File: 1537956885899.jpg (48.37 KB, 400x400, tumblr_nhh45ratZH1ra7lt9o1_400…)

No. 697266
Thread to continue to discuss pro-anas, wannarexics and attention seeking mental health/recovery "warriors".
previous thread:
>>>/snow/641683Farmhand Note: only post people who have milk outside of having an ED. This isn't a thread to nitpick ana-chans.
No. 697373
File: 1537971438223.jpeg (434.34 KB, 750x1080, B5BB162D-73CA-4CFC-BDA5-978DCD…)

Can someone transcript what she is saying here? The accent is so thick.
No. 698033
File: 1538018478392.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, 1ED6CCF2-2466-49F5-AE1F-35EFF2…)

There's no way this girl is in the 12's. She looks at least 14BMI. I say she's tricking the scale.
Why do so many anachans lie about their weight?
No. 698038
File: 1538018783802.png (975.68 KB, 746x844, DE051A11-8729-439C-BEDC-603F6C…)

P sure she's friends with tilly as well
No. 698120
>>698033Ah yes that reflection of thigh is BMI 12
>>698089Doesn’t strike me as a druggie either but she clearly has some manipulative genes so I’m sure she and Tilly have some other things in common
Also about Kara, she looks as if she is actually gaining weight. (Not in her face though it’s strange…) I’m curious to see if she will continue in recovery or if she’ll drop out of the “recovery community” again and relapse. Yeah the muffins are annoying, but she seems to actually be eating them
No. 698133
>>698089Maybe she does smoke crack and she's just really good at hiding it?
>>698120Upon closer inspection, I think it's a knee reflection. Her hip looks too distorted for that to be a thigh
No. 698261
File: 1538034157117.png (Spoiler Image,782.71 KB, 741x842, DF085311-DD03-4D18-B39C-1C9509…)

>>698216Dude she has this shit on her vent so ya she is. she's been deteriorating so rapidly lately give her a fuking break
No. 698577
File: 1538067796208.jpg (690.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180927-180209_Ins…)

Her hair just gets better and better. She looks like a wotsit with white hair and brows. Wtf is she thinking? Does her boyfriend like this look I wonder?!
No. 698590
File: 1538068292855.jpg (159.27 KB, 1600x898, 1_TzrFWq3amtOgFZxNWwpM-A.jpg)

No. 698738
File: 1538078221823.jpeg (8.28 KB, 185x272, download (15).jpeg)

>>698577We love a high fashion shishtar
No. 698962
>>698577It’s not even blonde kek she looks like an old grey lady
Wonder if she’ll try to bleach her skin too
No. 699018
File: 1538097844862.jpg (62.02 KB, 625x415, times-courage-the-cowardly-dog…)

>>698577knew i've seen her somewhere before!
No. 699059
File: 1538101987151.jpeg (172.61 KB, 729x1109, image.jpeg)

What ever happens to this girl?
No. 699568
File: 1538162674721.jpeg (424.99 KB, 750x1156, FBA83D52-02FE-423C-AF74-C7A120…)

>>699323Here’s after her attempt:
No. 699571
File: 1538162818359.jpeg (438.63 KB, 750x1194, C6C3ED69-F6A5-4D3E-AE64-CB5A4B…)

>>699569This is her latest post. Accompanying pictures show how excited she is to be in hospital. Will post later as to not spam
No. 699601
Can someone repost the video from
>>678706 ( an old video from Paris)
No. 699657
File: 1538168090544.png (1.61 MB, 1125x2436, 84FEF966-71EE-4F5B-B8C4-BA39D6…)

No. 700156
File: 1538224433736.png (1.49 MB, 1125x2436, B6DC14D5-6EBC-4708-A8EF-D785C6…)

“a margarita,” or a gallon of vodka… hilarious post.
No. 700181
File: 1538227399926.png (2.53 MB, 1125x2436, 95891B42-F35E-4DCA-ACC4-B6350C…)

This fucking girl.
No. 700501
File: 1538258942823.png (432.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-29-23-04-11…)

And again hahaha. Someone needs to take a hint that no one believes the BS
No. 700797
>>700547I’m from the us but good try
>>700501Does she do this so people interact with her more/send more questions? I’m wondering if she thinks she’s a successful liar or if she doesn’t care how realistic they are
No. 700915
File: 1538315390183.jpeg (139.16 KB, 750x1017, 9264C18D-9874-4F76-87E9-BE4515…)

>>700788She accepted my follow request recently, it’s probably just filters but it looks like she could be doing just marginally better.
No. 701061
File: 1538329348427.jpg (995.85 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180930_113414.jpg)

Joltography is looking rough these days. Check out those cheeks.
No. 701138
>>700797Come on, I’ve never ever seen anyone else who uses ‘my dude’.
Being so high has downhills, no judgment!
No. 701237
File: 1538342830952.jpeg (197.02 KB, 750x582, 1F63DFED-E4C1-4504-B385-F52901…)

>>701205She’s made a few mentions of a consultant who is trying to “destroy her”. Not much seemed to change after this update. Looks like she’s off the NG and under constant supervision to the point that it’s actually interrupted her symptoms entirely.
No. 701697
>>698291Definitely Tilly.
She's emaciated. She's definitely that 34kg she's been posting about.
She's wasting away but I can't stop watching. She's not milky.
No. 702036
>>701697This is such an annoying self post, tilly please stop….
“She’s waisting away but I can’t stop watching” literally no one would say that besides an ass kissing follower or tilly herself. Besides, tillys gained weight and I wouldn’t consider her emaciated at all. She eats processed garbage shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s purging it up because her cheeks look enormous for her smallish frame
>>701146Exactly! Like this one here,
>>701697It’s so obvious it’s her it’s not even funny. She’s probably so annoyed that her good ole pal Josie is more milky then she is. From sex work (that I doubt even happened) to smoking crack apparently on her insta live, honestly she’s going to look back when she’s an adult and be like wtf was I doing?! I get second hand embarasment from watching her insta lives and seeing her uploads she is the most ott try hard wanorexic I’ve seen in a while. I refrained from entertaining her self posts but I had to comment on this one it’s just too damn obvious. Must be sad to need attention so bad you need to selfpost on a gossip website. I mean really get some friends that aren’t crack heads who spoon feed an underage person drugs and alcohol (underage according to my countries laws), get tf off social media and go get some mental treatment tilly your making a fool of yourself and most definetly will regret it later even if your too cool to own up the error of your ways now.
No. 702042
File: 1538436266859.jpeg (278.96 KB, 750x1006, 5B61FD67-97C5-4C4A-8861-C26475…)

I don’t get it like eating meals like this (obvi low calorie) and eating at least one super caloric dessert for her dance videos surely she’d gain a little wait but there’s been zero. Does she purge or just only eat like one snack a day? She acts like a recovery account with the pump up music for this oh so poignant videos…kek but yet no change, I see followers asking her why her weight hasn’t changed and I don’t really see any serious reply’s by Paris. I definetly think she has serious mental health issues but then why doesn’t she get any help? She just mopes and posts body checks referring to herself as fat just so ppl tell her she’s not or she’s so thin or sickly it’s all manipulative but jw how she actually hasn’t managed to gain any weight. She doesn’t have the bulimic cheeks perhaps the pictures are for show and not eaten? Maybe she spits out the desserts after a quick erratic set of dance moves… idk I don’t get her but at least her anachan dance moves r milk
No. 702097
>>702036Work on your reading comprehension skills anon,
>>701697 was talking about honeyfoxed wasting away, and saying it was tilly who made the post denying honeyfoxed could be bmi 12
No. 702364
>>701697This post was by me, not Tilly, and refers to the girl in the picture, not Tilly.
Can we please stop talking about Tilly?
No. 702375
>>702042Imo she’s eating only the photographed/videos things and just sits in her room exercising between body checks and Instagram.
It’s hard to feel bad for her any more. She’s choosing not to get help and appears to have somehow gotten her family to just try and keep her happy enough to not suicide.
No. 702511
>>702364You do realize it makes no sense to say “it’s me” on an annonomous board right? Apparently tilly said she’s banned for life in a recent post, I hope that’s true and wish we could substantiate that though so we don’t have to keep wondering if she’s self posting like many anas do here
>>702375Her life is sad, the entirety of her insta is almost not worth following anymore. I mean she says she’s struggling so bad but then she doesn’t do anything about it, suicidal but doesn’t do anything about it. You don’t need to want to get better to go to treatment. It will probably help your success rate but like u said sitting in her room exercising and doing body checks for the world to see isint exactly going to help. I also find it weird she jumped off a bridge x years ago and she’s not medicated or in any type of mental health tx perhaps she is medicated but doesn’t eat enough protein to make them work. Unfortunately for her if she wants out of the depression she’s going to need protein to allow the meds (if she’s on them) to work. She has no hope at ever getting better though unless she addresses the ana. She’ll just be depressed forever until she passes away or kills her self
No. 702735
File: 1538509370407.jpg (399.61 KB, 1080x1920, 20181002_204045.jpg)

Apparently Ky hasn't eaten anything in over 100 days, kek
No. 702737
File: 1538509403855.jpg (422 KB, 1080x1920, 20181002_204108.jpg)

No. 703206
>>702737She is hands down my new favorite person on this entire site. I can’t get over how utterly
weird she is. More Kasia posts! More!
No. 703261
>>703206She's so f
*ing ridiculous, it's actually funny
No. 703460
File: 1538598514090.jpeg (529.46 KB, 1125x1859, FullSizeRender.jpeg)

I can't stand this bitch. She might be over-discussed or whatever, but she is the milkiest of them all. She hides it behind coherent captions and the fact that she is in school, but she keeps losing weight or definitely resisting a healthy weight and has been for a long time. She pretends to epitomize recovery with 26k followers and her wide-eyed idiot look. Her captions have gone from honest to "fake-spirational" to CLEAR bullshit. She's obviously doing the same shit I did back in my ED days, turning to alcohol and drugs to sustain her eating disorder. She's posted lots of old pics and clearly she is not a set point of "alien-looking" naturally, so this shit really bothers me. Awhile I love gossip about a good Crack Smokin' Ho or a Brow Bleaching Bitch, this Korey chick really pisses me the fuck off. She makes recovery look glossy. She lives in the bush of Australia with her parents and is afraid to drive a fucking car. I can't wait til she gets sober like someone said before and preaches that nonsense… OR she'll get into a drunk driving accident, go to jail, or become a low-life cig smoking model. Either way, I know she isn't going to be coming at us soon with a real recovery and seriously doubt she'll ever let go of her transparent and embarrassing facade, disingenuous personality, and malnourished looking appearance for a normal life. If she did that, she wouldn't get constant attention, praise, and an excuse to act like a fucking child instead of growing up and being responsible.. and i don't know, getting a job and a fucking place of her own. P.S. is she trying to get sponsored here or…? I thought she only did online therapy lol
No. 703472
>>703460HI TILLY
(hi cow) No. 703489
>>703472LOL this site is getting so fucking boring. If you accuse everyone with an opinion of being Tilly, its because you're Tilly. I'm not an Australian. I don't beg for attention and pity myself like those women do.
Also, I just learned what sage means. I was a little to eager to shit talk.
No. 703509
>>703344She might be, but I’ve also seen people who aren’t necessarily dumb but who
are batshit crazy get so involved in their own fantasies that they start to lose track of what’s “normal” and their baseline for exaggeration/believability gets distorted.
I don’t think she’s straight up insane, though. She seems to be aware of the fact that she’s not really blonde/Scandinavian/has brothers/whatever.
I think she’s a just a little dumb, totally lives in a fantasy world, and is probably also a bit bananas because her brain is starving. The ESL makes her sound dumber than she is, I get the feeling.
No. 703515
>>703489If you know what sage is then use it.
All y’all, who gives a fuck if it’s Tilly or not, the irritating thing is the poster is A-logging a whole wall of text.
The easiest way to NOT shit up the thread when someone shows up and spergs like that is to just report the post and ignore it, but y’all get so fucking
both relentless self-posters (so dumb people keep thinking Korey doesn’t), this thread should either talk about both or neither. Korey isn’t any more milky or interesting than Tilly and they’re both equally involved on this board. I’ve been here since the first anachan thread and it’s just a fact of historythat they ALL self-post.
No. 703527
>>703524i'm from ireland
think either y'all are either obsessed with her or she's the only poster on this thread
No. 703535
File: 1538602708332.png (Spoiler Image,735.06 KB, 926x556, ghostybun.png)

anyway can we talk about this before & after by ghostybun (is she still a cow?) like… we get it u were skinny
she's tagged about 8 people in the post too
No. 703575
>>703460Omfg thank you she is such a pain in the arse joke.
Also can the person who keeps posting about tilly self posting just stfu. This feed is becoming such a bore with constant ‘hi tilly’ posts fuck off pls
No. 703891
>>703744Exactly. everyone needs to stop writing off these ana chans’
problematic behavior with “muh their brains are malnutrishuned”
No. 703907
>>703689Seems like she has to amp up reality for attention
She seems sick and not in just in a mental way, but she seems to genuinely enjoy causing worry for her family. I’m also confused as the where her income is coming from, especially if she isn’t even at university. There’s no reason she would need/deserve money from her parents if she’s living at home
No. 704866
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Here we go again…
No. 705533
File: 1538853743343.jpeg (857.31 KB, 750x923, 1C52566A-D8B7-4A57-83A3-EAE87D…)

Korey isn’t getting enough attention for how thin she is so each picture at the moment shows more stomach than the last. When someone cracks and tells her she’s skinny, she will play the martyr for days lol.
No. 705535
File: 1538853998918.jpeg (204.98 KB, 633x901, 675018D5-A381-4A2F-A341-31E200…)

Wow, she doesn’t only snack on muffins? So proud! Such recovery!
No. 705573
>>705535Idk why you guys think recovery.chii is milky.
A challenge isn’t conquered if only faced once then you’re too afraid to ever again. She’s clearly trying really fucking hard.
I don’t mean to WK but I really don’t see why you guys think daily muffins (different flavours mind you) in recovery is a BAD thing?
No. 705962
File: 1538926766527.png (846.09 KB, 542x974, such recovery.png)

Kara is literally never going to get past that 95lb mark, is she?
No. 705995
File: 1538929698240.jpeg (189.4 KB, 750x998, 9A02F9A8-804D-414B-9BC5-6A1BCA…)

she seriously needs so many asspats and attention because omg shes such a fighter why the fuck else would you upload this lmaoooo
No. 706092
>>706044Right. How long has she been posting the same milk breakfast? She makes no attempt to stick even a tablespoon of oats or something in with it. Such a warrior.
If I ever see her in Primark I'd say this to her face. I do look out for her when I'm in there buying my socks n tights.
No. 706108
>>705995When was this posted? All I see recently is milk foam and her normal selfies
>>706022Exactly like your going to have to put forth effort for treatment why wait to try lol
>>706044Besides eating liquid like it’s a solid is super disordered anyway. Is that all she eats every day… Jesus?!
No. 707104
File: 1539050765240.jpg (81.75 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1539050571277.jpg)

Kat Davis. Massive munchies. Steals equipment. Not even the right ones. why does she have a statlock on her face???? It's a specialised piece of equipment used to secure picc lines and central lines…. not a naso tube. No nurse would give you one for a naso, they are quite expensive compared to a piece of tape. Like no intersite or ultrasite is ever on an ng and that's super short they can be short. Typically they are not. And that is a stat lock for a picc
No. 707106
File: 1539050866693.jpg (115.77 KB, 806x1064, FB_IMG_1539050309392~2.jpg)

Is studying to be a psychologist apparently. Tags othet girls she's been in treatment with in these posts
No. 707179
File: 1539057110386.jpg (233.03 KB, 1440x979, 2018-10-09-13-51-07.jpg)

The same psych that raped her????
No. 708234
File: 1539131151289.png (3.23 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181010-102542.png)

Holy selfie batman
No. 709113
File: 1539200695326.jpeg (Spoiler Image,270.87 KB, 483x718, 04841523-C74C-4F84-80C9-4C8D32…)

No. 709157
File: 1539203580889.png (Spoiler Image,667.56 KB, 750x1334, 5025B95A-80DD-4102-BCD1-6D42AB…)

Someone in the comments clocked her for stealing this from a thinspo site. I mean duh the hair is short and blond she had long hair. What language does she actually speak/what’s her nationality? Her grammar and sentence structure on posts and comment replies are atrocious, similar to her terrible rebuttals to her hair haters she doesn’t even try to make sense or have continuity in her posts. She’s a big ole fake spoop
No. 709174
File: 1539204733267.png (531.06 KB, 640x1136, EEC76C78-1040-4171-AE52-9CFB21…)

Nourisht0flourish made a YouTube and posted an “anorexia story” video that is literally just a bunch of naked body checks
No. 709472
File: 1539219641819.jpeg (262.83 KB, 750x1103, 5EC8F72E-2D7D-4BD5-9C9F-20E2A3…)

Korey is getting kinda milky again… Posts this blatant body check of how much weight she’s lost with her usual faux-ernest pretend psychology caption about her v mature mental health awareness… her followers have finally snapped and are calling out her bullshit in the comments. Stay tuned for her pretending to be shocked and appalled that anyone would think to mention such a topic as her weight and bullying anyone who queries her use of the pic.
No. 709844
File: 1539240825996.jpg (50.88 KB, 444x475, wk.jpg)

>Body checks are also outfit posts.Oh well, that makes it all okay then.
> it pisses me off when she's mentioned.Deal with it.
No. 709860
File: 1539244508378.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.14 KB, 741x1161, image.jpeg)

