Babispit is a instagrammer mostly known as Babighoul and for posting Aesthetically pleasing photos.
critiscism=\= hate huge difference
How do any of you feel about her???
Here are a few subjects that rub people the wrong away towards her (some of these dramas I witnessed, others I have just heard from others)
- keeping her age a secret and lying when someone points out that she is underage. She is currently 17 and it has been told her birthday is soon to arrive.
-She allows her followers to believe that she is an adult. When any old follower knows she’s not. It’s been told her mother lets her do her own thing. So it’s easy for her to be perceived as an adult of the internet.
-Posts sexual/inappropriate pictures. Mostly panty shots and lingerie. Apparently she’s been doing this since she was 14.
-Getting upset when she’s given criticism, even when she asks.
-Posts videos of her excessively smoking, but gets upset when someone points it out.
-Lies unnecessarily and full of contradiction
Ex: “Says she’s not 19 when asked ,until fans starting assuming so, so now she plays along”
“Says she got kicked out of her High school, yet says she graduated”
“Recently told someone there the reason she can’t get a job, yet says she has 2”
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