KB, 750x649, IMG_9370.PNG)

Mina just Rt this. waiting for dasha to have a bitch fit and send her army of minions against her
No. 260019
>>259958yeah, normal people don't get this invested like that. and the screenshots? they weren't that bad, she should have cut Mina off her life and move along. But noooo, she just had to try to ruin Mina's reputation like it was the end of the world.
her lack of awareness is going to ruin her. her twitter echo chamber won't last for much longer if she keeps going like that.
No. 260094
>>259901her mom is russian
>>260044not going to lie but dasha is naturally pretty even before her lip fillers (but not the creepy editing)
I think onision is jealous because he has lainey kek
No. 260130
>>260094Are there more photos of her pre-lips?
And did Edwin already get his stuff back from the appartement?
No. 260138
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No. 260140
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No. 260142
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No. 260143
File: 1488274221733.png (428.72 KB, 1440x2463, 20170228_012943.png)

No. 260159
File: 1488276159887.jpg (27.49 KB, 678x678, 10277727_862253180457289_15982…)

No. 260160
>>260157thank you, but I just found it on screencap-Anon's lovely work up there….
since she felt it so important to attempt to ruin 2 other people who didn't do much of anything to her, i must say i am glad that Julia Stadler's full name is out there.
No. 260161
File: 1488276275777.jpg (36.09 KB, 754x754, 10373952_1006707986011807_8421…)

>>260156She looks way better blonde imo.
No. 260187
File: 1488282782564.png (90.08 KB, 640x550, IMG_9349.PNG)

Hmmm Dasha I'm not convinced at all, sounds to me more like "I'm being cyber bullied on lolcow, I must show everyone I'm fine but I am super bothered by it because my whole plan backfired"
nice try Putin, A+ for effort
No. 260196
>>260192Cyr and a handful of teens, maximum.
Poor Julia.
No. 260198
File: 1488284098743.png (105.24 KB, 601x441, Twitter.png)

this tweet makes me wonder if petra will be flying to LA?
No. 260200
>>260198I totally thought that too, think Dasha's keen to show Mina's replaceable in a sad attempt to get under her skin
No. 260202
>>260199I have a riddle:
What's narcissistic, psychotic, obsessed with exs, only eats vegetables, likes to fly girls out for their "polyamorous" relationships, gets fucked in the ass by Cyr and is surrounded by 12 year olds?
Oh shit I forgot if this was supposed to be about Dasha or Onision… never mind.
No. 260219
>>260191I even asked myself if Dasha tried to do damage control behind the scenes to protect her image. The minions (when called out here) where suddenly posting: "This is not DASHA, this is what WE did ourself, because we love and protect Dasha"…(all the online bullying stuff)
To me it felt like Dasha had a little heart-to-heart with her teen-army and told them to clear her name.
No. 260226
>>260219probably, but like you can clear your name that easily on lolcow ahahhahaha!
especially with how obvious it is she was conducting everything, yes they did it themselves but she was patting them on the head while chanting "good boy good boy" when they did it. tragic
notice me senpai syndrome
No. 260234
File: 1488287116138.png (118.14 KB, 640x763, IMG_9353.PNG)

Welcome back to twatter. This made me cringe so much. Kill me.
No. 260304
>>260297Dasha's lil feefees are hurt because people are finally outing her and photoshopping Vladimir Putin with lip injections on to her photos. Calls us all 12 yet is actually hanging with actual 12 year olds who photoshop worse unfunny pictures of Mina to over 10k followers on twitter and has her minions attack her personal accounts and anyone who supports her (that's ok tho cuz Mina is a
snake) We are the mean petty cyberbullies, shame on us!
Someone call the cyber police! Dasha is triggered No. 260307
>>260232This is what I don't understand. She turned 21 in august 2016 and is already on her masters? I don't know how university works in the US but a bachelor's where I am is 4 years and then you do your masters in the same year you turn 23, assuming you graduate high school when you are 18 AND that you don't take longer to complete your degree since many people take 5 years instead.
Sage for derailing but wtf lol someone help me
No. 260316
File: 1488297097152.jpg (468.15 KB, 1600x1430, .camtemp.jpg)

Saw this on @c0smicprince… check the group name
> 'friends'
they are not friends, they are obsessive teenyboppers. the cringe is real omfg
No. 260333
>>260328isn't this a copy pasta from earlier in the thread? we all agreed we don't care because fake or not dasha is trasha kek
minion try harder
No. 260346
File: 1488300045965.jpg (17.78 KB, 400x375, SA_image_092412_8m.jpg)

