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No. 2202023

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

prev thread

No. 2202025>>2202029>>2202078>>2216567

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I'm sorry if this comes off like moid-speak but I'm autistic, I think a lot about Ancient Greek and the men it produced among the likes of Hippocrates and Pythagoras, the amazing physiological, intellectual and spiritual achievements that were orbiting the foundational and superb dietetic standards of the time vs. now when 31 year old men are married and eat only dino nuggets and mac-n-cheese get coronary heart disease and heel over and die at the age 45 and never do anything with their meaningless life and everyone in chat spamming "based" because he is just like them

No. 2202029

also not the tip of the iceberg, they start arguing about how every restraunt should have a kids menu because of course you'd want to completely embarrass your loved ones at dinner

No. 2202077>>2202798

The book is called The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight. It's luridly NSFW. It was kind of like a Tunisian version of the Kama Sutra aimed at married men trying to please their wives. For a book written by a man in an Islamic country 600 years ago it has some true ideas on what women want vs what we find repulsive in men.

No. 2202078>>2202081>>2202225>>2202726

i’m 22, a woman and i’m craving baked mac and cheese with spicy chicken tenders am i fucked like this manchild scrote or just a fatty who’s hungry

No. 2202081

There's a line between having it a few times and solely eating it because you're a picky fat retard

No. 2202158

So many british couples look like this.

No. 2202225

you already have some sense of knowing it's a craving and not something that's your only sustenance in life at thirty-goddamn-one and married

No. 2202254>>2202338>>2202686>>2202694>>2202729>>2202983>>2203993>>2208125>>2289831

File (hide): 1728620546133.jpeg (90.31 KB, 1200x675, 1200x675_cmsv2_58266dad-97a3-5…)

kek I didn't know the song reference in threadpic but I heard about a Kpop girl dating some billionaire's son. For anyone else in the dark this is the french boy she's talking about

>Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'

>How your skin is always soft
>How your kisses always hit
>How you know just where to
>Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'
>On that accent off your lips
>How your tongue do all those tricks?


No. 2202338>>2202339>>2202983>>2203535>>2203993>>2220724

File (hide): 1728626048952.jpeg (49.24 KB, 554x554, IMG_6786.jpeg)

he looks like a make a wish kid

No. 2202339>>2202343

please tell me that's not lisa

No. 2202343>>2202357>>2202824

It's her. She's been confirmed to be dating him for a while now.

No. 2202357>>2202360>>2202580>>2202686>>2203652

asian women always date down so badly when it comes to white men how can you be that famous, pretty, and rich and still manage to settle for such an ugly scrote??

No. 2202360>>2202361>>2202730>>2202847>>2204343

His dad is LVMH's CEO and is worth 182 billion, I don't think she's dating him for his looks.

No. 2202361>>2202367

>Already a multi-millionaire
>Still stooping to gold digging
Sad, really.

No. 2202367>>2202655

It is sad and it show some women are irredeemable, she has enough money to fuck off forever and just enjoy her life either celibate or with only hot scrotes but she picks an ugly french rat for the money (and connexions I'm guessing).

No. 2202580>>2202984>>2203652

not to go too off-topic but as an east asian woman, i feel it's because asian culture puts white culture on a pedestal which is utterly pathetic. i see this over and over again and once even had an asian friend brag shamelessly about how "white" her dweeby, skinnyfat, dull-as-rocks mixed boyfriend looked. i also knew another asian woman who is a lawyer yet is dating an utterly useless and fat white nerd. asian women really need to wake the fuck up.

No. 2202655

I mean, her mom basically did the same thing

No. 2202686

Fucking embarrassing, that's painful to watch.
Could it be his ugliness doesn't hit her as hard because she literally doesn't see it because of their different races? I heard that's a thing. Besides his whiteness blinding her.

No. 2202694

Someone should make an edit of his face and the song like they did with ariana lol

No. 2202726

I'm the same except I'm a bit older and still have trouble eating 90% of vegetables. I recognize this is bad and a childish trait though and at least I'm not fat regardless. I don't get why men pretend like it's a based thing, kind of reminds me of how they idealize alcohol consumption and say that's based too when all it's doing is slowly killing them

No. 2202729>>2202733

Asian women stop worshipping 2/10 white men challenge and gassing up their egos: impossible mode.

No. 2202730>>2204161

Those CEO type fathers are usually extremely stingy and dont leave their sons anything. Also just because thats his net worth doesnt mean its liquid assets. It's like how Elon Musk only has a few thousand bucks in his account at any time, all the money is in stocks and his companies.

No. 2202733>>2202984

I hate cases like this because it just emboldens ugly unwashed white weeb men to continue fetishizing asian women and even get what they want because "bro if he has a qt asian gf so can I". Then again he's rich and they're broke living in their mom's basement so they're still delusional. I also feel like women of other races aren't much different since white and black women are also constantly dating ogres who are below them in every way

No. 2202740>>2202742>>2202747>>2202751>>2202847>>2202989>>2203197>>2212803

File (hide): 1728645368868.png (2.03 MB, 1176x1142, Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 00.07…)

Was browsing my country's subreddit and this guy was crying because he was 40 years old and single. He described himself as "not bad looking and in shape". Men from my country have huge egos because their moms and grandmas constantly tell them they're super handsome. When a moid puts on a suit here, all his older female relatives will shower him with compliments. Women here also constantly settle for ugly, old, disgusting moids due to widespread poverty, so all men think they're hot shit. I have seen so many ugly fucking moids describe themselves as a catch.
I told him he was ugly and bald.

No. 2202742

He thinks he's good-looking yet clings onto his thinning hair in vain. Pathetic!

No. 2202747

Based, keep up the good work. To them not being bad looking is basically just not being fat and not being completely deformed. Meanwhile as a woman if you have a slightly big nose, don't shave your whole body, are bald or just don't have the greatest hair, don't do makeup, and so on, you'd be called ugly and undateable all day by men that look like him. And 40? If a woman posted about being single at that age and didn't match beauty standards she'd just be laughed at by men and told she's hit the wall decades ago.

No. 2202751

He indeed has the "I think I'm hot shit" phenotype.

No. 2202787>>2202798

If the nona is still here, what was the book in the last thread?

No. 2202798>>2202826

You mean this one, nonnie? >>2202077

No. 2202824

>>2202343 I can't fucking believe it. He's so unbelievably ugly I can't believe an idol as popular as Lisa would fuck something that look like it snuck onto earth when god wasn't looking.

No. 2202826

Thank you nonnie i didnt see the post

No. 2202847>>2203269

>plastic asian kpop idol dating ugly rich billionaire
matchmade in heaven kek
that looks like the Pitbull (singer) phenotype kek

No. 2202983>>2208125

>Dad is worth 182 billion
>Still doesn't fix that chinlet, 11head and inbred looking features
Typical scrote, I'd be embarrassed to have all the money in the world and still look like this. Especially when you know kpop fans must be tearing him a new one.

No. 2202984

I used to live in the Bay Area and the looks-mismatches there are astounding, it's like every dorky, ugly, short white dude working in tech who puts in NO effort into their appearance always has a 10/10 gorgeous Asian girlfriend on their arm. It's bleak

No. 2202989

>I told him he was ugly and bald.
kek based nona

No. 2203049>>2203052>>2203106>>2203212>>2203269>>2203424>>2204249>>2204989

>find the most angelic looking beautiful man in the fucking voting office of all things
>he’s gay (you can tell by his voice)
I fucking hate faggots. They are freaks of nature yet they’re the only ones who put any effort into their appearance. I literal freaks of nature. You can’t find a straight man who fits all the folllowing categories
>nice hair
>toned or at leastthin
>no facial hair
>good hygiene
But you can always find faggots who meet all the criteria. Why do these freaks of nature who betray women to get their assholes fling with shit hog the hot guys while straight women are stuck with the ugly guys? Why the fuck don’t straight men put effort into their appearances? This ruined my day

No. 2203052>>2203061

why are you lusting for men at your job anyways? focus on your job and don’t start awkward office romances wtf

No. 2203061

I meant im the one voting

No. 2203106>>2203424

that's because faggots are males who have exacting standards for each other, hence faggots being more likely to have eating disorders and such. they can't fuck hot guys unless they're hot and fit themselves.

No. 2203153

There's literally no modern live action were the male characters look as hot or hotter than their original versions and I'm MAD about it, like genuinely upset

No. 2203197

>I told him he was ugly and bald.
you're my queen nonna kek

No. 2203212>>2203253>>2203424

Straight men don't make an effort because women try too hard to be nice and will accept anyone who's somewhat decent to them even if they look repulsive just for the sake of not being alone. Whereas a reasonable amount of gay men have high standards for their potential partners and they're more catty and critical towards ugly men than women are, so guys looking to attract guys are more pressured into doing the peacock dance to attract someone.
I hate to say this but unless we want to continue either being celibate or settling for mid/ugly /fat men, we have to learn from gay men and stop giving uggos a chance just because they're good at telling dad jokes and opened a door once.

No. 2203253>>2203303>>2203424

Gay men are also men and don’t need a partner financially so they don’t have the economic pressure to settle like het women and lesbians do

No. 2203269>>2203271

It'd be a match made in heaven if he also got plastic surgery and wore makeup instead of maintaining his natural features
Because men think it's gay to be desirable in any way as they are afraid other men will want to fuck them and see them like they see women if they're even remotely feminine, and only faggots want and are okay with receiving sexual attention from other men like that. Straight men assume if they tried to look pretty men will start hitting on them, they like male attention and are really gay in a social sense since they respect women over men but they still don't want to be seen as an actual sex object or a bottom for other men. They don't understand you can just be a pretty boy for women 99% of the time. Gay men are also the only ones who actually enjoy making themselves desirable as they aren't afraid of being told they're gay and having men wanting to fuck them if they're well, already gay. Straight men have also been convinced what women are into is le masculinity aka not caring at all about your looks which further intensifies their lack of desire to be beautiful for women as they mistakenly believe what women actually want is for them to, very conveniently, be ugly losers who don't put any effort into their looks instead. They have also been socialized to be entitled to hot women without putting effort into their looks by media and society in general so they don't feel the need to and tons of women enable them on this.

No. 2203271

respect men over women* oops

No. 2203303

This is why it's important for women to get an education to secure a high paying job or through some other method. It's also why i hate the "hehe i'm gonna settle and become le housewife" meme.

No. 2203308>>2203328>>2203541>>2204160>>2204190

nonnas at what age/ what was the moment when you became aware of the psyop?

No. 2203328

Around 23-24. I started dating a guy I actually found attractive for the first time in my life after dating uggos and falling for the psyop beforehand and now I can't ever go back. Asian idols also helped me with it somewhat even if they look plastic and nonnas here don't like them either because it opened my eyes to men actually trying to look attractive to women in a way that wasn't just the masculinity bullshit. Seeing them being put under similar standards to women like shaving and makeup (even if women still get it much worse) made me realize the inequality between the effort women and men usually put into their looks where I live

No. 2203330>>2203334>>2203335>>2203356>>2203461>>2203506>>2203870>>2204137>>2204210

Do you think it's possible to get an attractive man as an average woman? Not looking for someone who looks like prime Johnny Depp or James Spader, just a normal person with a couple of good features who makes an effort with his appearance (basically like myself and most women). I feel like there's no point because even pretty women who wear a full face every day and get their nails and lashes done regularly are going around with hobgoblins on their arms. Idk I feel like you need to be a 10/10 Stacy at this point to have a shot with men that are decent looking, but I'm just not invested enough in getting a man to start getting regular beauty treatments and all that. But I also refuse to settle for your typical moid with a shit beard, ugly tracksuit and thinning hair.

No. 2203334

I've seen hot guys with women that are a bit plain or normal before, it's just really hard because those men themselves are difficult to find in the first place. I think being a stacy does raise your chances since most men are shallow but at the same time so many beautiful women still end up with ugly men, so I'm not sure

No. 2203335>>2203342>>2203509

This is something I've thought about often and I feel like it's almost impossible for an average woman to get an attractive man's attention. You often see uggo men with beautiful women but rarely the other way around. My own theory is that attractiveness in men was not evolutionarily selected for so there are fewer attractive men around. The few attractive men around can afford to be choosy.

No. 2203342>>2203896

>My own theory is that attractiveness in men was not evolutionarily selected for so there are fewer attractive men around. The few attractive men around can afford to be choosy.
I think this too, men aren't attractive because so many of them reproduced through raping women and marriages being forced rather than the women selecting for attractive males like it was supposed to be. So we ended up with a dating pool filled with ugly men who weren't even meant to exist in the first place and very few attractive ones, while the amount of attractive women is higher because that's what men wanted and they controlled reproduction everywhere for the longest time

No. 2203356>>2203358

One thing to consider is that because men don't make much effort 'the girlfriend effect' is so real. It's not worth it if the guy is lazy and expects to be coddled every step of the way but if you find the type who enjoys taking part in projects then you can raise his stats a lot

No. 2203358

Same anon but also Inb4 someone goes on a big rant about how it's not worth it because he'll leave you for a stacy etc
I don't care, it's a gift to womankind to have one less ugly man out there

No. 2203403>>2203452>>2203455>>2204666

That's not what happened, he threw a fit once and blocked his socials ever since. He wasn't going after people going crazy over Leon, but at a "fanpage" some girl made for him as a model. The only page he flipped out was a badaluta fanpage on ig. He's pathetic, but even more so are the women who defend him on Leon posts, because he never even mentioned Leon im his tantrum. I hate how women coddle men to the moon and back. A man throws one single comment and blocks his socials and people run to defend him and protect him in every way possible, to the point people don't even know what he said and spread rumors to back up their made up crusade. Imo this is part of the psyop. Putting men on a pedestal and giving them too much importance, a stark difference when you see the harassment and comments Ada's new va got. She also blocked her socials and made entire paragraphs about the situation and yet people don't go defending her under hateful comments vs women commenting on every badaluta picture to "respect his boundaries!". Also, he was scanned as a face model for the first remake, he looked like a anachan with a giant head back then, Capcom gracefully gave him a hot body he never had kek.

No. 2203424

It's unfortunately true though I don't hold it against them personally. Basically comes down to >>2203106 and >>2203212

plenty of poor gays they just generally don't raise children which puts a huge damper on women

No. 2203452>>2203494>>2203502

ngl this explains even less. My takeaway: he's hot, not as hot as Leon, and was completely unprepared for what the role entailed. I remember looking him up looong ago and it doesn't seem like he ever had a really strong internet presence, looks super normie. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd never played a Resi game before being approached to be the face model and he was probably unaware of how popular the character was. I think him being overwhelmed by fan response seems like a reasonable outcome though him insulting the people running the fan accounts was a terrible response. Both he and Miss Gao needed to be sat down and given advice about how to manage their social media presence before they even agreed to do the roles given how iconic the characters are. Gao wasn't terrible IMO I personally put all the blame on the voice director.

But I'm glad that other RE VA's and face models seem to be having a better experience with the fandom. Sasha Zotova (Jill's face model) parlayed her role into streaming. Nicole Tompkins (voice of Jill) also seems really happy with her role as Jill and also got into streaming (she's playing Red Dead right now).

No. 2203455

Beckies truly believe they can "trade" with moids = if they care about about sexual violence towards them, moids will reciprocate. They fell for the reddit equality feminism psyop.

No. 2203461

I managed it but I had a specific and rare feature he really liked. Might actually help to not be generically pretty.

No. 2203472

Honestly every woman with heterochromia is probably considered attractive if she isn't disfigured. It's such a trendy feature to have I doubt it's that.

No. 2203488

File (hide): 1728693199175.jpg (124.02 KB, 455x800, Profile_art_-_Cleo_de_Nile.jpg)

It's not even that rare, just rare where I live. At the time I had really long, really healthy black hair. It was at my hips. I had bangs across my forehead, so I had a very specific 'look'. Not goth or anything like that, just a bit unusual enough.

I had brown moneypieces too so the Cleo de Nile comparison is more accurate than you'd expect.(no1curr)

No. 2203494

Meanwhile, Dante's face model for DMC5 was already such a huge DMC fanboy since the first game he guessed he was going to be his face model despite not being told anything and despute DMC5 not being announced or leaked back then just based on the coat he had to wear when getting scanned. But at the end of the day it's "just" a modeling job, the job is just to have a certain look and stay still for a few seconds or minutes when being scanned by some machines so game devs can use the models' faces to model characters, it's not like Leon's face model has to interact with fans after that.

No. 2203502

You seem to misunderstand how they cast and what their roles were. The face models are picked from the local model agencies. They don't play roles, they just sit in a chair and get their pictures taken. It's not the same as a va or even a motion capture actor. Capcom can't handhold every singles person involved in the process, much less someone who barely was involved. It's not their fault the fans are rabid and retarded. The whole point of comparing the fandom reaction to Badaluta and Gao was to point out how Badaluta never even mentioned Leon, yet the fandom women read between the line and took his pain to heart. While Lily Gao explicitly made posts about how the reaction to her work affected her, and there's not even half of the energy spent on defending her. They waste energy fighting for a grown ass man who complained one single time in a ig comment and privated his socials. That's part of the psyop, men put into such high standards of importance that one single phrase is more impactful that a woman's entire paragraph. Men can be ugly, old, stupid or whatever they want to be and they'll still be adored and seen as people, while women are scrutinized by the fine lines in their face and their voices ignored. Do you think if a female face model expressed being uncomfortable that people would react the same? Seeing a man with much more nuance, depth and respect while scrutinizing women in shallow views is psrt of psyop imo.

No. 2203506>>2204255

Those attractive women who date ugly ghouls are doing so out of insecurity, they could easily find an attractive man but they don’t want to get cheated on. They also don’t want to watch women flirt with their boyfriend or eyefuck him in front of her. They don’t realize that ugly men have awful personalities and are even more likely to cheat.

No. 2203509>>2203533

That’s a widely accepted theory, you’re correct. Men used resource hoarding, forced marriages and rape to get their hands on attractive women despite being fucking ugly themselves. That’s why average for women is like 6-8 out of 10 but average for men is like 3-4. Extremely attractive men are still only like an 8/10, which makes them stand out among the other men even though that’s about average for women

No. 2203533>>2203934

The uggo genes or at least what "activates" them have to be on the Y chromosome then because all the other chromosomes are shared with women

No. 2203535

Stop giving these pencil dick white men hope my god, save the cute asian women for us lesbians and bi women

No. 2203541

Like 6 years old because all the fucking fat ugly males were the rudest and would rip up girls' coloring pages/schoolwork for no reason, and would bully girls on the playground. The fit sporty boys wouldn't do that, they'd just play with each other.

No. 2203652>>2203906

Incels can’t complain if hot Asian women chase white nerds like him

No. 2203870>>2203905>>2204129>>2205642

I actually hate beautiful women who date ugly men. They’re worse than prostitutes. No I don’t care if he’s funny, you should be forcibly sterilised.

No. 2203896>>2206002


Adding to this: I came to the same conclusion but whenever I think about this I feel like times are changing.

More and more women are becoming aware of the psyop even if many can't quite put their finger on what's bothering them. I see people around me being frustrated with women being together with men that look like they crawled out of the chernobyl forest. It's unfair having to put effort in your appearance to be treated well while others don't have to (especially nowdays where having a job is crucial, and thus time is constantly running out and everyone is stressed). Baseline beautystandarts are slowly rising and we are being taught that saying no is allowed. So why say yes to a troll?

Clear evidence is that more and more men are starting to undergo hair transplant surgeries, leg lenghtening surgeries, or general cosmetic surgeries, even muscle implants. Or how going to the gym is getting more popular among men solely for being more attractive.

I hope to see this trend continue.

No. 2203904>>2220491

No. 2203905

Truest words ever spoken

No. 2203906>>2203928

hot asian women will chase nerd rich white men but I dont blame them for that, that's the only thing nerd men have to offer

No. 2203928>>2203946

Maybe this will change. Tech industry has contracted in hiring substantially. New grads are having a very hard time finding work and the work doesn’t pay as well. How can they get future hot Asian gf if they aren’t making good money? I don’t know what jobs needs will gravitate too next.

No. 2203934

it's the testosterone, a lot of TIFs also become ugly once they start transitioning

No. 2203946

my theory is the actual smart nerds will go back to jobs that pay well like medicine or engineering and the retarded nerds will continue on tech and keep pushing grift scams like nft, shitcoins, startups, etc.

No. 2203993>>2204007>>2204060>>2208125

he may be ugly but he's the son of the richest man on earth who's dying soon so kind of a catch when you think about it

No. 2204007>>2204138

when you think about it he probably did all procedures to looksmaxx money can pay already so his real self is probably even uglier. I would advise against having children with him unless she's fine with birthing a literal demon spawn.

No. 2204060

I wish money wasn't equated to status in men, it allows them to pass off their hobgoblin genes.

No. 2204129>>2204243

As an ugly woman it makes me so mad. You can pull anyone you want and you choose the fat recessed hairline moids who makes sexist jabs all the time

No. 2204137

> Idk I feel like you need to be a 10/10 Stacy at this point
I feel you nonna and I gotta say it depends on the country or city too, I've visited countries where the majority of men were attractive (so were the women) but you'd often see average cute women with hot men.
If the guys are hot in a country or city where most men are uggos, their egos will be inflated so much.

No. 2204138

Honestly I don't think he bothered

No. 2204160

Around 19-20 I remember watching a beautiful girl walk into the grocery store all done up while he was in basketball shorts, unshaved face, fat, and wearing flip flops.

No. 2204161

File (hide): 1728738825159.jpg (34.75 KB, 474x592, OIP-6.jpg)

nonnie stock does not need to be liquidated if you want to spend it, most rich CEOs just leverage debt using their companys stock as collateral. Also this guy's dad is one of the biggest fortunes in France and your usual corporate monopolizing media mogul, aligned with right wing figures and policies and constantly pushing his business interests at the expense of public good. All expected of course, but when you know the disastrous impacts of such things on social fabric and journalistic integrity it kinda makes me wanna swear off the couple Lisa songs I ever listened to. Both her and her discount Dinasty side character are actually gross, fucking ew. I attached a pic of the father as a youngin to give him a chance but looks like he's always sported the facial features of a TES breton

No. 2204179>>2204182>>2204198>>2204204

File (hide): 1728740392170.jpg (692.92 KB, 4438x1527, 3V54mI5.jpg)

video games are the most blatant example of the ugly man psyop. The average male protag is ugly at best but still has women both in game and irl thirsting over them. Meanwhile any woman who doesn't look like a sex toy gets called woke, the female character in picrel is getting called ugly keke

No. 2204182>>2204195

File (hide): 1728740502680.jpg (271.61 KB, 1280x720, HWUgIVo.jpg)

like we're supposed to believe this clyde from accounting look alike has multiple stunning women falling in love with him.

No. 2204190

I was a chubby kid growing up and it was made painfully obvious at a young age for me

No. 2204195>>2204200>>2204209

File (hide): 1728741248031.jpg (157.63 KB, 640x1138, witcher-3-if-they-kept-geralts…)

Speak for yourself, TW3 was the first time Geralt looked actually kinda sexy. With the short hair and beard he looks kinda like Mads Mikkelsen. Coming straight from picrel, for once I actually believed he had sex appeal.

No. 2204198

They could at least wait for sexy James mods before they sexualize the wife murderer. Btw there's now multiple mods to change the faces of the female characters in SH2R but there's zero for James.

No. 2204200>>2204209

File (hide): 1728741371994.jpg (66.82 KB, 640x856, slvqa0isyzj41.jpg)

Definitely not the worst middle aged video game moid coming from a western studio.(samefagging/do no defend ugly men itt)

No. 2204204>>2204205

File (hide): 1728741479394.png (254.41 KB, 1350x1032, Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 14.51…)

I have a love/hate relationship with Japanese media and games. On one hand they give us bishies and prettyboys in games like Leon and Link.

On the other hand Japs are some of the worst pushers of the ugly fat old bastard genre (its like the default genre in porn and hentai, disgusting)

Gannondorf has tons of femsimps even though hes a hideous hook nosed bara-gay body monster.

No. 2204205>>2204218>>2204452

File (hide): 1728741564595.webp (181.64 KB, 1200x1013, GanondorfTOTK.webp)

This is who they're lusting over btw

No. 2204209>>2204211

Psyop victims. At least use the young Geralt mod.

No. 2204210>>2204213

i've seen more ugly women with pretty men than looksmatched couples. stacies nearly always go for uggos because of whatever psyop juice they're into (money, princess treatment uwu, better personalities, you name them).

No. 2204211>>2204220

File (hide): 1728741860579.jpg (68.72 KB, 800x477, 81cfbcd9783fa9898dceb9a38173fd…)

This one? He looks kinda scary as shit.

No. 2204213

most stacies are narcissists and get into relationships with ugly men because they like having the upper hand in the relationship. narcissistic men are the same, they often date unattractive or average women because they know she'll do anything for him

No. 2204218>>2204221

Come on, the explanation is simple. The point is not for women to lust after Ganondorf. The point was to ship young, attractive and twinky Link with a musclebeast 2 times his size. Like in every BL manga. Nintendo devs were appealing to extreme size difference fujoshi, not yumes.

No. 2204220>>2204224>>2220734>>2221876

No. 2204221

fujos are brainrotted tifs, figures(bait)

No. 2204224>>2204226>>2204978>>2220307>>2220734>>2221876

File (hide): 1728742429249.jpg (300.37 KB, 1920x1080, 2t297ps9z1x41.jpg)

Ah, yes, much better. Thank you nona. It's some comfort to know that at least there's some good bone structure under there, as opposed to that bloated alkie face skinnyfat faggot from silent hill.

No. 2204226>>2204229

>bloated alkie face skinnyfat faggot from silent hill

No. 2204229>>2204239

File (hide): 1728742685316.jpg (22.42 KB, 640x360, silent-hill-2-remake-will-not-…)

This cunt

No. 2204233>>2204240>>2204246>>2204267>>2204300>>2204303>>2204575

File (hide): 1728742861740.jpg (400.09 KB, 1184x1944, adriana lima.jpg)

Adriana's lima new husband is way better looking than her ex husband but her taste in men is so bad, she is one of the prettiest women and deserves a hot handsome man not these uggos

No. 2204239

File (hide): 1728743441640.gif (443.87 KB, 250x133, Monsters.gif)

Thanks, I wasn't sure were you about him or not. I just remember how popular were Vincent from Silent Hill 3 and villain from Silent Hill 4

No. 2204240

His eyes have no eyelashes on them whatsoever kek

No. 2204243>>2204263>>2204295>>2204716>>2205144>>2205662

One thing that makes me seethe like a racist incel is when I see ugly women with beautiful mothers who took after their ugly dads. I fucking hate good looking women that breed with ugly moids. You don’t deserve to have kids. You should actually have your womb revoked. How dare you do that to your daughter, curse her to a life of ugliness. Or even worse, they’ll have one pretty daughter and one ugly daughter. It’s so evil and cruel. And they only do it so they can sit on their ass and not work and reap the rewards of being a trophy wife while cursing their own bloodline. We have a responsibility to pick good looking men since girls seen to often inherit their looks from their father. If you want to shack up with a fugly moid then don’t breed.

No. 2204246>>2204317>>2204582

I actually disagree. His eyes are too close together but he isn’t a runt with gayface like her newest husband.

No. 2204247>>2204366>>2210836>>2224533

File (hide): 1728743756794.jpeg (14.18 KB, 202x249, IMG_9741.jpeg)

I want to beat him in the face with a spanner until he’s unrecognisable

No. 2204249>>2204268>>2204273>>2204652

Gay men are naturally good looking too compared to straight moids
Maybe it's because they don't pump huge amount of testosterone and do not care about masculinity so much like straight moids do
Testosterone really does fucks with the face though, most ugliest fucks i know have high T

No. 2204255

Dang this is true but why is it though? Why do uggos have the most pathetic personality and huge confidence and they actually cheat more than handsome men

No. 2204263>>2204266>>2204314>>2205158

Blogposting but me and my siblings are the result of my (Brazilian) mother's eugenics program to breed with a blonde, blue eyed handsome European man (my dad who was a POS who then fucked off, but he was very attractive as well as white) and let me tell you, Brazilian genes are unpredictable when paired with inbred American/European genes and do not guarantee the child will look like either of their parents OR be attractive. Adriana Lima specifically won the Brazilian genetic lottery if you look at her parents and yes her fugly baby daddy ruined her genes but her own genes contributed no small part to it, believe me, Brazilians are extremely genetically mixed and full blood siblings can literally look like they're from different races.

No. 2204266>>2204274

what does race have to do with this

No. 2204267

i really hate attractive women who choose to date uggos. all it does is raise uggos expectations and makes them think they deserve a VS model too, and makes unattractive and average womens lives harder because their looksmatch moids think they all deserve 10s because another ugly guy did it. also didnt her husband literally cheat on her too? dumb bitch, thats what you get for being a pickme with an uggo fetish.

No. 2204268

>Gay men are naturally good looking too compared to straight moids
You need to lay off the yaoi because most gay moids are utterly horrid hairy hambeasts who fetishize their obesity and take Nickocado type pictures of their stomachs eclipsing their chodes. Seriously, this "all the hot ones are gay!" lie was shilled by gay scrotes themselves when in reality the best looking ones are Troye Sivan types and even he is mid. Gay men have no standards, not for themselves nor for other gays. They just fetishize every ugly moid trait, if you're fat, hairy and old you're a "bear". If you're a male anachan with rattling bones and no ass you're a "Twink".

No. 2204271

People need to start admitting porn is the root cause of this psyop, most porn is hideous pot bellied moid with pretty teen themed.

Also, women who act in porn with ugly and old men are traitors to the female gender, same with actresses who do romance movies with ugly old farts. Hope they all perish.

No. 2204273

>gay men
>good looking
Lol. The one thing I'll give them is they groom themselves more and wash their asses/comb their hair. Only twink teen moids are usually attractive but by the time they hit their mid twenties, all that booty bumping meth and doing speed, getting fillers, multiple stds, partying and general ass trauma etc makes them look atrocious and 40.

No. 2204274

Aren't we talking about Adriana Lima?

No. 2204295

This is me basically, and after I got my dad’s features he would make up excuses why he won’t pay for a nose job even though he gave me his huge aquiline witch nose. Btw this is after YEARS of growing up with both of my parents saying that they would pay for our nose jobs if we inherited our dad’s nose and then when it actually happened, nothing. I literally used to get called a bird and a witch and told my nose was a “beak”.
My dad is also short, obese, and went bald at like 30 so I feel like I shouldn’t have kids or else I’ll pass his genes down to them. My mom is tall, gorgeous, and looks like an actual supermodel; none of the men in her immediate family are short, bald, or fat. They’re divorced now but because my dad scored with my mom he thinks he deserves a non-obese woman who is cute and curvy. He’s also insanely disparaging of other women’s looks which I make sure to shoot down every time because how the fuck can he talk like that?

No. 2204300>>2204312>>2204582

It's insane how even the prettiest women pick uggos. Monica Bellucci did the same thing. They're thankfully divorced now, but not before having a daughter who inherited both of their looks and as a result came out like a yassified alien.
I'll never understand how these women can be beautiful and rich, and instead of picking hot young male models they pick old gargoyles who aren't even really nice to them.

No. 2204303

And he had the audacity to cheat on her and make their kids ugly

No. 2204312

Female socialization, as always. Being a 10/10 Stacy doesn't protect you from the psyop.

No. 2204314>>2204321>>2204355>>2205167

Nta but not the same but kinda similar situation where my dad has Mediterranean genes (and German but he looks straight up Italian) and my mom is all fully British genes. Neither me nor my siblings took after one parent but my sister actually looks exactly like one of my great grandparents so she doesn’t have the same issue as me. For me, I am a mixture of my very different-looking parents and thus people mostly guess I’m an Italian and Irish mix (seriously don’t know why it’s those two specifically). Rarely people think I’m French because I have a pointy nose, thin lips, gaunt face, and pale skin. As a result I feel like all of the dressing systems and even color seasons don’t work for me because I have two very different sets of features and my body even looks like someone cut off various features of a more harmonious body and put those mismatching limbs together. It’s especially noticeable to me when I look at my full body because my dad is short and my mom is tall. My features do not blend and I guess that makes me striking to look at but it’s a really fine line between being stunning and hideous. I’m so jealous of people with what I feel are more harmonious faces like my sister. My face and body are like a Mr/Ms Potato Head where someone just haphazardly stuck stuff on.
So in conclusion, short Mediterranean men and tall British women make really weird looking kids.

No. 2204317>>2204320>>2204557>>2204572>>2204581>>2224544

File (hide): 1728747944591.jpg (280.72 KB, 1600x899, l-intro-1662588806.jpg)

I know her ex was tall but his face is so ugly see picrel

No. 2204320

He looks like someone broke the sliders in Dark Souls.

No. 2204321>>2204355

>It’s especially noticeable to me when I look at my full body because my dad is short and my mom is tall.
Ayrt but literally same, my dad is very tall and my mom is short and as a result I have extremely wide shoulders and a thick bone structure made for someone 1.80cm tall but also have Latin American pudgyness (see Selena Gomez), gain weight as easily as breathing, but am extremely short. Both of my parents are thin. I also have thin pale skin but post inflammatory hyperpigmentation common to darker skin. It is hell. I can't even blame my parents for ruining my genes as both of them are more attractive than me, I blame my schizophrenic narcissistic grandmother for making my mom into a racist and convincing her that having beautiful white children would make her love her. Well it didn't and now both of them think I am ugly.

