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No. 1389327
nonnie, I’m going to tell you that whatever advice normies tell you is the complete opposite of reality. you are not supposed to go up and approach people because they find it weird and it applies online too, these things naturally come to you so don’t force it
No. 1389352
>>1389316I do not feel bad for Jewish people. Sorry, I really don’t and wanting female solidarity to resemble the false solidarity that Jews have is the worse thing to ever desire. I don’t personally like Kanye because of his other comments and strange behavior, strangely enough his anti-black comments don’t shake the entire world and are sidetracked quickly just because he stated the obvious that jewish people hold more buying power in media, finance and entertainment like they had since the dawn of time. One by one they can rip away your sponsorships, brand deals, ability to speak and give context, why would you ever want that? In reality that screams a dark grim future for women, because if Kanye is able to walk around with no target on his back because he benefits from the privileges of being born with a dick swinging inbetween his fatfuck legs, imagine a woman who comes out with controversial opinions will be treated? And not even like J.K Rowling who has the privilege of wealth to hide herself and lock herself in her mansion away from the crazies. Anons have such bad optics because women like myself are so gullible. If we “play nice” and act like other people, we will get the same thing, that is false. Those people don’t act like others, they cheat, exploit, lie, confuse, and purge ethnic groups to get what they want and that’s how they were given back Isnotreal. Jewish men are still men. Fuck them. Ban me, don’t curr
(''ban me'' ok sperg) No. 1389413
>>1389289Men are getting even more useless. Couldn't even catch an orgasm off this scrote before he got "tired". Wtf kind of lazy ass bullshit
? I don't even have it in me to go on to the next yet but I'm ridiculously horny and toys aren't cutting it anymore.
No. 1389416
triggered her redditor hate, she has reddit ptsd kek
No. 1389453
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i typed up a really long vent regarding the past few months until realizing i can just sum it all up, and advice would be wonderful if applicable.
finished my associates degree a couple of months ago and have held the same part time job for 9 months. fell into drug use shortly after this job, but i manage most work days with anxiety medication that i am prescribed along with adderall. that is all i take now and it is prescription. those 8 or 9 months were my first times dabbling with hard drugs and i finally felt less alone, i felt warm and safe. i talked to awful people online that encouraged my drug use and taught me how to acquire them. but the reason i mention this is because i have been working on myself and have been in therapy (cbt), and although i love my free time, i think i am not using it as wisely as i should. i have hobbies, yes, and i do feel like i am starting to gain respect for myself, and hope for my future. i do not feel like i am in a rush or a loser as much as i did.
i only work 20 hours or so a week, and i have been thinking of adding a beginner ballet class (once a week) as well as going back to college for a bachelors degree in biology, 3 classes maximum.
my question is: is this a good balance? i do not want to burn myself out again nor do i want to only work part time because i do not have anything else but hobbies and free/alone time.
i do feel this path would make me happy but i wonder if id still have time for myself during the week, for my hobbies, and some cleaning. i dont know what else to do because working another job feels like a dead end to me, and i live with my mother who insists i not worry about money so much (this was a big factor in my drug use, too, as i am in medical debt)
i do have dreams of exploring, moving, being with other people, growing more as a person…i guess i just like to know all angles of a choice before i make it because i want to stick to it. my heart right now wants to learn and get back to a non-retarded mindset, and try ballet even if i am 20…sorry for such a spastic post, i guess i am just looking for some form of approval that things will be okay if i decide to add on part time schooling to my part time job. ive obviously done it before, i just worry about regret or it being useless.
No. 1389459
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>>1389388>they were banned for a reason the mods don’t explicitly disagree or agree with anything people say, it’s just that those topics are banned here.
you know it’s true too kek but I don’t blame people for staying silent No. 1389466
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>>1389453id like to add on that i was very studious throughout schooling, but when finishing my two-year degree i started to lose that, obviously due to my mental decline. in high school i did not like that school was the only thing i felt good at, which is when i started to get hobbies for myself. i never had time to indulge in them and now that i do, i feel like it is just too much time and the desire to make something of myself with these hobbies was some sort of social thing i wanted to achieve rather than just doing them for fun. it was always so much pressure, that id not find them enjoyable anymore. obviously i think differently about them now! but i also dont want to turn to school again and abandon them entirely.
the issue with education for me right now is i also dont want to feel im wasting my time or going back to school because i cant achieve something else. but i dont, because im wasting it right now, you know? i dont want a 9-5, i think most people obviously dont, but i think learning something i love and securing a degree would open up doors for me even if i end up owning some business or doing freelance work one day. as anxious as i am to get back to college, to start a dance class when i havent done a sport since middle school, i just think i need to push myself to these things for my own benefit and not be so apprehensive. but i have nobody to guide me that has really been in this position, i guess. im ok with my alone time if i can keep busy, i just want to grow and be happy again but not feel like im stupid for choosing the route of college. i once wanted to move out badly, i was saving up, i still do as im an adult now but i think i have a really good advantage with having a place to live and free education. if i moved, id be even worse off mentally.. i have some growing to do. sorry for typing so much. i want solid female advice.
No. 1389514
nonnie, hope you're at least doing ok today. The thing that should always come first is your health. That's the foundation that everything else should be built on- hobbies, relationships, school, work. So please, keep up the therapy, I'm proud of you for working on yourself like that.
I'm glad you realise why you did drugs. Feeling lonely and unsafe sounds like a massive burden. Maybe if you communicate that with your mother and family, they could try to help. I also find that if I, for instance, look after someone else, it gives me a feeling of wholeness. So maybe cooking a meal for someone else, or babysitting, that kind of thing for me really helps. Any way to deal with loneliness that you can, challenging yourself to make conversation every day, going to community walks or classes, this could help you a lot. It's ok to mess up, whenever I feel awkward I just remember that I'm going to die and it doesn't matter so much, yk?
Plus, and this sounds very boomer, but exercising replaced some of my negative coping mechanisms and low self esteem. Running, doing weights, eating better- your mood will improve significantly.
>i do not feel like i am in a rush or a loser as much as i diddo you do hobbies in order to feel worthy? You need to start being kind to yourself and recognising how hard you're already working. You don't need to do things you dislike just to feel good about yourself. And ballet sounds like a great idea, I just hope you're in a place where you're healthy, more relaxed, and stable before you move onto things like that.
College could be great, if you don't think it's overwhelming for you, especially as it could be a great chance to meet other people and help you with your feelings of loneliness. You know better than anyone whether you have the capacity for that right now.
Anyway. What will help moving forwards, is to make lists of things to do every day. Celebrate even small things like cleaning your room or having got ready. And at the end of every day, making a list of things you're proud of yourself for having done, and things you're grateful for. This should shift your self image, and help you with motivation.
>try ballet even if i'm 20You sound like you're in a rush to do everything because of your age. But honestly, you've been an adult for two years, you're still an adult in training. It's ok to take longer, especially as it sounds like you have a lot more to deal with right now. Please put your health first, keep up the therapy, and work on your self esteem. Failure is part of the journey. You will get there at your own pace, and I can tell you're doing your best.
No. 1389521
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I just disconnected a work call on purpose. I was supposed to help them but I got so pissed. I really shouldn't have done that oopsieee
No. 1389538
>>1389514you are really so sweet, i appreciate your response. my health is still a work in progress but i am miles further than i was a few months ago. i do not have any solid friendships, work has only recently started to go well for me because i talked to my manager who struggles with anxiety and such, too, and really cares for myself and my coworkers. im grateful for this. i tell her so often how wonderful she is, because it takes so much to be a good manager in my eyes. ive never had one like her. despite it being a people-facing job, its just things like that which make it worth it to stay. plus its only part time, i can deal with it…at least for now.
my mother is unaware of what drugs i was doing. she found out i was abusing my anxiety medication which she holds for me now, but that was just scratching the surface. i dont know if i could tell her until i am older since its still rather recent and i guess im subconsciously protecting my privacy incase i slip up, which i dont want to. at all. i used to have a pet insect, id like to save up for one again, i love caring for other things. i help tidy up and cook sometimes for them yes but they dont like the healthy meals i cook haha. ive thought about doing some animal sitting but i couldnt do it super often if i go back into education on top of my job.
i did hobbies in the past to feel worthy. i did like them, but they grew to be something i hated doing because i was so strict with my time and myself, rushing and not enjoying the process. its different now, but i still feel like im wasting my time because i have so much time i use lurking imageboards and watching videos lately. ill recognize this and do something else, but it still happens and i wonder if i could manage my free time better with college part time.
i dont think ill begin the ballet course until i enroll back in school, its just one night a week for starters, butitd just be a lot all at once. but id really like to.
thank you
nonnie though. im just going to think about it a little more but ill get the ball rolling for admission, at least. i just dont think ill get anywhere significant in terms of self growth with just my part time job right now.
No. 1389554
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I thought I should capitalize on all these bankruptcies, but I'm quickly regretting it. Should've picked cross-national taxes. Everything is either boring, infuriating, or both. Thought it would feel less personal, but I wish I was a pastry chef, it has become personal. Let that sweet old lady have her bakery.
No. 1389571
I'm so nervous I'm gonna get in some shit for this kek
No. 1389754
>>1389600You're so sweet, thank you. Night-time makes it feel heavier, I'm spending the evening alone to give him space so it's a bit lonely.
Tomorrow will be better!
No. 1389761
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I don't know why but I've lost like 7 pounds this month. I'm now about 22 bmi and it's just…weird. Because I've always struggled to lose weight and now I feel like I'm just existing and it's falling off like crazy. My only theory is that maybe I've gotten so lazy I eat less–and that going out a lot + weight lifting (I don't really exercise otherwise besides walking) is now helping me lose a lot.
Oh, also, sorry if this seems like humble bragging. I don't mean to. I feel anxious and weirded out more than anything. And if it also means anything I was obese since I was a baby and pretty much started losing weight gradually through my 20s.
No. 1389840
>>1389381when men push their gf away because they are having a hard time mentally for whatever reason, in the end the retarded scrote just ends up getting worse and worse in the newfound social isolation deprived of his one source of comfort, and he never improves but instead circles the drain. eventually you find him at the bottom of a sewer gone goblin mode.
but this is the go-to game move for every moid experiencing a sad. the male species is a genetic failure. they are too stupid to survive on their own.
notice that when women have a sad they don't push their bf away like a 18 year old cat trying to find solitude to die in.
No. 1389851
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I'm tired of insecure women and extremely obvious photoshop. I have a work friend who edits all her photos and it's so fake looking. It took a minute for me to notice but one day she showed me some photos of her and my first thought was "Uh, you don't look like that". She edits her body and face to look so different from her irl self, it's just like the pic example. What's worse is we've gone out to places and took group photos/selfies and she'll insist all photos be taken on her phone, and when you ask her to send them she'll take forever to do it then send you the picture with her face extremely edited and everyone looking normal. Girl I was just with you, I know this isn't what you look like! I've compared pics on my phone to ones she's posted and the edits are laughable. I won't pretend like I haven't touched up a selfie or two but she gives herself a whole new face and acts like people won't notice.
Even more annoying is that she constantly talks shit about the actual pretty girls in our office. Always pointing out a flaw…fuck off, don't be a hater and nlog just because you can't naturally look good on camera and have to use apps to not appear so plain and frumpy. I mostly feel sad for her but I want to call her out so bad. You're in your thirties, just be yourself! Who are you trying to fool? She has a young daughter and I hope those insecurities don't rub off on her.
No. 1389858
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I hate my facial mole so much. Why couldn't it have been on a cuter spot like under my eye? And as I'm growing older, more and more dots develop. My mom has freckles so I guess that's where it comes from. I hate it. I want to slice them all off.
No. 1389863
>>1389851this photoshop and filter obsession is shooting themselves (and every other woman) in the foot, because scrotes cannot differentiate reality from fantasy, and there is no photoshop IRL. so you can get your internet upvotes at the cost of feeling even worse IRL because now you aren't just competing against other women, but against the digital fantasies you've plastered the internet with. The next generation of scrotes is going to grow up expecting a woman with no pores, giant bloated shiny lips, huge anime eyes, a 12" waist, E cup tits, and a gigantic bubble ass. And women did this shit to themselves because they care that much what strangers on the internet think of them.
inshallah control your vanity and be humble. this crap harms all women.
No. 1389893
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We won't get a cure for cancer because schools are prioritizing AGP perverts instead of actual medicine
How does it feel, nonnas?
No. 1390009
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I just can't live my life, I've been told to never go out and now that I'm told to go out and make friends, I can't because what about everyone else's plans.
I know I haven't seen my parents in 2 years already, but how come all of the plans we got always end up being planned right on the few days I can manage to meet with my friends? At the same hours? How?? And in the end I don't even get to enjoy being with my parents because they're too busy with important shit, and I don't even have anything interesting to talk about because I literally only go out if and only if I have things to do like my internships, otherwise I never go out because I can't learn how to drive because it bothers everyone, I can't go to the driving lessons because what is everyone else going to do if I take 3 hours of the morning to learn how to drive, what car am I going to drive if my brother can't lend me one of his, then I will lose the money spent on the driving lessons because where am I even going to go anyways? I only have one friend and she lives in bumfuck nowhere and it's dangerous to go there.
But geez, I need to get some friends you know? Maybe a boyfriend even, get a gym subscription so I can be a skinny legend and run my own errands. I can't even go to the few dates I set up with my friend with months of foresight, I'm amazed by how she just doesn't block my ass everywhere because it's always the same issue.
If my parents weren't here it would be because my brother has things to do and I can't just disrupt his schedule or routines, if knew how to drive I couldn't go because my dog will have to stay home alone since my brother goes out at 7 am and goes back home like at 11 pm.
Seriously, I should be worrying about other things but I'm just so frustrated, I can't even plan things because nothing works, this isn't the first time that this has happened, anytime I decide I want to be social something fucks everything up and the one that ends up losing is me, not my brother, not my cousins, nobody else but me.
But oh, it's okay, I'm already used to this I guess, what could possibly go wrong if you stay locked up in your house for 3 years in a row, only to go grocery shopping, emergency medical stuff and university stuff.
I wish I lived in another country like any European country so I could just take the subway and go anywhere I wanted, or so I could just walk to whichever place I wanted to go.
And I don't even want to try and convince them, like I'm just tired, I just want to go to sleep like whenever I'm bored and not bother with anything, I should just block my friend and just don't even bother because whenever I try to meet her, some family drama happens and it's somehow my fault.
Maybe they all think I'm a lesbian because she's my only friend and I do anything to meet her, but hell, I literally don't go out for fun, what else do they want me to do?? Is it because my other friends are lesbians and they think it's contagious? I just don't know.
No. 1390056
Deleted it because I got a bit paranoid that someone might figure out which institute I am at but I am still a bit mad about it.
>>1389893It makes me hate how fucked medicine is here now.
>>1389895Worse, fake breasts. Stuff like this is being touted as “gender-affirming” but it’s just complete AGP fetish fuel.
No. 1390266
>>1390248Oh boy, I know that feel
nonny. I've gotten that I look like a bronze Fiona Apple a few times and I realize that they're referring to how haggard I look. And yeah. I feel bad just saying this. She at least does look a bit better than me.
No. 1390318
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Are you me, nonnie? Same exact story. I work from home too, so I have had a really hard time making new local friends. He works at a college and all his colleagues are old.
Don't hate yourself for being a social, vibrant person. The only advice I can give is that if you live in a rural area it's worth trying out outdoorsy stuff like hiking and kayaking, if that's relevant to your region. Healthy, and can be fun.
No. 1390326
>>1390318YES! Same story here! (Well, I
did work from home, until our team was laid off. So now I'm unemployed, yay!) And he works in an office where his coworkers are all older and stuffy, too. We live in a rural desert where the air sucks, but I saw there is some outdoor recreation nearby, I might just end up becoming an outdoorsy person through all of this! Thank you for the silver lining, and it helps knowing I'm not alone
No. 1390393
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i think my only chance at making new friends at this point is to try and flirt with them. flirting is considered more appropriate than a random trying to make friends. they either think you are a hack, some scammer, or a weirdo that you have to reach out to complete strangers. but flirting with strangers and tinder is normal. everybody in their 20s has their own friends, friend groups already, and i can only reach them by being a conversation whore. i was over sexualizing myself and flirting with everyone feels cringe, but if it's that over being friendless, what choice do i have. normies stick to their social circle, nerds are defensive, most women think everything is a threat and competition, and males will flirt anyways. so at least i have a small chance at friendship with horny gays and thirsty guys. great.
No. 1390401
>>1390344nonna stop. i was just on reddit dealing with some boomer scrote who was seething in hatred over people who can wfh saying that isn't a "real job" unlike his work. the people who have such employment have extensive education and experience and can solve big complex problems not measured in items per minute.
envy isn't a good look on anyone. you're mad at people who still have to work for a living when you could be mad at the parasite class who are living on trust funds and investments.
No. 1390414
>>1390370I want one too but like
>>1390401 says we first should spent 3-5 years at a university, studying finance or computer science amongst the sweatiest incels, acquiring enough debt to turn us into starving onlyfans streamers, the we
might get a chance at that. i get it, wfh people also worked for their work, but not everybody has the same chances at college nona. i dropped out of digital design in my final year because i had to work at a fucking grocery store full time and the university had 0 accommodations or care that i was manically depressed at the same time. i still work a shitty job and seriously considering that i may never buy a home, have children, or retire. nowadays you pretty much have to have saved up for all college expenses before attending it otherwise you are fucked. classes that say there are no prerequisites are lying. 101 is not basics or beginners actually, it's already having to prove that you are better than a beginner and have mastered the basics, while studying it for the first time.
No. 1390480
>>1390416There used to be a script for this, actually. For mass deleting messages, I mean. I don't know if you can still use scripts on Discord.
It would've been a good idea to make a server, make yourself the only mod, and then communicate with him only through the server so you wouldn't have had to worry about him having access to your old conversations and pics, and you could've just deleted the entire server without even having to read anything (though your files would still be in their servers). Remember this if you ever use Discord to take to a moid again.
No. 1390552
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I fucking hate men, I hate their stupid degenerate fetishes they need to get their dumb tiny cocks off to and truthfully I wish they’d all face the wall FUCK WHY CANT THEY JUST BE FUCKING NORMAL EVEN WOMEN WITH WEIRD FETISHES ARE MORE NORMAL
No. 1390558
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the mychart app notifications give me a metaphoric heart attack, but usually it's nothing serious
No. 1390570
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I haven't been in a relationship since mid-2019, it's extremely depressing to be mostly femcel (with two really minimal/short relationships and a few sporadic dates) for such a long period of time. I'm pretty sure I have some lifelong undiagnosed high-functioning aspergers as I always had problems with relationships and communication as far as I can remember, making friends, or making friends that didn't take advantage of me/treat me poorly, but was able to learn how make jokes and eye contact and all that shit aspie girls realize at a young age they must learn in order to not a total loser. As an adult I just have a lot of superficial/medium close relationships with a lot of people based on hobbies/interests but basically no close friends, I have almost no social proof and don't feel like I really fit in anywhere in life.
