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No. 2194866

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.

prev thread: >>>/ot/2175616

No. 2194889

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Late samefag but some visual aid. I can't be the only one.

No. 2194893

KEK your butt is weird

No. 2194899

If you stare at the lower illustration for long enough it starts to look like a japanese cartoon character

No. 2194934

Does any pullfag anon here know the link to the new pull discord server? I used to be on the first server which got nuked but after the new one i stopped caring and never rejoined. Im kinda getting into some w and pt cows again so if any nonnie has the link, thank u.

No. 2194940

goddamn hit the gym or something, you may be too fucking fat to sit in a chair

No. 2194943

You should squat more so your waterballoon buttcheeks can hold their shape.

No. 2194946

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No, this is how it feels for me. I can just feel myself propped up on my ass bones.

No. 2194947

If I was fat I would not have depicted myself a a stick figure. For some reason my whole body is thin except for my ass which is saggy.

No. 2194950

What the hell

No. 2194971

Kek nonna me too and I actually have a pretty plump/buff gym booty but for some reason the bones just angle down when I sit. Nobody lets me sit on their lap because of my ass bones

No. 2195045

What's a good way to describe an adult having very young-looking features without blatantly saying something like "she looks 13" and comparing them to children? I feel like that's often perceived either in the context of it being a negative thing or in a pedobaity way, I just want a neutral way to describe a person looking that way. I feel like just listing features like "large round eyes" doesn't convey the idea effectively enough because there are people who have round features but look their age vs. people who look underage.

No. 2195048


No. 2195053

I've never ever laid down on grass because I'm scared of insects crawling up my hair and ears. Is this fear unfounded?

No. 2195075

Why am I always trying to present myself as "handsome" instead of "pretty/cute" even though I am not interested in other women and have a small stature… I get happy when I look in the mirror and think I look handsome and appealing but then I ask myself "who am I trying to appeal to?" and I have no fucking idea, since I think women who like women would be the only people who'd appreciate my personal styling but I'm not trying to attract them because I'm straight. I don't make any sense to myself.

No. 2195076

I've been trying to make my diet more simple and healthy (switched from white bread to whole wheat and started snacking on more healthy "whole foods" like nuts, fruit and some dairy) but I can't beat my instant noodle addiction kek. I just crave them constantly, I've been cooking noodles with tofu and veggies but I can't make it more than once a week max because I also cook for my parents. Indomie is my kryptonite, what can I do to replace it? I thought just eating other carbs would fix it but it didn't.
Acrophobia? I hope you can beat it though nonnie, laying in grass is like the best part of warm weather for me.

No. 2195090

trying too hard to look like a child kek

No. 2195105

Is the Monster manga good?

No. 2195116

What do homophobic people actually, like… believe? Do they think gayness isn’t actually real? Or that they should just be celibate nuns/monks for the rest of their life? What is it?

No. 2195132

I’m gay and I’m like this, but I think the unfortunate truth is that styling isn’t inherent to gender and sexuality, despite how entwined it is in our society. When I see a cool woman like this and they turn out to be straight I’m disappointed but also I have a lot of respect because when you think about it, straight women mostly present themselves to impress moids. Ok, not exactly, women have styles they like of course - but stuff like this would be off-limits to them even if they like how it looks. But it’s just style. Or at most, cloth. It’s not an issue with your brain, it’s just that the style happens to appeal to you is considered gendered (or sexuality’ed?) in our society. I’m sure more women would be like you were they not. But it’s certainly not any less natural than a woman trying to present themselves as “cute”.
Interesting topic though. Unfortunately this is part of why gendies exist. It can feel shit to stick out or feel like your gender is in question, hence the “gay” transmascs who want to be cool and handsome and society tells you only men can be that.

No. 2195133

Usually religious, social arguments or personal bias. This stuff doesn't make sense u know

No. 2195135

Why are furries more common in south korea than Japan?

No. 2195137

Why would you think this is a fat thing kek, it’s the opposite. Nta and I can’t say it hurts my butthole but it does hurt the fuck out of my sitting bones.
what are their arguments though? what do they want gay people to do

No. 2195143

Coworker A says women and men have a certain role each, and to be attracted to the same sex is to assume the role of the opposite sex, which is wrong. Coworker B believes all women will end up having children and as you need a man and woman for that each, it's unnatural. Coworker C thinks it's gross. Grandma thinks it's a ploy made up by Americans to confuse children and hinder the birth rate.

No. 2195148

I’m curious as to what they would answer to questions on it though. Like does Coworker A think you can choose your “role”? Would Coworker B would be ok with a woman having children with a man but loving having a woman to love and feel fulfilled with? etc

No. 2195151

Not sure but it might have to do with Japan having plenty of healthy looking routes when it comes to costuming/ocs/mascots and etiquette makes it so that any real furries blend in with that instead of huddling into an incestuous community.
There's so many mascots its unreal.

No. 2195155

>Why would you think this is a fat thing kek
Nta either but I don't understand how a non-fat person's ass cheeks would spread separately like that when sitting, it's pretty much impossible unless it's huge or if the cheeks itself are extremely loose but i've never seen that on a thin body kek

No. 2195176

please I'm desperate, how do I get rid of toenail fungus? terbinafine temporarily worked but then the fungus came back shortly after it cleared up (I bleached my shoes and disinfected everything so idk why it came back). I've also tried prescription topical treatments, tea tree oil, and vinegar soaks with no luck. a doctor even removed the infected toenails but they grew back still infected with fungus. am I just going to have ugly messed up toenails for the rest of my life?

No. 2195196

You need to be consistent with the vinegar/tea tree soaks. Also every time I got home from work when I had fungus I would soak them in a bowl of white vinegar for like half an hour then wash and dry. Also keep cutting down the gross part. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: throw out any shoes that, when taking a step, you can feel the tops of your toes hit the top of the shoe. Mechanical pressure can and will cause fungus. Also a tolfinate brush on applicator is what I used for a few months, like close to a year overall, twice a day and the fungus has cleared up. Make sure you get it in under the nail, saturate the shit out of the nail. Also get a glass Emory board and sand down your affected toes a few times a week (sanitize board afterward) before you apply the product.

No. 2195234

This is the closest to what I'm looking for but idk if it sounds too biological and awkward to use in a casual descriptive context? To me it's like referring to someone as "a female", makes sense in medical or academic contexts but kinda weird to just drop conversationally
Not trying to refer to the way someone intentionally presents themselves, more about a person's natural features like being short or having a small nose. Stuff that's genetic and not down to fashion or behavior

No. 2195240

I was a really ugly and manly looking little girl growing up, yet somehow I had a couple of boys confess their love to me. Looking back at their mannerisms, I'm convinced they were gay since they also both hung around girls a lot. Even adults thought I was ugly, and kids are crueler so why else would they have liked me except for me being the safest crush to them? I swear I'm not a fujoshit but I must be on to something, right?

No. 2195244

youthful, or 'young-looking features' like you said

No. 2195245

i'm sorry but this is just as retarded as the "girls who like feminine guys are secretly lesbian" logic

No. 2195247

You know what you're right anon thank you.

No. 2195248

it honestly makes me really sad that you can't conceive of a world in which different people are attracted to different types of women.

No. 2195258

I've talked to a lot of people about it and a huge part of the reasoning for many people (those who have an actual logic that they'll willingly discuss and not just people going "i dont like it cause i dont") is that the procreative aspect of sex should be honored and preserved, not in the sense that you need to literally conceive a child every time but that it should be a consideration, since otherwise it leads to people using each other for hedonistic pleasure. Especially among women the disapproval for societally separating sex from reproduction and viewing it purely as a pleasure thing relates to beliefs that it causes people (esp. men towards women) to view others as basically masturbatory objects and not a human being that you have responsibility towards. I've also heard of a more nuanced "it's unnatural" viewpoint that distinguishes between "not natural" things like airplanes and pacemakers with "against nature" things which are said to invert the logical function of things, so homosexual behavior falls under the latter, idk the exact term that's used but basically same-sex pairings fall under that because they're anti-complimentary in that they don't fit together by biological function. Idk that viewpoint as well but it's kinda in the same vein I guess

A more emotional and common normie perspective is that a lot of people are disgusted by the insane nonsense you see from self-identified qweers, like gay men doing retarded exhibitionistic fetish stuff or troons being lumped together, so they have an overall negative view because that's what's presented as what being gay is all about. Tbh if you don't know anything and then some gendie comes up saying "this is what being gay is!" I understand why you'd develop a strong disapproval.

Oh and to answer your question a lot of people from the first camp would say that being gay in the sense of being attracted to the same sex is neutral, but you shouldn't have gay sex, you should just embrace being single. And I think usually people from the second camp would say just don't do anything where they can see it and just keep it to yourself. Obviously there are a ton of different reasons people are against it but this is my experience with 2 particular flavors of it

No. 2195303

yeah I was consistent with the vinegar soaks doing them every single day for months, same with applying tea tree oil and the topical treatment. my shoes all fit me properly as well. I just bought a mechanical nail filer and used it for the first time tonight - I'll try and keep the infected nails filed down so treatments can get underneath. thanks for the advice, it feels like I'm never going to get rid of this pesky fungus.

No. 2195327

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The shameful female attractions thread on /g/ has introduced me to Dasha, unfortunately. If I want the full lore and milk on her, where is the best place to begin?

No. 2195353

why the fuck are you posting this everywhere?

No. 2195355

No. 2195356

Does stabbing or a gunshot in arm hurt more?

No. 2195363

ive never experienced either but i think maybe getting shot?

No. 2195366

i think stabbing, haven’t experienced either though. gunshot wound hypothetically would exit on the other side, whereas a knife would have to be taken out.

No. 2195370

Probably stabbing at first. I think the gunshot is one of those pain-later things. A lot of people describe it as intense burning or pinching then tingling, then deep aching pain; obviously from smaller rounds. Bigger rounds would be more painful at the jump methinks.

No. 2195371

Why are you posting a child actor that was exploited by a pedophile director?

No. 2195372

I don't think simply posting his face is really an issue. It's not like she posted cp

No. 2195378

It's okay Dasha, you don't have to get angry just because someone else wore a seifuku.(hi cow)

No. 2195393

I know but it's still gross.

No. 2195394

A lot of the female celebs posted here were also groomed as children, so why is posting him suddenly gross?

No. 2195691

How many times a week do you clean your room? I clean mine every other day but whenever my mom visits she acts horrified and tells me I'm gonna have to pay for repairs because the floor is a little dirty? She gets on her knees and wipes the floor every single day at her house and I feel like I've never seen anyone else clean so obsessively. Is it really "normal" for people to clean so obsessively every single day? This seems fucking crazy to me and every time she acts this way trying to make me feel hideously unclean because I don't fucking obsess over every microscopic spot on the floor it really drives me up the wall. Every time she visits she spends hours wiping the floor without even asking me.

No. 2195704

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That really depends on things like the type of floor and how allergic your family is.
I particularly have to clean my room daily because my allergies are insane and I can't exist in a room with too much dust, my immune system makes sure to tell me the news as quickly as possible.
The floors that my parents got for the house look "kind of dirty" on purpose so we don't slave ourselves deep cleaning.they literally look like pic related. Except for the kitchen that has a more neat looking floor which is the bane of our existence since we can see every teeny tiny spot of dirt and it drives everyone mad.
If you have carpeted floors then it gets dirty easily and it's a pain in the ass to clean but easy to notice somehow, and if anyone is allergic to that then it's quite easy to notice when it's not in it's best condition.
Also, the spacing between the tiles gets dirty all of the time, so if you're really annoying about it, then you will want to clean those until they look white again, which is something that we do notice at home and try to make sure that doesn't happen at all.

No. 2195716

My mom acted like this around me as a sort of psychological abuse/troll. Saying my clean clothes smelled and that I was living in a pigsty, self-inviting and touring my whole place and pointing out a wrinkle in the bedsheets or a book left on the couch. Turns out it was her last way to 1up me after I moved out for college and was doing really well for myself, and she got married at 19 after dropping out of 10th grade, unable to conversate about or comprehend the work I was doing.

No. 2195721

my grandma was like this with my mother. one time i stayed home from school sick and while i was sleeping on the couch she scared the shit out of me by using the key we gave her for emergencies to come into the house uninvited and clean while my mom was at work.

No. 2195730

How to report websites hosting CP? I thought it would be easier than that. I found one link but it seems for the UK only (?). Isn't there like an international organization? Or maybe a US one? For once they could enforce their laws internationally for a good cause. I wish all those sites were immediately taken down.

No. 2195737

You use this website https://report.cybertip.org/
I'm pretty sure whenever LC gets CP posted the mods report the IP to that website as well

No. 2195788

Thanks a lot anon. I checked that site too quickly and thought it was only to report child abuse witnessed IRL.

No. 2195862

report it to cloudflare as well. even if the site doesn't use cloudflare they usually take reports about cp/csam seriously. you can try and find the sites host too and report it to the host.

No. 2195897

Thank you so much anon! just reported it to cloudflare and it is indeed hosted by them after checking. hope it will promptly disappear.

No. 2195982

Why do anons think celebrities and important people are aware of this site and even use it or care about what we write? Has ther ever been any evidence? I know about Angelina Jolie sockpuppeting/whiteknighting herself in other places but here? We're a specific, isolated corner of the internet that won't show up on google unless you're a nobody who only we care about.

No. 2195990

Okay but Azealia Banks probably definitely knows what this place is. She seems the type to lurk/post on LSA and we do have a sizable LSA overlap. I doubt Angelina would really give a fuck about this place she's too busy fighting with her fugly abusive ex-husband.

No. 2195996

Grimes probs

No. 2195999

You obviously missed the doja cat seething, so many newfags these days

No. 2196004

I stop using this site for months at a time so I did miss it. I know she was a channer. Did she post here or mention us directly?

No. 2196016

When did doja cat come here? I’ve been a daily user for 6 years and don’t recall this ever happening kek

No. 2196025

If I remember correctly, a farmer said her face looked like a bicycle seat and she mentioned it

No. 2196070

I'm not paranoid for thinking a 23 year old matching PFPs with a 16 year old for months is weird, right? There's no way this guy is just looking over her as a father figure, right?

No. 2196073

Do you really even need to ask?

No. 2196093

What the fuck even is the picture in below is

No. 2196102

Last thread anon said if she sat for too long she would end up sitting on her asshole.

No. 2196167

Because this guy was in a group who got assmad at me and tried spreading rumors that I was a child predator (zero evidence btw) so I wanted to think they were against that kind of thing and were maybe just grasping for straws because they were mad at me and also wanted to feel like their hatred of me was morally good. But now I'm starting to think it was a projection because they needed a scapegoat.

No. 2196184

Is it manipulative of me to straight up ask how a guy feels about me? He keeps sending me mixed messages, but is he really, or is it just the mental illness?
On one hand, I should be honest and direct. On the other, he might feel forced to say something nice.

No. 2196195

Girl I think you have literally 0 muscle mass.

No. 2196206

No? Asking someone to be forthright is like the opposite of manipulative.

No. 2196208

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This was the post she was referring to

No. 2196210

Wouldn't you feel pressured to say something positive? Like
>"noooo i like you you're not annoying haha" (God damn this bitch I hate her so much)

No. 2196211

nta but if he for some reason starts fawning at you and isn’t capable of being honest and straightforward himself (the way that you are) that sounds like a him problem

No. 2196229

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Can gay men sexually assault or rape women?

No. 2196237

Yes. I don't remember what was his name but I have read one case of a serial rapist gay moid who left 20+ women pregnant

No. 2196289

Does anyone remember that person who said that 3 million people died in 9/11? I think it was a lolcow.

No. 2196295

they are men, yes.

No. 2196306

I feel like when there are certain ideas and memes are being discussed heavily, there's often some inciting incident or person who popularized the idea. I feel like the notion of women aging poorly, men only liking young women, men only liking underaged women, etc is discussed so heavily here that I was wondering, is there some specific manosphere podcaster moid who is obsessed with young women? is that a trend in the manosphere right now? is a bump in age related anxiety really visible on lolcow because we're all too online so we're exposed to the really gross shit that incels post in discord and on ibs and stuff?

No. 2196323

>is there some specific manosphere podcaster moid who is obsessed with young women?
Like maybe 98% of men.

>is that a trend in the manosphere right now?

That has been a thing for decades, people are starting to catch up now that everyone has access to the internet and can see what moids are usually up to regarding their fantasies and tastes in women.

No. 2196361

so, I'm very very aware that this is an existing stereotype, I was just wondering if one particular person was boosting it very loudly right now because I feel like the amount of discourse on the topic has increased. for example, a big mens rights talking point a decade ago was family court but you hear less about family court now, and you hear more about height now

No. 2196369

Why do straight women act so weird towards lesbians? Not talking about anons but normie irl women. I would argue it’s a little worst than moids’ reaction to you being a lesbian, even if it’s annoying when they don’t take you seriously. Because suddenly you’re a completely different person to them. They treat you like man-lite - closer to how they treat men than fellow women. And it goes in one of two ways - disrespecting your personal boundaries, especially through touching, or treating you like you’re some convicted sex offender just for existing. It’s even more exhausting when they flip through the two spontaneously… and even worse if it’s a gaggle of straight women ambushing you because they get bold about it. I was asked an onslaught of inappropriate sexual questions by basically strangers I hardly even knew, and even though I was getting along with a couple of them as friends before they treated me completely differently once they realised I was a dyke. It’s weird because bisexual women do not get treated the same. My friend group has an ongoing conflict between the bisexual and straight girls about letting me change in the room with them or being forced outside like the guys are ffs. I wonder if not being “straight-passing” (like performing femininity or acting feminine) is a factor.

No. 2196370

Was any generation as smug as zoomers? I feel like they all try to use one-liners in real life but it always falls flat on its face.

No. 2196376

Is Japan (and maybe the rest of EA) the only place that can get away with depicting their characters as "white looking"? I feel like if any other non-white country did it people would say it's fueled by self hatred or wanting to be white

No. 2196390

>underaged “women”
sigh. you never hear people calling boys underaged “men” but society insists on adultifying girls

No. 2196398

I guess I can kind of understand them. They probably feel uncomfortable the way lesbians talks about women's bodies. And they probably see them as worse because women expects from other women to do better. That's how I think at least

No. 2196406

Don't you know, nonna? When a girl gets hit with puberty at 8, she's a full fledged underage woman. I know this because I was an underage woman at some point in my life too.

No. 2196409

But they treat them worse than moids and bisexual women. In my instances they treated me fine before they found out too (it’s not like I was objectifying women). Most out lesbians are incredibly censored anyway (especially compared to bisexual women), so I don’t get what you’re talking about.

No. 2196413

It was a hastily typed post on an imageboard dude

No. 2196416

I’m not a “dude”, and I’ve definitely heard people use the term underage women before, including other women, it’s fucking insane.

No. 2196417

how did gay men “reclaim” the word cunt? and why do women parrot it? is it wrong to be offended by it or at very least annoyed by it

No. 2196418

Nta but I’m actually trying to change that by using the term “underage man” in normal conversations. People are weirded out but I don’t care because I’m on a holy mission

No. 2196419

Here in England cunt doesn’t seem to have the same connotations as in America so this whole thing kind of confuses me. I wish it were “reclaimed” so I can use it online without people either being shocked or thinking I’m a faggot kek

No. 2196423

You seem a little too autistic about words to be here dude. Consider leddit

No. 2196426

>how did gay men “reclaim” the word cunt?
They didn't. Gay men are just misogynist but straight people let me get away with it.

>and why do women parrot it?

Because those women are stupid and/or fag hags.

>is it wrong to be offended by it or at very least annoyed by it

These are the only correct ways to feel about it.

No. 2196427

NTA, Underage woman is absolutely a weird phrase

No. 2196428

>you’re on an imageboard duuude
>consider reddit?
I imagine you with a disgusting sounding surfer frat boy accent.

No. 2196429

I meant the way lesbians see other women. Same way the men see. It's probably makes them feel more uncomfortable because it's coming from another woman. It's not about expressing it in front of them but it's just about the fact that you're only attracted to women. I think they being nasty to you because they're projecting their fear/disgust/hate. Noone takes bisexuals serious anyway so they don't count. But they're just lesbophobic piece of shits if they only treat you that way without you causing them any harm

No. 2196431

They didn’t “reclaim” anything because they’re men

No. 2196433

lesbians do not see women they same way men see women

No. 2196435

Every cuss word under the sun is basically treated like a term of endearment here kek

No. 2196437

Ntayrt but "underage women" clearly have pedophilic connotation. Why not just use girl?

No. 2196438

Mind to expand?

No. 2196444

apparently getting shot feels like being kicked by a horse, one second you are standing the next you are on the ground, before you realise what has happened, you suddenly feel someone driving a red hot poker throgh you slowly and continuously where you were kicked by the horse

however the accounts i have read were about soldiers getting shot by rifles in afghanistan

No. 2196445

If a man who was mad at you called you 'a stupid cunt', would that be seen as actual insult or not?

No. 2196446

> It’s weird because bisexual women do not get treated the same
Bi anon here and you're right. I haven't been treated great by hetties but the worst I've ever gotten was from people who thought I was a lesbian, it's so fucked up. I assume (hope) that the bisexual girls in your friend group are on your side and saying that you should be allowed in with the others? Because they should understand that SSA woman's attraction works very differently from scrote's.

No. 2196447

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No. 2196449

>SSA woman's attraction works very differently from scrote's.
Does it? Not in my experience

No. 2196450

Well yeah, context obviously matters kek, you can't just call people whatever you want in the heat of the moment. But in the UK and Australia the culture around cursing is a lot more relaxed.

No. 2196452

So true

No. 2196454

If that's in response to >>2196446 then ngl, pretty uncalled for considering they were agreeing.

No. 2196459

>It’s weird because bisexual women do not get treated the same.
It's so weird, nobody ever changed their opinion of me or treated me differently because I was bi even when I was in same sex relationships, unlike every lesbian I ever knew.

No. 2196462

> ehueheu my bisexual ass- plizz listen it naw.. I have to inzert myself to any lezbin conversa7ion bcause I attracted to women too!!!! I was sucking dicks until 3 years ago but naw I vill virtur signal by agreeing vith you like if any fucking body cares..
It both was and wasn't.(infighting)

No. 2196465


No. 2196466

I don’t know what happened in 2012 but it’s like everyone woke up one day and decided to be gay

No. 2196468

idg why lesbians are always so salty over bisexual women

No. 2196472

They're not, it's just anons on here being schizo again. Anyway let's not have this same infight for the millionth time.

No. 2196473

No lesbian will pick a bisexual cunt over a lesbian. If we fuck bisexuals it's because we have a small dating pool. Not me anyway

No. 2196475

Why do they say “smash” as a term for sex?

No. 2196485

What did the B do? Just because bihets exist and are very annoying doesn't mean bisexuals don't belong.

No. 2196498

>Just because bihets exist
You mean %99.99 of bisexuals? All trannies are bisexuals. You degenerates don't belong to pride(infighting)

No. 2196505

I'm extremely homosexual (reposting because brainfart)

No. 2196510

I think it's because of the "smashing" motion of hips?
Gay rights being passed just enough time ago for the dust to settle, plus identity politics and social media officially going mainstream at the same time.
I feel like LatAm countries kinda apply? Like that "how Mexican artists draw Latina women Vs how Latinx draw them" meme that I can't find anywhere now for some reason, I know LatAm is diverse but pretty much all the girls in the picture looked white.

No. 2196539

Ignore the schizo, yeah it’s a weird phenomenon. Sometimes it’s not even necessarily a negative change, just extremely different. I started coming out as bisexual/unlabelled SSA earlier on and it was not the same at all.

No. 2196543

This is a great example of a bisexual cunt. She's calling me schizo for stating the facts and making the thread about themselves when it was a lesbian anon who shared her own experience with lesbophobia.
>Sometimes it’s not even necessarily a negative change
You're also autistic enough to not understand it's homophobia(infighting)

No. 2196545

Is there a scientific reason why masturbating and orgasming could suddenly feel amazing to me now? Really recent change but extremely significant, like I get the shivers so easily. It’s like better than any delectable meal I could ever eat, even sans orgasm. It feels weird since it’s so random? Do women with PCOS get a libido increase, is this a sign my T is too high? Sorry if TMI

No. 2196554

>they're not
i want to believe you but i was immediately proven right

No. 2196555

This “bisexual cunt” is the anon who shared her experiences as a lesbian… Not got great reading comprehension, do we? Sometimes I think women like you are overcompensating, no one even said anything wrong.
How? You think straight women hate lesbians because lesbians are going around calling bisexual women bishits on imageboards? Don’t be retarded, especially since it was obviously meant in a sexual context (ie lesbians objectify women, when most of us don’t want anything to do with people who go near penises and that’s the whole reason why people screech biphobia in the first place kek)

No. 2196561

do you think the people defending my rapist are ever gonna feel bad about it

No. 2196562

no, even if they were or will be victims of sexual abuse.

