File: 1523608016293.png (641.88 KB, 651x965, 1523584939769.png)

No. 554293
Deep writings on her face, and unflattering angles - a million chins later, our warrior lies about having a job (again) and having the time of her life asking constant support from online strangers and bullying people who disagree with her - what's new, what's good.
Our smartest cow figured out how to interact with lolcow, and she's completely unbothered by us "haters" that she felt the need to link the previous thread on her profile, and luckily opening the eyes of some her followers.
>Lush cheesecakes are good, salad is anachan-like>Happy FRY-YAY!>doesn't car about lolcow, follows the style advicePrevious thread
>>506705Cant use direct, sorry girls (!)
Instagram: No. 554408
File: 1523620202782.png (159.42 KB, 239x295, Screenshot_1.png)

>Cause everything this (hard news coming 👉🏻) IS PART of a mental health warrior's LIFE . And guess what? It does take much bravery. It IS exhausting. But damn girls, it is WORTH IT
Another spooper pic, and
> Don't joke each other: it was easier when Anorexia was our own thought and companion right? 🤔
Not triggering AT ALL.
No. 554465
File: 1523628518633.jpg (109.29 KB, 719x669, i-beat-anorexia-mens-t-shirt-1…)

I can't wait until she is pic related
No. 554534
File: 1523638004706.jpg (693.87 KB, 1080x1616, 20180413_184547.jpg)

>>554408She's gonna keep reposting the spoop pics until she runs out of them. She wants to remind people how ill she was and gain more attention. It's getting annoying and as far as I know a big part of the community is against before and afters like these.
Also, is this the "hard news"?
(She also lost another k of followers)
No. 554624
File: 1523645645719.gif (5.34 MB, 320x554, 20180413_125130.gif)

No. 554638
File: 1523646779752.jpg (648.6 KB, 1080x1632, 20180413_210922.jpg)

You can repeat the same thing only so many times until it becomes boring as fuck.
>I was sick now I'm better
>numbers (women are not numbers/weight doesnt matter/clothing sizes)
>you deserve food
>tb to being a spoop
She also needs motivation to go out with her bf?
No. 554662
(I hope I got that sage thing right)
I hardly ever post (I tried to defend Aly once, being a kind of recovered, weight restored anorexic who still sometimes gets triggered by people telling others to exercise more (I do exercise!) - my fault, I have to be able to deal with it and be influenced or not, I know…) on here, but I lurk every now and then, and I follow Aly.
However… in her newest post, she writes she had her first relapse when she was 17, and she posted "throwback pictures" to her being really, really thin. As caption to them, she wrote "not my worst, but my most orthorexic".
I thought her state in the pictures she posted was indeed her worst, since she always posts pictures from that time period? Was she anorexic before that time, too, gained weight, and lost it again?
Wondering about this is probably the lingering anorexia in me, but I really thought she was kind of doing okay (at least physically) up until the age of 15 or 16, when her AN (symptoms, meaning visible weightloss up into the underweight range) set on.
No. 554686
>>554662As far as I can remember (farmers with better memory feel free to correct me) she never was "orthorexic". She started mentioning it only recently (late 2017/early 2018).
She never really gained a significant amount then lost it again, she always lied about eating and gaining. This is the first time in years she's a normal weight.
No. 554714
File: 1523651463756.jpg (519.15 KB, 1021x612, 01.jpg)

She was spoopy when she claimed to be having nightly pint parties of ice cream (because she always wants to be "in" with the latest recovery trend on ig). She'd post ice cream with a few spoon dents made in it. She stayed spoopy and claimed the calories were going to her hair.
Fast forward three years and she claims she was following MM and it made her relapse because she gained soooo quickly. Erm, nope.
No. 554718
File: 1523651733954.jpg (72.44 KB, 520x390, 12866912_f520.jpg)

They like to write on their body too.
No. 554869
File: 1523661336576.jpg (88.24 KB, 606x418, history.jpg)

>>554662No, she had never really gained a substantial amount of weight before, her anorexia really was a rather short stint despite her claiming otherwise.
She lost weight really fast in late 2013, then she gained a few pounds through "binging", but she was still severely underweight, and I wouldn't call that a "recovery attempt". She then "relapsed" and lost weight really fast again before dragging her actual recovery out over several years. That's why her anorexia in her mind has robbed her of so so many years. but it really was basically only late 2013, 2014, and maybe early 2015 when she was acutely sick, pic related.
No. 554870
Thanks for all your answers!
>>554709Thanks for the reply! How do I stop blogging, whatever that is?
If you mean a blog like Aly has - don't worry, I don't write or post about my ED online. I do have an instagram, but it's not public, I only have a handful of followers which are my real-life friends and I don't even post food there. Just the odd random pic out of my life every couple of months. :) Just
No. 554883
>>554870Same anon:
Ah, I just scrolled back through her entire instagram account. It starts in June 2015 when going inpatient.
No. 554896
>>554869>I was unable to focus attention>I decided to recoverOdd how her English is so much worse now, maybe it was one of her courses in uni and she's been forgetting what she learned since dropping out?
If she had wrote this nowadays it would've said "I was unable focusing" and "I decided recovering," something like that.
No. 554937
>>554870When someone tells you to stop "blog posting" they mean stop talking about yourself here on lolcow. No one cares about your anorexia, or your personal issues here. If you want to talk about yourself, start a blog somewhere else. Thats what we mean by "stop blogging"
I'm being nice by telling you this. A lot of farmers will not be as nice. Go read the rules, you'll be ok.
No. 555035
>>554883It started before then. She deleted it all but there're screen caps in the early Aly threads.
>>554896I wish she'd learn that it's WEIGHED and not WEIGHTED. If she really bothered reading recovery accounts she would've picked up on the correct spelling by now.
The way she fucks up verbs gets me the most though. Every single post.
We are allowed eating. NO WE'RE NOT. We're allowed TO EAT.
No. 555195
>>554869This thing she wrote sounds so sincere and realistic, that I'm really struggling to believe it's something that comes from Aly.
If she kept her account this real, she would've been way less pathetic - I do really think that, if her perception of her experiences remained like that, maybe her diet wouldn't be so extreme and her reactions would've been less rollercoaster-y, she would have been quite a good example to follow.
Indeed, for reasons, I follow some recovering and recovered people, and it's pretty common to always repeat the same thing and always relying to the span of time where they were sick. I am recovered myself, yet I actively avoid the topic cause it's in the past, and it shouldn't bother me anymore. (miniblogpost).
No. 555251
>>554937K, thanks. I think I saw some posts in which farmers were talking about their lives on here (eg comparisons to Aly's life) before, though, so it really didn't occur to me. :/ I should have read the rules more thoroughly.
Bu I absolutely see this makes sense, especially in a board like this. Good to know!
>>555195"I am recovered myself, yet I actively avoid the topic cause it's in the past, and it shouldn't bother me anymore."
This sounds reasonable. I believe, however, that not denying that part or past of you might help to grow and stay vigilante in order to not repeat the same mistakes and dysfunctional patterns.
It's probably not what people ranting everyday about how recovered they are, instead of just trying to live their lives, are doing.
Does Aly have any reason to have a blog like this, except for having lots of attention and followers? I have never seen her any collaborational posts or ads which could earn her some money.
No. 555269
>>555251>Does Aly have any reason to have a blog like this, except for having lots of attention and followers? Attention's the only reason. Her ED was the only interesting (as in something she can hold a conversation about) thing about her. Now she's weight restored, she invents scenarios where she has "breakdowns" which appear to be making sad faces and taking pics of them then eating chocolate.
I've kinda trolled in the past and asked her about literature and feminism and she's ignored it. I take that as meaning she has a very basic knowledge about these things despite writing that these are her interests. Her only interest is herself.
For the record I didn't think of anon's post as a blogpost. Loads of us here write about ourselves in relation to Aly and this is a pretty chilled thread where we get along and have a laugh (at Aly). Just my opinion, but no harm done either way.
No. 555271
>>555195OMG!!! I just remembered that mistake Aly made where she posted a personal diary-type entry. Remember that? She was writing on insta about how great recovery was and her mood was over the stars blah blah and she posted that thing about how shit she felt that she wasn't recovering and what a disappointment she was. I'd forgotten about that.
Yup, I'd much prefer honesty from her but now she's set herself up as Queer of Inspiration so she has to fake being jolly all the time (except the 15 min breakdowns for asspats).
No. 555282
File: 1523693500106.jpg (34.08 KB, 291x290, 17.JPG)

>>555274Ty, anon. That's made me nostalgic. I googled her old name aly_recoverylife earlier and it took me to really old posts. This was a year ago and she's still writing the same old shit about kale and "other girls" eating salad.
No. 555287
>>555269"Attention's the only reason. Her ED was the only interesting (as in something she can hold a conversation about) thing about her. Now she's weight restored, she invents scenarios where she has "breakdowns" which appear to be making sad faces and taking pics of them then eating chocolate."
Boring life, I suppose. :(
Microblog post (I know) and armchair psychology: I get that one of the etiological reasons of an ED, (especially?) a visually often dramatic one like anorexia, is in quite a few cases to give the sufferer a sense of purpose and to make them feel special and the best at something. But (for me) recovery also means overcoming that urge and to actively fight against it when you identify it as a potentional underlying reason for doing something (like posting lot of dramatic pictures publicly with comparisons between looking very sick physically and being at a healthy body weight).
However, I really hope Aly's happy and gets adequate help if she ever needs some beyond the actual eating aspects of her illness. I'm glad she seems to have a supporting mother and a boyfriend by her side.
Asking her for feminist literature sound very insidious! I just read on here that she has some university education, but I don't know if she was taught anything like it there, especially if you're looking for something at the borderline/intersection between feminist takes on bodily autonomy and eating disorders.
Absolute, absolute off-topic (I'm half expecting to be banned): If your interest wasn't just because of trolling: There are some articles tackling eating disorders and eating disorder treatment approaches coming from a cultural studies or even gender studies perspective accesible on jstor. But it's really not a topic I have any expertise in either.
No. 555308
>>554869Yep, same. Actually I was at my worst at the same time as Aly. She even followed my recovery account for a while (!)
But I deleted my account once I was just starting to get back to a normal routine. She has kept hers for what, almost 2 years after being weight restored and able to eat "normally" (well she eats shit but doesn't have ED behaviors). It's so weird, her whole identity revolves around her previous eating disorder. That's all she ever talks about and it makes me kind of pity her. She just can't live without the attention, it's scary. Who the fuck needs to keep posting every single meal they eat when they are recovered? Why bother? I wonder how long this will keep going on
No. 555467
File: 1523720264884.jpg (Spoiler Image,918.03 KB, 1080x1336, Screenshot_20180414-173647_Chr…)

No. 555468
File: 1523720271397.png (484.52 KB, 479x597, 2018-04-14 17.35.12.png)

Just stop, Aly. Please.
No. 555470
File: 1523720294042.jpg (723.08 KB, 1080x1860, 20180414_173716.jpg)

Another cringe caption.
No. 555476
File: 1523720770002.jpg (123.91 KB, 719x953, Screenshot_20180414-094421.jpg)

>>555470So she just took this from shutterstock? LOL and posted it with the watermark and everything.
No. 555506
>>555470She's at Berto's. Doesn't she live with him? She'll never move in if he hasn't got WiFi.
>cellulitisYeah, that's a dog blanket. Lol.
No. 555508
>>555485I remember this week she said that she isn't sure about the trip to London and that she was stressed, feeling unworthy, etc.
I'm the anon who always have theories about these and that, now I have a thery that ma C got her a job near of her, maybe Aly was "recomended" (not sure what's the right word when you got a job thanks to someone influence). Maybe the job was for personal boss' assistant but she had to start in a regular office position (maybe answering phones) to check her abilities and obviously after a month, boss hired someone with more capabilities.
Ok, this is maybe the worst theory on earth, i like to write fanfics.
>>555308>>555418>>555423>>555425>>555468>>555471>>555485Not sure if different anons or just one, but remember to put the -sage- thing in the email field, before some fag become in rage mode. (I remember one anon was banned the past thread for insulting some newbie anon xD)
No. 555552
>>555532It might be one of the newfags from a few days ago who discovered the thread via alys post
And no, xD and emojis are not allowed
No. 555560
>>555532Can you link a post for perusal? It's something I'd want to do if I was a cow, but I would've thought her English was too atrocious and recognisable to get away with posting under cover here.
>>555552I always feel like I'm going to get red text after a post when I've done a copypasta of an Aly caption that's got emojis on it. This XD doesn't fit in, but the emojis are like (!), although I've noticed she's doing that less.
No. 555576
File: 1523731407387.png (1.29 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7284.PNG)

Poor, poor Berto
No. 555583
>>555576>those nails>one hour…what?
I swear she must be really good at faking being normal if he's still with her
No. 555584
File: 1523731752664.jpg (106.23 KB, 1600x1062, P1020496.JPG)

>>555576Wow, he really is just a prop. This time to rest her puffy hand on.
No. 555597
>>555560 sure, here.
>>555251I apologize if this is not the case. Its just that they keep using emojis, and identifying themselves.
No. 555702
>>555597No, I'm definitely not Aly. I'm not a native speaker of English, that's all. However, I do speak English with less of an accent than you might think, and I often get to use it when writing - but not in forums.
I also tend to make more typos when writing in English than in my native language, they often end up looking like bad grammar even though I actually know better. Also, prepositions are mean.
I didn't know that emoticons are not allowed on here, but I will keep it in mind from now on.
I wasn't the anon using "xD", though.
No. 555744
>>555702Anon, here's another tip: If your post is mostly about you, don't post it. No one cares and there is actually a post limit per thread, so you're wasting everyone's time and space on the website to talk about yourself. Everything aside
>Sorry, I'm ESL. I'm not aly, or the anon using XDwas completely unnecessary.
No. 555752
File: 1523745227356.jpg (54.23 KB, 477x603, deja vu.JPG)

Her parents aren't rich. Both parents worked until about a year ago and her dad lost his job. They live in a scummy area and holiday in Italy once a year.
I get the feeling that whatever Ma earns, she uses it to keep Aly happy and maintain her love of eating at cafes every day and paying for anything she needs.
It's all debated in old threads.
IMG - those bedsheets.
Her days are so repetitive.
> messed up after two days/nigh out
Wow, for 22 she's a real lightweight. If she went clubbing she'd certainly die (!)
No. 555766
>>555752Is "that bloating" black mass area to the left, supposed to be her body? It could be anything.
>>555756lots of people bike; especially in cities. Whats wrong with it?
No. 556327
File: 1523816097620.jpg (57.22 KB, 426x587, why.JPG)

just want to nit pick a bit. But this bugs me what shes doing with her other hand. Why is it doing that? Why does she make looking at her so uncomfortable? Its so stupidly forced.
>what can my other hand do? oh! it will just float there next to the food doing nothing.
No. 556339
File: 1523816989917.jpg (58.64 KB, 720x342, 20180415_201612.jpg)

So all Aly did was post 2 pics of dogs' stuff in her stories. Then she inhaled the candy and that's it and dogs is still being all up Aly's ass lol.
No. 556393
File: 1523820743845.jpg (24.98 KB, 396x359, the pinkie.JPG)

>>556327She likes to look graceful when eating (or her version of eating). She did all these hand gestures in spoopy videos where she posted to ~proof~ she put food in her mouth. She looked like she was dining with the Queen or something. She's wired up all wrong…maybe literally if she's a puppet. My biggest bugbear is the pinkie finger.
>>556339I hope dogs soon realises Aly doesn't care. Although I feel bad when vulnerable people have sent shit to Ash and other cows, I get to the point where I start to feel bad for the, even though they're stupid.
>>556351Ma's always worked. She works in publishing. No idea where the money comes from but I suspect Sicilian connections.
>>556364I bet she doesn't even have her personal email. Aly presumes EVERYONE reads every post she makes and though posting two shitty pictures (one where she's creased up the painting and one where she's pretending she loves the candy) is enough.
She's posted another spoopy #tb and for the thousandth time she's copypasta-d the I CHEER FOR… caption.
No. 556491
File: 1523826694220.gif (4.33 MB, 320x554, 20180415_150708.gif)

>>556393the way she's holding this bottle too.
I wish I still had the old videos. She would take a bite all while spinning her fork in circles, obviously hating every min of it.
No. 556522
File: 1523828633529.gif (3.34 MB, 280x280, 1-a81cf94a7e.gif)

>>556491She still has a few up. She looks like she's going to vomit.
No. 556580
>>556393She's going to keep recycling captions isn't she
She's already boring and annoying, posting constantly the same crap over and over again for years
Guess we're going to have to wait for her ~trip to London~ to get some new milk. I'd ask her about it but of course I'm blocked lol
No. 556772
>>556522Lol, she looks like she never intended to swallow the food. Probably spit it out right after she stopped filming.
It really amazes me how she went from this to not being able to stop eating in such a short time. I know it´s not uncommon for former anorexics to go to the other extreme after years and years of deprivation, but Aly was starving herself for maybe a year or a year and a half. I´m really curious where she will end up weight-wise if she keeps eating like she does.
No. 556800
>>556772She’s headed towards being overweight for sure. Maybe not obese, but she’ll be on the chunky side. She’s never gotten help and never will, so her relationship with food remains unhealthy and unbalanced. She’ll go from one extreme to the next. I don’t think she’s capable of slowing down how much junk she actually eats. It’s clearly an addiction.
It also doesn’t help that her eating is a hobby and the only thing she “does”. Her life revolves around what she eats and how she feels about it on a daily basis. And her weird unhealthy relationship with her mom.
It looks like a really sad life.
No. 556905
>>556772I couldn't fit the whole video in this gif. she actually dose swallow it, after chewing for forever, and says "other day other crepe" or something like that lol
she has actually been weight restored for a year now. She did not look like a spoop last year.
No. 556953
File: 1523871046226.png (1003 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7294.PNG)

So Aly's auntie (who I don't think she's ever mentioned before) died. I wonder how long it'll be before Aly makes it all about herself.
No. 556991
File: 1523876666597.jpeg (113.04 KB, 286x640, 8A8AECB0-C392-424B-87F3-BBA092…)

>>556987Pa Casati represents us.
No. 557053
File: 1523888114238.png (1.92 MB, 1073x1663, IMG_20180416_071359.png)

Nothing says sadness like cat ears…
No. 557090
>>556953Isn't this the aunt who's house they go to for Easter?
Litterally the only time I see her talk about aunt's and uncles, is to say how they influenced her ED, or made a comment about her weight. And how awful they are. I never see her say anything nice until they die.
No. 557109
File: 1523893357277.jpg (260.72 KB, 1600x1200, Lugosi-Dracula.jpg)

