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No. 1382007
Let's play a game where we ask each other stupid questions.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/1365818Related threads:
help me find
>>>/ot/1288369request thread
>>>/ot/1343869 No. 1382009
>>1382007To start this thread off, I have an inaugural question.
If I'm applying to a seasonal, retail job, should I include my university education and my tech office job experience? I should be honest but is it worth it at the expense of not getting the job because I'm "overqualified"?
No. 1382046
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>>1382042all the right wing parties in my country are Islamists, they all want Shariah law, the only issue between is what type of Shariah law, currently the deobandis(same sect as the taliban) are fighting the barelvis(they also want sharaih law but they have a different view regarding the role of Muhammad in Islam, they think he was created in Heaven and has a divine nature similar to the Quran) so they kill each other over that
its a battle between two groups of inbred wierdos
No. 1382119
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Was there a generally family-friendly carry on film? I think I remember watching a carry on film when I was a kid that didn’t have any implied or explicit sexual content that involve ruining a theatre production, though I might just be misremembering. Pic unrelated
No. 1382203
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What does CP mean in japanese and korean artist circles/fandoms? I often see them mentioning it in their about page.
No. 1382238
>>1382212Yeah you should have two pairs. It’s better for your feet and the shoes to rotate pairs and let them dry out completely between uses, especially in winter when they get wet from snow. A boot dryer and good socks is a fine substitute if you really don’t want two pairs.
>>1382215What do they want you to use, a brush and high power UV light???? I’ve never followed coat washing instructions. They get washed in water once a year unless they’re wool in which case they get dry cleaning.
No. 1382259
>>1382238Thank you nonna for justifying my late night online shopping
And idk man, maybe I’m supposed to drive away the dirt with good vibes and prayers
No. 1382469
Can you know if someone likes you just based off how they look at you? This guy at work looks at me pretty intensely. Really it's just his eyes, nothing else. It could be how they're naturally set up gives off that vibe and doesn't mean anything, but I've never had this happen, where I question if someone likes me. He has normal brown eyes imo. He's cute, but when I really look, they're normal. So why does it look like they're communicating something? Maybe he has been staring, now that I think back, I have caught him looking at me. That's how I noticed his eyes, duh. Maybe I look weird. Answered my own question. On a semi related note, today he silently helped me with something and I was so awkward because having a bad day and he actually laughed at my nervousness, it seemed genuine but he prob doesn't like me anymore kek
No. 1382615
>>1382609not hard at all. play an online game and on an uwu voice or persona and men start following you around instantly. sometimes you don't even have to do that, just have a clearly girl name and play a "girly" role and you have guys starting to try to talk to you.
you flirt back with them and make friendly with them, act like they're interesting and that you wanna hang out with them for while and then they'll do anything for you
No. 1382782
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Is it normal your voice becomes deeper after you already had puberty? dunno if its just me but i always had a very high voice to the point people though i was 12yo through VC, lately i have been feeling it became more deep but dunno if its just me
No. 1383088
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>>1383053also, samefag, I saw these fancy looking Japanese colored pencils in an art store recently, has anyone tried them, are they good?
No. 1383156
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Why's this called pudding
No. 1383266
>>1383249if you're making flour tortillas, more lard. keep them covered in a warm area while you're preparing them and eat fresh.
for corn tortillas same thing but no lard obviously, and don't let them sit too long before you cook them because the water seems to evaporate out of the wet corn really fast. manufacturers add guar gum sometimes and I think added citric acid preserves it somewhat as well.
No. 1383427
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I'm not looking for concern or judgement here, I just can't get a straight answer from google
How much benadryl kills you?
I need to know because I am going to take exactly one less pill than that so maybe I can go the fuck to sleep tonight
No. 1383435
what about tylenol pm?
melatonin does nothing to me
No. 1383450
>>1383442okay well fuck
I do, I have a psychiatrist who refuses to give me any type of sleep aid until she gets "satisfactory" paperwork from a sleep study saying that I do not have sleep apnea. I took the fucking test, couldn't sleep either night, and so they just marked it as a fucking failure. I don't even snore, but this bitch says since they couldn't tell that I don't have sleep apnea, since I couldn't fall asleep, she's just not going to give me fucking anything
my gp says she can't supply me with anything neurological and just tells me to keep seeing the psychiatrist
things are not going so great over here
No. 1383484
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>>1383477that's who administered the sleep study that resulted in a failure
No. 1383564
>>1383441The Sims 4 base game went free this month, maybe that's why you're seeing it being mentioned much more recently (also people complaining about it who keep bringing it up).
You don't normally play The Sims to make your husbando and your self-insert have a relationship. People just like to play God and make their sims do funny shit or create stories, a lot of players don't even bother with the life simulation aspect and just design houses since that part of the game is huge.
I love every one of the games except for 4 (which I've never played) because I like creating different families and observing how their lives develop or guiding them towards a certain path, and I also love building houses for them and seeing how they interact with the stuff I give them or with the other sims I create. I don't use mods or custom content (CC) because I don't give a shit if sims look goofy (that's kind of the point for me) but a lot of more dedicated fans use CC that is specifically made to make sims look more like Instagram models which is what you'd want to do if you're planning on creating and playing with your husbando. Personally I wouldn't make my husbandos in The Sims if I wanted a super immersive experience, I'd only do it for the funny potential like when I made them in Tomodachi Life.
>and the characters could say more than a handful of generic phrasesBut the dialogue is not the point in this game. If all you want is dialogue you could use AI Dungeon or something like that. I guess some nonnas find it cute to see their self-insert sims live in the same house with their husbandos, be married to them, play with them, kiss, and sleep with them? IMO that sounds fun enough.
Obviously not everyone likes life simulation games like The Sims so if you don't find that kind of game appealing then just don't play it.
No. 1383614
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What the fuck is this thing?
I live in my parents garage, because I'm trash, and when I woke up today, this thing was on top of the old well. Water bottle for scale
I have no fucking idea what it is, it's solid black and looks the same on both sides. There's no engraving, no writing, nothing.
My mom was crying when I went in the house.
No. 1383634
>>1383631It's solid, but it's flat, it's maybe like half an inch wide from the side view
It gives me that vibe too though, like some kind of memorial thing? To me it looked like a tiny tombstone for a gerbil or something at first
No. 1383735
>>1383226samefag since Nonna LEFT US HANGING, I had to look it up myself.
>Chances are, you've never thought about passing kidney stones while riding a roller coaster, but studies show that it might be worth thinking about. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found that the high speed jolting motion of a roller coaster can successfully dislodge a kidney stone from a patient — especially if they sit in a rear car.>One theory as to why riding roller coasters is so enjoyable has to do with stress relief. Dr. Epstein, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts, tells the New York Times that, "Being totally absorbed is in itself pleasurable. Complete concentration that blanks out everything else temporarily relieves you from all conflicts. Even if it's scary, its a way to drive out disturbing thoughts.">f you've ever conquered a fear of heights or spiders before, chances are you felt pretty liberated afterwards. The same can be said for riding roller coasters. By overcoming your fear, you will become more confident and courageous in other walks of life too.>Roller coasters (and other thrilling activities) are often accompanied by heavy breathing, but that doesn't mean that it's bad for asthmatics. In fact, a study reported by the US National Library of Medicine reports that asthma patients recorded more regular breathing while on and following their coaster ride. Still, if you have asthma, don't try this without talking to a doctor first, and make sure you have an inhaler on hand, just in case.>You may know the feeling of your sinuses clearing as you ascend or descend in an airplane. This action can be simulated on a roller coaster on a smaller scale and without being in a pressurized cabin. The sharp up and down force can work to clear your sinuses and dislodge any blockages.>It's the "being shook around" sensation of a roller coaster that helped a British woman detect a brain tumor she had no idea she had. According to Daily Mail, Sally Dare began suffering from headaches and dizziness following a roller coaster ride in Florida. As her condition worsened, she went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The movements of the roller coaster likely loosened the tumor and allowed it to be detected early.>When you experience an adrenaline rush, your whole body goes through a "fight or flight" response, which is an automatic reaction that will leave you feeling energized and exhilarated, especially if you're an adrenaline junkie. An adrenaline rush can help make minor aches and pains hurt less. No. 1383760
>>1383614>My mom was crying when I went in the house.girl, did you ask your mom why she was crying?
I'm so bothered by your whole post in a way I can't describe. like I'm worried for you and confused by you.
No. 1383800
>>1383778wow I never thought to ask this but I also did not know, I just guessed from context when it was added at the end of comments. I feel like it doesn't work when people use it as an insult, like
[greentext] t. a fag but that was just my feeling
>>1383790thank you
No. 1383879
>>1383778Once an anon said she thought it meant
thincerely, and I have never read it any other way since
No. 1383885
>>1383778It's the abbreviated version of terveisin (Finnish for "regards", as if the thing that comes after t. is the person talking).
It was first used on imageboards when Finnish memes like dolan and spurdo spärde showed up on 4chan, and people started using it as a joke and it took off from there.
t. meme expert
No. 1384128
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>>1384101not that I have seen. we have just accepted /m/ is kill
No. 1384178
>>1384163I just don't get streaming. I would hate relying on internet connection so heavily for music. It's so much easier having an MP3 player ready to go. Internet is more stable now in most places so it's not something most zoomers are prepped for, I guess. What I really don't get though is how streamers tolerate either ads in the middle of their albums or having to pay for them to be removed. Fuck that shit.