No. 2196565

Ok it's not my problem if you defend sluts who are the biggest lesbophobes and the main actors of why world think we're closeted bisexuals

No. 2196567

i genuinely genuinely pray they never have to experience what they put me through because they would not survive a second of it. i think it had to all happen to me because i was the only one who could have still taken on all of this and made it.

No. 2196574

I don't know if I'm asking a personal question but do you feel like most rape victims who kill themselves do it solely because of the trauma itself or the reaction others give them?

No. 2196604

File: 1728252417461.jpg (64.02 KB, 703x408, 1691342688032.jpg)

My sisters said when they'd have boys over and do drugs they would give me double the dose of cough medicine so I'd pass out. I was like 8 years old. Is this normal/healthy? Am I fucked?

No. 2196609

it’s definitely both but i’ll tell you this - one of the main factors that determines whether someone who has been traumatized develops ptsd or recovers is their support system. i had a close friend who was angry at me for dating my rapist and not him; and a best friend who dated that friend in the past and was also mad at me because she felt it was a statement against her that i saw him as a friend. i cut those two off years ago but it caused me to not be able to process anything and to isolate myself and keep it secret for years until it came down to me ending my life or coming forward. i would be dead right now if i had kept it a secret, period. as bad as being literally threatened with everything from legal issues to being killed was, it’s been years since they said those threats and they didn’t manage to hurt another hair on my head. it really just hurts that someone i loved could do that to me and then let those people do that to me as if he wasn’t guilty. i’m glad he faced social consequences and bad karma though. that has been what gave me faith that i was in the right and he really was evil and even if it didnt matter to the people who used to know me, it matters to some people and the universe. i get close to killing myself occasionally still but i'm too determined to make my own positive impact on the world. he doesnt get to kill me and make my life just being his victim. i was always worth more than those people. thats a lot more than you asked but. i don't feel like i can trust people in my life with it to this day and have never felt truly supported. i had to become my own protector. i am enough to keep me alive.

No. 2196612

>pretty much all the girls in the picture looked white.
That's my point, i don't see people at least nowadays caring if the japanese want to draw themselves as blue eyed pale skin characters. But if any other non-white country did it people will call it self hate

No. 2196619

honestly the more direct answer is being told to kill myself by some pick me definitely made me not want to. feeling like my body is different and has been contaminated and i will never be the way i was and clean again (i was a virgin) sometimes makes it so hard to exist in my body during flashbacks i am tempted to kill myself on the spot to make it stop until i calm down and breathe. the emotional abuse he put me through actually makes me feel more worthless and suicidal than anything i think.

No. 2196623

File: 1728253323317.jpeg (94.76 KB, 680x600, 1728238157967.jpeg)

This is the meme?

No. 2196624

That's the one.

No. 2196635

People think Japanese do it to be white, tbf.
I remember reading somewhere that the Sailor Moon author was asked about it and she just said that Usagi was an anime character from the moon.

No. 2196676

Sorry for your trauma and vile people who surrendered you. I also have CPTSD and isolated myself from everyone so I can relate to loneliness part. You're not alone in feeling this way. I don't know how it must feel to face mental tortures from people you know when you can't even process your own trauma. Yes, people are untrustworthy, we're on our own in this world. I send you support < 3

No. 2196725

thank you. its nice to get it out sometimes. i hope you can recover from your trauma too. i am squeezing your hand meaningfully through the computer hundreds of miles away.

No. 2196726

File: 1728258353511.gif (27.2 KB, 220x250, cross.gif)

how long do you think a baby frog (american toad?) will stay alive inside my house without food/water? it's super tiny, like the size of a quarter.
i accidently let one in and it's haunting me, my bedroom is upstairs so i can sleep comfortably but damn

No. 2196735

Why the fuck are you scared of a baby frog

No. 2196736

it’s not a baby baby but it will dehydrate fast. do you have a shower that isn’t connected to a tub so you could like open a curtain or door and it could get in? if you keep it wet in there it’ll find the water hopefully and maybe you can catch it. i think flour might not hurt it if you leave some in a line you might be able to see if it changes rooms for example. or you can leave something it’ll rustle if it moves through an area. it’s likely under something or behind something right now, if you systemically look under things you’ll find it. it can’t climb stairs. but yeah it’s going to die in there within a day if you don’t save it.

No. 2196737

why the fuck are you questioning my stupidity in the stupid questions thread
alright, thank you!

No. 2196738

to add it’s probably in the same room you lost it in still. i lost a snake in my living room as a child and it went under and stayed under the first place it found.

No. 2196739

I don't understand the observer effect in quantum physics. I've searched high and low for videos on youtube who could explain this to me, but I still can't understand it. I watched a video about quantum computing from Bloomberg where they explained an example of how quantum computing can create un-crackable encryption method because a hacker merely observing the encryption key would change the key and then they couldn't use it anyway. What?

If someone understands this or knows of a good resource that explains this please tell me because the fcat that all scientists seem to accept this as undebatably true and yet no one is talking about how this should then change our entire understanding of reality really bothers me or makes me think I am missing something.

No. 2196744

eh i don't really see the "they look white thing" the other anon mentioned. maybe the green haired and pink girl sure, but the rest have very similar skin tones to the girls on the right

No. 2196745

wait same like what? it’s like they tell us this in class and then move on not even caring about the potential implications like what the fuck does that mean????

No. 2196748

> I watched a video about quantum computing from Bloomberg where they explained an example of how quantum computing can create un-crackable encryption method because a hacker merely observing the encryption key would change the key and then they couldn't use it anyway
I swear "quantum" is just a science codeword for "we have a theory with absolutely no proof but we still want the funding" kek

No. 2196756

It didn't really hit me how fucked up this is until the example from the Bloomberg video about how the observer effect would operate IN REAL TANGIBLE LIFE (in this case making codes that switch if they're observed)
It's not just gimme-grant-money bullshit from everything I can tell, there's actually an arms race between USA and China about which will create quantum computing first and China has already installed a gazillion miles of quantum infrastructure connecting banks & gov't etc, the double slit experiment is also tangibly real, it's not just a bunch of theoretical stuff like some other theories. This seems to be a real thing– a real thing that basically should completely undo everything people think about what reality is. But no one is talking about that part?

No. 2196759

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I am trying to befriend this stray cat from my neighbourhood to get her fixed and rehomed, any tips? she sees me and instantly starts walking up the stairs to get food, but still doesnt get close to me and seems afraid of me. I got another cat who meows at her when shes close and they seem to like being together, or at least i see them hanging out in the backyard sometimes. Dunno what else to do, i want to adopt her. Her name's alex btw.

No. 2196764

the fastest way to befriend a cat is to not touch her. lure her inside with food, and then don’t let her back out. then do not touch her until she initiates touch or holds herself still for you. she’ll come up close and maybe even cuddle you when she’s ready. you can test the waters by gently and slowly placing your open palm on the floor near her. she will begin her trust in you by sniffing it. or sniffing near it. putting objects that smell like you near her is also good. she will have to be separate from the other cats until she goes to the vet and gets dewormed and you see if she has fleas. you will likely need to either keep them 100 percent separate until the time the vet tells you she is worm free including their boxes or you need to deworm every animal at the same time. if they have had contact already you will likely already need to do this so it may be an easier adjustment to let them be together after you determine she has no other diseases like FIV that can kill your cat. they make humane traps if you end up needing to trap her to get her inside. i honestly think if the cats get along and you like her, you should keep her yourself but if you can’t try and foster her. she’ll grow much tamer and sweeter in a home faster than in a facility.

No. 2196775

Samefagging, I finally found a video that explains part of what I was baffled by– the fact that it seems that our consciousness is affecting reality. In the video he explains that it's really about "informational isolation" from everything in the universe. Even a tiny particle can "observe" by bouncing off of something, i.e., theoretically with enough technology you could detect the particle's deviation and trace it back to find the collapse of the probability wave. Well, in the video he explains it better. This makes it about 50% less spooky to me, but something I can't put my finger on is still bothering me about it.

No. 2196794

Do people grow out of acting like an obsessive preteen girl over crushes or do they just hide it better than me?

No. 2196802

Food. Give her snacks every day. Every time you see her you give her treats and back away. Give her nice meals every once in a while like tuna or whatever. At one point she will let you hang around and she will come closer. Talk to her when you see her so she gets accustomed to your voice. Don't stand up straight; squat when you are near her. I used to live in Serbia where my neighborhood had too many strays to count. This has been the only thing that has worked to build trust with the shy ones: lots of food, snacks, and patience. Good luck, nonna!

No. 2196807

To "observe" in physics just means to measure something. Every measurement requires an interaction with that thing.
It doesn't have to be a conscious observer. The interaction can be done by a computer, particle, anything really.
It's really not as deep as it sounds.

No. 2196820

I understand that. But why is the screen at the end of the double slit considered an "observer", but not the material of the double slit itself? Both of them are interacting with the photon. The photon itself hits the double slit as a waveform. Shouldn't it by that logic, collapse at that point, since it has been interacted with?
This is my only remaining question and I haven't been able to find an answer.

No. 2196822

quantum fags are extremely pretentious. none of this stuff actually affects as much as they claim it does.

No. 2196826

Uh, it's a slit, a hole
What passed through didn't hit anything, it went through the hole

No. 2196828

But the slit barrier is still interacting with the waveform by funneling the waveform through just 2 slits. Since hypothetically the interference pattern would probably be different if it were 3 slits, or 12 slits, The double slit is therefore affecting the photon/waveform, right? So why does it not collapse then?

No. 2196833

My country recently got last names in the past century or so, and one of my ancestors decided to name himself after a region I have 0 connections to. Neighbouring country, in fact. . Do you think he meant it for real? Like is there a chance he just randomly named himself after an irrelevant foreign city. Please help me cope because I know the residents are retarded

No. 2196843

A photon that hits the barrier would collapse then
The photons that pass through collapse on the wall

No. 2196844

But anon, the double-slit experiment shoots one photon at a time, and all of them go through as far as I have heard.

No. 2196850

I know. I'm saying a photon would only collapse at the barrier if it hits it.
It seems you have a problem with accepting the wave nature of photons. You're focusing on the collapse of the wave function thinking it turns the photons into particles. They just don't behave like particles. That's the whole point of the double slit experiment.

No. 2196856

I don't understand what makes you say that the part I'm confused about is the wave-like properties of particles. Can you reword?

No. 2196858

File: 1728267604933.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.31 KB, 733x682, C9E38E95-EC5A-4FAC-B4A7-FAF9D9…)

Do you think my great grandfather might’ve had some gayreek influence if he chose the last name cretan? Or could it possibly be vibe based or completely random word that popped in his head? Or maybe a nickname for an unrelated reason?
Nvm it’s so fucking over

No. 2196860

Would you say it's overblown to block a moid soliciting nudes from nerdy women in a discord server? Everyone is a adult in the server, but I find that behavior gross and deplorable. I don't think it's a big deal, but others are saying I'm making a big deal.

No. 2196861

If you accept the wave nature of the photon, there is no confusion over the photon interacting with the slit. It's not a particle that has to "decide" which slit to go through. It's a wave that goes through both and collapses at the wall producing an interference pattern.

No. 2196863

theres nothing wrong at all with blocking someone you dont want contact with

No. 2196866

No it's not and it should enlighten you on the views of your friends in that server.

No. 2196867

No, I understand that. Think about it like this, the shape of the barrier is affecting the wave, even though it goes through it. Why does that not count as influencing the photon?

No. 2196871

He sounds like a sleaze. People like that cause so much drama, and you're not obligated to interact with them. Block. I'd personally go a step further and leave the server, if they are trying to make you think you're in the wrong.

No. 2196875

But it doesn't affect the wave? The wavefunction stays the same, the same function describes all possible pathways no matter the number of slits. And it stays that way until the moment of measurement when something interacts with it.

No. 2196876

sounds like pro jared

No. 2196895

Your sisters are complete assholes for doing that you. You are fine. Getting double doses of cough medicine didn't damage your body or brain. If you want to verify this, just google "overdose of whatever cough medicine they gave you". You will see it takes a lot more than a double dose to mess someone up.

No. 2196897

No. 2196901

Don't be silly. Your great grandfather was clearly a descendant of a Turk who got kicked out of Crete during the Cretan Intervention. He took the last name as a fuck you to Crete going back to the Greeks.

No. 2196934

So which one is it kek

No. 2196971

>But they treat them worse than moids
I think there's a few reasons, first being men are higher in the social hierarchy and it's harder to bully them in such a way. Women are easier targets, especially women that are often marginalized.
Straight women are used to being preyed upon sexually by men and when they encounter a woman that in their eyes preys upon them in a similar way (this is their perception of lesbians - doesn't have to be true) they probably release this frustration on lesbians.
More generally though, normies will often find something that makes you weird and use it as ammo, I got bullied at my workplace for having a foreign boyfriend kek. Constant "accidental" confusing on where he's from coupled with laughter, very intrusive sexual questions that make no sense to ask etc. So despite being a normie straightie I possessed a strange quality that made me susceptible to being bullied. People can just be mean.

No. 2196977

It's both. People do grow out of it and people pretend like they grew out of it but secretly obsess like a mofo and keep it to themselves.

No. 2196979

I’m almost 30 with a crush for the first time in several years and I can tell my friends think I’m being immature but really it’s just cause they’ve been in long term relationships and have forgotten what it’s like.

No. 2196984

Is there something wrong with me for going through life being polite and avoiding confrontation from people I don't care about even if they are trying to instigate something? Or are they just mad about minimal reaction? Should I stand up for myself even if it genuinely doesn't affect me?

No. 2196985

>breaking out randomly
>wash hair
>break out gets even worse
Fuckkkkk. Are there even any shampoos that don't cause forehead breakouts?

No. 2196988

Maybe dandruff shampoo? It helps with things like fungal ance

No. 2196993

I honestly meant to post in the vent thread but thank you anon! It looks like neutrogena has one with salicylic acid, I think I'll try that or vanicream.

No. 2197021

Atoms are gay

No. 2197031

Would a BPD woman and bipolar woman get along as friends?

No. 2197033

Is there a relationship between social skills (or lack thereof) and skill in rhythm games? I'm no academician but purely based on my personal experience being in fandoms for over a decade, I've noticed that among my acquaintances, the biggest oddballs achieved the most god tier scores in rhythm games. Examples include a very mentally ill TIF that lives on unfunny moid tier humor, a NEET who dropped out of school because of social anxiety, a porn obsessed weirdo etc. Many of them have described going into a kind of a weird trance as they played, maybe that's something regular people can't do

No. 2197042

>Many of them have described going into a kind of a weird trance as they played, maybe that's something regular people can't do
I'm assuming the weird trance is just the muscle memory taking over. You can't really be super cognizant being good at rhythm games, a lot of it is just muscle memory. Autists love repetitive shit so they might be low-level autists.

No. 2197057

you get used to pattern recognition when you perform an action so many times. you see the pattern and your mind automatically remembers how to do that action just like when opening your phone you can probably do it with eyes closed. being really good at rythm games takes hours of repition and restarting songs to make perfect scores which might piss off the average person. it definitely takes a bit of autism. some think they're hot shit when in reality they're playing a hard looking track that has simple patterns going very fast. i love rythm games but the moids in them are a plague who would sooner accuse you of cheating or someone playing on your account.

No. 2197059

Is a change in bowel movements a good reason to see a gastroenterologist? Or would it be an overreaction?
All of a sudden my digestion has slowed down and I don't have the urge to poop after my morning coffee like I used to. In fact I don't have the urge to poop at all

No. 2197063

Is it true that having unprotected sex can make a woman ovulate earlier? I'm scared

No. 2197064

What even is the meaningful difference between the two other than BPDchans are more vengeful and manipulative? They both have extreme mood swings and are unpredictable. You'd probably want to kill each other

No. 2197065

Keep track of your BMs and your diet for a week or so. Also note down any other symptoms you may be experiencing, and your menstrual cycle. Changes in bathroom habits alone aren’t necessarily anything to worry about but combined with something else could be a reason to pay your dr a visit. It really could be anything - diet changes, habit changes, new supplements, anxiety and stress (in case of diarrhea). Generally speaking if something is really wrong you will know right away so it’s probably habit-related, but I’m not your doctor and you know yourself best.

No. 2197074

Thank you nonna!

No. 2197076

Probably if they're both medicated/in therapy?

No. 2197080

Some of it depends on whether you are talking about bipolar 1 or 2, but bipolar doesn't make you jealous, you don't split, you have a stable sense of self and don't skinwalk, and don't have that extreme fear of abandonment. Unless they are going through a (hypo)manic episode, they also aren't aggressive like BPDs. The disorders don't have anything in common other than mood swings, but bipolars aren't as unpredictable when it comes to that because their episodes usually happen in large bursts rather than going from happy to wanting to kill you for no reason every 2 hours like bippies do

No. 2197107

I don't get how someone cannot have inner monologue. Like how you can have your own thoughts if you don't think inside your head. Like how can anyone think without having an inner monologue?

No. 2197130

I am going to start taking ADHD meds soon. What changes did you guys notice? I am scared I might become too sleepy and tired. Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult is horrible.

No. 2197142

>I am scared I might become too sleepy and tired
They are stimulants, that's the opposite of what they do

No. 2197146

Hey nonna, I went through that too. It’s a real nightmare, but it’s worth it in the end. My main struggle at first was irritability and anxiety, I had to do a lot of mindfulness and meditation to cope. They also made it pretty much impossible to take naps in the evening, and drinking made me sick (which could be a good thing, depending on how you look at it) My heartrate also shot up in the first week before stabilizing. I wear a garmin and apparently my RHR went from 42 to 52 at its peak before stabilizing around 48bpm.
None of these issues were particularly severe and I was able to keep doing my things without issue. It also all stabilized after about a month.

No. 2197156

Like the other anon said expect irritability and restlessness, also they can't force you to focus on the task at hand if you simply do not want to do it. I expierenced extreme nausea on concerta, always felt like I was on the cusp of vomiting, but it was a small price to pay for getting through high school and daily life

No. 2197159

It depends. Do you really not care or do you tell yourself you don't care because standing up for yourself is scary? If really don't care, and you can stand up for yourself in situations you care about, you're fine. Some people don't like conflict and only engage when they think it's necessary.

No. 2197192

So if all men were to disappear and for some reason Muslim women wouldn't just call it quits religion wise, would they still veil up? is hijab and niqab for mens eyes or like idk Allah?

No. 2197196

>I am scared I might become too sleepy and tired.
That is not going to happen. In fact, you're going to start having sleeping issues. You'll wake up in the middle of the night more often, and what sleep you get will be less restful.
You'll be able to concentrate on stuff waaay easier, things will bother you less, and you'll accidentally become obsessed with stuff sometimes to the detriment of what you're actually trying to do.

No. 2197197

If all men would disappear no women would be religious at that point

No. 2197200

DojaCat got so mad about someone saying her face looks like a bicycle seat that she threw her phone. This is great.

No. 2197202

If I have endometriosis, small fibroids, cysts on my ovaries that get quite large before they rupture, and breast lumps, does that mean my estrogen is too high? I can't afford to go to a doctor (I live in burgerland) and the ones here don't try to help you figure out what's wrong, they only treat symptoms. I'm not fat (110 lbs) and I exercise regularly, but I am prone to getting stressed out which may be throwing off my hormones? What should I do? I don't take BC of any kind.

No. 2197208

Drink nettle tea daily and try to get your hands on a course of metronidazole.

No. 2197214

this what I was saying, in this hypothetical they for some reason would be, do not be dense nona

No. 2197215

As far as i know, it's literally written in their book that it can entice desire in men (and it'd be your fault). If they can unveil around other women and their family, i assume it's not for Allah, kek. Please correct me if i'm wrong or if it's different for different regions.

No. 2197217

File: 1728309862054.jpg (31.52 KB, 300x300, eti-topkek-kakaolu-35-gr-24-lu…)

If lc was a forum, what username would you get? I'd choose these:



No. 2197226

That's what I was thinking but I have no deep knowledge of Islam and honestly think the whole thing is dumb but thank you! I was bored in ethics class thinking about this

No. 2197227

Ew nona…ew

No. 2197234

I love autismo-gizmo kek. But the unhinged&thriving one sounds like a retarded tiktard username, sorry nona.

No. 2197265

does anyone know of any fun webcam apps that you can download for you laptop that are like snow and the tiktok camera? is it possible to download snow onto a laptop? i just want to take cute laptop selfies.

No. 2197273


No. 2197275

And who cares? Stupid question(this is the stupid questions thread)

No. 2197279

> XOXO_NigelBasher_OXOX

No. 2197295

Is it actually realistic to learn Chinese, Korean and Japanese at the same time?

No. 2197297

Probably not

No. 2197304

what’s the worst place on 4chan to post my rapist

No. 2197307

>stupid question
>in the stupid questions thread

No. 2197310

Why do autistic men talk like they're narrating a movie?
In a kink thread on /soc/. Ruin his life nonnie.

No. 2197317

If you’re learning them for fun then it’ll be fine, you’ll just learn them very slowly and might get confused. If you’re more serious about learning then it would be better to focus on one at a time

No. 2197414

AYRT I think I was experiencing sleep deprivation paranoia. Slept for the first time in 36 hours and I’m back to my normal racist self now, it really made me think karma was getting at me! But there is no karma in this region of the world, only the weak fearing the strong. Rrraaaagghhh I rise back on top

No. 2197542

File: 1728325421521.jpg (59.16 KB, 660x495, 1000017099.jpg)

DAE massively overeats in the week before their period?

No. 2197548

No. 2197553

Autistic people sometimes borrow their tone and vocabulary quirks from other people and media, without modifying them

No. 2197554

i am as im typing this

No. 2197581

Lmao yep that cat is me right now and my period is coming in like two days.

No. 2197658

This is dumb but I am going to be commuting for the first time in two weeks tomorrow. My commute goes through areas that were flooded and experienced landslides. I know it's open technically but I don't know how much of it is business-as-usual or operating as one lane only. I am commuting to take my midterm tomorrow for a class, should I contact the professor and just give her a heads up I may be late? I'm planning to leave earlier than normal but like I said I'm not really sure what to expect.

No. 2197685

i would honestly email your professor and just say do you have any advice i don’t know if that area is safe and then they can probably just excuse you until it’s safe to come.

No. 2197746

Where's the movie discussion thread? I swear I've posted in it before but I can't find it anywhere, I went through the entire m catalog. It's like a thread to just talk about movies we've seen and whether we liked them or not, where the fuck is it I know there is one.

No. 2197750

No. 2197784

I was using a vpn and caught someone else’s permaban and it’s showing lolcow on my laptop reversed and I don’t know how to fix it. Sorry if this seems kind of newfaggy I used to be able to know this but you know my memory isn’t that great and years have gone by

No. 2197794

You can't fix it, it's mean you got permabanned. Anyway just type: lolcow.farm

No. 2197810

You have to clear the website cookies

No. 2197819

open in a private browser with the original.lolcow.farm address

No. 2197872

Thank you!! I am blind and retarded apparently

No. 2198165

Does kiwifarms have a sage feature? Im sick of scrolling through retarded moid opinions and "hilarious" commentary before i see milk. The highlights thing rarley brings me to anything good. Usually its just some random retard giving his opinion no one cares about and not milk. I almost never use the site because i prefer lolcows culture so i know little about kiwifarms.

No. 2198180

No, the highlights feature is as close as you can get to sage

No. 2198190

Why do people never larp as Mormon or a jw? why is it always catholicism or Protestant Christianity on Internet

No. 2198195

How come we don't have dumbass shit threads on /ot/ anymore? They were some of the comfiest and funniest threads imo

No. 2198203

Tl;dr it supposedly got too many reports/attracted too many newfags Even though there's like a dozen other threads here with the same problem, even worse than DS. Tbh I don't buy their excuse but we can't discuss that now

No. 2198204

Catholicism has iconic visuals like nuns, ties to horror like exorcisms and overall goth vibe from old Catholic Churches, stained glass windows, etc. Not to say all these things are exclusive to Catholicism but most commonly associated with it.
Everyone I’ve met thinks JW are annoying and wet blankets so I think that’s why.

No. 2198225

That stinks. I guess Robert Frost was right when he said nothing gold can stay.

No. 2198227

jws are just not cool in any way, and mormons are obligatorily prudish which I feel conflicts with the thot element that is truly an essential part of so much tradthot larping.

