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No. 785854
>>785841A prize I won from Japan in March of 2020 has finally entered my country and should be with me in the next few days. Its a snorlax plush. 13 months delayed, all thanks to covid.
He better be the fattest, softest snorlax
No. 786013
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I moved fairly recently so I'm currently waiting for my last pieces of furniture to arrive - a 3 piece painting, a lamp and a console table.
No. 786019
>>785900Thanks, kind anonny!
It was actually a smaller one, I really don't remember the line. But it was shipping internationally, and the seller didn't want to ship it with a tracking number.
At least I think I can get refunded if anything happens.
Do you happen to be the same anon that ordered the tros HT kylo?
No. 786095
Love this thread but now I will be so torn where to post about certain things (here or toy thread). I guess it depends if I want to briefly mention it or elaborate.
>>786019>Do you happen to be the same anon that ordered the tros HT kylo?Yes! Technically I'm still waiting for the figure to be released in the first place and to pay for the shipping, but hopefully that still counts. Really hope that you either get your figure or will be able to purchase it again once you get a refund! If you get it, you have to show it in the relevant thread.
No. 786169
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Definitely outting myself here, but I recently got these in the mail! I bought the left and middle necklaces but the seller accidentally sent me the necklace on the right with the left one. I did end up getting the middle one and she let me keep the one she missent to me, which worked out in the end since I was eyeing it anyway (but decided maybe buying three of the four necklaces from this collection was too much lol). They're so pretty and I can't wait to wear them. The cherry blossoms outside my apartment are blooming, spring is in the air, I love it so much. Instagram has been promoting a lot of small jewelry makers to me to my detriment lol, I love simple pieces so much. The carved mother of pearl sakuras also match a watch I got for my birthday a few years ago, which has a face made out of pink mother of pearl too!
No. 786177
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I bought Wii Fit Adventure and I've been staring at the Amazon tracker waiting for it to ship. C'mon!!! I bought the digital boxing fitness game in the interim and that got me so hyped to play everyday and workout. I'm a naturally competitive person and I love games but could never keep to a workout schedule but gameifying my workouts has made me super consistent with them and if the game is as good as people say it is, your girl is gonna get FIT.
>>786169These are super cute and would look so good with a cute sundress or a pretty skirt.
No. 786185
>>786180NTA but I have ring-fit, i'll be honest and say I haven't been on in a month or so cause i've enjoyed the nice weather and decided to get outside for my exercise.
It's pretty good, I watched a lot of reviews before I bought it and it seems great for people who don't like the gym but want to do similar gym workouts. The story is really cute as well as the characters and the other modes were really fun. My main tip is even though it matches your energy/strength don't underestimate how hard it'll work you. After some workouts I felt dead.
No. 786403
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I ordered a lot of incense sticks and I can't wait for them to arrive! I don't use it esoterically, I just really like the smell.
My ordered "flavors": vanilla, musk, cedar, sandalwood, forest (? I will find out, hopefully it will be good, like pine and dew), lavender, some floral stuff, clover and cinnamon and eucalyptus.
No. 786793
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I’m waiting for 2 boards, puppy boy goods, and some skates.
I also ordered a how to draw manga book for jokes, a manga collectible phone charm, Superbomberman R and a cassette tape and I’m still waiting for these! I’m so excited to play the game though. I loved copycat flash games like Bad Ice Cream and Bomb It. I’ve also got some books I’m waiting to be shipped within the next 2 weeks!
For my next set of online shopping I’d really like to get some candles, more books, and a new fishing rod. But I’ve organized my shopping so I can prioritize shipping, so that won’t be happening. I have 2 musical albums and some book collectibles to prioritize and the shipping will probably be fucking crazy. But it will be like christmas in July so it’s okay kek
As of writing I just got a notification that my puppy boy goods have been shipped! I am very pleased.
