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The catalog has been updated, see the update post for more details

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No. 2159378[Reply]

Due to an incident on August 29th 2024, all the images on /ot/ were deleted. We are slowly working to restore the image through various methods. To read more about this, check this thread:

Current recovery status:
Thread Thumbnails: 4,519 / 4,519 (COMPLETE)
Thread Images: 3,281 / 4,519

Post Thumbnails: 277,932 / 315,599
Post Images: 175,452 / 315,599

Last updated at 00:47 GMT on 10th October 2024

If you have any of the missing images, you can send them in bulk to admin@lolcow.farm, or you can report a post with a missing image and put an image URL as the report reason. We appreciate anyone who can contribute!

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No. 1936427[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1481070

>What are moovie nights?

When a host is available we hold a "moovie night" where we unite and watch movies together. Please refer to the announcement posts per event to see when they are scheduled. Everyone is encouraged to host!

>What is Tunesday?

Tunesdays are days when we listen to music, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

Timezone Resources
March-October: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230713T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eest&p4=tz_cest&p5=tz_bst&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
November-February: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20231214T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eet&p4=tz_cet&p5=tz_gmt&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
Hint: when in doubt, update the date to the current one on the site linked above, it will let you know if daylight savings is in effect.


We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:
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No. 2217628

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> Get your broom, nonny! This theme can include songs about witches, songs from movies/shows about witches, or songs witches would listen to!



No. 2217677

Will there be a playlist for this Tunesday?

No. 2217698

I can make one post-stream, yes

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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2199645

ahh that explains why the doodle boards have stagnated recently… such a shame, if only there was a way to suggest bringing back anonymous posting. Wonder what caused the feature to change when aggie turned to magma

No. 2199666

Nta, there's some sort of forum-ish part of the site (can't remember what it's actually called) where you can post feature suggestions if you have an account. I did request it and briefly you could use the board without creating an account but they switched it back. You can create a guest account though, I suggest just key smashing like anon said

No. 2202662

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come draw or ill cast a spell on you!
shitpost no theme doodle board:
madoka magica lolcow ver witches and magical boards board:

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No. 2215016[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2206701

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
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No. 2217749

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A little tipsy and thinking about the same person again. They made a big positive impact on my life but I also had a huge crush, all I can say is that if they can see me now, I hope I made them proud.

No. 2217768

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

No. 2217770

don't forget to sage next time you pretend to be multiple people

No. 2217773

If you're not interested in me anymore just stop being a fucking coward and say it. You're pissing me off.

No. 2217788

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Life is a race and I fucking lost said race, everything I would try to change in my life would be too late anyway. While I’m mostly content with how life is going, I sometimes wonder if it was for the best to go through my last suicide attempt 5 years ago and die with a better impression on others - now I’m just tired and underachieving ugh.

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No. 2202023[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

prev thread
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No. 2217603

Nobody thinks that, least of all the moids. It's just one of many vocalizations a moid makes when he gets mogged or cucked.

No. 2217779

I remember this too. They complained so much about their wives and families and now when they don't have them they want to turn around and act like it's all they've ever wanted kek. Even today in anime there's still the trope of the older unmarried woman who's desperate to get married and it feels like an extension of that old mentality that women were the ones who wanted marriage more while moids were fine without it, when in reality as we're seeing now it's more like the other way around. Women get the choice and end up not really wanting to pop out 10 kids and be dependent on a moid. The whole "family is ball and chain" also feels way more fitting to apply to women considering so many were basically forced to get married and have kids.
It's because any guy that looks vaguely feminine deserves to be called a woman as an insult to scrotes supposedly (or alternatively, gay). They cope with their ugliness by thinking only roidpigs are true manly men and that any other guy is just women being closet lesbians due to liking feminine, pretty features and youth, when that's just normal and isn't a moid exclusive thing like they've deluded themselves into believing. They seem to think only they get to like pretty things and women are supposed to biologically be attracted to ugliness even though that makes no sense and is a direct contradiction of women's gender roles in society being linked with beauty 24/7. It's like a woman is supposed to appreciate beauty only in herself and everything else but never in men

No. 2217781

i don't think it's jealousy. they were conditioned to believe that whoever doesn't look like a rugged lumberjack is "gay" or "effeminate"

No. 2217785

Nta but I think it can be both. Like they've been conditioned to think only rugged lumberjacks are peak moid but at the same time they don't realize the entire reason why they get this visceral hatred of any feminine men is also because they feel threatened subconsciously that the woman could be into something they could never be. The reason they're so attracted to the idea of roughness, ugliness and being old being peak masculinity is partially because they feel like it's something that's more easily attainable for them too.

No. 2217787

when you ask men to describe the physically ideal man they nearly always describe some gigachad-looking guy. i feel that they never think of delicate looking men as good looking.

