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No. 2206701

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2195183

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2206704

That picrel…

No. 2206705

threadpic just made me homicidal

No. 2206707

uff i wish he'd talk to me like that

No. 2206708

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No. 2206710

>list item for a price
>no one buys it for 3 weeks
>put it up for auction
>end bid is two times my original price
Kek, someone explain this phenomenon.

No. 2206712

competition and the time limit

No. 2206721

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I'm so sick of dating but decided to try again a bit. I downloaded bumble and in 2 days I have 950+ likes. I can't see them, I'd have to pay, but so far every person I swiped right on was a match. Are those real?? Or are they inflating the number so I'll pay. Because I always see scrotes complaining about not having a single match on there. Is there just so much more scrotes on there? But still 950+ seems crazy.

No. 2206725

Those likes are real. Men like to spam likes hoping one will respond.

No. 2206730

Men literally swipe right on majority of women and then filter from there whereas women are better at picking up on vibes from men's dating profiles and more likely to actually be discerning with their matches. Idk why people think paying money is going to make someone more likely to want to date you it's not like they're getting a monetary benefit lol

No. 2206734

Maybe the person who bought it just wasn't looking for it until now

No. 2206759

I wouldn't think of paying I was just curious if they're inflating the numbers. Funny how I'm the post-wall childless career woman that has no options according to twitter and reddit bros, but I'm getting almost 1000 likes in 2 days while the alpha males struggle to get a single match. That's why I thought those were inflated numbers. Not that it means anything since moids swipe on everyone though.

No. 2206761

I don't think men get that women also judge on if a man looks ran through. I don't particularly want to date some guy that has an extensive dating history

No. 2206765

My boyfriend’s parents are so fucking selfish and won’t put down their dog who is on the edge of death because they’re not emotionally ready for it. It’s so much more humane to see her out in a veterinary setting with the whole family there than his dad waking up for work and finding her dead in the kitchen??? We’ve been dating for two years so I’ve only known this dog to be a crusty gross blind dog and now she’s having a hard time walking, she hit her head on the glass door really hard the other day, she pisses in the house constantly, and they think she had a stroke the other night. Just put her out of her misery for fucks sake!!! She’s 16 years old!!! If they allegedly love this dog so much they can’t part with her, they should love her enough to humanely end her suffering. I’m refusing to go over to his house until that dog is dead because it’s too sad and there’s no way I could handle talking to his parents about it.

No. 2206776

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The domino effect of being completely isolated and sheltered in your most crucial developmental years really fucks over your adult social life in ways you can't even imagine.
Holy kek imagine not being able hold a proper conversation because you had no one to play house with as a toddler


No. 2206792

either you underestimated the value or their
>desperate last minute purchase
>trying to ward off a purchase war

No. 2206809

I don't know if I will ever get rid of my acne. I was told it was hormonal acne due to the location and was prescribed spironolactone, tretinoin, clindamycin lotion, and antibiotics. This worked well for a while but eventually the antibiotics caused me to vomit so I stopped. I went off the antibiotics and bumped up the spiro to 100 mg. Things were alright but then I suddenly got a cyst on my nose, a location where I haven't gotten any sort of infection in ages. Now I'm back on antibiotics since it's been there for two weeks and hasn't improved. I'm also worried because I'm using all these horrible antibiotics that might be carcinogenic all just for my fucking acne. I also wonder if the bacteria on my face are now super resistant to whatever shit I throw at it. I'm really considering just nuking it all with accutane because I'm so sick of this.

No. 2206820

It's going to be tough and so embarrassing you want to die, but you can learn
t. isolated only child raised by the internet who has been in customer service for 15 years

No. 2206825

It's gonna hurt like a bitch when we part ways (for you)
I've learned a long time ago never to trust or pour too many feelings into others, keeping yourself safe is the most important, and no matter what I say or do or what it seems like, that's always the goal I have.
It's a tough world out there and learning to survive and make the best of situations and people is a skill that comes in handy, and I've been a naive bitch for too long in the past.

No. 2206846

>tfw mentally ill ex trying to soft dox me
So glad I ghosted his "apology". If he ramps it up I'll send mr. seizure a flashing gif

No. 2206848


try otc hydrocortisone (don't use daily). cured my hormonal acne, i just use it like once a week now and got no problems with my skin at all

No. 2206849

KEK, savage

No. 2206853

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I feel you nona, but kek what the fuck

No. 2206854

No. 2206855

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>live in thirdie shithole
>belong to a moderately liberal paki home
>older sister got into a relationship with a bpd scrote
>hes strangely pushing her to marry him
>belongs to a tribal family whose father has two wives and no one knows what happened to the first one (we dont even know shes dead or not)
>he is a serial cheater and uses rich women as his sugar mamas
>refuses to talk to me or my mom but he has forced my sister to meet his mom and sister
>manipulates my sister to fight other women he cheats on her with
>try to convince her to leave him as hes clearly only after the money
>she spazes out and refuses to eat or drink because of it
>mother is desperate because this retard took her with her to fight his side ho and humiliated her too
>brings in a arranged marriage
this bitch is so retarded she ruined her only chance to marry someone of her choice..now im scared that my parents will marry me off to a scrote too when i dont even like moids.. but im more concerned of her..how do you even convince someone like this to see the reality so she doesnt fuck up her life?

No. 2206858

That's so sad and terrifying, I can't even imagine what I'd do if my sister ended up in a relationship like that. If your parents are relatively liberal and your mother is scared too, hopefully they won't push you to marry too?

No. 2206862

my only regret is not starting accutane earlier

No. 2206873

threadpic made me suicidal i am going to kill myself this instant

No. 2206891

K, see you tomorrow

No. 2206892

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got sick a week ago and thought it was just a random cold but now I'm 90% sure I had covid at the time. The cold and throat pain didn't last that long but now I'm stuck with loss of smell and insomnia and it's torture. I know I can survive it since I managed to do it the first time I got covid but it's so fucking miserable. I just want to sleep. To top it off I had a great job opportunity fall through all because my phone decided to stop receiving messages and calls. I just want to end it all.

No. 2206896

Was it really necessary to use such a repulsive image?

No. 2206906

i hate controlling people and i am really tired of attracting them in my life. i've also started noticing a lot of people i thought were my "friends" or cared about my wellbeing are incredibly self-centered and have the nerve to be angry with me because i've asked for distance and/or set boundaries with them. like seriously fuck humans. i've politely explained several times that i just need space right now to think and deal with some things, and you would assume from the way these people act that i told them to go shove a hot boiled egg up their ass. not everyone needs or wants people in their face all fucking day long and for once in my life i'd like to be left alone for a little while to deal with my emotions and sort through my own thoughts for once. i hate it, i really do.

No. 2206909

feels like there’s some essential woman part missing from me because i don’t care about babies or kids at all. there’s a baby in the office right now and everyone is going crazy cooing over them and i just feel deep anxiety that they’ll fall or something

No. 2206911

Guhhhh I do not feel like doing shit today.

No. 2206914

Every time I go on a dating app, I pass on every man within 100000 miles of my location. It never changes. Multiple apps, I'll try and log on once a year. In the middle of me talking to a guy, I was taken over by the urge to play the Numbers Game on my phone. Jesus Christ. I can't even put in the effort nowadays. I should look for a mail order male.

No. 2206927

misogynistic women on this website are so annoying. why are you, a woman, on a website for women surrounded by other women, shitting on women? why not go literally anywhere else, make it make sense lmao

No. 2206928

lolcow's culture was built on threads for bullying women, what do you expect? din't forget there's plenty of larping scrotes too.

No. 2206932

There's so many people here who should just go to kiwifarms. They would enjoy spending time with all the scrotes making fun of normal boobs and average weights/faces as if they're mangled

No. 2206933

i can separate cow culture from outright misogyny. my point is i dont get why you want to surround yourself with women, engage in a community of women, talk to women etc when you dont like them. just talk to scrotes then lol?

No. 2206935

Bullying the cows isn't enough, they need to bully the female users of the site too to feel better about themselves.

No. 2206954

In what way did they express their dislike of other women? Was it couched as an unpopular opinion? Sometimes that thread attracts a lot of contrarians

No. 2206955

this threadpic is too much

No. 2206956

It’s a legit jumpscare

No. 2206957

NTAYRT sorry to butt in but anon, lolcows culture actually is not “built on bullying women” kek. It’s about laughing at cows. Anybody can be a cow, and you’d know that if you’d actually lurk the site. This big whole wave of newfags who think that lolcow is a site for “bullying women” and have no familiarity with the websites lore or culture always reveal themselves so quickly kek.

No. 2206959

don't act holier than thou it's still bullying even if they are cringe annoying retards. plenty of farmers will obsessively nitpick and obsess over cows' bodies, and are really jealous or fixated on them.

No. 2206962

Wasn’t really acting holier than thou I was just explaining to you that lolcow isn’t a bullying or diary website for people to be mean to each other kek. Making fun of cows and laughing at their antics isn’t really comparable to being mean and hateful to anons just in passing.

No. 2206963

Same but I'm on another level because I don't even care about dating.

No. 2206964

>Really jealous or fixated on them
Which cow are you referring to? KEK

No. 2206967

you see it occasionally like with cows who go to japan, farmers were plenty jealous of them. it's not that hard to understand that people who bother to follow and make fun of people might be kind of weird and obsessive.

