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No. 742001
Marra Fae is a delusional, yandere wannabe weeb, body shaming, anti-black, ugly succubus. She believes she is a real-life succubus and that she, in fact, invented the concept herself. She has a facebook page and a cringey pornhub where she post her succubus porn. She pretends to be this dominant demon while blocking you immediately if you speak against her.
Age: 26
Alias : Sin Fae, Succubus Sin, and Marra Fae
Real Name : Unknown
Notable Things :
- Only dates white men because she believes that white men are less likely to domestically abuse their mates and trashes black men
- Will comment on other's pages whenever they post a succubus cosplay because they are all copying her
- Says she is a succubus who can suck up to ten dicks at a time but only has one partner
- Says trans-phobic and homophobic statements all the time in her facebook posts
- Speaks out about black men being perverted rapists but will defend perverted anime characters
- Makes racist remarks against Muslims and Indian men
- Will not let her partner talk to other people while she hits on other men, especially in relationships
- Body shames anyone but cannot handle being body shamed herself
- Makes super cringey porn videos
- Will have other people comment on popular facebook pages of black cosplay girls just so she is mentioned
Social links: Facebook - - - No. 742002
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Evidence of some of her racism
No. 742004
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No. 742006
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I don't even know how to title this…
No. 742007
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No. 742008
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No. 742009
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No. 742010
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No. 742012
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No. 742013
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No. 742023
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>>742002This is actually kind of a funny joke. Bad taste maybe but who can't laugh at creepy Indian men on facebook? Pic related.
No. 742160
>>742002How is this racism? It's a joke. A retarded one but obviously a harmless joke, nonetheless.
Also trannies and gay men are fucked up. Get a grip.