No. 709861
File: 1539244524802.jpeg (195.65 KB, 627x936, image.jpeg)

No. 709975
why even pull that face??!
No. 710180
File: 1539275023850.jpeg (170.67 KB, 640x902, DFD315F6-3F60-40B1-AF63-46CA88…)

Someone told recovery.chii to eat more nutrient dense food and she triggered af
No. 710519
File: 1539298443301.jpeg (375.52 KB, 1066x1510, 826F228B-BC28-4FFD-AF60-A3B639…)

Poor JtE is in ICU yet again but she’s totally it doing anything to herself, you guyz. She’s just sooper sick and fragile. It’s totally unpredictable that it happened just days after she was told that once she was discharged from hospital, she wouldn’t have outpatient services. She pitched a fit because they wanted to send her to an ED unit a long way from home. The other option was to be discharge from the current place (can’t figure out of its psych or medical) straight back to her home without any outpatient. So, she finds herself critically ill to prove she needs to be in her favorite place….a medical hospital.
No. 711539
File: 1539389987551.png (912.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181013-011836.png)

Movern uploaded spoopy pictures to her story
No. 711730
File: 1539409177842.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 77418DBC-EF23-469D-BB5B-9EB768…)

>>711539She did indicate that was a photo from two years ago, probably her spoopiest time. It looks like she may have put on a minimal amount of weight since then, though she’s not posting much even in stories. This photo is from 3 months ago according to her story.
No. 711740
File: 1539411955504.png (1.3 MB, 976x1254, Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 08.2…)

>>711539Just yesterday I was watching the shit movie "To The Bone" and got a feeling they've written this character off Smorven.
No. 712709
File: 1539545975643.jpg (396.76 KB, 616x1090, kelsyedupdate.jpg)

Well, that's a nice surprise for the day. Does anyone remember that Kelsey.ed girl? She's still alive, been in hospital and gained. I thought the worst because she was adamant against getting help.
No. 713346
>>712550But you are forgetting she categorically denies she has or has ever had any form of eating disorder.
People are too quick to have a go at the cost to the NHS if obesity or smoking, but I dread to think how much tax payers money is being used to support Smorven s life of leisure !
No. 713408
File: 1539626147677.png (782.84 KB, 937x599, Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 10.5…)

>>712845man i hate to be so negative but last year she wore the old dress she used both before and during her peak ana phase for a halloween work event. AND she's covering her face. maybe it's nothing, maybe she's recovered and she just isn't very sentimental about clothes, but it reminds me of aly always busting out the old spoop skirt
No. 713410
File: 1539626204956.png (911.95 KB, 766x603, CEy7a0t.png)

>>713408here's the old photos of the dress
No. 713591
File: 1539639948351.jpeg (240.95 KB, 750x952, 7F2BA8E7-82E0-4F77-A80B-978D39…)

Don’t you just hate it when the bitchy maid comments on how skinny you are and everyone yells at her to leave it because they just accept that you’re a fragile delicate wintergirl who can’t be saved
No. 714117
File: 1539696225560.jpg (180.17 KB, 750x548, IMG_1061.jpg)

everyone Korey has a personal instagram now apparently …
No. 714266
>>714117I love how her explanation for everything is that she’s being persecuted and nothing she has ever done would have led anyone to criticize her. Like she literally thinks the only problem is that other people are irrationally mean to her and that if she just posts her attention-seeking underweight body checks on a locked account, it will solves the issue.
I can’t handle even rage-following because can you imagine how fawning the comments will be? It will be pitchforks for anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass. Someone who can be bothered please follow lol.
No. 714280
File: 1539715739644.jpeg (300.14 KB, 750x1232, D5061586-06A9-48E0-B4B3-24529A…)

>>713591Now she’s wants infusions for her “POTS” because she’s clearly too special for medications. And excuritiating pain?
No. 715204
>>714957Thanks for that. Not good news but not surprising.
>>715047They definitely keep each other stuck in their illness and it's a shame because the one that wasn't suicidal and posting coffee cups seemed like she could probably deal with her disorder better if she wasn't living in her sister's pocket. Twins are weiiird.
Their parents supported them according to something on youtube. Idk why that's the case because they'd qualify for benefits.
No. 715514
File: 1539821497047.jpg (38.58 KB, 467x563, 01.JPG)

The thread's lonnnnnnnnng, but I'll pick some bits out.
He hasn't managed to go 80 days so far,
No. 715520
File: 1539821879902.jpg (50.25 KB, 703x457, now hes a doctor.JPG)

No. 715529
File: 1539822254072.png (45.15 KB, 1337x623, Untitled.png)

There's definitely something weird about him. His explanation why he hangs out at mpa really sounds creepy considering his age and the average age of the others there. Idk…I won't spam because nobody might be interested. He doesn't give much about himself away which is odd considering he's there for ~community~ and bs.
No. 715540
File: 1539822973767.jpg (38.47 KB, 871x324, 1.JPG)

Oh fuck it, one more. Here a girl's asking what she can do because her parents are noticing her weight loss. This is what he says.
No. 715984
File: 1539871814616.jpeg (362.46 KB, 750x1190, 973B30DE-6D2A-4143-BCA0-CCEE65…)

„Kasia” is at it again. Pretends now to be enterpreneuer/artist, steals people’s artwork, and the tags are top kek (calls herself a Scandinavian witch and a thinspiration).
No. 716091
File: 1539882871074.png (475.12 KB, 640x1136, 99D1E121-F335-4D1F-B418-DCE2DB…)

Willing to bet she texted herself. Kek
No. 716915
File: 1539963373411.jpg (473.35 KB, 720x1138, 20181019_093427.jpg)

When you post body checks complaining your pants are too big for ana bragging rights
No. 717028
File: 1539975380108.jpeg (297.82 KB, 750x1281, 04FE72B4-E94B-40A0-BD4E-E7F4D6…)

She’s giving me major spaceship vibes lately. Does anyone know what rhetoricallyashleys week of meltdowns have been about? Her bf dumped her and she’s been a mess (beyond normal) since, but still how dare anyone suggest a bpd diagnosis
No. 717264
File: 1540001495577.jpeg (166.15 KB, 750x1093, C8D2E990-B9FC-48BD-87DD-89E9C4…)

Recovering by becoming a personal trainer
No. 717298
>>717264Oh yeah! Just took a look at her Insta.
Instead of real
weight gains she runs into the gym four times a week and conducts some obscure "full body workouts". With weights and shit.
Now that's a way to burn away those evil pesky calories, you little ghoul.
Also, she's still obsessed with food photography. Dozens of pure-vegan bowls.
What a "recovery"…
No. 717308
No. 717324
>>717264The dishes that she photographs are so painfully similar. Having an ED is often connected to being a control freak.
Well, what have we got here?
No. 717364
>>717264Yay! Those gym shots are ED heaven.
It's all like "work your flesh down to the bone and do a bodycheck at the very same time".
Mirrors everywhere, folks!
No. 717371
>>715514Reminds you of the good ol' days of the IRA.
They were
decent British terrorists!
No. 717379
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Her butt actually comes off the chair. I’m surprised she doesn’t fling herself off rather that actually lift the weight. Kek it’s so bad
No. 717400
>>717379Agreed. When she does her pushup, she's doing them in a waveform…
Every trainer in his/her right mind will stop you there and tell you to keep your body straight.
Like said before, she's likely in it just for the calorie burn.
No. 717432
File: 1540023776634.jpg (269.46 KB, 960x1280, IMG_8903.jpg)

>>717430It's GOD's will!!one
No. 717446
>>715540what a fucking freak
reminds me of the movie Split
No. 717465
>>715514Damn, he's giving me "Graham (ED BD Anderson) Andrews" vibes. Does he also hook up with girls offline to help them starve only get his abusive hooks into them, or is this just an online gig to him. His "fasting" pictures probably are photoshopped, these guys tend to like to lie about having an eating disorder to lure girls for their skinny/power fetish. It's sickening.
TLDR; never trust a middle age baldy in the ED community. They're all creeps.
No. 717466
>>717465"TLDR; never trust
anyone in the ED community. They're all creeps."
Ftfy, pal.
No. 717497
>>717490It’s the new Christianity. Policing strangers morals whilst insisting it’s from a place of enlightenment and kindness, the loud ones who only joined because they are spoiling for a fight like to preach and instigate drama with non-believers.
>>717379Some trainer is gonna find her after she has a heart attack on a machine. Maybe they don’t correct her cause it’s too much to take on a skelly in a professional manner?
No. 717503
>>717500Why do you
insist of being right?
Why are you backstabbing like a lil' bitch that you are?
>>717503Insist? No, I only provided an information. I take all sorts of patients and many of them are vegan, I studied the topic thoroughly because if that was a bad thing I wouldn’t let them be on vegan diets. If you must bitch, at least bitch with some reason. Why you insist on being
triggered and fighting an imaginary scenario?
No. 717507
>>717503Are you
triggered that you are judging and shitting on cows for their dietary choices and panic someone will judge yourself? If you’re that fragile pissbaby maybe this site is not for you, get a spine.
No. 717611
File: 1540050036974.png (820.9 KB, 750x1334, F51FAE45-D6D5-4B85-9F14-FAF567…)

I don’t know if she’s ever been posted but this is cinsprogression currently sectioned under the mental health act and is definetly ott and milky with her antics. She often pulls her tube and tries to break out, only to get sedated with medication she knows this will happen I am pretty sure she does it on purpose for the drugs. Then she loves posting selfies with her fucked up eyes showing how high she is. She’s posted lives of her struggling go eat and it all looks so exaggerated Bc when she heard she could be off continuous feeds she just started eating these really caloric meals no problem. I’ll post a few of her pics but I don’t want to spam the thread if she’s been posted before
No. 717615
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>>717611So attention whorey
No. 717618
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>>717611She loves talking about how many drugs they give her and taking selfies with messed up eyes
No. 717619
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>>717611A post from her story filming herself crying as the nurse or 1 to 1 talks to her about the damage she’s doing, wow she really puts on a show!
No. 717719
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Kasia goes back and forth between saying she's filthy rich, and saying she doesn't have enough money to dye her hair.
Her lies are so entertaining, none of it makes any sense whatsoever, and she keeps outdoing herself! She remains my absolute favourite cow!
No. 717827
>>717615This girl deserverd to be slapped.
And force fed.
Then slapped again.
No. 717864
>>717861Oh piss off.
You’ve picked the entirely wrong community to white knight in.
Paris is very sick too, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t act like a cow. People are not precious or above criticism because they are sick, especially when they are sick with a disease that only they can choose to heal.
No. 717874
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>>717864>>717611Try reading anons
No. 717875
>>717870She’s the most melodramatic since crying Emily.
Twenty captions a day about how she’s the most traumatised, is so afraid of people that she’s having fear seizures.
You sound more like a cow than half the people discussed here by screeching ‘wahh psychopaths’ over some girl not getting her ass bones kissed for being ~so brave~’by existing and whining continuously.
You’re either cin or a total creep. Which is it?
No. 717882
>>717879Doing the very best they can does not involve filming yourself crying. That’s straight up attention whoring.
Go white knight her instagram for a bit, find another self pitying skelly to protect.
No. 718107
>>717875Thank you and that’s why she’s been posted the people who don’t think this is milky are either her followers or cin.
>>717882Exactly and filming and photographing the staff and eating her meals on live to show how hard it is and woe is me.
>>717874Obviously you didn’t read any of the post/reasoning behind posting cin her milk outside of the ed is so obvious, the acting out for sedating drugs is drug seeking behavior… as soon as she gets them she’s taking selfies with her half shut eyes talking about how bombed she is. Posting videos of yourself crying is attention whorey, if it is for Paris it is for her y’all need to stop picking and chooseing your favorite insta accounts to white knight on here and then spamming the thread with what you think is reinforcing the rules. Cin is a cow, and has way more milk outside of her ed then half the ppl talked about on here.
>>717870I hope your either cin or a follower because you sound rediculous. Saying that other ppl here are not “savvy” when your missing out on this obviously milky cow is just mind blowing. Your obviously new pls lurk more and quit derailing the convorsation when Real cows are posted. Sorry not everyone wants to talk about boring as hell kor and til
No. 718114
>>718107>stop picking and chooseing your favorite insta accounts to white knight on here and then spamming the thread with what you think is reinforcing the rulesThis has happened time after time and it's generally from people who were ~inpatient~ with the person and ~they were sweet and they're really sick~ or their ig followers.
Loads of farmers here are going to have fucked up childhoods/formative years but don't post their hissy fits on lolcow. I've kind of liked a few of these anacows but I don't expect anyone to stop posting about them because they dislike them and find them milkier.
SO yeah, anon…agreed.
No. 718123
>>718114I believe that! Bc it’s so obvious what she does is rediculous, ott and milky. They either have a personal connection or are a follower. There are straight up rules about wk and ppl just decide to do it anyway like you said if you have a sensitivity to someone but they are milky just let ppl post about them. Sometimes ppl don’t belong her when they are in obvious recovery or aren’t milky anymore like Bekah once was but doing this
>>717874And refusing to acknowledge the extra milk that is obvious and others agree with is annoying and derails the conversation. I can garentee that person is new Bc wtf why post the farmhand note when cin has milk outside her ed… just to let everyone know nitpicking is fussy fault finding in order to excessively criticize in an unjustifiable way. No one is doing that to cin she is the most worthy cow posted in a while other than ky
No. 718133
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I’ve neglected to post this until I was sure and you guys can tell me if I’m wrong and we can not post her but I am convinced chronically.ams has an eating disorder. She says she has gp which hey perhaps she does from starving herself and forcing herself to vomit like many other eating disordered ppl but she does things that are very eating disorderd. She chews and spits, drains her feeds, puts feeds on low rate and forces herself to vomit to feel better. Someone with the illness she has to the degree she has let’s be honest it wouldn’t progress that fast. She also is obsessed with posting about her weight and the changes in her body and posts numerous obvious body checks. Just Bc you have chronic illness doesn’t mean you can’t have an ed and manipulate it. Now Bc everyone nitpicks new choices her milk outside of the ed is that she exaggerating a medical illness in order to stay eating disordered, get attention and care and also free giveaways from companies. She sells merch which anyone is entitled to do but if you have made all your illness worse by eating disordered behavior and your not honest about that struggle to your followers Bc it’s invalidating then are u a true advocate or are you a liar? Lmk what y’all think
No. 718137
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>>718133The photo was about her feed spilling but we gotta sneak those ribs in there to show off the skinnyness
No. 718138
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>>718133Typical ana pose to get the skinniest angle but she’s suppose to be sick and in hospital how would she even muster the energy? Oh wait Bc she must prove she’s thin
No. 718139
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>>718133And finally this was suppose to be a body appreciation post. I’m not saying ppl should feel self conscious about showing their body but this is an obvious look at me I’m thin post… she’s had tubes before why post this now? Obviously Bc she’s thinner and wants ppl to tell her she is
No. 718238
File: 1540148469499.png (569.58 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1857.PNG)

"Severely malnourished". LOL. What?? She barely has a thigh gap. Why she wants to be so sick is the real disturbing thing. if she couldn't absorb anything… She would be VERY emancipated & nonstop in the hospital on a medical unit & on tpn or something. Ridiculous. And sure she doesn't take laxatives to liquefy her stools just bc she wants to but because she's in so much pain. Abusing laxatives can cause dependency & pain!
No. 718240
File: 1540148589860.png (546.29 KB, 675x700, 20181021_200222.png)

>>718238 this is what she's pretending to look like rn
No. 718247
>>718238Actually looks like the opposite as if she’s gained weight which wouldn’t be the case if she was starving do to malabsorption. She looks like she’s gained a lot of weight compared to her last few posts like this one
>>718240It’s not bad to gain weight and be healthy she’s really pushing the “I am sick not Bc of my ed thing” maybe since she looks like a healthier weight she’s going to start going the chronic illness route to get sympathy
No. 718253
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>>718233Oh my gosh yes! But don’t call her out Bc the backlash from her and her followers will be intense. “She’s got EDS and gp how dare you!” Not like you can’t have an ED and chronic illness or anything. The pictures she’s posting most recently are totally classic ana poses. Also before she got skinny she was totally guilty of shopping her photos to look thinner which shows she obviously cares about looking thin and fragile. Also she always used to suck in and pose, like here’s an example of her sucking it in and flexing the neck muscles before she lost weight, trying so hard!
No. 718261
File: 1540150665228.jpeg (Spoiler Image,362.47 KB, 1936x1452, 8FE112B4-7EBA-4776-B143-ED2BB3…)

>>718253Also to add to my comment about the photo shopping the first photo was posted March 24 and the second was April 6. She claims to have lost weight in between but her legs look way healthier in the second so either she shopped the first or she wasn’t being truthfull about the amount of weight loss. I’m not trying to nit pick her body but why would she be shopping her photos or flaunting a thigh gap if she wasn’t even a little disorderd and wanting ppl to comment on her weight loss and how thin and sick she looks ? She’s got a huge following and if she does really have an ED she’s certainly lying to a lot of ppl and making it seem like her gi symptoms are way worse and not at all self induced in any way. T warning Bc the photos are of her legs and catheter bag which some ppl may not want to see
No. 718324
File: 1540156059857.jpg (125.91 KB, 1080x1080, 2018-08-29 02.42.45 1856017638…)

