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No. 1703534
oops forgot to link to the previous thread in the OP, forgive me
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1691755 No. 1703576
>>1703569One recent example I can think of was a post about a woman talking about how she met up with some sex worker friends in a vent thread on here. Also the whole "Bib" thing came across as very staged but I don't have the full context on all of that. I know of a few girls this has happened to on here and to someone not affected those posts will look odd but harmless and people will be quick to dismiss the
victims (for a lack of a better term) as crazy or narcissistic. I'd rather not put anyone on the chopping block for that, if you don't mind.
No. 1703601
File: 1695329271918.jpg (55.41 KB, 736x414, CAT (2).jpg)

I'm so bloated from water right now. I look like 15 weeks pregnant.
No. 1703609
File: 1695330434790.png (650.83 KB, 1242x963, IMG_4611.png)

My fatass of a bf has to fart or burp every few minites and i cant take it anymore, he farts out of the window so i dont smell it but its gross regardless
No. 1703618
File: 1695331024282.gif (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 480x310, 7c8.gif)

Anons, do you remember?
No. 1703662
>>1703539is this "podcast" I guess, and pardon how retarded is going to sound,
"ethical" ? does the instathot looking host does it out legit curiosity or is she like every single moid sperg show and is for pure shock value and monies?
No. 1703720
File: 1695338525027.jpg (130.6 KB, 1500x1125, 20230407-SEA-Natto-LorenaMasso…)

I used to think that natto would probably feel gross to eat, but tbh I love oatmeal when it's in that a little bit slimy, pussy juice texture stage so I could probably eat it.
No. 1703737
>>1703725The file names literally show that it's just you that's been posting these images repeatedly. Please just stop and integrate, anon.
INB4 pic of yellow nails.
No. 1703744
File: 1695339968467.jpg (30.91 KB, 500x658, 1d yaoi.jpg)

>>1703739okay so I'll start with some good old One Direction BL
No. 1703749
File: 1695340054752.gif (98.11 KB, 498x438, shady-af.gif)

>>1703740>newfagNice "no u!", but no. It's also not minimodding, anons are literally posting their complaints about other anons in this thread right now so I'm also gonna get my little peeve off my chest.
>>1703741It's from this "shady af comebacks" comebacks tweet. The joke is basically that all the "comebacks" under this tweet are very immature and lame. It's funny and makes sense on twitter and Instagram cause that's where it comes from, but anon(s) keep posting it on here and it just makes no sense because of the 0 context it has, imo.
No. 1703755
File: 1695340371700.jpg (83.58 KB, 564x693, shawn and his own age cutie bo…)

>>1703753thank you, here is one of shawn with someone that isn't THEM cause THEIR assholes are infested with AIDS and GONORRHOEA. unlike his cute same age boyfriend who loves him very much.
No. 1703761
File: 1695340623679.jpg (33.94 KB, 530x447, de0f90151926c0a603469963d627a2…)

>>1703755shawn is never gonna fuck you faggots cause all of you have used gaping assholes and hit the wall at 14 after the old man from your dad's job moles- oops I mean OPENED your world to the wonders of sodomy!
No. 1703763
File: 1695340719916.jpg (147.21 KB, 1390x1678, me if being a fujoshi became i…)

>>1703732What is it about fujos that makes everyone seethe at them? Moids, TIFs, some women, fags. Is it the fact they are derranged as moids sexually but not in a male gaze ''tehehe i too like hentai boobies boyz'' way? I really want to go back to drawing yaoi, it's the easiest way to filter retards.
No. 1703765
File: 1695340823649.jpg (22.83 KB, 300x404, 54a06027ea8f72ad11f245a9ff28d4…)

>>1703761aawww look at them, faggots could NEVER. die mad of aids and anal prolapse xoxo
No. 1703775
File: 1695341236979.jpg (45.42 KB, 500x498, d1cb0f9dd682221935159d5c4592d9…)

>>1703767Better yet, their little twink fantasy could never be fulfilled because they have hit the wall, have diseases for ages and can't control their rape urges. Here Shawn has his big protective top to stop all those faggots from gangraping him.
No. 1703776
File: 1695341272035.png (170.85 KB, 378x314, 1694844515234.png)

Oh ok
No. 1703779
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>>1703778ran through by his cutie top
No. 1703785
File: 1695341740487.gif (2.55 MB, 520x293, sm.gif)

>>1703781Hes as straight as Jodis Foster was
No. 1703788
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>>1703785good thing he is taken ♥
No. 1703804
File: 1695343279489.jpeg (59.42 KB, 536x137, IMG_5741.jpeg)

this old kpoop critical post jumpscared me because this is exactly me, but obviously only bowlcut bieber and young nsync idgaf about their present day selves and i honestly wish there was some sort of filter for me to not ever be able to see nor find any type of imagery of the celebrities i get into who reached their peak years ago. i'm not attracted to them in the least i just have an autistic faggotlike obsession. only without twitter, vintage.
No. 1703854
File: 1695345762254.jpg (151 KB, 728x1047, 31728_vol1-chapter-2-a-premoni…)

An anon posted a cap of Shoujo Nemu so I started reading it and thought it was cute and was looking forward to seeing the protag follow her dreams and maybe have closure with the guy she fell in love with but instead it was brought to an abrupt halt with a note that the author passed away… some of you are unintentionally evil
No. 1703888
File: 1695347543017.gif (1.64 MB, 500x500, 85C42E24-373B-4DA1-AEE8-E6BE23…)

nonnie that’s so depressing. I wanted to read the manga but now I think I will avoid it, then again, I could use it as inspiration for my yooming fantasies.
No. 1703916
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>>1703910I like removing the branding from stuff but my family says that doing so is trashy for some reason. I just hate seeing the huge ass label hanging on the shit I buy, specially when it’s obvious like a pusheen keychain or something like that.
No. 1703973
File: 1695351022913.jpeg (21.88 KB, 735x691, A502C544-BFAB-4928-B3C7-1DABF7…)

I manifest my beauty and weight loss I will be a beautiful bitch
No. 1703979
File: 1695351144162.gif (2.62 MB, 498x270, tenor-1.gif)

I was digging for a construction project once and I kept saving beetles from downing in the water at the bottom of the ditch, I’d set them on the grass and blow their bodies dry. Then they’d march back into the water and die. I eventually gave up. Story unrelated. But yeah no I agree with you mostly, I clearly wasn’t designed to live in this world.
No. 1703998
File: 1695351799921.jpeg (37.35 KB, 480x315, E0C5CCB7-C272-4590-B200-10468D…)

>>1703996we have super sour gum sticks like these in tiny crammed shops, i used to go in there after school all the time. idk if the current generation of schoolkids does that too, it's quite fun and they're still cheap iirc
No. 1703999
File: 1695351857848.jpg (128.28 KB, 500x375, fivegum.jpg)

now all i've got on my mind is chewing gum. what was the big deal with five? and why did picrel taste so fucking weird? also who remembers trident layers? i wonder if they're still around?
No. 1704004
File: 1695352059439.jpg (348.39 KB, 2557x712, 81anQYXWa3L.jpg)

>>1703999my family was nuts about five gum and would buy the multipacks. this was my favorite though.
No. 1704005
>>1704002i think
>>1703992 is sold in america, it should be similar
>>1703999five gets bland too soon and you have to like chew 3 sticks at the same time to get the same experience
No. 1704007
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>>1703999I haven’t seen trident layers in such a long time, now in my country I only see bootleg gum and it’s annoying. Pic related was my favorite, I loved separating the pieces of gum and licking the center.
No. 1704020
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Fuck marry kill
No. 1704033
>>1704024what kind of gum did you get nona?
>>1704013i think gum on itself is ok (if you have to get rid of any gross taste in your mouth and can't brush your teeth right now) but sticking it on random places in public is so retarded it's unreal
No. 1704084
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you got me
No. 1704095
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>>1703986what about squares
No. 1704133
File: 1695358014072.jpeg (131.3 KB, 750x1466, B5D09061-526D-4476-88FC-E0AD6F…)

Russian artists kind of draw the same. I’m amazed at how many I’ve managed to spot without knowing where the artist is from at first. They all kinda swarm around the same subject matter too it’s fascinating
No. 1704135
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i want to draw but i dont know what
No. 1704138
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>>1704135draw lolcor bebe
No. 1704150
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the current india and canada beef is funny to me. i do feel bad for indian canadians though.
No. 1704168
File: 1695359711963.jpeg (411.51 KB, 1280x1280, 5QljH8NRoFA.jpeg)

>>1704137this one is depressing because the little frog is going to fall to her death any moment. she is incredibly suicidal (like every russian), she's at her last moments of sanity, that's why she's smiling so hard - she's going to finally be free from any oppression that she has to endure.
No. 1704170
File: 1695360110561.jpeg (111.63 KB, 720x960, photo_2023-09-14 03.39.55.jpeg)

>>1704169yes. morbidly obese, pushing 200 kg (in frog weight)
No. 1704175
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>>1704172two little croakers
No. 1704178
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I wish i was intelligent enough to tell if the compliments people give me are genuine or out of pity
No. 1704213
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No. 1704214
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Vroom vroom
No. 1704261
File: 1695379475644.png (4.63 MB, 2876x2160, 4a7.png)