No. 2206971

Can you tag a few posts cause I’m not much of a /pt/fag and I’d love to know if this is an actual phenomenon

No. 2206973

>comes to lolcow to complain about how weird lolcow is
why do so many of you feel so welcome to do this here? leave. go home.

No. 2206974

i'm jealous of beautiful, successful, rich women who are of sound mind. so that rules out anyone featured on this site.

No. 2206979

God, I wish gaming communities weren't fucking total sausage/stink ditch fests. I can't go to locals because I'm the only actual woman there, the first and last time I attended one I had to put up with troons glaring daggers at me constantly and muttering to each other about me when all I was doing was playing the video games and quietly sitting and watching others. When I got home and logged into Discord I was kicked from several related servers, blocked by the mods with no explanation as to what I did that was so heinous.
Geez, I'm so fucking sorry I was born with XX chromosomes and you weren't. My bad, next time I'll beg god to give me a micropenis so I can fit in with the rest of the autistic manchildren in these communities.
Well shit I guess I'm segregated to being a netplay pleb forever due to genetics I never chose.

No. 2206980

she probably did that to motivate us to get better so we stop coming to this thread and being forced to stare at his ugly mug

No. 2206981

i was mostly referring to the body nitpicker types and yes they are weird.

i'm not going to specifically recall posts that give off jealous vibes but is it so hard to consider that the userbase of this site will also have mentally unwell people? they're not all going to outright say shit but there will be some level of fixation and jealousy.

No. 2206982

Cows are cows because of what they themselves voluntarily post online. If any cow thought they were being bullied, they would stop posting. In many cases the relationship between cow and farmer is symbiotic. Cows love the attention and farmers love the milk.

No. 2206987

this is a stupid response, that people have to nuke everything otherwise it doesn't count. people have social lives online, especially the social maladjuted, and aren't simply going to disappear. farmers join private groups and still post the contents. be honest with yourselves and be free!

No. 2206988

You can still learn how to properly socialize, it's not over for you. You may always be a little awkward but the more you expose yourself to social situations and pay attention to how other people interact, the easier it gets.
I don't follow many cows but from the threads I frequent, celebricows is the worst one in this regard. Anons rage and shittalk the most beautiful women with perfect bodies. It's 100% a cope.

No. 2206989

nta but was this response written by chatgpt? kek wtf

No. 2206990

like who?

No. 2206995

they're probably a chappell roan or sabrina carpenter stan kek

No. 2206996

Anyone who gets defensive and offended about celebrities being made fun of needs to get a life

No. 2206997

Relax dude she doesn’t know you’re caping for her kek

No. 2207008

wait why even deny that this site is built on bullying autistic/unfortunate retards alongside genuine malicious crazies kek. look at the threads dedicated to making fun of (bullying) women AND girls suffering from bpd and anorexia. misogyny hard baked into lolcor culture

No. 2207015

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Do you know the definition of the word bullying? Bullying is the act of attacking or belittling someone directly. Cowtipping and communicating directly with cows, or doing anything that could jeopardize the flow of milk (this includes bullying them online or in their dm’s or irl) is extremely discouraged here and is against the written rules kek. This is certainly not a “bullying” website, it’s a website to simply laugh at, make jokes about, and sometimes even analyze the decisions that people choose to make and air online.

No. 2207016

uh it is not fucking bullying for me to have a kek at ham for pretending to have anorexia LMAO, sensitive faggot

No. 2207019

How old are you? My acne went away for the most part once I turned 28-29. I still use Tretinoin but it’s cause why not makes my skin nice

No. 2207039

it’s a bullying website. i really have no idea and am totally baffled that you’d deny that.

No. 2207044

trying to talk to them or attempting at getting their attention is against the rules so yeah logistically speaking, it's really just more of an audience laughing at whos on stage which we know by now is something that the cows really do appreciate. cause bottomline all they want is attention, and as long as they get it theyre happy kek

No. 2207051

My mom celebrates for Halloween by putting fake gore around our house and it disgusts me. She thinks I’m joking but I legit go in my room to eat dinner because why would I want to eat in front of a severed bloody arm? It’s disgusting seriously

No. 2207060

trannies are either fetishistic as fuck towards women or petty and toxic there is no in between

No. 2207104

Megan thee Stallion actually.

No. 2207116

ahh i found a VERY cute little dog by the road, hes so friendly and sweet. however we cant keep him, we just got a new dog a few months ago.. i hope we can find his owners or a new owner, please hope for the best

No. 2207123

Nigelfagging/sex vent This guy I'm seeing never cums when we have sex. He never mentioned anything so I didn't either. People have different hang-ups with sex and I don't always cum either so if I want to give myself that right I need to extend that to other people too. Well today I had a realization: what if he can't cum because he's addicted to porn? He has never mentioned porn to me before but porn addicts aren't always forthcoming. Idk I'm worried now.

No. 2207125

i don’t like that stuff either, i think cute pumpkins and scarecrows are much more halloween

No. 2207133

In an ideal world I would tell you to simply ask him if he watches it but moids always lie. There's ways you can sort of clock if he watches it though: does he mention very specific and categorized things he's attracted to? What is the sex itself like, does it feel like you're going through a checkbox of positions and kinks half the time or does it feel genuine? Does he also care about the fact that you don't orgasm sometimes? A good man would at least try and make you orgasm more often.

I had an ex that didn't even cum until about a year into the relationship. I thought that was just how he was until I realized he was beating his dick to online porn of women that looked nothing like me. Be aware that if he is a young man especially then it's very likely watching women get exploited will be on his schedule at some point.

No. 2207136

A family friend called out my mom for her untreated personality disorder and for how she treats people like shit. On one hand I'm glad someone else understands and stood up to her but I'm worried about the repercussions for me, as selfish as that is. She hasn't spoken to me since so I'm hoping she will just pretend nothing happened. God please don't let her take this out on me.

No. 2207140

I don’t think it’s selfish to worry about that, especially if you live with her. Tread lightly nona.

No. 2207168

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Groceries are so expensive and I hate it so much. Prices don't ever seem to stop rising and it stresses me out whenever I need to plan my next trip to the store. It makes me seethe thinking that I'm basically just shitting this money down the toilet anyway, is this what I'm wasting all my time on, just to live? I've made so many budget cuts in my shopping that I'm deficient in a vast majority of vitamins anyway so I hardly feel like I'm living.

No. 2207175

I got invited to an art channel as a guest artist and got banned because I made a "deez nuts" joke in the sfw channel and posted a squirl holding nuts in response to someone saying they need to get a pair. I'm kinda laughing cuz it's like "Are you for real?"
The claim is I was being sexual by talking about genitals

No. 2207186

No. 2207192

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I ate meat for the first time in years today (leftover al pastor burrito my dad didn’t want to eat). I feel incredibly guilty for it, but if I didn’t eat it would have gone to the landfill. I am anemic and I have been having intense cravings for meat for a while now. I became significantly more depressed after I stopped eating meat a couple years ago.

No. 2207203

Eat some food you anachan retard you’re depressed because you have starvation induced brain damage

No. 2207213

The new Ranma 1/2 anime remake bullshit is OUT. I am furious. This is the absolute worst time line in history to remake an anime about a man who turns into a woman with cold water. I love this serious so much as a kid, but this was a product of its time. I am so worried trannies and TRAs are gonna jump onto this anime. I hate trannies and TRAs so much

No. 2207216

I've already given up on anime as a whole. They're just going to keep zombifying old beloved series for obnoxious zoomers and gen alphas

No. 2207221

Dandadan or whatever is fun

No. 2207222

This is so stupid but my celebrity crush since I was a teenager hit the wall so bad, I've never seen a scrote look so awful at just 50. He looks like an anemic ronald mcdonald and he used to be such an adorable twink. Even 10 years ago he was relatively cute, if I ever age like that I'll shoot myself pronto.

No. 2207231

Dandadan is fucking garbage, both the manga and anime look great, but it's garbage

No. 2207245

I already missed my mom. It felt so good when she kissed me today even I acted up like I didn't liked it. Now I want that type of love with another woman. I feel sad

No. 2207247

>read dandadan
>first arc includes highschool girl fighting in underwear and almost getting assaulted by aliens
>closes dandadan

No. 2207250

No. 2207253

Never heard of this, but I just googled it and I systemically refuse to consume any kind of weeb media that has a male protag who looks like that

No. 2207256

It's tryhard

No. 2207261

No. 2207267

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>Yay finally managed to land an internship at a company I have a great gut feeling about!!!
>They are so nice and friendly
>What if I disappoint them
>Despite my grades making me look like a decent web developer on paper I'm definitely below average in class
>I'm an absolutely fucking dense idiot
>Oh god I'm really gonna disappoint them aren't I
>I'm a failure and they're gonna second guess their choice to take me in during the entire 6 month internship

No. 2207276

I went through what youre going through years ago. They know what they're getting when they hire a student. Just do your best and try to learn from the mistakes you will 100% definitely commit (not your fault, it's just inevitable). If you run into an error or don't know how to solve something even after trying, ask for help. They will only regret hiring you if you're not making progress.

