No. 263942
McKenna Kaelin is a resident special snowflake on YT, who has made waves with her controversial conversion to Buddhism while planting greenery in severed Buddha heads. She has become over 400% more annoying in recent months as her sub count grows. She uses her Turkish heritage as a catch-all excuse for her ignorance towards other cultures and religions, and is heavily influenced by Avatar: The Last Airbender.
She claims the Air nomads are clearly buddhist, and that she’s taken, like, a million online quizzes, including one that took her 25 minutes, and that she’s been told she’s an Air nomad in every single one.
Other special snowflake attributes include:
Literally claiming that she’s been told she smells like fresh baked cookies
A yawn-inducing obsession with the autumn months so she can be even more tumblr aesthetic
Has claimed she is 99% sure she is narcoleptic
Has also claimed to be h2O intolerant.
Claimed in a past Q&A to have no interest in tea, but recently made a tea/coffee station DIY and now never shuts up about tea in her poorly painted doodles for instagram.
Carries on like the next sugoii kawaii uguuuu princess and loves BL
Recently claimed to be aromantic and asexual
Tailors all her clothes herself because she’s just SO TINY N SMOL!!!! /buys everything from F21
Claims to be an utter bookworm but blatantly isn’t
Pretends to have knowledge about crystals
Writes cringe inducing poems entirely about herself for a segment called “Write Here, Write Now”
Used to commute like a 4 hour journey to work minimum wage at Disney then quit her job to do yt full time even though she never sticks to her schedule
Complains that she should not be subject to any form of criticism whatsoever from her viewers because being a youtuber is sooo haaard
Jumped on harry potter bandwagon just to literally introduce her own new "hogwarts house" which is just a poorly written self insert
claims she is producing a poetry book for us to "look forward to"
Links below:
http://simply-kenna.tumblr.com/ for real she's a milky bitch and generally a good laugh if you need something to watch for a sensible chuckle.
No. 263979
>>263966Same. The only
problematic thing she's done as far as I'm aware is say queer or retarded or something and people freaked out and she horribly attempted to backpedal. I thought her obsession with Disney was kind of cringey and a lot of her makeup tutorials look the same but ehh.
No. 267972
>>267965her "poetry" is so generic and cringey and just awful oh my god. you can tell she's forcing the poet thing for the aesthetic.
dear autum
i know that you are near
but when you're gone
i begin to feel as if
i just might d i s a p p e a r
don't let yourself get stuck,
and if you begin to feel
as if you are…
jump right on into outer space
float amongst the stars
maybe that will change your
you can look down
and realize
the earth is still spinning
the sun is still rising
on the ground the flowers are
in the sky the stars
are shining
and when you're ready
you can float back down
just don't let yourself
get stuck, okay?
things will be alright
don't let yourself get stuck
No. 268229
File: 1489343438961.gif (74.33 KB, 278x340, 1429111411349.gif)

>>267972Jesus Christ did Dennis Rader write this?
it's awful
No. 268237
>>267972This sounds like a bunch of overused banalities shoved into a stream of children's babbling.
Also I used to watch some of her makeup tutorials but couldn't stand to keep watching as she got more and more new-agey trying to create a "unique" and "artsy" persona for views.
No. 269956
File: 1489537573007.jpg (439.23 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_03-14-07.25.17.jpg)

>>269893I see what you mean. That major style change, wow.
No. 270031
>>270030samefag my bad it's mckennatherichemo
apparently she's lying about her peachy clean drugless past too. like it's fine to do drugs or have done them really it's a normal enough thing to do at that age, but denying it so hard and portraying herself as a porcelain princess who has never touched anything of the like? eh
No. 287397
File: 1491716144010.jpg (110.76 KB, 1080x1349, 17662948_1266928070093567_5968…)

She's now shifting her personality into Snow White, because she simply can't like something, she has to BE it! Suddenly she's all into woodland shit and talking about how she wants to talk to animals and all that garbage. It's like starpowerrr reincarnated.
Also, this is what she wore to Disneyland. She tweeted about dodging the cast members because she was afraid they'd ask her to leave. Well, yeah. She's way past the point of the whole Disney Bound thing and on her way to full-fledged cosplay, which is absolutely NOT allowed in the parks. I can easily see some kids mistaking her for the Snow White face character, and you know Kenna just eats that up. She should know better having worked there.
I honestly pray she gets kicked out eventually. A lifetime ban would be even better because her entire persona would crumble.
Also, she's going to Japan this summer specifically to go to Tokyo Disneyland, because y'know, fuck the actual history and culture of Japan!
No. 291943
File: 1492238570015.png (711.8 KB, 1014x1022, jfc.png)

So she's taking ice skating lessons all because of an anime and this is what she wears. Because that's an appropriate outfit to go ice skating in.
I wonder what her teacher must have thought. She has no self-awareness.
No. 291945
File: 1492238816357.png (763.06 KB, 1154x968, delusional.png)

Sage for samefagging, but here's more tweets.
She honestly believes she can be an Olympic ice skater. At age 21.
Fuck all those people who have been training since they were kids, right?! Kenna can TOTALLY MAKE IT! She made other tweets about how she's gonna spite the people doubting her. 21 is like… retirement age in ice skating, but she would know that if she ever: 1. Got her head out of her ass. 2. Legitimately cared about ice skating as a sport and not as a trendy anime thing. Her entire knowledge of it comes from YOI anyways.
The fact that she took her teacher's (who is Russian JUST LIKE HER ANIMES OMG SHE'S SO SPECIAL!!) words serious just proves that she's a delusional narcissist. It was obviously a joke.
No. 291952
File: 1492241026998.jpg (90.15 KB, 1200x675, UHAB9ic.jpg)

>>291945She'd be laughed out of any rink showing up to compete with young kids who already have many years of experience over her. YOI was quite blatant about how competitive ice skating is a youth sport and even a 23 year old champion(Yuri) was almost burnt out.
She's being facetious, right?
No. 291956
>>291945Wow, she really is delusional. She's gonna end up hurting herself, the coach probably just felt bad for her
I can't wait until the YOI hype dies down so all these crazy weebs can get out of the ice rinks.
No. 292152
File: 1492276761867.jpg (34.92 KB, 572x382, main-qimg-c28ecab16610f78f16a3…)

>>287694>>287688Calm down Don, it's just a girl on the internet.
No. 292272
>>292265Seriously, that song makes me wanna kill myself.
>>292218In the "anime food you most want to eat" question she said meat buns. Uh, Kenna? What happened to being a vegetarian? You've only made videos and countless posts about it…
Literally no integrity about anything for the sake of appearing a certain way. What kind of life is that.
No. 292277
File: 1492291040238.png (213.34 KB, 1222x818, meow meow the real mvp.png)

No. 292349
File: 1492297875959.png (35.67 KB, 828x177, what.PNG)

>>292218what the fuck is this comment
No. 292359
File: 1492300378767.jpg (38.23 KB, 838x144, kenna.JPG)

>>292152welcome to lolcow retard
anyway on the video "exposing her" she left a barrage of damage control comments
No. 292576
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No. 292578
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No. 292581
She's such a poser, it's pretty funny. If it weren't for her looks and aesthetics, no one would be interested in this cringeworthy girl.
>>292162Nah, it's because she's a nonbinary/boy/man now.
No. 296003
File: 1492802076744.png (1.87 MB, 946x2521, arttheft.png)

Kenna does not have an original bone in her body. Here is a comparison between hers and the originals.
It really pisses me off that she steals these and gets all these comments on how "original" and "creative" she is when she just copied them? And she, of course, provides no credit to the original artists/designers.
The original coffee watercolor was done by a shop on Etsy called StephanieAlianto, date sold unknown but obviously before Kenna stole it for her "A Painter's Process" series five months ago.
The original design for the Moriar Tea belongs to Tumblr user sirwatson who designed it back in 2012, it seems. Kenna's Sherlock DIY video was three months ago.
Her fans are delusional if they think any idea she has is her own. She steals & copies everything then accuses people of copying her. Hysterical.
No. 296165
File: 1492818634171.png (302.15 KB, 1236x1034, lol.png)

She seems to respond to most "hate" comments. Ignoring them would be easier but she just has to say something. Plus her stupid fans will always defend her.
But I'm loving the fact that the guy calling her out's comments have more likes than hers.
No. 296904
File: 1492906285340.png (733.01 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (74).png)

>>296003Here's an original tattoo of No-Face in a teacup
No. 296906
File: 1492906339683.png (726.12 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (73).png)

>>296904And here's Kenna's copy. All I did was google "no-face in a teacup" and the original artwork came up, posted way before Kenna's.
No. 296931
File: 1492909486675.png (829.35 KB, 1258x3136, lolokay.png)

>>296904>>296906>>296913dude it's a lost cause. pic related was me on yt trying to call her out lol. i shouldn't have done it but it's seriously pissing me off.
as usual, she's in denial. she will never admit to doing anything wrong.
No. 297728
File: 1492990083468.png (162.66 KB, 577x324, Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 6.57…)

Looks who's into K-drama now
No. 297772
>>297728Oh shit.
>>293237 called it. Here it comes. She's probably about to start doing Etude House hauls or something. Expect at least one make up video with Korean products.
No. 297775
>>269956i don't care for her but… the first pic is from 2013. what did y'all look like in 2013? exactly like you do right now? nah, its pretty normal to change your style as time goes by, if she didn't change her haircut and makeup in four years that would be weird.
>>291945the coaches name? albert einstein
>>296003art theft is the dumbest think you could do. someone is going to find out sooner or later, just be fucking original for once for fucks sake.
No. 301395
File: 1493532607585.png (528.89 KB, 808x733, 1.PNG)

No. 301439
>>301395Does she get off on being complimented by strangers, especially those that are children?
I mean, it didn't happen in the first place, just I swear she posts about getting complimented or compared to a fictional character every damn day.
No. 302511
File: 1493690775908.png (133.12 KB, 750x1004, IMG_7186.PNG)

I don't get how people think she's so pretty when she actually looks like a fucking ogre. And her face and "aesthetic " based mainly around shit-brown and other earth tones seem to be her appeal… It's pathetic.
No. 304950
>>302554"someone" made a very similar post on gg about how shes smart to be playing into the trends, blah blah
…mckenna that you?
No. 311832
File: 1494658643158.png (831.11 KB, 693x1548, why would you lie bout somethi…)

what the fuck is wrong with her… why does she think this would make people think she's special?
No. 311834
File: 1494658746148.png (2.6 MB, 1125x2001, the camera turned on by itself…)

more stupid lies
No. 311953
File: 1494684451103.jpg (16.64 KB, 300x235, 1494495507396.jpg)

>>311832>>311834I feel like the only people that believe this shit are other special snowflakes
No. 311967
File: 1494686539265.jpg (75.85 KB, 450x664, IMG_2998.JPG)

>>311834lmfao girl she really reminds me of this old meme
No. 312433
File: 1494733755326.gif (849.55 KB, 450x254, sure kenna.gif)

>>312404not mine found on PULL but here ya go
No. 312476
I love all of you bitches, you can make me hate anyone. I was one of the anons who didn't mind her before in the beginning, but she is progressively getting more and more annoying. I hope she's the next Kiki like
>>302133 said.
No. 312549
File: 1494754381383.png (126.55 KB, 646x394, Screenshot 2017-05-13 23.22.45…)

looks like she used to go by kenna-monster in her early instagram /tumblrwhore days
No. 312550
File: 1494754530476.png (951.69 KB, 854x1246, Screenshot 2017-05-13 23.27.11…)

same shitty "poetry" throughout the years lol one would assume she would have improved but nah
No. 316627
File: 1495215214644.jpg (105.87 KB, 815x542, ew.jpg)

kenna's new tattoo
design is off of google images because obviously kenna would never pay anyone to design anything original for her, she always has to rip something off
No. 316643
File: 1495215829167.jpg (149.34 KB, 959x1169, Color-pinocchio-Step-6.jpg)

>>316627And someone said this was HER sketch? I found this thing on WikiHow.
No. 316662
File: 1495216955712.jpeg (8.28 KB, 174x300, lol.jpeg)

>>316643yeah she literally took in this sketch and added a keyblade to it (not even the wishing star keyblade aka the fucking pinocchio keyblade HAVE YOU EVEN PLAYED KINGDOM HEARTS KENNA)
No. 316798
Oh my god, what an unbelievable moron.
No. 316977
File: 1495247068065.png (389.45 KB, 1123x624, screen1.png)

this bitch is seriously annoying
No. 317513
>>316977Of course, Kenna wouldn't be Queen Snowflake without having a snowflake sexuality.
While there are people who are probably legit "aromantic asexuals", Kenna is just so far up her own ass/is such a narcissist that she probably can't manage to form a meaningful connection with another human being. She doesn't even seem to have any real friends, so no surprise she can't experience romance.
It's easier for her to say "I have no desire to be with someone" rather than admit she's actually just a cunt.
No. 317899
File: 1495341190330.png (1.34 MB, 1300x679, kenna.png)

what the fuck is wrong with Kenna's legs? I think she has a cute face but her lower body is so strange/ugly. At first I thought it was because of that retarded shoes, but she looks exactly the same without them. It's like she's permanently riding a horse.
No. 317903
File: 1495341549127.jpg (41.52 KB, 736x736, kek.jpg)

I wonder who does she loves more than the stars since she's an aromantic asexual? lmao. Okay I'm gonna stop googling this bitch.
No. 317958
File: 1495351388231.png (329.39 KB, 750x462, fJL2zfH.png)

>>317899>>317937She looks bow-legged to me, not knock-kneed.
No. 317990
>>317899She's just short and stubby lol, at the perfect fairy height of 4'11"
but yeah she does look kinda bow-legged and maybe ~all the ice skating~*~*~ is giving her intense leg muscles haha
No. 318751
File: 1495444965458.jpg (116.44 KB, 854x878, kennafillers.jpg)

Pretty sure she's been getting lip fillers. Look how the upper lip looks swollen in the older screenshot.
And in the new one her bottom lip looks double the size of her upper lip while in the old pic it's clearly not as big.
No. 318802
>>318751it's a different style of how she wears her lipstick/liner now. plus she's put on a few pounds in the past few years. I mean, I wouldn't put it past her to get fillers but I don't think she has (yet)
also that top pic is so unfortunately unflattering lol, those stupid mini bangs she cuts herself really don't suit her at all
No. 319186
File: 1495487312905.png (436.99 KB, 1242x2130, IMG_4468.PNG)

>>316627Kek the fuck is up with his eyes
No. 319197
File: 1495487838075.jpg (32.08 KB, 589x677, amy slaton.jpg)

