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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 591108

What are some places you have never been to but really want to visit? Which country would you love to go back to? Which place will you never visit again? Have any culture shock stories? Want to share your most surprising travelling experiences? Write about them here!

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that travelling is strongly discouraged during the pandemic, but I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can discuss our past experiences and future plans.

No. 591112

Montréal is a city I would love to go back to, it had a very unique vibe to it, felt more European than Canadian, and the people were super friendly, I had a great time there. Only negative experience I had was that some bus drivers get really angry when you speak to them in English instead of baguette

No. 591126

I wanna go back to Brazil and Japan. Given how they're handling Covid in Brazil and personal stuff, I don't know if I'll get to go anywhere next summer. Bummer.

My favorite Japan travel experience was going to Shikoku. I'll never stop shilling that place. I don't know if it'd be a safe bet for tourists visiting for two weeks but if you're staying longer (a month, a year+), it's cheaper than going to Kyushu and it's very beautiful. Tons of tiny, accessible islands that you can visit in a day either by foot or by bike. Local produce can be as cheap as 1 dollar for a kilo. The locals are very nice even if some will panic if they assume you don't speak any nihon lmao.

I want to visit Canada and Norway because I have friends over there. >>591112 I wanna experience the bizarro Quebec French, as a european French myself lol. Apparently in some places/shops they'll greet you with "Hello Bonjour!" so you can pick which language you want to use.
Norway is sunny out at 3am during the summer which sounds awesome.

No. 591136

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Oh wow, googled Shikoku and the nature there looks amazing! I'm planning to go to Japan eventually (actually it was supposed to be this year but… well), it's going on my to-visit list for sure.

One of my dream trip ideas would be to rent a car, go through former Yugoslavia countries and visit as many Spomeniks as I can fit on the planned route. These are so bizarre and fascinating, even more now when they're abandoned. It's definitely doable so I just need some proper planning and go ahead some year.

No. 591140

Anon-chans, what was your favorite place to visit in EU and why? Would make it even better if there were some cute stores!

Also, what do you think of Denmark? I want to visit it sometime!

No. 591200

"spomenik" just means monument. It is not a proper noun.

No. 591214

I'm aware, Spomenik Database is using this incorrect anglicized plural version as a general name regarding them for years now and honestly I've never seen anyone on the English-speaking internet use the correct plural form or try to go around with the full "yugoslavian WWII monuments" name. Blame them not me.

No. 591262

I really wanna go to Moscow at some point, I just have to brush up on my russian language skills before that. I have been to Saint Petersburg a few times, but I really wanna see other places in Russia as well.

No. 591273

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I'm a non-American who dreams of going to New Orleans one day. I love everything it's famous for - the architecture, the history, music, food. Sometimes I just look up photos of the French Quarter and sigh with longing. It's so beautiful.

No. 591275

just say monument, why are you even inserting a local word into an English sentence? It makes no sense. It's not a special term for those monuments or anything.

No. 591284

I really want to visit Denmark/Finland mostly because I remembered asking on a thread where they had the sweetest strawberries and one of the anon answers was Denmark/Finland? haha. Mostly because I lived in a tropical climate and the soil in my country is particularly not suitable for growing sweet strawberries.
That aside, another EU country that I want to visit is Italy. I just want to go to their museum, art galleries, and churches.

No. 591295


but for real, i mostly just want to visit japan and western europe. i'm really not a fan of "roughing it" so those hypothetical trips would probably consist of eating in restaurants, going to concerts/venues, visiting historical sights and museums, and getting drunk with the locals.

No. 591303

As a Finn I can confirm our strawberries are sweet and tasty as hell, but they're mostly available in July and early August.

No. 591341

God same! I really want to try their cuisine as well.

No. 591365

Please stop being so pressed, I literally explained to you why (Spomenik Database - look it up). Is everyone in Serbia so protective about your language or is it just you?

No. 591374

I'm really hoping I will be able to visit Titova politička škola in Croatia. It's a huge abandoned school and I'm a sucker for abandoned buildings in general. I heard they are going to turn it into a hotel so I should really hurry. The next on the list would probably be the torpedo launch station which is also in Croatia. It's such a strange place and I would love to do some graffiti on one of the walls around there. Any Croatian anons know about any other cool abandoned places in your country?

No. 591401

There are quite a few abandoned hotels on the coast. I would link you this article I found, but it's in Croatian; you can probably find better results by googling "abandoned hotels croatia".

No. 591444

I miss Japan bros. Ik it's weeby af but I've been going there once a year for almost a decade, I got lucky that my dad loves it there and goes really often (he also speaks pretty good moon, makes it easier). So he and I are travel buddies and it's like our family holiday. Anyway I can't wait to go again, next trip will be Kyushu and Okinawa. I just want some idea of when covid will let up so I can plan it properly.

Lately I've also been really wanting to go on some sort of tropical beach holiday. I usually avoid beaches because I'm insecure about my body and burn really badly, but I'm dieting and if I can be confident in a bikini the first thing I'm doing is going to hawaii or fiji or maybe on a cruise. Hopefully with friends/my sister instead of my parents so there can be drinking involved.

Moscow is so cool man. I like it even better than St Ps, all the buildings are monuments are so grand and imposing. I went with a tour group though so luckily I didn't need to use any russian.

No. 591678

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Uggghhh I want to go to Japan soo bad but I don't think I'll ever be able to afford it

No. 591679

Has anyone been to Toronto? What is it like? Other Canadian cities worth visiting?

No. 591845

it's hefty but not as bas as you think. if you avoid tokyo you can find some cheap places to stay. airbnb all the way. the only thing that sucks are the flights, but flying into airports like kansai or chiba usually make the prices less unbearable. then you can take the bullet train anywhere you wanna go!

No. 591847

Not original anon but when are flights the cheapest? I estimated that I could spend less than 3000 on a trip if I ate cheap (which I heard is easy) and stayed in airbnbs. most of that 3000 went towards the flight. Even right now, flights are sooo expensive for Japan.

Also, what are the best places to stay/visit that are affordable or worth the price?

No. 591871

im not sure, but i think jan/feb can be good times (although CNY can affect things) also sept-oct is good. the cheapest flights i've gotten involve lots of connections. booking early is essential, and always look into nearby countries. us to seoul direct flights were the cheapeast route for me (i don't like having to connect flights too much, which is obviously gonna make tickets more $$) it's expensive to fly into japan no matter what, but flying into kansai or nagoya region will dock hundreds off the ticket price in my experience. the bullet train is moderately cheap and will take you to major cities in hours. its an actual godsend.

3000 dollars is probably more than enough, but you definitely have to plan carefully around the flights. tokyo is just off the table if you want to live and travel cheaply, tbh.

you also have to think of what you want out of japan. old temples and beautiful mountain scenery? arcades and cafes? the beach? plan from there. i am a big fan of the kyoto and nara region, also gifu. i enjoy the hot springs and nature, but that might not be your thing. if you want more of a city vibe like tokyo, try osaka or even kobe. i haven't been to okinawa but i've heard good things.

No. 591874

If you've been to big American cities, that's what Toronto is like except it's smaller. The downtown core is pretty small but there are some interesting neighbourhoods. If you're tired of Big NA Cities, I'd recommend Montreal. It's got a better nightlife than Toronto (or so I hear) and it's called a little piece of Europe in Canada. Vancouver might be to your liking if you like beaches and mountains. Calgary might be cool too if you like mountains and big national parks.

No. 591885

i've been to both toronto and montreal, have to say i prefered the latter! better food, vibes and just loved the European ambience. toronto is cool but i live in an upper midwest american city anyways and didn't feel very new or worthwhile. its a great place to live maybe but visiting? meh

No. 591945

I'm not even the same anon, I was just telling you it sounds retarded, makes no sense when Anglos do this shit. If you're so easily offended you'll have a bad time in the Balkans.

No. 591950

I feel like for Toronto, you need a local to guide you to have fun more so than other cities, since there aren't that many tourist attractions compared to Montreal, for example. Otherwise, it can be pretty boring and feel like it lacks an identity compared to other cities.

No. 591999

I love the energy of LA and I miss it sometimes. Portland is on my bucket list, as is Bangkok

No. 592007

live very close to toronto and been 1000 times!! i wouldnt really suggest it as a great travel place honestly because it really is like a wannabe new york lol like theres fun food places but thats mainly it… personally never been but i think vancouver would be interesting!!

No. 592016

Did you live in LA or just visit? I lived in West LA for 7 years and it was pure hell. Literally some of the worst years of my life. Funnily enough I don't mind visiting at all now that I live somewhere else. It really is a fun city when you don't have to put up with all the bullshit that comes with actually living there.

No. 592044

I love travelling but unfortunately, I can't really do it this year. Perhaps it's for the best though since I need to get my fiances together and finally finish up my degree.

Was thinking about going to Italy or Japan next year. I've been to France, Mexico, Greece, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. I didn't get to go to the islands while in Greece so that's on my bucket list. I went to France and Mexico over a decade ago so I would like to visit them again. Didn't spend a lot of time in Thailand and Vietnam so I would like to visit them again as well. I just want to see the entire world honestly lol.

No. 592109

i've been to a few of those places as well. out of all of the countries you've seen so far, do you have a favorite?

No. 592117

I was supposed to go to Japan twice now, but had to cancel both times. First time I was going through my high school with my Japanese teacher. Unfortunately he passed out while teaching a class, had to get open heart surgery, and was on leave for the rest of the school year and in no condition to go anywhere. That was back in 2018. I was going to go this summer but cancelled for obvious reasons. Anyways, sperg about the circumstances aside, when I do finally go, I'm looking forward to practicing my Japanese to see how well it holds up and meeting up with the exchange student I hosted in high school again. I also really want to experience a Japanese summer festival.

No. 592504

Have any of you been to Bretagne region in France? I'm going next week (before you hate me - roadtrip in my own car), maybe someone has some recommendations?

No. 592510

Be careful with your car, make sure you lock it properly, if you really have to stop at a gas station, be quick and park it as close as possible to a window so you can keep an eye on it.
I got my stuff stolen on a road trip in France and the police sucked ass, there were no security cameras in the gas station and no one saw a thing.

No. 592515

Damn, I'll never stop staring at my car then. I've seen a lot of mention of car theft as one of the main risks when travelling to France, but it sounded a bit surreal to me coming from a country where it rarely ever happens. But your experience are a proof it's not just a general "just in case" warning.

No. 593794

I'm going to Greece in 2 weeks. It's my favourite place in the world.

After that I want to move to a beachy, laid back city for the winter. Mexico has been suggested to me (Tulum specifically). The lack of corona restrictions also appeal to me. I travel alone so I'm worried about safety though. Any opinions?

No. 593798

My opinion is that I think it's insane to travel to foreign countries during a pandemic.

No. 593801

You want to travel alone in a dangerous country during a pandemic. We got some geniuses over here.

No. 593805

I have a lot of Mexican friends and they live just fine, usually people exaggerate how dangerous places are, you'll be fine.

No. 593807

enjoy the covid, 2nd wave is starting here due to tourists like you bringing it with them xx

No. 593808

none of you even know what country I'm from lmao. I work from home + get a covid test days before my flight so relax, I won't be bringing the nothing virus to your lands.

I'm not staying in my shitty country for years before they force some vaccine on us.

No. 593815

I love travelling and painting the destinations I visit too. My sketches of Rome makes me so nostalgic haha.

Hopefully once Covid settled and I’m back on my feet I’ll get to travel more

No. 593822

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Rochefort-en-terre is a very cute medieval village there, it has been elected village of the year many times. I really liked it there, went in the Christmas season where everything is decorated and it was so refreshing! I don't doubt it'll still look nice even when it's not that season.

Food wise, the cider is really good there, and buckwheat crepes are really nice and cheap. I recommend kouign amann for dessert (very sugary and buttery so beware if you don't like that sort of thing), or a far breton for a lighter option (flan/pudding type with prunes)

No. 593823

>I won't be bringing the nothing virus to your lands.

You could catch it while travelling and spread it back to your home country.

No. 593825

I guess we should all lock up at home until there are 0 cases everywhere.

No. 593827

You're acting like there is only a few cases world wide, but the pandemic is in full swing. We are in the middle of it. Previous pandemics like the Spanish flu took about 2 years to die out. So it makes sense to be careful about travel.

No. 593828

my goodness this looks beautiful

No. 593830

god who the fuck cares we're all gonna die someday anyway might as well enjoy it while we're here. quality over quantity. a meteor could come crashing into the earth any day. a tornado could come rip your house out of the ground. yellowstone could explode. your boyfriend could turn out to be a murderous psycho. so fuck it. live a little. life is inherently dangerous. the idea that life is safe at all is a modern illusion.

No. 593831

Imagine not travelling internationally for a year. The lizard people are really torturing us with this one. Are your trips to Greece and Mexico going to be enough? Maybe you should plan a third trip before you fall into a deep depression.

No. 593833

I get it. But considering that:

>I live in a terrible household

>Rent here costs a limb
>I hate my fucking country so much I want to off myself

I've decided to fuck off to a cheaper, more beautiful country.

Shh anon, these people are just happy that their lazy lifestyles are being applauded for the first time. They get to cower at home AND be called heroes for it? Woohoo!

No. 593836

You tell them girl, kill those boomers! Who cares if you spread it to your parents and grandma, YOLO! As long as you get what you want, who cares about others, am I right?

No. 593839

I love travelling but I have cancelled everything this year because it would be to dangerous and egoistical to go ahead.

No. 593840

You are aware that you don't have to go visit your family or anyone really immediately after traveling somewhere, right…?