No. 2207277

70% of the og Ranma tv series fucking sucks because of the studio switch and the sudden emphasis on the epdophile geezer, it doesn't live up to the manga at all, this one remake at least is justified

No. 2207291

Luckily I'm pretty good at asking questions and very friendly in general, but due to how nervous/anxious I get when it's about frontend it's very simple mistakes. But when it comes to backend I'm an absolute DUNCE, luckily I've been honest with them that I'm very weak when it comes to that and that my prime interest lies in frontend and accessibility; but despite that there is no guarantee they might put me on that specifically, since it is a fullstack education. I'm probably overthinking it all though since I know I'm coming from uni technically only knowing the basics kek I'm just so scared of coming out of all this a failure, having wasted time, money and my family's expectations
sorry for the ranty response I just have so many mixed thoughts and incredibly nervous

No. 2207296

15 years later, I'm still grossed out by my mother telling me "you can't walk naked from the bathroom to your room/closet any more, it makes dad uncomfortable." I get there's a divde, but phrasing, jesus. It's the only time I've had my family evoke a deep sense of shame in me, which I guess is why it sticks. I understand the parental need to make it clear when "I'm a small child, you were just changing my diaper, now I can run from the bathtub in my Spongebob towel to get into my pyjamas, then 10 minutes of lego playtime before bed" becomes "person in the process of developing an adult body, the concept of propriety must be learned" changes. Weirder still that it happened before I got the first sign of puberty. She got in early, I guess. I think my mum was trying to gently steer the natural family function along, and used a deterrenet she shouldn't have, and I think she was wrong for it."

No. 2207300

Same thing happened to me. I used to walk around the house wearing only big shirts. Then when I was 8 my mom told me I had to start wearing pants too because my dad got uncomfortable. It always makes me think about, you know… Like why is an 8 year old making you uncomfortable? Afaik he's not a pedo but with men, who really knows? He divorced my mom a few years later so I barely know him nowadays.

No. 2207310

This makes me glad i grew up with a single mom we both saw eachother naked quite often

No. 2207322

I can’t believe it, I was literally going to vent about this exact same scenario. Sending my love nona

No. 2207330

Sent a guy a photo and he replied “A smile would be nice…” DIE DIE DIE.

No. 2207335

Sometimes I struggle with internalized misogyny because I was bullied by women all my life. As an autistic girl, other girls didn’t like me and to this day I still struggle with relating and making friends with women. I can mask my ass off extremely well and I can get along with anyone on a surface level. I sometimes avoid girls that I feel like “look” mean like skinny girls with crop tops etc to protect myself. I don’t hate women, I’m an avid believer of women’s rights and I try to be a girls girl myself but I’m convinced most of them are just mean. Men are obviously way, way, way worse but I will say that they didn’t treat me like absolute shit my whole life.

No. 2207339

I'm a retard and was kinda rude to my apartment manager when he called about a noise complaint over my music. It's 2pm on a Monday and I was listening to music slightly loudly for about an hour. I'm sure (now) that the neighbor probably heard the thumps of bass. The guy underneath me absolutely blasts his sound system most nights and I always thought it was weird that he doesn't get noise complaints because his shit is LOUD like home-theater loud (it somehow doesn't actually reach our apartment proper though, you can hear it if you press your ear to the floor and you can feel it vibrate). So I thought a little bit of regular bass bumping would be ok. The apartment guy called and said he got MULTIPLE complaints about me. Which honestly I doubt because he's been a dick to me ever since I demanded that maintenance replace my microwave after a month (this is a large, corporate-owned complex), and one time I went into the office for a different reason and he like JUMPED at the chance to say "Oh yeah there were multiple noise complaints about your apartment last weekend.." and I was like, no, because at that time it was literally impossible. And he was like oh, yeah, actually it turned out to be someone else. Okay…. then why bring it up. Anyways I was sort of rude when he called just now and I have horrible social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder and I want to crawl into a hole and die because I was rude to this guy. I know, I know, it was a moid, who cares, but I feel fucking awful. He actually said, after like 5 seconds of silence, I thought he hung up, but he said "I was talking but you just kept talking over me so…" like in a mad way. And I was like "Well go ahead then…" Just stupid shit. I tried to save it a bit by being like "thank you for the call" at the end but he hung up. I just wanted to listen to some music to literally self-love and stimulate my vagus nerve because I'm fucking going through a lot right now ahhhhhhh I'm so fucking stupid why didn't I just say "Okay, thank you for letting me know!" and then just lower the bass a bit. And if it was still disruptive, then someone can come down and assess it because I swear this music isn't excessively loud… in an apartment you can't expect complete silence from your neighbors at all times. This is not during the quiet period from 9pm-8am. By the time he called I was listening to fucking Mazzy Star. Not even loud, bumpy music. I hate how fucking pathetic I am that this is making me cry and ruining my day at thirty-fucking-two-years old. So my neighbor probably works at home or something and made the complaint, and management has to follow up obviously, so I could have just said ok thanks and lowered it a little bit or turned down the bass, or hell, not even do that, and if the neighbor escalates it then I'm assuming management has to come out and make a judgement? When I moved in here I tried looking for legal and social guidelines for living in an apartment and making ANY discernable music/media noise, and there's not really a straight answer because there are so many variables I hateeeee that this isn't measurable in a realistic way. More than anything I just wish I wasn't such a pathetic, non-functioning adult. Fuck

No. 2207342

To clarify, I don't care about hurting the guy's feelings. I just feel like shit for getting into further conflict like a fucking retard for no reason

No. 2207357

i just want to get to the other side of this shit

No. 2207367

Kek you should block him.

No. 2207368

Nonny you got the job, I'm sure you'll do good in your position

No. 2207372

I immediately did but now I’m paranoid he’ll do something with my photos

No. 2207390

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I feel like complete shit mentally and I hope this is just an indicator that my period is coming soon

No. 2207419

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I had covid for a solid two weeks and as soon as I started to feel better, BAM, sinusitis
My face hurts reeeeee

No. 2207423

How are there people who still think men "joking" about being pedos aren't pedos? You saw what happened with Jimmy Urine, and that other singer who raped a baby, 99% of male comedians, every youtuber who's been outed as a groomer, etc. These men are admitting it right in front of you and you still think it's not true because there isn't literal footage of him doing it yet, this always fucking happens, same thing with crazy moids ending up as shooters when all the signs were already there.

No. 2207431

Couldn't agree more, if a man makes those "jokes" constantly he's definitely a pedo hiding behind humor.

No. 2207443

Today I encountered a $7 jar of peanut butter. I know inflation is moving really fast and prices aer going up for everything but I was like woah what the fuck

No. 2207457

I agree like I feel like Dan Harmon definitely diddled a kid or has masturbated to baby porn at min

No. 2207465

I slept just fine and regularly these days, now that I actually have to wake up for an appointment I can't sleep it's past 2am now gdi

No. 2207466

Troonshit has ruined all nerd circles like crack did in the 80s, you cannot escape them and your mere existence triggers them. I found some of the xitters of some attendees and they all constantly were screeching about "transphobia" and, interesting enough after I went to the event, "crypto terfs". All they can think about is "owning the heckin stupid transphobes" and it's so fucking exhausting seeing over and over again…
Misogynists just finding a loophole to be abusive towards women for no reason other than them being women. Can't I just play the video game in peace and mind my own business without having to slobber all over some troon's aliexpress boots?

No. 2207474

crack ruined nerd circles in the 80s??

No. 2207488

I think she meant troonism ruined doing crack

No. 2207495

Holy shit nonna I get you. It is insane how horrible actual women are treated in the FGC while you have troons having orgies at majors and running around lying about sexual assault (Umisho/Bunny). I know Tekken is a bit more friendly towards women, but everything else we still have a lot of work to do to somehow “earn” our place in this community.

No. 2207508

Ahh, I meant poorer communities in America, the whole conspiracy theory that the CIA were behind it. Skipped over a few words in my post, sorry.
I irl vomitted when the shark party orgy shit was being posted everywhere like you're a prude bigot who needs to grow up and understand adults have sex.
Then you have troons like DEB who hasn't attended any significant tourneys and instead is a vtuber with a gross big titty cow girl avatar, posting tweets about how he "loves leggings" and other gross fetish shit. If you see candids of him, he just looks like another greasy nerd in a wig.
So fucking tiring being a longtime anime fighter player, there's nothing you can do right by the discord mods that managed tourneys and events.

No. 2207509

I think it's weird that you'd express how much one of my friends is "your type." I'm going to make googly eyes at your fit friends then haha

No. 2207521

Everyday i have to wake up, shower, brush my teeth, do my skincare, put on clothes go to work, do a full shift, get off work, possibly shower again, do my skincare again, brush my teeth again, and in between all of this I also have to eat at least once and find even just 30 mins-1 hour for my own enjoyment. It's just tiring.

No. 2207524

Nothing makes both men and trannies (also men) seethe more than women existing. It's so fucking depressing though because games used to be marketed towards both women and men back in the 80s, but by the 90s, gaming companies did a full only men market and the 2000s sealed it. I'll never forgot how Naughty dog fought to have Ellie on the cover of the last of us (despite being a main character) because they thought having a girl on the cover wouldnt make the game sell well. I hope all men die painful deaths. These are the same mofos complaining about the 'loneliness' epidemic they themselves created.