If you follow her personal profile (@_amieelee) you can see her food of choice seems to be burgers. There's several posts of her food and none of it she would be able to drain out of her tube. So we can be pretty sure she's purging the old fashion way too. But totally can't put that on her chronic illness profile. Can't be called out.
Caption for this pic was: Honestly the best burgers in Perth! Period. 😍👏🏼 #foodporn
Link: No. 718335
>>717979Oh please, you think she’s the only poor widdle victim of neglect and abuse?
Half the farmers are abused kids. Con choosing to turn her trauma into an instagram show does not mean she’s more traumatised than everyone else, she’s just choosing not to cope with it beyond demanding external validation for her emotional lability and screaming til she gets some nice calming pills. Why are you defending someone so undeserving of defense?
>>718238She’s nuts and a total cow but she is emaciated fam. That ‘barely has a thigh gap’ comment is myproana shit. You sound like a bitter spoop.
No. 718359
File: 1540160480496.png (290.55 KB, 796x598, YIKES.png)

>>718240She should learn how to edit better. SHe's obviously sick so why make yourself look more skinny than you already are????
Floor boards don't bend that way.
No. 718362
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Is this her 3rd month anniversary or something? And wouldn’t you get the police involved if someone attempted arson? But top kek, some reason I have an image in my head of her running full pelt down a road chasing an innocent guy (probably mail man) screeching that she will bring da ragnarok. What a fruit loop.
No. 718509
>>718290Yea I’ve been following her and glad I finally posted I was skeptical but am glad ppl agree. And I’m not sure on the girls age but yea she’s definetly jealous of her frien being on tpn and is starving for it. She asked her nutritionist or dietician a bit a go if it would be an option but they said she hadn’t hit a critical weight that required it. She’s ip right now but is well enough to be going to sports games and such so I’m a bit confused on that thought.
>>718324She’s commented on how much commuting she does, how it’s ruined her teeth etc. I’m not saying son isint gp induced but if she’s claming she can’t tolerate feeds and then eats this which she def isint drawing she’s definetly purging it, or “getting sick” she posts this stuff a lot and also drinks a lot of creamy things gp patients wouldn’t. I don’t get the constant draining either I thought she was on j feeds? I remember her talking about how pretty her sugar candy or skittles looked in her drainage bag…very strange and obsessed.
No. 718620
File: 1540212948808.webm (7.9 MB, 640x640, reallyREALLYwant.webm)
I swear, terri can be so creepy at times. She really.. no REALLY wants to see you eat calorific things that she won't touch. The way she chooses her lighting (and at times filters) just seems to make her creepier. I do wonder what her end goal of having a youtube channel and IG are, if she's not using it to push herself in recovery.
No. 719199
>>718238what makes you think that? people can definitely be malnourished without being skin and bones or being bedbound.
i just don't understand what narrative she wants people to believe. sometimes she admits that her ED is causing her health complications but then with this she's treating the ED like it's an afterthought to a completely unrelated problem. yeah maybe it's not ALL ED related but if she has no fat around her organs than yeah i think that could certainly make her digestion issues a lot worse.
sometimes she acts like her ED is killing her but evil family won't let her get help, other times she acts like her ED is nbd and people who want to help her are stupid and unfair because her real problems have nothing to do with her weight. which is it???
No. 719373
File: 1540300648906.png (1.21 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181023-081653.png)

Not sure if we ever talk about kenzie anymore but she just posted on her story about a thread about her that hasn't been posted in for a year.. not sure what that's about lmao. Probably wanting to be relevant again.
No. 719396
>>719345I noticed that negative comments disappear in a flash. When you're done with the screenshots will you please post em here?
I hate how shitty she is about people in her videos yet there're stans in the comments who probably give her dollar.
And yeah, she always makes herself look as ghastly as possible, like an ugly, crazed Charles Manson.
No. 719489
File: 1540308598267.jpg (223.84 KB, 1366x768, terris raciszt blog.jpg)

>>719396She's forever deleting things on there. There were a lot of people saying things, so many that they formed a group on discord to discus what she was up to, I didn't join it. Some of the accusations - pretending to be a disabled serviceman, tricking young women into sending her nudes, pretending to be a child gamer to get to kids… This screenshot is of her blog, it's from 2012 or something but…interesting. - She's an ordained internet minister and some other weird stuff
No. 719557
>>719489When I originally googled her name this never showed as a result. Odd.
I get what a commenter/commentator(?) said when she wrote about her being a Nazi. Judging by her use of "are" instead of "our" and her piss poor grammar she's ignorant enough to believe this shit.
Thanks for the info. I do get an off vibe about her, and that's unrelated to her physical appearance. I'm not going to condemn her as a predatory paedo just yet, but her views aren't so nice. It'd be laughable to think she's an advocate for eugenics looking as she does if it wasn't so gross.
No. 719927
>>701190what is weetabets new instagram name?
is she the same as weetabix loz or something like that? think she was named lauren
No. 720009
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Does anyone know more about this cow? She’s begun posting a lot more recently. Edits photos despite being extremely ill/underweight
No. 720044
>>720028I am under the impression she is editing photos to look less ill in the face as well but a picture of her wearing glasses shows her facial bones are not consistently prominent. This leads me to believe she sometimes enhances them. I don’t understand the point of only editing some photos. What’s a turbulent home life have to do with it? She’s an adult living at home and is clearly 100% dependent on her mother (as she has mentioned) and is treated like a young teenager
>>720030No I assume she’s trying to regain her menses and the info might be applicable to her life
No. 720070
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As predicted, Korey’s new private “negativity-free” account is an opportunity for her to post all her thinspo body checks without any criticism or questions allowed.
No. 720072
File: 1540372242613.jpeg (389.15 KB, 750x1019, D1DC6F6F-F750-4F44-9381-1E7B1F…)

Meanwhile, over on her ~inspiring recovery account, she’s posted a picture of pizza, lol.
No. 720255
File: 1540399893133.png (1.08 MB, 1334x750, 995D6FF8-6D93-4BA6-8BE7-568735…)

So Amy’s been admitted in her most recent vlogs on her channel Amy’s Life, and she’s going through all the liquid drinks and few foods she’s allowed to have she’s on the intestinal failure ward apparently. Her nurse tells her she’ll probably get tpn soon. What I don’t get is that she goes from eating burgers and caloriclu dense and fatty foods, as well as coffee drinks with slot of milk and now that she’s impatient she can only drain the liquid of her beans and just taste the apple sauce… I wonder if it’s bc she can’t throw it up like she did outside hospital. Also she was well enough to go to a basketball game but then claimed her potassium was critical, I don’t live where she lives but in my country they would not let go on a leave if your potassium was under 3 wtf? I’m pretty sure once again she’s lying about the severity of her physical illness in order to preserve the ed. Boy is it going to shock her system when she gains weight from the tpn (if they put her on) also she claims her bmi is under 14 which I’m not sure I believe either but I won’t nit pick her body. This photo was from the first vlog about being admitted before she was moved to the if ward. Would they really give someone as “sick” as her this??? She’s now since then moved to only tea and is doing less feed then when she was out
No. 720261
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>>720255Also this is the thumbnail she picks, of course she’s posing to look extra dainty, frail and sick. Like I said I don’t get how she was eating “the best burgers in town” all this ice cream with dairy none of that would be ok for someone with gastroparesis but if they were bulimic… and just eating it to
trigger or self induce vomiting that’s disordered. Well done amy your bulimias gone and f*cked up your potassium enough for an admission. She’s still fighting and starving and vomiting for that tpn though, in constant competition with her other EDS buddy who I’m also positive has an ed but I believe is too young to be discussed here.
No. 720432
File: 1540419836600.jpeg (236.14 KB, 1387x867, 3451B683-35AF-4572-BA1A-6F71A3…)

This is Chronically Amy’s lunch order. I think she’s on a mashed good diet diet but even so…!
I do think she genuinely has EDS and I’m sure she has stomach issues but she’s probably starved herself to compete with her “spoonie friends”. What a toxic fucking community it is on insta and YouTube. Oh well, she’ll gain weight on TPN, probably more than she’s comfortable with, so be careful what you wish for.
No. 720466
>>720429I agree, I think she’s only saying that for the attention, it’s obvious she’s not bmi 14
>>720432She’s on this diet and yet she was eating burgers and milkshakes outside the hospital….interesting how people change their behavior when they know they are being watched (in hospital). Tbh idk if she’ll even end up getting the tpn, her potassium is a 3 which is low but not super critical and she hasn’t mentioned any other deficiencies that warrant her getting tpn other than being underweight. She just wants it to compete with her spoonie friends your right. I’m not convinced she has EDS but I also can’t gaurentee she’s faking. It is very interesting though to go back far in her YouTube uploads and see how hard it was for her to get a gp dx and tube. She talks about many professionals believing she had an eating disorder. If she gets tpn she’ll definetly gain an uncomfortable amount of weight. She can’t tamper with it like how she dilutes the feeds and runs at a low rate, she can’t drain everything Bc it will be going into her veins. She really needs to be careful what she wishes for her friend has gained a lot of weight on tpn and looks visibly chunky in the face. They want these treatments to validate their “illness” but boy amy will be
triggered once she gains all the weight back, yikes
No. 720475
File: 1540423217063.jpeg (217.72 KB, 750x683, C680D3FA-5079-4EE3-B80A-90BE6E…)

>>720466Oh and let me correct myself apparently her bmi is below 14… she “desperately needs nutrition” to go back to college and work. Interesting how she’s “feeling so poorly” but is fine to go to sports games and eat junk food while she’s out of the hospital. If she’s so damn sick why did they wait for tpn and also give her hospital leaves, she has got to be over exaggerating her circumstances. I’m not from where she is but where I am the ppl who get leaves from hospital are being treated for mental health or eating disorders, if she’s so physically sick she needs tpn how would she have the energy or even desire to leave?! Even if she is really sick with something other than bulimia, I’ve never seen someone so damn happy at the prospect of getting tpn… she “needs this” sounds more like she wants this then needs this
No. 720612
>>720475She sure seems to be exaggerating. In the us tpn is a last resort. Amy’s weight appears to have been pretty much stable. Not sure if she’s making the whole thing up or if she has just convinced the doctors that she can’t hold food down. But still I don’t understand why that would prompt tpn, seeing as her weight hasn’t dropped significantly to support a claim of not being able to hold anything down
And the BMI of 13 something is very clearly a boldfaced lie. She is indeed underweight but I would put her at 16
No. 720698
>>720612She’s dropped weight from starving and purging food, I think getting the stomach tube allowed her to lose more weight quickly because she doesn’t have to worry about commuting up a nasal tube. Since she got the stomach tube she’s been posting way more food related and drink things. There’s many reasons why drs don’t give stomach tubes to eating disorderd patients, especially bulimics, easy access to the stomach is not helpful for them. Also having fucked up potassium and not much else wrong is so indicative of purging. She maintains calories by eating and whatever she absorbs without draining, plus her suplplemtal feeds that are not enough to maintain but eneough to keep her stable the purging though gets your electrolytes out of wack quickly which I assume got her admitted this time. She was definetly not admitted to start tpn or else things would have been waaaaay different I mean look at the food they have her
>>720255I think your right in that she’s really convinced them she can’t eat. And we’ll see tmro if she gets her precious tpn, apparently she’s getting a Hickman and “hopefully starting it after” I’m just waiting for her rude awakening of the weight gain
No. 720802
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>>720261Posting her own PO Box to get people to send her stuff…no wonder she's trying to come across as I'll as possible.
No. 720923
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No. 720957
>>720753Tpn is extreme and a last resort Bc there are many risks and complications that could happen from being on it. Idk where your from but to my knowledge tpn is mostly used for cancer patients, which is extreme lol, I wouldn’t describe her weight as stable either I agree with you but she’s definetly not bmi 13
>>720833Kek I saw that, she’ll be eating her words, pun intended when she actually becomes chunky like her friend. Idk if she just wants to starve herself and purge to go on this just to prove how sick she is and then just check it off her list but ppl on Tpn with intestinal failure rely on it for life… that’s why it’s a last resort. Some ppl go on it for a short time for bowel and gi rest but it really is extreme and a last resort. I guess Idk what she wants out of this to validate that she’s sick and get spoonie points? Being on Tpn doesn’t prove you don’t have an eating disorder lol. If she really cares about college and work she’d do her feeds properly stop self induced vomitting and or eating things that she know will make her vomit and she’d be fine. She was fine and her weight was fine until her buddy dropped the lbs and got Tpn, obvi that
triggered her ed and jealousy, the competition we see with many other anachans!
No. 721406
>>721094she jokes about it now saying “bring on fat Amy” or something but lol she has no clue. Especially Bc they are probably assuming she really does have super bad motility and absorption if it’s just the ed I feel like she’ll gain faster, like her “EDS” friend with obvious anorexia.
>>721231Yes it is! She did show medical records that looked somewhat convincing but she did not look bmi 12. She changes what her height is all the time when her followers ask. I do think she’s underage though before anyone asks her account. You can probably easily figure out by looking at any of Amy’s accounts though
No. 721464
>>721449I mean mini me because of the age gap. Amy calls her “little sister” it’s sad that a 22 year old is competeing with a teenager. It almost seems like she and Amy met awhile ago and she got worse which then
triggered Amy even more. Really scary to think they both went through surgery for g tubes when it most likely wasn’t necessary. It’s also incredibly rare for g tubes to be ineffective for weight gain. It does seem the younger of the two restricted while amy purged both through the tube and orally. Sorry if this comes off as wking. The whole situation is messed up on so many levels
No. 721565
File: 1540553941676.jpeg (202.65 KB, 750x1000, 484C5B88-BCEC-4A8D-9030-C9C42C…)

She got her tpn and posted of course a shameful amount of pictures, boy does she love to glamorize her bulimia. Is it me or does her left leg look strangeand angular almost as if it’s been shopped on the inside, why isint the other one like that? She just had to pull out all the stops and photoshop for her big Tpn post eh?! I hope she knows she’ll most likely be NPO on tpn and she’s already been complaining of being hungry whilst in hospital. She used to being able to eat whatever and purge or drain it, then she had to pretend she couldn’t eat in the hospital while she told the camera in her vlog that she was hungry, and now she’s on tpn. My gosh. If you want a better play by play watch her YouTube videos full of body checks account name same as insta. Another thought maybe she thought she could eat and purge on those leaves to the basketball games… I’m sure she did and if they let her out and disconnect her from Tpn im sure she’ll do it again to fuck up her labs,she’s abusing the system and lying to her large following about her ed
No. 721566
File: 1540554084747.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, ED7FB970-A76C-45CD-A07F-7F95CD…)

>>721565Also these legs do not like the ones in her Tpn picture and this is a recent screen grab from her story
No. 721571
File: 1540555238473.jpeg (Spoiler Image,278.54 KB, 1536x2048, 28A022EF-57F5-4937-9A27-7E1BE2…)

Would someone who’s sick with gi issues really post a body check like this to their facebook…?
No. 721573
File: 1540555349321.jpeg (112.68 KB, 960x960, D4C21002-F5B9-4D35-A369-84F905…)

>>721566To add to my other post, She really cares about looking thin, this one the arm and I believe the face are clearly photoshopped again
No. 721580
File: 1540556237231.jpeg (72.71 KB, 750x1334, 56A75B74-3246-4E31-AEE3-2509C9…)

Interesting how weight obsessed she was 3 yrs ago, guess she didn’t have gp then! No one interacts on her most recent fb posts Bc it’s all med porn and body checks, ppl must suspect an ed and that’s probably y they aren’t validating her by commenting and liking. Now it’s obvious why she needs two insta accounts, more attention and validation that she’s sick and frail and dainty she also has two YouTube channels, such an ott attention whore
No. 721604
>>721574Go back to tonkas stream where you belong, smol snek.
>>721573Kek youre right, look at that fuckin wavy ass iPhone, the blurring of the pillowcase into her arm, where the pixels were dragged onto her forearm, the blurring of the other arm, as well as the obvious cheek/jawline sh00p.
No. 721627
>>721624No. It's blatant. Zoom in on the areas the other anons pointed out.
Damn, girl is such a fake.
No. 721630
>>721624I don't buy it either. 9/10 times someone says a set of legs is shooped on this site, they're full of shit.
She's wearing leggings, of course the line isn't straight.
No. 721754
>>721748Or neither.
The "photoshop" that some of you are desperate to claim, is not that obvious.
No. 721755
>>721604Exactly! I don’t understand how she thinks this will fly when most people who follow her account, also watch her vlogs. At the time this insta was posted
>>721573 if you look at the vlogs uploaded around the same time she’s no where near that size. I hate to nitpick her body but I guess we have to in order to point out the obvious photo shopping others are denying. Plus why would someone with good intentions and someone who wants to gain weight and be healthy, photoshop themselves thinner, unless they are trying to appear more sick or in my opinion more dainty and fragile like all the other anachans. This is an obvious red flag for someone with an ed, or at the least someone wanting to present as thinner than they are.
No. 721767
>>721565Even her thumbnails are milky.
~Here’s me and my iv in tiny children’s pjs look how skinny I am!!!~
Her YouTube videos from hospital show her purposely choosing dairy. Ah yes gastroparesis loves that… not. Isn’t purging dairy common because it neutralizes the stomach acid a bit so it hurts less coming up?
No. 721768
File: 1540585095943.png (431.05 KB, 750x1334, 37DE56B1-8934-4E79-A2FF-ABC15B…)