It doesn't even bother me anymore to have no close friends, but not having any SO or even one person to really be myself around, living alone and spending more the 75% of my time at home alone is very depressing. I see people who I know are just terrible people who are in relationships/married and a huge social support circle and I just don't know how my my life went so wrong. But I also see how some of the problem is just me. Besides being a weird spergyfag, butterfacefag, elderfag (35 y/0) I just don't GAF about putting emotional effort into moids anymore. I am willingly to learn new things, try their hobbies, listen to their political opinions (if they are not retarded SJWS or rightwing retards) but I just can't cry over anyone anymore. And even if I did find it in me to show emotional effort it would probably be interpreted as a huge red flag. My lack of really close female friends is probably a huge red flag and makes me look like a sociopath. My career is very rudimentary, I was NEET for many years and just recently started making any real traction in my field.
I know I have a nice body but I can't walk around naked; meanwhile my weird female steve buscemi butterface is fully visible.
The sad part is I do know more then one man who have shown long term interest in dating me but I just refuse to either date males on the incel spectrum (I believe they are beyond help and it is not my responsibility to go down with them) or short/fat moids as I am exclusively attracted to tall/ectomorph men (do not care if they are conventionally attractive at all). Being that I live in the US and not Sweden it's very rare I meet this type and half the time I am the same height/taller then the men I pass on the street. I know I probably sound completely retarded and whiny as fuck, so feel free to roast me, I think I just feel particularly depressed tonight as I am sitting at home on halloween while absolutely everyone I know is out with their friends/SO.
TLDR; anon has not dated anyone in almost 4 years; anon is a ex-NEET spergfag with no real friends and a butterface, post 30 and can't cry over moids anymore but still has highly specific spergy "type". At hoem alone on major holiday posting on the farms.
No. 1390596
>>1390570Honestly I find it interesting that women are so quick to refer to themselves as femcels when their reasoning for not being in relationships are all
valid and generally reflect how hard it is to develop a genuine relationship with a man where you aren’t being used in some way or treated like shit.
No. 1390602
>>1390596This is true a lot of men are really shitty and
abusive to us, more so than we have ever been to them. But other than having female friends I can't be anything other than straight, even if I were single I'd still fantasize about men. I think being cautious about the men you let into your life and making good decisions (don't help a man cheat and then expect him not to cheat, don't have a one night stand and expect a long term relationship) can pave the way to finding a decent guy. Not to be all notallmen but notallmen just an overwhelming near majority of men.
No. 1390604
>>1390570I've been single since mid 2018. At first it was a choice after a very shitty end to a relationship. It left me pretty disillusioned and made me question my ability to 'weed out the extra shitty ones' A while ago the desire to meet someone came back but I feel out of my depth now. Like my social skills are rusty. I'd rather meet someone organically than through online dating so I could be waiting a while given where I live too.
I wouldn't label your situation as femcel. Leaning into that can't be good for your self image. Some people seem to hop between relationships with very little downtime but that doesn't make your gap of only 3 years abnormal. I relate to the feeling but in the grand scheme 3 years isnt crazy.
No. 1390621
>>1389289I'm so tired. I have ALWAYS been plagued and ill never stopped being plagued. Why in the fuck am i the only person i know like this?????
People are fucking unreliable and revolting. I hate how people make everything 10x worse, than they already were. No matter what I do in life I feel trapped and dead inside, and i would like to burn everything down.
No. 1390627
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I just found out my ex trooned out and is getting married soon to a bi woman who is like 15 years older than her and who got married to a scrote just 6 years ago and was only married for like a year, but also already had kids from a previous marriage before that. I thought she was peaked for a bit, since she stopped wearing the troon symbol necklace, but I guess she's been hiding that she did change her legal name and everything from me, because I did express some terfy opinions to her when our mutual friend trooned out before. I tried to not be judgmental that she started dating a single mother 15 years her senior and stopped hanging out with almost everyone to always babysit, I understand we don't exactly have much choice for dating in this region. However I know what a people pleaser she is, how she lets everyone walk over her, including me at times when we were teens and I have apologized for that before. I thought I had done the right thing by letting her go, because I see myself as a monster and I couldn't give her what she wanted, so I broke up with her. Instead she has gone from abusive relationship to abusive relationship with women who are somehow even worse than me in practice. I didn't notice the full trooning because I don't have social media, so I wasn't keeping up with her via there, just irl and via text. A mutual friend gave me a heads up. Maybe I'm just a jealous asshole who can't even be happy for her, I wouldn't want to date her again, but she deserves someone normal who doesn't use her, who won't just divorce her in a year and who won't troon her out.
No. 1390650
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I hate ever trying to become friends with scrotes. I hate wasted time and effort spent trying to think I could ever genuinely be friends with one and what's worse is knowing it's just because they're male and thus retarded. If I don't stay friends with women it's usually just for some harmless understandable reason but the last scrote friend I tried to make effort with - listening to his issues, asking him stuff about his life - just ended up fucking blanking me once he got a gf and it sucks. It sucks not because I miss him because I don't, but it's honestly that that made me peak and realise what moids are really like. He would mock FDS and femcel terfs etc like they are even an issue and I didn't even know about that stuff back then but now i realise his ego was threatened by women who weren't in his line-up of boring unprotected hookups. I'm glad i got out of there tbh and stopped trying to make effort with scrotes who won't reciprocate, but at the same time it's annoying because I never got the chance to call him out on what a retard he is. He would never listen or really ask questions about my life and the entire friendship was one sided. If I had any self respect back then I would have ignored his messages. Oh well, all I can do is passively wish pain and suffering upon him and hope it manifests.
No. 1390659
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i am not sure how much longer i can keep convincing myself to live while being so ugly and sick
No. 1390747
I truly hate my entire family. Dad is a misogynistic tranny chaser, mom is an abusive narc, eldest brother cheats on and divorces his wives when he gets tired of them, older brother is an AGP porn addict, little brother is a spoiled tantrum throwing piss baby.
When others hear I’m the only daughter, they’ll often say, “Oh, you must be the princess of the family!” Yeah, because women are treated so well by everyone. Makes me hate them for their “girls have it easy” attitudes.
My brothers all had their colleges paid for and still get tens of thousands of dollars in help every year, but I never got anything, not even proper clothes growing up. My mom would tell me she was only “required” to provide me with 2 summer outfits, 2 winter outfits, and 1 pair of shoes. All thrifted, of course. My brothers got designer clothes, new cars, computers, etc. People I know are astounded that my parents are rich because I live a very modest lifestyle.
I don’t talk to them anymore because all they did was abuse me and treat me like a slave. Any time in the past I would meet a friend of my dad’s, they would say, “I didn’t know [Dad] had a daughter!” Never mentioned me to anyone, I guess.
Since I left, the whole family fell apart. Without a scapegoat, they seem incapable of functioning. From old friends, I’ve heard they blame me for everything and still talk shit about me, mostly lies. My mom tries to convince anyone who will listen that I’m a psychopath and a meth whore. (I’m neither, btw. Was always a good kid and have never even tried meth, much less whored myself out for it.)
I hate even having to think about them, but lately they have been stalking and harassing me. Even sent police to my apartment for a “wellness check” just to intimidate me. They always find some way to reach me even though I’ve completely cut contact with them and told them I want nothing to do with them. What is their obsession?
I fucking hate them all. I’ve considered changing my name and moving (AGAIN) just to get them to leave me the fuck alone. They are so persistent in abusing me, it’s fucking creepy
No. 1390756
>>1390747I'm sorry you're in this situation nonna. They are obsessed with you because you've made it out of their
abusive trap and you're living your own life - that makes them seethe so much now that you're just trying to get on with things and mind your own business free of their grasp. Do you live near them? I have no idea how they have managed to contact you if you changed name and moved etc, it's strange and obsessive and you have every right to your privacy and safety away from those freaks.
Also, daughters are usually treat like shit compared to sons, and it's horrible. We are held to completely different standards while sons are given the world, it seems.
No. 1390765
>>1390756Thanks, nonna. I feel crazy sometimes because I can’t believe how many people buy their audacious lies.
Sorry, that was unclear about my name. I meant that I’ve moved several times, not that I’ve ever changed my name (just wanted to). My last name is very uncommon, so it’s easy to look me up. I don’t live close though, almost 1,000 miles away
> Also, daughters are usually treat like shit compared to sons, and it's horrible. We are held to completely different standards while sons are given the world, it seems.Exactly. This “princess” narrative mostly happens to daughters whose fathers want to fuck them
Anyway, thanks for the kind words.
No. 1390775
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Why is it so hard for me to say when I'm not comfortable with something? Why do I always fold, why do I have to always please everyone at my own expense
No. 1390826
Nonnie, if you use discord on web with a particular script, it'll auto delete everything between two dates! I cannot remember what it is called, but I've used it mutiple. Just use discord on web and run it.
No. 1390835
>>1390771Sorry you're dealing with this situation. It's hard because you don't know who these people are. Plus, police may not take this seriously unless the domestic abuse
victim herself comes forward about it to them. I think all you can do in this situation is wait and see if the
victim will report him herself. Maybe keep in contact with the other woman who heard them too? If there's any way you both can ever contact the domestic abuse
victim, maybe let her know you can be witnesses in case she ever reports this to the cops. I don't think you have to be too worried because like you said, these types of men are cowards and there are multiple witnesses of his abuse at this point. He might be scared shitless at this point hence why he's now quiet.
No. 1390857
I want to cut off a friend, but I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing. It's like she's fallen into rock bottom over and over, and idk how. I feel bad for her but I've done so much mental gymnastics to understand it. It heavily involves her kid, but I don't want to detail it. If there wasn't a kid involved I wouldn't care. I just can't stomach talking to her at this point, even though her situation is fucked. I just get to a point where I'm so confused. How can you sit there and cry all the time about how hard your life is, how cruel the world is, how loving and caring you are, but then tumble your life down cliffs without slowing down? Yes! Life is rough, it's your problem to account for it, especially if you have a child, cmon. I'm so sick of it. If you're already in a pile of problems, then AT LEAST brace yourself and stop running off cliffs.
I don't even know how to react. Either I cut her off, or I somehow try to prevent her child from suffering by trying to knock some sense into her, but it's literally not my problem and I doubt that would work anyways. Like I can't just shake someone like "hey I'm sorry but you're either too incompetent and mentally ill to be a decent mom OR you're a child abuser, either way it's child abuse". I've just never dealt with anything like this.
No. 1390876
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>>1390431i've used this script before to erase DMs to a batshit ex friend. takes some time but it's very useful No. 1390927
>>1390898i was surprised at her response to my response. i am not a bootlicker, i have working class solidarity, also not a fan of
victim mentality, so just was talking about the reality of things, that some people have it easier. then she indirectly calls me a dumbass. interesting. anyways, 8+ hours of physical work will never be the same as office work. your whole body will be exhausted, sore, and without proper breaks and warm ups you will be prone to joint pain and severe back and knee pain. and other dangers can come with physical jobs.
>just pick a better jobi picked many better jobs but they already hired somebody else, and the shit places i worked at provided safety in that they won't fire us because they have problems trying to keep employees as is.
also literally every restaurant job ever is like
>ok close tonight, just casually do 10x more labor than opening shift>ohnowait no clopen>no not today, finish it all>what do you mean you can't work 25 hours in 1 day? we are a family here, how could you!?then they reduce your hours for not wanting to deephtroat bloody donkey cock with raging ptsd and bpd druggie linecooks and exjail butchers ft. karen and trust fund travis managers
No. 1390949
>>1390936>If it's a boy it should be an abortion.Pretty much. You can raise a boy to be a total sweetheart, but once puberty hits, it'll all have been for nothing. My mom keeps repeating "he used to be such a good BOY, he's kind deep down".
Key word being "boy". He's no longer a boy, he's a man, a full grown scrotoid.
No. 1391081
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Got partnered with 2 younger "urban fake/closet gay porn addict fuckboy" archetype guys in a language class. Of course one said he memorizes a letter by imagining a stripper on a pole and said I must love romance anime after saying I don't like One Piece.
The next time he acted like we're best friends and ignored me for the other guy until our teacher came over and singles him out. I forget most people think I'm their age but I'm at least 1-3 years older than half of my classes, I guess it makes me more approachable. It's amazing how the half with all males and the half with 99% women +1 or 2 men differ with answering questions, interacting, etc.
No. 1391100
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The scrotes are at it again
No. 1391109
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Some of these sellers on depop are gross and/or underage. I need to stop buying stuff on there because it almost always has hidden damage like pilling or stains, and I have to go through with returning it. I always list everything that is wrong with my item, and I make sure to package it carefully with a kind note and stickers. These dumb fucks? Nope, they don't care. I'm done. I'll put effort into making my buyer's day, but I'm done with buying things on there. Lesson learned.
No. 1391116
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predator professor story
one of my former female professors told me about this one time a female phd student who didn't even know her came to her to say she'd been sexually harassed and assaulted by this professor. my prof pokes around but realizes he has a reputation in the whole lab for recruiting a specific type of young woman to write a thesis with him. my prof wants to do something about it but the lab covers it up, the student doesn't file charges and her whole life breaks apart.
i cross-reference the various details she let slip, outright disqualify many profs, but there is one fucking professor that fits every single she said and for whom i can't find anything to refute he might be the one.
of all 13 theses he directed that are documented online, 12 were with women. way back when i signed up for my master's, he sent me a message about whether i'd like to work with him since some things on my resume matched what he works on. he did seem close with one PhD student that came to one seminar and had her say "casual you" to him rather than "formal you" (we speak a language where there's a distinction). he did suspiciously change labs at a specific time.
i am absolutely baffled. in class and in the hallways he was so helpful, brilliant yet unpretentious, energetic, warm, funny, and everyone fucking likes him, just a really kind sociable dude who found joy in sharing the knowledge. i really liked him. i feel like nobody can be trusted. i dodged a fucking bullet, had i wanted to actually do anything lucrative with my diploma, i would've ended up going with him and ruining my fucking life.
i'm at a loss and having a crisis
No. 1391131
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My new roommate takes my stuff without permission, one of my housemates told me she also takes other people's food and tea from the fridge and cupboards. Bitch just opens our cupboards and takes shit. I also heard she invited a guy and let him sleep in OUR room when I wasn't there and I suspect he slept in my bed on my fucking bed sheet. She recently got a job but during the last two weeks she's been to work like 3 times, she constantly takes days off. She constantly tells me how she's depressed and how she can't get over her alcoholic boyfriend (the guy she invited to our room) and they're constantly breaking up and getting back together. Bitch I don't care, I don't even know you, stop taking other people's things. She also told me she wants to be alone in the room because she's in her 40s and she doesn't feel comfortable with someone else, especially a young person. Then get the fuck out??? I'm a total autistic shut in in real life so when something as awkward as her taking my stuff happens it makes me freeze and I don't know what to say. I'm honestly afraid to leave my stuff in our room, afraid she's going to use my cosmetics and shit. Recently I bought a new laptop for work, which was very expensive, and I'm also afraid to leave it there, considering she's home alone most of the time when everyone else is at work, and she's inviting some strange shady alcoholic guy there?? I wanted to hide it under my bed but I know she already likes to look under my bed because she took my extension cord that was lying there because she wanted to charge her phone. So I don't know where to keep my laptop. She seems crazy and she doesn't want to work, she can as well stole the laptop and sell it for like 7k. God I hope she gets fired and gets the fuck out from my room
No. 1391158
>>1391070I wonder if you are truly that bad. I bet you create cute art. I wish I were better too. I lack the determination. Keep working on it
nonnie. Take classes, online or irl, read art books, do studies… I feel like a lot of people seem like they naturally have talent, but they really worked for it. Keep at it!!
No. 1391180
>>1391168i don't have any proof, i'll just tell my friends who are writing their theses there (not with him, thank fucking god) and see what they think. the lab director didn't want to hear about this specific case as there was nothing to prove her allegations. most researchers know about it.
>>1391177we speak french
No. 1391232
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i wish i could eat carbs, they're literally all i want to eat even though i know after eating them i feel like garbage.
No. 1391272
>>1391202>>1391217you guys are right, i'm just reporting my findings to the others, maybe they have more insight. there's another element, some theses marked as "currently" being directed by him were started like 10 years ago, which isn't possible here. i think one of them might have been this student who quit and had her life wrecked.
not saying what we study as it's quite a rare field but we're more comfortable with vous on both sides i think, maybe not so much when the prof is young
No. 1391289
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I'm sorry for being so shallow. But I wish I didn't look 30 years older than my real age in the worst way possible–I look like a dying crack addict and people have told me it to my face before. Not one compliment ever. Between autism, severe social issues, a deformity that makes it hard for me to function, I already struggle to fit in. A while back my mom told me that I should go be with other young people–and I felt SO guilty! Because there is no way in hell I'd be able to make any friends. I wish I was the daughter she wants. Sigh.
No. 1391291
>>1390747iktf. I was also made the scapegoat. they never gave me the time of day as a kid. now i left and they won't stop trying to chase me down. i'm so much better off without their
toxic influence in my life it's like night and day. i am THRIVING on my own, and all it took was cutting them out. then i realized how truly awful they were, and every interaction was negative and harmful to me, they're emotional vampires. i won't even let them know how successful i am becuase they'll try to take credit for it, when they nearly drove me to suicide and i only succeeded after getting the fuck away from them.
then i have to deal with normies who think all families are hallmark movies and i must be a coldhearted bitch to remove them from my life. they'll never get it.
No. 1391294
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I get it. It's almost Halloween, so it's normal for people to throw parties in their apartments. But for the love of god, I wish my neighbors would stop playing this shitty repetitive pop music.
No. 1391315
>>1391313there's kids who live there but ok. my parents beat the shit out each other when I was younger. this shit literally
triggers me. it's a vent thread for a reason. I also have a 4 year old daughter and I don't want these fucking numbskulls beating on each other when she grows up here. I don't have a choice right now. I am right to be wary of violent men. It's not about being precious. I have a right to feel safe in my apartment. You're catty.
No. 1391354
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men have the audacity to want you to have their kids and go through 9 months of tough pregnancy bullshit, LABOR, and everything that happens after AND still go "omg WHAT IS THAT" pointing to what changes occur to a woman's body after
women with kids have the audacity to bitch about their bodies changing during and after pregnancy and STILL fucking try to pressure me into having children. FUCK. OFF.
No. 1391363
>>1391331>>1391311Shit sucks. Couple weeks ago I watched a homeless guy robbing & beating the shit out of several other homeless people consecutively right across the street from my apartment. I would call the police but I know they won’t do anything in my city. I just wanted to have a relaxing evening zoning out enjoying myself but I couldn’t ignore the screams. My boyfriend was away and I felt really sad. It was hard to sleep.
>>1391313Log off. Anon has every right to not want to listen to violence in her own home
No. 1391384
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>>1391370Your post hit me in the heart, and I wanted to say that I wish the best for you. When you really think on it, what those moids think of you doesn't matter because they're just that - moids. If you ever do get into a relationship, I hope you can voice your concerns and feel heard. I started writing a long novel and deleted it in the end. Hoping the best for you,
No. 1391391
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>>1390552At this point idgaf that moids like sniffing dirty shoes, eating their own cum, or wearing womens panties. I just wish they weren't all pedophiles. Seriously. I'd gladly entertain some degenerate scrote fetishes in exchange for one (1) non-pedophile boyfriend.