>>319186It's got Amy Slaton eyes. That's such an easy thing to not fuck up too.
No. 319590
>>319457she called it "original disney concept art"
which it's not. It's from wikihow, and has nothing to do with any Disney artist kek
No. 319598
File: 1495520575612.png (55.28 KB, 720x489, 592390be27e6f_Screenshot_20170…)

>grabs her tattoo off of google and pinterest
>gets triggered at the idea of people copying her copied tattoo
No. 321686
>>319598this is hilarious
id love to see someone get the same tattoo, and then credit where she got it from instead of her
No. 322074
File: 1495800809416.png (54.44 KB, 345x500, IMG_1518.thumb.PNG.38968c7fe97…)

Any thoughts on these?
No. 322552
>>322475her first and only set of skates are not fired to fit her feet nor do theh have scuffs from her doing anything.
all bets on yes
No. 323413
File: 1495969047433.png (465.35 KB, 459x594, sdadaad.png)

Is she lying about her hair being curly as well? I mean.. in her older photos her hair is wavy that's all
No. 324069
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No. 324092
File: 1496024508780.gif (619.59 KB, 220x165, tenor.gif)

>>324069God, this is embarrassing
Yeah ok Kenna but the minute the next sparkly brand new flavor of the month sports anime comes out we'll see how much you really love ice skating and YOI
No. 324212
File: 1496034461625.png (196.44 KB, 1236x742, Screenshot 2017-05-28 18.53.23…)

>i luv kpop
>the only kpop i know is BTS
also the reply is gold, there was another one calling her out for fetishizing too
No. 324222
>>324212Unrelated, but is this a common attitude with BTS fans? I always read about people bitching that BTS fans' knowledge of Kpop ends and begins with BTS.
The way this person jumps from trend to trend reminds me of a lite-Jill/Pixielocks, entire image overhauls and all. I don't understand how people lose themselves in interests that only hold vapid importance to them.
No. 324226
>>324222BTS fans do have a bad reputation, as do EXO fans… pretty much… all kpop fans in general
The BTS fans I know are fans of many groups, though. So idk.
No. 325170
>>325155everyones seen it. But idk that just seems like a normal/basic 15/16 year old girl to me. Nothing groundbreaking about it
anyways, Kenna completely re-hauls her entire persona every 7 months so eh, the shock value is null
No. 325418
I've also been subscribed to this girl for a long time but never realized she was such a snowflake due to how boring/uninviting her videos are. Rolling my eyes so hard now that she's suddenly ~kawaii~ and a ~huge kpop stan~.
>>324222She really is like Jill, watching her videos on buddhism from two years ago, her personal style was cookie cutter tumblr boho (free people, urban outfitters aesthetic) and she admitted to becoming interested in buddhism due to avatar the last air bender (???). Her freak outs in the comment section where she writes walls of text to defend herself are unreal. She'll attack her viewers and still has the nerve to claim moral superiority or positivity while being condescending and trying to drag commenters.
There's loads I could rag about but can I just mention one of her diy's in the background of a vid is a starbucks cup sleeve on a glass bottle holding flowers? You're truly creative, kenna.
No. 325479
File: 1496174050896.gif (536.99 KB, 640x360, h16UQ3r.gif)

>>325211I honestly don't know who is more nuts, Kenna, the girl copying Kenna, or their fans who eat up everything they say
No. 326220
>>324222i've been in the kpop fandom for 5 years, typically every few years there's a new trending group that gets a tiny bit of international news (Big Bang and EXO at the EMAs) and bring in new fans. However, BTS just won a BBMA for social media presence and has been doing interviews everywhere in America so they're getting quite a bit of exposure, which is growing their already large international fandom.
in addition, bts makes a lot of hip-hop/trap/"western" inspired music which is more accessible than the average kpop group. All in all it makes it easier for nonkpop fans tbh.
No. 327059
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No. 327065
File: 1496343960373.png (245.27 KB, 1224x796, Screen_Shot_2017-06-01_at_12.4…)

No. 327071
>>327065kek did she try to defend herself from another account without realizing her first name was attached as well?
she must of just selected the wrong google account to post from, which means she has at least one sock puppet account?
Or am I reading into this wrong?
No. 327080
>>327071i think it's a fan account as her actual first name is "mckenna"
the username sounds like a kenna/acacia stan
No. 327137
File: 1496352123021.png (265.28 KB, 380x372, oya.PNG)

>>327001Thank u anon, I thought nobody would get it
>>327059I love it when cows get put in their place
No. 327142
File: 1496352840614.jpg (15.96 KB, 819x103, hmm.JPG)

>>327080it sure as hell sounds like her, but you could be right
No. 327202
File: 1496358751002.png (230.86 KB, 506x500, what.png)

>>324222>The way this person jumps from trend to trend reminds me of a lite-Jill/PixielocksSame, especially with the shit she claims to eat, gives me Jill vibes
No. 327236
File: 1496361307827.png (795.15 KB, 1229x416, Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 4.47…)

>>317851>>325211>>325217>>325479They are both so unoriginal that I doubt either one is copying the other, but if anything it is Kenna who is copying Lunestelle. If you check their IG accounts it's Lunestelle who does everything first. Worst part is that Kenna lets her fans attack her and accuse her of copying her "aesthetic".
No. 327259
>>324080That was the first thing that came to mind. That and those foam furries.
But whatever, at least she's happy I guess.
No. 327294
File: 1496364815323.png (110.03 KB, 644x396, Screen_Shot_2017-06-02_at_12.5…)

No. 327327
>>327294What the actual fuck did I just read?
So this straight girl and "asexual" girl (does she even call herself a girl anymore, I don't know) get to discuss why they love homosexuality as though they have any understanding of it? Just because they watch a fucking cartoon??
No. 327358
File: 1496369685309.jpg (121.48 KB, 885x618, Screenshot_19.jpg)

found this old facebook account of hers. a bit strange of someone who claims to have never been attracted to/interested in sex in her entire life
No. 327499
>>327294is this from the Kpop video?
I can't find it
No. 327654
File: 1496417769313.png (550.43 KB, 742x611, cfghvjhkl.PNG)

>i cAN FEtisHiZe gAy meN If I wANt To
No. 327695
>>327657Nah they're talking about shipping group members together. Kpop fans have always done that with both male and female idols. It's apart of the reason idols aren't allowed to date, not only because fans fantasize about dating them, but they also fantasize about relationships within the group itself.
Fan fiction is intrinsically tied to kpop fandoms, because the idols themselves are essentially playing characters to keep up these illusions and will do shamelessly gay fan service.
None of this relates to Kenna though because she doesn't have any genuine interest or knowledge of kpop communities and I don't know why she's trying to tie this back to her irrelevant snowflake sexuality.
No. 328401
File: 1496500435522.jpg (42.35 KB, 500x280, 1437346945457.jpg)

>>328396good riddance
maybe she's finally realizing she's an idiot
No. 328418
Last time I checked she was sperging on the IG comments of her pride month post about how people bully her for being asexual. She said someone asked her if she had a brain tumor causing her being asexual (lol pretty sure who ever said that was joking but KENNA) and she took that as proof of ace discrimination… and there was more, but I don't remember. I was going to cap but I got lazy + didn't think it was milky enough, just cringy and dumb. Maybe people called her out
No. 328529
>>327294hets always think being gay is like in the movies and cartoons and honestly it's so embarrassing for them to write stuff like this when it only shows how they don't know anything about being gay. fucking hell. hets who excessively squeal over gay couples or "ships" are the worst right after openly homophobic hateful ppl. sage for
triggered rant
No. 328546
>>328519Kpop fans are fucking insane, especially western ones which is even more hilarious tbh. Eat Your Kimchi had immigration called on them when they lived in Korea because they said they didn't like some group so the fans sperged and tried to get them kicked out of Korea, lul.
I wonder if it's the BTS thing or the asexual thing that caused her to close her accounts.
No. 328632
File: 1496533094222.png (604 KB, 931x594, Screenshot 2017-06-03 at 6.36.…)

"#beingstraightwasaphase" lol
No. 328818
>>327294Hahaha holy shit. I grew up with a gay brother, they tend to be slutty degenerates, well into their golden years at that.
This idea of pure and innocent homo love has very obviously been lifted from some BL manga or something.
No. 329107
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No. 329108
File: 1496610397634.png (29.87 KB, 423x246, 2.PNG)

She deleted the part where she calls sexuality a choice
No. 329769
File: 1496704314572.png (1.23 MB, 1228x1308, Screenshot 2017-06-05 13.09.58…)

Sad? Why is she sad? She should be apologetic, embarrassed, and regretful for her actions. But she's SAD. Grow the fuck up Kenna and learn some humility.
No. 330868
File: 1496857321148.png (354.19 KB, 761x713, wwww.png)

Her newest video is bullshit. Painted black stool from ikea white even tho you can buy one in white even cheaper and then made some hideous balls she called cloud.
Kenners army are worse than ever htey are actually helping her to swipe everything under the rug, saying she haven't done anything wrong.
Honestly talking to those people you feel like Newton…
Pic is her ugly ass clouds
No. 331134
>>330868I feel like at least 80% of kennas followers are her aesthetic based fans that don't watch/know anything about anime or kpop so their opinions are just based on what Kenna has talked about in her videos.
All the people that are actually a part of these fandoms do take issue with what kenna has said, which is something I don't think she realizes.
my friend compared her to Trump lol
>me and my friends aren't effected by climate change so everyone else is wrong>me and my fans don't think fetishizing real people is bad so everyone else is wrong No. 334271
File: 1497248722334.png (1.31 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_2839.PNG)

"You only impressing other lames" too funny not to share lol
bc wow kenna no one else will ever start watching one piece ever except ~you~
No. 335305
>>334271~am i crazy for watching a very popular anime that tons of people enjoy? totally xDDDD so quirky!!~
jesus christ i've met 13 year olds who are less cringey than her, how can someone be this determined to be the most special snowflake in the world
No. 335344
>>317513This. Although true asexuals are real, they're pretty rare, and aromantic people are even rarer, especially aromantic females.
I've seen a lot of people who are dateless due to their vapidity, awkwardness, or narcissism. But rather than just admit they can't create meaningful connections with people, they cling to the 'aromantic' and 'asexual' tags, because it makes it sound like being alone is their choice, when clearly it isn't by choice at all.
No. 335713
File: 1497485111461.png (469.1 KB, 1256x875, dfg.PNG)

No. 336898
>>335713aw shit look at this "listen to the trees" elf princess bullshit
I guess it's her next persona along with the LOTR ~ace ring
kind of late though
No. 337156
File: 1497732372517.png (394.79 KB, 750x1334, llmh.png)

>>336439lmao was it about this girl?
>>335713is she an olympic skater yet?
but seriously I'm so glad YOI is dying now, but I guess that means she's going to move on to the next hot new thing
No. 337160
File: 1497732918682.png (155.62 KB, 263x368, slasher.png)

she's always watching
No. 337955
>>337942lmao she never was, nor has she been. most people have already found a post on her tumblr about wanting dylan o'brien to fuck her.
she only said she aro-ace for edge points / to come across as the untouchable girl.
No. 338122
>>337156Basing her need for friendship on someone's race/appearance is why she has no friends in the first place.
What a weird, shallow, creepy bitch.
No. 338220
File: 1497935362510.jpeg (40.38 KB, 491x500, B00DB5CE-9ADB-40F3-ABEE-A3B3D0…)

She ruined her hair even more. She's just the cow that keeps on giving.
No. 338222
File: 1497935509483.png (57.75 KB, 463x500, F9AF23C6-AC42-4A0C-AC71-A7F196…)

>>338220Samefag, more pics. And she's just so asexual, guys!!! Those "7 exes" are probably anime characters, k-pop group members, and that one girl she stalked at Disney that she gets off to at night.
No. 338336
File: 1497967192073.jpg (64.24 KB, 463x500, dxfsd.jpg)

was that what she was going for?
No. 338337
File: 1497967934175.jpg (134.96 KB, 581x594, w2b7eLnEiFxl.jpg)

>>338336She's trying to look like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. See image.
No. 338372
File: 1497972935193.png (102.33 KB, 517x500, 20170620_172911.thumb.png.e267…)

>>338337apparently she didn't even come up with that reference
No. 338827
File: 1498033514191.png (1.29 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_2992.PNG)

>Riku can kidnap me any day
OK miss aro/ace. She's a joke.
No. 339198
File: 1498089456579.png (311.15 KB, 718x397, sausage fingers.png)

her sausage fingers make me laugh so hard.
she used to be such a flake that she said she was so tiny and petite that she had to alter her clothes, etc. not with fatass hands like that she doesn't.
No. 339209
>>339198they look like normal womens fingers anon, I even knew a girl who was 95 lbs and 5 feet and had fingers like that
>>269956she looks skinny there's she might have gained weight but she doesnt have "fatass hands"quit reaching
sage for disagreement
No. 339233
>>339198>>339209Sage for bloggy reply, but I'm a short shit, proportionally thin/petite, but my hands are rather similar to her's, stubby/chubby and small. It's not a reach that she's a small/petite person and has chubby looking fingers. Not everyone is gifted with elegant pianist hands, unfortunately.
She is a total snowflake though and the exaggeration of having to "alter" her clothes because she is just "sooo tiny" is a bit obnoxious even it's also not entirely unrealistic or untrue. No way she's any smaller than a size 0 though, so it's definitely a bit of a reach on her end too.
No. 339242
>>339233her hands may look a bit swollen, like literally the tiniest bit swollen but they aren't chubby or fat
when I saw anons comment I expected to open the picture and have it look like an actual fat persons hands, they just look like normal small lady hands
No. 339371
>>339198Sorry, but I have to agree with other anons that it's a bit reach to criticize her hands, even thought I personally find fat and stubby hands really ugly, but it's not something she really can change…
But it's weird too see how there is no real difference between her palm and arm and the bone (ulnas head) is almost non existent…Idk even when I was overweight it was quite visible for me, but to each their own I guess. It's just funny to see how she claimed to be petite when now she is quite the chub…guess watching anime all day doesn't really burn that much of calories
No. 339432
>>338827tbh if i can interject
Kenna's aesthetic morphed from cool cali tanned pseudo-hippie meets hipster, to korean stubborn nerdy isolated weeb.
she morphed from posting cute suggestive photos and talking about romance over coffee (which is retarded and cliche anyway) to stubborn, aggressive, "salty" aro-ace girl.
And she's a fujoshi, and obsessed with bl.
She so clearly sees herself, or wants to see herself, in these stubborn, closed off male characters - from her obsession with jack frost in guardians of the galaxy, to harry potter, to yuri on ice.. she loves yaoi because so much of it centers on transforming a stubborn, boyish character into being involved in a romance with a hint of taboo.
i call it now, kenna's aro/ace cause hetero love doesn't appeal to her. she's amplifying her shitty salty personality because the aspect of "b-b-but we're boys, e?! n-no! th-this can't be!" in yaoi applies to her… it's hard to describe.
she'll hold up this aro-ace headass shit for a while more but when she does flaunt a partner on her yt or ig it'll be partnered with a love story about how they completely changed her view of relationships, how she had her head stuck up her ass and they had to hound her and keep trying for her to look down upon them and fall into a boyish love.
everything she does is for the aesthetic; the type of love above is highly written about and animated because it attracts an audience. even before when she described her ideal relationship it was to watch movies together and walk around, no more than that. basically no more than she can post on instagram with a shitty neo-tumblr-poety caption.
No. 340004
>>339198someone commented on her hands in a previous diy video and she said they were "chubby" because they were swollen from ice skating. might be the same case here
can't be sure of how much truth that holds bc it came from kennas mouth but yeah… she's no hand model for sure but who cares kek
No. 340007
File: 1498226335354.png (786.64 KB, 1240x1480, Screenshot 2017-06-23 22.58.22…)

