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No. 164498[Reply]

I'm not sure if this is /pt/s flavor of lolcow per se but this guy is definitely entertaining tons of people over on 8ch's /cow/ board right now.

The son of Jerry & Dana Speed, Nathaniel Edward Spidgewood (formerly Speed) is a 20-something year old manchild from Arizona that wants to be a famous cartoonist some day. But there are several obstacles to him achieving his dreams.

1) His art skills are Christian Chandler level and his reading level is even worse

2) He has the conversational ability of a can of tuna fish

3) He has a history of spamming imageboards, forums and even people's personal emails with all caps ranting and raving like a lunatic

4) Not even DeviantArt and TVTropes want this guy's sorry ass on their websites, he's been banned multiple times on each for various offenses

No. 164749

Link to some of his work? Never heard of this kid before.

No. 164989

Oh sure.https://mobile.twitter.com/natespidgewood

Those are his social media pages, they have examples and link to his blogs that have more stuff. His da is down but there are archives over on 8ch I can get ahold of.

No. 165004

His twitter picture and that patreon video he keeps pushing just gives me that CWC vibe, but only for the autism and the art skills.

Not much I can really say with so little of his work being available.

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No. 28560[Reply]

Probably a relatively if not completely unknown girl in this community, but an interesting lolcow case nonetheless….
Came across this girl when browsing alternative hair forums and facebook groups and she seems to have ruffled a lot of feathers.
A brief summary of what I can gather:
- Scams people for money/free things
- Makes and sells shitty quality garbage at ridiculous prices
- Incredibly rude to clients - when handling complaints she blocks clients, tells them to "get over it" and unleashes her "army" to harass the "haters" aka people who buy things from her then complain about the bad quality
- Complete narcissist, and wannabe model/fame whore
- Goes by various names/identities:
Shannon Parrish/Mommy's Dreads/Dollysve/Shannon I Photography
- Well known in many alternative hair forums as a scammer

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No. 28578


her "modelling" page is exactly like that too. wears her own ratty dreads, takes her own picture, credits her "photography" page and her fake hair page as if they were seperate people. hilarious: https://www.facebook.com/dollysvemodel/photos/a.1557889971135724.1073741830.1478484935742895/1622657117992342/?type=1

No. 28579

I noticed that too … cringe !

No. 28580

Can we talk about those eyelashes tho. Wow. :|

No. 28581

Seems like she's scamming people who've never wore weave because you can get much better quality braiding hair for $5 a pack. I don't feel bad because if the picture on the left is what she posted as advertisement and people still brought it, they got what they paid for. Both look in terrible condition. If you're doing something for the first time like buying a wig or hair pieces, go well known brands, even if it's expensive. It's not a waste when you have no clue what you're doing because it's high quality.

No. 28582

Not been here for a while - she IS a well known brand of sorts (in the alt hair world) and she charges loads for these "braids".

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No. 24867[Reply]

Apparently this group licks Delandra Barbie's ass. So much fucking drama is happening. Holy shit.
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No. 24973

She probably never studied it past the most basic level. All her sentence structures are a mess.

No. 24987

>Admin chooses spanish to respond instead of english

can someone please call her out?

No. 24988

Of course it's a mess, especially when she tried to speak in failed japanese when she was in Black Diamond

No. 30093


Why does she even try

No. 35986

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No. 35452[Reply]

This seems to be the newest trend among vloggers where white girls think they know all their is to know about dating a Japanese/Korean guy with the man just sits there and nods.


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No. 36262

Today I passed next to one cheap nails salon with the name "Soul", and "o" is written with a line under, to look like Korean. Cheap salon, cheap name, cheap people.

No. 36283

Her husband is an American marine stationed in Japan that she paid to marry because she couldn't get a Japanese husband via her craigslist ads(


Not married(yet).

To be honest it isn't a "new" bandwagon. Lolcows didn't invent getting married for a visa and most foreigners in Japan who intend on staying long time try and get married. This isn't a lolcow thing its just becoming more public. tons of SE asians marry japanese guys just to work in japan.

No. 36468

I need the name of the girl in the OP because I think I know her in real life

No. 36471


Uh, Anon that's Texan in Tokyo, she has 83.5k subscribers.

