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No. 1414901
Tradthots #8
Last thread here
>>1299824>>1299824>>1299824A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.
Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband. They tend to be from well-off backgrounds and have lived very sheltered lives of privelege although many come off as possibly having some trauma problems. Their attention to the female role and the female body often comes off as performative and even fetishistic, to appeal to their audience of MGTOW red pilled incels, neckbeards, and wignats.
Many of our tradthots are quite preoccupied with the outer trapings of religion, usually identifying with reactionary trends within Roman Catholicism or sometimes Eastern Orthodoxy. Some are quite fond of parading around in conservative dress or a chapel veil, but almost invariably this comes off as weirld sexualized too. Meanwhile all the religious talk on social media falls flat and seems performative. Reached for comment, Jesus Christ had this to say: "they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen … they have their reward." (Matthew 6:5)
A few examples are:
Lauren Southern
>Former costhot>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism>Dated an ethnic man>4chan nazis found out and got big mad>Made multiple shitty documentaries where she misrepresents facts and pushes the far right narrative.>Recently married, husband is allegedly Asian, she hides his identity>Whitewashes her poor baby, insists he has green eyes and a ginger gene>Released a pro-cop documentary Barrett
>She's gained over 10k subs in the last month or so alone >Decided to become traditional after doing some marriage group with her husband and allegedly realizing that she was apparently the one creating all the problems in her marriage>Claims she was a "porn addicted feminist" before marriage>It seems like she was already doing a variety of other trendy types of videos before but her channel was small, now she almost exclusively posts advice content>Makes advice/reaction videos from the perspective of a married woman talking to single women where she criticizes women for things like leaving their husbands for cheating on them, and is always making comments that are obviously meant for a male audience >Gets hilariously visibly mad whenever talking about other women even if the women in question are just some women she made up to be mad at or some low hanging cosmo writer fruit Riley
>Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie.>Supports rapist Roosh V>Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s traveling and dating abusive bums.>Born again Christian housewife>Had a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.>Writes for Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily Britton
>Ana chan pick me who wrote an MRA children's book.>Did some shitty acting gigs.>Is engaged to some old fat, frumpy bum with greasy hair.>Posts about cooking like it makes her special.>Tweets daily about how oppressed scrotes are.
>PhD but preaches traditional values>Spergs about how amazing eastern European men are>Eats raw ground meat with shit bacteria mixed in>Wants to live in a hut in Sibera>got called out for being a Gold Digger >>1340549Twitter: Midwest:
>Married an ugly abusive cop>Youtube channel where she teaches her tradthot ways>Follows rapist Roosh V gospel>Said women are genetically predisposed to cleaning>Weird posts about her own pregnancy>Caught following WN accounts on instagram>Tries to emulate WN promo material aesthetic>Knocked up again >>1322420New girls from last thread with interesting milk:
Pantsu Party / "May" / Amanda Lynn Morris
>unfortunate-looking and overly young fiancee of Ethan Oliver Ralph, loathesome misogynistic oaf and host of the failing Killstream poadcast>currently pregnant with his daughter>tried to rope Ethan's ex and other baby-mama Faith into a threesome while Ralph and Faith were still together>Ralph is probably now cheating on her with Alice, notorious IP2 thot and (cow crossover) former obsession of ShawnPhase, currently orbiting Elaine>ex of DigiBro, unironic anime and MLP fan who trooned out>experimented with a male identity during that time>obsessive lolicon herself, excuses it as helping her work through trauma>has excused 'voluntary' pedophilia>history of psychosis due to drug abuse>Massive Kiwi Farms thread full of incel rage she's not going to fuck you, Josh>discussion here >>1310573 / Old - (Gabby Renee ???)
>Russian-Canadian tradthot and purveyor of suggstive instagram pics>single, always ready to explain how to serve a man>hot takes on motherhood despite never going through it >>1384513>poses seductively in trad costume >>1381580>larps about Russian folklore to hide her neuroses >>1381580>crypto-grifter and purveyor of tradthot-themed NFTs>get yours here for about $100 USD as of January 2022 ->unironically sold at least two>she'll refer you to coinbase, too>additional grift is paywalled sperging about poetry cows / orbiters / notable events
>Brittany Martinez/Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily>>>>crossovers with both Lisa Britton and Robyn Riley>Samiah/@__samiahh - tradthot, Muslim edition - >>>/snow/1304889>daintykatherine flounces college and effortposts on Twitter >>1382950>Lauren Chen selling cosmetics in between tradthot talking points >>1327757>Courtney Ryan, redpill-adjacent "men's dating coach" >>1345250>Isabella Riley, filtered and in the kitchen >>1349409>Kirbs, "built to withstand domestic violence", got trolled into fighting imaginary pedos >>1368616>Brittany Pettibone named her son Reinhard, which has…connotations >>1377493 No. 1414904
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Introducing Rach4Patriarchy / Rachel Wilson (née Huizenga)
> 41 year old, putting on weight, abuses filters like they're crack until it looks uncanney-valley (picrel is not further manipulated)> 5 kids, oldest is 12, homeschooler, larps as a mommy guru> Last known occupation: Clinique Special Events Makeup Artist in Michigan, recently moved to Reno, NV> seems to be a current full time grifter on Patreon (as BasedHomeschoolMom) and elsewhere> currently pulling in $99/mo on Patreon, others unclear> "creates content that breams feminist programming & resores families"> married to edgy and banned-from-everywhere wannabe streamer BigPapaFascist (Andrew Harrison Wilson)> still seems to use her maiden name officially, interesting for a woman of her views> author of (self-published) book called "Occult Feminism", purporting to describe "demon worship, spirit mediums, magic mushrooms, witchcraft, CIA spies [and] sex cults"> got into a massive slapfight with the Vickers family, who's teenager daughter Faith was impregnated by Ethan Oliver Ralph, vile misogynist has-been alt-right podcaster and sworn enemey of Joshua Connor Moon> vigorously defended Ralph, who as at that time tweeting about Faith's "loose pussy", as one of the hopes of Western Christian Civilization> continues to support Ralph's fundraisers to fight the Vickers in family court> grifts along with him and other marginals who's everyday behavior contradicts all religious teaching> husband is a bottom-of-the-barrel IBS bonehead and general laughingstock > got utterly roasted recently by his peers for not being racist enough> he's banned off most social media but still wanders from stream to stream> apart from Ralph retweets, her Twitter is mostly peformative flexing of her religion No. 1414939
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>>1414904cow crossover, lesbian edition
No. 1416191
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Tradthots pandering to chinless tampons under shit meme videos
No. 1416207
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Some updates from May/PantsuParty/SadnTrad on twitter:
>she is currently about 20+ weeks pregnant
>still together with Ethan Ralph (as of the 5th of January a convicted sex offender)
>over New Years Eve Ralph left her alone to go party with hookers in Las Vegas, he goes there about every two weeks because he can't stand to be around her
>they still aren't married even tho they are constantly in Las Vegas where it is super easy to get married
>while he left her alone over New Years she had an allergic reaction to nuts in some trailmix and had to go to the hospital, it's unknown if that affected her unborn baby in some way
>he plans to move to Las Vegas, great place to start a family
>he is already pining after a different, younger woman (Alice from IP2) who has visited them at their house. Alice calls May "Mommy". They will probably have a very trad threesome with her since the first babymomma bailed on that idea. But the Ralphamale NEEDS two bitches!
Her life is truly hell on earth and she deserves every second of it.
No. 1416210
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>>1416207Pantsu is absolutely delusional if she thinks Ralph will ever care for this baby. She should consider herself lucky if he doesn't shake it to death.
No. 1416212
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Some cringe incel memes she thinks are trad.
No. 1416217
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>>1416212The trad cooking looks like this btw. Out of season completely overcooked asparagus, oily potatoes and fatty meat cooked on a panini grill instead of a pan with a…. croissant for some reason? Anything that's not pizza-rolls or nuggies is trad I guess.
No. 1416227
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>>1416218No, he proposed to her with a hideously cheap ring (while he buys himself expensive cars and manpurses) and immediately got her pregnant, but so far no plans to actually marry her. Everyone thought it would happen during one of the many Las Vegas trips they take, but she is mostly not invited to those. He also told his previous girlfriend (who was 18 at the time) that he would marry her, got her pregnant and well… she lives with her parents now. I assume Pantsu will meet the same fate and then he will impregnate the next drug-addicted BPD nutcase to continue spreading his white-trash genes. CHRIST IS KANG!
No. 1416235
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To those new to Pantsu (yes she named herself after little girl underpants from anime), she used to date Digibro and is a huge anime nerd. She only recently started to become a trad grifter since dating Ethan Ralph (hosts a right-wing podcast and was somewhat relevant during GamerGate). Now she is pregnant and posts bible quotes while also still retweeting anime girls. She's also a lolicon so it does not bode well for her future daughter.
No. 1416247
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Ralph just bought a new car after he totaled his old one while he ran a red light under the influence. But he hasn't bought his unborn daughter a single onesie, pacifier, diaper or a crib. Read trad-dad hours. He also almost got a two-seater until someone told him you can't fit the baby-carrier in that.
No. 1416291
>>1416267trad just means "retard woman panders to retard man", that's what it's always been kek
>>1416261unironically based and true. western girls grew up with some baseline of rights so even the feminists heavily romanticize "trad" and think it's some serious aesthetic/set of rules to be followed strictly. in reality (most shithole trad countries) there's literally one rule: retarded moid is always right. that's what trad is.
No. 1416297
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>>1414901>>1416227> I assume Pantsu will meet the same fate and then he will impregnate the next drug-addicted BPD nutcase to continue spreading his white-trash genes. This is already happening, well, no pregnancy yet but Ethan has been flying out to Vegas, leaving Meigh at home, and hanging out with Alice, who is someone who could easily qualify for her own thread, she's an IP2 irl streamer and ultimate pickme. As you can see in picrel she cleans up decently but that's very deceptive when you see her other pics she is quite plain. But she is Angelina Jolie in comparison to Pantsu.
Anyway if Gunt is going to Vegas to hang out with Alice they are 100% fucking and I'm pretty sure Pantsu is well aware. Last Vegas trip she was tweeting a bunch of selfies some kinda suggestive so you wonder what's going on there.
She has admitted to Faith in a text that got leaked that she keeps receipts on everybody and I'd be willing to bet she does on Gunt too. Meigh isn't naïve like Faith, she knows how the game is played. I hope she gets mad enough to drop shit, it'll be kino af. "Hell hath no fury", etc.
I don't understand how these women chase after this nauseating little toad of a man. Maybe at the hight of his Internet clout I could see why a certain type of girl would be into it but he's trashed completely in that regard now. All I can say is they're all severely damaged. Faith is vaguely sympathetic to me and she can do better but Meigh is disgusting with her loli bullshit and other degeneracy and can get fucked. Especially having the nerve to start throwing out Bible verses amidst all that stuff. Zero self respect.
No. 1416301
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>>1416297>>1416297More Alice, looking less dolled up and more like herself, flexing a horrible tattoo referencing religion while living as a complete degenerate. I think I will try to write this girl up tbh. She has a KF thread.
No. 1416304
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Meigh tweeting an oddly suggestive photo. For those unaware Ralph's right hand man goes by "Gator." Ethan didn't interact with this tweet which is unusual. I don't wanna draw too many conclusions but it looks to me like she was needling him (there are several other similar tweets). There is no way she doesn't know what happens in Vegas unless she is completely deceiving herself which is the act of a woman with no self respect which we know she already is just by being involved with EOR.
No. 1416309
>>1416291>there's literally one rule: retarded moid is always right. that's what trad is.They barely even try the 'women are too emotional, men are logical' line anymore since so many tradscrotes are dependent on their wife's income. They outright just say that their cocks grant them divine authority over all of womankind, no matter how incompetent they are. Thank god most of them will be cast into the dustbin of genetic irrelevancy where they belong.
>>1416297My guess is that she's going to try and spin Ralph's infidelity as some kind of based alpha male trad-harem of sorts.
At least Faith was a literal child when Ralph sunk his claws into her, she really didn't know better on top of being a little dim. Patsu is in her early 30's or something close to that, she absolutely should've been able to stand up for herself and leave this fat piece of garbage.
No. 1416332
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>>1416309>My guess is that she's going to try and spin Ralph's infidelity as some kind of based alpha male trad-harem of sortsPrecisely this tbh. I have seen it before with this kind of broken girl with pickme tendencies, they feel that the harem stuff is the ultimate Chad move or something.
Remember Meigh tried to rope Faith into a menage a trois and even proposed the 3 living together with Meigh in charge of childcare (yikes) and I guess for Faith to work and Gunt to gunt around. So the poly/harem shit is in her mind but now that she's bring actively cucked, not even a threesome situation, plus maternal instinct kicking into overdrive, I think her feelings on the matter have changed.
No. 1416345
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>>1416341It's some kind of 84-96 month loan scam shit with 20% interest that only Nissan offers. Keep in mind his insurance is like $150 a month as well since he has had so many DUIs and crashes. Ralph is very smart and financially responsible.
No. 1416360
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>>1416301>>1416308Here's some notes on Alice, there's a lot of lore here and I didn't cover a bunch of stuff that happened over the past few months but most of it is just embarrassing for her, not super milky.
Here's some of the good stuff-
Holland Proudfoot / Alice's Room / hollietron / @transmikitaka / coffeecorgi / kittenslobber / based captain / darrk
> 22 year old IP2 thot and ultimate NLOG/pickme> lived in Russia as a child/teen> comes from broken, alcoholic family perhaps starting to explain her weird attachments and borderline behavior> brother is also an absolute psycho, got arrested for arson at age 18> multiple arrests herself usually for stupid misbehavior when drunk, laughs it off as being for the meme> spraypainted a swastika on the wall of the hotel she was hanging out with other streamers at, was dumb enough to post it online for all to see> frequently gets so intoxicated on stream she winds up hurting herself and/or engaging in dangerous or provocative behavior, looked upon as a loose cannon even by IP2 standards> has become so intoxicated on stream as to lose control of her bodily functions, pissed and shat herself> claims rather too enthusiastically to have all manner of mental disorders including ASPD, has been forcibly hospitalized> so notorious for living in filth (picrel) "Alice's Room" became a bit of a meme for IP2 faggots> self-harms in escalating ways including stabbing herself (deeply) with a fucking fork> boasts about abusing animals, dog almost died while she was ignoring her and doing IP2 bullshit> livestreamed while locked in said dog's kennel as "penance", totally not fetishistic at all> previously was an unironic furry and otherkin> ddlg fanatic, weeb, lolicon, got into edgy Nazi shit again supposedly for the meme> has experienced with a mlm trans identity but reverted to being a regular thot> mannish appearance when not dolling herself up, after cleaning up, reasonably cute girl, attracts simps easily> fucked Baked Alaska, another degenerate streamer, failed e-journalist, and who is awaiting sentence (today actually lol) for macing some random bouncer and also in trouble for being at the Jan 6 riot> also got involved with Carlii, another IP2 degenerate, admittedly basically trading sex for clout> moved on to Chicken Andy, an even bigger degenerate and drug addict, with whom she squabbles constantly on livestream> most recent simp is shawnphase, a lolcow in his own right, who seems to have moved on to Elaine, he sure knows how to pick them> Livestreams degenerate behavior while claiming trad values, even tattooing "CHRIST IS KING" on her arm> doesn't shower, allegedly walked around in a sweater covered in her own vomit for days at a time> currently involved with Ethan Oliver Ralph, host of the Killstream and convicted revenge pornographer> he flies out frequently to Vegas while May, who is pregnant with his child, stays at home and tweets. There he spends time with Alice, not even trying to hide it.> But Alice is uncharacterisically quite about the whole thing > Regardless it's pretty clear they're sleeping together as Gunt seeks to develop his harem> When she was the "other woman", May was fine with a harem, but she seems ticked off and jealous with Alice.
> Kiwiscrote's experience with Alice:She split up from my friend and I to go drink an abundant amount of jaegar with her big brother and his friends. I think she ended up drinking like 3 full 375mL bottles altogether. A couple hours later we found her wandering aimlessly outside the convention center. As soon as we walk up to her she immediately collapses in the grass and just kept on repeating "Brother is gonna be here soon." We spend around a half hour keeping her propped up and having every passerby ask if she was okay. Eventually some drag queen came by and got a bottle of water for her. Big Brother arrives and calls an Uber to bring us to the hotel. The Uber driver arrives and sees that she looks like she could puke any second so he refuses initially. After handing the driver an extra ~$50 cash he finally takes us back as I hold a trash bag under her while my friend holds her head up. I was also given cash by Big Brother to give to the driver in case she did puke. When we got back to the hotel I had to drag her through the lobby while getting some dirty looks and take her up to my room. Big Brother shows up to bring her back to their room and that was the end of the night. What I was told the next morning is the cherry on the shit sundae though. Apparently she woke up the next morning completely naked and sleeping in the same bed as her brother. Even after all that my friend still had a huge fucking crush on her.
No. 1416363
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>>1416360The worst thing about Alice is definitely the animal abuse. She literally bragged about torturing and killing small animals. She's a total sociopath.
No. 1416366
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>>1416308tbh there could be a thread just about Ethan Ralph's attempted harem (plus ongoing baby mama drama)
No. 1416377
>>1416360this is actually really sad. how men can see someone in such a state and still want to fuck her is beyond me
>most recent simp is shawnphase, a lolcow in his own right, who seems to have moved on to Elaine, he sure knows how to pick themour elaine? wtf
No. 1416399
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>>1416387She claims she is using lolicon as "therapy" because she was diddled as a child. Pretty much every pedophiles excuse. Digibro also once said it was actually her who got HIM into lolicon, doubt I can find that tho I don't even remember where he said it.
No. 1416417
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>>1416387She definitely likes loli. She's described in detail about how watching it helps her work through her traumatic childhood (yikes) not to mention the fact her entire room was plastered with the stuff. She has said some really fucked up things about child sex stuff, too, it's easily found on her KF thread. She explains it herself on video.
No. 1416420
>>1416377>this is actually really sad. how men can see someone in such a state and still want to fuck her is beyond metell me about it
nonnie these girls break my heart they are so obviously sick and have a really depraved relationship with attention from the Internet
:>most recent simp is shawnphase, a lolcow in his own right, who seems to have moved on to >Elaine, he sure knows how to pick them
our elaine? wtf
yes our Elaine…the major cows have like 3 degrees of seperation max lol
No. 1416486
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>>1416360Video too large to post here, but here's a clip with her dad yelling at her gives me Jessi Slaughter vibes. Mentally ill brunette girl with a gap in her teeth and a shitty,
abusive father
She also reminds me of Emily Youcis
No. 1416673
>>1416197>claims to be pro family pro trad>protects convicted felons instead of the kidsWhat a retarded grifter with no real life skills that's marketable at 41. Imagine having to get a real job at that age raising 5 kids whose father is unemployable as well. It's either grift like hell or starve. She deserves to get roasted everyday for making terrible life choices
It's also always the same thing with these women. Anytime anything bad happens like a young girl getting raped or molested and groomed by a man, they take the males side. She and other tradthots cant hide their disgust for kids, especially young girls.
No. 1416946
>>1416673Still being a pick-me at that age is pretty sad. Sadly lots of women are jealous of younger women who have not ruined their life yet by getting trapped into relationships with
toxic moids. Her husband is probably a porn addict who doesn't touch her and instead of being angry at him she tries to put other women down in a desperate attempt to seem more appealing.
No. 1417030
>>1416673As mentioned upthread, "trad" just means "men good, women bad". In their world men are never truly at fault for their actions, and any bad decisions/behaviors are because the women and girls in their life somehow convinced/manipulated/tempted them into doing it, or wasn't enough of a submissive doormat enough and threatened his muhsculinity which forced him into doing something foolish.
Look at religious fundamentalists: they believe that men are all-powerful, uniquely suited for leadership which is literally ordained by god and created in his image to rule over women who are merely there to birth more men, and also simultaneously that they'll become ravenous sex-beasts completely out of control of their actions if they see too much thigh or cleavage. Men have all the power and none of the responsibility, while women have all of the responsibility and none of the power.
No. 1417474
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>Ralph continues to send 6-month pregnant May on errands all around town while he sits on his ass
>Tweets about cooking and cleaning and attending to all her tradwifing responsibilities
>Zero evidence he pulls any weight whatsoever
>Both post selfies with random consoomerism but no pictures of cribs, toys, etc.
>She continues to smoke heavily
>Some Kiwis tinfoil that the whole pregnancy is an elaborate sham, this seems like a stretch
>Tweets picrel, is it to throw shade at Alice or her general NLOG tendencies? With a guest appearance by Isabella Loretta Janke.
No. 1417589
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>>1414939more lesbian-related sperging and ad homs from Rachel on Twitter, almost she's got dykes dykes china on the brain. She's a weird one.
No. 1417591
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>>1414904And somewhere out there, Rachel is out there typing things like "period blood ritual" into the search bars of Instagram and tumblr.
No. 1417592
>>1417541in this case, her dude only likes plain steak and plain chicken and generally has the palate of a toddler
honestly that is probably the case with most trad dudes, they’re not the brightest sparks
we have sauces and also gravy here in the US
No. 1417595
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>>1417541The basic 'steak and potatoes' meal is iconic of productive and independent masculinity of 50-100 years ago which is what Ralph seeks to present himself as - successful, yet not effette and bourgeois, still virile in a lower-middle class sort of way. While in fact, he is none of those things. Ralph seeks to identify with when really he's a petty mama's boy, womanish in all the wrong ways, but with all the nastiness of the most dedicated scrote.
No. 1417858
>>1416207So this dude impregnated multiple women and has female stans?
No. 1417955
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>>1417858I made you this handy collage of all his exes! Yes, Ethan Ralph (fat, old, gunted) has had sex with all of these women. Some women will do anything for a crumb of e-fame.
No. 1417958
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Does anyone know what happened here?
No. 1417961
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>>1417955Adezero's story is even better than just having some TRO because Ralph is legally prohibited from saying her name, he got smacked down so badly in court for writing butthurt about her on her website here during their lover's quarrel which resulted from him fucking Faith after (he claims) he had "downgraded" Ade to FWB only, and, as you might expect given who's involved here, all sorts of stuff wound up getting leaked out online. But Ade made Ralph her personal footstool, legally speaking. It's hilarious.
The whole Gunt saga is one of those things that seems like it should only appeal to moids because IBS idiots yelling at each other on stream is boring but actually it's got a lot to appeal to the female audience too once we start talking about his relationships but really his overall complete disaster of a life, from Armani man-purses and Vegas jaunts to illegitimate children and undercooked steak. Thing is, there is a lot of background lore to summarize, I mean, a lot.
No. 1417965
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If anyone is wondering why he is called "GUNT", this is why. He has a huge gunt.
This is the tradhusband that every tradthot dreams of. A true Ralphamale with a majestic flesh-curtain dangling over his micropenis (which he has shown the world when he released the revenge-porn of his ex).
No. 1417986
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>>1417591Those bitches are probably cray and threadworthy but that Rachel is seeking them out to hype up her own team and get clicks is equally insane. Say that you believe witchcraft is a real thing and a spiritual threat. OK. Surely the first thing you are going to do is fast and pray, not sensationalize some insane bitch's edgepostiong on insta. Rache is way too fascinated with this stuff.
No. 1417994
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>>1414901Lauren Southern
>Dated an ethnic manAndrew Tate claims he have hooked up with Southern
No. 1418011
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>>1417992>>1418006It is sad. Nora really seems like a decent person. Faith is a petulant child with personality issues, Ade is a drama whore, and May is just a shitshow, but not Nora, really. This timeline sucks for everyone, Gunt included. But I guess not Nora. Good for her in escaping his orbit. They got together pre-Ralph getting big on the back of GamerGate and when she was 18 or so (he's rumored to have groomed her younger than that, as he did with Faith) and divorced before, too, so the lore is a little less extensive then when he became infamous, but it's pretty clear his degenerate behavior and lust for a child bride (with the odd interlude of Ade who he may have been fucking for clout) were apparent from the beginning.
No. 1418027
>>1418011Nora was the smartes one of all the gunted women, as evidenced by her divorcing him and disappearing from the internet. She also never entered into any back-and-forth shitflinging with him which is classy. She was always too good for him and I think she was only with him cause he groomed her. I also believe that she was not yet 18 when they got together.
IMO from best to worse the order is is Nora > Ade > Faith > Pantsu
Pantsu is the worst because she doesn't even look like a woman and she's a pedophile. He literally downgraded continuously and I assume the next woman he ends up with will be a full-on las Vegas crackwhore who probably already has a couple of retarded kids.
No. 1418048
File: 1642270897259.png (326.77 KB, 810x1141, marge.PNG)

Did anyone catch Robyn going at Marge the other day?
No. 1418066
>>1417986I want Varg or Marie to go at her with their anti christianity messages lol she'd probably shut down
>>1417994>"need sharia now"Because they are too retarded to say no to sex or recognize a woman grifting
>>1418048>please stop following charlatan larpers like this girlSo close to being self aware. So close. What were the replies like? I'd imagine that her audience of males wouldn't like to hear that
No. 1418135
File: 1642275758885.png (63.37 KB, 445x486, magarita_feminism_sperging.png)

