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No. 2197306

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2197433>>2197439

>The manga series begins with Hikaru's birth. Sachiko, Hikaru's mother, realizes that her son is a little bit different from the other babies. When Hikaru is diagnosed with autism at one and a half years old, Sachiko faces the ignorance towards autism from others around her. However, gradually, Sachiko meets more people who are accepting of Hikaru and his autism, and she regains her determination to raise Hikaru into a "cheerful, working adult" in society.
lol, this is so fucking japanese

No. 2197439>>2198001

I read the manga and it unironically has some of the best depiction of autistic children I've seen.

No. 2197955>>2198191

Hot take, but if you cannot handle people making nsfw art of your characters then you should not release your art to the public.

No. 2197976>>2198002>>2198014

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the only people upset about this are troons and porn addicts who think they have the right to create child porn and call it subversive art. picrel is a group of degenerates defending an animated film that is literally just about a child being repeatedly tortured and raped

No. 2198001

I read a few volumes and thought it was pretty good. The author was sick and passed away before she could finish it unfortunately

No. 2198002>>2198003

I remember when people used to be scared shitless of midori and called it the most disturbing anime film. It's actually a really interesting movie, especially considering it was animated for peanuts by a small studio.

No. 2198003>>2198013>>2198185

>small studio
Wasn't it just one retired animator?

No. 2198013>>2198185

Yes, my bad. He also fully financed it himself. I am a huge fan of suehiro marou, he's a batshit crazy coomer but his art is so inspiring and unique. He's also heavily influenced Kaneoya Sachiko.

No. 2198014>>2198148

Yep, I really do not care about coomers' self-assigned right to attentionwhore with their boring badly-drawn smut, but I don't get why they're gunning for fanfic writers specifically. It's usually the artists who are cancerous for fandoms, fics don't tend to reach infamy level nowadays.

No. 2198148

>fics don't tend to reach infamy level nowadays
yeah, maybe it's because I mostly stick to quiet fandoms, but the last time I remember seeing fanfic spill out from it's fandom's containment were the HIV highschool au and cannibal mermaid au Hamilton fanfics kek, but that was still more due to the author's weird larp antics rather than because the fics themselves were wild enough to gain infamy. I've seen some fics that would have been potentially noteworthy over a decade ago but now just melt into the background with all the other unhinged shit people pump out kek

No. 2198185>>2198205

doesn't matter, it should still be erased and the creator should have been shot

No. 2198191>>2198312

I feel like if a woman makes art and says she doesn't want to see porn of her characters, you should probably just respect that. Of course not everybody is gonna respect that, but why even remind her? It just shows her which fans will respect her and which ones don't. She also plays some of the characters herself so I'd see why she doesn't want that made or written.

No. 2198205>>2214055

Careful not to cut yourself with that edge, nonny.

No. 2198278>>2198280>>2198283>>2198299>>2198325>>2198333>>2199570

Has anyone come across the parkour civilization. It's based on a Minecraft series about a world revolving around parkour. Somehow the fanbase turned into fujo brainrot. Its like hetalia and dream smp had an ugly child

No. 2198280>>2198333

File (hide): 1728366248004.jpg (290.59 KB, 1080x1520, N2KjE6N.jpg)

Picrel is an example of the fanbase kek

No. 2198283>>2198289

>literal tiktok kiddie brainrot shit
Why do you guys even come to lolcow? How do you even find this shit?

No. 2198289

I've seen random parkour videos talking about "parkour civilization", I looked it up only to find out it's zoomies watching a Minecraft series and shipping the characters. I feel like a boomer who stumbled across homestuck

No. 2198299

Oh, now I understand a meme somebody made about something I follow that I saw online.
I'm way too fucking old for this.

No. 2198312

>but why even remind her?
She's actively seeking this content out and asks her own followers to send it to her.

No. 2198325>>2198333

People started watching it because it seemed funny and making dramatic fanart of it was silly. Then people got invested in it the more they talked about it online, and then fujos came. It’s all pretty silly and harmless imo, the audience isn’t Minecraft SMP zoomers but rather people drawn in by the novelty and inherent goofiness from what I see

No. 2198329>>2198330>>2198331>>2198340>>2198342

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Even when TIFs do edgy alt-right LARP you can still tell they're women. What man is drawing anime style self-insert nazi art? Jesus christ.

No. 2198330>>2198332>>2198340>>2200281

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No. 2198331>>2201046

I hate this shitty lazy style so much.

No. 2198332

most tryhard edgy shit ive ever seen KEK

No. 2198333

This is so fucking hilarious.
The fujos ARE the minecraft SMP zoomers.

No. 2198339>>2198410>>2198413>>2198418>>2198419

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Funny how most of these pairing are from their childhoods before these people would have figured out that they're "gay"

No. 2198340>>2198341>>2198342>>2198374

Archetypal TIF that has spent her whole life on 4chan LARPing as an incel
No male draws like this and has this sense of humor

No. 2198341

She should grow up and redirect the hate into something productive, against moids.

No. 2198342

I doubt she even uses imageboards. Most edgy TIFs don't, they just pretend they do.

No. 2198374

If she was a true and honest 4chan grown moid she would be drawing his horse waifus with swastikas in their flanks. No 4chan moid would depict himself as a kawaii uguu twink

No. 2198410

The funniest thing about this to me is that the only real gay guy I knew who liked The Dragon Prince (middle right) only liked it because of the gay moon elf character, who actually got locked and sealed inside the evil usurping lord's magic amulet within the same episode he was introduced iirc.

In fact that show contained both m/m and f/f couples into one episode and killed off the f/f couple in a battle against a golem who they fought to save the king's wife, and the m/m couple were separated and one was captured and is implied to be frozen in time in the amulet and was never seen again. The show is entertaining but it's so blatant they did the whole "bury your gays" thing within about 30 minutes, as if the writers were saying "stick them in to appease the retards on social media who will hashtag cancel us if we don't." Like none of that was necessary at all kek.

Oh there's a deafmute female character who communicates in sign language (no subtitles or explanation of what she's saying) who gets captured by a female sun elf near the end of the series and they have a "thing" but they don't go anywhere.

From what I remember the evil lord and his evil elf ear worm have more going for them than any of the established or implied same sex pairings but the lord character is so fugly.

So many american shows are somehow still living like they're bound by the hays code even when they have full permission to include same sex couples. It makes me cringe every time I see the pattern repeat itself because it produces such pointless characters with no relevance to the plot. I.e. These characters are not seducing anyone to the Good Side or the Dark Side; their lovers aren't orchestrating a revenge plot against the Big Bad; they're not making a babygay character feel less alone in the big wide world; they're not causing conflict with their love and creating world peace with their love like some happily ever after version of Romeo and Juliet. These characters are like if the writers turned to me and said that a briefcase in an office was gay. Like okay what does it do? Nothing, it just exists. So the straight characters get their romance which changes worlds, which shows the writers are adept at writing SFW romance, but then are unable to manage that for a same sex romance. And then kids on Tumblr are like "REAL gays loved [hetship here]" Like kek that also makes me cringe, it's like serving gruel and chicken and being shocked at how many people are choosing chicken.

No. 2198413>>2198417

all of these are pretty basic ships, they're just well-written and usually not from blatantly misogynistic or pedophilic media.

No. 2198417

It's funny how they can't just say "this is a nice het ship" it's all "the gays like this het ship, we approve" but I guess it's better than "they're bi!!!!!!!!!"

No. 2198418>>2198512>>2198893>>2198910

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and on the opposite end, which is something like picrel, a radically retarded misinterpretation of a 19th century book written by a woman who yearned for a man all her life and was deeply religious and wokies will read that story with the main characters being "queer" and secretly people of color because they suffer from too much fandom brain-rot

No. 2198419

Most gay adults including myself will tell you that they knew they were gay in their early childhood, retard. That said the post has a point, if the romance you write is actually so engaging that people are invested in it besides just the "omg he/she is totally me fr" like most straight romances are written as you can assume that it has some genuine appeal.

No. 2198512

I'm all for canonical SSA characters/romances in fiction, and shipping stuff is fine too of course, but man, I hate people claiming something is 'queer-coded' just because they personally saw romantic/sexual appeal in it. I get that the core concept of queer-coding has some merit, but the term is rarely used to talk about a piece of fiction getting a relationship past censorship, views of the time, what that all means and how things have changed (especially not with any evidence from the author themself), and is instead an academic way of saying that your shipping goggles are 100% true and accurate, that it's all definitely canon and you're being betrayed by the creator when it doesn't pan out because they clearly sought to bait you with these expectations of queerness, and not, y'know, write a story that wasn't the wish-fulfilment in your head you made up on your own. I'm so tired of this shit.

No. 2198893>>2199097

she didn't even get the plot right, Jo married the professor in the first book. This storyline was based on Louisa May Alcott's own life, where she had feelings for an older educated man, but never pursued a relationship. Still, many young women sent many angry fan-letters, so much so that Louisa May Alcott aimed her sequels entirely at young people in love

No. 2198910>>2199636>>2199788>>2199884

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also, from the same comment section, they are basically assuming that since a character hunted with a bow, they can only ever be indigenous, like I'm not american but the girl action heroes having bows is a very common trope, see Brave or Susan in Narnia

No. 2199097>>2199540>>2199940>>2200016

Realizing the Little Women author is the same author as the yee olde reverse harem anime Eight Cousins completely blindsided me. She knew her audience.

No. 2199540>>2200042

>yee olde reverse harem anime Eight Cousins

No. 2199570

Imagine not being able to do a vertical jump

No. 2199636>>2199647>>2199650

This is such a reductive way of not just looking at fiction, but reality too. Apparently skills that were the foundation of human life across the globe for much of history cannot be taught or learned by anyone, but only specific cultural groups– as if that's not a shitty stereotype in its own right.

And yeah, giving female protagonists bows is pretty common in fiction, as it allows them to be cool fighters and not damsels, but also keeps them away from the action, safer and more disconnected from the violence of it all (this is also why, aside from the skill/coolness factor, their kills are usually tidy precision shots that kill instantly over the more uncomfortably slow death from bloodloss and pierced organs that arrow wounds can cause), as well as the perception that archery doesn't require much strength (similar to people assuming rapiers are a dainty sword, which are also often given to female protags). This is also why the female mage is such a staple too, can't have the ladies in the thick of it getting their hands bloodied kek

No. 2199647

Speaking of bows, funny enough I showed my friend the Laura Croft cartoon design to get their opinion to it and their first reaction was to go "more bows? Can't she use a gun or something? Every woman has to have bows now, fucking hunger games"

No. 2199650>>2199660>>2199717

>as well as the perception that archery doesn't require much strength
I don't understand how people could get that idea, even modern compound bows require a bit of upper body strength and for more traditional bows,(which most of these characters use) you need to have exceptional physical strength and conditioning

No. 2199660>>2199669>>2199717

Ignoranxe. I think people assume bows are like ancient guns, since handguns are lightweight and easy to wield. If you go by historical accuracy, women simply cannot compete with men in physical combat since they’re obviously lacking in upper body strength for hand to hand, and even weapons require upper body strength.

No. 2199669>>2199717

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I mean it's still possible for women to use traditional or modified bows, but they need to have developed, fit bodies, which none of these 90-pound teenage waifs ever have.

No. 2199717>>2200270

it's because they've never touched one– same reason why people act like all swords ever weighed idk 20kg or something, they've never picked one up but they understand some effort is involved and run from there. It's a common problem across genres like fantasy and historical fiction, where people don't know how to handle things that they're disconnected from due to modern life, eg horses are not motorbikes/cars (not saying accurate horse logistics are a must, just remember that they're a living animal that needs sleep/food/water as much as the heroes they're carting around do kek)

Yeah, female archers are totally viable, it's the idea that they wouldn't need to be as trained as healthy as a male melee fighter that's silly (I used to do archery, if you're serious about it you train your body like any other sport), but fiction often treats it as something a starving, underdog waif can easily fall into, rather than an occupation people spent their lives doing (those starving waifs should be trapping their quarry instead, or fishing, anything with a lower energy cost really). >>2199660 if they want a fantasy equivalent of a gun, they should use a sling kek, the true minimal effort and resource-requiring historical ranged weapon.

No. 2199788

suzanne collins said, the seam people are not meant so be a specific ethnic background, just an example of racial mixing that happend in the centuries since 'our' civilisation fell.
Similar to like how there no people like cleopatra exist anymore bc of all the racial mixing and miggration happening in the last 2000 years.

No. 2199884

Are African tribes and Australian Aboriginals also Native American by this retard's logic?

No. 2199926>>2199930>>2200105>>2200620>>2201605

What do zoomies mean by wanting toxic yuri? Do they mean like super melodramatic yuri with backstabbing, cheating and other stuff like alex and piper or what?

No. 2199930

"Toxic yuri" in twitter context means a BPD-chan pestering and obsessing and acting rapey over their kawaii self insert. It's always trannies frothing at the mouth at it too.

No. 2199940

>yee olde reverse harem anime Eight Cousins
Anon, my sides

No. 2199986>>2200164

Woah ugly bitch in contrast of ugly bastard is done great in this manga, with the old woman raping him.
(Title:Boku wa Papa Nanka ja nai/I’m not the father)

No. 2200016

She was so based for that. Even if it was incest.

No. 2200042

When I was a child I got into Ouran High School Host Club and (reverse harem anime with music theme and a fairy, trumpet was best boy) because my uncle would burn DVDs to a bunch of movies and shows. My aunt watched some of it with me and gave me her copies of Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom so I've always just associated the story with anime reverse harems.

No. 2200105

Always figured people see other peoppe complaining about toxic yaoi as a cool and edgy badge of honor and want something similar with yuri.

No. 2200164>>2200449

you might appreciate the tvtropes page on dirty old woman

No. 2200259>>2200266>>2200512>>2200738>>2201598

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Why do post ironic 4chin larper lolifaggots act like they’re above troons? Their overlap is a circle.

No. 2200266>>2200271>>2200277

> Skin colour of the producer
There is literally one show that fits the description in the meme (High Guardian Spice) and the staff was almost entirely white.

No. 2200270

Or at the very least they should turn the gun substitute into a crossbow.

No. 2200271>>2200273

It’s most likely a projecting Brazilian or SEA moid, they’re always the most racist ironically enough.

No. 2200273

Probably, racist white men are usually quick to point out it out when white women "betray" them and the HGS staff was stereotypical white libfems.

No. 2200277

There was a Yasuke mecha anime, wasn't there?

No. 2200281>>2200323

what gendies think harry potter is

No. 2200323

No. 2200449

Oh yes nonna, I’m aware of this page kek.

No. 2200512

Gotta be honest, I hate this trend of western animation that's actually mature calling itself anime. There's nothing anime about them besides maybe the eyes being bigger. Still a shitty ass meme.

No. 2200561>>2200589>>2200591>>2200621>>2201403

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fucking KEK i saw the artwork a bit after it was posted yesterday and immediately knew I had to come back today and check the qts never change pjotwt

No. 2200589

The people in the quotes acting like they've been hate crimed by this picture have got to be teenagers

No. 2200590>>2200595>>2200705

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Why is it that anytime women finally have their own thing moids just had to come in and whine about homophobia over a chinese company securing their bottomline. I see this topic every time LADs gets brought up and ngl, I think i'm close to just never engaging with communities again. You see this on twitter too with TIFs seething they can't insert as a so totes valid zipperboi.

No. 2200591>>2200594

what does it mean?

No. 2200594>>2200597

one of the characters, annabeth chase was originally white in the books, but in the live-action adaptation occurred, she was portrayed as black and so now if you ever depict her according to the book's description, wokies call you racist for erasing black representation

No. 2200595

I don't know if I've ever seen anyone asking for a female MC in Nu: Carnival. And they'd probably be laughed off social media for even suggesting such a thing.

No. 2200597>>2200601>>2200602>>2200603>>2200623>>2201181

it makes no sense why they make annabeth black KEK, she's the daughter of a greek goddess…she'd be tan at best

No. 2200601>>2200604>>2200608

If Zeus can transform into a bull just to fuck people, I don't see why it wouldn't be feasible to say that Greek Gods could change into whatever race they see fit.

No. 2200602

tbf there were half non-white characters in the original books as well

No. 2200603>>2200608

that’s not the point at all, there are a bunch of black demigods in the books

No. 2200604>>2200609

Since when being transblack is ok lol

No. 2200608>>2200611

but annabeth isnt the daughter of zeus
annabeth isn't a black demigod in the book though

No. 2200609>>2200612

Since whenever the characters are capable of shapeshifting.

No. 2200611>>2200612

Yes, that is the point, not the fact that a daughter of athena can’t be black but whatever this is a retarded derailment

No. 2200612

athena is the one whos capable of shapeshifting, not annabeth
well yeah theoretically the daughter of athena could be black if she had a shaft baby daddy but annabeth is white in the book and the movie probably because her mother is greek and her dad is white

No. 2200620>>2200704

It's a fucking meme honestly, I think it's fans trying to be edgy at some capacity or they want a relationship that's somewhat tragic? idk

Their examples of "toxic yuri" are laughable. Any toxic relationship is one where you'll be getting death threats over and you generally fear for the writer's as they face the wrath of moral obsessed tiktokers and xitters

No. 2200621

lol i saw that and knew shit like that would happen.

No. 2200623

In PJO/Rickverse it doesn't matter.
It's just the same old "changing races" of an established character and now you can't pretend like the original version was white without being called racist

No. 2200704

What exactly would cause the ticktock kiddies to go apeshit over 2d women actually acting like flawed humans?

No. 2200705

I don't think these people are moids anon, if you look at their profiles a lot of these people whining about Love and Deepspace being homophobic are TIF fujos who think otome games need to be inclusive of gay men

No. 2200717

Back to dumblr if you want to bash people who rightfully dislike the butchering of source material.

No. 2200720>>2200723>>2200726

I scrolled through this thread, i don't see a red text on a post, stop making shit up

No. 2200723

they haven’t been banned yet, if the mods really care and they’re finnicky on what’s racebait and what isn’t. it’s clear as day it’s racebait

No. 2200726

they haven’t been banned yet, if the mods really care and they’re finnicky on what’s racebait and what isn’t. it’s clear as day it’s racebait

No. 2200735>>2200960

Honestly, the producers didn’t want to get into the “dumb blonde” stereotype , as most people see it as a dead horse trope.

Im pessimistic about tv ever having a normal black female character and people who don’t seethe over her. I feel like executives and producers and casting directors should get more heat, but no whining about black women is far more relaxing. watch several generations will cry and scream over the sight of a black woman on tv. God, take me back to the 90s

No. 2200738

>race changes of white characters
As much as racist white weebs worship Japan and screech at brown cosplayers because "xyz character isn't black/brown!", they obviously subconsciously view anime characters as white.

No. 2200960

With adaptations executives don't care about the original story and directors/writers want to tell their own story through the adaptation.
Fans get angry and mad
but apparently it's the fans fault
Executives are using that as an excuse to basically do anything BUT letting these mediocre directors/writers having their own IP

No. 2201046

kek of course she would copy lacryboy. tifs love tif shit.

No. 2201181>>2201403

greek gods didn’t actually exist. why question a character being black and not the magic and unicorns that exist in setting? retarded

No. 2201199>>2201209>>2201236>>2201248>>2201337>>2201417>>2201569>>2201750>>2201927>>2202123>>2218383

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Is this true or just insane levels of cope? I do think that women in boring business suits are extremely attractive but completely covered-up men do nothing for me. The QRTs are equally retarded, with kweer women reeing that the post indirectly suggests that 2d women who show skin are inherently male-gazey.

No. 2201209>>2201220

Completely covered men will always be boring as fuck. Never understood how people find those ugly 3D models attractive anyway, Zhongli and Welt have zero sex appeal

No. 2201220

Honestly, same. I don’t get the appeal either. I still want to believe that this is all just one big pretense and everyone is playing along with it. But then I have seen fangirls go crazy over Zhongli showing his wrists so I really don't know anymore, kek.

No. 2201236

women aren’t a monolith but i can see why plenty of women would enjoy a handsome, masculine guy with glasses even if he is super covered up. female socialization also plays a part here (i think women generally are taught to appreciate more than appearance within their men, whereas men find porn at a young age and need more visually to get off or even hold their interest) but i’m not entirely sure. ofc this is all arm chair anyway

No. 2201248>>2214055

We'll talk about female gaze once virtual moids show the same random retarded holes in their clothing.

No. 2201337>>2201455

Must be another psy-op lol. Literally every women I met swear men don't need to be butt naked to be sexy. No shit, but it doesn't stop some women for wanting more revealing designs aren't just pec window. Idk, maybe my taste in men is a bit gay moid-y.

No. 2201403

exactly. while >>2200561 is completely insane, thinking it "doesn't make sense" for a mythological figure, or a fictional character (especially in the fantasy genre) to be depicted as nonwhite is severely retarded.

No. 2201417>>2201418

don't like genshin designs at all, but I know a decent chunk of female players enjoy the game's… elaborate fashion, to put it nicely. In general though, I think a lot of women just like clothed men because that's an element of design women tend to gravitate towards, so it adds to their enjoyment of the character. Non-revealing designs are also way easier to show off to others as being your favourite without feeling embarrassed at displaying your blatant sexual interests (remember, a lot of genshin fans are young or new to stuff like anime/gaming), which is something you eventually get over (either in a casual sense or you go full uncaring degen kek). Also this is about a gacha game, something that's entire goal is to get players hooked enough to regularly dump money into it, it's inevitable that said players will try to justify their investment and praise any noteworthy crumbs of appeal, the game is designed to foster that.

Personally don't really like intentionally slutty male designs anyway though, as they often rely on the visual language established by horny female character clothing and feel kinda desperate imo, but am also not a suitfag kek.

No. 2201418

a bit offtopic but what do you consider a good kinda sexy but in a sfw non-suit way?

No. 2201431>>2201433>>2201438>>2201463>>2201465>>2201515

File (hide): 1728582276449.jpeg (459.27 KB, 2880x2880, 1728523451265.jpeg)

this might be a subjective question, but what is wrong with bakudeku shippers? It goes beyond just slight au's, they put the "idea" of bakugo and deku two in so many different situations and scenarios and then at times it's not even an au, it'll just be a regular couple with their faces traced on

No. 2201433>>2201438

Idc what you guys say, bakudeku shippers are hilarious

No. 2201438>>2201468

Not in MHA but bakudeku fujoshi are so insane it's almost endearing. I support them.

No. 2201455>>2201511

File (hide): 1728583033829.jpg (224.34 KB, 1638x2048, Ellie1827.jpg)

>maybe my taste in men is a bit gay moid-y
That makes two of us anon. It's hard to accept but I get why many women would find sluttily dressed 2D men quite off-putting. Personally, it's an instant neuron activator for me.

No. 2201463

i dont get this ship at all. Deku is too pure for that lunatic bully

No. 2201465

I think it's because they're sort of content-starved and have been for a long time– just a guess, but any time I've run into a hardcore bakudeku shipper in the last couple of years, they don't seem to be keeping up to date with the manga/mention plot details etc other than maybe squeeing over a panel containing the characters or whatever, so the fandom is the ship for them, and they have to resort to AUs to keep refreshing the ship, and those AUs get more flimsy and niche the longer this goes on. As for your picrel… Pocahontas seems like a bold choice to make a shitty meme redraw of a ship for kek

I hate to bring them up again, but klance shippers were on a similar trajectory before the fandom collapsed like a dying star and Voltron got classed as a slur lmao

No. 2201468

I love shippers who are insane but not in the "will send death threats to the author" kind of way, just legitimate autists who make bizarre art and fics kek they're one of my favourite internet genres

No. 2201482>>2201516>>2201518>>2201547>>2201555>>2201556>>2201587>>2202156>>2202199>>2217913

What's the most bizarre AU/fic premise you've come across in your fandom/s? (Bonus points if there's multiple authors writing similar fics and you still have no idea why its a thing)

No. 2201511

I love the fit but I don't like the guy wearing it. Nothing against you, nonna. Didn't really care for him.

No. 2201515>>2201522

File (hide): 1728584882789.png (297.31 KB, 600x1608, IMG_4519.png)


No. 2201516>>2202876

Mlp conversion fics. Just google it if you like rabbitholes.

No. 2201518>>2201528>>2202876

File (hide): 1728585121762.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.3 KB, 827x997, 1000027721.jpg)

A classic.

No. 2201522

You're going to summon the pseudowomen sperg kek

No. 2201528>>2201537

thanks nona this image should always be posted

No. 2201537>>2201554>>2202009

I know this is a psychopathic statement but it sends me into hysterical laughter every single time I see it

No. 2201547>>2201588>>2202876

File (hide): 1728586191762.jpg (185.1 KB, 1080x451, matt trey 911.jpg)

9/11 AUs

No. 2201554

i understand you completely

No. 2201555>>2202876

One time a girl told me her idea for a Supernatural fic where Amara became a dog and gave birth to the main cast as puppies

No. 2201556>>2201591>>2202876

"I got transported to another world as a pomeranian dog and now I will lick my husbando face like an absolute pervert with him none the wiser"
I have seen this premise more than a handful of times.

No. 2201569

Well, as for myself, I am not an ape moid who'd see a stripper outfit and get a boner for a ooga booga booba, lol

No. 2201587>>2201943>>2202084>>2202876

When the girl who faked being a Chinese Muslim sex trafficked medical student with AIDs to justify writing her Hamilton fanfic set in a high-school where one of the characters is grappling with AIDs, the main person who exposed her as a liar only done so because she had written a cannibal mermaid Hamilton AU and was cancelled by a small community if people who wrote Hamilton mermaid AUs after being called out by the Chinese Muslim AIDs medical student faker

No. 2201588

Like trey and matt the guys who made south park? Is trey the pilot or something?

No. 2201591>>2201593

I've heard of autopedophilia but autobestiality is something else entirely lmao

No. 2201593

auto what?

No. 2201598>>2201599

>Buys merchandise
Doubt it.

No. 2201599

Don't these guys pirate anime for the most part? Not a single one bothers supporting the industry when they much rather jerk to underage loli feet.

No. 2201605>>2201611>>2201615

File (hide): 1728588839967.png (1.5 MB, 1242x687, mfma0kjs50381.png)

>What do zoomies mean by wanting toxic yuri?
For me personally, it means Madohomu and Satorika.
I like yuri more when there's defined tachi and neko dynamics like seme and uke in BL.

No. 2201611>>2201616

I didn't know yuri had that, then again, butch and femme pairings seem popular in some circles.

No. 2201615>>2201623

> Madohomu
my unpopular opinion is that Homura genuinely didn't do THAT much wrong kek, the "stalking" is pretty excusable if you're trying to stop your crush from having her soul eaten by an alien and consequently ending the world

No. 2201616>>2201626>>2201629>>2201639

File (hide): 1728589173388.jpg (159.44 KB, 1000x1000, __furude_rika_and_houjou_satok…)

Know of any other ships with that type of vibe?
With both ships mentioned they're both femme leaning characters, one is just very obviously the 'dominant' one

No. 2201623

File (hide): 1728589306685.jpg (1.78 MB, 1890x1900, society.jpg)

Most of the stuff she does wrong comes from rebellion, even then though I think it's pretty understandable that being separated from the one she truly loves after a fuck ton of looping would drive her batty

No. 2201626>>2201633

gl manwha is pretty good at strict top/bottom dynamics. 2hu fandom also seems to universally agree that kaguya tops mokou, marisa tops alice and patchy, etc.

No. 2201627

Looks interesting, I think someone recommended it to me in the past so I'll add it to my watch list.

No. 2201629>>2201639

File (hide): 1728589405902.jpg (476.51 KB, 2000x3000, 1000027724.jpg)

Reposting picrel as a toxic yuri suggestion because I replied to the wrong post.

No. 2201633

Ironically the 2hu ship I'm most into (reimari) I see as switches lol.

No. 2201639>>2201649

Kek spot the difference

No. 2201649

Classic toxic yuri pose

No. 2201750>>2201810>>2202002>>2202110

File (hide): 1728593695924.png (2.16 MB, 1848x1080, vlcsnap-2024-04-29-04h38m12s35…)

I don't get how any of this is the female gaze, it's just a character being attractive and good looking. There doesn't have to be any female equivalent of a concept like the male gaze.

Personally, I can get the appeal of a sharp dressed man covered head to toe but only if his character is extremely handsome and charming to begin with. It also makes seeing a peek of his bare skin more exciting. But it's something that you don't see unless you're attracted to said character to begin with, it's too subjective.

No. 2201810>>2201982

nta but black jack is amazing, super underrated show. also he is a hottie

i feel like the Tezuka series never really got super steeped into bad fandom stuff like gendies but i could also be pretty wrong as i curate alot of my stuff.

No. 2201927

Part of me wants to say it's indefinitely these women hardcore coping in a word where female characters are put in stripper outfits and male "sex appeal" is being covered in authoritarian fits like uniforms and suits but I also think there's an aspect of fully dressed men being less threatening than scantily clad ones. Like a moid walking around being naked can come across as somewhat frightening and rapey because it implies he has no concern for social etiquette.

No. 2201943

The funniest thing is that she actually posted pictures of her face during the time she was faking. I can't find her selfies now, but it was OBVIOUSLY a white woman behind the greyscale filter kekkk

No. 2201982>>2202017>>2202046

>i feel like the Tezuka series never really got super steeped into bad fandom stuff like gendies but i could also be pretty wrong as i curate alot of my stuff.
Nah, the english Tezuka fandom is now full of edgy gendies who think Black Jack's ex girlfriend Kei Kisaragi, who is some sort of proto-trans character, is amazing trans respresentation despite the fact he (Black Jack) acts identical to a hurt trans widow who misses his love deeply while she's shown as a sad and mentally ill character.
I'd go grab screencaps of the english release of the chapter that goes into detail about her and her blatantly shown internalized misogyny but archive is temporarily down.

No. 2202002>>2202010>>2202046

File (hide): 1728603953278.jpg (83.23 KB, 736x559, 3174363158941.JPG)

Why don’t they make cute male characters like him anymore? It’s almost either dorito-chin gashashit or ugly shonen roidpigs nowadays.

No. 2202009

You’re not out of line anon, it always kills me to think this image spawned out of the result of a kink. Perfectly encapsulates BkDk shippers honestly lol.

No. 2202010>>2202017>>2202046

What did you think of the Young Black Jack's redesign?

No. 2202017>>2202046

File (hide): 1728605221366.webp (20.11 KB, 300x413, IMG_7956.webp)

I’m not surprised, the same happened with Dororo.

Nta but I thought the redesign looked too twinky if that makes sense. I felt like they were definitely aiming for a certain audience with the redesign.

No. 2202046

It's not the best. I wish they kept with the original style more, Tezuka's heavy line art and reliance on shape language would be pretty cool to see animated with modern technology.

Yea I remember reading Kei/Megumi's chapters in the manga when I was a kid and remembering it now, I understood the story line as more of an cancer/endometriosis diagnosis and the grief over it and the procedures caused her to cope by switching her gender, not so much Kei wanting to transition.

Its been a while and I've never read an official translation, thank you for grabbing the screenshots!

I'm glad my filters are working haha.

They used to look relatively human back then, characters had facial definition and nearly every character had a distinct look/silhouette.

WTF is up with the neck?!?!

No. 2202084

does anyone have that tumblr post from a previous fandom thread about gay romance books and race-faking book authors

No. 2202110>>2202117

File (hide): 1728612703577.jpeg (76.82 KB, 720x761, 0D45A90E-0380-4794-B335-3AFD09…)

Blackjack is so goated. I’m so angry moids don’t look like this IRL. I wish it was legal to shoot ugly men.

No. 2202117

File (hide): 1728613017347.png (1.88 MB, 1848x1080, vlcsnap-2024-04-29-04h30m34s50…)

He is perfect, there is no other word to describe him. He's still hot af with clothes but that's because he is an ideal angel of a man, not because of pseudo academic ideas like female gaze.
I go crazy everytime he's in underwear or shirtless, also.

No. 2202123>>2202138>>2202604

what even is the appeal of suits? they are always grey and boring. I never understood the appeal outside of the personality ti tends to be attached to being some rich confident CEO boyboss

No. 2202137>>2202219>>2202230>>2202448>>2202812>>2202820>>2203443

File (hide): 1728614531446.png (74.68 KB, 640x789, I do that.png)


No. 2202138>>2202139

It's nice to see a man care about his apperance, even if the suit is wrinkled you can tell they at least made an attempt which is endearing.

No. 2202139>>2202140

what attempt? it takes 0 effort to put on a suit its the same as putting on a pair of jeans and tshirt lol its not like he's spending 30 minutes putting on make up and styling his hair

No. 2202140>>2202141>>2202226

File (hide): 1728614787360.gif (27.75 KB, 223x362, 872ef76ba0a65d55f44d71f7eb1d9b…)

It's just lingerie for women I don't know what to tell you.

No. 2202141>>2202142

ofcourse you like the pedo incel

No. 2202142>>2202710

He's gotta be a pedo incel for Yu Narukami though, I have my rules.

No. 2202156>>2202211>>2202876

File (hide): 1728615863855.jpeg (615.09 KB, 3508x4960, RseSfCd.jpeg)

No. 2202165>>2202168>>2203806

File (hide): 1728616493832.jpg (113.72 KB, 1112x460, rancefag-speculation.jpg)

noticed a pattern between rancefag and her husbandos(derailing)

No. 2202168

I hate being jump scared by this woman's face

No. 2202199>>2202876

the naruto plantation AU

No. 2202211

Okay this concept is pretty cute.

No. 2202219>>2202288>>2202291

Do people just hate fun?

No. 2202226

Anna please

No. 2202230>>2202288

kekkkkkkkk i cant believe this game is already getting retarded fandom discourse

No. 2202288>>2202587

Horror games tend to attract the most sensitive people possible, no I don't get it either.

No. 2202291>>2202294>>2202298

she's right, shipping a rapist with a disabled person is troon behaviour

No. 2202294

Case in point for person getting extremely offended about stuff in horror games.

No. 2202298

I bet you didn't even play the game kek. They deserve each other.

No. 2202448>>2202527

File (hide): 1728630048016.jpg (523.41 KB, 1415x1818, SmartSelect_20241010-235741_Ch…)

>look this person's profile up
>stupid tif
Like clockwork.

No. 2202527

I find it funny how there's way more people going by it pronouns now. Used to only see it used by turbogendies pre-covid but now every other troon goes by it because they/them is standard kek.

No. 2202587>>2202600

>Horror games tend to attract the most sensitive people possible
This always fucks up my mind so bad because it's real and it happens all the time. The most "problematic" horror/thriller game gets released and it's immediately gathered a fandom of 14-year old gendies with self-insert OCs and a weirdly parasocial relationship with the most "problematic" character in the game. Is it because all the internet funnyman streamers they follow make videos of themselves playing the game and making le funny jokes about it?

No. 2202600

>Is it because all the internet funnyman streamers they follow make videos of themselves playing the game and making le funny jokes about it?
Yeah, these people are the types of fans who just watch let's plays.

No. 2202604>>2202623

If a man looks good and has a nice body, wearing a tailored suit will look good on him. If a man is ugly nothing can help, not even an expensive, perfectly tailored suit. So if anyone tells you they like men in suits assume they're talking about men who already look good in the first place.

No. 2202623>>2202624

if anything suits is for skinnyfat moids with ugly bodies, if they had a good body with nice sexy pecs and abs they wouldnt need to hide it to look sexy. Its why suits and formal wear is the uniform of the ugly dadydom moids

No. 2202624>>2202627

Anon…suits are tailored garments. They look better when they are on better bodies. That's just how it works.

No. 2202627>>2202628>>2202635

but whats the point of hiding the goods under ugly boring grey clothes. Also irl suits dont look like skin tight suits like in animu, they are saggy and make men look like walking concrete walls

No. 2202628>>2202629

>they are saggy
Because that's what happens when they're not fitted properly. Have you never seen a single well-tailored suit before?

No. 2202629

Yes and they still look ugly kek

No. 2202631>>2202644>>2202657

Jesus stop the retarded suit discourse, it all goes in circles and you all sound like broken records. The "S-suits are t-totes sexy because t-they FORCE scrotes to get in shape and take care of themselves!!!!" meme is dancing around the issue of male characters never having creatively sexy and revealing clothes that make them look vulnerable like female characters have ALL THE TIME. But wanting male characters to have only stripperwear isn't a based feminist stance either because a ton of men look goofy as fuck and feel ~empowered~ showing off their bodies so it's not a silver bullet either. Just shut up, everyone.

No. 2202635>>2202659>>2203073

>but whats the point of hiding the goods under ugly boring grey clothes
What people wear depends on context I don't want my future husband to wear a slutty heroic fantasy armor to our future wedding, he'll wear a suit.

No. 2202644

The main issue is that the female body itself is sexualized by society at large. It doesn't matter what a female character (or you could even extend this to IRL women seeing as how even women in full veiling burqas are sexualized) wears or does, her femaleness is what makes her inherently sexual in the eyes of society. A man's default state is seen an non-sexual. He is only made sexual in specific situations. This is why making male character designs that read as inherently sexual is much trickier. This thinking permeates almost every society that ever existed, this discrimination is too deeply ingrained to even begin to be addressed through fucking anime porn of all things.

No. 2202657

I just want to see men feel shame because its funny. I dont care if they ugly, lizzo is ugly af and that doesnt stop her from shaking her ass and dressing in ugly trashy clothes.

No. 2202659>>2202661>>2203073

i am never marrying because thats for fags, so i want every slut in my harem to wear a different kind of sexy clothes

No. 2202661

Me neither I was just making a comparison.

No. 2202710

i love you anon-chan

No. 2202812>>2203430

how do antis reconcile their moralfagging about fictional characters with their tendencies to tell real life people to kill themselves?