No. 1391395
>>1391356HAHAHA i have never heard of it put that way but it is so fucking true. i cant stand when moms make it their business whether or not i want kids! like why do you even care???
>>1391358and i already have stretch marks too so… more? nty. but i always appreciate mothers who do not make it their personal goal to convince me to have kids because i was always told by my parents to never let anyone pressure me into having kids, thank you for your kind reply
No. 1391456
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intrusive thoughts is an actual medical term used for people with OCD. It can seriously fuck up tour life. I'm so tired of fanfic authors using it as a cutesy term describing romantic thoughts that you don't feel like dealing with at the moment.
I know I'm being pedantic but stuff like this really pisses me off
No. 1391540
>>1391510samefag but
>I just want to sit and watch and be a nobody. Quietly sink into the background until I'm part of the background noise.dude there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, i totally feel you
No. 1391571
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I’m sad and I want a bf
No. 1391575
>>1391546>>1391534>>1391543>>1391540>>1391539Thank you all so much for your kind words anons. I left and am on my way back home. I feel guilty because I think I could have done more to socialize but I guess my anxiety got the best of me. But now I'm alone again and it feels a lot safer. Idk if I did the right thing but it's over now. It feels a lot like what
>>1391552 said but it's fine for today. I'm just gonna go to bed. I wish you all a good night too when the time comes around.
No. 1391596
>>1391384This is so kind of you anon i am crying (only a little)
I wish you all the best as well, not to get too sensitive on you but in tough times a little kind word and well meaning wishes like these go a long way
No. 1391627
>>1391617I love Hello! Project music (the logo on my car). It's just kind of weird for a late-20's woman to be into pop music girl groups and most would think it's a weird sexual kind of thing. I just like feel-good music, get humongous girl crushes, and love the cuteness. I'm a lifelong weeaboo. >.>
Pasting the MV I've been looping tonight.
(>.>) No. 1391666
>>1391575is home cozy, nonna? i got home early from a family gathering, threw pajama party with the doggos and now i'm watching a korean detective thriller.
home. feels. so. much. better.
No. 1391692
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I will always love her.
No. 1391701
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I feel like the world ended in 2015 and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise. Nothing feels real anymore. No I will not take my meds.
No. 1391753
I started hanging out with my ex again, a couple years after the breakup. At first we just talked and went shopping together, had good conversations too which I really enjoyed. Then we started fucking again, his initiation. Now I worry that I'm only someone for him to fuck and get some closeness from and nothing else. It feels exactly the same as the end times of our relationship. He comes over, we fuck, we cuddle, he leaves to hang out with his friends and doesn't invite me along. Even though were supposedly friends now, we don't spend time together outside our homes with the exception of the grocery store..
There's also clear disrespect in his actions and words quite often even though he's better than most men I've been with. He keeps touching me in places I don't want him to and won't stop even though I tell him multiple times to stop, sometimes it even hurts and I've told him my body is very sensitive to touch in certain areas but somehow he just finds it funny to keep picking on me, just like the kids in school used to. And I've told him that. Many times. He also picks on me for how I used to be in the past when I was going through a weird phase. I've told him I'm ashamed of my past and that I've changed but he just laughs at me. Somehow he still wants to spend time with me sometimes, although based on these little things I'd assume he doens't like me. So I must be an easy fuck to him and nothing more. I'm so disappointed because I was very happy when we started communicating again, we never had any bad blood between us, we just kept distance to let the feelings settle down. I'm afraid to ask him if he'd still hang out with me if we didn't fuck every time. I feel so stupid and hopeless. He was one of the good ones. But even the good ones are bad in the end.
No. 1391777
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I hope next Halloween is better than the last few. I’m so tired of being dogpiled and treated like shit. I just want to be happy. I miss my friends and I miss wanting to be alive.
No. 1391842
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There is this annoying asf woman in the gym who keeps on walking around barefoot after using the deadlift platform because for some retarded reason she doesn't wear shoes or even socks. Yes you can deadlift without shoes but the point is that you put them back on once you're done or once you step away from the platform because it's a fucking gym and 1. You can drop heavy equipment on your feet and 2. No one wants to see your smelly fucking bunion swamp toes curl into the gym carpet like that. It is disgusting, what's worse is that I was told off by the previous manager for deadlifting in socks one time and yet I see them say absolutely nothing to any moid or this weird woman about doing the same thing plus also walking around afterwards with their dirty toes out. Is it just because I'm an autist that I always get called out for this shit when others don't? I don't even do anything wrong, I just mind my business, and after I was told off I bought some lifting shoes and haven't deadlifted barefoot since yet these freaks can carry on doing it? Fuck off.
No. 1391874
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For the past couple of months i been sleeping on the couch. This behemoth was custom ordered and forgotten about by some absolute fool. The best $600 ever spent on a couch that was going to be sold for nearly 3k. I love sleeping on the couch. The cat loves sleeping on the couch. Everybody enjoys the couch. You sit on this mf and you will struggle to get out even with the best knees. This couch has gotten me through nearly every traumatic event in my adult life and all the best moments at the same time. It's a piece of history, a work of art. I own the best couch you whores couldn't comprehend what level my couch is. This IS the boss couch. My flat ass feels safe from pain when I sit. I sit anywhere else and its practically sitting on bone. If Hank Hill sat on my couch he'd instantly cum blast everywhere (except the couch) because of how comfortable it is. It was even created in texas. They even included a large cup holder for every fat woman's dream of not having to move to get a drink off the coaster. I am she. This is LIVING the life. This IS the American dream. Idgaf about my bed anymore, I have this couch and it pleases me more than sleeping knowing you ruined some man's life after they slightly slighted you. I have better nights than on my king sized bed that broke the bank. I have better nights than crackheads who get fed by the feds to continue the destruction of their own marginalized communities. I sleep more comfortable safer nights than jk terf queen in her mansion after any tweet she makes that gets ugly hair receding men in their feelings. And her bed must be this giant fucking hp castle sized higglepuff hogtown inspired bed that costed hundred of thousands. I love this couch. I'd give birth on this couch. What a great fucking buy holy shit I cannot get over it. I feel so SMART knowing I snagged it before anyone else. Post vent.
No. 1391909
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I just fucking hurt so much. 28 years old and I'm fucking incapacitated. Normally I have a very positive outlook and don't cry about this but today isn't one of those days. I want to be able to run and exercise, work hard and not be fearful of the repercussions from doing so. I can't even sweep my fucking house right knowing that shit will put me in the hurt locker. Cold, rainy day plus loads of stress from the previous week has my fingers, toes and joints swollen and aching horribly. My fingers feel like bloated sausages while my eyes are fucking sandpaper and my throat feels as narrow as a drinking straw. Chest hurts, breathing sucks, muscles ache and God forbid someone touches a tender spot right now as it would feel like being burned and punched simultaneously. Can't even wear fucking pants without it causing pain. I miss my hobbies, I miss being able to hike, I miss being able to eat normally and have regular BMs. My brain fog gets so bad at times I lose track of conversations midsentence or can't get my mouth to form the words I want to say. I had to fucking give up garlic. GARLIC, NONNAS, I FUCKING LOVE GARLIC GOD DAMN IT. On top of it all I have to sit here and wonder if my organs or neurological system are being attacked and degraded, how long they have been and how much time is being taken off my lifespan due to it. Won't know for sure until I go through MORE medical testing, biopsies, and God knows what else. The worst part about all of this is I hate being a sad sack. My mother is a hypochondriac and exacerbates all of her medical issues. Spent so many nights in the ER because of her flipping out over minor issues then becoming ultra depressed about her "condition". This isn't the same, but I have a hard time admitting to anyone how I'm doing out of fear of being perceived as an attention or drug seeker. The fucked up thing is my mom openly told me she wished this was happening to her so I didn't have to endure it, and I kinda wish it was, too. That way she can finally have her validation and I can be free to live my life as a healthy person for the first time in my life. Anyway, rant over. Feel a little better getting this out. Love you, nonnas.
No. 1391940
>>1391916tbh most moids literally want you even more when they notice you are uncomfortable or want to be left alone.
Its like a fucked up rapist predator/prey game to them. They literally get off on it, and they arent dumb they know you are uncomfortable and that's why they pursue.
No. 1392034
>>1392025Oh I guess I should mention a few things too.
Uhh basically my family's financial state is deteriorating seeing as the two investments (my brothers) are providing 0% profit, or actually -20% since they both spend a lotta money on luxury stuff. And my dad's new clinic isn't doing too good.
I'm worried for both of my parents' emotional states, they're dealing with this in a surprisingly level headed manner, but I can tell they're a ticking time bomb. They only found out about this whole shebang last night.
Though my mother was strong in front of my father, I could hear her crying later on in the night. It greatly saddens me and I wish I could soothe her woes. I will try to be a better daughter. One to take pride in.
But I must admit, I'm having a hard time believing in myself or that there is still some hope left for me. I'm weak. But I'll try nonetheless
No. 1392050
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>Bar at my city plays music at distressingly high volumes 24/7, everyone in the area losing their minds over it, seniors and babies losing their hearing, authorities don't give a damn
>Women: We should be more empathetic as citizens, people deserve to rest, this isn't right, babies and old people are suffering, if you want to party just turn the volume down. We need to find a way to solve this
Every time. Act like an animal, get treated like an animal, moids are truly a cancer, so embarrassing
No. 1392066
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god he finally fucking left after, no joke, 12 hours of giving him the cold shoulder, i almost laughed when he was leaving and told me ''there is something very obviously wrong with you today'' yeah dipshit i was doing my shit and you came unannounced to stay the night and didnt left despite me being obviously uncomfortable
>>1391932>>1391940god, yeah, i am so tired of pitying them, fuck them honestly
No. 1392132
nonny I feel this so hard. Disability sucks let’s hold each other and cry
> Can't even wear fucking pants without it causing pain.I’m like this too and people always make fun of me for it
No. 1392169
>>1392164He’s a fuckboy,
nonny. He doesn’t actually like you he just wants to use you for sex, and you are letting him. Why do you let him?
No. 1392183
>>1392164>ended up sleeping together that nightStop fucking men on the first night. From now on, at least wait a few months so you can test whether they just want a one-night thing or instant sex from your or not.
>he barely talks to me and has at one point even flirted with one of my friends in front of mebecause he wants to fuck your friend asap too. No decent male would ever do this, even if you weren't around.
>Was he trying to make me jealous?yes. you are now associated with easy access for sex to him, and your friend is just a bonus. trust me when I say the sex you had with him means nothing to him, you are just another stepping stone to whatever degenerate moid goals he has for himself. The best you can do is cut this shit out and focus on yourself and then be far more strict with standards of men in the future.
No. 1392223
My sister in law met this guy abroad while on vacation with her family : according to her, she has never felt like this for a moid before and he seems to feel the same way towards her. It was to the point that she lied to her family, pretending to meet up with friends so that they would bring her back to that place abroad and they’d meet. Pretty silly, especially since she’s in her mid-twenties, but not that serious and all in all a good thing for her, right ?
Well we started feeling weird about this as she would be very vague about him when questioned, refusing to show any picture of him or disclose basic info like his age, profession etc. She also suddenly had a brand new phone coming back from this trip that she allegedly bought with her own money, which seemed very unlikely. At this point, they had met two weeks ago and only spent half of that time together, but she already wanted to go see him in Dubai where he was allegedly staying for work. Just hearing the name of this city was a big red flag to me and I strongly advised her to reconsider and avoid that shithole at all cost, especially as a young woman traveling alone and meeting a guy she barely knew. She heard me out but still wouldn’t disclose much about that guy, she even got angry at my moid (her brother) for asking too much questions. At this point we knew something was up and the guy was probably an older
guy, a drug dealer or both.
I’ll cut the story short but after talking with the part of the family that was with her when she met him and comparing the stories we were told, we uncovered a pile of lies she told us and got some disclosure on him : he’s in his mid 40s, married with children, makes big money trading in the Middle East in a probably not shady but shady sounding business. Bingo. She told a bunch of lies to everyone, giving different stories to each of us which made it easier to get the truth out.
At this point I was extremely worried for her, because obviously a married scrote with children has nothing in common with a sheltered ana twenty something girl and he was rapidly gaining a lot of importance in her life. They call each other everyday, according to her he’s apparently really sweet and caring, gives her advices on life things… to the point where she canceled Christmas with the family and plans on traveling to spend it with him. I’m not even angry at her because she has been battling with extreme EDs, depression and suicidal tendencies for years and it’s the first time that she’s felt this alive and well in a long while. I’m however extremely worried as she’s now refusing to talk about the relationship with us because of the lies we confronted her with, and if anything goes wrong - which it will, considering his situation - it will probably send her into the deepest downward spiral considering she’s at an all time high rn.
I care a lot about her. I can’t do anything about it, it’s her life. If anything goes wrong I just hope she can reach out and not feel ashamed or fear being judged… but I think she would keep it to her. I hope this fucking moid dies in a car crash. It’s all fun and games for him, playing with a young vulnerable girl with little experience with men whilst his wife take care of their kids. The whole situation is really frustrating and worrying, but you can’t help others if they don’t want to. That’s it, just wait and see and hope it doesn’t end up too badly. And fuck scrotes.
No. 1392228
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I really wanna ask her out. My heart feels like it's going to explode. She's so beautiful and kind and brilliant, her smile can light an entire room. But I don't wanna potentially make what we have awkward. I wonder how she feels about me…
No. 1392240
>>1392228Nonaaaa that's so sweet.
I hope you can find a way to ask her out and feel cool about it. I hope it all works out for you both.
No. 1392288
I just shoplifted out of anxiety. I was in this long line to pay, there was only one cashier, and he kept turning over to stare at me weirdly. While I was in line I saw a cute calendar or whatever and crouched to look at it more closely, then when I got up this lady asked me where the line was and i answered that i was behind this other lady and then some butch lesbian interrupted and said it started where she was, I hadn't even noticed she was there standing very close to me because like I said I'd just gotten up from looking at the calendar. So basically she cut in front of me. The lady stood behind her but then said something along the lines of it being weird that the line would curve instead of being straight, and switched to behind me. While all this is happening the cashier keeps staring and people are standing so close to me and really bothers me, especially because the lesbian in front looks really angry for whatever reason. Just when it's her turn to pay she turns and like calls out to someone to hurry up and then in comes another just as angry-looking lesbian with even more stuff. Mind you I was already letting them cut in front because I didn't feel like being confrontational plus she was putting on a stupid intimidating face, so i was appalled at the audacity that another bitch was gonna cut in front of me. I guess I felt like skipping over them and no longer waiting, really I was gonna leave the stuff but it manifested in a fuck it and holding on to the stuff then fast walking to my car giggling, hoping the lesbians saw, then crying once i was inside.
No. 1392323
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Why can't I stop falling in love with my straight friends?
No. 1392340
>>1392288oh well
nonnie. just leave it there next time unless you want it to become a habit and you get caught.
No. 1392462
>>1392411Shit like this is why I stopped traveling with friends. It gets super annoying when they do that or complain about things you planned in advance and they decided way later to follow you on your holidays. I had a friend who ruined my week of holidays at the beach because "I hate the beach" bitch I told you not to come if you don't like the beach? Years later it turns out that she probably thought she'd do me a favor by following me because she thought it'd be sad if I traveled alone even though I said I wouldn't mind it. And of course she complained about cheap things like cheap food and cheap public transport
being expensive.
No. 1392537
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Is there something like transwidows but instead of your husband it's your best friend? I hope the tranny she befriended and that encouraged her, egged her on, if you understand what I mean, finally ends himself in minecraft. The only reason that guy trooned out in the first place is, as he told me, because he wanted to distance himself from the atrocities males commit on the daily, as if that bastard is any better. It pains to see, in the past few months it already got exhausting enough to hang out with her, as sorry as I am to say, but at this point I can't talk with her about anything without it reverting back to gender identity and troons in some way or another. I suspected it'll happen sooner or later, as she became a non-binary just some few months ago, but I hoped she'd snap out of it again soon enough, but instead she officially announced to me that she'll be living as a male as of now when we met up today. I don't want to end a friendship of I think fourteen or fifteen years over something like that, we grew up together and up until she met that gender- and social justice not using it in the way redpilled scrotes use it before anyone comes at me obsessed dweeb we knew and understood each other better than anyone else, but I think I really have to keep my distance from her for some time. She knows I hate males though, and that I refuse to befriend them, so if anything, this'll only be reaffirming, lucky her!
No. 1392548
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>>1392474That's standard price for a small latte in my city…
No. 1392602
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>>1392584I wish I could be so bold but I don't want to deal with mom's ensuing tantrum(and my dad will join in the chimpout because my parents are white trash and always angry), plus everything that goes wrong in this house is automatically my fault so she'd blame me. Maybe I'll just live out of my car for the winter. kek
No. 1392671
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I have a buffalo hump/fat pad on the back of my neck and it makes me so insecure. I know that people can see it, and I'm almost certain it started when I gained weight. Hopefully it's reversible with weight loss but it doesn't change the fact I look and feel deformed. I have seen people mention buffalo humps in general here on LC and it just makes me realise that everyone can see mine. Most t shirts won't even cover it up because the neck hangs too low. It really makes me feel so retarded and ugly, like I am a deformed hunchback. I pray that it will go away, or at least be reduced soon. It's one of those insecurities that is very hard to hide unless your wardrobe is full of high neck things and it makes me feel so self-conscious.
No. 1392674
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I wanted to be a tradgoth for Halloween but my primer /, foundation+ setting powder(manic panic dreamtome + virgin white) don't set right on me. Should've gotten the matte primer for my oily skin… The only reason I have a good chance at finishing my last minute costume tonight is the sheer amount of clothes and craft materials I have but never use
No. 1392698
I was watching some videos from Itaewon Halloween 2019 and…man, I got depressed as hell. I live in a third world country, and I know I'll never be able to experience such fun and carefree vibes, everyone was wearing cool costumes, food everywhere, clean streets, bussing bars and…joy. Everyone was just living the moment, having fun and enjoying their youth, while I can't even go out of my house. I don't remember ever experiencing that amount of happiness, I feel trapped. I wish I could be with them, just…living, not surviving, living. I want to have fun too, I want to enjoy life, I want to get out of here. God please, don't let me wake up another day if it means waking up to this endless nightmare, just let me rest, be done with it, I'm so tired of pretending I've a chance at life, I don't, I will never amount to anything, I'm just another number here….just do it, I'll not miss what I left behind. Maybe in my next life, i get to breath and be at peace, walking down the streets of a better nation, just…living.
No. 1392706
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You know girls get raised to handle so much pain when I kept saying how at least I don't have endo, sure my periods are bad but my friends have it way worse. My intestines are pretty much all fused together and I have already gotten surgeries, more are planned for the next 4 years. This all makes it just so hard to trust myself but I am trying my best, I feel stupid nevertheless.