>>1417958her twitter is @margaritaevna95 as in
>>1418066 looks like it has been that for a while, OP is confused that she is a separate person as @classsicalgirl12 (her name in some other places and apparently she got yeeted off twitter with it)
>>1418066>So close to being self awareA lot of these girls come close from time to time, picrel. Many of us probably would agree that they have pretty decent takes on some stuff, it's just too bad they wrap it up in not even per se religion and conservative politics but this whole weird melange of retrograde pickmeism.
No. 1418154
File: 1642277165005.jpeg (802.89 KB, 1536x2048, haileyjan6th.jpeg)

>>1416360 had an eventful stream in which she denies having a threesome with May and Ralph, and absolutely savages some girl named Hailey, pictured here at the Jan 6th riots, who does creepy Nazi and pedophile themed roleplay with (again) Shawn Phase, current orbiter of "our" Elaine. A post is linked where we get a reminder that Shawn once tried to sell Alice's used panties to the Kiwis.
I don't know how interesing this thot-on-thot and Hailey is probably not a tradthot nor is Shawn a trad (although he deserves all the exposure in the world for his creep-orbiting insane women more than half his age) but the kiwi thread has numerous clips of Alice being Alice so you can get a feel for how … different … she really is.
No. 1418162
File: 1642277688387.png (49 KB, 603x213, jcm_may_alice_incel_angryposti…)

>>1414901>>1416207>>1418154It's also interesting to see the sheer level of seething incel rage that our friend May provokes in a certain canine-avatared forum administrator. He is also the one responsible for her OP over there, which is well written and researched and quite extensive, but can never shake the fact that it gives off "who hurt you" levels of angry. Josh isn't a fan of Faith, either, having unfavorably compared her to Gunt himself, his sworn enemy. It's almost like the only ones he hates more than Gunt are women who'd sleep with Gunt before they would Josh. Which evidently is a decent number. Josh has been heard to express a number of times that a traddish woman is his goal, and probably would've been a good match for May tbh.
No. 1418167
>>1418162May isn’t trad, she just cosplays her boyfriend’s interests
When she was with trans pedophile animu lover Digibro, she was a trans pedophile animu lover
No. 1418170
File: 1642277959159.png (31.18 KB, 638x480, burgers_taking_ads_2015-2018.p…)

>>1418159certainly not 'average', that sounds hyperbolic, but the number is not small and among women (which is more than men) approaches 25% in older populations, and this is past-30-day use, lifetime will be considerably higher
No. 1418221
You will never be a trad wife. You have no ethics, you have no standards, you have no culture. You are an e-girl twisted by gunt grease and desperation into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.
No. 1418224
saging as offtopic(ish) but
>>1418213>a man looking for a tradgfthe self-delusion and LARP is equal
therefore good match
>>1418208>>1418209I dunno anons, maybe you're right, Josh has probably had more than a couple opportunities to bang insane BPD whores found online, but he vents scathing incel rage at those that wound up with Ralph in a very particular way. If we wind up with a Ralph's-women thread I'll post about it there maybe.
>>1418221do I detect a new copypasta? yummy.
No. 1418227
File: 1642281655242.png (301.9 KB, 734x590, may.png)

Incels all over the world seething that they can't find a beautiful tradwoman like May. I mean who could resist her glistening oily skin? Her big honker nose? Her grease-fried hair? Those lovely wonkey eyes and the teeth that point north, east, west and south?
If you are not sold on her stunning beauty then surely her cooking talents will woo you, she can cook the shit out of some asparagus! She is also VERY open in the bedroom and not opposed to including a third woman, or child! Digibro can attest that she is a true harlot in the sheets and even let him wear her pantsu and anime uniforms! Watching lolicon together has never been so enticing!
If all of that still does not make you say "YES MAMMAAA!" this tradwife model comes with a saddle included which makes the ride to the grocery store extra comfy. She will let anyone put a foal in her to continue the jew- I mean white race!
Wait… I am just hearing that someone already snatches all this up?! Damn, what a lucky man! Sorry boys, looks like you are going home alone tonight!
No. 1418241
>>1418170it's 10.3 in 18-40 year olds which is more relevant here. I'm sure it's drastically lower among 18-30 year olds too
>>1418227she's ugly but the way kf comically exaggerates it is still cringe
No. 1418261
File: 1642285177810.png (201.5 KB, 368x325, may_eating_fries.png)

>>1418239>>1418241they've been posting photoshopped pics of her too to look more mannish. her appearance going on Internet evidence is really all over the place, her filter game isn't too bad for an ugly chick, but yes, I'd call her an ugly chick. she has a really mannish body too to the point that for some people it was more than a meme to wonder if she was a secret tranny (FtMtMtFtF, I guess) but no, nature just throw those out too, sometimes.the way she gets memed on for her appearance over there is over the top and also it's cringe to read because men don't know how to make fun of a woman's looks in an amusing way, it's all either 'wouldn't' or 'lol horse'
No. 1418362
File: 1642292532354.png (100.57 KB, 818x951, r.PNG)

>>1418066>What were the replies like?It seemed to get mostly positive interactions, seemingly from other tradwife accounts. Robyn also adds to what she said under one reply
No. 1418381
>>1418227 is not photoshopped at all. Its a still from this video. She really is that ugly. All the pics she posts are extremely filtered and posed.
No. 1418510
File: 1642310038167.png (420.65 KB, 730x433, gunt_women.png)

>>1418508New thread just for the discussion of Ethan Ralph and his would-be harem. Since they're all more pseudo-tradthots at best an there's all the baby mama drama it might be better off there.
No. 1419160
>>1418362Kek love it when they fight each other on who's more ~trad~
Those who are waiting for the right one vs those who grabbed the nearest male to have babies with. Marg made more sense in this case. Why promote trad values and "masculine men" when most guys in this movement are weak and whiny all the time. If marg is waiting for the right guy, it does make her smarter than robyn who just chose some simp
No. 1419411
File: 1642399795809.png (798.66 KB, 1317x875, 1836590-345.png)

Mikhaila Peterson is dating someone with the same first name as her dad lol
No. 1420031
>>1417994>>1418060They’re full of shit though. Caolan named someone else first then changed to Tate after people pointed out she was banned from the UK (he’s well known as a compulsive liar). And the Tate thing is claimed about the time she retired, but later it came she was married for months by then and pregnant, and that White Noise documentary showed her hubby travelled with her the whole time.
She even said on a twitch stream once a PUA started saying they slept together after she turned him down, thought she meant Roosh, clearly Tate.
No. 1420268
File: 1642490098600.png (150.59 KB, 442x426, vaush_for_patriarchy.png)

Vaush is going on Rachel's husbands stream tomorrow
No. 1425153
>>1424929I think she’s unvaxxed so it’s now impossible for her to leave Canada. If he is too he needs special exemptions to leave Australia and exemptions to enter Canada to rejoin her, and he then couldn’t go back to visit his family.
Shit’s fucked all round.
No. 1428838
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Trad = being a fast food consooming lardass.
No. 1430296
File: 1643493583110.jpeg (797.97 KB, 2048x2048, 68293405-A69A-401E-875B-B7CA35…)

Marg’s new venture. They’re definitely not the ugliest NFTs I’ve ever seen (though the bar for that is very low) but you’d think a girl who constantly spergs about being a “classically trained oil painter” would be able to create something that didn’t look like a mid-tier picrew. Also kek at “classy hobbies” such as “holding fan while smiling” and “holding book while smirking”
No. 1431233
File: 1643605668936.png (557.03 KB, 828x1792, 2733CD28-E289-4018-9A9E-E8B4EF…)

Mikhalia Peterson had Covid 3 times despite having a carnivore diet that cured her of all her ailments and made her super healthy. When will the grift stop?
No. 1431599
File: 1643655571724.jpg (511.78 KB, 1080x1466, 20220131_125308.jpg)

I wouldn't call brittany a tradthot but i dont know where else to put this. Brittany goes on about how she's better than titty streamers and recently shes been saying she hides her boobs by wearing turtlenecks when the turtlenecks are pic related.. hiding boobs by wearing a skin tight top. She needs to come out of the titty streamer closet.
No. 1432089
>>1431603She lost a lot of weight over the last couple of years I think, during the Shuwu drama years ago she wasn't as thin as she looks on her ig now. Honestly Brittany has never looked that bad either way imo
>>1432030This is so painfully cringe
No. 1432154
File: 1643728133802.jpeg (883.59 KB, 1071x1550, 43214FA0-A82D-475F-918A-EC4E35…)

Brittany is not afraid to dip into the tip jar either. Someone on kiwifarms found out she was dating one of her simps. They only lasted 2 months. She even had a stream where she made a girlfriend resume. It’s rather bleak.
No. 1432155
>>1432154Did you post the wrong cap
nonny? Seems like you posted a cap of some other twitch streamer
No. 1432523
>>1432120I liked them but the other
nonnie is right the videos were just info taken from their respective cow threads.
And I like brittany too but she is a hypocrite, even if shes not nearly as bad as some other egirls
>>1432154I suspected these two were dating haha
It's interesting bc he has a pretty big but normie following from youtube and made his birtt simping for public
No. 1432575
>>1432338But she condensed it into two well made videos that relied on her comic delivery to pull off. There is nothing wrong with a content creator doing research. I agree she has a screw loose and is a hypocrite but she is pretty funny and I don't get why so many people here bash her.
Her takedown of Pear was also really funny, although it was excessively nasty and Pear didn't do anything to deserve it
No. 1433860
File: 1643915040907.jpg (486 KB, 1080x908, 20220203_125814.jpg)

>>1432154Also worth noting that this guy joked about BBC with her on stream like a cuck AND that brittany venti, anti-porn queen, jokes about BBC herself. This is her twitter name as of now but before changing it she was "Blackni Venti BBC lover" (wish I had a pic of it but if anyone else does ily)
How hard is it to not make "jokes" that arent even funny about a fucking gross porn fetish when your new bit is being against porn. Griftni Venti in a nutshell.
No. 1436447
File: 1644184242816.jpg (292.72 KB, 1080x980, basedtrad.jpg)

Just a trad being based and redpilled calling other children normies for wanting sugary food.
No. 1436468
>>1436450Good for you. Not everybody has the time and money to make ~uwu organic non GMO gluten free homemade lunches~ for their kids. I had a single mother who worked 45 hours a week, and yeah I ate a lot of junk, but as an adult I'm in great shape and I eat healthily. WASP kids with stay at home granola moms who make meticulous cold lunches for them grow up to be spoiled brats.
Unironically check your privilege.
No. 1436864
>>1436468Both my parents worked full time and still found time to feed me well. It wasn't "gluten free vegan organic", just healthy food with vegetables and fruit as snacks instead of candy bars. Working is absolutely no excuse to feed your kids like shit. Americans are so fucking lazy, that's why you're all obese.
>>1436483Imagine being so fat you think not eating candy every day means you had no childhood. How about the childhood of the kids who are too fat to climb a tree or play on the playground without getting out of breath?
No. 1437023
>>1436864>>1436775Maybe it's because you're not an ~evil lazy fat American~ but there's a big difference between life as a single parent here and fucking Sweden or wherever the hell you live. In the states, income and health are strongly correlated. There are a lot of areas that don't have supermarkets– only convenience stores with processed crap– because grocers only want to build stores in wealthy areas. Google "food desert."
Obviously there are people who are lazy or overly indulgent with food. But it's fucking retarded to make a sweeping generalization about 300 million people.
No. 1438364
>>1438297Jesus Christ this debate is retarded
it’s not difficult to eat mostly healthy foods with occasional nutrient-sparse choices for fun
No. 1439505
File: 1644498007859.jpg (32.03 KB, 399x399, 20220209_224507.jpg)

>>1414904Rachel has dumped her hilariously uncanny valley overfiltered disaster of a pfp. Thus far this has been her sole response to her threads going up here and on kf, while meanwhile her galaxy brain husband started crowing about the Kiwis faildoxing them with an old address so of course they found the right one within about an hour. It's a much better filter job and she's not at all unpretty but she still very clearly can't cope with aging and putting on weight without resorting to some digital remedies, kek.
No. 1439515
File: 1644498543545.jpg (314.51 KB, 1080x898, Screenshot_20220209-224542_Twi…)

>>1414901>>1414904Correction btw she is in Michigan now and no longer in Reno not the other way around
No. 1439546
>>1439505She could be the prettiest woman in the world and still be ugly from the inside out. She just gives me the fucking creeps just looking at her. Such a hateful spiteful look in her eyes.
Them responding to their dox shows that they are retarded lolcows. The best way to handle a dox is to never acknowledge it happened. Don't confirm or deny it. If it's a real dox you are giving people the reaction they wanted + confirming it by sperging out. If it's a fake dox, be glad that they don't have their real dox and let them believe that that's where you live. Doing anything else is very smoothbrained.
No. 1441079
>>1440127I wouldn't call Marg particularly attractive, to me she's pretty plain and weirdly smug looking, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. but yeah i have noticed that most conventionally attractive trad/ rw women, thinking like tiger lily harvest, Brittany Martinez, lauren southern etc tend to be more of the "I set high standards for myself so I set high standards for men too" type (even if they are a bit handmaiden-ish sometimes)
I think it's less to do with attractiveness, and more to do with self-confidence (which obviously do correlate a lot of the time) pick-me girls cape for low-value men bc they perceive themselves as low-value/ only worthy with a man's approval, pretty much what >>1439867 said
No. 1442410
File: 1644788486462.png (1013.76 KB, 750x1334, 74D1B949-5917-4099-A48C-BA3F47…)

Posted by yours truly with a 5th grade reading level
>”American mothers have outdone Stalin for body count, outstripped Hitler, run circles around Pol Pot. American mothers have raged a war on motherhood itself”
Almost like women are no longer going to put up with being considered as cattle fodder to reproduce and be decoration for your population statistics so you can brag about being a “healthy” nation. People who write this shit and agree with it should kill themselves
No. 1442494
File: 1644793245915.jpg (89.09 KB, 840x397, rachel_third_pfp.jpg)

>>1439505and she's changed up again … she doesn't look bad but in each pic she almost looks like a different woman she's so filtered while meanwhile apropos of nothing she's going after Jennifer Lopez of all people and talking about women "of a certain age" looking good or not. The cope is real with this one.
No. 1443139
File: 1644875052344.png (96.09 KB, 328x359, pickmes_never_prosper.png)

>pickmes never prosperSage but I love this phrase enough to make a thing
>>1443137Site acting weird didn't upload trying again
No. 1443454
>>1442494Anything with JLo was always a bust at the box office, even back when she was 30.
>Reeeeee I'm tired of women having exciting romantic lives reeeee!Cope as you get mogged by a granny kek
No. 1444034
>>1443495Yeah, those two did well. She was an amazing Selena, but that kind of premise was near impossible to bomb unless they cast someone super white. Selena was adored.
JLO also starred in like 20 other movies and most of them (especially romcoms) were a flop.
No. 1446036
>>1445915Lol wut? Are you for real? I don't have a citation on hand, but that statement is completely wrong. Gigli's first weekend in the box office doubled the entirety of Titanic's first
month. The film continues to be regarded as a triumph of American cinema both commercially as well as artistically.
No. 1446759
File: 1645248473486.png (1.88 MB, 2841x1085, Screenshot_92.png)

Rachel was just on Tucker a few hours ago.>covid sperging>great reset>bad teeth>fat>standard talking points>mothers who work remotely should take advantage of stay at home orders to add homeschooling to the mix>tucker: "will my kinds grow up to be weird?">rachel: "its really not that hard … you don't need to worry about not being able to socialize your kids, especially with the internet"And picrel is what she looks like without being able to avail herself of her usual filters.
No. 1446827
>>1442494I literally do not understand how these women can be so stupid.
Like does she think she's never going to age? Does she realize she is not exempt from the ire of tradmen for daring to live past her virginal teen years, let alone as an old hag?
Someone explain the rationalization going on in their minds, please. How does low self esteem manifest itself this way?
No. 1446835
>>1446827My only thought is they expect to get enough cash and fame to marry a GOP sugardaddy who will keep them financially secure in exchange for being the poster wife while they bang girls half their age
Except they've made that a VERY crowded market
No. 1446920
>>1446827They're fucked and don't want to grapple with the dark side of men, or something more malignant. They want to larp that their pederast scrote streamer 4channer they're in a sham marriage with is some archetypal 1950s male (which wasn't good either but at least they worked, so these scrotes coast off that image
>>1418213Actually, a pedophile is a good match for a pedophile, which is why Gunt chose her. Gunt went to Portugal literally /a day after/ discussing the age of consent being 13 there on Dick Masterson's show. The red flags are fucking everywhere with these two scumbags
No. 1447132
>>1446827I try not to psychoanalyze, but let me psychoanalyze:
I think what we have is a mixture of self hate and a superiority complex. She hates herself for being a woman and simultaneously
enjoys hating herself for being a woman. She also enjoys how her hating women makes her superior to other women. In her mind, she will always have superiority to other women and will always have respect from men even when she loses any sex appeal she may have had at one time.
There have been some cultures where mothers commonly abused their daughters and daughters in law as a way of establishing their own higher status. Hierarchies are able to sustain themselves because even people near the bottom don't want to give up their own superiority over the groups that are beneath them.
No. 1447232
>>1447132A recurring theme with pickmes is that they'd rather be treated like shit by men than let women they're jealous of live it up. It's normal beta female behavior and an understandable sexual strategy for a bottom of the barrel woman - the threat of female competition (that she will no doubt lose) is worse than male dominance.
Also, female masochists generally want other women to partake in their degeneracy. It's not enough for them to be treated like garbage in private, they only feel validated when other (usually prettier and freer females) suffer with them. That's generally why creepy poly couples always deploy the girlfriend to groom new female participants. A she-cuck can't get off if it's only her that's inferior, she needs ALL women to be, likely to cope with the fact that she as an individual is a beta female and it's her personal deficiency (as opposed to something she can't control because all women are lowly like her).
Tldr it's maladaptive coping with being inferior to other women.
No. 1447242
>>1447232But it's not just a man woman thing. It's all hierarchies. A low caste Hindu may not enjoy being lower than most others in his society, but at the same time never be willing to give up his own superiority over untouchables. Poor whites in the antebellum South didn't enjoy being treated like dirt by the landed aristocracy, but they also were so jealous of the superior status that they themselves had over slaves that they were willing to risk their lives in a war for the purpose of upholding slavery.
If I'm being honest, I was happier when I struggled with feelings of inferiority because at least then I felt superior to some people. And feeling superior feels damn good.
> It's normal beta female behavior and an understandable sexual strategy for a bottom of the barrel woman I have seen plenty of attractive women degrade themselves for male attention/approval.
No. 1447355
>>1447242The sad truth that most pickmes don't realize is that you can be "attractive" and a beta female. Being hot doesn't do anything except paint a target on your back unless you know how to assert yourself.
If you're hot but don't act it, men will never actually treat you like you're hot. They're built to reach, not to be reached for - if you're reaching for them, it must be because you're beneath them. Life, and reproduction in particular, is inherently a zero sum game for males. Festering in society's petty little pecking orders sounds miserable and stupid, but their innately hierarchical brains are programmed to think "if she needs to pickme, she must be fugly", and there is absolutely no way around it. No fugly moid will ever be grateful to a beautiful woman for settling for him, he'll actually despise her. Most women have encountered this at least once, hence the "you compliment an ugly man and he starts acting like you're the ugly one" Twitter tier memes.
This is the reason why pickmes never prosper.
No. 1448283
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No. 1450575
File: 1645662708378.png (1.88 MB, 750x1624, retard.PNG)

I remember some discussion here and I think on the shoe thread over what the next generation of tradthot-types is gonna look like. Well, here you go. Now that tiktok shows you random lives as you scroll down the fyp I've been getting a lot of tradthot, "I'm pro-life, debate me!" lives since the app knows of my interest in feminism and gender politics which led to this specimen popping up. She is a little too exaggerated especially with that cringy username so I wouldn't be surprised if she is some kind of generic republican chick who tacked on some more extreme views to attract orbiters and doesn't really believe in half of this. Regardless, stay in school and off social media ladies, or you'll end up like this chick.
No. 1450830
File: 1645684983411.png (418.63 KB, 828x1792, 6F9FC9A8-4193-444C-9A36-8AD68C…)

>>1450812It’s private now, has been for a few months. There is definitely trouble in paradise. Didn’t post any Valentine’s Day posts either.
No. 1453129
File: 1645967825017.jpeg (370.59 KB, 1125x990, ED96CFFB-D53D-4144-A8FA-11567E…)

>those silly abused women should’ve known better UNLIKE ME teehee!!
surprised this cunt hasn’t been talked about yet.
No. 1453230
>>1453129The mask is off. What a cunt. No wonder they have to market themselves hard to get anyone on board with their bullshit. They have no empathy for anything but themselves
I wonder how many of the accounts they reply too are ran by men/troons larping as a sub tradwife for their fetish though. Theres so many of them on twitter
No. 1453245
>>1453230It's such a weird kink though. Why can't they just do BDSM like normal perverts?
Does anyone know how common the breeder kink is? I didn't even know it existed until I discovered tradthots
No. 1453271
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>>1453230i can’t even tell if this is a joke. ISIS tier shit.
No. 1454434
>>1454113what happens if the guy gets a brain injury and it changes his personality/behavior? Is it still the woman's fault for picking wrong?
Admittedly this would never happen because no person has ever changed over the course of a relationship or marriage.
No. 1454761
>>1454434It's not even something that requires anything as extreme as a brain injury. People change over time, and abusers deliberately keep their awful behavior under wraps until they're sure their
victim will have a harder time escaping from them; this is why it's so common for men to become
abusive when their girlfriends/wives are pregnant or have recently given birth.
Not very feminist of me, but I'm not terribly upset when these tradthot morons get mistreated by their tradmoids. They certainly have no empathy for other women, why expend any energy on their behalf? Take the fist and finish up with the dinner on time, chop chop!
No. 1455185
>>1454761>It's not even something that requires anything as extreme as a brain injuryRight, but theoretically, according to tradthot logic: would it still be the woman's fault for picking wrong in that case?
>Not very feminist of me, but I'm not terribly upset when these tradthot morons get mistreated by their tradmoids. They certainly have no empathy for other women, why expend any energy on their behalf?Meh, physical abuse is pretty gross regardless of who the
victim is. It's not really a feminist issue. People should only beat up others when it is a fair fight.
No. 1457143
File: 1646351010236.jpg (562.37 KB, 1080x2139, 20220303_173858.jpg)

someones literal grandma is out here tweeting about her trad sex life for everyone online to see. just how a good christian woman should be
No. 1457148
File: 1646351122607.jpg (497.06 KB, 1080x1880, 20220303_174421.jpg)

>>1457143samefag for the rest of the thread
No. 1457235
>>1457176This is beyond cringe, it's fucking gross.
And she's def not a larp. I wish she was, but she isn't.
No. 1457278
File: 1646361631070.png (131.59 KB, 599x968, twt.png)

Here's a trad girl submitting to an extremely thinly veiled BDSM fetish account, the kind who posts pics of half-naked women. The girls who interact with these degenerates know about it too, it's all just a fetish for them.
No. 1457308
>>1457278That's a big part of it, but I'm not sure it's all of it. The only kink I could see Lauren or Robyn being involved in, for example, is as dominatrixes. Most of the guys in the community seem far more interested in complaining about women than actually dominating one.
"Katherine" here is hardly some sub, btw. Remember her from the last thread where she unapologetically told her loser followers that she was leaving her bf and moving across the country to live alone and work a corporate job?
No. 1457375
>>1457235I'm still holding out on it being fake because jesus this is just embarrassing to read. Would love to see the kind of retards that are interacting with this nonsense as well
>>1457278Trad retards really do need to be kinkshamed
No. 1457475
File: 1646385675230.jpeg (980.3 KB, 828x1566, 8C96FB3A-4767-4BB9-86F1-403939…)

Where’s your son Lauren? Very trad of you to leave him, your husband, and go to Texas to party instead of taking care of your family.
No. 1459860
>>1459506She's probably leaving the kid with her parents while she goes out and does her stuff.
So much for being a trad wife and mom.
No. 1460721
other people. Not for herself. Lauren has always been somewhat thottish and unapologetically career oriented
No. 1460827
File: 1646704277463.png (49.17 KB, 592x473, stabber was a good husband ack…)

>>1457222>>1457375becoming an extremely desperate pickme at old age to try and get some (definitely not sexual) male attention is extremely common, nonnies.
No. 1460854
>>1460727>Why is there always a Lauren defender in these threadsProbably because farmers insist on bashing the 2016 Lauren when we are now in 2022 and she has matured. Lauren is vain and narcissistic and I personally don't enjoy her content, but I can recognize that she is talented and hardworking. Most importantly, I recognize that she has grown up. Remember, she was pretty much just a kid back in 2016.
>ironically her child does not have a father anymoreIt sounds like he doesn't have much of a mother anymore, either
No. 1460908
>>1460827JCO is married to her second? third? husband and is embarrassingly into him
she’s not trolling for elderly peen, she’s just a self-loathing misogynist
No. 1460953
>>1460949so Leni Reifenstahl didn't have talent? Cause I would say what that what Leni did was way morally worse than anything Lauren has ever done.
The refugee thing was in 2016 when she was like 22. Lauren isn't like that anymore. I mean, she still is self absorbed and boring, but she's done with the edgy right wing stuff.
No. 1461050
File: 1646731776784.png (509.3 KB, 864x406, nc.png)

