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File: 1690583197297.jpg (42.39 KB, 540x540, ass windows.jpg)

No. 1647704

It's the week of the dumbass moon and it's shining on all of us.

previous thread >>>/ot/1638980

No. 1647714

>Pirated game I've played a thousand times asks to make changes to computer like it always has before
>Defy it and click no
>Smirk in triumph as game doesn't load

No. 1647717

>you know what, I’m not gonna make the new dumbass thread I’ll let someone else do it I post too much
>this thread pic
I shoulda just fuckin made the thread

No. 1647718

I'm sorry nonna but threadpic is absolute gold

No. 1647719

It's a good pic

No. 1647720

File: 1690584965451.png (48.95 KB, 1280x720, 463929582025.png)

It's neat when they play music for you when installing the game but I kinda hate that they have the volume at max and you gotta turn that shit down, it's certainly an experience kek.

No. 1647723

File: 1690585111022.jpeg (25.39 KB, 275x206, 119226FC-C301-4120-B875-B3DCA2…)

I guess it’s funny, I’m just an autist and don’t wanna look at someone’s ass. Anyways I had an amazing idea for some lolcor art and I think she would definitely be a farmer.

No. 1647724

promised myself to not buy kpoop shit but i couldn't stop when will i be free

No. 1647726

Just hide the pic

No. 1647727

File: 1690585350784.png (1.49 MB, 800x1847, 1541713456778.png)

The hands one got me

No. 1647728

File: 1690585705221.jpg (18.47 KB, 366x366, help2.jpg)

i want to fuck this dumbass mf so bad. there's absoloutly no porn material of him and it's killing me

No. 1647729

It still shows up in catalog…it’s not that serious weh

No. 1647741

I'm just now realizing that I could've made a new EA account to use my pirated Anadius sims 4 on instead of risking the account that I actually use and have spent money on. I feel so retarded.

No. 1647744

File: 1690587224375.png (Spoiler Image,268.84 KB, 873x829, image_2023-07-28_183304863.png)

Did a quick search and it's just a lot of gay porn, or they draw the postal dude with a vagina?

No. 1647745

oh fuck the postal dude is a fakeboi too

No. 1647748

Is there any reason in particular Indian parents in law, particularly mothers in law, are so fucking horrible to their daughters in law? I've heard horror stories about how once a woman gets married she has to move in with the husband and his parents (barf) and she's basically a slave worker from then on. It makes no sense to me because where I live people who live with parents after marriage have a completely different dynamic. Sometimes they even have floors of houses seperating their living areas and its like 2 apartments with privacy. I just don't get it.

No. 1647749

So I have no moral problems with pirating, and I would do it myself, but isn't it dangerous to pirate games? As in like, it's possible you could get a virus or a key logger or some shit? How do you guys find stuff that's safe?

No. 1647752

File: 1690588420333.gif (12.44 KB, 73x64, cow.gif)

Dead as fuck cow farming business on weekends. Nonnies going out with their friends and just chilling, crystal cafe is moving like usual (coming up with the craziest gangstalking conspitacy theories)

No. 1647753

Anadius is pretty popular and trusted so that's why I trust it. It's honestly just going with your gut and using what other people say they use tbh. Same thing with movie and tv show streaming sites. When soap2day shut down and I had to find a new site, I did some searching to see if the site I use now is popular.

No. 1647754

Samefag but honestly in general there's no real "safe" feeling with pirated stuff. I trust anadius but I know I could still get a virus.

No. 1647755

No. 1647759

Fitgirl repacks,steamunlocked,vimm.net, If your not sure if it's the real site check reddit and look at the most upvoted one that links the real one

No. 1647761

The gangstalking thread on CC /x/
Not sure why you'd want it since it seems like the most basic schizo rambling though.
Also check the /feels/ board for "Living with someone with a serious mental illness or disability" and "Abusive OCD bf part 2" threads, a woman who moved to Japan to be with her boyfriend who turned out to be an abusive alcoholic piece of shit (she's an alcoholic too though). Lots of miners calling for her to pack her shit and leave but she fucking married him while the threads were still going?

No. 1647767

Thanks for the suggestions. I've wanted to pirate sims, but honestly not being sure where to get it from always makes me hesitate. I might try it on a laptop where I'm not logged in to anything first because I'm that paranoid, kek.

No. 1647774

lot of things to do but im bored anyways

No. 1647779

File: 1690590201425.jpeg (315.24 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_8520.jpeg)

glad to see this thread is working unlike when the last one went wonky

No. 1647783

File: 1690590346032.gif (12.07 KB, 115x95, cows_ride_truck_md_clr.gif)

Me and who?

No. 1647784

File: 1690590400497.jpg (110.61 KB, 700x698, ukr6be5lvmg71.jpg)

No. 1647785

File: 1690590572510.gif (17.65 KB, 121x88, cows_ears_flick_lg_clr.gif)

thank you nonny

No. 1647787

File: 1690590693078.jpg (125.78 KB, 550x993, c428dab318e60e66f993348c226b98…)

No. 1647789

I just ate a super thick piece of bacon, and I think that may be the first time I've ever been disgusted my bacon. Uelgh. Gross.

No. 1647795

I hate this thread pic. Fill this thread quick, so we get a new one

No. 1647798

You fill it.

No. 1647803

Just watched we need to talk about Kevin with my mum

No. 1647806

>vimm's lair
People always suggest it for roms, but it's so slow. I recommend the r/roms megathread github link. It's faster and there's more options.

No. 1647808

you should be disgusted by it

No. 1647810

Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping, do I want Montreal chicken or Italian chicken? I make both myself I just don't know what ingredients to get.

No. 1647816

pros and cons of each go!

No. 1647823

I've been trying before buying for years and I've never gotten a virus/malware since back when everyone used limewire. I use rutracker, but if you go to the piracy subreddit, they have a bunch of links and guides. The more niche the game, the less likely it is to be a virus. People target big things like GTA5, but I've also gotten that and was fine. If you're really paranoid, you could always pick up a laptop that you don't use for anything but downloads and use that.

No. 1647824

Are you a repressed lesbian or something? It's just a funny pair of pants.

No. 1647830

Montreal chicken is saltier and it's slightly easier to make, but italian chicken always stays 'moist' because it's cooked in a sauce. Montreal can also be grilled and italian has to be made in a pan.

No. 1647831

paula is definitely a terf and a farmer

No. 1647839

to me the clear winner is the italian one because it stays moist, covered in sauce and seems the most convenient to cook. can you fill it with cheese?

No. 1647841

Nta but they're cursed and when you fart the curtains will fog. Silence.

No. 1647852

I guess you could add cheese. I've never added cheese to this one before. A lot of the sauce cooks down. I normally serve it with toasted bread or ciabatta or something to keep it italian, kek.

No. 1647858

Dumbass memory: years ago on 4chan there was a period of time where my browser (can’t remember if desktop or mobile) was really aggressive about auto filling the email field with my actual email that is my full legal name and I’m sorry to say I didn’t catch it one time and the post went through and I couldn’t delete it! No one pointed it out though and I never got a weird email so I got away with being stupid that time

No. 1647862

>my actual email that is my full legal name
this was your second mistake

No. 1647863

I think it looks good for resumes… It’s hard to get your full name nowadays on a major email platform like gmail, I got in early enough that my fairly normal name wasn’t taken. probably some kind of hubris biting me in the butt lol

No. 1647866

File: 1690599243093.jpg (85.47 KB, 827x839, F16B2gpXgAMoVh-.jpg)

I don't want to work, I want to drink and play my comfort games this weekend.

No. 1647870

File: 1690599549185.gif (225.58 KB, 500x659, 4jsb802uui299s.gif)

Will be thinking of you when I'm at work tomorrow sister, good luck

No. 1647889

Thanks Shayheads for showing me that scar tape exists! I have scars from my tubal and I've been putting tape on for like a week and they look better already. Before I was just using a cream and saniderm but this is way better

No. 1647899

Nona what's your favorite silly song with Larry from veggie tales? Mines are
Belly button song
Cheese burger song
Lance the turtle

No. 1647906

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I want to become someone with a refined taste in music, someone who is knowledgeable in the history of music, listens to many genres, knows indies and shit, but i was born with the taste of a stan twitter faggot that posts on r/popheadscirclejerk all day. i cannot listen to a song unless it’s some trashy cunty pop track. my top artist last year was charli xcx, she will probably top this year too, gaga coming up close. I can’t help it, I created so many ~aesthetic~ playlists but i barely touch them. they do not bring me joy the way vroom vroom does. i’m just a basic vain bitch i guess

No. 1647910

go back

No. 1647911

we'll be connected through our pain.

No. 1647913

go back where bitch i just have a bad taste in music

No. 1647915

and the verdict?

No. 1647925

your taste is actually ok. mine is terrible

No. 1647931

File: 1690606428198.png (179.77 KB, 320x300, 1690606187422.png)

I'm truly tainted, I thought this sensitive cat image was nikocado avocado's mutated dick for a second

No. 1647936

File: 1690606953116.jpg (31.68 KB, 345x437, 1566614848123.jpg)

week 7 of no cement was yesterday, didn't remember to make the post bc of orientation, and i think i'll stop "documenting" it here, too troublesome having to keep up with making posts every week.

No. 1647939

Good for you nona! Sad to see you go but we believe in you!

No. 1647942

don't worry nonna, i'm still here, just not as the one anon that used to eat cement. Any post on another thread on this site could be mine, you never know~.

No. 1647945

trauma flashback to when I used to eat chapstick and lipgloss

No. 1647947

I literally cannot look at my face in the morning or I'll think I'm ugly for the rest of the day

No. 1647958

File: 1690610379171.png (175.73 KB, 1310x283, spongebob.PNG)

Some newfag bumped this and it has me bawling
>The only problem is that he won't be SpongeBob. He says SpongeBob is too effeminate and it would be too "gay" for him to act like him comfortably

No. 1647975

File: 1690614721568.jpeg (55.09 KB, 500x500, IMG_5896.jpeg)

Just put one of these on before looking in the mirror and you’ll feel like a cutie for the whole day.

No. 1647976

this cracked me up kek

No. 1648035

This actually made me laugh out loud

No. 1648078

File: 1690629984363.jpeg (367.1 KB, 1600x1200, 2C9B87B3-DDE6-460C-97E8-0360D3…)

This is the only series I ever seriously read fanfiction for, I love it so much I even bought the children’s books it’s based on, though they’re very different from the show. This was years ago. I ship Jane and Jester but read a lot of Jane x Gunther, the tension made for better stories, there was a really great one that would get an update once a year it felt like, I wonder if it ever got finished. The full series is still on yt it’s unironically really good, give it a watch https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL7eixYHeVxCt83KOAhgCqhGsUEifX5f0

No. 1648084

the first and only fanfiction i ever read was Gary x Misty Pokemon fanfic, that i'd come across when trying to find drawn fanart. The point i'd stopped reading, Misty got a hickey from Gary and was getting shit for it from her sisters and it was that point where my father saw what i was reading and told me i had no business reading that.

No. 1648091

Good night my fellow dumbasses
Good afternoon European dumbasses from Poland and Finland Finland that's fine land ha lot of trees there, it's bye arussian.

No. 1648096

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it's thundering and i need to shower. But someone mentioned in the pixielocks thread that it can be dangerous to shower while there is thunder outside. I have done it before but now im paranoid

No. 1648097

I made a new twitter account and was actually enjoying myself until I got suspended out of nowhere and since I used a throwaway fake email I dont think I can get it back. I’m so annoyed because that was the first time I felt like I was actually comfortably making new friends with normal women beyond talking to the random nonna here

No. 1648101


No. 1648102

yeah lightning can travel through the water through plumbing so you shouldn't do that, but I don't think the risk is high.

No. 1648108

thats peak comedy in my opinion

No. 1648109

i love lolcow.farm so much kek

No. 1648114

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Why am I addicted to food
Why couldn’t it have been crack

No. 1648141

Same anon, I'm gathering the courage to get ready for work. Working Saturday nights fucking suck

No. 1648152

File: 1690638717889.jpg (137.15 KB, 960x703, 83b.jpg)

Kek that pic is magical. Epitome of dumbest shit.
We'll nonnas I've been recovering from hernia surgery well, gunna get a colonoscopy and endoscopy on the tenth. Never thought this is how I'd end up spit roasted but here we are.

No. 1648157

If your BMI registers as obese, talk with your doc about assisted weight loss. Tell them you're worried about the health problems obesity causes and you've been trying to lose weight with no success. At some point they'll probably stick you on phentermine which kills your appetite and changes your dopamine levels or something. Then you can foster an addiction to amphetamines instead of food. Not crack but you'll be feeling a bit of the zooms that's for sure.

No. 1648175

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the derailing in the manifesto-chan thread is so insanely schizophrenic is honestly kind of amusing KEK. Is like anons from different universes are trying to prove their point unhingedly.

No. 1648176

What the hell is the manifesto Chan thread

No. 1648182

a thread about legendary misandrist manifesto anon

No. 1648192

Found it. I love that 2X is full of so much vitriol towards women, lovely place.

No. 1648194

I had a dream that you fuckers doxed me and made fun of my Furaffinity favourites

No. 1648195

is fucking insane isn't it?

No. 1648223

>open twitch
>girl painting her completely nude boobs on the front page
I know my little kid cousins watch streamers on twitch, are you telling me they could come across basically porn without specifically searching for it or deliberately browsing to an 18+ website? what the fuck.

No. 1648225

>are you telling me they could come across basically porn
Yes. That has always been true on the internet since the 90s.

No. 1648228

Yes? That's why you don't let kids access the internet until they're older. It's always been like that. In fact, it used to be worse.

No. 1648229

Isn't nudity not allowed in Twitch? The fuck?

No. 1648230

I've been on the internet unsupervised since the early/mid 00s and don't remember every coming across porn as a kid, maybe I was lucky. I knew porn is easily accesible of course but I didn't realize a kid could come across it that easily without looking for it on a mainstream "kid friendly" website, you know? Holy fuck that generation is going to be fucked up. I think I'm gonna warn my aunt about this.

No. 1648231

File: 1690645200048.jpg (74.58 KB, 1200x675, zoomersareretarded.jpg)

so i came across some "le quirky #oldwebkawaii genderspecial 4chan users" on pinterest for example this user https://www.pinterest.com.au/therapyy_/_created/ claims to use all pronouns, has a carrd (weird about me page used by twittards to tell everyone that they're aroace genderfluid demiboi whatever) and basically never went to 4chan lol. whats up with these retards thinking everything is so awestethic. picrel is an image he/she/it/fag saved in the me board (hope this post fits in this thread 'cause its some dumb ass shit)

No. 1648233

>maybe I was lucky
You were. Damn, I'm jelly.

No. 1648239

4chan aesthetic is very popular among people who have never gone on that website or posted for some reason, people putting clover emojis all over their pages is in right now to social media tards

No. 1648240

are you fucking for real KEK. do you have more examples? why are they like this

No. 1648242

File: 1690645653288.jpg (35.78 KB, 600x767, f38298_4c4a8b149421426ab7cd041…)

I love it when I randomly look up a famous person and it happens to be their birthday. Especially if they're dead because it makes me feel psychic. Anyways, Happy Birthday to William Powell.

No. 1648245

he has pretty eyelashes

No. 1648251

I thought I hadnt seen any porn online as a kid but that’s because the porn I did see, I thought it was a joke or in the same vein as gore, like purposefully meant to be repulsive. Like cakefarts and goatse I definitely saw before I was 13 kek, think I discovered encyclopedia dramatica and when I was 11/12. I’m surprised you never came across similar.

No. 1648257

File: 1690647888707.jpg (1.45 MB, 1500x1125, stock-photo-multitasking-overw…)

So how's work nonacitas? I'm dying to go home.

No. 1648266

There's a joke about Silent Hill in there somewhere but I'm too lazy to find it.

No. 1648268

They raised our metrics again. I'm not suicidal, but I wish I was dead.

No. 1648272

Is that a pride flag?

No. 1648280

This is a super common experience I've had with younger zoomers online. There's a huge amount of cognitive dissonance at play - on one hand they're obsessed with talking about their problematic 4chan phase and will gladly reminisce about it fondly but at the same time they'll engage in their usual extremely woke antics. Or they'll admit to browsing some boards and frequenting 4chan and will gladly laugh at incel shit but will absolutely go off on anyone slightly terfy, a lot of tifs fall into this category.

No. 1648292

File: 1690653390626.jpg (57.7 KB, 828x803, Tumblr_l_392281220941188.jpg)

just realized how hairy my toes are wtf

No. 1648311

File: 1690655004093.jpg (61.58 KB, 1600x900, download.jpg)

I'm watching the second Savage x Fenty show and for some reason Rosalia is making me blush. Idk if it's the body or the voice or what.

No. 1648323

You may have been online but not on the Internet.

No. 1648330

lmao this post

No. 1648357

I finally finished the top I was making. I coulda sworn it only took me 3 days but I guess it was 6. Anyway, I'm excited to wear it! It's my first time crocheting a garment so I learned a lot and made a lot of mistakes. It's actually a pretty quick project so I think I'll make another one when Autism rolls around in darker colors.

No. 1648361

>I'll make another one when Autism rolls around

No. 1648398

yeah. these mf-ers make everything into a pride flag

No. 1648402

i wonder when will they peak kek

No. 1648405

He looks a little fruity

No. 1648415

chatted with someone at a bar and when he said his name was DV it took everything in my body not to say "…like Domestic Violence?"
what the fuck is he thinking walking around with that name? did his paren't give him that name? did he choose to go by those initials? could he not go by David or whatever his name probably is? (I couldn't ask if that was his real name, I had to focus on acting normal)

No. 1648424

I’m thinking Darth Vader. Did

No. 1648434

It did not used to be worse, come on now. As a kid I could google a cartoon characters name and not see inflation porn of them on the first page. What are anons acting like op is pearl clutching or stupid when sexual content on the internet is way more blatant than its ever been? As a kid I heard about goaste and two girls one cup but you had to actually go look for those things after being told in person, or have the link sent to you by some prankster. That's a huge difference between going on one of the most popular websites on the internet and there just being tits on the first page. There were no tits on Gia Online nonnie, there were no tits on any of the Myspace profiles I saw. Stop acting like this is normal.

No. 1648441

Samefag to say that kids have more access to predators than ever before, their own favorite YouTubers could be getting explicit photos of them. Worse back then my ass.

No. 1648445

NTA but I was unsupervised and played on a lot of flash sites and never came across porn. I even remember going on deviantart for dress up games and not coming across it. The first time I actually found porn on the internet was smutty fanfics.

No. 1648448

Same, I spent at least 6 hours a day on the internet unsupervised back in the early 2000s and never came across porn

No. 1648449

i want the jeans in the threadpic

No. 1648453

NYA but I was also introduced to all those things when I was a teen, either via moid friends or 4chan trolls on Gaia online. Unfortunately when I was in middle school I accidentally came across digimon furry porn when I was trying to Google renamon.

No. 1648458

damn. i was introduced to porn at 5 or 6 years old by a classmate and looking back she was likely molested too due to other things we did together. by introduced i mean she told me to watch a "funny video" of a guy eating a woman out but we both clearly didn't know about sex so to us it was just something nasty like sucking on someone's snotty nose for example, couldn't remember the title of the video she told me to see so i just went on sex.com and developed an addiction from that point to shortly after i turned 15. i wasn't getting off to any of it i was just watching it for shock value or to have a laugh honestly it was just entertainment to me there's maybe two times in my life i ever felt anything about something pornographic but that's it. i deeply regret exposing that shit to my classmates as a kid because it eats away at me because i really didn't have to do that and people could have gone years without my corrupt intervention

No. 1648461

I’m craving to get summin a little sweet but it’s too late for iced coffee and I can’t decide what I want

No. 1648494

there were porn and gore raids on gaia online all the time in the early 2000s with men PMing graphic images to children, you absolute gaia n00blet

No. 1648496

bless your heart then

No. 1648497

maybe your parents had 18+ stuff blocked. my internet was set up by my teenage siblings lol so none of that shit was filtered

No. 1648509

i remember the spam avatars that would post pages of goatse on gaia threads. predatory males PM'd dick pics too. furry inflation porn was an issue back in those days if you were a pokefag or furry but it hadn't quite spread everywhere else yet

No. 1648511

when I was moving into my freshman dorm at school my suitemate's mom was talking about one of her son's friends (he went to the same university) to my roommate's mom and my own mother. and she was like "and he's called BJ? I had to ask if he was seriously called BJ, and, well, yup. that's BJ." after that my mother and I went to get salads from Whole Foods and she brought it up, saying she didn't know what they meant, why "BJ" was a weird nickname. and that was the day I explained blowjobs to my mother.

No. 1648514

File: 1690671394631.jpg (108.73 KB, 1280x853, ON-CO983_Bar_BJ_M_201806281805…)

not me a but a coworker had a similar discussion with a mother in law about BJs wholesale club.
but DV is just…I don't know, it doesn't even roll off the tongue I actually spent like 5 full seconds turning the gears in my head trying to think "that's weird where have I heard DV…?" before it clicked and I had to mentally straight-jacket myself

No. 1648516

nta i just want to say it was weird playing on gaia as a 10 year old and have other people's avatars repeatedly switching from sit to stand in order to "hump" your avatar unprovoked. it wasn't traumatizing or anything obviously i just remembered it being weird lmao

No. 1648517

I literally shed a tear everytime I see someone get a Russian manicure. Literally a travesty.

No. 1648519

No. 1648520

omg i remember that. you couldn't do anything in towns without that happening

No. 1648521

There are a lot of gay/bi people or trannies on 4chan. This isn't that far off, I've seen multiple nonbinary men and women on 4chan because nb identity is common in autists

No. 1648524

File: 1690672097035.jpg (76.37 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I don't wanna sperg too much cause I've down it before, but Russian manicures cut the proximal nail fold (the part that most people mistake for the cuticle) to get a clean and neat look. The nail fold protects you and if you cut it, that increases the risk of infection. Like staph infection infections. People keep promoting it and it hurts me.

No. 1648526

That's just how actors looked in the 1930s.