Just found a project I did senior year of high school and holy shit I have never felt more disconnected to myself. I wrote like a pretentious bitch about a topic that was hypocritical of me then but completely ironic now.
No. 1704272
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No. 1704278
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>>1702575You’re like the only person I’ve seen mention this and I would have expected nonnas to blow shit up with this but alas. I was avoiding reading new jjk chapters (wasn’t in the mood for it) but 235 getting spoiled for me was inevitable. I really respect gege, like I’m not the catch these hands gege type. I like and trust the direction he takes things, I don’t really get mad, but this was undignified. Like I know he doesn’t like gojo but this is just sad aside from the
gut punch that he’s dead. That panel close up of
him just dead eyed is just too brutal, like I guess that’s the intended purpose. I must be too biased because I really like gojo and I say this as someone who didn’t care for him much at first. It actually humiliates his character because I think of
that time he told yuji he’d win and now it just makes him look arrogant and stupid especially with the whole “sukuna didn’t even use all his power” or whatever the fuck. The beauty of gojo’s character is that he’s actually very sweet and he somehow reminds me of a lily, and yet he’s
just unceremoniously torn in half with that lifeless defeated expression. In a way I respect that, but not with him. Again, I’m just biased, but he’s just too special
and my bb.I actually feel so disillusioned because the two mangas that I’ve invested so much in, jjk and bsd, are just throwing me in for a loop and I’m just sitting here like ok.
No. 1704279
>>1704278I'm not up to date with the manga and got spoilered on twitter. Thanks a lot twitards…
Considering how brutally
Nanami died and how one of my faves characters,
Nobara just disappeared from the story with no verification of being dead or alive, I'm not surprised by Gege treating a character like this. Even if it was a fan favorite.
No. 1704291
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>>1704286lmao looking that one up i fell down a google images rabbithole and all these "cyberbullying" examples are a hoot
No. 1704307
File: 1695388001132.png (414.08 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20220525-132231.png)

>>1704305Is it worth being cringe and free if the freedom is pussy pics on lc
No. 1704310
File: 1695388193936.png (268 KB, 638x361, sonic BIG BOOTY.png)

>>1704307no but it is worth being cringe and free if your freedom is dating the richest and sexiest man on earth
No. 1704322
>>1704279I assumed that
nobara died, I actually didn’t notice how it was a little vague. That scene really tore me apart. Like
nanami’s death was really brutal and I was taken aback a bit, but nobara gutted me. Especially yuji’s reaction as well. Fan favorites doesn’t mean a thing to gege. I guess he enjoyed having gojo
stuck in a box for a long ass time and didn’t consider that enough. I really don’t think him
being gone makes any sense, like I don’t think he really stopped the plot that much. He’s glue for the trio and the backbone of jj tech, he was never useless. Yuta is strong and yet he’s just kinda gone for the entirety of the series and at this point of the manga he’s just sitting around nervous, so gege can just write characters to sit in the sidelines anyways.
No. 1704336
File: 1695390821252.png (706.21 KB, 878x879, IMG_1814.png)

I can’t access twitter. I never really used twitter because I only used it to follow artists I liked, which already posted on tumblr, but I wanted to see the other art the artists I follow post on twitter
No. 1704376
File: 1695394865345.jpg (63.03 KB, 640x640, 1679853232134.jpg)

why can't I feel my limbs from the cold when it's a whole 20C in the room
No. 1704379
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>>1704338make another burner account?
No. 1704389
File: 1695396703116.jpg (241.54 KB, 1280x900, Iwan_Iwanowitsch_Schischkin_00…)

>>1704133be specific and say modern artists. don't be uncultured! the russian realist painters (peredvizhniki) from yesteryear alone had great diverse artists each with their unique strengths. and that is the only thing i know about art. i don't know anything else but that cause i love all the painters involved in that little group so maybe im bias.
No. 1704412
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>>1703983beware the gum road. I've reached a point where this is no longer minty enough for me.
No. 1704430
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Just realized people in school can get ai to write essays for them, holy shit. Initial thought was “you lucky fucks” but honestly if I had that at my disposal I probably would’ve turned out more retarded than I already am
No. 1704431
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>>1704187>>1704202Public opinion about my show shifted over night because of a tweet, in the end, I am always right
No. 1704469
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>Inb4 waah waaah not every woman is nice!!
Nah some anons sound like they got a whole set of balls and dick and they proud of it. Psychopathic statements, crass asocial attitude, thinly veiled racism/ pedo vibes, rude for no damn reason, autistic, combative, you ain't combating gender stereotypes: you're mess. So much testosterone and rage, might as well post a dick pic too, I bet they don't even wash their ass and their hairs greasy too
No. 1704491
File: 1695409205793.jpeg (1.95 MB, 1170x1831, IMG_4908.jpeg)

same retard from this post
>>1702128 also makes his wife wash laundry in the lake…person who called me mentally ill is gonna have to digest some crow now KEK
No. 1704596
File: 1695419706758.jpeg (144.3 KB, 750x737, IMG_2629.jpeg)

I was never around furniture that got damaged by glass sweat/spills growing up so all this time I thought that coasters were a rich people thing out of either laziness around not wanting to wipe up the sweat but not wanting it to be seen, or some sort of weird etiquette.
But honestly why is supposed high quality furniture so easily defeated a tiny droplet of water? I have a stained and finished real wood desk that I’ve had hot sweaty glasses on every day for years and it hasn’t been slightly damaged. Why is the sealant or varnish or whatever on fancy stuff so shite?
No. 1704641
>>1704469genuinely what is the issue? It's been a chore on nearly every thread about the way women talk or act and some over arching moralfagging and gender retardation. I really love how women can talk freely here about scrotes and issues specific to us, but I'm so sick of always having to read the same generic shit about men over and over. I scroll past because its like nonnas here have amnesia and have to talk the same shit over and over when we could be talking about anything else.
And then the same shit over and over about how women cant talk this way or that way. I know that we have to push back against scrotes, I do. I just dont get why women cant be retarded. The thing I've always hated in my life is that I never felt like a human because it was like men were the only ones allowed to be human. I dont know why some women cant be human first. Instead, they have to be compared to men first thing with no benefit of the doubt. I guess I'm just retarded because I dont know how women have to stick to one lane and cant just think differently even if its scrote-like and something you disagree with. It doesnt mean I have a fucking penis. Unabashed retarded newfaggotry.
No. 1704654
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>>1704642>>1704643thank you nonnies, i brushed my teeth and washed my face and now i sleep
No. 1704657
>>1704651I wouldn't call it a cope, they really don't care about who is really
abusive if it's their friends
No. 1704662
File: 1695424202497.png (353.48 KB, 512x512, Itunes_logo_b.png)

I think more people should really consider letting the music play in their head. If you hear it, don't question if anything's actually playing, or if it's possible. Just let it be. Eventually, you may be able to adjust the volume.
No. 1704670
File: 1695424660274.jpeg (176.84 KB, 2048x1838, IMG_3481.jpeg)

I love hearing that a horror movie beast is a girl cause I can turn to my gf and go “feminist icon” whenever she’s on screen. It’s even funnier when it’s super inhuman, like Moder from The Ritual
No. 1704706
File: 1695428301928.jpg (26.57 KB, 540x540, cat.jpg)

Love telling people "Hello, I'm sorry for not getting back to you. I completely missed this" knowing damn well I saw it 20 weeks ago and purposefully ignored it.
No. 1704716
File: 1695428589032.png (18.48 KB, 315x274, 1456875409737.png)

>>1704469>How dare you not be the most feminine coquette radfem lesbian whateverfuck you must be a moidThis is why so many girls troon out nowadays btw, tired of you all.
No. 1704725
>>1704719seriously. i fucking hate it
can never do anything right to anyone, always have to be a certain way
No. 1704732
File: 1695429543294.jpg (49.3 KB, 563x752, 9f246d258cd796519d690a16e1f22e…)

>>1704718i don't think most anons calling others moids actually believe it, most of the time is just for insulting whoever they disagree with
it's actually kind of funny because some anons complain about others "acting like moids" and being annoying only to be annoying themselves and start infighting kek
No. 1704740
File: 1695430484115.png (439.98 KB, 676x747, 1651100900739.png)

Going to be crass and combative here.
If you are a retarded racist pickme who bashes other women, chomo, an animal torturer or any other kind of shit person who thrives off making the innocent miserable, I don't care if you get twiggered when you're called a man online. If your life is dedicated to harming others, I will not be even a little sad if you get the boob-chop, incur male pattern baldness and finally 41%. You can choke and suck cocks together with the scrotes you idolize in hell. You were never my ally as a female, I don't owe you shit.
Infighting anons are okay. They can be very annoying, but internet arguments happen to the best of us. It's just a certain kind of breathing shitstain I can't stand, and they know who they are.
No. 1704746
File: 1695430944235.png (403.64 KB, 600x600, 16908765422.png)

>>1704740This will cause a shitstorm but I honestly agree. Even if posters like that are women that doesn't make racism, animal cruelty, pedoshit, looks sperging etc okay, it's not a free pass.
No. 1704750
File: 1695431429790.png (299.68 KB, 629x390, yaoi.png)

>>1704745here you go nona
it really has been
No. 1704783
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Last time I went to church I remembered picrel and almost started laughing during mass
No. 1704841
File: 1695440873205.gif (1.85 MB, 426x240, IMG_6012.gif)

