File: 1606797656021.jpeg (441.57 KB, 1485x1798, EF726D05-8977-43C8-9233-2814F8…)

No. 1095830
Current active account year old Sephiroth obsessed Twitter role player known for staking and harassing Sephoroth accounts and not taking any ones attempts to help her be accepted in the communities she try’s to enter.
She’s been banned from Twitter several times for her behavior but makes new accounts to continue her assault.
Demands respect when she degraded others and then turns around to play
victim when people call her out on her ship.
Has claimed she works for Stanford university but has been found to work for the book store on the campus which is not a part of the university. It’s only an approved resource.
Has called people racist slurs, homophobic slurs, made fun of people for their handicap and said it’s okay because she has “assburgers” as she says, makes fun of people for not knowing english, feels her weight is perfectly healthy and that she’s the most beautiful person around and talks to minors about adult subjects while knowing they are minors.
She is also known for harassing people on discord. And has been known to be the cause of people leaving fandoms and disappearing entirely.
Harasses people in other fandoms including:
The Arcana Game
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy
Precious thread she was talked about was in
>>925657 No. 1095869
File: 1606803078929.png (260.41 KB, 423x562, Screenshot 2020-12-01 121339 (…)

>>1095830She posts photos like this online.
No. 1095873
File: 1606803439206.png (35.99 KB, 598x131, Screenshot 2020-12-01 121406.p…)

>>1095830She is also highly delusional and frequently posts about how pretty she is.
I am just left gobsmacked that she thinks she is model material.
No. 1095875
File: 1606803684686.png (283.15 KB, 888x560, Screenshot 2020-12-01 172129.p…)

She doxxed herself a few months ago.
No. 1095878
File: 1606804056965.png (125.63 KB, 341x557, Screenshot 2020-12-01 172710.p…)

She messages kids and talks about sex and grooming with them. Haven't found the screenshots about grooming, but I did find this recent one about how she talks to minors.
No. 1095881
File: 1606804592763.png (41.81 KB, 492x357, Screenshot 2020-12-01 173619.p…)

I am also digging this one up which was discussed on the other thread.
Seems she was unhappy with the services provided by the mental health facility.
No. 1095888
File: 1606805889917.png (54.7 KB, 582x472, Screenshot 2020-12-01 175801.p…)

>>1095830There is a whole twitter dedicated to archiving her posts. So much to go through.
But here is something from my Discord.
No. 1095894
File: 1606806308572.jpeg (278.35 KB, 763x2427, 34954C0C-2F29-469F-BC68-9D53B8…)

How many cultures and religions has she appropriated? She tried to do some Slavic cultural makeup based off of nesting dolls, she’s claiming she’s Cherokee Blackfoot native, then she claims she’s Jewish and also has her whole room done in Japanese street theme? Pick one and stick with it.
No. 1095896
File: 1606806524766.png (339.76 KB, 828x1792, 803BAA9E-2840-4337-A1FB-01C86E…)

Here’s the start of when I tried to tell her what was wrong and why people didn’t like her and tried to help her get better. This is what I got when I told her I was done trying and she was on her own. This same message was sent to me in bursts of 20-30 an hour for almost a month.
No. 1095901
File: 1606806843226.jpeg (138.45 KB, 820x875, 9D043114-6CCA-4143-8614-E7DFCB…)

>>1095878There was this person who called her our then jumped ship. But I don’t think it’s fair evidence since she’s not exactly caught in the act.
No. 1095908
File: 1606808722261.png (2.57 KB, 266x130, bun.png)

>>1095896So how do you know her, exactly?
No. 1095930
File: 1606810608898.jpeg (237.76 KB, 828x800, AC7DBA8B-D17F-4CB7-AF57-6C3C0F…)

bootleg Timmy Turner
No. 1095942
File: 1606812134459.jpeg (59.46 KB, 828x430, 9372E43F-6B9B-44B3-8EC4-C182D7…)

>>1095908Personally? No. But she did approach me when I joined the final fantasy fandom under a sephiroth account within about an hour of making the account. I knew of her from the arcana fandom and saw the shit show she did in one of the more well known discord servers there. When remake came out it sparked my interest with final fantasy again and I joined the Twitter community. There she approached me almost instantly after making my blog. There I looked at her profile and it’s just all over her page. Her slamming people for calling her out on her behavior and down right being nasty like she was in the arcana server. I told her I wasn’t wanting to roleplay with her because her behavior was terrible and I don’t want to associate with someone like that. She then kept going off about how she’s not like that and that she’s a good writer blah blah blah. I let her explain and showed her responses she made herself. She kept with the defense of “ they made me say that. I was provoked. I’m not racist they made me say racist things”. I said “nah I’m not going to talk with you. I won’t block you because all you will do is make another account and stalk me there” ( which she did and is still doing). That’s when she started spamming me the message in
>>1095896. I stopped responding to her so she kept spamming it trying to get me to respond. I never did. Just muted the notifications and it went away. Checked back on it a few days later and she was still at it. She even tried to do the “If you want to help me you have to respond to me”. By this time I was talking with other sephiroths she’s harassed and we all started sharing our stories about her. She still to this day tags me in posts to try and get my attention and even has made sure I knew she was back when she made a new account since her ban last month. Pic is of her DM to me when she got a new vpn and account.
No. 1095948
File: 1606812638960.png (50.64 KB, 398x217, Screenshot 2020-12-01 133420.p…)

>>1095944She could if any of this story is true. She wrote this about herself, not sure if there is a way to verify.
No. 1095950
File: 1606812854364.jpg (264.68 KB, 1266x1266, 1553468795-IMG_0218.jpg)

>>1095949Nah, LJ's are more rounded and spaced out.
No. 1095959
File: 1606814253913.jpeg (130.98 KB, 720x1280, 100CEA8B-06A3-4D6C-9F8F-5DE2B3…)

This was a screen shot sent to me from a member in a arcana discord ( I’m a mod and we asked for proof of her harassing this particular member). This was what goose DMed to our member who publicly said to not use the R slur when talking about someone with autism.
No. 1095966
File: 1606814797702.png (49.83 KB, 404x286, Screenshot 2020-12-01 202558.p…)

>>1095830This was her calling out her boyfriend (now ex) for not standing up for her when she was doxxed. This poor other person so did not want to be involved
No. 1095975
File: 1606816418986.jpeg (54.69 KB, 1280x720, D71ACD21-DF4C-49A6-AC19-DB34D8…)

>>1095966Her ex. You mean “ I am Kratos, god of war” from the tester season 2. As cringe as he was, not shocked he put on big boy pants and realized what level of crazy he was putting his dick into.
No. 1096469
File: 1606855891174.png (28.24 KB, 672x179, Screenshot 2020-12-02 075148.p…)

>>1095830>>1095975He was pretty brutal in the breakup. He just blocked her on everything and has ghosted her ever since. Not that I blame him. He has probably tried to leave so many times before only for her to lose her mind at him.
No. 1096735
>>1095975Genuinely sad for this man being with someone so virulently racist. Probably a very
abusive situation and I’m glad he got out
No. 1096806
File: 1606874157197.png (8.9 KB, 337x71, Screenshot 2020-12-02 125559.p…)

>>1096803Take everything she says with more than a grain of salt. She lies and changes her story constantly.
No. 1096808
>>1096485They're not, unfortunately. They are naturally this fucked up. I mean, if she likes them like that then good on her, but also the amount her crazyass mom has invested in her becoming a "top model and actress" you'd think she'd have splurged on getting her some actual adult looking teeth.
Anyway, back to the cow at hand…
No. 1096814
>>1096803Tbh true. And she’s right, there is a better way. I work with developmental or behavioral needs kids and many of our programs do not serve them properly or well enough. Cant imagine what it was like 10 or 15 years ago.
It’s sad just by virtue of every child being innocent and deserving the best. And for all their other peers struggling under what was probably a shitty school system
First time I read that I just laughed thinking about her crying fucking discrimination when she is like THIS.
But it truly is sad how schools have failed kids just in general no matter what an unsympathetic cunt they are as an adult
No. 1096822
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No. 1096834
File: 1606875936837.png (95.75 KB, 600x249, Screenshot 2020-12-02 132520.p…)

>>1095830Alleged conversation between her and her boyfriend. This was posted on Twitter around August
No. 1096841
File: 1606876493244.png (111.24 KB, 310x552, Screenshot 2020-12-02 133411.p…)

>>1096834>>1095830And more from around August.
No. 1096843
File: 1606876572222.jpeg (147.81 KB, 750x1334, 4349403C-3132-4161-977D-1C52E6…)

Don’t forget this convo with her bf she posted publicly
No. 1096862
>boyfriend is really trying to make her feel better and give her a pep talk “MY LIFE IS JUST LIKE THIS RACIST MEME LOL”
What a genuine retard just from reading this thread I feel like she needs a crash helmet and a wrangler, I don’t give a shit if she’s aspergic the fact that she’s posting all this publicly and attacking people/being absolutely racist whilst demanding respect because “I have assburgers!!11!!” Makes her a genuine piece of shit. no wonder people have such a bad mental image of aspies with people like her using it as a shield for anything she does when she’s purposely starting shit
No. 1096865
File: 1606878178309.png (29.32 KB, 762x174, 3C27358C-7E11-4693-AE28-0FC05A…)

Admits she’s a stalker
No. 1096868
File: 1606878494913.jpeg (89.52 KB, 828x209, 6C326DB8-384A-4E75-BE45-01011D…)

You might feel bad for her before of CHC but if she was a genuine good person she wouldn’t say these kinds of things about people of color
No. 1096895
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>>1096843Man everyone I know of has said this exact thing to her and she still refuses to learn from it. I even said it and got nothing but spammed. My friend even tried to help and found out that she only wants people to like her so her follower number goes up. She refused to try and roleplay with him because he couldn’t get her into a event the rest of the fandom was doing and that he was too new to talk with her. He made that account just to give her someone to talk to since she was pretty lonely in the fandom. It really caused him to leave because of what she said to him. He’s fine now and find this whole thing hilarious now that he knows the details. But I feel hes not the only person she’s forced to leave.
I also have the conversation he had with her saved if any one wants to read all that. She deleted a few comments though once she realized he could use it against her.
No. 1098208
File: 1607023530445.png (627.37 KB, 1920x1080, dsd.png)