No. 1648527

Ty for answering. Omg I've always felt thay cutting the cuticle like that was wrong and only now the infection stuff is being mentioned, it also looks so weird when they cut it, almost like the nail is lifted and ill.

No. 1648530

File: 1690672737308.png (838.22 KB, 1080x1080, cuticle-proximal-fold.png)

No problem anon. In the US it's illegal in a lot of states to cut "cuticles" but a lot of places and nail techs still do it. If you're curious, cuticles are actually just dead skin on the nail plate, and can easily be removed by filing or with a liquid cuticle remover and then scraping it off. Your nail fold/eponychium can look dead and dry but it just needs to be moisturized.

No. 1648531

If my parents weren't internet boomers, I'd agree, although my parents did instill the fear of internet strangers into me so maybe that helped. It wasn't until I was 19 that I actually started conversing with people on the internet.

No. 1648533

That is absolutely a woman made meme

No. 1648534

>doesn't have cuticles
What does this mean

No. 1648535

Oh i meant that fold by cuticle, thanks anon.

No. 1648537

Idk. If you don't get manicures regularly then your skin is probably just really moisturized so there's not much dead skin or something.
Its ok nonna, I also use them interchangeably.

No. 1648561

I argue with a random scrote being stupid online and then come to lc next for comfort among my fellow nonas

No. 1648571

File: 1690676498453.jpeg (52.82 KB, 750x746, BAF22189-0CFA-4D22-B3E9-2284DD…)

if my packages dont arrive tomorrow before i have to leave im actually killing myself (i will still get them i just dont want to wait for weeks until im back home) pls pray for me.

No. 1648574

bananas are currently not in season where i am right now and it sucks because i really really want to make banana oatmeal cookies

No. 1648575

Are you sure about that? When dialup/AOL was still a thing I remember that they’d let you create accounts for different age groups under 18 in an attempt to curate content of an appropriate age. Instead all that happened was every chat room for the 10~15 aged accounts got filled with pedos looking to privately sex rp. They did implement some forms of parental monitoring at one point, but it was easy enough to delete the monitored account and make a new one with whatever settings you wanted, even as an 8 year old. I honestly don’t think it was any better or worse, just different. There’s only the impression that it’s better or worse now depending on what sites you use and who’s content you’re interacting with. Additionally, as adults who grew up online, we have a better understanding of the intent behind weird “non-pornographic” fetish shit we come across vs normal adults of the past and literal children who’d probably just be confused and then quickly forget about it.

No. 1648586

This song woohoos

No. 1648601

watching this now, it looks cute nonna

No. 1648622

really craving a krispy kreme donut now, especially one that has the icing cracked like a dried cumshot

No. 1648623

Now is the perfect time for Ariana Grande to come out as a gay trans dude. Ariaidan if you're reading this it's okay to be who you are

No. 1648625

You made me gag, congrats

No. 1648631

Everyone knows truly malebrained straight women hyperperform femininity until they can't take it anymore because they get more from it.

No. 1648636

File: 1690684979650.png (94.04 KB, 601x286, kopj9opjpjop.png)

I forgot she "doesn't do labels"

No. 1648642

I would say we would never see that girl with a woman ever in life but when you remember what a monster she is she'd totally do it for pr for like a week

No. 1648645

File: 1690685236971.png (3.93 MB, 1280x1690, IMG_5907.png)

wanting to sleep better tonight

No. 1648652

If you can't fall asleep you can always take some sleeping pills if you have some.

No. 1648658

I just saw a youtube short of AI generated news kek. And everyone in the comments was buying it.

No. 1648703

Nonas ITT if you could use AI to generate any fake news story what would it be and why?

No. 1648707

Elon Musk Found **

No. 1648728

File: 1690691830109.jpg (120.78 KB, 1125x1377, 1655830708293.jpg)

this site keeps me from being an untolerable annoying sperg irl, sorry for all the shitpost and infights though

No. 1648729

Same kek

No. 1648735

File: 1690692584943.png (674.71 KB, 1280x720, Princess Jellyfish - Cast.png)

trying to design female characters moids wont want to coom to is quite the task, jesas

No. 1648736

those are the best tasting donuts tho because of the crunch on the icing

No. 1648737

If they don't want to coom to her though then they'll hate her with a passion not even all the women of the world combined could equal. It's either be jacked off to or be hated.

No. 1648740

File: 1690693190208.png (454.26 KB, 640x480, 1686115452914785.png)

yeah, it sucks. I am trying to work on my passion project, and the only way to circumvent this is to make all the female characters non-human, which so far is working. I doubt men will want to cum to a skeleton, a dullahan and a dragon(well, maybe this one they will cum to), but i ran out of ideas pretty quickly. I am not even a feminist honestly, but i am just kinda angry there isnt one single piece of media that has cool female characters that i like. I am mostly just fueled by rage.

No. 1648746

Just got home, exhausted, still have things to do tomorrow. Hope you got home and got to relax a bit nonna.

No. 1648752

how can i stop thinking about women? like seriously i want to stop obsessing over women

No. 1648756

obsessing over women? how?

No. 1648760

NTA but i agree. i do think it's worse today just because of the sheer amount of kids being handed a smartphone with internet access + the privacy a phone can allow if the parents are careless enough. it isn't fool-proof but my parents had the pc set up at an angle they could easily see what we were looking at from most angles in the house. a kid could just bring a phone to the bathroom or anywhere private and just look at whatever he/she wants now.

and if it's not one or the other, they will be both hated and jacked off to, sigh

No. 1648768

OT but I hated this manga, the love interest is a dickhead.
Shame because it's rare to see not conventionally attractive women in manga.

No. 1648772

i fall in love with every pretty woman who is nice to me, which then turns into an obsession, and i can't stop daydreaming about them until they give me the ick, or i move on to another obsession. i went on a date last night with a woman from a dating app and i was bored the entire time, i just wanted to go home. things are way better when imagine them. i usually spend hours daydreaming and sometimes impulsively act out my daydreams without me realizing it and most of my daydreams involve scenes with whichever woman that i am currently crushing on at that time.

No. 1648775

i believe in subliminal messaging now, bc reading this thread i suddenly thought about cutting cuticles and nail manicure and realized that just out of my eyes' focus a nonna was talking about Russian manicures.

No. 1648781

i don't think that's the part of the post that made her gag anon..

No. 1648785

>a dullahan
The game skullgirls has a character like that, and considering the nature of the game…moids most likely jerked off to that

No. 1648789

mine's not sexualized and also lost her head so she's pretty much a headless knight and since i obviously wont give her tiddy armor she looks pretty gender-neutral if not completly androgynous

No. 1648804

File: 1690699338612.jpeg (87.42 KB, 960x960, B739C2BF-E7D5-4012-AB83-80FB22…)

I don’t wanna get out of bed hnnnnnnngngngn every day I wish I had a rich estranged relative that would die and leave me their money

No. 1648820

Monster Musume has a dullahan

No. 1648828

File: 1690700724651.jpg (265.46 KB, 1280x1066, 1686119764496088.jpg)

again, mine's not sexualized. It's more like a ghost rider or female version of the common male dullahan. I really want monstergirls that arent just anime girls with titties and neon skin color, fuck.

No. 1648837

File: 1690701143478.jpg (29.48 KB, 453x700, fa8ebcadf4ce0c6644dd3190e49d19…)

Hysterical and useless
Hystericaal aaaand
Let dooown and hanging arooound

No. 1648839

You'll have to be the change you want to see in the world anon.

No. 1648848

File: 1690701455945.jpg (1.06 MB, 3000x2250, 1686895979579075.jpg)

That's my goal. I am aiming to make all the female characters genuinely monstrous, and keep the male characters cute and husbandable.

No. 1648855

File: 1690701897004.jpeg (126.69 KB, 1000x1024, A215AB95-5266-4003-81FD-50CCD2…)

Ahhh ntayrt but I do the same thing, I’m so tired of this shit

No. 1648866

File: 1690702549609.jpg (195.74 KB, 775x843, bearlashes.jpg)

Got my lashes done.

No. 1648870

File: 1690702765015.jpeg (62.54 KB, 385x800, 7D860B39-6C93-43FA-9400-571C53…)

giving picrel vibes slayyyy

No. 1648871

File: 1690702919822.jpeg (23.66 KB, 325x223, 52C1B095-3B58-413F-9E3C-59FCE4…)

Thinkin about my sinus cavities and feeling unnerved by the snails in my face

No. 1648881

File: 1690703584796.png (471.94 KB, 622x413, hilarious antics.PNG)

>the ladies of lolcow ten seconds after ending a vicious infight over child death and animal cruelty

No. 1648888

File: 1690704150877.png (18.34 KB, 552x304, rip stan.png)

bara artist who mainly draws marvel coom mourning stan lee

No. 1648897

it would have been so much better if the main story wasn't about being torn between fucking rich pussy ikeman #946362 and his troon brother

No. 1648900

I just wanted to thank zofran for being the fastest acting pain relieving medicine out there. Without it I’d have spent so many days vomiting

No. 1648908

File: 1690708049764.jpeg (Spoiler Image,367.91 KB, 1536x1751, c8b705e8-1abd-4aa0-a4cf-970d6c…)

Every so often I just like to remind people that this is what milk ducts look like. Scary.

No. 1648911

File: 1690708107115.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.96 KB, 1500x938, conceptual-image-of-female-bre…)

Another less creepy pic. Anyway, the first time I found out that's what milk ducts look like it put me off my titties for a while.

No. 1648915

skill issue, nonna. i don't mind this bc my boobs still feel warm and soft and nice

No. 1648918

this one creeps me out more, the other one at least looked like flowers

No. 1648932

This is terrible I wish you spoilered it

No. 1648937

ps spoiler this is offputting

No. 1648939

File: 1690712516867.png (477.81 KB, 1080x1624, Screenshot_20230722-202545~2.p…)

I am unusually attached to the electronic number representing money in my bank account. If I see an artist painting little pictures at a craft show or some woman playing drums on the street, I won't hesitate to pull out cash to tip her. But if I see the same thing online and it requests my PayPal, I would rather die than make that number go down. I just get such anxiety seeing the number go down, even though cash is the exact same thing, but physical.

No. 1648951

File: 1690713664382.gif (662.74 KB, 220x220, cat-tongue.gif)

Scrotes try to make women feel bad about their vulvas by calling them roast beef, as if roast beef isn't fucking delicious. more for me, then.

No. 1648967

samefag, another one that i found but this time on spacehey. shes literally 13 years old what the hell
her account link: https://spacehey.com/profile?id=1540098
warning, when u enter her profile you'll be greeted with a jeff the killer image lol

No. 1648976

I have the exact opposit, I hate to have a 20 bill split up in a 10 and 5, and then just a 10, and then just a few coins and then poof, gone.

No. 1648978

>4chan aesthetic
what even is that

No. 1648982

Scratching a mosquito bite unlocked the memory of my best friend growing up and me always getting told we shouldn't scratch them because it'll just itch worse, so instead we started to slap it. It worked fwiw.

No. 1648983

basically idiots like to make an aesthetic out of everything, and i kid you not, some examples are goblincore, gorecore and probably shitcore

No. 1648994

haha I did that too. now I’m remembering this one time I was playing in the treehouse with my neighbor and smacked a mosquito off her arm then realized there was blood on my hand and freaked out because it was likely her blood and i thought that was gross

No. 1648999

she's everything i hate in a person but she's 13 so she'll probably grow out of that.
>half Russian
>4chins and not 2ch
that's how you know she had never ever lurked an imageboard and that's very good for her.

No. 1649012

wow new celeb thread has not been made yet?? (no i will not make it)

No. 1649017

cashier at goodwill said she hasn't seen me in a while and that i remind her of her granddaughter's mother. then she said she doesn't see her enough. idk why that made me want to rip my heart out of my chest

No. 1649019

oops forgot i started antibiotics and drank a sippy of wine haha fuck.

No. 1649058

I literally am not able to believe that's a real person who is 13 right now in 2023. there are not actually 13 year olds like this anymore. they all died after the 2008 recession

No. 1649061

the dilf in my game keeps yelling unsteady posture and it's starting to fix my scoliosis

No. 1649065

No. 1649070

at home remedy

No. 1649082

It's been kinda sad browsing through /ot/, am I wrong or has there been much more infighting than usual recently>

No. 1649089

I'm listening to Tommorowland rn

No. 1649107

absolutely based radiohead appreciating nonnie

No. 1649118

Ty nonnie. How do I not remember this from TS2? So good.

No. 1649143

File: 1690733286510.jpeg (38.76 KB, 750x275, 6C18BED9-5570-4F23-B607-8779EC…)

Wish that were me. I think I’m gonna do a weed, what the fuck is bean juice.

No. 1649144

I love Princess Jellyfish so much, it’s the first “girly” anime I liked I only watched shounen before this. Never finished reading the manga because it took so long waiting for chapters to get translated.

No. 1649155

File: 1690734428357.png (447.64 KB, 637x338, Capture.PNG)

tured of this life

No. 1649161

Coffee, hot brown bean juice baby oh yeaaaah

No. 1649169

File: 1690735508273.png (233.56 KB, 500x378, 1429810506218.png)

first day of college tmrw, hella fucking nervous

No. 1649173

I've been taking (prescribed dw) iron for 3+ months now and I honestly thought that it'd make my brittle asf nails stronger but it hasn't, even though my iron levels have been confirmed to have been improved. Do my old weak nails need to grow out since it's technically dead material or am I just shit out of luck and it isn't iron deficiency causing brittle nails?

No. 1649178

File: 1690736522075.jpeg (203.92 KB, 720x480, E46FDBF3-DA93-40F8-B265-9EB022…)

Oh my love, I was just looking for pictures of him the other day. Good luck tomorrow nonna!!

No. 1649179

you will be okay, if you're a freshman they baby the shit out of you and it'll be EZ

No. 1649180

the former, the weak nails will grow out.

No. 1649181

Good luck nonna. I remember my first day of college. I was a wreck, but things turned out fine. Take things easy for your first semester, it takes a while to adjust. It's okay if it feels 'wrong' at first. It gets easier to be there, in my experience.

No. 1649187

wtf why am i getting dumb moid content about how barbie movie is destroying males everywhere even though i try to avoid redpill male shit??

No. 1649192

File: 1690738091507.jpeg (587.99 KB, 1170x957, D07B5438-ADC5-4278-A0DD-02ACD0…)

Sorry nonas the dumbass questions thread was locked but how long has choachan been down? Dang I missed out I wanted to see my favorite flop idols get shit on

No. 1649193

being an indian moid is hard

No. 1649194

Oh that’s sad. I don’t care for kpop myself but it’s sad to see a female (?) img board go.

No. 1649210

where are the users migrating?

No. 1649217

File: 1690740047777.jpeg (30.1 KB, 600x407, 5BB74974-4267-48C0-AC42-2B61C7…)

Steve Howe nonna are you still out there? Your devotion is inspiring

No. 1649220


will it? is that the case in the West? Asia has this whole thing with age power dynamics and "respecting your elders", kinda like "fagging". i feel i could be pushed around by seniors, but it wasn't like that when i was in school, so i hope it won't turn out that way.
thank you for the motivation, nona. it's weird seeing so many unfamiliar faces after spending 7 yrs seeing the same faces in one school that never really had new students.

No. 1649230

i went to a smaller university in the west and they were very friendly and helpful to freshmen. not sure how it goes in bigger universities or in other countries tbh.

No. 1649233

File: 1690742485151.png (67.1 KB, 791x709, 1687561043295726.png)

Decided to break away from my usual not moidy thread on /vg/ and check out CGL. Worst mistake of my life. Why is every board on that hellsite so fucking bad?

No. 1649241

No. 1649246

I've never drank that much before but I think I should do it more often
Normally I am worried and stressed about everything and failing my exams because I am so stressed and how I will never become anyone special or worth loving and that I am ugly but right now I don't care and i like it. I wish I didn't have to drink and could feel like this all the time with anti-anxiety or depression medication or something like that but that will never happen because my insurance will drop me if I hand anything mental health related in. I think I've had anxiety and depression since I was 10 years old. I am slightly below average in terms of grades and I fucking hate jt. I wish I was just fucking smart and didn't have that many self-esteem problems so I could get good grades easily. I am so jealous of my friend who is just smart like that and never fails any uni exam. I am just too stupid I guess. The only time I don't feel it is when I am drunk. I wish I wasn't born and didn't have to hang around here because it just sucks and I'm tired of everything

No. 1649250

I’m low key jealous of people who can use alcohol as a coping mechanism. Shit just makes me feel happy happy fun times for like an hour and then my head hurts for a day and my joints and tummy hurt too. And yes I try liver protective supplements and drink tons of water when drinking alcohol and don’t drink on empty stomachs. I stick to top shelf stuff because well and lower tier liquors affect me more negatively. Even with all that I get icky hangovers more often than not. Even if I just have 1-2 drinks!

No. 1649259

i haven't checked in on cgl for years and given the state it was in when i was still a regular, i can only imagine the level of cosplay moidery and trannydom going on there now. i hope a lot of the nice lolitas there moved onto lc, it pains me to think there's still women there who have to put up with the male bullshit

No. 1649282

I downloaded idol manager and I'm near tears at the realization that there's no male idol option. What's the fucking point?

No. 1649297

I feel so bad for them. Even if you don't like kpop, that site was created because of kpop critical being banned and you gotta respect that, plus running a female imageboard centered around a female-dominated interest would be hard. If lolcow itself shut down I doubt any anons here would start a completely new imageboard.

No. 1649300

Same. Things like alcohol and medication just make me feel worse, I wish there was a way to feel relaxed and happy without thinking about anything even for just a few hours. I don't remember the day I felt actually good and happy.

No. 1649307

File: 1690748834711.jpg (61.92 KB, 360x270, A_Little_Curious_Logo.jpg)

Does anyone else remember A Little Curious on HBO? I have the most vaguest memory of this show although I definitely did not watch it regularly.

No. 1649308

File: 1690748904685.jpg (436.13 KB, 960x1440, p360272_b_v8_ah.jpg)

Samefag, there's also Crashbox. This one feels like Robot Chicken levels of fever dream.

No. 1649311

File: 1690749141723.jpeg (486.39 KB, 1170x1039, IMG_7341.jpeg)

Make my life less boring I am going to gouge my corneas out

No. 1649312

Me and my lil bro loved this show, it was so fun to compete and see who knew the most

No. 1649328

Benzos make me feel too good and I wish I could just have a constant supply of them. No hangover, only problem is that my anxiety comes back when I’m not taking them, but it’s no worse than it was before I took them. I know people say they are super addictive but I’ve binged on them for months and quit cold turkey and never had any extra issues besides the same issues that plagued my before the benzo benders. Honestly if I could access benzos the way people can access alcohol all my problems would still exist but I’d actually be able to cope kek.

No. 1649346

File: 1690752162269.jpg (11.81 KB, 235x268, 1660970437000.jpg)

I view young boys a lot like the dogs from animal farm, Napoleon takes them from their mother as puppies, says that he'll "make himself responsible for their education," and then raises them in isolation from the rest of the farm and they grow up to be loyal to him and him alone, afterwards the pigs rely on the strength of dogs to uphold his rule on the rest of animal farm, I have often wondered If one could replicate with a group of random of male children, teach them to be loyal servants and bodyguard

No. 1649349

ntayrt it's not good to take benzos long term. they cause memory problems. I used to work with a woman who had been on them for over a decade and it was like talking to a goldfish. she even told me every week "I've been taking xanax since I was 19" and I'd be like yah, you tell me every week… and she'd say "I do??"

No. 1649369

what did she mean by this

No. 1649382

>realising love is real, because i am full of it
>realising i already have shelter, warmth, food, and health, and don't need to envy others when my needs are met
>realising that many things are out of my control and im just doing my best
>i am all i'm meant to be
>realising as i get older that im very much not unique, which means i can find fellowship
>i am constantly discovering myself, that's ok, and very fun
>there is so much to learn and that's so much fun. history, farming, mycology, minerology, carpentry- isn't that fun?

No. 1649391

/cgl/'s been dogshit since the mods died and it just became a bunch of coomer threads with the only remaining femanons being extreme autistic schizos who screech about fat women 24/7.

No. 1649403

Literally feeling exactly this way right now and it's awesome. I'm currently swamped with work but mentally and emotionally I'm really good. Life is good

No. 1649411

I already have memory problems out the ass even without benzos though. Even before I ever took them. The brain fog I get from my chronic illness and ptsd is something else to the point where I’m literally more coherent when I’m xanned out. I will say most people probably are nowhere near as bad off as I am in regards to an absolute garbage combo of mental and physical illnesses so for like 99.99% of people there are almost certainly better alternatives with a much better risk to benefit ratio. The fact that you used to work with that lady says everything you need to know. If you can function at a job with benzos you’d be able to function better at a job without them, especially long term use of them, maybe short term use when beginning therapy. But for people who are already too disabled to work and housebound with mental and physical bullshit, they should be allowed to have however many they want honestly, let me be sedated and not in a state of constant anxiety which then causes pain and fatigue.

No. 1649426

Ah god you're making me miss my lamictal

No. 1649429

this is so fucked up I don't know if it's based or bad

No. 1649430

File: 1690760529853.jpeg (130.16 KB, 828x653, 8FE58404-DD85-4B5F-816F-6D49D1…)

/cgl/ has always hated fattychans so that’s not new. All the moid threads are insufferable though. The tranny mod is fucking shit at his job. I’d fucking do it if it was easy to become one.

No. 1649431

Men aren’t good for anything but physical labor so it’s based

No. 1649432

i am so hungry and there is nothing to eat

No. 1649435

Not even canned veggies?

No. 1649438

>/cgl/ has always hated fattychans so that’s not new
Obviously, but it's become pretty much the only thing you see not coomer anons discuss now.

No. 1649449

Kek nonna please send your results here once you're done with this

No. 1649452

Ma Baker

No. 1649453

Im fighting for my life on the toilet nonnies send the fire brigade

No. 1649461

Taco bell?

No. 1649463

Why is taco bell making yall shit yourselves. What the hell are you ordering

No. 1649464

That’s not even hard to get though lol any doc will give you that if you ask it’s not controlled

No. 1649469

there are canned veggies?