No. 786841
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>>786801nayrt but a skating anon cruising by, I’ve had my Ridell quads for 4 years and they’re super durable, I never even have to replace the rubber stoppers on them and they come in lots of cool colors, picrel for example. I’d recommend quads to someone who hasn’t skated just because the wider wheel to ground ratio will give you good balance to build off of. Their figure skates are even better than their roller skates if that’s ever a sport you’re looking into, just for the record. Happy skating, best of luck!
No. 786945
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I got a miku figure and she’s so cute I could cry I can’t wait to get her
No. 787625
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Purchased these bad boys, my bf says he's gonna throw it away as soon as he gets slapped with it, little does he know there is 4 !
No. 787663
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>>786801atayrt, I bought the blue in-line impalas in >>786793! I also got myself this skateboard. It will be my first time riding!
>>786944>>786841I used to roller skate indoors but I’ve never done it outside, especially on rollerblades
I’ve never rollerbladed either. Am I setting myself up for destruction?? LMAO
My drawing book and cassette tape arrived! My mailbox is retarded, I wish they left them at my door. I ordered some more impending yard sale upon my passing stuff in the meantime. A bag, the book merchandise I mentioned, some books, a hot water bottle, and 2 sets of nail decals. They’re getting ready to be shipped now. The nails and books/merchandise will probably be held at customs since they’re imports… But I’ve never minded wait! I also ordered contact solution and 2 CDs.
I won’t order the CD player nor the other 4 CDs I want until next time, though. For now I’m playing them on my computer. For some reason the contact solution won’t arrive for a week. Maybe I should have bought it from a store in person, but I like getting mail. I’m okay with wearing glasses in the meantime.
No. 787704
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I just splurged and bought 999 (the ds game) and the akira club artbook off amazon….excited!
No. 787715
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Waiting for these! Always wanted a mini david, it says estimated delivery date 26th of april but I don't knoooow anons. Might take longer.
No. 787738
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>>787685Tommy Airlines dvd + CD version, Baek Yerin Every letter I sent you, and nct resonance pt 2.
No. 787753
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>>787749Yeah! Loner is my the most favorite off of it, but the album is very different from the previous three. Our Love Is Great is my favorite record of hers but I’ll never convince myself a $300+ USD price point excluding shipping for a CD is worth it KEK There is some merchandise from ELISY tour available but it’s a good bit plain. Shipping is also egregious, because it’s going overseas. I had to buy my album on Amazon for free shipping and returns.
To go a bit further OT, I’d rather order resin making kits and one of those crafting printers and make my own fan merch to match my own tastes. But I’ve still got books and saws to order and I’m running out of space for this shit. Do other anons shred the package information when your orders arrive? I usually rip them off and keep the boxes for a while for crafts and eventually recycle them.
No. 787766
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I feel like shit about myself lately and I need clothes that fit properly, that is how I will justify this spontaneous shopping spree
No. 787776
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>>787753I dig the surreal and dreamy atmosphere of tellus, it made me go back and listen to the rest of her entire discography.
Damn that's a high price point. I've ordered albums from East Asia before but I rarely see them that high. Maybe it was a limited pressing?
I've always been keen on fanmade merchandise, you should try your hand at it. Really want one of those tacky 90s styled loona shirts I've seen on custom sites. My fav was actually this skater style typography one, but it's no longer sold.
No. 787788
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>>787766Do it! Buy your dream clothes. Scalpers with insane bots completely bought out my order for a pair of sneakers I wanted that dropped today, now they’re being sold for x3-x4 times the original price kek buy what you want when you can!
>>787776Yeah it was a limited print, so if I got one of those printers I’d just print my own CD flipbook since it was a simple cardboard case with a mini photobook release. KEK the b#rn shirt is tacky but I love merch like that, where it’s clearly advertising to those who know what it is, but it’s functional and wearable. You could easily dupe it though, the design was based off of Thrasher! This design is sick and available as a t-shirt on redbubble. A plus is that iirc redbubble has weekly deals that include either % off or free shipping? Might be wrong though.’ve got another album on the way now, this one is also an import so I’ll be waiting about 2 months kek it’s a compilation album for a band called Dicot. I’m so excited for it!
