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No. 1114979
Arrow De Wilde is a lead singer of a rock band Starcrawler and the heavily promoted rock scene’s „It Girl”. There’s a suspicion she and her band got a record deal and fame because of nepotism. Arrow of course claims it’s not true, but there’s a lot of proofs showing her mother was very much engaged in her daughter’s career and band promotion.
An unknown band with a very limited amount of small club shows played suddenly had a Rough Trade contract and was pushed further than any other band on that label, getting unusually wide and positive exposure in music press, almost immediately getting recommendations from world famous musicians like Dave Grohl, Elton John, Beck, Shirley Manson or Distillers, all of them being Autumn De Wilde’s friends or clients. The band got a lot of music and fashion press exposure, even going as far as paying for big billboards and posting films of friend rock stars convincing people to listen to them.
To this day, Arrow and her band gets lots of praise in press, fashion opportunities, tour deals with biggest bands through friends rather than her alleged talent. A lot of people think the hype was artificially generated because of Arrow’s connections.
> Born April 24, 1999> Comes from a priviledged backgroud, daughter of well known photographer/music video director Autumn De Wilde (director of „Emma”) and a drummer Aaron Sperske, born and raised in LA. Attended LA’s Grand Arts High School.> Ripoff drama: Arrow frequently steals image and costume ideas, most notoriously entire look of Daisy Chainsaw’s and Queenadreena’s singer Katie Jane Garside, which raised questions in QA fandom. > Her main schtick is mostly spitting fake blood and walking in see-through, raggy clothes, wearing glittering diapers with stuffed crotch. > Onstage, she convulses, rolls on the ground, strangles herself with a microphone cord and spits fake blood. She uses the old worn out trick of mixing obnoxiousness with nudity, fake blood and „unhinged” behaviour.> Cites behaviours of people with mental illnesses as „inspiration”, watches videos of schizophrenics to know how to behave onstage.> Both Arrow and guitarist Henri Cash like to spit at their fans from the stage, but Arrow also destroys the audience’s private things. During shows, Arrow likes to rip expensive cameras and cell phones out of the fans hands and smash them on the floor. When a fan got angry and demanded her to pay for the broken phone, she whined that he doesn’t understand her „sense of humour”. > Arrow had to be hospitalized after shows a few times; she often posts photographs of her having bruises/being unwell/getting medical check or a drip on Instagram, making it seem like it’s so „hardcore”.> De Wilde is 5’11 and very thin, which made people speculate she’s anorexic. It is unknown if she truly has an eating disorder or any other condition. There’s a popular belief among fans that she’s got Marfan Syndrome, but in reality she never confirmed that’s it. She rather made it look like she doesn’t have it; asked what’s the weirdest thing she’s heard about herself she said:„A lot of people say I have this disease called Marfan [Syndrome] where a lot of people look like me which is tall and skinny.”
> Claims she has a lot of crosses and religious imagery hung at the walls at home, because she thinks being a Christian is „cool, weird and creepy”, while „normal hottopic sluts wear their crosses upside down”.> Snowflake behaviour: whenever she speaks, Arrow sounds full of herself: „No we’re just not a shitty DJ or something. Sorry we’re like, cool…; „I don’t know if I was ever boring”. Her media caps are crafted to sound ironic, but it gets progressively less obvious, knowing how she writes pretty much the same when serious:„I am god. I am dog. I am also a cult member of Starcrawler.” „High priestess.”
> Admits in interviews she wants „more money” and more fame, as well as „triple plantinum”, which is a weird thing to say for someone who also claims to be „punk”.Other:
> It’s less known fact, but Arrow modelled for various fashion magazines before Starcrawler, starting in childhood. All of her fashion photos were taken by her mother Autumn De Wilde. > Also she used to be a fashion blogger (the site is no longer available). Her modeling career wasn’t successful until she got known as Starcrawler singer. Regularly appears in magazines like Vogue or Purple now. > Apparently tried to be a photographer before, posting her photos on Tumblr (now deleted).> Starred in other artist’s music videos, „I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers, „Lying To You” by Keaton Henson in 2013 (both directed by Autumn De Wilde) and „Rescue Me” by 30 Second’s To Mars in 2018. > Dates Danny Trejo’s son, Gilbert Trejo. Her Instagram is a mix of „edgy tumblr teen”, trying to be fashion icon (with poor results), trying to be provocative (topless photos) or shocking (spitting fake blood, trying to look disgusting). Currently goes through what is probably intended to be „sexy” phase. Basically a „rock” version of Billie Eilish.
Social media accounts: No. 1115006
>>1114979Anon you're my hero for making this thread, I had a brief fascination with her/gilbert trejo/her mom who should really know better than let her daughter date a 32 year old and be an extreme edgelord but I thought this topic was too niche to share with anyone else.
Her band is pretty mediocre, I was surprised it just sounds like average california indie rock.
No. 1115008
>>1114988I meant more her overall vibe is cringe worthy than just connections only, but maybe you're right. Totally forgot rockcows have a general thread, other mediocre ones like Jessica Adams had their own so i made it, but i see your point. But also who knows it might pick up, she has snowflake material potential.
>>1115006I didn't know he's that old! Do you know maybe when they started dating? The girl was only 21 this year…
It's not surprising when you discover her mother shot her own nudes for insta when she was 18
No. 1115021
>>1115006>Her band is pretty mediocre, I was surprised it just sounds like average california indie rock.Ikr! I find it frustrating to listen to because it's so glossy and tinny sounding, you can't properly rock out to it.
Her voice is so boring on their records, I wouldn't connect it to pictures of her performing live at all.
I knew her family was well connected but had no idea how creepy and gross they are, the milk may flow yet?
No. 1115031
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>>1115021That's the whole point, it's literally a well crafted cover but the inside of the package is mediocre and watery. They call them second coming of rock'n'roll but songs are just bad. All that hype and you find that.
Ok do you want more milk on connections first or we skip to other stuff? I have a long post about her connections and a timeline of Starcrawlers career and who helped them, but it's from a message i sent to a friend and it's quite long. I can post it if you want or we can concentrate on her behaviour and people she copies, just tell me which topic and i'll provide what i know.
For now, i'll explain Queenadreena case. If you don't know this band, please check their videos (Pretty Like Drugs, FM Doll) to see where Arrow took her look and moves from.
Here's comparison pics I took from a Queenadreena facebook fanclub.
No. 1115032
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No. 1115033
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No. 1115036
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(honestly i'm not sure how to treat photos like that, it's "nipple in a see-through" dress situation so i clicked spoiler just in case)
No. 1115048
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Jesus, she looks so sickly and emaciated in every picture. All of her bandmates look like they smell bad too.
No. 1115061
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Something i just found kek, poor guy (MC5 show): first rare pre-Starcrawler days.
I found her mother's old tumblr and she's got plenty of her childhood photos under #arrow. Her tumblr not only allows to see that she photographs top movie and music stars but also shows something more. I may be reaching but Autumn De Wilde looks kinda like stage mom. There's lots of normal private photos but then it gets different. I know she's a photographer and likes to photograph her child but taking photo for a family album and posting your kid's photos in magazines you usually shoot for is different. That's nothing scandalous ofc, but it seems they aimed for a different career at first.
I don't know if her daughter asked her for that or what, but Arrow started modeling at very early age, either 10 or 11. There's not much of that and it's all taken by her mother, but these shots prove there was some sort of attempt at modelling.
To make it more interesting, it's not really mentioned that much. Arrow De Wilde had Instagram at least since 2012, but i noticed she purged it this or last year. Last time i checked it, she had lots of 2012-2013 photos, but now she only has 4. I remember she used to have more. She left however a post about one fashion shoot in 2015. The rest i took from her mother's tumblr. Her blog is actually rather hard to navigate, so i had to make screens of photos and archive to show the proper date.
I left out most childhood photos and concentrated on fashion shoots or likely fashion shoots only.
Her first fashion photo for Lula Magazine. It used to be included in some inspiration collage section. It was 2009, she was 10 at the time. Photo by Autumn.
No. 1115064
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It's from Pinterest cause that Lula site is unavailable now
No. 1115068
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Year 2011, shoot for Paper Magazine.
Paper Magazine is also one of the first ones that wrote about Starcrawler in 2016, when nobody knew about them.
No. 1115069
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people tagging her photos on pinterest with "skinny inspo" very unsettling.
No. 1115070
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In 2013 she played in Keaton Henson's music video, also frequently photographed by her mother.
No. 1115071
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One of the bigger shoots, a few pages in the magazine, she actually shared this on Instagram.
In 2015 she was also featured in film project about some people driving around LA, which was announced in Dazed magazine. No. 1115074
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>>1115069This photo was on mother's tumblr too.
It's even more unsettling when you know she was 9 or 10 on this photo.
Anyway her mother's comment. Funny how she says "she's not model"
No. 1115078
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2015. Anyway this guy is Starcrawler's drummer. I'd say this was the beginning of the band, they didn't even have all squad yet but 50% of the band already had a promo photoshoot, lol.
No. 1115083
I for one always enjoy a good rock cow if only for the opportunity to expand my playlist, but these sound like a forgettable opener
>>1115061Noone in MC5's audience wanted to ever see that hahaha
No. 1115085
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No, she never said she has Marfan. Fans read from each other and start to repeat that "she said she has MS" which is not true. I think her mother is also super tall but… she's also far from being thin when you google her? So it's not impossible for someone of this frame to gain weight.
She passes out after shows & later says "heyy remember that time when"
No. 1115086
>>1115074it says she is 17. her mom's caption is cool, sweet, and protective, and she probably said she's not a model meaning she's not under cruel job restrictions to starve.
also … why is the filename "thinspo1.png" anon
are you from the area why are you so obsessed with her this isn't milky it's just you wanting to talk to anyone you can about her. no one cares about the imdb you created in your brain of her "appearances".
No. 1115089
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>>1114979Wait, she doesn't have Marfan Syndrome? Even aside from the slenderman body, she absolutely has the look of it - long skull, small jaw, flat cheekbones, arachnodactyly. If she does, why lie about something that makes her unique and let everyone assume she's death's-door level anorexic, so weird.
No. 1115091
>>1115086Because i actually taken it from skinny inspo forum and saved it now to find it easier so i can post it. I googled her name and anorexia and got that forum. It's not my thinspo lol.
I'm not obsessed with her, i find her an alternative season lolcow to milk. Also, i feel sorry for her ed problems if she even has them. But she's still laughable.
Since when making new thread is being obsessed? This way you can say everybody here is obsessed with whatever cows that are posted here.
No. 1115103
>>1115091sorry, i thought you were obsessed because honestly the photography and concepts are so fucking boring i couldn't understand why anyone would keep track of them lmao. but i can now see you're showing "achievements", it sucks she has no real creativity just another la "punk" girl with a connected parent.
does she have milk? her not like other girls statement about how goth sluts wear crosses differently is pretty funny for someone in her position though lol that and overcompensating for mediocre music so hard you "almost die on stage".
i have faith, i do, sorry to interrupt your groundwork
No. 1115200
>>1115031pls tell all you know anon! I'm invested now
I already know and love Queenadreena, though (KatieJane's Daisy Chainsaw stuff will always be my fav). Funny seeing them in a lolcow thread about a privileged LA girl.
I'm interested to hear more about her bratty behaviour and interactions with fans, fingers crossed we get #exposingarrowdewilde someday
No. 1115226
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>>1115200Seconded, this band initially piqued my interest on account of who Arrow’s parents are. They’re not objectively terrible, but there’s no way they would have been signed to Rough Trade if it weren’t for her dad being Aaron Sperske (drummer with Beachwood Sparks, Ariel Pink, &c.) and having fairly illustrious connections. They toured Australia with the Growlers at the start of the year and apparently they (the Growlers) organised a male stripper as a “surprise” for Arrow (which in itself is fucking odd) and he ended up assaulting her. Here’s an article about it if anyone gives a fuck No. 1115295
>>1115127Chiming in to say I'm interested! I first heard of this band when I saw them open for The Distillers, and I immediately thought a. There's something off about this chick, and b. This music is so goddamn boring, these people must have famous parents or something.
Glad I wasn't imagining it, and I hope there's milk kek
No. 1115371
Ok anons i’m working on it and checking one more thing but have one about them & Ryan Adams first, i'd say it's important one and people are starting to kind of sideeye them for that association.
I’ve seen the Growlers sexual assault thing. Of course what happened to her sucks but I lowkey wonder if it wasn’t a play on what she does. I’ve seen show videos where she bends and shakes her butt right in some people’s faces. Still that’s a fucked up situation.
>>1115226Absolutely, Ryan Adams is another friend. I mean she said this:
"He actually saw us on Instagram and was curious. He and my mom have known each other for a long time. They were tight in the ’90s. They fell out of touch but he would see her posts on Instagram and he came to a show. He was really interested in recording us. A lot of people think that my mom got that for the band, but that’s not the case because he wasn’t really on our radar. I would have never thought of having him produce the record and asking my mom, “Can you ask him?” But when he approached us, it sounded like a really cool, really surprising idea. Even if I had asked my mom, she probably would have told me he wouldn’t be interested [laughs]."
If we’re speaking about Ryan Adams there’s actually one shady thing. I think it’s so weird that despite having all that doubtfully pleasant experience with Growlers they hang out with a guy with a much worse drama. Ryan Adams has been accused of sexual misconduct by seven women, including Phoebe Bridgers and his own wife. He was said to offer women career opportunities in exchange for sex and abuse them while they were in relationship. Plus he sex texted some 14 year old. It was apparently reported and investigated by FBI. It all dropped in the beginning of 2019 and Starcrawler was still promoting a new song he produced, Hollywood Ending. I haven’t seen them comment on the case or anything. Devour You album came out in October 2019 and it is commonly said it’s produced by Nick Launay guy but the truth is Hollywood Ending is still included on that album. I can’t say much on the credits cause i don’t have any Starcrawler cds, i’m not even sure they included them, but on Allmusic credits Ryan Adams still figures high as a producer while Nick Launay is much lower listed as engineer, mixing, producer. So he produced at least one song. They ignored the case, threw in the song but used Nick Launay as eventual coverup. No. 1115373
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„De Wilde’s mother, Autumn de Wilde, is a successful photographer, while her father, Aaron Sperske, is a drummer who’s played with Beachwood Sparks, Father John Misty, Ariel Pink, and started the Skiffle Brothers with Cass McCombs. But the younger de Wilde is hell-bent on proving that Starcrawler hasn’t evolved out of familial connections. One listen to the band’s debut—produced by Ryan Adams—will dispel that notion. It’s a fascinating blend of old school glam and hair metal, with a forward thinking, punch-you-in-the-mouth rock ’n’ roll swagger. Taking cues from Ozzy Osbourne, Nirvana, and beyond, Starcrawler are out to prove rock ‘n’ roll is far from dead, and that kids still kick ass the old-school way. That’s not a metaphor—de Wilde likes to provoke audiences at her shows, even going as far as spitting on people and throwing elbows. If Elton John playing their raucous riffs on his BBC radio show is any indication, their message has been heard loud and clear.”
Ok it’s funny, if she’s so hell-bent on it she’s doing it wrong way. I didn’t know she actually throws elbows but i’m not surprised.
>>1115347 There are better photos but right when i need them i can't find them. Wait i take it back, she made it to some dailydiapers forum kek. They have more examples: No. 1115476
Apologize for this being so long, sorry if you expected some killer revelation. It's an expansion of the stuff but people new to her might not know. It’s not exactly secret knowledge, i’m sure there’s more behind the scenes that what i’ve noticed online. Nothing very scandalous but here’s general overview of their career and people they knew.
I scrolled through their accounts to see what was exactly that moment in time when they stopped being beginner band and started to get major attention and there’s something off. In media, they were hyped almost immediately after their 1st or 2nd single out.
Starcrawler played their first show in February 2016. They already had 2 page spread in Dazed magazine in November 2016. But Dazed already posted about Arrow in 2015. She was featured in some film project about people driving around LA.
Their first single Ants was released on vinyl in May or June 2017. On 21st November 2016 it was announced that Elton John will be playing Ants on his radio show. Which means Elton had that recording before it was even officially out. They tell the same old story that oh, one day they suddenly got an email from Elton’s assistant that he’s going to play the song tomorrow on his radio show or something. I believe Ants was available on iTunes or even on Bandcamp, but why the fuck would someone like Elton search for absolutely unknown new band with only 1 song out? I doubt he accidentally attend their tiny, TINY club shows in LA. It’s hard to prove but i think he knows them. First time it didn’t really work, but he repeated the trick next year.
Meanwhile, Starcrawler plays small, often unannounced LA clubs and remains unknown to rock audience. They only played their 9th show in some hole in LA in October. In September they had an article in Paper Magazine which she modeled for in 2011. But what’s odd is how at the same time entire band modeled some clothes in Teen Vogue. Since when Teen Vogue gets interested in completely unknown, niche garage rock bands without any album out yet? Obviously they had more publishing but that’s what stands out to me.
Nobody cares about them on the internet and social media. It’s a really an odd situation – magazines present them as some new cool band that’s already got cult status and Arrow De Wilde is some new praised rockstar, but literally by whom? Where? They had 1 song out, just like thousands of other underground LA bands.If you look back at 2016 and even 2017, you can see that Starcrawler wasn’t newest hottest band in rock at all. Only family and friends commented their profiles. More advertising is needed.
In 2017, Starcrawler’s song Ants was used for Uniqlo clothes tv advertisement shot by her mother. Later Starcrawler is featured on Pancake Mountain event/video (lol why would ever include them in a kid show?). the beginning you can see Brody Dalle of Distillers. Starcrawler supported Distillers in 2019 i think. I suppose they know her through Shirley Manson of Garbage, she’s best friends with Brody.
A few days later LA Times interview feature. They’re such big stars, but in fact they play tiny nonexistent bars only. But somehow they’re already on Rough Trade. Elton John plays Ants on his show once again. They’re starting getting more interviews, Arrow does more modeling in the background (Nylon Mag) and there’s only their 2nd music video out which nobody talks about (despite the fact it premiers on Kerrang). Magazines fall over in praise for Arrow De Wilde. Overblown comparisons to Iggy Pop. Recording show for Canal Plus tv. Lots of rock stars (friends or aquaintances of Arrow and her mother) praise her and her band as if they were some cult classic band. But they had no audience at least before I Love LA.
It all shifts when I Love LA music video (shot by Autumn De Wilde) gets released and angrily promoted. 1st album aren’t even out yet. Japanese Tour, they apparently got very popular in Japan, then suddenly Starcrawler gets scheduled for summer 2018 to play before Foo Fighters. They get known in indie circles, and that’s only because of overly enthusiastic magazine reviews. They get well received in Japan and certain places in US, Europe, but it’s kind of regular indie fame level. That fame isn’t comparative to how magazines write about them. Arrow is treated like some modeling fashion and rock icon and when people are getting told this thousand of times, they start to believe it.
I’d say their breakthrough moment was somewhere in 2018, before or after and posting Chicken Woman video on Youtube, mainly because the promotion really has begun. Two or three months before that they play the song among a couple others on some Vevo youtube show. Vevo DSCVR – they’re promoted by Youtube at this point. Guess what’s released as bonus? A video of Shirley Manson convincing everyone that Starcrawler is such a cool new band, that they are „future of rock’n’roll” and „why it should be your new favourite band”. Shirley Manson from Garbage, i think Arrow said she knew her already from childhood. What kind of new band releases a promo video of (ex) big rock name praising you on Vevo along with new live videos? It’s kind of telling when you need your famous friend to convince people they should like you, instead of letting you decide if you like it or not yourself.
At this point this band was angrily shoved down everybody’s throat, promoted by rock stars, radio stations and Youtube equally. Jools Holland BBC show, big festivals. This is the point where everybody wants to be friends with this new „punk”/glam band (they can’t decide what they’re going for, once it’s hair metal/glam thing but also they swear they’re so punk). The persistent promotion finally paid off, finally everybody think Arrow deserves the „new rock princess” title. Now, as they have album out and play important shows, it feels justified: before it was all shouting through bullhorns when in fact it was all hyperbole praises of someone completely unknown.
The rest of 2018 and 2019 is furthering what’s already begun. Rock fans are well aware of Starcrawler (cause it’s everywhere, like it or not) but causal fans don’t know what the fuss is about. They’re not really Nirvana level, no matter how much they would like to push this narrative. So people are rather surprised when this nobody band (in non-rock audience standards) records Ramones cover for the new Pet Sematary remake. I’d like to know how they got that offer, that was so unexpected. Starcrawler supports Distillers, Foo Fighters and other bands. Of course, the boring instrument boys are unimportant, Arrow’s the only one that really matters. Arrow is the new coolest rock girl, so she gets modeling promositions, guest stars in music videos and hangs out with famous people (Ozzy Osbourne, Cherie Currie, Danzig, Dita Von Teese). That includes pushing into every „alternative” red carpet party. Starcrawler releases 2nd album and gets endlessly praised for it. So far that’s all, 2020 is 2020. Either way, Starcrawler is at famous star level, for rock genre that is.
I know promotion is the essence of rock business and all that, but my point is, why Starcrawler? None of the alt rock bands get this level of promotion these days. None. They were backed by brands, top level rock stars, record labels and even fashion world from the very beginning, before they even had a fan following. The media promoted and pushed them as long as it really worked – who really gets pushed for so long?
The case is, if you know anything about punk music, their career is absolute opposite of their ideals and shit. It’s funny how people used to shit on Green Day in the 90’s but they’re fine with what Starcrawler stands for.
To sum it up:
- Shirley Manson is an old friend
- supported Distillers, friends through Shirley Manson
- not sure if supported Queens Of The Stone Age, but at least they know Josh Homme (Brody’s ex husband). Arrow is included in Desert Sessions video for no reason other than it’s trendy to have her anywhere.
- supported Beck; Autumn De Wilde directed a huge amount of Beck’s movie videos
- Henri Cash is on the other hand copies Jack White. He talked something about being backstage/talking to him; Arrow has photographs with Allison Mosshart. Autumn photographed/directed both The White Stripes and The Racounters. The record label Jack White’s bands were associated with, Thin Man Records, released Starcrawler’s single this year.
- not sure if you know another lukewarm indie band Skating Polly, they’re also known to Arrow’s fanbase. They’re big friends and played together a lot.
- They also know band X
- not sure about their relations with MC5
- L7 too, Donita had her on her cringey youtube show this year
- Arrow was photographer with Cherie Currie of The Runaways for some shitty small fanzine. You should see Cherie’s face, she looks as if they forced her lol
- Elliot Smith is another very close friend
- i bet they know Nick Launay too, he produced Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds and Autumn photographed YYY and did a commentary for some Nick Cave documentary
- got Danny Trejo to wear Starcrawler t-shirt
- she knows Kim Gordon. She comments on socials. This year Starcrawler had a clothes collab with X Girl brand. She sold it out to someone from Japan years ago bu Kim Gordon started the X Girl brand.
- she even knows Queenadreena ex members. It’s definitely not „family friends” case this time, but Starcrawler was supported by Crispin Gray’s new band Starsha Lee (oh the irony). They follow each other, even Katie Jane follows Arrow. Dude why
- i don’t know who she knows at Amoeba Music but Starcrawler is definitely their favourite
- Jesus she knows The Melvins too? She was recording something with them lately
- also Cage The Elephant, i think they played before, known through mother
- i suspect there was some sort of sponsorship from Fender but not confirmed. Anyway Henri Cash likes to order custom guitars with CASH written on guitar head instead of Gibson or Fender.
Anyway i have a theory Japan is so crazy about them because they remind them of Queenadreena and they were always starved for QA cause they were stars here but only played there only four times or less.
Enough on connections and career, i'll try to find more on her behaviour.
>>1115455omg gg's shop. glad to see someone else thought this.
No. 1115541
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>>1115538They aren't that uber millionaire rich either, just normal niche-LA-artist rich, enough for fancy art school but not enough for funding a fake career, I think they are just very well-liked among the music/art circle, Autumn's dad (picrel) was a friend of Jimi Hendrix and other famous 60s musician so she basically grew up meeting artists and passed that down to Arrow.
No. 1115590
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I forgot to add Henri Cash's uncle played with Ryan Adams too and Austin Smith knows Steven Seagals wife.
>>1115537Except the music on its own isn't that great either. The image is stolen from other bands. Excuse me but what exactly has this band done to earn such a praise? Having a singer convulsing on the scene?
For the record I don't think they had to invest a lot in them, like you said asking friends for a casual mention worked, plus friends she had in the press. The treatment they had wouldn't be surprising at all for pop stars but for rock scene it's something. They'd be chased away from alternative scene years ago. That's cool with pop/influencer/movie scenes but getting popularity mainly through names and connections in punk/alternative? Sure not everyone's pure and stuff but i'd say in this genre what makes you big is (or used to) your art and how catchy is your music. In this case it seems like their music is always secondary, it's Arrow's look or behaviour that comes first. I'd have more respect for them if they didn't mention her family, her childhood and her friends in every article & see if the music or shows only are enough to get popularity. Apparently it wasn't enough. You know what I mean? It's like "I know this guy, i know that guy, so i'm cool" same as insta thots & others are like "This is my Louis Vuitton bag, this is my Kardashian friend, these are my shitty hair gummy bears, i'm an influencer".
However I'm not saying you can't enjoy her music anyway ofc.
We can squint our eyes and say whatever to her connections but i and lots of other people couldn't enjoy her music for 3 other reasons, much more than for connection stuff:
a) music is mediocre
b) too much of copying, no originality
c) Arrow gives fakes vibes. Like you said try hard and cowish.
>>1115541I don't know how much money they make. But i don't agree she's niche artist, she doesn't just photograph rock stars but also lots of movie stars for those fancy magazines. She also directed "Emma" last year, it's not exactly some unknown indie stuff. She made 26 millions on that film. I'm not saying she took all the money of course, just mentioning how much it made in the box office. But idk.
I'm looking at articles now and she always had that "better than you", "not normal and boring like others" vibe. Haven't seen video ones yet. It's this attitude that's actually the most irritating.
(People in comments were like "get over yourself" and she'd say "never" lol. I know this photo is most probably ironic insta cap but she says more snowflakey stuff, i'll post more next)
No. 1115601
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>>1115591Ohh Emilie is the (rat) queen of milkiness but even her milk has run dry, fandom is so dead. I wondered if Arrow found EA after seeing she likes to put tacky crystals on clothes too but i don't think she knows her.
I get why people say there's no real milk but fingers crossed she provides us real milk one day, she has the right mindset for that.
She has some need for attention, she said she has FOMO and can't sit alone. These quotes somehow explain it. I can't with her speeches on ridding of shyness though. You need to practice in front of mirror, wow.
>It’s definitely cool to see your face on a billboard,” reminisces de Wilde. "I don’t think you ever get used to that.”
>de Wilde: I definitely wouldn’t ever trade it for any other kind of growing up. When I was little I always wanted to be like the Brady Bunch. I didn’t really realize how awesome [my upbringing] was, or how much I liked it, I guess. I had dreams about having all these siblings and doing potatoes sack races and all that. And now I think it’s disgusting, I’m so glad I didn’t have a family like that.It was a lot of fun because my mom would take [in] those bands at our house, and I’d get to miss school and hang out with whoever, and they’d stay the night. I had so much fun as a kid, but like I said, that’s why I liked hanging out with adults more. Because I was like “adults are fun.” They could take me places and buy me food and we’d do fun stuff.
>de Wilde: I mean, I’m still kind of shy in person, but it’s not like when I was when I was little kid. Around middle school is when it started to change, but I just didn’t like people, I didn’t like other kids. I thought they were ugly and stupid. I was very introverted. I didn’t like playing. I wanted to not be shy, that kind of thing. I would daydream about myself being super social and doing all this stuff, but I couldn’t do it. I lived in fear or something. I don’t really know why.
>I think if you want to be shy it’s a different thing, then you might never change, but if you don’t want to and you just don’t know how, I think it’s just a matter of time before you kind of figure it out. Once I realized that there actually were a couple kids that liked the same shit as me, kind of similar, it definitely helped. It kind of just happened over time and lots of practice in front of a mirror. No. 1115689
File: 1609044754761.jpeg (148.28 KB, 1000x922, D54E89C4-88BA-43A8-A41F-7B996D…)

>>1115680I think Arrow has more artistic cred than Taylor Momsen purely by virtue of her connections. Taylor is conventionally attractive but ubercringey 3edgy5me trailer trash whose entire existence is pandering to basement dwelling scrotes. Arrow is an edgelord too but she has way more art and fashion clout (in addition to Starcrawler making music that is more accessible than the Pretty Reckless).
Seeing her standing next to Gilbert always makes me cackle at the height difference, obviously he is slouching against the desk here so it’s more pronounced but it’s still hilarious to me
No. 1115838
>>1115537Nepotism is shit bc it's just assholes feeding their talentless friends and family money and ego to do the same shit that's already been done to death just so they can be the bestest starlet at it.
Arrow de Wilde is a plant being pushed by mommy and daddy and probably fucking for shoutouts which is exactly how the industry in LA works. Random 20-somethings pop up trying to build a career as a star by throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, instead of working on a creative project they put actual effort and thought into, then suddenly blow up from doing shiy everyone has already seen and heard before? Sure.
Japan is a dead giveaway for nobody girlbands to perform as long as they're young and thin, and especially blonde. Any show with moderate promo for any nobody band in Japan fronted by a young blonde woman is gonna sell out, especially if they're affiliated some old celebs for no reason (false intrigue is a big marketing tool these days).
Arrow feels like a less poor version of what Kiki's parents tried to make her into sans all the trashy Florida webcam drama. Talentless anorexic artsy narc wants to have a trashy phase and be praised for it and called talented and beautiful, mommy and daddy dearest call in favors.
It's all bullshit, not because anyone is jealous of Arrow, but because you always end up seeing and hearing the same shit music and shows over and over bc these """musicians""" are only here for the spotlight, the music and image and effort just fall by the wayside. Actual, talented and creative artists never make it because the focus of the industry is promoting selfish narcs who just want likes, views, and to be told they're the edgiest alt to ever alt. Arrow de Wilde strikes me as nothing more than another massive case of LA "not like other starlets" a la Taylor Momsen, except Taylor did it sooo much better.
No. 1115930
>>1115689Ok, how does she not have Marfans? Literally every part of her skeleton is elongated. That's not just being tall. Dispite the elongated, knobby limbs she has body mass and isn't ana thin. She was always thin in those child photos too, probably hard to keep weight on with those growing limbs and elongated bones.
Maybe her look is so vital to the bands image she doesn't want to 'credit' it, so to speak, to a medical condition? It doesn't really matter as far as milk, but damn that photo.
No. 1115944
>>1115689I think you're describing Taylor Momsen circa 2009-2014. She was what Arrow is now, just better looks but as much as i disliked her back then, i have to say she toned it down a bit for later albums and she herself cringes at her 16 year old self. I'm not saying that makes her a good musician but compared to Arrow she's not such a try hard as her, ironically. Anyway Taylor was a well known actress back then because of Gossip Girl so she had mainstream deal & more clout but rock scene hated her. Arrow De Wilde pretty much does the same thing but with worse looks and behaviour, but the same rock elite scene loves her. I think if she didn't throw herself around the scene and stood in her jeans and t-shirt nobody would care but because she does all that she's "saving rock'n'roll".
>>1115838Couldn't say it better.
I think photos and videos played a huge role in making it "appealing" too. A bit of Courtney Love, a bit of Taylor Momsen, the Runaways, Iggy Pop moves, not even mentioning the guitarist doing all the standard "cool guitarist" moves.
>>1115930I'm not saying she doesn't have it, everyone thought it's obvious but i learned she never confirmed it, her or her mother, only said that she's healthy eating etc. or said that's a weird gossip. I don't get why she's denying it if she has it, there's nothing to be ashamed about but ok whatever.
Anyway she probably loves when someone calls her obnoxious. She and Gilbert must think they're some iconic trash pair or something.
No. 1115951
Finally found source of smashing cameras info + i'm kinda laughing at her 1st band secretly making a band without her. Anyway she sure isn't creative with band names.
Honey Creeper, Star Crawler
>She leaps into the front rows, grabs a fan's cell phone and tosses it into the crowd, and then takes someone's 35mm camera before crawling back onstage to smash it on the floor. The band hardly seems to notice. Guitarist Henri Cash slashes a raw, hypnotic rhythm from a song called "Chicken Woman," and de Wilde begins drooling fake blood and looking like a woman possessed.
>"I try to control it, but sometimes I can't," de Wilde says of her onstage abandon, over breakfast in Los Angeles, now mostly soft-spoken as she eats a bowl of granola and yogurt. Her hair is bleached to a frazzled blonde. "I just let it happen. Sometimes it happens in my favor, sometimes it doesn't. I forget that people's senses of humor aren't the same as mine."
>There was that night at the desert roadhouse Pappy & Harriet's near Joshua Tree, California, when she spit up water on a table full of people eating ribs. The band, which also includes drummer Austin Smith and bassist Tim Franco, sometimes gets mad over the confrontations. "We did have to pay for a guy's broken phone because I knocked it out of his hand at a Foo Fighters concert at London Stadium. Those fans also hated us," she says with a laugh. "They did not like us at all."
>De Wilde started dabbling in short-lived teen bands. There was one called Honey Creeper that lasted three performances before breaking apart. "They thought I was bossy and didn't really believe that I could do anything," she remembers. "They ended up starting another band without me in secret." She put Starcrawler together while still at an arts magnet high school in downtown L.A. Smith was a Facebook friend she barely knew who played drums. She then approached Cash, a longhaired kid who carried a tuba around school but also played guitar. With Franco on bass, de Wilde's dream band was complete.
No. 1115988
>>1114979i CANNOT believe she has a thread lmaoooo.
someone suggested her to me bc i love queen adreena and sonically?? it's rotten as well as visually.
it's nothing like queen adreena. starcrawlers music is generic radio rock and it doesn't even fit the aesthetic she tries to present
No. 1116026
>>1115080haha all that tedious build up to some shit pop nirvana karaoke. Her vocals are so low in the mix, it's almost like they don't want you to hear it.
At least Queen Adreena were good!! I can't believe people will listen to this shit just because she's an anorexic onstage in her knickers
No. 1116095
>>1115838She reminds me of a try harder, less talented Chelsea Wolfe. Before Chelsea Wolfe was what she is now she was a twee hipster acoustic singer songwriter who’s biggest inspiration was jewel. She started lurching off other better musicians and saw how popular tumblr goth was getting and turned her reverb up.
Her edgy personality is an act. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a plant as a more radio friendly Chelsea.
No. 1116104
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>>1115988As a fan of Queen Adreena i couldn't believe she went so far with the copying. It's so obvious where she took it from but Starcrawler fans mostly have no idea.
>>1116026Yep the chorus is basically In Bloom. And yeah chorus is so badly mixed lol. Or just badly sang. She doesn't even scream, just sings with this normal emotionless vocals, she destroyed Pet Sematary with that quiet whine. They make it look as if it was some Nirvana level angry noisy band and then you hear this.
>>1116050I'm not hysterical about Taylor but she has matured, changed and doesn't push herself everywhere like Arrow. She has a class now compared to Arrow.
< Tweets. "I'm the original"; sure arrow. Anyway her parent really do have rich parents making child names complex, don't they. What kind of a name is that
>>1116095Possibly, Arrow follows Chelsea on instagram
No. 1116322
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Someone anon here mentioned Gilbert is a creep, well something tells me if anything her & her boyfriend relationship is going to be the biggest source of cringe guys. I'll show you some screens later but first look at their house some indie girl welcoming you to her kitchen to show bananis and avocadis.
Spoiler: if you ever wondered what Arrow De Wilde has in her fridge, it's champagne and milk
Thoughts? I don't know what i expected but damn they store all sorts of kitsch. It's not the worst house ever but i think they romanticize trash lifestyle but call it "vintage".
No. 1116329
>>1116026 The Queenadreena comparisons are retarded, besides Arrow jacking KatieJane Garside’s aesthetic, the music sounds nothing alike. Starcrawler are so contrived and seeing/hearing them next to legit artfag bands like QA or Daisy Chainsaw is cringe as fuck, but no doubt Rough Trade and mummy and daddy’s ~artiste~ friends will continue to plug them at every opportunity.
>>1116050Yeah, as much as The Pretty Reckless fucking suck, Taylor Momsen does have a good voice. Now that she has grown out of her edgelordery she looks like a regular Becky, which is good in a way because if she keeps making music people are more likely to focus on her talent than her neckbeard pandering image.
> something tells me if anything her & her boyfriend relationship is going to be the biggest source of cringe guysI think so too. Famous people with famous parents and a famous SO is the perfect recipe for milk, especially given that Autumn De Wilde is a fucking exhibitionist who has orchestrated her daughter’s career and probably even pointed her in the direction of KatieJane for inspiration.
No. 1116347
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>>1116329I mean comparisons are only related to looks and clothes, thankfully they don't steal their music cause they wouldn't know how to do this lol. Katie Jane has a thin body type and was accused of having anorexia too back in the day but she's been small and thin all her life that's all. In opposition to Arrow her moves onstage didn't look tryhard. Anyway there's been suspicions of Katie having schizophrenia at some point (but idk) & Arrow watches schizophrenics on youtube to study her moves for the stage. At the same time she never mentions them as inspiration (she only posted Daisy Chainsaw pic on instagram once).
I hate that she imitates mental illnesses to be cool.
Regarding Autumn De Wilde i honestly think there must have been a certain thinly veiled tension in this family to "not be like the normies", "be weird". Like wtf "tradition of our family to be yourself and be as weird as possible". I mean Arrow loves it & the whole world thinks it's all right but if you exaggerate into this other way it isn't any better. Hence all her disgust to other "ugly, normal" kids at school.
But the irony is she's boring deep inside and she can't take it.
No. 1116355
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>>1116341I think it's their they have that house in a video and different photos. They sure can afford more but her and Gilbert share the same passion for horror films and old hollywood and places like gas station so yeah
Idk if she's on drugs or not but that would explain this. "Watching drug deals go until 3 am" Um why would you watch someone making drug deals?
She sure drinks though.
No. 1116366
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>>1116347As the child of artfags I’m inclined to agree with this. There’s always the subtext of “normies are boring, and there’s nothing worse than being boring”. Which is ironic in Arrow’s case because her entire shtick is unoriginal and boring. Being that tall and skinny and unconventional looking is the perfect canvas for crafting a unique look yet her entire aesthetic is ripped off from someone else. Her mother seems to have found her signature look in dressing like a First World War era butch lesbian replete with walking cane that she allegedly keeps whiskey in.
KatieJane is known for disappearing off the face of the planet for years on end too so that could well be related to mental health issues. She has also said that new QA material is highly unlikely so maybe Arrow saw that as an opportunity, because the kids who listen to manufactured alt rock aren’t likely to pick up on where she is taking her cues from.
No. 1116392
>>1116373omg haven't noticed that
i'm scrolling through his instagram & apparently her boyfriend at least "used to" have drug addiction.
She doesn't have injection marks but maybe she smokes it. If they do anything ofc, hard to tell cause she always pretends to be fucked up either way.
>>1116366That's almost sad.
I didn't pay attention to their lyrics but they cannot write lyrics either. This is so ironic:
What I want
I don't wanna drink what the cool kids drink
I don't wanna sleep where the cool kids sleep
I don't wanna be anything but me
'Cause I will do what I want
I don't wanna be anything but me
Well, I hand wired everything I own
Built my shit up from the bone
I don't need anyone to tell me no
'Cause I will do what I want
My god. Now that's what i call delusional.
I Love LA is "lyrical masterpiece" too. She also wrote a song about girls giving head for no reason other than lulz we need a rock'n'roll theme, let's write about lesbian sex!
Yeah, KatieJane had a mental breakdown in 90's.
She plays in Ruby Throat and Liar Flower now, they released a cd this year and she has loyal fanbase. They'd probably play shows if not pandemic, ehh.
But Arrow sure benefits from ripping off KJ cause her fans are kids and QA is dead and pretty niche these days so they don't know.
>>1116390She's 21 now. They know each other at least from 2018, he directed her video in 2018. So she was 19 then or even less if that was before April.
No. 1116414
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Kick me out today/Throw me hard on the floor/I only drink champagne/But my pockets have holes
Tripping diamond chips
Stole my grandma's car
When I turned 18
I sold my soul for a star
Given that their 2nd album sounds like it's all written about their puppy love, i wonder if that line relates to him. He's hardly a conventional star but in her mind he is. Famous through parent association, just like her.
God they're giving each other burnt/dead roses. He wrote an entire caption how he burnt a rose for her and threw around dead petals or something but it's not even worth to post it here, it's plain embarassing. I mean i get it he loves her and all but he's 30-something. They behave like a couple of mall goth middle schoolers going through their first love.
No. 1116467
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>>1116390>>1116322So quirky, much derelicte
No. 1116473
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This 30something year old manlet trying to be uwu is what I see at the foot of my bed when I have sleep paralysis
No. 1116537
>>1115951Spoiled cunt gets dropped from her first band in high school for being a cringetard, so she picks up some background musicians she can control and has her parents call in favors to make her new shitry band big fresh out of high school?
Suuure, she's not a spoiled, sheltered, talentless brat being coddled so she doesn't have a breakdown. Not at all. She's literally Kiki but if her parents had clout and money lmfao.
No wonder she's so well liked by so many old farts though. Nepotism is the nest way to be liked by elites in Hollywood.
No. 1116549
>>1116322has an old tv to play fucking vhs tapes but has an iPhone and likely just watches netflix on her MacBook like everyone else.
also her calling other kids at school straight up ugly and boring is so fucking cringe when she is the definition of butterface and fantasized about growing up doing potato sack races instead of her parents unique accomplishments and the lifestyle that came with it. how grossly shallow and lame as hell.
she didn't even explain any of the cool shit she probably inherited, the painting was dope though.
No. 1116626
>>1116539Absolutely. I couldn't believe how there's none, literally NOT A ONE bad review, not one negative article, not a single one "meh" opinion on this band online. There's only superlatives. The only place i've seen people criticizing her were lolcow, youtube comments and eventually Fender forums where alot of guitar people recognize it as a shit it is.
But you know what every article/interview has? Mentions of her parents, of being "endorsed" by Garbage, Elton & Dave Grohl.
Look how much of old neckbeards they have as their fans. Not only gen z losers but also people her parents age claiming it's so rock'n'roll. Apparently it's enough to have a scruffy trash chick throwing herself onstage to be called rock'n'roll despite so shitty music.
>>1116549Don't forget they only use 35mm analog cameras cause they're vintage artfags. I mean i have childhood vhs tapes too but that's a part of their "cooler than you" lifestyle.
>>1116578She's surrounded by yes sayers calling her sexy and music stars calling such a cute nice talented girl so likely the worse she looks the better she feels. She has a need to shock people & craves attention. She couldn't even brush her hair for the red carpet cause that would interfere with her "brand".
No. 1116730
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People mentioning Taylor Momsen weren't far with that comparison. With those extensions & clothes she begins to look more and more like her.
No. 1116734
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"Call me a baby 'cause I like to cry
Every time I lose my place I just ask myself why
I called you a baby 'cause you like to cry
Staying up late cutting onions, who knows why
I called you a baby 'cause I know you are
I don't care who you think you are, you ain't no superstar
So cry, baby, cry, put a finger in your eye
If your mother isn't home, you won't have to tell a lie"
Are they ddlg trash now too? He calls her baby in like every photo. I'm not surprised to see that outside of spotlight she's crybabyish and whiney needing to be coddled.
No. 1116911
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Until this thread, all I've ever known about this group is that the lead singer skinwalks Katie-Jane Garside, and her music is far less interesting.
I actually feel pity. There's some people you can't even blame for their nepotism, it's all they have. You can tell she tries, especially regarding the body aspect (as unhealthy as the while standard/aesthetic is), but everything is still so mediocre. It's like she's just inherently basic and doesn't have "it", like a bad cosplayer or something.
The 2016 picture(s) kind of make the point, but combined with obvious paid/"favor for a friend (her mom)" articles like pic related saying shit like
>the most dangerous woman in music today
Like, it's just embarrassing. I feel bad. How can anyone not?
No. 1116916
>>1116911I mean at some certain points i felt pity, especially considering how stupid her family raised her to be. But then i remember how full of herself she can be. She's absolutely spoiled. She has all opportunities in the world (in rock music sense), everybody loves her and if someone points out what we point out her fans (and rockstar friends) will come to protect her.
Yes this is tragic but nah i have no sympathy for nepotist brat.
Like dude, if you have no original bone in your body, have no sense of personal style or any sort of original idea for what you do, maybe it's time for a different career not being "glam punk star"
And yes it's pathetic she's called most dangerous woman in rock, like literally what for, spitting fake blood? Wow, don't cut yourself on the edge
No. 1116923
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I guess we reached the point where wearing the very same stuff as legendary iconic musicians is praised and not pitied. It's pathetic her most "original" scene outfit were ironically normal t-shirt and jeans.
No. 1116925
>>1116924Lol yes she said she had a collection of vintage constumes and of course she had them from mother, she was 16 or 17 at the time. She sold some of that shit this year on ebay or elsewhere.
Costumes didn't work out so she had to dig for something "sexier".
Well she said all her childhood she never had friends only 1 that her parents introduced to her & sat all day with adults and rockstars so yeah.
Now it seems all her friends are Gilbert, Henri, some chick from No More Pennies video + rockstar pals.
No. 1116929
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Actually Henri Cash is 19 or 20 so he was 16 when they started band. Her ex drummer was after 20s when they met him so he must be at least 25 now. How did he manage to stand that kindergarten, i don't know. No wonder he quit.
No. 1116993
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>>1116347>Katie Jane has a thin body type and was accused of having anorexia too back in the day but she's been small and thin all her life that's all. She wrote an entire song about having an eating disorder, "My Silent Undoing", anon.
No. 1117014
>>1116993KJG has alluded to an eating disorder and destructive habits in her whole discography kek I don’t know what that anon was on about.
>>1115689She could pick that man up by his collar and throw him out the window
No. 1117027
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>>1116920I think a lot of that is par for the course if you’re playing music in a genre heavily dominated by lecherous scrotes. Even more so if you’re the only girl in the band. If any of you anons are bandfags you’ll know what I’m talking about. That said, you’d think that with all her familial connections she could have clout association with someone less gross than Ryan Adams, and the only woman besides her mother than has hyped her up is Shirley Manson.
>>1116924Christ almighty this is so pretentious, no wonder Arrow has to be “not like other girls”.
No. 1117031
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>>1117014She’s 6’2 or 6’3, she could pick up most spindly little indie dweebs up by their collars and throw them into the Pacific
No. 1117033
I know - although lyrical subject doesn't have to be always same as songwriter alone. (Anyway the cover here is manipulated graphic of cut-up and arranged back polaroids, not her real body for ppl who don't know.) That's an old speculation, she's always been irritated with anorexia questions or people saying they promote anorexia. I think she might have had it at one point in early 2000s. Then again look at her at various points in her life, even with or without ed she's small and thin body type. She's got a daughter in 2009 or 2010 so i'd say she's better now as she was able to carry a child.
Honestly anon i don't know, not saying 100% she never did but i also don't wanna say she 100% does have it. Just letting you know it's unconfirmed.
I'm inclined to believe she could've had it in 2002. She's been one of the cases when i questioned "ed or not". In Daisy Chainsaw days she was, uh, "fluffier", same thin body type just with no bones visible. So that makes me think maybe she's one of those types that can't get more fat for whatever reason. (And when i say fluffier in DC era, that's huge exaggeration keep it in mind.)
But yeah probably.
Just don't think she suffers it now.
>>1117014Yeah i know the lyric references & her destructive behaviours.
Don't wanna argue, she most probably had it but she was rather secretive about her own issues & songs are songs,can be about her but doesn't have to.
Saying she was that all her life i meant she had same skinny body type even in childhood photos which always made me confused.
But overall i have a suspicion that she had some ed episode (not in the 90's though) that kinda fucked up it all later and she can't take up too much even if she eats normally now.
I'm not expert on that, hope i explained it all above clear
No. 1117036
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Ok getting back to Starcrawler
Guys read this. Wtf her mother is tragic. But what's the use of finishing highschool when you have your daughter's career granted…
No. 1117046
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She hypes herself on the billboards, there's so much more examples of her posting billboards than these two, who tf does that lol.
No. 1117048
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>"What or who inspired you to follow this path?"
>"My dad, definitely. He didn’t encourage me or talk to me about it or anything, but once I showed an interest he gave me a lot of advice along the way. He [said] one thing that still makes sense to me: ‘Don’t believe the hype.’ Once people believe everything that everyone else believes about them – that they’re this amazing godsend or whatever – it’s over. I’ve grown up in LA, I’ve seen a lot of bands rise up and fall down, and it always kind of happens around the time they think they’re the shit and they can do whatever they want and do drugs and stop writing."
No. 1117070
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>>1117056Exactly my point.
Last time rock bands had promotional billboards was in 90's or early 00's and that was for stuff like Warner Bros Records. Rough Trade used to be underground independent punk label but like 20-30 years ago. Looking at what they're doing now they're full-blown corporation manufacturing careers.
These Rough Trade chicks (Amyl and The Sniffers, Skating Polly, Regrettes, Death Valley Girls, i forgot who's the other chick here) are part of a bigger trend, labels understood they can make money on fake punk/fake gothic female fronted bands. Arrow however is always most important bitch in the factory.
No. 1117078
>>1117046This is literally just rented space for her face, it's not promoting a show or album. Ugly.
>>1117036So maybe the younger guy didn't
get to finish online school because the narc worship project dominated all his time and he couldn't say no?
>>1117070These girls are being pushed so hard now because the younger generation that got fucked out of a future economically still want a way to live their dreams while they're still young, and gross old men will throw money at any girl willing to act like a goddamn nasty fool to make them look better in comparison and normalize that behavior for "fame".
No. 1117082
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>>1117070Amyl and The Sniffers are friends of mine, I can confirm that Amy’s schtick isn’t manufactured. The 70s sharpie/commission flats aesthetic (mullets, clothing that’s several sizes too small worn with platforms, and so on) is pretty common amongst Melbourne garage and dolewave bands. The difference between them and Starcrawler is that they’re not LARPing as working class kids. Granted having a female lead singer and an easily recognisable look (especially outside Australia, where sharpies and the dolewave aesthetic isn’t a thing) has worked to their advantage. No well connected parents to call in favours and whatnot.
>>1117036>I only hung out with my mom’s friendsWhy do I feel like much of Arrow’s existence is basically just her mother trying to live vicariously through her?
No. 1117085
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>>1117082Tbh i don't know anything about that band but it's still lightyears after Starcrawler in terms of being shoved down everybody's throat so what you say appears sensible
>>1117083Autumn's soulless avatar; well yes Autumn apparently used to play in a band with her husband briefly and they had a music video consisting of their own wedding ceremony kek
< "Thank you mommy and daddy for buying me career"
Nice to see nobody wanted to sign them until they had to ask the right people. How come they rejected the might Starcrawler? This magnificent unique punk sound?
No. 1117092
File: 1609218230523.png (843.95 KB, 900x851, 3968.png)

