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No. 867189[Reply]

As most of you are probably aware, there is evidence floating about 4chan about a Discord group full of trannies that raid 4chan (especially /r9k/) on a regular basis in the hope of pushing beta males and "retards" to take HRT. Among the other shit they are purported to have done is blackmail kids into telling their parents they are trannies at the risk of being doxxed, buying and taking hormone replacement drugs, and cutting the admin's name into their arm with a razor.

Everytime you report a server, another one appear seemingly out of nowhere in just a few weeks later. They've been doing it for years and it's still going strong.

The state of 4chan r9k in 2019 is so bad its literally unbrowseable with half of the catalog being filled with hrt, traps and pink pill propaganda.
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No. 1244221

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No. 1244222

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No. 1244233

This has got to be the worst attempted raid yet congrats

No. 1244239

man what trannies did we piss off this time?
how many raids have yall attempted now? 3? 4?

this is getting pretty sad

No. 1244335

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kek trannies, mass shootings would cease to exist if all males killed themselves, yourselves included. if you're actually such humanitarians to care for these issues then i suggest doing your part :)

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No. 1243891[Reply]

Don’t know if this guy deserves his own thread but the FF thread is old.

Musician that used to be a YouTube “comedian” known as Filthy Frank/ Pink guy. Now makes music for sad zoomers.

Although he’s pretty private milk includes:
- being cancelled last year for being “racist” by the kpop mob on twitter.
-not paying a producer he worked with on a music project
- fucking a high schooler when he was 23/24.
- leaking his own music on Reddit and crying about being hacked
- obsessed with pedo bait that is Ariana Grande
- fucking around with tumblr and instathots Lauren tsai, lily maymac, dprssn_chrry
- being a somewhat pretentious douche that idolises Kanye west.

In all honesty I like his music and used to be somewhat of a fan but he gives me weird vibes and wanted to know what others think of him or the transition from YouTube to mainstream(shit thread)

No. 1243892

girl who cares go outside

No. 1243905

Shit thread. Joji isn’t milky at all. Go touch some grass and make friends retard

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No. 1228808[Reply]

Well well well, the milk is still flowing and the hamplanets still pissing everyone off.
Our last thread saw old faithful @nourisht0flourish in all her grotesque semi-nakedness (emojis only just saved us from a peep show).
posh molly is well and truly back- her youtube is a mix of over-dramatised normal eating,
Ovi ….. is still obese. and private, but one lucky anon is able to provide us with all the moronic tweets.
Ganer’s joy at the gyms reopening (cue the 1 hour walks there) has sadly not suppressed her urge to post her old spoopy videos- we are now treated to gym-located waif shots, instead of at home. #helth amirite?
anons deemed @rorecovering’s weight gain insufficient in redeeming her for her scummy youtube thumbnails- she needs better fitting clothes and tuition on how to wear them so that they’re not half off her chest.
may (@_ghostofme) is about triple the size and attributing it all to “water retention”. despite some pretty gross oedema looking shots,
@bored_with_ana announced she got her period…again…..clearly forgetting that she’s informed us of this before….a few weeks ago… so we are left to conclude she is in fact, just stupid (and a lazy liar). someone should tell her that as a doctor she’ll be expected to know that periods happen more than once a lifetime!!
z.is.tryingg continued to piss off anons by preaching recovery whilst looking like a dying urchin without makeup, but we’re sure she’ll sue us ~cowardly boolies~ when she’s a rich and famous barrister….or not.
Ham continues to much away, paige threatens the release of her new “book”, porgie is fresh out of a coma (or so she says), dharma is starving herself of energy for all of tiktok to see, new cow @marnis__recovery is a minefield (or goldmine?) of creepy grimaces,

and to top it all off, Tess Holliday has decided she’s anorexic, despite being the size and weight of an adolescent elephant.
welcome back!

type sage in the email box, don’t blogpost. no under 16s… and read the damn rules.
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No. 1243122

Rudine Howard said she was 32 lbs in her coma in 1989, survived a few years after that. Im shocked that an adult human being could eve be alive at that weight


No. 1243162

is anyone making new thread,

No. 1243168

No. 1243239

Is that her forearm or thigh? God she is really incredible unfortunate looking.

