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No. 1243894

Don’t know if this guy deserves his own thread but the FF thread is old.

Musician that used to be a YouTube “comedian” known as Filthy Frank/ Pink guy. Now makes music for sad zoomers.



Although he’s pretty private milk includes:
- being cancelled last year for being “racist” by the kpop mob on twitter.
-not paying a producer he worked with on a music project
- fucking a high schooler when he was 23/24.
- leaking his own music on Reddit and crying about being hacked
- obsessed with pedo bait that is Ariana Grande
- fucking around with tumblr and instathots Lauren tsai, lily maymac, dprssn_chrry
- being a somewhat pretentious douche that idolises Kanye west.

In all honesty I like his music and used to be somewhat of a fan but he gives me weird vibes and wanted to know what others think of him or the transition from YouTube to mainstream("this guy")

No. 1243907

Shut up retard

No. 1243911

>this guy
Anon, how old are you? Almost everyone knows it's Filthy Frank.

No. 1243915

its a joji thread not FF but okay

No. 1243917

thanks for the contribution

No. 1243920

Retarded newfag, no one cares about your hate boner for some scrote who doesn't even know you exist.

No. 1243922

Anon…is your brain fried?

If you really want to talk about him you'd find more luck in YouTube thread or personal cows, thread request on /Meta

> Being cancelled by kboos is milk

No screenshots, proofs or anything about other things mentioned… I remember Joji had his own thread on pull where people found out his gf or whatever, you would have liked it here, but you are a year late

No. 1243930

This reminds me of the time white 14 year old kpop fans found out he was filthy frank despite everyone knowing Joji and Filthy Frank was the same person due to the FUCKING VIDEO he created explaining why he was quitting.

This is that one 14 year old white kpop fan.

Ariana isn't a pedobait, she's just some brat who has an appearance of a child to you and others but is actually an adult woman and probably was an adult woman when Joji talked about him.

Joji may be a little bitch when it comes to a lot of shit, but this thread seems to try to stretch things or try to believe everything he said- unless you got the proof, this feels like you're just going by what a bunch of girls or new fans of this guy said.

Stay off lolcow until you're 18 please.

No. 1243939

We're gonna need proof that Joji's a nonce, you can't just go around saying shit like that

No. 1243941


isnt that entire point of lolcow nonnie?

No. 1243942

This dude bathed with bird carcasses, made rat carcass burritos, ate ravioli out of his pocket at a park after offering it to strangers and this is what he gets? Anon, shame shame ptth.

No. 1243945

Joji is year older than Arianda

No. 1243956

enjoying ariana grande is not milk. what is this thread kek

No. 1243960

no we milk things from real milk and maybe add speculation
we have standards unless proof this thread is trash

No. 1243973

>fucking a high schooler when he was 23/24
details on this?

No. 1243974

vendetta thread made by a friendless BPD-chan

No. 1244010

KEK, it's a PULL conspiracy theory. he posed with an 18 year old extra in a music video so PULL speculated that they're dating

No. 1261966

>idolizing kanye west
Nooo how dare he like a famous musician.(unsaged necro)

No. 1262884

Does anyone even know what happened to him? He hasn't been seen or heard from in 8 months.

The only milk I know is that he was dating Adri who was insanely smart and had awards for art.

Also he has two younger sisters, one looks like him in a wig. They're really religious and go to Jesus camps. I feel like his family have disowned him.(unsaged non-milk)

No. 1263037

not sure how this hearsay makes him a cow, but I mean, white dad asian mom, it was fucking inevitable.

No. 1263197

This thread is stupid. No milk unless you are a retarded Twitter kpop fan
Also, how have you even seen his sister? Most likely fake anon

No. 1263554

>Does anyone even know what happened to him?
some people were speculating that he signed to another label (interscope) and was dealing with all the legal stuff and that's why 88rising has said barely anything about him but it seems to be bs

>The only milk I know is that he was dating Adri who was insanely smart and had awards for art.

how did they even meet? she seemed to be way out of his league tbh

>They're really religious and go to Jesus camps. I feel like his family have disowned him.

some people say his dad is apparently a pastor. idk how he managed to make the ff stuff at home since his family's overly religious, i mean his mom cried and told him he was going to hell because he got a tattoo kek

No. 1263555

Can you stop bumping this pointless thread with ~speculation~ and sf requests? Please, thanks.