No. 1392715
I met this cute guy in college a few years back. He was tall, skinny, dorky, had very nicely kept long hair, played multiple instruments. He said I was the funniest person he'd ever met. I said I thought he was cute. Another friend made a little joke about him being my boyfriend and at the time I was genuinely struggling with figuring out my sexuality and dealing with past trauma from moids and I was also on medication that fucked with my sex drive so just that little joke put me off from ever talking to the guy more. I didn't like the word boyfriend, I didn't like the thought of having a boyfriend because it was always accompanied with the mental image of having a giant, disgusting, pulsating leech attached to me and draining me of my lifeforce.
Well, fast forward those few years. He's dating another girl from the friend group. All the times I've seen them together I always thought they were really cute. One thing that shocked me to my core was one of the last few times this girl was in the same hang as me, she said that her boyfriend won't grow a mustache because it triggers his gender dysphoria. The entire table went quiet. What the fuck.
I went to a halloween party a couple of days ago and they were both there dressed as witches (she was really pretty) and the guy was wearing a black strapless dress.
Tl;dr, I think he's trooning out. It hurts. He was such a cool guy and he and his girlfriend were so cute but fuck. It's honestly so hard to wrap my head around and I'm no stranger to troons. God fucking dammit. Death to all moids.
No. 1392717
ah fuck it i need to complain. I just found out earlier I'm not moving tomorrow and spending halloween with my bf as I was hoping to after living with my bpd mom for over a year. I don't want to spend it watching a movie online over facetime and have that be my only social interaction all day while he hangs out with his loving family. I will never put it on him but I'm fucking jealous and I'm grieving the loss of time I've had in this bumfuck town. Today I just remembered some more things she said and did to me as a child and I just don't have it in me to leave my room to get dinner and look at her. Highly considering leaving through my window and getting food I can't do it another fucking day. Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a memory and this isn't real life anymore, like my personal hell is living with her forever (I'll be gone soon but I definitely had a breakdown thinking it was a possibility a few months ago lol)
>>1392698I'm sorry
nonny, I hope you can find someone that'll help you regain trust in people- or you can fuck everyone and just live in a cottage with cute cats. rooting for you
No. 1392731
>>1392700I was talking in retrospective tho, 2019, when Itaewon had better regulations, it used to be a fun place to hang out with friends
>>1392711I don't think so, i'm sorry
No. 1392735
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I think my fiancé is realizing having kids is usually pretty shitty and feeling relief i cant have kids, originally he was a bit beat up about it.
One of his childhood friends is stuck with a crazy baby mom from a teen pregnancy, working all day long to financially support them and the baby since they dont have degrees, she wrecked their shitty hand me down car and my bf let him borrow like 2k to get another one without blinking an eye because of his cushy tech job. He vented about being miserable and suicidal to him and like two days later my boyfriend went on a tangent about enjoying how spontaneous his life is right now lol.
No. 1392847
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I was supposed to go on a day trip with my family yesterday but I basically had a nervous breakdown beforehand and had to stay home. I’m supposed to go to a party tomorrow but I have to bail on that too because I’m just not able to handle it right now. I have missed out on so much and wasted the past 10 years of my life being a depressed, dysfunctional retard. I just want to be normal
No. 1392990
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I've come to realize if I truly want things done I must do them alone, I can't keep waiting for other people anymore. I hate having to rely on other people to do things with me, I have no friends and will possibly loose contact with family so I need to be able to do what I want and need for myself. I was born alone into this consciousness alone and will die alone, and inbetween will exist alone as myself.
No. 1393022
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>>1392990You're right anon.
No. 1393038
nonnie. I think the hardest part isn't doing everything yourself, but knowing no one's there. Just in case things got really bad, someone who can catch you if you fall or just expresses like "hey I'm here if you need me".
It's tough. When I was getting my drivers license I was like wait hold on, there's no one to practice with me. When moving out, wait a minute, I have to do everything myself and hire people to carry my stuff. That's another thing. Being completely alone is expensive, there are no favors from anyone.
No. 1393059
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Partners obese sister started arguing with me because somehow she assumed that i think she is lazy for being fat or something, it caught me so off guard that i confessed my health is so bad i might not live my old age. And i meant it. I spent my entire life going to hospitals, even now. I am chronically ill and my immune system is crap, ive got so many problems with my organs. I fucking hate how my anxiety made me say that. I never wanted people to know about it. Fuck me i guess.
What makes it worse she is a huge energetic vampire and a gossiper. Everytime she shows up she always wants to fish out the info out of me.
No. 1393061
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dear god, the layers of how fucked up and dysfunctional one is certainly seem endless, don't they? In the last year or so I've just been uncovering and coming to terms with more and more and It's just so surreal. How did I ever have any friends with how much of a basket case I really am, how did it take so long for me to realize it? I think I was truly living my life in denial up to this point about so many things. Now that I'm aware of these things I've started to try to work on them and through them, but my god
No. 1393075
>>1393061I applaud you. Denial is often so much easier than working on oneself.
I hope one day I willbe able to dothat too.
It is hard to realise how fucked up one can be, I hope your friends stay with you.
best of luck to you
No. 1393107
>>1393098re: the redtext
Anon says it’s acid, so she’s not gonna be sleeping for a good many hours.
to tripping anon: coloring on acid is an enlightening activity if you haven’t done that yet
No. 1393140
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Some time ago girl I used to work with reached out and proposed we hang out, so we did, I had a really good time, tried to keep the conversation going and eventually meet again but after no more than idk, 10 messages exchanged after the meeting she left me on read, mid conversation because last thing I messaged was a question. It's been 2 months now. I can't help but overthink what I couldve possibly done wrong and why was I so wrong about my impression the meeting was great. I really will never be able to have any friend and I'll never be even able to comprehend why seems like.
No. 1393165
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>>1393152I gave up on normie women IRL. The ones I met always saw other women as competition and their 'besties' would be dramafags who gossip about their mutual friends. Made me feel as if having a female friend IRL is nothing but a fantasy, so i am staying here, in my tiny bubble, watching cute women-centered sitcoms. Fuck real life. I give up.
In the end, my favorite mini-tv show about and for women ended up selling itself out too; it turned into stupid, soulless bullshit once Hulu stopped giving them money. Tragic.
No. 1393189
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I can't stand adults who need asspats for daily chores or things that are just normal for adults. This one girl in our friend group keeps spamming our groupchat with vents and mundane thoughts as she goes on about her day and I'm astonished that she still hasn't caught on that the rest of us are busy with our lives as well. Missed the bus? Gotta let us know. Cleaned her car? Gotta let us know. Did the laundry? Gotta let us know. Is going to grab some coffee? Gotta let us know while also sperging about what ratio of milk/sugar she likes and doesn't like. This might seem petty but it's just so extremely annoying when it becomes a pattern. It's also not like she's trying to initiate any type of conversation or asking questions, it's become like a personal mundane shit diary for her and when someone finally responds to her, she types up an entire essay even though no one asked.
No. 1393193
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I seem to have a much different definition of what a party is than most people because every time I try to throw a Halloween party I bill it as drinks, dinner/snacks, and movies and it always turns into a rager that ends in someone puking and my sister acting out for attention. I guess the combination of decorations + music + hard liquor (even though there were more non-alcoholic than alcoholic drink options and I had plenty of mixers) flips a switch in some peoples' brains and they go nuts. Maybe I'm just a shit host but next year I'll let someone else do the party bullshit while I stay home and watch movies in peace.
No. 1393195
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Having vaginismus and also having a high sex drive feels like a punishment for being a woman. I don't want to get all biblical and cringe about it but it just feels like I'm honestly cursed for daring to fantasize, dream and then trying to attempt any sort of penetration, like I have done something horrible in a past life and then I'm cursed to feel broken and defunct. It has gotten slightly better with some dilating but even saying that I feel like a broken tranny…the amount of effort and thought and careful planning I have to put in just to enjoy sex when other women seem to be able to just do it… it drives me crazy. I have to take time out of my day to practice something that I shouldn't even have to do.
I can only describe this issue as clinical and sterile…it feels like my brain is this natural thing curious in sex and being loved and then my body doesn't want any of that. It's almost mechanical in the way that as soon as it anticipates penetration it closes up and dries out like it shuts down. I don't feel in control of my own body, at least with trannies they chose to get that gross wound and they chose to have to dilate forever but I was just born like this, I didn't choose to have it. Why does it have to happen to me?
No. 1393196
>>1393182Nonny, I am an introvert. I have a lot of great female friends who live in different countries. I knew them for years and I cherish it a lot. So my only experience around irl women (if we dont talk about something such as classmates, etc) is 3 women. Unfortunately, they all were bad as the first one was my childhood friend who abused my doormat-ery. She would always scream at me if I don't do something she wants me to, would drag me down and not support any life change I wanted to choose, even something as silly as "not eating chocolate", she would instantly force me to eat some chocolate pastry with her, etc. She was a really weird person, but young me was very naive (after all I was never much of a chatter irl), but I am glad I cut off contacts with her when I switched my HS.
The other woman was my co-worker from a cafe where I earned money to escape my country. She would always treat me as a competition and try hitting on our male colleagues by pretending to be a "traditional woman" who happens to also be "a right winged one, not like your feminists amirite", et cetera.
The last one was my partners sister. I have a perfectly fine relationship with his mother and other women who are his family members, cousins love me, etc. But my sister in law turned out to be probably the worst. I have tried my best to help her with her insecurities, as she would always throw pity parties onto how much she hates herself, supported her, give good books just to in the end spend 2 years trying to turn the family against me but fail miserably. She would also talk shit about me and other girls online, while making herself a
victim online just to get a glimpse of male attention.
Sorry that you took my post personally,
nonny. I hope you have good friends. Sure, I could be unlucky and silly for not looking at all women spaces irl, but there are none of them where I live. Its okay though, I met good chunk of my female friends at anime cons.
No. 1393207
>>1393195I don't know if I'd qualify as having full on vaginismus but I have this weird relationship with penetration. I wasn't always this way but I think bad partners have left their mark on me. So now I crave it, I put it off, I eventually give in, I take out a beginners toy (I'm in my 30s and 12 years into being sexually active) and then its a struggle to actually do the thing. Rinse and repeat.
I mean I've done it before, enjoyed it before and had phases where it wasn't a struggle so my body knows what its missing. Part of me wishes I could just write off penentration altogether but then.. I still crave it so I'd only be going into denial. Its not that I hate it. Its that I hit a block when it comes down to it.
No. 1393212
Since my partner abandoned me( yeah, abandoned, didn't even break up with me just said we're on break and never explained fully ) I keep waking up at the exact time we began talking the day that she stopped any contact with me. I hate that I am still thinking about it often despite it happening 3 months ago. I know a relationship of almost a decade would be hard to forget, but I meant that I thought it wouldn't preoccupy so many of my thoughts. I wish I had a whole night in which I didn't wake up in the middle of the night wondering what they do and how they're feeling. It's like I'm in limbo.
>>1393195Your body wants sexual release but maybe you're just not…all turned on or happy or content with the people you're doing it with? I'm the type of person who absolutely can't do it without a strong connection. Maybe you're the same?
No. 1393214
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I don't wanna go to work tomorrow
No. 1393216
>>1393212Same fag
I've tried melatonin and I still can't sleep well. I take naps during the day now and my family is starting to notice. My appetite is bad as well and I don't even eat properly. I still shower and maintain my hygiene, get haircuts and go to the gym. I don't stalk thier social media even though I think they stalk mine, especially linked in strangely. I avoid things that they liked and im not drinking or abusing myself or anything. I'm just trying to do healthy activities to overcome this. I wish I had 1 solid day of rest. Just a long long 8 hour sleep.
No. 1393231
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Ok. I need to say this somewhere so I'll say it here.
I have always had a very weird relationship with my dad. He would never treat me like his daugther, more like his best friend or therapist or occasionally wife substitute. He did a lot of very horrible things to me when I was a kid, and I was willing to forgive him, but one night we got pretty drunk (as adults) and he layed on top of me (thinking I was sleeping) kissed me on the mouth and professed his neverending love for me.
Well, that was pretty weird and fucked me up a lot, but over the time, I still decided on forgiveness and today (it's my birthday) I invited him out for drinks. We didn't even drink that much (not much at all by his standarts) but he's made a pretty gross comment about my chest, how it's a shame that I don't have much of it (he used our language equivalent for "tits" though, so pretty vulgar shit), I thought well yeah, maybe he's drunk, but he's not drunk much and he repeated the sentiment when we were parting.
I want to bathe in scalding water and strip all my skin off. It's like someone dunked a pail of entrails over me, I feel absolutely disgusting and gross and most of all lost on what should I do.
Every time I intend to forgive him and finally put all the trauma past me, he does some gross shit like that and I just can't deal with it at all.
No. 1393235
>>1393231Maybe you need to forgive him for your own mental wellbeing but also limit contact with him. His behaviour isn't okay in the slightest, and being drunk certaintly doesn't justify it or make it less bad. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you have to continue having them in your life.
I'm sorry that happened to you, that's really tough.
No. 1393291
My boyfriend is a firm believer of the trans narrative. So far I was able to just brush it off as differing opinions. But when I said that, if we were to commit a crime, we could go to the same prison because these days you can just claim to be the opposite gender, he said he doesn’t like that kind of joke (it wasn’t intended as a joke, it’s the joke that what I said is true) I tried to change the topic saying we have different opinions and I know that I won’t budge from mine so it’s no use talking about it. But he insisted it’s not an opinion, it’s the facts! And continued explaining to me about right-wing narrative, gendered brains and saying „if you had a penis that would be a problem for you“ (well yes, because I‘m not a man)
I got angry when he said that trans people in puberty don’t feel comfortable in their own body, so of they need a different body. To which I told him that any girl growing boobs and suddenly getting sexualised even by her own father would feel uncomfortable in her own body. So we started arguing… well I just wanted him to shut up about his shit, but he was very offended by me calling this topic shit, because a lot of people dear to him struggle with being trans (he only has online friends from gaming and rddt, so their mental state should be obvious)
Now I‘m sitting here on my rare day off bawling my eyes out because my boyfriend thought spouting trans propaganda (that I find hurtful as a woman) is more important than just accepting we don’t see eye to eye on this.
Even though he told me he doesn’t think less of me as a human and woman! How the fuck do I even love this guy. Please laugh at me Nonnas and give me some wine.
No. 1393301
>>1393291Mine did the same thing. Men will always disappoint. I’ve accepted we’re never getting married and I’d rather rip my face off then have children with a man who could mutilate our child. I’m sorry anon. Fuck these bozos. At this point I’m kind of just waiting for the lease to be up. He’s realized it too.
“I feel like this will always be here now”.
Yeah it will be. You will always be a sexist pig who’s shallow version of love had you siding with rapists subhuman apes over the women you “love”. Yes all men. Every single one of those sniveling little bastards
No. 1393314
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the most bpd bpd-chan i know has been trying to turn her bpd diagnosis into an autism one. i don't buy it for shit, but our friend group supports her with every step. i just can't, it's so fucking fake. she posts shit like picrel, started stimming all of a sudden and it really larping as a severely autistic child. she couldn't get a diagnosis by our national mental health center, so her dad paid for a private clinic to diagnose her. i'm an autistic sped myself so it infuriates me that she's larping so hard. she's a literal textbook bpd case, but manipulates people into thinking she's a frail little autistic bird that you can't make eye contact with, as she will have a week long panic attack and will get ptsd from it. god i hate her
No. 1393315
>>1393291your moid being pro-trans at all is a red flag.
my bf was never pro tranny but he didn't truly understand the pain and loss i went through when my best friend trooned out until his did as well. some people need to have it happen to them to truly peak.
No. 1393317
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I want a cute gf so I can cook soups and chicken and dumplings for her waa waaaa
No. 1393318
>>1393301I wish I was as strong as you Anon. I‘m only finding myself thinking about how I can make up with him after getting drunk to numb the pain or something. Thanks for telling me I‘m not alone with this shit.
> “I feel like this will always be here now”. Lmao imagine actions having consequences!
>>1393315I think I was still holding out hope he was only pro trans because he read their sob stories online and doesn’t truly know what’s up.
But then in our argument today he didn’t show any empathy for womens troubles mich less believe anything I said (because his shit propaganda about women brains is based on facts). He already has online troon friends so I can’t become lucky like you did about him seeing the truth I‘m afraid…
No. 1393325
>>1393291> trans people in puberty don’t feel comfortable in their own bodyAh yes an experience that is unique to trans people lol
I just got done watching a video of a detrans woman who had her breasts removed at 17. After years of sexual abuse. Which her family knew about. Nobody thought to maybe address that first. She spent years using the trans cope and ended up worse off for it. The well of empathy never seems to extend to listening to women like her. Thats too much like an actual struggle for them to care.
No. 1393333
>>1393318> actions having consequences Men are allergic to those and can’t believe it.
He said it because literally after two days he finally “contested and could see my point.” (No, he could the whole time but it hurt his ego and men love that she has to rely on me for protection thing. I’ve realized they truly hate independent women.) I know this because I said what happens if I get raped. His response
> “I’ll just kill the rapist.” Why was I wrong?
> “Well you act like all of them are rapists.” Told him to save his hero complex. I’d rather fight the rapist till they kill me than be raped ever again.
This was after high lights such as
> “well my mother doesn’t care so why do you?” Ironic considering he loves how much I care and how passionate I am until it’s about my rights.
Sorry at this point I’m just venting. You’re stronger than you think anon. You’re here. You’ll survive when it you don’t want to. Just know if you push him in my experience you’ll get much worse.
The worst part of mine he shit on troons all the time with me. I jokingly announced I was a
terf after a sexist piece of shit I know called me one to my face. Yet this man claimed
> “I had no idea you thought all trans people were just mentally ill.” Men are truly hopeless creatures.
No. 1393341
>>1393333> “I’ll just kill the rapist.” Why try to make the world safe for women if you can just hurt people who hurt your ego, uh, girlfriend.
And thanks for your rambling kind words. It’s genuinely making me feel a bit better. What scares me the most tbh is that my bf wants children. I could not in good conscience bring a child into this fucked up world, born to a father that would happily give it unnecessary hormones and surgery instead of teaching it a healthy sense of self. Stories like this
>>1393325 are just so depressing.
No. 1393346
>>1393341I don’t want to make it more depressing, but I am an autistic gnc women who was a
victim of csa. The trans community tried to groom me at 14. I almost bought in. The only reason I didn’t is I liked long hair (literally because I could “hide behind it”) so I couldn’t be a boy. I’m friends with full detrans people who have significant bone loss and he didn’t care about any of that because sometimes a Trans person comes into his shop and they seem “normal” ! Homie you’re a six foot something moid who could lay them out of course they don’t bother you. It literally just killed any trust at all. He went from a person to literally just a scrotum in a matter of hours.
Whatever happens nonna, you deserve better and you deserve someone that listens to you. Maybe it helps but I realized while I didn’t want someone else. I didn’t want this dude who talks to me like this. I wanted someone he clearly never was.
No. 1393356
>>1393346While it’s sad long hair is the only thing that kept a mistreated girl from trooning out, I think you’re impressive for making it through all that and standing up for yourself.
> Maybe it helps but I realized while I didn’t want someone else. I didn’t want this dude who talks to me like this. I wanted someone he clearly never was.These are powerful words I will think on, thank you.