Cause that’s not disordered at all. And how does one chew and spit rice porridge, white bread, and liquids?
No. 721825
>>721624Naw, it’s definitely sh00ped, I put it in my adobe and zoomed in on the pixels and made straight lines to see the objects that are contorted, that were affected during the sh00p. I know nitpicking sucks but as someone whose worked with photoshop in GD industry, it gets very easy to spot, other anons have seen so much sh00ping over the years, so they’re also extremely capable of pointing out the obvious sh00ps.
And if it’s wrong someone will say so, but this image is sh00ped. If I had to put my finger on it, it would be the facetune app that she’s using to alter the image. As mietu doesn’t have some of the functions she’s used, and she clearly didn’t use adobe, bc it wouldn’t be that obvious with the pixelation blurring and waves.
No. 722029
>>721606lmao I'm an Amy follower because I don't think the photos in this thread are shooped.
I'm not that other anon BTW. Only the shooping anon.
No. 722060
>>721767Exactly! And she’s always has lattes, milkshakes and ice cream. That’s a good point about the vomiting and dairy, I never get why she’d claim gastroparesis and have those things but it’s just because she’s vomitting them, she even admits it here
>>721768 just not that it’s probably intentional. And apparently she said her college friends are “really cool” or something because they let her chew and spit in front of them…I can understand missing food if you legit never eat Bc 100% of your stomach and intestines don’t work but she was not npo before. There’s no reason for her to chew and spit other than saving calories to lose weight. she’s using gp as an excuse to openly do eating disordered behaviors… so messed up!!
>>721825Thank you! I knew I wasn’t crazy for posting those, I can spot that facetune from a distance, celebrities on insta who probably use the app always have that similar pixilation and blurring of the edges, you get that in a cheap app not adobe!
No. 722061
File: 1540614123431.png (991.36 KB, 750x1334, ABFF6FC2-212A-4120-A921-2127E7…)

She’s been begging her nutritionist for tpn for probably over a month and she’s complaining about what she’s allowed to eat? I legitimately remember her asking the nutritionist and updating the followers that she would need to be at a critical weight or something else, well now she’s got it and she’s complaing. At least she can even eat some ppl can’t eat when they are tpn Bc they are npo and heavily monitored. She’s not taking this seriously. Boy I wonder how she’ll react when the lbs start packing on.
No. 722163
>>718324ahh look a cow that lives where I do. She's in Fiona Stanley Hospital
>>721565Health care is good here some people abuse it.
Oh, and of course she's a britfag living in Perth. They are always very annoying.
No. 722295
File: 1540653383725.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, E8478C70-A3E1-4614-9672-3878C4…)

This cow scares me. Not just because of her skele body and missing eyebrows but because she works as an ED recovery coach. She is anything but recovered so can only imagine what she’s telling her clients.
No. 722296
File: 1540653426119.png (4.54 MB, 750x1334, 4DEFB1BA-55F4-47A5-8322-ADB2B0…)

So healthy and recovered
No. 722297
File: 1540653479086.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 6271D667-1CCF-44AF-9906-6FF977…)

No. 722299
File: 1540653788631.jpeg (304.43 KB, 750x918, D9273C56-0693-4D94-B690-2472FE…)

Massive amounts of veggies, quest bars and chips, Walden farms calorie free foods, and other fake food crap. But sure you do intuitive eating.
No. 722327
>>722294Notice in the one above she did the nervous sweating/uneasy smile emoji… she definetly isint pumped about gaining weight. Hopefully she takes lots of pictures so she can repost them when she’s chunky like her friend.
>>722163Can you tell us more about how “Britfags” living in Perth are annoying? Are they more stuck up and therefor think they are entitled to abuse the medical system? I don’t know anything about those areas but Ik Amy’s early doctors all believed she had an eating disorder perhaps she had to move to aus in order to dr shop some more?
No. 722461
File: 1540679240160.jpeg (224.47 KB, 1097x1599, F3ADA194-5E15-4516-AE65-74A475…)

Posting about the sad loss of a relative with a picture of yourself in underwear. What the fuck?!
No. 722522
>>722495This, you can see the thighs bending inward and crouching to the knees before it’s cut off.
>>722461Not only is she posting a creep shot of her underwear/“thinspo”/body check in a post about her grandmother dying, but this picture was taken inside a medical building. It’s a single bathroom with a metal door with the signature anti-bacterial soap. Anachans who go to hospitals and spend 90% of their time taking 100 underwear/bra/half nude selfies trying to find the best one to post is so infuriating. There are people who have serious illnesses like HIV who can’t get rooms who really need it, and these girls who don’t need it, end up getting them, just to have a background for their ~uwu so sick n dyin~ IG selfies all because they have mommy and daddy’s expensive insurance cards. Just wait when they turn 26 and get kicked off their parents insurance and start bitching that they can’t go to the hospital every time they need to update their profile pic. Cue the go fund me “need moneys for ER visits or else I’ll DIE!!!11”
I hope, just once, that a nurse will accidentally open the door mid selfie and see this shit. Group public bathrooms are the kryptonite of anachan attention whores.
No. 722526
>>722461Just checked her IG. Can’t post screencaps bc my phone has no space left. But I think this photo was taken in her therapists building or something? It’s the photo before this one where she talks about it with another selfie in the same dress.
Also on the grandma post she randomly mentions that her grandmother was grew up in the US during segregation and felt with it first hand…. when her grandmother was a white blonde woman?
And that she’s pissed doctors didn’t notice and take the time to prevent her grandmother from having an allergic reaction to steroids which caused her death. Bit ironic when she wastes medical professionals time and unnecessarily takes up hospital and emergency room space, in front of others, for no reason but to take selfies.
No. 722665
File: 1540710982673.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1390, IMG_20181028_071533.png)

Something about this picture just doesn't look right, like her legs,do not look normal.
No. 722674
File: 1540713781063.jpeg (502.54 KB, 1728x3072, 4D9A4811-10B5-40DF-8471-58E05D…)

>>722668I actually have to agree with the other anon, and I’m sick of everyone being like omg shooooppp but this one does look fucking weird
No. 722706
>>722665Her arms are a surprisingly normal size compared to her (shooped or not) rest of the body.
She looks so proud of her new accessory. How sweet.
No. 722723
>>722327britfags in Perth..well for one, they are known whiners. They are just annoying and tacky. Maybe she did move here to doctor shop, aren't hospitals under an insane amount of pressure in the UK right now? A lot britons move here though. Sad. I don't know really know how to explain it but it doesn't surprise me she's getting a TPN when she doesn't really need it. Not to blog post but my mum got diagnosed and given medical bracelets for Addison's disease when I believe she doesn't even have it. One doctor even said it was all in her head but she still got them certified medical bracelets and walks around with em now. Haven't heard shit about her Addison's "attacks" since.
I think she shoops the shit out of her pics so if I ever see her in public (Very possible in this place, I also saw on her Facebook she goes to some of the same places I do,) I'll report back here on the truth.
No. 722733
I think that @chronically.ams has body image issues , it’s clear some of her photos she posts are disordered , she also is never running any formula in photos either nothing or a fluid , her Irish friend who I believe is too young to be talked about on here so I won’t post her user didnt look on photos to be a bmi of 12 or 13 but her paperwork from doctors seemed legit , they had the hospital name and her records in the corner and all her nutrition requirements on it (I think) , but she did seem to be influenced by Amy for a long time , and there relationship may have helped a bit but seemed toxic in competition, she did get tubes and tpn before Amy and now she seems to be doing well , I think she glamorised being ill , as does @chronically.ams , but now the Irish one seems to be living and doing more regular things , another ‘spoonie’ we should talk about is @aubrey with her ‘broken back bloat’ who even stands like that it’s definitely messed up dude !(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 722760
File: 1540738824979.jpeg (433.83 KB, 1022x1537, 04229D93-A564-45CC-B138-1B21A3…)

>>722668>>722029>>721624>>721630>>721754…….anon, do you even know how to use photoshop? Seemingly, all these similar unsaged comments just say one vague sentence, claiming it’s not photoshop and that we’re wrong and reaching in saying so. With no reason or explanation given to why anyone is wrong. On photos that have, for a fact, been altered.
Either you know how to use PS and you’re just ignoring it to white knight, or you have no idea how to use PS and/or how to spot distortions in the pixels and corruptions of the background and are just basing it off of you, personally, not being able to spot it, it not being “obvious” enough for your untrained eye, and you “feeling” like it isn’t.
And if you don’t know how to use or spot PS edits/image-altering apps (which you clearly don’t), then why are you so adamant in claiming they aren’t? Over other anons who do know how to?
Kinda sus tbh, facts don’t care about your feelings. Neither do straight lines and warped architecture.
If you’re going to wk or argue over something, that you have no experience with, then at least sage your bs and read the rules about posting/responding to others posts.
>>722674>>722665Anons are correct. Legs are shooped, arms are
not shooped.
>pic related No. 722806
>>722676That’s exactly why I introduced her, how she will handle the weight gain on Tpn and all the other extra variables like the photoshop, lying about obvious bulimia/anorexia behaviors and passing it of as chronic illness she’s milk for sure.
>>722719I thought the same thing, she probably went on a walk and got it off the ward I mean when she’s in there in her bed she legit just scoops the juices off of various things and acts like she can’t tolerate anything…
>>722723Thanks and that’s interesting to know about the availability of treatment in that country, it did take a while for her to starve herself and purge her way to this weight but I was still surprised she got it
>>722760Thank you for posting that I was going to go into detail but I didn’t want to nitpick her body just to explain the photoshopping. Unfortunately I think some ppl follow amy for the thinspo and are also lurkers here and now they are speaking up, I mean if you don’t think it’s photoshopoed but the rest of the users commenting do.. why say anything you just come off as a wk! I appreciate you doing that edit to explain the various distortions!
>>722733I’m not sure Aubrey would fit on this thread because she’s clearly a munchie and her issues around weight are more about wanting to appear chronically ill. Amy is different in that she has an eating disorder but is using the side effects in conjunction with the possible gi issues she already had or has exacerbated to hide her ed. I can’t wait to see how she responds to weight gain, I feel like she’s going to loby for tpn for the rest of her life, like she’ll gain all the weight, they’ll take her off and she’ll just lose it again Bc she “can’t tolerate feeds”
No. 723126
>>722760Yeah, the legs are slightly shooped, although the weird blur filter obfuscates it somewhat. Her wonky deformed left knee is hilarious. Her upper left arm as well looks like it belongs on a mecha toy. I think her left wrist is shooped as well, unintentionally or not (might have been caught when trying to warp her upper arm).
I'm thinking that some people ITT might just be women with EDs that don't necessarily have experience autistically analysing pictures for evidence of shoop like other people on Lolcow do. Not suspicious, IMO.
File: 1540786335958.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 6359C415-4B4B-4F1E-8773-8C0047…)

>>722901Thanks, and to speculate, this photo from her story says tpntraining so I assume she’ll be going home and managing it herself? If so I doubt she runs it…. idk I can’t imagine her not tampering with it somehow if there’s no nurse monitoring her! We’ll be able to tell based on if she gains weight rapidly or not. If there’s no change with nutrition into her blood stream she’s obviously reducing her amount or just f*cking with something. Uhg this has a potential to be very dangerous!
No. 723280
>>723124>>723126Lmao rly
>knew how to photoshop the whole time >knew what to look for to spot shoops>still argued “wow anon maybe she has anorexia”>”because I don't think the photos in this thread are shooped”>proceeds to point out at all shops they lied about noticing in the first place>”I'm thinking that some people…. don't necessarily have experience autistically analysing pictures for evidence of shoop”>some people>tfw it was just you, samefagging, pretending you didn’t know how to spot shoopsWK confirmed
>>722806Guess you were right about that anon being an Amy follower (or Amy herself). Really didn’t think they’d blatantly contradict themselves so fast kek
No. 723466
>>723428Definetly a lot of anachan followers, some spoonies but ppl are in it for her edited thinspos kek. She obviously knows she has ana followers and I think also Bc she has an ed, she feels good about the potential to
trigger ppl Bc it means she’s sooper thin or whatever. She’s just humble bragging about her bmi under the guise of worrying about others feelings
>>723450Well ppl also say they are taller than they are so that there bmi seems lower, Amy is short and that could factor in possibly but I doubt she’s under 14
No. 723548
File: 1540849175239.png (809.36 KB, 750x1334, 81160C9F-9D69-4F58-9596-E7288A…)

>>708848Recently she was placed on a 24/7 support worker shift, even if the mothership was home. Looks like her CTO was revoked today and she’s back in hospital.
No. 723576
File: 1540853143897.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, 2D649AAB-9927-440B-9E81-FAEE54…)

how fucking rude can you get?
let me post spoopy bodycheck birthday pictures and let you all know its my birthday and btw NO ONE REMEMBERED and if you wish me happy birthday I DONT CARE because NO ONE remembered.
No. 723654
File: 1540864804694.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 9B8A17DF-2BB4-4C23-80C6-BE0280…)

>>723636She certainly keeps bringing it up… ten plus times?! She claims to just fast all the time what the hell would she even vomit once let alone ten times, that’s just a straight up pity me lie.
No. 723657
File: 1540865180968.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 750x1334, 8E4C2671-4F43-4D7C-BC2F-1B23DA…)

>>723628Yea the triple threat also shared this one… what’s up with her posing in literally nothing and flashing her underwear, I really think she’s a damn narcissist that thinks she’s hot as hell but wants ppl to answer questions like “does my face look ill” i hate when she says that like what do u want ppl to say? Such an ott attention whore. Spoiler for the bare assed spaceship. Idk how this is the same girls body tbh
No. 723674
>>723636Anorexia causes gasteoparesis that can be reversed with proper nutrition. She clearly overexaggerates I mean she doesn’t need tpn and she uses gastroparesis as an excuse for purging. But I assume she has an incredibly minor case of gastroparesis due to her weight loss. She lies about her BMI and she isn’t small enough to be anywhere near 12, let alone 15. I’m surprised her anachan followers haven’t called her out for lying about her weight but they probably don’t have many brain cells either
>>723657 She practically breaks her back squatting in public bathrooms for her ~thinspo~ shots and then poses at angles for pics like this. She reminds me of kasia posting pictures of herself and posting pictures of stolen pics right after. Can’t have both without faking one—or both
No. 723675
File: 1540868487665.png (353.04 KB, 962x528, 735D1F39-2B74-40F4-BD2D-7F419E…)

>”i’ve vomited 10+ times due to stress” >big fat fucking grin on faceliterally the one thing that pisses me off about these cunts. she’s so fucking proud. i’d say i’d slap that shit-eating grin off of her face, but flicking her cheek would probably do the same damage.
sorry for the sperging just holy fuck am i tired of seeing these skellies smiling and basically laughing in the faces of their concerned friends/loved ones/caretakers
No. 723745
>>723741Sorry for the DP, but judging from her long-winded tails of how she’s too skinny to hang out with her friends because she
triggers them and that her nanny regularly makes comments about how skinny she is, I’d say she’s probably not that interesting and lies out her ass constantly for attention and sympathy. Can’t ever make it halfway through her sperg essay posts without thinking .”she rlly thinks we’re drupid enough to believe this tripe? “ Definitely not me, but I’ll stay lurking for this trainwreck of a munchie/proana/schizo/aspie clusterfuck.i do wish dumbass stans would stop fueling her ego by telling her how sick she looks. She feeds off that shit and it’s gross.
No. 723959
File: 1540924546728.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-30-18-02-50…)

>>723958Yep definitely angeling for eds
No. 724039
File: 1540935325507.jpeg (176.25 KB, 640x872, E28BFD5D-FBE7-45A1-9EFF-AA4A6A…)

>>everybody lies! (But not me)
Something pot.. something something kettle.
No. 724207
>>724025Why hasn’t Flourishing.recovery been mentioned?
They got out of IP and immediately clogged their story with pathetic fake crying videos about how they are going to kill them selves because they’re so fat
Fast forward through months of the same shit and they’re still here, still “suicidal” and gaining weight with “no support”
AND more fake crying because their parents are going to sue the psychiatrist who doesnt believe they’re struggling with an ed (shocker) #soinvalidated
One big fat fake-crying mess, just waiting for the next drama
No. 724443
>>724207Just looked at the account, Boring af, just another chunker that stopped eating in hospital to get a tube to pose for pics with her other tube friend. Anorexic? Must be atypical Bc she has quite the average and healthy body. No milk not even worth a follow
>>724297Kek exactly, who the heck would post this girl other than herself, she doesn’t look like she’s even dealing with an ed so why would she even be discussed. This
>>724207Is an obvious self post lol. I don’t know why these wanorexics want to be spoken about on here so bad!
No. 724445
File: 1541000886407.jpeg (193.51 KB, 750x1334, AFD81D21-374E-474F-8A91-BACDC2…)

Here’s ams enjoying what appears to Be some type of orange smoothie, is she just going to drain this in the hospital? What would the doctors/nurses think if they knew she was having milky coffees and smoothies???? I thought with tpn u were basically npo or on a very strict diet. Anyway other ppl have been pointing out that she never shops her arms and in looking in this photo it’s evident. She’s got the most spoopily edited legs but her arms look so normal?
No. 724452
File: 1541002260918.png (925.47 KB, 1334x750, 607AE4DA-9BF9-4835-8364-F6DB36…)

