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No. 1117985
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Which one is your ride or die?
For me it’s a Crunch bar … old faithful.
No. 1118048
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>>1117985i married a canadian and moved and now i cant get my favorite candy bar cry
No. 1118056
>>1118048why did u have to remind me of these
nonnie u are so right
No. 1118166
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>>1118119 reminded me of this thought I've had, though I already know it's not an original one, but I'm going to share anyway.
What if someone created a website where you leave reviews of an ex/date, so when women find a guy they can just search him up and see what his flaws are so they know to not let him near at all.
An example:
John F. Smith, [insert state and county]
> Said vile things about women despite being with me> Threatened to hurt me> Does not believe in washing hands after every bathroom tripAnd if the guy is someone who moves around a lot you include the location you last dated him in. Maybe have an ability to search a name through all the states/counties so the new girl he met in a different state can rummage through all the John F. Smith's to see if he got himself a spot on the shit list site. Oh! I also think there should be an option to post a photos.
There's a site that exists for sharing nudes of women that are local to men that have the site features I was talking about, so if their site is able to be up and running, why can't this one? Unless there is one and I'm just out of the loop. Could this be a good idea? Now that I think about it.. this could just end in women catching lawsuits, so maybe not… Either way I'm suicidal
No. 1118265
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>>1118177I guess we wait for its existence now.
No. 1118321
>>1117985Twix and Butterfingers are my ride or dies. For easter I once bought the giant Twix egg but my sweet tooth isn't what it used to be so I only got a couple bites in and then eventually left it to rot and threw it out. I'm still sad about it. Also, once in highschool I went to my local Target but I was poor and hungry so I stole a pack of Turtles to eat and I don't know if it was the guilt but I hated them. Too overwhelmingly sweet right off the bat.
When I was a kid, 3 Musketeers and Mily Way were the shit. I'm just not a big chocolate fan so if I get chocolate candies, I'm picky about the chocolate to filling ratio.
No. 1121665
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i just wanted to tell all my burger nonnies how much i love you and sending you good vibes and much happiness. i know we get shit on a lot for being ‘muricans but you are still the bestest and i wouldn’t want it any other way.
here’s a delicious cherry pie for you to nom on. maybe later on i will post some nachos and burgers. we should literally just post pretty pics of all the delicious yum yums we can find in this country.
No. 1124301
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>>1123992I love this retard so much
No. 1124847
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Do guys in your area drive around with giant US flags on their pickup trucks? I see at least one every day
No. 1125465
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might get tagged as racebait but why are americans are so fucking retarded when it comes to race>I am a black woman married to a white man. Our 13-year-old son looks white—blond-haired, blue-eyed, straight-nosed, thin-lipped, fair-skinned white—but he identifies as black. Our daughter is much lighter than I am, and is often mistaken for Middle Eastern or Latina, but I cannot help but see traces of my paternal grandmother’s high cheekbones and wide nose in her round face.
>Some queer people talk about the existence of “gaydar”—the ability to identify one of their own, whether they are out or closeted. As the child of a white mother and a black father, I have whatever the equivalent is for being able to spot black people no matter how fair their skin or how European their features. I could always claim my people, I thought. But when our son was born, I realized that no special power was going to help me see his African heritage. My husband thought our newborn was albino the first time he cradled him in his arms. He was that
No. 1126068
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>>1125887>>1125465how do you do fellow negros
No. 1126402
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Do YOU have an accent?
I have an awful LA/Valley girl accent and I wish I could make it stop. I don’t live in CA anymore and it sticks out in a bad way. Lots of “likes” and “literally”s. A lot of “like literally”s. I hate myself.
No. 1126443
>>1126402I've heard I have a lisp but it's because we speak with soft consonants, here. Cantaloupe="canalope", consonant="cahnsineh". Be right back gettin some pop at the party store
>>1126408I dated a guy from Texas and he didn't have a Southern accent either, I thought it was odd, he was born and raised
No. 1126484
>>1126408>>1126456Southern accents are disappearing in many of the urban and suburban areas of the south. Mostly because a.) kids growing up around non-southern peers whose families moved to the south, and b.) the stigma that southern accent = dumb, so many people have tried to lose their accent.
I'm born and raised in the south (in the "Old Southern" region from that map) but people think I'm from Ohio or some shit. Used to have a twang according to old home movies, but I think years of voice lessons and being a dramafag beat it out of me. It comes out a bit when I'm drunk, and there are certain words that stick out as very southern that I can't stop saying like y'all and fixin' and "bless her heart."
No. 1126495
>>1126443>>1126456Texanona here. It really depends on the age of the person and region. East Texas has a typical southern accent. North Texas (Dallas area) leans more neutral among the younger generations.
sage but I wish I hadn't trained away my southern accent
No. 1126867
>>1125465Brits be like this too. I dated a guy who was half lebanese half white with the biggest
victim complex for his race I've ever met. He would always tell me about how "my parents probably hated him for being a sandnigger" im freaking italian ffs. I also lived in a mostly black city he claimed he was scared to visit because "my neighborhood looks like a KKK parade route" like lol wtf. Literally can't even find a reason to bitch about race so he had to make shit up
No. 1126895
>>1126630can't stand the puny yankee accent kek, although I find more genuine country people in montana/dakotas/wyoming/ etc than in the south. You have prissy middle class kids bragging about how country they are and they live like 10 minutes away from the mall and walmart and then go on bougie hunting trips and don't even bring back meat kek
real country folks get meat wherever is close and has good game, they also work and live far away and have no business revving up their overpriced trucks in sonic parking lots at 1 AM since they gotta get up at 5 the next day to work on the farm
No. 1127174
>>1126402do you have an actual valley girl accent or you just say literally and like a lot? the valley accent is very specific. just saying like and literally a lot isn't a valley accent. people say the same thing to me and i'm not sure if it's because i spent a lot of time in southern california when i was a kid or if they just don't understand what an actual valley accent is.
i just want southern accents to disappear though. they're so fucking annoying to listen to.
No. 1128110
>>1126402Generic western american accent maybe.
I don't really have an accent so much as a "look", I guess. At least, LA people definitely know I'm from SF somehow.
No. 1128155
>>1126402I’m from NorCal and typically along the coast/Bay Area and Sacramento areas you have general American accent. But when you go really north into CA like humboldt and Redding, you get more of a hick drawl. Also some parts of central Cali have the drawl.
Valley accent is very distinct and obnoxious. I never hear it in the Bay Area. But I remember girls in my HS would emulate the accent because of simple life and the whole y2K dumb blonde shit.
No. 1129089
>>1129062yeah. car break ins, carjackings. small businesses getting their windows smashed in (mostly asian owned because they're often cash only (although they claim aapi hate for extra sympathy and help)). now people are getting bikejacked at gunpoint. porch pirates, and ppl posing as delivery ppl to break into homes.
But, I don't have a car or bike in remote areas so it doesn't really feel any different, except the broken glass all over the streets.
No. 1129097
>>1129089samefag, forgot to say, it seems besides the random highway shootings and stuff like that, most of the
victims have noticeable material items (visible luggage in backseat of car, the bikes being targeted in jackings are the really $$ ones, big well maintained home, expensive dog, designer bags, etc.) so if you look poor you can live relatively unbothered, especially if you live an area that isn't that poor.
I may look busted in my gentrifying neighborhood, but have had zero problems so far.
No. 1129135
>>1126867I dated a “cuban” (her dad was white wealthy second generation cuban, mom was white American) who didn’t want to come with me to Louisiana because of “what they do to queer
POC in the south”. We were literally going to New Orleans. I feel like she was actually scared of black people, but more scared that they’d call her out on her phony solidarity because she had isolated herself to a small group of mostly white college wokes for friends.
No. 1129139
>>1129075are you stupid? I lived in red states and cities the vast majority of my life and it was the same exact issues, the only difference between a red and blue city is that red cities just have less available resources such as food banks. libraries, shelters, etc. The economy is fucked all around regardless of color
here's some of the biggest issues in red cities imo
>pedophilia and child abuse being normal, plenty of adult men will date literal middle school and high schoolers and no one cares>animal abuse being normal, getting a fuck ton of wild, aggressive dogs and letting them run all over and attacking people, seeing several dead pets in the street is normal>braindead retards who have undiagnosed autism due to age gap reproduction and republican women acting like retards during pregnancy, lots of ignored disabilities in general>price gouging for everything, even rural area homes are stupidly expensive>no jobs and retarded business owners who understaff their businesses by firing everyone for no reason. >If you're legit in the booneys and need groceries that 3 dollar pack of bananas will cost you like 10 dollars at the store No. 1129147
>>1129135>new orleanskek. Same with mobile, tampa, atlanta, etc. white people are literally minorities and these are homes for gay pride. Even rednecks on the outskirts of NOLA, atlanta, etc are accepting towards gays and
poc. I grew up in the south and when I moved up north it felt weird since I was so use to seeing a large population of blacks, asians, mexicans, etc. You'd find more racists in bumfuck PNW than the south
No. 1129163
>>1129141California, so lol.
>>1129147I was born and raised in Eastern Oregon. I feel like people who don’t know that part of the country think it’s going to be like Portland but drier. The PNW is largely poor people and anti-gov’t people with generational land holdings when you get away from the coast. Highest number of Confederate flags per capita (source: my ass).
No. 1129658
>>1126402I have a New England accent but everyone thinks we all sound like we're from Boston. But the Boston accent is distinctly different and stronger than the whole rest of New England. I rarely meet people who have a true thick thick Boston accent anymore. Have met a few people you clearly overexaggerate theirs, though, like this one NLOG I worked with who desperately wanted to be unique, I guess? But other than that, I think other nonnies are right about regional accents dying out. Even my New England accent has softened. Can still hear it in "car" and "coffee" but I think it's definitely softened a lot with age. I don't hear it at all in my child relatives. They are stuck to their iPads watching media all day, it definitely might be what is causing the generic American accent to become the norm.