>>1460827Norman Mailer's wife was so lucky to have him all to herself. She died at 61 which is pretty young for a rich white woman but quite typical of women in age gap relationships. Not sure what's the reason, do women with older husbands neglect their health while caring for their dying partners? Do men suck the life out of their younger wives? We will never know.
No. 1461352
>>1461251>Lauren's only "talent" is knowing how to pander to the worst of moidkind with a straight faceSimply not true. She had a whole video attacking the manosphere and she absolutely eviscerated Rollo Tomassi in her interview with him.
>She has no integrity as a reporter and no skill as a pundit.This is true for Mikhaela Peterson, Tomi Lahren, Lauren Chen and Brittany Sellner but not for Lauren. Lauren really does put a lot of time and effort into her docs and if you see her podcast, she always thoroughly researches her guests beforehand so that she has relevant questions to ask them.
No. 1461968
>>1461724He also stabbed his wife and got praised as a genius for it.>>1461724Early life
Barbara Jean Davis grew up in Atkins, Arkansas, where her mother owned the local beauty shop and her grandparents were sharecroppers.[2] As a child, she was severely affected by her mother's bouts of depression and was hospitalized and given electroshock treatments.[3] Davis and her family were simple country people who attended church faithfully.[3] When she was twenty years old, she married her high school sweetheart, Larry Norris, and together they had one son, Matthew.[4] By 1975, at just 25 years old, she had divorced her first husband and had worked several jobs including working in a pickle factory and as a bookkeeper.[5] Shortly after her divorce from Norris, she claimed to have "had a fling" with future U.S. President Bill Clinton.[5] Norris and her young son moved to Russellville, Arkansas and she explored her love of the arts by working as a high school art teacher; however, everything changed when she met Norman Mailer.[3]
No. 1462048
>>1461352NTA but she doesn't possess the talent you think she does just because redpill politics have fallen out of fashion so that she tweaked her narrative and googled a few things before saying them.
She's getting the spotlight she does now because she threw groups of people under the bus along with her integrity. She'll be forever known as a sensationalist and would clearly do so again in the name of her personal gain if she could get away with it. We don't need another "journalist" like her who only cared about things like the
toxic manosphere until it was her own ass. There's way more deserving and professional people in the world.
No. 1462390
>>1461050Married women have lowered life expectancies, so yes. Men in general suck the life out of you, we just don't know through which mechanism exactly. Parity also shortens female life/healthspan.
Inb4 within the next decade or so we'll find out that chronic semen exposure
triggers autoimmune issues in women or something kek
No. 1462575
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Really sad that mikhalia spent her New Years with her new partner instead of her child. For someone with JP as her father, you’d think she has better values…
No. 1462578
>>1462575Hes so cute too. I would marry him.
Isnt she dating some pick up artist loser now?
No. 1462779
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>>1457278This account is hilarious lmfao. This is all he tweets 20 times a day
No. 1462876
>>1462705>You know making longform content doesn't mean the content is good, right? Just longer?I tried to write a novel once and I failed miserably. Writing an entire novel, even a bad one, takes talent. Same goes for making a professional quality, feature length documentary, even if the substance of said documentary is trash.
Lauren is a vain, narcissistic, mediocrity. But she has never claimed that she was a trad wife and mom. She has always unapologetically put her career first. And Lauren's professional accomplishments are greater than those of Chen, Peterson,Lahren and Sellner combined.
No. 1462912
>>1457148>>1457143>>1453129I just don't get it. All this work for… What?What do you get out of putting so much work into being the perfect subservient housemaid? Money? I can make it myself. Shelter? Same. Children? Same.
Why would you wanna serve someone like this and let him have authority over you? What do you get out of it? Love and companionship? You can get that without going to such extremes and its hardly love if you're forced to have sex when you don't want to.
Just why?
No. 1463578
>>1463363>her image into a based centrist radfem or whatever it is she's larping as on twitter now in an attempt to score some more bucks off the backs of the women she had no problem putting down1. Lauren isn't trying to pretend to be a radfem
2. Lauren definitely isn't trying to win over female viewers. She's a thot who needs sexual attention from anonymous males the way other people need oxygen.
>And do you really think that "she included herself in the career oriented women she always trashed" is actually the caseShe never included herself in that group. Her position was always, "it's okay when
I do it but other women who are career focused are feminist whores"
>She was not basically a kid in 2016 like you keep implying, first of allSure she was. I know plenty of people who were retarded in their early 20s. Lauren is actually still retarded, just not as retarded as she used to be
No. 1468403
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Where did she admit this? Anyone know?
No. 1468482
>>1462876>Writing an entire novel, even a bad one, takes talentHaving the patience to do something is worth commending but much less because that's her job and not some hobby she does in her spare time.
>Same goes for making a professional quality, feature length documentaryI'm not going to pretend I've ever actually seen one of her documentaries but what is her involvement in it? Does she do the editing, the production, research, audio mixing, etc? Or is she just paying someone else to do it?
>Lauren's professional accomplishments are greater than those of Chen, Peterson,Lahren and Sellner combinedAnd about on par with the average film school graduate. If she wasn't young woman actually willing to repeat Breitbart talking points she'd be no different to any other YouTube "documentarian" littering the internet.
She above the average Twitter grifter but only just. If she had the charisma or wit to become a streamer instead of a journalist she would.
No. 1468505
>>1468482>Does she do the editing, the production, research, audio mixing, etcShe definitely does the research. She's a great researcher. I assume she pays others to do the editing, audio mixing, etc like any other director but I'm sure she is still very involved in them. Lauren is ultra thorough and very detail oriented.
>And about on par with the average film school graduate.Lauren's stuff is way above film school level. Much bigger budgets which makes it that much harder to manage.
>If she wasn't young woman actually willing to repeat Breitbart talking points she'd be no different to any other YouTube "documentarian" littering the internet.No argument her. Lauren sucks. Always has, always will.
>If she had the charisma or wit to become a streamer instead of a journalist she would.1. She already has a successful stream
2. Lauren takes herself very seriously as a filmmaker. She loves it. She is more vain about her career than she is about her looks even.
No. 1468979
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No. 1469000
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No. 1469056
>>1468403The way they talk about her body is disgusting wtf
>>1469028They're temporary, some shift but that mostly happens with people like kylie jenner who keep getting it time after time. If you get it dissolved it won't be able to shift.
No. 1469994
>>1469393But that doesn't make people in their 20s kids, what an absurd cope
Someone in their early 20s is just a kid. You mature a lot in your mid to late 20s
> If you really think she's a retarded thot then why are you so invested in making excuses for her actions and overstating her merits?What excuses? She's still responsible for a her bad behavior and she never has even had the decency to apologize for stuff that she has said and done. What I'm saying is that she has grown from being a shitty person with shitty politics into being a shitty person with innocuous beliefs
As for her merits, I agree that she is basically a hack. However, being a hack takes talent. I'm pretty smart and I could never be a hack. The other tradthots like Robyn, Midwest, Chen, Sellner and Mikhaela could never make multiple feature length documentaries or write a novella. Nor would any of them put the time into a podcast that Lauren puts in to her. Nor would any of them (besides Mikhaela, who isn't even really a tradtho) ever go straight at the manosphere the way that Lauren has because all of the aforementioned tradthots have simps who come from world.
No. 1471539
File: 1647533453716.jpeg (363.57 KB, 1783x1330, EE377F7D-6EC2-48F5-82CF-F9DA93…)

Marg’s latest tard ramblings. The QRT is just a rando but it made me lol so I included it
No. 1471860
>>1471539So I'm trying to think of all of Marge's life lessons:
1. Stare the sun to improve your eyesight
2. Eating healthy will make it so that you have no need to wear makeup
3. Save money by not taking your children to the doctor
4. "Just be rich, bro" and do nothing all day to the point where you don't even know the price of basic items
are there any good ones I'm missing?
No. 1471991
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>>1453129this one is a straight up nazi btw
No. 1474424
File: 1647732395667.png (259.13 KB, 540x655, sports.png)

She probably sucked at sports and athletics so she wants to take it away from other women. I think that explains the mentality of some tradthots, they project their personal failures onto every woman to bring them down to their level and help them cope.
No. 1475152
>>1474424The truth is that women are much more sympathetic with troons than men are. And liberal women are much more pro troon than are conservative women. If you are going to be anti troon, you are basically throwing out the entire 3rd wave.
There was a boy on my high school field hockey team and it wasn't a big deal.
No. 1478544
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This is old, but kek.
No. 1478546
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No. 1478611
>>1478544>>Mel Gibson style storming aroundThese people always bring up celebrities and Hollywood. What is the root of their obsession?
Do they expect us all to know how Mel Gibson apparently storms around?
No. 1478618
File: 1648048275663.png (479.57 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_20220323-170736~2.p…) do they all dress like hookers? It's as if they have autogynephilia despite being women. Can someone explain to me why they fetishize performative femininity?
Sage for blog but I'm a SAHM myself. I don't understand this trad wife stuff, it seems like fetish. This might be jumping the gun a little but these women seem like perverts.
No. 1478632
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Dr Taylor Burrowes
>>In her 40s and chose not to have children. Says that feminism robbed that from her. Is apparently trad now.
>>Dresses like a teenage girl and acts hypersexual
>>Claims to be a marriage therapist No. 1478634
File: 1648048923970.png (556.66 KB, 720x1344, Screenshot_20220323-172105~2.p…)

>>1478632She's giving off desperate vibes. It's clear that she doesn't want to age. So sad.
No. 1478835
>>1478618Validation and self worth.
With internalized misogyny, attention craving personalities need to appear and feel more valuable than other females(nlog) so they adorn the signifiers of what men respond positively too… Usually basic tits, ass, hair, sexy clothes.
Male cognitive dissonance and entitlement created the 'virgin whore' complex which females compete to achieve even though it's impossible. So they cope to maintain cognitive dissonance.
Validation comes in compliments, likes, comments, cat calling, dick pick and ideally, some forever security in the form of a faithful husband while maintaining a healthy supply of validation needed to feel empowered and of value within the a patriarchal society.
No. 1478879
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The boyfriend is just some sour looking incel type dude with a resting bitch face. He also looks more like her son than her lover.
No. 1478886
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>>1478879She gives me Stephanie from 90 day fiance vibes, you know, the one that is getting played by those young black men.
No. 1478912
>>1478874NTA but I think there might be more than one reason why they do this.
1. "Tradition" is just euphemistic packaging. There are no "traditional" men anymore, just quasi-liberal men who want to control women the way "traditional" men did, to varying extents. They're all drawn to whoever has the most sex appeal. On top of that, a lot of them are insecure cucks who want other men to jerk off to their wives and girlfriends, so they expect their "trad"wives to keep showing off their sex appeal, and even compete with other pick-mes on who's the most desirable. These women understand that, so they lean into it without openly acknowledging it. Their most "traditional" value is wanting male approval above all, and they think feminism took that away from them
2. To attract more men to becoming "trad". Their way of saying "All the hot girls are conservative. We're just like the porn stars you lust after, only we're more obedient, (probably) won't get fat and will defer to you politically/ideologically on all fronts"
3. To attract young women to their movement. "You can still dress fashionable and be sexy, being trad doesn't mean you have to become a Mennonite! It just means you stay attractive longer, you don't have to worry about politics or anything too hard, and men will like you more"
No. 1478951
>>1478925Coming from a SAHM.
If you need some online cult to inject joy what you are doing then do you really enjoy it?
It's also not necessary to attempt enjoy everything you do in life. Some things are just tedious or burdensome and we do them because we have responsibilities and care about the people in our lives. That's life and it's tough. You don't need a rush of dopamine or other people's validation from everything you do.
The 'trad wife' community is just as much an example of
toxic internet culture as anything else. Being some middle aged woman who needs attention online so she can brag about how she looks good in brandy Melville and how much her husband likes her steak is no less cringeworthy than a fakeboi talking about bugself.
People who need validation and join these online communities tend to have narcissistic traits. They tend to be over focused on themselves and their own pleasure through validation. Tradwives tend to be covert narcissists. They don't have an indentity or opinions of their own. Their identity is based on appeasing men who are grandiose. They are both the parasite and the host and vice versa.
No. 1479071
>>1479029>women who work in the home deserve to enjoy their lives just as much as women who work outside of it >you have an inferiority complex ????
>>1479037Lol sorry, Cool Girl
No. 1479085
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Why do they all have these ugly neanderthal looking husbands?
You put the work in to look fit and you spend $100s a month looking like barbie only to end up with something that looks like the missing link.
It's always the way with tradthots, with maybe the exception of Brittany Sellner whose husband isn't bad looking.
No. 1479093
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Whoever appears on this morning to talk about their lives is an attention whore. That's like super trash TV for people who have no brain.
No. 1479114
>>1479087Even if I had, I never have to work again if I don’t want to and I’m currently sat getting a foot rub while I enjoy a glass of Baileys. If your entire criteria for being happy is “not marrying a hairy gorilla” then you are far simpler than I am, so congrats.
>>1479085>>1479093You definitely showed her, anon. You go girl
No. 1479132
File: 1648070498259.png (739.83 KB, 720x1383, Screenshot_20220323-230426~2.p…) do they always repeat the same tired mantra: "mEn DoN't CaRe HoW mUcH MoNeY yOu MaKe. OnLy iF yOu ArE rEsPoNsIbLe"
If that was the case then why don't doctors or lawyers hunt for dates in trailer parks? I'm sure there are young pretty vIrGiNs who are responsible working in McDonald's or cleaning toilets or who haven't finished school.
You rarely see men in middle class professions go out of their way to marry working class women who embody all these DeSiRaBLe TrAiTs according to their theory.
I mean wouldn't that be a man's ideal scenario if they were correct. Marry someone poor and uneducated so you have all the power and influence.
Also to invest and money you actually have to have enough disposable income.
They're all bored career women or ex career women with a pick me fetish. Mommy and Daddy paid for college and they always had the choice. None of them have ever had to grind and struggle in their lives.
No. 1479138
>>1479122I'm definitely not 'bitter and lonely'. If I was I would be bragging online about being a wine mom who gets her feet rubbed.
Btw I don't like having my feet rubbed, it's gross.
No. 1479143
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This woman's hair looks like ramen noodles and she's glowing orange. Why do so many British women look so cheap and fake? Can a britfag answer for me?
No. 1479163
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I mean for someone who is in a happy relationship/marriage they all make themselves sexually available to the public. It's scary how much porn culture is just a part of everyday life now. Even so called Conservatives are a part of it. Posing in your underwear and acting like public property when you are supposedly happily married on top is something you do now. I wouldn't want my mom showing this to the world. It's literally soft pornography.
No. 1479210
>>1479085These two appear to be looksmatched to me. Robyn is also looksmatched with her husband. Sellner, as you mentioned, is looksmatched with hers.
The only real non looksmatch I can think of in tradthot circles is Mrs. Midwest.
No. 1479295
>>1479210You forgot Lisa Britton.
She's kind of pretty and is with a stinky old man who still wears the same dusty jacket he wore in the 1980s.
No. 1479691
>>1478886Is that what UV exposure does to pale skin? Look at their necks and chests, Jesus.
Also going on a tangent here but I've been seeing trad seed oil disrespecters on Twitter who say that you can safely tan if you eliminate seed oils from your diet.
No. 1480025
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Apparently Taylor is only in her early 40s.
I thought that she was closer to 50.
No. 1480028
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>>1480025She looks like the crypt keeper and tries to dress like a teenage girl. She's not fooling anyone.
No. 1480031
>>1480028The sun damage is terrible. This is with obvious Botox, fillers and makeup.
Apparently she's a childhood sexual abuse
victim and works as an ex mental health counselor.
She also used to be a member of the Democratic party. She blames feminism for the fact that she didn't have children. No. 1480117
>>1478925>if you feel like the hours of work you do in the home make you boring/frumpy/worth less than the girlbosses of today’s world.You
are worth less, since you're working for free KEK. Being an unpaid bangmaid is an unfavorable, inferior station, that's the entire reason it's foisted upon women.
No. 1480136
>>1480031Kind of OT, but it's perfectly possible to have kids at 41, no? I know fertility decreases with age, but I also know women who've had children into their mid 40's. Most just don't want to because having a college-bound teenager when you're about to hit retirement age fucking sucks kek
This tradthot probably could have kids if she wanted to, she just doesn't want them and blames it on her age since tradtards think women become infertile at 30 anyway
No. 1480262
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No wonder she has so many problems
No. 1480323
>>1480308Here is her life story. Apparently her dad had her at 66 and died of Alzheimer's when she was a child.
Her brother died young.
She's also been sexually abused.
She's had a pretty tragic life No. 1480326
File: 1648165055944.jpg (138.68 KB, 1024x682, 210121-COVID-EVICTIONS-LOUISE-…)

>>Louise Jeavons got up at the crack of dawn and made her husband's breakfast
>>She spent all day cooking and cleaning and her husband came home to a fancy meal every night.
>>Her husband complained that she wasn't bringing in money and left her for a career woman.
>>Spends $1000 on a ticket to listen to Anthony Dream JohnsonIs apparently now on the verge of homelessness and has to donate plasma to pay rent according to this article.
That's kind of sad tbh. No. 1480332
File: 1648165453799.png (399.62 KB, 720x714, Screenshot_20220325-014308~2.p…)

>>1480326Anthony Dream Johnson is a cow in his own right
He's 31 and has never made anyone pregnant.
No. 1480340
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>>1480332>>1478618Brace yourself ladies and control yourselves. This high value man is here to make us all great again.
No. 1480356
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This guy acts like he's being ironic but I don't think he is No. 1480382
>>1480356I think he's partially tongue in cheek. He's actually not quite as bad as the other manosphere guys because he at least doesn't take himself seriously and he has the excuse of obvious mental illness.
His tradthot gf is even crazier than he is and is genuinely intimidating. I wouldn't be surprised if she literally ends up killing him.
No. 1480981
>>1480326I feel bad for Louise. However I think there is more to the story. It seems like she spends recklessly.
She struggles to pay rent and presumably doesn't have a lot of savings, but she spent $1000 on a ticket to go to this ridiculous convention. What did she get from her divorce? Why is she in a rented property?
She looks like she has several dogs which are eating up her finances.
It wouldn't surprise me if she was both codependent and an overspender.
You can't help some people.
No. 1480999
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>>1480981It seems like she's changed her views
No. 1481001
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>>1480999She paid to go to the 22 convention just a few months earlier. They preach the opposite of feminism.
How strange.
No. 1481003
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>>1481001And yes it's definitely the same person
No. 1481019
>>1480117Everyone has this argument in this thread continuously. Can't we just stop? It's hella boring now. Pickmes are embarrassing, so are mega girlboss types. Both define themselves through men, either through being a pick me or being eternally enraged with them. Just stop.
Let's talk about tradthots now.
No. 1481080
>>1481019Most actual career women aren't self-proclaimed 'girlbosses', the only people I've seen call themselves that are pickmes wrapped up in various MLM schemes to keep them financially afloat since their incompetent husburdens can't actually provide.
Supporting yourself >>> being an unpaid bangmaid-birthing sow. There's no argument here.
No. 1481167
>>1479085is she trad? i thought she was just like the UKs marie kondo, giving cleaning advice and stuff?
>>1474424Kirby is my fav personal cow, most of her posts are like this, coping with the fact shes a grade-a tard by making out that that's just what all women are like
No. 1481311
File: 1648240475693.jpg (65.85 KB, 635x634, SAHM.jpg)

>>1480123Sage and different anon but being a SAHM is based and more feminist types should be doing it, there is zero contradiction between the two. A big part of being a woman is childbearing and childrearing, after all: it is the biggest thing separating us from the troons, among other things. Career is not the whole world and you can't take it with you when you go. The idea that we're going to be disappointed in what we did with our lives is laughable. It will be those who die childless and alone after decades of a soul-sucking and ultimately unfulfilling career who are miserable. I wonder how old this anon is talking about women "actually do[ing] things with their lives." Raising a little human being to be the best woman or man she or he can be is the most fulfilling thing possible, and non-mothers can't be expected to understand this, but the whole cadre of supposed feminists on this board who denigrate motherhood is just cringey. Y'all are really sounding like bitter incels just with a different focus. /rant
No. 1481315
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>>1480136>>1480191Yeah it is no joke. Supposedly if you control for partner's age the female line here flattens out and looks more like the male one but eggs and spam both go bad. Look at the DOBs of the parents of the lolcow of your choice sometime. A stupendous proportion of them have parents older than 35, which is when things start to get ugly, but once you hit 40 your chances of birthing Chris Chan (mom was 41) grow exponentially.
No. 1481341
>>1481311>Career is not the whole world and you can't take it with you when you goWhereas you can take your children with you when you go?
the r/childfree types are cringe, I agree. And working is stupid, I agree with that too. But it doesn't change the fact that being a parent is a miserable experience and the only people who enjoy it are sick bastards. Maybe it is "fulfilling", whatever the hell that means, but who cares how fulfilled you are if you are miserable? I'm unfulfilled but at least I don't have to regularly be around children. I seriously would kill myself before raising a child.
There is no greater non-joy than a child.
No. 1481353
>>1481311>It will be those who die childless and alone after decades of a soul-sucking and ultimately unfulfilling career who are miserable.Unmarried, childless women are literally the happiest demographic of women there is. The cope is off the charts.
I also like how you think your graphic makes bangmaidery seem noble and important, when in reality you're asking women to do this $180k/year job for free kek
No. 1482395
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Alex Kashuta talking about how liberalism is a death cult while looking like death herself.
Simps are shocked that she doesn't look like the models in wheatfields.
No. 1482424
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>>1482419Dropped image, picrel
No. 1484002
File: 1648414691879.png (35.16 KB, 598x286, kek.PNG)

>>1483695And? She doesn't just look bloated, she looks liek she's melting.
The simps bringing up the baby are retarded too, she's what now, 38? 39? Very trad! Happy to see RWers waking up to wisdom a
nonnie posted here a year ago
>>1058347 No. 1484730
>>1484002She has an article about #metoo from december 2018 about how she was attacked by her driving instructor at 17 and she mentions it was 13 years ago.
So that would make her 32-33 now. Pretty normal age to be married with a kid.
No. 1484878
>>1481315Chris chan's father was 54. His father's age likely impacted him far more than his mother's age.
Lucinda/Oswald's lunch was also fathered by an old man. Her father was about 60 when she was conceived. His age is likely the cause of her mental state and inability to live independently.
When women's eggs get bad they usually either don't fertilize or they fail at the blastocyst stage or they fail to implant, usually sometime shortly before or around 45 and then they go through menopause a few years later.
When men's sperm gets bad it can still fertilize and develop and it gets worse and worse the older a man gets.
No. 1485116
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>>1482395>>1482424Is there some link also between having an older father and being into weird political ideologies?
Considering that men who are 50+ make up just under 1% of fathers according to USA statistics there seems to be a high concentration of alt righters and weird internet people who came from geriatric sperm.
No. 1485157
File: 1648496687765.jpeg (351.79 KB, 2048x1486, 36BD0F78-DC34-4711-881D-DEB00F…)

Marg schizoposting about how cubes are demonic. I know she’s an autodidact and too smart for college, but she probably could have taken a module on the importance of fact checking.
No. 1485291
>>1485116>>1485130 this basically. Not surprised most of these nutjobs come from geriatric fathers. I knew one girl with a dinosaur father and she was so fucking retarded, spamming schizo shit (cause of course she's also a far right nutjob) and delairing conversations until someone snapped at her. Still didn't seem to get doing this shit caused fights and people to hate her, cause she kept doing it, no matter how many times she got called out. No sense of boundaries, or minimal respect towards other people, no social clues or whatsoever.
Basically the quality of sperm is a lot worse, which makes me believe it's not just autism but some sort of mental retardation involved apart from that.
No. 1485318
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>>1485157lmao one of her orbiters had to patiently explain to her that, yes, they sound alike, but that doesn’t actually mean that they mean the same thing
No. 1485996
File: 1648570719977.jpg (224.5 KB, 1080x984, very_trad.jpg)

