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No. 583428
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By the way I saw this image while searching for a good thread pic and it made me laugh
No. 588993
Sonora reportándose
>>588990Lol pochos like you are dime a dozen and look cheap af, no one thinks you’re rich, only poor Mexicans go scrub toilets in America, you’re safe amiga, no one will kidnap you.
No. 589004
>>588993Samefag, but yeah I would stay in the United States until there is a path of citizenship for DACA recipients. Hopefully we get something going here soon with that.
I was an "anchor baby" but I knew plenty of DACA recipients/Dreamers. That's some scary stuff to be going through in this climate anon, godspeed.
No. 589068
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>>588990tbh I don't think the cartels are usually interested in randos. They go after reporters and snitches and shit.
You should be fine as long as you don't go anywhere shady. Lot's of cheap and delicious food.
No. 599257
>>599158It is going to take awhile, I knew kids who’s parents had been waiting 22 years for a chance at residency.
The problem is that when you are here in the USA for longer than a year undocumented, the penalty to which you have to wait is 10 years which is obviously most DACA recipients. You would also have to go back to Mexico for those 10 years. Apparently it takes about 8 months to get your permanent residency after that.
Trump says he is trying to get a path of citizenship for DACA recipients but the likelihood of that happening given his voter base and the GOP is incredibly slim anon.
No. 599581
>>588955ALINA YOU'RE ALIVE! I've thinking of you so much for so many years!
I'm crying you have no idea how much I've missed you all this time and I always felt super bad because I lost contact with you and I couldn't do anything, but so many things remind me of you, I still have the reindeer horn you gave to me
I seriously love you and I would do anything for you to come back into my life, send me an email to it's my throwaway account
No. 599882
>>599866My parents emigrated before 9/11 and there was some stupid thing you could sign up for to do residency I had someone confirm was real but nobody remembers what it was. We all have
valid social security cards. It’s as if we tried but maybe got denied or didn’t finish? But if I ask for gov. assistance they say like our records show no proof of a birth certificate or alien records, could you provide them and I can’t complete it. I’m just like lucky. So my social is
valid but my identity isn’t. I was seeing an immigration lawyer but I’m a poorfag and even the cheapest church org at $75 a meeting was too much for me.
And I’ll ask my husband if that’s the case. He loves me but I feel I’m the only one who was working towards papers lol
No. 599893
>>599882Did they come in the 80s by chance?
My parents became legal between like 86-89 because of some amnesty thing Reagan did. You got the chance at permanent residency then you could apply for citizenship.
My dad for example has been a permanent resident for his entire life basically because his socialist friend convinced him to not get his citizenship, my mom has her citizenship. My grandparents are legal too but one of my uncles is illegal so it's weird how that works out.
No. 599903
>>599882>>599893Latin american anon here, is it too sucky to live as an illegal in the us?
I've always wanted to have a two year stint on the US just because im curious to see how it really is, but honestly getting a residence or work visa sounds like the worst hassle in the world, its genuinely easier to get an one year work visa to china, even if they are even more stingy with green cards.
Most of the time it just sounds mildly incovenient if you're living quietly or are just plain rich and/or white passing.
No. 599909
>>599903It is not hard if you are a hard worker, lots of undocumented people here work their asses off and get pretty far. In some states you can get a ITN and a driver’s license, you can pay taxes after you get those things. My parents sold a pretty big house to some people who weren’t in the US legally. You have a big leg up if you can speak English.
If you can stay in Latin America and aren’t in immediate danger then I would advise against coming here illegally. Even then if you are in danger there are some ways I think you can come here legally with asylum.
It might be a long wait but it is better than coming through a coyote anon. Especially if you are a woman you have a high risk of getting raped and kidnapped by the cartel/gangs. A lot of women send their daughters on birth control because the risk is so high. Not to mention you will have to walk for days across the desert, you risk dying there as well, and if you are caught it is back to square one.
It may be a long wait for coming a legal way, but it is way better than risking horrible shit on the way here.
