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No. 253921
Like the title says.
Previous Thread:
>>133562 No. 253946
>>253937I'm going to say condoms aren't the issue and that there's other factors at play when this shit happens to a 22 year old man. If you've tried thinner condoms and they're still enough to do this it's not the condoms fully causing it. He's either already desensitized from pornsickness and that was just the tipping point or he's mentally too attached to the fantasy of rawing and cremapies and again that could be from years of porn setting his expectations. Reality isn't porn and his skewed idea of what counts as hot sex is being let down.
I've only had this experience with one guy and it wasn't a serious relationship so him blaming the condom was enough for me to say.. no condom, bu-bye then. I don't know if I'd have the heart to work through this issue with a man or picture a future where we've to get his dick to work again when tbh they often just deny the porn issue outright and without that honestly you can't move forward.
No. 253965
>>253948Put it in the back of your mouth and start swallowing as it starts to come out, like when you are chugging water. That way you also don't taste it as much cause it doesn't touch your tongue.
Personally I prefer to swallow it rather than spit it out because you already have the stuff in your mouth anyways and spitting it just swirls it around your mouth more and makes the taste and texture stay in your mouth longer.
No. 253967
>>253948Anon have you told him about any of this? If he is a genuinely good guy he'll try to understand and you can both discuss possible solutions. I had the same problem in a 5 year relationship and I didn't tell him for a long time. When I did tell him he felt awful about having sex when I didn't really want it. In the end we broke it off because he couldn't do something to me that I didn't want, and I couldn't force myself to just do it to make him happy. We're good friends now and we're happier that way.
Also you really shouldn't force yourself to swallow if you don't like it. He's already getting an orgasm while you don't.
> I feel like I'm choking or drowning and I don't like the texture. It's like a wet booger or phlegmDon't indulge his whims just because you love him. Clearly this disgusts you so you shouldn't do it.
No. 253971
>>253967Unpopular opinion, call me a scrote or whatever, but if you want to have a relationship with a man you gotta do a little bit of give and take and that includes sometimes doing things that you are not 100% enjoying yourself. Men need sex a lot more than women do because that is how men bond emotionally, this is scientifically proven. They also just have a much higher libido than us, imagine how you feel on your horniest day, that is how men feel all the time. While for us it is enough to cuddle and say nice things to each other, for men the sexual aspect is extremely important for the health of the relationship and for their bond with you.
Obviously don't force yourself to have sex if you don't want to, but I'm gonna be honest you will probably have a really hard time finding a man who is okay with not having sex or very rarely having sex and especially if you have sex a lot with them in the beginning because you want to keep him around and then once you are in a steady relationship you slowly start to taper it off cause you feel like you don't need to make yourself do it anymore, you are gonna have a failed relationship every time. Either be honest from the get-go and hope to find a man with a very low libido, or just don't have a relationship.
No. 253981
>>253951He always does foreplay and kisses, massages and cuddles me before sex. We make out and grope each other. And I usually warm him up and get him hard by stroking it or sucking on it. He always eats me out before he puts it in because that's the only way I can get wet (I have never used artificial lube before). Once I orgasm and he puts it in, it feels really nice and that's the only time I ever get horny.
>>253956Yeah I think that might be the cause that killed my libido. I don't want to get pregnant though and condoms aren't that nice. I like feeling physically connected to him without a barrier in the way.
>>253965Thanks anon, I will give that a try.
>>253967I've only done it once and it was something I've never experienced, so of course I got shocked and disgusted by it. But I'd like to overcome my gag reflex and be able to do it.
>>253971That's exactly my reasoning and logic. He obviously fantasizes about me swallowing a lot and finds it hot, and I'd like to please him in that way because I love him very much. He is a very good guy. When I ran to the sink choking and spat it out, he hasn't asked me to swallow ever since or dirty talked about it. He looked genuinely concerned too and his boner went away lol. He told me I could skip that part and he can just cum in me the other way. Men have an obsession with having their sperm inside a woman - it's like the pinnacle of male sexuality, whether it be in the vagina or the mouth.
I can't really say what his libido is. I think once a day is ideal for him - 2x a day is too much. We do it once a week now that we're both busy with school and are in a long-term relationship. When we were in the honeymoon phase, sometimes we'd do it everyday, once to four times a day. I did force myself at the time but that's because my hormones were on a high for my first ever boyfriend and sexual encounter.
No. 254026
I was about to make a new one of these and also use a cat as the picture lmao. you beat me to it.
>>253971in theory I agree, but the thing about men's desires is that they're often gross and influenced by porn. I don't mind giving blowjobs, I think of it as pleasuring my partner because I want to make him feel good, but their obsession with swallowing is really offputting to me. it's like they care more about making you swallow cum than the actual orgasm they get from a blowjob. it almost feels like it's more about humiliation or it's some kind of dominance thing. when I asked my ex why he wanted me to swallow so bad he couldn't even come up with a reason. it's kind of disheartening when you want to pleasure your partner but he cares more about making you swallow his bodily discharge than the actual pleasure.
No. 254164
>>254129Well you just have to know the red flags of a porn sick guy and see what his fantasies are. If it involves domination, swallowing cum, cum shots, or any other porn influenced ideas, then you know you’re with a pornsick guy.
What are other ideas men get from porn?
No. 254181
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I want to get a clitoral toy for the first time, and I was wondering should I buy Satisfyer Pro Penguin next Generation or Pro 2 Next Generation? I don't know if theres any difference, as to which one would be better, so for me the only difference is the price, the penguin is 10€ more expensive.
sorry for bad eng
No. 254196
>>254192Try using bottled lube cause you don't get that much volume of lube in the condoms. Like use as much lube as you need for the skin not to rub but instead to like glide against each other.
Also make sure you are thoroughly washing (with water) and drying yourself afterwards to minimize skin irritation.
Also try the extra thin condoms so that it helps reduce the lack of sensation condoms can induce for men.
No. 254204
>>254197I started having sex when I was 14, didn't have a proper orgasm with a guy for a year or 2 and it was only via oral/fingering and using sex toys together.
I didn't have an orgasm from just penetrative sex until I was about 20-21.
I still find it much easier to orgasm via oral or using toys whilst having sex with a dude.
Penetrative sex orgasms depend a lot more on the mans equipment and how he moves his weight during sex in my opinion so I think some men just can't hit the spot due to anatomical reasons out with their control to some extent (heavier men can exert more pressure/power during sex so it's not just a penis thing either).
No. 254228
>>254226Ntayrt but ask them about their masturbation/porn habits, this can be done in like a flirty way if you don't want them to feel like you are scoping them out.
Talk to them about fetishes and kinks too, this can be done in a jokey way or by commenting on like someone elses sex life if you don't wanna be direct.
Usually this will give you a good clue about what kinda shit they are into an if it's hardcore crap they have picked up from porn.
No. 254229
>>254052Yeah I have, orgasms aren't that great to me tbh. I guess I"m just not a sexual person. I can physically get off but not mentally when he eats me out. It feels like he's far away when his face is between my legs licking my clit/fingering me. I like it when his body is aligned with mine and we are kissing with our hands on each other because it is romantic and feels like we are intimate and bonding. My libido is non-existent when his head is down there and the orgasms aren't mindblowing as a result. It gets mindblowing after I'm done orgasming, when he is holding me and he is inside me. That's when I'm mentally and emotionally horny. I wish I could have a vaginal orgasm even if they're not real because when he has his penis inside me,that's the only part where I feel mentally/emotionally horny.
>>254214I want to enjoy having sex with him. Maybe participating in more sexual acts will make me more sexual and awaken something in me. And I like pleasing my partner. He's always expressed swallowing as a fantasy of his, and I like to get him off in whatever way I can.
I'm also very inexperienced and have only done typical sex positions.
No. 254233
>>254231Yeah try and not give too much away about what you have and have not actually tried but you can bring up lots of more out there kinks and talk about friends or influencers/celebs that are into that shit and watch his reaction.
Lots of men will be super interested in a girl bringing up kinks etc and honestly you don't even need to say it's something you have tried or would like to try to get them to talk about their own preferences.
Usually you can tell if they are holding back, try bringing it up when they are tipsy if you feel they are the type to hold back that information.
No. 254248
>>254226If they have good female friends since childhood(view women as people not objects), good friends in general they spend time with(not having time to sit and jerk off, not having internet brain rot), if they are affectionate(not only focused on sex) and give you plenty of genuine compliments not only on your looks(not porn induced standards and comparing you to filtered and shooped models).
Although one of the best I've slept with was a complete coomer man whore, but didn't mention other girls at all, only focused on pleasuring me, didn't want anything in return, stopped the second he suspected I didn't like something, asked before doing anything, but I think he was a unicorn.
No. 254299
>>254197I also lost my virginity at 14, and didn't orgasm with a partner until maybe 17? I had a bf I didn't know was a virgin until after we had sex a couple times, but I ended up training him to make me orgasm and he was keen to do it.
I'm very lucky though in that the partners I've had want to make it a priority.
No. 254367
>>253937My boyfriend didn't watch porn and that still happened to him. He's healthy, active, and muscular, but his testosterone levels still came back low. He got on testosterone injections and the problem is gone now.
Endocrine disruptors are a rabbit hole that's worth investing time into and unfortunately they affect testosterone more than estrogen because of the fragility of the molecule. Maybe your bf is simply a pornsick scrote but hormonal issues are worth considering. No 22 year old should be suffering from ED.
No. 255652
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Okay so, I just started dating this guy, and from what he tells me it sounds like he has a very curved downward penis (I haven't seen it), to the point where he thinks that intercourse simply will not work (he is a virgin). It's so sad because he's really attractive but from what I read about Peyronie's disease (and because his dick has always been like this), it doesn't seem like it can be cured? Like at this point he would definitely be in the "Chronic" stage. He's still able to get erections and has a really high sex drive and high stamina however. He was already skittish because of the whole virginity thing. I don't know if I should pressure him towards going to a urologist or just accept a relationship with him will be penis-less. What softens the blow a lot is that he is very generous and eager sexually but I just want it to be more equal. Either way I want to stay with him, I adore him. It's just this one thing. Do any anons have experience with this? Advice?
No. 255675
>>255669I have a routine. I focus on full body and core/lower body. (Not get a huge butt but because glutes are important to support your pelvic floor. The bonus is not peeing yourself later on in life.) I do ten pound kettle bells and hand weights, focusing on squats, swings, and basic lifts. It takes probably like an hour three or four times a week. It took a couple weeks but the building muscle and change in hormones that comes with it made a big difference. I also started sleeping more and drinking more water and it helped a problem I was having with wetness my bc was causing so make sure you’re in general taking care of yourself.
With pelvic floor there’s relaxation and there’s kegels. You’re pelvic floor is like a shelf that supports everything down there but like other muscles it can get too tight or weak. If your doing too many kegels and no stretching you’ll over tighten it and can lead to tightness, pain soreness, blood flow issues, and bladder issues. If it’s too loose it can be difficult to have proper muscle control and lead to bladder issues later too. Does that make sense? Essentially you’re trying to build a solid foundation in general in that area and working out and building muscles increases testosterone which leads to a high libido.
No. 255733
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i'm going to be seeing my long distance bf soon. we only got close and started dating once he moved away so we've never had sex with each other before.
he's made it clear that he is very into riding which is something i am not really confident with (i've told him and he's still excited). i'm not a virgin but every time i've tried to ride in the past it hasn't felt right. the guy will always need to put his dick in me cause i can't get it to stick in correctly and i just feel really awkward until we switch positions. i really like this guy a lot so i really want to learn how to do it right (especially since it seems like a lot of women find it super pleasurable) so are there any good tips for a complete noob like me?
No. 255912
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>>255888Every scrote is different and you'll have to try different techniques to find what he likes the most. There really is no "proper" way to give head.
However, I do think there are some things you should do and that is definitely using enough spit. Don't be afraid to get it all over yourselves. I personally think the sloppier, the better. If it's too dry, he won't have any pleasure from it. Also, a lot of girls don't realize this, but you also need to be in a comfortable position to give him head. Find a position that's most comfortable to you. Otherwise, you'll get tired more easily before he can come or you'll interrupt it constantly trying to reposition yourself. I find it best to have my bf laying down on the bed, with me sitting up between his legs.
As for things that maybe will work: My bf really likes how enthusiastic I am to suck him off. Act like you're hungry for it. Moan and hum while you're sucking him. My bf has told me the vibrations from it feel really good. Try sucking his tip while stroking the base of his dick. Some guys prefer that you don't change the pace, so maybe try that. Maybe try teasing him too. My bf gets pleasure whenever I make him beg for my mouth. Don't give it to him right away. Kiss and lick his tip over and over. Talk dirty to him while you do it.
But also nona, it's ok if he can't come just from oral. It doesn't mean you suck at it. I don't always get my bf off with just oral. Sometimes he needs more stimulation. There's nothing wrong with treating bj's as just foreplay. Good luck.
No. 255932
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I'm very into CBT and dick stepping but my boyfriend is unwilling to meet me halfway and is scared, is there any way I can make him accept my fetish?
No. 255936
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>>255932This is similar to my situation. Basically I love boyfeet and my bf gets self conscious whenever I try to suck on his toes. He says they're smelly and ugly or w/e. He's paranoid to the point he's always wearing socks and slippers when he never used to before. it's like he is hyper aware and gives me a weird look if he knows I am looking at his feet. What should I do nonnas? Should I explain that a foot fetish is uncontrollable and part of my brain chemistry? Should I suggest something to him that meets me halfway?
No. 255937
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>>255936So I was thinking he could keep the socks on? Maybe it's the skin contact that's making him especially apprehensive. The thing is if the stocks stay on they have to be musky and smelly (and somewhat dirty, like he's been on a run or to the gym) otherwise it does nothing for me. So I can give him the option of having naked clean feet or musky socked feet.
I know he's self conscious about the smell two but maybe if it's one or the other he'll feel more relaxed.
No. 255938
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>>255936have you tried removing his socks and doing it without prior warning? i think he would be very turned on by such a bold move and warm up to it. you may start doing it in his sleep to condition him. he really should let you though, he sounds ungrateful as hell
No. 255941
>>255938Yeah I have tried getting to his feet by force but he gets really defensive (he even cried once) saying I was breaking his boundaries and trust. But I just don't see any other way I could have done it. I keep asking and he keeps refusing so I thought maybe forcing him would make him actually realize it felt good, but… I guess not. Maybe I should have mentioned it earlier. I have forced sex (and other fetishes) on him multiple times already and he eventually gives in but I can't get him to accept the feet thing.
Maybe I should educate him on how beautiful his feet really are? Like he wouldn't be so self conscious if I described how I loved his arches, sole wrinkles, and optimal toe length in detail- because then he'd know I'm serious and I know what I'm talking about.
No. 255942
>>255936>>255937>>255938Footfags truly have no chill
I'm dying at the thought of your poor boyfriend wearing socks around the house because you're like a hungry goblin obsessed with his feet
If he's not into it, you're not compatible, you lil freak.
No. 255954
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>>255952Manfeet are always associated with nasty bara males drawn for gay men. I may like feet but I still have standards.
Bishiefeet sounds too weird.
No. 255962
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Ok since we are already confessing weird fetishes and reluctant bfs I finally gathered the courage to ask my bf to RP with me a few months ago. It started off mostly vanilla like dr/nurse and a little brat taming and segued into RPing as fictional characters.
So I need you all to know my first sexual awakening was to SpongeBob. It's always been a secret of mine but I felt comfortable enough to bring it up to my bf and ask if he could RP with me. Obviously it was awkward to talk about and reveled a lot of uncomfortable and embarrassing childhood memories, yet somehow he agreed.
The only problem is that he won't be SpongeBob. He says SpongeBob is too effeminate and it would be too "gay" for him to act like him comfortably. But, he's ok with being Squidward and me being SpongeBob. I told him that just having fake gay sex is already gay and it doesn't become more gay if he's the "bottom" (though I'd let him be a SpongeBob top). The thing is, I am attracted to SpongeBob primarily so I want to have sex with SpongeBob, not Squidward, and not any other character.
I just wish he would be more understanding. I do a lot for him and I RPed situations with him I wasn't completely into.
No. 255964
nonnie the most concerning thing here is how weirdly misogynistic his aversion to RPing as spongebob is.
He doesn't want to be spongebob because he thinks he's too effeminate? It sounds really scrotey to me. He obviously thinks femininity is beneath him and humiliating. Were you always playing the role as a fem/sub in other scenarios? idk it's a huge red flag to me.
>>255963That's just avoiding the deeper issue here which is her bf's misogyny.
No. 256036
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>>255962Why not rp as Sandy so he can no longer say it's gay to rp a spongebob because you're roleplaying heterosexual sex.
No. 256042
>>255948>>255942There's nothing wrong with being into feet, but if he's not into or comfortable with it (him literally crying is such a red flag that you need to stop) then you need to break up and not figure out ways to "make" him tolerate it. Most people don't even like how they look, I'm personally kinda into massages but if my partner didn't want to even do
that I'd just drop it and do something else. Footfaggery is more common in men anyway so it might not even be hard to find a new BF who is into it.
No. 256111
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>>255962mfw reading this post
No. 256121
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>>255962I have so many questions, wdym role play Spongebob? Does he imitate the voice? Do you quote Sponebob memes?
How was Spongebob your sexual awakening please nona I won't sleep at night until I have answers
No. 256128
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I just started dating a guy and he's perfect in everyway, he's totally focused on being a sub to service me and i have loved our chemistry fooling around. But we finally had sex for the first time after fooling around for a week and he has a pretty small dick… i prefer oral and foreplay and he is so eager to please. But bc i have never been with a guy who was fully erect at like 4.5-5" i kept putting myself in positions he kept slipping out of? And im like trying to figure out if hes just an inexperienced otaku or if i need to lower my expectations for what small dick can do??
No. 256130
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>>255962>>255963This. Compliment him on his anchor arms
No. 256139
>>256132I honestly dont care that hes small/average, bc i prefer clitoral stim anyways. It was just kinda annoying that any position (other then from behind and me sitting/ grinding on) didnt really work for him, he kept slipping out. Hes also a bbm and its my first time being with a guy w/ a belly and thighs.
Idk maybe it was awkward bc it was our first time having penetrative sex and i genuinely think its been YEARS since hes slept with a woman (he wouldnt say) But i kind of love that hes this servile inexperienced nerd boy. Its just my type, i just need to train him i guess…
No. 256169
>>256155Go back to reddit. Men do weird
abusive shit to their gfs and their gfs let them do it just to satisfy them. A guy being uncomfortable is enough to make you have a meltdown but men wanting and actually committing rape crimes is something you can brush over? Kek. He won't pick you, instead of caping for men's degeneracy, lose some weight and get some self respect.
No. 256195
>>256192it’s not bait, i’m just socially and sexually retarded
i said that it hurt and he stopped right away but it still seems like he wants to do anal again, he’s brought it up several times since we did it. like talking about how great it was etc.
>>256193i really don’t think he’s into it for that, he treats me like a princess in all other situations (and like i said, he stopped when i said it hurt). he’s really good to me and always has been.
No. 256197
>>256195Ask him
why he wants anal. Is he pornsick in the past? Does he think it's better than vaginal sex? Does he want it because
he thinks it's hot? Next time he ask tell you would think it's hot if you put something in his ass and see if he sings a different tune.
No. 256200
>>256197> Does he want it because he thinks it's hot?yes he’s told me he thinks it’s hot, to my knowledge he has no history of pornsickness. he also often talks about how perfect he thinks my ass is, which might be related? he really likes vaginal sex too, i don’t think it’s a matter or preferring anal over vaginal.
>>256198thank you nonna (and everyone else who replied). i’ll tell him it just really hurt if he brings it up again, i think he’ll respect it because he’s really kind and selfless.
> there are plenty of other things he could like that wouldn’t hurt youi know he likes oral but i’m not a fan of giving it, maybe i just need to get used to it because sometimes when i fantasize about it i find it hot. but then when i try to do it it feels really gross somehow. i guess i’m just really vanilla as a person. do you know any other things i could try?
No. 256210
>>256195 >i said that it hurt >he’s brought it up several times since we did it. like talking about how great it wasYou told him it hurt… and he's forgotten that part and just talks about it being great. Jesus anon. Take off your rose tinted glasses and see that this is fucked up (closet) pornsick shitty bf behaviour.
Stop trying to do things that don't bring you pleasure. I promise you'll have much bigger regrets if your bend over backwards in bed than you'll ever have for putting boundaries in place.
No. 256235
>>256188if it's not something you find arousing then why are you trying to 'endure' it? there's a difference between doing something he likes vs putting yourself through trials and pain just so he can stick his dick up your ass.
"doing things he likes" would be like giving him normal head or maybe tying him up - both of those things you can do without having your body be sore afterwards. having your ass fucked and then being in pain afterwards is not acceptable, and honestly who gives a fuck if he's interested in it or likes it? are you willing to put your literal butthole through pain and uncomfort just because he's seen this shit (no pun intended) happen effortlessly in porn? if you are, ask yourself: would he do the same for me? chances are he won't, not on the same level as anal you're describing here.
>>256195you are not "sexually retarded" but you seem socially inept enough to not understand that this man is pushing your boundaries. the only way he should ever bring up anal to you is if you personally enjoy and get aroused by it - and you haven't mentioned being that way, and considering it hurts a lot I'm guessing you don't. stop doing these things for the sake of pleasing him and thinking that he "treats you like a princess" because guess what, he isn't. If he really treat you like you deserve to be treated, he would have stopped as soon as he clicked you aren't interested or find discomfort in doing anal. But he's not doing that, is he? he's pushing you and bringing it up again despite the fact it visibly hurt you.
>>256200>i’ll tell him it just really hurt if he brings it up again, i think he’ll respect it because he’s really kind and selfless.If this happens again it's proof that he ain't listening to you, nonna. If it does happen again - and for your sake I'm hoping it won't - you need to be firm. Don't be shy or try and "like, I think, I don't know" your way into this conversation. Your body was uncomfortable and in pain for a reason, and you evidently didn't enjoy it thus you need to be firm on your stance of not wanting to do it again, no matter how much he might whine at you. If he does object, then you might want to reasses how kind and selfless he is.
No. 256260
>>256188 and i want to thank everyone who replied to me. you have all given me a lot to think about and i’m glad i asked you guys. thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me and telling me what i needed to hear.
love you, nonas.