>>1384166That ad was some bullshit. If I could get away with stealing a tv or a car like I get away with pirating media I absolutely would steal those things, kek.
No. 1384236
>>1382046>they think he was created in Heaven and has a divine nature similar to the Quran) ….what isn’t that straight up blasphemy? I looked them up and they’re sunni?
>>1384178I was pretty hostile towards streaming and just downloaded everything and threw it on a hard drive but having access to so much at my fingertips is appealing and eventually I gave in to streaming at some point because of my phone’s tiny storage.
It’s also just very flexible so honestly I get it
But I still want to go back to pirating music.
>>1384181You’re being too generous. Most just use at most 5 platforms.
>>1384213Specifically ios, that doesn’t allow for much pirating but I doubt that gen z that own android phones pirate on their samsung. Can you even do that nowadays?
>>1384143Zoomers pay for albums? That sound sounds unbelievable don’t they just rely on spotify?
>>1384143I think this sentiment is strongest with zoomers that want to be social media artists or enter the entertainment industry. The rest just seem oblivious because of streaming services.
No. 1384250
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When people tell me to loosen up, what exactly do they expect me to do?
No. 1384266
>>1384250They perceive you maybe don't feel "at ease" in the group, they want you to trust them and to feel comfortable
>>1384253And she doesn't owe them "smiles and te-hees" neither, calm down
No. 1384284
>>1384281Not sure but possibly
>bright colors>cartoon>intensive lore>babby's first video game Here's my own question: if a male is really into Sonic is that indicative of Autism, like for sure?
No. 1384287
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Why can I only get horny when I smoke weed?
No. 1384322
>>1384284I think so. I really think there's some secret link between sonic and autism. Besides the Koopa guy people LOVE mario but not that I'm aware of, I don't see so many autists being sexually attracted to him or obessed with him like Sonic.
If so it's towards peach. I even came across a autistic guy who LOVED sonic and HATED Amy Rose. And another thing, what is it with Sonic and men who aren't clear or obessed with their sexuality?
Like the anti-Amy guy, hated their romance, had weird clingy relationships with his friends which he called "Forever friends".
Is it just a sympathom of autistic men being placed in front of a tv? Because like chris he ALSO made fan fictions but with Deadpool or other random movie characters.
No. 1384442
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Google isn't giving me a straight answer, so…can food allergies make you feel sickly and fatigued without it really hurting your stomach that much? Stuff like onions makes me feel ill for many hours after eating it, among other stuff and I'm not really sure how much I'm imagining things.
I can say for sure that the few times I've ever felt ok in the recent years I had gone a while without eating.
No. 1384470
>>1384178>That ad was some bullshit. If I could get away with stealing a tv or a car like I get away with pirating media I absolutely would steal those things, kek.NTA. That ad is bullshit because you can create unlimited copies of digital media, something you can't do with real physical things like cars or TVs. It's not the same and I hate that digital piracy is called "stealing" when you're not depriving anyone of their music or movie when you make a copy of it for yourself.
Also, did you know? Piracy doesn't negatively impact sales in most cases, one of the exceptions being recently released blockbusters. other anon said I would choose buying before pirating without a second thought if I wanted to support a small indie artist or developer. Otherwise, I don't think that big game company or super rich musician is going to starve if I choose to pirate their shit.
No. 1384557
>>1384442no one really knows dick about shit when it comes to the immune system. doctors, professors, etc. its the same kind of deal with neurology. the best thing you can do is keep a food diary and review it like once a month. from there, you do exactly what an immunologist would prescribe- which is an exclusionary diet. start with something like the BRAT diet and see from there what foods
trigger your symptoms. or you could not do that at all and just figure it out however you want to. either way, the best an MD is going to offer you are injections to desensitize you to environmental allergens or tell you to take zyrtec every day.
No. 1384577
>>1384442Yes, I went to get an allergy test done and I figured out why I always felt really tired and gross after eating fried rice. Among other things, was mildly allergic to rice, chicken, and more highly allergic to sesame seed/sesame oil. Boom.
You should go get an allergy test done (where they poke your skin 30 times with all kinds of shit and see how you react) asap!
No. 1384593
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do you think God gets tired of you picking good-for-nothing moids and downplaying warning flags and after a certain number he just lets you fend for yourself? just want to know if my "luck" of being able to see clear enough to get rid of garbage men in time is going to wane at some point
No. 1384654
>>1384259is this temporary, like you notice your skin has marks on it after a day of wearing clothes? if so, you are dehydrated and should drink more water. maybe massage the area a little to get the blood and fluids flowing.
if you mean you have a muffin top that's a different thing. your body can grow around your clothes if you always wear the exact same thing but it might also just be your shape, no way for me to know.
for either thing this post
>>1384638 might be right, maybe buy the correct size underwear or a different cut underwear (bikini/brief/boyshort/high rise, whatever) or stop wearing tight pants over the underwear – something you wear is pressing into you at a specific spot and that can always be changed.
No. 1384790
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For nonnies who like cottage cheese, how do you like to eat it? I'm looking for more savory ways to enjoy it than just eating it plain (which doesn't bother me, but feels boring).
No. 1384795
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>>1384790I thought this was strawberries and cream!!! It reminded me of when I used to go strawberry picking when I was young.
No. 1385002
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Why do fat people roll their wrists like Fred Flintstone? I thought that shit was limited to cartoons
Yabba-dabba-doo motherfuckers!!!
No. 1385004
>>1384577Wow. RICE? That's shocking. Yeah. I will probably steam the vegetable mix and just have it with salt, and see what happens after eating a massive amount of it on an empty stomach.
Also, what was the context of your test? Did you go to an allergist I have had a mild test done before and it's like only the typical allergens were tested. I did find out I have a moderate shrimp allergy, but it never tested for stuff like rice or chicken.
No. 1385061
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Do other Nonnas like overnight oats? I don't want to be a NLON
No. 1385081
>>1385070Not like the other Nonnas, but luckily thanks to you I am like the other Nonnas.
>>1385068Gross how? Too liquidy? Seems like they have gone bad?
No. 1385091
>>1385083I always use quite a lot of chia seeds and a scoop of protein powder or two, which is guaranteed to soak up all the moisture usually. I've also swapped out
plantmilk for mainly yoghurt, only using just enough so you can actually mix the damn thing.
No. 1385110
>>1385092>Maybe because the mashed banana had time to ripen a bit in the oats.Yeah and it ends up being absorbed by the oats more, because of the extra time.
>but then again, the frozen berries had time to defrost completelyIt's something to take in account during assembly. I tend to also use very dry ingredients like cocoa powder or protein powder, which balances things out. You also might need to either add extra seeds or swap some parts of the milk for yogurt or quark.
No. 1385160
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>>1384790I sprinkle some nutritional yeast on it. shredded nori is a pretty good addition too. a pinch of salt and some cucumber slices is nice.
cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes with fresh basil leaves is a great snack in the summer when basil and tomatoes are in season. add balsamic vinegar if you like, then it's kind of like a caprese salad. (tomatoes are cooked in pic rel which is also an option, I bet sundried tomatoes would be good too)
No. 1385163
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What does bleak mean? Suddenly everyone is using it and I feel put of touch
No. 1385277
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Is this bitch the real murderer or is this just some dumb chick cosplaying as the murderer? If it’s the real nevada, I thought she felt remorse? Like wtf
No. 1385355
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astrology nerds what does it mean that my sun ascendant and venus are all in scorpio??? pic unrelated i’m just a monica bellucci stan
No. 1385476
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>>1385454i like america actually, but it baffles me how weird of a country it is despite being so young, in comparison England is like 1000 years old and only has 166 serial killers lmao. America is living on every black mirror episode at once.
No. 1385492
>>1384758this youtube video explains how to do it on mobile.
if you're on a desktop browser and signed into google, go to the three dots at the top of the screen and "Delete All" (you can also delete individual likes or days of activity)
I got there by going to youtube > settings > View or change your Google Account settings > data & privacy > youtube history > manage history > interactions > view likes and dislikes
No. 1385499
>>1385277>Is this bitch the real murderer Such a great question.
No, honey, that's not the real girl.
No. 1385516
>>1385476thats just because America has higer ratio of police to citizens and tracks killings better. Theres impoverished people getting killed all over the world every hour of every day but they dont get collected in a serial killer
victim database or anything. No one connects the dots or cares, its just written off as cartel/gang/random violence.
No. 1385935
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who was the one radfem who did an interview with a normie dude(it wasn't benjamin boyce btw) podcaster and talked about how radical feminism could free men, I think she posted her vid on ovait
pic unrelated
No. 1386056
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>>1385889weird. you can do it one-by-one on youtube as well (pic rel)
No. 1386193
>>1385990Your mom’s emotional issues are not due to taking Synthroid (levothyroxine) unless she was at a dose way too high for her. Even then, she’d exhibit symptoms of hyperthyroidism. It takes at least 6 weeks to build up in your system so it’s really not something where the levels can fluctuate throughout the day. The only way I can see this being due directly to medication is if she was taking Cytomel (liothyronine aka T3) and didn’t actually need it. Loads of doctors will dose to how a patient feels opposed to what their blood work says which can be okay unless the person winds up on unnecessary high doses of T3.
I started medication about a decade ago due to sub clinical hypothyroidism and kinda wish I hadn’t. Once you start taking thyroid hormones your thyroid glad stops making as much and you typically will need medication for life.