No. 2198230

nonas wtf should i do my cat accidentally shit on a sherpa blanket. How do I get it out?? its pretty liquidy and I've tried picking as much of it as I can up with a paper towel but I'm scared of accidentally rubbing the poop into the sherpa fibers. idk where to go from here

No. 2198251

i need someone to spoonfeed me on the kirby slit incident and any supposed posts about kirbyfag's fantasies on fucking the penguin. all ive been able to find is her drawings in the rate my art threads but im curious on how bad her fantasies are that its still echoed across threads to this day

No. 2198252

Mormonism is pretty niche, you could only get away with it if you were a white american. Even so, they seem really tight knit and you might have somebody from the church actually reach out to you because apparently they are really fond of influencers shilling their religion, so it would be awful if you got exposed that way. JW is far more popular and wider reaching, so anybody could larp as one in theory, but they have a ton of rules and it would be incredibly hard to keep up with the larp. It's kind of like trying to larp as muslim tbh, you'd get exposed so quick for slipping up on a tiny thing. I knew somebody who was a JW and they literally forbid dating and are equally are prudish as mormons. Plus, they have a really terrible reputation similar to mormonism for being culty and weird. You have nothing to gain from larping as a JW. Catholicism has the aesthetics, although growing up as a catholic i never really noticed them and thought it was pretty normal, so that would be the red flag for me if a larper was obsessed with that stuff. One thing for sure is that they let anybody in. Plenty of people convert from islam and protestant/evangelical/Pentecostal christianity because they prefer the more tranquil and reflective vibe that catholic mass has. All in all, it's harder to larp as one than to just go to mass for 30 mins, it's literally so easy to be a catholic. Same with protestant i would presume, it's easier to just be one for real than to larp. But since the barrier for entry is so low, i guess that's why it's easier to maintain the larp since people who aren't christian would eat it up anyways. I know with protestant christianity, they tend to be a little more progressive, not so much catholicism since they still have a hard stance against troons and peddle against abortion in 3rd world countries.

No. 2198254

She showed her therapist pictures of kirby's slit.

No. 2198263

the original post was in one of the /g/ bunkers during February 2022 when /m/ and /ot/ broke. the other sexual posts are in the husbando threads, usually about kirby and co. having a dick instead of a slit (on CC she said she changes between the two since kirby doesn't have a canon gender). the therapist post was in one of the confessions thread.

she hasn't posted in the husbando threads recently though, she stopped sometime around the later half of this year. i think the last post she made was in the previous questioning sexuality thread, basically saying she was describing the characters with dicks to fit in more with the other husbandofags but in reality she's mainly attracted to vaginas (or at least vags on cartoon balls idk)

No. 2198266

wash it in a machine with laundry sanitizer or throw it away

No. 2198267

samefag (i'm too tired to delete and repost sorry jannies) she had more sexual drawings that were posted on some 4chan thread on /trash/

No. 2198271

>she had more sexual drawings that were posted on some 4chan thread on /trash/
do you remember the name of the thread? i need to find an archive i need to see her weird kirby slit porn

No. 2198274

What do anons here mean when they describe men as “masculine” or “feminine”? Obviously I know what the terms mean in general, but what specific personality/behavioral/physical traits would you describe as masculine/feminine when a man has them? I want to see how closely my definitions of these terms match up with other anons’.

No. 2198302

File: 1728368883862.jpeg (696.93 KB, 1068x1403, 30C9328F-135C-41D9-8E99-FB6305…)

Warm water and a bit of dawn soap. Try to get as much as you can out with paper towels(okay) or a cleaning rag(recommended). Spot treat with something like oxiclean, wash out with warm water and paper towels/rag.(Not necessary sometimes but I like doing this step anyways) Before putting it in the wash put a dollop of your laundry detergent directly on the stain and rub it in. Wash on a sanitize cycle if you can, bulk cycle otherwise. Don’t use heat. Sherpa requires cold water only. You can put it in your dryer for a spin cycle but once again don’t use heat. Let air dry preferably in the sun.

No. 2198310

File: 1728369411562.jpeg (34.62 KB, 304x304, 1C066B7C-36D4-4CCC-9176-A03EA6…)

Forgot to mention that if the Sherpa becomes a bit dense from all the mechanical friction, a slicker brush can help get it back to its original shape. You can wring out the water by hand and not put it in the dryer at all. Just let it air dry. Good luck nona!

No. 2198318

How do you find girl friends? Ive always wanted a good, deep friendship with another woman who have been through similar shit but women for some reason don't like me? I can't even identify the core of the problem. What can I do?

No. 2198322

Friend finder thread

No. 2198337

Go to female oriented hobby groups or dance lessons, safe gatherings where women sing etc group therapy. You can make friends there pretty easily

No. 2198338

best of luck if you end up using the ff thread, all of the posts i have added were confirmed to be women (the same cannot be said if you create a post, nonas have testified moids/trannies adding them though they can be shaked off with voice verification). youll have to be prepared for nonas that just ghost out of the blue though some are kind enough to say it isnt working out before cutting contact, dont get discouraged and eventually youll find someone that clicks. just remember that you have the safety of having an online contact only and to not hesitate blocking if a nona gives a bad impression/vibe (i have 'befriended' nonas who revealed to be insane/infight instigators and have been quick to unadd them, no harm has been done aside from possible backtalk with other ff nonas but idc since im not there to see it)

No. 2198411

I'm 130lbs. Will a 20lb weighted blanket be okay for me? Or is it gonna crush me?

No. 2198427

Im the same weight and I'm using a heavier one, the first few nights will feel a bit strange but you'll be fine.

No. 2198476

Am I the only one who thinks womens underwear is designed inherently sexually? I’m wearing granny panties too like what fucking reason does it have to show my asscheeks for

No. 2198481

Yeah, I wonder why every single panty and bra have ribbon on it

No. 2198568

how do I quickly change my art style because I want to start anew and not be recognised by the unfortunate following I've created for liking a character very autistically

No. 2198619

How do I make a custom BJD body? Can a 3D printer work?

No. 2198625

This is why I wear boxers

No. 2198633

Yes. You can design the body in something like blender or another 3D rendering software and 3D print it. You could try YouTube for videos about the process.

No. 2198689

File: 1728402105287.jpeg (14.8 KB, 338x338, IMG_0726.jpeg)

What is this? Charm found on several handbags.

No. 2198885

Do people really laugh at people who screw up in america?
Whenever I see american movies and a character screws up or something weird happens all the other people, strangers, stand behind them to look and laugh. I always assumed it was a fictional only thing because no one here would ever do that, if something weird happens people would look out of curiosity and concern to see what is going on but they wouldn't laugh and it seems like such a weird reaction. If anything people would be most likely to look away and pretend they didn't see anything to not get dragged in. But even in movies depicting real people's life it happens, they screw up and strangers laugh at them. Is that an actual cultural thing that happens? Or is it a cultural fictional thing even? Idk it just seems so weird to me as a eurofag

No. 2198887

It’s to get that last piece of shit out when you poop.

No. 2198890

It's part of the bag

No. 2198894

The ribbon tells you which way is the front. I don't get the hate for it, unless it's different where you live because here it's fucking tiny, flat, and barely even looks like a ribbon and makes it easy to find the front and back even in the dark because it's tactile.

No. 2198895

I’m not American but if someone fell on the street in my city I can totally see a group of males mercilessly taking the piss out of them

No. 2198898

Looks like a jewelry box key almost

No. 2198967

guys what's the difference between self sabotaging and just being an irresponsible retard

No. 2198976

if you live in the west and you have 4 self-diagnosed disorders from Tiktok or the east

No. 2198988

I dunno…upbringing? Like if you were never taught to be responsible then it’s going to be tough to learn. But if say you were raised to normally be responsible and you procrastinate and make excuses or the wrong choice, it could be self-sabotage. Like preventing yourself from getting a certain outcome or goal because you feel like you don’t really deserve it or something. But idk I’m just guessing.

No. 2198992

There is no difference, only retards self-sabotage
You really have to be an idiot to do things that go against your own interest

No. 2199001

i often ignore my responsibilities, procrastinate and freak out and shit myself about it later, but i thought it was just due to being irresponsible and not giving a shit. but like just now i had a huge opportunity i 100% really wanted, and i messed it up because i couldn't bother reading the instructions correctly. this stuff happens a lot. i don't even bother making friends because i'm so unreliable and flaky. i don't know what's wrong with me at this point.

not sure how to determine if i was taught responsibility or not, but i'm absolutely an idiot.

No. 2199014

You been tested for ADHD or anything like that?

No. 2199028

Oh boy, this anon was right
>if you live in the west and you have 4 self-diagnosed disorders from Tiktok

No. 2199036

i have diagnosed autism but i don't think i have anything else. i just always procrastinate, assume it'll work out and quietly freak out 24/7. but maybe some of the adhd techniques could still work for me.

No. 2199067

this so eeriely similar to me that it feels targeted kek. did your parents do everything for you because they were too impatient to teach you things? you're used to everything just magically working out and it confuses your spoiled autist brain when it doesn't

No. 2199080

Nta but no shit? That’s why it’s called a disorder.

No. 2199092

have any of you ever actually gone on 4chins? i'm too scared because i feel like if i do the website will just magically cache all my info and steal my identity

No. 2199095

Use vpn lol

No. 2199098

>trusts the lolcow site over 4chan

No. 2199099

literally yes, that's probably a good way to describe it

No. 2199105

Google already stole all your info, you don't need to worry about 4chinz KEK

No. 2199123

think about the things you routinely self sabotage on, in this case it was an opportunity that would have been good for you, what was the hurdle in following up? was it the amount of paperwork? reaching out to someone else? or did you have anxiety about accepting the position? sometimes people self sabotage because it allows them to predict what will happen, giving them the illusion of control over the situation.

No. 2199132

i dont think any of our mods know how to steal someones identity or have the energy to actually do it

No. 2199215

i was joking, but i'd wager you'd be more likely to have your identity stolen by evil jannies on a small imageboard than 4chan since that's something anon is concerned about

No. 2199260

why do bongs say "ehm" but type it out as "erm" with an R?

No. 2199276

Because that's how they pronounce the r.

No. 2199280

i know their r's are silent but why add one at all? ehm isn't even a real word

No. 2199281

I don't understand what you're saying, are you saying they should just say the r like a yank or are you saying they should invent the word "ehm" to use instead of "erm"? Kek

No. 2199285

i'm asking why does the word "ehm" need an R in it? i dont think that the R should be pronounced i just don't see why it would be included in the word at all

No. 2199291

and samefag, if the logic is that there needs to be an R in it because british R's are silent, then why don't they add an R to balm? or calm? or phlegm?

No. 2199295

The word isn't "ehm", the word is "erm", they just pronounce it like "ehm" because they don't speak American good.

No. 2199299

File: 1728421142979.jpg (45.26 KB, 1280x720, ermgerdddd.jpg)

but nobody says "erm"?? the only people saying it are british people saying "ehm", and the american version of this is "uhm"…

No. 2199303

Americans do say "erm" kek but it's not as common as "uhm".

No. 2199305

so bongs type the word "ehm" out as "erm" because some americans do say "erm". got it

No. 2199313

No. 2199337

File: 1728422862228.jpg (386.76 KB, 192x192, 30215.jpg)

Is this gif hot for anyone else?

No. 2199341

No one cares about fat white people's culture, stop making everything about your disgusting shitty assholes(lost retard)

No. 2199502


No. 2199530

Just looks like a moid being testerical, so no.

No. 2199626

File: 1728439087062.jpg (203.24 KB, 1024x1537, elliot_rodger_-_p_-_2014.jpg.j…)

If native Americans and other indigenous people are from Asia, then does that make half white half natives hapas?

No. 2199681

Is there a website where I can share writing templates (specifically I'm looking to share business/legal templates)? Not necessarily to profit off of them. It's just when create something decent & original you kinda want to share it ya'know?

No. 2199702

are half indians (from india) hapas?

No. 2199706

Natives are from Asia? Since when?

No. 2199709

land bridge between alaska and russia during the ice age or some shit could be bs tho

No. 2199710

Is there a religion that actually puts women above men? I'm thinking of starting a cult like this but I don't wanna steal someone else's idea

No. 2199733

Some neopagan circles do but in a fetishistic way if they include men in their communities.

No. 2199743

being spanked by your parents at a young age would have prevented this, but since it's too late for that now you should resort to taking drugs

No. 2199750

Are Radfems outside of lolcow worse or better?

No. 2199751

mixed bag. it's grown to the point there's contradictory sublabels emerging so nobody has consistent beliefs anymore

No. 2199762

When people sell Pokemon cards for tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars, do people really buy them?

No. 2199767

do you think my boyfriend knows I smoke considering my random 'late night walk' habit I do now? I just vape kek

No. 2199769

Yes my boyfriend buys them

No. 2199789

File: 1728455400796.png (342.48 KB, 863x1613, Screenshot_20241009-012456.png)

How did Roblox's valuation get so high? What potential did investors see in it?

No. 2199802

File: 1728457338833.jpg (215.9 KB, 1000x1500, 1000049346.jpg)

Where did chud come from and what does it mean? I got confused why people were suddenly referencing this random movie but apparently they weren't.

No. 2199804

I heard Canadians calling people Chuds before in like 2010, I think someone probably used it on reddit and it became a meme. I dont believe it has any connection to that film.

No. 2199811

File: 1728458146827.jpeg (7.9 KB, 182x200, chudjak-poljak.jpeg)

Do you mean chud as in the insult/meme? Because it just comes from when people were making fun of /Pol/ users by basing a wojak off the El Paso shooter (no idea why they used "chud" as the name though)

No. 2199815

The potential to milk children for money because they're easy to manipulate into buying skins, games and cosmetics. Especially since more kids nowadays have access to their daddy's credit card. And if they don't, they'll just be annoying and throw tantrums until parents cave in.

No. 2199835

It's one of those insults twitter tards thought up because they can't just call somebody a retard or fag.

No. 2199840

Should I stealth lesbian and pretend to be bi so I can fuck the TIFs or no

No. 2199866

Pretending to be anything to fuck someone is weird and borderline rapist , no.

No. 2199869

>borderline rapist
Are you fucking serious kek

No. 2199872

Ok, I admit borderline rapist is stretch. But if you have to lie to someone to fuck them, maybe you don't need to fuck them. Idk why you/OP even want to fuck TIFs anyway.

No. 2199876

Some TIFs are just girls with pronouns and as a zoomer it’s like every SSA woman these days, unfortunately. Something tells me a straight woman saying a similar thing wouldn’t get the same kind of reaction though…

No. 2199878

>Something tells me a straight woman saying a similar thing wouldn’t get the same kind of reaction though…
I would still say she shouldn't do it and that's it's bizarre to lie to fuck trannies, I'm SSA anyway so it's not lesbophobia or whatever. Anyway, if it's just like any other SSA woman then you shouldn't have to lie.

No. 2199880

File: 1728463956682.gif (3.02 MB, 491x270, vQYWVY.gif)

I shared a doobie (one lil puff) on the weekend with someone who's since been diagnosed with mono. What are the odds that I dodge it?

No. 2199899

Maybe don't outright lie, but say you don't label yourself or whatever. Imo it's odd at best, but TIFs expect everyone else to lie to them 24/7 to spare their feelings anyways.

No. 2199903

I have sex dysphoria, you can fuck me baby

No. 2199949

word doesn't mean anything these days anon so go rizz that tif up. or maybe just casually mention that you are a lesbian and not a bi after you done sexing her

No. 2199957

Twitter did not come up with the term chud

No. 2199970

whats the difference between especially and specially? please help an ESL out

No. 2199971

What's the context? Especially means particularly, and specially means for a specific/special purpose, but 'specially could just be how a person says especially

No. 2200034

do people really believe that hurricanes are being manufactured?

No. 2200057

Yes, cloud seeding is a known thing and they discovered how to change the course of hurricanes over 50 years ago

No. 2200113

Do any of you know good public record searching websites? I don’t remember my friends birthday and I’m trying to find out but every time I put her info into a public records searcher there’s a paywall.

No. 2200114

I don’t really think anyone’s wasting their time with shit like that though. And don’t you think if they were making them themselves that they’d throw hurricanes over places that are shitty or bad? Like at this point a hurricane would’ve gone over Portland or New York by now kek…but it’s not because it’s a natural disaster.

No. 2200158

What website to use for collages on mobile or how to make collages without weird frames on mobile? Like full picture side by side

No. 2200159

I use picsart.

No. 2200171

why do people travel to thirdies? they aren’t fun or safe places or be

No. 2200193

Yes, people believe it.
Manipulating weather and creating weather are two different things. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have methods of pulling moisture from hurricanes but targeting them somewhere or creating them somewhere where the natural conditions don’t exist seems unlikely. However given commercial cloud seeding and where it’s at (ski resorts will often seed for more snow fall for instance) I wouldn’t be surprised if larger government organizations had access to more soon sophisticated means of manipulation.

No. 2200197

File: 1728495308164.jpg (260.78 KB, 717x982, 1000025879.jpg)

What are these weird Facebook posts where it's a completely normal animal picture and text and when you click on Read More it's some kind of BMW trivia or a bunch of celebrity names, is it some AI shit copying real posts?

No. 2200198

Is there a thread where we can talk about porn or just masturbation material in general?

No. 2200202

No. 2200207

Kek I'm talking about heterosexual 3d porn nona

No. 2200208

>heterosexual 3d porn
Go back

No. 2200209

Bots and AI. Facebook is rampant.

No. 2200212

Not allowed here.

No. 2200245

My right boob hurts when I fondle it for the last couple of months, is it possible it's a tumor or something else?

No. 2200282

The same way you think about a chair. You don't think chairchairchairchairchaircherchairchair to imagine one, you just do. Now apply it to everything else.

No. 2200284

i bought some ground sausage this past Saturday and kind of forgot about it in the fridge until right now [Wednesday] would it be too late to cook it up and use it in pasta?

No. 2200288

How do i hand in my resignation in a nice way? I generally feel horrible working there (which is partially my fault) but I don’t want to “rage quit”. It’s going to be in a zoom call if that helps, should i write myself a script?

No. 2200301

File: 1728499968023.webp (14.2 KB, 588x588, IMG_9369.webp)

No. 2200335

If your fridge was set cool enough (below 5°C iirc) the ground sausage should be fine to cook.

No. 2200351

but what is their purpose for only targeting certain areas of florida and not others? what are they gaining from creating hurricanes and giving a good amount of time in advance to escape?

No. 2200360

are people who work for the ACLU paid to just stand on the street corner and be as annoying as possible

No. 2200362

Nta. Conspiracy theorists think they're trying to wipe out red states for the upcoming election. It doesn't really make any sense though, hurricanes are common this time of the year and Florida is as coastal as a US state can get so of course they're getting badly hit. Plus climate change is making the weather worse.

No. 2200375

I’m growing out my virgin hair for the first time in 12 years, and tbh I love the color except for the fact that I have so many white hairs that stick out. I just plucked probably over a hundred of them, is that bad in the long run? It didn’t hurt but my scalp felt ticklish after. I know obviously they’ll grow but but I figure it would be easier to spot them and pluck them if they stick out of the longer darker strands.

No. 2200397

File: 1728506682414.jpeg (466.18 KB, 1179x683, IMG_0203.jpeg)

Why is the connotation of "working man" a man who does labor jobs, but a "working girl" or "working woman" is a prostitute? What is the word for a woman who works in labor jobs?

I'm ESL, please explain.

No. 2200399

it hurts because you've been fondling it for months, give it a break kek

No. 2200406

I accidentally got a bit of body wash on the very outside of my vaginal canal, I washed it off right away with warm water. My question: would peeing help get rid of any product? Would peeing help get back to basic if I didn't 100% clean it up? I'm curious.

No. 2200439

File: 1728508298901.jpg (65.14 KB, 1080x396, rbrkt.jpg)

Googled it and apparently it was first used in 1600. Women weren't allowed to work many normal jobs until the industrial revolution so I guess prostitution was the one thing they were able to do on their own to make ends meet. I don't think people would immediately make that connection nowadays so you can just say working woman but something like female worker would probably be better

No. 2200450

Context for threadpic loool

No. 2200479

File: 1728510236782.jpg (36.89 KB, 260x385, dinner in america.jpg)

can anyone recommend movies about an autistic girl ending up with an aspd guy? similar to pic rel in terms of premise

No. 2200496

There was a nonna who could move water with coochie contracting and air pressure on the toilet. Idk but if you two met she could air bend that out of your coochie. She was only using a fraction of her power, what an aloha female

No. 2200516

Does anyone here use Pixiv? Any advice if I make? Is it worth it to make an account even with the AI stuff? Should I select my region as Japan?

No. 2200527

File: 1728512919774.jpeg (168.95 KB, 600x600, B707D697-8240-4836-BF3C-47DBA8…)

Are horse girls a thing in countries outside of Canada and the US? I’m specifically interested in potential horse girls in east Asia but welcome all answers

No. 2200534

File: 1728513132664.png (502.08 KB, 500x500, 422115_bt_packshot_cd_folge115…)

Get the fuck out of here with that yank show, picrel is the REAL German horse girl gem

No. 2200539

File: 1728513949815.jpeg (76.66 KB, 736x981, D0F338F6-6E65-473F-AEA2-A2C632…)

This movie was very unique and unfortunately I don’t think you’ll find much like it. It was really cute though. Maybe try The End of the Fucking World series

No. 2200541

Oh god this show fills me with so many, many feelings, loved it so much and even played a game based on it.
No flavor, no personality. Lame.

No. 2200542

Aw I love your picrel! I grew up with it and really enjoyed rewatching it as an adult, it was more interesting than I thought with some nice moral lessons and fun characters. To answer your question, I know that there are some Dutch horse girls, like Floor Jansen from Nightwish. I think maybe Australians have some since they have cowboys and farmer culture in some rural areas. Idk about asians but I can see the rich picking it up as a hobbie. I know that gulf countries have some as well because they have horse races airing on TV and investment in it and it's like a rich people club activity thing or something idk.
Lmao, is there an English dub?

No. 2200544

Kyle Gallner is so fucking hot. The girls over at the ugly man psyop are gonna crucify me for this and before watching him act I would have agreed, but he's so charming that it increases his hotness exponentially.

No. 2200554

Is the need for media exclusively made for straight women cringe or is there merit to it? I'm starting to realize anything aimed at women goes out of its way to shove TQA+ pandering anytime they want without any regards to the majority.

No. 2200565

File: 1728515559304.jpeg (94.53 KB, 537x790, D42C8DDD-E361-4FF6-BA94-097F85…)

He’s honestly hot as hell and not a psyop at all. Have you seen The Passenger? Ugh

No. 2200571

File: 1728515777331.jpg (23.91 KB, 564x307, 1716127701930.jpg)

That's the first movie with him that I watched. He looked so good in every single scene it was ridiculous.

No. 2200576

not trying to be rude but i don't get it..he just looks average in the second pic, and sort of homeless in the movie poster, unless that's the point?

No. 2200580

I thought so too before watching him acting. Maybe it won't have the same effect on you, but it really changed the way I see him.

No. 2200683

Is morley a breathable fabric for summer? I want to DIY some arm warmers to hide scars and tattoos for work but I'm kinda lost about what fabric use.

No. 2200693

Sometimes I wonder if I’m lesbian or if it’s just anons here lusting over the ugliest moods

No. 2200699

What's your taste in men nonna?

No. 2200701

I'm looking for a psychologist mostly so I can vent, should I focus on a psychologist that "treats" autism or a psychologist that's specialized in suicidal behavior? I'm a suicidal autist, I don't know what to pick or if it doesn't matter if the psychologist doesn't "treat" autism.

No. 2200707

i'm also curious what kind of guy you think is attractive nonny

No. 2200709

What are some of the best medications to buy in Mexico?

No. 2200729

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No. 2200797

File: 1728532591749.png (1.04 MB, 805x1550, tumblr_nyb0kvJvGR1t95gelo2_128…)

What the fuck is going on with her ribs

No. 2200804

She's just fat. I'm not sure which bit you're asking about in particular but it looks lumpy because the fat is sagging and there's a line from where it folds over sitting down.

No. 2200807

How do I reconnect with my friends after being super depressed? The last time I was around them I was a total husk, I hardly spoke. I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard but I want to be a fun person to be around again. I want to be comfortable around people again

No. 2200824

god was this a blast to the past never would I thought to have the misfortune of seeing tot in the year 2024 i also wonder why she looks so misshapen kek

No. 2200878

Would I be an asshole to take advantage of Amazon's buy two get one free promotion if I were already refunded the promotional amount for the free book? I purchased one of the books on the list before I saw the promotion and since I was going to buy the other two books anyways I contacted them about returning the product so I could order it as the promotion, the support told me they would just gift the difference and did but now I want to buy another book on the list but feel bad as I was already credited and the third book would count as another free item, would I be an asshole to take advantage of the promotion again in the same order?

No. 2200971

File: 1728551078791.jpg (39.64 KB, 432x507, tumblr_4297c399c4dd90e613f5174…)

even though I agree that he's hot, he's kind of butterfaced

No. 2200978

No because it’s amazon

No. 2201001

what movie?