>>557053Forget her fake grief, that's some widow's peak she's got going on.
No. 557112
>>556953So sorry for her auntie, but… she posted about it following her pattern of -food pic, aly eating' pic- even in this situation she must keep that ridiculous pattern.
And the first thing she has to do is to write that she wont use direct, what a surprise…
No. 557115
File: 1523893720308.jpg (104.85 KB, 799x595, eurgh.JPG)

>>557112Fuck, I didn't even notice she'd posted. How…inappropriate. And there she was so shocked to reacting.
No. 557122
File: 1523894049001.png (Spoiler Image,395.32 KB, 394x578, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-16 um 1…)

So her aunt passes away and Aly uses the opportunity to post a half naked pic followed by a spoopy pic. What the hell is wrong with this girl?
No. 557175
>>557158a hickey lol she really is a 14 year old in a 22 year old body
>>557115she’s not used to family grief she’s just never experienced it oh my god… like two family members died whom she probably saw like once a year (not enough time to build a legit relationship and knowing aly’s self-centredness these two family members probably meant nothing to her). it’s fine that she doesnt really care about her aunt dying but ffs how about you worry about your parent for once? and stop making EVERYTHING about you
No. 557178
>>557175That woman might not even be her real aunt. She might be one of those people who get called "auntie" when really they're just a friend of the family
Whoever she was, Aly's forgotten her already if she's back to posting ugly cheap selfies and food.
No. 557212
File: 1523898002089.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.99 KB, 306x388, thats normal.jpg)

No. 557221
File: 1523898498558.jpg (14.89 KB, 271x89, lawl.JPG)

Essenbilder = pictures of eating?
No. 557233
>>556772>>556801Going from anorexia to eating too much is really easy and understandable. However, there should be a point where the person should realise that it's time to stop and learn how to have a healthy eating pattern.
Aly obviously never did
No. 557256
>>557235Ah i saw the comment now
"Essensbilder" is the correct term tho, in german it's put together
No. 557266
>>557256Google translate's not as smart as it thinks.
I wonder if Aly bothers to translate it.
No. 557275
>>556987When she was sooo close to her aunt, why not use a more recent photo but this one twice, in stories and in her post? Oh of course, to remind everyone again of how severely anorexic (!) she used to be. Just in case someone forgot. It's always about her.
>>557115So this is what she meant by
>I feel unable reactingShe obviously has no idea how to react appropiately. Fucking narc.
No. 557283
>>557053And after
> I spent about two hours looking at the wall this morning, after my auntie's sudden death news>sitting on the floor unable moving, dressing up, empty mindedShe somehow managed to tart herself up and apply that nasty brown lipstick and make a funny animal face clip for stories.
>empty mindedNothing new there.
No. 557289
File: 1523900662481.png (114.42 KB, 640x890, IMG_7302.PNG)

>>557055It's just like you predicted!
No. 557351
>>557344Those fries and that coke will definitely give you long lasting strenght.
She can't skip a snack or else she'll look hollowed again.
No. 557355
File: 1523903400617.jpg (329.5 KB, 720x900, Screenshot_20180416-122802.jpg)

>>557289She had a powerful snack because she doesn't know if she will eat dinner.
No. 557361
>>557355Oh, I'm sure she'll manage dinner or at least a whole back of cookies by night.
It'd be sad if her boss told her the trip to London was all arranged and she couldn't go because of the funeral (just an idea to get you out of your tricky situation there, Aly).
No. 557431
File: 1523908913942.jpg (67.03 KB, 791x382, cake pics.JPG)

did you make your mom take this and 100 more pictures of you and this cake too?
I swear I could make a stop motion gif of her holding cake.
No. 557841
File: 1523974173053.png (115.82 KB, 640x785, IMG_7309.PNG)

Mom took Aly out for lunch and now everything's better.
No. 557844
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No. 557854
>>557850Ice cream presentation is pretty cool imho.
She is just so vain. Not even if front of a deceased loved one she remembers of anyone else.
No. 557872
File: 1523976567045.jpeg (31.02 KB, 210x240, 167302E9-A045-46AF-B06D-595953…)

>>557841She reminds me of my grandma who had binge eating disorder, she used to take 30 aspirine which was the reason her face looked like a fat baby’s. Alys sugar intake is so high she looks unnaturally bloated…. and don’t get me wrong but there’s a huge difference between real fat and water weight, she’s a filled water balloon and her face reminds me of some teenage mutant ninja turtle, Michelangelo
No. 557898
File: 1523979887844.png (1.28 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7311.PNG)

Dressing to impress
No. 557957
File: 1523983817072.png (375.54 KB, 390x555, 2018-04-17_18.44.39.png)

Another lovely throwback picture. Back then that ice-cream went right into the rubbish bin after the pic was taken.
No. 558008
>>557957There was a comment on this post about #banthebefore or whatever but I didn’t get to cap it before she deleted it. Aly will probably never stop posting spoop photos,
triggering or not. Just like she’ll never really let go of that time in her life.
No. 558034
>>557898Sitting at the near edge of the chair so her thighs don’t look like two sacks of potatoes.
Love yourself, Aly.
No. 558250
File: 1524004143564.jpg (73.1 KB, 695x448, 2017.JPG)

Any predictions about what she's going to be wearing this summer?
Summer 2017 was the season of the long vest worn as a dress and bikini. When the weather became chilly she added the long socks for a "slutty look" (Aly's words).
I hope these leggins aren't a taste of things to come. It's awful when girls wear thing leggins without a long top or skirt and the fabric stretches and you can see their drawerz.
Accessories won't change - Berto and food.
No. 558257
File: 1524004660762.png (1.44 MB, 1219x534, aly summer 2018.png)

>>558250Same anon. Here is what I mean about the leggins if you've never seen it (which I doubt). So this is my prediction for the summer.
No. 558802
File: 1524063684448.png (1.26 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7314.PNG)

No. 559379
File: 1524093599898.jpeg (602.01 KB, 750x1171, 9BFAC1DB-82AD-43A8-99CD-541858…)

Yeah this totally looks like someone who went to a funeral for her “beloved auntie” I don’t know how things work in Aly’s world, but anytime I’ve lost a close loved one, I’m not on SM, I pay attention to my family and friends and others who are involved in the mourning. Yet here’s dear old Aly kitten filter on peace sign “everything’s fine girls!”. This is chick is so extra it hurts. Posts a legs shot from the hospital her Aunt was supposedly at, but the funeral was today… pretty sure Auntie would have been embalmed and processed for the funeral. So why tag the hospital? Why is it always pics of Aly and never what she’s actually doing? Obviously I don’t believe a thing this girl posts. Her life must be such a mess.
No. 559475
>>558802The return of STRENGHT!!!
No. 559488
File: 1524097669194.jpg (12.5 KB, 255x137, the peak.JPG)

There's something weird going on with her hairline as well.
No. 559490
File: 1524097753853.jpg (89.64 KB, 921x492, 2_are you joking.JPG)

what is she saying? that she normally doesn't foodblog? what?
No. 559502
>>559490She used the exact same line really recently and I wondered what she meant then. It's not like she doesn't close her daily Aly - food - Aly - food - Aly posts with food.
I tried to remember where she posted it last time but I honestly felt like throwing myself under a car (!) looking at her face.
Btw, I've never seen Minions. It looks shit.
No. 559589
File: 1524102696138.jpeg (92.69 KB, 640x275, 130FA677-229F-4E12-909D-C3CF38…)

I kill me
No. 559691
>>559589Yeah I don’t think that’s meditation, Aly. Kek
She probably has one negative thought and due to her extremely superficial emotions and inability to feel true sadness, she thinks that it means that she must be super suicidal then comes on IG all like “So glad I survived girls”
No. 559936
>>559485In her defense: In Europe we often go to restaurants after a funeral and invite the people who were close to the deceased one. The one closest (spouse, kids etc.) pay for the other guests. It is often a "traditional" restaurant, but I have been to restaurants with kitchens' foreign to the country in question as well.
(When I went to my first US funeral I found the finger-food/buffet thing too party-like…)
No. 559955
File: 1524145789534.png (21.47 KB, 306x107, wow so brave.png)

>>559485>>559936It's very uncommon in Italy, except maybe in the south. Most would find it odd and some even offensive. Personally I don't, and I understand that it's just different traditions.
But traditions aside it's so obvious she doesn't care about her and that it's one of her props for extra Instagram attention. I also hate how she uses her death to come off as some sort of hero (pic related).
No. 560008
>>559936>>559955I think the idea of the buffet thing is refreshments for people who've travelled to get to the service before they go home. I'm not sure about that though.
It's Thursday and she had ice cream for lunch again today, then some fried balls on her way home. She's gonna be huuuuuuuuuuuuge.
No. 560013
File: 1524153071936.png (125.05 KB, 640x890, IMG_7316.PNG)

Dressed so appropriately for her sooper important job.
No. 560072
>>560013One of you guys shooped her again, right?
>>559936Balkanfag and yea, it's basically a muat here
No. 560073
File: 1524157793591.jpg (17.27 KB, 279x119, shorts.JPG)

>>560013wasn't she wearing shorts just 6 months ago? with her thigh high socks?
No. 560128
File: 1524163149192.jpg (561.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180419-200600.jpg)

(it was Matteo's bday)
No. 560143
File: 1524164925236.gif (7.02 MB, 320x554, 20180419_125254.gif)

>>560128Yay! So you invited your brother out for drinks and had a good time with him on his birthday!…oh, you didn't?
No. 560146
>>560073Aly writing "YAS" feels like my grandma saying "cool".
>>560013Cankles in the making.
No. 560149
>>560136>>560137>>560143Yeah no she was out until 8pm (with her boy I'm assuming) despite it being her brother's bday.
It's almost May! Time to definitely move out 4real now, Aly.
No. 560567
File: 1524204036393.jpg (13.51 KB, 288x56, 22kg.JPG)

>>560449I guess she's claiming this.
No. 560665
File: 1524224501399.png (39.62 KB, 286x455, troof.png)

No. 560738
File: 1524233962847.gif (9.82 MB, 600x750, omfg.gif)

No. 560743
>>560738Beat me to it!
Anyway, this skirt. It's too short; and not because it hurts my sensibilities. It litterally doesn't fit, it's a child size dress. Also check out the old man back there.
>>560665Aly thought that was harsh? LoL it was a well thought out comment. They could have said worse. also asking a bunch of anorexics if they like when you post skele pics is like asking a 6 year old of they want ice cream for dinner.
No. 560797
>>560738Okay, THIS is the worst outfit she ever wore (imo). Skirt pulled up to her ribs and that fucking belt. No, just…no jfc
>>560785Maybe she thinks she's now "curvy" and "thicc" since she gained weight and a bit of tiddies
No. 560815
File: 1524241219581.jpg (36.37 KB, 369x225, lifegoalz.jpg)

>>560783also jealous of her accomplishments!
No. 560834
File: 1524242691099.gif (3.11 MB, 320x554, 20180420_104050.gif)

This was the opposite of sneaked Aly.
No. 560839
>>560834Okay. These outfits. Is she working as a hooker?
>>560815So today we learned that Aly is a short skirt and bacon toppings.
No. 560944
File: 1524254818141.png (14.07 KB, 455x96, wp_ss_20180420_0002.png)

>>560891That was from an online article about funeral directors having to ban phones because of people taking selfies with dead relatives!
I liked at this. Aly said someone called her skinny fat. You're not skinny but… lol.
No. 560968
File: 1524256985776.jpg (68.19 KB, 473x818, skinnyfat.JPG)

>>560944Aly darling, you are skinny fat though. You have no muscle mass, all you eat is junk and your body is made up of fat. In other words you are all skin and fat instead of skin and bones.
No. 560970
File: 1524257306736.jpg (12.74 KB, 295x65, wtf.JPG)

Also, wtf is with this comment? bitch, you will gain, you're SUPPOSED to gain. Aly gained eating all her fear foods every single day, and she will continue to gain, until who knows when…
No. 561002
File: 1524261848797.png (16.06 KB, 440x83, wp_ss_20180420_0003.png)

Ill people you trigger with spoopy pics define what's triggering to them you dumb twat.
No. 561012
>>560738The creepy dude in the background amuses me. Same, dude, same.
>>560815Sushi with…
>>560834Sure Aly, that "friend" just so happened to grab your phone, switch your favorite filter on, and totally took a video of you without you even noticing! Seems legit.
>>560968Been catching up on your lolcow thread again, have we?
No. 561044
File: 1524268231275.jpg (15.33 KB, 292x65, fuck off aly.JPG)

>>561012She's still playing in your support (img).
No. 561237
>>560013look, i understand there is some kind of underground dont call aly fat shes kind of 'skinny fat'. but aly really is getting chunky. take from a few years ago, sure anorexia is not a good look but we all know the mcdonalds and pies arent doing her any good. shes bulking up. and add on the alcohol constantly, homegirl is slippin
and while her brand is all about eating disorders and supposedly overcoming them, no one here can deny she still has some disordered eating. her whole instagram life has been anorexia but at this point the 'redistribution of fat' whatever.. i feel bad for her but there obviously is no effort on her part to actually heal herself mentally. shes sick and is shows physically.
No. 561342
File: 1524305537556.png (1.59 MB, 1321x513, Untitled.png)

>>561237Of course she's getting chunky. This is the crap she eats. A once a week treat for most people is a quick snack for Aly. Ma paying for all this is killing Aly with sugar and fats.
Ugh, idk how I will surviving this weekend because Aly is going to be less present because busying getting morbidly obese.🙈
No. 561355
File: 1524307993188.png (1.35 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7322.PNG)

No. 561363
File: 1524309826649.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7323.PNG)

Our poor recoveryqueer skipped one (!) meal! She must look hollowed af!
No. 561386
>>561355>back from the night out clothes from yesterday headache duties to do at home pressure tiredness break down strong afthat sounds like an aliexpress listing title.
aly-express. kek
No. 561412
>>561237go away ana-chan. She isn't chunky. She's not underweight anymore and her diet is atrocious, but she is not overweight and her weight isn't killing her (anymore).
I find Aly pretty disgusting as a person, but I think comments like these are pretty disgusting too - especially because she does still have an eating disorder. It's like some people only see recovery as acceptable if a person is BMI 17-18 or has a 6-pack. She's a pretty stupid woman and it's going to take some time for her to realize that her current diet isn't "freedom," it's a form of eating disordered behavior. She needs help to build a healthy relationship with food (and other people, since she's a self-absorbed narcissist) and I hope someone gets through to her about that.
She's not even close to being obese, so throwing around words like that about someone who was a fucking skeleton in 2015-2016 is shitty.
No. 561449
If you didn't take a photo of your snotty nose, did you even ~fEeL tEh FeElZ~ (?)
Jfc she reached a new low…
>>561355it's called a hangover, drink water and pull up your strong inspiring warrior-pants you whiny shit
No. 561465
>>561450She looks better without crusty eyeliner
Now if only she learned to do her eyebrows, took care of her skin and stopped scrunching her forehead like that
No. 561502
>>561412lol calm down
>>561450she just took 5 years off with not having make up on, but id believe here sad face more if she wasnt still doing her signature mouth pinch.
No. 561581
>>560841OT but Ma C. looks sad. Didn´t her sister just die? I genuinely feel sorry for her.
>>561545haha kek or "McDonalds - not even once"
No. 561628
File: 1524341902312.jpg (51.89 KB, 364x646, ok npw.JPG)

She's okay now. She's having pizza with Sonia and Berty.
No. 561641
File: 1524343530320.jpg (55.28 KB, 370x657, 1.JPG)

Lush is back. It's so lush she's drolling over it and taking multiple pics rather than eating the fucking thing.
No. 561647
File: 1524343920728.jpg (47.65 KB, 428x303, snot.jpg)

No. 561701
File: 1524346991500.jpg (33.73 KB, 363x658, 1.JPG)

Aly felt deserving McFlurry by night #raiseup
No. 561741
File: 1524350192830.jpg (146.91 KB, 1200x845, Piroshki.JPG)

>>561728You need to get some frozen lasagne in. I saw a youtube about Russian pies earlier (!) and I've craved one since I saw it. Not like I've got the cash to charter a private jet to Moscow or w/e but if I was a multi millionaire I'd totally do it. Now I'm looking at pies on google images.
Gotta say, she's never posted anything that's given me a craving. Not into sweet or cheesy stuff.
No. 562009
>>561964When I visited Italy, I watched everyone using knives and forks on their pizza. As an amerifag, it was sort of funny. So I did the same. I didn’t want to seem like a Neanderthal.
>>561701>why not?Because diabeetus
>>561450I’ve said I’d a million times but I’ll say it again….GROW UP ALY. You’re not a fucking 10 year old. You’re a grown ass woman. Act like it. This behavior is abysmal.
No. 562043
>>561991I'm pie anon and I knoooow it's pizza. I thought the sloppy tomato n cheese combo reminded craving anon of lasagne.
Aly posted a caption congratulating herself on how well she reacted against her breakdown. Instead of drugs she did kitkat McFlurry. Who needs big pharma when you got big golden arches.
No. 562106
File: 1524401208400.png (128.5 KB, 640x960, IMG_7325.PNG)

Berto evidently has just as poor taste in tattoos as Aly. 'Hopes and fears' smh
No. 562108
File: 1524401313508.png (98.77 KB, 583x814, IMG_7326.PNG)

>>562106samefag, she's gonna bite her tongue off one day posing like this
No. 562186
File: 1524414031001.png (53.99 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7328.PNG)

No. 562230
>>562186deleted already. Not enough asspats? What will happen next? Will Aly
a) fight her worst breakdown ever with lush #fries and #coke -positivity? Or are we in for
b) more pictures of her snot-drolling nose?
No. 562233
>>562204I read it as SADOH, lol. That is a shit tattoo. The letters are all the wrong size, especially that tiny O. Why did he get it written in English?
>>562186I thought you didn't care about how fat you'll become, Aly. Show us the comment or didn't happen.
No. 562234
File: 1524418493681.jpg (18.92 KB, 493x68, o rly.JPG)

No. 562253
File: 1524419883823.jpg (25.95 KB, 292x174, lol.JPG)

She's claiming she's BMI 19. Ooookay.
No. 562255
File: 1524419966087.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.15 KB, 349x400, mirkin.JPG)

…and a spoiler for rampant pubes
No. 562269
File: 1524420977869.jpg (197.29 KB, 818x818, goodpic(NOT!).jpg)

No. 562379
File: 1524426829405.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.55 KB, 306x475, Cc.JPG)

deleted because denial
No. 562413
>>562255You can see all the lines on her stomach from the previous pants she wore. She’s clearly stuffing herself into pants that are a couple sizes too small.
And ooof and those shorts. She’s in total denial about her size. My cooch hurts thinking about what it must feel like to sit in those.
No. 562456
File: 1524430026241.jpg (8.6 KB, 194x260, too-small-bikini.jpg)

