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No. 1542531
Quran McCain and Cheryl McGregor are a TikTok-famous couple best known for their age gap (he’s 24, she’s 61). They make dance TikToks, as well as gross ones about their sex life and about trying for a baby. The pair have had an OnlyFans page in the past.
>They met when Quran was just 15; Cheryl was her boss’s mother>officially got together in April of 2021 after Quran told Cheryl about a sex dream he had with her in it>Quran proposed to Cheryl at Olive Garden; they married a couple of months later>have appeared on Love Don’t Judge twice, including a cow crossover with fellow age gap couple Eileen and Julia (who have a dead thread)>are obsessively trying for a baby despite Cheryl being in her 60s and most likely having gone through menopause; they’ve also mentioned going through a surrogate>their TikToks are often lewd; tons of references to Cheryl’s genitalia (#WAP) and to their sex life/porn>both of them have been arrested in the past for insurance fraud; an ankle monitor is visible in some of their videosTikTok: kingqurannewpage (Quran) and oliver6060 (Cheryl)
Twitter: kingqurannewpag
Love Don’t Judge - “My GF Is Old Enough To Be My Grandmother”: Don’t Judge - “I’m 24, My Wife’s 61 - Now We Want A Baby”: No. 1551450
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Everything about this is bad. Fake punches, cringe t-shirt.
No. 1551499
>>1543217Probably self hating black people who think this old lady has money to hand out.
Also, he gives me gay vibes. I can't explain it but something about him sets off my gaydar.
No. 1585027
>>1583984Please tell me you're the
nonnie running the schizo Twitter account just discovered by the shaytards