No. 2202820

I don’t understand this logic where people can enjoy media where characters do evil things, but fanwork depicting those things is unacceptable. It’s woobification, but now they have a “moral” reason to do it!

No. 2202876

conversion… like, into ponies? A religion? Both? kek

I've come across these while digging through old fandoms, do people still write them?

I knew this would be posted, but I've seen fics with litters/babies referred to as 'pups' more than I've ever cared to, either because of omegaverse shit, stuff like this >>2201555, or 'hybrid AUs' like >>2202156 and your picrel. Truly a special strain of autism and degeneracy lol

kek wild, isn't this the premise for some waifu manga as well?

The Hamilton AIDs high school AU and cannibal mermaid AU drama was great, a true classic (the fics were also ridiculous, but the authors tend to get most of the focus when it's brought up– which is fair, since it was so retarded)

please tell us more anon– sounds like something that would be either immediately poorly received or bizarrely coast along uncriticised for a while before getting cancelled (similar to the aforementioned Hamilton fics)

Thank you anons for sharing! My personal favourite weird AU has to be merformers– I have to admire the leap of going 'you know what this transforming robot character needs for me to really enjoy it? to also be half fish. and still a robot'. Fascinating.

No. 2203073>>2203235

I get wanting your fictional husbando covered rather than dressing sexy. Its the
>he a slut for me, none for thee
aspect of him being sexy only for (you) and no one else

No. 2203235

You have to understand the context though. If this were a grounded, realistic story, i'm not expecting everyone to be sexy or wearing questionable clothes outside the bedroom. Over the top animu crap? Go ahead, sky's the limit ket.

No. 2203379>>2203400>>2203412>>2203422>>2203437>>2203447>>2203492>>2203646>>2203677>>2203915>>2205947>>2212052

File (hide): 1728687508881.png (442.64 KB, 592x831, a.png)

Whitewashing discourse blew up on Japanese Twitter. I think they finally snapped because a popular mangaka got caught up in it.

For context, Bkub Okawa (creator of Pop Team Epic) drew Marina with lightened skin. A bunch of English accounts start quoting and he apologized for it. Cue in other JP users saying he shouldn't have apologized, a lot of them are complaining about the concept of whitewashing, double standards with black edits, etc. A bunch of users are even going after one specific person who quoted Bkub and are @'ing her.

Picrel has 100k likes, most I've ever seen with drama relating to this.

No. 2203400

I see more and more Asian fandoms getting pissed at westerners for shit like this, reposting/editing their work by the day, and leaking spoilers, especially when their culture ends up getting insulted pretty badly.
Wonder if there'll ever be a big full on flip out about it.

No. 2203412>>2203813

I hate this garbage centralized internet so goddamned much. In the good timeline, all the obnoxious tumblr toddlers would be screeching at each other over a character being 0.03% lighter on tumblr without leaving that place and japanese artists would be posting their stuff on pixiv. But now that twatter became this melting pot of shit where everyone feels forced to gather, you see groups of people that should've never interacted.
I'm just tired of the fact that online discussion of japanese media keeps being hijacked by retards that were gushing over Steven Universe and Homestuck ten years ago and only began watching anime when MHA became big.

No. 2203422>>2203677

File (hide): 1728689559498.png (290.37 KB, 581x1114, splat.png)

Yeah, the author also tweeted an 'apology' some hours later. And having a large audience, mainly Japanese, that doesn't consider it something really offensive or malicious in the first place is probably why there's been such a huge reaction defending it, rather than the just usual types on both sides. That tweet has even more views than the actual fanart. (Iida is her Japanese name, and the 'he' is just a bad google translation).

No. 2203430

the same way proshippers reconcile their moralfagging about muh trans representation in media with their insistence that fiction doesn't affect reality. both sides of the argument are equally retarded

No. 2203437

I saw this but didn't realise it was bkub. Holy shit leave him alone.

No. 2203443

"toxic ships" are only toxic if you get people crying like this.

No. 2203447

Ngl the quote tweets are right in that black edits have been getting pretty annoying, sometimes when I try to look at a character online and I have to scroll passed the shitty poorly edited black versions of them to get a decent picture.

No. 2203492

the funny thing is that all the colors he used are somewhat off anyways, it honestly looks like he just drew her from memory to me

No. 2203534>>2203538>>2203557>>2203590>>2203675>>2203958>>2204327>>2204565>>2206747

File (hide): 1728695068854.jpeg (350.72 KB, 1280x720, GZk90zdaAAAOS1c.jpeg)

please don't be a tranny please don't be a tranny please don't be a fucking tranny i'm so nervous. i'll drop this game if they canonize that shit i swear to god

No. 2203538>>2203549>>2203618

If they make him a tranny Japan will soon be just as pozzed as the West in 5 years and by the time the West swings back to normal Japan will be the Uber woke capital. That is my prediction. If they make him a "boys can like cute things!" okama then trannies will all be put in camps

No. 2203549>>2203618

I think if they troon him out people will be more accepting of trannies in fiction but it'll never reach America levels. Bridget got trooned but the majority of Japanese fans don't care and still consider him an otokonoko. There not being a "femboy vs. tranny" culture war also helps because people can just ignore and stick to whatever interpretation they want without it being a political thing/taking a side.

No. 2203557

Shit, I don't play this game at all but the recent stuff about it makes me want to place bets.

No. 2203590

Mizuki when Ena tells him ywnbaw

No. 2203618>>2203625>>2203626>>2203650>>2203674>>2203880>>2203922

somewhat related, japan's new pm wants to ban all pornographic content involving children, but the japanese prime minister has always been in a weak position, so it may or may not succeed, but if it does, it could and would change everything.

No. 2203625>>2203634

If he's seriously thinking of banning loli, then he's a fucking idiot.
Not a moralfag thing, there's a reason why even places that can have laws never really enforce them, the absolute amount of paperwork and retardation involved would make Japan a Kafka level of hell.

No. 2203626>>2203877

does japan's new pm consider cartoons children? a law like that would never work if he wants it to apply to drawings, someone like megumi jjk is technically a child but i'm sure we've all seen his hole getting blown up by sukuna

No. 2203634

drawn images, but you're right on that last point, unless he makes an effort he probably won't be able to do that either

No. 2203646>>2203716

Although i always hated whitewashing for profit reasons, it sucks seeing people go crazy on artist for what is a mistake usually or rarely an artistic decision They’re right to call out the double standards, fortunately they’re being as rude or resist as many westerners like to be. I just want a better world for fans. I wouldn’t be surprised if people become more insular and/or certain character types are not allowed in the future

No. 2203650

I’d love to see what would happen but like other anime said, it’ll never work out in the end, especially if it includes drawings.

No. 2203674>>2203919>>2204354

the issue is you have to define what a 'child' is and i feel like that's such a slippery slope. doesn't australia ban porn of women with small boobs for such a reason? i just don't see how a ban like that can work because they can just draw a child and say she's legal or you have to set a hard definition between a petite adult woman and a child, which when it comes to things like anime is impossible.

No. 2203675

I am hoping niigo Kaito tells him to man up and find his balls and for Ena to be a raging transphobe kek
Sadly I can't drop the game since I like tapping to weeb music

No. 2203677>>2203796>>2206688

The main one I see is from an Taiwanese and other non-Japanese accounts responding. It honestly reminds me of the Assassin Creed drama, where potential legit Japanese voices get drowned out by people either cosplaying as or simply responding in Japanese.

No. 2203716

Most of the time, like this, people just defend whitewashing as either lighting or their style. Has there ever been a time where something was whitewashed and people went, "oh yeah, I see a point." It's pretty much been made common place in fanart and media because people on both sides will start screaming bloody murder at each other for the next 24 hours.

No. 2203796

If I'm thinking of the same account the "Taiwanese" person is a Japanese woman, she just goes to school in Taiwan and her bio translation is inaccurate/unclear. Obviously there are Westerners talking about it but I've seen way more from natives, you can find multiple tweets with tens of thousands of likes and replies from Japanese people. Even searching up that nutmegknight person's mentions it's 99% Japanese people, they're genuinely annoyed.

No. 2203806>>2203838

i’ve been here for years and i still don't know who ranch is

No. 2203813>>2203834>>2203843>>2206691>>2212061

Retarded derail incoming —-> I keep hearing about how eco chambers are bad but honestly i think it’s the opposite. People should have their own website for whatever niche thing they’re into to avoid clashing with other retards who hate their niche thing because twitter and other social media thrives of stupid ass major conflicts that give the sites insane engagement and money and thus they encourage and even cause retarded discourse to happen.

No. 2203834

I dont think its a derail considering a huge factor to moralfag discourse being prevalent in the present is normies getting insight on fandom spaces. back when fandoms were more contained there was of course still discourse around, but it was mostly ship wars and powerscaling, nowadays fandom is just a dick measuring contest of how PC and morally correct someone can enjoy it; its not even about the plot or characters anymore.
at least in the echo chamber the discourse is made by people who are actually into the media, now all we have are tourists chiming in their piece because its the trendy thing to do

No. 2203838

No. 2203843

I used to think otherwise but yeah you're right.

No. 2203877

>ny sukuna
By half of the male characters including Sukuna you mean.

No. 2203880

>focused on banning loli
>while junior idol videos are still produced and distributed
not saying banning loli is a bad thing, but it's weird to focus on the lesser evil when softcore child pornography involving real children is still legal in the country

No. 2203912>>2203913>>2203914>>2203985

i get that tourists are a problem, but do english-speaking (i don’t know what goes on in the japanese world) visual novel fans do literally anything but brag about their superiority to normies for being interested in lolicon/rape/etc. and complain about dumb and moralistic teenage girls on pinterest pretending to be eroge fans and/or getting angry at aforementioned eroge for having violent fetish content? that’s all i see from them. i never seen them discuss vns in depth

No. 2203913

vns are for coomer edgelords, sometimes they have nice stories but they are deep down made for an otaku coomer audience. That's the whole point of VNs and anyone pretending they are anything more deeper than that doesn't play vns.

No. 2203914

They're just gooners who turn to VNs to get their fix. You can see it all over VNtwt and the reddit subs. They even go out of their way to whine about one otome game getting localized when hundreds of bishojo loli date sims get ported in larger numbers. Really shows how entitled men and their simps can be kek.

No. 2203915>>2203917

The autistic twitter warriors reeing about muh eyedropper like this are an absolute embarrassment and they make me want to rip out my hair but honestly that's a pretty big leap from the official skin tone and Asia has a huge problem with colorism to begin with, so it's actually not completely outlandish to assume it's sending a certain kind of message. It's not one of those cases where someone colors in a dark skin "too ashy" or the setting's lighting makes the skin look lighter than normal. Doesn't mean they should dogpile on someone for it like a bunch of animals though but let's be real here, people.

No. 2203917>>2203921

Assuming malice from such a simple sketch is so weirdly obsessive.

No. 2203919

>doesn't australia ban porn of women with small boobs for such a reason?
Why do you say this like it's a bad thing? All porn should be banned. Are we supposed to feel bad that women with small breasts are excluded from being exploited by the porn industry?

No. 2203921>>2203927

It's not something screaming "I hate dark skin" but a reflection of the attitudes regarding skin color in particularly East Asian societies. People acting as if it's just an "artistic interpretation" are being obtuse about it and refusing to address the elephant in the room. You can admit that East Asians have colorist beauty standards to the point they use whitening products and consistently color in dark skin as at least four shades whiter but also agree that dogpiling on single artists is retardation and goes nowhere.

No. 2203922>>2203926

The amount of anons replying to this and being outraged at such a decision and even bringing up the ultimate bad faith gooner "b-but what about small chested petite women??? will they be banned too???" point really exposes the kind of people posting in this thread.

No. 2203926>>2203929

Literally no one is outraged, anons are just pointing out that it will be basically impossible to enforce in anime.

No. 2203927>>2203942

its really not that deep all of the other colors in the pic are brighter than the reference

No. 2203929>>2203931

Anon, not even in a drawing is it possible to confuse at least a vaguely adult person and a clear toddler. That's an entirely bad faith argument. The lolicon porn the regulation would target is very, very obviously meant to depict a child because that's the entire appeal of it, it's not a "but this 25-year old has a flat chest and a baby face, what about her?!" question.

No. 2203931>>2203932>>2204354

There is people that think even the generic 6 head anime girl is a literal toddler, it's completly subjective. We have anons ITT that think Shinji is a shota, for example. It will never work out because anime is an unrealistic style that doesn't translate to real life.

No. 2203932>>2203937>>2203947

What? Do you think the law would be enforced by the mentally ill Twitter kangaroo court or something? Either you have never seen actual lolicon porn they're referring to or you're being suspiciously defensive. Either way I'm begging you people to go outside for once.

No. 2203937

We have anons discussing every day what is and isnt a loli/shota. There are anons claiming shinji is a shota, there are anons claiming the touhou girls aren't lolis. It's not something that's objective. There is a middle ground between obvious toddlers like Anya and generic anime girls like Nico Yazawa.

No. 2203942

File (hide): 1728725817283.jpg (146 KB, 1075x805, ff.jpg)

I don't give a shit about blackwashing but the colors aren't lightened to the same degree as the skin compared to the original besides the shirt. He probably just lightened the skin and kept everything else relatively the same because lighter skin is considered prettier by Asian standards. And really who cares because fanart isn't taking away representation, it's just fanart.

No. 2203947>>2203955

They're shotafags trying to hide behind a devil's advocate argument kek. Sure, if Japan actually tries to ban lolishit there'll probably be a few characters who aren't obviously children who are caught in the crossfire. So what? Who the fuck cares about muh Shinji if you can make it much more difficult for moids to jerk it to little anime kids?

No. 2203955>>2203959>>2203963>>2203966>>2203998>>2204354

The problem is that it will probably affect 90% of anime characters, yes even the characters you like that you think arent lolis/shotas. Because the court of law cannot make a dystintion between ''looks like a child'' or ''is underage'' or ''is underage but doesn't look like a child''. If they follow Australia's way for example, what makes you think they wont just ban all female characters that dont have massive tits? considering thats what australia did with irl porn even if the actresses are of age. It's not going to pass anyways, mangakas have always defended their right for degeneracy above it all and they work for pennies only so they can slide one loli pantyshot once in a while. Anime is a flawed industry, but it works so well because of said flaws.

No. 2203958

Sorry anon its over. They're going to make him a canon tranny I can feel it

No. 2203959>>2203964

Anon not one Japanese authority will look at your precious Shinji and say "this is a shota".

No. 2203963>>2203973

there is a clear distinction between a 14yo (shinji is 14yo for example) and a 8yo for example. there is even different definitions for both types of sexpests (hebe and pedo) yet you choose to overlook that. I personally think they are both disgusting but I am willing to overlook people who are into fictional teenagers because teenagers can look like young adults a lot of times, especially between asians. but kids are kids and it's obvious.

No. 2203964>>2203970>>2204354

What makes you think that when even anons cant decide that? it's so stupid to bubble-wrap the world and censor stuff just because men can't keep their pants on. It just deflects from the real problem being men. Even if you take away all the lolishit of the world men are still going to rape children, it changes literally nothing. It reminds me of christians blaming shit on marijuana and metal instead of blaming it on the real problem, men.

No. 2203966>>2203973

It will target porn of them, that's it, the character will still obviously exist

No. 2203970>>2203973

Because those anons are mentally ill bad faith retards on an anonymous website, not trained law officials who have to look at actual toddlercon garbage traced from real life children all day. Go outside.

No. 2203973>>2203977>>2204354

Again the problem is we are talking about art, not irl humans. A generic anime girl with 6 heads(proportion) has the same proportions to an irl child.
Most anime sexualize their characters though, even shinji is almost naked in the can scene.
>trained law officials
keeek this is so sad imagine putting officials to determine wheter shinji is a shota or not when they could be solving real crimes

No. 2203977>>2203982

someone tracing CP for their shit degenerate "art" is very much a crime

No. 2203982>>2203987

we are not talking about that though, why move the goalpost. That is already illegal, we are talking about the possibility of non traced lolishit being illegal. If it were to pass(which is highly unlikely) even non lolishit media would get censored, like berserk. But again its easier to blame art than to blame men.

No. 2203985

According to themselves, they're gatekeeping their hobbies, basically shooting in the neighborhood to keep rent low. Not sure if that works and I really don't care about these guys and their VNs but that's what I've seen them say on twitter.

No. 2203987>>2203989

berserk definitely wouldn't get censored, because it's not censored anywhere even in places like canada so you're talking out of your ass. also who do you think that makes those "art"? men.

No. 2203989>>2203991

>berserk definitely wouldn't get censored
It happened once already back when they were discussing the possibility of banning shota/loli in 2014. They had to take them off the shelf for a period of time.

No. 2203991>>2203994

tell me why berserk isn't banned on canada then.

No. 2203994>>2204000

Because different countries have different laws and they just took them from the shelf for a while because they didnt know how the law was gonna play out. Let me see if i can find the documentary where it talks about it, it had a female host but i cannot find it right now.

No. 2203998

The Australian law doesn't work like that at all. Literally saw Beserk in a store the other day and Australia is really fucking nitpicky when it comes to censoring or removing material (Postal 2 and the American Psycho book for example)
t. Australian

No. 2204000>>2204010

seems to me they took it off the shelves because they didn't really understand the content in it wasn't pornographic. if your argument is that law is gonna be arbitrary and randomly ban things unrelated, sure, but I'd rather pedos be shunned than freely encouraged. not like they give a shit about legality anyway.

No. 2204006>>2204009>>2204398>>2204405>>2204608>>2204630>>2204669

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It's kind of funny because OP wasn't talking about being represented via identity politics but I think how tumblr influenced everyone, even people not on the platform, to priorities representation (without bothering to watch movies outside of Hollywood) has had almost an irreparable damage to how people talk about media in general.

Idk when it all got so bad but people pretend like "the protagonist is poc/queer" is all that's needed. I don't think this mentality is ever melting away and I just hate how much of a chokehold it has on discussions.

It used to be that when I would go to non-anglo spaces I could reliably see people calling the whole thing bullshit but now that the Westernized babies grew up consuming the same posts screenshots that get shared around, they're incapable of forming original thoughts without sounding like an American. Like baby just turn on the TV, open a book in your language.

It's just so frustrating to see how this mentality has become so pervasive and you can never talk about how insane it is without getting accused of being a 4channer

For all it's worth regarding OP's true intentions, it's only teenagers who are having an identity crisis that care about being "represented" like that. I think once you grow up or you become secure you don't care about seeing someone who's just like you. It feels nice when you're young because you think you're so alone but no thee protagonist of a show is #literllyme and that feels nice. But when you're in your 20s or 30s it's embarrassing. You should be growing out of it anyway as a teenager

No. 2204009>>2204145

>For all it's worth regarding OP's true intentions, it's only teenagers who are having an identity crisis that care about being "represented" like that
I fucking wish, I'm on circles with women in their 30s and they all act like they're still 18 on tumblr. it's grim.

No. 2204010>>2204012

The thing is the anti lolicon laws in countries like canada are already super vague. You can definetly get away with it by saying they are over 18, which is what most artists do. And according to canada's law kawoshin yaoi doujins would be considered CP because they are underage. Anons that think police officers are going to sit and spend hours determining which cartoon constitutes as loli and which one doesn't are delusional, laws dont work like that.

No. 2204012>>2204014

you underestimate how much taxpayer money is paid to state officers so they can lollygag and do random useless shit.

No. 2204014>>2204020>>2204027

Japan literally has tons of industries that exploit real children. It feels like they are trying to save face by getting rid only of the most popular one while avoiding to talk about the ones that arent so widely known in the west like junior idols.

No. 2204020>>2204024

Unrelated but it's funny how you're still posting that video on lolcow after all these years. There must be another documentary at least.

No. 2204024

I have no idea what you are talking about, it's the first time i post that video.

No. 2204027>>2204036

and you think drawn child pornography isn't also an issue besides this? or are you just using this to strawman and shift the blame on another issue when you can care about both at the same time? you sound like those porn addled people who think it "helps the pedos to lessen their urges". get help.

No. 2204036>>2204038>>2204047>>2204076>>2204172

They can go after lolifags after they fix their underground industries that exploit irl little girls, bigger problems should be fixed first. They clearly don't care about the exploitation of children, they only care about saving face in the west.

No. 2204038>>2204045>>2204046

nobody is arguing otherwise but I still don't think it's a problem lolisho gets banned in western countries. nothing of value would be lost. and japan saves face on a lot of things, not only their pedophilia, but also their colonialism and imperialism in east asia.

No. 2204045

No one is arguing against that, anons are just saying that Japan has bigger problems they should be adressed first adn that you never hear about, and that banning loli/shota isn't a pick and choose game, if they end up outlawing loli/shota they will ban all depiction of underage characters, because laws cannot allow themselves to have huge loopholes like that. Which won't fix the pedophilia problem because it's a male violence problem.

No. 2204046

>nothing of value would be lost
i don’t want to live in a world where yaoi classic gravitation is banned

No. 2204047>>2204048>>2204067

One of the countries that gets brought up often in this discussion is Australia which was the place one of the most notorious CP video was filmed. It's like that country wants to ban all forms of CSAM/CSEM after that, fictional or not. They also ban porngraphic depictions of beastality and incest fictional or not. It's like they don't want that content all.

No. 2204048

Meanwhile their moids still visit SEA to have sex with underage child sex trafficking victims.

No. 2204067>>2204075

>It's like they don't want that content all.
as they should. every country should do this.

No. 2204075>>2204088

But you know the only thing they havent done? actually adressing the issue. Australian moids are some of the biggest sex pests in the world and the most common type of foreigner sex tourist in SEA. I am so tired of retards praising these dumb laws that are a sad attempt by the goverment to deflect from the real issue(men). They should ban men from visiting poor countries without a justification but they will never do that because it actually adresses the issue of men being the only perpetrators of child abuse and sex tourism. Men in australia still can easily access lolicon and see ddlg porn btw it literally doesn't fix anything. It's the lamest form of populism.

No. 2204076

Why can't we care about two things at once? If we have to wait until we eradicate real pedophilia before we tackle the issue of lolisho then we'll be waiting forever. We're unfortunately never going to get rid of 100% of pedos, all we can do is minimize the amount of children who become their victims as much as humanly possible.
I get the feeling that people who use the "fix real CP first!!!" argument know all this, though. They know it's impossible to eradicate all CP forever. They're just trying to deflect because they don't want anyone to take their precious lolisho away. It's just another "devil's advocate" argument. It's so transparent.

No. 2204087>>2204095>>2204105>>2204119>>2204172

Sorry to burst your bubble nonnies but South Korea banned both lolicon and all pornography and their moids are still so horrendous they radicalized a big portion of south korean women into never dating, marrying or having children. If you think banning stuff is going to stop men from being degenerates you are delusional.

No. 2204088>>2204103

The Australian government needs to do more to stop sex tourism, but there’s nothing wrong with the law banning drawn child pornography.

No. 2204095>>2204103

How is the situation you're describing not a win for women? The goal isn't to stop men from being degenerates, that's never going to happen, the goal is to keep women and children safe from them, and according to you it's working since women have started avoiding men.

No. 2204103>>2204109

It's not even enforced though, you can hop in an australian VPN and visit loli sites quite easily. Some of you think men are redeemable as long as we take porn away from them, but that's simply not true.
They started avoiding men because despite of all the laws that are supposed to protect women men are still insane degenerates and terrorize them anyways. Banning loli and pornography didn't stop men from ruining women's lifes. It's not a win for women in the slightest because South Korean women can't even shit without the threat of being filmed and being uploaded onto spy cam sites.

No. 2204105>>2204108

>If you think banning stuff is going to stop men from being degenerates you are delusional.
you know whats actually delusional? thinking bans will mean the crime will stop. banning it means its is considered illegal now and you can get prosecuted and jailed for it unlike before where you could get away with it,because surprise surprise! drawn child porn is still child porn! and hoards of pedophiles who get caught with it in their harddrives will also agree and also youre taking example from a country where the moids groped and sexually assaulted their own family members including their mothers and where so called "top" moid idols have raped and trafficked women for years and yet got scot free so if THAT country is banning it you know the shit they do is 10 times worse.

No. 2204108>>2204112

That's the thing, no one is getting jailed for loli kek. The only examples i could find were of pedos who were busted for real CP. you can still access loli sites from australia. It does absolutely nothing. Pornography is banned in korea yet 1 in 3 korean men still consume pornography. You are insane if you think banning something is going to stop men from accessing it in any way. Super misognynistic countries were women arent allowed to show 1 cm of skin still have high rates of sexual abuse. The real problem is men, but no goverment wants to adress that.

No. 2204109>>2204113>>2204116

Unless you have any data that backs up the idea that men were less violent when they had easier access to CP, I'm still gonna count women going the separatist route as a win. Men will always assault women, but at least less women now have these degenerates in their own homes.

No. 2204112>>2204113

i dont understand where youre going with this ofcourse goverment moids arent never going to accept its moids doing most of these crimes but banning that shit classifies it a crime is a net benefit for the victims and women because it means you can take it to court, are you saying that shit shouldnt be banned because all moids are pedophiles anyways so it wouldnt matter? or are you so defensive over the shit you consume being banned?

No. 2204113>>2204117

I dont understand why you think i am pro loli/porn or cp, i am not. I am just saying that no, banning loli and pornography isn't going to stop men from seeking those things nor its going to stop male violence. If you think people are going to jail for having loli in their HDD you are delusional, police can hardly jail rapists and you think they are going to go after lolifags?
>I'm still gonna count women going the separatist route as a win
I don't think you understand what i am trying to say… i never said its a bad thing, i am just saying that male violence is so bad in korea they had no other choice. Its not a good thing to be so afraid of men you have to carry a spy cam detector to check for hidden cameras. Those women arent le based misandrists they are genuinely terrified and had to turn to separatism out of self preservation.
No, i am just saying that you live in a fantasy world if you think any lolifag is going to court for jacking it off to a genshit loli or some shit. You can ban it but it won't change anything.

No. 2204116

They can't. SK's severe misogyny problem comes from the fact that they were a very traditional (read: shitty for women) society up until recently and modernized technologically quicker than societal attitudes could adjust. Porn isn't helping, but SK moids were doomed to be terrible even if you completely excluded pornography. The problem is literally that the women modernized their attitudes (good) and the moids did not.

No. 2204117>>2204122

No one is saying they're "le based misandrists". Men have always been and will always be violent, the only difference in South Korea now is that women are aware of that fact. Unless you're arguing that CP/porn bans made men more violent, I don't know how you can spin those bans as a bad thing just because women are more aware of male violence now and are trying to avoid it when they weren't before. No, it's not an ideal situation for women to live in fear, but that's better than trusting moids because the only difference between living in fear and not is that when you live in fear you're at least a little less likely to be sexually assaulted, because the men themselves won't change regardless of whether you live in fear or not. I don't know how to make myself any clearer.

No. 2204119>>2204125

There were pedophiles in medieval Britain, its like moids can be inherently fucked in the head or something.
If you can't acknowledge that banning lolicon, that many moids themselves have admitted is a gateway to watching actual CSAM isn't a good thing, I don't know what to tell you. Obviously the crime is not going to go away but limiting exposure to that material is surely a net positive? Especially when pedophiles use lolicon art to groom children online, speaking from experience.

No. 2204122

Again, i never said banning loli or pornography is bad, just that it's not the magical solution all of you think it is and that no, lolifags are not going to get jailed on mass even if the law is passed. It's just a bandaid to make people believe male degeneracy can be fixed, but it can't.

No. 2204125>>2204128>>2204131>>2204141

That's the thing, they can still access it. Hell, dorontabi was korean and he was importing and buying softcore child pornography from Japan. Those laws didn't stop him from drawing shit tons of lolishit either. Because guess what? evil men don't give a shit they are breaking the law and dorontabi is still free despite all of that. Some of you think laws are going to stop men but they won't, men dont care and the goverment doesn't care about enforcing said laws either.

No. 2204128>>2204133

>men dont care and the goverment doesn't care about enforcing said laws either.
The government doesn't currently care. Depending on where you live, you can elect government officials who do care, or at least only vote for ones who claim to be hard on pornography. This might be something moids get away with during our lifetime, but we have a more-than-zero chance of making it better for our daughters and granddaughters if we come down hard on all aspects of male degeneracy now.

No. 2204131>>2204134

I would rather have it be illegal than legal. There’s no downside to it being illegal. No shit banning something doesn’t stop it, murder is illegal but people still kill others, but you don’t see people getting their knickers in a twist about murder being illegal.

No. 2204133>>2204140

You are so idealistic nonny it's cute. The only way to make it better for your grandaughters is to not have them, because men are rotten to the core, all of them.

No. 2204134>>2204354

Again i didnt say it was bad, just that it wont change anything. It only exists to make you think the goverment cares, but you can still access loli shota sites on any of the sites that supposedly have it banned so they dont really care.

No. 2204140

I got sterilized at 23 nonna so I wouldn't pass this world on to others, but thank you. My choice won't stop other women from having daughters and granddaughters, so the least I can do is argue for a world that makes those little girls and women safer.

No. 2204141>>2204146

Victoria and Tasmania are the only states that don't explicitly ban that material yet they are charging men making lolicon games with distribution of CSAM and the country can and will reject physical media of that type coming in and will fine the person attempting to do so, to the point where certain Japanese companies refuse to send anything to Australians. It's not enough, but it's slow improvement from a country that has a genuinely retarded government, especially taken into account that these laws were only passed around 2021. Yes, the moids are fucking animals there but building landmark cases like they have been doing is helpful, even if it's only a little at a time.

No. 2204143

I live in a country that has these laws (the UK) and they are much broader than just loli. The law also specifies that it applies to drawings of adults that look under 18 too. It's just that it's only getting looked at if it's on the hard drive of someone who has already been arrested and is having their devices examined. Any image is up in the air unless it has been examined like that.
Exactly what counts as illegal is extremely vague but it isn't just loli/shota. I saw someone who grades CSEM in the UK as their job tell someone that they shouldn't look up Life is Strange (a series where the characters are over 18 as far as I know) videos on pornhub (which is a canadian company, so theoretically it shouldn't have any content that violates UK law) because those characters would definitely be counted.
Obviously it's a huge waste of time to actively go looking for people with that kind of borderline content, website TOS are more forgiving than the laws can be and are only going to report people posting obvious loli/shota, but there's been a number of cases where people have been arrested for something unfounded and then spent years afterwards in legal trouble because they had something illegal on one of their devices that they might not have willingly downloaded or even looked at. The law is against posession of simulated child pornography for whatever reason, not being a lolicon.
It's unlikely you'll be caught, but you can be and it could be for something that many people would never have assumed to be illegal. Like if you have a copy of the original Fate/Stay Night with H scenes, that's potentially illegal. You could possibly argue that it isn't porn, because the scenes are a small part of a longer story, but it's unclear whether that defence would hold. Obviously you could tell someone to just never download something like that in the first place, but I think the average person downloading it would be unlikely to assume it would count, like the anons up the thread claiming kawoshin doujins wouldn't.
There are definitely downsides. It makes harmless fujos potential criminals and doesn't actually stop lolicons accessing their content, it's literally a google search away because none of these sites are even blocked.

No. 2204145

> women in their 30s and they all act like they're still 18 on tumblr
In what ways?
I think OP was referring to people who want to see characters exactly like them in order to "relate" to them

Honestly I think in general because of tumblr's influence people's emotional intelligence for stunted.
It's a bit funny because NOW tumblr users are blaming literally anyone but their own platform
The "tiktok ruined fandoms" posts that have become popular are hilarious because they're basically saying what redditors and 4channers have been complaining about since mid 2010s but now we have to pretend that people's behaviour on tiktok and twitter isn't influenced at all by tumblr

No. 2204146>>2204150>>2204169>>2204354

But they can still access it easily though. Sure you cant import loli doujins but you can go to gelbooru, pixiv and ehentai and easily find loli. I am just saying that while banning loli may give anons a false sense of security, men are still going to consume it and it wont change nothing. I dont understand why anons think i am having an anti banning loli stance, i am not, i am just saying you shouldnt let your guard down and think men will somehow stop seeking it out once its illegal.

No. 2204150

>I dont understand why anons think i am having an anti banning loli stance,
>says the same shit argument lolipedos say

No. 2204169

You are fighting with shadows. Nobody here thinks laws makes men less degenerate, it simply gives us the opportunity to punish them for being so.

No. 2204172>>2204174>>2204180>>2204181>>2204192>>2204264>>2204373

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video game discourse just seething whenever a female character doesn't look like a porn animation
holy whataboutism
the point is people get criminalized for it, its like saying we should criminalize revenge porn or deepfakes because people will do it anyway

No. 2204174>>2204178

Wasn't Angela a rape victim?…the fuck is wrong with these subhuman moids

No. 2204178

Yes, a decent amount of the game is literally about her sexual abuse.

No. 2204180>>2204184>>2204192>>2204225

This is either rage bait or a joke
No one actually thinks this
if they're serious, they're not worth anyone's time.

No. 2204181

Thats so fucking disgusting, especially considering Angela is literally supposed to be a heavily traumatized rape victim with a hatred for and fear of men.
And of course they make her a giant titty e-girl with the face of a made-up 12 year old on the left. Fucking coomer pedos. Total moid death.

No. 2204184

Majority of men unironically feel this way though and would prefer left in the game. When men 'joke' about women or female characters they're telling the truth about how they really feel about them.

No. 2204185>>2204414

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If Sarah J. Maas wrote the same books but with wlw characters, the people obsessed with hating her would be making essays defending her. Even if her books are mediocre
(I never read her books but so many complaints just boil down to romance apparently)

No. 2204192

File (hide): 1728740941121.png (298.52 KB, 646x799, 63A7D4A3-F7E7-431A-9CB1-A9CF15…)

nah, moids unironically want this and are doing everything in their power to mod games so they can play as prepubescent looking girls with huge breasts. hold on tight because the pedo/cumbrain epidemic is only going to get worse and even less regulated.

No. 2204225>>2204264>>2204937

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they do this with every game that has a female lead. And it's a problem when they start mass stalking women working in the video game industry now

No. 2204264>>2204279>>2204284>>2204671

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Why do male gamers keep whining, no matter how much they’re pandered to? I have seen scrotes on Twitter and /v/ complaining about Lollipop Chainsaw repop - a game that’s practically softcore porn - because the MC’s boobs don’t jiggle as much as they did in the original. And then there are women, like the one in picrel, who keep pushing for male characters to stay covered in 10 layers of burka. When did things go so wrong?

The photo on the right is from 2018. Someone pointed it out but the retards are still upset because they don't want any women working on their precious video games. This is pure insanity to me.

No. 2204279

>Pic rel
Bleak. Society has truly mind broken the youth to lick up this fucking slop.

No. 2204284

>that reply

No. 2204327>>2204342>>2204415

did they reveal if he is one or not yet

No. 2204342>>2204382

i dont go there but its looking very bleak from what i can see…waiting for a pjsk nonna to confirm though.

No. 2204354>>2204375

You obtuse faggots are not nearly as subtle as you think you are lmao

No. 2204362>>2204368>>2204442

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No. 2204368

It's always funny when you can tell the exact point someone realises they're wrong and starts doubling down out of shame kek. That being said it doesn't excuse the actual edgelords who do stunts like this for bad reasons

No. 2204373

Scrotes always reveal how retarded and shallow their brains are when they start a huge uproar over a female game character not being coomable enough. I have never cared about the coomability of the characters in a game. What the fuck is wrong with the Y Chromosome?
Im glad game creators are moving away from making female characters a retarded pair of tits and making them actual characters.

No. 2204375>>2204381

>points out problems with a law thats never enforced
>lol ur just a lolifag larping lol ignore u can still easily access loli sites on literally all of the countries its banned on
This is why goverments get away with this shit. Because people are just pleased knowing it ''exists'' even if its never enforced or changes anything.

No. 2204381>>2204388>>2204584

This just made me realize how little people know about how shit works, the judge can't just go "I think this is a drawing of a minor, you're going to jail." that would be retarded.

No. 2204382>>2204507

They had him 'outed' as male to his friend but he didn't say anything about his identity. Honestly a nothingburger, EN fans still think he's trans and JP fans still think he's a crossdresser

No. 2204388>>2204584

Not only that, but they have to raid you first. CP normally gets traced either because someone snitched, because a page marked it as suspicious(like google drive and carroza) or because they downloaded a torrent that traces back to the feds. If they havent even bothered to ban pixiv, boorus and ehentai its clear they don't give a shit. I swear people will bootlick goverments for doing absolutely nothing.

No. 2204398

I wish you were right anon, but age sadly doesn't fix this– I know an unfortunate amount of women who'll happily admit that they only seek out content that relates directly to themselves (and therefore their pet interests, which are also focused on themself rather than something external), acting as if having no curiosity about the broader world or the people in it is a good thing and that media owes it to them to cater to them enough that they'll bother looking at it. I can't recommend them books because the protagonist will be unlike them (the other nail in the coffin is that there won't be any smut to tide them over if they are willing to try the book despite not being represented)

No. 2204405

Self inserters are a mistake.
I regret ever thinking recommending something I like would be a good idea, it just leads to people feeding their own ego on the meat of your hobby.

No. 2204407>>2204422>>2204423>>2204435

Unrelated to the previous topics but this always somewhat fascinated me: why was the Glee fandom on tumblr in the early 10s treating the show like it was a cute, wholesome, sometimes deep show about teenage LGBT students' daily lives and serious struggles? The gif sets and long posts I kept seeing on my dashboard gave me that impression until the show started airing in my country and when I watched the first season it had really trashy, mean spirited humor most of the time, I swear I was wondering if the fandom wasn't talking about the series that way as an elaborate joke.