She strikes again with a new account following people who have her blocked.
No. 1101492
File: 1607289429988.png (302.46 KB, 1448x458, Pedo.png)

>>1095830Rachel is currently trying to justify her pedo behaviour. She proudly tells people that she talks about sex with minors, but that's okay because she is educating them.
No. 1104466
>>1095908Why do you use the same shitty ms paint reaction pic in every thread on the site?
It's getting old and there's no use being anonymous if you post it with the same file name in every thread for years when the only community other than you which was circulating it was an incel "MAP" discord server raiding lolcow.
Maybe a tinfoil but it's weird that you only pop up in threads relating to pedophilia but maybe its just that all the active threads have turned pedo related, who knows.
I forgot what thread this was for a second and thought Goose was LJ looking at the screencaps, her having an egglaying kink was a disgusting mental image but thought "yeah sounds about right". While this woman is turbo cringe 90% of the thread sounds like personal vendettas though, IDK why I expected different considering OP said it came from the personal cow thread.
She has potential for entertainment but even after reading the whole thread I have no idea who she is or why anyone outside of the people she's personally had beef with would care. Like she only has 2 followers and a default username at least catch us dumber anons up on what she's known for outside of the basics.
No. 1105357
>>1104466I feel like goose has great milk but at the same time I feel like it could be from both personal
victims of her and strangers who sees her shit since apparently she makes a shit ton of different accounts and forces her way into people’s things. Who knows but, goose sure is a whole dumpster fire of contradictions
No. 1475368
File: 1647813571521.jpeg (553.99 KB, 1079x3840, FFA43916-2043-4547-AEC2-DFEE16…)

>joins lolcow discord asking to have her thread removed
>doubles down on her actions that were listed in the thread, says that she was merely teaching children sexual education and repeatedly asking users if they are denying the prevalence of skin bleaching in the poc community and claiming the black individual was being racist first
>says children set adults up for molestation accusations
>says she is going to get a cease and desist letter written
>spergs for hours, acting so retarded users begin questioning whether or not it is a troll
>several users pretend to be admins and coders for the site and say that if she sends her ID her thread will get taken down
>she sends her ID with all of the information uncensored to a random lolcord user
>tells two other random users that they allowed her to be lied to about who is staff and that they are harassing her for telling her she was stupid for sending it
No. 1475522
File: 1647821312503.jpeg (49.31 KB, 1145x349, C0EB3B20-9531-4D5B-AF25-235D6A…)

>>1475509my chest hurts so badly from laughing at this
>>1475503really, not you?
No. 1475648
File: 1647828683462.jpg (237.71 KB, 872x952, Screenshot_20220320-220912_Dis…)

waaaah, lolcowchans bulli me!
No. 1475686
File: 1647830066832.gif (1.25 MB, 220x393, D668B2F4-1C27-4231-8F21-A93375…)

>>1475676I love how she is the only one bumping her own thread, still.
No. 1475725
File: 1647831539660.png (353.53 KB, 1525x656, ralm.png)

unfortunately this is pretty expired milk but it's too funny not to pass on lol
No. 1476215
File: 1647881783366.png (28.28 KB, 127x128, pepeKek.png)

The moment you realize this:
>>1476023Is sitting behind a computer writing this:
>>1475648 No. 1476311
File: 1647886027503.png (68.67 KB, 560x816, RALM jennifer is a troon lol.p…)

Of course the "Jennifer" she was psychotically obsessed with turns out to be a troon, lol.
No. 1476726
File: 1647915186134.png (88.83 KB, 426x500, jennifer leukemia.png)

Here's Jennifer, who I'll refrain from doxing specifically as she's a bystander and/or victim in all this, but it seems that she did in fact have leukemia but is very much the fuck alive. Which is somehow creepier than just straight up making up the leukemia story tbh.
The thing about the husband's name does make sense (and is how I confirmed this Jennifer's identity; she lives halfway across the country from Rachel, with David Lee, who is more than twice her age, yuck.)
No. 1476837
File: 1647924370301.png (127.47 KB, 1000x438, ralm 2.png)

>>1476824we've got a live one,
nonnie. this kept verging off into weird social-justice-weeb territory for me reading the old stuff and I cba to care but between poor leukemia jennifer and the discord sex ed sessions … but her internet footprint. she's sounding like a real cow for sure.
No. 1477150
File: 1647959757764.jpg (47.02 KB, 410x246, rachel lol fat.jpg)

LOL she is Facebook friends with Jennifer, she knows damn well she's not dead. Pretending a friend died is cringey, pretending an actual person died is creepy, and pretending an actual person died of an actual disease she actually had is beyond the pale. Gross. She would've done better letting sleeping dogs lie and us thinking that Jennifer is a tranny. But a true cow must always escalate.
Picrel is for the girl who was calling others fat.
No. 1477176
File: 1647961288752.jpg (65.26 KB, 480x360, rachel_sephiroth.jpg)

No. 1477507
File: 1647983248355.png (114.53 KB, 300x300, 9919304.png)

No. 1477511
File: 1647983380520.jpg (17.88 KB, 720x293, 20211109_112643.jpg)

>>1477505You sound fat and jealous through text how is that even possible? Anyway, rip to your cardiovascular system and body cartilage.
No. 1477547
>>1477545I didn't lie about an actual person dying. I didn't know she was still alive.
Shut up, transphobe.
No. 1477565
>>1477547You realize troons won't fuck you even if you defend them on the evil
terf site, right? Anyway, you should start with restricting your caloric intake and upping your physical activity. Pilates would probably help you shrink that gunt. I'm sure you're tired of the skin flap smell and chafing everywhere. Just stop eating your feelings and pissing in your computer chair while crying on lolcow. Get up, hog. Take the stairs more. Drink water.
No. 1477576
>>1477547so you assumed a stranger was dead because it was more clout for you on the internet, ok
>>1477543post scale or you are fat by default
No. 1477579
>>1477547Only I don't have a gunt or chafing literally anywhere.
Lets face it, most of you "farmers" are middle aged conservative divorced christian moms with 4 kids.
No. 1477582
>>1477547 I assumed she was dead because she had leukemia and I hadn't heard from her.
>>1477543 What, so you can make fun of my feet? I'm under no obligation to prove jack shit to you.
No. 1477583
File: 1647986283524.png (13.96 KB, 417x395, rachel deleted fb.png)

>>1477452> "Whatever account that is, I don't have access to anymore."> immediately proceeds to delete itChild, you're a special kind of stupid.
No. 1477592
>>1477150I absolutely deadass thought this DL pic was of a troon, but her bone structure in the other pics is feminine enough, just genuinely unfortunate.
Her mom had her at 41, though, and her dad was 41 when he knocked her up. Every. Single. Time. It explains a lot.
No. 1477605
>>1477588There's been posts in /ot/ and /w/ of farmers posting pictures proving their race and location with time stamps and everything. If you really care that much about confirming that black and brown women use this website the posts are up forever. Lurk. You can keep seething but it's not going to change the fact you're a fat heaving mass of flesh and barely firing neurons pretending you're hot shit.
>>1477587An hero saga is absolutely inbound, fatties like this can't keep it together. It's like they have this compulsion to become rightfully despised public spectacles to feel victimized. Then they wah about every -ism under the sun making life unbearable. It's fucking hilarious. As an autist, when autists like this suffer after lashing out and being horrible, it's absolutely fulfilling. She should have thought about this before being a raging racist cunt flapping her rolls about all over Twitter. Top keks
No. 1477610
File: 1647987215347.jpg (35.77 KB, 840x432, rachel mom dad year of birth.j…)

>>1477595Girl, why on earth do you keep telling the most easily exposed lies …
>>1477599this one too obviously lol
No. 1477645
>>1477637 I'm still not here for your entertainment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People with my genes will always exist. My mother has 6 siblings and I probably have a ton of nieces and nephews.
Not to mention, people in Pakistan constantly marry their first cousins. They'll be fucked up for generations. Probably forever.
No. 1477688
File: 1647989690086.jpeg (513.61 KB, 741x1105, D2B2243B-D02F-4DFB-ADAA-BF3302…)

>>1477673>shitty photoshops >shittyrude!
No. 1477720
>>1477694its closer to a cult than an army
>>1477701You guys really should be making a thread for @FairsInfoCenter or other people in that twitter community too, as it's always a dumpster fire. The fact they make that account out of hopes of "helping" others when it really just gives me more motivation to keep going.
No. 1477767
>>1477727There is no evidence of grooming. The context was it was a webcomic fan server at the time and I didn't know it had minors on it to begin with. I ended up befriending them. Some of these children's parents are super conservative and preach the abstinence only approach
They don't let the teachers at their school teach them sex education. These are at-risk children who would otherwise be walking blind into the world of sexuality if someone didn't tell them.
One time, one of them asked me if it was okay to wear two condoms at once. At this time it didn't occur to me to tell them to google. I am not a licensed educator, nor do I have to be. My literal response to them was "No, don't. You're more likely to get holes in the condom that way through friction."
No. 1477770
>>1477727I know what I did wasn't wrong. My friends have told me (one of whom is a literal elementary/middle school teacher), my parents have told me, my bf has told me, the police have told me.
I know some of you agree with me, you can't all be stupid. I'm sure you're just saying it's wrong because you'll be shunned by your peers for agreeing with me.
No. 1477796
File: 1647994559010.jpeg (185.54 KB, 828x1721, 809DC8C1-EFC9-4D23-AFAA-2293DF…)

>>1477598Man you say this a lot don’t you. Guess what, you’re our entertainment and you keep providing more new laughs every post you make. You don’t even know how to post.
No. 1477925
File: 1647999646153.jpeg (136.47 KB, 827x1132, A3D78F49-23C1-466B-ABE1-33156F…)