>>1704840Hey you green texted when i green texted
No. 1704847
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No. 1704852
File: 1695441541099.jpg (21.08 KB, 426x240, x240.jpg)

>>1704847i am become reincarnate
No. 1704853
File: 1695441565700.gif (1.99 MB, 500x220, tahm kench.gif)

>>1704847I'm picking the muncher. I imagine he might be able to swallow his enemies. The deep sea creature seems like he has good stealth abilities too.
No. 1704950
File: 1695461108223.jpg (32.86 KB, 564x564, 9ff07fdfa686b82afd82a380ff08d1…)

I just watched I really bad shark movie, hopefully I can find a better one in the future
No. 1704953
File: 1695461276499.jpg (85.25 KB, 1024x340, 1676669393672574.jpg)

i went from dreading to see people to really wanting to see my only and best fren. i love him so much, we have so much fun together, but i have to wait 2 more weeks to see him because he's busy with exams. we got the whole day planned anyways, we are watching my granny is a scort, playing fighting games, he's going to come along with me to get a haircut, he's bringing pizza, we are watching some unhinged arab guy who does travel vlogs, we are going to draw. I can't wait, i love my best fren so much he's the only person i can share my unhinged views with. We once went from fighting for 2 hours about how moids feel entitled for being sent to war and victimize themselves for it despite glorifying every aspect of war just so they can shift the blame when women complain about our history of opression to watching videos about dinosaurs. I wish there were more moids like him, he's the only good one
No. 1704964
File: 1695463050351.jpg (105.17 KB, 736x1104, Blueberry Marshmallows.jpg)

Warm almond milk with sugar tastes like a marshmallow, I swear it.
Speaking of, I wanted to try and make marshmallows cause I imagine they are great fresh but I also haaaate sticky shit and dealing with stickyness.
No. 1704986
File: 1695466275245.jpeg (45.69 KB, 638x638, 7DF48A4B-7546-40F8-9F6C-9A7267…)

Seeing screen grabs from nonnies that only use the lolcow style theme really burns my chives
No. 1705045
File: 1695471653827.jpg (109.63 KB, 820x1424, F6mnz9TXIAAs-vJ.jpg)

I saw this picture on twitter last night and I was fine with it, but then I started thinking about it right before bed and I got scared. It's just a dinosaur mask btw
No. 1705083
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i am tarpon
No. 1705106
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At work, send memes pleas
No. 1705153
File: 1695482175658.jpg (208.9 KB, 1242x2183, unhingedyetbased.jpg)

kek which one of you did this?
No. 1705295
nonnie you're my hero
No. 1705300
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>>1705297>it’s not meYou know how people can't usually smell their own funk or tell that they stink? Yeah.
No. 1705303
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>>1705286Now that you mention it, I would expect there to be more. So I tried searching something dumb on google for answers and found someone asking if being a furry is harem.
No. 1705308
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>>1705305Whoever smelt it dealt it.
No. 1705397
File: 1695493906724.png (32.32 KB, 252x159, 1677629409306.png)

i need to stop getting into retarded internet arguments. im gonna pick up a new hobby… arts and crafts maybe
No. 1705419
>>1704847deep sea creature so I can get a merman bf
>>1704670Moder made me cry when I first saw her and I still don't know why. I really like her design though.
No. 1705436
File: 1695495980338.png (411.26 KB, 919x909, Screenshot (23090).png)

>>1705408give em a lil kiss
No. 1705481
File: 1695498761606.jpg (123.1 KB, 700x1050, Everything Cheddar Tomato Baco…)

I so badly want hot choco, warm bread and maybe even a little soup right. And last night I was craving a sourdough bread grilled cheese with tomato soup. It's literally that season!
Speaking of, I raise a question. How many toppings can you add to a grilled cheese before it stops being a grilled cheese and it's just a sandwich? Picrel has bacon and tomato but it's still called a grilled cheese in the recipe page.
No. 1705545
>>1704898>>1704910i would if i could anons, id reveal way too much personal info for myself plus it would look
sus for a random woman trying to seduce him, I've just been trying to lead random girl on by liking all the pics of her face she posts and sending her morning texts. how else can I entrap him? pushing him into working at a restaurant or call center on the side? IK all moids who work in those jobs end up cheating
No. 1705629
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No. 1705652
Oh, I found the post history here if anyone cares and wants to see
>>>/meta/18219Anons were basically just upset jannies wouldn't delete the pictures, but they're gone now so it seems like they did. I remember when this was happening I just thought anon was drunk but everyone was freaking out about it. It was pretty dumb on everyone's part though.
No. 1705660
File: 1695513580321.jpg (125.69 KB, 682x1024, dragon fruit.jpg)

People say strawberries benefit from pretty privilege, but honestly it's dragon fruit. It literally tastes like air although I did have a sweet one one time but it gets hyped up everywhere cause it looks cool. If you ever bought any dragon fruit flavored food, you got scammed.
No. 1705677
>>1705634you mean veronica chan?
>>1705636the last recent one (before rita) was manifesto-chan though the mod who revealed her posts got her mod powers taken away after that
No. 1705683
File: 1695516000183.jpg (48.56 KB, 375x500, Horse.jpg)

I'm eating raw oats like a fucking horse right now
>>1705668You're definitely trolling anon. Maybe you have overly advanced tastebuds cause most dragonfruit doesn't taste like anything (of course it probably does in it's native places like the other anon said though)
No. 1705697
File: 1695516498146.jpeg (29.49 KB, 680x1020, 78293336-F728-4DA0-9154-97443F…)

I agree that dragon fruit is super bland, but look at this smoothie. It looks like you’d drink it and get powerups or some shit No. 1705702
>>1705660true. i like the texture but the flavor isn't good enough for the price.
the most pretty privileged fruit is the cherry. they taste mid and the pits are annoying. if cherries just looked like a regular plum no one would give a shit.
No. 1705739
>>1705719No! Like I guess there might be someone who can’t do it but my sister was eating cherries with the family and she was just sucking them down clearing out the whole bowl and I complained she was hogging them so she told me her secret was you can just eat the pits. Blew my mind. You can also eat kiwi skins even though they’re fuzzy. It’s okay, eat the cherries whole and eat that kiwi like an apple you don’t need a spoon.
>>1705722If you know it’s there it’s not so bad I think
No. 1705769
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No. 1705771
File: 1695523253675.jpg (48.19 KB, 681x722, 06ykbd8vpqpb1.jpg)

this is what i look like
No. 1705774
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>>1705771Jannies ban this attention whore for posting face pics right MEOW!!1!!
No. 1705775
File: 1695523554667.jpeg (220.29 KB, 1242x1316, 8DCAFA04-4665-4D61-9425-16B80D…)

>>1705771You’re cute, nonnita.
No. 1705789
File: 1695524668477.png (72.97 KB, 300x300, 4g06.png)

>>1705782Nice to meet you verycool-nonna. Sorry for impersonating you. Maybe we can summon I can't beli-chan next
No. 1705830
File: 1695531328358.jpg (105.83 KB, 1024x714, Shediedforoursins.jpg)

I love Lara Croft
No. 1705855
File: 1695533579444.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.88 KB, 1446x2048, 1693237252639466.jpg)

>>1705844It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy. #mindset
No. 1705858
>>1705839My dumbass thought it said "ovaries", so at least you saw it.
>>1705853Sometimes cats purr because they're happy, other times it can be a sign of a negative thing but I forgot what it was. They also purr to heal any injuries they have or soothe their pain etc.
No. 1705860
File: 1695533999738.jpg (151.8 KB, 1366x768, daffy the wizard.jpg)

he's literally me
No. 1705862
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>>1705860Don't compete when you don't compare
No. 1705874
File: 1695535104885.jpeg (703.41 KB, 1527x2174, s04V5E4zINeo7Mau8St1DO5hKFa8zo…)

why are ducks so cute nonnies? i will sacrifice all the calarts blobs for another cartoon duck Renaissance
>>1705862no need to compare they are all cool in their own ways
No. 1705892
File: 1695537849054.gif (310.67 KB, 600x670, 1686520825691614.gif)

>pretty, slender, talented and intelligent friends introduces us to her bf
>its a fat autistic manlet that cant even make eye contact
why do pretty women do this to themselves
No. 1706087
File: 1695565678192.jpg (78.15 KB, 1500x1427, ugly.jpg)

Everywhere I read tells me to get the regular Switch instead of the Lite one, but it's so ugly, I hate it. I don't plan to use it for anything but animu dating sims, Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, all of which I never liked playing on a big screen, and I also have no problems with opening my electronics up to fix something myself, so I think I'll just ignore the advice everyone's giving me and get a Switch Lite.
No. 1706093
>>1706087the handheld isn’t that big and what
>>1706089 said about the stick drift is true. doesn’t always happen to everyone but in the case that it does if you have a normal switch you can just switch out joycons or use a different controller entirely while nintendo fixes yours. speaking of pretty sure nintendo had a lawsuit over stick drift too.
also if you get an older switch you can hack it
No. 1706162
grimes' best music was when it was in response to azealia banks
her worst was simping for elon
re azealia: elon:;dr men ruin women's art when we should just be fucking with and just each other.
not that grimes did any of her music but my tinfoil is not only hilarious but 100% true clearly No. 1706316
File: 1695582048403.jpeg (704.43 KB, 828x1512, IMG_8373.jpeg)

just saw this on tumblr??? isn't that the image for that rita girls post history reveal? why is it in an "aesthetic" post im so confused….
No. 1706390
File: 1695589794106.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1563, IMG_4083.jpeg)