No. 256371
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I'm reluctant to have girl go down on me. I can get stupid wet but hold it together with clit play but when I'm close to finishing I just start gushing and I can't control it. I don't want to accidentally piss on her face pls how do I not do that?
No. 256470
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>>256465I just don't want to be a box of gushers, at least a bad box anyway
No. 256482
more of a vent i guess but i have a reverse foot fetish, i really hate that word actually so nevermind. its not a fetish i simply find the idea of someone cumming on my feet to be cute. anyways im big on cardio, running etc and my feet are disgusting with calluses and any footfag scrote is gonna be pornsick to death with a glut of unnaturally smooth weirdly drawn anime girl feet and will probably be repulsed by mine
>>256371this picture…
No. 256700
>>255652hi nonna, sorry that this is so late but my partner has peyronies but the kind where it curves upwards. he's always had it but it's diminished over time. we cant do everything someone with a normal penis has (for example, its not versatile in that going 'against' the scar tissue makes his dick sensitive to pulling his penis too far in any other direction) due to the tissue we can't do for e.g. reverse cowgirl and oral but the curve makes missionary and doggy very good.
firstly, i would say that if you like this guy you could very well keep it up with him and if you get to the stage where you're comfortable having sex you could just try and see how well his penis could work in reality - it is hard to imagine but don't listen to how a virgin think sex works. there are definitely articles online about positions that can work for people w different types of curves.
secondly, if it does get bad, and you want to keep trying with him, refraining from masturbating can help lessen the effects of peyronies, and it also makes them more pent up and better at fucking. encourage him to get better with his hands and mouth to make up for the limitations of his dick.
No. 257163
>>256817he's either porn addicted or on SSRIs. he tells you everything is great because
1. he doesn't want to offend you (but even with shitty technique, scrotes should still be able to stay hard)
2. he's one of the two things i mentioned but he doesn't want to tell you the truth because he's scared you'll see him as "less of a man" (most likely option by miles).
No. 257189
>>256817You don't have to be the best of the best at bjs just to keep a man hard. His dick being in a mouth should be enough to acheive that. Especially with a new lover. Him not finishing is one thing (men get used to finishing by hand) but going soft.. he has a problem he's not telling you. I highly doubt this is on you or that looking up bj tips will do much to fix it.
Like another anon said SSRIs and I think some antipsychotics affect things but if it's not on them he's likely pornsick. Whatever the cause is it's on him to be straight with you and address it and most of all to stop putting you through the experience of sucking on a limp dick.
No. 257315
>>257163>>257189I've read that guys who take stimulants or benzos recreationally have similar issues when they develop a tolerance or go through withdrawals. If he's a rare unicorn man that legit doesn't watch porn, he might be a
former addict who recently stopped (I knew a guy like that).
No. 263448
>>263445Exactly this
>>263447, just say that.
No. 263520
>>263471Consciously accept that he finds you just as attractive without it. He's being intimate with you regardless, so it obviously doesn't make a difference.
I used to feel this way too but eventually I just stopped wearing makeup and it made me realize how much I made my self confidence rely on it.
No. 263661
>>263484I know why I have such an issue with my natural face, it's because it doesn't make me think of sex at all, it looks too innocent and it makes me cringe to imagine it having sex with someone
>>263497Sometimes I try to keep my makeup on after the shower. But I wish I could deal with the issue itself.
>>263530I am unfortunately fucked up in this department, my face isn't even absolutely beat.
>How do you not feel like a fraudI don't because I see myself as I am with makeup on if that makes sense. Me without makeup looks like she doesn't have sex.
>Shake off your shackles my lord.I guess they feel comfortable to me.
>>263520>Consciously accept that he finds you just as attractive without it. I feel like this shouldn't be. I feel like he doesn't care how I look like at all. I get it, but sometimes I wish I knew his favorite outfits or looks or whatever.
No. 263725
>>263661>it looks too innocent and it makes me cringe to imagine it having sex with someoneThat's legitimately retarded, are you pornsick enough to think being sexual means looking like a made up porn star?? Or have you convinced yourself you're babyfaced? I promise you don't look like an infant and have a normal adult face like everyone else.
Having sex with makeup on is gross anyway, that shit rubs off on the pillow and melts and ugh, yuck.
No. 264058
>>263768The SSRIs fuckeing you up this quickly indicates it will only get worse. Switch medications asap or get off them altogether.
>>264035Do you have a history of sexual trauma? Do you have low self esteem? Is it hard to trust your loved ones? Are you ashamed to exist, take up space, have wants/needs, feel pleasure, etc.? If you struggle with any of that, those are the things to work through.
No. 264212
>>264076I can see where you're coming from but it's not really a power fantasy so much as it was just fun to get a reaction out of him. Any hang ups he has with our sex life I'm aware of and isn't really the issue here. We have a dynamic that works so it's not like I'm some timid traumatized log just bearing it. It's still fun and something I seek out. I just can't stand being the focus.
>>264058All of the above, am recently in therapy which is what had me thinking about this stuff in general. Trying to advocate for myself makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.
No. 264275
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reposting from the vagina thread cus it's not really active, but I struggle to locate my clit, so trying to get my bf to find it is even harder. I was wondering if any anons have any suggestions for affordable but strong clitoris-specific vibrators? I've never had an orgasm but I also think I'm not very sensitive either because I once bought a cheap mini bullet and it did nothing.
No. 264353
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>>264294>>264305it's either very small or very hidden, because I can't really "see" it, but I can feel it like a lump under my skin, but I can't move my fingers or hand fast enough to reach any sort of climax. I definitely know it's there, but she's shy I think. I heard that sometimes you can see it when you're aroused, but I haven't seen it. It feels like a waste to task my bf to do it when I can't even tell him what to do because I don't even know what I like or how to direct him to find the silly thing.
No. 264401
>>264353One of the reasons you may not be able to see your clit is because you haven't had an orgasm yet. Imo, once you have a few orgasms it will be easier to spot it, so to speak. So, learn to masturbate. This will help you know your own body, it's fun, relieves stress, and it will help the sexual part of your relationship, once you know what you like. Use the advice anon above gave you!
That aside, there may be some medical condition?? I'm not a doctor, so try googling it, see what you get.
No. 264413
>>255932look I know this is late but the way I've gotten men into it is to start pressing down on their cock with your feet. Like, under the table footsies kinda deal. Press firmly but only enough for it to feel good. Do that every so often but each time get a little harder.
After a while of doing that you get it hard enough he'll start to like it. Then I'd start to get rougher. Grabbing his crotch when you're horny, getting harder with that over time, maybe playfully and lightly slapping his cock or balls during foreplay. You're essentially just trying to condition him to associate that pain with pleasure. Soon enough he'll be asking for it.
No. 264472
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>>264387 and I'm assuming the anon you responded to has a similar deal as I do. Basically, it looks like the labia minora join up at a thin line and there's no bulge for a clitoris. The clitoris does not pop out the hood because it is so small, even when very aroused (I have verified this because my labia fill with blood, etc. but the clit still doesn't pop out because it is too small). The hood on mine is also very small, but the main feature is again that my clit is still proportionately so small it can't be seen.
For me, direct stimulation is painful and all touching needs to be done around the clit. I think this is because all the nerves are packed into such a small point anything bothers it.
I attached a screenshot. Basically, it's just a line is what it looks like where the minora meet.
I hope this helps.
No. 264536
>>263768Seconding that they’re fucking you up. Nobody ever warns you just how much it can affect your personal life. I thought I understood when I read the warnings that said ‘can lower libido’ but didn’t until it actually happened to me. Really consider changing yours or stopping them if you can manage that and it doesn’t endanger you. There are an invisible amount of people who find they can’t orgasm anymore or get aroused like they used to long, long
after they quit the SSRI (for me it took two years and I still have issues after 5) which you should think about if you’re not okay with being asexual and celibate. I don’t place my worth or esteem on sex and would still say not having the drive anymore feels frustating and just dysfunctional.
No. 264554
>>264549Unfortunately a lot of men are pornsick coomers, you aren't wrong about this. That's why it's important to find a guy who puts your pleasure first and makes his pleasure secondary. A guy with those personality traits won't want or even think about titjobs, deepthroating, anal, whatever because he knows you won't get any pleasure out of it. Imo a good way to figure this out is if he lets you bring up anything sexual first, lets you set the pace/lets you guide him during sex until he knows exactly what you want, etc. And when you talk about sex, a good sign is that he's into sensual acts (mentions kissing, caressing, eating you out if you're into that), instead of talking about pounding you or choking you or whatever.
Honestly, I absolutely hate how sex for most men revolves around their dick and how their partner can pleasure it. If I get any indication a man is like this he goes straight to the garbage bin.
No. 264559
>>264507Kek, i was really hoping to see actual pictures of what I mean.
Obvious clitted anons are so blessed and they don't even know it. 1) it's hot to have an obvious clit and 2) it seems like it is more easy to pleasure from what I've seen
No. 264562
>>264387Thank you for the advice, I get exactly whay you mean and I'll give that a shot, thanks nonna
>>264401I considered it possibly being a medical issue, but I can get stimulation from it once I find it, but it's very difficult to get anywhere with it because it either gets too sensitive in a painful way or my hand just gets exhausted. I agree that not having an orgasm probably hinders my relationship with my clit.
>>264472I don't have a
lot of labia, but definitely more than a labiaplasty result looking amount, the layout is like what
>>264472 said, when I pull my labia minora back I don't really see anything that resembles a normal clit. I found an image that's kinda similar, but I have more inner labia than that.
No. 264564
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>>264562(pic didn't attach and I forgot to spoiler originally)
No. 264657
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This is a really stupid ramble but it's been bugging me all month. My current bf and I have a good sex life. Him and his previous partner only had anal sex (she was "Christian" and couldn't afford birth control) and on one occasion it ended in her "expelling faecel matter" over him. When I found out about this from a friend, I was repulsed and it kind of put me off anal for life. Despite this, I seem to get the impression he wants to have anal sex as he really enjoys sex from behind and is fixated on my ass. At one point while we were in the shower he asked if I wanted him to finger my ass and I had never once expressed any interest in this. I can't say anal appeals to me but I don't know how to get over the feeling of being inferior for not wanting to have anal sex and now whenever we have sex it consumes my mind. I don't know what to do, I'm open to expermentation but I'm scared that if I did agree to do it - I would be doing if for someone else and I'm not sure if it would help me get over the insecurity I feel.
No. 264671
>>264657When I was younger I felt the need to be more adventurous (and kinda was curious too) so I found myself trying anal, both giving and getting. tbh it's not surprising that someone having enough anal will eventually have a mishap. I've heard similar stories from most guys who go for that. It's also not unusual for scrotes to still be enthusiastically into anal even after being shat on in a big way. I don't get it. I kept hearing these stories and while I've never had a mishap myself I felt like I was fucking with scat fetishists based on some of the fun lil stories they shared. I stopped liking it over time and my bf still nagged for it knowing I wasn't into it. Anal fans are charming like that lol
If its not appealing to you then don't go there full stop. Men who get anal just want more and more of it. That is a boundary to protect.
No. 264694
>>264672If you don't want to do it and you're not doing it for yourself, don't.
I like anal, but I've told partners that want to do it that I won't do anything to clean myself out beforehand and if it goes to shit thats the risk theyre taking swimming up shit creek. No way am I starving myself for a day or disrupting my intestinal flora so a man can fuck a shithole and not worry about shit happening. No accidents yet though.
No. 264773
>>264047>>264058>>264536>>264553Ok so i'm taking generic lexapro for depression and anxiety. I have come to a point where I can barely function. I knew I needed help and had to get medicated to get better or on better footing mental health wise. Like I literally lost 25 pounds because I was too lazy to get out of bed and eat. Anxiety is worse than my depression however.
I see that some people are prescribed wellbutrin to counteract the negative side effects of SSRIs and it can help with libido. I'll ask my psyciatrist about it when I can see him and hope to god it works.
I have masturbated twice since my last posting and each session only resulted in one orgasm. First one was somewhat quick but hard to reach, second session took a while. Lots of arm work thats obviously distracting.
No. 265074
>>265064be honest with him and say you can only squirt from bigger penises. there is nothing stopping you from saying this unless you feel he may get
abusive or violent from it, in that case it's understandable.
any man who brags about how big his dick is never actually has a big dick, they're just hyping themselves up and they need to get put in their place. it's the same as men saying they're good at eating pussy but it just feels like porridge being slurped off a table.
idk i just feel like if you aren't honest with him soon then he's just going to carry on pestering you about this stuff and maybe eventually assume it's a problem on your end even though it isn't.
No. 265937
>>265926nta, but I don't experience pleasure stimulating my clit. I've never truly masturbated. I tried it three times, but each time, it was like scratching out a booger. If my boyfriend does it enough, I'll physically loosen up and get wetter, but there's literally no feeling. If he does it too aggressively or for too long, it's like the same nauseating jitters from too much caffeine, plus slight pain. I've never orgasmed. My body climaxes, my thighs shake and muscles begin to give out, but there's no feeling and mentally it's neutral and begins to feel like a chore, so there's no finish line.
No. 265944
I have been insterting things in my butthole since I was a child. Nobody forced me into enjoying it. The first time I did it with a man and with most men I've done it, I was the one to suggest it. I can give myself a clit orgasm very easily when doing anal. Some women can truly enjoy anal sex without the influence of men or porn, get over it.
No. 265975
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i'm tired of having no libido. i'm gonna try doing pelvic floor exercises and take supplements.
the only time i actually managed to have sex i was drunk out of my mind so maybe it really is related to my general anxiety. i'm not anxious enough to be medicated but i think i've just grown up to be tense and overthinking at all times. early life trauma also made me very apathetic towards myself and the world around me. i want to change nonnas…
No. 267252
>>267241And dump your worthless moid who seems to have short term memory loss and zero compassion for you. How is it that you explain things to him every month but he still picks fights with you again anc again? I know "dump him" may sound extreme at this stage but his refusal to listen, compromise, and
care for you while you're in ill health indicates a larger problem. Get rid of him early and save yourself the trouble.
No. 267259
>>267241You mentioned bc so ask about switching your type. If you're on any other meds (ssris) that can cause it too. Once you've looked into those causes I feel like you still need to sit the bf down and talk to him about how applying pressure is a libido killer for us.
The cycle you're describing can sometimes do more damage than the underlying medical cause did. By now you'll associate sex with negative emotions, arguments, demand being placed upon you and pressure to do things you don't want.. it's hard to return to true intimacy after that. Depending on how bad he got with the arguing you need to at minumum have a serious discussion and say how it has felt to be on your end of this. There's a difference between discussing mismatched libido, asking for sex and then full on arguing over it. You used the word arguing which isn't a good sign. There's a line there and men crossing over that line should go fuck their own hand for eternity instead.
No. 268209
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so the discussion of having sex has come up between my boyfriend and i (late 20s both, also virgins), and the topic of PiV sex is the only hurdle we've yet to fully plan on. my main concern before doing PiV is getting comfortable with the idea of penetration, hence me wanting to buy a dildo (and bullet because why not) for my use before then, but his concern is that he might not match up to it for that first time we do it together. should i proceed with the buy plan so that i can accustom myself to it all first? or would it be wiser to go human-dick-first into the pool? (before anyone asks, i am on BC)
No. 268305
>>268220>>268221>>268225right, that makes sense. thing is i have tried penetration prior to this with a little bit of craft and want to experiement a bit more properly before hand to see if i can get to where i enjoy it (otherwise, it's a mental state of "there's a thing in my vagina" and there's no thrill of it). i was considering this one from plusOne just to start off with as well, but i'm not sure if that would be any better than an actual dildo. (or i'm dumb and that's not a dildo at all) will get the bullet from that brand though, since it's affordable rn
>>268238that's a fair judgment to make when having sex for the first time though, is it not? i've told my bf that it's very likely even with all the care and comfort we give each other during it, someone could be in some level of pain or discomfort afterwards. we'll talk more on it later if that's the case, but the point being that not everyone is gonna have a great first time.
No. 269110
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How do I get rid of a fat fetish? I have trouble masturbating to anything and it's gotten worse over the years. I can abstain from fat porn for months but I can't seem to cum to anything else.
I can get close with (normal) RP and thinking about rough sex but nothing else gets me over the finish line. I can't bear to get a boyfriend without becoming somewhat normal first.
(picrel, because the actual stuff is too gross)
No. 269122
>>269119It's more like I'm the one who gets fattened, non-consensually (sometimes rapidly)
I think it's a humiliation thing. I know it's disgusting, but that's part of the appeal for me.
No. 269124
>>269123Perhaps you have a point. I've always felt disgust towards my body ever since puberty and I have trouble losing weight (stuck on BMI of 23).
Maybe I don't feel like I deserve it.
No. 269869
>>268238Yeah my first experience wasn't bad sex wise (even though it wasn't consensual) but I feel like its because I broke my hymen before I had sex the first time.
>>268221I agree, using a dildo doesn't excite me and I hardly ever use it. I don't even masturbate because I enjoy having sex with someone way better.
No. 270357
>>269110>>269122>>269124It might not 100% fit but I used to have a
problematic fetish that stemmed from low self-esteem and abuse for almost a decade, and while I didn't have a physical reliance on it to a degree (I couldn't orgasm to it because I was on meds), it was still my favorite fantasy and something that I liked reading stories about constantly and I found things that didn't involve "it" very boring (sorry for being vague, but it's embarrassing to me).
The fact you understand the appeal for you is actually a good start. Do you find actual fatness outside that context attractive? I personally didn't find my fetish to be interesting in real life (it was immoral to me, actually), and that kind of helped me crack the code and stop being reliant on it. The fetish/fantasy was personally a metaphor for me, it represented my trauma and trying to find a context where I would've found said trauma to be comfortable. And I realized those "themes" were not exclusive to that fetish, so I kind of "branched out" to similar fantasies or milder fetishes with the same thing that were less
abusive and reminiscent of things that happened to me.
I also had bad self-esteem due to weight, so I talked to my doctor about it and had him help me lose some weight. I was given a medication that can suppress appetite had him watch my eating, then started exercising. I struggled with being chubby my whole life and I likely will be in some way since my parents are too, but dropping some weight and seeing I look different raised my self-esteem slightly and the exercise kind of "stimulated" my mind a bit to be more creative and was able to have fantasies about myself that weren't degrading. I still have slightly kinkyish fantasies that are degrading, but it's usually on the side to spice things up and not exclusive anymore.
No. 270388
>>270384When a guys size isn't ideal I tend to find myself partaking in other kinds of sex and piv slides down the list of importance. Only ever had the opposite problem tbh but toys and oral and just not making piv the 'main event' anymore is my usual cope.
Usually works out alright as long as the guy isn't threatened by toys or dead set on finishing one way.
No. 270405
>>270396Well, it shouldn't be a performance. You probably felt like you had to perform for him, hence it felt unnatural and exhausting. Femdom should be him prioritizing your pleasure and orgasms, serving you, making your life easier. He was probably expecting you to do the whole typical dominatrix scene you see in porn, and there's a reason people get paid for that shit, it's work and not what actual dommes want to do. Despite what idiots online say, submission isn't passive, and dominance doesn't inherently mean active. You can make him do all the work and lie back and reap the rewards, as if you're royalty.
>At the end he said "wow anon, you're 100% non-violent lol".Sounds like the typical lazy bottom who probably just lies there, does nothing, and passes it off as if it was a service to you. Don't worry
nonnie, I will kill him for you.
No. 270701
>>270388We tried oral but honestly it doesn't do it for me, and I have a strong gag reflex, so I can't take him. Plus, he gets to cum earlier than me, and idk if I like that.
Anal isn't an option either, cause none of us like it. Fingering ends up similarly to PiV. Is nice at the beginning, but then I start getting uncomfortable if he gets too deep.
I'm big into BDSM but not only he's a huge vanilla, I also get the feeling he would suck at being a dom. This last point has actually left me frustrated for a while. Last time I was tied was about 5 years, and he would always panic about it.
I have a BadDragon and a vibrator. But the vibrator ends up numbing me instead of stimulating me, and I ended up buying the BadDragon hoping it would make it easier to take his dick. It didn't. And we we used it together, I had to explain to him I don't insert the whole dildo as it is painful, and doesn't feel good. Was hoping he would take a hint from that, and he didn't.
Guess I can try convincing him to do BDSM again. Don't want to live doomed to riding cowgirl all my life.
No. 270738
>>270690>>270701Women should follow this simple rule: if he does not pleasure you and smell nice for you, no sex. Sex is supposed to be a two-way street. Left unchecked, most men just use their partners like a masturbatory aid instead of a living breathing partner who also has sexual needs.
Imo you need to tell him exactly what feels good, what hurts, what "too deep" is, and if he doesn't abide by that, sex ends immediately. He will either do what needs to be done or you will see he doesn't actually give a shit and you should then end the relationship. Don't be desperate and keep someone around who doesn't give a shit about your pleasure.
No. 270739
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>>270701>BDSM>fem!sub>"he's a huge vanilla">Bad Dragonyou don't deserve orgasms anyway
No. 271798
>>269110anon i have a similar fetish (arguably worse, i wont get into detail) and am managing to reroute it as this
>>269134 anon has suggested. ive been working on changing it for about a year but the imagery associated with my former fetish doesnt "
trigger" me anymore, whereas imagery surrounding the new fetish (good christian orgasm control and male bondage) has started to. ill still slip up and masturbate to old material every once in a while but im also trying to get off porn entirely so those are few and far between and when i do revert to porn i either automatically or force myself to watch material of the new fetish.
i realise this makes me sound like an actual retard but its so relieving not to be turned on by the insane disgusting shit i used to be. you can actually rewire this shit anon.
No. 271909
>>271907You don't say what pill you're on or what day of your cycle you started it on so it's hard to know the risk without those details. Your doc would know.
Is your bf helping with the cost of things like BC and did he help out with the plan b from last week? With your job loss that's alot on your shoulders and ime a good test of whether a guy is worth taking on all this risk and hassle for is whether he tries to pay for or come along to appointments when it comes to birth control and plan b. Get him to step up and help if he's not already.
No. 271930
>>271907>I just lost my job and really can’t afford these kinds of purchases right nowHello you've got boyfriend? You're not responsible on your own for this!