I almost ordered Boa’s Better cassette but it’s overpriced and I don’t like the album nearly enough to justify it. I’m going to get Shinee’s 1 of 1 tape instead. The rest of my list includes BEP’s Elephunk, Monkey Business, f(x)’s Nu A Bo and Hot Summer, and I haven’t decided which Cheeze and Infinite albums I want the most because they’re all good. But you can order kpop albums for cheap from secondhand resellers, preferably in bulk, it takes about 3 weeks for them to get to me. Facebook Marketplace is even cheaper and faster. I find that Ebay has them for the highest price along with Amazon. But their shipping policies tend to be better. No. 788041
>>787766I’m trying not to buy clothes, but I love your taste
nonnie. I would wear all of those pieces, especially that classy grey dress. Great choices!
No. 788045
>>787769Sorry sis, that was an ebay find. There's similar styles on aliexpress though, if you look up sailor collar cardigans.
>>788025They're all Australian brands- Review (the first 2 dresses), Marcs (the grey dress in the 2nd row) and the rest are Dangerfield/Princess Highway.
>>788041ty anon I am trying to class it up a bit!
No. 789923
>>786180Just updating. I'm
>>786177 and it got here today and I did my first workout. I want to keel over and die. The workouts are legit workouts but because it's a game you just want to keep going…easy to trap yourself into overexertion if you're trying to progress quickly. It's definitely worth it IMO if you're not one for the gym or suck at getting workouts right on your own.
No. 791413
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Preordered the Hamtaro nendoroid, super happy to get him in December!
Also my plushie of American McGee's Cheshire Cat supposedly has arrived in my country, very excited to finally meet him! Not even a catfag but LOVE his character in the games and all the details in the plushie. The bag is a cool bonus, too (there may be a patch added, but it's not guaranteed, I think). I have considered getting one of the bunnies, but they're kinda generic (beyond the hysteria one, which wasn't available yet).
No. 791628
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I preordered this Nendoroid doll, he's so fucking cute I just had to get it
No. 793328
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I received today a comic that I already got a refund for, as it took unusually long for it to reach me. I'm super happy! In case someone worries, I ordered it from a big online store shipping worldwide, so they can take the loss of my 15 USD.
>>792699Congrats, anon! Ebook readers are wonderful, hope you enjoy yours!
No. 794725
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>>791413Hey I ordered from American Mcgee and preordered the hamtaro nendo too!
No. 794733
>>793328This reminds me, I'm
>>785898 and I got my refund lol
Currently I am waiting for papers, printer ink and yesterday I got my new desk!
No. 794763
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my boyfriend got me metal gear keychains for my birthday, i feel bad because they were $100 altogether but i wanted them so bad….
also i think it’s only fair because i bought us both bootleg doc martens on aliexpress and his just came in today but mine are still in china….
picrel is most of the stuff i’m waiting on rn, i’m also expecting some nike dunk reps from aliexpress soon + also a lot of boring odds and ends for a puppy i’m adopting later this year
No. 794792
>>794779 lmfao ur good!!!! i got them on ebay …… is the listing for the first set this is the listing for the foxhound set ! if either of them go out of stock there’s a bunch of other listings of them. enjoy anon
No. 794806
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Waiting for my book. It will be a doorstopper at around 1000 pages.
No. 794808
>>794725AYRT omg you're so cool! What are the chances? I hope I will be able to buy the necklace one day. It's amazing and subtle, wish it wasn't so expensive though…
I feel like you may be the cool farmer that wrote to me on discord when friend finder was still active. Funny if we would have another thing in common LOL. Ignore if i'm totally wrong and sorry if creepy>>794763OMG love your orders. I love Martens and MGS. I've been craving those Hamtaro figures forever (especially with playhouse accessories), but they are so expensive for me since I cannot get them locally.
No. 794942
>>794808Unfortunately I'm not your anon friend. Sorry friendo.
