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No. 1382110
>>1382078I will sound like a sheeple but I was playing around with a demo android phone and heavily considering going back to android from apple but I felt full on retarded using it kek. I figure I'll eventually readjust to the UI but another issue I have is just the sheer number of options of android phones. Like, there's just
too many choices and I am a retarded simpleton. I'm meh about apple, I usually buy refurbished older models because I think their phones are way too overpriced but I struggle to leave because I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at when I look at specs of android phones.
I switched from android to apple mainly for the battery, and I still feel like to this day that iphones have good battery. I have a 3 year old iphone 7 that still has a decent battery yet my best friend has one of the newer samsung galaxy phones and her battery is shittier than mine. Maybe samsung just sucks ass in general, because my last android was an S3.
I'm considering a Pixel, but I'm waiting to see if apple will finally bring touch ID back with the 15. I don't have high hopes but I'm just trying to put off blowing money on a new phone for as long as possible kek.
No. 1382118
>>1382101I don't, I hold my tongue when I'm around my irl friends. My friends are normal and regular people but get weird about shit like the word retard. I bought into that shit for a while too but I use it freely here while keeping my mouth shut irl because I just don't feel like getting lectured about it. The friend I posted about is a really genuinely cool person and one of my closest friends, but is so retarded about shit like this and troons, it gets on my nerves. She'd chimp out if she knew I was a
terf but I don't want to lose her friendship because we are truly good friends and there's no one like her out there for me.
No. 1382140
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Wish more people realized their emotions aren’t always a true reflection of reality. Fucking hate being traumatized because I can’t fully connect with normies but being close to damaged people usually stirs up a lot of negative shit even when things are actually good.
No. 1382170
>>1382140Literally this. My normie friends don't "get it" but can sympathize and be there for me. Whenever I try dating a fellow trauma perma-kid we end up ripping each other to shreds as they usually haven't gone through therapy and constantly lash out at me for their own emotions, I get
triggered but stay patient for ages but then eventually dish it back in self defense after I can't take the abuse anymore. I literally beat up the last dude I was dating because he wouldn't stop coming at me with his out of control anger and yelling and it flipped a switch.
No. 1382177
>>1382129It's easy to say that he has no "redeeming qualities" when all I've done is complain. So far, I've reframed my approach with him and have just been using our interactions as ways for me to get stuff from him, like free computer peripherals.
It's easier said than done to just straight up cut him off. Not when we used to have a "close bond" and I'm his speed dial.
No. 1382181
>>1382105I have someone close to me that is like you anon.
Please protect yourself. I am constantly worried they get into stressful situations and traumatizing situations because they don't know how to say no and they do whatever people want just for friends. I know it's a lack of self identity but please do something about it and cut them there someone who is a good person who really wants the best for you that you can talk to or reach out that you can talk to?
No. 1382305
>>1382177>It's easier said than done to just straight up cut him offIf the reasons you mentioned are the only ones then it really isn't. The only thing stopping you from cutting him off forever this very second is that you'd feel bad because you're one of the only people he has.
If you were in his position would you really want one of your only friends to be someone who secretly dislikes you and doesn't want to listen to your problems?
No. 1382311
>>1382310That's so two faced and dirty, I'd be so offended if I was you
Fuck that teacher wtf
No. 1382355
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I want to go back to how things used to be, i want to enjoy using the internet, getting into fandoms, talking to people that share my ships and fav character, i hate the modern internet, i hate the modern world, i would rather die than refer to someone with their made up pronouns
No. 1382378
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>>1382373yeah, that's when shitty americans politics ruined everything and politicians realized that the internet was a massive way to control the masses and you could meme retarded people into anthing. That's when retards started invading 4chan too, it was never a good site but at least before you could separate pol from the rest of the site, now it's impossible to find a board that doesn't have at least one thread complaining about modern politics.
No. 1382413
>>1382393You must be going through something so hard right now to feel this way. I hope you heal.
>>1382402I'm usually the cringe person lol.
No. 1382421
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How is it that the one moid I dated who had a relatively well adjusted upbringing was actually the nastiest towards me? I’ve had a lot of unstable relationships with loser moids but this ex in particular was probably the most outwardly hostile. Would say shit like I wasn’t pretty without makeup, put me down because he felt intimidated by me, mocked my trauma and made literally everything about him. A lot of these other scrotes were still self obsessed but at they very least they understood my emotions and let me vent. This fucker had former gifted kid syndrome and thought that because I actually had a modicum of real talent that he had to tear me down completely for it. The worst thing that ever happened to him was a self inflicted porn addiction and his parents not paying for his car insurance. He was such a fucking asshole and of course my mom thought he was so great for me because she’s still blind to asshole moids.
No. 1382427
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>>1382416ty nona, my icy heart is melting
No. 1382440
>>1382378>That's when retards started invading 4chan too, it was never a good site but at least before you could separate pol from the rest of the siteWhile it's true that phonefags and MAGAtards (redditors, boomers and other newfags) ruined 4chan to a significant degree, and that GamerGate had a huge impact on 4chan and the internet as a whole, Stormfront was already infiltrating 4chan as early as 2011 (probably earlier than that), so the /pol/ spillover was already inevitable. Also, like you said, corporations were already realizing that the internet had massive potential to advertise and sell crap to people like never before; smartphones and the move from the real world to the internet are designed to make more people consume more (and of course, this is politically helpful as well since propaganda can reach us now easily and perhaps more subtly as well)
I hate how everyone online is so obsessed with American politics, I just wanna have fun. But I don't blame most people for that, it feels like a psyop, something that we could not control. I miss when the biggest arguments between teenagers in fandom were over who loved a character more and not over whose comments are more transphobic.
No. 1382607
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>>1382601She’s sent me way more than this and usually more than 3 at a time but these are the ones I didn’t delete. I erase them so I don’t have to see them when I read our convo back bc I’m sprung so yeah. I think it’s the way she spams me with random shit that’s also kind of a turn off. I feel bad bc she’s such a sweetie and so earnest irl.
No. 1382612
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Cheating by copying and pasting this from the previous thread:
I hate scrotes who suicide bait. There were two scrotes somewhere in my life that tried to stop me from leaving their worthless existences. "If you don't talk to me again, I'll kill myself by the end of the year!". "You need to be my girlfriend, please, I might cut myself tonight!". Such pathetic little husks of scrotums need to permanently shut the fuck up. They tricked their girlfriends into playing their little game of crybaby manipulation, and becoming their brainwashed mommy bangmaids and as soon as the scrote's personality, hygiene, or hobbies are just too much for the woman to handle anymore, it's "no, don't leave me! I'm gonna kill myself!". Some moids will do this before you could even date them. "Please be my girlfriend! I'm going through a lot! I need a chance! I'm DEPRESSED!". How worthless must you be to have a situation appear as life-or-death JUST to maintain a girlfriend? To any woman that's not a "cold-hearted bitch", she's basically forced to maintain contact with the suicide-baiting scrote because as a woman, she was more than likely raised to give some shits about anyone and anything, unlike moids (who put themselves and/or their desires above anything else, including their own health). The suicide-baiting moids do doesn't even end there, because scrotes have this fixation with straight-up killing themselves when anything at ALL doesn't go their way. You're a scrote and you ran your multi-million dollar business into the ground? Just jump off the fucking building! You're a scrote and you finally got placed in prison for killing innocent people, molesting children, and breaking countless other laws across the globe? Just hang yourself before you can even be put to death! Or before you even get thrown in prison for the punishment you deserve! You're a loser moid who went to just five interviews to get a job and got rejected from them all? Screw applying for other options, just grab a shotgun and blow that head clean off! Your wife divorced you for being a piece of shit husband? Oh no, life's over, time to die by your own hands and make all your family members and friends think your ex is the one at fault for getting up and walking away.
And you wanna know what else I hate? How people, especially libfems who live to virtue signal about men, frame all these suicide baits as "mental illness" and thus, "something that needs our empathy". Let's say that every single moid that suicide baits are, in fact, mentally ill. How would this make them victims, instead of the manipulators they are? What about such an action or state of mind would absolutely require anyone to feel empathy for them? In what world does mental illness guarantee innocence? Are we supposed to believe every single one of these motherfuckers is mentally five years old and can't understand their actions? They'll say, "suicide is not and never is a weapon". Fuck you idiots, yes it is. It's actively used as a threat to keep people feeling sorry for them instead of giving them the treatment and punishment they deserve. Before moids do commit suicide, some of them do go out of their way to plan it as something that can be "traced back" and blamed on someone else, especially people like their ex-girlfriends (suicide letters, or phones intentionally left on their old girlfriend's number). Some of these scrotes are so sick, that they plan their suicides to be as exposed and messy as possible, setting their death scene up to be right in the middle of the street, or In the fucking living room. Way to traumatize others on the way out, jackasses. Sometimes, as their CHILDREN are right in front of them, SCREAMING for their father to stop. And again, the most annoying part about this shit is the amount of people who will look at you like a terrible person for calling this out. For daring to realize that not all suicides and suicide threats are from some innocent soul who has been "bullied by the whole wide world and needs all of our hearts". Why do people get so blind about this? Is this virtue signaling? I hate this running theme of always coddling the supposedly suicidal no matter what. My empathy for these moids is gone. Men who suicide bait should be routinely bullied until they finally give in and make the world a more peaceful place as they take their last breaths on their pathetic little nooses.
No. 1382618
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>>1382614It's a wooden frog that makes a kind of croaking noise when you take the stick and brush it against their bumpy back
No. 1382621
>>1382607maybe she is more advanced than you are, because it's become a trend to use heavily outdated memes, especially minions, like Facebook boomer mom chique. Or is that also already last weeks news?
No. 1382631
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Obviously this is gonna get clocked as racebait but right now, I don't fucking care. Black women are absolute idiots for defending their men so goddamn much. Or at ALL. Seriously, all these rapes, deadbeat fathers, domestic abuse, and STD spreading moids in the black community and black women STILL throw themselves into protests about piece of shit black men who get shot for acting like retards in front of cops. A black man can be a woman abusing-pedophile and black women will STILL jump in front of a bullet, a train, and a meteorite to defend black men. They use "racism" to attack others for daring to speak up about how commonly worthless those scrotes are. In comparison, White women never waste as much effort to fight for such a worthless gender, but black women just never seem to fucking learn. You have black women on social media actually defending anti-abortion laws, claiming that they "hurt black men and boys" and that "black women need to take accountability for the way the men and boys turned out". Black women pathetically tend to believe that THEY should be chasing, praising, and splitting the bills for the SCROTES, just because they're black. That the way the community turned out is ENTIRELY THEIR FAULT, instead of the men who placed black women as one of the most likely to be raped in the United-fucking-States. Black women want accountability when it comes to men and boys? Okay. Stop defending black men. Stop dating or fucking aint-shit men. Run to safety if the boyfriend or husband is acting barbaric and divorce him. If you get knocked up by a loser, cease the goddamn pregnancy. Don't keep the pregnancy just because you think whites are trying to "kill muh black population". If you choose to have a son, raise him to see women as human beings and don't defend him with the "he didn't do anything wrong" bullshit when he does downhill on his own accord. But no. Black women just keep throwing themselves at all these worthless black men who can't even keep their pants above their asses, and it makes me wonder why I even try to talk some sense into them. Black women just never fucking listen, and frequently never learn to be smart about scrotes. But you know what? Maybe the hideous nature of the "black community" IS black women's fault for giving black men the oversized ego they have, and letting more generations of unwanted, out-of-wedlock children become born and shaped into dysfunctional people due to daddy's absence or violence, and mommy's obviously unstable way of living due to how she views herself, other black women, and men.(racebait)
No. 1382639
>>1382631Pretty sure it's also because Black American men have guilt-tripped Black American women into it pretty much since slavery times, black slave women got raped by their white masters and then they got
victim blamed and even raped again as a punishment by their black husbands.
>>1382633Yeah, I'm all for black women "going their own way" as in actually prioritizing themselves and other black women, not become pick-mes for non-black men who really aren't better because all men are shite.
>>1382635honestly yes, race in itself is a meme used by moids to separate "our women (madonnas)" from "their women (whores)" and guilt trip women into pick-me-ism
No. 1382662
>>1382643I have never seen white women worship the ground scrotes walk on as much as black women. They do, but it just doesn't seem as bad. Who is giving misogynistic rappers attention and fame despite the lyrics calling them "bitches" and "hoes" who are only good when they're face down, ass up? Here's a hint, it's not white women. Black women blast this piece of shit genre while their babies are in the car. Black women gladly share men because many of them are jaded enough to be okay with their boyfriends basically cheating. I don't see white women jumping in front of white men at protests to prevent them from getting a beat down or a shootout by cops. Black female rappers act hyper-sexual left and right, and you're an idiot if you think this isn't influenced by what black scrotes find attractive (one of the many examples of pickme behavior among black women). Yes, white female artists do the same, but not to this bad of an extent. Black women are fucking
jaded, and no, I'm not a scrote for pointing out that black women need to break free of their "defend black men no matter what" instinct because newsflash, not everyone who criticizes women is actually a man! Shocking, I know.
No. 1382670
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I find it infuriating when my mom says "I don't understand". You can apply it to any context e.g. health issues, mental illnesses, technology, etc. The real issue lies in the fact she doesn't want to understand. I can be explaining until I'm blue in the face and she'll do two things: number 1 she'll immediately get shitty/condescending with me, and number 2 act like I'm a drama queen/histrionic when I get the slightest bit emotional because how dare I respond to her by raising my voice slightly after she responded nastily to me. She's nicer to certain men (she can get pretty shitty to my dad) when they "explain" things to her. I envy anyone who can have a conversation with their mother without being accused of dumb shit, and their mother actually listens and talks about what is still confusing to her.
No. 1382678
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Today in the water I got into two altercations with scrotes. I have bodyboarded and surfed all my life and try to observe surf etiquette. The first scrote was a pudgy soyboy kook trying to show off to his equally kooky girlfriend and dropped in on the wave I was already on. So I did the same to him and we actually collided but I was unhurt and just paddled off. He made a show of doing the forced laugh thing moids do.
The second was a scrote not looking where he was going. We didn't collide but he got all puffed up and mad he lost his wave.
Niche vent about a niche hobby but it seems anywhere you go there are males and their pathetic egos. I will keep bodyboarding and keep colliding with moids if they get in my way.
No. 1382683
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>>1382373around 2015. What the fuck happened that year? All the years since then seem like an amorphous grey paste. Everything fake and gay. It's like the spirit of the world disappeared in 2015. Did annoucning the wrong winner as Miss universe that year open up a rip in the time-space continuum? Either way, fucked up. I haven't felt alive since. Are normies starting to notice?
No. 1382689
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>>1382410It may not be you- tinfoil but I feel that people in general just have less empathy and time for others compared to say 10 years ago. Widespread internet and social media to the masses + spiraling inequality due to robber baron capitalism has meant people are more hostile and have less time for others.
No. 1382690
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>>1382573probs a boomer-tier suggestion but playing tetris on my PC helps me stop the cycle of ruinating and obsessing over cringe things I've done. Good luck nona, try not to beat yourself up, we are all embarrassing in one way or another from time to time.
No. 1382698
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>>1382691thank you my sweet
nonny. On that note, I would recommend bodyboarding to any nonas who are able and live near the sea. Relatively cheap to get into, easier on your body and so much easier to pick up than surfing. Getting into fights with scrotes is uncommon so I wouldn't want my post to put anyone off doing it.
No. 1382703
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In conclusion I am tired of my brain and I either want a new one or just have mine thrown out and never replaced. Has anyone ever felt like you are just on the verge of a psych break but never experience one (I thank the lord that this hasn't occured) but that feeling just keeps persisting? It always feels like I'm about to be sent over the edge, and even though it never happens, it'd so fucking distressing. Afterwards I feel okay for a little and that everything is gonna be alright, and then IT JUST COMES BACK. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind at this point.
No. 1382705
>>1382667You're using a few politicians to prove your point, but countless rappers that used the same formula of degrading black women with sex and violence have been defended by black women themselves. A celebrity is accused of rape? In white spaces, he's basically blacklisted. Black celebrity gets accused of rape? Basketball players, rappers, figureheads, all are going un-clocked because with black people, nobody really gives a shit, not even too many black women. Black women got in the way of Chris Brown getting shut down after what he did to Rihanna, and Rihanna is still called the aggressor in that situation by black women to this day. XXXtentacion and what he did to his girlfriend? Radio silence. Michael Jackson molesting kids? Any black person will still call him the King of Pop. Snoop Dog, Tupac, and Lil Wayne are called some of the greatest rappers ever and are twerked to by black women on TikTok despite all three of those fucking men having made it clear that they do not like black women. And your run-of-the-mill hillbilly whites saying that they don't like abortion doesn't even matter because most Americans (whites included) still believe that abortions should be legal. Sure, the 50% white women being MAGAtards is a thing, but go to any famous black man and there will be too many black women eating up whatever bullshit he says and giving him their money. At least Jeffrey Epstein was called out for being a fucking trafficker. R Kelly got a scary amount of support from black women for YEARS. George Floyd was a goddamn abuser and when he rightfully had his life stripped away, black women rushed to the streets and on social media to defend him like he was their child. You can give out a few examples of white women being pickmes, but I can give out one hundred of black women being the same way, making it even worse for black women.
>>1382682Kill yourself, cunt. I merely pointed out the disgusting nature of black women catering to men at any will, and you're trying to frame this as me being a pickme for white men? When I haven't said a word of them in the original post? Dumb, dick-revolving rotten brain you have, overdose please.
No. 1382727
>>1382644I love trying to figure out a normie-approved answer for this lol.
>I just wish I was happier with less! Teehee!!Technically true but most normies will nod and go ahhh…I, too, order too much stuff on Amazon…
No. 1382738
>>1382662Ew why do you feel the need to approach the issue without any compassion at all. I hate how a lot of you talk about how women are your sisters and this and that but when it comes to black women you talk about them with an ugly air of condescension like it’s their fault that misogyny exists or something. You are outside of their culture, why are you blaming
them for the way they were raised? Black culture has a strong sense of community, and I don’t see why you’d put down black women for wanting providers or families as if most women aren’t raised to seek just that. They’re very strong, stronger than probably any other women I know, and I think because of this they are immediately made to believe they have to carry the weight of everyone they love on their shoulders. I’m not black but I have grown up with black family, and the most influential women in my life as a child were black women. I have seen first hand the things that are often thrust upon their shoulders at a young age and I could not imagine seething about how they’re ~handmaids~ or whatever for wanting to have families, security, and structure. In general, completely barring race, I hate condescension toward women for being in the grips of the patriarchy because like… what else do you want them to do? Bear the weight of everything on their own and be lonely? Shitting on them for desiring a nuclear family or a soulmate or just a man that actually loves them is completely counterproductive and does nothing but make you look like an asshole.