No. 1649471

File: 1690763591192.jpg (57.44 KB, 793x1300, sundaymorningrainisfalling.jpg)

Never did picrel?

No. 1649476

File: 1690763778469.png (42.51 KB, 598x900, 394372910573.png)

See, she gets me.

No. 1649481

we dont have those here

No. 1649483

File: 1690764159529.jpg (82.88 KB, 1024x684, 1656165419781.jpg)

>successfully avoid alcohol for two weeks
>get 7+ hours of sleep every night
>"wow I feel great! I feel happy and have tons of energy! I will reward myself with alcohol"

No. 1649485

the fuck

No. 1649487

File: 1690764283088.jpg (214.58 KB, 1500x1500, 81qiJh7fZgL._SL1500_.jpg)

not even him?

No. 1649495

struggle is real. I think the only cure is making plans that don't include alcohol, like then you're too busy to drink and having too much fun

No. 1649508

Hell yeah sis ♥

No. 1649514

File: 1690767183250.jpg (134.7 KB, 612x812, shounen bullshit.jpg)

>All these characters aside from Nene, Hermione and maybe the girl from Jujutsu Kaisen since I know nothing about it are written by men and pretty much just exist to be the token girl character/love interest

No. 1649516

I had no idea Hermione was hated by fujoshi.

No. 1649517

I don't think she actually is (same with Nene and even Misa to an extent) I think OP just threw her in because she's the main girl.
If anything I more just saw Hermione be used for ship wars for if she should be Ron or Draco.

No. 1649518

File: 1690767681009.jpg (671.93 KB, 2048x2048, bdbeb41155ef37fff590838b835c77…)

Granted a big reason Misa was well liked was because she had cute clothes and people wanted to dress like her.

No. 1649519

File: 1690767754471.jpeg (278.8 KB, 544x513, 2334A6AD-E985-48FA-B0F0-938C41…)

I’ll never forgive myself for hating on Misa and Sakura so much back in the day. It’s not their fault their creator was total shit at writing female characters. They deserved better. Fuck the shonen genre

No. 1649520

File: 1690767998406.jpeg (499.2 KB, 1064x2648, XsM4cvQ.jpeg)

Misa I don't give a fuck about really outside of her cute clothes, Naomi was the one who actually deserved better and was killed off early purely out of misogyny.

I don't get this argument though that >it's not their fault they're shittily written!
Like, they're still shitty characters at the end of the day specifically because of how they're written, there's nothing wrong with hating them because of that nonna.

No. 1649521

all fo these except nene and hermione are shit and deserve to be hated

No. 1649522

Her outfit when she met L for the first time (lower row, second from the right) always was my favorite, but imagined it to be red.

No. 1649524

But nonnie, you can never hate on female characters even when they're directly written by moids and exist purely to be the generic love interest/annoying fanservice character to the protagonist because they're all queens!

Literally though this is just the Padme problem with all of these characters all over again.

No. 1649526

They had really great potential to be good characters. That’s why it’s frustrating anon.

No. 1649527

Ma ma ma ma

No. 1649528

Western Fujoshi hated her guts, actually most of these characters are really only that autistically hated by western fujos

No. 1649530

File: 1690768909929.png (841.77 KB, 540x799, misa and remu.png)

This one's always been my favorite.
I think Misa brought a lot of interesting stuff to the show, but I'm not sure how you would make 'Light's yandere wannabe girlfriend' into an interesting character.
I guess maybe if they made her super intense and not mentally retarded she'd be kind of entertaining, but then she'd literally just be a female Mikami.
I feel like eastern people also hated her since she was on that 'most hated female shounen jump characters' list, but men also really hated Misa so…

No. 1649531

Oh I think you meant Hermione sorry.
Uhhhh was never in the HP fandom so I'll just assume you're right there.

No. 1649533

I've never seen a single man hate her, they coom over her if anything.

No. 1649534

It's kind of split, half the male fandom hates her for being annoying and basically interrupting the show (my ex bf had this reaction when he watched DN with me) while the other side doesn't care about her outside of coom.

No. 1649539

Eh, just stop reading Jump

No. 1649543

I don't (I mostly read seinen and BL), I just think people who insist that you like female characters just because they're female are annoying.

No. 1649545

File: 1690769587946.jpg (50.57 KB, 640x640, 1670017905182.jpg)

Holy shit i wish i could share my favourite cows with you nonnies, one of them is doxxing the people that doxxed him first and outright called for people to send them trannies and pizzas, kek. He's on an absolute schizo state and has been streaming non-stop for 3 days

No. 1649555

And I think that people who complain about well written female characters while willingly consuming Jump belong in hell.

No. 1649557

>send them trannies
Like prostitutes?

No. 1649558

No. 1649563

File: 1690769989543.png (541.73 KB, 800x933, 642ea557f38b813755396603d38263…)

I hope you're just referring to a general audience since most of my favorite manga/anime have female protagonists and I don't read Jump kek.

No. 1649568

I use a vpn so I sometimes see other nonnas' bans. Jannies can be some of the most retarded people on this imageboard. Banning one half of an infight that was less aggro, banning only ONE post in a multi-anon infight, bans over innocuous posts. THIS ban I didn't get to see personally, but I saw it before the redtext and after, then anon posted in the complaint thread >>>/meta/60556

Not to mention the posts I report that DON'T get redtexted. What a shitshow kek

No. 1649570

All the current jannies are newfags if that weren't obvious

No. 1649571

Wait, that's my ban, they redtexted me? What did it say?

No. 1649573

Damn anon I'm sorry I really don't remember. It was a few days ago. I wish I had taken a screenshot, but I remember rolling my eyes because I reported a different post above you that they let slide. Maybe someone else will remember and can tell us?

No. 1649574

It's ok anon. I legit didn't even know it got redtexted kek. I just now noticed that they banned me for that post 2 days after I made it.

No. 1649582

seriously, someone gets me. i post something, someone starts to insult me, but if i defend myself i am the one who gets a ban. it drives me insane. fuck that janny in particular.
plus some scrote must have posted something really horrible on 4shit because he got my whole apartment building rangebanned, now I can't shitpost on /lit/.

No. 1649590

Link please?

No. 1649592

File: 1690771694567.png (251.6 KB, 1080x1080, jdskhsjkda.png)

What gay tribe does Ben Shapiro belong to? He has the eyebrows of a twink zoomer but we all know twink death occurs at age 25

No. 1649596

The "only redtexting one side" thing is a holdover from Oldmin/Shaymin. She and her mods used to argue with anons and then ban them to "win" said arguments. I remember Oldmin getting very angry and refusing to answer if anyone asked if the other person in an infight was banned.
I think mods do it now so there isn't a bunch of redtext filling a thread, but it's still annoying and often ridiculously biased. They could just redtext both posters once.

No. 1649597

nah Im on my period because I’m constipated

No. 1649598

didn't know constipation could give you periods

No. 1649604

I love writing dead dove do not eat type stories about me and some fictional moids to satisfy the misandrist febfem in me

No. 1649611

True and honest dumbass shit moment

No. 1649612

Otter at best

No. 1649615

sometimes i wonder if manhate is why i get off to fictional men in distress, makes u think. let me read your shit anon.

No. 1649630

Childish Gambino is such a good example of how shutting the fuck up can save a celebs career. He's said so much retarded shit but no one brings it up cause he's quiet most of the time. Actually, last year he gave himself an interview where he asked himself about his thoughts on race and everyone promptly told him to shut up. Haven't heard anything since.

No. 1649662

File: 1690777045359.jpg (79.92 KB, 680x454, FzSei-maEAAQFjJ.jpg)

>power is out in the entire neighborhood and its really hot
>chill next to the window on the 2nd floor cuz nothing else to do
>notice a flashing light coming from a house
>turn on my phone's light and flash it back at them
>other people join in
>we all do that for like 40 minutes straight

was literally boiling alive but this kept me entertained for a while kek

No. 1649674

File: 1690777604013.jpg (89.39 KB, 984x954, 29fd0279e27868a8b8625f4eef37b9…)

>At a meetup yesterday
>girl talking about how she can't support rurouni kenshin since the creator is a pedophile
>makes sense
>other girl perks up 'YEAH THAT'S KIND OF LIKE JK ROWLING'
>awkwardly look down at my drink

No. 1649675

File: 1690777731338.png (11.87 MB, 2530x3532, 107563409_p0.png)

why the fuck are there so many goofy husbando fags? always been a cartoon network girl, can someone explain? there shouldnt be this much art of goofy with bed eyes, am i missing something?

No. 1649676

He's a dilf to furries I guess.

No. 1649677

I'm sorry but I will always seperate the art from the artist when it comes to Kenshin. Allegations what. That's my man, that was my man when I was 8.

No. 1649689

he commissioned child porn…

No. 1649697

Those weren't allegations, those were the truth. Dude had so much CO the cops thought he was a distributor.

No. 1649713

Got the urge to reread something on one of those inactive oldweb sites that's been up for decades and apparently the hosting service shut down TODAY, not even hours ago, entire site totally gone. I check wayback and some madlads have archived every single page. Friendly reminder to back up nostalgic content, not just your cow's favorite posts.

No. 1649720

I meant Kenshin was my man let me clarify.

No. 1649721

I still have yew yew hockeyshow

No. 1649742

File: 1690780204372.jpg (49.12 KB, 1184x1003, adhesive-sanitary-pads-with-wi…)

Just had a real dumbass moment. I crocheted a white rectangle, left it on my bed to go do something, and literally froze when I came back into the room and saw it, thinking "is that my pad??". I'm not even wearing a pad y'all.

No. 1649744

considering society is crumbling and the world is on fire, no, it's not fun. ignorance is bliss i guess.

No. 1649750

Samefag, but you know how after you've worn a pad for a while it looks kinda stretched out and thin and wrinkly? That's literally how it looked. I thought my pad slipped out.

No. 1649756

this is why you have no friends

No. 1649770

No. 1649774

File: 1690780793786.jpg (332 KB, 1500x1500, k_Edit_2022-08-ITI-Brown-Sugar…)

I just tried toast with a brown sugar crust, so good but I definitely can't stand more than one piece

No. 1649822

File: 1690782542879.gif (242.88 KB, 220x135, cow.gif)

Anons, please recommend me cows to binge-read the threads of. I don't have high requirements, just
>if possible, japan-based at least some point in time
>no porn or prostitution, or if she does, it isn't her main stint
>preferably having her legacy start at least pre-2020
>short boyfriend-arcs, if there are any
>wanna say that male cows are okay too, but most of them are sex pests, predators or pedos, and I don't want to read about that, so I think it's going to be hard finding one
My favorites were Venus and Mira, if that's anything to go by. Thank you.

No. 1649835

damn i was gonna suggest mira, she was prime milk for a couple years.
how about kota? never really followed her but fits your criteria

No. 1649843

File: 1690784470704.webm (881.43 KB, 1280x720, 1677348450103819.webm)

watching a 7 hour long course so i can draw the most disgusting shit immaginable

No. 1649845

File: 1690784550928.jpg (93.81 KB, 512x585, Screenshot_20230731-072103_Chr…)

hi class today i want to share this retarded looking cow from a manga im reading

No. 1649846

borzoi cow

No. 1649866

File: 1690786285021.jpeg (144.87 KB, 799x632, IMG_1728.jpeg)

KEK oh my god truly a dumbass shit thread post I completely fucked that post up and didn’t even realize omfg

No. 1649867

mtf troons be like (or diarrhea)

No. 1649868

File: 1690786533576.png (245.85 KB, 600x638, IMG_9707.png)

nonnie please I’m so embarrassed kek

No. 1649871

I just finished reading a sort of fluffy fanfic about a ship I like and I feel so happy. It's been years since I indulged in a ship and read a fanfic about them. The writer also noticed all the tiny stupid details that I sperg about with this ship and they utilized these details in the story and it makes me so happy. I need more gay shit, I miss it. I miss reading yaoi so much but most of it is schoolboys stuff and I'm too retarded to figure out how to sort tags in myanimelist to choose gay shit with adult characters. But oh well. I'm also craving watching a terrible shoujo anime I watched years ago and hated but the music from was good. I want to hate watch it so bad and laugh at how bad it is, as well as watch a stupid bad yaoi anime I read the manga of and laugh at how retardedly written it is while enjoying the generic gay jrock music.

No. 1649898

File: 1690789951791.gif (1.27 MB, 640x418, minimoss-pixel-art.gif)

it's raining it's raining it's raining, it's been raining for weeks. I hope it stops raining this afternoon because I have to go to the stores.

No. 1649900

Are you Swedish too? We were told this summer would be utra hot and dry but that weather stayed in southern Europe, we just got rain and more rain instead. Lagom pls

No. 1649903

File: 1690790643035.jpg (36.58 KB, 407x612, ba65c63c1c9cd74729f88869086229…)

this guy is the hottest moid i have ever seen

No. 1649904

Who is it anon?

No. 1649905

Nah I'm Dutch. We did have extreme heat and drought in june here, did you not get that either? I googled the meaning of lagom and that's how I feel too lol

No. 1649908

NTA but I live kinda close to the Netherlands and we're having nearly constant rain as well… It doesn't feel like summer at all, I only saw the sun once for the last few weeks. It made my day and I was so happy that I posted about it in the mundane shit thread kek

No. 1649910

We did get hot weather in June, then summer decided to cancel itself. Looks like it's the same for the rest of north-western Europe.
Kek I get you, we had sun the other day and I got excited and wanted to go to the beach, but then it rained again.

No. 1649911

You are so weird

No. 1649916

I typed a gigantic insane rant, but I am embarrassed to post it. Nobody is going to read that insane wall of text, but I have nowhere to spew this shit out. It's not about anything important, which makes it even more stupid.

No. 1649919

While I'm feeling stable and regulated after a lovely weekend i just want to gush about my bf. I love him. I know he's older than me but I still feel like my consciousness, hopes and dreams formed him into the perfect specimen. I manifested him.

No. 1649920

>then summer decided to cancel itself
kek exactly. I've been waiting for the sun to show up so I can finally go to the beach.

Yeah it really doesn't feel like summer at all. On the upside this is more comfortable than having to stay indoors with the windows blinded in an attempt to keep it cool inside because it's that hot

No. 1649922

File: 1690792862448.jpg (69 KB, 564x845, 1146e79d1e84f179e409673043f8fe…)

is it that weird? i though being into guys with glasses was one of the most common fetishes

No. 1649927

>Yeah it really doesn't feel like summer at all. On the upside this is more comfortable than having to stay indoors with the windows blinded in an attempt to keep it cool inside because it's that hot
You're right nonna, I have relatives that live in southern Europe where it's 35+ degrees every day and some of them have resorted to using ice packs for their computers because they're overheating way too much in this weather… it feels weird knowing we're on the same continent.

No. 1649964

File: 1690798488608.jpg (205.29 KB, 1080x1087, Screenshot_20230731_051405_Chr…)

I cropped a bunch of reviews for glasses into my own dumbass brand of reaction images and I can't stop laughing and digging for more.

No. 1649966

I would smite him

No. 1649968

Where's his upper lip?

No. 1649970

Nonna, who do you think gave you yours?

No. 1649991

aghhhhhh this shit is so good, I absolutely must have some now. imma have it for breakfast

No. 1649995

No. 1649998

File: 1690802857839.jpg (94.53 KB, 1024x666, 1541488871438.jpg)

Summer is almost over and the majority of it was below 28°C where I live, it was constantly rainy.
Climate change my ass.

No. 1650002

>Why is every board on that hellsite so fucking bad?
because moot left

No. 1650007


Climate change. Not "temperature increase". Climate change is definitely happening. Except uncultured normies STILL go like "dhuurr huurrr it's cold this summer so climate change no real hurr".

I also blame the newspapers that didn't explain climate change but only mentioned the unnatural heat waves.

No. 1650010

Oh nonnie I know climate change is real, I was just shit posting. Why do you think I posted this in the Dumbass Shit Thread and not the Vent Thread.

No. 1650011

that's why they posted that in the dumbass thread. maybe you should loosen up. and learn how to format your spacing so you don't look like a reddit moid. try integrating some time. maybe you should lurk a couple more months

No. 1650015

File: 1690804478474.jpeg (444.91 KB, 1926x3057, IMG_5882.jpeg)

Have a great day nonna-nitas, mommacitas

No. 1650019

Successfully withheld myself from posting an extremely long autistic essay about a fictional character, you should all thank me.

No. 1650035

File: 1690806453031.jpg (39.54 KB, 584x430, 573.jpg)

Relatable post.

No. 1650063

underrated pad adventure

No. 1650065

he looks kinda like a fish here anon

No. 1650066

attractive profile but absolutely no skull, as if his brain was comically tiny

No. 1650129

File: 1690815577602.gif (Spoiler Image,7.26 KB, 100x100, 9vaKUKC.gif)

I love looking through my old hard drives from middle school and high school and finding cringe ass shit kek

No. 1650143

kek, make it into a banner

No. 1650156

cheer up emo kid

No. 1650157

oh my god, I loved this shit back then. Can't believe I forgot about these, these were great. I made so many of these avatars/icon thingies.

No. 1650160

Sorry nonna. Tbh I thoughth that one was better since it's not showing the muscle. Anyways, breasts are terrifying

No. 1650162


No. 1650169

Climate change is a distraction from talking about pollution, overpopulation, and natural resources depletion, because capitalism doesn't want to talk about actual issues, they just want to sell you greenwashed products and raise your tax rate. Also the wildfires are 100% arson by eco-terrorists. There has never been a wildfire that hasn't been caused by arson. Source: lived a bunch of places, seen a bunch of wildfires, all turned out to be arson.

No. 1650174

Kek nonna for a second I forgot which thread we were in and almost missed your bit like an autist

No. 1650183

If you go to website glitter-graphics you can find tons of them from back in the golden age

No. 1650184

no one proposes "buy less stuff" as a solution, just, 'give us more tax money and feel bad.' whenever you see climate change being spoken about, they do it to sell you something. like an electric car. IE greenwashing. if someone actually wanted to solve climate change they would go door to door offering free vasectomies.

No. 1650201

Scolding about integrating kek we’re women here

No. 1650205

File: 1690824207314.gif (4.37 MB, 498x488, IMG_5926.gif)

>there’s a fifteen minute sex scene in the Oppenheimer film!!
There wasn’t even a minute combined

No. 1650224

I was looking at LCs old rules with our first admin, and seeing that loli/shota was literally against the rules in like 2015 or 2014 made the whole debacle that happened earlier this year hilarious.

No. 1650225

Samefag, *2015 or 2016. Idk, I was looking a few days ago so I don't exactly remember.

No. 1650227

but is there pussy licking?

No. 1650236

Is it tame enough I can see the film with my dad?

No. 1650241

Yeah, I'd say so. I saw it with my dad and had no embarassment at all

No. 1650246

I can't take it anymore. I've been holding this in for years and I have to speak out about this. Anons, you do not have to say "Sage" in your post. The only ones who can't see if you saged or not are newfags.

No. 1650247

But is there PUSSY LICKING?

No. 1650250

Oh my god yes I fucking hate it when people announce their sage

No. 1650251

Thank you for asking the important questions.

No. 1650252

Wait what, why did they allow it again then if it was up for debate again?

No. 1650255

So they just lied for publicity

No. 1650259

I wish a vortex would open up and swallow cats. The fact that everyone soft worships these evil creatures makes me loathe them more. The cat torturer did not go far enough.

No. 1650261

Most anons know that, they're just using sage as a shorthand for "I know this is minor/nitpicky/slightly off topic"

No. 1650262

why, in parking garages, do i constantly hear the screeching of tires? like someone drifting a corner. what the fuck do you guys do in there?

No. 1650263

negative brain cells

No. 1650272

There is no pussy licking, munching, fingering, or motorboating whatsoever. We only see Florence Pugh’s breasts and butt when she rides him. I don’t remember any more tho, it was a long film.

No. 1650275

How disappointing.

No. 1650276

what a fucking disappointment then. triangle of sadness at least had fingering.

No. 1650277

File: 1690829686088.jpg (138.12 KB, 1500x1905, shane-gillis-2-1-e5b8ae9d6cf34…)

Was reading Ariana Grande gossip before bed and I had a realistic dream about crushing on Shane Gillis and trying to steal him from his imaginary wife what the fuck

No. 1650280

That's the nature of parking garages. It happens with certain tires no matter how slow you go

No. 1650290

are you fucking kidding me? those bastards were lying?

No. 1650293

am i a prude sperg or why is this always what's shown in films? it's always riding. is this some kind of specific fantasy men have? i don't necessarily see it as scandalous or degenerate but it's always the same sexual act so i find it odd.

No. 1650294

samefag i think i figured it out after a minute of thinking: men want to get off but they're lazy.

No. 1650295

it shows off the female body and hides the male body the most. this is why we complain about the male gaze ruining things. show me cillian murphy's ass flexing and his back muscles rippling, hollywood cowards! show his bush peeking over her buttocks at least! reee

No. 1650296

Nta but probably because it focuses on the woman instead of the man and it's easy to depict without showing vageen

No. 1650298

I see other positions sometimes but maybe it's the easiest to fake and film and that's why they do it? Since most of the time the actors aren't actually having sex anyway, it's the easiest position to mimic?

No. 1650299

This is the reason. I just watched Queen Charlotte and the series is clearly made for women, it's has the man on top so you can see his butt. And in another scene she is on top but keeps her gown on.

No. 1650312

i cooka da meatball

No. 1650313

watashi was yakuza

No. 1650315

watashi wa da piza

No. 1650318

Jag hoppas att du gör det ordentligt.