The funny exception, though, is mommy bloggers talking about how Peppa Pig is giving their American kids British accents. Is that seriously happening? Your kid would have to be fucking glued to their TV all day, every day for that to happen, that's embarrassing. It's hilarious but really sad.
No. 1130159
>>1129897You're joking right? Red states are still crawling with homeless and the funny part about your speech is that there's less help for them (blue states usually have multiple places for homeless to take showers, eat, etc)
>where women are criminalized for getting an abortion, as is happening right now in Texas with Lizelle Herrera who is being charged for murder? Do you even know what you're talking about at this point or did you just decide to start an infight for no reason?
No. 1133601
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The only man I respect is him.
No. 1134893
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What commercial jingle do you remember best?
No. 1135637
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Burgernonnies… the severe inflation kicking anyone else’s ass rn? I do buy into the theory that it’s actually worse than 8.5% or whatever the official number is now.
No. 1135768
>>1135639eggs with pan fried green beans
alfalfa turkey cucumber wraps
premade chicken
lots of vegetables
yogurt and cheeses
garbanzo beans
No. 1143409
>>1143402I was never taught about it and only learned about it in adult life. Most racism and racial injustice in American education, at least when I was a kid, focused on slavery and blacks. Very rarely did we learn about racism or injustice towards other races.
Because of how things are now that's probably changed though. I grew up and attended school late 90s to late 2000s fwiw
No. 1143590
>>1131207Not really I'm pretty schizo and just use my whole vehicle as a weapon.
How do other Texans feel about rent and people coming to our state? Personally I'm pissed my rent jumped 300 just for a two bedroom
No. 1143964
>>1143655Interesting. Didn't know people were moving to Maine. Do they think it's cheaper? I only know a bit about Maine from my friend's 2 uni roommates who came from Maine.
>>1143937I've felt this in the last 4 years. It's bizarre.
No. 1153036
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>>1153006It's been happening to any area that's a "vacation town". I was priced out of my hometown which was a small mountain town in the northwest, people should be allowed to vacation and travel but the issue lies in the fact that the people who run everything fuck up the entire economics behind it, there's fucking garages for living in bumfuck Montana for 2100$ a month ffs, and no it's not the California boogiemen, it's greedy landlords price gouging and zero market regulation. If every single landlord tomorrow decided to charge 4k and up for rent they could and there's very little landlords that would actually be stopped. There needs to be some sort of regulation to prevent the amount of price gouging not just for rent but for groceries, gas and everything else but politicians don't care that much for us poors
No. 1153181
>>1153020It's primarily like
>>1153036 said and an issue of rich mainlanders moving there/buying permanent property that fucks up the economy for the locals. But yes, a good amount of Hawaiians dislike tourists too. Mostly because they tend to be shitty and ignore regulations while mucking up the natural environment. There are turtles and seals that have been driven away from their beaches due to masses of tourists harassing them and trying to get in their faces for pictures. People who snuck out of hotels at the height of COVID to try and avoid the quarantine regulation (obviously, HI being an island it was very at risk). Nasty hippies camping out in state parks trashing it up and squatting. That and the entire history of Queen Liliʻuokalani basically being forced at gunpoint to integrate into the U.S. has left a bitter taste for many. It also depends on what island you're on though. The Big Island tends to have more protective locals where somewhere like Oahu is thoroughly a tourist haven.
No. 1153731
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>>1153181You're right, the area I lived in was just a typical small town with cheap good restaurants, a cute library, maybe a bar or two, and simple thrift and grocery stores, etc but rich people took it. They brought up restaurants that have bland food for like 40$ an entrée (seriously, I use to work at one of those bougie mountain resorts, they sold literally microwaved kraft cheese on chips as nachos for 25 bucks) and then have cabins for like 7k a week, most of us are poor but richies keep buying homes and stuff and marking rent as like 3k a month when originally you could find an apartment here for 400 a month just 2 years ago, nobody who was born and raised there can afford it anymore and then adding "retreats" that's just beginner yoga at 5 AM and then getting drunk and getting in fights at night
they also keep ruining systems meant to entertain us poor like the free things here, camping, thrift shops, cheap restaurants etc. I use to be able to get dinner, play pool with friends and buy outfits from the thrift store for less than 20 bucks, now that will barely cover dinner nevermind thriftstore price gouging and ofc they fuck with all the wildlife, complain about harsh weather, pollute everything, etc and then they're just going to go fuck up the next town with beautiful nature once ours is ruined from all the pollution and then overcrowded with tourists acting like chimps, just like they did with gulf shores and gaitlinburg
No. 1153753
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I'm kinda happy I live in a state with a recognizable culture, may be stereotyped to hell but at least people have expectations of it, unlike some states I know nothing about the culture or people, like Nebraska for instance sorry Nesbrakanons
No. 1153759
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>>1153753On that topic I've been wondering for a while. What is in Kansas? I know it's there but I never hear anything good or bad about it or meet anyone from Kansas. But I know it's there and people live there. All I can find on Google is that they grow wheat and someone has a zonkey. What is it like there? Anyone here from Kansas? Do they even have the internet there?
No. 1153764
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>>1153753Kansas sucks, don't come to it
I actually love kansas but I'm scared making it known will attract rich people who will just fuck it up No. 1153810
>>1153792Depends where at in Kansas, my in laws live outside of Topeka and I live outside of KC. Very very family oriented and the local churches practically run everything, I literally go to the local church to watch my midget wrestling. It has its quirks like weird hobbies like there's a huge exotic pet community, plenty of fun volunteering activities esp with animals since that's my field. Since it's the Midwest you get all the good chains from the north and south like waffle house, Denny's, scooters, Freddy's, etc. Free stuff to do always and booming farmers market, cheap housing if you know where to look and wages are nicely adjusted to the price of living if you're not in KC. Walmarts are fucking everywhere and oddly laid out, people are nice like 80% of the time. Farming and stuff is obviously huge here but everything is hella monitored by the cops and locals so you unfortunately can't just explore random areas at night without having 3+ cops pull up on you. Temp is bipolar, one week you'll get a snowstorm next week you're sweating your ass off as soon as you walk outside but nature is beautiful here
No. 1153833
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Are there any nonnies in Tennessee? I’m moving there soon, I’m very excited about it, I’m going to a very middle-of-nowhere rural area but I know the terminally online image board weirdo part of me might feel extremely out of place kek
No. 1154238
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What kind of annoying moids or girl stereotypes do you have in your area? This is pretty accurate except they forgot cowboy boots kek
No. 1154277
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>>1154238This is kind of neighborhood specific tbh but I'm tired of this kind of person. There's male ones too and they don't really look too different, just kind of like Mac Demarco
No. 1154288
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So many whoreganic granola motherfuckers where I grew up. It's basically if you combined San Francisco with Phoenix.
No. 1154304
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>>1153833im in east TN! I wish i could move to a rural area the. currently living in a college town experiencing rapid growth, causing the problems other anons listed w price gouging, gentrification, traffic that exceeds existing infrastructure, etc…also way too many trannies and hipsters for my taste.
sadly tho the rural areas can be afflicted with druggies pretty bad. keep an eye on your catalytic converter. otherwise TN really is a beautiful state in terms of the outdoors. people here seem particularly retarded tho. im from alabama and just spent 5 yrs in Chicago for school and moved here before the gentrification because i couldnt afford Chicago anymore with the lockdowns affecting my job (jokes on me because now my rent is MORE) i gotta say, the locals here are just incredibly abnormally slow and kinda stupid. idk if there's something in the water or the fact that they drink mountain dew from the cradle to the grave or what….also, TERRIBLE DRIVERS!!!
all in all i have mixed feelings abt the place.
No. 1154314
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>>1154238Mine is too specific. Don’t forget the black Israelites.
No. 1154362
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>>1154355NC to be exact kek.
No. 1154552
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>>1153764>>1153810Kansas nonnies, can you help me? I've been living abroad for the past 2 years and am moving back to Kansas for school. I really loved my time abroad and am depressed about going back to America (though excited for school again). What are some really awesome things I can look forward to experiencing in Kansas so I can minimize my reverse culture shock blues? Kansas City seems cool and (not in Kansas, but) I'm excited to go hiking in the Ozarks sometime. What are some cool historical, natural, or plain interesting things to experience?
No. 1154710
>>1154362Are there a fair amount weebs in North Carolina? Admittedly, I don't know much about the Carolinas in general but being part of the south I thought it would be more like this post
No. 1155141
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hellscape tbqh
No. 1155230
>>1135639For me it's about building healthy habits around food, like, if I'm having a normal day and want to eat something carby I'll eat brown bread, sourdough, or a multigrain wrap (if I'm going out then I'll get whatever sounds best atm)
Lots of fruits and vegetables, doesn't matter which ones so much if you're just trying to get healthier in general
I snack on raw almonds a ton cause they have a nice natural sweetness
No. 1155948
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>>1125465>>1125604>>1126417feel this is gonna be really common with the woke
woc who date/marry bland white men, like I don't know how they convince themselves their kids aren't gonna come out white passing at least
No. 1156826
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>>1154552nonnie I don't know why nobody replied to you. I didn't live in Kansas very long but I highly recommend driving through the flint hills and visiting the grassland parks. Kansas is special because it's so vast and empty without being depressing and boring to look at like Oklahoma. There are towns in Kansas with main streets that are practically unchanged since the 50s that are fun to drive through even though they only last for a few seconds. It is so insanely dark at night, too. Like, you will feel suspended in outer space. Anyways thank you for the beautiful Kansas propaganda poster which is extremely relevant to my interests. All glory be to Kansas
No. 1156842
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Where are the Rhode Island anons
Why tf did it snow recently, it's almost May ffs
Also rent and homes are getting ridiculously expensive here, why are people moving here? We have nothing going on, go away
No. 1156852
>>1156849Bless you,
nonnie. Idk how but I've gone to nearby states like New Hampshire and Maine and they didn't know what it was. Being so close, I was surprised. So idk what the other states know of us, tbh.