If the only symptom of hypothyroidism you’re having is hair thinning I would NOT go on medication unless your blood work indicates that it’s very necessary. Just from observation, hair thinning in people of all ages seems to have become very common in recent years and I highly suspect it’s due to shitty new preservatives is shampoos that loads of people become sensitized to.
Hair thinning is one of the main reasons I started medication when I did and I don’t think it did anything. Hair loss is literally a side effect of Synthroid (I don’t think it’s terribly common) so that’s worth considering. I’ve read studies where some women with hypothyroidism didn’t see improvement in hair growth until they started taking a zinc supplement in addition to their medication but I always forget to actually take it.
No. 1386339
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my poo came out bright green. after looking up what the reason may be, the closest possible culprit is spinach. I have had it before in big amounts but my poo was never green. I had it in small amounts for the past three days and it wasn't green until today. And then I remembered, I took chelated calcium yesterday. I do some bit more searching and apparently chlorophyll, the pigment that gives spinach etc its green color, binds to magnesium. Seeing as my poo was green, does this mean all the magnesium I took was present in the poo and not actually absorbed like intended, evidenced by the chlorophyll binding to it and literally highlighting it? does it mean I took too much?
No. 1386373
>>1386368i figured thank you so much
nonnie and thanks for not calling me a dumb ass. I appereicate it
No. 1386742
>>1386688It depends and there are whole books written about it (see Female Masculinity by Jack/Judith Halberstam)
>>1386712you'd like LChat
No. 1386751
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if you had to choose, would you rather be a regular poster on 4chan's /b/ or /r9k/?
No. 1386752
>>1386744Are you sure you can't customize your blog's code for this on Tumblr? I mean you have access to the HTML code, you could probably add links to each chapter.
Other than neocities I guess you could also try Wordpress or some other blog site.
No. 1386753
>>1386751I would be a regular poster on /r9k/ annoying the fuck out of incels
and possibly getting them to ktsI've heard /b/ is just porn dumps nowadays so what would be the point of posting there
No. 1386756
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>>1386753yes that's the conclusion i've come to as well. i came of age on /b/ during the 2000s and would rather be there, but it's just not usable anymore. i don't want to sift through pornography just to shitpost. at least on /r9k/ i can cyberbully scrotes and tell demoralized incels to kys
No. 1387205
>>1387177depends on the size of the business and the type of work you're doing and wether the business operates on holidays.
>legally, employers are not required to give their employees time off during federal holidays. Furthermore, employers are not required to pay their employees if they grant them the day off.
>Sadly, the law views holidays as just another business day, so whether or not you have to work is entirely up to your employer’s discretion if you work for a private company. Holidays like Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, New Year, Labor Day, Independence Day, Juneteenth, MLK Day, and Christmas are referred to as federal holidays precisely because they apply to employees of the federal government.You have to check your employer's handbook in burgerland, there are no real laws unless you literally work for the federal government. you will get the day off if the business is closed, you will probably get paid time-and-a-half if the business is open and you have to work. you might get a paid day off, you might get a paid day off to put in the bank because you had to work the actual day lol.
No. 1387305
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why is kpop so popular??
No. 1387331
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>>1387317conjunction between sun and mercury in your natal chart
No. 1387351
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>>1387331What the fuck! How did you call it so easy? I don't know anything about astrology (I'm kinda on the fence about it) but a couple of times people have guessed I'm a Sagittarius based solely on my behaviour and it weirds me out and makes me want to learn about it.
No. 1387352
>>1387305Cute looking boys that that appeal to OSA women.
They also sell a fantasy to said group of women along with having different "looks", some are cute some are kind of edgy looking (in a butter knife kind of way)
Compared to western musicians they put a lot of effort into how they dress on stage
No. 1387371
>>1387351same thing in my chart which I just happened to be looking at yesterday and I have the same audiobook listening problem you described.
truly I'm shocked you actually have that conjunction, I was kinda shitposting lmao
No. 1387385
>>1387382I was just thinking
wouldn’t it be funny if I was right? haha now I’m scared lol
No. 1387387
>>1387375all men are children until they’re at least 31 and then even sometimes after that
I think I was 28 or 29 when I stopped feeling immature
No. 1387394
>>1387375What is an adult? Someone who pays their own bills imo and has the means to pay them. Idk.
All my friends deemed mature when I was a teen were the ones they stepped into the mother role or who looked out for others or was always the one watching the bags on nights out and making sure we all got home etc etc. I'm in my 30s, no kids. Live alone. Independent. Outside of work I just do whatever I want. See my boyfriend. Catch up with friends. Tell my family and people I don't want to see I'm always working. The mothers I work with make throwaway comments about how young and carefree I seem. I don't join in with conversations about motherhood etc I've no experience there. I moved out at 19 and have been put on my own for more than a decade. I deemed myself an adult the day I moved out of home, but then I did that as a teen.
No. 1387407
>>1387385Don't worry, I think it just means that we're anime protagonists about to go on a grand adventure where we defeat the forces of evil.
(and hopefully we're bestowed the power to listen to audiobooks, kek)
No. 1387546
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>>1387524yes. sometimes people really don't know and they just use it to mean anyone who is freaking out, but I probably wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt to be honest. in my mind it's in the same category as "porch monkey", a slightly obscure but kind of obviously racist term that sometimes gets used by people who don't know.
No. 1387696
>>1387658It seems like the more of a doormat i was, the worse he became. Also doubt the hot thing.
>>1387668Idk, because I don't want them to do the same to another woman maybe? thought this was a normal thing to want
No. 1387774
>>1387363>Is there a reason you weren't invited? family fued or something?I have no clue why I wasn't invited. All I can really think of is maybe my half-sister (who hosted party) doesn't like me because of whatever drama happened between her mother and mine? My father is a messy slut and I'm pretty sure he was having on-and-off affair with my mom even after he remarried.
Otherwise, it's not like my half-sister and I have been in enough contact with each other to start a feud anyways. My father mentioned she was living abroad too for a while and recently moved back. I really don't know what her problem with me is.
No. 1387790
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How do I stop myself from eating fast food? not only because it's unhealthy but also because it gets costly? I take my own food to work but during my breaks I get this insatiable urge to get a burger from nearby. It probably doesn't help that I can see the place from across our lunchroom and parkinglot. If i don't eat the crappy food I feel like I didn't really eat
No. 1387805
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What does it mean if the red areas always feel tight no matter how much I stretch? Can anyone recommend stretches?
No. 1387846
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What happens if I drink coffee or espresso and then take melatonin. Do they cancel each other out
No. 1387883
>>1387857Not really. The current and long-standing canon has Green Lanterns chosen by a sort of alien police force; they give the power rings to those they deem worthy by having ~willpower~ and the ability to overcome their fear and shit, but the most notable Green Lanterns like John Stewart and Hal Jordan do not have traditional super powers.
tl;dr no
No. 1387926
>>1387886I don't self harm, but I have the inclination and compulsion to do extremely stupid shit which could be considered self-sabotaging and I have to second
>>1387901 fitness helps a lot.
No. 1387939
>>1387790I have this issue but with sugar. If I can power through 3 days without it the craving starts to go down to like 20% of what it was before, but those 3 days are hard. After a week or so it gets surprisingly easy to stay off. Annoying thing is everyone knows me as the one who loves sugar so they keep being "nice" by giving it to me and I can't say no so I have to start over all the time lol
I find it helps if I know I have a small amount of the thing I crave already available, maybe you can add a few fast food items like fries or nuggets to your meal? That way at least for me my brain sees it as "I would need to go out of my way to get more of what I already have" and my laziness kicks in and I accept what I have without any effort instead lol
No. 1388346
>>1388303It's called depression
nonnieThe lord is with you
No. 1388381
>>1388316Are you still eating eggs and dairy? I relied on eggs and cheese a lot when I started being vegetarian.
Breakfast for dinner is good when you're starting. Thai curries with coconut milk and tofu are something I started doing later on. Tex mex is very easy to make vegetarian without sacrificing any flavor (burritos, migas, enchiladas, nachos, etc.). A nice fresh loaf of bread and a big pot of white bean soup with herbs and olive oil is a great meal whether you're vegetarian or not, very easy to make.
No. 1388409
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>>1388375yeah but I weigh myself unclothed early in the morning when I am the most dehydrated, ideally after shitting just to make sure I'm not holding any extra weight. (why do I do it this way? I don't know, it feels more like my "true" weight or something.) but when I'm at the doctor it's the middle of the day and I'm hydrated, fed, and wearing all my clothes so it's like 5-7 lbs more.
one of my friends has a scale I weigh 9lbs more on and I step on it just to go "oh nooo" and laugh because I don't actually have a reason to care
No. 1388746
>>1388728I get that a lot because I’m a quiet person and I’ve never found the perfect response or anything but usually I answer with a warm smile to show I’m not unhappy or sulking and whatever generic thing pops into my head (sorry I’m a quiet person/I get that a lot/oh I didn’t realize) and everything turns out ok. Like acting nonthreatening to a nervous animal kind of lol
You can say “do you want to chat about something?” afterwards because sometimes that’s what they want.
No. 1388796
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What dishes can I make with spinach and bell peppers? Also is there a site that you could look up ingredients and it would show you dishes?