No. 2201029

i'm not a lesbian but i think very few men are attractive and rarely see one that i actually find appealing posted on here

No. 2201038

File: 1728560063099.png (169.42 KB, 370x448, instacart.png)

Does this look like AI to anyone else? It's a cookie recipe from Instacart.

No. 2201044

Yeah, fork impressions are shallow on cooked dough. AI messed up there.

No. 2201094

dinner in america. Though I got to warn you that the first 23 minuttes kinda suck. I recommend skipping to 10:22 with the knowledge that the male MC is Simon, and he is now on the run from the police because he set a family's front yard on fire while running away because the husband caught Simon making out with his wife

No. 2201097

Can anyone tell me why it’s so easy for me to act flirty and cute toward my (female) friends and yet I feel very uncomfortable acting that way around men even it’s one I am attracted to? I’m sure this is very common, but I can’t put my finger on why.

No. 2201098

lower stakes, you don't care about their response as much

No. 2201138

What VPN does Paki-chan use? Can anyone recall?

No. 2201142

Nta but that’s bullshit. I was spanked and I still have all these same problems. All it did was make me quick to anger and simultaneously anxious and nervous. Oh and don’t forget low self esteem since I’ve had plenty of adults tell me I’m stupid or useless for failing to organise myself as a child. I don’t know why you’d think a child who struggles in this way deserves to be physically abused, they aren’t doing anything wrong or malicious, they are just struggling. I would recommend you don’t have any children or even adopt since you will pass down whatever trauma you gained from your parents and continue a cycle of misery.

No. 2201184

Yeah, Kyle Gallner is very guy-at-the-gas-station. I don't think he's ugly but he inspires nothing in me.

No. 2201188

it's bait

No. 2201227

I’m not a Shayna scholar like some so maybe someone can help me out. How tf does she afford to live in Seattle? Does her dad just help her cover rent? She can’t possibly be making enough from OF and her weird sugar baby dates with shlubs so how does she do it?

No. 2201245

she doesnt, she had to move out of her apartment because she couldnt afford the rent increase. she lives with some old man and probably fucks him for rent now

No. 2201360

Our manager had a romance with one of his younger employees and he wasn't even demoted for that in any way, he got her pregnant and now 9 months later they want our entire department to bring some money for the present for the baby shower… Am I an asshole for not giving them any money and thinking this entire case is laughable and gross? Fucking kek

No. 2201375

No you’re not the asshole kek that is batshit

No. 2201380

No they sound trashy as fuck.

No. 2201386

kek not at all, it’s inappropriate to mix business and your personal life. i don’t understand why she thinks that anyone would care that she’s having a baby?
> i’m your boss! buy me a gift because i got knocked up!

No. 2201395

I don't think it was her idea precisely, they always want us to give money for weddings and shit like that. I never give kek. Today our team leader told us about the babyshower and about the idea to give them money, the manager or the girl weren't even present. Also, they want us to give money for another manager too, because he will also have a baby, but in december… I'm like what the fuck, I don't come to work to give strange people money. But especially to managers who sleep with their employees lol

No. 2201397

Also lmao anon, it's not the boss who got knocked up; the boss (guy) knocked up his female employee. And our team leaders want us to bring some money as a present for the spawn

No. 2201405

i wouldnt either. theyre your coworkers not your best friends.. i think its weird that they ask you to give money to your coworkers. i could understand giving money if someone was in a major accident or had an emergency like a sudden death or serious illness in their immediate family, but not for baby showers and weddings.

No. 2201445

Oh I forgot to mention, after he knocked her up and they became a couple, he moved her to a different department for a better, less tiring and chaotic job. Nepotism is another reason to despise them

No. 2201535

What are some examples of zoomer comedy shows? Not necessarily made by a zoomer, would be great though, but something you can say yeah, that's a genz comedy tv show. And don't tell me genz comedy is only on youtube, because they watch streaming too
For example: mr show, seinfeld, black books are gen x, tim and eric, mighty boosh, it crowd are millenial. And genz will be? I'd say rick and morty, but it's animated - so it doesn't count. Like, there is friends, there is the big bang theory and now what

No. 2201545

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What do you do when you have a boyfriend who you love but are also insanely attracted to a guy who you see almost every day, and you're not going to do anything about it because you love your bf and don't actually want to date this guy but it drives you absolutely insane and makes you want to bang your head against a wall until it breaks in half?

No. 2201552

I wouldn't personally called that "love" then

No. 2201562

Nayrt feeling sexual attraction towards other people while in a relationship is normal and doesn't mean you don't love them. Your brain doesn't magically stop feeling physical attraction for others. Maybe you'll learn that when you finally get a bf/gf

No. 2201575

So you'd fell ok when a man or a woman you date would share with you about sexual attraction they felt for other people, right?

No. 2201576

Nta but you sound so pissy. "You silly little girl you'll understand why I want to fuck around when you'll grow up to have a Gf/bf!" you sound immature and it's funny that because you can't help obsessing over multiple dicks you feel like you're a big girl and you can look down on other women.

No. 2201582

Start looking hard at that other guy’s flaws, and I promise he has them. Write a list if you need to. Imagine him taking a massive shit or something else super undignified. Basically do whatever you can to take him off the pedestal of attraction you have him on. Eventually those feelings will pass if you just don’t do anything to escalate them.

No. 2201589

Sharing with your SO would be weird but I'm not gonna beat myself up for looking at another guy and finding him hot.

No. 2201668

Is it better to call my cell service to get a number blocked from leaving voicemails or would a third party app be fine? I don't want this person to be able to leave voicemails anymore.

No. 2201694

turn on selective call forwarding and forward that caller to something fucked up

No. 2201699

Perfect, thank you! I got just the number too.

No. 2201700

picturing them jumping up and down with their hands fluttering like a retard works for me

No. 2201715

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Do the bleach blondies who do the roots dark on purpose genuinely think it looks good? Like for really real? Or do they just do it to fit in with a cult I mean group? Saw a long table of 15 or so people at a restaurant yesterday and every woman at that table had this same hair

No. 2201734

This looks terrible to me personally

No. 2201736

I think I’m at a point of my life where life is so bad, anxiety-inducing and stressful I’m fully convinced to buy cigarettes because it’s not changing anytime soon so it’s either drugs or suicide. Any recommendation for brands, best way to smoke them without choking, are cigarettes really as addictive as the media says it is? Summoning smoker anons

No. 2201741

You will not like cigarettes based off your questions. Also to inhale them in right, suck it into your mouth, then inhale it into your lungs. Anyway, get a vape if you're really dedicated.

No. 2201751

obligatory try microdosing shrooms post
Anyway, vape is better and doesn't make your hands and breath stink.
Try ashwagandha supplements and take magnesium.
Also try breathwork it really works and costs nothing

No. 2201774

What's with right wingers and defending pedos, not to say left leaning people never do it but at least in my experience the most "open" ones are always those groyper "cunny lovers" or mainstream figures like Candace Owens and Matt Walsh

No. 2201778

>grooming little girls good
>grooming little boys bad
because gawd said so

No. 2201780

I thought vapes basically blow out of your lungs or give you popcorn lungs, hell no I rather the old school route.
Every person tells you to get shrooms but then never tells you where to get shrooms unless you’re in the bumfuck of the Netherlands or something. I don’t know anyone who gives drugs either, why can’t they just legalize some of these things already so I can drown myself in them

No. 2201792

you just grow them yourself. It's super easy and you can get a years worth from one growkit

No. 2201794

oh yeah I read about that, they apparently sell those kits online KEK

No. 2201798

nooo nonny they got rid of them, link some of the kits that are still available please

No. 2201824

dam I'm eurofag. Go to a club or some wook rave and you can find a plug to buy shrooms from easily or someone will even give them to you for free. But I know from some people in the US it is possible to get growkits.

No. 2201838

maybe try asking here >>>/ot/46070

No. 2201864

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What is it like to be at a psych ward?

No. 2201878

From how you describe it and other stories i've seen online, i am shocked that anyone wouldn't just come out of there even more fucked up.

No. 2201880

People are shouting, someone is always crying, someone is slamming the doors every 10 minutes. Nurses are screaming at the patients and treat them like animals. There's piss on the floor for some reason. Everyone is hyperactive in the morning, then they take tranquilizers and turn into zombies in the afternoon. Can't have a normal conversation with anyone because people are so drugged up they don't register what you're saying or change the subject every minute. People are screaming at night. Someone will steal your shit if you leave it unattended for 5 minutes. You can't have a charger cable longer than 10 cm because it's dangerous. Food is shit. If someone is having an episode they get tied up to a bed and injected with tranquilizers. Adult women act like they are back in middle school and create cliques and fight with eachother.

No. 2201882

Damn we had very different experiences. Yeah there was always someone screaming or crying but the nurses were very nice and empathetic.
Saw one guy go on a rampage and start flinging chairs around and he was drugged yeah, but when someone was just throwing a fit without violence the nurses managed to defuse it. Maybe you were with crazier crazies than I was.
Overall it was a weird and sad place but not as violent as nona's.

No. 2201884

>why can’t they just legalize some of these things
Why would they want society to become functional?

No. 2201886

It was so traumatizing it took me a month of smoking weed isolated in my house and not talking to anyone to actually return to baseline functioning.
One schizophrenic woman took my phone and threw it outside of a 3rd floor window and I was told it was my fault.

No. 2201887

A lot of avoiding eye contact and wondering how tf the nurses think you're gonna kill yourself with a 5cm charger.

No. 2201889

How on earth would that be your fault? I would say I'm surprised but I've learned not to expect much from mental health services.

No. 2201896

because I left it unattended for a couple of minutes and it was gone lol… So I carried all of my shit around everywhere I went after that. Which was also interpreted as me being too sensitive and unreasonable as you can imagine

No. 2201898

Lots and lots of anorexic girls, rude ass nurses, people trying to hook up, forced medication, and lots of angry chimpouts

No. 2201904

Even if you were "sensitive" about your stuff, the staff should have expected to accommodate something like that because they're dealing with the friggin mentally ill kek. Sorry you went through that nona it sounds like it didn't help at all.

No. 2201906

Depends a lot on the station, hospital etc. you are at and especially on the nurses and doctors and of course also the country (I'm a eurofag). For me it kinda had summer camp vibes which was honestly annoying sometimes, but I was with lots of other young adults. They were all really immature and there was constant drama. I mostly avoided social contacts because I was already stressed out by having to sleep in a room with other people which the doctors interpreted as me being passive aggressive even though I was cordial with all the other patients. The nurses went in to check on us throughout the night and recorded if we slept or not, that was kinda creepy.
Padded cells also very much still exist but they were mostly used for tards that raged I think.
It makes a huge difference if you are there on your own volition or because you are a danger for yourself or others. The stations for the involuntary patients are a lot worse and everyone there is on a cocktail of drugs, they also don't get much therapy because they are there to "stabilize", there is constant screaming and cries. I never was at an involuntary station though so I can't tell you too much about it other than that. I managed to talk my way out of it in the hospital after my suicide attempt. Even being at the more chill voluntary station was pretty shitty for me honestly. My mental health definitely didn't improve and considering I attempted to kill myself shortly afterwards I arguably got worse.

No. 2201907

>people trying to hook up
oh yeah, had a 32 yo scrote who literally greeted me apologizing about that he is so amazing that all of the girls in the ward fall in love with him and he was constantly cuddling with this 18 yo girlie in my ward while a bpd-chan was constantly throwing fits for him "cheating on her" and the therapists thought it was cute for some reason and was cheering them on like it was some school trip and they were cute middleschoolers in love

No. 2201914

Seriously, what is it with psych wards and having those weirdly parasocial staff who don't take anything seriously at all? I can't even imagine it's a coping mechanism against trauma because they seem so legit unbothered by everything.

No. 2201916

Where the fuck do you live that professionals do this? the US? Honestly never seen this behavior in a mental ward before but I'm not american.

No. 2201918


No. 2201920

Huh, in my ward any romantic relationships were strictly forbidden. Of course some developed, but they at least had to be really cautious about it.

No. 2201922

in my ward sexual interactions were forbidden, but not "platonic" romance, so you'd see that 18yo sitting on that gross guys lap all the time or some other gross dude loudly confessing his love to another young girl and telling everyone that he found the love of his life lmao

No. 2201926

> But not "platonic" romance
That seems completely disastrous kek

No. 2201931

why are flavored juuls banned but elf bars, lost mary’s, geek bars, and flavored thc carts are all perfectly fine kek

No. 2201936

Damn rip. My psych ward stints were in Berlin. Can any Berlin mentally ill nonas share their experience? Maybe I just got super lucky.

No. 2201942

Well not Berlin, but Germany. >>2201906 >>2201920 Don't know how my experience compares to yours.

No. 2201997

My experience was a lot tamer than the other replies lol. I was in there for 2 months when I was 19 and the only people that I remember are this one schizo guy who was obsessed with infowars, one bpd girl who’d flirt with every guy and one woman I made friends with who painted my nails. The only code white incident I remember was some old crazy guy walking into another patients room and fighting when they told him that it wasn’t his room and he needed to get out. Other than that it was a lot of puzzles, smoking cigarettes and whatever random activities they had set up. Oh and one time one of the nurses gave me haldol for some reason I don’t remember, it made me so fucking sick the next morning and they had some students coming to do some baking activity with us and the students were trying to force me to get up and join the activity no matter how many times I told them I was sick and couldn’t get up.
All in all it wasn’t as crazy an experience for me as it was for a lot of other people lol.

No. 2202051

What age in your personal opinion is too late to start your life all over? Friends, education, career, etc. Realistically.

No. 2202059

Literally for as long as you have your health and mobility, but you have to accept that you can't start over as a 20 something at 40
Be realistic but don't be afraid to be cringe

People move careers, change their lives and make new friends at all ages. Just think of the rich history of divorced women which suddenly become free in their 60s and restart their lives
It's easier to change who you are if you move further away

No. 2202062

How to avoid being clocked as lesbian by my family? I am unfortunately one of those cursed with “lesbian vibes” even when closeted, but I’m out to my social circles these days.
I’ve never really thought there’s a too late, just different methods at certain stages. Genuinely I don’t understand how something could be too late unless something’s stopping you from doing things, never got it.
>you can’t start over as a 20 something
This is the only “barrier” imo, you can’t restart your life from then with the same peers and same life stage but that’s just because you can’t go back in time. But that’s different to actually restarting an area of your life imo. So my opinion? Too late: never. Too soon: never. Asap is always the best time.

No. 2202063

Samefagging but how does one get put into a psych ward even? I know people with multiple suicide attempts since adolescence that haven’t. I always imagine it’s just for people will violent or debilitating mental illnesses, so I’m curious what most people get put in there for?

No. 2202067

I went twice as a kid (11), the one I went to was for teens and was separate from a hospital. It felt a lot like being a toddler in that you're micromanaged all day long from what you eat to what activity you do, and they babyproof the place as much as possible. It was very uncomfortable how they would clearly treat you like someone deficient or suspicious and not like a doctor working together with you, so a lot of the time you'd not know why a rule was in place or what they're planning. It's not like blatant hateful abuse or a dysfunctional dirty mess, but it was very patronizing and demeaning. Everyone wants to be released, I don't think any of us considered it a nice and healing place, it was just like a baby jail for you to cool off and get your pretend-to-be-well act back up if you acted too mentally unstable.

The people there were all older than me. The girls usually had something along the lines of bipolar, suicidality, bpd, etc. (I'm guessing based on limited info; we were watched closely and rarely managed to have non-surveilled conversations, and discussing your issues was forbidden). Generally people are nice and didn't infight but you could tell that they were neurotic women. There was one unique girl who lived there all the time who seemed to have some kind of severe autism where she couldn't talk to people and just paced all day long. There were way fewer boys, and it was harder to discern what was wrong with them. Many of them seemed like fairly normal teens, honestly nicer than the average teenager boy. There was one guy who was friendly in a soft-spoken way but you could tell that he had some issue where he'd spontaneously laugh all the time, seemingly uncontrollably, I guess it was some kind of tic.

A day in the life: you are woken up from your small individual bedroom and you go to the bathroom for hygiene. You can choose if you shower in the morning or night, either way it's the only time you get real privacy. Then you eat breakfast with everyone with crappy plastic utensils. Most of the day is spent in a living room where you play card and board games and watch television. There are set lunch and dinner times. Idk if I was just fat back then but I remember feeling like the portions were kinda limited and it sucked when they wouldn't let me get more food or there were arbitrary rules like "you can only have chocolate milk for breakfast or dinner. NOT lunch!" Bedtimes were set by age, so I had the earliest one, which sucked if everyone was watching a movie and I had to just leave partway through. You get cycled around for nighttime hygiene. Sleeping is the only time you are really allowed to be in your bedroom, and at night there are people who will stay up and peek in the windows on the doors every now and then. You're allowed a drawer with certain personal items but they'll babyproof them (e.g., yank out all the strings on your hoodies) and you rarely get a chance to do your own activity or have privacy anyway.

There was one plain white room that's for if you really act up. Once I saw a girl get dragged into that room… it's hard to discern more details since you're surveilled so hard and we all got rushed away to cover up the incident, but as far as I could tell she tried to run away and was caught. She was separated from our group for a few days and then rejoined. Sometimes people get put on a different schedule so they're not in the same room as other people, or the group is split in two, particularly if two people are friends outside the home they aren't allowed to be together.

They wanted to send me to a place that was like this but fairly permanent, like until I was an adult. Thankfully I narrowly dodged because the law says you need to be at least 12 for this. Honestly I was mentally ill and had suicidal behavior but the times I was actually sent there were for stupid fake reasons like psychs tinfoiling that me skipping school (because it was boring) meant that I was about to off myself. There are many more details but this is already long and blogposty enough. Nowadays I am a normal and happy adult with no mental illnesses, but it wasn't because of their help.

No. 2202164

I live in a small town and i'm about to be homeless (again) do you think a shelter I already stayed at 2 years ago will let me in again?

No. 2202233

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Genuinely not trying to start shit,
but is being penetrated an inherently submissive act and humiliating or not? Conversations I've seen on lolcow imply that the only way for a woman to be dominant involves in some manner penetrating a man, and anything else is just …. Not that. Is it because that penetrating someone is inherently dominanting and humiliating act or not?

T. Clueless virgin whose not very interested in moids

No. 2202237

Imo penetration isn't "submissive", it's just moid language that emphasizes the act of penetration as dominant. And "femdom" shit that involves penetrating a moid isn't dominating him because he's the only one enjoying it.

No. 2202240

Anal is an inherently humilliating thing. There is a reason why moids think its gay to wash their ass. It's humilliating for both genders because the point is that it hurts and isn't enjoyable. Gay moids admit anal doesn't feel good.

No. 2202241

just handhold and don't break eye contact and it's fine

No. 2202253

Anons who unironically support Trump, can you explain to me why you do, as a woman? Conservative values, don't want more troon shit, and no other choice? Actually like him as a leader? Explain.
Not trying to start any infights and not here to argue, but I'm genuinely curious why a woman would support him.

No. 2202271

how do you know if you are manic

No. 2202325

this has happened one too many times now and i have to know what the fuck is wrong with me. it seems like i attract mostly women who already have a bf or a husband, and either the men know and allow her to experiment, or they don't know and she's trying to cheat on them with me. they're bold enough to nearly beg me to come to their house to, i presume, for me to fuck them, and i just can't understand why. i'm a lesbian who doesn't exactly go around announcing it since i don't see the need to create drama where it isn't warranted, but even when dressing semi-femininely or whatever, i never 'passed' as straight and people look at me just know, if you know what i mean. i have to wonder if these women just know i'm gay just by looking at my face and then think i am more than happy to have sex with them despite them being attached to a moid already. and i'm just wondering what am i doing wrong or why am i attracting these women?

No. 2202329

You usually don't until the episode is over, but if you're making impulsive or risky decisions that you typically wouldn't, it's a sign.

No. 2202333

im not sure how to word this question, but why do so many serial killers have agp tendencies…?

No. 2202340

Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Any man with degenerate tendencies is likely to have other fetishes or interests like sadism. For example if a man is into bondage you can assume he has other fetishes like rape, if a man is promiscuous (which is an antisocial trait) then you can assume he has other antisocial tendencies like violence.

No. 2202544

if you're desperate and need help, and they have available space, they will want to help. Speak to them, the worse thing they can say is no plus you have a record of getting on your feet after some support so that's good
I hope you manage to work something out anon, stay safe
God bless this website

No. 2202563

Your brain is moving at a thousand miles per second jumping from topic to topic feeling like a euphoric rush of being able to conquer any obstacle set in front of you. The impossibility of a task is dissolved by your sudden resolve and over inflated sense of confidence. It feels like you’ve been possessed by those positivity signs tacky people have all over their houses. You cannot be stopped. Your senses become more enhanced and sharpened to enjoy every minute pleasure life has to offer you. Sometimes these sudden ambitions can be followed through if they’re not too over complicated and other times you end up in a pile of shit that’s gibberish in your sane brain and have no idea what the hell you were thinking. I call it the emu farm since that’s the one I’ve seen commonly referenced in media. The stereotype of blowing your life savings on an emu farm is one that I’ve seen a lot but not in real life.
Hypomania is more common though and a lot more mild. You don’t get an emu farm you blow a ton of cash on something dumb like a fuck ton of copic markers thinking they’ll pay for themselves because of the amount of art pieces you’ll sell.
Mania is usually sprinkled with psychosis as hypomania isn’t commonly associated with that symptom.
t. dumbass with bipolar 2.
During a manic episode I saw so clearly that I could repair my bf’s parents broken marriage. Like I saw all the pieces and thought my retarded unlicensed ass could fix something like that. I thought wow they’ve never been to therapy and had a conversation with a mediator to help settle things and maybe I could do that since I always I had to mediate for my parents as a child and then as an adult.

No. 2202640

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this is a gross, awful question, but google is yielding no results and I have no idea where else I could ask something like this
until I was five years old, my mom would dry my privates after a bath or shower with a hair blow-drier in like the diapering-a-baby-pose. she says she was instructed to by my doctor because he said that if my vulva wasn't dry enough, it would grow closed
I am extremely upset to say that I'm not sure whether he lied to her or she's lying to me, she will not give much of a straight answer when I have asked about it in the past
I can't find anything anywhere from anyone online about such a practice, however I can find more than a few sites saying to NOT do that because it could dangerously blow air into your vagina
She has also said that "maybe" she was told to blow-dry the eczema on my butt to prevent that from being moist, but here again, several sites explicit state not to do that, in this case, it irritates the eczema and makes it worse
So what the actual fuck?

No. 2202646

How old were you when she gave you that explanation? "it will grow closed" sounds like something stupid you tell a kid so they shut up and do what you say. She could've been given bad advice or believed something dumb about preventing rashes, plenty of parents in the past did retarded things they thought were good for kids. But if she expected you to believe that as an adult I don't know what to think. I can't tell if you're suspicious that it was some sort of molestation or attempt to harm you, but only you know her well enough to judge if that's something she'd do.

No. 2202650

you from some shithole? my mom used to cure my diarrhea with a cork because the local vodoo bullshit doctor told her, so maybe it wasnt a real doctor but one of those alternative medicine scammers

No. 2202652

I'm sure it was the doctor who lied to her, he was a rickety old moid
but yeah she told me that when I was 25, and she then immediately said that I was accusing her of sexual impropriety and to drop it, which, just feels bad
tbh it's kind of a really nice town we come from, my family is pretty modern too
She said her mother told her that she never did that with any of her kids and that it was weird, my mom was mad at her for not drying me like that

No. 2202656

I dont want to nagate your feelings because i imagine you must feel weird about it for a reason, but if she wanted to molest you i imagine she would have done it with a towel and not a blow drier. You got a weird mom anon.

No. 2202658

Well that's why I'm not saying that I was molested, I do not believe that I was at all, I'm just trying to figure out how this happened, because it's weird
It made me and my mom both extremely uncomfortable, she told me that she stopped because I always grimaced when it was time and apparently I had also started laughing nervously when it would happen, which made her feel very uncomfortable, so the practice ended just before I turned 5
I'm just trying to figure out like the sequence of events that led to all of it, tbh I was really hoping someone else would say that's how they were dried too

No. 2202665

Sounds like she’s just really naive and that scrote doctor is a fucking retard or creep. I assume she is now embarrassed by it (rightfully so). Depending on your age she might not have been able to research it easily, but she should have still done her own investigating before doing that to a baby/toddler.