No. 1156892
>>1156868Thank you nonna
>>1156880That's usually what I do, but I thought coffee milk would be different.
No. 1156893
>>1156880Idk, I always felt like coffee milk tasted more concentrated to me. But my mom always bought the syrup so maybe I'm just used to that.
>>1156875I agree that Providence is corrupt but hasn't that always been known? What made you first realize it was corrupt? I remember, growing up, my family would be bitching about Cianci and then finally celebrated when he went away kek and of course, everyone has hatred for Gina Raimondo.
No. 1156988
>>1156896yea but not all crime perpetrated against asians is an asian hate crime.
there was a guy who was breaking windows of stores along a certain street. the asians got on tv saying it was racially motivated, when non-asian owned businesses were also targeted by that guy.
No. 1158148
>>1157712Dumbasses here like to jut out in front of you through 3 lanes to get into the turning lane, though the road infrastructure in my city sucks tbh
>>1158057I've never been by doesn't San Francisco have a huge homeless problem? I find homeless and drugged out bum scrotes tend to be 10x more bold and predatory towards random women. It's not like they much to loose if they get in trouble for it. I tend to avoid big cites and carry pepper spray, also don't go anywhere alone at night these places
No. 1158168
>>1158057The larger the population of homeless people and druggies in a city, the worse of an experience you'll have with men.
I grew up in NYC so I thought it was pretty bad here but San Francisco is somehow an even bigger shithole.
No. 1159032
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What is public transportation like in your state/city nonnas? I live in NYC so as much as I scream about how disgusting and awful MTA is, pretty much the entire city is accessible via public transportation so I never worry about being able to get somewhere. I lived upstate for college in a small town and there was a single bus that ran on a loop but I was able to walk out from campus to the center of town, but if we wanted to go anywhere else we had to go with a friend who had a car. I've been to SF too and have ridden BART and the bus there, but I was only there for a day so I didn't really get to experience too much of it. I've heard Chicago is similar to NYC too, but I'm most curious about pretty much any other state since I rarely hear people speak about public transport there since everyone mainly has cars.
No. 1159037
>>1158054I studied abroad in Japan, but I'm Asian, so until I spoke everyone just assumed I was Japanese and I was left alone lol. My friends always said I spoke too fast.
There was actually a time I went out to see a castle with friends (two other international students and some Japanese students) and some girls approached my friends to practice speaking english with them. They were tall, white men (Norwegian and German) and spoke English just fine but my Japanese friend said "oh she's actually American, she's fluent!" and pointed at me but they didn't want to talk with me kek. It was a blessing in disguise because my friends got stuck talking with them for an hour while my friends and I wandered the grounds.
No. 1159181
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nonnie, thank you so much! I bless your day to be full of good food and cute animals today! What a great recommendation, thank you.
No. 1159261
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>>1153833>>1154304I've lived in Knoxville and Nashville. East TN has the worst hillbilly backwards people I've ever met. Nashville is exploding rn, way too many people moving there. If you like getting shitfaced and dancing to pop country you'll love it downtown. Knoxville can be nice. Ofc there's a ton of college kids but the downtown has lots of stuff to do. However, wouldn't move back because I don't care about football and the whole town revolves around it. Plus people are pretty dumb as anon mentioned kek
I'm trying to move to NC. The state also has crazy growth but I would love to be in a small rural town near the blue ridge mountains.
No. 1159266
File: 1651508623035.jpeg (44.5 KB, 488x488, 4D178013-F4EE-4FE7-9B29-D5D30C…)

Which one of these kinds of grocery store sweets are your favorites? These will always hold a special place in my heart
No. 1159284
File: 1651509137966.jpg (65.75 KB, 800x533, Southern-Toasted-Pecan-Chewies…)

>>1159266A local grocery store sells picrel, fresh pecan chewies, and I love them. I also love the Pillsbury pumpkin cookies with white choco chips that they sell in fall. I don't know if those counts, but I don't really eat boxed cakes or desserts so.
No. 1160219
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No. 1160263
>>1160219I think they put up barricades around the supreme court building so I'm expecting the worst. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Why does this country hate women I'm so sick
No. 1160275
>>1160219Is this because Dems are losing votes due to tranny/race shit? People would be able to vote republican and still retain abortion rights with Roe v Wade, but if it gets overturned then that means abortion rights would have to be set by the state, right? So women would have to choose a pro-choice candidate (which are usually dem or progressive), essentially forcing women to vote Dem to retain freedom? Is that right or am I retarded? Either way, why is it always women who have to suffer and have the carrot dangled over our heads…
>>1160263Men establish power through violence, now they have it they outlaw violence so women cannot retake it using new technology. Society hates women because society is controlled by men who have a stranglehold on power and the entitlement and ego to believe they deserve it for the achievement of being born.
No. 1160288
>>1160219The fuckers stated in writing they want to overrule the decision that allows for interacial marriage, birth control, and LGBT rights
This is how you get an entire generation that hates the government
No. 1160313
>>1160219In my experience younger republicans seem okayish with abortion. Kind of like legalizing weed, a lot of the younger generation of republicans are pro legalizing weed.
With that said, wouldn't scrotes want women to be able to abort? All they ever go on about it getting baby trapped and paying child support
No. 1160394
>>1160326I feel like this would cause a lot of women to resent their children. Imagine getting raped and all you get is a giant fuck you to the face. And the fact that some women even agree with this. Absolutely fucking awful.
If a man even looks like he's about to come at me sideways, I'm going to be ready to kill him I don't give a fuck. I'll go home and sleep like a baby afterwards.
No. 1160490
Im seeing a lot of posts and tweets bringing up how high our maternal mortality rate is compared to other developed countries. Does anyone have any idea WHY our rate is so high? Is it the high rates of obesity and diabetes? All the c-sections performed? General lack of midwives we have? Or does it just boil down to having bad quality medical care?
I did look into it a little further and found
> 52 percent of the deaths were postpartum deaths, or deaths that happened after delivery. Nineteen percent of all maternal deaths were between one and six days postpartum, 21 percent were between one and six weeks postpartum, and 12 percent of all maternal deaths took place during the remaining portion of the year, which is also known as late maternal death. wonder if other countries track maternal morality deaths so far post birth.
No. 1160516
>>1160490Obesity, diabetes and shitty, expensive healthcare means a lot of women aren't getting good prenatal care. But some states just have better guidelines for what to look for when with a patient. IIRC California is the best state for maternal deaths while Texas is the worst.,16.9%20deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20births.
tldr the state department of public health put together a task force to investigate every death, found that most were preventable and put together guidelines for hospitals to evaluate patients with.
No. 1160548
>>1160544Not this individual ruling but once Roe is gone, any law based on the right to privacy is going to be attacked by the GOP
Which is basically anything that states a woman is not property of a man.
No. 1160595
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>>1143590schizo chan be my gf pls
No. 1160785
File: 1651564330111.png (161.01 KB, 401x449, when-abortion-is-banned.png)

>>1160219At the risk of sounding schizo, shit makes it sound like the U.S. is heading towards becoming a hellhole like Romania was under Ceausescu, where he made complete ban on abortion and effectively made it illegal for a woman to not be pregnant durning her fertility years. It went far enough to the point to where authorities were sent to run pregnancy test on women during work or school. One of the most drastically unfortunate events resultant of this total ban was the obvious and very predictable event of unwanted babies born from this. A large amount of them were sent to orphanages where they were neglected at crucial time of their development where they needed care and affection the most. This led to them having severe emotional issues later on in their lives.
There is one site detailing all of this but I can't seem to find it right but you'll get multiple results if you google "ceausesu abortion ban". The consequences of what happens when abortion is banned are known.
Women in the U.S. died through unwanted pregnancies and attemped abortions before Roe v. Wade. The case itself was predicated on the fact that a woman has the right to the privacy of her own body, a right that the government cannot infringe upon. We lose that, women as a whole in the Unites States will be on a freefall losing their autonomy. Remember, there was a time when women were not allowed to drive using the same reasonings that the Saudis today don't let women drive. It was only a few generations ago that women couldn't open up a bank account without a husband's approval, i.e. the ability to control our own money, an ability imperative to become independant, was left on the whims of a moid, an individual who, like that of a sociopath, does not see women beyond the use they provide for him. A free maid/vessel that will bare him sons. Your ability to say…
>"I want a divorce">"I want to go to college">"I want to get a better job">"I want to buy a house/own property">"I don't want to get married">etc.… is on pathway to be rendered null and void should Roe v. Wade get overturned. This will be the Supreme Court, and by extension scrotes at large, essentially saying that your wishes don't matter and that your choices are theirs to control.
Sure, if the supreme court is successfull in overturning this it will just get left to the states to decide individually but we've seen that states laws change all the time (just a peek at the tranny threads will tell you that. hint hint, blue states are still run by scrotes). That's not even taking into account that states themselves have attempted on people do in other states. I forget which state it was, but there was one who proposed a state-bill stating that they should jail any woman who went out-of-state for an abortion. Then there was TX's abortion-snitch-hotline that thankfully go cranked called to hell not too long ago.
Apologies for the long as shit post but the fact that my ability to not want to anchor myself to a man, especially through a child that he most likely won't give a shit about anyway, is under both constant derision and attack, with handmaiden help no less, just drives up the fucking wall.
No. 1160873
File: 1651570643376.jpg (1.21 MB, 2000x2922, Yoshitaka Amano.jpg)

Nonas, I'm really sick of it all. I'm willing to do anything, really. I'm an unemployed NEET with no future ahead so I don't have anything to lose. Maybe I sound like an ultra-cringe-kek-2edgy4u loser, but nothing is going to change if we don't form something and attack. I feel silly typing that, but seriously. I see people on Twit talking about a revolution, but it's all "I'm ready when you are." I'm sick of the only way to cope is to consume or get some hobbies, but even that involves some consuming. How tf am I supposed to enjoy my hobby when shit is going down!!!! I've already consumed so much shit for 20+ years of my life, thinking of consuming even more while shit like this happens upstairs makes me want to fucking kill myself. It needs to happen soon.