No. 2204414>>2204749

Her books are shit on a prose level too, and have a lot of issues when it comes to consistent worldbuilding and the portrayal of characters across books within a series. They're needlessly long (none of her stories require 500+ pages for what they have to achieve), monotonous, and filled with repetitive phrases and scenes. Her series also have a habit of getting noticeably worse with each instalment. The main complaints tend to be about the romantic relationships because they're romance novels and that's the core selling point to her audiences, and other points tend to be glossed over because those kinds of issues aren't as important to that audience as the romance and sex is. That, or the reviewer listened to them at 2x speed on audiobook, which will never give a clear picture of a book's prose kek.

Unfortunately, I doubt she would have had the same success if the same stories were wlw, since her audience has very stereotypical heterosexual tastes hidden under a gloss coat of girlboss/girlpower posturing. The people who dislike her and her impact on the publishing scene/fantasy fiction wouldn't be around to notice an unpopular wlw romantasy series. I do get your point though that many online critics will act as if making a story gay etc automatically elevates it, as if it still wouldn't just be two women acting out a terrible romance in a vague world with a paper-thin plot.

No. 2204415>>2204463

he’s been a tranny since day one. why would he try to hide his real identity if he’s merely a cross dresser?

No. 2204422

I had some Glee-obsessed mutuals on Tumblr and I think most of it was just thirsting for the male characters + a shorter selection of gay rep at the time.

No. 2204423

The main character trying to "win back" a gay guy from his boyfriend and having it be treated like a relatively serious love triangle was hilarious.

No. 2204435

I was too young to be part of the fandom but sometimes my mom would watch it on TV and I'd watch with her. One day she turned to me and asked me if I knew what "gay" was, and I said yes because I didn't want her to think I was dumb (i had no clue what gay was). Then she told me that gay people go to hell. That's it, that's my stupid blog.

No. 2204442>>2205347

i can see a future where the left cancels mel brooks for writing the producers

No. 2204463>>2204490>>2204507>>2204513

its a trope with male crossdressers in anime sometimes, it has to do with shame of not living up to societal expectations of a male and instead passing as a girl to avoid abuse, kind of stupid.

No. 2204490>>2204507

They usually don't make it an entire arc spanning the entire game though. It's not rare for mobage to have crossdressing males (A3 and Idolmaster) but they don't drag it out and even "vague" otokonoko characters still joke around being boys (am I or guy or a girl teehee) while Mizuki doesn't do this. As much as I hate troons it's taken way too seriously and angsty to make me think they're just gonna make him a crossdresser even though I think he can just be read in a femboy way. I've pretty much given up all hope especially since SEGA has retarded localization shit going on and appealing to Westie politics

No. 2204507

File (hide): 1728759621490.png (214.14 KB, 738x720, hangul reads it's my victory.p…)

>JP fans still think he's a crossdresser
kr and cn fans do too, i've actually seen quite a few of them celebrating. it sucks that the western fandom is so pozzed tho, i'm still hoping he'll outright say he's a dude. the melty will be amazing

pjsk as a whole is basically an angsty wattpad telenova in gacha form so i get why they'd stretch it out. i view his story as wanting to be seen as himself and not just "a guy in a skirt". basically what >>2204463 said, it's dangan chihiro v2

No. 2204513>>2204558>>2204569

I might be wrong but I think it stems from an actual practice in Japanese history where families would disguise sons as girls, either to protect the heir from assassination attempts while he grew up or to disguise a sickly/weak boy.

No. 2204558>>2204559

weebs make me kek sometimes, effeminate men being seen as weak or otherwise women-lite isn't unique to japan. In your surely western country dudes who aren't masculine enough get called sissies and nancy boys too.

No. 2204559

I don't know why you're being so aggro with me when I literally just explained the origin of a weebshit trope without defending it kek

No. 2204560>>2204587>>2205076>>2205129>>2205171>>2218062

How are Silent Hill nonnas feeling about the influx of new fans from the 2 remake? Are you nonnas ready for your fanbase to get Resident Evil'd?

No. 2204565

Read the entire event. Nothing much happened, he was outed in front of Ena by these students at his school (the students tried to call Ena a man too kek) and Mizuki ran away, the end. Nothing got resolved or talked about because Mizuki pussied out the entire time. Kinda pissed me off how the Vocaloids were making Mizuki just seem like a device to help Mafuyu this event though.

No. 2204569

It stems from men being pedophiles and dressing little boys in women’s clothes to "work" in theatre and temples

No. 2204584>>2204645

They can do that, why would you think that isn't the case?
Recently I gained a kind of obsession with this topic. This is because I realised I could be at risk under these sorts of laws (not for shota/loli, for the kind of highschool aged stuff most people, including me previously, don't think counts). If you live in a country where these laws exist and have ever even seen that kind of content you have likely committed a criminal offence. Seeing it means you've downloaded it, and it can hang around in your cache for a while. If for whatever reason you end up having your devices searched and they find something like that, you're in for a court battle at the very least. The advice I've seen from people who are knowledgable about this stuff is that you should just blanket not visit anywhere that might have NSFW artwork if you live in a region with this kind of law.
I have gone searching through forums, news articles, etc. relating to people who have been caught over this, comments from people in digital forensics who classify it, etc.
Google will alert the police about 'virtual' CP uploaded if it's in the right region. People have been caught like this.
They do nothing about pixiv and boorus because those are hosted in countries that don't have these laws so there's no reason to do anything about it. Obviously 'the feds' don't care about lolicon, they are american and it isn't illegal there. If there's reason to believe it has been uploaded from somewhere it's illegal they'll do something about it.

No. 2204587

I've already seen drawings of Pyramid Head with top surgery scars so I'll keep out of the fandom as I always have, Kel.

No. 2204608>>2204638>>2204647>>2204761

Why is the tweet full of people weirdly angry about people who have this opinion?
>i'm so sorry you settled for this
>you deserve better
>you don't know how good it feels to be represented
The chronic self inserter can't even imagine someone interacting with a story without needing to relate to it without wanting to jump to accusing them of self hatred or 'already having been represented'. what the fuck?

No. 2204630>>2204758>>2205966

Most are narcs. They may deny it but it's true. And the funniest thing is the sheer number of takes divesting from this perpetual need to feel "seen" and "heard" these sorts love to wax on about tend to have little regard for "empathy" or as a means of exposure. If some bloke wants to know if gay people exist, he look that shit up online. No need for a novel about two men buttfucking each other every other page.
I won't deny representation feels nice, but it feels more a nice added treat instead of the main course? Maybe that's why chroncally online zoomers can't fathom women liking yaoi. It doesn't star women, let alone any of note, but has widespread appeal and obviously loved by every facet of women. But since there's no woman for them to latch on to, these self-inserters consider it transphobia, mysognitic, or sexist for nary using women to be objectified or reduced to stereotypes.

No. 2204638>>2204669

10 years ago these people would have been the y/ncels who seethed every time a female character that wasn't their self-insert came on screen kek

No. 2204645

>why would you think that isn't the case?
Meant in this case
>you're in for a court battle at the very least
The clusterfuck amount of court battling would be absolutely ridiculous, was what I meant. It's not a "this is a kid, boom, done" this would thousands of cases that would take years, over a crime that can at its essentials be done completely solo with a piece of charcoal and a scrap of paper.

No. 2204647

>already having been represented
Lmao, what do they mean by this? The reason it feels that way is most writers write what's most familiar to them and possibly even the market? Why would they feel the need to shove a token minority for the sake of brownie points? Their points might have ground in the face of ten thousand pieces of media starring white male leads, but no one seems to care so it's moot.

No. 2204650>>2204651>>2204664>>2204667

The day we stopped ridiculing self-insert is the day fandom died. They were always there but knew to stay the fuck in their lane because they knew they'd be jumped if they got too loud. How the fuck did self-inserters manage to grow ten-fold in such a short amount of time?

No. 2204651


No. 2204664

When people hate thing but feel like they must be a part of it, they change what the thing is to suit themselves. People like looking at themselves and talking about themselves and thinking that other people are just like them.

No. 2204667

Because kill cringe culture let people have fun and whatever. Same reason why you can't tell off people for having retarded headcanons anymore

No. 2204669>>2204711

>to priorities representation (without bothering to watch movies outside of Hollywood)
Being represented in mainstream burger slop in this day and age is a punishment, why would you want to see yourself in trash

No. 2204671

This screenshot is beyond based kek

No. 2204672>>2204707>>2204753>>2204909>>2204964

File (hide): 1728768588357.jpg (102.42 KB, 583x800, 20241012_140758.jpg)

>novels about women in college experience in alienation, loss of childhood innocence and spiraling
>looks inside
>"first love and romance"
Tired of this "sad girl" trend in literature that's perpetuated by both booktok and booktwitter. Nonstop glazing of these books as "transgressive and soul crushing" from self-proclaimed "weird girls" whose most traumatic event in their life is their Nigel admitting that he watches porn. Representation and reliability in books is just a front for the author's masturbatory navel-gazing sludge that meets the publishers threshold of safe and marketability.

No. 2204707

All of these sound so pretentious in a self absorbed "I'm 14 and this is deep" way. is the best we get in this era? literal slop pretending to be avant garde? And the ny best seller shit is the cherry on top lol.

No. 2204711

I heard that term being tossed around here ages ago and I thought it was funny

No. 2204749

You're right I forgot
Just replace wlw with mlm. I trust in my fujoshi sisters to write the most annoying essays.
>I do get your point though that many online critics will act as if making a story gay etc automatically elevates it, as if it still wouldn't just be two women acting out a terrible romance in a vague world with a paper-thin plot.
Thank you for getting it even if I forgot that wlw stories don't have a big market

No. 2204753>>2204763>>2204911

I haven't read any of these books and idk any of them but aren't you being a bit mean?

If you're an insecure, lonely girl who's a bit weird for whatever reason (autism, terminally online, up brining, helicopter parents, inability to connect with other girls, teenage bullying etc) then aren't these books very reassuring? You don't feel alone you become to relieved in finding out there are Others Like You and You Are Not Alone and Someone Gets Me!!

No. 2204758

I was with you at the start but got a bit confused by the point you were trying to make at the end.

No. 2204761

>Why is the tweet full of people weirdly angry about people who have this opinion?
Because it's twitter. People have very strong opinions about boring and mundane things.
I honestly thing most twitter users are autistic. Even the ones trying so hard to be cool or whatever,
They're as autistic and people on 4chan

No. 2204763>>2204804>>2204964

These books are written for normie beckies who felt sad once. Real weird girls still get jack shit in terms of societal understanding and empathy. Even lolcow hates weird girls.

No. 2204804>>2204825

What do you expect from braindead pickmes and nlogs thinking their doing their part by turning against their own over minor mental differences?

No. 2204825>>2204904>>2204964

No, seriously. Everything the retards here say about being girls girls or feminists or being female-centered in mentality is complete bullshit. The minute they're actually confronted with a woman who's actually weird or not conforming to female socialization they start jumping down her throat telling her she's tif-brained or moid-brained or worthless and should just chop her tits off over minor differences. No one on this site gets to talk about being feminist. Lolcow has the same amount of misogyny and woman-hate as any other place on the net, but its worse here because they'll act just as misogynistic but then turn around and gaslight you about how they're such woman-loving feminists.

No. 2204904>>2204964

You should see the infights. As soon as they cut their hair, get more hairy, and worse yet, a bit more muscular suddenly she's not female anymore. I still distinctly remember a tweet where the most butch a so-called "twitter sapphic" can handle is a soft tomboy with pigtails and not a bonafide masc woman. We're supposed to move away from stereotypes, not reinvent them under the veil of so-called pinkpilled feminism. Notice how threads on men get barely any replies but the most popular threads are always centered on female celeb gossip or insulting women for having a slight preference for masc men. Even in spaces meant for us we can never feel safe.

No. 2204909

I hate modern slang so much. It all sounds so retarded.

No. 2204911

>I haven't read any of these books and idk any of them
Neither has the anon that you are replying to lol

No. 2204937

I remember this guy seething over a black female only Facebook gaming group. What a freak, wish he could blow his Brian’s out in Afghanistan

No. 2204964>>2204998>>2205021>>2205207>>2207910

i'm so glad someone said it because it makes me feel insane how women-hating this site is, i've seen women criticized for literally every single thing possible on here. things i didn't even know women were criticized for before i came here. it's the most intense form of nitpicking i have ever seen. it's insane. i do not understand it because you'll always see so many people preaching feminism yet i'm getting a completely different picture, feels like i'm being gaslit
genuine question, are any of those books good? obviously the only one i recognize is the bell jar even though it's kind of hidden in the pic and i've never read it, just i assumed it was good.

No. 2204998>>2205003

This website has always been a bit weird.
I think a lot of nonnies come here to express opinions they can’t express elsewhere, much of that includes hating on women even if they’re not entirely wrong or get vindicated (depends on what the hate is about)

But it’s very much driven by nonnies spending too much time in niche spaces and forgetting that it’s just niche.

No. 2205003>>2205140>>2205421

Same anon
I had a vague example but i’ll be specific why not

The hate i’ve seen against Xiran for example. You could never ever say half the shit people say about her on most platforms, I don’t see this level of concentrated antagonism towards another writer on this website other than that woman that wrote Yellow Face. also Chappell in general , this was the first website where i saw people hating on her months before controversy picked up.

You don’t necessarily get told “you hate this woman because you’re sexist!” Nonnies get to ramble on whatever res flags they’re seeing

But i agree with you, LC has always had a weird userbase, very contradictory but that’s what makes it fun. Can be tedious and annoying obviously

No. 2205021

The Idiot was good, at least i thought so when i read it 5 years ago. elif batuman is funny. i read a different book by sally rooney (not the one pictured) and found it horrifically boring and masturbatory

No. 2205076>>2205503

Tbh I already got fed up with the fandom when DBD zoomers invaded it. It's going to be even worse now.

No. 2205126>>2205138>>2205148

File (hide): 1728803910628.png (290.66 KB, 523x698, GDeam96X0AEQBPP (2).png)

Laios isn't fat. Laios is more attractive than a malnourished twink. You have to be brainrotted by a decade of hentai to think this is fat.(offtopic bait)

No. 2205129>>2205139>>2205147>>2205503

File (hide): 1728804247158.jpg (23.91 KB, 640x349, HERE-IT-COMES-meme-4.jpg)

getting ready for the incoming wave of media illiterate fags that think james did nothing wrong

No. 2205138

hey, i like malnourished twinks AND guys built like laios…

No. 2205139

I already see this happening, men saying Mary was abusive and zoomers lusting for James saying he loved her, and that somehow absolves his actions.

No. 2205140>>2205175

If you express any of the opinions you have regarding Xiran or Kuang outside of lolcow, you'd instantly be called racist even though you mentioned nothing of their race and more of their lolcow tendencies.

No. 2205147>>2205503

I can already see the new age parasocial James husbandofags who claim he had a good reason to kill Mary and akchusally loved her very much and simply couldn't stand to watch her suffer and that's why he brutally choked her with a pillow when she was about to pass away of her illness soon anyway and they'd totally want the same to be done to them, especially if they were dating dreamboat James. Also troons claiming that Pyramid head and the nurses are symbols for James's innermost desire to troon out and become Maria. And coombrained scrotes claiming that the game is either based and redpilled because bitches got what was coming their way or infected with the woke mind virus because Maria's clothes aren't revealing enough and Laura is too ugly.

No. 2205148>>2206150

This is bait but the whole fight is stupid as shit, he loses and gains weight throughout the story because guess what the eating food manga is about fucking nutrition.

No. 2205171>>2205503

Silent Hill 2 is the most boring of the first four games so it's whatever. If more people end up bothering to play the other games though, that would be nice.

No. 2205172>>2205194>>2205313>>2205421>>2205429

File (hide): 1728808545013.png (285.63 KB, 665x634, Screenshot 2024-10-13 113216.p…)

People's reaction to Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray has been hysterical. These people usually laugh at fans for getting angry at the source material for changing characters or even narrative themes of the source material but when it happens to them all of a sudden it's "these people don't even understand the book"

Honestly it was like a treat for me. I don't know anything about either source materials.

No. 2205175>>2205194>>2205266>>2205547

I don't disagree about Xiran but I do about Kuang (I don't think she has lolcow tendencies)

But I meant more so that the userbase here is more likely to get fixated on hating women than men. Are you telling me there aren't lolcow worthy male authors to obsess over? Even dead ones but maybe that's just not as fun.

Narcissism of small difference and all that

No. 2205194

Dead ones I'd understand. They aren't alive so the amount of milking they can provide is a good as dust. But considering kiwifarms does that and mostly with male lolcows means the farms have nothing else going for it. It be nice given the sheer amount of male degeneracy but most nonnas would rather talk about petty girl drama than literal pedophiles running amok.
They're finally getting it.

No. 2205207

Every woman (that this site doesn't like) even if they're quite frankly stunning gets called ugly here because of reasons that would make incels blush.
If it wasn't for /cgl/ before this site was created in it's honor after the vendetta ban, I would have likely still not known that nasolabial folds are the worst thing you can have.

No. 2205266

I don't read books, especially fictional books, written by men. Simple as

No. 2205313>>2205427

Removing the gay from Dorian Grey is interesting because you can argue it's an adaptation of the hays-code film. Someone who only ever saw the old film would be confused about this new one "Removing the queerness" because the version they knew didn't have it.
Reminds me of this one person I know not knowing Anne Rice's gay vampire books adaptation 1994 Interview With A Vampire was about gay vampires because the movie can be read that way and any "queernees" is chocked up to "classic vampire obsession"

No. 2205347

tbf in many early wokie spaces at universities during the 90's, there was actually a lot of discussion about how Mel Brook films are "problematic", Lindsay Ellies had an entire video discussing the topic

No. 2205421>>2205429>>2205449>>2206687>>2207910

Heathcuck was always white, he was described as dark in a time when that literally meant Italian, or gypsy. Woke vocabulary did not exist in 1840s rural England, if he was black or Indian there would be a lot of censored words and an apologetic footnote. I don't think many of them have actually read the book, wokies tend to object to animal torturers, violent kidnappers, domestic abusers who aren't doing it out of porn reasons, and literally everything else that Heathcliff is and does. His only redeeming action is dying.
Dorian Gray had female lovers in the story and the gay bits- which these retards would be unable to spot anyway- were removed by Oscar Wilde himself after accusations of indecency. There's still gay subtext, but it's subtle and requires a level of reading comprehension beyond what's needed for booktok mlm love triangle spicies.
It doesn't matter that you're unfamiliar with the source material, the speds having meltdowns over the casting also don't know what they're on about. This is massively retarded. I honestly hope that more and more book adaptations stick to the fucking book instead of pandering to the terminally online.
Lolcow has a userbase which includes recently peaked zoomies whose timelines are crammed with Chappell and Xiran asslicking. The hate is really concentrated on annoying pop culture women who are seen as untouchable outside of lolcow. They can't say shit about Chappell or Xiran without kids dogpiling you for being wlwphobic and transphobic and racist, so yeah, they come here and vent. It's disproportionate but nobody cares about them outside of the celebricow and booktok threads. Moid cows are way more depressing because the milk consists of rape, pedophilia, coercion, DV accusations, all that shit that we have to deal with on a daily basis as women anyway. Lolcow is an escape, not all of us want to have depressing Neil Gaiman and P Diddy threads instead of bitchy nasolabial folds discussions over harmless but annoying women that nobody else cares about.

No. 2205427

>Reminds me of this one person I know not knowing Anne Rice's gay vampire books adaptation 1994 Interview With A Vampire was about gay vampires because the movie can be read that way and any "queernees" is chocked up to "classic vampire obsession"
To be fair Anne Rice didn't have any intention of making them gay when she wrote it.

No. 2205429>>2205434>>2206699>>2207059

you reposted the exact same thing from the last thread, fuck off.

>There's still gay subtext, but it's subtle and requires a level of reading comprehension beyond what's needed for booktok mlm love triangle spicies.
everyone knows that dorian gray is gay, his name is literally dorian. there are lots of obvious subtext in the novel, especially basils attraction towards dorian, and it is a very weird choice to make the two of them brothers in an adaptation.

No. 2205434

>it is a very weird choice to make the two of them brothers in an adaptation.
Nayrt but brother shipper fujos are going to be all over it, the only thing they have to do is not to cast complete uggos. It has the same energy as making Achilles and Patroclus cousins in the Brad Pitt Illiad movie.

No. 2205449>>2205456

I thought Heathcliff was Romani?

No. 2205456

I thought Heathcliff was a cat.

No. 2205503

I'm anon you're replying to, I'm also a DBDfag and yeah they got pretty insufferable when the SH dlc dropped and that's the start of when my fanbase (RE) was starting to get fucked too. I love DBD but it's also a curse.
It's already happening. People mischaracterizing James like they do to Leon with the whole "uwu my pathetic wittle baby >:( he's just depressed and misses his wife guys!! >:(".
The moid defending I have seen has been insufferable. He literally killed her because she was no longer of physical sexual value to him anymore and that is literally shovved in your face the entire game. Cannot believe how people are missing it.
>And coombrained scrotes claiming that the game is either based and redpilled because bitches got what was coming their way or infected with the woke mind virus because Maria's clothes aren't revealing enough and Laura is too ugly.
No one is having it worse than Angela right now with the scrotes. Crazy how these men actually prove the points of the game irl with the way they're commenting on a sexual abuse survivor not being hot enough.
If SH3 gets a remake it's unironically over once they start troonifying Heather.

No. 2205547>>2207918

imo, as someone who does read a large amount of male authors, I think one of the problems with them when it comes to lolcow-style discussion is that many of them aren't very 'front-facing' to lc's main userbase (the genres they write for, their books aren't as popular as FOTM YA/Romance, and a lack of presence on social media). There are male authors I could mock for days, but I doubt they'd get much traction here (especially the more dated milk), but then the rest really do fall into the kind of stuff kiwifarms users are more interested in– the authors posting political shit in particular.

Then you get to the more grim side of talking about these people, and that leaves you with having to talk about predatory behaviour and horrible crimes, which I guess isn't the kind of topic the anons who want to discuss relentlessly when they could instead talk about some of the more wacky shit going on in the genres/spaces they're more likely to frequent/be close enough to hear about second-hand.

I was surprised though how the Gaiman stuff didn't really get talked about here much though, feels like it got successfully swept under the rug.

No. 2205831

Seeing the differences between fanart drawn by men versus fanart drawn by women is crazy sometimes, it's hard to tell if its from the same show and that they technically share the same fandom sometimes.
>big breasted women being moe boobily looking at the camera in a state of undress
>men in severe mental anguish cutting themselves and being angsty in surreal scenes

No. 2205947>>2205977>>2205996>>2206075>>2207143

File (hide): 1728853724514.jpeg (125.46 KB, 1024x974, IMG_8010.jpeg)

I find it fucking hilarious how this shit was sparked by a white person.

No. 2205966

Anon what’s with the random rant at the end? Nowadays the people who’re into yaoi are those same narcs who completely change the characters to their liking (BkDkfags are the worst and funniest examples of this)

No. 2205977>>2206259>>2206264>>2211297

>@ wear a damn mask
It's been four fucking years.

No. 2205996

imagine taking any opinion from an account that looks like this seriously

No. 2206075>>2206191>>2206254>>2206695>>2207143

Most people who participate in whitewashing discourse are white, from observation. Actual black people either stay out of fandom discourse altogether or speak out about actual racism.

No. 2206150

also he is fat

No. 2206191>>2206255>>2206257>>2207145

Black guys maybe. There is definitely white savior complex stuff at hand but you're underestimating how many black female zoomers are into retarded fandom discourse. Anyone familiar with 2020-2021 era art twitter will remember there was an entire clique of them that started drama 24/7.

No. 2206254

Black people stay out of it because most people immediately start being racist the minute someone says anything. Not because they don't care.

No. 2206255>>2206263>>2206341

>Black guys maybe
Wasn't there a whole thing recently where they doxed and sent a guy cp because of some anime rape scene?

No. 2206257

>you're underestimating how many black female zoomers are into retarded fandom discourse
Very true as unfortunate as it is.

No. 2206259>>2206322>>2206411>>2206429

Even if people don't have covid, people should still be wearing mask when they're out. The one thing I'm glad is somewhat normalized. Hate hearing assholes cough and not even attempt to cover their mouths.

No. 2206263>>2206291

Was there any proof of that? All I know is that the hackers are from some soyjack 4chan like place that apparently regularly does shit like doxxing and stalking, Chibi Reviews (the one that got hacked) seems like the kind of lolicon animu retard they usually target, I heard they also did it to the creepy incest loli fag Rev desu.

No. 2206264>>2206322

Bitch other countries have been doing this for YEARS. It’s a preventative measure that places like Japan has been doing forever. It should be common courtesy to wear a mask when you’re sick as to not fuck anyone else over. I’m personally not immunocompromised but I know people who are and it’s generally just cringe to be coughing and sneezing everywhere.

No. 2206291

Chibi, is polarizing in most anime communities, and people took advantage of his situation to make fun of him, but the doxxing came from some other 4chan offshoot. This is why I say most of the time Black people stay out of fandom drama, because all it takes is for one little thing and now they're "doxxers and sending cp" to people.

No. 2206322>>2206335>>2207069

This is the reason why your immune systems are weak as shit and you get sick all the time.

No. 2206335

I just said I’m not immunocompromised, the most I ever get is sinus infections kek. I don’t wear masks either but I get why people do.

No. 2206341

Idk about cp but chibi (allegedly) had little girls in his deviant art likes before his account was "hacked" by soyjak party

No. 2206411

Even when you’re not sick with anything? (Genuine question)

No. 2206429

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I agree masks should be worn when people are sick and normalised for allergies and stuff, but even in Japan persistent mask usage isn't the healthiest.

No. 2206455>>2206461>>2207021

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what i don’t understand is why so many antis love the incel pedo rapist murderer. being a dmcfag is pain, the fandom is infested with retarded zoomers.

No. 2206461>>2206493

why do zoomers always include their race in their carrds

No. 2206493>>2206508

As a zoomer who was once super into Twitter fandom hell, it’s because some people really really don’t want to follow white people. There would be a lot of “ask to follow/dni if white/cis/het” on carrds.

No. 2206508>>2207176

ime it's less that they don't want white people to follow them and more that they want white people to come begging in their dms to justify why they should be allowed to follow. insecure teenagers crave that power trip.

No. 2206687

>Moid cows are way more depressing

I guess you're right. It's more fun to laugh about an obviously wealthy woman who's pretending to be anything but that and playing up her race who even without all that is funny compared to moid number 38 who's accused of rape

No. 2206688

>. It honestly reminds me of the Assassin Creed drama
What drama? The Japanese Assassins creed game?

No. 2206691

I think it's healthier to interact with people outside of your echo chamber but unfortunately people who are in echo chambers become very weird and wouldn't have reached that stage if they had different opinions around them but when they eventually interact with someone 'different' they lash out completely.

I noticed the people in echo chambers are almost always unreasonable, especially on twitter. They have such a warped sense of view as well.

No. 2206695

>Most people who participate in whitewashing discourse are white

Maybe in the past like 2010s tumblr but not anymore, it's become a lot more common with nonwhite nerds who ironically used to lambast PC/woke/sjw fights during that time.

No. 2206699

>very weird choice to make the two of them brothers in an adaptation.

I agree but it's also really funny because these people defend adaptations changing anything and everything but are unable to articulate why this change is bad compared to other adaptations other than "muh representation" which isn't even a good argument anymore. Plenty of media nowadays has gay representation.

"it's disrespectful to the author because he's an oppressed gay man" damn that's crazy what happened to death of the author and separating art from artist? All of a sudden you have to respect every minute detail from the source material?

No. 2206713


>imagine if ethnic groups that made up less 2% of the entire population were the only representation in film and media, that's Bollywood

And crazy how Indians (idc if they're immigrants, 2nd gen or still in India) in fandoms never stop crying about representation in Hollywood media because these same people will never give a quarter of the criticisms they direct to Hollywood on Bollywood (or any of the other film industries in India). I honestly think these people should get bullied a bit more for their fixation

No. 2206747>>2206804

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I don't play this, but I've seen some posts about the event on my twitter. It seems to be going in a very clear direction so far, it wouldn't be surprising at this point for the character to be announced as trans

No. 2206756>>2206774>>2206794>>2206844>>2206984

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Maybe I sound like a cranky grandma and I don't mean things were necessarily better years ago, but they were different in a way that I miss. In the past, I contributed to scavenging material to supply databases and wikis in my fandoms that are still there to this day. Back when google translate was useless I had to go to autistic lengths to get a translation or find extra content of my interests. I was deep into two fandoms, I dropped one and I'm so close to dropping the second. I've been in this fandom for almost 2 decades. Beyond the media itself changing and evolving over the years, what really disappoints me is the fact that people don't seem to really care anymore. The forums, the niche websites, and the cons, all had their own issues, many of which I don't miss, but I felt most people genuinely liked the source material. I also have the feeling we used to be more self aware as fans in general, but somehow fandoms now act like they know the media better than the creators and insist on pushing their own visions into the rest of the fandom as well. Ofc these people always existed, but these discussions weren't a dogpiling contest and there used to be interesting theories and fun respectful conversations that could made.
I was part of the fandom because I genuinely loved the media. Finding people as into it as I was, was special to me. Aside from the handful of older fans I follow, nobody else is commenting on the details and content of the series, the part of the fandom who loved the media, the production, the details, the lore… are so dry and dead, it's only brought up when it's related to shipping in some way. Memes and fan interpretations were fine and fun until people got so lost in it that they wanted to push it into the source material, this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys and supports transformative fandom, but it used to be populated by people who at least consumed the source material, not someone who decided to guess what the content was about by shooting in the dark after seeing a snippet of the source material somewhere. I feel like I care too much about the series compared to the average fan. I'm back to being the weirdo who likes it too much again, only now I don't see much of a spot for my dumbass in the fandom anymore. Maybe this is my cue to accept I outgrew it all. It makes me sad, but complaining about it won't change a thing, I wonder if other anons relate. Did you drop fandoms you were part of for years?

No. 2206774>>2207943>>2208174

As a cosplayer of two decades, cosplay has been a pretty good indicator of the evolution of fandoms during my time. What started out as people in their homes sharing dinghy tutorials on basic wig styling or how to apply mod podge on soft foam evolved first into commercials for gaming companies, then softcore porn and finally an "aesthetic" you can buy from Aliexpress dropshippers. 15 years ago you could assume that people who cosplayed as a character actually knew and cared for the character and the series they spent their time making the costume from -I got so many life-long friends via meeting them through those shared fandoms that I'm in daily touch with to this day. Yet now when I go to a convention I only see cheap Chinese costumes being worn like rags and people just barely knowing the name of the character they're dressed up as, being only familiar with the "fandom version" they learned of through Tiktok memes and fandom wikis, not through personal experience and attachment. People openly post horny thirst traps and try to hit it big as an OF cosplay girl doing the same thing that every other OF cosplay girl is doing, even Kinpatsu gave up her legendary status crafter title to sell out as a dime a dozen costhot doing porn.

And honestly, at least personally I don't feel like I "outgrew" it, what "it" used to be just changed drastically in nature. Nobody really just gives a shit anymore. Everything has to revolve around social media numbers either through coom or a superficial one-note joke because neither requires that much of an investment into the source material, everyone is always getting ready to leave for the next FoTM so there's no point in settling down. You have to grow an exceptionally thick skin working on something for the fandom, be it a costume, fan art piece, translations, scans etc. only to see your hard work barely make rounds or reach even the like-minded because you're buried under loads of tourists and grifters who don't really give a shit about the community nor the fandom. I've been lucky enough to burrow myself into a hole with my current fandom where I can sperg about the canon autistically, come up with theories and enjoy genuinely appreciative fan works but I still have to dodge the bullshit that comes up every time I have to travel outside of my personal hugbox.

No. 2206794>>2206797>>2206798>>2206813>>2206840

I was in the South park fandom since i was 10 until i was 21. I even submitted my own yaoi art for the creek episode but it never got picked up sadly. It was really fun in the 00s because it was a female-only fandom and everyone was mostly self aware of how retarded it was, but we had fun with our headcanons and ships. We all treated it like it was a CBDCT show, like k-on for women. Nowadays you have to walk on eggshells because the new fanbase are extremely sensitive TIFs who have never watched the show and only consoom the fanfics and fanart. Kyle went from being potrayed as a tsundere with freckles and people fighting over him having blue, green or brown colors to him being potrayed as TIF lisa simpson and people fighting over kyman shipper being abusive. Like jesus its just a retarded show meant to be offensive and funny, how did it develop such a sensitive no-fun allowed fanbase?

No. 2206797

I made my first Tumblr blog for SP when I was 13 and even then I was surprised at how sensitive fans were considering its content. It's not as bad as today but seeing people freak out over Kyman and "sexualizing the boys" when the show does that and worse was so retarded. At least back then people didn't pretend SP was something that it's not but now I see gendie fans argue it's progressive when it's the pinnacle of fencesitter/centrist politics. Iirc was a tweet with 100K likes claiming the trans athlete episode was actually entirely pro-tranny and making fun of conservatives. I don't get SP fans these days, I really don't.

No. 2206798>>2206813>>2206840

>Like jesus its just a retarded show meant to be offensive and funny, how did it develop such a sensitive no-fun allowed fanbase?
This happens all the time and it genuinely perplexes me. Things that are based on insensitive and offensive language and humor develop a fanbase of extremely sensitive and politically correct teenagers infantilizing the characters and creators. It never made sense to me, when I had my edgy fandom phase at least I indulged in the edginess.

No. 2206804

I saw that quoted tweet, but if you look at the replies it turns out that it's been like that for a few months already, not for this specific event. It does seem weird for them to specifically exclude that bit, though. Personally I think the most they're gonna do is make him nonbinary or something. If he was meant to be a tranzgirl from the start, I think it would've made more sense to put the gender as female instead of "?" and then play out the backstory the same way, but idk

No. 2206813>>2206816

I think the uptight fans are overcompensating for the show's "muh troonphobia" accusations (and the fandom's legacy as a fujoshi haven to an extent.) Really they should just stop caring and post the shit they like.

No. 2206816

>and the fandom's legacy as a fujoshi haven to an extent.
I dont understand how you can be part of the south park without being a yume or fujo, there is nothing else to make a fandom about outside shipping and headcanons.

No. 2206840

>Like jesus its just a retarded show meant to be offensive and funny, how did it develop such a sensitive no-fun allowed fanbase?

I'm always amazed at how often this occurs. Like if something is known for being edgy why are there so many sensitive people that cry and shame people for enjoying the messed up parts or even anticipating and looking forward for it.

Do you have a specific fandom/show?

>teenagers infantilizing the characters and creators.

Always amazing to see, celebrity worship makes the whole thing even worse on twitter fandoms

No. 2206844>>2206852>>2207757

I dropped the Osomatsu-san fandom because it became so goddamn cancerous. I don't know if anyone here remembers Todokaras, but here's a video on her. Total degen even in a fanbase comprised of incest shipping. Then later on there was a lot of moralfagging over it and the fandom died down. It was an insanely popular series during the first cours, Pixiv even changed their logo to the matsu trees and held a fanart competition.

No. 2206852

Tbh I'm still a fan of the show. Now that it's died down I can casually enjoy it again. It sucks when a Fandom "dies" but at the same time enjoying it quietly is alright too. I'm hoping the same happens with anime in general because it becoming mainstream has been so terrible lol

No. 2206857>>2206864>>2206918>>2207034>>2207331

Mizuki will never be free of the trans girl allegations honestly regardless of what PJSK actually does. Any nuanced take on gender or any questioning the stereotypes you’re expected to live under as male/female gets you labeled trans to start with.

No. 2206864

It's so depressing that gender exploration and confronting gender roles has been turned into a landmine topic to put into your stories nowadays, especially as a woman. Like there's a huge chunk of human experience that we just can't talk about anymore in fiction without trannies destroying it. It's sad to think about.

No. 2206918>>2207007>>2207034

Exactly this. You see people do this song and dance with characters that are explictly otokonoko anyway. Troons already think a bajillion characters are trans(-coded) and that it's just Japan being transphobic as to why it's not canon. They are genuinely incapable of imagining someone being GNC without identifying as the opposite sex.

No. 2206984>>2207943

I've managed to find niche fandoms that still have the sort of atmosphere that used to be common, but it comes at a price. It has to be something that "nerds" would consider too "nerdy" for them.

No. 2207007

Because no matter what they do, their pursuit of progress will take several steps around until they're back where they started. Troons may hate these supposed conservatives and their trad values, but they do a pretty good job on turning every gnc women and man into the sex "they're suppose to be". God it sound gross how I typed that but it's true sadly.

No. 2207021

yeah but how does dmc have anything to do with shovel face moid in persona?

No. 2207034>>2207040

i don't follow pjsk but from what i could glean of the situation, mizuki's situation is almost a 1:1 parallel with makoto's from "senpai is an otokonoko" (guy who likes cute things crossdresses as a girl to avoid the stigma that comes with being gnc). unfortunately troons still argue to this day that makoto is a stunning and brave transwimmin and that japan is just too "backwards" to make it explicit (see >>2206918), even though the manga has never shied away from tackling progressive issues. i also feel like all this might come from the west having trouble grappling with japan's culture of suggestion/ambiguity and misconstruing what jp fans find to be plainly obvious just because it's not written black-on-white (in this case, that he's an otokonoko and not trans). unfortunately because of said culture of suggestion, i don't see them making it explicit one way or the other in pjsk either, even though their intentions are probably crystal clear to jp fans.

No. 2207040

Also what westerners don't understand is that anime tropes exist and that most anime characters fall into said tropes. It's like when they try to claim genki/boke type anime girls are actually adhd representation. They are so fucking retarded.

