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No. 339716[Reply]


New Onion thread

Last thread >>337485

>Legit feeling happy :)

- Onion still screaming about Billie and ILLEGAL DRUG USE
- Already pimping out his wife to fill the newly vacant harem slot
- Which teen girl will he lure next?
1172 posts and 166 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 341287


archive.is link with comments about sarah here:


"Sarah D* went to my school in the 7th and 8th grades. She was young for her grade. Look on her facebook friends and if you notice quite a few of them are going to lakeshore high school. She was going there, but in the middle school until her parents moved her away."

No. 341290


real talk: not suing, getting a restraining order

No. 341293


who cares about suing? they need restraining orders. why are you derailing by talking about something they aren't planning instead of focusing on what they ARE planning?

No. 341294

No. 341296


Meanwhile what they want is a restraining order which is far from impossible oh my god do fuck off

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No. 331309[Reply]

Thread #1 >>93507
Thread #2 >>131172
Thread #3 >>151227
Thread #4 >>167361
Thread #5 >>176096
Thread #6 >>310703
Thread #7 >>320406

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

Glorified camwhore who pretends to be into gaming and anime to get Patreon bucks, JNig wannabe, ~thicc~ cosplayer. This is now her 8th thread since Feb 15 2016

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 191 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 340248

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I guess this is how Moochlette is gonna help pay rent

No. 340249

seeing shit like this really makes me ashamed to tell people that i'm a cosplayer these days.

No. 340250

The exact reason why I don't tell anyone. I don't want to be clumped in with these sluts.

No. 340255

I saw this and threw up in my mouth. Litterally.

No. 340268


She has no ass to twerk with. She has to stick it out in every photo just to make it look like she has one. Her and Momo are a trainwreck waiting to happen together now they have their own place.

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No. 337485[Reply]


New Onion thread
Last one: >>335433

-Onision still likes teen girls
-Also likes faking sperg-outs on twitter with bilbo and ayella

(idk, help me out here?)
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No. 339710

File: 1484798667220.jpg (44.53 KB, 581x342, OMGDASHAWHY.JPG)

I'm dying.

No. 339711

>onision is STUNNING ?❤️❤️ chain me up and shave my eyebrows, Greg, please!
Twitter comments are killing me.

No. 339713


ex once asked me to come over to pick up an iphone charger i left there…. six months ago

No. 339718

New thread >>339716

No. 339724

Probably a dumb question, but what are those things in the picture?

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No. 335433[Reply]

New Onion-san thread
last one: >>>/pt/332828

Latest news:
-Billie is experiencing a life crisis
-Onion still making videos about teen girls
-Social repose made a quality new Onion parody which made Onion fantards so butthurt, they are attacking his comment section.
1208 posts and 178 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 337480

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Billie telling Ayalla to chill with the tea?

No. 337481

He never smoked. He's been anti booze, drugs and cigs since forever.

No. 337482


He's even anti-caffeine.

No. 337483

Lol I saw that video "Depressing House Tour" and he had a cigarette in his hand, I guess I didn't understood his "joke"
And anti caffeine, really? It's hard to believe that there's someone like him in the world.

No. 337484

because that cigarette is his version of fake drama. he ordered herbal cigs a while ago and probably still has them

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No. 337164[Reply]

Let's discuss drama with the people who make their living in j-fashion. Models, shop girls, designers, let's talk dirt.
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No. 337174

Omfg it does! What the hell

No. 337176

I'm sorry but why is this on pt again?

No. 337177

I'm excited for this thread, but I'm going to guess this goes in /snow/ and not /pt/.

No. 337178

brolita/crossdresser maybe?

if it's a guy,well at least his makeup is good compared to the chick behind Misako.

No. 337184

Moved to >>>/snow/236006.

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No. 65413[Reply]

I've only just heard about this girl, because there is drama going on with her with a local con coming up. She honestly looks to be a major lolcow judging by her Facebook posts.
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No. 336155

oh my god stop fucking responding

No. 336156

Can we get a mod in to lock this to prevent more responses, please?