No. 1160922
>>1160873If I were you I'd make it my life goal to kill one (1) republican male who's vocally Pro life in a way that can't be traced back to you and the motivations aren't obvious and they can't turn him into a martyr. Just find one on twitter or in the comments of the fox news site and make it your goal. I really don't think society/women can congregate in a way that could enact change these days,but you can rest easy knowing you've made a small positive change.
Sorry, it's just wishful thinking I suppose.
No. 1161418
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Tx anons… how are you?
No. 1161440
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>>1161418It's tough but we're hanging in there. Only thing we can do.
No. 1162023
File: 1651608687276.jpg (53.26 KB, 549x607, gallerysmall_450182.jpg)

>>1159181Nonnie your blessing worked, I read it yesterday right before going out with my best friend. We had a great lunch, then saw some geese and a pony! You have magic powers! Kansas is going to make you so powerful!
No. 1162270
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>>1161418Very worried that I will not be able to afford a house in the city I was born in. Part of me thinks that this is a temporary spike, but another part of me worries that prices aren't gonna go back down for myriad reasons.
No. 1162339
>>1162303It's ridiculous. Rent is so insanely high that living on your own makes it impossible to save any money so that you can buy your own house/condo, so that your payments are technically building your wealth and not somebody else's. Renting is literally throwing away money, but it's so fucked up that most people don't have the option to stop doing so.
I've made very good financial choices in life, and if not for this recent spike in house prices, I would've been able to take out a mortgage by now. But my savings and income aren't increasing at nearly the rate the housing prices are. I think right now, all I can hope for is being able to buy a house outside city limits in a few years.
No. 1165019
>>1164950Roe vs Wade is an umbrella law, it protects abortions but it protects A LOT of other things pertaining to pregnancy, I think since it's related they may try something but I also kind of doubt it.
The official ruling is in June or July and it'll really just be down to the state, so I won't try to doompost much but it still is a scary thing to witness so I won't blame others for doing so.
I saw a video of a girl explaining what it's like living in a country where abortions are illegal and it's so heartbreaking. Men are evil and the fact that most women who agree with them won't realize it until it's too late is honestly so sad to see.
No. 1167354
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Not a burger, but republicans conveniently forget that abortion is healthcare.
No. 1167559
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Louisiana Republicans have voted to advance a bill out of committee making abortion from the moment of fertilization a crime, in which the mother can be charged with homicide.
No. 1168783
File: 1651867719734.png (119.4 KB, 917x628, image.PNG) wonder if things like this are gonna start happening more if they are successful in banning abortions. Better option than leaving them in front of fire stations.
No. 1168838
>>1168783Fucking kek.
>woman explicitly states she doesn't want to be a mom>male forces her to become a mom>she has zero personal involvement in the child's life>surprised pikachu>male regrets his decision to become a single parent>omg y she 'deadbeat mom'!?>woman is paying 125% of the ordered child supportSingle mothers are considered lucky if they even see a fraction of the child support they should be getting. She's doing far more than she should, good on her for restarting her life and seemingly having a great time of it while this scrote suffers. I'm glad the court actually took her side to an extent, this would be massive karma if men force us to give birth then actually have to take responsibility for the life they supposedly wanted so much. It's not about actual parenthood for men, it's about control and ~~~legacy~~~ and passing on their shit genes, except they want to have a bangmaid to do all the hard work of raising a kid for them so they can swoop in and claim the glory of being an awesome dad simply for having coomed into a woman.
No. 1169276
>>1169214Probably her way of revenge for him trying to force her. We're only getting his side so I don't know how bad his incessant begging for her to give birth was.
She was committed and angry enough to teach him a lesson about parenthood for her to go through pregnancy, which is a whole other battle. I personally would've aborted it and told him to kick the chair and swing
No. 1169530
>>1169276>I don't know how bad his incessant begging for her to give birth was. >She was committed and angry enough to teach him a lesson I don't know how you can say the first part but then follow it up with the second. I've heard from quite a few women who were much younger than scrotes like this, very naïve and simply didn't have the perspective to stand up for themselves or the future child when they were at a vulnerable point in their lives. For all we know he was emotionally
abusive, begging and pleading and berating her to have this kid until she gave in, she relents and says fine since she genuinely believed he wanted it that badly and was going to become this amazing single parent (since that's what he signed on for), then after a few years of separation she realizes fuck, I was foolish to have believed he would step up, kid is an innocent byproduct of what happened but I still don't want to be involved. Which is totally fair. Least I can do is overpay on child support (again, far more than scrotes ever do) and ensure it goes to a woman who wants it if ex-idiot ever locks down a woman again. To assume she full on had this Machiavellian plot to birth a child out of pure spite is a massive leap.
No. 1170862
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Is rent going to be like this for forever now? Idaho used to be so cheap but I can't even afford to move out of this 1 bed with my bf even though I just got a full-time job with a degree. I feel so fucked. I'm grateful that we don't have to have roommates like everyone else I know, but I also thought we'd be able to afford to leave this hellhole by now. There's literally no way to meet the income requirements or even get an application in in time with the amount of people looking for housing. We have no choice but to stay in this shitty 500sqft apartment with paper thin walls. It could be worse but I expected it would get better when we moved into here……..
No. 1171305
>>1171289it’s not banned yet, it’s just a possibility for now.
unless you are a nona from the future…
No. 1172614
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>>1171289My fiancé I getting a Vasectomy this Friday. I’m so thankful.
No. 1172617
>>1170899>>1170862Sadly, unless we revive Mao or get some actual laws that put a cap on rent, it's going to get worse. I moved out of my apartment 6 years ago when they raised the rent over $400 and now i'm living in an area where rent is going up again. It's so terrifying because so many people with full time jobs and living with room mates still barely make ends meet.
The tenants are the ones suffering. Landlords can fuck off and die. they're bastards
No. 1172664
>>1172637>>1172647Didn't realize we had so many people familiar with burta here, haha. Calgary is a really nice place to live.
>>1172663It's not so bad. As long as you have a good coat, pair of waterproof boots, and a toque you'll be fine.
No. 1173113
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bumping to hide tranny continually posting and bumping cp
No. 1173121
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Bump don’t scroll there’s a troon posting cp
No. 1173124
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Bump don’t scroll
No. 1173322
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do other american anons remember these?
No. 1173436
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missing dollar tree hours
(euro anon)
No. 1173532
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>>1173322Absolutely loved the hot cheetos ones as a kid.
No. 1174720
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Any nonas who owe student loans here? How much do you owe? Did you go for a federal or private loan? I'm seriously considering Sallie Mae because I need a relatively small amount of money quick for summer classes. Don't think I'll get approved because I have a low 600s credit score and I only make roughly 480-720 a month because of my retail job and shitty hours. I hate how college here is so expensive and it's nearly impossible to get a good paying job without a degree.
No. 1175414
>>1174720I graduated and paid off my loans a few years ago but I owed about 16k upon graduation in federal loans only. I think I'm a bit of an outlier situation though, I went to a public state university and was admitted through the EOP program (program for stupid+poor kids) so I received additional grants and didn't have to take out nearly as much in loans. On the other hand, my friend came out with 60k in loans. Not sure if he took out private loans on top of federal loans though.
If you have the option to take out only federal loans, take out only federal loans. I avoided private loans like the plague because the interest rates are just too damn high.
No. 1175438
>>1174720I had 45k in federal loans I've paid off. It's hard to give advice without more context.
Have you looked into FAFSA? Federal loans don't need a cosigner and are better. In any case make sure you understand how your loan will grow over time…
No. 1191044
>>1175406Yes, mostly only drink tap water. I hate messing around with filters and bottled water is a waste of money to me unless it's the occasional seltzer water since that's kinda special
>>1190466I am considering it because I don't feel that safe where I live and have an ongoing harassment situation with some men on my street, but I think realistically I am probably going to go for a stun gun first and decide after carrying it for a while if I feel protected enough. I'm extremely pro-guns for women because they are an equalizer, but I have a lot of reservations about whether I personally can handle owning one.
No. 1192883
File: 1653263826524.png (1.03 MB, 1152x1224, XKV4INzVNhtijisg_ux9y0lM-HaI7P…)

Which state logo is yours anons
No. 1192902
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>>1192883None of these are great. Ohio especially is a disappointment because their logo from 100 years ago is much cooler.
No. 1193036
File: 1653274613416.jpg (91.73 KB, 1080x575, Screenshot_20220522-213608.jpg)

Dang why is honey boo boo so underrated
No. 1193059
>>1192883The slogan for Kansas is kinda funny, I suppose it
is a large state but I never really had any preconceived notions about its size.
No. 1193062
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>>1193059You would expect Texas to say that honestly. Does anyone think anything of Kansas other than picrel?
>>1193060It is honestly terrifying, and I genuinely want to move in the future.