No. 1650321

ore wa lasagna

No. 1650324

File: 1690834000352.jpeg (35.45 KB, 686x386, IMG_5927.jpeg)

Sniffsniif give me da fish

No. 1650326

File: 1690834252310.jpg (19.76 KB, 564x562, 47a9b5b54050aa068f4b3f9f993492…)

Blub blub

No. 1650328

File: 1690834661561.gif (1.7 MB, 274x200, 200.gif)

No. 1650329

ok this got me good

No. 1650331

I think it's actually pretty based, I'll take a lazy man over one that wants doggy any day

No. 1650347

File: 1690837266666.jpg (56.02 KB, 702x546, 86263472.jpg)

im a grandma and still only use tumblr. i have twitter but only to keep track of what my favourite youtuber is doing.
But i started lurking on fandom twitter and i never noticed how dead tumblr was until now. fanartists posts more art on twitter then tumblr and there are active discussion and fangirling going on. To be far this fandom is semi small, large fandoms are still active on tumblr but still.
I still dislike the idea of using twitter for fandom because of shit tag system, shit layout, lack of customization etc but it is what it is. Finding good fan accounts on twitter is also a pain since they always seem so unfocused but today i got lucky and found some quality fan accounts that only posts relevant content, doesn't talk about their personal lives and doesn't post discourse. Holy fuck this is amazing. I really missed this shit on the internet I feel like I struck gold. I know im late to the game since everyone is leaving twitter now or at least they claim that they dokek but i guess im gonna be more active on there from now on

No. 1650361

samefag but what the FUCK do twitter users mean when they call their accounts for safe space

No. 1650369

>Werther's Original
I don't care if it's old people candy I love that shit.

No. 1650378

it means they are retard

No. 1650379

Even though it was short, it still felt very out of place imo
There's another one where she rides him in bed, the previous celebricows thread has webms of it

No. 1650397

It means that unless you're a feminist, they won't judge you for anything you do/are. If you're a grandma, how did you find lolcow?

No. 1650398

File: 1690841465981.jpg (24.9 KB, 593x367, 1894_7643.jpg)

he is a qt, I don't understand why anons are being so nitpicky. probably because he's not a roided hobo

No. 1650400

Idk, I'm assuming it was removed before oldmin.

No. 1650429

He looks like he has autism and is a nerd

No. 1650430

I have a crush on Shostakovich

No. 1650433

Not trying to start a fight but liking ugly men because liking hot guys is "bad and sluty" is a thing so I'm always skeptical of anyone who finds an ugly man attractive. But to each their own I guess. I have a hypothesis that people who are into ugly people even ugly celebrities are probably ugly themselves and want someone of the same level of attractiveness subconsciously or consciously.

No. 1650438

File: 1690845675878.png (88.8 KB, 640x635, 1668763117788.png)

i didnt think it was gonna cause that much controversy, what even is attractive now with moids? i am still stuck with titanic dicaprio being peak male beauty. I dont watch modern movies so i have no idea what they are trying to shill as attractive moids now.

No. 1650442

nta but he isnt even ugly. he looks like his genetics would produce kids that arent fuck ugly unlike 99% of males, you guys are just spergs

No. 1650444

Very cute and handsome, anons having shit taste as always

No. 1650445

i hate salad so fucking much i hate the gay little sauces and the smell of the vinaigrettes seriously

No. 1650450

I can't even tell what's supposed to be hot or ugly anymore because every "hot" guy shilled in modern times looks like he never bathes or shaves while actual cute ones are ignored.

No. 1650452

Yes because media advertises ugly oldunkempt men as unattractive and liking men who do upkeep their looks or hygiene will get you branded as a lesbian or pedo.

No. 1650458

Same. I also hate lettuce in particular for how useless it is.

No. 1650460

what do you consider an attractive man? i am legit confused

No. 1650461

>doesn't like crunchy water
Please God, stop me from a-logging

No. 1650466

Lettucefags and cabbageshills would literally chew cud and eat grass if they were left to their own devices

No. 1650468

Celery is way better as a candidate for crunchy water than lettuce. At least celery stays crunchy for longer while lettuce gets all sloppy and soft if you don't use it all right away.

No. 1650477

And so what if I would eat grass? It would probably be refreshing. I enjoy vegetables that come from the ground and taste like earth. We could all learn something from cows.
The fact that you instantly went to celery without even thinking of cucumber…god you disgust me.

No. 1650478

File: 1690846772842.gif (892.52 KB, 220x220, stick-bug-get-stick-bugged.gif)

>Cillian Murphys back muscles rippling
It would literally look like this

No. 1650480

You're right, I should have thought of cucumber first. To be fair cucumber has a water jelly middle and that's just weird. Celery is all over crunchy and if you gnaw on some celery on your lunch break, your colleagues are gonna praise your healthy choices. Meanwhile no one wants to be the weirdo wolfing down a whole cucumber in the corner.

No. 1650482

NTA but you can definitely cut up a few cucumber slices, chill them, and take them to work. I don't really follow that sort of lifestyle but that's perfectly acceptable

No. 1650485

Samefag. Don't you dare ever besmirch the name of cabbage again in my presence, wench.

No. 1650489

No. 1650492

True. I got too excited at the thought of crunchy water being the new infight on /ot/. Alas there's too many good arguments to be made about crunchy, tasteless things.

No. 1650493

File: 1690847319463.gif (2.28 MB, 498x249, shinji stumbling gif.gif)

You after you can't eat your leaves and twigs dipped in stuff

No. 1650517

No. 1650521

Already read, but thanks for the suggestion.

No. 1650529

you can't put ketchup on frozen
castle burgers they will literally melt

No. 1650531

Stefany in /w/ I just wrote about her elsewhere
>No porn/prostitution-
>Pre 2020
>Boyfriend arcs
She has girlfriends who are just cosplay accessories, no scrotes!

She's basically a crazy skin walker of actresses with brown hair and who are white (at first) and photoshops herself into looking like them and shaping her whole online life acting like "Wow she's really me". From Maisie Williams, to Rey from starwars, to even fucking Elsa from Frozen. It's great!

No. 1650537

File: 1690850641256.jpg (92.18 KB, 792x500, I'm supposed to feel sorry for…)

No. 1650538

File: 1690850746780.jpg (92.62 KB, 792x500, I'm supposed to feel sorry for…)

No. 1650539

File: 1690850869819.jpg (92.85 KB, 792x500, I'm supposed to feel sorry for…)

No. 1650540

This one's the best since it rhymes

No. 1650541

File: 1690850989454.jpg (92.12 KB, 792x500, I'm supposed to feel sorry for…)

No. 1650548

Saw a kid named Ronaldo today lol

No. 1650552

File: 1690852742701.gif (3.31 MB, 320x240, Fvl__l2aYAAVM0d.gif)

Oh no, I totally wasn't taking a nap during work hours! what's up?

No. 1650566

Ayrt, just my personal taste but I like more masculine men with more desirable features, like prominent cheekbones, sharp jaw, straight nose bridge with a medium sized bridge (I don't like big noses even on men), medium sized lips (big can look weird and small thin lips also look weird), tall and kinda large build with muscles and stuff, I know it's the roided hobo look as some anon above said but idc, they're healthy and have good genetics, even if they're fake and did plastic surgery and hormones to achieve that look I'd take them over any ratman any day, idc about it being natural that much as long as they put candy in my eyes kek. The guy in the picture above looks too thin and small and his features are kinda below average to me. I find men like Christian Bale or characters like Leon attractive, because they're sort of objectively good looking. But this is me having too high of a standard compared to what I look because I'm a narcissistic and I want the absolute best for myself no matter what.

No. 1650573

ntayrt but most of those 'desirable' features are a turn off to me. I hate masculine looking men. also (i will get killed for this) i think christian bale is kind of ugly

No. 1650574

>Christian Bale
>the best
Nonna…you're right about Leon though

No. 1650575

>Christian Bale
opinion discarded jesus christ what a goblin jesus christ, he looks like i would come across him on the street asking me for 5 for booze. Leon is hot because he still has that pretty boy aesthetic to him, the other guy, jesus.

No. 1650583

amen anon I needed to read that and remember

No. 1650585

Unpopular opinion but this "objectively attractive" aesthetic is so boring and restrictive imo, is easy to disregard other's tastes as bad when you self proclaim yours to be "peak performance"

No. 1650589

File: 1690856661285.png (125.55 KB, 600x305, 1690835068522_bart shrek publi…)

No. 1650592

File: 1690856865722.png (40.46 KB, 293x256, 1677496370680731.png)

everything is so boring and stale nowadays, like white bread. I am glad i can easily find old media.

No. 1650594

i was going to type up a post in "cow yourself" but after looking over my draft in wordpad i realized my life sounds more depressing than milky. also i'm afraid someone will recognize me by some specific details.

No. 1650595

Looks great, thanks.

No. 1650596

File: 1690857298594.jpg (14.82 KB, 564x564, aa930ec87761e8cfed2b11dd2c695a…)

Tried drawing a big old scary snake women and I failed miserably.

No. 1650598

File: 1690857350222.jpg (1.6 MB, 2495x2500, 185348.jpg)

this, plus it's dictated by hollywood so it means that women have to look 12yo and have smoking hot bodies but men are all old/bald/unwashed. i think 80s/90s actors that were shilled as attractive look much better than the hobbo scrotes that get shilled now by hollywood executives that get easily threatened by male beauty.

No. 1650602

This man is not handsome. He just has long hair.

No. 1650609

File: 1690859215296.gif (9.11 MB, 540x480, tumblr_231dc3df68be77439e20424…)

They knew wtf they were doing

No. 1650613


No. 1650614

he looks like burnt chicken

No. 1650620

Common mistake, but once I became aware of it, I got better at differentiating lmao

No. 1650622

Bet he fucks like a jackhammer

No. 1650626

post a handsome man right now

No. 1650628

If they ever made a movie centered around imageboards and its users (we all know it'll come one day), who would you want casted?

No. 1650636

I don't want to see a reanimated scrote corpse

No. 1650639

File: 1690861722292.gif (Spoiler Image,303.3 KB, 164x90, EEA9BD82-77DA-4551-B56B-75680D…)

No. 1650641

Don't defend him. He looks like Harry styles with washed hair.

No. 1650644

File: 1690862032360.png (743.48 KB, 479x577, barbie.PNG)

Officially one day before I see Barbie! Y'all I cannot remember the last time I was so excited to see a film!

No. 1650646

Ken dies in the end

No. 1650647

File: 1690862126178.gif (906.9 KB, 440x248, begone.gif)

No. 1650649

Barbie has kens baby and dies in childbirth at the end

No. 1650655

File: 1690863084511.gif (2.82 MB, 291x340, 1651687321962.gif)

wish i had a gf to go c it with

No. 1650657

Kek anon stop confusing the other nona, ken is the one who dies during childbirth, the scene that made me cry

No. 1650687

I have an idea for a scam to get rich. So me and my friends invest a small amount of money and then we get other people to sign up and invest too and in the end we get men to invest but we scam them and get all the money. We just need to make it seem like it's a masculine red pill deal.

No. 1650707

Tell me more

No. 1650714

LOL Eugenia cooney crying while I’m blue dabadeedubadi plays should not be as funny as it is

No. 1650716

File: 1690870013558.png (36.54 KB, 131x131, IMG_20230801_080842.png)

why is she texting during the movie? she is distracting everyone else!!!

No. 1650718

File: 1690870848589.png (81.14 KB, 216x498, cavatappi.png)

just discovered the best pasta shape

No. 1650720

MEGA macaroni

No. 1650721

it's seriously like every other type of pasta combined into a pasta Voltron, it's so good

No. 1650722

File: 1690871592085.jpg (214.59 KB, 562x800, 314xWf.jpg)

there was one already and it was cringe as fuck

No. 1650723

One time I dated a man that loved Barenaked Ladies thats so fucking embarrassing

No. 1650724

She looks like she just got done crying in the bathroom.

No. 1650725

I read one of the manga adaptation a very long time ago and it's insane how nice the users were with the MC when irl all the anons would have shit talked him.

No. 1650728

File: 1690872287537.png (903.43 KB, 700x916, Freddie Became Freda!.png)

Let's go together and get brunch after nonna

No. 1650730

it's based on a real thing that happened on 2ch though

No. 1650740

is there no female version of this or does it all have to surround loser moids

No. 1650746

I realize now I have made myself to retarded to emotionally connect with people

No. 1650748

File: 1690874627648.jpeg (19.2 KB, 500x335, EF79F1DD-78F9-4EC4-9610-4F634A…)

Let’s do it nonnie

No. 1650753

Kekkek yes , in the film he a had a sad flat nerd chest and skinny arms.

No. 1650755

i put my pasta on the microwave and it sucked all the sauce out of it? how is that possible

No. 1650757

i didnt meant to put the ? at the end of it, now i sound like twitterfag

No. 1650758

File: 1690876398730.jpg (40.04 KB, 434x543, 2dafd44a46a2543635b5aae9489581…)

Nonnies, sometimes I lose hope on my dream life making minimum wage with art and living a stable life but then I remember the amount of fuck all below average weirdos making shekels and I'm like "you got this".

No. 1650760

what do you draw? i used to make a shit ton of money with it but then stopped because it was draining my soul. In 2022 i made tons of money, but also didnt work on anything but commissions.

No. 1650761

Water evaporates, good bye sauce.

No. 1650762

I focus mainly on character design but as you said it drains the hell out of you I was also solely doing commissions right now I wanna find a way to have a healthy work//life balance, having time to make a comic or two, maybe have winter vacations haven't seen my family in 4 years

No. 1650763

File: 1690877720737.png (170.85 KB, 378x314, 1561870737960.png)

>Thread I like but it's very slow got a (1)
>Can't wait to see what nonna posted!
>It's spam
I fucking hate moids.

No. 1650765

File: 1690878205814.jpg (11.04 KB, 443x449, 0e803f7b0e65a5ba.jpg)

i hope a moid gets interested in you.

No. 1650767

File: 1690878623451.jpg (19.27 KB, 563x631, IMG_4384.jpg)

No. 1650770

i don't understand people who wish violence on animals it's so caveman brained and sick. what do you mean did not go far enough? like what would that fix? you're so moidbrained it's not even shockingly edgy just sad and retarded

No. 1650771

No. 1650773

My legs are so hairy and fat. I wonder how much I'd weigh without them.

No. 1650774

My legs are so hairy and fat. I wonder how much I'd weigh without them.

No. 1650786

My legs are so hairy and fat. I wonder how much I'd weight without them.

No. 1650790

My legs are so hairy and fat. I wonder how much I'd weight without them.

No. 1650796

help im farting I need to sleep

No. 1650807

File: 1690882192587.jpg (314.13 KB, 772x452, cats-groom-each-other.jpg)

We humans literally use our mouths to show affection to each other, and still won't admit that cats are the blueprint.

No. 1650831

wait, is that why my cats licks me? i always though it was because i have been told i taste like cheese

No. 1650833

No. 1650837

Same. It's always funny how nonnas who complain about other nonnas tastes being ugly end up liking uglier men themselves. Christian bale, seriously?

No. 1650838

File: 1690886975390.gif (1.35 MB, 498x278, IMG_5929.gif)

You should seek consultation with Dr. Lecter

No. 1650839

There will be no stop to them until morning. You could count them like sheep tho

No. 1650847

was wondering why my day at work has been so easygoing but I don't have to deal with someone with 7256265 language barriers anymore, I can be brainless

No. 1650864

>nbc hannibal gif
i have a tinfoil this is someone I know irl

No. 1650870

nta but that could be half of tumblr userbase

No. 1650874

Kuis lypsee toveri? Tavataanko torilla?

No. 1650884

en oo ees osallinen mut sopisin kans kuvailuun ja PELÄSTYIN nta

No. 1650886

a nonny connection, love to see it

No. 1650905

When I was a kid I had a huge crush on Mozart.

No. 1650909

I want to gaslight gendies on twitter to move to my country. We have nonbinary ID and the son of our president is a nonbinary drag queen cosplayer. Although i wonder if they would move here considering their whole ordeal is feeling oppressed and in my looney country the goverment bends down to their needs.

No. 1650913

File: 1690898615699.jpg (50.31 KB, 468x600, Wolfgang-amadeus-mozart_1.jpg)

What attracted you to him? His looks or skills?

No. 1650923


No. 1650926

No. 1650935

kek, duplicate post glitch still not fixed

No. 1650963

File: 1690901105208.jpeg (48.05 KB, 678x452, images (3).jpeg)

> the son of our president is a nonbinary drag queen cosplayer
He actually looks less weird when crossplaying, wtf boludos. Well at least your president isn't a Swiftie.

No. 1650964

Me too sis, me too

No. 1650968

>Me mispronouncing the name of a German song at the dinner table
>Dad says my German is terrible
>Mom says it's not that bad
>Dad says 'Well yours isn't the greatest either'
>Mom starts swearing at my dad in German for half a minute straight
Inb4 'your dad sounds horrible', he wasn't as serious as it sounds lol
Kek nonna that's adorable

No. 1650969

>Well at least your president isn't a Swiftie.
how is that something bad? i would vote a swiftie president any day

No. 1650972

Wish I could speed up time to where I am living in a nice house with the love of my life and two dogs but that will never happen because men fucking suck

No. 1650974

I always heard it's because they crave salt, like stupid tiny horses.

No. 1650977

File: 1690902052450.jpeg (40.5 KB, 480x640, images (4).jpeg)

Are you sure this is the fate you want?

No. 1650981

File: 1690902199272.jpg (413.48 KB, 1536x2048, 1671232214623 (1).jpg)

yes i still dont see the problem brazilnona

No. 1651018

File: 1690904838855.jpg (24.87 KB, 400x430, b7b22b03ab4120709450c3e03d1472…)

sometimes my nonnies are so cute, i want to give them a big smoochie

No. 1651027

Most of the time??? In what movies are the actors actually having sex?

No. 1651029

File: 1690905456338.jpg (50.09 KB, 693x691, 1645694627374.jpg)

>shitpost all night
>start all kinds of infights
>go to sleep
>wake up to a bunch of expired bans
>rinse and repeat
feels good being neet, normalfag tranny jannies can kiss my ass. G'night.(edgy faggot)

No. 1651030

NTA but it has actually happened in some non-mainstream movies.

No. 1651049

File: 1690907187867.jpeg (92.41 KB, 1280x854, Lumache-Rigate-11.jpeg)

Not as good as the other type of mega macaroni

No. 1651059

File: 1690908150514.jpg (283 KB, 1917x1080, orecchiette-bolognese-today-11…)

these are so good! they're like some kind of elbow/shell super hybrid that's perfect for cheese.
I like orecchiette for tomato sauce dishes though. it's the best when the stick together but there is sauce layered in between

No. 1651064

if i think a nonnie's preferences suck, i let her have them, go ahead and take the uglies. more hot moids for me. same goes for others not finding my preferences to be good, let me have em!

No. 1651067

A-B-C, one, two, three
That girl wore her jeans like me
I bet she's mad 'cause I look fab
Ha-ha-ha-ha, jack my swag
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But mine look new and hers just look so old

No. 1651068


No. 1651069


No. 1651078

cute picture

No. 1651081

File: 1690909800905.jpg (85.88 KB, 800x913, unicorno-bambino-series-1Blind…)

Having a baby is literally like opening a blind box toy because you have no idea what they're gonna look like. Speaking of blind boxes, I used to be obsessed with picrel (Tokidoki).

No. 1651087

I just saw some bare ass cheeks on Pinterest.

No. 1651088

See you in the morning!

No. 1651096

I always feel weird when I stumble upon some Wikipedia article that isn't written like your typical Wikipedia article and realize it was typed up by an actual human being.

No. 1651113

ooh the nihilism is strong today, sisters

No. 1651115

But all babies look the same??

No. 1651127

They don't stay babies…

No. 1651131

True but usually you can still see some distinct features, and they look different after just a few weeks after being born.

No. 1651134

File: 1690915631472.png (356.81 KB, 328x564, Wikipedia_Complete-bollocks-Wi…)

that's how i feel when i find their writing guidelines

No. 1651138

Not really no

No. 1651151

For me it's actors from 1900-1940s. It's the least hobo looking time period since looking clean, prim and proper was the ideal.

No. 1651152

File: 1690917494915.png (512.13 KB, 547x575, somebizarrereason.PNG)

No. 1651168

It was cringe but it was good.

No. 1651171

I'm so stupid, I had to send something in a ziplock bag and I forgot to check if I closed it properly before I put it in the mailbox. I don't think I zipped it shut. I tried going back to the mailbox to see if I could retrieve it but obviously that wasn't possible.

No. 1651175

Spoon feed me where is this

No. 1651181

Literally reading this with the sweetest kitten in the entire world purring on my chest. You’ll never know pure true love, anon. The love I feel towards this baby is incomparable. I would rip your eyes out and make you choke on them before I’d let you touch her. I wish you all the worst in life.

No. 1651182

Das poopenfarten

No. 1651196

File: 1690920646408.jpg (145.58 KB, 981x968, tumblr_e46491059086295911406f9…)

i slept in my contacts last night and now my eyes hurt

No. 1651197

This is the only song I ever choose for karaoke. can I get a “how bizarre” from my nonnies

No. 1651200

in 2030 the oldest existing youtube videos will be 25 years old, in 2035 30 years old wtf

No. 1651204

ily and would drink and do karaoke with you nonner

No. 1651212

Frankly, anyone who agrees with, talks about, or has thoughts of torturing any animal is severely autistic and/or insane. Any animal or breed of animal. I know some of anon replies to you here are hypocrites in that aspect so I want to make that clear. However, I dislike furred animals and wouldn't mind if they never became pets and stuck to being in the wild like Mother Nature so lovingly intended. So I kind of agree with your first part.

No. 1651221

File: 1690922438887.jpg (230.34 KB, 1280x720, sdkrxm.jpg)

No. 1651232


No. 1651241

well he was involved with some imageboards like 8chan and 16chan

No. 1651253

He was a whiny bitch at those time tbh and largely uninteresting. Would like to see the drama surrounding Chris/moot and his crew or a docu about wizchan cripple creature

No. 1651287

File: 1690925909347.png (31.47 KB, 600x395, eay3q1nuhrp01-2046870075.png)

I have many tomatoes at my disposal, some garlic, basil, etc. How do I make a pasta sauce? Do I squish the tomatoes? Do I need to cook them down? With what tools? Please step by step teach me how to make spaghetti sauce please please please please please no I won't ask le Googles, this is a much better resource (real human beings).