No. 2202676

Well I kind of feel weird because I felt so creeped out by it when I was little, I guess it still makes me feel bad
She's extremely angry at me for remembering, so we can't discuss it at all. I think it's because when she was little, she actually did get molested, she said she could never breastfeed me because it seems perverted to her; so maybe the blow-dryer was specifically so she wouldn't have to touch me at all?
We had a computer and internet access, she's an avid reader, she had tons of baby books in the house still even when I was older. I've just kind of been made to feel like a pervert for being bothered by it, but I just don't understand why she didn't google it or ask any of her friends if they did that or her mom
I also feel bad and weird about it because I did not know to have personal boundaries and thought it was okay to show someone my privates if they were friendly and asked nicely, and that led to me getting abused (not by her) like she was

No. 2202682

Ahh I see nona, with that provided context I could see why she somehow believed the doctor or chose to remain ignorant, to avoid touch etc. Regardless it’s incredibly irresponsible and something you shouldn’t even have to think about, I’m sorry that happened to you. I do think she is ashamed of it though, and that could be why she avoids speaking on it. Even seemingly ‘small’ things like that severely alter a child, as you mentioned (lack of boundaries). Considering she also experienced abuse she would surely know that.
I don’t want to diss your mum, but it seems like she was wilfully ignorant. Maybe you’ll never know the true reasoning but at the very least she should feel bad for it. You are completely justified to question her doing that.
I hope it doesn’t trouble you too much and that you’re able to find closure.

No. 2202683

you've helped me more here tonight than therapy did in years

No. 2202687

i’m glad to hear that nona, please don’t let it bother you too much as it’s not your fault. plenty of parents make weird fuck ups and don’t ever atone or admit them.

No. 2202696

someone else has to report you to the police or call an ambulance to your house. Or you can go there of your own volition

No. 2202700

mania and psychosis are so great, I wish I could feel like that all the time but without the shitty consequences of being and acting deranged loll

No. 2202707

Wait, really? My psychosis just comes in waves of paranoia and mine are considered to be mild symptoms kek, what does the "fun" psychosis feel like?

No. 2202714

This is a thing people do, I've heard of it. But usually not for eczema, but for fungal infections. Is there any chance your doctor thought you had lichen sclerosus as a child? It's the only thing I can think of where there is a risk of the anatomy 'growing closed' and even that isn't a very accurate way to describe what happens. It's even recommended that people with LS dry off with a blow dryer and I found discussion online where people with it talked about using it to dry off. LS is the only thing that makes sense to me but since it's a chronic condition you'd probably have symptoms you were already managing. Currently it sounds like the doctor misdiagnosed you and eventually that was figured out.

No. 2202716

No; eczema runs in my family, my medical records show that I was treated for severe eczema since I was an infant, I still have it
The only other health problem I had little was mono and a ruptured ear drum one time
I can't find anything in my record saying my mom was instructed to use a blow-drier, but I can only assume not everything makes it into doctors notes

No. 2202717

The blow drier for eczema might just have been something that they didn't have the data to know better. I'd done that for poison ivy before and it did help, same logic maybe.

No. 2202719

For me it's like being in a video game. Every thing is a "sign" that is telling you something about the quest you're on. Everything makes sense, there's no randomness in the world. But sometimes it also causes anxiety like one time I broke a bracelet with a cross by accident and I thought it was a sign from Jesus that something horrible is going to happen and I spun out into a few hour panic mode. Nothing bad happened obviously. But that was kind of helpful for reality testing in the end.

No. 2202736

always thought it was a meme kek, it's also under some reels on insta

maybe better to ask over there >>1962884 anon but yeah seems like writing down your main points is a good idea if you feel a bit nervous.

>can't help obsessing over multiple dicks
nta but speak for yourself kek most women feel attracted when the guy looks cute and is funny or a good match personality-wise. what's the point of shaming women for feeling some attraction (and feeling bad about it) when men watch porn and ethots on the daily without an ounce of guilt?

No. 2202762

Nta but Women aren’t supposed to be monogamous. Our ancestors weren’t. Just because it’s socially expected of us doesn’t mean it’s going to switch off any thoughts or urges we have that we literally can’t help. Did you know a lot of birds that were previously thought to be monogamous and mate for life actually secretly mate with multiple partners? Yes it might turn your prissy little stomach but it’s human nature whether you like it or not. Women have a biological imperative to be promiscuous because it confuses paternity and it means we are less likely to have our offspring murdered by a jealous moid and we also gain protection at our most vulnerable from multiple scrotes. Just because you’re a beta female with a low libido doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.

No. 2202764

Is there a way to express concern about a noticeable health issue that also may be taken the wrong way? I noticed that my sister has severe thinning hair compared to a few years ago (to the point that I can see her bald head at in patches). We all think she has an autoimmune problem because she gets allergic reactions with swollen lips and hives constantly. She has an epipen and some medication for the allergies but she still has reactions sometimes. She also sleeps 12+ hours everyday. Is there a way to bring up the hair without being offensive? Doctors have brushed her off for a long time but I feel like hair loss may help her case if she can add that to her list of symptoms. But I also don’t wanna bring that up to her because I feel like it will make her insecure. I’m just so concerned for her health given the allergic reactions she has. Her hair was not always like this and has only become this way in the last few years.

No. 2202767

Has she been checked for deficiencies? It honestly sounds like she is malnourished in some way, but of course it could also be something else, I'm no medical expert. Getting her blood tested shouldn't be too much of an issue.

No. 2202773

did you check thyroid hormones? sounds pretty serious

No. 2202779

kekk i like how you give an example about birds and conclude that "it's human nature". the nature argument is so stupid. how birds and spiders behave does not determine how humans behave. and even what our ancestors did/had to do/were forced to do does not determine how people live/want to live nowadays. i agree that women feeling attraction to other moids while dating is "normal" in the sense that dating doesn't prevent you from seeing an attractive man in the wild or feeling chemistry with a coworker/classmate that you see 8 hours a day. it doesn't mean women have an urge to mate with random men kek. men are much more likely to drop wife and kids for an affair than women.

No. 2202782

i have a friend who had all these problems and she ended up being diagnosed with hashimoto's

No. 2202786

my mother had it. Check her heels, is the skin there thick, excessively dry and cracking?

No. 2202809

What would you think of your nigel being a husbandofag? And I don't mean a moeshit trapfag but husbandofagging regular male characters. What about a fudanshi nigel?

No. 2202814

I wish i had a male pickme bf. Like those pickme women that have waifus, cosplay pretty anime girls and play waifushit gacha like blue archive while not being bis or lesbians. A bi bf sounds awful thought and even if they existed they would probably be ugly and fat.

No. 2202821

Having a nigel makes you retarded anyways but now you want a nigel who isn't even attracted to you?

No. 2202837

kek I'm not talking about myself I just happened to notice some male husbandofags amd fudanshis on Japanese twitter who claimed to be married to women IRL so I was just wondering

No. 2202853

As long as he's faithful and doesn't say shit about what I'm into I don't really see a problem.
Better than watching porn, at least.

No. 2202855

I'm opening myself up to get clowned on here, but my bf is a husbandofag and it's nice tbh. All of that energy gets funneled into encouraging my yumeing and he doesn't get jealous when I find a character attractive/entertaining because chances are he does too! It requires a guy to be secure enough in both the relationship and his masculinity though, and trying to find that is next to impossible. And obviously, he has to be more into you than he is his fictional dudes.
Bi guys are only acceptable when they're like the reverse of whatever a gold star is. Do not trust bi moids who have slept with men, most of them are tainted. Pickme bfs are nice as long as they're only a pickme for you.

No. 2202875

That's a funny question, I saw a japanese guy on Twitter the other day who was obsessed with my husbando. I assumed he was gay and then noticed he has been in a long-term relationship with a girl. She dresses as his love interest sometimes. It's not just his favorite character. He's clearly too much into him to not have any interests. He looked like he was the male equivalent of those tifs who projected into yaoi characters while also being attracted to them. I don't trust moids, though.

No. 2202957

It shows that females as a sex aren’t fundamentally monogamous, as we were previously thought to be. There’s nothing disgusting and wrong about wanting to fuck another man and the thing you call “love” doesn’t really exist, it’s a chemical reaction and every living person reacts to it in a different way. You have no right to shame women for having their nature given libidos by barking at them that they’re dick obsessed. Get the fuck out of here. There’s nothing wrong with them and you have no idea what love is or what it means. If you can’t be here and engage like a big girl then fuck off honestly. I hate judgemental people like you, you’re no better than a moid.

No. 2203014

…uh oh girls this is resonating a little too much

No. 2203018

Why aren’t more women into watching MMA? Don’t they want to see young male meat covered in blood? Are they stupid?

No. 2203020

They are ugly.

No. 2203022

tell me when they make bishi mma

No. 2203031

I think a certain degree of this is normal, especially if you're high in pattern recognition. If it's not debilitating or all-consuming then it's not a reason to be concerned. I still experience this, but during psychosis it's just 100 times stronger.

No. 2203036

Why are so many nonas talking about Michael Jackson in a bunch of threads? It's kind of shitting up the place, did something happen?

No. 2203042

How old would a child have to be for most people to be comfortable to leave it home alone for
a) 15 minutes
b) an hour
c) >four hours?

No. 2203050

Going off my own childhood:
> about 7-8
> same as above
> 12

No. 2203051

That’s why you watch shitty Russian knockoffs instead.

No. 2203076

I agree if there are no other circumstances. There are a lot of factors that play in to it imo. I was left alone younger for more than 4 hours. My parents informed the neighbors if they left me alone in elementary school for example and I could just go over to them since our gardens were connected and they were an elderly couple always at home. I also knew their phone number and when I got seriously hurt on my way home one day I also went to them for help and they got me an ambulance and did first aid. I think they also checked on me in the evening if my parents weren't there.

No. 2203108

oh thank god i was actually getting scared cos i was the person originally asking how to tell if you were manic and then someone said you can’t tell during so i was like okay yay! and then everyone else described my exact mental state almost and. ruh roh. not the psychosis parts really except for the one i said resonated i didn’t think i had that.

No. 2203142

some people can tell when they have psychosis and usually hide it from others, like myself, to avoid stigma and medication, which doesn't really help at all. only the ones too far gone can't tell something's wrong with their perception of reality. There's also plenty of people who live like that and it doesn't impair their functioning but you know when you talk to them that they have it. They just developed skills to function in society and don't need help, which I think is optimal.

No. 2203150

yes and you can even have a combination of both in one person as well, that's pretty tough.

No. 2203161

A few weeks ago my phone got wet and although it was still working and accepting inputs like normal, the display screen was messed up and would flash colors or not show anything. I turned it off for 2 days and then it was normal again. Now weeks later it randomly started flashing colors again, half of my phone is stuck in flashing pure RGB green.
Does anyone who's good with tech know how much it should cost to get this fixed? Everything else seems to work, like I can still use it just fine by squinting through the flashes and the other screen (my phone has 2 screens) is normal. I don't want to get a new phone and I don't want to be overcharged if I take it into a repair shop.

No. 2203163

i don’t feel like i’m out of touch with reality at all really ever though but sometimes i am making so many connections and everything is moving so fast and most of the time it does and it’s bad cos of anxiety and it’s like a neurotic thing but sometimes it does feel like mania is described. like really really good.

No. 2203168

I have a retarded question, do people with BJDs and other figures actually play with them or just leave them in a shelf forever?

No. 2203172

they usually leave them on the shelf forever until they get a chance to resell them

No. 2203176

I sew them clothes, take pictures, pose them, customize their face ups and body blushing, bring them to meets, change up their hair, all kinds of things.

No. 2203177

There is an ancient, thriving doll photography community on Flickr and deviantart. A lot of people who can afford BJDs can afford good cameras and props.

No. 2203178

this happened to me and the led or lcd or something in my phone needed to be replaced. i don’t remember how much it cost but it wasn’t a lot

No. 2203288

Is "ahh" some retarded tiktok censoring again?

No. 2203304

No its just aave I think, I'm pretty sure it predates tiktok and other censoring platforms.

No. 2203363

Is internet archive kaput? Tf is happening, I'm gonna kill someone

No. 2203374

What does cum smell like? Apparently one year Lush put out a soap that everyone was sperging about because it smelled exactly like cum and I can't imagine what that would be. Im not a femcel I've just never thought to smell cum its nasty enough as it is lol

No. 2203380

What do you work for? I honestly work so I can buy shit I like and so I don't die of hunger/lack of medicines but are there any other reasons to work for?

No. 2203381

so i can give my mom money

No. 2203391

Kinda like brie cheese. brb vomiting

No. 2203408

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Are brownies a fall food or a winter food?

No. 2203421

File: 1728689442126.jpg (2.86 MB, 3415x2560, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-JDcJ…)

Both. Pumpkin spice brownies for fall. Peppermint brownies for winter.

No. 2203432

>I assumed he was gay and then noticed he has been in a long-term relationship with a girl
lots of gay men get into "relationships" (beards) with women

No. 2203442

How am I a mouth breather since childhood but don't have a mouth breather face?

No. 2203445

Is it even worth having friends that come from a different background than you if you're a jealous person? Whenever my 'privileged' friend talks about her class-based opinions, upbringing, current situation or future plans that are only possible due to her connections and family situation I start resenting her. I know it's mostly me being bitter, but sometimes she will say something so outlandish I can't help but feel slight disgust and envy.
I hate that this is making me sound like a 2017 tumblr user.

No. 2203449

I never thought of them having a season kek

No. 2203451

Could you use her connections to your advantage?

No. 2203462

samefag. It may sound a bit sociopathic, but if she doesn't see any problem with using her connections I don't see how she would see a problem with helping you with them. Obviously this could bring you ahead in life and maybe you wouldn't feel envious about her anymore.
I usually offer potentially helpful connections (not that I have too many) to my friends too since it's the best way to succeed in this world unfortunately.

No. 2203470

File: 1728692330671.png (326.64 KB, 540x405, nah im not dealing with this t…)

Thanks for expanding on it.
Sadly I am not in the same country nor are our careers in the same sector, with her being in law and I'm in IT/Security.
There's also the factor of her not really realising that she benefits from her situation despite any little setbacks (her latest issue is only half of her coworkers can make it to her company-funded farewell party on Thursday, and she doesn't want to reschedule it on a Friday because she wants to go to sleep early).
It didn't bother me at first, but having to listen to these kind of complaints adds up when I'm going through hard times. And obviously everything is subjective so it might be seriously affecting her, but sometimes I want to shake her and get her to realise it's not that serious of an issue.

No. 2203498

Well would you have liked a career in law? IT security sounds like an amazing field tbh and you probably have a really good career ahead of you.
I sometimes have thoughts like this too, but then I remember that I'm a weird nerd and was bored to death by all the rich and well connected kids I happened to interact with. There are some rich people in my extended family and they are the most boring npcs imaginable. I think I would go crazy if I lived their life. I, in fact, have lived with them for a some time at one point and I was so depressed when I came back because the time there was so dull for me, kek.
Do you enjoy interacting with her other than the situations you described? Because yeah it honestly does sound obnoxious, what a stupid problem to have.

No. 2203511

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Law is definitely not for me, I think my current carreer suits me the best and it is what I excel at. Guess I am just envious of her never having to financially struggle due to her family situation, and it is holding me back from being truly happy for her. Also from my experience the rich people I know are relatively driven and have quite a few hobbies due to their family being able to support them while they explore whatever they want.
>Do you enjoy interacting with her other than the situations you described?
Honstly, I consider her to be my online best friend, but over time the comments make me feel annoyed at her, so maybe I need to pay more attention to my feelings and figure out if I should bring it up with her next time she says something like that, or let my resentment fester until it either dies down by me learning how to stop caring, or I ruin the friendship by being petty.
Thanks for letting me vent, Nonna.

No. 2203526

File: 1728694809161.jpg (44.84 KB, 720x720, 1000071525.jpg)

Is this difficult to make as a beginner in sewing? What fabric should I use?

No. 2203540

Why would someone become a community college professor? (United States) The pay is dogshit and it's not particularly glamorous. If you've got a master's or PhD, you should have good career options, right? The profs at the college near me have been teaching for almost a decade and seem nice and passionate. I don't get it.

No. 2203550

Why would somebody get a job wiping old people ass or get a job tard wrangling? Same answer.

No. 2203553

>nice and passionate
You just answered your own question anon. Some people are just selfless and genuinely love their jobs, plus they may not necessarily require more income depending on their situation.

No. 2203609

The type of a professor who had to abruptly step down from their position or be fired from a more prestigious university, prompting them to take the first job they can get on the other side of the country.

No. 2203744

How do i know if my boiled eggs are done, they float right?

No. 2203751

Damn, I've had jobs doing both these things. Should I become a community college professor in the States?

No. 2203754

how beginner are you? hoodies are usually made with stretchy fabric which is challenging even with experience. it might be doable for a novice if you went with a non-stretch fabric and used an existing hoodie to make the pattern

No. 2203755

You're retarded, the community college professors near me often taught the same class at a nearby university too. I had a better experience at community College than a 20k a year school and that's on that

No. 2203762

No, they don't float. It's just based on timing. Put them in water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and leave them covered in the hot water for 10 minutes (more or less depending on how cooked you like them). Immediately remove and add to ice water to cool before peeling.

No. 2203773

If you have a PhD, you should have better options available than wiping ass. I'm under the impression people only work those jobs because they don't really have anything better.
I suppose you're right. My community college professors are lovely, I wish they got paid better. I really enjoy going to their classes.
Yeah, I gotta say my profs at the first uni I went to were kind of shit. Also, at a university level, it's hard to actually interact with your prof, you're usually stuck dealing with TAs.

No. 2203781

Then maybe it's a bad idea, I have never tried to sew anything in my life.

No. 2203784

It's usually not their only job. My professors at community college had industry jobs, also taught in universities and were involved with research. One my professors right now is literally running to be tax commissioner in the state i live in believe it or not. I don't think being a community college professor is as time consuming as a job as thought.

No. 2203811

i never called women dick-obsessed, making things up won't make you sound less retarded for drawing conclusions about humans from other species and using the appeal to nature fallacy. what's next, female mantises eat their mates so we probably have that hidden urge as well and we're actually more violent than men deep down?

No. 2203836

i am pretty fat but also pretty tall. my gp referred me to a surgeon for a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. everyone i know is against it because it could have side effects but the doc said since im 6ft tall theres a super low chance for me to get GERD, because my esophagus is longer. if i were smaller like a regular female, then he would advise a ryx-gastric bypass.
im kind of lost and dont know what to do. i definitely dont want a gastric bypass, but i can see myself getting a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. do any nonnies have experience or are in the med field? would appreciate some insight a lot.. thank you

No. 2203844

Can I ask, is there no possibility of you taking a weight loss medication like wegovy and semaglutide?

No. 2203846

we tried to ask my insurance company to pay it and they basically said "no shes so fat, it wont help" and my gp concluded its probably just cheaper for me to have surgery and the long-term results seem good. and then he referred me to a consult with a surgeon.

No. 2203847

No. 2203949

nta but I do think many women do have deep seated violent urges against men that most people especially in a patriarchal society are too uncomfortable to acknowledge, so these women are often conditioned into either repressing these urges or redirecting them against themselves and/or other women. and no, women fantasizing about hurting men are not "just as bad" let alone "worse" than men who actually do hurt women.

No. 2203951

Is peanut butter with avocado a good combination? My vegan friend keeps raving about it for some reason

No. 2203954

good but avocado with rice,cucumbers and poke sauce is better

No. 2203984

That sounds nasty

No. 2204039

File: 1728729523342.webp (226.99 KB, 1200x2131, RDT_20241012_15360120867418043…)

What's the joke here? Why are they calling him LDR's son and a gaga stan?

No. 2204066

File: 1728731627905.png (140.74 KB, 300x300, Harlequin_Lady_Gaga_cover_art.…)

I'm guessing florida/Gators = Lana themes
and the picture = reference to Gaga's new album.
Just annoying gay music twitter making everything about their singers.

No. 2204070

Do people care if you walk around in public with unkempt hair, bad outfit on and looking tired with blemishes on your face?

What I mean is do others pay attention to you when you're goin about your business looking bad?

No. 2204085

I think it depends where you live, because the norm is different depending on that.
I rarely ever wear makeup and I'm often a mess, the main outcome is that I'm invisible to the general public in the way middle aged women often are, very occasionally men used to tell me to cheer up etc but that hasn't happened so much in the last few years.
People I work with used to ask if I was tired and I would reply that way just my fave, eventually they stopped saying anything. I'll put in more effort when men do.

No. 2204207

I sew a lot and recently made a hoodie actually. Your picrel is doable but I would not recommend to a beginner.

No. 2204285

I want to buy a jersey for my favorite hockey team but the only one I can afford is for a player that got traded recently. Can any sports fan nonnines tell me if I'm gonna have men come up to me and grill me every time I wear it out in public?

No. 2204289

My date ghosted me and I’m wondering if it could be because I have a lot of visible self harm scars? I’m also a semi recovering anachan (BMI 15ish) and partly because of that I get drunk very easily. She did kiss me though so I’m confused?

No. 2204376

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How do I learn the piano without a teacher and without it being an absolute slog? Is there any software worth getting that doesn't have subscription? I have synthesia but idk where to start, are there any lessons available to download for that?

No. 2204394

As long as you enjoy playing piano half as much as i enjoy playing video games, nothing should be able to stop you from becoming good, no matter how you learn.

No. 2204395

What a load of horseshit

No. 2204403

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The thing is, you don't want to play piano, you just want to be good at playing piano.

No. 2204409

It depends on what skill level you are looking for. If you really only want to play a few pieces you like (provided they aren't super hard) you can probably just do that with some internet tutorials and mimic what they do or something. But if you are really interested in actually learning it you won't get around learning some music theory. I noticed that with a friend who started learning an instrument and she hit barriers in regular intervals that kind of gatekept her from getting better and she really couldn't get around it without learning some music theory. At the very least you should be able to read music sheets because just looking at which keys to press is horseshit and unsustainable in the long run. Sadly I don't think there is a really fun way to learn music theory unless you have a good teacher. I personally know an excellent piano and music theory teacher and random adults that never learned any instrument sign up for her and pay outrageous sums because learning from her is such a nice experience. Maybe there are apps or learning platforms that make it less boring, but unless you find a good teacher it probably will be. The only advice I can give you is to find pieces that you like and that match your skill level (often times people will make easier version of complex pieces, so you can also search for that) and regularly do a bit of music theory on the side. You should also do technical exercises for your fingers, it doesn't have to be for long but 1-2 before you start practicing your pieces and change them after a few weeks (provided you get the hang of them). It's very crucial to train your fingers and hands.

No. 2204410

Kek I'm not the piano anon

No. 2204413

samefag Oh and you probably have to work with a metronome (use one online you don't need a physical one) at some point. It's not exactly a pleasant experience but it's better to start practicing with it sooner than later because it becomes harder to practice with the longer you avoid it. It really helps a lot with getting good though.

No. 2204421

Is there a statistic showing how many e-thots are being exploited compared to how many are doing it willingly, just as a stupid decision? I know that they have to deal with consequences as a result of that decision, not what I'm looking for.

No. 2204429

I produce music and play drums on a hobbyist level so I already have some knowledge, I just don't want to pick up some shitty habits from learning on my own and I can't afford lessons atm.

No. 2204438

Well if you already know some theory it's much easier. Then I would condense my advice to use the metronome early (it's preferable to have it slower at the beginning over starting it later and faster, because it's much easier to adjust the tempo later than learning to be right rhythm wise). Always do a few finger exercises at the beginning of each training session maybe like 5-10 min, but it also depends if you prefer a few longer sessions or multiple shorter ones. Regularly do new finger exercises and learn pieces you enjoy, even if you start with an easier version of them.

No. 2204446

Oh and I forgot, a really bad habit a lot of people have (me included) is wanting to play the whole music piece start to end. It's just multiple times more effective to focus on the parts you struggle with. It might seem obvious but it's easy to slip in to.

No. 2204449

I want to play scriabin sonata 5, how long will it take?

No. 2204464

Thanks for the advice nonnie

No. 2204469

What's a good visual novel with ZERO coomer/fetish themes in it? Preferably mystery

No. 2204491

I'm trying to look up pictures of clothes in the Rococo period and I just keep getting awful shopping results for cheap costume shoes from China. Is there a way I can filter out shopping results?? Adding keywords like "historical" isn't helping

No. 2204495

maybe try "museum" instead of historical?

No. 2204499

Ace Attorney.

No. 2204547

No. 2204553

Maybe instead look for the paintings of the era.

No. 2204568

There's people who just are not constant in their behavior, and might ghost someone like that without consideration. Keep in mind that kissing isn't always too meaningful for some. And while she did this, someone elae could still be kind and loving to you and that person wouldn't mind about the scars.

No. 2204688

what other farms do you think are most commonly visited by lolcor users?

No. 2204700

>other farms
What? There is no other farm besides kiwifarms

No. 2204728

i was thinking of kiwifarms but also places like 4chan lsa cc etc. now that you say it, i see my mistake calling whatever a farm. sorry for the newfaggotry

No. 2204730

kiwifarms is a forum. 4chan, lolcow, and CC are imageboards, which are still forums but whatever

No. 2204735

It depends where they are located. Anons in the midwest might be close to corn farms, or soybean farms, or some anons in cities might only go to farms nearby to pick apples or pumpkins as seasonal activities. So it just depends where the anons are, maybe some even live on farms sort of like pilgrims.