No. 1193120
>>1192883wait is Texas's no longer "don't mess with texas"?
dumb commentary from a former design major
>oklahomai can see they take pride in their musical, their logo reminds me of a broadway play
>alabamareally hard to read on that teeny button
>arizonabetter mod font than oklahomas
>utahi fucking hate the slanted effect without proper beveling and the "u" needs that extra serif removed. looks like a failed university logo
>alaskanow this is cute font design, love the way the mountains are etched into the A's and the playful placement of the lettering
>new yorkvery simple and very iconic easily recognizable
>south dakotasoft 80s version of the north font. why hot pink. why make mount rushmore and the bottom heading starkly different colors
>north dakotaedgy south dakota. the glyphs on this look nice though and the bottom slogan is a lot cleaner than the south version
>ohiois that the logo for the office
>wyomingtrying to steal the dakotas thunder by copying their logo (unless it came first)
>idahoida have to ask why there's an entire map of the united states in the corner
>new mexicowould look nice on a sign but suffers from the same fate as alabamar when it comes to readability. also new mexico using such bland boring colors just doesn't fit right; even arizona has a nice little flower. considering all the native culture and beautiful nature it just feels understated
>tenneseecheeky and cheesy as hell but nice usage of simple curves and shapes
>mississipicant spell it but the connection between the separate s's in the logo has always been very classy to me. once again highly recognizable
>texasI swear the other versions of the texas logo I've seen are different than this one. this one has a great slogan but is too yee yee design wise
>floridai expected more chaos from the state full of crazies, booooring
>georgiainstantly recognizable iconograph
>louisianalooks like the font they use for crime shows or the infamous "you wouldn't steal a car" ads. am shocked there's no allusions to mardi gras or a choice of more playful, swooping font. very uncharacteristic of them
>south carolinathey should probably swap fonts with the sans serif for the north. i always loved the palm tree icon growing up and visiting sc for vacations, but they should modernize the font
>north carolinaas said before them and sc need to swap fonts
>west virginiaresembles the impact meme font too much. at least they're using some color…
>hawaiiit's fun and wild and totally befitting of the state
a lot of these I don't feel like reviewing the rest. they all start to look samey after awhile. alaska, michigan, missouri, rhode island and tennesee have a nice usage of iconography but most states fall flat. georgia, new york and missouri are instantly recognizable, I have a personal fondness for south carolinas logo. lots of these states would better suit swapping a sans serif out for a serif or vice versa
some of them look horrendous at different sizes. i wish the states known for native populations and art would have more vibrant colors, and there was a wider variety of color palettes in general
/ end design sperg
No. 1193377
>>1192883The I♥NY one is so iconic.
Leagues better than any of the rest.
Truly a gem of design.
No. 1194416
>>1194375Honestly you're gonna need to define decent, most places either have a useful public transit system that is plagued with dirtiness, homeless people and sketchiness, or cleaner, safer public transit that doesn't run frequently and is very spread out
If you're serious about traveling learn to use a car because you'll probably come off as an easy mark, especially if you end up in the wrong neighborhood which will probably happen. I'm saying this as someone who only used public transit for years in Philly
No. 1194784
>>1194762Americans think any sort of homeless is crackhead. Maybe… Have affordable and reasonable housing that doesn't require credit scores, 3 previous places of residency and so on? Build more shelters so the homeless can have decent hygiene and not scare you? Make better healthcare so people don't degenerate from other diseases? Crackheads are an issue but nothing is done to stop them. One of the biggest problems I always hated about America is that in order to solve problems they just make overly complicated laws that somewhat relate to the problem but not really and are shocked when nothing gets done.
>many people are driving fucked up cars and constantly getting into accidents, they can be stricter on handing out driving licences.This 100%. I lived in the PNW and ended up sliding off the road on several occasions during snowstorms because it was like $1000 for new tires, I spent over $100 on an oil change where they didn't even remove the previous oil or change the filter! They literally just threw new oil in it, I'm not a car person and even I knew not to do that. Car repairs are insanely through the roof for extremely low quality so it forces people to drive unsafe cars and are shocked when so many people die in car accidents. Not to mention quality is going down like crazy. Back then if I got new tires, gas, an oil change, etc it would last a good while now it seems like oil is draining like crazy, tires don't last for more than a few months and gas is lower quality than ever
Boomers driving are the worst too but everyone makes so many allowances for them despite fucking up traffic and swerving all over the road, but if you're young and do something as small as go a few miles over the speed limit people act as if you deserve a slow painful death
No. 1194892
>>1194396>>1194416I mean, it's not hard to not get off at the wrong stop if you trip plan, plus with gmaps it's easier to not get lost than ever. but I hear y'all. most transit systems and general walkability are concentrated in the downtown core but that's also where the homeless and drug addicts are.
is there less homeless in the cold months? I know they like to come to California in the winter, so they're here year round. I wonder if the #s fluctuate in places with actual seasons.
my baseline is bay area transit systems, which I would say is world-average. not as good as anywhere with actual infrastructure but not so you literally need the expense and burden of a car just to live.
>>1194754I hate the car dependence, but the real blame is the billions of dollars of lobbying from auto industry not broke average people.
No. 1195042
>>1195037yeah, you just gotta constantly remind people of the bigger picture.
car addicts don't make it easy though. very easy demo to hate, straight up assholes.
No. 1195071
>>1194754I fucking can’t stand euros butting in every time Americans talk about cars. I used to drive 30 mins for my commute and I live in a state where we regularly get temps above 100 degrees and I had this retard on Discord scolding me for being “brainwashed” for being car dependent, and kept telling me I should bike there instead. Sure I’m gonna cycle a 3 hour round trip when it’s 110 degrees out just to wageslave.
I hate how train transit isn’t even very feasible here because everything is so spread out cause of suburban sprawl. I’d rather take a train everywhere if it were possible but I doubt it will ever happen in my shitty southwestern city.
No. 1195254
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>>1195245Samefag but picrel. Also, the pic I attached says the suspect is dead, but other sites say they're in custody.
No. 1195443
File: 1653432270511.jpg (236.09 KB, 1600x906, bologna.jpg)

I love being American and I love ranch dressing. Also, we have the best summer traditions. 4th of July for fireworks and shooting, tubing, camping, four wheeling, frisbee golf, 4H for food animals and demolition derby, badminton then cooling off in the water, grill some burgers and brats, the bologna festival, so much I swear I kind of get why people like living down south because you aren't cooped up hiding from the air hurting your face half the damn year and you can live your life
No. 1195500
File: 1653434219764.jpg (49.71 KB, 600x320, glorified-rice-your-aunt.jpg)

>>1195497If Midwesterners can do things like picrel, I wouldn't be surprised if they had bologna worshipping festivals.
No. 1195515
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>>1195453> Every July, Yale plays host to the Yale Bologna Festival, a 3 day weekend event that closes the streets and transforms this small community of just under 2,000 to a gathering of over 20,000 Bologna starved party-goers!> Bologna starved party-goers!is this what lead ingestion does to people
No. 1195531
File: 1653435919541.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.52 KB, 706x886, 71455A6E-013E-492C-B712-1D46BA…)

>>1195374He looks like a ghoul
No. 1195551
File: 1653436744836.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.24 KB, 604x676, 55176FB8-EA40-4579-96DC-9716D9…)

>>1195531From his drivers license. Apparently he was 18 years old.
No. 1195570
>>1195551Tinfoil but I suspect that he, like Adam Lanza, was a pedo. Either that or he just killed a bunch of children because no one is shocked by adults and teenagers being killed anymore.
Be safe girls, mass shootings happen in clusters. Know your emergency exits.
No. 1195579
File: 1653438835441.jpeg (175.58 KB, 828x515, 6D1F4A5D-1B1A-4F04-B87C-DCDDE0…)

The Uvalde congressman is getting ratioed to hell. I guess he forgot it’s an election year.
No. 1195584
File: 1653439260002.jpg (87.39 KB, 718x952, FTkF-lmVEAAYshq.jpg)

>>1195570Samefag, this is the gunman looool
No. 1195599
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>>1195584Stop spreading misinformation, dumbass.
No. 1195650
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If we include the black guy from a month ago we basically have a whole Captain Planet cast of psychotic burger murderers in a month timespan
No. 1195687
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Any of you nonnies been out of the country on medical tourism? My teeth are terrible because I haven’t been able to afford the dentist here in a long time, so I have extensive work that needs done and it’s starting to affect my overall health. I’m considering Cancun. An all inclusive vacation plus getting my teeth fixed for the same price as a single root canal in the states.
No. 1195731
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>>1195684We are so fucked as a nation. Suggesting sensible gun legislation in order to prevent the violent deaths of literal children is enough to make right-wingers foam at the mouths– which is impressive given that they exist in a perpetual state of having Tucker Carlson's dick down their throats.
I know shitlibs get (rightfully) made fun of for their cringe alliance with troons and a myriad of other issues, but god damn, at least "the left" isn't on the wrong side of this debate. Your freedom to own guns is more important than the lives of children? Do they not feel nauseated imagining these innocent children dying in such a gruesome, senseless way?
Just end me now, nonnies… I can't stand living on earth with these absolute retard gun nuts
No. 1195746
>>1195732>>1195734Sure. I’m not suggesting a particular solution, but it seems immoral to not try. Yes, people will always get guns, just like all illegal activity happens regardless of the law. Yes, outright banning all gun ownership is unconstitutional, regrettably (kek). However, there are surely steps we can take to make it more difficult to obtain and own a gun. Mandatory, repeated training. Extensive background checks. Mental health screenings.
I don’t have the answers and I don’t mean to sound like I do— but I’ll die on the hill of “it’s better to try than not at all” like the gun nuts. I wish they hadn’t made an entire identity out of owning guns. It’s so pervasive.
No. 1195776
>>1126408If you had one you aren't guaranteed to have the cute one. I grew up with a slight accent but it was horrid as hell. It did truly sound like I was mentally stunted.
But I'm talking I grew up as trailer trash around druggies and shit so it was probably less of region and more of who I was around. I got mocked for it once by some little shit on a bus once
His parents should've whooped him.
I moved more north and gradually lost it though.
No. 1195780
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>>1195775Reject humanity
Return to b u r g e r
No. 1196376
>>1195570idk its tinfoil but based on the theorized motive posted over in the tinfoil thread plus my personal experience I don't think lanza was a pedo himself. I think that is why he killed his mom, either because she CSA'd him or brought a scrote into his life that did as a young boy. because she was an elementary school teacher, this fundamentally broke his sense of understanding for not only his relationship with his mother and how she treated other children vs. him but also his view towards childhood innocence.
his theorized motive + killing of his mother read to me much more like someone who was a
victim of CSA or something similar as a young child, and because of that, spiraled so far down into crazy that he really did find it the most merciful thing to do to stop the suffering of those children as they grow into adults was to stop their lives all together. i don't think he felt entitled to hurting them, I think he really did somehow think he was entitled to ending their lives because it was ending their suffering from their parents and a world that didn't care.