No. 2207535

I keep trying to put this person (who I’ve been pining for for years at this point but cannot have) out of my mind, but they keep showing up in my dreams every time I try, and it always feels so emotionally satisfying and warm that I wind up really treasuring every dream. I feel like a really pathetic person that these dreams are so special to me.

No. 2207554

you and me both nonna

No. 2207568

Thanks to my upbringing and severe depression in teen years I missed out on so many formative social experiences, but strangely I don't mind. I'm catching up right now and enjoying them greatly.

No. 2207570

now factor in housework, groceries, cooking, dishes, laundry, ironing, drying, vacuuming, mopping, etc. and realize you no longer have any free time besides taking time off your sleep schedule

No. 2207572

File: 1728960220647.jpeg (63.59 KB, 720x544, IMG_2810.jpeg)

I’m going to commit suicide. I’m already thinking of plans of when to end it, I think I’m actually just done. I’m willing to forget how painful it will be during the first minutes of when I end my life just so I can finally have some freedom and peace in my life. I have to get out of here, there’s no chance for my happiness and I haven’t been happy since I was a preteen.

No. 2207579

same!! the feeling that my life has finally started is so exciting.

No. 2207581


No. 2207582

no. don't

No. 2207594

I really don’t care and nobody else cares about me. I’m done living a slog life with no possibility of change

No. 2207595

Nona come back and talk to us again tomorrow.

No. 2207605

well i care, dumbass. you don't have permission to kill yourself and if you try there will be delays and roadblocks

No. 2207621

Are you the anon who wanted to either transition or kill herself?

No. 2207624

Talked about this before and I just posted about it in the Lazy Personality Disorder thread but I’m so tired of my online friend group. It’s a bunch of retarded moids that are so Reddit and Twitter brained that everything is mid or bad unless they like it, and plus a moid in there has treated me like shit and everyone still likes him because he’s a fake uwu person. I want to find more friends, hopefully girls where we share interests and aren’t constantly tearing each other down. There are some good moids in there but the main clique is exhausting and tiring. Even people who were originally nice became toxic over time. It’s sad. I hate being lonely though…I’m such a social people person that I’ll lose my mind. I need the strength. I don’t have irl friends because I’m too weird, so all I would have is a couple good online friends and my bf.

No. 2207630

ive been taking my friend’s adderall to focus at work and it helps so much but I also cannot/will not eat on it which does not help my eating disorder. I was gonna eat today since I didn’t take it but I found out the girl I was seeing and had sex with and then ghosted me immediately after is dating a fucking cretin male with butter teeth and I lost my appetite again. I know I’m not gonna eat tomorrow but on Wednesday I need a plan or else I’m fucked.

No. 2207639

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when your brother's mother is staying with you and doesnt know how to wash dishes properly so i either end up rewashing them or having to put them in the dishwasher. i love this, i love doing this so fucking much.

No. 2207641

Good luck, hope I get to do it, too, soon enough.

No. 2207646

>when your brother's mother
so, your mom?

No. 2207649

nta but half-siblings and step parents are very common anon

No. 2207656

idk why i said brother, i meant boyfriend kek.

No. 2207672

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i love and enjoy my job a lot, it's been the most fulfilling job i've had so far and it's great and all, but i struggle to socialise with my coworkers because they're all above the age of 40 and i'm 25.

is this normal? in every other job i've had, i've had coworkers my age and i've always gotten along super well with them and now i genuinely feel like a retard. there's this lingering like.. almost power imbalance between me and everyone else.

they all basically treat me like i'm their daughter/granddaughter and it just feels really off. i feel like i don't get taken seriously at all and it's offputting because i'm incredibly capable and an integral part of the team, but i get treated like a child when i'm spoken to. like what the fuck?

No. 2207674

in the same boat as you, nonnie. i don't think all women are necessarily mean, i think we're all pitted against each other for hundreds of stupid reasons. i've just stuck to hanging around other girls with autism because we all get how shit it is.

i've been trying to find irl social group type things to make friends with other autistic women, and this sounds horrible - it's really hard to find a group that isn't just solely LGBTQ+ based or for women with profound mental disabilities. it'd be awesome if there was just a craft and hangout type thing instead of seeing shit for 'heckin queer neurospicy gurls group steven universe watch party' like fuck OFFFFFFF.

No. 2207676

It's unfortunately very normal if your workplace is a professional one. Just keep at it and you can work your way up to a similar status that a neighbor would have to them.

No. 2207679

>this OP pic

No. 2207716

I hate how women force other women to accept trannies or else they will call them "pickme 4chan scum" or "evil terf jealous dykes" like what?

No. 2207724

Same with me, I've always been socially stunted compared to my peers and doing things at my own pace without pressure is good. The only domain where I'm truly lacking is relationships and sex, I think it's too late for me since most people at my are getting married and having children, but that's fine, I don't want to settle down anyway.

No. 2207725

I think my mom might be dying, she's been hospitalized for a few days now. I don't really care and I'm not sad about it because I never loved her or my dad for the matter since they both never loved me either and always hurt me, but her dying means I will je left behind with her retarded husband and 3 children to take care of, and I can't afford wasting my youth on any of them. I want to run away so had right now. Might find a way to get sick and die, too.

No. 2207779

File: 1728979893179.jpeg (Spoiler Image,541.85 KB, 750x1014, IMG_8049.jpeg)

Moids and pick me weeb yellow face women will give a pass to any degenerate japanse girl just because she’s Japanese. What the hell are those disgusting posters behind her. I know we shouldn’t be surprised by landmine whores but I want someone to harass her….(global rule 14)

No. 2207781

I especially hate the ones who try to justify it with "oh it's their culture." Same for degen Japanese male coomers. Can they not see how genuinely insulting that excuse is?

No. 2207788

Omfg this is sick! This has to be a sick cope smh.reminds me of how I had to let Kyary pamyu pamyu go after I found out she liked little boys and would sexualize her little boy back up dancers.

No. 2207891

Does anyone relate to wanting to be seen as scary/evil/narcissistic because it makes you feel safe in a way? I sound like an edgelord teenager when I try to explain it, but I often try to put up that kind of shield to be unapproachable as possible. I was bullied and sexually abused throughout most of my childhood which explains why pretty easily. I don't know how to bring this up to my psych or the fact that I don't exactly care about changing because 1) my friends and family know the real me so it's all good and 2) it does weed off creep moids. It is kind of cringe though

No. 2207896

while my mum and her scrote and offspring were away i cleaned and decluttered the whole house, it was such hard work and a mammoth job because my mum holds onto everything even broken stuff and was never taught to mop, dust, this kind of general housekeeping. the stuff i cleaned hadn't been even wiped down in over a decade. the difference is insane, it's like you can finally breathe, before it was just downright embarrassing to see people living like that. i didn't expect so much as a good job, it looks nice in here, nothing. but still getting no kind of appreciation, just the same rudeness and abrasiveness, telling me off nonsensically for moving stuff and telling me i messed stuff up, it's genuinely delusional and it hurts. i keep my cool and remind myself i did it for the sake of it and not praise, but it still hurts to have your hard work genuinely be invisible to people and get negativity when i spent days of my life on fixing stuff up and fucking up my hands cleaning. and she lets her disgusting scrote berate me too. i did a good job and only got attacked for it. even when mopping i was getting moaned at. i just want to live in a nice clean space, i struggle a lot to get shit done so i was so proud of myself, and i hate that i have to fight every step to do it and get no love for it. deep in my heart it hurts. no one even notices.

No. 2207900

I just found a really cute Swedish moid from googling a random name…there's a pic of him from 2014 on his blog and he is 10/10…even left his gmail contact there too. I was worried he might have balded since then but I found his linkedin and hes still cute (walled a bit, looks like an 8 now but still pretty hot) not married afaik. Should I email him?

No. 2207902

When I was younger I was sick of being harassed by creeps, so I used to dress edgy/goth and even more satanic tees and pendants lol to try and ward off moids. Guess what happened? I only attracted even more attention from creepy men and this time they used my apparel as an excuse conversation starter pieces. They also became a lot more hostile, sexual and goading towards me. The only thing that actually works to ward off men is being super fat or wearing extremely baggy generic male clothing, and even then its not foolproof.

No. 2207905

A lot of mentally ill women are virtue signalling as pedos now to get male attention from lolicons. Wasnt there some camgirl who literally got a loli rape tattoo over her innie vagina, with her own vagina made to look like the little girls vagina? I'm sure I saw a webm of it on pol once (lol where else, everyone there is a yellow fever pedophile)

No. 2207909

Great job cleaning up around the place, nona. Sucks your mother and the scrote can't appreciate the effort put in, any normal human would be greatful you unpromptfully lent a hand. You're efforts aren't in vain, deep down I know some part of them is at least a little relieved that their house looks more like a home, without even lifting a finger. You deserve to have this acknowledged and appreciated and it's not selfish or anything to expect that from them. I hope their insufferable behavior ends soon and they give you a rightful apology and a proper thank you. In the mean time, rest up nona! You worked hard and you should treat yourself with something, I hope your hands heal and you feel better soon.

No. 2207920

my sister ate all the cookies when i had saved them for when i get back and relax…

No. 2207925

Women like this are the final boss of NLOGs. Just take solace in the fact nobody starts out begging for crumbs of pedo attention, they're doing it because literally no other option worked.

