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No. 743104[Reply]

Was browsing randomly and then found this, honestly don't think she's much content, since this type of cow seems common nowadays, but I've never posted here and perhaps it'd be good attempt to contribute once at least

Some of the milk there is to be gotten from her: https://twitter.com/dicloni0us/status/894098163484819456


For the people who don't want to click the link - She's basically just another insecure SJW cosplay thot who doesn't want to be "shamed" for posting half-naked pics online to garner followers/attention and money,
who lives off donations from her male orbiters and SJW followers, with an amazon wish-list open for degenerates to buy shit for her, also does the weeb appeal cringe shit and doesn't like to be treated like a camgirl "Don't flirt with me 🔪 " in this picture of her Insta profile even though all she posts is either cosplay or lewd shit

The link she has in her insta profile of her donations, Amazon wish list and Twitch https://linktr.ee/diclonious

Is patreon/donation supported half-naked e-thots the new wave/form of camgirls?

No. 743105

Lurk and read the rules before you post. She belongs in the cos-thot thread >>705676.

No. 743113

soz I almost never use any of these boards, tried my best to follow the rules presented to me, k I'll do that

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No. 734200[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/724405

>Shay brags about all her Halloween content, only manages to do one

>Continues her downward spiral into reenacting the life of Mrs. Wormwood from Matilda through bad beauty choices and increasing her day drinking
>barely scrapes by with MFC tips except from her female Tumblr followers because she bans all the male users after scamming them
>continues to be 1+ hours late or even not show up at all to her MFC scheduled times
>Shay's VR porn appearance is released and it's as bad as you imagine
>plans to go back to LA for more porn shoots and begs for money for hotel/uber/food/etc
>Plundered Princess Part 3 drops, it's even worse than the VR video
>Fupa and Shay continue to be cringy on Tumblr with their edgy relationship and seem to be back in the loving phase again

For newfags:
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No. 743121

PLEASE use the gif in >>743119 this post, it's too good

No. 743123

I second this

No. 743138

new thread


No. 743746

what 5 posts were deleted from this thread? the post count was 1218 when the new thread was made

No. 743822

how does that even begin to matter?
besides, there's a new thread full of her usual antics.

No. 263942[Reply]

McKenna Kaelin is a resident special snowflake on YT, who has made waves with her controversial conversion to Buddhism while planting greenery in severed Buddha heads. She has become over 400% more annoying in recent months as her sub count grows. She uses her Turkish heritage as a catch-all excuse for her ignorance towards other cultures and religions, and is heavily influenced by Avatar: The Last Airbender.

She claims the Air nomads are clearly buddhist, and that she’s taken, like, a million online quizzes, including one that took her 25 minutes, and that she’s been told she’s an Air nomad in every single one.

Other special snowflake attributes include:

Literally claiming that she’s been told she smells like fresh baked cookies

A yawn-inducing obsession with the autumn months so she can be even more tumblr aesthetic

Has claimed she is 99% sure she is narcoleptic

Has also claimed to be h2O intolerant.

Claimed in a past Q&A to have no interest in tea, but recently made a tea/coffee station DIY and now never shuts up about tea in her poorly painted doodles for instagram.
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No. 743470

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> bought a custom "Japan is my home" poster

No. 743471


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 756742

Currently shit has been blowing up for kenna. On pull, someone made some emails between her and kenna public. The emails are about her apology, which isn't actually hers. Someone wrote it for her. A few users are getting together through dm to make an expose video. Kenna knows about this, posted a story on Instagram and the last few hours pull has been flooded with whiteknights and/or possible sock puppet accounts.