No. 340018
>>340007I've been a figure skating coach for nearly a decade now and have never experienced swelling in my hands, nor any student's without either injuring them, or running them under hot water after getting off the ice (lmao worst thing to do). this bitch is scrambling with her fat hands to dig up some excuse. If this were really the case, wouldn't every temperature change warrant swelling? The air in an arena is not THAT cold, either.
I just find the actual content of her lies to be the weirdest shit ever. She'll lie about whether or not a photo is candid and the reason behind hand swelling.. It just seems so unbelievably sad. She probably feels like she doesn't have a purpose or reason for being, so she's acting like a 14 year old pretending to be certain traits of characters. She'll eventually find herself but I highly doubt her true personality is pseudo-poems and being the most quirk-filled blank, vapid person.
No. 340229
>>340218simiarly to a gassy pig decomposing? I can see it. Poor thing.
I often wonder if she's actually comfortable bending her personality so much for an audience. I can't imagine she'd be okay with people only accepting her for what she isn't. Everything she isn't.
No. 340312
File: 1498259331376.png (132.99 KB, 1125x912, IMG_3116.PNG)

Oh no guys she's going to Disney with Dodie KEK
i hope dodie vlogs it #exposekenna
No. 342162
File: 1498576990896.png (772.05 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-27-16-21-24…)

>>340377I've also noticed Dodie has been taking some inspiration from kenna? Like this pic for example:
Idk. Just seems quite kenna-esque. This was however quite some time ago and I don't think she's taken any more inspiration since
No. 342869
File: 1498683936894.png (926.33 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-28-22-04-23…)

Oh good god. theyre hanging out at disneyland
No. 342910
>>342869OT but Orion in the comments makes me cringe.
And Dodie has never looked particularly pretty to me, but — even with Kenna ruining her own decent looks — she looks awful. I don't know what it is about her, she just looks… goofy.
No. 343160
>>343064It's funny to me how
triggered she got just from this
>>339198 nitpicking shitpost
No. 344457
File: 1498915883557.png (50.61 KB, 858x291, a8a0a6c7b65ebc27a6a3fe92c6e8ca…)

Orion is so far up Kenna's ass lmao. The original commenter was giving constructive criticism over merch creation with cheap art supplies.
No. 344682
File: 1498946730700.png (306.54 KB, 1210x768, Screen_Shot_2017-07-01_at_10.5…)

Seems like Kenna stole another picture, which she wants to use and sell as a part of her merch…
On pull there are even screenshots, on how she literally claimed to be the artist of this.
No. 344728
File: 1498952884518.png (495.4 KB, 1495x276, kjc.PNG)

She's disabled comments from her last three videos and changed the banner
Oh Kenna. It's too late for damage control.
No. 344733
File: 1498954318032.png (220.63 KB, 815x403, Screen_Shot_2017-07-01_at_6.55…)

>>344732Nope! She just disabled comments for ALL her videos
No. 344735
File: 1498954382989.png (36.79 KB, 815x99, lkjh.thumb.PNG.85f79603133cb86…)

and right after another person had asked her to formally address the situation/someone made a good post explaining the situation because they knew kenna wouldn't
No. 344795
File: 1498967788086.jpg (8.96 KB, 135x206, PicsArt_07-01-10.55.51.jpg)

>>344733An overlay for reference. 100% traced.
No. 344902
File: 1499005033170.jpg (40.36 KB, 834x540, IMG_20170702_151441.jpg)

Guys, look what I found…the profile picture appears to be a VERY old picture of McKenna, and she has the continuation of the video 'Simply Kenna the Disney princess' uploaded. Check out her playlist, 'Simply delusional'
No. 344907
File: 1499006150017.png (628.29 KB, 822x644, did you get permission from th…)

someone on pull did some snooping on kenna's original foxtail post and found this kek
No. 345145
File: 1499031867285.png (2.34 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2820.PNG)

sure mckenna
No. 345571
File: 1499100947280.png (64.11 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2017-07-03-17-54-59…)

You guys… Apparently her brithday is fake.
No. 345602
>>345145>>344733I gotta give it to her, she
is kind of creative with making up lies. All of her excuses and longwinded clarifications on Youtube sound ridiculous as fuck kek.
No. 345627
>>345571Are you jk or are you soo naive, that you don't see this is fake acc with fake info?
there is no way she is 17…
No. 345899
>>345636yikes. she looks aged but its got to be that unfortunate dark makeup and caked on high lighter.
>>345656>looks 14lol right
No. 345989
File: 1499165419680.jpg (31.07 KB, 500x500, 2017-07-04_00.36.28.thumb.jpg.…)

apparently ppl on pull found even more of her copying art (Im going to post it)
and someone found a fanfic from 2005 hp fanfic called foxtail
No. 346059
File: 1499175880002.png (560.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170704-084422.png)

No. 346071
File: 1499176601586.jpg (470.4 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_07-04-08.54.29.jpg)

Kenna's tattoo on the left, bottom right is some picture posted on tumblr by classylittletattoos or something, top right is from google images, but tumblr is the source (I just can't find it on there for some reason.) I'm starting to think this girl has never had an original thought in her life and that she plagiarizes everything.
No. 346078
>>344946Yes, Katie Greff was the artist who drew the arctic fox that Kenna was going to shamelessly profit off if people hadn't called her out on it.
>>346071ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? i cannot believe this insufferable bitch.
No. 346108
>>346060"I'm human after all"
Literally what entity could even read if not for a human? She's speaking to a 100% human demographic and yet thinks pointing this out make her special.
So many online cows are saying shit like this to evoke guilt and compassion when it's such a weird out-of-touch statement. When will they realize that's something appropriate for The Beatles or Michael Jackson when social norms started turning away from religion and the mainstream media "worshiped" human idols instead of deities therefore forcing top celebrities to remind the public they were human, too.
When it comes from your average joe, it sounds like absolute insanity. No one is going to accept your apology when you refuse to admit and own up to your mistakes and continue to silence your audience. In fact, you are displaying just how much of a pathetic and flawed human you are. No sympathy Kenna, you lied, mislead people and tried to profit from it. No one gets a pass on that type of shit.
sage for stupidity rage
No. 346123
God this dumbass, throwing a fit because she's been figured out. And it gets better and better someone found a HP fanfic from 2005 about "Foxtail"
May be a stretch but honestly I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
>https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2377197/1/Foxtail No. 346194
File: 1499194045704.jpg (406.23 KB, 2048x1894, IMG_6476.JPG)

welp, this is probably where she got the bunny painting from
No. 346376
File: 1499216067913.gif (551 KB, 320x320, milk.gif)

so happy to see all this delicious milk flowing
No. 346622
File: 1499255312859.jpeg (58.86 KB, 729x500, image.thumb.jpeg.3de7abc4658b4…)

ah, her old tantrums about art thieves copying her already copied art are hilarously ironic in retrospect
No. 347319
>>263942I think Kenna's thread is due for a new summary. It still has a lot of life left (800 or so posts to go), so i'll summarize here:
>22 years old>lives at her parent's house>no job
>Confirmed plagiarist of half a dozen art pieces and counting>PULL contacted the original artists who were surprised they were ripped off >Kenna tried to settle the situation with one artist (the fox illustrator ) who felt very defeated over the plagiarism. >Stole poetry for her Write Here, Write Now series from a poet she follows on insta/pinterest. >Confirmed Kenna blatantly stole/rearranged 3 poems and counting>Plagiarized calligraphy quotes that were being sold by other artists >Tried to make a profit from the stolen teacup and fox illustrations for her youtube merch>At least two of her tattoos were stolen from the internet>Founded "foxtail" (her fanclub?) which was a concept stolen from a Harry Potter fanfic>Everything so far has been found from simple google searches, but she mainly steals from pinterest and tumblr, as well creativemarket and wherever else artists sell their work.
>Has accused other youtubers of copying her, sending her rabid fans to attack them.>Has backstabbed said youtubers after they apologized and Kenna pretended to make peace.>Made a meme out of a youtuber who's entire family passed away (she looked up to Kenna during her grieving period). The girl was harassed to the point she made an explanation video.>Even after this, Kenna continues to accuse others of copying her aesthetic.>Has claimed she is sassy, drama-monger and she didn't "sign up for the responsibilities of youtube">Has left catty comments towards fans on insta and yt on a regular basis, with more than one account. >Has taunted "haters" with a "idafg" attitude but then cries about being a victim regularly
>Originally claimed to be buddhist, peaceful/positive and "not attached to material concepts">Buddhists called her out on being ill-informed and disrespecting buddha statues.>Says her buddhism was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender (which she has a tattoo of)>Pretended she was obsessed with crystals, spiritualism and ~deeper than thou~>Hasn't mentioned religion in months after finding Kpop and dying her hair pink
>Claims she's straight edge and has never drunk/done any drugs>Past acquaintances claim it's a lie>Some ghost youtube account (only known as Emily Hill) keeps leaking videos of Kenna dancing with pills/presumably high off pills
>"Frienzoned the entire planet" actual kenna quote >Had crushes on boys when she was younger but now pretends she's ace/aro>Her ace/aro identity puts her over everyone else and excuses all her behaviour>Ships real life people>Obsessed with fic/kpop 18+ yaoi
>Obsessive bandwagoning, acts like the hobbies she picks up are exclusive to her>Ice skating (because of yuri on ice - she has claimed she'll be a Olympic skater)>Sherlock Holmes (tried to act like the character)>Harry Potter (has claimed she IS harry but doesn't fit any of the houses/doesn't want to admit she stole the foxtail fanfic idea)>Disney (originally claimed her Pinocchio tattoo was original art which was a lie)>Sailor Moon >Kpop (BTS fans intimidated her into deleting a video because she's a poser)
>Frequently deletes her twitter and insta whenever she gets pressured into telling the truth>Tries to return with half-apologies, plays the victim and then disappears again>The comments have been disabled on insta for the last week or so>Disabled comments for about 40 videos, if not more so no one could communicate with herHoly crap that's long feel free to add if I forgot anything.
No. 347353
>>347342That's just a link of all the poems she's posted? No proof of plagiarism?
>>347347Yes she's lived out of home since before she started youtube. She recently moved into a new apartment with her sister and her best friend.
No. 347369
File: 1499365285055.png (34.24 KB, 815x447, poc.PNG)

>>347353I think that anon was just archiving them for the future hence why it's called "potential" plagiarisms. She copied a poet she follows called Erin Hanson.
>>347353Sorry I thought it was proven they lived off their parent's money which I interpreted as living at home.
Also lol I found this cap of her claiming to be POC (she's half turkish) but fails to realize a person of color is COLORED. She's white passing, therefore benefits from white privilege. If you're gonna be a SJW, at least do it right. And being half turkish couldn't possibly excuse any behavior of hers, especially since she doesn't give a shit about her culture if she's calling it middle eastern. Turkey is on the border of Asia and Europe, having land officially in both continents.
No. 347392
>>347369not to derail, but how are turks POC in any way
they look identical to greeks lol
No. 347413
>>347319>Made a meme out of a youtuber who's entire family passed away (she looked up to Kenna during her grieving period). The girl was harassed to the point she made an explanation video.sauce on this? i don't recall it being discussed in the thread
good post tho, who knew this girl would turn out to be such a glorious fountain of milk
No. 347440
>>347413Source is the girl who made the video.
Warning: it's a long watch and she rambles a lot with a huge sob story. But from what I know, her story has been verified and she did apologize both publicly and privately toward Kenna prior to all this. Sure, she copied Kenna. But she admitted to it and moved on from her mistakes. Whereas Kenna continues to accuse other unrelated girls of copying her tumblr aesthetic when she herself is a huge thief and won't admit to it. The irony is too good. Kenna being caught as a plagiarist is honestly justice for Emilia and she's probably laughing so hard at all of this right now.
No. 347557
>>344728>>347440So this girls video was made back in Jan but yet she still has 90% the exact same banner, thumbnails etc as Kennas channel?
I know its not all that original but if she had to make a video where she admitted to copying Kenna why wouldnt she change the themes even a little to avoid more hate?
No. 347736
File: 1499415432159.png (123.83 KB, 281x500, l1.png)

More justice for another youtuber who was called out multiple times by Kenna (and then kenna copied HER lmao)
No. 347804
File: 1499435762165.png (71.02 KB, 750x498, kiki.png)

holy kek Kiki follows Kenna
No. 347894
File: 1499447174283.jpg (28.64 KB, 500x500, 2017-07-06_03.18.39.thumb.jpg.…)

No. 347913
>>347894Okay that's officially three designs that she's stolen for tattoos
Reminder that she actually said this though!!!
>>319598 No. 347918
File: 1499449761146.png (156.53 KB, 281x500, j1.png)

More basic bitch thievery
No. 347919
File: 1499449818152.png (328.33 KB, 395x500, j2.png)

>>347918Kenna's version has so much less skill and effort applied
No. 347933
File: 1499451080862.png (746.24 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-07-19-08-17…)

Someone's not such a petite cute little fairy anymore lol…found this account with random pics of Kenna and it seems like they're praising her in the captions, but they're posting the most unflattering pics of her ever…
No. 348300
>>347933she looks stumpy and average
no wonder she's obssessed with being an original manic pixie disney girl
No. 348521
File: 1499528160981.jpg (126.7 KB, 555x500, uhoh.jpg)

So much milk. All credits go to PULL.
No. 348522
File: 1499528214972.png (362.21 KB, 616x284, lgh1.png)

>>348521Mushrooms on the far right match, might seem like reaching but
No. 348523
File: 1499528245323.jpg (67.07 KB, 564x736, lgh2.jpg)