No. 1243346

that looks less than 17

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No. 1236555[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.

Recent Milk:
>Shayna Clifford still cannot sensually dance for the life of her. Still doesn’t know how to twerk.
>Anons gifs of hank hill ass dancing >>1230390 >>1230298
>Shayna’s nipple disappears because of Snapchat face filters. Still cockeyed and uneven >>1230429
>Public bathroom flashing >>1230463 >>123146
>Shayna continues to pack on the pounds by eating excessive amounts of food >>1230809
> Ugly pedopandering photosets >>1230779
>Shayna looking middle aged trailer park mom on food stamps >>123138
>Still talks about olive garden >>1231404
>Waited feels bad for Shayna because she’s eating alone so they give her a free drink and she thinks it’s because she’s a hot bimbo >>1231687
>Shayna’s big honker continues to grow >>1233100 >>1232279 botched saga when??
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No. 1242803

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my contribution

No. 1242805

the most emotionally bankrupt picture
my classmates: married with kids, seem happy
me: contorting myself to get handouts from scrotes, eyes look dead

No. 1242858

New thread girls, jump in

Sorry for reposting it but I had to fix the links.
To anyone who makes a thread in the future - if you have multiple post links one after another, you have to separate them by not just a space but a character as well, like a comma. Otherwise they come out as greentext.

No. 1243702

i still cannot get over how much she looks like Jessica yaniv x the main girl from hairspray

No. 1244597

new thread

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No. 1228516[Reply]

This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk

Subreddits of note: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/
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No. 1237471

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No. 1237492

What the fuck is that pose in the preview? The tinfoils about child sexualization being promoted under troonery are starting to make sense.

He has his own thread already >>1039036

No. 1237522

No. 1237659


sage for contrib
it's not just Hibari in the thumbnail, the whole video is about the manga/show and shows a complete lack of understanding of the cultural context
I've never read or seen it but just from the vid alone (as misinformed as it is) I had a sense Hibari was some pandaka/wakashu shit and from your description I was right

No. 1238582

Ejaculators' opinions are worthless.

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No. 44761[Reply]

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No. 1236678

She lives with a dude she’s fucked before (for over 15 years now btw) and her gf lives somewhere else. The jokes write themselves. Anyway enjoy what’s left of your life, Riot. It’s been real.

No. 1236681

MF is in this thread being as incoherent and unintelligible as her original tweet. It’s sad. she needs mental health help.

No. 1236683

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Yeah her TERF views were always the most based thing about her. I'm not surprised that she's currently being cancelled on Twitter for it, only that it hadn't happened sooner. She was never very subtle about it.

also I love seeing hags who peaked in the early 2010s like takisiski and Nicolette coming out to gloat about how much they hate her.

No. 1236685

Ok “””Riot””” you named yourself after a transformer and make invader zim phone chargers. Enjoy explaining to Skye your business partner who draws 100% of your businesses art that it’s over and it’s all your fault! :) but you don’t care because “based”

No. 1236688

Moved to >>>/w/151614.

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No. 1230291[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.

First Thread >>>/snow/344490
Last Thread >>>/snow/1221034

>Last thread there was:

>infighting, shockingly
>Shayna daydreams about saving 2 million dollars after recently blowing her moving fund >>1221733
>capes for a creepy transvestite, calling him "mom" & encouraging others to do the same >>1221748 >>1223935
>says being a healthy BMI is not worth giving up her 3000 calorie doordash orders >>1222488
>gets fired by her therapist >>1222713
>oh, we're moving again btw fam >>1222728 >>1223353 >>1223354
>posts a bunch of tweets complaining about customers to her work twitter account >>1223734 >>1222816>>1222839
>drops $300 on skincare, then complains that using it is too hard >>1223060
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No. 1236508

My vote for thread pic

I have nothing creative to offer for the title.

Fupaless in Seattle
kek don’t come for me

No. 1236530

next thread pic?

