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No. 13403[Reply]

On the off chance that anyone plays League, can we talk about the Yuno/RNG Remilia/RNG Dreamcatcher thing?

>Plays high level League of Legends for a few years

>Team won the qualifiers two days ago
>In a community that shits on women pretty regularly, the first "female" in the pro scene wasn't even born a girl.

Wouldn't be that bad. It would bother me, but…
>Asks not to be shown on camera during games
>Hid and had an anxiety attack after the game
>Decided to quit the team AFTER making it, so she's not even going to fucking play in the LCS…
>Is bragging on twitter that "all the girls hating on me, you're jelly you didn't get here first" and posting anime memes
> all people that mention of her being trans on the reddit and LoL Twitch, and LoL forums lead to insta-ban
> "I don't want to be part of any of your LGBT shit." she says
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No. 912991

It's ironic because Geguri was literally accused of cheating due to being female and bullied and forced to submit evidence because no one believed a girl could be that good without hacks, but I guess according to ATYRT discrimination against female players in the league doesn't exist.

No. 985506

Nooo, its because she was pro level with an 80% win rate on zarya, but had never streamed/went to events.
The 2 pros that accused her, didnt know she was a woman until after, once she submitted her proof that it was her playing and not cheating.
They were also both so certain that this "80% win rate zarya" that nobody had ever heard of, that came out of nowhere and that was top 500, was cheating that they both promised to retire from pro gaming if they were wrong.

And they both quit as soon as she made a video and proved it was her skill, not cheats.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 986009

Reposted after deletion due to me forgetting to sage, but Remi passed away months ago and bumping this dead thread is useless along with the discussion.

No. 986261

Yeah, we all know except the newfag above, but you posting that and forgetting to sage on your first attempt just bumped a literally dead thread.
Can mods lock or set to autosage?

No. 1259725

I have never heard of this person but it's weird how SJW media hailed this obvious AGP racist fetishist as "the first woman league player", ignoring his /pol posts. Goes to show they only cancel people they don't like.

He wanted to transition into an anime cowgirl, not a woman. He was not transgender, just a fetishist.

The most obvious thing is that he bit more than he could chew. He wanted the hentai look, which he obviously could not possibly obtain with a 6' male frame.

His shoulders and torso were too big for an H or F cup breast implants look big on him. I believe he got his silicone tits swapped for a bigger one before he offed himself. An F or H cup would look huge on a female frame but this dude had a huge torso so nope.

His issue is that he was too delusional to realize that he has a male body, and that he would always have one, but still, he chased the hentai anime waifu dragon.

Part of me wanted to see him do more surgeries, just to see how far an AGP could go, but no.

RIP to this young man.(unsaged, necroing blogposting newfag)

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No. 1259563[Reply]

who else is fucking frustrated when a nunch of youtubers circle jerk and beat the fuck out of this drama as soon as its out. Im not watching a two hour long video of some bullshit that isnt going to effect me. I cant believe people make money off by creating fake high school beef. Who is watching these videos, why would you watch the same video twenty times(shit thread, no1curr)

No. 1258275[Reply]

Angelika Oles, also considered a fairly big drama channel, is covering CSA aswell now. Apparently she spoke Shannon behind the scenes in the past.(>>>/snow/1256748)

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No. 1233341[Reply]

Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene:
Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, and What’s Left

Recap of past thread
>Aimee suspended again, who knows what # account this is >>>/snow/1207813, analysis of her replyguys being mostly the PMC types she claims to hate >>>/snow/1212902
>More recycled Camille Paglia takes from chaoticitgirl >>>/snow/1208368, who deactivates and reactivates
>Perfume fationalist is still a loser >>>/snow/1209477
>Caroline as_a_woman makes a new account >>>/snow/1209500
>Discourse about the longevity of "the dirtbag left" and Chapo's patreon revenue >>>/snow/1210679 >>>/snow/1210693
>Discussion of how Dasha got her role on Succession since she can't act >>>/snow/1210678
>Shoe0nhead is mentioned, when cows collide >>>/snow/1210962
>Aimee used to be a chapo reply guy and is still bitter about it ever since >>>/snow/1213202, >>>/snow/1213347Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1257822

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She really said "Matt Bruenig is a fake Marxist, I'm the real Marxist; Liz Bruenig is a fake trad, I'm the real trad."