So, trad people (most of which are Nazis) are having a meltdown because she said this. But isn't this what the SS attempted to do in favor of creating a breed of übermensch?
No. 1486155
>>1485996The moids in the comments are claiming that women mistake sociopathic traits for desirable ones, which is why hypergamy is bad. As if pro-social traits are not the thing women consistently value the most in a partner, kek. These nazi larpers are as dumb as they are narcissistic, they honestly can't fathom the fact that
they are the "lesser men" who would be cast aside in the society of their fantasies
No. 1486324
>>1486155>>1486138Yeah. Imagine those dudes living in an actual nazi society. Most of them wouldn't be allowed to breed, they'd probably be killed lmao.
It's analogous to trannies and other leftists nowadays wishing they were living in a communist society where they would also be killed lol.
No. 1486331
>>1486155I do not understand this argument because isn't the Machiavellian warrior-king Chad the male archetype they most idealize?
By all accounts these trad men are narc sociopaths, so shouldn't they want women to choose men like them?
Oh wait they're just scrambling for reasons for women to have no rights and freedoms.
No. 1486469
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>>1481339100% this. Lots of men are willing to divorce and abandon their wives and children for women half their age. Tradthots are doing women a disservice
No. 1486524
>>1486469Their own worldview more or less concede that this will happen, too. If women are depreciating assets only desirable due to youth and fertility and our sole reason for existence is to be some moid's bangmaid-breeding sow, what
wouldn't he swap his wife out once she's old and/or sick?
No. 1493737
>>1491809i know suggesting that the whole trad movement is just a cope for a weird dom/sub 50s housewife fetish is kinda overplayed at this point, but this genuinely sounds like some weird cam-girl self-debasement clip
it's probably somewhat tongue-in-cheek but i can't get over screeching about her "tiny female brain" with a completely straight face
No. 1493898
>>1493737She is a genuine psycho. Seems more like Johnson's sister than his significant other. If you read her Twitter she is VERY territorial about him, definitely not a submissive personality type at all.
Speaking of cliches, I know saying, "no woman would ever date him" is as cliche an insult as there is, but in Anthony Johnson's case, it's probably true. She doesn't need to be as jealous of him as she is.
OTOH, I guess it's nice that two completely insane people were able to find each other.
No. 1494745
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This is what being a feminist without being a feminist looks like. Cons are so stupid. She’s literally standing for the same things that feminists are saying without using the label. It’s almost like if u cater to a demographic that doesn’t respect you, they’re not going to respect your beliefs.
No. 1494838
>>1494745Lauren is not a feminist. She sometimes sounds like a feminist when she is responding to manosphere nutters but those guys would make pretty much any normie look like a feminist in comparison.
All of the major tradthots have been pretty consistent in saying that women should have the same rights that men do. I can't imagine Southern, Sellner, Caitlin or Chen ever saying that women shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive or whatever. The problem is that they cater to a group of guys who either believe that women shouldn't have equal rights or shouldn't have any rights at all, so tradthots have to play down their "feminist" (i.e. views of women's rights that have been consensus since at least the 1950's) beliefs to keep their audience happy.
Hardly seems worth it.
No. 1496521
File: 1649458736587.png (8.79 MB, 1170x2532, C3B5B3E3-AA67-425B-B7EE-A4B777…)

Marg’s NFT grift fell through. Who is surprised?
No. 1496537
>>1496521Can’t finish her PhD, can’t finish her art project, can’t practice enough to become a good artist, can’t finish anything except shitpost online because she’s fried off any sense of discipline and competence. No wonder these women like to advocate for performative domesticity and motherhood, not actual actual household labor that would break your back, because it requires actual competence and stamina. By its nature, actual household work and child-raising can not be “aesthetic” in the sense it isn’t desired to be appropriated and signalled as identity (what is essentially what LARPing is); it’s hard, time-consuming, and demanding — there is no illusions of coiffed hair, Victorian Russian household simulations, or much time for consistent sourdough baking. It has none of the appearance, but all of the actual hard work; while LARPing wears the appearance, but possesses none of the work. That is it’s nature: child’s play, empty shells, wearing the dress but not having made it out of one’s hands.
No. 1497196
>>1497045Me too, it's less milky but a lot less eye-rolley, having two babies with tons of issues with her body really brought reality to her
>>1497083lol this, varg is shit, yumis fiance is shit, but this dude does give me yumis husband vibes
he also kinda reminds me of chris watsonhopefully caitlyn didn't sign a prenup
No. 1497520
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Kek lauren is definitely single cuz look at her hand on her new man’s shoulder. That’s definitely not her Asian husband. Very trad. Before people come for me and say that she isn’t even trad, she was literally tweeting about returning to trad this week.
No. 1497612
>>1497562Human thumb husbear is (probably) a creep, but I don't really think he is the "drown his toddlers in a vat of oil" type.
Also, while Watts was evil he was at least attractive and superficially charming. Husbear is neither.
No. 1498025
>>1497670Breastfeeding helps mastitis?
>>1497568Can't be her diet, she probably just has underdeveloped milk ducks, also her double/triple bra wearing 24/7 probably caused it too because of the compression, I produce too much milk and wore tight bras to dry me up
No. 1499007
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For someone whose dad believes in the nuclear family and believes in gender roles, looks like someone isn’t raising their kid at all.
No. 1499782
>>1499676I've met lot's of older moids who were too indifferent to women to be misogynistic. They were more interested in pursuing their own alcoholism.
Even Zoomer males I think are much less misogynistic than Millenial moids because Zoomer moids only want to play video games and NEET.
No. 1502170
>>1501745millions? Maybe I have just met different Zoomers. In my experience Zoomer moids mostly like video games and porn and the one's who do want actual human women are overwhelmingly want a mommy/dominatrix. Generally I think of wanting to abuse women as being more of a millennial thing.
Also, there is a difference between online moids and normie moids.
No. 1502635
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No. 1502665
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>>1502635Samefagging because I found her account and kek. This can't be real, it's too stereotypical
No. 1502790
>>1502665Her account is awful and she's such a tryhard when she talks about her education. I haven't ever seen her talk about science or math topics just the fact that she was in stem (not like a woman has ever done that before).
Also in my experience the only time pickmes are attractive is when its used as a grift and they receive money/opportunites for it.
No. 1502942
>>1502741Super beautiful? Never seen it. The closest I can think of is 20 year old Lauren but their are no pickme's that look like Keira Knightley
>>1502662is she supposed to be ugly? She seems okay looking to me
>>1502635How do you take an interest in physics "too far"? By building a death ray or something?
No. 1503020
>>1502989I remember her being prettier than that. Still think she was well above average there. Remember, most people aren't very attractive.
I want to see a tradthot who looks like Joan Fontaine or Ingrid Bergmann. How come there are no tradthots who look like that?
No. 1503308
>>1503171he absolutely fucking hates women, thinks we shouldn’t vote or own property and that rape should be legal, and supports slavery among other insane positions
also his popularity and follower count is obviously inflated/paid for, if you look at his followers you see bots and random people with they/them BLM in their bios who definitely aren’t his target demographic
No. 1504916
File: 1650330863849.jpg (57.66 KB, 600x328, M5SRNkI.jpg)

This is tradthot adjacent, I guess: the YouTuber "Coach Red Pill" has been apparently kidnapped and murdered by Ukrainian security forces. I think he was affiliated with some tradthots back in the day.
The guy moved to Ukraine years ago, presumably to use his money to get himself a young wife (he's currently 54) who was way out of his league. Then when Russia invaded he started doing all these tweets/interviews where he talked about how Zelensky and the entire Ukrainian government were corrupt Nazi war criminals and that Russia was coming to liberate the Ukrainian people. I'm not really sure what he expected to happen but it appears that the Ukrainians eventually had enough so they killed him.
No. 1505308
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>>1504916Targeted for his schizo rants about the nazi kabal in the government or because he looks like those antisemetic cartoons?
No. 1505315
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>>1504916Yeah people are being cautious about saying he's dead but I just think its funny this guy was a huge misogynist who talked about how you need to treat women like dogs and complained about women hitting "the wall" at age 22 when hes looked like this for all the times hes been on the internet kek
No. 1505589
>>1502170Every zoomer moid I've met have a laundry list of several exes they emotionally abused before they even turned 20, not to mention they enjoy leading women on while playing
victim. They have zero shame most of the time, I miss when moids were embarrassed of being "abused" by women or having their girlfriend financially support them
No. 1505638
>>1505589I think you might be being too hard on Zoomer moids. At least they don't promote that chivalry nonsense that Boomer moids do. And many Zoomer moids are so pornsick that they don't even want to abuse women because porn satisfies their sadism.
Also, since so many Zoomer moids refuse to work or pursue an education, it will open more opportunities up for women. You could even say that Zoomer males are accidental feminists.
No. 1506064
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Has anyone seen her on instagram? @kansashilled and @kansaspilled. She claims no one "manipulated" her into her beliefs but said that men SHOULD manipulate and gaslight women. It's honestly embarassing and pathetic.
No. 1506082
>>1506064what if a man manipulated her into believing that men
shouldn't manipulate women?
No. 1508195
>>1507877There is no such thing as being financially dependent on a man in the contemporary US. When you marry the guy, you are entitled to at least a portion of his earnings for the time that you are together (admittedly you have no claim on any assets he possessed before you two tied the knot). And if you have kids, you are entitled to child support. Women being financially trapped in marriages hasn't existed since the 70's.
Same is true in the reverse too. Alt right social media personality Mike Cernovich won considerable alimony from his now ex-wife after their divorce.
No. 1508245
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slight nitpick but the fact that she literally posted “don’t eat leafy greens bc that’s what cows eat” and “drink raw milk straight from the teat” directly after each other is so funny, did she forget what cow milk is actually for?
No. 1510272
File: 1650805749449.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2391, CA873C6D-47FA-4C0B-ABCB-D56B3B…)

Looks like Lauren is still in Texas, son and husband nowhere to be found, drinking alcohol with queen Venti.
God I hate how all these freaks are moving to my state.
No. 1510389
>>1510349>A scorned scrote will quit his job and remarry to a slightly uglier woman with low self esteem to avoid child support and alimonyNo he will not. Some will, but the overwhelming majority will not. Everyone knows when they get married that your spouse has a claim on any assets you acquired over the course of the marriage and vice versa. Refusal to pay what you owe is considered an attack against the Court and usually leads to your assets getting siezed. The only way out of alimony is to have prenup and the only way out of child support is to have so many kids that the courts just give up. Brittany Spears had to cut KFed a check for millions even though she had a prenup. Mike Cernovich's ex had to pay Mike 10s of thousands of dollars in alimony despite there being no kids and despite the fact that Mike had a job; Mike would have gotten even more had he not been working. US women are not financially trapped in marriages anymore and haven't been for a long time. The idea that this is still a problem is a 3rd wave fantasy. Women who stay in bad relationships generally do so out of either battered women's syndrome, fear of being alone or because they want their kids to have a father, it's never about money anymore.
>It's either one or the other, and they can barely do thatTrue. This is why Zoomer men are superior to early generations of moids. Zoomers are more misogynistic in terms of beliefs/kinks but they also don't believe in chivalry or that women shouldn't earn their own money. A lot of Zoomer moids are even open to having their wife financially support them.
No. 1510727
>>1510690Encouraging women to be financially independent is a good thing, yes. I agree that Zoomer moids are bad I'm just saying that aren't as bad as the previous generations. At least Zoomer moids want their wives to be successful. That's progress. If Zoomer males would only stop being misogynistic, pornsick NEETs than they would be good relationship material for young women.
>not even have to be courteous towards her,You can be courteous without being chivalrous. Chivalry is a misogynistic, western concept. Other cultures don't have it.
No. 1510876
>>1510389>>1510690>>1510727I don't think Zoomer males are in any need of praising and I don't think they're anymore supportive of women than any other generation.
>>1510349 anon is correct regarding women's options. You don't have to be mentally cucked nor do you have to be financially dependent and women need to stop acting like they have 0 option but to act as if they have no dignity and no way to be financially or mentally solid.
No. 1511235
>>1510389IIRC there was a study done that showed Boomer and Gen X men were actually
more supportive of women entering non-traditional careers(engineer, doctor, lawyer, etc) than Millennial and Zoomer men. No generation of moids is good, but every Boomer dad I've known including my own made it a point to tell his daughter(s) to always be financially independent or to at the very least have a good "backup plan" in case things go sour with their moid. Zoomers want a woman who will pay their bills, clean their room AND be a submissive tradwife who they can choke in bed.
No. 1511715
>>1511235Boomer and X'er men are more supportive of women's rights because they have daughters. Zoomers and Millennials will get more progressive when they have daughters of their own.
And while Zoomer men may say that they don't think women should be high earners, in practice Zoomer moids mainly want high earning women who will be able to better provide for them.
>Zoomers want a woman who will pay their bills, clean their room AND be a submissive tradwife who they can choke in bed.Most moids don't mind living in utter filth so I don't think they expect a wife who cleans. Zoomer guys just want a wife who will financially support them and cook for them. I don't think they care if she's submissive as long as she lets them do some choking. I really don't think Zoomer moids are as bad as people say. Zoomers in general get too much hate, imo.
No. 1511860
>>1511715I'm older gen z and have dated around with millennials and other gen z and our moids are the absolute worse, they manifest all the bad parts of the previous generations like porn addiction, misogyny, etc but also have their own, new shit fest which is expecting their girlfriend to pay for everything all without getting serious, also expecting women to go into sex work to support their lifestyle. They're also bringing back a lot of archaic misogyny like muh wife must birth me multiple strong sons, when boomers and gen x never really this much.
Obviously, it differs for sure but claiming that "ooo gen z men are harmless they're just couch potatoes who like porn" is not only a blatant lie but it also ignores all of the issues gen z women face from gen z men. I've been hearing horror stories among friends and it feels like there's absolutely zero hope for gen z males since ALL of them have horrible experiences with gen z males. It also feels like that gen z men are reverting back to a lot of physical and sexual abuse from the 50s, but ontop of that also expect women to financially support them and be willing to have an open relationship, and gen z women have been taught that their entire worth is if guys want them or not and that if they don't somehow convince their man to be stalkerish levels in love with them then there's something wrong with them, so now you have extreme versions of the 90s and 2000s pickmes where they literally are willing to perform this ridiculous stuff for men
This applies to the younger millennials too btw. Either please, there's absolutely no excusing how harmful the average gen z man is
No. 1511866
>>1511860>ooo gen z men are harmless they're just couch potatoes who like pornThis has been my impression of literally every Gen Z male I've met, but I've never dated one. Is this one of those things where they come off as harmless but when you actually date them they reveal themselves to be dangerous psychopaths?
>They're also bringing back a lot of archaic misogyny like muh wife must birth me multiple strong sons, when boomers and gen x never really this muchZoomer guys aren't very masculine from what I've seen, so I'm not sure they will be getting any strong sons, let alone multiple
No. 1513535
>>1513423Haven’t you heard?? Texas is our conservative haven, come one come all! Join the Dallas crew of trad waifus and alpha Chads like Chrissy Mayr, Brittany Venti, Elijah Schaefer, Glenn Beck, and who knows, maybe you’ll run into Lauren Southern, Alex Jones, and Anna Khachiyan shooting GUNS!! They’re settling the southwest just like their ancestors and homesteading, not traipsing around Frisco like mid-20s alcoholics.
Baby daddies and soyboys need not apply.
No. 1513983
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Is she pregnant or just has a fupa?
No. 1514218
>>1513983muh border. Wtf is this, 2016? Nobody cares about the border anymore.
Does Lauren know how to talk about anything except race/immigration?
No. 1515225
File: 1651249136695.png (61.34 KB, 595x308, gunt_vs_bpf_.png)

>>1414904Somewhat unsurprisingly, Ethan Ralph has turned on "Big Papa Fascist", Rachel Wilson/Rach4Patriarchy's husband. Rachel hasn't weighed in yet but it might be interesting if she does because she's been a long-term gunt guard even through Ralph's adventures in getting charged for revenge pornography and knocking up 2 mentally ill young women. It'll be interesting to see if she has anything to say now.
No. 1515703
File: 1651280645581.png (310.18 KB, 728x353, bigbossylady.png)

>>1515225Ethan Ralph's viewers (live right now) react to the drama between him and Rach4Patriarchy's husband (Andrew Wilson/Big Papa Fascist.) Pickmes take note, this is who wants to do the picking.
No. 1515719
File: 1651282649051.png (25.27 KB, 402x181, wilson-doxing.png)