No. 2207940

thing they all have in common is being terminally ill loser girls who hang out with terminally online loser men too much, theyre usually female gooners/porn addicts and edgelords too

No. 2207944

File: 1728994843827.jpg (125.26 KB, 688x778, Ahhhhhh.jpg)

I get violently jealous whenever I'm reminded of my boyfriend's social life before he knew me.
The thing is that I'm socially successful now, but I was a sperg for years and none of this comes naturally to me. I spent much of my university years resenting everyone for easily getting along, and my boyfriend was one of them. Prior to our meeting this year we even shared a class where I judged him as being normal/"cool" and completely out of my league.
Appearances are bullshit and I now know he was likely relying a lot on substance abuse to get along with people because he's also weird and even weirder now because of what it did to his brain. But I still feel like a total loser when I think back to it or we run into someone he knew/knows, especially other women because of course women are better at seeing through my pretense and know I'm a hideous cringefail autist. And what if they have a fond opinion of him? Do they see me as undeserving?
In almost every way I know I am in his league, but this inferiority persists.
In past relationships this has also been an issue. I was lucky my ex-gf had no friends and was more autistic than I am because she had no one around to make me jealous. But I'd still find myself feeling broken and upset that she…existed before knowing me. It's fucking insane.
Maybe it all started when I dated a guy who was either ashamed for his friends to know me or vice versa. He was also into drugs and I've always been the most sober woman alive, which I guess also makes me feel like a loser.
I know my current bf isn't ashamed of me, I've never had someone hype me up as much as he does (and should). But I'm still convinced he is and, of course, angry that he existed before me.

No. 2207945

shes getting fatter while you remain a skinny legend…be thankful

No. 2207946

sometimes when I'm bored I randomly remember people from middle school or primary school and decide to search for them on social media and see what happened to them
>fat girl from middle school is literally instamodel tier now, she always had a pretty face and gorgeous eyes, my jaw literally dropped how gorgeous he is
>the middle school bully bitch is a fat cow
>the girl who had big breasts at 12 and who I was envious of is also a sphere
>the shy frail redhead guy is a tall chad now who's into sports
>the other super slutty girl is a kindergarden teacher now
I need to find something better to do when I'm bored but this shit can be interesting sometimes.

No. 2207947

sounds like you have bpd, no offense

No. 2207950

I know my bf is only with me because I'm the only girl he can get. I know it because I literally caught him thirsting over other women in the early days of our relationship, and I know he still does in private. I will never be anyone's dream or ideal, always just a placeholder.

No. 2207953

Oh, almost certainly although my counselor can't diagnose me. I suspect my bf also has it so we have fun being demented about each other together.

No. 2207956

Leave him. The relationship is clearly just making you miserable.

No. 2207957

You bpdfags are absolutely demonic. I don’t know how anyone can put up with you. You’re actual parasites that expect your partners to melt into you like an angular fish. Consider being single for the rest of your life.

No. 2207958

I dont know how you can find the energy for that, sounds so toxic. Retroactive jealousy and resentment are the killers of love.

No. 2207960

Why are all the toy/doll threads locked? I want to talk about them. A femcel board and we dont even have a dollfag thread jfl.

No. 2207961

>You’re actual parasites that expect your partners to melt into you like an angular fish.
What did she mean by this

No. 2207964

I mean that not only do they suck the life out of their partners, they expect them to shed every ounce of individuality that existed before or after them. Pretty obvious don’t you think?

No. 2207965

I think she means angler fish. Male angler fish are much smaller than females, so when they reproduce, the males attach onto and slowly merge into the female fish's and become part of her body.

No. 2207968

NTA but what do you think she meant kek

No. 2207969

>We have fun
You clearly don't lmao

No. 2207971

>Male angler fish are much smaller than females, so when they reproduce, the males attach onto and slowly merge into the female fish's and become part of her body.

No. 2207975

ikr? tfw no human moid is a 20th of your size and will never lose himself completely by parasitically merging into you

No. 2207981

File: 1728996434510.jpeg (185.81 KB, 1170x915, IMG_0916.jpeg)

Every. Single. Time.

No. 2207982

stop trying to keep in this horrible world anon, you seem like an ops when you say that you just want me to continue suffering than be free

No. 2207984

Motherfucker looks like John Kramer. If a man has nothing else he will still, somehow, have the audacity.

No. 2207987

I don’t want to be here anymore anon, I wish I knew a more peaceful and non-invasive way where I don’t inflict trauma on my female relatives from seeing my dead body to do it. Hopefully I can save enough money to help my mom get the house she wants that’s the most she deserves from her horrible life as well before I die.
Fuck no, I have bigger things to worry about than that shit.

No. 2207990

ugly bald spermless fuck lol

No. 2207997

legit looks like hes dying of aids

No. 2208002

Why is he trying to pose in his dead great-grandmother’s bathroom?

No. 2208004

The misery is very balanced by having someone who matches the intensity. Not healthy per se, but the level of understanding is a comfort. And when it's good we're soaring.
We're also both actively trying to not be like this because we do experience love and care, you know.
Part of my posting was that I wanted to avoid lashing out at him this time.
Oh I agree, which is why I think dating each other is a public service.
Funnily enough my bf has talked about wanting to become one person multiple times.

No. 2208006

But once you’re one single entity you’re going to have to date someone else since you’d be single, and god knows what mental strife that will provoke. It will be weirder and more disgusting and dramatic than the movie possession.

No. 2208010

What the fuck is that device to his left? Looks like some sci fi contraption they use to reanimate corpses.

No. 2208011

i appreciate your kind words so much nona thank you

No. 2208014

>my bf has talked about wanting to become one person multiple times
I dunno how open you are to advice nonny but that is a red flag. Like seriously, be careful. I know bippie love can feel fucking exhilarating, but when you've gotten to the point of enmeshing with each other, the relationship can turn real dangerous real quick. I'm glad you're happy nonners, but please be careful and keep your eyes open for any signs of danger, okay? This? This is one of the danger signs.

No. 2208018

bippie means bipolar not bpd

No. 2208021

Heed this nonas advice. The more you enmesh yourself with someone, the more agonizing it is when you have to separate. And this is coming from a bpdchan myself. I wish I hadnt met him.

No. 2208023

I am going to the dentist for the first time in years and i am afraid they are going to tell me my teeths are decaying. I brush everyday now, but there were 2 years were i suffered from severe depressiong and i am sure i fucked my teeth during those years.

No. 2208024

Is that so? I've seen anons use it to refer to BPD for years now especially in the mental disorders thread. Regardless, my point stands.

No. 2208026

I just need to find someone just as clingy as I am, and then my abandonment issues will be cured.

No. 2208027

File: 1728997907795.jpeg (69.76 KB, 334x1170, IMG_0913.jpeg)

Yeah that’s some primitive Frankenstein’s lab shit right there kek

No. 2208028

File: 1728997918640.png (134.05 KB, 650x366, nothowitworks.png)

No. 2208029

Maybe if you're lez. Men cannot love in the same way women can. Even bpd men. They always cheat.

No. 2208030

its definitely his mothers house lol

haha what a loser

No. 2208035

File: 1728998429312.webp (52.35 KB, 679x500, IMG_0918.webp)

This is some Buffalo Bill meets Norman Bates shit wtf

No. 2208037

So this is why people open their relationships…
I'll take this into account. We're both getting help and are self-aware, I'm also more of the angry type and he's more of the manipulative self-destruction type so I focus on controlling my own urges. But I am aware of how things could go because I'm capable of that evil myself.
It helps a bit, but definitely not a cure. Therapy helps but I think it's permanent damage to an extent.

No. 2208040

>I'm also more of the angry type and he's more of the manipulative self-destruction type
I'm not saying don't work on your own issues, but from my personal experience dealing with people, the manipulative self-destructo types are way more dangerous than the 'splody anger types. Please be careful not to fall into the trap where you're so focused on taking responsibility that you don't put blame on him where it's due. Rooting for you nonna, hope it works out for you.

No. 2208052

women also cheat, they aren't capable of loving either

No. 2208056

nta but you will literally never find a man willing to do the things women do to stay in a relationship. Good luck finding a scrote who dresses nicely and takes care of himself for you.

No. 2208058

Thank you, I do appreciate your concern, nona!

No. 2208074

I'm not attracted to men

No. 2208101

why do i only want men who don't want me. i fucking hate my life. i'm seeing someone who is literally the ideal person i'd go for and i know he likes me too but i just cannot be bothered to like him back. but, i know if he were hard to get or there was some sort of unavailability, i'd like him. i wish i were normal

No. 2208117

Impose artificial unavailability. Take a vow to never date a man again. Then there’ll be sexual tension with him. Bada-bing bada-boom.

No. 2208134

I have to fart but my cat is sleeping under my legs next to my butt

No. 2208135

File: 1729004563916.jpeg (67.08 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5402.jpeg)

Do it. Dutch oven him.

