Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin is a 28 year old woman obsessed with Sephiroth and online role playing, known for being overtly racist, serially lying, and having questionable interactions with children. Rachel made herself into a fully fledged cow after she barged into the lc discord demanding her thread, which had been abandoned for a year, be taken down. In the process, Rachel incriminated herself further by doubling down on her actions, saying children set adults up for molestation accusations, that it’s okay to be racist if someone is mean to you first, and threatening to send a cease and desist letter. She was such a massive sperg that farmers started to think it was a troll– that is, until she doxed herself (not for the first time) by sending a picture of her ID to a random user in an attempt to get the thread removed.
Since then, she has managed to fill her almost empty thread in under a week by spending all day every day defending herself here, posing as a myriad of other characters, including members of her harem of sexy boyfriends, “friends” (of which she has none), and other farmers, succeeding in none of her attempts. This is because she is very stupid, repeating the same lines many dozens of times, and making many winning arguments such as “Rachel isn’t here, guise!” x200.
A brief run down of her milky antics from last thread
>posts in her own thread trying to be someone else>>1507738 >talks about her imaginative sex life >>1507602>posted someone’s new born baby image and said she would sell it on the black market>constantly calling people fatty patty, boomer, nignog and terfs>Inesposting to deflect when someone proves her wrong>insists only one person is in the thread, Ines. Thread #1:
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