Kelly Ronahan is a 34-year-old compulsive liar and malingering attention whore from Kelowna, Canada. She claims to be a medical mystery, as doctors can't understand why her blood is magically disappearing. Kelly's hobbies seem to include ballet, her cat Chompurrs (Chompy), auto exsanguinating, and poking herself in the eye with wasps in order to induce an allergic reaction.
Chompy is a cat. He's Kelly's trusty companion, a talented mouser, and an overall fluffer mckitty witty cutie wootie meow meow~ He enjoys sleeping and nommin' on ankles. What a funny guy. Oh my~~~ Kitty~~~
The Dynamic Duo were originally mentioned in the Over-the-Top Spoonies and Munchausens by Internet threads, wherein it quickly became obvious that Kelly had been lurking and was revelling in the attention and pretending to be upset about it on her social media. She made several obvious self posts and was banned twice, and has since been communicating with the farm via Facebook and Instagram.
Chompy has not publicly shared his opinion on this thread, but when I asked him, he responded by showing off his chompers with a big meow. At first, I assumed he approved of the thread, but then I realized that I was eating a tuna fish sandwich.
Munchies 1:
>>181656Munchies 2:
>>201162Munchies 3:
>>237479Munchies 4:
>>300611Munchies 5:
>>345089(Important: Kelly and Chompy are no longer to be discussed in munchie central.)
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