No. 2204335>>2204348>>2204475>>2205289

Women in this thread who repeat incel rhetoric that each woman has a male lookmatch who she should settle for are also perpetuating the ugly man psyop. I'm considered a 4 solely because I don't perform feminity to the same extent as other women (makeup, plastic surgery etc) despite the fact that I'm thin, hairless, have a small waist and spend a lot every month on skincare and haircare. Meanwhile a man who is considered a 4 is an obese hambeast who doesn't even look human and never bathes. Why should I have to settle for this?
The attractiveness gap between men and women is so big that even a bellow average woman's lookmatch is a kpop idol.

No. 2204343

why do you retarded soft brained zoomers like to lie about your poor parents on the internet? we’re all anonymous so what is this pathetic bragging about a fake backstory going to do for you? KEK(retard)

No. 2204348

Unfortunate truth but things won't change

No. 2204355

You probably just inherited the wide shoulders, it has nothing really to do with body size. My dad is a manlet, but he has wide shoulders and I also got them unfortunately. In my case my mother is the white side. My parents are also both better looking than me. I kinda have the Ariana Grande phenotype, but in ugly. The only thing I was lucky with is my nose, but it being so small is a bit disproportionate with my face, so I got a bit longer than average philtrum.
>>2204314 I guess I am in a similar situation to you. I also feel like my features are super mismatched and I hate my gaunt face and weird body.

No. 2204366>>2204404

File (hide): 1728750955646.jpg (125.77 KB, 1500x1001, haggot.jpg)

He's who I picture when I think about the psyop. The campaign to shill this homunculoid alongside the phrase "stern brunch daddy" radicalized me.

No. 2204404

The fuck is a brunch daddy?

No. 2204452

suavemente besame

No. 2204475

>The attractiveness gap between men and women is so big that even a bellow average woman's lookmatch is a kpop idol.
Wish it'd be drilled in their heads, kek. Males are unbelievably grotesque, this >>2182804 is how human pairings fucking look too from an outside perspective, kek. Pathetic embarrassment. Yet they will call you the crazy one.

No. 2204557

Ofc he is he's serbian we litterally talked about this in the last thread

No. 2204572

I can't believe she saved herself for a man who looks like this

No. 2204575>>2204654

Never understood why a giga-stacy settle for below-average men.

No. 2204581>>2204585

It's incredible how the male doesn't even look HUMAN next to a woman.

No. 2204582

the new guy at least sort of resembles a human instead of a cartoon kek
>Monica Bellucci did the same thing. They're thankfully divorced now,
only to then go after Tim Burton, ugh

No. 2204585>>2204593

She's making kind of a stupid face and he's literally just got a neutral expression and yet he looks a million times more inhuman.

No. 2204593>>2204610>>2205097

Maybe I have some kind of a neurological difference in perception, but to me, 99% of moids have always looked… off. Kind of like if an alien were to reconstruct a Denisovan from verbal description alone. Their faces always look subtly fucked up in an uncanny valley way, which automatically registers as "subhominid", "inbred/deformed" or "early AI generated horror" in my brain. Is this what other people interpret as "character" in the face? Why are all moids so asymmetrical and, well, fucking weird? Why does Lima's moid have insanely deep and close set eyes? Have you ever seen a woman with this feature AND have it clash so badly with the rest of her face? What the fuck is that thing?

No. 2204610

I think I get what you mean. Even ugly women have features that are sort of proportional to each other but for moids these rules don't seem to exist. This guy has huge lips, eyebrows and nose but his eyes are so tiny and close together in comparison. Someone really just put this one slider at the smallest size and left everything else the same in character creation.

No. 2204652>>2204670

Gays are ugly. Gay face is ugly.

No. 2204654

No. 2204666

He should be glad someone made his fanpage, coz people don't usually give a shit about male models

No. 2204670

Nta but I never understood the difference between "gay face" and "straight face", they all look the same.

No. 2204716

i feel the same way

No. 2204797>>2205046

File (hide): 1728774186115.jpg (409.01 KB, 1469x818, uggos-should-not-be-allowed-to…)

old fugly moids should not be allowed to reproduce, their disgusting sperm just curses the next generations with more autistic uggos, when will women stop reproducing with ugly men? I can't stand this ugly Earth anymore in which 99% of men is fucking hideous

No. 2204946>>2204968>>2204976>>2204984>>2205132>>2205398>>2220247

File (hide): 1728781191741.jpg (372.04 KB, 2048x2048, GNu90rmbsAE9r_W.jpg_large.jpg)

I think the fact that even rich actors tend to look a thousand times better on screen playing a character as opposed to when they have to groom and style themselves is proof that the average moid is ugly because he chooses to. How many times have you googled an actor you found hot only to find out he looks like a troll outside of the character? If men and women had the same unattainable beauty standards and they were forced to care about their hair, facial features and fashion like we are, they could easily go from 4/10s to 8/10s.
Take the guys from Challengers for example. They're both mid, but in the movie the style changes elevate their attractiveness considerably. When you Google what the actors actually look like, the pretty blond twink has plain short brown hair and a disgusting pedostache that makes him look like a sex offender irl. Brunette guy has shorter hair and dresses like a fucking grandpa which makes him look geriatric. These details are so simple and make a huge difference, yet most moids prefer to uglify themselves than to appear attractive to women.

No. 2204968

somewhat related, I noticed that asian actors in the 90s tended to be styled much better than asian actors today

No. 2204976

>How many times have you googled an actor you found hot only to find out he looks like a troll outside of the character?
every. fucking. time.

No. 2204978

I am now interested in this game

No. 2204984

I can't think of a single time this hasn't happened. Maybe they do it on purpose.

No. 2204989

The only time men decide to be pretty is so they can please other men.
They hate women so much. They want to be ugly, they don’t think we deserve shit. I think they like the idea of making a woman “settle” for him. It’s like they all have an ugly bastard fetish irl, and they are the ugly bastards.

It feels vindictive and misogynistic. The fact that fags try to be pretty means men are capable. They just defiantly stay ugly. And have the audacity to cry about being undesired by women. They deliberately want you to settle for their ugly asses and think you’re a bad person if you don’t.

No. 2204999>>2205008>>2205044

File (hide): 1728786275493.jpg (15.36 KB, 360x360, FUCK.JPG)

Men being ugly made me a volcel.
I’m the nastiest, horniest most perverted bitch I know. I want to desire men. I want to pursue men. I want to hunt men down and rough them up.
But I can’t. Because they’re all so fucking ugly. Like hell I’m going to make some ugly scrote the object of my desire, my muse. I’m not chasing dick not worthy of being chased. I feel like a ferocious carnivore trapped in a vegetable garden.

No. 2205008>>2205012

Become a coomer sister, join us in the coomer threads. And get a vibe.

No. 2205012

I’m already a coomer. I am fucking hot guys in my mind at least 12 hours a day.

No. 2205044

based and relatable

No. 2205046>>2205054

I always remind incels that they have no one to thank except their dads for this. Frauding through resource monopolization only works for so long.

No. 2205054

There was a screenshot post a few threads back of a guy who lamented his dad saying its the reason he came out a fat bald manlet rather than a tall adonis who struggles to find women because his dad is such a shortass. One of the few aware moids out there.

No. 2205070>>2205077>>2205079>>2205087>>2205141>>2205166>>2205229>>2205249>>2205405>>2205869>>2206079>>2206810>>2208066

File (hide): 1728796809505.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 1600x10108, no thank you.jpg)

Has anyone else noticed this weird phenomenon of people tripping over themselves to gas up low tier men and insist they are attractive even when they dont actually ask for it? Its a weird kind of cope that is not extended to women, only men. Theres a lot to unpack with these comments too.

No. 2205077

Doing their part in keeping him delusional and never reproducing. I almost prefer this over any constructive advice like plastic surgery. Makes sure he stays out of the gene pool.

No. 2205079

>young Gary Oldman
Yes, and that's the problem. Redditors are too autistic to understand that looking like an objectively ugly celebrity who needs the entire Hollywood PR machine to manufacture a halo for him isn't a compliment. Those men need statusmaxxing for a reason. Without their status, you're just an ugly man as opposed to rich ugly man everyone pretends is attractive.

No. 2205087>>2205100>>2208104

I am willing to bet $100 he is chasing after 19 year old girls.

No. 2205097

they look off to me too. Most males suffer from acromegaly to some extent, they can have weird huge skulls and foreheads and their features are either too small or too big for their face.
I guess this is what happens when males get a say in sexual selection. Only the ugliest most disgenic bastards with expired sperm are allowed to reproduce while pretty boys become gay prostitutes.

No. 2205100

The first question they should ask any moid complaining about a lack of matches is what their age range is set as.

No. 2205103>>2205106>>2205123>>2205289>>2205399

File (hide): 1728799980931.jpg (1.35 MB, 1594x3912, oh fuck off.jpg)

More pandering to uggo males. I know its reddit so of course we gotta make uggo males victims somehow.

No. 2205106

Opposite world AU

No. 2205123

I know the obese woman he's talking about and women aren't supportive of her relationship at all. They constantly bash her and tell her her boyfriend is gay or with her only for her money. they have created whole subs dedicated to harassing her.
the scrote is a roidpig with an extremely unnatractice face. going to the gym is the only thing he has going on for him.
I remember seeing her socials and thinking it's so embarrassing to see women fighting like starved rats over a moldy piece of bread.

No. 2205132>>2205149

This is how I felt about Cilian Murphy in the first few episodes of Peaky Blinders. I thought he looked so good, only to google pictures of him looking like he hit the wall.

No. 2205141

I love how even the pickme redditor girls can only compliment him by saying he's not that ugly lmao. That's when you know its over

No. 2205144

that's me. It's a very painful way of living. Knowing what you could have been….

No. 2205149>>2205168>>2205170>>2205182>>2208124

He was so hot in the first few seasons of that show. I did witchcraft on him because I thought I was a lesbian until I suddenly felt attracted to him out of nowhere and it made me suicidal (I did not want to be one of those bi women) and then he aged rapidly and lost his looks

No. 2205158

Brazil is on of the top most inbred countries in the world, it’s in like 5th place. You wouldn’t think so because everyone is so mixed race, but yeah there’s a lot of sibling or cousin incest going on over there

No. 2205166>>2205364

>I’d prefer not trying to kill myself again
off topic but why are moids so eager to tell you how depressed and suicidal they are? Letting randos on a public forum know you’re suicidal isn’t gonna get you more likes on hinge kek

No. 2205167

You sound like you have body dysmorphia

No. 2205168>>2205190

> I did witchcraft on him because I thought I was a lesbian until I suddenly felt attracted to him

No. 2205170>>2205190

>It made me suicidal
Why do you hate yourself so much lol

No. 2205182>>2205190

what the fuck nonna did you curse him into the wall?

No. 2205190>>2205244

I was upset to find out that I was attracted to men. Look at the questioning sexuality thread it’s filled with women who had similar experiences
I manifested him hitting the wall

No. 2205192>>2205193

File (hide): 1728810566917.jpeg (323.52 KB, 2164x1073, IMG_5154.jpeg)

Cillian Murphy before vs after I spoke a curse over his life

No. 2205193>>2205197

This is consistent with the rules of magic. You drained his entire life force and the price you paid was to be attracted to the monster you created lmao

No. 2205197

Well if I had known that I wouldn’t have freaking done it

No. 2205229

He looks like a caveman, I will never understood why men don't shave and get a decent haircut. He wouldn't be hot, but at least wouldn't force us to suffer. You are not Jesus Christ, get rid of the beard
>post wall moid
Why? Why are they complimenting

No. 2205244>>2205254

I know this is kinda off topic itt but how did you manifest him become ugly? did you listen to subliminals or perform rituals? can you share the technique?

No. 2205249

he looks like a pedophile that dresses up as a creepy clown in his free time I can't explain it but he looks like he larps as a bad boy or is sadistic

No. 2205254>>2205368

I started hating him once I realized I was attracted to him, I got slightly obsessed (and was binge watching peaky blinders and all of his movies at the time) so my thoughts were filled with daydream scenarios that were mainly sexual in nature but turned very dark, his characters are always evil and would do degenerate things and I would fantasize about horrible things happening to him in return, specifically him becoming as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. He also seems narcissistic and pompous in interviews which turned me against him even more. My hatred of him grew to the point where it started manifesting in his physical appearance. You have to feel genuine emotion to manifest things like that but it helps to say or think certain things, for example whenever I saw pictures, clips, or edits of him I would say “I fucking hate this little faggot” or imagine him being physically harmed or sexually violated. It worked!

No. 2205289>>2205310

Women have looksmatches if you remove all the bullshit high standards for us and the lack of any for men. A woman who wears makeup and spends loads on skincare should be paired with a guy who does the same. You don't have to settle for anything. It's rare for a woman to find her looksmatch because most men don't give a fuck about how they look and tend to be ogres to begin with but it's not like the concept in itself is wrong. I'm in a relationship and I would say I'm dating my looksmatch guy right now because we both shave, both care about our hair, skin, both skinny, and so on. I don't do anything he doesn't do and both of us are at a similar level face and body wise. Incels are the ones who misuse the looksmatch thing and claim they deserve supermodel gfs when they're ugly and put in no effort (or alternatively, when they claim ugly women somehow get to date chads every time).
>you just judge men's looks more harshly
KEK what? Literally the other way around, men get so little judgement for being ugly compared to women. They don't wear makeup and their fashion is basically basic t shirts and pants, they still get love even when they're balding, fat and old…This is so delusional and disconnected from reality it's crazy. If men really were so judged for their appearance beauty industries and the concept of beauty in itself wouldn't be so tied up with women

No. 2205310>>2205311

you'd have to be tranny level delusional to think that female and male bodies look the same and have the same level of attractiveness without clothes and makeup. Its obvious to anyone with eyes that women have more pleasing and attractive faces even without makeup and their fat distribution is better and creates a more attractive body shape. Not to mention women also age better.
Even if males use makeup they often end up looking like clowns see dragqueens for example. it's like putting lipstick on a pig.

No. 2205311>>2205321>>2206177

I don't think male and female bodies look the same or have the same level of attractiveness on average, I never said this. What I said is women can still (rarely) find their looksmatch and this is when you find a male that actually doesn't look like shit and cares about how he looks which the majority don't since as I mentioned they tend to look like ogres and also don't care about how they look.

No. 2205321>>2206177>>2206656>>2207351

Samefag, for an average woman her looksmatch male= above average male on a base level (since the average for a male=ugly compared to women) and also puts in effort to close this inherent gap between the sexes looks wise. He should also be younger than you by a few years to make up for men aging worse since you're right on that.

No. 2205364>>2207144

Men are the more manipulative sex and know women are brought up to be more empathetic in general and I've noticed a lot of ugly moids do this to get "Pity sex" from women (thankfully women are catching on more these days and saying no)

No. 2205368

nonna, you're so crazy but I think that kinda makes me have a crush on you kek

No. 2205398

Me with the lead actor in the Hunger Games prequel, except I realised he was uggo like halfway through the movie. I thought he was cute when he was in the wavy blond wig but when he shaved his head later in the movie I realised he looks inbred. In real life the actor is just another rat-faced Brit. He does at least have a nice body though (not pudgy, not roided, just fit in a natural way) which is like half a point in his favour but without the costume and wig his face is just very meh.

No. 2205399

Cool story moid, so put on makeup and see how that works out for you.

No. 2205405

It's the facial hair holding him back. It looks really bad on him. His hair also looks greasy (I bet he fell for the no-shampoo meme). If he washed his hair better, shaved off the facial hair and tinted his eyebrows he'd look fine, maybe not hot but way better than he does now. If we didn't already have this thread the beard meme would deserve it's own thread.

No. 2205408>>2205411

I'm so fucking tired of the moids who consider skincare or ANY effort to be "gay", yet they judge women harshly for not doing so
like fuck off, you're all sleazy, gross and with pubic hair on your faces, yet you ALL want good looking women? Please!
Women should really say no and not procreate with subpar men, the genepool is already fucked with all these uggos procreated
I remember a nonna mentioning that the 2 world wars fucked up the gene pool greatly since a lot of good looking and strong men were killed, and I believe it

No. 2205411

I actually managed to get a guy to start using sunscreen and tretinoin, shame it didn't work out. His skin looked so nice. IME the straight men that do put effort into their appearance tend to be the ones that suffered from acne at some point.

No. 2205542>>2205679

Why are males allowed to be such ugly filthy creatures?

No. 2205634>>2205643>>2205664>>2205684>>2205693>>2206656

File (hide): 1728844266166.jpg (815.27 KB, 2653x1842, forehead.jpg)

This should be illegal.

No. 2205642

I have no respect for women who express attraction towards ugly men. It would be another case if such ugly man excelled at everything else, but no, they are also terrible people to be around.

No. 2205643

Magz Gyllenhaal kinda looks like a sock puppet. Not in a mean way kek

No. 2205662>>2205708>>2206348

File (hide): 1728846085418.png (18.64 KB, 750x733, cursed.png)

>brother took after my mother's germanic appearance
>i took after my father's shitty indigenous appearance

No. 2205664>>2205794>>2206177

Are you kidding? They're looksmatched

No. 2205679

Muh masculinity or whatever

No. 2205684

I think Maggie is better looking than him by pure default of not having a forehead so big you could fit a second set of facial features on it.

No. 2205693>>2205794>>2207146>>2208188>>2209965

Men balding just proves to me that men aren't supposed to live longer than 25 years old. If they don't die in war like they are supposed to god's divine punishment is to turn them into eggs. There is no other logical explanation to men going bald.

No. 2205708

Isn’t that a common belief? That girls inherit their dad’s looks and vice versa for boys.

No. 2205794>>2205808>>2205816>>2205819

Nope. The guy's forehead is massive compared to hers, he has shitty facial hair, she's wearing makeup and he doesn't seem to be wearing anything on his face, and he looks like he's balding while she has more hair.
What about men that don't bald at 25

No. 2205808>>2205850>>2205867>>2207590

all men eventually go bald, its a sign they should have died much sooner

No. 2205816

His forehead is almost as big as her entire face lmao

No. 2205819

I think Maggie is Hollywood average whereas the moid is regular moid average. But Hollywood woman average and regular scrote average are two very different things.

No. 2205850

>all men eventually go bald
Another psyop. Genetically inferior men go bald. If dumb pickmes stopped reproducing with these bald freaks, we’d be free of them in 2 generations.

No. 2205867>>2205892

I don't know nona my grandpa is 80 and hasn't started balding. Since most of them die earlier anyway I could accept if they started at that age.

No. 2205869

Honestly, the problem is Americans. They gas up any white man or woman who isn't fat, because 75% of their country is obese mutts.(racebait)

No. 2205892

So's mine. His hair is thin and white but his hairline isn't even close to receded. He's 81 now but when he was young he had very thick, wavy blond hair. I'm brunette but have his hair texture and thickness and I hope that I got genetics from him that will make me have a nice head of hair for my age when I'm old.

No. 2206002>>2206360>>2207402

I hope no ugly man exists by the year 3000, after generations of selections and genetic engineering. A hope for future women

No. 2206079>>2206275

Even if he wasn't utterly walled and fugly, he/they is already a dealbreaker, and I'm willing to bet he's only seeking short term fun too. I've swiped left on countless attractive men because they proudly broadcasted they're only interested in being whores and treating women as such. Moids fail to understand it's not even only about their looks, but the fact that they don't even bother pretending to be seeking anything but to pump and dump you. And then act shocked when they don't get any matches kek.

No. 2206177>>2206656

If a woman doesn't give a fuck about her appearance, she still won't look like an ogre, topkek. It's something innate to moids, the actually beautiful ones are considered "feminine" for prettiness because it's this rare in males. I guarantee you, your moid is uglier than you and you could do better, anon.
>I don't think male and female bodies look the same or have the same level of attractiveness
>What I said is women can still (rarely) find their looksmatch
>as I mentioned they tend to look like ogres
If you think men naturally tend to look like ogres, then you're agreeing with the anon you replied to. I thought you were arguing that an average moid could looksmatch an average woman if he was taking care of himself, but then you're admitting they tend to look like ogres?
This. Kek. Tired of people constantly coming here and pretending that "we're literally like incels!111!". Look at these people >>2205664, they're insane. They literally don't see how he looks mutated or pretend to not see it.

No. 2206275

Little known fact about moids: by "no strings attached" or "short term fun", they mean for them. For you, it still means walking on eggshells around his cuck anxiety or listening to his retarded problems.

For no strings you have to be a literally 11/10 out of this world got moid that doesn't talk or have opinions. Then I'd happily do it. Instead they're all 2/10 who never shut the fuck up and saddle you with all the relationship adjacent crap regardless.

No. 2206348

is your brother hot?

No. 2206360>>2206634

for that, women will have to first realise that a moid being "such a nice guy" or having money is not enough for her to reproduce with him. also, it must become illegal for old moids to reproduce because their old sperm creates autistic moids. at least a lot of the autistic-bald-ugly moids are castrating themselves with their transmaxxing, so maybe there's indeed a bit of hope for future women

No. 2206634>>2206667>>2207351>>2207866

In order for that to happen, women must first realize and accept that reproduction only approaches something resembling a win/win scenario in fitness terms, an abstraction that only exists in population biology. As in, you both passed your genes. Under these terms, the most successful individual is a child bride with 30 kids.

In actual real life terms, something that affects you as an individual, it's an L for the woman and always a sacrifice no matter how much she's betabuxxed due to irreversible nature of bodily damage from reproduction. Once this is established, it's fair to demand everything instead of memeing yourself into thinking that your mutilator being "nice" makes the mutilation worthwhile.

No. 2206656>>2207351

No one who saw us would claim I'm out of his league kek, can't prove this so you'll just have to believe me. Some of you think every couple must be mismatched like >>2205634 who still get called "looksmatched" when they aren't at all. Me saying men tend to look like ogres on average was in my original post too and doesn't really negate my point when the idea is to not fuck those men in the first place aka not fucking an average moid since they're ugly, going for a above average one like I stated in >>2205321 pretty clearly.

No. 2206667>>2206675>>2206676

Teenage girls aren’t more fertile than adult women, that’s redpill scrote rhetoric

No. 2206675>>2206677

That's… not even close to what she meant anon.

No. 2206676

Incredible reading comprehension levels nonnie.

No. 2206677>>2206717

Then why did she mention childbrides

No. 2206717

Because child brides are typically forced to have as many kids as possible.

No. 2206786>>2206806>>2207399

File (hide): 1728907661917.jpg (139.4 KB, 1080x1554, 462299749_1032237761707002_308…)

just saw this, tell me again how men age better than women kek

No. 2206806>>2206823>>2206834

Are these actually the same people? The womens faces all look different?

No. 2206810

He looks like a skinny Vaush. Horror.

No. 2206823

nonna, please put on some glasses girl

No. 2206834

they are obviously not the same people lmao

No. 2206917>>2206947

Men here age so poorly that when a 20 yr old man looks his actual age people think he must be a teen… the situation is so bad I can't even laugh at it

No. 2206947

where do you live, nonna? it seems that men are more or less the same regardless of country, it's really tragic

No. 2207117>>2207224

File (hide): 1728931710947.jpg (300.4 KB, 1080x1676, Screenshot_20241014_204718.jpg)

No. 2207144>>2207220

Yes ugly scrotes really are more manipulative and toxic compared to better looking moids
They always act doomed and depressed to get sympathy from women and they when finally shows their true self after they are done getting what they want

No. 2207146

Males living longer makes things worse for women anyway

No. 2207220

It really is very simple. All moids are parasites, so they all want sexual access. "Game" is only needed when you're genetic garbage and can't gain sexual access just by existing. Therefore, fuglier scrotes will rely on manipulation and violence. What else do they have?

To boot, there are studies showing that low sexual value males are more likely to engage in "negative mate retention tactics".

No. 2207224>>2207625

>undivided devotion
>contemplating cheating anyway

No. 2207351>>2207445

>reproduction only approaches something resembling a win/win scenario in fitness terms, an abstraction that only exists in population biology. As in, you both passed your genes. Under these terms, the most successful individual is a child bride with 30 kids.
So many of those kids will be retarded, sickly and unsuccessful (death). I wouldn't say strategy like this is better just because it produces a larger population, honestly. So i don't think it's only about women chasing their own interests, it's better for everyone (why create hell?). You'll still be passing your genes, but the population will be quite smaller, which i don't see as a problem even in terms of biological abstraction, because if you're just popping out kids with no regards to quality, you're leaving it to a chance in the hope of small number of them actually succeeding in reproducing and creating an ok line that doesn't slowly degrade into death either. Am i wrong somewhere? In fitness terms, are insects more successful than deers as species? Genuinely interested, because it doesn't even seem like it's only about women's individual win to me when she asks for the best quality genes first and foremost and also money and care for her and her offspring. Both of those strategies seem like they're working, but one of them creates worse quality of life for everyone. Which means that women giving children to men who're supposed to be filtered out for being """nice""" are fucking up not just themselves.
>No one who saw us would claim I'm out of his league kek
Well, of course they wouldn't, kek. But i'll trust your choice then, nonna.
>going for a above average one like I stated in >>2205321 pretty clearly.
Yeah, you're agreeing with the poster you replied to. Well, okay then, no problem.

No. 2207392>>2207395>>2207396>>2207403>>2207427

File (hide): 1728946626972.png (1.84 MB, 1126x1142, Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 23.53…)

i have no idea how the ugliest italian moids always get pretty nordic or slavic models. seen it over and over again with so many pretty blonde women. not only is this guy fugly as hell but also seems like a huge creep, his ig is full of semi-CP disgused as 'art'. i despite shitalian men.

No. 2207395

i swear anytime i look up a pretty northern european actress or model from the 60s to the 90s, she always ended up marrying some hideous hairy neanderthal italian moid who was 'director' or 'photographer'. are they really that skilled at manipulation?

No. 2207396>>2208039

Those big hooked noses are some of the ugliest things a moid could have. I've been bullied for my polack nose all my life by moids meanwhile pickmes love praising big noses on men and saying "it's so sexy tehehehe!"

No. 2207399

omg the moid looks absolutely disgusting now while the women have help up well. also hate this garbage meme its so sexist.

No. 2207402>>2207411>>2207523

Unfortunately that wont happen due to the invention of DNA tests. Moids are always crying about how their pedophilia and whoreishness is due to 'muh biology' and therefore women should tolerate it.

Just remind that women are literally more attracted to handsome Chad types with more symmetrical faces and bodies during ovulation. Women are literally 'programmed' to cuck their husbands with a hotter guy when they are most fertile, so that the offspring get the best genes for their kid. And it was common, a lot of women let a beta moid raise Chads bastard unknowingly, everyone was happy.

Paternity tests ruined that. Now women are actually forced to carry the biological offspring of their hideous uggo balding safety option husbands.

No. 2207403>>2207410

Seriously what is it with European moids and their open noncey-ness? They're always so proud to be pedos and think its edgy and cool as fuck, even though the age of consent in their shithole countries is already like 14 or something they're always still lusting over 10-12 year old girls and think it makes them totally groundbreaking, stunning and brave. Absolute subhumans, talking to European moids has made me despise them.

No. 2207410>>2207415

As a European, I can assure you the only place where pedophilia is as normalised as you describe it is France. You literally just described French moids kek.
And on that note, why do burgers always talk about "Europe" when what they actually mean is just "Paris," or occasionally "Amsterdam."

No. 2207411>>2207416

I think it's okay for women to cheat on men. Men who cheat should die though.

No. 2207415

I've talked to European moids from pretty much every single country from Bongs and Frogs to Russians and every country in between. Literally all of them ended up expressing nonce shit, though I'd say Slav moids are the worst for it.

No. 2207416

>I think it's okay for women to cheat on men. Men who cheat should die though.

No. 2207427

For slavic women anything that isn't a slavic man is an improvement, I guess.

No. 2207445

Technically yes, insects (safe for the ones that require a specific plant as a habitat) are in fact more successful than mammals. Your body does not know it lives in relative abundance and safety. Everything about a human being is programmed, broadly speaking, for an African savannah where predators, starvation and disease will meme you out of existence before 30 - if that wasn't the case, things like aging and obesity wouldn't exist. In these conditions, multiplying as much as possible is optimal because the low quality retards will die off anyway. The main purpose of a male is up facilitate this process, but it absolutely does backfire and species do go extinct all the time because their minmaxed zerg strategy no longer matches the environment.

No. 2207523

We have to start getting doctors on the inside to fake the tests.

No. 2207590>>2207722>>2207773>>2207869>>2208025

File (hide): 1728961613951.jpg (136.77 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-1330889322-1024x10…)

Not true. Stop dating balding men.

No. 2207625

That's obviously a screenshot shared on the sub

No. 2207722>>2207869

god he looks disgusting, good hair though

No. 2207773>>2207776>>2208033

If I were an old lady I would like my male partner to end up looking like this, but I would never date an old man at my current stage

No. 2207776>>2208017

Why would you want to be with an old scrote whose gonna die before you anyway? I will keep fucking prettyboys until I'm 90.

No. 2207841>>2207845>>2207851>>2220766

File (hide): 1728985195675.png (2.09 MB, 592x3697, IMG_2574.png)

why do gay moids and faghags love fatties so much?

No. 2207845>>2207846

Gay moids are disgusting fetishists. I have no idea why women would find a nasty gut on a man attractive.

No. 2207846>>2207847>>2207849

Daddy issues and poor self esteem. Look at all the "me (pretty princess) vs my man (grotesque toad)" memes. Their self-worth hinges on being ~the hot one~ too much to date attractive males.

No. 2207847

They are so insecure they can't even imagine a hot man lusting after them. Sad.

No. 2207849>>2207850

the point is that you can be still a "pretty princess" and pair yourself with the dashing knight or whatever, instead of the ugly troll

No. 2207850

Yes, WE know that, but the Xitter retards don't. I was explaining the logic.

No. 2207851

only women who were molested as children like fat old men, theyre pathetic

No. 2207866>>2207870

Scrotes love to blame the autism epidemic on women but autism is mainly inherited from the Y chromosome which is why it's more prevalent in males. The reality is when women have kids by younger men they usually come out cute and totally normal and healthy. Older women are getting pregnant by men who are even older than them, because society still thinks the male should always be older than the female (even though older men are useless and literally die 5 years earlier than women on average)

If older women want to get pregnant they should absolutely have a toyboy husband or at least get sperm from a Chadly donor in his twenties.

No. 2207869

pretty sure that's Aiden Shaw, again.

I don't like the beard at all but I guess that's what his agency has recommended. I wonder how he'd look if he took better care of his hair, maybe dyed it. He has a lot of it but it looks dry.

No. 2207870>>2207877>>2207879

Also its literally been proven that too much faulty genetic male material is the root of autism.

>On average, the data showed that siblings with autism share about 66 percent of their genetic material from their father. They only share about 30 percent from their mother. Siblings without autism share just about half of those percentages.

>The findings suggest that just a single amino acid change in the version of a gene called NLGN4 that is found on the Y chromosome (NLGN4Y) can lead to autism.


Next time men cry about it remind them of this.

No. 2207877

what the fuck???

No. 2207879

isn't it related to age

No. 2207880>>2207897>>2207899

File (hide): 1728989430594.png (1.29 MB, 751x2743, IMG_2581.png)

>unironically thirsting for george costanza
god help us

No. 2207897

As usual, self loathing WOC and Americans keeping the bar for male attractiveness in hell.

Just be vaguely caucasian passing and under 400lbs in the US, and you're automatically considered at least an 8/10.

No. 2207899

They are definitely trying to pacify incels when they post shit like this.

No. 2207908>>2207911>>2207921>>2207922>>2207923>>2207980>>2208019>>2208034>>2208086>>2208091>>2208113>>2208123

File (hide): 1728991503303.jpeg (785.48 KB, 1536x2048, psyopmen.jpeg)

Apparently People’s Sexiest Man Alive of 2024 will be revealed next month. Looking at this made me remember how deep the psyop goes, literally none of these men are attractive to me and half of them look too old

No. 2207911>>2207924

If people don't immediately realise this is paid PR after looking at the lineup, there's no hope for them. What a coincidence that every winner is in the current Big Thing kek

No. 2207921>>2207924>>2217809

>Johnny Depp
>Chris Hemsworth
>Channing Tatum
>Chris Evans.
Holy shit. I'm not saying any of these moids were attractive (they aren't), but comparing how they looked when they were named versus how they look now… the wall exists for scrotes and they hit that thing running. Damn.

No. 2207922

Why is John Legend doing a wet poolside photoshoot in smart casual?

No. 2207923


almost all of them are beady eyed

No. 2207924

I saw some people on twitter shitting on it but also others defending it and claiming it was only a few bad apples rather than the whole lineup, which is just delusional honestly.
Right like all of them are past the wall but they still want to pretend like it's only women that happens to because uhhh with men they become "manly" and rough and that's sexy, supposedly (it isn't).

No. 2207980

a few of these guys were hot in their prime but they look walled here kek

No. 2208017

>I will keep fucking prettyboys until I'm 90
based nonna.

No. 2208019

It’s probably going to be Glenn Powell this year. I wish they would choose the euphoria tranny just for fun, but troons would set the magazine headquarters on fire

No. 2208025

he still should have died sooner he looks like a 70s cult leader

No. 2208033

Same. Dating older men makes no sense to me. I probably wouldn't want to have sex when I'm 90 (if I even survive that long) so I wouldn't really care if by that age my same age or younger male was old looking like me, as long as he isn't bald and we could still look like a cute old couple.