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No. 2197306[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2217590

it's a surprise to me, I liked it and thought it was decent fun, got a little retarded and weirdly paced towards the end, but a lot of anime does that so whatever. I just watch anime on my own or with a friend and don't interact with the broader community (only individual fandoms, if that), so maybe that's why I didn't know there was this kind of dislike for it

No. 2217655

Is that a moid? It looks like a tif. I'd be surprised if women doxxed an actual moid

No. 2217755

No woman straight or lesbian wants to write about two cardboard cutout anime waifus because there's nothing between them, nothing of substance defining their relationship besides looking pretty, so people end up drawing only smutty pinups and porn instead of fanfiction and SFW doujins. That's why western f/f ships dominate the Ao3 shipping charts with barely any anime ships present. Even yuripedo is only into yuri because she cooms to the porn, not because she finds the characters interesting or really of other value than for gooning. Like every other obsessed yurifag, she spends more time screeching about the fujos living inside of her head and whining about being oppressed for liking loli and female rape rather than building a strong community generating endless amounts of content for all kinds of women to enjoy and driving for female characters to have more variation and agency.

No. 2217784

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What do you guys think about the drama surrounding Angela's new appearance in the SH2 remake? People bitching about her being ugly despite her background of being a rape victim?

No. 2217790

What does her being ugly have to do with being a rape victim?
But honestly she’s ugly in the remake, too chubby cheeks and for that it’s such a new game the textures don’t impress me (her sweater for example or the hands in detail shots)

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No. 2214978[Reply]

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.

prev thread: >>>/ot/2194866
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No. 2217766

You shouldn't compare yourself to others. You're being kind of judgemental.

No. 2217772

The comparison at the very end is more because my friend is acting weird with everyone around her. She's not just depressed she's straight up aggressive when anyone mentions anything about their own job. That aside what's your opinion? I'm worried about her and she now has some sort of deadline to find a job before her landlord tries to sell the apartment she rents but she's in denial that a lot of people have shit jobs to get by even after getting a masters degree and she may not have a choice anymore.

No. 2217775

Are acne scars (PIE) permanent? Will they fade out at some point?

No. 2217777

they will fade out in a while, sometimes it takes months so it's best to avoid getting pimples as much as possible by avoiding acne triggers

No. 2217783

I had good grades at school without doing shit until I went to a very selective high school but I only started getting good habits in university because I finally started enjoying studying, for once. I always went to the library when I needed to focus in a silent environement, turned off my phone and only used used my laptop so I wouldn't tempted to check useless shit on tumblr or twitter in the open. I know rich students pretending to be broke would instead go to Starbucks but coffee shops are too noisy. If you need to remember definitions or translations you should try to use these tiny notebooks/flashcards from Muji that can fit in a pocket, I did that when learning foreign languages. I would also put my notes on google drive to check them on my phone when commuting, make sure they're available offline just in case you have a terrible internet connection where you go. I had good grades because I also didn't skip any lectures but I couldn't skip them anyway or I wouldn't have been allowed to keep my scholarship if I got caught, unlike the rich pretending to be broke students who would often skip lectures and ask for notes two days before finals.

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No. 2190602[Reply]

A thread for sharing screencaps of hilarious posts seen around the farms.

Remember, humor is subjective. If you don't find something funny, please don't start an infight over it, just keep it to yourself. Ignore and report bait.

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No. 2215896

That… makes a lot of sense
My fucking sides

No. 2216081

That's not bj chan

No. 2216482

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No. 2217672

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No. 2217782

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No. 2197323[Reply]

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary thoughts or events from your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2168370
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No. 2217756

So you’re the one keeping redbubble in business?

No. 2217758

I didn't know buying something second hand sends the money straight to the manufacturer kek but no, according to the store's website and the tag on one of the images it's from H&M's L.O.G.G brand. But hey, I'm not excluding the possibility that H&M might sometimes make get some of their shit on redbubble considering the quality on some of their prints

No. 2217761

Respectfully, which occasion is this dress meant to be worn for?

No. 2217765

When I want to intimidate other coffee chains

No. 2217780

Please post an outfit example because i really want to be able to visualize it. I love how dumb it is

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No. 1993489[Reply]

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.
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No. 2217320

I may not know you anon but I love you.
Why are managers or even supervisors like this. I had one yell at me from across the store for putting a few products on the wrong rack (not that she'd told me which rack to put it on..) and it was so loud multiple customers looked over startled. So embarrassing. I also hate when they start making up rules that never existed before that moment and get mad at you for not doing them.

No. 2217355

Anyone work at target? Im thinking of accepting a seasonal position offered post interview.
To be clear, I have another job as an office manager and am just looking for part time physical labor since im losing weight and feeling better.
Any insight appreciated!

No. 2217364

If that doesn’t work out you should look into being a personal shopper for a grocery store or with instacart. I lost so much weight doing that and it’s the easiest job in the world once you remember where everything is located.

No. 2217459

I used to do it occasionally when i lived out in LA but now my new area is not very lucrative with instacart. I was a top 3 shopper in LA for a while kek!

No. 2217778

I work in front desk service and the population in my city exploded post pandemic because it's cheap and touristy, reaching half a million people just in the city itself. Of course the number of front desk workers hasn't increased and this means extremely long eternal lines, barely no bathroom breaks, short and late lunch breaks and doing overtime. Plus, people being more angry and aggressive than usual due to longer waiting lists and lines. My favorite is expats/migrants bitching about wait times when they are the cause of this oversaturation kek.

Anyway the population will only triple in the upcoming years. I like the benefits and the pay isn't too bad (still wagie tier but on the upper end) but I see myself ending up like a diapered amazon worker in 5 years. Maybe it's not easy for americans to relate but how do you cope with out of control overpopulation/demand?

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