No. 1651298

No. 1651317

>Would like to see the drama surrounding Chris/moot and his crew
agreed we need a docu about m00tykins and his shenanigans

No. 1651329

>not a beautiful explanation from one of the beautiful nonnas
>click on vid
If I wanted an Italian moid to teach me how to make that sauce I'd ask my dad!!!

No. 1651330

Could someone tell me who is is or give me the source video? I laugh at it every time and I'm dying to see it with audio.

No. 1651334

File: 1690929052372.jpg (44.67 KB, 461x615, Moot_with_cat.jpg)

They need to make docu about Chris asap before everyone forgets about him and his shenanigans. For example I, myself had completely forgotten about him to the point where I had gotten confused on whether the word moot had something to do with the english saying of moot point.

No. 1651339

This is one cute moid, I'd gladly slap him, maybe kiss him if I'm feeling generous

No. 1651344

Is he still hot or did he hit the wall and start looking like an ugly malding beer gut gorilla like 99% of scrotes

No. 1651359

File: 1690931103568.jpg (67.66 KB, 718x523, Chris-Poole-718x523.jpg)

He has been incrediably quiet online after he shut down canvas and went to work for google which he quit working for a couple of years ago and and with near zero current social media presence, there is hardly any new info and pictures of him that isn't just a couple of sentences or fake news/info. Honestly a good move for him and perfect timing to disappear. Here's an old photo of him and while there was an ugly phase with him aka styling and uggo haircut most of the images of him is at his prime. discounting the shooped photos

No. 1651365

I honestly think anons just think that any young male is attractive. Not to be like "blehhh you can't like things I don't like", but tbh he isn't cute.

No. 1651367

I get so sick of shitty weight loss advice. I just saw someone in a youtube comment say "there's no need to eat 1200 calories a day". That's literally the most basic, minimum amount of calories you should eat, dumbfuck bitch.

No. 1651376

File: 1690932408386.jpg (85.11 KB, 564x846, bc36478b301c9b89aa00bd2fe5c8bf…)

Becawwse he's a piece of gawwbidge

No. 1651377

other than this thread, most men anons like are literally middle aged and you'll get shit on for not liking macho manly men

No. 1651384

As someone who's only been crocheting for only like a year, it's so weird to me how often politics seem to seep into the fiberarts community. During the Roe v. Wade overturn last year, a popular crochet youtuber basically was posting some pro-life shit on her social media, and 2 years ago there was some pretty big drama with a fiberarts site de-platforming Trump supporters.

No. 1651386

You are such a liar

No. 1651390

No harm to you but I've never counted calories in my life and I'm in my 30s but it clicked some point in my late 20s that the standard expectation of 3 square meals doesn't make sense to the majority of people living sedentary af lifestyles. See if you've sat home all day doing fuck all you really don't need to eat all that much. I know people get offended by this concept but whatever

No. 1651391

I love my niece and 2 of my nephews but I don't like other kids nor to babysit them.

No. 1651393

then why are there so many madsfags and anons who want to fuck the 65 year old version of dolph

No. 1651396

Oh my God you WILL not let the Dolph jokes go you raging autist.

No. 1651398

wtf are you talking about, this is the only time i mentioned him and the posts i'm referring to aren't jokes. look at the men posted in /g/ if you need more evidence

No. 1651403

>scroll /trash/ because im nosy
>click Bara thread for myself
>depicts Tony the tiger with blue asshole
>my entire life has lead up to this moment of failure

No. 1651409

So how many of you were one of the weird kids that would flip their eyelids inside out? Let's take a poll.

No. 1651411

Absolutely not.

No. 1651414

hell no, only the scrotes did this at school

No. 1651415

I was too intimidated by those kids to try

No. 1651422

i cant believe jeffrey starr never used an alias other than star. i mean. jeffrey?? its too stupid sounding

No. 1651423

me i was very good at it

No. 1651424

No, how the fuck do you even discover you can do that

No. 1651425

First time hearing this, no

No. 1651427

Not me but I knew a guy that could eat razorblades.

No. 1651438

No but I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. If that's special

No. 1651442

Holy shit nonnie me! My mom showed me a picture where I was doing it and clearly cackling my head off. It brought back memories of terrorizing other kids and my dad by standing behind them and saying “see what I can do!” Screams every time, it brings joy even now to remember being such a little shithead.

No. 1651445

Only in my room. I was scared I'd get in trouble if I did it in front of others

No. 1651452

Ok so I do not use the thread bc it's not really something I need. And when I first found it, I had to stop myself from replying a couple of times bc it's hard not to comfort anons for some of the stuff they post in there.
But why the FUCK are summerfags so fucking annoying and retarded. What part of "Do not respond to other people's posts, it's not about you" do they not fucking get! Close the thread! Like I said, I don't even use get it off your chest bc it's not for me but ever since the influx of newfags, I go in there a couple times a day to check in on the nonnas. And it's constantly filled with dipshits! Shut UP! Sometimes I wish I could reach through and yank someone's internet cable directly out of the drywall, especially for some of the more awful replies

Oh also I'm not posting this in /meta/ bc the couple times I've asked for some moderation, the jannies will clear them out, and I appreciate that. Just some real dumbass shit going on kek

No. 1651455

The vain bitches has been banned.

No. 1651458

unrelated but i once saw a kid do that and imediately after put a piece of paper on her eye, it was disturbing

No. 1651463

i saw an anon in another thread say she never reads thread OPs, i bet they're all like that kek. there's some others though who cleary do know the rules and try to reply indirectly/without quoting instead

No. 1651470

Theyre psychotic. They reply to mine like theyre about them and I don't know them or care about them.

No. 1651473

File: 1690943261081.jpg (64.7 KB, 480x640, 20fbd6614728fe4177503a2e4b550a…)

my mom and i went to see an apartment and it looks so cozy, i love it. It has wood everywhere and the kitched is blueish/green. I am trying not to get too excited because we arent sure yet, but man i would love to move these and fill my room with boomer shooter posters. Also i would finally be able to live alone, so that's nice too.

No. 1651474

A very tense, awkward, yet intrigued energy between me and the anon who I'm alone with on the draw board

No. 1651486

Kek, thanks for the heads up, nonna! They must have gone in while I was posting. Thanks jannies
I saw the post you're talking about, and I kind of hope they were so asshurt by the ban they never came back. This sperg >>>/ot/1641544 was hilarious. Yeah, pointing out the rule you're breaking means you get a pass as long as you're enough of a mean girl, you figured the site out, sis
I do not think I've noticed the ones who reply without quoting. I hope they know I just assume they're talking about something completely unrelated and seethe about it kek

No. 1651491

is it true he's gay?

No. 1651494

I can do that too and flip my ear cartilage around cause my ears are floppy

No. 1651497

pedro pascal has a very daniel larson (the lolcow) quality to his face kek

No. 1651503

File: 1690946047742.gif (110.02 KB, 90x90, 1689188022091.gif)

This gif is so cute

No. 1651504

An all american nonny

No. 1651509

youtube recommended me some brony rapper guy with 50 views and i find him kinda cute, i want a cringe bf now

No. 1651515

holy shit he's also a christian, match made in hell

No. 1651517

Your cringe bf is going to be roleplaying inflation lolipony for eight hours every day before you come home from work and then he will whimper for chicken nuggets. Work on yourself

No. 1651519

no he's a christian he was watching some pony thingy where twilight kiss one of his peers and his reaction was to say ''aghh''

No. 1651529

I found a gay mukbanger who moans while he's eating and it really makes me believe that some mukbangers make their videos to appeal to niche fetishes. And when I say he moans, I don't mean like a regular "this is so good" moan. I mean a porno moan.

No. 1651530

File: 1690948764322.jpeg (133.68 KB, 1170x870, IMG_1008.jpeg)

No. 1651544

File: 1690949821437.jpg (169.88 KB, 1300x1500, F2dzqZfbkAAcBw4.jpg)

My worst fears came true nonnas, it's real and the collab has been officially announced. WHY ARE THEY DOING CELEB COLLABS BUT CAN'T EVEN PUT A REGULAR LINE OF DOLLS OUT, RAAAHHH

No. 1651547

Samefag, but some of the lips on the dolls look weird. I know they're minis so it won't look the same as a full size doll, but still

No. 1651554

It's always a culture shock when I find out someone has a small family for some reason. Maybe because know people irl with over 20 siblings lol

No. 1651560

File: 1690951629635.jpg (25.81 KB, 600x450, 7ca.jpg)

Trying to imply that identifying as a Christian magically stops them from roleplaying pony inflation for 8 hours rather than fuels it

No. 1651561

Obvs. Also link

No. 1651563

Even the stupid fucking dog. Noo

No. 1651569

The dog is actually the best part of the collection. Little me would've drove him around in the purple car that's in the back.

No. 1651570

Little me would have ran it over six times and chewed it's snout and tail off. Fuck that weird little rich Grey Jenna marbles dog

No. 1651571

It’s kinda refreshing watching British shows and seeing normal looking people. Like on Fleabag, Claire is described as her beautiful sister and she is beautiful it she looks normal too. Like a really pretty professor you might have in college. And then Fleabag herself is beautiful to me, but she also looks natural and real. I don’t know if I sound silly or tumblr but seeing these women described as attractive and adored by others in the show is just nice. I love the part when the Finland guy loves Claire’s haircut and keeps telling her how cute and chic she is.

No. 1651576

File: 1690952250906.jpg (101.97 KB, 900x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

Samefag, but I will say it would've been nice if they brought the older dogz style back. The catz too even though they were freaky.

No. 1651581

he has a porn blocker lmfao, i feel so bad for thristing after a literal retard

No. 1651582

they gave whore lips to the catz wtf

No. 1651583

File: 1690952609718.jpg (57.49 KB, 678x507, fail.jpg)

I'm a beginner artist trying to do studies. I feel so retarded when I just start drawing and the entire time I'm like 'oh my god this looks like SHIT what even is THIS'. But once I actually finish it, stop and look at it, I realize It's not that bad. (For a beginner.)

No. 1651585

Didn't they also have puffed out chests in the animation sequences? I specifically remember a pink one with a rack but that could be like any animation snippet from the time period

No. 1651588

File: 1690952927175.jpg (Spoiler Image,194.7 KB, 709x773, 2553f200dc4f3c38358504cdf7aed9…)

He doesn't need porn. He is in a monogamous, faithful, serious relationship with his wife Rainbow dash. The lord guides their love every day.

No. 1651591

his favourite horse is rainbow dash

No. 1651592

i fucking love (pre-2010) bratz and this is so disappointing. i've been waiting for a re-launch for years and this is shit, they have to KNOW this is shit too. only a tiktok tween zoomer would want this.

No. 1651594

File: 1690953077077.jpg (50.9 KB, 1024x683, 1690773343179193.jpg)

It's so funny when someone is like zommmmgzzz ur sooooOoo maaaAaad ur soooOooo wound up!!!1 and they're the one that's mad and out of their minds while you're sitting there with fluoride stare and a resting heart rate.

No. 1651595

Bitch I done told you what the fuck is up and you keep making excuses.

No. 1651598

On the contrary I don't think anyone asked for this

No. 1651600

This is one of the worst images I’ve ever seen. Spoilering isn’t enough, you need to self flagellate for posting this.

No. 1651607

Anon said she was crushing on a brony and I had to debrief

No. 1651610

I miss when me and my ex bf would talk shit about people we hated irl. He hated all his friends and would talk shit about them which was endearing.

No. 1651611

i have a thing for autistis i sent him a dm hoping i can sex pest him, sorry

No. 1651616

sometimes my bf pisses me off but i like when we talk shit after going to family stuff, he talks shit about his friends (that he barely sees anyway) too

No. 1651617

Womanly trait

No. 1651619

please keep us updated nonners

No. 1651624

You aren't a pony why are you setting yourself up for heartache

No. 1651626

I prefer this than being all weird about his homies like many men are.

No. 1651628

it's a man and woman trait u fucking walnut

No. 1651629

I wish more people were honest and would shit talk coworkers. It feels like my only medicine is to say how much I truly disliked someone that day as well as the shitty manager.

No. 1651631

i will
i like challenges and i have too much free time

No. 1651632

the ayrt is coping, it feels good to be able to shit talk annoying people with a bf/gf, annoying people are unavoidable in life

No. 1651633

Very defensive of an ex

No. 1651657

didn't that make you worried about how he talked about you behind your bf if he throws up over his friends that easily?

No. 1651661

Don't know if you've found it already.

No. 1651662

She's my favorite so this kind of hurts to see.

No. 1651667

You mean the target demographic for bratz dolls? kek

No. 1651669

File: 1690961771946.jpg (176.72 KB, 900x837, homies.jpg)

These look like something that came out of a capsule dispenser at a Chinese restaurant.

No. 1651673

File: 1690962302481.jpg (17.12 KB, 370x370, mfw.jpg)

people already do that right in the workplace. usually about me.

No. 1651676

not really but if he did I wouldn't care since none of the people he could potentially talk to know me

No. 1651678

Of course in some corner of my mind I knew how it was with Bronies, but I did not expect to see the horror materialize during my brekfast.

No. 1651679

nta but people not knowing you wouldn't be the problem here..a bf shouldn't shittalk his gf at all

No. 1651680

well he's my ex so if he wants to talk shit i can't really stop him can i? i don't think he would be the type to shittalk his ex because he said it would make him look bad but men aren't known for being consistent

No. 1651684

File: 1690964618859.gif (393.99 KB, 220x244, IMG_5933.gif)

No. 1651686

Go look at any porn site, men fap to everything under the sun. Even the anime with the nerdy girls. Just ignore them, they aren't worth being angry at. Less than human shouldn't be valued with blood sweat and tears.

No. 1651692

Just draw the kind of character you like. Don't think about scrote reactions; they don't matter. Think about other women with your tastes that could enjoy your work.

No. 1651700

the widest back having troon just stepped into the metro and he keeps checking if people are looking at him, you best know I am, you look fucking stupid kek

No. 1651705

File: 1690969279409.jpg (53.61 KB, 1080x301, Screenshot_20230802-024301_Red…)


No. 1651707

I wish there was a female nostalgia critic i just want to listen to a woman shit on bad movies. i would actually sacrifice all troon breadtubers and quinton reviews for a female mrenter. I need a female autismo supremus.

No. 1651723

Better to avert your eyes or he’ll be writing on reddit how a woman in the subway was totally thirsting him.

No. 1651737

File: 1690974892568.jpeg (196.99 KB, 1024x768, A0AD1595-E3CB-474C-A335-0C747F…)

I found picrel here on LC and sent it to my mom without context. I related to it cause I was also like 13 in 2006-2007 when I’m guessing this pic was taken. Following convo ensued:
>me: send picrel
>mom: When’s that from
>me: idk lol
>mom: Where is it
>me: I also don’t know
>mom: sorry one more question. Is it you lol
>me: lmao also no but it is me in spirit
>mom: Where did you get it? So that isn’t you OR (cousin’s name)???
>me: no! Just some random image I found online
>mom: no fuckin way. Me and dad were going nuts trying to figure out whose room you were in. Then dad was like no that’s gotta be older cousin, when anon was 13 most people had better monitors. But then dad was like, well no look, those are anon’s long hands.
>me: I didn’t realize that chick looked so much like 13 year old me but I guess I can see why you’re going nuts. I must have a doppelgänger or two.
>mom: no shit
>me: I also never had those rad happy bunny pj pants but I wish I did
>mom: dad said that about the pants. I was like idk whose clothes she’s wearing or whose room she’s in! Whose house she’s so comfy at

No. 1651752

File: 1690976162992.jpeg (35.41 KB, 319x326, E43BFB0F-568A-4B27-86F3-468468…)

nah, if they lock shark eyes with her she should just have a disgusted look on her face then start laughing. moids hate when girls laugh at them

No. 1651758

Who the hell still complains about FDS in 2023? lmao

No. 1651761

Really? I’m an only child with like 4 cousins kek. I’m the inverse, huge families boggle my mind and kinda scare me. But it’s fine, my mom and dad call me way too often for me to feel lonely and I lowkey wish I had a sibling to divert attention. Someone come be my sister pls

No. 1651764

i hate when programs make their UI unfriendly for newer users on the updates. They changed davinci resolve UI and i cannot fucking find how to make a new project now, even though in the prior version it was in big letters at the bottom. What a retarded decision, i hope the person who changed it is in hell next to the creator of the webp format

No. 1651776

KEK i posted the pic in stupid questions thread. maybe she is actually your long lost twin lol

No. 1651777

i wanna see the changed UI nonnie

No. 1651779

i'd kiss him then pull his hair just a little bit and maybe make him say my name then kiss him again

No. 1651780

>uggo haircut
yeah dude wtf is this haircut doesn't suit him at all

No. 1651796

i am retarded it wasnt an ui change it just was a retarded pop up telling to save up my files before moving to the 18.5 version

No. 1651802

i did the mean girl snort laugh after glancing at him as I was leaving, I may have just fueled his women hate but sometimes I need to be menace

No. 1651852

File: 1690988480188.jpeg (25.78 KB, 480x261, 2C52EBA3-8BCE-4D27-980B-A2DE31…)

Very disappointed in the celebricows nonnas, reading through the previous thread and nobody posted this in response to Dolph’s cancer announcement

No. 1651886

This guy at my work keeps like 'flirting' with me (he told me he would be back ot flirt with me again but his flirting is asking very mediocrely about my day and what I'm doing on the weekends), I may have made the mistake of giving him my phone number when he asked but I had no idea he was flirting with me until he stated that he was a few days ago.. But I have ignored his text messages pretty much always and anyways I need to tell him I'm not interested but he keeps coming around with his work partner so it makes things really hard. Lol.

No. 1651888

I posted about this guy before handing me his hoodie. He's just so normal and we have nothing in common besides liking cats. So awkward. Everytime he comes around I literally give him nothing.

No. 1651933

Late reply but they moved to a new imageboard

No. 1651941

I found choachan users annoying but I'm really sad to see that their site is gone.
>the site and staff have been persistently and maliciously targeted for an extended period with a particular focus on the board owner
What do they mean by this?

No. 1651946

never been there but most than likely cp and gore raids, probably by the soypedos

No. 1651950

This girl in my friend group always wants people to join her in playing minecraft and the one time I did it was the lamest shit ever. She was always running off, never joking, giving updates like "found [x] material, found village, found whatever" but it was never a collaborative effort. Am I retarded or is this how you play minecraft with people? It sounds boring as fuck to me. Why would I join you to play minecraft with you if we're going to parallel play? I literally do not understand it, it sounds like the most boring shit you could do.

No. 1651951

she sounds autistic, its endearing

No. 1651956

Ngl I've been this way playing minecraft before and in all honesty it's because the other person I was playing with made me nervous. I felt like everything I did I was going to be judged and mocked for later. And she would do this thing where she would just talk at me through voice chat and barely acknowledge my responses so it wasn't really a back and forth. But I've played with another girl where we were running around and adventuring and building together and laughing and it was a lot of fun because I wasn't worried about if she would deem my playing as "wrong" or "bad" or "cringe" or whatever.

No. 1651960

We get along great IRL and it was my first time playing "legit" minecraft and not some pirated shit so IDK why she'd be nervous. I was trying to joke with her too.

No. 1651962

That's unfortunate, I'm sorry it wasn't as fun as you'd hoped nonnie.

No. 1651964

It's alright, I was just wondering if that was a normal multiplayer crafting experience lol it's cool.

No. 1651968

File: 1690997753855.png (223.14 KB, 500x470, 1661005299408.png)

every time i go on 4chan i actively feel like im losing braincells. reading moid's takes about women on there is so bizarre because its obvious none of them ever interact with women besides their moms or like, normie female coworkers. yet they pretend like they know EEVERYTHING about growing up female and the specific experiences that come with it. i know this isnt a 4chan moid exclusive thing btw

No. 1651970

What do you like to go to 4chan for nonnie? It's not just rage reading is it?

No. 1651971

Legitimate schizos and other nutjobs like the ones who believe in gangstalking and really out there tinfoil theories or otherwise have severe problems managing their lives are the most boring cows ever and I don't understand their appeal. You've seen one white trash nutjob babble nonsense to a camera on youtube about birds being government drones, you've seen them all. They're just depressing and always repetitive and go around in circles, I never got why so many people are fascinated by them. Especially when people cowtip, what are you hoping to achieve by interacting with hopelessly mentally ill people? Just leave them alone, it's not funny. They're on par with ana-chan cows with their entertainment value, in other words below zero.

No. 1651973

nah, the only board i really use is /ic/ for art advice & resources, but even then scrotes manage to spin unrelated conversations into whining and screeching about le evil roasties or whatever.

No. 1651974

File: 1690998370235.jpg (47.71 KB, 333x500, 51sMnNI95WL.jpg)

So in my search for (non-ficton) books about various types of gardens I came across picrel and I was amused by the cat on the cover and how it was tagged "cozy mistery" (did not know that's a thing) so I went down the rabbit hole this author has SO many cute mystery books with cute cats on the cover and I'm just laughing

No. 1651975

what boards do you browse nonnie? from your description it seems like /r9/, which i think should get nuked kek the incel mindset is just childish and immature

No. 1651977

File: 1690998448522.jpg (147.81 KB, 640x960, 58989360.jpg)

I mean who wants to read all butter SHORTDEAD with me. I did not know cutesy mystery books were a thing

No. 1651980

File: 1690998663450.jpg (33.21 KB, 295x475, 80442.jpg)

NONNIE I just found a whole series of mystery novels at the library that are written in the perspective of a cat that can talk to people and I am going to read them ALL

No. 1651983

File: 1690998833415.jpg (107.98 KB, 640x878, 1684111833855608.jpg)

scrotes seething at /cbsg/ being one of the best generals skill-wise will never not make me laugh

No. 1651984

everyone that derails a thread should get fucking B&. why can't they take their bullshit to r9k

No. 1651986

My personal cow studied to become a teacher's assistant then didn't become one because she couldn't bear the idea of people invalidating her nonbinary identity and now she's a part-time camgirl.