No. 593843

This is the first year in 5 years that I'm not moving to a different country. Instead I've traveled within the region I currently live in. But sure everyone against i n t e r n a t i o n a l travel is lazy and afraid. Kek.

No. 593845

i want you to understand that my perspective comes from the fact that i myself have almost died. that is all. we have precious little control over this life. it's cute how naive you are. keep on fighting little angel.

No. 593852

Oh, that's a cool idea, thanks!

No. 593853

We can all help control the spread of this virus by not travelling abroad 2020. That is something we all have control over. The virus came to my country because of lol YOLO tourists. My family was affected. Let's not add to the spread of the pandemic.

No. 593859

sorry you're an immunelet

No. 593862

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>Rochefort-en-terre is a very cute medieval village
Oh damn, how did I not discover this town myself looking for places to visit? Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'm going 100%, hopefully I'll find a motivation to drive there early in the morning to catch a cute alley like pic related in a sunrise light. And I see theres this huge national park area nearby so the visit is gonna align perfectly with my hiking in the nature plans too.

I've heard crepes in general are a thing in Bretagne, so I'm gonna see how far I can go limiting my diet almost exclusively to different kinds of crepes. Kouign amann sounds like my kind of dessert too!

No. 593863

The other anon is an idiot, but I'm sure the virus would'vade its way to you regardless. Quit playing.

No. 593876

Fuck off Eurofag, not everyone was traveling freely before like you can.

No. 593910

Yanks contributed to the spread of the virus in my country because they don't want to quarantine and need to be babysat so clearly you have the means to travel often enough to afford staying home for one year. You may politely fuck off and stay in your garbage country instead of spreading your idiocy and disease to us, thx.

No. 593984

Does anyone else just… hate the majority of travel bloggers/you tubers lol?
All of the most popular ones are white men, dating asian or south american women and totally oblivious to how difficult it can be for anyone who's not exactly like them to travel. Also 'visiting every country in the world' regardless of political situation, I find it so retarded that anyone would want to visit the Congo or whatever just so they can say they've been
Maybe I'm just bitter cause I'm a lesbian who's gonna get lynched in half the countries they go on about lol

No. 593993

My guy offhandedly proposed a vacation to the Virgin Islands (specifically St John and St Thomas), in the far future after all this is over, and we've been wistfully giggling about it ever since. I've been mentally preparing my frugal ass for the hefty expense, I'm thinking it might cost me USD2k including passport since I've never been international before.

No. 593995

Yep. They're all one these types:

>visit ALL the countries. 2 countries per day!!!

>gOiNG WiTH My GIRlz/lADs, typical party holiday, could do it in any country
>just shows their dirty hostel and street food

No. 593997

I'm bi and i feel you, but i dislike travel vloggers for a much more shallow reason - most of them spend 90% of the video with their cameras pointed at themselves, they film a bunch on the plane and in their hotel and they're more obsessed with documenting themselves horsing around in a foreign country rather than showing the beauty and history of the place they're visiting. i also hate the knockoff skrillex dubstep music with the michael bay color grading and extreme slow mo-zoom editing that a lot of male travel vloggers do. i don't know about you but i find it SO much more enjoyable when a vlog has minimal talking and is mostly b-roll footage. vid related is the ideal travel vlog for me.

No. 594075

This made me reflect on my travel vlog-watching habits and I realized that most of the time I watch vlogs of places I would never go to lmao…Like I have this weird fascination with North Korean travel vlogs and I also used to watch this guy who went to the poorest, least visited areas of Eastern Europe

No. 594083

I like Simon Wilson's channel although it's nothing I would ever attempt - he tries to make his way around countries without any money by sneaking into buffets and hotels and so on. It's pretty interesting though (he's pretty lad-ish so that might annoy you)

No. 594226

I never realized how many are like that holy fuck. and they always have those positive messages about how life is great, sure life is great when you're a white dude from a first world country and with money. hate to see it.

No. 594251

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I would love to go back to Japan, I went abroad for the first time to Japan a few years ago and even though I was scared of the social barrier at first I ended up enjoying my time there.

I was originally planning to go to Tokyo in 2021 to avoid the Olympics but since they are moving it to next year I am hoping to have money to go in 2022 instead. I was also tempted to go to a language school too but I'm really unsure about it.

No. 594267

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I’ve always wanted to walk in the nice neighborhoods of New York City. I dreamed about living in one of those townhouses when I was younger, but it’ll never happen lol.

No. 594274

They look so fucking nice from the outside, I don't blame you.

No. 594334

New York is the only place I'd like to live in the United States, I've been dreaming about owning a nice apartment in West Village or Greenwich since I was a kid

No. 594371

I lived there for a year, it's probably my favorite part of France! It's a large region and I'm not sure where exactly you'll be road tripping through but some highlights depending on what you like:

Carnac/Menhirs in general: Ancient stone arrangements, might not be your thing but Carnac is an amazing example of them. If you're in more rural Bretagne you'll probably see random Menhirs anyway.

For castles, Fougeres is amazing. Vitre is great if you're into old town medieval aesthetics. Suscinio is on the coast and has been restored very well/is the most "castle"-like of the ones I've mentioned.

Pont-Aven is a beautiful town famous for attracting painters, Concarneau is nearby and has a cool sea fort. The Eckmuhl lighthouse is nearby-ish, massive, and worth seeing if you like lighthouses.

If you're in the north Saint Malo is definitely worth a visit. Ive heard Dinan is also amazing though I haven't been there myself. If you have a more precise idea of where you'll be in Bretagne I can give you some more recs, my husband is from there and we spent like a month just road tripping around the region.

Not to discredit the car break-in anon but I wouldn't stress about it more in Bretagne than anywhere else. It can definitely happen but we never had any issue, from 200 person rural towns to Rennes, and I've never heard about any of his family members having issues either. Just use your normal roadtrip sense and always lock your car no matter how safe an area feels.

No. 594420

You don't need a passport to enter the US Virgin Islands. I'm assuming you're American since you used USD.

No. 594603

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Thank you for all the recs, I didn't even have half of it on my list! I'm definitely going to Mont Saint Michel in the north, but had no idea about Saint Malo which is very nearby, so it's a must now too. Vitre doesn't even look like a real place on the pictures but a movie set, I wonder how is it gonna be in real life.

Thanks for being reassuring about the car situation, I didn't really expect anything to happen in the rural areas too but started getting worried fo how is it gonna be on gas stations / more touristy destinations. But it's true it's no Paris so theres this much less to worry about.

My "base" will be in the south of Bretagne, close to Quimperle, so if you have any recommendations for that part I'd be very grateful! Especially in terms of good places to hike and interesting beaches (this actually all around Bretagne, not just the south).

I'm definitely going menhir-catching, though I was thinking of maybe skipping Carnac and look for something smaller and less touristy? Theres plenty of them everywhere from what I've heard. But if Carnac is awesome maybe I shouldn't. Btw, do you or your husband maybe know what could possibly be the island on the pic attached? I've seen in a video promoting the region but it didn't say anything about where is it.

No. 594699

Huh, this makes absolute sense, I don't know why my brain skipped over it. Thanks, anon

No. 595277

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Oh your base is right around where we lived! Since you'll be in Quimperle I'd definitely recommend hitting up Pont-Aven and Concarneau. Pont-Aven has a cute port area with a lot of nice hiking paths along the waterway (its a bit inland so it's a nice forested walk). Quimper is a larger city nearby worth a visit as well, the cathedral and its attached museum are great and the town itself is cute. Just driving along the coast there you'll find a lot of little beaches to stop at, I can't give any specific recs on this since we just drove and explored and stopped when it looked interesting.

A bit more north is Locronan, very cute town but quite small. If you end up going there the Menez-Hom is nearby and you can drive up it pretty far and then hike to the top (it's basically a giant lone hill, great views but it's SUPER windy so avoid a dress/skirt). Crozon is gonna be a good place for hiking and beaches if you enjoy a super rocky coast.

As for Carnac, it's at least worth a drive-by as most the stones can be seen from a small road. Its become overwhelmed with tourists over the years so in the high seasons you're only allowed to go up to the stones on a guided tour, I'd avoid it if this is the case at the moment (it should say on the website). Low season you can just wander around them as much as you'd like.
Definitely drive through there to get to the Quiberon peninsula though, good views of the bay. I think your pic is on an island in the Carnac bay area.

Also, everyone I met in Britanny was super nice and friendly particularly in the smaller towns. The majority of tourism in Brittany is from the rest of France and I found people in cafes and bars were genuinely interested in why I was visiting and weren't shy about striking up conversations. The only place that seemed to feel "tourist fatigue" was Locronan.

You're going to have so much fun anon! I'm so jealous.

No. 595281

NTA but do you speak French? Are locals okay with english speaking tourists?

No. 596026

I speak it conversationally but fumble quite a bit still. You get a different experience speaking any French but the people I spoke English with didn't seem annoyed by it and were excited to try out their English with me if they knew any. It definitely isn't like Paris where the entire city has tourist fatigue and people will understandably be annoyed if you come at them only in English (since you're probably the 12th person that day to do so.) Also, in more Western parts of Brittany you'll see the road signs, museum placards, etc are in both French and Breton as they're trying to revive the native language.

No. 596264

I've arrived to Quimper yesterday and since me and my boyfriend do a bit of geocaching we went on a search and found one exactly in the spot from the photo you've attached! Old town area is absolutely gorgeous with these small houses and cathedral towering over them. And the smell of crepes is everywhere.

Thanks for hike recommendations, both seem great, I'll make sure to not wear a dress even though weather is pretty inviting. Would make sense for that island to be in Carnac Bay area, I'll see if I can spot it!

No. 597424

Thinking of potentially living in these cities/countries for several months. Can any anons who've been there tell me how safe they are? I've been told they're all safe but it's different when it comes from a man.

>Mexico (Tulum/PDC)

>Thailand (Koh Phangan or Koh Samui)

I want to be able to walk alone in tshirt and shorts, go for a run, and just mind my own business without being kidnapped or killed.

No. 597892

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anon-chans, ill spend 24hr in Prague, is it fully safe? I know it has a good rating when it comes to safety but I still want to be aware of scams, where to not go and such.

No. 597898

ot but what brand is this plushie?

No. 597902

It's not, there's corona. Stay home.

No. 597904

Seconding this. This is too cute

No. 597926

fuck off

No. 597931

NTA but you're rude. Stay home just for that reason.

No. 597944

Baumstriezel aren't a local nor a czech dish, thats the scam. tbh, if you stay around the tourist spots and keep an eye on your bags ur safe.

No. 597998

its not an OP, I am one kek. But yeah, you are right! I checked their covid cases and they started rising again. Went nevermind mode. Too bad i wanted to meet a friend and i could just take a 2hr bus.

No. 598351

For me it's Japan as well. I went there twice before (Kansai region, never to Tokyo) and while I could never see myself living there I miss it terribly and I definitely want to go back eventually. Iceland is also pretty high on my list but from what I've heard getting places there is kinda difficult if you don't have a car/driving licence.

No. 598947

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Has anyone ever heard of the blue lagoon hot springs? in Iceland? I found out about this place on instagram awhile back. Damn…it looks so dreamy…

No. 598986

I’m going to Turkey in a couple days with my family (pls don’t hate me). Anyone got recommendations on places to go/ things to do that aren’t super touristy and crowded? Staying in Istanbul and Sapanca.

No. 598999

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I want to visit Germany so badly. Austria too. I've been learning German more seriously for about a month now so hopefully in a few years when covid subsides/ I have enough finances/ feel more comfortable with the language I can go over there.
I've been able to visit Ireland and England, and they're so beautiful and I like the weather there.
Kinda funny: I went up to Canada with my family when I was like 6 and I was surprised they spoke English there and had "all the same things we had!"

No. 599008

yes it looks great! i want to go visit beautiful spas like this in the future with a so

No. 599009

Lmao what did your family think Canada was going to be? A desolate tundra with only igloos and polar bears and Inuits?

No. 599016

it looks so edited it makes me cringe

No. 599025

Are you studying German for just one trip? Most (young) people in Germany can hold a conversation in English. In fact it's not uncommon for locals to reply to you in English when they notice you're not a native speaker.

No. 599055

Anon was 6 years old

No. 599068

The Germans I know speak English 100% perfectly. The only way you can tell they're German is they don't use any English slang or shorten words like native speakers do. Their English is so perfect that that's what gives them away lol

No. 599073

My family didn't have anything to do with it, I was a little kid lmao
I'm actually interested in moving there eventually, but I want to go there a time or two to actually see how it is. I know English is common there, but I've always really liked learning languages and this is one I want to achieve a level of actual fluency with. I don't wanna be another one of those Americans going overseas and being like "sprechen sie Englisch please??"
I figure even if I hate Germany for some reason, being able to speak two languages isn't going to hurt me professionally.

No. 599104

As a german: don't bother. Most people (young and middle aged) aren't even gonna allow you to try and speak german because they jump at any chance to practise their english.
You might get so frustrated studying that you lose all interest in germany. Just enjoy a nice vacation once covid is over.

No. 599143

It's photoshop.

No. 599328

Oops, sorry, anons, I am high and misread it for m`y family`, instead of you.

No. 599432

This is true for Norway as well. The moment they sniff you out as an English speaker, practice round complete answer six questions about Costco in English please.

No. 599834

I’ve never been to Turkey so I can’t recommend anything, but if you have any tips or advice after your trip please drop them here anon! I want to visit Turkey so so badly.

No. 602583

I've been to Vancouver plenty of times. It's like Canadian Seattle kek.
Don't recommend Calgary or Edmonton unless you're going to the national parks.