Here’s amy doing what she calls a “physique update” and put in air quotations… is that Bc she knows it’s really a body check for her damn ed and all her ana folowers? This is in the getting a Hickman line video. She says she’s so self conscious about her hip bones…. really amy then why are you constantly showing off your body in tight fitting like really tight clothes, crop tops, low rise jeans like just be honest amy you love how you look and want to show it off. The only reason she probably cried about Tpn is the realization she’ll be gaining weight. Her ed mind is so obvious when she’s scanning and filming herself before her shower, so disordered and look at me suck in but pretend not to be sucking in
No. 724548
>>724519So true, did you happen to catch any of her live about the criticisms she’s been receiving in her comments? She said ppl think she did things to purposely make herself thinner or something along those lines and was ranting about it. I never see any negative comments or accusatory ones so Im assuming she just deletes them? Anyway, others on insta and ppl who follow her can see through the bs. In one of her recent uploads on YouTube she kept saying I can’t wait to be fat or normal, she’s smiling but you can see the lack of sinserity in her eyes, almost like a nervous smile rather than one of excitement. No matter how hard she try’s to pretend like she wants this weightgain her micro expressions and body language certainly show otherwise.
>>724536You can say that again…also if you look in her vlogs you can see her actual size, especially when she’s showing us all the stuff for at home Tpn, she shows her legs and they look extremely different from the shopped insta posts.
No. 724549
File: 1541020250314.png (1.66 MB, 2048x1536, BC8252AB-F2A6-43A7-80D5-4A4B9E…)

Why would you bring onion rings and a slushy to someone who is apparently in intestinal failure?? Obv she will purge…I mean, drain it all.
No. 724556
>>724552Yea definitely underweight but probably bmi of 15-16 definetly not 13 or under
>>724549What the hell would the doctors say? I think she’s vomiting because her potassium keeps dropping after numerous potassium infusions and Tpn. I think she’s purposely vommiting the coffees, the food Tom brings and anything she gets off the ward
No. 724614
>>724563Post caps.
Imo it’s because she wants someone to say it’s an outrage and wrong and feed her ego some more instead of feeding her bitchy little carcass.
Morven is the most misunderstood, hard-done-by, deeply suffering little martyr that ever was (in morvens world) she’s not a boring regular anorexic, she’s complex because autism, and does not need to eat like all the other gross fat normies.
No. 724646
>>724623Exactly, combine that with her oral purging when she scarfs down those burgers and duh amy your potassium is going to drop! The fact that her potassium is still dropping even though she’s getting bags and Tpn shows shes still doing something for sure!
>>724626The video was terrible.. there’s no need for a physique check or whatever we see your insta we see your YouTube videos it’s just another opportunity to flaunt the body she’s “so self conscious about” sure Jan then why are you videoing yourself body checking constantly lol!
>>724585Could be around there too, I’m not a great judge of bmi, just a shoop pro lol. I definitely agree she looks much different in her YouTube videos
No. 724812
File: 1541063057240.jpg (292.79 KB, 1080x1485, IMG_20181101_090046.jpg)

It's actually pretty funny how bad the editting is in this one. I mean, come on ams who you fooling? The doorway floor line between her thighs doesn't even match up
No. 724835
File: 1541067054013.jpeg (314.61 KB, 1080x1485, 122C091F-2FFD-4D30-B89A-A02A69…)

There we go amy. I fixed it to not only show some skinny legs but also your EDS bendiness.
No. 724885
>>724812Oh boy…. why does she do this to herself! Stop telling ppl you want to b “fat Amy” and simultaneously facetune shopping your photos… each one gets more and more rediculous. She’s always got that weird indent on one of her legs making it look unnaturally angular.
>>724835Top kek, she should take tips from you!
Anyway, I wonder if she’s bummed she didn’t get as long of a hospital staycation as her friend. I can’t wait for the tpn to work it’s magic Bc her photo shopping can only get worse from there on. for reference just scroll back on her insta account, the heavier she is the more clockable the shoop. And she wonders why ppl accuse her of ed behaviors. Like Amy why would you continually shop your photos if you weren’t body conscious or trying to appear thinner Bc of your ed. I just wish she’d stop saying “I can’t wait to be fat” lol I’ve never seen someone verbalize a more obvious lie
No. 725112
>>724812"The doorway floor line between her thighs doesn't even match up"
What does that even mean
No. 725151
File: 1541122344952.jpeg (216 KB, 750x1334, 6CDDE4AA-703E-426D-917F-181C98…)

I must have missed it is Amy on tpn? Lol jk Bc every damn post is a medical porn picture with all her new tubes and bags and fluids… I’m waiting for her to actually experience how annoying it is to be on tpn but then again she purged with an nj for a while and dealt with that. How she responds to the weight gain will be interesting. Will she quit the treatment or tamper with it? She’ll probabky just go back to being bulimic when she goes home and they’ll notice this in the blood draws if the tpn isint keeping her stable. Thoughts anyone? Other than on her bmi it’s starting to get nit picky we’ve established that she’s not under 14-15
>>725081 Probably more content when she gets home. She planned to stay for months I thought… guess she got that wrong. She’ll probably go back to her regular outings, just on tpn now. However she said she will be npo when she’s home and no feeds I’m pretty sure she said guy rest. Let’s see if she adheres to these rules… cue purging of coffees lattes and smoothies ugh
No. 725157
File: 1541122877978.jpeg (254.59 KB, 750x1334, C2513509-3A6D-48B9-882C-CD9CAF…)

Can anyone explain how one can have a red face and green complexion at the same time? If she’s going to be the next Marya hornbacher she needs to up her writing game lol. “I splashed some water on my face and carefully studied my expression in the mirror” yes space ship in movies ppl do that but in real life they dry their face and then examine their face if their a narcissist like you are….jeez!
No. 725169
>>724025Surely this is a troll? Everybody knows you don't have to login to imgboards with your email.
Either way I'm embarrased for a shitty troll or dumbass anachan.
No. 725180
File: 1541126215904.jpg (709.16 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181102-133544.jpg)

Here, for you guys suspecting she's gunning for EDS dx. It's not a suspicion, she actually thinks she has it.
>>725131Damn, she really fucked that one up.
No. 725190
>>725157Nauseous redneck? Would fit her to a tee
Nice to see she’s posting about her birthday instead of her grandparents funeral again
No. 725242
File: 1541138239134.jpg (235.05 KB, 717x805, 20181102_155604.jpg)

Guess who is back
No. 725289
>>724443The stories are where the milk is
Crocodile tears
She has gone quiet now because some farmer told her about this thread
Wasn’t a self post (everyone here is obsessed with self posting I swear)
No. 725317
File: 1541160582114.jpg (464.41 KB, 1080x1527, IMG_20181102_230852.jpg)

>>725294She's deleted all her stories because of the backlash.
But I followed her in case there was milk. She's boringg, but she's exposed her self post, because she she knows "anons" called her chubby.
No. 725331
>>725289>>725317>backlashIt just wreaks of self-posting, to be honest, her profile isn't private anymore so it's obvious her boring profile & self is after attention because she's not receiving enough attention from people who follow her, or people around her.
Should have screen capped and shared those "interesting stories" - it's what an image board is about after all. But I highly doubt it was a farmer that told her, more ana chans lurk and self-post here more often than not - because good attention and bad attention are all the same (heck even the bad can fuel pro-anas, nothing better to starving using the excuse of comments and bullies, being the perpetual victim - it's "not their fault then" and "wouldn't you starve too if it was you?").
Also fake crying photos more often than not make you look cringy. Can't really feel sorry for people like that.
No. 725335
>>725331Oh, I wasn't defending her. Backlash just seemed to be the right word.
She self posted, embarrassingly obviously, and nobody liked it. Sounds exactly like backlash to me.
I will share any stories that I deem interesting, I won't clog the feed if they're boring I'm assuming.
I think you think I'm her? I promise I'm just delivering proof that she's not that milky so we can stop talking about her.
No. 725394
File: 1541175634362.jpeg (192.83 KB, 750x1334, 0BD2219C-6C31-495D-A8E7-5E1BC9…)

So sick with EDS, gastroparesis, pots and all these others diseases and can’t keep anything down, but we are drinking wine??????? Come on amy! she’s making it more and more obvious that she just has an eating disorder… wine dehydrates you, gives you headaches, and is like acid on an empty stomach if u have gi issues. What in the literal f is she doing? Notice how this was posted to her non spoonie account, she gets more able bodied on that account but still post a quick body check to let the ppl know she’s still thin, face palms. I’m not saying ppl with her conditions can’t drink but she literally replied to a comment saying she can’t keep anything down everything’s vomited or drained. What’s even the point of drinking it if your just going to drain it?!
No. 725648
File: 1541209609688.jpeg (534.25 KB, 1242x1707, fullsizeoutput_4a79.jpeg)

Anyone interested in an anachan who seems to be trying to claim GP while on her recovery account admitting to actively restricting? And for some reason has a port/picc??? Like, you're not a chronic illness warrior, you're an anachan, tina.
Constantly acting as if she doesn't have an ED on her illness account and then posting thinspo crap on her "recovery" account.
@tsfight (illness) @recovering.avocadao (ED) @spagoooti (vent)
No. 725649
File: 1541209639306.jpeg (226.94 KB, 1230x1745, fullsizeoutput_4a7a.jpeg)

No. 725650
File: 1541209694423.jpeg (518.46 KB, 1242x1697, fullsizeoutput_4a7b.jpeg)

I'd also be v greatful for any photoshop savvy anons to point out any sh00ping.
No. 725665
>>725650you want tips on hiding it, or what?
what milk does this girl have besides having an ed?
No. 725710
File: 1541216621260.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.65 KB, 1080x1920, 2018-10-09 19.28.24 1886209416…)

>>725666You're probs right, she doesn't have a tonne going on atm but if something milky comes up I'll post it. She's apparently going to go be treated at the best hospital in her state because she's oh so sick and no one can fix her, smh. Rn it's just complaining about the benadryl shortage and in her recent hospitalization she pulled out her fucking tube, THROUGH THE STOMA. But claimed that it was an accident.
Apparently her dr said she wasn't going to survive past thanksgiving. Well, that was a fucking lie. She mustn't be running her feed as low as she says.
No. 725724
>>725317There are no anons. This idiot posted herself here for attention, got a teeny tiny bit (pointing out how she's a chubby preteen attention whore) and is now running with it.
She's pathetic and not milky. Don't mention her again.
No. 725776
File: 1541227759434.jpeg (171.28 KB, 750x1215, F1C0795D-16C6-4A19-8CF7-04C270…)

>>725190Don’t worry guys I managed to take body checks during the funeral!!!!!!
No. 725919
>>725776"my grandfather (swipe to view) is torn to pieces"
what a time to be alive, why are all anachans so fucking oblivious to something like privacy or social boundaries and how to respect them?
No. 725925
>>725776I’m starting to think she has some serious mental condition other than ana to be posing and smiling like this AT the funeral… like omg! Either that or she wasn’t super close with this grandparent. Idk this is too much though. Is this a photo of her posing extremely or is there editing I can’t quite tell
>>725919Are you talking about the photo of her grandmothers back all torn to shit and graphic with the (do not swipe) warning? That was posted after a picture with her family. Honestly she don’t give a shit she only wants attention on her and to control everything/manipulate ppl. Posting asks like “do I look ill” my god one of the most self centered narcissistic anachan I’ve seen
No. 725926
File: 1541258523734.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 0ABB0FE8-A25D-4DE3-9F60-4EA688…)

>>725394I guess no one cared about amy drinking wine while she was meant to be npo lol, to update on her antics, here she is wheelin into a stupid basketball game, i can tell Tom is getting tired of her antics and knows she’s being extra especially now that she’s on home Tpn. Here’s a screen grab of a boomerang on her story, legs looking thick… hard to believe these are the same underweight legs in her other hospital glam shots
No. 725986
>>725933Yes. Although she used to specify “paranoid schizophrenia” and now it’s just schiz with no specifier. In the funeral body checks she mentions her grandma was also schizophrenic.
Blogging—but not really? I’ve only met 2 people with schiz and they were nothing like her. She’s def a cluster b because the only time others were this selfish and attention seeking was when they were having delusions of grandeur
No. 726413
File: 1541326126466.png (3.63 MB, 1125x2001, 497AE246-5EF8-45BD-B4FD-1458D9…)

Holy body contortion 🙄
No. 726536
File: 1541345331929.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 63DE7B9E-F300-4A76-8EB3-209453…)

>>726413Shes going Full Paris now.
Never go full Paris.
No. 726544
>>726413Here let me post all vital statistics and then just ask what ppl think about my relapse… it’s a trap! Well I don’t think you look anywhere near 107 and there’s photos of spaceship that indicate a higher weight than 140 lol gosh I’m just laughing at the degree of contortion
>>726536What the hell is this about.. spaceship can easily smile at a damn funeral but the next day she wants someone to shoot her? Shouldnt she be more sad at the funeral, oh no Bc mirror, of mirror u must body check and post to social, it’s like she has a compulsion to pose, take and post these rediculouslu posed photos
No. 726547
File: 1541348261354.jpeg (174.44 KB, 750x1334, 8EE7B560-2657-4C47-9E68-68F550…)

>>725710lol don’t message tsfight ever she’ll post it! This is an attention seeking mistake on ts part, now everyone who doesn’t know what they are talking about and are going to figure it out come to lolcow and just see that she’s using her anorexia to come off as chronically ill.. I wish the same for Amy’s followers. But something tells me for amy they already know she’s bulimic and just follow her for the medical porn and thinspo
No. 726656
File: 1541365983330.jpeg (132.35 KB, 750x1334, 726C7299-DD94-41E4-AE8F-9675A2…)

Kat messing around….in photoshop lol?! Come on Kat, not your best work
No. 726792
File: 1541387225373.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 9DF8CF0E-B4D8-4C5A-8F76-761244…)

Does anyone know why her mom would withhold her nausea medication? So she vomited, that proves she “needed it”, so she gives it to her but now her moms making her do dishes? Almost like a punishment. I’m confused, too much going on here, probably just another exaggerated lie from spaceship for pity
No. 727151
File: 1541453213935.jpeg (291.46 KB, 1242x2208, 9FD6A0B3-7E87-4072-B5D0-1C384B…)

Well, Tina. Maybe don’t post about your bags of IV Benadryl. Kek
She got milk guys. Some rando that’s known for calling people out is having a little bit of a fight with Tina.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 727341
File: 1541475867272.jpeg (226.37 KB, 750x1178, 469F8EC8-EBB6-4BF2-9A43-427327…)

Sweet sweet Amy. What in God’s name did you do to your arm in photoshop
No. 727508
File: 1541519258172.png (2.73 MB, 750x1334, 06C6D044-215D-496D-B0BB-0D0F92…)

This reminds me so much of those #recoverywarrior posts when the girls are patting their own asses for eating a carrot.
No. 727633
File: 1541533260924.jpeg (388.91 KB, 1092x1637, 26EC6712-7848-4DD0-8909-A5CD05…)

Pretending to be happy she gained so much and so quickly!
No. 727808
File: 1541561056667.png (776.91 KB, 750x1334, BE7F902C-E2E6-46AB-9E35-8FD8F0…)

Uhm what…. I hope this is a dream she’s pretending she had not the explanation of a real encounter lol
No. 727809
File: 1541561188539.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, F4823646-DD1D-47EA-9230-653642…)

They wouldn’t give her medication for a psychotic episode… I wonder if they knew she was faking it. We never did get the current status on if she’s still claiming schizophrenia
>>725933 No. 727815
File: 1541561726548.jpeg (344.6 KB, 750x1334, 004909AD-FA97-4602-A567-BDBD5E…)

I don’t get amy, here she is eating when she’s npo… like is she just going to vomit or drain, that?
>>727633That definetly came across in her vlogs as well, her excitement about weight gain is not genuine. especially that she has to “buy smalls instead of extra smalls” she looked pissed kek
>>727642Good point but not exactly, she shooped and sucked in for pictures even at a healthy weight, it will be interesting to see how she handles it though. At the moment faking genuine excitement lol and buying bigger clothes. for someone “self conscious” about how thin she is she sure loves showing it off… I feel like she’s overcompensating for how weight size shape obsessed she is by saying “oh can’t wait for fat Amy, even though it really bugs her”
No. 727882
File: 1541576878867.jpeg (367.49 KB, 750x1111, BEDAC6BC-4FC0-43E2-BC50-7AEBD9…)

are you fucking serious?
the comments are just as bad.
No. 727885
>>727884yes anon, it's the
No. 727903
File: 1541581612092.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-07-09-05-31…)

This is just shameful…
No. 728009
File: 1541608287828.png (997.84 KB, 750x1334, 89431DD0-50F5-4496-BDB2-762484…)

How many more times is she going to make these (near identical) posts? Here’s a tip to make life not unbearable, Morven: Stop purging everything you eat and banging your head into walls and blaming it on your Super Severe Autism(tm). I hate this leech of a girl.
No. 728378
File: 1541636571367.jpg (210.18 KB, 1080x1226, IMG_20181108_112131.jpg)

>>727921Conments could be copypasta from those MPA threads where they brag about the grossest shit that they've done.
The worst is stuff about hoarding vomit, but most is skelly ana shit they think c&s is the biggest shame ever.
Enough blogging, have some boring screenshots.
No. 728556
>>726792My mother has weight issues. She’s an emotional binge eater who wants to be anorexic (her own words, not sure if that makes sense). She’s had gastric bypass, but’s gained a lot back. She demands water pills and zofran . Her doctor lectures her about the zofran, supposedly “it’s addictive” idk if that’s because it’s chemical makeup or because it allows you to eat bullshit and not feel bad.
I’ve been prescribed it before when I was pregnant and sick. I found it to have a very positive effect on my mood, I compared it to opiates. It was better than any anxiety drug I’ve taken including Xanax. I would have to assume that’s I’m not the only one who’s had this experience, maybe there are people who become reliant on it.
No. 728582
>>728556Zofran is "addictive" because people abuse it so they can eat whatever they want or however they want, which includes bulimics who feel sick from binging and purging all the time.
More often though, its people with GI issues, intolerances. People with gastroparesis eating foods th t make them sick, then compensating with zofran.
AFAIK, it's not a substance that causes chemical dependency.
No. 728913
File: 1541717668641.jpeg (254.15 KB, 1089x1607, 65350B25-6731-4B97-9398-FACAC7…)