Lol probably. But she pushed herself into a Gucci party anyway, her boyfriend shot some Gucci promo film this year
ohhh boy
her full name is ARROW PLUME DE WILDE.
Were her parents aiming for Plum or did they actually name her after a fucking feather thing?
Why didn't they go full into it and didn't actually name her Arrow Peacock De Wilde, that would sure suit her narcissistic character
She looks here like a white trash trailer park alcoholic mother
No. 1117098
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>>1117089>>1117092Dani from Surfbort has taken the derelicte lewk to a whole new level of authenticity, she even has missing teeth. And unlike Starcrawler’s kindergarten, her band mates are all crusty middle aged men.
No. 1117158
File: 1609233374083.jpeg (373.71 KB, 828x965, 71464D52-727F-474C-AD27-06CA4F…)

>proof that I eat
This is such pickme cringe
No. 1117186
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>>1117163Not really, followers on one platform don’t necessarily translate to another. People clearly follow her for the visuals, not her wit or intellect.
>>1117177She’s sheltered in that way that the spawn of successful artfags often are (see also: repugnant ham planet Lena Dunham) whereas Keeks is uncultured white trash home school sheltered. When you’ve got successful artsy liberal wanker parents whose entire circle of friends comprises similarly artsy liberal wankers one can be worldly in some ways but extremely naive in others. Pic related, I highly doubt that Autumn ever had to worry about paying bills, she’s got pretty hefty resume of celebrity photography and music video direction, but Arrow is desperate to prove to the world that she knows what struggle is. She has never struggled a day in her life.
No. 1117283
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>>1117269 Because she's only known among artfags, rockfags, altfags that kind of thing. Causal insta baddie/pop music people don't know her yet she thinks she's the biggest shit. But that's still a lot for a new shitty rock band.
Considering she fucked herself into Gucci, Teen Vogue, modeling. I won't be surprised when she models for something bigger one day
>>1117186I know right the caption about Autumn crying and struggling is such a fucking kek
She's had a photographer father in rock scene too. They're at least 3 generations of LA artfags
Meanwhile Arrow thinks she's a sexy cherrybomb and Rough Trade creeps spend more time liking her sexy pics than taking care of their music business
No. 1117284
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No. 1117287
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Her and Iggy Pop. They played a few slots before him onstage that night. She could have met him backstage if she wanted but nope, she had to push into the crowd during his gig and then crowdsurf to the front so she can hold his hand & hear him say "hey baby" directly to her. And of course that was such a fucking important moment that news websites wrote about it, thinking it was so cute that she was violently "shoving elbows into people's sides just to get to Iggy". There's thousands of people here that would love to do same thing but stayed calmly in their places to let everyone enjoy the show, but Arrow must have a personal moment of course
God she's literally one of those children that if they see someone's in family's center of attention she will shove the kid or push in front of him yelling loudly
No. 1117295
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They were also selling/giving out Starcrawler condoms in Japan
No. 1117565
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No. 1117566
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i suggest to try it out more often, Arrow
No. 1117581
File: 1609280846104.png (2.85 MB, 856x2328, billboardsetc.png)

>>1117158"Proof that i eat"
I wonder if all she eat is fast food. She posts fast food only & they have no food in their fridge and i bet she cannot cook.
Fast food based diet is no better, she can come out still malnourished and deprived of vitamins etc. & land in a hospital
>>1117322I doubt they have set designer, she was learned how to shoot with 35mm cameras and he makes movies, but sure they stylize & overthink every photo for their accounts.
Also is it me or they have no books at all in their house?
She probably only watches movies all day and plays candy crush
<More billboards & graffiti
No. 1117659
>>1117290Kek good one
>>1117292Lmao anon she's tall but not slender man tier
No. 1117671
>>1117659Kek us both, i read it as she's sitting not standing
Cause isn't she sitting on someone's arms or something here?
Ok Arrow is 3 meters tall i can't unsee it now, thanks
No. 1117737
File: 1609295229565.jpeg (591.7 KB, 828x1167, B292DB7A-1650-4F22-96C3-F740ED…)

How about that edge?
No. 1117749
>>1117737She waits for those moments lol. She's got at least a couple of photos like that. If you're on her inta check her "Tour" stories, she's wheeled away strapped to bed and she waves her hands like some Queen Elizabeth greeting fans
Avatar is horrible and very predictable
No. 1117750
File: 1609296121988.png (672.17 KB, 495x547, nyc.png)

i can't with her fawning over billboards, she even gave a location. someone go make group trips there to see her face on billboard
No. 1117756
File: 1609296599799.png (1.61 MB, 874x1554, kek.png)

This wins it all, look at Autumn
like mother like daughter
No. 1117766
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Looking like that can’t just be normal “tall and skinny”… right??
No. 1117778
File: 1609298241838.jpeg (70.8 KB, 840x560, A6A363B5-F655-465B-81F1-564E93…)

>>1117756This is so fucking cringeworthy. Autumn is a good photographer, she doesn’t need to do this shit for attention. Look at Laurie Simmons (Lena Dunham’s mother), she’s also an accomplished photographer who is guilty of using nepotism to further her daughter’s career (and is arguably responsible for Lena being as obnoxious, self-important, entitled and loathsome as she is) but at least she doesn’t make a spectacle of herself trying to be ~so weird~ and not like other women. She looks like the sort of person who insists you use “ze/zim” pronouns when addressing/talking about her
No. 1117781
File: 1609298426595.png (3.53 MB, 1388x1776, ttttttttt.png)

>>1117766Idk she either lies about not having Marfan Syndrome or has ed. No this is not normal, i've seen a lot of very tall chicks with thin limbs but they didn't have protruding bones. Even if she doesn't starve herself she probably eats awful quality american fast food
Her waist size. Photos from clothes auction
No. 1117786
File: 1609299081948.jpeg (260.24 KB, 681x1024, 8ABBBA7F-2281-4FF1-B7FA-1436B5…)

>>1117766I think she is just that tall and skinny. Look at her bone structure. She would look odd if she had curves. That’s not to say that she doesn’t have an eating disorder or isn’t malnourished on account of drinking/drug use and not eating as a result, of course, but even in her childhood pictures she’s really thin. Picrel she was 14 or thereabouts.
No. 1117791
>>1117778Interesting i didn't know about that. I hated Girls series.
When her daughter was a child she called Arrow "my alien baby" or something. Arrow was doomed to become what she is. I bet Autumn would alternatively grant her an actress career if only Arrow had better looks.
I haven't lurked Autumn's instagram but she's such an equal cringe.
Lowkey i wish people could see through all this bullshit and realize it's a nepotism case & fake, but also how
toxic it all is. But their fans & all the rock stardom would tell "omg you're all just uglee and jealowss u wish u were as kool as Arrow".
No. 1117796
File: 1609299883358.png (527.49 KB, 663x843, 2.png)

>>1117786I've seen her childhood photos and you're right but idk she looks kinda better here in this photo? Autumn was same her age but she gained weight later so maybe Arrow will start to gain weight after 30/40 or something but now she doesn't cause she can't
Yep she looks so much like Taylor now with extensions, look at the top of her instagram. Just buy stripper heals and there you go, Taylor.
No. 1117799
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Overdone cringey cross/christian imagery, we've seen it all before on Taylor & countless more
No. 1117815
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>>1117800Yeah probably. Talent isn't needed in Hollywood these days but even with mommy's connections it's very competitive. Rock/photo scene thing was what they were familiar with best. Anyway there were other attempts, modelling/fashion blogging (?) but she wanted a band so they went with it 100%. It's like "mom buy me a pony" but it was literally "mom buy me rock star position".
She models now more frequently (photo brand promotion) now that she has nothing better to do. I'm sure Gucci or even Vivienne Westood will pick her up eventually (Vivienne no god pls no).
I won't be surprised if they try her to have some limited edition one-off fashion design thing. Except they'd have to design everything for her cause she has no creativity, it would be all pseudo gothic shit with tons of crosses.
<Anyway lol at Billie being pushed to the left and Arrow in the center. Don't know about these two guys but the chicks listed here are all nepotism/plant brats.
No. 1117830
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this photo reminded me of Poppy, they have a lot in common in terms of cringe
No. 1117863
>>1117843I wouldn't even care about that stuff in pop music, Billie Eilish is pathetic and her parents acting like they're working class heroes is disgusting but pop music is made of nepotism. But rock scene was mostly free of that shit and if anything people were calling that shit out. Arrow's case is so apparent yet rock/punk artists will always have her back. They all have their own adult children now with their own bands so that's normal for them, idk.
They view her as such a nice, kind, shy girl - sure she is nice and kind to you when you're her idol and you can grant her some bonus clout.
But all her fakery and narcissistic shit aside, she's always copying others and has nothing to offer.
Arrow is always all "blood blood blood spitting goth crosses nipple here nipple there, stolen style one, stolen style too" + typical california indie shit and nothing more. How much longer will she maintain same shit?
No. 1117867
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>>1117854kek you beat me to it, anon
>>1117815To be honest I think Starcrawler would have been noticed regardless of mummy and daddy’s involvement, Arrow’s schtick isn’t original but it’s still enough to garner a modicum of interest. The music is derivative but not abysmal, all it takes is one scrote at a label to take notice of this sooper edgee not liek other girlz et voila. Whoever runs the Rough Trade Instagram account is a thirsty cunt, the comments on not only Arrow’s posts but Amy’s and Dani’s as well are retarded. I’m betting it’s either an autistic moid or a pickme who wants to be part of the kewl gurl squad
No. 1117868
>>1117854Jesus creepychan. She has a real rennaissance on Tumblr every fucking "scenecore emocore kidcore eternitycore dollcore" girl here is obsessed with Creepychan now.
Creepychan wasn't even original, there's plenty of people with same thing before her. She's even more boring as she was just some model and nothing besides that
I wouldn't be surprised if she was inspired by creepychan
Spitting fake blood is the most boring, overdone thing ever. It's KILLED. This coupled with "creepy" crucifixes.
No. 1117871
>>1117867I'm not so sure of it, they've been nobodies for 2 years and everybody hated them as supports, when she had that poodle metal stupid phase nobody cared, their first and biggest most positive crowd yet was Japan. Nobody wanted to sign them until Rough Trade picked them up & Arrow wore more revealing clothes.
However i'm not surprised Rough Trade would have lusted for her anyway
Rough Trade is one exception, as i said they're not really independent label anymore. Do you know this metal label Nuclear Blast Records? They've promoted a lot of new bands but even being on Nuclear Blast it's such a different reality, one of their bands was DIY for years until Nuclear found them and wanted to sign them but even now as they're signed and touring with big metal bands they admit they're working in office/part time jobs cause you can't live off of the band only.
Independent labels never grant such money/clout as Starcrawler or even those other chick bands got.
Rough Trade is kind of different reality, without RT and parents she'd never get anywhere
No. 1117902
>>1117871Rough Trade is probably the cloutiest indie record label there is besides Sub Pop so it makes sense for them to pick up female edgelord fronted rock acts. Too risky for a major commercial label but a mix of artsy and marketable (read: singer who thots it up in her underwear) that’s enough to be a guaranteed meal ticket for whoever signs them. As for them not being liked as supports, this probably isn’t as damaging to their reputation as it would be if they were older, a lot of retarded posturing can easily be dismissed by saying “oh they’re just kids”.
>>1117891It’s not bordering, it fucking is. As another anon said, it’s what Taylor Momsen was doing before she ditched the 3edgy5me carnival float of cringe that was her early career. As a girl who has played in garage/stoner/doom bands since I was basically a foetus I wish more female musicians in these genres could be taken seriously without feeding in to bullshit misogynistic objectification tropes
No. 1118017
>>1118000Couldn’t have said it better. As long as there are women who are happy to be objectified there will be a strong contingent of scrotes who dismiss women in the genre as being a hypersexual, vapid monolith who are in it for the superficial validation rather than the music
>>1118012kek I thought the exact same thing. If she wasn’t the child of navel-gazing exhibitionist artfags who shoved her on stage she’d probably be on IG live while hammered, taking her clothes off and giving herself piercings as per Maddie Threse and similar ethot NEET edgelords
No. 1118065
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>>1118012hehe she does, she does
Arrow: 80's poodle metal
also Arrow: Steve Albini
just look at this Karen
not that she ever stopped being Karen
No. 1118075
File: 1609342481356.png (706.68 KB, 722x861, needle park.png)

>>1118017I unironically think the biggest rebellion ever would be having at least one new good rock band with a level headed working class girl that's at least moderately musical, hard working, not full of herself and yeah she can wear t-shirt and jeans or t-shirt & skirt nothing extravaggant copied from others but she wouldn't act like she's "not like other girls cause she wears jeans" either.
I bet we're all here done with rich hollywood brats deciding to pursue trash lifestyle cause it's so kewl. And yes the anon who said their house was probably movie set designed to use for some movie & later bought or ordered by Gilbert to be specially styled was right. They must have something ready to go with their "artistic" photos
Do you think 2021 bimbo Arrow will undress fully for some shoot/magazine? There's only so far she can go with hanging her tits out or spreading legs and covering it with
symbolic dead roses
See the tasteful "The Panic in Needle Park" movie poster above her head?
Damn they're crackheads/methheads or at least Arrow wishes to make everyone think she's one.
No. 1118088
>>1118075That type of female fronted rock band will never exist, because the entire point of "artists" like Arrow is to trick people into thinking there's some correlation between a druggie-kei lifestyle, 0 social compass and being grosd and obnoxious and becoming rich and famous for """doing your own thing""". I could see it easily leading younger girls who want to be musicians into a druggie whore lifestyle thinking that's what it takes and getting raped and exploited until they're thrown away, then the cycle repeats.
Arrow is only what she is because of her mom. Nobody who likes music likes her, she's a plant and her only purpose is to normalize a shitty, derelict persona and behavior to fuck over anyone in her age group who doesn't have her privileges and connections by making them think they have an equal chance- "If people like it when Arrow copies old stuff, then they'll LOVE it when I add my own flavor to the mix!" But they never get that far before something nasty happens or they get dropped for not being willing to do something shady or sexual.
Indie artists knew the game all along.
No. 1118093
>>1118088Adding to mt first point, that kind of female fronted rock band will never exist bc thenmusic industry is literally owned and ran by skeevy perverts, the entire core of any deal is to get the artists to sign away all their rights to any $ made from their image or music in exchange for all the marketing and promo to make them rich. Then, when your relevance starts fading and you think you'll settle into your mansion and spend your earnings, you find out all the profits and royalties from your music go to whoever signed or manages you, and they cut you a check for a peice of it
as long as you don't start fading out of relevance. It's a fucked up Catch-22, you can't get rich and famous without a contract, but once you're "rich and famous" you still have to keep working and producing at the same level you started at in exchange for the equivalent of pennies or they throw you away.
No. 1118097
>>1118093Yes. Remember Sum 41? They were once on Atlantic Records but after they fell out of fashion they signed to something smaller & that's only because they fans funded that on Patreon. When Arrow fades in a couple of years - 7 years? 10 years? Sooner? - will she have the same level of fan loyalty to help her? Ah wait, right, she has her mommy to help-
Speaking of Rough Trade, it's fucking sick they kicked out Queen Adreena 2003 for not selling enough records but in 2017 (2018?) they signed her cheap ripoff copy.
And yes you're right with credits shit. Drink Me is forever out of print and seemingly they can't reissue it - they rereleased The Butcher and the Butterfly but not Drink Me.
No. 1118141
>>1118097No, when Arrow fades she'll rebrand as some ethereal immortal victorian elf and mommy will push her all over again. Attention is
everything to celebs, they won't let it fade just because nobody likes them anymore. Bet she has some scandal later on that makes her into some poor
victim of the horrible indistry she willingly let mommy throw her into, too.
No. 1118271
Anons dear, i found it. I found the one and ONLY negative (skeptical) article about Starcrawler. Whoever wrote it is my hero. But it seems this website isn't conventionally big, so their approval can't be sponsored.
If you ever need to explain someone why Starcrawler & nepotism sucks but they refuse to read whole lolcow thread ("cause they are so rude on lolcow" kek), send this to them instead. This one gets it.
>>The question of whether class, connections, and/or personal history interfere with the integrity of rock is one I’ve been asking myself for a while. It becomes a grey area, especially with the genres of hard rock and punk. Tony Iommi, guitarist for Black Sabbath who is one of heavy metal’s pioneers and one of Arrow de Wilde’s biggest influences, famously lost his fingertips in a factory machinery accident and was only able to keep shredding by wearing thimbles on the tip of his fingers… that’s rock n’ roll. Johnny Ramone, one of the first guitarists to inspire Starcrawler’s Henri Cash, was part of the biggest punk rock band to come out of America— a band that embodied the pure, unrefined anger of kids in Queens with no jobs, no money, and nothing fun to do, but throw bottles through windows… that’s rock n’ roll. Four kids with a lead singer whose mom landed them a sweet gig as Ryan Adams’ latest project… not exactly rock n’ roll.Whether they're good rock band or not, that's a personal opinion, although everyone can agree they're not revolutionary and they don't present anything new or especially original. But them being a punk band? Punk rock came out of working class & it is inherently working class.
That's why Ozzy Osbourne's daughter Kelly Osbourne's 00's rock album (despite having a song called Shut Up imitating punk sound) was NEVER considered punk.
No. 1118374
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Tbh i'm waiting til she posts something better to laugh at but i'll just say Gilbert sure does have a type lol. Stumbled upon it accidentally, thought it's Arrow with washed hair but this is his actually his ex-wife. He married her when Arrow was still a 17 year old basement dweller pretending to be famous. No. 1118381
File: 1609377166952.jpg (360.32 KB, 1024x674, gettyimages-612102926-1024x102…)

They look so similar here where she smiles damn. I wonder if Arrow knows. That's such a downgrade after Taylor not gonna lie
No. 1118415
File: 1609378925981.png (1.41 MB, 860x901, ddfghjaasd.png)

>>1118409Well, she got her costumes and career from her mother just like Nicole took mom's dolls & money
Nicole vibes pic related lol
No. 1118445
>>1118415Nah, she too raunchy and not uwu sadbbydoll enough. Still a pretentious edgelord though.
>>1118374Fucking kek, Gilbert is such a manlet. He looks like a Mexican Peter Dinklage.
>>1118075The fetishisation of poverty/tropes associated with white trash is so fucking gross. Just look at Die Antwoord, it’s their entire brand even though they’re wealthy artfags. They were even more marketable than Statcrawler are because the zef subculture/aesthetic wasn’t known to anyone outside South Africa.
No. 1118469
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>>1118445I know i know, joke. That baby Jesuses + white dress combo made me think of Nicole and dolls but nah, she wouldn't even dare to try to copy her (not to mention Nicole is already unoriginal). She's not "etheral", fragile and uwu enough, she'd look even worse than that giant black-haired calf that hangs out with Nicole.
Die Antwoords were never on my radar cause that's shitty music but they're disgusting creeps in general, with them dabbling in white trash but actually coming from priviledged place + stealing those poor black kids aesthetic and all they've done to that chick, Zhelani or Zheani.
Bonus: of course she likes them
So much of cows doing that, Lana, nymphets, people like Alida Simone etc. Lana left rich parents to like in "poverty" in a trailer but that doesn't give her street cred or whatever, she's been growing up among money and a few years in a trailer out of your own choice is nothing compared to people living here because they have no other way/can't afford to stand up and change their lives for whatever reason. Arrow may not be stupid enough to buy a trailer but her vintage movie set styled house has only 2 or 3 rooms and kitchen so to appear like this usual regular working joe household to go with her nonexistent "punk/rock'n'roll cred" and private fascination with hollywood & trash. Yuck.
She knows nothing about working class life, having a job, real world, life. No suffering, worst thing that could happen to her is splitting with boyfriend or being left out by Gucci cause they chose to waste clothes on Dani instead. No wonder she has nothing to write songs about.
No. 1118472
>>1117737jesus fucking christ she's a long woman, maybe the longest woman to ever live. there's a full grown man next to her who looks like a goddamn hermit crab in comparison. if she had to fly she probably literally couldn't be seated anywhere besides the emergency exit row. she's like alien life trying to pass as human by being such a stereotypical boring la white girl so no one would take her seriously enough to question her origin or make her take her human suit off in front of them. i wonder if she knows she has the exact same body type as abraham lincoln.
can't fool me, bitch.
No. 1118476
>>1118469Everything about Die Antwoord is vile. Their music is objectively terrible, especially that baby voice Yolandi puts on. I honestly believe the only reason they blew up is because they were truly unique, and people were too distracted by the theatrics to notice how dreadful the music is. Starcrawler aren’t terrible, they’re just boring and unoriginal. But then no rock band ever had to be interesting and original to be popular.
>>1118276Same here, Surfbort in their entirety look like they smell of hotdog water and mildewed laundry. Alessandro Michele is just being a fucking edgelord himself by putting poverty porn LARPers in his couture. In spite of playing dress ups in a trailer park costume box Arrow has nice teeth and clear skin which are a giveaway that she’s not from struggle town
No. 1118501
>>1118017Another one of you? The vast majority of famous male musicians are simultaneously known for their expression of sexuality. Just say you're intimidated and move on, stop scapegoating "b-but men will think xyz because of her and it's all her fault!" when you're spreading that misogynist thinking all by yourself for them.
And you're fucking playing yourself if you think men aren't in music literally just for superficial validation, they've been doing that since the dawn of time.
No. 1118511
>>1118497Not that anon but I think it is more that Arrow is perceived as being fake, not the fact that she is cavorting near naked, or even the speculation that her image is something contrived by men, whether it be directly or indirectly
>>1118501Rock n roll is the commodification of sex, regardless of gender, and you are absolutely right about men doing it for validation since time immemorial. How many ugly motherfuckers would probably be incels if it were not for the fact that they are musicians/in a band? Ed Sheeran is a prime example
No. 1118537
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>>1118075Early pics of Starcrawler look like your generic indie rock band, I honestly wonder if the unwashed street walker look is something their manager/her mother/Gilbert came up with
No. 1118580
>>1118537This girl is the actual textbook depiction of Marfan syndrome.
I’m not sure why she denied it. In order to maintain that junkie trash aesthetic is authentic and not caused by a medics condition?
There’s zero point in even denying it with how glaringly obvious it is.
The spindly alien fingers, sunken cheekbones, crazy height and zero body fat are all dead ringers
No. 1118619
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>>1118580What’s more is that she could use the Marfan Syndrome for ~yewneek~ points too, but I guess that’s not as cool as having people speculate over drug use and your edgy trap house lifestyle. Bradford Cox (Deerhunter, Atlas Sound, picrel) has Marfan Syndrome and he doesn’t have a problem with people knowing
No. 1119007
File: 1609442511498.png (176.06 KB, 1068x1272, reddit.png)