No. 644986

I really, really want to see the Grand Canyon.
I'm usually a city tourist, not a nature tourist. I like traveling for the peoples and cultures, not the scenery. The canyon however is the one natural landmark I'd love to see, it looks so majestic I get overwhelmed just by looking at pictures.

No. 645043

Anon most of these shots, especially if it's in Iceland where lots of American influencers go, are edited to hell and back and look nothing like that irl. People do shit like this with other monuments and it's really annoying.


No. 667966

I've lived in alaska my whole life, have only travelled outside twice.. I kind of wanna drive down the alcan (highway that goes from alaska through canada to the lower states) and drive across all the states to the east coast and move there. I'm afraid though because sometimes I get panic attacks for no reason and I'm afraid I'll get one while driving in the middle of nowhere. oh and I really don't want my car to break down. I still might do it though if I ever have the funds. obviously not anytime soon though..

No. 667977

I've been there and while the pic is shopped the water really looks like that.

No. 668006

I know this is an old post but you really don't need to speak German in a capital city in Germany. I think you're overestimating how much people care. Europeans going to a different country don't bother to learn the language and just ask 'English?' or try to find another language they have in common.

I'm Dutch and never learned German beyond basic phrases, but Germans like to assume I'm fluent or something. I've had many conversations with German tourists here and me as a tourist in Germany where I just spoke English or Dutch very slowly and they managed to understand. When you go to a touristy area they literally won't care. Even if they act annoyed, I can promise they'll meet 10 more people they barely understand that day alone and forget about you the moment you walk out.

It's much more important for Americans to learn social norms and etiquette of the places they visit in Europe. That's the biggest difference between a European tourist and an American tourist, not language.

No. 669755

I’ve always wanted to visit Trinidad/Tobago or any of the smaller Caribbean islands and just experience life there for a little bit but I’m more than aware I’d probably get mugged/kidnapped for being a white female tourist. My brother and his Taiwanese wife lived in South America for a year (travelling around for work) and said it was beautiful but hard to enjoy because you always have to be aware/she was the recipient of some racial abuse which sucks

No. 669759

Where in Alaska? I’ve always dreamed of going up there and hiking/kayaking for a whole summer.

No. 669845

I live in anchorage which is the biggest city here but still pretty small. there are lots of beautiful sights to see. I really don't take advantage of it enough lol.

No. 670224

As someone who was born and grew up on a small Caribbean island, I confirm that yeah, you need to always be aware, but the level of danger may vary from island to island. I think if you visit the smaller islands like St Lucia or St Vincent or St Martin, you might have a better experience (but I'm speaking as a black person so I probably have a bias)

No. 673963

Hope I didn’t sound stereotyping (good to be aware regardless of where you’re travelling haha). The smaller islands look very nice; my school had a cultural exchange program with St Kitts and Nevis, looked beuatiful

No. 673969

I've been there. It's definitely a nice place if your into that kind of thing, but it's not nearly as impressive as these pictures make it out to be. It's also pretty crowded.
Next time I visit Iceland I'll try to find a hot spring that's less popular where i can actually relax.

No. 756593

Are there any youtubers similar to Abroad in Japan but for other countries? Just one guy traveling through a country going to different towns, cities etc and filming? I love that they give insight into more rural areas that tourists are unlikely to check out. I'm saving a shitton of money for when the pandemic starts to subside and want to go somewhere nice.

No. 756712

If you're interested in Europe I recommend The Tim Traveler. His videos are all about slightly obscure but unique places to visit.

No. 756716

Been there multiple times, best time of year was winter. The Grand Canyon covered in snow literally looks like a matte painting, it was so fucking gorgeous.

No. 756932

genuinely no real disrespect intended but this man looks like simon pegg if he was addicted to heroin kek

No. 757991

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I just want to see some massive mountains and pine trees peeking over fog. Growing up in the desert really gave me grass is greener syndrome and now sunny days and palm trees make me depressed. Going on a trip to upstate New York or Washington isnt unfeasible at all but I'm scared I will feel the intense desire to move and be made more sad. I kind of had this experience in Japan where while I'm happy I went but I'm lowkey depressed knowing I will never live there. How will I be able to witness majestic trees, moss and fog and not just pack up and move? I still haven't seen a truly large mountain in my life and I feel like I'll literally pass out when it happens.

No. 758012

Not to make light of your feelings anon, but why can't you eventually move to a more mountainous place?

No. 758207

Fellow desert anon! I moved up to BC in Canada after visiting it a few years earlier and I've never enjoyed life more. I love the trees and the mountains and the rain and snow, it really was all worth it for me. I have to move back now because of family and such and I'm dreading it, but it was nice while it lasted. I don't know what your situation is like, but I hope one day you get to live by the mountain of your dreams.

No. 758457

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has anyone else visited the former USSR countries? I've spent a lot of time in central asia, and I think it can be one of the best places for young women to travel to on their own, it's relatively inexpensive and the people are extremely kind and generous to guests. if you don't know how to drive it isn't a major problem as long as you have a little time to spare, because all the towns have pretty good access via share taxis or you can hire your own. the men can be kind of egotistical although that does make it a little easier to know where you stand, and the views and delicious food and affordable outdoorsy stuff mades it all worth it.

No. 758462

Can you share more anon? That sounds very exciting!
I live within a few hours from St Petersburg which should have decent rail connections to the rest of Russia, and I can hopefully get a train or bus from a bigger city to elsewhere in Central Asia.
It's been on my radar for a long time, but I don't speak any Russian. although my native language is quite similar so they could understand me a bit with some difficulty.

My biggest concern is finding lodging without getting scammed and not getting raped or beaten. My home country is pretty safe but the risk of being kidnapped and trafficked is always there, and I tend to travel solo so I'm extra careful.

Where I'm from I had to stay in hotels and bnbs for short periods of time, and the concierges always try to scam me because I'm small, young and female. Either they lie about not charging my card and charge it twice, or they charge way over the agreed upon price and threaten to call the cops when I refuse to pay, if I haven't paid yet. How have you travelled there, how can I stay safe and unscammed?

No. 758469

This sounds so nice. Amazing landscape.

Anyone else really want to solo travel? My mom always beat it into me when I was younger that going anywhere alone as a woman meant I was gonna end up on the nightly news, and how people would say I deserved it for going there to begin with.

No. 758478

Ohh that sounds very promising! Where have you been exactly? I'd love to visit Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, both such a beautiful countries, but since they're so desolate and never come up on travel recommendation lists I'm worried of how it would be there.

I'm generally too spooked to travel solo but I have a friend who travels alone a lot (just cities though, not into the nature) and nothing has ever happened to her. So I guess if you're smart about it it's not THAT risky.

No. 758989

I'm pleasantly surprised so many other people are interested! I'm an american who came on an academic program so I barely knew cyrillic getting there, but even with just that I was able to manage major cities fine, everyone speaks Russian so once I started to catch up people would meet me halfway. it's definitely one of those places where you'd want at least a month there, to make up for the plane ticket which cost me about 2 months rent in Bishkek one way but also because time really does move at a different pace. some days you might spend 3 hours waiting for the taxi taking you somewhere to fill up, maybe a border is inexplicably closed for some reason. it's the biggest grab bag because I have some real horror stories (I'd like to emphasize that I was safe the entire time, it was mostly frustration over very unreliable transportation, and I have friends who lived there all their lives and the only times they've been sexually harassed are by the odd foreigners that make it out there), and then days where I'd find myself among some of the most gorgeous landscapes drinking vodka with strangers. I spent most of my time in bishkek with the most trips up to almaty, but I also loved khujand, tashkent, and samarkand.

before I drag on too long, my main tips would be to check caravanistan, learn some Russian, or even better make friends who speak it to bring with you or meet people there. the locals who know English are extremely down to earth and maybe it's just that poor south east asia magnetically attracts the worst foreigners in the universe,
but there really aren't as many sexpats as there are hikers, state/ngo staff and their families, and a small community of English teachers. if you keep quiet, look vaguely russian, and (this is key) know when and how to dress modestly nobody should mess with you more than they would an ordinary citizen.

No. 758993

forgot to add, community based tourism is a huge thing there. be ready to stay in other peoples homes or sometimes even yurts! the one time I got scammed was when i made a booking at a hotel in issyk kul, but the beauty of booking.com is that you don't have to give anyone your money until you get the key to your room and you can just walk away.

No. 770430

Thanks to the anons who visited Japan and provided some tips. I skimmed through but didn't see specifics on traveling Japan solo? I really want to go to Tokyo but feel like I'll stand out like a chubby, American sore thumb.

On that note, I absolutely live traveling solo and recommend it to everyone. I always end up meeting more people and just enjoying myself doing what I want to do instead of being dragged around by a friend who has a different idea of what travel means. Like…going to those celebrity wax museum tourist traps.

Loved: Chile! Still want to go back to backpack Patagonia. And Naxos, Greece is heavenly. Rent a car and enjoy the island. Don't tell anyone else about it though.

Hate? No hate but the waiters in Bordeaux France were super rude to us for asking for the check in English. Learn a few native words and try is my advice.

No. 770491

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I solo traveled around Italy for a birthday a few years ago. It was fun, but don't drag a huge suitcase around in the middle of July, as I did. I also got gastrointerite (as the Italian doctors called it) and vomited in my Airbnb host's apartment, kek

No. 771101

I really want to travel across europe, my dream would be to at least live somewhere in europe for a few years if not move there. I sometimes fantasize about getting a degree and getting a job somewhere like germany (I've even been learning some german) and then traveling europe in my spare time. I have no friends here, but I would feel bad leaving my family. I feel like I might never even get to travel to europe though because of covid, and that makes me really depressed to think about.

No. 771126

You will get there eventually. I know how you feel though. I'm a little worried myself that travel will never be the same. And my American passport has taken a beating in reputation over the past 6 years and isn't looking better with the pandemic.

I was supposed to hop on a plane to Berlin literally a week after the travel ban hit and the whole world started closing down. Not to mention I had just moved to the city and was looking forward to new adventures. Now just sitting in my apartment the last year paying high rent for nothing.

I've been binge watching Mediterranean Life and Caribbean Life a show that follows people as they choose their new home abroad. I'm now dreaming of moving to the Mediterranean and working remotely.

Seriously though just follow those travel dreams. I did after college and it is easier than you think.

No. 771129

>I'll stand out like a chubby, American sore thumb.
Tokyo is so vast and full of people that I can attest that no one will give a single flying fuck, and you'll be ignored if anything.

No. 771181

This, Tokyo is full of foreigners and nobody cares. If you go to the countryside you might get extra attention but people in touristy areas have seen plenty of chubby westerners before.

No. 797575

Does any anon have some tips on what to see while traveling in Tokyo? I'm planning to go there solo or with my best friend once Japan lifts its travel restrictions. I'm planning to stay there for a week, preferably during summer to experience one of their festivals (maybe Mitama matsuri or Azabu Juban Festival, they seem the most fun from googling idk) and I'm doing a list of things that I would like to see.

No. 797582

Unless you're great with heat and humidity, I would recommend avoiding summer in Japan. It's absolutely miserable and I come from a hot af country.

Anyway if it's your first time, you can just do the standard tourist stuff like Shibuya, Akihabara, Harajuku, Asakusa etc, you can't really go wrong with the popular spots except that they can be overcrowded. My fav place to visit is Odaiba, it has tonnes of shopping malls and fun things to see, teamlabs have their exhibitions in the area too.

No. 813226

I never hear anything about CHILE, what did you like so much about it? And how do you even afford to go to all of these places??

No. 856417

Reviving this thread because I want to plan some trips for after the pandemic is more or less over. I used to visit Morocco every summer until I started university to see my family from my mother's side there, and I'd like to go back someday not just to see them but also to visit places that aren't just Casablanca and Rabat. Which places would you recommend if I decide to visit several cities with family members or alone? Obviously there's Marrakech, but are there other cities you'd recommend more than others? One city I really want to visit is Chefchaouen, and I've heard that even though Ouarzazate is famous for movies there's nothing really interesting to do there. I'm also kinda thinking about maybe visiting Algeria someday because my grandma won't stop trying to convince me but she's from the countryside in the north of the country so I doubt I'll enjoy it. If any Moroccan and Algerian anons have advice I'll love to hear it.

I'm also thinking about getting a camera for when I'll be able to travel again.

No. 858497

Fes is the historical and cultural center of the country, Tanger is a big animated city, Agadir has beautiful beaches. Have fun!

No. 922772

Sorry, I never saw your reply. Thanks for the info. About Agadir, since the subject came up with my mother, she told me she didn't like that city because the only good thing there is the beaches, but that's something I know I will enjoy. My mother will go to Morocco next week to see our family there, I'll ask her how's the situation there before planning a trip for next year.

No. 1006386

Has anyone been to the Dead Sea? Which side is better (Jordan or Israel/Palestine/whatever)? What else is worth seeing around it? Where did you stay?

I heard you can only go in for about 30m and it stinks. Is this true? If so, I want to make sure there's something else to do in the area.

No. 1006978

I dream of getting a long absolutely brain shattering massage in a south east asian country like in the youtube videos i watch to sleep
Would thailand be best for that

No. 1007386

I may or may not be on holidays for a week at the end of January. If my manager is ok with the dates I asked for I hesitate between visiting Annecy, Toulouse and Brest/St-Malo. What's the best choice for this time of the year?

No. 1007400

What are some sights to see/places to visit in Gothenburg and Örebro in Sweden?

No. 1007414

I went to Ubud Bali, Indonesia and you could get an hour massage and 15-20 minute bath for like $20 USD. It was absolutely amazing. The rooms opened directly to the outside so you could look at the scenery while you were bathing. It was amazing.