No. 2208034>>2208042>>2208131

File (hide): 1728998365412.png (3.78 MB, 2558x874, double standards.png)

For comparison this is the sexiest women alive according to esquire magazine. Notice how they are all super young and posed in sexual ways compared to the moids who are fully clothed and posed normally.

No. 2208039

I know that feeling tourists love men from my country and throw themselves at them and the moids from my country simp for the tourists very badly while mocking us and calling their own women ugly. I don't get how northen european women hate their men ,they seem much taller and prettier than the men here. It's like they enjoy being fetishized by italian scrotes or something it's so disgusting and I wish they stopped being pick mes

No. 2208042>>2208057

I'm not surprised at all but this is still so annoying and gross, the double standards are crazy. It's no wonder so many women end up thinking they're asexual when all they get shown is ugly old males as peak sex appeal and what you're supposed to be into as a woman, meanwhile men get to see sexualized pretty young women everywhere and then claim they're "visual creatures" (even though they never are when it comes to their own looks, curious). Media caters to them and constantly shows them every hot woman they want while women have to be okay with post wall moids otherwise you're weird or on BC or whatever other moid cope. And somehow in this hellscape you still have moids acting like
there's le feminist agenda taking away all their hotties when it's still the norm for women to be presented like this. Their claim that standards are higher for men when it comes to looks is hilarious too, they would kill themselves if they were put under the same standards as the average woman

No. 2208057>>2208059>>2208064>>2208126>>2208128>>2209863

File (hide): 1728999764492.jpg (69.79 KB, 1178x976, GHSuPv3WUAAK2Sr.jpg)

>while women have to be okay with post wall moids otherwise you're weird or on BC or whatever other moid cope
I remember talking to a millenial man who wanted to have sex with me ( I rejected him of course) and he asked me what kind of men I liked and I said "feminine men with baby faces, like a twink you know?" and then he got angry at me and said something like " girls from your generation are so weird, it must be because you are an autistic tomboy and don't have enough estrogen" and then he started to talk about his 27 year old e-girl crush that likes bearded men and comparing my taste to hers. Older men will always seethe when way younger women reject to have sex with them and make the stupidest copes ever when you have a taste for men your age, or in the most triggering case for them when a woman prefers younger men.

No. 2208059>>2208065>>2208181

reminds me of this stalker guy who was obesessed with me since i was 13. Last time we talked and what made him stop pestering me was me talking about how i found scott the woz attractive. He started coping and seething about how he was a beta soyboy blah blah typical mantrum.

No. 2208064>>2208076

What a dumbass guy kek. How would that mean lack of estrogen or being a tomboy, if anything it's more normal that a woman is into guys her own age or younger compared to a weirdo woman into geriatric scrotes that look like her dad and most likely has daddy issues. Something I never understood is how men will use daddy issues as an epic own to women but then simultaneously get mad if you actually want a guy that DOESN'T remind you of your dad. Like which is it? If you want young women fucking older men you can't also claim their daddy issues are bad or have a problem with "fatherless behavior". Fucking a guy who's younger than you is actually the opposite of this yet it's demonized by these insecure men.

For the e-girl chances are she's pandering to what men like him want to hear in the first place since that's her audience too, she can't be based and say they are ugly even if she wanted to. And even if she's actually into that it's always very annoying to see the double standards, a woman has to be into beards but a guy shits himself if we don't have fully shaved bodies, and they act like just because one woman likes ugly old males every woman has to like it as if we're a monolith.

No. 2208065>>2208097>>2208151

Yes they will seethe and say our crushes "beta soyboys who can't even dominate us". The moid I rejected thinks he is hot shit for being 6'5 but he fat, is a total creep sex pest that pays for escorts, stalks e-girls and women in animecons, bdsm brainrot irl. I don't know why men think we own them anything just because they are older than us, what experience do they have even? unless they meant their experience at being degenerates lol

No. 2208066>>2208071>>2208087

Call me a retard but this alone is reason enough for me to always prefer asian moids, I simply don't deserve to be with somebody so haggard.
I noticed that asian couples are much more likely to be somewhat looksmatched, it's at least normal to wash your face, actually style your hair and put in effort for your gf, like dressing up for her, using a mask with her,…small shit that would get you laughed at by any moid from my country. They really act as if loving your female partner and doing stuff for her makes you gay…

Because family was mentioned above: did you also notice that the standards for you (and your sisters) are much different for your brothers?
My little brother is definitely not ugly but both old and young women act as if he's god-tier, when in reality he's so average, just tall and not fat. It already started when we were little and even now my mom keeps fawning over how cute and pretty he was as a child - compared to my sister and I. Ironically tho she now starts worrying about him possibly greying soon due to my dad's genetics, meanwhile due to her genetics for me it won't become an issue for another 20, 25 years kek

No. 2208071>>2208092

I noticed that too, problem is it seems like the average asian male is still ugly, porn addicted and extremely misogynistic despite their beauty standards (idols, models, media in general) seeming more open to femininity and youth in males as a whole compared to western moid standards where the ideal for a man is to be as haggard, not shaving, manly and old as possible even while they're young. I was definitely more picked on for my looks compared to my brother too, probably because as a woman I'm expected to be pretty and he's not because bullshit society

No. 2208076>>2208097

>For the e-girl chances are she's pandering to what men like him want to hear
Well to be fair the specific e-girl he has a crush on is kinda ugly and fat (but she deserves way better than this scrote, I hope she never gives him a chance), maybe she likes bearded jacked men because she is insecure about her femininity? But yes you are right that disgusting moid tried his best to demoralize me and other girls for their taste. He used to make fun of my nose because I have a bump on it and he would call me "jewish" which I am not and say my nose is kinda big and his nose and the e-girl's nose is thin and looks ""whiter than mine"", and then he would call me cute and say I look young and adorable and "wanted to keep me as a pet" in the same day. His negging strategy was off the charts he was super weird, he also keept comparing me to the e-girl and his other crushes, well thankfully they were women closer to his age range but yikes imagine trying to demoralize a woman way younger than you so you can manipulate her into having sex with you. He also has a fetish for asian women and would scroll twitter and it was like 80% onlyfans and anime porn me and his friends were in a car and saw it so fucking disgusting having a feed like that and showing it to your friends and a woman you barely knew. Sorry for the blogpost it's just I don't understand how ugly man have this much confidence

No. 2208086>>2208095

File (hide): 1729001914459.jpeg (198.21 KB, 600x800, IMG_2345.jpeg)

I will never forgive them for choosing Blake Shelton. I hope whoever got paid off to put his Cro-Magnon bloated ass at the top has myopia or some sort of mental disorder because god damn is he an eyesore. I cope by assuming Gwen Stefani tried to push the narrative of him being hot to hide the fact she got with a washed up walking Crisco advertisement that cheated on his wife. Being the mistress of living Five Guys fries grease must be hell, how can she wake up next to that thing every morning? He is so ugly to me I genuinely wish him the worst, crossing my fingers for a visible goiter this year for Christmas. Call me now at 1800-HATE-BLAKE for more Blake Shelton libel.

No. 2208087

they tend to be more misogynistic given their countries have always preferred moids over women

No. 2208091

They all look imbred and samey. Funny how on the 90s it was mostly young actors and now it's these washed out literal whos.

No. 2208092

But those uggos are at least left alone, nerds stay in their single lane, whereas even the most crippled white moid somehow always has a woman by his side. Meaning they dare to be choosy and pick what they actually like, while in the west women of all ages continue to tiptoe around moids feefees and try to brainwash themselves and all other women that shit like dad bods is actually much hotter than young chads.

No. 2208095

I need pic rel badly

No. 2208097>>2208108>>2208121>>2208133

Why do they assume every woman wants to be dominated by her male partner in the first place and see that as an inherently good trait in a male in general. Sure a guy having initiative and being strong is cool, but they go so extreme with it when even the most feminine pretty boy is still stronger than an average woman. Just goes to show they see sex as a domination act and not a show of love between two people too, if you have sex with a guy who isn't 3 times your size and isn't a domineering roidpig surely it must be mediocre since they assume every woman only gets off on being dominated by le stronger chad moid or some shit. Either that or they'll assume you have a dommy mommy fetish automatically when that's not necessarily the case either and they mostly only seem able to see sex through the lens of domination in general. Older men's experience is basically being ran through whether it's spiritually (with porn) or physically and they love projecting this onto women and claiming we all have 30000 partners by age 25 since that's what they would do in our position.
She is probably insecure yeah, it seems common for women who feel they aren't a stacy or good looking in some way to believe they don't deserve hot men or feel intimidated by them. I mean I've had that experience where people will act like me not wanting an ugly moid means I think I must be some sort of stacy when it's just having standards. I used to know a guy who did a similar thing to what you described, he would give me backhanded compliments, normal ones, and then insults about my looks despite being uglier than me (and fat) and it felt like he was always trying to bring me down a peg, though he wasn't older than I am. Men have gotten really brazen about their porn addictions and don't even care if you're a woman when they're showing off their porn and fetishes in public. It's bleak

No. 2208104

Notice how he doesn't even address the second reply mentioning that he's probably just swiping on the women who'd tolerate his mug but goes into a crying fit over meanie comments instead. You're probably 100% right.

No. 2208108>>2208120>>2208127>>2208133

>they love projecting this onto women and claiming we all have 30000 partners by age 25 since that's what they would do in our position.
I remember hearing a normie classmate talking to a druggie moid on the school's gate a few years ago and the moid was telling her something like "bro, see that huge line of people entering in school right now? that would be the amount of men I would fuck if I was a woman, I would let them all fuck me and be the biggest whore ever" and the chick was like "hahaha". I don't know why normie "stacy" women like these types of scummy men but I hope she knows better and has a nice boyfriend now. Men are so hypocrite it makes me sick, but the pickmes who tolerate their misogny are worse.

No. 2208113

Some of these guys' skins have been shooped so hard, the art department knew this was bullshit

No. 2208120>>2208133

They're retarded, if a woman goes out and fucks 1000 random guys her chances of just having mostly bad experiences are pretty high compared to a moid doing the same. She probably wouldn't cum most of the time since most guys suck at sex and center their own pleasure over the woman's, would get STDs, could get killed, raped or abused, would probably have to get an abortion at some point or could become pregnant since even with protection things could go wrong, and so on. They seem incapable of seeing things from a female pov so they think it'd just be great and none of these factors would be a problem since they only see it from their male pov where fucking 1000 women as a men would give you little to no consequences in comparison (except for STDs). Also any guy that says that comes off like a closet fag since it feels like admitting they're jealous of women fucking other men

No. 2208121>>2208130

>Men have gotten really brazen about their porn addictions and don't even care if you're a woman
I personally think he was trying to get turned on in the car and would have raped me if we were alone, he touched my legs and was always touching my face and head-patting me without my permission. This man talks about porn all the time and show us softcore porn and his friends are just like "haha…" when he talks about porn next to me and them, at least his friends respect me , also when he showed porn to the moid who was next to me in the car and he kinda made him bricked up and it was so uncomfy, specially because I needed to be in the car with them for many hours.
>he would give me backhanded compliments, normal ones, and then insults about my looks despite being uglier than me
yes literally this he is way uglier than me and looks walled but thinks it's "based" since he is a man. Negging is the worst thing moids do, it's so mean and childish " haha you are ugly! wow you are kinda cute wanna be my slave? nice outfit, you are so dumb and im smarter", they have no charisma. I have never seen a young handsome man do this shit only mid/ugly men or old moids.

No. 2208123

Reminder all these celeb moids are gay and raped and had to sell their asses to Hollywood execs to be put on the cover of these magazines

No. 2208124>>2209138

This made me laugh thank you. I’m crushed that whatever spell you cast worked, you didn’t have to ruin him for the rest of us

No. 2208125

>ugly moid psyops on MY ugly moid psyops thread? more likely than you think

Some moids with money and status choose to stay ugly as a flex. Disgusting.

No. 2208126>>2208187

love when they accuse you of being on bc when ive never taken the pill in my life

No. 2208127>>2208129

>Men are so hypocrite it makes me sick, but the pickmes who tolerate their misogny are worse.
At the end of the day you love hating women more than the men, right?

No. 2208128>>2208131>>2208614

Men are so easily threatened its sad. My ex was 6ft4, jacked, nordic and pretty good looking, but he would still sulk when I watched anime with cute bishies in it or listened to male idol groups. Idk what he thought, I'm gonna leave him for one or something? They're not rational at all. But of course he still wanted to watch porn and have me be ok with it.

No. 2208129

no, men are absolute pigs and I don't consider them human but the women who agree with them and feed their ego are trash like them and don't deserve our sympathy, unless they change their ways in the future.

No. 2208130

>I personally think he was trying to get turned on in the car and would have raped me if we were alone, he touched my legs and was always touching my face and head-patting me without my permission.
God that's so creepy, I hate men.
>Negging is the worst thing moids do, it's so mean and childish " haha you are ugly! wow you are kinda cute wanna be my slave? nice outfit, you are so dumb and im smarter", they have no charisma.
It's stupid and doesn't even work, I'm just like ok fuck off then kek because I'm not interested in a man who would say anything other than complimenting my appearance especially when they look like shit in comparison. They truly believe they don't have to beautiful while women do

No. 2208131>>2208141

Men freak out when women like youthful attributes in men or enjoy fictional pretty boys but when a woman says a man is a porn addict scumbag for liking 18 yo porn or a pedophile for liking loli porn they will call you a jealous hag and call you crazy cat lady. It's like they seethe when a woman likes a man who has looks and they don't, men LOVE projecting this onto women all the time. Men don't want women to "enjoy" playgirl magazines either just compare these >>2208034 >>2207908

No. 2208133>>2208139>>2208154

>Men have gotten really brazen about their porn addictions and don't even care if you're a woman when they're showing off their porn and fetishes in public. It's bleak
I remember my male coworkers added me to a group chat and within 2 days they were discussing their porn folders in front of me and some of our other female coworkers. They're so depraved and porn rotted and out of touch with reality they dont even have social awareness anymore.

Men love projecting their own degeneracy and whoreishness onto women, many such cases. Women with bodycounts over 10 or so are very rare and are usually clusterbee women with extreme mental illness or actual sex workers. All the women in my life have under 10 or so 'bodies' at tops, and most are in like the 2-3 range.
If a man is always talking about high female bodycounts you can always be 100% sure he's a porn addict projecting his favorite pornstars bodycount onto normal women.

No. 2208139

now i can see why female nymphomania was classed as a mental illnesss…you'd have to be batshit insane to let a large amount of men enter your body. 99.9999% of scrotes are absolutely repulsive.

No. 2208141

Men just make shit up as they go along, all the more reason to pay absolutely no mind to anything they say. I just laugh at them or ignore when they get on their soapbox or bait me into debates about it, they dont even deserve to be heard or taken seriously. Let them mald.

No. 2208151

16-18 year old "beta soyboys" are in their physical peak and would probably dominate him. There's a reason professional Olympic athletes are 25 tops.

No. 2208154

Yes exactly. For me it hasn't been coworkers but anytime I've been added to a seemingly normal group chat men always end up showing off their porn addictions eventually, and then when you confront them about it they try to justify this by saying it's just what all guys are like (despite not all the men in the group behaving this way). It's that or they'll just call you a prude/uptight/not a cool girl and act like it's your fault if you're uncomfortable. The most ironic thing about it to me is I've seen women (myself included) leaving these group chats over things like this, yet the men always act clueless and then cry about the lack of female presence when they actively go out of their way to make spaces uncomfortable for women to be in and don't consider us at all.

It's like what used to be reserved for the boys's locker room or for them talking amongst themselves without any women present now leaks into every space including ones they share with women since they've gone mask off and don't care anymore due to porn being more normalized. And they'll act like you're the problem or just overly sensitive if you dislike it, when if the roles were reversed and it was women talking about how they want to fuck hot twinks 24/7 and posting sexualized images of men they'd go apeshit

No. 2208163>>2208189>>2208374>>2209415

How do y'all meet young cute men? I'm thinking the gym maybe? But I'm also worried about getting a gym membership and then just meeting roidpigs and broccoli haired 16 year olds.

No. 2208181

Oh my god anon, it just clicked that moids calling any man who isn't a hairy roidpig a soyboy is part of the psyop. While sometimes it can be used with accurately (ie; balding moids with beards) it usually isn't.

No. 2208187>>2208206>>2208608

Same here, though I'm unfortunately gonna have to start soon so me and my bf can have sex

No. 2208188

>If they don't die in war like they are supposed to god's divine punishment is to turn them into eggs.
Kekkk I love this thread so much.

No. 2208189

>But I'm also worried about getting a gym membership and then just meeting roidpigs and broccoli haired 16 year olds.

That is pretty much what I see in my gym. Additionally there are also autistic creeps. I hate my town.

No. 2208206>>2208608

You don't have to

No. 2208214>>2208240>>2208319>>2208357

damn nonnitas, the putrid double standards have me screaming yet again, conversation with a moid friend
>you like me , right?
>and you also like my body and that I'm attractive, yes?
>yeah, you're hot
>you wouldn't mind if I wanted to have sex with you since you find me attractive, right?
>not at all
>now do you understand that I want to feel this exact same feeling for a guy, the physical attraction that would make me want to fuck him?
>no, it's different
I fucking give up kek, so we're basically not allowed to want hot guys, because for guys there are sooooo many other things that matter more than how they look!

No. 2208240

why are you even friends with an ugly moid?

No. 2208319>>2208357>>2209146>>2209452

Lately I've been purposely mentioning which type of men I find hot in front of moids. I don't talk about it out of nowhere but when they stir conversation on commenting women's attractiveness, I pretend I totally get it and talk about hot men and ugly men.

Sudden discomfort on their faces, knowing that they are malding inside gives me life.

he is a low-empathy retard, stop talking to him

No. 2208357

Most of them don't see women as having sexual needs and desires of their own just like men do and perceive them as invisible or at best less important than the male's. They'll call you a weirdo if you have preferences and things you find attractive while simultaneously announcing what they jerk off to all the time and saying they want a hot model gf. They always act like it's unreasonable or some great injustice that you even have standards at all as a woman and don't see you as a human with your own likes and dislikes, you have to be an available hole for them at all times otherwise you're just a stuck up egotistical bitch. Even though they themselves won't shut up about how 99% of women are mid and they'd never fuck x or y celebrity.
I've done this too and they're always upset when I say I dislike beards and balding, as if I've just commited a sin by not being into them and not falling in line

No. 2208374>>2208385>>2208480

It can be really difficult depending on your area, and be aware you'll have to spend money and your free time for this if you want it to work
I think the gym is kind of a hit or miss cause lots of ogres are into working out these days. I personally saw a shit ton of old looking scrotes at mine. But if you're really dedicated to this I reccomend switching to different gyms, going at different hours until you find one with a higher percentage of cuties. You could also go more often to bars and clubs and all sort of underground parties and events but… I think there's a chance you might attract some unwanted attention or even put yourself at risk, so you need to be really careful with the nightlife. And drinking alcohol and getting tipsy might also affect your perception of the moids around you, so a word of caution here.
Maybe find a part time job where you would be able to interact with younger moids, any kind of job that forces you to be around different people everyday. A hostess, a waitress, a barista, a bartender, something like that. It requires people skills though and if you already have a time consuming job….
Another tip is to sign to random classes of activities that you think would attract younger moids, but again it requires a shit ton of dedication cause you might have to switch to multiple classes and there might be stuff you have literally zero interest in. My advice is to avoid incel and tech and otaku shit, nerds and weebs are usually ugly and awkward.
Go to any festival in your city, any concert. Go to farmers markets, hardworking countryside boys are usually cuter and more respectful than city dwellers.
One more option with high chances of success but the most difficult to put in practice would be to force yourself into certain social circles that cute moids would gravitate to. Like maybe follow the advice of women who become groupies of athletes and models and tiktokers. But you need real connections here and an actual good strategy. You could also insert yourself somewhere near a military base if you want to fuck a cute soldier for the novelty of it, however don't expect a long term relationship and be prepared for some trauma cough. Women who desperately seek to become military wives are kinda weird, and chicks who are obsessed with fucking everyone in the military base have zero self-respect and are treated poorly. Also most soldiers are mentally ill and ran through already anyway.

No. 2208385>>2208418

The gist of it is that you really have to put yourself out there. Don't waste too much time on social media, you need to meet these people in real life. And unfortunately for the time being, avoid female centric activities and hobbies, like book clubs, cooking, knitting etc. However keep in mind there is always the possibility that one of these new women you interact with might have a cute brother or relative who is single.

No. 2208418>>2209274

And something else to add why you shouldn't focus on social media (or even worse, dating apps), it can be very tiring to sort through hordes and hordes of ugly moids. If you do have a growing social circle with connections then yeah something like instagram can work, but if you're a nobody don't expect good results. Consider that some genuinely cute moids have private accounts, don't even show their full face or half of a face, post very unflattering pics or they'll have one blurry pic where you can't see shit. And the bigger the account, the higher chances they won't even bother to talk with you unless you're a popular baddie.

No. 2208480>>2208515

becoming a hostess, waitress, or bartender just to be able to hit on cute guys seems exceptionally dumb. anon is far more likely to get verbally, physically, or sexually abused by gross entitled old moid patrons or coworkers/bosses than meet someone…

No. 2208515

I did say my tips require REAL dedication and it doesn't guarantee success. I had a barista acquintance who told me some weirdos did hit on her, but at the same time she had nice young coworkers and also met a lot of cute moids. She's a lesbian so she wasn't interested in dating anyone though. The point is, it's a job where you actively interact with different people from different walks of life so it increases your chances of meeting someone.

No. 2208608

Exactly what >>2208206 has said. What if that just turns you asexual? Better just use a preservative.

No. 2208614

>But of course he still wanted to watch porn and have me be ok with it
what a disgusting hypocrite. I'm happy for you that he's your ex now nonna, I hope he'll age like shit pretty soon and no woman ever touch him again since he likes porn so much, he can have his porn instead of real life women

No. 2208801

Lately there's been way more uglier men in the conventional thread than the unconventional one, what the fuck is going on

No. 2209138

Sorry nonny. If I could make him young and cute again for you specifically I would

No. 2209146>>2209452

I do that too, and also bring up male fertility statistics which kills them inside. It’s surprising how many of them are completely delusional and think males are fertile forever. I tell them that male fertility peak is 15-24 and drops off a cliff at 29, and men in their 30s have a lower sperm count, unhealthy expired sperm that causes health problems and won’t even be accepted by sperm banks, and they usually start experiencing ED at that age which should be their signal that they’re getting old but of course they have to use viagra for their ego. I can visually see them getting crushed and depressed in real time when I do this

No. 2209274>>2209339>>2209447>>2209466

I tried tinder but the amount of ugly moids was overwhelming and seeing which ones liked me was depressing
My issue is that all my friends are taken or married already and none of them have tried to help matchmake. Also i'm afraid my ideal type is long extinct.

No. 2209339>>2209466

Omg anon I was about to share that I downloaded tinder for a few hours- added no photos- and swiped… these men are bottom of the barrel!!! I deleted it immediately bc fuck that shit.
I will be happier single without a doubt. They all hit the wall at 25.

No. 2209373

I found my ex on a dating app but it was pure luck and he was like the only special one among a sea of turds and we were still long distance lmfao like I couldn't find one cute guy in my entire city that's how bad it was

No. 2209410

I apologize for posting daily mail but read the comments kek. He deserved it anyway for dating a beautiful 31 year old Stacy when he hit the wall decades ago

No. 2209415

I just don't see cute guys, it's not that I can't find attractive men to date, I just can't find them at all. And I'm not a shut in anymore but it's almost impossible to spot them. Work, gym, mall, just public spaces in general, nothing.

No. 2209432>>2209437>>2209440>>2209452>>2209953

File (hide): 1729081298617.jpg (433.88 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20241016_142112.jpg)

No. 2209437

Your downvote made me smile. Honestly, he should do that so he looks like a bum and doesn't get female company. A beard and long hair coupled with that six head? lol, lmao even.

No. 2209440

I suggest a he-man cut

No. 2209447

>i'm afraid my ideal type is long extinct
same, nonna, same.

No. 2209452>>2209458>>2209468>>2209481>>2209504>>2209550>>2209576>>2209583

You're both sheros KEK, I salute you nonas
Do most women itt hate beards? I personally find many/most men hotter with them than without them, but you have to have a pretty face to start with and ugly moids who grow beards thinking it'll save their ugly mugs are even more disgusting.

No. 2209456

why is everyone in the 2017 twin peaks uggofied? the women were stunning in the old one, and the men were mid, some looked nice. now the women are only kinda attractive and the men are ugly as hell? why?? not a matter of being old, the older actresses from the old seasons still look good.

No. 2209458>>2209553

>Do most women itt hate beards
Personally, I hate public hair on men's faces. The amount of stories I've heard of women breaking out (beard burn) from their man's beard is baffling too. Still, I can understand why some women may like them in an aesthetic sense. Men's faces have to actually look good, so that's a hard enough step as-is.

No. 2209466>>2209471>>2209805

Tinder is by far the worst of the dating apps. Filled with rude, entitled, and ofc ugly moids who have an inflated ego from chatting with bots all day.
Hinge worked pretty well for me, for what it's worth. The guys their algorithm sent over were usually highly educated, put some effort in their appearance, in stable employment, and looking for a serious relationship. But I last used it 6 years ago and the landscape might've gotten significantly worse now.

No. 2209468>>2209526>>2209710

I personally think beards are very situational and they usually benefit older moids more. Some men's appearance can be improved by facial hair and bald men are kinda required by default to sport a beard otherwise they end up looking an egg kek. But the reason why most of us itt are so adamant against beards is because waaaay too many men use it as a crutch and we're tired of seeing musty looking greasy neckbeards everywhere. I personally started to associate full beards with men that have bloated faces and who try to hide their ugliness. Also because fit young moids should simply not grow a beard this early in their life.
On a rare breed of handsome older moids and silver foxes who managed to age gracefully well trimmed clean facial hair can be an enhancement. It can make them look wiser and mature and classy and hide the fact that they're walled. Model like middle eastern men and some black men also benefit from a well groomed beard.

No. 2209471

Where I'm from tinder is practically the only dating app there is, half the men on it seem illiterate and I don't even know if I'm being hyperbolic.

No. 2209481

Yes, I hate beards. I feel like most men have them out of laziness and wanting to hide their weak chins and bad facial features. They're dirty too since most men barely wash themselves. They're hypocrites because they'd never allow a woman to have visible hair on her face but expect me to not be disgusted with their gigantic rat's nest on their face because muh manliness. If I have to pluck hair off my face once a year to ensure I have nothing there a guy shouldn't get to walk around with a full beard and still date me. Same goes for the rest of the body. It just makes them look like hobos and way older than they actually are too, it pisses me off how they purposefully make themselves look older in general when they don't have to.

No. 2209504

A beard very rarely looks better than clean shave

No. 2209526

It's very obvious when as guy is maintaining a beard and when he is just not shaving.
I don't like beards and would never go for a guy that has one, but I can recognize when they put in effort to groom it and shape it.

No. 2209550

>Do most women itt hate beards?
WHAT A COINCIDENCE i was just coming here to express my undying beard hate yet again

No. 2209553>>2209590

>The amount of stories I've heard of women breaking ou
double post but wanted to reply to this to tell you how almost 9 months of skincare went down the drain because some retard tried to kiss me and rubbed his gross beard on my cheek and jawline, then he was telling me im overreacting after i broke out and my skin was irritated not even a day later

No. 2209576

I think beards, if well maintained, and if the moid it's attached to has a handsome face, can work actually. I'm not 100% opposed to them

No. 2209583>>2209664

File (hide): 1729094837465.jpg (50.98 KB, 843x203, 1000018489.jpg)

It makes them look too old and dirty no matter how well maintained it is. Also,

No. 2209590>>2209637

My chin got irritated from a little stubble, I can't imagine how bad it gets with a full beard

No. 2209597>>2209613>>2209615>>2209617>>2209619>>2209646>>2209653>>2209660>>2209664>>2209686>>2210082>>2212159

File (hide): 1729095803595.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1438, IMG_3941.jpeg)

hahahahha what the fuck

No. 2209613

The UK is not real I refuse to see it as a real country.
>court tribunal composed of three bald men
This is the premise of a sitcom or cartoon episode wtf.

No. 2209615

We need a second Rwandan Genocide but specifically for bald men.

No. 2209617>>2209622

Holy shit this has to be satire. No fucking way is the word 'bald' going to carry the same level of vitriol and sex-based harassment as bitch.

No. 2209619

Uhh, that's really trainphobic??

No. 2209622

Get this - the full version apparently was "stupid bald cunt", but cunt isn't inherently related to sex of course.

This is what moids mean when they write fanfics about women suing for absurd sexual harassment shit. It's what they all want to do and will do if allowed.

No. 2209624

I think clean shaven is always better. Beards don't really suit most men, especially not young ones. Plus most men are just shit at maintaining them and don't bother trimming them regularly or using conditioner on them or anything. You can also see if a man has a good jaw or not if he's clean shaven.
And if I have to remove my upper lip hair, and shave my legs and armpits to not be seen as repulsive, then I'm sure as fuck not going to settle for someone who has a bird's nest on his face.
If he's under the age of like 40 and isn't trying to look like a homeless person, a Pakistani shopkeeper, a neckbeard, or a wizard, then there's no excuse for him to grow a beard.

No. 2209637

It was awful and it wasn't the first time that happened with a moid,I will never not hate beards and for me this is a relationship dealbreaker (watch moids seethe at this)
beards on men is like the overinflated duck lips on women, who the fuck lied to them that this shit is attractive?

No. 2209646

No. 2209653>>2209657

Holy fucking Shit. Bongs, are you fuckers okay?!

No. 2209657

Nope! Our country is a whole fucking circus just nuke us already too many whiny disgusting moids here.

No. 2209660>>2209715

Bongland has been the fattest cow ever since Brexit
maximum kek at that post

No. 2209664

so disgusting
lmao baldy. any moid upset he's bald should just get a wig and shut up already

No. 2209686

is the UK a real place

No. 2209710

Bald and bearded is the worst possible combination ew

No. 2209711

File (hide): 1729102398189.gif (5.57 MB, 540x330, bald.GIF)

And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m freeee

No. 2209715

As someone who lives here it very much is an entire cow farm and I hate it kek

No. 2209769>>2209771>>2209778>>2209944>>2215598>>2215629

File (hide): 1729104451876.jpeg (676.41 KB, 870x1160, 4FCA73BC-B95D-4ED3-B996-9046E8…)

Straight women are officially more oppressed than faggots.

No. 2209771>>2209773

Kekkkk is this original artwork nonny?

No. 2209773>>2209776

Yep, fresh out the oven

No. 2209776


No. 2209778>>2209801>>2209875

why is it acceptable for older men to like 20 yo women but when an older woman wants a 20 year old man society seethes so much? nice art work made me kek

No. 2209781>>2209795>>2209875>>2210145

File (hide): 1729105273011.jpg (102.9 KB, 780x438, 50-first-dates-1636140632.jpg)

Anyone else envies what men have? i mean being loved for their personality/achievements rather than from their looks, and always being able to bag a woman who at the very least shaves and wears make up. The other day i got asked if i was a lesbian because i have never dated a man even if i do get male attention quite often, i told them i was busy with work but the truth is that i don't want to be someone's sex object. I want what men get, a cute partner who dresses nicely for me, loves me for my personality and always tries to look pretty for me. I just want a sexy moid to be my cute lobotomized paperweight that laughs at my jokes and tells me i am perfect the way i am even if am in greasy and unshaved playing Payday at 3AM. Maybe i am too shallow, it's hard being a horny woman. I just don't get what women get out of relationship with men tbh, they do all the job and get absolutely jack shit in return.

No. 2209795>>2209797>>2210145

Call me unhinged but I’ve always thought that straight women always tried to be loved like they love, as in how a woman would love, when pursuing men. It’s pretty sad because men just take and take some more, they’re incapable of empathy.

No. 2209797>>2210494

Samefag. I can’t say if it’s biological, which I don’t think honestly, or if it’s purely due to societal hierarchy and beliefs that shape every boy from their childhood. Are men born rotten or do they become rotten nonnas?

No. 2209801>>2209804

Because women can’t have nothing nonna, beer bellied , fat and bald men can express and pursue younger women , while an older women is always met with disdain when she does the same (while looking better than her scrote counterpart).
I honestly think it’s icky and gross in either scenarios anyway.

No. 2209804>>2209823

>I honestly think it’s icky and gross in either scenarios anyway.
Why, there is no power imbalance in the case of women. Plus men age faster.

No. 2209805>>2209840

All apps are the same now nonna, when dating apps were still in their early years you had more chances of meeting serious people who wanted to put effort, but not that percentage is like 5%. The same men you see on tinder are the same on hinge or bumble and they cannot keep any conversation going, they don’t want to know you, they just want sex ASAP. If you’re lucky they might tell you upfront, but if not you might think that you’re having something decent only to be ghosted , they’re all made from the same mold kek.