I hate that there’s a drag show called dragula. I want to see memes about the great festive anthem by Robert Zombie not this
No. 1706391
File: 1695589846850.png (2.47 MB, 1769x2048, IMG_4084.png)

>>1706390And this is what one of the drag queens dressed as apparently… a horror beyond my comprehension
No. 1706395
File: 1695590140563.png (1.57 MB, 1077x1295, media_F65qs3.png)

>>1706390Worst thing I've learned this week
No. 1706396
File: 1695590158486.gif (344.01 KB, 320x240, 9fc.gif)

>>1706393i love that wave trick it always makes me think of this gif
No. 1706421
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No. 1706493
File: 1695600380657.jpg (124.66 KB, 1284x1674, juicy couture.jpg)

Juicy Couture has a yarn line and I really want some. It's tracksuit textured and there's glitter!
No. 1706564
File: 1695608271341.jpeg (221.01 KB, 1440x1920, 8DB82D48-CBE1-40FD-B10C-B12628…)

>>1706562Pls don’t tattoo your pelvic floor.
No. 1706573
>>1706553Well i am very out of touch and only play ds3 so yes (kek)
>>1706558Thank you nonna hope you are too
No. 1706664
File: 1695620139896.jpeg (229.03 KB, 1530x1170, IMG_5066.jpeg)

GENTLEMEN! Chop off my head with such velocity, that my blood will rocket through my neck, and propel my lifeless body ALL THE WAY TO PHOENIX!
No. 1706678
File: 1695623474397.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, IMG_0233.png)

No. 1706704
File: 1695628496933.png (576.4 KB, 563x612, she laffin.png)

No. 1706821
File: 1695638770424.jpg (82.44 KB, 736x779, d0b1377f51bfbc2fce7a020eecb438…)

No. 1706824
File: 1695638895436.jpg (214.4 KB, 1280x1280, Tumblr_l_755970373557971.jpg)

No. 1706963
File: 1695651329302.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, 1692638508925.png)

>always felt like shit for not being good at anything
>stubborn enough that i want to keep trying to get better anyways
>say fuck it, start posting stuff online
>people like it, tell me i am funneh and that i am underrated
this year has been so good to me so far
No. 1707010
File: 1695654830620.jpg (198.82 KB, 751x1024, say dick cheese.jpg)

i fucking love old school gay art, reminds me of modern shitpost like gachimuchi/chad. the horny male mind is fascinating to me, even when gay their art resembles coomer male art more than female's yaoi
No. 1707053
File: 1695657130046.jpg (306.32 KB, 1229x1536, F64apA_XsAAhEaO.jpg)

I just came across this Kim K photoshoot and she looks really cool. I appreciate when she does things that are different from the usual KarJenner look
No. 1707060
File: 1695657486187.gif (2.97 MB, 498x426, lost.gif)

>>1707053Missing the celeb thread so bad..
No. 1707097
File: 1695659399188.jpg (47.99 KB, 735x1035, Cat thumbs up.jpg)

Ever since I quit porn and started working on my addiction, I've been masturbating less but having way harder orgasms. Like every no-porn orgasm I have is good whereas before it was a coin flip on whether or not I would be satisfied.
No. 1707102
>>1707097congrats on quitting
nonny, i am glad there is virtually 0 porn that appeals to my tastes otherwise i would be a giga coomer. When i was 15 i used to watch this one porn video on repeat because it was the only one that appealed to me lmao
No. 1707105
File: 1695659764339.jpg (232.33 KB, 1328x1440, truluv.jpg)

this could be us nonna but you playin
No. 1707180
File: 1695665463977.jpg (333.59 KB, 1500x1875, F64rk6fWMAAQOiO.jpg)

>>1707141It's from today. CR Fashion Book, shot by Nadia Lee Cohen. Looking like Kim Dykeashian.
No. 1707222
>>1707192I wanted to bake him something cat-friendly, but I'm too busy with studies so I'm just gonna make a "cake" out of cat food pate, decorate it with some treats and sauce from his regular food because he's a sauce lover just like me.
I have a friend that always jokingly calls me a crazy cat lady ever since I got him so I got this stupid idea just now to decorate his food corner with some safe birthday decorations and send her a picture, and perhaps up the ante every year just to mess with her
No. 1707242
File: 1695671375705.png (329.88 KB, 438x567, r5rt6y78u9i.PNG)

>>1707180I've never been interested in her opportunistic persona but she looks very cute in picrel.
No. 1707358
File: 1695680771840.gif (872.65 KB, 500x333, icanfeelthecosmos.gif)

>>1707242I wonder if she is truly exploring her identity or if this is just a pretentious LARP. The way her face is still covered in heavy makeup in what she probably thinks is a "natural" look is making me think that this is just for attention.
No. 1707370
File: 1695681310098.jpg (34.75 KB, 500x500, c3e4ad8b7c680897990ab236425ccd…)

>>1707305YES. This is Glenda thievery.
No. 1707373
File: 1695681406719.jpg (105.12 KB, 1001x768, d404b7f8d84f954d03eebbf47277ab…)

>>1707327This is what real sensuality looks like. If you can't handle it that's your problem
No. 1707395
File: 1695682203610.jpg (6.2 KB, 284x177, download (1).jpg)

One of the most important things to me about SE:L was her relationship with Alice. I feel like a lot of people gloss over that to be like "wehh I'm a terminally online girlfailure troon emo" Like STFU!! I should probably take this to /m/ lmao
No. 1707417
File: 1695683501684.gif (35.28 KB, 220x157, katamari-driving.gif)

>>1707376>>1707384Thanks girls, I was reading into it too deeply.
>>1707381Me too
No. 1707418
>>1707222That’s adorable
nonnie, wish I had a friend who sent me stupid-elaborate cat bday pictures
No. 1707474
File: 1695689305921.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x2263, IMG_4998.jpeg)

I don’t think this requires a spoiler cause it’s not visually graphic but EW
No. 1707575
File: 1695698536548.jpg (22.94 KB, 612x473, istockphoto-1207832240-612x612…)

Sometimes you hit the gym, and sometimes the gym hits you…
No. 1707587
Thank you Lionsgate, very cool.
No. 1707590
File: 1695700807413.png (8.49 MB, 3244x2168, 1679855725026.png)

>>1707577I don't know if "hatefuck" is the right word since I wouldn't want to have sex with someone I hate but as a bi woman I find women in picrel to be extremely cute. If they start taking T, with all the body/facial hair, frog voice, dry vag, and constant sweating and BO that comes with it then I don't want to touch any of them even with a 10 ft pole. Those kinds of TIFs always look like they STINK and probably don't wash their face and moisturize. MtFs are a hard NO NO. Not only are they hyperbolically fugly obviously, you're also dealing with the worst case of male histrionics. It's like dating a BPD non-troon moid but 1000x worse. Also, either their dick doesn't work or they make everything about their dicks all the time which would be annoying. Even if they look exactly like a real woman, I still don't want sexual relationships with them because they will always be a crude imitation of nature's perfection.
No. 1707596
File: 1695701802084.jpeg (81.36 KB, 505x632, IMG_4920.jpeg)

Uh anyways
No. 1707616
>>1707577one of the sexy tall androgynous women who thinks she's a man or an enby. If she takes hormones though I'd have to do it before her voice drops too much though because I hate that shit.
I like the big clits though. A lot. Also I wouldn't describe it as hatefucking, more like cringefucking. Like damn this is cringe but she's sexy so oh well.
No. 1707654
File: 1695708663082.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x694, IMG_5010.jpeg)

>>1707648>>1707652Why don’t we a-log both?
No. 1707655
File: 1695708672664.gif (Spoiler Image,3.91 MB, 400x166, buck.gif)

Men are waaay too comfortable repeatedly violating women in unspeakable ways. And then they exist in vacuums that enable this behavior. Time to make our own vacuum and deal with them accordingly.
No. 1707658
File: 1695709295393.jpeg (40.37 KB, 736x732, IMG_1293.jpeg)

Tfw the only kind of woman who could ever find me genuinely attractive and want to be with me not just for abuse/exploitation is a lesbian fujoshi shotacon. I am too weird, ugly, and short for most women, I'm dorky and dopey and look like a little boy. People say I dress like a pokemon professor, fuck my stupid detective conan looking ass! I will never wear makeup I will never be feminine, even if I changed my appearance I could never escape my internet upbringing, hikineet is in my DNA. I have nothing against this hypothetical lesbian fujo shotacon and I'm sure in my imaginary world we are very happy together but IRL there are only so many (english speaking) women with such niche tastes. Gay dating is hard enough, now this narrows my dating pool to like… 2. We might never meet, and if by some miracle we do she will probably be insane or overweight. I cant take it nonnies this is why I live in a daydream instead.
>inb4 troon accusations
Some of us are homosexuals.
No. 1707667
File: 1695711144679.gif (9.31 MB, 494x498, kitty.gif)