No. 1007585

I like Liseberg and Gothenburgs stadsmuseet. The Natural History Museum is also really good and free and just a nice place to wander about. The Haga area is also nice for grabbing coffee/fika. If you drink I recommend the bar Folk. It's super chill and I just had a great time there.
There's fuck all in Orebro. I've only ever gone there to stand in line at the migration office and I think that might be the most exciting thing to do in the whole town.

No. 1007624

Mate why the fuck are you doing in Örebro you’re better off sitting in a trash can

No. 1007626

kek why do a random foreigner want to go to Örebro of all places? This is hilarious.
Do you live in Göteborg because if you do I can't believe there is another nonatella in my city

No. 1007654

Lmao I have family friends living there

No. 1007682

I live in Stockholm but I like taking trips to Göteborg. It's more interesting than Stockholm.

No. 1007699

Has anyone been to Malaga? I might be visiting late August and was wondering what to see, do, etc.

No. 1015536

has anyone done a work and holiday trip? what was the experience like? i'm really attracted to the idea of living like a local for a few months in an interesting place, and really inmersing in the culture rather than just going as a tourist, you can meet more people that way as well

No. 1015548

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I really want to visit Taiwan. Picrel is Jiufen, the town that apparently resembles the setting of Spirited Away and I'd like to go visit, but other than that I would just want to travel around to wherever. I want to go with my mom because she reads and speaks Chinese fluently, plus she has friends there lol. I've visited a lot of countries in Asia/SEA but never been to Taiwan.

No. 1015557

Oh me too I’ve always wanted to go to Taiwan. I’m fascinated by the Taipei skyscraper and the creativity of their cuisine.

No. 1015658

The Natural History Museum in Sweden is dopeeeee. It's one of the very few cool things in Sweden. Free (wtf) and has cool shit in it. Signs are not all in English though so I used my boyfriend as a translator.

No. 1015693

Learn Swedish then loser

No. 1015699

Provide me listening resources for learning then because I can't find any.

No. 1015948

Taiwan is awesome and really tourist friendly.. all the metro areas and highways have street names in English so it’s easy to navigate and all the younger people are pretty much fluent. Not to mention at the airport they offer really cheap SIM cards you can get for internet access so you can google/maps/translate if you need to and use LINE for phone calls and communication.

No. 1016000

Why? Pointless language

No. 1016031

Taiwan rocks. I wanna visit so badly and eat all the delicious food. Been putting the trip off because of covid (obviously) so hoping end of this year or next.

No. 1016159

Not as pointless as the weebs learning jaypanaesee.

No. 1016662

Not this shit again. If you live in a country or stay for a longer period, it's not pointless to learn the language. Also there is more than one natural history museum in Sweden.

No. 1041900

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I want to go to Romania in the fall. They have the best castles & gorgeous mountains.

No. 1041902

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The interior of this one has the most beautiful woodwork I've ever seen.

No. 1041909

What castle is this? I'm also planning to go to Romania, would love to see Vlad Tepes' castle. Although I have trepidations abour how safe would it be for a solo trip

No. 1041910

omg nevermind I am a retard. I just saw the file name

No. 1041914

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I'd love to go for a roadtrip and end up on picrel, there's a lot of beautiful places in romania, both nature and towns, I hope I'll be able to go someday too. If you manage to visit it and still frequent LC, share some photos!

No. 1041915

Lol no worries. Anecdotally I've heard that Romania is safer & more progressive than most of Eastern Europe. And apparently it has a higher personal safety score than the US lol:

Ooh so pretty. I will anon!

No. 1041942

If you come just letting you know that it is very safe for tourists to visit!

No. 1042008

TY Romania-chan. Is there anything that you would recommend checking out?

No. 1042057

Ooh Peles castle, so beautiful. I've wanted to visit ever since I found out about it years ago.

Anons do you have any other cool castles in your countries with preserved interiors that you can recommend people to visit?

No. 1042146

Aw I had a Romanian best friend when I was a kid and her grandma told us about how for 100 dollars, we could go on a 5 star cruise on the Danube eating some bombass food. We poopooed that idea being dumb 10 year olds, but damn that idea sounds so nice now as an adult.

No. 1254082

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Do any nonnas have any experience travelling overseas to work as an au pair/nanny? I want to travel to NY or LA next year but with my current financial situation I would only afford a few weeks slumming it at the most. I don’t have any childcare experience, but I am from the country that Americans love and consider friendly and welcoming. Did you enjoy your stay? Did you have enough time and money afterwards to enjoy some solo travel?

No. 1254133

Do you prefer backpacking or suitcase travel? A lot of travel backpacks are so bulky looking, but I’ve heard they save money in the long run vs. suitcases.

No. 1254350

I want to live out of a spacious car or van for a few years and travel that way.

but the stigma of being technically homeless is a bit much to bear

No. 1254360

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imagine waking up to this
no rent
only gas
electric bill? solar power lol

No. 1254361

Not me but few of my friends did that through "work and travel" program, it was organized by some trusted organization which took care of finding a safe and reliable temporary employment, maybe it would be best for you to look into this kind of thing?
I don't think there would be any stigma, if you dont stay in one place for too long you'll be just another tourist, not a homeless person.

No. 1254374

You're going to have a really, really hard time getting hired as a nanny in the US with no childcare experience. At least get some babysitting experience under your belt, especially caring for infants and toddlers.
Depends on your travel plans. If you plan to move around to stay in different places then a backpack is the way to go. If you're staying in one or two hotels or homes throughout your entire trip, just get one large suitcase and one smaller carry-on size bag if flying. It's not too hard to maneuver especially considering you won't be taking it everywhere. Cost difference won't be much, and if flying you will have to check a large backpack just as you would a suitcase if it doesn't meet carryon size requirements. Suitcases are pretty light and easier to pack and unpack. If it's a short trip and you're just bringing a few changes of clothes and toiletries, a small backpack should be enough.
I would worry more about my personal comfort than stigma. Just know all the van life shit you see online is faked and curated. Most of those people who promote it do not actually live in their van full time, they just make content with it. Living out of a car or van even if it's tricked out, you will want to be spending most of your time outdoors with your van just being home base. If that's something you think you'd like why not give it a try? Give it a trial run with a few long camping trips, at least 1 week long.

No. 1254411

No water bill… cause you've got no shower or toilet lol

The way people romanticize living like a homeless person idek

No. 1254482

File: 1657253017667.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3314x4142, _Logan_ Sprinter Van Conversio…)

you can build your own toilet and shower inside, many expensive sprinter vans already come with bathrooms inside.
>The way people romanticize living like a homeless person idek

No. 1254903

Most of us will be homeless in old age anyway, why wait?

No. 1254968

I just wanna say, if you're travelling through Europe especially UK and Netherlands via airplane, go for a backpack rn. There's been a huge issue with staff shortages so checked bags have gone missing left and right. Myself and 3 others on my flight had our suitcases go missing. The pictures of Heathrow look hellish right now.

No. 1255026

I would totally live off the grid and in a motorhome of this was the motorhome kek
I would fear for my safety though. I don't know how secure this would be.

No. 1255561

>I don't know how secure this would be
stay strapped lol

No. 1255585

Kek I meant from robbers and invaders though

No. 1255587

stay strapped (guns lol)

No. 1255590

Oh damn. I never heard that before, I just thought you were talking about safety belts KEK

No. 1255994

Any nonna from or been to San Francisco? Any recommendations or tips for a summer tourist visiting the Bay Area?

No. 1255997

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Is travelling to Denmark worth it? I am thinking of travelling during summer or maybe in late autumn instead (dont know which season is better). How expensive is life there?

No. 1290680

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it seems kind of boring to stay there more than a few days
I never went to denmark, but I visited the netherlands and wanted to leave after 2 days
there are more interesting euro countries
my goal in life is to live in an rv or sprinter van
so comfy

No. 1290710

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I'm never, ever telling any of my friends that I'm plan on traveling anywhere. Next time I'll keep it to myself until the very last second so I can plan to do whatever I want alone with any of them trying to convince we should travel together, just so they can ruin all of my plans again and again.

No. 1290711

traveling alone is soooo much better than traveling with people
itinerary conflict aside, it's also easier to put on a fake persona with people you meet in new places when you don't have your actual friends and family with you LMAO

No. 1290718

Do you have any advice for traveling alone? Even though I’m an introvert my fear of going to places alone holds me back. I used to take college bus trips to NYC but that’s the most I would do by myself

No. 1290733

I've got ADD that I keep reined in with Adderall, but when I was traveling alone I'd just give in to the impulses that my ADD would fire out. Like normally I'd be very self-aware of what other people would think when they see me in public, so I'd miss out on stuff or pretend to look at something (but not actually look at it). When I went to Italy, I just gave into the impulses and did stuff at the spur of the moment. Really took my time to look at paintings, scenery, the little streets I'd walk down.

No. 1290819

I know. I went to Paris for Japan Expo for a few days this month all by myself and it was so, so much better than when I went with friends and with my family. I had my periods and it ruined my first day of visiting the city so guess what I did? I went back to my hotel before my clothes got ruined instead of debating with my friends about what we should do about it first. I'll do it again next year if covid of monkeypox doesn't prevent me from traveling.

No. 1309873

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Recommendations for solo traveling for the first time pls?
I'm very shy and anxious, so I'm debating whether going on a trip might stress me out even more instead. But I also don't want to sit at home all the time…
I live in Europe and planned to go somewhere by car. On the one hand I would want to go to a beach but being alone amongst families with kids, couples or groups of people partying sounds so uncomfortable, so I thought going sightseeing in a city might be my best option. Haven't even really decided which country or city tho, currently thinking about Florence. I know this is silly and childish but I'm just very self conscious whenever I'm somewhere alone, but I currently don't have anybody to travel with. Any advice or tips?

No. 1309888

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I solo travel all the time. Greece is great for solo traveling and as safe as any place in the world can get for a single woman (the islands are safer). Locals are super friendly, food is great, it’s cheap, and totally normal to solo travel there. Friendlier and safer that other Southern European countries.

Book some tours, there will be families or other solo travelers and the tour guide will take you around the island on various activities or to smaller towns. The rest of your days just walk around the town and explore. Learn how to say hello and thank you, Greeks adore it when you speak Greek to them even if it’s just one word.

Pic rel, just got back from a solo trip to Rhodes.

No. 1309892

Adding to this, it’s not weird to be on the beach alone. I see solo girls there and people swimming alone. I’m also a highly anxious person, I mean I had bad anxiety for 10 years. Solo traveling made it better because it feels like a huge achievement. It flipped my life around in a good way.

People are super nice to me too when I’m on my own in shops and restaurants.

But yeah, Greece is the perfect starter country for a solo girl. Safe, warm, beautiful and welcoming.

No. 1309896

i live on the french coast and often there are girls alone on the beach, when you live there it's just like your back garden- you go swim whenever! it doesnt have to be a big party with a ton of people so dont worry about looking strange by yourself.

i travelled alone to krakow and enjoyed it mostly! the sight seeing i loved but i went for education not vacation so seeing places like auchwitz and coming back to an empty hotel was too emotional!! but if just for a holiday it would have been good all round

No. 1311592

Pick somewhere close to home and stay for a few days, see how you feel. For me it took away some of the pressure of "what if's" (i don't like it, i cant cope etc). When I actually got there I wish i'd booked for longer!

I wouldn't over plan your trip, just go with the flow, maybe book a tour a couple of days: nice to be around people without any obligation to talk, and if you did want someone to talk to theres typically other solo travellers there too.

And as other anons have said, sitting on a beach alone is no big deal, same with eating in restaurants, enjoying an art gallery or whatever you're into. Something that helps me is reminding myself everyone is thinking about their own shit. Whats for dinner? I need to sort that bill out. I should call my aunt. Ohh look a cute dog! I should get a dog….. No one cares in the nicest way possible. Enjoy your trip, you'll be so proud of yourself for doing it.

No. 1319948

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I'm going to London in a few days, then I'll go to two different cities in Ireland. Are there any recommendations for public transport and how to avoid tourist traps when it comes to food? By the way, I don't drink alcohol but my friends will travel with me and drink alcohol, do bars and pubs usually have good non alcoholic drinks or do they just serve cheap, nasty virgin mojitos?

No. 1320250

for the underground you can get a tourist oyster card which i believe works on city buses too. if you don’t want to get that then set up apple pay because there’s literally no other convenient way to pay for the bus. you can buy tickets for the underground but honestly it’s not worth it imo. as for pubs children are allowed in so they have to serve nonalcoholic drinks but for the most part it’s just soda. if you’re american you might want to try irnbru or j2o since you can’t get it in the us! although i think wetherspoons does nonalcoholic cocktails and their drinks are super cheap.

No. 1320304

I'm French, not American. I'm not too surprised by pubs serving soda because it's the same here in bars. I guess I'll have to look up bars and pubs first if I want to drink something a little more fancy than that then. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out.

As for the tourist oyster card I'll look into it online, thanks a lot. Where can I buy one and how do I charge it? It looks like it works like the suica if you ever went to Japan where you can charge it however you want before traveling instead of it being some sort of
time limited subscription.

No. 1320379

Can someone explain to me how the international travel process works? I'm going alone for the first time internationally and have never even flown by myself before so I have literally no idea what the process is like, do I just get my ticket and go to the gate it tells me to?

No. 1320388

Yeah pretty much. I haven't flown since before lockdown so stuff might have changed but it's pretty much:

>Get to airport 2+ hours before departure time

>Go to check in counter and give them your passport (or use kiosk and follow directions)
>Check in luggage if applicable
>Get ticket
>Go through security
>Find gate
>Dilly dally around until your boarding time approaches

Also occasionally check those boards with all the arrivals/departures every once in a while to see if your flight is delayed or has changed gates.

