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No. 1277775

Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/bretdarling
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe2Yvoe6/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/amandabret

Amanda Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell - Brat is back in the Big Apple! Since her last thread we've seen our potato eyed princess settle into her new apartment, neglect her Peleton in order to care for her new bird, neglect her new bird in order to care for her long distance tattoo Santa, John Vale, and neglect John Vale by reintroducing fan favorite Eric Cowie of Tiger King "fame" as her latesr paramour. What adventures does this coked out goddess hold for us? Let's find out!

previous thread 1 >>943302

previous thread 2 >>971778

previous thread 3 >>1022186

previous thread 4 >>1170070

No. 1277779



In my haste to rush this thread before the last thread locked, I completely missed this milk by an anon who is claiming to be Amanda's brother. He claims Amanda faked her cancer and is a bane to the family's name. Could this be the real deal? An anon can only dream.

Spill some more, you're among friends.

No. 1277806

Shit thread OP. Learn how to link.

No. 1277813

Yeah i get that shit's supposed to be anonymous but I'm not buying the bro fanfic tbh. Homie didn't spill anything that wasn't already speculated.

No. 1277820


Well would you like for me to take a few hours to redo it or what?

No. 1277842

No. 1277844

No. 1277854

Also, open the actual image and download it in its full resolution. The photo quality looks bad because you downloaded the thumbnail. Thanks for your efforts!

No. 1277856

>>1277844 sorry it’s a ballache, nonita, but second what >>1277854 is saying. And add a bit of a summary of last post with links.

No. 1277857


Purposely slamming the cat in the door is new to us, but I’m with you anon, it’s too good to be true to have her brother here with us.

No. 1277879


New thread now here. Sorry everyone


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