This is so funny people absolutely hate I Love LA. In 2017 they were still total nobodies and I Love LA was posted on r/listentothis with punk rock description and it was mostly slammed but at the same time upvoted to the top despite comments so people accused them of buying bots to upvote the song.
In the beginning they claimed to be punk but after that they were careful to say they're rock'n'roll or glam rock.
I forgot about that shitty 2 minute intro, on reddit they wrote it's some known skater + someone else. Promo among skaters? Girl that would've worked in 90's not now. Also that's ironic that moment when they have video about working in crap fast food store being bored & tired but they've never worked a single day in their life
No. 1119249
>>1118619Yeah I agree with what this anon said:
>>1118811It’s some attention seeking ploy to keep the hardcore no food uwu pUnk RawK edge. If she was just a girl with a syndrome, nobody would give a shit. Nobody says anything about Deerhunter. Hell, I love Deerhunter and I didn’t know Bradford Cox has Marfan’s.
… which, when looking at the pic comparison, even their facial features are uncannily similar. How the hell is she not being called out
No. 1119250
>>1119007My friend sent me this mv and was like “I love this band check them out”
I didn’t talk to him for a few weeks, I was so aghast at his poor taste lmao
No. 1119262
>>1119249Because her fans genuinely think she said she's Marfan. The problem is she didn't say that, it were other fans/listeners who pointed this out, others repeated and others took their word as a fact. Before writing summary i browsed net for any info on that and people on skinny glorifying forums wondered about her denying Marfan syndrome too.
If she was put against the wall and confronted she would easily come out a winner cause she'd either admit she has it and spit out some dramatical comment about body shaming/invading of privacy and why she wanted to keep it private cause
music is most important (yeah right). But denying having this syndrome she only invites body shaming and speculation. And we know she needs speculation & all this "mystery" around her to keep the interest.
Tinfoil hat here but maybe she likes the notion of her being able to achieve that "hot body" while others are fat & not it being the result of a condition. You know how she hypes herself to hell and back with being hot bitch etc.
Another theory is they actually don't fucking know it's Marfan, maybe Autumn and Arrow think it's just being "weird baby alien" or being "special" and despite knowing about Marfan Syndrome, they're stupid enough to think it's not that but some cool original genetic lottery (and they have extra tall people in family).
I choose "mystery" option, denying everything and seeing what people say cause all clout is good clout. I'm not surprised to see a good, good chunk of their fandom are old men finding ana bodytype sexy and girls wanting to look like Arrow. They keep them famous as much as Autumn's friends and old men with horrible music taste.
No. 1119276
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I was wrong, they went on Japanese tour much earlier. Every normal band plays faraway places like Japan after their US and European tour but they played Japan like 2 months after cd release.
I think it was a well thought out move. They played a small European tour in January and February and I'd say they're mostly for small/medium beginner bands. She boasted that London was soldout but they played at Omeara which is 320 people max space. Nothing to brag about.
Anyone that cared hated I Love LA anyway, it completely failed to promote them so i bet they were sent to Japan as a result. They had hype prepared there, promotional parties, release parties with cakes, signing, meetings, shirts, stickers that sort of shit & you know Japanese folks love that kind of stuff. Someone told this hot American superstars are coming and they went for it.
Japanese people were going crazy during shows so they grabbed cameras and filmed a video for Love's Gone Again in Japan so that when others see these audiences going mad about them they would think "omg this band is crazy and hot right now". ALSO Arrow changed her style at this point, dyed hair and started skinwalking KatieJane. They came back from Japan as heroes to get a fresh start with America & get media promo from BBC, Vevo etc.
They tried hard to make them marketable
No. 1119582
>>1119544During Arrow's childhood she already photographed Elliot Smith, Beck, White Stripes & hundreds of other musicians and models for magazines.
Even if she wasn't as rich as she is now she was a daughter of Jerry De Wilde, commercial and art photographer known for photographing Jimi Hendrix and other 60's icons. That's much more than usual struggling artists life. There's never been any rags to riches storyline cause Autumn was already inheriting her position, journalists and photographers take care of each other, especially in LA. Emma is her first movie but Autumn was already rich. None of them knows what it's like to struggle to pay the rent unless they bought a huge actor hollywood mansion that was too big for their money. And they're snowflakes so i bet they bought something "weird" and "trashy downtown".
Arrow and Autumn should be called out at least for that bullshit.
No. 1120355
>>1120271I found the article where Autumn describes her youth & places where they live/lived. I'm not from America so i don't know how much money these neighbourhoods require to live. Bear in mind it's in her own words and it's from 2020. apparently lived in a hippie comune (funny considering Starcrawler tried lame jokes at hippies in a video).
Autumn was an active photographer from 90's. She photographed Beck full time and in she worked with Elliot Smith (and apparently lived with him for a short while?) That explains Starcrawler & Beck shows etc.
Arrow was born in 1999. She's apparently featured as a toddler in that Elliot Smith book somewhere.
No matter what's "rich" and what's "poor" to Autumn, the fact is she worked for Beck and Elliot before Arrow's birth AND she already shot lots of famous stars in her childhood. The woman lies/exaggerates while Arrow straight up made it look like they were struggling during her own childhood. Her mother had a position for years without Emma. This is an insult to anyone who ever struggled to pay a rent. Fuck this whole family, it's disgusting.
Damn it started from suspecting Arrow is a cow to finding out they lie about being poor in the past.
"No more pennies to fill my pocket" sure Arrow
No. 1120602
>>1119544>>1119582She’s a fucking good photographer too, like come on Autumn, just let your work do the work, you don’t need to be so fucking pretentious and pickme.
>>1120271Poverty porn LARPing is nothing new (e.g. Die Antwoord) but given the entire family legacy it’s even more egregious in this instance
No. 1120607
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What the fuck is this hillbilly mess, Jesus Christ
No. 1120667
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>>1120355kek, the majority of people who like this 3edgy5u pseudo artfaggotry are probably “soy hippies” too
No. 1120670
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>>1120620We're laughing at Arrow, not photographer. Her white trash & bimbo glorification is extremely cringeworthy considering she was growing up rich. She cannot look like hairmetal band cause it didn't sell in 2017 and she can no longer skinwalk KatieJane cause covid no tours so she has nobody to copy, so she models and tries "sarcastic white trash look" to have people foaming at how "hot" she is to stay relevant.
I know it's just a look and i'm not saying she has to be literal white trash to wear it but it's something you just can't help but roll eyes at in Arrow's case.
I'm not saying she should wear Gucci and gowns (although i'm sure she will at some point, she already tried designer stuff).
Dress however you like and all that but it's not impressive, iconic, funny, debatable if actually goodlooking. What's with all that recent hype around rich people in trash clothes (younger Paris Hilton)?
However i admit Arrow seems to fit the bimbo aesthetic
intellectually Idk i think nothing's gonna help her cause Arrow's not creative/original/talented person in general
No. 1120684
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Kek the fanpage gets worse. Have a little sample of Arrow's edgy fanbase <
No. 1120686
>>1120676>crawlersThe cringe
>>1120670Precisely, this glorification of white trash and bimbo-ness isn’t just for photos, she has adopted (or is making it seem like she has) the whole lifestyle. Case in point: the crack den looking abode she shares with the Mexican Peter Dinklage.
>What's with all that recent hype around rich people in trash clothes (younger Paris Hilton)? The McBling/Y2K aesthetic. It’s a nostalgia thing for a lot of people (mostly tumblrfags and ethots) and like most trends is experiencing a cyclic resurgence in popularity. I fucking hate it.
>I'm not saying she should wear Gucci and gowns (although i'm sure she will at some point, she already tried designer stuff)Her mother is BFFs with Kate and Laura Mulleavy (Rodarte) so it’s only a matter of time before she becomes a brand ambassador. Autumn has already shot a lookbook for them that included Kim Gordon, Grimes and Joanna Newsom. Apparently Arrow wasn’t featured because Starcrawler were on tour
No. 1120693
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>>1120689probably they meant high on holy water or some shit lol
>>1120686She knows what she's doing. I still have tumblr from my teenage years and Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Anna Nicole Smith are on every old blog no matter the theme, i'd say
especially on rockfag accounts. What a time for Arrow to be alive.
Also yes i noticed rodarte connections, she already wore their dress for this gala
No. 1120699
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< Or maybe cause nobody wanted them there but their teen vogue article was bought/granted through friends and it weren't their responsibility to babysit some pretend-star nobodies that thought it would be cool to act like idiots.
No. 1121617
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This is so bad
No. 1121799
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Lol it seems they're not crackheads, they're potheads. Makes sense, weed is legal in LA so they don't consider it drugs. I'm sure Autumn approves. Found info on Stratocaster forums (wish there were more accounts of support bands or venue crew).
She can't decide on her stance towards drugs, in interviews she says they don't take drugs but at the same time she does everything to be seen/speculated as crackhead.
No. 1121841
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I feel like she has an pretty apparent dip on her chest between her breasts here. That's another "physical abnormality" of Marfan. I hope she knows that she has Marfans and is just denying it. Aorta Aneurysms are no joke.
No. 1121853
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>>1121841I have something similar (LDS) and yeah she definitely looks marfanoid facially too. Receding chin, eyes a bit too far apart and downwards slanting. If she does have it, it will be the most rock n roll thing about her, Joey Ramone had it too (and possibly Lux Interior)
No. 1121889
>>1121841>"I don't care," de Wilde says. "I've been getting the anorexic thing for [a long time]. I don't want people to pity me. I could speak up about it but I know that if I bring it up to the public I'll just be more …" She struggles to find the right words to respond.
>The band are disappointed that de Wilde is attacked by self-described "body-positive feminists," particularly given her onstage remit. "I don't wanna be considered this amazing woman frontperson," she says. "I just wanna be a frontperson, the same as any other."But people already pity her. People who think it's ed either express worry, tell her to eat sandwich or obsess over that "hot body" while stupid young fans say "she's got a perfect body omg i'm trying to look the same as Arrow". Those who think it's MS tell everyone she says it's that while it's not true, unless she said it unofficially during show signing or something.
All the fucking scene must pity her. Those who know her through mummy/friends/scene hype her because it's their field but i think pity plays a good role too. "She's sick, she's fragile, she's untouchable, don't criticize her or she cries uwu", that sort of mindset. Music should be judged as music itself, not through the lens of pity over disorder or ed. Nobody fucking cares about other rock star's diseases. I mean they care in purely human way but not in a we'll give you a golden card & career as consolation prize way.
It's her choice to clarify it or not but maybe she was advised to sit quiet cause it's the only "mystery" she has to keep her discussed. Let's be honest, her look is the only thing that baits listeners, if this band was made of her instrument boys only they'd be mocked by enitre scene at most. Or that family is genuinely clueless… I don't know if her mother has MS but they're both 6'3 or 6'2 and she's always like "i've been very tall" like it's nothing much out of ordinary. Interesting how they're always all for anything "weird" and "special" but Marfan Syndrome is suddenly too pedestrian
No. 1121893
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KatieJane Garside + Emilie Autumn = Arrow De Wilde. I don't think she listens to EA but lowkey wonder if someone adviced her to throw it in the mix. Someone comissioned those costumes, they don't look like handmade by Arrow. If it was 2010 EA would be boiling
No. 1121908
>>1121893I thought the same thing. It will never not get to me how bad her face looks in comparison to all these women she copies, though (Katie Jane Garside, Emilie Autumn, Taylor Momsen)
She looks like her face is melted or something. Without the trashy makeup, she looks average, but she's in a rough spot because it's like she can't really "pull off" any of the looks she tries on.
No. 1122078
But Nadia Lee Cohen choosing Arrow to be in her book irks me. There are plenty of other people who have unique identities/personalities that would be amazing to showcase in a book like this. I wish I had milk on Nadia lee too but she has erased any past of hers pre-celeb artist
No. 1122216
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>>1121908I know right. She must go for "sarcastic intentional trashy look" and constantly switch because she doesn't look good in anything. But she'll convince you she just "evolves" from album to album like David Bowie kek
The brow shave/bleach was horrible decision, it aged her a good 15 years if not more and added to the melting face effect.
Now watch her dress like Paris Hilton and think it's her original idea to bring back party bimbo style, as if it wasn't trending on tumblr/insta.
Regarding EA i forgot Arrow uses straight jackets during shows but she might as well have stolen it from Alice Cooper. Medical corset must be a nod to Marilyn Manson. Also this video.
>>1122078On the subject of photographers I'm predicting her next photo collab will be Floria Sigismondi, they follow each other and Arrow has been to Floria's book release party.
No. 1122227
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ot but lowkey love the art/musicfaggotry in this thread, the style threads on ot all seem a too weeb animu oriented, you anons are appreciated uwu
>>1122216> Floria Sigismondi, they follow each other and Arrow has been to Floria's book release partyWhy am I not surprised, kek. That said, I think Arrow has moved past Floria’s aesthetic, if it were a year or two ago it would be more likely on account of the KJG/kinderwhoreish styling but she seems to have evolved (for want of a better word) into more McBling style territory (picrel)
No. 1122230
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>>1122216>>1122227Her most recent post
No. 1122233
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Hole is next. "Hollywood Ending" is a "Malibu" ripoff even down to MTV-styled LA video, stratocaster guitars and sacret heart motif.
"We're not a nostalgia band"
Ok, if they're not a nostalgia band then it's totally right to call them a copycat band. I don't think i've ever seen any other band so recklessly going through next performers one by one and skinwalking them for a period of time before shedding it to try another one and getting praised for that.
They're a fucking cosplay band, how is that different from those pub tribute bands?
I haven't bothered to listen to all of their songs to catch music ripoffs but i remember thinking Love's Gone Again riff is taken from a Joy Division song. I'm sure there's more to find though.
No. 1122238
>>1122233> We're not a nostalgia bandLMAO okay Arrow. Because it’s a total coincidence the chorus from I Love LA bears an uncanny resemblance to Nirvana’s In Bloom
The vast majority of rock music these days is derivative. Honestly, when was the last time any of you listened to a new band in this kind of genre and thought “wow, this is interesting”? Because I can’t tell you last time I did. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with being derivative, but at least own it.
No. 1122241
>>1122230fucking kek look at the skulls, she goes for the emo/scene/myspace resurgence trend. bet she has a fucking secret tumblr account to follow all that emo/mcbling shit
it only confirms she's fucking desperate for attention
>>1122227Same here, enjoying the good talk anons
She missed out on the opportunity on scary/gothic photos from Floria though. Autumn is solid photographer but at least cover art was always mediocre in my opinion, always white/red scheme only.
Bonus: the blonde girl from their first album is Beck's daughter. See her starting her own nepotist band in a few years.
Gilbert used to front some "punk" band too.
No. 1122257
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Not exactly the same type of coat but this and setting is not accidental.
That's deliberate playing on people's love for old bands.
No. 1122263
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>>1122253find 5 differences
>>1122256kek that is painful
good that he sticks with film and photography
No. 1122278
>>1122233>cosplay bandLiterally this. This was exactly the term that came to my mind, too. They're a glorified cover band with elaborate costumes funded by the lead singer's mother and her friends.
It'd be sweet and kind of cute/neat if they weren't pushing this as like…actual music.
No. 1122286
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Speaking of The Runaways.
A fanzine literally made to push Arrow and use Cherie as justification/marketing point. They met once just for that shoot. Wonder if Arrow begged her to give her that t-shirt
No. 1122294
>>1122268>bikini killSurprisingly, queen Kathleen is one person she hasn’t skinwalked. Yet.
>>1122286And of course it’s Cherie (no shade, I love her) and not Joan, because Joan is too much of a lesbian and not enough of a sexy corseted “cherry bomb”
No. 1122306
>>1122294Kathleen doesn't concentrate on image but rather on message, to copy her Arrow would have to write lyrics with any kind of meaning and not "i want to be original, she gives me head" or know anything about feminism, we know she's not able to have an opinion on her own, she can only repeat what she learned from Youtube/rock cliches/her mother and sprinkle it abundant "and like i don't like know".
"Pussy Tower" song is all she's got on the lesbian subject and yet she wrote it for brownie points and feels like man bait/pedo fantasy at best. She literally said the song is about her girls only catholic high school.
Joan is a guitarist. Arrow cannot play instruments, not even simple guitar. I think it's telling she's never seen playing anything even for fun.
Joan will give her clout too, if she can give clout to Miley she'll eventually meet Arrow. Another one on the checklist
No. 1122320
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jfc not only a photo op with donita but courtney love in the comments
No. 1122341
>>1122313Agree 100%. Never thought i'd see the day when i give Miley some credit but she never played poverty to riches punk princess. She's better than Arrow in every way imaginable.
>>1122320Omg no way. The same Courtney that laughed at Taylor Momsen?
I knew she likes Bieber and whatnot but that still kind of hurts. Courtney should go back to being friends with Lana if she looks for famous people to interact with.
No. 1122441
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No. 1122570
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>>1122521That show was shot in 2017 for Canal Plus channel. In 1st part of 2018 they were still playing nobody clubs for the audience of 50-100 and boasting about selling out 300 people venues at most.
It was 2017 so they were getting even less people, from what i've head about their early shows it was like 50-60 people, no more. Not to mention nobody cared for them & those included were hardly impressed.
Getting 50 people a show and recording a show for Canal Plus tv? Small town folk/christian bands/pub cover bands or even housewife choirs get more audience than that and yet they don't get to be shown on Canal Plus. If that isn't a proof of her mother buying her career then i don't know what other argument is needed
No. 1124300
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So Autumn shot Kendall Jenner for Vogue which Gilbert documented (because that is totally something that needed to be documented) and Starcrawler provided the music.
No. 1124304
>>1124300Wow. Kendal Jenner and Starcrawler, makes total sense right?
I think Arrow was also already featured in Vogue Germany in her redhaired Emilie/KatieJane ripoff nobody years.
Look at the credits.
Arrow doesn't even have to hide the fact she's using connections because why, she only gets congratulations on having her mom push her into yet another thing.
Gilbert also profits from this, he's got his way into fashion photography probably through Autumn.
Can't listen to the clip at the moment but they were comissioned to write new music for this specifically.
What a nonsense
No. 1124326
>>1124308I wonder if they will convince Kendall to give a little shoutout to Starcrawler or something. Bet Arrow's thirsty for this.
It's such a success to provide music for a videoclip shot by your boyfriend, for a photo session shot by your mother lol. Literally like every other "achievement" in their career. How are people even serious about this band
By the way music is such a foolish tune, almost simple do re mi scale played backwards + that indie girl emotionless vocals that they always put in fashion/perfume ads. I mean Arrow always had a boring voice but it's apparent they had to fit the mold. Starcrawler is "evolving" and "maturing" kek
No. 1125425
There's nothing original or even mildly interesting about them at all. One look at their videos and you can instantly spot references to other bands and sometimes they're so in-your-face, that it makes them look even more like try-hards.
Also, Arrow's schtick is getting old. GG Allin and Manson acted like weirdos on stage before she was even born. Yawn.
No. 1126596
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This backwoods barbie y2k thot aesthetic is so cringe, even more so than skinwalking katiejane garside
No. 1126598
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No. 1127215
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>>1126596It is, although i'm glad she stopped wearing same KatieJane copycat fresh from manufacturer rags (for now at least). Not gonna lie i wish more people
recognized the source where Arrow steals from or at least the whole fuckery around this band and not justify it with "it's called taking inspiration" or "they're making references" as if them skinwalking people was something intellectual and sophisticated
Starcrawler is like exemplary proof that even the best shows/costumes are worthless if you don't have good music to go with that, or at least mildly original ideas.
And no, dressing like Paris Hilton/Lindsey Lohan hollywood hillybilly is not original idea,
it's literally Arrow noticing the trend and exploiting it while it lasts
Look at this, she commissioned someone to make her Bratz doll. She's so predictable,
just like your every usual depop mall goth Bella McFadden on instagram. I thought she would go
for country/kitch cowgirl style judging by photos but she discovered Y2k trend
so i think we can safely make bets what she does next lol.
>>1126687Nina Hagen is too complex for her to copy and like you said Arrow's got no charm.
Imagine her sitting on youtube learning and practicing new moves lol
No. 1129032
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New photo, this time with looks taken from post 2014 wavy hair Taylor Momsen. Arrow occasionally tries forest nymph look
Meanwhile on Starcrawler account she brags "they made it to Bratz" when she literally just contacted the creator first and paid for one comissioned doll.
No. 1129050
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so glad someone made this thread, keep seeing her on instagram there is just something so off about her. i just looked up katiejane garside and im honestly appalled by how bad arrow skinwalks her, her weird tan-colored diaper phase is so obviously a ripoff of katiejane (pic related of KJ)
No. 1129075
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>>1129050Maybe not really diapers, KatieJane wore some victorianesque bloomers not diapers thankfully, but Arrow definitely steals rag dresses, flesh colored stockings, hair, corsets combinations, then adds tacky crosses. Look at this photo, i swear i've seen the same one, same pose with KatieJane. Skinwalking KJ is not even the most shady thing about Arrow to discover but it sure figures high on her cringiest moments list
No. 1129080
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>What i do is completely mine
Ozzy and Alice are her safe answer, out of all the people she copies she rips them off the least
No. 1129117
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lmao the bratz ig posted this nonsense, because her gargantuan ego needs more fuel
>rock angel
nibba please
No. 1129123
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>>1129032The fact that he calls her “my baby” is so skeevy given the age gap, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re into some ddlg degenerate garbage
>>1129050She is definitely moving away from that aesthetic into trashy McBling tumblr nonsense
No. 1129168
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>>1129123I had the same suspicion, every time he mentions her she calls her my baby this, baby that, every photo. She does this shit too, calls herself baby girl a lot, even sings about it. All this obsession with being "babysoft", dressing as angel. Tinfoil hat but they act like they're both little children, she calls him "danger baby" or something. Comments under this post on the right are all heart emojis and "twins", saying they're physically similar, yuck. Everybody say it's such a cute love etc. but they overuse the baby thing, baby as child not darling, and it honestly gets creepy even if they don't call it ddlg
>>1129140Of course she doesn't, bitch just unknowingly admitted she's obsessively attention-seeking in need of praise (how ironic). She's just a regular attention whore just like her mother, if she knew that it's a real mental illness with such conditions she'd probably never say it, lol.
I mean apparently histrionic can be used as adjective for dramatic and stagey but in a rather negative way like insincere, hollow, show-off, so it's not much better
No. 1129382
>>1129283She probably doesn't mind cause unfortunately she follows her back but Katie's almost never on socials. Arrow only met Crispin Gray i think. But his new band gets accused of copying Katie (the female singer) and they hate it so tinfoil maybe they like Starcrawler as a fuck you lol. That would be truly stupid and self disrespect move cause they had to open for Starcrawler, not the other way around. Imagine playing guitar in legendary bands for so long and then you have to play before some random 17 year old guitarist kek. I can tell you however Nomi Leonard (last QA bassist) was uncomfortable with her and wrote she'd rather not watch their videos cause the similarity is so apparent.
Idk but people should acknowledge she's 21 going on 22 this year not 16 anymore, there's no reason to be protective over her and excuse being a copycat with being young. Guess being a "baby girl" pays off cause everybody treats her like a child.
No. 1129394
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She literally confirmed all what you anons said about her having old thirsty men as fans. Millenials usually hate this band
No. 1129754
>>1129283Supposedly, Katie approves of her. She probably doesn't care much, maybe finds it a bit flattering that a young girl wants to carry her old mantle.
I guess it's more directly off-putting for fans with a great admiration for her work, Daisy Chainsaw and QueenAdreena. It's basically being presented with a cheap cosplay of something that means a lot to you, which is kind of offensive. KJG herself is probably "above" it because she evolved to other concepts/modes of expression, and doesn't care much about being famous.
No. 1129791
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>>1129754Exactly all what you said. Katie doesn't care but it's rightfully cringey to everyone else cause that's cosplaying and selling it as Arrow De Wilde. If Arrow didn't know about Katie and Emilie Autumn, she'd just go and dress as Courtney Love in her kinderwhore days. Chicks in rock dressing as Courtney Love get lots of shit while Arrow succeeds cause she picked less known women. Xero copying looks isn't exactly punk or hype worthy.
Arrow had no choice but to find someone to rip quickly cause the album wasn't selling. Hairmetal phase was a flop but look at the 1st year of Starcrawler, it's a whole other level of boring. I've got to say this look is unfortunately more representative of Starcrawler's sound.
Kek at her citing Chopin as inspiration, bitch how No. 1131480
>>1130634Well their "fame" is a paradox. For a post 2010 new rock band, they are famous, most of their peers can only dream of this level of fame. On the other hand, they're only known in specific circles (punk/grunge Hole-Sonic Youth kind of audience) in US, maybe bits of UK and Japan and that's still mostly accidental casual rock club goers in Europe. But yeah other than that they're nobodies, they're nowhere near that level of fame like for instance Nirvana, Green Day, Oasis in the 90's, like where even non rock audiences know your name. Look at their beginnings, it was all media saying Starcrawler are superstars for 2 years straight despite having no fans at all, only their 2nd album gathered some following after tons of advertizing and taking on more sexual look. They're fake and can't write good music, they'll never be a legendary band or internetionally famous selling out arenas (although they clearly crave it). It doesn't mean they won't be trying, of course. I wonder how bimbo Arrow era will look like promotion and music wise. Maybe Arrow will be fishing for bigger caliber of stars to elevate herself
Arrow is absolutely transparent and she can only badly mirror what she likes/considers profitable while in private life she must be even more boring and artless, yet self obsession level is cosmic. "I don't wanna be like cool kids, thank you mommy for not making me boring ugly normie from my school"
Anyway Elton wasn't even the first one to play their song. "Ants" debuted on Apple Beats 1 show hosted by Matt Wilkinson, known pro surfer. Bands put their 1st songs on youtube, eventually bandcamp, not hip Apple radio shows. Guess Matt is not as cool to brag about as Elton, so this part of their "rags to riches" story is now omitted.
Ants is seriously their worst song
No. 1134551
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Recently in the world of rock's favourite uwu nepotism angel: Arrow guest sings anywhere she can, this time she was asked to spoil a song for Perry Farrell and Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters.
Um did she just post her ass on instagram? Not that it was unexpected but she stripped sooner than we predicted. 2021 will be Arrow 3.0, desperate e-thot edition
No. 1134747
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>>1134551Oh my god she looks like this fucking thing
No. 1134881
>>1134747kek you're right
She looks as if she puts some sort of white glue on her face, this combined with horrible noodle extensions and no brows makes her butterface look worse than usual
The trainwreck roleplays as Paris Hilton leaking her sex tape, except she "leaks" the screenshots on her own main account and stories for boomers to obsess. Her rockfag friends must be so proud, such a rebel, such a talent
No. 1135764
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>>1135650At first i thought she's wearing tight skin toned trousers on that flat bottom. Not saying you've got to have kardashian one but what exactly is the point to show that? It's not even photoshoot purposes, it's literal cheap quality trash for no reason apparently other than personal narcissistic supply and pickme attention grab. But Shirley Manson would probably say she's "challenging society's standards of what is viewed as sexy woman" lol
>>1135648>StarfuckerAnon you cracked this, that NIN/Manson video is where she takes inspirations from now, i'm dying
No. 1136326
>>1135821All what you said tbh. Tom Petty, MC5, Perry Farrell, all are
valid in every way but honestly super popular in 2021, not so much. They have their own fans and history, they're not going to die. Notice that they don't collaborate with other new bands or women. Arrow is taken by everyone however, if not song wise then they just want to hang out with her, Donita of L7, Brody Dalle, Shirley as if it granted them exposure. Jesus that's so visibile and pathetic, nobody cares. That's all fucking ingenuine cause where were they in 00's? 10-15 years later these bands wouldn't care, they were all comepetitive, they would shit on stuff like that. Nepotist shit was properly called out, weak stuff too. For example Billie Joe Armstrong and Dave Grohl are all in awes over Billie Eilish but they laughed hard at Avril Lavigne. Now they're more "mature" cause they stick with industry plants for additional 5 minutes in press or to show they're so nice cause they want to "tutor her".
Elton John played their song 2 times and went quiet, there are worse people that keep pushing her, obviously Shirley, Brody etc. Not gonna lie i lose all respect for ones supporting her. I'm most surprised about Courtney Love cause she always hated women rivals in general. She must be desperate for additional 5 minutes through Arrow kek. Wrong method, nobody cares
>>1135826She probably took it off for the photo but i bet she would roll around in dirt naked onstage if that was in a live setting, cause she's so "quirky hardcore"
>>1136045Yes, she only likes that chick from Skating Polly which tells a lot about her, they must be shady and shallow themselves to be her best friend. Other than that she's fake friendly in my opinion and that's strictly for 2 other LA bands. Dani Miller goes far up her ass and comments every photo but i feel Arrow doesn't care or treats her like competition. I've seen someone commenting about some small girl band playing before Starcrawler and some other LA band they knew and they told that fame messed up with her mind and she behaves fake and above everyone. Not surprising considering she's been called bossy and stuck up by her ex band members and that's why she was disliked at school. The thing is only going because she's surrounded with yes sayers and old farts treating her like delicate genius child. She can only talk with people her parents age, i'm sure she plays sweet and shy to them but she's looking down on her peers, social media only confirms that. Two faced cringe
No. 1136354
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Here's Arrow and Kelly Mayo of Skating Polly at some club with Melvins and Dylan Carlson if you don't know which one's the Skating Polly girl. Yuck, i thought Melvins have some taste in music and people.
No. 1139686
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Starcrawler is collaborating with DC Comics. Apparently they recorded a song and also lent voices to some characters for an upcoming Batman ebook or tv episode, idk what exactly it is but it comes up in March. Don't know who they know at DC, maybe Chelsea Wolfe plugged them in cause she also participates in the project. First that useless Kendall Jenner video, now DC Comics, they're trying to plug Arrow into more varied/mainstream spaces cause what they already have is not enough. Arrow is going to voice some sort of DC world goddess, if you ever heard how numb & boring her speaking voice is, you can imagine how ridiculous it's going to be lol
Also they don’t even write songs on their own jfc. 1st album is just Ryan Adam’s side project with Arrow’s stupid lyrics
Tinfoil hat theory but quite probable one: Austin Smith either was done with them or he was kicked out of the band cause he talked too much & spilled some things, like songwriting one. Also notice they don't even let their rhythm section use their official accounts, i don't think it's even a joke, it's always Arrow or Henri/PR posting. Drummer and bass players are always transparent in this band. Henri and Arrow are equal cows so they’re best friends but others seem like purely business relationship. They don't hang out with the Austin guy anymore. Fingers crossed, hope he comes out someday and starts spilling tea, there’s surely lots of behind the stage shit. I wondered if he joined some actual decent band after leaving the shitshow but he pretty much vanished, no socials etc.
No. 1140325
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They know Melvins because their 1st song was produced by Steven McDonald who played in Red Kross and also Melvins.
They had Rough Trade people and even management granted by Autumn from the very fucking beginning. All "miraculously" knowing Autumn De Wilde or Aaron from the past and "accidentally" following them on Insta. This is all explained in this article, i can't believe they freely post this online cause this is a proof Starcrawler's fame was bought. To recap, 1st year of Starcrawler:
>Record 1st song with Steven McDonald>Song premieres at Apple Beats played by famous surfer friend and later by Elton John>Losers play 1-3 shows in nowhere/charity places for audience of 40 people max, most of them family>Bought friend press says "they're huge in LA scene" (yeah, already after 2-3 shitty shows)>Managers and Rough Trade come crashing at their doors mesmerized by this true punk fest, or rather Autumn De Wilde organizes old friends gathering>The Ants video boldly presented by RT is in fact their 2-5th show at most>Record deal ready is waiting next 2 years cause they can't write songs without Ryan>But of course no nepotism, Starcrawler is just Hollywood punk star after 3 shows No. 1140475
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So i've been compiling cringiest Arrow quotes and just. The bitch had orchestrated that moment. She made an "artistic performance" with her friend pretending to be "dying". Except nobody knows it was a "funny joke", maybe people at Glastonbury noticed it's fake maybe not, but everyone else on the internet believes she was passing out/dying for real. She never fucking told them it was "performance". If I didn't stumble upon this completely unpopular Japanese interview and didn't run it through translator, i would never doubt validity of this occurence, i thought she had dangerous health problems for real. And i think i know where she might've taken the "inspiration" from (and it's just sickening). In 2000 there was a rumour at festival that Katie Jane Garside commited suicide at QA show. Don't know if that was the same night but once KJ accidentally fell and slashed a major artery in leg on a glass shard. But the difference between KatieJane and Arrow was that Katie was very uncomfortable and deeply hurt about those rumours, started by other people of course, whilst Arrow literally
starts the rumour about herself just so people remember them. People STILL fucking think she was hospitalized for real after this show. Comments under that post are all concerned people
Anons, why do you think Arrow De Wilde never addresses alleged Marfan Syndrome rumours? Why she never outwardly denies having anorexia despite slightly hinting at not having ed? Because she doesn't fucking care. She loves attention and people speculating about her having anorexia, her being on drugs, her having problems, it only fuels her, and if it's not enough, she'll arrange fake dying onstage and never explain it anywhere other than this 1 Japanese interview she knows nobody reads where she was directly asked about it. People are still worrying about her health, feeling pity, asking if she needs help and speculating on her alleged conditions while she reposts herself "dying at Glastonbury".
Fuck this, i have no words. It may not be Plaaastic/GG level swindle yet but bitch is getting closer to that level. If she was any more relevant, she'd be fucking cancelled at this point. No. 1142225
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>>1140484She knows. All her talk about training not to be shy, practicing by the mirror, watching Iggy and others and making notes on their stage movements, then watching patients in psychiatric hospitals and the eternal talk about fear of being boring… If she was genuinely interesting person, she wouldn't be constantly worrying about coming off as boring. Interesting people don't waste time wondering if they're cool or boring, they just go on with whatever they're doing, concentrating on making and presenting their art and hoping this art will speak for itself if it's good. Most of music bands's intention is playing music first, show and costumes second. She knew she'd get nowhere with that music without being tryhard. Also if Arrow was passionate about making music, she'd be satisfied even with indie fame and whatever she's got so far, but we know there's always thirst for more, Arrow constantly says she wants bigger success, world tours, legendary status, huge stages, platinum records & acting as if she got notoriety through her own hard work, not connections. So ungrateful. Funny thing is she's the epitome of boring, normal and wannabe yet she and her friends continue to repeat that she's such a weirdo, such a real person, not like those ugly normies. Autumn is horrible mother for raising her to be snobby brat always struggling to prove how cool she is
I lowkey wonder if Shirley Manson is responsible for Arrow's concert tryhardness, she went to Arrow's old band's show when they were 14 or something, Honeycreepers or whatever & told her she shouldn't be shy and believe in herself etc. Damn Arrow constantly is trying to prove something to everyone and failing.
Anyway take a look at Arrow and Gilbert's incredible sense of humour, it's art lol. What they were expecting? And of course the edgy coffin in the garden is a must have
No. 1142246
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>>1141846it is, i know
Anons look at this wonderful piece of prose
Wtf, these people are made for each other. Arrow communicates in emojis and movie cliches only while Gilbert writes fake deep stuff about shit. Son of a millionaire actor dates less millionaire but also filthy rich photographer's daughter, they proceed to live in a rented trash house (as if they couldn't afford villas and ranches) to show their rock'n'roll cred or to try "regular people" lifestyle they've seen in the movies, pipe leaks all over the garden and he makes it into fake deep post about the state of America, or circle of life, or whatever was his point. Why are they like this
lmao rich people & their "unique" perception of the world
No. 1142254
>>1142225she's also what 20, 21?
i agree with what you're saying, also think about how she grew up around older famous musicians when they were on their off time. she probably doesn't understand how much alone time and work you have to put into creative professions, which means you're not social and naturally turn into a pretty weird person. which doesn't photograph well, like actual psych ward patients. but her mom is a famous photographer, so she learned the opposite since birth, so i don't think she'll ever get it unless she leaves all this behind. the older musicians were clearly being very encouraging and caring, i wouldn't blame them because anyone else would apply those kind words and gestures constructively. it sounded if anything like she was encouraging arrow to have the courage to fuck up and fail so she's not watching other peoples' breakdowns for inspiration, and believe in herself without needing handouts because her mom is famous. she sounds empty and like her moms prop more than anything, and she's young in this culture that just cares about clout.
No. 1142257
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>>1142246Damn that’s cringe. I’m curious about Gilbert. He seems more active (or is at least credited) with his work, he’s done music videos for some kinda-big names, while simultaneously being an addict? How do you build a career while ruining your life? Is it all just nepotism? Also, it’s interesting to me that his ex-wife still has photos of them on IG, and she looks exactly like Arrow, or rather Arrow tries to look like her.
No. 1142263
>>1142254Yes of course it was very kind of Shirley and others and if anything she encouraged her, i think Arrow took it all wrong in a way
>>1142257Jesus yes. Scroll lower on gilbert's insta, she's still there and the similarity between her and Arrow is just some other level of weird
No. 1142390
>>1142246i’m sorry did this man say that he woke up, breathed in backed up sewage from their plumbing, flushed everything in the house to make it flood and smell worse and then stood in it??
what the fuck
No. 1142762
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That's really uncomfortable and weird. Idk if Arrow consciously tries to look like her with frazzled blonde hair etc. or it's Gilbert who found an exact same copy of his ex wife. That's odd, it looks like they met, got married really quickly, lived together for a short while then went their separate ways fast too… at least judging by socials, who knows how's irl
That's almost same hair, same face without makeup, similar height and skinny looks.
And he called her baby too. Arrow's not the original baby, lol
No. 1142784
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Imagine being a copy even in terms of relationship
No. 1143143
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Supposedly the growlers apologized for this but idk, i think arrow is lying or at least exaggerating. Probably the other band publicly apoogized because hiring a stripper for your friend is definitely annoying, but they knew no one would believe she's lying for attention.
Also the pitchfork artice about the incident mentions fake blood, so now I think the pic of arrow on the couch with a paramedic is either the stripper or a staged photo like the glastonbury one.
No. 1143144
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2nd part of post
No. 1143384
>>1143143I don't know, i think it's true considering how much of drama surfaced around growlers. There's so much of worse allegations against the growlers including sexual assault and harassment with them directly, not random strippers. Because she is who she is her words were treated seriously and Growlers disbanded.
Did it bring her some benefits? Sure, this case was the only thing that granted her headlines in 2020.
I believe her but I wonder however why Growlers were so quick to apologize, most of scumbags don't take responsibility and ignore it or claim they're innocent. Maybe Arrow has something else on them
There's article about Growlers, Arrow and more indie rock cases like that:
>"I think people should be called out on their actions and face repercussions because if they don’t, they’re going to think that it’s okay.”Ok but following this logic Arrow should also be called out on a thing or too. Just saying.
No. 1144174
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She’s really working that trash playboy logo into her aesthetic a lot, it’s so cringe and incongruous with people a “rock chick”
No. 1144228
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>>1144174Yeah, i think i've never seen rock women using Playboy logo, cause this is self disrespect by default. Cause what exactly is she trying to say? I see you're posting Playboy logo, does it mean you're downgrading yourself to a sexual object now posing for amusement of pervy man? Not to hate on Playboy girls but you know their position wasn't the most empowering thing for a woman. Cause that's what those girls were, shitty old men's decorations, villa swimming pools toys, magazine naked dolls for men to ogle at. I know lots of people wear Playboy logo as a joke or in a "look i'm hot" way, but it's really unfortunate in Arrow's case considering how much of pervy old men come to their shows to look at her. Her entire career is pandering to older men. She's been posting photos in scant lingerie all year (which wasn't the worst thing as long as it was lingerie) and now she's posing naked for people to thirst over her, there's nothing artistic in there. It's her business if she wants to be seen as Playboy girl, but don't cry in interviews that you don't want to be sexually objectified when you objectify yourself. Nobody called her Playboy girl, nobody called her a bitch, she does it herself. "I'm harassed by girls" but it's ok when she's harassed by old men cause they're old punk rock and enjoying shows, right
But that's hardly surprising considering she can't say a single word on feminism. She's given this answer twice or more already and it has nothing to do with the question. She picked the lamest thing to talk about, other female fronted bands either joke about it or mostly don't fucking care, but she made it into serious issue lol
Question: So is feminism important to you?
Arrow: I'm not like other girls, muh bois are
valid, we have more boys so we a boysband
No. 1144528
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I understand that t-shirt belongs to Gilbert?
Ok so the last time Tayler Treadwell posted photo with Gilbert was exactly mid February 2018 and they were still all in love, kissing etc. Then the first time Gilbert is seen with Arrow (online) is 2nd March 2018 and in April 2018 Arrow was already moving into their pink white trash palace, considering ugly furnishings etc. Or moving at least May/June, they were dating for sure in April.
He didn't fucking even wait a full month between one and another, he just switched girlfriends in 16 days. I ask fucking how? Did he take instant divorce and then met Arrow 2 weeks later? Or was it Arrow that was the reason of their divorce? Is Arrow so fucking dumb and naive or she's not such a saint at all either? Not saying they started dating on that exact day but Gilbert says it was "love at the first sight" so yeah, at least for him it took 2 weeks to switch from A to B. Wonder if he switches Arrow too when he finds next same looking chick kek
Anyway where's the anon that talked about Lena Dunham? Cause they even know fucking Lena Dunham, she commented Arrow's old photos saying "damned proud" lol. It's one big happy nepotist hollywood family
No. 1144875
>>1144228That's so typical for pick-me's like Arrow. They'll act like/say that they're "one of the boys" and she most likely thinks those old thirsty dudes' attention is flattering without realising they just like her for her trashiness rather than talent. Don't get me wrong,I think it's shitty what happened to her with the Growlers but it shows that she's completely delusional when she thinks those types of people would even have an ounce of respect for her (or any woman). In her world she felt "equal" to them even though their actions show completely otherwhise.
>>1144528lmao he fell in love at first sight with a chick that looks way too similar to his then-wife.
No. 1144977
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>>1144528I’m the anon who first mentioned Lena Dunham, this does not surprise me in the slightest. What a massive nlog circle jerk. In addition to the creepiness of it, Gilbert trading in his wife for a younger model of the same make is also unsurprising, Hollywood scrotes are even more entitled than your regular scrote, even the ones that look like they’ve got a congenital defect. And it looks like Arrow’s next skinwalking
victim is Paris Hilton, just when we thought she couldn’t be any more cringe
No. 1146031
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>>1144977>Arrow’s next skinwalking victim is Paris Hilton, just when we thought she couldn’t be any more cringeThere's always a place for more cringe
She's not even trying to hide it
Look at that new Paris t-shirt kek. Funny thing is she acts like "haha look i'm ironic inappropriate like Paris" but… De Wildes are regularly poverty appropriating, she's as tone deaf as Paris
She still doesn't get cosplaying belongs to cosplay scene, not a "punk rock" music career. When each of your costumes is a replica of other people there's something wrong and skinwalking people in private is a bonus
No. 1146078
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There's new interview with Arrow:
>I would love to just play the fucking Echo or the Echoplex and just have it be all ages and free or cheap.Wow, what about huge sports arenas and VH1 documentaries?
>I don’t know, I just love all things trashy>I’m not trying to be that annoying white bitch that’s complaining about a life that’s actually pretty good>I would just hope that they remember. It doesn’t have to be the best show of their life or anything, that would be kind of cocky to say, but my worst fear is just being forgotten about.Lol that last answer. All interview is fake humble but this is fucking desperate. "I just hope i'm not forgotten" she's just THAT bad and she knows it
>>1146036This is her with horrible orange hair
No. 1147806
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>>1146078>as real as it gets This interview contains epochal amounts of cringe, good lord. And of fucking course Mexican Peter Dinklage was the photographer.
No. 1147807
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No. 1148799
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>>1148402>>1148250Ditto. It’s also amusing because several people I know irl (Amy, Brody, Stevie McDonald, Ryan Adams) are mentioned here, which I would never have expected (except Ryan on account of him being an
abusive prick, but I digress).
Picrel made me snort, Autumn just had to flex that Rodarte connection (amongst all the other pretentiousness going on here), tinfoil desu Arrow is going to walk for them/be in a campaign next season, if not open or close their show.
No. 1149902
>>1148799Lol if you know them i imagine it must be weird to read this. Rockstar mentions are here cause i'm amazed by the span of rock friend connection net they have, plus top hollywood actors observing Arrow and cheering for her. Ryan, Steven, Brody and countless of Aaron and Autumn's friends from Rough Trade and elsewhere don't look at it that way, Arrow is a cute nice friend's daughter and they're helping her cause why the hell not. From a regular man/regular hard working rock band point of view it's big injustice cause Arrow had fame handed to her along with rock star approval before they even played their first show. Fair band in their position would hire strangers to take care of their careers and shut up about famous parents for a second instead of shouting about it each interview and waiting for compliments.
For all Taylor Momsen used to be, she never claimed to be punk rock or that she "worked hard on her own" to get where she is in music. Arrow disgusts people with additional spoiled girl flexing mentality.
Kek at fucking Autumn. Rich people all talk in the same style, Autumn, Gilbert, well Arrow doesn't talk much cause she rarely has anything to say. Oh no doubt Rodarte will take care of Arrow.
No. 1149942
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She wore Rodarte and Versace before
Her relationship with modeling is so peculiar: she seethes about it but tries it anyway. Check out full Toy Teenager's lyrics, it's tragic how her "mocking" songs ironically could be sang about Arrow. "All you are is a clothing hanger", says someone like Arrow De Wilde. (And it's not even a dig at her body from my point now, i'm talking about her lack of personal style.)
>“Toy Teenager” (a song about de Wilde’s refusal to be abused the fashion industry, and about how “people look at my body and just want to put me on a platter”).
Vile model scene, vile people looking at her body, but she still poses naked for fashion industry? Ok lol
Tinfoil mode, she was rejected from runway fashion, so of course she's going to say shit about runway models. Or just pissed cause nobody reached out to her with propositions. Not saying there's no sad truth somewhere in the song but runway modeling is not posing for your mother's camera for your friend's magazine, it's a hard work. Diets, stress, people in a hurry shoving you before the shows, the sheer competitiveness and worry about getting old. Arrow is the last person equipped to speak on runway modelling with her wishes always granted by mom.
She strikes me as someone lazy and getting pissed/crybaby when she can't have something immediately, so no wonder she couldn't set her modelling career off the ground. She hates it so much but she models anyway? Starcrawler pushed her further so she can model for magazines, photographers and brands now as an "interesting bloodspitting rockstar" however she wishes, on her terms. Smart.
No. 1149962
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>"Rock'n'roll bands wear Gucci, they are contradicting themselves in my eyes"
also Arrow: wears Dior, Versace & more
i don't mind rockstars wearing high fashion but it's going to be amusing if Arrow finally collaborates with Gucci
No. 1150361
>>1149902The eternal conundrum of being in a rock band is striking that balance between originality and authenticity whilst striving to be marketable in an ocean of competition. Ultimately success is contingent on being in the right place at the right time above all else. Arrow could easily have a career as a couture model but her mother is seems to really be working this NLOG angle by proxy, and now cracks are appearing in that facade as evidenced by Arrow veering increasingly closer to full blown McBling bimbofication.
>>1149962The comment about couture not being rock n roll reminded me of an interview with Cristina Martinez (Jon Spencer’s wife) I read when in high school where she talked about her Gucci shoe collection and people expressed similar sentiments about what it means to be rock n roll”. It was fucking retarded then and it is fucking retarded now, and it really emphasises Arrow’s naivety; Sonic Youth filmed the music video for Sugar Kane at a fucking Marc Jacobs show featuring topless teenage Chloe Sevigny over 20 years ago, no one questioned their rock n roll credibility over it.
No. 1150700
>>1150361Whether wearing Gucci or Versace is opposition of rock'n'roll values or not, it seems to be personal opinion. Fashion and rock seem to run together, David Bowie, Sonic Youth, etc. Punk was made side by side with clothing equivalent, Malcom McLaren and Vivienne Westwood used Sex Pistols as a walking advertisement of their clothing brand. Maybe the answer is just keeping it moderate and without unnecessary flexing.
In Arrow's case it's naive and hypocritical cause she says it's not rock'n'roll and moans about advertizing brands through musicians but she literally is doing that in the same article. Her first articles, even tv adverts were promoting clothes & she continues to do it more than ever so i don't get what's her problem with other musicians when she practices it even more often than others. Such a stupid thing to say for someone like her
No. 1154310
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cringe from a couple days ago, i can't with how she tries to sex everything up these days and types like Lilith Levisis type ethot now, her fans are no better. she's begging for collabs now
apparently she wrote "dont talk to me unless ur ass a getty image" and then had to add "some of u took it too seriously" cause people were done with her shit and starting replying in same rude manner lol. out of all things she had to hype having live photos of her on gettyimages, only Arrow can be fawning over something like that.
No. 1156232
File: 1612819750522.png (694.2 KB, 472x663, breakfast.png)

her new stories, "breakfast" kek. was that posted to point out "she's eating, #suck her dick"? eating protein bars for breakfast… dude, how can you be so masochistic. i understand it as a coffee + sugar snack but breakfast? that sorta gives me grimes vibes, grimes is/was vegan but she claimed to eat spaghetti only and she hates vegetables or fruit
>>1156082drug use might be the key. substance abuse started in teenage years continued heavily further can make you lose alot of weight and make you saggy past 20's… but that would be quite fast for her. she seems to be in a reckless, happy edgelord phase of drinking/soft drugs instead of ongoing life-ruining addiction. maybe it's more and sooner visible on her due to her look
No. 1167691
File: 1613953319688.jpg (377.89 KB, 868x2656, 021246823.jpg)

she got clout, from halsey lately, some makeup advert of halsey's brand. that's a weird association, can't imagine halsey or yungblood crowd getting interested in her.
it's funny someone in this thread said she'll eventually rebrand as etheral insta elf and look she now changes her face into that "alien baby" shit using lenses or filters
No. 1167700
File: 1613954352044.jpg (274.99 KB, 1058x1516, s2000682997.jpg)

