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No. 1373114[Reply]

You can post about any festivals and holidays here.
This thread is also for the ones who aren't big enough to warrant threads.
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1379943

My family isn't doing any holiday gift giving because of the inflation this year. Maybe you need to be honest and limit your gift giving to the people closest to you. With the current inflation in my opinion the expectation to get something for someone you don't know well has become ridiculous.

But if you insist on giving a gift to everyone, you could bake everyone personalized cookies or sweets or chocolate or something, if you make a whole batch you can keep the cost down while giving something that'll definitely be enjoyed.

No. 1379947

I like easter and ascension day (a public holiday where I am) best. Both mean good food and chocolate and extended weekends (sunny if we're lucky). Christmas feels too forced and overhyped to me and we don't celebrate halloween or thanksgiving here.

No. 1381155

You can make little gift sets for people. A mug, homemade cookies and coffee/tea/hot chocolate packets won't cost much and it's a cute, easy gift to put together, plus you can personalize them. I don't know how crafty you are, but youtube has a bunch of DIY gift ideas and tutorials if you need some inspiration.
And don't worry about getting gifts for someone who has everything. They're the easiest people to buy for- you either give them something that can be used up and won't sit on a shelf gathering dust, like candles or food, or something small and useful, like gloves and a hat.
And look up gift wrapping ideas. Presentation makes a huge difference.

No. 1399151

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Happy Guy Fawkes night britbongs!! Are any of you watching the fireworks?

No. 1399181

Luckily I can see fireworks from my house so I can stay warm and watch, also It's my birthday! Hope you have a good night nonna

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No. 1382007[Reply]

Let's play a game where we ask each other stupid questions.

Last thread: >>>/ot/1365818

Related threads:
help me find >>>/ot/1288369
request thread >>>/ot/1343869
1209 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1399449

I doubt there are many Muslima's here but if there are any (or you grew up in a household/country where Islam was important), is not wearing a hijab considered kind of 'slutty'? Genuinely curious, what do women with hijabs think of Muslima's who don't wear them?

No. 1399842

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will the download button show up after a while on deviantart if the artist made their stuff watchers only?
i was going to download a windows 10 theme but the designer made some of his collections watchers only, so i started watching, now i can see the posts, but the download button still isn't there. will it show up after a while or is it a bust?

No. 1401393

not mussie but probs, muslim girls are the biggest pickmes i have ever fucking know. literally no female solidarity.

No. 1401980


Start with python and network security concepts. Learn how to install kali and then how to use metasploit. A lot of modern hacking is information gathering, then knowing what tool to use, and how to properly fill in the required commands to execute your attack. Look up red team playbooks— the Conti group leaked their own recently (ransomware gang drama is a spectacle to behold). You can practice legally on vulnerable machines at hackthebox. I reccomend using a virtualization software like virtualbox to install kali. Trying to access HtB’s labs off a thumbstick is a headache, so just make a virtual machine. This is enough to become a script kiddie, a term which I know is usually an insult, but I mean it in earnest here. Every hacker has to start somewhere and becoming a skid is as good as a first step as any. If you want to go deeper, that’s a different post.

No. 1413319

Why does someone “like” my pictures but love everyone else’s. They don’t like me huh?

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No. 303056[Reply]

Has any farmer here been a victim of an online child predator?

I've been in a LDR with my abuser for over 4 years. It started when I was 13 (we met when a month before my birthday) and ended when I was 18. He was 17 and a colleague of my father from an online game that he played.
Because of the relationship, my depression worsened, I have developed PTSD and a cluster of identity and self-esteem issues. Throughout the relationship, I acted like textbook BPD case.

Even though he is nothing but a blurred memory now (I am 26), he still affects me. Recently I started having the recurring dreams about him coming back into my life to snatch me into his reality. In those dreams, I am exactic about him coming back and heartbroken cause I have to break up with my bf for him (which I would never do, I want to be together forever with him). Every time I wake up confused and disgusted.