>>348522The flower matches as well
No. 348533
File: 1499528585212.png (122.84 KB, 815x306, em4.PNG)

>>348532How kenna publicly addressed emilia after her video. The hypocrisy is too great.
No. 348799
>>348521"i was once referred to as an indigo child, someone who is believed to possess special supernatural traits or abilities"
god she's the physical embodiment chuunibyou, no wonder she doesnt have any friends.
No. 348863
File: 1499557102939.png (103.46 KB, 500x932, this-l-s-mine-this-is-mine-thi…)

No. 348907
File: 1499562203007.png (262.45 KB, 815x393, kkkeee.png)

So all of her comments are still disabled on ig and yt but she plans on uploading as if nothing happened.
Is she trying out a new look just so her fans have something to be distracted about?
No. 348916
>>348907she…. looks like dasha here kek
honestly, it wouldn't be a big deal AT ALL if she took her tattoo ideas from the internet, like word for word line for line. It's purely the fact that she has teh fucking audacity to tell others that theyre NOT allowed to get a tattoo because ~she~ has it and ~she~ made it up………… i actually don't think a cow has ever made me this personally angry haha.
blogpost: but i once asked a tumblr artist if i could get their photo tattoo'd on me, and they just said if I did they'd want to see a photo of it. like… someone who actually drew something themselves didnt care, yet this ,… bitch… ok i gotta stop.. im getting heated
No. 349452
I don't know if anyone has pointed this out but in this video, she explains how she uses other people's art on her ~aesthetic~ photos. It's from a year ago and includes the making of
>>345995 at about 6:30. You can see some of the other art in her camera roll as well.
No. 349776
>>348526seems like she's covered with these shitty tattoos
this is not going to age well
No. 349920
>>349916Traits of indigo children according to wikipedia
>Are empathic, curious, and strong-willed>Are often perceived by friends and family as being strange>Possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose>Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas)>Have a strong feeling of entitlement, or deserving to be here>High intelligence quotient>Inherent intuitive ability>Resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority
>indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of rigid authority, their being smarter or more spiritually mature than their teachers, and their lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline.
>the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of indigo children, as the traits most commonly attributed to them are closely aligned with the Forer effect—so vague that they could describe nearly anyone. Many critics see the concept of indigo children as made up of extremely general traits, a sham diagnosis that is an alternative to a medical diagnosis, with a complete lack of science or studies to support it. No. 349922
File: 1499692713378.png (126.81 KB, 281x500, imh.PNG)

She signed the poetry on the illustration as mckenna
No. 349923
File: 1499692737023.jpg (62.03 KB, 281x500, 1mh3.JPG)

>>349922actual author here
No. 349925
File: 1499692777414.png (143.4 KB, 281x500, ang1.png)

this one is too much
No. 349929
File: 1499693332722.png (108.5 KB, 281x500, pls.PNG)

>please don't make me have to disable comments again
She's blocking and deleting comments from everyone who mentions the plagiarism. With 800k+ strong followers, she's managed to brainwash the majority of them and they refuse to acknowledge their idol being full of shit. They're sending support letters to her PO box as if she's the victim in all of this because she twists everything as "the internet is bad~~ and innocent lil me needs time to cope with the baddies coming after me uwu"
Where should we compile all this evidence to expose her to her fanbase? It's not okay for her to just "move on with her life" getting a million subs and living as a special snowflake happily ever after. She's a compulsive liar and needs to learn a lesson about how serious art theft is.
No. 349931
File: 1499693578154.png (68.79 KB, 750x457, IMG_1469.thumb.PNG.52ecd27e56f…)

>>349929Apparently we're all photoshopping to frame her now. Right.
No. 349990
>>349970Uh, what? Do you think I'm pushing for her downfall?
No, i'm simply a normal adult who understands repercussions and owning up to mistakes. She literally said "I'm deleting comments and i'm moving on with my life". That's the quote I was referring to. She's still lying and trying to conceal the evidence. She hasn't legitimately apologized for the weight of the plagiarism that has been brought to light. Much like a child, she blames others, makes excuses and depends on the manipulation or blind support of her fans.
She's 22 years old. She understands her wrongdoings but wants it to remain swept under the rug. So her statement of wanting to move on is just to avoid admitting fault.
No. 350789
File: 1499807690107.png (223.35 KB, 744x885, wow.PNG)

Another day Another rip-off of other content creators.
No. 350817
>>350789Wow, it takes some courage to do what Kenna just did. "Hey I used your stuff without asking for permission and also want to shill from it, can you clear me from copyright?"
I'm baffled for this self entitlement and lack of awareness
No. 352101
File: 1499993354455.png (197.59 KB, 750x1180, IMG_1119.PNG)

Felt this was funny. "Why can't people be more forgiving" well Kenna Hun when u don't even fully apologize, you don't deserve forgiveness
No. 352105
>>349970The thing is it wasn't a "mistake" she didn't "accidentally" copy shit tons of art- tell people it's her own - AND tell people that they can not copy it because it's
her own work, %100 original . That's not a mistake. That's something done consciously to deceive people. She is so fucking entitled, and she does not deserve forgiveness, she
owes an explanation.
No. 352510
File: 1500056159545.jpg (40.25 KB, 209x500, IMG_5561.thumb.JPG.1b9bd33a965…)

everything about this is so ugly. the first thing i noticed is that she's pulling that pro-ana stance that is supposed to make your legs look thinner to hide that she's not so petite anymore. she's wearing fucking boots with a bikini… she's pale as shit despite living in CALIFORNIA. i could go on and on.
No. 352655
>>352541Being tan isn't healthy, though.
Sage for OT
No. 353043
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>>350789The entitlement lmao. Guess I was right about her only uploading that video because she needed the ad revenue right about now.
So that confirms she regularly uses songs without permission/credit, monetizes the videos and even has the nerve to write unprofessional emails demanding full ad revenue. Unbelievable that she claims to be an artist when she doesn't understand the frustrations of being offered "exposure" over actual payment. Then again, she doesn't understand the basic principle of plagiarizing artwork and the reality is that she doesn't have a single creative bone in her body.
By the way, she posted this comment on an old video of belle's (why not insta?) to make herself seem like such a brave hero to make amends with another content creator that she bashed and sent her fans after.
"WE talked and decided to put it behind us" "It took US a while but WE realized that there are more important things"
Uh, no. Kenna 100% created all the drama from nothing. SHE was bitter, hateful, held a grudge and didn't want to let go. SHE was the one acting like copying her aesthetic was the end of the world.
All these fake apologies blaming the "haters from hate sites", claiming proof of her plagiarism was photoshopped in order to frame her, claiming she's the one taking the high road while disabling her comments, and now trying to make it seem as if other content creators were at fault for drama when she was the one solely responsible and had no reason to put blame on Belle at all.
No. 353049
File: 1500145762939.jpg (107.55 KB, 356x500, kk.jpg)

>>353043sage for samefag but our favorite self proclaimed salt queen is cosplaying a bully from a disney children's movie, goes hand-in-hand with her bad guy persona and saying she relates to slytherin characters (does she not realize those pro "pure blood" characters are euphemisms for racists?)
No. 353050
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ok kenna
No. 353277
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>>353203This makes me so happy
also lmao @ all the people who don't even know who she is, kenna is a nobody outside of her hugbox
No. 354817
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>mostly just concerned about my aesthetic
No. 355236
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Comments are up on her instagram again. She was losing hundreds of followers this month but she made up for it by buying a few extra thousand follows.
No. 355612
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Pretty sure she is behind an account that has comments all over Belle's IG… I got real bored and made this lil jpg showcasing the lovely comments
YES I regularly wear tinfoil on top of my head w/e
No. 355614
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At first I thought it was some angry ex but why would an ex care that she 'copied kennas flower crown'
No. 355616
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No. 355618
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Here is the backstory of the two kindred spirits
No. 355622
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also Kenna previously commenting on her post.
"That's my quote haha"
what a passive aggressive bitch lmao
I love the part where Belle is desperate to know when Kenna got into potter cause she's so desperate to dispel the copycat theories
No. 356243
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Kinda off topic but I saw someone on PULL upload these pics. Quite shocking to see how much she's changed. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's as if she's almost unrecognisable
No. 356387
>>356243she literally looks like an older, more mature and nicer person there. I really dig her old tumblr girl kings of leon aerpostale indie rocker look SO much. also are we all mentally prepared for how much more annoying she's going to be in japan?
(related; peep dodie starting a twitter war with onision for him being a bully even though she is BEST FWENDS UGUUU with this bitch)
No. 356741
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I was scrolling through aliexpress when I found this, First off why would anybody want to purchase this? secondly how mad do you think Kenna would get if she knew people were making profit off her pictures
https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/2017-new-Korean-version-retro-T-shirt-loose-BF-wind-short-sleeve-casual-T-shirt-female/112532_32820901079.html?spm=2114.12010611.0.0.ODS7NI No. 357533
File: 1500743347976.png (93.4 KB, 281x500, yy.PNG)

lmao people are coming for her on instagram, meanwhile she's still posting poetry and stolen pinocchio sketches like it's nobody's business.
also that girl is completely right that the last two poems she's put out since the plagiarism exposure are really, really bad.
No. 358291
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lmao what the fuck?
No. 360066
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>>360058Me-ow. I kinda see what you mean tho. I remember when everyone on Instagram was praising her for her thinness and uhh..no one's saying THAT anymore.
No. 360137
>>358620i want her to revert back to her cute autumn aesthetic but she got pretty fat so idk if that will happen>>360071
yeah thats a pretty big reason. It was one of the main reasons I started following. In one video she said she was 80 lbs (could have been a lie, who knows) but she definitely plumped up.
No. 360763
File: 1501065830840.png (618.21 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-26-11-41-56…)

>>360518Like this? Because yes. I totally know what you mean. She doesn't do these types of photos now that she's gained some weight.
No. 360792
>>360670Why do you underage retards keep posting here? You HAVE to be 18+
Or maybe you are just stupid?
No. 361028
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did she actually, like…. study to be a poet because lol if she did. what did(does?) she study at uni? or is she just a neet.
No. 362065
>>362027Agreed that she's not sure what to do with her aesthetic, and she even sort of admitted it here
>>354817 .
Obviously she's free to still herself however she wants but the recent and pretty sudden switch from boho autumn brown/orange to pastel pink everything and extra cutesy just shows how much she trend hops, rather than actually being into a look or style. And she's gotten so much lamer in her style and the fake interests that go with it. Her autumn boho thing was basic but she pulled it off really well because it worked with her body type, her look, and she did it in a pretty quality way, plus her hobbies were basic but nice enough (poetry and reading and tea and all that). Her look now feels cheaply and lazily done, her hair color looks gross with her skin tone and her natural hair color, the forced paleness doesn't look good on her, and her hobbies are all really cringe especially for an adult. Disney and anime is so not interesting or aspirational. Honestly I don't understand any stilts who obsess over Disney, it comes off as so embarrassing and trashy.
No. 362066
free to style* herself how she wants
any adults* who obsess over Disney
Sorry, shitty texting plus autocorrect.
No. 362321
>>362317Kenna, Yes you gained weight. Nothing wrong with that, but its visible. Your arms are doughy and your waist isn't as trim anymore, the barely-lolita dresses you choose to wear doesnt hide that.
If some other person: just because you live in the USA and are used to chubby people roaming around and labelling themselves thin doesnt mean the rest of us do the same. Shes a far cry from abnormally thin.
(nitpick, derailing) No. 362322
>>362317She's definitely not fat and I'll agree that calling her that is a stretch, but so is calling her "abnormally thin". She's average and it's hardly milk.
Sage for OT and derailment, let's get back on the real subject again, yes?
No. 363053
>>363006yup, then she apologised not because she did it, but if it offended people.
I think freaking out over saying the word retarded is retarded in itself but was a dumb career move and the way she handled it was fucking awful
No. 363811
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Got this from pull, though I wanna see you guys's input.
This could definitely be a troll but the person gave out the name of the ice skating place, which you wouldn't do if you're just making stuff up, since anyone can go and see for themselves.
what do u guys think?
No. 363861
>>363667apology in the form of a pretentious poem with interspersed "it's easy to judge!" and "people weren't listening!"
Yeah, she sounds so genuine and remorseful.
No. 363942
>>363667I love how even in this ~raw~ apology she never actually acknowledges culpability for anything. This is like half a step above saying "I'm sorry you feel that way." She says people misunderstood and that she thought that everyone would see things the way she did–what does this MEAN, Kenna? Copying people's shit is pretty straightforward and it she seemed easy enough to understand when it was someone else copying you. She's really trying to play it off like it was just drama that got skewed and she's taking the gracious route by apologizing.
In reality, she put off apologizing as long as possible and only posted this pretentious non apology when it got impossible to ignore. She still didn't accept her guilt. She just made it sound like drama and victimized herself and buried it all in cringey purple prose.
No. 364034
>>363942She knows she's in the wrong as well because her comments are still disabled. She won't allow anyone the opportunity to dispute her which goes to show how weak her perspective is.
And she tried to cover her ass by saying 'i know this won't be good enough for some people' like damn right you know that because you're still being a selfish brat.
No. 364963
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I can't with this cunt
No. 365879
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>>365680I'm a catholic and I'm so glad you think the same, it is so disrespectful to just wikipedia a religion and convert on the spot.
Its the air of arrogance and pretentiousness she has, particularly in regards to her "religion", that bothers me the most.
No. 365886
>>365881I'm positive that nobody just lives up to "her standards".
If you look at her Disney stuff, her poetry, or any of her other interests (kpop, ice skating), she is an intensely romantic individual.
No. 365982
>>365881Can't repost it atm but someone on PULL posted a screen cap from about a year ago when she was defending herself against those who asked or suggested she was a lesbian, she literally said "I'm straight" very defensively on top of the fact that she constantly posted about her male celeb crushes and romanticized male cartoon characters and is apparently hardcore into yaoi. Considering the pill dancing slutty video, after claiming she's never done drugs, plus the people who claim to know her or have met her and said she had a liking towards boys. The evidence just keeps adding up. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out she lied about never having a first kiss given her obsession with popularity and how high school girls tend to pander to boys for validation.
At the end of the day, she's as ace/aro as she is buddhist. She saw people online talking about it (likely via the Tumblr yaoi crowd) and did a quick search on asexuality like she did with Buddhism, then immediately posted a video announcement to hop on the trend as early as possible because she wants to be viewed as a novelty.
No. 366469
>>362294>>363667sage for dumb but, is anyone surprised by how…
ugly kenna is? i've checked the thread + her instagram before and thought she was the regular hot tumblr chick. but i recently tried watching her youtube channel and holy shit she looks BAD.
in motion, she looks god awful. i can't tell if its because her pink hair clashes with everything, or if its her eyebrows, or maybe the eye makeup, but something looks wrong. does anyone else feels like she's doing something wrong with her makeup and it fucks up the way she looks entirely?
like again, i legit thought she was a cute girl from seeing her pictures. but after seeing her youtube videos … i don't know man, she looks busted as fuck. homegirl needs friends. that apology video? she looked terrible. not the Manic Pixie Dream Girl look at all.
No. 367078
>>366914Right just delete your apology video because 3-4 people made response videos. Continue to disable your IG/YT comments AND THEN STILL continue to upload regular content.
How does she fail to realize that content creators NEED their viewer's interactions. Engagement is the sole most important aspect of internet popularity. Her social blade shows that she's losing traction on IG and YT's algorithm yet she continues to buy followers/subscribers to try making up for those she's lost. This is not sustainable, it's absurd.
No. 367144
>>366939She's gonna be all kawaii and pose in front of shrines and shop at mori stores and then pull a Jill and buy crappy anime merch.
Kek imagine her trip to tokyo being shitty because she doesn't get the youtube money anymore
No. 367274
>>367260Unpopular opinion but I don't think she ever seriously believed she was going to the olympics. Her coach gave her an obviously exaggerated compliment and it seems like she just wanted to show off that she was being praised.
I'm sure she'd want to compete if anyone suggested it to her, she wants to be Yurio after all. But it doesn't look like she's taking private lessons, just LTS classes, so I doubt anyone has.
No. 367326
>>367274Yeah, that's what I was considering when I thought about the adult competitions,
if she wants to pretend she's Yurio, that's better than nothing.
Honestly, I don't really care if she was serious in her belief or not, it just made me laugh a bit. Reminds me of adult ballet students who think that they could study for a few years and then make it into a company.
No. 367611
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>>312476And so the cows collide
No. 367668
>>366914Apparently she tagged her recent monthly favorites video 'simply kenna exposed' which would explain why she opened the comment section. She hasn't replied to anyone, friend or foe, like she obsessively did in the past.
She's allowing her supporters and everyone else to make a war out of the comment section. I'm guessing because she realized her lack of engagement was fucking up the algorithm. So now she's riding the drama wave to see where it takes her. In her mind, she probably thinks she's as controversial as big names like Jeffree Starr and is hoping this will take her internet popularity to the next level.
No. 367771
This is what Kenna was talking about when she claimed to be a ~genuine indigo child~
>>349916 No. 369960
File: 1502365128043.jpg (65.66 KB, 375x500, april2017.jpg)

