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No. 1429498[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (MTF) snowflake behavior. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread; don't blog about your tranny ex, don't derail with essays on feminist theory, don't post /pol/faggotry (not even ironically), etc. This is supposed to be a thread for MTF related milk, not a receptacle for autistic spergouts. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. GC discussion is limited to this thread and Fakeboi General– do not take your autism outside the containment zones.

Do not respond to anything you suspect to be scrote bait or trannyposting. Report the post and move on.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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No. 1436105

Dresses like a high school bully from 2003.

No. 1436182

uh what high schooler would wear that where did you get that idea

No. 1436198

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The faggot lisp and the adam's apple say otherwise, sir.

No. 1436204

I mean you can call a faggot a woman until the sun explodes but it's never going to make it true. Do they think if you lie enough people will just acquiesce and allow whatever?

No. 1436228

My high school in 2003 nitwit

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No. 1424700[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1411538

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos already posted zoomed in is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Real the rules before posting. Sage when there’s no milk. No nitpicking and/or blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1363903 Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention /Fupa/Soy/Ellen/Womack/ whoever shes involved with at the moment unless relevant. Do not sperg about Shayna’s pets. Do not give Shayna your money.

Last thread:
> Shayna gets told she’s fat >>1411548, tells haters she loves shaking her chubby (fat) body and tells them to suck her fat cunt >>1411549,
>Anons find more Shayquash photos from her trip to the lake >>1411576, >>1411573, >>1411560, >>1411557, >>1411696, beer gut and cellulite on full display >>1411698,
>Anons posts SFW close up of her fat face showing how fat she has gotten >>1411816, >>1412830
>Shayna gives unsolicited advice on sex work since she’s ~successful and thriving uwu~ Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1200 posts and 250 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1435673


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1435674

Kek I love you poetry anon. Are you the same one who wrote this twenty threads ago?
Late upon a midnight fleeting,
While I doordash'd (also tweeting),
Leaving dildoes, never sweeping,
Strewn upon the dirty floor.

Quoth the Shaynus, 'nevermore'

No. 1435691

New thread already exists, nobody make another one:

No. 1435769

I was a little but still think it’s pretty hilarious. I’m not defending her in the slightest but can’t help but laugh at the fact that she was basically bullied into this. I would say this is somekind of desperate plea or publicity stunt but she’s trying to not laugh during the whole thing. I can’t be the only one who notice that

No. 1436136

Exactly she puts out for ugly outdated ugg booties and dinner at an outback “steakhouse” meanwhile actual “sugar babies” are taken on vacation to the Bahamas and gifted actual luxury items they’d use like handbags/shoes/electronics/ etc. We’ve seen how she keeps her “expensive” items tho they’re all dusty and discolored girl doesn’t even own a shoe bag. Any actual man wanting to spend money on a girl would run the other way immediately after seeing how much she rly cares about her things.

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No. 1200814[Reply]

Starting a new thread because there has been some fresh milk flowing with London Lonlon Lobsterchan.

Summary of old milk:
>Known for multiple instances of begging for money, mostly to go to pay for plane tickets, housing, and badges at anime cons but also for personal "necessary" finaces.
>Claims to be "disabled with IC, fibromyalgia, autism&bipolar," an perpetual abuse and cyberbully victim, spoonie, living in poverty, and having BPD. This grocery list of conditions is her trump card for excusing her behavior and blaming others. Never posts proof of these claims and attacks people who ask for it.
>Some of her past donors came out and said she treated them in a shitty way or blocked them for no reason after they gave her money. Lon of course immediately went after them, called them out on her FB, and called them abusive.
>Used to make (now deleted) wannabe idol videos with singing and dancing, often wearing giant lobster claws on her hands as a symbol of her disabilities. Also wore a lot of Jfash. She now says she is above all that and recently made a video about how her behavior and wearing Jfashion in general is cultural appropriation, despite modeling for Japanese brands in the past like 6%DokiDoki who clearly don't share that sentiment. (Video is still up on her new Youtube, link below.) She also made some (also deleted) YT videos about ableism and spoonies.
>Even though she will immediately jump down someone's throat if they dare question her "disabilities," there are videos of her looking pretty able bodied when she modeled for anime con fashion shows and when she volunteered as an anime con rave dancer, clearly moving with no physical limitations. Her friends also posted videos of her twerking and flailing around during cons.
>Despite always begging for money while saying she is broke/disabled and on SSI, she would constantly get new designer clothing and accessories over the years, both jfashion and western brand pieces like her "$300 Prada glasses."
>Begs for money a LOT, almost as much as she claims to be abused by her current boyfriend of the month. It's hard to even keep track of how many times she e-bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1233062