I fear the season is approaching where worse is to come.
No. 562459
File: 1524430150640.jpg (46.32 KB, 336x563, sugar.JPG)

Weight gaining fear yet
No. 562883
File: 1524448728495.jpg (64.01 KB, 625x355, Screenshot_20180422-195418.jpg)

How about you take your own advice instead?
No. 563112
File: 1524468520291.jpg (230.13 KB, 978x667, recipe.jpg)

>>562459because it´s bomb af (!)
No. 563113
>>563112well im pretty sure when her emotional eating
triggered serotonin receptors in her gut there was no doubt she got her #motivation back
but we all know shes going to struggle tomorrow over mcdonalds fries and coke
No. 563168
File: 1524501367563.png (386.71 KB, 432x587, 2018-04-23 18.33.53.png)

This outfit is the bomb. I´m so jealous.
No. 563220
>>563168Why is her thigh wider than her head?
She bought those shorts. Her life is a series of bad decisions.
No. 563256
File: 1524506555286.png (1.55 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7350.PNG)

She went to work dressed like this??
No. 563298
File: 1524509792228.jpg (396.21 KB, 1392x812, alyandma.jpg)

>>563255>poor Ma Casatiimho, really NOT (!). Ma raised this narc and to this day she enables Aly. She pays for the shit food, she takes most of the pictures, even did when Aly pretended to eat while remaining a walking skeleton!
Not long ago, she gave Aly a shirt that is at least 2 sizes too small (probably from the kid´s section) as a gift.
>>550722So I guess she doesn´t see anything wrong with those black shorts either.
It´s super weird because Mel herself obviously knows how to dress quite well and she does not have that batshit insane look in her eyes.
But she can´t be quite right in the head, sitting back and watching, even supporting the shit show that is her daughter´s life.
No. 563299
>>563298Lots of relatively wealthy families have that laissez-faire approach to child rearing. My bf's parents never gave a diddly squat about him and let him do whatever "as long as he's happy". He's 25 and has just graduated from high school.
Aly's mother looks like one of those parents.
No. 563395
>>563298sorry if blogpost but idk the concept of enabling is tricky
my ma hated how she felt she had no choice but to stop resisting my behaviours when ill because she was so scared of muh dhying she didn't know what to do- how much would she blame herself if she did something completely sane but I responded in a crazy anachan way and things got messed up really bad
maybe Aly's mum felt she was toeing that similar line of fear- whether to protect aly from her illness or abilty to self arm or w/e
No. 563505
Does Aly ever eat well.. vegetables? Not even sure if her pizzas have vegetables (tomato is a fruit so doesn't count).
I thought a huge part of recovery was learning to take care of yourself, to take care of your body and help it heal (well as much as possible) from the abuse you've done to it over the time you've had your issues. To me in the IG community, a lot of ana-chans look at recovery and think "what's the opposite of sickness, health right? Opposite of starving must, therefore, be scoffing only foods that you've denied yourself for years (mostly MC D's, or cake). The higher the calorie, fat and sugar content the better regardless of nutrition.
It's not normal or healthy to eat cake at every meal, or ice cream, or flippin' porridge (good start) with layers of cakes, sweets and syrup piled on top for morning noon and night. Isn't it still just another form of abuse to your already suffering body? It's like there's no balance. Hoping they manage to get out of the situation before their health suffers more.
I just don't get this whole generation of IG cake-chans.
No. 563515
>>563505""what's the opposite of sickness, health right? Opposite of starving must, therefore, be scoffing only foods that you've denied yourself for years (mostly MC D's, or cake). The higher the calorie, fat and sugar content the better regardless of nutrition."
this is absolutely aly's mentality. she eats nothing but her old forbidden faves and a suggestion that maybe just have those as treats after you eat healthy balanced meals, she would interpret as dieting and therefore toxic when it's just fucking eating normally. She's dualistic as fuck and only understands ana mentality and the exact opposite of ana mentality, so she's obviously not recovered in her mind.
It's like if someone went from being super pious about religion to constantly hurting people and stealing because they don't understand morals or compassion outside of a religious framework. The only ideas aly understands about eating are within an ana framework.
No. 563528
File: 1524520691829.jpg (56.37 KB, 668x749, breathe.JPG)

The fabric is trying to escape being sucked into the crotch vortex.
This already hurts just looking at it.
If she can go to "work" like this, she ain't working.
No. 563533
>>563528From chin highs to crotch skimmers. Everything has to be extreme.
Those shorts won't last the summer.
No. 563559
>how anybody could want eatingThat's a very Aly phrase (!)
I wonder if she's ever seen Supersize Me.
(Youtube clip contains the puking scene so
TW TW TW. This is what I think of when I see Aly's diet).
No. 564211
>>564063Blogpost but - it definitely started on internet self-help forums, both for those with EDs (real and self diagnosed) and their parents. It’s not endorsed by most mental health professionals, and there’s this whole insanely parents site where they ream out doctors who won’t endorse the parents force feeding their recovering kid ice cream and cake until a point way past a healthy weight, in a way that is honestly abusive to the child.
Forced over eating on junk food as a means of recovery is SUCH a blunt instrument and underscores the need for a medically monitored recovery (which Aly barely had by the sounds of it). Fear food should be taught to be consumed in normal quantities with normal frequency, not literally every meal.
No. 564293
File: 1524580392195.png (1 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7351.PNG)

No. 564296
File: 1524580594310.jpg (100.06 KB, 797x581, Capture.JPG)

Aly's written a message today. Not on her face (!) but on the scales she "threw out of the window" last year.
She obviously weighed herself because she's hoping in your support because she feels like a ~number~
Yeah, she's not working.
No. 564297
File: 1524580611154.png (438.3 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7353.PNG)

Aaand this comment has already been deleted
No. 564334
File: 1524583601610.jpeg (255.89 KB, 743x1027, D0E4A77C-3433-43B3-8FC4-F1EF22…)

Not sure if this’ll get deleted so I capped it, also this girl does follow Aly, that’s all I know.
No. 564341
File: 1524583878443.jpg (26.2 KB, 312x229, alys army.JPG)

Here's a google translate
No. 564351
>>564341>unleashing the army of salvationI know it's google translate, but still sounds a bit Aly-like
If there are any Italian anons, could you please translate? I wouldn't be surprised if Aly actually threatened someone with her followers harassing them
No. 564357
File: 1524584962708.jpg (39.05 KB, 334x576, Capture.JPG)

Even when she's walking she films from an unflattering angle. Her clothes are so tight that she looks like she past the third trimester. Must be bloating.
Hope she'll change her clothes tomorrow.
No. 564459
File: 1524592952144.png (724.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180424-120023.png)

Sounds like she's decided to start exercising.
No. 564544
>>564334>[martiimmi] @wokeup2recovery @aly_sjourney Come on, delete the comment, like you always do with everyone who doesn't worship you as if you were a goddess!
>[aly_sjournal] @martiimmi Ask yourself: why do you follow me? I can't get it
>[martiimmi] @aly_sjourney I've answered in private to avoid unleashing your salvation army>>564355Interesting, at first I think she only meant "your whiteknights" while trying to sound dramatic like Aly. Didn't think about her ~religious~ fans, but I think you're right.
>>564351It definitely sounds Aly-like, but that's because Aly translates everything literally from Italian. However, if you try to translate Aly's posts into Italian, they never make sense. Kek
No. 564559
>>564302I think Ma drank too much when she was pregnant and feels bad that Aly is a partial tard. And that’s why she is enabling Aly.
Or maybe she dropped Aly on her head. Ma feels guilty for something. If she actually cared about Aly she would kick her out of the house and stop enabling her. Ma does all this to make herself feel better.
No. 564580
File: 1524600754539.png (196.87 KB, 640x986, IMG_7359.PNG)

Why does she have such veiny tits?
No. 564588
>>564357Why does she put her hand in her crotch at the end of this clip? Probably gotta pull those shorts down every few steps before they saw her not size zero bootie in half.
No. 564615
File: 1524603844364.png (1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180424-145114.png)

>>564580This lighting too…also I'm almost sure she's laying on a tile floor. The kitchen floor maybe?
No. 564783
>>564355Lol. I used the emoji to mock Aly. Learn to integrate with thread culture, farmhand (!).
Feel such a mistake now. I go to lie on floor.
No. 564844
File: 1524619767547.png (208.44 KB, 640x360, udders.png)

>>564798I've noticed she's losing a good handful of followers every day.
No. 565035
>>564992Happy wednes-YAY babies.
I don't get her criteria for blocking people. I was positive she would've blocked this person who said she obv misjudged her BMI as 19 and that she needs therapy, but she's back.
I hope Aly answers this scales thing because she makes a big deal that she trashed them yet she's scrawling on them with eyeliner.
No. 565037
File: 1524641603890.png (19.19 KB, 475x122, wp_ss_20180425_0003.png)

Dropped pic
No. 565083
File: 1524649746262.png (18.01 KB, 441x106, wp_ss_20180425_0004.png)

>>565037Yeah, right. Because everyone keeps broken shit lying around the house.
No. 565351
File: 1524677869254.jpeg (610.71 KB, 1599x1599, FFC35154-91BC-4166-8790-FB4FBB…)

New comments on the ice cream/ scale pic. Turns out she WAS saying the ice cream was huge and not Aly. Also I like seeing non farmers leaving these kinds of comments. Surprised it’s still up honestly. She mustn’t have seen it.
No. 566175
File: 1524745257214.jpg (538.59 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20180426-141849_Chr…)

She's going to Rome for the weekend…but still no mention of London? Lmao guess she thinks people will forget about it
No. 566211
File: 1524751107929.png (140.18 KB, 640x787, IMG_7381.PNG)

The ungodly 'dresses' are back.
No. 566272
File: 1524759151614.png (284.88 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7383.PNG)

Stop playing, Aly. You're going to babble about it whether anyone asks you to or not.
No. 566376
File: 1524765938889.jpeg (779.52 KB, 750x1220, 9634615B-5DD4-4DC9-9CE5-C4535A…)

>>566272This is what she was talking about, she went for drinks with her friends and they ordered no cal drinks while she had food and a beer. Bitch’ll use normal outings for attention no matter what’s going on…
No. 566411
File: 1524768496564.png (110.55 KB, 631x987, IMG_7386.PNG)

Fucking yikes.
No. 566506
>>566376Maybe it's not the calories that are making her uncomfortable but the fact that others don't have a need to stuff garbage down their throat for every meal and snack.
She's scared of anything healthy. When was the last time she had a glass of water or fruit/veggies, jesus
No. 566855
>>566376it's only ""difficult"" for aly because she's turned herself into a fucking garbage disposal unit
get the fuck over it aly, what OTHER PEOPLE choose to drink is none of your fucking business. eat your lard and shut up
No. 566915
>>566855>>566870This exactly. She preaches you should eat and drink what you like yet you shouldn't drink Pepsi Max or eat something with green in it.
At the end she admits its
triggering when people talk about weight loss. Well DEAL WITH IT, SNOWFLAKE. Most people who like to be slim and tonic by choice don't have an eating disorder. Aly, you're a jealous hater.
No. 567120
File: 1524839696849.png (1.58 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7394.PNG)

Jesus, just eat your cake and stop fishing for asspats
No. 567131
>>566376Judging from the other person's glass it looks like they just got water. She's so overly dramatic about the dumbest things. Some people just like to get water, plus because its free??? Doesn't have to be about losing weight, Aly. Jesus.
Actually I bet she's the one that needed to go eat and everyone else wasn't hungry so they had to go along with Aly to get her recovery warrior meal.
No. 567227
File: 1524848754665.png (211.9 KB, 640x788, IMG_7395.PNG)

So much black and white. So much depression. Must be such a stressful life.
No. 567241
File: 1524849678176.jpg (14.74 KB, 278x93, 1.JPG)

>>567227Especially when she has to make ends meet. Thanks for the laugh, Aly.
No. 567617
>>567241>make ends meet. maybe someone threatened to take away her daily cafe trips or are making her pay for them.
and only an emotionally unstable recovery queer such as her would think that getting a water is
No. 567618
>>567241Was there even any proof of an actual job yet? I like how at her one job she was posting constantly from the bathroom and about work constantly and now nothing.
Aly if your life is really this stressful you would not have time or energy to post on instagram all day every day.
No. 568185
>>568175I wonder how she can afford to eat out nearly every day
she must spend approx. 400 Euro a month
No. 568186
>>568175Yup. And the weird random days off
She's going to Rome tomorrow, bikini pics incoming
No. 568194
File: 1524941443062.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1707, IMG_20180428_115028.png)

>>568186Ugh, here comes the worm again.
No. 568198
>>568194Maybe the water will be too cold… I hope.
>>568185Her mom probably pays for all of it. It's also sad how she can afford to go out to eat every day but almost never spends money on new clothing
No. 568204
File: 1524942434691.png (12.63 KB, 289x80, Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-28 um 2…)

This proves she has no job. If she just started her super challenging sophisticated job in march, she would certainly not be able to take several days off so soon after.
No. 568225
File: 1524943997080.png (643.62 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7398.PNG)

No. 568318
>>568225She won’t do it. She’s too disordered to move away from her ED and the attention it gives her. I get her account is a recovery account, but every photo and caption talks about weight and food.
I’ll cut off my left food if she actually goes a whole week without mentioning EDs, weight or food (in a disordered manner, ie; feeling guilty, other girls ate salads, etc).
No. 568331
File: 1524950678276.png (293.94 KB, 318x615, st.png)

No. 568401
File: 1524954692191.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x1350, 31157025_368143947030269_50815…)

fucking lol
No. 568405
File: 1524954975082.jpg (88.08 KB, 309x432, wow.JPG)

>>568401Damn! I was heading over here to post this pic. she looks like a drunk aunt at a BBQ.
I found the caption interesting.
No. 568549
>>568401The show “what not to wear” should come back to TV just for Aly.
Fucking travesty.
No. 568979
>>568549She'd qualify for that show where someone looks like shit and they do a massive makeover. Can't think of the name, but it's mostly people stuck in bad style choices.
Didn't she say she was in Rome for a week because now it's three days. I'll laugh my tits off if she's back hokme after a day because ~work called~.
Looking forward to three days of no food pics and no reference to anorexia…
No. 569049
File: 1524999904536.png (1.66 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7401.PNG)

No. 569055
>>569049Why isn't Berto with her? Why's she suddenly invented she has claustrophobia?
I wish, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, she'd quit the animal ears thing.
No. 569104
File: 1525008564557.jpg (17.55 KB, 277x261, gok.JPG)

>>569100Gok's first sighting of Aly.
No. 569230
File: 1525023199708.jpg (982.9 KB, 1072x1906, 20180429_193225.jpg)

And so it begins.
We'll be seeing throwback pictures of this for at least a week and a half
No. 569262
File: 1525027603089.gif (9.26 MB, 600x750, spaz.gif)

>>569230She's well on her way to bingo wings (!)
No. 569263
File: 1525027695492.jpg (12.75 KB, 185x167, o.JPG)

She looks unrecognisable here. Probably the light or w/e, but she looks ill in the face.
No. 569267
>>569230Her first swimsuit at a healthy weight? She might not be healthy but she's been weight restored for ages now, and has worn plenty of swimsuits.
At least she's admitting it now. She is no longer hollowed.
No. 569268
>>569264Anyone who posts pics while having a ~panic attack~ (eg Aly), isn't having a panic attack.
>>569267She's still telling everyone she's still BMI 19 though and she's "almost" at her pre ED heaviest.
>>569262I really, really do believe she's special needs.
She wore that bikini last year. I cba to find it though for comparison.
No. 569270
File: 1525029055796.jpg (550.84 KB, 809x1013, 1498764679051.jpg)

(previous thread, 9 months ago)
No. 569276
>>569270OH FUCK she looked so much better then. Even with the fried crusty hair
She has really gained a lot. BMI 19 my ass
No. 569295
File: 1525031505583.jpg (18.27 KB, 500x174, teef.JPG)

This is so unfair (!). From yesterday. She whitened her teeth but left Berty's all janky.
No. 569455
>>569436looks like pimples or bites to me.
>>569276it's funny/sad how we've been pointing out her puffiness etc since before that pic, but in comparison to now that pic looks fab.
No. 569462
>>569455Because she’s not stuffing herself in pants that are two sizes too small. She has no idea how to dress herself and refuses to go up a size or two.
She looks good here because angles, lighting and light clothing.
No. 570088
>>569270Remember when we thought this much was embarrassing? I'd almost say this is cute now.
>>569262She looks pregnant
No. 570089
File: 1525098944707.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7409.PNG)

No. 570090
File: 1525099083927.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7408.PNG)

>>570089Samefag, her friend looks so uncomfortable
No. 570093
>>568401She has one unfortunate camel toe now
It pretty much looks like she has a dick to be frank about it
No. 570132
>>570105She's in Rome and she did post some calamari thing that she claims can only be found in Rome.
Her bikini looks stretched and bad, but tbh I expected worse.
Does anyone else think that even just a few days of sensible food (vegetables, fruit, whole grains) would change how her abdomen looks? I think after 4-5 days a lot of that bloat would go down.
No. 570143
File: 1525102800310.png (4.82 KB, 183x276, images.png)

>>570139Probably really bunged up, yeah. Healthy foods would make her fart more, so that'd help with bloat if that's what she claims to have.
Does she actually eat anything with fibre?
No. 570156
>>570123She probably means Labor day when she says holiday
>>570143Only the lettuce in the burger lol
No. 570796
File: 1525150738477.png (309.63 KB, 463x451, 2018-05-01 06.56.26.png)

Looks more like fat than bloat.
No. 570918
File: 1525168400539.jpg (25.07 KB, 402x407, e.JPG)

Even if Aly had the body I find the most attractive, I'd still find her physically repulsive. I think years of watching this freak's clouded a lot of our judgement about her. She's not even ugly, but I can't stand her face and things like her yellow teeth make me feel the same shivers as if she had a melon size purple growth on her face.
Her personality and attitude are also what makes Aly "Aly" and I can't separate them.
Repulsion aside, she'd be less offensive if she (as we all agree) did something about her clothes and hair. Shame she can't change her personality though.
She's been having bikini pics taken with her arms in the air. I'm not sure if she's doing that to make her stomach look flatter or if it's her latest "thing" (like hand in hair, etc.) I'd rather she do that than suck in though, because that's hypocritical and makes her stomach look deformed.
No. 570921
File: 1525168648003.png (79.36 KB, 384x155, no filter.png)

Accept yourself (!)
No. 570981
File: 1525179304590.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7416.PNG)

messed up af
No. 571012
File: 1525185760347.jpg (66.36 KB, 363x657, k.JPG)