No. 1264598

I'm not sure how he met Adri but I agree that she is really out of his league. She is half Latina and speaks Spanish fluently so Joji said in an interview that he started learning. He got a paragraph in Spanish tattooed on him and they moved in together so they must be somewhat serious. I'm not sure if they're still together but he left his old apartment, someone who rented it after him made a Youtube tour of it.

As far as his sisters go, they both went to the same school as him and their accounts are linked to the school page. The youngest sister has been trying to get into music. She's performed at a few times in places in Japan but her youtube links to her music are dead. They both are very close to the Australian side of the family and she has been over there at a Jesus camp. I won't post their name or pictures as I think that breaks the rules + I'm sure they don't want the attention but the youngest looks exactly like Joji and the older one is similar but with more white features.

I also saw a rumour that the mom works as an art teacher at the school but I didn't see that.

Also the dog in the Pink Guys love animals video is their family dog called Ruby and is very loved.

Joji isn't on their pages at all, they both use a fake last name too so it seems like they really don't want anything to do with him.

No. 1286677

Yes, his mother is an art teacher at the school and an illustrator.

His father is a pastor, author, and runs his own English language learning place in Japan. I found a years old book except of him making fun of George for making Youtube videos which made me laugh because I didn’t expect it.

I also got the impression that his sisters want nothing to do with him but maybe he has just asked to be kept off of their social media.

No. 1296433

That's really interesting, I couldn't see about their parents but it's fascinating that he's a pastor. Do you have a link to the except or know kind of what it said?

No. 1371492

I heard he is apparently dating that michelle chick (dprssn_chrry) currently. There was a pic of her in Hawaii I guess and someone noted that Joji took the photo cause you can see his reflection in her sun glasses. but idk lol. I saw the pic but it's hard to tell. Crazy how people notice these small details.

No. 1371510

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Oh yeah here is the pics of her and supposedly him idk.it looks like it could be him but who knows. These were from her Instagram (dprssn_chrry)(newfag)

No. 1371511

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Here's da other pic

No. 1371516

garbage thread
no actual proof, ariana is like 28, joji is 29.

everybody except retarded zoomers know it's filthy frank. he always made music even in his ff days. so it isn't a stretch for him to pursue it?

>pink guy's music is actually not bad

he has a medical condition where he gets seizures, after posting a serious vid about it, his spergy cringe fanbase didn't take it seriously, and he deleted it afterward. he started to abandon his yt accounts and become a serious musician.

literally no milk at all, i liked him better when he was an edgelord back in ff era(learn2sage)

No. 1371574

> with tumblr and instathots lilymaymac

It's his problem he wants to deal with a self-hating racist that was prolly just hanging with him for clout.. then again, he's hapa so there's a good chance his own mommy was a white scrote worshipper too and sees his mom in Lily lmao. She deserves her own thread.

Honestly I never found Filthy Frank funny.(sage)

No. 1371603

people who found ff funny are 98% unfunny moids and 2% no humor pickmes

No. 1371673

I found this funny tho

No. 1420113

I think they met in Miami while he was there shooting for a music video.

Didn’t his father write book about having cancer but surviving it? Damn that’s sad(necro)

No. 1420149

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The first pic of them together on her page was from 2017, and she just posted turning 18 earlier this month… creeper Joji era?

No. 1420443

That’s not her, it’s her friend(sage)

No. 1420452

Every week someone bumps this thread wtf. Wasn’t this locked?

No. 1420939

they met before he got with Adri. They went to a concert and she posted a vid with him looking a bit uncomfortable (the most recent pic with him is from that concert) and then she posted the next day wearing his shirt and then nothing again. They where a one or two night stand and she's clinging onto it.

No. 1420977

Lmao I remember when she posted a story of her listening to yeah right. She tried to make it look like the song was about her, she’s desperate

Wasn’t adri like 18 when they met since she was still at WSA?

No. 1425374


Sauce on the book?

No. 1435928

I thought she was already in college when they met yikes

No. 1813006

Was anyone else on quipp before it went down? There was a lot of info about him on there and things just started getting juicy(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1813784

I think Joji is really ugly

No. 1815844

It's Filthy Frank. Not exactly a guy known for being a looker….

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