No. 1382755
>>1382298Are you ND or have ND traits? I'm on the spectrum with very light adhd traits and I can NOT ease into falling asleep at all. It's not realxing for me to "do nothing" as my brain really craves stimulation and only when it gets it can it realx. So unless I'm actively playing a game, listening to a podcast or have a tv show on to watch it will take me at least an hour to fall asleep and I'll be stressed the whole time. Give me a game and I'm asleep within 10 minutes.
It took me until my late teens to figure it out because everyone kept treating my insomnia with the opposite of what I needed; don't sit in front of screens, don't do activities, use sleeping pills or melatonin, just relax and do calm things etc. I've now had consistent good sleep for years thanks to figuring out I can just grab a controller and play some games (and have it auto shut off after X min of inactivity so it doesn't suddenly wake me up with some weird noise lol)
No. 1382762
>>1382714i feel you so hard noona, i don't know how to live feeling like a real life female quasimodo all the time. i can't look at ugly women because they remind me i'm ugly too, i can't look at pretty women because they remind me of how inferior i am due to looking like a night troll. and then i feel guilty for being so vain and superficial, but how can i not be when my own reflection is so repulsive??? i can't escape the thought that this is a 100%
valid reason to kill myself.
No. 1382812
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I love my friend and everything I will do anything for her and I wish her the best but I REALLY REALLY DO NOT WANT TO MEET HER NEW GENDIE GIRLFRIEND (partner?)
My friend was all like “I can’t wait for you to meet her” I’M DREADING THIS SHIT
AND I’M MEETING HER ON MY BIRTHDAY PARTY. I ended up inviting my male friends because I didn’t want to be stuck with 2 gendies (another friend who I love dearly is a gendie I guess but she’s weirdly apolitical she used to be an anti-feminist but then got on tiktok) and stuck in a “omg we’re so queeer” circle.
I’m so fucking tired of meeting enbies and gendies in my country. Our language doesn’t even allow for neutral pronouns. I swear this must be some huge fucking cosmic joke, I barely met them when I used to be a huge enbie supporter but now they just keep popping up. I just want to meet a based terf lesbian.
No. 1382814
>>1382607damn im sorry about the state of the other replies bc i agree w you that these are all painfully unfunny. idk
nonny i would gently tell her something like youre not a big fan of memes and would rather just talk atm
No. 1382828
>>1382607Honestly she might not have anything to say but just sends you memes instead. They’re kind of funny but when it’s literally all someone sends you it could be a bit awkward but you said she’s basically normal when you see her so I guess just see her more irl then?
You don’t have to respond to each and every single one. Idk if you’re interested but you could send her some memes, reels/videos, or weird pics you see? If you want to talk about deep things then give than a go since you said she’s normal and knowledgeable. From experience people that are like that often send very weird memes when they’re not having a 3deep5u discussion.
But based on how your described her here
>>1382592 uh do you mind giving me her number
No. 1382830
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i hate it when people show emotions anywhere near me. if you want me to kill myself you can just say so
No. 1382835
nonny are you okay??
anyway my vent is i can't fucking sleep, it's almost 12am and now i have to wear sunglasses while lying in bed staring at lolcor farm bc my eyes are so painful
No. 1382836
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I used to be fugly and thought that was heartbreaking. But after lots of self improvement (see: plastic surgery) I'm now decent enough to fuck. But nothing more. And it feels nearly just as bad as being completely ignored. Scrotes only text me at like 1 AM when they're bored in bed and want a female therapist to comfort the widdle babby boy so he can sleep soundly, or just a flirty chat with a Real Life Female Hole as some kind of foreplay before they watch porn. I've been "asked out" like 3 times, and it's never OUTSIDE in public. It's "you can come over if you want" late at night. First they didn't want me at all, now they want me - to give them something. I used to envy women who complained that guys only wanted to fuck because I didn't even have that. Now I see that it's worthless. You might as well show up at his house like a limbless, headless nugget laying on his doormat, he doesn't give a fuck. He'd carry you to his bedroom and be as happy as a clam. The only use he has for your head is your lips for cock sucking, your mouth for smiling and giggling at everything he says, and your eyes so you can look up to him like an admiring little puppy.
A scrote I like offered me cash to fuck him, and he keeps bringing up his "offer". I felt so hurt that a scrote would rather throw paper bills in my face than actually take me out in public and hold my hand or something. It's so cold out here, damn. What he's really paying for is getting to fast forward and skip the affection, care, trust, patience and romance you develop before sex.
No. 1382841
>>1382832Nonnie she’s not just a cringe meme lord she’s also a model that’s super knowledgeable.
I’ve been asking God all my life for someone like her
She can fix me I can feel it
No. 1382867
>>1382860>make it into their entire personalityi mean anon you have to consider that living in a body that you cant even look at bc it disgusts you to such a large degree kind of does become a big deal and can consume a persons life. also a lot of people with body dysmoplrphia aren't particularly vocal about it – it's just youre only seeing the ones that are bc theyre the ones constantly on social media.
> i just feel like DO actually know they’re thin and they just like the aesthetic and attentionpeople like that exist for sure, there's a reason there's a thread here for anachan cows, but again like… for a lot of people yeah they might know logically they're thin, but their mental image of themselves doesn't line up with reality whatsoever. all women to some degree experience altered perception of our own body image but it becomes a problem when we feel so negatively towards our own body that our self perception becomes warped. idk anon, body dysmorphia is a hard thing to live with, i find it hard to not to be compassionate bc its something i struggle with too
No. 1382874
>>1382860you do make a good point nonna and this is from someone who has suffered with body dysmorphia since I was 12/13. It's hard for it not to become a huge part of your personality because it's very invasive and ruins your quality of life, but at the same time I do think people purposely don't shut the fuck up about it for attention. People who genuinely suffer with something don't feel the need to constantly mention it in contexts where it wouldn't make sense or use it as a sympathy card. No one knows I have BDD until it's time to take a picture and then I just quietly explain what's going on if necessary.
Some people definitely do it for attention. An ex-friend of mine always posts about it on social media but she sees no issue with also constantly posting dolled-up and filtered pics of herself. Tbh I find most people with body dysmorphia insufferable because they also project their fucked up standards on to other women and never really learned social skills and when to keep quiet about things, they also never actually do any research or self-reflection either. She also starved herself then for some stupid reason decided to get pregnant and now is complaining about her natural postpartum body. Not really a good role model for the child.
I think I've met maybe 5 people total with BDD who were pro-active about it and eager to fix themselves and also corrected misinformation about BDD. The rest of them don't give a fuck really - the men always end up as incels and obsessed with their dicks and height and the women just try and convince other women to OD on estrogen pills so they can be thick and more feminine. I wish I was joking but I have seen that a lot, and also a lot of bullying towards women with unconventional features.
No. 1382879
>>1382877Tbh he sounds like an autistic bitch. I bet it
was him.
No. 1382885
>>1382873If you can't spend some nights outside with her to train her to not bark at the cats, I guess one solution would be a bark collar. I know there are very mild collars out there nowadays that don't even give an electric shock, they just spray a mist of water or similar to distract the dog. I don't like the idea of even those, though, but then again I have a small inside dog which was very easy to train with just positive reinforcement.
If you can't bring the dog inside, is it possible to give it away to someone who can take care of it instead?
No. 1382902
>>1382885I've been thinking of an e-collar too, though I've also read that they can make the dog worse. I'm still willing to try it and see if it works. I don't really like the idea either but I'll do what I have to do to keep her. My mother will surely be opposed to it even if she doesn't think about her for more than 2 minutes a day.
And no, I absolutely don't want to give her away. I take care of her every day and I have no issue beside this one thing.
No. 1383082
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>join server for (semi-niche) internet hobby
>lots of people in there, for the hobby (around 200)
>lots of fun friend groups mingling and meeting one another…
>…because once you've been in this hobby for a few years, you start to know people.
>not me
>i don't know anyone
>or rather, nobody knows me. i recognize a lot of faces…
this always makes me sad. i don't know why it's so tough to join in on conversations and have fun discussing things like everyone else does. or like, whenever i do, the conversations die rather fast or i get ignored.
No. 1383101
>>1382874ayrt, yes THIS is specifically what i mean. Like the times i’ve met people who were struggling with their BDD, i only ever noticed because they avoided pictures. They also typically wore a hoodie all the time. Meanwhile this one former friend of mine plastered herself all over instagram and would make comments about how she never feels thin enough RIGHT in front of her little sister who had slightly more softer features (not fat by any means) and guess what? it fucked he sister up so bad. The lack of social awareness is what kills me, like yes i know she has an irrational idea of her body and how she physically sees it, but surely she realizes there’s a time and place? Getting pregnant and bringing a child into the world (especially a girl) intentionally and not even attempting to stfu about your body is why so many little girls are fucked up.
and from what i’ve noticed, those who stop talking about it at every chance are also helping their brains not to affirm their warped perception of reality in the long run. speaking it out loud literally has power. it’s not a cure but it’s the bare minimum first step to stop talking badly about yourself.
No. 1383165
>>1383101>make comments about how she never feels thin enough RIGHT in front of her little sistertotally. they have absolutely no responsibility for themselves and this sentence reminded me of my mother - she would always shit talk herself in front of the mirror and right in front of me and then acts surprised when I grew up to be looking in any reflective surface all the time instead of paying attention in school and also suffer terribly with BDD. you'd think, given that women are torn apart for their looks daily, that these women with BDD would at least keep their mouth shut around little girls or teen girls especially but most of them just don't fucking care.
obv I understand they are suffering greatly, but it's still no excuse to project your negative feelings and insane standards on to other people because you're literally just spreading it like a virus almost. why would you want other women and girls to suffer like you do if not for the fact you're just a shitty person? I was in a BDD subreddit back in the day and a lot of the women on there were just so deranged and determined to shit on other women's opinions or efforts to recover - take estrogen pills to get thick, spend thousands on surgery so you can just become obsessed with something else, never work out again because you're scared your waist will look "manly" like girl if you don't stfu and go take a walk outside in an oversized hoodie like the rest of us do kek
No. 1383183
Why would my mom (50s) have stopped eating in front of me when she is visiting? It's extremely offputting. We have always had a kinda contentious relationship but we're getting along pretty well right now, and when she comes to visit me I make us a nice meal or buy something good, and she never…EVER eats it. Last time she visited my stepdad came as well, and he ordered food for us and she said she wasn't hungry, which surprised him. She's not skinny particularly, so I don't think it is an ED (also my stepdad was surprised she didnt want food, so I think she does eat around him) but for the past year and a half every time she visits (twice a week) absolutely NO food. I make cookies, she takes one bite, says she'll save the rest. It's weird and makes me kind of depressed. I really don't even want to offer her food now because it's kind of awkward, but it's a way that I show love and it is just a normal human thing to like, break bread with people you care about, right?
No. 1383186
>>1383169>them them them themjust say him or her
Anyway it's completely normal to stop being "in love" and to settle into "loving" your partner. Also no person ever is going to complete you, only you can do that.
No. 1383212
>>1383061Yes ma'am!!
I wish there was a space to talk about how disillusioned us nonas are after hearing all these media messages about finding your soulmate ~in time~ but only seeing terrible moids around you
No. 1383214
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I hate the stupid fucking budgies in this house they never shut the fuck up and they're mean as shit
All they fucking do is screech all day, it's actually making me insane
It was NOT my choice to get them but they're basically my responsibility
I love animals but these birds should not be readily available in pet stores
No. 1383241
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HELP i'm going to an outdoor wedding reception in a few hours and it went from 71 and sunny to 40 and raining. I was going to wear picrel in navy but now i'm like??? what the hell should i wear, i don't even have my cold weather jackets out of storage. plus if it's muddy i can't wear flats? I all i have other than flats or moccasins are bigass doc martens or keds. please help me think of ideas
No. 1383260
>>1383255You're right about them, and I wish you could too
They don't deserve to be hated just for existing, and they're cute, but GOD damn I can't stand them
No. 1383278
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Fuck I should've left my shift earlier but i didn't see the schedule properly so I worked the full fucking shift. Not only that but I thought I wasn't working tomorrow and got really happy about it, but turns out I fucking will. I'm feeling so overwhelmed already, I am actually kinda envious of my sister that is at the hospital (she's fine, though, she had a surprise surgery and now is resting there)
No. 1383279
>>1383061 and i feel this so much. i want companionship and someone to rely on and that someone can rely on me, but men are so fucking risky. not to mention that piv sex has tons of health risks for women as well AND i refuse to share my body with a man who will just use it as a masturbatory tool. finding a woman is even more difficult because most of them are either massive trans handmaidens or will dump you for a man later.
No. 1383311
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insurance finally agreed to allow me to have the modern glucose test strips, but when I got to my pharmacy, they said that I was only approved for the prescription, not that they would cover any of it
so I'm allowed to have 50 whole glucose test strips for the month at $60 a box
That is not enough. That is not anywhere near enough. That's less than two tests per day.
I just wanan die, and I know that's literally what they're hoping for. They literally want you to give up or run out of money so you'll hurry up and fuckign die already. What do you mean you need more insulin? Diabetic pig. You shouldn't have been born. Type one isn't real. You did this to yourself. You don't deserve healthcare.
I just want to kill myself, I tried once already and fucked it up and got caught by my doctor because she just out of no where insisted on examining my thyroid, and I should have just gotten up and ran out of the hospital I realize now obviously, but I panicked and just sat there and she pulled my turtleneck down and saw and knew what it was from, and she had me locked up, and they wouldn't fuckign let me have my inbsulin pump in the psychward, they wouldn't even give me enough insulin, my blood sugar was over 400 the entire time I was in there, I got kidney damage fro mbeing out in there, like i literally shoukld have just tried again because now I'm even sicker. I don't know what the fuck to do. My old psychiatrist put me on xanax, and that actually helped, but the psych who took over for hium says she doens't believe in tranquilizers and ifI need help bad enough to need a xanax, I need to go back in the psychward and I tried to explain to her what happened and she literally fuckign said wouldn't you rather have a little kidney damage than be dead? And I said or I could have neither of those things happen if you let me go back on what I was prescribed?
I'm being treated like an attentionwhore liar drug addict and I don't knwo what the fuck to do. I hate my life so fuckign much, I hate myself, I do not want to be alive. There just isn't any fucking help anywhere.
No. 1383323
>>1383279Same deal. I finally got fed up with a boyfriend last year. I spent the entire relationship twisting his arm into fixing his problems so we could
start working as a team. He ended up getting me sucked into all his issues where he wouldn't fix them, then would cut into me all the time whenever I needed help. I left him but being alone is extremely painful. I hate complaining about men because I know I'm not a perfect person undoubtedly, but they make themselves deliberately worse than useless and you basically have no leverage.
I have seen the same patterns of awful behavior from so many males at this point that I can't unsee it. I don't want to feel like I'm just getting used as a potential baby machine or whatever.
No. 1383335
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God fucking dammit. My mom is sick and needs to take care of her health but the guy she is dating keeps inviting her to eat junkfood and she refuses to tell him no because ~he would feel bad~. Men eat like pigs, I can't do this.
No. 1383352
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I know this won’t sit well with all nonas but I want to scream it somewhere, and lolcow is a great receptacle for anonymous yelling.
I was a tif briefly and desisted a few years ago, as a quick context. I have a mtf friend that I began chatting with this year (internet person) that is actually sane. No coding socks or cum crusted skirts or stuffed sharks to be seen (in fact, has told me the circles online are indecipherable) and has an agreeable personality. We have even discussed my experience and I didn’t get called a bigot or whatever bullshit.
The problem is they (sorry, maybe it’s the emotional bond but I can’t bring myself to “he” this person kek, call me weak or whatever) are already queued up for the chop and repeat the TRA “blockers are reversible” “it will be ok after surgery” rhetoric, and as much as I love when a pedo AGP loses his coom privileges, I can’t help but feel bad thinking of them shitting out of the neovagina or getting necrosis or whatever horrors we know happen because the surgeons don’t give a fuck and there’s no standard of practice, and they’re clearly not informed on how common the complications are, as most normies aren’t. it feels like I’m watching a train wreck in slow motion, and this time it sucks because this person is otherwise decent and a good friend, and hasn’t had the usual easy upper middle class life of your archetypal deranged twitter AGP. I wish there was a way to talk them out of it, but I know there are no cult-approved sources describing the realities of this shit, and I don’t want it to be branded terf dogwhistles and for it to fall on deaf ears and lose my friend on top of the misery of the chop.
The worst part is they have a moid partner and both are excited over the upcoming surgery because they’ll finally get it over with, he happy with their body etc. I fucking hate it it feels like reading the logs in a video game in a destroyed city where people are happy about whatever virus-nuke-world destroying force
No. 1383355
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does anyone else just feel like they get the shit-end of the stick in like every situation? i think people say stuff like "karma will come and get them <3" just to cope with the fact they were fucked over tbh. any time something has happened i haven't seen people punished for it.
>get sexually assaulted/pressured into sex by ex bf for years
>finally realise what happened years later and that it has done almost irreparable damage to my autistic brain in regards to sex
>the small percentage of people that do believe me just say shit like "he will get whats coming to him"
>5ish years later he is in a pretty comfortable successful wealthy job, with his own home, all of his family still look at him like a treasured son who could do no wrong, and he still lives in scandinavia so he is better off by default vs my country
>me, still a poorfag, still traumatised by what scrotes have taken from me, haven't seen anything in regards to "karma" happen to him nor to anyone who has wronged me
i just dont believe in shit anymore i guess. i would often pray or try to manifest or beg for some sort of justice to happen to moids who have hurt me but it never came. not feeling sorry for myself, but i hate it regardless. i just wish they would all unalive.
No. 1383358
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Today I found out my aunt is a pedophile enabler.
A few days ago she brought over an old male (obviously) friend in his 40s, and from the start he gave off creepy porn addict vibes, tons of red flags even ignoring that he kept pressuring me and my younger friend that often comes over to drink, generally average depraved degenerate male coomer things. I thought that was it, the night ended and I didn’t say anything. I live with auntie because of family issues.
Forwards today, he invited himself, brought hard liquor again and started at some point talking about “having and interest in pedophiles”, then how he “watches child porn for research”, how “there are pedos and there’s Lolita love stories” and so forth. Also mentioned dating a 16 y old when he was 26 multiple times.
Inappropriate out of context porn talk throughout the evening obviously, naturally started to talk about scat porn and necrophilia while all of us were having a smoke outside at some point. So far I was shocked nobody spoke up, we are 4 women and this one freak for fucks sake it felt like a bad dream, like I was high, it still does.