No. 1388800
>>1388746>You can say “do you want to chat about something?” afterwards because sometimes that’s what they want.I actually did that one time and the person thought I was being super aggressive and was like "ummmm what!!" and it was awkward so I don't do it anymore
>>1388757True it only seems to be extroverts who are nosey and needy that say this. The lady in question is honestly very sweet and nice but I had no clue how to respond
No. 1388805
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Does that baking soda to determine pregnancy test work? I’ve been the whole month without my period I’m so spooked and I have no money for a pregnancy test right now. Wtf!
No. 1388993
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>>1388987Kay thanks nona time to strap my hands to my chest
No. 1389136
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>>1388895because the clitoris is actually rather large and parts are internal and the glands extend around your vaginal walls and can be stimulated by kegels or other pressure
No. 1389153
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glans not glands and also wrong term for the inside part, my bad. see pic
No. 1389354
>>1389235Because of abuse. Same reason why (at least here) you need to see the pharmacist to purchase gravol/dimenhydrinate even without RX.
For things like Codein/Paracet, despite the low dosage, the government doesn't want to fuck around with that shit for people who intentionally abuse or accidentally. While working at the lab in the pharmacy, I've seen people take 2000mg of Tylenol because it hurt really really bad.
No. 1389392
>>1389376I've seen 1000mg prescribed every 8 hours, so it's normal, but it's usually after major trauma like surgery and it's prescribed along side with Codeine.
What I'm saying is I've had patients come in and tell me they've taken up to 2000mg multiple times a day which could lead to 8000mg. That's accidental abuse.
No. 1389698
>>1389303Sorry for delete if you saw that, I was thinking about it and I would need more details to know if what I said was true. It
should go away on its own within a couple days. If your gums start to hurt more or become inflamed then you should get your mouth checked but that's very unlikely to be necessary. The whitening solution got on your gums, it works on flesh/hair/clothes too. You could maybe be more careful with the placement next time? Make sure the strip is not laying on your gum at all if that was the case. You can also take a damp q-tip and nudge the strip away from your gum after you put it on if it's touching something it's not supposed to or bothering you.
No. 1389910
>>1389395No hate but luxury perfumes are the worst money sinks of anything you listed. Buy what you want but know perfumes are technically a huge rip off. It's spending money as a luxury for the sake of spending money, maybe also as a status symbol if you wear it around other people. Nice smells are abundant and don't have to cost $150 per ounce.
I think buying better tasting food is worth it if you can. Increased quality and freshness increases your enjoyment/happiness and possibly your health depending on what you're eating.
A silk pillowcase is actually good for your hair (less snags) but hard to wash so I don't think it's worth it. For clothes buying yourself nicer clothes can save money in the long run because they last longer but it's not really changing your life or anything, as long as you're protected from the elements anything works. However good shoes will improve your overall wellbeing because foot health is so important and can be such a horrible problem as you age.
No. 1390118
>>1390001No, I don't.
>>1390048You're not seeing any more 666s than the average person, you're just subconciously focused on them so you take note of them. You live in a world with a very great amount of numbers and letters absolutely everywhere, so yeah you're going to come across and notice number combinations you feel mean something.
No. 1390150
>>1390139>How do I make these people face a mirror and really take a good look at themselves for the shitty people they are?you can't and thinking you can change other people makes you vulnerable. learn to gray rock, set boundaries, and lose their attention. if you were abused these kinds of
abusive people may learn to pick up on behaviors that make it seem like you are an easy target. i am not
victim blaming you for being targeted though. it's all on them.
No. 1390165
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Um, so, warning, gross post…so, does anyone get UTIs randomly? Is it possible for it to be chronic? I was tested randomly in an annual physical. Several irregularities were detected. I've felt a bit weird on/off for a very long time and I know many years ago early in college it was blatantly obvious I had an infection. Now? I don't really feel much down there…not perfect but I just feel sickly and fatigued otherwise pretty much constantly which I'm starting to think is normal for me.
Oh also I'm a virgin so no it's not a STD.
No. 1390281
>>1390260Sort of related to this, do you nonnas think somebody can be objectively ugly but never in their life get called ugly to their knowledge?
Really wish there was a wya to know what the people close to me actually think of my appearance. I'd rather just know that I'm ugly than be told lies.
No. 1390319
>>1390313Photofeeler looks objectively unreliable and technologies like this are notoriously trained on populations inadequate in both size and diversity. I wouldn't put much stock into it.
Honestly, I think the best way is to straight out ask somebody, but I don't trust moids and I don't want female friends to misinterpret my question as gauging for interest since I'm a lesbian.
No. 1390329
>>1390319If you say so kek, sounds like you tried it out and didn't like your result. I used some random google photos along with mine to test and I felt they got rated accurately so I'm confident in my ratings.
Straight out asking someone will NOT work, kek. No one is going to tell you you're butt-ugly to your face. I wouldn't tell anyone that even if it was true.
No. 1390349
>>1390329It's advisable to look into the reliability of tech services before making an account with your personal info and face attached willy-nilly.
>>1390332"Weird looking but profoundly inoffensive" is a good way to put it, haha. Hope you have a pleasant weekend,
No. 1390371
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>>1389698sorry nonna i didn't see your original post. It went away rather quickly, i posted before driving off to work and when I got there it was already back to normal so I didn't bother to check in here. I will be more careful next time though it's like if I want to get the entire length of my teeth, it's bound to touch a bit of the gums, picrel, hopefully my shitty mark up gets the point across. I will try your q-tip recommendation though and maybe it'll help. thanks for responding
nonny No. 1390392
>>1390371You're lucky anon. I have a cross, deep, under-bite and crowding issues.
Plus several teeth that never grew in (there's two gaps where adult teeth are missing). I wish I had teeth that normal…
No. 1390400
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>>1390383ayrt how do i fix eyes like this
No. 1390421
>>1390406Hm, odd. Yeah. I've actually had super low blood pressure in the past consistently - always borderline abnormal - but that day it was actually tested to be much higher/normal for once before the appointment.
>>1390405Oof. Not looking forward to it.
No. 1390443
>>1390379>>1390392kek those arent mine, just a pic i got off google for my markup.
mine are healthy and "normal" but odd looking
No. 1390498
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My psychiatrist will only do telehealth over video calls.
Can this bitch have me re-committed to the psych ward over the phone?
No. 1390511
>>1390509Oh yeah, they've been wringing the covid excuse dry for as long as fucking possible, but no, I am in the beshitted asshole of the Midwestern united states
I've never even met this cunt irl and she's not even a real psychiatrist, he left ,this heifer is just a PA
No. 1390518
>>1390511Aww I'm sorry Nona, it's sad there not prioritizing mental health appointments better, therapy doesn't even work properly over webcam but over the phone is just pathetic on her end. I hope she can get you what you need regardless, it's like one of the basic requirements of a psychiatrists job, if she can't do that she shouldn't even be stepping into that role. I can't wait until the covid excuse is no longer
valid, this shit is really getting old.
No. 1390528
>>1390518honestly I don't care about them taking shitty care of me, this woman has made it clear she goes in assuming that all of her patients are drugs addicts; my psychiatrist had had me take xanax as needed for a year and that was working fine, and then she took over and said you can never have another xanax again for the rest of your life, and proceeded to try me on at least 6 different anti-psychotics, none of which helped, the one I'm on right now is making me fucking crazy
at my next appointment I want to just call her out on how fuckign poorly I'm doing and how in my notes she's been misquoting me and lying about my progress, and I'm wondering if she can have the police sent to my house to have me committed
No. 1390637
>>1390118Nta and I'm generally a sceptical person. Been experiencing the number sequence thing for years. Mostly 11s. There's all sorts of online communities that try to attach meaning to it. Years ago it was a 'lightworker' thing. Now it's an angel message thing. I stay away from reading that stuff. I'm not someone who leans into attaching meaning to things like that but no matter how hard I try to remain sceptical I can't shake it. I'll never admit this to anyone in person but I've had some crazy synchronicities happen in my life whenever the number thing ramps up
I want to believe that it's just some OCD brain thing.
No. 1390668
>>1390528can you cancel all appointments with her and select a new person?
never good to get aggressive with a PA for so many reasons. just steer clear if you get a bad one.
No. 1390820
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If you met a farmer irl, what poster would you hope she would be, and what poster wouldn’t you want her to be?
No. 1390872
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how do i make the refresh button also scroll back up to the top of the page? i don't want to have to press both F5 and the home button :c(:c)
No. 1390889
>>1390820Would want to meet: Fellow yumes and terves
Wouldn't want to meet: Those with internalized misogyny and retarded infighters
No. 1390942
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Is Shein pronounced as sheen or shine? I heard it being pronounced both ways
No. 1390976
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Can you randomly start to develop tics? I'm starting to develop a facial tic. It happens every once in a while completely randomly but it usually only happens when I'm having an anxiety-inducing intruding thought. Is that normal?
No. 1390985
>>1390820the farmhand that perma banned me and then the farmhand that allowed me back on the site after I apologized.
I'd like to thank them both.
No. 1391029
>>1390820Would meet:
>my gf, romanian-chan>husbandofags>anons in the amerifags thread>fellow /m/ postersWould not meet:
>the penis havers that lurk and post No. 1391088
>>1391075Most I know are straight but
very homoromantic, like even more so than the average male. Like
>>1391082 said there is a big subculture for gay guys though. Honestly I'd say it's pretty mixed, 65/35 in favour of straight guys maybe. It depends on where you work out though, some gyms will naturally develop a mostly gay clientele through word of mouth while others will be full of stinky straight guys who are shaped like doritos because they skip leg day.