No. 2209823>>2209832>>2209849>>2210495

There definitely is a power imbalance in some cases nonna, the imbalance isn’t only due to sex. But anyway I do think that young men en masse aren’t being prayed by older women at the same rate anyway and even when older women are with younger men it’s most likely a smaller gap, like (50-30), while old scrotes go as young as they possibly can. What I mean to say it’s that it doesn’t matter in the long run kek , I personally think it’s icky, but I don’t have a huge problem at all for the reason I gave you.

No. 2209832>>2209880

>There definitely is a power imbalance in some cases nonna
stopped reading there, no there isnt. You probably also think men can be victims of domestic abuse by women kek.

No. 2209840

it's probably not helped by the fact most major dating apps are owned by one company. I met my last boyfriend on Hinge, right before they were bought by Match. Haven't used it since but from what I know the app has added a large amount of premium features as well as changing the general user experience itself.
I wonder how much of the problem is that Match changes these apps to more or less all do the same thing but with a different skin. They scale back the features that make each app successful while putting what remains behind a paywall. They basically all are the same thing with the same men at that point, just with a different UI overlay.

No. 2209849>>2209852>>2209880>>2209888

Bitch there is even a power imbalance disfavoring women in a lot of situations where the guy is younger, do you not understand what patriarchy means

No. 2209852

File (hide): 1729107579386.webp (61.03 KB, 1536x864, 1728845691809.webp)

Literally all a man has to do if he ever dates a BPDemon is just walk out the door and leave. Reminds me of this ugly scrote crying abuse because his ex gf who was way out of his league made him lose weight kek

No. 2209863

Men are convinced there is a feminist conspiracy to make men want to fuck fat ugly hags. Meanwhile, they will say and believe unironically that women who like pretty young males are closeted lesbians, have hormone imbalances, or are some sort of mentally ill/indoctrinated.
It’s actually fucking insane how much they project and how clueless they are.
I think they are convinced “desire” is only a part of their sexuality. That having “desire” as a woman means you are trying to larp as a man. This is probably also reinforced by their lack of empathy and inability to comprehend how someone could like something they don’t like (sees with men lol)

No. 2209875>>2209912>>2209996

Yes. I wish I was cared for for my personality too, I chased that all my life both in relationships and even friendships. I don't think you're shallow, it makes perfect sense for a woman to want her man to be attractive to you, just look at nature for example with how male birds do elaborate dances and look pretty for the plain female ones, we got the short end of the stick thanks to patriarchy and men reversing the natural order of things. They're supposed to be sex objects and fight for our attention, yet women are the ones dolling themselves up for male attention. It's incredibly backwards and men are extremely shallow compared to the average woman even though they constantly project and act like you can't like younger or more attractive men like >>2209778 said. They lose their mind over you having any sort of standard (including things like height) because you're supposed to never want anything as a woman and just be their all accepting fuckytoy. They see female desire as unnatural even though they're the ones doing something completely unnatural by making themselves out to be the "prize" and having women compete for their attention. Women are the prize and men should be the ones trying to look pretty for us but they've replaced this with trying to look like roidpigs to impress their fellow bros instead (which they then claim is actually for women too since they've deluded themselves we actually like that shit).

No. 2209880>>2209914>>2209947>>2209955

Kek I forgot I was in this hellsite for a moment, you can’t have any nuance here, some of you truly share one braincell that you routinely exchange in turns.
I never said that men are victims or that women are abusers or even denied patriarchy in fact. I know that men are vastly the oppressor and that society benefits men on a much bigger scale if not all.

No. 2209888>>2209914

Bitch where did I ever say that women aren’t being oppressed or disfavored?
Saying that x can happen (I even said that it doesn’t happen en masse either) doesn’t mean that I’m denying y.
It’s funny seeing unhinged nonnas who can’t even read and analyze words properly going off like mad pittbulls. I bet you failed grammar class and literature.

No. 2209912>>2210506>>2228572

That is what is so sick about all of it. It’s a complete inversion of nature, all while they declare it’s the natural way of things. No other species has its females behaving this way, bending over backwards to appeal to males who aren’t even fit to reproduce. Then treating them like overgrown offspring for the rest of their lives. Imagine how much more advanced we’d be as a society if women were actually allowed to follow our reproductive imperative. We could’ve eliminated baldness by now. Remind your local moid that his dick is shaped like a shovel for a reason.

No. 2209914

If you want to cape for moids you can use literally any other site. Anons here aren't cucked and their sympathy for moids ran out a while ago.

No. 2209944

this is beautiful nona

No. 2209947

You got corrected for holding a braindead opinion, take the L with grace

No. 2209953

He looks like a junkie or former meth user. Their mouths always look weird

No. 2209955

>you truly share one braincell
Integrate and stop using Tumblr lingo

No. 2209965

As soon as a man starts to bald, he should be put down.

No. 2209996>>2210927

men meme each other into being roidpigs but then cry about how women gave them muscle building body dysmorphia.

No. 2210051>>2212391>>2225046

File (hide): 1729116444650.jpg (177.55 KB, 1514x1238, shut up shut up SHUT UP.jpg)

Alright nonna's, need to vent a little. I'm so fucking tired of this shit argument I see online where-mostly men but also pickmes, really push the idea that practically all women want dad bod guys/guys who are clearly unattractive but also give women shit for wanting young or age appropriate fit men (while stating its perfectly fine for old men to want young women).

The fucking braindead arguments in the thread also : when a few people bring up that Shrek was aimed at families/is a family movie whereas magic mike is aimed at women people are like "oh, how many gay dude went to see this movie!!!" WHO TF CARES THE MOVIE WAS AIMED AT STRAIGHT WOMEN THE PEOPLE MAKING THIS MOVIE KNEW WHO THEY WERE TARGETING sorry I just get pissed at the amount of dumb arguments (aka cope) some men and women make to somehow keep the ugly man propaganda going.


No. 2210082

Calling someone “bald” isn’t even an insult on its own; it’s just an observation of reality. This is like trannies acting like calling a man a man (also an observation of reality) is an insult.

No. 2210087>>2210108>>2210159>>2210372>>2210617>>2213515

File (hide): 1729117273790.webp (13.29 KB, 480x270, _113542629_onedirection10_2015…)

One down 3 to go. I am so tired of britain always cursing us with the ugliest boy bands known to mankind.

No. 2210108>>2210128>>2212736

Arnt boybands a Brit invention though? Who do you think the best looking boyband is?

No. 2210122

Women should unite and level up their standards. No woman should humiliate herself to be with an ugly scrote.

No. 2210128

I am going to be crucified for this but i like Lovesick. I just like my moids to look like aliens.

No. 2210145>>2210163

File (hide): 1729118677487.jpg (50.92 KB, 1023x425, oscar-wilde-quote-lbw6u7d.jpg)

Men deserve nothing

No. 2210159

So this is how I learn Liam Payne is dead.

No. 2210163>>2210183

I never knew oscar wilde was so self aware

No. 2210183>>2210189

File (hide): 1729119631097.jpg (300.36 KB, 2716x1041, 2341294-Oscar-Wilde-Quote-I-se…)

He was, but maybe because he was gay

No. 2210189>>2212395

I knew he was gay and married to a woman who had his kids but still fucked around with men, in the picture of dorian gray he seemed like a typical woman hating fag. I'm just surprised he actually acknowledged it instead of just shitting on women like nietzche did who was mommied by them

No. 2210277>>2210291>>2210296>>2210377>>2212157

File (hide): 1729123491363.jpg (1.4 MB, 1080x4150, Collage_20241017_020322.jpg)

This makes me think eugenics are good actually. I can't believe this retarded rat inceloid reproduced

No. 2210291

i remember watching his sobbing attention whory video and clicking dislike when he talked about fucking a 16/17yo in his 20s. Vile.

No. 2210296>>2210311

His wife struck me as a woman who saw a greencard in his self-victimization video kek. He's such an ugly rat bastard.

No. 2210311>>2210313

But why go through pregnancy and birth for that thing? The kid is probably gonna be fucked up too

No. 2210313>>2210332

I mean it's pretty typical for mail order brides to carry the moid's children, she's not exactly mail order but it's a similar situation.

No. 2210332>>2210335

If she wanted the "green card" why not pick a normal moid? She could do better. I really hope she cucked him with some hot Swedish guy because that creature doesn't deserve to reproduce

No. 2210335

I mean a fugly self-pitying dude would be super eager to get hitched. I don't like that she married a fugly dude but I can understand the idea behind it. I hope she divorces him and he kills himself though kek.

No. 2210372

Zayn was and is the only cute one imo.

No. 2210377

"Male incels exist"

No. 2210494

Short answer: they are like this by design. Longer answer: this is only a problem because we insist on including them in society.

No. 2210495

Just read some news about a 14 year old moid killing and raping (yes, in that order) his 24 year old teacher. I guess she's a pedo and a groomer.

No. 2210506

>overgrown offspring

Daily reminder that the only thing that disqualifies males from fitting every criteria for "parasite" is that "true" parasites don't promote their host's fitness (false and dated idea, by the way). Ecologically, there is only a semantic difference between a human male and a parasitic wasp. Another daily reminder is that the human male's niche in society can't be described as anything other than adult brood parasitism - the female using her finite caretaking resources to nurture something other than her genetic offspring.

The human male is by every measure the most successful parasitic organism on earth. First it uses you to incubate its descendants, then it makes you raise it until it dies of old age, often pursuing other hosts in the process. Just let this sink in a little. What other organism can boast of anything like this?

No. 2210617>>2210620>>2210639>>2210643>>2210679>>2210927>>2210965>>2211170>>2211199>>2211307>>2211341>>2211943

File (hide): 1729142008385.jpg (1.08 MB, 3200x1800, harry styles hair evolution.jp…)

The rapid uglification of Harry Styles needs to be studied, he speedran hitting the wall. What happened? Nonas may say he was always ugly, but I used to think he was so beautiful as a teen. He's got me feeling like Leo DiCaprio because I kid you not he became ugly beyond my understanding before even turning 25.

No. 2210620>>2210623>>2210681>>2212133

I want to know what makes a guy go from cutie patootie eyes to rapist gas station man eyes

No. 2210623

No. 2210639

Sad how males hit the wall at 21-25, no wonder they project that so hard onto women

No. 2210643

He is british

No. 2210679

i think he's addicted to looking worse every year he literally never looks better it boggles my mind and then that weird smug downward smile he makes with the raised eyebrows and the greasy hair with the ugly clothes it's like. why. he's always so badly dressed. and now he has a mullet? with a mustache? it drives me crazy.

No. 2210681

No. 2210836>>2210945

why does he look like he stinks, I don't know how to explain it

No. 2210926

File (hide): 1729176307414.png (507.97 KB, 813x1512, IMG_5311.png)

what causes this?

No. 2210927

For real, I had this moid tell me once that men get "unrealistic standards" and then his example was roidpigs and male power fantasy shit that most women aren't even attracted to as some sort of gotcha and trying to pretend it's equal to the insane objectification and standards for women. I have to laugh, they make up their own problems and imagine shit in their head that isn't even close to reality like incels saying 100% of women would only fuck them if they were a chad when the average stacy is so cucked she dates way below her league. They have the playing field made SO fucking easy to the point where they have to make shit up to justify their failure
He was always average at best but in the latest picture he looks terrible, reminds me of a guy I know who trooned out and has similar features except somehow worse

No. 2210945>>2210946

He's old, bloated and doesn't take care of himself

No. 2210946

Also facial hair

No. 2210965>>2211191

I don't think anyone walled harder than DiCaprio, not even close.

No. 2211170>>2211282

men with babyfaces or certain facial structures almost never age well, after 25 it's downhill really fast, twink death is a thing for faces too

No. 2211191>>2211204>>2211311>>2212246

File (hide): 1729189234213.webp (912.28 KB, 1200x675, 7704E99F-BF26-4394-804D-F059E2…)

James spader had the worst wallhit of all time

No. 2211199

He could have gone Brian Eno mode

No. 2211204

jesus christ

No. 2211282

A rounder or shorter face on a moid is basically game over. Moid's faces tend to bloat and their heads expand with age so you can imagine the final result won't be cute

No. 2211307>>2211332>>2211336>>2211727>>2211734

File (hide): 1729192779016.jpg (521.54 KB, 2048x2048, il_fullxfull.2946785045_c7sg.j…)


There is something about ex-pretty boys that hit the wall and then uglify themselves even further as a "I'm not walled, I am doing it on purpose!" type of cope.

No. 2211311

I think Spader aged horribly, but Leo still hit the wall worse imo because he hit it quite young. James looked good throughout his 30s but Leo was already busted by like 27.
James Spader wall-hit is still really interesting to me though. When he hit 40-ish he looked normal. Not handsome like he was in his 20s or 30s, but in the early 2000s he kinda just looked like a normal middle aged man, like he could have been your friend's dad or something. But then sometime between Boston Legal and The Office half his hair had fallen out and he'd gained more weight. And then sometime from there to now (I'm not an expert on his career or life so idk exactly when) he gained even more weight and his hair fully fell out and he looks kinda repulsive kek.
It's so fascinating to me because he'd already hit the wall and seemed to be aging like a regular 40 something year old man, but then after that he just kept banging his head against it over and over again. He basically walled three times. I've never seen anything like it.
I think part of the reason he looks so bad now is because his eyes are lazy/unfocused, so being bald effects him worse than other bald scrotes because without hair you're just drawn to his wonky eye area. He could have aged as a regular middle aged actor that moms love if only he'd gotten a hair transplant and hadn't quit going to the gym back when he was just starting to lose his looks.

No. 2211328>>2211342>>2211674

In a way I despise gym rat culture and roidpigs but at the same time I see SO MANY moids who should definetly do something about their disgusting bodies. A positive feature of gym rat culture is that it promotes body hair shaving at the very least and that it makes them insecure about their appearance kek.

No. 2211332

his ugliness is obscene

No. 2211336>>2211337

Why is he on a decorative cushion?

No. 2211337>>2211424

I read once that his team tried to scrub this picture off the internet so now when you look it up the only thing that comes up is a cushion with it printed on

No. 2211341

Its funny because he looks the exact same (ugly) to me.

No. 2211342>>2211453>>2211477

seeing someone who only worked out because he was in the military stop and never start again and lose all attractiveness and youthfulness. ugh. men need to work out. i don’t like it when they get like too buff. but toned and strong and fit is a must. women think that skinny pretty boys are good looking sometimes but wait until they get out of breath in bed. uh uh. go to the fucking gym or don’t talk to me.

No. 2211424

I'm OP who posted that and I wasn't able to find a full picture, that wasn't very low-res, other than that one on the cushion so it might be true kek

No. 2211453

too buff is usually a result of steroid abuse anyway

No. 2211477

Yeah you can still be a pretty guy and youthful and go to gym and have a great lean body

No. 2211674

Does it? I think 9 out of 10 retards at my gym have beards.

No. 2211727>>2211739

The fucking pilgrim hat, nasty bulge, and shit stains on the left side of the pants… vile. Not to mention the glare that makes it look as if he's judging the viewer, as if I chose to see this. Why couldn't it have been him?

No. 2211734

why are men outside japan and maybe korea literally incapable of dressing up in anything that isnt a generic ass suit and some shitty clothes like pic rel? this is why i simp meitu'd japanese boy band members at least they dress nicely

No. 2211739

The bulge kinda makes it look like he's shaped like a minion

No. 2211901>>2211990>>2212047

File (hide): 1729222269808.jpg (182.84 KB, 1499x1217, ugh no.jpg)

Yeah yeah I know its reddit so this should be expected but im sick of seeing this shit when so many women brag about how they have no standards and even having basic standards (like just telling a guy to groom himself) will get you crap like this.

Also this is dumb the sub is for memes you dont agree with but the poster agrees with this. I'm sincerely hoping this type is excluding themselves from the gene pool.


No. 2211943

File (hide): 1729223437769.webp (33.65 KB, 578x800, Louis-Tomlinson-2011.webp)

I really dont understand the fuss over this guy. If I had to guess at who most girls would like out of the band looks wise I would have guessed Louis as he was the most prettiest when the band was active clearly I know nothing about what most girls like?

No. 2211990>>2212409>>2213487

File (hide): 1729225116424.webp (42.82 KB, 660x385, afcb0cd3-170a-4fe6-a68e-ba7a26…)

I dont understand why men think height beauty standards applies only to them when women are the primary consumers of high heels and you cant be a fashion model as a woman unless you are 170cm tall(average women's height is 160cm). What the fuck do men think women wear high heels for?

No. 2212047

Needs to be a pic of fat moid holding these in reverse order. Then it will be actually true.

No. 2212133

Drugs and being a slut

No. 2212157

That's a man? Looks trans.

No. 2212159

>sexual harassment
Wishful thinking. Nobody's gonna molest a baldy.

No. 2212246>>2212251>>2212265>>2212284>>2212392

Am I the only one who thinks this guy was really plain-looking even during his ‘peak’? He’s a better-looking Donald Trump but a worse-looking Christoph Waltz. I don’t get why he’s touted as perfection. Is it the voice? He sounds faggy. I thought he was disgusting in Pretty in Pink. he literally looks like if young trump liked men

No. 2212251

Come on he's not that bad

No. 2212265>>2212340

the idea that all decent looking men are fags is part of the psyop

No. 2212284

No, you're right. He was pudgy and old looking even in his youth. Looks ugly to me.

No. 2212340>>2212348

speaking of which, are gay men actually "decent looking"? more often then not, they look beyond ugly

No. 2212348>>2212351>>2212357

Statistically they’re more attractive. There’s a joke about how all the hot men are gay and actual studies have been done on it that show gay men are considered more attractive compared to straight men when people were shown pictures without knowing their orientations

No. 2212351>>2212357

Ugh i don't get it, why are faggots always the most good looking? I genuinely think that all homosexual men should unironically try pussy, they'd realize how much better it is to follow their biology instead of getting pounded in their shitter by an ugly bear.

No. 2212357>>2212360>>2212449

File (hide): 1729252743598.png (890.91 KB, 851x801, ST2yAti.png)

I think that's part of the psyop, because picrel is what "hot" gay men look like
what about now?

No. 2212360

They’re unattractive but a group of straight men might look even worse, like random 4chan or redditor obese neckbeards

No. 2212391

Redditors are truly the lowest of low, istg every comment thread devolves into male pleasing bullshit.

No. 2212392

I think he was good looking but I have always thought he looked oddly plain from some angles. Sometimes he was Apollo and sometimes he was Jim from accounting.

No. 2212395

Well, the misogyny in The picture of Dorian Gray was pretty obviously written to be wrong and condemnable (just like the idea of such a portrait).

No. 2212409>>2212455

Height standarts for women are even worse because you are somehow supposed to be shorter than men, but having proportions that only tall women can have (long limbs, lanky build). As a result tall women get shat on because they "emasculate" men around them (alt cope: "are masculine"), short women - because they don't have modelesque proportions and bodytype and midheight women just get their height ignored, which is probably the best thing as a woman you can possibly have.

No. 2212428>>2212431>>2212455>>2212722>>2213249>>2213664>>2213850

File (hide): 1729259692387.jpg (963.07 KB, 1076x2806, Screenshot_2024-10-18-15-53-50…)

No. 2212431>>2213367>>2213664>>2213850

File (hide): 1729259893360.jpg (495 KB, 812x1168, Screenshot_2024-10-18-15-57-23…)

This is what the most handsome man looks like apparently kek

No. 2212449>>2212451

you're right. they look unnatractive and disgenic.
tbh I think the "attractive men are gay" myth comes from insecure women who think they are not good enough to go for the men they like. So they pretend they never had a chance with these men. It's a sour grapes situation.
Men do the same sometimes. They'll call a woman a lesbian if she's into pretty boys only and won't give uglies a chance.
If you think about how all women are raised to be hyper critical about their looks and to have low self worth to the point even Stacies settle for the ugliest men because they don't think they deserve anything more it makes sense.

No. 2212451>>2212456

I think it's because gay men take better care of themselves. Because gay men are allowed to have standards, but not women. The men on this picture are not attractive, but they are fit and groomed, this is more than 90% of straight men do.

No. 2212455

I was thinking about this too, men act like women don't have height standards as well. If you're not short enough they'll literally not want to date you (unless you fulfill their mommy fantasies) and yet they whine about how it's sooo unfair women want tall dudes. I don't even care about height but double standards
He looks so haggard and like a hobo you'd find on the corner of the street. Also why are they having a moid doctor decide who is handsome or not

No. 2212456>>2212461

grooming means nothing without an actual attractive face to enhance. it's like putting lipstick on a pig.

No. 2212461>>2212463

Don't be ridiculous
Grooming is necessary to make people presentable

No. 2212463>>2212464

presentable but still not fuckable.

No. 2212464

All men should be forced to look presentable and groomed even if they're ugly just like what happens to unnatractive women

No. 2212497>>2212501>>2212512>>2212541>>2227181

File (hide): 1729264653710.webp (90.62 KB, 1000x561, guide-to-why-dont-we-boys.webp)

Why don't we are so ugly they don't even look human in their candid photos. I have never seen one example of a western boyband where they're genuinely all attractive

No. 2212501

People call kpop groups plastic looking (true) but at least they still have higher standards for looks than this

No. 2212512

Why do they always dress so badly? i follow japanese boy bands and they actually dress nicely and stylish

No. 2212515>>2212759

File (hide): 1729265398805.jpg (129.55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Samefag for that Corbyn looked the most normal looking and he aged SO BAD. He looks like a fat ugly pedophile e-boy

No. 2212541

Middle one has a tragic hairline

No. 2212620>>2212759>>2212773

nonnas have you ever had ugly guys try to buy their way into your heart?

No. 2212722>>2213261

His schnozzle is literally crooked and happy merchant looking. What the fuck lmak

No. 2212736

these legends of course(learn2embed)

No. 2212759

They all look so ugly
Yeah. I had several guys try to buy me shit then get upset when I didn't end up fucking them in exchange for it

No. 2212773

Yes, right now actually. He has a beard and looks like a syrian merchant even though he's hispanic kek. Without blogging too hard after finding out he likely has a thing for me i never want to speak with him again, PUKE.

No. 2212787>>2212792>>2212793

File (hide): 1729282420927.png (778.37 KB, 1450x814, gambit-1724766757969.png)

Absolutely disgusting,why would he ruin Gambit like this?Gambit deserves better than some bloated shitfaced fuckhead.

No. 2212790>>2212820>>2213023>>2213114

File (hide): 1729282608594.jpg (Spoiler Image,668.33 KB, 2702x1347, cry harder moids.jpg)

OK gonna keep this short but decided to browse a certain nefarious image board and came upon a thread complaining about men not approaching women. The op, who was clearly coping hard spun this into a "men walking away" post, or at lesast tired to. Its not new but what struck me was how mixed the conversation was and how posters were saying they know they wont get women because they are ugly, others making tall tales about how hot women offer them bjs but they refuse.

These incels know they are ugly, but they cope hard and try to take it out on women. They are now getting fustrated this isnt working. Keep up the good work ladies-let me know if you want a full screen copy of the thread.

No. 2212792

Where's his black sclera? Where is his everything? He looks a shitty cosplayer they found at the side of a comic con

No. 2212793>>2212794

Blame ryan reynolds didnt he produce that film?

No. 2212794

Not sure, but considering moids idolize him as the epitome of male attractiveness, this does not surprise me.

No. 2212803

Andrew Anglin???

No. 2212820

>meaning chasing after women with a fully developed frontal lobe
>when most birth defects come from men's low quality sperm
kek and these are the same men who absolutely hate ugly women and bash them at every turn

No. 2213023

>the biggest threat to the system is WOMEN walking away
Fixed it. No one gives a shit if men walk away and none of them are even capable of living without women to begin with, they all want one regardless of how much they cope about going their own way, they literally kill themselves and other people if they're a virgin past a certain age kek. Also in my experience I've had men ghost me far more than I ever did to them too (not on dating apps but just in general since I don't use those) even though they're the ones who are disposable, simply because they're more likely to be selfish pieces of shit and not give a fuck about someone they know either won't give them access to sex or that they can't use in some way. The way they pretend it's women who are le cold heartless gender is funny when it's the other way around and women are socialized to be nice and accomodating to others compared to men

No. 2213114

>dating apps
>hookup culture
All things moids deployed because you unironically thought they would result in a daily deluge of self-delivered pussy. Sadly, in psyoping women you have inadvertently also psyoped yourselves about your own desirability. Unfortunately, you also psyoped yourselves into actually believing that 99% of male sexual success in the olden days had nothing to do with being women's only meal ticket, because then you're not as hot as you think you are and nobody actually loves you for you.

Fast forward to 2024, all you all talk about is getting hitched and breeding like the sperm cattle you really are, something front poles from only a couple generations ago could afford to performatively sneer at as something to be avoided. It's truly beautiful to see you realize your place.

No. 2213146>>2213157>>2213171

File (hide): 1729298115817.mp4 (1.8 MB, 576x1024, aa41d82f8b48cd0eaf1980e6a0753a…) [play once] [loop]

Another passport bro down!!
>The man, Elliot Onil Eastman, 26, of Vermont, was abducted from Sibuco, a coastal town on the island of Mindanao in the southern Philippines. His kidnapping was reported by his father-in-law, AbdulMali Hamsiran Jala, who told the police that four men who were wearing black pants, shirts and face covers forcibly entered Mr. Eastman’s house in the Zamboanga del Norte Province.

>Falsely introducing themselves as police officers, the men attempted to take Mr. Eastman, who managed to resist and run before being shot in the leg with a rifle, the police said. The men put him on a white boat and headed out to sea, according to the police, with the authorities from several Filipino law enforcement agencies launching a “hot pursuit operation” to find the kidnappers.
(wrong thread)

No. 2213157

God please let there be snuff videos

No. 2213171

the Philippines are so cucked as a country. wasting precious police resources trying to save this guy. meanwhile rich westerners come in and wantonly rape their women and children. or like that disney pixar animator guy who didn't even have to leave his own couch to command livestreams of the rapes and murder of literally hundreds of filipino toddlers.

No. 2213214>>2213222>>2213231>>2213253>>2213427>>2213573

File (hide): 1729305085929.webp (319.04 KB, 1519x1139, 02082024-sm의-첫-영국-보이그룹-디어-앨리스-…)

Dear Alice a new british kpop boyband.

No. 2213222>>2213226

Wut? Do they sing in korean?

No. 2213226

They can't speak korean. They will make their debut sometime in the fourth quarter of 2024.

No. 2213231

God they all looked bogged

No. 2213249>>2213664

File (hide): 1729308015282.jpeg (49.09 KB, 735x490, IMG_5456.jpeg)

I could see it when he was under 25, but they shouldn’t have chosen a man his age. Men simply can’t retain their looks past their mid twenties.

No. 2213253

New victims. Godspeed.

No. 2213261

Because his parents are Russian and Jewish

No. 2213367

The beard and chest hair and shit haircut makes him look so unwashed like a homeless man. He could actually still look decent with proper styling but he's way too hairy

No. 2213414>>2213488>>2213717>>2213944>>2214364>>2214525

File (hide): 1729328714108.jpeg (134.94 KB, 1374x700, IMG_6591.jpeg)

as a husbandofag i despise capcom for making their male characters hideous. dmc5 dante looks like a gross old white guy but everyone calls him a DILF and tries to say that 5 is his best design. it makes me feel like i’m going insane. he’s a demon that can live for thousands of years, why is he aging like a below average moid?

it’s a slap in the face, especially when lady and all their other human female characters look 20 at 40. look at middle-aged leon too, that company has an ugly old man fetish.

No. 2213427

Only one that's even remotely attractive is the second guy from the left. And wtf is going on with the last guy's hair, he looks like an egg

No. 2213487

There are no height standards for men, they’re not even forced to wear high heels like we are. They’re happy waddling around as little midget mushrooms meanwhile women must break their ankles trying to appear taller. >>2211990

No. 2213488>>2214144

>why is he aging like a below average moid?
Because they picked a 30 something years old model for Dante who naturally has brown hair and gave Dante his usually anime white hair, which doesn't translate well on realistic men because it makes them just look older. And even then, his anime white hair looks grey, I assume actual white hair would have looked uncanny valley on him, Nero and Vergil.

No. 2213496>>2213523>>2213530>>2213600>>2213624>>2213691

We need to talk about the transformation males go through between ages 18 and 25. A mid 25 could’ve been a cutie 18 year old. 25 is young, but old enough to wall many men. 30 is when truly good looking men die.

No. 2213515

Scrotes are bullying the dead one for jumping off a balcony while being British. Apparently that’s a huge national stereotype

No. 2213523>>2213624>>2213638

You are so right. My ex was genuinely beautiful. It has been impossible to find a replacement for him that is anywhere near as beautiful, but I refuse to downgrade. Right now he is approaching 30 and it's not going well. His hair is thinning and will begin balding in earnest soon. His previously flat stomach is distending into a beer belly. His skin is sallow, wrinkling. His eyes have bags now. I see him semi regularly, every time I'm shocked at the changes I'm seeing. He will be completely ugly in the span of a few months I think. Rest in peace, last vestige of his beauty. Now just another ugly scrote. All the other halfway pretty ones I've seen are in their early twenties.

No. 2213530>>2213556>>2213747>>2213886

I read a post from a barber on plebbit that he pulls his 18-25 clients into conversations about better hairstyles and management of receding hairlines. 18-25…? I really thought that men go bald at 40-50+ until recently. What is wrong with them?

No. 2213556

Some of them start balding in high school even. There’s not exactly something wrong with them, besides being defective XYs.

No. 2213573

File (hide): 1729342271670.webp (85.87 KB, 1920x1080, hobbits.jpeg.webp)

what the hell

No. 2213590>>2213603>>2215574

File (hide): 1729344098542.jpg (280.66 KB, 1080x1423, Screenshot_20241018_203005_com…)


No. 2213600

Tacking on my own experience like others here. My ex (met at 21) genuinely looked like a Roman god. Incredible workout physique, jawline, skin, hair, all of it. He's now 30 and looks like a hideous Discord mod stereotype. What the hell is happening?

No. 2213602>>2213607

File (hide): 1729345306345.jpg (3.85 MB, 1080x8392, Collage_20241019_152842.jpg)

All male video game characters should be at least as attractive as Leon

No. 2213603

>or nonbinary
lmao was that necessary

No. 2213607

File (hide): 1729345813247.jpg (24.02 KB, 564x564, f1ddfec14aebb403009d80e10cb2ef…)

or Raiden

No. 2213611>>2213636>>2213638>>2213646>>2213664

File (hide): 1729346144744.jpeg (269.17 KB, 2158x1070, IMG_5503.jpeg)

Haggot Harry Styles (30) got caught leaving a party and walked to his car like this. He looks like the father of his former self

No. 2213624>>2213638

Posts like these make me a bit happy right now since my handsome ex broke up with me. He's 21 and still in his prime but the fact that he will hit the wall soon and become uglier gives me some comfort. I know it may sound a bit dumb, but he doesn't want me anymore so I hope his beauty fades too

No. 2213636

Thats Harry Styles? And why is he walking like that? I think he will be next.

No. 2213638

Same. I unblocked his FB profile to look at his new profile photo and my god he's looking rough and his cheeks somehow got a little bloated. It doesn't help that his job and school is killing him. Fucking RIP at least I got to see his prime self underneath me.
Oh ok that explains why his post felt like it was written by someone else. He's been getting fucked up.

No. 2213646>>2213653>>2216520

File (hide): 1729349550928.jpg (46.21 KB, 497x651, 1000074791.jpg)

Jesus, from this to whatever the fuck that is.

No. 2213653

he was ugly here too. Deep nasolabial folds, receding hairline, forehead wrinkles. he never stood a chance.

No. 2213664

Sorry nonnies he's still gorgeous to me. I think ATJ still has a few good years left in him before the wall.
He looked hideous with this moustache though
Jesus christ why does he look like a divorced 45 year old dad, he's barely 30. Imagine getting hair plugs only to end up smashing into the wall harder than your former bandmate smashed his skull into concrete

No. 2213665>>2214480

Harry was never good looking in the first place, you all are crazy. Liam was the only attractive one in his prime

No. 2213691>>2213703>>2213775>>2213998>>2214367

Not trying to racebait but if you date white scrotes of european or middle eastern descent then you should know that most if not all of them hit the wall the hardest. Its why the men age like milk thread is literally full of only them. They have the highest percentage of balding, wrinkles, beer bellies, hairy beards etc. Black and Asian moids dont suffer this much of walling imo. Most of conversation refer to white scrotes mostly so wanted to add a side note.

No. 2213703>>2213713>>2213776>>2213998

File (hide): 1729354422955.jpeg (257.12 KB, 1366x2048, IMG_9866.jpeg)

It's scary seeing white zoomie moids already having problems with their hairline at like 20. They always have such shitty hair and never bother to do treatments with it or anything. Atleast asian and black moids have naturally thick hair. They also blow up like balloons. Toshiya from Dir en Grey is my best example of this, he's goodlooking considering he's pushing 50. He mogs a good chunk of white moids half his age kek

No. 2213713

He's probably had some work done but does look like he kept it on the conservative side so it compliments his features.

No. 2213717

Jeezus h christ the Dante on the right is such a jumpscare… I don't understand the need to appeal to western moids because they feel their masculinity is threatened by some twinky pixels kek

No. 2213747

Too much prolactin causes hair loss in men. Men flood themselves with prolactin every time they jerk off. They goon themselves bald by becoming coom addicts earlier and earlier. It used to be just bpd males that soothed their emotional dysregulation with orgasm but now it seems like the internet porn industry has groomed every moid into sex addiction.