No. 1651987

samefag, i meant to write /r9k/ lol

No. 1651989

not surprised

No. 1651992

File: 1690999187843.png (97.54 KB, 538x80, a plethora.png)

samefag, KEK at this quote on the top of the picrel I just posted

No. 1651994

kek hell fucking no oh my god, the last time i went on r9k i saw some dude talking about how he wants ww3 to come soon so he can kidnap a bunch of women and keep them as sex slaves amidst the chaos. his reasoning for even thinking of doing something like this? he got rejected once. poor widdle baby!

also, like i said in my other post >>1651973 you'd be surprised at 4chan scrotes abilities to turn every thread into woman-hating drivel

No. 1651996

File: 1690999424849.gif (182.42 KB, 640x659, 1684362783407526.gif)

my country made the simpsons porn, what has your country made to contribute to culture?

No. 1651999

File: 1690999550084.jpg (128.31 KB, 1000x562, goku mexico.jpg)

No. 1652000

>kitty crimebusters
KEK a whole new world is opening up to me! I'm definitely putting that one on my reading list, sounds very funny

No. 1652002

File: 1690999624624.png (76.39 KB, 560x743, qpc0y1q2.png)

No. 1652004

>his reasoning for even thinking of doing something like this? he got rejected once
KEK THEY'RE SO PATHETIC. i got rejected 3 times and u dont see me going around saying MWAHAHA i wish ww3 happened so ALL MEN COULD DIE!!!!

No. 1652011

i hope ww3 happens to all men get deployed and die in war i dont remember which country but there is one country on latam where the male population is extremely low because they sent them all to die in war once lol

No. 1652013

File: 1690999951170.jpg (40.77 KB, 180x266, 7993.jpg)

LOOK AT THE AUTHOR isn't she cute, SHES WRITTEN OVER 20 BOOKS ABOUT THIS CAT DETECTIVE. This has no right to be as funny and cute as it is

No. 1652016

Ratatoing and Avril Lavigne is dead conspiracy

No. 1652018

Huh, I figured that was from a series I’d always see in the library, but it was actually this one

No. 1652019

I know right??? If I hadn't been in a library when I found the books I would have made a scene KEK

No. 1652020

There really is a plethora of kitty mysteries

No. 1652022

did brazil really come up with the avril lavigne theory?

No. 1652028

File: 1691001310936.jpg (615.13 KB, 2480x3506, 20230802_143634.jpg)

Less than an hour before Barbie! It feels like my entire life has led up to this.

No. 1652034

Samefag, actually I'm gonna be late to the showing so I'll go in an hour. And I just found out that Shane Dawson is pregnant, wtf?

No. 1652037

>Shane Dawson is pregnant
excuse me

No. 1652040

File: 1691002687073.jpg (347.52 KB, 1439x1796, 20230802_150009.jpg)

I just saw this pic. Insane right? And do the two pairs of shoes mean it's twins?

No. 1652042

didnt this guy get cancelled? did his tranny teen girl audience forgive him already?

No. 1652044

File: 1691002895900.png (43.17 KB, 694x155, surrogate.PNG)

you made it sound like he's pregnant or something kek

No. 1652046

yes, two boys and they are calling one Jett and I cant remember the other name kek….. the fact they're having two it like "one each" as if they are toys..

No. 1652048

Well I thought it was obvious what I meant anon. Like when a couple says "we're pregnant" but the woman is the one who's pregnant

No. 1652057

File: 1691003582305.png (Spoiler Image,181.74 KB, 376x430, whaa.png)

why a cat

No. 1652059

Im in the fucking theater now! Aaaaah!

No. 1652064

I dropped my phone and now it's got green lines and a pink line on the right side of it. I'm so upset. Hopefully replacing the screen will work and the screen doesn't just die.

No. 1652067

My younger siblings all legally changing their last name on their dead biological dad's birthday is hardcore. He was a piece of shit.

No. 1652074

starting to think curses are real

No. 1652081

Probably some scrote designer going
>pussy eat pussy haha lol I am genious

No. 1652086

File: 1691007227179.jpg (30.8 KB, 750x399, Tumblr_l_292455868451664.jpg)

I don't care at all like I'm just soo unbothered by it!! It doesn't affect me! I really couldn't care less!!!!!

No. 1652092

File: 1691007778914.jpeg (117.71 KB, 813x721, IMG_1552.jpeg)

That’s not the only thing I flipped inside out

No. 1652093

I’m mildly high and I’m out shopping at a thrift store. One of the employees is greeting everyone and speaks Spanish to you if you look like you speak Spanish. Anyway, I was looking through the trash and I heard him speak to a woman customer. I thought maybe he was being flirty and after he left I asked the woman in Spanish if he was bothering her, and she said no. I felt dumb as fuck lol. Never opening my mouth again.

No. 1652101

We are over halfway through the year and I have not completed any of my goals yet. Anyways…

No. 1652125

Barbie was so good you guys. I loved the soundtrack, especially Pink by Lizzo in the opening. I even loved Kens lame ass songs. And the fashion and sets were phenomenal, I also loved the little cartoony effects throughout. I didn't cry like I thought I would, but "we mothers stand still so our daughters can look back" did make me emotional. I think I saw some anons complaining that it was too surface level feminism, but like, wtf did you expect.

No. 1652127

File: 1691012477808.jpeg (80.4 KB, 512x768, Bàlle.jpeg)

i bless this dumbass shit thread with dumbass AI art titled "Enchanting Contradictions: Belle's Ballad of Queer Expression"

No. 1652133

seeing this doesn't feel like a blessing

No. 1652134

this is a curse

No. 1652146

File: 1691014251186.jpeg (24.77 KB, 271x186, 31C12E19-4D4F-4967-917E-760E1B…)

I’m sorry I can’t be a husbando harem Stacy, it feels like I’m cheating I can’t do it deleting all other men asap

No. 1652147

Is picrel your husbando?

No. 1652148


No. 1652153

File: 1691015243009.jpeg (58.18 KB, 750x1115, c62ae74b-5d59-4cc3-896f-8bacb8…)

He's ugly delete this

No. 1652154

Put that thing back where it came from!

No. 1652201

This was one of the weirdest movies of all time

No. 1652203

No. 1652205


No. 1652214

I can always tell when it's a full moon

No. 1652246

No. 1652248

Which one?

No. 1652250

Skip to like 2 minutes into this video. For anyone that doesn't want to watch, it's just a gay man putting meat in his mouth.

No. 1652253

He HAD to put the white (gravy?) on the end to seal the deal that it's a cock.

No. 1652256

Samefag, but also he literally moans before he even bites into the chicken kek.
>"And this is a leftover piece of chicken from uh..UNNHHH"

No. 1652281

File: 1691027185474.jpeg (85.54 KB, 512x768, BàlleDancingAwayFromHaters.jpe…)

Belle's Ballad of Queer Expression has had it with all your hate and will now dance the night away with the Beast Unveiled!

No. 1652319

File: 1691030703475.jpg (33.88 KB, 500x500, 71b70cdb76b257341a7931b35efd77…)

Where's is my fidget cuuuubee I wanna click!!! And roll the little gear thingies!!!

No. 1652327

I've always preferred fidget spinners

No. 1652329

The light switch one is my favorite

No. 1652332

File: 1691031965409.png (4.53 MB, 1668x2224, ADA521C8-D9BE-4B52-906E-C59211…)

I started seeing red flags when this friend i have a crush on said she wanted to fuck a female version of diavolo from jojo’s bizarre adventure but im now realizing that jeffree star looks exactly like him in this picture. i cant unsee her fucking jeffree star now. i am losing my shit.

No. 1652344

File: 1691032420066.png (1.84 MB, 1536x1844, craiyon_231541_can_you_show_me…)

the ai has spoken, who are y'all worshipping

No. 1652345

the endless vortex looks lovely and comfortable, i'd worship that

No. 1652348

All powerful cute girl in the middle

No. 1652354

I would do this

No. 1652357

does anyone else feel immensely uncomfortable looking at ai pictures? Its like gazing into the abyss, it feels like my soul is getting siphoned out to complete a soulless image.

No. 1652365

I feel the same, you say it way more poetically than me though

No. 1652369

File: 1691034810351.png (29.17 KB, 564x703, 36473937234.png)

I keep imagining myself making a doom map but I keep putting it off.

No. 1652385

Me, with everything I've ever imagined myself doing

No. 1652390

File: 1691036314976.jpg (13.55 KB, 300x250, 3bc187b224abd76edf70148434af40…)

I want to pursue love and happiness but I am too much of a neurotic superficial coward to do so.

No. 1652393

File: 1691036748247.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.51 KB, 1024x1536, 1690845718321216.jpg)

I browse a constant, ongoing stable diffusion thread sometimes and it gets eerie only because men use it to generate a lot of really young and small looking roboteens. There are occasional autists who I enjoy looking at what they generate because they're obsessive with the same thing, like some guy who posts cute mouse girls and a dude who does Laura Kinney art that's enjoyable to look at. It can be interesting on occasion but usually empty and boring and the porn aspect is so creepy. Just endless tiny button-nosed teens that do not exist in any capacity made to look hyperreal.

No. 1652395

She looks 16 in the face. Creepy.

No. 1652398

File: 1691037035019.png (1.94 MB, 1600x1280, 1690862711717671.png)

Also I think generated concept art can look cool, like she looks so cool wtf

No. 1652399

There are HOARDS of them. Its pretty gross.

No. 1652410

she's cute but it creeps me out how moids are such pedos, i don't even wanna know what they're thinking…

No. 1652425

File: 1691038526492.jpg (75.21 KB, 750x741, 1690934757674949.jpg)

I love watching gay men on 4ch seethe about seeing women on grindr, absolutely malding and sharing screenshots completely angry and offended that they would dare infringe upon their spaces. Meanwhile they're the same retards that have spent years doing the same shit to straight men. It's so funny watching men become enraged for being exposed to unwanted gaze for the first time in their miserable little lives.

No. 1652432

>the same shit to straight men
And this is a bad thing how

No. 1652435

Gay men being predators is not #based just because they terrorize men and boys instead of women and girls. They're very comfortable being hypocritical, self absorbed, and self indulgent while throwing Karen tantrums about this new 'infringement'open their precious anonymous sex apps.

No. 1652443

Idk nonna sounds like you're just blatantly homophobic.
Either way I do not give a shit about men's welfare in any capacity or form.

No. 1652444

gay men are often sociopathic narcissists

No. 1652445

How is any of this homophobic?

No. 1652448


No. 1652449

imagine defending gay moids, couldn't be me

No. 1652450

It isnt, "she" is just retarded

No. 1652451

File: 1691040338696.png (62.84 KB, 1028x286, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 10.27…)

What is it with men and ketamine? I only ever see men - and retarded ones at that - talk about it.

No. 1652452

Just saw the worst image ever

No. 1652453

ketamine therapy is the new big thing. you lay down in a dark room with a blindfold and they give you a series of injections over a course of time. apparently it gives you quite the trip. just rich scrotes bragging about getting high (ik k is a party drug but it's not a psychedelic right? what is it considered…)

No. 1652459

https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/58370108 tw NSFL but could you imagine dating a guy and then finding this in his fap folder, what even causes this pathology… makes me wonder how kirbynon is doing

No. 1652460

i'd leave him and laugh at him cruelly

No. 1652462

I feel like it's intrinsically linked to pedophilia because they draw them with baby vaginas. Ewww

No. 1652465

Lana Del Rey is in the top ten of most streamed female artists yet her fanbase acts like she is this unknown underground singer. I don't get it.

No. 1652472

She's indie asf

No. 1652474

>11 years ago

No. 1652476

Not to mention she's worked with one of pop's biggest music producer for years

No. 1652480

File: 1691042298480.jpg (46.24 KB, 600x444, 663e098e6f40c14599a48001deeb46…)

This brazilian scrote had this blog entirely dedicated to proving avril lavigne was dead and replaced by melissa vandella. It was like some sort of sick joke, idk, the internet those days were full of '(insert celebrity name) is dead' when they weren't but the blog had lots of pics and detailed analysis that supposedly proved that.
I remember when avril came here and some tv show asked her about this theory and she just gave that awkward smile, I don't think she addressed the question at all kek I don't know how the gringos heard of that but suddenly there was avril lavignes conspiracy all over the internet again. Must be our proudest moment between that 7x1 from germany and disney knockoffs. I love this shithole.

No. 1652482

i want som fokin miso soup

No. 1652497

>she looks so cool
how is that cool? do you think senra kagura and dead or alive extreme have the coolest female characters to ever exist?

No. 1652500

File: 1691045897278.jpg (326.01 KB, 448x656, 45_3_HTWxF7h.jpg)

have you heard about when brazil accussed pixar of sabbotagging their movie so they could release the first 3d cgi theatrical movie? i love your country too, brazilnonny

No. 1652512

File: 1691048767931.webm (693.51 KB, 566x720, TokyoToni (480p).webm)

i watched this 10 times in a row

No. 1652527

I love her. She's a rich asshole of course but I love her.

No. 1652528

Do it do it do it!

No. 1652531

I really hate listening to my voice, i wish i sounded more androgynous. I sound like those nightcore anime versions of songs.

No. 1652545

We should trade, I'm sick of people telling me I sound like a man totally unprovoked

No. 1652547

File: 1691057308086.jpg (194.32 KB, 1764x2344, Sad-Daddy-2pc-Fr.jpg)

Why are they sad

No. 1652549

I'm sure you wouldn't be to happy if your face was used to clean shit

No. 1652553

who the fuck names their sponges scrab daddy, are you burgers ok

No. 1652554

you dont sound like a man nonny, no woman does really. you just sound cool af

No. 1652556

that thing looks yummy

No. 1652558

same thing and maybe the solution is voice training? look up voice lowering training for ftms (ignore the tranny bullshit just skip to the techniques)

No. 1652559

File: 1691058156258.png (160.69 KB, 1823x1823, Swiss-Cheese-543370591.png)

Top one looks like pic rel

No. 1652581

File: 1691061645399.jpg (51.61 KB, 540x675, encouraging.jpg)

>have to go run errands
>check weather forecast; 99% chance of rain
>still manage to forget my umbrella
>it doesn't end up raining

No. 1652589

File: 1691062064000.jpg (102.19 KB, 968x726, nom.jpg)

reminds me of picrel cause of the reddish coloring inside

No. 1652592

File: 1691062381273.jpeg (763.01 KB, 1125x1257, IMG_5942.jpeg)

To me this looks like Super Metroid’s boss Crocomire. Unfortunately, as I was looking for pics, I found one that was a bit weird fanart. It’s an inflated version of Crocomire posted on a furry site. Now I know that there is an inflation fetish. Of course there is. I know they are degens, I’ve nearly seen every disgusting imaginable on the internet, but why am I still surprised?

No. 1652598

i still i have yet to find an explanation for inflation, whats so hot about this shit? i remember when pyro(furry ofc) got caught roleplaying inflation with minors

No. 1652611

shane dawson would be the type of selfish, narcissistic person to get not one but TWO children from a surrogate. some gays are okay but i fucking HATE ones that use surrogates.

No. 1652618

>"you dork ass losers"
why is that so funny KEK

No. 1652620

This has no right to be this cute

No. 1652649

I wonder how we came up with the saying "sick as a horse". Like do horses get particularly sick? Horses are one of those animals that seem so emotionless to me. Of course I don't think they actually don't experience emotion cause I'm not psycho, but they just never seem silly or mad or sad to me. They're just horse.

No. 1652651

Samefag, but another thing that furthers my thinking is that I've never seen horses in nature documentaries. They aren't in documentaries because they don't do anything but be horse.

No. 1652652

I always thought it's because horses are fragile as hell, which means that if they're not 100% and perfectly healthy, they're dead.

No. 1652653

Wait I just realized you said sick as a horse and not healthy as a horse. Never heard of sick as a horse, just the healthy one.

No. 1652658

File: 1691068412165.jpg (98 KB, 1790x1080, rhajk2e4p3a41.jpg)

do you mean "sick as a dog"? this post is causing me psychic damage

No. 1652659

Oh you're right, idk where I got sick as a horse from

No. 1652660

File: 1691068467850.jpeg (268.71 KB, 1284x1510, IMG_0061.jpeg)

Social media is so fucking dumb, what kind of garbage comment is this

No. 1652661

Im not sure what I meant.

No. 1652675

Fuckin hell

No. 1652729

File: 1691075580080.jpeg (204.85 KB, 625x490, ponylab.jpeg)

I'm sorry

No. 1652730

File: 1691075638797.jpeg (150.21 KB, 625x482, small doghorse.jpeg)

wait this one is cuter because it's small and the horse is the head

No. 1652733

These people don't take public transport tbh. Last time I've seen a situation like this in the subway the "poor little mentally ill crackhead uwu" tried to stab someone and would have stabbed several people with me included if it weren't for the first guy illegally carrying pepper spray and using it. Ableism is common sense 99% of the time.

No. 1652737

File: 1691075924387.jpeg (55.58 KB, 600x462, dachy.jpeg)

No. 1652738

File: 1691076002756.jpg (385.84 KB, 1137x714, IMG_20230804_012129.jpg)

Just rearranged my apps

No. 1652740

No. 1652741

File: 1691076249293.jpg (136.12 KB, 1440x376, IMG_20230804_012622.jpg)

No. 1652742

File: 1691076717112.jpg (16.06 KB, 300x222, Original_Doge_meme.jpg)

What's that doge app?

No. 1652743

Reddit. You can change the icon and I thought it was funny looking

No. 1652744

I fucking abhor the taste of canola oil. Sunflower? Nice. Olive? Nice. Peanut or any of the less popular? Sure. I'll even take fucking animal fat to fry food. Just not fucking canola oil, that shit is Satan's cum.

No. 1652746

File: 1691077267596.png (1.78 MB, 1134x1164, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 11.43…)

for me it's sunflower oil

No. 1652747

Canola oil tastes so fucking greasy and stale somehow kek. Peanut oil is the superior frying/cooking oil and the secret to perfect stir fries, take note.

No. 1652749

absolutely correct and based

No. 1652754

I prefer clarified butter over other oils and I can't deal with sunflower oil, somehow it makes me feel sick eating food fried in to much sunflower oil, like the frog in nonnas >>1652746 picture. And now I have to try peanut oil >>1652747 or maybe someone could just cook for me?

No. 1652763

Well it was originally made for indistrial use and rebranded for "human consuption" bc its cheap and is cancer causing so that might be why.

No. 1652765

it doesnt matter to me of ita a coom picture or a room or painting or whatever, K still get the sinking feeling in my chest from looking at them. Even if they are "cool" they still freak me out.

No. 1652782

I can't stand moids and anachans' obsession with thigh gaps like I have one kind of naturally and it just sucks. It looks weird when I sit down and hurts in some positions. Walking in a skirt just makes me feel…naked. Idk, I guess we all desire things we're not kek.

No. 1652783

File: 1691081053419.jpeg (349.88 KB, 1645x1287, A82208E4-5828-4A73-ACA2-93CA76…)

Can someone write a Coach Mcguirk-esque speech about cows or something? Or since he’s 2X some pinkpill shit idk

No. 1652789

File: 1691081732300.jpg (2.67 KB, 105x80, coach.jpg)

>See this? That's right that's the cow from lolcow dot farm. I get drunk one night, and now my body looks like the footer of an imageboard. Dont get a tattoo. Play soccer.

No. 1652790

Men are so strange

No. 1652792

i was remembering how pyrocynical got caught roleplaying furry fart feeder vore fantasies through discord and i dont understand how people dont delete their discord messages. i use an add on to mass delete stuff every few months, its not that hard

No. 1652794

Found a phone in my driveway yesterday and assumed it belonged to the mail person. Called the post office, left it in my mail box and heard someone come by and pick it up and say "thank god." Today I opened my mailbox to a $10 Starbucks gift card with a small thank you note. Nice nice

No. 1652796

Heartwarming. Good nonnie.

No. 1652797

What furry fetish do you roleplay?

No. 1652799

File: 1691082411151.gif (192.6 KB, 848x652, ya did good, kid.gif)

This image this fucking image oh my god wow thank you

No. 1652802

none i just share a lot of tranny hating memes

No. 1652805

File: 1691082873701.jpg (20.01 KB, 400x379, fightme.jpg)


No. 1652806

File: 1691082886910.gif (7.39 KB, 35x43, 1675727134460100.gif)

i think im gonna start to go commando more often, underwear just gives me terrible sensory issues. idk why i didnt think of this

No. 1652841

i really like the uncanny but cozy feeling of this video. feels like something out of a 00s film student horror project

No. 1652855

anyon following the Chantal shit? I find it odd how so many Kiwifarmers are excited to see Chantal "get what she deserves" including some scrote calling the police to her mom's house), but cry tears whenever people talked about on their site, fight tooth and nail to get that shit taken down, including lying/harassing of real family members of people vaguely related.

No. 1652861

I used to follow her like… 5+ years ago. What's going on?

No. 1652862

she's been mostly boring since she got with salad so i haven't been following most of this year but i hate kiwifags seething obsession with chantal and ALR. i watch compilations to be entertained and laugh at fatties' antics but youtube channels dedicated to them (especially the ones that show their face), youtube comments, and kiwifags are all a bunch of freaks constantly acting like karens, destroying the fun, always cowtipping, and blogging about their stupid sad lives. it's also weird how many of these people are obese themselves yet make fun of ALR and chantal it's likely because "wEll i'M nOt As FaT As HeR!!!"

No. 1652865

>whenever people talked about on their site, fight tooth and nail to get that shit taken down
They do? On Kiwifarms?

No. 1652867

kiwifarts is chock full of their own cows. this site is too, but imagine if we were a forum, it'd make the site almost no different than kiwifarts.

No. 1652870

KF reminds me of old school something awful in all the worst ways

No. 1652892

my special interest is drug psas. do you nonnies have any to share from your countries? my favourite is this one from mexico that looks straight out of a bowling alley screen. My country made some that were actually very well animated called fleco y male, i like them a lot for the production quality alone.

No. 1652901

I lowkey hate when people say that programming/coding is like learning a new language, because I suck at learning languages. I don't have the memory retention for it so it discourages me. But then I think of it as just another skill, I become more encouraged because I've been able to learn multiple skills/hobbies in the past like 2 years (creative ones, but still).