>>1515703samefag, this same shitshow is going on. This Big Tech guy is a nobody, I asked around, but he's coming off like an absolute psycho threatening doxing on Andrew (Rachel's husband) and family. This has apparently been going on in earnest since last night.
No. 1516238
>>1516010she's unable to do anything substantive. Even her alt right stuff was always just a bunch of buzz words. Immigration is a very concrete subject so she is able to grasp it and make a polemic, but if you want to talk about the new matrix of subjects like culture, class, tech and corporate power, nihilism, tribalism, gender dynamics, international relations and economics, that is all way too abstract for an mediocre intellect like Lauren to understand.
Lauren was essentially born to be an Alt Right spokesmodel. Her brief, quasi success was lightning in a bottle: she was a young, pretty face who had the idealized blonde, white, American girl aesthetic (despite her being neither blonde nor American) and she was able to effectively regurgitate basic bitch, racialist right wing talking points so some people paid attention to her as long as she was still 20 years old and the Alt Right was still a thing.
So yeah, Lauren can pivot all she wants but nothing she does is gonna make anyone other than her simps care about anything she has to say. Her time has come and gone.
No. 1516702
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Atleast she’s transparent about it I guess?
No. 1516793
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Sage because it's a completely stupid thing to get mad about but every time I see her location is 'Isildur' I lose it a little again. She thinks she's Arwen or whatever but can't tell apart a Tolkien place name and a Tolkien random guy lol
No. 1517396
>>1517273I've never seen her say she wants to be a breeding cow. She seems more like she wants to be a sugar baby except instead of being gifted purses and jewelry she wants to get some remote farm for her to larp on. If she can't have that, she would prefer to just be a fairy princess of some enchanted kingdom in middle earth.
>She’s like if Brittany Venti went to college and had a higher than 90 IQI'd be stunned if Brittany's IQ is under 110
No. 1517468
>>1517454well I don't follow her that closely so I guess I missed that one. Also I think she's moved on from wanting to be a breeding cow to wanting to a Grimm brothers heroine. We aren't exactly talking about the most mentally stable person, here.
Given her heritage, I can't even imagine how disappointed her parents must be with her. She's lucky she wasn't born male or she'd have been disowned by now.
No. 1521697
>>1521650I agree that Zoomers are more misogynistic and perverted, but they are more progressive about women earning money and having careers. Most Zoomer men expect women to earn decent money. Zoomer men also prefer emotional/psychological abuse to the physical abuse that Boomer men did. Zoomer men don't expect women to cook or clean, only to financially support them, and Zoomer men don't buy into any of that chivalry nonsense that Boomers do.
I agree that Zoomer men are bad, I just think they are better relationship material than Boomer or X'er men were. Remember that it was a revolt against Boomer men that launched 2nd wave feminism whereas most young women today seem to get along fine with men in their generation.
>>1521521This pregnancy fetishization is not rare at all on Twitter. Women seem to be more into it than men are.
No. 1521698
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Megha made fun of by normies on Twitter
No. 1521704
>>1521650You're completely right and the anon who is trying to claim porn isn't making men more dangerous and "they just rather internet women than real women" is retarded and it's upsetting she's dismissing concerns from gen z women about male zoomers
>>1521697>Most Zoomer men expect women to earn decent realize it's because they want to leech off of these women right? did you really believe they want a successful woman because "they support womens rights"?
>Zoomer men also prefer emotional/psychological abuse to the physical abuse that Boomer men did. they're still abusing women, sometimes even worse physically but they're just manipulating them into accepting it. Also boomers didn't beat women as much as the media made it seem
> Zoomer men don't expect women to cook or clean, only to financially support themokay this completely confirmed to me you've never met a zoomer moid, please shut up if you're not going to bother to listen to gen z women talk about their experiences with gen z men
No. 1521808
>>1521704I'm not trying to dismiss anyone's experiences or concerns, I'm saying you have to take the good with the bad. Even some non Zoomer women date Zoomer males so at least some women must be having good experiences with that demo.
>you realize it's because they want to leech off of these women right?who cares what the reason is? If a woman wants to let her moid leach off of her, that is her choice.
>okay this completely confirmed to me you've never met a zoomer moidI'm not saying Zoomer moids will cook or clean themselves, they won't. Gen Z women will cook and clean for their moids because if they don't the home will become an uninhabitable wasteland and they will both be eating McDonald's every night, but it isn't like Zoomer moids are forcing their gfs to cook and clean for them.
No. 1521832
>>1521808As a millennial this whole subthread about how zoomer men aren't so bad, they only want to
checks notes leech off their partners, push them into sex work, have them cook and clean, while psychologically abusing them and being non-monogamous, but no worries girls because they are less violent than boomers.
No. 1521836
>>1521832Also the physical abuse is still there, under the guise of "non vanilla" porn inspired sex, but no worries it's ok if he chokes, hits, spits, bruises, cuts (and so on) if it's during sex! Wouldn't wanna be boring!
Millennial men are shit but zoomers sound like they win the shit prize, all the worst traits dialed up to 100. My sympathies girls.
No. 1521868
>>1521808>I'm not trying to dismiss anyone's experiences or concernsI don't think you understand what this means, because you manage to dismiss concerns in the very next sentence by saying men mooching off the woman "is her choice". Which you're not wrong, but again makes zoomer men shit tier and therefore your argument about how they're "not that bad because they want women to be successful" is invalid
>Gen Z women will cook and clean for their moids because if they don't the home will become an uninhabitable wasteland and they will both be eating McDonald's every nightplease just stop you're contradicting yourself every second
>>1521838meh they're about the same, a lot of zoomers get meme'd into extreme fetishism such as ageplay, diapers, fat fetishism I noticed being huge among zoomers. They're also way more likely to fall for the open relationship meme, it seems like a lot of high schoolers are in open relationships which is insane. I also notice that older gen z dudes are a lot more predatory and literally EVERY single one I met has been in a relationship with a high schooler while they were an adult
No. 1522161
>>1522108>Abby Shapiro's husband gets overpriced handjobslol wut?! Sauce? Never heard about this. How long ago did this happen? I always assumed he was a closet case.
>MMW can't seem to keep her man interestedIt has long been assumed that Human Thumb is a creep.
>I could only imagine and pity what the average trad zoomer/ young millennial is likeThe average trad zoomer male is probably about as bad as husbear, but Lauren's husband and Mikhaila's ex are not trad and don't pretend to be. Robyn's husband seems like a standard eastern Euro ogre who goes along with Robyn's obsessive larping to keep his wife happy.
No. 1522286
>>1522282have you seen the divorce rates in any country
taking precautions against something with a 30% or 40% incidence is just rational
No. 1522461
>>1522241It's not about gender, it's about the fact that working sucks. There is a lot you can criticize Zoomer men for, but not working isn't one of them.
If you are a sucker who still believes in the Boomer "work is good" bullshit, then you should actually like Zoomer men more because their sloth is opening up more opportunities in the workforce for young women.
>femcels are literally just incels gender swappedI wouldn't go that far but worrying that your layabout moid is going to leave you for a younger woman is some Gimpgirl level paranoia. Even a guy as good looking as Chris Watts wasn't able to find a younger woman to have an affair with. Nor was a guy as rich as Jeff Bezos. Young women don't want old men.
No. 1522531
>>1522461>There is a lot you can criticize Zoomer men for, but not working isn't one of themyou obviously are lucky enough to never had a mooch in your life. Zoomers who mooch off of their girlfriends and mothers can take a massive financial toll on them and you get literally nothing in return since they don't offer good sex, loyalty, or even housework
I know you're probably underaged but every single person in this world requires money to survive for food, shelter, water, etc. If a zoomer moid isn't working then someone else is paying for his bullshit. It's not about being pro-wage slave or whatever, it's just retarded to think not pulling your own weight and not even bothering to offer anything back to people who work hard to pay for you to live on easy-mode is somehow just fine
>I wouldn't go that far but worrying that your layabout moid is going to leave you for a younger woman is some Gimpgirl level paranoiawhy are you pretending the anon just wrote some bizarre sperg fest simply for giving a SINGLE example of something that could happen? Do you not know what an example is? Do you freak out in class if teachers ask you to write an example of something and start sperging out about how "they so paranoid of this single thing happening!" over an example that was less than a few words??? You are absolutely insane if you take an anon saying "he might leave you for a younger woman so be prepared" to this fucking extreme holy shit
No. 1522559
>>1522531>If a zoomer moid isn't working then someone else is paying for his bullshit. It's not about being pro-wage slave or whateverBullshit. You are pro wage slave and are trying to use faux feminism to justify it. Working is stupid, period. If a woman wants to wage cuck to support a moid, she is an idiot but she has the right to be an idiot if she wants.
As for the "mooches" (i.e. people who don't want to be slaves to capitalism) in your life, you are the one who is making the choice to support them. Don't blame them for your choice.
>sex, loyalty, or even housework1. Let's be honest, men of any generation have never been known for being particularly skilled at sex
2. Most Zoomers of both genders want open relationships. I would say open relationships are far more popular with Zoomer women than with Zoomer men
3. I agree with you on the housework, it's the one way that Zoomer men are inferior to X'er and Boomer men. But if a woman chooses to clean up after her moid, that is her decision. She can always kick him out if she gets tired of doing it.
And one last time: I'm not denying that Zoomer men are garbage. I'm just pointing out that they are an improvement over earlier generations. Lot's of Millennial women are interested in dating Zoomer guys.
No. 1522624
>>1522619The woman pays if she chooses to. Kinda like having a pet. This is superior to the Boomer dynamic of where the woman was dependent on the moid.
>does magic money fall out his ass to pay for food, water, clothing, shelter or? if so please tell me where these magic money moids areLol! If I find out where such men are I sure as shit am not going to tell you. Why would I give away such valuable information.
No. 1522705
>>1522685Who said anything about femdom? I've met moocher type guys and they usually aren't wired for that, neither are the women who put up with them. Still, it is somewhat of a pet/owner relationship. My family has always provided for our dogs and our cat and all of them are ingrates who give back nothing except for affection (the moid equivalent of this is giving back sex). But if we ever get tired of them, we could always just take them to the pound. Are we "pathetic" because we don't demand our pets earn money or help around the house?
>it's usually the woman working 2 or more jobs so her fat lazy boyfriend can cheat on her all dayI think this was actually the case with one of the Boston Marathon bombers. He somehow got a beautiful American girl to convert to Islam and work 80 hours a week to support him while he dabbled in drug dealing and cage fighting. He wasn't even a good looking guy so I'm not sure how he pulled it off.
>often heavily guilted by people around them to never break up or dump himI don't think so. My parents would disown me if they found out I was supporting some guy. I can't think of any parents who would be okay with one of their daughters being in such a relationship.
Anyway, the bottom line is that it is a lot easier to convince a Zoomer moid to get a job and learn to pick up after himself than it is to get a Boomer moid to accept feminism. Uneven progress is still progress.
No. 1522726
Im not even sure what you 2 are arguing about but i have a sneaking suspicion one of you has a penis
>>1521698Its always funny how they talk about trad womanly duties. In a perfect trad world, she would not be allowed to be attention whoring for male approval on twitter dot com. All these women benefit from feminism while acting like its ruined women and relationships. You can thank feminism for allowing you to freely post your shitty takes about how women arent doing their womanly duties anymore. In your perfect trad world where men actually truly believe in trad values and arent just larping online, they would be telling you to shut the fuck up, delete twitter and go pop out 50 ugly babies
No. 1523533
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queen lol
No. 1523618
>>1523611I don't like Lauren but that's a really nasty comment. Fuck this guy, whoever he is.
I don't get why Lauren even responds to these idiots, she's too old for this shit.
No. 1523683
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>>1523682Trying to bump it off the home page
No. 1523689
>>1523611The male writing this comment should consider a hair transplanted and liposuction himself.
>>1523620She looks different and plastic bur definitely not as botched as that faggot would like to pretend.
No. 1523693
>>1523611The male writing this comment should consider a hair transplanted and liposuction himself.
>>1523620She looks different and plastic bur definitely not as botched as that faggot would like to pretend.
No. 1524023
>>1523801>Financially supporting shit tier men doesn't mean the man is bad!Fact. Although I wouldn't recommend it.
>It's actually based to support men financially It's not "based", it's stupid, but a woman supporting a man is better than a woman being financially dependent on her moid. A man who is okay with being supported by a woman won't be into a bunch of cringe Boomer chivalry bullshit either and he won't be (physically)
abusive when he knows that you can just kick him out.
It's not even that Zoomer guys are good, they are misogynistic, porn addicted, manipulative, mentally
abusive, unhygienic layabouts but at least they want women to be successful and earn money. You can't say that about Millennial, X'er or Boomer men. You don't see any Zoomer men buying into this "trad" nonsense. Also, Zoomer men deserve credit for not wanting to be slaves to capitalism. I love reading articles about our corporate overlords freaking out about how Zoomers aren't the obedient slaves that their predecessors were.
>But if it does it's the woman's fault for caring and trying to help uwuIf a woman falls in love with a guy who doesn't work and doesn't even clean up after himself, then yes, that is her fault.
No. 1524109
>>1524023>It's not "based", it's stupid, but a woman supporting a man is better than a woman being financially dependent on her moid. No lol
>A man who is okay with being supported by a woman won't be into a bunch of cringe Boomer chivalry bullshit either and he won't be (physically) abusive when he knows that you can just kick him out.Yes, he absolutely will (or can be), and you don't know much about
abusive relationships if you think otherwise.
>It's not even that Zoomer guys are good, they are misogynistic, porn addicted, manipulative, mentally abusive, unhygienic layaboutsyes
>but at least they want women to be successful and earn money.So they can be layabouts and/or underachievers? No lol.
>You can't say that about Millennial, X'er or Boomer men. Are you serious?
>You don't see any Zoomer men buying into this "trad" nonsense. You what,
nonnie? As far as "trad" goes in the current Internet meme sense you absolutely do.
>Also, Zoomer men deserve credit for not wanting to be slaves to capitalism. Cringey naive zoomer left-wing politics is not a point in their favor.
>…If a woman falls in love with a guy who doesn't work and doesn't even clean up after himself, then yes, that is her fault.Yes, yes it absolutely is.
No. 1527445
>>1525467Lauren has actually made a couple videos undermining Ukraine and bitched about tHe MaInStReAm MeDiA cOvErAgE of the invasion in the first month.
Worth mentioning that she went to Russia back in 2018 to interview Dugin of all people.
I would say her and the other dissident right thots are not talking as much about it because of the overwhelming evidence of civilian executions and rapes committed by the Russian Army that has been shown after their retreat from Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel etc.
No. 1527974
Do any of you know Brittany Johnson of Politically Provoked? I don't know anything about her, but I guess she was left-wing and now she is trad or something. But apparently she is involved with some really crazy insane drama from this guy who is Ethan Ralph's new cohost, but I'll let a Kiwiscrote tell the story:
>When RPGTV was being sniped by Ethan Ralph BigTech tried to garner Ethan's respect back by going on RPGTV's show and calling him BIG GAY JEW. He was then confronted with his wife and child abusing past and became enraged. Demanding to correct the record that it was merely Wife battery and child endangerment. During this exchange Chantel Brittany Johnson was seeing in the chat running cover for BigSimp and demanded to make an appearance on the show, but when RPG finally let her on she stated she only wanted to be there because of BigSimp. She promptly left sounding disappointed.
>Yesterday BigSimp was in chat for Chantel Brittany Johnson's stream. During the past few streams Chantel Brittany Johnson has been running a bit where for 10 minutes any superchats will go to some regular participant by the name BC_Covington because his mic is terrible. During this time BigSimp was getting visibly angry in chat negging on BC_Covington and causing issues implying BC_Covington isn't a real man for having Chantel Brittany Johnson fund his new microphone. Called him several names such as 'bitch' etc. He offered to just send BC_Covington one of 3 spare mics he had on hand. The chat warned BC_Covington not to give Mike Lowry his address because he's unstable and claims Chantel Brittany Johnson as his own. BigSimp then joined the VC with permission from Chantel Brittany Johnson and confronted the guy and causing drama. BC_Covington was understandably confused why BigSimp decided this was appropriate and in due course after some exchanges brought up BigSimp's criminal history, which predictably sent him into a rage. BigSimp now enraged started hollerin' into his mic intimidating BC_Covington and forced him to apologize and drop the fundraising for his microphone. Chantel Brittany Johnson was pressed on why she would allow this shit to happen on her own show but claimed she couldn't control the deranged wifebeating BigSimp. Mike Lowry allowed the stream to continue but he sat in the VC taking pot shots because he has to make sure his dominance was asserted at all times for his virgin followers to see.
>It's speculated that Chantel Brittany Johnson and Mike Lowry have an online tryst going on as they are frequently seen together. According to some online sources Chantel Brittany Johnson is (or was) married, however. This poster looks forward to the possible future violence to follow if the relationship progresses. No. 1543190
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Lauren's new centrist stance has her discussing her alcoholism, premarital sex and homosexual experiences in featured streams. Pretty amusing 180
No. 1548286
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>>1542475She’s still posting hot takes on Instagram. What about men who are struggling with infertility, Robyn? Of course she only believes the men who should vote are the ones who happen to be exactly like her husband. Not surprising as it’s pretty apparent she repeats all her takes from him.
No. 1548327
>>1548286They'll shit on themselves so much for a crumb of validation. Yet all I see from the men on the right is that they're catching on to how women online like these will say anything extreme for their attention
At what point do we start to see these ultra trad thots promote being beaten to death by their baptized land-owning, married with at least 1 child men because domestic abuse isnt bad. Until it happens to
them personally obviously
No. 1548476
>>1491809The giant hat is striking me very sinister in this… almost as if she's a little girl wearing daddy's hat.
The other thing is that everything she's saying reminds me of misogyny fetish stuff from the audio-porn subreddit… There were women who would read scripts (universally written by male users obv) of EXACTLY this kind of shit in it. "Women don't deserve rights, my little brain etc" but with just a touch of "cum for meeeeee oooh" porntalk thrown in. Not even very much though.
This was literally fringe fetish content on gonewildaudio 2 years ago. Like those audios, these youtube shorts are stiff and repetitive and just keep hitting the same scripted lines that the man who wrote it needs to hear over and over in order to dribble out some cum.
tldr these guys say feminism is a psy-op to feminize men, but actually reddit is a psy-op to give men byzantine misogyny fetishes that ensure their inability to cum from traditional intercourse
Oh and also because of this video
>>1491809 I ended up clicking on people in the comments and found a guy who has a playlist of MGTOW/PUA stuff and girly make-up tutorials. The make-up videos are for his wife, I'm sure.
No. 1548575
>>1548560Robyn is an extreme narc. She considers herself superior to all women
and all men.
Robyn is doing a few things here:
1. Putting her misogynistic male followers in their place, reminding them that merely being male by itself does not grant them any importance so long as they are otherwise losers. They certainly shouldn't think for a minute that just because they are men that they are not inferior to Robyn.
2. Mocking the type of women who do the whole "women shouldn't vote" thing as a way to get male attention. By doing this she gets to put down other women who are competitors for simp attention while establishing herself as intellectually superior to more normieish trads
3. Flexing that she is one of the rare (in these circles) women who is married to a "successful" (by the standards of these circles) man and has children (again, actually having children is rare in trad circles). Robyn is declaring herself to be the real deal, as opposed to her larper followers.
Robyn dominates her weak, beta, low IQ husband. In her dream government, someone like herself would have a fair amount of status and power, at least in comparison to what she has now (i.e. 0 status or power)
No. 1548888
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Lauren has the most bizzare fashion sense.
No. 1549670
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Brittany Sellner left politics
No. 1550095
File: 1654450413099.png (8.54 MB, 1284x2778, 6A41C884-DBF5-4029-8442-26ED55…)

