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No. 270461
short breakdown :
>relatively well known in the Toronto kink scene>started several facebook nude sharing kink groups which devolved into drama when she refused to be held accountable for adding rapey people>held a contest on one of her nude sharing groups, with prizes, announced winners, never actually gave any of them the prizes >is totally tryhard when it comes to kink, boner for dd/lg and ageplay>has a fetlife account she pushes in everyones face, uses it like an instagram for her floppy tits>says she's poly, but can't deal with her partners seeing other people, totally obsessive and jealous>regularly complains about her partners, tells everyone about how terrible and abusive they are (spoiler : they're not)>claims that she has been raped by several different people, yet is still friends with them>constantly crying about harassment online, and tells everyone that social media and internet is going to cause her to kill herself>started a gofundme campaign for people to help her pay her phonebill because "muh chronic illnesses, muh miscarriage, no monies!" (spoiler : no chronic illness, and the only thing that bothered her about her miscarriage was that she wanted to know who the baby daddy was)>somehow able to start her own online business selling shit tier sex toys even though she was SO BROKE she couldn't pay a phone bill>goes to ER all the time for "being suicidal", yet will post pictures of herself the whole time she is there, along with statuses telling everyone about her ~*ER suicide emergency journey*~>has "gone missing" on at least two seperate occasions, leading people to become super worried and look all over for her, only to be found the next day, drunk at some guys house. knows that people are looking for her but refuses to respond to anyone because she loves the attention>thinks she's a "celebrity" because she did an interview with the local newspaper about a nude beach she went to, makes herself sound like a prude in said interview even though she's ~*so kinky u guies*~ >claimed after the interview that she regretted it because they used her real name without her permission, which they apparently promised they wouldn't do>claims she is recovered from an eating disorder and that's why she's fat, but has always been fat (posted photos where she claimed to be "underweight", was just slightly less fat)Gofundme : : : : article she was mentioned in :"find cailey" twitter hashtag from the night she made vauge suicidal statements but was afterwards found sleeping it off at some dudes house : No. 270462
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her fetlife profile pt. 1
No. 270463
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pt. 2 with all her kinks listed
No. 270469
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people sperging about her "going missing", when she was really just drunk at some dudes house.
No. 270470
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some of the comments on said thread of her "going missing".
No. 270472
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complaining about how "internet bullies" are going to make her kill herself. lol
No. 270475
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some of her "suicidal abububu" bullshit.
No. 270477
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more of her "I'm gonna kill myself abububu" bullshit.
No. 270478
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her lying about her "chronic illness" that apparently prevents her from working etc.
No. 270528
>>27047229 years old and inevitably going to kill herself over online bullying. Weak.
I know she won't do it, but still. Weak.
No. 270550
>>270549LOL her fucking GOOGLE DOC for her homelessness is so pathetic.
"guyssss, please write in this google doc how much money or food you can give me pleasssse! also let me know what days I can sleep on your floor with my cat! CHRONIC ILLNESS, DEPRESSION, ABUBUBUBU"
Grow the fuck up, stop lying, get a fucking job, and get your shit together. You're fucking 29 years old. You don't need welfare, you need to STOP BEING A LAZY CUNT.
No. 270601
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>>270472But really, why doesn't she just take a break from the internet?
No. 274200
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An unfortunate body frame. Like a linebacker. Also her IG is 90% her cat.
I think this girl likes to talk to a lot of her friends, family, followers, partners, etc. but HATES when they talk back or speak to her, where instead of her talking about herself, she's having to listen to others (even when they're talking about her). Also manipulation through use of suicide "attempts" & guilt-tripping "muh mental illnuss" & "muh rapez". Complaining isn't supposed to be a full time hobby.
No. 274271
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she googled herself, found this thread, and instead of not saying anything about it, she tells everyone, AND tells them that it's on lolcow. like that's going to help. lol
No. 274285
>>274278Ive only read this thread, but she seems like she has bpd. I mean going to the emergency room for feeling suicidal, calling her previous partners abusive, non stop posting really personal stuff publicly. Theyre all really bpd-ish things to do. At least they are signs of someone who is quite distressed.
Also, im not saying she will kill herself. But feeling like killing yourself is still horrible even if you dont go through with it.
It happening before doesnt mean i cant point out that it seems like a bad idea. It just seems like picking on someone who is quite low down already, its different to making fun of people for photoshop, scamming, lying to increase social status, etc. The drama from this girl is just directly related to her being in distress.
No. 274293
The funniest part about this, is that you've cried on Bunz about how you've been doxxed, and you're going around sending PM's to all the admins, and your stupid friends, telling them it's one specific person - but it isn't.
You don't even realize how many people think you're a stupid child, and you're only ASSUMING that it's that person, because you had beef with them in the past. Think a little harder about other people you've had beef with (I know it's probably a long list).
Also, yeah, I found caps to post. I went and requested to be added to your stupid Mental Health group to cap things and laugh at you, I have screenshots that I decided to post, whatever. Get over it.
tl;dr - if ur gonna point the finger, point it at the right fucking person, lol.
No. 274466
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>>274271>someone doxxed meNo they didn't. Saving or screencapping an image that you publicly posted on the internet for everyone in the world to see, and then re posting it on a different website is not doxxing. (Being this newfag that you equate discussion about your public posts to doxxing)
>so uh, nowhere is safeThe entire net isn't your personal safe space, other people are allowed to post their own opinion & regardless of your feefees. If she was looking for safety, why come to the internet? Just unplug and go get a job, lazy mofo. There are actual severly disabled people who don't even apply/accept disability welfare payments. "I'm so tierd ALL the time~" "I'm overweight, muh legs hurt when I walk up stairs!!1~" "I'm dupressed a lot~ sooper sad~" FIBRO-warrior/survivor!!!11~
How can she justify being "sick", "disabled", "muh invisible illness" over just being the fat, lazy, unmotivated, sad, uneducated, loser she knows she is. But somehow has time to fuck everyone, run kink groups & "contests", drink/party all night, run social media accounts, take nudes, run around/hangout with friends daily, vacation to the ER, etc but she's "too disabled" to work? Lmao
No. 342763
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