>>1477767Ah I know what discord you where talking about that trash in. My 15 year old sister was in it and pointed out what you where saying when she asked me a question regarding truth to what you where saying. Fact is you where talking about how to get ahold of toys, how to play with yourself and how to treat another person the “correct” way or what ever.
First, that’s not your decision to make, if the parents want to teach abstinence is only way, then you are not to prowl on children and teach them about sex. You. Are. Not. Their. Parent.
Second, most of those “minors” are well aware of what to do. They do Google ( unlike you obviously) and they are on the internet able to see things for themselves. They play stupid to see if they can bait you into talking about it because it’s funny to see adults break rules.
You’re just too stupid and brain dead to know you shouldn’t be talking with minors about sex.
You have no boyfriend. He never was your boyfriend and Sephiroth isn’t real so you can’t say he’s your boyfriend. You live with your parents in a house they bought in 1978. You preach about how you live in a $2mil home when really your home was bought for $85k. It’s only worth so much because of california being california, housing markets went to shit several times since then making properties in prime locations like that skyrocket in value for nothing to show for it, inflation has dramatically gotten out of control since 1978 and your house is stupid old.
You like to paint yourself so wealthy and rich but you have nothing because you are litterally nothing but a waisted bag of air and a middle aged oopsie.
No. 1477935
>>You preach about how you live in a $2mil home when really your home was bought for $85k.85k in 1978. You aren't taking into consideration appreciation of value. If you look at houses in the general neighborhood, that is the price of them.
>>Fact is you where talking about how to get ahold of toys, how to play with yourself and how to treat another person the “correct” way or what ever. Only I wasn't. uwu It is exactly as I said it was.
>>You have no boyfriendOnly I do. uwu It's not yours to say whether or not I do.
>>a middle aged oopsie.Did it never occur to you that I'm living with parents who I'm not biologically related to? Man you're retarded.
No. 1477942
>>1477935Oh look the cow learned how to use the site. Good job cow. But you’re still not convincing anyone. Keep telling yourself you’re right and everyone else is wrong.
And living in a 2mil house doesn’t automatically make you rich living. Just means your parents don’t want to move. You don’t want to live somewhere on your own because you can’t afford it on a minimum wage salary working at a bookstore on Stanford college grounds.
For someone who “ went to college” you really have nothing to show for yourself other then how much of a loser you have been. This thread shows it.
No. 1477947
>>And living in a 2mil house doesn’t automatically make you rich living. Just means your parents don’t want to moveNo, it means I love my parents and am caring for them in their old age.
I don't have to convince you. I know I'm right. I make nearly 6 digits every year.
No. 1477958
File: 1648000909868.gif (1.57 MB, 498x278, B060B378-4D77-45E2-8273-D50465…)

>>I mAkE 6 DiGiTs A yEaRKeep telling yourself that. You’re delusional.
No. 1478000
>>1477611if you arent here to entertain us disappear, also there no way in hell you have kids. you wouldnt be able to shut up about abusing them
>>1477617maybe because they dont call other autistics retards and then freak out when someone says you shouldnt do that, and 165 would be fat on me and im 2 inches taller than you.
>>1477767do you literally just copy and paste this response any time someone tells you what a fucking creep you are?
>>1477957more pedophile behavior
No. 1478012
>>1478000>>if you arent here to entertain us disappear, also there no way in hell you have kids. you wouldn't be able to shut up about abusing themI'm gonna have kids soon enough. There's nothing you can do about it.
>>maybe because they dont call other autistics retards and then freak out when someone says you shouldnt do that, and 165 would be fat on me and im 2 inches taller than you.Sure it would, but I'm more muscular than you.
>>do you literally just copy and paste this response any time someone tells you what a fucking creep you are?Lmao I'm not a creep tho. Just better than you.
>>more pedophile behaviorNah I literally do it bc it upsets you.
No. 1478014
>>1478007 You won't, because that's not one of my kinks. I'm not really into BDSM.
No. 1478015
>>1478004I didn't leak it tho. uwu You guys took advantage of me to do it.
I'm more than happy to dox the people who have harassed me.
No. 1478035
File: 1648004462671.jpeg (231.65 KB, 828x1196, 26097166-CCE4-42E3-B943-4261B2…)

Omg she can’t even fit into angelic pretty. That’s the brand made to fit western fat bodies. If you can’t fit into that then you are confirmed obese.
This bitch can’t even fit into full shirring AP.
No. 1478044
>>1478037It’s a Japanese brand that sizes their stuff to fit western bodies you walnut. Any one who knows shit from fuck about lolita fashion knows that angelic pretty is the fattychan brand.
Cheese day isn’t brand. It’s offbrand. Aka brands fattychans buy because they can’t fit into authentic brands with high notoriety. It’s like buying Walmart brands that are similar to prestige brand because you can’t afford and fit into the real thing.
No. 1478047
File: 1648004883042.png (12.81 KB, 663x98, Screenshot 2022-03-22 200726.p…)

>>1478030just wait until that baby wont let you sleep kek it wont survive a month, honestly id be surprised if you let it live for a full week. not to mention the obesity..
>>1478037so which is it? are you not fat, or are you plus sized?
No. 1478060
>>1478044 Only it isn't. If it fits western bodies it fits eastern bodies too, moron.
Cheese Day is brand. It is a specific studio.
No. 1478061
>>1478035OT but
>lolita is punk mindset and rococo aestheticDamn. Roll over, du Châtelet
No. 1478070
>>1478047 It's called having a husband. Like all parents should, we'll share duties.
I'm plus sized. One can have a larger body frame but still be a healthy body weight. Also, healthy body weight and size can vary by individual.
No. 1478074
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>>1478057No, it was in that fair info Twitter. They have a bunch of caps. But it’s here.
No. 1478076
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>>1478044>>1478072Why tf would I even care for designer brands? Supreme literally sold a fucking brick for over 200 dollars.
Cheese Day is brand.
No. 1478080
>>1478060That’s not brand you walnut. Angelic pretty is called the fatty brand in Japan. They started making even larger sizes for the western buyers because it was more profitable for them. But they are not going to make a American 3XL for ham planets like you.
Anything from taobao is not brand. It’s off brand. Learn lolita terminology and more then a brief Google search before you speak peasant.
No. 1478085
>>1478080 Rich coming from someone who probably uses pepsi as mouthwash.
I literally googled information on Angelic Pretty and it doesn't say anything about it being for larger western brands. You know nothing about the fashion.
And… They did have dresses that would fit me, but I was in a rush and didn't bother trying them on. It would have been a matter of going on their website and ordering it from there.
If seeing plus size women happy makes you angry or uncomfortable you really should look at yourself and figure out wtf is wrong with you.
No. 1478086
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>>1478085>> I literally googled information on Angelic Pretty and it doesn't say anything about it being for larger western brands. You know nothing about the fashion.Oh honey you googled it. You fucking googled it. Oh god please no my sides.
No. 1478090
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>>1478083 Imagine trying to gatekeep the fucking lolita community lmaoooo. There's too many lolita brands to even keep track of so it really doesn't matter what you said.
No. 1478112
>>1478100 How tf would you know, random bitch on the internet?
There are no sagas to be had for me. I'm not here for your entertainment.
No. 1478173
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>>1478161You sure about that? Your actively posting right now and it looks like all the posts you post get no likes or notes. You’re not posting on your sera one in the last few days and you have and even sadder feed there.
No. 1478183
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>>1478178For someone who was having a beef with the person reported in this screen grab, you have some tiny dick energy claiming it’s not you. But if the clown suit fits it fits.
No. 1478185
File: 1648010546635.jpeg (208.27 KB, 1242x1959, 918678C4-5618-482E-AFBC-916587…)

>>1478183I’m NoT hEr
Uses same image in past suspended accounts
No. 1478193
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I'd say that a woman pretending to be a tranny is a welcome relief from trannies pretending to be women but there's something pretty fucked up going on there.
>>1478172harassing penis havers is based though
No. 1478194
>>1478193 Transgender women are women.
Not based. A bad take.
No. 1478217
File: 1648011876913.png (185.16 KB, 873x864, C5B47E7A-9085-4022-8277-5886B0…)

I found her tumblr of her OC. It’s a true self insert Mary Sue. She seriously made a female sephiroth but cringe.
No. 1478232
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"Books: Creepypastas are nice"
kek No. 1478256
File: 1648015655282.jpeg (198.35 KB, 828x504, 43254E7A-6F1A-4DBA-9975-5FF9D0…)

>>1478232>slim, slenderi know being fat and dumb isn’t milk but boy is it funny
No. 1478328
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That is literally me not sexualizing them. They're allowed to have their own sexuality.
No. 1478362
File: 1648023960974.jpg (787.66 KB, 798x3538, dustypussy.jpg)

You don't get any dick, Rachel.
No. 1478483
>>1478328why the fuck are you talking about sex at all with children? You aren't a health teacher and you aren't their parent giving them The Talk, so what the absolute fucking business do you think you have bringing it up to a child, period?
"Not sexualizing them" bitch you are literally putting the thought in their heads bringing it up rolling around in it, fucking pedo
No. 1478497
>>1478232>>1478256I agree. It's funny to call her a fat pig because of how vehemently she denies it.
Rachel, you are a fat, retarded pedophile. Fuck off.
No. 1479083
File: 1648068670012.gif (Spoiler Image,823.12 KB, 250x219, Baby_01.gif)