No. 1257831

chapocel "humor" is exactly the same

No. 1257899

New thread


New thread


No. 1258153

Yeah, you should start your own thread instead of bitching about what's posted in this one

No. 1263054

the archive is for the varsity team. he might have played football for his PE credit but I doubt he ever made varsity.

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No. 1251957[Reply]

Creepshow Art is a commentary youtuber with (formerly) 500k subs who has been receiving negative attention for her obnoxious personality, her tendency to lie for attention, her biased and often misleading videos, and her never-ending drama, and as of recent, her sudden and explosive plummet from grace and public #canceling.

In the last thread, Shannon was outed for using lolcow to manufacture drama and satisfy her vendettas. Go here for the announcement. >>1244574

TL;DR of first thread: >>1053928
>Shannon constantly whiteknights or insults herself depending on the time of day and the weather >>1055462
>makes a Discord, it implodes to random drama within a month or so
>gets into more and more hot water over her impulsive behavior and lies, deflects by saying she has PTSD from being homeless, deletes her twitter >>1098210
>comes to lolcow to declare she will never ever return to bird app >>1116462
>Hopeless Peaches drama continues for some reason, to the confusion of many
>Onision emails a bunch of youtubers including Shannon, Shannon is the only one who indulges him, hits reply all and shows off her smug replies everywhere
>friend of Shannon posted? >>1062438
>Farmers find Shannon’s old posts about how much she hates her sister, this makes Shannon fume
>Shannon talks more and more about her ~bad mental health~ as criticism keeps coming, almost foreshadowing some kind of guilt mmh?
>deletes her Community tab, claims her account is just broken, implies she got hacked
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No. 1257250

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What video has she deleted this time?

No. 1257325

saging because it's not anything new but a random channel's livestreaming that sub drop and i just have to say


at this rate it might be down to 400k by the end of the day

No. 1257472

Heh thanks dude. It is a genuine question tho, I’m wondering whatever happened to those commissions(namefag)

No. 1257888

Yet another person who needs their own thread kek

Lied and said she never used lolcow, then claims she used it once, then claims people linked it to her, plus there's a tweet from 2017 of her mentioning using it in her own thread.

No. 1257891


If you or anyone else is this deeply inhumane toward people for the sole purpose of feeling fucking GOOD, that requires serious, 24-7 watch/care in a facility. No free-wheeling pout in the public, due to your lack on basic, rudimentary functioning around other humans. This is just FACT–if you want to validate actions by their mental illness, to this degree, then you TREAT it as the illness it is.

Bet you think that's cruel, though. You want the freedom to do as you please while harboring these things? That's like not taking the keys away from a drunk guy leaving the bar, or helping someone shoot-up cos' they can't find a vein and need someone to do it FOR them.

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No. 20871[Reply]

So lolcow, what do you think?



>girl manipulates boyfriend into commiting suicide

>pressures him to go through with it, researches methods for him and tells him what to do
>tells him his family won't miss him
>when he gets scared and doesn't want to suffocate in his car from carbon monoxide, she tells him to "get back in"
>uses his death to 'raise money' and make others feel bad for her
>she will probably get off scot-free because she's a blonde white girl who dindu nuffin

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No. 1255096

she's terrible, I hope she gets more than just a life-sentence, but chances are she'll be let off easy because benefits of the typical white girl, no sjws are gonna fight for the guy either because he's white

its just a shit situation in a shit world

No. 1255105

she did nothing wrong. she's cute here too

No. 1255184

This guy was plenty suicidal before her. Encouraging someone to kill themselves is not the same as pulling the trigger for them, so to speak. Tbh he sounds a bit like a bpdfag.

No. 1255219

Yeah it’s not like the humane thing to do is to save someone from suicide. God this thread is filled with some creeps.

No. 1255220

Why was it her responsibility to save him and not his fucking parents? Or his therapist? Or maybe, he could have taken some personal responsibility and saved himself? Fix your own shit.

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No. 973908[Reply]

Katie Joy, AKA WOACB, a 'reali-tea gossip blogger' known for leaking the Amber Portwood (Teen Mom) machete attack audio.

>Katie started off writing for patheos.
>She wrote about her sons medical conditions, then moved on to reality TV.
>Katie was an athiest, then christian then back to athiest.