Anyway ask your doc, this is shit you don't wanna bet online strangers' opinions are right.
No. 271999
>>271907A couple of things:
- If you've been taking the pill for a month and you aren't on your sugar pills, you've taken your bc pills every day, you'll be fine. You won't get pregnant.
- The pill is not nearly as reliable as something like the rod or the IUD, which both last years and (in my country at least) works out cheaper than refilling your pill prescription every time it runs out. You'd have a lot more peace of mind if you had a more affective method of BC
No. 272000
>>271925Honestly this is something only a psych would be able to help you work through. If that's not affordable for you, I'd consider getting more in touch with your body (i.e. touching yourself without any visual stimulation, try imagining yourself pleasuring others instead of you as a man)
I'll also say that it's more than ok to not like receiving. With women I exclusively give, mostly for the reason that I need A LOT of stimulation that most people's hands/mouths can't do. So, I've always preferred and derived pleasure from watching other people get off from my doing.
You mentioned purity culture as well, which is something so ingrained that it really can't be undone without lots of reading and professional help. That stuff is instilled in you so young that unpacking it is weighty.
No. 272013
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So I'm seeing this guy and things are getting more and more heated with every meeting and I have some questions:
- Should I tell him I'm unexperienced in sex?
- When should I tell him I have vaginismus or should I mention it at all? I never had penetrative sex and could never insert a dildo in myself or have a proper gynecological examination. What I'm hoping is that these were just because I wasn't relaxed enough and maybe with him it's going to be different
We had 3 dates so far (we have once a week because we're both busy)and made out heavily on our last one and it scared me a bit as I have never been touched this much in my life kek (he was like reaching into my pants and was fondling my breasts). Is this too fast I wonder? When do people have sex after seeing each other in general?
No. 272125
>>272013You should tell him these things now nona before it goes any further. A good guy will understand and take it slow but if you don't tell him and he is a good guy and he hurts you because he didn't know he will feel bad and that is not how you want to start a sexual relationship.
Make sure you are very wet and relaxed and tell him to start with oral if you are comfortable or just 1 finger and work your way up.
Please do not be afraid to ask him to stop you can always try again another time but hurting yourself will just add trauma and anxiety around sex.
>When do people have sex after seeing each other in general?Honestly this can wildly vary and there is no right answer. I have fucked on the first date and also waited a few dates and honestly fucking earlier usually lead to a longer relationship.
It's whenever you both feel comfortable. If him touching you like that on the last date was moving too fast, tell him that. If you liked it but still don't want to go further than that yet, tell him that.
Don't let anyone tell you that you are moving too fast or too slow not even him. It has to feel right to you.
Communicate and if he isn't communicating find another who will.
No. 272171
>>272013I have it as well
nonnie and sex is still much easier than gyno exams for that exact reason. I usually talk about it at the point you’re at now, keeping it simple and no one has ever had a problem with it. Talking about it and knowing they understand helps a lot, because it takes away the worry that they’ll react badly in the moment and you’ll know you’re both on the same page. Take it slow, get some lube, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get there right away
No. 278575
>>278543Focus on what feels good.
I like missionary, my partner normally lifts my hips and I curve and tuck my butt in (like I’m working out) it lets him stimulate my clit when he slides all the way in and he can rub where it feels good inside. This only works with foreplay though because I have to be fully aroused to feel good with penetration.
When having sex it’s a little different from masturbating. When you’re alone you tend to be in one position and it can train your muscles to orgasm like that and can make it hard in other positions.
Take it slow and communicate while you find what you like. Having a partner that listens and wants to make you feel good is important more than anything else. The wrong person and the sex will always be bad
No. 278630
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Has anyone read this? I have some anxiety and poor body image issues which makes sex not so fun or pleasurable. I’m always in my head worried about how I look, which makes initiating and cumming difficult. I’ve seen several people say this book saved their sex life but I thought I’d ask here since you’re all brutally honest for the most part…
No. 278665
My husband is still suffering from the abuse of his ex wife, and I'm trying so hard to build his confidence.
Like many men he is vain to a certain point, and some days he is quite puffed up and filled with bravado. That doesn't bother me at all, he does it in a very endearing way. However, when I compliment him genuinely he shrugs it off or makes a flippant comment like "Oh that's just the brainwashing taking effect" or respond "Compared to who??" He isn't mean spirited about these comments, he is just so self-deprecating it breaks my heart. In HS he hardly received female attention, if someone was interested he didn't realize it at the time.
Getting to his ex… she was absolutely horrid to him. Abusive and manipulative. Would say things like "If you could just back into your highschool shape, I'd be more attracted to you… you're just a little too heavy for me still." The man was well under 200 pounds, working out regularly and starving due to putting her through law school. When he wrestled he was seven percent body fat, which meant he had to get into a fight every day for hours to maintain that physique. He did finally open up to me about all the horrible fights and her tearing him down every chance she got.
During those moments, and spontaneously, I will hold him and whisper how much I love him. How special he is to me and how attractive I find him. No matter my approach it seems like he doesn't believe my honest words. What else can I do to help the love of my life see himself how I see him? I don't wait for those hard memories to express how I see him. I do so nearly every day when I'm inspired to do so.
No. 278667
>>278575 said. 100%.
Don't focus on making it perfect, or what you've read about or seen in the media. Do what feels good for you both. That's what will lead to great sex. Don't be afraid to communicate or talk while having sex. Sometimes goofy things will happen while in the throes. Laugh it off, have fun and enjoy one another. That's what makes sex wonderful. Also, practice makes perfect.
No. 278673
>>278665If he's this much of a mess over words from a previous wife then he either remarried real quick or he's milking these stories about the mean things his ex said.
I'm trying to be understanding but I've divorced someone after abuse myself and I still can't get him being in this state during a whole new marriage. Not even dating… remarried and hes like this. Will he be telling his next wife every mean thing you ever said to him someday? Sounds like it. Stop babying a grown man.
No. 278715
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nonnie, here I thought corn was part of a healthy diet, now you're telling me it causes irreversible brain damage? I have a chowder going as we speak!
No. 278794
>>278718It's been considerably lowered in the past year, but I quit porn about 3 years ago now (with some slip ups but rarely any more). But honestly even sexual content like erotic art doesn't do much for me any longer.
It does coincide with me losing the last 10 lbs due to digestive and sports injury issues. Maybe that last 10 was keeping my hormones horny.
Actually, could no longer lifting weights cause this? I get exercise but no lifting.
>>278777Luckily I always used my imagination alongside porn so this wasn't a huge issue. Helped me quit a bit more easily than people who struggle with visualization.
No. 280084
>>280055Before you go into sex, please sit down and do a kink checklist/bdsm checklist with him about what he wants and what you want. It should take an hour or so. Go over it together, decide what you both want and state in no uncertain terms what you expect from him and what he expects from you.
You should be doing regular meta-talks or checkins to discuss what is and isn't working in the bedroom.
Do you have a safeword? (Both verbal and non-verbal).
A healthy power exchange involves a ton of communication and setting expectations ahead of time of what power you want to give him, and even what power he wants to take.
It sounds like right now there is no communication happening outside of sex and it's making the both of you frustrated, and it's incredibly dangerous to ask him to do impact play/humiliation play without setting some guardrails for the both of you (What if he takes it too far? What if he doesn't know how to use a belt properly?)
BDSM doesn't have to be about pornsickness, or derived from it, but it does have to be done with intention.
No. 280123
>>280084 I completely understand your advice and I agree people can do as they wish but I don't think it's a healthy mentality to ask him to act that way like other people have said.
>>280117 >>280068 We talked about it before, he told me he could never lay a hand on me because he couldn't live having hurt someone. Him and his sibling were beaten as children by his mom. I was assaulted by a relative as a child. I think at this stage he has matured from his experience and he wants to better himself. I don't feel like I've grown from my experience. I don't know why or how to get better.
No. 280513
>>280084lmaooo fucking hell nothing makes my pussy drier than the thought of a ~kink checklist~ or any of this corny formalized bdsm shit.
At absolute best, bdsm is lame and cringy. At worst, it's
abusive and degrading. The only advice worth taking on it is: get better taste. This goes 1000x time over for 'submissive' women.
No. 282950
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I'm so scared that I'll never be able to orgasm from normal sex and idk what to do about it. I've never even had a proper strong orgasm even while masturbating, only small ones that I get by crossing my legs and squeezing my thighs together. I've tried masturbating using my fingers, rubbing my clit, using toys, but I can never get there like it feels good but then I get tired and I stop and I never feel it coming. Even getting eaten out doesn't work for me. I like it when I'm on top and especially when he can hit my cervix but I still don't think I could orgasm from it. Any nonnies with a similar problem who have any advice?
No. 282998
>>282950I have the same problem
nonnie let's pray somebody has a solution
No. 283084
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>>282950>>282998Sorry for this response since a lot of people say this, but have you tried these clitoris sucking toys? I wasn't able to cum with my partner until I use this while we fuck, especially with doggy style it feels good. Another thing that has worked for me is him using a pulsating shower head on my clit. If you haven't tried give it a go! You can do it!
No. 283390
I'm depressed, anons.
I feel like I don't have a chance at a healthy sexuality. If I wear lingerie, if I do anything outside of vanilla sex and a blowjob, I feel okay or excited at first, and then I just feel immediate self loathing. I'm so afraid of going outside anything normal because I've had such bad experiences over my whole life with men forcing me to do things.
The thing that I feel conflicted about is how things will make my body feel good, but I mentally feel shot by doing them. I don't understand boundaries, really, I've just adopted the idea of trying to do whatever the man wants because I am afraid I'll be abandoned or undesired. I don't even know how people go about it - how can you develop boundaries over things you haven't experienced? My boyfriend, for instance, refuses anything related to anal with him. That's fine. But I'm always amazed how you can decide that when you don't even know if it would feel good or not.
An example of things that physically feel good but make me feel like shit the day after is anything related to my ass. My boyfriend sucks at eating me out, I have a tiny, sensitive clit and you basically can't do anything to it, me included, or it'll feel uncomfortable. So, he eats my ass. It feels good, but it makes me not feel mentally good for whatever reason. I also have enjoyed him fingering me in the ass, but again, it mentally makes me feel shot. The difficult thing is that he sees I react with pleasure and he feels bad about not being able to pleasure me through eating me out, so he really enjoys doing anal stuff to me because he feels good that he can pleasure me. The thing is, my ex would anally rape me while I was unconscious and would cum in my mouth and pressure me into anal, especially because he would complain my vagina was too tight which makes me feel inferior for having a worse vagina than my asshole so I think I have a PTSD type of response to it, like the day after anything anal related even though we obviously don't do anal itself, I cry, feel insecure, and it makes me feel physically ill when I go to the bathroom because it reminds me of the days after I would get raped/etc.. I don't know how to process this. I wish I could enjoy things without it reminding me of that. But I literally am so afraid of anything even not related to anal because I fear we won't have vanilla sex again, or at least that we won't have it again without the guy not enjoying it and wishing he could be doing anal instead.
I feel too sick to tell my boyfriend this because I don't know how to do it kindly and without referencing my ex. I feel like I'm ruined and I know it is my fault because I stayed with this ex. I wish I could like things sexually or know my boundaries. I guess truthfully I find anal related activities just gross regardless of how good they make me feel, I'd rather just not do it and feel okay rather than do it and feel bad. But I think I also feel bad for no good reason, I don't know if I should fight against feeling bad because that's like letting my ex win? I also feel weird my boyfriend is comfortable with expressing his boundaries and I feel like I could never do that because I'd be afraid of him being repulsed by me for that, even though he wouldn't act like that.
I just need advice on how to talk about this without seeming insane or crazy or BPD because I am BPD and I'm trying to be as rational about this as possible because it's not my boyfriend's fault I feel this way.
No. 283393
>>283390Further confusing to me is how I also was
raped many times orally by my ex as well, violently, in front of people, etc. but I quickly got over feeling like shit about blowjobs with my current bf because the thing is, I really love giving blowjobs, I like the process, the smells, the whole experience, and I've never felt "bad" mentally about it the way I do about anal related activities.
No. 283402
>>283399For sure, it just makes me feel bad he likes eating my ass out and fingering it because he's seen that I positively react even though it mentally stresses me out. His boundary is anything anal that involves him i.e. anal sex, me doing anything to him, etc. but he is fine with doing stuff to me since I react positively even though it mentally screws with me.
Anything other than vanilla nude sex and bjs makes me insecure afterwards - wearing lingerie has a similar effect to the buttplay. It makes me feel like shit because I project how my ex was onto my boyfriend. I feel sick and violated even though it's consensual and i am fine with it. I want help with those feelings.
No. 283511
>>283424Just talk to him about it. If you're close enough to have sex, you're close enough to talk about sex. If he's a good lover he'll be more attentive and comfort you in all the ways you need.
That being said, I understand the insecurity about your vulva. I have inner labia that are on the bigger side and they are also waaaay darker than my actual skin tone. For the longest time I felt that I was ugly down there, it's not pink and pretty and neat. In the end it doesn't matter. They're genitals, they're not supposed to be picture perfect. Despite me feeling ugly as fuck, all my exes ate my pussy like it was their last meal on earth, called me beautiful, said they loved eating me out, would always initiate, etc. If the guy is attracted to you, he'll find everything about your body attractive. If he judges your vulva or any part of your body, he's an asshole who deserves to jerk off alone in his basement forever. Simple as.
No. 283523
>>283424I've been with guys before (when I was much younger) who were complimentary towards me after oral but.. were shitting on other womens anatomy in the process. Or praising my taste/smell/hygiene but again at the expense of some ex they're putting down. I bit my tongue att but looking back its messed up how openly some do that. If you compared a mans dick size to your exes they'd know thats fucked up. Realistically yeah there are men who are somehow super judgemental and who find natural variatons in anatomy offputting. They're shitheads tho. With the exception of you walking around unwashed or with an active infection.. there's nothing wrong with whats down there.
A good way of seperating the 'insane vulva judgers' from the rest is how they react to things like you not showing up shaved. Ime men who are very hung up on shaving are the same ones who have all these weird views about your vulva needing to be all perfect and sterile. Be fussy about who you let near it because if you let the wrong guy near it.. they turn around and think they have the right to be all fussy.
No. 284235
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>I meet a guy
>we like each other a lot
>I romanticise him a huge amount
>he does one thing that disrupts my image of him
>I’m shattered
>obviously he’s just a lying useless scrote who’s just using me for sex
>I start spiralling about how I’m never gonna find love, every man I meet is just going to use me and throw me aside like everyone else before
>he’s probably got a girlfriend back home and he’s just using me for sex to boost his own ego because I’m no good for anything else
>I panic over any possible slight STD symptoms no matter how unlikely because of course if he lied about everything else he probably gave me AIDS too just to be funny
>I don’t see him anymore
>I calm down and get normal again
>I meet a guy
Nonnas wtf is wrong with me? I know this seems like an odd thread to post in but it’s because these feelings only ever come on after I’ve slept with them, no matter how well they take care of me or how much they assure me they actually like me. I’ve convinced myself that every guy I’ve ever dated was just cheating on another girl with me. How do I stop being so crazy and obsessive? This has happened 3 times over the space of 2 years.
No. 284256
>>284235It could be a lot of things
>> BPD >> CPTSD >> Autism and Abuse >> Attachment Trauma>> etc Have you thought about trying to talk to a female counselor or therapist?
No. 284272
>>284235Sounds very similar to one of the main bpd traits.
>It's common with borderline personality disorder for a person to idealize a friend, family member, or loved one. They feel intense closeness towards that person and place them on a pedestal. This can quickly and unpredictably change to intense anger toward that person, a process called devaluation.I've known someone who struggled with it and tbh they weren't too bad as a friend but romantic relationships were a nightmare because having sex and that level of intimacy would set it off majorly. Then the more you have bad experiences with men the more it builds.
No. 284301
>>284203Does cut/uncut affect whether you need lube?
t. virgin
No. 284746
Hey so it’s
>>284235 back again and I just wanted to thank everyone who said it sounded like bpd, I’ve done some research and it sounds almost spot on for all the symptoms I’ve thought were low level anxiety or depression. Gonna start looking for professional help on Monday. Never let anyone tell you that this website is useless ladies.
No. 285142
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No. 287571
>>287487No advice, but same and am also in my mid-twenties.
My libido is decently high but the idea of having to go through with sex is terrifying and emotionally exhausting. I also think I'd have a genuine anxiety attack if someone ever touched my genitals or chest. Anyone (particularly men) expressing sexual attraction towards me grosses me out, unless it involves traits that place me as an "actor" (eg. my height, strength, etc.) and not an "object."
It's not even trauma, I've just been a virgin for too long. Wish you luck in getting laid without shutting down, anon! It's like the whole "need years of job experience to get your first job" predicament.
No. 288246
>>287487Probably not what you want to hear anon but confidence in the bedroom really comes with time and experience. It helps being with someone you trust, and I've found that most of my sexual confidence came with long term partners that I was able to learn with and grow comfortable with.
Hookups are only really going to teach you how to please men as you're getting a once off experience and most moids just want to pump their load and fuck off. I know it's frustrating not having much experience and wanting to explore that part of yourself, but it's worth it to look for at least a consistent sexual partner that you're friendly with and can bring yourself to try out new things.
No. 289392
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I got into a conversation with my mutuals about casual sex and I made the claim that casual sex is generally unsafe for women and I was told off for having "conservative values". They said the only problem with casual sex was that we live in a misogynistic society and if men were less violent than casual sex wouldn't be a problem. I was told off for shaming high libido women.
I never told anyone but I am a virgin and I can't imagine myself ever having sex with a stranger. I'm in my mid-20s and I wonder if my inexperience was seeping through.
I feel so disconnected from modern culture and I feel like I will be normal or find a partner who's okay with me being a virgin, or leave me for being inexperienced and vanilla. Feeling like a loser and disgusted with myself.
No. 289399
I lost my virginity five years ago, had a long-term boyfriend in that time, had sex with men and women once I was single again. Yet in all that time and experience, I don't think I've ever orgasmed once during sex.
It has to be a confidence issue, because when I masturbate I have absolutely no problem at all - sometimes I'll even use the memories of past sexual encounters as jerk off material. But once I'm actually with another person, it's like my clit goes into a coma lol. I just go through the motions and enjoy being physically close to the other person. Sometimes when I'm making out, I'll get the occasional twinge of arousal, but nothing asides from that.
I've also tried masturbating in front of others as foreplay, and I can't orgasm then either.
What do I do nonas? How the fuck can I possibly get over this? It's been so long, I thought I'd eventually grow out of being self-conscious during sex, but no matter who I'm with I just can't relax. Maybe I should resign myself to masturbating for the rest of my life kek.
>>289392The one time I had casual sex with a stranger, I felt disgusted afterwards. Everyone makes it sound so normal, but there's nothing normal about it. You're best ignoring 'modern culture' and just doing what works for you. No (good) partner will shame you for being inexperienced.
No. 289400
>>289392There is nothing wrong with you anon, or your beliefs. Boiling down your view of casual sex to just being conservative, and shaming “high libido women” is completely off the mark. You can have any kind of sociopolitical ideology and still understand the issues of casual sex from different perspectives. You said you had an issue with it being unsafe for women, and that is completely substantial for different reasons. It’s statistically proven casual sex with many different partners increases your risk of contracting STDS. Hooking up with someone you’re uncertain you’re morally compatible with, or you’re not very familiar with in general, could potentially lead you to be raped, drugged, or sex trafficked. Or they could turn out to be gross, or bad in some other way you wish you learned about ahead of time. Other forms of arguments against casual sex are also
valid; if you think men too often use and degrade women’s bodies for casual sex, and women generally don’t experience the same level of pleasure that men get out of it, that’s a good reason why it’s generally a bad idea. If you have other reasons that are logical, then they’re
valid beliefs. The girls who talk about subverting shame, and “if only men weren’t so violent”, don’t consider the statistics, and other moral points. You probably understand that, and you shouldn’t feel insecure about what you want for yourself. Don’t give up on trying to find someone who has the same beliefs as you, it’s not worth settling for something if it compromises something important, like your dignity, or a desire for a deeper connection. Being a virgin at your age, and for the reasons you have, is completely fine. You don’t need to have sex to get the approval of others, and having a ton of sexual experience to be seen as cool, interesting, or superior, is completely trivial.
No. 289410
>>289392"Evolutionary" things like hook-ups and sex with strangers benefit men more than women, since straight/bi women have the risk of a stranger they're having sex with either being violent or knocking them up (condoms and birth control combined only do so much), STDs, etc.
Not to armchair analysis, but it seems like hook up culture is more of a
hypersexual (which is a disorder/trauma response) thing than a high libido issue (which can be natural and not a result of trauma for some), the people I know who have hookups constantly are heavily dissociated during the act itself and are borderline addicted, and they can't get anything long-term for a reason, so they just settle for having flings to fill a void. All of them that I know have been abused in some way and either use it as a way to fill the void, like drugs, or a way to relive the abuse by seeking out people similar to their abusers (older, looks a certain way).
No. 289423
>>289392Nah, you are 100% right. Women and men aren't the same. Women benefit less than men do from casual sex (see: the orgasm gap), and also have to bare almost all of the risks.
>>289410Yup, hypersexuality is not a healthy thing but a result of trauma or mental disturbance. I have a high libido and I don't sleep with randos.
No. 289425
>>289392Kek, you are patient. I would have thrown down the gauntlet if I saw that type of shit. They're defending sex as being a performance defined by labels, women commodifying themselves because they can't imagine anything different, re-enacting patriarchal values, etc…which is why so many women have so many horror stories or why so many are incentivized to fetishize being treated like subhumans and toys. Calling it misogynistic doesn't change that most women will fail to find someone that actually creates a comfortable, secure environment for them–let alone have any real chemistry with them.
I'm not at all surprised so many go through the motions and just do it cuz they want some easy-mode way of feeling close to someone, even if it makes them think they need to go all the way with someone to get any validation or intimacy with them.
I'm not really surprised there's been a recent surge with so many girls and women opting to be touchless and single but the mainstream still doesn't want to talk about why.
No. 289483
>>289392Nah you're good. Sex creates a unique bond between you and your partner, it's the second closest you can be to someone besides being bonded by blood, which is the case with family. I hate to use the term pairbonding because MGTOW scrotes have hijacked the term for their misogynist views, but it's an evolutionary phenominon. And the more casual sex you have, the less you are able to create that unique special bond with someone.