No. 599916
>>599909>>599910Oh didn't think of going the extreme way, i have some mormon convert relatives that have pretty cushy life in utah wit the cult, I had other relatives visit them, watch some sermons, almost get converted and shit and it seemed pretty chill to just overstay the visa, heck i think just saying "Oh im going to visit some mormon relatives in utah" helped with the interviews.
I would always get surprised by people's visas getting denied because my mormon relatives would always have fun little utah adventure trips before they settled down permanently.
No. 600001
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>>599581god i wish i had a penpal
No. 600421
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como aqui hay puro gringo loco que dice pura mamada pendeja, esta bien poner memes mejor?
No. 600429
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>>600428ten a la familia chuerk
No. 604144
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My parents probably have the stupidest immigration story ever. My mom came over here as a teenager for reasons unknown(thats not the stupid part). My dad, a recently graduated law student, came over here just so he could be with her. Maybe I'm just being stupid because I believe you shouldn't immigrate unless you're retired or have no other choice. Blagh. I feel bad for him because he could've been a lawyer and in his city that means moolah(and fulfilling his dream). Sorry if this is off topic or too blogposty but I had to let it out. Its also weird because there are people who were forced to leave their countries and he could've chosen not to because he had a good life over there and more financial opportunity than over here.
No. 605099
>>604173Argentina no es México, ándele vayase a cagar palo a otro lado.
Just kidding, it's okay to talk here for now.
A mí también me caga y me zurra ver lenguaje "inclusivo" hacia los trans y personas con enfermedades mentales a las que llaman género. Gracias a dios aquí donde vivo les vale verga y no es algo que les preocupe a los normies, pero tal vez en ciudades más "progre" como la capital si hagan esa reverenda estupidés.
No. 605100
>>604492Broooo yes it does count. I visited Juarez last year. How's everything around El Paso nowadays? I stayed with a couple whose wife works in a McDonalds near a militar base, y a ella le tocó ir a trabajar el día de la balacera de hace poco. Dijo que le dio mucho miedo.
Qué te gusta de Juarez amiga? Mi mejor amigo es de ahí. El año pasado como te digo fuí y vi la casa de Juanga desde afuerita jajajaja
No. 605115
>>604173Omg llevo todo mi tiempo en lolcow esperando por alguna argentina por acá, anyways, estoy de acuerdo con lo que decís, personalmente el lenguaje inclusivo me chupa tanto un huevo cuando la violencia policial y el machismo están absolutamente fuera de control.
Aún asi creo que el tema es menos apoyado que antes, noté una difusión bastante grande del feminismo radical y eso me da un poco de esperanzas (aunque me da gracia que provenga de mayoritariamente de las kpoppies, ya que están apoyando una industria terrible para las mujeres)
Pa las otras latinas de acá, cuál rama del feminismo es más popular en sus países?
No. 610026
>>609961Me cae para el re culo Luna, siempre habla como si supiera la verdad absoluta de todo y vos fueras un idiota que no quiere ver la realidad TAN OBVIA. Su humor es malisimo tambien y el pedo que pone en su intro me da muchisima verguenza ajena.
>>605115Basicamente el gobierno esta usando el feminismo para hacer populismo, por eso tenemos un pedofilo como Evo Morales viviendo aca como refugiado politico, pero es mas importante re escribir el lenguaje aparentemente.
No. 610033
>>609954Antes veia a Luisito y despues de que rompio con Chule dejó ver lo culero que en realidad es y perdió calidad un montón
Eso y veo a Dross lol pura basura
No. 614146
>>604173>>605115Argentina acá también. ¿No estaría bueno hacer un thread latinoamericano/hispanohablante?