She probably realizes she really can’t hang in bigger cities and wants to stay local so that she can stay manipulating people to get the things she wants. California or New York people won’t tolerate her terrible attitude.
She is trying to rebrand as some socialist/communist too while kissing grimes and Elons ass. And trying to make rap and hip hop on tik tok on some cringe appropriation shit ???
Watching all her tik toks makes me think she just 100% has schizophrenia and I really wonder how it’s never been looked into.

No. 1239974

Just found out about what her thousands of scamming-I mean school tuition dollars went to.

No. 1249979

Yup she’s going through and deleting her tik toks now lmao must be coming down from the god pill

No. 1434459

Any updates at all from this one ?(sage your shit)

No. 1434472

Sage your necro

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No. 828640[Reply]

Develv is an artist on deviantart known for making fetish art of eunuchs. The account itself is apparently shared between two sisters, Elveo is her sisters private account.

A large number of the historical subjects of the art are young boys who were horribly mutilated and sometimes even raped. She also seems to have an extremely warped view of what eunuchs actually look like, as seen in the OP pic.

In her own words, she thinks that eunuchs are:

>They are like angels - pure, innocent, sexless, they are less aggressive, not subject to passions and stupid desires. They are sweet and kind by character, and pretty by appearance.

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/develv/

Elveo's deviantart:

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No. 828863

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Ah, here's a more suggestive one literally on the next page.

No. 828864

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Reminds me of wikihow illustrations

No. 828891

Unless there is actual milk, the flake can be posted in >>>/ot/425109 or discussed in gender crit.

No. 1432728

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I find this funny cause eunuchs in the ottoman empire would have sex with female concubines all the time.
>yes they found there own ways
Heck even castrati of Italy would dress as women so they could sleep with the wives of there male fans behind there backs.
So having a eunuch lover as a woman would absolutely be possible.(necro)

No. 1433010

eunuchs were also seen as desirable because they 1) couldn't get you pregnant and therefore create proof of infidelity and 2) were frequently able to last longer than intact men so they were basically seen as superior lovers and perfect boytoys kek. deluded fujoshit knows nothing about the castrated chad, more at 11

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No. 13437[Reply]

Anything on this girl? I know she's popular on the tumbles.
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No. 475221

Don't revive a thread unless you have shit to post. Don't ask other people to do stuff for you.

No. 498514

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Someone is another thread mentioned she’s gotten fatter and all of the sudden she’s a health nut…….bit obsessive

No. 498598

>doesn’t like something about herself
>takes action to change that

Yah, super obsessive and milky. /s

No. 1432066

She's a huge cunt my friend was best friends with her and told me all this shit she does behind closed doors(necro /newfagging)

No. 1440062

I’d be interested in knowing what your friend said about her

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No. 1431815[Reply]

I stopped checking these threads because of infighting so idk if this has been posted but some tranny on Twitter is claiming Angus Cloud (fez) from euphoria raped him. He got caught making multiple accounts saying the same thing lol(shit thread)

No. 1431823

Celebricows thread in /ot/ you retard

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No. 1310550[Reply]

Tater Tatiana is a YouTube content creator known entirely for her argument with another cow (Lillee Jean). Tatiana is in her early 20s and posts extremely cringey YouTube content, which 50% of is related to Lillee Jean. Despite Lillee being fat and lacking talent, Tatiana has decided to dedicate her entire channel to A-logging about Lillee, and more recently, Onision along with other cows. Tatiana’s main personality traits consist of
- Talking about either Onision or Lillee Jean
- Consistently racebaiting to win arguments
- Virtue signalling
Tatiana is the picture book pronouns/petitions in bio snowflake stereotype who probably wouldn’t even have an audience if it wasn’t for her dedication to A-logging about cows and being a general libtard pick-me.
>Recent Milk : Tatiana publicly told everyone that she would be lolsuiting Lillee Jean for whatever autistic thing Lillee did this time, and proceeded to set up a Go Fund Me for a lawyer. A lot of evidence suggests that none of this money actually went towards a lawyer otherwise Tatiana would be sperging out about her case all over YouTube as she just can’t help herself!
Twitter - @tativoorhees
YouTube - Tater Tatiana
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No. 1327704