No. 1320401

Thank you! This eases my nerves a lot.

No. 1320410

No problem! I hope you'll enjoy your trip nona!

No. 1320427

Some of this depends on the airline, but the process usually goes like this
- Online check-in will open anywhere from 24-72 hours before your flight, check with your airline to see what they do.
- When you go to check in, they'll ask a bunch of questions and disclaimers about luggage. Don't put a bomb in your hang luggage basically
- You'll get a seat number and will have the option to get a digital ticket which goes in the wallet app on the iphone (idk how it works on android) or print a paper ticket.
- If you have checked luggage, get to the airport ~3hrs before your flight, find your luggage check in desk and get your luggage checked in the system. In some airports there's self-service bag drop, so you have to do it all yourself but it's not that hard. They might also give you a paper ticket here as well, you can use this one or the digital/printed one. If you don't have checked bags, skip this step and get to the airport ~2hrs before.
- Find the security gates and join the line, you'll have to put your hang luggage on a conveyor belt to get it scanned, as well as walk through a scanner yourself. Make sure you have no metal on you because otherwise they'll want to pat you down
- Once you're through, find your gate and take a seat, you'll be called to board ~30-40 mins before takeoff.
- When you land, They'll check your passport (if it's international) and visa (if you need one) and then you'll be through!
It sounds like a lot but it's really not that bad. Good luck nona!

No. 1320436

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I wouldn't get the Oyster personally. The cheapest way to get around would be to get a contactless payment card with no foreign fees (Do you have revolut in france?)
If you have a contactless card it couldn't be easier. At the gates you'll see a round pad like picrel. Tap that with your contactless card and the gate will open and you can walk through. Exiting is the same: tap the pad and walk through. The system will automatically calculate the cheapest fare for your journeys and charge your card.
If you can't get a contactless card and need to get the oyster, you'll see ticket vending machines with the same symbol on them, you can check your current balance and add money to the oyster card there.
If you're taking a bus, you don't need to tap out when you get off, just tap the pad once when you get on.

No. 1321080

going in spain (barcellona) in october with my parents. and i have absolutely no idea what visit outside of the sagrada familia. any cool place to visit? (also, since my mom and me planned to have some shopping in there, where we should go for that?)

No. 1321244

The museum of contemporary art

No. 1347417

How much of my budget should I set aside for travel costs? I’m trying to see as much of south-eastern Europe as I can next year, will be travelling by bus and train basically everywhere and wondering what the going rate for public transport is. What would be a decent percent of money to set aside?

No. 1347451

Thinking of traveling home for couple of days, how bad is the amsterdam airport atm? I'd rather postpone the traveling if the security lines are hours long still…
Traveling with only hand luggage, so I think that helps.

No. 1347463

Not the airport itself but there are a shit ton of issues with some European airlines these days like strikes or technical issues so be careful. Fuck Aer Lingus and FUCK Easyjet.

No. 1347498

How much money do you make?

No. 1350330

Japan's border will open on October 11th. After all this time I have managed to work for fulltime two years in a row and since I couldn't do my full year in Japan with my working holiday visa because of covid (as in, I caught covid) I'll try to go back next summer. I'll also try to visit Morocco before Japan because I wanted to go back there for a long time and covid fucked up my plans. It's been a decade since I went there last time and saw my relatives, I'll treat myself as much as possible. A friend of mine wants to go to another destination instead but I'm not interested in that one so I'll refuse.

Once I arrived in London my friend and I got ourselves a travel card, I don't remember the price but we took one for a whole week for the zones 1, 2 and 3 and it was a good deal because we took public transport a lot. When we arrived to the airport they didn't have the oyster card, and the train station after that didn't either.

No. 1358139

Just booked a Greek island hopping tour with 4 nights on Mykonos. I’m ready to live my Stacy tourist fantasy

No. 1358142

Have fun!

No. 1358156

Thank you nonna! I’ve got a few more bookings to make in between but I’m so ready for this trip

No. 1358175

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>japan finally reopening
THANK FUCKKKK, I've missed it so much!! I've already got my flights and leave booked for Jan, going Okinawa for the first time and a few cities in Kyushu + Osaka.

No. 1358178

Are the plane tickets expensive? I'm worried that prices for anything related to tourism will skyrocket in Japan as soon as it reopens so I plan on going during the summer to be able to be on paid levae for at least 3 weeks straight. I also worry about how it will be full of foreign tourists because I've gotten used to Japan when there were no tourists at all in 2020.

No. 1358181

Prices seemed pretty normal if not a bit low (plus I used frequent flyer points so I'm only paying like $1000 there and back).

I'm also worried about it being super busy with tourists but I don't want to put it off any longer, I'm kinda hoping that going to beachy/warm places during winter will mean it's not too awful. Most people would race to go in October or wait until Spring I assume.

No. 1358183

I see. Okinawa is mostly a popular destination during golden week and summer iirc so it should fine I guess. My friends made fun of me for saying I'll go back during the summer because the weather will suck ass, but at the same time they have AC everywhere and I've spent a lot of summers in Casablanca which seems to have a similar climate during the summer and the same amount of cockroaches every fucking where. In 2020 I was in a sharehouse with like 3 roommates, I'm not sure what to chose if I go. Someone posted a video in another thread once for a female only capsule hotel in Akiba and that seemes cheap and comfy, but I also plan on visiting Kansai this time since covid ruined my plans and my health at the time. Are ryokan good for long stays?

No. 1358186

Personally I wouldn't want to do another summer in japan but if you're used to humidity you're probably fine.

I've never actually stayed in a ryokan or capsule hotel, I stay in cheap business hotels you can find in every city (eg Toyoko Inn, APA). They're perfectly fine but for me it's just a place to sleep and dump my stuff so I don't need it to be part of the experience.

No. 1358194

Doesn't APA allow guests to smoke in their rooms? I'm worried about things like that so I'll have to look it up. I plan on spending most of my days visiting place, eating in restaurants or shopping so I also just need a place to sleep and take showers but I always wanted to go to a ryokan at least once and try an onsen. I need to see what's the best between the onsen and the hammam.

No. 1358393

There are smoking and non-smoking rooms, but you'll probably do better if you choose a newer building (where the rooms haven't been swapped around over time) and then make it a point to tell the staff that you need a non-smoking room because you're allergic and can't breath if you smell smoke or something. If you let them know in advance, they may be extra careful about cleaning it before you check in too.

No. 1358414

I'll look into this type of hotel then. By the way, I wanted to go to Disneyland Tokyo but it was closed because of covid when I lived there, is it worse visiting if I already visited other parks before? I've been to Disneyland Paris a few times years ago and liked it. Did anyone go to comiket at least once? I was considering it and it was also cancelled at the time because of covid. I want to try it out, I'm sick on anime cons in my country.

No. 1361907

Booked my Japan tickets for February. I wish I could just go into a coma and wakeup when it's time to go KEK.
>Did anyone go to comiket at least once? I was considering it and it was also cancelled at the time because of covid. I want to try it out, I'm sick on anime cons in my country.
It's mainly a lot of doujinshi.

No. 1361940

APA is connected to that weirdo religion thing that Abe and his ultra conservative right wing party was attached to btw.

Did Japan just give up in the women only train cars? I'm there now and seems nobody gives a shit (tons of men on), when I was here a few years ago I swear men observed the women's only thing

No. 1361946

I'm really glad I'm able to experience Japan without all tourists. it'll probably get really crazy the next couple years, so many people became terrible weebs over the pandemic

No. 1362024

I'm sure there's going to be a shit ton of tourists as soon as the borders are open though. I hope for you that I'm wrong. I looked up the weather in summer and I'll try to go to Japan in July because it seems to be easier to deal with the humidity. But again, I've survived many summers without AC so I should be doing fine either way as long as I have access to a washing machine. I'll just check the dates to see if I can avoid going while I'm on my period and I'll talk about it with my boss to decide a specific date as soon as possible.

No. 1362200

I'm leaving like right when they open, so I'm doing all the super touristy stuff now. might even go to Disney even though I don't care about Disney just bc I can.

just note that the weather/humidity gets worse every year bc of climate change. summer is the rainy/typhoon season and it's worse in the southern part. my relative went during that time and was a little dissatisfied bc it rained nearly the entire time

No. 1362203

I was there in June 2020 and took the plane back home at the end of the month and I remember the rain part but it wasn't too hot just yet. I actually liked that weather a lot. From what I understand it's going to be just as humid in July but way hotter. As long as it's not as hellish as this summer in my city anything is fine. I legit had headaches all the time this summer it wasn't just hot, it was very dry and "heavy" because of the thunder that usually happens after every heatwave but this summer we had a whole month of 37°C everyday with no thunder/rain in between for some reason.

No. 1362211

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I’ve heard that Japan weather is a lot like Atlanta and the American south. I’ll totally be fine.

No. 1362682

imo, it's not really the heat that's the issue but the humidity. especially since you still have to wear a mask everywhere. it spikes to almost suffocating levels in July/August/early Sept. it rains so much more than in the American south, I believe. it feels like you're swimming when you're just walking sometimes.

No. 1428802

Have any of you nonnies been to Japan? I’d like to know the good points and bad points of living there from a female perspective. I want to go there but for some reason I feel too nervous about how I would be treated.

No. 1430754

>>1428802 i went by myself back in 2019 so idk if it's gotten bad recently but i felt safe the whole time i was there! the latest i was out was around 12 am and still felt safe walking back to my airbnb nobody bothered me or was creepy towards me. the few times i looked lost or looked like i was somewhere i shouldn't be people were nice enough to ask if i needed help and then let me be when i said i was fine. if you have the opportunity and want to go i definitely recommend it!

No. 1599096

Oh there is a travel thread!!

I want advice for anyone who has been, lives, or is even aware. I have some travel ideas and need to know it it's worth it. This list is for a lifetime of travel, I am not doing them back to back, I would be way too tired.

Thailand: I want to spend a month or two there learning some Thai, dance, and kickboxing. I would rent a private residence, and try to explore every cultural and scenic place

Vietnam: I would want to travel down the country by train, see the north and south, about two weeks

New Zealand: popping off from Australia, to NZ. then I would like to visit all of Oceania. This trip will be planned for at most a month, there are many islands but just visiting a couple for each country seems enough, but Idk if I need more time because the flights to islands are not as frequent

Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia. I have to skip Russia this time, and I have been to China already but if I do the silk road tour I will go again. I want some free travel besides the tour, where should I do that? I am thinking Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan . I am thinking a month time; and I want to see many cultural sites, in Mongolia try nomadic lifestyle.

Greenland and Canada: I want to spend a week in each place, just scenic and cultural experiences

South America: due to distance it makes sense to take one flight there and back, and I also considered visiting Antarctica so if I can tack that on from the Chile/Argentina part, what do you recommend is enough time for the continent and what to see? My Spanish is basic, I would study a bit before I go and maybe have a guide.

South and East Africa: The thing is I know not everywhere is safe but my goals are safari, cultural experiences, and food. I am thinking Kenya is a must. Where else is a good trip at this tome? It would be a shame to only see one country on this trip. Are the safaris different around the continent?

North Africa: It's not far from Europe so I can be flexible. Tunisia and Algeria are on my must list. Morocco and Egypt interest me but I want to be away from the scammier parts, so no Cairo at least.

Middle East: Are there any countries to avoid at this time? I want to go everywhere I can, no set time plan but one month at most is ideal.

In general what are overrated or underrated experiences? Which place should spend more time in? Where is a tour guide recommended for safety? Thanks

No. 1599117

I can only speak for Morocco, I went there every summer until 2013 to visit my family, it's pretty touristic and there are many fun places to visit… In theory, I used to just stay at my aunt's place almost all summer long in Casablanca and the last time I went there the only notable thing I remember was going to Morocco Mall to shop for some stuff. Since then a lot have changed, I think now there's a tramway there? I remember Marrakech being pretty good and having a lot of very nice hotels but it's been too long. I also went to a hotel in Agadir and the weather was hell on earth, and my period lasted from when we just arrived to the hotel until we left so I couldn't even swim, and I never visited the city itself, but supposedly the beach is beautiful. I was stuck in my room and just suffered kek. As for Algeria, I never went there and even my Algerian relatives have no clue about what's interesting to visit, they just go there sometimes to stay in the family's house and do nothing. If any other anons know anything that's fun to do in Algeria I'm curious. I heard that Egypt is kind of a shithole and more dangerous for women than the other North African countries so be careful if you ever go there.

Regarding the Middle East, I never understood why Dubai seems to appeal to a lot of people. Isn't it just full of giant expensive malls? You can't even go there with a bf, you need to be straight up married, right?

No. 1599134

Thanks for Morocco advice. I will make a more solid plan for there. I just hear Algeria is a nice place, maybe it's more scenic. From Italy it really isn't that far, med neighbor so I want to go for that too. Everyone says Cairo is horrible and overrated, but with a guide and a less famous city I can still experience ancient Egyptian sites. I forget the name but I think it started with an A.

Middle East, I actually have no interest in Dubai but I feel like it's a place one must see in this life. I wanted to see specifically Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon. I kind of wish I had gone to the world cup because it was so lively. And I have to unfortunately avoid unsafe countries by conflict.

No. 1599171

Expensive, outsider, pedophile island, high suicide rate

No. 1599204

Travel story

I remember on my first trip to Korea I gor bibimbap and didn't understand what the tube was and added a little to taste and it was spicy as hell, but I got used to spicy food by living there, so on my second trip to Korea ordered the bibimbap and emptied that tube so fast. And I decided to watch 10 Cloverfield Lane not knowing what it was. So I am getting jumpscares by this movie and the two older Korean men next to me were probably like "wtf" I was too excited on that plane and that's probably the only flight I ever enjoyed

No. 1605626

So where are you all going this summer? Seaside, camping, mountain, any plans?