This looks kinda sad. Her mother's costumes were cringey but at least she looked much better in those glam suits than this porn-ish trash parody she wears here. it reeks of desperation
No. 1167979
>>1167960Abnormally elongated hands and fingers are one of the most characteristic anatomical signs of Marfan syndrome.
Her dodging/denying the Marfan question is so ridiculous and pathetic. It can have serious health implications and given the medical care her family wealth gives her access to, it's almost impossible to believe she hasn't been dxed with it if she does have it. But she doesn't want to lose the "mystery" of her extreme look. I hate to moralfag but it's so irresponsible to present herself how she does and deny that it's because of a genetic condition.
No. 1168010
>>1167732she follows lilith for real? i made comparison cause she definitely goes for that lilith ethot oversexed bimbo look but i didn't know she actually follows and treats her as "inspiration" for real lol. I read and enjoyed Lilith threads but this look/behaviour somehow doesn't click with the way Arrow always "presented" herself, this absolutely punk rock girl and rock saviour but also super nice girl. Lilith and Paris looks are like different polars, it's as if she was dressing as a groupie. Kendall, Halsey - no matter who it is, Arrow is glad to be pushed by anyone but don't you get the impression it's no longer about hanging with rock stars but she's now interested in fishing for celebrities approval?
And i agree she looks for mentally ill people to rip. First she was obsessed with "studying" schizophrenia and epilepsy and emulating it onstage, then "died" onstage (more than once i suspect), so what now? Emilie Autumn was given shit for ableism (dancing on wheelchairs and making herself a
victim cause they pushed her in a wheelchair in her "asylum" from room to room and it made her feel endlessly hurt and mentally retarded). How is that different? People get pissed when depression is exploated and fabricated by artist to make them more "interesting", this girl is parodying schizophrenics and other mentally ill people and she freely admits it.
Denying Marfan Syndrome is also shitty. She has a whole family of tall people but her mother was the same height as her and looked normal thin.
No. 1168024
>>1167984Yes but it seems more like they went to Gucci party and she wriggled in to have some photos taken instead of being ambassador. Dani Miller was a face of Gucci. They met a few times and Gilbert shot one of her videos but i bet Arrow's jealous of Dani deep inside. It seems like Dani Miller is much more famous/liked by young people than Arrow, plus she took the trashbag look to the extremes and Arrow has nowhere to go from here.
Actually, trash look is a go-to look for these new girl fronted bands, the idea is so exploated and unimpressive. I can't blame young people that they prefer sweet voiced normal looking indie rock girls. Their following shows what young people really enjoy. I thought Arrow is most popular on socials but i was wrong. I took a look at other "girl wave" new bands and Phoebe Bridgers has 780k followers, Snail Mail 153k, Soccer Mommy 103k. Dani is 77k, Arrow is 62k while Starcrawler has mere 50k. The lowest is Skating Polly with 11k.
There's about grand 1 or 2 fansites of Starcrawler out there, one of them had entire band commenting on their posts, even Aaron Sperske did. It's ran evidently for young people and both accounts have about 400-500 followers at most. 18-23 year olds seem like their target audience but i'd be really surprised if they made even a quarter of their fanbase.
For real, LA bands endorsed by Elton, Garbage, L7, Beck, Courtney Love and others have the lowest following.
No. 1168385
>>1168010>>1168024is this the same person did you make this thread maybe you should log off for a bit you're having the opposite effect
if she doesn't want to talk about whatever syndrome or disorder she has or doesn't have that's her business and right. it's not shitty. if you're using the term "young people" you're too old to be commenting on a 21 year olds body and shaming her for having boundaries, not that there's an appropriate age but you definitely know better than to add to the pressure too many girls have to put up with. honestly fuck off.
No. 1169670
>>1167979agreed she has a genetic condition, but women with marfan's don't actually look the same as men with marfan's. they may not be super tall or thin; a woman with marfan's could have a lot more body fat than arrow does. however, the hands and armspan on arrow are a pretty strong indicator.
i don't think she looks that weird though. naturally skinny people can look super crazy when they're young (source: i definitely did)
No. 1170446
File: 1614289181418.jpeg (203.29 KB, 826x1462, 96522310-76F4-414A-B4DD-9D28AE…)

This is some egregious anachan shit, good lord. But so quirky and not like other girls, right?
No. 1170488
>>1170446I don't know what she means here, like if she means it in a negative way as if the children were bullying her, or if it sounds more like "look i'm quirky"?
She posted a photo of dinosaur skeleton in same story next. Bold for someone who doesn't want to hear comments on being thin, "dinosaur skeleton" is suddenly ok? Or likeling herself to bats elsewhere? She's willingly pulling that shirt and making a story pointing this out with "lol" tone…
No. 1170500
File: 1614292843624.png (786.04 KB, 782x794, taylor momsen.png)

Finally utilizing thumb sucking and milk emojis "appeal" in her "art".
I can't shake the impression she looks exactly like Taylor Momsen here. Taylor even made a new video recently looking similar, white backgroud, make up, blonde hair and black heavy boots
>>1170473Before someone tells me i'm "bodyshaming", this one's not my comment. I keep it she can do whatever she wants and i don't get the purpose of that dinosaur story, although i'd say it looks questionable.
No. 1171126
Ok, person with similar "dinosaur" experience here so this will be lengthy, I'll try to explain why some of us find it eyeroll inducing. I wasn't the anon who originally posted story screens, I refrained from posting them myself but now that I see some people had similar impression as me, I'll try to explain. It's not about whatever personal liking or disliking, now let's concentrate on the post itself
Double standard? Ok, give example of a guy that behaves like Arrow in regards to his body. (I'm not saying it's only women.) The reason guys aren't mentioned here (besides the guy from Deerhunter I believe) is that this thread revolves around Arrow De Wilde and (surprise) we talk about her. Lolcow is full of separate threads on people with questionable behaviour, guys included.
>it's not "shitty" for her or any person regardless of gender to go through shit or not go through shit, and to decide to keep it to herself and have boundaries
So what are you trying to say finally? That she has boundaries and doesn't have to talk about eating disorder, yet she's trying to show eating disorder in this post?
I agree with you but these „boundaries” turn questionable after her post. She doesn't have to admit to Marfan or eating disorder and she can show her body all she wants, it's the context of bones talk that's distasteful and questionable. She doesn't want people to have discussion on her bones, but then she herself starts the talk on protruding bones. She can talk whatever she wants but don't expect people not to discuss when she invites the talk herself.
>if she was really trying to show off her potential eating disorder she would've done everything to show off her bones
And before that she was jumping out of her skin trying hard to show she doesn't have eating disorder in various places. Both her mother and band denied ed, while she tells people there's no reason to worry about her health, sending generous "proof that i eat #suck my dick" and fuck offs. Wtf you trying to say? That she changed her mind and shows she has ed now cause she suddenly decided she can use it as a lighthearted funny anecdote?
She denied Marfan Syndrome (and maybe she doesn't have it) but she and her team even more often denied eating disorders. You don't just do everything to show people that you have eating disorder (like in this post, allegedly) while also verbally denying you have eating disorder. Decide, yes or no, and if no, then quit showing quirky "hints" on insta. Idk her point, but if what you suggest is true and she tried to show that she has eating disorder through this story, then showing "yes" and saying "no" is a contradiction and that i will call shitty.
>you can suffer from things like that and not be an "anachan" or trying to be "quirky" or "not like other girls"
True, now what exactly was Arrow saying in that story? Some of us are browsing this site long enough to distinguish snowflake behaviour. Even if we assume that's unintended, what Arrow posted makes it sound like she's so special and weird, as if she was the only person in the world with protruding bones or the only person that had to hear this type of comments in childhood. What pray tell was the deep message and purpose behind pictures she posted? People with similar experiences aren't naive enough to go and boast about being compared to dinosaurs cause… they know it's nothing special, millions of people had such experiences. That's why her post sounds so stupid. But to expect when her own family called her "alien baby" and she was growing up thinking she's exceptionally weird looking.
She doesn't want people to talk about her body, denies both eating and genetical disorders, then goes online and shows her bones with "funny" story. It's not the first time she posts in a "not like other girls" way. Dinosaur stories don't look any better. But that's just my opinion, I thought about it and I still keep it sounds odd.
But let's throw away assumption she hints at ed in that post. So once again: she can do what she wants, she doesn't have to admit to having Marfan or eating disorder. No one here needs her to come out with a statement, although some of us are entitled to our opinions on that. I don't care if she keeps it all a secret. I'm not one of the anons who compared her to mutants or whatever. But to me her post sounded naive and "not like other girls" vibe. This might not have been her intention, but in the end she spoke in a "quirky thin girl" language and to me that's distasteful. Doesn't mean it has to sound the same to you though.
No. 1171597
>>1171126nah not what i meant at all but thanks for the fucking odyssey, homer. i meant men in music have been taking off their shirts since always, and yeah a lot of them are very skinny dudes naturally or from drug use or an eating disorder. think sid vicious. it was always artistic and no one claimed they were trying to "be special", they got to use their bodies as mediums. there's very famous photographs of them and it's fine, this should also equally be made fine for women instead of shaming them with some middle school shit.
she's not trying to "show an eating disorder", that's a human body. you don't know she has an eating disorder, she could have other health issues, you do not know that. i think she just doesn't want to facilitate a discussion on
why she's skinny specifically, which could be to protect herself and her fans. and yeah, she does get to be the only one who talks about her body when she wants to, and if all she's asking in return is for people to not treat her like that's all she is, that makes sense. she made a joke, just like dudes do about their bodies.
yeah, maybe she doesn't want to have that conversation, or worry a lot of people who love her. she didn't show she specifically has an ed, she showed her spine. she's not even sucking in or doing those poses. even if she were it's her body and yeah it's an artistic expression that doesn't degrade her actual experience.
they're not "quirky hints" jesus, would you say that about a dude who didn't want to talk about an eating disorder he may or may not have? no. and she does not have to confirm anything to anyone, and if she says no to keep people from worrying and trying to control her or shift the focus to her body, she has that right and i do not blame her.
"distinguish snowflake behavior" oh ok i get it officer, but it's her body she's allowed to try to control the narrative about it. she can talk about it when she wants to and how she wants to, just like everyone else. how do you know that was "boasting"? it's not an accomplishment just a silly story, how did this
trigger this novel?
your last few sentences make sense and the response should have just been that, good joke. it's the internet so there's no tone, sorry you never got called alien baby. she's the daughter of a famous photographer, you're shocked she embraces her body and doesn't hide it? good for her.
>>1171597Here you are, i’ll write as much as i like, i’m sincerely sorry you had to dabble in reading if it disturbs you so much! Do you know where you are? Are you new to this site? There's different people writing here, not all of them are going to be nice, especially not in a place like this. I personally don't care if she walks around with or without clothes on and i haven't shamed her for running around without shirt nowhere in this thread. and i'm not responsible for someone else shaming her for running naked or whatever.
I was talking about her allegedly "showing eating disorder" cause you implied "maybe she's doing that", not me. That's what i said "allegedly" and wrote why it's contradicting IF that was what she was trying to do, following your suggestion it could be that. I replied to what you wrote, so don't turn it around now. I can't come back to your full earlier comment cause you deleted it. "If she was really trying to show off her potential eating disorder she would've done everything to show off her bones", that's what you said. Ok, yes she's done everything to show off her bones, a lot of times lol. And IF that was her intention, i wrote why it would be stupid cause she would contradict earlier statements. That’s why i used „if”.
>i think she just doesn't want to facilitate a discussion on why she's skinny specifically, which could be to protect herself and her fansIf she comes and says „look i’m so skinny” don’t get surprised people start to wonder why. I see she doesn't want to discuss why. To protect herself: Yes. But her fans? Are you kidding? How is she protecting her fans? Her fans are treating her as a fucking thinspo. Her socials are full of people saying "they want/try to be as thin as Arrow" or outright send her questions like "What is your diet? What should i do to look like you?" Protecting fans, how exactly? By staying conveniently silent and not ever denying publicly having eating disorder or anorexia, instead reverting to passive aggressive "proof that i eat, suck it" and fueling speculation? And yeah, she's dead silent on that, it's always her band members and her mother speaking instead of her. If that's true, what's so hard about saying "i don't have eating disorder"? She treats anyone that’s genuinely concerned for her as a retarded idiot who can’t see she eats, well has she said anything officially to clarify it all, instead of 1 photo with tumblr edgelord caption? In effect half of the fandom worries about her and the other half yells „She’s Marfan, educate yourself before speaking!!!”
If she cared about "protecting fans", she'd tell them "it's genetic, not an effect of diets or exercise or anorexia", nothing more. How is she even fucking herself benefiting from not denying anorexia? People still continue to speculate about her, body shame her, telling to eat something everywhere while teen fans look up to her thinking it's some achievable thing possible to "work on" with simple skipping a few meals, not an effect of illness or just family genetics.
Her mother keeps it that "they're all very tall in the family" and "absolutely no ed". Great, if that's true, why doesn't Arrow speak for herself and she only waits for her family and friends to correct everyone, then gets pissed when people are misinformed and stick anorexia or MS on her? If she really cared for protecting herself or her fans, she'd clarify she's not "sick and dying and passing out" after shows when she runs with her paramedic friends cause she worries no one’s gonna remember her shitty band uwu, that her body is either effect of genetics/some sort of height altering illness, not anorexia/bulimia. But that would destroy her „rock’n’roll mystery”, right? There would be nothing to talk about, she’d be depraved of attention she so desperately wants!
It's her thing if she's fine with the kind of comments she gets, but cut that bullshit, she's not fucking protecting fans.
That is, of course, if she doesn’t have ed. If she has eating disorder, then these dinosaur skeleton stories seem like glorification of being so skinny.
Great sense of humour if that’s „good joke” to you. To most of us here it’s pathetic cringe.
Calm down, there’s no reason to be jealous of idiotic „alien” obsession and abnormal relationship between her and her pickme mother that always tells to be as weird as it’s possible and god forbid not like other „ugly and gross” kids at school as she says, letting her kid skip school to sit with adults and later funding her career when her talentless daughter isn’t educated or capable to do anything else on her own.
The only person here that sounds
triggered is you. Chill the fuck out, you sound really pissed for an average person on the internet, absolutely not Arrow or her people. Are you one of „Crawlers” or one of Arrow’s nonexistent friends? But hey, i guess at least we have a first rabid whiteknight here.
Sage for longpost. Probably it's going to be pointless cause there's no discussion with her fans anyway.
>>1170500More like discount 2012 Taylor Momsen after a 3 day drug binge.
Wait, that's probably exactly what she was going for.
No. 1176294
File: 1614892340461.png (809.61 KB, 678x860, 28167295_396021.png)

>>1167984old speculation but yes she wore gucci before so her comments on rock credibility are amusing. but it was predictable
she's releasing new merch soon i bet it will be some cringey 'lingerie'
No. 1176304
File: 1614892897393.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, 87XVg4d.png)

new thing she posted… wtf it's hideous, from lipstick pseudo cuts (i think?) to that face filter
No. 1176344
>>1176327nah it's lipstick or paint, if you zoom in it looks like pink lipstick over the bandages although the arm bandage point where "blood" seems to be soaking looks more convincing. kinda made to look as if she slashed vein.
No one's gonna call her out unfortunately, it's just an instagram story and it's gonna disappear in a few hours, most dont bother to watch her stories. plus ppl would tell it's "being unapologetically herself" lol
No. 1176614
>>1176553well i'd say technically it's hard to cancel someone who's barely relevant (aside from rock press, LA rock and artist cliques) but if she continues to do that shit, she may end up with #exposing sort of tags or websites someday. she'll be fine career wise considering it's dewildes family, but it wouldn't hurt anyone to show the
problematic shit she does. i think it could be interesting if some youtuber made a video on her but that's not likely.
i don't get her new weird ways of attention begging, as if she doesn't have enough. or how ppl say "they need to play stadiums not clubs". her band apparently reached as much as they could 2 years ago. if they can't fill a stadium it's not the media's fault cause advertizing was the last thing they lacked.
No. 1176638
File: 1614927822279.jpg (311.68 KB, 1156x770, 35689908.jpg)

in her previous post she tagged this lilynoise chick who seemed familiar to me (another la band as it turns out) & damn her feed is a goldmine of arrow's teenage photos. i can't believe it's the same person lol
No. 1176641
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No. 1176643
File: 1614928320437.jpg (229.5 KB, 898x874, 356899087.jpg)

no sense of style but at least she didn't imitate mental illnesses and cutting for clout yet
No. 1176699
>>1176288That’s… not necromancy, it’s just unsaged faggotry. It was only 2 days. Anyway.
>>1176638Jesus she looks so much like her father here.
>>1176304This is such a fucking mess, her muh dinosaur skeleton and fake cuts and bloody bandages uwu 3edgy5u nlog shit is so cringe, she truly has no sense of style, which is frankly astounding for someone who literally grew up in the art/music/fashion world.
No. 1177989
File: 1615069719964.jpg (332.69 KB, 1050x1866, Screenshot_20210306-221148_3.j…)

>>1176703>>1176873i agree, kinderwhore vintage creamy dresses + brushed/washed hair was best she's ever looked.
and as much as she looked like fucking boring regular becky as a teen, she seemed more natural and nice, not that plastic shallow bitch pose she strikes now complete with katiejane reserved for stage and eternal pressure of pretending. well as nice as she could be, considering she still had superior kid complex
sorry but that looks bad. this way she funded herself huge forehead and vanishing chin. idk if she knows what she's doing, kinda throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks, in a rapid pacing. except nothing sticks.
i lowkey wonder if she had a stylist considering her previous lack of style & forever copying
No. 1177999
File: 1615070826918.jpg (309.85 KB, 1096x838, arrow.jpg)

>>1177772that must be the angle in the photo, usually her legs are abnormally long especially hipbone to knee ratio, i mean look. but she also wears high waisted pants a lot so idk
No. 1181310
File: 1615426693020.jpg (185.43 KB, 1004x1322, instagramscreen.jpg)

>>1179058sure. i have caps, well i got screen while on pc but i originally wanted to post comment and photo separately and accidentally saved under the same name as original and then closed both file & system. (She already closed comments by then) so in result i lost full insta post screen(which probably would be better looking, sorry).
That's all i have. post was already up for couple of hours max i think but she closed comments maybe 10 minutes after i lurked her feed. next day photos were already gone.
she also had one more face selfie and photo of some anime girl but that wasn't worth capping.
No. 1181319
File: 1615427434147.jpeg (244.52 KB, 750x1334, 29F1661D-C9F3-46D2-B187-5ED22D…)

I s2g the level of photoshop used is hilarious
No. 1181321
File: 1615427455953.jpeg (525.26 KB, 741x1071, 6B98EF1C-5C5F-44E5-B66D-DEAEE9…)

No. 1181325
>>1181321i was just about to post same kek
she's pushing up that ass with the whip but i feel like alot of shoop was in action
also ngl it feels really uncomfortable to discover Jerry de Wilde (her grandfather) left comment "wow" with shocked and heart eyes emoji…
No. 1181401
>>1181325Her fucking grandfather commented that? Vomit.
>>1181321I don't understand why she's choosing this look, out of everything. I don't get it. I know the 2000s/Paris Hilton is a thing, but it's not saying anything.
No. 1181445
File: 1615436775730.jpg (2.17 MB, 1920x3414, inCollage_20210310_222528494.j…)

>>1181401He did
Sorry for crappy shoop job, I'm on mobile
No. 1181680
File: 1615466916374.jpg (Spoiler Image,322.33 KB, 1682x1108, yuck.jpg)

>>1181471yeah no shit, grandfather should sit and think a bit longer how comment like that would look. but this is a constant in this sleazy "liberal" LA family, her rich friends whistle with approval and family, well family fucking started it all.
Her mother fundamentally fucked her up. Arrow posted these nudes in time they dropped "i love LA", i found 2 now but i could swear she had more originally. She was 18 at the time, photographer: autumn de wilde… sorry, no matter how much of a famous la wanker you are and you don't care for your kids properly by default, shooting your daughter's tits for instagram is not normal. any good mother would yell that idea the fuck out of kid's brain, no matter how famous and trashy the kid is set up to be. 18 years is still fucking young even though it's legal.
You can see fwo3's comment (he was a photographer who took fashion pics of arrow around same time) & notice he got concerned and tagged her mother so she can see what Arrow posts… yeah, except these photos were shot by Autumn, maybe even originally suggested by her.
No. 1181681
File: 1615467117643.jpg (229.05 KB, 622x908, 2i198768d.jpg)

>Arrow's band Starcrawler breathes new life into Rock 'n Roll riffs. Based in LA but time traveling through the 70's, Grunge to the early 00's, Arrow shoots through images, moods and feelings. Slip in that 90’s DVD into that needy slot, and ease into sleaze as you finger the menu. Shot & styled by photographer Indiana Piorek - she sizes it all up with maximum spunk and funk, and minimal outfits packed with stripper store chic, in a motel moment of self-discovery.
what… for a moment i thought they're putting out porn DVD with the magazine for real
Arrow LARPing as Paris porn tape. "using her body as an ~*art medium*~"
No. 1181817
>>1181800It's real, check out kinkkongmagazine instagram, first post, second picture, i can't screenshot now
not that anon but ok thread ain't the best & milkiest yet it exists and it goes on, so i say whatever, really don't see a problem here
>>1181445is it light or they blurred upper back area
No. 1181960
File: 1615492939416.jpg (108.44 KB, 822x1030, sc2d.jpg)

Ok apparently there is a video (her instagram & indiana420bitch). Doubt it's porn but at least "edgy" crap with fetish gear for photos. what an embarassment. her "artistic" family must be proud tho
Lip fillers? she never had such huge lips
No. 1182533
>>1181815I’m not OP or that anon either, and I enjoy this thread. I don’t know why it’s so hard to hide or ignore it.
>>1181445This is so fucking gross. Thinking that this is “normal” is in the same vein as Lena Dunham thinking it was okay to fiddle with her sister because for some reason artfags get a pass for being inappropriate? I understand nudes not being inherently sexual but Arrow’s cheap hooker half assed kinky shtick isn’t artistic nudity, it’s fucking porn
No. 1183979
File: 1615684016540.jpg (110.09 KB, 838x664, z22556839s0.jpg)

>>1182533this, artistic photography nudity is fine but this is empty, caricatural level porn for attention & praises. that's basically "ironic" porn mag for ppl considering themselves "artful". no hate for porn actors but that's about as artistic as walmart or kmart. the only thing Arrow shows here is her attention starvation. lol
Unfortunately, that's rich/art people hollywood scene. i s2g every insta girl from LA has obsession with 80's/00's pornstars, stripper outfits, cheerleader mean bitch type. or that one "ironic" kitschy blue eyeshadow every gen z rock girl puts on, especially Arrow (pic related).Take random IG girl & she'll have caps like trash queens etc. Idk is that rich girl complex or their version of exotic? whatever rocks your boat i guess, at least working class peeps can have a good laugh
Props to hairdresser, someone brushed out her extentions finally.
No. 1184011
File: 1615685739477.jpg (765.1 KB, 1582x1440, z2lemontwigs.jpg)