No. 1393360
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i feel guilty for taking adderall and ativan (prescribed). i had a drug addiction issue for a few months that im staying clean from, and taking these two things almost daily (again, prescribed) makes me feel like an imposter, like im not truly sober and i wonder if id be better without them.
its hard because the ativan actually makes work more enjoyable than dreadful, and the adderall i have been on since 17 has worked wonders in all aspects of my life except for the times i get too paranoid or jittery or get into thought loops, which can happen regardless its just exasperated if im not occupying my brain. but it makes me wonder who i really am off of these drugs?
when i was off of vyvanse in the past, i still had a lot of unresolved mental issues and i fell back into binge eating and spiraled. iwas lazy, i was depressed, it was terrible.
i take adderall daily and ativan around 3-4 times a week, 1mg for work. i feel guilty. i feel like im ruining myself somehow even though i function better with these things. i want to go back to school, im taking things easy, one day maybe i will get the courage to get another job and move out if the time becomes right. im in therapy and doing all of these things but i wonder if im just making excuses to keep taking my script? im so tired of overthinking like this. its also hard when i see guys glorify girls who use actual drugs, i want to not question myself about that. they're losers. i was impressionable when i was younger.
i just hope i can get through life, even if i need these prescriptions, without guilt and successfully. i dont want to neet, but i also feel okay working part time right now and enrolling in a couple of classes. i dont want to think that makes me a loser that i dont have my own place or fulltime job or degree at 21. i think i should just enjoy my time, and stop spending half of the day feeling like a loser because then i felt guilt for wasting my time when i was doing school and work fulltime. i want t be happy, sober, and okay, and i want to know that im still sober ifi take these script medications.
i want to know im not a loser for not having some job in a new city or state with my own place, i mean i will get there, i just want to work on myself more and enjoy my time. this is so redundant.
No. 1393380
>>1393372i take the adderall daily and the ativan solely for work shifts or if i get a panic attack once in a while. my mother holds them so i cant abuse them, and i definitely want to get off of them eventually, i just dont know when since they are newer into my life due to the anxiety i was having. as for vyvanse i dont know when i will ever get off of that. but thank you so much nonna.
>>1393371yeah, i dont have much external support aside from my mother and some coworkers that are very sweet + the professional help i receive every so often via appointments. im trying to be better and ive gotten a lot better! i just want to get rid of the shame associated with taking prescription medications, because i quit all other drugs i feel in a way im not being sober/honest. but, these drugs are unfortunately my baseline in a sense. not so much the ativan, more so the adderall. (low dose as well). as i get back into things like a sport, college, my hobbies and just the real world in general, maybe the rest will follow.
but thank you so so much…ive brought these thoughts up to my therapist and mother and they're very understanding and try to rationalize them to me but i think once i have more self love i can be okay with taking them and then once things are more stable, i can ween off of the ativan.
No. 1393418
>>1392735i am in a similar situation. it feels good knowing my bf really loves being with me even if it means not having kids rather than girls he had been with in the past who were genuinely
abusive to him (one threatened to go off her bc pills if he didnt marry her within a year… dragged him to a store for a ring and everything) but wanted kids.
No. 1393419
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I paid $20 for Saturday night parking to go see my friend in the city because I didn't think I'd be able to see her today. $20 parking for 2 hours.
I want to go get pizza today but I'm feeling so broke. Does anyone think I can try to dispute it with my bank? There's supposed to be an option to pay for $10 but they must have rigged it that day because there was a huge parade going on. I just can't get over it
No. 1393442
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>>1393436you sure you don't have anything sensitive in there? I would double check if you haven't. HH nonna
No. 1393474
>>1393442I cant log in bc i changed numbers but ill email them. Its just weird and annoying. Im not that interesting.
Thats awful and anyone close to me would reach out directly.
I will email snapchat and terminate it
No. 1393494
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Just found out that my ex/abuser is still up to his degenerate coomer shit 4-5 years later, it's disgusting. As if guilting and pressuring me into sex and "kink" wasn't enough, he is still, STILL obsessed with onlyfans shit and porn in general, it's insane. Men really do not have any character development, no personal growth, introspection, nothing. I cannot imagine being 25 and still being this much of a fucking degenerate. I have grown so much since that relationship that it feels like a lifetime ago, I look back and I'm not even the same person. I used to be a pickme when I was with him and never stood up for myself…but the extent of my obsessions is like the Sims or something, not porn, not onlyfans or weird horrible rape scenario porn like he is obsessed with.
I saw pictures of him on twitch and he looks greasy as fuck, his hairline is receding and he has terrible ratty facial hair. My first thought was that he looks like picrel, the porn shop owner in VTMB, which I guess is fitting for him kek. He really has hit the wall and it made me feel quite good about myself in comparison and how every year I at least try to become a better more productive person in ways that make me feel accomplished and healthy. I feel sorry for his gf most of all as it took me all of 5 minutes to find that he's got a twitter account with every single follower being an Onlyfans woman. I tried to warn her about him some time ago. She seems genuinely nice, and is way too good for him. He doesn't deserve any woman in his life, he deserves to be in prison. Knowing how scrotes get away with everything, he probably won't face consequences of anything he's done but at least I can laugh at his shit hairline for now. I can make peace with that I guess.
No. 1393499
>>1393494Let's all laugh at the balding scrote, drop his twitch
jk. Men like that get their karma when they're too ugly to pull younger women and since he's still in his 20s and balding, won't be long now.
No. 1393525
>>1393298Nonny, How do you deal with that? She keeps trying to make my life a nightmare and I am giving up. I do my best to not let her get in my head, but she keeps trying to turn others against me for no reason, or acts passive-agressive. I act respectful to her, but even yesterday she threw a fit at me at dinner table in front of everyone, because i assumed i judge her for not working out, when the topic was never about it, and I didn't say anything to her. Just lashed on me out of blue.
I don't understand how the hell is it so common for people to either end up getting terrible in-law 'siblings' or in-law 'parents'. Either mother is a 'boymom' weirdo, either stepbro is a creep or sister in law becomes a nightmare. I assume they do that because they end up feeling jealous that their sibling got married, which is extremely stupid. I grew up raising my little brothers and cousins, and I would always feel happy for them everytime they get a good partner, I would be even more happier if they end up deciding to live with their s/o or get married to them.
No. 1393528
>>1393494Samefag, I am always happy to see porn-sick idiots and groomers drowning in their bullshit. A man who tried grooming me online as a teen ended up losing his job, his friends and is only hanging around MtFs who roleplay as 'schoolgirls', kek. He is still convinced he is 'not gay', and his bestfriend is a literal schizophrenic MtF.
I am sorry for his gf, sadly in these situations you really can't 'fix' a person. She has to learn in the hard way, love tends to be way too damn blind. She could also maybe have self-esteem issues, ending up being desperate enough to date this trainwreck of a person. All the best to her, and proud of you
nonny for growing up. Good job! He will probably end up like Greg, going 'woe is me' and start drowning his money into OnlyFans or twitch streamers.
No. 1393550
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I think both myself and the people around me underestimate how much of a hermit I am. I know I shouldn’t be bothered by this, but it’s annoying that the same people who never stop talking about their social anxiety/how overstimulated they get in social situations are the same ones who ask me “Why do you never come out!” and “Why are you so quiet!”
Idk, it’s weird that they think being antisocial and afraid of going out is uwu so they say they’re like that, but they aren’t. And I’m looked at like a weirdo and have to justify myself when I am actually experiencing those things. Irritated!!!
No. 1393572
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Confirmed collapsed-anus faggots posting on /m/. Why are our recent fujos so retarded? Namedropping LC on a routinely shitposted /a/ thread and then you wonder why more moids are shitting the place up.
It never used to be like this, I swear we've had a whole bunch of newfag fujos policing inside our thread and now you retards are shilling this place to moids.
No. 1393581
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>>1392224Late but this happened to me yesterday. I connected with this really cool woman a few weeks ago who I had a lot in common with. She was great at conversation and really made me feel included. Then last night I met up with her again and she completely forgot everything about me except for my name. She told me the same stories, asked me the same questions, and acted surprised at the same things I already told her. So I think she's a turbo-level people pleaser and didn't really take note of me at all.
No. 1393585
>>1393533ok finally was able to get some advil and its kicking it.
i wonder if my period pains are really even that bad if ibuprofen can get rid of them w/o issue. like i still dont know what the normal threshold for period pain is before theres some kind of major issue going on w/ my uterus
No. 1393593
>>1393572Not only the BL thread in /m/, this whole place is crawling with faggots and regular moids and I fucking hate it.
>>1393586Imagine hating women but having such a strong envy towards them that you feel the need to invade their spaces at all times.
No. 1393673
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>>1393619Also NTA but it depends on the camera. Different lens lengths and types of cameras will result in different 'looks' for your face. Google 'different lens length' to see more examples than this, but it's really interesting how you can get different results.
No. 1393685
>>1393572will men ever stop being pieces of predictable shit?
if you're a man reading this, you're pathetic. fuck off
No. 1393719
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You really need to get a damn grip. There’s plenty of skinny girl representation, actually there is already a trend that embraces flat undefined androgynous shapeless female bodies like heroin chic and plenty from the model industry and plenty celebrities who have that body to cater to you, plenty of fashion choices and styles as well where your boobs aren’t flopping all over the damn place. Fatass women have a hard time moving in this world (no pun intended) because a woman’s worth and status is inherently connected to her access to beauty and beauty still prioritizes thinness. Even if a woman is thick or heavy, she still has to have a smooth belly with fat in the “right” places. If she’s fat, ugly, well be damned she gets anything because she will even be berated if she actually goes to the gym and tries to eliminate the weight and if she doesn’t she will be punished for daring to have the ounce of confidence she wants to have, like Lizzo. Your problem is that you are insecure about your personal womanhood and you’re trying to make this a skinny vs fat issue when it’s definitely that you feel insecure about yourself because you don’t look like the feminine manifestation of porn-driven male tastes. Picrel is just you who had the money to actually act on her insane body dysmorphia and anxiety
No. 1393726
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>>1393673this is why i gave up on phone selfies. to me the only point of selfies is to enjoy vanity and have enough control to look better than candids. short focal length makes me feel like picrel so what is the actual point?
No. 1393762
>>1393753that shit always made me uncomfortable too even if it's not impossible because of
>>1393757 especially because he also kills a small rabbit accidentally. i just imagine a non-retardo moid reading it and relating because he also sees women as fragile objects that he can easily "accidentally" hurt
No. 1393780
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If I ever heard some stupid shit like this outside in the real world from a moid or a woman I’d just beat them to death with my bare hands
No. 1393785
>>1393780Try me!!
I'll push for my cute catboy till the end of time and neither you nor anyone is gonna stop me
No. 1393790
>>1393741I hate how they
only bring them up when talking about women's issues which goes on to show how little it actually affects their lives. When talking about femicide and rape statistics and other injustices against women they suddenly deflect it like
>Okay uhm but what about male role models thojust to divert the discussion away and then expect us as women to start taking the blame for them never having a male teacher or something. Like it sucks for you but you really think women are responsible or able to do anything about your problem?
No. 1393793
>>1393751>she’s always almost naked whenever you see her in pictures and most normal fat people outside of social media don’t usually always wear revealing clothing like she does. Women who are insecure with their bodies try to cover it upinsecure exhibitionists definitely exist. they know they can at least get some compliments from somebody if their outfit is revealing and flashy enough so that's how their low confidence and craving for validation manifests. it might also be a way to kind of bodycheck irl. like if you have your bare cheeks out in public and nobody insults you to your face, maybe your butt doesn't look as bad as you thought it did?
it sounds absolutely wild to me and i could never relate in a million years, but i've seen this behavior many times.
No. 1393795
>>1393786Wow you literally described me. Minus the Morrissey fan.
Jokes aside, the only way a moid is worth something is when he’s submissive and worship the ground you walk on. They need to be pretty and ask permission for everything, be able to clean, cook and be your personal sex toy. Demanding such fantasy is as fair as moids asking for a goth girlfriend. If they get to objectify us I might aswell objectify them and demand from them to be worthy of being acknowledged by me.
No. 1393797
>>1393791yeah i know about those gay male femboys who call themselves catboys and they all look disgusting and like their last shower was before the pandemic.
But im pretty sure anons mean fictional character when they mention catboys (i hope they do) because who in their right mind wants the pizza face crusted gay incel femboys.
No. 1393817
>>1393813Nta and I agree with the point you made but did you have to phrase it like an insufferable pick me?
>I don’t expect you to be someone who’s actively in or has experienced a long term adult relationship that is actually healthy and has proper boundaries and mutual respect, but it certainly doesn’t look anything like that. My husband loves me greatly blah blah blahYou sound super annoying, and I'm getting vibes that your husband is a faggot
No. 1393823
>>1393781>she named herself after a deli meatKEK WHAT. I need to know what that is nona
Chorizo? Pancetta?
No. 1393825
>>1393749Very telling that you only hear about those issues when men suddenly remember they exist or when talking about women's issues like it's so obvious that they absolutely do not struggle with anything.
The only time a guy has complained to me unprompted about male issues is when they talk about dumb shit like their own loneliness which again, very telling
No. 1393827
>>1393752Oh yay pretty women get hit on and bought drinks by old scrotes.
Look just because you feel salty and ignored in the club doesn't mean your pretty friends have it any easier than you
No. 1393840
>>1393784Bruh, my first and only boyfriend would often cry about stuff I did to make me feel bad and my dumbass would scramble to comfort him but the only time i have cried in front of him he literally sighed and lit up a cigarette, this was a male feminist lol
They can never get over their biases enough to form a critical thought
No. 1393841
>>1393813cope the post
>>1393831Same, it could be be better but most rather settle for less, if your scrote doesn't love you deeply to the point of worship then why the hell would you marry? nah, might as well stay single
No. 1393852
>>1393845Samefag but I literally said
>Nta and I agree with the point you made but did you have to phrase it like an insufferable pick me?Where did that confuse you?
No. 1393854
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>>1393848I sort of agree, I don't necessarily want someone to obsess over me or ask permission to cook for me (lol) as that's a little gross but I do want a total simp husband who swoons over me, my friend's parents are like that her dad does A LOT to treat her mom like a lady and he's always making gestures and complimenting her and calling her the most beautiful woman on earth and I think it's adorable. I don't really see the point in settling for less.
No. 1393867
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>>1393860Can you stop shitting up the thread and go back to suicidebaiting your fat moid into buying you flowers
No. 1393868
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>>1393854Nooooo only a bippie would want that
No. 1393875
>>1393867>>1393870>>1393872She's just trying to
trigger you guys, why are you letting her get under your skin? lol
No. 1393876
>>1393875In what world is any part of what I’ve said in any way
triggering? I swear some of you are so not used to hearing an opinion that isn’t identical to your own
No. 1393878
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>>1393870hot yandere men is where its at, where the good stuff is at. Stalk me uwu and give me presents hehehe.
No. 1393883
>>1393876I'm trolling you and you're allowing it
No. 1393886
>>1393881So true
nonnie, it’s Jamie Lee Curtis time
No. 1393890
>>1393882get a life you fucking retard, first sperging over catboys and now you are alogging anons for obviously making bait posts at you since you are so
No. 1393898
>>1393840sounds like empathy only goes one way for him.
i also hate when men self-righteously denounce the emotion of anger in general when they really should just be denouncing their poor ways of dealing with anger. many women make themselves depressed because they won't let themselves just be angry and anger would probably be the more cathartic emotion for them, not more misery and grief. men shouldn't do away with anger either, they need skills to control it, and control does not mean eradication. it's so disturbing to watch a man who is clearly turbomad and in denial when he just needs to take a sec to feel the anger and let it quiet down naturally. they treat anger like a boner, the only options being to indulge it completely or try to force it to go away.
No. 1393910
>>1393812Damn, really? I gotta catch up, and I hope the author releases a new
femdom comic sometime, Sadistic Beauty was one of like 2 or 3 adult manhwa for women that I actually liked and definitely the best of them
No. 1394017
>>1394003That is really weird.
>>1394009He probably has. After seeing that Reddit thread where men admitted they think about fucking their daughters, there's no hope.
When I was 6, I was laying on the couch on my back and I guess my legs were a little parted so my dad tells me "close your legs. girls don't sit like that" and it traumatizes me to this day because what…
No. 1394034
>>1394017Reddit always coddles men who have those thoughts, i've read disgusting things like "a hot woman is a hot woman you don't control what you feel"
They think being repulsed by this shit is pearl clutching at human nature but its just rlly sick, normale people dont have those thoughts!
Also saw someone talking about a 13 y.o and ofc some redditoor replies "ephebophile*" to someone accusing of pedophilia
No. 1394036
>>1394023I know you think she's destroying herself and you're probably right but she's still your sister and needs you in her life.
I'd say try to get over it and take it upon yourself, same you would with a very mentally ill or drug addicted relative.
No. 1394049
I know it's hard but she'll be okay, don't scare yourself too much over what hasn't happened yet
No. 1394062
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>>1394058some schizo fight idk
No. 1394069
>>1394064>>1394065>>1394057If he's stalking you then why don't
you report it?
No. 1394085
>>1394076Don't just assume someone is on a watch list actually report them to the authorities. As a
victim of stalking yeah voyeurism isn't funny to me its a heartwrenching nightmare.
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394087
>>1394083Pause. I’m the original anon who posted in the get it off your chest thread. I have been dealing with a very fucked up cyberstalking issue, and have no idea what this sperg has been ranting about. Seeing this rant is actually making me wonder if this is my cyberstalker mocking me and throwing a tantrum, as he consistently enjoys doing so. I will be ignoring these posts from now on the risk that I am potentially giving him attention. It seems more like this is a male posing as a mentally unwell stalking
victim to discredit the numerous women that are currently being harassed and stalked every day. I also encourage other anons not to interact.
No. 1394098
>>1394092You're acting like a man accusing a woman claiming to be stalked that she's making it up. I'm sure rape
victims are making it up and all sorts of
victims of violence are making it up. You don't belong here. I'm being cyber stalked end of.
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394102
>>1394100Men have hacked into my iphone and laptop and no matter how much you want to deny it its true. I don't even know how they did it honestly but they did. You're either purposefully covering for it or you view women that are
victims of domestic violence as scapegoats for your own abuse.
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394119
>>1394096>>1394109Leave me alone. I know nothing about red scare, my situation has nothing to do with red scare, and I don’t care about your persecutory delusions as I have more than enough to deal with right now.
>>1394100I’m the original anon who posted the vague that sparked all of this. I have vented about my own (very real, very fucked up) stalking issue a handful of times over the last year and a half or so, but nothing like this other anon. Unfortunately cyberstalking is a very real issue currently, and these kinds of men revel in the pain they cause their
victims, like all stalkers do. My skepticism is rooted in the fact that the past few weeks, I have been ruminating over dropping a large pdf I have about two individuals that have a fairly decent following on twitter filled with poignant screenshots and concrete evidence of a really sociopathic, fucked up hobby they have, in a thread on lolcow. In my situation, I have worked alongside a private investigator, and in this found out that this individual is on a watchlist for their internet activities. I don’t care if it makes a funny “I’m in your walls” joke, it was just suspicious to me that these spergings began happening right after I made that post. As said I am not that sperg nor have I sperged about this situation because I am a real
victim and not experiencing persecutory delusions, but I have predicted in the past in a lolcow post that this individual would pose as a crazy schizoid anon in order to discredit stalking
victims out of fear of being exposed. I’m not saying that it isn’t a real schizoid, but given the situation I’m currently dealing with it isn’t out of the realm of possibility to be this tucked up person I’m talking about. Also men can and do frequently stalk women through their phones and their computers as well, unfortunately, and if any anons have questions about it I am happy to answer and post proof:
No. 1394129
>>1394124If you’re a real stalking
victim and not a moid mocking them, why did you remain silent until you decided to aggressively attack that anon? Not only did you assign some random story to her, you changed tune and the story as well after being called out because she had no idea what you were talking about. It’s time to log off.