No. 2213775>>2213814

Agree to disagree the thing about some races aging better is just a cope, I can always accurately guess their ages. While dark skin protects from wrinkles caused by the skin, that the only thing it protects from. Many other things cause wrinkles like sugar, alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, water and exercise, etc. There’s more to the aging process than just wrinkles, there’s a lot of small changes that happen.

No. 2213776

Makeup, editing, plastic surgery

No. 2213814>>2214417

Its not about accurately guessing peoples ages. I agree even if you have good skin your bone structure ages and thats something thats more difficult to hide. Yeah white skin tends to age faster than other races due to thinness/lack of pigment but if you take good care of it its not a big deal that why plenty of white women still look great at 30> and but its more about the maintenance. For white scrotes its a combination of genetics and shitty low standards thanks to the psyop making them look like shit after 25. For black scrotes their skin generally ages slower and less balding but they have shit styling (cause of the low western standards). Honestly want proof compare the trending east asian male celebs over 30 and compare it to ours in the west. They're doing it right whatever it is.

No. 2213818>>2213824>>2213861>>2214413>>2214419>>2214596

I think some of you set unrealistic expectations about asian men. What you see in the media or the kpop industry (and even there, many of them are straight up bogged or uncanny valley) isn't what you see on the streets. The average asian moid is also walled by 30, they might not have wrinkles but just like every other moid specimen they still suffer from skull expansion and bloating face syndrome. Just compare korean male actors and actresses. A 40 yr old korean male actor will look haggard, while a 40 yr old actress will still look youthful.

No. 2213824

The big difference is that asian media and the asian audience prefers a more clean cut look on their men and the women express their disdain for ugly mutts more often. The western audience shills ugly moids and nepobabies.

No. 2213850

rick grimes looking hairline

No. 2213861

In terms of average scrotes yeah they wall in different ways. Though there are still more average east asians that look much more youthful over 25 than white ones, btw just because they look youthful doesn't mean they still cant be ugly af. Its a pick your poison situation because the psyop is so bad unfortunately.

No. 2213872

Asian moids tend to have shitty proportions.

No. 2213886>>2213910

it's because men with bad genes got to procreate but also because the food industry is full of estrogens
men are balding when they're teens and preteen girls have breasts bigger than most adult women i know, it's fucking insane

No. 2213910

What you're describing is mostly because of high macronutrient intake. "Food estrogens" actually create estrogen resistance.

No. 2213944>>2214051>>2214144>>2214364>>2216102>>2218364

File (hide): 1729365646822.jpg (223.02 KB, 1258x679, 1550795784049.jpg)

As a Dante fangirl for 17 years, I was super salty about this.
He does look SLIGHTLY better with longer hair but I blame the realistic artstyle for everything.
Trish looked like a trainwreck too, I was so fucking mad and still am to this day kek, she was a hottie in DMC4.
I also was sad to see no more anime bishie Nero,pic very related.

No. 2213998

you're 100% wrong on black guys, they never do skincare and smoke/drink all the damn time. That's their way of being "masculine" or "gangster"

No. 2214047

All races of moids are ugly kek. Just ugly in their own special little ways. But still ugly. Only polygon and 2d pixel moids are hot

No. 2214051>>2214144

They gave him thin lips and a buttchin. I'll never forgive them or what they did to my Virgil either.

No. 2214144>>2214764

apparently adam cowie was only 27/28 when he face modeled for dante. british men age so fast it’s impressive.

i hate that companies are going realistic and abandoning the anime style. making 2d men look like actual moids with wrinkles and butt chins really IS an ugly man psyop.

No. 2214364

Unironically this is why I switched to PC gaming and am trying to learn how to make my own mods. I hate when they change a character’s appearance like that.

No. 2214367>>2214373

This is true for Asian men, they age really well compared to other moids and I’m not even really into them. Another option is Hispanic men who usually don’t go bald as often as white guys and tend to not look as ugly with age compared to white guys with their doughy faces & receding hairlines. How some non-white women see white men as any prize is beyond me, I’m white but I rarely if ever find white guys past their early 20s to be attractive because of how abysmally they age and bald.

No. 2214373

plus they tend to take care of themselves and their apartment, usually cook too. benefits of making sons do actual chores

No. 2214413

I was going to say this, a lot of the kpop boys look good before about 21-25 and then they start to look really rough, and that’s after all the procedures and skin care regimens. The average Asian moid ages poorly because most of them are alcoholics and they have a pretty unhealthy diet now compared to how they used to eat.

The main reasons why East Asians were perceived to age better is that their typical diet was collagen heavy without a lot of sugar, and they also cared a lot about protecting their skin, and fat pads around their eye area hides fine lines slightly and also looks better when they get older and experience facial volume loss, where people without those fat pads will start to look more gaunt. Losing fat around the eye and temple area will really show that someone is getting older, and since most of them have that type of eyelid it prevents that. It also backfires past a certain age because the weight of the fat will make their eye area even more droopy, which is very noticeable with elderly East Asians. Their skin ages pretty much the same as white peoples so as long as people with pale skin protect it from sun damage, they’ll be fine. I know elderly white women who have beautiful skin without wrinkles because they always stayed out of the sun, one is in her 70s and her skin looks more like a middle aged persons

No. 2214417

For black men, yeah their skin won’t get wrinkles from sun damage but that’s only one cause of wrinkles. They will get expression lines at the same rate that every other race does, and poor lifestyle choices will make their skin age faster

No. 2214419>>2214501>>2214689

This, most asians are ugly as shit. Falling for the kpop psyops is retarded; small eyes, jawless, little to no muscles, small shriveled dicks… You mean to tell me all this is worth it just because they keep themselves clean shaven and don't tend to be fat? They don't even age better than whites anyway. I think it's retarded in general to think this long term about moids and which races age better when statistically, you're most likely not gonna grow old with a moid. Most couples don't last that long, either because scrotes inevitably give into their instinct to cheat/abuse or because modern women don't put up with moids misogyny like they used to. Usually the only couples you see working out long term are made up of uber pickmeishas that will stick by their manz no matter how many times they've caught him subbing to 18 year old OF girls. Moids are easily replaceable and should be treated as such, once the current one hits the wall you get a new one.

No. 2214480>>2214503

>Liam was the only attractive one in his prime

No. 2214501

Most importantly, you shouldn't grow old with a moid. He'll suck the life out of you. And even if he "ages well", he'll still age and you'll still get sick of him anyway.

No. 2214503>>2214519>>2214532>>2214737>>2214921

can't believe this mid busboy psyopped the entire America. Go to some tourist trap in Turkey and every fucking waiter is a Zayn

No. 2214519

Nta, kek but true. I think his main appeal is his curly, dark eyelashes.

No. 2214525

I hate it when fan artists draw anime characters to look like the guy on the right. Are they blind???

No. 2214532

at least he didn't have a 5head

No. 2214596

One of my friends is married to a Chinese man who hit the wall super hard. He looked fine just five years ago but I saw the two of them recently and, oh man, her husband's hair has thinned so badly and he now has a bald spot. He's also bloated quite a bit. It's sad.

No. 2214672>>2214681>>2214767>>2214794>>2215169>>2215731>>2215967>>2216196>>2218364>>2257506

File (hide): 1729424024732.png (2.27 MB, 1497x773, fkhdjhsdfj.png)

Japanese games:
>let's make our male protagonists youthful and handsome
Western games:
>let's make our male protagonists as hideous and walled as possible

No. 2214681>>2214687

Preparing to get jumped for this one: Nonna, the alternative to walled uggos isn't drawings of what look like 15 year old boys kek it's ok to not like ugly walled moids but this is just a mirror of moids who like anime girls because the horizon 0 dawn girl wasn't a 10/10

No. 2214687>>2218093

All of these characters are of age besides the 2nd one who's 16. Either way it's not like they're shotas or look like them or something of that sorts. You sound like a normie who thinks women liking prettyboys is pedophilia.

No. 2214689

When will the small dick psyop end, they’re the same size as anglos

No. 2214737

To be fair he is very pretty in that music video although I still hate the beard kek

No. 2214750>>2214764>>2216547

File (hide): 1729430087400.jpg (141.07 KB, 1568x1046, 99.-Best-Beauty-Academy-scaled…)

Why are men supposed to look brute ,mature/old , fat, tall, hairy and gross while women are supposed to look dainty, juvenile/young, thin , short, hairless and have hygiene ? I know this is a super misogynistic world view but when I was younger this was a psyop, and it still kinda is. Men in my country makes jokes like " dude you look so old haha" to each other like it's a based thing but when a woman tells another woman "bitch you look so old haha" it's an insult, I find it to be an insult in both cases but socially speaking a man finds himself more attractive as he ages and society does a thumbs up, but when a woman ages society does the middle finger to her. It's also considered quirky when a man is a dirty pig or harasses females, for example you remember when moms say their boy is quirky for getting dirty with mud but they slap their daughters if they don't look presentable?

No. 2214764>>2214772

it wasn't the model's fault tbh, it was the conversion from real life to 3d, I mentioned they fucked Trish up so badly, when the model they used was gorgeous
men will literally keep pubic hair on their face so they can look """mature""" , guys who the fuck LIED to you? I know exampkes irl of idiots who said they don't shave because they don't like that they look young, which is fucking mind boggling cz some of these men in their 30s could easily pass as 26-27, yet they hide their somewhat decent features behind gross facial hair
meanwhile us women are supposed to be fresh shaven 24/7
> "bitch you look so old haha"
how dare women AGE? it's an exhausting world especially after you turn 30 and see how hard the "looking young for as long as you can" agenda is being pushed

No. 2214767>>2214776

Scout feels a little out of place here

No. 2214772>>2214809

>they hide their somewhat decent features behind gross facial hair
Nah, most men use facial hair to hide ugly features and proportions

No. 2214776

for some reason he is the cutest out of his group I don't know why.

No. 2214794>>2214810

File (hide): 1729432996489.gif (5.5 MB, 540x540, IMG_3602.gif)

Imo Scout can be cute in fanart depending on who is drawing him. But I am tired of old guy characters and bald ones. They’re so ugly. At least Japanese companies give a fuck about making the male characters look cute alongside the female characters.

No. 2214809

this is true, but I've seen these men without beards and I have known a few guys who were handsome who got brainwashed by the beard psyop and what a fucking waste that is

No. 2214810>>2214811>>2214813>>2214815>>2214917>>2215153>>2217809

File (hide): 1729434660047.png (1.51 MB, 1908x1080, E8fdefk.png)

Leon was hot in the old games, in the new ones he looks like he's literally made of plastic, the thing is that his real face model looks much younger and hotter

No. 2214811>>2217809

File (hide): 1729434690015.png (128.24 KB, 426x600, x3oxbhp.png)

picrel is the face model

No. 2214813>>2215428

Resident Evil 2 Leon needs to wash his face goddamn

No. 2214815>>2214826>>2215271

wow he looks like that one comedian that got dragged earlier this year in the last one. I forgot his name but was a white boy with big lips and he made a DV joke.

No. 2214826>>2214948>>2215271>>2215303

File (hide): 1729435712572.jpg (79.25 KB, 740x1107, 740full-matt-rife-4271394458.j…)

Matt Rife?
I'm not much of a gamer but I think the video game model is better looking. Looks more natural and less gay. I think he'd be nice looking if he had a less flat hairstyle and used some vitamin C serum.

No. 2214915>>2214927

File (hide): 1729439540826.jpg (105.87 KB, 944x358, Screenshot_20241020_175155.jpg)

From the mtf thread

No. 2214917

File (hide): 1729439694014.jpg (1.68 MB, 1080x7223, IMG_20241020_175442.jpg)

Huh? New Leon is best Leon imo

No. 2214921>>2214959

So every turkish tourist trap waiter is at least better looking than the rest of 1D? Yeah, sounds right actually

No. 2214927

Psyop in action

No. 2214948

He looks robloxian

No. 2214959>>2214977

I personally think Zayn was by far the best looking in 1D, but I can see why someone who's familiar with places where that look is common might just find him meh. I'm Irish and always used to see people talking about how beautiful Katie McGrath is when Supergirl was on, but over here her phenotype and complexion is common so I never saw what people online were talking about. I've also read Colombians saying that Shakira isn't that special looking to them. To me she's gorgeous and was an awakening for me when I was a kid lol but I can understand why people who live somewhere where her features are common wouldn't think she's all that.

No. 2214977

it's the same reason why a lot of russians aren't that impressed by random slavic women western moids find hot. or why both white men and women with yellow fever settle for the first asian person that gives them some attention, even if said person would be considered very mid in their community. the more you're used to a phenotype, the less special it seems

No. 2215153

File (hide): 1729446852512.gif (2.29 MB, 498x278, the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-p…)

Posting my fave pretty boy

tbh I think all his models looked good including the old ones.

No. 2215169>>2215628>>2215967

Cmon now, the 3 black haired boys look like the same character, fucking boring looks, who is attracted to that shit

No. 2215216

honestly disgusted at how ugly guys feel entitled to hot women, it makes me physically gag

No. 2215252>>2215260>>2215268>>2215281>>2215349>>2215422>>2215453>>2215629

File (hide): 1729449676440.jpg (50.2 KB, 762x120, FUCKIN WHORES REEE.jpg)

Kek guess this thread really got to someone. The idea that it's wrong to care about looks over personality is part of the psyop imo. Looks and visuals are part of attraction.

No. 2215260>>2215270

Kek what thread is this

No. 2215268>>2215279>>2215290

File (hide): 1729450160831.jpeg (32.46 KB, 275x262, 1651514447119.jpeg)


No. 2215270


No. 2215271

Reading your post and then immediately seeing >>2214826 made me bust out laughing.

No. 2215279

No. 2215281

Ugly moids tend to have shittier personalities

No. 2215290

i love her, i hope she is well wherever she is

No. 2215303

He would look better with a shorter chin and his regular lips. All he needed were the veneers.

No. 2215349

>implying only beautiful men have 0 respect for women
Maybe if they had actual great personalities and were honest and pure and loyal we would be more open to dating slightly uglier men but since 98% of men are garbage, it's better to at least be traumatized by a handsome moid rather than an ogre beast

No. 2215422

File (hide): 1729457939970.gif (929.21 KB, 220x220, yeohour-txt.gif)

Enjoy your post wall hambeast

No. 2215428

You'd be sweating too fighting for your life

No. 2215453

>he respects wahmen!!! you whores my nigel is my sibling, husband, friend, best friend, coworker all wrapped in to one!
>um no??? that’s not unhealthy and codependent it’s called being picked you ugly fat femcel!
These people are so goddamn pathetic still waiting for a diamond in the rough “not like the other moids” like they’re still 14 years old or something. All of them (and by them I mean moids but lets be real their chasers are completely trash as well) are garbage, even if this thread is still male-identified trying to create the perfect moid (which doesn’t and will never exist unless they are robots) I post in here to make fun of fugly moids and I hope every single fugly moid who’s lurking feels unbridled and uncontrollable rage from each post knowing he can’t mod or delete this into oblivion like on all other websites especially reddit. This should be the make fun of moids thread, not a build-a-moid thread.

No. 2215465

You are the fugly moid she's talking about.

No. 2215471

Not one person brought up dicksucking KEK, care to admit anything?

No. 2215473

File (hide): 1729459586586.jpg (8.11 KB, 109x109, 1728710546494.jpg)


No. 2215477

did you click on the wrong thread, wtf is going on

No. 2215482

Drain the semen out of your neurons before you post itt.

No. 2215483

File (hide): 1729459790826.gif (772.82 KB, 260x221, 1577510015190.gif)

No one wants to hear that shit that's why

No. 2215490

>venting about your bitterness towards men on normal people.
ma'am do you know what website you're on

No. 2215491

There's someone from /2X/ who's really obsessed with sperging about dicksucking

No. 2215497

>Misogyny reee!!! Not supporting women being gross is misogyny!!!
You're free to suck all the dick you want on any other site, hell you can even do it here in /g/, fuck off.

No. 2215499>>2215504>>2215720>>2215737

File (hide): 1729460156702.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1080, EWWW.png)

KEK what is wrong with the y chromosome?

No. 2215502

>twitter gif
It's from Tim and Eric, get real. Just stop posting about sucking dick.

No. 2215504

Jaw filler aside, the main thing that repulsed me in his new face was that bum ass bottom lip. So fucking punchable.

No. 2215507

>when will you fuck off back to wherever you came from?
>says the anon who derailed a thead for laughing at ugly men and started crying about "femcels"

No. 2215518>>2215579>>2215628

File (hide): 1729460670661.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1080, EW_again.png)

They started in 2011 and all hit the wall by 2015. How do you change that much in 4 years?

No. 2215521

your husbando is ugly

No. 2215523

Well actually this is the ugly male psyop discussion thread, nobody wants to hear how you put an ugly male's penis inside your mouth.

No. 2215524

1. Read the title of the thread. Hide it if you can't handle it.
2. Nobody is jealous of the cum stench that fills the room everytime you open your mouth.

No. 2215527>>2215536

You suck dick with gooey germs attached to an ugly face. You aren’t owning anybody in this thread but yourself. You can gobble that stinky smegma all by yourself, that will probably be the first shower that scrote ever gets, gigabecky

No. 2215529

Please report and do not reply to the baiter. They have been banned and their posts deleted.

No. 2215530

lmao all this talk about "youre shaming women" while calling women "shallow whores" for having standards. I'm going to make fun of walled husbandos twice as hard now.

No. 2215531

Nobody cares about your scrote that we could find on Grindr within the next minutes you can type up a copium response. Every time his prostate is hit by another faggot he mourns the other times he has to spend with you trying to flop like a penguin inside of your vagina missing the clit trying to appease your delusional pillow princess fantasy, even a scrote isn’t that retarded unlike you. Wake the fuck up you big loser kek

No. 2215536

We have to invent a new word for these types of pickmes because even Becky is too good for them.

No. 2215549>>2215552>>2215556>>2215569>>2215575>>2215580>>2216041>>2216071

File (hide): 1729461951617.jpg (58.24 KB, 651x212, incel.jpg)

I feel like this moid is still lurking.

No. 2215552

I mean, its /2x/, not only are ugly incel moids bitter, seething and unlikeable they are dumb as fuck too. Only good use for them is as human shields kek.

No. 2215556>>2215566>>2215576

I still never understood why he depicted himself as a beaten up pepe

No. 2215566

Because he knew he lost.

No. 2215569

Insane levels of projection because all of those traits apply to 4chan users kek

No. 2215574>>2215583

File (hide): 1729462823478.png (1.22 MB, 967x895, Screenshot 2024-10-20 171854.p…)

>portrayed as hot
Wtf is she talking about he is disgusting? This is Aphrodite's husband? Even a goddess isn't immune to the psy-op, jfc.

No. 2215575

my pussy is crusty but i am free

No. 2215576

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No. 2215579>>2215989>>2220742

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Niall was never attractive, actually all of 1d were mid or below (zayn looked ok sometimes). The band was a psyop for gullible burger teens who want an exotic bri'ish scrote and bongs with very low standards. Being a singer always makes girls more forgiving to moids even if they are uggo.

No. 2215580

>you’re all celibates who have unrealistically high standards but also that makes you whores somehow!
Dude is so mad that women can have taste and not just throw themselves at every fugly loser who walks by kek.

No. 2215583>>2215586

God forbid they draw Greek gods (who were known to be naked) sexy. It’s just for fat beluga whale TIFs who refuse to believe they have PCOS to insert their mutated bodies into.

No. 2215586>>2215594>>2215960>>2215987

Hephaestus was ugly even in Greek mythology tbh. The psyop is ancient.

No. 2215594>>2215960

We can rebuild him

No. 2215598

bit late but kek i like your art style nona, please post more

No. 2215621>>2215627>>2215629>>2215651>>2215867>>2215914>>2216639

How do you deal with having an ugly husbando who's in his late 30s but adamantly believing the psyop exists and encouraging women to like more attractive men? I used to think he was considered hot until I realized what other people in the fanbase thought and got humbled real quick kek. All my side bitch husbandos are hot though, what should I do? I don't shill my walled husbando to anyone though.

No. 2215627>>2215637

I honestly don't care what other women like, just don't turn around and to claim he's hot and bend the meanings of words, or look down on other women for having standards.

No. 2215628

I'm not even attracted to 2D but they're still better than the right ones
99.9% of men age extremely fast like this (and never even look good to begin with) then act like women are the ones who hit the wall worse somehow

No. 2215629>>2215637

Literally this >>2209769, topkek.
Just admit to having weird tastes, that's it.

No. 2215637

Thank you, I was in denial of the fact he's old and ugly but… He's indeed old and ugly, even if it's not as much as other fictional moids who are shilled as hot like Astarion or the faggot from RDR2

No. 2215651>>2215656>>2215690

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You’re husbando is ugly not because of his age, but because he’s missing a chromosome, Rancefag.(do not encourage personalityfags)

No. 2215656

I'm not her but this is a first kek

No. 2215690

I'm not following this discussion, but seeing this >>2215651
ugly 2D moid getting posted in the middle of an infight made me kek

No. 2215720

Yaremchuk and his psyop surgical approach (imitated by a million other blind butchers) has been a disaster for the human race. Your face gets longer with age. Midface AND jaw. NO ONE needs jaw implants in rejuvenating surgery, or even most reconstructive surgery. They will always make you look older.

No. 2215731

You're so real for putting the TF2 guys, I despise the TF2 days of the husbandofagging thread so much.

No. 2215737

He looked like a knockoff Justin Bieber in his before photo kek

No. 2215867>>2216125

Deal with it the way moids deal with having a shameful disgusting fetish (BBW, etc). Indulge but don't promote in public.

No. 2215914

Own it and respect that your husbando isn't real and you wouldn't date an ugly moid irl anyway. I'm in the same boat as you where I barely post my husbandos because they're either all ugly or non-human. Despite that, I'm picky with men irl and would never date an uggo because I know I wouldn't be attracted to that at all. It's okay to have an ugly husbando, and don't feel like you need to justify it to random anons online.

No. 2215960>>2215964

Has there ever been a pretty Hephaestus in anything?

No. 2215964

No, his mother Hera threw him out of Olympus because of how ugly he was and the fall crippled him, his entire mythology is alit how he’s the ugly god who the rest make fun of. Hephaestus tried to get revenge on his mother by setting a trap for her, and Zeus offered Hephaestus Aphrodite’s hand in marriage if he freed Hera. Aphrodite didn’t choose to marry him she just agreed to do so to help Hera. Hephaestus loved Aphrodite and treated her well but she kept cucking him with Ares

No. 2215967

god i hate scout so much ugly inbreed looking faggot
women who like cute boys. Anime exists to make everyone pretty there is no point to diversifying anime faces because then you end up with hideous calarts tier garbage designs.

No. 2215987

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Don’t insult Aphrodite like that

No. 2215989

louis looked kinda cute here

No. 2216041>>2216056

He's such a retard that he made one big mistake: to underestimate how many anons here actually have boyfriends IRL.

No. 2216056

I have a decent looking, full head of hair very tall bf but I still post in this thread regularly because men do way, way too little about their appearance while I've been caring for my skin like Koreans and Japanese women do since I was like 15. I think due to that no one ever guesses my age correctly, not even close. Medical staff is always shocked I'm an adult

No. 2216071

he likes getting punished, as indicated by the beaten up smiling frog

No. 2216102

Ruined by turning him from a hapa into a white guy

No. 2216125

Kek I wish moids didn't promote them in public too, if only. Nowadays they proudly show off whatever sick shit they're into

No. 2216178>>2216276>>2216478

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I really wish this was true

No. 2216196

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Anime men look so disposable looking nowadays, they have the exact same minimal styling to be given the silent stoic label.
Cloud could have been cute but imo they gave him anime bullshit hair that looks like a morning star, there's a reason why Sephiroth has more fangirls

No. 2216219>>2216225>>2216282>>2216478>>2216534>>2216683>>2216702>>2216856>>2217818>>2217831

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No. 2216225

moids would be a lot happier if they accepted they won’t all get to reproduce, women ultimately decide who gets to have their genes passed on and that scares them.

No. 2216276

But Hollywood actors are ugly. I don't get it.

No. 2216282>>2216321

Why do moids have the audacity to think they deserve to be loved? Would he love a moid? A perpetually insecure, status obsessed, wretched creature with a biological need to fap to his pain and suffering? Literally NO moid would see something like that as innately worthy of love if he had to be the one to dispense it.

No. 2216321

You worded that perfectly, nonna. I'll save a screenshot of your post and keep it for future reference kek

No. 2216478>>2216588

Ugly women unironically get treated as subhuman, yet instead of whining they go get surgery, hit the gym and looksmaxx. Ugly men are still extremely privileged yet all they do is whine on reddit about how they'll die ugly and alone… Are we supposed to feel bad when they're doing absolutely nothing to improve their looks? A moid will claim to hate himself yet they're always too narcissistic to even consider surgery or losing weight. Just keep sitting on your ass playing videogames surrounded by your own piss bottles, I'm sure that'll turn out okay for you.
>the trauma of being objectified
>moids being objectified by women
???????????? what world is he living in

No. 2216520

He’s always been ugly. Zayn was the only good looking one. I find him very charming and I love his thick Bradford accent and the fact that he’s so introverted. I heard he stood up to Yolanda Hadid and banned her from seeing his daughter. She probably said something along the lines of “you’re feeding her too much milk and it’s making her legs fat” and he told her to foookin do one. He says daughter like DOOOH’UUUUH. God it’s so funny.

No. 2216534

I thought it said “only 80% of women find 10% of men attractive “ KEK

No. 2216547>>2216598

No. 2216567>>2216568

Those men weren’t shit either, they were all misogynistic pedos.

No. 2216568

Samefag I forgot to mention gay.

No. 2216588

It's becoming increasingly evident that a moid that isn't on his proper biological trajectory (expelled from society to die in a war before 25) will be stuck with an infant's mentality (meet my needs just because they exist) til grave. The fact that they never move on from this state of mind is the only proof you need that they weren't designed to live long. It's like there's no next "stage" for them if they happen to live after their expected age of death, because there was never a need to evolve it.

No. 2216598

The "man" standard is the original vitiligo themlet hambeast - a socially manufactured category of "beautiful" that requires perpetual shilling and disparaging of actual objective beauty to continue existing. An attempt at rebranding ugliness as attractive via social pressure.

No. 2216639

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kek my first ever husbando is now a batshit insane and super botched moid in his 50s but in my fantasies he will always stay a <25 angel

No. 2216683>>2217286

>women have jobs or can earn money for themselves now
>hooking vulture fucked up romance
>there's a lot of shit to keep you distracted and happier than to be with a rl moid
>men are willing to put ZERO effort to get a woman, yet whine when they don't
>men are fat,greasy,unkempt
>most women go for the handsome men
>most men,even the ugliest goblin, would go for the handsome women
>all while ugly women are being treated like absolute dogshit by men like the OP
Suck it up boys, you're not getting your free maid anymore

No. 2216702

Men genuinely don't deserve to be loved. You'll give everything to them, change your entire appearance to be up to society's ridiculous physical standards for women, be their bang maid, and they'll still cheat on you and just generally treat you like shit. They brainwash women to not give a fuck about looks because it's shallow (while they get to jack off to teenagers) yet their personalities are garbage most of the time as well even when the woman debases herself and loses any standards she has, they never value her at all until she's gone. And then women wise up and stop falling for this and they cry that we are shallow evil bitches. They also always talk about how women will take their wealth as if most women don't also have their own wealth nowadays, it's like they are stuck in the past. Men "had it all" while women had nothing and were forced to have le nuclear families with ugly ogre men to birth deformed children that they didn't even want in the first place. Fuck ugly men, they have zero empathy for ugly women and women in general. They deserve loneliness and all the worst things in the world for what they've done and continue to do to women today.

No. 2216852>>2217029>>2217034>>2217103>>2217157>>2217229>>2289831

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The actor from that faggot tv show kek, He looks like a fucking troll.

No. 2216856

Deep thoughts and it’s just natural selection kek. Men are so stupid.

No. 2217029

Spoiler this picture next time, it counts as a jumpscare.

No. 2217034

Remember when people were claiming him as an indigenous POC.

No. 2217103

He kind of looks like Mr Bean

No. 2217157

If a woman looked like this she would be torn to shreds

No. 2217229

lost three stooges member

No. 2217286>>2217566

>hooking vulture fucked up romance
I think this something that also affects women, some of us do want to have long term relationships but it's getting increasingly more difficult to do that. Hooking culture makes men believe they have more options, they're more distracted and don't want to settle. I don't think it actually benefits us women that much, at least not in the current form of it. In an ideal society every woman could just choose from genetically engineered perfect moids while ugly men would be used only for hard working jobs.

No. 2217566>>2217779>>2217821

Don't know if anyone here is old enough, but back in my day (before moids were practically ovulating 24/7 while screeching about wanting to breed as their only aspiration), the default moid meme was:
>Family is ball and chain
>I want to play the field but lame nagging wamminz won't to fuck me without a relationship
>Oh fuck not another kid
>Marriage? Game over
You can still witness the cultural zeitgeist of those days in movies from like 1985 through 2005. I will never not rofl at how they got what they thought they wanted and then apparently it ended up ruining their lives.

No. 2217598>>2217602>>2217603>>2217779>>2218089

What is it with men constantly accusing attractive male characters of "looking like lesbians?" Like someone said that Leon of all people looked like a lesbian. Like how?? How could Leon possibly look like a woman to them?

No. 2217602>>2217781

It's pure projection and jealousy. They are lashing out at the woman for finding attractive men attractive and getting mad that they will never get the attention that the attractive man is getting because apparently he doesn't deserve it like he does. Maybe this is why there are no hot men in cinema anymore.

No. 2217603

Nobody thinks that, least of all the moids. It's just one of many vocalizations a moid makes when he gets mogged or cucked.

No. 2217779

I remember this too. They complained so much about their wives and families and now when they don't have them they want to turn around and act like it's all they've ever wanted kek. Even today in anime there's still the trope of the older unmarried woman who's desperate to get married and it feels like an extension of that old mentality that women were the ones who wanted marriage more while moids were fine without it, when in reality as we're seeing now it's more like the other way around. Women get the choice and end up not really wanting to pop out 10 kids and be dependent on a moid. The whole "family is ball and chain" also feels way more fitting to apply to women considering so many were basically forced to get married and have kids.
It's because any guy that looks vaguely feminine deserves to be called a woman as an insult to scrotes supposedly (or alternatively, gay). They cope with their ugliness by thinking only roidpigs are true manly men and that any other guy is just women being closet lesbians due to liking feminine, pretty features and youth, when that's just normal and isn't a moid exclusive thing like they've deluded themselves into believing. They seem to think only they get to like pretty things and women are supposed to biologically be attracted to ugliness even though that makes no sense and is a direct contradiction of women's gender roles in society being linked with beauty 24/7. It's like a woman is supposed to appreciate beauty only in herself and everything else but never in men

No. 2217781>>2217785

i don't think it's jealousy. they were conditioned to believe that whoever doesn't look like a rugged lumberjack is "gay" or "effeminate"

No. 2217785>>2217787

Nta but I think it can be both. Like they've been conditioned to think only rugged lumberjacks are peak moid but at the same time they don't realize the entire reason why they get this visceral hatred of any feminine men is also because they feel threatened subconsciously that the woman could be into something they could never be. The reason they're so attracted to the idea of roughness, ugliness and being old being peak masculinity is partially because they feel like it's something that's more easily attainable for them too.

No. 2217787>>2217799>>2218126>>2218148

when you ask men to describe the physically ideal man they nearly always describe some gigachad-looking guy. i feel that they never think of delicate looking men as good looking.

No. 2217799>>2218005

A lot of them are secretly attracted to delicate and feminine looking young men
It's just their defense mechanism to guard from going full Ancient Greece again

No. 2217809

I'm pretty sure the winners are based on who the magazine's readership would like. A lot of the people reading the magazine are older women so they probably prefer men who are a bit closer in age to them. In that light the results make more sense though I don't personally agree with it.

I think this goes to show there's still an element of personal taste. If you go by the last thread you will see complaints about the remake face model being less attractive than the game model kek. I personally prefer the old Leon design too but a lot of women really like remake Leon, and while I prefer the old Leon design I think the new design is still cute. The 'plastic' effect is actually supposed to be representing the appearance of sweat but it can look artificial.

If you play on PC you can mod Leon to use his old face mesh or mod the skin textures to look more matte, perhaps you'd enjoy the game more like that.

No. 2217818

Whenever I see posts like this I know this person has never actually engaged with old media (let alone old non fiction content). If his contention is that women are materialistic well it makes no sense to assume that is modern phenomenon. Women have always been 'materialistic' and especially more so when there was more expectation that they not work. It's one of the most jarring things about watching and reading old entertainment, the female characters are so openly materialistic and it often isn't even necessarily treated as a serious character flaw. It's an attitude present in things like old memoirs/diaries/whatnot too. Obviously that wasn't everyone but it wasn't an uncommon attitude either. So yeah lots of boomers were never really loved.

Am I going crazy here? Bc I'd swear you'd still find stuff like that going into the 90s. I wonder how young that OP is.

No. 2217821

Lol yeah, there is one gender that only exists for reproduction and it's not the one you think!