Found this gem from back in April before the plagiarism issue blew up. She actually tried to school people on intellectual copyright so they didn't copy her ~hand designed original~ tattoos.
No. 369991
>>369979yep very remenisent of
>>355622 … when will kenna leave belle alone? jeez
Does anyone know where the Jiji name is from tho?
No. 370468
>>370133This was a good apology tbh. I'd forgive her going forward.
I like her attitude and demeanor in this video a lot more in general though. Too bad she thinks she needs to cover up with her poetic pixie garbage act.
No. 370553
>>370222She's literally just saying exactly what people on PULL were telling her to say. She was backed into a corner and this is def forced.
I'll believe her once she pays royalties to the artists she's profited from and starts responding to comments from her mindless followers telling them directly to back off. She still has people in her comments saying that she did no wrong, and her not responding to them saying something like "hey no, what I did WAS fucked up and I know it" just shows a lack of sincerity imo.
No. 372212
>>371851and hasnt she been saying for ages she wanted to wait to dye it until after her japan trip.
i thought her second apology was a marked improvement from the last, but i'm still pissed she had the audacity to monetize it and claim she "needed to pay her rent." if you can't afford to lose the income generated from a single video mayhaps you should consider not spending a few thousand USD to fly overseas in coming months ?? easy solution right there bruv
(i have no idea if the trip was called off to be fair, i dont keep up with her enough)
No. 373394
>>371247oh. my. god.
what's wrong with Kenna? seriously i know it's just hair dye but seriously does Kenna need to copy Lunestelle's every hair color? At least make it less obviously and go for an autumn leaf-red or something.(that color's prettier, too)
btw I seriously doubt either of them would look good with orange hair. Kenna sure didn't.
No. 373912
>>373723All her "look" videos are lazy. Why can't she change the hairstyle/jewelry?
Also I fucking hate her editing style where she plays a clip backwards. She does it way too much
No. 374913
>>374516'pologies for not using the youtube field, but I didn't and still don't see the princessmei lookbook anywhere in the thread?
I literally made the thread so I try to keep up lmao
I honestly think Kenna would look stunning with a very one-length pixie cut, but I don't think she'll ever do it. Though soon she might not have a choice with that hair. So much for her mom being a hairdresser huh
No. 376399
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>>372212Seems the trip is still on and maybe soon?
No. 376463
>>376439is she wearing elf ears? wtf
the red hair looks bad with her skintone/makeup/clothes… jesus christ save me
No. 376583
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>>376578not defending her choices (wtf even was that video??) but it sounds like her trip is only 4-5 days total so if she lives very far from LAX and uses economy parking it's prob just as cheap to drive herself
>>376439her hair is so bad, aside from the color she's also starting to develop a fundie mullet a la pic related
No. 376587
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> flying air china because a friend said it was good
More likely it was the cheapest and ahe did no research.
No. 376588
>>376439Has this girl ever travelled before in her life?? Why is she giving advice BEFORE she's gone on her trip? She'll have no idea whether her planning was actually effective or not.
Like how is 2 hours enough for a layover? If you have to go through customs during your layover or if your flight is late at all you are going to be screwed lmao
No. 376736
>>376439I can't find her reply anymore but I remember when multiple people were pointing out how she was running ads on her apology video she said "yeah gotta pay bills" or something similar.
Kenna, a trip to Japan isn't paying bills. That's a vacation.
No. 376975
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>>376664So apparently Kenna took down her video about her trip. In her Instagram story she says she took it down "for safety reasons" and that it ~might~ be put back up at some point. Heavy on the might. She also said it might be before the trip or might be after the trip.
I'm curious what exactly happened to make her feel unsafe. I didn't get to watch the full video myself. Was it something she said? Personal info or something? Anyone know?
No. 376992
>>376975The only slightly dangerous thing she did show was information about her flights (numbers, times, where her layover was). She may have even shown her seat number, though I didn't look that close and I doubt it anyway. She also showed her itenary but I think it was very vague e.g. "shopping" not "shopping in harajuku".
I think she's just being dramatic. No one is going to take that information, get the same flights as her and stalk her through Japan.
No. 376999
>>376975her itinerary was pretty anal, it had all the trains she would be taking every day, the airport car park she was using, her flights, the convenience stores and train stations near her airbnb. it would be pretty easy to find and stalk her, not that I believe anyone would do that.
it's smart to only upload that shit after her trip. also as anon before pointed out, to actually be able to assess how well her planning worked out. she seems new to travel and a bit overeager.
No. 377047
>>376999>>377001Yeah her vid def came across as someone who had never traveled internationally. She talked for like 20 minutes but it was all bullshit about making a huge travel journal. Her packing list literally had "Peter pan costume" on it but didn't say anything about an adapter. She didn't talk about bringing cash for emergencies, packing clothes for comfort/versatility/looking appropriately conservative for visiting religious sites, or even jet lag. She's taking a four-day trip to a place with an 8 hour time difference and literally did not mention how she planned to handle jet lag at all.
Like 99% of her advice was relevant only to Japan and it was all either very basic and obvious, or very impractical. Plus she made a big deal about not revealing her Airbnb location but then showed her exact flight and super detailed itinerary.
She's definitely never traveled before.
No. 377284
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>>377248Someone at PULL got you covered, anon.
No. 377411
>>377409*super ~kawaii~ aesthetic
(didn't mean to hit reply so soon)
No. 377789
>>377495no I think it's just the tone of her skin. Like there are yellow, rose, peach etc, I'm not an expert on this so I won't elaborate. But I know people with yellow-white complexion like hers, and yeah, they can be pretty pale and look a little sick-ish IMO because of this yellow tone. They look much healthier with a little tan. They generally tan easily and on a strong brown colour, and don't have to "lay out in the sun" to achieve it, just play outside without sunscreen.
So uh, I kinda believe her, but
>as I grew up I wanted to take better care of my skinI doubt it. You wanted to be pale, period.
No. 377875
>>377789 >>377284
im yellow-white and i have to match my foundation to my chest because my face is lighter and pinker than the rest of me. that is normal kenna and it's very common knowledge that you're not supposed to match your foundation to your face because surface redness and general discrepancies of depth between ur face and ur body can really throw off the way your foundation looks if you dont try to pick something that looks cohesive compared to the rest of you. its so painfully obvious in virtually every photo/video of her that she is really trying to look lighter than she actually is, her neck/chest/arms always look darker than her face
also she looks really olive in that photo imho, most light olive people don't tend to be able to pull off the lightest shade in a line of makeup. like its just too light. but all of her makeup is always as light as can be. i dont doubt that really really pale olive people exist but she does not seem to be one of them from what i've seen
No. 378218
>>378190Honestly though, look at her recent videos and compare them to her edited photos. She edits herself whiter.
Sage for pointless
No. 384329
File: 1505026024559.png (1.39 MB, 720x1280, EMjKcCn.png)

What you may have missed while we were gone:
https://temp.lolcow.farm/b/8528She's in Japan and as annoying as ever. She thinks the locals find her just ~so kawaii~
No. 384330
File: 1505026104998.png (734.31 KB, 1266x600, kenna08092017.png)

She got in trouble for this, it seems, considering she had to delete this image and repost it. But like, her caption is still terrible. Quoting Avatar in from of a Buddha statue…. Tf is wrong with her
No. 384331
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The way she fetishes and idolizes Japan makes me want to punch her in the face…
No. 384353
File: 1505034572541.png (121.46 KB, 540x730, 21621893_1242638219215245_1808…)

>>384340don't forget this gem of a comment under that picture. America also is full of ugly people while Japan is full of beautiful people. Nevermind that America is actually much more diverse than Japan (esp where she lives) and this girl just has some raging yellow fever.
(censored the OP because I don't know her/don't want to involve random people)
No. 384386
>>384353the commenter outed themselves on PULL, it's their user trolling. It just adds to hilarity, this comment is so obviously ironic and Kenna took the bait faster than a bleak.
Then she defended herself "I said even I felt ugly so it's okay to say other Americans are". Logic much
No. 384389
>>384353Never been to Japan or NA but that statement is ridiculous.
In documentaries that involve Japan I've seen most of them are not attractive. And lol Kenna try going to a more fashionable area in LA maybe idk.
Anyway, she's just sees them as attractive and interesting because of all the anime "they look so different and kawaii!!!"
And not trying being racist (I'm asian too), but I have a feeling she thinks they look nice because they all look similar/the same thus that "kawaii" or whatever look to her idk.
No. 384718
>>384384idk if it is that the japanese are all beautiful but the japanese seem to hold themselves to a higher standard when out in public? Like when I went to tokyo I didn't see a single person wearing slippers outside, sweatpants, or pajama pants in public, as where I saw those every. single. day. in america.
like it seems like in japan, theres more social pressure to look good than there in the us where it's a-okay to wear sweatpants in public.
No. 384740
>>384353Any "This country has only pretty/ugly people" type of commentary is always so fucking dumb. Avarage, ugly and pretty people are literally everywhere. Holy yellow fever, batman.
>like it seems like in japan, theres more social pressure to look good than there in the us where it's a-okay to wear sweatpants in public.Where have you been? People walk around sloppily in Japan all the time as well.
No. 387936
>>387615It's really a shame because Tokyo is such a colorful city and the filter she used pretty much toned everything down to a dead brown color.
>>387693She looked miserable doing the Mario Kart thing. Why would she even go in the first place if she wasn't even interested?
No. 388035
>>387615That grainy filter made everything look dull and miserable looking. Some of the shots were very aesthetically pleasing but the filter just ruined it. Ugh.
And the music wasn't blended together well, it would roughly stop and start again. Nitpick but if Youtube is her full time job now, she should be able to edit better than this. Also notice her song choice was saying it "felt like home" which honestly feels like more of her saying "japan is amazing and the best".
No. 388718
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>>387615The first thing she did in Japan was go to Akihabara. I get that if you're into anime you're gonna want to go there at some point, but as your /very first destination/? Doesn't help that she's been into anime for what, a couple months? yikes
And then mario kart and more shopping. Wonder if this is gonna be a déjà-vu of jill's trip (except the pretty cure is replaced by mario and ghibli??)
sage for pettiness and nitpick, at the end of the day it's her money/time, and she gets to decide how to spend it lol
No. 390252
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y'all I know this thread is semi-dead, but I wanted to slide this pic right in here from PULL. To sum it up, Kenna tried to write some elaborate poem about September and someone gave her constructive criticism about her writing, and to be frank the poem is cringy and Kenna's response was…..interesting
No. 399546
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I wonder what IS on McKenna's phone…
No. 401710
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No. 401716
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>>401711This was one her insta story.
Also: Kenna's amazing poetry, you know? Poetry book out this october, you see?
No. 401755
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>>401746Firstly, it is one of the worst "poems" I have ever read, it's incredibly cliché and poorly written.
Secondly, it definitely seems like Kenna is doing this "emotionless" thing as part of a new aesthetic like an edgy 13 yr old. It doesn't come across as true considering her passionate rants/rudeness/backlash. If it was genuine ok but really really seems like another trend for her or an excuse for her poor behaviour.
Like pic related is such bullshit.
No. 403302
File: 1507948109874.png (1.48 MB, 1242x2208, 5C207C0A-AFA6-4B33-B3A5-D352CB…)

>I already know people are gonna take it up the ass
Sometimes I can’t believe what a little cunt she is
No. 427937
>>427882i…. is she seriously trying to do that? jesus christ
i wish she and pixielocks were friends so that they linked up/ moved to japan together because i would pay to see that disaster unfold
No. 428211
File: 1511152966898.jpeg (132.11 KB, 455x500, 93B054F5-7B79-477B-B52E-813784…)