Sometime later before midnight I called my aunt over closed door and asked outright what’s a man that watches child porn doing in her house. She said I just misunderstood everything, that I took it all to heart, didn’t listen to him about “why” he watches cp, that she knows him and he is “normal”, that she doesn’t see any issue with the 16/26 thing.
The dickriding is absurd, I want it to be a nightmare this cannot be real. My auntie’s early 30s, she is someone I could consider a friend before family, this house is my literal safe place. I teared up a bit, not for having a self admitted pedophile in the house I live in but because I’m disappointed. In a way she is my only family.
I don’t have anywhere else to go, 19 as of a few weeks ago, still in high school. I don’t want to move back in with my emotionally and physically abusive mother but I don’t think I can look at my auntie the same again.
No. 1383360
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>>1383358worst thing I've read in the thread this week; I am so sorry
No. 1383411
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Hereditary spoilers so don't read if you wanna watch it for the first time this Halloween!
The only part that somehow unsettled me the most, that keeps popping into my head and that I think I see in the middle of the night is the blackened body kneeling/bowing down on her knees and sure it's gross but the level of which it makes me uncomfortable was odd. I just now realised it's the same exact pose I saw my mom in, drunk as shit, in front of my door when I was a very small kid, I was used to seeing my alcoholic dad but he never ended up on the floor, in his underwear. My mom never really drank in that way, so it was a really, very disturbing scene to see in the middle of a night, and the week, it was a school night and she came from some work shindig but I found it so scary, she was the only dependable adult and now she was so out of it that she was just crawling in front of my door? It still now disturbs me and I think she never understood how much she scared and hurt me, like I was already dealing and afraid of one constantly drunk parent, and now this shit, I was like 7 or 8.
No. 1383419
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>be me
>been a massive weeb since the age of 12
>have toned it down a lot in recent years
>the only people who know i like weeb shit are my family and my friends ive known since year 7
>talking to someone at uni
>he mentions how much he loves anime
>starts to really badly explain the plot of some anime i was obsessed with in 2014
>mfw i cant correct him because then id blow my cover
No. 1383433
>>1383352Why do you care so much about this online person? It's not worth the mental energy of changing trannies minds especially since they are already brainwashed by the cult one way or another. You'll either ruin your friendship by bringing up your
terf views or ruin your friendship when he gets his neovag horror show and witness his quality of life spiral. Let him get the chop, maybe he'll delude himself enough that he's happy he got it and it won't affect your life in any way.
No. 1383455
>>1383387he…drank the perfume? shouldn't he be like, dead?
>>1383434my nigel thinks i'm taking birth control so he can creampie me. i'm actually taking it to stop having periods. the uterus is the stupidest organ ever evolved. honestly wish i could yeet my uterus and sell it to a troon for $500k so he can pretend to be a woman.
No. 1383462
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>have never dressed up as a character I like for Halloween
>wants to be Kiki
>cute and simple
>but no skills in making clothes/props/accessories
>search online
>not sure if it's worth to buy
>afraid if costume/shoes won't fit or will come out cheap and shitty
>cannot find the right kind of broom so diy
>it's already half way passed October
Guess I'll pass this year again.
No. 1383465
>>1382607Ooooh wait, she’s just more advanced than you, sorry nonna. She’s definitely just heavily on twitter and instagram though so it’s a specific kind of memeology. I’m
>>1382572 and tbh id date her, she seems cool kek
No. 1383565
>>1383554I'm sorry anon. Are you holding them responsible with some kind of compensation for it?
>>1383560I get days like that too. Maybe it would be good if you can relax. I hope you feel better mentally soon. Do you usually like work?
No. 1383619
>>1383577Thank you nonna. I've actually been posting about it before on a few threads here. I came to the decision that it was time to let go, but unfortunately my parents are staunchly against putting her to sleep. They think it would be better for her to pass at home no matter what, even though I have told them she is in pain and can't live the way a dog is supposed to (she is blind and paralyzed). Our vet said he didn't agree it was time either, especially because her appetite is really good and she is alert. That was like two weeks ago.
Of course I'm not opposed to the idea of her passing at home due to old age, but she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure a few years ago. I know she will never be afforded a peaceful, painless death at home. Making that choice for her sucks but it hurts me to see her like this. I literally can't sleep when I hear that she's in discomfort, my body won't let me. Then when I'm sleep deprived I get angry at her, and when I finally have to begrudgingly get up for the day, I feel nothing but guilt because how can I resent her? It's not like she wants to stay up all night crying. The only thing I can do now is see if this keeps up and then bring it up to my parents/the vet again. Her not drinking/not eating for a day is just going to get chalked up as a "let's just wait and see because she's old" so I know I have to unfortunately wait until it's "enough" to prove to everyone else. She also puked up blood earlier this week too. For the past year, every time we bring her to the vet it's just "eh she's old" which is true, and we just leave with something to hopefully treat whatever new ailment she's got. Now it's just… me building up enough of a case to convince everyone else that it's time to say goodbye.
I'm also extremely pissed that, despite being literally her main caretaker who does literally everything for my dog, I'm not allowed to make the call that it's time to let go of her. I'm not tired of taking care of her, I'm tired of seeing her suffer. I would take care of her for the rest of time if I could, but I feel so helpless now because even as I do my best to cater to her needs, I can't win against her failing body. My parents had the audacity to say "I will do XYZ for her!" when we fought over the decision, but then literally nothing changed. I am still the one who does everything for her, and I have to text them reminders to do things for her.
No. 1383676
>>1383619Nta are you from a culture that is against euthanasia? That would explain the vet's retardation. Or he's trying to milk this. Whatever the case is, you're the only one who wants the best for her.
>She also puked up blood earlier this week too. This is a massive warning sign, it's going to happen soonish and it won't be pretty or painless. I really hope you can convince everyone that she deserves her rest and a dignified painless death.
like considering you have been doing everything, they probably will expect you to do the cleanup after the "natural death" too. It can really end up looking like a crime scene. What exactly do they think a "Natural death" is? No. 1383710
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>>1382037You're so blind you can't even see when karma is doing you favors.
Let me guess, you're dreaming about how he's gonna suddenly realize you were way better to him than she is? Even if he did, he had to go through all that to see any value in you. I view anyone who would take such men back into their life with a mix of pity and contempt.
No. 1383729
>>1382037Bitter and seething over your exs new woman. Move the fuck on
nonnie this is pathetic, he picked her and not you. Find a better man who isn't a pathetic little crybaby worm
No. 1383734
>>1383725I wouldn't even trust a "pibble" with a doll much less around an infant, child or an elderly person. An able bodied adult would stand at least a chance if they kept their calm and knew how to disrupt an attacking dog, but anyone can get horribly hurt or killed.
>>1383527Same can be said of violent men, anything that shows indication of violence or sadism needs to be killed.
No. 1383740
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>>1383731Happy birthday, anon. ♥
>>1383739And happy belated birthday to you, anon!
Screw them.
No. 1383747
>>1382305>>If you were in his position would you really want one of your only friends to be someone who secretly dislikes you and doesn't want to listen to your problems?The thing is, it's a male, and they really don't care if you secretly dislike them or not. Actually there are some who would enjoy that fact, and spill all their emotional waste into your brain at every opportunity knowing that you're hating every second of it, so..
Been there, done that and most men do this with platonic girlfriends as it's cheaper than therapy and they get the personal touch too.
No. 1383748
>>1383746Maybe this thread is helpful?
>>>/g/255346I hope you get better nona
No. 1383750
>>1383736Aw thanks! I'll try my best. I asked my bf if he knew what today was and he did finally remember and felt really bad, but of course I downplayed it because I am incapable of confronting anyone about anything ugh
>>1383739Happy belated birthday to you too! Sorry it also happened to you. I get that a lot of people lose track of time, but yeah it just feels bad
>>1383740Thank you kind
No. 1383829
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My pregnancy is being terminated after no heartbeat at 11 weeks and my sister just disclosed to me that she is pregnant. I feel like I should feel some type of way, but I have cried all my tears. I'm happy for her. She did tell me that she is unfortunately high risk due to her thyroid imbalance and her odds of miscarriage are there. I don't think she'll lose the pregnancy, I think she'll make it to the end. It was meant to be. Meanwhile, my other sister, still does not want to surgically remove her tumor. I want to talk to her, but so far she lashes out on everybody if they so far mention removing it. Money is not an issue. She truly believes it's simply going to fall off on it's own. That's not how it works, but she has the type of skin cancer caused by a lesion that healed abnormally. Meaning if she got it removed, she'd be cancer free. I haven't seen it in a long time, but apparently it's like the size of a lemon that's translucent with visible veins now that leaks pus and blood. We all wish she would get it removed just so that she doesn't have to suffer anymore or die such a painful death. The girl's aren't alright. Meanwhile, nothing ever happens to the brothers of the family. It's always some traumatic bullshit that happens to the sisters.
No. 1383838
>>1383829You are strong and I am so sorry. that is not an easy thing and whatever your feelings are, they are
valid. No one but a woman who is or wants to be pregnant can understand how hard your situation is. Try to support your sister if you are able to, but dont dismiss your own feelings. I hope everything is well for you both.
No. 1383840
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Never again will I give in to peer pressure and call myself unhinged for overreacting to seemingly small innocuous stuff. I'm embracing that I'm sensitive and it is a gift or that a higher being is looking after me. I was convinced I was being loony and shaming my emotions, then it's like a thought was put in my head and I did a little more digging, and found out it was worse than I thought. I'm sorry to past me for making myself feel bad, really am.
No. 1383933
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Was supposed to go on a road trip with my dad, but I'm under the weather and he has to deal with HOA "emergencies" all afternoon instead. That shitty board has been getting in the way of family time since I was a teen, and now that I'm pushing thirty it just makes me so irrationally angry that they're doing the same stupid shit with the same stupid power tripping neighbors a decade later. My dad is in his seventies and has heart problems and the constant board stress might actually kill him if the neighbors and mom bully him into serving next year, which is looking likelier by the day.
I'm just so mad and frustrated, I've watched my entire life as my parents climbed from middle class to borderline rich and how each year seems to strip more of their spirit away and render them unrecognizable. They grow more complicated, buy more clothes, use more technology, and I can't and don't want to keep up. Driving together was supposed to be this great equalizer because we were supposed to go out into the mountains and just talk. About life, about God, about what it was like growing up in the 50s, I don't fucking care what; I just miss my parents and am maybe a little sore that they're cleaning up after spoiled rich adults instead of spending time with their own daughter. I don't even know how much time I have left, and I miss them so goddamned much. If this happens again I might crash the next homeowner meeting and give the boardies a piece of my mind.
No. 1383983
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>mom has recently moved in with me, a eastern euro immigrant who speaks English badly
>is disgusted by the fact that I don't know what churches are around me, and that I don't attend regularly
>she takes a meandering walk around and spots a church she's adamant about attending
>its a black methodist church
>I try to tell her she could barely keep up with catholic mass and will only embarrass herself
>she has switched denominations several times in her life so this is nbd to her
>is currently not answering her phone at 11:40am on a sunday
No. 1384047
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I've had a cyst? on my pussy lip for two weeks now. I've been using antibiotic cream since friday and it's helped a little but I'm so fucking done with this. I'd just gotten over a yeast infection and now this, I would like to not feel disgusting for one second please
No. 1384069
>>1384031I completely relate to this. Now I'm 28 and I feel like it's less of a problem because I mostly hang out with friends and people guess my age based on how old my friends look. And they look their age. When I'm alone I'm mistaken for way younger than I am as well. If only it made socializing with my peers more difficult than average I wouldn't give a shit but I highly suspect that it made me look more unprofessional during job interviews by default, which means I missed a shit ton of opportunities and couldn't get my internship and my masters degree until a year later than planned. I remember in my part time retail job a few years ago being asked by clueless customers how I managed to get a job there and if I could tell them because their kids or siblings in middle school are looking for a summer job (which is illegal until 16yo where I am), they legit thought I was 14 and not 24.
>I try to dress more like an adult and carry myself with more confidence but I still get treated like I'm a little kid.I've been told my issues come from my clothes but I can confirm that dressing more like an adult (whatever that means) doesn't help at all. Especially if your face makes you look younger. And makeup doesn't help, it'll make you look younger especially if you use fondation and concealer to hide flaws like eyebags or acne scars.
>Also I'm paranoid that if I ever decided to date a mood, the only one that could see me as attractive would be a pedophile or some shitThe very few times I've been hit on my men in my country, the guys were around my age but thought I was barely legal or still in high school. I avoid men in general but if I'll ever be told by a man that I'm attractive I'll probably be disgusted and ask if he's making fun of me. The only times I wasn't taken for a kid was when I was staying in an Asian country for several months, the beauty standards for young women is to look short, skinny and flat and have a "small face" so I guess I kind of fit in that description, but the fact that I was a foreigner by myself and working there made it very obvious I was an adult to begin with. I really hope you'll find much more decent guys than the ones I know. Anyway. Hang in there. I support you.
No. 1384079
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I don't follow the tranny threads on here. I don't follow the tranny threads on KF. I have no idea whats happening in genderbent cow world. So why am I being punished for others shitting on some trannies? ffs I just want to read about foodie beauty and her plan to kill her 'burden' of a cat.
No. 1384189
>>1384149Domino's fucking sucks at customer complaints by the way,
nonnie. They have a policy in place where if your order is unsatisfactory, you're supposed to go RETURN the pizza and wait for them to make you a new one, even though that's wasted food. I guess it's to weed out people trying to scam them…even though they'll just throw it out anyway. I'd say still complain anyway though cuz they usually will comp your next order with a free pizza.
No. 1384190
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my mom is such a weird pervert, it's awful and cringe. she was sexually abused and beaten daily by her stepmother, so in trying to not be like her, she wanted us to have a very sex positive home. which just means fucking creepy. like her and my stepdad watched softcore tranny porn with me when I was nine. my mom would sleep naked in bed with him and if I had a nightmare and asked if I could sleep in her bed, just her giant bare boobs would be pressed on me, it was just so fucking gross and creepy. like she did not mean anything perverse by anything she did, she's fucked up in the head, but jesus christ, I am scarred by so much of what went on in our house. the house was also always in such a state of disrepair, she told me if I ever told anyone what was going on in our house, she would go to jail, my stepdad would be deported, and I would got to foster care "where I would actually be abused." I never claimed to have been abused, that's just how she decided to say it, which like, kind of sus. kind of weird that she chose those words.
she always used love as a weapon. like every day a hundred fuckign times per day, we had to do this bizarre "I love you" ritual, where we all get up and hug and say "I love you" in turn. and in between doing that a thousand times per day, they were constantly screaming at each other and me, my stepdad wasn't allowed to yell at her because she was abused so it triggered her, so instead he would yell at me, and she didn't do shit about it, she would just watch. my stepdad wasn't allowed in my fucking room lmao. but I was never abused, just creeped on really bad.
I'm still grossed out and creeped out by everything. she made fun of me for wanting to do therapy, she was like, "Oh so you think yelling hurt you? was that hard for you? yelling was hard on you?" I dunno man, maybe it's from being told very little that my home was under constant threat of jail and deportation and foster care, maybe that fucked with me a little? maybe it was the tranny porn I had to watch before I even hit puberty? I dunno man.
there's so much shit I could talk about but more than this makes me sick. I've tried therapy, even though that's stupid apparently, but every time I try it, I'm told I can't talk about what I want to talk about, so I give up, my last therapist told me I was probably traumatized in-utero and nothing that happened in my childhood actually bothered me.
it's all so gross. she can't even just talk normal, she has to use gross words, she just enjoys being disgusting. like she can't just say "do you like lemonade?" she has to say, "do you get some pleasure from lemonade?" like please god just fucking pretend to be normal for two seconds. I got out of her car once without saying "I love you," after she had been screaming at me for the entire drive, and she waited until the door was swinign closed to go, "I LOVE YOU?!?!?!?!" like? what? what the fuck? why do I have to tell you I love you after you hurt me? every fuckign time. just bizarre and perverse, her behavior is so weird and creepy. and none of it is her fault because she was beaten to death every day for three years when she was a kid. so nothing wrong ever happened once in my childhood because hers was worse, and therefore nothing else counts.
also she told me last year that the basement I grew up in, that my bedroom was in, was full of radon and she knew and never did anything about it because my stepdad doesn't believe radon causes cancer so neither does she. and when I told her I told my doctor about that and the doctor made a horrible face and said, "Okay you absolutely have to start getting screened for cancer now, you're going to need to do this every year from here out," she just laughed and said, "Oh so you have lung cancer now?"
I dunno, none of her shitty behavior is ever her fault because she was abused as a child. you can never talk to her about anything because she'll scream and cry and tell you you're abusing her. tell her you love her. tell her a thousand time per day when you aren't trying not to cry. if you cry, that's just you manipulating her, you aren't actually upset. you're a manipulative child and you like hurting people
I wish I was dead.
sometimes I puke with no warning and I don't know why.
No. 1384208
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>>1384190Either I'm having deja vu or I've seen you post about this before, but what the actual fuck. Your mom obviously used her own abuse to do all sorts of shit to you and excuse it, as long as it "wasn't as bad" as hers. It's definitely bad enough for therapy, you deserve help and support. The brain is very powerful and you've gone through so much disgusting shit, no wonder you're puking randomly, but it can also be related to your physical health. Please get help asap Nonna and I hope you never have to be in contact with her again.
No. 1384209
>>1384190>grew up in a radon-filled basement>getting cancer screenings now>insane pervert momHol up, are you the anon from like two months ago who grew up in the basement that was so cold your toes were numb and there would be slugs crawling over you and there were mushrooms growing on the walls?
You were abused. You were super neglected and abused. Try therapy again until you get someone who will listen to you, you didn't deserve that and it wasn't okay.
Also how did the cancer screening go?
No. 1384218
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>>1384190>>1384199>>1384201>>1384208>>1384209>>1384210thank you. I'm sorry I posted more than once, but I'm still fucked up over it, I'm on a waiting list for a new therapist, but it's still going to be four months before they get back to me.
first cancer screening turned up an "odd" shadow in one lung, so I have to go back in to have that checked out, I'm not clear if they're going to biopsy it or if I just need an x-ray or what, they really didn't give me much information
No. 1384230
>>1384226…are you talking about the reaction image? it's a reaction image, I don't google the face of everyone in my reaction folder
>>1384227three weeks ago, but it might not even be anything wrong. thank you
No. 1384271
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>guy confesses his love to me
>''i love you because you cheer me up and i know i can count on you blah,blah''
I am so tired of moids always saying that to me, they never say ''you are pretty, funny, your drawings are cool, have good taste in vidya/movie'' no, it's always they depending on me emotionally, they never liked me as a person, they like how idiotic i am and how i am too socially anxious to tell them to fuck off. I hate men.