No. 1394134
>>1394130Please don’t rope me in with this person. I have never interacting with red scare. This person attacking me and basically making a mockery out of me about a real, scary,
abusive situation I’m in is actually so depressing.
No. 1394138
>>1394134Anon stop calling other people crazy when you know nothing of their situation and cyberstalking has more
victims than just you. Name the twitter personalities..
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394140
>>1394139Stop accusing other women of being crazy when you know nothing of their situation. Accusing an abuse
victim of being crazy is gaslighting. You know absolutely nothing about me. Yet you still keep infighting with me instead of elaborating on your post. Go ahead and post the evidence..
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394141
>>1394135All the things you’re saying in this post are true but you’re not posting proof, you’re just attacking me, making a mockery of real
victims, and acting like a psychopath. If you can calmly compose yourself and share why you’re being ~targeted~ by some red scare fatties, I will gladly listen and offer input. But otherwise you read to me like a fucked up moid and I won’t be encouraging you anymore.
No. 1394145
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>>1394139This is really interesting to me. I predicted that this would happen in a post I made in August. Again, I actually haven’t vented about this a lot, just a handful of times. While this very easily could be a coincidence and I’m not denying that, this persons inflammatory and nonsensical posts all align with the past couple weeks that I have been discussing sharing a large pdf about the sociopath I’ve been dealing with here. They are an experienced faux-schizoposter btw. I’m not posting this for attention, just for posterity in case. Helps to have an archive.
No. 1394153
>>1394150Anon its possible more than one person in the world is being stalked, the only so called evidence she posted is a random accusatory lolcow screencap proving nothing. Can you stop being
abusive to people that are already experiencing psychological abuse from men.
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394156
>>1394147Your response to
>>1394141 was
>>1394143 without any actual answer to the questions provided to you. You’re not worth engaging with, I won’t be doing so anymore. Why are you fishing information from me when my situation has nothing to do with you? Why are you dodging any questioning about these supposed red scare stalkers, all while beforehand claiming it was nonsense about some hedgefund boyfriend who says racial slurs? Pack it up. I have been dealing with an incredibly
abusive situation for nearly three years and I’m still doing a pretty decent job of keeping my thoughts and story cohesive. I have tried to have a conversation with you so I could give you advice and you clearly want none of that. You reek of male.
No. 1394162
>>1394157This isn’t true. A real stalker is not deterred by a new device, they have your location and can carry out man in the middle attacks, as well as various remote attacks. Unfortunately, for
real stalking
victims, just throwing out your phone is never enough. In fact all of those apple exploits you read about that sound like scary, multi-million dollar software that are only used to target journalists and important figures can actually be purchased and installed remotely on almost any targets phone via the dark web. This isn’t supposed to be some le scawy creepypasta, it’s just the truth. There are several very popular hacking forums on tor dedicated to trading and buying these zero-days. Real cyberstalking
victims can be truly hopeless unless they uproot their entire lives and live with little to no technology at all, which isn’t possible for regular people. If your cellphone can connect to a cell tower, it can be hacked for as little as $100 if it’s an iPhone. Up to date, secure Samsung phones are a bit more expensive but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.
No. 1394169
>>1394160You do seem to take over a thread and make it about you instead of you know…exposing your actual stalker or lending sympathy to someone that's experiencing something similar. I'd consider accusing someone of having a mental illness especially when symptoms of abuse mimick mental illness as
(mental illness or baiting) No. 1394176
>>1394172>her stalker is the same one I haveOh you really are just a schizo cunt. I said all
I have to say, you keep accusing other posters of being me, you’re shitting up the thread, and I’m not entertaining your delusions anymore.
No. 1394180
>>1394162Thank you for providing a lot of insight please keep posting more because I'm retarded when it comes to technology. Do you think theres any hope on the horizon for
victims of this type of stalking?
No. 1394197
>>1394183Having a history with 4chan is a sure fire way to end up cyberstalked, the pieces of this schizo story are coming together.
No. 1394207
>>1394188It happens because men dehumanize other people and view them as nothing more than objects, women especially, and they’ve found a market and cornered it. They regularly sell ‘packages’ to men online who want to stalk someone, and see themselves as super powerful, blackhat elite hackers or something. Really it’s the only way they can feel like they’re exerting power over another person. Because technology is ‘invisible’, people don’t generally care about how your privacy is being breached daily. Most people don’t care that Amazon, fb, google etc have their personal information. The problem is that it isn’t just easy for the big conglomerates, it is just as simple if not more so for individuals who want to stalk another person or get access to women’s personal and private lives. They don’t care about the legality, they just want more bitcoin. It’s common practice on tor, and has grown even more popular after the pandemic. A lot of people don’t understand how powerful their cellphones are—they are connected to the cell towers at all times, regardless of if you have a sim inserted or not. You may not be able to send texts out, but if someone has installed a remote zero-day on your phone, they can still hear everything you do, say, and track your movements using the gyroscopes in your phone. Even with it off, iPhones are never actually “bricked off”, they are just in an advanced sleep mode. They often use AIs in congruence to listening through microphones so they can know what you write down etc. For example, say have something like Pegasus or DazzleSpy on your phone—there are at least a dozen variations of this and each costs between $75-400 only, and are easily accessible if you can get a verified connection on one of the three main tor hacker forums. You turn your phone off and start typing on your laptop—it doesn’t matter that the phone is off if it’s an iPhone, because all of its functions are still accessible by the hacking software. Cellphones are regularly used as laptop and computer keyloggers since people generally leave their them close by, and they have AI programs built to be able to lift the audio of your typing on the keys and generate it into text again. Someone with this software could even get an image generated (albeit not perfectly accurate) of something you could be
drawing using the strokes of the pencil if the phone is close by, that’s how sophisticated this technology is. All it takes is one autist with a bit of money and an obsession with you to gather access to your entire life, without you ever knowing. Unfortunately this sounds schizo but it’s becoming a reoccurring issue and laws and awareness are not keeping up with how harrowing and scary technology is becoming. It’s really tragic that these very real issues are so easily dismissed due to technology being ‘invisible’ now, because it’s only going to get worse as tech advances even further. Schizoids delusions are really beginning to come true for other people, and women who are afflicted with this software are mostly completely clueless to it. It’s very Black Mirror. I advise all women to NEVER interact with men you don’t know online closely, and it a man is suddenly sharing all of these eerie coincidences with you, be extremely cautious. If any of you remember the site anon-ib, it was up on even the
clearnet for years without many women even realizing their nude photos were being traded for free by state and county in a giant directory. All of this is becoming more sophisticated, it’s just more secretive. It isn’t about the government or being someone ‘targeted’ or special, all it takes is one man with time and/or a disposable income developing a fixation on you. Be very careful with your online interactions and never entertain 4chan scrotes.
No. 1394218
>>1394205like I said before, authorities and the system protect creepy scrotes more than they protect women and that is the way it was designed.
>>1394207>Unfortunately this sounds schizo but it’s becoming a reoccurring issue and laws and awareness are not keeping up with how harrowing and scary technology is becoming.It once happened to one of my friends, because she works and interacts a lot irl with tech scrotes. She managed to get out of it, but the average woman wouldn't be able to even notice it happened to her. And yeah the laws are being changed slow af, can take years before that happens, usually they are formulated shitty too thanks to tech illiterate boomers, making them obsolete very fast. Yeah judges are allowed to make judgements based on developments and possible future legislation changes, but to even get to that point is near impossible, because the police and the feds don't give a flying fuck about women's safety. However if you expose a scrote, then they're suddenly 'competent' and on your doorstep within no time. It's rigged against us.
No. 1394220
>>1394210I am technologically literate because it happened to me, and it unfolded like a horror movie honestly. I am very much willing to devote the rest of my time to making sure other women are educated about these issues, and not continually gaslighting themselves into thinking they’re being unreasonable. I had NO idea this kind of technology was possible until it happened to me, and I find it concerning that it’s something carefully hidden from women. Companies like apple put millions of dollars into their “security” advertisements and spend a lot of time silencing people who try to come forward with the dangers of using apple, that’s why you see so many of those douchey YouTube techbros
obsessed with cybersecurity but beating around the bush about it. That said, I implore anyone who is experiencing signs of schizophrenia or paranoid delusions to make sure you see a mental health professional as well. It is very hard to receive help or resources about this sort of issue if you are hysterical or not making any sense. If it is really happening, you need to remain calm and seek help from a cybersecurity professional—a real one.
No. 1394229
>>1394221This is really difficult for me to give you a concrete answer. I’m not trying to scare you or make this sound spooky, but honestly especially on cellphones, there could genuinely be no signs or indication that it’s happening. These remote exploits are simple, straightforward, and don’t drain your battery life. Because iPhones are closed-source OS devices, they are by far the easiest to hack, so my first tip would be to switch from Apple to a newer android device whenever it is viable for you. It may be more complicated, but it is worth it. As long as you keep the phone up to date it is much harder to hack than an iPhone, which is so simple that hacking sights won’t even accept most new iOS zero-days since there are already so many. Do not sync anything to iCloud, ever, if you do have an iOS device, but know that even if you don’t sync to iCloud any of your photos, videos, or persona information can still be seen and stolen without you knowing. I think we as women really need to start becoming more tech-literate because this is going to become a far worse issue for young women and children.
No. 1394240
>>1394236sorry, you'll have to ask this nonna about how to find out who it is
>>1394207 , but that's why I said empathetic lawyer. Some understand and won't charge you much or set up some sort of payment plan or even do it pro deo if it tugs at their heartstrings.
No. 1394244
>>1394243I am not naming anything about my situation because it is a real, ongoing investigation currently and doing so could get me in legal trouble or
trigger them into an episode. Actual stalkers are not like funny gossip lolcow fodder, they are real mentally ill sociopaths that do not care who they hurt, and I have no interest in sending a random stranger in their direction when this is ongoing.
No. 1394250
>>1394249This is a common thing for men to do anon, it’s just what they do. It doesn’t mean it’s a giant network, men are predictable creatures that think hiding behind a female persona makes them appear trustworthy and vulnerable.
>>1394246You hear android is worse because they’re referring to obsolete phones. Androids are worse for illiterate old people and children because they don’t update their software and download malware apps. If you educate yourself, have a newer model, and keep your software up to date while practicing good internet security you are fine. Apple is by far worse in every other possible way and is only convenient for its simplicity and user-friendly interface.
No. 1394265
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Hey while there's techfags here anyone know what this wifi network is? It showed up on my laptop a year ago and it's always at 5 bars but at the very bottom of my wifi list, which is weird because usually the strongest ones are at the top. I'm not in an apartment or anything, I can see my neighbors wifi networks but they're closer to the top of the list with mine and at most 3 or 4 bars of strength, this one is literally always at 5 bars. Creeps me out.
No. 1394301
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My boyfriend showed me some account on Twitter that was obviously an unhinged tranny LARPing as a radfem, saying shit like "Little boys should be raped and put on puberty blockers forever". He seriously thought it was a real mentally ill radfem's account, and I'm still kind of weirded out by it. I had to highlight a shit ton of things about what the account was saying and how it doesn't match any radfem viewpoint for him to consider otherwise, and he later said it was "probably" a man, but I keep thinking about it.
I feel like I've had so much experience clocking men on the internet pretending to be women and crazy internet people in general that I can barely even fathom how much harder it is for other people. I knew it wasn't as obvious to them, but holy shit, was that account blatant. I was wondering how the tranny running it was being so obvious about his agenda without a care in the world, and now I realize it's because he doesn't need to be careful. The average person really is just that fucking easy to mislead on these topics. Though I'm not a radfem, I'm glad for the early PP/GC threads and everything. It's just a little bit painful. I feel like I've been cursed with some kind of knowledge that the general population won't pick up on for a few years, and until then it'll just be an endless stream of obvious bullshit.
No. 1394303
>>1394265You have a techfag with a high-speed connection in your building that keeps their network hidden, nothing to worry about unless yours start showing signs of issue.
>>1394297Fucking stop. This doesn’t even belong in the vent thread and you don’t make any sense at all.
No. 1394309
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>>1394301if you're not personally familiar with female gender socialization and the way this shows up as a specific sort of communication style, it's something that's easy to overlook. also, no one except radfems actually reads radfem literature kek. so you end up with lots of people whose idea of radical feminism is le ebil
terf boogeywoman and other such shadows on the wall
No. 1394312
>>1394307I have a friend that has an
abusive bf who hits on me but can't figure out that he's the problem and not me. She's not much of a friend more of an annoying hanger on but I hate women like this with low self-esteem that think by attacking and harassing other women they think they've won something. Her bf will keep hitting on other women and doing creepy shit and she does nothing but seethe about it then attack.
No. 1394323
i found a super small youtuber whos a rich normie and it hurts my soul i wish that had been me. all she does is eat out, shop, go to concerts, flights, school, and has glowing skin. her apartment room is huge. my life dice roll is bullshit. i immidietly had both my parents die in my teens from the same illness that may one day kill me. my just out of high school ass had to help raise my younger sibling, go to school, work a full time job, and go out maybe twice a month all while doing laundry, dishes, groceries, cleaning, had awful skin. it sucks.
No. 1394328
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I just want a hug because I am a stupid, insecure-about-my-skills mess.
I can't draw anything for myself, it makes me so sad. I always criticize myself so much and just don't put as much effort unless i draw for others, it's so damn silly. I hate it so much.
I really want to make a spreadsheet to make an attempt to do tiny commissions, but I am so damn insecure about it, while seeing people with a lot less art skill manage to get them (mainly because their following is big). My heart breaks and It's only my fault. I have been having so much stress over the past 3 years that one of my organs no longer wants to work for me. I miss my family so much and i still can't see them. I am so tired. I want to treat myself with any kind of tiny gift, but no, I am a poorfag who STILL can't find a job. I am so emotionally tired, I just need a fucking hug right now.
No. 1394345
>>1394339Thank you
nonny. I just wish I could at least feel like as if i -can- ask for commissions, despite already having experience with commissions for awhile. For some reason i am so embarrassed of opening public commissions, thinking my art is not worth it, so i end up sulking and getting commissions only through my friends. I am just so tired of not being able to eat much because of the countrys inflation. Our food situation is so bad that Arizona tea which costs 1$ everywhere else costs 5$, and it's 250ml of it. its so damn stupid.
No. 1394387
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I'm getting told I'm doing stuff wrong at work and it's pissing me off because I know it's not coming from a place of laziness or retardation but just genuine human error and making a silly fuckup. But because my brain is always on overdrive I'm now expecting 100 more calls telling me "you've done this wrong are you retarded" it's driving me nuts and making me stressed.
Also, some of the "mistakes" they tell me off for just cannot be helped? I work as a bookkeeper, they tell me to input car or van loans for clients but a lot of the time I can't find out whether it's a car or van from their bank statements so I just put either or depending on the price or what fits the persons job. I don't just put shit down randomly and I actually think hm is this a car or a van? And now they're telling me off because I cannot magically decipher that the loan for a car is actually for a van instead. Thanks, that really helps, because whenever I asked you retards about it previously you said "oh that's fine as long as you've put something down it's ok" and now you want to correct me on it? I feel fucking crazy.
No. 1394393
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Feeling mmm bad with a side of mmm guilty.
I’m a liar even if the end justifies the means.
I lied so I could disappear from the situation but I wish to vanish from the world in general so maybe these feelings of shame will go away.
No. 1394401
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>>1394361Girl same!
Existence is agonizing!
No. 1394416
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>>1394400Thanks anon I needed that.
No. 1394422
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>>1394416Sorry fat fingers
Meant for:
>>1394403 No. 1394468
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>>1394401ayrt, ily nonna even if we're just two strangers on lolcow
No. 1394475
Exams are starting in a few hours fuck me, I wish I never started college I'd rather be stocking shelves and have no worries than having this much stress over a degree that will give me an office job with mediocre pay in an overcrowded country. I'll be lucky if I find an apartment before 30.
>>1394472Don't kill yourself nonna, there are people out there who do love you even if you might not see it. The world can seem like a big black cloud when you're feeling bad but it's not always gonna be bad ♥
No. 1394481
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annoyed because I lent a friend around 800 dollars because her pet was sick and she had no emergency savings. She paid back one half of it but now she's kind of taking her sweet time and doing some weird endeavors (aka meeting up with men for money because it empowers her or whatever)and she's been really weird lately towards me, acting like she knows me just because we went through similar trauma. She understands but it feels like she's constantly telling me what I should do even though I have my own autonomy and my own feelings and thoughts. she's thinking im not "blossoming into my own person" Even though I am my own person and have my own shit to deal with thats keeping me busy, like preparing for a school program. Idk. Don't want to talk to her right now but wish I had my other 400 back for my car. I'm stupid
No. 1394527
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I have so much important shit i need to get done by tomorrow but it's so overwhelming that i can't bring myself to do it so I'm just lollygagging when I should be working. I'm sooo fucking stressed and yet I'm still not working
No. 1394580
>>1394527In this situation now but my stuff is due on thursday so im lollygagging even more aaaa
One two three let's go anon, i'll start if you do
No. 1394582
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>>1394468Same nona, sending hugs.
I will stay hoping we get through this.
No. 1394588
>>1394575ok so listen im not going to judge or moralfag but i am going to give honest advice.
Its extremely hard to make decent money that you can live off of on onlyfans, those woman that you see that make good money on onlyfans already had a audience and were famous before they even did onlyfans. Onlyfans is all about fame and most women on onlyfans have already built their audience and its now become a over-saturated market that trying to get recognition like you want is extremely hard, oh and if your plan is too spam your onlyfans on viral tweets….dont do that most people will be annoyed with you and you will get a bad reputation (im saying this because i see some women with onlyfans who keep spamming their posts on twitter).
If you want to do sex-work that pays money then your best bet is escorting by finding a reputable site or a safe agent, but escorting leaves many women traumatized for many reasons and can sometimes be dangerous.
No. 1394592
>>1394583update us in 7 hours anon, i pulled my laptop out, music and i'm ready to be done with this shit so I can rest later.
Let's go nonnies
No. 1394601
>>1394585Anon, your options are seriously not
>be homelessor
>take naked picsand you know they're not.