No. 2217831

>still believing that wrong stat that women like only the 10% of men
if only kek. Look how many girls wnat to fuck Columbo. Women have terrible taste, you just need to be a guy that reads books and you'll drown in pussy

No. 2218005

With women actually having rights this sounds like a win win situation. Men stop objectifying women, and women have higher access to sexualized youthful men.

No. 2218008>>2218011>>2218012>>2218017>>2218405>>2219199

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There's no such a thing as incel

No. 2218011>>2218015

cobain looked like that? wtf

No. 2218012>>2219174

Incels are incels because they're horrible people with no skills or personalities other than hating women and entitlement.

No. 2218015

That's thom yorke

No. 2218017>>2218019

Just cause you feel it, doesn’t mean it’s there

No. 2218019>>2218024>>2218039

Ok incel

No. 2218024

That's thom yorke

No. 2218039

KEK that's a Radiohead lyric anon

No. 2218089

Scrotes say this to clean-shaven men. They have an obsession with facial hair and any man who puts effort into grooming is insulted.

No. 2218093>>2218139>>2218150>>2218212>>2218242

>like a normie who thinks liking pretty boys is pedophilia
A lot of people who aren't active husbandofags, weebs, or overwatch players can correctly identify that western game moids are haggard while still acknowledging that liking of-age anime boys that are drawn to look like teenage boys is still weird. The inverse (moids who like young looking anime girls that are of-age) is also weird. Anime and the obsession with looking young is… weird to any normal well functioning person. Really not the epic pwning of the ugly man psyop that people think it is kek

No. 2218126

They usually don't unless they see them as another hole to fuck or woman adjacent. They can still get upset and jealous that women are into something they don't feel they can be and subconsciously jealous/mad that this is the case and lash out, because they're either too ugly to be a pretty boy, or the psyop brainwashed them too much into only wanting masculinity for themselves and idealizing that, hence why they describe that chad as the "ideal man". They're also scared of becoming a target for men into feminine guys and it's why they instantly call it gay and assume femininity= wants to fuck men. They don't realize you can be a pretty boy AND still get all the women, and when they do, they just hate them (jealousy) or cope about how pretty boys are actually gay. The irony being that they hate on things like boy bands and call them gay but they're getting more pussy and female attention than any "manly" men, and gay moids are the ones who are into that more than women.

No. 2218139>>2218203

Nigga shut up and stop moralfagging about cartoon characters. Who gives a fuck if a woman wants to fuck a 16 year old anime boy that looks and acts like an adult when men are the one who make up 99% of rapes? Stop feeling bad for the pwoor mwoids and go back to tik tok.(racebait/pedo)

No. 2218148

if they didn't they wouldn't be jelly seething about them

No. 2218150

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>the inverse
Kek no one gaf about if le roles were switched. Unless it's genuine shota then a youthful (aka not extremely dimorphic) looking anime boy isn't "weird……."

No. 2218168>>2218201>>2218468

To nonas that are with a moid, does he meet all your standards or did you settle with something? If yes, what and why?
Would you dump him if he hits the wall?

No. 2218201>>2218225>>2218244>>2218256>>2218362

He meets my standards, for example:
-skinny physique
-cute face
-shaves and hates body hair in general, has never grown a beard
-taller than me
-younger (couple years)
-nice hair, not balding despite being in his mid 20s
-doesn't go out in the sun much/tan so less damage to his skin
-likes cute clothes, not insecure about looking "gay" and cares more about what he personally likes than what other men think of it.

I would dump him if he stops caring about what he looks like and I've actually discussed this with him before. I asked him if he would be willing to get a wig or a hair transplant if he went bald when he gets older and he said yes since he doesn't like the bald look either. I don't think he'll get fat since he doesn't eat much or go the roidpig path since he's always hated overly masculine looks. If he did I would leave though, yeah.

No. 2218203>>2218212>>2218241>>2218263>>2218270>>2219196

>Who gives a fuck if a woman wants to fuck a 16 year old anime boy?
Nonna what the fuck that's mentally ill

No. 2218212>>2218341

dont watch anime then

No. 2218225>>2218260

Samefag I forgot, he also doesn't drink, do drugs or smoke which are deal breakers for me as they also age people prematurely and are just unhealthy in general.

No. 2218241

go back to twitter, i'm begging you. shota is one thing but clutching pearls over 16 year old anime boys is retarded.

No. 2218242>>2218263

They dont look like teenagers they look like youthful males, which translate in the real world as 'looking like teens' because the moment a moid hits 20 he looks 40. It's called wish fulfillment. Like how Tolkein's male elves can be 400 years old but they cap at looking 25.

No. 2218244>>2218250>>2218253

>cute face
Can you give us reference? I wonder what het women mean by cute

No. 2218250>>2218254>>2218261>>2218267>>2218271>>2218283>>2218352>>2218437>>2218496>>2218512>>2218605

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Not nonna. But I like men with pretty faces, at least to look at. Not feminine per se, I just like more delicate features that balance well with the more angular features.
I tend to like only this look in all races kek. I’m 23 for reference.

No. 2218253

Kinda hard since I can't send a picture of him, but he reminds me a bit of that Leon character that nonnas here post sometimes or that's the closest I can think of rn, except his hair is a little longer.

No. 2218254>>2218266

Based choice

No. 2218256>>2218277

Sure nonna, sure kek.

No. 2218260>>2218277

I bet he doesn’t watch porn too, doesn’t look at other women and licks your pussy everyday and every hour right?

No. 2218261

Who's this?

No. 2218263>>2218268>>2218353

uwu little 16 yo porn-addicted rapey huge neanderthalians (and pixelated at that) must protect
This, women easily can look cute and delicate like this into adult ages, moids don't, unfortunately.

No. 2218266

There’s this guy in my library that comes from time to time, I love looking at him because he’s really beautiful kek, he’s my type face wise. He’s my person eye candy. But he walks funny and has an ugly voice, so as long as he sits down and studies I’m fine.

No. 2218267>>2218275>>2218283>>2218287

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Same. A man should have pretty features but masculine enough to not look like a soy femboy.

No. 2218268>>2218290

It’s because men are afforded the grace to let themselves go , no one bats an eye when you see scrotes with scruffy beards that look like pubes and who are bald with shitty teeth.
They need to wear toupees, take care of their skin and be clean.

No. 2218270

But men wanting hairless partners 20 years younger than them isn't? Fuck off and go back to Twitter to post about how heckin sexy dadbods are.

No. 2218271>>2218274>>2218279

This thread started to make me feel insecure even tho I'm not a man kek

No. 2218274>>2218278

Huh? Why so, nonna?

No. 2218275>>2218279

Nonna you understand me completely kek. We have the same taste.

No. 2218277

I just answered a question someone else posed to contribute to this thread, you're free to give your own answers. He's why I'm even in this thread since I realized it was retarded to settle for men I found ugly like I used to the second a guy I'm attracted to actually liked me back. I even used to feel bad about myself and think I was shallow (psyop moment) since my initial reason for dating him was that he was hot but not anymore

No. 2218278>>2218281>>2218289>>2218290>>2218293

I guess because I wouldn't be a handsome man either. I don't look conventionally attractive, I have masculine harsh features. I'm also too short for a man. Seeing that people only find feminine/delicate looking people attractive kind a made me feel like a freak I guess

No. 2218279>>2218295

Everyone likes eye candy, even you nonna don’t lie.

No. 2218281>>2218295

Huh what?
> I have masculine harsh features. I'm also too short for a man.
But you’re not a man so why does it matter?

No. 2218283

coco channel spoke about this in regards to female models but it honestly applies more to men, models desperately try to maintain their youth with whatever methods they come up with and it never works, it just makes them look like freaks, young men and women need to be willing to let themselves mature naturally, I know it's a cliche example but patrick dempsey is a great example of this and I wish more males would try it

No. 2218287

>soy femboy
cringe, also your picrel looks like a retard with his mouth open like that

No. 2218289>>2218959

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It’s not feminine features nonna. It’s about attractiveness, ugly scrotes are ugly.
I’m not going to sit here and say that “uwu everyone is beautiful and men deserve love” when women aren’t given the same grace. Give me handsome scrotes to look at, I’m tired of seeing beer bellied men who think they’re hot shit.

No. 2218290>>2218296

That too, but they naturally just stop looking cute early, max 27-28 for the most beautiful of them.
Many of us wouldn't like our male version, it's hard to get a genuinely beutiful moid. Don't worry about it, female max level of relative masculinity is still cute and not grotesque, if a moid had your level of masculinity, he'd be relatively feminine and still cute.

No. 2218293

Masculine features look better on women than men honestly. Also, even the ugliest women still look better than the ugliest men usually, so you shouldn't feel bad.

No. 2218295>>2218338

I guess I'm just confused, you know
I'm not attracted to men just to be clear, so they aren't eye candy to me, I was just comparing myself to them

No. 2218296>>2218301

Samefag, also many people prefer more of those relatively "masculine" features (they'd still often read feminine, honestly) to very delicate ones, you're a woman so you're very unlikely to be genuinely ugly.

No. 2218301>>2218310>>2218320>>2218338

I look androgynous tho, it's make me feel confused about my gender sometimes. Idk

No. 2218310

Even if you're androgynous you'd still be a woman, how you present or look in general really doesn't change that

No. 2218320

Androgynous doesn’t mean you look like a man kek. If you think that then you’re just the same as an NB. Androgynous women still look like women though and so do androgynous men.

No. 2218338

>I'm not attracted to men just to be clear, so they aren't eye candy to me, I was just comparing myself to them
Oh, it makes sense now. Hope our answers helped you. You're probably one of those women who're naturally able to look like those bishounen princes, more so than men. Don't worry about it.
About gender in what sense? A lot of people love androgynous looks, especially since you're not attracted to men you shouldn't worry about it. We're discussing male-specific features of masculinity as super ugly, you're not that. Pretty boys we discuss here are more masculine than you (they're men, so of course), don't worry about it.

No. 2218341>>2218350

Anime visuals are so simplified and stylized I think it's pointless to clutch pearls over any hot 'teen' characters because they are visually indistinguishable from older characters. It can be hard to tell ages apart in real life and it's magnified in anime/manga art styles. 16 year old anime girl in a bikini? Whatever. 16 year old anime boy in swim trunks? I sleep.

No. 2218350

I feel like it's only offputting when the character genuinely looks like a kid and no irl adult could look the same proportions wise. This isn't the case with the average anime characters usually since loads of adult men and women cosplay them and can still look accurate to the design despite not being teenagers

No. 2218352>>2218357>>2218362

Note the beautiful (feminine, if you will) almond eyes as opposed to close set, deep set "hunter" buttholes. They're like 90% of his looks.

No. 2218353

Becky really thinks male teenagers are also "children" in a sense female teenagers are. Or virtue signalling "equality", hoping that men will treat female children like children in reciprocation.

Newsflash, a 14 year old moidlet can rape and kill you at 25. You have 0 "power" over him. Ask any teacher whose job is to tard wrangle them.

No. 2218357>>2226969

Yeah the whole hunter eyes thing is just retarded, I never found them attractive at all

No. 2218362>>2218387

I prefer almond or even round eyes on men. I've never found hunter eyes attractive, they look squinty to me.
>-nice hair, not balding despite being in his mid 20s
This is such a sad sentence man. It's so common for men to be balding by 25 these days that it's a point in a man's favour if he has a full head of hair. When I was a kid men weren't expected to start balding until 40ish

No. 2218364>>2218382>>2218387>>2218422>>2218472>>2218492>>2218738>>2219287>>2226969

File (hide): 1729624918828.jpg (281.62 KB, 1800x1567, kratos.jpg)

OK this is going to seem like a weird example, but Kratos is exemplary of both the Beard Psyop and character designs getting downgraded over time.
>but nona Kratos was never attractive
Never said he was. Given the context of the story and his personality it wouldn't make sense for Kratos to be a bishie anyway. But with his original clean shaven look his face was far more memorable and iconic and he was (slightly) more expressive. The new games give him this big bushy beard that make him look generic and conceal his expressions (I think this is actually part of why so many women dislike beards). Kratos was never a looker but his appearance embodied his hate and grief, like his experiences and feelings made him ugly. New Kratos just kinda looks like some guy (as far as the face goes). They even subdued his ashy skin color and red tattoos.

I don't think the new design is like the worst design ever and I understand the logic, but the original design is definitely better and more memorable. He has the beard because it's trendy now. Can't wait for the pendulum to swing back.

No. 2218382>>2218389

They also obesified him

No. 2218387>>2218401>>2218524

>It's so common for men to be balding by 25 these days that it's a point in a man's favour if he has a full head of hair.
I'm that anon and I agree with you kek. It's definitely sad, I've known so many men who were either balding or already bald by this age that I do see it as a positive thing at this point even though it should be expected and more common. I also added it because I knew one other guy who was good looking when he was younger but he lost all his hair by the time he was around 22 or 23, so that was a dealbreaker for me. Every day I go outside and feel like I just see bald heads everywhere so a guy that actually has nice hair always stands out to me nowadays.
It's like he was already ugly and they just made him even uglier. Beards definitely need to go out of style, I'm tired of seeing them everywhere and how men think being bald and pairing it with a beard somehow makes you look better, it's like pairing two bad things together and expecting it to make you look good somehow.

No. 2218389

in game, without comparison, it doesn't stand out to me but side by side it's a bit of a headscratcher. Is it realistic for Kratos to have gotten so much wider while still being so muscular?

No. 2218401>>2218439

I guess they were trying to distance themselves from the original trilogy but I think a smaller beard would have been a better choice. He just looks too different and less iconic.

I think the Mr Clean look can actually look alright but it isn't very popular.

No. 2218405

Everyone who works with him says he smells really bad. His autism lazy eye is really noticeable in this pic.

No. 2218422>>2218533

Ugly beard aside his face and body look different and worse. His face isn't good in the left one but it has sharp expression and features, they give him character, but on the new one his nose is wider and his eyebrow area is less sharp. And in the new one he's straight up fat while in the old one he's ripped.

No. 2218437>>2218452>>2218496

anyone knows who's this man?? I need to search for more pics of him, some nonna please help me kek

No. 2218439

I don't really play games so no clue about the trilogy thing, I guess that would make sense if you're trying to set it apart but I still don't like either look as an outsider and just judging it off of my personal preferences. He's just very ugly to me in both even if the right is worse. Men generally seem to like this character though, probably since he fits that ideal of "masculinity" a lot of them are into.

No. 2218452>>2218458>>2218490>>2218496

michal mrazik

No. 2218458

thanks, nonna!

No. 2218462>>2218493>>2218509>>2218519>>2218520

How do you nonas avoid your self confidence issues preventing you from dating hot guys? I've found that attractive men aren't all that picky, and managed to go out with beautiful men out of my league (not dating though, just fwb kek cringe) but I still get pretty nervous when approaching them because from my pov, I'd never give a guy below my league a chance. I kinda hate approaching men in general too, but life's too short to wait.

No. 2218468

My bf is alright looking, muscular and baby faced with nice teeth, well endowed, very hard working, loyal with good friends and active hobbies. Do wish he were less of a crybaby and didn't have an abusive childhood, also his hair is like straw with a weird cowlick. If he lost his job or became fat I'd bounce for sure

No. 2218472>>2218567

Yeah, he kind of looked like something that could be a god/titan. Now he just looks like a normie 45 year old single dad who goes to the gym.

No. 2218490>>2218493>>2218932>>2218934

File (hide): 1729627942724.jpg (86.25 KB, 735x1029, 1000033950.jpg)

aaaaand walled already

No. 2218492>>2218533>>2226969

It's dumb but aside from the beard, the biggest difference is the eyebrows. It makes him look really angry and dangerous on the left and like some comic con cosplayer on the right.

No. 2218493

I'm just delusional. I don't consider myself a looker but I've consistently dated fairly attractive guys so why would I stop now? Chemistry can't be preemptively ascertained anyway.

He still has nice skin and hair but it looks like he gained weight.

No. 2218496>>2218501>>2218510>>2218515>>2218518>>2218540

File (hide): 1729628034447.jpg (215.29 KB, 736x828, Michal Mrázik.jpg)

samefag as >>2218437 so I searched for this man and picrel is how he looks now. And he's only 23! I'm so sad KEK I need someone to tell me I'm a retarded and they're not the same person because wtf happened?! That's why you can't have long lasting relationships with moids because they never remain cute. I'm 6 years older than him and I still look 19-20, why the fuck do men age so badly I'm sad

No. 2218501

the dispose before 25 meme is projection as usual

No. 2218509

all men want to feel desirable, and most men will never know what it feels like to actually be wanted by a woman. you are in the more vulnerable position when you are the pursuer, and men are so much crueler than women when it comes to rejection, but you will have very few competitors. a lot of hot guys don’t know they’re hot because other men bully them. You can try being friendly first to feel out his interest and he won’t know your intentions because women are nice to everyone. It’s really just the same tactics guys use on women, even jestermaxxing works.

No. 2218510>>2218529

This doesn't look like the same person I'm genuinely confused. Looking at it more the big difference seems to be the eyebrow and eyelid area, his eyebrow/browridge is heavier/lower. Nothing to be done about that but looking at other current pics it seemed he gained weight. If he isn't still an athlete then he had trouble transitioning to a non athletic life and should lose the weight while he's still young and it's still easy.

No. 2218512

File (hide): 1729628505493.jpg (63.48 KB, 342x419, mrazik.jpg)

The wall holy shit. He's only 23.

No. 2218515

Men rarely age well. I feel like once they hit 40, it's endgame and gets worse and worse. I really like Japanese men, but almost every Japanese actor/idol I'm into hits the wall hard at 35. Like even 35.

No. 2218518

He’s a professional hockey player so he probably did steroids or other performance enhancers and sacrificed his looks.

No. 2218519

I’m not ugly simple.

No. 2218520>>2218532

There's no such thing of being out of league of a moid as a woman imo, you'll always be superior. I would only stop if he believes you're below him in ranks of looks or whatnot and requires you to continually chase after him to fuel his ego.

No. 2218524>>2218538

You’re the nonna with the made up bf kek?

No. 2218529

>eyebrow and eyelid area, his eyebrow/browridge is heavier/lower

It is him kek. Welcome to how moids age, it's not just their skin. They grow whole-ass new bone and cartilage on their heads. Clinically it's akin to a low expression of acromegaly, kind of similar to how the tusks of hogs who survived past their prime grow into their own skulls and pierce their brains.

Nonnies really need to do some reading on antagonistic pleiotropy, post-developmental anabolic growth and how it explains the sex differences in aging. Once you are able to understand the principles you will also see beyond all doubt that "masculinity" or "manliness" is artificial social rebranding of male aging and decline as a type of sexual prime.

No. 2218532>>2218536>>2218557

Nah ugly women exist kek, let us not kid ourselves. Some of you just sound retarded when you say “all women are beautiful!!”

It’s just that men are easy and even handsome men are much more open on being approached if it guarantees an easy lay with no effort kek.

No. 2218533

I could buy that his eyebrows looked the way they did due to expression since he was on a revenge quest in the original trilogy so maybe in the new games it wouldn't make sense for his brows to be arched the same way but they definitely lightened his eyebrows too much. Every other critique is on the money though, aside from the softer eyebrows his brow ridge doesn't look as pronounced, his cheekbones are hidden beneath the facial hair as are his jawline and chin. He just looks softer and more generic. If they were going to do that why would they town done his colors the way they did? Goes to show that it is possible to make an unattractive character who has a good, strong design.

No. 2218536>>2218550

All females have higher default sexual value than any male due to how sexual reproduction works. This has nothing to do with some twitter shit about everyone being beautiful you're thinking of.

No. 2218538

No but lots of of anons here have their made up bfs (husbandos) probably including you and I have no problems with that. Stop trying to cause infights just because someone has a bf they're attracted to, I never even said he was someone everyone here would like either, just that he fit my own standards.

No. 2218540>>2218544>>2218549>>2218570

File (hide): 1729629278962.jpeg (104.4 KB, 457x640, IMG_9845.jpeg)

What happened to my baby boy kek. This is from 2023 , he is definitely more masculine, but , sorry if you’re going to crucify me, he still looks good.

No. 2218544

It’s a shame that men age like rotten milk kek, once they hit 30 they decline like a reversed hyperbole.

No. 2218549>>2218558

I feel like a lot of ugly man psyop hinges upon women coasting on their prior attachment to a male in his prime. They get one, watch him age, lose attraction but as usual begin to be flooded by guilt (women do feel guilty when they begin to fall out of love and want different options) and meme themselves into thinking he's "still beautiful" or "a different kind of hot".

No. 2218550

> It’s just that men are easy and even handsome men are much more open on being approached if it guarantees an easy lay with no effort kek.
And that’s what I said retard.

No. 2218557

I never said women aren't ugly, you just rephrased what I said

No. 2218558>>2218562>>2218573>>2226969

I think that you can age gracefully even when you’re a scrote. It’s rare though, most end up bald , with a beer belly, cavities and so on.
I’m going to get shitted on since I already know how many of you act and think, but even we age and once you reach a certain age it gets boring to search for toyboys only kek.

No. 2218560>>2218570

Why you all just don't date with each other(baiting/infighting)

No. 2218562>>2218573>>2218575>>2218699>>2218734

I’m going to take my L and quickly go out of the way kek.
>nonna how dare you! Older women don’t age!
>nonna why are you defending mediocre scrotes
>nonna every woman deserves a 20 year old and they should discard him as soon as he hits 23

No. 2218565

>ugly moid likes me
>bulging eyes
>big ass beard
>unkempt hair
>already balding at 18
>smells bad
>no car
>works as an actual janny
>doesn't even have enough money to mooch off for gifts
>has the audacity to say he's put together and "decently attractive"
Why are they like this?

No. 2218567>>2218631

So the game has a reputation for being a 'dad game'. Because in the new trilogy the character is a father and his relationship with his son is important to the plot and their respective character arcs. So the character design change to look more like a normie modern day dad is definitely intentional. I understand why he's designed the way he is now, I just think they went too far.

I found a video compiling and comparing difference mods that remove his beard and you can see that the animators worked hard to give Kratos depth and relatability via acted character performance and it got hidden under all the scruff. Look at the comments and several people point out how much more legible his expressions are. Personally I think the walrus mustache is the best compromise between clearness of expression and updating his look away from the old trilogy.

No. 2218570

I agree he looks nice here, maybe he's just not photogenic or maybe he's bad at taking selfies

u single bb?

No. 2218573

Psyop in action. You hate to see it!

No. 2218575>>2218578>>2218583>>2218597>>2218603>>2218699>>2218734>>2218750

You’re trying to be reasonable on LC? It’s full of retarded fatties who live vicariously on hate and schizoing, who totally hate men, but somehow in every thread you end up men are always brought up kek.
They love dick, they just don’t get it or don’t get the type of dick they want. Just look at this thread, women thirsting over younger men because they got scammed and gave a chance to an ugly scrote that played them.

And that’s why I love it.(baiting)

No. 2218576>>2218581>>2218590>>2218607>>2218734

File (hide): 1729630406037.jpg (25.05 KB, 370x370, 1000033954.jpg)

It's heckin science time (insert reddit soygape). Did you nonnies know that male hair grows faster than female hair? Yes, yes it does! Look it up! On the head! Now, you're probably thinking - why the fuck do they go bald earlier if that's the case? Wouldn't that mean having more hair? Isn't it bad when things grow slower? Isn't that what aging is?

Well, it's antagonistic pleiotropy! Males are designed to live fast and die young, meaning that their bodies have increased expressions of genes that promote early fitness via accelerated growth. (Growth genes are paternally derived too, but that's a huge tangent). The same genes cause speedy decline past sexual prime. Male everything grows faster (including hair) because they need to be ready to compete, breed and die early - fuck what happens later. This is why all moids have this magical prime between 16 and 23ish where their skin looks glowing, their hair is thick and their muscles are full without looking bloated. Another curious side effect of higher anabolism and faster cell division/differentiation is that it's directly antagonistic to cell maintenance and renewal. Simply put, you run out of stem cells faster. Male hair growing faster is a direct contributor to depletion and nonrenewal of hair follicle stem cells. Aging works similarly in females, but at a significantly slower rate due to femaleness being innately less pro-anabolic.

You see an unnatural number of men, especially ugly ones, because technological society is a giant zoo full of them surviving past their prime due to zero predation and virtually no immediate resource scarcity. Pic related, it's this but in human form.

Tl;dr look up hyperfunction theory.

No. 2218578

I love you too

No. 2218581>>2218592

This is actually so interesting nonna, I have this guy in my course , who cut his hair (I think he had alopecia and did some treatment, because he had holes). His hair grew back in like 6 months and it’s full and healthy now.
It’s not fair kek.

No. 2218583>>2218591

Pickme and victim blaming levels are off the chart. Go be a battered wife for your nigel. Ugly men deserve to never reproduce or a fair chance in life.

No. 2218590>>2218595>>2218605

Male matter baldness is also a dominant threat and it has been passed on and on because women often didn’t have the choice of choosing, I’m talking about centuries ago. The bald gene is now in our DNA, that’s why there are so many bald men.
It’s like Ashkenazi Jews with Tay-Sachs, but in a much bigger scale.

No. 2218591>>2218596

See kek. I love you nonnas.
You feel called out?

No. 2218592>>2218593

I'm absolutely certain that growing up, every girl wondered why their moid peers needed to repeat their buzzcuts every fucking week when growing out 2 inches of hair seemed like a Herculean task if you're female. Well, that's how. Moid hair grows faster.

No. 2218593

Oh, also - female hair growth rate has a seasonal variation.

No. 2218595

fucking keyboard, sorry for the typos.

No. 2218596>>2218600>>2218609

I'm thin and the last man I dated was pretty so no. I just get annoyed with pickme bitches like you who feel the need to uplift moids, specifically ugly ones no matter what.

No. 2218597

File (hide): 1729630971688.png (45.32 KB, 970x167, IMG_20240613_015813.png)

This website

No. 2218600>>2218610>>2218615

Where did I uplift men kek? And where was I a pick me? You feel called out that’s why you’re so fussy and it’s hilarious.

No. 2218603

I legit don't get the common attitudes around dating younger. If you're not going for a retarded age gap it mostly doesn't make a difference and IME a lot of men don't actually care about women being older provided they are attracted to them. But a lot of women do have an issue with it or feel self conscious and limit their dating pool needlessly over a difference of a year or two.

Relatedly I think a lot of people base their ideas on what aging looks like based on previous generations. People used to drink a ton more, used to smoke multiple cigarettes a day, breathed more polluted air, never wore sunscreen and actively suntanned. This was everyone and that was normal. All those things will age you prematurely. Whole generations were like this and our visual concepts of aging are thus predicated on bad, unhealthy examples. No explanation for why men seem to be going bald younger now though.

No. 2218605

A side effect of agriculture is moids who would've died in male contests getting to pass their genes via resource monopolization. So yes.

Basically, instead of breeding with antagonistically pleiotropic prime bishies that look like pic related >>2218250 and woould've turned into ugly ogres if they didn't die by 25, we started breeding with moids who were ugly dysgenic ogres from the start. They have the same pro-anabolic and fast aging phenotype, except the genes aren't even attractive. Cells growing faster, yet going nowhere.

No. 2218607

I feel bad for the boar

No. 2218609>>2218613

File (hide): 1729631348588.jpeg (34.73 KB, 480x253, IMG_9848.jpeg)

> I'm thin and the last man I dated was pretty so no(infighting)

No. 2218610>>2218619>>2218627

>They love dick
Weird sexually charged comments
>Just look at this thread, women thirsting over younger men because they got scammed and gave a chance to an ugly scrote that played them
Victim blaming women when ugly men are always the perpetuators. Don't see why you're so insistent on defending ugly moids and putting down women. Every woman deserves an attractive boyfriend, provided they're attracted to men. Also crying over women thirsting over the precious younger moids

No. 2218613

ngl waffle sounds good right now

No. 2218615

Projecting and phoneposting subhuman. I'm gonna bash your nigels head with a rock next(a-logging)

No. 2218619>>2218625>>2218628>>2218629

Either a Becky feeling called out about her no doubt older and fatter Nigel, or /r9k/ self harming again. The "y-you t-totally love dick" is a self soothing cope that could apply to either.

No. 2218625

Isn't that just a vulgar way of saying anons are heterosexual and want to seek out relationships with men, which they are/they do

No. 2218627>>2218636>>2218641>>2218699

I made an assessment to what this thread is kek and I clearly hit the spot since you resorted to the usual
>pick me!
>why are you defending moids!
I never said anything about deserving anything or defending men. The same younger men have the same mindset of the older ones so there isn’t really any harm in wanting a younger man, I’m not judging any of you kek.
I wish you all find a pretty scrote to gobble up all you want.
I love scrolling this thread anyway, where would I get my fun otherwise?(baiting)

No. 2218628>>2218636

This thread should be called incel psyop because most of the regulars are either males trying to sew dissent among women or women who already bought what they're selling

And yeah I'm phone posting because I have a life outside of my room.

No. 2218629>>2218635

I’m actually single kek

No. 2218631>>2218654

Moids will cry that female video game characters are being made more realistic to represent real female players, then turn their grotesque war scarred titan into a 45 year old divorced soyboy on TRT who lies about his age and kids on tinder. Sad!

No. 2218635

Sasuga. Continue "entertaining" your hairline away.

No. 2218636>>2218643

You ar doubling down and quite quite literally defending men in your original post. It's also weird to shit on a womans appearance before you shit on a moids. Fat women are annoying but fat men are genuine vulgar beasts and genetic failures.
Idk what you mean, this thread has made me more angered at men than anything else. It's like women speak out against ugly males being what's now normal and you get these retarded responses.

No. 2218641>>2218651>>2218652>>2218655>>2218734>>2227290

It’s just kind of pathetic when you think you’re doing something by getting a younger man because it doesn’t change really anything in the grand scheme of things other than having something better to look at. You’re out here patting each other’s back for nothing really, that’s all.

But I have have tons of fun sperging here with you nonnas.
Anyway nonnas, can I ask something? Since men age quite fast what would you do if your Nigel lost hair, how would you feel if he started wearing a toupee kek? Or would you dip and search for a new one?
I don’t know if I would be able to take him seriously, but I guess women do wear extensions too anyway.

No. 2218643>>2218655

Where did I ever speak on fat men kek or praised men?
Fat men are scum kek, they’re not comparable to fat women at all, but that doesn’t mean that I have to kiss fat women’s asses.

No. 2218651>>2218655

The fact that you all got fussy just confirmed that what I said is true nonnas. Every single one of you who tells me that I’m defending men when I never said that men of any age are free of any blame is just a confirmation that I’m talking to a fattie or a neet kek.

I’m gonna stealth back now though. Let us go back to fantasizing about prime young men, every second that passes is precious.

No. 2218652>>2226969

>doesn’t change really anything in the grand scheme of things

Coping robot or repressed palestineposting twitterina relating to sexual attraction solely through activism? Take bets.

No. 2218654>>2218666

hurt myself laughing kek. You can only have these kinds of discussions on lolcow.

If your game is going for a more grounded aesthetic with more relatable characters you will lose a lot of the more aspirational, iconic elements. It's a trade off and what approach is best will vary depending on the needs of the game (and the wants of the developers). But it's generally visually inconsistent to have the men look drab and boring while the women continue to be bombshells. Gamers bitched so much about wanting games that were more and more realistic and they got them, and they still complain. I think more people would be happy if games just stepped back from needing to look so realistic, it ends up impeding character design for both male and female characters.

No. 2218655>>2218658

No. 2218658

NTA but that's not what samefagging means.

No. 2218663>>2218664

File (hide): 1729632758706.jpg (118.9 KB, 440x498, idkwhatshappeningjustwantedtod…)


No. 2218664


No. 2218666>>2218687>>2226969

Speaking of men’s expectations on female characters in action games, wasn’t there a whole discussion with retarded gamers who complained about the fact that they added muscles to Lara Croft in the action series they made on Netflix kek?

No. 2218687

I gave that a watch and it was just a bad show. It's very boring and Lara cries all the time, she isn't fun to watch. The art is OK, that's just what Power House Studios shows look like. If you don't like the Tomb Raider show you won't like a lot of the things they make. It's not my favorite art style but it's not bad, the problem is the budget. A lot of PHS shows have this issue where the budget goes to shit for a scene or two, and very inconsistently. This leads to shots where Lara's muscles look weird or her boobs look weird but to me it's less a case of 'DEI bullshit' and more an issue of the studio not having the budget or skilled enough manpower.

Visually the biggest issue with Lara Croft in that show is her lack of braid. She just has a loose ponytail for some reason.

No. 2218690>>2218694>>2218696

I remember when one of my teachers told the class that she had a crush on this handsome boy when she was in high school and then she saw him yrs later at a reunion completely bald and fat kek. My mom has a similar story, she was in love with this super handsome boy when she was a teen and she saw him irl like 15 yrs ago and was shocked at how disgusting he became. Balding too obviously.

No. 2218694

And this is basically evidence that normie women more or less admit that majority of men age poorly and are ugly as shit and that they are even disgusted by how some of their former crushes aged, but they were brainwashed into thinking that they should look past the looks of someone.

No. 2218696>>2218704>>2218709

They should put energy on getting a working hair serum rather than focusing on viagra.
Joke aside, viagra was discovered accidentally so my joke doesn’t really work.