No. 1384294
>>1384190i'm so sorry this happened to you
nonny. i can relate to you a lot actually, i also grew up in a home filled with weird abuse rituals and bizarre sexual behaviour and was exposed to porn, snuff films and graphic rape scenes in movies all as a young child. and all of it was justified because it wasn't "real" abuse, i wasn't getting brutally beaten like my parents were when they were children. i'm wishing you the utmost healing and loving energies that i can muster, this shit is a lifelong curse and the trauma can affect you in ways you don't even expect. i'm rooting for you my dear anon. please try to get away from your mom if you can, you deserve to live your own life away from her insanity, you deserve so much loving care and safety that was cruelly denied to you. it's your birthright.
No. 1384341
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I used Bumble BFF last year and had middling success, redownloaded the app yesterday and whoo boy looks like trannies have started using it. Why?! Why are they EVERYWHERE? I'm just an awkward loner who wants a few friends and these creeps are invading. Gross.
No. 1384394
>>1383676Nah we live in burgerland. My parents aren't from here but are pretty westernized. My dad flip flops between being ok with it and not being ok with it. The vet has told me in prior visits that if I feel that it's time, then I can obviously go and talk to the office about it. She is/was quite alert and ate her food enthusiastically so I think that's why everyone else is hesitant. Despite the fact that she can't walk anymore, she still appears "ok."
She refused dinner last night, but did start to drink again a little bit this morning. She drank the water I mix with her food (to help with her constipation since it's been an issue for a while now and I try to be careful about her fluid intake), that took 20 minutes of her slowly lapping and stopping and starting again. When she got to the actual food, she didn't want it. We'll see how it goes. I'm spending as much time with her. She has cried yesterday or today, but it just makes me so sad nonetheless.
No. 1384438
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nonnitas I'm having a late night breakdown because I'm currently unemployed and I keep thinking about how a girl who treated me horribly in uni is probably making £40k a year minimum because she is an analyst for a bank. my blood is boiling and I can't stop shaking. I have two degrees and yet I feel like I'm going to be in and out of low paying jobs for the rest of my life. all I want is to live comfortably and not worry about paying the bills and I'm so jealous of anyone who gets to live a life free of money worries
No. 1384447
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I want to buy console exclusive romance visual novels on my Nintendo switch but I have family sharing with my niece and nephews and don't want them to know I'm an affection starved weeb when they look at the downloadable purchased games list
No. 1384450
>>1384447You should go for it
nonnie I doubt they'd even care and if you do just say you like VNs
No. 1384452
>>1384369i can relate to this a lot, it's honestly why i don't really do drawing/painting anymore. but i also never used any guides/watched any videos to help me along because i have too much pride to do that for some reason? and i'm so used to trying to replicate things and failing anyway so i give up before i even really begin. do you also have this problem? probably not kek, but here's my totally uneducated advice: maybe try looking back on all of your works you're proud of and just taking them all in again to boost your confidence. really focus on & internalize the beautiful things you've made, what you appreciate about them, how proud of yourself you feel and think "I can do that again." because, why can't you?
maybe try making silly and ugly things on purpose, just for fun. put no pressure on yourself to make it presentable cuz you're probably just gonna toss it afterwards anyway. or, draw/paint the same subject matter over & over again, just as an exercise. that way, you're practicing & making progress, but making your improvements along the way instead of stressing so much to make THIS ONE perfect. reward yourself after practicing even if you hate the finished product. cuz the only one surefire way to never get better is to stop trying. lastly, give yourself breaks if you find yourself stressing like crazy over the small details. walk away and come back later when you start beating yourself up. it's supposed to be therapeutic/enjoyable, not a self-hate session. you are persevering, and that's a success within itself. don't give up nona!
No. 1384465
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A lot of the girls my age and even younger are getting married and while I’m so jelly that they have nice guys who seem to treat them well they’re also so. Not very attractive. A lot of them are a lot uglier than their wives and have that Dale Gribble body at 25.
No. 1384554
>>1384491he is 2 1/2 and i got him in february. i'm glad to hear your cat didn't change, it's what i'm most worried about. yeah the noise gets unbearable sometimes but other times he's quiet, calm, affectionate and loving and i just don't want that to go away.
>>1384493>>1384502yeah i don't let him outside because my former roommate let out my last cat (even though i told him NOT to) and he never came back. which was so sad & that's why i'm trying to make all the right choices with this one. but if it really is best for him, i'm gonna call tomorrow & get him in ASAP. i'd hate for him to be miserable. thanks for replies nonas.
No. 1384646
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It’s genuinely so crazy to me that parasociality has become so grotesque and ugly. Like the absolute mental gymnastics that people do to justify their recreational anger, outrage, and voyeurism. It’s crazy to me that there will be people who will psychoanalyze every single little thing you do and tether completely bizarre and bullshit meaning to it relentlessly because of the obsession they have with you. You will follow someone because you think their posts are funny and casually scroll when you are bored and there will be some weird little bitch that’s like “you only followed them because of me” like bitch WHAT. They have thousands and thousands of followers who even are you to me. Like we have really reached the most embarrassing levels of shit-flinging it’s unreal.
No. 1384656
>>1384646Coming back to add, that as a genuine stalking
victim it’s really weird to step back and look at how the most vile, ugly types of harassment are viewed as inconsequential online. These people genuinely do not believe that their actions will ever have real life consequences. We have reached a point where people do not care about how they treat people now to the point that the only thing that is important to them is appearing the right amount of aloof and irony-poisoned to seem cool to other pariahs. People now think they are genuinely owed other peoples personal lives and privacy to the point that if they are unwelcome and told quite clearly they have no consent, they will force their way in and they will drag as many people into their special interest of violating you as they possibly can. I don’t even mean like lolcow, where everything is willingly posted public record. I mean there are currently entire niche communities under the surface dedicated exclusively to hacking, stalking, and humiliating women and they really think they’re hot shit for it. They brag about it and it’s their only source of power in any way.
No. 1384669
I'm nearing 30 and still stuck living with my parents. My parents are so horrible to live with, they don't believe in basic hygiene or cleaning up and leave bodily fluids and stinky urine everywhere. They aren't depressed, very content and happy actually, they just don't think this kind of stuff matters. They barely allow me to shower too so I'm just forced to live in a disgusting place. On top of that my mom might be autistic or mentally challenged and that behavior annoys me too because it's so much at once, maybe if they had basic hygiene and I were allowed to have basic hygiene I would have more tolerance for her behaving like an autistic child instead of an adult mother. On top of this they (mostly my mom) basically abuse their dog. This dog was never treated like a dog, never raised or trained, not even socialized or walked outside. Now this dog is terrified of every little noise and person walking outside and barks at everything out of extreme anxiety, even just a door closing inside our own house. Mom also thought it was a good idea to have the dog follow her around constantly and never leave it alone so now it has severe seperation anxiety as well. This dog is suffering so much for no actual reason other than abuse/negligence, and I can't do anything about it because the dog is scared of being around me as well (because it's severely attached to my mother) and I can't drive or anything so I can't take it anywhere either. I feel extremely pissed off every time I hear my mother with her weird voices and noises or to watch her with the dog she is basically abusing. I'm so sick of being forced to live here and have a shitty life. Our village doesn't even have a supermarket and everything is far and expensive for me because I can't drive, so going out is difficult too. I just sit in my room but even that doesn't bring much peace because the bathroom is adjourned to my room and I can hear my mom behave like an insane and disgusting and autistic person who can't even use the toilet normally without being disgusting. If I still live here at 30 I'm going to fucking kill myself. I hate these fucking people as housemates, they're a living health hazard and so inconsiderate and refuse to give a fuck. (disclaimer my parents aren't bad people who are out to get me or the dog but they also refuse to acknowledge and change any harmful behavior and are just horrible to live with, I have no friends or family and still no proper job due to my low iq and other issues)
No. 1384671
>>1384669kek are you me
nonnie? also autism is hereditary btw
No. 1384681
>>1384675Is the friend my grandma? in seriousness though, old anachans are bitchy due to perpetual hanger. I hope I’ll grow out of it one day…but I don’t think it works that way. Anyway, thanks for the shitty mental illness genes, grandma!
she says I look great at 80lbs. so a bmi of 13, and no, no I do notit’s really sweet of you to look after your grandma like that though, I hope she finds better friends but it’s probably hard when you’re old.
No. 1384683
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how do people find the motivation to do stuff? I constantly feel exhausted. My brain is foggy 99.9% of the time. I can't even find the motivation to play video games or even doing something as mindless as binging a TV show. A I do is sit and listen to the same song on repeat and refreshing the same 5 websites because everything else is too much.
Getting out of bed is so daunting and my body feels heavy. I only leave house for attending class or grocery shopping. Sometime I even miss class just because I couldn't be bothered to get dress because it takes too much energy.
It's embarrassing because I see NEETs who at least create art or streams or something. Just the act of turning on my computer and setting a camera up requires too much energy. Even NEETs are more productive than me.
It's been like this for as long as I can remember it's all I ever known, which is why I can't break the cycle of this empty existence. I hare my life so much. And it's not because I'm depressed or suicidal. I just feel exhausted and apathetic towards anything I don't want to end my life but I would kill to do anything. Just finish an project, learn a skill, watch all the episodes in a famous Netflix show. Just anything that doesn't feel monotonous and actually let's me connect to other people
No. 1384691
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I hate Bee and Puppy Cat! Why did I even bother watching this piece of shit cartoon? I kept thinking ok, maybe the first few episodes are filler or fluke episodes but nope! The whole cartoon was just one giant waste of time. There's no consistent story line and I hate all the characters. Everyone in the show is super retarded and unlikeable. All the characters deserve a good punch in the head. I haven't hated a show this much since forever. I actually wanted it to be a good cartoon because the colours and backgrounds are so nice looking. It does not deserve a season 2 at all. I wish Netflix would stop picking up lame ass cartoons. Ok I'm done sperging about silly cartoon shows. Sorry, not sorry.
No. 1384696
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>>1383355me too nonna. and when I want to enact justice myself people dissuade me. why can't I just be an utter bitch back? what's so wrong with revenge?
No. 1384721
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I've been hiccupping for nearly three days straight and now my chest is feeling weird as fuck. I'm starting to worry that my pacemaker is dicked up but I don't want to freak out about it and then find out it's just acid reflux or something.
No. 1384724
Because of my childhood I sometimes feel estranged, even if I am with my friends or in public, for some weird reason I feel more comfortable when I look at videos, pics or either make up these scenarios in my head about fictional characters, members of my favourite bands and that kind of stuff (nothing fucked up, just about them having fun/being in wholesome relationships etc), I feel more emotionally invested, if that's the right word. I never talked about this to people, I always kept it a personal thing, even online. My parents never got married and they got separated when I was 5/6 to avoid conflict and I moved to another place with my mother (I could still normally have contacts with my father as per my country's laws). Pretty much of my elementary school years and preteen were fine, I was told I was a very brilliant kid for my age even though I had some violent outbursts at times. My mother though was pretty much absent because of her job and she always left me to at house of some other relatives and when I was in high school she left me home alone. And that's why I have grown said attachment. I had other issues in my life I told to my therapist, but I never had the balls to say that to her and she told my mother I hadn't got any neurodivergence or things like that. The only person that sort of knows this is my closest childhood friend because of our shared interests. Sorry for the longpost and eventual errors, I'm not writing in my first language.
No. 1384815
>>1384813The one way to insult men online that involves their body is small dick jokes (which aren’t even that common to use anymore) and the whole men don’t wash their ass bit. Meanwhile a woman does
anything and it’s I know her pussy smells. Like what the fuck.
No. 1384834
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I'm so angry I'm shaking and feel like I'm going to explode
No. 1384843
>>1384830It's beautiful how much you loved your cat, nona.
I'm sorry you weren't able to grieve properly and that it's still such a heavy burden. I'm sure your cat loved you very much and couldn't have asked for a better friend and caregiver.
You are lovely. Take care of yourself.
No. 1384860
>>1384830Nona I'm so sorry for your loss. Reading your post is making me tear up thinking about my own pet who's time is close.
>We had a pretty intensive care situation going on because we were hoping with enough time and strength he’d recover. Now though I worry I was hurting him and just prolonging his suffering… I understand this feeling a lot, and I'm currently in this situation. I know there are no words that I can offer you. I want to say that he probably knew you didn't mean any malicious harm. We do everything for our little friends, we give so much of ourselves to them. I know you did it out of love, out of belief that things may get better. It's not right for anyone to blame you for that. Letting go is hard, and it sucks. We try to act in the best interest of our little friends, and I am sure they know we are only trying our absolute best for them.
Please let yourself grieve. Please let yourself put out some food, treats, and water as offering to him. Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. I follow a girl on instagram who, after her chihuahua passed, got a little mini felted figure of her dog, and she carries that and the ashes of her dog with her everywhere. Did I think this was really fucking weird? Yes. But I get it. It's much easier said than done to say "fuck you" to others who will judge how you grieve, but you are allowed to grieve however you want. Putting out treats for your cat honestly sounds like such a sweet gesture. There will always be people who don't understand how much our animals mean to us, how much they are a part of our family, our identity, our very being. Losing them is truly like losing a piece of our soul. They leave behind a hole in our hearts that is perfectly shaped only like them.
There's a pet loss there on here if you'd like to continue to post about your kitty/your grief
>>>/ot/1364964I hope you'll post more about him, about his quirks and his personality. I want you to be able to grieve properly, because you do not deserve to go through this alone. I love you nonna.
No. 1384877
>>1384683Either you have some nutrient or hormonal deficiency or you're overdosing on dopamine.
Assuming the latter, you need to allow yourself to be bored. Pull a chair up to your window with no phone and just look outside. You might then, after some time, want to do something else. In fact I guarantee it. I've taken myself back to childhood levels of curiosity and enthusiasm by denying myself access to any screens, also ideas on what I can do come rushing to me as they usually would when i'm lying in bed at the end of the day. If it's nutritional get some uhh magnesium, vitamin b and ginkgo and have some then sit and look out the window. Or at a wall. If it's mental illness good luck.
As an aside, I feel like being bored doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. You've either got to be mildly entertaining yourself with a screen or be a productive girlboss or meditate to reach a higher mental plane, you can't just fucking…sit still and not do much. It's crazy to me that I'll be watching the drab scenery go by on then train, and I just feel like a tiny pang of boredom and automatically whap out my phone to hate-read some subreddit. I don't even think about it. It's a reflex. I get it because it's like why would you? But on a gut level I feel like boredom is essential to the human condition somehow.
No. 1384892
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Not really a vent but I sorta hate how when you see headlines with these with mug shots it’s like “this is why I judge people by they’re lions” like it’s almost all these Chernobyl crawlers birthed out of and bred in the same broth and just fanned out to make lives miserable for anyone who trusts them. Like this is why you judge a book by a cover. If I had a kid I’d look at these women and go nope. Lol. And walked right the fuck out
No. 1384905
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i'm so fucking sick of every fucking apartment listing looking like this. i'm trying to hard not to racesperg but if ANYONE else fucking did things like this, they'd be deemed a racist.
why the fuck is this okay? don't take over our entire fucking rental market and then pick and choose who YOU allow when you know you'd throw a fucking fit if it were the other way around.
No. 1385016
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It's Diwali season meaning neighbours playing with endless fireworks until the crack of dawn
No. 1385080
>>1384683I get the same way. When I was a kid, my mother absolutely would never let me do anything or go anywhere. She would confiscate gift toys, games, and craft sets, to save for a "better time" that never came. She would make big plans and then absolutely never follow through. I think my ability to self-motivated got crushed out of my soul. These days I get a little boost out of walking and light weight lifting. Every day I take a post-it note and write down one brief creative thing I can do, and one useful thing I can do. I try to do both, and when they're finished I stick them on my door to remind myself that I can get things done. I always split projects across multiple notes for multiple days, if it takes 10 minutes a day for 2 weeks to do something, I know I can at least get it done. I have migraines, PCOS, and PMS fatigue, so I just feel like shit half the time. I start most days with coffee and an nsaid.
>>1384892I would never trust childcare workers who are obviously 300+ pounds. I know what an exhausted mess I am at a healthy weight, no way these people are doing any better. I wouldn't work at a daycare myself. No wonder they are shitty to the kids, they probably feel like hell all the time.
No. 1385125
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where the fuck is my libido, did it disappear along with my respect for men
No. 1385136
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i got new glasses less than a month ago and i am alreasy starting to see blurry AGAIN, kill me, i dunno whats bad with my sight i hate it so much i see the letters here blurry sometimes and i cannot watch a subtitled movie on my TV because the subtitles are also blurry
No. 1385185
>>1384905I've seen this shit too. Usually chinese preferred or indian preferred. They should be sued out of their property, the dickheads.
also all vegetarians and vegans who do this shit. just stop. if you don't like something, dont' eat it.
No. 1385188
>>1385183>>1385174I know in lolcow there is a problem with a hivermind type of thinking but are you both aware of the fact that female sexuality has variety? And that sex can be a way to express
toxic emotions in a healthy way if the two adults consent?
Femdom is my way to canalize all my rage against scrotoids in a healthy way.
No. 1385204
>>1385188nta but i think this part
>I fought with my bf an hour ago and I'm already missing him. Wonder what's doing that adorable and sexy what's raising eyebrows.
No. 1385211
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>>1385188yeah, still diseased
No. 1385212
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>>1385198addition: i say she's "dumb" because it's obvious her mom spoiled the hell out of her, apparent nuttiness aside. like if MY mom told me to sleep in the garage, i'd just do it without complaint; not argue with her, yell at her, etc.
you, like me, are still living with your parents as an adult; it sucks but you have to bite your tongue sometimes. and you had it made with your full ride scholarship – you, like me, were allowed to focus on your education and eschew a job – but you just…decided you didn't want to go to class so…lmao.
anyway i really have to piss but i don't want to see her. it's gonna be awkward as fuck. please be gone to a friend's house or something within the next few hours retarda
No. 1385224
>>1384905No racebait I promise, just sharing stories from the hindi hood - I also live near a uni that’s populated predominantly by brown international students, I can confirm finding an apartment is a pain in the ass since they always get first dibs. Look I get it you’re attending school in another country you need a place to stay, you want a roommate you’re confortable around, etc… but your needs shouldn’t get priority over every other demographic & you also shouldnt get free passes at being a disrespectful tenant just cause of your visa. Like there is no reason you should be playing your devotional Bollywood music so loud at 9pm that I can Soundhound the song thru my wall.