Lauren southern back with more lip injections
No. 1550516
>>1550207Sellner and Lauren used to do a lot of videos and attend political events together. Sellner was affiliated with Generation Identity, the group that orchestrated the boat flare incident. But she wasn't inside the boat herself.
It's curious how Sellner and Lauren ended all contact at the same time Lauren took her maternity break.
No. 1550672
>>1550516Sellner still likes Lauren's photos on IG.
My guess is that they're probably still friends, but distanced publicly, so that Lauren looks more centrist.
No. 1552761
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>>1521698Will a trad 6ft+ Aryan Chad please wife Megha already? This pandering is seriously embarrassing.
She reminds me a lot of Brittany Venti, only more poetic and less bimbo.
No. 1553251
>>1552986This point has probably already been made and apologies if so. Venti and Megha are actually so similar. They both require:
-muscular, toned tall men (preferably white)
-ability to be a SAHM (money)
-all potential suitors must be okay with their online presence and orbiters. Venti relies heavily on simps for income. Megha works online with children and is very active on IG and Twitter.
Both are light brown women, reasonably attractive and young, and both eager to get married and have lots of babies with Chad. You’d think out of the dozens—perhaps hundreds—of DMs, a suitable guy has already made his presence and intentions known.
They don’t want to be trad and settle down, though. This would require the online male attention to dry up. A real traditional Chad would tell these women to give up the Disney princess/bimbo act, log off, and start nesting.
No. 1553353
>>1553251It's all roleplay though. The point isn't to take your Tradwife away from the internet and keep her barefoot-and-preg in a cottagecore mcmansion. The point is to talk about it, perform it, and have other people hear you talk about it. And simp cash.
It's all word games, none of this is real.
>>1553312It's fantasy play, so letting the real world intervene would disrupt the comforting narcissistic fantasy or something…? I freel like this is all just very control and performance oriented, and they need to stick to their pet topics, not let huge messy real things intrude into the playspace. Like, imagine an ageplay camgirl talking about Ukraine or the USSC abortion stuff, it doesn't work, it bursts the bubble.
I'm just thinking aloud sorry nonnies. I watched one of the Brittany Venti videos where she gets drunk on cam and struggles to put together furniture and realized just how blatant this is as kink content. It's not even play-acting as political commentary any more, that's very secondary.
No. 1553569
>>1553251>-muscular, toned tall men (preferably white) Venti has had 2 manlet bf's, and she was openly thirsting for the far from toned Sam Hyde
> A real traditional Chad would tell these women to give up the Disney princess/bimbo act, log off, and start nestingWith Meg, I'm pretty sure it is no "act"
No. 1553707
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Anyone know if she’s carrying a high end bag?
No. 1553739
>>1553707not a big designer label, no
it’s also not on trend right now
but neither is anything else she’s wearing
the peplum dress is very 2017
No. 1553762
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>>1553707OT but Rittenhouse perpetually looks like a chubby 12 year old that wears picrel.
No. 1553798
>>1553762He's such a manlet. He's lucky that fame has saved him from inceldom.
Also, I thought Lauren was larping as a "centrist" now? Has she given that grift up after realizing that the Left will never forgive her so she is stuck pandering to the Right for the rest of her career? I think something similar happened with Shoe.
No. 1553864
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>>1553856>>1553739>>1553707Forgot the pic, sorry. It's from the LV cruise 2020 collection.
No. 1553891
>>1553573basically yeah
Bimbo-fetish adjacent for sure. Brainless, helpless, humiliation, etc.
No. 1554365
>>1553762Was trying to place what he looked like every time I saw a picture of him and you described it perfectly kek
>>1554323I actually kind of like her style but otherwise agreed
No. 1554894
>>1554323Nothing wrong with enjoying Brit's old content. The Shuwu, Destiny, Pear and Pokimane vids are some of the best content in YT history. She beat Roosh at his own game in her debate with him.
I do agree that she seems like she's done now. Content creation is a very hard business to stay in for the long haul. Just look at content creation pioneers like Maddox or AVGN. Remember those guys?
No. 1555529
>>1555059u mad that the DA failed to railroad Kyle,
No. 1555859
>>1553350Abortion, I really think their opposition is purely performative. A while ago, before the RoevWade thing, I saw a lot of tradthots saying things like "lib women aren't speaking up about abortion because they secretly think fetuses are bebies and they really like babies!" but I've lived among lib women and never once saw them saying anything remotely like this, not even the ones who are pro-choice but say they would never get one themselves. Evangelical women on the other hand will scream about abortion being murder but get one without a second thought if they ever get an accidental pregnancy (particularly when they're teenagers or generally young and unmarried, as the social punishment and ostracism would be massive).
>>1553353I don't think it's all necessarily kink or straight-up fantasy because like mentioned above, IRL "trad" people behave very similarly. They just put pleasing scrotes and upholding their trad reputation above practical concerns and even their own safety. No wonder they believe all the misogynistic shit these men say about women, it all applies perfectly to them. Choosing to stick a hanger up their uteruses because they don't want to displease scrotes is what these men call a "woman moment".
No. 1556339
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it's so depressing how tardthots are now calling themselves "radical feminists"
No. 1556463
>>1556433The meaning of the word "
TERF" has changed. Now it just means any woman who hates troons, whether she is a feminist or not.
But I also have to say that the overwhelming majority of self proclaimed feminists under 40 are extremely pro troon just like they are pro Islam. 2nd wave feminism just isn't relevant anymore.
No. 1556483
>>1485116I have a weird theory that one of the reasons I'm relatively attractive compared to my other family is because my dad had me pretty young at 25. This is not backed up by any science lol. ", children born to younger fathers can be as much as 10 percent more attractive than children who have older fathers",years%20the%20mutation%20rate%20doubles.
No. 1556752
>>1556463Tradthots don't bother to think about what the "RF" part of "
TERF" stands for when they adopt the label at best, and at worst they intentionally call themselves radfems for the grift
No. 1556786
>>1556752Well what exactly distinguishes a 3rd waver from a "rad" besides being anti troon and anti sex positivity?
And if we are being honest, some boomer feminists genuinely have drifted pretty far to the right, even if they haven't bought into the misogyny
No. 1559176
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>>1559145this is from her Instagram lol a trad man's dream i bet. we literally live in a country with some of the highest rape rates and she has the audacity to post anti-feminist bs
No. 1560137
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>marrying an abusive asshole is real and important
No. 1560268
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She looks the way delusional trads think women look after they turn 25. I guess sunscreen is too provocative.
No. 1560573
>>1560520In what fucking reality do you live in anonita.
Even the bible itself is inherently misogynistic.
No. 1560588
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>>1560268Laura is just generally infuckingsane. I remember there was a vid on twitter of her harassing a guy 5-10 years younger than her. She kept trying to kiss him and got angry when he didn’t want to touch her. I think what’s crazier than that is that she thinks she could ever win any voter over in West Palm who’s not a complete psycho freak like her
No. 1560599
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>>1560268These are my favorites. The haphazardly placed fake eyelashes, the troon tier lack of lip liner and stick skills. Truly a terrifying image that will survive through the ages.
No. 1560620
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>>1560599she looks like the jumpscare from inland empire wtf
No. 1561131
>>1561117lol, arguing that Hindutva types are less misogynistic
catch up with the twenty-first century
No. 1561254
>>1560417when did i say that, you retard? i was born into a christian family and am agnostic. there are more religions than just Hinduism and Islam
>>1561117yes i hate hindu nationalism because neither me or my family are hindu. sorry for not wanting to be treated like a second class citizen in my own country! guess i called out your dumbass religion where you take the world of astrologers as truth and smear cow shit on yourself for festivals. all successful societies are secular. grow up
No. 1561554
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the lack of critical thinking skills
No. 1561648
>>15615541. You get paid to submit to your boss
2. I've actually never heard a woman say "I won't submit to a man". It isn't something that I've ever heard women discuss one way or the other. Even women who are submissive don't talk about it. Most women aren't radfems.
No. 1561913
>>1561554>doesn't even consider that women can be bossesTypical. Also, I've always wondered: since women "submitting" to their boss is framed as a pseudo-sexual act reminiscent of marriage, are men also "submitting" to their bosses like this? Are all these tradwives getting cucked while their husbands symbolically getting fucked by another man?
>>1561648You don't need to be a radfem to have self respect. Why should any woman submit to a man? To soothe his inflated ego? Pass.
No. 1562119
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tradthots are disgustingly racist (unsurprising) and those dresses are the definition of fugly, although it's also unsurprising that tradthots would have obscenely ugly and milquetoast taste in everything
No. 1562636
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>>1562119Her grandma had 7 kids in an ugly polyester Topshop dress? Huh.
No. 1562889
>>1562636OT sperging over a retarded tradcon shitpost, but I hate it how they frame pregnancy as
men "giving" children to women. All men do is ejaculate, women actually make the children, and do the lion's share of childwork the vast majority of the time too!
No. 1563002
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oh boy
No. 1563851
>>1561554Is this a real account, a bot, or one ran by a male fetishist? You cant even tell anymore
>>1562148Massive amounts of cope in that one clip lol. Seething that some women are just chilling at home happily while some scrote works so she has money. Tradthots try hard to shame gold diggers with maids and nannies because they want that too. But their audience despises it
>>1563678She did make those vids talking about women needing to settle down before 25, played up the trad wife role while her baby was just born though. She wasn't really super yrad then, just willing to get shit on by alt right males who want trad wives for attention and money. Even though she had to pay for a date with a trad alpha male once. I think she gets alot of shit here because of that article that published her frustration with the alt right for being misogynistic towards
her too
No. 1564361
>>1563678Lauren was the
original tradthot. She talked about how being trad was the best and how other women were whores for giving into feminism and having their own careers. She was always bashing modern women for being too career oriented, showing too much skin and sleeping around all while she herself focused on clout chasing/her documentaries, wore revealing clothes on camera and slept with half of South Africa. She was initially unapologetically alt right until her recent lame attempt to reinvent herself as a centrist libertardian.
No. 1564391
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>>1562148Women who push this lifestyle are must either be shameless grifters with so sense of self respect or actual, literal retards. Even their own ideology paints tradwifery as a poor decision: you're a "depreciating asset", wholly dependent on a man and subject to his fickle whims, and without any means of supporting yourself if he decides to trade you in for a younger model, which he deserves to do since you're nothing but an aging burden.
No. 1564451
>>1564414There is a difference between saying, "Lauren is a talentless, hypocritical and self serving grifter who had no problem with monetizing misogyny at the expense of other women until it was her own ass on the line", which is objectively true; versus saying, "Lauren is worse than Jeffrey Dahmer", which is what Farmers generally say about her.
>>I'm pretty sure she only started laying off on the tradthottery once her mixed race ex-bf became public knowledge and she lost all altright credI think she genuinely matured. She was really young when she first came on the scene and was influenced by some pretty shitty people.
No. 1564454
>>1564391It's all kinda self refuting, too: if this lifestyle is that fulfilling, why aren't you just out there doing it? Why do you need to broadcast it and bask in the attention of terminally online men?
I guess Robyn gets a pass because she obviously needs to always be the center of attention but what excuse do these other women have?
No. 1565048
>>1564391The massive cope is that they see women leave dating, choosing celibacy and sterilization and think that they can shame them back into useless relationships with them
Cant wait until they rage and seethe at dating apps having only bots left for them to chat with
No. 1565659
>>1564391>>1564561This. You reap what you sow. These women choose to pander to the scummiest bottom of the barrel scrotes of our society and are surprised when their "alpha male" kings turn out to be abusing, cheating, worthless pieces of shit with mental issues. These women are also way more likely to be single and childless in the future than any normie woman or feminist they sperg about (e.g. Shoe0nHead).
If one of your core values on partnership is that women are useless and deserve to be dumped at a certain age….why the fuck do you think YOUR alt-right Nigel will spare you?
>>1563002I'm glad they're starting to admit that being a wife is nothing but glorified maid service and prostitution according to trad standards.
No. 1566161
>>1566148>I find it hilarious they think this because the black women they hate so much are actually better at being submissive than they are American black women are hardly submissive. Africa and the Caribbean are a different story.
>this ugly goblin is such a grifter,She's plain, not ugly
No. 1567136
>>1566980Only people with zero skin in the game or completely insane would ever propose and defend the shit they propose and defend. I think half of them are larpers and the other half is extremely self-destructive people who did the things normal women do to enjoy themselves, like going out, drinking, hoeing out a bit, getting tattoos, as a means of self-destruction (that's why they're constantly projecting that happy carefree girls are secretly miserable and self-hating) and now turn to "religion" and "trad values" as another, different and more age-appropriate means of self-destruction.
From being used as a fleshlight by scummy guys to being used as fleshlight
and punching bag by even scummier guys. These are the people psychology was developed to treat.
inb4 a retarded tradthot quotes this with "uwu no normal woman enjoys those things, only degenerate onesinb4 said tradthot goes "i'm not a tradthot, this is merely common sense!!!oneone No. 1570318
>>1570117I can understand why a man would want to sleep with a younger woman, but don't these guys feel ridiculous running around with a woman half their age in an actual relationship? I honestly cringe more on his behalf than I do on hers.
Btw, that guy is obviously on TRT and that ain't a good look
No. 1570425
>>1570415No disrespect, but they both look substantially older than their chronological ages
Also, is her husband wearing lifts? He's old, on steroids AND a manlet. I'm sure he's a nice guy but I think she could have done better
No. 1570477
>>1566980Its mostly just virtue signalling and mirroring. That's also something cluster B people do; feign shared opinions and interests with another person, thereby forcing bonds and feelings of trust/intimacy. These women lurk manosphere communities full of men who hate and resent women, then parrot their views back to them to appeal to these men and manipulate them into simping for them. There's way less competition on the right because it's such a sausage fest, so these women see an easy opportunity to milk conservative simps for betabux and attention.
It's funny because while most tradthots are self loathing, have penis envy, are insecure, and have a fucked up masochism and submission fetish, the fact they're also 'not like other girls', have feelings of superiority over other women, and are usually control freaks who try to gatekeep their husbands sexuality and masturbation habits is also quite telling. It's similar to a narc's simultaneous inferiority/superiority complex.
No. 1570636
>>1570529Anon said
>leaves them for a pierced tatted 18 year old amateur pagan camwhore called Krystal>leaves themNothing about
watching porn.
No. 1570654
>>1570117kek. Old as fuck
and ugly, how promising. I love how trads are all about muh fertility until it comes to men. Enjoy the increased risks of mental illnesses and genetic mutations from his geriatric sperm…in case he can actually get you pregnant, of course.
>>1570529>>1570519Both are cheating.
No. 1571058
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The OG tradthot is having fun today.
No. 1571124
>>1571105>>1571117Jezebel is definitely not trying to be palatable to men, let alone actually seeking out male attention/approval.
I think what happens is that sometimes non feminist women use libfem talking points to justify their own pickmeism but that doesn't make true libfems a bunch of thots.
Generally the main thing with libfems is that they see gender essentialism as the bedrock of misogyny whereas radfems see misogyny as rooted in male biology. Libfems have always been hostile to the idea of women only spaces because the implication is that women aren't strong enough to protect themselves from (or compete with) men
No. 1571482
>>1571451>when she herself has had at least three abortionssource?
>mock women for being understandably upsetI mean, women are the ones who just banned it. Polls show that women are more supportive of abortion restrictions than men are. It's weird.
No. 1571517
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>>1571505I wouldn't say that the prolife movement is overwhelmingly female but there are a fuck ton of women against abortion. A lot of prolife women voted for Trump who picked the Supreme Court nominees who voted this way
No. 1571534
>>1571451why do you think women who sleep around need to get abortions? a woman who is aware of her cycle will know the ~5 days she is fertile and use contraception or even avoid sex on those days.
it's not that easy to get pregnant. any woman should know that.
No. 1571540
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New mentally ill tradthot.
No. 1571578
>>1571534moidsplained like a pro
>"When sperm are inside women's body, they can live for up to 5 days. If you're a man and you have sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there's chance they may get pregnant."-WebMDSo even if you are not fertile that day the sperm can still survive for days inside of you and fertilize the egg when you do ovulate. Not all women have regular cycles so determining your exact ovulation period isn't as easy as tards make it out to be. Some people are also unfortunately more fertile than most folks when birth control fail on them well, they get fucked.
You would know this if you weren't such a fucktard who bought into the "jUsT uSe CoNtRaCePtIoN" rhetoric and an unempathetic piece of shit.
No. 1571724
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>>1571517I'd say there is a difference between having an opinion and actively being part of a movement. There is no doubt the most aggressive anti-abortion activists out there are women. When I was in college there was a "pro-life club" that was basically female-only and they would set up these recruitment stands with scientifically inaccurate models of fetuses (fully-formed babies, just tiny). Footage from Friday's decision also shows crowds of women celebrating and chanting. Outside of politicians/influencers/grifters, men just aren't that invested in this debate.
No. 1571937
>>1571812>The movement to ban abortion is majority maleIt just isn't. The activism and energy in the movement is overwhelmingly female. Not just among the rank and file, but the leadership as well. Think Comey Barrett or senator Hawley's wife. In a few months, women are about to vote en masse for the anti abortion Republican party and a large minority of the women who vote against the Republicans will actually be anti abortion themselves.
Conversely, militant pro abortion groups like Jane's Revenge are overwhelmingly male. We all know that when pro choice terrorism inevitably starts it is going to be a near 100% male movement.
People are weird.
No. 1572605
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i don't know if there's any old timey tumblr people here, but mehreen kasana's fall into tradthottery hurts my soul.
No. 1572658
>>1572617the pro choice terrorists will all be mtf trans
just look at the "~*~OMG LOOK HOW GIRLY MY WRITING IS~*~" spraypaint writing at the pregnancy center firebombings
No. 1572737
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>>1572605No idea who she is but conservatives are truly something else. Interesting how these uwu gentle nurturing mommy housewaifus always find so much amusement in anything misogyny related
No. 1572823
>>1571812>The movement to ban abortion is majority male.The people signing the laws? Sure.
The people who actually make up the movement, the ones who do the activism and grassroots work? Lol no.
Take a moment to watch a video of ANY pro-life meeting or conference and then come back.
No. 1572914
>>1572904Same anon, hit send too soon. Women are more likely to be pro-choice than men (61% v. 48%) forced birther, stop trying to make your meme take happen. Go die of an ectopic pregnancy so your husband can upgrade to a younger model already.
No. 1572925
>>1572920NTA but do you have to word things so disgustingly? can't you discuss things without talking about rape porn and "wiping shit"
women don't support the pro life movement because of male psychosis, they do it because they probably regret having children and think other people need to make the same sacrifice as them, most likely bc that's what other women drilled into them before they committed to having children.
No. 1572966
>>1572925Why? This is an accurate description of what the average trade marriage is like. The woman exists to serve the man; she gets ripped vagina to asshole birthing her moid's ugly spawn, which bears his name and carries his legacy, not hers. She's an unpaid whore/maid/cook who gets nor demands any respect, and despite doing all the heavy lifting to keep her home functional, the man is the one credited when things go well. While she does all this, he's free to jerk off, rape her, do whatever he pleases. This is exactly what happened to Anna Duggar: the perfect tradwife who dedicated her life to Josh Duggar, cleaning his messes, cooking his food, and birthing his hideous children. He repaid her by cheating numerous times and masturbating to toddlers snuff films, which he was just imprisoned for.
This is a bleak, meaningless, unfulfilling existence. That's the entire reason men foist it upon us.
>>1572927A sincere religious conviction that doesn't even exist in the holy book they claim to believe? Protestant opposition to abortion began in the 70's.
And why are you pretending that tradthots are less respectable than actual trades? The former LARPs the lifestyle for attention, and the latter actually lives it-a man-worshiping lifestyle that exists solely to subjugate women. They don't have "pickme tendencies", they are by definition the biggest pickmes on the planet. They believe their whole existence is to be picked by a man and serve him, no exceptions.
Lauren Southern showing her ass(literally) to pander to conservative moids for attention is pathetic. An actual trad woman having her 14 year old daughter marry the first greasy pervert who takes interest in her because he's "godly" is a monster. Why are you so invested in playing apologetics for these gutter trash whores?
No. 1572972
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Lol some of Megha Verma’s followers are flaming her on insta stories for worshipping whiteness despite being Indian. She’s blocking people.
No. 1573022
>>1573004Ivy League grad, SC Justice clerk, accomplished legal career before making it on to the SC. She probably has the most impressive resume of anyone on the Court right now.
She's a religious nutter for sure, but the particular cult that she was a member of was one where women held the bulk of the power. It wasn't some handmaiden from Gilead larp or anything. It's well known that her husband had to take on the majority of the childcare due to all the 70 hour weeks she needed to put in for her career. I'm not saying that Barrett is any kind of feminist, just that aside from her pro life fanaticism their is nothing anti feminist about her either. Even if Barrett is literally the worst person to ever exist, she is nothing like a tradthot nor has she dedicated her life to "serving her husband". If anything, her husband is the one serving her.
No. 1573056
>>1572979>>1573022>She probably has the most impressive resume of anyone on the Court right now.Literally the opposite. What in the world are you talking about? Elena Kagan got hit with accusations of being a diversity hire, and she's far and away more qualified than handmain Barrett is.
>but the particular cult that she was a member of was one where women held the bulk of the power. No, they don't. This is like saying women hold the power in families because they take care of the day-to-day maintenance; the man(or in the case of an organization, men) are the ones who wield all the actionable power, money, and influence. Her "power" relies entirely upon men. This is how religious cults work.
> just that aside from her pro life fanaticism their is nothing anti feminist about her either. Even if Barrett is literally the worst person to ever exist, she is nothing like a tradthot nor has she dedicated her life to "serving her husband". If anything, her husband is the one serving her.Phyllis Schlafly was a lawyer at a time where it was uncommon for women to even be accepted into law school, had children, and presumably her husband picked up some slack around the house. She was allowed to do this because her advocacy was centered around disempowering women, just like Amy Coney Barrett. If these women were to get the society they desire, they occasionally-does-laundry husbands would gladly give them a tradslap across the face, have them fired from their positions so a man could take it, and tell them to go cook dinner. You know how tradthot Lauren Southern was shocked that the altright moids she pandered too still reviled her no matter how much she debased herself for them? It's the same principle.
>Even if Barrett is literally the worst person to ever exist, she is nothing like a tradthot nor has she dedicated her life to "serving her husband". If anything, her husband is the one serving her.Correct, she's not a tradthot. She's an active threat to women, and all of society. Taking pictures with the #DeusVult #whitebeauty captions doesn't negatively impact the status of women. Anti-abortion laws do.
No. 1573074
>>15730561. her husband doesn't just "pick up some slack around the house", he is a quasi househusband who does the bulk of the housework, cooking and childcare. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that he is the dominant partner in their marriage.
2. Schlafly was a genuine anti feminist activist, Barrett has never said anything indicating that she believes women should take a subordinate role in relationships or society.
3. We all know damn well that even if the parties completely switched their positions on abortion that you would still be a straight ticket D voter, so this really isn't about women's rights for you
4. You're party is the one that supports bringing in 10s of millions of people from backwards, misogynistic cultures and then covers for them when they practice FGM or sell their daughters into marriage
5. You stood by and applauded when men physically assaulted women who weren't wearing masks during your Covid hysteria. Again your feminism always takes a backseat to whatever liberal orthodoxy you deem as more important
6. Women have the power to legalize abortion anytime they want. They cast most of the votes. This November, the majority of women are going to vote for the party that just outlawed abortion.
7. The pro choice terrorism that has already started has basically been 100% male. The rape threats that conservative women are getting (with 100% support from liberal women) since the Dobbs draft leaked are also coming exclusively from men. Without men, the pro choice movement would be a joke.
>Taking pictures with the #DeusVult #whitebeauty captions doesn't negatively impact the status of women. Anti-abortion laws doNow this I agree with. I'm not some Barrett simp. She's an elitist, open borders, Bush era Republican with bizarre religious beliefs. I disagree with her on abortion. But this thread is specifically for tradthots, not every woman who holds views that we don't like
No. 1573130
>>1573074> her husband doesn't just "pick up some slack around the house", he is a quasi househusband who does the bulk of the housework, cooking and childcare. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that he is the dominant partner in their marriage. Aside from the religion they both devoutly follow, you mean?
> Schlafly was a genuine anti feminist activist, Barrett has never said anything indicating that she believes women should take a subordinate role in relationships or society.Her religion which demands female subordination to men and her forced-birther beliefs show that yes, she absolutely does think women should be subordinate to men. Just because Barrett can tard-wrangle herself enough to not openly talk about male headship or female submission, that doesn't mean she doesn't believe it. Even dumb yokels like the Duggars know when to rein themselves in.
>We all know damn well that even if the parties completely switched their positions on abortion that you would still be a straight ticket D voter, so this really isn't about women's rights for youThere would be no reason for me or most other women to support the Democrats if they no longer supported abortion, that's why they hold it over our heads to get votes. What in the world are you talking about?
>You're party is the one that supports bringing in 10s of millions of people from backwards, misogynistic cultures and then covers for them when they practice FGM or sell their daughters into marriageYeah, Dems are terrible. Repubs are worse. And don't act like a fool, even if you clearly are one-both parties want mass immigration, just for different reasons. The Koch brothers, the premiere liberal boogeymen of the aughts and early 10's, were open borders fanatics.
>You stood by and applauded when men physically assaulted women who weren't wearing masks during your Covid hysteria. Again your feminism always takes a backseat to whatever liberal orthodoxy you deem as more importantAre you having a schizo moment? What the fuck are you talking about? Anti-maskers are such babies, christ. Pick a real issue to moan over.
>Women have the power to legalize abortion anytime they want. They cast most of the votes. This November, the majority of women are going to vote for the party that just outlawed abortion. Mate, Dems have been promising to codify RvW into law for years. Even with a Democrat president, majority in the senate and house, nothing happened. The vast majority(>70%) of Americans want abortion to be legal in all or most circumstances, and vote for candidates that support this right, who do nothing to protect them. The Justices who overturned RvW are unelected lifetime appointments. The president who appointed three of them lost the popular vote, was a one term president, and widely unpopular. "Just vote" doesn't work-which you should know well if you're an anti-immigration fanatic, since immigration restrictions are widely popular, voted for, and never enacted.
>The pro choice terrorism that has already started has basically been 100% male.What, the spray paint and paint dumped on CPCs and churches? Largely female judging from the handwriting, and even then not a big deal. Women support abortion more than men do-I know you're very invested in your little headcanon that men are pro-choice and women anti-choice, but this is simply not the case. Attend to reality.
>The rape threats that conservative women are getting (with 100% support from liberal women) since the Dobbs draft leaked are also coming exclusively from men. Rape threats in general come from men. Do you expect me to whiteknight liberal moids? Of course they're terrible, they're men. At least they don't want to reduce us to breeding stock.
>Without men, the pro choice movement would be a joke.Nope, all the moving and shaking in this movement is done by women. The fundraising, the activism, the protests, getting abortion pills to women in need-all women. I know, since I'm involved in it myself. Abortion rights is a women's movement.
>Now this I agree with. I'm not some Barrett simp. She's an elitist, open borders, Bush era Republican with bizarre religious beliefs. I disagree with her on abortion. But this thread is specifically for tradthots, not every woman who holds views that we don't likeYou're very clearly a tradthot trying and failing to fit in. The Barrett simping, the bizarre pro-choice=men and anti-choice=women headcanon, the impotent sputtering over masks and immigration-it's very obvious.
No. 1573195
>>1573130>What, the spray paint and paint dumped on CPCs and churches?I was talking more about the arson, but it's inevitably going to escalate to murder and you know it. And it will be men doing it.
>Do you expect me to whiteknight liberal moids? Like you do for your senile, daughter raping, fake President? Yeah, I do. Polls show that Democrat women absolutely consider Joe Biden to be a great guy, not some lesser of two evils. They regard his daughter raping and pedophilia are as just a case of "boys will be boys".
>Nope, all the moving and shaking in this movement is done by women. The fundraising, the activism, the protests, getting abortion pills to women in need-all women. I know, since I'm involved in it myself. Abortion rights is a women's movement.You are correct and I apologize about what I said above. When it comes to actually helping women gain access to reproductive care, that is overwhelmingly women. Same with the legal activism. I meant the strictly political side but even that would have been incorrect now that I think about it. Again, I was completely wrong and I apologize.
>At least they don't want to reduce us to breeding stock. Nobody disputes that liberal men are better than conservative men, that isn't what I was saying at all. What I am saying is that most liberal women support liberal men beating up women who don't wear masks or sending rape threats to pro life women. I literally have never met an exception and I very much doubt that you are one yourself.
>You're very clearly a tradthot trying and failing to fit in.I'm a tradthot even though I support no restrictions on abortion whatsoever, a position far the left of the vast majority of American women?
>The Barrett simpingI genuinely dislike her. I have no reason to lie. I just recognize that she is intelligent and accomplished.
>There would be no reason for me or most other women to support the Democrats if they no longer supported abortion, that's why they hold it over our heads to get votes. What in the world are you talking about?You are embarrassing yourself. You've sputtered for years about muh kids in cages,muh deady pandemic and muh insurrection (where one of your moid goons murdered a woman in cold blood). Nothing about abortion until Dobbs.
>Just because Barrett can tard-wrangle herself enough to not openly talk about male headship or female submission, that doesn't mean she doesn't believe itThen why is she raising her daughters to play sports, go to elite schools and earn lot's of money? Why did she devote her life to becoming one of the most powerful people in the country? Why has she, unlike Schafly, never said anything anti feminist beyond the abortion stuff? Why is she clearly the dominant partner in her own marriage with her husband? Why is she generally held in contempt by genuine trad types?
No. 1573209
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>>157291761% of women are pro-choice. Only 33% are anti-choice. That’s not a 50/50 split. Do you not know basic arithmetic?
No. 1573217
>>1573195Nta, but are you the retard redditor who doxxed herself and turns out is related to some rapist named Edward 'Eddie' Okenica from Georgia or something
No. 1573238
>>1573195>I was talking more about the arson, but it's inevitably going to escalate to murder and you know it. And it will be men doing it.Given the open fedposting I've seen from liberal women and men alike I can see a few women pulling a Solanas, especially a woman who lost a daughter/sister/etc to a botched abortion. Is your argument really just theorizing about assassinations that haven't even happened yet? All the abortion-related assassinations have been committed by anti-choicers, all of whom were men.
>Like you do for your senile, daughter raping, fake President? Yeah, I do. Polls show that Democrat women absolutely consider Joe Biden to be a great guy, not some lesser of two evils. They regard his daughter raping and pedophilia are as just a case of "boys will be boys".No one thinks this, and I say this as someone who hates Biden and only voted for him since Trump was the only other choice(an actual daughter fetishist and likely rapist). Your orange daddy figure lost, get over it.
>Nobody disputes that liberal men are better than conservative men, that isn't what I was saying at all. What I am saying is that most liberal women support liberal men beating up women who don't wear masks or sending rape threats to pro life women. I literally have never met an exception and I very much doubt that you are one yourself.Where have these poor widdle anti-maskers been "beaten up?" Security Full Nelson-ing some anti-mask tard and taking them out of the store when they refuse to wear a mask? Boo hoo. And no one supports rape threats, even at anti-choice women.
>You are embarrassing yourself. You've sputtered for years about muh kids in cages,muh deady pandemic and muh insurrection (where one of your moid goons murdered a woman in cold blood). Nothing about abortion until Dobbs. Again, you're having a schizo moment. I'm sorry your radlib Boomer aunt who posts too much on Facebook pisses you off, but you're ascribing a very particular set of beliefs to anyone you believe to be a liberal. Did you take your mood stabilizers today?
And you're talking about the dumb air force woman who was shot for trying to breach a restricted section of the White House? Stupid games, stupid prizes. She died for nothing and Trump doesn't care. Too bad she had kids, otherwise I'd call it a Darwin Award moment.
>Then why is she raising her daughters to play sports, go to elite schools and earn lot's of money?This is just normal rich people stuff. It's called being "well bred" and done so they're an attractive prospect for a rich man.
>Why did she devote her life to becoming one of the most powerful people in the country? Why has she, unlike Schafly, never said anything anti feminist beyond the abortion stuff?This is like saying someone has never said anything anti-feminist aside from wanting the 19th Amendment to be repealed. It's an inherently, unforgivably misogynistic idea.
No. 1573255
>>1573238All the abortion-related assassinations have been committed by anti-choicers, all of whom were men
Because right wing men are violent, misogynistic goons. So what? Nobody is saying that right wing men are good.
>No one thinks this, and I say this as someone who hates BidenSurveys clearly show that liberal women adore Biden. Every blue check mark woman says that Biden is a great guy. While I have heard liberal women call Hillary a bitch, I have never heard a liberal woman speak of Biden with anything except admiration. I also recall my wine aunts simping super hard for sex pest Cuomo as well.
>Your orange daddy figure lost, get over it.I don't have to get over anything because the Desantis Presidency is going to make you wish for the good ol' days of Trump.
>Given the open fedposting I've seen from liberal women and men alike I can see a few women pulling a SolanasSolanas attacked an asexual man who was himself a radfem, and the reason she tried to kill him was because she thought that he had ripped her off, it wasn't part of some gender struggle.
If you seriously think that women are going to start murdering anti abortion activists, that is some nuclear grade cope. It will be entirely men and I'm pretty sure you know this as liberal men are violent and unhinged even by moid standards. Women tend to be extremely reluctant to kill people, even for a good cause. Men are much quicker to resort to violence.
>especially a woman who lost a daughter/sister/etc to a botched abortionThat's not going to happen as this isn't the 1950's and there will be remain tons of options for women to have safe abortions. There is no political will to actually enforce draconian abortion restrictions.
>Where have these poor widdle anti-maskers been "beaten up?" It was all over Twitter and Tik Tok for the duration of the pandemic. Always the same thing, some insane, fat, middle aged white guy starts screaming at a woman in a supermarket for not wearing a mask and then he physically attacks her when she doesn't give into his bullying. Literally every single liberal woman supported such attacks, although some choose to do like you and pretend that they weren't aware of them.
>It's an inherently, unforgivably misogynistic idea.Okay, so Barrett is a misogynist. I'm fine with calling her that. That still doesn't change the fact that she doesn't support women being submissive, that she is the dominant one in her own marriage and that she wants her daughters to have careers and be independent and successful like herself.
>And no one supports rape threats, even at anti-choice women.This is the most blatant lie I've ever seen. Every liberal man certainly supports violence against conservative women and they absolutely have supported the deluge of rape threats that conservative women have received these last few days. Liberal women are no better although maybe they aren't as unapologetic about it. You simp for your moids harder than black women simp for theirs.
(sperg) No. 1573517
>>1573255>There is no political will to actually enforce draconian abortion restrictions.Not even going to bother addressing the rest of your "points", since this alone proved that you are not tethered to reality. Anti-choice nuts salivate at the thought of forcing rape
victims to give birth and happily force raped little girls to do the same. Anti-choice nuts in Louisiana were seal-clapping for the proposed law that would charge women who got abortions with murder(death penality state) and multiple politicians have come out in favor of total abortion bans, meaning if the woman is dying, they let her. They absolutely mean to and currently are enforcing raconian abortion laws, you anti-mask Trumper dipshit.
No. 1573638
>>1573023I remember Mehreen Kasana. She used to be on Tumblr and was your standard leftist communist feminist (I remember she even praised Dworkin's writings on her old blog). Eventually she got into some slapfight with some other SJW blog and high-tailed it to Twitter. I think she got married and then made a 180 into whatever retarded tradthottery she is doing now. Whether it is tradthottery or being an edgelord (I think based on her past being an edgelord would be more up her alley but who knows). And yeah
>>1572605 her old blogs had some pretty insightful content.
No. 1574877
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Do women who willfully spread their legs open to edgelords count as tradthots?
>>married to CountDankula who got infamous for retarded joke making his dog do Sieg Hiel salute
>> said husband ran with Sargon and other anti-SJW speds in a far-right party in support of Brexit. Party he and Sargon represented subsequently tanked.
>> husband is virtually unemployable
>> upon the birth of their daughter several speds like the Quartering made rape jokes about said daughter.
Her whole feed is tee-hee” I baked cookies and brownies for my husband” while husband chimps out all day on Twitter. How are they even paying for their child? I imagine two libertarians wouldn’t want to be on benefits.
No. 1574882
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>>1574877In response to trolling ALL DAY on the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Do they just get coin from their retarded fans?
Imagine crowing on about the welfare state only to provide welfare to these two.
No. 1576317
>>1561117>there are only hindus and muslims in Indiastop posting please
>>1567136This. Also, they can't understand the nuance between having fun from time to time and living a life of pure selfish hedonism. They have this black and white thinking that is typical of neurotic people.
>>1563002>>1561554I love how they keep comparing being a "trad" stay at home wife and having a job. On top of earning you money, working earns you experience and qualifications. So if you get fired after years of working at the same place, you can still find another job quite easily, most of the time. But if your moid dumps you after years, what have you earned by staying with him? Especially when they see women as depreciating assets, and see them as "used goods" when they're not virgins.
No. 1576914
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>>1576889Reminds me of this lol
No. 1577145
>>1576924>If someone purposefully didn’t consent to getting pregnant…You can’t really consent to pregnancy, only to sex. Sometimes pregnancy happens, sometimes it doesn’t. A good rule of thumb is not to have sex under circumstances where pregnancy would be a disaster for you.
>bullshit moralsThose are the same morals protecting your life and my life.