And of course, having sex with random scrotes is risky as fuck. My sister started getting desperate because she was still a virgin at 22, so she got on tinder and had sex with two random guys, and one of them is still harassing her via text message every day.
No. 289514
I’m super INFP (I know those things aren’t the pinnacle of accuracy but it describes my personality perfectly) and I have always been able to feel more intense feelings during masturbation than sex with someone. I’m not talking about the physical sensation, I’m able to mentally stimulate myself so much better when it’s just me and my imagination. I can think of scenarios like Jon Snow fucking me after fighting in the rain or some other dramatic, romanticized bullshit that I go crazy for. I hate when men act casually during sex like laughing or making any kind of joke, it pulls me out of the fantasy of the moment and makes it feel like nothing but a physical task. I like to be mind fucked I guess, not in a toxic way, I just go wild for the idea of a mentally stimulating man, but I’ve truly never met any irl except for 1 many years ago- and he was an actor, so he was likely just feeding me lines he knew would work on my hopeless romantic ass. Of course, to make matters worse looks are definitely important to me, so it’s not like I could get turned on by any random smart/smooth talking ugly dude. Tbh at this point I’ve accepted I’ll only have the sex of my dreams in my mind and I’m not really bitter about it because it’s my own fault for having such a vivid imagination to the point where nothing in reality could measure up. A partner irl can’t really compete with the hero-type characters I get turned on by in books or media, I’m aware it’s unrealistic. I’m like forever feeling that “I need a hero” song. Just always let down by real life men
No. 289532
>>289466Don't do it without getting a blood test, obviously. Get a blood test and hormone panel to see if anything is wrong, and see if thete's anything different in your lifestyle that made your libido lessen. Medication, birth control, weight gain, stress, etc, can change it.
I say this because I also wanted to try something hormonal to fix my libido, I tried to buy progesterone and was looking into low dosage testosterone, but I got a blood test and my hormones were both mostly normal and low dosage of testosterone can cause issues with your ovaries.
No. 289600
>>289589Im anon and it really is as you said, getting it over with. I honestly don't care about being sexually active and fucking around (though I'm not really opposed to it either), I just want to get it done with so I can move on and concern myself with something more interesting and less stupid than "has had sex before". You're definitely right about putting yourself out there (since I don't do that much kek) so I'll look into that. Thanks nonna.
I'm probably preaching to the choir here but it really wears you down, especially if you grew up ugly, to be constantly reminded that you still haven't done something so basic and trivial (and yet simultaneously so important?) that most people have already done in their teens. And not necessarily because they're hotter or more interesting than you, I've come to realize it's way more complex than that, but it still makes you feel like an undesirable sack of shit. I just want to get it over with and for it to not be horrible or go wrong so I can stop feeling like a repulsive loser all the time, is all.
Ngl it makes me feel less horrible to see other anons in the same spot but I feel for us and I wish you all luck as well lol
No. 289609
>>289600I've listened to other women that have gone through similar and they have mostly regretted having sex just to get it out of the way and that in some cases they felt even less desirable, there's almost never significant confidence gains or a switch that goes off in their brains; they often change to something else to FOMO about.
>>289603also maybe this is a good idea, kek. Just be weary of getting into situations where a man can easily coerce you. The majority are extremely opportunistic.
No. 290593
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How do I stop my labia near the back of the opening (asshole end as opposed to clit end) from getting microtearing during sex? Pic rel. Doesn't matter how much lube I use. Does anyone else deal with this issue? There's like a taunt flap of skin stretched out over the bottom and that fucker. Sometimes I fantasize about getting a doctor to just slice it open so I can be done with it. I tried stretching and tried supplements and lube and nothing seems to work.
No. 290649
>>290597Yes, even of you don't qualify for medicaid your state may have wellness programs for women's procedures. There may also be low-income sliding scale women's clinics if you're in a large enough region. Do some Googling for your area.
Even if there is only a low-income birth control/women-focused STD clinic they might be able to point you in the right direction.
No. 290903
>>290665it's been the same issue my entire adult life, birth control or not. Mine has never bled though. how did you resolve it?
>>290649>>290613I won't quality for assistance, I make just enough not to qualify but not enough to afford shit. It looks like the procedure I need is the flipside of labiaplasty and it's done by cosmetic surgeons, who I don't trust. Not sure what to do. I'm already using coconut oil and taking sea buckthorn oil.
No. 290999
>>290966Yeah because being too close to pussy
triggers their inferiority/womb envy complex. They want to eat shit because they know it’s what they deserve.
No. 291302
>>291076>admitting you've never managed to find a normal moid that doesn't want anallol
No. 291382
>>291330I'm telling nonna to avoid men who bring up pegging on their own. If she wants to do it and she's the one who brings it up first, it's a different story. Nothing good comes from men forcing their kinks on women.
>>291367How is it making him a faggot if he's having sex with a woman (me)? Are lesbians who use strap-ons secretly straight?
No. 291663
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I keep being paranoid that I have an std, I'm a virgin and my only sexual contact was outercourse with a condom and oral. I did outercourse with my ex-bf while we were still dating and the condom was slipping a bit at one point and I think his bare dick touched my vag. His ex cheated on him with rando guys and he told me after they broke up he got tested, but he lied about so much in the relationship looking back I really wonder if he was telling the truth. I did have to prod him to tell me if he got tested or not. That rotten little fuck, I trusted him and I shouldn't have ever trusted any moid. I always thought you would know if you had an std but I read just today you can have one for months and not have symptoms.
If I'm a virgin with an STD I'm going to die of shame. Do you nonnies think I'm being retarded or should I get tested?
No. 291664
>>291663My ex cheated on me and it left me paranoid afterwards. I got tested for hiv twice over to be sure and got tested for the most common stds too. You can order home testing kits if you're nervous about going to a clinic and having to explain your situation. That's how I did it. I wasn't sure if they'd quiz you and I wasn't in a headspace to talk about those circumstances. It was worth it for the peace of mind.
I think sometimes these worries are more of an emotional response to feeling like you can't trust someone but hey theres no real loss in getting checked.
No. 292871
>>292727That's the sensation of your bladder being hit. Squirting is just pissing yourself cause a dude slams his dick into your bladder too much. Don't listen to
>>292782 thats likely a pornsick scrote. There is no g-spot.
No. 296624
>>294564This is late and I have no advice, but I feel similarly. You say you get "mentally" aroused, so could it be you just don't want to be touched and that's how sex works for you? Did you still get this mental stimulation from watching your ex? And are you interested in acting on them, alone (no reciprocation from them)?
Provided I am lucky to prefer women, but it's been tough to come to terms with the fact that I'll likely never be interested in receiving pleasure. I guess this is "stone" although I can't claim that since I'm not a lesbian, but nothing exists like that for hets it seems. The way that men are means there is no place for a woman who wishes to be the sexual giver only.
Or perhaps I'm also pornsick and we're in it together, nona.
No. 296629
So, posting here cause I've got a bit of an odd situation. There's a dude in one of my uni classes with a very impressive body. Large, tall, very muscular. Overall, I'd say he is a good catch. He even has the same major as me. I'm very curious about him, and have been speaking to him regularly about class work. He smells weird and sometimes needs help with the classwork, which I find intriguing and it increases my interest in him. He smelled like a pig one day, and when I found out it was him, I didn't tell anyone that he was the source of the barnyard smell, but I knew it, and he was like a little piggy. I really like pigs.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no sex drive at all when I'm sober because of SSRIs I take. I can get a little bit horny on marijuana, but that's about it. I would like to eventually attempt it with him, but I feel absolutely nothing about his body except a rather distant fascination. He's objectively a good catch, like a prize you see and want to take before anyone else can. Maybe I feel a little bit territorial over him, but still, with the pills, I feel no physical desire. I know I would if I stopped taking them, but I'm not going to because I need them. I also have a hard time showing emotion around people, and for some reason it makes them think I dislike them. I still feel normal emotions obviously, just none around him.
How would I even begin to proceed with him? I can make him smile, help with his classwork, make him interested in me at a very surface level, but have no physical reason to continue aside from greed and not wanting someone else to snatch him up before me. I bet none of you would be surprised to know that I've never been in a relationship before. This would be the first male I have decided on pursuing. Males are generally easier prey than the females which is good, but I still don't wanna creep him out. Basically my goal is just to convince him to get physical with me, but I'm not sure how I'd do that with zero arousal.
No. 296941
I don't initiate sex. I can't. There are few reasons: I'm shy and anxious (taking meds level), somehow it feels embarrassing, but also I have very low sex drive and for me like 2 times a week would be enough, my bf initiates much more and I'm mostly down for it, so I'm satisfied anyway. But he doesn't get it, he complains I don't initiate, says I'm cold etc.
My questions is, do you think it's normal to struggle to initiate sex? Advice "just do it" won't work. Even when I'm horny, I just can't seem to do it. Recently I've seen a tiktok (don't laugh…) about something similar and girls were like "no way I'd take initiative", which made me feel a bit more normal with it, but idk.
No. 297009
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i'm a virgin still and i've recently got a boyfriend. we haven't done anything sexual yet but we have talked and alluded to wanting to have sex before.
aside from not really knowing what to expect, i also kind of want to get an IUD. i want to know how long will it take to have intercourse after the IUD insertion and what nonas recommend to ease my nerves about my first time..
No. 297088
>>296798AYRT, I was in a similar boat, but I won't tell you what to do with your life. Personally, therapy and basic CBT techniques helped me anxiety management since I used to have agoraphobia, which I needed since my tolerance to meds wore off after a few years of taking them.
I had a psychiatrist combine my SSRI with Wellbutrin for a while, and I've talked to women who said that combination revived their libido, so you can just combine it with an NDRI and see if it helps. Buspirone is also an anxiety medication that is prescribed alongside an SSRI for sexual issues.
No. 298330
>>297009I would start having sex with a condom for a bit first
nonnie. Though birth control is important and it's good to explore your options. I really like the IUD, have had it in twice now. First time was very easy to put in, they used enough anaesthetic that it didn't hurt but just felt pretty uncomfortable, but it was quick.
Second time I got it in was incredibly traumatic, male doctor, they strapped me down to a table and barely used any anaesthetic at all but shoved it in anyway, it literally felt like something out of a horror film. I would go under if I were you.
The IUD barely affects me at all day to day, don't even realise it's in and my periods are often so light I don't have to wear period products for it.
Good luck though, and be sure to shop round for the best options that suit you.
No. 298650
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nonnies, do any of you struggle with getting too wet? my bf says he can't cum with piv because i get aroused very easily and it's like fucking a bowl of jelly basically, no feeling for him. it still feels good for me, but no matter what we try (different positions, towel, etc) it seems like he doesn't feel anything and i don't know what else to do differently
No. 298707
>>298650 >I can't cum because you're too wetThats deathgrip. Your body is doing exactly what its meant to do.. and his isn't so he's misplacing blame onto you to cover up. Which is pretty shitty of him.
The issue is on his end, have a frank discussion where you spell out that you're not retarded enough to take criticism for being wet. If he doubles down or refuses to admit to his deathgrip fapping then hes a lost cause. Time for him to get honest.
No. 298845
My boyfriend is sexually dominant, which I didn't expect from him at all before we started having sex. He's very feminine, which I am into. We do not have kinky sex, we're rough at worst, but he always takes the lead. This isn't fine with me a 100% of the time, I like to take the lead once in a while, or at least interact with his body more.
I used to be able to give him blowjobs, a thing I find arousing, but he doesn't want me to do that anymore. He gets soft whenever I touch him. He says the cause is sexual trauma, which I understand, but I don't feel comfortable being passive to the extent that sex is reduced to making out ⇾ getting eaten out ⇾ penetration.
Sure, it feels good, I think he's good at it. But I can't even get to kiss his neck or hold him without him wanting to switch places almost immediately. Any time I do anything SLIGHTLY dominant, he goes soft. Last night, I was trying to give him a blowjob, but that made him soft to the point of not being able to have sex the morning after.
Is there ANY way to fix this?
Yes, he goes to therapy, but that doesn't fix this.
No. 298857
>>298855I've been trying to write out a justification for his actions, but I honestly can't. He used to be able to get me off quite easily, but the more I think about how our sex life turned, the less I can get into the mood. I want to touch him back.
We're not having sex, he's just doing sexual acts to me. I wish I could help the situation.
No. 298887
>>255932Respect his boundaries.
But you could start with post orgasm torture, give him a handjob or something as as soon as he cum keep focusing on his head, the mix of pleasure and pain will leave him questioning many many things.
No. 298895
>>298869What specifically hurt? When he was hitting your cervix? (dick too big, penetration too deep - tell him to be gentlier and not go all way in) The movement itself? (too little foreplay, lubrication) The opening to vagina?
If you had troubles getting it in, my guess is you have a sturdy type of hymen. Use your fingers first, dilate the opening regularly for few days, see if the hymen relaxes. Some are just not as elastic and need more exercise, but imo it shouldn't be through sex because you can develop trauma and vaginismus.
No. 298898
>>298845that's a sad sex life. Not saying this in a mean way, I just think it must be tough for you, you can't express physical intimacy which for most people is a need.
He goes to therapy, okay. But he should actually see a sexologist for that issue. That's what they are for. You should make him go because at some point this will drain you and damage your relationship.
No. 298928
>>298845He still needs to realise and respect that he has to treat you fairly in bed too. It seems like he has little regard for that. Tbh alot of the time people who've experienced assault or abuse are pretty mindful of that. He clearly isn't.
I have csa in my past, I have a comfort zone (in the beginning) where I prefer giving so receieving acts comes at a slower pace. You have to work with your partner though and not trap yourself into a set routine that leaves no room to build trust. Tbh I doubt anything he's saying to a therapist rn is really hitting on this issue. In his mind his needs are met. You could both sit down with a couples therapist and you could explain how this is now affecting you but short of that it sounds like hes happy to just disregard your desires. Thats not ok. I get trauma but honestly.. you need to make sure this guy doesn't in turn ruin intimacy for you.
No. 298940
>>298927I respect his boundaries, but he has expressed before he wants to receive more and even take a submissive role. He finds that the most arousing as a fantasy, but we can't make it work IRL. I do think he'd enjoy it if we tried to solve the issue.
>>298928I don't think his needs are being met. He has expressed frustration at his inability to get hard when I take the lead.
Lately he asks to be the little spoon after sex, a thing that I never thought he'd ask. I know he feels uncomfortable being vulnerable in bed, so I'm glad he lets me play with his hair or look at his naked body.
His therapist is aware of his trauma and our relationship.
No. 301065
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>>301064for anyone who doesn't get the joke
No. 301216
>>301064PLAP, plap-plap, plap, plap-plap-plap, PLAP
PLAP, plap-plap, PLAP, plap-plap-plap, PLAP
No. 304299
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>>304290Me. I think I masturbated slightly more when I was off the pill, but not sure if that was what killed it. I feel like nowadays I only get horny when I'm drunk or incredibly bored. It sucks because I have a bf and sex feels like a chore. I never turn him down because I don't want to hurt his feeling
No. 305137
>>305133ugh i wish, he says he doesn’t like eating pussy :/ it’s the only way i can get off >>305135
i can, but it takes awhile and i can only do it in certain positions lmao
No. 305139
>>3051371. no emoticons
2. dump him
No. 305719
>>305715Yes, I know it's stupid. I don't want to pressure him into having sex with me in fear of pushing him away if he turns down the opportunity and I resort to masturbating, because I will tell him I'm going to masturbate and he can't stop me.
On the flip side, I'm telling myself he'd be elated knowing he's dating someone who wants to actively have sex with him.
I told him the other night, if I can't masturbate because we can't have sex while I'm on my period, then I'm not going to give him a blowjob, so he has to wait with me.
No. 305730
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>>305729Not ayrt. I think you maybe need to have a talk with your bf where you tell him your feelings and also reconsider this arrangement of yours. I'm not sure I'm understanding this issue correctly, but do you have a problem where you're not able to orgasm with him after you've masturbated? If not I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to masturbate. Males sometimes can't nut more than once a day, or their boner will be softer if they've already nutted, so they need special rules. It's okay to discuss things and be flexible and find what works best for the both of you, everything doesn't have to be 100% equal. Also personally I would feel awful dating a guy who refused to have sex to me just because I was on my period.
No. 306601
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Nonas I just had weird a sex accident I’m so mortified omg. My bf and I had sex and instead of grabbing the lube out of the drawer he accidentally grabbed and used his MOISTURISER. Didn’t realise until we turned the lights on after we finished.
I showered, washed my puss as thoroughly as possible but just omfg??? There’s no burning or anything but I’m anticipating thrush or something in the next few days ahhhhhhh what do now?!
picrel: it was that
No. 307099
>>307097You’re not nasty. The dude is nasty in this situation simply because imagine being so unwashed you give a women an infection. Sorry if I needed to clarify. It probably wasn’t the type of condoms. It was probably his unwashed hands touching her or the condom tbh.
Men have longer urinary tracts it’s why they can roll around like
toxic waste plants in their pants
No. 307131
>>307109Obviously lesbians shouldn’t be told to tolerate PIV sex, but I’m a straight anon who had a hymen and my first time was painful because of it. I don’t think there’s much I could have done to make it more enjoyable for me. Now love PIV sex. Your mileage may vary, but being a woman just sucks sometimes. I'm glad I'm at least a grown ass adult now and don't have to deal with so much pressure from other people. I feel bad for young girls.
>>307077Unfortunately a lot of scrotes are selfish morons, but you're free to choose who you have sex with. I wouldn't wanna sleep with someone who didn't care about my mutual enjoyment. I'm sorry you feel like a burden, but I hope you realize you shouldn't.
No. 307144
>>307095Anyone who gets UTI's more than once a year should stock D-Mannose pills, especially if you get them a lot with sex. D-mannose is the extract in cranberries that works for attracting and bonding to the organisms in your tract, and then you can flush them out with water effectively. You can take it daily as a preventative, or you can take a couple whenever you have sex or feel like something may be off/coming. You can also treat a current infection with them and avoid antibiotics altogether which is ideal. If you mess around with anal sex at all, great idea to take just in case.
For treatment: 3 pills at onset and then take 2 pills every 2 hours (during waking hours) with as much water as you can drink so you can flush it out. Do this at least 3 days, even if you feel relief. You can not take too much.
This should be taught to all women, it's INSANE that it's not common knowledge.
No. 307242
>>307144>>307201What a hassle, I'm never having sex with a guy kek.
They don't teach you about UTIs in school, only STDs and pregnancy, the whole peeing after sex thing is so elementary and easy to do, why do you have to learn it the hard way?
No. 307268
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Any tips for having sex for the first time? I'm kind of old (24) so I'm afraid my inexperience will make things so awkward. Should I drink pineapple juice or something??? Wax or shave or what?
No. 307274
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>>307268If you feel insecure about your body hair then you should shave. It might help you feel at ease. I'm not experienced myself so my only advice would be don't rush anything and allow yourself some foreplay. My first time was painful because we went straight to the point, which means I didn't have time to adjust and relax.
No. 307276
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>>307268>insecure twenty something YOYou are going to have an aweful first time. Don't jump on the one most eager and don't expect someone to respect you when you say that you are an virgin
Just wait until you meet someone you can trust No. 307279
>>307276Thank you, yeah I guess I won't have high expectations. We plan to have sex in a month and we've been dating for 7 months so I'm stressing out over it tbh.
>>307270I think most people lose their virginity when they are teens so I'm a bit old.
>>307274Ohh I'm sorry to hear that! Painful first time sucks. I kind of have the opposite issue, when we kiss and cuddle for hours I get soaking wet and close to cumming, I noticed that a couple of times I almost came from it and idk apparently it doesn't feel good for a guy when a girl is that wet. It's embarrassing to admit. And thanks, I'll shave.
>>307277Thanks for reassurance
nonnie, I'll try waxing since I still have plenty of time. I don't think he'd mind though.
No. 307284
>>307279>>307280That's just a worry that neither of you should think about, I'm 27, a virgin and had friends losing their virginities as teens like anyone else as well.
But that literally doesn't matter because not having experience at something like sex before you're 16 doesn't mean you will lose your chances to have sex or that nothing will work and everything will hurt.
Honestly, if anything you should be glad that you've been lucky enough to not end up in a shitty relationship with a too young moid that death grips to mlp porn.
No. 312472
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What are some interesting positions that work when you're slightly taller? (picrel) My bf says it's uncomfortable for him to stand because he has to go on tiptoes
No. 312522
There's a guy who I have been interested in for a while, he's also interested in me. We are currently taking our relationship slow and going out on dates we had sex for the first time last year.
At first the sex was really bad and awkward with him struggling to get his dick fully inside me or him pulling intense faces. He's only 5'8" and has more of an average build while I'm 5'11" and I have a full figured bodyshape with long legs.
We tried it doggy on the bed and missionary before we ended up finding it best when I am bent over on all fours on the edge bed while he's standing and fucking me from behind (to answer
>>312472 question). The issue I am having is that when I last met up with him he was open to me about worrying that my weight is effecting our sex in other positions… but the thing is that I had sex with skinner and bigger guys in other positions before and there has never been an issue (other than me struggling to be ontop).
I am going to start hitting the gym again soon for my own health but I am actually wondering if it is my weight effecting the sex positions or if it could be something to do with the height difference or angle/positioning. I did have sex with a short guy before in doggy on the bed and I dont remember having issues with that either.
No. 314138
>>312522He’s a pathetic manlet who can’t handle his own ineptitude so he’s pushing the blame on you to protect his ego.
You should be straightforward and tell him none of your other past partners struggled with sex and it seems like he’s only one that’s ever had a problem. He’s the common denominator in all the issues.
No. 314359
>>314310I literally don't care I will run to the sink and spit that shit out. Or make him cum in your hands or on his belly. It's super hot
>>314342>don't want a full mouth of cum and spit to the point where it'll burst outOh god this reminds me of the time it went into my nose from my throat reee
No. 315015
>>314138yeah, he already knows the sex was bad at first with us and I should tell him but then again I dont want to put him down too much about the sex I had with other guys to make him realise that it might be him and his lack of experience. I sometimes feel like telling him to go and get some sex experience if he really thinks my weight is effecting our experience with other sex positions. I forgot to mention that I am the second person he had sexual experience with, the first time he had sex with someone was during a hook up at a festival 5-10 years ago.