>>571010aaaaaaaaaaand here we go…
No. 571054
>>571012What happened to a few days in Rome? This happened last time she went to Rome…she was there’s for a day or two when she supposedly was gonna stay a week.
I think her and Bert’s parents don’t get along. They probably hate her as much as we do.
Or Aly wouldn’t leave her phone alone and her and Bert fought about it.
No. 571086
File: 1525196648558.jpg (93.25 KB, 927x595, food for boobs.JPG)

She always shows her best side. Holy Mary Mother of God.
>Have been so tempted skipping lunch once at home because of sadness + all day sitting in the train
Yeah, you want to try depression where you don't get out of bed or eat for days on end. How sad she spent so much of her time away still obsessed with having pictures taken of herself.
No. 571093
File: 1525197051745.png (1.15 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7422.PNG)

For someone so obsessed with "perfection", her version of it seems pretty fucked. I know people look worse from different angles but.. really? This was the pic she chose?
No. 571095
File: 1525197299766.jpg (87.04 KB, 560x552, aly love.jpg)

>>571093She looks beautiful, you hater.
No. 571102
File: 1525197764393.jpg (79.37 KB, 585x720, HTB1caQvHVXXXXbyXFXXq6xXFXXXh.…)

>>571096I checked her ebay feedback and she just bought this.
No. 571966
File: 1525288243367.jpg (901.82 KB, 1080x1778, 20180502_210811.jpg)

Someone tell her she's stealing someones intellectual property by taking those quotes and posting them on her account! Lol
Other than that she's just repeating the same bullshit in her captions
No. 571981
File: 1525289524743.jpg (385.73 KB, 2896x2896, 20180502_132852.jpg)

What's happening lol? I thought the one on the left was just because it was a still shot from a gif. But I guess her face is just like that now?
No. 571987
File: 1525289786661.jpg (28.14 KB, 400x364, c.JPG)

>>571981Her teeth aren't though, she remembered to whiten. Yeah, it's odd to think of how she looked just before bad skele and now. I wouldn't recognise her as the same person.
No. 571993
>>571981what the fuck happened to her face?
this isn't any normal bloating that i've ever seen before. it's like the aftermath of someone plastering their aunt's head onto a young woman's body
No. 571998
File: 1525290708736.jpeg (750.22 KB, 640x600, 822A2751-BF52-471F-9B33-7C007F…)

Remember when she looked like this? I think there was still loads of rumor about her not eating and throwing away her food, we never talked about her frog face tho
She even looked cute I think a cute delicate tiny and breakable face
Now we pray for her to not become the mother of a whale child
No. 572003
>>571998Can't say I'd call that face cute tbh, but there was a point before she became a skull where she was obviously ill and gaunt but looked okay. Okay as in better than she looks now.
Perhaps she's just ageing badly, but that doesn't usually happen at 22.
No. 572004
>>571981Speaking from my own experience and after exchanging some thoughts on MPA:
It’s not hard to believe that this is a visible symptom of a refeeding syndrome and it won’t go away ever , it’ll only become worse.
Many girls go through this when they start to eat a carb rich diet , especially processed sugar that enters your bloodstream so fast that your body bloats (water ) and fills the body part with permanent water and fat (body fat needs a big amount of water to be built)
The result is an overall bloating. If I was her I’d start with 1000 calories and a low carb diet… she’d have potential to look at least like a human being
No. 572005
>>572003Ageing? She’s 22 girls that age might look like 30 from partying every night and drinking but they rarely have suche. Bloated face
Also she used to have visible saliva glands or lymph knodes when she was a bit skinnier so I guess , maybe she has face cancer
No. 572015
>>572009I swear to god it would be a good start
Coming from 100 cals a day being a sceleton, yes , 1000 cals could lead you to a BMI of 18
No. 572029
>>572018It’s not about recovery. She NEEDS recovery that’s it. She just switched from being anorexic to binge eating on hyper caloric foods and from what I believe she’s probably into chewing spitting or bubble gums too, her face is just too disproportional to the rest
Recovery is actually about getting rid of the eating disorder, gaining weight would just be the result of eating „normal“ amounts of foods but even this has become so controversial…
I know skinny girls that claim to be naturally so skinny but I think they’re unconsciously skinny because they probably eat like 3 times a day, probably their parents cook low caloric and they walk all day who knows
No. 572110
>>571981I don't know why this post is making me laugh so much LOL
>What's happening lol?ANON LMAO I DON'T KNOW! Oh my god her moon face! It's only getting worse! How much worse can it get??
No. 572125
File: 1525299051357.gif (691.96 KB, 358x277, 260BB242-37F7-4AD5-9BB5-F69DEE…)

>>571981If I was a disordered anachan, I’d never look to Aly for motivation on the fear of looking like the moon from the Mighty Boosh
She should be the poster child of why you shouldn’t eat cake for breakfast lunch and dinner.
No. 572127
>>572015It's not the amount of calories, it's the diet consisting of only junk food. And no, nobody fucking gets to a healthy weight by eating 1000 calories a day. Go back to MPA.
>>572018I would feel the same and fear I'd start to look like her, if I didn't know that she's not really recovering. Her relationship with food is still incredibly unhealthy, just flipped upside down.
No. 572135
File: 1525299458853.jpg (70.6 KB, 400x364,…)

>>572056I apologize for nothing.
No. 572408
File: 1525324637210.png (671.89 KB, 2000x2500, moon.png)

>TalentNot really, but you did ask
Also not above Anon, just a bored Anon
No. 572422
File: 1525325615923.jpg (63.63 KB, 344x624, cheerstothat.jpg)

>>571998>She even looked cute I think a cute delicate tiny and breakable face k
No. 572615
>>572480for all I care she can weight anything and I wouldn't bother giving a shit. But here's the thing; she claims she's recovered and she's leading on other anas into their doom of wellbeing by falsely advertising what's healthy and completely ridicules the whole idea of body positivity, as she claims the only way to be a "real woman" and happy is to have "curves".
Oh and and she's an ignorant arse.
No. 572678
File: 1525358505599.png (415.16 KB, 728x406, Untitled.png)

>>572408I love how you included that mile under her lip.
She's asking of support because a hater sent her a comment saying she'll get fat because she eats a lot. Sure, Jan. She knows her tardarmy comment when she mentions being victimised. If it happened, we'd see a screen cap.
No. 572722
File: 1525363772097.jpg (41.01 KB, 451x488, greeeeed.JPG)

>>572719She's everything shitty. That's the most accurate way to describe her.
Can anyone please translate what she's saying here
>In the last period I've been effected by some 'normal-weight-eating-behavior' thoughtsDoes she mean she's been thinking about not eating a family size cake every day?
No. 572726
>>572722I'm pretty sure it just means she wants more cake (normal-weight-eating-behavior cravings)
or else is now feeling the after-effects of eating too much cake and is temporarily repulsed by how shitty she's feeling on her stomach
I'm surprised her stomach is holding up with all the shit she's eating
No. 572730
>>572726Unless she brushes her teeth a lot (which is unlikely judging by the colour of them), her mouth must feel like the bowels of hell with the sugar.
Really though, the size of that slice plus cream, plus the Oreo on top. That's a health hazard. In the UK they'd slap a sugar tax on that.
No. 572741
>>572473Aly's weight is fine in general, she's just a shitty person with a shit diet she refuses to change which has turned her face into a pumpkin, and has likely given her a fatty liver
Her face suddenly bloated out almost one size larger than it normally is
>>572731It's possible but so far her teeth are indeed looking quite alright for someone with bulimia if it has been for this long? I could obviously be wrong here but I imagined her teeth looking more yellow or greyish by now if it was bulimia?
However with a shit diet for 1+ year and not having ballooned about an extra 50lbs, it could be a likely scenario except for the fact that she was discharged from inpatient care from her clinic
Why would the clinic discharge her if she does have bulimia?
I doubt they would have let her go only to take her in as an outpatient if they knew she had bulimia?
I doubt she'd hide it with having such pride not too long ago in being skelly?
No. 572804
File: 1525372999205.jpg (64.23 KB, 985x307, zzz.JPG)

See, the fact she posts this cake multiple times is really wtf.
No. 572847
File: 1525376781788.png (59 KB, 468x351, wp_ss_20180503_0002.png)

She's used this I-ran-into-an-old-friend-said-I'm-fat scenario too many times.
No. 573263
File: 1525400460961.gif (4.52 MB, 316x398, ezgif-2-0cc2af6d9c.gif)

>>573134Aly complaining about her friend
>okay it's time to say it, ways to tell someone you became fat. There are a thausand bettar ways-eh, You got bettahr, you got eh-lthy, more beautiful-ah, sssss, let's think about that-eh. No. 573300
File: 1525404985285.jpg (84.41 KB, 544x544, lol.jpg)

I spent so long looking at this that
>>571987 looks abnormal to me now.
No. 573366
>>572722Can anyone please translate what she's saying here
>In the last period I've been effected by some 'normal-weight-eating-behavior' thoughtstook a while for me to figure it out but I'm pretty sure she wanted to say something along the lines of "stopping to eat all these sweets/snacks since she's at a healthy weight and does not need to gain anymore"
No. 573598
File: 1525446152147.png (62.53 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7447.PNG)

No. 573627
>>573598Nah, disappear forever, Aly.
Triggered by spending weekends with Berto again.
No. 573661
File: 1525452156579.gif (2.8 MB, 320x554, 20180504_104025.gif)

? She doesn't even smoke like a normal smoker. Is she even inhaling or is she lieing about that too because it makes her "cool"?
No. 573662
File: 1525452187249.png (35.28 KB, 457x181, wp_ss_20180504_0001.png)

She came back to post a pic of a brownie and tell everyone she looks fat. Helpful.
No. 573705
File: 1525455800083.jpg (73.21 KB, 743x563, emoo.JPG)

No. 573723
File: 1525457005876.png (4.86 KB, 274x76, boo.png)

You only have two of those things Aly and you're failing at both of them.
No. 573730
>>573722For 10 or 20? Just asking because I had to switch to a douche flute because now in the UK we can only get packs of 20 and it's around 10 quid. Fuck you, Aly you nicotine wasting brat.
>>573723But she's been too fucked up to DM or do Life (except take a pic of herself under a blanket). For 22 though, I'd say she's making a shit tip of her life.
No. 573907
File: 1525472885782.png (891.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180505-010231.png)

Having to witness Aly's revolting diet every day, her brother has the urge to shove entire lettuce leaves into his mouth to compensate.
No. 573910
>>573661CRINGE. She actually doesn’t inhale, omg. It’s just that she smokes soo much yet. it’s all for show! I bet once she inhaled and got so dizzy and hated it (that, or she thought it was too harsh) and so now she just smokes without inhaling to fit in
>>572408Posted this on the art account! @alicecasatiart
No. 573958
>>573907Bert’s burger is smaller than aly’s. Must have
triggered her something fierce
No. 574121
>>573958His looks like the bun is actually chicken..
I've been drinking so correct me if I'm wrong
No. 574176
>>574121It could be, or maybe some sort of fried bun. This whole photo is hilarious the more I look at it. It looks like bert and mateo are eating the garnish like it’s a salad. But I think it’s just a side of optional lettuce and onion for your burger.
I still can’t get over the friend in the glasses who looks like he’s about to knife and fork that burger.
No. 574395
File: 1525534634048.png (24.14 KB, 296x265, rosty potatoe.png)

i don't even know why but this alyism is killing me rn
>rosty potatoe
No. 574561
File: 1525551101443.png (176.62 KB, 306x507, bs.png)

How does she know her post was ~reported~? Insta would've deleted the spoopy shot and replaced it with a warning. Or is she saying the text was reported?
No. 574565
File: 1525551237755.jpg (90.27 KB, 680x453, rosty potatoe.jpg)

>>574538Potato rostis are these things though. I tried to make them but it didn't work (didn't soften the potatoE before frying). They look massively different from hash browns. It's like saying he's got mashed tatoE on top when it's a baked potatoE.
No. 574571
>>574565over here they're both called rösti, even when they look like traditional hash browns.
Guess I'm lacking potatoE education. Brb consulting Aly for support4support
No. 574577
>>574571I've only ever had ready made hash browns and they taste different/different texture. The potatoE is more like pellets in hash browns. I don't like them tbh. I won't tell Aly though because she'd call me a hater.
>>574574All I'm thinking is how difficult to eat that'd be without cutlery when it's meant to be a burger. I'm also thinking what a wanker Berto looks pointing at his food (and missing the plate).
No. 574668
File: 1525558950516.jpg (10.4 KB, 234x62, fuck.jpg)

*uck, Aly is trolling us.
No. 574692
File: 1525561015976.jpg (20.36 KB, 616x157, _20180506_015056.JPG)

Oh so she's trying to dissolve her bones with that diet.
No. 574733
File: 1525563827611.jpg (85.13 KB, 465x900, leggings.JPG)

so she's just going to wear these same leggings everyday?
No. 575026
File: 1525613166142.jpg (19.11 KB, 381x81, af.JPG)

>>574959>self careLaundry aint that difficult, Aly. Put your leggins in the machine and detergent in the drawer and switch on.
I'm surprised she doesn't get cystitis or a yeast infection because her vadge is constantly crushed in fabric. You gotta let it breathe, y'know?
No. 575058
File: 1525618678356.jpg (330.4 KB, 720x893, 20180506_165556.jpg)

I don't know what it is but something about this picture is just so wrong
She does not look human
No. 575076
File: 1525620817606.jpg (99.84 KB, 815x599, emo selfie.JPG)

>>575058Lol, I came here to post the same thing. I'll post it with text to show how she's really #struggling to be THE insta #recoveryqueer and is leaving. Again.
How can she not feel like a total spaz stretching her arm out to take a pic of herself with an angsty facial expression on public transport?
Yeah, she looks fug. I thought pic 1 of her as old drunk aunt was bad, but her eyes are all in different directions like a fish in this one. Ugh, how repellent.
No. 575150
>>575076What happened to changing her account to a more personal account and not about food or recovery?
She just wants everyone to say “no Aly stay! You are our QWEEEN and perfect and not fat”
No. 575176
File: 1525629690160.jpg (106.2 KB, 652x397, Screenshot_20180506-115834.jpg)

I guess it's not self-arm anymore.
And shes still talking about moving with Bert.
No. 575291
File: 1525638681712.jpg (53.75 KB, 500x370, large.jpg)

>>575176When she posts about not posting on her account I suspect it's because she cba to reply to DMs she gets from people. She obviously doesn't care about them and if someone's persistent and a copypasta response isn't enough then she'll ignore it. When she ignores a lot and
that gets on her newly-found bewbs then she posts she can't deal with life because omg ~so stressing~
My theory anyway, and she totally reads here because moving in with Berty was mentioned yesterday.
She'll be back to posting her mindnumbingly dull content tomorrow apologising for not being there to help and hoping we're not disappointed by her (followed by comments with shit loads of emojis and hearts saying how she needs to look after herself and rinse and repeat).
No. 575392
File: 1525647090334.jpg (55.78 KB, 757x600, rodent.JPG)

If I hadn't seen this picture on Aly's account with my own eyes I wouldn't believe this was not the work of a farmer.
She's literally a caricature of herself.
No. 575441
File: 1525652166552.jpg (404.37 KB, 2896x2896, 20180506_181304.jpg)

I had to lighten them all up and put them all together. Her forhead got so small too.
No. 575467
File: 1525653433412.png (189.07 KB, 600x291, 1lens103117.png)

My guess is either the morning drinking made her face bloat that day OR this is just someone else's camera with a different focal length to hers.
No. 575721
File: 1525680860733.png (1.58 MB, 948x1198, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 1.04…)

Aly trying to talk to the camera is a fucking nightmare
No. 575800
File: 1525699829004.png (154.45 KB, 640x915, IMG_7490.PNG)

The fucking socks are back. I kill me
No. 575841
>THINGS YOU DON'T NEED to start the week:- Those socks, bin them now
- That burger, eat a fucking salad, even mcdicks has salads
No. 575845
File: 1525704524998.gif (4.17 MB, 275x393, 2732445.gif)

No. 575919
>>575800That burger looks wretched. How can anyone be so open about eating that garbage and not be embarrassed. And she just ate a huge burger the other day.
Slow down on the red meat girl. Add colon cancer next to diabeetus.
No. 575926
File: 1525713937496.png (483.04 KB, 580x578, 2018-05-07 19.23.21.png)

My goodness, how many pictures of this disgusting piece of junk is she going to post? Is there nothing else happening in her life?
No. 575941
>>575845Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. So she went to work wearing this.
>>575926Oh dear. Smfh. That doesn't look fit for human consumption, does it.
Her ig hiatus didn't last long. Anyone want to do the bingo card?
No. 575950
File: 1525716202309.jpg (76.24 KB, 816x572, carbz.JPG)

You can eat whatever you like as much as you like and it won't damage you!
No. 575951
>>575947lmao I was thinking the same thing
just goes to show how disgusting her idea of 'normal' is that things like this food pic and her hideous selfies are main attention focus (and even how dull her day to day life and thought processes must be)
No. 575955
File: 1525716516543.png (244.5 KB, 424x316, anatomy.png)

Her hands really are puffy. It's not even body fat because they're really disproportionate to the rest of her body (except maybe her face).
No. 575987
File: 1525719223087.png (361.9 KB, 473x512, Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-07 um 2…)

What a fuck. That´s really hard to understand for someone whose first language isn´t English.
"I ave itten all day…" "So, pless belivve me…"
My ears hurt after watching this.
No. 575995
File: 1525719369856.png (297.91 KB, 463x481, confidence.png)

>>575987Ohhh, I don't bother watching those messages but I checked this one out just now. What's she going on about "moved at zero"?
She's never been more confident? Doth protest too much.
No. 575996
>>575995Holy fuck she looks 70 years old.
Does she have a snotty nose?
No. 576002
Yep, it's from her
>>561450 (close up
>>561647 )
No. 576057
>>575845There's an even more cringey one of these on her stories but I don't know how to cap that.
Imagine witnessing this from a bystander perspective. Grown woman in hooker socks jumping around at a children's playground, waiving a foul looking McD burger and spreading it to take countless pictures. All the while her mother stands there capturing everything.
If any were present, I wonder how many parents quickly grabbed their children and left.
No. 576082
File: 1525726103335.gif (10.46 MB, 420x747,

>>576057I don't know what'd be worse - her Ma filming it or if it's a selfie.
Making this a gif, the thingy played the video frame by frame. Her tits almost fall out at one point.
This is how she PROOFS she's feeling great. Tomorrow we might see her on the monkey bars or swings.
No. 576114
File: 1525728833187.jpg (519.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180507-233303.jpg)

No. 576119
File: 1525729103934.gif (1.38 MB, 242x270, lolz.gif)