No. 1652908

No. 1652912

No. 1652915

No. 1652921

i was active in a discord server years ago and it was the best server i'd ever been part of. it died off eventually and i've never been able to find a community like it. it was as if the coolest people had found a niche little space together, it really was the people who made it great. they did a great job at weeding out losers. it's stupid since it was just a discord server but i was terminally online and it changed me. i realised so much about myself and my interests through the people that i befriended there. they thought so much like me, too. it was as if we were all on the same wavelength and it's so rare for me to find that. i miss waking up and checking it. i miss interacting with all the people who are gone now. i miss the feeling of it. i'll never have it again. every server i've tried since has disappointed me but i'm glad i've managed to keep in contact with some people from there even if it doesn't feel exactly the same.

No. 1652922

File: 1691093285986.jpg (26.53 KB, 540x531, WomeninSTEM.jpg)

You will learn to code one day, sister, inshallah.

No. 1652927

i wish i could speak swedish so bad!!!!!!! ARG. lucky for me it's not that hard to decipher a lot of the time (can't say most) as it's a germanic language and i'm ever so slightly and slowly getting the hang of it, but just getting the general gist nowhere near actually speaking it… is there an age limit for learning through internet immersion like i did with english or is it over for me ? jk i mean i can always buy a textbook and get a real proper start there but i don't know where to look for one and swedish isn't a popular language to learn in my country plus that's kind of boring but i admit is necessary. SIGH. i don't even know where this is even coming from, i don't actually plan on going to sweden but i have such a desire to learn the language akin to that of a weeaboo in terms of passion kek it's so random. sorry for my cringe

No. 1652931

we have an old PSA/Corporate training films thread on /m/ >>>/m/112022
If your interested you could post your stuff there.

No. 1652935

File: 1691094618483.jpeg (162.72 KB, 545x727, 85C8DB02-3F05-4952-97B4-368E56…)

This one is so cute. Other than these anti pot ads I would see in magazines this is the only one I remember watching because it was so gross and scary https://vimeo.com/11851984

No. 1652939

File: 1691094800518.jpeg (122.91 KB, 958x960, IMG_2664.jpeg)

No. 1652949

You can be a Sweeaboo kek. But for real not too late learn new languages. I know Swedish, it’s not too hard, watch some Swedish TV-series maybe?

No. 1652954

No. 1652960

Thank you latex BDSM hijabi lady

No. 1652963

Can someone explain the Supermega drama I don't keep up with loser moids, did one of them rape somebody or something?

No. 1652969

I'd get one if I lived somewhere with enough space for it to run around

No. 1652977

Felt. Not exactly the same but I remember being part of a small discord server with like 4 people and getting attached to this other woman there even though we technically were mutuals at best. It was just nice talking about schizo shit. I wonder how she's doing now.

No. 1652988

I had some like these and I really miss them too. Fell out of them due to dramatics and realizing they weren't the people I thought they were, but also because of my own mental health, and I'm so sad how few friendships I maintained from it. My IRLs aren't contacting me either these days. I feel so bled dry, maybe I'm the problem, but I'll never have my old friends again and I miss the community

No. 1653018

Seeing Discord add a parental controls feature is nice to see. A few years ago I would have been vehemently against it being a teenager and shit, but now I'm all for it. It gives enough privacy but keeps them safe imo. I'd be disgusted and file a report if some scrote in his late 40s by the username of chuckj48671 was friending my teenager ngl.

No. 1653039

I was drunk and going through a "drake" related headache and I had a thought. Were are we as a society where people no care about how they look in reality but show some shame online, but editing and lying about how they look?
I know Shayna is a bad example but she tries to hide her belly rolls/fat online (badly) but walks around with her belly out in ill fitting outfits.
I care a lot more about how my fat ass looks in real life vs. how I look online. I don't even get the, "Well you have more people see you online" but so?

No. 1653041

File: 1691101224013.jpg (14.05 KB, 480x480, 877.jpg)

>Were are we as a society where people no care about how they look in reality but show some shame online, but editing and lying about how they look?

No. 1653043

Do you have a qnswer?

No. 1653044

bongs what type of biscuit do you dunk in your tea?

No. 1653045

i think i had a stroke i don't know what you're saying

No. 1653047

she's saying why do people go through so much effort to edit and present themselves as put together online, but don't bother to take care of their appearance irl?

No. 1653048

I was almost going to meet up with a girl I met on a discord server full of girls from here and cc, but I stopped going to the server for a few months because of irl stuff and it kinda died in the meantime. Months later I realized she was a semi famous poster here, a big schizo and attention seeker, and one the one hand I'm glad I didn't meet her, but on the other I kinda wonder what it would've been like and how awkward and weird it could've gone.

No. 1653051

Sorry nona I wrote it funky,>>1653047 knows what I'm saying, sorry didn't meant to come off snippy

No. 1653058

I'm almost done with stefanys thread and it always gives me whiplash when reminded she's like 20 something also her voice sounds nothing like I thought.
She writes like a 15 year old girl, her voice doesn't fit her at all. I always read her threads with someone with a high voice and fake British accent. She's very weird and it gets dark with the horse hoarding

No. 1653061

Wouldn’t it be better if dragons farted fire?

No. 1653062

who says they don't?

No. 1653072

was it bib

No. 1653075

Your obsession with Bib is so creepy. You're the anon who also mentioned bib in crystal cafe, right? Are you the anon she kicked out of the server because you kept posting the pictures she posted on her discord?

No. 1653079

holy shit, i've been sleeping on gin and tonics. so fucking delicious…

No. 1653085

Don't know who that is

No. 1653087

This is my first time listening to this band and I'm so disappointed. Why does the singer yell like that? I had to turn it off like a minute in.

No. 1653096

You ever listen to a song that's so fitting to your current situation it's almost creepy?

No. 1653098

i've never mentioned her anywhere, i'm just a curious lurker damn

No. 1653102

Fuck you stupid bitch it's like lolcow couldn't get any worse.

No. 1653106

what is a drake related headache? oh is this drake chan? ily ♥

No. 1653108

File: 1691106120693.gif (1.9 MB, 500x250, IMG_7511.gif)

All I can think about when I hear about this band is April Ludgate

No. 1653111

I thought my doctor’s office had an aiden but it looks like they just accidentally linked a photo of a woman to the male employee’s profile

No. 1653116

You have shit taste.

No. 1653120

I once worked at UPMC and had to watch a bunch of DDI training videos when I got hired, the one for transgender patients showed an interaction between a doctor and "aiden", a transgender man, (played by an obviously male actor though)
No way they didn't do that on purpose

No. 1653128

File: 1691107912788.png (576.56 KB, 1062x430, nobutforreal.png)

Today I realized just how similar all of my crushes in my life have looked, despite all of them being totally different races and sexes. Even with those huge differences, they all had similar face… layouts? I realized this today when I saw a gif from Brooklyn 99 and remembered I used to think the actress who played rosa was cute. am I crazy or do all of these people seriously look sort of alike??

No. 1653130

you have a type hardcore

No. 1653132

They all have the same face shape - heart shape or diamond shape I think

No. 1653134

It's the smile and nose

No. 1653150

People who drive with their knee scare me. Keep your hand on that wheel, heifer.

No. 1653156

i don't care what anyone says i will always call border song "holy moses"

No. 1653167

People do that???

No. 1653176

I like dark brown eyes too, I think when they smile they look the friendliest and warmest. I end up drawn to people with dark brown eyes that crinkle when they smile lol idk why

No. 1653177

Who tf is doing that shit. Where the hell do you live

No. 1653179

Oh theyre horrible but a lot of us who listen to this song do so for nostalgic purposes

No. 1653181

kek do you think so? I wasn't sure if I was imagining a connection where there wasn't one.
oh anon, you're so right. I guess it's unconventional but I love a slightly gummy smile with defined apples of the cheeks. But most importantly I love a long nose that folds(?) flattens(?) downwards when they smile. That trait is so irresistibly cute to me.
YES dark brown eyes, i didn't realize but that's another thing all my crushes have had in common. I totally agree they look the warmest, they relax me.

After consideration i think i really must have a severe and terminally intense type. I can't think of a single person I have ever found attractive that doesn't fit this hyper-specific template. What do you think causes certain people to have such specific and exclusive types? It certainly isn't advantageous in finding a mate to be so picky (sad kek)

No. 1653192

Made myself cry last night after I found out about that kitten, tater tot, not making it. he was loved so much by so many people and he didn't even know it and they tried so hard to save him but it still didn't work. it's just moving, I guess.

No. 1653208

Light brown eyes are nice but dark brown eyes are freaky and remind me of Jill and Shayna and their rat like stares. I like to be able to easily tell how dilated someone’s pupils are.

No. 1653209

I get it. I like guys with black eyes and bushy eyebrows, idk why either. It will be all different kinds of guys with like the same two features, can't say there's any template for it either like I dont consciously do it. Yours seem to share a lot more features than that though kek, like heart face and strong nose

No. 1653210

Wow plebian

No. 1653214

Aeroplane over the sea and King if Carrot Flowers are the only good ones. And holland 1945 or whatever

No. 1653227

i miss when i used to purge anything non vegan as punishment now im too forgiving to myself if i slip up

No. 1653237

What are you even talking about

No. 1653238

kek i replied to the wrong post oops. I meant:
>sees a woman with brown hair on the street
>"ew, just like pixiteri"
lolcow derangement syndrome

No. 1653239

Dark brown eyes are really uncommon for white folks where I am, most have light brown eyes or light colored eyes. Most people have medium brown to dirty blonde hair color. I just think dark brown eyes look terrible and scary on white people

No. 1653242

Samefag but conversely I think light eyes look scary on brown and Asian people kek

No. 1653247

two headed boy is the worst one

No. 1653248

Light eyes rarely dont look scary KEK. I believe in dark eye supremacy, they're superior. I hate when light eyed people hold their eyes open like a crazy person, it looks so stupid. We get it bitch we see them.

No. 1653249

File: 1691118438843.jpg (24.39 KB, 640x858, 1690776384122420.jpg)

I am listening to hear where you are
I am listening to hear where you are

No. 1653260

That moment when the blue-eyed person stares right into your soul. When I was little I struggled a lot with making eye contact with light-eyed people whereas dark-eyed people I could chat to and pay attention to perfectly kek.

No. 1653267

I met a guy who drove with their mouth + knees (one time) and it was while driving to the hospital because he had a blood infection from a rotten tooth that spread to his spine, it paralyzed his arms for a bit.

No. 1653274

You guys have never seen someone momentarily use their knee while driving if they "need" to use both of their hands for something? Not like hitting turns and shit but if they're going straight, to do that slight left to right motion with the wheel. I refuse to ever do it even if I was super good at driving.

No. 1653281

Literally no. What kind of hills have eyes people are you around

No. 1653284

I saw a really hot short-haired girl in a bikini top and board shorts at the beach the other week, and she set up right next to me. Score. But she brought her giant ill-trained dog who disrupted the peace for the entire time. Anti-score. Definitely a lesbian though, the dog confirmed it basically. If only she wasn't a dog lesbian…

No. 1653286

all these girls doubt you but I've seen people do that, but only cocky retards who have shitty cars

No. 1653291

I think this is a regional thing. Where I live now, people drive like this and worse. A rideshare guy who was driving me around drove with his knees while he was actively reading through a book to locate answers for someone he was on the phone with. It was only for a minute or so, but it felt like hours…

No. 1653302

I dont doubt her, I'm just in awe of what location she must be in where this is really happening

No. 1653303

Oh, I'm in America on the East side.

No. 1653308

People in the southeast have a terrifyingly lackadaisical attitude towards driving

No. 1653310

I've been around really retarded drivers but I guess I've never seen that especially and couldn't imagine seeing it enough to mention it, like it happens often. I see men drape like half their bodies out of their windows though like we see you, you want us to see your guns okay.

No. 1653312

Bitch why are you saying lackadaisical. Talk normal.

No. 1653313

NTA but maybe it's because our driving tests are jokes? Mine took 3 minutes and the guy just told me to drive down a straight road for 1 block, take a right, and then turn around and head back.

No. 1653321

Fuck you

No. 1653349

Some of the YouTube shorts I see… like WHAT

No. 1653386

File: 1691126445970.jpg (804.67 KB, 1946x2878, MV5BMGE1NWZkZGMtMjEzYi00NDUwLT…)

I wasn't thinking that much about the Hunger Games prequel coming out, but I saw Peter Dinklage in a trailer and I think I might watch it when it comes out. Also, Dinklage is such a dwarf name. I think cause it's "dink" like dinky.

No. 1653398

You’ve really never heard someone say lackadaisical irl? Are you ESL or is it that you have no high functioning autist friends?
Maybe kek. They had already stopped teaching kids taking drivers Ed in HS how to parallel park over a decade ago around here. When asking their teachers if they can be taught anyway they were told no and that they’d never need to know how.

No. 1653409

thaks these are so cool, specially the last one. I kinda miss psas, there were a lot who were like short horror films.
thank you i will check it out

No. 1653410

File: 1691129554464.jpg (14.21 KB, 228x214, 011.jpg)

Dude sounds like a wailing homeless man at this part I'm sorry

No. 1653414

Everytime I scroll past the "Post deranged things only a troglodyte XY defect would say." thread I think it's actually scrote bait, almost reported a post now. So annoying.

No. 1653418

you can hide it

No. 1653421

True. Just did.

No. 1653423

File: 1691130246339.jpg (59.92 KB, 350x287, 153403494219_p0.jpg)

I am so happy. I though i dreamed my grandma buying cake, but i opened the fridge and there it was. I am going to have some lemon pie with a coffee.

No. 1653424

Absolutely not. That's one way to crash or get yourself arrested kek

No. 1653425

File: 1691130839066.png (64.43 KB, 253x265, 20230804_113037.png)

Ben Shapiro in this picture looks so much like my dad when he was younger

No. 1653429

What if hypothetically…he was your dad's clone?

No. 1653465

My uncle is one of those zero waste vegan hippies and I just found out that he feeds his dogs a vegan diet as well. Should I be concerned? Can dogs even be vegan?

No. 1653472

giving your dog a vegan diet is abuse. I used to known vegans that sacrificed their religion a lil bit for their dogs because they know you cannot force them to be vegan.

No. 1653505

I joined a gooning Discord server and heard a bunch of neckbeards moaning in the voice chat while they watched some gross hentai.
I needed to witness it to believe gooning is actually real. Holy shit that was bizarre…

No. 1653509

anon kek what the fuck
i only know what gooning if because of cold ones

No. 1653510

I can't stop watching emmymade MRE videos. they are nostalgic as I used to watch them years ago and I find them really relaxing and sweet

No. 1653512

File: 1691143141375.jpg (15.33 KB, 370x370, eat.jpg)

mfw I reverse searched the kik id of the guy I'm dating online and a year ago he was "looking for people to goon with" and I'm concerned

No. 1653518

that sounds so gay

No. 1653521

File: 1691144720070.jpeg (20.3 KB, 284x177, IMG_5895.jpeg)

2 more days working this shitty gig.
then this bitch is kayaking and is free

No. 1653524

I get asked if I'll ever plan on having kids in the future and how do I say I'm not spreading my fuckass autistic adhd and probably cluster b/etc. genes to any poor child

No. 1653525


No. 1653526

I keep thinking about how during the ages of 11-13 I was basically a frenchaboo and it keeps me up at night even a full decade later

No. 1653527

sometimes i just say "i can't have kids" because they'll feel bad and think you have some kind of medical condition and won't ask further

No. 1653531

What's wrong with that? Doesn't seem like the worst thing to enjoy.

No. 1653532

So I’m guessing this ”goon” doesn’t mean what I think it means. Like being stupid, henchman, or adventurous… it’s a sex thing, isn’t it?

No. 1653535

Kek I remember in primary school I had a massive clip in red bow that I’d try pin at a jaunty angle in my flat, thin, middle parted hair specifically for the French lesson. It looked like shit in hindsight and kept falling out because there just wasn’t enough hair to grip. And because all subjects were in the same room we’d be told we’re doing French and I’d pull that bow out my bag to put it on at my desk. I’m not even sure if there’s any actual association with French hairstyles and bows. I buried that memory until just now, god. I might as well have just worn a black beret kek

No. 1653538

Kik is usually used to share porn, usually the illegal or revenge porn type. Why would you even online date with a man who's u sing such app?
He jerked off with other dudes there.

No. 1653548

Saw some lady pushing a stroller with a doll inside it, some people went up to her to see the baby and we all got hit with the uncanny valley chilli at the same time

No. 1653556

Of course he does, sigh.
I’ve heard about women having these very life-like baby dolls as a hobby, like they spend a lot of money on real baby equipment too, prams etc. It’s uncanny, but sure why not.

No. 1653561

She was an older lady so my first thought after the shock, because I did see the feet and had a weird feeling because it had no socks on and it was raining, was that maybe it's for some trauma thing like they were first intended for. Good for her but she was also going to a tram stop and that made me think how she can rider free as long as people think it's a real baby, fuck her.

No. 1653568

Fuck her? Harsh. I’m sure that (homeless junkie) scrotes make up 99% of all freeloaders. One weird traumatized lady won’t make a difference kek

No. 1653570

File: 1691149326196.png (3.61 KB, 364x31, lmao no.PNG)

I was looking for vacant positions at Condé Nast and picrel was one of the requirements kek I'm never getting the job

No. 1653593

stop, you're gonna attract french scrotes to the site

No. 1653594

I just pretended I knew French and was just fucking weird as shit. I know I was just 11-13 but the thoughts still keep me up at night kek

No. 1653596

pfft i was an israelboo and tried to learn hebrew. I am too ashamed to say the reason, it was very weird and dumb.

No. 1653601

File: 1691152795044.png (2.69 MB, 1920x1080, beans.png)

me to my body this morning

No. 1653603

Reads like toxic work environment

No. 1653604

I ate my lunch for breakfast, now I don't know what I'll do.

No. 1653627

reminds me that in the Arthur dub in my language DW is pronounced like dee-vee. I used to think her name was Divi. lolz

No. 1653628

This is an anonymous imageboard tell tell

No. 1653629

wtf they always do this here when you get any kind of manicure at a salon. Never knew it's actually unhealthy. I do live in Eastern Europe (though not Russia) fwiw

No. 1653631

are these yassified Caliente twins?

No. 1653636

File: 1691156320544.gif (4.63 MB, 400x225, d4c.gif)

No. 1653637

It would be based if they actually showed the man on the bottom

No. 1653640

File: 1691156725300.jpg (40.13 KB, 607x469, 7207837314ca5073fd55f0915b4dc5…)

Some of you are dumb in bad ways.

No. 1653641

yes and

No. 1653643

This post in also dumb but in a pathetic way

No. 1653647

Jeffrey Star sounds like the name of a cousin of Patrick Star's that would be introduced in a later season of Spongebob

No. 1653654

No. 1653655

imagine if he collaborated with Nikocado

No. 1653656

Damn he really does look like he would be a humanized version of Patrick Star's gay cousin

No. 1653658

I sound like a 12 year old autist.

No. 1653666

The deathfat section of KF is just full of other fatties coping that "at least I'm not like ALR/Chantal!!" much like male autists with Chris-chan or onlyfans thots with Shayna

No. 1653668

on OF?

No. 1653672

absolutely. i believe that much of the attraction to particular cows is that some of us see the worst parts of ourselves in them, but the blogposting and nitpicking makes some users' insecurities painfully obvious. the /w/ board here is rife with that but i'm glad it got turned into its own board because i always forget it exists and it's better off that way.

No. 1653674

found some interesting Israeli media? crushed on an Israeli person? felt bad after learning about the Holocaust in school?

No. 1653676

@ me next time!!

No. 1653677

yeah sure

No. 1653689

Only if you are the anon in the burger thread against cancer checkups. Otherwise work harder on your stupidity if you want to be @ed.

No. 1653694

2 or so years ago I kept making threads using Sonic the Hedgehog threadpics. Does that count?

No. 1653702

File: 1691159831976.jpg (93.9 KB, 702x556, Fr3hrCdWwAEgu2c.jpg)

No. 1653705

Russian Manicure is just what that type of mani is called nonna lol. They do it in a lot of places since cutting cuticles is only illegal in some states in the US (not sure about other countries) and now they're becoming a trend
I for one loved the sonic threadpics.

No. 1653721

kek I remember you

No. 1653723

Huh? I'm talking about trams already being full as shit and they have only so many spots for trams, if there's more, they Block up the already full tram's exits and the thought of her doing that AND also for free annoys me. Idk wtf you thought I was talking about, we don't have that many homeless people in the trans.

No. 1653726

That happened in a show I watched, and it was because her real baby got hit by a car. She turned into a giant fetus monster in a bathroom in the end…

No. 1653731

You know damn well that was a team effort, I made two of those threads

No. 1653736

I appreciate you joining in

No. 1653737

that sounds interesting

No. 1653741

File: 1691162365496.png (74.38 KB, 376x284, odrihnsihwhathaveidone.png)

did i just buy knock-off Staedtler watercolour pencils?

No. 1653752

File: 1691163408059.jpg (40.89 KB, 727x646, a7009e732134a569d984.jpg)

All I want is a living xylophone boyfriend, a ghost, reptilian, and/or a vampire (the true scary kinds). The scarier the better, crazy demonic blue eyes and all. Nobody understands.
>but anon muh uglyyyy
again, nobody understands

No. 1653769

File: 1691165538741.gif (1.67 MB, 500x213, tumblr_oivj0ivJdz1s1v3r1o1_500…)

Me walking around at work, listening to chris chan comprehensive series

No. 1653778

File: 1691166174446.jpeg (122.56 KB, 1100x819, IMG_2289.jpeg)

Anyone feel like thottery is getting out of control in your area? I be like
>hmmm feelin kinda attention hoish
>put on fitted, low cut top
>put on tiny miniskirt
>got a little heel goin on
>well let’s dial it back a tad by wearing tights so we can’t be outright branded as a slut
>mfw I look like a tradwife compared to the other women at the networking event
>mfw the 12 year olds at the shops make me look like I just came from church

No. 1653779

>xylophone boyfriend
A what

No. 1653780

Wow, anon was right. No one truly understands.

No. 1653781

That's right, I don't, couldn't she have picked a sexier instrument?