I read some memoirs of victims of child sexual abuse to feel less alone, however I feel guilty for relating to them - after all, their experiences were so much worse, being physical for the start. Sometimes I think I am some Soren-type freak, appropriating other people's nightmares to feel better. But there are no resources for people who went through that and deal with the fallout, only for parents concerned about their child and potential victims.

It makes me feel even worse that I got destroyed by something that so many people would laugh at as not being real (not for a lack of trying, though - it went as far as him traveling from the other side of the country to the city I lived near and me bailing on him as he was getting on the train to my village. As much as I have worshipped him, I knew that he would rape, kidnap me or worse had we met). I have never since experienced such an intense relationship. It was so much more than a sum of it's parts. As an adult, I know that it was shit, that he manipulated me and that we had nothing to talk about, to be honest. But when I was going through it, he was my God, my life, just everything. We had our secret world just for the two of us. I loved him so damn much I thought if I ever lost him, my life would end. I wished that it truly did for so many uears, as I have outlived my usefulness.
I am not even touching the tip of the iceberg here… I feel like only people who went through something similar can understand me.
501 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1398167

Well anon, you see, I want to dissolve each and every 25 year old “hebo” man raping teenage girls in sulfuric acid.
Such males make up at least a quarter of the male populace and don’t need a name of their own. It’s just male degeneracy that can be fixed with a bullet to the brain. Simple as.

No. 1398321

>17 year old still in highschool dating someone who's graduated college is normal
Kys sis.

No. 1398328

Can somebody post the old black and white video that says young girls feel flattered when an older men approaches them and don't see that this men has just failed to date women his own age?

No. 1398402

i really really hate this op picture its a bit triggering tbh

No. 1409892

no u, shotachan

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No. 854869[Reply]

Ask random questions, let anons below reply to them.
>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
Have fun.
1198 posts and 213 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1397076

Who do you feel yourself more drawn to, a person friendly towards all or a person only friendly to you?

No. 1397080

Neither. People I've met who are friendly to everyone tend to prioritize strangers over their loved ones, and people who have been friendly only to me eventually treat me as awful as they treat everyone else.

No. 1397081


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1405401

What does AYRT mean?
After all this time I haven't figured it out and google doesn't help; I keep reading it as "are you retarded" kek

No. 1423821

anon you replied to

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No. 1356465[Reply]

Main Celebricow thread: >>1347983
Because quite a few people requested this.
Containment thread for any members of emo/pop punk bands such as My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco, or Mindless Self Indulgence.
Notable Cows:
Gerard Way
>Singer for My Chemical Romance. Notable for crossdressing on stage with genitals visible through clothing, trooning out imminent.
>Most notable example: >>1348047
>Gerard Way's wife, also a part of the band Mindless Self Indulgence. A horrible person. Lore can be found here: >>1355647
Dallon Weekes
>Formerly of Panic! At the Disco, has his own band now called I DON'T KNOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. Has a bunch of drama surrounding him, most of it coming from his wife. Can't find the milk from the previous Celebricow threads so if someone knows it please don't be afraid to post it.

Minor Cows:
Brendon Urie
>Frontman from Panic! At the Disco. Said some stupid shit when he was younger, moved on from it. Fans cancelled him as hard as they could. Made a "Queen-inspired album" that got panned hard. >>1352617
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(redundant (>>>/ot/1062349))
119 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1396486

They played bullets at almost every recent show. Honestly, the new shows are better than 90% of their old performances because Gerard is finally sober and in shape.

No. 1396487

Wow first Jimmy Urine and now Lindsey Way. I had no idea she was so horrible and crazy. I never cared for her in MSI as I thought she was the most remarkably basic and boring band member. Maybe she knows this and that would explain her behaviors and insecurities. I'm not a fan of mcr but wtf does Gerard see in her? Or is he a shitbag too? Hilarious that Jessicka Addams helped expose her, Jimmy, and Chantal. I was wondering why the hell him and Chantal were hiding out in New Zealand.

He was in a feud with Axel Rose on Twitter a few weeks ago. They were fighting about backtracking vocals and instruments. It started when Ronnie refused to play a Falling in Reverse show without his laptop and people made fun of the band for not being able to do a live show without a computer. They play his garbage music on one of my local radio stations and he sings about being a sadboi and calls himself a lost boy but isn't he like 40 something….