I think the only main difference between him and other guys I had sex with is that most times it takes him a while to cum, could be from the amount of porn he watches or us only having sex once every few months but who knows. All I know is that he really is into me and is willing to push away some of his sexual fantasies to make me happy and comfortable.
>>314188yeah I agree, I had quite a lot of people interested in my body and curves especially when im confident in myself. Dont get me wrong, the guy that I have been interested in does like my curves and how it feels in doggy but at the same time he struggles to get it in with other positions.Thank you anon for the reply though.
I just remembered that when I last met him he wanted to try another position where he sits on the edge of the bed and i would sit on him, with him holding my weight. but I felt too insecure about it and didnt even know where to put my legs, let alone how it would slip in.
No. 316106
Lately I've been having thoughts of wanting to find a big hot muscular man and just have plain vanilla sex with him and have a normal relationship with him outside that. I don't want to fuck strangers and I have zero interest in romantic things. I think the main point here is that I'm still very inexperienced and have never been in a relationship before. I don't want to end up feeling devalued and just like some side piece or trophy for him. I think for one, I should never try to alter my appearance to please him, I don't want any gifts or whatnot, I don't want to go out on cutesy dates or act sweet and affectionate toward him since that all sounds extremely degrading to me in my opinion. I dunno, I mean, would any attractive man even want me? I can't keep up in any sports and I have absolutely zero muscle definition, I'm only slightly larger than average, and I'm not very social and mostly only care about nerdy shit like computers, electronics, video games, and anime. I might be having unrealistic ideals of a relationship that are born of inexperience. Should I just be upfront about wanting sex with an attractive male and try to find one on a dating website and get to know him first? How could I get along with someone so different based entirely on superficial attractiveness?
No. 316197
>>316106I’m getting virgin vibes from this post. I hope you find what you’re after anon, but take care of yourself along the way. Just be aware that when you are intimate with someone you feel attracted to your body produces a lot of feel-good hormones, it’s like being on a drug and took me by surprise the first time. I think platonic sex can work but it’s riskier for women, especially when you are so inexperienced.
I might be wrong, but it sounds like you want to explore sex and intimacy but feel like you are not “gf material” (or not good enough for the kind of man you’re attracted to), so instead of risking rejection you look for a fwb situation because it lets you feel like you are in control. I could probably have written this post myself 10 years ago. I’m sure you can find a million hot muscular men who would be happy to fuck you, but for the fwb thing you also need chemistry and boundaries.
>I don't want to go out on cutesy dates or act sweet and affectionate toward him since that all sounds extremely degrading to me in my opinionMaybe I misunderstand this part but I don’t think there’s anything inherently degrading in acting sweet/affectionate towards someone you’re having vanilla sex with lol, but maybe I’m a slut. I feel like it’s normal human interaction and the person usually treats you nice in return.
>Should I just be upfront about wanting sex with an attractive male and try to find one on a dating website and get to know him first?Yea I would probably just give Tinder a go
No. 316381
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How protected am I from pregnancy if I use birth control pills (take them daily, same time every day and have been on them for years for my period) + my partner uses a condom? I feel like I'm finally ready to have sex with my long term boyfriend but I'm still kind of scared of pregnancy. I read online the safety is 99.9% with these combined methods used perfectly. I'm tired of living my life afraid, I know there's plenty of people that just use 1 method and are fine, so.. should I really be that worried about it nonnies if i'm careful?
No. 316569
>>316381you are extremely protected. No one can say there is zero chance in the universe you will get pregnant but there is basically zero chance in the universe you will get pregnant.
fyi I would still get you and your partner tested for stds before you bone raw, some things can even be transmitted through oral contact so it's a good idea regardless and std testing is usually free anyway (idk I'm paranoid and did this for myself and I don't regret it even though everything came back negative, he didn't mind either which I think was a good sign and a good shit-test in retrospect lol)
No. 316782
>>316738I was on them as a kid too, and I thought I was asexual for a while (I had fantasises often and liked erotica but didn't have crushes or enjoy masturbating). Zoloft and Lexapro seem to be the worst medications I read about since they're the old-school kinds, even a small dose of Zoloft zapped my libido completely and made it feel like I had nothing down there.
>My psych said it might be zoloft but it might also be a mental block but like how am I supposed to know?I also had doctors try to tell me that's a "mental/psychological issue" but my sensitivity wasn't nearly as bad until my dosage changed. It's blaming the patient for something they prescribed without informed consent. It's been almost 5 years, and I'm slowly regaining feeling (including capacity for physical arousal), I used to be incapable of orgasming without a Vibratex wands on the highest setting, but now even a low setting is too intense for me. So there's hope.
>No one told me the serious side effects as a kid, I guess they don't think we're having sex at 12 but…I wasn't even told of the side effects as a grown adult, I was only informed that it would affect pregnancy if I did. It's so sexist. If a man has erectile dysfunction from medication they can give him Viagra or have him taper off, but I was always told that it's a me problem or a symptom of being depressed (it's not, I still have diagnosed clinical depression even when my libido is high) and to suck it up, or just try yet another SSRI/SNRI.
No. 316886
>>316884He's full of bullshit and you should run away. That is completely untrue, and so is blue balls.
If you do choose to hang out with him again and you are safe and he says the same thing, tell him "Sorry, I'm too young to be with someone who has erectile dysfunction" and leave, never speaking to him again.
No. 316888
>>316885>>316886He ""claims"" to not watch porn. That was my first thought too. I didn't know if there could be another explanation possibly. Maybe it's time to have a really awkward conversation.
Fuck. I really liked this one.
No. 316908
>>316888Could just be nerves.
He could be overthinking.
No. 316912
>>316908And a handjob helps him get his thoughts in order?
Lol shut up
No. 321539
Anons. I'm 21 and I just lost my virginity, and honestly I don't know how to feel about the whole ordeal. He's a nice enough guy and everything but I think at some point during the date beforehand I just lost my attraction to him. I think his dick was on the smaller or slightly smaller than average size because I felt pain when he first went in, but after that when he was fucking me it didn't feel like much was happening? (There was some blood afterwards so I know it happened) His dick also slipped out a few times so idk if its just because he was small, but I didn't feel any pleasure from it, it's the next day and I also don't feel any pain down there. Before this when masturbating I would only ever do clit stimulation over underwear, but I was feeling too shy and insecure to straight up touch my clit with him. And this was another thing, I've always been a very ticklish and squeamish type of person, so every time he tried to kiss my neck or down my body like on my stomach I kept squirming away and even burst out laughing a few times, but he didn't seem to get that I was uncomfortable with that. I generally am not a touchy feely type of person, so his constant licks and his open mouth kisses and his scratchy beard were all off putting. Also, afterwards it was really funny how he was dripping in sweat and out of breath and I was just completely normal kek. I don't know nonas. Like I said he's a really sweet guy and he seems to keep wanting to see me, and my own insecurities about my body didn't seem to bother him at all, but I'm starting to feel that the attraction just wasn't there. He wanted to do it again this morning, but I just wanted to get out of there and get home. I feel like the problem is with me because he would caress me and kiss me but I just wasn't into it (I half did this just for the experience and in that regard I guess I was glad I got it over with, but now I am majorly underwhelmed and am also dealing with some slight catholic guilt)
The only thing I'm not sure about is whether this was a standard first time and I just have to keep pushing myself to just loosen up and enjoy it like I told myself multiple times during. I just don't know if I can handle being with someone so touchy all the time when I really fucking hate that. I want to say this to him but I'm not very assertive and couldn't even articulate how much I hate PDA when he kept trying to open mouth kiss me and hold me on our date. There's so much more I want to blogpost about but don't want to write an even bigger wall of text
No. 321621
>>321449Some women can only come from oral, some women don't even like it. Everyone is different. Maybe hands and piv are the two things that does it for you.
>>321620She isn't talking about foreplay though, she is talking about oral sex.
No. 328188
>>328120Idk how to help you but I had a bf with the same habit and that shit is so off-putting. First time we had sex he held his breath to orgasm and it genuinely scared me. I was like wtf was that and he explained the same you said. I said stop that or I'm not having sex with you, that shit's scary. The last thing I want to think about during sex is whether someone will collapse over me and die from not breathing. Because it looks that way.
Anyway, he said sure, and stopped doing it. Idk how he did it, but my threat worked. And I totally would have dumped him if it didn't. That kind of sex was too stressful.
No. 328195
>>328175As anon here
>>328178 said you should start by asking yourself why do you want to desire sex more. Do you want it for yourself or for the sake of someone else? Besides your baseline libido which cannot really be changed at will, your hormones and general lifestyle may affect how much you want to have sex. Are you having a lot of stress, are you sleeping enough etc.
No. 328498
>>328486How old are you? I was a socially retarded horny femcel like you into my early 20s. Long story short going out drinking solved this for me, but I by no means endorse my past behavior and it was a dark time in my life. As long as you are young and within a healthy BMI, you’d be surprised by the guys you can score when it’s just sex. If you are obese, my impression is you need to try harder to look good and either be extremely picky or chose from bottom of the barrel. My fat friend fucks around a lot. We live in Europe and she only sleeps with African/Middle Eastern immigrants that pester her for anal sex all the time, it’s so bleak. These days you have all kinds of apps for hooking up so you can give it a try, but keep in mind when you screw a guy you’re attracted to the hormones your body produce are intense. When I was young and stupid it caught me off guard and I accidentally fell in love with a dude which sucked. However I think these horny feelings won't go away on their own and it's a normal learning experience. Just take the normal precautions to stay as safe as possible.
Also keep in mind while I was horny and desperate for sex, there was also a part of me that wanted to experience romance and just feeling like I was good enough and casual sex won’t give you this.
No. 328500
>>328498im thin, early 20s. im just kind of mid looking, dont know how to do makeup and dont dress up bc autismo sensory problems+poorfag atm. i dont like alcohol and wouldnt go to clubs to hook up because theyre full of uggos. theres a handsome guy on my floor at work who i am thinking about in particular when i wrote my first post but that wouldnt work, hes not with my company so we dont even talk.
i might try the apps but moids are so annoying it turns me off lol. something is weird with my brain where i become repulsed by someone after im done fucking him lol. ive had sex with a couple of men and ended up completely ghosting both of them because they got so annoying and would always pester me when i was busy. i felt absolutely nothing but sexual desire for either.
>>328490if only, part of the stress relief for me is the sensory element of a warm weight on me so that wouldnt scratch the itch. sad
No. 328974
>>328954You don’t get better at sex from sleeping with a bunch of different people one time, you get better at sex from doing it repeatedly with someone you’re comfortable with who tells you what they like and don’t like.
I personally told my first boyfriend that even though I wanted to be with him forever, I knew with the type of person I was I probably couldn’t marry the person I lost my virginity to without exploring more. I’m a curious person, it is what it is. I told him that when I was 16, and after some years apart we are back in each others lives at 23 and intend to settle down together one day, for other reasons now just isn’t the time.
Explore sex with someone you’re comfortable with then decide if you deep down feel like you need to explore more. If you have no like personal crises about sleeping with one person that’s fine, but I have some friends going through that right now. One was content never sleeping with anyone else. One is having an identity crisis about it, and that’s not something you can just buckle down and get through, it’ll come back whether in a month or 20 years. Do what you gotta. People are different you know what you need.
But you will, in terms of performance, probably get better at sex by getting comfortable with one person in the beginning.
No. 329132
Right so me and my nigel generally have a great sex life, we're very compatible and our libidos seem to match up.
However, I've recently found myself faking orgasms in a few instances. I think it's because usually I orgasm pretty fast, almost always earlier than he does and regularly multiple times too. However there are some instances where I'm feeling good but not quite getting there, and at those times I sometimes feel kind of pressured to orgasm anyway, lest he feels like he did a bad job. Also sometimes I just had my fun and don't want to continue forever, and I know he'll wait for me to cum before we stop.
I only do it a very small percentage of the times, and it's always when I'm very close anyway, but still, is this stupid? I don't mind it that much, but I also feel weird faking it.
No. 329965
I have a good relationship with my Nigel. It's been a year though and I think the difference in libido is getting to me. We agreed to have sex when we're not tired or too full and all that, so weve been fucking for once a week.
I thought it was fine for me at first, but recently I've been having many wet dreams about muscle hunk type of guys, and i've been catching myself 'miring other guys in waking life, too. For reference, my Nigel is a skinny nerd, which is a kind of guy I've loved since I was a little kid so its even weirder that I'm eyeing a completely different faction of moid. I feel kinda terrible about it and I thought I'd never be one of those people who start to be attracted to their partners opposite. I think it's really primitive and I'm embarrassed.
I have enough self restraint to not do such a shitty thing like cheat on my bf, and besides, we have a great thing together, so id be stupid to break up with him just cause I want to fuck a buff guy with issues.
Main thing is, I don't find myself attracted to him as much anymore. He turns down sex more than he accepts it and it's hard for him to cum sometimes, though he doesn't have ED. He always 100% without fail eats me out and it's unlikely he watches porn in his spare time, but yknow, this site taught me that nothing is impossible. I just want him to really rail me like a freaking animal, I guess.
Maybe this seems rambley. All I really wanna know is how to feel lust for my Nigel again.
No. 329970
>>329965I’m sorry anon, but if he turns down sex that frequently and it’s hard for him to nut, those are common red flags that he’s watching porn or getting off in other ways to a degree where sex with you isn’t cutting it anymore.
It sounds to me like you’re not lusting after him because he’s not lusting after you. I think sexual desires can give fuel to each other, but he’s choosing not to spend his sexual energy on you which in return makes you stop seeing him in that light. This sounds like a problem you need to fix together and not by yourself, or you need to next him.
No. 332404
I've come to the conclusion that the placement of our bedroom is stunting our sex life, and romantic life in general.
Ever since we moved from a one-bedroom apartment where all our living area was on one floor, Nigel and I could easily lay in bed together for a few minutes to cuddle, and it was easier for one of us to initiate sex whenever we wanted.
Now, we live in a bigger apartment. Our bedroom is on the second floor, and it's the only thing on the second floor besides a bathroom and the laundry room. Basically, you only go upstairs to do chores or sleep. We have a TV up there, but it's barely used. If we want to have sex, we'll attempt on the couch (we've only done this once), but it's not as comfortable as the bed, which you basically have to make more of an effort to go up to the bed compared to any other place.
Is there any way this can be resolved? I'm thinking maybe it's best to switch our 2nd bedroom that we use to place our desks and computers with our master bedroom upstairs, because you'd still need to go downstairs to use the kitchen to grab a snack or something.
No. 332814
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>married for five years
>Have only had sex a handful of times in that period
>Husband has phimosis which makes sex painful unless he uses a cream several times a day
>I'm on antidepressants so my drive is already low
>We don't have any marital problems
I don't know how to talk about this with him or tell him it's okay. Everytime we talk about it he's like "oh yeah I'll start using that cream more and we'll have sex all the time" I know he isn't like porn addicted or anything and we are still very affectionate with each other so I'm not sure if it's even a real issue. Should I press this and figure it out? I don't want this turning into a thing years down the line. I'm happy with our relationship and so is he I think but I can't tell if this is a problem or just societal norms freaking me out.
No. 332845
>>332814I feel like this situation is a little bit on you as well. It’s been 5 years, if you want to have a sex life at all you need to have a serious talk with him. Tell him sex is important to you and you don’t wanna live the rest of your life like this. Otherwise you are either in for celibacy for the remainders of your days together, or you need to find someone else to fuck. Even tho he has phimosis he may still masturbate in secret. Tbh I can picture a scenario in which he prefers to get off on his own simply because sex is too painful and too much of an effort or something. I find it a little sus that he is not more proactive in trying to fix this.
My ex had phimosis, although not as severe as your husband’s so we could still have sex, but it was uncomfortable for me. Imo phimosis is the only situation in which getting a circumcision is ok. If the creams aren’t helpful, he should consult a surgeon to find out what his options are. One of my guy friends also has phimosis, and apparently there might be surgical ways to fix it that don’t require circumcision, though results may vary (my friend told me he would prefer getting cut, but his surgeon didn’t want to because he needed to have a “pretty penis” kek). If your bf decides to get cut, then be prepared for healing to take longer than you’d expect (you don’t need to tell him this, just know that you still might have to wait a while before having sex). I’m sure it depends on which procedure he goes for.
No. 333405
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Does anyone have any tips for gently correcting technique with guys without making it awkward or ruining the momentum? I basically have a lot of trouble advocating for myself even in a fwb situation where it should be totally acceptable to be self-centered. Basically: What kind of stuff do you say if someone's earnestly trying to get you off but just not doing it right without bringing it to a screeching halt and still being sexy?
No. 333418
>>333405set up your expectations beforehand / during foreplay. you could propose a game where he has to get a sound of pleasure from you. each time he does something good enough to make you respond, you advance in small steps past foreplay.
obviously you have to make sure not to play sexy during this or it will defeat the point (no making noises just to move things along or get a rise out of him). the less response you have if he's not really hitting the good spots, the better. framing it like a game will keep him from thinking you're just disinterested or suddenly got into dead-fish play.
just an idea. for the record I think it's ok to bring it to a screeching halt sometimes and go "I don't know how to tell you this but that feels like nothing" and kill his boner a little before he gets too far ahead of himself.
No. 334107
>>333405Gently moving/repositioning their hands should be enough to get them to pause and ask for a little direction or what you want them to do better. Ie if he’s
rubbing your clit and you reach down and move his hand around a little bit he should take that as a hint that the current approach isn’t working and that you need something else. If he can’t take non-verbal hints then he shouldn’t be having sex kek.
No. 334127
>>333430I felt a similar way with my ex. A man taking care of himself and having some pride in his health and appearance is important. It says a lot about him and his priorities if he can't be fucked to do the bare fucking minimum to better himself, like having a shave, regular haircuts, taking care of his body etc.
Does he have drive in other aspects of his life? career? goals? Sadly a lot of the truly sweet guys are fucking lazy and unmotivated.
No. 334188
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Nonas please help me. Why am I still shy and self conscious about sex? I’m 32, my husband and I have been together for over a decade. Last night he asked why I never initiate sex and I’m realizing that the thought of doing that terrifies me and I don’t know why. He has worshipped the ground I walk on since we were young kids. He’s always telling me how attractive he finds me and I genuinely do believe everything he says. We have good sex but I know it could be so much better if I could loosen up. It’s like sex is the only thing in our relationship (in my whole life!) that I feel vulnerable and weird about.
I feel like such a loser asking this but is there like a course I can take or book I can read about this? I am a confident person in every other aspect of my life, I don’t know why sex makes me so awkward. My husband is hot, I know what he likes, there are so many things I want to do with him but I get so embarrassed over how I might look/sound and I just freeze up. For example even something basic like if he asks what I want during sex, I can’t get myself to say anything.
I still feel as shy as I did the first time I fooled around with a guy when I was 16. I was head over heels for him, desperately horny, and yet I was so uncomfortable and awkward that we had to turn taking my clothes off into a game. It took like half a hour for me to get undressed. The difference is back then I hated my body, I don’t have that problem anymore. So I don’t know why I’m still like this!
Sorry for the disjointed novel. The revelation that my attitude towards sex have barely matured in 16 years is really freaking me out.
No. 334199
My bf lost his erection while he was going down on me last night. I've struggled with no sex drive for most of our 10+ year long relationship and I recently regained desire, massively. He's gone through a lot of basically sexless years (yes, years) with me. Now I'm suddenly insatiable. We had already messed around and both came earlier in the day, and I know he was just trying to perform to satisfy me a second time because I really wanted it, which I appreciate, but he's always rock hard for me and it was pretty disappointing to realize he had gone somewhat soft. I swear I think he faked his orgasm too. He is normally very responsive so I'm thinking it was just because we were stoned as hell and had already fucked earlier. I stopped letting him go down on me a long time ago because back then I was uncomfortable with sex but now I really want it. I hope he didn't lose his hard-on because he doesn't like giving head anymore. He's also a lot less exciting and dominant (not in a kink way, in a regular, taking control way) now. We're getting sober again so I hope his virility comes back. Normally our "problem" is that we both cum super fast because we've been deprived for so long and we're crazy about each other, so this boner issue is taking me aback a bit. I hate that he tries to fake orgasms also because he'll cum, and then pretend he didn't, and then pretend he did a minute or so later. Like, it's fine dude we both know why you're cumming quickly, it's not your fault, we can work through it together. I don't even know what the point of this post is. I just want to have a lot of sex.
No. 334247
>>334188I mean it sounds like something a therapist could help walk you through better, but are there any experiences you can think of that may have given you a sense of deep shame in initiating? Did you have a very religious upbringing? Did you have a very hurtful rejection? I'd advise you to talk to a professional to figure out the root cause especially since you say you're not an insecure person overall, and then you can brainstorm ideas to help ease out of that habit.
>>334199Sorry to say but guys just lose erections sometimes, especially if you've already had one round and been going for a while. If you think he didn't enjoy it or find you attractive while eating you out then ask him directly but without being accusatory. Just something like "hey, do you have idea why you lost your erection during oral? Its fine if it was just a random thing but if there's something I can do better I want to know".
No. 334283
>>334263I appreciate the concern
nonnie. He can definitely cum tho. My suspicion about the sex in question is that he may have faked it because he was tired and didn't want to be fucking anymore. I really wish he would have just said so, but I understand why he didn't. The other times I think he was faking was because he had actually cum minutes earlier but was embarrassed that it happened so fast.
>>334247>guys just lose erections sometimes, especially if you've already had one round and been going for a whileThanks for the reassurance nonna. I'm pretty sure that's what it was. If it happens again I'm going to address it but I think I'll let this go for now.
>>334260Ahh okay, I actually didn't know this. Which is absolutely nuts because I've been with this man for 12 years. My sexual issues kept us from exploring much, and when we did fuck, it lasted like 5 minutes every time because we would both cum fast. Which has been great and satisfying… until now. I'm really excited and looking forward to developing our sexual relationship now that I have a sexual appetite again. I feel really bad for putting him through a sexless relationship for so long, especially now that I know how intense the desire is, and how disappointing it is when your partner isn't on the same level.