No. 1605661

I plan on visiting the Dominican Republic.

No. 1605709

I'm going to Japan next week. After that I won't travel anywhere for the rest of the year because it's going to be expensive even if the yen is way weaker than the euro right now. I think next year I'll do something less complicated and stay in Europe. I'll either go to the south of France by train and just go to the beach and visit cities in the region or I'll visit Italy.

No. 1605715

Zero plans, wherever I end up getting a job is where I am going because I want to work for the summer. It's so boring otherwise. I like traveling in other seasons and being a role homebody in the summer because bugs and heat.

No. 1605743

>south of France
That's my pick for this year
Swimming and snorkeling in Cote D'Azure

No. 1605744

Cool, enjoy. Last time I went to Nice I had my periods way earlier than usual for no reason at all so I couldn't swim. But I was near the beach and near the train station so visited the city and other places too. If you stay there you can take the bus to Monaco at a stop near the old harbor, it's cheap.

No. 1605750

Japan in August (probably only Tokyo) and London in September, the timing is terrible but I didn't have much choice, also I haven't done any real vacation since my previous Japan trip in 2014, circumstances prevented me from traveling so I intend to make the best of it.

No. 1846510

Anons I'm sorry for necroing this thread but my boss wants me to choose my pto in advance for the whole year as opposed to just picking and choosing at the last minute so now I'm considering a few destinations this year. I'm European for context:
>May: Italy, most likely Roma for a few days. My sister loved traveling there and wants me to visit it but I'll probably travel alone because she'll be too busy. I'll ask her what to do in other cities as well.
>July: Paris for a few days, I want to go back to Japan Expo and visit the city again because last time I tried that my periods ruined everything. This time I should be fine if I check the dates. I'm just a bit worried about the Olympics ruining everything
>August: I'm considering going back to Tokyo for 2 weeks to go to the Comiket but I'm worried that getting tickets for the Comiket is randomized. If it doesn't work out I'll pick another destination because I already went to Japan last year
>December: London, just for a few days. Hopefully alone, but if my family hears about it they'll try to tag along and ruin everything again.

I should have the money for all of this but I'm worried it could be too much to handle for other reasons. But I hate my current job and feel like I should take advantage of it now before I quit (if I'm sick of it) or get fired (if the client refuses to renew the contract with us in 2025). If I go to Paris I need to make reservations right now because of the Olympics so I should stop hesitating but still…

No. 1846550

>I'm worried it could be too much to handle for other reasons

If you specify a little we could give advice

No. 1846558

idk it's very general. Would I be too tired after all these trips? Would it be too stressful because I'm always worried about plane trips and trains getting canceled or about being late? This kind of stuff.

No. 1846767

I'd really love to visit Japan or South Korea some time soon. I finally have savings and some free time coming up but my only friends are broke or too busy. While I love travelling alone, it does get boring after a while and I want to share the memories with someone and well…have fun with my friends. I'm afraid I'll be in this limbo forever, waiting for someone to travel with me and never visit anything. I wish my mom was younger and more mobile, I'd just travel with her then.

No. 1846847

have you already travelled a lot anon? or is this new for you? I think you're being wise by only going for a few days each time and spacing them out.
But of course I think you know your physical limitations best. I'm in a lot of solo travel forums and I think it's important to remember that this is still a holiday for you so if you feel tired, don't feel like you need to speedrun everything and tick everything off a list.

No. 1846849

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South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam & Hong Kong) for several weeks in a month - I'm very excited.
Central Europe (Prague, Vienna, Bratislava & Budapest) in mid/late September for 2 weeks travelling between them via train.
I really want to spend 2 weeks in Japan in March 2025 (it's cherry blossom season and it's off peak at my work) but I need to see how much I have in my savings to make it happen.

No. 1853710

It's not new to me, I started traveling a few years ago by myself and I love it way more than traveling with others so now I should know my limits and what I want.

By the way, I just checked my period app and since I'm cursed, it turns out that I'll be on my period exactly during Japan Expo and during Comiket, and it's usually very reliable. Which means I would be utterly fucked over because mine are usually so heavy I need to go to the bathroom every hour and I've had entire trips ruined by my periods. Now I'm really worried. Last time I visited Paris I had an accident and had to go through the entire city in a heatwave with 98% of my shorts covered in blood and couldn't eat, thank god I had something to cover myself with but it was a borderline miracle.

No. 1853800

Get a menstrual cup. It's not a perfect solution but it'll give you some extra time.

No. 1853832

Hope you like central Europe, if you have any questions for Prague just ask

No. 1853854

I've considered it but never bought one. What would happen if I'm wearing one and a clot the size of my fist comes out? I'm worried it wouldn't be enough and I would be able to deal with it when outside.

No. 1854620

Maybe wear a pad underneath just in case and for the escaped drops

No. 1854792

I don't know for sure, but menstrual cups work through suction and vaginas are tilted, so the weight of the clot shouldn't force the cup out.

No. 1859971

Nonnies who have been to Japan a bunch I need advice!! Going for the third time in May, with people that have never been. Obviously they want to do the classic Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka but I want to go to some new places when they’re in Osaka/ Kyoto since I’ve already been there twice. I’ve also been to Hiroshima, Onomichi and Naoshima. I think Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kyushu are too far, I’ll prob only have like 5 days max. Any suggestions?

No. 1859973

Samefag but worth mentioning I LOVE temples and shrines so a place with a lot of them is ideal.

No. 1864170

Does anyone have recommandations for luggage bags/suitcases? I want to get a good one with pastel colors and rigid surface but i don't know what to go for

No. 1864179

I have a pink hard shell carry-on size one from American Tourister and it's held up alright. It has some scratches and blemishes from airport staff manhandling it, and I don't think there's anything particularly amazing about it but there's nothing to really complain about. It does what I want and I don't think I really paid that much for it either.

No. 1944607

I made a reservation for a hotel for June and July and I'll go to another con instead of comiket, and iirc it has way more female artists and con goers who most draw and sell BL doujinshi. I'll also try to go back to Kyoto for a bit longer than last year and try to book a room in a ryokan for a night if it's not too expensive. If I can't do that I'll try going to a hot spring without getting a whole room and call it a day.

Now the only thing that worries me is Boeing. I checked and their most fucked up plane isn't use by the airline for trips from my city to Japan but I'm still hesitating a lot, so while I know the plane tickets are cheap because of the season, I haven't bought them yet.

No. 1945274

Bonnie’s I booked a trip around Europe for most of October and November. Is it going to be extremely cold by that time? I wasn’t really thinking about the dates because it was kind of an impulse decision and now I’m wondering if I should reschedule.

No. 1945285

I've been to europe around thanksgiving and early december and it was fine. December I needed a coat and gloves but I wasn't freezing. I was in France mostly though.
Unless you're in North-north europe it's just Fall at that time

No. 1945288

Depends on where you'll go, I'm from Eastern Europe and last year you only needed a light jacket and maybe a scarf if it was windy. The weather and seasons are all fucked up

No. 1945388

anon where are you from? just trying to gauge from you your tolerance for cold weather. plus like another anon asked where are you going in Europe?

No. 1945423

Depending on where you're going exactly you'll have to worry about the rain far more than the cold. But right now you won't find accurate estimates for the weather that far in the future if you're looking for specific dates.

No. 1945477

>50% of the posts are about Japan or Korea


Anyway, favorite museum in Italy, anyone? For me it's The Museum of Roman Civilization because of the cool model of Ancient Rome.

No. 1945728

I want to go to Japan this year while it's cheap, especially as a solo traveler. I would have picked European destinations if it weren't for the olympic games making everything in France way more expensive or less convenient, I just know Parisians are gonna leave Paris en masse and ruin nearby countries to escape the olympic tourists. I'd love to go to Italy someday so if you have tips or recommendations I'll take note right now. My family visited it already but they're so bad at explaining what's fun to visit besides "Rome is so pretty!"

No. 1945777

Not related to a destination in particular but what's your opinion on airbnb? I've never booked anything in there and only go to hotels or visit friends or family directly, but a few years ago I was invited to a friend's wedding and she booked an airbnb for my other friends and I. It was really awkward because the owners were sleeping at night downstairs and we obviously didn't want to wake them up. I recently saw a bunch of people online complaining about how many fees keep piling up but you're also expected to follow a bunch of stupid rules like washing the sheets and throwing out the garbage before leaving. And my city has been ruined by rich pieces of shit buying apartments for that purpose as well. I legit don't get how it even took off when it started, even when it was cheaper.

No. 1945782

>also expected to follow a bunch of stupid rules like washing the sheets and throwing out the garbage before leaving
That hasn't happened to me kek, when I slept in an Airbnb the owners told me they would clean it themselves and to not worry. I guess it depends on who owns the place, be careful and ask questions before booking.

No. 1945785

I don’t really get it either. I travel on a budget and I used Airbnb once in Portugal because it was such a cheap option, but the entire experience was so awkward. My host was a British guy that got agitated when I took naps in my rented room, and he expected a conversation every single time we passed by each other. I went back to paying for single room, no window local hotels after that.

No. 1945787

I've only uses air bnb once for a concert in Dublin. I didn't want to stay in a hotel because I wanted to smoke weed. I was thorough reading reviews and got a nice air bnb that was above a bar and it had a private entrance once you got the keys from the bar. It was lovely tbh, it was just a room with a lovely bed, Netflix TV and a kitchenette and a lovely ensuite so I also didn't feel like I was renting something that should be residential.

No. 1945788

I’ve used them a lot, but I’ve started to prefer hostels and regular hotels for the reasons you mentioned. “Traditional” airbnbs always feel uncomfortable to me, and I can never feel at ease using someone else’s kitchen. I also had some seriously bizarre experiences. In the last place I went to, I was in an apartment owned by a scrote, but with the airbnb page managed by another. Said owner always walked around half naked, watched porn at full volume and with his room door open, and scowled at me and the other (also female) guest. The airbnb manager had given me a slightly discounted price to book the room off of airbnb. I knew him, so I trusted him, but I wonder if he didn’t do that because this way I couldn’t review the place and warn solo female travelers of the creepy owner. I also stayed at a place where the owner used her key to enter my room twice when she thought I was away. The first time, it was in the late morning, so she probably wanted to clean up a little, but the second time was randomly at 6pm and she just excused herself and left, which felt suspicious. Both of these were nice places with good reviews in the middle of major spanish cities.

No. 1945791

You can filter on air bnb I think for not having the hosts staying in the same accommodation. Even when I get hostels in Amsterdam I book rooms with an ensuite. I would hate communal living lol

No. 1945796


No. 1945798

>he expected a conversation every single time we passed by each other.
Oh lord, this would have single handedly ruined the whole trip for me.

No. 1945826

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I use it when I'm abroad because it's so convenient and in english but am very selective about the rooms I book and I avoid the ones that are just a bedroom in a house (too intimate, no privacy) or the ones that have a chore-list for the guests (that's just insulting). I consider it sort of an evil app for all the normal reasons people talk about but I'll use it sometimes. Some of the places are gorgeous.
Select the "entire home" option and you'll get a whole apartment or house to yourself. Doesn't really guarantee the landlord isn't there somewhere nearby but you'll have privacy and not be sharing space.

No. 1945835

I'm a solo traveller and I only stay in hostels - I've found that if you book a decent time ahead you can find places that are cheap, clean, provide breakfast and you can find female only dorms (which is what I stay in). When me and my sister went to Mexico we found that booked a twin bedroom in a hostel which had a private bedroom and free breakfast was cheaper than any airbnb. Hostels are obviously noisy, but I like the security with a hostel with staff onsite and so if you find creeps you can report them easily. I've heard of too many horror stories from other solo female travellers who airbnb'd or used couchsurfing sites.

No. 1945873

That's funny because hostels have such a bad reputation. Like you hear people will steal your stuff, that bunking on top of eachother in crowded quarters is claustrophobic, communal showering like you're in gym, etc. Not saying I believe that (I've only had good hostel experiences) but I feel like they don't have a good reputation.
Hostels are definitely cheaper, if you're traveling on a budget they can't be beat. Airbnb is not really cheap anymore, which everyone said would happen and it did but somehow people still think it's cheap.

No. 1946444

samefag >>1945835 and I honestly don't think hostels will beat their shady rep. sucks because I've only had positive experiences staying in them as well (europe, north africa, americas and south east asia so a wide spread). but mind you I bring a lock and I sleep with my essential valuables (phone, wallet, passport) at my side against the wall of my bunk. I think back in the day (several decades ago) most hostels were probably very shady places, and don't get me wrong there has to be some awful places still but I think with online reviews and comparison sites like hostelworld, they've realised that they actually need to provide a good service to have consistent bookings. I've only ever used airbnb when booking places with large groups of friends and it's insane how we'd have to do like 3 hours worth of cleaning before check out to ensure we don't get insane fines. like one hostel I had a surprise period on the white sheets, told front desk (female staff) and no issue at all, if that was an airbnb I'd get like a 3 figure fine.

No. 1946473

>getting mad at you taking naps in the room you rented
Red alert. I would have been pissed off having to deal with such an annoying air bnb owner. I would have left a bad review to warn others.