>>1385016Diwali isn’t too bad around here, they just decorate their balconies with fairy lights. But spring is absolute ass they play loud af cricket games in the courtyard all evening and sometimes I see them climbing thru my downstairs neightbors bushes onto their patio to retrieve their balls like ???
No. 1385237
>>1385196>>1385211Its what works for me, sex is a powerful tool to channeling through roleplay all kinds of
problematic emotions that could be well,
problematic to have in a real life scenario. Sex works as dreams do. And my sexual preferences wont change either, and I dont even consume porn.
>>1385204Im not a native speaker so im a little clueless about what reads the wrong way. I wanted to express that even if Im mad at him, I still find my bf desirable, adorable and I miss him.
I mean, its the vent thread after all.
>>1385219Thanks annona! Its difficult tho the duality between hating them and wanting them, and it becomes more challenging when you develope romantic feelings towards a men.
No. 1385249
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i’m objectively very attractive but i’m probably autistic and was raised deeply religious, i know this sounds like a dumb thing to care about but sometimes i get depressed that i’ve never had a boyfriend and probably never will because of this mental illness and trauma. i mean i say this and i’ll probably think i’m the ugliest person alive in an hour or two but whatever…
No. 1385303
>>1385295thank you nona
mine used to be irregular too but with the new brand I switched to they always happen during the placebo week, I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow
No. 1385317
>>1385300Honestly, same. I don't wanna think about trannies anymore. I just don't wanna care anymore. I hate being so terminally online and always seeing the worst in people, always being so reactive, always feeding my hateful sprit that just wants to lash out. Always so…
toxic. I'm so tired too, nonna. I don't wanna live like this anymore.
No. 1385340
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>>1385300is /tttt/ invading us again?
No. 1385350
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>>1385345its also weird how it got like a million responses being sorry for being hateful/
toxic or whatever, kek. Could be handmaidens from twitter who just found the site and have a ''good'' troon friend, but it's way too sussy. How could anyone not hate troons nowadays is fascinating to me, specially when they keep reposting gore and CP here and there are so many cases of troon rapists being sent to female prisons.
No. 1385352
>>1385320I think it needs to be moderation, now I won't lie and say, "NO it doesn't effect us blah blah" because I have ran into some things, but I do think everyone should take a break. UNLESS you are in an enviroment where you are around troons and troonisms.
Some people can't ignore it. Plus, this is what happens where a large chunk of the internet won't let you say what you want about certain things. I'm postitive if dialog was allowed more then a few places, less people would be consumed by it.
But whatever, I think everyone should do what they want but to an healthy degree.
No. 1385356
>>1385350No one said that they
don't hate troons or that they like them though, nor do the replies say anything about being sorry for hating troons. No offence, but some of you need to learn how to read things instead of jumping to call everyone moids.
No. 1385378
>>1385349speaking of posting hands, kek
i'll show myself out
No. 1385397
>>1385379it's a ban evading schizophrenic tranny who tries to derail threads, he's been doing this for months
just report and ignore any angry/accusatory posts
No. 1385401
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>>1385350It's literally picrel yet they seethe that everyone who doesn't obey scrotes is hateful.
No. 1385404
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I slept in a hotel and had my period, now I'm afraid they're gonna keep my deposit because period blood is impossible to get out of sheets
No. 1385407
>>1385403No i'm not the one who mad the OG post, i'm
>>1385352 my gender is not being questioned, I'm just a drunk nonnita
No. 1385414
>>1385409> likedno, he's still kicking around, mainly posting about kiwis who nobody else gives a shit about in the kiwi thread, plus a new troon from /tttt/ that showed up in the mtf thread selfposting
>>1385404i've been there and no they did not hold my deposit, you should be ok i think
No. 1385422
>>1385419> I was saying liked shit stirring.oh, you're fucking him, as is
>>1385403 it's hard to put my finger on it but he has a distinct writing style
No. 1385423
>>1385300Samefag, but I feel really shitty about derailing the thread. I don't know what y'all are talking about, but y'all can continue hating trannies and living your lives. That's fine. I just don't like being a hateful person, but this may just be me being a passive bitch.
I'm just a lurker who occasionally vents here about shit I can't talk about anywhere else.
I really do appreciate the advice given to me, and let's just forget about my bad take.
No. 1385428
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Another thing he likes doing is calling other anons males. For example:
>>1385422 No. 1385449
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>>1385360imagine having this ''uwu not all troons, live and let live, rent free'' mentality in 2022, troons had the chance to not be pariahs but they instead decided to
>be open to degenerates>drug minors>groom minors>ruin every fucking community on the internet>ruin female spaces both IRL and online>attack women who dont want them in their space>sue women who dont want to wax their balls>cyber attack webpages because they have proof of them being gross pedos Even zoophiles are more careful of their ''community'' by outting zoosadists, imagine dog rapists being more honest than troons
No. 1385481
>>1385475the only thing that gets rid of the pain for good is when the kidney stone finally passes
drink lots of water to help it pass and lay down with a heating pad on wherever the pain is
also try and get some prescription strength painkillers if you can
No. 1385485
>>1383788Update/vent: I finally told the girl. She felt destroyed. We did a 3/way voicecall with the guy and he just wouldnt stop denying everything. Then he ended up confessing he did it then he started denying everything again. I'm feeling pretty awful now since he said I told her because I wanted something from them. The girl also mentioned she isn't even from our country and that she paid for a ticket to her country so he could visit her.
Just from looking at their profiles you could see that they seemed like a really happy couple and I feel like I've destroyed that for her. Some moids are fucking scum
No. 1385486
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i’m literally so disgustingly horny i want to hook up with a moid so bad but i refuse to touch dating apps and i’ve never step food in a club or a bar or any such place. where the fuck am i meant to meet moids to pump and dump. Whatever Im fine…
No. 1385496
>>1385488Thanks nonna. I've had these types of situations where i'm always the one being cheated on and I knew how terrible it feels. I'm glad the girl believed me. I'm on my way to believe that all moids are just absolute garbage.
>>1385486Same, I've been single for a while and it gets really annoying sometimes but its best to wait for someone who genuinely wants to make an effort, unless its a pump and dump then… I recommend doing it through mutuals since being wary of stranger moids has saved me from getting roofied (hence why I dont go to club/bars/get along with strangers anymore).
No. 1385522
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My nigel makes me feel shitty about my small tits, they look great and I love my body and think they suit me, and he compliments me, but there’s still offhand stuff that makes me feel insecure and I don’t like it and idk how to address it without sounding like I’m fishing for compliments and stuff
No. 1385523
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No. 1385552
>>1385547>>1385521when I was in school we still had actual metal keys but I went through more than I care to admit T. old and alcoholic
>>1385522don't make excuses for that shit nonna I hope you don't mean he's actually disparaging them verbally, it's something you probably need to actually talk about, it's not unreasonable see >>1385525 >>1385547
No. 1385554
>>1385548Definitely not. Moids like to think men prefer older women when in reality they like to make older women scared and think the older women will just become more available to them. Teenage girls are treated like shit by everyone except people who are motherly/fatherly and see them more as a person who needs help instead of an annoying brat or being predatory, hell even teenage girls treat other teenage girls like shit
As for men goes men HATE teenagers, or treating them with respect at the very least. Teenage girls are most likely to be cheated on as a teenager than at any other point in their life, even if they have creepy adult bfs who most likely also have adult wives. I've never met a guy who dates teenagers and is also faithful to them, if you're going to be a groomer you'd think they'd be loyal at the very least while tricking some poor girl into a relationship? Not just that the guys who date them are also naturally manipulative and usually distant in all terms of a relationship. Shitty older Karen's disrespect teen girls because they think some acne covered chubby band geek is going to steal their husband or son away. Even if you're technically a teenager but at the age where you're required to have a job and support yourself (18/19) you're usually treated like shit by everyone around you since people assume you're weak for being female and people assume you're stupid for being young. You aren't allowed to have interests because if you like video games you're a cool girl, if you like cooking you're a tradthot if you like school you're boring if you like makeup and fashion you're basic. The only thing I miss about being a teenager is lower expectations and no bills. Fuck everything else though
No. 1385576
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>>1385571You made the right call anon, I hope you enjoy your birthday without flakey cunts ruining it!
No. 1385581
>>1382910I wrote the post about going from ugly to average. Like you I got absolutely no attention ever, I know it makes you want to die.
Imagine you finally get some scrote attention right, you feel like finally someone thinks I'm kind of pretty at least, because they expressed interest in wanting to fuck you. So you wait and wait for them to compliment you, maybe call you beautiful or cute or treat you like a real woman. All you get is the lowest effort shit like "damnnn" with a smirk emoji. And there's no effort put into anything. Like I said, it's just like "come over tonite" and it's not like he gives a fuck if you say no or gets his feelings hurt, you're just one out of the ten other girls he spammed the same text to. Mans literally fishing and you're the scrawny little gray looking fish he'll eat just bc he's starving. Because oh well, guess your pussy is better than a sock or a tissue. You just barely passed the fuckable level, congrats. He won't offer to come pick you up or drive you home, he won't even pretend to listen when you talk. He saves that for actually pretty girls. And when he's on top of you he won't even acknowledge you, just pound away while staring into a wall to the point where you literally wonder if he's FORGOTTEN you're there. Oh and it doesn't matter how fugly, fat or poor he is, he still won't treat you like someone he actually wants.
No. 1385615
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I've always wanted to be a youtuber(cringe, i know) so i decided to save some money for equipment and a small trust fund and give it a try, but while i was working on a script i started to feel really anxious, what if am not funny, what if my voice is annoying(its very high pitched), what if i am cringy, what if i say something problematic, what if i attract creepy moids, what if my videos dont even break 2 views. I just wanna be good at something for once, i want someone to listen to me talk about things i enjoy, maybe introduce new people to my niche hobbies, build a small community and feel less lonely, maybe someday get cancelled for transphobia, please god.
No. 1385628
>>1385615Loads of YouTubers have felt that way you do right now, and most still do,
nonnie. Just look at the breakdowns they decide to showcase to the world kek. So, you're not alone.
>what if i attract creepy moidsThere's always going to be a weirdo or three if you're a female online. The best you can do is always make sure your shit is secured and there's nothing that can be identifiable in the background of your photos and videos.
>what if my videos dont even break 2 viewskek nonna, you need to relax. It's going to be slow, or it might pick up for you who knows?
And if you're talking as if you're talking to a friend then I'm sure your energy won't be cringy. It'll make the video more engaging imo. Don't give up when you haven't even tried to see if you like doing it.
No. 1385649
>>1385608I say the word faggot in my own language more than here.
>I faggoted off of the stairs>that faggoted out of my hands>faggot off! >I faggoted it out of the window>can you stop your faggoting, I'm trying to sleep?It is part of my cultural heritage and telling me to not use it is literally cultural genocide
that's a joke. I'm a lesbian, so it's not about being homophobic really, I just grew up with the word and can't stop saying it. "Thunder" just doesn't have the same harshness to it. It does get me in trouble in the liberal north, so dating is even more difficult (since here there aren't many lesbians).
No. 1385652
1. Holy moly can guys stop following instathots and can women stop objectifying themselves for likes and followers? In a way it is worse than porn, because it is deemed "okay" and the guys develop a strange relationship with the girls. But obviously I'm grateful the women aren't being portraying dehumanising scenarios.
2. This guy I had a crush on was interested in me too but had a weird standard about not dating girls unless they're from a specific country, because he wanted to move there. Both of us are from Europe, but since I have a parent from his favourite country, I can easily move there. Which I did and then I found a boyfriend. That guy must be so retarded for it, and he never reached out to me since be found out.
3. Not really a vent as it's neutral, but now that I have a boyfriend, all of the guys I used to have a crush on are giving me attention (before finding out I have a boyfriend- they stop after). I'm grateful I am in a relationship, since it means I don't have to deal with them and can simply enjoy hitting the jackpot. I wonder if I'm right to feel that way, or maybe I am missing out. Either way, this will fizzle out as I age. It's fleeting attention and I know that's not why my boyfriend is with me. Gosh I love him.
No. 1385656
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I shouldn’t complain too much since my post-covid symptoms could have been SO much worse, but I still hate how I can’t eat even a little bite “too much” (I eat pretty small portions already to begin with) without having to lie down with stomach cramps for hours. I ate lunch at IKEA and they just COVERED my chicken and salad with fries, and like 10 minutes after I finished I couldn’t focus on anything for most of the day because of the cramps. I don’t have time to lose 1/4 of the day because my stomach is being a little bitch.
No. 1385696
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i cant sleep so i will keep rambling. I feel like the only reason i want to live is to give something to women. I kinda hate that i could never find a female role model growing up, i always looked up to autistic men. I wanna make games for women mostly, like games that heavily have the female gaze in mind, but it's hard to stay motivated, i feel like every autistic female that would like to play those type of games are aydeens. Really wish there were more female game devs, i only know the woman that did Portal, sadly.
>>1385628thanks this means a lot! i was recently looking at videos that had a similar theme to what i want to make and realized the bar is so low, kek. I will do my best regardless.
No. 1385705
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Had a second talk with my ex since the breakup today and like. Whenever we talk about it he says he ended things because he said he felt two extremes of being really happy with me, and then another side that was very uncomfortable and then he started feeling guilty because he couldn’t pinpoint why. I told him I felt like he was super loving and supportive when dealing with my problems but would push me away hard when I tried to talk to him about his. He told be he’s always been much more comfortable being the fixer in relationships but gets really uncomfortable when talking about his own problems and does this even with his own parents, and that he’s never really admitted that to anyone before. I feel like he’s so close to seeing what I’m seeing but we kinda stopped the relationship talk after that. Frustrated because I feel like he’s doing what I used to do and self sabotage relationships but if I tell him that outright it won’t sink in correctly.
No. 1385707
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>>1385702>What kind of games or stories would you want to make? I really like playing shmups, so i would like to try making one that has only male characters to choose, like a yumejo touhou. I still havent tried coding though, been mostly grinding pixel art and blender this year.
>If you want to play a short, bittersweet story-driven game made by a woman I recommend Rakuen, it's one of the only two games out there that have touched me really deeply.added to my steam cart! thanks for the rec the art looks adorable
No. 1385724
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I think it's normal to not like tranny shit without having it consume your life. Can't understand how it's an all or nothing thing with some people where hatred can "consume their life". There are definitely cases of women who are shocked to learn the truth and understandably react with anger, and the whole morbid curiosity thing, but it's all just one of the more clownishly fucked up aspects of misogyny.
My dislike of the whole thing stems directly from having it shown to me over and over, believing in it, then realizing it's actually a very fucked up scam (and that actual abusive people, eg rapists often use it to get an "in" or make themselves out to be victims). Like, if they actually take the time to sit down and learn about it, who could support this? That's how I feel, anyway. I don't get the whole /tttt/ narrative of "omg they're OBSESSED with HATING us, it's a mental illness". I doubt most TERFs care about random trannies on an individual level, except when they act like complete cows or attack women. Most are just tired of the normalized delusion.
No. 1385730
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how do i take it if my mom says im really similar to her little sister who she (raised and) Detests with a capital D?
ever since i was a child she always told me how i have the same fingers as her the same expressions the same mannerisms same habits and today she says we have the same voice on the phone so much that it was "uncanny down to the intonation and manner of speech". idk how to feel about it because she really hates her and doesnt make it a secret to anyone even strangers. she says its objective but i wonder if it makes her dislike me too in a way? irrationally.
i have no idea why i behave the same way as her (allegedly) because my aunt never really raised me or spent time with me besides when i was a wee baby but it was very brief before i could even speak so i dont think i could have learned from her… im not too offended because my aunt is the most physically beautiful and well liked out of all 10 of her siblings in fairness, and we're both the youngest out of everyone so we have that as well. but she's white and i'm half asian although i pass as full
i dont want my mom to hate me even if its out of both of our controls
No. 1385747
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>>1385724>>1385731Last time I checked the HDSB was revisiting its policies wrt dresscodes but I haven't been paying attention. Lemieux is a troll a la Jessica Yaniv, and it's really clown shit he's been taken seriously at all. The HDSB are retards for doubling down on this
No. 1385748
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I have no patience with trans activists. I'm talking to this guy and I'm like "you either produce eggs (female) or sperm (male), there's no in between, at least not in humans" and he's like "who said that? how does this prove you're either female or male? did you get that from your biology class in middle school? read some actual science you anti scientific conspiracy theorist, you're no better than Alex Jones"
No. 1385777
>>1385748I guarantee you that guy will know for sure what a woman is every time he watches porn.
Don't waste your time on moids like this. They know what they're doing.
No. 1385786
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I'm working with a doctor that's really just my type and I act like such an awkward idiot around him. He's very tall, athletic, dark nice hair, green eyes and around two years younger than me. That's like all that I like in a man kek. Idk why but when I like how someone looks I start to straight up clumsily politely "ignore" them, try not to meet our eyes or look at them I'm a group of people, suddenly get overly formal and so on. I guess I'm shy and it takes some effort to mask it and act normally. And he's taken anyway and the gf that's also a doctor even came to visit him today, I know I don't have a chance and I wouldn't flirt with someone taken. That doesn't stop my awkward formalness and in a way makes me feel even worse about it because I shouldn't be shy, I have no rational reason.
At least I got something relatively light-hearted to occupy my mind aside from all the death and illnesses.
Pictel is higly autistic artistic interpretation.
No. 1385790
>>1385547>>1385552Nah he never insults me, literally the opposite. He’s never said anything remotely unkind or unsupportive to me, no exaggeration. It’s more like little things that’s just me feeling bad:
-(when we first started dating) I said I had a palmful of titty on a good day, he says something like “it’s okay, it’s not that bad!” And I was like “I was just saying it as a fact not in a bad way” and he cringes and facepalms over saying it to me
-they have been looking bigger lately and he was like “yeah I’ve noticed! It’s great”
-I said something like how I like my clothes and style and they wouldn’t work with bigger boobs and he was like “we can always get you new clothes!”
Again he always says nothing but how I’m pretty and he wouldn’t change anything about me but I just feel insecure over little things like that
No. 1385810
>>1385116I'm not even hoping for something to come out of this or trying to put up a front to make myself more appealing. It's just that I struggle to hold conversation with people outside of my immediate friend group lol. I go through all the motions of trying to keep up a conversation and engaging them and finding common ground and genuinely just trying to have a good nonsensical chat, but it feels like I'm overexerting myself over simple conversation. I'm not even autistic and I had the benefit of actually having common interests with this girl. I just feel like I've socially regressed/am the type of person where if we click we just click and I go full retard chatting someone up kek.
>>1385105Feels kinda weird to just say "hey it's hard to talk to you" when we've just been chatting about our favorite show and upcoming plans for a few days.