>Some nona tells me that I make women look bad by existing (for disagreeing with her on something completely unrelated to feminism obviously)
>I say 'I'm not sucking off moids'
>She replies with 'give it time and you will'
Ah yes totally not something a scrote would say, why do these types of women even pretend to be feminists.
No. 1707697
File: 1695714643313.gif (2.35 MB, 486x474, 1695658134389807.gif)

I think Jason kelce is cute like specifically now not when he was younger. Reflecting quietly on whatever is wrong with me
No. 1707706
File: 1695715499156.jpg (241.39 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230926_040350_Gal…)

Meanwhile, the homosexuals:
No. 1707725
>>1707681Lesbian fujo is actually a rather common combination. As we all know yaoi is by women for women, as well as
about women because the characters and their relationships are written with female personalities and held to female standards of emotional intelligence and ideals. All ikemen are essentially bepenised women, and even then the yaoi peen itself is only theoretically male. Dont get me started on the magic yaoi hole either, that's basically just pussy. Basically anime isn't real and 2D cock is just a suggestion. I can be repulsed by men and their hideous bodies while acknowledging how nice it would be to have a strap connected to my nervous system.
>>1707691It makes sense to assume most are straight or bi, since (I guess) shota as a yaoi subgenre is less theoretical and more overtly about boys and boyhood. But I don't really know, I don't go there. I've not interacted with many, the only one i ever got close to was an autoshotacon TIF with a husband who enabled her degeneracy IRL. Clearly I would not have this problem if I had any interest in men because they will stick their dicks in anything, including someone as weird as myself. But I dont care only about sex, I am hoping for genuine love and mutuality, something moid brains are not equipped for. I guess I lose in every timeline.
No. 1707729
>>1707577i would never hatefuck anyone and i don't even understand how that happens. i'm a tif chaser too and nona it's the dream to get into a relationship with one and love her enough to make her love herself back into detrans or desisting. my first ever love was one and she she still holds a special place in my heart and likely if not definitely influenced my taste permanently, i don't really think i'll meet anyone quite like her. she wasn't on hormones or anything though
>>1707590i hate that i know that the top center and right pic are of a 14/15 year old ( at the time, she's 20 next year
i know because we used to be mutuals and are the same age you probably didn't but i feel creepy now
No. 1707741
>>1707598I even saw a pooner meme once which involved a caricature drawing of a tif getting raped to death. Pooner memes are vile and literally made by transwomen who hate transmen aka tifs. It's crazy how anons here always post how tifs are women yet….they don't treat them like women because they wouldn't post dehumanizing shit like that if that woman weren't a tif. It's crazy how once the Troon label is given to a girl or a woman then suddenly being a nasty sick fuck towards her is allowed. Alot of the time i even see pedophilia allowed towards tifs like the time it was popular on radfem Tumblr for rudefems to go and harass underage tifs by spamming their messages with things like "cocksleeve, cockworshipper,cocksucker" etc. Hell even one of the pictures here posted about "hatefucking" tifs literally involves a underage girl.
I said it and will say it again, the way tifs are being treated now is the same way women and men treated fat,mentally ill and ugly girls back in the 2000's. What they are doing is not feminism and it will never be and it's why I distanced myself from gender critical stuff a year ago because ironically they are the ones starting to become like a cult.
I don't have those links saved but another recent examples at how depraved the GC crows is being towards tifs is that one "lesbian" speaker talking about what a shame it is for girls to have mastectomies because their partners wouldn't be able to feel their boobies or another GC speaker saying how gender rules need to be enforced and that girls should be mandated to wear school uniforms that accentuate their curves to show that they are women……
No. 1707750
>>1707728>autismUnironically yes
>>1707734Bara is made by men for men, there is an obvious difference between bara and yaoi. That said not all yaoi is created equal and I think in recent years the western fandom has seen a lot more het and bi fans with all the penis redrawing and whatnot. Obviously I'm not into that and I prefer the good old fashioned beam of light censor bar. It really is just a strap then lol, otherwise to me they're just oversized clits, and I don't even "visualise" them as oversized. To me it's all just concepts, namely the idea of being touched in a certain way by another woman. As frustrated as I can get having this argument, I understand that the crux of it is that lesbians dont like dick and we are 100% in agreement there. Im actually really glad there are so many LC users who care about the definition of homosexuality and are willing to infight about it with a retard like me. I guess I just wish I could explain how I feel about yaoi without being told my sexuality is something that it's not.
No. 1707761
>>1707741>I said it and will say it again, the way tifs are being treated now is the same way women and men treated fat,mentally ill and ugly girls back in the 2000's. What they are doing is not feminism and it will never be and it's why I distanced myself from gender critical stuff a year ago because ironically they are the ones starting to become like a cult. Agree. "Gendercrits" don't give a shit about FTMs and never did, they consider them broken failwomen who should stop existing. They try to mask it as being concerned for the "misogyny" FTMs exhibit by posting the same screenshots over and over again (usually from feminine-presenting they/them NLOGs too) and consistently shame them for being "too weak and dumb" for being roped into gendershit without an ounce of empathy. For people who speak up about female socialization and gendered oppression they sure do love to 1.) focus on looks and 2.) ignore the deeply rooted, complex societal brainwashing effects those things have on women and sperg about responsibility and "agency" when a woman is showing symptoms they don't personally understand such as gender dysphoria.
They pay lip service by saying "why can't you just present as a masculine woman instead, why do you need to transition" but everyone knows they would definitely consider you an egg and a freak if you did even that. I first peaked on the gender ideology and then on gender critical ideology after they started bragging about how hyperfeminine they turned out after starting out as tomboys clearly insinuating it as if they were "healed" from being grotesque masc dykes.
No. 1707767
>>1707764I didn't mean to say "all fujos are lesbians" or "all fujos think the way I do" or "all yaoi is made in my image" kek but I can see how I might have come across that way. In any case I don't think the ikemen as women phenomenon is (always) deliberate, just the natural result of unrestrained female sexuality and wish fulfilment. I do appreciate your reassurances, that's kind of you.
>>1707757Formerly yes. I'm assuming this was bait or an insult or something but I hope you'll read the parallel discussion and have sympathy for all of us women and giris who were seduced into a groomer cult.
No. 1707807
>>1707797No anon, it's quite sad that GC are starting to spout shit like that so you rather deflect it on >it must be moids to avoid criticism of your movement. I know you say that since we are anonymous here but on other sites where people publicly show their identity I have seen unhinged GCers saying the same stuff. Really weird people. I also interacted with a GCer who was defending a policeman who shot a black woman in the head, her excuse was that woman was a thief so she deserved that.
I do think the lack of empathy towards tifs , troubled women or Black women in the GC movement shows to me that this is a conservative movement. Also if you want to keep this conversation going i will be very happy to do that because at a recent big public GC event actual white supermacist women who identified as nazis or white supermacist were allowed and welcomed theme to go and have speeches. Also if you are Interested about that event i will happily send you the receipts.
No. 1707816
>>1707797NTA but there are lots of women who share this line of thinking. Like
>>1707807 said there are many sites where "gendercrit activists" say this shit proudly with their own faces and identities attached and a ton of them are homophobic and racist tradcaths and the rest are the kind of people who don't mind them being there because "they hate trannies so it's okay". (Also please share the receipts because I've missed this and really want to see it)
>>1707812Kek I was thinking the same.
No. 1707821
File: 1695730334068.jpg (733.72 KB, 3072x1728, [20-08-08] 1292059550334386179…)

i would kill to be a japanese moid
No. 1707830
File: 1695730772160.jpg (1.22 MB, 4032x3024, [22-05-18] 1526910251202916352…)

>>1707821i am so jealous! let me be reborn in japan for my next life
No. 1707841
>>1707835no, because here we are anons therefore anyone could be a moid larping, meanwhile a retarded tranny calling some tradcath a
terf is obvious misinformation
No. 1707856
>>1707831she probably didn't know they were underage and considering the posting quality here lately there's a good chance she's underage herself lol. but even in that best-case scenario this is supposed to be a website for adults so she should have thought about it before she posted a bunch of teenage girls faces saying they were hot. and you did misread the second half of the post as being about tifs when it was about tims, go back and read again instead of fighting.
>GC degens what does this mean? gender-conforming degenerate? how do you know she is? you can't know what she looks like. is this now an online snowflake label? I don't hang out with children so I guess I'm out of the loop
No. 1707860
File: 1695732178558.jpg (3.89 MB, 1079x7924, combine_images.jpg)

>>1707816>>1707813Here, I don't think I compiled everything neatly so it's a bit of a mess, sorry for that though.
No. 1707861
>>1707858oh my god I'm retarded and not awake yet.
*sorry. thanks for setting me straight though
No. 1707867
File: 1695733008829.jpg (89.42 KB, 618x680, F5-aSEsWgAAqHtL.jpg)

>>1707866Honestly you sound just like the trannies you hate everytime you pull this "oh um well they're not us" boring take. Is it because you spent so much time looking at trannies that you take pages out of their own gaslight book…?
No. 1707882
>>1707864There are a couple around now but not many.
Most of the time older scans were just MTL’d though we were just too young to realize
No. 1707917
File: 1695739886641.jpg (195.81 KB, 1500x1500, 71f5VkBKFoL.jpg)