No. 1196439
>>1196408I'm not American but I was in public lately when some weird scrote nearby was playing an American podcast or video out loud… we're so far from America that it really stood out as odd given they were very much only talking about the US and their own
politics. It was two hosts talking about how men have it hard and how every type of minority is screwing over men. Acting like men's roles are doomed and like men are being denied their God given right to a submissive wife who is a slut and a virgin and a high earner and a housewife and a low maintenance gal but a flawless, feminine, hairless, perfectly preened, 10 out of 10.
You're a king being denied your throne basically.. life is so unfair and if only you'd been born in the 50s. I can see how content like that has young guys wound up and resentful of a life they think they were owed. Hating the world because adult men aren't automatically worshipped.
No. 1196601
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Texas governmental candidate and democrat Beto O'Rourke disrupted a press conference and got dragged out. Abbott and his lackeys got angry at him for "making this political" and were more enraged about his disruption than the actual shooting.
>You are doing nothing. You are offering up nothing. You said this was not predictable. This was totally predictable when you choose not to do anything outside the courthouse talks about how mental healthcare in Texas has been diminished and gun restrictions have been loosened, points out the hypocrisy of Abbott for still going to the NRA conference and bragging about how easy he makes open carry doubtful this will sway Texans to be less retarded and not vote abbott again but he has balls
No. 1196620
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>>1196605This was already debunked
>>1195599all the articles refer to him as male. the new rumors you're seeing were started on /pol/ and the dude in the photo alleged to be "tranny ramos" confirmed it was him and he was trolling
No. 1196629
>>1196589>>1196597yeah it isn't at all like america's japanese internment camps, bleach showers of mexicans seeking asylum at the so-called border, continued and perpetuating genocide of native americans happened. or like we don't live in a country with a militarized police state where you can simultaneously have "the right to bear arms" but also be justified in getting shot at point blank range by police because they deem you a threat weapon or not.
or the fact that the fucking nazis and hitler admitted to being inspired by the tactics the US government has used in the past when it came to how they approached their attempted genocide in Germany. must be nice sitting in your white suburban american bubbles where your rights being infringed upon is just a thing of the past right? this is why the phrase white feminism exists lol just because it isn't happening to you doesn't mean the comparison between the US and the Nazis who admitted to being inspired by American tactics is any less accurate No. 1196722
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>>1196460Washington DC and Rhode Island are officially legalizing recreational marijuana use. There are now 20 states that recreational weed use is allowed. Is weed legal in your state, nonnies? How do you feel about the ever growing number of states legalizing it? Do you oppose it or just not care?
No. 1196775
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>>1196460America actually has some amazing national wonders to visit that are drop dead gorgeous but most Americans don't give a shit about nature, unfortunately. It's also still expensive to get out to these areas and people litter and ruin the places, which sucks. Why can't we have nice things.
>>1196735Shit, I didn't mean to reply to your post with my weed question kek I was just curious about other amerifags opinions but was also going to respond to your post, too. But I wanted to find a good collage of natural wonders off google. Ended up making separate posts but didn't delete it right. Sorry, anon, I'm just a dumbass. Reposting, corrected now.
No. 1196830
>>1196722Live in WA and only voted yes for tax purposes. I hate stoners.
But because they deal mostly in cash the stores are a big robbery target and a clerk in one store was killed in an armed robbery recently.
No. 1196951
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I’m so fucking done with the “it’s mental illness!!” Bullshit. What were “we” supposed to do, psychically find out that the 18 year old with no history of mental illness was actually oops totally fucked up cuckoo bananas crazy? Crazy retard freaks like this shooter exist across the world, they just somehow don’t manage to go on mass murdering sprees of tiny children. Solve that riddle you fuckfaces.
No. 1196965
>>1196951Exactly lol. Like I've seen people deadass try and say that gun deaths would just 1:1 be replaced with other weapons but straight up half the gun deaths couldn't happen with any other weapon. Maybe you'd stab like two or three people before you got swarmed and you'd have to put in more actual effort to actually kill them instead of just pulling a
trigger and letting the gun do all the easy work
No. 1197104
>>1196775You're right, I've been to multiple landmarks in the US and it's so fucking expensive, it's cheaper to explore a city but still expensive. Expensive to get in, expensive for lodging, expensive for everything else. I went to the grand canyon and paid like 80/ a night for an airstream and the host didn't even bother hooking up air, water or anything else or mentioning that the place didn't have any amenities, it was practically a glorified tent. Didn't bother to help either with helping getting everything running. Every restaurant in town outside of fast food was insanely expensive. Most tourist experiences are half assed as fuck unless you book a literal year in advance for the donkey your. The entire south, is absolutely shit tier, from Texas to Florida, crack motels are outrageous, crowded, and there's poverty and trash everywhere, everyone is rude and gross, there's little to nothing to do and the things you can do are absolutely slammed
No. 1197116
>>1196951The irony in Texas being ranked among if not one of the lowest states when it comes to mental healthcare. Abbott doesn't give a shit about mental health more than he cares about restricting womens rights to their own bodies. He and his comrades couldn't show less emotion everytime this happens
>>1197041They're the ones who house these kinds of shooter freaks in the first place, of course they think it's funny. Actual right wing news outlets picked up an obvious 4chan false flag so they could somehow dip into their "left is evil, tranny did shooting, muh guns good, gun control bad" angle.
No. 1197701
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>>1196473>paying $30 for some shitty friesgiving me flashbacks to working at "high end" resorts as a teenager that would charge several thousands a week for a basic looking cabin and mountain town restaurants that charged upwards of $30-50 for the most basic, dry, overly salted bar food ever
cities are becoming like this too, restaurant food has just became shit tier quality and it's practically just a waste of money now, has anyone been to heart attack grill in vegas? literally the driest, most flavorless burger I've ever ate, what's even the point of wasting all the calories and cholesterol if I can't even enjoy the food anymore?
No. 1198122
>>1195579Jesusfags like this are the worst.. for fucking real??
>>1196951Texas should have seceded like it planned to years ago. I cant name a more useless and worthless state than Texas and Florida.
No. 1198240
>>1198115You think the blizzard and the after effects of the freeze, ted skipping off to Cancun and the power grid would have torn down what little credibility these lobbying hacks do have in the eyes of the public, at least with undecided or moderate voters? The results of the freeze were massively damaging both personally and infrastructurally. The GOP hacks have done jacksquat to fix the broken system that caused these power failures
Beto should have run for senator again. There's enough people who don't like ted (hell, even the senate hates ted, lindsay graham said you could kill ted on the senate floor and nobody would prosecute you, and that's coming from someone as disgusting as him) and the state is slowly tipping, he was around 48% to ted's 52% in the last election. Him going up against abbott was an extremely bad idea from the get go.
No. 1198858
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Just posting a cake I made
No. 1199121
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>>1197701oh god i thought it was just me who found resturant food to be bland. i live in a city that has pretty decent food if you know where to find it but lately everytime i've gone out to eat it just isn't worth the money. for me the only thing worth buying from a restaurant is stuff that has raw fish in it, mostly because i'm afraid of fucking it up at home and accidently giving myself food poisoning kek. i 100% refuse to go out to american style resturants anymore because i can easily make the same shit better for half the price
No. 1200908
>>1200826pokebowls are pretty good, but they are fairly easy to make at home.
>>1199121for safety stick to flash frozen farm raised fish.
No. 1200922
>>1197104>>1196460The US is just expensive to visit (and to live in), period. The residential and commercial rents are so expensive that your business can't survive being at an affordable price. You'll never make back enough to pay for the rent or pay for the labor. The rentier class is draining as much wealth out of everyone else as possible and in terms of tourism many places are choosing to cater to the wealthy (both domestic and foreign) while everyone else gets fucked. You also need to drive everywhere and loitering laws mean there aren't many good public places where you are allowed to just hang out either.
>>1196951Mental illness is a cop out
>>1195687It works out better if you speak Spanish or have people in the area that can help you find someone good. There are also US trained dentists in places lik Los Algodones. Do your research.
No. 1200996
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americans are fucking bizarre
No. 1217021
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SF’s DA got recalled. There’s an accusation that he was being too soft on crime and not persecuting a lot of repeat offenders of violent crimes. There’s also a lot of controversy around him because he did not act on anti-Asian hate crimes because he seems to have much more empathy for those who break crimes rather than the victims of said criminals. I’ve noticed that a lot of larger cities are having similar problems with DA’s who are going ‘soft’ on crime such as LA, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC etc where a lot of repeat offenders are just getting a slap on the wrist even for more violent crimes like armed robberies and assault. What do you guys think? I know we need some massive criminal justice reform but just letting repeat offenders go free is causing a lot of stress and issues.
No. 1217081
>>1217071Private prisons feed prisoners dog food. Some of which contained live bugs in one state. Another used sugar packets in a womens C-sections. Prisons are more
problematic than male on male violence. We also have an issue with a lot of private prisons that are on contracts for so many convictions so states like Colorado have to pay a fee for not sending them enough.
No. 1217869
>>1217021SF fag here. Guy had good intentions but still obviously sucked at his job. I’m all for reformation but I feel like that should be more of a priority to nonviolent offenders.
Some people need to be removed from society. Granted, I’m not saying jail is appropriate for ALL violent offenders (as
>>1217414 points out)
It’s been funny seeing the ultra left seethe over this. But MAGAts who are celebrating can fuck right off.
No. 1218818
>>1217021It was there before, but I think a lot of these repeat offenders getting set free problems started with Covid and the powers that be not wanting the jails to overcrowd to keep it from spreading among the inmates.