>>576114Omfg, she…she…thinks it means won't take her out to eat??
No. 576142
File: 1525731081591.gif (473.69 KB, 472x345, good idea.gif)

>>576141I think
that person changed the question.
No. 576489
File: 1525752129146.jpeg (351.61 KB, 1489x1489, 1A8A838E-7B01-47E8-84EF-2C781B…)

>>575441 I didn’t even do anything. She just looks this way…
No. 576580
File: 1525759608169.jpg (42.16 KB, 529x638, itotallydotehsex.jpg)

>>576114yas that´s classy af get it Aly gooorl #realtalk #talkasrealasyourrecovery
other super empowering feminist slogans would be
>anorexic chicks don´t swallow ;-)or see pic
No. 576597
File: 1525762932459.png (9.92 KB, 477x64, wp_ss_20180508_0001.png)

I love when non farmers write comments like this.
No. 576631
File: 1525770779154.jpg (12.62 KB, 286x100, Capture.JPG)

>>576597Just caught this, and then it was deleted.
The question about the t shirt's gone too.
No. 576690
File: 1525786695764.jpg (135.47 KB, 594x747, Untitled.jpg)

>>576660I am still not over that she saw shit like this and thought "no, not ironic at all".
I don't think she knows how to buy stuff online. I hope one of her lovely followers
coughdogsandposcough send her the shirt.
No. 576698
File: 1525788614304.jpeg (437.97 KB, 750x959, F26CEA88-80BC-42B8-ABC0-40B2A9…)

Looks delicious! NOT
No. 576702
File: 1525789785191.jpg (154.75 KB, 1201x652, okay then.JPG)

She's stuffing her face with a bucket o' ice cream again after (she says) a break because ~ too many weight-gaining and body dysmorphia struggles~.
Shame it didn't stop her stuffing her face with that revolting vomit filled burger yesterday or the family-size chunks of cake, but o well.
Don't sound like she thinks she's fat here and don't dare tell her she is!
No. 576724
File: 1525791631198.jpg (36.8 KB, 496x315, Capture.JPG)

Her bucket of sugar costs 10 euros
No. 576744
>>576724This is a sharing portion… I've been in that place last year, the server told us that. How can she wolf down that thing alone and then eat afterwards?
If I ate this alone it would be for lunch and probably no food until dinner
No. 576755
File: 1525795499907.png (32.9 KB, 473x216, wp_ss_20180508_0002.png)

She's going to sperg again.
No. 576761
File: 1525795784200.jpg (90.39 KB, 1079x231, 20180508_180105.jpg)

She works near the Dome and always has lunch at Citylife. Unless you have 2hours lunch break, it's impossible such a thing.
No. 576814
File: 1525801147613.png (1.69 MB, 1360x615, oops up in the air.png)

>>576805Yeah, sucks you can only buy 20s in the UK and big pouches of baccy. Reluctant giver up-er.
Vaping's crap, but back to Aly - looks like stretching herself is her latest pose thing.
No. 576830
File: 1525802333772.jpg (49.07 KB, 474x413, blocked.jpg)

Aly, you're an insufferable cunt.
Someone asks to see the Cathedral you wanted to show off without you obscuring the view with your gut and you send a pissy DM.
I'm not surprised your life's a mess. Fucking blobfish. You are BLOCKED (!)
No. 576832
File: 1525802533770.png (333.61 KB, 307x539, never forget to remember.png)

>>576814Never forget how lucky you are not to be Aly.
No. 576894
File: 1525806411449.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1686, IMG_20180508_120555.png)

Ugh, self centered bitch!
No. 576927
File: 1525808169194.jpg (28.51 KB, 293x204, stalker.JPG)

>>576894Milan Cathedral took six centuries to build.
It's the third largest in the world.
One of the nails that went through Jesus' wrists (if you believe that) is in that building.
So much history and interesting facts,
let's read Aly talking about her fat thighs, stretch marks, gut and cellulite and look at her too tight shorts and belly hanging over while she fake poses in the sun with the historic Cathedral blurred in the background.
It's just a building.
This bitch, sailorunicorn or w/e. This is one freaky stan.
(btw found out about the cathedral on wiki because it's not like Aly gives a fuck about it).
No. 576968
>>576830what? the? fuck?
no wonder she has no friends. What a fucking brat
No. 576992
File: 1525812769295.jpg (631.76 KB, 1080x1920, 20180508_225019.jpg)

"I didn't want to upset/trigger people ):" "better post a spoopy tb!"
I mean seriously?
She also claims she had orthorexia for 5 years now? I don't think she knows what it really is
No. 577045
File: 1525817613790.jpg (134.86 KB, 1211x535, obese lady.JPG)

>>576992She thrives on drama and followers arguing (especially if they're picking on one person who tells her she's eating shit).
Anyyyway, this woman keeps popping up on my youtube suggestions. I think it's because I watched some dessert videos, or maybe because I went through a watching mukbang phase, but I clicked on one of this woman's videos. From what I can tell she's (obviously) morbidly obese but she says she's eating healthily because she wants to lose weight. Her "healthy eating" is all this crap.
The point of the above blurb is that THIS IS HOW I SEE ALY IN 15 YEARS TIME. Srsly guize, this is Future Aly.
No. 577122
File: 1525825352511.png (4.2 KB, 277x77, bite-a-burger-huge-and-with-a-…)

It should be obvious to everyone that Aly eats a balanced diet IRL, despite the fact that she spends 7/24 posting every morsel of garbage she eats to Instagram, and only uses the word "balanced" twice a year in response to cyborg bullies who are hateful enough not to endorse guzzling McBacon daily.
Also physical health = orthorexia, binge eating = intuitive eating.
No. 577228
File: 1525837821099.png (632.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180508-214230.png)

Life is more than food. Yet every single day, posts pictures of food, and her eating food, and posing with food. Even McDonald's food, when everyone knows what it looks like. Why do we need to see the inside of a burger? Is it because life is more than food? Because that makes sense.
No. 577237
>>573910Thanks for posting it on the art account, I put a million hours into it clearly. So I'm glad you liked it hah
>>575955I'm really seeing the water retention form her shit diet and not monitoring her sodium intake properly.
She needs to steer clear of salt for a good 2 weeks minimum to help with that. Whether it helps with her face however is another story
No. 577328
>>577326 calls herself Pink Fairy. I didn't link it because it might be boring (fat woman showing her groceries and eating pizza) or you might think it's a self post (lol).
Maybe there's a story in there but it makes me feel ill watching her eat.
No. 577332
File: 1525862715332.png (293.77 KB, 363x662, beggin for commentz.png)

Aly aint gonna post today. She shows you the post where she talks about it so you can beg her to post and call the haters assholes.
No. 577384
File: 1525873809611.png (172.51 KB, 640x901, IMG_7500.PNG)

No. 577490
File: 1525889436059.jpg (702.3 KB, 1058x1881, 20180509_201028.jpg)

No. 577586
File: 1525898608274.gif (71.32 KB, 500x267, 147A49BA-3866-40F2-A3E7-CCED96…)

>>577540Yea but no one seems to remember her ED. No one cares she used to be a gross spoop that faked recovery.
No. 577650
File: 1525903871711.png (60.29 KB, 646x578, Omfg.png)

A little blogpost but it's for a good reason, trust me. I just remembered something I did a while ago.
Some months ago I was hospitalized for ed shit and I was completely going crazy.
One day I had a dream about being Aly and I woke up 100% sure I was her, so I fucking wrote "Mom?" to her mother on facebook.
Some days after, Aly wrote me "Sorry, did you write to my mother?"
And I simply replied "Sorry, I thought I was you"
…yes, that's the proof that an ed can completely fuck up your brain lol
(Censored the names bc I don't know if I can post them here- also I wanted to sage but this is too fucking hilarious)(blogposting)
No. 577654
>>577650Are you for real hahaha holy shit
I hope you're getting the help you need
No. 577916
>>577710On occasion I dream about cows due to the fact I check lolcow most often before dozing off to sleep. I’ve never had an Aly dream but I’ve had dreams of being a spoop and freaking the fuck out. I’ll never understand the appeal of looking like a walking corpse. Vom.
I find anachans interesting which is why I tend to follow some of them. Most are too revolting and cause me headaches from the chronic eyerolling.
No. 577930
File: 1525925704943.jpeg (628.44 KB, 750x934, CA9255D3-6738-4265-BBCF-562117…)

>recovery, not even once
She confirmed in her caption that she doesn’t get along with bert’s family. I can’t figure out why they are together. Also claims she doesn’t usually share this sort of thing. I laugh
No. 577935
>>577384>>577388Except for the slightly crazy look in her eye, this might be the best pic I've seen all year. Probably because she's almost covered up?
Her hair is looking much better lately…did I miss something?
No. 578109
File: 1525961842734.png (954.32 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7523.PNG)

No. 578110
File: 1525961879138.png (112.31 KB, 640x801, IMG_7524.PNG)

No. 578118
>>578114Would love to see that pizza shopped onto her ass. It could be entitled
The Persistence of Recovery.
No. 578119
File: 1525963564083.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1841, IMG_20180510_074439.png)

So… She wore that? Like in a public place?
No. 578128
File: 1525964786729.png (24.24 KB, 309x135, Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-10 um 1…)

>>578110She pretends to be at work in this caption (eating this pizza during her "lunch break"). So THIS is what she´s wearing at her workplace??? What kind of job does she have, if she even has one?
No. 578177
>>576690i know this is a couple of days ago but i lold hard, ty anon
>>576927i don’t understand how she attracts these kind of people. who would want to be her friend anyhow? literally all she does is post cheese fries to instagram
No. 578194
>>578119So her beehind is staying flat but she's gaining weight on her thighs? How is that possible? I'd rather look at her spazzy face and that's saying something.
>Human beings relax AND contemporary EAT.Contemporary??
No. 578195
File: 1525970870191.jpg (34.19 KB, 429x455, jesus wept.JPG)

Yup, pure cellulite.
No. 578228
File: 1525975406821.jpg (44.47 KB, 636x311, nutritional.JPG)

She has a BALANCED diet.
No. 578234
>>578232She works here and if you look at the places to eat there, that's where she goes.
No. 578250
File: 1525977917295.png (1.46 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7530.PNG)

Finally home.. at a completely normal time. Meeting friends and boy, aka Ma Casati
No. 578251
File: 1525977955387.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7531.PNG)

No. 578253
File: 1525978170707.png (176.47 KB, 640x902, IMG_7532.PNG)

Why is she so obsessed with posing like this all of a sudden? She looks ridiculous.
No. 578262
>>578252I was going to say that before I got to your comment. Lol. She must think the world sits on their arse with no friends or anything to do while she has an amazing life. In reality her life is really repetitive and dull, like most peoples who don't try lives.
>>578253I KNOW! I KNOW! I'm sure it's to make her look like she's not dumpy. Unless she's into some weird static Tai Chi or she's saluting the sun. Isn't she so very very odd.
No. 578264
File: 1525978924624.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.56 KB, 236x588, ew.JPG)

I thought she said she'd hide away and cover up when she was a spoop.
No. 578385
File: 1525986146819.png (1.27 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7533.PNG)

No. 578418
File: 1525987715928.jpg (29.15 KB, 288x400, champion.jpg)

>>578385Over functioning again.
No. 579266
>>578264she was lying. she was super proud of her body.
Pretty much anyone who has an ana instagram for sharing pics of their face and body is proud of their weight loss. No one is doing it "to show the truth" or scare people out of eating disorders.
No. 579292
File: 1526044157413.jpg (271.23 KB, 1148x1680, NotSponsoredByMcDonalds.jpg)

>>578418I feel awfully cruel now, but hope she does manage to get help before her health suffers. And that she gets rid of her old spoop skirts.
No. 579299
File: 1526044725671.jpg (61.87 KB, 477x598, classy.JPG)

>>579292You know how her spoopy pics are supposed to put people off being spoopy? I hope this puts her off her disgusting diet because this is gonna be her if she doesn't stop abusing her body with that crap. Thanks, anon. I'm going to print this out at the library and colour it in, ha.
>>579275It's not creepy. Finding Aly would be on my itinerary of things to do in Milan.
Must be on her break from "work" here. With Ma.
No. 579312
File: 1526046372919.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 5E069058-19E5-4066-8BF8-434FC1…)

5 comments in just under an hour on her latest post and this pops up a few mins ago. Like how bleak must this bitches life be that she constantly has to fish for comments on social media instead of ACTUALLY enjoying that beautiful view and city. Anyways I smell another break down..
No. 579332
File: 1526048139330.jpg (39.98 KB, 505x340, plz.JPG)

>>579329You're not important to instagram people, Aly. They're at school or work and not sipping wine and eating crisps on a rooftop in Milan. Demons, my ass. Work on being a nicer, interesting person and get some fucking friends.
She gets
triggered at the weekend because she has to spend time with Berto, looking at his janky teeth.
I wish her dumb followers wouldn't comment off the back of her attention whoring stories.
No. 579395
>>579312was taken before this:
>>579299ma casati must have gone for a piss, leaving aly alone with the dreaded snack/booze demon for three minutes, hence the breakdown
then ma returned in just in the nick of time, giving aly the STRENGHT to SLAY those demons bravely (!), and take a celebratory pic of our favorite warrior /strong arm emoji
No. 579403
>>579395Nah. Aly probably follows Ma into the toilets. Probably even stands in the cubicle with her like some girls do with a friend (why do they DO that??)
All weekend Aly's going to be making lonely followers feel bad by bragging about how in love she is with her ~boy~ and what fun she's having drinking Corona. I hope he's out with his own friends or he's away. Damn it, she deserves to be miserable.
No. 579416
File: 1526056633264.png (350.06 KB, 403x651, nopes.png)

No. I didn't. How about actually eating an apple that hasn't been cooked in sugar and surrounded by pastry?
She posts the most inane things. A clip of her playing with apple pie.
No. 579426
File: 1526057237334.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7550.PNG)

She looks so fucking smug, I hate it
No. 579442
>>579426No idea why she's smug. Nobody likes her, her boyfriend makes her sleep under a dog blanket and she's wearing the same cheap, tacky earrings she's worn for years.
Same routine every single weekend. I don't know how she can stand the monotony of it.
No. 579457
File: 1526058854065.png (138.29 KB, 640x981, IMG_7556.PNG)

How many times has she copypasted this shit about Kim K and Scarlett J?
No. 579465
>>579448She's still fucked up about food because she thought she was too good for therapy.
>>579457I thought that when I read it! I remember we said she had really dodgy beauty standards if those two women were her idea of perfection.
I hate how she's bitchy about slim or thin women most of the time then she writes about we're ALL beautiful. Kardashian and Johanson are probably full of body image issues yet Aly thinks they love themselves. I think Johanson lost something like 14lbs because she had to wear a tight catsuit in the Avengers. Insecurity much (although yeah, probably got told to slim down but that's not very #feminist now is it).
No. 579470
File: 1526059576498.jpg (44.28 KB, 1132x191, natural.JPG)

>>579465and this
Kim K and her natural ~bootie~
No. 579689
>>579438that really made me angry tbh. I stopped listening to their music last year but I grew up listening to them and have such a lot of memories connected to that song.
I BET she only understood "in the end it doesn't even matter" and thinks it's about not caring what her ~haterz~ say
No. 579772
File: 1526074591299.jpg (68.3 KB, 594x746, stinkface.JPG)

>>578253>>576814pic related is why she keeps making stretching poses.
No. 579804
File: 1526076244709.png (435.94 KB, 1167x156, a.png)

>>579662She's never mentioned music she likes. I always avoid people who aren't passionate about a band or at least a certain song. It doesn't seem natural because everyone I've known has been into music. It kind of shapes your personality in all kinds of ways. It makes sense she's not into music/going to gigs. Even when she's listening to it in the car you know she's not feeling the music because she's moving her head in a way that doesn't even match the beat and all she's concerned with is filming herself.
>>579689Don't let it bother you. I saw a post on here today where a cow had posted something about a Nick Cave pic. He's been one of my gods since the year dot but these cows only brag about things or pretend to like things for effect.
Let's look at this pic of Aly looking like a twat and we'll feel a bit better.
No. 580330
File: 1526138484913.png (141 KB, 632x1031, IMG_7566.PNG)

So that's why she gets ma to take the pics, she looks inhuman
No. 580367
File: 1526140893463.jpg (20.39 KB, 406x82, litterally.JPG)

She litterally sounds like a 13 year old.
No. 580458
File: 1526148821239.jpg (94.85 KB, 716x597, ick.JPG)

Yep, so now I think both of them are special needs. It took them both to make an omelette. She probably thinks that when you're living together it's cute to make an omelette together and it's a grown up thing to do.
Her "likes" are slipping.
No. 580575
File: 1526155949985.jpg (91.3 KB, 811x596, sure j.JPG)

She's been out eating dripping cellulite again. She thinks she might be approaching her heaviest weight. I'm sayin' nothin'
No. 581150
>>580575Re-visiting Aly & her thread after a few months off and FUCK she has really stacked on the weight especially in her face! I thought her face looked abnormally wide though, as though she had swollen glands from purging?
Also I was expecting a relapse by now!
No. 581190
>>581165>what could they possibly have in common?I don't understand either. Part of me wants to believe that she has an interest or hobby that she won't share because she only wants attention for her looks. But since she shares so much of her daily life, I can't imagine her having any hobby.
Berto is in a fb group I'm in, and he doesn't sound like Aly at all. He doesn't post much, but if I had to judge from his posts, I'd say he's definitely more.. sensible, I guess? Like a normal adult.
I honestly feel bad for her. She needs help.
No. 581196
>>581150We talked about the topic of her purging x times already.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't. It's most definitely just her sodium intake
No. 581305
>>581165>stick with her through her anachan phase He didn't though. They broke up for something like two years until she posted pics on her other account to convince him she was gaining weight.
It's Mothers Day in Italy. Want a bet she'll make the whole day about herself like when it was Ma's birthday and SHE blew Ma's candle out (!)
No. 581355
File: 1526230588371.jpg (52.7 KB, 926x596, ATTENTION NOW.JPG)

Fuck me. Less comments and likes and she posts this crap.
No. 581359
File: 1526230822129.jpg (29.02 KB, 481x524, Chj9xqfW0AASQ5m.jpg)

>>581355Here we go again.
Yes Aly, please stop.
No. 581502
File: 1526238648839.jpeg (670.88 KB, 750x1056, 8A201769-12A4-40A9-A3C0-E5CBBA…)