No. 872169

You were so right

No. 1003484

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No. 742683[Reply]

Instagram: dj_desperation, nikadies
Tumblr: nonexistent090909
YouTube: Nika Petrova
She’s been on the “Instagram Spam Community” since like 2015 but I just recently discovered her and she’s still mentally detarded. At least in 2015 you could have had the excuse for being young and dumb or whatever
So since I’ve started following her:
>Talks about how promoting ED is bad yet runs a pro Ana blog on tumblr posting original content of herself
>Complains constantly and begs for comments and likes on her main Instagram and freaks out if 200 people don’t comment
>Posted a video of her and her boyfriend fucking
>Has a lot of money despite not having a job at the moment
>has only ever had one job in her life despite being 18 and her “job” was just being an actor at a haunted house
>Rumors of her dad being a pornstar and that’s how they accumulate income
>Maybe she gets money from her boyfriend too??
>Plays the victim when people give her constructive criticism…example she wonders why she’s never hired and she’s had like 103782 job interviews and people told her to take her piercings out and she got defensive.
I know y’all that know her can definitely think of more.
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No. 742687

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No. 742688

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No. 742689

That's definitely Farrah Abraham….
This girl really doesn't seem that interesting tbh

No. 742691

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That's Farrah Abraham. Anyways, shouldn't she go in the pro ana thread? >>697266

No. 742695

Use the pro-ana scumbags general thread >>>/snow/697266

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No. 274963[Reply]

John Kuckian the YouTube beauty channel and his messy annoying ways thread needs to happen.
He's best known for being an insufferable cunt who makes videos about beauty gurus and harasses them with his fan base. Recently he's been in charity fraud scandle where he made a ring tone of an instagram make up thot shouting hysterically and said he'd donate the profits of it to charity. Turns out he never asked for her promision like he claimed he did and he still hasn't posted what he made versus what he donated (180$)

John Kuckian ring tone drama break down

John's response to all the drama he's been in cos he's a stunt queen

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No. 740194

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HONESTLY. This is the one thing I absolutely could not figure out or rationalize. How in all hell would ANYONE, even a supremely crazy person, let this stooge stay with them for free in their million dollar mansion and just…give him money? Pay for him to get from Cali to MD? Let him drive their car? Let him stay after he starts an actual fire? Like, I’m not misunderstanding this, right? I watched the video and read this summary correctly? They just let him stay with them, for free, even through all the bullshit he pulled?

I know Kukian fans are stupid, but this goes above and beyond stupid. I do not care if he was literally their favorite celebrity in the galaxy. If my favorite celebrity behaved like that in my home, they’d be out on the fucking street within the hour, if not in the back of a squad car. Oh yeah, and this actual psychopath almost killed their dogs.

If anyone has an actual answer to WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK these people were thinking when they took him in in the first place, I would genuinely like to know.

No. 740681

My only rational is the couple said they were selling their place and that John could live there AFTER they had moved out. What they had in mind longterm, I have no clue, why they let him come a month earlier then they wanted, god knows. Perhaps they just did it out of generosity but in my opinion letting a complete stranger into your mansion for an undetermined amount of time is fucking retarded, whether they were fans of him or not.
Whatever their reasoning is, I'm glad they aren't just rolling over and letting John off the hook. In margo's video she shows proof that the couple WILL be taking him to court. I'm no legal expert though so I'm not sure what chance they have.

No. 742630

I think it was because the wife was lonely and had no friends and was a fan of John's, so she "bought" him. The husband and wife are fucking retarded for choosing to remain ignorant of the fact that John is an extremely toxic person until they experienced his bullshit firsthand. Nonetheless, I honestly hope the lawsuit goes through, especially since John broke US law when he was there.

No. 742676

I think the husband brought kuckian in as a "pet" for his trophy wife. I also think he MAYBE had kuckian lined up as a third partner, note that it was an open marriage. Obviously kuckian was just there to rinse them dry, which he did. A court case will go nowhere but they might embarrass kuckian into paying back the several k they dropped on meals out, food and gifts for him.

No. 743630

Repzilla weighs in on the Kuck drama

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No. 741999[Reply]

She made a cringy fnaf fanfic
the series looks like shit
stole many characters from the original game,the characters look nothing like the game
the series had to change the name because the only thing they had in common was the character's names
started selling shitty plushies of something she doesn´t own
has a book about how to make characters and storytelling despite her making deus ex machinawhen she doesnt know how to continue her story
forgets her story despite it happening one episode ago(shit thread)

No. 742259

You forgot that she steals songs from cartoons and online creators and does shitty covers while getting pissed everytime somebody asks her to give credit
(It's really weird to see her here thought, especially since all the drama with her died down)

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No. 742001[Reply]

Marra Fae is a delusional, yandere wannabe weeb, body shaming, anti-black, ugly succubus. She believes she is a real-life succubus and that she, in fact, invented the concept herself. She has a facebook page and a cringey pornhub where she post her succubus porn. She pretends to be this dominant demon while blocking you immediately if you speak against her.