No. 1653783

I think she wants a skelly spoopy boy but I may be wrong, I'm not sure I understand either

No. 1653786

File: 1691166740599.jpeg (396.31 KB, 1200x675, smeagol.jpeg)

>crazy demonic blue eyes and all
nona is this your husband?

No. 1653788

Think she wants them skinny so their ribs are like a zylophone

No. 1653789

ding ding winnars
I shouldn't have said anything I'm going to bed

No. 1653794

File: 1691167289692.gif (1.92 MB, 500x365, tumblr_1635a2d8da28c9c0f1f6ec2…)

No. 1653796

File: 1691167379880.jpg (Spoiler Image,234.29 KB, 1024x768, 85807096_p23_master1200.jpg)

damn nonna same

No. 1653901

Me on the left but fleshier

No. 1653954

File: 1691175960799.gif (323.17 KB, 200x200, goathead.gif)

the number of typos in my posts has been increasing lately and it is a sign of mental degradation and distress

No. 1653957

File: 1691176156987.jpg (5.76 KB, 201x228, fb316284c7884a7654b75eda8b2bd0…)

I just learned the caramelldansen dance meme came from a fucking loli hentai game.

No. 1653959

I didn't need to know caramelldansen came from a fucking loli hentai game.

No. 1653964

Doesn't every pre-2012 anime girl meme?

No. 1653969

File: 1691176621228.gif (1.4 MB, 498x373, popotan-caramelldansen.gif)

the characters in the dancing gif that went viral are from Popotan (porno visual novel) but the song is just a Swedish bubblegum pop song. idk it doesn't really ruin the song for me

No. 1653973

I knew the song was from some pop-song and assumed the original dance came from some random 2000's anime.

No. 1653975

original song. show of hands how many of you did you use to think (the sped up meme version) was Japanese?

No. 1653987

this is the intro do NOT open in public

No. 1653989

File: 1691177598694.gif (580.1 KB, 395x327, billy.gif)

i get you i like ugly men too but in their human form which is worse

No. 1653992

…why? also i remember the /co/ threads full of women thirsting over him. queens

No. 1653994

let me guess, your a danofag as well?

No. 1653999

File: 1691178497012.png (393.16 KB, 974x458, 1646937680285.png)

I have a very specific fetish for bullying bratty nerds. I like the idea that no one would believe them if a woman was abusing them since they are uggos and losers, and breaking their ego is a hot concept. I draw the line at fatties/baldies though, so post time skip bill is repulsive to me. I only like original Bill. Him and (comic)Dave from Kick ass did irreparable damage to my developing brain when i was 15yo and i have never recovered from that. I am glad there are other women that like nerds, but its a shame they are your typical masochistic losers who want to lick their dirty captain american undies and rub their hairy bellys(ew). Post-wall men are turn off for me, i only like qte twinky nerds that are rail thin.
fuck no, he's a gross fat 3DPD and i would rather die than worship a real uggo, plus he's old as fuck.

No. 1654002

>I have a very specific fetish for bullying bratty nerds. I like the idea that no one would believe them if a woman was abusing them since they are uggos and losers, and breaking their ego is a hot concept.
No offense but this feels like a troon comment, you can like "nerd" looking dude without making it some weird fetish thing.

No. 1654003

Anon doesn't understand that weak men are the ones who get believed above all other people, in all scenarios.

No. 1654004

no, i enjoy the bullying aspect

No. 1654005

that's both better and way worse than I thought it would be

No. 1654007

who cares about reality, it's a fantasy

No. 1654014

File: 1691179830532.png (291.14 KB, 1048x722, D3BDD55B-A380-4894-AFFD-C2C726…)

Based eltingvillefag

No. 1654015

File: 1691179861545.gif (2.14 MB, 400x224, IMG_9140.gif)

Autocorrect salvages me in these trying times

No. 1654023

I have this talent where I can tell what fetish men are into by just looking at them.

No. 1654025

Do you not realize how much of a troon your coming across.

No. 1654030

can you give some tips or patterns you think are noticeable?

No. 1654032

honestly i thought you meant you were into like… fat ugly bastard dudes kek. thank god. you're based btw

No. 1654042

File: 1691182781123.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.69 KB, 1200x630, jannies don't unspoiler.jpg)

Do tell

No. 1654048

Delightful gif

No. 1654062

File: 1691185418750.jpg (13.16 KB, 307x352, 1648965260332.jpg)

how the fuck does that make me a troon? women around the world have shittier fetishes like bondage which is much more troon-like than some mild femdom shit

No. 1654065

ugh i think he's my husbando

No. 1654068

>i only like qte twinky nerds that are rail thin.

No. 1654073

how is she coming across as a troon lmao

No. 1654074

>qte twinky nerds that are rail thin
hell yeah. fat asses and baldies are a big no no for me too

No. 1654092

File: 1691187946244.jpg (35.72 KB, 640x480, spidey1.jpg)

Don't worry nonna, the other day I got accused of being a tranny because I said men shouldn't be allowed of showing their disgusting chicken legs in public. Maybe the real troon is pointing the finger… or maybe, just maybe the Hats of Lolcow are making us think everyone is a troon as a way to make us stop voicing our thoughts on how men should be shamed and beaten and dominated in fear we get accused of being troons. Think about it.

No. 1654110

>visual novel fest
>no actual visual novels or Japanese games aside from Ace Attorney

No. 1654129

File: 1691191224412.png (210.68 KB, 500x333, ezgif.com-webp-to-png.png)

I can't wait to get a cat so I can put glitter claw caps on her and we can have matching acrylics

No. 1654133

File: 1691191847230.png (537.89 KB, 1112x461, LovedOnes6.png)

hey anon did you end up watching loved ones i'm waiting for a review

No. 1654136

File: 1691192011091.gif (1.74 MB, 245x150, isle.gif)

>tfw no captive bf

No. 1654138

File: 1691192145597.jpg (61.44 KB, 750x742, 3da.jpg)

when he tries to fight back hehe

No. 1654140

File: 1691192288305.jpeg (6.77 KB, 305x165, don'tmakemesayittwice.jpeg)

That's what the boyfriend cage is for, nona.

No. 1654143

File: 1691192521092.jpg (63.09 KB, 1080x571, nbd52stu8ot41.jpg)

cage is good but i prefer ropes and chains, maybe a little amputation (as a treat)

No. 1654144

File: 1691192628310.png (1.46 MB, 888x1108, winter.png)

Males are cutest when they're in despair.

No. 1654149

Seeing him get what he deserved was so satisfying honestly

This is such a teenage girl thing to say so yeah there are many young women who understand.
>unffff collar bones unffff undereye circles unffff he looks like he smells like cigarettes uuuunf

No. 1654150


No. 1654151

they made me smile

No. 1654153

Winter Woods, ep. 1 on webtoons.

No. 1654154

Nah this movie scared the shit out of me

No. 1654155

I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world

No. 1654156

No u arent

No. 1654158

Even when you're extremely attracted to men there is nothing more pathetic than a bunch of lonely faggots joining a voice chat to loudly moan while masturbating. There will be like 25 men just grunting loudly and none of it is remotely sexy because of the simple fact of how truly bottom of the barrel pathetic it is

No. 1654159

I ended up watching it a few weeks ago after someone posted a screenshot from it here. I liked it a lot, definitely creepy and unique

No. 1654160

File: 1691193787663.jpg (85.52 KB, 900x506, 13552183-900-506.jpg)

watch steel trap then there's justified moid abuse in that too

No. 1654166

File: 1691194022980.jpg (54.61 KB, 750x723, 160875422.jpg)

But I'm 28. When I was a teenager the other teens made fun of me for that.

No. 1654167

>'this website is TRASH11!!!'
>went 5 days back into the confessions thread
>is a solitary male creeping deeply into the confessions thread hoping for sex stories

No. 1654169

Glad he wasn't nosing around when I posted my weird sex-related confession. Why do they feel like any of us care if he announces his moidhood is present? Narcissism? Mere frustration knowing he'll never find a mate?

No. 1654173

File: 1691194685984.jpeg (39.53 KB, 450x196, IMG_1558.jpeg)

I don’t need justification to abuse males.

No. 1654174

File: 1691194756738.png (256.6 KB, 2560x1751, 6434684.png)


No. 1654176

File: 1691194840812.jpg (43.52 KB, 612x459, 5715857661612.jpg)

I can't believe my stupid brain in the middle of a period of weakness and mental instability made me feel such intense shame in my husbandos that I wanted to hurt myself and actually consider dating real men. kek never again. It's 2d for life for this dumbass, baby.

No. 1654177

File: 1691194900623.jpeg (217.27 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1559.jpeg)

No. 1654182

it really fucks me up that the art and music feel like this could be brainless cutesy fun for girls but it's actually for pedo men. almost everything (not the obvious things) about this took me straight back to being a 5th grader who loved anime and it sucks.

No. 1654193

File: 1691195438856.jpeg (19.86 KB, 500x281, IMG_1563.jpeg)

>what my future bf sees

No. 1654195

File: 1691195489478.jpg (701.23 KB, 1920x1920, raphael-phillips-kirby.jpg)

yee-haw! lets gooooo

No. 1654196


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1654200

File: 1691195611665.jpg (112.89 KB, 1000x667, 1.jpg)

i am trying to work that anon up to it ok

No. 1654202

File: 1691195702288.jpg (29.4 KB, 265x374, Nanohadvd2pkg.jpg)

Finding out that picrel is actually intended for obese fat men who jerk off to cartoon little girls peaked me

No. 1654203


No. 1654204

File: 1691195753719.jpg (56.58 KB, 1200x654, Misery-e1554997287533.jpg)

girl relatable

No. 1654205

Thanks Anon

No. 1654212

I just found out scrunchies and hair clips are way cheaper in the kids aisle and usually the same products. Guess I'll but from there now.

No. 1654220

What is it with Japanese men in particular that make them gravitate towards little girls and incest like moths to a flame? I've seen this outside of anime too.

No. 1654240

I was on a cruise and a lady had one of these dolls and made the serving staff wait on the fake baby and talk to it. It was wild

No. 1654243

Normally I don’t like furries but this video is weirdly wholesome

No. 1654258

This will be a lengthy post.
It's kinda what happens when a society basically takes the worst traits of both conservatism/traditionalism and of liberalism. Japan has both values and is both conservative and a liberal country. It allows people to experiment with weird fashion and their appearance and it has a big point industry and had red light district cities, it has host bars that cater to either men or women, it even has escorting services for women where women can purchase companions or someone to keep them company, it has freedom of expression when it comes to Art. I would consider this the liberal aspect of Japan.

On the conservative value, family is extremely pushed onto women and women are encouraged (forced) to become mothers instead of focusing on their job or careers, discrimination against women in the workplace is seen as normal such as firing their workers once they reach age 35 or sexual assault during drink meetings that workers are coerced to join, most rape goes unreported, sexual molestation in buses or trains does happen which is why there are some only women trains/bus that exist in Japan, rape on public transport is maybe not as common as before but it still does happen and there is even a porn category in Japan called "chikan" about men having sex with women and girls in public transport, there is a huge rape culture where its not taken seriously by the law, media and the general public. Also despite the false statement about Japan being safe …that's actually not true especially if you are a foreigner who is a woman and traveling alone. Many women get stalked and followed by aggressive men who will not leave them alone and it can escalate to something serious and the police most of the time won't do anything.

No. 1654263

Japanese predators go all the way back for hundreds of years. There's a book written by a women named lady Nijou called, "the confessions of lady nijo" that reveals how Japanese noble life worked, and basically how women were treated even back then. It's a really eye opening and sickening work. Basically just people trading their daughters and wives around like sex dolls for things like money, property, etc… Insane amounts of grooming, shaming of women. Maybe nothing we haven't heard before but if you're interested I really recommend you read the novel I listed above.

No. 1654278

Japan is an extremely misogynistic society. Because there is such a strong emphasis on following rules and not standing out, victims of sexual abuse are not taken seriously and expected to silently bear the burden. Pedophilia is rampant because it is nurtured and protected. Child pornography is essentially legal, and child gravure is sold publicly. It's an endless cycle of abuse thats so deeply entrenched that Japanese women are brainwashed and ingrained to self-infantilize. It's uncanny. For example you watch Terrace House, and you see the mature women bulging their eyes out, puffing their cheeks, purposely trying to speak and have the mannerisms of a child–its so retarded but they're raised to believe youth is the pinnacle and anything but is an expired Christmas cake. It's so bad that there's a well documented phenomena where they walk bow-legged on purpose because they think its childish and cute. You can't even really blame them for it–they're raised in it, around it, and told its the only thing that's attractive. Japan is beautiful and has beautiful culture and has a clean and structured society but outside of that it's such a gross farcity I don't understand why people worship it.

No. 1654282

File: 1691202579385.jpg (37.58 KB, 720x720, Tumblr_l_22901929086211.jpg)

>smacks your ass

No. 1654286

I want a shapeshifter gf who can shapeshift into a male form just to satisfy my unfortunate bisexuality but it's different because the brain and soul underneath is still that of a woman's so I'm safe and happy.

No. 1654287

Sexual harassment

No. 1654289

Smacking the goddamn lipstick off his face I tell you what

No. 1654294

Ugh this elder millennial ass phrase

No. 1654295

>slaps his pecs

No. 1654296

You're gross

No. 1654298

Ironically (adjective)-ass (thing) is a very millennial phrase

No. 1654299

File: 1691203539575.jpg (23.15 KB, 400x400, 1591498755546.jpg)

Who remembers??????

No. 1654300

I'm anti kink but if it's a woman doing it to me I have no problem. Women just…inherent empathy and not dangerous…

No. 1654302

It is not. But that was a valiant attempt at an uno reverse. I terl yu hwhat hurhurhur

No. 1654304

this feels like one of those tiktoks where they just randomly interview strangers

No. 1654305

File: 1691203788736.jpg (904.29 KB, 1439x2283, Screenshot_20230804_215226_Gal…)

Yuh he's sexy

No. 1654307

File: 1691203845664.jpg (22.4 KB, 400x400, Vito Spatafore Jr..jpg)

>join me, long lost brother

No. 1654308

File: 1691203867818.jpg (87.5 KB, 1024x1614, Tumblr_l_23874279841986.jpg)

If you gotta pee, then pee. But if you don't, then dont….

No. 1654311

Recently wrote a little something where my female oc just tied down a male oc and started cutting him up and playing with his organs

No. 1654313

Olivia Rodrigo needs to relax….. every single song is like intense crying over some teenage boy like girl what has even happened in your life. You aren't Radiohead make us some ditzy bops you're doing too much.

No. 1654314

No. 1654315

No. 1654317

i need a thread of argentinian lolcows, i need to laugh on delfina wagner and milky dolly antics soo bad

No. 1654318

This is peak female sexuality you wouldn't get it

No. 1654324

you're boring. i guess some people just dont get it smh………
based nona tho, i wanna read it!!

No. 1654326

Sorry, are you lost? Edgefags are cows

No. 1654327

nta but why are you acting like a heifer in the dumbass shit thread kek

No. 1654330

I don't think having a guro fetish is cowish perse but it definitely comes off as a little try hardy and moidish.

No. 1654333

I really don't need to accommodate degens who masturbate to amputees

No. 1654335

2nd one is the only one that makes sense to me

No. 1654337

That's not even how you use heifer

No. 1654340

Ikr I love when newfags defend eachother when they're being cringe.

No. 1654347

File: 1691207517912.gif (587.71 KB, 400x331, b8770ded1e075e66afffe2d242ad33…)

I wanna be her so bad

No. 1654350

File: 1691208267816.jpg (832.54 KB, 1125x995, 17765.jpg)

Nta but what's wrong with being cringe in the dumbass thread? You guys need to loosen up.

No. 1654351

and it wouldnt be bad to be the woman either

No. 1654353

>what's wrong with unironically fantasizing about dismemberment and gore tehehe
Everything, soren.

No. 1654355

The male OC doesn't have feelings nona. Plus it's male.

No. 1654359

the moids actually need to be alerted that we (well at least me) are not getting laid or don't feel the need to share that kind of shit on here? lmao

No. 1654362

They really hope they'll find some sort of juicy incest stories they can beat to or something. They can't imagine just talking about something other than coom because all their 'confessions' are like yah so my uncle molested me so I molested my cousin but hes okay now. Also I fap four hours a day

No. 1654364

File: 1691209269954.jpg (33.29 KB, 632x615, Fu-YBFjagAAvPyE.jpg)

Oh my god shut the fuck up.

No. 1654366

It's called misandry. Embrace the cringe.

No. 1654367

Kek why are you upset over an imaginary character? Is he your husbando?

No. 1654368

I got temp banned a few weeks ago because I talked shit about a specific kind of (shitty) people who use this site. It wasn't even directed at anyone in particular but I would imagine it probably struck a chord with some sensitive, terminally online mods and that's why I got banned, probably.

No. 1654369

You're grasping for straws now. You're cringe. Talking about amputation, abuse, trapping someone and holding them captive so you can rape and dismember them or wtfever is prime cow behavior. You're an embarassment. Stop trying to make it about something else entirely.

No. 1654371

Misandry isn't sexual torture you weird freak

No. 1654372

I love how the original anon said it was just cutting up and playing with organs and literally none of this shit kek

No. 1654373

>You're cringe
But free. Free yourself nonny.

No. 1654376

File: 1691209692133.gif (1.24 MB, 498x210, chicken-stripper.gif)

I love watching stripper vlogs on youtube. I'm not cut for shit like that so it's like looking into a different world. Also just interesting to see how those kind of jobs work.

No. 1654377

also wait till you find out about /g/. The femdom and fetishes thread will give you a heart attack

No. 1654378

I buy a large cabbage head and then have soup for a week. I live a great life

No. 1654379

You aren't free. There is literally nothing free about you, your terminally online borderline-femcel pathology can and only results from sitting alone in front of your laptop reading fanfiction for hours at a time. You have consumed so much media that you think its cute and quirky to fantasize about being a sexual sadist. You're the female equivalent of a coomer and you're acting like it's a cutesy personality trait, something that you've gained likely from being enabled to overshare your cringe, autistic fantasies with other cringe, autistic women whose hitachi vibrators are one use away from malfunctioning and causing a power outage for six blogs around.

No. 1654380

Nobody likes you faggots. Keep it in /g/.

No. 1654383

Oh my god, go to Reddit with your moralistic bullshit.

No. 1654384

File: 1691210111016.gif (971.76 KB, 335x383, 12.gif)

No. 1654386

damn azealia banks didn't know you used lolcow

No. 1654387

>using femcel unironically

No. 1654388

Someone post this in the funny screencaps thread, I'm phonefagging and I can't

No. 1654389

>your only takeaway
Every time

No. 1654391

Cool cool, I'm going to start writing/drawing murder torture moid fantasies now

No. 1654392

File: 1691210335067.jpeg (99.13 KB, 1080x990, IMG_4743.jpeg)

Careful or someone gonna start talking about incest fics

No. 1654393

It's been months but I still cannot hear the names Johnny Depp and Amber Heard without getting annoyed

No. 1654394

It isnt 'moralistic' to tell you that you're a sad little loser thar thinks dumping your cringe sexual torture kinks on other people makes you look unique or cool. It isnt misandry, it's just how inept, angry, and lonely you are. Btw I like femdom you're just a retard.

No. 1654395

i think its time to get off of lolcow if you're making up entire backstories for random anons

No. 1654397

Your mom sucks my pussy good through my jorts

No. 1654398

Oh no, these bitches are a dime a dozen dont pretend they aren't

No. 1654399

It's always a mousy angry autistic girl who starts fantasizing about being the female Jeffrey Dahmer. stfu creepy bitch nobody likes youuuu

No. 1654400

I like her.

No. 1654401

can we kiss?

No. 1654402

I cut my finger while chopping a carrot and now I am angry and will inflict pain and suffering onto everyone around me for the rest of the day.

No. 1654403

you are right i support your statement nonita

No. 1654404

femcels are not real, lurk more newfag

No. 1654405

Cabbag is one of the best vegetables. Top five for sure

No. 1654406

What's the other four on your list?

No. 1654407

File: 1691210683346.jpg (264.81 KB, 1333x1000, A86-43.jpg)

>Btw I like femdom you're just a retard.
Wait you're upset OP doesn't like the same type of femdom as you?

No. 1654408

stares into your beautiful eyes

No. 1654409

She wasn't talking about femdom.

No. 1654411

Trigger trauma nonnie nonny femcel… I forget all the rest.

No. 1654412

Kek, I coulda swore trauma was one of the words.

No. 1654413


No. 1654416

…i am literally existing as i type this

No. 1654418

Don't forget TERF

No. 1654419

kinda cringe tbh

No. 1654420

Femdom isn't larping as Pinhead from Hellraiser bitch that is CREEPY you are CREEPY. AnnaLynne McCord in Excision vibes.

No. 1654421

I love TERFs I love TERFs

No. 1654422

Oh also victim

No. 1654423

I've been here longed than you NPC. Sounding like a reddit bot.

No. 1654424

ok ok we get it, you can stop now

No. 1654425

to clarify i'm a femcel but i agree with >>1654379, i don't like getting off to fictional things or porn i would just want to have normal sex with someone who loves me

No. 1654426

File: 1691211061752.jpg (43.92 KB, 500x500, 1690330724886653.jpg)

Me too. Bdsmfags are so cringe.

No. 1654427

“any hole is a goal” — scrotes

No. 1654428


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1654430

File: 1691211133031.jpg (55.75 KB, 233x320, 9b53a17b0fa3558eefcdbdb08f619f…)

I love this image sadly its low quality

No. 1654432

Did you think that anon is actually going to get some real organs or what

No. 1654434

Bean sprouts
Mushrooms (technically a fungus but in cooking it's considered a vegetable)
Potato (regular or sweet)

Honorable mentions:
Bell pepper
Green onion

No. 1654435

>posting on a site made for criticizing people especially horrorcows like Soren
>ummm why isn't it ok when I act like that

No. 1654436

>Sounding like a reddit bot.
>throws around buzzwords in every post

No. 1654437

Name one buzzword I said bitch. You don't even know what words mean.

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