Thanks for commenting back! It's pretty dope we ordered the same.
No. 795415
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Bought this pink Alpacasso plushie. Hopefully it's not a bootleg. It does look like the real thing. Cannot wait till I snuggle it! I must confess that I used to think that Alpacassos look cheap, but that's cause I only ever saw bootleg ones. The real ones are adorable!
No. 795720
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It's not the most dazzling design, but the stones have a lot of personal meaning. I've wanted this ring for a few years and finally splurged. Came a few days ago, I just spliced my ring finger and can't wear it for a while.
No. 795744
>>795729>>795736I'm glad you anons think so; it's handmade too which I love.
>Are you HaLevi?Nay, sorry anon.
No. 797415
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waiting on these hangers and a tunnel
No. 813166
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Bought the LDR pink sweater. It's used, but looks pretty much new in the pictures. Always wanted to have it both for it's natural purpose and as an collector's item (I was a poorfag student when it was in stores). I'm very happy, even though there is clearly some photoshop magic in that H&M Lana photo since nobody that I've seen looks as good as her in that thing. Have they fit the sweater specifically for her or what?
No. 813206
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>>813188I know, it'so obvious on her face etc. At the same time, I'm still wondering if it's possible for the sweater to fit anyone like this. I guess on pic related it looks similar…
No. 850320
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I just got a bunch of doll shit I'm so excited about it but I have nowhere to sperg about it lmao
>A new doll
>Two sets of simple clothes
>A bunch of random shoe pairs, hopefully I get a batch of mostly cute ones
>Two doll stands, of for the new one and one for my old one
I bought them from different sources mostly, but they are to arrive around the same time, I believe.
No. 850641
>>850320oooh, post your dolls somewhere! preferably in the thread on /m/
but I feel like you are the dollanon and know that. I adore the meme, is it from /toy/? I own a doll from the second deepest layer and am aware of the deepest one, kek.
>>850343Whoa thanks, I thought I'm buying a fucking Holy Grail. Your point?
No. 850700
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>>850641>but I feel like you are the dollanon and know thatI do! I am the blythefag, and since I think I am the only one in the thread, I didn't want to clog the thread sperging about it. The one I got is a black one with lavender hair. I wish I could post them, but my paranoia won't let me, since their custom faces make them unique and I fear being recognized
also I am still a beginner customizer and not that good yet kekBut I also collect other toys so I am always posting there, anyway.
>I adore the meme, is it from /toy/? I own a doll from the second deepest layer and am aware of the deepest one, kek. Yep! Which doll is it? I recognize at least one in each layer, but I only collect Blythes for fashion dolls (I actually consider myself more of a doll
clothing collector, actually kek)
on the topic of the thread, I am also waiting for a mug, but that was from a gift voucher from my sister's job lol
No. 850966
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>>850700Same anon here because I have 0 control and I saw this mini iron for crafts and I bought it too because I've been wanting one for a long time to make it easier to crease my doll's clothes when sewing and also to attach patches
No. 851425
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Just bought Dr Martens vegan 1461 for half price, worn once on Depop. Hopefully they’ll be comfy at work (I’m a barista). I have lots of ways I can style them outside of work too!
No. 852231
>>851425I have a pair just like these and they are soooo cute and rlly easily styled too. They suck to break in but once you've worn them a bit they are super comfy. I hope you enjoy them
No. 854148
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Bought two of the blue one for my parents. Hopefully they'll cough less due to all the smog and dry weather
No. 854824
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i'm waiting for my ass mage sticker from flork of cows
No. 863016
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Currently waiting for these
No. 863299
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waiting on these while my current work boots continue to kill my feet
No. 864445
>>864400Yes exactly. I found some of the books for cheap, but because I was impatient I did pay full price for at least half of them, maybe more. Total came in just shy of
1,000 USD fuuuuuuck
No. 867001
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Some stuff has already arrived but I am very happy with the Doc boots and sandals. Been wanting them forever and they're so cute!