I also met him in 2011 or 2012 and he was an asshole.

No. 1396500

He calls himself a lost boy AND sad boi in Voices in my Head
>I'm a lost boy, you know better
>I'm a sad boy, you know better
He's a joke, a cow and too old for these things, but I do like (edgy angsty) Cluster B songs sometimes. Would never spend a cent on FiR though.

No. 1396522

Johnny Depp is emo so here it goes
Why the fuck is Amber Heard doing bizarre shit?

No. 1396528

can you elaborate on this because i dont follow either of them

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No. 1389289[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1382002
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No. 1396205

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I hate how depression ruined my appetite. I don't want to eat and forcing myself to sucks.

No. 1396378

You could just not say anything. If they're serious they're in a great deal of emotional pain and just looking for some way to connect before they die. If they're just looking for attention or sympathy they're still in a great deal of emotional pain and just looking to connect or feel loved or cared for in some way. Yeah it's not an ideal thing to do but when someone is hurting like that they do stuff that's not rational or societally acceptable.

No. 1396915

What part of "I have a low mobility mother that I have to take care of so I can't move out and she needs to cook meals or else she feels worthless" didn't you fuckheads understand. I come here to scream at the void, not to get scolded or listen to your retarded unsolicited advice. I live in poverty and where I'm from people stay with their parents even when they're 20+ and people expect you to do so specially if you're a woman with a sick and old parent. My mom is 60 and barely can do shit without excruciating pain. I can't just leave.
You fuckheads wouldn't understand a thing. This is why I don't use this fucking website anymore. It's easy to make fun of some poster on the vent thread without knowing the full context and you sickheads love doing it.

No. 1397197

I feel so fucking ashamed and embarrassed that I was this way when I was 20-22. And then I wondered why other girls didn't hang out with me very much kek

No. 1397223

We're 90% women at my job and it's a great work environment. They're all in their 40s and has been working there for decades and im the new one but we get along well, no gossip except about the customers lol.

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No. 1395970[Reply]

The drunk and stoney baloney threads are nice but aren't quite weird enough for some of us. This is a place to shitpost from the 5th dimension, share trip insights, make us jealous of your festival experiences, or post your horrible/amazing substance-guided art. Don't be judgmental (except maybe to meth users, they're not funny or interesting) and no infighting please.(possible fedposting)

No. 1395975

perfect thread nonna, i was lightning up kek

No. 1395976

I'm off today so I'm about to take some ketamine, put on some REZZ and make art. What are you nonas getting into today?

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No. 1373108[Reply]

>Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.

We discuss the upcoming Halloween, costumes, pics, stuff and how we plan to celebrate it.
207 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1395199

This thread is supposed to be for Halloween but of course you faggots have to devolve into infighting in every single thread, shut the fuck up.

No. 1395204

Clearly they’re retarded ♥
Get fucked
Sorry, I just said it was weird. I’m not gonna take this dumbass with no reading comp calling me a sperg me for telling them why when they asked though >>1395104

No. 1395224

None of those anons but like, shut up and let it go lol

No. 1395539

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(Janitor note : thread is going to be locked soon. Happy halloween to everyone who celebrated and also happy Saints Day.)

No. 1395561

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Happy Halloween and all saints day to you too jannies!

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No. 1392432[Reply]

Age gaps with women really are so heavily stigmatized it’s ridiculous. I’ve dated some younger scrotes and got a lot of shit from random people for it. The biggest gaps have only been 3 years while we were both in college and our 20’s and yet it still causes weird reactions in people. I don’t even really like younger guys I just liked them and they happened to be younger. Of course no one ever said anything when I was 20 and dated a 29 year old loser kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1392435

lurk more

No. 1392440

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I don’t know what the fuck happened I was in the vent thread replying and it made a new one and now it’s saying wrong password to delete kms

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No. 1389997[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1347741(hey imbecile, this isn't 4chan why are you using tripcodes)

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