Dasha during her tomboy phase
No. 260352
>>260338What I also think is funny is, let's say the stupid idubbz shit was actually true, she was open about it to Dasha. the screenshots posted she is telling dasha that she is still a bit salty but she is doing this for a reason. Like how is that shady?
>>256959 And also in this screenshot she also seems to be standing up for dasha to protect her
>>256958And then the ones of the loretta girl being 'in hospital' (which btw doesn't give any context, you could be in there for a cold for all mina knew) is literally mina trying to find out if dasha was talking shit about her behind her back? lmao so shady wew trying to find out what another girl is saying about you? what a cunt!!
I'm not saying mina is completely innocent, here, but all she's doing is pretty typical girl shit of being pissed at an ex. And none of this was a public sperg out, all of this was in private with supposed 'friends'. Whereas constant victim dasha is just sperging constantly and trying to pretend like its out of her control.
No. 260376
>>260334As she is studying rhetoric (she said herself), I think she isn´t studying in the US (her English is not that good and as a foreigner you would choose another subject to study then, right?).
I guess she is studying in Germany or Austria and getting her Bachelor´s here then. (Every Bachelor in Germany requires a thesis at the end.)
No. 260384
You know what. Come to think of it, Mina is a fucking saint. Had that of been me I would have smothered Dasha and Cyr in their sleep for what they did to me, mostly Dasha, especially after my instagram (my career in modelling) being deleted.
Who are the real snakes? The girl who could put her hatred for Dasha behind her and make friends despite all she had said about her. Or the girls who Mina thought she could trust, her friends, who have stabbed her in the back and decided to post private conversations out to the public and brown nose the girl who not only helped have your heart broken, but assist her in dragging you… all for what? Mina didn't stab anyone in the back, she forgave her and then ended up leaving because of god knows what was happening in that house, especially when cyr was always to not want witness anything.
I genuinely feel sorry for her, she must have been depressed seeing first hand the man who left you with the women he left you for loveydovey day in day out, no wonder she ran to Edwin.
No. 260388
>>260384* away to not witness anything.
Fucking typos kek
No. 260682
File: 1488320972680.gif (496.57 KB, 500x303, tumblr_m574y11hoE1r317bvo1_500…)

>>260661I'm gonna be so disappointed if she befriends the Onions
No. 260764
File: 1488326442218.jpg (1.16 MB, 3264x3264, IMG_0056.JPG)

Sorry for the change of subject but I seen this earlier and thought it was pretty funny. Mina has left and Dasha is still obsessed with wearing her skin.
In regards to the Lainey/Mina thing, Mina pls no. I hope they're not planning on trying to woo her.
No. 260805
File: 1488328839358.png (136.54 KB, 640x1136, cyr vids.png)

lainey started paying attention to the mina drama and now onion tweets this. they're loving all of this
No. 260886
When Mina and Cyr dated the first time around,did he publicize their relationship? I don't remember Cyr being so open with any of his past relationships like he has been with Dasha.
>>260384I don't blame Mina for being petty at first either. Cyr and Dasha fucked her over. I remember Dasha saying in her periscope that the situation was all very confusing and blurry,but that she wasn't the reason for Cyr and Mina splitting up. Sure Putin.
No. 260971
>>260967charlie, you're reading this
please, cyr and onion fanfic when?
No. 261084
>>260771She's actually talking like a normal person there instead of acting stupidly coy and intoxicated.
She would have moved to the U.S when still a teen/early 20s right? Where were her parents in all of this, most wouldn't support their kid dropping out of education to run away with a youtuber.
No. 261131
I would pay good money to see cyr read some of the gold on this thread out on his dear me video as opposed to the lame "roasts" he gets in the youtube comment section. I wonder how cyr pronounces vladimir putin…
No. 261350
>>260967Oh god, Cyr is such a pathetic cuck.
He knows that Onion is a narcissist that loves to abuse people and yet he still sucks up to him after all what happened.
Kill yourself Cyr
No. 261365
>>261350I think Cyr likes to play the whole 'serial killer psycho sadist' role in all his videos, but truth is, he's a masochist and having people dominate, manipulate and abuse him gives him a massive boner. Maybe if Onision can out manipulate Vladimir and whip Cyr a few times in a leather dominatrix suit, Cyr will leave the russian spy behind. Onision at this stage is the lesser of two evils…. which brings us back to the tweet that sunk the onision x cyr ship kek
> 'voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil'iconic.
No. 261411
>>261350Because Cyr only got popular due to making videos with onision. He would be a nobody without him kek.
I question how long yt people, particularly those who have a fanbase of teens, can go on for?
Honestly it's not like his channel has good content and he clearly puts on an disney act for the kids he entertains for. Wondering when the day will come when he can't make money and actually has to get a job and no longer can pretend to be this edgy intellectual "writer".
No. 261829
File: 1488429068481.jpg (272.2 KB, 969x406, cmondude.jpg)