No. 335821
>>335788I've had the copper IUD for about three months now. Insertion sucked, and the ovulation and first period afterwards were incredibly painful, I'm talking a week or so where I could suddenly be incapacitated by the pain. I almost decided to remove it during that first period but I decided to stick it out and I never experienced that pain again. I have zero side effects now. So basically the first 6 weeks or so can be quite nasty but it does get better and for me the reassurance of not having to think about it for 10 years is worth it.
There were also some posts about the non-hormonal IUD in the birth control thread a while back, you might want to check those out.
No. 336709
>>336660If it only lasts a few hours you might be allergic to something he ate or he might have eaten something that irritated you like spicy foods before he went down.
Oh wait sorry, I missed the first one being two days later. I guess it could still be some kind of allergy but that's strange… Does it always only last a few hours?
No. 336730
I need some advice, nonnies. My partner (we've been together for eleven years) has sexual fantasies about me cheating on him for a long time. He is incredibly turned on by the idea, begging me to do it every time we have sex. He doesn't want to be right there, he wants to come after that, he doesn't want a stranger to cum in me, he wants to cum in me himself after that. He promises me that then I can want anything (he knows that I want to go to New Zealand, it has always been my dream). I trust him on that. The problem is, I'm not that type. I can't imagine actually sleeping with someone else, I don't know how I would feel. I'm basically monogamous type, I simply don't have those dreams. As Rp, I can pretending it (It's cringe, I must cum first, then I can roleplay, for me this is turn-off), but he wants to make it happen. Please help nonnies, should I do it? Does anyone have any similar experience? Will it fuck my mind?
No. 336731
I need some advice, nonnies. My partner (we've been together for eleven years) has sexual fantasies about me cheating on him for a long time. He is incredibly turned on by the idea, begging me to do it every time we have sex. He doesn't want to be right there, he wants to come after that, he doesn't want a stranger to cum in me, he wants to cum in me himself after that. He promises me that then I can want anything (he knows that I want to go to New Zealand, it has always been my dream). I trust him on that. The problem is, I'm not that type. I can't imagine actually sleeping with someone else, I don't know how I would feel. I'm basically monogamous type, I simply don't have those dreams. As Rp, I can pretending it (It's cringe, I must cum first, then I can roleplay, for me this is turn-off), but he wants to make it happen. Please help nonnies, should I do it? Does anyone have any similar experience? Will it fuck my mind?
No. 336732
I need some advice, nonnies. My partner (we've been together for eleven years) has sexual fantasies about me cheating on him for a long time. He is incredibly turned on by the idea, begging me to do it every time we have sex. He doesn't want to be right there, he wants to come after that, he doesn't want a stranger to cum in me, he wants to cum in me himself after that. He promises me that then I can want anything (he knows that I want to go to New Zealand, it has always been my dream). I trust him on that. The problem is, I'm not that type. I can't imagine actually sleeping with someone else, I don't know how I would feel. I'm basically monogamous type, I simply don't have those dreams. As Rp, I can pretending it (It's cringe, I must cum first, then I can roleplay, for me this is turn-off), but he wants to make it happen. Please help nonnies, should I do it? Does anyone have any similar experience? Will it fuck my mind?
No. 336737
>>336731Also tell him to reflect on how fucked up he is and get his shit together while you go to New Zealand by your self, when you get back he better never bring it up again if he wants you to stay with him.
By the way the fact that he doesn’t want the guy to cum in you means he won’t be able to handle you sleeping with another guy at all and he will have serious residual jealousy issues that will ruin your relationship
No. 336739
>>336731He thinks he knows what he wants until he gets it. Don't fall for it. Men don't know their own fucking feelings and he'll resent you for fulfilling his wish.
>>336737 is 100% correct, this sort of thing maybe works with an FWB or a hookup, but it'll destroy your relationship.
No. 336766
>>336731I don't mean to scare you
nonny but i'd check to see if he has a reddit account or something else to see if he's been posting on those 'fuck my wife/girlfriend' subreddits just to make sure
No. 336797
>>336766 100% no. Simply because his English is total shit, plus all devices in or household are linked through my accounts. (except for Steam and similar ones where he doesn't even log out). Also he would have to log out me first. Bf is not secretive in these matters, he has never been ashamed in front of me about those things. His only acc is in his phone, which is the property of his employer. So he doesn't allow himself any stupid things there, at most he plays some shitty games on it.
nonnie who wrote about it being some self-insert porn fantasy is propably correct. Bf looks at things like "natural tits, blowjobs etc., and then some particular porn actresses. I'llcheck on it.
No. 337252
>>337014It's more like 80%
>>336996But that's the thing. You don't have experience. You imagine it through a porn/romance movie filtered view that has nothing to do with reality. Most men, like 99%, are terrible lovers. They won't even find your clit if you point it out to them and they couldn't eat pussy good if their life depended on it with a gun to their head. Idk if a woman would be better, but you said the woman you want to do it with also has no experience so I doubt it. You gotta make your own experiences and choices but prepare to be disappointed.
No. 337344
>>336660Do you pee after every encounter? Even if its just tongue or hands you should still pee immediately after to help prevent UTIs. Other than that he doesn't have to be noticeably disgusting to give you a UTI with oral, mouths in general are bacteria factories. You can try to take a cranberry supplement to make your urine harder for bacteria to take hold in but other than that it might just be a thing you get used to?
>>336730Don't indulge any fetish you aren't comfortable with. Tell him you aren't comfortable with this and explain that maybe his fantasy is better off a fantasy. The only way to have complete control over this scenario like he wants is by hiring an escort or a bull and again, if you are not comfortable with and even excited by this idea don't even bother.
No. 337414
>>337252>>337002I do understand these points and it's why I feel weird about bringing up virginity to any casual partner. I'm anyway just gonna experiment with my friend first till I'm a lil more comfortable with that kind of intimacy. She's not a stranger to me and what I want is to get used to being intimate with someone. Idc about her inexperience, I think it's fun that we can both learn what makes another woman feel good through each other.
Also do get that sex might be marginally better orgasms (or worse ig) for a lot more risk. I probably implied it but I'm not looking to jump on the first guy I see. If he seems like a creep, loser, or asshole then I have no issue stopping it right then. I relent, it'll probably suck a lot at first regardless cause idk what I'm doing, what he's supposed to be doing, can't communicate what I want nor know what I want, etc etc. But like, I'm still gonna do it lol so this "just don't, there are no respectful men" advice is ass.
No. 337536
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how do you and your bf develop a sexual… pattern or whatever?
my bf and i live together and on top of being busy often we get tired and we're both easily distracted and we dont really have a high libido but lately we've been talking about wanting to have sex more and every night we'll push it off because we're like, lazy idk. or we'll be super into something else where we just can't get in the mood. we get lost in our thoughts, lost in the sauce. no fucking idea how people have sex regularly. is this an autist thing? we've been living together for years and are best friends but it's like we literally forget about sex idk
No. 337847
>>337536Do you regularly kiss and show non-sexual physical affection? For me and my bf, we'll be sitting on the couch or lying in bed just kissing or cuddling a bit, which will escalate into making out and caressing each other, which then turns both of us on and naturally escalates into sex.
Obviously kissing and such doesn't always turn into sex and there's no set expectation from either of us that it will, but the fact that we regularly show physical affection during most days creates a lot of 'moments of opportunity' for things to escalate. So for example we always kiss and cuddle a bit when we're laying in bed and about to go to sleep or just woke up. Those moments work the best imo because you're not distracted mentally by any other activity.
That being said, if both your libidos aren't that high then it's okay to not have sex that often. Why do you want to have more sex? Is it because you'd really like to, or because you feel like you should? Plenty of relationships work just fine without sex being a huge part of it.
No. 339527
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>>339524Just chose a position where you can press your legs together? Like you laying on your side and him spooning you from behind or you laying on your belly (picrel) or instead of spreading your legs when you are on your back just keep your legs closed and put them on his shoulder or pull them up to your chest.
No. 339582
>>339524I don't have an exact answer to your question, but I can tell you I had, and have always had, the exact same issue. When I first started masturbating, I did it in a weird way where I'd lie on my stomach, ball my hand into a fist, put it under my clit and dry hump it over my clothes. I genuinely think doing this for years made my clit less sensitive, and that combined with sexual trauma makes it VERY hard to finish when I'm with a partner. With my current bf, we've managed to solve that issue by finding a specific position that works for us, and I use a vibrator. In the times we have sex I'm essentially learning to relax my body as I can feel myself about to climax, and once we're comfortable doing it this way, we're going to try something similar, but different. I'd say find ways to sort of replicate how you get off on your own like
>>339527 said, and don't be afraid to use a vibrator to help you out!
No. 340592
>>340574If you are currently single and have the opportunity to fulfill this fantasy, I’d jump on the chance. You’re gonna be nervous no matter what, but ime once you are there and stuff starts happening adrenaline takes over and you go with the flow.
It’s cliché but I think enthusiasm and confidence outranks a few extra pounds or whatever your source of insecurity is, especially when you are having a threesome. If it’s just a hook-up most guys aren’t that nitpicky, they’re just happy to get some, especially if this is a fantasy they also share. All my threesomes have been spur of the moment, but because you’re in the position of getting to plan things in advance, have the talk about what turns you on and most importantly boundaries. A common theme I’ve heard with threesomes gone wrong is that one of the parties feels left out sexually or emotionally, so keep that in mind. Also accept that things can get awkward after the fact, but that’s the case with any sexual encounter. I hope it'll be a fun experience for you nona!
No. 342474
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>>255962Suggestion: maybe show your bf clips of Ethan Slater from the spongebob musical. It might help him get into character.
No. 342592
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Do any nonnas here have experience avoiding pregnancy via natural/holistic methods?
I know it's farfetched and crazy to want unprotected sex without using more conventional contraceptive methods (like pills, IUD's, etc), but I'd still like to know if there's other natural and healthier alternatives methods worth looking into.Even if it's not a 100% guarantee and maybe 60%-80% effective at best.
No. 342603
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>>342592I feel like my advice is going to get you pregnant, but I've been using the rhythm method and pull out successfully for eleven years. Personally, I use this chart but I'm more strict about it. My cycle is almost exactly 28 days and 12 hours, but I only allow him to come in me on days 23 through 5. Otherwise he pulls out, but he also has really great control and there's never been an accidental ejaculation. Don't have vaginal sex or frottage if he's ejaculated within the last four hours and always make him pee beforehand.
It has risks. Most people use pull out or the rhythm method incorrectly, so it has an almost 20% failure rate. But if used correctly, it has a 4% failure rate. Also, there are great fertility tracking apps, but they openly sell your information to advertisers and to the government, so if abortion may become illegal in your state, avoid them.
If you're looking for hormone free, have you considered lamb skin condoms or a diaphragm?
No. 342622
>>342592Look into fertility awareness method (secular)/ natural family planning (catholic so they don’t use condoms during fertile windows). You track your cycle and ovulation through taking your basal body temperature at a consistent time every morning upon waking up and observing your cervical mucus to confirm ovulation. Taking charge of your fertility book and the sensiplan method are two that you can learn on your own without instructors and ones like the Marquette method you have to learn with instructors. I can’t attest to how well it works for unprotected because I use condoms and just observe my cervical mucus to “confirm” ovulation as a backup method to avoid pregnancy but there’s a lot of people who have lots of success with just this method and combining it with techniques such as pulling out. It’s recommended that you use protection while you chart your cycle the first three months so you can understand your body and mitigate risk.
The rhythm method that the other Nona mentions tends to assume ovulation around day 14 but women can ovulate at any day in their cycle, and it’s different for everybody and even different between cycles. This is why so many people fuck up rhythm method because they’re not diligent enough and just assume ovulation at this one day or have unprotected sex before ovulation which can be risky as sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for up to five days.
It’s definitely a lot of research but imo it’s worthwhile, even just as a way to get more in tune with your body and your cycles and to learn about women’s fertility patterns. There’s a subreddit where you can read about other people’s experiences and see what charting your temperatures look like too. FAMnNFP is the name of it. FAM is highly effective if you take the time to learn it and put in the effort.
No. 342794
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Nonnas I need some advice, my bf has stopped doing foreplay and pretty much anything to get me off during sex except for thrusting hard into me. Like he will go in when im hardly wet and just use his spit to force it in. Anyways how do i train him to care more about me during sex? He thinks just because he has a big D that he doesnt need to do anything else. I give him head all the time and caress his body with kisses. I told him hes getting lazy and he admitted to it then just goes back to being lazy after a day. Im honestly just so sick of men at this point and about to become a political lesbian.
No. 342822
>>342683>>342695I do it about every other day depending on what else I'm doing that day but I've also had phases where it was at least once a day.
Interestingly enough I also notice that weed makes me hornier, personally I think it's largely because of the tactile effects. Like my body gets more sensitive to touch and something as minor as fabric sliding across my nipples as I move can be enough for my brain to go into horny mode.
No. 343150
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>>342794Update I told him i need to be more ready otherwise ot hurts and he said we have no time, then he goes back to normal dry rubbing my clit it was so boring i fell asleep. I tried to tell him again this morning and he doesnt wanna try anymore because ive been blue balling him (saying no to sex if im not wet”. He also said women dont need to nut during sex and its not his fault if i dont nut during PIV its my own fault since he “fucks me so good”. Nonnas I just want to feel wanted….
No. 343169
>>343133It’s not hypochondria to be worried about someone having STIs from previous partners. It’s just safe sex. Have him get tested and if it gives you peace of mind, get tested too. You can get some STI testing done during your regular pap smear and pelvic exam or you can get a full panel done. There are places in the US that do it for free or low cost. And if you haven’t already, get your HPV vaccine. HPV is currently undetectable in males and you can get it from oral. I don’t want to scare you, but it’s best to protect yourself and always get tested in between partners. You deserve safe fun sex where you don’t have to worry about your health being risked nona. This nona
>>343136 has good advice too.
No. 343184
>>343150I'm gonna a-log, fucking hell. I didn't know I could feel second-hand disrespected lol. this guy is a knob, kill him and hide the body he's a waste of space! (just kidding)
leave him and never look back.
No. 343201
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>>343199I've noticed that too. It can be informative to know what positions are pleasurable and I find the general placement of my legs is very important for orgasming but other than that I can't offer any insight. I swear parts of my clit are deeper than normal and go all the way back to my ass or something because I seem to have a large erogenous area but it's hard to stimulate since it's internal. stretching and firm pressure feels good. I think it has something to do with stimulating the crura of the clitoris (the "legs") but I don't know, this pdf is informative No. 343441
>>343440ntayrt, but get some laundry soda. It's cheap and will boost your detergent's washing power - whether you have a front- or top-loader will influence how much you need (front you need less, top more). If your discharge isn't getting washed out, your clothes aren't getting washing properly to begin with.
There's something seriously wrong with your household if you can't even control how your clothes are washed so do something about that before you worry about sex. Hope things work out for you
No. 343450
>>343397if you're bleeding on your panties then your partner already knows you're on your period and is probably getting blood on his/her hands/mouth so you might as well keep the liner, you're not hiding anything. put on a fresh thin liner before you fool around instead of just throwing it out and not replacing it.
I also agree with the other nonacita's conclusion, the fact that you cannot exercise any autonomy over how your clothes are washed and the fact that you are wearing dirty clothes as a result is a more pressing issue than being embarrassed over panty liners. unless you are underage it's really weird to be this timid about your own environment and hygiene. so what if your parents don't want you to wash your panties in the sink, do it anyway. are they gonna beat you?
No. 343459
>>343448Who said anything about breaking up? Just pointing out you have bigger problems than you think.
You can control what they do with your washing because they're your clothes. Do your clothes all get washed together? Another possibility is that there's too much in the machine to agitate the clothes and launder them properly.
No. 343498
there are also cheap travel detergents ideal for use in a sink. fucking bizarre
No. 343572
>>343397The real answer to the pantyliner problem, other than learning to stand up for yourself and wash your own fucking clothes and not reject every piece of advice given to you, is that if you're having sex with a guy and you trust him, he can handle a pantyliner. It's a fact of life.
If he can't handle a pantyliner but he's intimately acquainted with the reason you need a pantyliner, wtaf are you doing.
No. 343971
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So I got a job at a restaurant 4 months ago. I have about 16 coworkers. Since I got the job I know for a fact that I’ve gone out of my way to be nice to everybody. If someone wanted to really REACH to say something bad about me, it could only be that I’m sometimes bossy and that I’m a bit of an asskisser to the managers. I’m a very dedicated worker and I guess I take this “minimum wage job” too seriously… I unintentionally got into some petty beef when I had a shift with a girl that was a lazy slob and made me mad during the shift because she caused a bunch of problems. I almost sent the manager a text about everything she did, including stealing food. But I didn’t send it. Instead I vented about it to 2 other coworkers the next day. They acted like they understood where I was coming from. I still don’t even know if to say that they were being fake about it or if they’re just THAT two-faced. But later on they went onto an employee only group chat where I was the only person who worked there that was never invited into it, and told all of them my vent story. Apparently since then “90%” of them began talking mad shit about me for months. Last month one of them got into a fight with the people in the group, they were kicked out, and as revenge they screenshotted the shit they’ve been saying about me and sent it to me. Apparently these messages were from months ago and recently everyone started to genuinely like me, they apologized, most are clearly embarrassed about it, some have said they’re scared to face me at work, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I’ve been having breakdowns every couple of days from it. Partly because the people who posted those messages were acting super nice to my face the whole time. They were making small talk with me, invited me to take a selfie with me for the restaurants Instagram etc. The sheer fakery + how wildly undeserved it is, is what’s fucking with me so hard. Got any advice? I’ve been having 3 rough nights in a row with crying. The whole thing is so out of left field that I can’t even make it make sense enough to process it logically like I normally do to my emotions.(off topic)
No. 343993
>>343971that's so petty and shitty + crazymaking, sorry nona. working at a restaurant sucks and somehow they're also always full of drama on top of the shitty hours and wages.
I would juts caution you not to play any mind games back or get revenge or anything, not to could-shoulder anyone excessively (maybe a little…) but if you're upset with someone just say it to their face, if something was so mean it makes you wanna cry then just cry while looking them directly in the eye. you'll feel better later, don't bottle it up and cry on your own. go through your emotions naturally
do not try to process logically, this shit is illogical No. 343994
>>343971That's awful
nonny but this is the sex advice thread
No. 344004
>>344001buying new clothes because they get stained is insane. if I get blood on my panties and it doesn't come out I still wear them it's not like they're trash. unless you're rich it's a wild thing to do and it doesn't exactly sound like you're rich.
At least buy black panties or something! Fuckin a.
To answer your question the only way to stop being embarrassed is to bite the bullet and leave a liner on one time. you won't be embarrassed after the first time it's like ripping off a bandaid.
No. 354985
>>354950>>354961The angle at with you go from can make it less strenuous for you. I like giving head but I always use the least stressful angles. The ones I’ve tried that work for me was 1. Him lying flat on the couch while I’m on the floor in table position doing it from a sideways angle. He can touch me between my legs while doing this. 2. A variation of 69’ing except I’m lying next to him. He can also touch me from this angle. 3. We both lie sideways on the bed facing each other, but I move further down to gobble his dick. If I grab it I can align it so it goes into my mouth easier. Imo this is the most comfortable position. 4. He can also lie on is back and I lie down with my head on his belly, but I mostly play with his head like this, or it gets strenuous. You can experiment and find what works best for you. No matter which position it can get tiresome, but these are less stressful imo. I second another way to make it more comfortable for you is using your hands more and mostly focus your mouth/tongue on the head.
And I agree you shouldn’t give head for 20 minutes, unless you're into edge play. Some dudes are obsessed with getting blown and nag about it all the time and that’s a huge turn-off for me. I hope that’s not the case with your bf, and that he pays it back by getting you off good.
No. 363466
I feel dumb writing this because I basically know already that I should leave him but I haven't. I think I need to vent, I'm really embarrassed though.
I've been with my scrote for 6 years, living together for 5. Before we moved in he tried a lot during sex and was really affectionate. After we moved in together suddenly he never wanted sex and always turned me down. When we did have sex he never got me off if he finished first. He was a virgin so I thought he was just bad at sex but now I know it was most likely malicious. I found out he couldn't get it up because he was masturbating so much and made a rule that he can't watch porn anymore and see if it helps. He had already told me before he wasn't watching porn and wouldn't while we were together. He said it before I moved in with him, so I'm not just being a dictator. It was his idea and I affirmed it.
Anyway it worked and we started having more sex but he kept getting me really sick. I think I spent the first three years together with him with extremely painful chronic vaginal infections and UTIs. We were having regular sex but only when he wanted at this point. The one time I turned him down when I had a really bad ear infection (caused from all of the rounds of vaginal antibiotics throwing off my body's natural flora) he went out into the living room and masturbated online. After that I started saying yes no matter what. That was after a year of living together.
Fast forward to two years ago. After frequent shaming from my doctors (they literally told me to wash my vulva more and to douche.. okay) I finally cracked down and told my bf it was his hygiene and he needed to work on it or I'm not fucking him. I had already been fighting and fighting about it for years. He constantly even after a shower has dirt caked around his fingernails. I tried to teach him how to clean them and he has a nail brush he never uses. We started using gloves to make up for it. Still got sick. I told him he needs to brush his teeth every day especially before oral. He doesn't. In fact he gets mad at me when I turn my head away because of his breath when he tries to kiss me. He's lost 5 teeth since I met him and the rest are rotten, you can see it. I know it's gross but when I started seeing him he was still living with his parents who are disgusting and said it was their fault and he wasn't like that. Well he is. He made a show of being clean until I moved in with him though. The third thing.. he always has shit in his underwear. I mean big fucking streaks of shit not like an oops once in a life accidentally got poop on his pants. He has giant skids, it's because it's leaking out all day. He's diagnosed with IBS and every single day for 5 years I've fought him to take his fiber so we can have sex without introducing fecal matter into my urethra. He does it once in a while.
I haven't had sex with him fully in a year. I stopped hand jobs and bjs as well because he can't do anything back and it feels like I'm a whore. A whore who isn't even earning money. Now he constantly abuses me, when I try to talk about relationship problems he says we aren't even together anyway and deflects from whatever I'm talking about. His point I'm not worth anything because we aren't having sex. He only needed to clean himself. He insists, "I do keep doing it and nothing happens so why bother?" I told him that wiping his butt for a few days isn't exactly like an exchange for sex, I have to want it which will take some time to sear the shit skids out of my memory, but he doesn't care. He says he doesn't bother because I don't put out.