Age: 26

Alias : Sin Fae, Succubus Sin, and Marra Fae

Real Name : Unknown

Notable Things :

- Only dates white men because she believes that white men are less likely to domestically abuse their mates and trashes black men

- Will comment on other's pages whenever they post a succubus cosplay because they are all copying her

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No. 742104

right? transsexualism is a mental illness and nobody can change sex or gender. she's right on that part.

No. 742160

How is this racism? It's a joke. A retarded one but obviously a harmless joke, nonetheless.

Also trannies and gay men are fucked up. Get a grip.

No. 742170

i mean sure but if she hates trannies because they "aren't real" then why is she pretending to be a magical demon girl??? like wow i am 100% done with these otherkin fuckers

No. 742179

Is she even otherkin. It.. just seems like the succubus thing is her sex work schtick. Like how Shay's is being a child with severe genital warts.

No. 742191

Clearly a vendetta thread. Oh boy.

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No. 506705[Reply]

General description from the last thread about what makes Aly, Aly!
>lying about intake.
>lying about selfharming.
>lying about purging.
>lying about suffering from depression.
>lying about suffering from panic attacks.
>lying about suffering from OCD.
>lying about "working" and making a drama about it.
>calling a normal meal a binge.
>obsessed with instagram, posts up to 10 a day.
>getting mad if not receiving the amount of comments she wants and threatens suicide.
>guilt tripping people.
>asks for advice from followers but actually means "praise"
>blocks and deletes people who offer any real help because it's not what she wants to hear.
>disables comments on food posts, so that people can ONLY leave comments on her face and body pics.
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No. 554256

I use a samsung tablet with s-pen, and an app called artflow for these >>553229 >>554097

I also like meitu for distorted effects like this >>548878 and >>553175 But I didn't make these, so IDK what they used.

No. 554286


Yes, she does. I think it's a lolcow no no to post her facebook link here, or her gfs art account. It's puzzling how she's taken in by Alys bs because she doesn't give the impression of being a gullible idiot because she seems okay going by what she posts.

No. 554289

Soz, to confirm, she's in the NL.

No. 554294

New thread up


No. 555738

This is ultimate. It’s. It’s perfect.

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No. 610529[Reply]

Most well known for her cal-arts rant, where she bitches about how hard it is to get in while claiming to have gotten in. Also known for giving shitty advice to impressionable beginners.

Tumblr: http://hollycbrown.com/

Mirror of aforementioned Cal-Arts rant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvnD-9XOs5k [DL][Archived Copy]

>21 year old "freelancer" (lives at home with her mother and runs an online shop selling ugly art)

>Salty Youtube fujoshi artist that claims that her art is superior because she went to an online art school
>Constantly preaches that art takes hard work, claims to always practice and study but her art hasn't improved in over two years
>Whines about being a starving artist with no money, yet has enough money to buy a new Mac computer and a Cintiq tablet within the same week, then sold said cintiq because she got sponsored for her shitty shitty art
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No. 646418

no, it's mostly fat, then moderate amount of protein and very little carbs.

No. 646600

New Thread

No. 646607

Ugh ive never seen someone so allergic to effort. Keto does feel shitty at first but the cravings go away after like 3 days a week at most. sSomething tells me she wasnt sticking to the diet to begin with.

No. 646608


No. 726372

Doesn't anyone else notice that decapitated head pin's hair looks like a dead bird attached to her head. And the blood looks hilariously like ketchup.

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No. 79127[Reply]

Are there any lolita lolcows you know or follow?
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No. 741582

It’s funny that she makes fun of people about their weight but legit got gastric bypass surgery. She’s deleted all her old pics of herself from last year because she gained all her weight back lmao

No. 741590

New thread >>>/snow/741588

No. 741591


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 778463

Someone make a new thread lol

No. 789487

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why does jfashion attract so many ugly girls?

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