No. 2208136

let it out nona

No. 2208138

File: 1729004599796.jpg (33.21 KB, 564x564, 16e6bfcd83c4a0858f5638211a417c…)

If I go out of my way to cook a meal for both of us and then you can't even finish it because you "feel sick/don't have an appetite" but you didn't even bother to tell me this beforehand I honestly hope you starve. It's not fucking hard at all to have communication with me and it would have taken 2 seconds for you to come down and say "hey I don't feel well I don't think I'll eat this" when I was prepping the food and it would have been fine, not a problem at all. But no, your dumbass eating disordered habits that make you prefer Mcdonalds and cans of cola mean that every fucking time we eat together you just can't finish things because of some vague "sick" feeling or appetite problem. If that's the case then stop agreeing to having me cook stuff for you. I don't want to. It's a matter of respect and communication and yes I don't care if you have to force yourself to eat the food. That's life, grow up, adults need real food and not a diet of Mcdonalds and I don't even have an appetite most of the time but if someone has went out of their way to cook something for me you best believe I am going to show respect and try to eat a good amount of it. Stupid entitled retard. How about I just throw the frying pan at your head next time because there's a higher chance you'd eat that compared to ANY tasty healthy food your family tries to cook for you. Kill yourself.

No. 2208160

Ok I'll throw up on your carpet then nonnie

No. 2208172

I hate picky and weird eaters so much. My ex would refuse to eat just to mindfuck me while staying over on the weekend despite me having tons of options so it'd just be me preparing meals and eating alone while he smugly abstained, he admitted at one point he wanted the behavior to rub off on me as well as being vegan. Then same thing as your mcretard if we went to taco bell he'd pig the fuck out and when we weren't hanging he was being piggly because he blimped out while we dated the food neuroticism was all performance to give me anxiety

No. 2208175

File: 1729006375162.jpg (23.79 KB, 539x561, crying.jpg)

I came back from the dentist i got gingivitis and bruxism

No. 2208183

Don’t worry, you’ll like him as soon as he finds someone else

No. 2208186

She said that redundant chan

No. 2208197

File: 1729007880115.jpg (61.74 KB, 736x1156, cute black cat.jpg)

>my mom: anon I don't know what went wrong! I don't know why our relationship is so bad! Everything used to be great aka, everything was great when I was an extremely young child barely capable of understanding her mistreatment of me! You don't even speak to me anymore!
>Picrel, me having flashbacks to the time where I was a child and I was rambling to her about something I was super into and she told me something along the lines of "I don't care" and made me cry. Or the time where I reached out in her direction and she said "don't touch me!" in disgust. Or the many times she was mad when I attempted to talk to her. Just to name a few instances.
She's not really in my life anymore but man

No. 2208201

don't worry anon, I got all that too, anxiety meds helped with the bruxism and I had to stop eating chocolate altogether and be more diligent about brushing and flossing. I haven't tried it out myself but there's a Japanese toothpaste that's supposedly good for this, apadent brand?

No. 2208203

How do you deal with the gingivitis anon? for the bruxism i got asked to wear a teeth retainer i am going to get it done tomorrow, you dont use it?.

No. 2208209

File: 1729008727907.png (1.01 MB, 1500x1500, TePe-Interdental-Brush-Origina…)

NTA but I'm in the fucked up gums club too. Get an electric toothbrush and interdental brushes like picrel. Use mouthwash, then the interdental brushes (also use these after eating) and normal floss, then brush your teeth for 2 minutes, all in this order.

No. 2208211

I say do it but I’m feeling really bitter about my own cat farting in my face the other day.

No. 2208212

thanks nonny. The dentist guy told me it could be reversed with a deep cleaning but i dont know, is that true or am i cursed forever?

No. 2208215

What kind of gap toothed freak needs the grey or black ones. Yuck.

No. 2208218

It depends on whether your gums have receded or not, but if it's only gingivitis you should be fine if you keep up with your dental hygiene at home and also regularly get professional cleanings done

No. 2208219

thanks, that calms me a little

No. 2208222

Oh, also, your dentist probably told you, but if your gums bleed like crazy while you floss don't be deterred at all and just keep doing it. It's normal and will stop once your gums aren't as irritated and infected anymore.

No. 2208227

Lmao sounds like you just dated a fatboy neurotic nutcase. Everyone hates picky eaters online but like guys I just have no appetite nor will to live left

No. 2208230

I think those ones are used to clean between the front of the tooth and the wire from braces.

No. 2208231

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>"femcel board"
>doesn't even know how to search /m/

No. 2208233

I've been pretty messed up for about two years now, no help I've seeked has really went anyway so far. I had a breakdown on a night out with my friends months ago and they all just ignored me like I was some freak. Hurts more as I'm agoraphobic and I don't leave the house often, so even being there was a challenge. But to then just be ignored when I'm directly telling my friends I'm not okay as I'm hyperventilating just hurts.
I've cut them out of my life and I'm sort of glad because I don't believe they ever valued me, but the isolation now is quite dark.

No. 2208238

Also replying again but I somehow had a similar experience. I had this guy over and he kept acting weirdly competitive with how little we were eating, I already don't eat much but I got a snack for the night cause I work late and he had the same smug kind of "Yeah I just won't eat" thing but his tummy was singing the whole time.
I ate my snacks real quick so he wouldn't ask for some but now that you mention it I can't help but wonder if some guys feel self-conscious or try to neg girls like this lul. So petty

No. 2208239

i worry I’m like this, often I go to places with friends where there’s nothing on the menu I can eat and I have to just sit there awkwardly and hope they don’t think I’m judging them … it’s painful (but your ex was an S-tier toenail)

No. 2208245

No. 2208247

spongebob uses lolcow?

No. 2208249

Starting to really hate my job now. In the past year, over half of the team has either quit or been laid off but a lot of the work they did still has to be done so it gets pushed to the rest of us left. Nobody left has the amount of knowledge anymore so it’s a struggle just trying to understand what’s going on and what to do. Basically it’s like we’ve taken on four different job roles now and have to do other fun things like security updates due to us being merged by another company now and then when those updates break things, we have to clean up the mess and communicate with the help desk and even the customers to tell them what happened, while also investigating any tickets that come in. It’s just a mess right now and I miss it when my job only had to do with coding. It doesn’t help that I’m one of the newer people and have even less knowledge than everyone else, but I still feel incompetent when people who have only been here slightly longer than me are able to slowly figure things out while I still struggle with the first step. The other day my manager kind of nudged at me for not talking so much during these types of emergency calls and I don’t even know what to say other than I don’t know how the fuck I’m supposed to have any good ideas on how to fix these things. I’ve tried applying to other jobs but got extremely demotivated when I wasn’t hearing back from anybody. I feel like I’m not even growing in this job anymore because it’s going further away from my original job description. I was gonna wait until next year to start applying again, but fuck it. This damn job and it’s never ending growing list of responsibilities is starting to get to me

No. 2208254

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(laughs annoyingly)

No. 2208294

I heard this picture in my head.

No. 2208298

Knocking on my door as a stranger should be illegal, like I should have the right to decide to press charges based on what the reason behind the knocking was. Friendliest man in the world trying to garner votes for some mayoral thing and goddamn! My grandmother is sleeping, this isn't my house, you made her dog crazy. I'm pressing charges!

No. 2208299

what is that? IIt looks like this sex offender I went to school with

No. 2208311

Me in every thread here

No. 2208314

The normiefication and fetishization of the word "femcel" to the point it now means any female interest that is unconventional or just not makeup, marriage or clubbing is so gross. Males almost seem to think it's endearing to call someone that but it's just weird to talk about video games or say you like how a hello kitty keychain looks and you get "aww that's so femcel coded" like fuck you meanwhile you guys are actually just low value males overcompensating for incel anxieties of not being enough no matter what you identify with by proxy or how woke you pretend to act.sheesh

No. 2208321

I wish I had a reason not to hate myself so much

No. 2208434

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I just tapped up the most unhinged, rage-fueled rant to drop into the GIOYC thread….

And then deleted it.


No. 2208442

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You know you're in a living hell when basic necessities become treats like, "oh, i worked my ass off for that assignment, i think i'll nap when i get home". i can't tell if i'm being overemotional like i usually am at night or if the thought of having to spend the rest of my life like this is genuinely making me cry.

No. 2208459

my rapist is vaguely talking about me in his shitty soundcloud songs again, this time the cover has the pairing of that shitty anime we watched together. talking about gyarus (i follow a lot of them on ig, so he's still watching my following) and not trying to hide his coke addiction anymore

No. 2208460

i can't do it i can't handle this fucking course it's that mind numbing. nothing we're doing will be used in our careers, i swear all of this excess shit is just filler that's intended to mindbreak you for some retarded reason

No. 2208464

That aint bussin

No. 2208467

i hate that my brother's right about me, he was right when he said i only make things harder for myself when i don't do my assignments beforehand and end up having to stay up all night for them, if i had just not wasted Sat-Sun working on that shit presentation for a FUCKING 2 CREDIT subject i could've done some of this assignment and not have this throbbing pain in the back of my head.

No. 2208471

actually its hilarious the subject i have this assignment is just 3 credits too haha kek kek

No. 2208472

Yeah but good thing this is just a negging strat and you don't give a fuck, men thinking being your ex makes them worth something is their business, move on

No. 2208484

smirked at my phone and this girl made a snide comment about me being cocky because she thought it was directed at her?? nonas i'm done i hate you all

No. 2208498

I like chilling on my yard/porch at night while my dog sniffs around and does her thing but I hate when people who know my dad/mom pass by and start talking to me. Saying hi is fine but I don't want to hold a conversation when I just want to rexal alone at night. I just hate talking so much, I'm shit at it anyway and I always come off as a retard, I wish people would just ignore me always.