No. 2207059>>2207062

>his name is literally dorian
That makes no sense. There's nothing you can say to justify this stupid ass claim that's isn't
>adds context outside of the text

No. 2207062

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No. 2207069

I still wear masks for common courtesy in certain situations esp if I know I’ve been around sick people. However I’m literally naturally immune to covid and can’t fucking get it, I’m more scared of getting the flu which puts me on my ass for over a month. I run away from coughing people like a psycho cause I don’t want the flu or even a cold those viruses fuck me so hard, it’s weird that I apparently can’t catch Covid when other viruses fuck me over worse than anyone I know

No. 2207143>>2207196

I swear white liberals use black people as avatars or pawns for their politics. Most casting directors are white. The HAES people are white who love using black people to justify their obesity. They love using black characters or blackwashing charters in order to push their insane postmoeerint philosophies and who suffers? Black people. These blue hair pronoun freaks can take a shower and go back to their normal suburbs but now we have a nasty new negative stereotype in the 21st century. Fuck these people

No. 2207145>>2207158

artcow commentaries? probably hotep chicks

No. 2207158

Teachiko/Sa1ntcake/Cum_binary circle. There was basically an entire thread dedicated to them on here.

No. 2207176

literal raceplay fetish

No. 2207196


No. 2207331

Unironically, I talk about this all the time especially on here. Insane how men AND women will immediately label you as something you’re not because god forbid you don’t live under stereotypes. I will say though as a PJSKfag and a Mizufag, I sadly think there will never be a clear cut resolution to Mizuki’s arc. It’ll probably be left up to interpretation until the end of time and nothing will really change, which is all Mizuki wants anyways. Either way I’ll enjoy the focus on characters who aren’t Mafuyu for a change.

No. 2207719>>2207728>>2207750>>2208776

Why do they wanna blame straight women first, when if you want to see some real dogshit romance you look for het romances made by straight men. This is just spicy straight women getting mad at boring straight women lel.

No. 2207728

Those tend to be too bland to have fun critiquing

No. 2207740>>2207748>>2208324

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the insane bisexual m/f romance in question

No. 2207748>>2211301

Literally the only ship here that has merit to the discussion is Chloe and Lucifer.

No. 2207750

In my observation trying to write a pitch packet for my stories once you want to target for female demographic (and not the gendie spicy straight demographic) they really tighten your niche. Oh you want to write for women? It's gonna be romance, right? Of course it's gonna follow one of these 5 guaranteed hit template, yes? It's pretty bleak that in some sense gendie nonbinary faux-yaoi is more diverse in setting, message and themes even if they eventually got put in neat booktok boxes like enemies to lovers, found family, heist anyway.

No. 2207757

It's crazy how popular Osomatsu was back then and now literally no one talks about it anymore. Literally zero staying power. Especially since the fandom was fucking crazy.

No. 2207796

I agree that the female leads can be badly written, but it is not fixed by making them bisexual/being written by bisexuals. F/m romance is fucking straight, even if the characters are bi. Women of any orientation should be written better, not making them into sexist stereotypes or self insert Mary Sues.

No. 2207910

The Bell Jar is very well written but I absolutely recommend against reading it if you suffer from depression or have been in the past. It's the one book I've seen multiple people reignited a depressive period. It's almost evil.

moid cows are definitely more depressing

No. 2207918

probably because he's been discussed here before so the revelations weren't surprising

No. 2207943>>2209139

I see your point. I never cosplayed but watching from a distance I had a certain perception of the cosplay scene changing. I remember not knowing the character you were cosplaying being a laughable, but now it's just an outfit. It looked like it slowly evolved from a passion craft to a contest in which cosplayer is hotter.
As far as my part of the fandom, I used to draw fanart and contribute with interviews, magazine scans, catalogs, guides, and anything else I could. I stopped contributing a few years ago because it feels like nobody cares for any of that. I guess it's fine, I can't really convince anyone to care the same way I do, but then why even put in the effort? I know a tif on tumblr who acts as an authority on the series and gets so many things wrong, she didn't even consume the original media, she reads the wiki. Yet, she's super popular with the new fans and they take her word on everything. It's just a wild thing for me to watch. I feel part of me outgrew part of the fandom because my standards went up with time and experience, so I don't get as much as I used to from fanarts and fanfics. But maybe, at the same time, the fandom standards for fanart and fanfic also went downhill, probably a combination of both.

I was too shy even on the internet, I missed my chance to meet people when I was younger, so aside from the handful of acquaintances I follow, I feel isolated. It would be my 20th year in the fandom next year, but I honestly feel more estranged from it than ever before. Glad you got your inner circle to sperg though, but still too bad the rest of the fandom evolved to the mess we got today.
My issue is that I can only dedicate myself to fandom if I autistically fall in love with the media. They aren't even the best quality of media I consume, something simply fascinates me about them and I dive in. But that makes sense, that only very "nerdy" media would be able to gatekeep tourists.

No. 2208174

I'm 27 and not a cosplayer, nor have I been a follower of cosplayers, but I think as an "outsider" and "third party" I have absolutely noticed the way cosplay used to be a nerdy otaku hobby but now is just another hobby to exploit into soulless coom where men demand women make a patreon to sell themselves. It's so disheartening.

I read a statistic in an actual academic book that modern generations are having less sex than ever and it doesn't shock me at all, I put it down to the way younger girls are traumatised by coomer moids invading their interests before those girls even hit puberty. A random example of something that I remember pissing me off was when I was 16/17 the anime Kill La Kill aired, I saw a lot of men encouraging girls and women to cosplay the coomer outfits. It felt malicious especially since feminism was gaining traction back then and there was a big pushback against it from moids (in fact I remember reading comments from men confused why there were so many coomer cosplays), there were even a bunch of otaku "Cool Girls" who were constantly posting shit revolving around "Kill La Kill is the best. Thank you Kill La Kill" and mocking their younger teen followers for being upset about it. I hate it all tbh and I'm not even anti-sex but none of this shit respects women's humanity. I went to a con recently and a girl was wearing one of these KLK coomer cosplayers and every time I crossed paths with her I saw some wardrobe malfunction where a body part was on display, I felt a part of myself shrivel up and die out of second hand embarrassment each time, she looked so mentally checked out too. Ngl I ended up hating men a little bit each time I saw her dressed up like that.

Not blackpill because I've had normie male friends in my life who are disgusted with hypersexual culture (and even have felt disheartened to make something because they don't want their male audience to turn their creations into a fetish), but I do put it down to these coomer moids turning everything into porn that girls grow up to become basically asexual/inhibited and have no hobbies because they're afraid of it getting turned into degrading porn or horror. Like how many young female fans were there of MLP? And how many accidentally watched Cupcakes?

No. 2208324>>2208334>>2208441>>2209656

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Why do people feel need to turn them bi? it isn't necessarily gonna change the fact it's straight? There was this one video made by a guy claiming sailor moon and tuxedo mask's relationship is inherently queer because…Usagi simped for one of the sailors (might I add was very male presenting)? No offense but that is a reach if I'd ever seen one.

No. 2208334

Disregard anything this retard says.

No. 2208407>>2208433>>2208449

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Couldn’t tell if this is more suited for ugly man psyop, sexism in video games, or here but has anyone else here seen this balding retard oozing with estrogen lately? It’s always ugly men who are against sexualized depictions of hot men kek. He’s also a pedo that cheered on Iran for lowering its age of consent, put this faggot on a plantation.

No. 2208433

motherfucker looks like a drowning victim

No. 2208441>>2208449

When did men start parroting tumblr talking points
Everyone is gay so you can feel morally good about it
literally that's it

No. 2208449

Aren't some men seething over LaDs for being more "risqué" than their literal coombait waifu stimulators?
So they can hide their literal lesbian fetish behind woke doors. Better yet, they troon out for good measure.

No. 2208776>>2208787

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I know there’s a valid argument to be made for badly written women but I can’t take it completely seriously when you consider picrel. I think female characters tend to go under much more scrutinization compared to even cardboard cut out male characters.

No. 2208787>>2209069

This particular ship (KazuTomo) is the dumbest one to bring up as a "gotcha" against people talking about straight ships not having enough substance for an interesting fic. This "Kazuha's friend" or as the fandom calls him, Tomo, is a dead NPC who was a significant part of Kazuha's background being shown as a gentle soul fond of cats and who he journeyed together for a long time, only to end up in Tomo's tragic death that Kazuha witnessed. The emotional effect he as a person had on Kazuha's character is a key part of Kazuha's story, so their relationship being told posthumously (and his spirit ending up saving Kazuha from beyond the grave in the story) and his character specifically being left just vague enough for people to speculate on what he could've been inspire a lot of people to write their own interpretations in fanfic form based on the hints given by the official canon making it a sort of a Lost Lenore trope. A character like this is a very different context from something like a badly written, annoying quintessential straight relationship where the entirety of the emotional labor of the relationship is being carried by woman while the man sees him as nothing but a pretty girl he likes because she's pretty.

No. 2209069

>Nameless character
>Described as a gentle soul who likes cats, the rest is vague/left up to interpretation etc.
>Anything about this character mostly revolves around Kazuha
If you used this for a female character, they wouldn’t have as much interest and would likely be criticized for being too revolved around a male character. Maybe talking about two characters with barely anything to do with each other like the Regulus+James crackship would be a better example of what I’m talking about; something based squarely on headcanon with no substance in text whatsoever.

No. 2209139

Is that why some people get mad at the “wrong” type of people wearing cosplay?

No. 2209235>>2209256

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Not sure what’s the appropriate thread for this, just wanted to bitch about this, mainly with how artists portray boys/girls in general
>male (14 year old) Katara looking way older than her own older brother and gaining Mako’s eyebrows
>female Aang’s proportions stay mostly the same so male Katara looks bizarrely older for whatever reason
>Of course fandom eats this up because it’s everyone’s favorite dynamic of uwu small girl x sexy older moid
Was also gonna mention female Aang’s hair length, but just remembered female monks in ATLA still grow their hair long but shave their hairline while the male monks simply shave themselves bald, which is just retarded when IRL monks of both genders shave their heads bald. The moid creators were really too threatened by the idea of women with fully shaved heads kek

No. 2209256

I knew I wasn't the only one who actually didn't like that particular piece. The art by itself is fine, this person can clearly draw. They problem is, like you said, creativity but not enough accuracy. The only Katara thing about that male version are the hair loopies, and that's a little sad. Also kekking at you pointing out that the creators were too pussy to depict fully bald women. These are the same dudes who wouldn't let Katara have her own statue in LOK, so making Yangchen have hair even though she's a monk doesn't surprise me.

No. 2209623>>2209889

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I can't until it's legal to drag these people through the streets tied to a horse.

No. 2209656>>2209661>>2210083

Fandoms are actually making me homophobic.

No. 2209661

It's straight people pulling 90% of the queerio shit.

No. 2209677>>2209690>>2209706>>2209939

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I hope the entire media literacy crowd dies and goes to hell.

No. 2209690

>see other people having fun
This is it. This is basically the explanation.

No. 2209706

You know how people say that using big words can be a sign of intelligence? I'd argue that it can be a sign of at least social retardation. If you can't clearly summarize why you don't like yaoi without using a dumb word salad that looks like it was written by some teenage, wannabe psychologist, I'm just going to think you're annoying.

No. 2209810>>2209822>>2209824>>2209859>>2209867>>2209890>>2209902>>2209956>>2209957>>2210083>>2210090>>2210340>>2210450>>2210702

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Without reading why do you think Japanese media is so popular worldwide

No. 2209822>>2209893

They shit out like 20 shows every season while western animation maybe releases 6 ugly shows every 2 years and half of them get canned after the first season. If you shit out so much of a thing its bound to be become popular eventually, like kpop.

No. 2209824>>2209951

Why did they choose Goku doing the "no bitches" face for their headline pic kek. Anyway I'm guessing it's because muh based anti woke Japan.

No. 2209859


No. 2209867>>2209904>>2209918

>Detailed artwork with eye-catching, attractive character designs with expressive eyes
>Ambitious and/or edgy plotlines with many different characters
>Intense emotions that are expressed often in an over the top fashion that suits the cartoon medium
>Immersive storytelling and dialogue meant for adult reading
>Multiple different genres to pick from with varying art styles
>Beautiful, detailed backgrounds that aren't just 3D assets slapped on
inb4 reee there are shitty juvenile animes too I fucking know, but when we're comparing anime to western cartoons these are the things that set them apart. Western animation is autistic about framerates and fluid animation which is why the character designs tend to be extremely simplified so that they're easier to animate and keep form, while anime sacrifices motion for detailed character design. It's a very distinct and seemingly small difference, but it creates a huge difference in what each medium focuses on. I also believe that "adult animation" in the west is still heavily focused on sex jokes and comedy while ambitious projects don't get picked up or are cancelled due to the lack of funding, or meddled to shit by the stakeholders. I often wonder about if dogshit like High Guardian Spice would've become a legend on par with Avatar or Steven Universe if the series was actually given a chance with good writing.

No. 2209889

Project Sekai was a mistake

No. 2209890>>2209894>>2209925

For one anime rarely forces agendas down the viewer's throats.

No. 2209893

This, there's also more variety n genre despite people complaining about isekai. Cartoons have pushed themselves into a niche of either "for children adventure comedy" or "for adult edgy comedy".
Cartoons also take longer to make and have chunks of hiatus where it's just the same episode on repeat for a couple of weeks. Anime doesn't have that problem, 1-2 cour thrown out, sometimes split cour.
I think something else is that, since they're adoptions, they are able to build up hype with chapters constantly coming out weekly/monthly.

No. 2209894

You can't be serious.

No. 2209902

Because they're fun and don't assume the audience is braindead. When I was a kid the cartoons I could watch on tv made for my age range were either shitty episodic shows that assumed all kids and teens are braindead toddlers, or anime about lots of different characters, stories, etc. that had cool action scenes, stakes and made you want to see what would happen in the next episode as soon as possible. My country had anime earlier than the US, so gen X was also getting into anime when they were fairly young and I'm sure they also have similar opinions on the matter. When you're 12 years old what do you want to watch on TV, some shitty ugly American cartoon trying to sell you some garbage plastic toys, or a slightly censored version of City Hunter?

No. 2209904>>2209919

>I also believe that "adult animation" in the west is still heavily focused on sex jokes and comedy
True. Anime is also infamous for having too many sex jokes, but at least it often tries to have a pretty art style and tell a serious story in between. A lot of Western “adult” animated shows these days have the (intentionally ugly?) Rick and Morty–esque art style and make a point of being satire/irony and not taking themselves seriously. Obviously there are exceptions to this. I haven’t watched many Western animated shows, so take this with a grain of salt.

No. 2209918

>"adult animation" in the west is still heavily focused on sex jokes and comedy while ambitious projects don't get picked up or are cancelled due to the lack of funding, or meddled to shit by the stakeholders
Every adult animation in the past 10 years has been Rick & Morty or Family Guy. I can't understand how Brickleberry got reincarnated into 3 different shows and big mouth has won multiple awards, but somehow every other attempt at (good) shows has been canned after 1 season

No. 2209919>>2209950>>2210102

File (hide): 1729111588631.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1179x2031, animation.jpeg)

Here’s a good explanation from someone on Reddit.

No. 2209925>>2209945

Maybe to more casual watchers the agenda isn't as obvious. Darling in the Franxx and SpyxFamily is FOTM normie-popular breeding propaganda and so many animes get criticized for pushing/glorifying Japanese imperialism in one form or another (Attack on Titan, Hetalia, even Demon Slayer Tanjiro's earrings, etc). Not to mention all the lolishit "kids can be sexy" and "women exist to be coombait" angles that over-saturate the medium.

No. 2209939>>2209959>>2211312>>2214237

I don’t like how people insist you have to “consume media with a critical lens” and “acknowledge its flaws.” Why can’t I just enjoy the story without obsessing over the morality as though I’m writing a high school English essay?

No. 2209945

Spy x Family was a meme retards took way too seriously and Tanjiro's earrings are based off of cards of flowers, not the imperial flag.

No. 2209950>>2209959>>2209966>>2209968>>2210102

Adults in the west have been conditioned so much into the cartoons = for children mindset that adult cartoons have to be ironic or people will feel uncomfortable and insecure for liking something "meant for children" unironically. Cartoons are for kids, so if they were used as a medium to convey an adult story that wasn't just crude sex jokes and playing on the comedy of it being a children's medium doing adult things they would immediately find it uncanny. It's so strange how it happened because when my late silent generation grandpa was in his 20's cartoons were an adult thing, then it just became a children's thing for some reason.

No. 2209951>>2209991>>2213782>>2215310

>. Anyway I'm guessing it's because muh based anti woke Japan.
Unironically I think that's a big part. In non-English spaces people complain about diversity and representation. Netflix changing a straight character to be gay, racebending characters etc etc
There's way more vitriol about this stuff in non-English communities.
Anime doesn't care, even when you have a gay or "poc" character, it's not smug it feels almost natural at times. The stories you find are far more than what American media has been offering for the past 10 years

Rings of Power is a laughing stock because of it's elves for example but the current crop of people in American media can't and won't understand that.

No. 2209956>>2209958>>2209964>>2210321

File (hide): 1729113228182.png (71.41 KB, 925x297, Screenshot 2024-10-17 001145.p…)

Never would have expected that to be the reason

No. 2209957

There’s pretty much something for everyone and it’s easy to get into with sites like MAL
>fightfag shit for tween boys and old mexican dudes
>2deep4u shit
>romance shit specifically for women (in straight and gay flavors)
>romance shit specifically for men
>moeblob shit for lolicons
>mahou shoujo shit for GURL POWER tumblr chicks
>ghibli shit for boring normies
Even my mom likes some anime like Erased and adolescence of Utena.

No. 2209958>>2209964

File (hide): 1729113273834.png (37.49 KB, 891x173, Screenshot 2024-10-17 001241.p…)

No. 2209959>>2209962>>2209963>>2209968

Unironically they just hate fun and it's also the easiest way to make yourself look like a intelligent and good person to fellow retards. Of course, when it's something they like put on blast they claim unintelligent shit like death of the author or they um acktually everything. Bucket of boring, retarded crabs.

I think it was Hanna Barbera and toys companies' doing because animated movies like Plague Dogs and When the Wind Blows were recieved really well, although those were both British films so maybe it's something that's been going on in America for longer.

No. 2209962

They're also mentally ill and this is how they justify their obsessive thoughts/anger issues about stuff that doesn't even matter.

No. 2209963>>2209967

I remember it wasn't just an issue with cartoons either, iirc the guy behind sesame street tried pretty damn hard for puppets to not just be a kid thing but ended up failing on that front.

No. 2209964>>2209974

What a retard. People will scream from the rooftops exactly why they've abandoned western media but they will still manage to delude themselves into thinking it's something else.

No. 2209966>>2209969

For what it’s worth I feel like this has changed a fair amount with the advent of streaming, Castlevania sticks out as a big one for ‘western animation specifically for adults that isn’t a comedy’.

No. 2209967

Honestly video games are the only time they succeeded at getting away from the ‘only for kids’ zone by making a bunch of super edgy games.

No. 2209968>>2209982>>2209988>>2213792

File (hide): 1729113881693.jpg (59.99 KB, 365x500, 51yhsBgjafL.jpg)

Believe it or not there was a time adult animation was mainstream in the USA and even released in theaters. I think americans became more sensitive over the years, shit like coonskins wouldn't be able to be on theaters across the country today.

No. 2209969

Even then, Castlevania is a Japanese video game series and they still managed to americanize the animated series, just based on the first season when I watched it. Not saying it was bad, but if a Japanese studio made the adaptation for a Japanese audience the result would have been very different imo.

No. 2209974

Eh, I don’t even think people have when you look at the numbers Hollywood movies are doing
I think people just don’t bother with western serialized series much anymore.

No. 2209982>>2209994>>2209997

Kek you are retarded for bringing Fritz the Cat into this. It was such a racist & pornsick piece of media.

No. 2209988>>2209994

Wasn't Fritz sort of already in the zone of "look at this fucked up cartoon!!! it has sex and boobies!!!!"

No. 2209991>>2210003

Most of the "wokifying" is just rage bait to generate controversy so that people will hatewatch it and talk about it more. Like the Velma series was absolutely the way it was just so that everyone would make seething videos about how horrible and offensive it is, even if it was out of spite people still watched it and added to the bottom line. That's why it got greenlit for a second season while genuinely good pieces of storytelling are cancelled after the pilot.

No. 2209994

It doesn't matter because the movie being to your liking wasn't my point in the slightest. It was just to show theatrical adult animation in the USA used to be a thing during the 70s and 80s.
It was marketed that way but it's meant to be a criticism of 70s hippie culture. Ralph Bakshi did other movies like Wizards, Fire and Ice and American pop that are all different genres too. I feel like one of the main reasons people dont like animation anymore because its either all comedy or extremely watered down fantasy adventure for children. It also doesn't help that movies and cartoons are seen as products and investments and not as pieces of art.

No. 2209997>>2210032

NTA but I'm pretty sure it was just an example of acknowledged adult animation kek

No. 2210003

NTA but it was greenlit for two seasons before being made to speed up production. It got cancelled in the past week so I don't think hate watching did anything kek.

No. 2210032

Yeah, some anons are extremely sensitive. Anyways another example is heavy metal(althought its canadian) and starchaser. Seeing western adult animation go from space operas and epic fantasy to crappy comedies animated with the budget of a bag of rice is sad. As much as i like 90s adult animation, i wish they had done more with the medium. At least nowadays we have some hidden gems like Primal that pay homage to older adult animated movies like fire and ice.

No. 2210083>>2210100>>2210252

I will never be homophobic becuase most lesbians and gay guys are chill. It's the bihets and straights that make the lgb community look bad.
It's one of the few mediums where men are allowed the same amount of "attractiveness" as women which entices burnt out yumes who are sick of every man in modern disney movies looking like they're cut from the ugly tree.

No. 2210090>>2210102

Think of it this way: The bar is already in hell and the anime blob conglomerate manages to beat it while western animation struggles regardless. There's a zillion essays as to why some people are confused that the anime moeblob slop industry is a load of crap (which it is) but nobody wants to actually go out there and make cool interesting stories with characters all kinds of individuals will actually want to take their time getting invested in without virtue signaling about it, and when they do, execs won't actually fund those ideas either. It's the same thing with manga and by extension western comics in my opinion. You can't 'force' people to care, you have to make them care.

No. 2210100>>2210104>>2210106>>2210669>>2214055

File (hide): 1729117569640.jpeg (178.9 KB, 1179x1034, jjk.jpeg)

>It's one of the few mediums where men are allowed the same amount of "attractiveness" as women
Not completely related, but that reminded me of this comment about men seeming upset about the sex reversal of fan service in JJK.

No. 2210102

There's actually a really interesting video I watched a while back that breaks down just how and why American and Japanese animation ended up in such different places. If you're interested in the topic, think the whole video is worth a watch.

No. 2210104

men are such pussies jjk guys arent even that hot

No. 2210106

They are the ones who abandoned shonen manga to chuck their money at coomslop gacha and get mad when the magazines increasingly cater to the female audience that stayed and still support their business.

No. 2210133>>2210154>>2210180>>2210201>>2210235>>2211467

File (hide): 1729118417445.jpeg (944.1 KB, 3072x1927, uA6cm0t.jpeg)

This shit is so fucking retarded. This movie is going to tank so goddamn hard and I can't wait. The casting choices were AWFUL to begin with but picrel actually baffled me. The original poster is so iconic, is she really so braindead she thought no one would edit it to look the same? And to say it's more offensive than AI art or people sexually harassing her….

No. 2210154>>2210203

>we communicate with our eyes
Or, you know, other facial expressions like a smile.
I can't even tell what she's trying to convey in the official poster. She just looks like she's staring at you with a blank expression. The fan edit at least has some semblance of emotion since she's smiling even though her eyes are covered.

No. 2210180

Celebrities are so fucking weak and unlikable now.

No. 2210201

These people really need managers to handle their social media. I can totally understand being on the edge after being slapped in the face with horrific racist shit for a role you probably were really looking forward to playing and only being treated as a diversity hire and nothing else to the point you freak out over a poster that is clearly made as a homage to the original iconic one, not to intentionally hide your face for racist purposes. That's why you shouldn't be allowed to broadcast your every reaction online as a celebrity, they really need handlers to make sure that they calm down before causing a PR disaster.

No. 2210203

She's not communicating anything. Mild amusement/smugness/neutral.
>right down the barrel of the camera to you, the viewer
Why is she acting like that's groundbreaking kek

No. 2210235>>2210659

The entire cast for the movie is so ugly, it's unreal.

No. 2210252>>2210271

Gay moids are always worse than straight ones take the yaoi goggles out.

No. 2210271>>2210395

>The moids who systematically rape women and girls are better
They both suck take the pickme goggles off.

No. 2210321

The irony is that all of the biggest anime from the 5 years don’t fit the “happy ever after” shtick

Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer

No. 2210340

>Tons of content to pick and choose from with new stuff coming out every season
>High production values on a lot of big recent anime
>Diverse enough genres to capture a lot of different audiences/tastes

No. 2210395

Delusional if you think gay moids don't do the same.

No. 2210450>>2210455>>2210465>>2210496>>2210501>>2210704>>2210716>>2210727

somewhat related, I recently tried watching netflix lora craft and the animation was so fucking bad, like I really don't care what changes they made to her character or not, but the animation was painful to watch and I stopped watching after episode 2, moids won't watch it because it doesn't have coomer design and no matter how many wokies claim it's good on social media to counter the RWers, they won't even watch it either, so the end product is poorly animated 8 episodes of crap, with good reviews but no one actually watches it, there might a second season (since most of these shows are contracted for one) and then it's cancelled and that has been the trajectory of most western animated shows since the streaming model took over

No. 2210455

You'd think these big studios would try to learn from massive indie hits like hazbin and tadc and try to learn a thing or two about what the market wants from western animation.

No. 2210465>>2210713

File (hide): 1729132117941.jpeg (35.14 KB, 783x391, images - 2024-10-17T132733.203…)

Why is it animated like an old JL movie? We're supposed to be past this.

No. 2210496>>2210539

Neat, so they did give her guns. Just so tired of archers already.

No. 2210501

this is probably getting off-topic, but imo it's really clear to me that a lot of the animators working on shows with similar styles are very uncomfortable/unfamiliar with drawing in a more realistic style or getting more realistic movement timings down right– anime is well know for often being animated on lower frame rates (on twos or threes rather than ones for example) for large portions of episodes (especially if you study animation, this will often be pointed out as a key difference between western and japanese animation on a more technical level, ignoring the fact that western animation being on majority ones hasn't really been the norm for ages kek), yet it's not always obvious because their animators are very practised in keying poses within those restraints. Western animation studios primarily work with simpler designs and actions, with many artists within the industry being unimpressive draughtsman compared to those in other countries (eg french). It's kind of one of the major benefits of the 'calarts' style family, it's very easy to draw and works well for the sitcom-style shows that encompass most western animation. Castlevania, for example, had some great pieces of animation done by a few select animators, and then many other scenes would be quite wonky and off-model/poorly drawn, even though the characters were just standing still with some moth-flap animation for talking.

The streaming model with short seasons and odd production practices also doesn't help, as it doesn't allow time for boarders (since these shows are pretty much never animated in-house) to get properly familiar with the character designs and animation methods (this is why you might notice quality bumps in long-running series, it's not necessarily because more budget but usually just plain practice and familiarity).

No. 2210539

the guns show up for a little bit, she's mostly using a bow

No. 2210659

I didn't want to be the one to say it but you're right. It makes me feel like an idiotic twitter rightoid but I think they really only cast for le diversity points, none of them fit and they all look terrible.

No. 2210669>>2210723>>2210794

Didn't jjk literally have a tentacle rape scene in episode one? I dropped it after that.

No. 2210702

Honestly I think it's less deep than most nonnies seem to think. Anime is popular because it bridges the gap between children's media and adult media. When you're 12-13 and you're a little too old to keep watching the same cartoons you used to love, but a bit too young to really start getting into shows for a more mature audience, anime is right there to fill that void. Yeah, Western media does have shows aimed at teenagers like those live action Nickelodeon shows, but anime has the advantage of being in a medium that is already well within any young teen's comfort zone. Being part of your formative years also means that anime sticks with you well into adulthood, so that's another advantage for anime vs Western animation.

No. 2210704>>2210714

The character designs just feel so.. unappealing. It feels like they tried to mimic the Castlevania animation but didn't understand what makes that show so attractive to watch.

No. 2210713

This style was such a mistake
DC’s animated movies before the “new 52” animated verse were so much better
MCU-wanna be bs

No. 2210714>>2210717>>2211168

File (hide): 1729156107131.jpeg (853.56 KB, 1170x1473, IMG_7156.jpeg)

Castlevania looks better
This looks so stiff

No. 2210716>>2210717

> no matter how many wokies claim it's good on social media to counter the RWers, they won't even watch it either, so the end product is poorly animated 8 episodes of crap, with good reviews but no one actually watches it,

Why does this describe almost everything made by these types of people.
Endless praise for parroting twitter talking points that tumblr wrote 10 years ago

We will never escape this cycle

No. 2210717>>2211168

ayrt, and that's definitely part of it. There's something else that looks off too and I can't really put my finger on it. The lips feel somehow too prominent, but the stiffness I think makes the fact they tried to give her some muscle so much worse. It just looks bad.
Because despite claiming they don't, they live in the epitome of a privileged echo chamber

No. 2210723>>2210794>>2211313

Wait, could someone confirm this? My friend really wants me to watch it

No. 2210727>>2210734

I'm surprised to find out this was animated by a studio from Texas and not outsourced to Korea. And the same studio that did Castlevania at that (which looked a lot better…) Some shows that do this more mature style really do it poorly, Invicible looks like dogshit

No. 2210734>>2210753

>studio from Texas
its animated by powerhouse studios that does outsource its work to korea

No. 2210753

Western studios really do not animate jackshit anymore huh

No. 2210794>>2210802

No? I can't even think of a scene that coumd be mistaken as that.

No. 2210802>>2210811>>2211455

File (hide): 1729164529498.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.08 KB, 700x394, jujutsu-kaisen-episode-1-anime…)

There is no rape scene and no tentacles.
There is a split second scene with the first monster they come across that holds the mc's female classmate hostage and basically gropes her? Pic related.

No. 2210811

It's so short and forgettable I didn't even remember the character herself. In terms of fanservice with female characters I can't think of anything in the anime, but then in the manga there's Uro and Yorozu being naked but they still do normal stuff instead of posing. I wonder how they're censor the flashback with Yorozu in the anime.

No. 2210875>>2211094>>2211310

File (hide): 1729171757412.png (768.05 KB, 1052x734, IMG_5244.png)

he would not say that

No. 2210984>>2211023>>2211025>>2211026>>2211080>>2211135>>2211146>>2211158>>2211318>>2211524

a bit off topic but what is your suggestion for an appealing western animated show? Every adult show nowadays either tries to be like rick and morty looks like a young justice rip off with wors animation.

No. 2211023>>2211025

I'd love an animated series that faithfully adapts classic books like the World Masterpiece Theater anime did back in the day, just with prettier designs. Couldn't get into Anne of Green Gables because she looked to ugly. Loved their Pollyanna and Heidi, but I wish they did the Jane Austen books.
On a different view I think most people these days are looking for content that is long running or doesn't end and I'd hate to write a story like that because it'd fall right into the worst writing tropes of not having an ending in mind.
But I just want more animated romances. Not comedy with shipping, an actual romance story where the drama is caused by a 3rd party that's not relationship misunderstandings.

No. 2211025

but the point is that they all fail, so they need to realize that the formula clearly doesn't work

No. 2211026

Venture bros.

No. 2211080

i'm kind of confused by what you mean, but there are a lot of cartoons with great animation and art styles, so i wouldn't mind more mature shows that take inspiration from art directors like glen murakami, genndy tartakovsky, derrick wyatt (RIP), christy karacas (ballmastrz had some pretty cool sequences), and bruce timm to name a few. i would like some sword and sorcery inspired shows, whether it be high or low fantasy (maybe actual adaptations of short stories), but with less tacticool, modernized looks like dragon prince and that vox show. more like frank frazetta, ken kelly, and michael whelan kind of aesthetic.
but are you also asking for recommendations? there are a ton of great cartoons with a more mature appeal, i think.

No. 2211094

Gogeta would be transphobic and call trannies fags while being like "please don't rape my ass!".

No. 2211135

Probably impossible but a show without quips.

No. 2211146

Oh, everyone is giving constructive criticism for future shows. I thought you were asking for recommendations

No. 2211158>>2211165>>2211169>>2211203

Be about literally anything just not a comedy. Even indie projects are mostly X genre-comedies, can anyone be sincere about something?

No. 2211165

And not satire/irony

No. 2211168

NTA but I think it could be the neck. Everything else is pretty anime-proportioned and elongated and then her neck (at least in this screencap) is so short in comparison.

No. 2211169>>2211183

This, or about their daddy issues. Inside Job was such a waste of an amazing concept.

No. 2211183>>2211209>>2211235

I think that aspect is an issue with comedy in general since it mostly became about talking yourself, and it's just not interesting or really funny, like I don't care if you have daddy issues unless it's absurdly bad and it's usually not.

No. 2211203>>2211220>>2211227>>2211245

File (hide): 1729189849087.jpeg (190.96 KB, 1000x1250, IMG_0067.jpeg)

>can anyone be sincere about something?
Yeah. It’s called cringe by most of this website kek.
Tbh the fact it did well is probably a good sign for adult western animation.

No. 2211209>>2211217

File (hide): 1729190019249.jpg (53.42 KB, 736x736, 1000018510.jpg)

Beth's daddy issues with Rick was honestly boring to me because from what I remember, it's every story of a father walking out on raising their kid and just generally not being there for them. It's more interesting to watch Inside Job's rundown of Reagan's daddy issues with Rand because it's interesting to watch just how much he played an active role in fucking her up because of his psychotic takes. He didn't walk out, he raised Reagan because he cares about Reagan. But because he is a sociopath, he loves her to the maximum capacity and design that a sociopath can, and it's played with more creatively than Rick and Morty.

No. 2211217>>2214152

This, plus Rick's treatment of Beth always got narratively handwaved by the same "oh but he cares about her really!" excuse over and over again, which is just boring and cliché. Beth herself was a much more interesting dysfunctional parent. The scene where she's asked to choose which of her kids she wants to save and she just goes "SUMMER" without a second thought made me kek.

No. 2211220>>2211229

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>the fact it did well is probably a good sign for adult western animation.

No. 2211227>>2211233>>2211236

>adult western animation
Hazbin Hotel is a children’s show

No. 2211229

I mean, there is a chance that more varied shows with artstyles that aren’t copying Family Guy Rick & Morty Bojack Horseman will show up, that’s what I meant.

No. 2211233

It literally isn't. Mentally and creatively, yes.

No. 2211235

The only time i have seen it done well is in Venture Bros, where it's actually very brief or entertaining.

No. 2211236

Last time I checked it had adult themes and everyone swore like sailors, it just is hopeful and cheerful and everyone overacts like retards in it.

Hmm, maybe they’re right, maybe the world of adult animation should remain cynical and sarcastic, because if it weren’t then people like you would say all animation is for children since it’d inevitably have a kiddy fanbase if it weren’t drab, depressing and self deprecating.

No. 2211245>>2211251>>2211284

I genuinely don't get the hate hazbin gets. It's so harmless compared to garbage like family guy.

No. 2211251>>2211272>>2211281

Retards and chirstcucks properly.

No. 2211272

you sound underage

No. 2211281

This is funny to read because I couldn’t help but notice how actually christian-friendly the show is… it even has a moral lesson for each episode. Angel Dust going through rehab, Vaggie being an angel that protects those she loves, admitting you suck and you need to better yourself… kek. Its use of the mythos is also completely detached from actual abrahamic texts.

No. 2211284

It's made by a woman so there's your reason.

No. 2211285>>2211302

Imo Hazbin Hotel was a step up, but just a step up. It still fell for the quippy "not too sincere, noy too serious, not too evil" dialogue spot that western animation and similar properties fall into.
Still better off than other shows despite not being my cup of tea.

No. 2211297

Must be nice not being allergic to Spring.

No. 2211301

>Chloe and Lucifer
I'm sad that season 6 broke down all they have done because "a baby always fix a couple!".

No. 2211302>>2211309

It also had Vivzepop's daddy issues sprinkled in as with her other works.

No. 2211309>>2215335

At least she made the dad hot so i can forgive her.

No. 2211310

File (hide): 1729192921084.jpg (19.46 KB, 717x315, 72189da8ffc4d5e702434732207341…)

>Using characters from a country where gay people's sexuality cannot be taken seriously, less would a tranny being taken seriously without the "Yes, but then you'll have to marry a man/woman and have kids like a normal person" expectation.
Why are twitterfags like that?

No. 2211312>>2212197

The best insights I saw are usually from people that like such low effort media and have accounts dedicated to them but once in a blue moon they write a scathing critique about a show or book that's trying too hard to be intellectual.

You can enjoy stuff for what it is even if it's just mindless fun. Not everything is a nefarious propaganda but almost all media has some sort of thought put into it. SpyxFamily I think to most people is a very innocent show but a lot of people see it as a propaganda show to encourage young people (Japanese) people to get married and have kids

No. 2211313

No I don't remember anything half as intense
It might have had a tentacle looking monster trashing around and causing havoic

I promise you if that was more of a reoccurring theme, the fans would have ran wild with it. JJk fanbse is a hub of generates anyway

No. 2211318>>2213799

If it's an adaptation of something, tie the hands of the showrunners and tell them to not be stupid (Black Jimmy Olsen) if they're itching to do something original with an IP then just let them do something original that won't invoke the wrath of fans.