>>427937I know right? Lmao. She’s thinking of buying a house. She either wants to live somewhere that snows or somewhere close to Disney.
Japan? She wouldn’t survive, especially in Tokyo. You can’t buy a house if you don’t have a college degree and damn near fluent-level Japanese. And those are just the tip of the iceberg.
(image source: didn’t want to go to Kenna’s instagram, but this is from PULL.)
No. 428229
>>427537Isn't she just disneybounding? I don't do it, but I don't think it's that weird, a lot of SoCal people started doing it back around 2000, (or at least that was when cast members began to notice it) because you're not supposed to dress as the characters at the park, so they dress like the character. I've seen some cute ones, idk, I guess it's a taste thing.
Also, no one even notices things like this any longer. Working there, you see some bizarre things, so someone like this fades rapidly.
No. 428362
>>428211Why would you need a degree to buy a house lol
Lots of Chinese people buy houses in Tokyo, you just need some company to help you.
No. 428386
>>428362Sage goes in the email, by the way, anon. It looks like you have accidentally put it in the subject.
Sage for OT and kindness.
No. 428560
>>428362I mean, she could buy a house but she probably couldn’t live there as it doesn’t give you any residential status.
I guess I came out too harsh with the degree part. I just thinking that if she wants to live in Japan, then it’s recommended to have a degree for more job options.
No. 436932
File: 1512323891233.png (71.62 KB, 280x500, Screen_Shot_2017-12-01_at_10.4…)

so kenna posted a sponsored ig pic and captioned it about drarry (draco/harry) when in the past she's stated in a video she doesn't like that ship which is whatever but then someone from PULL commented on this and kenna replied very maturely. even more terrible is the PULL user's parents are actually getting divorced.
then kenna got assblasted and people told her to apologize and she was like OMG I CAN'T SHE BLOCKED ME while the PULL user posted proof she was still following her and kenna immediately dm'd her to apologize, and the apology was just one big "i'm sorry, but"
she needs another huge call-out fest. she's so disgusting.
No. 436936
File: 1512324261527.png (902.13 KB, 1670x1026, Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 11.5…)

>>436932here's kenna lying about being blocked
No. 436937
File: 1512324321804.png (2.83 MB, 1726x3994, fakeapology.png)

>>436936and here's the shitty apology
No. 436982
>>436963Nah, Kenna was being an immature brat with that comment. Even if that user's parents weren't going through a divorce it was still a childish thing to say.
Also divorces are extremely personal so of course you don't think it's a big deal but to someone else it might be earth shattering. Stop trying to be edgy.
No. 436990
>>436982You act as if you're the only person familiar with divorce, fuck off please.
That person saw an opportunity and took it, Kenna couldn't have possibly known their parents were getting divorced.
Sometimes you have to look harder to see stale milk.
No. 438978
>>438787?? She looks way taller than her sister
>>377284 is she trying to say she's 4'9???
No. 457088
File: 1514645560916.png (395.55 KB, 451x299, well.png)

There's a new video but I couldn't get over how bad she looks lol.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vt5eqxa9ZM&t No. 460441
File: 1514968315938.jpg (679.2 KB, 1368x1426, Screenshot_20180103-082621.jpg)

>>460435I have no idea what most of you lot expect women to look like in real life, but she is definitely not ugly.
No. 460474
>>460441yeah, this is just mean. What is ugly about her face? Everything is conventionally pretty, normal-sized nose, big eyes, lips not too thin, not too big, good skin and nice face shape. The only things you can question are her hair, she really needs to stick to black/bronze and take a better care of it, and makeup. Exactly what
>>457099 said, and the red tip of her nose makes it look runny.
People on PULL have such a haterboner for her, but calling her a pedo because she has younger friends from ice rink or ships boys in cartoons is too much. I hate those ships, I don't "participate" in fandoms because of them, but they are the most popular… she's just immature to the cringe level
Sorry if I came too white-knighty, sometimes I do like playing devil's advocate lol
No. 460550
>>460474this is lolcow. people talk shit about looks all the time. If it's too mean for you it might not be the place for you.
I will say the way PULL went so far as to call her a pedo multiple times was fucked up. Those are really strong accusations. She does cross the line some times, and if you saw a grown man commenting the things she's commented on a child actors Insta, they would prob get the same reaction tbh. But pull were talking as if she had actually commited a crime, it was so bizarre.
No. 460749
>>460727Yeah that's true! Now that I think about it, jill is definitely easier to laugh at. Whereas with kenna, it's just like another snarky reply or long-winded rant about something. And I guess most people who come here want to just laugh at online personalities without getting invested.
I do wish lolcow was more interested in kenna, I'd rather talk about her here than pull. Less sugar-coated bullshit posts and restrictions and long ass letters to the girls on this site lol
No. 464238
>>463682Yeah, that's the thing. Most of the criticism she gets is because she's not following the standards she puts on HERSELF. If she didn't say half the shit she did in the first place, nobody would care.
I want to be able to talk about her and laugh, like when she hogs the character actors at Dinsey, and you can clearly see upset children in the background of her photo. That shit is hilarious. But I really am starting to get sick of PULL tbh.
No. 466450
File: 1515544147758.jpeg (964.66 KB, 1242x1829, AB084F7F-8C18-469C-A689-59D905…)

i think that providing her with criticism is perfectly a-okay but the shit that people on pull come up with is off the wall. they have this game of giving her stupid names, they do not seem to understand the concept of sarcasm (image related) and in fact, they make her seem like that much bigger of an asshole because she uses it. not to defend her but i would be the same way if people were saying after i admitted to it, that my photos were edited. on top of that, they keep promoting that emilia girl and while her story is sad, that doesn’t mean she gets a free pass on being a naive asshole that needed to be called out to learn that plagiarizing is wrong (ironic, i know). they’re grasping for straws at this point, implying she’s a pedophile and getting upset that she ate a sweet bun with soy sauce rice. the people in the forum are 40 times cringier than her.
No. 466797
>>466450In regards to the editing, kenna started by saying she didn't edit it and it was due to her "sick makeup skills", and deleted comments that mentioned the snow app. So that was fucked, but the way they drag things on and lose their minds about things is really cringy.
The emilia thing is funny to me because they brought her up around the same time and were singing her praises while you can SEE how fucked her face looks from photoshopping it to hell and back. Like holy shit lol Also yeah kenna had every right to call her out, but the things she said went too far. Especially when kenna was found to be plagiarizing herself a few months later.
I completely agree with you about PULL. Her eating a sweet bun and soy sauce rice should not have warranted like three pages of posts about it. They pride themselves on having a place to catalog all the shitty things people do, but when they get up in arms over stupid shit like this it makes them all look like obsessed nutjobs.
No. 467303
File: 1515661424849.jpeg (191.78 KB, 1153x495, 5CD313DC-0E7C-44B1-92E0-34E327…)

same anon but lmfao this is painful. their obsession with kenna is insane.
No. 495019
File: 1517926785453.png (828.38 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-06-13-38-00…)

Eyebrows. No.
No. 495043
File: 1517928644481.jpeg (52.49 KB, 377x347, BFC881BF-94F1-4FA8-8BD4-0DAA47…)

>>495019Versus candid/unedited picture
No. 495943
>>495366People go on about editing in almost every snow flakes thread, it may not be milky but it is lulzy af imo.
>>495363pull was going way to far with the pedo allegations, but her comments are super cringe. I think it was something about him doing things to her heart? Especially cringe when you factor in her fetishizing young anime boys, like you said.
No. 499258
File: 1518225107184.png (199.29 KB, 361x500, 1.png)

She is now pretending old items are from yesstyle for that sweet sweet sponsorship $$$
No. 499259
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No. 499260
File: 1518225306823.jpeg (35.33 KB, 281x500, 3.jpeg)

People may not care about her too much here, but this is at least some milk now. She did this with a shirt from forever 21 in a recent lookbook as well. Why she gotta lie tho?
No. 499724
>>499260lmao typical kenna
She hasn't changed a bit if she simply went from lying/stealing artwork to lying/stealing clothing or sponsored items.
It's the same basic skipping around the truth and beating around the bush when people ask about your incoherent details or lack of sincerity. It's only been a few months since that entire art theft fiasco anyways and she's already slipping up.
No. 499746
File: 1518277738205.jpeg (37.17 KB, 351x500, tags.jpeg)

This all came out after she was being a huge brat to her followers for not reading the tags that were wrong in the first place lmao
No. 505873
File: 1518848245457.png (3.57 MB, 1242x2208, E271AFBE-408A-495B-92A3-824212…)

so she’s pretending to care about competitive figure skating. its like she thinks it’s a live version of yuri on ice. we know that’s the only reason why she cares about/pretends to be into figure skating.
No. 514898
File: 1519641786096.png (2.73 MB, 1242x2208, 19B052D4-E0E4-4D0C-9936-4CB0F5…)

Wow, she’s so cool and witty! Totally not being an asshole to her fans/follows at all! What is wrong with her?!?
No. 518224
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No. 532930
File: 1521488691362.jpeg (141.79 KB, 292x500, simply_tragic.jpeg)

Well, she's shaved off and bleached her eyebrows, went from black to pink (her poor fucking hair) and is using the Snow app to make herself look like an Asian alien.
She's going off the deep end. This is not a good look.
No. 533111
>>532930Honestly her hair looks cute here, but her face man…her lips look swollen and her shoop makes her eyes look wider than her eyebrows.
>>499260That bag is a Samantha Vega replica to begin with, so she's being a tacky bitch either way.
No. 533377
>>533355you'd honestly have to be a moron (or not old enough to use the internet unsupervised) to think that this photo isn't edited. LOL what part of her receding hairline and butthole lips is pretty…
Having bleached eyebrows and whiter skin doesn't make you prettier, anon, sounds like you live on the same delusional planet at mcforehead here.
No. 534681
>>533905No. You get out, fucking Kardashian trash :)
On a side note, she 'addressed' the filter issue on her instagram story. It's so funny how she's pretending that's her real face when she's wearing circle lenses in the video to make her eyes look larger. Heck, she didn't even wear the same color. She wore grey circle lenses; her eyes are brown.
>>269956She looks like a typical Turkish girl in her old pics. Not a bad thing, but I get why she changed it. Turkish girls tend to look the same, kinda like how Scandi girls do.
She wasn't so bad at the start of her #fall phase, had a soft look that wasn't totally cringeworthy but now she looks so sickly.
No. 534733
File: 1521616441563.png (68.53 KB, 420x420, 7987ffcdcaaa5bf4ee74edaf03e27e…)

>>533885Thank you for taking the time to educate us on your worldly knowledge of beauty standards. I'm so glad that I can come to lolcow.com and look forward to being educated on information that definitely isn't based on anecdotes!
No. 535682
File: 1521723318388.jpg (856.86 KB, 1163x2307, Screenshot_20180322-075333.jpg)

I guess she can't hide her true face in fan photos lmao
No. 535803
>>535682her facial structure and shoops vs irl give me kota vibes nowadays. Her face is pudgier irl and has unusual features that wouldn't be unattractive if she didn't filter the living fuck out of herself online.
What is with cows the past few years completely mucking their sense of self and having no steady genuine style? Kiki and audrey kitching going into cactus goddess crystal land and fading into nothing, pixielocks falling into a complete mess of vomit styles, kenna going from the indie boho look that got her fame to whatever the hell this is.
No. 536573
File: 1521810744177.jpg (65.11 KB, 640x219, 20180323_080840.jpg)

>>536287>>536571"These countries that glorify pale skin have inspired me to completely whitewash myself into oblivion to fit their beauty standards"
No. 536574
File: 1521810986897.jpg (87.95 KB, 261x500, Screenshot_20180319-142758.jpg…)

>>535910Anon you're crazy!! Don't you know that kenna's hair is so unique and special that it can handle being bleached three times in six hours? It's totally not damaged at all!
No. 536575
>>534728trfag here, are you sure? modern Turkish people usually tend to look all over the place due to Anatolia getting invaded and receiving big migrations hundreds of times throughout the history. on top of the ones already living here, a lot of different ethnicities immigrated especially right before and around WWI. as a result, in some extended families you won't even be able to tell that cousins are related. some people won't even resemble their siblings. yeah, there's a general trend of having not too pale skin, not too light hair and a strong nose thanks to the Hellenistic genetics Turks inherited from Greeks when they first invaded, but judging from
>>535682, she could be from anywhere in central-eastern europe. hell, she looks like frickin Jillian in this photo.
scandi girls tend to look all the same because they have ~pure aryan genetics~ (a.k.a. low genetic diversity due to their smaller community living in a more isolated region) and they're not mongrels like us. if you're not from around here and you're familiar with how Turks look through TV shows though, you have a point. all the girls they choose to act in those shows look very similar.
sage for home country sperging.
No. 536587
File: 1521812968104.jpg (77.45 KB, 375x387, rsz_1not_lying_about_snow.jpg.…)

>>536480She says that some of the snow filters automatically "slightly" alter the chin and eyes. Completely ignoring the fact that the app has a bar that lets you choose how altered your face shape is, and you can choose zero altering if you want.
No. 536638
>>536587she really thought she killed it with this response.
one thing about cows like her is that they're just insufferable narcissists with horrible attitudes. so there will always be milk, or at least something cringey when you catch up with them.
No. 536698
>>536575>>534728Imo she can fit into everywhere in Europe..
Also that scandi people look the same is a big meme.
No. 537346
File: 1521904138843.png (83.38 KB, 317x500, 20180324_082044.thumb.png.fc00…)

Someone on PULL was trolling her and she just can NOT accept the fact that someone might think she's not as pale as she's pretending to be
No. 541087
File: 1522355895344.jpeg (50.03 KB, 375x500, 62BD0198-5A46-4F07-9A96-249075…)

She uploaded her first Q&A in months and I cannot get past the first minute.
https://youtu.be/N1rj0Lrx-EcBut she just keeps getting fatter and uglier by the day.
No. 541362
File: 1522397268079.jpeg (55.09 KB, 500x370, CE52AC53-1653-4BED-A281-CC3FFE…)

>>541087kenna is a lot of things but fat is not one of them. this just reeks of a projecting jealous fatty from pull.
if kenna would stop being a horrible person and drop the snow filters, she wouldn’t have so many people nitpicking her. from what i can tell, all the “milk” are things that 98% of flakes do. her new video makes her seem like a likeable person but then you see the pretentious shit she types on instagram. i will say this pink is far better than her old one.
No. 541370
>>541362Agreed. She doesn't seem like the worst person on the Internet. I just hope she soon realizes that she doesn't have to be a asexual, Buddhist, real life ice skating fairy to be liked by people.
She's how old? 25? She should have grown out of this special snowflake phase years ago
No. 541517
>>541166She's gained weight but she is not fat or large as fuck. She looks exactly like every other un-toned thin girl who starts gaining weight.
That hair style is really doing her no favours though. And how stupid does she think people are that they'll believe she doesn't edit her photos when she looks like this in videos? She's not ugly (more just average looking. Especially since she's not fucking with her makeup as much as she was near christmas, now THAT was ugly), but she looks nothing like her insta pics. She's fucking delusional.
No. 550080
File: 1523231481505.png (288.6 KB, 382x332, Screen Shot 2018-04-08 at 7.48…)