No. 1391104
>>1391093If we rephrase it, it means that someone else has blocked their need to assert themselves, and that they have faced (i.e. confronted, encountered, or have to come to terms with) this.
I have no idea what it actually means since you didn't provide context (I'm confused as to what "block someone's need to assert themselves" means here) but I hope rearranging the sentence this way helps you understand
No. 1391135
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What is better in the long run a 100% silk muffler or 55% acrylic and 45% cotton blend one?
No. 1391143
>>1391135If you are going to expose it to the elements a lot and use it like a real muffler then get the acrylic/cotton blend, it won't get ruined by snow/rain/wind/sun as fast and will wash/dry easier without falling apart.
If you are going to treat it like a delicate fashion accessory then silk is better, it lasts a long time with care and looks/feels nice, kinder to your hair too.
No. 1391159
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Saw this and wondered if it was a shitpost or a real newfag, looks like a shitpost to me but maybe not. Do normal people call it "CP"? I thought that was just something terminally online people did and normal people would not even know the abbreviation for child pornography.
No. 1391182
>>1391136Yes it's-a-me kek, they're really strange, but probably the easiest to get to act right with enough memeing and sending or suggesting resources like you said.
>They're actually very in touch with their feelings, a couple of them cried looking at photos of my wedding, which was strangely endearing.I can believe that. I think fitness culture might be one of the few which allows for that to be cultivated I guess
probably partially because of the gay history/adjacency? Just reminds me of vidrel, which isn't even really an exaggeration, because you will see them do that shit. The most actually emotional, not in the sense of being angry, type of men I've seen.
No. 1391216
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I know this is just spam, but that any US anons know what that SWRHA company is?
No. 1391226
>>1391214nta but
>any kind of male >caring about skincare and eyebrowssounds made up tbh. i've never seen a single one with good skin and brows, gym types are no exception.
No. 1391421
>>1391417Because LDR, the ones where you haven't met up once instead of this just being a temporary thing
after you already met in real life, anyways, and online relationships aren't actual relationships, you're just larping as being in one.
No. 1391447
>>1391421>>1391420I guess there is that perception that online relationships don't feel real but you're also more likely to find someone who's right for you online than in real life where you have a limited dating pool.
>>1391436But if you spend every night with them and videocall with them? Sure you can't go out to places but you still get to know them and understand their values, which not even offline relationships discuss until deep into the relationship.
No. 1391611
>>1391553tbh you might already know it, but your therapist sounds extremely stuck-up. someone that reads that much into someone just existing and
not talking to them seems like a narcissist or something. I'd consider it a badge of honor if she really was that set off by you.
No. 1391616
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nonnies, my eyes are crepe-city. they constantly feel tired and I've always squinted but now? it's worst then ever. I can barely keep them open! is there anything I can do to give the area some more strength or no? I don't believe face yoga works at all but I did find an exercise for eyelids and while I just did it once, my eyes did feel substantially better for a bit afterwards. I'm not sure if I was imagining it.
No. 1391697
>>1391553Tbh this really depends. Just being quiet doesn’t make me think someone is stuck up, it depends on their whole vibe. I used to work with a guy who was very quiet, but any time he
did talk, it was something negative and judgey accompanied with an eye roll. Dude was just always negative and a huge downer. Another coworker was quiet but was super nice when we spoke one-on-one, he just felt awkward with a lot of people around. I think as long as you’re fairly positive when you
do talk to people, nobody will think you’re a bitch or whatever (that’s their problem if they do).
No. 1391843
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Why are some adults are obsessed with The Owl House? This cartoon looks like shitty self-insert fanfic off Wattpad, what's so cool about it? The artstyle is hideous too.
I'd understand liking other small tv cartoons with actually interesting plotline, but this one seems like it was made by someone from tumblr. What's so special about it?
No. 1391848
>>1391843Nothing is special about it, just another tumblerettes wet dream of self inserting fiction coming true.
It's "forever stuck in age 16" people that refuse to grow up.
The Show became dull for me after the second episode, I would prefer if the show was just about Eda Clawthrone, King and her sister Lilith.
No. 1391925
>>1391905Eternal kek at people who think going to art school leads to nowhere. Why? Don't you see how many people are employed in creative industries? You've chosen a major you hate and after you finally survive the studies you'll have to compete with other graduates that will be actually really driven and passionate and guess who will law firms prefer to chose? No job is guaranteed.
To answer your question - everything depends on an art school but everywhere you'll find at least some professors that will have something very valuable to teach you, if you're willing to put effort; and it helps a lot to have a mentor and a direct feedback; as well as to be in a creative environment with like-minded people that will all motivate each other to do more and better. Art school is also an opportunity to get more familiar with the creative career paths to take, and an opportunity to network with people from creative industries you're looking to pursue a career in. If you know what you want to do specifically you can try learning by yourself without any school as well, since degree is not really that important in the art industry, but I think art schools have their benefit.
No. 1392081
>>1391697not who you're replying to but now i'm curious what kind of vibe am i giving off that makes people think not talking=special needs (multiple times people talking to me super slowly as if i couldn't understand words, and this one girl talking to other classmates once said "why doesn't anon ever talk? is she retarded or something?" lol.
and at other times people acting afraid of me. i don't say anything positive nor negative, basically only speak when someone asks me something.
No. 1392083
>>1392062>>1392063Thank you anons i think i will give it a try
>>1392074I really didn’t know how to word it better sorry you feel offended
No. 1392326
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>>1383760>>1391615>>1391618It turned out to just be an extremely cruel prank or whatever you could call it my aunt played on my mom.
It's supposed to be a tombstone signifying the death of their relationship and it's unmarked because she no longer cares for my mom at all.
It was outside like that because my mom has always been bullied by that bitch and thinks she deserves it.
Nothing spooky about it, just fucking sad.
No. 1392342
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Can any super smart nona that can cook tell me what I can make out of the things I have already that wouldn't cause me to hemorrhage out of the labor of making it? I have peas, green beans, dry pinto beans, rice, eggs, and chicken. I'm on bed rest and can't do much on my own, but I am hungry and got nobody else. Delivery food is out of the question because I am on a tight budget.
No. 1392368
>>1392359>Do you go to therapy? No.
>Does your therapist know you’re a farmer?No because I don't have a therapist.
No. 1392375
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>>1392365no proof he is a pedo. There was enough evidence posted in celebricows when the tokata situation happened that her parents were caught in lies many times.
I get it he is violent and he should be called out for that but dont accuse people of serious things like you did.
also before you say something im not a ezrafag because hyunjin is my husbando.
No. 1392383
>>1392359Yes but I haven’t told her I come here. I always come here for advice but rarely follow it. I kinda just like knowing other people are reading my thoughts.
>>1392380This is a very good point kek
No. 1392448
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Does anyone know any fashion brands that are available in Europe that isn't made with slave labour/poor conditions?
No. 1392484
>>1392476Why though? If I can pay someone to clean for me I don't have to do so. I'm not pointing at her with a gun or something, she eats nice things at my home, she gets the medicine that she needs from me, she gets nice clothes and she even gets paid vacations, holidays and so much more.
So either help me out or stay seething.
No. 1392606
>>1392342He is so beautiful. Why are we pretending just cause he's a coked out psychopath that makes him ugly? He is gorgeous, his face was carved by angels, doing bad things doesn't make someone that's beautiful less beautiful. People don't realize how shallow they sound when they're like "oh honey no this
problematic person is not cute…" You're putting visual beauty on the same pedestal as having good morals. My god he's just breathtaking, the aqualine nose, the cheekbones, the eyes, the wide mouth. They don't make them like this anymore
No. 1392759
>>1392606He's just "objectively" handsome, his horrible personality doesn't really negate that, its just a fact. If he robbed someone and police asked me how the criminal in question looked it would be detrimental to the investigation to say he's ugly as hell and unfortunate looking just because i don't like him
>>1392754The primal instincts and feelings Erza's face tends to provoke are complex in their very nature, don't judge her anon
No. 1392763
>>1392750he already did if you look at his mugshot photos kek
>>1392762nothing wrong with having morals
No. 1392852
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How do you eat picrel?
No. 1392922
>>1392874candy apple =/= caramel apple, acksyully
the candy would tear your teeth out if you did that
No. 1392934
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there's a tiny baby possum stuck in my tree and I don't really see the mom nearby. What do I do? Well. I guess nothing. I feel so bad.
No. 1393358
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What am I supposed to understand if someone keeps making that face at me ? Does they want to punch me or fuck me ? It looks really sexual but also extremely agressive IMO.
No. 1393437
>>1393427Testosterone is also produced in the adrenals. After castration the adrenals will eventually start pumping out more testosterone in an attempt to compensate.
>>1393431This too. They’re on insane doses of estrogen and I can’t imagine them not feeling totally unhinged and physically unwell.
No. 1393511
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nonnies this is what my hair looks like and i'm getting it cut on wednesday. what should i do with it? a bob? layers? i have a very large head if that makes a difference kek
No. 1393526
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>>1393511layers? i can't tell if you have bangs or not but i gave you bangs too
No. 1393571
>>1393563Oh yeah, she had two really fast births, she's very proud of them
She also thinks my mom's still-births don't count as children she lost
>>1393567they're actually both gen-x
No. 1393573
>>1393539If a women is having twins she
has to get a C-section or the babies could die
No. 1393728
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>>1393681Not me. I used it but I just didn't feel that safe there. the admin/mods were extremely absentee with 0 communication (yes, even compared to LC) with little sign of recruitment. I know people aren't that happy with the administration here but I think the modding is 10x more reliable.