The yellow Delfonics pouch was also a lot bigger than expected and holds so much of my art shit, its great.
No. 867015
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Ordered this Miku plushie the other day and I’m so excited for it to come in the mail! Only other ones I have of her are the giant Squishable I bought a few years back and some bootleg of her nendo plush I unknowingly bought in like 2014 kek. Despite being a huge Vocaloid sperg I don’t have a lot of Miku stuff, so I’m trying to change that. She may not be my favorite but I do love her.
>>867001Miku, Yotsuba and Madotsuki! You’ve such good taste, Anon. Congrats on the haul!
No. 867043
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>>867018Apparently there are some spin off books based off the animated movie Spirit. Also of you're into owls there are the Guardians of Ga'hoole books.
No. 867362
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has any other EU anon halted their purchases from china and japan since the new law has been implemented? it feels really offputting having to pay so much additional fees on top of already overtly expensive figures and stuff
No. 867419
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>>867411are you sure they didn't make a mistake? that's insane. honestly i don't understand why they feel entitled to taxes when our countries did nothing to help produce or sell these items in the first place, it feels like a scam, i hope you won't have to deal with this again
No. 871985
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>>867595I'm in EU and two of my recent packages from within the EU have been held by customs. Both clothes, both from small etsy sellers and like 30€ each. One was thrift, the second was custom made. I don't want to unleash onto some poor post office worker but can someone explain why is this happening? I've stopped buying from overseas for this exact reason and I'm still being penalized when I buy from the EU from regular people? The best part is - packages from the US used to arrive in 2 weeks. Now my local EU packages are being held for 5 weeks and counting.
I'm close to snapping and just buying regular mass produces shitty store clothes unethically made by chinese children and shipped into EU anyway, if this is what EU wants. Fuck.
No. 871987
>>871985Are you sure it's coming from EU? There are no customs to be paid when shipping between european union countries; never happened to any of my shipping; official source says as much as well you in UK maybe?
No. 871998
>>871985>EtsyI was expecting you to say this.
It was likely dropshipped. A lot of items are passed off as handmade by someone in Greece or Croatia and then you receive a package from someone in Indonesia or Hong Kong. Be careful and read the reviews, though most normies who buy from the shop won't notice this or mention it.
No. 872004
>>871987Nope, I'm in a continental member state, just as both of the sellers are. Your link doesn't work but thank you, I'll try to google around it.
>>871998I would suspect this to be the case, but the tracking literally shows it was sent from a post office in Riga or something and the seller seems genuine. I'm just so bummed this is happening.
No. 873388
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>>786169After seeing this post I've finally also bought few things from dainty district, they've arrived recently and legitimately are the most beautiful jewelry pieces I own, thank you so much anon for this recommendation
No. 879628
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My husbando's finally home! I wish he arrived earlier, when I wasn't clinically depressed. It's still a joy just to look at that beautiful box. I hope I will feel better soon and can properly enjoy this priceless figure. I don't want to ruin unpacking by doing that when I'm not in the right mindspace.
IDK if anyone else has the problem, but every time I get something this fucking amazing for myself, I get sad about dying someday and abandoning my treasures (but don't get me wrong, I'm constantly crying about the mortality of my dog and loved ones - I do not value objects over family). My brain makes zero sense. At the same time, I'm thankful for life that not only allows me live in peace, but also to enjoy beautiful, useless things. I know that not everybody has it this good, so I don't ever want to take it for granted.
No. 885664
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Waiting for my phone grip! I love it so much.
No. 898069
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>>786169Months late, but thank you for the recommendation! Her jewelry is so pretty.
No. 906649
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Got me a hobonichi for next year to try out. Also grabbed the clear cover and matching pencil board. Really going to try and draw/fill it in everyday!
No. 906696
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Have to do my xmas shopping early because I'll be gone all November.
No. 906742
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Bought myself the shoes I've been lusting after all year as a birthday gift to myself. They look like clown shoes and I will wear them every day
>>906649Wow, that's such a nice design! I love the colors.