It's so weird eating stuff that you had as a kid, and having it taste different. I'm eating picrel right now, the aftertaste is so strong and also for some reason it's not as sweet as I remember. I still like the meatballs though.
No. 1707920
File: 1695740192295.gif (42.04 KB, 498x498, pepe-the-frog-shocked.gif)

facebook group drama is something else
No. 1707932
File: 1695741617979.gif (930.28 KB, 200x150, 200w-2.gif)

nonnie we ain't got all day dammit
No. 1707946
>>1707838Same shit always happens to me.
Oh well.
No. 1707947
File: 1695743064229.jpg (49.61 KB, 800x800, n.jpg)

when i watch youtubers and have to pause the video, i make sure it's a flattering still because i feel bad otherwise
No. 1707950
>>1707947That's cute,
nonny. You're cute.
No. 1707978
>>1707947omg. i do this too. i feel so bad when people have a following or are celebrities because people will always make unflattering pictures of them into memes, if something like that happened to me i would set myself on fire, luckily i would never be famous but i mean regardless of myself it feels immoral in a way kek. also whenever i want to talk about someone i will still pull up their most flattering picture to illustrate who i am talking about even if i hate them because i don't play with first impressions like that, and also i think it's unfair and that nobody really deserves it
i mean obviously other than deplorable people i just think it's unjust. screenshotting is like the worst thing ever because instead of just pausing videos on a television you can share the unflattering frame for all to see outside of your circle and people can laugh at it too worldwide, what a nightmare !!!! but truth be told i have laughed at them before Hashtag i'm only human…
No. 1708060
File: 1695755102624.gif (943.64 KB, 500x269, fuck-you-gifs_30.gif)

>>1708036Don't you DARE talk shit on pancakes.
No. 1708087
File: 1695757224555.jpg (153.47 KB, 540x540, Tumblr_l_272267142776656.jpg)

>blocks your path
No. 1708093
>>1708089>>1708091I can't believe you fucking killed it
nonny, I truly can't. how dare you? how dare you? we are a couple of days aways from hallows eve and here you are? on the lolcow killind vampire (bay form) beanie babies, I just can't I truly can0't
No. 1708100
>>1708098Tell me
nonny. Personally I love that the fag fucked off to twitter but I do miss a thread to be mean at celebrities.
No. 1708104
File: 1695758687421.jpg (63.19 KB, 475x217, mcdonalds_shrek_glass_recall.t…)

I just remembered that my mother has these poisonous Mcdonald's Shrek and Puss in Boots cups. We of course never drank from them.
No. 1708111
File: 1695759045422.jpg (63.93 KB, 602x499, 80igj2.jpg)

No. 1708113
>>1708100>I do miss a thread to be mean at celebrities.That's what I miss most. The sperging doesn't bother me because I just scroll.
>>1708105She seems like the type to sit and browse here with her ugly bf by her side.
>>1708106I'd get banned for a shit thread.
>>1708104I had two Garfield ones. I want Puss.
No. 1708118
File: 1695759279018.jpg (12.42 KB, 228x221, images-1.jpg)

>>1708101Kek wtf
>>1708096Wait did it actually die? Please someone fill me in I haven't used this site in weeks due to life stuff
No. 1708125
File: 1695759758049.gif (4.78 MB, 540x400, filmgifs.gif)

>>1708117when you make him drink from his own poisonous cup
No. 1708156
File: 1695763773220.jpg (8.24 KB, 235x205, 1693247043005.jpg)

>girl you like invites you to go see lesbian comedy with her
>she really likes the movie
>think about confessing to her
>ask her what sexuality she is
>she's straight
Why does this keep happening to me
No. 1708165
File: 1695764809339.jpeg (42.95 KB, 500x513, image0.jpeg)

No. 1708182
File: 1695768091122.jpg (50.99 KB, 600x600, GOODS-04369347_01.jpg)

No. 1708186
>>1708156straight bitches always wildin.
>>1708164Same. I feel like people now a days who say they are lesbians, are actually bi women going through a phase. I dont know a single real lesbian irl. I have two friends online who are lesbians though, but one of them isnt a
terf, so points off.
No. 1708222
File: 1695773632012.gif (3.79 MB, 480x387, side step.gif)

No. 1708247
File: 1695776748729.jpg (65.43 KB, 735x577, c1ae836c28905aee5f62f9cbf904db…)

Stop showing me shit like this, pinterest, I'm not starting crochet
No. 1708254
File: 1695777337398.jpg (133.21 KB, 736x1347, Pattern_ Margot the Cat Croche…)

>>1708247But you could literally make this
No. 1708262
File: 1695778631686.jpg (108.69 KB, 1114x1212, C1ZjGYiWgAABmh_.jpg)

It is always men with mouths like this that talk the most shit and are just full of it entirely. If you don't shut that little cabbage patch mouth up bitch. You have a papercut for a mouth butters you have no say in anything ever or any leeway to judge others.
No. 1708265
File: 1695779528370.png (11.63 KB, 654x147, sad.png)

>>1708171>vindictathat's the last place to be getting opinions on looks. there's so many self admitted teens there obsessed with looking as doll-like and uwu as possible
No. 1708277
File: 1695781236783.png (20.77 KB, 1280x854, IMG_2513.png)

>>1708275did you not take geometry?
No. 1708301
File: 1695784572595.jpeg (74.69 KB, 750x712, 764302E9-E120-4C59-919E-A1BC1F…)

Yandere dev allegedly groomed a 9 year old
Disappointed but not surprised
No. 1708361
>>1708349me being a bitch for stating the truth? boohooo muh anxiety
get over it
No. 1708379
File: 1695796206726.jpeg (246.56 KB, 655x652, IMG_5024.jpeg)

hehe hey wats up nonnie…
No. 1708382
File: 1695796630489.jpeg (121.85 KB, 655x480, B0E005E3-BA3F-4189-AC94-5E4E02…)

Did togashi unintentionally create the most based race of women
>reproduce asexually
>only have daughters
>if you fornicate with a man you’ll have a son
>they’ll make you kill him
No. 1708392
File: 1695797698792.mp4 (13.75 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

is this a ftm or am I tripping
No. 1708408
File: 1695798939542.mp4 (7.24 MB, 576x1024, Download (1).mp4)

>>1708405could pass as a secret third ostrenga sister in some videos
No. 1708414
File: 1695799506869.jpeg (200.62 KB, 1170x1185, IMG_4983.jpeg)

It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her fucking mind based on nothing
No. 1708471
File: 1695807317518.png (447.4 KB, 492x559, Jesus Christ.PNG)

more Taylor Swift facebook group cringe. At first I thought this lady posted her whole tit out, thankfully she didn't.
No. 1708507
File: 1695814216657.gif (426.06 KB, 200x200, 1647260873293.gif)

I just got finished writing a 12 page essay. I am on top of the fucking world
No. 1708622
File: 1695829939760.jpg (711.96 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20230927_165009_You…)

every time i stumble across a dangelo video i wonder if he's trooned out yet.
idk what happened in the last 2 years or so since i watched one of his videos properly but he even speaks now w the tranny cadence and everything. he gives me michael jackson vibes
No. 1708668
File: 1695833560755.jpg (77.16 KB, 736x736, banana cat bed - banana cat be…)

I want to leave this site, I've even made two posts in the graduation thread, but every time I try I just keep coming back. It would be so good for my mental health and productivity though. I love this site and I've been her for 5-6ish years, but what does lolcow offer me that I can't get in other places online and in real life? Nothing, I don't think. I think it would actually be better for me to be active in other online communities.
No. 1708749
>>1708729>>1708743please do the
victim seems insane too she posted pictures of her mutilating her vagina on 4chan what the actual fuck
No. 1708805
File: 1695845818898.jpg (30.2 KB, 716x375, 1646535496964.jpg)

looking for horny clothes to dress my male sim
No. 1708821
File: 1695847041627.gif (2.91 MB, 275x275, 1652901131204.gif)

god this chicken tastes so CHICKENY aagh so gross
No. 1708902
File: 1695853646484.mp4 (9.13 MB, 576x1024, Download (3).mp4)

>>1708862whatever, hes weirdly feminine in the face with pink lips and an aesthetic tifs go crazy for. he literally looks so much like kiki kannibal sometimes that's what freaked me out.
No. 1708949
File: 1695858820707.jpg (57.63 KB, 696x696, 1668490364722200.jpg)

Things have been calmer after I realized I can just ignore retards. You make yourself look so fucking dumb, but that's your own L, not mine. Why should I correct you? That's like playing janny online for free. Stay stupid bitch!!
No. 1708973
File: 1695863308156.mp4 (10.21 MB, 576x1024, Download (2).mp4)

>>1708963i feel like its some sort of mkultra trap i've fallen into and i keep watching the videos and then posting them here. what's a gay doing with all that fatal diarrhea inducing grub? i'm experiencing culture shocked
>>1708968it doesn't at all, it's so good. you're missing out big time.
No. 1708984
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RIP Akechi
No. 1709007
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>>1708988Where else but L.A.
No. 1709016
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Fish are so kawaii and dare I say moe they are so cute I love them I love images of binkie fish and of spoon feeding a fish If I could I would have an aquarium house so I could fill it with cute fishies I've never seen an ugly fish they are all sweethearts I wish I was a fish. I saw a video about a super old koi who knows her name and comes when called. Very cute very sweet. Picrel makes my kokoro go doki doki
No. 1709053
>>1709012If you haven't yet, get off your keister and move it to the store
No. 1709062
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No. 1709078
File: 1695878561546.jpg (135.04 KB, 1284x717, IMG_2706.jpg)