But now that we realize it's not going away hopefully things can improve from here.
>>1217414And this is a separate problem that started with Reagan in the 80's and closing mental hospitals.
And it's good that it's way harder to involuntarily commit people. But it also means there's more people like your brother who refuse to get help and they're not allowed to be locked up against their will even though they need it.
No. 1218904
>>1218496 said, it's more a superiority complex on the Canadian side. Especially in terms of politics, comparisons are always made by Canadians to paint them as morally pure and virtuous. I grew up in Canada but it's really obvious nobody here in the states cares as much about Canadians as Canadians do about Americans.
No. 1223353
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>>1223344One of the biggest thing I noticed about American job culture is that employers have a weird boner for firing people. There's zero job security and it's legal to fire people for any reason within the first 90 days. It's no wonder Americans have massive anxiety all the time since their employers just not liking them can cause them to be on the streets
No. 1237400
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Just saw the news about Roe. I'm keeping all you burger anons in my thoughts and hope you stay safe out there
>>1237379That's horrifying nonna, I hope you can still find the means to access abortion if ever needed. Sending you a virtual hug
No. 1237436
>>1237421Same but actually because I hate cars. Driving anxiety makes living in america hell. There are only a handful of cities I can live in reasonably well.
>>1223353Also this. The work culture here is terrible. Employers do anything in their power to avoid paying benefits and PTO. Even a large number of white collar jobs do not have health insurance or PTO (including mine).
No. 1237449
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>>1237421>>1237436Babes move to Europe. It's not perfect, but we have public transport, unions, free health care in most countries. I would 100% be willing to help anyone seriously considering moving, and I bet other nonas from here would be too.
No. 1237470
>>1237456i will workout daily for you
No. 1237483
>>1237449Trying, love. Hoping I can get citizenship based on ethnicity. Amazing how easy it was for my ancestors to leave and how hard it is for me to return. Also, I wish they kept the old country language with our family so I could have grown up bilingual. Trying to learn on my own now and it's difficult. Why didn't my great grandfather consider that I might actually want to move back someday? No contact kept with our old family, no records, no language, no hint of the culture, no dual citizenship, nothing.
>>1237476My city smells like dogshit and car exhaust every summer.
No. 1237759
>>1237449I’m trying nona! I applied for grad school in Germany and am working on the language. Still a little worried about being bulllied for my accent though.
>>1237593I think New Zealand seems really nice. Singapore and Switzerland seem nice for burgers too if you don’t mind a high cost of living.
No. 1238522
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>>1238464I know this is bordering on tinfoil but I think some form of balkanization is inevitable in the future. Pretty much everyone shares your sentiment but about their region in the country. The Supreme Court's decision today is going to further exasperate this. Pic is just for funsies, what it could potentially look like.
No. 1238537
>>1238519I've had 3 jobs now promise a promotion to get me to stick around. When it came time for the promotion out of entry level hell, 2 of them lied to keep stringing me along to get someone competent to keep doing the shit work, and the other fired me. No performance issues, no reason, just corporate greed. Workers do not have rights in america. We're treated like trash. Now they expect me to destroy my body to birth future taxpayers to receive the same treatment. This country can go to hell. Being american is like being in an
abusive relationship.
No. 1238548
>>1238522Eh, I can't really see how NJ, MD, and NY could be lumped in with MA, CT, and RI. While there is a bit of overlap between NY and the three New England states I mentioned, the cultures are very different. I feel like there's more similarity with Atlantic Canada
No. 1240055
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>>1240050Not just that, they don't feel like moderating on a Saturday, they have dick appointments. Gotta lock the thread and call it a day.
No. 1240100
>>1240084you don't see any point in having a thread to discuss a major court case relating to women's health on a female image board?
yeah, you are right, its absurd to think we should have a thread to discuss time pertinent events that completely overturn precedents in women's rights
No. 1247698
>>1247686Fellow Texan and I feel similarly. My mom and sister have had disastrous consequences post-pregnancy to their health so even though im not sure if I want a family in the future, I know that bio kids would not be a smart option for me since any pregnancy would almost certainly be high risk for me. Your husband's response is infuriating though. He has no right to be so blase about pregnancy. Is he against the idea of you aborting? Saying not to worry as in "we can handle a pregnancy" or as in "we'll be able to travel out of state for an abortion if need be"? If the answer is the former, I know it's much easier said than done but I would seriously reconsider your relationship with him.
Here are some resources in case you need them. Please don't give up hope. If you need to travel out of state, tell as few people as possible. Not even your husband unless he's 100% onboard. Say you're visiting a relative or going camping, whatever. Don't tell anyone exactly what state you're going to and don't leave any written evidence of your actual plans anywhere. No. 1247706
>>1247686Anon I’m very sorry. You need to do a few things despite how hopeless you feel right now if you haven’t already.
>Use a VPN and a browser with blockers and no cross platform tracking. They will use data like this to go after you if they get the case they want at the FTC.
Does your employer offer out of state medical? If your BC does fail can you seek out of state care? I can help give security tips.
Have you considered things to “help” encourage your natural period if you’re not late yet?
Deep breathes. This is scary and overwhelming I know, but hang in there. You’re not alone in this.
No. 1247719
>>1247697I can do that NOW but I can't undo our birth control failing days ago.
>>1247698He says "we'll just figure it out" "you just gotta go with the flow" "there's no point in worrying about it since there's nothing we can do about it" "well I guess you'd better get out and vote then" He's not from here and I guess he just doesn't understand how fucking rigged it is here. He has told me he would help me get access to abortion. But I honestly don't believe him. I've been begging to leave Texas for years but he's made no effort because "no state income tax tho" He has to travel out of the country for work and will most likely be gone by the time I know whether I'm pregnant or not. I'm dependent on him for income so yeah I don't know I feel like this is basically the end.
>>1247706No employer and my husband's does not do insurance, right now I've got no health coverage. I just finished a period before that so I doubt I could induce it now.
No. 1247725
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This is more of a stupid question, but do native New Yorkers dislike people who move to New York as much as native Californians dislike people who move to LA?
No. 1247747
>>1247730I'll take whatever help I can get at this point. Not sure what all you need to know about it. I've been tracking my periods for a few years but don't really know what to do with the data except get a rough idea of when my next one is supposed to arrive.
>>1247733We really aren't hurting that hard for money so I don't understand the need to live in a state that won't acknowledge my body autonomy. Even bumfuck Oklahoma would let me drown my sorrows in weed and it's way cheaper than where we live now, but "weh no fast internet probably." Always some excuse. Wow the more I talk about it the more depressing and pointless my life seems.
No. 1247791
>>1247747Okay let’s start by looking at your cycle and identifying how at risk you are based on where you were in your cycle when the BC failed and where you’re next cycle starts.
We’re looking to identify a couple of things what your normal cycle looks like (how many days? Is it regular or irregular?), when your last period ended, when the BC failure happened, when your ovulation occurs this cycle, and when your next period is supposed to happen. So lets start there and then we can identify what next steps you can take to help.
Normally with your cycle the first day of menstruation is referred to as day one. I’m going to call it D1 from here okay?
In non fertile conditions (meaning before ovulation and your fertile period later in the cycle) your cervix is closed and the body chemistry is not overly welcoming to sperm. Sperm can only live about 3 to 7 hours. During your fertile period and ovulation though the cervix is open allowing sperm to enter and the changing chemistry can let them live for 3-5 days a lot longer than non fertile periods. This is important information for figuring out how worried you need to be.
A women’s egg each cycle is only viable for 24 hours. The actual day of ovulation. That means the most dangerous period to have sex is right before ovulation when your becoming fertile and the sperm can survive and when the egg will be in the same place shortly after or during ovulation when the sperm can reach the egg in time.
Menstruation typically occurs 14 days after ovulation in a normal cycle. These 14 days are called your “luteal phase” and is pretty consistent in women, the part of the cycle that typically varies is the follicular phase which is the phase between menstruation and ovulation.
Keep in mind different things can impact your normal cycle, like stress and if you ovulate later you may menstruate later.
There’s pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy now just 10 days after ovulation, make sure you wear your mask and probably a hat, don’t use your membership card, pay in cash not directly from an atm. Walmart Equate brand with the white tips does to part 20 and are cheaper than first response. Different brands may test for different hormone amounts so try to pick on on that 20 part hormone amount for the earliest reading. What that means though is pregnancy test can now predict if it’s the right one your potential pregnancy 4 days before your period is expected. 4 days you have extra to help speed it along and bring on the normal period, valuable time.
The other thing you can use is your Basal Body Temp if you know your standard.
So let’s start when was your last two periods? When is your next one most likely due? Are you already past ovulation or before it, was the unprotected sex likely in danger window? If you don’t want to post that information, you don’t have to or if you have questions let me know. All I need to know for next steps is have you ovulated yet likely? How many days are you likely out from your next period or where are you in the phases?
No. 1247833
>>1247801From here we’re looking mostly at two things if you haven’t ovulated there’s herbs and seeds that do things like thickening the uterus to make it harder for the egg to implant. No implantation, no pregnancy. If you’re already passed ovulation and get closer to your period we can start things that encourage uterine cramps and then based on the tests and if you’re late there’s more aggressive things we can try. At no point should you hurt self anon. You don’t deserve that. I was here too when the decision happened. We will get through this.
>>1247775I’m glad it helped. Women coming together is one of the only things getting me through right. I hope you have a good day Noni.
No. 1247953
>>1247881You’re welcome, these thing used to give me a lot of anxiety after getting the means girl equivalent of sex ed in school, so learning as much as I can and ways to help was very settling.