No. 2204755

none lolcow is full of normie baddies now

No. 2204788

wild west nonacita here and we have pastureland. you can sometimes see the cows out grazing when you pass by on the freeways.

No. 2204892

Does an anon still have the man getting his face held in cake?

No. 2204896

do all tifs voices drop on T? can it just not happen?

No. 2204898

Damn, it’s so hard to recommend shit when you think about how many fit into this category, it’s so rough out here. But The House in Fata Morgana is one of my favourite VNs, mystery is debatable. Never heard anyone talk about it on here.

No. 2204910

Ok is this normal i was at the cinema with my bf and it was empty and no one in any of the rows in front of us and it's a long film. I put my calves up on the back of the seat in front. My shoes weren't on the seat. A few minutes later my boyfriend uses his leg to sweep my feet and didn't say anything. I thought it was weird but never said anything cause there were people sitting in the same row but at the opposite side and she had her feet up lol

No. 2204915

Were south Koreans always obsessed with cheese?

No. 2204921

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but there are a lot of lactose intolerant people in South Korea and somehow lactose intolerance strongly correlates with cheese obsession.

No. 2205015

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Since everyone knows that the lion king was inspired by hamlet, has there ever been a comic made by a lion King autist that's a retelling 101 of Hamlet but with the colorful lions?

No. 2205030

Can Arabs/Middle Easterns say the N word?

No. 2205036

I’m sorry am I reading this right, he kicked you? To push your feet down and neither of you spoke and just wondered about it the whole time? What kind of relationships are you nonas in, why aren’t you communicating, how old are you, what is this. So I would say no it’s not normal to answer your question

No. 2205038

Sounds like a controlling asshole to me, wtf who does that

No. 2205042

I’ve mentioned this once on vent and I don’t even know where to ask because this is a really weird question. But has anyone experienced family members behaving oddly incestuous towards you after finding out you were SSA? The women in my family are homophobic and I feel like this is making it worse because they think they can’t be crossing boundaries. But they found out against my will, and now they suddenly touch me up, they’ve come in my bedroom to do this, stand too close to me, try to do stuff I’m uncomfortable with that they didn’t do previously (sitting on lap, kisses). I don’t know if this is more common with gay/bi moids experiencing this from male family members
Can black people say paki? Don’t be retarded

No. 2205049

Is it really a misinterpretation of the Canterbury tales if I say that to me, it was like the illustration of an ideal society?
Like, everyone talks in turns and aren't being interrupted by the others, they're all described in a positive light even if some have a few negative qualities too, even the women are described in positive ways.
I just want to know if it's okay so I don't sound like a schizo, or to be told that I'm being a schizo before I say this irl.

No. 2205051

The lion king is nothing like Hamlet. Other than the main lions(hamlet) father dying and mother(gertrude) hooking up with the new lion father (claudius) there's little similarity. Is the pumba and meerkat characters rosencratz and guildenstern that verify the ghost of the dead lion father? alright then who is Polonius? Who is Ophelia and Laertes? who's Yorich and Horatio? Is the enemy evil lion praying and constantly avoiding death from the child lion? Is the child lion constantly agonizing killing him?

No. 2205056

Not sure if this counts as race bait since its not meant to be offensive or anything as its dealing with something as nebulous and benign as cheese but cheese is a staple in European culture, and South Koreans are incredibly white worshiping. Its not any more complex than that. The trashy carnival food esq corndogs with faux mozzarella in them are imitative of fat excess American carnival food and street food culture which in itself is hybrid fusion cuisine born from the food culture of German and Italian American immigrants co-opted by south Koreans like rap music to black Americans. Another point an anon raised is lactose intolerance which is true, this is something that's taught in human population genetics in any undergraduate genetics course. Lactase non-persistence is apparent in 90% of the east Asian population since they lack the ability to metabolize lactose lacking the enzyme lactase. Dairy was never consumed in Asian countries historically in high proportion so the mutation that led to the ability to digest it was never gained or pasteurization. You can speculate on the cheese obsession any way you'd like but I see it as nothing more than euroworshiping and market imitation dressed up as european "indulgence" by Korean marketers to sell a lie to the population. Milk is a weird fucking thing that exists that we put in drinks and food and dairy in general is bizarre, it shouldn't be seen as the standard for any culture, and this isn't some vegan screed it just isn't all that necessary its almost like a solvent in most use cases. That being said if it tastes nice and you aren't getting diarrhea from lactose intolerance indulge in it if you'd like.

Great music advice and informative discussion.

No. 2205161

Any good ideas for what I could place or mess with (secretly) in the apartment of a moid who was abusive? It's not like he is going to notice immediately because he is messy and doesn't even have fitted sheets and throws his clean laundry on the floor. I get that it's childish but I think it will help me make peace with it. So any good ideas for some really petty revenge are welcome.

No. 2205184

I don't think it's schizo or a misinterpretation but I think sounds like's more about the author's style than the society depicted? Or do you mean that reading that writing style makes you think how it'd be nice if we heard each other out more and didn't jump to such black and white judgements of each other?

Yeah if you put it like that, that's a cool concept and not schizo at all.

No. 2205196

Hide meat and fruit in elaborate places (like under the floorboards etc) to give him bad smells and infestation.

No. 2205199

Rub meat grease on every surface that's not immediately noticeable. Hide one of those high-pitched "animal deterrent" things somewhere that's not too easy to find. Pour water into the small appliances. Sprinkle sand on the comfortable surfaces + in his clothes. Put pepper or spices in his pillowcase. Put itching powder in his hairbrush or any other products he's likely to use. Replace his sugar with salt. If he has water ready in a coffee machine or something, replace it with white vinegar. Put ungodly amounts of tissue down the shower drain. Put a small amount of tiny broken glass shards in the shower/bath, not enough to be noticeable though. Sign him up to as many gay porn mailing list subscriptions as you can. Put sugar behind the counters and stuff to attract insects.

No. 2205200

Do this but also use sardines

No. 2205202

Is it a bad idea to date a Brazilian moid?

No. 2205203

Some ideas for the meat grease thing: the bedframe under his mattress, any high-up shelves, the back of a wall mounted TV, the underside of a console or a dining chair seat, etc. Just places where absolutely no one would think to look. Beef tallow or sardine juice are other great ideas if you can get them.

No. 2205214

How do you accurately count the calories of food if you only know the weight in grams/oz? I want to get a scale so I can count the calories of my at home meal, but it seems like if you don't know the macros then those "grams/oz to calories" calculators online aren't accurate.
Like, a 2 pack of reeses (42g) is 250 cals, but if you put 42g into a conversion calculator then it's around 324 cals.

No. 2205216

I don't understand the question, if the packaging says its 250 cal then you don't need to do any further calculations. They already did it for you.

No. 2205218

Yes, I'm using the prepackaged food as an example of how the online converters don't seem accurate

No. 2205224

Can you describe him? A lot of moids here are thrash but there's some that stand out.

No. 2205226

use happyforksdotcom

No. 2205259

Same as any other country, you get good and bad ones.

No. 2205269

I love all of those ideas especially the meat/sardine ones because he is a vegan. The insect ones are also really good because he used to threaten me with physical violence whenever I killed a fly or mosquito.

No. 2205273

God I hate vegan men, they're so neurotic and self righteous. I'd take a backwoods trapper before I even touched a vegan male.

No. 2205292

Mine loved feeling morally superior and using it as an excuse to treat me and others like trash and was a self-proclaimed "stoic" to avoid accountability for literally anything he did. He also was a teacher so he was basically double trouble with the arrogance

No. 2205301

Is random moids telling women to smile an American thing? I'm French and it only happened to me once when I was traveling to the USA (and I was 15 ewww), never in my country. However I tend to be invisible and my life experience is very different compared to the average woman (like I never got catcalled or harassed in public transportation).

No. 2205304

Yes. If a man did that in the Balkans he would get his teeth kicked in.

No. 2205328

How is Chapell Roan queer? Everyone is referring to her as a "queer icon" but I've never heard how she is queer. Does she identify herself as a queer or has she kissed a girl once or some shit?

No. 2205343

What's the best way to find fanfic recs?

No. 2205353

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Why do I sometimes have dreams someone is shoving their fingers in my asshole and it hurts so bad?! Am I getting raped by a ghost in my sleep? Am I getting a wedgie in my sleep maybe, and my mind just translates that into intense asshole pain?

No. 2205355

are you constipated

No. 2205357

Not at the moment, no. But I have struggled with constipation for most of my life. That's a good theory

No. 2205358

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Nonnitas I've been talking with a guy for a few weeks and last time we met I mentioned that I would like to have more plants in my room but im very bad at taking care of them. He works in a garden centre so he bought me a plant that he thinks is easy to take care of and will give it to me next time we see each other. I felt bad not giving anything back so I bough this little plushie, he has a female grey tabby just like that so I thought it might be nice! and he has a lot of cat things in his room, but now im thinking that maybe is a little silly. Am I overthinking? What would your reaction be?
thanks nonnies stay sweet

No. 2205359

If I were a boy and a girl I liked gave me a little kitty kat plushie to match my pet I'd giggle and kick my feet and kiss it every night

No. 2205361

I bet 5€ that she’s just a Fakebian who got pissy that her military ex left her. She always talks about him kek and she worships troons and faggots. A handmaiden at her core.

No. 2205375

I'm sure he'll love it!

No. 2205380

he's gonna shove it up hiss ass

No. 2205397

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no way…

No. 2205407

Considering he likes and has cats I think that's an adorable gift

No. 2205610

he will love this and never forget that from the start you made cute gestures to him too. most men don’t deserve it and that’s why they don’t get effort back, but it’s going to mean a lot to a good one.

No. 2205650

what's the difference between leftist/liberal and libertarian?

No. 2205651

Leftist liberals are closeted socialists

No. 2205659

Leftist are socialist-leaning progressives who care about social justice, climate change, and ending capitalism. While there's overlap with liberals, they're further the the left. Liberals are more in line with the Democratic party and want to change things within the systems in place (so not anti-capitalist or ACAB). Think gradual change over revolution. Libertarians are concerned with individual freedom and limited government, especially reducing excessive taxation. Because of their focus on personal liberty, they don't have as much ideological consistency as a group and some are legit insane, like those arguing for no age of consent laws. Their conventions are weird and messy and good for a laugh.

No. 2205678

What do people mean when they say "sex music"? What kinds of genres or artists?

No. 2205711

music to fuck to. not genre or artist specific. sexy music or music with a certain beat.

No. 2205715

the entire soundtrack of the sims 1

No. 2205725

>sexy music or music with a certain beat.
Can you describe the beat? I'm autistic and still a virgin.

No. 2205729

I've dated a brazillion moids and they were all the same

No. 2205780

>brazillion moids
This sounds like you dated all the moids in Brazil

No. 2205917

if i delete my discord account will it delete my conversations with people from their end?

No. 2205930

What's the easiest way to get banned from Facebook?

No. 2205931

anti-semitism and violent threats maybe?

No. 2205935

Going off all the discord leaks I've seen, no.

No. 2205944

Get his malnourished ass nona

No. 2205991

What do you add to plain oatmeal

No. 2206005

I like adding strawberries or bananas and a sprinkle of brown sugar

No. 2206009

Why did people in the 20th century have so much fluffier hair

No. 2206021

i want to know too men looked so hot back then

No. 2206023

Are the moans women make during sex real or do they fake them to set the mood?

No. 2206031

Apparently humans aren't the only ones that moan during sex (other female apes too) but most of it is fake I would say

No. 2206035

nonnies with 2 or more cats, do they fight to see who gets to nap on your lap?

No. 2206043

Why don’t the male apes moan when human males do

No. 2206060

Well they either all fake it or it's a human specific thing. Never found it sexy personally, men sound retarded when they moan.

No. 2206076

It can be fake but it can also be used to communicate what feels good, consciously or not.

They don't fight but one of them lick the other to make her leave.

No. 2206084

Can you not shill this opinion. I bet you think liking hairless men isn’t liking “real men” too

No. 2206089

No I actually like hairless men more. I just don't like when men moan.

No. 2206099

1. Short hair was in fashion for men and women 2. It was common to finish drying your hair by brushing very vigorously while it was damp, which we don't do any more because it destroys your hair 3. Lots of hair styling products were used, like gels and sprays, which were left on the hair for days since washing your hair was a weekly or biweekly activity, and hair was brushed daily, which helped to build up the volume.
Partly remove the screws on his cupboard doors so they get fucked up over time and fall on his foot. Take one foot from the pairs of work shoes he wears most often and either toss them out or put something nasty in them like grease and hide them somewhere disgusting, maybe in the kitchen or behind the toilet. Fuck with the hinges on his doors so they open and shut by themselves if you have the opportunity (this is one of the main reasons people think their house is haunted and it's a great way to make him shit himself but it does take a while, although you could try greasing the hinges super well and seeing if the doors are already badly installed enough to swing around of their own free will). Take all his batteries and take out all of the batteries from his devices. Does he have a work pass? Now he doesn't! Remove a couple of important keys on his keyboard, fuck up the bits underneath, and replace the keys. Remove the silicone seals from his kitchen and bathroom. Replace half the contents of any open alcoholic beverages you can find with unfiltered tap water and shake very well. Mix all his spices. Punch tiny holes in packets of rice, pasta, etc with a needle or pin to make them go stale and encourage insects and mice to have a nibble. Sign him up for erectile dysfunction newsletters. While you're at it sign him up for every single finance bro course and mailing list you can find. If you do this slowly enough it can seem like he clicked on a Youtube link by accident and now he's being bombarded by shit he never signed up for, he won't suspect you. If you can access his online accounts, tailor his interests towards gambling, finance, van life, wilderness survival Varg bullshit, insane diets like the raw meat diet, and dodgy roid injections. Make a note of the passwords so you can continue to supply him with new hobbies.

No. 2206110

Mine are mostly real, but I will fake them occasionally because my husband has come to expect them and if I'm completely quiet, he'll keep stopping to check in that I'm having a good time.

No. 2206111

What's with racist and larping as black women, what do they get from doing that

No. 2206114

Is it possible to get famous without fucking someone

No. 2206121

it's propagandistic: they want to put out an ugly idea of those women to prompt other people to hate them. i think also that people like this enjoy the fact that it's a social response that they can control. it's hard to be so consistently cool and likable and impressive that people look at you and say "wow, that racist man is so cool and smart. his ideas must be really great." it's easy to be horrible and rude and get people to say "wow, that black woman on the internet is posting all these terrible things. I'm going to think less of her."

No. 2206124

How do you know who's black and who's white on the internet

No. 2206166

How often does the "what men say when women are not around" manages to be true?

No. 2206181

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No. 2206193

It’s true.

No. 2206201

>Don’t be retarded
Sorry for posting in the STUPID QUESTIONS THREAD. Won’t do that again! Anyways, I’m asking because I know some Arab moids who love using the N word and I was wondering why they do that so comfortably.

No. 2206206

Perfectly crafted punchline well done

No. 2206417

Why does talking about hair or eye colour immediately attract spergs who want to infight? What a strange thing to argue about.

No. 2206425

He was so interesting to look at. Probably good that he died young because I'd hate to see the way his features get all walled

No. 2206432

Why do men become gynecologists. I think they're all creeps. I want to hear their justification for it. Would never see one anyway but why.

No. 2206440

Look up the blue eyes/brown eyes classroom experiment, people feel happy with any stupid trait that makes them feel better than others.

No. 2206443

why does alcohol make my clit throb

No. 2206447

Go pee

No. 2206454

How is it possible to go from thinking I am the most hideous person on the face of this planet and wanting to take a pocket knife to the face to thinking I am gorgeous all within the span of 15 minutes? How is it possible to go from screaming crying on the kitchen floor wanting to end it to suddenly having hope that things will get better and wanting to actually stick around for it to? One psych thinks I'm bipolar, and the other thinks I just have major depressive disorder. I've tried 20 different meds (antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc) and I've been written off as treatment resistant. I'm doing ECT and it's not doing shit. I did TMS and it didn't do shit. Nothing fucking helps and and no one knows what's wrong with me. I'm on lamotrigine but its too early to tell what's to come of it. I want to get better for the sake of my dad. I literally don't give a fuck about myself or anyone else in my family, I just want to get stable so that my Dad's quality of life can improve. I come across so normal publicly, and yet so much torment is occuring in my head 24 fucking 7. I literally can't take it anymore.

No. 2206456

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Is someone like Danny Gonzalez or nick digiovanni considered mixed race or just white people with some non-white ancestry?

No. 2206478

don't know who nick giovanni is, but i'm pretty sure danny is like 1/4 mexican and i don't think we know what race the mexican grandparent is (since there are white mexicans you know)

No. 2206480

Iirc he apologized for saying "beaner" or some other thing so I guess he doesn't have the pass.

No. 2206484

Half asleep but suddenly remembered this anime i watched as a teen on youtubd. I just remember a strong blonde girl in a dress and im sure she had a cand that looked and was shaped as a candycane. her mascot was a dog that was jn a war
it was a comedy type anime excel saga tier

No. 2206488

to add, im sure the cane or something had an eye, and she was a princess. i cannot find anything on the internet about it. related animes are excel saga dokuro-chan (dokuro-chan would show up on the side on youtube)

No. 2206490

his grandfather is mexican but that's it
he talks about this 1:58

No. 2206499

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Where can I find a headlamp like Peggy Hill's? Is it even real? I have a normal headlamp but it's not right, it's too dead on without craning my neck down to read in bed. I don't really care for my normal booklight either, I just know the Peggy Hill lamp would be perfect.

No. 2206501

angler fish maxxing

No. 2206507

I can always tell when people are 1/4 of another race so I always consider them mixed, if only “a little”. Under 1/4 is what I consider white with some different ancestry

No. 2206527

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Ot but I wonder if Elliot would've been jealous of his younger brothers looks

No. 2206529

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Why can't I access Reddit on Firefox? I get this.

No. 2206540

No. 2206555

If a moid is a huge fan of the streamer destiny is that a red flag and if so why

No. 2206593

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Dai Mahō-Tōge
we have a Help Me Find thread, I got banned last time I asked a question like that on this thread

No. 2206627

So I’m a shortass, inb4 everyone says ‘thats obviously why!’
Why do I bloat so fucking bad? My bloats always look like I’m super pregnant and it looks so out of place on my frame. It’s nearly a constant at this point and I’m always stressing myself out about possible pregnancy even when I haven’t had sex in ages. Are there any ways I can help this? I look like I have a beergut/second trimester pregnancy.

No. 2206635

I'm tall-ish and I look pregnant when I bloat too, I don't think it has to do with height and I unfortunately have no idea how to stop it either.

No. 2206670

How do some anons peak people irl like I'm just too scared probably.

No. 2206692


No. 2206693

No. 2206697

Turning normie women into moid-haters/terfs
I've successfully made some of my female friends hate men a little more, but not enough to hate troons, which is why I don't consider it peaking, for example

No. 2206714

Can black mold exposure cause hair loss and degenerate cluster b behavior? The moid I was dating had patchy alopecia and his apartment was a freaking mess. I did not see large spots of black mold but his apartment was old, there was always laundry piles scattered around on the floor, crumbs scattered around the kitchen and there was a gigantic brown spot on the ceiling in the bathroom. Almost like a burst pipe. He also slept in the stickiest room of the apartment. I'm suspecting black mold but maybe it's just his own degeneracy?

No. 2206716

I like how after cycling through explanations for his behavior you landed on 'mold'

No. 2206722

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Is this woman black or not? If she call a black person nigga is it offensive?(bait)

No. 2206723

Being pale doesn’t make someone not black just like being dark-skinned doesn’t make someone… black? Duh. Ice Spice drops n-words left and right and she is paler than most white people

No. 2206724

>she's paler than most white person
Uh no she isn't? She doesn't look black either, she looks like a white brazilian.
>being black doesn't mean you're white
Then what makes it?

No. 2206726

it's some faggot scrote with a fetish for albino black women seeking attention on LC, don't reply

No. 2206731

Kek go back to reading yaoi fatto(infighting)

No. 2206737

She clearly is a black woman with albinism.

No. 2206750

She does not look white brazillian lmao she looks african and black

No. 2206767

How do you get yogurt to last longer? 5 days ago I bought 32 oz pint of Chobani greek yogurt even though I don't eat greek yogurt that fast. I don't think it's spoiled yet but it probably will be soon since yogurt goes bad quickly. Can I just freeze it? Should I put lemon juice in it?

No. 2206775

nta but she doesn't look black, because she literally isn't. she's mixed

No. 2206784

that specific post and the one anon was replying to was about Ice spice, not the girl in OP's question

No. 2206785

That's Thando Hopa, she's not mixed. Her parents are from the Xhosa and Sotho tribes.

No. 2206787

Sorry anon, my bad.

No. 2206789

i can Kiss you forever. thank you

No. 2206818

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Does anyone still have the camshows that Ashe Maree (I think that's her name) and Charlotte Charms did like ten years ago? I was reading the old Charlotte threads because I always thought she was hot back then and I'm ngl these GIFs got me. I know this is borderline scrote behaviour but have mercy with a lesbian sister please

No. 2206826

No. 2206830

No. 2206831

Don't ask this here. According to lolcow users lesbians don't lust after women, they just want peck kisses and flower picking.

No. 2206835

Anons here tend to be against prostitution and view watching cam girls as degenerate behavior, don’t get your panties in a twist

No. 2206839

Most anons are just against porn anon and I say that as a gay

No. 2206883

Are you twelve

Sorry, I should probably have thought better of it but because it was camwhoring I felt like it was "ethical porn", if there is such a thing. Gonna keep searching on my own then

No. 2206885

Why not ask coomer moids on 4chan? they have a porn request board

No. 2206889

No. 2206898

Never been on main 4chan, I have to admit, but I'll un-ironically try that. Thank you nonna!

You first queen

No. 2206901

I’ve had my ears pierced since I was a small child and I dont wear earrings often. Within the last few months a super small bump the size of a grain of rice (maybe a keloid?) had appeared right next to one of my piercings. Has anyone ever had this happen?? I didn’t know you could develop keloids or piercing problems years later. I’ve tried doing warm compresses and putting antibiotic ointment on it but I haven’t had much luck. I haven’t worn an earring in that ear in over a year either.

No. 2206937

It could also be a cyst, it's not uncommon to have them in the earlobe.

No. 2206939

Probably a cyst like >>2206937 said. There are specific ear piercing disinfectants like forasept that have always helped me with weird bumps on my piercings, if you wanna be 100% on the safe side though

No. 2206946

I don't dye my hair, but I think it looks good

No. 2206949

Related question for other latin american nonnas: Is this talk of being 1/4, 1/16, etc, of a certain nationality really fucking weird for anyone else? This is behavior I only see in the US.
I guess it's because mixed race people are extremely rare there compared to here, where virtually everyone is mixed somehow.
Another thing that is really weird for me is how people in the US speak with different accents depending on their skin color. Here we don't have that.

No. 2206950

I lived in a tropical country my whole live so this might sound dumb, but what do people do with their hands in cold weather when on the PC? I want to sit at my PC and I have a blanky wrapped around me playing games and browsing lolcow but my hands are FREEZING. Is there like, some special PC gloves or do you just warm your hands on a cup of tea until it gets cold or??

No. 2206978

Usually biracial people are considered mixed, his parent might be considered Latino or Hispanic but he wouldn’t. If someone is 1/4 something else but looks clearly mixed race then they might consider themselves to be mixed race because it would affect how they’re perceived and treated

No. 2207005

>Another thing that is really weird for me is how people in the US speak with different accents depending on their skin color. Here we don't have that.
America is a very spread-out nation with history of racism, so people of different races tend to stick to their respective communities, which is why you have 2nd and 3rd generation mexican Americans speaking with a slight accent, or African Americans speaking with an accent. People tend to mingle with other like-people.

No. 2207009

There exists such a thing as a white latino… hard concept to grasp IK.

No. 2207017

I just let my hands get cold kek. I think some people buy handwarmers. Or you could wear an oversized sweater that covers your hands.

No. 2207025

Is it normal to feel depressed or empty once adhd medication wears off?

No. 2207030

Yes. Eat something.

No. 2207053

How do you recover from embarassing interactions with people? I'm doing well in every other aspect but socializing is killing me.

No. 2207058

Literally just keep going through it. You'll be desensitized to the awkwardness eventually, and it'll begin to feel more natural if you start accepting it. We're imperfect, we can't perfectly deliver in conversations. There are plenty of resources online that give advice on how and what to say in certain situations. You could also look into anxiety-relief methods like meditation, basically ways to calm you down so that it affects your speech less.