No. 1394624
I don’t know what to do anymore, feel like I’m losing all my friends. I always try to be a nice person, I make sure to pay for my share if we go out, I comfort my friends when they are upset, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. The issue is especially with my best friend of 15+ years, I always used to do a small Halloween get together with my friends, now only one friend will show up, my best friend always cancels last minute. She won’t come to my birthdays because she’d rather go to a local convention, and they never invite me out with them when they do stuff, I see them post pictures of them going out and I am never invited. I know it seems like I am just a jealous bitch or something but I feel so lonely and rejected, I don’t know if I should just stop trying
No. 1394627
>>1394616nonnie you're giving me cow vibes but what the other anons are saying is true. These days you can't just be a hot girl and make money online, its far too oversaturated. There are many women online who fit every male coomer's requirement who still have to spam "pokemon anime gamer mommy" in all their captions, pay for ads, do humilating shit and still don't even make enough to cover their groceries
The golden age of egirls is over nonna its impossible to get a leg up and make a living even if ur showing ass unless you already have connections
No. 1394633
>>1394624I've had that happen to me before, sometimes it's just prejudice. I don't think you should try to think of a reason or internalize it.
Sometimes the more you are rejected the more needy you come across and that leads to more rejection without it necessarily being your fault.
I'd say ghost the lot of them, find new wholesome friends and they will eventually reach out to you. If not then good riddance, i know fomo esp with friends is a bitch. You feel left out and rejected, it's normal but it's not necessarily true or relevant to you.
No. 1394637
>>1394632Maybe try to make le funny tweets and get featured on subreddits (wink) and joke around and thirst bait with moids, take on a femme fatale persona and get a following of horny boys who are foaming at the thought of seeing your nudes then start doing porn.
Giving it out like that will just drown you in a sea of similar profiles. I guess people want to wank to someone they have parasocial relationships with, not just any pretty face
No. 1394638
>>1394616I think you genuinely could have a better shot making money with twitch than going for OF, if reports on how tough it is to actually start earning at all given the competition are to be believed. This could be done ofc with donations during a stream, but also, and example: my employer is employing full time (remote job!) a streamer to do marketing management for the company's twitch channel, so that's an example of something your current skill and ability could evolve to - and you don't have to be a big streamer for this kind of thing, just be well aware how twitch works (person in question doesn't even have 500 subs herself, so it really isn't about popularity).
Whatever you chose for yourself I just want you to know selling nudes online doesn't have to be your only option
No. 1394644
>>1394642I feel like that's it
nonny- these men want a parasocial relationship with a woman who is basically not a person with her own thoughts or opinions
No. 1394657
>>1394647Men love distant/mean women. It's like with anything. Give them a hand and they'll take the arm.
Don't be nice
No. 1394683
>>1394672Bruh, now he has told my landlord "next time you take her pay bring her to me so we may talk"
My landlord seriously expected me to put up with that lol, I told him I was busy with school and not interested in hearing anything unless it was important.
Also told him to call the cops next time he sees a moid and leave me out of it.
I can't help but think it's some weird power trip, my mom told me to just talk to him and grey rock and be polite but I just realised I can tell them to fuck off and im glad I did
No. 1394686
>>1394683It is
nonny. It honestly seems like he wants to fuck you but also hates you at the same time, so he's trying to harass you using made up imaginary moids in his head that he probably gets pissed off at too. I'm sorry you have to deal with that and I'm glad you told him off
No. 1394783
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>>1394772It feels like they get churned out in some kind of factory
No. 1394818
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You know when someone is so hyper-fixated on you to the point that their social media posts revolve around passive aggressively slighting you and the thought of you seeing these posts and somehow feeling upset or hurt or whatever makes them giddy with excitement? What is that phenomena called lol parasocial infatuation has truly bred the saddest kind of people. I don’t understand how people can pretend they’re so ~above and elevated and superior~ when they continue this sort of bizarre mentally I’ll behavior all while constantly condemning everyone else for whatever moral failure they’ve spun in their head for the day
No. 1394837
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I hate what I'm doing for university so much and it's fucking with my mental health so bad I just want to drop out and never get a degree. Just being able to function everyday is so difficult for me I just want to find a job online and do work there. I tried streaming on twitch awhile ago and made 2k in a month before having to drop it since university work got too much but I just want to go back to that. It'll give me so much more free time to pursue projects that are meaningful to me and the online validation is great for someone who is never acknowledged irl. I know my parents would be disappointed in me if I stop trying to get a degree but I've spent 2 years flip flopping between different degrees and almost killing myself trying to push myself to pursue something I don't even care about while accumulating a bunch of dept for it, as well as wasting years of my life doesn't seem worth it to me. My mum is verbally abusive as well so I want to make enough money to move out by myself just to escape everything. I just want to look out for me and what I want to achieve in life but the standard that unless you have a degree you're not going to get far in life is holding me back.
No. 1394845
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i am so sick of retarded, underqualified males in my field (Teaching) being promoted to principal and then doing shit like picrel
making the entire administration about ur childhood issues at the detriment of the kids
halloween is a holiday for kids not an adult political weapon, its literally innocent fun. how arrogant must you be to think you possess the legal reach to Cancel Halloween, stop luxuriating in your power fantasy for one fucking second
No. 1394863
>>1394859right?! imagine wanting to take joy from children, you really shouldn't be working in education if you are going to project your childhood issues onto children whose welfare you're responsible for.
>>1394861seconded i bet you are incapable of making smalltalk lol
No. 1394881
>>1394845there were two kids in my class in fifth grade that weren't allowed to participate in any holidays
they couldn't do connect-the-dots or activity sheets like that if they were Christmas themed, they had to be swapped out with just generic math worksheets, they had to sit in the hallway when we watched any holiday movies
obviously they weren't allowed to wear costumes
it was really depressing, I feel really bad for how those kids must have felt about themselves, like you would always see their shoulders sag when they had to be excluded, I think they were Jehovah's witnesses
No. 1394883
>>1394857It does have its positives but also some pretty big drawbacks. Harassment and bullying are really big ones, and people will always have something negative to say about you no matter what. There's also this underlying feeling of 'dirtiness' to it I guess? When I streamed I always wore super conservative clothes but scrotes always had some way to sexualise me in other ways.
Putting yourself out there in the open for public scrutiny isn't easy but for me I put up a mental block which made going along with it easier. It can get exhausting if you obsess over viewers and numbers though.
No. 1394884
>>1394875They still have all the freedom in the world to trick or treat and celebrate and enjoying Halloween after school when they’ve finished doing their government allotted “learning” time for the day,
I’m pretty sure
>the children!!1! will be just fine
No. 1394904
>>1394883I just want monie for playing vidya i don't think i'd care much about negative opinions but the sexualisation might make me uncomfortable.
But 2k on first month makes me drool
No. 1394949
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This was my first year really getting to spend Halloween with friends, had a great time initially until people started crowding them and asking for pics and getting ignored because I wasn't dressed in a generic slutty costume or built with big boobs/butt. Was the first time I felt like the designated ugly friend of the group, even online when posting pics from our night (someone commented on a solo pic with "umm no"). Just feel like shit, I know I'm ugly/flat/whatever but damn I was really feeling myself when I left the house yesterday only to feel like absolute shit today. The salt in wounds too is that people I'm reaching out to to chat with today (including those same friends) are just leaving me on Seen. It's like being alone but not at the same time. Just a background prop
No. 1394979
>>1394949Oh anon, I'm so sorry, I'm sure your costume was wonderful. The people around you sound like lame normies, may I ask what dressed up as?
Feeling like the ugly friend is hard, but I hope that you can find comfort in the fact that I know exactly how you feel and I've managed to carry on despite that feeling every time. Unfortunately this world is very cruel to "weird" women, but I have resolved to persist and be a happy autist regardless of it. Happy late halloween anon, I hope that your next one goes much better than this one.
No. 1395010
>>1394999Costume sounds cute to me, sometimes you're just in the wrong crowd/party where people don't "get it". Better to wear a costume that you genuinely think is cool than a run of the mill sexy costume to please others, sending you my best of luck for future costumes nonna.
As for your looks, keep in mind the fact that a club is a club, and people in clubs generally want to get laid so they approach more 'sexed up' women because horny. You say you are "forgettable" but you could just have a different type of attractiveness that is more polarizing than your friends. I know that sounds like cope but if you do get approached then that clearly means that you aren't ugly, so just try to figure out your "niche" in terms of beauty and accentuate that.
No. 1395098
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If someone is dedicating a lot of their time and energy into trying to hurt you, just wait. Do whatever you have to that ensures you have what you need collected, but don’t buckle to whatever they want. Keep yourself safe and do not allow them to control you. People who indulge in hurting other people will never prevail, no matter how much it feels like they are going to. Monsters like that will always self-immolate and always have to spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder. People who are abusive and treat humans as pawns may pretend they’re fine and do so for fun, but they aren’t and God (whether you believe or not) will always take care of it. God does not let evil win like that if you won’t let it. You mean more than someone trying to tear you down for their own gain or entertainment. Have a good night anons.
No. 1395132
I cant stop crying. Today, my little sister announced to our family that she was going to become a nun. She is 18 now and a ways into the process and she has been wanting to do this since she was 15, supposedly.
I just feel so lost. My parents and I called each other and cried a lot. My mother has deep religious trauma regarding catholicism (she was forced to have a rape baby and marry her rapist) and it feels like a cruel joke by the universe. She was my best friend for years anad we werent as close when I moved out for college, but I always tried to stay close and bond with her.
I always wanted her to be my maid of honor at my wedding and play her violin during my first dance. When we were little, we talked about opening a bakery together and she was always so talented at baking. The last time we spoke, she told me she was thinking about going to culinary school and I told her once I was established and rich, I would invest and do all the mean manager stuff for her, since she hates having to hurt people and would probably suck at firing employees. I dont know how to descibe our relationship. We had complicated childhoods. I was her best friend, protective big sister, and I partially raised her. I feel like there is a hole in my heart. The covenant she is interested in is on the other side of the country and she told us she is not allowed to leave once there unless she is no longer a nun and after 9 years, she is a nun forever. What happens if she changes her mind? We'll never be able to have a family christmas again? I'm a broke college student constantly working, my brother has not money or job, and my dad is in poor health with a job that gives him hardly any vacation days. And even if we were to go see her- she said she is only allowed to receive visitors 3 times a year. They didnt specify if there were any other restrictions regarding it or how many people could come. She said we could write letters, but I mean… it just isnt realistic. Its all idealism. We are going to be living completely different lives. What will we talk about? Everyone in my family has bad ADHD and things like texts, mail/letters, and emails have always been difficult to keep up with. Of course I will try my hardest out of love for her, but I cant deny reality. I am working part time while in college, in a serious relationship, taking care of a pet, trying to maintain friendships, maintaining an apartment, trying to maintain my car which is falling apart at the seams but I cant appord another, applying for scholarships and internships and getting ready for grad school and applying for grad school, and trying to prioritize my health for the first time ever and shower regularly and eat healthy and exercise and see doctors and address my problems. I also struggle with my mental health a lot and fall into depressive episodes. Granted, Its the same situation as with texting, but letters arer just so different.
I want to keep her in my life so badly and I am going to try my hardest for as long as I can. I love her so much. I just dont know how long I can do it. I dont have an issue with her actually being a nun or devoutly religious; I will always love her and accept her as it. I'm sad because the stuff I said are only a few of the things that will pull us further apart. I am sad because I feel like she is dying and I cant stop it. She is fading from my life and all too soon will be gone from it. I wont be able to share my happiest moments with her and vice versa and she will be nothing but a memory. I feel like a part of my soul has been shattered.
I have never read my sisters diary out of respect. Once, though, I had an extra snoopy friend come over (hate that bitch fr) and she went through her diary. She asked me if I wanted to know what my sister wrote and I said no, but she told me she was genuinely worried about my sister so I let her tell me out of fear for her. Basically, my sister was punishing herself as young as 15 for doing things like listening to music, talking to friends for too long, watching youtube, playing games, not going to church on sundays (even if it was out of her power), spending too much time with animals, or not spending enough time devoted to her prayers. That is not normal!!!!!! My family is christian, but not in a horrible or oppressive way at all! They are chill with other religions, drink socially, and only go to church on major holidays. And my sister and I were always in the same age group, so we were being taught the same things. What happened? I just dont understand. One day she wanted to be a marine biologist and loved beta fish and BTS and my little pony and now she just seems like a ghost who lives and breathes punishment. Part of me things I've already lost her. idfk I dont know what to do anymore. I want to fight for the one I love but I've already tried talking to her and suggesting sisterhood or covenants closer to where we live, but she refuses. Im just so fucking sad.
No. 1395135
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>>1394527well it's 2am and I only managed to do 1,5 of the things I had to do. Hope it went better for the other nonas! I'm rooting for you!!!
No. 1395143
>>1395135I did get up my fatass and do half of the work i was supposed to do for thursday, I underestimated the amount of work I had lol. Tomorrow will be another grind day.
Glad you did something nonna, let's pat ourselves on the back still
No. 1395210
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I can only be better than I was the day before. Nobody else decides for me what I am worth or what I do or don’t deserve. I don’t have to be special and I don’t have to have some sort of measurable social value. I cannot take back the mistakes I’ve made or anything I’ve done wrong but I don’t have to repeat them in the future and I don’t have to allow myself to continually be treated like dirt or forgive or pretend I am sorry to people who hurt me. I don’t have to be a certain way or exhibit certain characteristics that garner your approval and you do not and never will decide if I’m allowed to exist or not. I don’t have to do anything important or self immolate in the name of someone else. The people that derive pleasure from seeing me sad are not and never will be superior to me in any way. Things will heal and improve and I don’t have to live in abject misery. Life goes on.
No. 1395214
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i absolutely despise how i can’t retain any information whatsoever and now i have to take a test tomorrow that i’m sure i’m going to fail because no matter how much i study i still don’t understand it at all, i hate my adhd so much but none of my professors care because to the academic world it’s just an “excuse” to slack off or not do the work, which really pisses me off because if i could just get my fucked up brain to function the way it’s supposed to, i would. i should probably drop the class but then it feels like i’m just giving up, if by some miracle i can find a better professor i’ll take it, but what if it will be the same regardless of who’s teaching it? i feel like a lost cause honestly and i’ve been so stressed out lately and it’s only two months in, i need to grow the fuck up. it’s clear that me being pessimistic about this won’t help me but i hate when i can’t just excel at something important because my brain just won’t work the way it does for everyone else.
No. 1395265
>>1395202We both have some trauma. Our childhoods were complicated. Our mother went through a period where she was horrible and
abusive, but then got help and is very loving and kind now. She knows she can come to me about anything and we have a very open dialogue about what happened when we were younger. So yeah, it probably has contributed, but she shuts me down when I talk about actual mental health. I do very strongly believe she has autism, but again, she shuts down mental health talks no matter how I do it. She cycled through a lot of hyperfixations when she was younger and each one slowly grew longer until we got to our current one, which is about 3 years. I am very scared she will get in so deep that she wont let herself pull out once she loses interest and shell just be miserable forever. Or, she could just stay obsessed for the rest of her life.
>>1395208 I know she is still young, but her making this decision means we have to be aware that she could either lose interest soon and stop all this, or she could commit the rest of her life to this. Anything can happen and it is hard to accept some of the possibilities.
>>1395219 I remember being shell shocked and kind of hollow and crying a lot when I found out. It was a point in time where I was her primary caretaker and I was definitely scared of damaging our relationship. I just didnt really know what to do… I think I was only 18 or 19 at the time. It's been so long, I kind of feel like it would be pointless to bring it up now and I have a fairly good idea as to how she would react… just shut down. She is still very childish and is the baby of the family. Just speaking generally, she is stubborn and a tad selfish, ironically enough. Nobody is perfect, though. It just makes it hard to get her to hear us out and understand our feelings. But thank you for your thoughts nona.
And thank you too
>>1395194 just hearing you helps me. I didnt want to make my parents feel worse and just felt so alone because I really have no one to talk to. I felt insane. Regardless of whatever nonas said, knowing someone actually heard me might make me cry again. Thank you guys.
No. 1395267
>>1395234>>1395228nta, you're definitely the autistic one, you sound positively fanny blasted
also kek at you having that on your timeline
No. 1395312
>>1395291>>1395297>>1395298I’m telling him no if he ask again I worked long and hard for my money. Also yeah I’m thinking of ways to leave honestly. I’m losing my sanity and been bottling it all within because I feel embarrassed. Some friends know so if he acts up they can help or contact the police for me. I’ll make a safety plan with them.
Also I do feel like a mommy, I take care of everything. He doesn’t even put away the groceries I buy. And like the other anon said I can’t even put him as a dependent on my taxes. This just isn’t fair.
No. 1395372
I used to do it on 4chan, but honestly these zoomers just don't get trolled like kids used to
No. 1395386
>>1395375Sure thing retard
>>1395377They're literally proving scrotes right when they say "women can't banter". Ironic since there will be Shaynatards calling her a disgusting pig and come here to get offended at meanie words. This isn't mumsnet
No. 1395395
>>1395390are you that newfag retard who keeps ''i am trolling'' on multiple threads once people call you out for retardation.
Learn to integrate you stupid fuck or gtfo xox.
No. 1395407
>>1395404Oh I can’t read I’m a certified retard. There’s a lot going on in here rn and I was trying to quickly switch topics.
>>1395396I’m so sorry
No. 1395418
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>>1395384but i don't use twitter, nor discord, nor anything that involves dms or any other site besides lolcor so i actually am better than everyone
No. 1395423
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>>1395418Glad I’m not the only nonna that just sticks to lolcow kek never could get into twitter or discord, too paranoid to talk to strangers and let them know me personally.
No. 1395426
>>1395422I have begun, when people pull that, to start crying like I'm trying to hold it back and tell them that I've been trying, but so far both of my babies got called back to heaven before they could make it to earth
Absolutely horrifies every single time, they don't just stop, they give you a bigger tip and apologize
I am an unhinged bpd-chan though, so you know maybe take this with a grain of salt
No. 1395487
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I have to travel to Germany for a show/presentation/whatever in 2 weeks and I really don't want to do it. The flight arrangements was a huge mess and took up so much of my time doing research and planning (shit that wasn't even my responsibility) I am not longer sure I can have the work I was supposed to have prepared ready. Instead of going directly to western Germany, I have to take the most ghetto ass budget airline to berlin, which was the only thing they could affords to pay for, then 5+ hour train, because the person in charge has only ever flown for his little german pleb winter vacations to colonize the beaches of Italy so had no idea what it actually means to fly over an ocean and how much it costs and how amenities pile up even though I warned him WELL in advance.
All of this and there is no actual guarantee I will make money outside of my base fee, which is supposed to be 300-400 dollars, so nothing really. I will spend at least 150 dollars on transport to just the airport and then another 200 at least on basic living expenses and that's not counting if I have to rent a motel/airbnb in Berlin. I had to have weird arguments about the size of my luggage, what airport I was willing to fly out of (no I am not flying out a airport in another fucking city 1.5 hours drive by car when we have 3 airports right here 30 minutes away from me) the fact that I need to bring my expensive ass airwrap blow dryer and other beauty products- like bitch 50% of our ability to make money in this industry (esp and specifically for women) is tied to personal presentation/charisma and you know that.