No. 2208511

use google and relax it’s never that serious

No. 2208529

i know nonnie, i'm just hypervigilant for the moment he decides to take his smear campaign outside of his discord circlejerk, while i'm pretending everywhere he never existed and not reacting at all

No. 2208537

I feel the same and it makes me actually resent people just for being a friendly normie. Like why are you putting me through this? You’re making me suffer and exert myself unnaturally for what? To hear about my boring ass mediocre life and witness my dull expression and look at my dull face as it forces a smile.

No. 2208539

I somehow forgot the first word of your post while typing, sorry you're dealing with this girl. Hyper vigilance is warranted if there's any danger to you but otherwise it could just be a false signal due to your trauma? Anyway stay safe and sound

No. 2208556

I've been very depressed lately. I can't eat, sleep, my back hurts, and I don't want to talk to anyone. Nothing makes me happy anymore

No. 2208559

I have an uncommon but heavily fetishised body type and it sucks. It’s impossible to find pants that fit, I’ve had people (both male and female) grab my ass or hips to ‘prove’ I’m wearing padding when I’m not and whenever my body type is represented in art or media there are always people saying how unrealistic and stupid-looking it is. When I complain about this to other women they get upset with me because how dare I not be grateful to be sexually attractive to men? Like that’s some kind of prize.

No. 2208568

>It’s impossible to find pants that fit, I’ve had people (both male and female) grab my ass or hips to ‘prove’ I’m wearing padding when I’m not
Do you have lymphedema?

No. 2208573

No, just big hips on an otherwise skinny body. My lower legs are normal which makes me look even more unbalanced. It’s like my hip/butt/thigh area was meant to go on a different person but I got them by accident.

No. 2208581

i wish it was just me being schizo and seeing things but it's not the first time he uses that anime couple on his terrible music, or has lyrics replying to the things i like/post. he also got back with his doormat ex so he could be writing about her and using other anime couples instead, but idk.

No. 2208590

I have a boyfriend for the first time in my life but I feel too ugly and stupid for him. I'm scared he will find a girl who's actually pretty and smart and interesting. I think I have a low IQ. I'm also a virgin, I've never done anything sexual with anyone, I will probably disappoint him the first time. Everything is embarrasing to me. It's just too much.

No. 2208593

ntayrt, but i think i get what you mean, people do act weird around bottom heavy women, like filming them without permission like "haha, stay focused my brothers" or some retarded shit, black women with curvy bodies get stared at so much in my country and very openly too, the scrotes have no fucking decency.

No. 2208599

He rose an immense amount in the social ladder just by being with you, chances are you probably are too good for him. As depressing as it is but sexual experience, intelligence and being interesting are turn offs for most of them anyway. So if he leaves you it's more likely because you are an interesting intelligent woman than anything else. It's pretty rare for moids to dump women though, it usually only happens if you feed their ego too much.

No. 2208606

File: 1729022521858.jpeg (475.08 KB, 750x744, IMG_7271.jpeg)

I need someone to scream at me and shake me and tell me that a certain moid will never love me so I stop being attached. I broke up with him but I still miss him. He treated me like human garbage and I hate to use the buzzword but he did truly abuse me. I need sense slapped into me nonnies, it’s really pathetic the way I miss him.

No. 2208619

It’s tough to miss someone even after you know they did you dirty, but unfortunately it’s just a part of the grieving process that you can’t shortcut through. The fact that you broke up with him and you know he treated you like shit means it’s just a matter of time before your heart catches up to your brain. Just remember that closure is something you make, not something you get.

No. 2208620

Just what? I am having freakout. why aren't you there bitch. you said you'd be ther but you aren't and I'm not and i am so fucking scared and nothing makes sense and I want you to chill me me out and answer your fucking phone, i am so sacred rightnow without you

No. 2208622

just call me if you can can make somthin work

No. 2208623

You don't miss him you literally miss the idea of what he could be. Just remember that. Any time you start feeling down because you're missing what you could have NEVER FORGET all the shit that actually happened in reality removed from the rose tinted glasses and hormone-starvation. Remember if he loved you he would have changed but he didn't so he never truly cared. Stacy up and forget that scrote.

No. 2208625

>I broke up with him
Good. That was the hard part and you've already done it. To some extent you'll just have to ride the feelings out unfortunately but you need to keep remembering WHY you left and find other, fulfilling things to occupy your time.

No. 2208631

R u ok

No. 2208634

Let me slap some reality into you nonna. They never change. They get worse even if they seem like they get better. Mine verbally emotionally and physically abused me and sexually as well. He was always kind of sorry and would subtlely lovebomb me back. So many years of my life wasted on loving this abusive moid who has never been anything but a narc who isn’t even good at being a narc, I’m just such a pathetic autist and hopeless romantic I let it keep it happening.

Don’t let this trip you up. You’ll fall in love with a moid who actually loves you. Don’t go back to the other one. Don’t be like me and have to spend a night in fucking jail cause your moid hit you and then filmed you hitting him back (don’t worry nonnies state prosecutor dropped my charges completely before I was scheduled for my court arraignment hearing, they knew it was bullshit).

No. 2208636

How do you avoid rape? Is avoid men enough? I don't go outside anymore because of it

No. 2208653

File: 1729023915034.gif (9.2 KB, 230x100, IMG_0471.gif)

Thank you to all nonnies for your comforting and realistic messages, I want to thank you specifically too. Mine was abusive too and he would do the same thing where he’d convince me he’s a victim while stealing thousands of dollars from me and telling me my life isn’t worth living. I really was humiliated and my dignity was stripped from me. I know how it feels to be so frustrated that he’s making himself out to be a victim after deeply hurting you and I am glad you have no more years wasted with that evil man.

No. 2208661


No. 2208667

i'm sick of demure being a meme. the fat faggot who started this retarded trend is a misogynist, and if he truly wanted to be demure he'd lose some fucking weight.

No. 2208673

Ayrt and Nonnie I’m so very sorry he did all that to you. My point stands 1000x more and I’m so proud of you for leaving him you have no idea how strong you are for doing so. Mine would also tell me I belonged in an institution and didn’t deserve to be happy and would dehumanize me to the point where I’d start to lash out at myself and it almost killed me multiple times. Evil moids have no place in our lives. To a brighter future with actual loving healthy relationships, cheers!

No. 2208681

Hahaha my housemate is so retarded he just sits on the couch for four hours every night with his phone literally on his chest (!?!) watching breadtube garbage while I’m trying to cook, clean and study. I hate him and I wish it was socially acceptable for me to chase him away/hit him with a heavy broom

No. 2208686

File: 1729025241547.jpeg (163.71 KB, 600x800, 1727515842.jpeg)

>Get back into jfashion and egl
>Go to a meet
>ofc the style is not popular with people my age anymore so it's all younger girls
>They have a shitton of money, some of them are instagram influencers
>They don't actually know shit about burandos and they brag about their coords are all shein and how little they paid for such "good quality"
>The kogyal girls are wearing cosplay tier white shirt and gingham skirts, when they could thrift and look hundreds times better
>"Gatekeeping is not cool!"

Why can't zoomers make up their own fashion instead of shitting on already existing ones, didn't they do enough damage to the y2k fashion already.
Picrel is the dress I would wear to a Nonnie Comm Meetup

No. 2208697

God I look and feel like shit today. So glad I don’t have a customer-facing job.

No. 2208705

I was with you until you said you’d wear picrel to a farmer meetup. Because why would you ever wear that dress ever, it’s hideous tapbao trash, makes you sound very hypocritical unless I’m too autistic and didn’t get that you’re kidding about ever wearing picrel.

No. 2208707

nta but its because it has cows how dense can you be

No. 2208715

Yeah but it also negates everything she said about egl. Haha if it’s a joke yeah I guess, but not haha if she’d ACTUALLY wear that dress ever as a self respecting egl fashion enjoyer.

No. 2208718

File: 1729026705472.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, anon you have autism.png)

No. 2208723

Have there been nonna summits? Though I’m scared of breaking anonymity I’d love to see how one would end kek

No. 2208727

I need someone to coddle me and go coochie coochie coo~ and bottle feed me unearned praise while I shit myself and do nothing

No. 2208739

The post like a moid thread is that way nonners —>

No. 2208741

I've been feeling like a selfish moid a lot recently not going to lie nonnies

No. 2208742

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it's true that scrotes are only nice at the start of the relationship to reel you in. at first they are so sweet, cook you breakfast in the morning, ask about you and how you're doing, take you on dates walks in the park etc it's awesome but inevitably they will switch their behavior and stop pretending they gaf about you. someday I will understand this and stop acting shocked every time it happens

No. 2208744

I got super drunk for the first time in over a year. Everything is spinning. I need your help. Anons, am I in love with the scrote I've been chatting with for two hours on a dating app? Because I'm really lonely and think I might be. And should I wear my bluetooth headphones while I shower? Because the quality sucks if I use my phone but it's really good with my headphones. Please answer. Thank you. Love you.

No. 2208745

No, you are drunk and lonely and have only been talking to him for two hours.
No, they will get ruined.