>>541094>she's not ugly.Her face shape is extremely unfortunate and she shoops herself to hell and back. Even she must know she's looking absolutely haggard these days.
Pic related is a candid a sweet, kawaii old Japanese man who just happens to be technologically advanced took of her the other day. Her caption for it is priceless. (
No. 550123
>>550080What about her looks haggard? I swear to god the word has lost all meaning. It's an unflattering shot, but she doesn't look old. And her face shape is fine, but I guess having a jaw at all is considered ugly on here.
The problem with her looks is her styling rather than her features. Fried hair that she continues to ruin on a regular basis, the way she filters her skin to look way whiter than it is, the tacky/frumpy shit she wears, the strange makeup etc.
No. 550136
>>550123Seriously, she's a pretty girl. Or at least would be if she didn't try to look like a Korean uguu snowflake-cum-anime loli all the time.
Her personality is a different can of worms altogether.
No. 550152
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>>550137>>550132If anything she looks "exhausted and unwell" in pic related. Her under-eye circles are still pretty bad despite heavy filters. It's honestly the worst photo I've ever seen of her, I don't know why she'd ever post it.
>>550123She used to have more of a defined(?) jaw before she gained weight.
No. 550585
>>550152I actually hate myself for thinking she looks cute here. But oh my god her hair. It looks so crispy I can't imagine what it actually feels like. She needs to put down the heat tools and bleach for a looonng time.
Also you guys forgot to mention the best part of her trip so far! She was talking about THE TWO MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE EVER in like 5 stories worth of posts, actually calling them faeries and posting creep shots of the dude she was talking about. Total cringe.
No. 551392
File: 1523339359225.png (6.08 MB, 1242x2208, 17C8CCD4-31FF-4984-920A-36B936…)

it’s not a religion guys!!
No. 551422
>>550080>Her face shape is extremely unfortunate Not to wk but you're delusional. Her face is not
ugly or
unfortunate No. 551497
>>551422Ignore it anon.
Been a farmer for years now and there’s so much embarrassing autism that it makes me wince sometimes but it’s unavoidable at this point. I was in /ot or /g and saw a huge sperging rage about fucking hair color. At that point seeing all of the obvious vitriol, mental illness, and self hatred had a subduing effect that has finally desensitized me entirely to the widescale loathing and misery here and I just don’t take anyone or anything even .01% seriously anymore.
Yes, her appearance is jarring compared to her carefully posed and edited selfies. She has eye hollows, wrinkling, and harsher features than she carefully curated and filters herself to appear.
I don’t think she’s ugly, but she isn’t what she makes herself appear.
I think things are becoming so creepy and superficial that we expect all women to look like AI robots and bjd children. Nobody truly looks like their carefully posed and manipulated selfies. Why does everyone want to reject being human so bad for attention?
-TL;DR people are insecure
No. 551568
>>550152I wouldn't say she's ugly either, I'm not sure how to describe it exactly but a dewy look so much better for her even if she kept it too pale for her skin. It looks like she sets with icing sugar at this point, her skin isn't clear enough for what looks to be pretty matte. The blush just ends up sitting on her face looking like another layer. Like how they paint corpses almost.
She has a good face to work on but she's trying to fit the wrong eyebrows on it and then it all falls apart from there. I hope she finds her own style one day.
I can agree her hair looks awful though, it looks so damaged it almost comes off matted in some pics where it's curled and frizzy.
No. 551723
File: 1523380629792.jpeg (29.56 KB, 750x178, fuck you kentucky fried hair.j…)

>>551392For context, her absolutely retarded, disrespectful ass was replying to comments in a whiny post she made about ~uwu I'm having an existential crisis guyz!!~ wherein maybe 6 separate people told her to trust in her faith / turn to religion (since she's never explicitly stated she's
not Buddhist)
No. 551728
File: 1523380807711.jpg (107.62 KB, 301x500, Screenshot_20180409-021743_Ins…)

>>551726>>551725>>551723Samefag but here's her ~I'm having a crisis!!~ post itself
No. 553832
File: 1523573631652.jpeg (48.81 KB, 638x319, 27A20350-59ED-4B6C-908F-3D6214…)

so you’re upset because she didn’t want people to tell her to turn to religion? you sound like an actual fucking idiot. kenna is a dumb shit but i can’t fault her for this one. if someone told me to turn to god when i was having a crisis, i would react the exact same way. religion isn’t the answer and people shouldn’t shove that thought process onto others because that’s a personal choice. if you find your way through “god” then good for you but this is a stupid thing to bitch about.
why not talk about her cringy ass weeb adventures instead and how she has yet to eat actual japanese food. i’ve yet to see her leave tokyo or go somewhere that isn’t harajuku.
No. 554176
>>551728sounds like your average neet with no career lmao. did she even go to college? like yeah you're unemployed and using your vlogging money to spend on more vlogging content so you can get attention and validation playing a character everyone in her hometown stopped being impressed with. she's a self proclained chameleon who moved to another country get attention since she stopped getting it at home. wow i'm much shocked very surprised her shallow goals aren't keeping her mentally fulfilled lmao. idiot.
where's the poem book? the novel? she has all the time in the world. she keeps saying she wants it to be perfect but it's obvious the only time she writes her disney-singalong grade "poetry" she makes it an ig caption for instant attention. she's mediocre and talentless and surrounds herself with aesthetics to make up for it.
No. 555431
File: 1523716852099.png (224.73 KB, 281x500, sure1.png)

Her entire trip has been one r/thathappened story after another. Dumping the cringefest.
No. 555432
File: 1523716993515.jpeg (187.9 KB, 395x500, sure2.jpeg)

A "lil" lady that she can't credit for the photography for whatever reason. She doesn't have an insta so how else can she give credit??
No. 555434
File: 1523717055020.png (238.9 KB, 281x500, sure3.png)

this is literally nothing to brag about you absolute idiot
No. 555436
File: 1523717206423.png (32.21 KB, 280x105, lolk.png)

No. 555438
File: 1523717356377.jpg (248.89 KB, 669x500, sure4.jpg)

apparently Japan is so enamoured with how cute she is people just won't stop asking her to take pics with their kids, she is just that special of a snowflake
No. 555441
File: 1523717511283.png (311.6 KB, 552x500, sure7.png)

I think this pic was posted but not the caption. She is so creepy calling grown adult people "lil" all the time yikes
No. 555442
File: 1523717654557.png (183.6 KB, 281x500, gross.png)

So aroace that she posts five insta stories worth of rants about the TWO MOST BEAUTIFUL people she's ever seen, referring to both of them as faeries. They just happen to be Japanese tho, it's not like she's fetishizing the entire country or anything!
No. 555443
File: 1523717692795.png (154.45 KB, 273x500, gross2.png)

>>555442She even went as far as posting a creep shot of one of the workers.
No. 555444
File: 1523717839956.png (188.36 KB, 281x500, weeb.png)

Last one. Travels across world to take month long dream trip to Japan. Spends all her time watching anime and replying to instagram comments. lolk
No. 555646
File: 1523737307441.png (644 KB, 915x457, cc532becdd76e9a5fc84e1a0a25bc9…)

Hanging with Venus
No. 556106
>>555449>>555805Yes, it's not uncommon to be asked for pics if you're a foreigner who stands out in Japan, but bragging about it everytime it happens makes you look arrogant and full of yourself.
>>556089I don't think she has yellow fever or something like that. She's always struck me as being a fake weeaboo/koreaboo who hopped onto the whole kpop and Japan bandwagon because it's trendy among younger people. Look at her IG. It doesn't seem like she genuinely likes Japan. The only thing she loves is Disney.
No. 556247
File: 1523810654705.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x1847, 1BE8A03E-C7ED-44AB-897A-D91676…)

Just saw this. Venus really couldn’t give any less fucks about her lel. She’s not even mentioned but this must’ve been the day she saw her. She mentioned the other girl that was with them. Funny, usually when youtubers meet each other they always make a big deal about it.
No. 556713
>>556260The same thing happened with Princess Mei. Kenna mentioned her in a caption thanking her for the picture Mei supposedly took. Mei has not commented on a single post Kenna has made, and never mentioned Kenna in her stories even. And Mei constantly tags and posts the people she hangs out with.
None of these girls seem to want to be associated with Kenna at all lmao
No. 556794
File: 1523849236415.png (566.23 KB, 815x514, Screen_Shot_2018-04-15_at_3.33…)

Venus + Kenna + Mikan.Mandarin. Sad fucking shit
No. 556830
>>556264Sorry but this seems like such a reach.
Kenna is contrived but I doubt Venus and Mi are the sort to be uninclusive. I think you’re looking into it too much. Most people don’t care as much as we do about these kinds of things.
>>556713Wait did I miss this? I’ve seen her mention the name Mei but I just assumed it was a friend of the same moniker. Did she specifically @ our fujoshi kween?
No. 557311
File: 1523901518871.jpeg (32.97 KB, 319x326, 1D044363-3510-4ED7-99AA-72844E…)

the best thing to happen on PULL was when it was proven that the taiwanese lady who took her pictures was a real person. then it turned into: WELL WHY DIDN’T SHE CREDIT HER. fucking hilarious lads.
i’m waiting to see what videos kenna uploads now that she has no more excuses. i’m half expecting nothing but scenery and her twirling in the cherry blossoms.
No. 557586
File: 1523935149469.png (76.13 KB, 186x248, 8FB27C49-9125-42B0-B578-79FD37…)

Fucking kek.
No. 557718
>>557586>>557639thats just an unfortunate angle
she is a shit person but anything about her looks/getting fat is reach cuz shes still as tiny as ever and she is objectively cute and its really a shame that despite that she has to have the most horrid personality that shows off any validation she gets from any azn
No. 557737
>>557718can some of you just accept not everyone finds her cute? For me, she was very pretty in her boho phase and even in "snow white". But now she's not looking good. Objectively. She gained weight on her face, her hair is fried beyond help and looks like clown hair and the super short fringe is just ridiculous, and her makeup is atrocious, makes her skin looks sickly and tired.
Can yall stop running to her defence anytime her looks are mentioned? She looks worse and we are allowed to comment on it.
No. 557800
>>557737samefag but just watched Venus' video.
Wow, she's so awkward and stiff. That scene where Venus hugged her playfully and she ignored that completely, not even looking at her, wow.
That vlog was a secondhand-embarrassment fest
No. 557849
>>557778not only that but she doesn't have the face to suit the look she's going for, and the hair + terf bangs combo only accentuates her worst assett aka that giant turk face. i'm not surprised she's gaining weight since she seems to be the least goal-oriented she's ever been and probably eats purely out of boredom.
>>557800literally. i think kenna's so used to being the ~quirky~ one her band of fugly plebs fawns over that being around girls that are actually cuter than her just makes her entire attitude look like a joke. there's nothing sweet or likeable about her demeanor. she's boring, like we've always said. which is why she desperately tries to make up for it with her appearance.
No. 557853
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>>557586Why does she look like a randomized preset pawn in Dragon’s Dogma
No. 557856
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>>557853Now I realize why. That damn bowl cut on such a masculine face.
No. 558425
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she’s so smol and skinny guys
No. 558487
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>>557737‘Weight gain’
In what world..?
No. 558498
>>558487in this
>>558425 one kenna
No. 558500
>>558498TBH she's so short I feel her weight is always going to be an issue for her because she could put on 5 lbs and it'd look like 15
No. 558522
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>>558499The thing is Kenna has kind of a longish oblong shaped face. The style she is doing right now just accentuates it. The reason she looked good during her boho phase was because her hair style fit her face.
No. 558691
>>558522the thing is that i have no doubt she'd love to have her pink hair be this length. but every time she bleaches it she has to cut off 2 inches of gummy burnt ends.
>>558500pretty much
No. 558724
File: 1524056615426.jpg (1.19 MB, 1422x2105, Screenshot_20180418-080127.jpg)

To anybody that still denies her weight gain. She has definitely gotten a gut, which you can see here despite the fact she's wearing these grandma dressed in an attempt to hide it kek
No. 558752
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>>558487Are you fucking blind? She looked like this when she had first started her channel.
No. 558756
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>>558752Samefag, but as of July 2017 she looked like this (this is the most skin-revealing outfit I've seen her in in the past year kek)
No. 558762
>>558522>>558752why would a cute girl like this make herself look like
>>558724>>557586her whole styling is vomit inducing and unflattering,
unflattering haircut, hair color, outfit, weight gain
she has a sister, right? why wouldn't her sister stop her from leaving the house like that? isn't kenna supposed to be a beauty/fashion youtuber?
honestly, i think it boils down to not even caring what looks good and just wanting to look as special as possible, even if it means looking special needs
No. 558823
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>>558756I guess this shows more
why does her wasit look so off
No. 558941
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>>558823>grainy mirror selfie with heavy filter slapped on it>44k likesI will never understand the appeal
No. 560812
>>560599I think she attracts it because of her own attitude too though. Like even to fans, if they're not kissing her ass she blocks them or replies in a really bratty or just mean way. And she keeps doing shady and insensitive things as well.
Like, obviously after you do the shit she's done and come out with an apology, people are gonna be hyper critical to see whether your apology was actually sincere or not. And hers wasn't, she clearly only did it cause she was backed into a corner. And that's why she continues to get so much flak from people, she's not following through with the things she said she would when she apologised.
No. 565312
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No. 565322
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No. 565907
>>565322This is just so funny to me that she's playing victim and asking for sympathy from people criticising her (not even being mean about it most of the time) when like a year ago she was telling a girl who just lost her entire family that "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" and "you reap what you 'sew'" when that girl was getting actual death threats and harassment from Kenna's own fans. And then she would even say that she couldn't ask her fans to STOP harassing that girl because she didn't want to tell them what to do.
Yes Kenna, you really do reap what you "sew".
No. 567076
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I have no words
No. 567301
>>567076Every white girl who was a weaboo is now a koreaboo and it's fucking hilarious.
There's no harm in taking makeup or style inspiration from just about anywhere but it's so obvious they're trying to cosplay another race lmao
No. 568766
>>567134I think she's ugly because of things like her aesthetic choices as well, the pink hair and weird brows make her look awful
It only works when she filters and edits, I wouldn't call her pretty because I feel like there has to be some kind of draw in looks and there is…none, she has all the time in the world to stick to the autumn colours that helped her looks or even doing something like sticking to the Tumblr diy minimal aesthetic that boosted people's interest in her
She looked fine but she was average even in her weird partygirl tan days
She is easily persuaded by others and has nothing unique to draw people in, she's rude and barely researched the things she's pretending to be involved in
She thinks she's Snow White but she's Weird Pasty Bitch who likes dressing up at Disney and creating fake stories about Asian people following her around and taking pictures of her because she's Sooo Kawaii Desu!!
She's too old for this shit, honestly
Nobody thinks she's a hideous beast because they think she's ugly just like saying "well I think she's pretty so you're wrong!" make her beautiful
No. 573071
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Wasn’t sure where else to post this, but SuiClown (formerly Suiswan) seems to have ditched her Melanie Fartinez phase for a Kenna phase
No. 573815
File: 1525465042454.png (6.6 MB, 1242x2208, starwarsday.png)