No. 1385819
Hi anons, how do I get over the fact I overshared way too much. I don't drink anymore, I haven't in months, but I drank at a family get together and I basically spilled all the shit in my life, how I was raised, abused by another family member, etc. to a younger extended family members. I'm so ashamed, she seemed cool with it, but it's so fucking embarrassing. I don't have any reason to think she'll say anything, but I am mostly ashamed of the fact I'm an adult and I slipped up. Like, how embarrassing for an adult to overshare. I also gossiped about some of my family members I don't see anymore because they affected me a lot growing up, but it was in the context of how it affected me. How the fuck do I move on from this? It's weird because I'm very private now with everyone in my life, I don't like talking about how I grew up because I see it as a waste of time, etc. I don't visit my family anymore and I think maybe being at that party triggered something in me. I hadn't seen them for months.
I'm also ashamed because I was sober for over 6 months and this ticked that off. I know it isn't worth it ever the fuck again.
No. 1385831
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I hate how everyone act as if lesbian women are unicorns that can do no wrong. My lesbian aunt is one of the most annoying persons I have ever known. Piece of shit started bullying me in my own home when I was a teen because I stopped acting like a perfect little girl. I don't care that she was abused by her father, not my problem and even more when I was ten years old and he was dead. Dumb fuck can't act like a woman but had to shit on me for not being perfectly feminine. Fuck respecting "elder queer" people. Respect isn't demanded it's earned.
No. 1385847
>>1385819I feel this very hard, not because it has exactly happened to me but the whole fear of oversharing, especially about childhood/growing up. I almost take some sick sort of pride in the fact that most people know 0 about my past but at the same time, it also means I still haven't learned to share casually something small, and even when I have succeeded in saying stuff like "oh yeah, my dad used to watch that too", people look at me I like just recited a dead language or something. One time at my sister's wedding, my aunt kinda cornered me, tried to force me to talk to my dad, her brother, she had been drinking and I had too but not a lot, and after her saying how my dad missed me so much and he talks about me all the time, I just said one awful thing that piece of shit had done to me. One thing, yeah it was an awful thing but it was also so surreal and very difficult to pull in this country, she just told me that it was "shit", I still don't know what the fuck she meant, not bullshit, just shit, so like, did she believe me or did she say I was lying, idk because my friend came to drag me out of there. Even that still haunts me because, she must have known how awful her brother had always been, I think she just wanted to pretend he was a lovely dad and when I said that one goddamn thing that wasn't even the worst thing, but it would be a reason enough for any self respecting person to say "fuck you, talk to you never, you lunatic" bursted that bubble or something. She has always cleaned up his messes so maybe it was that, idk but I do know the icky grossness that comes from oversharing, about family, to a family member. What the fuck to do about it? Idk I guess we both should learn to be able to share some weak ass bs just to keep people from wondering and not feel or act like it's a huge dark void even when it may still be a huge black hell void. Hugs to my nonna, babes.
No. 1385858
Currently looking after my sister's cats, one of them as it appeared has chronic kidney failure. She doesn't have absolutely horrible symptoms yet, but she does get worse. She doesn't really eat, she's lethargic, her eyes are sunken, she lost weight (-2 kg in the last ~3 months), she's definitely weaker in overall, occasionally vomits (once a week or rarer). Her kidneys are in an awful state, one of them has already had two infarctions, ~80% of them don't function. Her creatinine dropped significantly though, yet it's still heightened, and, well, does it really matter if the kidneys won't recover? Sister's mom doesn't want to hear anything about euthanasia (she literally hates my sister for bringing it up), it's expected I'll keep bringing this poor cat to the vet for the dropper whenever she gets worse. Well, she got worse after, like, 2 or 3 weeks. First time it was 9 days of dropper, this time it's 6. And the analysis showed there's most probably something with her liver too, so the ultrasound is needed now. Surely sister's mom expects me to bring her to the ultrasound, so it'd be possible to begin this NEW treatment. And they're both, like, far far away, this mom haven't even lived with these cats for 8 years or so, she doesn't live in this country. It's not really peaceful here right now, it's a whole another topic, and I also have to watch the cat wither more and more and basically add to her suffering with this meaningless treatment because it makes one stupid human happy for some reason. I'm so tired I can't even properly get mad. And I know I'll have to be more direct soon and have these draining conversations but why the fuck should I? Don't I have enough on my plate right now? I'm so sick of people being in denial and not able to handle their emotions. Bitch I have to deal with this shit, with treatment and eventually seeing your cat die, one way or another, not you, and I also have other things to worry about.
No. 1385906
>>1385717Please have empathy for them. a lot of times bikers are forced to break the rules/law because the infrastructure is not set up to allow them to bike safely while following the harebrained laws that politicians who never ride a bike dream up. some of those are
valid (they absolutely need lights) but often they break the law in order to not be obliterated by a car and die. Not Just Bikes has some videos on cycling infrastructure if you want to learn what is going on in a cyclist's brain while they navigate poorly designed infrastructure. Please fund separated bike lanes–cyclists don't want to be in your way! Well designed infrastructure is important for everyone's safety. Obeying the rules of a poorly designed road might get them killed.
No. 1385966
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Ughhhh my lunch break ends in 10 minutes ayeeeee. I don't wanna!!
No. 1385977
>>1385730Honestly Nona, I don't know how I'd take it of my mom kept comparing me to her sister after saying she didn't like her sister. Maybe she's just remarking about the similarities or maybe it really bother her. Do you know more about why your mom hates her sister? Maybe it has nothing to do with her mannerisms.
Also, if your mom raised that sister and raised you, maybe the mannerisms thing are actually from your mom, and she also acts that way and doesn't realize it? Just a thought.
No. 1385992
>>1385929That's actually a flaw in the design of the infrastructure, not the individuals. It isn't like this everywhere. In other countries, cyclists can bike at leisure and are never placed into a precarious circumstance against a car. Direct your anger at the cause, not the
No. 1385999
>>1385958They have such a massive ego for a profession that only exists because ancient politicians refuse to legislate us out of antiquated paper based forms into a better optimized digital system with intuitive filings.
Unfortunately the gatekeeping to keep things bureaucratic creates job protection for these clowns, and due to the bureacratic Kafkaesque nightmare that is legal systems, the system can only be changed internally, by people who have no incentive to do so. 80% of law work should be automated, such as standard forms and applications drafting. But we can't have nice things.
No. 1386016
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What mental illness is it that stops me breaking up with someone? Little doormat bitch syndrome?? As if this objectively mediocre moid is the be all and end all. I can be seething but when we're face to face it's like my tongue has been removed regarding everything surrounding it. I can express my dissatisfaction fine but can not for the life of me say something conclusive like that. It gets stuck in my throat.
My mom kept my cheating dad and no doubt it did harm, but I always vowed I wouldn't be like her ever. Shame on me! Shame!
Here's a cat picture as a way of apology for whinging so impotently.
No. 1386042
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>>1385720I want to ao bad but I feel like directly saying something will cause him to go on the defense. He keeps saying he’s not ready for a relationship because I make him nervous and I think being too blunt will really scare him off. It’s been a month since we broke up and while we’re both still upset and he’s always happy to see me, things are still tense. We still have a lot of fun together talking though. I think he puts some really high standards on himself and then freaks out when he can’t live up to them. We’re both very dysfunctional and struggle with being vulnerable and I admitted that all of the things he felt guilty for doing I had done too. I think me admitting that as well as saying that vulnerability made him uncomfortable thing made something click but I didn’t want to push it farther as we had already been talking so much and I didn’t want to make it seem like I was forcing him into a conclusion.
No. 1386053
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Are nonnas okay? I feel like a lot of users have recently gotten their hearts broken (correct me if I'm wrong). I really hope things start to turn out better and things start to look up. Times have been getting so damn tough. Here's panko to boost your mood.
No. 1386067
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>>1386055I already have good sleep hygiene, healthy diet with almost no processed sugar, I take vitamins and probiotics and I take hour long walks daily. I've been feeling like this for years but not as severely.
No. 1386132
>>1386067Damn anon, it sucks. I think I could also generally "grow out" of depression like this anon
>>1386072 so the things that I've mentioned help me with those mild depressive episodes I still get. But I also have been taking antidepressant (really low dosage) just recently and I don't know if it's just a coincidence but I did start feeling better and enjoying some things, and I got some hope for the future and can see now what I could do. But just like this anon, I also thought about my life a lot, and my perception of many things has changed over time (I'm a bit older than you). I guess eventually you come to the realization that yeah, you're the only one in control of your life. Personally I feel like I started treating myself as a friend or maybe even as my own child?.. hard to explain, but you become kind and caring to yourself, and genuinely wish yourself something good. But I guess it must sound like some abstract rubbish when you're not there yet. Have you tried self-help books based on CBT method?
No. 1386141
>>1386119Yeah, I have a solid friend group. Wouldn't mind having more close connections I guess. Sorry for replying to everyone individually I keep forgetting shit.
>>1386132>But I guess it must sound like some abstract rubbish when you're not there yetIt makes total sense
nonny. I know I am a human like everyone else and I can start doing stuff but I've got no motivation when nothing makes me feel anything. The worst part is that I know I could theoretically change things but right now it seems pointless and like it wouldn't actually make much difference. I should be more kind to myself though. I'm interested in CBT, but can I do it on my own? And thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it.
No. 1386181
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My boss said something today that made me completely change my opinion of her. I don't know if I can ever look at her the same way from now on, but I'll have to pretend that I do. Wish I could erase that from my mind, MIB style.
No. 1386213
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I’m going up for promotion at work a lot earlier than I thought I was going to because I have a bad habit of listening to other people and doing what they say (in this case, being told “You’re going up for promotion this November instead of July” by several people I respect)
My job is already really stressful. I’m at the lowest level now, but when I get promoted I’ll be managing people and be taking a lot more responsibility. I’m not super dumb and I do good work, but all the bullshit hoops I keep having to jump through to be applicable for promotion… talking to C-suite level people who have never met me before (all old dudes who look at me like I’m dust), being told I’m not doing enough extra work on top of my work, being told that my excellent ratings aren’t good enough, being hounded to put together x, y, and z documents while I’m working on… actual work. I take care of my grandparents, it’s another full time job once work is over, even during work since i WFH, so I can’t do all of this extra work they want me to do. But men can’t seem to fathom that a woman not only works; she fucking cooks, cleans, tends to others, manages absolutely everything else in her life. But men can just fuck off or work overtime or do whatever because they have women taking care of their shit
If I could stay at the lowest level and keep excelling at my work, I would, but it’s too late. I know I’m lucky to have the job that I do but I’m so sick of fucking girlbossing I just want to girlnap and girlcry and girlquit
No. 1386255
I don't know if I'm getting old or just depressed. I can't enjoy "fun" stuff anymore, I feel like I'm wasting my time, it gives me no fun, no pleasure be it emotional or intellectual. I can't enjoy shonen anymore, not even Jojo, and I used to be absolutely obsessed with Jojo. Same with Yakuza games. Now I only enjoy seinen manga, "serious" books, "serious" old movies, something that allows me to contemplate life. Things that had some depth to me in the past are now shallow to me. I used to make some money from making Jojo comissions but now I can't make it anymore because I have like zero imagination and patience for the stuff that doesn't interest me, and the stuff that interests me doesn't have the fanbase I could profit from. I just can't enjoy fun, light hearted stuff anymore and I don't know why.
No. 1386307
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Anyone else literally can’t enjoy a meal unless there’s a drink and some form of entertainment to go with it? Like it can be my favorite food ever but I find it pretty much wasted if eaten without a drink and something to watch (it has to be a good long movie or tv episode or youtube video, preferably something really funny and that I haven’t seen before) to compliment it. Especially when I’m about to eat something I’ve been craving for a long time, I treat it like a special occasion. The drink can absolutely not be water, because that’s too flavorless and boring to be paired with such a great meal. If I absolutely have to, I’ll drink plain milk or juice, but stuff like soda or chocolate milk or coffee/tea are ideal. Same thing goes for watching stuff to, actually. If I’ve been waiting for an episode of a show I like or a youtube video to come out, it has to be complimented by a meal worthy of being eaten along side it and a good drink. The environment is important too, I try to get to an as comfy a place as possible, preferably somewhere with a blanket, so it’s usually in my bed. Like I said, if I have no choice or am in a place like a restaurant or have company, I’ll change things up a bit, but whenever I can, I make sure that my experience eating/watching something important is absolutely perfect.
No. 1386312
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I am the opposite of "aestheitc". Everything I do is so naturally anti-aesthetic. I don't mean cringe, just the enemy of aesthetics. not necessarily plain, just not, aesthetic.
No. 1386378
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oh my god HOLY FUCK FUCKING WHYYYYY do western libfems have to normalize this shit. stop fucking over your sisters in the east. stop shopping at shein and buying the latest iphone and then lecturing us to ride a bike instead of taking the bus oh my god go fuck your sister you idiots No. 1386386
>>1386348I don’t see anything odd or out of the norm about your dynamic. Not meant to be offensive, but the reaction to your concern of the people you’ve talked about it with is much more puzzling. They are the ones who come off as crazy, you’re fine, Nona.
It’s not like it’s your friend, it’s your partner. And judging by what you wrote, I assume she is in another country? If someone’s spouse or significant other is mia in another country for over 24hrs, that’s a
pretty reasonable concern. So your plan about a wellness check isn’t that bad of an idea.
But don’t work yourself up just yet! Have you tried calling her in the evening / before bedtime (according to the time there)?
And it makes somewhat sense though why the supervisor’s been like that. They are nobodies to each other, so they technically can’t do anything about it (at least in a good part of the EU), even if they wanted to, nor they probably really care tbf. And moreover, don’t care about your concerns, as you as more so of a nobody to them. Also, if you called them late and suggested they go check on your wife at the hotel, they somewhat do have a point as far as being pissed goes.
Try to keep your spirit up the best you can in this situation! There’s nothing wrong with your concern. However, nothing bad has been proven to have happened yet. Hopefully your spouse is fine! Just a stressful time.
Let us know how things go.
No. 1386399
>>1386379I don't really know what exactly gives my life meaning. Nothing, and everything. I just enjoy being alive. It's the most cliche thing, but I enjoy the little things. I enjoy the human experience.
promise I'm not an alien kekWhen I graduated college, I got my first full time job in retail. I had a useless degree and loans to pay off. It drained the ever loving shit out of me. You would think "it's just retail, why are you so depressed and stressed?" but retail is the worst. Surprisingly enough, the customers weren't the worst part of it. No, many were quite lovely! It was management who made me feel worthless for not giving 200% every single day. I stayed for two years and my final push to quit was to quit for a girl I was dating, but we broke up and I quit anyway because it all felt so hopeless.
Found a receptionist job that paid less, but significantly less stressful and gave me a consistent schedule. After being so depressed from my retail job breaking me down, the fear and uncertainty of leaving that job, and being broken up with, I just found beauty in the mundane and my own company. Getting to leave work at 5pm everyday so I could come home and be with my senior dog and parents. Now that I had a consistent schedule, I started working out more, or at the very least, stretching in the morning to the sunrise. I'm not a morning person and I still struggle to wake up in the morning, but I love doing some light yoga/stretches while the sun rises and seeing the glow of the morning sun against the buildings across the street. If I'm off, I would take walks in my neighborhood while listening to music. I really liked to wander to my local Target just to walk around the empty aisles. Sometimes I'd even venture out and take a subway ride to the pier, and I'd walk along the water. I'd bring a book and read it on a random bench.
I bounced around jobs for a bit and now I still work at an office, but it's still mundane work and nothing I am remotely passionate about. I'm really that "no thoughts, head empty" meme now kek. I have a lot of free time on my hands, and sometimes I won't even do anything. I'll pop on a youtube video I've already watched 3 times that day and watch it again. Or maybe I'll read a book (I really like self help books too lol).
I'm alive for the sake of family and friends to some extent, but as I grow older, it's also become just for me. Our mere existence can feel like such a heavy burden, but it can also be an incredible blessing. I also realize I sound like some crazy hippie bitch but I promise I'm more like a shrug emoji kek.
No. 1386401
>>1386378Shein gets me because it's slave labor of mostly women, and western women buy these shitty cheap clothes so they can post on insta a few times, oblivious or uncaring about the sweatshops and exploitation of chinese women. that shitty company should not exist. you can afford to pay enough for clothes to get non-slave-made garments. stop buying shein. the moid CEO deserves prison, not to be rich.
stop simping for burkas and the oppression of muslim women because it's their "culture". it's rape and misogyny and murder. stop letting muslim moids off.
stop trying to make india out to be a trippy spiritual enlightenment bastion when moids there gangrape women. exotic rape is still rape. these women are people and don't deserve this shit because westerners sugarcoat it to seem hip and newage.
No. 1386405
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>>1386379Being curious about what will happen that day. How pretty things can be (picrel). Making and listening to music
No. 1386427
>>1386396Okay, and she didn’t pick up? But the phone was on and all? That is weird… Could it be that she’s lost the phone, but no one’s found it yet (otherwise someone would’ve answered your call at some point)? But then again, if the phone was lost, she would’ve probably contacted you somehow saying this.
I don’t think you’re reactive. It’s a
valid concern. And it does change the plot significantly, what you said about the supervisor. I’ve originally thought the supervisor is some local person that is assigned for a specific project. And especially if speaking about Northern Europe, it’s kind of in the culture to give a cold shoulder and avoid contact, unless people are close. But I was wrong, and based on what you said, the supervisor does come off as a bitch. I would’ve gone to check up on my colleague 100%, especially a woman. Idk just weird.
No. 1386444
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Hate that like everyone pretends like they care about people with mental health issues. I’ve had a lot of trauma as a child and none of it was my fault and now I struggle to function every day, but I still get up and do it. I have a therapist and have good friends and a support system but I still get flashbacks and triggered because my issues run deep. I’ve worked very hard to hold on to the healthy things in my life but it’s like anytime some issue inevitably comes up and I have a less than perfect reaction it’s suddenly like I’m expected to isolate myself in my room until I’m a full normie. I will never get better if I stop living my life and I should be allowed to navigate things imperfectly while trying to improve myself.
No. 1386470
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Why does god keep sending me tall hot skinny men with giant penises and too many knee and joint issues to fuck properly??? Does it bring my creator joy to leave me eternally unsatisfied??
No. 1386494
>>1386489Lmao anon I'm
>>1386470 and mine's Nordic too. Either it's in their blood or they've lost their way, I'll have to bring a ouija board to iceland or something.
No. 1386499
>>1386494we have to find a way to transplant nordic giga-dick onto a stocky slamboi frame for king sized hydraulic pump action
>>1386496imagine all the hot German guys those shitty allied forces blew up. the right jealous prats. i swear england only refused to join Hitler because they were jealous that German guys had nicer penis.