>>1477611The hell spawn in question. If you're not lying, I hope whatever little boy you raped to get laid lands your fat ass in prison for life, no parole.
No. 1479375
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Love how this cow exposed herself so much and how easy it is to see everyone connected to her. Her digital foot print is so bad that even her parents show linked to her. Then again, according to Rachel on fairsinfo she says her parents “enable” her.
No. 1479528
>>1479481youre so socially inept that you can only “befriend” minors and not people your own age lmfao
even then minors end up being tired of you
i bet your bf thinks youre fucking weird for spending so much time on here and when youre not here youre with children
No. 1479533
>>1479528 I can and do. I just befriend minors bc it pisses you people off.
My boyfriend agrees with me wholeheartedly and we had a good laugh at all of you earlier.
No. 1479534
>>1479533it doesnt piss any of us off it makes you look creepy and youre so delusional that you cant see it
guess your “boyfriend” is just as much of a pedo as you are Rachel
No. 1479547
>>1479534Nah, it does piss you off bc you guys are telling me to kill myself (real mature) and threatening to kill me. You are cordially invited to come the fuck at me, bc I know you won't be able to do anything.
I'm still not a pedophile tho. uwu Sex education doesn't count as being a pedophile. I don't lust after children like you do.
No. 1479549
>>1479547>> you guys are telling me to kill myself (real maturebitch dont act so innocent and holier than thou when you did the same here
>>1477505nobody even threatened to kill you youre soo dramatic for what Rachel?
a pedophile dating another pedophile what a laugh youre both pathetic lmfao
No. 1479577
>>1479549 a pedophile dating another pedophile what a laugh youre both pathetic lmfao
He literally has a young child already so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 1479649
>>1479579Hey cow, I just want to let you know that if your height is 5'2 and you really do weigh 165 you are still medically obese
(hi cow) No. 1479951
>>1479547See, just because random adults gave you the rub down and sex Ed doesn't mean it's not a borderline sex crime to talk to kids like you do. It's inappropriate and if the parents saw, your medically obese ass would be on your way to an interrogation. You've left breadcrumbs proving you're a budding sex pest and also a racist piece of shit who thrives off being disgusting. Add grooming children on Discord by "teaching them innocently about sexual education" to that and you're on your way to being someone's fat retarded bottom bitch behind bars. They don't like women that creep on kids.
You're a genetic dead end. KEK troglodyte. fat tranny looking chomo thinks she's all that. Can't wait for you to break and kill yourself.
No. 1480683
>>1480004 Lmao no. My boyfriend is my boyfriend, and he is a real man.
>>1479590 I have proof but I don't have to give it to you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He wouldn't approve bc he knows you guys are dumb bitches.
>>1479595 I still get a ton of attention on Anirp and Twitter. I don't do this for attention, I do it to piss you off.
>>1479649 Nah. 165 is healthy for my weight.
>>1479653 Nah, it's just called liking the same shit they do. Videogames, comics, etc.
>>1479894 Meh, I don't care. I know I'm not a pedo. I love my man. He's a few months older than me, but he's been there for me since the first day I met him. Caring, clever, always willing to listen.
>>1480672 I'm only here because you guys get pissed off about trivial shit. >>1479951 Only I'm not obese. I'm a healthy weight for my height.
>>You're a genetic dead end.My genes have already been passed on. I have two nieces.
>> fat tranny looking chomo thinks she's all thatI'm 110% a girl. Wanna see my bloody tampons? My testosterone levels are low and my estrogen levels are high.
>>Can't wait for you to break and kill yourself.It won't happen, and even if it did, you wouldn't know.
>>you're on your way to being someone's fat retarded bottom bitch behind barsOnly I never will be. uwu The police know and they don't care.
No. 1480695
>>1480683Don't you have little boys to groom, you absolute Thwomp of a woman?
>My genes have already been passed on. I have two nieces.Now it all makes sense, you're fucking your brother. Checks out. You look the type.
No. 1480740
File: 1648194074367.jpeg (426.47 KB, 1386x693, 44014AFF-BBA3-4BE0-BDBD-F54690…)

imagine saying you have a bf while youre still looking for sephiroth erp partners
No. 1480742
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No. 1480744
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No. 1480747
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holy shit she edated someone she was going to see irl but then he told her that his parents dont want him dating anyone while he lives with them so they break up
bitch ends up pushing him away with emo drama bullshit then he blocks her after she shows him the shit shes done (wtf would you do that lmfao)
10/10 fucking hilarious
No. 1480759
File: 1648197142035.jpeg (156.42 KB, 753x530, A19F2A3E-2E46-4132-92D9-7F83A0…)

>>1480683I don’t know who you think you’re pissing off but it ain’t people in this thread that’s for sure. You’re the only one coming in here to check up on those talking about you. The rest are just people who casually use the site and see your thread popping up because you don’t know how to use the site right. You are the cow this thread is about and it’s fresh material considering the rest is dry content that has been dissected to death.
Way to be totally #notbothered
No. 1481500
>>1481425Man you guys are fucking retarded to believe that shit about her. The shit about the Arcana developer blocking her was never real. She’s stated before she knows none of these characters are real, they just hold significance for her, and that’s just fine. You keep going “well she thinks/believes/does” shut the fuck up honestly if she’s said she does or doesn’t, that’s it. She is the authority on herself, not anyone else.
The fact of the matter is, it’s innocent before proven guilty. If the police know she’s been talking to minors or giving them sex education and they don’t care, then that’s it. She’s not going to see any kind of repercussions for things she didn’t do.
She doesn’t thrive on attention, she’s a sadist that gets off on seeing Farmers riled up and upset about what amounts to absolutely jack shit.
COUGHMelissa from Beverly Hills Permanent Makeup
COUGH was and is a sick in the head, egotistical strumpet with pretty privilege that somehow thought that someone living over 400 miles away (with no means to reach her)who had them blocked everywhere on Twitter was a threat to her, so had her friend with access to a police database doxx Rachel and flaunt a blank restraining order on Twitter all “oh should I do it” like if Rachel was actually a threat Hyde would have kept it private. Dumb bitches in Moss County are handed permission to attempt restraining orders like candy.
As for her dating situation, it’s a little more complicated than just going off what she says or what her tags are in a server she’s never on. Did it never occur to you that she suspected Farmers were watching, so she lied to check? Or do you only believe her when what she says would make her look pathetic?
So go ahead. Call the police on her. Nothing will come of it. They already know.
Sage because you bitches are faggots.
No. 1481502
>>1481425She’s been more then Twitter. She’s also stirred a lot of shit on Facebook, various discord final fantasy and arcana servers, aniroleplay and she’s apparently banned on F-list final fantasy community. I don’t know what she did to get banned on a site literally made for people to write fantasy fucking with weird fetishes unhinged. But she’s banned from there so it has to be something pretty damned bad.
I was around when the arcana thing went down. She went full sperg on one of the other staff members who told her to not be aggressive to other users for not liking a design of one of the sprites. She went full on stupid and tried to excuse her behavior because she’s “ autistic” when the server has other members who are and behave like respectful adults of others opinions. She then got told to stop when I guess a user messaged one of the mods with DMs from her harassing them because they didn’t know how to divide fractions or something. She was barely in the server 2 hours before she got banned. And when she got banned she freaked out. She went and started DMing staff trying to get back in and get the mod that banned her banned.
She then went full retard and went bat shit on the mod who was a minor and tried to bring in stuff that was brought up in the adult corner of the server. The server is full of people who are closely knit with the developers of the game and some of the most popular people from the arcana fandom where mods and members of the server. So she really fucked up before she could get any foot hold in that fandom.
That server has since been removed and separated into other servers to keep the minors and adults separated due to discord constantly messing with coding making it possible for minors to get into adult spaces.
She did try to make a person roleplay smut with her when that person said they don’t roleplay content like that with people they don’t know and have just met. She also called for a roleplay partner in the all ages server saying she wanted to roleplay adult content in an area where minors can see. This was one thing she was warned about since the server had a vetting process and all inquired about adult anything was in adult areas only.
It was two years ago but it’s still brought up from time to time because she was possibly one of the funniest sperg moments in arcana fandom other then non-binary apprentice assulting the devs and the savenkey sperging out when the devs caugh sav data mining content and stealing in game art for profits.
No. 1481525
>>1480740>>1480742So you really think after reading the above, that we would believe
>>1481500 lmao. If you're not rachel I'm sure you're some other massive-lardass pedophile.
No. 1481531
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>>1481502Oh no, trust me (or don't, idc) no sex happens at all in the final fantasy channels on f-list. If you so much as ask to write a sex scene with someone, you're going to get scoffed at. The channels are full of gender confused prudes that are just as obsessed with the characters as you think she is. It's not something that is as exclusive to her.
>I was around when the arcana thing went downYou're going to have to prove that, Anon. The person who couldn't do fractions was a tranny with a reputation for spreading rumors. None of that shit matters anymore anyhow, the webcomic and its fandom is dead and rotting.
>>She did try to make a person roleplay smut with her when that person said they don’t roleplay content like that with people they don’t know and have just met.
Don't exist on a server dedicated to that then. Just asking for it.
>>1481525 Ratio then.
No. 1481536
>>1481531Another nice try to blend in, WK, this time
>Ratio thengave you away. I guess you're from twitter. You sound too smart to be Rachael herself, so I wonder what your relation to her is? You've clearly lurked enough to grasp lc lingo, which makes you a pretty dedicated white night. Very interesting.
No. 1481537
>>1481531>>1481500Sure cow. You still are obvious. At least you learned how to sage… somewhat.
But the “ratio” gave your ass away.
No. 1481551
>>1481540>>I’ve shared a server with her on discord for several yearsbitch how? she makes a new discord account almost every few months why the fuck should we believe a bitch asking for proof when youve got none yourself
>>I don’t like people who get their kicks from riling up othersnone of us are riling her up otherwise that’s cow tipping shes being a retard on public platforms and sperging out at us and were just laughing at a distance
No. 1481569
>>1481551She always comes back to the same places. Even if she makes a new discord, she always comes back.
>> none of us are riling her up otherwise that’s cow tipping Then she’s already been tipped. One of the people who posted here notified her of this thread’s existence.
I don’t care whether you believe me or not, but if this thread dying out shuts her the fuck up so I don’t have to listen to her going on about being stalked on Discord, kill the thread.
No. 1481588
>>1481569Maybe she should stop commenting then and stop giving evidence. Maybe she should stop stalking people that want nothing to do with her. Maybe she should stop lying about her identity online. Maybe stop talking about drama when people do give her the time of day.
She needs to learn that she’s not entitled to everyone’s attention. She’s not entitled to anything from people who want nothing to do with her. If she would let bygones be bygones she would fade into obscurity and not be a thing. But she can’t help but rear her head back when she doesn’t get what she wants. She likes the attention. She enjoys it. It’s obvious that her suffering is her favorite kind of attention. She can’t get anywhere if she’s sarcastic and
toxic all the time. Take criticism and improve herself. Take blame for her actions and not project it out to others and say she was “ provoked” to be racist, transphobic, ablelist. She’s college educated. She needs to act like it. Not a 13 year old child white hormones raging in their neuro system.
No. 1481614
>>1481593>> implies arcana fandom is dead. >> calling the game a webcomicIt’s still got a very live community. It still has art, cosplay and arcana themed conventions going on. The game itself has its own discord that’s chaotic all the time full of fans.
Also it’s not a webtoons web comic. It’s a game that you actually play with objectives.
Only Someone who isn’t allowed in the arcana circles or being told it’s dead would make such a crass statement with confidence. Don’t talk about stuff you know nothing about.
No. 1481679
>>1481500Nobody but you would namedrop Hyde and give a half hearted dox attempt, Rachel. White knighting for yourself is a low, especially when you tried to make it seem like it wasn't you. Only you would make those exact moves in the same post and believe that you did something smart there.
Damage control isn't going to help you here. You're delusional if you believe anyone is going to WK for a fat lard like you. You aren't smart and the people here can run circles around you if you want to try and take up an alphabet of personas to go up to bat for the dust of self preservation you have left. Every single person who has tried to be nice to you has been burned because you abuse their kindness because you want them to fix the problems you've created.
Now I'll say that I'm not a regular here nor do I plan on being one. It's been made public knowledge that you've got a thread here, which is why I dropped in. I have some thoughts to share.
You could have left this thread to die and nobody would've looked into you. If you hadn't given it an ounce of attention it would have been written off as a personal vendetta. It would have faded away.
But you couldn't just leave it alone. Not only did you have the audacity to come here, you have the audacity to pretend like we don't see through you. You've been caught in an endless string of lies since the beginning of your posts here, and still pretend like you haven't been called out for it.
Remember: any farmers will always be three steps ahead of you. You won't be able to get ahead. The more you stir up, the more they will dig up.
Your opsec was shit and they'll be able to dig things up on you that you forgot existed. You've used the same character name for almost two decades. You've used the same screen names and emails. Your paper trail can be seen from space.
Go ahead, keep playing around. You won't win.
No. 1481711
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>>1481684>>she’s already wonWhere? And why you talking in third person Rachel?
No. 1481712
>>1481673this made me laugh because shes the only person that says this
nobody defending someone would say this especially in this context
Rachel youre so fucking sloppy please go to therapy and get a gym membership
No. 1481714
File: 1648275852394.png (125.3 KB, 1500x1125, 042C8395-3CB8-46BA-8D11-53E7B4…)