>Childbirth shouldn’t be used as a punishment for the sin of sexual activityIt’s not being “used as a punishment”, it’s literally just the natural result of your actions. I also hear women say they’re being “forced” to be pregnant. Arguments like that are so strange. It’s like if I ate fast food everyday and got fat and then said plastic surgeons made me fat by not giving me lipo. But I think it’s part of female nature to not take responsibility for your actions and blame men so whatever I guess.
>no child wants to be born to a family who never wanted them.Ask poor children, fatherless children if they want to be killed and their answer will be no. Despite what you might tell yourself, you’re not doing someone a favour by killing them. Most people, even in the worst of circumstances, want to live.
I don’t really think abortion
laws are at the crux of the matter here. I don’t want to live in a world where the law is the only thing stopping women from killing their own children. Most modern women are struggling and mentally unwell and trying to speak sense to a woman when she’s in that hysterical state is pointless. When women’s innate needs are met, issues like abortion will resolve themselves. (A woman in a healthy, feminine state is naturally maternal and doesn’t want abortion.) Until then, modern women will keep sleeping with losers, getting abortions and shrieking for the state to provide for them. They are in survival mode and have no capacity for a child.
No. 1577181
>>1577145It's having a successful pregnancy which is difficult, not terminating it. A lot of pregnancies naturally end up in a miscarriage and it's easy to voluntary induce one. Also yes, you choose to be pregnant by repeatedly having unprotected sex. Works pretty well.
Females can give life or death. You may think it's cruel but Nature don't care about your feelings.
What abortion laws are doing is punishing females for being females, purpose is to try to steal their power. It won't work and won't have any impact on fertility rates whatsoever.
Now go cry somewhere else.
No. 1577184
>>1577145My mother had me when she was 21. She was catholic, and didn’t have an abortion. I don’t hate myself, but she fucked up. She was an awful mother. Having me ruined her life, and you’d better believe I know it. If she had aborted me before week 10, during the embryonic stage, I would have never had a developed human brain, I would have never existed. She fucked up. I know many friends that feel the same way. If I became pregnant before I was ready, I would have an abortion. I would have an abortion to take care of myself, to take care of my not-ready-for-kids partner. I would have an abortion so that I could continue to grow into someone with someone to offer the world—even to offer my future kids, if I have any. If my mother had made the right choice, my younger siblings would likely be happier and healthier—that’s a deal worth making.
No. 1577204
>>1577145Use that superior rational male brain to look up at current available energy and resources levels as well as global demography. Look at how it all evolved during the past couple centuries and projection for the future. Look at the state of environmental damage and pollution. Spoiler alert: hyperbolas rules everywhere and if you did some masculine study of dynamical systems evolution you will understand that natural course of things is a crash.
Women are not killing babies because we are in an hysterical unfeminine state but because most of us realize at least intuitively that it's not a good idea to have many children. There is simply too much humans and we can either numerically decline or starve. It will probably be a mix of both.
No. 1577469
>>1576924NTA but while I a pro choice, the entire anti abortion argument is based on the "it's a child" argument. If it's a child, than saying abortion is okay in cases of rape would be logically nonsensical. The fact that so many pro lifers really do seem to be okay with abortion in the cases of rape and incest is why I have a hard time taking their moral objections to elective abortions too seriously.
Bottom line is this: abortion is murder, at least after the first trimester, but it's the woman's choice to make because the baby is literally growing inside her body. If we are going to outlaw abortion, then we logically would also have to outlaw women drinking, smoking and abusing drugs while they are pregnant, something that even the most extreme pro lifers aren't proposing.
I'm sorry, I just don't respect the pro life movement at all. If you really cared about the unborn, the best thing you could do is work to ensure that there are fewer unwanted pregnancies and that there are more resources so that women who were on the fence might be more inclined to keep their babies.
My position is objectively correct and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong
No. 1577476
>>1577184You don’t hate yourself but… you wish your mom aborted you? Well that’s depression. There are many people who were almost aborted who are very grateful to be alive. There are also many people who’s parents had them intentionally who are depressed.
But this is why I say abortion laws shouldn’t be the focus, women’s holistic well-being is really the crux of the matter. It seems many women are unhappy whether they have kids or not. When a woman is unwell (physically or mentally), she passes that on to her kids. Where was your dad in all of this?
I used to be depressed and was able to change my brain. It takes 3-5 years to heal attachment trauma but it’s worth it. Everything in life is temporary. I hope you can find joy in something, even a small thing.
No. 1577509
>>1577469>If it's a child, than saying abortion is okay in cases of rape would be logically nonsensical.Which pro-lifers on here are advocating for abortion in the case of rape? I haven’t seen it. The anon you’ve replied to is making a pro-choice argument. I am the anon they replied to and if you’re talking about me you are misinterpreting my post. I said it makes no sense to center pro-choice arguments around rape when only a negligible amount of abortions are happening due to rape. I didn’t say I support abortion due to rape.
There are those who believe a baby conceived from rape is not innocent. That they are inextricably tied to the rapist and allowing that baby to live is rewarding the rapist for their crimes. These are people who support the death penalty and only wish to save innocent lives. While I don’t personally hold that opinion, I do see it as logically consistent.
>If we are going to outlaw abortion, then we logically would also have to outlaw women drinking, smoking and abusing drugs while they are pregnant, something that even the most extreme pro lifers aren't proposing.Abortion is a procedure you go to a doctor for. This can easily be regulated by law. Using harmful substances while pregnant is something that is usually done in private spaces and would be pretty impossible to control by law. Weird comparison.
Most drugs are already illegal and CPS can take children away from mothers with substance addictions. There have been many public health campaigns about this issue throughout the 80s and 90s. It’s now well known throughout society that you’re not supposed to drink while pregnant. If someone chooses to anyway there’s not much anyone can do about it.
For some reason a lot of pro-choice people have this belief that pro life people have to solve all the problems of the world before they can claim to truly be pro life. This is really women wanting men to fix their problems (as they should) so that the women can live in a healthy, feminine state. That’s really what abortion is about. Women will keep killing their children until that happens.
>My position is objectively correct and anyone who disagrees with me is wrongLol if only being correct was as simple as saying that you are.
No. 1577525
>>1577509>I said it makes no sense to center pro-choice arguments around rape when only a negligible amount of abortions are happening due to rape.It makes perfect sense because A) how exactly is a woman supposed to prove that she was raped? If a woman was made pregnant from a rape, forcing her to go about proving it in order to have access to an abortion would be shockingly cruel and B) If you allow for an exception in the case of rape, it shows that you don't really consider it to be a child which undermines the entire logic of the pro life position
>There are those who believe a baby conceived from rape is not innocent.That's barbaric. To take this to it's logical inclusion would be to say that it would be justified to outright murder infants who are the product of rape.
>If someone chooses to anyway there’s not much anyone can do about it.Exactly. So why not create an environment where the fewest amount of pregnant women will engage in such behavior?
Theoretically, the state could institutionalize a woman who was engaging in behavior that was likely to severely damage the baby she was pregnant with. I view maiming the unborn child for life as drastically more evil than terminating the pregnancy altogether and yet we all know that no government would ever implement a policy of interning irresponsible pregnant women.
>For some reason a lot of pro-choice people have this belief that pro life people have to solve all the problems of the world before they can claim to truly be pro life.If you eliminate safe and legal abortion as an option, you are morally responsible for the consequences of that decision. Unfortunately, the consequences include not just women who are damaged and killed from aborting their babies but also more children born maimed for life as the result of their unwilling mothers engaging in drug and alcohol abuse during the pregnancy. And this is to say nothing of the abuse many of these children will be subject to either at the hands of their vengeful mothers or from the uncaring and overwhelmed foster system.
That outlawing abortion will cause exponentially more suffering than legalized abortion ever could is simply a fact.
No. 1577820
>>1577221No one has the right to live off someone else's body, you can't even have organs or blood harvested from a corpse to save your own life. To force women to go through pregnancies is to reduce us to less than corpses in terms of how much we can control what happens to our bodies. I know this is a foreign concept to tradthots, but some women have self-respect.
>>1577476>There are many people who were almost aborted who are very grateful to be alive.What about their poor mothers? Are they happy their bodies got shredded and lives ruined?
No. 1578562
>>1577818>>1578503thread is based as shit today
No. 1578887
>>1578862Women are designed to enjoy penetrative sex, some more than others. Issues arises from widespread hormonal castration aka hormonal contraception, repression of our sexuality, porn and moids not caring about pleasing us.
Consenting to a sexual act is not consenting to pregnancy when contraception is available. You can also change your mind. Consenting to pregnancy is also different from consenting to sacrifice your whole life to take care full time of someone severely handicapped.
If you don't believe in souls or other religious crap you'll probably don't see any kind of ethical issues with abortion, even deep down.
No. 1578935
>>1578887>Women are designed to enjoy penetrative sexPenetrative sex is designed to lead to pregnancy.The connection is there and it is strong. Contraceptives dont guarantee you anything, it makes a promise but in reality its a numbers game and the consequences are the womans to deal with should something go wrong. Its not in our benefit to obfuscate this. Condoms dont owe you anything especially when the moid is doing his best to wriggle out of it. Ignore at your own peril.
Ah.. you're completely aspiritual like a robot. Well I was adressing fellow humans with my post, pay no mind. For me, the uncomfortable if not traumatic experience of an abortion and the hormonal aftermath is enough to classify it as a significant and meaningful event. Just to be clear this post is neither pro nor against, as I explained in my original post.
No. 1578956
>>1578935Favoring philosophy over outdated and childish religious beliefs does not mean I'm a robot. I also do not expect religious people to care about what I think, to each it's own…
If you're being careful the chance of falling pregnant against your will is very low. Abortion is there as last resort. It's not especially agreeable but it's not traumatic either.
I understand your stance on this, my point is that abortion can be seen as any other medical act depending on your beliefs. Since atheism is common it's not marginal.
No. 1578980
>>1578956Why so snarky?
What a philosopher you must be to think philosophy is void of spiritual ideas, LOL.
BTW atheist/= aspiritual.
No. 1579394
>>1578862I don't believe in souls since I'm over the age of 13 and have a triple digit IQ, but whether the fetus is a person doesn't matter. It could be fully sentient from conception and abortion would still be justified, since the woman isn't obligated to use her body for anyone else's benefit under any circumstances.
>>1579361Patriarchy is dysgenic. Take a look at the Duggar family mentioned; seven children, all resembling their pig-faced pedophile father, and given what we know about sons of rapists/sexually degenerate males and the fact that they subscribe to a religion that preaches male dominance over women and children, half of them will likely follow in dear ol' dad's footsteps. Have you ever even seen fundie families?
No. 1579447
>>1579406No women want "traditional" marriage because traditional marriage never existed. Historically women worked and the women who were rich enough to not have to work just hired other women to keep house and raise the children. Honestly, Meg is the only true tradthot as she says that she wants to hire a maid and nanny do to all the work while she finger paints or whatever.
Meg ftw
No. 1579574
>>1579561and apparently Farmers share their cuck fetish. Your husband isn't dumping you for a younger model. It doesn't work like that, no matter how much the thought of young women lusting after your old moid gets you off. If he does leave, it's likely to be for someone your same age and attractiveness level. Greg dumped Shoe for a woman that is
older than Shoe is.
No. 1579587
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>>1579201Your post should be flagged for a-logging but I will leave you with this so you can be more informed.
No. 1579617
>>1577818>>1577204A feminine state is one in which a woman is living in an environment of abundance and safety, so she is able to take care of herself and be healthy and happy. When a woman is in this state, her child will not be unwanted in the first place.
Women are supposef to be protected and provided for. That’s why women who lack the protection of men, vote for socialism and beg the government for free things. This creates the government overreach we deal with today and moves us in the direction of total state dependence and tyranny. It is all due to men not doing their job.
Most modern women are wage slaves who live isolated in crime ridden cities screwing losers who don’t care about them, fending for themselves and struggling to get by. Most of them are still unraveling their own emotional traumas and can barely take care of themselves. So of course they have no capacity for a child. They will have dark thoughts like “why would I bring a child into such a horrible world?” I hear modern women say that all the time even though our lives today are technically more easy and comfortable than humans had it in the past. But that is her subjective reality when she is living in a masculine state in which she cannot thrive.
If you tell a modern woman any of this, she will say she that doesn’t want to depend on a man, she wants to be “independent”. She may even get
triggered and express strong anger due to fear of being left behind or mistreated by men. (See post
>>1579201 for example) That’s because she’s emotionally damaged and unable to trust men due to being screwed over in the past.
Thing is if women don’t depend on men being masculine on their behalf, they have to be masculine for themselves. And this is not a natural or healthy state for a woman to be in.
Other female mammals rarely kill their young but when it happens it’s usually because the offspring has health issues or the mother doesn’t have the resources to take care of the offspring. Same basic thing: environment not allowing the mother-child bond to thrive. Killing a child is a sad thing, an act of desperation, never a first resort.
No. 1579705
>>1579617Who do women need protection from, knucklehead? Under a traditional patriarchy, women were often wageslaves (teachers, maids, factory workers, cleaners) except they couldn’t own property, open their own bank account or even control their own salary. Not to mention, they were gatekept from any credentialed high-status fields that had the potential for real career progression. Of course, this was in addition to the outright social obligation of domestic labour, the monotonous and frustrating labour of cleaning/cooking/tardwrangling children and scrotums. In addition, marriage licenses the use of a woman’s body by her husband in more or less any way he so desired, meaning domestic violence and marital rape were ignored in the best case scenario.
>If you tell a modern woman any of this, she will say she that doesn’t want to depend on a man, she wants to be “independent”. There is a damn good reason why women don’t want to be dependent on men. When males have leverage over women, it’s just a fact that they tend to take advantage. No one wants to be vulnerable and I can’t understand how any woman can look at males as a group and come to the conclusion that these are the people you want to be at the mercy of.
>She may even get triggered and express strong anger due to fear of being left behind or mistreated by menThese fears, like misandry in general, are a rational and reasonable response to male behaviour.
No. 1579709
>>1579617>Women are supposef to be protected and provided for. This has never been the case at any point in human history. Men did everything they could to prevent women from being able to support themselves so they would have to rely on men for survival and be their unpaid bangmaid-birthing units. Women, given the opportunity, prefer to support themselves, since depending on a man is one of the dumbest, most dangerous decisions one can make; even tradthots know this to some degree, hence all their MLM and insta shilling.
>Most modern women are wage slaves who live isolated in crime ridden cities screwing losers who don’t care about them, fending for themselves and struggling to get by.Most "provided for, protected" wives of yesteryear were unpaid whore-maids for men they hated. Even women who loved their husbands resented the power they had over them; my grandmother certainly did, even if my grandfather gave her as much freedom as possible and supported her dreams, a rarity for men in the 50's-60's. I'll take working at my comfy, high-paying job over having to suck dick for grocery money any day. Won't even bother addressing the bizarre urban cuckold fantasy; stop browsing /pol/ and get a job.
>They will have dark thoughts like “why would I bring a child into such a horrible world?” I hear modern women say that all the time even though our lives today are technically more easy and comfortable than humans had it in the past. But that is her subjective reality when she is living in a masculine state in which she cannot thrive. Women didn't have boatloads of children back in the day because they were "in the feminine state" or happy with the state of the world, they had them because 1)more children meant more cheap labor, 2)birth control and abortion methods were unreliable and 3)their husbands could legally rape them all they wanted. Given the choice, women tend to have very few children, delay having them until they are in a safe/economical position to do so, or even avoid motherhood entirely. Your fantasy has never been grounded in reality, women just had fewer choices.
>If you tell a modern woman any of this, she will say she that doesn’t want to depend on a man, she wants to be “independent”. She may even get triggered and express strong anger due to fear of being left behind or mistreated by men.That anon isn't "
triggered", she's telling you to fuck off with your woo woo nu-misogyny bullshit.
>Thing is if women don’t depend on men being masculine on their behalf, they have to be masculine for themselves. And this is not a natural or healthy state for a woman to be in. You're defining "masculine" here as just having agency. I get that you're a weak-willing, unintelligent tradthot incapable of doing much else other that cleaning up, by why project your dysfunction onto other women? We by and large ahve no interest in your "feminine state" nonsense, which should tell you that this mystical state you're obsessed with isn't so intrinsic after all, but logic has never been a tradtard forte.
As previously stated, and I can't stress this enough, go die of an ectopic pregnancy. You will truly be fulfilling your divine feminine state by dying for the sake of some moid's putrid seed. Chop chop!
>>1579625What, a thread where we invite the lurking tradthots to post their rancid takes so
we can mock them?
>>1579670All "proper patriarchies" forced women to breed with undesirables. Female subjugation inherently means most men, no matter how unwanted, are given access to women. Note how all the patriarchy fangirls and fanboys are low IQ, chronically underemployed, and constantly abusing and raping one another; it's a system that gives power to the irrational, less intelligent, more emotional, more disposable sex: men.
>What we have now is the state subsidizing women to breed with deadbeats. That’s extremely dysgenic.No, we don't. Governments in Western countries have been shitting themselves for years over the decline in birthrate the past decade, which is caused largely by women not marrying or reproducing due to lack of desirable men. An increasing number have dropped out of the dating game completely. Try actually forming your opinions based on data instead of just parrotting your tradmoid's thinly-vieled cuckold fantasies.
No. 1579715
>>1579617>Feminine and masculine stateNaturally, females, including human ones, have a 'masculine conception of feminity', as Nietzsche phrased it. They conceive, feed, raise and protect their children which they view as their property. They also weed out the unfit or sacrifice them if required. Males are sperm disposal. Their goal is to get selected by females for reproduction. Women are a goal to men and men a mean to women. This is why we are superior.
>Patriarchy is dysgenicEvery cultures and civilisations emerges from the ashes in a matriarchal state and thrives in it for most of it's history. It is not reverse patriarchy as following a natural order is not oppressive. At some point it becomes possible for patriarchy to take over using a demographical trick. Women who stay at home to be used as incubators produce much more children than the others. It is not viable as long as a strong society has not been established and not sustainable for very long. Civilisations evolve much faster for a quick duration of time due to the demographics but also end up collapsing on themselves due to environmental damage and resources exhaustion. They also seem to die from inside and lost their character. The Occidental civilisation is currently in this civilisationnal age. Another issue is purely genetic: every male gets to reproduce no matter it's worth while the strongest females are at a serious disadvantage and even killed. Consanguinity is also often an issue due to men exchanging women with close relatives.
>She is living in a masculine state in which she cannot striveThis is somewhat true. The state of all citizen is one of decadence but women are misguided and want equality with men. A sane woman does not want equality nor justice, she wants supremacy and natural order (Nietzsche again, the dude was especially right on those issue).
No. 1579761
>>1579705>These fears, like misandry in general, are a rational and reasonable response to male behaviour.True. We need men to be better. My aim is to point out what’s going on. From a young age I noticed that feminists were angry, depressed, and unhealthy and I knew that wasn’t a good way to be. I chose not be that way. Women are not to blame but if you can understand how detrimental this state is to your own well-being, I think you will want to do your best to strive towards femininity. Not for a man but for your own sake.
If you are feminist you probably come from a non-ideal environment where your father wasn’t doing his job. If your dad sucked and/ or you slept with multiple men, your ability to trust men will be low unfortunately. Please understand this is your subjective reality, not the objective reality of all women.
I don’t want to hash over history. In the past some women had it hard and some had it easy. Some men were good and some bad. The women who had it easy were the ones with good men in their corner. History was more nuanced than either the right or (especially) the left will tell it. And I’m not talking about returning to the past. I’m talking about moving forward towards a better society, with all the new knowledge that we have.
Anyways I’m going go frolic outside. I can’t reply to all of you but get well soon y’all.
No. 1579769
>>1579759I'm the anon with the Nietzsche quotes
>>1579709 and
>>1579705 is not me.
No. 1579809
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>>1579709They really do try to shill being trad like an mlm.
No. 1579810
>>1579761Your entire post is just a collection of assumptions, you’re not really addressing the content of my post in any respect.
>Please understand this is your subjective reality, not the objective reality of all women.Being at risk of maltreatment by males is the objective reality of all women. That’s not to say that every woman gets treated poorly by every male in their life, but it is a simple fact that statistically the most significant threat on your life are the males to whom you have greatest proximity. You are most at risk of battery, murder and rape by your male partner. One in three women experience physical violence from males and one in seven have been injured by a male partner. Financial dependence on males is considered a substantive predicator of abuse, and therefore nurturing female dependence on males is objectively a poor strategy, without even mentioning how monotonous and soul-destroying a lifestyle that is. Being left by a man is literally a non-issue if you have the resources available to support yourself, but can very directly lead to poverty if you’ve decided to outsource all provisioning to your male partner. I don’t want or need an intermediary between myself and direct power, and the world at large, I want agency and actionable power for myself without a scrote’s supervision or interference. It’s not difficult to understand.
No. 1579818
Don't argue with these privileged white Christain facists, they're living in fantasy and nothing can change their minds to focus on actually helping children, women, and society.
No. 1579823
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??? Are you lost? Everyone shitting on the tradthot is a TERF. Learn what radical feminism actually is instead of reading the projections of delusional trannies, for fuck's sake
No. 1579832
>>1579823Mad at the internet
I assume every radical feminist is a
TERF guess lolcow is full of them too but whatever
No. 1579844
>>1579839Are they one of the women who think a man who identifies as a women actually empathises women? Do they not realise that they just see women as a sex object to possess?
>>1579835You, read any of these threads:
>>>/snow/1578640 . Happy peaking.
No. 1579875
>>1579835Trannies only are supported now as a pushback to women gaining rights. They want to be able to say 'see, we treat women equally, we pay them the same wage, hire them and don't discriminate against them, we treat women equally' when the only women they treat equally are men. Of course men no matter how they choose to call themselves will be treated equally in a male dominated and dictated society. The only oppression they face is gay panic behaviour from other men and homophobes. Remember when Martine Rothblatt was the highest paid ceo in America? He's a trans identified man. They literally just want to erase womens oppression in society by trying to include men in the word women so they don't have to appease or change society for the betterment of women because womens oppression benefits men the same way tradthots try to shill women being servants to men for their benefit.
No. 1579913
>>1579901I’m resisting responding because it’s obviously some dude stirring shit lol, but I don’t understand how men feel so powerless deep down that they would want to be jerked around by a “tradthot” who is a lot more psychologically dangerous. Every female friend, sister, niece, aunt, mother, grandmother, their entire female history, best friend, and their entire female history, have all dealt with male violence, molestation, rape, abuse, suicide to get away, or murder, and the conviction rates are always below 5% for those crimes. The biggest risk to your life is a man, and even if you live you have lifelong trauma. No shit you would be “annoyed” sometimes if you want a semblance of human rights or safety, and no shit you would have far more discernment with men especially since no matter what you as a woman will be blamed for any violence from a man who hates women because men failed to raise him right and that includes a patriarchal government that refuses to accept the scientific evidence of the role of a mother and how a community shockingly can’t abuse her during that time or it negatively affects the child.
The traditional men deserve to get taken advantage of, actual alpha males build communities not isolate them. No amount of violence will fix their self esteems so they can enjoy life, that only spreads their own hatred of
toxic fragile masculinity.
No. 1579992
>>1579951Studies on development of cultures (Ibn Khaldoun, Spengler, Khaltourina/Korotaev are some authors) in which you plug women's specific history. It's huge work. I won't sperg anymore here but I can post a link to a pastebin with some notes later if you're really interested.
>>1579976Looks like you need a good clitoridial stimulation. This is a thread to make fun of tradthots. Go look for those studies yourself they are easy to find. Like I said there's not a magic single percentage. Men care about pleasing women when they risk getting dumped for someone who can. Women can also ride dicks themselves. The more a female enjoys sex the more she has sex.
No. 1579996
>>1579991Indeed. Even the usually pretty pro-troon NYT has allowed it to be said recently (though still they're only allowing it because the winds blowing a different way now). Right wing, left wing, men will oppress women no matter what politics they claim. Private property vs public property, etc.
No. 1580008
>>1579996nal (not a lib), but when has the left said that women are "public property"? While it is true that some liberal men are privately misogynistic, the left as a whole are strong supporters of women's rights.
What holds women back is that most women don't make "woman" the central plank of their identity. Even the most militant black feminist will see herself as black first and as a woman second (remember the way that black women supported the misogynistic attacks against Hillary in 2008?). The same can be said for women of other ethnic groups.
And for something like troons, women are vastly more pro troon then men are. Just like women in Europe were vastly more supportive of importing millions of rapists during the refugee crisis.
Women are naturally very altruistic and that can be a disadvantage sometimes.
No. 1580064
>>1579394>whether the fetus is a person doesn't matterYou know this how?
Is it your general life philosophy that actions don't matter or does this specific action not matter. Maybe it does matter, or maybe how much it matters correlates with its level of development (as reflected by the 23 week time limit) or the circumstances under which the pregnancy came about. If it doesn't matter at all why are women affected hormonally and emotionally after the fact (some more than others, but the biological reaction is there).
Nobody actually knows, yet you run out, emboldened by your 101 IQ , righteously spouting shit as though it is fact. Life isn't a multiple choice question you know, there's no teacher to mark you down for admitting you don't know the answer. You don't need to 'pick a side' either.
People have always felt there is more to the world than the physical one we see, including philosophers and masters of logic and use imperfect words to describe that. You can diss the word 'soul' but it doesn't debunk anything.
No. 1580065
>>1580057Maybe not all women are as threatened by trannies as you are. Why does it bother you so much if some men want to larp as women?
If you need a place to talk about the issues that real women face, there are plenty of radfem spaces for that. It isn't the fault of leftwing men that most women are libfems.
No. 1580086
>>1580065> Maybe not all women are as threatened by trannies as you are. Why does it bother you so much if some men want to larp as women?Do you know where you are? The impact of troons and their influence on the erosion of sex-based rights is obvious and well-documented. I wouldn’t give a shit if a few males wanted to chemically castrate themselves if it that was all there was to it, in fact males mutilating themselves in service of an ideal they’ll never reach, to become part of humanity’s better half, is funny and gives me great schaudenfraude and hearty keks.
I was too generous calling you “trad-chan”, it’s fairly obvious you’re a moid.
No. 1580116
>>1580086I'm a moid because I don't hate troons? I'm not pro troon, I just don't mind them. I see a troon in person maybe once a year at most. Where exactly do you live that you are constantly being harassed by armies of troons?
Explain to me how troons are hurting me and I'm happy to join you in hating them.
>The impact of troons and their influence on the erosion of sex-based rights is obviousIf it's obvious then how come most women don't see it? I certainly don't. How does a bunch of mentally ill men deciding to pretend that they are women take away my rights?
>hilary clinton is a reptilian cretin first and a woman second.meh, she's okay. I never cared for the personality cult around her but I don't see how she is anymore evil than any other politician. At least she was passionate about women's rights
No. 1580667
>>1580257Your point was that most women support it, and most men don't, when mostly everyone is against it both men and women, but women are more likely to be punished for being vocally against it and expected to be more polite and punished if not so (physically and socially). Men generally don't care because it's not them losing out, there's no questioning of the definition of man only woman, so most men either passively support it to seem woke or are against it but say little. You also seem to pretend their is no threat to justify the fear of being anti-troon when recently a university student lost her job and was reported to her university for being openly mocking of retard troons, and that's only the most recent in a long campaign of harassment since this stuff has been pushed in the last 10 years. Men are the ones trooning out, every counter protest to an anti-troon protest is always filled with men, both trans identified and antifa bro types. Men are the ones who first started pushing it (gay hsts and their allies, billionaires, techbros who have autism and troon out or companies who want to say they don't discriminate against women by making all the 'women' in their company just be a man in a dress), and was adopted by more agp style degenerates wanting to make it impossible to shame them for their fetish or predate on women easier, live life on easy mode (4tran incels), seeing women as sex objects. You ree that women just passively accept trannies, but anons here don't, you only don't see so online because most techbro trannies moderate sites and censor anyone who says a man is not a woman simply because he says so. It's delusional to pretend it is mainly and only women. Men are the ones trooning out an forcing others to accept it, Aidens just get laughed at and cry in the toilets, or try and talk to the manager at best (which is uncommon). Even with the ftm shooter this is observable, with mtfs demanding to be put in womens prisons and catered to by the largely male justice system, and the rare ftm criminal like the school shooter asking to be put in a womens prison instead of mens.
No. 1580701
>>1580667Women have on of their most fundamental right threatened in the US. Where is the mass unrest ? Where are the strikes ? Nowhere. They just post lame statuses on social medias at best and go on with their day. Very few will do something about it.
Women are targets of men's violence. It is reasonable to expect they would train for strength and get guns. Instead they push for gun control and if they train it's to loose weight and get a bigger ass. They ask for the protection of the state and policeMEN.
You would also expect they would push against massive imports of young males migrants from the most misogynistic places on earth in Europe. Instead they actively support it and scream islamophobia and racism if you try to argue that it's not in our best interest. It took them years of harassment and events like Cologne mass rapes to be opposed to mass migrations at the same rate than men.
And it goes on and on… We are free now, social expectations are a thing but the level of repression is low. What happens is our responsibility. Stop with the victimization or admit than we are so weak and inferior that we need support and protection from men.
No. 1580725
>>1580667>You also seem to pretend their is no threat to justify the fear of being anti-troonNo I agree it is dangerous to be openly anti troon. I certainly would never publicly voice my anti troon views. What I am saying is that I don't feel threatened by troons themselves. I agree troons have ruined libfem spaces but that doesn't bother me because I always hated libfems anyway. I just don't understand where farmers are seeing all these troons irl. I see a troon once a year at most and other than being grossed out, it doesn't hurt me.
>Stop with the victimization or admit than we are so weak and inferior that we need support and protection from men.Women aren't weak and inferior, they are just more altruistic and more influenced by media. The media says "worship troons", "ban guns" and "bring in more Islamic rapists" and most men go along it too, women just go along at a higher rate.
No. 1580742
>>1580701So women are agreeable and act in deference towards others, therefore they "asked" to have their rights trampled over? You fail to understand this isn't stupidity on women's behalf, but a way of self preservation. If women actually fought back against troons and muslims in any radical way they would be physically harmed and socially ostracized.
We don't need "protection from men" we need moids to stop getting in the way in the first place. If women weren't constantly trying to mitigate male violence and vitriol actual shit would get done.
Regardless, I could say the same for any of our "rights" being trampled over, idiot. Your precious white moid saviors sat on their hands while jews quietly and non-violently overthrew their great civilizations. Maybe instead you should make the argument that western civ should be controlled by schizo trad thots who would nag these white failedmales back into shape.
Also you are male af
>no don't blame male liberals!!>it's ok to be misogynistic towards hillary clinton>women only work out to get big asses >women are dumb and weak and need men to control them>troons don't bother me idk why you feminists are complaining so much No. 1580763
>>1580742>no don't blame male liberals!!that was me, nta
>it's ok to be misogynistic towards hillary clintonwho said this?
>women only work out to get big asses >women are dumb and weak and need men to control themthese two were anon and I disputed the latter
>troons don't bother me idk why you feminists are complaining so muchThey don't bother me, they don't bother libfems and they don't bother most women. I'm not sure what you want me to say. If you want to hate troons, go at it, I just don't think it has anything to do with feminism. Would it make you feel better if I pretended to hate troons? Lolcow is the only place where I have ever been accused of being pro troon. IRL I take heat for not worshipping troons.
No. 1580768
>>1580742White males won't save us and they sure won't fix themselves. If there is an issue you do what it takes to solve it or shut up about it. If you expect someone else to deal with it then you need to accept subordination as a consequence. Life isn't fair, it is the way it is. I'm not a male, I just recognize that there are problems with women's behavior. Conformity and passivity is very prevalent, much more that it is amongst males. They even often work against their own interest and the reason why is not that relevant as it don't change anything to the situation. In fact if males got out of the way I fear the situation would be even worse, same if you reverse the situation. It's like men and women negate each others and things evolve slowly to shit. Claiming moral superiority will only result in us becoming fuckmaids of superior morality. Being agreeable towards someone is being weak when that someone is not being respectful and actively undermine your interests. I understand that it is a way of self preservation. Kurdish women accepted the risk and fought against ISIS. Some are dead now but the rest of them is free. Yazidi women didn't and were locked in the kitchen and even sold as slaves. One accepted responsibility, the other chose self preservation. The situation of the vast majority of us is not even close to being as bad so there are no excuses.
Women are their own worst enemies.
>male liberalsare doing what's good for male liberals
>women only work out to get big assesMost of them do and even worry of becoming too buff and developing an 'unfeminine' upper body shape
>women are dumb and weak and need men to control themIt's not female nature but most them are weak and just don't seem to think for themselves. Men are not really better but it doesn't matter.
>troons don't bother me idk why you feminists are complaining so muchThere is a political issue with troonery but 41% of troons solve themselves and the rest is mostly pathetic and funny to look at. They just register as clowns rather than threat.
>JewsAre not that good, their upper class is just skilled in exploiting weaknesses to their advantage. They also have a lot of help from money/power hungry white males.
No. 1580783
>>1580768so if tradthots can admit white moids as a whole aren't reliable and are just as weak/lazy as modern women are why do you want us to return to patriarchy so badly? Esp considering the breed of white moids you surround yourselves with are antisocial woman-hating porn addicted schizos.
Why don't you tradthots just become female supremacists instead of embarrassing yourselves by saying you're beneath men?
>Claiming moral superiority will only result in us becoming fuckmaids of superior morality.There's nothing women can/not do that will make men less willing to enslave us. The issue is biological. Moids are born parasites and have to oppress and control women to artificially construct a power dynamic which is more in their favor.
>Women are their own worst enemies.Such pompous talk for a retard whose ideology is based around kissing moid ass.
BTW I hope you do realize there are structures MUCH older and more based than post-agrarian patriarchy. Maybe realize your female nature to be deferential to moids makes you actually believe they deserve to run anything.
No. 1580790
>>1580783I'm not a tradthot. I'm a strong advocate for matrilineal societies and soft matriarchy adapted to contemporary tech and context. There are also based post-agrarian societies but that's another topic. I don't think the women from those societies share the same character than us or they would not have been able to hold that kind of positions. I don't kiss moids ass, I don't blame them or expect anything from them. If you raise them properly they can be decent enough. They have a strong urge to possess women as they cannot give birth but that makes them less powerful than us. Our problem is to get rid of the slave morality we developed mostly in the couple last millenniums in occidental societies and thankfully that's not biological.
No. 1580801
>>1580786It's really not that simple. More patriarchal societies will drown out societies that aren't. Matriarchal societies don't produce enough human fodder to compete globally. atp we need a complete restructuring of how the world functions in order to completely liberate women. Women's freedoms are mostly gained as technology allows the societies they live in to remain competitive.
>>1580790"just don't listen to moids teehee besides they are harmless if you just #socialize them correctly" spoken like a true sheltered retard.
No. 1580815
>>1580801>Patriarchal societies will drown out societies that aren'tPatriarchal societies are literally collapsing on themselves. It's a slow process but it's happening. In northwest India there are matrilineal tribes 'winning' against their patriarchal neighbors and they don't have access a lot of high-tech tools. They did embrace education and some tech. Women status is diminished compared to what is used to be but it's evolving in the right direction.
>sheltered retardI have been assaulted 3 times - I travel a lot on my own in awkward places - and got out without serious harm. That's how I know for sure that men are not those super-soldiers you've been sold. I'm not a big female, they just expect to face no resistance and women physical fitness is complete trash. Weapons cancel any biological advantage they have. If you live in a real patriarchy with guardianship and all you're fucked but otherwise it's a matter of will. I also know the personal history of my female relatives and ancestors, I'm well aware of male violence.
>#socializeKids are like dogs. Biology matters but education is decisive. Neural plasticity is even greater in humans than in dogs. Mothers have a lot of power in shaping their kids so yes, ignore men and raise boys and girls the way you want to. We do live in a society but there are still things you can do.
No. 1581055
>>1580950You seem to think that most women walk around secretly hating troons and only don't speak against them out of fear. The truth is that most women are busy living their lives and rarely think about troons one way or the other.
Women who don't like troons certainly aren't shy about speaking up. Conservative women may be even more aggressive in terms of troon bashing than radfems are.
No. 1581502
>>1574877>>1574882>>1574899Yes I am pretty sure he makes his living from being a retard online all day. He has a youtube channel, he probably makes money from the ad revenue. Along with patrons or whatever other bullshit. I've seen people with smaller followings make a living that way.
And no I don't think women who have a sense of humor are "tradthots" lol. You can call them stupid or that they just have shit taste in men, but still not really tradthots.
No. 1583531
File: 1657299945380.png (495.43 KB, 600x3624, shirleyexception.png)