No. 1386514
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I started drinking milk tea like an hour ago, and I can already feel it tearing me apart. Wish I was one of those people that have a mutation that lets them digest milk. Or that I hadn't ran out of almond milk.
No. 1386519
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>>1386514do normal people get sick from drinking milk? I drink like 3 glasses a day
No. 1386520
>>1386514i'm so sorry
nonny if i couldn't drink brown sugar milk bubble tea i would cry
No. 1386535
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>>1386527>most of the world’s population is somewhere on the spectrum of lactose intolerantHahaha, what absolute scrubs. Glad I'm just on the normal spectrum and not the one where you pee from your butt after drinking delicious milk
No. 1386593
>>1386569>>1386575no you guys, religions are great and god made the earth full of goodness and men who are good people
look at all the good men around you, look at that. so many good men who are proof of god. so many.
No. 1386612
>>1386607see this is the problem, you can't truly ever be free from religion unless you actually understand it, you can't understand christianity without understanding Judaism, Iron age Judaism is an undeniably a patriarchal religion but not in the way radfems in the 70's tried to make it out to be with them straw-grasping and making up random bullshit
In various Semitic creation myths, the creation of the first man and woman usually comes from the separation of a single joint genderless being by the gods
Adam and Eve is just one variation of this common Semitic creation myth, in the Babylonian version the first man and woman came from a two-sexed being that was joined at the back like Siamese twins and the gods divided this being into two as an afterthought, despite this there are still traces of original telling, in Genesis
>“Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam”i.e our first parent was originally both male and female
listen I'm not fond of Christianity but you don't have to use bullshit claims to hate it
No. 1386636
>>1386612Who gives a fuck about an old Semitic creation myth when the Christian one is different? The discussion was about Christianity. What a cope
>>1386621So everyone who is a Christian? Stop defending your shitty religions, God isn't even real kek there's no reason to defend that shit
No. 1386710
>>1385579it can last days or weeks, my mom gets them and has to get a lithotripsy or else she'll be in extreme pain for like a month
you should see a specialist if they don't pass on their own soon
No. 1386718
So my flight was delayed. I was taking two flights (because where I was going was too long for one flight) and because the first flight was delayed they said I would miss my connection, as it was delayed an hour and the flights were only an hour apart (I didn't choose those times, the airline did). She said because it was delayed there was no way I was gonna make my connection. I wasn't even that upset, I was just like well these things happen I guess. But then the first flight actually got there 15 minutes before my other flight left, and they said I and anyone else who had that connection could get off the plane early. Me and this other chick went running to the gate. She got their first and I heard them being like "yeah, sorry, the plane is full, since they rebooked you there's no empty seats now but if someone doesn't show up you can get on". So basically someone didn't show up and she got on but they wouldn't let me, I guess because she got there first. Now I have to wait for the soonest flight which is 6am when my original flight was supposed to be 11pm. An extra 7 hours in this airport thanks to them. I only had 4 hours of sleep and lack of sleep puts me in a terrible mood plus gives me anxiety. I just slept for 2 hours on an airport floor. Do not recommend. It is fucking freezing here. I can't even buy one of those travel blankets because literally everywhere here is closed. And then the airline kept sending me messages being like "we're soooooo sorry, we hope this didn't ruin your experience" or some shit. Like either give me a refund/partial refund or free sandwich or something, idk. Your apology is useless. And honestly I wouldn't even be upset if they just left it at "sorry you have to take the next flight" but then they had to go and give me false hope. Fuck you, airline.
No. 1386745
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>Show up to class
>Huge moid sitting in the back row with long ratty hair, also the only person wearing a facemask
>Teacher refers to him as Luna
I am so tired..
No. 1386759
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People who crave attention and validation while thriving off of negativity love to project that onto everyone else huh
No. 1386829
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>>1386760Smth similar to pic. Undefined weak jaw and chin. It is not normal double chin, but it looks like it unless I try to keep a straightest posture of a soldier on a parade. My upper jaw, or the tilt of face bone, also influenced puffy cheeks and shadows under the eyes, I have enough sleep and no heart problems and yet my eyes are dark as if I got in a fight and got nicely beaten. It is not fat so there is nothing to remove. Some people use fillers to define jaw and chin but after fillers my face will go back to pumpkin state very fast.
No. 1386839
>>1386799>>1386796Thank you nonnies. Luckily my sister isn't 'woke' or a handmaiden by default (my parents are 'phobes of every kind tbh). But I do worry about the influence of her friend group.
My usual way of peaking is by being obnoxiously pro-troon and correcting 'libs' on any un-woke thing they say or even imply about trannies (e.g. "well, actually its very transphobic of you to say x because x") - usually referenced by posts on r/mtf etc.- they can't argue with what comes directly out of the horses mouth. Once they realise they can't win with the genderism logic, they usually peak themselves, then try to peak me kek.
But I dont think this would work on my sister due to her intellectual disabilities (plus she has anger issues so winding her up like tjis would be bad for me kek). And I don't want to alienate her from the only friend group she has managed to wrangle. I just hope she doesnt get hurt.
No. 1386962
>>1383933 and giving an update: I talked to dad yesterday. And he thanked me for yelling at him?? I'm so confused, but this definitely confirms that no one else told him how bad this HOA thing is. We're going for our trip tomorrow so I'm hoping he's had enough time to sit with the idea of saying fuck you to squabbling adults and coming back to nurture the family. I don't know, I just want my dad back. Ditching the family for the approval of rich socialites is something mom does, dad used to be better than this. I'm just glad there's still enough of the old him that remembers what's really important.
No. 1386971
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i kind of want to scream and kill myself by blowing myself up right in front of my brother out of envy and jealousy for the things he will always have had and i will never even come close to experiencing
i feel bad that he's had suicide attempts and i hate to be that person comparing everything as i know how bad it feels since ive been compared to him from the second i was born to currently him being the prime example god and me being the retarded show monkey but i fucking swear to god how can you even think to do something like that knowing literally everyone i have ever known likes you either because you are smart or cool or handsome or all of the above from every age range and every relationship including strangers on the street to people he's met once when i was 10 years old. genuinely not a single person i have spoken to genuinely hates him only one guy admitted to making him rage purposely but still thought he was cool which he actually is no denying that.
he got to grow up with normal aged parents i had senior grandparent aged ones by middle school. for graduation he got a full PC setup that he still uses to this day and i got well nothing at fucking all except poverty and sadness. my 18th birthday wasnt even celebrated and couldnt have been anyway because we are so poor and in so much debt.
i cant help but hate him for always goddamn trying to escape his problems physically by going out the house as soon as tensions arise it actually boils my fucking blood how much of a pussy he is like just fucking deal with it cunt like i had to since i was fucking 7 years old for christs sake you're almost 30 acting 13 im so enraged. everything is not his problem and we shouldnt do this and that in case he gets mad and he got to turn off the fucking wifi for everyone except for himself to play league of fucking legends and shout his lungs out at us for making him lag or some gay gamer term and punch holes into MY goddamn door not fucking his MY door of course i have several punches on my door no one cares about what i have to think ever dont they.
everyone follows exactly as he says and his opinion has always been regarded as the highest most right above anybody else's since i was able to think and i never even realized it was weird until an online friend pointed it out when i was in middle school. he legitimately has the final say in everything and this isnt even imposed on him. i feel actually sick from rage.
i feel so fucking livid watching him repost faggot tiktok videos of like "explosive homes" mate you ARE the explosive one what the fuck ? escape if you want arent you nearly 30 ? why have i been told to move out by 15 but everyone has a mental breakdown when you want to just leave them for fuck's sake you are literally making it worse by staying idgaf there is literally no other solution. why doesnt anyone do that for me ? why doesnt anybody care whats happened to me ? why was i forced to play everyone's little therapist since i was 6 and now every purchase makes me feel like killing myself because i feel permanently undeserving of anything when YOU can order most anything you want using daddy's now nonexistant money for your gay video games or other faggotry. he still lives here and drives our dad's car that my dad doesnt use anymore due to being old and sick and had the audacity to impose rules on when he can use it for us when its not even his in the first place. throws a hissy fit when we try to economically buy groceries and acts physically sick after like boy starve yourself to death then goddamn but of course lending all his money to his friends and of course himself on stupid shite comes as easy as breathing to him.
"explosive family" fuck off i fucking hate you i hate your spoiled ass i hate everything i hate that nobody cares about me i hate that i gave up in primary school because i knew i was never going to live up to these expectations and stagnated until then which nobody even cared about because by then i was neglected completely nobody pushed me to do better. nobody cared of course but everyone cares when its him with the problems i swear my arm could rip off and everyone will be like ummm you'll get over it soon as he feels upset everyone has to walk on fucking eggshells or hell breaks loose and its all my fault obviously
No. 1387018
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>>1387014happy birthday nonita !!! sounds like a good day you had with your animal friends and im sure they have as well !
No. 1387026
>>1387021then what exactly is god looking at if he watches everything?
>(two natural things all functioning adult humans do btw)but the bible says masturbation is a sin so he'll probably get mad at me
No. 1387056
>>1387021He isn't concerned in the sense that it doesn't offend Him in the slightest, like it offends humans. He literally created poop, you think He will care that you, as a human, perform that function He designed? Also, God isn't an "old man", He is literally God. You cannot fathom who He is, we can just use our Earthly knowledge to attempt to describe and comprehend him. He is perfect, love, and so forth, but we cannot pretend to understand what He looks like aside from similes, metaphors, and His only Son sent to us in our human form.
No. 1387096
>>1387056>He is perfect, love, and so forthimagine actually believing this lmao. If God is real, then he is the narcissist. He is absolutely obsessed with humans loving him back, he punished all of humanity and continues to punish us, he allows evil to exist on Earth "as a test" because he wants us humans to "find our way to Him" instead of just making us automatically love him. What is his ultimate goal, then? Oh right, we don't and can't know. How convenient, isn't it?
"God is real" is an unfalsifiable statement, meaning that you cannot prove it right or wrong therefore it's not a
valid statement. He is only real in your imagination inside your mind which is proof enough for you, but not for the rest of us, just like when troons and TRAs say you're only trans if you think you're trans and no physical evidence is needed to prove it.
No. 1387111
>>1387096NTA and I don't really believe, but the point is that god is a parent I guess and while a parent wants their children to love them back, they still allow their children to have free will and want the love to be of their own volition. There isn't a true ultimate goal, same way how your parents didn't have much of an ultimate goal either when having a kid. god isn't real and all that blablabla, but it's understandable why people believe in god and I wish I could too so I could fill the hole in my soul/heart
>>1387106That is usually chalked up as a result of the fall. Before we were kicked out of Paradise, there was no pooping kek
No. 1387130
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nonny, happy birthday!! May you and your precious pets be safe and well. I used to be afraid of chickens until I started living with my partner, his parents own a tiny chicken farm. Chickens are very cute, they are just the best! And i feel bad how your nigel slept so long, I hope if it bothers you you will get the courage to speak about it.
No. 1387183
>>1387171Do you
want to believe someone is watching you finger yourself or drop a fat dump? Then believe it
No. 1387228
>get message today from scrote I haven't spoken to in literally over 4 yearswhat is wrong with men. i wasn't even dating him. we hooked up like, 4 times over a 2 month period.
No. 1387280
>>1387242it's crazy though. over 4 years later. who says i'm even still single? surely it's easier to just hop on tinder if you're horny.
this is like crappy jobs that reject you, and then message you 5 years later if you still want to work for them. meanwhile you're living 3 states over and making $50k a year more than they offer.
No. 1387316
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Can I just please have one female fitness community that isn't fucking retarded and obsessed with stupid pointless shit? I feel like I can't even look at anything remotely related to weight loss or muscle gain for women because all I'm seeing is retards like "how do I grow my booty in 7 days I dont want to look like a man" or "I eat 1000 calories a day and work out 4 times a week why do I feel like shit" okay I get that there isn't a treasure trove of healthy advice out there but it's annoying as fuck having to crawl through 100 posts that are fucking retarded just to find 1 constructive, helpful or sane one it's pissing me off.
I joined a petite fitness community (am a shortfag and don't see myself represented much in sports/fitness) and Idk why I was even surprised to find that it's just as unhinged as every other women's fitness community out there. Luckily it hasn't been invaded by trannies (yet) but every time some onlyfans retard posts her "glowup" on there she brings in a swarm of degenerate perverted moids who also decide to come crawling through it and commenting on other women's posts and leaving creepy remarks. It's tiring and I'm sick of trying to join a womens health/fitness community only to discover it's either full of deranged anachan retards who post shit about how having thighs thicker than 15 inches is "unfeminine and unattractive" or it's just full of women who sell their arsehole online for $8 bringing over their scrote squad to make the rest of us feel uncomfortable as a result. I guess the fault is with me too because I long for a sense of a woman-only group but it's like I cannot escape ED, pornsick or scrote-related shit. Maybe I should just get on with things on my own and give up on finding a place that seems to not even exist anymore.
No. 1387367
>>1387353Anon, I had an
abusive dad and an absent mother, that's about it.
No. 1387370
>>1387353I don’t think they’re inherently boring but I fucking hate how when you accidentally
trigger these people they spiral and project all this horrible shit onto you and think something’s wrong even though you’re just being normal and supportive.
No. 1387397
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I’m sorry but I want a bf
No. 1387399
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I'm such a stupid nervous socially inept spazz, no way I don't fuck up this upcoming interview. Rhetorically, why am I still like this? I've done so many interviews and phone calls and I'm just stupid stupid stupid idiot every time
No. 1387412
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>>1387404I prefer dick and balls over 2D I’m sorry. I am in inexplicable pain.
No. 1387452
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I'm sick and I am not taking it well, I haven't been actually sick with something in probably like 5+ years so I feel fucking miserable.
No. 1387471
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>>1387462Isolation and shutting other people out is a bad coping mechanism. You think picrel is a good coping mechanism too?
No. 1387509
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I had to take a klonopin last night to sleep and it always makes my appetite get fucked up and I binge ate sugar and junk food all day and I know I'm going to feel like shit tomorrow
No. 1387597
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>>1386622>>1386633>thinks voice acting isn't a real jobFuck people like that. I work as a translator and people have literally said these things right to my face:
>that's not a real job though>anyone could do it>…you get paid for that?>do you ACTUALLY make money?>how much do you make?>so, you just use Google Translate?Like dude, do you think people work for free? Do you think all voice acting, translation, artwork, graphic design etc. on this entire planet is done by people who just think it's a fun little hobby? Fuck right off.
No. 1387665
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A bunch of weasels, sans the current governor, are running for office in my state. They're all a bunch of goons and freaks and clearly have been coached by out of touch PR teams to say things to win over uninformed, uneducated people or spiteful lunatics.
It makes me hope that sexism doesn't prevail and our governor stays in her position for another 4 years. Yeah, would I choose someone different if there were more options? Sure, possibly. Do the other two goons make any sense running? No. A bunch of mealy mouthed misogynistic freaks and fringe psychopaths who only exist to pretend to represent people. Such is the state of our society
No. 1387691
>>1387677>I'm really bad at asking questions and keeping the flow of conversation going, especially when I am tired and anxiousI'm dealing with a friend just like that right now. And I don't think they're boring because of it, but they make ME feel boring. You know? If you never ask questions or even try to keep things going at all, most people would assume you're not interested at all. And honestly… are you? I get being tired and anxious but if you actually liked someone you'd want to know stuff about them.
This friend told me the same thing, "I'm bad at asking questions" and I don't really get it? Don't you have any curiosity? While I'm texting someone I've always got questions in my head, like if I'm talking about my family I'll automatically wonder what their family is like. I guess you're kinda self centered if you don't get those thoughts at all.
No. 1387693
>>1387597People who say that shit are usually retards who think they're smarter than they actually are and know a language better than they actually do when in reality, if they tred translating something, they would butcher the meaning of everything they touch and then claim it was easy because they did the shittiest, laziest job possible and probably used Google Translate. The worst part is that they wouldn't even realize the damage they're doing to the original source and think they did an acceptable or even amazing job.
You know what also pisses me off? When entitled weebs deny that official translators are important for the release of a game/anime/manga, just because they want to shit on the woke localizers who butcher meanings on purpose. Yes, what those translators do is wrong and I hate it too, but that's a separate issue and they're right when they say that translators should get more credit, because everyone just takes translations for granted instead of realizing the amount of hard work and knowledge that goes into them. Entitled pricks say "you didn't create it" but translation is a huge part of the creative process and, in fact, in many cases can be as hard to do as writing the source was, because you have to think about how to tell the same things to a different audience in a different language, which is something that's not usually taken into account when writing the source text. That's why in creative works, localizers have to get really creative with ways to convey the same message to and generate the same reactions in the new audience, all while finding the right balance between creativity and accuracy, and even if they do the best possible job it's impossible to translate something with 100% accuracy while getting the exact same reactions in the new audience that the original one had to the original text. Not to mention, a good localization is key for a game/series/book's success in a foreign market. So how the fuck are translators (and voice actors, if there is a dub) supposedly NOT crucial for the success of a piece of media in a different country? I'd get it if those translators on social media were trying to take all the credit away from the original author but I rarely see that being the case and it's more the detractors heavily downplaying the role localizers have in bringing media to us only to own the SJWs.
No. 1387705
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>>1387693Thank you nonna, I assume you're a translator as well. Seems like a lot of people think all you have to do is read text from one monitor and shit it out on another. You really are creating new content in a way, even though it has the same meaning. It's a lot of responsibility and literally everything has to be perfect. No autopilot, no dead time, eight hours of work is eight hours of WORK.
No. 1387724
I feel like such a loser. I want to be more independent at my age. I am 24 and I've had jobs before, but right now I am unemployed and have never been to college (due to being poor and only having my single mother as my financial support and we don't have any family). I want to work again but I live in a really weird, niche situation where me and my mother live with an old man who constantly harasses us. He does things like gps track our cars to see where we are going, took away our internet and tv, (using mobile data rn), prevent us from having friends, controls even the air/heat to feel powerful (making it hot on hot days and cold on cold days), makes the water cold on purpose whenever I shower, shows up to locations we go to if we go to an event to yell at us for going out, etc. You guys probably think I'm crazy but he does all this and sits in bed retired all day every day just waiting to do something to harass us. He is constantly angry and has no hobbies and pretty much bases his life around making us miserable. He has beat my mother before. We have called the police many times on him and they do not care. Because of this man, I just feel so…defeated and depressed. So stunted that I have to deal with shit that no one else has to in their home that it makes me not want to deal with things outside of home. I feel like a lazy piece of shit that I choose to lay down and die instead of getting my ass up and working. Without a college degree, it is hard to find a career so that also makes me feel like a loser at my age. There was a coroner assistant job open a year ago that required no degree and I regret not taking it. I was grossed out because dead bodies but now I realize it was a great opportunity. Idk what I'm trying to say…I just feel like a failure.