Be sincere and fun. Hazbin and Helluva Boss are both it's cringe to some and I know some people get triggered by some aspects but it's sincere and doesn't feel like there's a DEI person breathing down the Viz' neck telling her to make characters gay.

It's also fun. Fun doesn't mean that it's silly, Attack on Titan is fun but it's not lighthearted with slapstick comedy.

I think Western media just doesn't know how to tell a story not cloaked in a self righteous message they ripped off from tumblr/twitter/tiktok. There's nothing wrong but they need to widen their literacy to more than just viral tweets. No one wants to feel like they're getting lectured

No. 2211368>>2211378>>2211389>>2211390>>2211406>>2211628

File (hide): 1729196147851.png (28.38 KB, 493x235, she was talking about how she …)

>Furries shitting on fujos again

No. 2211375>>2211379

Given how recent and obscure bluesky is should I expect the userbase to be very terminally online and somehow worse than twitter?

No. 2211378>>2211383>>2211397>>2212832

Furries acting like they have a moral highground over fujos is an interesting thing to watch, because from knowing how furries often operate, the context is basically the insinuation that gay moid sex is worse than actual zoophilia or wanting to fuck anthropomorphic animals.

No. 2211379>>2211384

What's bluesky?

No. 2211383

It's just a projection thing, same way they sometimes try and start shit with lolicons (that doesn't go anywhere since moids are way harder to bully online).

No. 2211384

It's twitter 2.0, made by the guy who created twitter and who was working on it until Elon bought it and changed it for the worse.

No. 2211389>>2211392

Because furries claim to be queer and sex positive while the icky fujos are sex negative terfs imposing their heteronormativity on the poor little gay bois (kek)

No. 2211390>>2211392

jesus christ how derranged. Friendly reminder these poeple never bully male lolicons and coomers.

No. 2211392>>2211402

File (hide): 1729196953450.png (384.92 KB, 413x618, whos-gonna-explain-this-at-ubi…)

How can fujos be sex negative when we're into guro kek.
Exactly. If OP was a man reading lolicon then literally no one would give a shit. Even Shadman who drew porn of people's actual children and his mom just got winslow memes and never regular harassment.

No. 2211397>>2211443

The amount of moralfaggotry furries display in fandom spaces never ceases to amaze me. It’s hilarious that everything under the sun is seemingly fetishizing/romanticizing/normalizing, except for being sexually attracted to animal features in genitalia. They really need to be bullied again the audacity is atrocious.

No. 2211402>>2211408

weebs hold japanese men in a pedestal. If the sexs were reversed in chainsaw man and it was a bunch of cute boys being sexualized the author would be demonized to hell and back, but since its a man he can get away with all the weird shit

No. 2211406>>2212430

People seriously act as if bl manga is monsterous contraband that brainwashes people, it's fucking ridiculous.
Starting to miss when people just thought it was silly books for silly women.

No. 2211408

Shadman isn't Japanese but I get your point.

No. 2211443

hey. furries are a lot more than about promoting beastiality. let's not also forget all the fascism glorifying nazifurs or the pedo glorifying babyfurs.

No. 2211455

i seem to remember it being more gratuitous than that but it was so disgusting that it turned me off the series entirely and i think it's weird no one ever talks about it. that's just me, though. i don't think jjk is any feminist masterpiece that some of its fans seem to think it is for some reason.

No. 2211467>>2211695

File (hide): 1729199546847.jpeg (184.31 KB, 828x1128, IMG_3525.jpeg)


No. 2211524>>2211526

Unironically King of the Hill

No. 2211525>>2211553

File (hide): 1729202821899.png (197.85 KB, 1086x692, lmaoooo.png)

>censored retard
>in the south park wiki
kek why is it always the fans for the most controversial shows that are the most sensitive

No. 2211526

KOH is the comfiest western show. Not looking forward to the reboot it's going to loze it's cozyness with the introduction of smartphones.

No. 2211553>>2211555

Fandom itself was deleting 4chan wikis a while back so it might have been those retards who changed it

No. 2211555

no it was a bot of the admin

No. 2211628>>2211692>>2211700

>CONTENT for people who fetishize young gay men.
The one who cry over fetish are tifs. Moids do not care about some stupid manga shit.

No. 2211691>>2211792>>2212601

Do you think there’s any weight to the “go woke get broke” mentality.

And how “woke” do shows reach before they become a turn off or eat itself

No. 2211692>>2211700

not true. plenty of actual moids and tims cry over the mere existence of bl, whining about how there isn't enough yuri fanwork. meanwhile plenty of other moids use it as some sort of gotcha to claim that all women are secretly as depraved as men. kind of like how men also pretend romance novels are as bad and morally degenerate as porn

No. 2211695>>2212212>>2212258

File (hide): 1729209796382.jpeg (784.14 KB, 1170x1693, IMG_7158.jpeg)


What level of stupid do you have to be to defend her tantrum

No. 2211700>>2212758

The funny thing is that actual gay men don't care, in fact they contributed to BL by inventing the bara genre kek

No. 2211792>>2212184

Expanding this to include games but I'm someone who can be put in the same camp as "chuds" that don't like woke/pandering garbage but the whole "go woke or broke" mantra is just cope. "Woke" stuff is so normalized now that normies don't care and will tolerate it as long as the rest of the content is good enough. People will protest and shit on stuff they perceive as SJWy but most of them still buy the product (Starfield) or they weren't the target audience for it anyway so it doesn't matter (Dustborn).

>And how “woke” do shows reach before they become a turn off or eat itself

When it becomes straight up Tumblr Portland shit like Dustborn or Dead End: Paranormal. 99% of queeroids won't even play/watch that stuff to virtue signal even though it's made for them. It hits too close to home and there's no idealization or escapist factor, it's like seeing their Twitter TL animated. This is why you shouldn't believe them on caring about people telling their own stories, they just want their identities shoehorned in stuff they already like (Persona/MHA/whatever).

No. 2212052

saw this stupid bs blowing up on my for you page before i deactivated my account. its just an octoling girl, who gives a shit about skin color.

No. 2212061

honestly the whole appeal of going online back in the day was that there WAS an echo chamber that you could escape to where you just mainly saw things you wanted to.
why would i want to experience the same annoyance and frustration i feel in my real life online? Feel like the kind of people that constantly sell the whole "dont have an echo chamber" spiel are the ones that thrive off their pointless drama being seen by people.

No. 2212183>>2212209

File (hide): 1729234458870.jpeg (713.87 KB, 1170x1898, IMG_7161.jpeg)

You can feel the seething from the screen

I hope more media that woke type of people hold dear get adapted but they just mess up the casting

Their reaction has been very entertaining

No. 2212184


I can’t take complaints about original IP being woke seriously
Isn’t this what they wanted? “Go make your own original thing” is one of the few ideas I agree with

How come none of them get mad at FFXIV for being woke/diverse? The demographics for the cities very cosmopolitan

No. 2212197>>2212222>>2212797>>2212914>>2212935

Remember when people accused Attack on Titan of being fascist propaganda? Complete lack of media literacy right there.

No. 2212209>>2212224

sage for ot but the last point isn't even accurate, the vast majority of European nobles had similar heights to modern European's due to access to better nutrition, that's why Napoleon was considered short because while he was an average height had for a Frenchman He was considered short for someone of noble birth and by the 1800's, the northern European standard of living had improved enough for most people to be reasonably tall by modern standards back then

No. 2212212>>2212221

They think people can act like babies having meltdowns as long as they pretend its a Racism against them. It's infantilizing, do they think all black people are this thin skinned over such small issues?

No. 2212221

I didn’t expect to find people writing think pieces to defend her tantrum like at that point you really need to step back and reconsider

I’m not surprised it’s on tumblr because of course it is. People on twitter were confused because it’s just a fanedit and then they started laughing at her being offended but still within reasonable and acceptable boundaries because poc/black women are very delicate!! Don’t you know!!

No. 2212222

It’s still the weirdest attack on the anime especially if you’re in s2

People who thought it was anti-Semitic have brans for worms and there’s no helping them

No. 2212224

It’s just seething because an adaptation dared be different and finally they’re the ones throwing a fit
“I can’t be mad about whitewashing “ this discussion wouldn’t be a thing then

No. 2212258

I stopped reading at "black people" especially combined with that tumblr white woman icon. God forbid you say anything ever about a black person that isn't complete praise and bootlicking, it might trigger a "slavery trauma response".

No. 2212361>>2212789>>2212795

Do you expect Arcane's S2 to be well received? Some of it's fans had a mental breakdown of Vi being a cop (which she is in the game anyway)
How can you go off obsessing over an adaptation but never opening wikipedia

No. 2212430

>Starting to miss when people just thought it was silly books for silly women.
it’s like that everywhere that isn’t dominated by westerners/english-dominated spaces kek

No. 2212601

I've always disliked woke media, but I know that if a story is made with sincerity by and for that audience, it should do well and have an actual fanbase.
But in general people refuse to actually tell you who their audience is for a corporate product and why the numbers justify it.

No. 2212758>>2212806

Have you never seen fags mock the idea of BL for women? Especially barafags?

No. 2212789>>2212908

It’s hilarious because Caitlyn is a cop too. I’m an Arcane hater but also an ex-League fan and Arcane fans are arguably just as insufferable as League fans, they don’t even talk about the content of the show, just how gay their blorbos are.

No. 2212795

probably not, i personally didnt watch the leaked episodes but ive heard bad things from people who actually watched them

No. 2212797

I remember you would get called out and burned at the stake for liking AoT, despite how if you actually look into the message it’s extremely anti-war and anti-genocide. Eren is literally never portrayed as correct and his believers are also all very clearly batshit. The prejudiced kid changes her ways too. It’s so ironic because these people will flip flop and go with the ever-changing SJW opinions if it makes them look like they’re preforming well enough. I remember South Park was also a common thing on those carrd DNI lists but now it’s gotten a huge yaoi resurgence with autistic 14 year olds. Wouldn’t doubt Hetalia, another thing on DNI lists will get its return soon.

No. 2212806>>2212819>>2212822>>2212889

It's almost always tifs who whine about this shit. The most gay men had to say is simple shrug or clichéd platitude about as long as women don't sexualize them in real life kek. There's more straight and bi men whining about bl than their our gay men who do becuase they know it doesn't hurt them personally.

No. 2212819>>2212829>>2212876

moids are gonna moid. even the gay ones. stop caping for them. I remember there was one gay western manga artist moid who constantly bitched and moaned on twitter about bl and danmei being fetishizing. as if any fujo is actually attracted to his ugly 3d mug

No. 2212822>>2212829>>2212877

I don’t know anon, I’ve seen snide comments come from barafags and even if they don’t care because porn or whatever, it’s not like they have much respect for fujos.

No. 2212829

I don't see why though? Is it jealousy? plain misogyny without the added attraction factor? Let's not pretend bl is this feminist piece of media but it sure beats braindead bara porn any day of the week.

No. 2212832>>2212854

Furries act like they have moral high ground over EVERYONE. They sweep all the controversies in their community (already caused by the lack of proper gatekeeping) under the rug and then go around pointing the finger at literally every other community on earth to try and appear righteous and pure.

No. 2212854>>2212885

Every community on the internet has it's hypocrites, but out of all of them, furries have to be the biggest just by sheer cope. None of them care about animals, care about actual people, nor the wellbeing of its member. They just want to coom and nothing else.

No. 2212876

>one gay western manga artist moid
Tbf, without context I'd figure "western mad at anime" over the gay part, mostly because westerners seething about anime being popular is a very common thing.

No. 2212877>>2213286>>2213560>>2213889

Fujos are for yumes to bully, everybody else should eat shit

No. 2212885>>2212903

Still baffling how it became unacceptable to shit on them somehow. Even on lolcow they let furfags in as long as it's not porn. The farmhands are a joke.

No. 2212889>>2212893

This isnt true that faggot james somerton made a career out of shitting on fujos as a faggot

No. 2212893

Tbh he just hates all women as a rule of thumb.

No. 2212903>>2212910>>2213004

Pictures of walking bunnies in dresses isn't the same as humanoid sparkledogs with the boobs the size of beach balls. One is normal while the other is straight up pornrot.

No. 2212908>>2212989

> just how gay their blorbos are.

Which is so odd because people only do that when a show is bad eg: Legend of korra

But why do you hate Arcane?

No. 2212910>>2212934

Anons have posted actual furshit artists multiple times don't act ignorant. You can't even report people for posting suggestive duck art is the fujo threads. Mods are furry sympathizers.

No. 2212914>>2212923

I don't even understand the argument? At what arc did the accusations start
You have to be dumb to think the anime and manga were pro-war regardless of how early you are in the story

No. 2212923

There was a tumblr blog that banned any mention of anime because problematic basically? It's been while since I been there but that and the long list of weird takes was the straw that could give anyone chronic back pain.

No. 2212929>>2212995>>2213005>>2213286

Can some nonna summarize the FFXIV fandom for me plz? Seems pretty horny.

No. 2212934>>2212936>>2212947

how do people this sensitive end up on imageboards

No. 2212935>>2213366

wasnt it because of the author's old tweets?

No. 2212936

Furries belong dead in a ditch.(a-logging)

No. 2212947>>2212955

Believe or not, zoomer-chan, furries were widely and rightfully hated on imageboards and forums in the golden era of the internet. Furryshit is just as if not more of a redflag for degeneracy than the DDLG pedo daddies and autopedo littles.

No. 2212949>>2212960

safe horny obviously exists, but the demographic of men who complain about it make it clear that most of the time, it just means "not being a lolicon with a rape fetish", which is a huge blackpill on male sexuality and men in general for me. i regret ever interacting with male otaku, especially the ones on social media

No. 2212955>>2212960>>2213351

furries are banned from 4chan because they avatarfag like crazy and dont integrate, just like bronies. Not because of some autistic moralfag crusade.

No. 2212960>>2212964>>2212980

Safe horny?
Do your research Newfag, furries were shunned as the scum they are on SA forums which is literally what spawned 4chan. Sorry not sorry if I hurt your furfag feelings

No. 2212964>>2212970>>2212972>>2213035

Your gay oldfag larp is retarded. Early 00s 4chan was a den of pedophiles sharing cp and they used to have an actual loli board, you are dumb if you think they hated furries for being degens and not just for being cringe annoying autists on the same vein as scenekids

No. 2212970

kek, says a lot when the board full of tripfags and lolicons won’t even stand for the degeneracy of furfags

No. 2212972>>2212988

Not that anon but they were hated and called dogfuckers and mocked with that "ill be in my lab" pic of the dude with his penis inside his dog it was never acceptable to be furry
You are actually the one that is dumb af for not understanding even degen lolifag scrotes won't feign moral superiority over dogfuckers cuz they do

No. 2212980>>2213003

No. 2212988

I was just pointing out that all the ''muh imageboard culture!!1!'' wananabe oldfags here forget that being a lolifag pedophile is also imageboard culture, but we don't do that here. This isnt 4chan.

No. 2212989

This is all just opinion, but it’s ugly as fuck and there are WAY WAY WAY more interesting characters for them to focus an entire show on. Piltover characters are pretty much white bread except for Jinx. Ionia for example has way better characters. Like, you have all these characters with crazy lores and then all we get is that.

No. 2212995

FFXIV fan of pushing 6 years now, been here since ShB release. Anyways yeah, it’s full of troons and bullied people wanting to live out their mean girl fantasies by becoming an eceleb on Twitter, grown men playing girl characters, the usual. It’s no different than any MMO fan base though. If you stay away from Twitter you’ll hardly see that stuff in game, and usually you learn to ignore it.

No. 2213003

>april 2023
God zoomer memes are such garbage

No. 2213004>>2213413

Personally, I'm completely against labeling every anthropomorphic animal art as furry, but I feel like this has already been argued over here somewhere

No. 2213005

fat toilet sluts trying to steal my husband

No. 2213035>>2214015

Spoken like a true zoomer learning her history lessons from fellow zoomers on Tiktok. As someone who actually was posting on 4chan in the early 00's they were hunting pedos all the time, the loli board was removed in 2004 when the lolicon admin C_V was kicked out and opened not4chan for his pedoshit, furries were absolutely hated for being open degenerates rubbing their kinks all over the place unprompted but just like they do today. "Yiff in hell" specifically referred to their sick animalfucking kinks and large babyfur communities, Dave Kelly/Shmorky was repeatedly called out for it like 15 years before he got cancelled for good.

No. 2213164>>2213875

File (hide): 1729299509526.png (357.16 KB, 642x361, fwGMUji.png)

>Kyubey using girls as cattle to become in meguka
>He wouldn't be transphobic!
Do these people have read the manga or watch the anime? Kyubey lacks empathy on everyone.

No. 2213286

I just caught a brief glance of shipping wars over Aerith and Tifa. It was pretty funny to see both western and eastern fans sperging about it. They even use emojis to censor whichever girl or ship name lol.

>The Kaworu fujo sperging at the yume last thread
Man that came out of nowhere

No. 2213351>>2213455

>moral crusade
>Anon doesn't know about the Burned Furs…

No. 2213366

DA to be fair I was in the fandom back then and those tweets were never proven to be his. A Korean person screencapped some tweets (which didn't even have a blue checkmark) and claimed they were his private account, and then everyone went crazy. Considering the history between those two countries it seemed staged. However enough people in the western fandom back then bought into it and were posting "KILL ISAYAMA" unironically and acting cringe on tumblr. As per usual.

No. 2213413

I'm on the same boat as well, nonna. Humanizing animals predates furry culture for countless centuries but now normies can't tell the difference between a bugs bunny, a werewolf, a cat girl, and a furry standing in the same world. Furry culture going mainstream probably has to be the worse things to happen online but I'd be branded some form of -phobic for pointing it out kek.
On another note, why is there often overlap with furries and so-called monsterfuckers lately? Some of these monsters don't even look furry let alone and animal of some kind.

No. 2213455>>2213566

It's simply amazing how kids on this site will claim to know internet history and then proceed to get every single detail wrong, or they're intentionally trying to twist the facts in their favor without realizing that ancient oldfags like myself are still around and can easily refute it. Furries were never hated simply because they were "cringe" like weebs, they were always hated for being bona fide sex pests who didn't respect peoples' boundaries to the point even other furries relentlessly complained about them. They just managed to rebrand themselves as harmless, fun anthro lovers in the early 2010's web 2.0 especially because so many of them were comorbid with troonery and autism and could milk that for empathy points. The "their only crime is just being a bit cringe, is that too bad? Stop being so ableist!" movement really let absolutely heinous shit like the zoosadists find their communities and sink further into their sick paraphilia. Even during that Kero the Wolf zoosadist ring uncovering old goons from SA were saying that they told people furries are degenerates in the early 00's and they would try and normalize this shit if given the chance.

No. 2213560

Funny you say that because fujos manage to mog the yume fatasses every chance they get

No. 2213566

Kero and KhordKitty are such surface level degenerates that I'm honestly surprised the "They're just misunderstood autists frowny face!" rhetoric is still going strong to this day because as soon as you dig slightly deeper you just find more and more of them to a overwhelming degree. And as well as things like Rainfurrest, the furry AIDS chart, etc. and that's not even getting into how a fairly sizable number of furries would go to meet ups for the sole purpose of going to one of the participant's farm afterwards to abuse sheep or cattle and post about it on LJ. I feel like a permanewfag and even I know that, it's honestly a bit embarrassing when anons seem to have just siphoned information off social media and base their opinions on that and spread it like gospel when a few google searches would have proven it wrong. Pinkie promise basic research will make your arguments better than if you parroted.

No. 2213749>>2213760>>2213762>>2213768>>2213793>>2214362

File (hide): 1729356505301.jpeg (489.38 KB, 4096x2048, zlmycGc.jpeg)

I despise these "hyper-relastic" remakes, none of these character models actually look like real life, instead they look like surgically altered korean pop stars

No. 2213760>>2214362

File (hide): 1729357136281.jpg (57.32 KB, 736x414, 1000003829.jpg)

i think the boss looks good but wtf did they do to ocelot? looks worse than the high definition models from the pachinko machines

No. 2213762

File (hide): 1729357161314.jpg (57.82 KB, 1118x629, fathersongbonding.jpg)

What the fuck, that is not Ocelot

No. 2213768

there's a difference between realistic and realism, and these are clearly the latter since they're still stylised. the original was also doing the same within the technology constraints at the time.

No. 2213782>>2213796>>2213827>>2215658

it's the idea that black people cannot be elves, i don't see what's so offensive about that

No. 2213792

this is fucking ugly, another reason why people love anime

No. 2213793

Ocelot looks weird. Like he went to SK to get a bunch of plastic surgery

No. 2213796>>2213816

Like in general or in this instance?

No. 2213799

do you think the presence of gays or black people is proof you're being lectured to?

No. 2213816>>2213876>>2215310>>2215658

i meant in general, like people get so antsy about background black characters in fantasy, but have no problem with literal fantasy characters. Even in original fiction.

No. 2213827>>2213829>>2213836>>2214124>>2215310>>2215486

People hate the rings of power elves for a lot of reason ot just race. like the fact that they gave all male elves short hair, or the fact that some like celebrimbor look indistinguishable fom regulr old human moids, or that that they made the males old and/or ugly but females young and hot.

No. 2213829

> the males old and/or ugly but females young and hot
They're freaking elves. What were they even thinking?

No. 2213836

Oh yeah, Rings of Power had way more problems than just some elf being black, frankly I've heard more people pissed at his hairstyle being the least elf hairstyle ever, the female lead being small, and whatever they did to Sauron I'm not sure.

No. 2213838>>2213848>>2213875>>2213898>>2214112>>2214121>>2214337>>2217228

File (hide): 1729361324222.jpg (818.65 KB, 1079x3847, ZgFH24e.jpg)

Life is strange's newest game came out and the fanbase is currently seething because they broke up the biggest ship (chloe/max). I don't understand why shippers are mad because 1.) You had to sacrifice an entire town to get a chloe/max ending which is not a foundation for a lasting relationship and 2.) The original game showed that chloe was a toxic friend to max

No. 2213848>>2213898>>2214337>>2215396

File (hide): 1729361662485.jpg (274.06 KB, 1080x1123, UKXLSpY.jpg)

Samefagging even the channers are seething over this shit
>shocking game where the ship is only possible if you kill 1000s of people breaks said ship up
They even had chloe in game begging max to save the town instead of her kek

No. 2213856>>2214337>>2217792

File (hide): 1729361879552.jpg (193.19 KB, 1920x1080, uploaded_thumbnail.jpg)

>fandom, despite large part of it being original character x canon ships, still largely populated by M/M or M/F
>find artist with cute lesbian oc I really like
>cute but also tastefully sexy yuri
>After months of following them they reveal the oc as a tranny

No. 2213875

Kyubey would show the magical tranny a mirror and boom, instant wizard.
My deepest condolences to whoever is in that fandom, fucking hell.

No. 2213876>>2213891>>2213974>>2215310

(sperg incoming, sorry)
imo people don't care if it makes sense, fantasy settings are generally based off of historical periods in which settlements were highly homogeneous, so it can look odd if you're instead seeing the same range of phenotypes you'd see in a modern multicultural city (obviously major trade locations would be a more reasonable location to see this than some poor village out in the boonies that gets little to no outside traffic). People tend to also have features that benefit them within the environment that they and their ancestors originated from, so it's often used as shorthand for worldbuilding, which can lead to a lack of visual identity for areas within a story if all the people are varied in the same way. All this would be just as annoying if it were a fantasy setting based off of, say, Southern Africa and its cultures, and random background extras/the whole cast were heavily mixed like a crowd in any given western major city.

Some will try to wave these points away as oh but it's fantasy! If they can accept dragons they can accept x other thing! which just isn't true lmao. Contemporary fantasy in general favours hard magic systems and fairly low levels of actual fantastical elements, with those elements often being explained and given grounding rules to make them seem real enough against the rest of the (relatively ordinary) human-centric world. ASOIAF is what's in vogue, not fantasy kitchen sinks like Discworld. You also run into what are essentially uncanny valley issues when it comes to humans much more easily, which is why they're held to a higher standard of realism than, say, a dragon or goblin. Fantastical elements should also (ideally) be communicating some kind of theme or idea– common cliche in both elves and dwarves in fiction is that they live isolated from most of the world in some way, are representing some form of stagnation and dwindling population, or both, which can be muddied by things like grab-bag casting, as that has different connotations to the viewer.

(Also, if you are wondering, yes I could make similar rants about the purely fantastical additions to fantasy fiction, or the depiction of eg nord-esque peoples in the genre kek)

No. 2213889>>2213894

the fujo yume argument is silly as most fujos are either
>self-inserting as one half of the ship
>only looking at fujo art to see two hot guys they're attracted to make out
the rare fujo that is all about being an all-seeing third eye is simply that, rare. fujos are just y/ncels of another stripe.

No. 2213891>>2213923>>2213974>>2214097>>2214125>>2215310

An embarrassing amount of words just to say you don't want to see black people in medieval fantasy. The "b-but muh historical realism" is a retarded excuse when the portrayal you're getting is already extremely embellished and polished, if they let women be heroes and knights in those stories then they might as well have black people in them.

No. 2213894

Don't project your illness onto the rest of us.

No. 2213898>>2214090

kek I know, my friend rang me up to chat about this, I recently got him to play the first game and he really liked it and is fascinated over the reaction to its sequel/Chloe and Max not working out. I tried explaining to him how popular the ship was and how glorified and glossed over the 'sacrifice the bay' ending was/is within the fandom, and that they've built upon that version of the relationship for years, rather than much of what happened in the game itself.

>Did Safi write the letter to break up Pricefield and isolate Max?

amazing leap for what is likely just an oversight
>fucks your bully
also funny since Victoria is decently humanised for her character archetype within the game, and shows signs of being able to improve as a person if you pick certain options. Plus, if she was anyone's bully, it was Kate's more so than Max's.

Sidenote, but I always find it interesting to see what happens to fandoms that have long gaps between the original and a sequel– the sequel often goes over poorly with a decent chunk of fans simply by not being the potential sequel they've built up in their heads/fanfic circles for years, the fanon becomes impenetrable kek

No. 2213923>>2213974

ayrt actually I would like to see black people in medieval fantasy, as well as fantasy worlds set in more non-european locations and cultures, with more varied mythos and aspects unique to those people, places, and their histories. The time period of 500 to 1500 AD was obviously not limited to the actions of a specific few countries or peoples, and plenty of interesting and cool events were happening around the globe during it that would make for great and refreshing inspiration for fictional settings and stories. I've read and liked Tolkien, but there's more to the world and more that fantasy can be than retreading and regurgitating his work. I love reading stories from other cultures, and it would be great to see more variety being put to screen than Rings of Power/all the other stuff to do with turning LOTR into a bigger franchise lately

No. 2213974>>2214075>>2214217>>2214808

this is why I will always prefer modern or science fiction, no need for debates like this

No. 2214015

>hunting pedos all the time
When they weren't posting cp themselves that is

No. 2214055

tryhard much
is this what we’re calling fan service nowadays? this isn’t even crumbs this is just licking the empty plate
exactly. you really can’t have any sort of meaningful discussion about womens “preference” when there aren’t much options in the first place especially when 99.9% of the men in fiction and irl dress like prudes and any sort of skin showing is seen as “gay”

No. 2214075>>2214310

Sci-fi genre has its own cringe problems, for example settings where everyone in the future including the aliens have beliefs that are in line with current day LA.

No. 2214090

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one of dontnod's writers basically told them to stop spamming hate reviews and go read fanfic kek

No. 2214097>>2214312>>2214918

>if they let women be heroes and knights in those stories
you know joan of arc was a real person right? I don’t care for black people in medieval settings but you have to admit it’s at least a little embarrassing that black cultures are not seen as interesting enough to write about. it’s lazy

No. 2214112

Not a shipper, but I get it. People don't like it when you write out events in previous installments because they're inconvenient to the current plot.

No. 2214121

>wahh toxic
but that’s what makes them so good

No. 2214124

>gave all male elves short hair
I want to a-log.

No. 2214125>>2214142>>2214165>>2215310

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i don't feel like reading this entire argument but the people who go "blacks in euro medieval fantasy m-make NO sense!!!" don't say shit when they see dragons, magic, dungeons full of goblins and orcs, etc…when it comes to fiction anyone who says "u-um i just don't like [x] because it's…it's unrealistic, okay?!!?!" actually just wants to bitch about it for personal reasons kek. realism barely matters, so long as the story is good it should be legit

No. 2214142>>2214178>>2214280>>2215310>>2215658

It's genuinely tiring to read through shitty bad faith arguments like that. You and they both know that they don't want to see black people in their fiction because of their personal reasons be it either because their brain is so fried by online culture wars that they consider the presence of minorities as a personal attack or because they're just straight out old fashioned racist, but they still try to dress it up as a "um… it's unrealistic!!!" clause to dance around the issue. So are modern makeup and hair products, fabrics and other contemporary means to make the medieval fantasy with wizard and dragons to suit today's palate yet for some reason they don't "break the immersion". I can get people being annoyed by real life white historical characters being made black because 10 times out of 10 that's just ragebait to generate more discussion around the movie but just having black characters in the background or as original characters, who cares? Like you said, if the story is good and the characters are compelling, it shouldn't matter.

No. 2214152>>2214167

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I haven't watched Rick and Morty since I was an edgy fourteen year old, but that scene made me kek because it implies that even though Summer was made out of accident, Beth was so let down by raising Morty that Summer became more loved anyway

No. 2214153

Eh, personally I think that one of the ways to make fantasy visually distinct is through fashion and yeah, ethnicity.
When everyone is all races and types everywhere it makes it CW tier generic world. Maybe it's racist, but it's true.
Nobody here is probably going to ever watch Rings of Power regardless so it is what it is.

No. 2214165

>i don't feel like reading this entire argument but
Then don't comment on it. That anon wrote like 100 words and was arguing very honestly. The "I ain't reading all that" retort and variations of it are such a cancer.

No. 2214167>>2214172>>2214193

>haven’t watched Rick and Morty since I was an edgy 14 year old
I hate the youth, truly. I wish I could have a space without you fucking retarded zoomers.

No. 2214172

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sucks for you.

No. 2214178


No. 2214193>>2214205

why are you malding this hard over an innocuous comment

No. 2214205>>2214211

malding over innocuous comments or posts is an lolcor staple

No. 2214211

alright you're not wrong

No. 2214217>>2214570

I honestly still don't understand why medieval fantasy is so popular. I kinda get it from a writer's pov because you can just use a bunch of tropes and be lazy if you arent going to go deep about things anyway, but no idea why people like to consume it so much

No. 2214237

both sides of this discussion are so retarded. why is thinking something other people have to tell you to do or learn? are there really people who watch/read something and just absorb everything being said 1-1 like a toddler? I’ve seen so many people who tout about “media literacy” completely misconstrue the authors obvious and simple message. at this point it’s just a buzzword for people who want to sound smarter than they actually are and those who want to convince you of their interpretation.

No. 2214280>>2214327

>wanting a european setting to resemble europe is racist
it’s extremely disingenuous to think that everyone that disagrees with you is some seething racist who hates seeing black people in any context. considering the reaction to movies like black panther it’s obvious that a majority of us are also tired of just getting raceswap and european setting scraps.

No. 2214310>>2214359

obviously you haven't read enough science fiction, and maybe I don't want see overt typical modern day racism and sexism in my fiction. It's 100% possible to have an interesting story and elements without bigotry

you give me kiwi vibes

No. 2214312>>2214319

because it's not? Black/African history is actually humiliating and painful to read. It only "gets better" in the 20th century thanks to American technology and social improvements. Now is the best time to be black and I don't get the old history race swaps. Just wear cosplay if you feel that deeply.

No. 2214319

nayrt but i think she meant pre-slave trade African history/mythology since we're talking medieval fantasy

No. 2214326>>2214346>>2215310

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I think there's bad faith arguments on both sides. Historical accuracy is a moot point, our perception and tropes related to specific medieval folklore creatures have been shaped by writing in the Victorian period, especially fairies and elves, and Tolkien reimagined these creatures anyways so there is no solid historic basis.
Media like Harry Potter, DND, and Narnia have world building that allows for easier inclusivity because while being mostly based on European folklore they also draw from other cultures and take place in either; a modern/globalised world, nonexistent world, or nonexistent world that is specifically based on certain real regions and shows other real cultures. When you get to Tolkien or Brian Froud's work which are restricted to one region (we know that some form of Asia and Africa exists in LOTR because of the existence of elephants, but we don't know if those areas have the same races or completely different ones) and based on specific areas and their specific mythologies and cultures then it becomes a bit more contentious because on one hand, why should European folklore have to be inclusive and on the other hand, why shouldn't it be?
I don't think there's any way to "win" this discussion, especially in this very polarised environment around fantasy works (here and outside of lolcow).
I do wish other cultures were explored in fantasy, I'd kill to see something based on legends from the Persian Empire and Austronesian or Melanesian folklore or Creole folklore etc.

No. 2214327

A historically inaccurate european setting.Tho I support black people not being represented in medieval fantasy as an extention of there not being more medieval fantasy at all.

No. 2214337

So glad I never bought that retarded game 10 years ago

RIP nonna that's incredibly irritating and I know exactly how you feel.

No. 2214346>>2214378>>2214536>>2214579>>2214839

The problem is that as far as the writers and producers are concerned, white=normal and not white=tropes. They try so hard to be inclusive that it comes round full circle and becomes more racist than Varg after a barrel of mead.
It's absolutely historically accurate to have black people in Europe in medieval times. Trade existed, even back then. People went to different countries as scholars, tourists, merchants, pilgrims. I understand that in medieval times even traveling to the neighboring county was a major undertaking, but in port towns, pilgrimage sites, and large cities, there absolutely would be black and asian people. It's plain retarded to assume that everyone who did the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage was white. There are trade documents and historical artifacts showing that brown people did in fact set foot in ye olde europe. There are illuminated manuscripts depicting black angels and saints.
Unfortunately, we can't have nice things. If there was a series set in medieval europe with black and asian characters, one would rap about fried chickin and the other would do kung fu with a magic katana. I don't think anyone would have a problem with black merchants or arab scholars or whatever, as long as they weren't written to be a caricature of woke talking points that apply exclusively to modern America.

No. 2214359>>2214839

I was saying the opposite of what you're saying. Sci-fi has too much modern day culture. Gender politics for example is ubiquitous in sci-fi produced within the last 15 years, even inserted retroactively (e.g. asari he/hims).

No. 2214362

Please help populate the video game thread on /m/ instead

No. 2214378>>2214382>>2214399

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AYRT and that's a great point, I was talking more from a fictional standpoint but you are absolutely right. People who go for a more "historically accurate" medieval fantasy fail to do actual research beyond reading other "historically accurate" books so when they want to be inclusive they do that weird flanderised attempt of a portrayal of someone from another culture. Which is incredibly disappointing because medieval society is such a rich and interesting point in history.
And like you said, people just forget trade existed and that scholars would travel to other countries to record what they saw (for example iirc there was this one Indian scholar who went to Britain and France and made fun of how retarded the people living there were), for some reason people accept that the ancient Greeks and Romans did that but think Europe immediately became feudal Japan after Rome fell.

No. 2214382>>2214432

Samefag, it's also a bit silly when "historically accurate" writers portray Britain as anything other than a impoverished shithole if they're not going to include piracy.

No. 2214399>>2214761

>fail to do actual research beyond reading other "historically accurate" books
this and they also often rely on popular assumptions of what things like the 'dark ages' were (and ignore what was going on in other parts of the world). I know it can be goofy, but I miss the more kitchen sink style fantasy being popular, am tired of so much either being pseudo-historical fiction with some name changes and a dragon or two, or being sterile High/Epic fantasy based off of watered-down, vague recollections of Tolkien/the lotr movies. I can deal with and even enjoy vague/minimally researched historical/fantasy AUs in fanfic, but it's a bit depressing to see that in published works touting themselves as original and saying something about history/a culture.

speaking of fantasy and fandoms though, it's still wild to me how much of the bg3 fandom was clearly unfamiliar with common fantasy tropes/concepts and made weird discourse about them. Guess I finally got too feel what anime fans do when tourists show up there and are shocked by common anime shenanigans kek

No. 2214432

This is why i really like berserk its set in clearly a made up medieval time in europe but it doesnt glorify that time period it shows all the pointless wars, how governments starved everyone else,imperialism, religious uprisings, famine, sexism, etc. It really shows how ghetto Europe got back then. They also have indian influences too. I know Berserk has its flaws but I think Kentaro did a really good job at world building while remaining historically accurate.

No. 2214536>>2214579

I wish nonwhite characters in european settings would just be done naturally like that tbh

No. 2214570

It's just a game of telephone, you have LOTR getting very popular when it came out, people getting inspired by it directly for their own stories and adaptations, people then getting inspired by these other stories, etc. to the point where it gets repetitive. Like how older medieval JRPGs were either inspired by Dungeon and Dragon or by other video games inspired by it, and then evolving to have different settings later. Same reason why current isekai manga, anime and light novels have the other world being based on JPRGs, writers liked some stories that parodied Dragon Quest and made their own stuff, then other fans made their own stuff based on these stories even if they don't actually play video games to begin with.

No. 2214579>>2214581

I remember watching this medieval fantasy movie with non-white characters and there was an explanation for them, they were foreigners who met the hero, that's really the minimum they have to do, give an explanation.
also I'm wondering always wonder why central asian and arab/berber characters never brought up, but black and east Asian people are> even though the former were majority of non-white people who travelled to europe back then

No. 2214581

>also I'm wondering always wonder why central asian and arab/berber characters never brought up, but black and east Asian people are
It's safe to assume the people in that case think of the ethnicities they mostly see irl and not about the ethnicities living in the silk road back then.