No. 2208746

Dont use your headphones in the shower they could break

No. 2208748

File: 1729028098311.webp (18.52 KB, 485x862, IMG_4811.webp)

Dang, just realised I’ve reached a level of my depression where I’m even apathetic to my usual suicidal ideations I’ve already worked through that habit through therapy, but it’s so ingrained in my being it now more works like an internal tantrum than anything too serious usually. I don’t care about anything. I don’t care about how lonely I am, I don’t care about whatever few plans I have, I don’t care about my beloved plants (watching them die one after another atm because I need to rotate their spots and couldn’t be arsed to do something about it), I don’t care about uni, I care about practicality nothing.
The only things I care about is gaming and my cat, I keep up a semblance of a lifestyle by going through the motions by studying (even if it’s to a lesser degree and more sloppily than before), checking out healthy recipes that I cook, going to the gym in the morning, cramming in a couple of hours of gaming before I go to bed between 9-10pm. It’s better than lying in bed feeling nothing at all but I have no passion or care about it all. I smile and laugh with my roommate but i forget the conversation immediately because I can’t bother to give a shit. There are events and exhibitions going on right now I would previously have been super hyped to go to but now I can’t even bother checking with friends if they wanna go.

No. 2208749

10 minutes was enough for me to know that I was gonna marry my husband and we've been together for almost 7 years. Anything is possible, nonners

No. 2208754

Okay. Thank you. I'll take off my headphones and hide my phone to stop my extra-scroticulars
You're fucking with my head

No. 2208757

Girl that is terrible advice. Quit trolling.

No. 2208767

I wasn't giving advice I was just sharing my experience because its a happy story and I felt like it. Also we obviously didn't get married 10 minutes after knowing each other kek, I just knew very quickly after meeting him that I did want to spend my life with him is the point I'm making

No. 2208772

Indeed you are.

No. 2208778

Scariest thing I read today

No. 2208783

what would you do if he was accused of being a pedophile

No. 2208793

I'd be really curious to see what would make someone feel that way about him

No. 2208795

File: 1729029961040.jpg (45.23 KB, 563x392, kitty1.jpg)

It's starting to actually be fall and it's making my immune system suffer so bad. I have migraines, always getting canker sores in my mouth, no appetite, and feeling so so so lazy. I just want to hibernate

No. 2208799

Ok and that’s great for you but the OP is clearly not in a good or responsible headspace and is not going to find her future husband drunk chatting with some scrote on a dating app. Feels like you just glossed over her post and said “anyway, about ME and MY amazing story.”

No. 2208800

when she takes out the laundry you specifically put in so that u can remote start it so she can wash her own things. i love this so much.
protip, never let a mother in law stay with you, it's so fucking miserable man. i legit want to cry

No. 2208805

>i'm drunk and think i might be in love am i?
>hey i knew i was in love quickly
>ermmmm she's clearly in an irresponsible headspace stop talking about yourself
ntayrt but you sound miserable kek is there a serious responses only rule now

No. 2208807

What if she does though nonny? Also I don't think being drunk necessarily means shes in a bad headspace

No. 2208811

nta but the OP herself said she was super drunk, it sounds like the level of drunkness that would negatively affect decision making…so not really a wise choice when choosing men on dating apps (which are mostly shit)

No. 2208817

To me it seems like she's not so drunk she's incapable of comprehending her surroundings or making informed choices, cause if she was then she wouldn't have been able to type up a post about her current environment to begin with.

No. 2208820

but she literally considered showering with headphones on kek

No. 2208823

She is a whole lot more likely to get taken advantage of (at best) or killed (at worst) fooling around on a dating app. But whatever, not my circus not my monkeys.

No. 2208829

I understand your anxiety anon, if she's still reading and is genuinely afraid that the guy she's attracted to is plotting to hurt her she can always take measures to protect or defend herself preemptively

No. 2208836

I got a job but idk, this feels weird, I feel like this was sudden somehow. At this point I just want to buy some earphones to hear anime guys masturbating.

No. 2208861

I only have my job in my life currently and it's starting to depress me, the future looks so bleak to me. Hopefully the few concerts I'm going to this month will give me a charge of dopamine or something.

No. 2208873

Drunk!OP checking in to say I'm fine, I didn't get murdered by any online dating moids, I just took an hour long shower (sans headphones) and then fed and watched some hedgehogs on my porch while drinking 2l of water and eating crackers. But fuck you tagged anon, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around before with your
>well I have found true lub with my hubby, so why can't other annonnys??!!! Real love exists!1!!
rhetoric, and it annoys me every time. Life isn't a fairytale, and if anons in a vulnerable mood or position are in this thread and talking about moids, it's not the right time for you to come out of the woodworks to talk about how much you and your shitty nigel love each other. He probably watches "Barely legal big titted teen gets gangbanged"-porn btw.
Anyway good night, thanks for your concern everyone else. I am never drinking the devil's juice again

No. 2208877

ntayrt but why are you talking to guys at all if you aren’t attracted to them and think that they’ll watch porn behind your back

No. 2208879

Kek, glad you’re still with us OP.

No. 2208880

I didn't think it was a bad thing to share a positive tale?? Kek wtf

No. 2208881

Are you the husband?

No. 2208882

Because I was fucked up on two bottles of wine kek, decision making went out of the window at some point

No. 2208883

i’m not nigelfag kek im just asking OP here why involve yourself with men and download dating apps to talk to them if you don’t like men

No. 2208888

they gave the better position to a tranny over me (we were the only two people that applied) even tho my attendance is better than his and im more productive :^)

No. 2208892

But why get on tinder instead of watching a movie? You were somehow still capable of writing up a whole post about what you were currently doing for lolcow but simultaneously lost your decision making and coherence kek?

No. 2208897

But did you check his phone yet

No. 2208904

Please read the room, do nigelfags only have one braincell dedicated to their uwu hubby or something?

No. 2208905

Idk anon, have you never drank a lot of alcohol? I'm very lonely and in my retarded drunk state I lost my usual volcel inhibitions and decided to mess around on a dating app. I was obviously not incoherent and crytyping or some shit, so I guess it didn't fully come across how messed up I was, but my decision-making was definitely compromised and if this was going on irl instead of online I'm not sure what would have happened. Like I said in my OP, everything was spinning. While I was sitting in the shower I was thinking about forcing myself to throw up right there because I felt so shitty. That's why it's dangerous for that nigelfag to sperg about how much her and her nigel love each other when it can't be certain wtf the anon she's replying is going through.

No. 2208906

Ignore the haters, congrats, I hope you stay together forever.

No. 2208907

Stop being mad at random nonnies because you're a failure with a shit life kek

No. 2208910

I'll check his when he checks mine, hows that sound nonny?
Usually when I drink it's with my nigel so no I haven't ever felt the urge to flirt with strangers when I'm drunk kek
Well the post essentially said "I just talked to someone and think I'm in love" and I responded very innocently with "I knew I was in love with my husband very fast too" so I think I read it correctly
Thank you anon ♥

No. 2208911

>That's why it's dangerous for that nigelfag to sperg about how much her and her nigel love each other when it can't be certain wtf the anon she's replying is going through.
ntayrt but what does this mean?

No. 2208912

How old are you?

No. 2208913

don’t answer this anon kek it’s a trap, even if you’re 35 there’ll still be something wrong with it

No. 2208914

It means don't boast about your happy relationship and how you knew your nigel was the one after 2 seconds of talking when an anon (who is obviously not sober or in some type of bad state) is talking about how she wants to do potentially dangerous shit with a moid she met 5 minutes ago. It makes it seem like it's a good idea when it's the worst idea possible

No. 2208916

Girl nobody is responsible for your own actions.

No. 2208917

nta but when did she say she was gonna do dangerous things with him? KEK what all she said was she might get in the shower with her headphones on

No. 2208921

Me and my Nigel just wanted to let you know we think you and your Nigel are massive faggots.

No. 2208922

Why dafuq won't you check his phone, you'll prove that he 100% doesn't watch porn, thus you'll have full bragging rights

No. 2208927

File: 1729037804531.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720, 325572 (1).webm)

>Nigel Stacies keep winning
Nonnies…It's so over

No. 2208931

You are pathetic

No. 2208935

It's because she knows she would either find disgusting porn, or a weirdly squeaky clean browser history if he knows how to use incognito mode
>nigel stacy

No. 2208936

I feel like I have bragging rights already cause I can see what he's looking at on his phone which is why I never got the urge to ask to look

No. 2208938

She's okay with checking his computer but not his phone, idgi

No. 2208939

damn ntayrt but is it that hard to believe that there are some anons here who have their dumb little nigels who are obsessed with just them?

No. 2208940

I am asking genuinely out of curiosity. Just check his browser history and I will literally praise you as being the 1 female on this imageboard who's attained a years-long porn-free marriage.

No. 2208941

lmao coping ass bitch

No. 2208942

Coping about what? I have a girlfriend

No. 2208944

Kek this is what I thought about my ex boyfriend. Turned out he was a closet faggot who watched gay porn. Do you think men are retarded enough to show their degeneracy in front of their wives/girlfriends who they know disapprove of porn?

Why are you so obsessed with whiteknighting this nigelfag and her nigel?

No. 2208946

you tagged several posts, also do you know what whiteknighting is? also it’s not really whiteknighting to ask a question. i know this may be a big shock to some of you but there are users here who are in happy relationships

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