No. 2218699

Ban these brain dead handmaidens

No. 2218704>>2218706

Kek unfortunately for some reason doctors and scientists still can't figure out how to cure baldness

No. 2218706>>2218712

They can. Spoiler: the only way to stop AGA is devirilization. Same goes for slowing aging, btw.

This is why there's no solution for aging or balding being marketed at the very moment.

No. 2218709>>2218716

Rogaine is as good as it gets. Perhaps they will be able to produce effective topical finasteride someday. It's kind of weird that the go to is ingested finasteride and topical minoxidil, ingested minoxidil is significantly more effective and topical finasteride has fewer sexual side effects.

No. 2218712>>2218723>>2218745

t-blockers? Is the solution for men trooning out nonna? I’d rather nuke the whole world please.

No. 2218716>>2218730

Oh it’s a vasodilator, makes sense. I went straight to the extreme “solution”, but something that stimulates hair follicles and keeps them alive makes more sense.

No. 2218723>>2218745

For hair, yes. For aging overall, no. To be male is to age early. To stop aging early, you need to stop being male - an impossibility.

This is the blackpill every life extension startup is hiding from their investors at this very moment.

No. 2218730

Improving blood supply to a depleted stem cell reservoir isn't going to do much.

No. 2218734

>I'm going to take my L and quickly run away.
KEK So you admit????
>Older women don’t age!
Nobody ever said women don't age. Are you the same anon who pretended we ever said women peak at 60? You're strawmanning and then getting mad.
>once you reach a certain age it gets boring to search for toyboys only kek.
Why do you want to live with a moid? You're strange.
>>nonna every woman deserves a 20 year old and they should discard him as soon as he hits 23
Turns out, it's scientifically true. I'd not believe it before too. Don't be dysgenic.
Anon, this thread is like full of younger women (even some teens) and virginal hasubandofags. One of you says we're full of femcel weeb neets, the other says we're full of disappointed sour grapes 30+ yo women, kek. Decide between yourself or something.
>it doesn’t change really anything in the grand scheme of things
Non-retarded children.
>The question.
I'd never date them for a long time, i'd only theoretically need them for children.
Thank you for being here.

No. 2218738>>2218754

The biggest crime being that they took his snatched waist

No. 2218741

File (hide): 1729635573480.jpg (31.13 KB, 640x561, 1696984944945.jpg)

Fucking picrel time and time again. Go away.

No. 2218745>>2218918

the transpassing subreddit is full of selfies of MTF troons on their 20s, all going bald and trying to hide it with weird bangs and hairclips that only a 6yo little girl would use. (Also, even the 20-something ones already look 40 kek) Most of them at least claim to be doing HRT, so I don't know if even trooning out would help with this precoce balding epidemic in males (the only actual epidemic happening to males). Maybe if they had gotten t-blockers and started doing HRT before 18 kek?

No. 2218750

Lol scrote's mad

No. 2218751>>2218759>>2218886

> Are you the same anon who pretended we ever said women peak at 60?
Uh , no? no one peaks at 60. If we want to talk about biology you probably peak in your mid 20s and if you want to talk socially and financially it’s probably later on, you don’t have your life together when you’re 20, maybe in your 30s?
>Why do you want to live with a moid? You're strange.
I don’t want a moid at all kek. I’m fine being alone, it’s not worth it.
> Turns out, it's scientifically true. I'd not believe it before too. Don't be dysgenic.
Kekking at this.
> I'd never date them for a long time, i'd only theoretically need them for children.
See this is actually smart, I agree on this. The older the scrote the more likely you’re to get an abortion or defects in the embryo. It’s not news nonna.
Just because I’ve said that you are all battling a losing game anyway doesn’t mean that I’m chastising you, leave your best life if you want to involve yourself with men. But I guess I was a bit harsh, I’m sure that if I said it in a different way you would have all agreed kek.

Peace out nonnas, both the fatties, the totally not fat, the thin ones , the older ones and the younger ones too. I still love you all even if you don’t.

No. 2218754

Didn't notice it until the comparison but damn he used to have quite the v-taper. Wonder if it would be possible to mod him to look actually hot while retaining the essence of the character.

No. 2218759>>2218763>>2218797

>leave your best life
Can't even type properly

No. 2218762>>2218765>>2218767>>2218769>>2218776>>2218778>>2218797>>2218889>>2226969

File (hide): 1729636583280.jpg (119.12 KB, 1200x800, mark-zuckerberg.jpg)

Zuck is trying to look young and moids are seething. He's doing the bare minimum: balding prevention and basic skincare.

No. 2218763>>2218797

He's shaking with anger Kek

No. 2218765>>2218771

You just need to push back that thin curly fringe kek

No. 2218767

Zuck has glass skin and moids are triggered.

No. 2218769>>2218797

Can't he just shed off his skin instead of skincare

No. 2218771

better to try than not IMO. Sometimes his attempts come across as cringe to me but he looks happier now than when he was deep in his Reptilian era.

No. 2218776>>2218787

good for him. he looks terrible despite his efforts

No. 2218778>>2218817

they both look like humanized versions of the cars behind them

No. 2218787

he has a really uneven tan. I think it's possible he's using self tanners but his complexion might benefit more from simply consuming more carotenoids and lycopenes.

No. 2218797>>2218948

I can see it's totally a scrotum now, i recognize him. He must be a regular. Sadge mods won't ban.
How old is he now? Good that he tries, looking at him doesn't make me want to puke, so it works more or less.

No. 2218808>>2218814>>2218853>>2218884

File (hide): 1729638253875.jpg (596.55 KB, 1125x848, Both Ugly.jpg)

I'm convinced men are giving each other bad advice to get rid of competition

No. 2218814>>2218937

>I'm convinced men are giving each other bad advice to get rid of competition
I believe this was shown true, if I can find a video a woman pointed out whats discussed on mens podcasts and its all old men telling young men to basically act like shit and be entitled manbabies and that no woman will look at them without money and that mens value increase with age (according to them, peaking at 50, 60 yrs old). Its clear these men are bitter and jaded and are trying to ruin young men for the rest of us.

No. 2218817

kek, nice eye.

No. 2218853>>2218888

Is left his real face supposed to be attractive? He looks like a perverted high school teacher

No. 2218884

both left and right faces are ugly tf KEKKK

No. 2218886>>2218892>>2218948

You've "peaced out" from here like 5 times already. Stay malding, I mean, totally entertaining yourself.

No. 2218888

left at least looks human, right looks like a neanderthal

No. 2218889

All tech billionaire moids have stopped coping and pretending that men peak at 45. They're full on injecting themselves with young blood and taking cancer drug cocktails to inhibit their aging pathways, see also: Jeff Bezos and Altos Labs.

No. 2218892>>2218903>>2218907>>2218948

If you would actually stop citing that nonna she wouldn’t be here sperging and samefagging. You’re playing into her game by replying retards.

No. 2218903>>2218912

Do you guys just think samefagging means replying to different posts but not containing it to 1 post yourself

No. 2218907>>2218916>>2218919>>2218948

>I'm not owned! I'm not owned! You totally fell for my Machiavellian schemes! I'm not seething! I-I'm enjoying this! I'm actually a "nonna" you fucking foid!

No. 2218912>>2218919

I know what it means. That nonna was literally replying to herself kek have you not realized it?
There were like two nonnas who were on the same side. It started with one and then the other one took over, but it was just that very same nonna, at least I think.

No. 2218916>>2218921

And what is your problem exactly?

No. 2218918>>2218950

Virilization isn't reversible, it's a one-way process like aging. You will probably keep your hair almost as long as a woman if you castrate yourself long before puberty. Most agp troids troon out decades too late for testosterone depletion to do anything about their follicles.

Basically, testosterone induced changes stay. You can't undo them by lowering or even eliminating testosterone.

No. 2218919>>2218948

Someone just accused me of being her. This is an anonymous imageboard.

No. 2218921>>2218922

I'm just making sure you don't leave.

No. 2218922>>2218925

So you want to shit up the thread with your dumb infight. Wish your kind would leave.

No. 2218925

Yes, good "girl". Stay self harming.

No. 2218932

He always looked like that. That one picture where he looks good is the only pic that looks good. Even the video where we got the pic from makes him look worse than the pic.

No. 2218934

What did you expect, he's slavic

No. 2218937>>2218961>>2226969

That's what makes lookismcel forums so oddly lucid and refreshing. They openly admit that the redpill podcast cumswap psyopped them and now they will all die alone because they bought into it.

No. 2218948>>2218953

Did I make that big of an impression that you’re still talking about me? I feel flattered. Nonnas you might never know if you’re replying to me from now on, remember that kek.
It’s also hilarious how you’ve collectively convinced yourselves that I’m a scrote too, whatever makes you happy I guess.(cringe infighting)

No. 2218950>>2218975

you're destroying delusional troons with your true words, nonna. thanks for that, keep the good work.

No. 2218953


No. 2218959

Is that a TiF?

No. 2218961

please don't elaborate

No. 2218975>>2218983>>2219494

What's really astounding about troons is their reddit-educated idea that "male" and "female" are endocrinological profiles, something you can chemically change if you intervene early enough, because muh CAIS or whatever.

It's actually laughable to anyone in more "hardcore" fields, particularly those studying senescence. An XY embryo is already different before any and all androgen exposure. Sexual dimorphism is so pronounced basic neurotransmitters like serotonin don't even do the same thing in men and women, let alone sex steroids. Males and females are more different than even the most based radfem would believe, and due to directionality of sexual development (virilization, aging) and male ecological niche, a male mammal can never become anything close to a female. It's literally an idea as absurd and futile as time travel backwards.

Even the most early castrated, perpetually estrogenated MTFs age like men. This is why.

No. 2218983>>2218999

Apparently sex is way too complex to be reduced to that nonna, it’s not a binary, even scientists can’t tell. That’s how they would reply kek. It’s pointless to reason with a mule , they don’t want to listen, they’ll always find a loophole to make themselves believe that you can never tell and that sex doesn’t exist or that you can totally change it with the power of hormones (but a vagina doesn’t make a woman mind you, but they still need their neovaginas to feel like women or to call their penises girldick kek).
I hate trannies, sorry for the sperge.

No. 2218999

You can't argue people out of mental illness. They're too saturated in environmental toxins that there's nothing we can do about it as other people.

No. 2219174>>2219180

thom left his wife the second she got cancer so he fits some of that description kek

No. 2219180

File (hide): 1729652355133.jpg (76.24 KB, 500x461, 2f47ccea44e65de2564e5a0fe8bae9…)

This is why Bjork is more beautiful and talented than him

No. 2219196

File (hide): 1729653700392.jpeg (167.9 KB, 1130x1370, 6rr4ty.jpeg)

>picrel is considered a child by nucow standards

No. 2219199

Confession, I wholeheartedly thought Thom Yorke had down syndrome for the longest time and I thought it was pretty cool that someone with a disability that deliberating could make such a popular band. Turns out he doesn't have downs, he just looks like that.

No. 2219208>>2219209>>2219211>>2226969

File (hide): 1729654334056.jpg (62.08 KB, 944x574, CmMkJkBWIAAQ9zn.jpg)

We need to be going full steam ahead with robot boyfriends. Robots are far more customizable and actually stay beautiful forever. I'm sick of human men for real

No. 2219209>>2219243

File (hide): 1729654404766.png (1.09 MB, 1280x1106, connor.png)

No. 2219211>>2219226

I love how in Absolute Boyfriend Riko chooses the pimped out every feature robot boyfriend over her simp childhood friend even though robot bf was fated to die. Get fucked scrote

No. 2219226

the ending for that sucked

No. 2219243>>2219280

fuck this game, wack ass civil rights analogy

No. 2219280

>wack ass

No. 2219284

says lonely male epidemic-kun

No. 2219287

no one is lying about thinking hot men are hot and being depressed when men go bald and get fat if you don't think that's an issue you clearly aren't American bc you don't know how bad it is out here

anyway shut the fuck up and give your opinion on Kratos getting beard psyoped >>2218364

No. 2219290>>2219292

kek scrotes really have the fucking audacity! make a fucking attempt at not being ugly and i swear to god you’ll actually get a gf that actually wants and enjoys having sex with you!!

No. 2219292>>2219295

speak for yourself. i wouldn't fuck just anyone just because he "put in some effort" lmao that's retarded

No. 2219293

i will kidnap you and force you to get plastic surgery for this retarded ass post

No. 2219295>>2219298>>2219358

I always see advice given to moids to work out, be hygienic, dress well etc and as long as they put in that effort they'll be attractive enough to get a gf. And I just feel bad for them because a lot of men are simply too unfortunate looking to fix it without plastic surgery and/or hair transplants, and short men or certain ethnicities are just fucked without arranged marriages. Effort is important but it only goes so far.

And ugliness aside, men with no charm, confidence or charisma, who are extremely shy or awkward or weird, are just going to turn women off immediately. They're broadcasting their unfuckability and we can detect it immediately. Men need to accept many of them simply are not meant to breed.

No. 2219298>>2219299>>2219301>>2219356>>2219378>>2219424>>2219426

I like shorter men with pretty faces who are quiet though

No. 2219299

maybe more men should lean into it and dwarfmaxx

No. 2219301>>2219426

I will say that short men who are pretty and stylish with good proportions are fine. But they are so rare outside of Asia it's not worth mentioning.

No. 2219356

Why do you hate yourself that much kek.

No. 2219358

It’s because they don’t even bother doing that, they literally sit in their smegma and dookie boxers, brushing their teeth once a day and never washing their faces and expect to get a girlfriend when they’re even awkward, off putting and creep out any woman they talk to because they trigger their danger response. And then they go over the internet to cry about “muh loneliness” and it’s just not having sex. It’s not even depression.
I’m tired of this loneliness shit, it’s just the reaction of women (some) who have had enough and instead are focusing on themselves. There are still tons of retarded pickmes anyway, so not being able to bag one is just a skill issue.

No. 2219378


No. 2219424>>2219425

File (hide): 1729676194220.jpeg (364.78 KB, 980x1470, IMG_3081.jpeg)

As average for women in my country is almost 170cm and I'm used to seeing men being mostly around 180cm, men under 170cm just look deformed to me. Unlike women who are short and still have normal adult proportions, short men have super long torsos and short stumpy legs with huge male skulls. Gave short man a chance once and his proportions were just so childish I couldn't do it, how do you do it? Plus they are like unloved chihuahuas, always angry.

No. 2219425>>2219427>>2219487

File (hide): 1729676248514.jpeg (180.13 KB, 980x1470, IMG_3082.jpeg)

No. 2219426>>2219428>>2219430

Never got the height thing that most women latch onto. I really do think only Asian men can look good with those proportions though like this nona >>2219301 states. Other types of men tend to just look kind of weird if they are below 5'7" give or take.

No. 2219427>>2219439>>2222148

File (hide): 1729676347782.jpeg (132.03 KB, 980x1470, IMG_3080.jpeg)

Like look how messed up his proportions are

No. 2219428

I think the height obsession is a result of internalizing moidish autistic thinking, like their obsession with dick measuring, breast size, etc. Proportions and features matter not the absolute height.

No. 2219430>>2219433

Nope, from having very close experience with Asian men, it's also a psyop that Asian men have okay proportions when short. They look absolutely the same as short men of other races, short stumpy legs and big heads like little boys.

No. 2219433

You're right, it is still really rare for them to look good. I guess I am biased because I just knew a few shorter Asian moids who were decent-looking, had more slender proportions, and actually knew how to dress themselves.

No. 2219437>>2219440>>2219485

I just woke up for work, and got bombarded with ads online about Pedro Pascal in the new Gladiator movie. How did this happen? How did this ugly old man become so beloved by a younger generation of women?
Truly makes me sick. He looks like any old Latino uncle at my family gathering. I hate the psyop

No. 2219439>>2219451

Short men physically repulse me.

No. 2219440>>2219456>>2219478>>2219488>>2219597

File (hide): 1729677300308.jpeg (75.24 KB, 640x927, IMG_7033.jpeg)

Paul Mescal is also in it and for me they’re at the same level of attractiveness. I know he’s not the conventional crush right now but he’s lauded as some sexy charismatic god. He looks like any other below average Irish scrote.

No. 2219451

Same. Men shouldn't be short, it's a birth defect that should be eradicated.

No. 2219456

I guess he's charismatic compared to the average man nowadays. Everyone is ugly af, it's surreal.

No. 2219474>>2219700

Every moid I see outside is s ugly it makes me want to cry. I can always spot at least a few attractive women when I go out but seeing a hot man is so rare it stays in my memory and I have to tell my friend about it.

I don't even want a relationship, I just wish I could have a crush on someone, it can be one sided for all I care but they're all so hideous.
It makes me depressed sometimes.

No. 2219478>>2219480

Paul Mescal is interesting because to me how good he looks is so strongly dependent on styling. Dark hair suits him a lot better, for instance. I think the worst thing about his appearance is actually the bizarre haircuts he seems to favor (his brand I guess).

No. 2219480

>how good he looks is so strongly dependent on styling
he's not attractive no matter what he does with hair

No. 2219485

Pedro is so fucking ugly to me kek. He has a very punchable face , I hate how retards convinced him that’s he’s a total daddy. Why do women just like uggos actors?

No. 2219487>>2219700

I can be with someone who is as tall as me, that’s what I mean when I say that height doesn’t really matter. But I wouldn’t want to be with a midget playing his mommy or with a giant whom I have to break my neck just to look at.

No. 2219488

I see at least 5 Paul Mescals when I go out.

No. 2219494>>2219603

That's not how chromosomes works idiot

No. 2219597

I'm from Dublin and he looks very average by Irish standards, I'm not sure if I'd even recognise him if I saw him walking down the road because his face is just so common here.

No. 2219603

That’s literally how they work kek.
You have genes in your chromosome, those genes have a “code” for the synthesis of enzymes, which control any kind of activity in your body. These are just the basics, I’m not going to explain promoters, regulations splicing, silencers and whatnot.
Nonna don’t try to lecture people when you know shit.

No. 2219700

same and same

No. 2220247

No. 2220260>>2220456>>2220472

Having a discussion with a guy friend who keeps insisting that attractiveness strongly depends on social status. Or worse, he told me that if other women are interested in a man , a woman's interest in him will rise, which is completely untrue if said woman wasn't interested in the first place in him and did not find him sexually attractive.
I told him it's a cope and guys with money are the ones women settle for when they don't really have options, and if they had the chance to pick the hot guy they would, but it's like his ears are shut.
And this all started from me retorting that it is men who ruined everything for themselves, not women and that I find it normal for a well groomed woman to want a well groomed man.
Why are guys so retarded about this social status cope?
Now that women have money,a lot of them would rather stay single than with an ugly guy. Why can't men accept that?

No. 2220307>>2220721

Oh my god he's so hot. If more western video men all looked this maybe I might give more of them a try.

No. 2220456

He is a willing paypig. Literally nothing wrong with that, let the fuggo cope. Don't even think about convincing him otherwise, he should die alone.

Though if you're looking to torture him, don't argue, be dismissive and just thirst after hot men around him.

No. 2220472

He will die alone. Why are you friends with him?

No. 2220491>>2220605

I'm stupid can someone explain this tiktok popsci?
He said women see more colour and somehow that relates to human females picking less dangerous males than other species of animals would pick. So our sexual dimorphism is lesser, because females can see more colour, and so human females are superior to males because reasons?
I don't get it, normally I like to hear anything about how we are better than men but it sounds like he's just sucking up for TikTok clicks

No. 2220605

He is talking out of his ass

No. 2220721

He doesn't actually look like that canonically, you're looking at a mod someone has downloaded to make the character look hotter.

No. 2220724>>2220775

File (hide): 1729740734422.jpeg (249.41 KB, 750x571, E5376CAC-47EF-4491-95E1-12FF41…)

This is the biggest psyop ever. Ugly to mid losers with pretty foreign girls because he’s white.
Is white worship real

Let them be losers don’t save them

No. 2220734>>2220861>>2221876

File (hide): 1729741636251.webp (126.64 KB, 1444x912, 951-0-1447529909.jpg)

might actually finish the DLC now thanks

No. 2220742>>2220748

My Asian friends for some reason like Henry styles, but most girls liked Nile

Thought zayn was the better looking one along with 2 of my cousins

No. 2220748

Your Asian friends are faceblind to European faces. Kind of like how male weebs think every Asian woman is hot.

No. 2220766

Late but Mac becoming fat in IASIP pissed me off an unreasonable amount. Like I get it's for the lols but it just annoyed me every time he was on the screen, I just wanted to tell him to get back in the gym, scrote

No. 2220775>>2220776

The money and status also help him.

No. 2220776>>2220800

what status? he's a fucking youtuber

No. 2220800

No. 2220823

Any nonas who went to dubai, I know it's a tourist spot, how are the men there in terms of attractiveness? I imagine since it's a mix of nationalities they can't be as ugly as balkan men

No. 2220857

sorry I deleted cause I realised it’s too off topic

No. 2220861

I couldn't finish the last one. Everyone was simping for this geriatric man. At least, in the first two, he is supposed to look ugly and he is ugly. Thanks nonna, I may finally finish this game.

No. 2221876>>2221883>>2221889>>2221909>>2222093

Great mod, but I bet a gay moid made this. Why don't women make these types of mods especially considering moids make pornified blowup mods of normal looking female characters?(derailing)

No. 2221883>>2221887>>2221889>>2222532

unfortunately, the sort of autism that's required for modding rarely takes hold in women

No. 2221887>>2221903

I'm an autistic female who is stubborn as fuck. I'd totally mod but I'm worried it requires math + I have poor visuospatial skills so if can anyone can clue me in on how that'd factor into modding I'd love that.

No. 2221889

File (hide): 1729816769033.jpg (80.11 KB, 920x690, w-920h-690-3269051.jpg)

They do exist but mostly in the Sims community.

No. 2221903

It looks like those aren't big problems. The main thing that's required is for you to not be technologically hopelessly retarded, and a willingness to invest lots of time into learning and practicing modding.

No. 2221909>>2221948>>2222816

Women mod all the time, particularly in elder scrolls, BG and such. I think your problem is that bitcher is a bit of an incel IP, so fewer women are interested in making bishie versions of something that isn't broadly appealing to them in the first place. That's like modding 40k space marines to be hot and have hair - cool, but why? For the memes?

No. 2221948

Exactly what I wanted to post, but also wanted to mention that a lot of IPs that women enjoy aren't modder-friendly. Like DA:I characters are so fucking ugly and I'm sure there'd be a million mods to fix them all, but apparently doing anything more than texture mods is difficult.

No. 2222093

It depends on the fandom but lots of women do make mods. In my primary fandom most of the modders are women (it’s not the sims).

No. 2222148>>2222959>>2222993>>2223034

I'm so glad he turned out short and ugly, just to spite all the creepy middle aged fujoshi who were sexually obsessed with him back in the day.

No. 2222414>>2222431>>2222457>>2224350

File (hide): 1729830875260.png (264.27 KB, 660x634, MeFCAXo.png)

No. 2222431

File (hide): 1729831120198.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 1000006865.gif)

the combover to hide his receeding hairline

No. 2222457>>2222961

Dax flame?

No. 2222532>>2222549>>2222555>>2222582

why do people in this site always says this? that doing anything interesting requires autism and thus only males can do it. As if there aren't as many autistic women as there're males autists.
do you think women are all boring npcs who only do stereotypical activities like painting their nails and complaining about their ugly boyfriends?

No. 2222549

I’ve noticed this on here. I can understand how women wouldn’t have genuine pool toy fetishes but to say women don’t have the type of autism to be meticulous or devote enough time to create a pretty boy mod is so silly.

No. 2222555>>2222581>>2222647

modding is not an interesting hobby, it's literally the most moidish hobby out there, filled with fat men and troons.

No. 2222581>>2222591

File (hide): 1729833513486.gif (169.52 KB, 600x352, just_your_opinion.gif)

Modding takes a lot of skill and in some cases is even a sustainable career nowadays thanks to Patreon and other online subscription services. The Sims is even starting to pay modders for content creation now. What about that makes it a hobby for men and troons?

No. 2222582

modding is one of the most ''feminine'' hobbies there could be honestly. I know a lot of women who picked up blender just to make mods for their sims.

No. 2222591>>2222632

look at the modders of most games, including games with many biologically female players. they're almost entirely men and """"women""""
that's not my opinion, just facts. your feeling that modding "could" be a feminine thing has nothing to do with this.

No. 2222632>>2222656

So because coding is mostly a male field that means that any woman who codes is a troon? Weird logic

No. 2222647

Weird opinion, modders in all mmos I've played have always predominantly been women. I can only assume you developed this stance because of all the weird coomer mods for skyrim or something kek(derail)

No. 2222656>>2222660>>2222661

i don't recall ever saying that modding makes you a troon. i just said it's a moidish hobby. do you even play games? modders are almost entirely male or trans outside of female-dominated games and are some of the most controlling faggots in gaming. it really doesn't make sense to you that men who want to modify a game to strictly fit his worldview would be attracted to modding? and that this same hobby is predominantly masculine?

No. 2222660>>2222666

samefag, not gonna delete post because website is slow
check nexusmods and see how many of the creators of top mods are women. the few women there are are notable for being exceptions. this isn't even counting the large number of mods banned for not being inclusive enough (made mostly by men, again). not going to reply further on this as it's off topic.(derail)

No. 2222661>>2222666>>2222752

I think you would only think this way if you mostly play male-orientated games. There are a lot of female modders. The obvious one being The Sims, but did you also know that otome games and BL games have a huge fan-translation community? Which includes hacking and modding the games. All of the Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side games for example have been translated and modded while only one of the male's games have been translated. And that's just the first example that comes to mind. Games like FFXIV also have a huge female modding community because of the dress-up, doll aspect. //Will stop derailing now.(derail)

No. 2222666>>2222786

Anon is just salty because her only hobby is probably something so useless and female like tarot reading.(bait)

No. 2222752

lol that anon doesn't know what second life is

No. 2222786

What is the autistic fixation on tarot. You're all equally annoying and insufferable regardless of what your hobbies are. Who gives a fuck about tarot, stop throwing punches at imaginary people you've made up in your head

No. 2222816>>2222827>>2222978

How is the Witcher an incel IP? Do women not like it?

No. 2222827

The obsession with morality isn't edgy enough for anon (you don't even have to play him that way right? I've never played myself)

No. 2222959


No. 2222961


No. 2222978>>2222980>>2223091

it's a game about a man sleeping with as many women as possible and collecting them like trophies. they toned it down a bit in the third game.

No. 2222980>>2223122

Is this really true? Well I'm never fucking playing this series then.

No. 2222993

>wanting ugly moids in the industry
You are the problem, retard

No. 2223034

You realize that just makes them sexualize and obsess over the past version of him more, right?

No. 2223091

That’s… not really what it’s about

No. 2223122

No. That's not what the game is about, but there are scrote tier "romances". The games are a huge male power fantasy. It's overrated imo, I wouldn't recommend it anyway. If I remember correctly his book description didn't do him any favors, he was supposed to be ugly, lanky, and weird, plus he never had a beard. The games pretty much tried making him handsome in the most scrote way possible. He's the male ideal of a hot guy, older, with scars in "cool" places, a ripped body, and different colored eyes and hair. He looks like some teenager's edgy Gary stu oc on Deviantart and the story is not much better.

No. 2224152>>2224414

Today, I sat with my grandma's caretaker and my mom's caretaker while they were having dinner in the kitchen and chatting up. One of them said she doesn't want to marry an ugly man even if he's rich, and she'd rather have a pretty man who is poor. Based tbh. She showed us a picture of a suitor who won't leave her alone and insists she marries him, and she called him "ugly man" and kept referring to him as such. He's fat, bald, and looks like those generic rappers but in a casual suit. It was a hilarious and based conversation. She said she'd only marry him if she needed his money for her kids' sake. But if she can make enough money on her own, she'll buy a land to build a house and live with her kids and take care of them alone, she'd rather that than marrying an ugly man for his money. So enlightened and wise.

No. 2224350>>2224353>>2224378>>2224391>>2224406

File (hide): 1729925087220.png (631.85 KB, 750x728, IMG_9091.png)

I just know is that If weird al performed today, there were so many thirst posts about him

No. 2224353>>2224391

Weird Al is just completely asexual to me. Not in the sense that I look at him and think, 'he's ugly', I mean that I look at him and it's like looking at a chair or a cabinet or hair clip or spoon. None of those things even cross my mind as being fuckable.

So the prospect of Weird Al having horny fangirls is just bizarre and wrong to me.

No. 2224378>>2224391

At this point it has to be bots

No. 2224391>>2224406>>2224415>>2225741

I used to be in circles where there were underaged girls obsessed with Weird Al or other old quirky musicians like David Byrne or Danny Elfman. They play up their attractions to these guys to signal their 'autism' and overall weirdoness. They curate their persona by trying to come off as unique by psyching themselves into being attracted to zany cartoon character irl men. It doesn't help that most of them have low self-esteem anyway and think of themselves as superior for choosing personality over looks. This was a flavor of tif that was everywhere in 2021-2022. Basically the 80s music version of Niel Circumcision fangirls. Though the tides are changing and they seem to be clinging on to the TMBG scrotes, which are literally NPR news listening, pantry stocked full of Trader Joe's, PBS donator tote bag tier moids. It's "he makes me laugh" taken to the extreme.

No. 2224406

can't they just you know, like the magic

No. 2224413

I hate how pickmes are incapable of liking any male actor's career without lusting after them. Its like their brain wires are crossed. It's so cringe.

No. 2224414

> One of them said she doesn't want to marry an ugly man even if he's rich, and she'd rather have a pretty man who is poor. Based tbh.
The based thing is to get none of them and get your own money. A poor man is useless and will only use you.

No. 2224415>>2224416

File (hide): 1729934400629.png (232.88 KB, 662x534, IMG_9097.png)

on the other hand, they will also try to claim their attraction to conventionally attractive men is somehow "subversive" by claiming it's queer or by claiming that the man they desire isn't actually a cis-straight man,(because they've been taught being attracted to good looking people equals being problematic) and like you said, I've seen these same women expresses normal attraction only towards or ugly or weird looking men due to overcompensating

No. 2224416>>2224441

Why are they so retarded.

No. 2224441

fandom brain-rot

No. 2224463>>2224683>>2225359

I wish women would stop fetishizing men with big noses like it's a "high t " trait , they are usually the ones that mock other women for having them. These types of women also like talking about how their nose looks small compared to their bfs or how short and little they are, it smells like geriatric moid pedopandering. Female beauty standards are so soft when it comes to men, any fugly bird nosed man is considered handsome and a chad because they look like their dads.

No. 2224533

this actually makes me seethe like no other, and i fucking hate that audio of him as a cowboy character harassing a woman saying "how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy", FUCKING RANCID

No. 2224544

how do you even fix a face like this omg

No. 2224683>>2224898

Speaking of which, i don't believe that da jooz are behind everything or however the conspiracy goes but i do 100% believe that the big nose on moid = sexy is a jewish psyop.

No. 2224898

Anyone of any race can have a big nose though, just like anyone of any race can have a button nose

No. 2224993>>2225087>>2225208

File (hide): 1729965785620.jpeg (78.05 KB, 1000x1250, IMG_9862.jpeg)

Disgusting creature

No. 2225046

oh wow, i don't remember that part of Shrek when he took off his shirt and started thrusting into the air

No. 2225087>>2225208

He looked so good when he was younger and not on steroids yet. What a waste.

No. 2225208>>2225226>>2225329

I don't think his features aged in a way where he still stands out and looks special. Good for his age I suppose but from the perspective of landing roles I think he actually benefits from the beard now, I think he needs it for his face to have visual interest.

I don't personally find the young version of him to be very attractive though. Like I get why someone might think he was attractive when he was young but I look at old photos on google and he still gives off a 'bland' impression to me.

No. 2225226

he didn't used to have that mcdonald's hairline at least

No. 2225329

He has that Channing Tatum/John Cena phenotype now.

No. 2225334>>2225352>>2225401

File (hide): 1729981077317.jpg (388.24 KB, 980x1388, 1000001197.jpg)

Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper. She's a nepo baby millionaire successful top model stacy and she settles for this

No. 2225352

He always gave me gay vibes kek, same as Shawn mendes.

No. 2225359>>2225403>>2225741

So many women seem to think that since beautiful=feminine, then ugly=masculine and thus ugly moids are attractive. I also think narcissistic/self absorbed women who care more about how they're seen by others than what they themselves want prefer to keep ugly moids around to highlight their own beauty in comparison (this is what I think %99 of female celebs is currently doing). Even if these women could date a Brad Pitt, they wouldn't because they'd die of envy if a man could actually compare to their personal beauty, so they'd rather surround themselves with bottom of the barrel moids so they're always "the prize" in the relationship.

No. 2225401

Today I learned her and Zayn are not together anymore? kek. Tbf Gigi is super plain, especially compared to Bella who looksmaxxed by showing pics of Carla Bruni to her surgeon

No. 2225403>>2225417>>2226132

Am I fucked in the head or are they? To me, the whole "dating an ogre to look better by comparison" thing has always been retarded. My line of thinking is "if people see me with a fuggo, my status will tank and other fuggos will think they have a chance with me". Did I get the wrong female socialization?

No. 2225417>>2225987

You're absolutely not the fucked one, nonnie. Women who buy into this ogre psyops also tend to be anachans and coquette pedopanderers. So if their bf is fatter, uglier and older than them that just highlights how cute, young and petite they look in comparison. They looove going out with their fugly geriatric moids and getting confused for a father and his daughter when they go outside because it's their version of "I'm twenty/thirty something and I still get carded, tehee!"