This bitch googled if angelic pretty made sizes for western bodies before she googled how to sage. It took her a full ass day after that to learn to Google how to sage.
No. 1481722
>>1481686That isn't even a name she goes by. Whoever started using that name, did so founded in fatphobia.
>>1481714Rachel genuinely doesn't care.
No. 1481723
>>1481722>> she doesn’t go by that name Yeah she doesn’t go by madam has either. And apparently not Rachel because it’s “ deadnaming” her.
>>she genuinely doesn’t careThen why respond when people are talking about you trying to “ prove” you’re not as bad as people are saying you are? I mean if you didn’t care you would just ignore it when people talk about you. But here we are, a dead thread being revived because you can’t help but let people know if you’re existence. That’s very not bothered behavior.
No. 1481726
>>1481722>fatphobiaonly Rachel, who doesn't understand what this site was founded on, would use this word unironically.
>Rachel genuinely doesn't care.It seems like you do, Rachel.
This is so funny, I haven't even been reading this thread but this cow is so stupid I'm gonna backread now
No. 1481731
>>1481728She would probably fall
victim to one of milanoo’s sock puppet sites. Or buy one of those unfortunately fitted dollbe dresses. Some styles are just not meant to go on big bodies. When will fatties learn, just because it zips doesn’t mean it fits.
No. 1481741
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>>1481735dw i think we might get an ana saga
No. 1481743
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>>1481741She's gonna be a Tess Holliday anorexic
No. 1481755
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No. 1481785
File: 1648282313822.jpeg (226.54 KB, 817x1299, C75F1E07-15A7-4E87-A8F6-E3919E…)

>>1481755She pretty much described herself in that slopoke onesie she got for Christmas.
No. 1481808
>>1481805 She actually has really pretty green eyes.
>>1481804 Dude, you can't even see her neck in that photo.
No. 1481817
>>1481811the ex mutual im talking about isnt banned because theyre the one giving me screenshots of your shit from there
nice try i know youre trying to figure out whos leaking shit
No. 1481825
>>1481820oh no im shaking in my boots with the 0 leads that you have
No. 1481827
>>1481825 what have you done?
i think its the cow leading the farmer at this point
No. 1481831
>>1481827i havent done anything
heres the thing with rachel she has these moments where she tries to fish for clues of her “harassers” and then she starts pointing fingers at the wrong people like crazy
shes done it a lot on twitter
No. 1481833
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Her other Facebook account is called Miranda Sforza. Her mom even tags her in posts there, and she's got her cat as a profile picture.
She has to make multiple accounts because she ends up having a mass freak out every time at something insignificant.
No. 1481837
>>1481833just looked through it
had a good chuckle at her posting about drama with another sephiroth about the previously mentioned “david lee mayben”
No. 1481842
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No. 1481843
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No. 1481844
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No. 1481846
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No. 1481847
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No. 1481851
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No. 1481859
Polyamorous? Rachel?? Ha.
You'd shit yourself if a dude you liked was even remotely near another woman. However, you seem to feel entitled to a reverse harem like the true incel you are. It would be a miracle to find one person who genuinely liked you and wasn't dipping into your fishy cunt for a green card or to drain your family's bank accounts.
>>1481852Final Fantasy House 2: Electric Boogaloo
No. 1481864
>>1481859shes really trying to push this poly bf narrative hard as if she didnt just say shes back on the market not even a week ago
not to mention she still has the single role and her only reason for it is because the server doesnt have a role that fits her even though theres aparrently a poly role
No. 1481931
>>1481847She can't decide if she's single, has one boyfriend, or has two boyfriends.
We all know the truth though, nobody wants her and she pretends that a bunch of pixel men are plowing her. Sephiroth's masamune couldn't reach anything with that massive gunt in the way.
No. 1482623
>>1482615imagine supporting a misogynistic beauty standard like that? women are allowed to have body hair. the razor wasn’t even marketed to women until 1915.
body hair is just as beautiful as hairless.
No. 1482644
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>>1481859My pussy smells like flowers. He’s already bought me gifts, so it’s not about the money.
No. 1482686
>>1482644Newsflash, fatmad. You aren't your Mary Sue oc.
"My Sera" shit, at least pretend like you didn't use Textnow to make a fake number and message yourself to flex.
No. 1482723
>>1482671Lmao. He’s received my nudes numerous times and loves them. No catfishing. We FaceTime all the time.
I never thought I would run into an entire forum filled with femcels. You guys expect to date someone who looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, when you look like Melissa McCarthy with AIDS.
No. 1482745
File: 1648345796268.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.7 KB, 574x561, 79f271e8ca45278d5d4f6c9edfe811…)

>>1482723Your nudes look like this
No. 1482754
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Hairy Hamhocks and the chamber of diabetes
No. 1482766
File: 1648347249998.jpeg (118.17 KB, 654x593, 04DC2D89-285D-4A8C-8598-6BD9E9…)

>>1482754Is this really her? How could anyone let anyone take a picture of herself like this and publish it for the world to see it?
No. 1482778
File: 1648348137588.png (4.34 MB, 828x1792, 1F33E8F3-8F8F-48D4-91ED-E67E19…)

I mean she has Neanderthal brows and doesn’t shape them to flatter her face. I’m sure this bitch doesn’t have any type of skin care routine to keep her flesh hydrated and nurtured. No wonder her makeup looks like shit, she’s both unskilled in wearing it and doesn’t care for her skin at alll.
No. 1482781
File: 1648348367479.jpeg (201.38 KB, 828x1212, 0E1D9F0C-6C18-43B6-B07E-846832…)

You know it’s fresh she called someone fat when she looks like that. I guess she doesn’t have a mirror in her house.
No. 1482785
>>1482754Well, that’s an unfortunate angle, but her calves are muscular and she looks happy enough. Did it never occur to you that she had the picture taken without her knowledge or consent?
If seeing people doing things they enjoy and being happy with their romantic partners makes you angry, then the problem is you. Not her.
No. 1482791
File: 1648348789639.jpg (498.24 KB, 809x1768, obesity.jpg)

>>1482785Shut up hamhocks lol
No. 1482818
nonnie, maybe It’s the army of groomed children the ones who are whiteknighting for m’lardy, I seriously doubt anyone would defend this fucking pedophile other than her
victims of grooming.
No. 1482828
>>1482632yes it fucking does retard
>>1482639its funny because minors are hiding in there and youve actually spoken to a few in genchat you can blame the server owner for not pulling them over because there isnt proof that theyre minors lmao
>>1482723 now we know youre lying youre not texting another person with an iPhone in that screenshot so how can you FaceTime and why not use discord? ontop of that theres no date present
>>1482825its really not hard to find a poster’s ip address stop being retarded Rachel
No. 1482831
>>1482827:3 This is all clearly working XD in her fictional reality uwu
God it pained me to type like that but she gives herself away with those stupid ass text emotes and the same mannerisms in her posts.
No. 1482838
File: 1648351216652.jpeg (77.67 KB, 500x538, E9AB819E-D3BE-42BC-8FD5-621F89…)

>>1482831 It is actually working though, no fiction necessary. You guys are getting upset over jack shit because you’re manless
No. 1482839
>>1482834nobodys going to believe you unless you provide proof which you wont
probably stole this from the nudes channel in one of the servers
No. 1482848
File: 1648351635915.jpeg (820.43 KB, 1284x2340, 6E330030-CEC7-4DDD-935F-86F7D3…)

No. 1482849
File: 1648351662455.jpeg (800.64 KB, 1284x2349, FDB284F0-15D8-463D-8683-45E740…)

No. 1482850
File: 1648351699627.jpeg (749.35 KB, 1284x2195, CF1D80CA-C2EF-4528-A407-CC6EFE…)

No. 1482851
File: 1648351726535.jpeg (592.32 KB, 1284x2130, A27500A2-FF93-438C-B361-CDD6B4…)

No. 1482862
File: 1648352102340.gif (102.55 KB, 220x123, 0DA56D3F-5369-4AC8-93EA-900CEC…)