I'm so upset, I'm sick of the same things every day. Getting abused because of sex, him fighting with me in circles for entire days because I want him to be clean. I told him I decided to stay with him and accept we won't have a sex life and if he wants to stay together he might need to accept it, too. That's not good enough for him, he asked permission to cheat. I can't believe it, I've been celibate because he's gross and he's mad at me for it. My doctors are refusing to give me antibiotics anymore and want me to get a bunch of tests including a camera shoved up my urethra to see if I have a medical deformity. He thinks that's fine. The only medical deformity I have is that my boyfriend shits his fucking pants. Last time I got antibiotics earlier this year they gave me something different because I now have antibiotic resistance. I've had over 40-50 UTI, bv, and yeast infection treatments in 6 years. They gave me something I turned out to be allergic to and my face and body broke out in a deep red rash and hives and it hurt so bad it was worse than a painful surgery I had back in the day. During that I had asked him to take pics to see if the rash was spreading when I got home from the hospital because it was getting worse even with the steroids. He kept blocking the light and when I asked him to move over he started screaming over me in my bed until I was crying just begging him to leave, it hurt so bad. After that I haven't touched him.
Today I asked him on the phone, you never cared about sex before why are you so demanding about it now? He said he didn't know, just before it wasn't a big deal but now it's gone he NEEDS IT.
It's all so twisted and abusive and I wish I had never met him. I lost my virginity to him and it felt so special and it's hard coming to terms with the fact he didn't love me at all. I don't think he ever did. I know I should break up with him I just keep putting it off because of financial reasons plus my mom is dying. It's just a bit much to deal with at the moment.
I'm so sad I'm crying now thinking about what I wrote and I'm also so ashamed because I know what anyone reading this would think. I'm dumb and should have left 5 years ago. I am so tired.
If anyone read this all the way through thank you for listening. I'm not sure what advice anyone could give other than leaving him, he's the one that would need to take the advice. Not that I really would want to have sex with him anyway after his behavior. I keep hoping somehow it will work out mostly because I am too lazy to move. Bad reason to stay together I guess. Has anyone else dealt with this kind of thing? What's wrong with him? Not sure if I'm looking for sex or relationship advice or just venting but here I am.
No. 363509
>>363466Some of his stuff I sympathize with, dental hygiene is one of the first things to go if you have severe depression and addictions to things like masturbation (or chocolate or drugs) are easy to develop then too.
…but as it went on I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Not making any effort to turn his life around with something positive (your relationship) in the picture is a huge red flag, but more importantly um, he's medically harming you because he's disgusting in ways even I can't understand. The sexlessness, especially with no good reason, sounds miserable too. If he says you aren't together, good, for your own benefit please ditch him.
No. 366000
>>365993>some people online are like ewww you like how a young male looksand
oof course they say this about shaved women too, right? lol
No. 366016
>>365993Yes I also prefer guys to shave off their body hair. I heard some retarded woman marry a guy with a lot of bodyhair and he'd shed some in their bed that she regularly had to clean each time they had sex. Ew!
>>366000Those people usually argue that shaving for a woman is must since women are less hairy by nature (not true for all women but theyre gonna disagree with that) but when you say men should shave they lose their minds.
No. 370477
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>>370455Absolute fucking poetry anon. You singlehandedly gave me back my faith in with this comment alone
fucking KEK at the garloid comparison
No. 370562
>>370559It can be. The skin around the penis is supposed to slide, kinda like it does on your arm if you stroke it. I assume he's super tight and it feels like stroking a rigid cylinder.
I suggest you look up the side effects of circumcision on actual medical websites instead of asking here.
No. 371054
Nonnas, stupid question. Please excuse my retardation. I'm 20 and it's my first time being single and casual dating, so I'm not really well-versed with guys. No need for white-knighting shrimpies, I know guys with small penises can be good in bed, but I personally really get off to penetration. My best sex by faaarrrrr was with a 7-incher. Would you say a man whose BDSM test shows mostly submissive tendencies probably means he has a small dick? We haven't even been out on a proper date yet, so I'm curious if there's any way of scoping if he's big or small before having hooking up (without exchanging nudes).
(From what I gather, none of the following are indicators of penis size, but if you're curious: the subject is white, 6', big hands, long and skinny fingers and has a small nose. Didn't notice his feet though.)
No. 371867
>>371054There is no correlation between size and submissiveness. Some small guys are extremely dominant to overcompensate. Some hung guys are extremely submissive because penetration is too painful to their partner so they compensate that way. Behavior is a really poor indicator of physical traits.
General body mass might have more to do with penis size. There are always exceptions but IME fat guys are rarely hung, skinny guys frequently are. Dad-bod types are usually exactly average.
If hung Asians exist, I've never met one. Most are average. ESID, YMMV.
No. 371878
>>3705597 minutes suggests he's struggling with lack of sensitivity. Everyone jumping straight to "death grip" are nuns acting informed by repeating memes they read about in official doctrine.
If you've had a c-section or any other major surgery, run your fingernail from your bellybutton down through the scar. Notice the lack of feeling as you near/cross the scar. Remember what it used to feel like pre-op? Imagine getting tickled there now. That's what circumcision does to the penis. (Now imagine putting a condom on top of that…)
You have to use lube (or a ton of saliva) with cut guys. The head and base are the only parts with any sensitivity, so you have to focus your efforts there. With cut guys (depending on scar location) most of the shaft is just a way to tease attention away from the head and build tension until you return to it; you can't literally only "polish the knob" or it's overwhelming. The rim around and V area on the underside of the head are the most sensitive. Tease those with varied frequency. Stroking the shaft alone achieves the same ends as him doing the same to your arm or calf.
A good handjob is akin to torture– back off whatever you just touched when he squirms, then torment that area again when he settles.
No. 372642
>>372641ntas but the men are/were probably also shit at it. Men don't put in the effort to apply proper pressure and suction they just tongue your vaginal canal which feels like a worm flopping around and then tongue your urethra because they think it's the clit (close, idiots, but no!) and then they lick and smell you because
they are turned on by that, before finally giving up on making you cum because it must be your problem you're not into it. Maddening.
No. 373347
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"Death grip" doesn't exist. Death grip is a lie created by child-mutilators. You'll never find European men complaining about "death grip". The foreskin and glans of the penis are designed for pleasurable sensation, claiming that too much pressure(without literally crushing and harming those tissues which would be very painful) could make those naturally erogenous tissues insensitive is ridiculous. Your boyfriend can't cum from handjobs because his penis is mutilated. Your boyfriend's erogenous tissues were cut off when he was mutilated.
No. 373350
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>>373348>You are wrongNo I'm not. I've posted scientific evidence proving my point.
>you are gayNo I'm not.
I wonder why you react so negatively to my condemnation of genital mutilation.
No. 373398
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If you didn't want to do sex for work or for getting cash, but have limited options, what jobs would you look for?(wrong thread)
No. 373805
>>373790The last thing I want to do after I get into an argument with my boyfriend is touch him. Even kiss or cuddle him. If it's serious and he's done something to really hurt me, I need him to actually fix it. Sometimes time isn't enough. I've never had it last that long but I absolutely don't see why it wouldn't if he went that long without fixing things.
Did your boyfriend actually fix things with you after the argument, or was it more like you both calmed down and let it go without any real resolution? If things haven't been properly fixed, tell him that. Tell him you're still feeling hurt/angry and distanced from him and you want to work to repair it. Maybe him planning a really romantic date night for the two of you and going out of his way to put in effort to show he cares might help a little bit
No. 373877
>>373865No. You cannot force sexual compatibility. If it’s like this after
two years it will still be like this in 5 years, 10 years — forever. As long as you stay with him it will be like this. It’s 100% okay to leave a man because the sex isn’t good.
No. 373891
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>>373884Gotcha, tho I'm a little amazed you've been together for two years and haven't experimented more. You should try something like pic related. He shouldn't have to use much strength except for some core/butt, arms are mostly for stabilizing. My ex was shocked at how effortless missionary is compared to his former push-up technique kek. I also enjoy a varation of this positon, except the guy leans slightly over to the side. You could try to look for different positions online and test them together. There are websites with compillations of different ones to varying acrobatic degrees, though it's probably best to start with the basics.
No. 373959
>>373891Okay, thank you! i relayed this info to him and he had no idea he wasn’t doing it correctly. Again im only the second woman he’s ever been with. Hes like an advanced virgin lol im just virgin virgin.
We’re gonna try this next time we’re together.
Also we have tried experimenting with positions but it never made it far past experimenting.. we usually just go doggy and missionary. Idk if our height impacts anything. Im 5’4 and he’s 6 even. This is all new to me so idk whats like correct or accurate or not.
No. 373969
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>>373959Ayrt kek I had a big height difference with my ex too, what are the odds. I definitely felt like it made things a bit awkward to angle at times (I'm with a short nigel now and everything seems to fit so much easier). I usually would place a pillow underneath my bum to compensate a bit. There are also actual sex pillows you can buy for this purpose that are more sturdy and will lift your butt more. It's an investment and I never got to try it with him, so idk how big a difference it would have made. Ended up buying a triangular one after we broke up just in case and it's ok for doing different positions too. I hope you figure things out, best of luck!
No. 374034
>>373986>Not everyone can have vaginal orgasmsThis is true but
>Technically vaginal orgasm are also clitoralThis take is so misunderstood, it's like saying technically when you're cleaning your ears you're actually scratching your throat. Yeah the nervous system of women's sexual anatomy is huge. If I orgasm from internal pressure it feels worlds different from stimulating my clit. Same with nipple play. Doesn't mean it's better or worse. Ime clit stim is more connected with nerves running downwards towards my thighs and I'll get the thigh shakes/spasms, which makes sense when you think of the clit being homologous to a dick, while vaginal orgasms run inwards towards my abdomen and I feel it in the entire uterus, can hardly feel my clit when it happens because sensation is so over powering in other places.
>>373990I've never heard anyone shame you for it except for that one mentally insane blackpill/troon on lolcow, but I'm sorry you've experience that.
No. 374042
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>>374034Nta but how can one get vaginal orgasm if there's nothing to stimulate inside the vagina kek. I will always think it's just a different kind of clit orgsm since it's stimulated from the inside, like it "wraps" around your vagina
No. 374052
>>374042oh hello cockbreath-chan. Idk if you read your own post but you are actually agreeing with me on this one
>it "wraps" around your vagina>there's nothing to stimulate inside the vagina ???
You're arguing semantics. Women's sexual organ is vast neurologically speaking and produces orgasms of differing qualities depending on where you are stimulated. Stop dragging the dead horse with your retarded graphics
>>374052Literally why are you calling me "cockbreath" wtf
Yeah like there's not a lot of nerve endings in the vagina itself because otherwise the pain of childbirth would be even more unbearable kek. Over 80% of women don't orgasm from PIV alone and that's because we're not anatomically designed for it. Only aound 18% of women can come from penetration alone
No. 374072
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>>374064It's a thing, e.g. this tif who had an elective hysterectomy (says she kept both her ovaries). There are many accounts of women who have had their orgasm lessened or even becoming anorganismic just from having a routine LEEP procedure on their cervix, which is literally just removing a small part of it. How could that be if the clitoris was untouched? The female sex organ is more than the clitoris. Not saying it's the same for all women but tired of the crabs in a bucket mentality. We all know doctors aren't great about research regarding women's sexual health but even some of these cases are documented in scientific literature.
No. 374120
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>>374078>women who have the nerves in their clit severedExcept these women didn't have their clit severed, they had a procedure done to their cervix. Women who had their spinal chord severed thus losing sensation in their genitals were able to orgasm by self-stimulating their cervix. It's a thing
>the closer the clit is to the vaginal opening, the more likely a woman can orgasm from penetrationThere is a correlation, but orgasm sans clitoral stimulation is possible for a considerable amount of women
No. 374489
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>>374461>The clitoris wraps around the vaginaIt wraps around your vulva and vaginal opening, not the entire vaginal canal.
>its impossible to stimualte the vagina without stimulating the clitorisIn this study the participants had a spinal cord injury. It would be impossible to stimulate their clitoris because the nerves that connects our clitoris to the brain go through the spinal cord. They were able to orgasm through cervical stimulation (the cervix, as you probably know, is not part of the clitoral complex.) The reason why they could orgasm this way is because the cervix is connected to the brain through the uterus by the vagal nerve, which is not inside the spinal cord. Neurologists have also discovered different parts of the brain light up in MRI imaging depending on whether a woman stimulates her clitoris, g-spot (aka internal clitoris) or cervix, albeit with a large overlap.
No. 374606
>>374592I relate to having better orgasms around the time of month leading up to ovulation. I am also hornier during that period of time. I haven't discovered a solution, but on the flip side I'm glad I'm not as obsessively horny every single day of the month, it would be a cursed existence. Your frustrations are
valid though. I let my bf know what's going on and make him focus more on giving me foreplay, other types of stimulation like oral/hands, slow love-making etc. when I'm outside of this phase. I focus more on the emotional connection vs raw desire. About the orgasm intensity idk how much you can do.
No. 375454
Question regarding oral: Does anyone else experience oral feeling kind of weird or annoying for at least 5-10 minutes before it suddenly switches to feeling incredibly good? It's not due to a change in how the person is licking or anything either. Sometimes the feeling is so strong to the point where I think I should ask them to stop because "it's just not happening tonight". Then, that switch in feeling suddenly happens and I'm happy that I didn't and waited it out. This happens even when I'm already feeling very horny and worked up before oral begins.
>>374592>I find it definitely feels a lot better if I’m about mid way through my cycle, but still. That's how it is for me too. I share your frustration. Those peak week orgasms are so great, but I think it just has to be accepted that that's how our hormonal cycles are that we won't have "the best" always.
No. 384158
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>>384141Interesting question. I found this on wikipedia. I use lube from time to time mostly around the entrance and haven't noticed any adverse effects from it, but I guess if you are prone to other issues then water based lubes could possibly maybe aggravate it, we don't really know. Another thing to consider is the possibility of microplastics leaking into the lube from the container itself. Condoms are made from plastics too though. We are kinda screwed in the microplastics department either way, I'm personally not too worried about using lube once in a while and I think there are worse things you could put near your vagina such as tampons containing plastics that stay there for hours etc.
No. 384329
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I had my butt fingered last night and I liked it but I feel weird about it! Like I shouldn’t have liked it. For context i only started having sex 4-5 months ago when i had recently turned 24 years old. So I was a late bloomer. I was also way hornier last night than all these past months.
Before last night I had always believed anal play was for men or something non-hetero men did. And that men that like it are gross and women only pretend to like it and the majority don't. I still kind of do!
Before having sex I never inserted my fingers or anything anywhere and just relied on clitoral stimulation. And I love clit orgasms. After starting to have sex I was kinda disappointed because penetrative sex feels just okay. It's more mentally i get off. Some positions will feel really great but it's really tough finding the right spot. very hit or miss, or wont last throughout the whole session.
My clit also seems to shut off and doesn't feel as intense as when i masturbate. I might've broke it from years of sort of training it with solo masturbation. And I dont think its him because even when i try touching it any other way it feels like nothing. I masturbate through my panties and seem to need fabric between it and my finger. and i use my nails for firmer pressure but not too firm. I think it's too nuanced so i haven’t bothered explaining to him, plus i feel self conscious about demonstrating.
All of this to say that I HATE how easily pleasurable him fingering my butt was. I dont know if it was because it was a new sensation but i feel it was a little more intense than clit stimulation even though i didnt cum from it! Everything else he did after it felt way more pleasurable than in the past, like fingering and eating me out and piv.
I didnt wanna be a butt girly, i much rather be a piv girl and that is my dream. I like being vanilla. Anal feels too kinky. I feel like its dirty and moid-y and i feel like a pick me. I didn’t even feel a hint of pain. Even he said he was surprised. I've already been thinking of having him get me cute anal plugs and toys to top it off too.
I guess my question is, is it normal for a woman to enjoy anal this much?
No. 384383
>>384329Getting your ass fingered is very different from enjoying anal, so slow down and don't jump to conclusions about what you like just because you had a novel exciting experience.
It's pretty normal to enjoy that. It makes your pelvic muscles move which feels great during sex. It's kind of a cheap trick but it has its uses to help you orgasm. If you're like me your partner will start doing it more because you liked it until one day he is struggling and does it at the wrong time and pisses you off kek, because you need more foreplay to get to the state where he can get you off and you're not getting it right now if everything is kinda difficult as you described. If your clit is "shut off" during sex you should seriously consider whether that's actually a you problem or you're just not compatible with this man.
No. 384402
>>384383Shut off as in it feels dull and the pleasure is not enough to get me anywhere near an orgasm like when I do it. Maybe it's a mental block I have. Also my libido is usually very low.
I actually don’t think I would enjoy full-on PIA. I mean anal because I’m still getting penetrated? But yeah, I dont want it anywhere close to my butt at this time, though who knows if i'll warm up to the idea. He is too girthy though so i dont think so.
I think it could definitely be a great precursor to getting clit/vaginal orgasms though. I thought about it more and i think it was just a matter of the moment being just right, and it wouldn't have worked if he'd tried any other day. I was incredibly horny, after at least two weeks of no sex (we were having issues) I was ready for reconciliation.
He usually spends very little time on foreplay but I didn't need foreplay at all this time. I’m aware it probably won’t happen again sadly. It is definitely an issue i need to bring up, and i feel like the experience has made me want to communicate, especially because i think i was close to finally orgasming, and if i want to enjoy sex more and get there, i have to. I am a bit shy but this time i even moved his head where i wanted him to focus on when eating me out.
Now that I’m less horny and got my “fix” so to speak, I will definitely make sure next time I’m well lubricated, i got lucky this time despite being dry back there that he didnt injure me. and have him give me more foreplay first before actually penetrating me. And I will ask him to mess with my clit at the same time. I'm guessing he didn't because he was too focused on my first time and making sure to be gentle and that i liked it kek
thank you for sharing your experience nonna and i'm happy that it's two of us now, feel less alone
No. 384415
>>384405Well yeah I was reading about butt stuff and it’s very recommended to use lube, since the area is delicate and prone to tears, so even if he was gentle and nothing happened, I wouldn’t wanna risk it going forward.
And also I cut him some flack because I’ve never told him I need more time. I don't even know how long foreplay should be? I don't know if i'm taking longer or if his previous partners didn't take as long.
He seems to want to go at it as soon as I respond. I would personally prefer to get to a point of begging for it. I already want it and I don't know how long it'd take to get to
that point so I dont say anything. I see it as I am already turned on so what is the difference. Though obviously the difference could be an orgasm, i just hadn't prioritized it. I take forever to get
myself to cum, longer than is usual. And I have a low libido and i'm not a very sexual person in general. There's a reason I was celibate till mid 20s
No. 384483
My boyfriend and I's sex life has been really complicated since the beginning. For the sake of this post I'm going to say he's low libido, and I'm high libido.
In the beginning he had a issue with porn, and with reciprocating sexually. I tried to be understanding bc he said he just wanted to know me better first and was nervous bc of inexperience plus he's a lil autistic so he can be inept sometimes, but it ended up really grating on me, because it seemed like no matter what I did he wasn't interested in having sex. We had multiple discussions, I tried seducing him many times just to be rebuffed. It really hurt and we started arguing over it frequently. This was basically the first year of us dating.
Fast forward to now, almost 2 years in, and things have improved somewhat. However sex isnt to the frequency I need or want to even settle for; we probably have sex 2 times a month on average, where I've told him in the past that although I'd rather have sex daily that I could do with even just once a week. He's willingly put down the porn, he's went to the doctor about physical issues that have attributed to this problem, he seems to actively enjoy sex and look forward to it! But I'm still unsatisfied, and it's making both of us feel like shit over it lol.
Today he asked me not to give up on him, that he doesn't think he's asexual and that he just has a lot of mental hangups surrounding sex. Would seeing a sex therapist or a couples therapist be a good idea?? I'm not really one for therapy but I'd be willing to go if it could help us find some way to explore this more and see if he could get past these mental barriers.
No. 385052
>>334199Have you considered the possibility that he's sexually confused? I mean, after having gone years without sex you have to recognize the possibility that he learned to satisfy his sexual desires somewhere else? Perhaps pornography, perhaps seeking fantasies about other women, but it certainly wasn't directed at you.
Well, the penalty you pay for this is that now your libido has kicked back up, your bf is probably not that attracted to you; regardless of your objective level of attraction. Your body as a sexual object has been off limits for so long that God only knows where his sexuality is directed. Best of luck finding out.
(bait responding to 9 month old post) No. 385209
How do I get over the fact my boyfriend just prefers to masturbate sometimes and not to take it personally? He only does it when I've already showered in the morning and he doesn't want to have me clean myself again, so it's more out of courtesy.
Yesterday, I caught him masturbating while I was making breakfast. I assumed sometimes he'd ask me if I want to shower first so he could touch himself, but as it turns out he didn't use that time to do it. I'd like to have sex with him more often, even if we have done it the night before. I can understand if he feels like it's too much to ask to have sex nearly twice a day, he's expressed me this before, sometimes it seems his self esteem is higher on some days than others.
He doesn't watch porn while masturbating. When we first started dating, sometimes he'd masturbate even after cumming once or twice during sex. Once he started touching himself while laying next to me early morning. I knew what he was doing so I reached over and helped him, we did end up having sex. Yesterday he started doing it while watching clips of Spiderman and he put his phone down to could finish, so it's just a preference to do so before he gets ready. He wasn't so ashamed of the fact he was did it either, after a couple minutes he walked into the kitchen to ask me how I'm doing and give me a hug and kiss and you could clearly see his underwear were wet from cumming in them, then headed off to the bathroom to shower.
I dunno, is it odd for me to take it personally, or should I shift my frame of thinking? Should I start to affirm to him I'm okay with having sex when we wake up? He's also one to ask the same question day after day, like ensure we're having safe sex, knowing I have an IUD in, he's afraid it'll fall out or I'm going to get a freak pregnancy. Some days we'll lay in bed for hours in the morning and it feels like he wants to ask me to have sex with him, but he's stalling.
No. 385211
>>385209Just be upfront with it. "I don't like it when you masturbate when we can be having sex instead, and it turns me off." He will likely stop doing it and if he doesn't, you know he's inherently a loser obsessed with touching his dick instead of having sex with a woman who loves him.