No. 2207061

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Have you tried: thugging that shit out?

No. 2207148

It helps me to remember most people are too concerned with themselves and either don't care or won't remember. I put my foot in my mouth a few weeks ago and when I mentioned it to my friend, she didn't know what I was talking about. Oh, that's the other thing. At least with your friends and family, they're often willing to cut you a lot of slack and grace because they love you. So even if they do remember that awkward thing you may have said, they won't care anyways. Like >>2207058 said, we're only humans and not perfect.

No. 2207163

what is yiff?

No. 2207165

It's furry for "fuck."

No. 2207174

You look up other people's embarrassing interactions. Here, feel better from this: 20 minutes ago I let out a huge fart in front of my boss. She looked at me and then looked away and said nothing. Are you feeling better now?

No. 2207207

Can this be a part of ADHD when you know exactly a routine and have perfected the most efficient way to do something? Like going to the toilet and then washing hands, opening door and closing lights is always the same and takes you very little time because it’s the perfect order.

No. 2207210

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Why arent straight male pickmes a thing? i mean men who try to pander to what women like, like larping as kpoopies/himbos/anime twinks, gets EDs to have lean fit physiques etc?

No. 2207211

Whenever I tell people that all alcohol I've ever tried was disgusting (wine was just ok) they say that the point isn't the taste, it's only for getting drunk. If I never want to get drunk then should I just stop bothering with even trying?

No. 2207217

No. 2207218

Men think it's gay, women make this worse by being brainwashed into having lower standards and praising men for the bare minimum.

No. 2207219

>don't like the taste of alcohol
>don't want to get drunk
consider yourself blessed and move on.

No. 2207233

They are a thing though nonnie. I've seen moods try to pander to women by pretending to like Kpop,anime etc.

No. 2207262

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is this Jill? if so, what thread is this from?

No. 2207303

Read this in a spergy incel voice kek

No. 2207306

>Another thing that is really weird for me is how people in the US speak with different accents depending on their skin color. Here we don't have that.
This is my perspective as a British person. Americans call each other racist against black people for imitating aave and that will always be so crazy to me. I feel like race is America’s class, if that makes sense
>people of different races tend to stick to their respective communities
That’s kind of sad, no? I thought America was more multicultural, like that seems embedded in the nation ethos.

No. 2207307

Britain’s class is like America’s race*

No. 2207325

Yep. This is the thread where the performance first appears: >>>/w/224119
That moment is around 9:50 in the video. I think the gif comes from here: >>>/w/251332

No. 2207328

thinking of going on the friend finder threads but im scared of the scenario that the person im voice verifying is a moid who did voice training and can do a convincing impression; what are other things to watch out for when vetting real women to add?

No. 2207337

Anyone else 5'10 or taller?

No. 2207338

thank you so much! i missed her whole drag king arc

No. 2207341

just pissed in a toilet bowl still filled with toilet cleanser that apparently had bleach in it - will i live, nonnies?

No. 2207349

the irritating fumes you created shouldnt kill you, but it is bad to inhale. just close the toilet lid, flush and hope it doesnt explode your toilet

No. 2207359

i flushed it while i was pissing, how long do i have to live?

No. 2207364

>flushed while pissing
Gross, anon

No. 2207370

Am I insane for worrying that anyone else would want my 160cm tall, unemployed, mentally ill boyfriend?

No. 2207374

Unfortunately you do give him market value by being with him. It's an easy fix though.

No. 2207375

yes, theres no saving you

No. 2207438

Are the Kardashians considered white?

No. 2207460

Yeah. I wouldn't blame anyone who thinks they're not though.

No. 2207483

Technically considered white in USA (belong to caucasian race), but many people wouldn't consider them as such because they aren't of european decent.

No. 2207493

Are clip-on earrings uncomfortable? Do they fall off easily? I found a pair that I love and I'm wondering if it's going to be a hassle. I don't want to get my ears pierced

No. 2207502

It all depends - usually, with most types of clip on earring posts, you'll be able to take a pair of pliers and gently bend the flat part of the post back (the part of the clip that goes behind your ear) to get a better fit that isn't too tight but is snug. It also depends on if your ear lobes are really sensitive - mine are and even my looser clip ons can get uncomfy after a few hours, but not everyone will experience that. As for falling off, all my clip ons are really long beaded earrings and I only have one pair fall off every now and then, mostly because the beads are heavier. Most pairs I can whip my head around violently a few times before they fly off, so with normal wear they usually stay put.

No. 2207536

They're only uncomfortable if they're too tight, which can be fixed with pliers like >>2207502 said. I never got my ears pierced and only wear clip-ons.

No. 2207557

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Would it look retarded if I used a ski suit (thermal and waterproof) as my outdoor winter outfit? I'm thinking of walking to work with it and then undressing to reveal the actual, work-appropriate, outfit.
I hate being cold and I remember how nice combinezons were in winter.

No. 2207558

thanks nonnas, appreciate the input!

No. 2207562

It might be more versatile to get a good jacket with a pair of snow pants. You could get a cute matching set similar to your pic but on days it’s a bit milder you don’t need to put on a one piece!

No. 2207563

I feel like cologne smells objectively better than perfume so why don’t more women wear cologne. Like I don’t understand why you wouldn’t wear the product that smells better to you.

No. 2207567

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Is there any reason as to why pro-palestinians keep posting liveleak tier videos of people gruesomely dying? It’s very disgusting. Why do you want others to see someone being burnt to a crisp in a fire? Wtf is wrong with these people? Picrel is the kind of thing I’m talking about

No. 2207576

>Like I don’t understand why you wouldn’t wear the product that smells better to you.
Because other people are not you. Perfume smells better to them.

No. 2207596

Because no one is doing anything to stop Israel from doing what the video shows to people. It’s supposed to be upsetting and traumatizing because people in western countries feel so removed from what their governments are funding, they should at least have to face it while they sit on their asses and do nothing. This is such a dumb question even for this thread that I feel like you’re probably just a pro-Israel baiter trying to start shit to be honest.

No. 2207629

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Do men on dating apps ever bother to Google reverse the images shown on there? I'm bored and kinda wanna troll but I'm not willing to use my own face lol

No. 2207633

many of them are fascists who just want to increase antisemitism

No. 2207693

Is fingering finger penetration or is it also like? Clitoral rubbing and stuff

No. 2207703

this is a philosophical question

No. 2207860

>posting about Israel’s war crimes is bad because uhm antisemitism. Fascist.

No. 2207881

It's because they're kids who've been brainwashed into thinking that self-flagellation is the same thing as taking direct action. This shit does nothing to help Palestinians. Writing to their state reps, protests, boycotts, that stuff works. The pro-palestine protesters are also annoying on social media but they're getting results. >>2207596 has kindly given you the reason why TIFs and kids think that it's their god-given duty to spam Twitter with gore of human beings who have been reduced to woobified strawmen by children who don't care that these are real people. It doesn't matter to them that spamming gore is making it impossible to use the tags to find actual tangible ways of helping Palestinians. It's social credit harvesting game to them.

No. 2207893

Was reading the wikipedia page for radical feminism because I was bored and alone at lunch. It says Andrea Dworkin supported trannies.
>supported recognition of trans women as women, which they describe as trans-inclusive feminism.
The fuck. Is that seriously true?

No. 2207895

Do other people honestly care much less than you think they do?

I struggle with over-thinking a lot and I tend to think that people remember my mistakes, times I acted "weird" etcetera.

No. 2207927

Most people aren't paying attention. If they don't know you, the most that will ever happen is you'll join their list of "This one time I saw somebody…" stories. If they do know you, they might be more likely to remember some random weird thing, but chances are it won't ever come up again. The majority of people are too obsessed with themselves to pay that much attention to others.

No. 2208080

Should i take my cat to the vet if he sneezes sometimes or is it normal?

No. 2208096


No. 2208103

Who cares? We don't have to include them

No. 2208105

yes sorry i never had a cat before

No. 2208107

Yes lol sneezing is completely normal.

No. 2208112

um we usually turn up the heating

No. 2208132

is vacationing in Cuba really as bad as some people make it out to be?

No. 2208162

>I feel like race is America’s class, if that makes sense
I agree. Here, you'll notice big differences between classes, not skin color. In america they have both divisions, so they end up with all these unofficial castes.
>I thought America was more multicultural
They really, really want to be seen that way, but at the same time, they hate it. US multicultiralism is all for show.
I never heard anyone say it was horrible. My sister is a mega capitalist and she said it was her favorite international trip, and she's been to lots of first world countries.
>Writing to their state reps, protests, boycotts, that stuff works.
Something that helps me is recognizing when other people fuck up and noticing how they react. Most of the time they just move on. If you said something that may have offended someone, I do think it's nice to wait until the convo is over and ask them if you hurt them. If they say you did, apologize sincerely.

No. 2208167

How many finger can you fit in your forehead? I feel like i have a giantic ass forehead.

No. 2208169

just over 3, whats yours?

No. 2208173

4 sigh

No. 2208177

Entire hand…but my hands are small tbf.

No. 2208179

4 and I think I have a small/normal sized forehead or maybe just a long face so it looks proportional

No. 2208180

4. maybe its because i have moonface so it looks bigger.

No. 2208196

No. 2208205

the stray cat i was feeding took a shit on my house nowadays, what did she mean by this? was she trying to assert dominance? should i call her stacy?

No. 2208223

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4 and I have big manhands, pic rel is literally me

No. 2208224

She feels like your house is part of her territory now, but that's a good thing. Get her a litter box, she'll naturally want to use it.

No. 2208229

interesting, i already have another cat do you think they will start fighting? they seem to get along fairly well and play together but i dont want them to fight

No. 2208232

Shit i look like this too, are we sisters?

No. 2208248

4, I have a 5head but small hands, it evens out.

No. 2208253

Hypothetically, can you burn the top layer of wrinkled/fine lined skin and grow it back to be fresh and young instead of getting filler?

No. 2208265

No, I don’t think so. If you’re intent on changing it then either wait until you’re older and get a mini face lift or try skin tightening laser treatments. It’s best to just accept the aging process and not let it bother you though

No. 2208272

That would probably leave you with scar tissue… there's no way you can precisely burn just the very top layer and nothing else DIY at home even if you wouldn't get scar tissue from it.

No. 2208273

5 easily that’s why I have bangs

No. 2208275

Kek NO girl don’t burn yourself

No. 2208276

Is 4 normal? I always thought I had a large-ish forehead but now I'm not sure

No. 2208278

We may just be two eggheads separated at birth ♥

No. 2208280

I live in a tropical area but it can get below freezing temps despite never snowing. We usually have central heat systems even in very year round warm areas like mine. However I hate central heat and artificial heat in general so when it was up to me I refused to run the central heat. We had a space heater for the living room if we got too cold but usually it was just so fun to bundle up in a kigu and tons of blankets while the house was like 50F. Apparently that’s bad for your house though? I didn’t care. Artificial heating makes me feel fucking sick. I wish homes still had a fire place cause I love fire pits.

No. 2208282

yes anon thats why burnt victims look so youthful

No. 2208290

5 kek, big foreheads don't even bother me on other people but I feel like mine is an entire ski slope.

No. 2208339

Is it weird for a woman to buy flowers for her bf?

No. 2208347

Is it ungrateful for a daughter to want very little to do with her father because he's sexist and buys into retarded far-right meme conspiracies and not because he was overtly abusive?

No. 2208349

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No. 2208351

Yes, it is, never do it. Men do not like it and will give them the ick. Same as women proposing

No. 2208353

No I think that's called having survival instincts.

No. 2208354

yes, why isn't he the one buying flowers?

No. 2208358

It's extreme to cut family members out of your life solely for political opinions, assuming the person is normal otherwise.

No. 2208376

Nta, but no it's not extreme if they have some retarded beliefs.

No. 2208416

I can't drink and am incredibly sensitive to caffeine. Is this related or just tough luck?

No. 2208419

Isn't this both good?

No. 2208420

Some people are just sensitive to substances. It might mean you don’t have a very good baseline liver/kidney function and is natures way of making sure you don’t end up dying from kidney or liver damages

No. 2208421

Do you have anxiety or sensory issues?

No. 2208517

Where’s the Venus thread??? I can’t find it in retarded I gotta know what that psycho alcoholic is up to

No. 2208520

No. 2208558

Is taobao trustworthy? I know some people get their knock off Lolita there. I'm trying to find a costume for Halloween and I'm wary of Amazon and Ebay resellers and scams, but not sure if Taobao is any more reputable

No. 2208574

Can anyone recommend entertaining mostly-text subreddits? I never have anything to do at work and the building has no wifi, so I need some stuff to browse that won’t eat through all my cell data. I used to just browse lolcor all day, but it’s too slow now to keep me occupied. Reddit is just my first idea but if you know anything else that would fit the bill please tell me. It can really be anything as long as it’s not boring.

No. 2208578

Aliexpress ends up being cheaper honestly. I’ve gotten most of my lolita shoes from aliexpress and they’re all pretty good quality esp for the price.

No. 2208582

I've never used Aliexpress before but that's good to know. So there's minimal risk of credit card info being stolen, things never being delivered, etc? I'm wary of places like Temu, is AE less sketchy?

No. 2208587

What's the dumbest thing you've gotten mad at your bf for? I'll start. I sent him one of those images where you're trapped in a room for 10 years and have to pick a few items to take with you. I got mad that he didn't choose a cell phone to call me in the scenario.

No. 2208596

I’m also wary of Temu and have never used it but have used aliexpress for hundreds of transactions. Sometimes it has taken like 3+ months but I’ve never failed to receive my order. I’ve never had my cc info stolen. I honestly love aliexpress especially for gifts for family members because you can get such interesting shit for very little money, stuff that your family likely hasn’t seen in retail stores before but is still fun and cool for them. Just realize everything is a knock off and as long as that doesn’t bug you go full steam ahead on the aliEXPRESS choo choo.

No. 2208627

>Is 4 normal?
that's why it's called a forehead (4head) nonny

No. 2208637

I don't think men like it when you hand them a bouquet of flowers, but if you live together, you can buy flowers and just put them in a vase. Men are lazy and don't know what to do receiving gifts like that, but they can appreciate a nice home.

No. 2208639

Honestly for your use I'd recommend Dling books to your phone and reading that over reddit.

No. 2208652

Does anyone know of a website that teaches you how to basically vandalize (I'm thinking like very sturdy stickers or wheat paste posters)?
Political participation is impossible in my country now and I want to give people resources for things my country bans, so this isnt going to be for trying to write my insta tag on everything kek.

No. 2208684

I know a gay gynecologist, I think he went into it because women love gays so it's a better work environment than dealing with homophobic men. I still would never go to a male gynecologist, no matter how gay he is

No. 2208699

File: 1729026071769.jpg (83.06 KB, 797x800, 1690705590537.jpg)

can someone give me ideas of super cheap meals to make? i had to use my life savings to fix some urgent health problems and i am left with 50 bucks to feed myself for a month.

No. 2208709

check out theWolfePit, he has a big playlist of struggle meals that are actually cheap. One of my favorites is Hoover stew.
I hope things look up for you soon, anon, that sounds extremely hard to deal with. Don't be afraid to ask for help, even from your friends (if you have any) - many will be very sympathetic to you if you mention that you need help buying food.

No. 2208730

thanks nonny my friends are all poorfags so they cant help. Never have only artsy friends kek

No. 2208733

Kek, thanks nonners!

No. 2208753

If it really bothers you I have seen great results with dermarolling/microneedling and dermaplaning, but don't go to a beauty spa for treatments like that, only an actual real dermatologist's office.

No. 2208770

Why do I get a google translate pop-up in the corner of my screen offering to translate the website from Ukrainian to English everytime I open up lolcow now kek

No. 2208774

>cut zucchini in cubes
>cut potatoes in cubes
>cut some tomatoes
>slice onions and garlic

Put everything to sauté on a pan with oil (olive oil is chefs kiss nonna, in my country we only cook with this, but I’m aware it’s not common in other countries) in medium heat. Add a bit of tomato sauce or purée and let it sauté.
Add water and you have yourself delicious soup, you can even add some rice too.

No. 2208777

Obviously ket everything cook and simmer, even with water. Add salt and paprika or any other seasoning to your taste.

No. 2208784

why does a man cumming inside you affect you like that emotionally

No. 2208789

Any food banks in your area nona? This is definitely the type of situation where they would be happy to help you out. Otherwise, when I was dirt poor in college I of course lived off ramen. It's not the most delicious because of course it's still just a ramen packet, but you can increase the palatability by emptying the seasoning packet directly into your bowl, add a spoonful of mayo, then add only some of the water you used to boil your noodles to the bowl. Mix for a more flavorful and creamy broth. Transfer just your boiled noodles to the bowl instead of the entire pot of noodles and water.
Ideally you would also add one egg and some soy sauce to this broth mixture, but eggs can get expensive lately so this is what I do in a pinch.

No. 2208790

I think because sperm contains hormones that can boost your mood and make you relaxed

No. 2208802

no. make an amazon wishlist with food items public, go on one of the subreddits that offers people help buying food and post with a throwaway account with a cow themed account name. we will find you and feed you.

No. 2208803

is this true? that’s actually crazy what the fuck is that why i’m so docile after. do you have a source for this

No. 2208804

Beans, hot dogs, rice, and Ramen for a whole month.

No. 2208835

this is moid propaganda. their watery sour skim milk doesn't have healing properties. get real.
sex releases oxytocin, which likely is what calms you.

No. 2208837

Everyones ejaculate contains hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, estrogen, etc kek not just mens. Also it's not just our ejaculate that holds stuff like that also our blood, saliva, pee, tears

No. 2208871

i hate men but comparing how to felt with the one person who came in me to the other person who didn’t.. it definitely doesn’t do nothing.

No. 2208890

is it stupid for me to try and build a relationship with a bi girl, who “likes 2d men & women”? she’s really nice and cute, and i’ve been feeling super lonely lately, but i don’t know. none, literally none of my experiences with bi women were good…

No. 2208924

Seems to me that if I interact with a single tweet by a right-winger on X, my whole feed turns into right-wing ragebait trash, even if I don't follow right-wingers. Has this been your experience as well?

No. 2208982

Why not just get to know each other more as friends first? You don’t have to jump immediately into a full blown relationship.

No. 2208986

try to get run over by a steamroller to appeal to her interest in 2D

No. 2208993

Is Chapelle Roan actually gay, or is she LARPing for clout?

No. 2209001

She’s a crazy bisexual

No. 2209043

No. 2209061

larp. gay women aren’t that obsessed with their ex boyfriends the way she is, plus people found thirst comments she made about men online

No. 2209070

File: 1729044261828.jpg (1.13 MB, 2071x3133, 1000018490.jpg)

Her last words was that she'll be back, right? Reincarnationfags, what did she come back as?

No. 2209079

How in the hell would we know? She could be walking amongst this earth or still in the astral realm, beats me. With the way she died, idk they might’ve forced her to reincarnate in a horrible life because she actually took the matters of justice in her own hands. The forces that reincarnate us don’t like us actually being self-empowered as much as you think. That’s enough that I can say before the atheists come here and tell me to shut up

No. 2209086

Shut up.

No. 2209095

There was a guy following me around at the grocery store and when I left he followed me around the parking lot. I started recording him and then he backed off (90% of the recording is of my feet but I did get a few good close up shots of his face)
Should I call the police right now? I’m out of harm and I yelled at him so he backed off but afraid if I call the police they’re gonna want me to come in and formally write a report.

No. 2209096

Buy a big bag of rice, it's a higher upfront cost but lasts super long. Besides cooking it normally you can make porridge/congee for a more filling meal, I like to add boiled eggs and soy sauce. If you're able to get your hands on one, a rice cooker helps since it'll manage the cooking and you can set it to make stuff while you're away.
Seconding the other nona's suggestion of zucchini, hugely underrated vegetable and I hear it's not so hard to grow if you have the space and right climate. Don't be ashamed to check for local food help resources, often charities and churches will help provide meals even if they're not considerable providing money

No. 2209097

you sound like no fun

No. 2209098

Ok just called, was easy enough

No. 2209118

If I were to download someone's declaration of assets from my country's official online platform, would the person in question get notified? I.e. do public servants get notified when someone has accessed their info?

No. 2209131

I'm glad you called anon. Even if the guy doesn't actually do anything dangerous, having a paper trail is always the way to go. And the police should be doing their damn job either way

No. 2209135

How tf do anachans do it

No. 2209137

you just put something else in your mouth instead of food like drinking water or having a cigarette or smoking weed, exercising also helps but sometimes can make you heavier

No. 2209140

That's actually very informative.

No. 2209159

So like, you battle an oral fixation with another oral fixation?

No. 2209164

Should I become a professional/forever student?

You know, spend my whole time studying and not actually working, work on earning my masters and phd instead, leech off financial aid and ssdi once I get my permanent residency to qualify. I’m having trouble finding work due to my disability and my eyesight has decreased, I never really thought about doing that but now I’m considering it. I’m also thinking of becoming a professor afterwards. Is it a good idea?

No. 2209168

is there still a lolcow discord

No. 2209172

What country allows you to get a PR just for being a student

No. 2209181

I’ve applied for residency through my sister and stepfather a few years ago and right now, I’m just waiting for the approval which is taking awhile. It helps if you are a student or a working professional under the DACA program.

No. 2209288

What actually happens if you tell your GP you’re suicidal? In the past year I developed severe PMDD where once every four weeks I spent a full week being extremely irritable and depressed and wanting to kms, then when my period starts it goes away. I’ve been keeping quiet about this because of the way everyone freaks out when someone discloses suicidal feelings, but this isn’t sustainable. Am I at risk of being sectioned (or whatever it’s called in my country) if I explain that it’s definitely PMDD?

No. 2209340

Be very careful to emphasize that you do not have a plan and are not in immediate crisis. Even if that's a lie.

No. 2209361

Do those 5 hour energy shots actually work? Should I mix them with a redbull or monster? I haven't been sleeping that much at night, I just need something that will keep me up for my shift later today.

No. 2209362

I mean they “work” in that they’re just a bunch of caffeine and b12. Don’t mix them with another energy drink though.

No. 2209399

I think if you can be a student for longer and it makes sense for you it's a good idea. It depends what you do though. Also, being a professor is only worth it if you get tenure track. Otherwise you'll make dogshit pay. I think doing a tech-related degree and switching to corporate makes more financial sense than teaching either way though.

No. 2209462

No. 2209484

Have any nonnas taken amitriptyline/evail? I mentioned that I have trouble sleeping and I am anxious at times and she gave me a script. I've never taken pysch meds before.

No. 2209542

3, but I have a stupid small forehead. Funny how the grass is always greener on the other side because I prefer big foreheads on women.

No. 2209582

That can't be real kek

No. 2209589

elliot is better looking than him though

No. 2209644

Is there anything more to dating men? From where I'm standing, doesn't seem worth the drama and the effort. Aside from getting very shortlived butterflies or warm feelings that fizzle out, or for sexual male validation, is there anything else? Men don't really love like women do, and most nowdays seem to try and see how far they will get away with mistreating their gf before she leaves them. Most not even good in bed (by accounts of women in hetero relationships) Not even mentioning providing or supporting you financially, the very idea seems to be obselete among the newer generations. Just from my observations. Can nonnas weigh in?

No. 2209654

Jesus it’s insane to immediately give someone with no psych med history a fucking tricyclic antidepressant. That shit is hardcore and essentially NEVER first line treatment for basically anything. What country are you in? Honestly I’d be nervous too and that’s simply because I think it’s negligent to prescribe this to someone with some trouble sleeping instead of the dozens of better options for first line insomnia treatment.

No. 2209672

get a man like robert smith

No. 2209680

I have so few free time for myself that I can't fathom wasting it trying to find somebody I might be compatible with, also my standards are very high and the idea of being "provided" annoys me, thank god I was born in the 90s and not a hundred years ago.

No. 2209687

He got outed as a creep about a year ago (though some of the evidence was kind of shaky but on the other hand with the way male musicians are with all those groupies it's possible he did it towards someone else)

No. 2209864

i really want to start going to church but i'm afraid of bringing attention to myself as a newcomer or something. i'm not really sure what i'm asking with this post, but does anyone have any advice?

No. 2209876

Look up some churches around you, track down some form of online communication whether it be through Facebook or email or whatever, tell them you are interested in going but you've never gone to church before and are inexperienced. They're church people they literally have to be welcoming to you, a lot of these churches depend on donations and shit plus Christians love to proselytize. Plus if you ghost just remember that these people deal with a lot of that, everybody complains about people not going to church anymore so you'd be alright if you decided to stop going.