That’s not even the same dick as before. Both men need the manscape badly.
No. 1482872
File: 1648352507746.jpeg (819.42 KB, 1284x2252, 3BBDD261-6A84-4454-B515-594798…)

No. 1482873
File: 1648352539023.jpeg (365.95 KB, 1284x1099, 94028FC7-1A39-417D-9D5F-34CCC4…)

No. 1482884
File: 1648352893596.jpeg (277.98 KB, 1284x811, 19EEC268-9719-4189-945C-156F53…)

completely missed this
No. 1482891
>>1482889Post pics of your true and honest boyfriend Bertha. Come on. Get him to hold up a nice little timestamp with your name on it.
You can shut everyone up with proof but you don't have it so you keep catfishing.
No. 1482896
>>1482893Bertha you aren't asleep, you don't have proof and you're about to have another thread here. How does it feel to know you've cemented your history online?
Now everyone who searches your full name will find you and the horrible things you've said all because someone pretending to be Sephiroth won't cyber sex your mary sue
No. 1482908
>>1482893shes online>>1482905
i see you online right now rachel you fucking tard
No. 1482909
File: 1648354318035.jpeg (801.34 KB, 1284x1584, CAD14E80-8A59-44DF-821D-0ED2B8…)

since shes apparently sleeping heres some stuff i got from digging around
No. 1482932
File: 1648355341021.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1284x1490, E950378E-948E-47ED-A3D6-149433…)

No. 1482938
File: 1648355506528.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1284x1540, 5757155D-05F3-4D0D-B8E2-EA7800…)

No. 1482939
Her full name is Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, from Emerald Hills, CA, USA.
Online handles she's used are Sera Rosier, yzrch, Madame M, UnseelyMistress, Tillamoon, Alruna, JunonsRipper, Miranda Sforza. There's more, but I think those are the primary ones.
No. 1482947
File: 1648355701032.jpeg (712.26 KB, 1284x784, F5D3B3E0-3D2B-4F99-A0B3-1B3EF0…)

No. 1482949
File: 1648355738746.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4028x2282, F355A58D-FB11-42D5-9545-91DD83…)

>>1482947not enough room on there for the “boyfriend”
No. 1482953
File: 1648355802194.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x1545, 8A210CA1-A153-40F1-93A8-F0C1C1…)

No. 1482960
>>1482954she doesnt even drive
>>1482957chill out you dont even pay rent rachel
No. 1482961
>>1482951It isn't her house, she lives with her parents because she's too fat and codependent to leave. She doesn't make enough money to support her lifestyle so she leeches off of her aging parents. Not unlike CWC, except she's the only one with the hoarding issue.
>>1482949Jesus look at all those printed out pictures of generic white haired anime characters. She's nearing her thirties. She's reminding me of the neckbeard nest posts I've seen floating around. I bet the last time her sheets were changed was three years ago with all of that unnecessary clutter on the damn bed.
No man would want a woman who does that nasty shit. You can smell that image.
No. 1482962
File: 1648356146026.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1284x965, 63ABE39D-CEB7-43D7-91F8-45FDBA…)

No. 1482975
File: 1648356432629.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1284x2240, 214DE96E-2C96-49E6-B948-6BB874…)

this one made me laugh so hard
No. 1482988
File: 1648356856934.png (72.67 KB, 268x286, 685ADB92-9B65-4A6A-B02F-83793F…)

>>1482949Her room looks like a 13 year old who just hit puberty. Fitting I guess since her Mary Sue OC reads like it was written by some edgy 13 year old.
No. 1482989
File: 1648356885541.jpeg (921.23 KB, 1284x2103, E3BBCB3D-214E-48AC-9F3F-D3220F…)

kind of funny how nobody takes her seriously
No. 1482997
File: 1648357068064.jpeg (395.41 KB, 1284x1818, 22925C9A-CEA0-4CDE-A4BE-DA0297…)

i think its hilarious that her life is so sad and uneventful that shed celebrate this in a porn server because she has nobody to talk to
No. 1483003
File: 1648357282718.jpg (1.08 MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20220326-220755_FF7…)

>>1482997Those triglycerides tho.
No. 1483027
File: 1648359596144.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 975x800, aklschda.png)

>>1482964She's not lying guys, here's the photo
No. 1483029
i want it to be the next thread picture
No. 1483057
File: 1648361787201.jpeg (245.71 KB, 1284x739, 1E321A75-26A6-49DB-BF48-0C0079…)

No. 1483064
File: 1648362081796.jpeg (101.26 KB, 1284x315, 36732626-BEDD-47EA-92A2-02D6FE…)

No. 1483073
>>1483069>show her sensitive sidewow! the same words rachel uses
>>1482884to describe vulnerability! Must be just coincidence #98 of "anons" using the exact odd phrasing rachel uses, and definitely is not rachel herself spending all day larping in her own thread.
No. 1483083
File: 1648363070261.jpeg (138.8 KB, 1284x568, 21A62638-BFAA-45C4-AF23-823253…)

i love that she keeps pretending to be other people and saying shes asleep when shes on her computer discord automatically sets your status as away when youre afk for a predetermined time
>>1483075didnt you get an english degree or some bullshit? how do you not know the word vulnerable
No. 1483089
File: 1648363423781.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x2419, 88C5F5B4-A61C-4E0A-94E6-743C0A…)

shes on twitter liking and retweeting things
wondering why shes been off her main for so long do you think shes in twitter jail
No. 1483106
File: 1648364050936.jpeg (108.84 KB, 1284x245, 6E08DF73-EA4A-41DA-A5FE-1742D8…)

im coining the term straight passing now thank you rachel for the hilarity
No. 1483118
>>1483098>>1483105>>1482992>>1483028>she's not here>she's not here>she's NOT HERE>SHE'S NOT HEEEERRRREEEInterestingly, since we're all anonymous, the only person who could know for sure that "she isn't here" would have to be in the room with her. Or
be her (and lying). But she's so stupid she didn't even consider that kek
No. 1483123
File: 1648364841900.gif (944.08 KB, 480x270, shes-gone-steven.gif)

>>1483118She said she was going to bed and hasn't posted since.
No. 1483127
>>1483123>>1483124you truly have no friends i would feel bad for you but you did it to yourself
thank you for posting so much youre gonna have a second thread soon
No. 1483134
File: 1648365222530.jpeg (257.27 KB, 828x1691, 4EB38445-5815-49C1-8F94-361F61…)

>>1483109I mean you did say you where I lay intrested in people with a foothold in the community because you want to be in it and interact with others. That sounds like being worried about Follower numbers to me. You won’t talk to people unless they have a reputation because you want to ride their coat tails and climb an imaginary ladder to internet popularity.
But you don’t seem to notice, you’re already popular. You’re one of the most hated and avoided people in the final fantasy community. Congratulations you are finally popular like you want to be. You even have your own lolcow thread. That’s a feat in its self since most people barely craw out of the general lolcow threads.
No. 1483140
File: 1648365742342.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1284x2212, 412D6D39-642B-42D1-965B-AF5B97…)

i truly love this so much i look back at it constantly
No. 1483149
>>1483142Except the creator of that table confirmed she hasn’t sold any of them to the United States at all. She still has it listed for sale because it hasn’t sold.
You lie so much you believe your lies to be true. That’s some serious mental illness that you need to see help for.
No. 1483152
File: 1648366205711.jpeg (953.37 KB, 1284x1778, 16234B26-C792-4D50-8D71-5BC8F4…)

>>1483140her response to the creator absolutely sends me
No. 1483160
>>1483159The real secret to SOLDIER's power is weaponized autism.
I see the game in a new light now.
No. 1483161
File: 1648366742680.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1284x2148, 8C885F49-B4E3-457C-A517-CF81B4…)

the black skin tone on the emoji made me burst
this is someone she had beef with on a previous account she tried to get stygiansis on her side by twisting the truth and being a manipulator and stygiansis almost fell for it until people showed her proof of Rachel’s racism because stygiansis is black
No. 1483163
File: 1648367020903.jpeg (825.83 KB, 1284x2231, 74FA03E2-EFA3-4BEE-B68C-6AD053…)

No. 1483166
File: 1648367143662.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x2203, 807149B1-803D-4BD2-B5A7-65E274…)

>>1483163>>1483164im a faggot and forgot the pic
No. 1483176
File: 1648367978226.jpeg (109.67 KB, 827x1157, 307C76F3-6BA0-4A42-9BE3-C6D9EF…)

another part of her autistic room
No. 1483190
File: 1648368983275.jpeg (209.19 KB, 828x809, 6D4D19E8-385D-4462-BBDB-E29AEF…)

took me forever to find it but heres this pic of her visibly huge gut
No. 1483193
File: 1648369082596.jpeg (69.78 KB, 1242x771, 0DECEC21-E902-4D59-AA7B-313303…)

i wish i had the full image
No. 1483195
File: 1648369205732.jpeg (749.49 KB, 1284x1689, B219B15D-9FE5-49CF-9852-0167AC…)

No. 1483196
File: 1648369211353.jpeg (220.19 KB, 828x1322, DEEFC93A-D59A-41FF-8426-D73E92…)

Funny how you think people will beleive you when you where caught using someone else’s photoshopped image to try and say you where PoC and had a fat ass. This one really sent me into orbit.
No. 1483201
File: 1648369486147.jpeg (884.99 KB, 1284x2079, AEF76469-987C-4BBE-8048-A53527…)

>>1482956oh hey more proof that its her
No. 1483222
>>1483219She does it because she's never felt remorse for her behavior. She knows we're aware, she believes that she can continue to deny it and cook up lies. She really thinks she's doing something smart here.
She's going to keep denying and lying and pretending. She'll never own up to it because it means admitting her fantasies are fake.
No. 1483225
File: 1648371039262.jpeg (500.45 KB, 1284x1568, C8C107AE-640A-4B01-9728-A3C0C9…)

No. 1483235
File: 1648371557319.jpeg (884.21 KB, 1284x2141, FB58EFE5-0168-4D59-A762-3D2087…)