Returned to Socal. This might be one of her better outfits as of late.
No. 574171
File: 1525497099456.jpg (25.78 KB, 259x260, well.jpg)

someone make this the next thread's pic
No. 576104
File: 1525727757558.png (8.66 MB, 1125x2001, F180D0FE-9BC2-447F-9F8F-A0DD89…)

>>574182Looks like these comments are getting to her kek
Check the shoop fail on her neck.
No. 592881
File: 1527183410956.png (163.82 KB, 281x500, IMG_7949.thumb.PNG.82b45f09628…)

Surprised no one has posted about the shitstorm that happened with her beelining for the toddler's section of a department store and stretching a shirt out to hell and back just to prove she's not chubby. But she definitely shooped this photo and is posing like that to hide her gut. She's vile.
No. 592884
>>592881wow she is vile. It's like that controversy when Bethany Frankel from Real Housewives of NY bragging that she could fit into her baby child's pajamas and she seemed really happy about it. People accused her of trying to promote an unrealistic body image.
I'm 5'2 and I can fit into a large child's shirt because I work out everyday and I'm petite. It doesn't mean shit, though.
(no1curr) No. 592892
>>592882What was the backlash?
kek what's the point of even posting this, other than to brag? Pathetic.
I'm an adult and I can wear a 5T shirt too. Any petite woman can. McKenna, you're not special.
No. 592895
File: 1527184428774.jpg (55.64 KB, 536x500, IMG_20180522_220347.thumb.jpg.…)

>>592892a lot of people thought she was trying to be "thinspo" again like she was ~4 years ago.
then a whole other subset of people thought it was creepy that she was in the
boys toddlers section of Target, seeing as she's made some suspect remarks about little boys before – saying one watched her pee through the crack in the bathroom stall door; one 11-year-old at her ice skating class kept "asking for her number"; kids regularly called her a "fairy" for awhile (and the whole Disney park clapped).
No. 592948
>>592895I dont like kenna but it is kinda ridiculous if someone gets
triggered over an adult woman wearing a toddler shirt
No. 592955
>>592895How is that ridiculous? Try being in their mindset. When you're anorexic, you do little things in your head, you take note of the size of other people's thighs, you notice things and make little competitions in your head. If another woman out there decides to make her own little "competition", intentional or not, then you can't help but feel a little
triggered. And that sort of thing is just not necessary to post or point at all. It's not like her friend's suggested she wear it or dared her, she went there alone and had the idea in mind to specifically find a toddler shirt so she could wear it. And then she took it a step further and decided to put that image across to thousands of impressionable minds. Yeah I'd be pissed too. But maybe it's just because I can understand what it's like to think like an ana person. I had a cousin who would like to "compete" like that, point out how much smaller her thighs were than me, make her boyfriend pick her up and talk about how much "weight she lost" (and we weighed the same). My general consensus would be just don't do it at all, ever. No one will ever care about how skinny you are.
No. 592977
File: 1527193293155.png (159.07 KB, 281x500, drinksomewateryadusty.png)

she looks so damn musty without filters.
No. 592989
>>592977she looks like a confused grandma who's losing her mind to dementia.
smol 22 year old disney princess bean tho~
No. 593008
File: 1527197229444.png (113.4 KB, 281x500, DE14B19D-AF64-45C5-81D6-C612EE…)

I posted this to PULL but I'mma post it here too
No. 593014
>>592955but those aren't mentally stable people anon, it's not like she's telling women they all need to fit into toddlers clothes, she's not even remotely saying anything close to that
>point out how much smaller her thighs were than me, make her boyfriend pick her up and talk about how much "weight she lost" (and we weighed the same). My general consensus would be just don't do it at all, ever. No one will ever care about how skinny you are.she isn't comparing herself to anyone though, "i fit into toddler shirts" is all she said, sure no one may care or not, but this is far from ana-
triggering, even then unless she's directly doing it I don't see a problem outside of it just being obnoxious
No. 593074
>>593014The thing is she knows the majority of her followers are young teens/preteens who are very impressionable and easily effected by things like this, even without being ana. She also knows she used to be used as thinspo. She knows what she's doing, and she is basking in it. I know it's a bit much to expect everybody to be a role model or w/e, but she chose this as her job and she is aware of the implications posting shit like that has. And she obviously doesn't care how anything she does effects anybody who isn't her.
But just wait, the second somebody says something that's not kissing the inside of her ass she'll cry "you know there's a PERSON on the other side of the screen" and victimise herself yet again.
No. 593076
File: 1527204004562.png (355.74 KB, 607x500, postpost.png)

she's made TWO instastories on how she's not photoshopping herself, I think thou doth protest too much
No. 593079
>>593076It's so embarrassing how seriously she takes things. She tries to make it into jokes but she obviously cares wayyyy too much about what people say because there's always a story about it. Whenever she posts an anime and people ask what it is she just HAS to post another story being a brat saying "omg guys the title was LITERALLY right there"
Like who the fuck cares? How many followers do you have? Not
everybody is going to kiss your ass.
I know Venus's video with her was posted before, but I forgot to say how she recorded her complaining about how she just wants to live her life in the background while Venus was showing herself eating her hotdog at 2:53.
https://youtu.be/IThfku9zyA4?t=2m53s No. 593249
>>593014The real question is, what possesses a person to try on baby clothes at Target and then post about it online? She didn't just say it, she went out of her way to put on a toddler's shirt and take pics in it. Who would find that shit entertaining (except maybe ageplayers)? What's her point, exactly? That toddlers are fat, or that she's small?
If it's the latter, why the need to highlight how "small" she is? It's not like we haven't all seen her body.
No. 593274
>>593261omgg wk's please leeaaavve. This isn't about you, this is about Kenna. She constantly posts about how tiny she is when everyone can see her candids where she's actually NOT that skinny. She
posted a pic of the TAG of the shirt with no provocation to prove the size of it, while the photo of herself in the shirt is so obviously shopped and the top looks like it's busting at the seams anyway.
Lots of people shop in the kid's section, that is so clearly NOT the problem here you absolute doofus. Only a fucking insecure weirdo would be going around bragging about such inane bullshit.
No. 593287
>>593261literally all ana chans do on their communities is brag about how they
have to buy from the little boys section. hell, lainey brags about that shit too it's just obnoxious attention whoring about how "smoll" you are. it's annnoying shit that attention starved that only 15 year old girls and ana chans do.
No. 593336
>>593079That's Mikan complaining about them judging the food she was eating. McKenna is the one who replies "you do you"
>>593076She forgot to photoshop her chubby fingers tho 😎
No. 593357
>>592949>She also apparently likes to call girl's plugholes,proof?
>>593008back to pull with you
No. 593461
>>592881All I see is a midget.
Most normal-sized women can fit into them in terms of width (which is the "look I'm skinny" part she's trying to brag about), but it will be too short to cover the stomach part.
I know an adult woman that wears toddler clothes, she has literal dwarfism kek.
No. 593592
>>593415i mean this reads exactly like pulltards that send her rude messages and then sperg about her being
problematic when they receive any kind of response
not to wk but ive never heard anyone even use the term “plughole” as an insult and to me this just seems like her being dumb and trying to sound old timey
sage of course
No. 593677
>sends hate>kenna reacts>WOW SHE THINKS ALL WOMEN ARE PLUGHOLESy'all sound like fucking morons. go back to pull with your stupid ass bullshit and cry about how she's ruined your glorious japan.
the actual drama of hers is barely worth talking about so now everyone has to obsess with her shooping, calling her a "pedophile" and the snarky replies she gives to people who are obviously being an asshole.
No. 597663
>>593677Are you fucking stupid, anon? So, you come on a thread about a retarded 22yo who thinks she's special to sperg about people pointing out that she, in fact, IS a retarded 22yo who thinks she's special?
fuck off
No. 610043
File: 1528938180005.png (633.45 KB, 865x731, simplyawful.png)

>>609402The blonde definitely looks better but the make up is atrocious. And its, as always, the wrong shade for her skin. Kenna never changes.
No. 611275
>>610451one would hope, for good
…but more than likely it's too fucking hot in california right now for granny fashion and it'll be back as soon as the temperature hits 75.
No. 624385
File: 1530293836095.jpg (46.93 KB, 259x500, Screenshot_20180628-022422_Ins…)

>>624365she bitches about being demonetized when she had literally put "fetish" in the title of her video.
No. 624446
>>624365Her makeup
triggers me badly
No. 624533
>>624382>my aesthetic isn't based off japanOk but all you talk about is Japan and anime like you only just discovered it existed.
All you fangirl over are Asian music groups and anime characters AND actual Asian
people that you've come across on your trips!
All you use now are snow filters.
You literally shaved half your eyebrows off to have a straight Japanese-looking eyebrow with no arch.
Stop embarrassing yourself, Kenna.
Stop obsessing over every opinion everyone has just because they're not kissing your ass. Not everybody in the world is going to love you and agree with you.
She acts likes a child.
No. 628865
>>628541I was more so talking about her inherent obsession with Japanese culture. I wouldn't expect someone to call themselves a weeb, thats emberassing. But it's undeniable how hard she tries to emulate Japanese (especially anime) tropes. Nothing wrong with loving Japanese culture, it just seems like she not only denies anything that suggests it but pretends to be surprised and offended that someone would think suggest that she doesn't just happen to be a pretty anime uwu princess fairy. She wants to make it known how "effortless" she is, while being one of the most contrived people I ever witnessed evolve over time.
/done sperging sorry!
No. 632365
File: 1531154642599.png (993.2 KB, 1256x1196, plussized.png)

>>632347Here it is, I had to screenshot it from PULL
No. 632834
>>632347it's starting to feel like she almost starts the drama on purpose… like in an "any attention is good attention" sort of way??
how can she go from 'omg i fit children clothes lolol' to 'omg im plus size my hips are 35 inches'
as a social media influencer she MUST know it's never a good idea to share your weight/measurements bc people are SO TOUCHY about that topic.
No. 632993
>>632834I scrolled through her profile a month ago and every caption seems designed to
trigger people to wind them up. She's a subtle troll
No. 634852
File: 1531435307089.png (539.74 KB, 815x458, 0FFC1A0C-A6CC-4A5B-B372-F91C4C…)

Cap from her new video. She literally looks like she has white face paint on. She’s also bloated as all hell, to the point that PULL users that shit on me a year ago for pointing out her obvious weight gain are now making fun of her chunky ass still trying to be thinspo.
No. 634901
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>>634852I went to watch this video as I've never seen a video of hers, and this is the very top video in the suggestion box lol.
Her mismatched foundation is really distracting…
No. 635175
File: 1531457962007.jpg (41.45 KB, 434x580, 40827cafc753846d441a56d9990e16…)

i guess i understand why she always wears those ugly scarves now, its to hide the fact her foundation doesn't match her skin tone AT ALL.
its really sad to see how far she's fallen, she used to be so pretty.
No. 635216
File: 1531464735667.png (315.87 KB, 827x263, 1531154642599.PNG)

>>635096it's just because she has fallen into self-hatred à la stell bell, she wants to be the whitest ever and even has similar boasting about her brown eyes because she's mad she doesn't have light eyes, she's so transparent.
>>635175yep it's crazy how good she looks when she's not so tryhard.
No. 635258
File: 1531473911615.jpg (47.06 KB, 357x500, Simple_kenna.jpg)

Her newest post made me wheeze
No. 713007
>>712994Oh man I'm calling it right now. She's gonna be the new Mira/Kanadajin3, now that Miranda as forsaken her beloved white Japanese title in favor of cosplaying full time as an extremist Muslim.
The torch must be passed, and Kenna is just ignorant and self-absorbed enough to receive it.
Consider that she is already trying to correct people's Japanese when she can't even read katakana yet.
No. 713029
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>>712994She could easily afford a tutor, she's always half-assing everything in the most irritating way possible
No. 717909
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she's tucking huge compared to what she used to be kek, can someone make a before-and-after?
saged for ana-chan talk
No. 718584
>>712503god i hope she's trolling us with this crap
with the trend of every youtuber changing their cringy old usernames to their real names why would she do the opposite? zoella is now zoe sugg noodlerella is now connie glynn etc etc
>>717909tbh im glad she's attending events like a real youtuber should, maybe we'll get some decent content now
BUT JESUS how embarrassing so show up to something like this and go 'o hi im cozykitsune'
wtf please change it back or change it to mckenna kaelin or suman or whatever the hell you wanna go by
the intense second hand embarrassment i get from that username literally makes my skin crawl
No. 742932
>>742846yesss im gonna have keks of my life reading her pull thread with all those
triggered pulltards being like hurr she only eats pankeku and drinks miruku, she's not 24/7 kneeling in shrines! she can't read kanji durr she's not respectful of the nihonese, she doesn't deserve living in nippon!
(sorry not sorry lol)
I mean I'm with
>>742921 , good for her. Living alone in a foreign country, pursuing education? There's no better way for her to grow, honestly. She's living such a kiddie-life, if that's not a wake up call for her then nothing will be
No. 742959
>>742846KEK as it wasn't obvious enough in the past couple months.
She moved in with her sister and her gf, started taking sponsorships, changed her username, privated videos, been more actively commenting on Venus, Mikan, and other J Vloggers social media, showing off going to LA to apply for the visa, bought a custom "Japan is my home" poster.
No. 743019
>>742846i'm sure they're all losing their goddamn MINDS over this development on pull right now, given how much more they care about nitpicking her than anyone on lolcow does
like call me when she starts doing some really cringey shit in japan that's actually worth seeing, other than that this girl's been boring as fuck to me since the copying drama blew over
No. 743172
>>742938wow finally someone who isn't me has revived the thread i've been holding off for ages lol
lame that she's wiped everything from her social medias but i unironically love her rebranding aside from the unoriginal weeby name.
can't wait for japan milk
No. 743217
File: 1543878704440.png (3.4 KB, 365x69, loosin.PNG)

>>743019oh you know they are. its the most active it's been in months.
weebs are seething its her going to japan and not them