No. 1946519

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savoy palace

pic unrelated

No. 2030288

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I'm going to Bangkok and Ko Samui with my family this June. Not sure if there are any thai nonnies here, but who have visited Thailand before, what are some fun things to do there? We'll be staying in the capital city for three days and a week in Samui. It would also be nice to know any good shopping areas I could go to with my mom. We are not planning to go see anything 'exotic,' so I am mostly looking for safer suggestions although any recommendations are appreciated.

No. 2030297

For anons that have visited the Caribbean, what was your favourite island? I asked this in the random questions thread a while ago cuz I forgot we had a travel thread. My cousin wants to take a trip with me and I'm debating between the Bahamas, DR, Cuba. I've been to most islands but I think those three are the best bang for your buck so to speak, but I'd still appreciate others' suggestions or feedback.

No. 2035320

Dont really know where to ask, but does anyone know how strict it is if can travel to USA with ESTA? I have gotten convicted and fined from a drug related crime. Can they accept the application but then tell me to gtfo at the border? That would be the worst case. (And yes I am a massive retard, dont need to tell me that. At least I dont do drugs anymore.)

No. 2043794

Can anybody tell me about buses in Taiwan? How do city buses work - where do I purchase tickets? Are there bus schedules at every bus stop that are readable to people with only rudimentary knowledge of characters (mostly from learning Japanese)?

No. 2046617

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Hey, have any anons ever been to southern Japan? Planning a trip there for mid to late October and wanted to see if anyone here found anything cool down there. I'd be spending a week down there.

No. 2047235

No. 2072615

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What map app do you use to pin places you want to go to on a trip? Google MyMaps is ok on a PC, but it's GARBAGE when using on the move on mobile. You can't add new places on mobile, it shows coordinates instead of addresses, it's hard to open on Google Maps app, and it constantly bugs out and resets out of the map, at least on my phone. Any better alternatives? Preferably one that is both on iOS and Android, and if possible, something that you can open up in a browser if you don't have the app installed

No. 2072643

I just use regular google maps, syncs perfectly between desktop and mobile but only if you are using a business as your pinpoint. If you’re trying to mark a geographic point in the middle of nowhere the syncing doesn’t always work. Google is getting worse and worse though so I’d love to hear of any better ones.

No. 2072694

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"Rich girl summer" in Europe on A TIGHT BUDGET? I'll be based around the BENELUX area for a month. Definitely want to go to Amsterdam. But would like to take a day trip somewhere in southern Europe based on what's safest. I will most likely be solo traveling..so advice on that as well would be much appreciated.

>What should I experience that is quintessentially European? Where can I meet and talk with people casually? (I do speak a European language)

>Going to post this in two threads sorry.

No. 2072704

Who's the artist? This is so pretty

No. 2072705

>day trip to southern europe
europe overall is safe for female solo travellers, just use common sense. south of france sounds perfect for "rich girl summer", but im not sure if it can be done on a tight budget

No. 2072730

I meant the mediterranean haha. Okay let's subtract the rich girl part then.

No. 2072769

Start researching destinations that you'd want to visit. Base it on cuisine, history, landmarks, price, etc.. It's up to you where you want to go, everyone has different preferences.

No. 2072894

What do you mean, use a business as a pinpoint? Do you make custom maps?

No. 2072910

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Just saving businesses under favorites etc. It puts a marker on them in google maps like a heart or star.

No. 2072949

>Where can I meet and talk with people casually? (I do speak a European language)

No. 2072950

I didn't understand that part either kek

No. 2073136

It’s Katsuya Terada and this is official art made for Nintendo. I found this nice gallery from reverse image searching the pic


No. 2073203

I want to go to California. It's cliche but I've never been to LA as an adult and i want to go to LA

No. 2073215

Well I just didn't want to loiter around bars..so I just thought you guys had some ideas kek!

No. 2073319

I think the confusion is more from you asking where you should go and vaguely saying you speak a European language, but not saying which one

No. 2086144

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Should I go to Cyprus or Greece? I want to stay at a 5 star all inclusive beach resort. I don’t want to visit the city or seek out any cultural/historical sides of the country. I just want to stay at the hotel, tan and swim in the sea. I’m scared the ones in Greece might have too many influencers who will disturb my peace kek. Which county would you recommend?

No. 2086151

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Crete, Greece. The best hotel I've ever been in my life.

No. 2086291

Influencers who do their retarded photoshoots at hotels were normally allowed to stay at the hotel for free or at a heavy discount by the owners in exchange for free publicity. The owners are way more likely to host influencers and other retards in the off peak season, which could last several months or it could be as little as a few days of the week, depending on the location. Book for the end of the off peak and start of peak season as that's when actual paying tourists will start going.

No. 2087486

fun things to do in Amsterdam for a day? i don't smoke weed kek but am tempted to buy an edible..nah I wont.. not wise. I like nature, water, and don't care much for instagram worthy places for pics. I already did the tour bus in my youth..

No. 2087490

I went to see the Kandinsky exhibition in the H'Art Museum three weeks ago, it definitely was cool. If you're not an artsy fartsy person, or are on a tight budget, at least hang out in the courtyard of the museum, drink a coffee or whatever. The courtyard of the Hermitage is pretty chill.

No. 2087519

nice. i didnt think about the artsy side of nl, so i'll check it out thanks. anything i should def eat there?

No. 2087525

Dutch croquettes are pretty good, if you like meat, but careful while eating, they're very hot. Otherwise not far from the H'Art Museum, at the tram stop Waterlooplein, there's an Asian takeout restaurant where I got a noodle box for 10,50€ with spicy chicken and broccoli. It wasn't typical Dutch food, but the lady was adorable.

No. 2093953

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I plan to go to Japan (Tokyo and Kyoto mainly) this September, it will be my first time solo travelling and I live in a nordic country so I'm a bit worried about the heat too. The only thing I have planned so far is shopping, I wanted to visit a lolita store in person since I was 13. But nowadays I'm more interested in the non-consoomerist side of japan. I think their nature and traditional architecture is beautiful.

If someone has recommendations for day trips I could do, cheap hotels to stay at or advice for solo travel in japan in general I would greatly appreciate it.

No. 2094023

Take advantage of the weak yen and book a fancy Ryokan somewhere in your way for a couple of days so you can enjoy onsen. I did this when I was solo travelling and it was amazingly relaxing and enjoyable, highly recommend. Other than shopping, there's a lot of cool museums in Tokyo you can go to depending on your specific interests. If you're a fan of any particular weeb stuff set in Tokyo, jap blogs online have a bunch of itineraries called 聖地巡礼 so you can visit the places that show up in the game/manga/anime/etc. Off the top of my head, Umineko, FSN and Persona have some. Japan also has a bunch of architecture museums depending on what you're interested in, my favorite is in Nagoya though. Protip do all your google searches in Japanese so you can get actual native tips that don't show up in gaijin blogs.

No. 2094095

I would love to experience a ryokan and onsen. I think there are some that offer private onsen? I'm hestiant about the being naked thing kek but it seems very nice regardless. I will look into museums and 聖地巡礼, it sounds very fun. While I don't speak japanese and need machine translation, I will search using japanese from now on, that's a great tip. Thank you so much anon!

No. 2094324

You're welcome, enjoy your trip. Japan is very safe for a female solo traveller so you have absolutely nothing to worry about other than general female safety (shake off creepy guys, etc.). As for onsen, the first time I went to one I also thought it was strange being naked with other women but it's really not that bad and I got over it pretty quickly. I enjoyed it so much when I was back in Tokyo I went to sento almost every day kek. Definitely do try and don't limit yourself to finding ryokans with private onsen, those are mostly used by couples (ew) and you have to book and can't stay in there for more than an hour or something. By comparison the normal ryokan onsen is free and open almost 24/7. Going to onsen at 1am and just chilling there alone in nature is absolutely 10/10. Now I also want to plan my next Japan trip…

No. 2094434

September should be fine in terms of weather. I've never been there in September though, that's just what I've been told. In terms of more "cultural" visits there are a lot of cool temples and gardens you could visit for very cheap or for free. I haven't spent enough time in Kyoto to give you good recommendations, but from Tokyo I recommend you check the Meiji Jingumae garden in Harajuku and Yoyogi park (the park is huge so don't feel forced to check the whole park if the weather is kinda shit), the Sea Candle and its garden in Enoshima as well as the temples on the hill (I recommend you just take the elevators to climb the hill and go down by foot, don't make my mistake), the temple in Kamakura with the daibutsu and the temple next to this one if you go to the direction ofhe beach that has a huge garden, etc. These places look beautiful in spring and summer, no clue how they will look like in September. I heard the daibutsu in Ushiku looks amazing, it's one of the biggest statues in the world, but getting there with public transport is a pain in the ass according to a friend. There's a bamboo forest in Arashiyama in Kyoto, and a temple with garden in there, it's beautiful too but get there early in the morning to avoid huge crowds. There's a buddhist vegetarian restaurants there, the food is delicious.

>cheap hotels to stay at

You should be booking hotels now before it's too late and you can only go to capsule hotels or very expensive hotels. There are cheap business hotels like Apa Hotel, Toyoko Inn, etc. that could be interesting as a solo traveler if you just want to spend all your days outside and relax at night. Hotels there provide pajamas so don't bother bring yours, leave some free space in your suitcase for when you'll go shopping instead.

>I'm hestiant about the being naked thing kek but it seems very nice regardless.
Nobody will give a fuck as long as you don't have any tattoos. I'm biased though because I used to go to hammams in my relatives' neighborhood in their country and everybody would either get naked or just wear their panties and nothing else in there so I'm used to it. I went to two different SPAs with hot springs in Japan a few weeks ago and everyone was minding their own business the whole time. You can go there unprepared, they have a lot of amnesties, they give you everything you need like skincare products, razors, hair brushes, towels, etc. If you don't book a room in a ryokan you can still go to some big SPA and can potentially spend a whole day in there depending on how big it is because they often have restaurants and bars, you can sometimes watch TV or read books and magazines as if you were in a library, etc.

>other than general female safety (shake off creepy guys, etc.)
If she doesn't look east Asian she should be fine, allegedly Japanese men try not to start shit with foreign women in public as often as they try to harass Japanese women because they think we're all way more likely to cause a scene and try to defend ourselves, sometimes even violently.

No. 2094449

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>allegedly Japanese men try not to start shit with foreign women in public as often as they try to harass Japanese women because they think we're all way more likely to cause a scene and try to defend ourselves, sometimes even violently.
It’s so funny because many Japanese people have an “uwu we’re so tiny and foreigners are so big” complex and many Japanese MEN think white and black WOMEN are physically stronger than them. Learning that information made me feel so powerful, I wanna go to Japan just to make Japanese scrotes feel inferior, kek

No. 2094468

I think they're more worried about social consequences if they get caught trying to sexually harass a woman because said woman won't hesitate to yell at them for being perverts but tbh many western women are as tall as the average adult Japanese guy so I'm sure that helps a lot in case they need to defend themselves.

No. 2094512

Based. Stacey behavior.

No. 2094538

I travel at Japan a lot and I'm about as tall or taller than most moids there and probably stronger too since they have a pretty petite frame, to be honest it makes me feel extremely safe knowing they're usually intimidated by me to some degree. I know it sucks for most foreign women who feel insecure about being seen as gorillas but I'm enjoying the rush of power kek.

No. 2094558

>don't limit yourself to finding ryokans with private onsen, those are mostly used by couples
That does sound gross, I will try going to a regular one then. If you plan your next trip please post about it here, I would be interested in hearing about it. Thanks again!

Thank you so much for the detailed reply, I will write down your recommendations and book a hotel as soon as possible. The spa is a good alternative too, thanks to you and the other anon I'm now looking forward to trying a public bath.

As for female safety, I'm glad it's at least safe for non-asian women. It's terrible that sexual harrassment happens to japanese and other asian so often though. If I were taller than 5' 1" I would love to feel stronger than men for once

No. 2094665

You're welcome. I can add more recommendations later if you want because I've been to Japan several times but some places I liked are often recommended online anyway. I went to the SPA called Thermae-yu in Shinjuku, in Kabukicho and it's pretty good. I tried the one in Enoshima but there's a time limit in that one which was the opposite of relaxing but they have a swimming pool and not just natural hot springs. I need to look up some stuff like names because there are some places I found just by walking in a random direction, like the garden I talked about in Kamakura.

No. 2094740

I apologize if this is a bit off topic, but do any nonnies here have advice for how to start travelling for recovering NEETs/social recluses?

I know that my first step is to get a passport, although this might be a bit complicated because I don't have a driver's license, and my siblings and I had our birth certificates stolen over a decade ago when my parents car got broken into. Pretty sure my parents fixed the stolen document issue a while back bc my little sister managed to get hers a few years ago. Am Canadian btw

I just really want to lay the groundwork for travelling later in life, almost all my peers and relatives have travelled a ton already in their early 20s and I'm sick of feeling like I'm going to be stuck in the hikkineet bubble I've created for myself.

No. 2096733

Sorry for the late reply, I would love more recommendations if it's not too much trouble for you. I saved the shinjuku spa to google maps, I'm very grateful for your recommendations so far

A credit card is really important. Ideally you would bring two in case one gets lost or stops working.

No. 2113403

Sorry, I didn't notice your reply. I'll give you more info as soon as I'm back home because I'm phoneposting right now and I want to check pictures I've taken to see if there are things I can recommend but don't recall on top of my head.

No. 2113427

A credit card with no foreign exchange fees, yeah I agree. Also, best to try to get one that adds travel insurance/travel medical insurance automatically to your trip. Since OP is a leaf, she should read Prince of Travel (not the whole blog/site, bc it will only be useful for people with money to spend or people with jobs, but click the credit cards button on the website and you will get a one page summary of the benefits of all relevant credit cards on the market if you click through to them).