She needs to try harder if she’s going to shoop. One leg looks so much smaller than the other.
No. 728973
File: 1541725186536.png (519.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181109-024842.png)

As a finn, I feel like announcing to all the men of this nation to never reproduce with this goddamn psycho.
No. 729816
File: 1541819242621.jpeg (137.41 KB, 750x1334, 9E087735-49DB-454D-8DB6-B53E48…)

This new post looks like the same blurred bathroom where the funeral service was here
>>725776Like really did she have to do a full photo shoot there and save some for future uploads? Doesn’t that remind her of the persons passing… such a narcissistic
No. 729818
File: 1541819378690.png (195.82 KB, 750x1334, 3C2C7537-C2A8-4DA1-9B8D-1627EA…)

>>729816And heres the text for the post. I’m honestly not sure I can believe half of it. I love how she puts “comment if you read this far” at the end, she just craves attention
No. 729821
File: 1541819628105.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, A59337C9-7A9F-4025-83E1-4EF643…)

>>729816>>729818And finally to end this saga, he gives her the money and she “loses it” I don’t get her… Everything is so dramatasized, just be happy your family still let’s you live home and pays for your appointments.
No. 730379
File: 1541919808031.jpeg (960.48 KB, 2124x3072, 83CA658E-A6CB-4CE4-84A4-4E1D04…)

Hmmm looking very vegan there…
No. 730410
>>730379"get in my belly" fucking kek
hardly milk though. just average anorexic behavior.
No. 730756
File: 1541990100687.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1082x1919, 3695DFCA-B8AE-4A6E-B08F-949FAA…)

Wow this is the worst photoshop job ever! @minusthreedegrees she claims to have all these “super serious GI” problems that triggered her weight loss… but really it’s just a lame cover up for returning to her old Ana ways!
No. 730770
>>730756Why even bother shooping? Emaciated stomach, clearly already had a gap before…. what am I missing?
>>730764Self posting seems like the only reasob to shoop something like this.
No. 730774
File: 1541993497400.jpeg (1007.52 KB, 1203x1642, 66A97B5C-F4AC-49E4-A389-744FC7…)

What a change only 18hr before last post! Dramatic NOT!
No. 730813
File: 1541998592938.jpg (133.52 KB, 941x667, IMG_20181112_155533.jpg)

Spaceship is so fucking rude.
Context is this post that I've transcribed below:
"He is probably hurting, himself, and is being callous towards you as a defense mechanism. As a man, especially as a father, you want to be able to protect and take care of your family. He probably feels utterly helpless in the face of your eating disorder, etc… watching as your health declines and you still stubbornly refuse to accept the treatment that your therapist insists is necessary at this point. He probably wishes that you were more concerned about the other issues that are more serious than a bill for a tire, and so he laughs defeatedly. He would probably do anything in the world he could to REALLY help you. The car bill is besides the point. I don’t know. Just a possibility."
No. 730814
>>730809They want you to see how much it sticks out. When you're emaciated, its a big bulb on your crotch.
Notice the V she has? She's showing that off too.
No. 730938
File: 1542035944303.png (677.78 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-11-12-15-18-28…)

"BMI under 14"
No. 731198
File: 1542070706849.jpeg (966.32 KB, 750x1116, 0F8FABD9-48F8-480D-90CB-0E46C3…)

Korey remains weirdly obsessed with describing how “fat” and covered in rolls she was at a healthy weight, claims she will be back at a healthy weight in a year, accompanies post with underweight body check pic, just in case anyone misunderstood and thought she was actually recovering.
No. 731199
File: 1542070738077.jpeg (313.46 KB, 749x1138, D77E1C44-5CD5-430C-BB44-BA9101…)

No. 731200
File: 1542070763339.jpeg (425.86 KB, 750x1104, 4A239E54-79A1-4341-8B74-5201A3…)

No. 731273
File: 1542078165577.jpg (237.07 KB, 1080x1067, IMG_20181113_140139.jpg)

I know we hate her, but has anyone seen this top she has now?
She's so obsessed with making sure everyone knows and sick that now she has a chronic illness jumper.
No. 731278
>>731212Amy Lee Fisher's Life which vid that's from because I'd rather listen to nails scraping down a chalkboard for eternity that watch her bang on about her love for medical paraphenalia.
No. 731338
File: 1542085775052.jpg (261.23 KB, 1435x1080, IMG_20181113_160659.jpg)

I've been cringing for this whole video (thanks to
She needs a hickman line, but she can tolerate Ribena.
I didnt get a screenshot but I noticed in the Day In IP (most recent video) she's placed her camera and her light-sensitive feed bag in such a way that you can see it every time she leans forward to spit out toothpaste or something.
No. 731699
File: 1542145191430.jpeg (452.93 KB, 1986x1274, 630A0102-A884-40A6-9342-D10D4B…)

Interesting comments. I find it weird she’s allowed to do all her own meds but even more unusual to do her own fluid chart.
No. 731863
File: 1542170614169.png (990.17 KB, 750x1334, 3A094192-1E33-4543-99F5-5CAEC0…)

This girl is trying to pass off pictures from an episode of the doctors as herself. Even though she is obese and has bpd. This could get interesting. See attached pics
No. 731866
>>731864As if you'd be in any state to attend college at that weight.
Lol I love when cows do this.
No. 731870
>>731866She also claims her IQ is 136 but is enrolled in cosmetology school. The lies are building…
her account is relatively small but her “transformation” pictures seem to have gotten some numbers
No. 731871
>>731866She also claims her IQ is 136 but is enrolled in cosmetology school. The lies are building…
her account is relatively small but her “transformation” pictures seem to have gotten some numbers
No. 731875
>>731866She also claims her IQ is 136 but is enrolled in cosmetology school. The lies are building…
her account is relatively small but her “transformation” pictures seem to have gotten some numbers
No. 731932
File: 1542186287946.jpeg (473.11 KB, 750x947, D13EBEDC-59AA-4DB3-AE9C-A43147…)

>>731864She deleted that one but this one is still up, obviously it’s not her but I don’t have a source for the image on the left.
I like cows like these because they’re the true face of the proana movement. For every one bony attention whore, you have a thousand 200+ lbs ~most anorexic~ heifers. They have the exact same mindset as HAES but it’s AAES (anorexic at every size,) because the only criteria of having an eating disorder apparently is to just say that you have one.
No. 731946
>>731932She has real photos of herself at a healthy weight (looking at her face) up until April.
She didn't start posting the fake thinspo befores until she fully chunked out tho.
No. 731960
>>731946Creating a false narrative and pretend other women are her (they’re dead so can’t conplain)to feel better about her weight gain and get compliments and praise for being chubby.
Seems run of the mill for BPD. Gotta get her asspats somehow.
No. 732022
>>731932She hadn't disassociated enough to remember to crop out the arms because the person in the pic probably didn't have hers all hacked up.
Punchable face.
No. 732091
File: 1542220501696.jpeg (310.76 KB, 1095x1479, 97F3EF47-43FB-4E1A-A929-A96E7E…)

Infection of unknown source, hey? Wanna bet it’s self induced..?
No. 732095
File: 1542220811532.jpeg (413.29 KB, 1116x1600, 43396D14-1588-41F0-8F38-754C5A…)

Same fag but….
Omg the drama. So unwell but takes a photo of the fucking tube?!
No. 732209
>>731998Caps. Her account has no pics claiming this?
Lol, what dissociative state leads you to post cropped pictures of people who aren’t you and write a thousand words about how bad it was to be so starved.
No. 732532
File: 1542292072301.jpg (228.59 KB, 750x1130, image.jpg)

Old IG photo/post- one of the rare times Smorven admits her ED
No. 732551
>>727214Not sure but going by the photo in the test admission she's definitely been made to put on weight. It's sad really - waste of a life. Must be getting to the time when she brings out the Christmas jumper to pose in tights and compare her legs to previous years.
A way back someone asked about Megs and Lexi - what happened to them?
No. 733399
File: 1542404084421.jpeg (201.83 KB, 546x1652, 90B95106-05B1-4ADE-8E03-BACEDC…)

Started TPN and said her BMi was under 13 at the time.
3 weeks later and she’s not ana posing in this pic…
No. 733635
File: 1542449595683.jpeg (628.47 KB, 1080x1602, AB9B975A-275B-4700-888D-C5E218…)

Does spaceshiptorecovery really have this illness? Isn’t it quite serious?
No. 733736
File: 1542474969211.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-17-17-11-42…)

This begger. Let's see what she'll post next to crank up her numbers. Incoming bullshit
No. 733741
File: 1542475824626.jpg (359.03 KB, 1080x1545, IMG_20181117_172829.jpg)

Don't forget to hang those tubes out amy
No. 734133
File: 1542540406745.jpg (756.68 KB, 1080x1672, 20181118_212533.jpg)

Apparently she doesn't like the bloat
No. 734135
File: 1542540438851.jpg (664.03 KB, 1077x1683, 20181118_212516.jpg)

No. 734552
>>734133>>734135Well when you eat and drink things your not suppose to… I mean this can’t be from her trying that tiny little bit of feed that she pretends to run through her tube can it? I love how you know she’s going to drain anyway but she still, as uncomfortable as that bloating probably is stopped for a photo shoot first… like what!?
>>734401I honestly wonder if she’s just full blown bingeing and actually vommiting now that she doesn’t have the nj? Obviously she what’s to be on Tpn as long as possible for the attention but she already looks relatively healthy like here
>>733399 I think she still said she had more to gain in her recent upload but I wonder what will happen after she gets weight restored but she still “can’t tolerate feeds”
No. 734618
File: 1542612930305.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3371x3371, 3DD410A0-33B1-4A17-A636-F114A2…)

This isn’t supposed to be about tilly so don’t be a tool and report this, just cannot figure out who her post is about! It sounds so familiar about an IG Ana chan making that hilarious statement about beating the shit out of ana but I can’t seem to trace it on the thread anywhere and couldn’t come across it on any of the accounts that came to mind regarding the post. Anyone know??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 734831
File: 1542650844720.jpeg (285.48 KB, 750x1117, 58FB8D25-2589-45F9-9E94-ECC604…)

>>734554At this point she’s lied about so many things she can’t even keep them straight. She had a zio patch which is indeed a 24 ekg but she is not clarifying that she does not actually have pots and MAY be sent to a specialist. No one wanted to give her meds because she is the typical malingering patient so she’s angling for iv saline and a new ana Queen muchie status above the rest of the peasants
No. 734989
>>734679You’re dumb if you think it’s about korey.
>>734622 >>734651And I care and surely other people here do because it’s another potential cow to discuss here, same reason we talk at all about other cows here. For the milk. The post is about someone who claims to have a bunch of medical conditions that people believe are mostly self diagnosed, how does that sound anything like korey? Korey also never talks about her bmi, as the person this post is about apparently does. The person also refers to their ED as Ana, which Korey does not do. So work on your reading comprehension before getting your knickers in a knot for no reason
No. 735130
>>734989Okay so who is it then?
No. 735327
>>735250Apart from her obvious ED, I always get the impression most of her batshit craziness is put on. She sounds coherent on her youtube and she's clean and makes an effort to style herself into…something. Even though she dances around with chocolate, her weight's the only real issue.
Even if you're BMI is Ashley tier, nobody gaf if she doesn't show for treatment plus you get dropped after X amount of sessions if you haven't gained weight.
I know a couple of women in a worse state than her who are off the radar. Nobody pushes an adult into treatment but they'll patch them up if there's a medical crisis as a result.
No. 735612
File: 1542770973807.png (189.72 KB, 750x1334, 09BC9DFB-AE25-4004-B26C-3440B8…)

another poorly written post from spaceship. it’s kind of funny how narcissistic she is. In her ask she responded to a question that one non physical thing she likes about herself is that “she is a man of all trades” well she sucks at writing, doesn’t know that the idiom is actually “jack of all trades”, not like it matters but she thinks she’s so damn smart… anyway for anyone wanting to scratch their eyes out apparently she’s telling a story or her story or something on her insta in 24 hours. Jeez she thinks she’s a damn tv show. I bet this whole story or at least what’s in the post is made up. She thinks her writing is so eloquent and profound but it’s not lol
No. 735613
File: 1542771117742.jpeg (138.6 KB, 749x933, 1B23E9E9-C4D0-4BAF-A065-2360D5…)

>>735612And here’s one photo from the set she posted. She references in the text of the post that she was 90 pounds in December 2013. Idk she’s gotta be really short if she’s 90 damn pounds in this.
No. 735658
File: 1542783580721.jpg (250.54 KB, 1069x1600, 2018-11-21-16-54-57.jpg)

Possible cow. Claims to be restrictive anorexic in recovery8 years. Not underweight. Works in health care. Usual ana poses
No. 736016
>>735658Good on her for gaining weight and attempting recovery!
Read the rules before vendetta posting, anon
No. 736540
File: 1542930035789.png (760.8 KB, 750x1334, 97699601-5953-4BC2-AF83-8556A1…)

Isint spaceship from America? She often uses British words for things like mum instead of mom and in this pic “mash” instead of mashed potatoes.. is she just trying to be quirky and different or is she British? Also sounds like her “sleeping” all day was just an excuse for to try and get some attention out of her parents. Like every anachan pretends they don’t like when ppl ask them to eat but she brings it up like a humble brag
No. 736742
File: 1542971645779.png (684.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-23-11-07-46…)

So Amy had a Premium Tokyo treat box sent to her for free.
I could literally only watch the first few mins of this vid as I find her too fucking irritating. She says she has to get her bf to try some of the sweets as she can only try things she can drain. Bet she didn't tell the Tokyo treat people that…god what a piss take.
No. 737223
File: 1543068640278.png (3.15 MB, 750x1334, 3F88F5AE-6809-4828-A718-6DF4D1…)

Happy holidays from our favorite ED recovery coach! The very picture of health and freedom from diet and weight obsession.
No. 737395
>>737040the worst part about this picture is, and i might be wrong here, but is she actually prima ballerina??? or is she just in full costume when everyone else is in training gear (the blue ones don't really look like it).
which fucking idiot of a trainer was like "yes, i will put this disordered girl into the spotlight so that her illness can feed off of that sweet, delusional confirmation that she, the spoopiest of them all, truly deserved to be center stage"
No. 737751
>>737395>>737728 beat me to it, but no there is no planet where she's a prima ballerina. Even from just the static images it's plain for any dancer to see that this girl ain't it. I got
triggered by how weak her point and turnout is in all her photos.
Can she even dance, like in general? Forget dancing at a prima level, how can she even do it at all? I don't see any way someone with that little body mass could do real ballet. You see these ana butterflies wanting to be "ballet-skinny" an "dainty but strong" or some shit but it takes so much muscle to dance. I get that eating disorders make you delusional, but just how delusional do you have to be to think you can hold your arabesques when your muscles are atrophied?
No. 737754
File: 1543120135625.jpeg (156.82 KB, 750x1152, DCAF128B-B0E0-42EE-AA01-FB6F59…)

>>737751You’re right. She can’t even get over the box correctly or maintain a turnout. I’m surprised they’re letting her dance given its so obvious
No. 738130
File: 1543182990817.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, 5C6F3F21-0D64-4283-8D06-09C351…)

>>738129She took a break from her story to post this, kek. she’s so damn narcissistic she buys into this troll complimenting her feet, rediculous
No. 738178
>>738130Her feet are worse than average poor guillible girl
It appears her sister is also a trump supporter so it runs in the family
No. 738381
File: 1543222473003.png (694.29 KB, 812x602, jacko.PNG)

Dat feel, when you put on makeup but still look like frozen Michael Jackson on the autopsy table.
No. 738928
>>738129this… makes sense?
summer of 2015 -> 17
fall of 2015-> 18
2016 -> 19
2017 -> 20
2018 -> 21
So. it makes sense.
No. 738985
File: 1543300377712.png (624.82 KB, 923x421, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 5.27…)

glad korey has taken a break from her fruit eating to post a picture where her leg looks shopped
No. 739123
File: 1543333822307.jpeg (676.46 KB, 2064x3072, 09FF2657-25AA-4462-9CA5-A232CA…)

Don’t let fruit be your fear food. Nevermind about the common fear foods like bread, diary, oil, pasta - just challenge your fruit!
No. 739393
File: 1543356548884.png (1.83 MB, 1125x2436, 540C5FE1-391C-4C3A-9DE5-E2A7A1…)

I stumbled across @tectackles recently and she seems pretty milky. Anyone know more about her? Looks like she recently deleted all her post because of someone who knows her in real life
No. 739563
File: 1543374462430.png (1.09 MB, 1614x1102, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 1.56…)

Been seeing all the duds come through, but pretty sure you'll agree that the milk is strong with this one.
- newly vegan
- recovery/relapse (she flips back and forth so often i have no idea what the claim is rn),
- loves to write the occasional spaceship-esque I'm-so-smart-look-at-my-writing-skillz caption
- Slowly sliding over to spooniehood (? still to be confirmed)
- got IV morphine for a UTI?!
- trying to pull the gastroparesis line
- just got dropped from some sort of IOP for not engaging but she swears guys, she is TrYiNg.
No. 739566
File: 1543374502668.png (1.53 MB, 1840x892, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 1.57…)