No. 2214761

>it's still wild to me how much of the bg3 fandom was clearly unfamiliar with common fantasy tropes/concepts and made weird discourse about them
Sorry for spoonfeed request, but I somehow missed this under all the Asterion maid dress drama, do you have caps or remember what they were discoursing?

No. 2214808>>2215129

People complain about black people being in science fiction settings as well, though.

No. 2214839>>2215981

There's so much cringy gendie sci-fi it's not even funny. I dropped a book recently for going on a random derail about a character's nonbinary identity in the second chapter kek.
100% agree. People should just write characters as people and not as tropey twitter talking points.

No. 2214918

>you know joan of arc was a real person right?
One person. Female knights were not common and you know that.

No. 2215129>>2215156>>2215240>>2215269>>2215962

But why though? wouldn't the future have it to where everyone's mixed?

No. 2215156>>2215167>>2215190

Do you read sci fi? Honest question

No. 2215167>>2215212

I have once or twice but not enough to verify lol. It's not a genre I often read unless it's down to earth spec fiction or cyberpunk.

No. 2215190>>2215240

nayrt, I do, have the same question

No. 2215212>>2215230

Not directly related to your point but does cyberpunk still count as science fiction? We're already in the cyberpunk era right now so depending on the stories it's not too futuristic or unrealistic anymore.

No. 2215230

Technically yes? Though if you wanna be pedantic futuristic is the probably the best choice and maybe speculative.

No. 2215240>>2215940

kekkkk to answer the question then, no. the future won't be nothing but mixed people, neither genetics nor patterns of human relationships work this way. I hope that soothes all of your concerns.

No. 2215269>>2215306

Depending on which kind of sub-genre your focusing on. It you'll have regular complaints about writers being too woke, and done for an agenda/dei, with them pulling up stats on how many black astronauts there are compared to white or asian ones and how many black people there are in STEM programs. And why does the Black character have to be the genius, or why does the Black character have to be in a position of power like General or co-commander. It just comes with it's own set of headaches.

No. 2215306

It would've been simpler if they said they were racist.

No. 2215310>>2215347>>2215406>>2215449

File (hide): 1729452492634.png (2.64 MB, 1610x1316, fairest of all beings.png)

>Rings of Power is a laughing stock because of it's elves
>People hate the rings of power elves for a lot of reason ot just race. like the fact that they gave all male elves short hair, or the fact that some like celebrimbor look indistinguishable fom regulr old human moids, or that that they made the males old and/or ugly but females young and hot.
meanwhile hackson's balding, wrinkly, old fugly ass elves that fans love to praise endlessly
autists are just seething because they're racists who consider peter jackson's post 9/11 murican hollywood propaganda movies as the lotr canon, and they can't handle changes to their sacred capeshit franchise.
fiction is fiction. no matter how much mental gymnastics you practice to make yourself sound sane and reasonable when you say elves or dwarves cannot be black or brown, it's useless, because you're applying a bunch of real life comparisons to a piece of high fantasy fiction. adaptations are adaptations, and if you can't cast actual elves for the roles of elves, which as you might have missed, do not fucking exist, then skin colour is absolutely irrelevant because they can't be depicted accurately by humans anyway.
>wanting a european setting to resemble europe is racist
a fantasy world is not a european setting unless explicitly said so, mind you tolkien denied all assumptions of lotr being allegorical to anything. the only things he said which could possibly lend some credibility to the retarded middle-earth is real life arguments are his vague mythology for england comments, an idea he according to himself abandoned later on. and even (incorrectly) assuming lotr would be meant as muh european history, all live action adaptations of it will always be fanfictional and go against canon no matter what, since there aren't any mallorn trees or elves or orcs existing in the real world to be put into a movie or TV show.
yet another person who can't tell fiction from reality. like
>we know that some form of Asia and Africa exists in LOTR because of the existence of elephants, but we don't know if those areas have the same races or completely different ones
no the fuck we don't, because oliphaunts were not explicitly said to be elephants but only described as similar creatures. that's like thinking, "well we know humans and dogs and horses and trees existed in lotr so we know it's all based on the real world and therefore all the book's contents are equivalent to the real world". it's a completely different thing to be inspired by real life creatures, peoples, mythology and history etc, than to actually write about those things explicitly. if tolkien did that, his books would be classified as historical fiction and not fantasy.
exactly. people are so fucking brainrotted by the most famous adaptation of lotr that they freak out as soon as they see a new one, and they already have their grievances about changes to canon prepared before they even air, as if the 2000s movies didn't bastardize the shit out of the whole story and every character in it. same thing happened after the hobbit movies came out, everyone was angry because wahh they're destroying my capeshit with wokeness and cashgrabbing, why are there women doing stuff and dumb looking fight scenes and love triangles, as if all that bullshit wasn't also present in the lotr movies. just fandom history repeating itself.

No. 2215325>>2215338

All this talk about elves having long or short blond hair reminded me of how Lucius Malfoy in the HP movies has long hair because the actor requested it. I swear to god they better give him long hair again in the TV show that's being prepared right now or I'll boycott it.

No. 2215335

>At least she made the dad hot so i can forgive her.
He's ugly as fuck he doesn't even have a nose.

No. 2215338>>2215355

They should cast a hotter actor too. Wizards live longer than humans so he should look younger.

No. 2215347

>meanwhile hackson's balding, wrinkly, old fugly ass elves that fans love to praise endlessly
They got the long hair. Frankly, I just wish someone mad about it would edit the rings of Power with long hair because it'd be funny.

No. 2215355

He's a British man though, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

No. 2215394

your question is unintelligible. literally nowhere did i say fantasy settings are racist, i'm talking about fandom, learn to read.

No. 2215396

>Fucks with tons of men and your bully after that
Isn't there only a text/comment that implies Chloe flirting with Victoria? When did she fuck "tons of men"? 4chan inceloids can't even handle fictional lesbian videogame drama without inserting their tinfoil/cuck fantasies about women being cum dumps for "hundreds of men" into it kek

No. 2215406>>2215448>>2215733

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ayrt and where did i say i liked jackson elves? they're ugly too. i was talking about how the rings of power design decisions are imo even worse bc of the added sexism, aka the decision to have hot females but ugly short haired males was egregious.
i didn't like the jackson elves either, I'm a canon purist. It's disingenuous to act like anyone who criticises RoP is just a seething jackson fan.
ih and here's what tolkien had to say about elven hair btw.

No. 2215448>>2215486

i wasn't attacking you for complaining about the rings of power hair designs but you are very wrong for saying jackson did better just because he put the fugly males in long but norwooding wigs. most of the male elves in jackson's movies look a million times older and a trillion times uglier than the female ones so your argument that there's worse or added sexism in rings of power because of them also doing that is just wrong. and don't try to school me on tolkien lmfao do you think i'm unaware of the lore and haven't even read NoME? i wouldn't be commenting otherwise.

No. 2215449>>2215733

>yet another person who can't tell fiction from reality
How is pointing out that fantasy is not historically accurate because it's built upon Victorians romanticising the period so it's not a good argument confusing fiction from reality? Did you just skim my post?
Also, I haven't been into LOTR since highschool but I swear Tolkien himself said that oliphants are the ancestors of elephants, plus the less than subtle implication that the world became less and less magical over the centuries until it resembled something like our own (and I guess because I have to spell it out I do not think that means it is the exact same Earth we live on). Like I get what you're saying but I don't think someone who is as autistic with world building was going to set that up and then have elephants live in European forests. There are analogs of those places implied with the lore and I don't think mythology and historyfag Tolkien would have missed that.

No. 2215486>>2215733

i didn't say jackson did anything well im saying rop's terrible character design choices had sexism on top of the rest. that was the entire point of my original post ( >>2213827 )
if you reread my post was about rop and i didn't bring up the jackson films, you did.
again, i din't give a shit about the jackson adaptations, im shitting on rop because i'm a canonfag, NOT because i like jackson any better. im not trying to school anyone either im just saying i personally prefer tolkien canon. chill out.

No. 2215658>>2215663


My hottest take is that those same white fanboys people keep shittalking don't give a fuck if someone made a fantasy story that inspired by non-European cultures. Those same fanboys are also really into Japan and anime.

Rarely does anyone cry about ATLA for being woke there must be a reason for that and by all metrics, it's a very diverse show. It has consistent worldbuilding, something that a lot of progressive fantasy shows don't have.

During the 2010s my point was definite true. I highly doubt the reactionary fanboys people keep referencing would have cared if someone made an original show that drew upon mythology and stories in Africa (pick whatever culture you want) and created a whole fictional world. I think now you'd get some push back because it would be presented as ~woke~ and covered in inflammatory themes just to piss those white fanboys and get people talking about how anti-colonialist it is or something, but pre-2010s/tumblr-4chan culture wars no one would care

I honestly think 2010s really fucked everyone over. People are so reactionary for stuff they wouldn't have cared about in the past. I understand why and seeing how fandom is just makes me so sad

When people do try to make original IPs and fill it with their woke bs it fails (High Guardian Spice whatever, The Dragon Prince) and guess what, those same white fanboys just don't care, they ignore it and the writing and world building is weak anyway because they don't have autists to meticulously plan out the world building.

I've honestly come to realise they're ironically they have the more reasonable demands but are too consumed by hate.

No. 2215663>>2215994

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With the increasing amount of Desis in the west and now entertainment, I actually expect to see Desi inspired fantast stories that are original in the near future.
I hope it's not the bs of "Desi Rapunzel"

It will be painful to hear Indians talk about "omg finalyl representation!!!" while pretending like their home countries don't have 3-4 major media industries and you can get Desi representation by just…watching South Asian media
But it will happen eventually

No. 2215733>>2215993

>I swear Tolkien himself said that oliphants are the ancestors of elephants
that is more or less implied in lotr and other texts, yes. that doesn't mean they are irl elephants, moreso some kind of elephant-dinosaur-like creature and most importantly fictional. and it doesn't mean the haradrim are symbolic of africans or asians or that these irl continents and their inhabitants were thought to exist in middle-earth. like the rohirrim were literally "horse people" living in grasslands but that doesn't make them an analogy for ancient mongolians.
>and I guess because I have to spell it out I do not think that means it is the exact same Earth we live on
it's hard not to interpret what you're saying as that when you said that "we know" a form of asia and africa exists in lotr because of the oliphaunts. obviously tolkien didn't personally believe his made up world actually existed, so this makes no sense.
>There are analogs of those places implied with the lore and I don't think mythology and historyfag Tolkien would have missed that.
europe or africa etc does not exist in middle-earth, if they did you could point them out on the maps tolkien created. if tolkien was writing about medieval or ancient europe it would, again, be historical fiction not fantasy. he could've written historical fiction, but he didn't with neither lotr, the hobbit or the silmarillion. drawing inspiration from the real world to write fantasy is different from making outright equivalences to it.
my problem with all this kind of reasoning is that lotr is not real life and applying irl shit to this fictional world constantly turns into unhinged takes like that lotr is part of a real mythological or even historical european heritage and that depicting black elves etc is therefore some kind of cultural appropriation or "raceswapping". like what races are getting swapped? elves are not humans, and the humans in lotr are fictional and not historical figures. the real life ethnicity of an actor or actress has no relevance as to whether they can depict a made up creature.
>i didn't say jackson did anything well
quoting your post here >>2215406
>where did i say i liked jackson elves? they're ugly too. i was talking about how the rings of power design decisions are imo even worse bc of the added sexism, aka the decision to have hot females but ugly short haired males was egregious
that's what i disputed because 1. it does imply jackson's designs are better, not good but somehow superior to rop's in your opinion, as if both adaptations, specifically talking about the adaptations of the elves, aren't equally garbage, which is my opinion. and because 2. you're still saying rop has more sexist character designs because of the ugly male to pretty female ratio, which again i disagree with because jackson's movies have the exact same problem. and again i didn't attack your complaints about rings of power designs in my original post. i just took the opportunity to show jackson's horrible elf depictions and point out that a lot of fans love to praise them despite them having the same glaring issues as the rop elves, since anons were discussing the problems they have with the elves in that series. i was not specifically calling you one of those fans or trying to be hostile. hope this clarifies things.

No. 2215940

I mean racial mixing is becoming increasingly common. nobody’s really 100% one single thing. so it’s not that far fetched

No. 2215962>>2215981

Not necessarily, it depends on the writer and how far into the future things are taking place. Technically, for example, if we're talking about a level of sci-fi where multiple planets have been settled for significant periods of time, or are dealing with 'slow' space travel involving multi-generation journeys, then you'd actually just start getting new cultures and phenotypes, rather than identifiably 'pure' strains of anything from Earth/the present day, and some sci-fi will play around with ideas like this because it ties into how space living could effect humanity as a whole. Especially if you're not including stuff like frozen embryos and vat babies or cloning, which you could use to explain high genetic variance within a small, enclosed population that's experiencing and adapting to an alien environment from Earth. This is usually more of a hard sci-fi thing though, not something that'd come up in more soft/pulpy works, which tend to avoid the topic or breeze past it to get to the pew pew lasers and cool space ships. It's not a must-have thing or something that needs to be dissected unless it's something a creator gives attention and focus to (like many story elements, across all genres, tbh).

Personally, I think sci-fi shows, movies and games casting/designing whoever/whatever they please is great, the only thing I don't really like is when the setting is multiple centuries into the future and those characters act as if they're a 1:1 of a real world contemporary group rather than someone with ancestral ties to or completely divorced from Earth nonsense due to time and space kek. It's lazy and short-sighted, and can make it feel like, despite everything, humanity will never progress past the 21st century and key historical events that preceded it, despite having the opportunity for the freshest start possible. It can make even honest attempts at representation feel sour instead of neutral or hopeful.

No. 2215981>>2216022

>despite everything, humanity will never progress past the 21st century and key historical events that preceded it, despite having the opportunity for the freshest start possible
ot, but that's such a great premise for a IHNMAIMS type scfi, like for whatever reason we're just stuck in this societal stasis arguing about the same shit and facing the same issues even after millenia. Shame no one would write this though.
Was the book The Toll? I remember it being such a disappointment when it came out and even though I was unpeaked at the time I thought the chapters dedicated to that one character's nonbinaryness were retarded as fuck and would skip them, kek.

No. 2215993>>2216012>>2216074

why is it so important that you don't want to feel involved in the anglo-saxon inspired epic? why can't you find some african epic?

No. 2215994>>2216011

File (hide): 1729497075159.jpg (689.07 KB, 616x924, 50523477.jpg)

speaking as a south-asian living in south-asia your basically right, so most desi's in the west will always be westernized, but those who care about thing like representation will be the most uber-westernized and from the upper-middle classes and are basically the same as any sort of liberal westerner, like a few years back, I read "jasmine throne"(it was praised on booktok for being this excellent Indian queer story) but nothing about the book is "Indian" because it's just various vague aesthetics and some common cultural know-how that has entered the cultural zeitgeist. All I got from that book was that it was written by someone very ignorant of south asian history and there's absolutely nothing morally wrong with that, 99.9% of people in south asia would not care, what I personally take issue with is the fact the book was being lauded as telling an authentic indian story by a queer Indian author. The writer is a british indian woman and this idea that you can comment on culture, even your own heritage, without actually doing any sort of research and it gets praised as authentic by these morons is insane to me.

No. 2216011

People dismissing South Asia (India and Pakistan specifically) large media industries is insane. I understand why they do it to African countries (minus North Africa) because their media industries is generally quite poor
But India? Pakistan? Insane to me
I'm not South Asian but for a while there was a Bollywood craze in my country/region.

Also let me guess was it filled with "hahah chai tea!!!!/but seasoning!" type of jokes.

If someone really wanted authentic Indian stories then read Indian stories lmao.
It's how I feel about Xiran/Kuang as well. If I really wanted to read Chinese fantasy I'll just do that instead of going through the hoops to read what is essentially an American story with a Chinese coat of paint.
There's no justification Indian media is popular and you can easily find it translated into English, at least the best stuff

Neve read anything praised by Booktok, I always check on other websites to avoid disappointment.

No. 2216012

Don't you know? It's only fantasy if it's Vague Western Europe

Doing research on Africa is hard, if only we had places to find information

No. 2216015>>2216016>>2216017>>2216019>>2216024>>2216173>>2216205>>2216739

File (hide): 1729500579797.jpg (25.79 KB, 563x434, 9a8c265a87f1777b71f73be5f639d5…)

How come fandom largely accepts only toxic yaoi but resents toxic yuri and (to a lesser degree toxic het ships)
People seem to be very gleeful about exploring all kinds of Lana Del Rey types of abuse with Yaoi but will cry about doing the same to Yuri and Het ships

No. 2216016>>2216205

Because women don't deserve to be abused unlike men

No. 2216017>>2216019

File (hide): 1729500756976.jpg (42.63 KB, 500x903, b8a471fc17d3a94150c4489b72913d…)

I get that people feel uncomfortable with it. I get that with het shipping they feel like it promotes abuse and what not but why the same attitude with yuri?

I don't care about Catra x Adora before anyone starts a fight over it. I just picked it as the most obvious example of "abusive yuri"

Jasper/Lapis is the same yet but I know if they were men most of the fandom wouldn't have cared

No. 2216019>>2216044

I know this is baiting but imagine thinking the same people who consume "toxic yaoi" were the ones calling Catradora out for being "toxic".

No. 2216022

>ot, but that's such a great premise for a IHNMAIMS type scfi
ayrt, and yeah it could totally work as a core concept of a story, nothing wrong with more dour takes on the future, it just sucks when that's how a sci-fi that isn't trying to be that feels like kek

No. 2216024>>2216033

The people who call out toxic yuri probably don't like toxic yaoi either to be fair.

No. 2216033

>The people who call out toxic yuri don't like yaoi either.
Fixed that for you

No. 2216044>>2216092

I wasn't baiting but I just feel like in fandom people are more accepting or tolerate toxic yaoi more than toxic yuri

No. 2216074

i understand you're intellectually disabled so just to clarify it to you, i am talking about a work of contemporary fantasy literature. anyone can feel involved in a fiction book regardless of what said book is inspired by. i do feel very involved in tolkien's books (it's called immersion) and so can anyone else without being a racist sped thinking that the books are "made for them" by virtue of their ethnicity, or thinking that they're reading about some sort of irl heritage of theirs like propeller cap wearing retards. it's fiction and not history books.

No. 2216092>>2216105

In the same fandom? Or fandom in general? Different media attracts different groups of people. Those who bitch about lesbian couples in kids shows won't be reading abusive yaoi afterwards.

No. 2216105

Pretty sure that anon is attempting to bait another yaoi vs yuri slapfight and is trying to be sneaky about it.

No. 2216173

If I had a guess, it might have something to do with accountability politics where women, and by association lesbians, are to be considerate and pure instead yea know, people. It's why you have purityfags going apeshit over voicing sexual desires. Allies are sold the idea that "queer" people are hecking wholesome beans, but when said bean is a mess of a human being, their brain's short circuit.
That's all I have to say though since this topic needs to die frankly.

No. 2216205>>2216232>>2216258>>2216489

>Because women don't deserve to be abused unlike men
Literally this.

Like I've already suffered enough, I don't particularly want to talk about how cool or exciting abuse of females is. Wow she's bleeding wow she's being beat up wow she's being tormented. …Anyway. If two attractive women who I shared the same sense of humour with were in front of me and one was into yuri abuse and the other one was into morally grey female characters who happened to be into one another, I'd choose the second one, it's a no brainer. Toxic yuri was always a moidtranny psyop to make Cool Girls draw yuri ryona in the name of lesbians=progressive, when really it's just another moidtranny violence-against-women fetish. I'm so tired of it. It's like watching 4chan invent the thigh gap and bikini bridge trend and everyone falling for it all over again. Straight women have the ugly male psyop where they're being pushed to like ugly moids, and lesbians have the male coomer psyop where they're being pushed to like fetishes invented by moids.

No. 2216216>>2216224>>2216229>>2216236>>2216511

In the josei smut subreddit they asked the readers is the female lead also being hot important and all of them asnwered yes and said that they can't relate to a ugly female lead and don't want to look at them

https://www.reddit.com/r/JoseiSmut/comments/1g8imza/is_it_important_to_you_for_the_fmc_to_be_visually/(this is an imageboard/ban evasion)

No. 2216224>>2216229

File (hide): 1729517763474.jpg (206.05 KB, 906x1612, 1000017084.jpg)

Can you shove the most relevant replies in ms paint and attach it as an image? I don't have a reddit account.

No. 2216229

old.reddit.com should work on mobile

Most said she doesn't have to be model gorgeous, just not a female ugly bastard.
And that is perfectly reasonable.

No. 2216232>>2216258>>2216489

>Straight women have the ugly male psyop where they're being pushed to like ugly moids, and lesbians have the male coomer psyop where they're being pushed to like fetishes invented by moids.
100% this, couldn't said it better myself. Gooner troons who inserted themselves into lesbian spaces want break the cutie level smut and abuse to squee "toxic yuri" over it but will call "terf dogwhistle" if it's something more subtle that only women can relate to or "male worshiping" if it features butch characters. It's very similar to the ugly moid psyop in the sense where content made for women has to be palatable to scrotes.

No. 2216236>>2217817

File (hide): 1729518955039.jpg (134.92 KB, 750x705, 40985908543098354.jpg)

>I have a bias towards certain things that may be considered attractive (brunette/raven haired MCs, voluptuous) but as a whole they don't have to be conventionally beautiful if that makes sense? (Ok yeah I am self inserting a little.)

>Not a deal breaker but my preference is seeing a conventionally attractive FMC. It’s refreshing to see imperfections here and there but it’s not like I need them to be top shelf 10’s either. I just don’t want conventionally ugly FMCs. I’m not a fan of ugly bastards, of any gender regardless of where they are on the spectrum. About the self insert, it’s both. Sometimes I’m enjoying the pretty pictures, other times I might self-insert me and my partner in my head. Just depends of my mood and how the story goes.

>I read smut for the hot art. I like my guys exxxtra hot just as much as I like my girlies to be very pretty and wear cute lingeries. Bonus if their hairstyles and outfits are to die for.

>I feel like FL should be as attractive as the man generally speaking. Huge looks & lifestyle gaps between MCs just feels too unrealistic in a way that’s almost aggravating.

>Yes, this is super important lol

No. 2216258>>2216266

So would a story about an estranged lesbian couple who get into arguments now and then count as toxi yuritroon fetish bait or just normal people having normal people things? On paper, toxic yuri sounds interesting, but the ones I've seen come off as literal ryona porn with progressive trappings. The male worshipping gotta be the worse of it too since you know TIMs hate anything that reminds them of their maleness. Butches will never be men.

No. 2216266>>2216426

File (hide): 1729521926523.jpeg (348.14 KB, 1110x1600, 9DA6185C-B895-4AFA-8168-208EC3…)

>So would a story about an estranged lesbian couple who get into arguments now and then count as toxi yuritroon fetish bait or just normal people having normal people things?
Why do you even ask this? Of course it's not fetish bait, I think that's being asserted here quite clearly. The yuritroon bait would be the borderline ryona bullshit that's about rape and abuse done to cute anime girls. Something like Gunjou would definitely count as toxic yuri due to its highly problematic setting and the relationship between the two mains being a huge mess but you don't see troons raving about it because it's about adult women having psychological drama and not two cute high school girls having smutty rape sex every few pages.

No. 2216356>>2216369>>2216405>>2216426>>2216457

Y'all bitches should just admit you find lesbians disgusting and be done with it. I'm tired of reading y'all retarded ass takes on female homosexuality as cope for your homophobia. If you think that normal sexual behaviors seen in het women are suddenly tranny psyops when it comes to lesbians it's time to check your mental retardation.(ban evasion)

No. 2216369

Twitter is down the hall and to the left.

No. 2216405>>2216414

fucking hate that whenever there's any valid criticism regarding GL media there is always some yurifag willing to bend their knee to whatever milquetoast scrote-tier writing they get thrown

No. 2216414>>2216431

Scrotes don't even write toxic yuri that much, GL manwha and fics are mostly written by women. Toxic yaoi is being written by the same minds but you don't find it disgusting because you are sexually attracted to scrotes. Check your mental retardation.

No. 2216426>>2216488

Somewhat unrelated to this thread but I always found it interesting how SSA women draw women in a way that feels like a woman drew it. They aren't moeblobs nor are they drawn in this super hyper-stylized simulacra of a woman. They look like people, something most "transbians" struggle with despite so many attempts to larp as "true honest lesbians". I still remember one TIM longing to draw like this one lesbian artist and I couldn't help but feel disgusted after that. Mind you, I'm straight. I don't go out of my to consume this stuff, but seeing so many Troons try so desperately to become their idea of a lesbian turns my stomach inside out. Likewise, A lot of TIFs try to emulate bara but still leave enough "femaleness" to mark them as AFAB. The themes they draw or make clock them as women too, since men don't exactly the share overlapping interest as women.
Okay what? What part did you mean by "I'm tired of reading y'all retarded ass takes on female homosexuality as cope for your homophobia". Some of these people are probably gay themselves and just stating what they hate about the trend. Is there something you want to share with us, nonna?

No. 2216431>>2216442>>2216454>>2216613

Getting off in the abuse of women is scrote brained by definition.

No. 2216442>>2216452

Case in point, y'all seethe when SSA women don't conform to your expectations of their sexuality. And some of them enjoying toxic/abusive stories or dynamics isn't even the only thing you bitches seethe about.

No. 2216452

Booktok slop straight girls into maledom get even more shit in this thread for the same reason, you're not special.

No. 2216453

The fujolesbian crowd when you tell them they are bisexual because they get off to fictional moids
The fujolesbian crowd when lesbians get off to fictional toxic yuri:

No. 2216454

i’m 99% sure that anon is falseflagging or trying to be funny but it isn’t scrote-brained unless it’s a male. otherwise it’s a woman who might want some spice in her porn, which is okay to everyone who isn’t completely braindead

No. 2216455>>2216466

I enjoy "toxic yuri" when it's about as dark as other yaoi or het romance that's supposed to be titillating - stuff like (shitty tropes/bad writing aside) 'oh no my parent got into debt and now I'm the mob boss's mistress, ooooh whatever shall I do?'
I thought that's generally the kind of stuff everyone referred to when they said "toxic yuri," is it not?

No. 2216457

Nice try trying to skinwalk yuripedo but her 4chan-fried brain wouldn't use the word "y'all"

No. 2216461>>2216467>>2216493

Ok let's see who is the most oppressed fandom in lolcow

Fujos can
>get off to men
>get off to rape
>get off to abuse
>get off to shota

Hetfags can
>get off to men
>get off to shota
>Get off to abuse
>Get off to rape

Yurifags can
Yurifags can't
>Get off to women
>Get off to rape
>Get off to abuse
>Get off to loli(personalityfagging)

No. 2216466

>s it not?
It is. Fujos don't read yuri so they think toxic yuri is full of rape and abuse like in yaoi kek.

No. 2216467>>2216468

Are you unironically trying to play porn addict oppression Olympics?

No. 2216468

Sure. Let's be objective about it.

No. 2216474

my god stop replying to her. She's going to keep at her schizoposting for the next 3 hours now that you gave her attention.

No. 2216477>>2216493

File (hide): 1729528740788.jpg (24.54 KB, 320x320, 20241021_103659.jpg)

>mfw het bitches think yuri is a porn genre when we gotta read 50 chapters of angst and handholding before we get a "raunchy" 5-panel scene where you can't see shit
I am the most oppressed precisely because yuri is not coomer enough unlike fujoshit.(ban evasion)

No. 2216488

>Somewhat unrelated to this thread but I always found it interesting how SSA women draw women in a way that feels like a woman drew it.
It's true. There's also a very distinctive difference in style and substance between NSFW content drawn by SSA women, OSA women and men. OSA women and men draw similar content because their tastes are modeled by male palate, but SSA women include more nuance to their work and accentuate things that SSA women find attractive, mainly the focus on how a woman is seen as an equal, desirable person, not just a piece of meat. She has a personality, style and agency. I'm not at all saying that OSA women are never able portray women like this, no, but there's this specific kind of difference that I can't quite describe but I always know it when I see it.

No. 2216489

So where are these abuse and
ryona Yuri that women are memed into writing about?

No. 2216493>>2216503

Me when I lie

No. 2216503>>2216632>>2216645

Hey not my fault you think something is scroteporn the second you see a female character. Maybe stop hypersexualizing fictional female characters :^)(:^))

No. 2216511>>2216529>>2216657>>2216701>>2216717

File (hide): 1729529450707.png (1.21 MB, 1532x672, kek.png)

I know this is a touchy topic, but I genuinely wonder why things are like this. Recently, I picked up a smut manhwa that was being heavily shilled, and the proportions of the FMC are absolutely ridiculous. I can't even tell if the author wants her to be a big titty bimbo or plain, because in odd chapters, it keeps getting mentioned how she’s in her 30s and "past her prime," and not as pretty as younger girls, but then in even chapters, every other guy is eyeing her up for her bombshell body. With how different the beauty standards are for men and women, I'm pretty sure the women in that thread saying they don’t want an "ugly bastard" type of female character really just mean they don’t want a plain and normal looking female lead.

No. 2216517>>2216536

Why the fuck would anyone want to be attractive to a man?

No. 2216529

I started reading this recently too and had the same thought. It's honestly comical when she's talking about how old and unwanted she must be while having the most pristine beautiful face and absolutely enormous rack. I struggle to frame it like she must just have the worst self esteem imaginable after years in an unfulfilling relationship, but imo the story itself would be better if she were actually more plain.

No. 2216536>>2216627


No. 2216613>>2216632>>2216642

in my experience scrotes/trannies are way more into the fluffy shy handholding forehead touching pillowfighting sleepover gone wrong gone sexual uwu type of yuri than actual ssa women, because they're obsessed with their delusions of "girlhood" and want to see porn based on that (ofc there's also a shit ton of scrotes into incest yuri and the like as well but i'm just saying). not implying fluffy yuri is bad but a lot of women have less conventional tastes, i don't think that makes them scrotelike though. just like in the case of problematic yaoi i think women should be able to enjoy whatever content they want, because unlike men they don't actually do or want to abuse people, rape kids or their family members etc etc irl.
i understand the sentiment that seeing women being victimized in fiction feels worse than being exposed to men suffering. obviously you feel more protective of characters of your own gender and you can more easily relate content depicting women to real life experiences, especially if you are aware of the patriarchy and all the objectification and abuse women and girls face irl. so i understanf the ick and distaste that many nonnas have for it. but at the end of the day it's all fiction and if it's made by women and consumed by women then it's not harming anyone any more than it would if it were some problematic yaoi instead. i don't think it makes you a misogynist or a scrote if you want to see some fucked up gl content. the intentions and outcomes are completely different than for men who consume it.

No. 2216627

File (hide): 1729531877163.webp (331.9 KB, 1280x1780, 34234098_1280_1780_339870.webp)

There is a difference between looking groomed/presentable/attractive and looking like a bimbo objectified caricature of women.
Are you acting obtuse like you don't know the difference? Are some women really that insecure and mind-broken by coomer content that they can pnly accept fenale leads if they llook like some moid is gooning to them.

No. 2216632>>2216637>>2216645

>stop sexualizing the heckin pixels!!!
I have been a yurifag since the days of Shiznat and Nanofate but this has to be the most braindead twitter take ever.

Now this is a very sensible opinion and I absolutely agree with it.

No. 2216637>>2216645

What degenerate shit are you consuming for you to be this defensive…
Most anons here agreed when they say toxic they are talking about the extreme shit like ryona, hardcore rape or loli.


No. 2216642>>2216652>>2216726>>2216794

How the hell don't you people understand that there's a very distinctive tonal difference in yuri with problematic content and moral greyness written for plot points and the kind of yuritroon favourites that revolve around getting off to abuse of women.

No. 2216645

Wait i meant to reply to >>2216503 and not >>2216632 , sorry anon.

No. 2216652>>2216667>>2216794

One time i was arguing with a yurifag on twitter and they started defending pedophilia and started posting gross loli memes and were replying with that and laighing, there were other yurifags also defending them and liking their tweet and yes they were women.

I understand yurifags are mentally unstable and unhinged so people are afraid to call them out but you bitches need to be equally called out as fujos or yumes.

No. 2216657>>2216667>>2216679>>2216687

File (hide): 1729532856752.jpg (955.4 KB, 1280x1820, tumblr_nn6tuxkBtq1sdbgg3o1_128…)

I remember when female power fantasy self inserts were skelly anachan spoops like in older shoujos. Which is something i can understand because those artists were heavily influenced by high fashion and they only hire tall lanky girls with heroin chick builds. It's honestly sad most stuff for women is inspired by porn now, not only are the proportions hideous and male gazey but they dont even bother to give the protagonist cute clothes anymore. They just slap big ugly tits on them and walmart basics and call it a shoujo protagonist. Men ruin everything. I want stylish shoujo protagonist bacs fuck moids for ruining everything witht their shit taste and cancerous influence.

No. 2216667

Well, just look at our regular personalityfagging yuri fan who's constantly saying that if you don't like reading content that's designed as moidgaze goon material with depictions of female abuse you hate women and lesbians. It checks out. Just because a subset of women with brains fried by years of coomer exposure likes it doesn't make it "female gaze".

>not only are the proportions hideous and male gazey but they dont even bother to give the protagonist cute clothes anymore.
This genuinely upsets me as someone who really loved the cute outfits in old shoujo and still do. Officewear and school uniforms are the only things you get today with twintails being the most adventurous hair style.

No. 2216679>>2216699

I wonder if these sort of protagonists have shifted into being in light novels more, it's not too hard to find female leads in those that still fit the "plain but still pretty" role.

No. 2216687>>2216709

Tbf in the 80s, 90s and 00s regular girls in general dressed much less uniform, with different cuts and more colors compared to clean beige athleisure or expensive brand shit nowadays. Same for big hair vs middle parting sleek look. Not sure what came first, art or real life.

No. 2216699>>2216707

File (hide): 1729534156148.jpeg (156.53 KB, 720x1280, stepmother's märchen.jpeg)

Now a days shoujo webtoons tend to have nice art but often shitty plot. After shifting through the truckload of bad otome isekai, I've found a few gems with beautiful art + good plot, but it takes a lot of searching

No. 2216701

It looks like those silicone cosplay chest plates drawn by someone who's been exposed to a bit too much of coomer brainrot, although the problem isn't large chests per say. Not to moralfag or anything but I think it's a wee bit problematic in that girls start thinking they have to emulate this to be desirable to men, and you get the beauty standards shifted by something artificial and not naturally or genetically attainable, which leads to plastic surgery and those stupid chest plates being used outside of cosplay in order to pander to the male gaze. Unfortunately, unlike in shoujo mangas, you're only going to pull nasty scrotes who don't put in 1/4 of the effort to look good and expect you to be their trophy while they're disgusting slobs themselves (and if not in looks, then certainly in temperment) so what is it all for?

No. 2216707

File (hide): 1729534412213.png (762.55 KB, 722x949, Untitled.png)

samefag, personally I don't care about cute clothes that much, as long as the female protag has a good personality I'm good even if she wears plain business casual, the wage slave in me actually connects to that more kek

No. 2216709>>2216718>>2216725>>2216755

File (hide): 1729534465043.jpg (270.42 KB, 720x1166, tumblr_nhkotcK1j71s3a1h8o5_128…)

This might be true for the west but in japan and korea colorful looks are still the norm. Modern shoujo and romance protags are boring looking because the hacks that make those manga/webtoons are lazy artists that mostly rely on 3D models and CSP assets. They are all cocomelon brained retards that dont have a passion for fashion and aesthetics like older mangakas. Even the male love interests used to be fashionable, now you are lucky if the webtoon penis necked roidpig wears anything besides plain tee and jeans.

No. 2216717

This is honestly disgraceful, I don’t know what woman would want to read a comic that depicts a 10 year old child with watermelons strapped to her chest while also calling her “uwu old and washed up”

No. 2216718

>now you are lucky if the webtoon penis necked roidpig wears anything besides plain tee and jeans.

No. 2216725>>2216737

I don't entirely agree with your points about female shoujo protags and their male characters but I am curious if shitty current designs are also because of the death of magazines. If you think about illustration and fashion were major components of magazine advertising/store catalogs up until the 2000s and that kind of stuff is almost nonexistent now except for those mooks for women that come with free tote bags

No. 2216726>>2216742>>2216752

And yet none of you can cite these ryona abuse works that are supposedly loved by yuritroons.

No. 2216734>>2217180

no you bitches ARE the opressors fuck you for turning every cute boy into an ugly trap
>inb4 banned for bantering

No. 2216737>>2216745

Pinterst is super popular with artists i doubt they dont use it. There you can easily find scans of old magazines. I think they are just lazy, drawing a pretty dress with a cute pattern is harder than slapping a grey tshirt and jeans to your hentai monster protagonist.

No. 2216739>>2216752

Women talking about toxic yaoi were genuine, at least in the beginning until fakebois who self insert into ukes so hard they get surgery started posting jokes about it too. Whenever I see anyone talking about toxic yuri they're either talking about Homura/Madoka, these two girls from Revolutionary Girl Utena I still haven't watched it yet so idk how canon they are, please no spoilers or they're just parroting fujoshi after seeing them having fun sperging about Harada's or Asada Nemui's BL manga but they don't like BL enough to want to join them. I'm a weeb but I heard most popular lesbian pairings are from Western live action shows so I don't know if these fandoms are the same besides the series about some serial killer and her detective(?) rival girlfriend thing, enlighten me.

No. 2216742

Does Happy Sugar Life count?
Also I don't remember the name but the one where one makes the other one eat bugs and wear a diaper.