>>1709016Have you seen adorable little ranchus
No. 1709132
File: 1695886004595.jpg (82.99 KB, 736x588, 13714b44635d5337e2c78ebad317fe…)

I have a feeling that the Corpse Bride would probably be a way more annoying movie if the genders got reversed. Can you imagine a needy ass dead moid following you around?
No. 1709202
File: 1695896036773.gif (2.8 MB, 320x240, whatever-happened-to-baby-jane…)

Wild how many cows reflect Baby Jane Hudson. It's not even a meme at this point; they're just like that
No. 1709565
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When will male fashion retvrn?
No. 1709644
File: 1695930626090.jpg (27.4 KB, 510x510, 1694627432748.jpg)

I just found out why men put up with my bullshit, they genuinely find me funny. That explains why they don't run away when I start talking to them about gay porn and the yaoi I draw.
No. 1709730
File: 1695935634148.jpg (Spoiler Image,618.8 KB, 1390x1000, [23-09-23] 1705443272880230679…)

>>1709709they actually get visually uncomfortable which i find it to be the funniest shit ever. yesterday i was vc with a friend and i sent him this out of nowhere and i could hear the disgust in his voice, his computer also froze on this image which was funny as fuck
No. 1709773
File: 1695940115868.jpg (Spoiler Image,803.13 KB, 1576x1000, [23-09-28] 1707317778087387618…)

>>1709750if they dont like constant yaoi shitposting they can leave i aint holding them at gunpoint. they get funnies from me and the price to pay is me sending them weird yaoi
No. 1709913
File: 1695953473567.jpg (424.2 KB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20230929_030956_Chr…)

not worthy of lolcows own caps threads so putting it here instead since i swear everyone here hates the blobfish comic
No. 1709917
>>1709912in some ways i do but in some ways i don't. even in the things i relate to other women the least on taste wise (music/films) i really don't have any desire to be friends with men over. i think i also just don't seek out friends who have the same interests as me which is maybe one of my less autistic traits, i'm ok being friends with someone who isn't interested in the same stuff i am as long as we can get along in other ways. idek i just find men so annoying and retarded i can't imagine being friends with them even if we have mostly the same interests, there's something about the male communication pattern that
triggers rage in me.
No. 1709924
File: 1695953814888.jpg (502.13 KB, 2048x1790, 20230907_162758.jpg)

>>1709730just like me frfr nocap deadass,
nonny. any time I hook a moid friend I can't help but exploit it to the best of my ability, usually by spamming yaoi sexo. they get timid. they probably like whoring themselves out to women even when they don't get anything in return.
No. 1709928
>>1709921yeah i get that its probably something i just will not relate to. still, i can't understand the appeal in being friends with a male at all. they are so socially broken that they don't seem to understand friendship on any level. their 'friendship' is like a shallow imitation of the real thing. even if i had 0 things in common with other women… i don't think i could ever be friends with a male. idc that my female friends have nothing in common with me, at least i can understand that they are humans. men are like robots or something. i would rather be completely alone than with a male. i feel pretty confident in saying that because i have been alone for large portions of my life. men just offer nothing to me, i dont get it.
>>1709924KEK i dont understand you but i support you fully nona
No. 1709932
File: 1695954221549.jpg (24.47 KB, 540x482, 1695016191914725.jpg)

>be me
>eat half can of tomato paste
>wake up with huge patches of hives
what to do anons
No. 1709973
I don't know how people can be friends with a moid who isn't at least a little gay. All of my male friends I've had over the years come back to say they've had a crush on me, or ruin it in some way by saying something misogynistic. I've only ever had luck with a "gay" moid who ended up not even being gay after randomly showing up with a girlfriend.
>>1709837Six pack does not mean bara…
No. 1710016
>>1709906>>1709917I get you. My interests and hobbies aren't even stereotypically feminine either. If anything, my interests are largely consumned by other autistic males, so it feels lonely when I can't find other women like me. I don't want to be friends with just someone who happen to have my interests, but someone I can emotionally rely on and men generally suck at that, so I'm not really interested in that. They will just make you feel more alone. Though most of the posts in that threads are talking about their experiences relating to other normie women so that I can understand.
>>1710001>nloggingNo offense but calm down. Anon's post probably wasn't a personal attack on you.
No. 1710027
>>1710019>>1710018It's not like anon is going into the thread and loudly proclaiming "HEY GUYS I CAN'T RELATE IM BETTER THAN YOU"
No need to sound weirdly aggressive when she was just venting.
No. 1710035
File: 1695960591923.jpg (73.38 KB, 500x593, 862c57431e971e31f75aeaf252036c…)

please god let me have a nice dream even though I ate too much pasta
No. 1710047
File: 1695961150807.jpg (186 KB, 720x443, 20230929_001856.jpg)

>>1710035Manifesting good dreams for you, nonna…
No. 1710084
File: 1695965159677.jpg (21.25 KB, 332x332, Floppa_says_no_to_trannies.jpg)

>>1710078good luck
nonnie No. 1710087
File: 1695965697573.jpg (15.97 KB, 564x583, kittystare.jpg)

He is watching
No. 1710167
File: 1695983838178.jpg (6.67 KB, 474x474, 695f582a42c499520d4ccb9440f5fb…)

I just want to say that it is 3:40 AM where I am so I better go to sleep, now. Goodnight.
No. 1710253
File: 1695990685618.jpg (108.44 KB, 1169x1471, FG0VHlIWUAkIoC-.jpg_large.jpg)

happy friday nons i can't wait to get home
No. 1710257
>>1710253Dude, same. I fell asleep at 1AM and had to wake up at 7AM for work, I'm tired.
I can't wait to remove my shoes, get in my PJs and fall asleep on my couch in front of "Farmer wants wife" VODs .
No. 1710272
>>1710262Thanks nonna.
And "Sexy" is subjective kek. One of them this year is a 26 yo with beautiful blue eyes who's never dated anyone, he's got some charm, the rest are men over 40 (13 farmers total, 3 women among em).
The show exists or has existed in different EU countries since 2001, it's originally from the UK.
Basically it's real farmers, either male or female that are looking for "the one", either after a divorce or never having had a relationship etc.
They get their profiles shown on TV with the moderator interviewing em individually about themselves, what they're looking for etc.. Then people who're interested can write letters to them through the production company adress.
The farmers get to read their mail and decide to see some of them for a speed dating round (where they ask the interested women/men if they're not afraid of moving to their place, or of them being busy with animals from 5AM to 9PM, or even having to help etc.), before choosing from two to take into an immersion five day trip at their farm.
And then they see which of the two women/men they develop feelings for and wanna continue together with.
No lesbians this edition but one gay farmer, who was interested and got in a relationship with a farmer back in an older season, 5-8 years ago. He took over the farm of the original farmer from the old season (since he wanted to quit) and is looking for a new life partner.
It's cheesy and some people who have written to the farmers in the past have only done it to troll them, so I stopped watching for a while. But I had finished watching the French version of "The Great British Bake-Off" so I thought why not kek.
No. 1710287
File: 1695994380468.jpg (21.89 KB, 680x412, 104838e1cb50e192728862d6e259e8…)

>>1710272what a cute show for a farmer to watch, would be funny if they actually got one of the trolls on and they don't even have a farm so the women don't want to date him
No. 1710289
File: 1695994926469.png (77.36 KB, 1572x728, Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 14.41…)

No. 1710324
File: 1696001804929.jpg (69.62 KB, 751x1024, FGM_uXZXsAIb8f8.jpg)

when the villain-of-the-week in the anime i'm currently watching is a lesbian fakeboi that knowingly goes out with a straight woman and doesn't tell her shit and she only finds out when they're going to have sex, said Tif gets possessed by demons/whatever bc of how hard she was seething that she was rejected for being a woman, episode ends with fakeboi being saved and then looking up to the female deuteragonist that happens to be strong and adept with a sword as a "manly man".
No. 1710409
File: 1696008459612.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x1503, IMG_5071.jpeg)

This actor has died like 5 times.
No. 1710480
File: 1696011528822.jpeg (67.31 KB, 693x601, IMG_5860.jpeg)

should i download instagram and pop my icloud's cherry or nah ? i haven't had it in 3 nearly 4 years now but a friend convinced me to grt on it again recently when i had only used it for lurking. i also started posting on twitter this year to absolutely no one when i was previously only a lurker. idk what's happening to me is it worth it ? my reasoning is to talk to my friends more often and honestly mostly so i can get connections to the other people i know irl for gossip purposes to tell you the truth and get more useful features not available on the desktop/browser ( like posting sories and changing font texts using stickers etc… idk if you can even change the private message theme either and by then i didn't have the app anymore. probably more i don't know about ) and to come out of my hermit's cave like my friend told me. but also the reason why i even removed that app is because it was pure mental illness and constantly triggered me, my life has genuinely known so much peace without it ever since. but i also don't really know if i would use it frequently i only really come on here and like tumblr despite my million accounts everywhere because of the difference in userbase. also the storage issue idk should i do it i trust a nonnie's opinion over my own kek. another gripe i have with the app is it's so fucking ugly i wish i could downgrade it to the 2013 version
No. 1710489
File: 1696012078246.jpeg (206.4 KB, 750x1010, 39A5E32E-64BD-4FCF-B492-20EFD0…)