No. 739569
File: 1543374547012.png (1.4 MB, 1840x892, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 1.59…)

No. 739570
File: 1543374613185.png (1.04 MB, 1840x892, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 1.59…)

Caption: Been having soup for all my meals since I left hospital until dinner tonight which was an average serving size of risotto and this is the result. I'm also one day off from finishing the antibiotics for my pyonephritis (kidney infection) so the pain really should be gone by now but I had to get more endone from my GP today which leads me to think that something else has to be going on. Especially with this bloating, I have gastroparesis but I've never had distention this badly so consistently. I'm so over all this, it's seriously starting to affect my mental state.
No. 739606
File: 1543379084360.jpeg (250.95 KB, 750x684, E79CC9F2-3854-404D-8FFB-D13A8B…)

>>738988I think it’s just a panorama.
>>739563Her insta is private but there’s some stuff on her Tellonym that’s interesting. We all know messing with ports is peak munchie behavior and apparently her best friend died of doing so, pic related. Birds of a feather flock together after all.
No. 739701
File: 1543399485913.jpeg (390.69 KB, 1116x1667, A1F80502-2962-4153-B4B9-C7D7C8…)

Anyone else do a double take before realising she isn’t actually 40?! So much awkward in one pic
No. 739754
>>739701This is how you know it isnt for the recovery (how can it ever be when u dedicate a social media for it lol)
But really you wanna celebrate 40k ppl watching you starve your ass and be pathetic as if it isnt one big circle jerk with no actual goal of being healthy because you're literally celebrating being your own disorder account and building a sort of audience out of it.
No. 740024
>>739786She's not denying the diabetes. She just happens to have anorexia as well.
This one she isn't that milky. Just sad.
No. 740163
File: 1543453063683.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.96 KB, 650x485, ballet-7-650x485.jpg)

>>737944>>737754she is in more danger dancing en pointe then she would be dancing normal ballet at her size. everyone who knows anything about ballet knows what those shoes do and i can't imagine how her feet look. between the fact most of her body is bone. like
>>737765 said. they are only letting her dance because of the fact it is likely a small school and the dance moms would lose it. yet, in the photo she posted all of the girls are various sizes and i can't believe they are letting a girl this size that is mostly bone dance EN POINTE. if she was a dancer with a main part i can't imagine the crowds reaction to a skelly girl dancing pointe. i just hope she uses those shoes for show even if shes been trained to do pointe she shouldn't be. any sane teacher would see that.
No. 740371
File: 1543486275003.png (518.08 KB, 370x658, Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 9.08…)

ill disguised body checks once again.. honestly shocked that her followers don't see through her bullshit now that she's literally only eating raw vegan food
No. 740406
File: 1543491951220.jpeg (200.87 KB, 750x1334, 92F4ACDF-D37F-4DBC-B646-861A20…)

Smorven’s back to remind everyone that she’s still super super sick (not with an ED though) and needs to be on the highest level of 1:1 supervision. They really need to cut funding for this lazy malingerer.
No. 740425
File: 1543496744628.jpg (97.45 KB, 780x1080, lil_ghoul.jpg)

>>740163Absolute agree with that one! A serious ballet dancer will need a lot of muscles (quads and glutes, look it up) and heaps of hard training sessions to be good at it.
Our ghoulish, emaciated friend Thayna will see her ballet posing as a means for bodychecking and gaining some postive attention.
Every serious trainer and/or school would reject her, due to her painfully obvious haggard and skeletal features.
No. 740426
File: 1543497124773.jpg (163.85 KB, 1080x1349, grashopper_legs.jpg)

Those legs will only get you to the next wheelchair…
No. 740427
>>739024And exactly that will happen very often when two outspoken attention seekers meet… They will immediately try to rob each other and no one gives away something.
The result is a train crash.
No. 740473
File: 1543505633819.png (223.77 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2434.PNG)

This girl is ridiculous. She's like 19 or so, left treatment ama, & is back again playing games. She posted body shots then deleted them calling herself disgusting & fat & such. She talks about how she's "could die any minute" & "things are that bad" ALL the time. Shes obviously underweight, but I wouldn't see near death either. It's always about how sick they say she is.
No. 740477
>>740468Absolutely right. And that close-knit bunch of proanas doesn't look like pure ballet fans to me, either.
It's all about letting them rattle their bones.
No. 740557
>>740523It’s getting ridiculous. Clearly by this point it’s evident that inpatient isn’t doing her any favours so why not allocate the funding to someone who is willing to change their situation? Out of all the cows, the ones who continue to waste beds and tubes and nurses’ time on units for the sake of it are the worst.
Sage for rant.
No. 740604
File: 1543517627690.png (210.36 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2455.PNG)

She's also always talking numbers and telling everyone how she's gained 4 whole pounds in two weeks and all of her eating disorder behaviors at meals. Like hiding butter and smearing things so that she doesn't have to eat it. She is an American adult who has rights to her own medical decisions. Why is she there then?!
No. 740622
>>740425exactly! not to sperg but she is just using the whole ~*dainty ballerina*~ aesthetic to play apart of her ED related delusions. which is a sad part of proana fucks thinking all ballerinas are anorexic and bones when many are very lean and muscular!! there's already a good stigma and issue of EDs within ballet schools and this doesnt girl def doesnt help aka
>>740477 is right and these skelly
ballerinas want the aesthetic of being a ballerina which is somehow being bone and not lean muscle? these girls definitely read the books bunheads and tiny pretty things aka popular books about ballet and the eating disorder stigma and got hooked to that thought.
No. 740797
>>740695>>740604That lil' beeyoch should be
thankful about the very fact, that she receives some treatment. Jesus F. Christ on a pogostick.
What kind of ungrateful, disgusting behavior.
No. 740942
File: 1543539662145.jpeg (255.48 KB, 750x1124, 1C2EF18A-0697-4B6C-A2FF-70BC22…)

Kelsey girl is out of treatment and back to poorly shopping her pics
No. 741167
>>741139Better give up all your hope.
She's beyond every reasoning.
No. 741223
File: 1543580893751.jpg (74.97 KB, 800x360, stupid_bug_eyes.jpg)

>>739123That stupid, stupid bug eyes.
No. 741281
>>740406If they took her phone away I'm sure she'd do a lot better- she spends hours on Instagram and no doubt ED related stuff.
If I was on level4 1:1 and the nurse vanished I'd be looking for a way to get out/sh/suicide not sitting taking photos! She just likes the attention and someone to talk to as she's so rude to everyone else,
No. 741337
File: 1543599170276.jpeg (378.05 KB, 499x768, 82D195C6-B5CE-4259-BB5C-C888FA…)

>>740942We love a good photoshop queen
No. 741362
>>741337 Now
THAT'S a seriously bent door frame…
Holy noob Photoshop skills, Batman.
No. 741585
File: 1543625606699.jpg (282.63 KB, 1080x1578, IMG_20181201_114746.jpg)

Can the photoshop autists here confirm how much shopping is going on in these pics of Kelsey?
I noctice the shadow in this, between her legs. But I'm not a photoshop queen.
Including captions even though they're not that milky.
No. 741586
File: 1543625785739.jpg (Spoiler Image,415.92 KB, 1080x1716, IMG_20181201_114906.jpg)

>>741585Looks like the outer thigh is untouchrd compared to the first photo anon posted a few days ago.
No. 741592
File: 1543625975439.jpg (Spoiler Image,463.16 KB, 1080x1792, IMG_20181201_114947.jpg)

>>741589I don't even need to ask about this one. Look at the shape of her thighs.
No. 741593
File: 1543626109204.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.61 KB, 508x651, IMG_20181201_115046.jpg)

>>741592This one actually needs a spoiler, sorry for the rest. cw for naked spoop on the beach.
No. 741594
File: 1543626272171.jpg (Spoiler Image,365.18 KB, 1080x1473, IMG_20181201_120249.jpg)

>>741593Also spoilered for spoopy bones on beach.
Does she shoop these full on bones photos? There's another laying down photo at the beach I can post if you need more content to analyse.
No. 741682
>>741585Inner thigh shop and lower hip
>>741586Slight inner thigh shop, possible outter claf as well
>>741589Major inner thigh shopping. Just look at how her shorts are seemingly being held up by air. That’s where he leg really was. Again, possible calf shopping
>>741592Legit made her knees wider
>>741593Major arm and leg shopping. You can tell where her body was if you zoom in. It seems like she applies a sharpening feature to her photos which can make it easier to spot
>>741594Another photoshop gone wrong
She clearly has little knowledge of human anatomy. It’s obvious that she is thin to begin with but it’s impossible for her body to have proportions like this. Her ribs are much too faint to match up with any of these leg/arm shopping combos. Perhaps that’s why she’s begun photoshopping her rib cage as well
No. 741911
File: 1543681546688.jpg (10.47 KB, 474x266, EIehR1T4CUmbLGA5TNBMGwHaEK.jpg)

>>741887Let's just hope that she doesn't need to suffer any longer…
No. 741961
File: 1543690102766.jpeg (396.61 KB, 750x1292, 44C5BEF9-250E-4B64-A54D-9CF624…)

Oh Jesus save us
No. 741966
File: 1543691708601.png (954.13 KB, 750x1334, 0BDDC068-8241-4AD1-B027-397A96…)

Spaceships Xmas list…. gotta make sure we get that pants size in there! And “three gold chains of varying style and length” she says even if she doesn’t get anything she’ll be content, you know that spoiled narcissist would flip if mommy and daddy didn’t get her everything she wanted kek
No. 742089
File: 1543703326961.jpeg (131.71 KB, 640x876, DD3A6168-5FC5-4D63-B676-EA5615…)

Meanwhile, in JTE land. She is still in hospital, and ofc much sick.
No. 742090
File: 1543703390875.jpeg (227.59 KB, 640x899, 1C943312-06C8-4006-8E0B-74D78C…)

and more JTE
No. 742093
File: 1543703754314.jpeg (183.48 KB, 640x888, D15B3BF0-EDEA-4C7D-A1E7-0B28BE…)

My bad forgot to submit pic related
No. 742401
>>742093PTSD from fucking what..?
In those modern time one might get it because of some lack of online attention?
JFC, what a twat.
No. 742431
File: 1543764687998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.09 KB, 633x1180, image.jpeg)

What ever happened to this girl?
No. 742798
File: 1543812521346.jpeg (245.85 KB, 750x1334, 3F79E081-8ED1-4EA6-9772-057F66…)

>>717028someone I know who’s pretty deep into the recovery community (not a cow so username blacked out) just posted this, no details but I think she’s actually died.
No. 742803
File: 1543812935340.png (650.51 KB, 750x1334, 69783F70-7243-43B3-88C4-7C247C…)

>>742798#suicide it would seem.
No. 742805
File: 1543813089006.png (649.87 KB, 750x1334, 1F21179F-A222-4062-93F7-DEB8E1…)

>>742802A family member started a gofundme for her parents funeral expenses etc, i know people are always kind to the dead but it’s tragic to see how many people are so obviously touched by her passing. Everything is using the terms “sudden” and “unexpected” as well, which always means suicide in these cases.
No. 742834
File: 1543817400605.jpg (374.56 KB, 1080x1681, IMG_20181203_170638.jpg)

Can't remember if we've talked about her, but I hate the way she's thinspo-posing with that shit eating grin.
No. 743075
>>742912She somehow can't eat due to "trauma", yet she can drink zero calorie liquids (not supplements or anything with calories) and can swallow meds but not food? She's clearly manipulating the system for attention and its so disrespectful to people with actual consequences from trauma. I mean seriously, calories
trigger your PTSD? Just close your eyes or something smh
No. 743176
File: 1543873802776.jpg (742.57 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181204-080339.jpg)

i dont get it. she should be enjoying this moment instead of postin like that.
No. 743200
File: 1543875682853.jpg (204.02 KB, 1080x1082, maur.jpg)

>>743190I didnt select the edit, whew. Here we go again.
Anyway, pic related. Do these angles indicate photoshop?
No. 744882
File: 1544133254615.jpg (19.98 KB, 315x145, potkettle.JPG)

>>744816Speaking of.
I had to lol.
No. 744942
>>744888>at first I thought it was some sort of forceful oral sex situation but she’s underage?? TIL you can't get sexually abused if you're a minor.
No. 745027
>>744888she also used to eat normal food two years ago. so she has eaten since her 'trauma'. she's clearly just anorexic and realised if she blames trauma she can get away with it. how long till she gets recalled to hospital for refusing her feeds?
the thing to me that makes it obvious she's lying is she'll only drink cal free drinks. also she wants to be a nurse. what is with this nursing obsession with snow flakes?????
another boring anorexic teen
No. 745163
>>744928Eating disorders don't have an age gate, so it's pretty weird to say "pretty late". Example, it's surprisingly quite common for mothers to develop eating disorders given
triggering events in their lives, child birth, having kids fly the nest.
If you have the genetic competent all it really takes is for a calorie restriction (for what ever reason) to kick start the obsession. There's been case studies of where someone went into hospital for an operation, and was unable to eat for a period of time, which then led to the development of an eating disorder. It's not just a teenager affliction.
No. 745375
File: 1544215694083.jpeg (654.12 KB, 1242x1756, 2BB083A4-EB6D-45FD-94EB-7F7A4A…)

Eugenia cooneys fans are beyond delusional. You don’t need to be a doctor to see there’s something wrong with her kek
No. 745393
>>745163Eating disorder can occur at any age, but to develop one a year after a significant trauma is not statistically common. Most people have symptoms a couple years before the real start of their ed or are
triggered by a specific event. I also just wonder who told her she had ptsd. Blogging: in my personal experience I had no idea I had ptsd so it seems odd that she has been diagnosed if she hasn’t been able to express the traumatic events from her life. In North America you need to have a qualifying trauma to be diagnosed and if she hasn’t been able to verbalize the situation i don’t understand how she has been diagnosed. It’s almost as if she is telling the internet she has ptsd as a cover for her behavior but the hospital knows different. It’s a mess but basically you can have stereotypical ptsd symptoms but not have a qualifying trauma that caused them and thus, no ptsd diagnosis for you
(blogging) No. 745980
>>745393I must be missing something, but just because she doesn’t broadcast her trauma on the internet doesn’t mean it isn’t there. That’s between her and her team.
Also, that’s retarded. “Qualifying traumatic events” have an extremely wide definition. Most people have had at least one qualifying traumatic event in their life: be it sexual assault, domestic abuse (especially child abuse, including something as basic as spanking,) injury, natural disasters, death of family members, etc. Even witnessing OTHER people experience any of these traumas counts as a qualifying traumatic event via the DSM-V. Obviously not everyone who experiences these develops PTSD, but your anecdotal evidence makes you sound like a jackass.
No. 746454
>>745393I agree.
She can’t even talk about it so how on earth has she “been diagnosed” with it? To receive the diagnosis is quite complex and details have to be given.
In my opinion she’s a compulsive liar and has no respect for those who actually suffer. Always flaunting her tube and keeping everything unknown to her followers.
No. 746759
>>746441- Exposure to life threatening trauma is a common occurrence, with the majority of the population experiencing one or more of these events during their lifetime.
- Approximately 1 in 10 persons exposed to a potentially traumatic event will develop PTSD
Source: Black Dog Institute.
No. 746856
File: 1544459183596.jpeg (514.61 KB, 750x942, 8EB074A7-3ABA-43EA-A486-065E74…)

Is it me or is this arm photo shop astounding kek come on amy….
No. 746859
File: 1544459659382.png (1.17 MB, 1334x750, C68836BD-8965-4FB9-BA72-0E6E38…)

>>746856Also here’s what she currently looks like according to her vlogs where she can’t poorly edit her body thinner… I wonder when she’s going to stop reshaping her body for insta photos, it’s obvious in her video that she does not look that way anymore and is laughable that’s she’s trying to pass it off but ok amy lol
No. 746866
File: 1544460555732.png (1.09 MB, 1334x750, C5EE0BBE-0E2F-4B30-AE24-7323A9…)

>>746859And one more pic, I can’t find the exact vlog but it was a recent one where she was talking about her weight gain and how she thought she was getting “too fat” or something along those lines, since ppl accuse her of having an Ed all the time I was pretty surprised she’d admit to this in the video, if anyone can find that one and post the name for everyone else that be cool. These screen shots are from the video called pregnant or gastroparesis, she talks about how she really doesn’t like her butt. I wonder if it’s bc she’s gaining and she’s not all skelly anymore? Anyway I wonder how long she’ll be on Tpn and how long she’s going to continue to photo shop her insta uploads when she no longer looks visibly underweight at all
No. 746871
>>746866I'm surprised if she legit has an ed.
Considering her body that is.
>inb4 weight doesn't define if someone has an ed or notAbsolutely true, but considering she has been "left alone" with her ed, you'd think she'd be below normal bmi.
No. 747054
File: 1544477637057.jpg (278.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181210-232541.jpg)