No. 2209899

Depending on what kind of church it is you can maybe look up the general gist of it, for example most Roman Catholic Masses are going to be nearly all the same worldwide. More low-church groups (e.g., Baptists, non-denominational) are going to be more unpredictable and focus more on individual participation since they're often more like discussion groups rather than liturgy, so idk about those since they'd all set their own activities
Maybe if you go with someone who already goes it can help? Most people are going to have a positive instead of negative view about you being new if that's something you're worried about. If you go to a church that serves a lot of people or is popular for another reason (like a pretty historic cathedral) it could also take attention off of yourself

No. 2209973

Is having an "innie" just a result of underdevelopment down there?

No. 2209981

Are you retarded?…

No. 2209983

This is the stupid questions thread

No. 2209986

I'm in Ireland. Healthcare is free but I have private insurance. She's a urologist. I went because I had issues with peeing. She seems fair eager with the script. I got offered ozempic last time because I was overweight. I'm was at 28 bmi (down to 23 now) but I feel like that is last choice shit.

No. 2210013

What's an innie vagina?

No. 2210015

I never thought so, I thought having an outie meant that your umbilical chord stump was yanked on or pulled by the doctor when they were cutting it?

No. 2210026

File: 1729115858049.webp (Spoiler Image,22.12 KB, 789x767, inpx08c11u0a1.webp)

It's just the way the doctor snipped the umbilical cord. If you have an innie remember to clean it. Shit builds up like earring gunk x10.

No. 2210037

File: 1729116116502.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.41 KB, 640x497, 8283748.jpg)

Kek I was referring to genitals hence why I said "down there", I should've probably clarified it better
Shitty diagram, but it was the only image I could find comparing the two

No. 2210041

Is "most others" incorrect english?

No. 2210042

File: 1729116203282.png (Spoiler Image,123.61 KB, 249x560, innie-v-outie-vagina-2.png)

Samefag, found a more realistic example

No. 2210045

>If you have an innie remember to clean it. Shit builds up like earring gunk x10.
The most I get is a layer of dead skin that wipes off with soap and a finger, what the actual FUCK is picrel? Never had that in my life, nor have I ever had literal lint in my bellybutton. Wtf.
Anon… the answer to your question is that vaginas are just different on every woman who has one. Innies are not underdeveloped kek, how did you even reach that conclusion?

No. 2210047

In the same vein, there's depression cooking with Clara. She has unfortunately passed away, but there are a lot of recipes in her channel.

No. 2210066

Mine doesn't look like either of them kek. What's that makes my vagina?

No. 2210069

Normal. All vaginas are normal. Except neovags, they're lovecraftian horrors. [/spoiler]deleted and reposting bc the video was still here [/spoiler]

No. 2210071

Vaginas come in a variety of shapes, unless it's causing you pain or discomfort don't worry about it.

No. 2210072

Ok enough, I'll leave my retardation up for all to see.

No. 2210073

Robert Smith and Mary Poole are in an open relationship. “No matter how far away, I will always love you,” yea no kidding, you convinced your wife into letting you sleep with groupies.

No. 2210076

You should stop being this obsessed with troons, seriously it's not good for your health

No. 2210081

Excuse me, do I know you?

No. 2210085

My vagina is naturally pink, would any change in my hormones like higher T would make it darker? Is it possible for your vagina to get darker by hormonal changes?

No. 2210089

A mix of moid standards, observations of their sexuality, things that anons on here have said ( >>>/m/423882 being a recent example), but mainly because from what I know, the labia grows during puberty, so I'd assume that vaginas without a prominent labia are less developed. Of course all bodies are different, but features like having a flat chest are considered underdeveloped in a medical sense, so I wondered if something like this would also be.

No. 2210092

this is a very ethereal looking pussy but please spoiler

No. 2210093

File: 1729117456047.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.71 KB, 452x678, images (16).jpg)

Mine looks like this, does that make me a "outie"?

No. 2210097

Mine looks just like that too! I think it counts as an outie.

No. 2210117

I find some fluff and the occasional scab. Nothing at the level. I get a qtip and dip it in some unscented shower soap to keep it clean.
Honestly I feel bad for nonnas that don't have an extra skin pocket. Where else do you keep your keys, tiny coins and unrequited love letters?

No. 2210123

that's an innie. her legs are spread so you can see inside, if her legs were closed you wouldnt see much beyond the labia majora

No. 2210137

what even is the point of lite mode here

No. 2210139

Isn't it supposed to improve load times or something?

No. 2210149

true yeah probably

No. 2210169

It strips many QoL features from the site so it loads better for someone with an abysmally bad connection or device that can't tolerate loads of content. It loads slightly faster and is probably most useful on long threads
>If you're experiencing slow page loads, click [ Lite ] in the top left to use a slimmed-down version of the site. Many features will be disabled in lite mode, but threads should load more quickly. If you're still having issues, please make a post in the technical help thread in /meta/.

No. 2210206

I've been trying to expand my swearing palette and I'm wondering if any multi lingual nonnies has a favorite swear? I'm watching some videos about it now and Polish swearing has great mouth feel for anger.
Co ty robisz nonnie?

No. 2210209

i default to russian for cursing,
‘ok yeh bis’ is a personal fav and the classic ‘idi nahui’

No. 2210216

That is an innie with a thinner labia majora. An outie means the labia minora is "larger" than the labia majora.

No. 2210231

Esti de crisse de tabarnak de calisse d'osti.

No. 2210262

Does having abortions and going to therapy count as hobbies?

No. 2210263

off topic but it fascinates me how different my pubic hair situation is from every other woman I've seen. My hair is straight and I don't have any on my legs

No. 2210273

Genuinely, why the fuck does media with oversexualized male characters at least to the extent that there is with women not exist? If you look at anything that contains hot, objectified men, they're still treated with respect as an object of desire second. You can see oversexualized porny depictions of women everywhere– from books to movies to porn to fucking sfw magazine covers but you never see the same for men. Over half of the population is women and not once did any woman think of reversing it where the men are oversexualized and the women aren't? Hello?

No. 2210283

File: 1729123692657.png (22.59 KB, 1023x249, french.png)

French is a beautiful language to swear in. I regret taking German in high school.

No. 2210317

Vai tomar do olho do seu cú viado de merda, chupa um canavial de rola otário.

No. 2210320

I always wake up multiple times throughout the night, but I'm able to go back to sleep easily (within 1-3 minutes). Is this a problem?

No. 2210324

no. you should look up lucid dreaming techniques because you would naturally be good at it

No. 2210338

I am good at lucid dreaming and used to have a lot naturally without trying, I'm able to influence the number of dreams I remember too. But I intentionally cut back on how many dreams I have because I went through trauma and had a bunch of nightmares. Even though I lucid dreamt a lot it never intrinsically meant that I was omnipotent in them, often I'd have nightmares knowing that they were nightmares but still not be able to wake up and end up just suffering and thinking "dang this sucks… how much longer until I wake up"

No. 2210411

Which Latin American country has the hottest men? Genuinely curious what nonas think

No. 2210413

Considering you all don't like nigelfags who show their moids posts from here, how do you guys feel about nonnies showing their girlfriends posts from here? I've shown mine some cow threads before because they're funny

No. 2210435

Fine because this is a women-only imageboard

No. 2210447

Idk why nigelfags share things about their outside /g/ like we are supposed to be impressed, idgaf about what a man thinks, the whole point of being here is to get away from that.

No. 2210461

There's no problem if users show their nigels and irl friends screencaps from this site as it is a public site and literally anyone can see what happens here (cowtipping is ofc different, but don't date/befriend cows and there's no problem then).

No. 2210667

go back

No. 2210719

Does anyone know what YTer made a 'downfall of x celeb' type vid about Liam Payne that was trending in the last week or so? Think it had a pink-ish thumbnail.

It kept being recced to me when I was like idc about this, but now I just wanna see if it's still up or if people freaked out

No. 2210733

Look up sleep apnea, it looks like what you're describing.

No. 2210740

If I dream about incest, not involving me or my relatives at all, and it grosses me the fuck out when I wake up, does that mean I had a nightmare or am I subconsciously into incest? I feel like Freud would say the latter but he's also wrong about a lot of things.

No. 2210750

It doesn’t necessarily mean anything

No. 2210761

Freud claimed that girls who described being molested by their fathers were describing their sexual fantasies instead of reality because the fathers in question were his friends and financial backers. Don’t take anything that scrote said on this subject seriously, nonna. You just had a nightmare.

No. 2210770

It's just your brain fucking with you. I've had way too many sex dreams involving my brothers and I sure as hell don't want to fuck them.

No. 2210776

>I've had way too many sex dreams involving my brothers

No. 2210837

Why does my sister constantly do this fake exaggerated throat clearing sound in rapid succession whenever I talk to my mom? (you know the sound people do when they're annoyed but don't want to actually say anything) It's only during that and no other situation, and regardless of whatever the topic is. We don't speak loudly or say anything controversial. Mom could be asking what I want for lunch for 10 seconds and suddenly there's a bunch of "AHEMHEMHEM" over us. One time my sister switched to aggressive humming instead, idgi. When asked if she wanted to say something she claims it's nothing.

No. 2210846

I can't help that my subconscious is an asshole and I'm a shut in so I'm not looking at other people's faces a lot to give my brain 'other material'.

No. 2210862

Why are men so obsessed with hierarchy?

No. 2210878

i think the more a reoccurring nightmare disturbs you the more likely you are to have it again

No. 2210888

I totally get you, I was homeschooled and had the same problem. It just became tiresome, honestly.

No. 2210891

I've had dreams about having sex with/being raped by family members. Traumatising shit. Irl I would obviously absolutely not. It means nothing, human brains are fucked

No. 2210913

Aren’t those intrusive thoughts?

No. 2210916

Because men are submissive at their core. Look at military men , how men behave when there’s another man who is higher in the hierarchy too and how they need to be micromanaged like dogs when they have a wife , they thrive on orders.
You only need to give them a treat and tell them good job to really make the point kek.

No. 2211073

Okay, I'm not new but I still don't know how to tag a post from an old thread. Anyone care to spoonfeed me? I feel incredibly stupid asking so here I am instead of reading the rules.

No. 2211074

File: 1729183328690.jpg (115.36 KB, 735x619, 1000009121.jpg)

Does anyone know did Billie Dawn Webb ever go to school or got a job after the drama that happened years ago with onion boy?

No. 2211076

She started an onlyfans kek

No. 2211077

Oh my god I love cooking with Clara, I bought her book to get a few recipes that weren't on her series. It's so cozy, this anon >>2208699 should definitely check out her channel. Cheap and easy to make.

No. 2211079

Last time I thought about her she was a onlyfans girl but that was a few years ago. She seems to have abandoned that though, if her Instagram is anything to go by

No. 2211087

If it's from the same board, just tag it like you would a normal post. If it's from a different board, do this format

No. 2211088

Man hater copium. Women are obsessed with hierarchy as well, or else why would they invest into beauty this much?

No. 2211089

Because we live in a patriarchy and the moids in power have made it so that most women have to be conventionally attractive (appealing to moids) in order to have their talents and hard work recognized. Beauty is a way to ensure survival in such a world.

No. 2211098

i am sick of having to work a crappy job all the time with a piece of shit boss that doesn't respect me. anyone know the easiest way to get money from scrotes online? do i join discords and find guys? i want to stay home and build myself up for a while by using useless males.

No. 2211104

Honestly those guys will expect things from you. If not nudes and jerking off then they'll want you to be their personal therapist and always coddle them. Pretending to be nice to these assholes is exhausting and they will stop eventually after trying to escalate things with you.

No. 2211112

i was planning on using ai stuff for a lot of that. i kind of figured it would be annoying but i wanted to see for myself and was asking where to find them. scrotes deserve to lose money.

No. 2211123

I find it a bit hard to sympathise with pickme e-thots

No. 2211207

Freak out and make a big production of making sure she’s ok.
> omg sis, are you ok!?
> are you choking?
> omg, mom get the car!!!!
Or you can try my husbands favorite method of shutting up his obnoxious odious older brother
> shut the fuck up and go away, no one wants to hear your gross throat noises
Every time she does it throw the spotlight on her or just straight up call her out
> why’re you being so rude right now when I’m trying to talk to mom? Do you have something to add or are you just being a self centered jerk? Go away if you don’t want to hear our conversation.

No. 2211234

File: 1729190732723.jpeg (101.82 KB, 727x675, IMG_0241.jpeg)

Remember a few months ago where racist anons were posting about how weird certain latinas look? They were specially pointing out short, stocky latinas who were more apple shaped and/or wide shoulders? I’m asking because I have a similar body type because I’m 5’0 and carry a lot of my weight in the sides of my upper shoulders and waist, and it’s easier to find fashion inspo with people of a similar body type. All short-legged, non petite women have is Snooki

No. 2211317

What does '.t' mean?

No. 2211319

File: 1729193692408.jpeg (559.44 KB, 1640x1467, IMG_0823.jpeg)

How do you open this lock without a Key or combination?
It sounds sketch but I genuinely forgot the combo for a lock I left on my gym bag a few years ago and it makes my gym bag heavier so it’s just annoying to deal with

No. 2211322

It’s an oldfag thing, it means “signed” and is an abbrevation from a finnish word iirc

No. 2211331

File: 1729194216339.jpg (32.04 KB, 500x500, fetch-the-bolt-cutters.jpg)

Bolt cutters

No. 2211347

I bet you love sucking dick kek

No. 2211366

I think those type of locks open with a good smack or try vid

No. 2211394

Why would someone be reject you, become obsessed with you, reject you again and then stay obsessed with you? This is happening to me now and it’s so confusing. His girlfriend is now obsessed with me too. If you’re obsessed with me why wouldn’t you actually want to be with me? So confusing.

No. 2211395

No. 2211403

I don't think Billie qualifies as a "pick-me girl" at all

Sage for autism

No. 2211405

How does bpd cause this? Not disagreeing, just want to understand the psychology behind it because I don’t get it at all.. if I really liked someone I’d want to be with them

No. 2211409

You wake up one day as shayna. How do you fix your life?

No. 2211410

I think it's normal for moids to be obsessed with the women they rejected, I think they just start to sexualize you or something. It happened multiple times with me and I always had to end my friendship with them because it escalated and they got possessive. Never take someone who first rejected you nona. Get some self respect.

No. 2211414

File: 1729197625721.png (2.44 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2613.png)

He posts stuff like this literally every day

No. 2211418

Well that's even worse. He doesn't even act like a lovesick puppy. Cut contact with him, seriously.

No. 2211420

It's a way to make himself feel desirable. Men resent that they have to be the chasers and we are the choosers, and for that brief moment he was the chooser and it gave him such a high he wants to keep chasing that feeling of desirability and superiority over you

No. 2211425

We’re not in contact at all but I icks me that he keeps posting this stuff and it’s gone on for over a year, I tried hitting on him it didn’t stop, I tried rejecting him it didn’t stop, I’m scared he’s gonna go on being silently obsessed with me forever and maybe try to hurt me. Now he’s dragged his girlfriend into it who also seems unstable. We didn’t even know eachother for 3 weeks and it’s like he built up this image of me in his head

No. 2211432

Get vaginoplasty.

No. 2211434

It will fade out after a few years. I hope you stay safe though, you never know with obsessive moids.

No. 2211436

Thanks nonny he stalked me in person onetime but I avoid that area now and luckily am moving soon. I know social media has to go next but I’m pretty stubborn so I’ve just privated everything for now.

No. 2211447

Apologize to my fucking mom and pour my heart out about all my inadequacies and ask her to help me get clean and straighten out my life because my behavior is starting to scare me and I don’t want to die in some 50yo scrotes basement with a butt plug up my ass.

No. 2211554

How do I stop getting enraged by insanely hyperbolic dietary grifters and their followers on X? I just want to fucking see their physiques and tell them how fucking full of shit they are when they say they fixed ALL their health issues by doing just ONE TRICK. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

No. 2211577

Block them?

No. 2211583

File: 1729205269125.jpeg (756.65 KB, 1170x1257, IMG_1764.jpeg)

If someone allegedly messaged and asked for CSAM from someone they knew was a minor online, and was reported to the FBI with relevant usernames in the report (discord and snap, nothing end to end encrypted), how long is the turnaround time? Like when will it be known that their name is clear or if theyre a pedo? I’m assuming the FBI can restore deleted discord messages and snaps with relative ease.

No. 2211613

no, they will still exist if i block them and there are thousands of them

No. 2211619

are you the nona with the pedo sexpest bf AGAIN?

No. 2211704

It should be against the rules to answer a stupid question in this thread with another stupid question unless you at least also have an answer along with your stupid question

No. 2211721

The FBI at the very least has the ability to restore deleted/banned discord accounts and deleted messages, so same probably goes for snapchat. I’m not sure on the turnaround time, but I suppose it would be as soon as they find anything incriminating. Unfortunately they usually need some concrete evidence before even doing anything about it, so if there wasn’t much in the way of that, you could be looking at anywhere from a month to a year.
t. a nona who has directly spoken to the fbi

No. 2211742

Is it really a strict social expectation to move out the day you turn 18 in burgerland? I live on the other side of the globe and 18yos are literally babies here (and mentally in general) and the thought of doing so is shunned upon here

No. 2211753

It never was a strict expectation and definitely isn’t strict nowadays because rent/housing is so fucking expensive. Although a lot of families do expect anyone over 18 to have a job and pay them rent rather than allow them to save money to buy a home for themselves, which is shitty imo but not uncommon.

No. 2211759

I find it cute (except in tiger parenting/abusive households ofc) how Asian countries expect adult children to stay because they don't want their cute little baby to leave. They're more overt with affection which is sweet. Or it's "child you become doctor and get money and take care of us" but it's still sweet to me.

No. 2211782

It's widely expected. Just like how it's widely expected for you to have a driver's license before you graduate high school, and your own car by the time you make it to college (which is another common expectation).

No. 2211786

That's so depressing. Most kids can't even afford to pay rent with the salary rates nowadays kek

No. 2211787

The hole being that shade of pink is too much for me

No. 2211798

if this scenario is real and not just bait you’re literally insane for still being with someone you reported to the fbi. like hello even if it’s fake the trust in your relationship is gone now. why would a random person be after your boyfriend and claim this lol

No. 2211799

Nta but in my part of the world no one I know drives unless they work in another area. Its really nice to not have these expectations, compared to where I was born. Its not even a shithole, its small so people just walk

No. 2211806

File: 1729216559234.jpg (39.84 KB, 735x441, 1000018013.jpg)

That's what happens when you live in a country that shills independence like how a bible-thumping christian freak would shill Jesus. You're expected to become independent as soon as possible, essentially because fighting for independence is how the country was born and now that's what it's commonly expected of its individuals. You get your own transportation (AKA car) because fuck relying on busses and friendly family members that will give you rides for free. You get your own driver's license because again, fuck being dependant on anything other than literally yourself. You find your own home because fuck being comfortably dependent on family members that love and perhaps need you too. You get your own any kind of insurance because again, fuck sharing with your own family. In America, you're expected to be on your own as much as possible because that's this country's take on what being an adult means. But with the rise of suicidal moids and depression, would you say a person being left to fend for themselves in every facet no matter what is a good idea? Maybe being dependent in some aspects and to some degree is the natural way for humans, making it easier for individuals to seek help from their peers and companions. But that's not what America really calls independent.

No. 2211807

I’m really good at compartmentalizing and have dissociative states of personality so it’s pretty easy to be suspicious in one state and trusting in another. So no the trust is not “gone” and once the doubting state is satisfied the trust will be restored in all states.
Thank you nona, I genuinely appreciate the information. So if a year goes by and nothing comes of this, it’s safe to say they’re officially in the clear?

No. 2211808

File: 1729216675346.png (655.22 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_20241017-185042~2.p…)

Is this account ran by a bot? They post at least 11 memes every hour everyday

No. 2211809

Can you use it in a sentence? I'm tempted to say no, but I'm not certain. I'd say "most of the others."

No. 2211820

>literally babies
whats up with the trend of treating young adults like pants shitting toddlers? 18 is a fully grown legal adult in every country on earth. there is no reason they cant be accountable for themselves. of course its good that they get help from older relatives or whatever while they get established, but they are not "literally babies" in any sense.

No. 2211824

Second ayrt, cases involving CSAM if they are taken seriously can take multiple years as they usually will gather as much evidence as possible in order for charges to stick. Don’t let one year be your be-all end-all. If you’re also in contact or able to with the FBI or your local police station you should directly be following up what they have found. If there really is an ongoing case they won’t be able to tell you much and I would take that as a huge red flag. Hypothetically if he is cleared of wrongdoing, they would be able to tell you once their investigation concludes. I have to echo what the other nonas are saying though, because for me personally I don’t think my trust could ever be restored. There are probably other ways to find out if said person has a track record of this kind of stuff, so if I was you I would break it off until you can without a doubt clear his name. I won’t wish good luck for your nigel because I believe in guilty until proven innocent especially with these cases, but I hope you can muster up the courage to put your foot down and leave/demand answers.

No. 2211826

People get cars because the US is fucking huge and the busses are trash. Getting a job in walking distance is wildly unlikely. No offense, but you sound kind of out of touch. A license allows you to drive a shared car and help out other people. Learning to drive is a basic adult responsibility like knowing how to do laundry and clean a bathroom. Trying to date when you live with other people sucks too, where are you supposed to get private time with your gf/bf? I personally don't want to go to bed with my gf in her parents' house because it's awkward. There are a lot of benefits and emotional upsides to being completely self-sufficient. It's incredibly rewarding and a source of pride to be able to take care of yourself. There's nothing wrong with wanting to live with your parents and take care of their house with them, of course, but keep in mind the personality of someone who lives with their parents for a second. Think of all the manchildren and womanchildren who live at home with no responsibility who whine because they're entitled and out of touch and think the adult responsibility that everyone is expected to bare is beneath them. They don't contribute meaningfully to their families, just leeching off of their loved ones because they know they're obligated to take care of them.

No. 2211834

girl he is not going to trust you for reporting him to the fbi don’t be dense. and he is likely guilty and likely you will literally never hear anything until a few years pass. you will be catering to a pedophile during that time period. basically karla homolka.

No. 2211835

yeah and they might pretend everything is fine to put him at ease so he’s easier to investigate and you are more chatty.

No. 2211839

Nta but it's just a social euphemism and sure the law works but they're still fresh and dumb and that's okay. Also the same reason why older adults get frowned upon for dating 18 year olds; they're still basically kids to us.

No. 2211842

Stupid question for stupid question but I thought the plural of bus was spelt buses and not busses unless it's a Britain/Australia vs America situation

No. 2211847

I'm getting mixed signals in the texts from the woman I went on a date with last week and I'm considering straight up asking her if she wants to see me again or not so I can move on. Is this a good idea or not? We did kiss, I was a bit drunk but she seemed a bit awkward. Said it was "great" though and didn't just ghost.

No. 2211851

is mr beast still "cancelled" to normies or did the whole tranny scandal blow over

No. 2211852

Still cancelled but for new drama. Illegal lotteries, employee/contestant abuse, physical/psychological torture of a contestant, and the drama with his shitty product collab with KSI and Logan Paul

No. 2211879

File: 1729221168808.jpg (68.88 KB, 640x463, 1700500134723.jpg)

>the USA is huge and the busses are trash.
Another thing the USA should invest in but won't because of the emphasis on cars. I also don't understand the "USA is huge" point that people make about cars, because you act like the average person is driving through multiple states just to reach their job. I've never heard of many people needing to drive for even one hour just to get to their job. The average time an American spends driving to their job is less than thirty minutes. Just less than thirty minutes. Imagine how much money would be saved if America upgraded their bus systems instead of encouraging all these cars just for most people to use them for less than thirty minutes and an hour or less on most days. Most people know to pick occupations that are reasonably close and if they don't, that's on them or the fact that they're rural (which is not most people, again). So I guess the car shill IS where I'm out of touch with most Americans, because America put so much emphasis on buying an entire fucking car for each individual instead of polishing the bus systems, it created a necessity for more people to need cars than the amount that should. I very honestly will disagree with my own society.
>learning how to drive is like learning how to do your laundry.
Not even true. Laundry, dishes, and cooking are all things people are much more likely to immidiately do, and every day. Driving yourself can be rare depending on what you even do with your time, and what country you even live in. Sure, I agree that getting a license would be helpful for adults, but my point was more about literal teenagers who can't even legally work the same hours. How important really is it that a person gets a license when they're only sixteen? Americans act like getting a license in your 20s is "late" because again, this country expects you to be perfectly independent as soon as possible.
>trying to date
Time management, finding things to do outside the home, or making use of decent inns or motels. There's many ways you can make that work. You can even save up together and find an apartment together, which still vindicates my point because that's still learning to find dependence on another person.
>mental benefits to being completely independent
Sure, but my point was that it's dumb for America to expect people to become fully realized adults almost immidiately after turning eighteen. Japanese and Korean suicide rates already show us what happens when people are expected to be fully realized so much and so fast.
>license helps you drive other people too
true, but that's not the only way you can pay someone back for giving you a lift.

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