wtf is wrong with her Autumn? first time paying attention to her IG, had no idea Arrow dated a guy from Lemon Twigs, nobody would if Autumn didn't have a need to document & broadcast their dates and bedroom… whatevers. i mean sleepovers are a thing but she let them sleep together like adults, not Arrow in her room and boy on the couch? ok, teens sleep together but when parents aren't home? these are like 3 different sleepovers, the ending of 2015 and 2016 so Arrow was 16 years old and guy 17 i think. It's not from some private account, it's Autumn's public art acc. for all to view & comment
Photo with pink hair is taken in the morning but others look liek they were in a deep sleep. Ik it's not sexual or anything but they were allowed to sleep together as teens and as a bonus, got Arrow's mother sneaking in the middle of a night/morning and taking photos without their knowledge, at least at thst moment. whatever's your parenting policy but a mother taking photos of you & your boyfriend sleeping and posting online, kinda gross. idk but that's a bit inappropriate? wtf. creepy
No. 1184052
>>1184011Between this and her grandfather this is so fucking gross, they objectify the fuck out of her. It's like they all live vicariously through her and she'll never have room for her own personality because of it.
>>1183979The problem is that shitty dudes don't care about the irony, all they see is permission to find emaciated broke young women ok to sexualize. Which isn't her fault but this could have been done way better as commentary on that. I wish the hyper sexualization of the 00s that was pushed onto girls and women would just die, not be brought back "ironically".
No. 1184104
>>1184052see it's not sure it's even ironic for her and most girls either. it's said to be but usually it's secretly or openly serious. the general attitude towards 00's thing is glorification and new found excitement devoid of critique. on one hand people pity Britney now for the first time in years but on the other they unironically love and try to resurrect the exploitative playboy bitch/paparazzi-chased party celeb style (under the guise of empowerment), plus it's trendy to be hyper kinky, that Indiana guys account shows it perfectly. i'm afraid Arrow doesn't see anything exploitative in that scene, she just wants to be "hot bitch". and not we understand why
(Notjust grandfather, grandmother too)
Autumn is gross. Arrow talks "dinosaur spine", Autumn talks about "her spaghetti bones". Seems she always wanted to capitalize her even before starcrawler. so much of sus shit, i'll try to post more caps later.
Arrow would have to change environment completely to wake up, maybe meet some ppl with the right value system. but that's not likely unfortunately
No. 1184110
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clothes they made her wear at 14 or 15 for a magazine shoot. look closely what's under D&C.
No. 1187810
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that's her, she just looking down from the side. source is autumn's IG.
Autumn's IG gives more insight into her past, plus i found some article. i'll make it a photo dump in parts
part 1
Arrow was 100% low tier clothes model and Autumn was toddlers&tiaras mom imo. Autumn has now Emma movie to sperg about but 2015-2016 is mostly all arrow arrow more than her work, not just as a mom posting sweet family photos but more as promo shots in fashion outfits i think
she thanks various brands as if it ws endorsement deal. "i got leather pants waiting for arrow" sounds like she planned each detail. She was dressing Arrow at first for sure until they showed her how to thrift vintage hooker clothes.
(sorry for low quality)
No. 1187811
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part 2
this article, she says she wasn't a model or a blogger. not exactly true. i mean, yes she didn't write as such but she had a fashion blog, it's still on web machine
No. 1187813
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part 3
it honestly looks like low engagement tumblr but it's got dot com handle. it presents yet another style. she looks ok imo
No. 1187817
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part 4
This is an article about LA teens fashion, they crammed her between Will Smith's kids and Zendaya Coleman. Wow "it girl" and "psychedelic guru", she starred in 1 music video and contributed only 2 articles to rookie magazine at the time, and these were just photos of her in the street with no caption. Can't believe they mentioned her at all
you would think she was her own self at least as psychedelic no-styler but maybe her mother was picking these clothes for her too.
full article if you're interested: No. 1188386
>>1187817Listing having famous babysitters does her no favours either, just emphasises the clear nepotism that she’s ridden on her whole life. The whole blurb just highlights her lack of personality with the amount of heavy name dropping, and where are these portraits she’s taken?
If she weren’t posting captions about her Getty image status I’d feel bad for her, her mom so clearly wanted her to be this supermodel beauty/voice of a generation but she couldn’t make a name in fashion and her music is waaaaaay off the current pulse
No. 1190780
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>>1188386same tbh, kinda felt bad after figuring out Autumn but maybe theres no reason to be sorry cause Arrow clearly enjoys the lifestyle it got her. and she comes off as a total self absorbed rude bitch both in captions and interviews, even her former band kicked her out for being a bossy cringelord. btw Honeycreeper played like two shows so you get idea how lame she must've been. she wanted a serious career only after they kicked her out so she lowkey started starcrawler to get back at them
i think music was a backup plan. around same time she sang backing vocals for some band on Conan o' Brien, so she had a lil taste of that business. Autumn wanted her to be famous, which branch exacly was of no importance. modelling would be a perfect route for Arrow, what a bad career choice
this pic lol, she has that selfish territory possesive vibe about her, like "this is me myself and my band"… maybe that's just her height though
No. 1190786
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>>1188760Maybe it's because Arrow's body would be a norm in fashion world but it's "shocking" in a rock band. Or she's impatient and used to getting stuff instantly with no effort. i read she used to take drum lessons but she quit cause "she decided she wants more attention than that", her exact words. so you get idea, she needs to be in the front not just one of the countless models or mere drummer
it just got to me how badly she tries to look like lilboweep lol. she started shooping/filtering (left brighter arm, filter fuckup? not a normal light/shadow thing) aand is that… a shallow cut on her wrist? i may be wrong idk
No. 1191113
>>1191106This. I was confused about the anons saying she should've become a model. She has a very normal face.
I think the most interesting thing about her is that she was basically born to be "cool" on paper (wealthy artist parents, surrounded by famous rock musicians, tall/skinny, literally named "Arrow DeWilde" lmao), but in execution, she's extremely average/boring. She always looks like a cosplayer or a fan. Literally 30% of our cows here are more iconic than her, it's weird.
No. 1191132
>>1191113>>1191106listen to her boring music and you'll know why she's better off as a model kek. but you're right anons, her face is painfully plain. the rest of her body qualifies for a model, at least unpopular brands. she'd never make it without de wilde surname though, it's the only thing that opens doors for her. it's telling she got last name after mother, not father. planning in advance
at least she copied rockstars then, now she copies some of alt IG cows which is just lol
No. 1192310
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>>1191298Yep she's 6'3. Anon i don't think anyone's like "omgg arrow should be model queen uwu". It's just you'd naturally assume she could be a model without specific knowledge of runway rules. I for one didn't know girls above 6 ft are usually rejected by agencies, wow. puts in a whole other perspective Arrow's NLOG shit like "Oh i'd totally rule runway if i wanted but i ~*choose*~ not to cause it's too easy n every basic bitch does modeling now"
My guess is they had big expectations that stopped at collabs with mom only (so now she downplays it). They tried though cause you can see their usual plugging tactics like flaunting Mullevy sister as babysitters.
Arrow models a plenty as a guest "rockstar" now (at least before covid) so her poor model conditions don't matter anymore. last name matters
No. 1193297
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>>1192486seems that's exactly what she does these days, modelling for small unknown LA clothes brands (or calls famous photographers if she wants nice photos for IG). which is totally fine. but honestly, most of her clothes promos are bad, she does not make you want to buy a product at all. she looks out of the place, like she always looks wasted even if she's not. out of these pics maybe one is passable
now i see it's true she's got short legs for her height (as shown on the white pic) so weird. she just covers it with pants ending far above belly button
No. 1193305
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holy kek that's not a good promo. she's never been an astounding beauty but her looks really deteriorated lately, doesn't look like a 21 year old wtf
No. 1197928
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thanks autumn i hate it
No. 1197959
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Since it's bumped. not her pumping new "sexy" merch and flexing wearing xs in comments (she always avoided size questions). what a generic logo
tees+condoms are clearly aimed at teens/YA but jokes on her cause their audience are almost exclusively boomers
>>1197928lol. that's some indie rock guy with her btw
No. 1198071
>>1198007>>1197928NO BRITT WHY
(I’m assuming it’s old, what’s the context?)
No. 1198078
>>1198071Nta but i've seen it on autumn's blog, she's probably 15 here in mother's studio and there's no context other than autumn photographed Spoon alot and context was prob "let's stuff my daughter anywhere i can"
Starcrawler also supported Spoon. along with beck and cage the elephant (what a coincidence) i feel ya anons lol
No. 1198082
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that feeling when all your favourites love arrow
arrow: mimes a gun to her head
kurt cobain's wife: cute
Wtf why is Autumn so influential? There's been alot of semi popular girl bands in the past years, some of them decent or at least better musically but nope, they all only stan Arrow
I don't get why courtney simps so hard for arrow, this woman usually sensed bullshit from afar or at least mocked women she was jealous of. or how Courtney still shits on Bikini Kill for "being biggest hoax ever", "total amateurs" and "sucking" but Arrow is genius kek (all these fit starcrawler perfectly). or her shitting on Amy Lee
on a side note i'm very curious why CL told her to "get her shit together"
No. 1198087
>>1198084that's beck's daughter
"kinderwhore" dressed bleeding girls on cd cover theme is so overused these days
No. 1198091
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>>1198086that's pretty much consistent for autumn, she literally shot back of Arrow's head for the bleachers cover, pushed her into their video for 2 seconds and for whole song duration into keaton henson vid.
and she wasn't even in any band yet.
whoever autumn knows is also known by arrow, seems she tagged her along on tours, concerts, backstages etc.
No. 1198102
>>1198094He’s a huge slut so that’s not completely outside the realm of possibility
>>1198082Courtney is a salty old cunt who needs to shut the fuck up, she has always been jealous of Kathleen, no one cares about her opinions anymore so she can scream into the void about how much loves Starcrawler
No. 1198106
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>>1198102kek well said
anyone here likes kat bjelland? now that i think arrow had a photo with her too. her plus skating polly chick and Kat. she was more friends with skating polly though, these chicks are kinda known exactly for wanting to be babes in toyland. Arrow looked super unimpressed though.
here it is
>>1198104interesting. so yeah seems her only chance is Rodarte letting her run in their clothes or her friends starting nobody LA brands like that fake fur photoshoot
No. 1198114
>>1198111i didn't see arrow posting it but i know about kat's situation
damn that's so sad, poor woman
No. 1198129
>>1198122agree but um from what i've heard on newest updates, she can afford it (either donation was successful or she had money in the first place) but the problem is with organazing transplant. means at stage 4 they usually don't want to let you have transplant, not even let her on a waiting list. and addicts sometimes don't even make waiting lists just cause they drink/do drugs. kat apparently had huge drug/drinking problem in recent years. she has the money but she doesn't qualify i guess. she prob can't go abroad and even without covid it's a hell of a mess to get transplant on time. she's in a care facility now
props to Arrow at least in this case, hope she donated too not just posted and called it a day
No. 1199790
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old milk but i laughed.
No. 1199847
>>1198142welcome to the club anon, 00's were horrible in this case. ironic how rock-alt girls want to dress like paris now while paris-tier rich bitches dress up as punks and mall goths. and that paris is often glorified now by feminists/SJWs who cancel ppl left and right often for vague shit but same people convienienty close their eyes on paris' bigoted, racist remarks from the past and generally treating ppl like shit. anyway… Arrow was much too young to remember Paris and mcbling shit, she could've been watching hannah montana at most
>>1199790boss bitch, more like autumn is her boss kek
i found the video, such a fucking shit (her performance). that's hardly recognizable, they edited the fuck out of her voice probably to save the video somehow
No. 1199849
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Is it me or she's sucking in her stomach alot in second one? her panties aren't so loose in first. Idk but this & that other protruding ribs photo (even pushing herself up slightly for a better effect) give certain vibes
No. 1200820
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Well they had a livestream on twitch just now, i tuned in for a few minutes and this is what she was wearing. Fake self harm cuts and bloody bandages on wrists, veins and knees, she's back at it again. she talked about stuffing microphone in her pants onstage and cutting up her clit or something and going to the hospital and the other girl was like "that's sooo COOL", kek what a cringe.
but damn she was acting like a total dumbfuck: trying so hard to look high, flailing around and constantly tugging n scratching those bandages. i recorded a bit and could upload but maybe they'll post the stream on YT.
couldn't bother to see the whole shit show but that interview, just can't believe how she managed to make herself seem 10x dumber than usual, this is real bimbofication wtf
No. 1201287
>>1200981Nah, she only fell on broken glass once and it cut into vein so she was taken to hospital. she had sh scars once upon a time but these were evidently nail scratches only. Unlike arrow, katie had evident problems with herself. putting bruises and cuts on drink me graphics might be seen an odd choice but idk it seemed more like an unhealthy page out of diary at the time, not glorification. something she lived and overcame while this is attention whore painting cuts with lipstick cause it looks "cool" idk
>>1200850>>1200861i'll try but i've never posted videos here, mp4 format is ok right? all i found is this needs to be 20mb so it took me a while to edit. if it doesn't work i'll just dump it on yt
No. 1201983
>>1201978Its just so. Unremarkable in every way.
If this is the """"future"""" and GREAT REVIVAL of rocknroll i guess im gonna get into polka cuz fuck this.
No. 1202037
>>1201978I wouldn’t advocate for drug use in anyone but js if she took like anything it would help whatever made her think the frequent leap frogging, awkward posing, and literal complete lack of sexual appeal in a stripper micro bikini.
Not to be that person but fr has she ever experienced tragedy or heartbreak to even pull from? I mean clearly not with the lipstick “cuts”. There’s interesting social commentary on that she could perform but I doubt she will
No. 1202126
>>1201978Im mostly a lurker here but wow that was horrible her voice sounds like a goat.
Also i dont want to dunk on anyone's appearance but…if you told me she was a man i would believe you
No. 1202463
You can recognize she can't come up with the good melody cause she doesn't sing, she just does that singing-talking (Bet My Braind as example). Or does the weird gasping in the beginning of each phrase. And she said "her voice evolved and is more varied" or something kek
At this point i kind of wish someone exposed her, like either expose blog, or if someone bigger than her had the guts to call her out. i don't mean this in a vendetta-chan way, it's just weird situation that every other person trying this "self harm/mental illness as a costume" shit gets called out, but Arrow gets ass pats for the very same thing. When will she finally meet someone not buying her shit or caring about her surname and telling her as it is
>>1202065funny but that's exactly what she said in sme interview i read "I studied Iggy Pop and Cherie Currie videos"
No. 1202469
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this was on goodreads, from autumn's elliot smith book my god what a pretentious shit. that book is about elliot not arrow, remember? i'd bet my money that all the "pain" they ever had was autumn divorcing her boyfriend and having to gtf out to some other mansion, i call it. "poverty" story is just them moving into another house.
No. 1203059
>>1202943It's always the same one whining about 2 retarded anons every now and then, cares alot for someone supposedly not interested in this thread. Someone's salty
Let's just ignore. Arrow's a cow and there's people willing to milk it, shocking right
No. 1203067
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i tried to find more examples of her being bitchy or hating on women. like come on Arrow, not everyone came to see you, some just wanted to buy the food and eat in peace, without your saliva in it. that's a fucking restaurant after all
And suure, starcrawler is defo the only one glam rock band in LA now
>>1202626I don't think she's inspired by Karen O but Autumn photographed YYY so she knows them too
No. 1203110
>>1202876lmao r u okay anon? this is one of least retarded threads on the board. I mostly just lurk here because the musicfaggotry is pleasantly autistic. if it bothers you so much just hide it.
>>1203067>authenticity Self awareness has left the chat
No. 1203172
>>1203128Yeah no, she'd have to know to sage and farmer lingo, without that this site can read like nonsense at times. the only way she could stumble here is by googling herself, on 10th page or so. (not impossible knowing her huge ego)
i got a bit suspicious though when people talked about her losing weight and then she posted pics of chocolate snacks, or when she randomly posted the date she met Gilbert and IG post from thatday as a proof after the question if she was really flirting with the still married man. that is 99% coincidence though
But the weirdest thing was that super pissed whiteknight anon immediately after anachan dinosaur stories, yelling about body as an art, double standard and "would you say it to boys". "You don't know what she meant!" it gives extreme "cow defending herself through sockpuppet" vibes, especially since it constantly refers to "artistic expression" and "she's a daughter of famous photographer good for her!" shit with a slight flavour of idk flattering your own self. It even fits her "i wanna be treated like boys! It's a guy band not girl band!" shit. Or "there's no tone, it's the internet" kek sounds like that anon doesn't entirely get lolcow. reading it back it stands out more than anything else
That's a crazy tinfoil at best ofc. that's most likely a pissed stan only or someone with a liking for anachan but if anything, this sounded like her the most lol
No. 1203197
>>1203172Wasn’t her, was “super pissed” or wrote like it because I always see people criticize girls with low weight, natural or not, and it’s invasive and puts the target of it in the worst position when in reality they owe you nothing. Other women doing it to each other is a gross vibe, it wasn’t personal to her at all, and without blogging obviously I’ve had my own or witnessed friends go through super objectifying and invasive experiences so the “pissed” came from that and I apologize. I have never in my life read men get low weight critiqued the same way so it was just a bummer reading it from women.
I don’t doubt she lurks though, hopefully she stops the fake cuts bullshit next.
No. 1203318
>>1203197oh ok, sorry! i guess comments like that came because of the type of site that it is first and second i think general consensus then was that she's denying marfan syndrome in favour of a "more interesting" alleged ed version. honestly idk about it what to think. i know her family is tall, her uncle is like 2,18 m. imo she's also capable of gaining weight, that recent stream showed she looked much better (weight wise).
At this point i'd say her weight and reasons are of no importance. Most important is the shit with paint cuts. somebody already called her out and she deletd selfie, i'm very curious if she plans to dress like this again.
another worst thing imo is poverty appropriation
as for her feminism the only thing she talks about when questioned is "i'm not in a girl band" lmao
No. 1203604
>>1203207>>1203565agreed girls. i'm the anon who wondered if that comment was arrow (lol) and who said "ok sorry". i want to clarify i didn't mean anything offensive to you anon when i said anachan, maybe i should clarify i only thought it was written by arrow stan or someone glorifying ana bodies rather than havign one, like one of those girls wishing to look like arrow. which i'm sorry about. i assumed it cause that post seems quite emotional but now i get what you meant. not that anyone cares ofc but i have problem with losing too much weight too, i hope you didn't take it as an attack on you anon
anyway in case arrow starts to moan about "being harassed by girls" again, i would say this thread exists for so much different reasons than her being thin lol.
it's her being a liar, copycat, careerist and treating ppl like shit that's ugly.
No. 1203614
>>1203600on the subject of Arrow's habits i'd say her drinking will hit her hard in later years. she talked about touring habits somewhere and she said she drinks vodka before the start of shows… so if it's an everyday tour schedule habit + all the alcohol she drinks post-show/afterparties, all those photos with bottles etc. it's a lot. She boasted about having fake IDs and drinking before 21.
i'll just say… they had a touring crew taking care of them as teens, right? she played locally at 17 and then travelled around the world when she was 18 already. from my understanding Autumn never went on tours with her. was she ok with her daughter drinking alcohol everyday, or that one much younger guy
i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out she was allowed to drink with the adults
No. 1203630
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>>1203621whiskey in a cane, woah what a cringe. i may be a little dismissive cause in my country you can legally drink at 18 not 21 but what i mean is everyone around is cool with her drinking. she flaunts alc consumption alot. on this photo with red hair she was 18/19 in a dressing and she tagged photographer. i'm not pearlclutching but i find it yucky that everyone around her was like "fuck this, soo rock'n'roll" and also she just drinks/hangs out with older/middle aged men strictly. who knows maybe alcohol was bought by older photographers for her.
No. 1203637
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fake id
"happy to be 21 but drinking is more fun underage"
damn are club people in us really so indifferent about it? showing that fake shit piece of cardboard ID would NEVER pass where i live
she looks so "no life in her eyes" here kek
No. 1209605
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this is the dumbass guitarist modelling the merch here right? he seems like quite a cow himself
No. 1210866
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So she recently DJ-ed for Vans radio with another girl musician (here in orange clothes) and of course that was such an important thing they had to interview her about it. Wtf, she 100% asked someone to interview her cause I can't imagine anyone thinking spinning songs on radio show is so important it needs a whole interview. The other girl wasn't interviewed. Link: Lol why she doesn't even deny seeking attention or getting excited about being on the cover. I mean i get being excited alone but like… rock people usually don't get crazy about that stuff? at least not so openly. Even most of the cows here are better at hiding it lol
No. 1210869
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>>1209605Nope, this guy is a bass player and he's rather unproblematic. This is the guitarist you think of and oh girl is he a cow. Can't think of a better example now but he's same try hard cringe school. You know the "we are Starcrawler fuck you all" edgy talk etc.
Opinions on Dave Grohl including Starcrawler in his new documentary What Drives Us? The movie features much better (well, old/classic) bands but I'm curious what bullshit "legendary" backstory they made up. Seems Arrow's dream of documentary about herself lowkey comes true.
No. 1219222
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whoa wtf is this chopped fried hair. i know she looks like she never washes it anyway but still was kinda shocked by what she hides under those extensions
No. 1219223
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Kek what is this Luna Slater house aesthetic. everything's so dirty in this pic. how could she miss the chance to take a white trash bimbo vibes selfie!
photos like that with dirt and all are especially awful in her case. ik it's just "aesthetic" but it kinda clashes with the fact her and Autumn love to make shit up about how poor they used to be, somehow forgetting to mention Autumn's father was long established artist working with biggest cinematography stars as of 1999, when Arrow was born.
slight OT but Emma was nominated for an Oscar, these women would be even more insufferably full of pride if it actually won lol
No. 1220684
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>>1220548Yeah, good point. Maybe on this pic it's just extra greasy, her hair rarely looks brushed or washed cuz "wilde hair" etc. (pic related is when it was more puffy/decent looking) I remember reading she likes to rarely take showers and pick peeling skin and make sculptures of it or something (eww). Probably nlog jokes and shit only but I can believe at least in relation to her hair, lol.
btw the band seems to be recording new songs, curious who will they rip now, 00's numetal, Avril Lavigne or maybe Peaches
No. 1225719
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any idiot following this mcbling trend like her should watch the simpsons episode "summer of 4 foot 2" to see what it was actually like being an "unconventional" kid at that time
No. 1225846
>>1220744kek I love your self awareness anon, gave me a hearty chuckle, no sarcasm.
>>1210866I was going to post about this when it happened but I forgot, Staz (the girl she DJd with) is also a product of nepotism, her dad is Hal Lindes of Dire Straits (barf) fame. I’m loosely acquainted with Staz through overlapping friendship groups, she seems like a genuinely nice person who in spite of having familial privilege doesn’t use her name for clout or LARPING as something or someone she isn’t, I’d love to know what she actually makes of Arrow and her uwu bimbo bbygirl foolery
No. 1226188
>>1225846Lol what's new, right. But the answer is probably for clout. Notice Arrow is most successful rock nepotism child. Someone in celebricows thread mention some failed band of Slash and Scott Weiland's sons and you would think that's enough of a clout but no. These new bands like to stick to each other cause "uwu we're all big punk family" (and sure, sometimes their intention can be honest) but tbh i can't see Arrow enjoying those meetups. Compared to her Amy Taylor and Dani are more likely real friends than, say, Arror & Dani. The peer bands almost always show more engagement than Arrow. Idk she might be smiling and all but she gives "know your competition" vibes. You know, she looks like that person who prefers scrotes and female ass kissers for friends and has distant/fake relationships with other bands at most. May be wrong, just my overall impression.
>>1220744Kek, anon with a sense of humour here despite hardships. i want to ask anon what do you think of her "struggle" story? i wanted to share some caps indicating it's probably bs before but i kinda forgot about htis thread lately
No. 1226207
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I gave them both benefit of a doubt first but i don't get it. how they had the time to be poor and struggling? Autumn was shooting bands in 90's through 00's + Rodarte. she'd have alimony from Aaron but again, not the point. sorry but if they felt so bad crowding in a tiny one room hut, then wth were Arrow's grandparents? somehow can't believe they couldn't help financially or let them live with them if Autumn was "struggling". Or living with Elliot Smith (as cool as it sounds) instead of your loving family? ok… Read Jerry's fucking bio, can't believe he was so "poor" he couldn't help his family. yes artists want to be independent (clearly not Arrow tho) but still, if you have rich LA artsy parents that can easily borrow you money, you're not "poor", no matter how small cottage you buy to prove something. Unless Jerry told Autumn to fuck off, i don't buy it. They seem to be in good relations now so i doubt he refused to help his daughter when she needed it. he'd be such a shit if he refused (given his finances), if it was so bad. with Jerry's help, paying for rented cottage and single mother expenses shouldn't be a struggle. Just say you didn't have a lot of comissions at first and go. She can say it without poverty larping & milking "humble beginnings" casually to have her own gutter to stars story. their story makes no sense, unless i misunderstand something.
No. 1226220
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part 2 of woe is me
>>1225983same, i always thought Mark is nice/ unproblematic?
No. 1226320
>>1225983>>1226220Yeah I think the band is unproblematic, it’s just that their music sucks ass.
>>1226188Amy and Dani are actual alt girls from working class backgrounds (at least I know Amy is) so I can’t imagine Arrow has much in common with them beyond playing in a rock band, especially not now that she’s deep in bimbofication. It’s so incongruous with the scene she’s part of. Maybe that’s why she’s doing it, to seem not like the other punk girls, but it just comes across as being supremely tryhard and disingenuous
No. 1226325
i didn't struggle financially growing up, was just a very insane person who was not what you would call "compliant" with treatment kek. middle class white family in asia&i promise you arrow grew up far better off than i did. even outside of money troubles, because of her sheltered life and third generation fame she has just never led the junkie or hobo life. it's not something to be proud of, but she seems to try to fake it because she thinks it is? the best thing to be is always yourself–alan wilder from depeche mode grew up in covent garden, went to schools with uniforms, and got a full education in classical music. he never pretended to be anything other than a cute boy who was popular at school, but is respected as an authentic alternative/goth icon.
No. 1226340
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>>1226337LMAO he is a friend of mine, lolcow is the last place I’d expect to have this exchange What the fuck is this? And the hashtag? And Garbage (presumably Shirley) commenting on it, absolute cringe
No. 1227248
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>>1226352>"queen of LA" sounds more like what a drug lord would be called, not a singert-shirt on pic related lol
Imagine writing a whole ass song called "I Love LA". of course she loves LA when she was born and there, in a priviledged family and nice neighbourhoods and she continues to live here, making "appearances" at all those "alt" Gucci parties just to show up and take photos with all the right alternative people. i s2g some of the alt people in LA are like second niche hollywood elites, less famous but just as insufferable.
I remember how she once went on a tirade how she "haaatees" the Valley, cause Valley "suucks" cause every house there looks the same and people give serial killer vibes. Bitch have you seen any regular town outside LA artfag region? nobody cares but her
No. 1227693
>>1227664Anon, please please tell more about it, what's the context, what did she say and where? I'm genuinely curious cause it's one of the first accounts confirming she's a mean bitch to people "lower" than her. Everybody in her vicinity (rockstars/artists) claim she's such a kind sweet angel and basically church of pure soul and kindness. Which i always thought is def not true cause i read she was a bitch to unpopular band girl-fronted that supported her (probably here). Please spill the milk
(btw i had same impression, she just hangs out with Gilbert and comes to all of his videoshoots, or that older photographer scrote she tours with. Eventually her early childhood friends who started a band without her but now use her for clout i guess to push their bands/clothing businesses)
No. 1228060
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Her oversharing Staz and Deathvalleygirl photos lol trying to prove something? Staz doesn't care
She's going live on MacPro IG in less than hour i think, doing makeup for some reason and i refuse to believe they asked her to join, it must've been other way around. literally why. her makeup is mostly shit
>>1227857true that. she's a fucking hypocrite though. she's only nice when she benefits from it but treats others like shit, then moans "boohoo girls bother me"
No. 1228305
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The video is now on Mac insta and damn what a shitshow
Idk but this video just shows how she just can't stop pushing herself first everywhere.
she was constantly shoving her face into the camera, taking up entire space. You could never see what the other girl did cause it was like only a half of her visible in the distance cause Arrow's annoying face took 3/4 of the screen. they fucking told her at some point to make a place so Frankie girl could be on camera too and she literally moved to the side for a second and then moved back to the same place. she had another mirror on the side but still kept looking at herself on the camera/live i guess, lol. and sorry but she was just obnoxious. she was making idiotic faces all the time, she literally had some dirt smudge above her upper lip throughout the video and it looked like a fucking mustache. idk if it's facial hair or dirt/makeup but it was visible even when she moved back/down, at least on the right corner above lips so that's not just a temporal shadow play. her narc behaviour and constant admiring herself in the mirror was one thing but i'm sure makeup smart farmers would have a hearty kek at her "skills". this is the look little girls come up with when they experiment with make up using mom's lipstick, not something worthy a fucking tutorial. that was horrible
Also she mentioned Katiejane Garside and said her friend's uncle is Crispin Gray… fucking shit, so that's why they don't mind her ripping off KJ big time. yuck
No. 1228638
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>>1228277I love you, anon.
>>1227274I play in shitty bands and take shitty photos of better bands, I personally know 90 per cent of the people mentioned in this thread through those avenues.
>>1228305LMAO what the fuck is this? The cringe has me choking, holy hell. I swear this cow has an perennial dentity crisis to rival Kelly Eden.
No. 1234130
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Her new "costume projects". Jessica Owen makes clothes for Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Kardashians… she made Freddie Mercury costume and Courtney Love/Vecona heart dress for her. i see Arrow had at least a couple alt gauze dresses and they're all styled as gauze dress from Daisy chainsaw and pink paint ones from QueenAdreena. astounding, she goes to costume maker to order high quality rock star costume replicas. she had a chance to order unique style costumes but no…
>>1233254Lol anon… i don't even know what to say. if it makes you feel better, Arrow will probably get fat in her 30/40s same as her mother. Not to nitpick but is that really such a desirable look? She has odd proportions, we've all said enough on her face, i'll just say you can already tell she'll be aging badly, and soon. But wanting to have Marfan syndrome? it's not just about being conveniently thin like Arrow. Loose joints, danger of aorta aneurysm, spine, heart and lung problems due to bone growth, most of patients have serious eye problems, partial lens dislocation, cataracts, most are nearsighted. Aortic enlargement can be life-threathening. Before 1960s patients lived up to 30 at most.intense physical activity can be dangerous. i didn't know it's so serious before, it's worth looking up. there's nothing to be jealous of.
if anything, it actually makes me believe she doesn't have it at all. If she had it, i feel like she wouldn't be such a tryhard onstage. it counts as extreme and frequent activity, wouldn't that be risky? Her paramedic plays onstage get even more tasteless in the light of it all. i think she wouldn't joke so recklessly about dying, fainting (common for MS) and needing to be hospitalized if she knew the weight of it all from experience. If she has it, then it's likely very mild case at most and therefore she doesn't know how lucky she is. idk, i'm not trying to play armchair, expert or whatever and idk the truth but these are actual problems regular MS people face and sorry but wanting her (or not even her) alleged syndrome… sounds odd
No. 1234134
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In addition to her costume subject, i was about to say she's finally moving on and trying to be more original, but i figured this outfit is stolen from Christina Aguilera, Come On Over video (pic rel). blatantly. and other stage costume variations.
No. 1234140
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one more. but of course stans will say "b-but nothing's ever original anymore!" just wait til she dies hair blonde and red lol
No. 1234141
>>1234130she doesn't have it. women with marfan's don't look like men with marfan's. she happens to look like a man who has it for some reason, mostly age i think. some girls are so skinny they look like famine
victims and don't really even get to "normal skinny" until age 25 or so. she has a crazyy long torso and short legs too, which is probably skewing our perception since it's such an unusual combo for women.
No. 1234151
>>1234141that's what i thought too. also her hands and face look deceiving. reading more on the MS convinced me she leads much too reckless life to have it, plus i think she'd milk it as nlog points if that was true. she has people even taller than her in her family
>>1234143yep same, reminds me so much of sims 2 outfits. i liked christina at some point years ago. Arrow was literally 1 year old when come on over came out, kind of crazy to think.
No. 1243937
>>1241135it's not on autosage, it's just saged maybe a lil bit too strictly. alot of what we discuss is old milk too. i personally got used to oversaging here cause whenever the thread's on main, it gets alot of idiots whining "is she even a cow" & interrupting the talk. which should just be ignored next time, she totally cowed out, especially since bimbo upgrade.
kek is that what you mean, he doesn't pay his video shoot coworkers? that's ironic, he tries to look like this pro mv director working his ass off posing as working man but suddenly he won't pay his friends.
idk i can't view gilbert other than shady creep cause it looks like he left his wife on a whim for a younger girl looking way too similar to his ex lol. like wtf. he definitely models this relationship on his ex wife one, or molds all of his girls that way. imo he pushed arrow into some weird DD/LG relationship and it's creepy how they both use the same fucking nicknames & lil phrases that he used with ex. of course i judge based on what they stupidly left online and it's not very hardcore but shit like "baby girl/baby daddy" i saw in comments tells me enough. really awkward. its like copy paste relationship with doppelgangers and he taught them both the same "language". i think for that fact alone he acted unfair to both women yet for some reason he thinks of himself as some hopeless romantic. lol.
No. 1259785
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starcrawler released a new song "goodtime girl" today for dc comics. she tried so very hard to write a sex song, her 50yo male fanbase must be delighted. it's so bland. "Mama always said i'd be someone's queen" kek
out of the loop with her lately cause she only posts ig stories with idiotic toilet selfies/curated nip slips and underwear like this (is that a bandaid on her pants here wtf)
but starcrawler recently had a cameo in the internet series about bipolar disorder. i know this cause i wanted to watch these series for a different reason and was (unpleasantly) surprised she was included in the project. it's snapchat originals, "everything's fine". it's been out for a while, weird that she hasn't been boasting about it at all
>>1258263kek have better standards, Bobby.
No. 1259826
>>1259799afaik the main character has bipolar. i haven't watched anything but trailer eventually (i thought it would leak but i guess you need to have snapchat so far) but judging from her clothes they just played on the stage. don't know if she had a bigger/talking role. it just makes me uncomfortable they put her in a mental illness oriented series
>>1259798idk if it's her usual "trash baby" obsession or she just fried it and her hair won't grow. btw she & her boyfriend often look stoned in selfies
No. 1265125
>“When people listen to Goodtime Girl, I want them to feel powerful. I want a girl who might normally feel like she’s awkward or insecure to put her headphones on and feel like she can accomplish anything,” Wilde said of the song. “Like she’s the hottest and the baddest bitch in the world, because she is. Goodtime girl is about realizing your power and taking complete control of that. I wish I had a song like this when I was in middle or high school, if I did I may have been a lot more confident with myself at the time.”
is she serious kek. i had an impression that the song is about a promiscuous or a casual sex liking girl. or fuck friends. judging by first verses and title (girl only interested in pleasure not in work etc.) where the fuck she sees "realizing your power"? like ok if sex empowers you, great. not that anyone cares but i dislike the prevalent idea that confidence or empowerment means sex only, or town hottie status, or stripping for a magazine. (i don't say that it CAN'T be.) just, it's never other ways. no one sings about being empowered through intelligence or talent or independence. or, say, friendship/unity. again it all comes down to shy girl wishing to be stereotypical playboy bunny "bad bitch" who fucks alot. like, really? must awkward insecure person look up to that stereotype to feel like she can accomplish anything? she sets shy/awkward type as something to escape from and hot bimbo type as saving, something to aspire to. as if you can't be empowered without that "hottest baddest" bullshit (a persona she tries to put on so bad)
the problem is her lyrics don't even fit her intention. its a cringey song about "kinky" fucking rather than realizing any power or beauty (unless her idea of power and confidence is just being "adventurous" in bed…) it could've been just that, a sex song without her naive bimbo philosophies, but instead she tries hard to make it deep. sorry but this is so stupid
And the implication that she needed a song about blowjobs or sex that hurts in middle fucking school to feel more confident, kek. very empowering for 13-15 year old girls, especially this line
>Down in the dirt, every time it hurts, so good, i can't explain
No. 1270915
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this is what she just posted. kek how thirsty Arrow is for Lilith's attention. imagine her seriously looking up to her lumbar lordosis butt posts and telling her fans to follow lol. afaik lilith's too busy doing drugs and spending dad's money on lip fillers to care for Arrow's attempts at becoming her best friend. is her band really doing so bad after covid? she went from being a rock star chaser to wanting to be friends with scammy druggie faded insta girls lol
No. 1271249
>>1265125It's all just another version of brainwashing young women and girls to use sex to get everything they want by lying to them that men will do anything for and give the anything for pussy, instead of just abuaing and manipulating them. There's nothing empowering about casual sex, it enables men to pump and dump and normalizes it so that girls make it that much easier for guys to fuck while the girls think they get something worth having out of it. Guys won't ever respect a party girl, but they will keep her around and pretend to respect her in front of other women with higher standards to protect their status quo, keep girls fucking for bottom of the barrel male approval (which is in reality worth
literally nothing) and keep them pitted against each other and unable to band together and pool resourced to achieve their goals without having to be free prostitutes for every guy they happen to know. Girls who don't follow the "goodtime girl" role get called prudes, ignored, and ostracized.
Basically, Arrow is tryingnto normalize young girls becoming cumdumpsters for the patriarchy because men would rather braineahs women into degrading themselves for fame than just be marginally better. They wouldn't get better, so now they put obedient, uncreative art trash like Arrow on a pedestal in the hopes that more young girls will whore out for shit tier male attention.
No. 1272003
>>1271249kek she's not anything that deep, girl.
i think she's someone who grew up super sheltered and coddled as well as basically already being in the celebrity world from birth, so she's never gone through anything that would form her character or personal values. She doesn't have any interests, artistic direction, or goals because she was never left alone to develop into her own person.
No. 1272980
this is really confusing
this band is some excruciatingly boring sounding indie-pop crap, but then all her live pictures are of her pretending shes in tinsel teeth
anyways, she looks like she needs a donut, it looks like daddy touched something somewhere at some point, or called her fat when she was 12 or whatever, and mommys crying all the way to the bank about it
question though:
did she get her deal before turning 18?
if so, shes probably getting MJd HARD
i wonder how much shes actually getting
shell probably "go solo" or change the band name when the contract runs out
i bet shes getting dicked down hard financially by mommy and daddy and their creepy LA friends. especially given how the live entertainment industry is in shambles right now
>>1272922>Francis Cobain singshow unfortunate
No. 1273058
>>1271249>>1272003she's too irrelevant to be used as a way of brainwashing anyone. not saying that it doesn't happen as a by-product, ofc. as opposed to actual 00's, y2k paris bitch trend is also praised by rock fans now and women far from Kardashians look wise, mostly "Jennifer's Body" obsessed teen girls. industry and coomers will of course gain profits but unfortunately its also women who put this shit on pedestal. hence all new "bad bitch heroes" based on stripper cosplay, being obsessed with porn, ten different kinks, having sugar daddies and of course onlyfans, often jealous and aggressive to other women but don't you dare criticize it cause it's "empowerment"!
i doubt Arrow has any aims (even if she suddenly wants so bad to save shy little girls with her stupid coomer song) besides being "sexy bitch" for her own vanity's sake lol. ironically Arrow isn't even letting go of some terrific intelligence, she was already stupid. there is no social commentary with that look, it is what it is. she toyed with "i just want to be kinki bloodi and sexi" shit for a while. difference is now she prances around in trashy bikinis and stripper attire strictly. i thought it's partly her cope and now i think its her narc fuel, being called sexy is everything to her as she has no identity. and she isn't even such a party girl. she fumes insecurities just as much as she fumes narcissism. notice how she always looks back for validation.
her obsessions with insta crackheads is so kekworthy. 90% of those thots lives is based on hard drugs addiction. what about Arrow's drug-free declarations? you would think as a girlfriend of recovered addict she'd rather avoid them
No. 1273059
>>1272980didn't she have management and album deal alreadt in 2016? they barely formed and had a recording company, they just had to wait for Ryan Adams to finish writing their album lol. that would make her 17 then. she doesn't have to go solo cause starcrawler is "Arrow de wilde & obedient boys" project already. current lineup features family of band members and dude who played in Gilbert's "punk" band before i think.
i'm interested how their things will go in 2021/2022 cause from what i see, they mostly play hillybilly fests. i believe interviews and photo sessions Arrow appears in are all arranged by friends. everybody she works with are friends or aquaintances, including Nadia Lee Cohen, Parker Day etc. i was always curious how her records sell but i'm not sure how to check. they never entered billboard charts. i'm sure though they aren't famous in Europe besides maybe UK.
>>1273046idk if it's tailored for broken girls, themes of "her" songs are boring songs about sex, love and feeling like a female boss and stuff. can't decide if it's aimed at teenagers or males long past 50 cause her fanbase consists of the latter
No. 1273426
>>1273059>can't decide if it's aimed at teenagers or males long past 50 Literally both, to get the former near the latter. Washed up losers preying on the starlit dreams of young women who otherwise wouldn't know they exist living in an age where everything is all about media and fame x1000.
>>1273058Arrow is a sock, I don't think shes doing it on purpose or that she cares as long as she's shilled as a star, but no genra that puts young women near older men and has them performing while stripping and screaming and singing about sex and drugs is aimed at teens- it's aimed at older men but designed to draw in teens who want to feel badass, sexy and powerful and who want to use a "skill" to have men eating out of the palm of their hand. Arrow has guys around enabling her because of who her mom is, but a regular nobody girl from nowhere wouldn't have a group of obedient boys just enabling her ideas while she makes all the decisions and takes all the credit without somehow giving something up in exchange. Arrow has that because her mom is a cloutwhore and simps are attracted to that sort of person hoping for scraps of imfamy for themselves.
No. 1274346
>>1273830she drinks a little, maybe enough to get herself wasted but volume-wise it's way less than 21 year old party people drink. she can smoke a lot of pot, she seems to do that more often.
dumb but i hate people calling her a junkie or whatever because she doesn't know shit about drugs or even do any, then appropriates that party lifestyle when she literally can't make any mistakes because she's so protected.
No. 1274672
>>1273426i think it's even less about what she wears or what she sings about and more about she uses it, or how it goes with her attitude. i mean there are bands with songs about sex/drugs that are actually good or girls showing skin that don't come off so try hard, cause they have hobbies, talents etc. besides dressing provocative for a photo. for example Katie jane garside. daisy chainsaw didn't even have sex image and queen adreena was formed when she was past 30 and didn't care to pander to teens nor old males. idk if you watch her interviews you can see she's on some other planet for real and she don't care for big fame. also she apparently got a lot of shit from random people for dressing like she did, as opposed to Arrow.
Arrow copies old rock cliches but actually makes it look unbearably cringe and fake. if something's fake, it'll always show. everything Arrow does is stolen, calculated for attention. for example song about "giving head in her catolic middle school", as if she had such "adventurous" lesbian experiences. whenever she puts those stripper clothes on she's like "i'm so hot bitch look at me look at me" and it's not even interpretation, that's more or less her captions. i fail to see anything honest about her. even your usual onlyfans insta neets have more class, social experience, idk
>>1273830no no of course not, i meant narcissistic in a more colloquial meaning as in full of herself/loving herself so much/hyping her own face or name, not actual disorder. perhaps should've used different words
>>1274346yeah she's def not a junkie. as for drinking with the flashing bottles in their house or her claiming she drinks vodka before each show we just wondering. probably she just drinks to keep up with being edgelordery, i doubt she's in a tragic addiction or something. if something bad happens, it'll be on her mother cause Autumn never cared, Autumn's only there to remind everyone Arrow has photos with Fiona Apple or other famous ppl.
No. 1274675
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they post new video on wednesday, there's a snipped on instagram. i bet it's be some suicide squad styled shit where they try so hard to make her harley queen tier
No. 1274897
>>1274896Adding, these days it's easier to DIY your music unless you want to tour, but the industry doesn't like it when indie artists pop off from soundcloud or when they DIY everything because they want their cut and control of it. Plucking losers like Arrow out of their parent's houses and having them perform horribly and seem to do well serves the purpose of settinf a false precedent: If she can do all this like that, then as long as I'm young and pasaionate and willing to show a little skin I can probably be even bigger than her!" which for a nobody artist might
look really good, but in the long run it's ALWAYS better to DIY everything in music anymore unless you own everything so you don't get stuck in a shitty contract. Even signed musicians tell you that the only real money you make is via touring because after promo and marketing, PR, styling and general artist upkeep, the label gets all the profits from album sales. NEVER sign with a label, do it ALL yourself if you really want to be a musician.
No. 1275112
>>1274896i'm afraid she will collab with relevant artists, she has already. ofc we don't talk pop artists, that's out of her league. the problem is old rockstars love her cause they either know her mother or watched one half-assed video of her spitting blood in glam clothes and think it's so impressive, cause they probably don't watch actual good new bands, who can't afford well tailored calculated promotion. (still cringe at when Gerard Way out of anything else hyped "Ants".) also they (and pretty much all of her adult fans) don't look deeper into who Arrow is: they don't realize she steals ideas, fakes it and acts like a sheltered bitch. it's hard to explain to anyone why Starcrawler is fake without getting into details, and even then ppl stupidly yell "you're just jealous". to my knowledge this thread is the only place with so much dirt on her. i just dislike that she might go down in history as some glorified "punk" hero or something.
>>1274897you're right but idk if it's easier to DIY in punk/alt music now. not that anyone cares but as a nobody alt rock songwriter, i can't even imagine where to start "making career". record labels give that comfort (or at least give in theory) that they promote you, plan tours and print and sell your records. some artists don't know how to set up their own shops with records, or how to promote their name. i mean does soundcloud even work for alternative/punk music? to even have a couple hundreds of fans you have to be out there already somehow, get attention on youtube or instagram and it's hard if you don't want to pander to usual well-selling cringy aesthetics. i can't imagine trying to trend as goth thot on instagram or behaving like idiot on tiktok. record labels are such a bait cause at least in theory they're supposed to help you. people don't want to check out nobody artists, they're more likely to click a pro video that's posted on Vevo, or listen to signed band often mentioned in press.
As for Arrow, they needed Rough trade for "punk cred". if they carried on without label it'd be suspicious and too hard to justify the hype. funny enough no other label cared for their shitty songs lol.
No. 1276221
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Lol wtf is this idiocy. Of course those edgelords shot a video in literal filth and trash. The idea that they specificaly picked some dirty ex-crackhouse or at least dragged that shit to a movie studio just so she can roll her ass on that dirty chair… Reminds me of Nicole Dollanganger posing in obnoxious crusty abandoned motels. this is going to be her cringiest video aside from 'i love LA'
No. 1276799
>>1276391ayrt Yes i know girl, and you are right. i just mentioned how labels are seen by starter bands, people expect help but often fall in traps instead. idk about modern indie labels but it sounds like they are just as shitty as sony or warner or interscope. i heard stories about artists fighting in court for years to get back rights to resell their own albums cause they didn't even have rights to their music, their ex labels did. if you don't sell enough records or don't produce hits that sell you're out, and good luck buying rights back (yes that includes rough trade, the end records, etc.) maybe this rule magically doesn't apply to starcrawler and Arrow cause they're friends with her parents (can't believe they sell so much albums). also there are ones run by pedos or sexual abusers like burger records. best idea is probably making your own label or call local printing/pressing company. at least this way money goes back to artist. i heard how it works in books industry. out of a book that in a bookshop costs about 6$ or 5 euro, everything goes to publisher, printing, etc. etc. the author gets about 20 cents out of that if he's lucky. i will bet it's about the same in music industry.
i'm sure it's possible to figure out sells merch and touring and you can record in your room or hire studio if you have money. i guess you can slowly get fans touring and coming back to places you played before but you also need to post a lot on instagram, facebook soundcloud variety of social media (i find it a bit embarassing but i know its necessary, there's no MTV anymore.) hollywood fame and trends are shit. as you said DIY gives freedom to own and control your own songs and art direction i think it's more important than 5 minutes of bimbo fame on trendy "indie" labels. i would love to talk to experienced diy bands and musicians it's awesome if there are ones willing to give advice
No. 1276804
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lmao what is that shit. that death metal album has songs from 100 times bigger and better artists but nobody staged a circus like that. dc comics orchestrated entire "dc premiere" just so starcrawler can show their cinematic masterpiece full of famous namedropping and idiotic sketch advert of trejo's tacos as main selling point, and invite entire catalogue of their friends (read: famous washed up cows), so Arrow can generously give out lapdances
No. 1276809
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yeah, that's her grinding on her friend dylan carlson. guess that's her idea of "power".
no wonder starcrawler's fans are mostly male and dylan carlson's age.
No. 1277850
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>>1277662Lmao you're so right I can't get over Midwestern mom's expression. Like wtf is this weird crudpunk shit better smile politely.
No. 1277939
>>1277662They are middle aged. Every live photo of this band i looked at was full of middle sged men. This event however was specifically cut and crafted as self masturbatory gallery of vanity for Arrow, Gilbert and washed up losers like Linda Ramone or Josh Homme who even was in the video, so remember half of the audience must be their holywood friend clique and other half people who wanted to see Starcrawlr.
>>1276809All my dislike for this idiot aside, i'm pissed that nobody told her that lapdancing nd posing as a mens toy during the show is pathetic and downgrading. Taylor Momsen might have dressed like prostitute or stripper but she never roleplayed as one. Why is this girls entire family watching her undress and gyrating on strangers and cheering on that is beyond my comprehension. I cant think of a single rockstar doing that to her audience just to keep ther attention. Good music is enough, good bands don't need some lame porny antics to keep the attention and praises flowing.
No. 1278397
>>1278211i think it's also environment she is in and times she lives in. her friends are to some degree like that, not necessarily behaving like Arrow but definitely glorifying crackwhore looks and porn. second, Y2K obsession. let's be honest 2-3 years ago Arrow would be slutshamed to hell or called out by feministic environments if she was any more relevant, but now she'll be thriving cause that's what people want.
you're right about her grandfather, i have mixed feelings about them. i know people think this family can't be rich or relevant but i think they must have alot of money and very extensive links, they just roleplay as so punk and indie.
No. 1278408
>>1278368Yes, i wondered about Sickysab too. I read interview that she lived in the center of New York and studies either photography or music or something high tier like that so highly probable, you need big money to allow both. Arrow knows all the rich/famous kids with bands so i think it figures. Sabrina strikes me as another priviledged kid who can allow herself to just go and do what she likes thanks to her parents. Same as Staz and Skating Polly. Idk weird nitpicking but i find Sabrina looking oddly not fitting any rock style at all, she looks like a child in ill fitted clothes. i find her kinda self-obsessed. Couldn't follow her cause she just floods dashboard with analog photos of herself, similar to Dani Miller. they waste entire rolls of films just to post hundreds of same-looking selfies with their teeth and tongues out lol
i hope at least Soccer Mommy isn't nepotist child cause she seems quite down to earth and talented.
>>1278392yeah he's awful. idk if he has any significant parents but i think he used to be normal kid but he adapted and turned to a total cow. jesus they're all so full of themself
No. 1278447
>>1278420wtf, tell me more anon. Well there's rock celebricows thread but i don't think it's fitting cause it's mainly for people discussing bigger caliber bands like Metallica and Fleetwood Mac.
Maybe we should think of making a general new generation girl indie cows but that's very niche subject. Idk which section they would even go, snow or ot. if anyone has any idea how to put it together or eventually what other thread fits, i'd be in to talk about Sickysab, Surfbort and others.
No. 1278537
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I feel like there are bots commenting on all of starcrawler's videos bc a lot of comments are similar, like picrel. and it's all old men. I know anons are saying that that is their basic demographic but it's still weird how alike the comments are
No. 1278782
>>1278739Unless someone started making indie thread, i could try to make one but not earlier than next 10 hours, i'm on busy vacation lol. Please give examples of a few cows to mention in summary to give ppl idea, who elsw besides sab and dani? It would be indie/indie rock cows general
>>1278505Girl they dont know about imageboards. Use vagueposting or even vpn if you like but i doubt they could find lolcow
>>1278537>>1278611Youre not wrong finding it sus, even people on youtube noticed the pattern. Im sure they're not above that, Starcrawler bought bots to hype i love LA.
No. 1278878
>>1278858Indie band cows sounds good. I mean i thought both insta alts and soundcloud rappers and lilpeep scene has their own threads? Tbh im fine with it being obscure rock thread. Idk what is hyperpop? We gotta decide
>>1278858Yeah but i think half is industry related ppl and half normals with good observation skills/talent for surfing the web for receipts. Kek idk what to tell you anon. Unless these cows have like about 2 friends and nothing more, its not easy to guess anyones identity, i dont think we farmers even care to find out where exactly the milk comes from. I understand if you have reasons to worry about it so maybe dont disclose rverything? Like make it just your opinions or milk found online? Idk lets decide
No. 1278956
>>1278878AYRT not me kek, my closest entertainment industry connection is i saw sarah silverman at a bar once.
idk why i was suddenly filled with concern for my fellow farmers. it just seemed like it would be easy to figure out who some of the women posting milk in an indie band thread are
No. 1289161
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it's been awhile ago but Arrow made tiktok, paying the price of "selling out" in order to promote new single. kek, ridiculous that she thinks this is selling out but all her career so far wasn't. so far they've got only 1 video, 920 views and astounding 164 followers. so much for being teen-favourite band lol
No. 1298193
File: 1628721812387.png (492.61 KB, 502x671, arrow.png)

>>1297376kek are you Bobby anon or that one popular y2k bitch themed tumblrina constantly reposting specific Arrow photo collages from this thread?
but seriously speaking, anon wake up. she's already aging badly and most importantly she's got nothing in her head, which i think it's an instant turn off. Arrow only loves older males attention and i could bet she's insufferable to women. you can only hang out with her if you agree to be her silent shadow or glam decoration accessory at most. notice her only girl companion are her high school girl friends who either are as vain as her or expecting to steal some spotlight by hanging with her but grinding their teeth secretly. the Mac makeup video she did with other girl shows it perfectly, she's just sucking up etire space cause that's what she's used to lol. i'm kinda surprised she never had a "shocking hot girlfriends" photoshoot a'la Taylor Momsen and that lesbian porn star she used to be friends with in 2011, but she can't even use other girls a prop cause there's high chance other girl would look prettier than her in a photo. i think she'll come out as some etheral genderfluid bisexual once her career starts tanking seriously but so far i'm glad she sits in her bimbo scroteland phase rather than faking bi like Phoebe Bridgers.
No. 1298204
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samefag, adding that i get if someone thinks some of her everyday clothes are nice but it's always so easy to guess who she copies atm it ruins everything. if someone likes that look, as in tall, stick thin, unruly blonde and vintage clothes there are dozens of girls like that, without looking like fool in mom's glam pants or custom diapers. example: Nina Courson of Healthy Junkies. idk if they're nice or indie cows, vocalist must get big inspo from Katiejane too but still more tasteful compared to arrow imo
No. 1299564
File: 1628896089966.png (999.44 KB, 676x788, arrow from year 1900.png)

>>1299544have faith anon, i mean not for arrow but hope you meet someone with similar look but with intellect and life skills lol
anyway she's so fucking tall her boyfriend looks ridiculous next to her. (arrow aside, it's nice how this photo looks, it was apparently some old technique but forgot how it's called)
No. 1307135
File: 1629758921172.png (1.12 MB, 1711x795, kkm.png)

Anyone seen this? Magazine posted new photo from this shoot and people slam the magazine big time in comments for "promoting eating disorder and addictions". idk about that, i think eating disorder talk is exaggerated, we already know she always looked like this and it doesn't mean she shouldn't do photoshoots. it's the theme of the shoot that's ugly. there's a few more interesting comments highlighted, it's nice that people are finally questioning how entire set/location looks like and what it really shows. as someone wrote, it's not focused on creativity. it's young girl in an ugly motel, cosplaying like 00's lo fi porn star. there's no message, no art, nothing here but sexualized naive girl who's dreamed to cosplay porn actress for a sex-related magazine and thinks that's actually some exciting achievement. not surprised that some thought it was some shady exploitation photo at first.
Who ever thought that's good idea anyway? King Kong magazine is an overrated mag for the rich and they usually work with big celebrities or people from fetish circles. it must be mommy Autumn's idea, cause this shoot is so bad even for this shitty zine's standards. there's something off really, there's plenty nude shoots that are hundred times more tasteful that this. it doesn't look empowering, it looks degrading. it's just sad that she was raised that way, needing to be objectified to get her validation.
No. 1308002
>>1307135it's also both lens distorted AND shooped.
she pretends she doesn't care about/try to look skinny but she obviously makes it central to her identity.
No. 1308384
>>1308002can you elaborate on how this photo is shooped? i tried to zoom on the photo, if there's anything, her arm/shadow around area look weird to me. especially left arm to elbow, there's a dip/patch and upper arm section look… blurred?
Lol idk why is she keeping those rumours around if she's healthy. her friends and family have that odd vibe "well DUH, ofc she's not anorexic you peasant, you're dumb for even asking" but she just shuts up or at best gives "mysterious" answers to obscure magazines, like "weirdest rumour ever is that i have marfan syndrome… people say i'm anorexic a lot omg girls harass me uwu but thank god old males think i'm kawaii!". i'd understand that if she was in fact sick and didn't want to talk. but what's so shameful about admitting you're healthy if you apparently are?
No. 1310697
File: 1630189611979.png (93.92 KB, 441x916, 1.png)

New cringy interview:
>i shouldn't have been so afraid of ppl cause they're all kissing my ass now>if you have kids and work at guitar center instead of being famous you don't matter at all>my band is successful and your notkek i bet she was never even bullied, she seems like a stuckup kid feeling better and willingly choosing not to talk to anyone, she talks how she thought her class was "gross" for literally no reason. what a horribly infloated ego No. 1310743
>>1310730lol she never will.
"i don't want to wear onstage what someone else owns" except she comissioned like 5 different outfits entirely ripped from Katiejane.
Lol if you read between the lines she's whining that music industry can't help them sell enough albums but then quickly switches and gives herself asspats for being so famous and above than everyone
No. 1311245
>>1310934it's even worse cause she HAS resources and right people who could help her develop style. i also think she plays with the whole "unhealthy" look a bit too eagerly. pretends to have convulsions, tries to make the blood she spits look as realistic as she can but then thinks its so funny that audience called ambulance on her, not even mentioning staging up fake reanimation with people dressed as paramedics.
Anyway it's funny that her current band boys started a new band without her too exactly like her school friends.
No. 1311364
File: 1630272201968.jpg (211.25 KB, 852x1226, starcrawler.5762997.jpg)

>>1311346this, real schizophrenic patients and epileptics are often treated terribly and viciously made fun of when they get episodes in public. same with drug addicts and self-harmers. but Arrow is suddenly "cool" when she fakes just like those tiktok kids faking Tourette's.
I really wish people stopped making excuses for her when she confirmed she isn't even sick. it sucks that not only she gets away with clowning mentally ill people but she may also inspire zoomers to do the same for fame.
No. 1312033
>>1311478honestly i think healthy people should stay the fuck out and stop using illnesses as "aesthetic". (Of course i don't mean like writing books or making movies about ill people, i mean including mental illnesses in whatever performance/singer art personas, especially since it doesn't benefit ill people in the slightest.)
What Arrow does is not "rock'n'roll", it's her watching real human's tragedies and exploiting them to seem "interesting". wanted to act out "weirdo" character stage persona? she could just stick to "crazy" dancing. cringy as hell but at least that would be some sort of funny/weird dancing, not literal copying INVOLUNTARY moves of real life psychiatric patients whom she obsessively studies on Youtube. i'm curious what schizophrenia/mental health online communities or podcasters would say about her.
and i agree with what you said on Dory Previn
No. 1326786
>>1326642yeah i noticed too. Found old drummer's statement and among all thank yous:
>I will no longer be performing with Starcrawler. I know 2020 has been a hard year for us all. I’ve decided to take time off to focus on finding the joy of life with friends and family and take a much needed break during these difficult times to rediscover my love for music.Sounds like playing with Starcrawler wasn't that much joyful after all.
No. 1326817
>>1326797I'm not so sure about that. Her bandmates are currently starting new bands making more interesting music without her. She seems like more of a "1 trick pony" and that trick was copied.
Am I a hater? I saw them live and own a few albums of theirs. I feel that I can form a
valid opinion.
>>111497I never understood her crying over the Growlers stripper incident. I'm not saying it was ok to do this but hear me out.
I saw this band live in 2019 (was there for another band) Arrow grabbed some dudes head from the first row and held his head in her crotch. gross. The dude did not ask for that.
After that she grabbed some dudes glasses from his face and tossed them into a mosh. Poor guy was blind after that.
Guitarist was a cocky asshole but I do like his sound at least.
(learn2integrate) No. 1330683
>>1330557Sure they're both wrong.
Though one is wrong and a hypocrite. Which is a fitting topic in this forum.
No one was raped or made such allegations. People were exposed to crotches unwillingly. That's assault at best.
No. 1330763
>>1330366Growlers did more ugly shit to more women than just that stripper stunt, you can google for more allegations and burger records drama. they had reputation of dickheads and creepy around women for a while.
Arrow's "crying out over it" is understandable, she's just stupid and blind to think that when Growlers do it to her, they're abusers but when she acts similar it's "rock'n'roll". she boasts she destroys iphones and photographers equipment or spits in people's food, i didn't know about glasses or the crotch thing. I can agree it's hypocritical that she still does that "surprise" body contact, even took it to next levels. this year she played live giving randoms lap dance and stage dived, climbed on someone and was rubbing her crotch/riding on that person for a brief sec. (saw her insta stories, it was quite raunchy compared to their usual set & people were mildly uncomfortable). obviously she doesn't get people can feel unhappy about that.
No. 1330778
File: 1632272304425.png (433.87 KB, 510x761, 127hh.png)