>>581355That post was replaced with this one. She got 14 comments on the post of her and her mother, how is that not enough?! Girl get off the grams. It’s just sad how instead of spending her time with her mum she’s worried about comments on her IG. Wish I had a unblocked sock puppet account I d ask her why’ve she’s so concerned with comments on mother’s day..
No. 581513
>>581502What pisses me off most is how she asks for ~opinions~ (ie asspat comments) but you HAVE to post them on the previous picture and not the food one.
It really is desperate that she's checking insta all day when she (apparently) thinks Mothers Day is so important. Notice that she went to see Ma and Ma cooked. It'd be nice if Aly could've been bothered to cook FOR Ma, although all she can "cook" is shriveled fried peas and a manky looking omelette with the help of the bearded one.
Those captions aren't even personal. It's still about Aly and her ~struggle~. The stuff about going on holiday. What the fuck are we supposed to say? Erm…nice, Aly PLEASE SEND US TONS OF PHOTOS OF YOU BLOCKING THE VIEW OF VENICE AND BARCELONA.
I hope she falls out of a gondola.
No. 581523
File: 1526239658583.png (317.58 KB, 1186x583, tight short shorts the…)

She doesn't care about the number of comments or likes…
No. 581524
File: 1526239721907.jpg (36.44 KB, 306x543, straw.JPG)

I also need to post this.
The hair.
No. 581526
>>581355This is such an annoying cycle
"should I stop with the personal posts"
next post: "not gonna stop because it's my profile/I'm an inspiration"
No. 581528
File: 1526240038451.jpg (167.23 KB, 600x748, trashy.jpg)

>>581524Full picture for extra lulz
It's like those instathots who recreate the trailer park white trash aesthetic ironically except it's Aly and we know she does nothing ironically.
No. 581537
File: 1526240457228.jpg (48.03 KB, 347x514, for the love of the coiffure g…)

>>581528Could she look any more trailer trash? She actually looks uncomfortable with those shorts (physically not mentally).
I so want to see Ma taking these ridiculous pictures. I wonder what she REALLY thinks of her daughter?
This has bothered me - her hair in this pic. It's as bad as bleached blondes with 4 inch dark roots.
No. 581569
File: 1526243097920.png (484.11 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7589.PNG)

No. 581580
>>581569Triggering how?
>>581544Do they get "Storage Wars" in Italy? I can only think that she watches some crappy tv shows and she doesn't understand what trailer trash is.
No. 581638
>>581305My bad. Still he must've carried some sort of torch for her to get back with her after all that and I just don't get why.
>>581537Why does she always pose like this? Hiding her moon face?
No. 581641
>>581528Wowwww this is like out of some low budget trashy calendar.
>dirty entry level sedan>McDonald’s >crop top>too small short shorts>tacky tattoosThis needs to be the next thread photo. It’s embarassing to look at.
No. 581848
File: 1526256390328.jpg (30.26 KB, 720x131, _20180514_025941.JPG)

Sorry Aly but you are in fact starting to resemble a rancor. On the inside you already are one. Hungry for comments. (How the fuck does she even know the word rancor.)
No. 582357
File: 1526300581349.png (1.39 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7590.PNG)

No. 582365
File: 1526301093529.jpg (325.51 KB, 720x1030, 20180514_143130.jpg)

No. 582382
File: 1526301968564.jpg (9.15 KB, 275x206, 1475176581306.jpg)

>>582365holy shit lmao! this aught to be worth a few laughs
No. 582420
>>581502How does she get away with eating this shit almost every day? She's going to balloon here real quick in the coming months and make it worse on herself.
What an idiot.
No. 582432
File: 1526305958838.jpg (55.71 KB, 450x300, alys co worker.jpg)

Idk how it works in Italy, but in the UK they get paid by commission for everyone they sign up to give the charity a direct debit. Aly's got good manipulation skills and acting skills so she might do okay. She can guilt trip them by crying about starving children.
No. 582498
>>582365They will give this shit job to literally anyone and the salary is usually shit/depends on how many people you get to sign up etc
HOW does she not know that?
Also inb4 she starts this job and starts posting how random people are calling her fat again
No. 582621
>>582578hi, here also Austrianfag.
I hate these people before university or other places. I always say that I pity them.
In my city they always say weird catching lines like "You have beautiful shoes! Could they stop for me?"
Imagine Aly saying that.
Also she works for WWF and promotes sustainable lifestyle while she probably will spend her money in McDonalds
No. 582626
>>582536omg im a manc too, they're fucking well annoying in man Vic station every day
there is no way aly will handle this job well
No. 582673
>>582621Us Austrofags should go on a trip to Milan together and document Aly at her new "workplace"
Bet we could somehow call it "business trip" just like she did
No. 582681
>>582365It's the first time she says how bout her actual job is: "trading petroleum and buildings"… what's this? She said a couple months ago that was a superduperimportant marketing company and blabla London blabla.
Second point: She went to a meeting instead of the boss? In shorts? And as she wrote it, in that meeting she got a job offer in assos where the hire nobodies to intercept people in streets for donations….
Now: What has to do a meeting about PETROLEUM with SAVE THE CHILDREN?
Italian anons… there's a company like that (petroleum and that) near the mall she always binges?
I believe one of those stands who hire young people for children assos where in City Life and she thinks that in a street job she will burn calories.
No. 582695
>>582687Yeah, I remember. And in her most recent post she admitted she's a secretary (in shorts) and that ultra chic job, is actually boring. Also
>>582681 she wrote that like if in the meeting she got the children job offer, but now it's clear that are two different jobs. I think that in the meeting they told her that she's incompetent, this or like anon before said, she quit few weeks ago.
No. 582774
File: 1526330027867.png (172.62 KB, 338x604, haters tell the truth.png)

Ignores the dozen positive comments, but concentrates on the "hater" comment for more comments…
No. 582871
>>582365So a reputable high profile client of this amazing firm with connections to London is just going to notice the quiet secretary during a meeting and try and woo her away from this top firm, because that's what reputable clients do, and not something that would only happen in a movie.
>>11am to 8pmlol gurl, you couldn't even fold clothes for 4 hours without having a breakdown.
No. 582937
File: 1526339459725.png (102.03 KB, 800x810, 4-color-puzzle-piece-special-n…)

I'm legitimately starting to wonder about this girl. She acts like she needs more parental supervision, did anorexia damage her brain?
>>582621I pity them too because no one takes a job like that unless they're really desperate. In Canada we have those people who go door-to-door trying to sell Bell media plans, it's the shittiest job you could imagine, a border-line scam, and they'll hire anyone with a pulse. These jobs are bullshit, I thought that was common knowledge.
No. 583042
>>582365She always calls her job a “brand ambassador”. I agree she probably quit her recent job weeks ago. Notice how her outfits went from work appropriate to trash?
She made just a huge deal about her job as a shoe salesman and now she’s been all quiet about her job.
I miss the days of snack-sized snickers in the bathroom and breakdowns of feeling hollow af.
No. 583468
>>582848That's the only thing that matters, really! I was born in Austria but in a different town and only moved here some time ago but in my heart it's my home, even though I grew up somewhere else
>>582856Don't tempt me lol.
I love how aly has her own anti-fanclub in Austria
No. 583585
File: 1526395658578.jpg (24.63 KB, 277x163, erm.JPG)

>>583468Aly's word salad's getting worse
>people feel allowed writing every goddam fuc* that comes to their (empty) minds This. Huh? Okay then…I remember my first time, it was in a bed and painful. I remember that time when camping, etc. etc.
She's creating an interesting story about this ~job decision~. She's pitiful.
No. 583586
File: 1526395760776.jpg (23.43 KB, 324x138, disbelief o mg.JPG)

>>583585We don't believe it either…
No. 583591
File: 1526396110824.png (167.71 KB, 640x932, IMG_7594.PNG)

There's not a single person who needs a slice of cake to be that large.
No. 583593
File: 1526396181819.png (180.63 KB, 640x946, IMG_7595.PNG)

No. 583595
File: 1526396227530.png (181.06 KB, 640x914, IMG_7596.PNG)

How many times is it now that she's ''detached" from ig?
No. 583603
>>583601I was thinking the same. No phone, she's gonna quit.
Didn't read all that shite.
What's she on about she hided something from us? The face she won't be able to use her phone?
No. 583606
>>583591And, yeah, that's fucking LUDICROUS.
Why sell slices that size?
No. 583665
File: 1526400863831.jpg (29.27 KB, 398x324, aly.JPG)

>>583661I could probably eat the sponge alone without all the icing, buttercream, cream but I'd have to take my time with it and gallons of tea and it'd still not be a pleasant experience. I've never seen a place serve slices that big. It looks like a full pack of cake mix.
The more I see the more I believe she really is going to follow in Pink Fairy's humongous footsteps.
No. 583736
>>583601She's going to come back after a day, saying how her ed made her do it, how hard the job is, back to a bmi "17" and how her mental health is more important. The usual bullshit.
Or she'll still keep posting in the morning + after "work"
No. 583739
And tonight I say she posts that she wants everyone to wish her luck and she wants to wake up with lots of comments.
I loled at her description of starting work as a charity mugger:
> I must concentrate all my energies on this adventure
>adventureShe'll say she's working too much, eating too little, she needs to think of her mental health (as anon said above), and her followers will agree.
>>583727The new ones will be happy. The ones who've seen her do this already with three other jobs are going to be used to this bs like we are.
No. 583912
File: 1526414402291.jpg (80.98 KB, 593x597, a girft.JPG)

She posted this to thank you. I'm touched.
No. 584136
File: 1526427785975.jpg (48.14 KB, 604x349, _20180516_023535.JPG)

Always refreshing to see comments like this.
I wonder if she even realizes how shitty this job is. Does she think she's a mighty chosen one to this important mission, and will it all crumble once she sees five more "ambassadors" in the street corner?
And yeah no way is she going to stay in this job for more than a day.
No. 584152
>>584136I thought the same when I read that comment earlier. (On first reading I thought she'd written "do pot once or twice a week"). I'm surprised Aly didn't do a story post about it.
Did you read where she said she's moving in with Berto at the end of the month and she hasn't told Pa yet? 22 years old and she's afraid to tell her dad she's moving in with her boyfriend. Why would she even gaf about his reaction if she hates his guts?
No. 584156
File: 1526428643575.jpg (23.32 KB, 292x148, lol.JPG)

Too funny
No. 584160
File: 1526428797482.jpg (17.04 KB, 303x101, 1.JPG)

And this. Don't know if it's a farmer?
>Oh you're one of those irritating twats who bother people to give their cash to charities they don't give a fuck about. You're going to get told to fuc* off all day!
No. 584876
File: 1526483392876.jpg (399.47 KB, 720x992, 20180516_170832.jpg)

Surprise, she posted today
Conveniently she posted this which makes finding out what she works as really fucking easy
No. 584881
File: 1526483598720.jpg (236.12 KB, 720x1030, 20180516_170717.jpg)

>>584876She's really working as a chugger (dialoger in German, I had it google translated)
No. 584889
File: 1526484335486.jpg (47.13 KB, 1086x438, Capture.JPG)

>>584876The company director's a dodgy bloke. of his companies have been dissolved. One looks like a money loaning company.
No. 584901
File: 1526485667133.png (1.65 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7600.PNG)

No. 584938
>>584901>First half day doneBaby, you don't know nuthin' yet.
I'm looking forward to following her chugger journey.
No. 584977
So she just willy-nilly "resigned" from her previous prestigious ""job"" to start a new job the same day because that's totally what employees can do on a whim.
>>584881kek, they're even wearing fugly vests.
No. 584982
File: 1526490864325.png (1.1 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7604.PNG)

Aly. Get your shit together
No. 584997
File: 1526492009679.jpg (27.87 KB, 677x159, Capture.JPG)

>>584982Her followers probably hate chuggers too.
Has she forgotten that she'd left instagram?
No. 584998
File: 1526492029102.png (185.94 KB, 640x1007, IMG_7605.PNG)

No. 585085
File: 1526496050822.jpg (45.86 KB, 361x601, Capture.JPG)

You got to get used to standing in the rain, sweetie.
No. 585165
File: 1526499695542.jpeg (338.48 KB, 750x818, 346DE654-F989-4639-B90C-E8F58E…)

>>585024There was this though. Deleted now.
No. 585334
File: 1526506484388.jpg (15.62 KB, 304x79, how.JPG)

>>585165The bumlicker who defended Aly with that post (rolls eye) had the privilege of being added to Aly's FOLLOW list for her bumlickery.
How can some of her followers stick with her when she's forever pulling her usual stunts. If she'd deleted a post and I'd written a load as a comment I couldn't be arsed to write it again.
No. 585336
File: 1526506543647.jpg (11.4 KB, 293x46, pairs.JPG)

aaaaaaaaaaand this Alyism is here to stay.
Pairs of breasts, pairs of ass cheeks, pairs of eyes…they're everywhere checking calories (!)
No. 585360
File: 1526507584428.png (786.57 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7607.PNG)

No. 585400
File: 1526509669578.jpg (18.34 KB, 293x110, Capture.JPG)

>>585360That's genuinely weird considering she apologised for being a dick in the post before that one.
No. 585546
>>585334And that Aly bitch dared to answer her that IG have deleted her pics.
Dear anons, do IG have deleted your pics newly updated? Hope in your opinions since I feel like you all are ignoring me.
No. 586037
File: 1526563193067.png (1.33 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7608.PNG)

No. 586146
File: 1526568651436.png (1.51 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7609.PNG)

No. 586148
File: 1526568757426.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7610.PNG)

No. 586149
>>586037 is she trying to say she thinks the job isn't real because her dumbass can't find the location they told her?
Hilarious if she really did jump and quit her last job for it, though i don't believe she had one
No. 586151
>>586146>>586148It's crazy how quick she is to spazz out, give up and 'want to die'
You'd think she was an extremely bratty spoiled preteen…
No. 586174
File: 1526570007924.jpg (17.92 KB, 500x500, 2_410_1.jpg)

>>586164She'd need one of these.
No. 586340
File: 1526580728527.jpg (455.95 KB, 720x1125, 20180517_201118.jpg)

I love her new job
No. 586409
>>586301 she's self sabotaging so she can go back to staying at home and photographing pictures of food
honestly she should try volunteering for an ed support group or something, to reintegrate into the world that way
No. 586439
File: 1526584787277.jpg (19.65 KB, 442x86, Capture.JPG)

What does she mean by "self defence"? I don't think she means a situation where a can of hairspray and a lighter, a bunch of keys or judo would help. Does she mean self preservation? That doesn't fit either though.
No. 586457
>>586439>>586340I love it too.
>>586409Actually, this is an excelent idea since she's like an influencer in ED community.
No. 586480
>>586457Oh good. We needed a new Alyism because I see someone corrected her "pairs".
Are there actually ED support groups in Milan though? I don't even think they have anything like that in the whole of the UK. I think volunteer work would be brilliant though (from personal experience and getting a paid job out of it eventually). I wanted to write that she could volunteer doing something she's genuinely interested in, but … Aly doesn't have interests.
I'd say she's sabotaging moving in with Berto also. She's fucked up every weekend when she has to stay with him so I wouldn't be surprised at all if she dreads the day she has to live with him.
No. 586545
File: 1526589647563.jpg (67.45 KB, 787x255, hilarious.JPG)

No. 586548
>>586545>my friend decided to quitwho wants to bet they quit because aly was so insufferable, not because the actual job 'demands'?
if this job even exists…
No. 586552
>>586548Interesting that she started on the same day as a friend. Suggests to me that the headhunting never happened - she was unemployed and her friend said “hey I’m starting this job and anyone can sign up.”
Also a 3km walk is nothing.
No. 586695
>>586151I hate how she doesn’t even feel anything close to those extreme emotions she claims to have. I doubt anyone would make fun of her saying “wanna die” after some irrelevant event if she actually felt that way, but she really doesn’t. her superficial emotions have been proven. Like how she has a “panic attack” while taking a selfie and writing 9 paragraphs kek
>>586340“Worst faint ever” confirmed to be a lie. Bitch how are you fainting and starving after half a day with a bit of food??? It’s hilarious how when she was spoopy she acted like she could run marathons but now she’s fainting after 1 hour without fries
No. 586729
>>586501That makes sense, thanks. Looks like she google translated it from Italian maybe. You get an A+ for Aly translation!
>>586548It was nice of Aly to post this "friend" all over instagram. I'd be so pissed off if she did that. I'd break her phone and phone her in the face.
Do you think she even knows what a chugger is? How can she not have seen them while she's out? It sounds to me that she's never seen them in operation or even knows what they do.
She quits tomorrow.
No. 586806
>>586301I give her a week too, I mean, most normal people would probably jump ship after they realize what kind of job it is (1 or 2 days). Even if you're desperate, it's not worth the time for most people.
I really don't know what she was expecting, how could someone be this naive? And no one she knew tried to warn her? I guess maybe she didn't tell anyone.
No. 587022
>>586340Yes, because when I'm starving and fainting I want to eat a nutella muffin. Not some filling grilled chicken breast or a bunch of lettuce or apples, nope.
>>586218Same tbh. It makes it even clearer that her previous job didn't exist, if that wasn't clear already from comparison with the sports clothing shop saga.
No. 587297
File: 1526652850894.jpg (329.8 KB, 720x1034, 20180518_161225.jpg)

So she quit already?
Can't think of a job that allows you to switch from full time to part time to full time whenever you want to
No. 587313
>>587297meh i've had two different jobs like that. not where you could change back and forth but where there were both full time and part time slots for your position so you could change from one to the other if the boss was ok with it and you let them know well in advanced.
i don't really think aly is a good enough liar to come up with something detailed like that anyway, if she quit she would probably just go to donnie's in a skirt and stockings and claim she's on her lunch break so tired from working full time
No. 587334
File: 1526655408483.png (155.03 KB, 640x802, IMG_7617.PNG)

Oh Aly, please stop immediately
No. 587367
Speaking of flexible working hours, Ma's job mustn't be as good as I'd thought if she can be available to take pics of Aly at cafes whenever Aly sets off the bat signal.
>>587334That look. I…I…?
No. 587471
File: 1526664445111.png (187.39 KB, 640x906, IMG_7618.PNG)

Her 'Friyay' is really starting to piss me off
No. 587532
File: 1526669047078.jpg (28.37 KB, 287x224, wanna.JPG)

Ehhh, wanna more social life? Wanna more results?
Could she sound any more Italian?
So, once again, she's off to get a pizza with Berto. Oh, and she's having some ~bad weight-loss wishes~
That's okay, Aly. Just eat your fuel, it's that easy!
No. 588042
File: 1526696581339.jpg (257.29 KB, 746x743, ew.jpg)

>>587532I find it weird how she uses the term fuel so much. The 'food is fuel' phrase was initially adopted by the fitness community to convey something like 'food is not a pastime to indulge on, you have to eat the nutrients that will make your body stronger, eat what your engine is going to burn' etc. which is the complete opposite of what she does.
Anyway, here's a disgusting pizza she posted. I know what mortadella ham is and it's not supposed to have chunks of jelly like the one at the bottom of the picture.
No. 588408
File: 1526743141393.jpg (17.44 KB, 426x98, Capture.JPG)