Dasha's aging him man. Go back to Onision's brand of manipulation and cut your hair Cyr
No. 261913
File: 1488438420474.png (317.55 KB, 523x606, 2017-03-02 13.58.09.png)

No. 261914
File: 1488438471764.jpg (138.96 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_9424.JPG)

>>261829compare the photo on the left with this… has dasha stopped feeding him or is he now addicted to crack? why his face lost so much mass????
No. 261976
File: 1488451962201.gif (483.44 KB, 500x303, IMG_9430.GIF)

>>261952Agreed. He looks so mindless and vacant, it reminds me of when ursula the sea witch aka vladimir putin hypnotises prince eric, steals him away from mina, i mean ariel, and forces him to marry her. Get well soon vincent kek
No. 262070
File: 1488471143389.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.12 KB, 634x658, Minadash1.jpg)

Relevant screenshots upcoming:
No. 262072
File: 1488471181415.jpg (256.93 KB, 722x712, Minacyr1.jpg)

Kek this is Cyr
No. 262073
File: 1488471210032.jpg (299.46 KB, 735x711, KEKDashCyr.jpg)

At least Minas memes are actually funny
No. 262074
File: 1488471246962.jpg (387.59 KB, 768x679, Kekmina.jpg)

>>261994The post which this anon was describing kek
No. 262265
>>262238The comments on this video are super negative saying she's ugly and he can do better but I don't get it, I think she's pretty cute
Sage for OT
No. 262277
File: 1488491944246.png (115.48 KB, 750x927, IMG_9406.PNG)

No. 262280
File: 1488492196416.png (151.07 KB, 750x1145, IMG_9407.PNG)

No. 262303
>>262301Charlie once again running to the aid of her overlord
>>262280Babydashfacts??? are these kids for real??? What is with 14 year olds and idolizing internet celebs do they not have positive role models in their real life?
No. 262304
>>262277lmfao "babydashfacts" as if ANYONE cares? she is not a celebrity. unless she, herself is running the twitter, none of the "facts" can be verified anyway. So embarrassing.
No wonder Cyr drinks so much.
No. 262320
>>262312but if in the "exposure" shots from dasha say 9 august
>>256935 surely that date must be wrong hmmmm someone's lying
No. 262336
File: 1488498855656.png (94.27 KB, 527x371, Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 23.5…)