No. 1710544
File: 1696014951796.jpeg (155.17 KB, 1150x1206, IMG_7886.jpeg)

Drawing Mental Illnesses: Lolcow User
No. 1710585
>>1708676>if you are in better online communities then why come here? Idk. Even though I know there are other places I enjoy, I think I've just been here for so long and I still do like the anons here even if I want to leave.
>forget making posts on the graduation thread and enjoy staying off when you do.You're right tbh.
No. 1710658
>>1710651>she said she talked to gay moidsthere's a single gay moid i am acquaintances with
>she said she wouldn't talk to women with male tastesno i didn't. what are you talking about. i literally never said that anywhere. i said i could understand why women who only have male interests might feel isolated, not that i wouldn't be friends with a woman who has only male interests. i may be autistic but you are legitimately retarded.
No. 1710671
>>1709709This. As a fujo I'm a degenerate nasty bitch in the presence of men to keep them in check but they often treat it as an "ironic joke" and "try to be in it" but become
triggered as fuck when they realize I'm for real and not just flirting with them and don't want to do any of this with their disgusting 3DPD asses. Too bad I don't care about male feelings.
No. 1710862
File: 1696034357526.jpg (119.79 KB, 1170x1424, 20230929_203619.jpg)

No. 1710909
File: 1696035989929.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x480, 20230927_021941.jpg)

Why is it always the most unoriginal, shallow, most obsessive copycat weirdos that always claim people are ripping them off or stealing from them/copying when literally every single thing they do is unoriginal, contrived, formatted entirely off of someone else, and poorly done at that? I'm tired of seeing genuinely mediocre people claiming that they are the blueprint for things they steal from others, its so delusional and terminally online.
No. 1710923
File: 1696037080875.jpg (82.66 KB, 622x739, 20230207_192331.jpg)

bought candy corn today
No. 1710945
>>1710940Chelle (the big one) isn't a lesbian, Queen is actually the one is a relationship with an
abusive stud.
No. 1710981
File: 1696039427690.jpg (174.51 KB, 600x1260, Caramelized Onion And Bacon Pi…)

Just had a revelation that I can make sandwiches the way I usually do with deli meat and veggies and condiments, but with naan bread instead.
No. 1710994
>>1710989thanks! good to be back, i missed y'all
>>1710977ahh yeah i think i stopped coming by here shortly after that whole mess with the site being down, great nostalgia for the bunker threads though tbh, what a time
No. 1710997
File: 1696040989156.jpg (36.1 KB, 318x257, ollie.jpg)

For a long time, I thought the sus guy meme was this dude from Korean Englishman.
No. 1711012
File: 1696042285626.png (6.22 MB, 1668x2224, C71094CA-6E8C-424E-8E36-3A955A…)

This woman looks so much like my ex crush’s girlfriend. It’s insane. Now I’m imagining some 1800s version of me crying over her daguerrotype about how some moid named some shit like Sir Ichabod Augustine doesn’t love me.
No. 1711115
File: 1696050641410.jpeg (2.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5108.jpeg)

Elon musk is so ugly and bloated.
No. 1711129
>>1710924I made an IG today just in case lol
>>1711012I would like to see more of your notes.
No. 1711131
File: 1696051139967.jpg (58 KB, 780x439, Brianna-and-Frank.jpg)

>>1709519Ever since Brianna Wu had his group chat leaked for TWANSPHOBIA many people on twitter are now claiming he's actually cis and totes not trans. It's always men (normal or TIMs) making those dumb posts too. I mean it's so painfully obvious this is a troon.
No. 1711132
File: 1696051192210.jpg (43.14 KB, 500x500, artworks-000630740329-qqgqe8-t…)

hello nonnies, i have been listening to the same 5 songs over and over so recommend me your favorite songs/artists. maybe this is the wrong thread but whatever
No. 1711143
>>1711136i didnt specify what in my post cause i wanna listen to more genres, so im open to pretty much anything. but i like jazz, jpop (shibuya-kei and city pop), rock, drum and bass, digital hardcore…
>>1711140oops. well my post feels kinda pointless now kek
No. 1711145
>>1711132listen to pinback before /mu/ and tiktok appropriate them
if gay embeds weren't BROKEN for me I'd embed a song, but they are so I can't. I can recommend offcell, scent, B, and crutch, but really their entire discog is sex.
No. 1711148
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No. 1711152
File: 1696054533076.gif (310.92 KB, 500x281, 1690637246443.gif)

>left shitty controlling boyfriend who hated my husbandos and interests and made me go borderline schizo with shame, guilt and self hatred
>now back into husbandofagging
>drawing fanart and writing fic again and getting back into fandom
>reconnected with old friends in fandom
>just drew sexy art of husbando
>bought expensive poseable plush of one of my husbandos, $300+ dollars but worth it
>learning new skill that relates to my future career that fills me with joy and fulfillment
>ex caused me to lose all my normie friends and I had to quit my job but now I'm in a comfy night job so it all works out
>going out to eat korean barbecue with my mother tomorrow afternoon
>new desk coming in soon
Yup, looks like I'm back in business bby.
No. 1711160
>>1711152Happy to see your success,
No. 1711266
>>1711129Here’s what it says:
When you see Alice’s daguerrotype and realize she is a beautiful damsel and not some ungodly siren. You feel a begrudging dislike for her brash disposition, when the bottom fact is that she is betrothed to Sir Ichabod Augustine, a man who is greatly admirable to you.
This is so berthacore. (Like from Jane Eyre)
Please never change.
No. 1711293
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it's all right if you act lke a turd, cuz i like BIRDS!
No. 1711313
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I have DDs and while I know they're not actually that big, I feel like I have fucking Z cups sometimes. And for some reason left boob always has a little tiny bit of soreness on the side, but I think that's because of how I sleep.
No. 1711318
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Why does drawing have to be so difficult I just want to draw yaoi
No. 1711335
>>1711329what country
>>1711309these days mostly just dark souls 3 and also pokemon go on my phone kek. i want to try mmo because i'm lonely but i don't know which ones are good
No. 1711349
I have a question: why does the continent of Asia has such weak, teeny tiny men? Nothing online really explains it in depth. Its always "stop talking about asian micropenises because it's racist."
No. 1711361
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My Fall menu is ever-growing, and I'm so excited for all the foods I'm gonna make this fall, and just to enjoy exploring the city in this amazing weather. This is my favorite time of the year and I'm so excited. My pinterest feed right now is a perfect mix of my husbando and Autumn.
No. 1711362
>>1711349They seem to get insanely jealous and borderline murderous when asian women date outside their race. They get so mad when asian women don't want them, but they never wanna make themselves more likeable. Like
not being some of the biggest misogynists on the planet, for one.
No. 1711373
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Bump for cp don't go front page
No. 1711440
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I would like to read more and take like 30 mins-an hour out of my day everyday to read, but it's so difficult for me to focus and immerse into books. before someone starts bitching at me, intrusive thoughts just make it incredibly hard to focus on a lot of things and retain info. It's just easier to have hobbies where my mind doesn't have to be as engaged like cooking, crocheting.
No. 1711461
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>>1711437The fact that males lurk here and pretty much wait to get
triggered is so creepy and pathetic of them kek. Males act all mysterious and resilient, but they're very much not. What
triggers them is so obvious because they're the definition of "hit dogs will holler". But I hope they're still lurking because here's some more salt: manlets and dicklets can rope themselves out of the gene pool, because nobody likes worthless penises. Not even gay males.
No. 1711507
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>>1711479>All moids think about is conquering and being conquered by other moids all the time, directly or by proxySeriously. At this point, I gotta wonder if they're truly just that obsessed with what women do, or if they just wanna fuck other dudes. Holy fucking shit, males have chihuahua syndrome. It's just a stream of constant anxiety about what everyone else is doing with their own time, and connecting it all as exaggerated threats to their insignificant lives. Shaking in their own fear and rage. Deliriously barking and yapping away at every nonserious little thing their fragile ego takes offense to.
No. 1711529
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I ranked fruit.
No. 1711538
>>1711536This is
fruit not meat. Go home nonna, you're drunk.
No. 1711546
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>>1711539I know, I was just teasing anon for the typo kek In my defense, I've had like fig bars but I don't think those count.
No. 1711566
>>1711529don't like how low pear is but I appreciate you put them over apple. watermelon belongs in the dookie tier.
>>1711552you're missing out
No. 1711646
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What a great Saturday afternoon this is! Been watching a tv show while eating popcorn with my friends and family that love me and care for me. I love knowing I am not a disappointing and useless XY chromosoid. ♥
No. 1711656
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No. 1711692
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wtf is this supposed to mean? the only thing i can think of is women obsessed with tiktok who speak like annoying gay stan twitter users
No. 1711711
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Never thought I'd be happy with getting calluses anywhere on my body but I started going to the gym and lifting and I'm getting them on my hands, it makes me feel strong kek
No. 1711748
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enough with the "small dicks are good" propaganda. men's dicks are the only thing they're good for so no, 5 measly inches isn't "fine". lying and saying the average woman can only take 3 inches to make men feel better about their cocktail weenie sized appendage is the act of a gender traitor. 7 inches and up or gtfo!