No. 2114229

No worries nona, take your time ♥

No. 2125485

Anybody has experience with the economy premium class on flights? How much different is it from the economy class?

No. 2125697

What would be the best United States city or state to visit this weekend?

No. 2153878

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Do you guys order food or drinks when you’re on a flight? I love preordering food and buying some juice/cocktails when I’m on an Alaska flight. What they serve is some of the best airplane food I’ve had kek

No. 2153880

I always wondered if it was worth it, but it's not any more expensive than airport refrigerator food. I'll try it next time.

No. 2153899

Lol fuck no I don't need to be ripped off any more than I have to.

No. 2153900

But they’re such good air olives nonna

No. 2153907

miami or vegas

No. 2153908

I crave those olives, they are so delicious. I usually bring my own water but if offered I always get that Mediterranean snack box on Alaska.

No. 2153915

Ginger ale… every single time

No. 2153932

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I love getting their canned cocktails!! But sometimes I’ll get some orange juice and vodka

No. 2153950

You mean in the plane or right before boarding? Either way, no. I either get served food because I'm in a long flight, or my flights are so short I don't have enough time to be hungry.

No. 2154820

No, never. I refuse to use services of any establishment that doesn't accept cash. Hope all of them go bankrupt.

No. 2157475

I just traveled 3000km to join friends for vacation without flying like them but travelling by bus, boat and train. I’m so proud of myself to actually go through it and grateful to be able to do this safely. It’s long and expensive and tiring but I never want to travel by flying again, I want to feel how gigantic the world is and watching the stars alone on a ferry deck at night is magical…

No. 2157819

I just took my fist solo trip. It was just to another state, but I'd never traveled alone before! It was awesome spending hours by the beach, talking to hardly anyone for days. I really needed it.

However – I went to a seafood restaurant and bought a $45 fried seafood platter and a coke. Sat and listened to a jazz guitarist for a really long time. When I went to pay, the server said that a random man had bought my meal and had left her a massive tip as well, so I didn't have to pay for anything. I appreciated the free meal, sure, but I also got immediately creeped out and headed back to my hotel room (in a very roundabout manner in case I was being followed) and stayed there for the rest of the day.

No. 2169875

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The Lufthansa carry on and personal item restrictions are insane. I'm leaving tomorrow and I packed everything, but I'm worried that my gym bag in picrel doesn't meet the requirements for the under the seat bag. Have any nonas travelled with them before? Are they as strict as the website claims? I don't have a bag that will fit that size other than like a tote bag, which isn't feasible. Flying out of the US if that makes a difference

No. 2184172

How not to get scammed by taxi drivers?

No. 2184180

Buy a bunch of stuff from the duty free and put anything that doesn't fit in the duty free bag.

No. 2184220

You don't even need to buy anything. Just carry a paper bag from a high-end shop (doesn't even have to have presence at the airport - the staff won't be able to tell). I always do this and nobody gave me shit ever.

No. 2184620

I've booked my first big trip and I'm having some anxiety, 2 weeks in Japan! Finally I have enough disposable income and available time to actually go and I'd say a 5k budget (3.5k after booking flights), it's short notice with the trip being in 5 weeks, and I'm sort of paralysed with what to do.

I was going to blogpost but I'll try cut it short. For about a decade I used to be a huge weeaboo and dreamed of going to Japan, would sit and just envision myself there. The main appeal was just…being there. In the city and in the country. I don't know how to describe it. The fences, house designs, shrubbery, shop signage, everything. But I was shit poor so it stayed firmly in the back of my mind as a "one day". I'm not a weeb anymore but seeing pictures still brings me calm, it's still a dream to go. And I can't really comprehend the idea that after 15 years of dreaming, I will physically, in 5 weeks, be in Japan and have to decide a direction to walk in, a restaurant to eat in, how long to stay in what city, the practicalities of taking 2 large suitcases with me. Then finally having a last day in Japan.

I booked the flights because I knew if I didn't I'd chicken out, but now the idea of making an itinerary is overwhelming. And Youtube isn't helping at all. Do you guys know how many "MUST DO 14 day itinerary in Japan" videos there are? They can't all be right.

No. 2184661

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Which Nordic country airline is most lenient with luggage? I want to bring back a bunch of souvenirs but don't want to deal with BS from the airline

No. 2184801

None of them are lenient unless you're lucky and happen to stumble upon a nice employee who doesn't care that much. I travel a lot between Norway and Finland because my family moved from one country to another and then moved back and have traveled with every Nordic airline there is. If I have to check in luggage, I use the self check in machines so there's no lenient employee to potentially help you out if your luggage weighs more than the limit lmao. The carry on guidelines are really strict and you are unable to bring extra luggage without having to pay for it. When it comes to carry on weight though I've never seen anyone measuring that or caring much about those limits.

No. 2184811

Samefag, but like >>2184180 said, they don't care about a duty free bag. Also, you're able to buy a ton of suvineers from the airport (Arlanda and Vantaa sell a lot of cute souvenirs at the airport, not Gardermoen though their selection is kinda pitiful kek).

No. 2185152

I live in the Western US and plan to do a layover in Netherlands before I reach my destination in Finland. Is this a good plan or would it make luggage and souvenirs more difficult to bring back? I'm trying not to pack so many clothes so I can shop/thrift while I'm there instead despite staying for months, I'm very excited but can't help but overthink these things

No. 2185270

As long as you've got enough space and have packed everything in an organized manner, a layover shouldn't be any problem. It also depends on what kind of souvenirs you're gonna bring. A cup, for example, will need more space than a plushie because it has to to be wrapped in something for it to not break.

Out of curiosity, where in Finland are you planning to go to? I hope you have an amazing time nonnie

No. 2185406

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I'm going to Turku but I'll definitely take trips to Helsinki. Thank you for the kind words nonna!

No. 2185643

NTA but I recommend to visit also the islands near Turku, there are some beautiful sceneries and interesting old fisher community traditions.

No. 2190328

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I'll definitely look into it. I have another question for nonnies in snow, which snow shoes would you recommend? I doubt I'd have to walk on ice but I am very paranoid about frostbite, I really wanted a cute pair like pic related would these be suitable or should I invest in something else?

No. 2281132

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Are there any nonas that have been to Finaland or Suomi nonas around?
I'll be spending December there and I wonder if there are any tips on what to avoid as a foreigner? Specially in saunas, tips on places that only locals know about, etc.
I'll be mostly between south finland, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, that Santa Claus city and maybe a bit in Inari.
If anyone here went there, how was your experience like? I'm solo traveling and it's my first time in northen Europe and in a colder place so I'm a bit anxious about it.

No. 2281916

Generally you'll be okay by just using common sense. Bring warm clothes because it most likely will be at least somewhat cold, although now it's pretty warm in here (around 2 degrees in Southern Finland). There are not that many scammers etc. as there are not that many tourists, but if you take a taxi, it is best to order it with a phone (or use an app) and not take from a stand. If you want to be extra careful, ask for a native Finnish driver (or Swedish speaking lol because then they will definitely be Finnish, and I don't know if they actually can send a driver based on nationality).
A few things to note about public holidays as it is Christmas season, and Christmas is one of the two holidays that absolutely freeze Finland over (Midsummer being the other one). Our Independence Day is on December 6th, most places will be closed but grocery stores and probably bigger shops in general are open. We start our Christmas celebration on the Christmas Eve, meaning shops are open usually until 12 in the afternoon. If you are in Turku during Christmas, it can be interesting to visit Vanha Suurtori as they will declare "Christmas Peace" (Joulurauha) there on Christmas Eve at 12 o'clock. It's a tradition from the 1880's, the ceremony is held in Finnish and Swedish, it is then when Christmas actually starts. Most likely all places except certain grocery stores, gas stations etc. will be closed until Boxing Day.

I can answer any questions if you have, I don't know what you want to do here so cannot give any exact tips now. I'm from Turku area, so I am not that good answering for example Lapland-related questions

No. 2282508

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Has anyone been to Athens? What should I make sure to see? I have 5 days

No. 2284029

If it's the Santa Claus city in Rovaniemi, it's a huge tourist trap (or at least it was when I went 10 years ago) and unless you're super dedicated to Santa, I'd pass on it myself.

No. 2322068

when i’m on the plane and i hear a baby crying i get so sad for them. their tiny ears are probably all stuffed up and they’ve never experienced that before and don’t know how to communicate so they’re probably deeply distressed

No. 2327863

nah. i love kids but people need to leave their young kids at home. they're not gonna remember a single thing in a few years anyway. total waste of time and money. just makes me want to crush their baby in a phone book

No. 2427223

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My husband and I recently bought a house so now we can finally go to Japan since we’re not saving for a down payment anymore. I’ve sent the news to my Japanese exchange student friend from 13 years ago that I finally can come visit her!!! I’m so happy and I’ve been reading this thread to find neat places to visit while we’re there. We’re only going for 10 days or so but hey it’s better than nothing.

No. 2427387

I've planned a trip to London from France with the eurostar instead of taking the plane to save money but I'm not from Paris. so I bought one trip that includes two tickets, one from my city to Paris gare de Lyon and one from Paris gare du Nord to London, which means I have to take a train or subway between the two stations in Paris and according to google maps it takes like 10 or 15 minutes. In total if everything's just as planned I should have 1h30 between the moment I arrive in Paris and the moment I leave Paris from the second train station. But I didn't realize passport/security check could take a lot of time in train stations as well, I forgot about brexit so now I wonder if that won't be enough and I'll miss the train from Paris to London. What do I do? The trip will happen in a few months so I can take time to maybe change one of the tickets if necessary.

No. 2444393

Nonnies…. How do you sleep in economy for long haul flights? What is your method or devices you use?

No. 2444400

Noise canceling headphones (test your pair extensively to make sure they're comfy for long periods of time!), neck pillow, eye mask, something that makes me sleepy (so benadryl can work or a natural supplement)

No. 2444402

Find a neck pillow and eye mask that you know you like before traveling. I always take the window seat for long haul flights so I'm not disrupted by people needing to get up. Listen to white noise on noise cancelling headphones or a boring audio book/podcast to put you to sleep. An edible helps if you do that, but no booze.

No. 2444404

Noise cancelling headphones and a neck pillow, the headphones play either songs I know or ASMR. I had to travel a lot for work so I got use to falling asleep on planes and would knock out after takeoff. Dramamine also makes me super drowsy and I sometimes get motion sick so that's useful for me too.

No. 2445631

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I really want to visit Turkey one day but I hear Turkish moids are too creepy and/or dangerous. Any nona that has travelled there alone before? Is it a good idea?

No. 2445752

I want to travel Central Asia… the steppes, all the -stan countries, Mongolia.

Also what is traveling to Russia like?

I have two passports, would it be easier in these regions if I use the non-American one?

No. 2446127

Ew why

No. 2446759

The beaches, the food, the history…?

No. 2446777

I think seaside resorts are safe. Not sure about other areas.

No. 2446781

Could you go on a cruise that stops in Turkish ports? Seems safer than staying in Turkey itself esp if the cruise leaves from like Italy or something.

No. 2446799

…because it's a country with a rich history and a lot of tourist attractions? istanbul alone is a city of enormous historical significance and well worth the visit
You'll probably do fine in istanbul and touristy areas but i'd definitely advise against solo travel to poor or rural areas.

No. 2449473

If moids weren’t an issue where would you most want to travel?

No. 2449487

China!! Specifically the more non-touristy areas. I want to try their street foods so fucking bad. Every time I see a video I want to die because it all looks so good and I know I'll never get to have even a fraction of it.
Close 2nd is any of the more iconic mosques in their home countries, I feel pictures cannot do their geometry and beautiful architecture as much justice as seeing them in person.

No. 2456757

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I love traveling and everything but 25 years of no smoking while in the air? Feels like bullshit

No. 2456762

plance crashes were caused by onboard fires started by cigarettes, especially people smoking in the lavatory

No. 2456767

I know vaping isn’t an option either because the batteries will explode but ugh. Having to drink instead of being able to enjoy a cigarette is just annoying and so much more expensive

No. 2456768

No one wants to smell that shit

No. 2456776

I hate how it’s socially acceptable to do face masks on flights but smoking a cigarette? Someone call the police

No. 2456777

Go seek therapy for your addiction. Nobody wants to have to inhale your disgusting smoke.

No. 2456780

And I don’t want to inhale the scent of old man’s farts for 7 hours but I still put up with that without screaming and crying

No. 2456781

A face mask doesn't produce secondhand smoke retard. It isn't about being socially acceptable, it's about inhaling an unpleasant substance against your will. Same reason why it isn't socially acceptable to fart inside planes or closed spaces.

No. 2456784

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You're right anon, that's way too long. It's time airplane hospitality caught up w the rest of the world and allowed luxury and good taste on their aircrafts again

No. 2456787

>Same reason why it isn't socially acceptable to fart inside planes or closed spaces.
I don’t know if you’ve just never been on an American flight or something but, yeah this is not the case

No. 2456788

Small price to pay for your plane not catching fire

No. 2456791

Sure americans tend to be more selfish, but it still isn't acceptable. If people were able to tell who is farting, they would complain to them and the crew. The issue is you can't always tell.

No. 2456809

thanks for telling me that i never should book a american flight

No. 2461554

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A correct decision, but for the wrong reasons. All their airlines are legally allowed to treat you like cargo, literally. They can refuse you boarding or kick you out when you are seated if the plane is full (overbooking is legal in that 3rd world shithole), they can keep you inside the plane FOR HOURS in case of take-off delays (the way American airports are run is equally 3rd world) and not even give you a free glass of water or a snack (this happened to me). Ryanair is a luxury airline in comparison.

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