No. 950364
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After sperging on the lyrics thread, I started thinking about this book written by one of my favorite musicians. Every holiday season since it's been released I've thought about buying it but I don't for whatever reason, but finally I've made the purchase. I rarely buy books because I don't like them taking up space in my room, so I only buy books with significant personal value to me. It's going to take basically a month to get to me (never mind shipping delays) but I'm excited! I think I might make this a bed time reading book.
No. 950927
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Summer is coming and I am DETERMINED to spend more time at the beach, the pool, water parks etc so I splurged on some stuff. Every year I cheap out on ugly, ill fitting swim and I never feel confident in it (either in terms of how I look or how protected from the sun I am), so I end up avoiding swimming. Anyway now I've gotta go pray that it all actually fits.
No. 975508
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Just impulse bought this bottle opener as a gift to my weeby ass best friend who likes Naruto. I got her an actual nice gift too but this is too stupid yet functional to NOT also get her. She said she got me a weird/funny gift so this is my equivalent.
No. 981784
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I'm crying so hard right now. I just got a birthday card from my parents and it's like all the tears that I haven't been able to cry have unclogged. I haven't seen them in two years now, stupid COVID with travel restrictions. I wish I could hug them so hard right now, but I guess a big bunny plushie will do. God, I miss them so much. I wanna talk my native language again and eat home food and snuggle up with my dad. It's breaking my heart right now.
No. 984401
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>>786180 and finally bought Ring Fit Adventure since it was on sale! It's going to be delivered today. I'm very excited to try it out!
No. 984404
nonnie I hope you get to see them soon. I am so happy that you have such a loving family though, it's so sweet to read how much you love them.
No. 998889
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>>786169My bf ordered me the left ones for Christmas.
>>950364I love Tablo too!!!!
No. 998906
>>998889I sadly have to report that they did not have the right book and didn't ship me the right book… One day I will get Blonote!
I'm also the other anon who posted the sakura jewelry and I custom ordered some bracelets from her as a gift for my friends!!! Since they're custom I won't be posting them here but gosh working with her is so great and the bracelets turned out absolutely beautiful!!! Love her stuff so much and so happy to see other anons ordering from her!!
No. 998962
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I made a friend through a radfem artists discord and we decided to exchange gifts this Christmas. We are from different countries so we decided to give each other candies that you could only find on our natal states. I am so excited, she is super nice and funny and I love her so much, I just hope my package reaches her on time for the holidays or I'm gonna be upset.
No. 998967
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Am I really going to spend 40 bucks on a japanese imported plush? Heellll yeah I am
No. 1246843
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Preordered her because I’m insane
No. 1634556
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Just impulse bought these sandals. Someone I follow bought them cause a reviewer said she wore them for 10 miles out of the box and they were comfortable, and the person I follow said it was true. I've been scouring the internet for this colorway in my size and it popped up on Amazon (wasn't available yesterday). I wanted them for an outing I'm going to next weekend, but I don't think they'll arrive on time (Amazon says expected delivery is at the end of August?!), but I don't have many light colored shoes/sandals so I'm excited to have them just to wear out, even if not for the outing.
They're the Sorel Kinetic Impact Y-Strap High Sandals if any nonnies are interested.
No. 1635699
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I'm waiting on this pair of Dr Martens that I scored on eBay (only worn once!), and the first 3 books in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. I do use a Kindle but sometimes I just miss the feeling of holding a paperback. I'm also eyeing up a cute blouse that's on Depop for £2, but tbh I already feel bad about the buying the boots and books since I keep saying I want to get a new phone kek.
No. 1636316
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Ordered from Aliexpress, including a couple of Jinhao 82's so I can mix and match the parts (like picrel). Also some gifts and stuff to exchange with my stationary club friends!! I am so happy to send and receive stuff from them. I'm really looking forward to drawing a cute picture and writing a letter for a Autumn/Winter package!!!