>KJ was invited to Steve McRae's YT channel by former partner Kyle. Kyle kicked Steve off of his channel and ran away with $60K. KJ sided with Kyle.
>Steve sued Kyle in attempt to get the channel back, then KJ accused Steve of Sexual Harrasment using a conversation about a porn stars boobs as proof. https://imgur.com/a/OIq2lVn
>Katie then retracted her accusations and her defense of Kyle in a apology video, which she later removed. http://imgur.com/a/D5xfury
>Katie releases the Amber Portwood audio and video from Amber's ring cam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDJykKtj-Bs
>Katie has a hard time with competition and has a frenemy relationship with a channel with a similar style, Leslie Bass https://youtu.be/wh8oJ329-Wk
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No. 1086201

Saged as to not bump a necro.

The last user that was banned didn't read the rules before posting and because of the latter drmam below there might be an influx of newfags.

Here's the current drama bringing katiefags to the farm.

Tati Westbrook is suing Katie for a minimum $5 million dollar lawsuit for Defamation. Katie turned into a stalker over the last 2 years and dug everything she could about Tati up, including her childhood modeling photos.

As more and more channels started covering the lawsuit, Katie went on a hate spree.

She turned to her last friend, Unirock.

He told Katie he was making a video on creepshow art to try to debunk some of the things Katie was being accused of.

Katie dropped a link to creepshow's farm thread in his Uni server and Uni freaked out and banned her from his server. They are claiming that CSA's lolcow thread was an actual dox on her (Obviously they don't understand what an anonymous image board is)
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No. 1086203

sorry for the double post, serious-simp boner for creepshow art*

No. 1095120

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kept seeing her name pop up in my feeds, didn't really bother to look in to it until now. she does seem lulzy, she's been suicide baiting like crazy and now everyone is like uwu don't do it.
>I now understand why other youtubers have either attempted suicide or have died by suicide.
no one makes you do youtube and it isn't suddenly a job just because you say it is.
can't stand the heat gtfo kitchen type deal here.

No. 1252868

How is this nose picking, uncircumcised dick-shaped headed, crooked incel chin's thread not more active? She is exploiting the Creepshow Art mess for views & attention & the public is not falling for it.

No. 1255716


It definetely should be more active. There's so much milk from her! But I guess people default to the subreddit.

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No. 1252816[Reply]

Drama with IDIB record label and their new girl Glume.
The band Krakow Loves Adana was dropped by the label a year ago and said they were never paid. Allegations of them stealing from black artists and not clearing samples. All of this extra weird because their artist Glume started a GoFundMe and asked her fans for $ to leave her ex but now they're dating again and he's her bandmate and producer. He's credited on the album. (Not to mention aggressive photoshopping, she's mid-30s I think)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 1228044[Reply]

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No. 1252957


No. 1252962

So she’s just posting on Twitter and YouTube like nothing happened lol. Is this narcissistic really just going to pretend like it didn’t happen because she can’t admit fault?

No. 1252982

it’s for shock value. she wants people to be upset by it. some of you guys still don’t understand her schtick or what?

No. 1252984

its from last year

No. 1253023

Of course it's for shock value but holy shit, this is next level. I can't believe this flew under the radar last year

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No. 1242857[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.

Recent Milk:
>Fupa-watch: Kyle Nathan Perkins spotted flirting with cross-dressers on facebook >>1236724 , >>1236937
>Shayna begs one of her 2 orbiters (the old one) to buy her a panini press >>1236959
>then complains that it's not big enough when he does >>1236998
>some tinfoiling over an incident from a few years ago where Shayna embarrassed herself out drunk with Fupa >>1236955 , >>1236958 , >>1236963 , >>1236999
>Hank Hill .jpeg >>1237109
>Shayna shames people who expose children & non-consenting parties to sexual things (this is days after her last tweet @spongebob, where verified minors have responded to her spongebob tweets before… she has her gaping asshole pinned on her profile btw) >>1237612
>the absolute STATE of her animals… speaks for itself >>1237713
>this is her cat & dog when she fiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1252188

I have a feeling she might actually do it. You tards better not cowtip

No. 1252200

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Shayna and @abrattypixie are two ugly pedo peas in a pod. Always promoting their nsfw content under sfw tags and shit I hate these two degenerates so much(derailing)

No. 1252297

this is the most disgusting thing ive ever seen on her threads. omg. zero self awareness

No. 1252337

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>me reading- thinking shay ate a popsicle and realizing there was no real explanation as to why her tongue looks like it’s rotting away except that she’s disgusting.

No. 1252442

Same nonnie, same. Fucking disgusting.

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