She's going on tour with Surfbort soon. she'll likely continue her hypersexual stripper thirst trap schtick if she wants to outperform Dani lol
No. 1330783
>>1330765oh dear it really is an eyesore, just googled it
Arrow didn't even finish that school, she got busy with her poser band. i think she went there cause she planned to be pro photographer first. sorry, correction: her mother planned Arrow to be
No. 1330785
>>1330683people consented to being at her performances, she did not consent to that man doing that to her when it was off time. you don’t know the relationship that they had, if they were always doing things like that and it escalated. she’s a skeleton and i can imagine having a grown man grinding on you that people you trusted paying to be on you can feel very scary. what arrow did was onstage and part of her tryhard act, which i don’t agree with, but she goes out of her way to brag about it. you can expect things to get out of hand during a performance, and those men should speak up then. using her lesser actions to make another band with a disgusting history look better in a poorly thought out false equivalence about sexual abuse is fucked up. it’s an individual case by case thing, there is no comparison because there is no equality in many ways.
go back to reddit this isn’t for you and no one wants to explain this to you
No. 1330851
>>1330785It’s not worth explaining
nonnie, that anon is just dumb. Of course someone can be both a
victim and a perpetrator of assault, duh. And plenty of people went on record to independently verify the Growlers’ creepy behavior. I give those testimonies more weight than an anonymous person claiming they saw something in a mosh pit.
No. 1330874
>>1330851Nayrt but yes and i don't get why some people treat that Arrow and stripper incident as the only thing that ever happened, or the only bad thing Growlers ever did. Growlers allegations were more extensive than just one case and they hurt a lot of women on the way.
i can believe Arrow touching people or stealing things in the moshpit as it apparently happened before/caught on camera but that thing doesn't serve as excuse for Growlers, or that their sound is more enjoyable or whatever.
No. 1331160
>>1330763I didn't realize the Growlers had a track record. I only know of Arrows individual story.
You said: "she's just stupid and blind to think that when Growlers do it to her, they're abusers but when she acts similar it's rock'n'roll".
Totally agree and I should have conveyed my original message better.
No. 1331314
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No. 1331365
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>>1331312Wow, really… i wouldn't be surprised their biggest audience ever was max 100-200 ppl while getting up to 50 on regular shows. they always play as supporting band too.
I checked their tagged posts on insta and there's this account called starcrawlerarchive, it collects live videos and it's ridiculous how they word it. "Starcrawler was on a high way to stardom but covid wreaked havoc with their plans" lolol. it sounds like they always have sound problems but they call it "another legendary show" like, really? i honestly thought it's someone shitposting at first but it seems this account is run by someone close to the band and maybe even paid to do so. those exaggerated high praises lol
No. 1336759
File: 1632866028410.png (938.81 KB, 675x899, rodarte2.png)

Anons were right, she models for Rodarte now.
I heard her band is now recording an album with Tyler Bates who makes soundtracks for DC and Marvel and produced some Marilyn Manson's albums.
>>1335028idk if she tries to be funny or what but her covid posts are so stupid and screechy-pissed off: "Come on get vaxxed ya pussies because I WANT TO play more shows"
No. 1339205
File: 1633123820718.png (331.67 KB, 508x787, f928035f5f02774d81779.png)

Kek she's been studying hard those Clare/Lilith Levisis lumbard lordosis back-breaking photos. Look at her face, she's even doing the egirl pulled up brows and lips puckering/duckfacing. She never posed like that before iirc.
No. 1339248
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>>1339205tragic. she looks like Alaska thunderfuck
No. 1339253
>>1339248LOL you're spot on. they'd look the same in a side by side comparison pic
It hurts to even look at it, she not only tries to do 90 degrees with her back but also squirms to the side
No. 1339336
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>>1339292it is tilted, not as drastically as most ethots tilt (pic related) but still. i'm not saying she's trying to trick everyone that she's got a huge butt or that she should hide, but she's actually trying to make it look bigger here. that's the whole point of the back tilt pose. old IG thots trick, same with bikini thongs front pulled up a bit higher than needed. she posted those bikini selfies before but she always posed normally, back relaxed if not even a little hunched, and relaxed face. more like herself, if that even means anything.
Clare is her idol so it's not really surprising
No. 1339766
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>>1339587She is ugly but the weirdest is how dumb and self-obsessed she is. Mostly shit she says just amuses me but it feels like this year she crossed a whole new level of cringe praising herself for secondhand achievements.
Starcrawler sperging how original they are and giving advices how to succeed like them… just chill out with it Arrow.
No. 1339768
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No. 1340311
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>>1117070i dont think death valley girls are schilled as hard as some of the other bands you listed (mainly regrettes & skating polly) but i know their drummer is patty schemel's (drummer from Hole) brother so i think that's how they get really random promos like billboards and shit. i like death valley girls' music, but there is no way they have enough notoriety or enough of a following to get that kind of money invested in them
(sage for blogpost)
No. 1340455
File: 1633281689472.png (528.05 KB, 612x1572, id.png)

>>1340368This. Sometimes she tells a sad story of one failed band and sometimes it's multiple bands, but now its neither? Only a month ago she laughed at girls from her teenage girlband cause she got famous but they never got anywhere. which is bold of her cause she still hangs out with one of them?
Fun fact, the band who dropped Arrow is now called Pinky Pinky. i found them browsing old i-D and they seemed strange familiar. These girls
>>1190780 look the same. admittedly they're not hysterically famous, they seem like local hobby band. but they exist and play so they not exactly vanished. funny how they have the same opinion as Arrow on feminism.
>They got to play at Cal Jam in 2017. A representative of Dave Grohl — yes, the old dude from Nirvana and the Foo Fighters — called them up to play in the desert. This makes Pinky Pinky the next Queens of the Stone Age and hopefully Grohl jumps in on a least one of their albums as a drummer.KEK next QOTSA. Arrow played the very same festival, must've been pissed seeing them lol. No. 1340469
>>1340361It's like she's still trying to convince both everyone and her own self that she's so real deal & original
Arrow: I'm really honest and completely not fake
also Arrow: Fake it til you make it
No. 1340600
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No. 1340608
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>>1340600um is this meant to be stylized as one of those Bikini Kill/90's posters? nice reference but completely misses the point with Starcrawler.
slight OT but these Rodarte Tom Petty t-shirts are ridiculously priced. i've seen Tom Petty fans saying they're not going to throw 230$ for a hoodie or 150$ for a t-shirt.
No. 1340679
I'm bored and put on some recent podcast with her and skipping random minutes. it's shit but some things I picked out so far:
- "Hip hop is shit I have sO oRiGiNaL sTyLe, some people are soo costumey and try to be exactly like other musicians blah" Self-awareness out the door (00:07:30)
- Guess she really doesn't eat much on tour? said she gets stage fright so intense that she doesn't eat anything the whole day cause she later throws up, so if anything she gets rice or vegetables
-Really not fan of her LARPing as noy wealthy-comfy living. She talked about how it would suck if they got covid mid-tour cause they'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks in Alabama or somewhere, quote: "And we'd had to take a SHITTY ASS MOTEL to afford to do it for that long" (00:27) Sure you couldn't afford nice hotels lol, don't be so dramatic…
- She googles herself and laughed that celebnetworth listed her as 1-2 million worth. (00:38:58) this is obviously false, if anything it's how much Autumn made on Emma. Reaally doubt she's independent financially, even if Starcrawler makes shit money.
- At one point I thought she found Lolcow as she said there's a weird bio and height listed as 5'11 (and thread top summary says 5'11). but she said the age/birth date was wrong so not the case. Link if anybody wants>>1340655Yeah, she used to have other image before satanic schizo thing though. She had an ugly hair metal hairstyle with glam clothes and those weird skintone colored diapers
No. 1341027
>>1341020I know, that's why i skipped time and eventually turned it off lol
can't imagine what she even talks about with her band or boyfriend.
No. 1343297
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More of her new tragic modelling photos… it's faces she makes that are ruining it
No. 1343300
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No. 1343315
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>>1343312Yeah she's 6'3 and that's usually too high for any kind of modelling, both catwalk and clothes catalog. The "stretched" impression stems probably from the fact she has really long torso (more visible on pic rel)
So it's not a reach to say she either models for her mom and friends or that one was taken just for instagram to "thirst trap" lol.
No. 1343331
File: 1633646699796.jpg (805.36 KB, 2375x3000, uok4dxbvbni51.jpg)

For some reason that shoot reminded me of Avril's "look i'm sexy" phase, maybe bc all that fishnet. except it was not nearly as tryhard as Arrow and Avril looked good.
No. 1343617
>>1340679>>1340697>>1340699lol, i feel like the whole "rap more like crap" shit would have flown just fine in the 00s but it feels seriously out of touch for her to do this in 2021 firstly bc it makes you a prime target for being canceled but also because hip hop/rap landscape has changed to a point where you can find a hip hop subgenre/interpolation for literally anything now, it's such a hilariously boomer thing to say. i feel like even the main vanguard of rockers that touted that shit back then have backtracked or found something they liked, so many non-rap artists seem to have a favorite rapper to namedrop/song/quality they admire in hip hop music even if it's just like, kendrick lamar or old 2pac or some random jazz rap or something.
it is also so funny to be a "hip hop is shit" person while being the least authentic person alive and also while trying to push the "i love LA"/"queen of LA" thing. nobody thinks of LA & imagines the X album anymore, Arrow! when mcbling stops being fun she's probably going to have a wigger phase like every rich LA girl does
>>1340608tbh this style gets cribbed by bands all the time at this point, ive noticed that even actual DIY acts have moved on from it if it's not super personalized/trying to affect this aesthetic screams "plant" at this point. it's kind of crazy how generic everything about this poster is tbh,it looks like they threw it together and found the illustrations while googling "punk flyer clipart"
No. 1343700
>>1340608That photo and pose screams amateur. I'm surprised that passed QC. It's like a rush highschool photo class assignment.
Is she expressing that her back and head hurts?
No. 1343703
>>1343617Agreed. I think even if you listen to other genres and you know nothing about hip hop you still can find a couple of tunes and lyrics that you can enjoy that's one, and second you can acknowledge the genre's impact.
do you mean X album like X the band? X is friends with Arrow, Gilbert filmed a vid for them, starring Skating Polly girl as Exene. idk why these people like X or Miss Mercy hang out with them, i could understand it if they were out of money and Gilbert and Arrow helped them financially as fans but otherwise why hang out with literally biggest denial of punk, art & honesty definition in aform of people?
>she's probably going to have a wigger phase like every rich LA girl doesLol this will look tragic on her
No. 1343708
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>>1343694idk what do you think changed? i think it's just idiotic faces she makes, especially on that Alaska Thunderfuck selfie where she duckfaces and eyebrow rise
>>1343700Her poses are always awkward and amateurish, as if she doesn't know what to do. especially that arm thrown forward
No. 1343709
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No. 1344079
File: 1633740518290.png (2.03 MB, 1076x1342, tiktoksc.png)

Dani's new tiktok. they're so trashy and not in a "edgy" way that they try hard to be. more like trashy in a spam community way a'la Nika & Jaelle or Ashley & Maddie, always trying to be gross (except they're rich and allegedly drug-free).
surprised these cows haven't been friends sooner No. 1344084
File: 1633740976125.jpeg (330.52 KB, 1545x1024, 134965873361440020.jpeg)

Just came across this thread and legit remember being angry about the Autumn/Arrow nepotism as far back as 2013!
I'm not sure whether any farmers used to read Rookie but it was a cult phenomenon among artsy teen girls, several journalism/ photography careers were built off the back of it. It was prestigious, I know several people who tried several times to submit work and always got rejected, even though they were accomplished young writers and artists.
I remember Autumn's name being mentioned a lot and her receiving hero worship, she also did a special feature on photojournalism. Possibly friends with Tavi Gevinson. I also remember being angry, for that reason, about her daughter getting photos in Rookie that weren't even that good lol - she was involved in two sort of terrible editorials as a model and photographer, and her personal blog was pushed in both: No. 1344091
File: 1633741502259.jpg (3.55 MB, 4624x3468, 163374128053418623066084125850…)

It was also a special honour to sign the Rookie Yearbook (an actual published volume, this is Yearbook Two from 2013 when Arrow was doing… what, exactly?)
Her mother also signed this edition on the opposite page. Other signatories include Rodarte Kate/Laura, Judd Apatow, Winona Ryder and Carrie Brownstein. All celebrities or at least people with established creative careers. Why on earth did Arrow get to be there?
No. 1344097
>>1344084I remember Rookie, it was huge especially with Tavi girl who was "fashion guru" at 13 or something lol. Yeah Arrow's Rookie photos were discussed in this thread before, i also felt they were too plain and underwhelming to be featured. they tried hard to make her known as "blogger" but when Starcrawler was formed, she was getting angry and lying she never had these blogs lol. i think she could've be friends with Tavi, remember vaguely reading something.
Arrow was obviously included because she's a daughter of Autumn De Wilde, her mother was already big in fashion when Arrow was a baby. Autumn wrote for Rookie mag too, maybe i can find that article
No. 1344117
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>>1344097samefag, Autumn's article can be found here: tried to plug Arrow in fashion but then they stopped, probably cause she needed to finish school. simultaneously she was described as someone who "takes beautiful photographs".
i found her old Deviantart, the content indicates it's real. if that's her entire portfolio then i can see why they launched a band instead. these are very normal photos, taken by a child, but almost nothing more can be said about them… doesn't seem like she evolved/took art photos as a teen and adult. No. 1344480
File: 1633803183410.png (1.15 MB, 1014x903, tk.png)

Lol there's more of that shit on Dani's account, Arrow posted new tiktoks too.
>Who's the meanest? Most likely to break someone's heart? Most likely to become a porn star?>"Arrow drinks"Yes Arrow you're suuuch a bad bitch, except bad bitches aren't sheltered normies who have to rehearse their "bitchiness" in front of a mirror.
>>1344225i'd say Arrow is equally gross if not more on those videos
>>1344243i think Arrow at least wanted to have a band and be famous on her own. she obviously desperately wanted her daughter to be famous but Arrow's now living without her and she's bigger attention whore than ever
No. 1344492
File: 1633804492200.png (739.15 KB, 505x870, tks.png)

Lol ok Arrow. Someone's been reading the thread much?
(Literally just a week ago she's been lamenting she never eats before" entering her posession tier stage persona" but ok) haven't seen anyone commenting she's got ed recently, seems like ppl rather think it's marfans which apparently isn't true either.
(It's only IG stuff in other language that i blacked out, it overlapped with "tea motherfucker")
No. 1346073
>>1346060Sage for slight blogpost but recently i've seen a girl that looked identical to Arrow on TV show. Same crazy height, prob same weight, exact same body (minus hyper elongated torso). Even facial structure was the same, nose, chin, a bit triangle face. The girl ate normally and was healthy, she was just very tall. (For finale they dressed her in one piece bodysuit and she looked like a bomb businesswoman. Right clothes do wonders) It kinda sealed it for me that Arrow is probably 100% normal and healthy.
I conclude that Starcrawler wouldn't be noticed without Arrow looking like she looks at all. She appears sickly emaciated at first glance, wears 1920's flattening corsets and raggy nude hobo slash stripper clothes, greasy hair and spits blood. it makes people talk cause they wonder if she's anorexic or sick, especially when her blood/collapsing/epilepsy thing used to be unexpected. "heroin chic sells"
She won't admit but that's kind of her brand. She sometimes posts burgers "for those who think i don't ever eat", clearly wanting to show something to those people, but won't communicate it clear enough. edgy but incredibly cryptic, and beating around the bush. even with her team fake gasping at online theories (i think Henri said she's not ana). i don't think she's ever posted anything like "I'm not anorexic. I don't have Marfan Syndrome. I'm healthy. Tall ppl run in my family". if you don't want people writing "eat a sandwich" or "pls seek help", that's actual best thing to do? it's crazy she chooses to keep people gossiping instead just for a shred of "mystery".
No. 1346083
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>>1346073Samefag, adding photo. only one of them is real, she bumped her head onstage.
briefly thought if she really restricts food cause Gilbert likes to date anachans, or she's scared of balooning like Autumn but 1) these burgers aren't really ana diet 2) she always looked the same anyway.
No. 1346630
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Whoever told her these poses look good was obviously wrong
No. 1346632
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No. 1346635
File: 1634163209708.png (1.79 MB, 1554x874, f33375j4d81432d2_3.png)

Lol at Dani's face like "Ok i guess i'll let her have her fun"
Yesterday Surfbort premiered a new album. Of course Arrow didn't say anything, she only reposted a poster for their split LA show for 100th time. Dani cheered for Arrow for years each time she posted new content, but Arrow can't even congratulate her "friend" on a new album. and I bet she didn't say anything irl either.
it doesn't matter when it's not Arrow that's center of attention.
No. 1346686
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kek she DEFINITELY is reading the thread
anons' Alaska comparisons weren't compliments, if you can't tell lol
No. 1346753
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Nope, just one of those shows where they give you makeover and they teach you how to flirt and be confident etc. normal girl. looked eerily like Arrow, just dark hair and weaker chin
Ann Ward (if you mean top model?) has similar arms and height i guess but her legs look fuller than Arrows. and has prettier, more "regular" face. imo she looks way less shocking and could gain weight if she wanted, she's probably just model-thin
No. 1347242
>>1346971It's Dani Miller of Surfbort and kind of a cow herself, she's been posted in indie bands thread before. Arrow goes on tour with her band this week.
That photoshoot is 100% Arrow's lame idea and she just tagged Dani along to be her thot partner so she can live out her "we're hot bitchez" fantasy on instagram. i recognize the photographer, Arrow's been hiring that woman to take "sexy" photos of her for social media.
ironically you can clearly see Dani is not enjoying that photoshoot in the slightest, if you compare her other shoots she smiles/has a lot of facial expressions and energy.
Her IG:
No. 1347621
>>1347612It's hard for me to believe she got something done but now that you said it i zoomed in and something is off in all of the photos. but what?
Since she reads this thread she'll probably let us know she didn't get any plastic surgeries next in her stories, kek.
No. 1347841
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Another shot was posted, wtf is going on with her face. Her nose is different probably cause heavily contoured but her lips gymnastics, lol. RIP her back
No. 1347892
File: 1634260925000.png (475.03 KB, 602x886, hi sheri moon.png)

>>1347873She should've borrowed the cow print boots, maybe it would look better somehow.
>>1347881Kek, "art".
She should've stuck with this kind of "liberating" and "sexy" photos, as unoriginal and skinwalkery as they were
No. 1347894
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The ribs… hopefully it wasn't intentional but she's sucking in her stomach a lot.
No. 1347906
>>1346073yeah arrow just has unusual genes.
i was a super freakishly skinny kid, never got fat on my body til age 28, and to me it's obvious that her body is just like that. she definitely doesn't have marfan's; she does LOOK like men who have it, but women who have it don't look like that.
No. 1347957
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>>1347948lol i know plenty of farmers say she looks like a male (and not only farmers), that's actually quite popular tinfoil online (which was only fueled more with diapers and jockstraps with a bulge)… but that would be pretty early don't you think
No. 1348193
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Auntie Tessy on a drunk hippie garden party vibes. I ship this with brown corseted-Billie Eilish.
(but still better than totally sex appeal-lacking nude photoshoots)
No. 1348431
File: 1634331295755.jpg (1.4 MB, 1818x2048, gettyimages-1334956628-2048x20…)

>>1348399She takes these clothes from instagram user who collects 70's rock clothes like Granny Takes a Trip shop oldies etc. that's prob where Arrow took her glam rock boots from.
The problem is Arrow was ALWAYS dressed by someone else, first her mother's costumes and later other rock'n'roll sources or KJG replica, so saying Starcrawler is not a throwback band is so pointless. her personal wardrobe from her teen years kinda makes a point how she has no personality so she makes uo for it with costumes.
the clothes she wore in Good time girl and video itself was so out of touch that i can't believe anyone could think it's cool outside of mcbling idiots and those who want to be anachan like Arrow.
No. 1348438
File: 1634331680404.png (860.55 KB, 482x1348, cqqqq.png)

these y2k custom made corsets are actually very popular now among those zoomers who can afford it, so of course she ordered too
No. 1348449
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Kek sorry but this cracked me up cause she looks like angry Lil Bo Tweak here.
the bottom also said "wonder where she is now" but instagram in my language covers everything up, sorry.
I find it really petty cause Arrow, where the hell are you? you'd be in the same place as your bully or lower if it weren't for your famous mother handing you fake career, so no big deal
No. 1348807
>>1348658Pants are actually most standable element here, it's her blouse and ugly stringy greasy hair nest that looks ridiculously idiotic in all this combination. And some of it is fake hair so idk why it looks so bad. Some anon itt described it as "a hamster stapled onto her head" or somethign before and i think anon was hilariously right.
Also her facetune-filter looks odd on her.
No. 1348815
>>1348809Arrow isn't trying to make any statement. Hm unless the statement is "all teenage shy awkward girls, stop being awkward just strip down naked and fuck boys at the party and listen to my songs about giving blowjobs!" lol.
I guess there's only Playboy session (but oops, they don't do naked shoots anymore) and porn tapes for her to pursue, only so much thonged lizard selfies you can post all year, for middle aged commenters pleasure. read a book, go outside, learn you're not even famous outside of couple of Silver Lake blocks.
No. 1348825
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Adding that I like corsets but can't stand tacky ill-fitted shit like that, and not on someone like Arrow. sure it gives "oh she's sooo original" vibe to her stupid fans but it's so obvious she would never wear them if not seeing pics of Katie Jane and Emilie Autumn. this styling's one of the most atrocious examples of her skinwalking
No. 1349022
>>1348982Yeah I also think she should've tried to be insta NEET instead, though we can see she absolutely fails in this department (pandering to zoomers). Both as a person who dreamed about playing in bands and enjoyer of indie/punk music, it's upsetting to see someone like this adored by various big musicians and being fed narratives that are total lies. This may sound weird but i can look at every pic she takes and tell who she in fact ripped off for the photo (cause that just punches you in the face with obviousness!)
I'm glad at least that her shit's been exposed in this place cause she always felt so off and well, i think she won't get wiser, so we might as well sit with our popcorn and laugh at her bullshit.
No. 1349043
>>1349025i get that there are people who think she's pretty/passable here but she's objectively a butterface, and sometimes her face looks very manly. she looked absurdly bad in recent whipped cream nonsense shoot.
it's just bland, plus faces she makes onstage make her look comical in a bad way
No. 1349063
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>>1349043honestly all the women that get dragged here for being ugly aren't, except for that parkavenue pinup person. nonz seem to think looking bad is caused by being bad and bend over backwards to declare assholes ugly even though most of them are surely at the very least "high school hot". you guys seriously think this is an ugly kid?
No. 1349067
>>1349063That's just not an attractive person, anon. She somehow even looked haggard in older photos with nice lighting and before all the extreme partying:
>>1129791I don't know how she does it. She's unfortunate.
If we make it worse by applying LA or general celebrity standards, she literally becomes ugly
No. 1349077
>>1349067kek she doesn't party. she likes pot but she doesn't drink more than the average retail worker who goes to the bar every day at 6pm.
and imo
>>1129791 is still a cute kid. cheekbones, weird tiny mouth but IRL boys aren't going "ewwww" and making fun of her if she ever admitted to likeing someone or trying to ask a dude out, sorry.
No. 1349084
>>1349063Yes. Not HORRIBLY ugly but she's not attractive (and it has nothing to do with my dislike for it, i thought it even when i didn't know anything on Starcrawler and saw her first time). Definitely not "high school hot".
>>1349077Lol why are you so hellbent on trying to make her some hot heartbreaker? guys her age criticize her looks a lot online, and we don't know how "successful" she'd be at flirting IRL.
She now tries very hard to bait people with nudity (and she only succeeds with old scrotes mostly) but she's not "pretty kind of pretty" and certainly couldn't get any men she wanted.
No. 1349170
>>1349146well, i could say sperging on her being pretty is excessive too. besides this site is dedicated to criticizing people's looks without any guilt and sometimes people get pretty mean, so you probably won't avoid anons saying she's ugly if they want to. all anons talking today however admitted she's not abysmally ugly, but isn't pretty either. nobody thinks she's worse than Shayna. it's not even the worst thread if it comes of regularity of shitting on cow's appearance, this one's pretty tame if i can judge. it's just funny that she considers herself ultra fucking hot, and hotter than thou. good that she isn't hating herself and hiding, but not gonna lie that her constant self-praising attitude isn't embarassing.
but that's not the point and everybody here can have their opinions. it's the things she does and says that are the ugliest thing about her, that's undisputable.
No. 1349179
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Besides… new ones
(@becomingeden on insta)
No. 1349180
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No. 1349194
>>1349179>>1349180She looks like Iggy Pop. It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't pose sexy all the time, she should study high fashion models and see how they pose because all this just emphasizes her worst traits.
I'd emphasize the long limbs and torso via sitting/leaning poses.
No. 1349259
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>>1349218NTA but i actually think majority of the guys would say no to her, not just cause she's a skelly but bc she's 2 metres tall, doesn't brush her hair etc. And i'm sure dudes outside of her elite circle would get weirded out by her behaviour eventually.
Who has she dated so far anyway? one another plant from Echo Park, who was dressed and photographed promptly by Autumn for whatever length of a 5 minute career they managed to make, and btw was introduced to Arrow by Autumn in the first place. and one 30 year old celebrity manlet, trying hard to appear younger than he is and looking for a younger version of his identical wife to trade, left wife 2 weeks after meeting Arrow and a month later was already living with Arrow at film stylized pseudo-crackhouse. that's how it looks like due to date of their 1st meeting that Arrow given in ig story. i think if anything, she was always pursued by someone else, mostly by very shady people.
i mean she's not even that much surrounded by boys her age in real life (besides her band), she's literally been around males much much older than her for years. which is sad and worrying and creepy honestly. while very self-centered and egoistic, she's not a super confident partying hard girl at all and judging by age gap, her boyfriend probably has her wrapped around his finger. idk maybe he's fine to her but the way they started dating is very weird.
No. 1349260
>>1349179You can tell they purchased all their problems
>>1349194Iggy is a ripped powerhouse how is there a comparison beyond hair bleach
No. 1349275
>>1349249I agree. It looks so bad and misogynistic & uses pornish male fantasy ideas. i've even seen the guy who photographed Arrow for that egregriously bad King Magazine thirst in the comments, and if you haven't seen his insta, it's just epitome of that worst side of Y2K bling presenting women as juicy whores and bimbos. Arrow visibly looks heavenly overjoyed in the shoot while Dani very clearly looks like she'd rather be somewhere else. yes, even despite her later unbothered insta captions and a few odd forced smiles. Dani posed with bare tits before but i don't think she fully realized how this shoot would look and feel like in execution, it's more than just showing breasts cause it's virtually your whole body shown and sexualized to extreme with whipped cream and "dominating her" as a bonus. and put in a contrast to very different bodytype. (especially Dani's solo ones and a photoset posted by Sarah Pardini). i really hope Arrow didn't use her friend as a contrast to show how "hot" and thin she is.
(if so joke's on her cause Dani's face looks good on each photo while Arrow looks good on none.)
No. 1349477
>>1349376Autumn's probably proud. her family has no problem with Arrow showing ass.
>>1181445 she didn't say anything but she posted GGT vid sayin "proud that my baby bat has a good ol’ fashioned rock-n-roll scream!" kek.
I need to preface this with disclaimer that i'm not against dressing sexy (i like very short minis etc.), i'm against making "teenage whore" and "i want to be porn star" your identity. (idk how can you think prostitues & pornstars life is fun. it's totally character breaking to a most of women.) I thought this mcbling shit has been widely accepted as fucking
toxic, degrading and often pushing girls into anorexia or giving themselves away to anyone cause that's trendy. Not a very rock example but remember when Avril Lavigne was presented as an "antidote" for that, who steps out against Paris types & shows girls the other way. even Billie was touted as that before turning into sex mess. ofc it was unrealistic but still. But now they all again push this narrative that using these mysogynistic thoughts and looks, made by men for men, are "liberating" and "helping" and "empowering". like lol it's not beneficial for you girl, nor other women. guess zoomers have to go through their own dysmorphias and eating disorders to come to conclusion McBling and bimbo aesthetics are shit.
No. 1349482
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She posted this after our talk on corsets. Might be a coincidence but I'm amused by the idea she reads here and now responds through stories thinking she'll "piss haters off" lol.
No. 1351841
File: 1634722008612.png (1.32 MB, 1032x902, dddddddddd.png)

More Y2K shit… She's not any more original now, these things are fucking trending everywhere & it's all based on boring "corset/lacing everywhere" idea
No. 1351850
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Pseudo "metal" will probably be her next phase, either as Lilith's influence or just cause they played on "death-metal" DC album. she already posted basic beginner bands like Mayhem on her stories lol.
Btw the tour started and it's aptly named "Dumb Bitch".
They STILL advertize and struggle to sell out the venues. Regents theater is like 600 seats…
No. 1353903
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Did she get implants or what? I may be going crazy but her boobs didn't stand out like that before and what she wears looks like kind of stretchy but loose material costume…
No. 1353904
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No. 1353926
>>1353904Her looking like a mental patient while being forcibly groped due to throwing herself into the audience, and the people wearing masks during a ""rock"" gig*, what a time to be alive. So much wrong with one picture.
*Clue: actual rock gig attendees would not wear fucking masks while attending, rock is supposed to be about subversion where excessive mask usage represents compliance (while being necessary in some environments, an audience of younger people attending a gig not being one of them)
No. 1353930
>>1353926It's Gilbert groping here in the picture but yeah, she stage dives alot
Actually the covid/mask thing was the reason the other bigger dropped out of this tour. Starcrawler was supposed to open before some bigger band but they cancelled cause they didn't want to force ppl to show their vaxx certificates, masks etc. that's why they took Dani and made her open for them instead.
No. 1353938
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Other thing she wore
Btw i watched some short vids from the show yesterday (posted on starcrawler stories) and that really doesn't even look like 50 people attending. Is it that people are scared to go to shows in US or is Starcrawler not so famous as they claim?
No. 1353943
>>1353928Going to a gig and wearing a mask during it is just madness, requiring a negative rest result is one thing (some festivals have been held this way) but artists should refuse to play gigs where everyone has to be masked like they're in the fucking hospital. If it isn't safe to play to a free audience, then they shouldn't play. This isn't an acceptable compromise. And yes, if you attend a rock gig while wearing a mask you are antithetical to the ethos of the whole thing.
>>1353930>they cancelled cause they didn't want to force ppl to show their vaxx certificates, masks etcGood for them, I honestly wouldn't trust any artist who were like
uwu get the masks on for a virus with a <1% fatality rate.
No. 1353960
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Guess she flashes ppl now
No. 1353981
>>1353960If photos like the top two existed of me I'd probably throw myself off a cliff, kinda sad to be
this attention-starved and desperate and still nobody is looking.
>I'm a crazy stripping anorexic 6ft woman everyone!! >crickets No. 1353997
File: 1634946698308.png (1.28 MB, 1000x1271, wowedgy.png)

How about that edge
(Dani dressed as "dominatrix" for the show and it looked… bad)
No. 1354027
>>1353903lmao dear nonita implants don’t squash flat like that
>>1353960Those top two pictures are literal nightmare fuel
>>1353997I just cringed myself into another galaxy
No. 1354084
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"#Queen of LA" kek
Someone on instagram wrote "They're fun to photograph, but they were assholes to us last time we saw them live, so fuck them" on the venue account photos. ofc deleted 2 min later lol.
So i guess it more and more comes out that Starcrawler are spoilt brats that are assholes to venue workers or photographers…
No. 1355482
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>>1355467Idk if she keeps doing that (probably not cause crowds are standing as opposed to people in theatre seats) but her worse antics so far (besides fake mental illness) was the stripper stunt at private music video screening. Jumping in people's laps including Dylan Carlson & others, ALL of that with her boyfriend AND Danny Trejo watching and filming. i'd die of embarassment
< peek the lot lizard lol. her new identity is pretending to be all kinds of prostitutes (while being comfy sheltered moma's girl)
No. 1359921
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I know it was Halloween but her and her band dressing up as nuns and flailing around "posessed" might be the cringiest and most childish thing i've seen in a while. Her "ironic edgy" obsession with christianity is cringy too.
No. 1359923
File: 1635810623255.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1610, yyy.png)

why butcher them like that
No. 1359935
>>1359345Kek, with Tess trying to convince us she is anorexic and Arrow trying to convince us she isn't
both embarassing, but at least Arrow is 18 and god knows we all did dumb shit at that age
No. 1359945
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Idk if the guy tried to diss her or praise her, but damn she reads her comment section religiously and replies to vague shit like that but always ignores all eating disorder and "worried" anons kek
No. 1359980
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>>1359969i agree but this still amuses me somehow
Still better than this though. and idk how it used to be earlier but sometimes i wonder if she secretly isn't glad she's loved by anachan parts on internet, especially since this new y2k aesthetic is based on that cocaine-celeb/heroin chic thing.
i know she posted "uuh i eat LOL" on insta stories but it's so vague, and stories aren't viewed by everyone
No. 1360073
>>1359345kek i forgot about tess' fakorexia. arrow just looks like that, she's steadily getting a little bigger every year, is wacky genetics sometimes
i meant like they both lie about fuckin everything and pretend to be a new thing every week though.
No. 1360141
>>1359921I think this is supposed to be an homage to The Nun from the Conjuringverse, they’re doing Bonnie Aarons so dirty and I hate it
>>1359923Arrow looks so half assed, like at least get a decent wig that’s not plastic trash from party city and put some effort into your makeup jfc
No. 1360208
>>1360000her state of hair is her own fault tbh. she probably has it neck-length now and all the rest are heavy hairpieces. the braids look fake too. it's funny how hard she tried to be Emilie Autumn and then Katie Jane, and thinking greasy tangled hair is soo original
>>1360076they'll probably come back soon, i was nostalgic for 2000 fashion too but now i think that current world's obsession with 00's is pretty cringy in a lot of ways
Btw seems Arrow went to Maneskin show. tbh i'm curious what she really thinks of them cause they're infinitely more famous and they "stole" her position as a "rock'n'roll saviour" lol
No. 1360336
>>1360208haha but maneskin's music sucks too, they're a manufactured pop group like any other
why do people fall for this stuff in the frikin information age??
No. 1360534
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>>1360336Ikr. it was nice when a rock song won eurovision (eurofag here) but it's just so, so manufactured and cringey. cashing in on bisexuality, band members either faking or weirdly showing it off each step they take, cause they know that will charm zoomers. they played in my country and honestly, they played like 3 songs only and i think they used playback too.
I think people are so starved for some sort of revolutionary rock comeback that they grasp onto straws. Also, most of the info load itt isn't common knowledge at all.
I think at least in the beginning, Starcrawler was expected to be some biggest fad and they probably had bigger budget in 2018. This is their 1st video on their channel, i mean look at the obvious Smells Like Teen Spirit ripoff surrounding and beginning of Katie Jane style stealing
No. 1360945
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>Believe in yourself, you can get a lot of shit accomplished
Can she just shut the fuck up? No, it's not that she "believed in herself" or "followed her dream hard", she just had a rich parent plugging her in industry and calling all friends to help. And the shit she "accomplished" is pretty fucking questionable considering her audience stats per show.
It's like she just insists now how "successful" she is all the time now and generously gives tips how to be "accomplished" like her, such a cope. If we do cow comparisons, she's really an alt world Alyssa Silos, except Alyssa at least doesn't pose as independent punk rock queen yet.
Can't find full article but that whole Marvin brand thing's bio though kek
>A Punk Rock Messianic Vision For The Future
No. 1360965
>>1360953>>1360958It's mainstream rock and mainstream rock is nowadays more or less same as mainstream pop. It's just weird when people make it into some honest rock revolution.
All in all they're just shitty band besides maybe 1 song and that's what matters i think
No. 1361217
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Well anons it seems she's into DDLG shit for real
No. 1361219
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She saw Maneskin cause she went to Gucci gala.
Imagine she sat with all those old washouts flaunting her "Daddy" choker.
damn it, even tumblr already realized DD/LG is nasty and nothing to show off.
No. 1361234
>>1361227Yeah, anons in this thread suspected it long time ago. the whole "babygirl" captions and the way she interacts with her boyfriend… yuck. at least it was more lowkey before but now she shows it off. that's a pin/application she added and not a part of costume.
I just think it's pretty sad that she has literally not a single one person in her life to tell her it's fucked up to practice and flaunt your something that's just a pedo fantasy…
i noticed late millenials who used to do it a few years back as well as zoomers changed their minds drastically on DDLG matter and acknowledge it's disgusting and damaging, but Arrow's been literally born into this. congratulations, Autumn
No. 1361528
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>>1361453Lol i thought the same thing. it must be tough to act like "little" when you're literally 6'3 and your guy is a midget.
but hey, maybe it's the other way around kek
No. 1361529
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No. 1361532
>>1361404yeah it's just disappointing. she has female friends though. although it's either "trash" photographers who dress everyone like sluts and think it's "10/10 great ~aRt~!" like Nadia Lee (ok not really friends, she just pays them to take pics…) or idiots her age she went to art schools with (but they probably support her getting naked and showing off your pedophilia-based bedroom practices). idk it just seems like everybody in LA is fucking stupid and loves to sexualize girls, including their own girlfriends/daughters/grand daughters.
I hope Arrow lurks here for real and can see this at least: you're making a fool out of yourself, plenty of girls been here and regret. it's your midget guy having a fetish not only for certain type ana chicks (check out his ex-wife) but also for imagining he's having sex with underage girl/literal child. that's not normal, even if you're both from shithole called Hollywood.
No. 1361851
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Yeah, such a "babylove", except one of them is 33 year old man who got with a teenager to live out his daddy shit.
their friends seem to unknowingly encourage them by calling them "kids" or "babies".
No. 1361858
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Sorry but everything seems so different now. normally this would read like a loving bf caption, but when you know what they're into it kind of changes perspective. this one makes me think of those "protective" daddy posts how they'll take care of the "baby" cause she's too little to do it herself. (yeah, i know. these posts were once rampant on tumblr, even if you followed rock/aesthetic blogs strictly)
No. 1361865
>>1361794As for Autumn, i gotta tell this, she was fucking first to plug her daughter into industry and call favours, but i don't think she ever went touring with her (when the band was still underage). she sent a neckbeard photographer as a companion when they were 17-18 (also one of the guitar guys was still like 15). Aaron didn't care either, i've seen some interaction on instagram where someone asked him if he's going on tour with Starcrawler and he wrote he'll "MAYBE" meet them on local LA show.
Also I'm convinced Autumn's lying through her teeth about her past because you can find nothing about it online, it seems kind of scrubbed clean
No. 1361866
File: 1636065619368.jpeg (216.92 KB, 740x503, 32801D9C-FDD5-4522-A239-B5536B…)

kek at this cow crossover and the dumbest caption
No. 1361868
>>1361866kek yes. jfc that's so pathetic, another cow she follows was Lil Bo Weep. go figure. that's the people she looks up to.
(damn it took me a while to decipher that shit, i feel like i had a stroke reading this)
No. 1361951
>>1361865my mother ley me&my sister go on trips(package tours) to other continents when we were under 18, but giving permission is different from tacitly endorsing "rock slut" behaviour like i think autumn did by pushing her kid to TOUR vs. "go on a trip"
idk i hope that makes sense
No. 1362443
>>1361951yeah, i know what you mean with trips anon that's different ofc
idk i mean Autumn let her go but she didn't prepare her anyhow first, didn't give any life advices that matter. certainly she didn't tell her that she doesn't need to pander to older males and reduce herself to a sex object to feel valuable. only taught her that it's ok to steal ideas, use nepotism to fullest, disrespect others on the way and that fame is the most important.
it's not that seh was neglected, Arrow got anything she wanted, but it kinda doesn't matter cause look what Autumn's really done. she's proud that her daughter is an idiot with a huge ego thinking she's better than everyone, and she's glad that Arrow cosplays porn stars or dates a pedo kinkster. this is so backwards and against all parent logic, like… why
No. 1362450
>>1362443also i hate that if some of her team/fans read this, they would yell we're jealous haters or prudes ""you just think women in bikinis are sluts!"". no, it's not that at all. i just think it's so stupid that Arrow must always strip down and moan onstage to get that pathetic 1% of attention. sad that she needs to pose in front of porn and show ass
>>1181445 to feel like a strong woman, or to play the role of little girl in bed. she's got only one dimention, all based on sex. boring.
No. 1362511
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>>1362493Honestly, i think someone told her to change style. I mean look at this… or she freshly discovered Katiejane? guess she "influenced" her so much she skinwalked her for next 3 years lol
Yeah i think their drummer was done with them tbh. he's a millenial iirc so imagine he had to cringe inwardly alot. Starcrawler has no fans but they have position in the scene, if you decide to leave a band like that it means they really sucked to be around.
No. 1362524
File: 1636151200923.jpg (19.64 KB, 236x354, 242a4ba57182c72c37357ceae112d2…)