Sorry about the massive image, but I came across this thread and it reminded me of this thread, particularly this
>>1579587 braindead take. The treatment for those things is "not an abortion" because those are legitimate cases, not just irresponsible loose women getting abortions every other month as primary contraception!
When they or their daughters face a potentially life-ruining (or even just reputation-blemishing if we're being honest) accidental pregnancy, it's totally different. It's an exception! The draconian laws are only there to scare aforementioned loose women.
>Surely, they think, surely the leopards will know to only eat the right faces, the faces that need eating, and leave alone all the faces that don't deserve that. No. 1584479
File: 1657411489987.png (995.84 KB, 1170x2532, EA2952EE-C3F2-4048-96BC-899275…)

Effina’s latest grift. Will she also be drop-shipping product from Ali express and passing it off as handmade as she did with her “fashion line”?
No. 1585163
File: 1657497164714.png (3.83 MB, 1170x2532, 064CF16E-FE46-4475-9A44-95C908…)

>>1584590Pretty sure it’s Effina trying to facedoxx one of her haters like she loves to do. I seem to remember she did this in another thread. I get the anger but at the same time, she could go the ultra-trad route like Classically Abby and just not post her children at all. But that wouldn’t work—she’s too addicted to the online attention.
Picrel, the guy in the photo called her twins ugly.
No. 1585301
>>1585229The sweet sweet irony of white supremacist-adjacent, pol-posting effina being told her babies look subhuman after saying the same things about Mexicans and other non Aryan races online. Turns out the online white racists really aren’t memeing. It’s actually crazy how many of these dudes who were once fans of her husband now say he “fell off.”
As a pregnant person myself, I’d die inside if I read that. Still shitty. But you gotta admit it’s kind of funny how it all worked out.
No. 1585392
>>1585324There are certain lines that should not be crossed. Calling someone's newborns fug is beyond the pale. That guy should be tortured.
>Turns out the online white racists really aren’t memeing.This is the thing I don't get about pickme's and non-white white supremacists: if you hate yourself and want to gain approval from moids/whites, why not at least try to impress moids/whites who are admirable or at least likable. Why try pander so hard to the most disgusting of moidkind in order to gain their favor? What's the point?
>It’s actually crazy how many of these dudes who were once fans of her husband now say he “fell off.”who is her husband?
No. 1585472
File: 1657545035675.png (96.99 KB, 275x204, CFC0964E-E134-417A-818D-7405D9…)

>>1585392Her husband is Charls Carroll, of Million Dollar Extreme “fame.” Sam Hyde’s ex-best friend.
Here’s an old thread on effina:
>>>/snow/1328455 No. 1585489
>>1585472Oh wow. That guy? He hit the wall hard.
Effina is rich too, right? Why is she with a loser like Charls?
No. 1585522
>>1585505How is Effina not a tradthot? She reposts the faux-crunchy holistic white power Instagram/Twitter moms (especially tigerlilyharvest [who larps as a latina with a white man fetish]), boasts about how much raw dairy she drinks and which supplements to take
eyeroll, is “making” her own “skincare line,” and posts about how protective of a mother she is, meanwhile posts her babies and cries when scrotes call them ugly. Seems pretty “trad” to me. The only thing missing is a homestead in middle America.
No. 1585523
File: 1657548774560.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x2148, ACD712AC-D7FC-4876-8951-A22579…)

>>1585522I almost forgot the most important tenet of tradthottery: IG feed that consists of meticulously photoshopped uwu selfies
No. 1585545
>>1585301While I'm sure the /pol/scrotes dont like Effina for being Arab, the major reason they think he fell off is the same reason they think any moid who gets a wife and stops the most unhinged incel ranting 'fell off'
The manchildren with anime avatars cannot relate to them anymore even when it's someone as childish as Charlz and someone as insane as Effina. They only just about tolerate Ethan Ralph's wife because she's an autistic lolicon weirdo like them. Nick Fuentes is their idol for a reason
No. 1586309
>>1579761>If you are feminist you probably come from a non-ideal environment where your father wasn’t doing his job.I'm sure your dad did an incredible job, kek
Most healthy women don't sperg on the internet about needing a caregiver/master to be subservient to, in a weird, debased chidlike fantasy, similar to DD/lg but "traditional".
99,9% of happy, successful women in stable relationships agree with the core principles of feminism, even if they're not radfems. None of them would like their rights as fully functionning human adults taken away to be put under the "protection" (ie: mafia style racket) of a man. Why would they need that to live happy lives and have healthy relationships with their partners?
This is beyond retarded. Even if you want a "traditional" relationship and be a stay-at-mom mum, you don't need to have women rights taken away. If anything, you should make things harder for scrotes that dump their homemaker wife during their ~~midlife crisis~~.
No. 1586408
>>1586349No chance, a lot of the “tradthots” who come here to get
triggered are Matt Forney-tier scroteposters. Even the most brainwashed women don’t talk like this.
No. 1587508
>>1587312>and marrying a 50-year-old scrote due to obvious raging daddy issuesNah I think she genuinely fell for him. He seems like kind of a dork, not the type that daddy issues girl would be interested in.
And I don't know if that is maybe just a bad picture of him up earlier in the thread but he looks pretty old for his age. Guy is only 48 but I would have guessed at least a decade older.
At least she is somewhat likable. She's not bad, just dim and has some psychological problems.
No. 1587862
>>1502635My time on this thread has convinced me that tradthots are just suffering from autism. Pantsu and Alice are at moid levels of online degeneracy. Many farmers have pointed out the aggressiveness and combativeness of women like Rachel and Anthony Dream's gf, in total contrast to their supposed values of submissiveness and femininity. Despite what they say, they act very alpha and assertive.
This woman is straightup in STEM and freakishly good at the most masculine-associated of the 3 sciences? Which part of that is trad??
The rest of her profile also displays some motifs that seem to be common among trad women: interest in history, obscure philosophical labels, formal and assertive writing style, obsession with labels and rules–she literally typed up a rulebook for women.
A lot of these women act much more like autistic males than like the girly fragile emotional womanfolk they LARP as. Alice even tried being a TiF– that's a big sign of autism in a woman.
Verdict: trad women are just trying to cope with autism. It's possible that a fascination with rules makes the trad life seem appealing, or that their similarity to autistic males causes these women to adopt their values.
I personally feel that a lot of trad women might just be autistic women who can't fit in with normie OnlyFans libfems, so they decide that this must mean they're anti-feminist, especially when they hear rightoid males criticizing those same aspects of liberal feminism that alienate them (e.g. trad men hating OF thots)
Ironically this group of women is actually not very gender-conforming; the tone of their posts is always quite assertive, formal, confrontational, and altogether like someone who is concerned with coming across as intelligent and strong. Compare to twitter libfems who type like children. This is maybe a big tinfoil but I'm basing it off my own experience as a female autist. When i was young I was in the tumblr libfem sphere and seeing how retarded and degenerate these girls were actually made me identify with the people who were criticizing it, who mostly happened to be MRAs. I was never trad but I did consequently go through an MRA phase before discovering radical feminism.
No. 1587875
>>1587862> I was never trad but I did consequently go through anIt sucks that some young girls get negatively influenced by these guys. You aren't the only one to who that has happened to. Girls who have a hard time identifying with other girls probably are much more vulnerable to falling for manosphere garbage.
But I wouldn't say that tradthots are necessarily autistic or masculine. Lauren, Sellner, Robyn, Chen and Caitlyn don't come off as masculine at all to me. Lauren maybe a little bit and Robyn is very alpha dog, but I don't think she is masculine, just a bitch.
No. 1588034
>>1511860I know I'm late but I just wanted to say that the Gen Z men I've dated are quite submissive, both sexually (like
>>1502170 said) and in personality. They don't really have many standards (I realize this sounds like a self-own), they seem to expect me to abuse them (they constantly expect me to be mad at them and yell at them even though I never do this), and they're constantly terrified that having any sort of need constitutes abuse towards me.
In my experience with millennials, they are the ones that have the ridiculous pornsick standards of wanting women to be hairless and underweight, being submissive trad good girls, putting up with sexual sadism, etc
Not trying to "not all men": I have zero trouble believing that guys who grew up jerking off to IG models and absorbing liberal feminismn and troonery are misogynistic; my experience is just that a lot of them seem to have been mellowed out by growing up in the twittersphere or something.
No. 1588101
>>1588034Farmers just get on these kicks where everything related to men is negative: a guy who wants a woman to financially support him is doing it because he hates women, not just because he's lazy and/or refuses to submit to capitalist slavery. A guy who wants to be abused by a woman is into that because he is misogynistic, not just because he has a weird kink. Dating old guys is bad because they are gross but dating young guys is even worse because they are supposedly all
abusive. It's just a total blackpill.
And this is without even getting into farmers' constant calls for troon genocide and declarations that some mentally ill guys larping as women are the biggest crime that men have ever committed against womankind.
No. 1588341
>>1588101Are you the guy from before complaining about anons being anti troon and women being the reason abortion rights were taken in the US
>>1580065 ? Kek. Please contain your retarded sperging and don't start infighting about muh poor troons and lefty men not being threats or pushing anti-women shit.
No. 1588694
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>>1584479I would like to give Effy the benefit of the doubt, but did anyone else see her e-begging to supposedly help a lovely Filipina woman who works for her family? The amount she’s asking for isn’t much, and the donate link goes straight to Effina’s PayPal. I thought Effina’s family is rich? Is this some kind of new un creative grift?
No. 1588722
>>1588559Since when did males ever believe in the sanctity of human life? LOL
Don't tell me you believe their bullshit
No. 1588763
>>1588722>>1588718We were talking pro-life women in that thread. I don't believe fetuses are people. But it's much easier to imagine that pro-life women genuinely believe they're saving babies vs this weird conspiracy that they're all moms who are secretly miserable about being moms and want other women to become miserable moms.
>>1588718Pro-life/anti-choice women probably don't think about that shit. I don't think the average pro-life woman (I'm leaving men out here since they're no the topic) has an understanding of sociology and how policies affect infant death rates and crime and shit. They just think "fetuses=cute little babies, abortion=killing them. Government investing in anything=communism".
> Anti-choicers very consistently get abortions themselvesTo be fair, I'm not a Burger so I don't know anyone who is anti-choice personally. I'm just saying that the root of the pro-life ideology is that fetuses are people so abortion is murder. I can imagine someone being anti-choice solely because they believe this t be true, without any weird ulterior motive. And I imagine that is a much more common motive than having a conspirational ulterior motive to make all women into trad incubators. Again, maybe I'm just being naive since I don't live somewhere where there's an anti-choice movement.
No. 1588768
>>1588729>samefag but effina doesn't even live in iraq she lives in kuwait???There is no such country as "Kuwait". Kuwait is a renege province that was torn from the Iraqi motherland by British imperialism.
>americans understand that not every middle eastern country is the same challengeFalse, all Middle Easterners are basically the same despite their claims that they are unique
>To be fair, I'm not a Burger Don't call us "Burgers" you worthless Eurofag. Soon you will either be living under Putin or under Sharia as you basket case fake countries fall apart and we'll still be riding high.
No. 1588840
>>1588784>says that imperalist construct "Kuwait" is a real country>tells someone else to "learn geography"kek
>You don't have abortion rights. Next.Most American women live in states that have more expansive abortion rights then shithole western Europe
No. 1588847
>>1588763>weird conspiracy that they're all moms who are secretly miserable about being moms and want other women to become miserable momsThis is not a "weird conspiracy" or even a conspiracy at all, it's just social norms 101 written in a more explicit and cynical way than usual. It's the same reason why boomers and people who've paid their student loans whine when someone proposes pardoning student debt. People follow social rules and pay steep prices (literally and/or figuratively) even when it's not in their best interest because they feel like it's their obligation. And then they think others being given a way out of those obligations is unfair to them, who already paid the price.
I don't think there's a clear delimitation between wanting to force other women to do as they did and thinking fetuses=cute little babies, FWIW. It's all part of the same conservative worldview. People (women) don't usually have cartoonish villain desires and beliefs, even if in practice their beliefs are villainous. No one thinks these women are cackling and picturing other women burdened by hellspawn children to distract themselves as they hold their wine glasses and try to ignore Ayden screaming in the backyard.
No. 1588864
>>1588855>you're literally an idiot. nobody cares about your opinion on whether kuwait is a real country or notThat's like saying that nobody cares about my opinion that the sky is blue. Kuwait is not a real country, period. It's not an opinion.
>the fact of the matter is you're too stupid to differentiate between iraq and kuwaitWhy would I differential between two parts of the same country? Kuwait is an Iraqi province, everyone know that
No. 1589014
>>1588997Farmers love to hate Lauren but she really isn't that bad. She's just another boring medocrity in a world filled with such people. Not sure why Lauren seems to inspire so much hostility.
I sort of believe her on the ghost writing because if her material was ghost written, it would be a lot better.
As for her not being a feminist, I don't see a problem with that. 3rd wave feminism is a joke and 2nd wave feminism has become an anti troon hate movement so most young women today aren't going to be interested.
No. 1589021
>>1588997I think he's gay as well, wasn't he the one that people said
fucked Blaire white or something?
No. 1589093
>>1588997>I wonder where her child was during her Australia banInside her belly. Did no-one explain to you where babies come from?
And streaming 2 hours twice a week isn’t exactly child neglect. She’s not one of those streamers doing 8 hours every day
No. 1589205
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>>1589021if the Blaire White rumour is true it makes it even more hilarious that Blaire first found out about the PJW situation when she interviewed Lauren recently. I want Lauren to post the rest of the evidence she said she had in her video. It’s always hilarious watching a narcissistic manlet have a meltdown. Picrel from 2020 which was after PJW was supposedly rejected kek
No. 1589214
> "Radfems are bad and misogynists because they imply that women are weak and can't compete with men"God out of all
valid critics of radical feminism you go with that one, sucking girldick sure lowers the IQ. Moids use ~physical violence ~ to abuse, that is the whole point of only-woman spaces. Lauren is a braindead retard, and so you're.
No. 1589638
>>1589205I’m leaning towards Lauren being the right one . It sounds exactly like Paul to sperg out when denied sex and go on a rant on twitter with his deranged followers to shame her. She should know by now that these alt right personalities online are still scrotes that want all the benefits of lib fem movement for women while pushing for trad values for women
Doubt this shit will deter any other chronically online tradthot though until it directly happens to them
No. 1589696
>>1589469The vast majority of troons
are straight men.
No. 1589807
>>1589801I'm not a troon and I myself have been accused of anti troon bigotry irl until I learned that I needed to keep any views short of troon worship to myself.
But unlike most farmers, I don't hate troons nor do I see them as nearly as much of a threat as "cis" men are. Gay men > troons > straight cis moids.
No. 1589951
>>1589904What? I’m not sure what you’re implying, but hons never go up against their equal in strength and power. Their dream is to be locked up with more
victims, and doing that creepy voyeurism thing that most men do. All men are a threat to women, mtf more because they have already broken down womens spaces, and at a rate that birth control is mandatory in some womens only prisons.
No. 1592449 Lauren Southern is actually getting a divorce and has been broken up with her husband for over a year and MAY BE PREGNANT WITH ANOTHER MAN'S CHILD!!
She's worried about the optics of it all and that's why she won't confirm…just sleeps around to cope LOL!
No. 1592455
>>1592449 in my chat are pointing out what she has on in her video…
A big ass overcoat and baggy shirt. The kind of thing you wear when you don't want people to know you're pregnant.
Honestly, that was the part I kinda disbelieved…BUT NOW I DON'T KNOW!!
(this is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 1592581
>>1592455maybe she dropped her video about how sneaky and slanderous the right was to her to preemptively discredit this accusation
or ethan ralph is a lolcow / this is a fictional tip from Milo or someone else she exposed.
i'm thinking it's more the latter. unlikely even if i like a juicy scandal
No. 1592759
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>>1589014>Lauren isnt that badI used to think she was genuinely moderate but apparently when she was in Australia she hired Thomas Sewell and his lackeys as her bodyguards and personal goons.
Thomas Sewell is a neo nazi but not the little larping edgelord type, hes a violent bastard thug who recruits other violent bastards for his gang and they assault people, he punched a black security guard who asked them to stop filming and then circulated the footage online to brag about it, he also encourages luring people to their HQ and beating the shit out of them to make propaganda and openly calls for a race war and culling ‘undesirables’. You are the company you keep.
No. 1592830
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women are more supportive of troons than men are. You will never win women over to radical feminism by sperging about troons
No. 1605293
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Marg seething over her ex-classmate’s good career and cool haircut
No. 1648506
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Anyone know this new e girl? I hope she knows if she keeps making that face she’s going to get wrinkles