No. 1483239
>>1483235Lmfao of course she's whining, she's mad about it because it's true.
The server doesn't seem to care either which is so funny considering she's claiming up and down that they care about her.
She wouldn't be missed if she just left suddenly.
No. 1483245
File: 1648371918836.jpeg (862.45 KB, 1284x2136, 8CC10B2C-60F2-41D5-B31B-624269…)

>>1483244people on here were tired of her for a long time
they often ignore her
No. 1483246
>>1483239why tf would i care
im not her lmao
No. 1483257
File: 1648372903420.jpeg (619.24 KB, 1284x1382, 5136A514-FA8C-40CD-AA64-8D18A6…)

>>1483247he had to tell you to shut the fuck up multiple times
No. 1483261
File: 1648373270454.jpeg (731.98 KB, 1284x2336, EC6A24C5-71EE-4E69-88F9-C8062E…)

>>1483259are you retarded its not a screenshot of a channel is a screenshot of a search and if you click on those you can very clearly see your dumbass sperging
No. 1483271
>>1483263>>1483268you’re trying so hard and failing miserably
btw i googled “rachel leeds-minkin” in quotations like that and a post about you on lolcow shows up
No. 1483272
>>1483271nope. #winning
still nothing. even clicked "i feel lucky"
(learn2sage) No. 1483274
File: 1648374585058.jpeg (702.62 KB, 1284x1371, DF01BB3C-E32B-4F7A-9D6F-E193B6…)

>>1483272#winning amirite
No. 1483288
>>1483282ok then why are you here shouldnt you be with your boyfriends or rping with people who apparently want you
>> I wouldn't put it beyond her, nor would I be surprised if she has another Twitter account somewhere she's used to successfully "infiltrate" the literally cant make an account without sperging about fairsinfocenter your brain is so smooth
No. 1483291
>>1483288she ain't here dumbass.
>>you literally cant make an account without sperging about fairsinfocenter your brain is so smoothshe literally did just that.
No. 1483302
File: 1648376377819.jpeg (476.33 KB, 1536x2708, F3C719B7-DCAC-4BD0-94F1-2EE70F…)

>>1483265Except that person was my duo parent in league that I told about Twitter tumbr. They where excited to finally have someone to roleplay with in a new fandom they where hyped about. And you made them feel bad for being new to final fantasy and not knowing the ins and outs of lore. They sent me the screens of the discord conversation. Thankfully there where other people in final fantasy that took time to talk to them and made a better impression then you. I promised I wouldn’t share this info public. But they are over this who drama arc and abandoned that discord forever ago that it won’t matter.
(Yes I asked them before posting this stuff if it was okay. And I got response of “ eh do it, I’m over it”)
No. 1483305
File: 1648376689561.jpeg (828.49 KB, 2213x4139, 17291E58-32B8-41C7-A714-11879F…)

>>1483304They where as nice as they could be with you and you still shot them down like you had more fruit to chose from the tree. And you where the one that approached them to roleplay in the first place.
No. 1483314
>>1483305 Dude she was very polite with him. It's not like she was all "lol no you suck at playing him git gud"
Stop being a whiny little bitch.
No. 1483328
>>1483306That isn't her name.
She's been asleep all night dude. Keep trying to fool yourself into thinking she's here, we know you love her.
If she is a virgin, better a virgin than your sloppy gaping pit you call genitals.
No. 1483335
>>1483334she's not here so idfc. that isn't her name.
L + Ratio + GG + bozo + not verified
No. 1483337
>>1483335Lmfao you can keep saying the same things but it doesn't make them true.
Just like repeatedly claiming you have a boyfriend or a harem doesn't make either real either.
Sage your shit unless you wanna keep your thread on the first page fatty.
No. 1483348
>>1483343Bertha you're the one who has been living on this thread because you're asshurt about it and have spent the whole night trying to pretend like you aren't.
Everything you do is funny to me because you're only making yourself known as a delusional fatty to more communities.
No. 1483398
>>1483396Bertha your only talents are being disliked universally and being able to empty the buffet at the Golden Corral.
Calling yourself Sera to make yourself feel better. Well even if you pretend to be your cope character it doesn't change the fact that you're fat and unwashed, a single virgin woman who has spent her entire night on this thread getting all in your feelings while pretending like you're totally not here.
No. 1483408
>>1483404Imagine not referring to someone by their preferred name and continuing to call them a name grounded in fatphobia? You get what you deserve.
>>1483387Have a mental breakdown then. Nobody cares.
No. 1483411
File: 1648384765943.png (10.17 KB, 204x246, download (2).png)

And to think I was paid $21/hour while typing all of this between rounds.
No. 1483434
>>1483432Sera isn't my OC. Sera just goes by the name of Sera because it's easier for her to be known as her character.
She's sure as fuck skinnier than you, sow. Go back to lusting for boar pizzle.
No. 1483444
File: 1648386354393.gif (623.59 KB, 220x220, tsmadison-laughing.gif)

Damn you bitches are thirsty. Girl gets a boyfriend, multiple boyfriends, and yall goin after her bc you're upset you have nobody.
If she's happy in her relationship(s) then there's nothing you can do about it. That's it. It's yo own damn fault nobody wants you.
No. 1483469
>>1483457Use the picture of her that has Sephiroth shopped into it that was posted in this thread. Earlier in the night.
That was peak humor.
No. 1483488
File: 1648388701253.png (1.51 MB, 1080x743, 7BF3C85D-F726-4EF0-B0A9-299B88…)

>>1483457I mean you could use the FFVII logo and make the meteor her face flying or something. Or use one of the many from this thread. She’s not shy for showing her face. She did sent her full Id to some stranger
No. 1483516
File: 1648389851538.jpg (461.47 KB, 1729x902, bertha.jpg)

Here's my submission for the new thread
No. 1483521
>>1483516holy kek anon i literally just had to stifle my laughter so i wouldnt wake my boyfriend up this is so perfect
>>1483519buy a new phone then rich girl
No. 1483527
File: 1648390409126.jpeg (130.9 KB, 682x825, D2C6245C-261F-4ED0-AF44-FDA8E2…)

>>1483520Meh. Eh. Nah. She’s actually really beautiful and pretty. This is inaccurate. Also, she’s asleep right now. fat PIGGY FATTY!
No. 1483541
File: 1648390768693.png (445.72 KB, 1125x2436, 12F2950B-41EF-4600-A4E1-1E7016…)

>>1483520bertha i can assure you no one will think that
>>1483536see picrel again
No. 1483544
>>1483541shes not here and that isnt her name, it's sera
go be fatphobic elsewhere
No. 1483549
>>1483546amberlynn weighs like 650, 165 is much smaller than that
you can keep using that name for her, but it won't make it her name and she won't respond to it.
just because you call someone a name doesn't mean it will become their name.
No. 1483568
rachel trying to fill your thread up wont help itll just get you a thread with your full name in it faster, in case you cant comprehend that it means that it will show up on google, you really shouldve let sleeping dogs lie
>>1483546sad but true kek
No. 1483590
File: 1648392582729.jpeg (152.71 KB, 828x1006, 0EE29FFF-04B1-4B8F-BBC3-A24B5D…)

I mean she confessed once she was 175lbs and tried to pull some doctors account into it
No. 1483597
File: 1648392888207.png (315.73 KB, 828x1792, 3097A961-9BA1-44AD-975B-553E0F…)

Her diet consists of starch and dairy fat and more starch.
No. 1483606
>>1483304>>1483305Both are so fucking obnoxious
>I’m sowwy for sucking at reading your mind and roleplaying >Oh It’s okay, he’s a complex character, I’m not mad, just disappointed God, just shut the fuck up it’s a fucking roleplay, not a performance in broadway. I seriously hate the autists that will want you to do a perfect character interpretation or write a thesis long response to a
>nuzzles you No. 1483649
File: 1648396681167.jpeg (150.5 KB, 811x647, AF1CC86A-BDBE-4BEF-BAD1-E2DCEA…)

>>1483627She doesn’t go to bed till 8-9 am her time. She’s actually logged on and active on her aniroleplay right now. Probably trying to find friends.
No. 1483752
File: 1648404053857.jpeg (650.36 KB, 1284x2368, DD6DB1F6-C05E-406C-9375-4A9296…)

No. 1483782
File: 1648405617609.jpeg (593.89 KB, 1284x1522, 5E1D6427-197D-4D85-8E3B-F5D154…)

No. 1483794
File: 1648406059472.jpeg (680.69 KB, 1284x2085, B844FDE5-AF62-4389-88ED-8E9EE4…)

a satanic jew
bagel said lol because hes very against satan and satanism
No. 1483799
File: 1648406327199.jpeg (824.59 KB, 1284x2111, B8A0C36A-5DA4-41BF-AAAF-B59AF1…)

No. 1483801
File: 1648406387960.jpeg (788.83 KB, 1284x2356, 83B054E5-E7BA-4B98-B674-8DFFC2…)

>>1483799when everyone tells you to shut the fuck up
No. 1483808
File: 1648406571833.jpeg (745.08 KB, 1284x1807, AA2F3239-5632-4AD6-97B6-CAEAD9…)

>>1483804“im uncomfy in the porn server im pretty sure its against the rules”
No. 1483817
File: 1648406919231.gif (4.72 MB, 384x283, FAA432CC-54C4-4160-93AE-D2D4F0…)

bertha really thought she ate
No. 1483837
File: 1648407677778.jpeg (196.47 KB, 1284x503, F863A79F-CEFD-4ECA-9B18-8ECB8A…)

No. 1483841
File: 1648407765035.jpeg (139.33 KB, 1284x390, 0AB0F8EF-1001-4121-8521-C161B3…)

>>1483837hahahahaha so much for being rich
No. 1483869
File: 1648408950183.jpeg (662.35 KB, 1284x2362, 04B659B9-312F-4296-8E13-3E7C54…)

she knows shes fat
No. 1483878
File: 1648409654582.png (974.83 KB, 1284x2778, C1A56BBA-A4BC-47EC-930C-F3108C…)

>cries about being single
No. 1483889
File: 1648410016875.jpeg (191.04 KB, 1284x470, 56A41B1B-DC12-49FA-9B00-5E2642…)

shes been saying this before her she knew of her thread holy shit
No. 1484260
File: 1648430503569.jpeg (799.46 KB, 1284x1462, 4F82B822-0EBA-44F5-A9DB-13A0DA…)

it’s funny because shes harassed minors
No. 1484338
File: 1648437049759.jpeg (532.68 KB, 1284x903, AE5EB13B-3E67-46C8-98FB-C5B799…)