And this whole look is a walmart version of Emilie Autumn. These "rips" on her waist are very much like Emilie's corsets during FLAG tour
No. 1362568
>>1362562she loves herself, she pats herself on her own ass for literally anything and acts like someone higher above anyone (so i can't feel bad for her fully).
she just doesn't RESPECT herself, in ways she doesn't even understand.
No. 1362571
>>1362563maybe, i wonder if her mother had a hand in her dressing skimpy though.
i think it's more likely 1) she's out of ideas, so she copies thots that she admires 2) she tries hard to impress LA art clique and well, anyone who cares. attention is everything to her, it's one more desperate "look at me"
No. 1362599
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Samefag, sorry it's long but want to clarify some conflicting thoughts on her. On one hand, she seems still so young and stupid, so it's very, very sad that she degrades herself for her boyfriend/family etc.
On the other, it's her own choices now & maybe she shouldn't be treated as a child - it only encourages her awful fetish, and she only gets used to that there's no responsibility on her whatsoever.
I wish her all the courage to wisen and kick that Gilbert creep out. But also think she's shady af on her own, and should stop/answer for all her schizo bullshit.
This look is disgustingly tone deaf to me. what is this for? she can't say its "just wounds", that looks like all places where cutters often choose to cut. i've seen parts of this show, pretty sexually suggestive to say the least. ""Cuts"" and a fucking Playboy bunny. that's romanticizing/sexualization of self harm. awful
No. 1362893
>>1362599Yeah that’s the thing it’s not until you’re older that you realize how you’ve been degraded and how the people closest to you failed you and encouraged it, and it’s the only way you know how to function even when it hurts, and especially when it hurts because then you internalize not having value. What people forget is that she might have drawn lipstick cuts, but the people around her thought it was aesthetic in some way and that makes her harming herself less real. Those do look like actual cuts and not the lipstick, and when young girls start doing that they start by playing with the idea of it first. Her attitude is unpleasant but her mom has been living vicariously through her, giving her the “most aesthetic and cool looking” life possible for her own insecure, ugly, and selfish reasons, and Autumn probably encourages the “rock/porn star behavior and destruction” because it’s good photographic content, but it’s her fucking vulnerable daughter who is not done growing and doesn’t have any talent. Getting a playboy bunny tattoo ironically with nothing ever being at risk, people closest to her normalizing self harm, and her presenting herself like a cheap drugged up mentally ill prostitute for their encouragement and amusement is unreal. Women in punk who dressed that way did so because they were actually prostitutes, drug addicts, mentally ill, or it was performative commentary that they were expressing after being abused in that way socially and were fucking angry. Arrow’s an ignorant dumb ass but it’s not like anyone is behaving appropriately to her, and Autumn’s musician friends just watch this shit and encourage it too. Some of them grown ass women who think this is “empowering” I’m sure.
No. 1363146
>>1362893Wait nonita. not trying to be mean but i feel like i'm misunderstanding something.
>What people forget is that she might have drawn lipstick cuts, but the people around her thought it was aesthetic in some way and that makes her harming herself less real. Those do look like actual cuts and not the lipstick, and when young girls start doing that they start by playing with the idea of it first.Arrow isn't cutting herself for real. She walks around naked all the time so it's easy to see she doesn't. What are you trying to say? that she's drawing these cuts cause she wants to cut herself in the future?
I think you're dramatizing a bit. It's not like Arrow's a 3 year old incapable of thinking, and she's not some suffering Rapunzel locked in a tower by evil Autumn. Arrow isn't in the business against her will. she can do what she wants and she enjoys fame. and she isn't a fragile
victim held against her will by her boyfriend either (even though that DDLG thing is sad and disgusting). She'd herself probably have a good laugh at implications that she's fragile and doesn't know hwat she's doing. faking mental illnesses as a way of business isn't excusable. i'm sorry but theorizing about her possibly cutting/being depressed as a result of being tormented by her family or what is offensive to all cutters/mentally ill.
It is what it is, she wears these "scars" as a costume, just like she wears schizophrenia like a costume.
To be honest, i doubt Autumn has influence her anymore. if you lurk her instagram you'll see that Autumn just sperges all the time ohh how she misses her daughter, did you forget about your ol' mother uwu, why no visiting anymooore? it's not like Autumn came around and told her daughter to wear this bikini and paint some picturesque self harm cuts.
I think Autumn is awful mother just like you think so, but maybe you give her too much credit. Idk why it suddenly turned into some odd Arrow pity party here lately. yes, we absolutely can feel sorry for her for pandering to DDLG loving scrote, but for other stuff, it's not like she's crystal clear. this way we could make excuses for literally any cow ever saying it's all only because they have shitty mothers and they've been treated poorly by everyone. yes, it's fucked up but Arrow's not fucking 15. she's responsible for her actions, it's impossible to make excuses forever using the fact that her mother is a cunt.
At 22 you should have a basic human decency to know profitting from mental illness (which you DON'T HAVE) is awful. at ANY age.
>Women in punk who dressed that way did so because they were actually prostitutes, drug addicts, mentally illThis 100%. The only women who use this/comment on these matters are the ones who've been through this themselves (illnesses, drugs, hospitals, etc.) Arrow hasn't.
TLDR: Autumn could've raised her this way but that doesn't absolve Arrow of what she does, especially "self harm" shit
(Sorry if i understand you wrong, not trying to infight/be sarcastic at all. pls correct me if i read you wrong. I just think Arrow developed some shitty things without Autumn's input)
No. 1363163
>>1363146samefag, blahhh sorry i didn't really explain it well at all, even with so many words. i agree with you all like
>>1362851 that Autumn fundamentally fucked her up in terms of self-respect/relationships, i just believe schizo/cutter tone deaf ideas come from Arrow's mind and not Autumns (but Autumn still should react somehow & tell her its wrong)
>>1362946can you tell what they said/how they justified it? wonder what these ppl witnessed while working with her. i mean they prob only saw the tip of an iceberg but if that was enough to scare them off i wonder what happened
No. 1363415
>>1363321nah i don't mean anyone should be mad at Arrow. (the subject of mental illness & cutting kinda hits home for me, so i have strong opinion on what Arrow does but ialready voiced it.) i think everyone reading here felt a bit upset after her DDLG reveal bs. tired is a good word to describe it, we're tired of seeing yet another girl just getting into these kinks, thinking it's oh so good and original. so that's understandable. the rest tho, some opinions, i just tried to say it's a bit of exaggeration to think she has some Black Mirror episode tier life where she's forced to do something/manipulated or that she's broken - she's happy, wealthy, hasn't got any responsibilities. if anything, her mother just raised her to be an idiot. well, you can't have everythign. (She MAY one day wake up and realize that that "slutty babygirl" lifestyle is/was awful and exploitative and THEN feel used and broken, yes. so far she seems to be living in blissful ignorance fairytale though, we'll see how long.)
Some anon(s) say her behaviour can be explained by fact she's still young etc. i wonder, what if she doesn't grow out of this though. maybe she won't get wiser with years, she'll just turn into 30/40yo NLOG like Autumn. (i took a brief glance on Autumn's interview after her film premiered and gotta say this woman is just as childish and vain, only older…)
No. 1363430
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She's in Ukraine rn? wtf is "LA queen" and her "baby" doing in Ukraine? weird vacation destination for a pair of hollywood "kids". lol at Tolstoy books display, as if she read any of that… nah just didn't expect them to go there, kind of weird lol
>>1363319Yeah, your friend is right. her sexual attention whoring is making up for a lack of spark/talent, while faking m.illness is literally her trying to have anything even slightly bit interesting about herself.
She should try to learn some skill. she can't "learn to be talented" at it though… all iknow is her voice is shit, and she used to take drum lessons but she quit cause drummers don't get a lot of attention, lol. i think she also tried learning guitar, but ex drummer even said she can't play guitar at all.
Oh, and it's most probably Henri writing majority of the lyrics. that would be suggested by this construction: "sometimes it's just Henri and sometimes Henri and me, or others"…
Maybe she's just really not talented musically
No. 1363757
>>1363543 seems to have misread my post, they are just two guys who know her mom that didn't think their friend's kid would become so cringey to be around.
No. 1364514
>>1363757i imagine Autumn met or called them to ask "Hi, can my daughter's band go on tour with you?" (and then retrieved her phonebook of rockstar bffs, to "reunite" and ask for more favour.) What an uncomfortable situation overall, your friend calls you and asks and you suddenly can't say no to her bc you think it'd be rude. or you agree cause you think it's "helping young punk bands!!" except… what young punk bands? it's floggin 1 band made of rich kids of artists and businessmen, who theoretically don't need help. it's unfair, bc these rockstars who help Arrow never collab/promote real & interesting bands who need that help.
Normally aren't that rec. labels choosing and contacting bands you can play support for and vice versa? (except when you plan tour with friend bands). & most often you can't be picky about that. like, new indie bands don't get to open for cool big bands only. Starcrawler just collects the famous bands who namedrop them/take as support so they can fill magazines with annoying "endorsed by ___".
No. 1364523
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Slight OT and maybe weird nitpick but that's weird. Starcrawler's new drummer's cat needs an emergency surgery and they made gofundme. Set is Gilbert's old friend. i just find it weird that they need to rely on strangers in this situation. Both Arrow, Autumn and Starcrawler members have enough money to collect that money in less than a few minutes. Gilbert is Danny Trejo's son, ffs. Point is, they didn't need to make fundraiser, it could literally be just a couple of Hollywood people reacting fast, collecting and borrowing him that money, if that's so serious emergency case. Time is everything when things like that happen. I mean, it's all a clique of fucking rich people, why is it normal people giving 50-100$ tips that actually care most? He only got 2000 dollars from his closest friends +others who donated so far, seriously?
that being said, i hope they reach the goal and this lovely kitty goes through surgery peacefully and gets well soon!
No. 1364600
>>1364554kek, so they hoped for a whole bigger tour? how bad it must've been.
it's so easy to see the nepotism netting. Shirley landed them Distillers tour, The Kills took them along for Foo Fighters gig, and there's more of family friends. Beck can't say no to them cause Autumn did tons of work for him back in a day. scrolling to the bottom of Starcrawler account only makes it more apparent. teens dressed like this, playing their 4th or 5th show for an audience of 10-15 people, half made of their friends or relatives, playing boring Rolling Stone-rip guitar hooks and sound probably cutting out every 5 minutes. imagine believing I-D, Mojo, Paper, Purple or Vogue really just happened to consider this "hot LA sensation" without some rich parent throwing them a coin/doing favour for their long time photo collaborator.
No. 1364603
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>>1364600forgot about the pic
No. 1364604
>>1364552Yeah i don't believe Gilberto and Arrow cannot throw at least 3000-5000$ when their friend's in need (and there's a line of their other rich friends who can help).
Seth literally said the more the better (cause you reach the goal faster). i'd be stressed tf out, i imagine he must be nervous if he gets cash for the surgery on time.
fun fact: the biggest bid in that fund was about 500$, from some other guy. congratulations Gilbert and Arrow, wonder which one of the anon bidders you were…
No. 1364680
>>1364663kekk what a weird development. why do you think this anon's Phoebe Bridgers?
we all shit on Phoebe in indie band thread too fucking much for this to be true. even if we had that 1 rabid Phoebe whiteknight there one time…
No. 1364708
>>1364680because she's a farmer farmer+knows guy in spoon
phoebe totally must read here right? based on indie cows i thought she did
No. 1364732
>>1364708i think there were anons saying they are photographers, or work in the industry and other one playing in a lowkey australian band & being in similar scene. so just close to indie rock people. phoebe isn't the only one orbiting around indie rockers
Phoebe's herself an industry child using her own links who lies tf about her past (says she doesn't come from money but her mother's an estate agent who brags about raising her kids in expensive historical house). so you know, throwing stones in the glass houses etc.
Idk if Phoebe reads Arrow thread but based on that super specific type of whiteknight, i totally believe she reads indie thread kek
No. 1364950
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Jfc that's not even subtle. Wooow gagging the mic, we never seen it before, so cool. Lol at Corn dropping a comment and then Aaron jumping tf in as if his life depended on it
>Hi Corn i'm Aaron from Shit Band number x pls pls say you remember me i was akshually kind of famous in the 90s i swear, this desperate tryhard pretending to suck a dick is incidentally my daughter that i failed raising, so maybe pls take her on tour or say you're a fan ok? uwu
No. 1365369
>>1365363They do it for the "power trip"
When money loses it meaning, they seek power and control.
Spoiled brat syndrome.
No. 1365415
>>1365363Gilbert is fucking trash. acting all powerful and artsy but can't even give the money back, or donate substantial money for his friend's cat. Last time i checked the fundraiser barely passed 4000$. 12,000 is nothing for his dad who's a top actor and owns a net of taco business.
Arrow is trash too. Seth is now playing in Starcrawler, so they're bandmates.
>>1365217>Henri considers himself poorLol WHAT. Henri's from Pasadena and that's literally one of the most fucking expensive places in California. and went to same art school as Arrow. also remember reading his guitars cost as much as 3000$, and he had them from the very beginning of the band. good luck Henri telling everyone you're poor LMAO
The whole band is more or less rich to begin with, kinda surprised Seth isn't but maybe he's just one of their orbiters Gilbert took in in his "punk" phase (he used to play drums in Gilbert's band)
No. 1365433
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I know there was that limited offer by bandcamp last year but I really can't believe Starcrawler was EVER in need of any help or support.
No. 1365454
>>1365363that is so sad to hear. ot but
danny trejo is really beloved by former dirtbags/jailbirds/criminals like myself, and also by those still in the life. he's also been sober for 40 years. he's a pretty good example for criminals and addicts and dealers who need to see that there's something for you afterwards if you want to get out so it irrationally pisses me off that his kid is such a little bitch.
No. 1366404
>>1365454Yeah, I think Danny Trejo's pretty fine, just like you said. He probably gives Gilbert all that money to make up for his past. he can do what he wants with his money, but it's fucked up Gilbert won't share that money and asks regular people to donate instead.
>>1365408i think it is. no way Gilbert ever worked a normie job and somehow made lots of cash this way, it's his dad funding his dreams. He's getting these music video jobs bc he's got friends in the scene, but he's not a famous director making big money just on videos. in 90s - maybe, but in 2021 there's no career such as sole music video director.
He only made his first movie recently, which incidentally was about Danny Trejo… you see where it goes. he's lucky to have such parent.
(on a side note, i don't think Danny would refuse to give that much money to save that cat. but idk, maybe all Holywood ppl are like this? like they only post "uwu emergency fund pls donate!", throw 50$ or less and hope that somebody else does the job. And nobody's got the guts to call them out, the ppl who organize fundraiser prob will stay friends with them nonetheless cause they're used to such behavior…)
No. 1366524
>>1366480>They’re exploiting the cats situation as a way to try to show they aren’t rich and are diy.Do you mean this whole situation is a possible scam? like they actually CAN afford the operation, but they made the fund just for a show? Idk the financial situation of Seth & his mother (?) Because they started a fund, i assumed they really can't afford it for some reason. Maybe they made the fundraiser as a target for his famous/rich friends, hoping they'll see and react first and foremost? Also did they try to pawn valuable things first & ask their other family, friends, Gilbert, Autumn for $$ but privately? (maybe they knew they can't count on them…) But who knows what's really going on, honestly anything's possible with these people, they already faked worse things and it sucks
As for Gilbert, Arrow and Henri who reposted the link, it's absolutely also about showing that they're "just like you all" and "DIY", at least as a small side effect. same as Arrow bullshit stories on her mom and Autumn's tales of a tiny wooden hut that, omg, couldn't fit a photographer studio!
Damn if someone ever exposes them for their lies, I hope they include faking poverty and these examples… spoiled LA freaks
No. 1367309
>>1366614Omg this is awful, this is one of the "epic endings" of Starcrawler show? that guitar "fluttering" against the floor was so sad, hilarious how Henri behaves like he considers himself this great "wild" guitarist already
>>1366507It's a stupid trend of rich kids who always had everything they wanted, to the point they get bored with it. they find poverty exotic and mysterious. lots of cows, singers, influencers pretend to be poor, making white trash personas, writing flowery stories of living in a trailer park. from Lana del Rey to tumblrette offshoots like Ginger Bronson (classic cow example, she's got a thread here.) for them, white trash/hobo is a wearable aesthetic. Arrow additionally has schizophrenic "alter ego", or whatever she calls it.
>>1366620 it must be crazy pricey so guess robbing Henri pays off more kek
No. 1367368
>>1367309i am shirtanon and thanks for the link. now i'll go to bed sad after seeing all the fun clothes i can't afford though.
i'm such a sucker for glitter and cowboy elvis crap
No. 1367405
>>1367368idk what country are you from but if USA, maybe there are some odd secondhand shops with that sort of costume thing in bigger entertainment-oriented cities like LA or Vegas? the cowboy shirts must be pretty popular especially in LA. (i get the feeling though, i like corsets but can't afford them)
Honestly these costumes must be overpriced in a lot of cases. glitter cowboy shirts can be easily replicated, minus the custom embroidery thst Henri gets. choose colors and some applications and take these reference photos to a good seamstress, anon. and by good i don't necessarily mean "pricey" seamstress. those who charge way too much or complain it's impossible are usually bad seamstresses, or unpleasant person in general who charge a lot but don't feel passionate about their work
No. 1368477
File: 1636855520249.png (631.8 KB, 500x776, 8wOB2tsom242.png)

Damn real hair could pass, but tangled/greased extentions aren't good look even for someone trying to pass herself as so "punk" and "trash". Taylor Momsen's looked so good in extentions cause they were well kept, to the point everybody was shocked when she announced it was fake hair.
Someone said she's slowly starting to gain weight with age and i'm seeing it now
>>1368119thank you, one more thing if you order from seamstress there's 1 more advantage, you can order cotton/cotton+glitter elements and not some shit like ready-made costumes that are all polyester
No. 1369599
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I feel like shirt anon accidentally just gave them a free idea for making 18 000$ on "ultra limited edition" cowboy shirts
No. 1369602
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No. 1369630
>>1369618Kek maybe they could take another good advice: stop riding nepotism and skinwalking others, including mental patients.
Funny thing is anon who wanted cowboy shirts probably isn't even Starcrawler fan. imagine shilling 180$ on something you can buy cheaper or sew yourself
No. 1369711
>>1367405i am cowboy shirt anon. i myself am knitwear…maker but do know how to sew. i am very much not in the usa, that is why i love your cowboys so much. they are cool
thank you for your nice answer! maybe i'll get a tailor to do one when i visit nyc next year. can i get fitted in an american shop and have them send it to me when i'm done? i have heard they don't do a lot of things that shops do in asia
No. 1369715
>>1368115oh yeah
we they do. damien echols and the other guys on death row had a secret kitten they passed around. it's in his book! and remember in usa most prisoners are just drug dealers or club kids who put shit in their pocket instead of their buttcrack or cheeks when the place got raided. FURTHERMORE it's a tiny uncatchable murder engine, that's hard as fuck. anyway, here's some receipts. No. 1369783
>>1369711>>1369724Posts like these are one of the reasons why this is one of my favourite threads. Wholesome autism (t. an actual autist). Bless you, nonettes
>>1366531Shirley is a queen and it saddens me that she supports this mess
>>1366614This gives me such immense second hand embarrassment, holy shit. Imagine being in that audience
No. 1369965
>>1369783>Shirley is a queen and it saddens me that she supports this messShirley sadly has a history of supporting trainwrecks and outright con artists. She was the first celebrity on the JT LeRoy train, and kept recommending those books to others like Bono etc.
Which isn't to say Arrow is really a 40+ year old goth couple in San Francisco but it makes you think.
No. 1370023
>>1369783haha yeah, this & indiecows thread feels nice like it's made of people with very similar interests etc.
>>1369965Shirley's bff with Autumn. i can't imagine being best friends with someone like that. maybe Shirley has cow qualities too
When exactly Brody and Josh Homme's divorce info came out? wasn't it floatin since last year? Shirley probly introduced them to Brody Dalle, they went on tour with Distillers. i thought they'd take Brody's side but they copy pasted Josh Homme in their video just so Rolling Stone and NME can announce Starcrawler had Josh Homme cameo…
No. 1370040
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This band doesn't know what it wants and changes aesthetic very few mins, at least Arrow. i feel Arrow wants full on Y2K slut pop aesthetic but it clashes oddly with that western cowboy thing slash Jack White psychofan aesthetic of her guitarist. He seems really into country now and it shines through his music. Arrow probably has no way but comply and sing country
No. 1370977
>>1370686I think you nailed it, idk how she was before but this woman seems to curate her image hard these days. She tries to present herself as someone who went through extreme poverty and such painful hardships, but her photos allowed her to put some crumbs of stale mouly bread on their plates at least, and hard work got her where she is now! how brave!
>>1117186 Something in the story is missing. we already know it's a lie (she had rich father to fall back on), in addition to that I feel at some point Autumn started a new persona and new marketing tactic. With Emma as pinnacle of her rags to riches story, an ending to some bad journey, as if last 20 years of mainstream photo success didn't matter. She was lucky to meet Beck, her photos immediately went to Rolling Stone. She got the job before she even thought about doing photos seriously! And she had pretty extensive career, Rodarte, music videos, also wrote/shot for Spin, RS, Paper and others. published 4 photobooks. her style of photos changed into faded yellows/pinks. she believes her own hype like her daugher. i found the details here (warning:extreme cringe) And apparently Autumn is a failed actress. she studied acting and performed with some shitty troupe first. No. 1370982
File: 1637243362690.png (418.64 KB, 742x916, fb.png)

Starcrawler FB was hacked yesterday and apparently someone left some weird messages. The hacker wrote they stan Chapelle and messaged some small bands inviting them to be their support. haven't seen it so don't have screenshots, it's only band message and some comments. Hmmm guess they made some enemies already (kek at Greta Van Fleet)
No. 1370985
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An interesting comment. Not sure if his being gay was the key problem like he claims, but telling an audience member to go stand elsewhere? congrats Arrow
No. 1371006
>>1370985what a douche.
idk maybe being gay was part of it. if you're obviously gay(maybe his shirt had a slogan on it or sthg?) you can sometimes tell when people are giving you the "fag stare" or a member of the opposite sex is annoyed that they can't get anything from you
No. 1371043
>>1371006Yeah, if the guy mentioned being gay then perhaps he wore some shirt or LGBT sign. i thought "progressive" LA & Starcrawler should be fine with gays liking their music but guess not.
I don't believe Arrow told him to move elsewhere because of crowding. these shows were fucking empty, people were able to maintain distance without any bigger problem, and cameramen could easily fit in too. i'll try to find pics from Dallas but i'll be very surprised if my guess is wrong.
>member of the opposite sex is annoyed that they can't get anything from youi think Arrow being annoyed that first rows aren't full of straight men thirsting for her was exactly what happened.
No. 1371330

>>1371299She had a couple of bad music video cameos. Remember walking into H&M or other chain clothes store where they have TVs playing videoclips and seeing her on the screen in a 30 Seconds to Mars vid. Let me tell you it was one of the cringiest videos ever, not even bc of Arrow. It was one of those dramatic, serious subject, body positive, everyone's beautiful, accept yourself blah blah blah shit videos that show people of all colors and weights or with some skin conditions, face-first shoved into camera (which only made everyone ugly bc of that angle). First everyone's sad, then Jared magically heals them with his a power of positive message and they all start laughing and shit like that. She was one of the included "bullied for looks" people.
Don't know the song name though, but have this shit vid instead. hilarious how it's someone else's video but Arrow of course tries to be the "wildest" and steal some bits of the attention nonetheless.
(Btw this singer's awful)
No. 1372801
>>1372745i have the same impression. she always bitches at LA models how lame & fake they are, "hot topic sluts" etc. Or when she spat water at a group of women at the restaurant for "not enjoying" their show. (and whining one of them pulled a knife at her, so Arrow ran hiding behind security guys backs screaming to rescue her but then calls the woman a "pussy" for pulling a knife. kek where's the logic)
Let's not forget she snapped at some photog. anon for being backstage. would like to learn more besides that cause after venue crew and gay men comments i'm sure there's got to be more examples of her brat behaviour
No. 1374022
I think she dislikes other girls, unless she can pose them as her "uglier", fatter sidekicks (Dani, or the girl from Mac video). i noticed when she's doing random vids/DJing she likes to specifically invite girls from peer/less known bands, under the guise of "female power!" but in fact she always talks over them, pushes herself into camera first, leaves no room to talk (or even sit lol) or embarasses herself other way. basically hires an "uglier friends" (and they aren't even friends, they're industry collegues in most cases) then drops them. idk if it's yet another power play or weird self promo. if that's a girl from bigger band, she probably hopes to leech her fame/get her fans. (Staz*, Surfbort etc.) for example Arrow will be a "special guest" at record release party for "their friends Sloppy Jane".
if that's too crazy tinfoil, then she at least wants "sexy rock bitches duo" vibes but then scares her peers off.
*choosing Staz was a bad decision cause she's infinitely better looking than Arrow.
No. 1374024
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and just like that, someone just branded himself with this ugly shit forever
No. 1374903
>>1374864Iirc this sheep has been Starcrawler logo for a long ass time. that's why they have suits, merch with lambs & even lamb masks in recent video w. Josh Homme (which is ironically a lowkey ripoff of QOTSA vid where whole band was a "gang with lamb masks" too).
They even keep some ~cryptic~ mysterious story of the whole big "dark" meaning behind this (kek) and apparently Henri always puts this lamb figurine on his amps live. it's so stupid
No. 1374909
File: 1637719569942.png (5.06 MB, 1784x1260, guitars.png)

You can see lambs in 1 of the photo. i'm looking at Henri's insta and omg this guy's got a FUCKTON of guitars, not just any, most of them are crazy fucking pricey and rare guitars. if someone cared we could prob estimate each ones value, but you can just take one look to know this guy is nowhere near "poor". damn.
btw looks like they just stopped caring about the cat fundraiser. i'm starting to think it was a scam, or their way of quickly getting back the bucks they spent on operation.
No. 1375195
>>1374989No anon you're absolutely right. for a band that claims to be so "punk" and "lowkey" and has members lying that they were growing with parents struggling to pay the bills, this is… there's just nothing more you need to say. i'm pissed off too. i mean, if i was crazy rich i'd buy nice guitars too but this band is just made of liars, and everybody just believes them when you need just 1 look at their accounts to see its all lies.
Btw anon… 4000$ is not even max, he's got 9500$ guitars right there.
that's kinda bit of click work but i'll try to price list at least some of his guitars later
No. 1375395
As promised, my autistic guitarist research just out of curiosity:
Fender noventa - 1,250$
Gretsch billy bo - 3000
Gretsch custom shop can be from 3250 to 9000$, depending…
Waterloo WL-14 - 2,450
Gretsch Green Falcon - 9,500 !
fender Acoustasonic Jazzmaster - 2000
Gretsch white falcon - 3000-4000$
Satellite Coronet green - 2500-2650
Gretsch Parsons White Bat, normal & 3-string version. Very rare, the only one's i found in google were black bats, one costed 2500 and second 6500$. white must be even rarer so i suspect he paid a lot for 2 of them
Blue Kauer 4000-5000$, wasn't it the one in I Love LA?
Fender Mexican Telecaster seen 750$ but could go for more
Fender American Standard Telecaster?? - 1000 euro
some sort of custom Fender paisley Tele, at least 2000-3000$
a whole line of Telecasters, Fenders etc. stuff i've noticed but don't know the year of these but probably vintage:
big red Gretsch, orange Gretsch brown/wooden Telecaster, old black Gibson Les Paul & sunburst version, black Gretsch, Fender Jaguar, cream/black Telecaster, sunburst Fender, blue Tele (prob Mexican), yellow Tele, Flying V fuck it i lost track there's too much of them, and a lot of it was in his posession from the earliest band days. that's interesting collection but seriously? a 17/20yo(?) already being an owner of all that? Henry & his family must be millionaires
No. 1377472
>>1377451who got what from Rasputina? Arrow, Queen Adreena or Emilie Autumn? QA's Katie Jane had this style since early 1990's or even 80's, before Rasputina. If you researched this better, you'd know that it was actually Rasputina getting inspired by Katie Jane/Daisy Chainsaw and not the other way around. Melora Creager cited Katie Jane as one of her biggest inspirations. i can post the quote if i find it.
Emilie Autumn definitely ripped Rasputina off, i can agree in this case. I love Rasputina (& they wore the style 100x better than EA) but they weren't that original either, they just wore corsets and victorian style lingerie. that style was centuries before them lol. Doubt Arrow listens to Rasputina but highly probable someone showed her pics.
Idk how can you not think Arrow stole QA's Katie Jane style, just lurk beginning of the thread. dresses, hair, stage presence, even those gauze dresses (which KJ wore in the 90's). she was obsessed with KJ for sure, and "crystals/mental patient schtick/red hair" era was prolly taken after googling EA.
No. 1377681
>>1377513yeah remember when some anon discovered that and told ppl on Wayward Victorian blog! what a disappointment it was ha. she's a mix of Rasputina/Ophelia Rising, yes. especially that "throwing muffins" part of the show was such a telltale that EA stole from them.
what i said is that ARROW probably noticed the aesthetic on Emilie Autumn and copied it directly from Emilie (starcrawler red-head mental patient themed 2018 shows). i doubt Arrow knows about Ophelia rising. who knows maybe she's not a fan a all & rather its her mother's idea to try that aesthetic. not sure abt that but Arrow's stockings & arm warmers with hot-glued crystals make me wonder.
No. 1377695
>>1377681also wanna add it's crazy how it took 20-something years for the fandom to catch up & realize Emilie stole from very obscure LA band. it's kind of the same with Starcrawler, people praise them how "original" they are but they've got no idea. wonder how much of years will pass until their fans discover Arrow's entire style was stolen other from other little known band. nah she doesn't take ideas from Ozzy like she claims, besides 1 awful soft sabbath song.
(btw could've sworn i read about Lexa on lolcow before)
No. 1378610
>>1377451 sage for no milk
Wow anon. You just jogged my memory in a major way. I was looking for this band Rasputina specifically “the hunters kiss” song for years!! I couldn’t remember the name of the band and now I found them again, thank you.
No. 1378983
>>1374909He has all these expensive guitars yet the shittiest pedals and basic ass Fender amps. He's trying to hide the fact that he's actually a shitty guitarist by collecting rare and expensive guitars. Excuse me for the mild a-log but his sound is shit and always the same, and money can't buy you talent
>>1375395Thank you for your autism, anon, appreciate ya
No. 1381257
File: 1638403810210.jpg (552.04 KB, 1080x2516, 1shirley.jpg)

Wtf is this constant flex "~omg i shot this totally artistic photo in my TINY poverty kitchen in my TINY apt in Echo Park~"? She says it on and on & now has Shirley on board telling everyone how totes SMALL was the kitchen and yet she shot these bands to put "food on plate". Idk why is she constantly repeating how small it was, what does it have to do with anything? Good artist will take a good pic even in a public toilet if he knows what to do. i know it's Shirley bs this time but Autumn writes shit like that all the time. can't tell if that's reminder of "struggling" or a call for bonus pats for being such a ~*skilled*~ photgrapher. get a grip
No. 1381274
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This is the whole legendary tiny kitchen. The black thing on the side is most prob. the background thing for her photos. Does it look like a perfect place for huge ass glam shoots? No, but whose kitchen really does? Nothing crazy about kitchens not being most convenient places? Instead of bitching, she should've just went out and hired a photo studio. And no, i'm not buying bs that Autumn De Wilde, a daughter of another famed photog., couldn't afford hiring even smallest photo studio in the city in fucking 2012. She had 4 well received photobooks out, she was shooting for Rodarte, glossy fashion mags, videos, mainstream artists & actors, made award-winning TV ads, heck even shot promos for "Girls" for a fucking HBO. if she had no place to shoot properly at home she could've just hired a studio.
No. 1381313
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It looks like a comfy, family one floor Echo Park house with a couple of rooms. idk maybe in LA living in a house like that is considered poverty, since lots of burger suburbia are filled with huge ass mansions made of those pastel cardboard thin walls and stuff
Sorry i just don't get how can they both use this as a way to push their "uwu we had it so hard" bs story and have their friends nod along
No. 1382031
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>>1381912oh absolutely, i noticed they both tend to buy/rent houses way below their real budget and then use this as an opportunity to make sob stories about living in tiny spaces like this post
>>1226207 Btw they moved out of the Echo Park house into Glassel Park (?) iirc around 2015 or smth
Arrow and her trust fund boy rent out a place in semi "rough" condition (with plumbing issues) and spent big dollars on furnishing it in vintage. Autumn did kinda same thing in her youth - renting a small cabin and then nearly 30ys later bitching "GUYS i couldn't stand straight in the house!" kek you & your daddy sure could afford taller ceiling house Autumn.
Again the Echo P. house is what most ppl wish they could afford but can't
No. 1384033
>>1381257what the fuck this is so fake "before she was to go on to become a successful movie director"
No. 1384090
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Btw lol Arrow missed out on a cow crossover opportunity. Another spoiled rich LA girl pretending to be previously poor for an #aesthetic. Gilbert made a video for Toopoor awhile ago. But maybe Arrow doesn't know who Layla is or doesn't care bc she doesn't like c/rap music.
(but gotta say it is crap in this case)
No. 1384320
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>>1384218(disclaimer, these are their public art accounts so i don't think it's against the rules.)
Look at her parents comments under this post. yeaah, such a tough life, ~broken showers n floors haha but thats actually funny right~. like… wtf? and they just laughed it off? instead of, you know, helping financially with fixing it? (and apparently it actually fell down years later!) looks like all of them remember this "poverty" rather fondly. i don't even know what is her point anyway cause it's so inconsistent, are you trying to say you were poor or what finally? cause from what i read i kinda get impression she got this house for the lulz & "adventure"
No. 1384326
>>1384320i used to really like autumn's work but this stuff has really put me off her. this kind of poverty larping/retcon is really lame and disappointing.
i know class consciousness is a big thing now, but you're not any less of a person if you grew up comfortably or even well-off, provided you live a productive life and have some intellectual curiosity. Some old money/upperclass artists are tom hiddleston, michael hutchence, keith moon, yoko ono, and julian casablancas. no one shits on them because they aren't pretending like they did some rags to riches thing; honestly they're sort of doing what the leisure class should be doing for the rest of us, which is entertain us since they have the time and resources to do so. point is, you don't have to be ashamed just cause your dad's savings paid for your university and housing for 4 years. just acknowledge that you're grateful for the help. don't make shit up.
No. 1385886
>>1384326Yes to it all. I think it's important to say it, especially to ppl who don't get why we call them out: roleplaying "poverty" for a better art story is vile. It's fine if you were rich but its fucked up when you deny & use nepotism to fullest. Imo there's nothign wrong with parents, wealthy or not, helping their teen/YA kids financially at some point in life. Esp. if they study or have problems, illness. Until the kid finally gets a job etc. it just gets nasty when trust funds milk their rich parents, but show off that money as "their" own achievement. As a young person you might not have your own money YET, but it's not poverty. if not having yr own cash
yet was the criteria, then every teen on earth would be "poor"! As teen/YA you are poor when your family is poor, has real problems with $$, bills, or living in falling mouldy house out of necessity not choice. she has some help - DeWildes wouldn't allow her to live in horrible conditions with a small child. and that Echo Park house's nowhere near "bad" conditions.
No. 1385890
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I know it's pretty basic style and not necessarily where she took it from, but couldn't help but this of this when i saw it
(btw lol there's lots of Emilie Autumn throwbacks on lolcow lately)
No. 1391650
File: 1639374955102.png (2.99 MB, 1848x1180, i'm waiting for arrow's "ironi…)

ah yes, hundreds of ukrainians entire lives, so aesthetic. yes that is the purpose of this apartment block and parking lot, for your photos arrow. you are important
No. 1392250
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forgot to post these old stories but looking at them it kinda proves the point, rich ppl go to Ukraine to wear fluffy caps and take aesthetic pics in "dirty/poor" places. isn't that a garbage truck? lol i hate it
No. 1392380
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>>1392297Yeah, i agree. Wouldn't be surprised if they just spent time shopping or taking selfies in "poor" enough looking places. Seems they went w. Autumn who did some photo gig and Gilbert ofc had to "document". instead of posting more nice historical places Arrow just loaded bimbo pics and selfies & threw cyrillic on top. how cringy is careful arranging Tolstoy next to some trashy harlequin, as if she could read that. hope it wasn't bought just for 1 shitty IG photo? i'm not saying she has to be an expert, know language of the country she travels to, but it's just odd, especially fetishizing the whole "poverty" thing and posing next to blocks and trash. Reminds me of those Canadian chicks pretending to be Russian on IG, similar naive stereotypical way of wearing a foreign "aesthetic". honestly surprised she didn't buy some sportswear and adidas and try to pose as "gopnik girl" lol.
No. 1392417
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>>1392392lol, probably bought it all at one go at a random souvenir street shop. or an expensive ass shop, can't decide. probably got surprised with "extreme colds" since they lived all their life in LA
>>1392396(shhh anon don't give her ideas, now coked-out chola will be next thing she'll "ironically" go for) Yeah it's bad especially when she does cakey drag queen makeup. her hair went to shit too. this pic is the worst she's looked in a while, idk what's going on with her face. she looks dead.
No. 1392422
>>1392392maybe she actually studied something for once and wants to larp as a mansi or a kalmuk
(just joking, i know she doesn't know shit and is just breezing through historical cities full of opportunities to practice the language. what a waste of a trip)
No. 1393855
>>1393149True. when you visit a new country it's obvious you try to see/learn as much as you can, the culture, history, art, architecture. but nah, all she posted were cringy "me in the hood" pics. did they just walk from hotel to the streets and back? same Gilbert he just posted photo with an electric switchboard… like dude you fucking went to Kyiv to see a random switchboard? ok
I know some ppl would say it's nitpicking but i say, read the room. like why did she insist on fucking posing in front of blocks and dumpsters? why garbage truck? for a normal working ppl it's literally y'know, normal things & normal place of living, not for edgy pics. The folks from the area must be so done with rich US girls straying to their space just to pose in "aesthetic" poor places, who wouldn't be. That's fucky even more so bc Arrow pretends she was so impoverished just a couple years ago.
No. 1393857
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from an old story.
i'm surprised she didn't get the idea of ~sooper hobo 3dgy5you~ photoshoot at the Skid Row yet.
No. 1393896
>>1393857why does she think "hobo" is just an aesthetic if sh grew up in LA, and claims to be part of some working-class gritty rock culture?
the economy's been shit for a long time and a decent amount of people under 35 hav at some point been homeless if not literally sleeping on the streets
how many of us on jsut this website were sleeping on couches or bar basements at her age and took a few year to own more stuff than fits in a backpack?
she's just epically dumb for someone who went to such good schools
No. 1395835
>>1395069she has no own life, her interests are literally imitating someone else. stealing looks, licking asses of other unoriginal insta neets, takin selfies in bikinis so people call her "hot". gilbert probably takes her to some film events but even that's so shallow bc from what i saw if they manage to locate someone taking pics, they always pose as if they were some celebrities on red carpet. (btw that reminds me of some lulzy video of her making an entrance, i'll try to find tomorrow lol)
>>1393896she lived/lives in a fantasy bubble and wouldn't be surprised if she only ever seen real poor ppl through the glass of her mom's car window. all her bandmates are from rich families too, like kids of influencers, designers, etc. So i'll never buy her shit oh so poor hut on a chicken leg in good ol' white trash district Echo Park! can you imagine people who've been through poverty and managed to break out suddenly use it as 'cool image', wear strategically ripped clothes, idk put fake grease in their hair and caption this as "beach trash hobo"? cause i can't. even if was done ironically. cause that time in their life was painful and scary, not "cool".
No. 1395842
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Does this look like poor girl's diary? lmao
On a side note. not that it's important or anything, but now i thnk the "I had no friends I only sat around with adults and rockstars" is bullshit she tweaks for magazines, at least to some degree. judging by old pics she had plenty of friends her age, like i've seen at least 8 different teens. even if she meant early childhood she still had 2 or 3 friends. but guess maybe they don't count as friends but maybe ""alpha"" bitch suporters.
No. 1395867
>>1395835i am
>>1395069 and my english is not so good so if you can find the video i want to see it! your phrasing is right. she always acts like she's performing and it's bcause her mom tells her how to do everything.
No. 1396556
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not milky but i find it lowkey funny how she hops on yet another and another trend, especially since i recently thought it's only a matter of time before she tries to become an "instagram witch". and now she bought a shitton of plants, incences, "cleansing candles", soon she'll start to talk about moon in retrograte and shit. she's so predictable. yeah, cleanse yourself Arrow from all the bullshit and lies you spew kek
No. 1403715
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>>1401754it's a video still but yeah her IG is very curated, even most "random" pics look posed and taken by professionals, which is kinda lame. like how many vain pro shoots a year she calls up just to post on IG? that and how she's always followed around by private photographers each tour. how much ppl works to document them. like lol they're not making any rock history or anything
They collect vintage and Arrow bids on clothes previously owned by rockstars. it would be a nice hobby for normal people, but IMO it only makes her seem even more like a skinwalker. funny they spend huge money on all the old punk memorabilia when they're both most unoriginal trust funds in the scene. as if these clothes could buy them some uniqueness or punk cred. like wow such a gift, a wrinkled tank of a club you've never been to.
No. 1403719
File: 1640740342992.png (1.74 MB, 894x1014, vid.png)

>>1395867found the video. "rock stars on the red carpet" well they hired that car and cameras just so they could make a grand entrance. they arrived to play a show and guess even their own audience didn't notice them or didn't care lol. No. 1403781
File: 1640746177769.png (464.01 KB, 536x934, edgar winter pants.png)