I just read Heather Sparkle's thread in snow and I feel horrified. Granted, she seems like she has support and is more well off than my situation but I absolutely don't want to end up like an entitled brat who makes excuses. I am scared of becoming a lonely, desperate woman who is hopeless and is or pretends to be the victim constantly. My situation is real, but I just feel like such a loser and like I have a defeatist attitude too. I don't want to be that way.
No. 1387735
>>1387693Samefag, this is really obvious when they blame a game/series/book's failure in the West entirely on the localizers and voice actors (if applicable) but when they do a decent job the complainers take it for granted and think those people don't deserve a lot of the credit for the success of that release. When the average person consumes a translated piece of media they rarely think about all the effort it takes to convert it to their language; even anime dubfags who worship their favorite dub actors like gods tend to forget about it. They simply don't think about that part of the process. Good translations usually get praise only from people who are into translation. Translating a 200-page book, a 50-episode series or a 30-hour text-heavy game is a monumental task that only someone experienced, skilled, knowledgable and diligent could do on schedule.
>>1387705>I assume you're a translator as wellI wanted to become one, yeah. I'm really passionate about this subject, kek.
>You really are creating new content in a way, even though it has the same meaningThat's right. Even though it's not the same as writing new content from scratch (which obviously requires a lot of effort and creativity), there are also additional steps and effort. They're different but they also overlap, especially because both typically require some amount of research. If you translate long creative works you'll often find yourself studying the same topics that inspired the original author to have a better understanding of the message, because that's what you should do instead of just looking terms up in a dictionary and using the first translation that comes up to create a frankenstein monster of a text devoid of any coherence or charm.
Muchos besos to you too
No. 1387755
>>1387724Who the hell is that scrote you and your mom live with? You're not a loser, you're in an extremely
abusive situation and being held captive along with your mother.
>I feel like a lazy piece of shit that I choose to lay down and die instead of getting my ass up and workingIt's understandable in your situation that you'd be so depressed you feel like giving up on everything so don't beat yourself up.
>Without a college degree, it is hard to find a career so that also makes me feel like a loser at my age. Don't, even with a degree it's hard to find a job if you don't also have experience which of course the vast majority of young people fresh out of college don't have. They also have to pay off their student loans, at least in the US. So it's not just you. Also, it's not uncommon for adults your age to be unemployed or not be able to find a job. We're made to think that if you don't have a career in your early 20s your life is over, but that couldn't be further from the truth. There will be many more opportunities for you down the road and when you reach your 30s or even 40s, you'll realize that you thinking you were a loser and that you were doomed at this age was silly.
>There was a coroner assistant job open a year ago that required no degree and I regret not taking it. I was grossed out because dead bodies but now I realize it was a great opportunity.Not wanting to be exposed to dead people who suffered violent deaths is a
valid reason not to take that job tbh. If you think that would've traumatized you it's fine. Besides, that's in the past and there's nothing you can do about it anymore, so you shouldn't be thinking about how much you regret it. Now it's just a matter of looking at the present and finding a new job. The more you are fixated on the past, the less time you can dedicate to finding a solution today.
>I am scared of becoming a lonely, desperate woman who is hopeless and is or pretends to be the victim constantlyIt's ok to use a cow as an example of what not to do, but getting obsessed will be counter-productive and make so you afraid of making mistakes that it will paralyze you and give you more anxiety. Try not thinking that much about such things. I know it's difficult to control these thoughts, but you can do it, it just takes some time and effort to "rewire" your brain and get rid of the habit. I assure you that you are not going to end up like her, since you're self-aware (too much, I would say).
No. 1387760
>>1387508yes nonna, teeth shift when you yank a few. that's why you dont' yank teeth you can otherwise save. dentures is retarded though, you need(ed) implants to prevent this. your dentist fucked you over.
also $5k aint shit. Fix your teeth or you gon be living in that house with no teeth in your head.
No. 1387764
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i think i just realized that i have an eating disorder and have had it for the past +10 years. i hate that my parents fucking ruined me and i hate that every aspect of my life is so fucked because of them and all i can do is sit with it. everything is fucking wrong with me (except my immune system/most of my body, thank god for that) and canadian healthcare is so fucking shit that it'll take me years to get on any combination of medications that work because all the doctors think i'm insane and hysterical just because i'm a woman even though i've been right about every single thing i've ever brought up to them but they STILL don't listen. i don't even know why i'm writing this but just knowing someone out there reads it too makes me feel like it's not me being delusional and that other people see me too
No. 1387780
>>1387755You are so kind, anon. Thank you for the words. This situation for me is so isolating because most people aren't dealing with something like this or have heard of it. I do feel captive and will never discuss this part of my life to anyone ever. It pains me the justice system was built by men for men and allows them to do these sorts of things behind closed doors. He is an older man who groomed my mother when she was younger. He told her he would take care of her and help pay for a house (she comes from apartment living so this overjoyed her) and from what I wrote in my post…you know that is not what happened. He moved us away from the city and out to a rural area so that he could trap us and verbally admitted this himself. Both of their names are on the mortgage so she cannot just up and leave because he refuses to sell (it's all about the control for him and keeping us here). She is also in debt and is slowly working towards getting it down so that she can get an attorney to maybe help us move away from him.
I am looking right now at jobs so I can get some money and I hope I can get some sort of career going soon. Thank you for reading and hearing my story anon.
No. 1387794
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I am really as low as I've ever been.
No. 1387799
>>1387780I wish you and your mother luck so you can free yourselves from that piece of shit as soon as possible
nonny. Hope he dies a horrible death. I'd say if you find someone, a friend, in real life who listens to your story, you should tell them about your situation, get all the support you can.
No. 1387829
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I know I don’t have to engage with internet art communities but they used to be so fun and it’s hard to sit back and watch what they’ve become.
>talented artists wasting their time and energy on daily doodles and process videos for the algorithm instead of ever finishing big or challenging pieces
>lazy artists blaming everything on the algorithm and never thinking to make something even remotely original or hone their technical skills
>smug youtubers with mediocre or even nonexistent portfolios giving generic grindset advice while talking down to artists for not being more successful
>people falling back on “t-there’s no such thing as an original idea!” so they never have to put anything personal, weird, vulnerable, or risky in their art or recognize it in the art of others
>techies insisting that their picrews and random generated AI goop fits the definition of art as if there even is one or thinking that their images threaten skilled artists in any way
idk why i was ever self-conscious about coming off as a “pretentious” artist. i’m thinking that’s the way to go. i’m talking gatekeeping, having really nebulous themes that only i understand, having a simultaneously vague and extremely narrow definition of real art, having a workflow that goes from workaholic to bum and back every week, having really strong opinions on art that i can’t justify verbally but insist upon, fuck it. let’s fucking go.
No. 1387832
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I don't know what to do with myself because I am about to turn 30 but my best friend who would have turned 30 in September killed herself and I feel like I shouldn't be here without her even though she wasn't even a good friend. I feel like I shouldn't be here either.
No. 1387840
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>>1387829>i’m talking gatekeeping, having really nebulous themes that only i understand, having a simultaneously vague and extremely narrow definition of real art, having a workflow that goes from workaholic to bum and back every week, having really strong opinions on art that i can’t justify verbally but insist upon, fuck it. let’s fucking go.Pop off
No. 1387864
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>>1387840i used to think this behavior was just egoistic posturing and i mean like, yeah, but it's also a way to protect yourself and other artists from having work completely taken for granted and exploited. i really do believe there's an unknowable and unownable quality to good art that can never be fully explained or replicated and it's about time to start acting like it again. people who don't get it can seethe. they have their own thing, don't they?
No. 1387910
>>1387882I’m in the same boat as you but with my eyelashes
I talked to my therapist about it and resisted the urge for the day after but I went right back to it. (At the very least I don’t pull them off I just fold the lash repeatedly until it snaps off)
I just feel like I change nervous habits rather than solve the issue. Before it was biting my nails, peeling my skin, among other body focused repetitive behaviors.
Is trick even solvable like are there any recovery cases?
No. 1387957
>>1387948that and it's just that everyone who stays "cis" gets accused of being a
terf kek
No. 1387958
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>>1387944I have really bad OCD (counting, handwashing, ritualistic behaviour) and Zoloft honestly REALLY helped. my partner has trichotillomania too (with his eyelashes/beard) and he says anxiety and stress makes it worse. perhaps looking into an SSRI could help?
there's also aloe moisturising gloves I use so I don't pick my nails and scrub my hands on the constant, I feel the self-care aspect helps as well as being too thick to do much with your hands. sorry this is shit advice, wish there was some way to help.
I'm so sorry you're suffering cutie. I hope it eases for you soon.
No. 1388210
>>1388191What is your friend on? Sounds like she was jealous of you or if theyre a moid then its typical scrote behaviour
>my friend said it's a bad idea to warn my ex's new girlfriend because he may have just only been that way with meYou would be doing that girl a service tho expect that the girl may not believe and may be rude asf but don't take it personally. Moids who are
abusive to women stay
abusive no matter if its Plain Jane or Beyonce
No. 1388339
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What a piece of shit human being. Reading this news irritated me. I think he's a good voice actor and all, but to hear that he's an adulterer makes me sick.
No. 1388341
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My general practitioner made this exact look today and said "I think you should go back to counseling" like bitch I didn't even say anything wild for you to warrant that . I'm here because I want to change the antidepressant I'm on. Also I didn't come here for you to tell me to go seek alternative treatment like I already told you I don't go to therapy because my insurance doesn't cover it and it doesn't do shit for me.
But on that note…I LOVE the fact that I used to go to a psychiatrist and stopped (because of the price)m because now I just lie to my GP and tell her my psychiatrist was planning to put me on x,y,z before we stopped meeting and it stops my GP from being annoying and hesitant about prescribing me something kek.
No. 1388357
>>1388339Everyone says he has the "voice of an angel" and here he turns out to be a demon.
Please don't let my boys Mamoru and OnoD turn out to be assholes.
No. 1388397
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I don't know how to start. I always think that hot guys have a crush on me. I work in a company where everyone is nearly the same age. My boss is attractive and I'm definitely pretty maybe I do not have striking beauty but I'm good looking. My work station is right in front of my boss's office so whenever he goes out or in he looks at me. I know that it means nothing but I can't help thinking he likes me or is interested. He did not show any indication but whenever I walk by he looks at me that sometimes other employees notice. How to get rid of the feeling that he likes me. I feel disparate and pathetic. What should I do?
No. 1388410
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>>1388389Every SJW warrior uses that word. Every 16 year old on tiktok making a very basic point about social justice uses that word. The fat acceptance movement uses that word constantly. It's such a see through buzz word attempt to boost your arguments credibly by using a "big word".
No. 1388415
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>doctor will not believe I'm not having low blood sugars even while she's looking directly at my fucking blood sugar log running 90-115 consistently
>telling me to raise my a1c
>telling me I'm going to have a seizure and die if I don't raise my target number
No, thank you, I'm going to keep my feet, eyes, and kidneys.
Who wants to bet they literally just want you to run high so they can ring more money out of your rotting carcass?
No. 1388418
>>1388337I'm in the same boat and I know how much it sucks, nona. I hope things aren't too rough on you.
>>1388345Shut the fuck up, femcel.
No. 1388462
>>1388454Knew a girl just like this in high school. She'd bring it up randomly and giggle and her friends would always rush to tell her to eat lmfao. Surprise, surprise, she ended up trooning out because I guess being a fatass with an ED doesn't get enough attention. Last I've seen of her she wears a hijab now top kek.
For advice, you should probably just ignore it and remain polite if she ever talks to you. There's going to be annoying people like that in every large friend group. My bet is that there are probably other people that feel the same way about it. Try and make friends with the people you think are cool then wait it out and see what they think about it.
No. 1388473
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Fucking hate America sometimes. My state swings both ways and right now polls are indicating the shitty republican senate candidate has a little more support than the democratic one. I just want to be able to get birth control as needed but no, women are dirty and need to be punished for having sex. Doesn't help that since Nigel and I are relatively young it's been difficult trying to find someone who will give him a vasectomy. I am losing my fucking mind, I don't want fucking kids and they're the only place that will give free birth control for a lot of women.
No. 1388544
>>1388530just don't laugh at them. I cannot bring myself to laugh along to another guy's rude sexist jokes even in a customer service position. Just Pavlov him into eventually realizing he's unfunny because you never laugh at his jokes.
>>1388504Mega wholesome post. I'm really happy for you, getting out of that rut, taking control of your life, and realizing you do some good for others must feel wonderful! I wish you the best in your crawl out of NEETdom.
All NEETs reading this who want to get better - it's probably easier than you think. Be strong and you can do it! I could and I feel much better.
No. 1388558
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I want to pink pill justpearlythings manifesto chan style.
Something about these pickmes parroting moid copes just makes me want to expose them to true alpha female behavior and break her conditioning. They’re always slightly autistic insecure women looking for validation and and falling into moid “facts and logic” based arguments, probably because she hasn’t heard a proper rebuttal and the only feminism she’s exposed to is libfeminism. I know she gets heavily abused by the moids she defends, I just want her and other women to know she has more value and should rightfully stomp on these parasite incels.
No. 1388587
>>1388527>>1388540Can you describe how bad it is? Also where do you live. I havent been to a gallery in ages, because I left the place I used to live.
Are places like LA crawling with them too? What percentage of these places are trannies I'm really curious to know.
No. 1388600
>>1388558This was me two years ago. It's easier to believe that you're nlog than to accept how fucked up the world is. I started to wake up when I saw how trannies get away with blatant, textbook sexism that I thought didn't exist anymore. Unfortunately now they just blame it on "the logical conclusion of feminism" so I don't know how effective that angle is anymore.
>>13885751000% This is what saved me. Do you have the name of the blog that discusses the parasitic nature of male sexuality? I can't seem to find it, google gives me nothing but articles discussing how
toxic and evil radical feminism is.
No. 1388620
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>>1388558This sounds like a cry for help tbh. Seems like she’s already questioning the moid bullshit but blames it on her womanly emotions instead of listening to her survival instincts screaming at her to get out of a predator’s cave
No. 1388663
>>1388648Why do you think that is? I’ve asked myself that a lot as well. A lot of women, and it was the same for me as well in the past, believe that men are good by default and any abuse they experience is an unfortunate coincidence and/or that they are responsible in some way (since women more often than not internalize their trauma and blame themselves). Hearing about other women being abused either challenges their delusions about men or makes them confront the abuse they have been subjected to or are still subjected to. If they accept that what happened to you was wrong it means they would have to confront their own tolerance for abuse. They prefer the familiarity of being trapped in a narc moid’s web, and of course that’s by design.
And this too; Idk why but women think that if they are nice and excuse moid abuse it’ll make it go away.
No. 1388694
>>1388689Moids often excuse their
abusive and neglectful fathers and try to emulate them because they see them as powerful and in control. All the men mentioned who shit on their mothers had worse fathers and you can tell even when they hand wave their shitty behavior.
Even still, a man can abuse you much worse than a woman in most instances. There’s not many children who are raped and beaten by their mothers. And men can at least physically overpower a woman who physically harms them once they hit puberty. Not saying
abusive mothers don’t exist but the level of cruelty is almost always so much worse with men.
No. 1388709
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>visiting a social media site for the first time in months
>see a female name + anime girl avatar person clarifying that "humans" are terrible over something that is exclusively done by men
>look at profile; MtF
It's almost shocking how much troons act like regular men.
No. 1388723
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I’m laying in bed, stressed out about a math exam in a few hours, I have not slept yet, I can’t fall asleep because I’m so stressed about all the overlapping uni courses I have this period + work + money + moving + how the fuck do I have time to all of this shit
No. 1388784
>>1388741maybe? it did turn into a weird thing where I had to apologize for making her uncomfortable and comfort her because she isn't good with dealing with other people's emotions(her words).
But we where in a pretty large group and no one tried to change the subject so maybe everyone in my social circles are aspies
No. 1388821
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i had to put my dog down today and it was so ridiculously hard. he was 11, which is old but not that old seeing as my previous dog had lived for about 16 years. i really thought i had more time with him. he was only my second dog ever and i hadn’t ever had to put down an animal before. he had developed horrible arthritis in his hips and injured his knee. it was really sudden too, just a month ago he was perfectly fine, but before we put him down he could no longer walk or use the restroom by himself. any treatment we could have given him would’ve been thousands of dollars, and the vets flat out told us his chances of recovery were slim to none even if everything went perfectly. i tried to make his last few days joyful but he was so tired and in pain. i held him while the vet euthanized him, and smiled and told him i loved him so he wouldn’t die feeling stressed or worried. he was such a good dog, i just don’t think it’s fair. one day he was fine, the next he was limping, and then he was just doomed. i know that i ended his suffering, it’s just hard to reconcile that it was the right thing to do after his condition worsened so quickly. he was my best friend, i miss him so much.
No. 1388822
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I feel like the couch scene from Maid currently. I just want to be swallowed whole. I wish everyone forgot I ever existed, because I hate who I am and I've cut myself off from other people for so long that I don't feel human. I get depressed about being lonely but the few times people try to see me, I just want them to leave me alone. I don't want to try to get better anymore, it's too hard and I always emotionally relapse into a severe depressive state.
No. 1388852
>>1381275Hello. Worthless house is leaking sewage anon here with an update. My house is still leaking sewage, and the guy that was called to fix it took one look at the bathroom and said "I don't know how to fix it and I'm not going in the crawl space". Anyway, men are still useless in case you needed an update.
Also, I'm safe if anyone needs to know. Just stressed an irritated.
No. 1388857
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>>1388825>i should harm himYou should.
No. 1388882
>>1388852hope things clear up soon anon, get
>>1388825 to deal with him. try "janewillfixit" or some similiar youtube channel, I recently redid my own faucets
No. 1389204
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I hate all moids, young and old, child and adult. Two moids tried to talk to me while I was waiting for my bus to the grocery store today. They kept asking for my name and phone number over and over again even though there were other people waiting at the bus stop too but no one cared to tell them to fuck off despite me being clearly uncomfortable. At the store two little moid children kept driving around with their scooters and it took me ten minutes to get an item off the shelf because they didn't care when I told them to move. These two moids and their mom stood in front of me in the line at the register and I couldn't line my stuff up because the mom wouldn't make those stupid boys and their scooters move. Fuck boymoms too.
No. 1389220
>>1389215This is the
vent thread
No. 1390172
>>1388709Based Eve gif
I bet you he was talking about violent sexual crimes, something done by like 99.9 percent men.