I fucking cringed.
No. 747579
>>747467Not dubs, but deserves to be checked.
Thanks for putting that clearer than I could have, based anon.
No. 747625
>>747582 Probably look at her legs in these post from her vlogs that came before this EDS event
>>746859>>746866And taking a second look at her legs here
>>746856 the design or mat on the floor at the bottom of the stairs is highly distorted lol, good eye anon
No. 747753
Check it out, Anna finally admits her orthorexia, cuz it's hella long (and super Christian):
"I’ve learned and realized some things about myself recently and, though it’s hard to admit, I feel called to share them with you all in hopes that it might open your eyes to areas of your own life as it has opened mine.
I was vegan for 5 years, lost 30 pounds (my body does not do well on lots of insoluble fiber…I couldn’t digest ANYTHING and was literally starving to death as a vegan with so much plant matter…) and my sanity, and just kept getting sicker.
I kept getting sicker…so kept getting stricter with my diet. I went raw vegan in May 2017. Fruitarian in October. Kept getting sicker. My acute pancreatitis turned into chronic, and I was forced into a 5 month juice fast. I had done it all—I had even dry fasted, the HIGHEST level of detox. And I kept getting sicker.
I started including animal foods back in my diet after feeling prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit. I started feeling better, but only slightly.
But I couldn’t break free…I was afraid. And I couldn’t figure out why…until The Lord spoke TRUTH to my spirit that hit me like a ton of freaking BRICKS on my chest. My fear? My restrictive behavior around food? My inability to let go and enjoy life and food for fear that one cookie will blow up my pancreas? That is the definition of disordered eating.
This will be controversial but clean eating, vegetarianism, veganism, paleo, keto, And lifestyles/diets that intentionally demonize certain foods or food groups and push a super strict methodology, chalking it up to “being healthy,” “taking care of our bodies,” and even “honoring our temples”…even many “healing journeys” are oftentimes coverups for eating disorders, or can quickly spiral into one, as my healing journey spiraled into one. Being able to plaster a label on your diet does not make you healthy…in fact, it most likely will make you spiral into an unhealthy mindset—that of “good food” and “bad food,” and the belief that if you consume the “bad food,” you will suddenly burst into flames and explode from toxicity. Fearing foods that aren’t “clean” or organic is not normal…and it’s the definition of an eating disorder called orthorexia (the obsession with healthy food and fear of unhealthy food).
There’s a part of me that is very ashamed I fell victim to disordered eating…I mean I have much bigger things to worry about like my failing pancreas, kidneys, liver, and the countless infections swimming in my lungs…not to mention my pathetic colon that may not have a home inside me for much longer. I’m ashamed…embarrassed.
I’m fighting this demon—orthorexia…disordered eating…food fear
No. 747870
>>747753You know what? Good for her. She's still an absolute holy-rolling lunatic, and I think it'll take just a little more therapy for her to realize that in all likelihood her body is failing BECAUSE of her absolutely insane diet. The way she says she was "forced" to do a 5-month juice fast is just… ridiculous. If you try something and then your condition gets worse, you're supposed to undo whatever you tried. Not take a nosedive down the rabbit hole towards dry fucking fasting. That's not healthy for anyone, least of all someone with CF and chronic pancreatitis.
But… Good for her. I honestly thought "God's" voice in her head was going to tell her to continue starving herself until it killed her. I'm glad that voice became a little kinder to her.
No. 747925
>>747753Ooh, that was unexpected! Will she be eating actual goddamn Cinnamon Toast Crunch now?
I really hope that it isn't too late for her, though I kinda think it is. It would be horrible to die of your eating disorder only after you've started to realize just what you've done to yourself.
No. 747986
>>747753>There’s a part of me that is very ashamed I fell victim to disordered eating…I mean I have much bigger things to worry about like my failing pancreas, kidneys, liver, and the countless infections swimming in my lungsIt's great that she admitted her orthorexia. Unfortunately, she doubled down on her munchausen's.
One step forward, one step back.
No. 748002
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“Crippling low self esteem” coming from spaceship one of the biggest anachan narcissists this is actually hilarious. “My body dysmorphia is pretty intense” yet she takes several body checks wearing bra and underwear to post for her thousands of followers… right lol
No. 748013
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Hair on her spoon 🤢🤢🤢
No. 748041
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>>747753she is finally hopping on the eating disorder recovery train because anyone with a functioning brain can see through her attempts at cystic fibrosis warrior.
this is no doubt a ploy to try to placate earth mommma by eating the weird herb/laxative/cinnamon laden meals in the guise that there are totally calories in them.
anna been chatting with @introvertedclaire, who is pic related, getting all sorts of asspats for being totally recovering from her anorexia. no doubt anna is jealous and wanting to worm her way into the same attention ana butterflies get for their vegan gluten free fruitarian paleo diets. she ruined their thanksgiving plans and made her rents change summer family trip plans because of her cranky panky. there is little doubt she cannot get away with 40 day grape juice fasts followed by 2 week apple cleanses in a row anymore.
her father could give a shit, but im sure her mother is absolutely over her antics. but they are good christ fearing people, this surely is just the devil and not annas selfish flailing for attention and love in the midst of wanting to unite her family despite earth momma and daddy not being together
No. 748401
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she does know we can tell she’s like. leaning forward and sticking her ass back, right? like if you’re gonna ana pose at least make it not obvious as fuck. not to nitpick but whenever i see her stuff i’m just like how fucking stupid can you be. you’re just an average thin girl with a normal bmi contorting your body to look smaller and making it obvious as absolute hell that you’re doing it.
No. 748581
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>>748401Agreed especially when this is her intake lol no true anachans eating this processed garbage and proudly sharing it
No. 748853
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Easy to get along with? Judging by how she explains her family interactions that’s absolutely not true lol.
No. 748857
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>>748853And part two, claims to have a high iq yet doesn’t know how much a liter is…. sure Jan. She’s so damn full of herself and lacks so much self awareness, someone with a high iq surely would be more aware of how they are coming off to others. Especially with how rediculous her answers to these asks are. I mean maternal instinct? How the hell would she even know that when her heads so far up her own arse and she doesn’t ever think about anyone else. Guys this is the person who took bodycheck thinspo selfies at her damn grandmas funeral…. she doesn’t care about her parents and is in a one sided competition with her sister (who prolly gives no shits) to be the thinner daughter. Nothing at all about her shows that she has even an ounce of care for anyone other than herself.
No. 749035
>>748853"Strong maternal instinct"
She's not a mother for one and for two, most women like babies, that's not a particularly special or positive trait.
No. 749039
>>749002That and her rib flare bother me. I wish wannarexics realized that having protruding ribs (or sucking in until your ribs jut out) doesn’t mean you’re emaciated. It means your posture is bad and your core is weak.
It’s the same nonsense as tensing their neck tendons to look thinner.
No. 749179
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>>749162Speaking of wannarexic poses, this girl is so fucking cringeworthy I can hardly stand it. But it’s kind of entertaining at times so here we are. But how low does your IQ have to be to think that forcing your shoulders forward this much Is fooling anyone? Like congratulations you have clavicles, and so does every other human, and so too will theirs show if they push their shoulders as far forward as possible. Like?? Help me understand
No. 749293
File: 1544828810026.jpeg (182.1 KB, 750x1334, F3CBAB18-256A-433D-B8C0-45368D…)

What does she mean by “convey” everything she made the first appointment for? If your sick your sick if your not your not… by saying convey it sounds more like “starve myself so I have heart abnormalities” idk between constantly referring to her facility as the cancer treatment center, saying she’s terminal without treatment and wearing the hat with her hair all tucked in it looks like she’s hopping down the munchie trail. She can’t get into these appointments probably Bc her issues aren’t as pressing as she claims they are. Like you said
>>748401She’s just an average thin girl. And now that’s the whole anachan thing has run its course she’s trying to get more attention and asspats with this anemia thing. I love the comment at the end tho, no spaceship your face looks exactly the same round cheeks and healthy. The only off thing about her is the dark circles which is obviously lighting/editing Bc she doesn’t look like that in other pictures
No. 749511
File: 1544879046424.jpg (170.19 KB, 1080x628, 20181215_200250.jpg)

Somebody sent this to Honeyfox despite the fact that she's rarely discussed as she's not milky at all
No. 749512
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Posting this because an anon was asking about the Campbell twins a while ago. Katy's ig is @miraclemiffy.
No. 749563
File: 1544891735842.jpeg (146.57 KB, 1242x728, F4040F12-1795-4A53-8D05-B1CDB4…)

>>749293spaceship: does my face look thinner?
person: no
18 likesspaceship: well actually my face does look thinner so
you can tell that comment was making her absolutely lose it. the rest of the comments are just a circle jerk of uwu u look so fragile but i think it’s hilarious that she asked a question and got one answer she didn’t like so she had to explain why they’re wrong and why she’s still a rightful ana queen
No. 749585
File: 1544895725550.jpg (41.33 KB, 366x525, legz.JPG)

>>749563Is it wanarexic butterflies who follow her or what. I mean, she's not fat but these aren't legs I'd think ana chans would regard as #goals.
No. 749608
>>749563Kek her response is so extra, when the responses aren’t want she wants she gets so damn defensive trying to convince everyone she’s so sick dainty and fragile.. she doesn’t look old at all she looks exactly her age, round cheeks, full head of hair… what the hell is a “cheek gap” anyway?
>>749585I would say so, and your right she’s just an average slender girl who sucks it in for the ribs like in this
>>749162 No. 749682
File: 1544913768186.png (888.23 KB, 1047x1248, IMG_20181215_223931.png)

Dunno if she's ever been discovered, was, constantly posts about how fat she is, eats the same boring crap, rude as he'll to everyone on her tellonym, doesn't say her weight but answers really horribly to anyone who tries to guess or even says her weight is low. Don't know if she milky or just rude af.
No. 749687
>>749682Ugh I'm a twat who apparently can't spell *posted not discovered
*hell not he'll
No. 749705
>>749619Everyone else with aplastic anaemia gets a bone marrow transplant (looked on ig hashtag and Dr Google). Does she claim she's had a transplant?
>>749682The top of her legs look too long and the inner thighs are all bumpy wtf. Her calves would be thinner too. Jesus my thighs are nothing like hers but my calves are thinner. One of her knees (her right one) looks like a corner too while the other is round. I'm saying shoop here.
No. 749707
File: 1544919927198.jpg (21.79 KB, 268x545, sh00p.JPG)

See, all these lumps and bumps and straight angles are all wrong.
No. 749717
File: 1544921101720.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1249, IMG_20181216_004432.png)

I don't understand how this is possible
No. 749738
>>749717It's not.
It's not possible for a body to distribute fat in such a way that it all goes into your fingers an none into your legs.
Her hand would not be that normal and meaty if her legs really looked like that, she'd have spidery claws like all severe anachans do.
No. 749741
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>>749717What real skelly knees/legs look like, courtesy of Ash
>>>/snow/241927 No. 749759
File: 1544929463763.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1201, IMG_20181216_004347.png)

that's one pointy knee
No. 750213
File: 1545057762339.png (7.4 MB, 1242x2208, E3AB9ED8-0966-481C-AFB9-913426…)

I never noticed this woman’s photoshop skills until recently. I can’t even fathom looking at this and thinking it looks real???
No. 750215
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>>750213And another because kek
No. 750345
What's the milk with her? I mean, she's here
>>730756 but she's private.
No. 751106
File: 1545231839307.png (225.86 KB, 750x1334, 881F1E14-14F3-40D0-BFE6-D01BD4…)

Another extremely rediculous and hard to believe post from spaceship. her friend asked her to remove the mask…. and she refers to what I’m guessing is sick people as “her population” lol what the hell is this nonsense! She’s either straight up lying to make her writing sound like a story or she’s lost it… this is delusional
No. 751428
File: 1545276949865.png (928.06 KB, 750x1334, 0310D8B6-A51C-4345-92A7-CC09E6…)

Part 1: “I’m not trying to be sexy let me wear my granny panties in peace”
No. 751432
File: 1545277159995.png (889.2 KB, 750x1334, DD693A3B-E727-4F28-8F9E-E1FABC…)

>>751428Part 2: says she’s not trying to be sexy in her posts yet one of the next story posts is her in a damn thong, sitting bare ass on the counter, sticking her toungue out… claims she had I high iq in previous stories yet doesn’t understand why men bombard her dm saying she’s hot or sexy… jeez spaceship your either in denial that your attention seeking or just actually dumb
No. 751573
File: 1545318626025.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 5B7E961F-9919-4796-9768-372F08…)

Loooool what a photo to post whilst replying to such a thing she is so narcassistic and desperate for attention on her body
No. 751587
>>751573I swear she thinks she's a hell of a lot thinner than she actually is. (I think this is a shoop as well? Bend on the wood thing she's next to and the door).
How about instead of asking random children to give you a hug you grow the fuck up?
No. 751613
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>>751605I saved it because I was all ??? as to why she thought this pic was ~shocking~
No. 751682
File: 1545337465262.jpeg (393.93 KB, 1098x1599, D86B4E62-7244-488A-BB26-74D761…)

In her Monday vlog, she said her iron was low but hemglobin normal. She was pissed at not being given an iron transfusion, By Thursday, she needs a blood transfusion. How convenient and unlikely. Wonder how that happened…hmm….
No. 752051
>>752030That’s exactly what I’m saying here
>>751689 Your probably right and I figured she’s probably blood letting. A couple other spoonie ppl and ana ppl have gotten blood transfusions I think she’s just trying to cross it off her list while she has the Hickman. I’m just wondering how the doctors aren’t on to her munching there and her obvious eating disorder? I hope she doesn’t seriously hurt herself or get an infection but it seems she’d welcome that to take attention off the eating disorder behaviors, purging, chewing and spitting etc
No. 752052
File: 1545402774130.jpeg (152.53 KB, 750x594, E34B22ED-B544-40A7-AA52-964866…)

The title should have been “I wanted a Blood Transfusion” kek she covers this like it’s major news you know she’s so excited to be “needing” one
No. 752121
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Not sure if what the persons saying is true or not, I’m no medfag, but Amy’s response is… interesting
No. 752123
File: 1545415938121.jpeg (271.97 KB, 750x1079, 27B265E6-0394-4E45-BF72-9C7965…)

>>752030Idk of your right or not but according to amy there’s no iron in her tpn lol. This is a comment on her newest insta post.
No. 752542
File: 1545481890845.jpeg (77.28 KB, 670x631, image.jpeg)

'Yummy dance'? I think she's been watching too much of Paris.
No. 752671
>>752542>>752612Nah, she's not milky. I saw her insta and not one ana pose or anything that would make you think she was in any way an attention hoe.
I don't think it's helpful to upload videos of herself having panic attacks after eating because I imagine that could put those with EDs off trying foods if they see her breakdown afterwards.
Idk, I think it's some kind of accountability for her? Good luck to her. I don't think she's milky though and it must take balls to eat the things she's served up.
No. 752748
and I thought just straight up throwing up or laxatives were extreme
No. 752819
File: 1545530009662.jpeg (166.53 KB, 638x949, BDFDB340-DB28-4807-87BB-D77E48…)

Wtf is this even possible within less than three weeks?? Is there shooping here?
No. 753346
File: 1545623285787.jpeg (70.9 KB, 662x419, image.jpeg)

>>752542She did look quite sick- but why show your rub cage off? Wear a t-shirt. Have had a look at her YouTube stuff- would have thought she might have gained more weight if she's eating and keeping down everything she films. She's obsessed by food- all she vlogs about.
No. 753452
>>753348Why on earth anon? There's more countries than just USA & UK, and why split the milk up (or lack there of). That being said we'd then need another thread for all the aussie self-posters. It's not like the languages are different.
Also, it seems like Kasia was hospitalised when everything went quiet and diagnosed with being bipolar (would that have explained any of her out there behaviours? or nah?), not sure if she's still claiming to have chronic lethal mortal ragnarok arrhythmia though, she stopped with the "mauri resuscitates me everyday" thing.
No. 753624
>>753461If it's not obvious to the majority of people there probably isn't any milk. Not to WK but all I see with her is a girl who is trying to get well. She's recording it for accountability and to push herself, she doesn't seem to be on Paris's weird level and does seem to be making progress. Maybe time will tell but the thread is not for monitoring people solely with eating disorders.
And PLEASE sage if you have nothing to add, it's all you 'typeofanons' seem to have in common.
That being said, did anything come from that mum and daughter who vanished off social media when everyone thought the mum was using the daughter and posting for her? I remember it was mentioned that they came back to social media under a different account. ((dug it back up, ashleyshalleat - my browser lags like hell when posts reach max for some reason))
No. 753643
File: 1545688028087.jpeg (501.65 KB, 750x1104, A7E651AE-F991-4DA6-B6B8-05AC16…)

update Christmas Eve of all days
still 1:1 obviously
special cos rugby team
bored HCA doodles
No. 753694
File: 1545692888011.jpg (121.35 KB, 928x564, aa.JPG)

>>753624I haven't found ashleyshalleat anywhere. If there's a new account it wouldn't serve the purpose why her martyr mother created it (for attention). I do think of her often though.
This is the last thing I saw about her No. 753932
File: 1545757648158.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1424, IMG_20181225_170648.png)

What even? Can she be any more obvious with her shopping?
No. 755845
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No. 755879
File: 1546110016812.png (Spoiler Image,829 KB, 1048x778, ana4.png)

VK is full of high octane ana cringe, who the fuck gets off on this shit?
No. 755883
File: 1546110215369.png (Spoiler Image,469.46 KB, 888x571, ana7.png)

No. 756007
File: 1546120405110.png (383.4 KB, 1057x434, buy me stuff.png)

>>755950Pic: shades of Ash.
Every fucking upload she's talking about some dramu. If I was her mum I'd stick her in a care home. She's said she doesn't want to recover so why are people enabling her?