>>1403730this or hiring popular hollywood costume makers just to make a copy of something that was often DIY-crafted by original performers. seen her claim before that she does her stage clothes herself- bitch not a single one, not even stockings and diapers. how does she have a nerve to lecture people that if you don't wear an "original" costume you're a disappointment, bc "the audience wants to see that you're better than them". kek
These for example used to be Edgar Winters pants. No. 1404148
>>1201978>>1403719it's bizarre that she can be 6'3 with less stage presence/charisma than shmegeh.
also weird that despite all the billboards, coaxed collabs with keaton henson kendall jenner etc., and famous connections namedropping her, arrow manages to only have 70k instagram followers. no-name meme accounts can get more than that in a year. it shows how much of the "hype" is just her family shilling. or maybe her old-man fanbase is too old for instagram.
No. 1405246
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on a topic of shilling, she was always a skinwalker, look how much she tried to copy Tavi. grandma clothes, that sort of hairstyle, old-but-young-fashionista style was flogged by Tavi Gevinson in her Rookie days. it's sp obvious they thought she'd be the next teenage trendsetter. in 2013 fashion bloggers were a big thing, at one point fashion blogging was more popular than instagram. just the amount of sponsorships and clothes samples they got just to boost her failure blog, lol. red carpets at LA teen parties. "i was never a blogger", well sucks how traces of that are all over the net
No. 1405248
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No. 1405299
>>1405296me again
>>1405287 you're right about the camera, she wouldn't use one of those would she? a cellphone would be the photo device for her, right? she wouldn't think to take a separate camera, gen z doesn't do that?
No. 1405360
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>>1405299you're right, i haven't thought of that! ofc ik that people choose various cameras but it looks like cueing "i'm an artist" lol. Arrow's pics were def taken by someone else, btw how could they not be when Arrow's always in
front of camera, not behind? i know, self timer. but she really has nothing indicating photos are even her hobby (unless its HER posing for someone lol). camera is just like a prop here
The only honest thing about her i can think of is probably her interest in glam rock & hair metal bands. most of that is shitty music, but guess she's the right person to like cringey, puffed up kitch like Cinderella or Extreme r Motley Crue unironically. i was about to say at least she admits it, but turns out she had "the Pistols, Minor Threat, Bad Brains" phase too (right before hippie phase) hahah
No. 1405369
>>1405296perhaps she looks more real here bc she only posed for photos and modeled clothes back then. she was a still growing kid trying looks, not a spoiled, selfish adult roleplaying something she's not and completely devoid of any personality.
i don't feel bad for her now because she's not in pain in any way, like actual damaged children who are flogged stage to stage by their parents against their will. she's attention whore even bigger than her mom and an entitled brat in general. i can't pity her, especially when i remember her entire "brand" is roleplaying debilitating illnesses. if that was anybody else doing that it would be a huge scandal, but she gets rounds of applause for it.
I feel like she's holding someone else's place, there's plenty of actual talented people out there that deserve this level of promotion and artist circle support, but instead she's hailed as some genius for just showing around
No. 1405451
File: 1640920685430.png (1.68 MB, 848x902, 1353e85bcf785bde969a1.png)

Can't get over how she seemingly considers this ugly photoshoot starring as malnourished prostitute/amateur porn actress as some brightest moment of her career. or showing her ass photoshopped bigger on the front cover. (the right hand looks like a shoop fail too? it gets sort of cramped/fatter in a place it shouldnt, am i blind or what)
sorry but that's exactly what they portrayed here. it's the ugliest shit ever, weirdly reminding of exploitation pic aesthetic. this should've never seen the light of day. even King Kong Mag fans hated it.
(slight ot but KKM photos are awful in general. they can be like "#intended kitch #sarcasm teehee" all they want but it still sucks anyway.)
No. 1405460
>>1405451the corset was a poor choice for her body type yes
what upsets me here is her family cheering it on.
be a porny model if you want, but don't do that and call yourself a "musician". if your daughter is posing like this, don't get involved or show people her adult stuff?
No. 1406407
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wow i wonder why other people her age don't fall for her bring back gritty rocknroll act
No. 1406539
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>>1406412>>1406414>itsaboutthemusicSeriously though, all she did for the last 2 years was just showing ass or tits or spreading legs apart as wide as she can. in every picture. so totally #wilde and "sexy" amirite. damn she's so devoid of any sex appeal. but who knows maybe she highlights the importance of it so much, maybe cause she's planning to make some incredible music with that ass for the next album. like this unmatched art right there
No. 1406546
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>>1406407Even if there are some idiots that do fall for her "omg so rebellious rock act", they quickly forget about her existence because she's just fucking forgettable overall.
Those who lick her ass constantly are projecting hard. they want to see some revolutionary girl making Nirvana tier revolt so hard they'll bend over backwards trying to stick this role onto Arrow for some reason.
she's always running near naked for scraps of attention, how revolutionary. just like every girl in pop music, or like every LA model she hates so fucking much.
No. 1406568
>>1406546kind of insulting to use this stripper "aesthetic" in this photo like it's all so much fun. as if none of the women in the kind of bars where you slip the bills into their thongs aren't being trafficked. it's just privilege american larping as less fortunate women.
and who announces DJ set with a moon? diplo doesn't moon people to say he has a show coming up.
No. 1407273
>>1406568it's one of the lesser
problematic larping she does, compared to playing a schizophrenic with epilepsy attacks, a bandaged self-harmer or starving white trash - but you are right it's kind of bad taste in its own way. LA scenes as well as boring Y2K trend steal from, well, stripper everyday life. most of the actual strippers don't think of it as a "cool aesthetic", all the transparent heels and ~2hot4you, dollar bills in thongs~ shit is not their preferred style, it's a part of their job. they face enough misogyny and objectification at their job, so they aren't starved for male attention privately. some comeout of the experience fucked up and broken, even if, by some miracle they make alot.
Taylor Momsen did the luxurious prostitute look in 2009, stripper heels & leather chokers, things that were passe then but overflowing now. but then it was legit scandalous and mocked hard in fashion columns, now everybody do this. at least Taylor didn't flash nudity all the time and she looked good. Arrow looks like a giraffe in strip heels.
No. 1407282
File: 1641166098137.png (1.61 MB, 1336x1080, tumbllr.png)

Searched her name on tumblr and lol some boring bimbo blogs keep reposting pics from this thread. #aesthetic I'm laughing hard at that post
>Arrow is new tumblr Party Girl
lmaoo she wishes. Arrow is still same awkward boring mama's girl. which is not a crime at all but she definitely ain't what she tries so so hard to portray on her insta. "party girl", she doesn't go to parties AT ALL, she's never seen drugs aside from weed she can buy legally, doesn't go to clubs cause 1. nobody would fucking recognize her as she's not famous at all 2. she has no genuine friends no companion to party with 3. she's f-ing boring. fucked about 2 boring nerds only. the extent of her partying is drinking with her peter pan syndrome boy in stylized derelicte house and taking bodychecks and ass pics next to the shitter. stop acting like you're some Lindsay or Paris tier partying bitch, taking posed pics in thongs is not being party girl lol
No. 1407365
>>1407299yeah, it's perfectly alright to not party at all, or be shy/awkward. big deal, not everyone has to be party bitch. she'd be alright being the shy, boring girl with Iggy Pop haircut and clothes bought by mom like she was in 2016 or earlier. What sucks is that she tries to act like she's such a partying hard hot slut and absolute heartbreaker, calls herself bad bitch and so on. disguising as one is so pathetic, especially since she has a very cliche cartoon idea of it, like she takes all her ideas of life from films and serials. seems to be true tho. when they planned a dj gig Staz posted their convo in which Arrow sperged how they should do this or that and have a jingle & eat that specific food cause that's how they would do it on iCarly.
(disney channel series)
No. 1407413
>>1407397Adding that this bimbo bitch trend is upsetting to see overall. i hate this shit that King kong magazine posts, or disgusting loser who took Arrow's porn pics, cause it's all about portraying women as sweaty whores barely dressed in bikinis showing their huge oiled shiny butts and tits exploding out of their bras, always giving bedroom eyes and self identifying as bimbos. or alternatively, if they don't have huge tits and butts, they are posed to reference anorexic-thin cocaine model look, or myspace ana scene queens, which is what they did with Arrow. such a fucking "empowerment", these pics don't show these women's personalities, interests, talents, origins, anything that is representative of them (and nomen omen things that SHOULD in theory be what empowers people?). no, they show women as prostitutes or porn stars, or shoud i say the idea of a character that porn actresses act out in porn. making them seem dumber, giving a sticker of a male panderer girl who only wants to have sex all the time. a bimbofication. and women (and literal fucking teens) are being told they should be happy to be only seen and desired as whores with only one purpose! they should feel EMPOWERED! they should show their private parts always and would be cool if also were eager to sleep around with everyone anytime, because that's empowering, that's being a confident, strong woman and a wild, outgoing party person liked by everyone. a "goodtime girl"
showing nudity sometimes is ok as long as you're presenting something else too, like any interests or talents. but if flashing your ass for attention is your whole identity and you call porn-stylized pics "art", then you're seemingly losing grey cells. and not interesting in the least.
sage for long tirade
No. 1407417
>>1407364i just like kids and want to have some and it makes me sad to see all the young women who are cows. i just think poor babies, they used to be sweet little toddlers. sorry i guess i'm a sad gen x-er.
i mostly come here for celeb/rockstar milk and radfem tranny hate. i saw arrow's thread and recognized her from the music business in general.
No. 1407450
>>1407417Ah ok, i understand your point of view now. sorry i didn't mean to be harsh. yeah it is sad if we come to think about how children grow up to be mean or shallow or even bad people. it's kind of like nice, happy, curious children are slowly spoiled by the world and turning into monsters sometimes. or turning into sad and troubled people (i turned to sad gen Y adult too).
If you look at people posted here and see them from this perspective then this website must be very depressing to read. (it is sometimes btw, unless you treat it like tabloid celebrity gossip.) so it's good you've got a few chosen threads instead of wilder ones, i only read a few threads too.
i hope you get to have your own children!
No. 1407754
>>1407734no, she came back a couple weeks back. nobody called her out. (cathedral pics are fine though.) judging by comments on her profile, everybody's enamored with her Ukraine pics. actual slavic ppl inviting her to their country and calling her "Slava De Wilde" ew. glad she didn't take a stop in my country.
i swear she'll never be called out for her shitty actions.
No. 1407965
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kek this convo though
>>1407853i don't like it either, idk even what words should be used to explain it to those ppl though. lost cause
No. 1408116
>>1407965kek i agree. this is a weird idea for a band in california. that's very close to a lot of actual ranching areas where people are very serious about "cowboy culture".
it could have maybe worked as a poser thing if they'd been fake cowboys this whole time, you know, like john denver. but its' just more rando shit
No. 1408141
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>>1408116Her lecherous grandfather Jerry de Wilde used to own a huge ass ranch in hollywood hills, but i have no idea if they actually had any farm animals there. i doubt it, actually. it was a hippie ranch housing famous musicians, actors and artists thst were into whole 60's hippie living. so not much to do with cowboy or any sort of farm life.
As for appropriation meh i don't know. cowboy style became really commercial common thing, i don't know if now it should be forbidden. the cowboy shirt thing seems almost mandatory for LA bullshit rock bands, indie especially. Henri pretty much copies 60-70's Nudie suits, country rocker/cowboy clothes stitch by stitch. all these COUNTLESS LA idiots wear that same shit, and each one of them thinks that's so original. but it's been around for literal decades for countless artists. so it's kinda like rocker uniform by default, worn by burgers mostly (not much of Euro ppl play that cowboy dressup, or once just for pics or smth.) so i never thought of it that way before. cause you'd have to be consistent and also call out every single rockstar from the past for doing that too
No. 1408149
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>>1408118Samefag, still i thought the guy is hilariously right in some way. bc such dedication to running around in overpriced version of ranch clothes like you're so tough, when you're in fact a spoiled rich kid is funny.
i'm actually surprised that zoomers don't call her out on mental illness appropriation. which is what i thought zoomers care alot about. anyone would be concerned with her epileptic shit or hospital suicidal case dressups. but ppl say shit like "No one serves insanity like Arrow"… really? Doesn't she know there are actual ill people who don't have to go see a show comprised of a moron performing their own fucking "insanity" symptoms… cause, you know, they deal with it everyday, and for real?
No. 1408157
>>1408149 isn't
>>1408118i was
>>1408118i'm scared nonnnies
my identities are getting stealed
No. 1408188
>>1408158This, i agree. her guitarist wears that stuff so i could see him sell cowboy shirts, but Arrow is permanently on her identity crisis phase so cowboy shirt came out of nowhere. idk whose idea it was, probably they had a quick cash grab in mind. because seems nobody buys their shitty merch. i've seen her bitching nobody buys their 20$ rosaries. their great Black Friday offer was something like 10% discount on a package of a rosary and Starcrawler condom. very fucking tempting. however shirts sold out, and i can't imagine her beer-bellied male audience wearing pink cowboy shirs so that probably went to some well off but naive teens that think Arrow is "queen" of rock
i can't say i feel bad for them not being able to appeal to any substantial audience, guess you get what you deserve. and what they offer to the world is shit, so no wonder
No. 1410080
>>1407413I agree. This band had nearly 2 years off from touring during Covid. You would expect 'talented' artist to write new music and perhaps release a new album (or two) Nope, they released 1 lame music video and a bunch of soft porn pictures.
I have a feeling the bandmates dislike Arrow for the same reasons posted in this thread. The drummer quit and the guitarist is working with another band (with a better looking and sounding singer)
No. 1410267
>>1410080iirc all of her bandboys played without her in some variations lately. Henri plays with a better female singer and the rest Starcrawler members i think but also performed with another gen z guy. I doubt they'll let go of her tho, at least not Henri who's also a cringy snowflake. however i think he has a chance to grow out of it, unlike Arrow.
tbh idc if they make new music or not (they played a couple new songs on october tour if anyone cares to check) but i think it's ironic how it shows how much of an "artist" is really Arrow de wilde. like in that interview where she said "she's been trying to put her name out there in all ways possible" like dj-ing and printing her photoshopped ass on the magazine cover lol.
>>1410162ayrt, this. i just thought, all of her family and rockstar friends who knew her as a baby have seen her ass & tits on their IG feed. all of them were tactfully silent but just, what a fucking cringe. does she think they'd be all like: yay go Arrow feminist qween, question that way the society perceives women… by cosplaying porn. kek
i noticed she posts way less often though lately. i wonder why.
No. 1410623
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nothing but pure rock'n'roll and endless sex-appeal
>>1410554i think she's so used to being called good girl and getting free promo for anything she does that she prob thinks they love it too
btw Dani outranked her and she's the it girl now
No. 1410962
>>1410955I assume you meant to reply to me (I'm this anon
>>1410934) but to clarify I'm not just talking about the fringe, I'm talking about the ties like on this outfit as well
>>1362599 No. 1415678
>>1415643I think zoomers love plants overall, but it depends on music they like. to like her music, no, to even KNOW about Arrow's fucking existence, you gotta be a zoomer who's into rock music/punk/indie. no one else is going to notice her.
i think they ignore her because it's very forgettable. i think there might even be ppl who LIKED a couple of Starcrawler songs, but quickly forgot about it.
i think most people don't even realize Starcrawler are plants. unless someone else exposes them, they'll continue get away with it.
that being said imo they're legit way less "popular" than they used to be. i think they're going downhill already.
No. 1425688
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>>1425458Your wish is granted.
While the whole world is talking about Hugh Hefner and his "pig nights", sexual abuse, drugging girls and bestiality happening at his Playboy mansion, this fucking idiot proudly wears around Playboy logo.
The news of this were blasted all over the media on 18th January. Actually were around at least since 16th from what i see. Don't believe Arrow hasn't heard the news. And yet she decided it would be appropriate to wear Playboy bunny on this private gig on 18th January.
No. 1425700
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I know idiots will wear Playboy logo nonetheless, but I can't imagine hearing all the news and THEN wearing that logo as if nothing happened.
No. 1425709
>>1425666She's been shilled hard on Youtube and different rock-indie associated websites in 2018 back when they had bigger industry campaign. i guess people's go-to for all things Starcrawler is Youtube and Insta. even anachan websites lost interest in her.
>i guess shes really just not that appealing to people that arent friends with her parentsThis, and the only other people she appeals to are thirsty old males liking rock/LA people who can't recognize talent nor sincerity for shit.
No. 1425768
>>1425709>>1425666kek that's really funny, so even the generation that falls for "diy internet person gets famous" still won't buy her shit because it's just that unfashionable.
they're cute kids, not gonna lie, but in no way are they cool.
No. 1425773
>>1425688ayrt NO what the fuck. child of old money literally wears the trafficking of poorer women as an accessory
No. 1425838
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Lmao their poor attempts at advertizing on TikTok are so kekworthy "ur fave chaotic band" ok lol.
Are they dropped from Rough Trade? cause they released a single on Third Man Records, Henry also had his hillybilly record on TMR. Guess we gotta wait and see but it'll be ironic if they got dropped. it'd mean their records don't sell and even mommy's friends at RT couldn't help it.
>>1425773yeah I mean how stupid/insensitive she must be. No empathy whatsoever. it's hot topic now, lots of people didn't even know about it, you'd think it's basic decency to not flaunt that shitty brand now? pics already disappeared from her tagged list so ofc there will be no callout. as always. but i think it's important to archive her misogynistic bullshit
No. 1425935
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>>1425838>>1425700>>1425688wow u guise its like u never heard of punk rock? fuck normies morals
No. 1425957
>>1425935LMAO idk if you're just shitposting but if not:
>unironic wearing Playboy tshirtvery fucking punk rock
>Arrow>punk rockThese words are contradicting each other
No. 1425975
>>1425935sid vicious or siouxsie sioux wearing the nazis' swastika was a very specific rebellion by brits born in the 50s against the older class that held the war over their heads and told them they'd never amount to anything while they all lived off unemployment in houses with no hot water and a wooden toilet in the backyard. that was punk.
debbie harry stealing a playboy t-shirt from the payboy mansion where she worked and then wearing it on stage to show she didn't work for literally The Man anymore and was taking his shit after years of him taking hers was punk.
No. 1425994
>>1425975Not that anon but i always thought 70's punks wearing swastika shirts was idiotic, not punk. yeah that was partly rebellion against/message to older generation, partly just a want to shock. (And lets be honest, Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood placed most of these things on shirts to shock/get clients/make money on shirts they sold.) I know people like Sid Vicious wore it for other reasons, not because they shared the views with nazis (as opposed to nazi-punk fractions), but it was stupid nonetheless. i can't imagine wearing swastikas even just to shock parents or criticize generations or something, maybe it's cause of the history of my country which was directly ruled by nazis. not pearclutching, i know why punks did it but kind of can't help but roll my eyes at it. no matter what was the point, swastika brings to mind certain historical occurences and making it into fashion statement, no matter the reason, is childish. not childish, wrong word. idk, misguided
As for Playboy, I agree. "Not normie" anon, what pray tell is the "punk" meaning of wearing Playboy shirt? WHAT is the big message? Thought it was just old stupid trend of the 00's that got brought back cause idiots make that stupid 00's fashion comeback. gen Z idiots like Arrow wear them because a) they want to copy the old trend/aesthetic b) show they're "hot". These chicks think slapping that shitty logo anywhere magically makes them hot babes, and apparently think cosplaying a Playboy bunny is equivalent to being hottest meanest most desired bitch ever.
Except, surprise surprise, being a Playboy bunny didn't mean "just being hot at the party", it meant being trafficked, drugged up, abused and raped by old fucking males.
i know some use the logo "ironically", but doing that usually entails mocking/criticizing the meaning of the logo and its meaning. But rest assured, Arrow isn't performing any criticism nor "social commentary", ever. she just follows the whole idea, wanting to be the hottest bitch in older males eyes, for the male pleasure. she doesn't even hide it.
No. 1426024
>>1425994Forgot that Arrow actually gave a justification, not of Playboy but the good time girl (a term which can have quite negative meaning). According to her, being a party girl fuckign hard/giving out blowjobs to random guys just to show she's "not a boring normie who takes it slow" is totally empowering thing, and lyrics about that are her generous gift to all awkward middle school-aged nerdy girls, so they can listen and feel they're transforming into some bad bitch entities. because girls totally cannot feel confident without being expected to somehow turn themselves into hot bitches or party thots, always ready to please men. guess in her mind being a men's toy is empowering, cause she thinks it makes her some hot dominant bitch that's in control. but in fact she's always doing exactly what men want her to do - turning herself into an object, thinking perpetual nudity equals having personality, and fighting for literal scraps of their attention. look at her entire "career".
she's fucking dumb and probably doesn't think before she speaks, but it doesn't change the fact she's really going along with this misogynist man pleaser thing and encouraging others to do the same. And whole "Playboy bunny" is the ultimate man pleaser symbol. turns out Playboy bunny girls weren't only there to please men with their beauty, they were getting intoxicated, abused and raped. and that changes alot.
Anyway, my main point is that it's a bad fucking timing. Hearing the news and wearing Playboy shirt pretty much on the same day is like saying "Omg poor women, Playboy and Hefner are so vile! Speaking of which, let's put some Playboy shirt on-"
No. 1461677
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LMAO what the fuck is this walmart bargain version of Grimes, guess we're getting a weaboo Arrow this time. She has this nonsense feature in new i-D magazine and you just KNOW she begged her famous mom to plug her in cause who tf in their right mind would call Arrow De Wilde for fashion/art shoots when there's plenty of actual competent people who can model. or she just floods mailboxes of all edgy photographers recently, especially those who dress idiots from LA as 2000 bimbos or porn starlets and take shitty y2k styled photos in MySpace/Motorola quality while thinking it's oh so innovative and unique. i swear all of them buy flip phones and old camcorders now and do pics like these
(prepare for big pic dump)
No. 1461680
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i can't at her rolling her ass in the sand dramatically and waving that plastic sword around
No. 1461687
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apparently she broke that sword on set because "her acting was too good for the sword to handle"
No. 1461689
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this seems really inspired by Grimes and her shit looks, especially anime eyes, nails and awful colored wig on the other photos, anyways the setting makes it look like it's kinda inspired by Genesis video
No. 1461693
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including stuff from insta stories cause they expired (monibelle on IG).
No. 1461695
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stories part 2
No. 1461699
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who the fuck thought this looks good
No. 1461703
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No. 1461704
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No. 1461706
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ok all loaded I guess
No. 1461767
>>1461703>>1461704Did Umbran make this wig?
>>14616995/10 Salad Fingers cosplay, not super accurate, but recognizable
No. 1461853
>>1461737It seems like she wants to do fashion stuff that big stars do for artsy fartsy magazines, but won't get the usual gigs. The only stuff she gets are usually same old directions: either going totally along with how her body looks and dressing her like an alien, or working the 00's anorexic model pornstar kinda way.
people are shamelessly loving anorexic/pro ana looking ppl in fashion so maybe they thought it would do. except she cannot model for shit.
Anyways her Y2Kbimbo wear really stands out like a sore thumb in her band. especially since seeing what they post recently, Starcrawler is planning to go country
No. 1462350
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Lmao, i told you Rough Trade fucking dropped them. No idea why else would they leave RT, unless they wanted to be even more ~punk but famous~. That label is distributed by Universal but apparently they look like nothing special at all? correct me if i'm wrong industry nonnitas but after looking at Big Machine instagram, it seems like a shitty offshoot label that signs nobody country artists.
No. 1462355
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So guess they're going country, which is kinda hilarious considering their previous hairmetal/punk rock/grunge LARPing. seen them posting pics visiting various museums in Nashville and going strictly to country shows, looks like they went to get inspiration for their new ripoffs.
Anyway how further could they stray from anything actually relevant and desired by their peer group? kinda funny seeing Arrow going with trends wearing Y2K bimbo stuff or posting mochi photos and doing this weaboo Grimes-inspired LARP and then… country rock. makes total sense
No. 1462482
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Lmaoo she thinks it's a major label, this particular record label is really no big deal. Also i can't with this "i couldn't believe such a small rock band like us could ever get where we are~" Bitch they signed you cause they know your parents, and your mom's famous friends sent them a letter of recommendation
No. 1462552
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It's kinda hilarious seeing her fight to decide whether she wants to do 00's bimbo faeire or a country cowboy wear. No way this McBling shit and her stupid epileptic "persona" goes well with country music. unless i'm wrong and they don't go more pop/country, they shot all their chances at any sort of success. not with zoomers, not with punks, not w country fans. tbh i wouldn't mind seeing them flop. compared to other bands alike they always escape any judgement, get unfairly favoured in the scene and you can never tell anything on them & call out even on smallest shit, ever
>>1462476>that's the only thing she's had even middling success with so far.Not even that one. majority of her shoots happened bc Gilbert or Autumn know the right people. that's kinda the same close LA circlejerk scene. but lookwise she's "ana" enough to put her in a 00's themed shoot where that's a default bodytype they want and make it look fine, but most of the poses she makes erase any passable quality there was. Honestly i'm fine with her doing the nepo modelling, as long as she stays out of the music biz. Arrow just turn into IG model, you can do that without pretending music is your no.1 passion
No. 1463131
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>>1462350Wow that new label looks like polished Christian country label. WTF. lmao.
Something seems like desperation.
I find it interesting that the original drummer quit. They also have a new 5th member? New drummer looks much older and out of place.
No. 1463178
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>>1463131Literally, the more i read on this label the more it turns out it's an irrelevant indie country-centered label that's known only for being Taylor Swift's first label. (And apparently they screwed her over somehow, gonna read more on this).
Yes, they're distributed by Universal but in practice in means that their CDs are enough to hit well stocked American record shops in country section, but not enough to get anywhere else. the label's artist are mostly nobodies, most they had was Taylor and The Voice star. my guess is these CDs won't be available in Europe, unless someone specifically makes an order.
This is such a downfall, Rough Trade is indie only on paper, they're prestigious label that sells records in Europe. so they're closest they got to mainstream. they'd be better off signing to Loma Vista or Third Man records but nope.
Also, again. This is a local Nashville-centerd independent label with major distribution. so not a major label but ok keep dreaming, Arrow.
No. 1463187
>>1463178samefag, want to add ofc it's led by mainstream-related people adn all. But i won't lie it may be worth a lot of money but popularity wise, it doesn't seem like a breeding ground of superstars now.
My tinfoil is that Butch Walker is going to be their nextproducer, i see him creeping in their comment section a lot lately.
Old drummer quit bc he was done, he even said he quit to "rediscover passion for music" and he totally vanished from Arrow's orbit. he was the least cowish person of them all so makes sense.
5th member seems to be Henri's younger brother/relative, he's like 18 or younger
No. 1463307
>>1463205Asia yes, but speaking of Europe, they only had any success in UK and a couple more. they're quite ok in Australia i guess, they have headlining gigs there. I promise any audience they had in Europe lost interest, most of them were there for other bands and beer.
>>1462446East Europe represent here, Slavic countries don't even know about Starcrawler. they wouldn't even get shitty bar tours, you've got to have audience for that. speaking of shitty beer and food bars, that's the area they tour already, but in USA. Tbh Starcrawler 100% WILL get a UK/Europe tour, but outside UK they can expect playing in Chicken&Grill venues for a crowd of 20. count in covid restrictions, you know that Arrow's scared of taking off her mask and letting unvaxxed fans in.
No. 1463323
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>I was pretty much right on the road right up until Covid
jjfc how much smug and self-obsessed this bitch can be? Not even "we were on the road right up", I WAS. transparent.
you're literally on the way down since 2019 but ok. keep flexing that you signed to a nobody christrian country label.
No. 1463330
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Outfits look cool if you're into 2012 Grimes, but this is just a goldmine of bad photos, damn.
OT but i'm fed up with that one specific Y2k belted micro mini that fashion people shove everywhere now. on MiuMiu's instagram people are trolling them hard for making everyone wear the same samples lol
No. 1463335
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No. 1463444
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Grimes anons, any pics of Grimes looks that she blatantly stolen? most obvious is this and that pink girl from Genesis bc of general setting and vibe, and Miss Antropocene videos because of shitty colored wigs. but Grimes had countless other sword shoots.
She cannot get away with being a skinwalker all her life, there'll be a callout sooner or later. that Grimes ripoff is not even close to being as direct as Katie J Garside but it confirms her pattern.
No. 1463988
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>>1463797Not only is it 'nothing' it's a bad match. It's comical actually.
Compare the two Instagram feeds. What the hell am I missing here?
No. 1464004
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Lol i guess people are seeing this too (picrel)
>>1463988>unproffessional, messy christmas-sales-at-local-shop vibes instagram feed>77k followers, which is only slightly more follows that Arrow has now. not a lot for a "major label" page>didn't even care to announce Starcrawler yetLol, what is missing is any other rock bands. Starcrawler is literally the only rock band on the label. Arrow saying she's "omgggz finally signed to major" is either a sign she doesn't understand music biz at all or that it's just a massive cope
No. 1464314
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>handmade slogan on a t-shirt
>flexes being 8 years late on being into embarassing pedo based kink while everybody else kicked DD/LG to the curb already
>big daddy
Who, Arrow? You mean you are the big daddy and Gilbert is your little?
No. 1465390
>>1464576It's their own version of excusing their own failure. It's so easy, blaming it all on covid and lockdown. I mean look at that Starcrawler account paid/supported by the band and shit it spews alignes perfectly with what Arrow says You can immediately tell it's someone close to the band cause it's their narration. "Starcrawler was on fast road to stardom before Covid crossed their paths!"
>>1331365 Bitch, what stardom? You played a tour in half-empty halls, on the back of friends Autumn asked for favour, back when there was no pandemics. This is really nothing new, Starcrawler always lied and made some false narratives. look at the beginning of the thread and posts introducing laying out what's wrong with her. Starcrawler was never a cult band, even after they already toured with their first album they were absolute nobodies. Their old posts all have only their families comments underneath! But she will just lie she quickly gained some massive success and now she's climbed on the top and signed to a "major label", and don't forget about such debilitating poverty that Arrow crawled out of! They're such shameless liars, Arrow, her mother and her band all
No. 1465675
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Arrow went to Kyiv because she Autumn shot 3 videos for Florence and The Machine, so of course she had to wriggle her daughter in even just for slightest few seconds.
On a side note, these videos are awful. Form over substance. These videos are so boring and tell absolutely no story. visuals standalone don't make up for this. All of them feel like a tv advert of latest Rodarte collection at most, not high art
No. 1465680
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She looked good in that 1st second she appears in, but she sorta ruins the next scene she's in. All actors are meant to be moveless unless Florence tackles them, and even then they sort of come back to their previous form, you know what i mean? and Arrow visible moves all the time, like you can see her shifting from one leg to another several times.
How can one's "acting" skills be so bad that you can't even stand still for literal 2 seconds?
No. 1466504
>>1466330yeah same for me. looks like it's not even posted on I-d site? however I-d apparently is also released in print, so her article is def in the print version. i'm waiting to see if they add the article on the website, so i can read that astronomical amount of cope and self praise, but i wouldn't be surprised if they don't even bother to post it lol
looks like mags don't care but they only occasionally throw her some scraps
No. 1470887
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What insufferable clout chasers. running from Gucci party to a Gucci party and getting photographed like red carpet socialites for validation. Victoria Deangelis is as much of a cow, same as Maneskin singer and the band is overall fame hungry cloutchasers who moved to LA so they can attend washout meetings at Gucci, cause i see no other reason as they don't need LA, they're fucking famous internationally.
I only wonder if it's Maneskin wanting to be friends with her or Arrow trying to have famous besties. would never tell Maneskin would ever need to run around nobodies like Dani and Arrow.
No. 1476685
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I_d Magazine interview dropped awhile ago. most of the stuff posted on their site is announced on Insta & other socials, but this shit didn't even get promoted. pretty telling. you can just tell she called up her friends from press in poor attempt to remind the world about herself, that's exactly what she's doing for like 2 years.
What a boring fucking bitch, grinning at "achievements" granted by industry parents. ask your mom for that Nobel prize, maybe Autumn is down to buy that too.
No. 1476693
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>Mazzy Star
Lmao. sincerly, back off, you're gonna make yourself like a biggest fucking dumbfuck in your "career". you can't put out some lazy Mazzy Star impressions when your voice always sounds like a goat.
Dying to hear "something that will be played at discoteque", looks like she wants to do something modern/mainstream top 40 just to grasp at straws, or if they just go for shitty 70's disco as a "joke"
No. 1476855
>>1476693seems to misunderstand what a discotheque even is. basically the "event" kind of bar you go to after 6pm-9pm drinks at the dive/local/corner pub. the place that has a kitchen, even if it's a small shitty one.
a discotheque is where any kind of musician in the late 70s and 80s would play shows after the creation of the whole rock/pop scene structure in the 60s.
like, OMD or blondie or kanye west could all get "played at a discotheque" the way she's talking about it.
[plz correct me if the USA is wildly different in this regard]
No. 1476898
>>1470887I don’t know who any of these people are, but everyone in this photo is such a slackjawed mouthbreather that they look like a collage of various rodent animorphs. Not a single person here has a functional jaw or chin. I feel like they all need help holding their mouths closed when they eat, like geriatrics.
Did the Gucci show take place at an adult thumbsuckers convention?
No. 1477283
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>>1476898Looks like him. Yea Beck seems to be a nice guy overall, but it's true he's besties with Autumn and Arrow, and he reaaaly runs around all those Gucci parties, no matter what occasion. This is one big validation party for rock/industry losers starved for some sort of "Hollywood" recognition. when you google "Arrow gucci" you can see he's alwayr there, maybe he's some brand ambassador or just. likes that sort of crowd.
This is so pathetic, some of these articles are written by Arrow's friends. literally just to show off their buddies posing on their version of celeb carpet and walls. one of them shows up in google as "Gucci opened it's first LA restaurant with a party for the cool kids". shudder of disgust.
No. 1478021
>>1477283this is a confusing photo
beck is like eyebrow height on me, so with the shoes in this photo he's almost my height (175cm). arrow is wearing heels but is only a head taller than him, isn't that decently less than 6'3"?
i feel like a 6 foot 3 person is much higher above me than that
sorry stoned
No. 1479704
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Jeez don't get so hyped up, this is not a stroke of luck or anything, this is your buddy's mother knowing Jack White. Autumn even made a whole book with her White Stripes photos.
>For all of the kids out there making rock music in a world that seems to no longer accept it: keep pushing. You can do whatever you set your mind to.You probably meant: you can do whatever you want if you set your industry parents to give you an opportunity. fucking bold of him to spit that patronizing bullshit when he grew up as an artschool brat in a household filled with 50 vintage guitars or more.
damn all these haughty recipes for success and "advices" for young people chasing their dreams, that's all they say for the last 2 years. delusions of grandeur or a massive cope?
>>1477283idk Beck has shoes with heels too, and instead of standing straight, Arrow is slumping down and propping herself on Gilbert as usual (lol).
No. 1483440
>>1479704oh my god why would he tell this story. it's so embarassing.
>jack white is nice to his friends' kidsis what he's saying. so lame the way he's trying to make himself sound like a magical rock fairy
No. 1483477
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>>1483440I guess they're again on a ride calling ALL of their friends and whoever threw them a good word. They're having a tour with My Chemical Romance cause Gerard Way complimented them that one time, when they released "Ants". Milton Keynes is a big stadium. Hm, someone got bitter that we said they play at grill bars for 10 people?
I lowkey hate it, they don't deserve fake pumping their career like this. Very curious how zoomers will receive them.
anyways pls put "sage" in email field when posting, unless there's new milk
No. 1484030
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>>1484021Lmao anon
Tbh i can never understand how anyone can think something like THAT looks cool
No. 1484042
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Taylor Momsen wannabe decides to take her younger brother to a party because she promised parents to have an eye on him
(sorry but they look so awkward kek)
No. 1484244
>>1484232it is kek. sorry my inner stacy can't help but bully that future-troon.
(you know it's coming)
No. 1485902
>>1485479Hm wasn't the Elton John promo in 2017 or 2018? The big promo was in year 2018 and their second album was i think 2019. I knew about them since maybe late 2018 cause they were always on hot new bands lists and such, and being frustrated that they're such copycats but there was no space to talk about it. didn't expect there would be so much more to this bullshit story tbh
i think it's interesting topic cause it highlights lies in independent music scene that's supposed to be oh so punk and "honest". i find it funny how looking back from the start of this thread, most of anon's predictions came true. I guess new thread should be called "Bimbofication edition" or something lol.
No. 1492722
File: 1649114221479.webm (10.96 MB, 960x540, strcrlr.webm)
So… this is what people are travelling and buying tickets to see live rn? A wannabe stripper barely knowing how to sway these hips and trying so hard to be sexy (read: contorting her body angularly), singing with a dull voice and jutting out her bones violently next to an idiot trashing himself around like a muppet in a fake expressive "rock'n'roll" manner? their act is stale af at this point. i guess she had to trash blood spitting, water vomiting and smashing people's telephones so their ""show"" possibilities got significantly reduced. maybe now ppl will realize how fucking boring it is
(Sorry i'm not slamming her for her weight, i mean she's just jutting/pushing her limbs out in a stupid way and moves sharply instead of, idk, moving smoothly. just that minimum effort if one wants to look sexy, lol.)
No. 1492780
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>>1492722Some obedece a la morsa type beat.
No. 1493292
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Am I alone in thinking their youtube comments look like clever bots? They're all the same comments like "im a 48-50yo from downtown LA and this music reminds me of the 80s its just what the music scene needs today" and it's this same thing rephrased by different accounts
No. 1493338
>>1493292No. They definitely use bots. How else explain that these comments are all the same? I'm 60 year old man but i still rock to Starcrawler! I'm 85 year old and it reminds me of when punk exploded! etc. Damn this is transparent. Why are they pushing the old man comments though? Is that validating for them that old fucking pricks are praising this band? you would think so, esp when you remember she said this
>>1129394 she sounds so flattered. You'd think they'd fake zoomers commenting, but no! Worth noticing that it's always 60yo MEN, never WOMEN.
I think i'll start preparing new thread summary. We still have like 10-20 replies to go and threads close definitely some posts after 1200+ posts so we can still post but yeah
No. 1493567
>>1493292>>1493338I thought the same thing! I've seen comments and threads about Starcrawler on the most random fucking forums. It's usually a post of one of their videos along with a comment like "Wow, I just randomly stumbled upon this band's video, they're so weird! It has a punk vibe from the 80s, it's SO catchy!"
Meanwhile I'd never heard of Arrow before in my life until this lolcow thread.
No. 1493601
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>>1493567"Wow, I just randomly stumbled upon this band's video"
Lol, exactly. Just googled "Starcrawler forum" and "Arrow De Wilde forum" and this looks like all these posts were made by one person.
No. 1493610
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Btw while lurking forums I found this article, shows what random people who didn't know of them think. Interesting how different are the comments from 2018 than whatever high praise this band gets now. some of the comments (picrel) No. 1493812
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>>1461940I thought about exposing her in a video. Started making a vid a few months back and I gotta say, her plagiarism looks so much more pronounced and apparent in a video comparison. Tbh I do other stuff in my free time and I haven't decided yet to post it or not at all but I'm kind of tempted. Mostly because I wonder if people will still whiteknight her when presented with receipts at hand. People seem to have a weird parasocial relationship with Arrow which I find interesting. Like they pour all their "rock'n'roll saviour" wet dreams on her, and refuse to see the truth about them, very weird. Then again, maybe they just don't know much about her.
I don't know if it's been said yet but she has weird thing for faking self harm. Up until recent tours she had this repetitive show trick when she faked slashing her wrists.
No. 1493852
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>>1493610kek at this guy being "what about the mennnnz" though
No. 1493934
>>1493852kek. i lowkey agree though, not with his whole opinion but with that if Arrow was a guy, reaction to this band would be much different. I actually think if they had male on vocals, but doing everything Arrow does, they would get called out as plants immediately. 90% of "appeal" of this band lies on Arrow, the fact that she's a girl - people think "omg wild dirty chick behaving like THAT? we haven't seen such shit since the 90's!" Second of all, her thiness is a HUGE part of this band, like it or not, it's interesting to people. makes them talk. Arrow 100% isn't anorexic and she doesn't have Marfan syndrome, but people think she's sick and whenever someone criticizes her, they're like no no no, how dare you, she's ill, let her be! And this way she gets away with everything, including fake cutting like this vid
>>1493814 gotta say she plays it well, she incorporates her unconventional look very much into her, uh, image. sometimes it looks like she tries to make it even more pronounced and in other ppl's faces you know? especially with her bullshit fake fainting and paramedic stunts. If she was a guy people wouldn't care - look at the guy from Deerhunter, he looks like her but nobody cares.
All it takes is to look like unwashed hobo chick with heroin chic look and throwing herself around like maniac et voila. nobody disputes their "punk cred"
No. 1493949
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>>1493912she looks like that but it's a normal person, she's not sick. I found an interview in which she says she doesn't have Marfans or anorexia but cant find it now. when i find it, i'll post it probably when a new thread appears tomorrow.
(threads lock finally after 1218 posts right?)
Look at her mother, she looked the same as her as a teen. perhaps Arrow's a little more bony but similar nonetheless.
No. 1494043
>>1494020alright, sorry then. i thought it was worth posting nonetheless bc it shows scary thin is running in her family like people here suspected.
i got used to it after reading this thread so it doesn't look as shocking to me now but yeah, she's skin and bones like Eugenia Cooney.
No. 1494489
>>1494093that's not always sign of anorexia, i have thighs thinner than knee joint too and look anorexic overall because of other health issues. i gotta give it to you though, Autumn looked skinny but normal skinny compared to her, and Arrow sometimes looked like she gained a bit weight
>>1170500bitch 100% doesn't have Marfans though, and they deny other conditions either. i doubt she's ana because of food she was photographed with, she would eat burgers, meat, huge burritos and overall lots of fast food. she even bitched about favourite fast food restaurants for half an interview once. so my tinfoil is she could be at best bulimic, or she shovels shit food but not anything of value.