No. 1236547

I think that's a good edition title for if and when she actually moves which isnt gonna be next thread lol

No. 1236557

New thread


No. 1242668

Maybe white trash food. Fuck off with your casual racism

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No. 1148062[Reply]

First Thread >>738758
Second Thread >>836614
Third Thread >>871951
Fourth Thread >>892447
Fifth Thread >>929121
Sixth Thread >>967636
Seventh Thread >>1031322
Eight Thread >>1087783

Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.

She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.

Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and manipulated several people in her life, and spent her 20s being a homebody mooch, then went on to claim she was “liviPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1241806

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Does she not realize that she needs to test negative to return to work..?

No. 1241985

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not saying she’s right for going out before 10 days, but after 10 she should be fine.

No. 1242206

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Heather what the fuck!
You went out to a flea market & touched things. Okay you might be over the worst of it but where I live it’s 14 day quarantine - not allowed to go out - you are on day 10 or 11 - you are still not 100% & now you’ve exposed god knows how many people with Covid. You don’t know if you aren’t contagious that’s why you need to wait it out & test negative. I know someone said you can still test positive after 3 months but that’s not for everybody. She’s an imbecile & fucking shameful she’s done this. Heather again I say what the fuck! I hope you do fucking read this & it hits home you twat!

No. 1242733

Calm it with the covid derangement syndrome holy fuck. her touching things isnt gonna spread shit.

No. 1242881

Nta but why do you think we need to wash our hands and sanitize?

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No. 925657[Reply]

Discuss people in your life that have lolcow potential.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/614616
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No. 1615498

well, with a face like that and this LARP she's doing is clearly reflective of something deeply wrong.
obviously ppl like that aren't going to chose to actually improve their intelligence when they could just be mooches and be racist for attention online

No. 1620509

lmao she lurks here @philippinerin. Fun fact: you’re a westernized, racist shut-in in the anglosphere. not very #return to tradition #mestiza model of you.

No. 1623115

and in true extremist attention whore fashion, she’s shit at the visual performative femininity and probably domestic skills as well.

i know her through a cousin’s mutual friend. she’s very mousy, and apparently as insufferable. does wear those dress irl

No. 1625079

shut the fuck up about meg

No. 1649376

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at 18? weird little bubble aside she might just be retarded

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No. 1207734[Reply]

Thread about pickme women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene:
Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, and What’s Left

Recap of past thread
>Anna has a Soviet-themed baby shower >>>/snow/1178699
>Rumors of Adam Friedland and Honor Levy hooking up >>>/snow/1178845
>An article in The Daily Beast mentions several cows from this thread and dirtbag lefties as sympathizing with the alt-right, ends up upsetting a lot of the people mentioned >>>/snow/1179268
>Kantbot bashes the laziness of the Red Scare hosts >>>/snow/1180173
>Perfume fationalist is still hysterical about women he makes up in his mind >>>/snow/1180499
>More debate about whether Anna and Dasha are on Peter Thiel's payroll >>>/snow/1181144
>Aimee still tweeting incessantly >>>/snow/1181848
>Apparently Amber is writing/has written a book >>>/snow/1190846
>Matt Christman (Chapo host) likes tweets about Aimee being deranged >>>/snow/1197633
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No. 1233175

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No. 1233183

It’s annoying because I feel like because so many of the people who criticise her seem deranged and obsessively hateful, any criticism of her now gets framed like that

No. 1233186

She talked about the first time she was mentioned here with that picture of her at a picnic and said it was weird because lolcow was a site she would actually use. She said she would have been obsessed with lc if she found it when she was younger and that she loves gossip and shit talk. She found the site from the PnP thread after finding her annoying on Instagram and said that having experienced being on the farmer side of things made her less upset about being posted/talked about. She briefly alluded to the samememe thing but didn’t talk about. She said that she still lurks here and likes the e-girls thread.

No. 1233226

Guess it took being dragged through lolcow for these hags to finally realize that body shaming is bad kek

No. 1233266

if you needed any more proof that namedroppable institutions are elite in name only

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