Well well well, the milk is still flowing and the hamplanets still pissing everyone off.
Our last thread saw old faithful @nourisht0flourish in all her grotesque semi-nakedness (emojis only just saved us from a peep show).
posh molly is well and truly back- her youtube is a mix of over-dramatised normal eating,
Ovi ….. is still obese. and private, but one lucky anon is able to provide us with all the moronic tweets.
Ganer’s joy at the gyms reopening (cue the 1 hour walks there) has sadly not suppressed her urge to post her old spoopy videos- we are now treated to gym-located waif shots, instead of at home. #helth amirite?
anons deemed @rorecovering’s weight gain insufficient in redeeming her for her scummy youtube thumbnails- she needs better fitting clothes and tuition on how to wear them so that they’re not half off her chest.
may (@_ghostofme) is about triple the size and attributing it all to “water retention”. despite some pretty gross oedema looking shots,
@bored_with_ana announced she got her period…again…..clearly forgetting that she’s informed us of this before….a few weeks ago… so we are left to conclude she is in fact, just stupid (and a lazy liar). someone should tell her that as a doctor she’ll be expected to know that periods happen more than once a lifetime!!
z.is.tryingg continued to piss off anons by preaching recovery whilst looking like a dying urchin without makeup, but we’re sure she’ll sue us ~cowardly boolies~ when she’s a rich and famous barrister….or not.
Ham continues to much away, paige threatens the release of her new “book”, porgie is fresh out of a coma (or so she says), dharma is starving herself of energy for all of tiktok to see, new cow @marnis__recovery is a minefield (or goldmine?) of creepy grimaces,
and to top it all off, Tess Holliday has decided she’s anorexic, despite being the size and weight of an adolescent elephant.
welcome back!
type sage in the email box, don’t blogpost. no under 16s… and read the damn rules.
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