No. 2216745>>2216756

People don't put that much effort into looking for old magazines

No. 2216752>>2216794>>2216824

That's because as much shit as western series get, they're still the only ones getting f/f couples right. Two female characters that feel like real people, have their own dark sides and a plot where their relationship slowly develops over them facing challenges together that aren't just fluff with slight inconveniences but a compelling story nor is it coomshit designed to please male viewers. I couldn't give less of a shit about She-Ra for example but it really did warm my heart that they made Catradora canon in the end.

Yuritroons only pretend to read yuri but in reality they simply consoom either moid gooner shit like Honkai or oneshot porn doujins while bragging about what expert yuri princesses they are.

No. 2216755

>This might be true for the west but in japan and korea colorful looks are still the norm.
…are you for real? kek they might as well completely switch to black and white setting

No. 2216756

File (hide): 1729536194344.jpg (92.49 KB, 569x807, 68efb245a4d470dd9f229b0a685722…)

dang that sucks i love taking inspiration from 70s magazines

No. 2216793

Is your PFP on Twitter Ei or Yae Miko?

No. 2216794

>there's a very distinctive tonal difference in yuri with problematic content and moral greyness written for plot points and the kind of yuritroon favourites that revolve around getting off to abuse of women
you sound like an underage twitterfag. if you're consuming yuri and only tolerating "moral greyness" (whatever that means) for the sake of "plot points" i understand that you're not actually interested in explicit gl. are you not aware that yuri, yaoi and whatever other genres of content that aren't just PG romance exist for sexual gratification? it doesn't necessarily need plot points whatsoever.
and "problematic" content in this context is abusive and degenerate unless your definition of problematic is something retarded like a 3 year age gap between two adult characters. all this vague rambling about "tonal differences" sounds twitterbrained as hell. just say you want fluffy angst or whatever. i want actually sexy problematic gl. that doesn't mean i want to see cannibal corpse lyrics tier content made by serial killer moids, just the stuff you could also expect to see in a lot of problematic yaoi etc. also, if you don't like people getting off to abuse of women then you should be tackling hetshit first and foremost, since that contains more misogynistic abuse than any of these other genres, not spending all your time and energy nitpicking and hating on yuri enjoyers.
>i was arguing with a yurifag on twitter and they started defending pedophilia and started posting gross loli memes and were replying with that and laighing, there were other yurifags also defending them and liking their tweet and yes they were women.
lmfao sure jan. what the hell is this bullshit copypasta. also if this actually happened why were you talking to random loli posting yurifags on twitter to begin with? i swear rabid moralfags are severely addicted to interacting with the people and the content they claim to despise and hate to see. it's behaviour that screams either self repressed degen or 13 year old chronically online picrew pfp and neopronoun having autist.
you're accusing others of being yuri posers while saying western media produces the only good toxic f/f pairings and content, using fucking she-ra as an example? c'mon now

No. 2216811>>2216840>>2216896>>2216939

in the end the yuri discussion just boils down to women unable to enjoy it needing to create moralfag ways to say “i don’t like this and can’t get off to it” from thin air. it’s a reverse of hetshippers complaining about bl for being offensive to fags or whatever

No. 2216824

>western series get, they're still the only ones getting f/f couples right. Two female characters that feel like real people, have their own dark sides and a plot where their relationship slowly develops over them facing challenges together that aren't just fluff with slight inconveniences
For example? Most Western series always feature lesbians getting raped by men with characters having male trauma backstories, and resulting in the couple dying in the end. This is the standard in Western lesbian romance.

No. 2216840>>2216896

Women are allowed to dislike mediums that fetishize them, this same thread also shits on webtoon straight shit

No. 2216896>>2216989

>Women are allowed to dislike mediums that fetishize them
women are allowed to be same sex attracted and to express their sexuality. stop acting like you're being oppressed by lesbians ffs.

No. 2216939>>2216953>>2216978>>2217111

Generally why is weird for a women to be horny? Some lesbian's not going outside to rape some poor bloke. It's men who do it, and men who enable it. The fact this a conversation happening right now when our forebearers fought for our rights to vote and marry anyone we like. Jesus I hate this hellsite sometimes.

No. 2216953>>2216978>>2217111

>People not liking my porn is oppression and and affront to feminism.
Do you guys hear yourselves? Almost as retarded as fujos who think BL is feminism. It's porn, get over it. You're not dying and having your rights stripped away because some randos on a basket weaving forum disapprove.

No. 2216978

Ngl I don't think people here know enough about toxic yuri manga to really kick up a fuss as long as you stick to the yuri thread and/or just don't post too many pictures if it has loli.
It's also not like yaoi doesn't get shit on this site either, there's no "antiyuri" or "antiyume" thread soI don't really see there being that much to complain about.

No. 2216989>>2216997

no one is criticizing lesbians, yuri is mostly consumed by men and straight girls. I wish you would stop acting like saying the genre thats mostly underage girls being lewded is weird and gross is an attack on lesbians.

No. 2216997>>2217000>>2217019

What is consumed by lesbians then? Is it gay males having anal sex? What do you genuinely expect lesbians to get turned by other than women, be it animated or not? idgi.

No. 2217000>>2217004

real women maybe

No. 2217004>>2217009

Some lesbians like to watch animated media with lesbian characters, get over it

No. 2217009>>2217027

straight women also like ddlg and bdsm and other weird shit that doesnt make them immune to criticism

No. 2217019>>2217023>>2217036

Question, are you acting obtuse and stupid on purpose as a way to avoid the question. You keep derailling this thrad with your moaning you dumb ass bitch about how no one should dare ever say one mean word about yuri thats moidish ot toxic. When anons ask what is that toxic type of yuri you like then you avoid the question and then keep barking like a bitch dog.

No. 2217023>>2217036>>2217064

She must love strike witches or other pedoshit that would get her flamed lmao

No. 2217027>>2217047

How is straight women being into pedophilia and actually engaging with moid fantasies irl equal to lesbians reading yuri? Lesbians liking some weird shit doesn't even come close

No. 2217036

I'm NTA you're so obsessed with, these are the first posts I made itt

No. 2217047

Most ddlg fags larp as kawaii desune underage school girls and most yurishit is about sexualizing school girls. I dont see how one is above criticism while the other is replorable, ddlg shitters are almost always weebs.

No. 2217064>>2217078>>2217111>>2217143

Yurifags are HILARIOUS because they have created this tense moralfagging environment where they shit on yaoi and hetships 24/7 and have a autistic hate-obssesion with fujos.
They moralfagging over every single fucking thing in existence "oh look this yaoi character is 5'7 or has big eyes that means he is a pseudo-woman and fujos are all disgusting ugly fetishizing bitches" or forcing het-artists or authors to turn characters Yuri.

Genuinely the most cancerous group in fandom spaces. And what i hate the most about they can dish BUT THEY CAN'T TAKE IT, if someone starts analyzing the mangas or media they are reading then they lose their mind like this mentally ill annoying bitch that's derailing this thread right now.

I wouldn't be suprised considering we had a actual self admitted yuripedo on this site a couple of months ago. I remember while shitting on fujos she ended up accidentally exposing herself as a pedo. Hilarious.

No. 2217076>>2217127

we srsly need to go back in times when homosexuals were sent to mental asylums. lesbians like these are a danger to society(bait)

No. 2217078

Yeah i genuinely dont get it. Hetfags, fujofags, shotafags all get shit on here i dont understand why himejoshis think disliking yuri is a hate crime.

No. 2217111>>2217138

if you were genuinely concerned about the porn industry you wouldn't be arguing about yuri in a thread about fandoms full of women.
>Generally why is weird for a women to be horny?
straight twitterfags (and baiters) flock to this thread which is why there's so much insane pearl clutching in response to actual ssa women existing who are into things beyond shipping fugly steven universe characters or whatever.
>no one is criticizing lesbians
except if they dare get turned on by, well, women or depictions thereof, apparently. be for real.
>yuri is mostly consumed by men and straight girls
trust me bro
>I wish you would stop acting like saying the genre thats mostly underage girls being lewded is weird and gross is an attack on lesbians
yeah we should ban yuri for women because men coom to it, like they do with literally everything. what a fucking retarded post. you're really trying to push a narrative that lesbians would never engage with yuri, when that's literally lesbian porn, and that if they do then they're equivalent to pedophile moids into loli rape.
calm down you fucking schizo. there are multiple anons who disagree with you, cope.

No. 2217127

No but bisexuals needs to be castrated(baiting)

No. 2217138>>2217313

whats up with yurifags coping and saying yuri isnt for men?

No. 2217143>>2217150>>2217152>>2217283>>2217755>>2217802>>2218555

File (hide): 1729545643467.jpg (148.65 KB, 1024x566, 1698693688799.jpg)

I pity laugh at yurifags because it seems that they'll forever be in last place when it comes to the types of ships that are loved and built on. Yaoi receives lots of love, fanfiction from many different types of both good and bad writing, good and bad art, good and bad porn. Hetships are neck and neck with yaoi, far from being neglected. Yume is less common IME, but there's still such a massive lean that it has. It has its own category of fanfiction writing, fanart, and even NSFW audio that yumes listen to so they can feel like their husbando is having phone sex with them. Yuri, IME, is the least fed category of shipping in every possible facet of fandom creativity. Objectively such less fanfiction. Objectively such less fanart. Objectively such less porn. Objectively such less everything. I would like to hear explanations from fujos and yumes on why that is.

No. 2217150>>2217158

Because most women like men and most men are creatively bankrupt. It's simple. The thing that actually baffles me is why yurifags haven't taken a page out of barafags book, where despite being a minority they are still able to create a decent sense of community and content stream for themselves that sets them apart from female-dominated spaces.

No. 2217152>>2217160>>2217474>>2217479

Its because women are the main contributors of fanfiction and ship art in fandom spaces and 99% of them are straight. I dont understand why yurifags cope so hard. Gundam was saved by fujos and what did the gundam producers did in return? pander hard to yuri waifufags with Witch from Mercury.

No. 2217158>>2217168

Wouldn't be surprised if it's because lots of yurifags are men in wigs, aka the same creatively bankrupt you mentioned, so all they do is whine and complaining since everything has catered to them since they were born.

No. 2217160>>2217171>>2217175

>pander hard to yuri waifufags with Witch from Mercury

No. 2217168>>2217214

I'm speaking specifically about actual lesbian yurifags, why didn't they look to barafag men and copy the idea wholesale? When you know you're tastes are minority you have to be more proactive than the average fan. Even hetshippers and fujos who ship rarepairs figured this out years ago.

No. 2217171>>2217182>>2217185

NTA but it's not based when you realize 90% of waifufags are men. Pandering to men over women it's some bullshit

No. 2217175

Stop crying about being opressed then. Yurifags, despite being a minority, always get pandered to because moids love lesbians.

No. 2217178>>2217186>>2217187

File (hide): 1729546325683.jpg (59.34 KB, 1280x720, I_do_not_compregend.jpg)

itt: nonnies who have never read nor cared about yuri in their lives pontificate about yuri because, for the millionth time,they are too autistic to accept that there are women who like what they don't like

No. 2217180>>2217196

this isn’t banter, it’s just pure seething. also holy shit lc is retarded why do matters of preference always have to come down to hours and hours and hours of arguing

No. 2217182>>2217194>>2217200>>2217313

who gives a fuck about men and what they enjoy

No. 2217185>>2217210>>2217353

File (hide): 1729546433591.png (62.22 KB, 1028x563, gundam.png)

Women that have supported your show since its inception, too. Imagine being such an hypocrite you say this but then you decide to make your first openly gay ship yurishit to please that small percentage of moids instead of the loyal female fans.

No. 2217186>>2217258

Then don't come into a thread full of non-lesbian and ask their opinion on Yuri if you're gonna get mad and sperg when we respond.

No. 2217187>>2217199

Hetsluts really need to stay in their own lanes. Clearly, they haven't been beaten enough by their moids.(bait)

No. 2217194

this site is full of people who really really really care about male opinions and male interests and always being on the opposite of that

No. 2217196>>2217208

It's a joke dumbass no need to take it so seriously. It was probably our resident ban evading trapfag considering the original reply got deleted.

No. 2217199>>2217219>>2217283

wow very normal thing to say

No. 2217200

Don't be obtuse, I mean these companies aren't releasing stuff for you but you try to pretend it's a win. Companies always ignore female fans and coddle males, forcing Yuri fanservice is one of their strategies to keep men watching

No. 2217208

post so stupid i can see your grey matter oozing from your ears(infighting)

No. 2217210>>2217230>>2217293

Kek, always nice to see fujolards getting screwed over.(fujosperging outside containment)

No. 2217214

File (hide): 1729546821297.jpg (60.92 KB, 750x742, 1687982842819472.jpg)

>I'm speaking specifically about actual lesbian yurifags, why didn't they look to barafag men and copy the idea wholesale?
They did you ignoramus. "Yuri" as a word was born because lesbians also reached out to other lesbians thanks to Barazoku magazine's mail and they soon got a page/column for themselves called Yurizoku.
Moids also like yuri but it was all born from lesbians who wanted to read lesbian stories written by other lesbians and today there still are spaces just for that, you just don't know them because you don't frequent them and don't read yuri (but you read yaoi so you know about bara).
Genuinely WTF is up with fandom threads attracting people who don't know shit about fandom? If you have been around animanga spaces enough you would know of lesbian yuri fans and how they have to begrudgingly share their spaces with male yuri fans.

No. 2217217>>2217225

sorry but your waifu is not feminist approved and you re going to a dworkin jail now :/(no emoticons)

No. 2217219

it’s a very extremely super duper obvious falseflag kek let’s all learn to recognize falseflags

No. 2217225>>2217238>>2217240>>2217246

File (hide): 1729547140616.jpeg (759.98 KB, 1024x1024, 88AFA56A-24F2-4E8F-9A4A-B3B2D9…)

she’d approve of mine
>strong enough to protect women
>canonically loves women
>has fully embraced the divine feminine
>feminine so (you) don’t have to be

No. 2217228

I'm surprised no one has posted about the new Life is strange tranny character voiced by a man, I find that way more offensive than pricefield breaking up.
>Clocky man voice
>His name is Gwen (spiderverse reference? get ready for even more troons naming themselves Gwen now)
>transbian married to a woman because of course he is
>Has a monologue where he spergs about a "raging transphobe" teacher who went "They're brainwashing our kids!"
>"But I knew that if I said anything, I'd get found out" (sure would with that man voice kek)

No. 2217230>>2217234>>2217261

Eh, they got Bravern soon after so not much was lost really.

No. 2217234>>2217244

bravern is ugly we deserve better

No. 2217238

thats a trap made for pedophilic moids, anon. didn't you hear that women can't enjoy characters if they aren't explicitly for us wahhmen?

No. 2217240

i like how it spells FAGGOT on the picture

No. 2217244>>2217248

I'm happy with it, ngl I dropped WoM halfway through because it was too school life for me.

No. 2217246

I don't even dislike traps on principle but he's so ugly, his hair, his colour scheme, it's just awful

No. 2217248>>2217251

Good for you, i still want my bishie mecha yaoi though i dont like how generic the bravern guys look.

No. 2217251>>2217254

You can start by watching seasonal mecha until something to your taste shows up.

No. 2217254>>2217257

Nein i want Gundam to go back to pandering to women instead of moids.

No. 2217257>>2217263

Then you can sit in your grumpy corner and get what you get.

No. 2217258

File (hide): 1729547827405.jpg (55.78 KB, 512x615, 190274001.jpg)

That was my first post in the conversation.
The original question wasn't even "your opinion on yuri" but a nebulous ass "why is toxic yaoi ok but toxic yuri isn't?" which in retrospect was another bait for the yaoi/yuri slapfight to happen.

My only horse in this race is that I only post my love for women in the lesbian yumejo thread because I know it's like this everywhere else, SSA as a topic gets the bait shit heated.
If you hornypost about women (anime or not) outside of designated threads it's akin to autistic sexual harrassment which is incredibly funny for a website whose userbase always acts like lesbians must be protected and given space.

No. 2217261

I haven't watched it but when it started I found the character designer's twitter account and he joked that he'll be more famous for Bravern than for all his yuri and cutesy girl art.

No. 2217263>>2217272

File (hide): 1729547896647.jpg (129.59 KB, 850x498, sample_dc7401a8243d311ce914d18…)

I am not going to settle down for a shitty waifubait show like bravern.

No. 2217272>>2217277>>2217278>>2217279

File (hide): 1729548083083.jpeg (6.61 KB, 299x168, images.jpeg)

Yes, nothing wrong with settling down with pic related instead, the seething is a bit pathetic though.

No. 2217277>>2217291

I havent watched WoM tho.

No. 2217278

You know how people get with trending anime shows, just ignore it.

No. 2217279>>2217291

What is this, an image for ants, it looks cute too

No. 2217283>>2217299

File (hide): 1729548380334.png (217.33 KB, 720x1612, 1000017145.png)

Don't worry nonna it's a tranny baiting

>I would like to hear explanations from fujos and yumes on why that is.
As a himejo my theory on it is that the venn diagramme of women who are lesbian/bisexual and
>Can keep to a strict schedule
>For years on end
>Are great storytellers
>Can draw for a long time
>Can make profit enough from the story written to warrant sitting down for hours to illustrate a story
Is very small right now. Comics take months to create and good drawing skill that takes years to cultivate.

I'm almost 28 right now and since 16 I've watched lesbians get accused as transphobic because they didn't have pronouns in bio, and by the time I was 17/18 the word terf entered the lexicon and it just got worse. I've even seen nonnas on here talk about how when they were handmaidens they targeted lesbians more than any other sexuality to harass because they knew they were easy targets. To put it bluntly lesbians haven't had much support. And it set an example for other lesbians growing up to not draw anything female/female or they'll get sexually harassed by trannies and handmaidens… for being lesbian who draws lesbians…. Even a lesbian artist named Maxine Harlow appeared a few years ago (picrel is the results I got from googling how to spell her name KEK) and she never mentioned trannies ONCE and just made derpy comics, yet look at what fucking came up. They harassed and stalked her on everything and eventually she DFE.

What's funny is that trannies are always harassing fujos on twitter to make yuri when they don't even clock that they already sexually harassed the women who would actually draw it off the internet 10 years ago. Trannies need to kill themselves en masse to repent kek. They don't know how deeply they are hated.

No. 2217291

I feel like the fact that this vindicated yuri nona a tad, its Gundam: Witch of Mercury.

No. 2217293>>2217295>>2217315

>yurinigger chosing to side with pedophilic lolicon moids instead of her own sex once again

No. 2217295>>2217297

You are trying way too hard, sir.

No. 2217297

No. 2217299>>2217305

What browser are you using?

No. 2217305

Brave browser

No. 2217307

Virgins shouldn't be allowed to answer this question.

No. 2217313

>whats up with yurifags coping and saying yuri isnt for men?
did i say that? no. following your logic, women aren't allowed sexual gratification from anything since men goon to absolutely anything and everything.
makeup, women's fashion, shaving and everything else most women do are also for men. every single piece of media on television, in video games, and whatever else is made for men. so i guess you better not be performing any kind of femininity or consuming anything from male dominated popular culture since it's made for men with their pleasure in mind. such a stupid argument.
literally. and if you care so much about it, go fight men about it on 4chan instead of acting insane itt.

No. 2217314>>2217323>>2217325>>2217332>>2217418

Question for the thread considering the topic. Which do you believe? Do you believe that
>your sexuality defines what you're into media wise (yuri, yaoi, het)
>what you're into media wise defines your sexuality
>neither are mutually exclusive to one another

No. 2217315>>2217319>>2217327>>2217331

Funny considering the thread just called out the popular trendy fujo show as waifu pedo shit for moids and were interested in the series you're saying is waifu pedo shit for moids.

No. 2217319

No one said this, everyone was shitting on witch of mercury for throwing women under the bus for a waifushit moid audience. Bravern is literally waifu shit too, so i dont understand how it's better.

No. 2217323>>2217418

File (hide): 1729549509253.png (556.77 KB, 615x1000, sexoxxx.png)

No because I'm a heterosexual woman who wants to fuck Fujiwara no Mokou from Touhou Project

No. 2217325>>2217336

No, unless you're a teenager. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think you can watch things for fun without having it affect your identity or sex. Frankly, the belief otherwise seems kinda fucked up.
I read yuri, het, yaoi, ecchi romcom, because I'm interested in the story. It doesn't mean I'm changing sexuality at light speed.

No. 2217327>>2217339

I don't like bravern either and think the men in it are ugly as fuck and so called fujos should stop shilling that slop

No. 2217331

Tbh lolcow is a shit place to talk about modern anime in general, I don't see why you would bother with anything outside Evangelion and original Gundam.

No. 2217332>>2217336>>2217337

>your sexuality defines what you're into media wise (yuri, yaoi, het)
if you're getting off to it, obviously yes.

No. 2217336

Agreed. I personally think people who conflate the media they watch with their own sexuality are either really young and probably virgins, retarded or incredibly impressionable with no concrete sense of self and is a greater symptom of how media obsessed we've become as a society. I believe it's a symptom of people who build their entire identities and what they view as their own self-concept through the shallow media they consume rather than their own thoughts and beliefs and lived experiences. The only exception I do agree with is >>2217332.

No. 2217337

Exactly, you seek it out for a reason. Saying otherwise sounds like you're speaking from the lesbian masterdoc

No. 2217339>>2217340

Bravern will never be tiger & bunny. Ugly ass show with 4 moeblob waifus and 2 guys drawn as generic as possible to not scare off moid waifufags.

No. 2217340>>2217344>>2217345>>2217360

File (hide): 1729550166634.png (763 KB, 1280x720, tiger-bunny-2101.png)

If Tiger and Bunny came out today it would probably be called geriatric shit with a walled bearded moid with a wife and child. And the Pepsi freezing girl would get spammed as moid waifubait.

No. 2217344>>2217352

File (hide): 1729550357597.png (264.76 KB, 400x702, Blueroserender.png)

Let's be serious, most shows liked here got grandfathered in. Evangelion was the show of waifubait and tsundere with middle school girls in body clinging clothing, Code Geass had high-school girls in Bunny suits shoving their ass at the screen, Gundam has the creator talking about how the female love interest has to have a good pussy, etc.

No. 2217345>>2217352

The male characters in tiger and bunny at least look pretty and not like G.I Joe rejects. And there is a more equal amount of male and female characters.

No. 2217352>>2217358

File (hide): 1729550621123.png (78.53 KB, 240x360, P04s.png)

Sure, lol. Meanwhile >>2217344 was in love with the main character despite her being 18 and him near 40.

No. 2217353

File (hide): 1729550631826.webp (478.5 KB, 1200x1697, IMG_6035.webp)

>Imagine being such an hypocrite you say this but then you decide to make your first openly gay ship yurishit
Nona, GWITCH was not a Tomino production kek. He’s only listed as “original creator” because he started the franchise. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=24724

The last Gundam anime he had any real role in was G Reco which got shat on hard. Blame GWITCH’s director/writer or the suits at Sunrise

No. 2217358>>2217363

And? literally what is your point kek. Comparing Bravern to Tiger and Bunny is a travesty. At least in T&B if you dont like the mc you got other cute male characters to choose from, in Bravern if you dont like great value uglier Johan or faggier Guts all you have left is generic waifubait.

No. 2217360>>2217366

>If Tiger and Bunny came out today it would probably be called geriatric shit
Anon this is what everyone called it months before the show actually aired

No. 2217363>>2217365>>2217367

Sure, you get homosexual black man, one Russian twink, a tomboy loli, bara ox man, and basically the mc of bravern to choose from.

No. 2217365

That's still more than bravern offers kek. Plus blue rose is actually cute out of her suit. I fucking hate how in bravern all the women look like generic moeblobs and the guys get super detailed faces make them look like they belong in different shows.

No. 2217366

How long did it take for people to pretend they always liked it?

No. 2217367

>you get homosexual black man
He's voiced by Tsudaken so he's automatically best boy after Kotetsu though.

No. 2217380>>2217381>>2217382>>2217407

File (hide): 1729552301093.jpg (214.57 KB, 580x483, r8pZYZK.jpg)

I wish fandoms like swifties, hive and barbs that are known for doxxing haters put that energy into doxxing scrotes who run fetish accounts or make rape jokes on twitter. picrel censored because the entire thread is doxxing but they went viral for this

No. 2217381

File (hide): 1729552396768.jpg (210.21 KB, 592x792, nBosNiF.jpg)

No. 2217382>>2217386

> put that energy into doxxing scrotes who run fetish accounts or make rape jokes on twitter
they did back when that taylor AI porn went viral

No. 2217386>>2217390>>2217394

that's the problem they only care about misogyny when its against someone they stan

No. 2217390>>2217397

ty is a omega pickme so ofcourse they dont give a shit

No. 2217394

Yeah, they're swifties not feminism warriors, what did you expect?

No. 2217397

>ty is a omega pickme so ofcourse they dont give a shit
the funniest thing about swifties is how they ran a PR campaign for Matty Healy when he was dating Taylor and then switched as soon as they broke up kek (of course there were the swifties who wanted them to break up and gaylors). Matty is friends with Charli and the two fandoms are just fighting (charli is another pick me)

No. 2217407>>2217473>>2217655

who gives a shit that some random moid got doxxed?

No. 2217418

I want to say that media and sexuality isn't mutually exclusive but sometimes there's series that seem to attract people of specific sexualities more than others.
I had examples but then realized most of my time spent in these fandoms at some point was on Tumblr, so that might be biased
She's handsome so that's understandable

No. 2217473

Me. I always celebrate male misfortune.

No. 2217474>>2217545>>2218411

File (hide): 1729557492174.jpg (688.59 KB, 800x1143, 051f1927bb5c6c85c1316537241696…)

It's actually funny to see one of the assmad fujos randomly seething about G-Witch in the wild.

No. 2217479

File (hide): 1729558038565.jpeg (92.64 KB, 850x850, IMG_6197.jpeg)

preach my sister !

No. 2217545>>2217579>>2217590

"Women and fujos hate G-Witch" feels like a retarded argument too because I remember that show was also enjoyed by actual women.

No. 2217579

it was a FOTM show

No. 2217590

it's a surprise to me, I liked it and thought it was decent fun, got a little retarded and weirdly paced towards the end, but a lot of anime does that so whatever. I just watch anime on my own or with a friend and don't interact with the broader community (only individual fandoms, if that), so maybe that's why I didn't know there was this kind of dislike for it

No. 2217655

Is that a moid? It looks like a tif. I'd be surprised if women doxxed an actual moid

No. 2217755>>2218298

No woman straight or lesbian wants to write about two cardboard cutout anime waifus because there's nothing between them, nothing of substance defining their relationship besides looking pretty, so people end up drawing only smutty pinups and porn instead of fanfiction and SFW doujins. That's why western f/f ships dominate the Ao3 shipping charts with barely any anime ships present. Even yuripedo is only into yuri because she cooms to the porn, not because she finds the characters interesting or really of other value than for gooning. Like every other obsessed yurifag, she spends more time screeching about the fujos living inside of her head and whining about being oppressed for liking loli and female rape rather than building a strong community generating endless amounts of content for all kinds of women to enjoy and driving for female characters to have more variation and agency.

No. 2217784>>2217790>>2217796>>2218060>>2218062

File (hide): 1729588007819.jpg (49.83 KB, 1200x675, MiMwxscRfhFZC8tZv4Qewf-1200-80…)

What do you guys think about the drama surrounding Angela's new appearance in the SH2 remake? People bitching about her being ugly despite her background of being a rape victim?

No. 2217790

What does her being ugly have to do with being a rape victim?
But honestly she’s ugly in the remake, too chubby cheeks and for that it’s such a new game the textures don’t impress me (her sweater for example or the hands in detail shots)

No. 2217792

you can't say that and not show pics. aside from that, sincerest apologies nona. i found a fantastic yuri artist a couple years ago and she started drawing one half of all ships as trannies for some fucking reason.

No. 2217796

I think people should stop giving terminally online, bottom-of-the-barrel retards the time of day. No normal person (yes, even normie moids) looks at a game like silent hill 2, with stories and characters like that and goes 'but she doesn't make my eyes smile, my peepee hard??? UNACCEPTABLE!'. She looks average, which is all she needs to be design-wise– she's not supposed to be 'Maria: traumatised edition'.

All the people complaining about her being ugly, especially 'too ugly to rape' are simply advertising that they're not worth oxygen, let alone anyone's time. They may be loud voices with their shrieking, but they don't actually matter and don't represent the general playerbase's opinions. It's just more nonsense that's easy to get engagement through.

No. 2217802>>2218914

I find it interesting that it seems like the lack of fan content seems like mostly an animanga yuri issue, western lesbian ships like clexa, supercorp, caitvi etc are actually very popular and do get tons of fanfiction written about them. Working theory is that these ships appeal mostly to adult women whereas animanga yuri fandom seems to be trannies and teenagers

No. 2217817

I love this image reaction, sorry I didn't read your post

No. 2217823>>2217857

I hate how there is no female fandom in existence which is gatekept or not have been invaded by moids.

I was looking at a post from r/otomeisekai and one of the top fucking comments was some moid giving his worthless opinion and starting off the comment with 'as a straight man..' and of course it had alot of upvotes because women in fandoms crave acceptance from men for some fucking reason .

Then i clicked on his profile and….it was just like what you would expect. 90% of his post history of posting on teen subreddits (this creep is older than 30), posting only on sex or relationship reddit advice posts, posting on yuri subreddits, posting on anime subreddits. I also laughed while looking at his posts because of the contradictions he makes because on one relationship advice post he literally blames women for getting mad at men for cheating or being sexist and goes not all men yet in another post he defends cheating by saying that everyone does it..lmfao what.

Im just so tired of seeing straight men in female communities and most of these men are the most predatory and awful people you will ever met too. I resent women for being such pickmes that they crave male validation and allow men into every single facet into women's life and hobbies meanwhile men are allowed gatekeep their communities or even jobs by sexually harassing, tormenting and bullying women.

No. 2217857>>2217863>>2217871

All those boyfriend experience ASMRs and vtubers really kicked the door open into the otome community and now every smug scrote thinks women want to hear his moaning and panting in their ears. Girls, just stick to your character ai chatbots and don't support this shit.

No. 2217863>>2217881

So listening to boy moan audios is amoral now? Ai voices are fucking curse and frankly anything to do with AI. Still not a fan, but it beats giving moids the time of day by letting them into our gardens.

No. 2217871>>2217875

Um…your reply has nothing to do with my post. I was talking about otomeisekai and female communities who have moid posters invade it. Not fucking asmr videos lmfao.

No. 2217875>>2217883

The moid posters are there specifically because they think they're wanted there since they can't differentiate between some internet sexyman and a regular moid. That's the point.

No. 2217881

nta but have you heard some of them? They're pretty bad. They have no respect for what makes asmr good and are just there to dweebily moan.

No. 2217883>>2217886

Um…i feel like im talking to a wall because there is no correlation between these two in any ways. Drama CD's and erotic audios for yumes have existed for a very long time so i don't see what that has to do with men invading every female community in lightning speed. Are we now going to blame drama cd's for men invading knitting and crotchet groups too wtf. Girl you just sound braindead

No. 2217886>>2217891

I think the issue here is that you think we're talking about Drama CDs and audio CDs with an actual production value complete with directors, writers and actors when it's about recent inventions, specifically those shitty youtube boyfriend "ASMR" channels every smarmy fuckboy online is doing now to cash on otome communities.

No. 2217891>>2217899

Ok but that still has nothing to do with random moids invading communities. I looked at the profiles of most of those moids and there is no correlation to what you are saying. i dont understand why we should punish women who listen to youtube boyfriend asmr just because men are invading female communities (which they have been doing since the dawn of humanity).
I don't think you understand what im saying, your issue seems to be with low quality male asmr audios which i do agree with alot of them are cringey and gross but that has nothing to do with what im talking about.

Most of the men invading female manhwa communities are pornhwa and shounen manhwa men and most men invading female manga communities are yuri or hentai watchers. And for cosplayers many of them are creeps who want a alt girl, and don't get me started on the men who invade doll collector female communities….they always sound like serial killers.
Every female community gets invaded by moids even women health communities get invaded by moids who start mansplaining their own health to them. The only way to stop this is to have women gatekep communities but for some reason women are against gatekeeping men.

No. 2217892>>2217899

Is Viziepop terfing out what's happening

No. 2217899>>2217906>>2217909

You don't see the connection between moids invading otome communities and all of these virtual boyfriend experience audios, vtubers and other thirst traps like cosplay they're making specifically to target the otome communities? Are you ESL?

What are you talking about? This is an imageboard, post screenshots.

No. 2217906

??? Im not esl i just think that you are confused on what otome is.
Generic boyfriend asmr has nothing to do with that and many of it's listeners don't really interact with otome either and are instead ai chatters ,western fanfic readers or roleplayers. Most vtuber enjoyers are also weebs who mostly consume moid targeted slop and avoid otome.
There is like a very small % of that which hurts the otome community or is the reason why moids invade it. Also otome enjoyers have their audio cd dramas to enjoy, they don't need that youtube shit which is made for a totally different group.

No. 2217909>>2217912>>2217919>>2217955

File (hide): 1729600153519.jpg (157.11 KB, 1080x1141, 1000015788.jpg)

I saw an out of context screenshot this morning, here it is. She's not TERFing out from what can be extrapolated from the full conversation, she's complaining about "trenders"

No. 2217912>>2217916>>2217918>>2217919>>2217931>>2217955

File (hide): 1729600237756.jpg (58.44 KB, 1059x367, 1000015789.jpg)

More context

No. 2217913

Fountain pen sales industry AU

No. 2217916

Not being a terf just supporting "real trans people" and not "trenders." She has a tranny character in helluva boss. Also why does she talk like a retarded teenager?

No. 2217918

I highly doubt she will be cancelled since she went after only trans men and we all know that no one gives a fuck about trans men including their own community. Shitting on trans men and being transphobic towards them is a pretty normal and daily occurrence that happens in trans communities all the time.

If she said something about trans women then she would have been cancelled in like a flash, but this is tifs so nobody really cares and this will soon blow over.

No. 2217919>>2217923>>2217952

Isn't this old as hell milk? I remember seeing it make rounds like years ago. Now that Hazbin Hotel has become so huge she's untouchable, a couple of troons seething about leaked DMs from years ago can't hurt her anymore.

No. 2217923

It's the first time I'm seeing it and it seems to be making rounds, no clue how old these screenshots are.

No. 2217931

I'm a decade younger than her but the way she types makes me feel like I'm a decade older. So retarded.

No. 2217952

>Now that Hazbin Hotel has become so huge she's untouchable, a couple of troons seething about leaked DMs from years ago can't hurt her anymore.
Maybe if she were a troon…
She's still not on Rowling's level, she's just the director of two popular cartoons and that doesn't account to much even if she fights tooth and nail for her own properties.
If it will ever happen (because she loves TIMs and has a billion troon friends I don't see her going anti-troon at all) the day Vivziepop steps over the line will be the day when gendies roast her alive an they will all be "justified" in their hatred of her because of ugly artstyle, annoying cartoons, etc.

No. 2217955

This is very old milk and it was discussed both here and in the Western Animation thread on /snow/ btw.

No. 2218060>>2218062

How do SH2 nonnas feel about the remake bringing new fans into the fandom?

No. 2218062

We should collectively stop giving these people's opinions any relevance. Ultimately, it's just a bunch of men stomping their feet. People hiding this behind any pretense of intellectual argument always show their true colors when the conversation is about male characters. Then suddenly, beauty doesn't matter in the context or is subjective. Nobody cares who likes this game, cares if Angela is pretty or not, and she was never even seen as a pretty character, and I've been on the fandom since I was a teenager. They just want ammunition to scream and cry and pretend they are victims for not being catered to in every possible aspect in 100% of the games.
Other anon asked this itt >>2204560

No. 2218152>>2218162>>2218181>>2218184>>2218249>>2219156>>2219160

File (hide): 1729616866767.png (1.24 MB, 2536x1834, men's mental health is a meme …)

Sci fi being there is fucking hilarious since arguably the most famous sci fi novel ever written (Frankenstein) was written by a woman kek.

No. 2218158>>2218177>>2218187>>2218221>>2218228>>2218252>>2219108

File (hide): 1729617043811.png (542.74 KB, 600x1773, dubs.png)

Imagine being so obsessed with fandom internet wars that you unironically defend shitty english dubs, the original poster didn't even mention japan and the reason why english dubs are so bad is because crunchyroll refuses to work with union voice actors and dub producers. leading to sloppy and poorly put together dubs, shouldn't these progressives be supporting union actors getting fair wages

No. 2218162

Men invaded Mahou shoujo, my little pony, jfashion, female sports, female only dating sites, female bathrooms, female only subreddits, ruined every single alt fashion and turned them into porn tags.

No. 2218177

Even when English dubs are or were "good" they were still pretty bad. I'm only saying this based on video games I've played back when almost none of them would let you pic between the original Japanese voices and the terrible American dub, even in countries where English is barely used.

No. 2218181

As if men haven't invaded (and monetized!) many primarily female hobbies and spaces (and even insist on being considered one of us or lose your damn job over it). He needs to go cry in a corner.