No. 1393828
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What does it mean when you go through a break up and literally no one else seems attractive?
No. 1393837
>>1393828It means you're still not over your ex
No. 1393925
>>1393851Accessories, like earrings or necklaces, there's no such a thing as too many earrings. And purses or bags too, they're useful and if you don't really like the one you get you can just gift it to someone else, I particularly love purses because sometimes you just don't have the right one for the right occasion.
Another great thing is office stuff like notebooks, pretty pens, boxes of pencils or colored pencils and such.
No. 1393928
>>1393909I wanted to ask that, but they think that giving money is 'soulless' despite my wanting to spend money in my niche foreign stores, so idk what to do here.
No. 1393935
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what's this all about? not my redtext, but still curious. the original post looked normal to me
No. 1394007
>>1393828You may need to take some time and focus on yourself, recover, do some soul searching. Do you feel you need a partner right now? if so, why?
sorry to armchair at you, but those are questions I found helpful for myself post breakup. Wishing you the best nona
No. 1394020
>>1394015I've always been fond of the idea that each year you were dating adds at least a month to the time it takes to recover from a breakup. It takes time for that zest for life to return, but it will and you'll have grown from the experience.
Breaking up is hard to do.
No. 1394118
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Do any anons know of any books that legit inspires or guides you towards becoming a better person? Maybe something like the bible that reminds you to be kind to others, etc
No. 1394512
>>1394507I can't see women who actively uphold patriarchal society standards as anything other than
victims; to hold them accountable would be unfair. We can't expect everyone to be able to just toss entire life of female socialization aside, especially since there are consequences for doing so.
No. 1394531
>>1394507I think gatekeeping, accountability and set rules is necessary for radical feminism tbh or else it will quickly spiral into just another branch of libfem, but there needs to be nuance to it or else it just looks like a bunch of women demonizing other women because they don't fit an extremely specific mold. I guess the issue is that no one can really come to set rules for accountability - for example I've met the extreme end who believe that even if you are attracted to a man and decide to live with him then you will never be radfem even if you follow the other basic principles of it (anti prostitution and porn, anti beauty standards and female socialization etc). Then there's the loose end which basically is barely radfem at all and might as well be choice feminism. It's quite hard considering so many things we do, even minor everyday things, are influenced by misogyny, it's quite difficult to draw a clear line between accountability or just let it be.
>Others say that no real progress can be done if we don't hold other women accountableI believe in this part but only in situations where there'd be no social consequences for stuff. For example, if you need to wear makeup or perform femininity for your job, or if you need to shave because you know people will comment on it otherwise, I understand that can't be helped and it's not your fault. But there's some instances where women actively choose to do detrimental things to them and no one is forcing them to - going out and engaging in casual sex with men when you know they treat you like shit and you aren't being pressured into it, watching and contributing to the porn industry when you know the harms of it, purposely bringing children either natural or surrogate (especially girls) into a shitty situation when you know fine well you shouldn't have and also have the resources education opportunities etc to just not have had a child.
If we start dismissing everything as "she is a
victim don't hold her accountable" then ironically it paints us in a light where women have no sense of intelligence or agency to even dream of liberation, turning full circle back into misogynist bs.
Those examples I gave aren't just plucked from thin air either, they are examples from my own life or women I know, and we were only actually able to progress when we held our hands up and said yeah that shit was dumb and I'm not doing it anymore because I want better for myself and other women.
I'd still say that the above is very rare compared to the amount of cases where women are actually
victims of female socialization and misogyny though. Regardless of if she makes a smart choice or a dumb one, I'm not going to say she doesn't deserve liberation because of it, but at the same time adult women still do need to hold themselves accountable and look within themselves and say "Is this a product of misogyny or did I just fuck up and need to improve it or else I'm actively choosing to contribute to patriarchal systems". This naturally speaks from a western standpoint as I ofc cannot speak for women in other countries and understand it's a different matter entirely. Forgive my sperg.
No. 1394546
>>1394518Yes, but it’s a them thing and not a you thing. They need to become independent and not need male validation or the validation of their peers. Their motivation has to change from extrinsic to intrinsic. That requires most of the time a lot of self work and therapy.
They’re going to have a to reprocess all of the sexism and trauma and harassment they’ve gone through with new eyes and they will have to grieve the world they thought existed. Because it’s not them. It’s the fucking men and the world is that bad.
No. 1394591
>>1394558Try this:
Go to your Account .
Tap Settings .
Tap Account .
Tap Language to choose a different language.
Tap Location to choose a different location.
No. 1394748
>>1394516Because fatties never use those medications to their advantage. To become obese a person must eat when they’re not actually hungry. If a particular medication works by reducing appetite that might not do shit for the fat person because their intake isn’t directly correlated to appetite. Some fats do lose weight on stimulant medication but since they usually don’t address their overeating problem their likely to return to their overeating habits as soon as they go off the medication or build a tolerance to it. Topamax is also used for weight loss but the side effects can be severe and I can’t see it being tolerated by people who don’t truly need to take it for seizures or migraine prevention.
The only times I’ve seen someone lose weight and remain a healthy weight via meds is if they legitimately had ADHD and chose to start taking stimulant medication for it.
Medical weight loss clinics (essentially phentermine pill mills) still exist but I’m not sure how many people are long term results from that. I guess the tldr is that medication cannot change your behaviors. It can help but you still have to put in work and permanently change your eating habits.
No. 1394828
>>1394507That this conversation usually veers towards other women wearing makeup versus the way women groom and mold their daughters and young girls to fit patriarchal expectations embarrasses me. Makeup and its effects is a serious feminist issue, but online radical feminists do a poor job tying it to beauty culture like cosmetic surgery and convincing makeup users why it's not to their benefit.
>>1394713Probably means men don't see you as vulnerable or easy to approach/take advantage of which is good. You may come off as more masculine/less GNC in personality or other behavior, which might lead SSA women to pick up on cues they see in other SSA women. Doesn't mean you are ugly or unattractive. Male sexuality is easily memed and they fetishize big boobs/ass hot and neoteny.
No. 1394843
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I’m buying the 25th anniversary Hello Kitty build a bear..what should I name it
No. 1394869
>>1394860Shit happens. I think she will appreciate that you found a copy that looks like the old one. I second
>>1394862 that maybe also give her small gift like candy to show that you are truly sorry
No. 1394898
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Has anyone tried picrel toothpaste? Is it worth the price?
No. 1394948
>>1394918Don't remember how long it was. Each of the three times I had to do it, I got informed about possible complications and instructions on what to do before surgery, like don't eat or drink anything for X hours before, no alcohol etc, and got to ask questions if there are any worries. They will be asking you about your weight, and you've really got to be honest about it unless you wanna wake up during surgery. If you gotta lie, rather add a pound or two lmao. I think gingers get higher doses of anesthesia because it often won't work at average doses for them or something? Not a ginger, so I can't really say much, but that's what I've heard from my colleague who worked for in-patient surgery for about a decade. They'll be asking about medication, too, and if you take blood thinners for example, or anything else that could interfer during the procedure, you'll likely have stop taking them some days before. Not sure if that was the surgeon/doctor I got the referral from or the actual anesthetist, but you'll get asked if you've got anything like HIV, Hep C or anything like that, as there are certain precautions for the surgeon and nurses to take if that's the case. Also, in case you get the option to choose, chose the second or third appointment for the day, not the very first one lol.
No. 1394971
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What does the following mean? how does it happen?
you find something of someone's akin to a dairy. They say stuff that makes you go awww, what a great person with the same belief system as me. But then they do the exact opposite of what's in there? how??????????? why would they lie if they are sure no one's reading?
No. 1394985
>>1394948Thanks a lot. But please don't tell me there are idiots who lie about weight to their doctors of all people. I refuse to believe it.
>>1394953My gynecologist told me that appointement was mandatory before getting surgery, I had no clue that was a thing that could happen days or weeks before the actual surgery.
>If your surgeon for some reason hasn’t ordered pre-surgery bloodwork that might be done, tooShe wanted to make me do some bloodwork to make sure I'm not pregnant but I told her I'm a virgin and won't have sex until way after the surgery, I will have to get a covid test 2 days before surgery though, so that would be too early.
>>1394955Since you're not the only one talking about weight, why don't they just measure your weight with a scale at their office directly? Wouldn't that cause less potential issues?
No. 1395054
>>1395034Is that a mental illness? I've only seen the opposite, someone having bad thoughts and posting them online and presenting as a good person IRL. But the opposite is baffling and I don't know what to make of it. Makes me sad, angry, scared, have many questions. They don't know I know, and I should have no way of knowing. I'm sorry nonna I don't wanna elaborate further and if it doesn't help, but i guess a blog
is closer than a dairy. yes online, but not a blog.
No. 1395196
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Do lesbians really do this stuff
No. 1395317
>>1395142very much so. my nigels' roommate's cat is literally retarded. it growls when you walk even near it
look up "part feral cat" and see if it checks the boxes.