So that's the reason to recover. So people will tell you you've got a nice arse.
No. 588465
File: 1526747755253.jpg (135.02 KB, 560x315, Special-Needs.jpg)

>>588138When I saw how she ate the parts of that egg inside toast thing, leaving the crusts and non-egg part wasted on her plate, that reminded me of how a kid eats too. The way they eat the topping off donuts or eat the breadcrumbs from something and leave the rest.
I will never, ever stop believing she's mentally challenged/retarded to some degree. I'm not even saying that because I don't like her. It's obvious she's a bit backwards. I'd actually lay off taking the piss out of her if it came out she was delayed in learning or suffered lack of oxygen as a baby.
Next pic is an example of how she's all wrong…
No. 588469
File: 1526747856908.jpg (103.03 KB, 812x598, 0.JPG)

>>588465She's sitting on the kerb near where she lives and posing at a self timer on her phone. This is the second she's posted from this time. How long was she there setting these poses and self timer? How didn't see feel like a dick? (Answer: special needs).
No. 588478
File: 1526748477005.png (935.56 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7636.PNG)

She's so classy
No. 588486
>>588478If I was her neighbour I'd be filming this shit. A 22 year old woman taking one snap after another of herself with a McFlurry. I'd have to say to Ma, "What on earth is your daugher
I'm surprised she's isn't litterally living with her boy this weekend. They usually go to her parents for burnt lasagne. Then later they go for Corona.
No. 588837
>>588469How curious that we had just mentioned how weird it was that her personal photog Ma C was always by her side to take her picture, and now she found it necessary to clarify and
thank her phone's shutter like an idiot.
No. 588997
>>58883Both situations are cringy.
Hi, Aly (!) You're cringy AF (!)
No. 589150
>>588469Also, it’s the wrong angle to be a self-timer. She’s a liar, as we all know. Her mum took it.
On the plus side, I love getting confirmations that she reads here.
No. 589274
File: 1526828010887.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7641.PNG)

Why does she do that weird mousey thing with her teeth
No. 589286
>>589274samefag, but if she is on a train/bus does that mean she is going home from Bertos house? Shes alone in the rest of the story.
Aly, When are you moving in with Bert? Did you tell your dad yet?
No. 589302
I'm sure she uses those mouse ears all the time to hide her widow's peak. What's she done to her hair? It looks weird.
> I asked him: 'Do you prefer me thinner and make-upped like last year or right now?' She must be intolerable fishing for compliments all the time even with Berto.
She can sod off about not wearing makeup. I wear it whenever I'm out because I enjoy wearing it and playing around with cosmetics. Why does she think we wear it because of insecurity. However SHE feels about things, she thinks everyone else does. Because someone eats kale it's because they're on a diet insecure about their weight, if you don't flash your bits wearing tight clothes then you're insecure about your body.
>>589274I think it's an overbite and her lips don't cover her teeth when she smiles. I know, I hate it too.
No. 589303
File: 1526830200428.png (232.28 KB, 310x308, Untitled.png)

>>589302dropped this re: widow's peak cover-up
No. 589367
File: 1526835268134.jpg (90.99 KB, 813x524, Capture.JPG)

And no, Aly, it isn't the first time you've been bare-faced. You did the same thing in February.
Running out of ~feminist causes~ to pretend you're fighting for?
No. 589633
File: 1526850176150.jpeg (681.74 KB, 744x1114, C2E6A7CF-4B51-4CB7-9632-F2A2F0…)

Woah, latest post is huge. Admitting for the first time that she’s over BMI 18/18.5 (4/5 kg more than last year, she claims).
A lot about this post is actually really healthy - except for the non stop junk food binges that got her there. Perhaps this is where her weight is meant to be - she just looks so unhealthy. Now would be the time to ease up on recovery food, eat healthy to maintain weight, and tone up. But she won’t…
No. 589719
>>589633This makes me fear for the one year on #progress pic 2019. I really get the impression she thinks she still needs to eat like a horse and "maintaining" means disordered eating.
I'm not an ana chan but I think she looks okay in the one from last year. At that point if she'd exercised to get tonic and continued to eat healthy stuff and gained weight then she'd look fantastic now (instead of ill and bloated).
No. 589805
>>589729She’ll have that anorexic size-phobia thing. If she can still squeeze into a smaller size, she can convince herself she’s not “fat.”
It’s a common symptom of AN but also proof that she has a long way to go to be mentally recovered.
No. 589992
File: 1526877203726.png (232.74 KB, 1579x316, alyism1.png)

No. 590152
>>590148 - It seems to be rife in the IG recovery community. Opposite of starvation must logically (to them) be indulging on all the things you were scared to eat. Higher the calorie, higher the fat or sugar count, the more ass pats you get. The more "well dones". Therefore eating a salad or fruits and veg must obviously be something only ana-chans do, no congratulations to be had there.
"Let's just ignore that instead of killing themselves with starvation they're eating themselves into sickness" et all.
No. 590158
File: 1526902862129.jpg (50.01 KB, 388x398, youarewhatyoueat.jpg)

>>588469She has that same tank top in burgundy. They look way cuter and more flattering than anything else I've seen her wear but she seems to only have them on when she's sitting on the curb. Also just ditching that heinous child's necklace with the owls on it would elevate her look instantly.
No. 590196
File: 1526910386490.png (144.28 KB, 640x862, IMG_7643.PNG)

Who the fuck told her that this is a good look?!
No. 590197
File: 1526910508195.png (182.97 KB, 640x987, IMG_7645.PNG)

She apparently has a day off from work today, has she called in sick because she has her period?
No. 590215
>>590197she works/begs tuesday - saturday, see
>>583593(with no phone! no peaceful lunch breaks! no time or possibility to update!)
No. 590315
File: 1526924033575.jpg (102.69 KB, 887x612, stupid twat.JPG)

She's talking about being a mermaid again.
She said here she lost her hair when she's been indignant in the past she never suffered hair loss. #rewritehistory
No. 590324
File: 1526924535444.png (228.11 KB, 684x467, mermaidz.png)

No. 590444
File: 1526935319036.png (947.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180521-143931.png)

Is she calling herself fat or…
No. 590522
>>590444I think she's trying to mention her disordered thinking (people saying she looks like a model when she's that skinny, and her thinking she's still fat at that size)
in other words, trying to milk more attention from anorexia and disguising it as a aly-ism PSA with the 'be yourself' shit at the bottom
idky she even pretends like she's helping people, she doesn't want to help people or be a romodel, she wants attention. so why not just go full attention whore and do things that get attention/followers? idky she can't even fathom how to do that. I think she had a pretty low IQ to begin with and being ana ate away the rest of it. Surprised she remembers how to breathe
No. 590628
>>590444I used to think her blonde hair was horrible, especially the ombre phase, but looking at it now next to that red mess it looks way better.
Idk where her confidence comes from. I don't believe she has body image problems she supposedly has breakdowns over. She does nothing but strip down to her scanties at any opportunity and wears the tightest rags she owns.
I'm very grateful that she hasn't been going to that waterpark this year.
No. 591018
File: 1526997653059.jpg (162.91 KB, 1080x571, IMG_20180522_155800.jpg)

Et voilà
No. 591042
>>591018…and she's brought up seeing a therapist again when she has bugger all intentions of going to see one.
Yeah, moving in with Berto aint gonna happen.
No. 591157
File: 1527007979706.png (378.86 KB, 949x456, Untitled.png)

No. 591161
File: 1527008092898.jpg (24.7 KB, 375x254, Capture.JPG)

Possible breakdown?
No. 591171
File: 1527009047796.jpg (9.71 KB, 167x99, 1.JPG)

Soz for spamming (I am feel so alone and isolate), but how does this happen? From no likes to 208 likes in 4 minutes after reuploading?
No. 591200
>>591171 Not sure. That used to be all she got a year ago and it drove her absolute insane. And it drove awake like 4K of her followers because she would black out post and I KILL ME.
Not sure what she did to get such a large jump in likes. I think the spoopy pics she posts help a lot.
No. 591262
>>591200i think the new system where you can follow hashtags helps her–afaik people who follow hashtags are more likely to see posts that get more interaction, and compared to the average IG user who has like a few hundred followers, aly's posts will be bumped up, so she gets likes from the people who just blindly like every post on their dash in hopes of lbs. before they added the follow hashtags, you had to go into the tag and things appeared mostly chronologically, so she probably only got the 20-30 extra likes any IG'er would get from that, if that makes sense.
tl;dr many of these likes are probably not even from followers, they're from people following the hashtags she spams on every post.
No. 591268
>>590444sorry to double post but it's crazy to me how much trashier she looks compared to in her old pics. i remember back in the OG threads we all used to speculate that her family was wealthy because she ate a nice restaurants and presented herself in a way that looked pretty cosmetic and put-together. she honestly did look like a fairly well-off snobby girl back in the day. but now she looks like gross trailer trash and no one would ever look at her lifestyle or her appearance and assume she was even middle class.
she p much embodies every ana-chan's fears that gaining weight will make you trashy, ugly, bloated, gross, and lazy. obvi this is not true but she is seriously the worst advertisement for recovery that i've ever seen.
No. 591304
File: 1527018592316.jpeg (107.64 KB, 290x272, 066EBAD3-7819-47DC-9376-92C92B…)

No. 591405
File: 1527026454607.jpg (86.79 KB, 440x220, PizzaIsDaWay.jpg)

>>591304I can't help but see a strange looking chihuahua when I see her poses/smiles sometimes.
No. 591410
File: 1527026919755.jpg (65.04 KB, 637x347, wotsits.jpg)

>>591304I had to recheck that pic to make sure you hadn't used a yellow teeth filter, anon. I feel sick. They're almost the colour of cheesy Wotsits.
She just posted a pic with Ma saying how she's crying about leaving her to live with Berto.
No. 591551
File: 1527038338959.jpg (181.89 KB, 652x500, 20180522_191614.jpg)

Hmm what happened here?
No. 591772
File: 1527062159890.jpg (69.17 KB, 465x825, donut.JPG)

she needs a larger size in whatever she's wearing and she would look a lot better
No. 591789
File: 1527065260980.png (834.35 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7664.PNG)

>>591551Idk but it's caused a breakdown in our recoveryqueer. Poor aly isn't gonna eat but she's gotta let everyone know
No. 591790
File: 1527065379360.png (181.65 KB, 640x911, IMG_7663.PNG)

>>591551Repost because no1curr
No. 591963
>>591954I don't know it, but I'm guessing it's some tacky teenage crap? That seems to be her style usually.
I'm predicting her next post will be how she's struggled all day but ~managed~ something from McDonald's. Her mood isn't over the stars, but she ate because she wants to live. She'll thank her followers for support.
Next follower who comments I NEEDED TO HEAR THAT dies.
No. 592028
>>591963It's basically a girl kills herself, she makes an audio tape of the reasons why (and who she blames for her death). Personally, it makes me nervous that there's a season 2 out, when season one hit for people it romanticised it, a way to get at people who hurt you and they now love you when you're gone. A sort of infamy. So hospital cases were on the rise. Seeing people watching a season 2 puts me a bit on edge. I know it
triggers vulnerable people, i don't get why it's so popular.
No. 592032
File: 1527096569975.jpg (96.92 KB, 813x595, 1.JPG)

Oh, I missed this while watching makeup youtubes. She's got SOOOO much to tell us. Her lunch looks delicious!
No. 592060
File: 1527098519088.jpg (232.31 KB, 706x572, 20180523_120002.jpg)

>>591790>>591551Now she's happy…
No. 592064
File: 1527098684011.jpg (156.55 KB, 1205x654, 1.JPG)

Update up.
I'm including the followers who say SO PROUD OF YOU in their comments as ones who die also.
No. 592077
File: 1527099308826.jpg (69.15 KB, 480x598, chuggers.JPG)

Universally hated.
No. 592079
File: 1527099462145.jpg (626.11 KB, 884x905, Screenshot_20180523-121511.jpg)

No. 592083
File: 1527099678546.jpg (14.38 KB, 300x59, dead2.JPG)

>>592064Whiterabbit dead.
No. 592265
File: 1527111860960.png (448.28 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7684.PNG)

''Omg u guys look how much exercise I'm doing so much hyperactivity so ana"
No. 592317
>>592265What're the other ~numbers~ and what's the app she's showing us?
Soooo, how long's she going to stick at this job? I said one day earlier in the thread, but I was wrong. I'm p sure she'll say she's not eating enough/moving too much and that's why she'll leave. From the shit she's posting she's gearing it up to look that way to her followers.
No. 592335
File: 1527116810539.jpg (501.99 KB, 1070x1213, 2018-05-24-01-01-58-367.jpg)

Aly we all know you read here so, please, try this style. You would look amazing and please, do something for your skin.
No. 592342
File: 1527117435053.jpg (97.48 KB, 538x713, c6754ad611da07a9cf09b4eea7cdbf…)

>>592335She needs a bloody good moisturiser. The lines on her forehead are something rarely seen on a 22 year old who doesn't have a skin condition. Also HIGH SPF. AND please, please sort your hair out. It's dry af. Cut and intensive conditioner. Consider cutting your fringe/bangs short(er) to cover that widow's peak and help cover your forehead until it looks less damaged. #selfcare = caring for your hair and skin.
She should go for a cascade hairdo.
No. 592347
>>592317The app looks like the Apple Health app that goes with the Apple watch that gives stats like a Fit Bit
Passi = Steps
Gradini saliti = Flights cliimbed (i.e., stairs)
The last one in purple is her sleep
No. 592359
>>592347Thanks. I bet she still counts calories too and does some maths with exercise. Idk, she sounds desperate to be spoopy again at times.
Wish I had as much sleep as she did. Nearly 8 hours (!)
No. 592678
>>592342Number one, that hairstyle is hideous.
Number two, I don't feel like the lines on her forehead are that bad for a girl in her early 20s. They are just fine lines that could easily be fixed with a good night cream and some sunscreen. You've obviously never seen 20-something year olds with literal valleys for forehead wrinkles.
No. 592699
>>592265Yeah there is this weird insta-ana culture of other sufferers calling someone out (kindly) when they are meant to be recovering but are posting pics of tiny portions/daily exercise/skeletal selfies. But of course it has gotten warped by many into this attention-seeking behaviour to validate their ED… Posting like “yay night snack-a-lackin” with a pic of two slices of banana and a grape, specifically to milk all the concerned comments like “oh no way is this enough babe, you’re still so tiny!”
Aly will have seen other girls doing this on IG and decided it’s the next way to get attention since she doesn’t look thin anymore. I bet all of her “thoughts of relapse” posts this week have been calculated with this goal in mind.
She’s awful.
No. 592825
File: 1527177511695.png (1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7686.PNG)

No. 592873
>>592678Number one, it's a damn site better than how her hair is now
Number two, I haven't seen a 22 year old forehead with crevices because I like in sunless ENGLAND.
She looks like shit, but you think not?
No. 592890
>>592873I live in California, dude. Girls round here don’t believe in sunscreen and end up looking like leather handbags in their 40s because of it.
I said absolutely nothing about her not looking bad, stop projecting. I’m just telling you that her forehead wrinkles are not unusual and they are fine enough to where she could easily manage them.
No. 592926
File: 1527187751909.jpg (123.02 KB, 624x669, Sanpaku eyes.jpg)

>>592825Aly humour cracks me up. She's sooo funny.
She needs to call it a day with her #edworrior thing. Her captions are being repeated too often as are her pics. If only she had something else to offer she wouldn't be driving people away. Okay, so the number of followers is hardly representative of her real followers (I'd say around 200 might be interested in what she offers), but with that amount she's got a ready made audience to showcase something else and get more genuine followers.
Anyone believe she's loving her job?
No. 592978
File: 1527193317393.gif (3.22 MB, 299x393, 6abb583.gif)

No. 593175
File: 1527212017930.png (960.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180524-192851.png)

Last dinner huh..
No. 593198
File: 1527213410909.jpeg (160.89 KB, 750x710, B3317B3E-4FC9-476B-B5A0-B731C0…)

This might actually not be another farmer comment and the best part is Aly just bought those shorts. Boy won’t she love reading this tomorrow. Kek.
No. 593378
>>593198Aly will comment “you missed the point of my post, honey!”
But seriously. She needs to size up. If she’s actually moving in with Bert, she will gain even more fast. A good majority of couples will gain weight when they move in together and again after they get married.
And since Aly is clearly a terrible cook, it’ll be Mickey D’s for daaaaays
No. 593480
File: 1527244892270.jpeg (383.93 KB, 1536x1536, E08D21DF-ED1A-4092-94A9-0E10E2…)

Wow is this even real… so tragic. What an absolute train wreck. Someone mentioned before that maybe the Ana caused mental retardation and now I actually tend to agree.
No. 593640
>>593633I… I just imagined Aly riding Bert.
I want to rinse my brain.
No. 593642
File: 1527265035725.jpeg (366.85 KB, 750x1334, E8EB5E13-390D-41F8-B8F7-987A8C…)

>>593175Leave it to Aly to make a big deal out of going away for the weekend to Venice. That’s most likely what the “last supper” was about.
No. 593683
File: 1527268959548.png (1.78 MB, 1080x783, IMG_20180525_102134.png)

Wtf is she doing with her mouth? It is a smile? Is she constipated? Also: holy moonface lol
No. 593753
It is possible to get pregnant even if your period stops because of low weight. I know two women who got pregnant at BMIs around 15. I just feel the need to say that because neither of them thought they needed to use protection, since they were not bleeding every month.
So, use protection, even if you're emaciated
No. 593843
>>593753I don't think Crying Emily had been having periods for a long time and she got pregnant.
Ugh, a weekend of scenes from Venice with her dumb self blocking the view.
Aly signed up her first person today. She's going to be able to afford to buy a carton of fries with her first pay cheque at this rate.
No. 593849
>>593753Sage but happened to me. Tell him to wrap it up even if you're a skelly
>>593683Is this her brother???
No. 594401
File: 1527350285259.jpg (109.15 KB, 593x593, sludge.JPG)

She was making a big deal about having her last supper with Ma C before her holiday in Venice. She's only there for a DAY TRIP.
I think they dredged the canals for this thing she posted.
No. 594452
File: 1527355163909.jpg (400.98 KB, 720x1189, 20180526_191442.jpg)

You know how your eyes get watery sometimes after not getting much sleep? Well Aly got up early today.
>muh depresshun-a (!) porca miseria
No. 594520
File: 1527360412187.jpg (292.08 KB, 715x1113, Screenshot_20180526-124402.jpg)

>>594452This is a complete breakdown?
No. 594522
File: 1527360584756.jpg (232.87 KB, 700x581, Screenshot_20180526-124805.jpg)