No. 1484345
File: 1648437278588.jpeg (1002.4 KB, 1284x1365, 76784645-CD4B-43BD-964B-BDA141…)

this is low key hilarious
No. 1484350
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holy shit im gonna gag
No. 1484360
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funny how she says valhalla doesnt have poly roles and makes excuses to use the single role despite having a “boyfriend”
No. 1484366
File: 1648438150496.jpeg (145.71 KB, 820x1340, BFC72E52-9A7C-4E2A-AD2A-C5FE1B…)

her reporting someone she was beefing with on a different account
No. 1484367
File: 1648438181445.jpeg (291.61 KB, 1242x1959, 0C176A2B-6AC1-4DE7-B672-AFB267…)

her using the same profile pic on another suspended account
No. 1484374
>>1484370whoa whoa whoa slow down
nonnie i'm one of you
No. 1484376
>>1484374youre truly not fooling anyone rachel i see you online while youre tweeting
go lose weight and make a new identity i feel so embarrassed for your ass
No. 1484379
>>1484375im just saying it could have easily been photoshopped to try to make a scapegoat out of another person. its very easy to do
we don't have any "proof" of it being her aside from the screenshot of her supposedly sharing the same display picture as @TayuuBarbie. the people harassing her have everything to gain from trying to push it onto random other people in the fandom
No. 1484383
>>1484379you literally follow the same people who wanted nothing to do with you and blocked your main rachel
are you gonna play the “shes not here” game again
No. 1484389
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No. 1484400
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>>1484399please continue to say this isnt you when youve said the same exact things over the same exact bullshit rachel
No. 1484401
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No. 1484417
>>1484363Oh rachel, you poor dumb thing, you just created the proof by saying that.
It's hilarious that she keeps posting "BUMP"– she doesn't understand that when this thread fills up we will be forced to create a new one, only this time with her full name in the title and a more comprehensive summary.
No. 1484422
File: 1648440428735.jpeg (165.49 KB, 1284x354, 236B0326-69E8-41F4-89AB-F4B726…)

shes lying again and said she made up with the dude who blocked her after she showed him how crazy he was
No. 1484436
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>>1484428this would make you laugh someone from twitter told her that people stop talking when she comes in
No. 1484448
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hilariously enough dude uses the same name on his socials and has his state in his bio
i thought he was black rachel
No. 1484456
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even the server owner thinks shes retarded
No. 1484468
File: 1648443881000.jpeg (192.47 KB, 750x1083, D8C0AC26-796E-4BEA-8D9B-D5283A…)

the makosoldier dude. he’s in his late 40’s. He does exist, so she must have catfished him, KEK. but he’s creepy….
No. 1484474
File: 1648444346284.jpeg (51.7 KB, 750x392, C7089117-D30E-410A-B274-D62C37…)

lol rachel, he has the same username. and CA=california.
No. 1484475
File: 1648444351728.jpeg (393.05 KB, 1284x858, 0BF7A239-E369-4630-A29C-540748…)

>admits to being dependent on her parents
No. 1484476
File: 1648444379688.jpeg (95.24 KB, 750x539, 7226AC27-7BC7-4AEC-A4DE-41597A…)

Unless you mean this guy, kek. you really are catfishing each other
No. 1484477
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if hes in canada then why did she say irl
No. 1484484
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the tip-toppest of keks
No. 1484489
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>>1484456i love that he completely ignored her and went to play runescape and post porn because he knows talking to her is pointless
No. 1484491
File: 1648445053007.jpeg (288 KB, 1284x1013, E8170CE8-D941-422F-A861-DB0D9F…)

>>1484489holy shit she went to bitch again because i posted this way to prove youre not here LMFAO
No. 1484498
>>1484490>2006Rachel this is the exact year you compared this site to in the discord screenshot from upthread. Do you not know how to stop repeating yourself when trying to impersonate other people?
(edit: thanks for pulling the screenshot!
>>1484494 )
No. 1484511
This guy
>>1484474 is
>>1484448 this guy. He's also worked at a number of game studios. That and the fact he's with some prettier fat chick
>>1484468 here makes me think that she simps for him psychotically not that he is her bf.
>>14844902006 was based though
No. 1484516
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No. 1484525
>>1484523Obsessed? No
Bored and she’s an active cow? Yes
There’s not many active cows right now so this thread is where people will come in for amusement
No. 1484530
File: 1648446034552.jpeg (927.61 KB, 1284x2353, CC750C64-006E-4406-8B63-B753B5…)

>>1484491he has a life but youre barking at him to answer you
also make up your mind am i a femcel or an incel youre always screeching about how you never have a problem with men and that cis women are the issue and how were all femcel bitches but you keep referring to us as a dude
No. 1484545
>>1484530you are femcel bitches though lmao
seeing a woman happy with her boyfriends and girlfriends is so intimidating to you because you can't get even one
No. 1484546
File: 1648446380911.jpeg (87.64 KB, 1423x379, 762281FC-139F-4EFD-BB47-CD7634…)

>>1484533how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?
No. 1484548
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>>1484529What is reading comprehension?
The people in here are not obsessed with her. They are bored and she’s an active cow posting here providing entertainment for the bored people. She’s thriving on this attention. She gets none else where. If she was, she wouldn’t have necro’d the thread.
No. 1484552
File: 1648446518173.png (302.2 KB, 1919x953, Screenshot 2022-03-27 224733.p…)

>>1484543Do your research. Not a mental hospital.
No. 1484556
File: 1648446604097.png (696.31 KB, 1920x952, Screenshot 2022-03-27 225003.p…)

>>1484549 Do your research. Still not a mental hospital.
No. 1484562
>>1484548You are obsessed with her. You love her and want to be with her, but you will never have her.
You have nothing better to do. She's gotten plenty of attention from us and all her friends on the server, and she always will.
No. 1484565
>>1484556its the fact that her parents made her go for me
she actively refuses to go to therapy youd think shed voluntarily go to this? her parents forced her lmfao
No. 1484566
File: 1648446761276.jpeg (52.78 KB, 750x371, B8E11407-EA77-4F81-9DBC-736875…)

You really need to go back for more treatment, kek. you have something wrong in the head.
No. 1484575
File: 1648447112292.jpg (383.84 KB, 972x3131, 20220328_015742.jpg)

personally I'm rooting for the edible bakery arc, would be almost as funny as momo's 'studio'
No. 1484578
File: 1648447272186.jpeg (154.85 KB, 1284x415, 1245FB20-DC91-4833-A8BB-D23D33…)

>>1484574so much for loving your parents
No. 1484581
>>1484574OMG this is a new low Rachel, what would your parents say if they saw you say that about them? Again, I guess you really don't believe we can tell which comments are yours, otherwise there's no way in hell you'd say that.
Is this your logic rachel?:
>sure, they clocked me on my first 568 posts, but post #569 will be DIFFERENT! No. 1484582
File: 1648447461785.jpeg (848.65 KB, 1284x1697, 7CEAF11E-2225-44F8-A255-959D97…)

oh her bio mom was a druggie that makes sense and since she said massachusetts i could only assume that it was a coke addiction
No. 1484585
File: 1648447565719.png (456.07 KB, 633x857, Screenshot 2022-03-27 230503.p…)

>>1484576It's not possible for her to have been there until the age of 20.
No. 1484594
>>1484590Obviously not.
They went to Hawaii together several years back and have plans to do it again later this year.
No. 1484601
File: 1648447940569.png (22.48 KB, 695x280, Screenshot 2022-03-27 231152.p…)

>>1484593Man you're retarded. Look at the screenshots from before. 1-8th graders and K-10th grade.
Teenagers are young adults, but chc doesn't offer services to anyone beyond those grades.
No. 1484608
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No. 1484610
>>1484599Okay but no. Consider this:
She is the only child out of 3 siblings, whose mother had 6 siblings, to have gotten a college degree. She fought against a history of addiction in her family (her brother bought an entire pound of weed to sell when he was 16 and ended up smoking it all himself the madlad)to end up addicted to nothing, not an alcoholic, in no debt, mentally well, with a college degree and gainful employment, and you somehow think that she's unwell because she chooses to live with her parents although she could very well move out and live with one of her multiple boyfriends.
Bitch u cray.
No. 1484612
File: 1648448380558.jpeg (541.51 KB, 1284x1127, DFCDD567-83E6-4537-97F6-B48C71…)

ahh this explains chc
No. 1484613
>>1484610^^^ THIS
you guys lower the value of calling someone a retard by calling this woman one
No. 1484616
>>1484600What should be included in her next thread description? I'm thinking we have to mention
>her calling people niglets>Her doxing herself, twice>her saying she will put her parents into a home when they get older as revenge for trying to get her mental help>her spamming random moid's dick pics itt>her totally real harem of sexy boyfriends and girlfriends that we're all jelly of>Her larping as a sassy black woman>Everyone hating her in the discord she's in and her being unable to tell>her dildo TMI posting>and of course, her real full namewhat else am i missing
No. 1484628
File: 1648449090324.jpg (124.7 KB, 1080x1109, 20220328_023121.jpg)

>>1484622why include the job thing, doesn't seem very funny or milky
No. 1484636
>>1484628because its the fact that she got a degree and works in a bookstore for shit pay
also forgot to mention her sperging in the discord server
No. 1484670
>>1483813or this
>>1483488 No. 1484678
>>1484649i'm making one too
one of us is going to have to change
(samefagging bumping autist) No. 1484701
It's already been proven that she is loved by her parents, has tons of friends and multiple boyfriends.
L + Ratio + get rekt + gg + maidenless
>>1484699 No. 1484703
File: 1648451896122.jpeg (431.91 KB, 1101x995, 2F757BF3-6151-4A83-985D-A51AAA…)

sorry kek just really wanted to make this
No. 1484745
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>>1484739youre dependent rachel if you were so independent youd find a place with that guy you apparently want to be with so badly
No. 1501690
>>1478166I think people should be left alone while they're pooping.
>>1478172This, tbh.