No. 1395427
>>1395421>>1395420I feel a lot more comforted by your responses, thank you! Was starting to wonder if I was just an unfriendly person or if I really was a stuck-up person due to my dislike/aversion to a "circle of friends." I mean, I guess I dream of having a circle of friends whom I could be honest with but I feel like that's unrealistic.
>someone whose personality is already a bit abrasive tends to be 1000x more annoying in a group setting where they’re feeding off other annoying people’s energyI didn't think about that! People tend to do certain things just for a reaction, don't they.
Just makes me wonder about these friends of mine, like who are they really? Are they genuinely themselves when they hang out with me individually?
No. 1395685
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Is this product good to finally get rid of my blackheads? I am so fucking tired of my shitty skin
No. 1395705
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>>1395700Sorry samefagging this one?
No. 1395731
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What purchases do you make on a credit card? I’m planning on opening one soon and I kind of get how it works, I’m still researching how to use it properly
No. 1395911
>>1395816There's no etiquette really, you need to do what you're comfortable with yourself. Some people may stare if they notice at all, but then again, some people would always stare - and some of them judgmentally - at anything that is not a regular, "plain" body/skin - surgery scars, birthmarks, freckles, bruises… if you're ok with that, just have it out in the open and don't really think twice of it.
Anecdotal, but this summer I've seen a girl who had her entire arms covered with old but visible SH scars, she was wearing a sleeveless dress and looked happy, for me that was really beautiful to see; whatever was happening in the past she overcame it and doesn't let it hold her back in any way now. Of course not everyone has to have her confidence, but I just wanted to say, for me as a person who saw her it was positive feelings only.
No. 1395937
>>1395731I just use it for everyday essentials, like groceries and gas, and pay it off quickly. The purpose of having a credit card should be to build your credit score so that you have a good track record when you need it down the road (renting a house, buying a house, buying a car). It shouldn’t be used to buy day-to-day or superfluous things you don’t already have enough money in the bank to afford.
My sister didn’t get a credit card until after college because she “didn’t need one,” only to struggle to find a landlord that would rent to her because she had no credit.
No. 1395941
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what do you think would be ben shapiros reaction if you started manhandling him or surprise pegging? I feel like he would leave a loud yelp and then cry tears while he cvumming.
No. 1395951
>>1395837Depends on where you live probably. My job ostensibly fits your description but my coworkers and I all have masters or PhDs.
Actually now that I think about it more, I don’t really know what government would hire someone without a college education as a writer. Mindless data entry maybe, but that’s a soul-sucking job.
No. 1395998
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Anons who ordered from AmiAmi this year, how long did it take your order to actually start being shipped?
My order is still in 'Processing Shipping (Paid)' state. Air parcel shipping if that helps. I heard they don't have enough staff at the moment?
No. 1396478
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I was wondering whether my taste in games was scroteish or too NLOG. I have a scroteish taste in music apparently and other stuff, but I think my taste in games is pretty normal. So I looked up female gaming statistics and found that apparently medieval fantasy RPGs are the most popular. Does that sound right, or are the Polish biased because of the Witcher? Survival horror, turn based strategy, city builder and simulator rank pretty low apparently, but still around half like them so got that going for me. The most popular game mechanics are Arcade and Immersive journey. Apparently Polish women are also massive weebs (18% of female gamers) is this true kek? Oh and in other studies which include the category 'nonbinary', they actually ironically enough played the most stereotypically feminine games, even more so than just regular women. Though idk now whether the statistics are fucked because of TiMs.
No. 1396481
>>1396478I've always found RTS and turn based strategy to be filled with trannies, surprised simulation is as low on the list as it is with the popularity of the Sims. RPGs especially the Bioware brand are very popular among women, all you have to do is go to tumblr/twitter and see all the content with everyone shipping their OC with whatever RPG companion exists out there. Bioware RPGs are basically dating sims now anyways. I'm guessing the medieval fantasy genre is most popular due to it generally being an easy RPG genre to make by aping tabletop rules - you've got Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, Divinity, Tyranny, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder, Neverwinter Nights, etc etc etc.
JRPGs I feel like are split between scrote and female interest depending on how waifu hentai poisoned they are.
Just my experience tho, a lot of single player genres I like are scrote poisoned so I just don't engage with the communities at all.
No. 1396491
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>>1396481Yeah my main ones are Cities Skylines, Endless Legend/space, Civ, Tropico, Anno, Planet Zoo/Coaster, CK3, XCOM, Total War etc. As a teen I played Dragon Age, Oblivion, Persona, SMT, Assassins Creed, The Witcher, Fallout, Mass Effect, KOTOR, The Sims 2 etc, but as an adult I feel like I don't have time for games you kinda need to immerse yourself for a longer period of time for. Never got into multiplayer or joined communities really due to misogyny I already encountered while playing Halo back in the day. So I'm generally not in any community, had no idea TBS and RTS is full of troons.
>>1396490Besides Need for Speed every PS2 seemingly came with, I don't think I ever got into racing kek. I think I'm very cool for my lolcow theme park I made one time though.
No. 1396497
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>>1395941I love how, only on this website, have I ever seen several different users collectively want to sexually bully Ben Shapiro
No. 1396524
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Did anyone have like an anime phase but are now totally over it?
Like I can't bring myself to watch it anymore, not even Stone Ocean and I like(d) JJBA, or anything else no matter how much people talk it up.
No. 1396570
>>1396568aww no nona stop I’m nta but I don’t think that at all it’s very cute & admirable when someone goes out of their comfort zone
It’s actually anon’s reaction that’s the weird one
No. 1396614
>>1396570thank you
nonnie, i think I'll never be able to shake off that anxiety and I honestly admire the girl who had no issue just asking OP to go together
No. 1396615
>>1396610You think it's dangerous to go to somewhere like West Palm Beach or Waikiki beach by yourself? Just go to a resort or Disneyland if you're that scared about traveling alone
>>1396614I don't know her and she probably would have just thought I was too weird/awkward if I did want to go with her
No. 1396623
>>1396610Speak for yourself. I've gone alone to several places and I've never had an issue. If you want to go find female travel friends then you should go to groups rather than hitting up strangers
>>1396614What's the appeal of asking out strangers? You don't know if they even have the time/money to travel or are just total weirdoes that you wouldn't enjoy being around. Wouldn't taking the wrong person to vacation ruin your vacation?
No. 1396656
>>1396639Yea, Ik what you meant that’s why I said no one is going to find her.. dumb
and dramatic.
No. 1396704
>>1396685Nta that posted before but I solo travel, and I love it. In Madrid I spent so much time in museums and concerts in portugal (what was it called… nova sound fest?)
I can handle strangers but prefer alone time…. Idk i get burnt out with traveling with others.
With that being said, I always have a plan b for when shit hits the fan. I memorize navigation, I have a friend at home with all my info. I knew where the closest police stations were.
My biggest mistake traveling was booking a hostel and my phone was stolen. (First trip outside of usa, learned my lesson)
But even then, I figured it out. I had friends contacts written down and managed to network and one of my pals had a brother not too far away who helped me set up a temp phone. I managed to navigate the remainder of the trip without google maps and used a paper one instead.
Idk, to each their own.
In my hometown I get harassed and bothered more often than anywhere I travel.
No. 1396804
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>>1396524I don't watch any anime anymore. None of it is worth rewatching except for Oniisama e because it captured how I was in my teens and early 20s very well in terms of the emotions I experienced then. Nearly all the characters were relatable in some way to me. But even so, me rewatching it is more of a nostalgia trip for me than anything, and I also loved the art style.
No. 1396840
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>>1396524I used to be into anime for a little while as a teen, I would mostly watch yaoi though, or the occasional magical girl show from time to time. Funnily enough, I only really sat down and binge watched anime when I was like 20 years old, like osomatsu-san, Yuri on Ice, Sarazanmai and rewatched Doremi because I was alone and barely had any responsibilities. Nowadays I'm trying to watch some old anime with friends, or anime that my friends recommend to me, but it's so difficult. I feel like it really is something you either love or annoys you.
The thing I used to do
a lot was reading manga, but nowadays it's also a chore, I would binge read manga throughout the whole day and finish long ass shit like oyasumi pun pun in a day or half a day. Nowadays I'm trying to read a manga because my best friend wants to talk about it and it's so absolutely difficult.
Which is funny because now I want to read as many books as I can find, but I don't want to read manga or comics.
No. 1396877
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Actually stoopid question.
Is there a test or something i could take that would help me to know in what things should focus on depending on my goals? I would like a way to help me organize my life. It might be too specific kek
No. 1396914
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Is mousy light brown hair really that boring? Just read a bit and apparently there's women that say they were completely invisible with it and had radically different experiences when they dyed their hair (i.e., to red, blond, etc).
Sorry about the shallow question. Just have heard that my hair looks like a dead mouse a lot, kek.
No. 1396974
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apologies if someone already asked this but nonnas, how do you stick to a hobby? I find myself super motivated usually for a week or two, but then I hit some kind of setback (usually being put off trying because other people are more naturally talented at it, or when I am struggling to get noticeably better straight away kek) and then just abandon it out of shame. I struggle to self motivate and usually end up in an unhealthy mindset of "I'm too old to become good at this" (I'm 27). any help would be appreciated
No. 1396997
>>1396974try to combat those thoughts! really, there will always be someone who's better at the hobby than you, even if you get crazy good… but it doesn't matter. what matters is you and if you enjoy the process!
and remember no one is too old for anything. it literally doesn't matter when someone started because time put into the hobby matters the most, but even then, you have no need to be productive when you're just doing it for fun.