>>260886dug around for some twitter context, looks like he was waaaay more private about mina than he ever has been with dasha. read from bottom up.
No. 262387
>>262336I remember when he posted that. What did he honestly expect? He puts stuff in his life on the internet and his fans are all young; no wonder they tried to pry - they think they're his close friend/imaginary girlfriend.
I wonder what he feels toward his friend Jacksfilms who just got engaged to a woman with a career outside of social media who seems very mature (also his age). What would those double dates look like kek
No. 262561
>>262442Either that or some guys don't like to introduce to family because they don't think the relationship will last so don't want to mix nonserious relationships with family life kek
>>262424Rewatching the periscope at around 48min where cyr says he doesn't want to talk about the poly with mina and dasha is like
'I already told them' and then cyr stares blankly in to the camera as his whole world comes crashing down around him, his facial expression is like 'oh fuck', his vision turns black and white as hello darkness my old friend plays in his mind… fucking hilarious! You can see Cyr the whole way through is uncomfortable with the periscope and publicising his private life, and definitely doesn't want to talk about mina even though dasha makes several attempts to steer the conversation that way he seems to ignore it and keep on topic about what happened with Edwin.. even though you can tell he's extremely uncomfortable telling everyone his business
No. 262567
>>262561When you go to watch the periscope on The Blargh channel now.. it's amusing because as you listen to Dasha shriek and whine and lie, over in the suggested videos there's: "Cyr talks Anxiety & Alcoholism"
don't blame the guy.
No. 262760
>>262277>>262280I despise children who behave like this. Where are your mothers? Put down your phone. Get off my lawn. Stop being trashy cunts. I feel embarrassed for dasha that she encourages them.
It's not a matter of if but when cyr will dump her, because he's shown himself to be a player, and you'd have to be an even bigger masochist than cyr to stay with a girl like that for more than a couple years. I long for the impending meltdown.
>>262749I don't understand this logic. Putting yourself in the public eye means people are going to ask you questions and speculate on your personal life. Most people don't get angry on twitter over it. He can easily solve the problem by blocking those people or just not reading it at all. You can't stop people from saying it but you don't have to read it? It's not that difficult?
No. 262786
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>I despise children who behave like this. Where are your mothers? Put down your phone. Get off my lawn. Stop being trashy cunts. I feel embarrassed for dasha that she encourages them.fuck, i feel the same. they're doing all this shit over a girl because she's popular on INSTAGRAM. at least back in the day people obssesed over shitty bands that could sort of play instruments. this girl literally has fans because of her photoshop skills. just kill me man.
No. 262834
>>262789>>261913to all the dasha minion teens browsing this thread:
if your man does shit like this, he's more than likely a douchebag.
No. 262847
>>262838>a new baby fox Kek
I used to like Cyr until I realized all he can pull are young girls who are mesmerised by how "edgy" he is and ignore reality: dudes in his late 20s with no stable career and plan for the future, and no education either. Kinda ruins the edgy magic when you watch his sporadic uploads and realizes how unrealistic this guy is living (though not nearly as bad as edwin oh lord). I can only imagine what women who are his age with stable careers and education think of him. He needs to lose Julia and start a long term relationship with a therapist
No. 263029
>>262975meh. she's a model. i wouldn't expect anything different.
>>263016at least it wasn't charlie.
No. 263049
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sage for 0 contribution but i just…. still can't believe how blown out of proportion all this nonsense bullshit drama over nothing was??? they managed to drag it on for so long and i don't see how that benefitted ANY of them because they were all four at least a little bit in the wrong at various points, the publicity did zero favors as far as flattering any of them.
i found out about dasha while catching up on the Onion threads and before this edwin/mina circus started she had me completely fooled, seemed like a really genuine girl with her own thing going on and the way she stood up to gregma was a breath of fresh air, i didn't even care that she photoshopped so heavily because she gave the explanation that it was just for fun, and she also looked cute on her own and in cyr's videos so it wasn't like she was pretending to be anything. but wow what a plot twist! the whole blatant, shameless stealing of mina's entire vibe is so fucking….. unsettling to me, like i understand inspiration and taking little pieces of other people's styles to form your own but she is legitimately wearing her skin at this point. like a month ago i never would have expected any of this psycho shit from her (pic related, i need an edit of this with dasha shooped in as jennifer jason leigh's character)
*also fwiw i'm not rly on anyone's side here especially given that i just found out any of these people existed like a few weeks ago. mina definitely has some questionably snowflake ish aspects about her, but overall seems sweet and at least has the common decency to not give in to petty internet drama (which seems to be the general consensus here now that dasha's batshit crazy is showing through)
No. 263051
>>263049>>263050Her fans says we have painted her as psychotic and demonised her ect but she's done that all on her own. Just gotta put the pieces together. she associated herself publicly with people that constantly dragged
Mina, made shady tweets at her and the drama even though she said she wanted to keep it private. She would of got away with it if she didn't do all this so publicly
No. 263150
>>263114why would mina run a page promoting dash and cyrs relationship lmao
pls be logical.
No. 263192
File: 1488642850266.png (1.03 MB, 2880x1310, Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 10.5…) found Dasha's old model page from when she was 17.
Tbh, I think Dasha and Mina are both equally pretty without shooping and I don't mind that Dasha shops her pics because she seems pretty open about that fact.
No. 263199
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I honestly cannot tell if this is her or not? Now we know why she goes hard on the upper lip botox.
No. 263215
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>>262798"Cyr, I am Mina now"
No. 263218
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>>263199With some of the photos, I agree it's kind of hard to tell if it's her or not, but these two for sure look like Dasha to me
No. 263226
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>>263218looks like cyr tucked neatly under her arm
No. 263272
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Just like how you leech off Cyr
No. 263358
>>263355I'm still a little confused about it (what Cyr, Mina, and other people who are recent additions to her life call her) but when looking through her facebook linked above, people definitely called her Julia in the comments on some of her posts.
I know on twitter she has said before her name is Darya (to a fan who had the same name), so again, not sure.
No. 263391
>>263383(deleted double post, sorry)
No, but Dash confirmed it on her curiouscat a few months ago. Someone asked why she has a V tattooed despite it not being his real name and she defended it, alluding to some stuff with his family that made him not want to go by his birth name.
No. 263466
>>263462Dasha is clearly a stage name, and Dasha is the Russian nickname for Darya/Daria.
It's harder these days to keep a facebook account up with a fake name. So I'd assume the one on her facebook is correct.
No. 263544
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>>263527Same anon. Just wanted to show their floors and windows that make it look kind cruddy.
No. 263825
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Guess Mina is still in London meeting new people.
No. 263826
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More from Snapchat.