Sobre el feminismo radical y las kpopers, yo dejé enseguida el safespace radfem en twitter cuando se empezó a llenar de kpopers y la gente lo empezó a tomar como un fandom. En general ya no me identifico tanto con el radfem y diría que estoy rosapastillada. Hacerme llamar radfem era un cope el cual usaba para filtrar mi simple odio hacia los hombres y la verdad que era mucho esfuerzo mental lol. Decirle a los trans enfermos mentales es mucho más satisfactorio que escribir mil threads y hacer preguntas retóricas y análisis metafisicos con la intención de invalidar. ''Mucho texto'' como le dicen ahora.
No. 621730
>>614146Cuarta argentina reportandose.
Space Bunny es terrible vaca, la seguía hasta que cortó con el novio y arrancó con los mukbangs y la entró a pavear mucho
la aguanté un rato hasta que descubrí este lugar así que perdió propósito para mí su canalPor favor un thread hispanohablante, intercambiemos vacas como si fuesen tazos de pokemon!
No. 633456
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>>632959Recently finished a Teresa rerun on tv. Top tier novela imo. Rubi started now, but I already missed the first week.
Unrelated to novelas but;
I want to talk organized crime, even though its a grimm subject.
Would love to hear other perspectives/stories of unique social situations on how narcos, "los malos", gangs and etc., affect your city or your life. If you can add your location even better, for perspective.
I live in the mexican border town Nuevo Laredo, its sister city Laredo, TX only a bridge crossing away. This is a busy port of entry for many things, including drugs.
It is very "normal" to see big trucks with guys pointing AK-47s out their windows and to traffic, while rushing around (patrolling? reminding the people of their existence?) . You may spot them from afar sometimes, because they drive fast and recklessly. At night I am scared of running into them because they drive with no lights, so every corner is a potential encounter. You learn to drive slower to let them pass you, and to not look at them too much. Its safer than it sounds I guess… just don't be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but otherwise traffic stops for a moment while they dissappear and then the day resumes as usual.
No. 638266
>>633456Vivo en el puerto de Veracruz y la verdad eso de los carteles y todo eso pues si es muy latente pero no tanto como para ver a esos vatos en sus trocas con sus cuernos de chivo en plena luz de el día , eso se ve en los ranchitos cercanos , aquí solo desaparece mucha gente (chavas en su mayoría) porque hay mucha trata de blancas y también ejecuciones al igual que feminicidios y violaciones
Respecto a la trata de blancas he tenidos dos experiencias relacionado con ello . La primera fue la hija de mi vecina que fue secuestrada por dos meses por personas pertenecientes a un cartel y la estuvieron prostituyendo y la segunda fue cuando estúpidamente acompañe a un "amigo" a la parte más culera de el centro donde hay muchas prostitutas afuera de un motel y vimos un hombre pasar con dos niñas como de 12 años vestidas como putas y bien tomadas .
No. 638275
Amigas Y Rivales
Maria la del barrio (MALDITA LISIADA!!)
Mi abuelita le encantaba ver esas novelas y como ella siempre me cuidaba yo me ponia a verlas con ella. Las volvi a ver por internet y no manches neta las mamadas que salian en soñadoras "cocainaaaa weey" y ponian musica heavy metal como si fuera lo peor, las novelas de los 90s y los 00s eran lo maximo con su melodrama. Mujer casos de la vida real tmb se ponian bien intensos por las cosas mas equis.. estas embarazada? Seras negada por tus padres el resto de tu vida ah y viviras en la calle y caeras en el vicio de las drogas
musica metalera intensa loca toca en el fondo No. 639642
Hola. Soy chicana y vivo en los Estados Unidos, pero mi familia nació en México. Antes visitaba cada año. Ustedes que opinan sobre los feminicidios/what do you ladies think about the femicides? I just saw the latest one (to make national headlines at least) from Morelia, Michoacán.
>>599581>>588955Esto me hizo llorar. How cute.
No. 641082
>>639643No te aguites pero algunos "chicanos" me cain mal porque estan con su "brown pride" y la chingada pero cuando vienen para Mexico andan de mamones "I forgot how to speak spanish" "do you speak english" "whats that green stuff called that you put on tacos?" cuando tienen el pinchi nopalote bien pintado, la neta….