No. 1397019
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>>1396866they just wanna know wtf other people are doing ova der
No. 1397022
>>1396901Definitely, I'm TA you responded to and I'm taking a chemistry class this semester for fun (I work full time and already graduated with a BA) and it is fun and occupies my mind. But I guess I'm just wondering when do I really start to not get hurt by my thoughts that I'm not attractive enough.
I get into phases of hypersexuality that turns into asexuality since I'll start to feel so bad I feel like I'm not worth having sex with
Even if I challenge these thoughts, force myself to work, do homework, chores, etc. it is a dark cloud that I feel not good enough sexually.
No. 1397047
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Why are Americans obsessed with having gaudy, useless crap in their houses? And paint their interiors such vulgar colours?
I own almost nothing and moving was still a nightmare, just how do Americans have so many possessions? Stop consuming shite!
No. 1397260
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I believe it's real, else I'd be in the tinfoil thread but— why does this famous pic, Earthrise look so fake? It looks like the moon is way smaller than it should be and this photo is somehow taken from the edge, idk how to describe but it looks fake and gay, what gives? At least the size of Earth checks out
No. 1397467
>>1397259Maybe not, but I did something similar when my ex and I broke up. We both cosplayed and went to cons, so after our break up I stopped cosplaying and going to cons. I told myself it was a break, and maybe I would return. I took the time and money I now had to myself to pursue other hobbies I had always wanted to do but couldn't afford because of cosplay. I've found new things to love that are completely separate from my ex. I haven't returned to cosplay or going to cons, but I've been considering it because I found a character I think I would really enjoy making the cosplay for. I feel like my return to it is on my own terms and for my own enjoyment again, so I don't think taking a step back and finding new things to try out would be a bad thing. I don't think completely demonizing things you enjoy is the way to go though.
Take a break from it all, and return to it all when you feel ready for it. Reclaim your love for your hobbies when you feel ready for it.
No. 1397531
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How do i chose between two options? Making a pro/con list? Thinking about career options kek
No. 1397563
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Where can I find a video of this dude directing the troon to the mens restroom
No. 1397620
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>>1397603I prefer this version
No. 1397648
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this is super retarded fandom bullshit but i can't stop thinking about it: is it or is it not immoral to sexualize the described character? (whether in fics, making offhand comments, etc.) not naming who out of shame lol
basically there is an undead/not fully human type of character that in the book version, is stated to have died at 17 or something though is actually centuries years old.
in the movie adaptation, his physical age, or anything related to age at all is never stated and is played by a fully grown actor who was in his mid-20s at the time. the character overall doesn't look like a teen, is not written as one, doesn't attend school or anything, the only indication of his age is some text in the original story.
now the problem is, there is divide amongst fans as to whether or not it's okay to sexualize said character because of what his original physical age was supposed to be. but most people are only sexualizing the movie adaptation. although those against the sexualization are connecting the book version of the character with the movie and saying that they're the same, they think that it cannot be separated. so who is in the wrong here
to bring up a comparison of a completely different character from a different story, (but i guess who's age and undeadness works similarly?): would it be "sexualizing a minor" if someone found a character like edward cullen attractive? tbh i don't know a lot about twilight lore so idk if there's any book/movie differences but i'm just using it for comparisons sake because of the "being physically one thing but technically something else" aspect
No. 1397673
>>1397654I don't know anything specific about Reddit but yes, what you will need to do is, in this order:
1-log out
2-clear cookies
3-change vpn
4-make new account
and the #3 might not even be necessary, depends, it can't hurt though
No. 1397713
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>>1397710omg true, that's why tradwife is only being a menace in that one thread.
No. 1397741
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would it be weird to get this as a tattoo? it reminds me of the cuteness and warmth of true love, I dunno if that's what is being communicated to others though
No. 1397742
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>>1397741here's the other option by the same artist
No. 1397749
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>>1397743>>1397745Is it super bad? the "they look like they're having sex" part… I don't want it to be reminded of things like picrel , which was noted in another thread to look like paedophilia.
No. 1397754
File: 1667542759016.jpg (235.01 KB, 2000x2000, Small-Uterus-Minimalist-Tempor…)

>>1397752Thanks anon. I think I'll chose the other one as to not have it misunderstood
On another note, I'm searching for womb tattoos because I would like to have something that reminds me of feminism done, but I can only find hentai shit. It's so disheartening. Can't find stuff like this anymore with a simple google search, the coomers took over.
No. 1397812
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>>1397797Sawa is the best thing about it, so if you can't relate to or appreciate her abnormality then you should probably stop.
No. 1397922
>>1397822Theres online doctor services that can prescribe treatments for common ailments in the uk. Stuff like utis and yeast infections are on that list. I think they charge about 20 quid because its a private service.
You fill out a questionaire and they'll either send a prescription out to your chemist of choice or if any of your answers indicate that you might have something more serious.. they'll refund you anyway and direct you to your gp.
No. 1398130
>>1397995Idk if it's dumb but it's something I've been heavily considering myself. I want a kid (I think) but I definitely
know I don't want to have to deal with a scrote. Only thing is, I think them not having a dad might fuck their development, especially if the kid ends up being a boy (God forbid)
No. 1398135
>>1397997It sounds painfully simple but master lists broken down by time. Each month I like to list all the essential tasks to get finished, big things like scheduling car maintenance or doctors appointments. From there smaller, weekly things like picking a day to focus on housework, a day for groceries. Then daily task lists for whatever your schedule presents.
This is just from personal experience though! Everyone is different and you may find other methods easier. Wishing you the best!
No. 1398330
Can someone post an example of what this
>>1396396 anon is talking about?
No. 1398332
>>1398009Whats the point of having a scrote in your life unless a. You're married without a prenup (if theyre richer) or b. with a prenup (if you're richer.. but what's the point of marrying a guy who makes less than you?)
The way things are going, most scrotes in LTR's will never propose, will cheat on and resent their girlfriends, impregnate them and leave them with nothing (if you're not married you can't do jack shit in this case. I have to many friends in this situation where if their partner leaves they're screwed.) If they do stick around they'll just abuse their kids.
A lot of scrotes are also enacting to be stay at home dads with their wife footing the bill so they can stay home and play overwatch while ignoring their kids. I can't even begin to fathom why women these days could even begin to think this arrangement is okay.
No. 1398333
>>1398132Idk sometimes i do. Bit of a blog but i have a deformation in my legs and at some times was seriously debilitating too. It was untreated for most of my life and turned me into a fat, sleazy teen with a bit of agoraphobia at it's worst. A male with that characteristics has every chance of becoming Eliot Rogers 2.0.
>>1398186Did i wrote this kek except that i don't think i have strength, but i can bully people even if i'm literally limp.
No. 1398350
>>1398348Oh 100%
No. 1398352
>>1397894Super late but try something OTC in the meantime if it’s itchy. The brand Monistat makes internal suppositories and external creams but I’m unfamiliar with brands in the UK. You should be able to find something similar OTC. If you don’t want anyone to see it just put it in a shopping basket and buy a bag of chips or something to obscure the box.
If any of you regularly get yeast infections you can ask your doctor for Diflucan (Fluconazole tablet) to keep on hand for when you need it. I luckily have only had one ever but anytime I have to take an antibiotic I ask for Diflucan to be called in just in case lol
No. 1398357
>>1398348Samefag as
>>1398350 I was in a co-dependent
abusive and
toxic relationship and being in a healthy relationship after that made me feel crazy as fuck because my ex had bpd and showed me he “loved” me in really awful ways, so it made me feel unloved by my current boyfriend when he showed affection towards me.
No. 1398363
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>>1398330>>1396396there's a nymphette alumni episode about this exact thing that explains it pretty well imo.
the way i see it is that most cold weather gear is androgynous or masculine and therefore not as easy for zoomers with girly tastes to flex on tiktok. they crave outfits that have the same silhouettes as their warm weather outfits but with fur and icy colors, but it's zoomers so they can't just wear girlier cold weather clothes, they have to come up with a whole archetype and aesthetic to go with it. they also romanticize slavic countries to be like melancholic and exotic and enjoy the juxtaposition of a stereotypically feminine outfit and what they imagine to be a dark frozen wasteland.
basically it's the girls who would normally wear pink babydoll dresses and have photoshoots outside of an abandoned barn, but they needed a cold weather version so they came up with this tragic slavic woman character wandering around in the snow.
it also appeals to the vaguely alt y2k bimbo people because they realized their style was very warm weather centric and i guess dressing as a regular y2k snowbunny didn't have enough of a ~twist~
No. 1398389
>>1398363This coat(?) looks v cold and cheap
>>1398367remind them that Russia is a part of Asia & that they’re actually “asianfishing” by having blond hair and wearing fur trimmed jackets
No. 1398931
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Nonnies I am very stupid, and this post is no exception but is anyone familiar with google drive? In particular its security. Is there any chance someone would my email address could theoretically breach my google drive?
As an aside, I want to get better at PC + iphone security and privacy, is there a LC thread that deals with the above?
No. 1399842
File: 1667739590175.png (10.46 KB, 163x79, watchers only.png)

will the download button show up after a while on deviantart if the artist made their stuff watchers only?
i was going to download a windows 10 theme but the designer made some of his collections watchers only, so i started watching, now i can see the posts, but the download button still isn't there. will it show up after a while or is it a bust?