>He's also one to ask the same question day after day, like ensure we're having safe sex, knowing I have an IUD inOk, this is actually a legitimate concern, can you get him to wear a condom as well? Or does sex every time have to involve PIV? I will give him some benefit of the doubt because being afraid of pregnancy is huge reason to not want sex as much.
No. 386139
>>384329Bf got me two butt toys. One vibrated, the other had a tail.
I ended up not really liking it. Kinda disappointed
No. 386182
>>386177>I haven't figured out a way to explain to him that I'm not so ocd and use to getting dicked down whenever I'm hornyDoes your bf have some type of social anxiety or body dysmorphia? I think you should definitely just tell him how you feel, that you're used to sex being more spontaneous and not so ceremonious or whatever. Maybe complimenting him when he hasn't showered could help ease his insecurities. I'm kinda crazy about my bfs natural body odor and don't mind him not being totally fresh, I love to nuzzle his armpit when he gets home from work lol.
I'm thankful the guys I've been with were all happy to fuck me while I was bleeding, I personally wouldn't be able to deal with dating someone who refused sex for that reason.
No. 386186
>>386182I am always complimentary towards him. It's the cleanliness thing like he'll make a point to tell me how exhausted he is at night when it means he can't be bothered to wash up if we were to have sex and he has to get up early. Feels like I'm dating an old man. I think I am going to bring it up if he mentions it again that I feel insulted. When we first got together he was more spontaneous but I feel like he just put on a performance.
Yeah him being weird about my period is a turn off too for sure, no man's dick is that precious it can't get a small amount of blood on it. Fuck off lol.
No. 386207
>>386139He sounded godawful in last weeks posts so idk why you're still entertaining him and entertaining probably is the word for it too now that you've got a furry butt plug in for him. Good god anon why. Dry ass play guy.. I'm-lucky-he-didn't-injure-me guy..
> I felt like he just saw me as a doll for him to get off inThis same guy?
No. 386956
My boyfriend isn't very intimate when we have sex.
Like yesterday I tried to wake him up and ask if we could have sex, but he was too tired to even move. In the morning he asked me for confirmation if I did ask. I said yes, I was busy getting ready for work, but he got close up to me and said "we can do stuff tonight, sorry I was just way too tired." We didn't end up doing it last night, he got too tired, but this morning I asked and the way it just happened was almost jarring. We sat there for a minute or so, nothing really happening, I give him a kiss and rub his arms, then I lay on my back and he's on top, semi-hard, and I'm barely wet. No foreplay. The air was hot so he got too tired to cum, he put on his underwear, went to the AC to turn it down so the air was colder and laid down. I decided to masturbate to finish and he just had his arm on me as a way of support. It's been increasingly more dull. I'll get a kiss here and there on the cheek or neck, but I'd like him to take more care of me. How can I get him to caress my body? He seems afraid to even put his hands near my crotch.
No. 387423
>>387410If he respects you he'll go hard on the foreplay. My first time was painful but we did a looooot of foreplay and touching and then he fingered me, felt good, moved onto PIV, that hurt, then he fingered me some more, then went back to PIV and it was a tight fit lol but it didn't hurt anymore. Be very clear with him and tell him to stop when it hurts (obviously) and let him know what feels good. This is your first time!! It should be all about you and discovering what turns you on.
You also do NOT have to have PIV sex for your first time. If it hurts too much or if you have second thoughts tell him you are not down for PIV!!
No. 387424
>>387410Spend a lot of time on foreplay, lots of kisses and stroking, don't let him try to insert himself until you feel wet. Don't be shy about telling him if in the moment you change your mind. It's very normal to feel nervous. Use a condom! Yes, it likely will hurt but only initially and that will quickly pass, then it will start to feel very good. The level of pain is hard to remember for me, definitely nothing awful but more than getting a needle jab or something lol but as I said, it passes quickly. Be communicative, he will appreciate hearing feedback from you, it's actually very stressful for a guy if he's trying to guess what you like - so if he's moving too fast ask him to slow down, if you want him to speed up say. If you do decide to go through with it, I'm sure you'll have a great time!
No. 388785
My boyfriend is uncut and has had no sexual experience before me, yet I am unable to make him cum from oral. I enjoy doing it if I'm just licking it and sucking at his tip in a non-aggressive way, but this isn't enough for him. In order for him to even become close, I have to get as much of it into my mouth as possible, suck it as hard as I can, move my tongue around, AND move my head up and down all at the same time. His dick is 7 inches and my mouth is pretty small so having to engage all of the muscles in my mouth while keeping it as wide open as possible hurts like hell, and even when I do this, he won't cum and tells me it's because I keep stopping whenever he's close. In response to this, I've told him to tell me when he's close, and when he has I've been able to continulously do it for around 30 seconds after without any breaks, yet he still doesn't and claims it's because I started doing it a different way. Is this normal at all, given the fact he is uncut and I am his first? I don't think it is. I told him that he either masturbates too much or too hard, but he's insisting that isn't the case and I just need to practice more.
No. 388819
>>3887851.) Why do you need to get him off that way? Is he insisting? Don't bother. Sounds like you're not getting a lot out of this. He sounds fussy as hell and gay.
2.) Use you hand at the same time if you are really invested in making this work for your own reasons. Make the shaft wet and then move your head/mouth and hand
together up and down, almost like your hand is attached to your mouth. Works every time.
No. 388825
>>388794>>388798>>388799Thanks for the responses, wall of text incoming, but I feel like more context is probably important :
He does not use porn. I've known him for 3 years and have been with him for almost 2 years, but we are currently long distance so we are only able to see eachother every few months. He masturbates (0-4 a week on average, according to him) to photos of me while we are apart and doesn't watch porn, but he did use hentai before we started dating (idk what kind), despite always claiming to be heavily against porn. He doesn't have any fetishes or anything though and is very vanilla during sex, so I don't think he is too damaged. He also agreed to stop masturbating once we live together. I trust him well enough as I haven't ever caught him lying to me (as a whole, not just in terms of this), and have snooped through all of his social media and joined discord servers he is in without his knowledge, to read his messages, but I haven't ever found anything of concern. He's also very open with me about what he does on his phone and computer when we are together, he lets me watch what he is doing and doesnt hide anything from me. I think he maybe still grips his dick too hard when masturbating and does it too aggressively, but he denies this.
We've had sex probably around 40 times in total, and he has only ever been unable to cum once. Never had any issues with him being unable to get hard either.
From the start, he has been able to last for quite a while, but he told me that he just holds off so that we can do it for longer (he's usually able to finish pretty much on command when i tell him im about to orgasm).
When we had sex for the first time, he lasted around 5 mins and it got to the point where i was literally asking him when he was going to cum, as i expected him to only last a few seconds.
Whenever he finishes during sex, he's always the one in control of the movement, and whenever I'm in control, he still takes over, so I'm a little concerned about that. He isn't rough during sex, but his favourite position is doggystyle, not sure if that's weird in any way.
I once gave him a handjob after oral was unsuccessful, but it took like another 20 mins to get him to finish and I had to be pretty aggressive. Half way through, he asked me to sit on his chest while doing it so that he could look at my ass, to try to help him finish.
With this added context, does anything seem off? Is it maybe just a mix of several different things, like that he's nervous and needs to stop masturbating as aggressively? Idk.
>>388819I usually say no when he asks and he doesn't ever insist on it, though I don't think he's very happy about it. He frequently offers to eat me out and do other things that'd only be physically pleasureable for me, so I think it's only fair if i do, plus I do enjoy it as long as I'm not doing it in the stupid way he likes. I just want to be able to make him cum outside of PIV in a way that is also enjoyable for me. The fact he is uncut was also a big turn on, largely because I thought it'd mean he would be extra sensitive, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Forgot to mention in my previous post, but I do usually incorporate my hands into it, though it doesn't seem to make much difference. Thanks for the advice though, I guess I will just try doing it more.
No. 388845
>>388825Really sounds like a him problem. Possibly a lack of compatibility. The more you say the more I think he’s probably just hiding his porn consumption or wants some hentai ideal of sex that’s not real and isn’t gonna happen. He definitely still masturbates I don’t know why you would think he wouldn’t just because you asked him not to. If he agreed to that he’s lying.
Deleted and reposted to add: I missed the part where you said “when you live together.” So I guess you don’t live together now so he hasn’t agreed to stop masturbating yet…. But it’s still definitely a lie if he said he would. Which means he’s lying about the other things too.
No. 391879
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>>391876You're not pregnant. If you miss your period then you can go get a test.
No. 392051
>>361467I know this is an old question but
>>361795 was incorrect, I've known 2 separate people in my life who've contracted genital herpes from being eaten out by someone with a cold sore. It does happen, and it pays to be careful.
No. 392074
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>>361467>>392051this is true. a cold sore is called herpes simplex, i learnt the name during a cosmetology course where we weren't allowed to do treatments on the face if someone had one.
No. 392096
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>>392051>>392074Damn… I'm the same anon who asked originally. We've since broken up and from the time I wrote that post, I never had sex with him again anyways after he got his outbreak for unrelated reasons. I don't think I ever contracted anything the handful of times we were together though, or maybe I'm just one of those people who has zero symptoms. I've sort of developed a phobia of all STIs in the meantime.
No. 392235
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Nonas who overcame sexual trauma when you were in a healthy relationship, how did you do it?
I've been with my moid for some time now and sex has always been great. He makes me cum a lot and communicates well with me, I have no complaint and could stay that way happily but I know it could get even better. The problem is that I can't get loose anymore, by that I mean being relaxed and engaged, feeling sexy without shame. I know that I'm a bit robotic, can't sustain eye contact or say anything sexy naturally. Before this relationship, I had a few purely sexual relationships with moids older than me while I was underage and of course I was a huge pickme: I dressed provocatively, was often flirty and tried to be a pornstar in bed basically. I was sexually assaulted during that time and blamed myself for this a lot because it felt like I was asking for this. Discovering what a loving relationship was made me drop the act quickly, but I also became extremely shameful of my past. I've worked on that but I still can't separate in my mind being sexy/slutty in a loving context with the way I was whilst I was being taken advantage of. When we make eye contact during sex, I immediatly feel self-conscious and ugly. It doesn't happen at any other time, so I think it's because I see my reflection in his eyes and project the uglyness I percieve from being in a sexual situation onto himself, like he's seeing how disgusting I am at that moment. I'm slut-shaming myself so hard that I can't be relaxed and give myself freely to my loved one, whereas I did that with fucked up scrotes in the past for nothing which is even more infuriating. It doesn't help that most of my fantasies are now about noncon because I dissociate so much that I prefer the idea of being taken instead of having my own desires and acting on them. He has been really patient with me and doesn't ask anything of me, but I want to better myself and stop the scrotes who hurt me from having an influence on my life.
No. 392242
>>392235I have a very similar past to you nonita but I don't feel the slut shaming aspect. When those things happened I didn't know the things I did now, I was naive and believed that a man's desire was the most valuable thing. Be kind to your younger self, she didn't know any better and many young girls fall into this same trap. Our sexual agency when we're younger is influenced by a patriarchal world that prioritises a man's sexuality over our own, it's fairly normal (while also not a good thing) that when our sexuality develops we fall into the trap of being sexually provocative.
I'm in a loving relationship now and much less sexual in that nature, and I can tell you I've been actively trying to figure out what pleasure means to me, what sexual agency means to me, and how I can feel happy and in control when intimate with my boyfriend. Give yourself time and space to work it out, and be gentle. You're out of that rough patch now and can explore the joys of a normal, happy sex life.
No. 397520
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Has anyone overcome purity hangups and have advice?
I'm a late-20's virgin and I don't want to be, yet I also harbour a great fear that my "value" will decrease and I'll be unlovable if I do anything sexual with a man. It's not low libido, my sex drive is actually nuts but when I'm presented with what I want it feels like I'm staring down the barrel of a shotgun. If I pull the trigger my chances at love (with this man, with other men, with women…) dies forever.
I've been dating this guy and, realistically, even if he leaves I'd be fine. I am wildly attracted to him, fond of him, and want to touch him soon (full intercourse will wait) but I'm tortured by all these feelings.
Should I live life and go for this? Will I regret it? Have any other prude-anons gone through this, come out the other side and just felt normal/unchanged?
No. 397525
>>397520You should figure out if yuor desire not to be a virgin anymore is because of your own desire to try out this new thing for you or is it coming from a perceived judgement from others. I think i know how you feel, it is scary being so intimate, esp with a man. Ultimately, it's your decision to either bite the bullet and lose your virginity to get it over with or wait for when you feel ready - which might be never and thats obviously okay. I've read of anons stories about their first times and some of them lost it just for the sake of losing it - many didnt regret it.
I'd honestly say to read radfem literature to get rid of your purity hangups (because they're totally unfounded). Although i cant really give you any recs, I'm sure that you'll be able to find something pertaiting to the topic.
Where did you get this idea that women's value is completely tied to their body count from? Culture, parents, religion? Im sure there are plenty of resources for ex-christion/muslim/other religion women who want to reclaim bodily autonomy.
No. 397536
>>397525I don't want to be a virgin anymore because I'm horny kek.
My hangups are mainly from my mother's confusing directions about how I should be sexually. She'd call other women whores but flip-flop and change her mind about them later. She'd also tell me of her escapades and how being liberated was important, then tell me to wait a year to have sex in a relationship and she was overly involved in my first relationship (I was 24). She told me to drop him if he made sexual conversation which made me feel guilty for wanting it myself, so now I keep all my relationships from her (which makes me feel doubly guilty of course). She had her own problems with religion and almost became a nun in her youth, as well as so much fucking trauma, so I forgive her even if it made me turn out weird.
Secondarily, years of imageboards and being alone and ugly fucked me up. I don't care about other people having wild sex whenever but it's hard not to internalize the incel shit when you look at it all day.
>I've read of anons stories about their first times and some of them lost it just for the sake of losing it - many didnt regret it. Thank you, anon.
This guy may be my best bet for losing it to someone I find hot who is also agreeable and pretty low stakes. Maybe I'll pull the
No. 397576
>>397536Anon, absolutely nothing will change when you lose your virginity. Sounds like you have a lot of trauma and expectations from your mother. What you do with your body is your business, not your mothers or some 4chan incels. Besides, why would you even care if some incels think you are """"spoiled""""? You wouldn't want to have a relationship with a moid who thinks like that, so why care, right? Then again, only do it with a person you feel comfortable with, and don't feel the need to lose your virginity "just because" either. But if you find a nice person and feel like you want it then go for it. Also, there's no rules of how long you should date before having sex imo, a year seems like a huge amount of time to me personally. Sex is important in a relationship to many people, and investing a year into a person only to discover you are not compatible sexually would feel like a waste of time. That's just my point of view though, other nonas may disagree.
No. 397587
>>397520>>397536I think you should also consider the possibility of how horrible you might feel if you had sex with this moid but then he breaks up with you. Personally, I think virginity is "valuable", and there's nothing wrong if you think it is too, despite what society says to the contrary.
>I don't want to be a virgin anymore because I'm horny kek.I don't think this is a genuinely good reason to have sex. Because that is what your loins are telling you to do, while your heart speaks something different.
>I've read of anons stories about their first times and some of them lost it just for the sake of losing it - many didnt regret it. But there are also many who did regret it. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but you shouldn't do something if it's possible you will regret it. I'm sure the regret of it would be even worse than the frustration of being horny.
No. 397615
>>397587Ntayrt. Take it from somebody in a long-term relationship where both have only slept with each other, virginity and waiting for true love are valuable things. People saying otherwise are brainwashed by our sex-crazed culture into thinking that sleeping around is a virtue when people who do sleep around actually suffer more from low self-esteem.
Sex is a bonding experience, don't throw it away or let yourself be a notch on some disgusting moid's bedpost. Men do anything they can to get sex from us, never just hand it over.
No. 397617
>>397520Losing your virginity will make you stronger, more experienced, and more powerful. Men tell all of these stories about why they care about virginity biologically or evolutionarily or "logically" to flatter their own intelligence, but the real reasons are all fucked up. It's so when they tell you a lie like "just the tip!" or "the condom just slipped off!" you'll fall for it because you've never heard it before. So that when they start choking you out of nowhere, you won't know that that's not normal. So that when their neck is covered in hickeys or their dick is covered in herpes sores or warts, you won't recognize them. So that you'll have nothing better to compare them to, and you'll think whatever they dish out is the best you can ever get, and you'll put up with shitty treatment or bad sex forever. It's like your first job or first college class: just having that introductory bit of experience with how this all works will make you so much more comfortable and confident and even the playing field a little, since any decent guy you'd want to end up with long-term will almost certainly have experience by their late 20s. And it's also like that first job in that it tells future employers that you can hold down a job (sexually active relationship). All well-adjusted men and women understand that people will have an ex or two: you're not rocketing straight into used up whore territory by having one relationship that doesn't work out or one summer fling, and I guarantee that any man who thinks that is a predator who wants his
victims naive. This is all to say that I had a lot of purity hangups and I overcame them ion the process of reading men's rights and incel subreddits to study how men talk and think about women. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it because it was depressing, but these are just a few of my findings.
No. 397674
>>397587>>397576>>397590>>397615>>397617Well I went ahead and touched him today. If he dumps me now I don't really care, though the cuddling after was nice. I'd do it again but with more foreplay on him I think, I am a pure service top in practice after all.
I haven't lost my "virginity" in the traditional sense and I may never, but it was my first sexual contact. I feel like the mystique has faded somewhat.
I don't regret it. Was kind of awesome. Thanks to everyone for input, maybe I'm ruined for my future love (I have abysmal attachment problems and eventually get annoyed by my romantic partners so I may not even want that) but whatever.
No. 400087
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Please offer advice on how to fix my weird crossed 'orgasm/crying' wires
>having sex
>feels great
>orgasm build up
>Oh shit here it comes!!!!
>start crying
>don't orgasm
>but feel satisfied almost as if I did orgasm
>no longer horny
>now tired and wanting post coitus cuddles
What the fuck. This is almost every time btw. Is there something wrong with me. This is the first serious relationship I've been in, and the only person I've had sex with too. So it's making me think I just have a weird sexual dysfunction. I can orgasm during masturbation just fine but when I'm having sex the feelings are so overwhelming that I'll start crying.
Wtf do I do? I am sexually attracted to my boyfriend and we are having regular missionary/cowgirl/prone sex, no weird shit, etc.
No. 400136
>>400134Find a guy on instagram that you like, hit him up in the message, work a date out and fuck him.
Everyone dates through these things nowadays.
No. 400140
>>400138>there's plenty of choiceIt really doesn't feel like it, 99% of moids are ugly and I'm at the age where people are settling down, so I feel like this ship has long sailed.
>you might aswell stay celibate it's not the end of the worldYeah I know, I've already "resigned" myself, I was just wondering if it was realistically still possible.
No. 400248
>>400220I don't want to get married and even if I did I would not wait, I think saving yourself for your wedding is retarded.
>>400232I don't necessarily want another experienced person but knowing that I'm not only one in this predicament is a bit reassuring.
No. 400318
I’m having issues making friends at my college. I’m a STEM major, in my early 20s, and I live away from home. I only really have my boyfriend who I live with. I try to make other female friends within my major but they’re either too autistic to want to go outside, or straight up just rude. I had thought I was making friends with these group of girls who were in their early 20s as well, just for them to spread rumors about me. I just don’t get it, we are in college, I didn’t even go to any previous schools with these people. The rumors were that I was into “all the guys” in our biology class and it completely ruined my study group I had created with a few people (a group of two guys and three girls). Any advice on making genuine female friends? My female friends back home I’ve noticed aren’t on the same page as I am. A lot of them are still into drugs, casual sex, and dressing very provocative. I used to be the same way but when I turned 19 I cleaned up my act, worked two jobs, got a place with my boyfriend, started dressing more modestly. But even when I dress “modestly” I’ve noticed it can draw attention because of me having an hourglass figure, with a larger chest and bottom. So I’ve tried to dress more like a “mom” to avoid the unwanted attention I would get on campus. My friends back home and my boyfriend told me the only reason why those girls spread rumors about me was because of jealousy, but i genuinely don’t get it. Why do that to another adult? I had to get the professor involved because they would constantly disrupt class as well. I think the pandemic could’ve stunted these people but I’m just so tired. I just want genuine adult, mature female friends who I can talk about my interests with.
No. 400425
>>400334Yeah there are some skinny people with an hourglass shape. But I guess in your world having a 32 DDD cup, 43 inch hip, and 26 inch waist is having no ass and tits. But you’re so right
nonny, I’m such a whiny hoe for being upset that grown adults and making rumors about me on a college campus where I expected people to have maturity and not act like high schoolers.
No. 400621
>>400382Consider the possibility you might have a very thick/rigid hymen. It was the case with me. Kids these days are taught all hymens can be stretched as long as you are aroused and patient enough, that it should never tear or bleed, but unfortunately it's not the case for all women. This idea originated with some youtuber and began circulating on tumblr back in the days, and because of it I nowadays see a lot of literal virgins memeing themselves into thinking they have vaginismus (not saying it can't be vaginismus, but as far as I know vaginismus is often caused by previous sexual trauma).
In my case I tried many times to penetrate myself but couldn't insert more than one finger without excruciating paint, no matter how turned on I was. My hymen broke while having sex for the first time. In my case it was like 10 seconds of pain, a bit of bleeding, and afterwards I've never had any issues with penetration. You don't have to go the sex route, you can buy dilators and work yourself up, but the pain you experience may unfortunately be something you have to grit your teeth through for a little while. You could also try see a gyno about this. Keep in mind my advice is not considered politically correct these days because historically there has been a lot of stigma and myths associated with women's sexuality and the hymen, so people started perpetuating a different myth instead; that hymens should never tear or hurt. In some cases it is definitely true and your nigel is just bad at sex. But while it is true that not all women have a hymen that will tear, unfortunately some of us are just unlucky. I've been called out on lolcow previously for saying this, but it used to be common knowledge when I grew up.
No. 405321
>>405289I don’t really plan on doing it, also don’t think I’m going to hook up with him more than once but I was just curious on if this is normal/common/if women really do it.
i wouldnt mind if he was attracted to men but I kind of agree that it might be that he likes the idea of a woman shaming herself .. maybe i’ll ask him if he fingers himself alone kek