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No. 286488
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oh my
No. 286491
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No. 286508
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>>286507>>286504>>286505pic related.
Honestly, I mean, we all can see she's just not cute, but VK style really suits her. Her features kinda lend themselves to the theatrical makeup. She does not look good in kawaii/gyaru styles or even casual styles though. She needs some work done.
No. 286510
File: 1427765859096.jpg (66.63 KB, 800x533, inuashley.jpg)

Oh man… I remember this chick from some of the reeeaalllyy old /cgl/ threads. From what I recall she was a spoiled rich bitch from Cali (??? probably wrong about the state) but I remember seeing her pics with some nice cars or some shit. Sorry this was years ago.
I recall her being a Lolita because she was rich enough to afford all the trendy prints but her face was just always the absolute worst. Jeez. Dat shin, dat nose, dat everything. I recall people saying she was a bitch and a snob but I don't have screencaps ofc.
No. 286511
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>>286508I agree that visual kei is the only style that can handle her features.
No. 286512
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No. 286514
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tried to make her look less like a horse/halloween mask… even photoshop can't save this bitch
No. 286522
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I tried?
No. 286524
>>286491Hold me, anons…I'm scared…
I really feel bad tho. If she's rich why can't she fix her face in Korea? She has such a big face, they'll definitely make it oval and cute. Plus she doesn't even need jaw shaving so that'll make it cheaper. Nose jobs are common place so that won't be a big deal. Isn't Korean plastic surgeons famous for reducing huge faces? I've seen lots of before and afters that work with horse faces.
No. 286528
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>>286527Here you are, anon
No. 286529
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Ngl I do really wish I had all her male wardrobe. That shit must be so expensive. She has some nice shirts and blazers. Must be nice to be rich and in Japan with no worries about finance.
No. 286534
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Y'all motherfuckers need photoshop Jesus
No. 286539
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>>286511My best efforts. Cba with those hands though.
No. 286543
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>>286541pic of her and her dad from her instagram
can't find any of her mom, even though she went on a trip with both her parents and they aren't divorced
No. 286544
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She looks 1000x better without ginormous hair and all that shit caked on her face imo.
No. 286551
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>>286544I do need photoshop Jesus
No. 286553
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>>286544They remind me of each other in terms of face.
No. 286557
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>>286544I tried my darndest.
No. 286561
File: 1428171791594.png (826.17 KB, 607x612, lkjkl.PNG)

holy shit that fucking bald patch
No. 286563
>>286561Might just be where her hair is bleached blond. The filtering is making it disappear.
Also, channeling Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals days here.
No. 286569
>>286567Oh god, I remember her bragging about that shit being permanent. I'd never do that to a car unless it's something normal, like a butterfly not "AXEL" embedded everywhere including the license plate.
>>286568I also remember hearing they both stunk at an ALA con while wearing expensive ass Angelic Pretty's Sugary Carnival (when it was in style).
No. 286578
>>286577Oh jeez that crazy bitch
She's always complaining about foreigners when she's a foreigner herself
No. 286584
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Is heather the girl on the left lol? Of course with bandmen
No. 286585
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>>286584I don't think so. Heather has longer, reddish pink hair and isn't so fat.
No. 286587
>>286584The bandmen look like the Swedish vkei group Disreign.'re currently in Japan, apparently living in Gackt's apartment and bragging about it.
No. 286607
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No. 286613
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but ashley, it's illegal
No. 286614
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>>286511So I try to do a more "manageable" shoops- I try to do things that they can achieve through surgery.
That said, she needs to widen and turn up her nose, shorten her chin, and get cheek fillers. The hair narrowing her face doesn't really help her out too much
No. 286618
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I swear she tries to looks like Hiko from Danger Gang.
(Maybe I think this bc of the hair, but idk)
No. 286622
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No. 286623
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No. 286626
File: 1437666026088.jpg (198.99 KB, 1000x1000, jaw surgery.JPG)

If I were her, I would make it my number one priority to save up and get jaw surgery/a chin shave and a nose job.
Her eyes are quite large and pretty, it's just…everything below them that's mad fucked up.
This could be you, Ashley!
No. 286631
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>>286626To be honest though it's not just her jaw that's the problem unlike that girl in your picture that appears to have Prognathism. Her entire face is elongated, so even if you corrected her jaw she'd still look weird because you'd need to balance her nose too, pictured related, original, jaw correction, jaw correction + nosejob.
I think in her case a wider, flatter nose would balance better to off set the elongation.
No. 286632
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>>286631>>286626I suppose in addition she could also have her maxillary teeth shortened but then she'd need braces to correct her bite and likely a retainer for life.
It's probably cheaper for her to just learn to accept herself for the way she is.
No. 286633
I hate looking at these shoops because when you go back and look at her real face
>>286511 its hard to believe its legit
No. 286644
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This is terrifying
No. 286645
>>286644at least this style (although her hair looks ratty and her eyebrows suck but i'm not familiar with VK style, so idk if this is part of the fashion) suits her more than the kawaii lolita thing, but i think she looks best doing norm-core like in
>>286544. maybe she could pull off the western goth look as well.
does she have a jaw malformalady? i've seen people get surgery to fix their jaws, and by that surgery alone, their noses and teeth are aligned as well.
No. 286944
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this chick is one of my favorite reaction images
No. 513237
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Guess whose back in America
No. 1142235
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No. 1278921
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Her family must have a ton of money, every year on her birthday, she goes over the top with food gifts, spa ect. I don’t understand why she dresses up all nice and everything but she doesn’t wear a wig or try to make her hair pretty. It just doesn’t look good is all
No. 1278939
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>>1142283legitimately tho
No. 1279256
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No. 1279257
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