Pero simon esta bien culero lo que esta pasando por esos rumbos tambien en ciudad juarez esta re gacho, pero hay otros estados en donde secuestran mujeres para venderlas al mercado negro la verdad una como mujer no puede salir por que luego luego te tienes que cuidar de cualquier cabron que te este siguiendo, porque ahorita en estos tiempos no sabes que pedo.
No. 656530
>>638866Ay anona, I used to hear his podcasts when he drove his car (to his job? Idk). I got a little bored of his style but his early content is gold childhood memories for me.
Mexicanons, who tf is Jaime Maussan and why all he can talk about is UFOs and his custom jilly juice? My family is frying their brains watchin his hour-long episodes on yt, daily. All I can gasp is that he has a lot of money. He's been making cheap alien content for YEARS. Is the tinfoil scene popular there?
What really gets me is that he broadcasts the most evidently fake videos on public tv?? How do locals perceive him??
I'm so glad Peronia doesn't deal with alien content
aside of Uritorco's ovni No. 671453
>>656530El es famoso porque ( al menos en México) fue de los primeros periodistas que se encargaba de hablar de ovnis , aliens etc y de darle cobertura a los casos más famosos ,el salía en muchos programas famosos en aquel entonces de tele abierta como otro rollo, hablando de los ovnis de una forma "seria" a la gente en general en México esos temas les llaman mucho la atención , todo lo sobrenatural de fantasmas ovnis y así. Volviéndose en una figura de la televisión mexicana.
Personalmente me sorprende como sigue vigente con todo ese rollo de los ovnis cuando más de una vez se ha n
No. 671477
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>>671473samefag aca la foto en cuestion.
No. 673213
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amigas qué opinamos de chumel?
No. 679139
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No soy de Mexico pero si soy de Latinoamerica y me preguntaba qué piensan de Arigameplays y su marido y de Danyancat? Siento que son todas medio vacas
No. 697970
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Lo siento, no pude tolerar tanto retraso mental en un solo post. Toma mi imagen como consejo.
(infighting) No. 746193
>>746003What about TV Azteca? Are there really only two major networks in Mexico that are monopolizing television over there?
I remember Televisa had a spat with Univision over the censorship of their soap operas, something about different Spanish dialects and obscene words.
Their novelas suck too, except for maybe Imperio De Mentiras (empire of lies)
No. 793603
>>583426Not mexican but south american, aimep3 thread when? She's easily way sadder and funnier than a lot of gringos cows you see here.
Gringos need to get some proper education of what a cow really is.
No. 1228368
¿Habrá por casualidad alguna nonita que pueda ayudarnos a descifrar lo que dice el taxista en el thread de Luna?
>>>/pt/880390 ¡Gracias de antemano!
No. 1228875
>>793986Donde nonita? Algunas youtubers como la Ari, la Windy, y la Brigitte están ordeñables. Se que hay un hilo latino, pero el pedo es que a veces con las vacas de México ya hay suficiente leche.
Encontré un hilo muerto de México, pero pues estaba muerto y se veía que estaba lleno de varones.
Hablando de: el sitio Hispachan cerro, lo cual me lolea porque estaba lleno de onvrez pendejos; pero ahora me preocupa que se empiecen a mudar a otros imageboard a infectarlos, como paso con PULL.
No. 1412663
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nuestro presidente es un pendejo
No. 1412889
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Si lo se hilo muerto pero, hola, que tal su día?
No. 1488950
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Nadie ha hablado del Doom?
No. 1515136
>>588990>cartels possibly kidnapping me because highly educated and speaks fluent English = richThere are plenty of people in various regions in Mexico who are highly educated and also speak English fluently, you are not special in that regard. As long as you're modest and not showing off or saying you have money.
Fact: A lot of narcos are US citizens or have their children living in the US as citizens. Chances are you interacted with a narco baby without even knowing it.