No. 36522

Nope, I still haven't heard of her

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No. 24457[Reply]

(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)


if you want to laugh at a fatty laugh at this hamplanet

one of the main women in the fat acceptance movement on tumblr right now , discuss
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No. 24463

ew put this in snow or something

No. 24466


If yuh don't accept muh flabbeh pancake tits you're a cis white male oppressor, teehee!

No. 24673

this is the face of fucking death. just look at it. she doesn't even have a single spark of happiness anywhere on her. what a miserable existence. she probs cries a lot..

No. 33655

This is so stupid..

No. 33681

thanks for bumping a dead thread with your fucking feels

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No. 30616[Reply]

Blogger who likes to think he's famous when in reality he only got a following of about a thousand. He likes to steal other peoples pictures without credit and claim them has his own. He also been known to copy and paste others people blogs and claim he wrote it. Charges people to comment his blog

Twitter @davelucas

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No. 33275[Reply]

Canadian Youtuber

–She started her channel on dec last year and she has already 100K+ subs

She seems money thirsty af

-She's charging $12 for tickets for her meet&greet

–She's selling LETTERS she writes for fucking $20 http://beautifullyborrowed.com/letter_from_jessii_vee

> Feel free to share your letter from Jessii Vee with your friends, or keep it private :) Every letter is different!

–Of course she has a huge store full with shitty tshirts.

No. 33276

Funny, I recall stumbling across and watching one of her videos some months ago and I remember being surprised and put off by the fact that she was trying to sell 'fan' shirts when she only had a few thousand subscribers.
Can't stand these money hungry YouTubers. Almost as bad as GG.

No. 33277

We are truly living in the age of bullshit and self-entitlement..

No. 33278

So what did she do lolcow-worthy other than pocketing gullible teenage money?
Sure, charging for something like a letter seems ridiculous to me, but if people are willing to throw money at her, whatever. It just seems to me that she wanted her piece of the yt e-fame cake, and she got it.

I haven't watched any of her videos, but please tell me if she did something interesting, like scamming, creating drama, whatever. If we talked about every self absorbed self advertising youtuber that sells t-shirts we'd have to open an entire new board.

No. 33279

She's done literally nothing other than that.
She's actually quite a lovely person, replies to comments and fan messages.
Better than a lot of other youtubers who dont make the time to answer.

No. 33280


Of course she replies them. Every one of them is potentially at least 12 bucks in her wallet.

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No. 17115[Reply]

DUDE i found a great way to find cows! i was looking through the different makeup tags and was flooded with this shit
this is a goldmine and i am going to shit post the best ones i found with the tags they used
#i am so kawaii
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No. 22897

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mermaid lmao

No. 23041

She looks British, that's for sure.

No. 23099

Is that fucking 32" waist-chan?

No. 25119


No. 25137


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No. 24028[Reply]

"Someone posted to >>>/pt/165971 defending Lynn and giving her name. I should search that."
One Tumblr and two Reddit threads later:
"Oh. Oh fuck."

Tumblr: http://histrionicmisa.tumblr.com/
Apparent sister's Reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/sisterproblems96
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No. 24030

Why are all these people allegedly Cherokee and esfp

No. 24031

>>"i hate the lolcow community and anti sj ppl n i want them all to die uwu"

Oh, did we hurt dem wittle snow flakey feels? Awwwwwww… I mean "uwu" ^_^

No. 24032

Basically this.

I made a post about how I'm a nipple-kin yesterday, and someone told me that they hope I die.

No. 24035

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> repeating 8th grade

Somehow that doesn't surprise me

No. 24063

#suicide tw
#suicide baiting tw

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No. 15202[Reply]

Can we talk about daddyissueshotline, pls?
What's up with this girl? Her blog makes me cringe so hard. Know more about her?

Her tumblr: http://daddyissueshotline.tumblr.com/
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No. 15286

It seems like she deleted her tumblr because of too much attention and 'creeps' like us talking about her.

No. 15287

Literally no one here cares about her. I'd be more creeped out by her weird-ass fans who send her messages about wanting to lick her tears so they can feel her sadness and keep it inside themselves like a gift

No. 16507

Because no one here is licking her ass she deletes her blog. Talk about inflated ego.

No. 23644

the book is a good read if you're in a fucked up mental state and don't care about anything anymore. reading about music from the 80s for 5 pages won't even bother you, you'll feel as numb as always. there you go. that's how. you'll wake up a tiny bit on every gruesome part, maybe even smile a little.

No. 23983

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