If I don't have this last thing finished before I leave though he will absolute chimp out but the only way it's gonna get done in 2 weeks is if it's mediocre. I don't even want to go but if I don't my ability to make any real money will be zero, I won't make any fucking sales. Also the city is fucking boring as fuck and filled with the worst kind of intellectual german hipster bullshit culture, I was there before a few months ago and no one I know who spent time/lived there said they liked it, one of the worst german cities by many people's estimate. I'm gonna try to leave for Berlin ASAP but I don't really like berlin either. Lost whatever last charm it had leftover from the 80s and is now full of 40 year olds on drugs, woke style rapists/troons, and rapidly filling up with same type of tech-y degen people that made San Francisco a boring, and overpiced shithole but with the additional unbearable fetishization of the city's past as a bohemian capital which died a natural death a solid 15-20 years ago. Honestly all of Germany is boring as fuck to me, why can't I be invited to do workin cool places like Hungary or Turkey or Japan, or even London or Paris would be better, why Germany my least favorite country I've ever been in that for some reason I've been in the absolute most. Why did a whole branch of my family have to move there, why couldn't they have moved to the UK or Holland instead
No. 1395529
>>1395527100% same, I feel like my face can't breathe and I've been walking through a strong-winded desert all day. if I've a spot I'll conceal it but mostly I use powder. rest of the makeup same as yours nona, fuck foundation forever.
personally (maybe adhd related) I forget what I look like a LOT and forget to look in the mirror, I'll do it in the morning and coming home and seeing myself is weird. it's ALWAYS weirder with foundation, it's literally like smearing mud into your dermis. I viscerally hate the feeling and always have. even powder sucks but sometimes it makes all the difference.
No. 1395590
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What the hell is wrong with the Y chromosome entities? Multiple times, over and over, and she wasn't left alone! I hope every nona is taking extra care of themselves.
No. 1395594
>>1395568Someone experiencing abuse like yours unfortunately predicts little. My ex also was sexually abused by his sibling as a kid, like I was, and he turned out to be a person that would rape me in so many different ways, I sound more like a sex trafficking
victim of 1 man than anything else. I absolutely believe he was abused as there was a lot of evidence for it in his actions and in how he interacted with his sister, but the truth is, men, in my opinion, deal with sexual abuse far worse than women on average. Now I'm with a man who was never abused or really went through trauma, and he's the best I've been with and we experience intimacy in a way that I would never have been able to with me ex. A similar past is an illusion in closeness.
I also would shill men who aren't abused, I will never date an abused man again. I have no patience to deal with a man's issues, I have enough of my own.
No. 1395613
>>1395594Im very sorry anon, i wish the scrote who abused you would die holy shit this made me so mad.
To be fair I don't just like this guy because he has been abused, it's the way he deals with it and what he has made of himself, he's very confident and kind and every single one of his female friends has said that he was super kind and pure hearted and like an older brother to them without me even asking anything of the sort, everyone who talks about him says he's an absolute sweetheart so I know he's a great person.
Doesn't change the fact that I should move on. Again very very sorry for what happened to you anon please feel better.
No. 1395664
>>1395631just be understanding, not everyone can be based pinkpill qween, some people are insecure and want to be loved and are ready to do a lot of things, plus people generally hope for the best and would go great lengths not to admit that their life is turning to shit.
If you want to help, help her realise her worth and be there for her but don't get too invested if you're easily annoyed by these things, no criticism towards you anon ofc wish you the best
No. 1395677
>>1395664Oh nonna thanks for your comment but I’ve been trying to do these things for literally years and she’s just getting more and more depressed. Sometimes she dissociates and doesn’t even hear the most basic thing I say. Her husband is also getting annoyed with me because on multiple occasions I’ve told him to get his wife mental help in their native tongue, or I dared address the situation. She’s stuck at home as a stay at home wife for years now. Of course it’s a great opportunity for the dude because moids love to isolate women from their family and friends and turn them into a full time bangmaid who is emotionally and financially dependent on them. You wouldn’t believe how many times I gently reminded her the importance of learning the local language. She cannot even receive basic healthcare without help. Cannot order specific food. Combined with anxiety she’s like a fish out of water when she’s outside of her home aka comfort zone.
She’s so sweet and kind but I cannot take this anymore
No. 1395689
>>1395682So sorry sweet nonna
Moving on and bettering your life is the best thing you can do
No. 1395699
>>1395682Not sure about your details, but you don't need to hang around these people if you live apart from them. I went through something similar though I told my family was I was a preteen and I regret it. People don't realize that family will cape for a rapist like no one will. Family will, in fact, cape more for a rapist of theirs than a
victim of theirs. I visit maybe 3 times a year to see my niece and nephew.
I tried to justify in my head rapists for a while after that. I just ended up being fuckmeat to some guy who I justified was great despite being sexually violent and a rapist. Eventually I left him. Never doing that again.
No. 1395706
>>1395697Yep she’s the codependent type. I’ve scheduled some appointments for her in the past when her husband wasn’t around but maybe next time I shouldn’t do that. She’s just relying too much on other people and she needs to learn to be more independent. Even tho I don’t realistically see her being fully independent.
I’m trying to help women around me and most women are not the pink pilled type as the above nonna mentioned. All I can do is listen, encourage or babysit their kids when they have an urgent business.
No. 1395719
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No. 1395732
>>1395725>> pwefewwed pwonouns Kek
They think life is a fetish party and we have to suck their hairy ass and comply to their degradation fetish
No. 1395752
I don’t feel bad at all for people who are infertile and want to have their own kids, but I feel absolutely disgusted when they think they’re entitled to buying another woman’s entire body and using it to create “their own” child (who isn’t their child, it’s the surrogates) instead of just adopting a beautiful baby who deserves two parents? Like the Wests. Kim was always an unhealthy, disgusting, attention seeking woman (still is) who publicly made a spectacle about freezing her eggs and once those eggs turned into absolute shit and she became pre-eclamptic each time she tried to give birth, instead of deciding to appreciate the babies that God gave her (that he absolutely could’ve said NO to doing), she decides to pay for a woman for her husband to cheat on her with so that same woman can grow and become connected to her own baby, just so immediately after the baby is born to be separated from her own real mother? I’m not even sorry for thinking this and I never will be, but people who use surrogate-prostitution deserve to be in prison. I fail to believe that Chicago and Psalm are at all related to Kimberly KEK…if they put one of her “fertilized eggs” inside the surrogate, why didn’t she just keep her own perfectly good egg inside her body and get pregnant on her own and carry the baby to term, if her eggs are so healthy and useable? Because they AREN’T! And those goddamn kids aren’t hers! She’s a fucking ritual baby stealer! Poor La’Reina Haynes ma’am I’m praying you get your baby back. That baby doesn’t even look like Kim or Kanye…literally so obviously not at all related to either of them and will never be able to have a real connection with them because she was literally bought by two disgusting greedy bullying billionaires and sold by her own mother. Actual crime…
No. 1395779
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I just wanted to order a fucking product for my blackheads but they dont accept my debit card, i am so tired this week been hell i just wanted to clear up my shitty acne and i cant even fucking do that. I hate everything, i hate everyone, i just wanna be average looking so i can filter the ugly moids that pester me, fuck this gay ass country i am not going to pay 50usd for a product that costs me 20 with taxes and int shipping, i hope my mom's bf lends me his credit card.
No. 1395804
>>1395799it means ''average'' and men are now using that to call gorgeous girls that as a way to lower their self-esteem so they date a ugly guy.
I see men mostly doing that on tiktok though.
No. 1395820
>>1395805>boyfriend doesnt want to be publicly seen with you and only talks to you in private.>He never wants to make the relationship official with you.>If other people do know about your relationship then people try to encourage him to cheat or leave you, other women have no respect for your relationship because youre ugly.>If he cheats on you then its your fault for being ugly, no one shows you sympathy.>Supposed to put up with abuse or shitty behavior from boyfriend, and settle for anyone.>Supposed to do ALL of the labor in the relationship and includes financial too without expecting anything in return.ah yes ugly girls have it so PERFECT, nothing more great than being a ugly girl.
>>1395815i wonder what ugly means to you, because i bet those women who you are seething over being ugly and in relationships are actually average or normal looking.
No. 1395824
I just deleted Discord, my only source of human contact. I feel so mentally unstable, i was never a violent person but lately i cant stop thinking about my mom dying, either getting run over, falling down the stairs or me stabbing her to death. I would never do that, obviously, but i am scared because i have never felt this way in my life or had those thoughts. I hurt my hand pretty badly recently, and i had to take a ton of exams, i suffer very badly from anxiety so my mom had to come with me, and she treated me like shit through the entire ordeal even though she knew i was deeply depressed and mentally weak from not being able to draw(my only joy in life). I think my mom being so egocentric and complaining about how i ruined her day made me realize how little she cares about me, i am only a burden to her. Shes angry for some reason at me now, she's acting like a retarded teenager telling me that "if someone calls you asking for me tell them i am not here" shut up bitch shut up shut up whore the world doesnt revolve around you. I wanna call my dad or my aunt but i dont wanna bother them, i feel so lonely
No. 1395825
>>1395820This isn't specific for ugly women though
>boyfriend doesnt want to be publicly seen with you and only talks to you in private.Are you joking? Every hot girl has complained about a situationship they seem to constantly get in
>He never wants to make the relationship official with you.See 1)
>If other people do know about your relationship then people try to encourage him to cheat or leave you, other women have no respect for your relationship because youre ugly.This happens to men in relationships with beautiful women, in fact men are usually the ones cheating with women less attractive (there's studies behind this), most of the women knew the wife and still went for the husband
>If he cheats on you then its your fault for being ugly, no one shows you sympathy.Not at all. When Adam Levine cheated moids played mental gymnastics to blame everyone but Adam. Almost anytime women get cheated on it's all about "well did you do this? Were you too clingy? Why didn't you do that?". People will blame the woman hot or not
>Supposed to put up with abuse or shitty behavior from boyfriend, and settle for anyone.The only thing I can agree with on this is expected to settle for anyone, but hot girls are expected to be forgiving to
abusive moids and everything else
>Supposed to do ALL of the labor in the relationship and includes financial too without expecting anything in return.This is expected of beautiful women too kek
No. 1395834
>>1395825you are using uncommon exceptions to make a point. No one is denying that this happens to all women but the examples i added tend to happen way more often to ugly women.
Lookism really is holding women back. Imagine being bitter if a woman is happy just because she is ugly. Couldn't be me since i dont judge women based on their appearance.
Hope you dont call yourself a feminist while bitching about ''some ugly women dare to have healthy relationships or some ugly women get used as a pump and dump by a cheating guy who throws them away like trash so this totally means that ugly women have better lives than the poor oppressed pretty girls''
Also i know im going offtopic since this was about relationships, but go and look at the studies and statistics when it comes to hiring women and how much looks play a part.
No. 1395836
>>1395829I don't see how saying ugly women deserve good relationships is "reeing" and saying beauty is transactional, some of you need to work on your reading comprehension
The entire list was basically problems hot girls everywhere have been complaining about for the past few years, the only thing that was exclusive to ugly women was the fact they're expected to not have standards which isn't fair. But I don't see why I should defend or find a common ground with anyone who obviously wants to see everything in black and white
No. 1395844
>>1395838So you admit it, you hate ugly women. Kek. I'm average as fuck but don't have a problem admitting I have it way easier than an ugly fatty. Why is it so hard for you? Go bond with your gaggle of sexy IG thots and cry together about how hard it is being sooo pretty. Oh wait, you don't have one, you're here.
Crying about how hard it is being pretty on an anonymous imageboard doesn't exactly give off hottie vibes.
No. 1395848
I feel so terminally stupid for saying it but internet addiction is legit ruining my life. Online drama related stupidity has consumed me for far too long, I've alienated people IRL on account of it and that internet dopamine is just so transient. So addictive though. I always would say "it's the internet, it's not real", but it feels real enough. I've neglect my relationships, appearance, etc. I feel so pathetic and need to just be told "touch grass" I know but I have horrific anxiety and agoraphobia and my meds are all fucked up. I kind of feel like it is time for me to go to the psych ward again which honestly I did not mind the last time it felt safe and I connected with people there and we played cards and stuff and my med situation got unfucked, but I don't want to leave my cat and my internet addiction is egregious too just checking dumb shit, I've had drug and alcohol problems before and it's just as bad, oh and I'm drinking too much again too. I just don't know. The world seems fucked up all the time too. I've never been one to start thinking about suicide and I'm not really now but just the level of hopeless and pathetic my life seems right now. Fuck moids. Fuck trannies. Fuck petty ass unstable bitches and the lack of real female friendship. Fuck the internet, Discord, forums, imageboards, all of it, I just wanna live in a shack somewhere but first I have to feel comfortable enough to just be with myself without being bombarded with intrusive thought and worries and self-hatred and internet drama is the best way I've found to distract myself other than serious drug use. I don't know anymore.
No. 1395857
>>1395815Nonna you’re probably not fully aware of what women go through. Men can
seem like they’re in a stable relationship, the ideal father etc but in private they show their true colors. They will pressure their wives into losing weight, getting more fit, doing makeup, dressing a certain way. They will manipulate their wives into getting whatever they want and will have no remorse while in public their friends will be clapping him for being the perfect wife guy. I have one friend who vehemently claims her current husband is not a womanizer at all but I’ve caught the guy checking out other girls so many times now. Whether he took the plunge and actually cheated on her, I don’t know about that but he’s a moid and if he had the chance he would no matter how much he swears he’s faithful to her. For men faithfulness is a duty they perform in exchange of whatever they get from the woman, it’s not part of their personality..
and then there are some women who are not in a mentally good place so they will rather act like everything is perfect instead of addressing the problems in their relationship.
No. 1395891
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Voicing any sort of opinion on this thread be like
No. 1395893
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Shouldn't have opened some vids of the Korea Halloween crush. I honestly couldn't sleep last night and can't stop thinking about death and those faces. I always knew avoidance of people and crowds was a survival instinct.
No. 1395930
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I hate my mom's cooking, I hate it so fucking much and her cooking is the thing I despise the most about her. And how much she wants to shove it down my throat. She's a nuisance when it comes to food but if she doesn't cook she feels like she's worthless I guess. I wish she was the one to die instead of my dad when I was 20. I wish my dad was alive and healthy and didn't leave me with my mom who is low mobility, obese, absolutely bad at cooking, very stupid, and loves making me fatter. But my dad was also a violent asshole so maybe it's just wishful thinking. At least he hugged me in a way no one else has hugged me before. My mom hates hugs.
No. 1395960
>>1395943Please stay here
nonny! We haven’t choosen the cow of the year yet
No. 1396002
>>1395957Make a list of things you can do instead of the internet and put it as a sticky note on your devices or elsewhere in sight. Keep something easy to do on hand if you can.
>>1395930Cook your own meals then, you're 20+ kek
No. 1396015
>>1395361yesterday I got permabanned from 2x for suggesting that in general it's preferable to not date men with a criminal record.
lolcow is pretty sane and grounded. if nonnas here have "mental health issues" then all of the r-site must be clinically psychotic.
No. 1396047
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i hate coomers i hate moids
why the fuck do moid artist have to make literally everything sexual
i'm irrationally angry over this
No. 1396051
>>1395568I understand, anon. I gravitated to a guy online once for the same reasons. I was cringy about it and he was kind of gross for other reasons, so I'm somewhat glad nothing came of all that. I'm with someone wonderful now, I wouldn't trade him for the world. In the end,
>>1395594 is right.
No. 1396058
>>1396047they are so obsessed with the "childhood ruined" meme. They legitimately think that rule34 is an actual law that you can get punished for if you don't follow. I have seen so many male artist go "but it's r34! i HAVE to draw porn of it" whenever someone points out that their coomer art is odd.
Plus men are just deranged and will fuck anything
No. 1396060
nonnie scalies probably deserve some hate here too
No. 1396065
>>1395949What's the appropriate way to respond to this? Potentially somebody has killed themselves, their last moments being on lolcow. High chance it's not real or the person is going through a low and looking for attention or kindness among strangers but you don't know.
I don't know anything about the poster, so I can't use it as a basis to give advice or it's super vague, and at best I hit a
valid point. But maybe I make the wrong assumption and base that as the whole argument they shouldn't die which could actively spur them on. What if they are a terrible person, Myra Hindley incarnate? Or a genuine nazi?
I mean really. How do you respond to suicide posting on an anonymous imageboard in an ethical and correct way?
No. 1396075
>>1396026>>1396024glad to hear you agree the ban was undeserved. like, regular moids are dangerous enough, and these users are intentionally seeking out certified felons to date, then wonder why their felon nigel is
abusive. but some mod pickmeisha values the feelings of felons more than the safety of women apparently.
No. 1396102
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It's kinda painful to have this opportunity to be social, but I feel like I faked being a smooth talker and a peppy person all those years, I don't have it in me anymore. Someone just told me yesterday how they were scared to talk to me because I would always wear my heaphones while working but honestly, if I didn't, I would either talk shit all day and lose all my energy or I would lose my mind listening to these aunties all day. I am not a smiley person, I have nerve damage in my neck and slightly in my face, it takes actual effort to not have a resting bitch face and I've had a migraine slowly setting in for a few days now. I feel like shit that just me existing, trying to work makes people uncomfortable like that but I am not rude, I don't glare at people, I just do my fucking work because I am broken and tired, I can't chit chat and do my job. It's not like I don't feel shitty for struggling, and looking like a mean loner when every single time I end up talking to people, it's very nice and people are surprised, I cannot be expected to explain that since 2018-2022 I had cancer and now I am just a gross shell of what I used to be, these people just know this version and I feel so bad that it seems to be such a wrong type of a version, I am just so tired. I don't have any friends here, I wouldn't have the energy to see them anyways but I thought this job would've made me go back to how I was before but she seemed to die and I feel ashamed.
No. 1396103
>>1396092Get it replaced/repaired with the warranty? Shit sometimes happens.
At least for the battery, you could try to use task manager to see what is using up the most resources/draining it
No. 1396108
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i wish i could experience love the way i imagine it in my head. i used to think it didn't exist, but i saw someone who was loved in the way i always wished i could be. all i have are my daydreams.
No. 1396111
>>1396103I bought it while on holiday in my home country, now I'm back to the country I'm currently working in, so I can't go to the store I got it from.
You know, now upon closer inspection, looks like the lagging happens only when charging. I looked at some forums and they say that lagging while charging usually means there's something wrong with the windows system, not with the laptop itself? That would be a little better option, but I'm still fucked bc I can't even play video games bc the battery is too weak to play without plugging to the charger, and I can't play while charging because it looks like charging equals lagging. Wtf
as for the battery, firefox was at the top and it got 49%, but I only had 3 tabs open lmao
No. 1396205
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I hate how depression ruined my appetite. I don't want to eat and forcing myself to sucks.
No. 1396915
>>1395981>>1396002What part of "I have a low mobility mother that I have to take care of so I can't move out and she needs to cook meals or else she feels worthless" didn't you fuckheads understand. I come here to scream at the void, not to get scolded or listen to your retarded unsolicited advice. I live in poverty and where I'm from people stay with their parents even when they're 20+ and people expect you to do so specially if you're a woman with a sick and old parent. My mom is 60 and barely can do shit without excruciating pain. I can't just leave.
You fuckheads wouldn't understand a thing. This is why I don't use this fucking website anymore. It's easy to make fun of some poster on the vent thread without knowing the full context and you sickheads love doing it.