You bumped a dead thread with only two posts to say you don’t think it should exist? Congrats on reaching peak autism

No. 1327717

just wanted to say whats on my mind, thats this bullshit site is for retard. I dont really give a crap if it got bumped or whatever, at least more people will see how desperate somebody was to come up with it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1327745

No. 1327763

>this bullshit site is for retard

No. 1431610

Has Tatiana ever gave an update on what happened with all of the $ people sent her?(necro)

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No. 1091456[Reply]

The 12th thread for one of the absolute worst YouTube artists Baylee Jae. She's come under increased criticism over the past few months for her inability to take critique, general narcissism, excessive spending and hoarding of children's toys and art supplies, and laziness. She also draws like a 12 year old and has her very own instructional "How to Draw" book that was released November 2017.

https://www.youtube.com/user/BumbleBaylee (inactive)
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No. 1554948

Of course, given she bought 90% of her 'subscribers' which are just fake accounts/bots.

No. 1556023


most of those are dead and bought accounts for sure but even the ones who stay subbed out of loyalty aren't watching her videos. it's not what they subscribed to - where is the art? her video for how to draw a braid has millions of views. the last time she put any effort into a video imo was her copics alternatives series. the only reason she makes any money from youtube is because her old videos still get views.

No. 1564750

That seems like such a nice house that they got.
Sad that most of the rooms will just end up as "storage rooms" full of mess like the current house.

No. 1568290

She's released the footage on Twitch, she says it's not as bad as expecting, but it's bad kek You can hear the farting, squirting, squelching, the lot.

No. 1571754

Finally unsubscribed from baylee since the beginning, can’t stand seeing her thumbnails in my feed anymore lol, was great hanging with you all. Take care everyone

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No. 1191646[Reply]

"Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped”."

Prior Thread >>1059519

The worst offenders:
Fegalvao aka Maria Fernanda aka fer-cosplay.

Erin Eevee/Pinkfox Cosplay:

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No. 1430719

Stephanie Matto.

Sage for blogpost but there was this creepy ass dude who used to say "the goods" when I posted pics of me on instagram and comment milk emojis. He was so creepy. I hate scrotes who say shit like that.

No. 1431140

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cant believe anyone would think shiftymine is not using a breastplate lol

No. 1431424

You can literally see where the blur is where the seam usually would be on these plus the nipples are so fucked up, and again, different location. These photos are always so badly blurry compared to everything else too. If >>1429749 are her real boobs, or at least before implants, is more obvious.

Also how can scrotes not tell that all these chest plate tits have the same drop length and fullness? Is copy paste tits and yet they think they are real still lol

No. 1431478

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No. 1431596

its not implants its a fat bitch edititing their body

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No. 1422174[Reply]

Thread pic credit >>1420157

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (MTF) snowflake behavior. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread; don't blog about your tranny ex, don't derail with essays on feminist theory, don't post /pol/faggotry (not even ironically), etc. This is supposed to be a thread for MTF related milk, not a receptacle for autistic spergouts. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. GC discussion is limited to this thread and Fakeboi General– do not take your autism outside the containment zones.

Do not respond to anything you suspect to be scrote bait or trannyposting. Report the post and move on.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
httpsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1429401

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Not that I support Peterson and Rogan either, but it's very telling that they draw the line at critique that offends them personally versus fucking over every music artist on the planet.

No. 1429413

Lmao for anyone who wasn’t sure the Bible says woman was created by God to be a companion to man. God pulled out one of Adam’s ribs while he was sleeping and created Eve around it. The Satan stuff comes in when Eve eats the apple and woman damns man to be exiled from Eden. Mr Ieatpoo is on the right track but going in the wrong direction into oncoming traffic. Sage for Christo sperg

No. 1429417

he jammed his cock into a young girl's asshole AT SCHOOL and her parents had to hear the judge tell everyone in the courtroom about it. i'ma a-log here and say that rapist needs shot.

No. 1429421

don't they know that plenty of women would love them if they were just a guy in a dress? kurt cobain was a hot guy in a dress, what's wrong with that? just be a guy in a dress if you like dresses.

No. 1429425

I heard my fiancé listening to the tranny episode in the shower, and they were talking agp.
Kek love to see it

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