No. 2225448>>2225451>>2225483>>2225593>>2225897

File (hide): 1729986186673.jpeg (35.63 KB, 259x194, IMG_2899.jpeg)

This is more proof men live on complete easy mode

No. 2225451>>2225477

His veneers KEK

No. 2225477>>2225478>>2225494>>2225499>>2225593

File (hide): 1729987178435.jpeg (86.77 KB, 640x778, IMG_2900.jpeg)

Daddy daughter selfie at the pool!

No. 2225478

Theres something I really do not like about this image

No. 2225483

Middle-aged women can't manipulate mentally ill young men into relationships because they'll just get murdered.

No. 2225494

Why did she even marry him? he's a broke fuck is it only because of the ''clout'' of being an ex youtuber turned lolcow. She lives a miserable life.

No. 2225499


No. 2225593>>2225808

I don't keep up with this lard's drama, can nonnies spoonfeed me what kind of mental illness she has to be with him? He's so obese and unkempt it looks uncomfortable, like his whole existence is being out of breath and sweating grease. Somehow a fatso more disgusting than Nickocado

No. 2225741>>2225742

File (hide): 1730011070628.png (157.3 KB, 749x850, 8vHfoUX.png)

picrel is a good representation of that, your right that its caused by the need to feel better about themselves or about their own self-inserts, they also make men "goofy" little creatures to emphasize their own femininity because they think they don't deserve to be with a handsome male

No. 2225742

File (hide): 1730011097043.png (720.61 KB, 1280x720, ROUImr0.png)

this is what lammy actually looks like

No. 2225808

the only thing known of her is she's fatherless and has a pretty aphatetic poor family that never cared much for her. Also smoskes weed a lot.

No. 2225897

Isn’t she a tranny?

No. 2225987

also, if they're with an ugly man then their followers will keep asking why tf she's with an ogre that deserve her and so she'll have a continuous stream of validation and reassurance of their own looks.

No. 2226044>>2226050>>2226054>>2226091

Biggest propagators of the ugly man psyop
>normie women (yes, i'm serious)
>nerd women into male-aligned stuff (ie; moid targeted visual novels)
Missing anyone else?

No. 2226050>>2226069>>2226086

Wasn’t this thread created because of a rancefag? Or is she an exception? i just don’t interact with women like this

No. 2226054>>2226663

women that are really into communities/subcultures, examples, nobody shills alt or goff men more than alt or gothic women, women into gyms shill gymbros, gamer girls shill TF out of gaymer guys

No. 2226069

It was created because she called some animu moid fat and ugly, but I'm talking about groups of people. Rancefag is one person.

No. 2226086

It was created because anons got offended their flavour of the month husbando got called fat kek.

No. 2226091

>nerd women into male-aligned stuff (ie; moid targeted visual novels)
True, other women I meet who are also into them and anime are like this since they're mostly pick mes and then if they have a social media presence they end up pandering by doing cosplays and being an uwu egirl waifu for all their fat ugly male fans. Feel like I'm basically on my own as someone who likes the same things but isn't like this

No. 2226132

I’d feel embarrassed if I was seen with a fatso uggo. Besides that I like to be attracted to the person I’m with. I don’t really see the point in dating someone who you have to force yourself to like and receive “social” points kek.
People who say that personality is the most important thing are just retarded, mainly because they have biases too. It’s instinctual to look and to notice someone’s appearance and then get to know them and like them more.
I feel like these people are just the kind who choose to settle because they’re afraid they can’t attract their type.

No. 2226207>>2226309>>2226322>>2226339>>2226435>>2226744>>2226781

File (hide): 1730038930362.png (416.75 KB, 720x814, 1000028325.png)

Was browsing for celebricows and thought this would fit better here because the article is pleasantly surprising. They've been dating since June this year. Cruz is still not in her league physically, but he's tall/rich and the article is supportive of them, which is at least nice to see compared to the usual reception these types of couples get.

No. 2226309>>2226322>>2226460>>2226744>>2226781

File (hide): 1730042378767.jpg (293.05 KB, 1145x821, i hate society.jpg)

the comments are awful tho. so much fucking hate thrown at a woman for doing what men do all the time. disgusting

No. 2226322>>2226353>>2226357>>2226359>>2226435>>2226727>>2226739>>2226744>>2226781

File (hide): 1730043228778.jpg (169.1 KB, 952x795, i hate society 2.jpg)

but a 25yo woman having babies with a 40yo scrote is fine, I suppose

No. 2226339>>2226357

File (hide): 1730044468601.webp (41.92 KB, 1024x695, surewhatever.webp)

I had to look up who the fuck these people were and OMG I'm sure the guy is soooo traumatized.

No. 2226353>>2226801

lol scrotes get a mental breakdown whenever they see stuff like this because they’re terrified it’ll become the norm eventually, and it ruins their comforting thought that even at 45 they’re highly desired and get their perfect 20 year old wife, which is unfortunately not too unrealistic given how many damaged women seek out and entertain old moids. But it’s always very funny to witness the seething. I also notice such extreme, defensive reactions every time a young woman shits on older scrotes (e.g. saying how young women’s attraction to them is vastly overstated), age gaps etc.

No. 2226357

>She looks 45
KEK huff the copium harder male defender

No. 2226359

>She must be absolutely desperate for fame to go near that
To be fair I think this comment is moreso insulting the moid kek

No. 2226435>>2226716>>2226758>>2227110

File (hide): 1730049198589.png (929.69 KB, 634x903, 8BoDxzc.png)

honestly, he seems kinda immature, but she also seems really immature, so they work well together
>he looks even younger then 19
no he doesn't

No. 2226460>>2226471>>2226483>>2226505>>2226526>>2226650>>2226743>>2226744>>2226801

File (hide): 1730050301195.jpeg (494.68 KB, 1053x1849, IMG_2644.jpeg)

It’s not just boomers writing these comments either, there’s so many women who are saying they couldn’t imagine dating a guy 3 years younger than them like KEK get real
Meanwhile teen porn is one of the most popular porn genres for moids and it’s been surveyed that men regardless of their senile ages will prefer women under 25 physically. I can’t help but feel more disappointed that women are such clowns trying to protect the Beckham scrote and trying to justify why they themselves shouldn’t date a man younger than them at all when it’s been proven time after time that men don’t give a fuck and society rewards them for the same exact shit.

No. 2226471

Lmao god I hate these pickme faggots, bet they're the same type of women to shill dadbods and think Pedro Pascal or whoever the ugly moid of the month is rn is peak sex appeal. Anyway I'm excited to be a 40 year old hag who's fucking college freshmen

No. 2226483>>2226490

Are there any comments pointing out the hypocrisy?
>inb4 I also think that it is bad I just don't ever mention it anywhere

No. 2226490>>2226498

GlancingWillow in the screenshot is the only user with any self awareness out of these

No. 2226498

Samefag I feel like what they say about being in different stages of life and it being "weird" is somewhat true but at the same time if he's legal and also a male why do they give a shit, and the double standards obviously are just retarded. I don't like hanging out with people much younger than me but if I saw a woman dating a man like this I'd still cheer for her out of pure principle and for her going against the psyop

No. 2226505

What is wrong with these retards, unironically gross. You mean they're both pretty brunettes? Imagine seeing a happy couple and feeling the need to write gross fanfiction to justify your seething.

No. 2226526

>obsess over older women and constantly fantasize about being fucked by them
>younger moids seek out relationships with older women even as teens and love the experience
>female teachers fucking male students is relatively common and both sides love it
>female sex drive peaks in their 30s and 40s while it peaks for moids in their late teens-early 20s

Handmaiden women:

No. 2226650

My personal fave is the 33 year old talking about how anything younger than 27/28 is 'sooooo' (had to counts all the o's) young to her. Everything either age gap or 'what age is a real adult' related has gone to such retarded extremes lately.

No. 2226663

>gamer girls shill TF out of gaymer guys

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this unless they’re a giant pick me. Most women know that gaming scrotes are the absolute worst because they’re the most hostile in games.

No. 2226716

Kek they look the same age

No. 2226727>>2226733

>She's with him for one reason only
>She's desperate for fame
kek at these front poles suffering from cognitive dissonance so severe they have to conclude she's settling for a man in his prime because of his status LEL

No. 2226733

Tbf, he's kind of ugly

No. 2226739>>2226741>>2226744>>2226757>>2226760>>2226795>>2227081

File (hide): 1730061048809.jpeg (397.79 KB, 639x1063, IMG_3696.jpeg)

>he looks younger than 19 and she looks 45

Are the women commenting blind or something? lol I don’t know who they are but if you told me they were the same age I’d believe it because he looks old af.

No. 2226741

Jfc, he's not absolutely horrible to look at or anything but she is astronomically out of his league. I'm sure he's sooper traumatised kek

No. 2226743>>2226748

>Real Equality Feminists of leddit thinking they can get their nigels to stop gooning to 18 year olds if they "pay" them with virtue signalling about not being into hot young men

No. 2226744>>2226753

I think this concerntrolling is hilarious when the scrote's own parents, including his dad, don't seem to give a shit kek

No. 2226748


No. 2226753

And if you asked random moids what they thought of this they'd say it's hot cause she is conventionally attractive. Just utterly pointless weird cope

No. 2226757>>2226758>>2226768>>2226792

Fucker is three times her size but these retards insist that the biggest problem here is the woman. He’s 20!! He knows what he’s doing. Moids dont need or want your moralfaggatory. Ffs when are these types of women going to get it through their heads.

No. 2226758

Ikr, just look at this powerless victim kek

No. 2226760

Does he look like his mom or dad more nonnas? I feel like his upper face is his mother’s , especially the nose, the rest is the dad’s.

No. 2226768>>2226787

Samefag but now that I think about it, moids don’t moralfag at other moids most likely because they know other moids simply don’t care. Especially when it comes to sexual gratification. They’re gonna do whatever they want no matter what so trying to talk them out of it is completely pointless.

No. 2226781

Definitely an unusual gap but she's really attractive, wouldn't be surprised if they went into it assuming it was a fling.
she definitely doesn't look that old, they seem the same age.

No. 2226787

Men will scream about simps settling for roasties which is kind of the same principle but in a more retarded way. They only ever "care" about male grooming victims when they think it lets them dunk on feminists.

No. 2226792>>2227135

The "I'm more mature because I'm a girl sorry boys uwu" one sent me.

Here's another fun heckin soyence fact: anything that ages and dies earlier can't possibly mature later.

No. 2226795>>2226799

Maybe he looks "young" (as in able to pass for 20 at all) for a moid, since in real life their peers are already washed and balding.

No. 2226797>>2226804>>2227324>>2229146

Thoughts on the male self improvement 'looksmaxximg' communities?

No. 2226799

Further proof that dating older makes males turn out for the better kek

No. 2226801>>2226803>>2226807>>2226852

To me this represents one of the worst efficiencies in the dating market. A lot of men are incapable of telling what a woman's real age is in the first place and assume they'd be unattracted to someone older. IME a lot of young men don't care if a woman is older so long as they are attracted to her. A lot of women cut themselves off from potentially good relationships because they won't entertain dating someone a few years younger. Both men and women work to create an artificial bottleneck that makes things harder for everybody. The age gap in question is big but these women are relating it back to their own lives and having a tizzy over age gaps of only 5 years.

I especially don't get it when it's older men complaining. Doesn't encouraging young men to date older mean there's less competition for young women? If anyone should be encouraging 'hagmaxxing' it's old men. It's not like a lot of these men want these older women for themselves.

No. 2226802


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2226803>>2226810

Exactly, and this is further proof that the entire redpill/PUA advice sphere is just elaborate intrasexual competition because why else would they fervently mateguard and meme each other into being unhappy kek

No. 2226804>>2227324

Kinda cringe but at least they're trying. I think it's always obnoxious when a person complains about being unattractive to the opposite sex but not being willing to do anything about it (both male and female). I think its unfortunate a lot of these communities aren't more neutral though, they get associated with blackpill/incel shit when it could just be neutrally presenting information.

No. 2226807

Men never think that far when they're trying to normalize old guys dating young cos 'nature intended it like this' bs. The math never adds up or is even attempted. They never wonder who tf young men are meant to date in this fantasy world where women under 25 are all too busy dating 50 year old men who are meant to be old foxes

No. 2226810

It's like a really inefficient prisoner's dilemma. They encourage young men to sit things out so they can go after younger women but they just increase later competition for themselves. Wouldn't it be better to encourage both men and women to be more flexible with their age ranges? You'd be surprised at how many women are unwilling to date younger even by a few years. It's usually not a big deal. And for the young men complaining young women don't want to marry and start families uhh there's a chick 2 years older than you who's ready, go for it champ.

No. 2226852>>2226992>>2227133

>It's not like a lot of these men want these older women for themselves.
Wdym? They want all women to compete for them. 80% of the whole meme is negging older women into settling. Plus younger women aren't gonna care unless there's an older woman supposedly showing her what her future will be unless she settles for expired meat. The whole narrative kinda falls apart if "hags" don't give a fuck, but it straight up goes up in flames if they just fuck moids half the age of an average PUA wurstie.

>implying males are rational actors
>taking what a male says at face value
I promise I don't mean it as an insult or a bad thing, but the 'tism is strong here.

No. 2226969>>2226995>>2227000>>2227202>>2227290>>2227688>>2289788

File (hide): 1730071709102.jpg (458.7 KB, 1307x1150, ladies-do-you-find-hunter-eyes…)

Omg I remember falling down the hunter eyes rabbit hole. Theres a whole subculture of moids who are obsessed with these two and getting "hunter eyes" because they buy into the BS they can have any woman they want if they have them.

I get what you mean, and I think its also part of the psyop of making these guys looks more "average" whereas female characters are designed to be more distinct because men are such touchy manchildren they throw shitfits seeing attractive men. Like you say I work with 3 guys who look like the design on the right minus the muscle definition of course.

This, maybe thats also part of it-more cosplayers more free promo.

Yeah, men just dont take care of themselves.

You're obsessed, you in so many threads trying to start fights, just piss off already.

I saw at least 20 tweets from neckbeards complaining about her chin and saying she has a manjaw. Modern men are so shit.

I remember the reddit post where a guy claimed feminism is bad because it tells men to wash themselves. Not surprised they would lose their shit over this.

Love seeing moids reap what they sow.

The only real solution to the modern moid problem.

No. 2226992

>it straight up goes up in flames if they just fuck moids half the age of an average PUA wurstie.
madde me laugh
>but the 'tism is strong here.
made me laugh

you ain't wrong

No. 2226995>>2227006>>2227087

>I remember the reddit post where a guy claimed feminism is bad because it tells men to wash themselves. Not surprised they would lose their shit over this.

but being clean feels so nice, I will never understand

No. 2227000>>2227006>>2227011

Am I retarded for not finding this attractive at all? they have the permanent expression of someone having intrusive thoughts about biting your face in the middle of a conversation, it's so weird and intense

No. 2227006

Anon dont you know ITS NOT MANLY!

Not at all. I would not call these guys ugly but I find it strange that according to those obsessed moids this is a 10/10 male to attract women.

No. 2227011

I think it makes them look mean, regardless plenty of attractive men don't have such intensely deep set eyes so I wonder why it became the subject of fixation. Maybe they're focused too much on high fashion models, they're often selected for having striking looks (meaning their appearance can be divisive in appeal). They should be studying tiktok e-boys or something.

No. 2227081

Idubbbz finally went back to his old look.

No. 2227087>>2227126

Moids literally produce more stink biologically, probably to mark territory, attract mates or other breeding shit they solely exist for. Women like feeling clean because it feels healthy, but moids aren't made for health or longevity. They're made to (attempt to) fuck and die. Cleanliness simply doesn't feel good to them naturally, if anything it probably seems like a "waste" of that boar taint their disposable carcasses waste resources to produce.

No. 2227110>>2227123

ngl this is kinda cute

No. 2227123

i thought the same thing but was too scared to admit it, oop. that moid is ugly up close though.

No. 2227126>>2227140

Men do stink more but it's more than just testosterone. It's genetic, Asians are literally less likely to stink because they have fewer apocrine glands due to a specific gene. Similar also happens in other populations. You are also influenced by your diet (dairy and strong spices make you smell). The older men from my dad's home country are more prone to be persnickety about their cleanliness meanwhile (comparatively young) men here dress less nicely and complain more about basic hygiene expectations. My dad has complained about this irt the young men here.

No. 2227133

Yeah it really is. The based man hating site lets me down sometimes when they insist you acthually need to be a 14 year old emancipated virgin pornstar supermodel or whatever to get a moid.

No. 2227135>>2227177>>2228165

Then errrrmm why do you girls hit puberty faster? (Not bait just drop the springer link Ty)

No. 2227140

Yes, but Asian moids still stink more than Asian women.

No. 2227177

Endocrine disruption/excess macronutrient intake during development. Other factors like exposure to males (literally male presence) also affect the onset of puberty in female mammals.

No. 2227181

i want to stick my two fingers in center-left's nose, three-stooges style.

No. 2227202>>2227336

Moid on the right is so fugly wtf, he looks like those +50 year old women in LA who get facelifts and a shitton of procedures to try to look 20 and end up giving uncanny valley

No. 2227258>>2227281>>2227283>>2227293>>2227316>>2227440>>2227444>>2229144>>2289831

File (hide): 1730084262071.png (305.79 KB, 576x553, Screenshot 2024-10-27 224728.p…)

I saw this on twitter and it looks like so many normie women are waking up to the psyop, yet there were women trying to tell her that she was evil for this. Want to know their reasoning?
>omg you are so mean
>he's not a model he's an actor!!!
>What if men complained like this!!
>Um no, he's just not hot to you insert highly edited modelling shots where he still looks fugly
In response to that last statement, men have zero right to ever complain about women being ugly because they are literally drowning in a sea of hot female celebrities while women get nothing. Even so, idgaf if a man finds a woman not to be attractive as long as he puts it in a way that's not deranged. It seems that a lot of this psyop is being helped along by the uwu let's be nice culture there is on the internet where some people discourage others from having opinions on anything ever and we need to act like everyone is a perfect angel at all times. I am so sick of women who latch on to this stupid larp, they are practically no better than conservative handmaidens who preach about women submitting.

No. 2227281>>2227314>>2227316

File (hide): 1730085077676.jpg (24.14 KB, 450x438, c7334bf9c9d67d821bfc3bfc6e2b26…)

The excuse of him being an actor instead of a model is so lame because actors are meant to resemble the characters they play, and this guy doesn't at all, they just cast an ugly guy for no reason. The character in the book is meant to be a cute bookworm, which is not the vibe or look the actor has whatsoever.
They could have at least waxed his unibrow and given him a haircut that doesn't look like broccoli if they were going to cast him as a character that's meant to look normal.

No. 2227283

>What if men complained like this!!
But men already do that…?

No. 2227290>>2227447>>2227552

>You're obsessed, you in so many threads trying to start fights, just piss off already.
ntayrt but did you even see the post she responded to, >>2218641 was the actual infighter (and baiter if you check the redtexts/other replies)

No. 2227293>>2227552

>What if men did something they constantly do?

No. 2227314>>2227318

aint no way thats official art kek i cant believe someone out there works as a professional artist while drawing like those how to draw manga books

No. 2227316>>2227336>>2227552>>2228670>>2228785

File (hide): 1730088380254.jpeg (216.34 KB, 1000x1500, GVJTJWSLIZGLBHPUH53ZAC7L3I.jpe…)

God, that moid's ugly but tbf to him so is the art >>2227281 Luckily Heartstopper is fag slop so at least it's only a loss for fujos and fags.
Speaking of cutie from Smallville though, they're remaking Superman again and this Clark is not even half as hot as him, nor Cavill at his peak, sad.

No. 2227318

The author and illustrator of the Heartstopper series is a random woman who originally posted the webcomic on Tumblr before publishing the stories in actual books so yeah, the art style is pretty basic kek

No. 2227324>>2229091

File (hide): 1730089008077.png (660.8 KB, 1280x720, Pyelj6v.png)

the weirdest thing is the "female gaze" is way more natural and easier for males to attain, my father(who served in the special-forces) showed me pictures of his colleagues, as well as soldiers from other countries they trained with and they were all young and attractive men in their early 20s, like people genuinely wouldn't believe how similar they looked to male models
picrel are far closer to a peak special force soldiers then bodybuilders

No. 2227336>>2227356>>2227396>>2228107

File (hide): 1730090481121.jpg (126.13 KB, 800x800, tidus.jpg)

He looks AI generated, but he's real. I get why he gets hired as a model but I don't find him attractive either. I'm morbidly curious to see him trying to cosplay as characters like Tidus, I think the uncanny factor will work to his favor kek
lol I think he's cuter than Caville, can't please everyone I guess. Smallville Clark was definitely the best one.

No. 2227356>>2227552

File (hide): 1730092316046.jpg (613.18 KB, 2500x1595, YKUHUPENUJCFPLMZSMGW4FH74U.jpg)

Kek I guess I can see it since they always gave Cavill the ugliest hairdos (his hairline in picrel is criminal) and directed him to have a stank face, but I personally think his face is prettier than the new actor. Fully agreed no one beats Smallville Clark though.

No. 2227396>>2227463

There's a lot of boudoir gay borderline-CP with him from when he was like 14, so there's your answer

No. 2227440

He’s so fucking ugly kek. I hate how uggos men are celebrated and thirsted over while a woman that looked like him would be shitted on 24/7, just think of that black Juliet that starred on a play with mr.frog aka Tom Holland. Francesca Amewudah-Rivers Got shitted on mainly because she was ugly, not because she was black kek.

No. 2227444

>What if men complained like this!!
Funny thing is that they already do kek

No. 2227447>>2227688

It was 5 days ago, let’s not bring up useless infighting

No. 2227463

What the hell? Parents shouldn’t let their kids model, full stop

No. 2227473>>2228352

File (hide): 1730105457882.jpeg (157.66 KB, 1284x1564, GYfwR3NWwAgPk8D.jpeg)

New threadpic idea? You can replace the text if you want but its so true (especially moids who bitch about female videogame characters)

No. 2227487>>2227491>>2227559>>2229115

File (hide): 1730106236826.jpg (362.62 KB, 1294x1600, SherlockSig.jpg)

Have we ever addressed the absolute mania that was the Benedict Cumberbatch obsession of the early 2010s? That was the first time in my life I can recall an ugly man having what could be described as mass hysteria about how unbelievably attractive he was, and not just online. This was a full blown opinion in the mainstream seperate from the online fanbase spots. Everyone from teenage girls to their elderly grandmother's were waiting for the next episode of Sherlock to air on the BBC so they could fawn over him

No. 2227491>>2227500>>2227559

It made me mald. A girls mom called my mom trying to get me in trouble because she had shown me a picture of him for the hundredth time like "isn't he so sexy" and I said something like he's the ugliest man I've ever see in my life and he looks like a skinned reptile. My mom was going to lecture me until I showed her a pic from Google of him and his disgusting chameleon eyes

No. 2227500>>2227505>>2289831

File (hide): 1730106854449.jpeg (5.32 KB, 300x168, images-2.jpeg)

>chameleon eyes
Funny enough he has the hunter eyes

No. 2227505>>2227508>>2227559

File (hide): 1730107320237.jpg (74.96 KB, 800x1200, 1000000065.jpg)

hunter eyes don't roll around in separate directions. It disqualifies you instantly.

No. 2227508>>2227511>>2227517>>2227521>>2227535>>2227543>>2227559>>2227660>>2289831

File (hide): 1730107456235.jpg (160.63 KB, 900x1200, 1000000066.jpg)

England makes the most appalling looking me famous and it pisses me off. Generations of inbreeding has soiled their cognitive skills.

No. 2227511>>2227515


No. 2227515

Has his own sunshades

No. 2227517

how can someone be this ugly? my god.

No. 2227521>>2227526

He looks terrifying I blame England’s lack of sun for creating the most vile creatures

No. 2227526>>2227543

It's actually quite literally centuries of inbreeding, that's not a joke

No. 2227535

Jesus christ

No. 2227543>>2227548>>2227677

This is a myth. The only inbred people in England are the Pakistanis.(racebaiting)

No. 2227548>>2227593

You're saying Brits just naturally look like that without the need for inbreeding?

No. 2227552>>2227675

Fuck ikr, as long as they run things they will deny women eye candy. While we could argue over the choices for superman at least they know they had to make the effort (also I'm aware thats also a close call because we almost had nic cage kek)

I remember Cavill at his peak (The Tudors) men were seething. Soon as the hairline hit suddenly men love him, I dont think thats a coincidence.

I think this is more of zack snyder being a crap director than anything

I'm not talking about that, stop wking.

No. 2227559>>2227621

File (hide): 1730111530111.jpg (62.8 KB, 444x600, Hiddleston_Tom_Kong_Premiere.j…)

The power of styling. Should have been two women, would have improved this 100%

>his disgusting chameleon eyes
top kek

I thought hunter eyes were about the shape of the eyes not about the iris's.

As a Brit its so true. I dont get why foreigners also fall for the sexy british man psyop, I remember women being hysterical willing to sell their grandma to get a sniff of this guys armpit, I felt like this was a joke I wasnt in on.

No. 2227593>>2227673>>2228033

not inbred, just a little ugly I’m afraid

No. 2227621

I hate this fucking dork

No. 2227660>>2227678

File (hide): 1730121803537.jpg (17.34 KB, 460x276, Matt-Smith-as-Doctor-Who-001.j…)

Knowing that a superwholock icon and the whole child cast of Harry Potter hit the wall at light speed is so gratifying.

No. 2227673>>2228307>>2228351

File (hide): 1730122892211.jpg (191.28 KB, 720x973, 1000000086.jpg)

Study in picrel was not even that big

No. 2227675

>I remember Cavill at his peak
Same happened to DiCaprio and Depp. When they were prime they were embarrassing sissies, then when they hit the wall they became based. Hmm

No. 2227677

Woah lying to yourself a bit.

No. 2227678

>hit the wall
he’s one of the bricks in it

No. 2227688

tell that to >>2226969

No. 2228033

Can't it be both?

No. 2228107>>2228250

File (hide): 1730141995514.jpg (53.45 KB, 640x480, ffx.jpg)

I never played FFX because of him, he's so ugly and pasty even though the theme of it is love. With how many hot guys they made in the ff games you'd think they'd do right on this one

No. 2228165>>2229070

>do you girls
Moid detected. Spermarche happens at the same age as menarche and after that males grow more and faster, cope.

No. 2228250

He's cute though not in the HD version, it's just that he wears ugly clothes all the time.

No. 2228307

>source:the daily mail
Are you sure you’re not inbred?

No. 2228313>>2228328>>2228421>>2229083

It’s such bullshit that men age better than women.
Went to buy tobacco with my 27 yr old bf (I’m 29) and they asked me for ID, and he got his out as well and the woman serving said to him “you look old enough but I’ll check it anyway”.
I have pretty much 0 wrinkles around my eyes meanwhile he has a ton.

No. 2228328>>2228382

>admitting to dating a wrinkly walled moid
Oh brother…

No. 2228351

daily mail source kek

No. 2228352>>2228376

File (hide): 1730151512481.jpg (289.6 KB, 1048x738, IMG_20241029_003306.jpg)

Why are you all bullying the froggie?

No. 2228376>>2228380>>2228427>>2229072>>2229083>>2229140

Why does they always have that stupid expression with the one raised eyebrow

No. 2228380

He's not like other guys, he's… _~*qUirKy*~_

No. 2228382>>2228501

He’s 27 nonna, you want me to be a pederast or something?

No. 2228421

Nona, it’s not going to help his looks any better if he’s consuming tobacco KEK. Leather speedrunning.

No. 2228427

What do you mean?

No. 2228501

Trade him in for a newer model

No. 2228572>>2228577>>2228578>>2228621>>2228769

File (hide): 1730161903598.jpeg (82.83 KB, 489x411, young-woman-girl-blogger-radio…)

No. 2228577


No. 2228578

Mmm that voice though

No. 2228621

Why is this playing in my left ear only and why are you doing the ara ara mommy voice

No. 2228670>>2228772

He turned out to be less ugly than i expected, but idk if we will ever get a superhero that's hot as fuck ever again. DC hired a bunch of old farts for their superheros and it's making me sad. Don't even get me started on the Clark Kent in the current Lois and Clark series, he makes me so angry to the point where i can't bring myself to post a picture of him. Nothing about him excludes superman, let alone the fact that he has an ugly dark five o'clock shadow and a skinny narrow face. I can't believe the CW would do this.

No. 2228769

7/10 youre smiling too much I can hear it, need more rage, be sure to warble out of anger at the end.

No. 2228772

I was thinking of this while scrolling through the thread. In the past, beauty was associated with perfection, being a good person, and therefore power and heroism. With time, the people in charge of character designs and writing became the bitter type that hates this fact, so they had to get rid of good looking good characters and make them ugly instead because "looks don't matter and it's shallow care about them!1!1!", and this moralfagging shit is why we can't have hot characters anymore. Hot used to = cool, now it's ugly=cool unfortunately. Losers somehow overtook the art industry and ruined it for us normal people who are the consumers of said art. Old artists back in the day understood this simple rule of hot character=cool and strong and applied it no problem because they were actual real artists with an eye for aesthetics. Modern artists lack that and will never be good or real artists, especially that they don't just dedicate their art to create something beautiful and appealing, instead they create it to express their unimportant opinions and vent and impose their views on others, which is why they can't design or draw for shit, they were never serious about art and beauty and aesthetics from the start.

No. 2228785>>2228795>>2229108>>2229137

File (hide): 1730169339737.webp (31.8 KB, 800x530, 2-51.webp)

Ngl I find David Corenswet cuter than Cavill. He has a slight babyface that I find endearing. I do agree that his styling for the movie is not the best and he is better suited for softer styles.

No. 2228795>>2229108

Oooh he definitely is significantly cuter than i gave him credit for when you compare him with cavil. Now i can't wait to see the film, kek. it was mainly his candid pics off set where i didn't find him attractive, which leads back to the point an anon made on this thread a while ago about actors always being more hot on camera than off the camera.

No. 2229070

Aktually spermache could be happening even earlier since unlike menarche it's not physically evident to a third party. There are no ethical means of establishing the earliest it can happen. The common idea of the average age of spermache comes purely from volunteering and self reporting.

No. 2229072

>Titan of logic and reason being euphoric because he's enlightened by his own incelligence

No. 2229083

Nona you realize you aren't helping him, right? He'd look better if he didn't smoke. Doesn't sound like you're attracted to him if you're complaining about him in this thread though lol
It's a way to convey emotion other than smiling for pictures. But I think it really took after due to the influence of youtube. Stronger facial expressions in thumbnails tend to do better. I think this affects candid photography too.

No. 2229090>>2229093

File (hide): 1730196358287.jpeg (195.25 KB, 1080x1080, trannyclockingfailed.jpeg)

No. 2229091

This just means that the standards for being a male model are really low.
Btw I'm sure I've seen this post before with a pic of a turkish soldier attached or something lol.

No. 2229093

Ugly men look like trannies what else is new.

No. 2229108

Corenswet suits a clean shaven look better than Cavill. Cavill suits the bearded look better. I don't think any Superman actor has been served well by their styling or direction. I do think Cavill was well cast as Superman he did his role nicely but they kept slicking back his hair so it looked oily and gave him such a drab suit and wouldn't let him smile. I feel like he was kind of wasted in the role because the source material and art direction were so shit.

Anyone here seen the new Superman show? Is it good?

No. 2229115

I think he was carried by his height, his hair, his eyes and accent. At his peak a lot of people did say he looked weird, even the people that liked him. It's possible for someone to be attractive but bland looking so maybe he represents the opposite where someone isn't very attractive but they look 'striking' and that compensates for everything else. Sort of like how some men are just so dazzled by blond hair that they can ignore a lot else about how the woman looks if she's blond.

No. 2229137

Tom Welling was best superman.

No. 2229140

idk but it always annoyed me.

No. 2229144

>What if men complained like this!!
Do they live in another reality?

No. 2229146>>2230548

File (hide): 1730200046953.jpeg (35.14 KB, 646x317, E3083AD4-E198-4644-B820-27F1C6…)

Men always perpetuate the psyop

No. 2229148


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2230548

Which one is the teen and which one is the women gaze?

No. 2257506

>games are for children and teens
>games are for adult manchildren

No. 2289774

File (hide): 1733349652741.webm (2.28 MB, 540x960, 1733342399497.webm) [play once] [loop]

Why doesn't Hollywood recruit attractive young men into its cult?

No. 2289788

File (hide): 1733349972987.jpg (1.83 MB, 3264x3264, 478949491841.jpg)

In my opinion the only really attractive supermodels were Chico and Lucky but they both already hit the wall and are wrinkled old men with receding hairlines.

No. 2289831>>2289835

File (hide): 1733350905245.jpg (52.37 KB, 630x1200, 0k7d9dhexmp91.jpg)

Autistically speaking, everyone has a bruun phenotype, moids with a bruun phenotype are one of the ugliest.

No. 2289835

File (hide): 1733351116565.jpg (5.67 KB, 201x251, images (4).jpg)

Meanwhile, the most attractive Anglo moids are North Atlantid, basically Megan Fox, male version.

No. 2302709

He is ugly. It seems weebs date anyone with Japanese ethnicity.

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