No. 336157


No. 336158


No. 336159


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No. 327539[Reply]

Miss Victoria Murder thread?
Old thread >>218886

she sperg'd all over it and now it's unreadable.



her levels of autism are unmatched.

All images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.

Image sources:

1195 posts and 384 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 336338

that public video announcement about why she doesn't text boys back is like witnessing what happens when a 30 year old gets knocked in the head, mentally regresses to age 13 and gets into a drugstore makeup kit

No. 336347

someone make a new thread for queen vicky, this one is max post limit now

No. 336627

Is anyone going to make a new thread?

No. 359045


the similarity is uncanny
it's almost as if she's based her persona on Amanda, not realising that Amanda wasn't the cool one but the idiot

No. 415137

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No. 335507[Reply]


No. 335509

She run through men like a sport(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 335510

wrong board, numbnuts

No. 335511

Less ugly than the 4/10s people constantly post. She's about a 6.4

No. 335513

Moved to >>>/snow/231072.

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No. 332828[Reply]

-Onion's still being called out for the dirty old man that he is.
-Cyr reveals his robotic nature with definitions and meanings in a podcast.
-Ontion attacks lovable tranny Blaire White with well…what we already know about him.
-Greg tries to revive his old school comedy…and fails (seriously dude, it's not 2009-2010 anymore; just stop).
-Behind the scenes, Grinch and Skye 2.0-I mean Sarah are sharing feelings with one another.
-Blaire reveals next plan for moar Onion rage (pic shown above).

It's time to du-du-du-duel!

Previous thread: >>>/pt/330321
1212 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 335406

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Yes. Bless.

No. 335407

oh he definitely wrote that lmao.

No. 335408

Seriously. They're gross too. I drank them after a drug addiction, because I spent all my money on drugs and not food. Eat a fucking vegetable or some fruit, doormat.
I'm triggered.

No. 335409

I don't know, I liked drinking my grandma's ensure for whatever reason.

No. 335412

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JFC this idiot needs to get a clue.

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No. 323212[Reply]

Previous thread: >>313147
Next thread: >333878


ALL OF KIRSTEN'S POSTS: https://lolcow.farm/all-posts-kiki.html

The rumors are true: Kiki Kannibal / Kirsten Ostrenga is Sperg-chan. Kiki made almost 2,500 lolcow posts, most of them targeting Taylor R. Her rampage began on June 16, 2016, the day Taylor announced she got a new Japanese boyfriend. About 1,900 of those posts were spam and gore.

We investigated carefully and determined that she was the sole Sperg-chan; at least during June and July 2016. Reports of similar posters past then were found not to be her. We took so long because we wanted to be 100% sure in our findings. She used several hundred IP addresses to try to mask her identity. In fact, she would often quickly switch IPs to point at previous posts she made and say "check my IP, I'm not her". She is the most dedicated and obsessive samefag in lolcow history.

Please read https://lolcow.farm/kiki for all of the details and links to her posts. Her posts have all been marked as well, though she also has around 1,900 deleted posts which you can only see from the links in https://lolcow.farm/kiki. Evidence is at the bottom of the post.

We encourage all farmers to help make new Kiki banners or any Kiki-related art they'd like.

Here is a list of some of her best tweets, if you'd like to work any of those in: http://pastebin.com/zNKurkzf

All the other useful lists are at https://lolcow.farm/kiki
1194 posts and 143 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 333832

i guess its just a matter of opinion, personally id consider her a brunette but to each their own.

No. 333836

File: 1483750617802.jpg (94.74 KB, 260x281, Untitled-17.jpg)

Her hair taken from all pictures mentioned (even the edited and lightened one >>332626) is still darker than all of those shades. I was generous too and snipped from the lighter parts of her hair.

I'm sorry anon, she's very much a brunette.

No. 333838

They're in the title. They're in the synopsis. This is the third movie of a trilogy. The puppets need no credits because everybody knows they're there.

No. 333840

Yup, because the 2 other people whose names are on the IMDb and the crowdfunding page are also not on the website.

No. 333880

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