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No. 966417

Puineagigg on tik tok and instagram/ Sofia Vogiatzakis/ “Laura” is a teenager who posts many “pick me” type videos on the app tik tok. Many of her videos are outright misogynistic while clearly pandering to an incel type male audience. She is slowly gaining popularity on the app. She is from Perth, Australia.

> Claims her style is “conservative” and that showing off skin is wrong to pander to her audience, yet pictures of her showing skin in short skirts and crop tops can be found online

>Self proclaimed “masculinist”
>Believes in “reverse racism”
>actively engages in and defends shaming other women based on appearance/sexuality
>All of her videos seem to be shitting on women, never men
>”Actress” for Nextactors Australia
>Often directs her videos towards “femcels” in her comments despite her fan base being compromised of incels
>Thinks feminism supports superiority yet calls herself a masculinist implying men are superior
>Edgelord wannabe
>Says that if you don’t enjoy cooking and cleaning that you’re a whore for male attention and your parents must not be together.
>Wannabe Tradthot
>Says if you wear revealing clothing you are just a piece of meat
>Has a discord server which consists of her and 100+ of her simp incel fans to talk “politics”
>Female Ben Shapiro
>”Gamer Girl”
>Claims she is “red pilled”

No. 966418

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No. 966419

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Oh, the irony

No. 966420

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No. 966421

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No. 966518

she's a teenager lol? She's gonna look 40 at 25 wit that skeleton face

No. 966555

cynicalshawty and this girl should fight, the winner gets male attention

No. 966576

Pretty wild especially when everyone knows people write their introductions in places like this themselves. In such a short bit of text, how can you even fit in so many repetitive word choices, not to mention the cringy zero-content praise of her own quirkiness.

No. 966586

watched some of her videos and she’s really just another dull average girl who thinks her opinions make her better than other women. she’s obviously chuffed to bits over being called a “pick me” since she made a whole video defending herself and trashing others. it’s also pretty clear she just wants attention, and it seems like a lot of videos are just her projecting her insecurities (ie she makes a video saying “you’re not depressed you’re just narcissistic”).

just seems to be another big nosed contrarian who’ll probably grow up and regret being so cringey and lacking in self awareness in later years.

also kek @ her thinking her parents teaching her to value male validation above all else is “good morals”. let’s see how that self esteem winds up in a few years following that track.

No. 967076

>she has a donation channel in her discord
she's just fishing for money

No. 967480

Dafuq why are you losers so mad? Get. A. Life.
fucking newfags thinking they matter.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 968210

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