Saged as to not bump a necro.
The last user that was banned didn't read the rules before posting and because of the latter drmam below there might be an influx of newfags.
Here's the current drama bringing katiefags to the farm.
Tati Westbrook is suing Katie for a minimum $5 million dollar lawsuit for Defamation. Katie turned into a stalker over the last 2 years and dug everything she could about Tati up, including her childhood modeling photos.
As more and more channels started covering the lawsuit, Katie went on a hate spree.
She turned to her last friend, Unirock.
He told Katie he was making a video on creepshow art to try to debunk some of the things Katie was being accused of.
Katie dropped a link to creepshow's farm thread in his Uni server and Uni freaked out and banned her from his server. They are claiming that CSA's lolcow thread was an actual dox on her (Obviously they don't understand what an anonymous image board is)
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