>>594520Must not have been enough comments. This is the last post she's talking about.
No. 594561
File: 1527364574964.jpg (37.8 KB, 360x240, crocodile-tears-1.jpg)

>>594520I don't believe for a second she still struggles over food. Not when she's eaten that black pasta (relatively healthy?) and a had a spritzer and chips and had a ~break down~ when daily she eats a family size cake with cream and McD's shit.
Yeah, my eyes (more the left than right) waters up like that during the day, expecially if leaning sideways (never leave the house with eye liner pencil)). If only everyone's breakdowns were a bit of water coming out of the side of their eye.
Again, how disrespectful to Berto when she's away for a day out with him and she's on her phone checking comments from strangers.
Barcelona's going to be fun. NOT (!)
No. 594597
File: 1527368636526.png (1.37 MB, 1366x768, MOONFACE 01.png)

Evolution of the Moonface
No. 594598
File: 1527368654120.png (1.37 MB, 1275x623, MOONFACE0 02.png)

No. 594600
File: 1527368669474.png (179.71 KB, 298x353, MOONFACE 03.png)

No. 594838
File: 1527387742043.jpg (562.59 KB, 1016x1449, Screenshot_20180413-134703.jpg)

I made a handful of these a while ago. I'm bored so I'm posting some more.
No. 594839
File: 1527387957549.jpg (360.15 KB, 772x1038, Screenshot_20180413-160708.jpg)

one more, why not…
No. 594845
>>594838Omg Anon, my sides.
I vote this for next thread pic.
No. 595508
File: 1527466120658.jpg (226.38 KB, 714x652, Screenshot_20180527-180627.jpg)

Only 7 comments?!?!?!?!?
No. 595515
File: 1527466577777.jpg (1.57 MB, 1080x1349, 32307992_174545469926322_63648…)

She looks so normal in this photo, if I didn't know better I'd even think it was candid.
No. 595536
File: 1527468562473.jpg (1.46 MB, 1080x1349, 33687096_890549921129604_17726…)

This is the "San Francisco" pizza from Biif Burger in Milan. It's cut up hot dog weiners and french fries on a pizza base.
No. 595614
>>595536this looks like some disgusting thing you'd try to put together out fo random food you found left in the back of the freezer. You know, the kind you'd make while incredibly stoned or drunk and munching out, then feel sick to your stomach after eating and gag thinking about it the next day.
Why would you pay for this…
Why does everything she eat look so fucking disgusting? I'd probably end up ana too if food was this unappetizing where I lived
No. 595766
>>595508She posted a picture about it in her instagram story, last night and this morning, talking about how everybody left her and nobody cares anymore
But what's new
No. 595767
>>595632you were absolutely right haha. She deleted both of the stories she posted about it tho
complete breakdown incoming
No. 595896
File: 1527519644614.png (195.74 KB, 640x975, IMG_7700.PNG)

According to Aly, today is a special day.
No. 595897
File: 1527519695896.png (107.1 KB, 640x748, IMG_7701.PNG)

No. 595925
File: 1527522750023.jpg (30.72 KB, 302x246, fan hater.JPG)

>>595897Only 5 comments on this in an hour.
Those shorts she's wearing are the same as the ones I had to wear at school. She hoards old clothes, so I wouldn't be shocked if these were her old PE shorts.
She's saying it's her follower's lack of comments and attention that's making her lonely and contemplating being spoopy again. She fills the void her ED left by being uber kind to people with her support and she gets none. My heart bleeds.
No. 595930
File: 1527523028792.png (434.32 KB, 671x541, Untitled.png)

Aaaaaand these two from stories. Desperation intensifies. Breakdown inevitable.
No. 595950
>>595897She cut off Berto's balls.
>>595935I want her to dump all her old accessories too. I'm talking that belt and those peace sign earrings she always wears. She really does need to buy a size up though.
At least her begging and guilt tripping gave her a few more comments.
No. 595968
File: 1527527246133.gif (2.63 MB, 320x554, 20180528_105807.gif)

Someone let her know that today in the US it's Memorial Day. People are busy being with family,visiting graves, spending the extra day off together. And that could be why she's not getting comments on "national burger day"
No. 595969
File: 1527527416526.png (731.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-110939.png)

No. 595973
>>554293Have lived in SF 20+ years and have never seen that abomination served here.
>>595897Does that belt have a tighter self made hole from when she was spoopy?
No. 595981
>>595968She's in her own bubble. She never comments on tragic events in the world (which might affect followers) and seems to know nothing about Italy except pasta.
>>595973It's the dumb pizza place's stereotypical idea of what Americans eat - hot dogs and fries.
Makes me wonder what she was taught in school (and also if she went to a special school).
No. 596027
>>595973Same, anon. Although I’m a little more north. But I thought…the fuck does this have to do with SF? The Giants? Baseball franks and fries?
>>595968Americans celebrate and weep for fallen soldiers and Aly is pissy no one cares about her National Burger Day post.
And don’t worry anons. Soon Aly will have absolutely no choice but to buy a size up. It’ll happen. Her eating is out of control and she will not relapse back to a small weight. She is the perfect example as to why weekly therapy is so important.
No. 596702
File: 1527606045318.png (7.61 KB, 248x41, Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-29 um 1…)

Sure, Aly. That´s what we do when new people start in our company, too. We give them advice about how to avoid fainting.
No. 596766
>>596702You just
know withing five minutes of meeting her she's going to tell you about being an EX (!) anorexic. She complains about her ED past making others hold her back and she can't move on from it, but it's all she talks about herself.
I reckon when she said her boss congratulated her it meant she'd told him she was a spoop and now she's all bootie and boobs.
She's pretending to eat mini pizzas with her co workers, but that pic looks exactly like all the selfies when she eats alone/with Ma.
No. 596832
File: 1527613694786.png (436.31 KB, 476x494, 19.02.51.png)

What the hell is she doing with her mouth?
No. 596837
File: 1527614258516.jpg (47.42 KB, 301x548, lol.JPG)

No. 596853
File: 1527615202212.png (379.53 KB, 867x453, searching for ma.png)

>>596832img related
>>596844She'll be fine if she gets more comments (!)
No. 596856
>>596832Is she trying to say this was taken today, because it's from the same shoot as the ones with this guy last week.
Wonder if she's quit already?
No. 596867
>>596832I’m sure that kid is like “holy shit, relax your face girl”. Ugh seriously her face screams mental issues. She’s repulsive to me because the part of my brain that allows me to detect danger is going off. She’s Unhinged.
Not to say all people with mental issues are psycho. But Aly looks like she will snap any minute and stab everyone eating a salad.
No. 596872
>>592064You would think by now, with Aly lurking these threads, that she would stop the crocodile tears in her stories every morning
Desperation doesn't look attractive
No. 596893
>>596867When I think rationally about being repulsed by her face, I know it's not her features that I find disgusting (the mouse teeth hurt my eyes though). It's ACTUAL ALY that's repulsive.
Sounds wacko, but yeah, I could see her being in the headlines one day for manslaughter by diminished responsibility. You know how neighbours say, "We never imagined he'd be a spree killer, he was so
quiet"etc? Well, with Aly she SCREAMS that she's got what's inside that'd make her go postal.
No. 596910
>>596837I thought she moved in with Berto
She even made a "last dinner" for her mom…
No. 596916
>>596702Cringe. I know it's a mental disorder and all but she's a normal weight now and no coworker really gives a shit.
>>596837Sometimes I wonder how she would react if she was really exposed to abuse and difficult situations in life
>>596910It was, before she went to Venice for a day then back home
No. 596983
>>596856Of course, the guy is wearing the same shirt and aare in the same stairs.
I wonder she really quit.
Because is tuesday and she posted 5 times in a row.
No. 597206
File: 1527642822374.jpg (93.95 KB, 813x594, hater.JPG)

>>597186He's driven her to the depths of alcoholism:
>EDIT ▶️ I've honestly a bit alcohol-overdosed this eveningAlso, shot of how damn tight those shorts are.
No. 597267
File: 1527651118651.png (1.23 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180529-212927.png)

>>597206I thought you were over dosing Aly…not being a winner
No. 597578
File: 1527692726237.png (94.92 KB, 1080x519, 20180530_110527.png)

This won't last long…
No. 597595
File: 1527693911314.jpg (65.48 KB, 367x663, 1.JPG)

>>597578She already posted this. So much for being at "work".
No. 597600
File: 1527694032473.jpg (6.66 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

Soz forgot to sage that ^
I can imagine her saying that looking like this…
No. 597630
File: 1527695922738.png (1.64 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7709.PNG)

No. 597639
>>597631Yeah, her widow's peak's looking more and more like male pattern baldness.
Fuck, she looks a rough chav in that pic. HER FUCKING HAIR! How many colours?? Oh and Aly, look at your fucking cheeks for puffiness.
Shame she only sees her veiny tits and doesn't sort herself out.
No. 597653
File: 1527697380303.jpg (47.28 KB, 648x318, nivea.JPG)

>>597651Imagine her in 10 years time if her forehead's this lined already.
No. 597674
File: 1527699856420.jpg (72.55 KB, 622x314, Screenshot_20180530-105842.jpg)

>>597630And yet she loves talking about how big her boobs are.
No. 597678
File: 1527700074611.jpg (29.75 KB, 313x217, 1.JPG)

Here's another hater (google translated from Italian)
No. 597727
File: 1527702884837.jpg (974.07 KB, 3200x2400, chav.jpg)

>>597684Every large city has the well off parts and the dumps. I guess she lives in the rough area. I've never been to Milan though, but that's pretty much how I've seen cities.
Aly says trailer park though. I mean, more of her bra's showing than her top and she looks generally like trailer trash. Even when she's out at nights she looks like a hooker.
She's even got the Croydon Facelift hairdo of a chav today. I kill me if she wears her hoop earrings and has her hair the same tomorrow.
No. 597866
File: 1527714281533.png (1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180530-150236.png)

LoL she thinks her hair is healthy because it's long.
No. 597888
>>597866Even though the part of her hair now that's most fucked is that fucked up, fried bleached hair in the old pic. She must've searched hard for the pic where it looks reasonably shiny (at the top part) for this, but we've all seen how snapped off it is up there and how her hair's doing some kind of receeding.
Something that strikes me is how more natural she looks on the left. She looks like a mannequin on the right (all stiff and posed, not beautiful and tonic).
She really does think she's hot.
Notice how these "messages" she's been receiving are really things we've said here:
- eating crap
- being a binge eater
- I've been told
💬 I've this employment just because I'm a pretty doll 😐 (we said she got the job because she looks like a tart)
>We're not fragile like flowers, but more like BOMBS.Why does she act like a fragile wreck then?
It's sad she only gets a lot of comments when she's playing the victim for a comment.
Farmhands - the emojis are copypasta from Aly's text. I didn't put them there. I hate emojis. Really hard.
No. 598200
>>597888She's held herself like this ever since she was weight restored to this point.
It looks like she also used to dress better from what little I've seen. What the fuck happened?
No. 598577
File: 1527788314300.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 86C5B8FF-6CE1-4B42-B80C-113235…)

Her mustache seems to be growing even better than her hair!
No. 598582
File: 1527788712887.png (818.74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7718.PNG)

Aka she went for a brief jog
No. 598586
>>598582So? She's always telling people what she does is none of their fucki*ng business, so what does it matter to her if people want to diet and exercise.
Athlete, lol.
>>598577She needs to get a sports bra (or a bra in general) if she's running regularly. The tash matches her armpits.
No. 598605
>>598577Is she running with her bag on? lmao
Why is she doing that, anyways?
If i was chugger, i won't move the rest of the day, they walk a lot. I bet she quit already.
No. 598607
>>598605I'd put money on it that she's quit.
I have £8 to my name and I bet all of it.
No. 598610
>>598582I know people who walk and jog everyday who don't call themselves "athletes."
What is she "training" for? More IG selfies for doing the bare minimum?
Lol, it's not that I think there's anything wrong with wanting some validation for making the right choices every now and then, but posting about being an "athlete" is so corny and egotistical.
No. 598619
File: 1527790574099.jpg (119.19 KB, 1100x740, clintonmcdonalds_orig.jpg)

Clinton used to jog to McDonald's. That's probably what Aly does.
No. 598625
File: 1527790887056.jpg (63.55 KB, 1076x359, IMG_20180531_201643.jpg)

A comment under her last post:
"hi… We've been trying to reach you for days. Is it possible to talk to you about a job offer"
Is a new fabulous work coming?
No. 598635
File: 1527791401089.jpg (62.66 KB, 1057x463, Capture.JPG)

This is from their website. What do it say?
She's obviously too stuck up to reply to them.
No. 598714
>>598577Lol she did not run in this outfit. Nor did she run at all. This is a girl who whines that she's going to faint bc she has to walk a few km a day and stand around begging for donations. If anything, she went for her usual walk to get gas station sushi.
She's just trying to shut up all the "haters" who keep telling her that lying on her bed and eating cake 8/24 is as unhealthy as being spoopy.
No. 599386
File: 1527856887291.jpeg (401.52 KB, 750x833, 9DE5CC6C-B95D-4450-A618-2D66F0…)

Omg can this bitch fuck right off? Overdosing on running, smoking and drinking? Ya thats why u have no muscle tone, dont even inhale cig smoke, and never have over 2 or 3 drinks in 1 night. so histrionic.
No. 599405
>>599386Simple solution. Berto has a car. Wait until tomorrow, put your few possessions in it. Have him drive you to his scabby room.
Always here to help.
No. 599606
File: 1527882373507.png (316.5 KB, 343x611, view from home.png)

is she implying that she lives in the bosco verticale neighborhood? wouldn't an apartment in that area be expensive for students?
No. 599633
File: 1527885412750.gif (5 MB, 320x554, 20180601_143259.gif)

>>599606I just wanted to add on to this in case others are interested.
yeah, she's saying "this is the view from our home"
No. 600604
File: 1528000487383.png (399.76 KB, 467x591, 2018-06-03 06.32.28.png)

Yeah Aly, we understand that your only intention was to show us how you´re hanging up a painting and NOT to post another picture of you wearing only a bra.
No. 600606
File: 1528000682931.png (8.2 KB, 270x148, facelol.png)

Interesting how after this thread brought up her moonface again, she decided faces are worth noticing.
No. 600608
File: 1528001004547.jpeg (4.47 KB, 246x205, images.jpeg)

>>600604I just want to take a big set of shears to her fried mane.
No. 600613
File: 1528001406626.jpg (94.31 KB, 780x780, you.jpg)

>>600608I found this pic of (you) in action.
No. 600702
File: 1528017491732.jpg (89.22 KB, 598x598, fuck me says gordon ramsey.JPG)

I've just been looking at her posts on my laptop and noticed she's dropped a lot of followers
the past couple of days.
I think this might be responsible. This is the state of her cooking. Even the pics of the octopus she ate is revolting.
No. 600707
>>600702Looks like caramelized onions, zucchini, and a burger.
I bet it tastes fine but that picture is hideous. I'm actually surprised someone with an ED could tolerate eating something that gross looking.
No. 600710
>>600698yeah, sorry. I've checked yesterday and it seems it was taken from the bridge over Garibaldi station railway tracks, seen from the cemetery side.
I might be wrong again, but that story was 100% bullshit anyway because we all know she doesn't live at Berto's.
No. 600752
File: 1528026240655.png (188.85 KB, 640x882, IMG_7733.PNG)

Oh honey no
No. 600762
File: 1528028787414.png (63.51 KB, 640x891, IMG_7734.PNG)

AKA she only got 7 comments on her last pic
No. 600766
>>600752Why is she always in this underwear?! Does she not own others? Most people own many pairs of undies and multiple bras right?
It seriously grosses me out how often she wears the same.
No. 600780
File: 1528030675092.jpg (125.79 KB, 720x953, 20180603_145654.jpg)

>>600762Deleted the previous blackout post and posted this
Living with berto is going well I see
Needy cunt
No. 600789
File: 1528032767820.jpg (148.44 KB, 720x384, 20180603_153219.jpg)

No. 600790
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No. 600795
>>600793Jfc we already talked about this way too often
Her emotions are way to shallow for her to have bpd
No. 600804
>>600790>>600789>ran awayWhat are you Aly, 14? I bet 5€ she didn't just get up and left err I mean ran away but instead told her parents goodbye after lunch.
She also thinks people are mind readers. She's overwhelmed by the most basic emotions.
No. 600817
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No. 600840
>>600817This dress is the least awful outfit she's worn in like two years, aka since she got shattered by the car and started gaining quickly.
Still the stretching pose.
Still needs to trim her damn hair and change that hideous color.
No. 601097
Aly, next time you’re here - please throw out all your shorts and leggings and buy this exact shape/length of dress in a bunch of different colours (though I would go for thicker straps or a short sleeve). It suits you.
And when you gain weight, re-purchase the dresses in a larger size. Don’t be hanging out of a too small dress.
Thanks in advance!
No. 601193
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Girl, you got a lot to learn.
No. 601316
>>600789so she ~moves in~ with her man (4real!), then goes straight back to her parents' for dinner.
and then she ~runs away~ from her family like the true 22y/o that she is, because they dun curr that she's struggling with overdosing on food and sex… or sumfin.
her breakdown consists of taking dog-ear selfies on a bus, as per usual. because when you're running away as an ex-anorectic with an exercise addiction, you take the bus.
No. 601369
>>601316Yeah, there's something about a ~breakdown~ post you can't take seriously when someone uses an animal face app thing on their pic.
I vote for pizza face too.
No. 601455
>>600279this was me. it pisses me off bc she has no fucking clue what an actual addiction entails.
>>600793lurk moar… she’s histrionic. this was covered months ago. she has no signs of bpd. just bc she’s a cow that doesn’t mean she’s got bpd lol
No. 601689
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So it begins. She's talking about being alone on her rest day. How Bert is at university. Shows her home a bit. Looks like a studio apartment, the bed is next to the table. I feel kinda sad that bed is so thin, like cardboard. And in the next frame she talks about maybe leaving Instagram.
No. 601737
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Aly's going to pack on the pounds even faster if this "lazy" dinner's anything to go by. Bet they both cba to cook and have takeouts all the time.
No. 601741
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>>601713I would find it difficult to get into the mood for sex (great or otherwise), in this room. Especially with the hamster watching.
No. 601806
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The rabbit toothed girl's turning Bert's life into a reality show. How many "firsts" will we have to endure?
Food shopping. Sooooo romantic. I love staring into my SO's eyes as I hold a REDUCED bag of cabbage xxx swoon
No. 602006
>>601806plastic bags (!) ofc … anything else would not be a RECOVERY WIN
if everyone used reusable bags then the whales in the ocean wouldn't be able to fill their stomachs with 17 lbs of plastic and EVERY whale deserves a full belly, amirite babies?