No. 2218184>>2218189>>2218194>>2218228>>2218239>>2218332

File (hide): 1729618680549.png (115.92 KB, 844x534, muh military.png)

Did he just forget that dollhouse miniatures are pretty much the woman hobby equivalent (minus the war shit obviously)

No. 2218187>>2218209

I've always been surprised at how unprofessional and amateurish english dubs sound. In my country dubbing is always done by tv actors, who have very natural acting skills

No. 2218189>>2218216

>war gaming
more women need to get into 40K it's the final frontier of fujobait

No. 2218194>>2218304

File (hide): 1729619179278.jpg (92.02 KB, 500x688, 1683763097011995.jpg)

>tfw i am into all of that
time to ruin it for men

No. 2218209>>2219460

Agreed English dubbing seems so fake. Urdu and Hindu dubs prioritise more natural sounding lines even in anime some Arab dubs too although most sound like ad reads and always hire that one arab narrator

No. 2218216

there was that one asian fujos, but she switched to drawing fallout new vegas, which was actually quite understandable if you think about it

No. 2218221

>english just has three
better than french who just has one

No. 2218228

I watch dubs for multitasking unless the work itself is enough for me to watch subbed. Otherwise, I agree with some nonnas, most english dubs for anime and foreign media tend to sound off in a way that's hard to describe. It's like none of the VAs enjoy it and just want a paycheck by the end of the month. Some of the best dubs are done by passionate people who knew what they doing while also understanding the assignment, but they're all union so i guess we're stuck with interns for the rest of history.
Painting figures isn't austically male, what is this moid on about? Lord forbid women take interest in geeky things. It will forever confuse when moids whine about women judging their taste in hobbies but turn around judge women for liking the same things they do. I don't even like most the things he listed besides the more creative ones because why would I be interested in war gaming besides maybe the lore? Bit meaningless imo.

No. 2218239

>war gaming/painting
as if decorating little dolls (sorry i mean figurines) and then playing with them isn't the most girly activity of all. he might as well add scrapbooking and BJDs to this list.

No. 2218249>>2218259

>Video games
Tying to gatekeep the entire genre of sci-fi is already crazy, and I know with comics he actually meant capeshit specifically, but trying to gate keep an entire medium is something else.
>women invaded Star Wars
Sorry for spoonfeed request, but can someone explain to me the timeline of moids starting to believe this? Because I've seen this take before and I don't know what they're mad about that could be pinned on women and not Disney inc. (afaik they're mad about the Disney trilogy). Before that, the only thing I can vaguely remember is SW fans getting mad when people started pointing out that sending death threats to actors and etc. was fucked up and their fandom sucked they want 1984 where you're not allowed to comment when male fandoms suck, I guess. Which, yeah, no shit that a mostly family friendly big capital company would rather their franchise not be strongly associated with a fandom that is mostly known as deranged basement dwellers that would get mad at them anyway.

But why are almost all of his examples fandom shit anyway?? The tweets he's responding to are about mental health and forming communities. He can't imagine interacting with other moids outside of geek stuff?

No. 2218252>>2218276

vidrel is what modern modern english dubs sound like

No. 2218259

>but can someone explain to me the timeline of moids starting to believe this?
Just at the start of Disney star wars stuff, some people like to pretend that they had an issue with the orange chick at first but that's a lie since they thought she was hot. Basically though they'll get mad at anything, we're talking about the group of people who hated on a kid who was like 10 for being a bad actor (since you know, he was a kid) in a shitty film.
>He can't imagine interacting with other moids outside of geek stuff?

No. 2218276

The youngest guy was screaming like Nero from DMC the whole time kek

No. 2218298>>2218313>>2218349

>That's why western f/f ships dominate the Ao3 shipping charts with barely any anime ships present.
Well no shit a Western site predominantly consisting of Westerners have nothing but Western femslash pairings as the top ships. The creative scene driving the animanga fandom unsurprisingly mostly consist of Japs. It's like you conveniently ignore the amount of Yuri doujins drawn by women in all female character fandoms like Touhou and Precure, some of which became lost media because they never got scanlated. And if fans wanted to publish fanfiction they would do it on their own sites rather than on AO3. But of course you wouldn't know about such things because you don't read Yuri or frequent Yuri spaces because you're not attracted to women.

No. 2218304

Based, let's build train models and gunpla together nonna

No. 2218313

>Touhou and Precure i.e. literal moid magnet loli games and the japanese equivalent of MLP: FiM
>y-you westpig just d-don't see it b-because y-you're a w-westoid!!!! t. self-hating westerner
>Thinks yurifags are lesbian

No. 2218327

>Thinks it's fujos who complain about yurifags and not yumes
>Thinks fujos would give a shit about your retarded rivalry if your bippie asses didn't bring it up all the fucking time to seethe and cry about m/m having more fanfics and sperg about muh fujolards somehow taking your porn away

No. 2218329

Yeah sure, the people who through shitfits about yuri not being popular are yumes…sure.

No. 2218332

Am I the only one who has never understood men's obsession with war? They judge women for liking true crime, but will obsess over young men being sent to their deaths on the battlefield.

No. 2218336>>2218340>>2218368

File (hide): 1729623975288.png (658.53 KB, 462x598, 37947324.png)

I hate this dumb pickme cunt who married the misogynistic moid who created Stellar Blade. I can only hope she's a gold digger otherwise what a dumb bitch. If not I hope she gets deepfake porn made of her by the moids she loves so much. Imagine having this little respect for not only yourself but other women.(bait)

No. 2218340>>2218347>>2218356

>If not I hope she gets deepfake porn made of her by the moids she loves so much
Why would you wish that on anyone

No. 2218342

It is what it is, anon. Drawing high school girls making out and sharing a space with coom-addicted scrotes isn't exactly feminist. It's not like yuri is in any way comparable to IRL lesbians.

No. 2218347

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It'd be deserved karma.

No. 2218349>>2218370

>It's like you conveniently ignore the amount of Yuri doujins drawn by women
Aren't the vast majority of doujinshi made by women anyway?

No. 2218356>>2218360>>2218361>>2218368

File (hide): 1729624727128.png (Spoiler Image,604.45 KB, 600x525, 327893782.png)

She draws shit like this, actively encourages the objectification of women in one of the most misogynistic third world countries, while never objectifying or sexualizing men despite being heterosexual, etc. Gender traitors like her deserve a taste of their own medicine, considering how much they love to worship moids.(bait)

No. 2218360>>2218365

I hate handmaidens too but that's borderline A-logging over drawing shitty coomer art.

No. 2218361

holy shit the anatomy is terrible

No. 2218365>>2218368>>2218376

This goes far beyond being a coomer aritst. Actively partaking in the sexualization of women especially in Korea which is known for its degenerate and repugnant moids is disgusting. With all her power, she could draw sexy objectified moids like a healthy heterosexual woman but nope, she choses to conform to the status quo while bathroom cameras continue to record her pissing, she probably likes that though.

No. 2218367

Sorry, but your designated poster child ITT is the one constantly ragespamming NSFW art of little girls, going on schizo spergouts about "fujoshits" and openly fantasizing about raping them, is a proud lolicon and calls masculine lesbian characters male-adjacent TIFs. Even Rancefag isn't as rancid as she is.

No. 2218368

This is the weirdest bait I've seen in this thread so far.

No. 2218370>>2218378

File (hide): 1729625112556.png (Spoiler Image,2.88 MB, 1193x1611, toranoana women vs men section…)

No, it's pretty 50/50 I'd imagine they're just very very very different when you compare stuff made for women to stuff made for men.

No. 2218375

women get objectified, harassed and raped irl, men dont. Women consuming doujins of japanese schoolboys kissing doesnt affect men in the slightest, people consuming sexualized media of school girl however does.

No. 2218376

I don't have any sympathy for Korean anti-feminists and wouldn't care if the incels come for her either, but you should probably go to therapy instead of seething this much.

No. 2218378>>2218379

I'm really not talking about the audience but about the artists, plenty of women make straight hentai that look degenerate enough to be made by men. It's just that they adapt their style for the male audience. And your screenshot having a few JJK covers reminds of one specific artist I randomly found on twitter with a link to her pixiv profile, she usually makes straight coomer doujinshi and started making Gojo/Geto doujinshi later with cutesy romantic storylines, mpreg and detailed anatomy and it's like night and day, they were so different I found it hilarious.

No. 2218379>>2218386

Stuff like comiket is mostly men, so much so that most female fans don't go there anymore.

No. 2218383>>2218385>>2218390>>2218392>>2218393>>2218396

File (hide): 1729625668847.png (77.14 KB, 575x861, iwillnotalog.png)

Late but just checked this thread and I'm trying not to a-log so bad. Do women really consider moids in suits attractive and dressed like nuns? Am I the fucking abnormality here for preferring men in sexy clothing or is this just another case of patriarchal social conditioning?

No. 2218385>>2218396>>2218443

I am glad nucani is doing well to prove these retards wrong.

No. 2218386

Yeah I know that, iirc it's because of things like each comiket lasting less days than a few years ago so there aren't enough tables for all the artists who apply to sell there, and akaboo creating a lot more events in several cities all year long, so fujoshi, and female artists in general, decided they'd rather go to akaboo events instead. That and to get a booth at akaboo events it's basically first come first serve to sell there instead of some guys checking your internet clout. I kind of want to go to comiket someday just out of curiosity, but the more I hear about it the less interesting it seems.

No. 2218390>>2218394>>2218397

File (hide): 1729625933230.jpg (2.05 MB, 1414x2000, 9965bcba1eb50e19ca5d12f15432e7…)

I think men dressed like nuns is pretty sexy.

No. 2218392

Good looking male characters in suits are okay but saying shit like "women don't like parts/chest windows in men" is insane, especially when there are fanservice scenes with men and they get shirtless on camera.

>our attractions are just different

Bitch who is we?

No. 2218393>>2218409

>Do women really consider moids in suits attractive and dressed like nuns?
Yes, I prefer when men wear long, flowing clothes; shirtless men look like plucked chickens to me. But I feel like I’m in the minority of straight women.

No. 2218394>>2218400

Not what I meant autist

No. 2218395

You have to be braindead if you don't understand why women don't approve of schoolgirl porn. You can't be this stupid?

No. 2218396>>2218443>>2218471

At its bottom it's a cope. All women are ever given are male characters in covered, conventional clothing while female characters are given uncomfortable looking clothes accentuating their sexualized features so they're doing this "a-ackshually, I like seeing men covered up because… uniforms and suits!" thing to shield themselves from the disappointment of things never changing. I've seen a lot of women think this way but when they're exposed to an option like NuCani >>2218385 mentioned or What in hell is bad or any of the material with heavily sexualized men they wake up to the lie they've been feeding themselves. Suits and uniforms can be sexy, but a lot of other things can be too. They're just kept from our reach because it would make men too uncomfortable.

No. 2218397

No. 2218400

File (hide): 1729626201703.jpg (66.63 KB, 557x750, Shin.Megami.Tensei_.PERSONA.5.…)

Still sexy

No. 2218409>>2218427

>shirtless men look like plucked chickens to me
Has anyone ever told you might not be straight

No. 2218411

>She says while always spamming images like >>2217474

No. 2218412

Then why do yurifags spam sexual images in all these arguments then? Don't start dumping your loli folders during infights if you don't want us to call it porn.

No. 2218418

>Why don't women like watching little girls being sexualized???? fujos are doing it to men too!!! I don't understand these double standards!!!

No. 2218420>>2218426

You would fit in perfectly on /tttt/.

No. 2218426

Don't know what to tell you then other than agree with >>2218420 , you'll fit in /tttt/ with the rest of your kind just great.

No. 2218427

When I asked about that in another thread, they said you can dislike shirtless men and still be straight.

I like the idea of the penis, and my female body disgusts me, so I think I’m pretty straight.

No. 2218428>>2218433>>2218436>>2218449

File (hide): 1729626783250.png (1.4 MB, 1360x768, 6fQsvj8wd5epV5PS1t2TQ_4PYPiFwe…)

What if we post yuri and yaoi? would we reach equality then?

No. 2218433>>2218441

Only if yuripedo starts posting women over the age of 18. But instead of doing something constructive like image dumping in the dead as fuck yuri thread in /m/ she'd rather mald and seethe here.

No. 2218436

No because yurifags would rather spend more time being bitter than picking up pens.

No. 2218440>>2218442

Women who like Yuri are my friends
Women who like Yaoi are my friends
Women who like self inserting are my friends
Women who like het are my friends
The common factor among all of them is that they are women! I will not focus on what divides us but what brings us together. More important than our individual preferences is the fact that we are not male. I hope for all of us to come together and cease tearing each other down when the real menace is and always will be men

No. 2218441

All animu adult women molest lolis now
All animu adult men molest shotas now
Problem solved.

No. 2218442

Ok but I refuse to be friends with female furries.

No. 2218443

I'm glad to know I'm not insane

No. 2218444

Sorry, but loli porn doesn't magically get purified if a woman is posting it. Now go do something actually helpful with your time and revive that yuri thread like you've been told to for so many times yet you for some reason always refuse to.

No. 2218449

>Bl is gay porn!!!
>Noo loli Yuri isn't porn you coombrained (insert misogynist insult here)
What a creative way to admit you're either a male or a very angry lesbian. Either way just go eat pussy.

Yeah but try to post yuri involving grown women instead of little girls. I still don't get why shota is banned here but lolishit isn't.

No. 2218451

>Muh men's crimes!
Was it men that forced you to write your rape fantasies about other women on here?

No. 2218457

The fujo thread is in what, thread number 20 while the yuri thread is still at its first volume having only 300 replies in it because none of you give a shit about growing a community and would rather spend your energy seething and harassing your imaginary fujolardyumewhale boogeymen like a bunch of actual schizos.(infighting)

No. 2218459

File (hide): 1729627296171.jpg (81.33 KB, 850x777, sample_5f73cc0648a8fb3e1703058…)

Just so you know strike witches would be an infinitely better series if the genders were swapped instead of ugly lolis

No. 2218460

You were the one who brought "men's sins" into it you tard. Now tell me why women should be welcoming to you when you write graphic rape fantasies about women and post them here?

No. 2218471>>2218719

It might also be partially due to sexualized outfits being so pushed on female characters that when male characters do it it feels unnatural, like crossdressing/tranny.
Hard to fix that now.

No. 2218476

Eh, reading through it really does feel like you're shitting on yaoi quite a lot.
Yaoi and trending yaoi shows in general get crapped on here, people seemed much more pleasant towards the yuri Gundam show that got posted.

No. 2218484

Have you considered that people shit on your loli rape fantasies because they're objectively shit and your tastes suck?(infighting)

No. 2218487

>Still dodging the question about the rape fantasies

No. 2218489


lmao what are these middle school tier comebacks you edtwitter yuripedo. We get it, you are ugly and fat but you don't have to project that onto others.

No. 2218499

File (hide): 1729628083513.jpg (4.38 KB, 169x176, 1698783298814.jpg)

>I would rape a fujo

No. 2218502

You say this and wonder why everyone hates you and everything you like here. You brought this all on yourself.(infighting)

No. 2218513

How are you gonna shit on shotafags when you're literally a Strike Witches fan. I don't care for what retarded reason you like it because at the end of the day you're still consooming loli ecchi slop designed for a fat otaku neckbeard demographic

No. 2218516

>t-there are so few yurifags, i-i can't post in that thread so I have to spam this one!!!
actual limp wristed betaomega behavior, 0 replies wouldn't stop a fujo or a yume from spamming a thread for their special interest
>I don't give a shit about yaoi
>Keeps malding endlessly about "fujolards" at every given chance and brings them up more than anyone
>when I like loli porn and rape it's normal and based!! why must you bring men into this debate again you male worshipers!!!
Your behavior is so terminally bitchless that a fujo must've cucked you out of a girlfriend because I've seen more of them in IRL female relationships than permavirgin lolifag yuricoomers like yourself. No wonder you have to resort to rape fantasies, having picked incel fleas from 4chan must be a fate worse than death. I'll take my infighting ban just to tell you to send my best regards to /tttt/, they miss you a lot.

No. 2218517>>2218522

What did I miss again?

No. 2218522>>2218537>>2218931

I just wanted to ask why yuri gets objectively such less content and attention than yaoi, hetship, and yume. I think the original replies did a good job at giving me the reasons as to why that is.

No. 2218535

>the lesbian community
KEK stop lying, you're the same bitch who's seething even on LChat about not having enough lesbian friends and constantly gets banned even in the lesbian thread because you can't contain your incel slanted spergery, your community is a couple of troons and troonminded gooners on a discord server.(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 2218537>>2218555>>2218899

Pick up a pen or a pencil and start making yuri content then. But you're probably far less talented and dedicated than any fujo or yume, you only want to coom to some shitty loli yuri.

No. 2218555

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bitch…what the fuck are you even talking about? I'm not even a yurifag. I'm just the anon here >>2217143 who wanted to ask why people largely gravitate so much more to every ship so much more than yuri since I thought the disparity was honestly funny…holy shit, calm down and smoke some weed or something.

No. 2218719

You just have to make in way that compliments the male form and actually looks stylish instead uninspired coomerbait like most female designs.

No. 2218899

The fujos would kill you over their dear yaoi kek. You need to chill out because it’s really not that serious, you’re literally reading men plowing each other’s shitholes.

No. 2218914>>2218952

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western f/f content is def more popular among actual lesbians compared to jap content and I wonder why that is? aren't the top f/f ships on ao3 western too? I'm a lesbian but don't consoom that much media but I have other lesbian friends who do, they usually watch western media over anything unless theyre a coomer kek

No. 2218931>>2218936

an honest reply nonna: i think it’s because the majority of women are heterosexual, so they enjoy content that evolves around men.

No. 2218936>>2218947>>2218992

I don't get why people think that your sexuality has no effect on the media you choose to watch/read/make because sexuality is clearly why less yuri made by women exists. There's MUCH less lesbians or ssa women who prefer women therefore there's less women willing to make f/f media. That's the simplest answer, not because all of the lesbians are choosing to watch het/fag media for some random reason. Statistically, people tend to overestimate how many minorities there actually are so that's probably why people think lesbians are just avoiding to make gay content. Maybe there's some other factors that play into why there's less yuri made by women, but the obvious, most apparent, one is that heterosexual and osa women in general make up a large majority of the female population.

No. 2218947

i agree completely! you explained it so well nonna, i’m mostly sticking to f/f content, so i know how it is — most authentic f/f content in my opinion (no matter the fandom) comes from women who just LOVE other women. also just a side-note: i think “pick up a pen and make content yourself” argument finally clicked for me, i’d rather contribute to female-oriented content. though i understand not every woman creator wants to contribute to significantly smaller audience (also explains to me why some lesbian women just draw occasional yaoi or whatever)

No. 2218952>>2218967>>2218992

It's because the vast majority of anime and manga is created by men, for men. Moreso the fact that Japanese men prefer female characters to be vehicles for their bizarre, fucked up fetishes rather than actual characters (which western media tends to be better at). I wouldn't be surprised if a lesbian could immediately tell that the way yuri is usually written is the same as many lesbian relationships written by a male, sexualizing and objectifying.

No. 2218967>>2218970>>2218978

>I wouldn't be surprised if a lesbian could immediately tell that the way yuri is usually written is the same as many lesbian relationships written by a male, sexualizing and objectifying.
Can you hetsluts stay in your own lane and stop chiming in for lesbians already

No. 2218970>>2219006

Go back to your echo chamber if you can't handle other people's opinions

No. 2218978>>2219006

Kek you trannies are so clockable because you always call straight women sluts despite you wishing you could be one yourself. And she's right, stay mad your bullshit fetishes are inherently male too. Take your own advice and stop chiming in for lesbians first. Even if you were female no lesbian would date you because your fucked up fetishes are unattractive. You would die alone regardless.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2218984>>2218991

I wonder if the yaoi and yurifags should have their own discourse thread.

No. 2218991

They can use that fujo debate thread.

No. 2218992>>2219003>>2219011>>2219498

Yikes it's crazy how no one here reads yuri yet feel entitled to perpetuate this meme. Most yuri fics in Ao3 are made by women. Most Pixiv yuri fics are made by women. Most (non-H) JP yuri manga/doujins are made by women. Most KR/CH manwha are made by women. Most western and eastern yuri novels are made by women. Heck, even most of the moeshit yuribait JP manga have female authors. The only media where yuri is mostly made by moids is anything porn, videogames, movies, TV series and anime. Any written form of yuri is dominated by women. I know it's less popular because it brings less money thus you don't get to see this much in the mainstream, but please get even a little bit educated if you're seriously going to argue that most yuri is made by men. By sheer numbers, written yuri is much bigger than anything else. Unfortunately moids control all the money making industries so female content doesn't get the spotlight there as much.

Also note yuri == GL in case someone is confused.

No. 2218993


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2219003>>2219008

It’s exactly that lol. There’s even a post going WHY DON’T YOU MAKE YOUR ONE NICHE HOMOSEXUAL GENRE, LIKE GAY MEN DID WITH BARA… as always the fandom thread loves to talk about things it knows nothing about.

No. 2219006>>2219036>>2219040

>inherently male
Kek for a website supposedly caring about autistic and GNC women against twannies you sure get buttmad when a woman on here goes against the convention so they must be a moid according to you. But keep coping and seething. I only have pity for hetsluts because all they can do is cope with anime moids and buttfucking porn.

No. 2219008

One anon literally explained that yuri was created by lesbians as a response to bara and they just ignored her post… lol

No. 2219011

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No. 2219036>>2219041

People would tolerate you more if you didn’t use gendered insults like slut or whale like a moid would. I’m not scrotefoiling ftr, just saying that if you use the same insults moids do no one will like you, even those who would agree with you.

No. 2219037

yurifags still seething? its been 2 days

No. 2219040>>2219052

If it talks like a duck and walks like a duck…troons always go on a weird sexual tangent, it’s easy to notice them kek

No. 2219041>>2219060

>if you don't stop using the mean vocabulary I don't like no one will like you mm'kay!!!
I'm not even AYRT but this is the funniest mommiest shit I've read in a while. If this is how women fight troons and moids online it's no wonder they don't give a single fuck about invading our spaces.

No. 2219052>>2219064

You say this and yet you bitches get surprised when a creator of an incest game turns out to be a woman. The scrotefoiling instincts of nonnas on here aren't as good as they think.

No. 2219056>>2219061>>2219063>>2219065>>2219068

i wonder what exactly gets people itt so triggered by women who are into yuri. did they get bpd trauma from finding some shit on their nigel's phone and that's why they're now projecting it all on nonnas here, scrotefoiling about everyone who likes it and calling them pedophiles who love to abuse women? kek

No. 2219060

It’s not “mean vocabulary” you sped, it’s using gendered insults loved by moids like whale, slut, hag, roastie, whatever. Stop being retarded and have some reading comprehension.

No. 2219061>>2219075

Keep defending the person who admits she wants to rape women, you're owning all thise hetsluts. They just don't understand how based it is.

No. 2219063

I dont think anyone cared about yurifags before yurifags started moralfagging about how hating yurishit is a hate crime against weeb lesbians.

No. 2219064>>2219079

>you bitches
I can see why you got so pissy kek, you’re the same.
> surprised when a creator of an incest game turns out to be a woman.
That’s just because most pedos are men retard, it’s a matter of statistics. No one ever said that women can’t be pedos. People like you love dickriding so much you lose any reasoning I swear.

No. 2219065>>2219074

They open Twitter and see trannies salivating over Mihoyo's swimsuit lolis and seethe because moid media refuses to give them skimpy husbandos but they would never insult men online so they come here to take it out on SSA women.

No. 2219068

You are blissfully unaware. There’s an infamous ban evading shit stirring nona who loves loli yuri and she’s the one that causes most of these spergouts because she then goes schizo mode and talks about wanting to rape “fujowhales” and “hetsluts”.

No. 2219074

This is truth. The only group of people het women hate more than moids is other women.

No. 2219075>>2219078

who are you talking about? also i'm into yuri, yaoi and het so i'm not trying to wage hentai genre wars. just don't project your own problems with moids on women.

No. 2219078>>2219081

Then stop talking about things you don't know. The yurisperg is someone who has admitted multiple times she wants to rape women. Lurk moar.

No. 2219079>>2219355

>No one ever said that women can’t be pedos.
There were anons on there who literally thought women can't be pedophiles. Did guzzling Nigel's cum made you have selective memory or something

No. 2219081>>2219085>>2219100

why should other nonnas get the blame for some unhinged troll everytime yuri is brought up and not be allowed to discuss it? you sound retarded

No. 2219082>>2219087

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The absolute state of this thread right now:

No. 2219085>>2219097

Because that troll is the person shitting the thread, dumbass.

No. 2219087>>2219098>>2219100

>being SSA in lolcow

No. 2219093

>tfw yuripedo will never rape you (encouraging personalityfagging)

No. 2219097

there are multiple nonnas posting and even much earlier in the thread all the yuri haters were sperging as soon as it was mentioned basically

No. 2219098>>2219101

Stop victimizing yourself. Actual dykes are too busy spending quality time with their girlfriend instead of sperging on LC about Teh evil fujos

No. 2219099>>2219120>>2219195>>2219386>>2219401>>2219431

Why isnt doujin culture in the west a thing? outside crappy fanzines with shit tier art.

No. 2219100

I posted in favor of yuri and women into sexy anime women itt but even I can understand the yuripedo is just here to start shit and that she’s deranged
I once got scrotefoiled for saying I like my waifus with “big tiddies” or something o that extent kek
We have to accept that we can only use containment threads to even mildly hornypost. Otherwise what we can do is educate ignorant nonnies who don’t read yuri (or shoujo, or josei) for the millionth time.

No. 2219101>>2219106>>2219109

Gf and I do both.(ban evasion)

No. 2219104>>2219111

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I have nothing to add but I unironically ship these two

No. 2219106>>2219107>>2219476

Discord ERP partners arent girlfriends.

No. 2219107

I've met her irl a couple times.

No. 2219108

The dub they were responding to sounded fine though. I never understood the dub vs sub shit, it seems so overblown like people getting into serious arguments over pizza toppings.

No. 2219109>>2219117>>2219123>>2219125

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>Gf and I do both.

No. 2219111>>2219119

I wish it was an actual anime like ebichu. Need more unhinged female protagonists.

No. 2219117

The TiF chaser fujosperg wishes this was the case.

No. 2219119>>2219149

At least there's her youtube videos, not to mention, there's actual fanart of the two.

No. 2219120>>2219134>>2219195

In the west you are supposed to be a big boss entrepreneur and make your own stuff. Fanworks are frowned upon because you as an the individual are supposed to create a whole franchise or you’re worthless doodoo even though everyone loves fan shit. ALSO people love to sue over copyright in the west. it’s not acceptable to copy anything and people who are into it just give it away for free so you don’t see any marketing around it

No. 2219123>>2219126>>2219128

i need the context of this kek

No. 2219125>>2219132

>average prison gay fujo lesbian couple

No. 2219126

I gotchu

No. 2219128

It’s a cutscene after Peter says “this is just like the time I went AGP” and it cuts to picrel and he goes “I’m prison gay for you Petrisha hehehehehe.”

No. 2219132>>2219133

All lesbians are prison gay because you guys are a minority within a minority and have to settle for what's available because all the actual attractive women are straight or bi kek(bait)

No. 2219133

I don't think you know what "prison gay" means

No. 2219134>>2219172

I see a lot of porn fanprojects for grift though and they never get copyright claimed. I just wish we had non porn fanprojects like cute games or fully drawn comics…

No. 2219135>>2219136>>2219139

>hetties think they are attractive with 6 gorillion STDs and pussy cancer(derailing)

No. 2219136

hey brother the post like a moid thread is a few pages down

No. 2219137>>2219141

The fact that this entire infight stems from retards arguing over their preferred flavor gay cartoon porn is not surprising but incredibly disappointing.

No. 2219139>>2219145

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>hetties think they are attractive with 6 gorillion STDs and pussy cancer

No. 2219141

tbf that's most of fandom discourse and it always has been

No. 2219145

damn shes hot

No. 2219146

This is my first time seeing this thing. I thought it was cute. It’s more amusing than funny though.

No. 2219149>>2219152

Oh no, not this ugly creature again.

No. 2219152>>2219154

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The sanriofags cannot comprehend true cuteness.

No. 2219154>>2219166

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No. 2219156

>women invaded (easily accessible and mostly lowbrow form of entertainment)
no shit, retard. it’s virtually impossible to gatekeep pop culture

No. 2219160

Kek as if men didn’t invade Star Trek when that was the show for housewives.

No. 2219166

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yamero with the bullying

No. 2219172>>2219176

be the change you want to see nonie

No. 2219175>>2219177>>2219178>>2219181>>2219183

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Is this true for most people?

No. 2219176

I am on it, just started learning how to code a few months ago.

No. 2219177

>gay man
no gay man speaks like that

No. 2219178

No. You'd have to be terminally lonely to get jealous of fictional characters.

No. 2219181

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>As a gay man myself

No. 2219183>>2219195>>2219379

The only women protag shit my gay moid friends cared about were
>Sailor Moon
>Atelier ___ games
They also didn't like IRL lesbians

No. 2219195

IME gay men like female characters with over the top presentation and really strong personalities.

Japan is arguably even more prone to suing it's just that they have specific contexts where they are more lax. Doujinshi isn't supposed to be sold for profit in Japan either. The truth is the West has shittier artists so they lack the skills to make DJs. Lots of Westerners won't make ANYTHING they can't monetize and porn shit is easy/quick to make and paywall without getting caught.

No. 2219355

I wasn’t in that infighting, I don’t have a magic crystal ball retard
>Did guzzling Nigel's cum
You’re actually disgusting, you type like a 4chan troon. I’m not even straight.

No. 2219379>>2219380

What male characters do gay men tend to like?

No. 2219380>>2219382>>2219394>>2219462

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Well, we know what gay men who like bears like…

No. 2219382

lmao at Chris. He wasn't that bad in RE5, they could have toned down the boulder punching though.

No. 2219386

Because printing stuff in Japan as a random person is less expensive and annoying than in the West, allegedly. And in Japan people in cons make and sell whatever the fuck they want for fun, while in the West they do this for profit, maybe because tables are crazy expensive. At least I saw some artists saying they'll avoid Japan Expo in Paris from now on because getting a table in the artist alley is a pain in the ass and very expensive, and my local con became some normie bullshit as a result of expensive tables long ago. In Japan you can buy whatever official merchs you want in stores so you'll look for something different in cons with fans, but in the West these merchs aren't readily available unless you only care about figurines and don't mind crazy expensive taxes, so you're more likely to see badges, prints and keychains in cons to compensate for the lack of them in actual stores. I think it's that simple but that's a lot of reasons at the same time. And there's no need to print fanfics when AO3 exists but it's sad people are less likely to print their comics.

No. 2219394

I remember when the opinions of homosexuals weren't even slightly relevant on fandoms, good times

No. 2219401

Remember when people would post their fan comics on Deviantart? Do they even still do that these days? Where do people go if they want to post fan comics?

No. 2219431>>2219497

In the west we went digital much earlier.
Distributing fan comics/fanfiction primarily through physical copies would have seemed absurd even a long time ago. Physical goods like this are seen as something you own for sentimental value, not something you buy to actually read.
English speaking fandom is a lot more physically spread out too. It’s not like every possible convention is only a few hours away like it is in Japan.

No. 2219460

>even in anime some Arab dubs

Arabic dubs will always sound awkward because they use MSA because it's cheaper instead of recording for different dialects.
The best Arabic dub by far is the lion king because they got Egyptian actors who didn't have to suffer through the stiffness of fus7a and could be emotional through Egyptian Arabic.

No. 2219462

what this image tells me is that they have daddy issues……..

No. 2219476>>2219706

kek this, her girlfriend is literally a bpd-chan discord LDR that lives in another country that she met through lolcow after becoming her favourite person and her "lesbian community" is a discord of a couple of KHV lescels from /tttt/ that talk about how hot lesbian rape is and how other normal lesbians are actually dicksucking bisluts in disguise because they think being into rape and loli is disgusting. least mentally ill yurifag

No. 2219497

>It’s not like every possible convention is only a few hours away like it is in Japan.
And now there are cons once a month in Japan, it's not just two comikets in Tokyo anymore. And you can just go to a Mandarake and buy doujinshi anytime you want as well if you're in a big city, there aren't any stores like that in the West.

No. 2219498>>2219777>>2219886

The "yuri is made by men" isn't LITERALLY people making content "for men" or men making shit because they're lazy parasites in every community, but more like "yuri follows standards set by men" which is why the jap yuri community has so much moids both regular and troons lingering around and consuming content the women create. Like when someone posted upthread, tons of Japanese women create horrifyingly moidgaze porn doujins (and the scene is WAY bigger than fujos OR yurifags are) because they've learned these standards of how women should be presented from consuming content directed towards men. Just because something is made by a woman doesn't subvert the fact that it's still unappealing to women who don't want to read about schoolgirls groping each other.

No. 2219706

Kek nice fanfiction, you wish all of this was true you bitchless loser.(personalityfagging)

No. 2219777>>2219797>>2220013

>Japanese women create horrifyingly moidgaze porn doujins
Yumes complain about that because the MCs are always drawn to be so sexualized so it's understandable they would get annoyed. This same standard obviously doesn't apply to SSA women who actually want to see sexy women

>Just because something is made by a woman doesn't subvert the fact that it's still unappealing to women who don't want to read about schoolgirls groping each other.

And yet demographics polls in Yuri magazines always turn out to be 50/50 male/female. I wonder why that is? If yuri just seems "schoolgirls groping each other" to you then you've obviously never engaged in the GL genre. As always it's clueless retards on here chiming in and womansplaining about something they know nothing about.

No. 2219797>>2219806>>2219829>>2219842

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Sadly women on this site are too autistic to understand that what we like about other women, real or not, is not just handholding and being romantic but also boobs and pussy.
We can only count on the specific threads on /g/ and /m/ to express this sort of feelings because otherwise any sort of slightly more sexual comment outside of them will get us scrotefoiled to hell and back, especially threads like these. Tbh even regular hornyposting outside of /g/ is discouraged so it's not exclusive to us, we just get it more because being attracted to women is a thing that will always be subconsciously associated with moids.

I can't even fully blame non-SSA women because they come to this website also to escape the sexualization of their sex that's in all other imageboards. I just wish there was less scrotefoiling the moment you make a slightly more horny comment on an anime chick.

No. 2219806

>Sadly women on this site are too autistic to understand that what we like about other women, real or not, is not just handholding and being romantic but also boobs and pussy.
Rightly said. It's because of that association some anons have on here that they get inherently disgusted when a lesbian expresses sexual attraction to a woman outside of handholding and chaste pecks on the lips. Hell, I've faced those feelings too. Worried I was acting "too moidy" or "raunchy" for simply liking what I like. It's a poisonous way of thinking I feel.

No. 2219829>>2219853

Super ignorant question, but is there any difference between the type of sexy fictional women that straight men enjoy versus those that lesbians enjoy? Kind of like how a lot of gay men prefer bara, while yaoi is usually targeted towards women.

No. 2219842

This is the exact type of girl who comes out on all her social media as bi, after having been with a Nigel for years, begs for an open relationship, and then either
>hoe's around while her Nigel goes into a depressive state
>she goes into a depressive state when her Nigel keeps brining trannies home
If i had a nickel for every time I saw this play out I'd have 8 and that's way too many fucking nickels

No. 2219853

It depends on who you ask. Someone like Rika from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is far more popular among lesbians than everyone else, but once I also read a japanese poll asking their lesbian readers who was the hottest anime woman and Fujiko Mine got number 1.
So yeah, there is both overlap and no overlap depending on who you ask.

No. 2219872>>2220054>>2220098

Nonnas, did yaoifags ever cling to The Big Bang Theory? I remembered out of the blue that people would have RP Big Bang Theory art blogs on tumblr but I can't remember if they ever tried to pull a South Park

No. 2219886>>2220142

>The "yuri is made by men" isn't LITERALLY people making content "for men" or men making shit
Lol. I mean, after years of clinging to this argument I'm glad you're finally letting it go but you're still incorrect about your new assumption. Male-dominated media like videogames and animation will always pander to men, but as mentioned before yuri content in such media is already limited and not that common. Women who write lesbian stories do it for other SSA women, and there are even pickme scrotes trying to write lesbian content for women because they think it turns their lesbian fetish into lesbian ally shit or something. Most yuri is by women for women. A lot of the media that trannies and moids consume is yuribait because they feel threatened by actual lesbian romance and they just crave safe waifushit.

No. 2220013


No. 2220044

Can't we all just get along?

No. 2220054

why would anyone want to jack it to those ugly fleshies, nasty

No. 2220079>>2220105

Unpopular opinion but fanfic makes me cringe. I feel like jumping from a visual medium to a fully written one doesn't translate well for 90% of shows. I prefeer doujinshi.

No. 2220098

>the Big Bang Theory?
people were larping as the literal creation of the universe? how

No. 2220104>>2220111>>2220113

File (hide): 1729713200333.png (129.8 KB, 377x439, kek what.png)

>looks about 3
kek what. Anyone else noticed how a bunch of edgy imageboards and sites are starting to moralfag hard about anime lately to jump on the twitterfag bandwaggon and cancel people they dont like for the most minuscule shit? even while having an openly pedophile userbase like kf with an owner that used to jack it to shota and run an ib with a pedophile board.

No. 2220105>>2220110

>I prefeer doujinshi.
isnt that just drawn fanfiction

No. 2220110

yes anon thats the point

No. 2220111>>2220160

link the thread too nona i wanna know which cow this is

No. 2220113>>2220117

>openly pedophile userbase like kf

No. 2220114


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2220117>>2220123

just visit the vtuber board on kf you'll know

No. 2220123

A good portion of the user base doesn't like that thread either though

No. 2220142>>2220282>>2220336

>Most yuri is by women for women.
It's still moidbrained garbage. Sorry. You won't meet a normie lesbian who would enjoy yuri.

No. 2220160

its the currently featured thread about the guy that released the rms smear doc

No. 2220282

I did meet a normie lesbian once around 2012 that only had watched yuri when it came to anime. She was a sporty Stacy.

No. 2220336

Okay because you're absolutely an expert on what lesbians do and don't like, miss Hetty Betty

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