It definitely sounds very slim, you would have had to have an irregular cycle or the sperm would have had to survive for an impossible amount of time. You can get pregnant from precum, but let’s talk about that so we can address two things, there is a lot less precum and while there is less the sperm in it, the ovum only has to accept one, so it’s best not to risk it if you can help it. But most women don’t actually get pregnant from precum they get pregnant from their male partners previously finishing and sperm ending up still down there and then in. Think women who use the pull out method and have multiple intercourse sessions a day.
The most common herbs to interfere with ovulation are Queen’s Alice Lace and Cotton Bark. Queen’s Anne lace can work with in five days of ovulation and makes the uterus “slippery” by changing your hormones, if you end up in a situation with no access to plan B it’s a potential option, but Plan B is more effective because Plan B is a dose of hormones that delay ovulation from occurring causing the sperm to die before the egg is released due to timing. It is 91% effective and the few studies on Queen’s Anne Lace is only about 71% and you will need to take it through the fertile window. Some other things to keep in mind some people have a reaction so take a little bit as a test and wait and see if you have any sort allergic reaction just like anything else knew, and it might be harder on the kidneys so just like taking anything including Advil avoid it if you have kidney damage. You can chew one teaspoon of dried or fresh seeds a day, this is the one that has been documented the most but it is also the one most likely to see a reaction, (like vaginal dryness or irritation), otherwise three to six fresh flower heads can be brewed into a cup tea 8oz of water (steep for 15-30 minutes, no more than hour). You can also ground the seeds into a paste and make a tea very similar to the flower one if you prefer.
The other one is Cotton Bark, this one is harder to find and most common in tincture form so look for that. Cotton Root bark has two main effects its anti-progesterone and anti-corpus lutem both of those are necessary for a pregnancy to occur. It interrupts your body’s ability to properly implant and causes menstruation, on top of that it has been noted that it seems to increase the receptor sites for oxytocin helping encourage uterine contractions. Make sure with this one the cotton wood bark tincture is from a good area if you can, the ones from Memphis are contaminated because of the pollution for example and are likely to make you sick if taken consistently.
Evening Primrose oil also helps thicken the outer uterus wall and promote contractions and is considered safer than Cotton Wood Bark, it might also be easier to find.
The next things we get into is encouraging the natural cycle along as you get closer to your period. Things that put your body under stress tell it to menstruate because now isn’t the time for a child, were going to combine that with things that help stimulate the uterus to encourage it to remember you’re supposed to bleed and push it in the right direction. We don’t want to hurt you and are goal isn’t to place you under so much stress your period is delayed because your body can’t support menstruation. There’s a spot for you and your body to find.
A couple things that help encourage your body to start menstruation are things like raising your Basal Body Temperature twice a day, this requires a shower or bath of 102 or more. Think right at hot tub level for 5-15 minutes. This is enough to spike your internal body temperature 1 to 2 degrees temporarily, doing this twice a day increases your chances of menstruation. I like to take a hot shower in the morning and a hot bath at night. Keep it nice and simple.
Next is exercise. Increasing exercise promotes the start of your period and the natural end of an early pregnancy. This doesn’t need to be excessive, if you’re a cardio person for example and run every morning the two to three days before your period and during your normal start time add an extra half mile or a mile to your run should be enough to get the effect, Personally I like weight lighting focusing on lower body, weighted goblet squats, padded weighted hip thrust, full body exercises that help engage my thighs and core, you don’t need a lot of weight, just adding an extra set just like with the run the progressive overload combined with the other habits were discussing should encourage it. I normally go from rotating arms and legs different days to doing both instead, with breaks when I know I need them for a day. Stretching can also help by improving blood flow and increasing uterine contractions.
Once implantation occurs our step is to get the placenta to attach so that’s where our herbal focus will be, helping encourage that. We’re going to do that with a variety of things one the herbs like Queen’s Anne Lace, Cotton Root Bark, Vitamin C, and Rue interfere with the production of pros like we discussed earlier and we’re going to start combining that with stronger uterine contractions to help dislodge it. Before your missed period I start slow, normally a week prior with things like Chamomile. Small amounts of chamomile soothes cramps, but in large doses helps promote hormone production that boost uterine cramps. Think three cups a day or two large 500 ml cups a day. You can also use red raspberry leaf with two cups of a day if you prefer or combine them. They’re fairly low risk amount the herbs, but if you see a negative reactions stop taking them, so cramping like your period though is what we are looking for. This takes a while and will probably take 3-5 days which is why it’s best to start before your missed period ever begins. Cinnamon also promotes blood flow and is a stimulating spice that causes uterine contractions. It may make other things more effective because of the stimulating effect, (ginger can be used to boost this as well). You will most likely need to make a concentrated tea or buy cinnamon capsules to get a concentrated amount at once. Yarrow is another one I like to start in this phase early. It helps stimulate the uterus and helps prevent bleeding to heavily in the case of it beginning a miscarriage or herbal abortion. Just one capsule a day in 300 mg or so should be enough. I’ve done fine without it, but I had less uncomfortable cramping with it I think. It’s an herb that’s common for women to take to help with painful periods. Mugwort is a little heavier and in large amounts can be poisonous, but drinking it in a couple cups a day isn’t in excessive. You would also know if you were on the way to having too much think dizziness, light headed ness, nauseous, etc, and could stop. Go slow listen to your body before consuming anymore between cups. One tablespoon of dried herb to one cup of tea for mugwort, chamomile, or red raspberry if you aren’t using bags to make the tea, you can also combine them into one large cup of tea, so you only need two a day if you wish to use it.
Now when we get to when the period is supposed to begin and we have a positive test (we want a positive test because there is no reason to bump to harsher things without it, as they come with a greater risk) in this theory cycle were looking at stronger uterine contractions that may fall under the category of that word TEXAS hates and wishes to ban in science terms. Such as Dong Quai, Penny Royal, Black Cohosh. (I personally would never recommend Tansy, it prevents the uterus from growing and is considered effective, but is likely going to cause you to bleed out if you consume to much and it’s a fine line)
With Dong Quai to get soothing and to stop cramps you would make a tea, so in this case we want it to be stimulating which is from the oils so we want a tincture or capsule. Something you could follow as a protocol with this one for example is the gentler herbs from before and maybe vitamin C then switch to Dong Quai. Dong Quai is not the herb you should use if you have difficulty clotting however or if you have a heavy flow as it might increase bleeding. If you do use this one always discontinue use one bleeding begins to be safe. Just as the before if you experience a headache, dizziness, etc stop, and change your plan. Dong Quai is also not good if you have diabetes as it can increase blood sugar issues.
Our next harder herb is going to be PennyRoyal, PennyRoyal is one you see come up and scare people a lot. This is because a lot of women can’t find pennyroyal flowers, what they can find is penny royal oil. You should never put Pennyroyal in or on your body, one bottle of pennyroyal oil is more than 10,000 cups of pennyroyal tea. Pennyroyal tea is thought to be the most effective form to take it. Hot and in a tea. The tea itself unless you have liver damage or kidney damage is fairly harmless correct use. During the American colonial times they used to mix it with one tablespoon of brewer’s yeast to induce abortion.
>reputed as a safe and effective abortifacientBy the King’s America Dispensatory in the late 1800’s. Normally I would combine it with mugwort and drink two cups a day for no more than five days. Once bleeding is under way discontinue if it is before the five. The brewer’s yeast does make the pennyroyal more effective. (Funny how they figured that out isn’t it?) the biggest side effect of Pennyroyal is feeling nauseous so if you do it’s best to stop and take a break.
Next we have Black cohosh. Black Cohosh by itself isn’t likely to cause an abortion, the amount you need is to high, that’s a common theme, the reason we combine the life style like the hot temps and exercise with gentle herbs before hand is because all together it increases our chances with the smallest amount of risk to the you and your body. Black Cohosh isn’t hard to find as more women have started to taking for menopause. It helps interfere with the production of the luteinizing hormones. The reason I’m also bringing this up is Black Cohosh used to early is instead going to throw your cycle off by potentially delaying ovulation, but not effective enough for it to be used before now for that.
Black Cohosh should also never be combined with SSRI’s or hormonal birth control because of it’s effect on hormones.
It helps promote the preparing and dilation of the cervix. It’s most effective when combined with an herb that causes uterine contractions like Blue Cohosh. Blue cohosh has two effects here that help the black cohosh. It helps promote oxytocic effect which causes the uterus to contract and it contains a substance unique to just it called Cailosaponin which causes the uterus to contract as well. Just with all the others go slow and listen to your body for adverse reactions like the headaches and so on. Blue and Black Cohosh get mixed feedback and that because it is difficult find good blue cohosh as it’s water soluble. You would need an alcohol based tincture. Blue cohosh just like black cohosh is best left until menstruation should have already started. I would not combine Dong Quai and Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh together. I think it increases the risk of bleeding heavy too much. Blue cohosh should also not be used if you have kidney damage, a heart condition, or low blood pressure as it may temporarily lower your blood pressure itself.
More info you should never bleed more than one pad an hour if you do you are bleeding to heavily and require medical attention.
If for some reason you are ever in a situation you take the actual abortion pill (Mis) it is not testable as long as it is oral. Do not tell them you took it, tell them you think you are miscarrying and act distressed. Something is wrong. If the cops are called say nothing. Invoke your right to lawyer and the fifth amendment, Say I’m invoking my rights be very clear and then refuse to say anything else.
You should not attempt an herbal abortion after week 7, you would need most likely not have a full one and need a DNC.
If the bleeding starts and you develop a fever, you should seek medical attention this applies to anyone going through a miscarriage or abortion.
If you use a menstrual cup and you are at week 6 or 7 you should be able to see the vein that connects the placenta come out first, it looks like a tree. (It’s nicknamed the tree of life for that reason)
Among the harder herbs my personal preference for inducing bleeding is pennyroyal and mugwort made into a tea couple times a day, with one capsule of dong Quai in the morning.
Keep in mind I am not your medical professional or doctor so please always use good judgement and work at your pace and listen to your body’s responses.
I’m glad you’re calming down. I know these things can make me very anxious too, so I’m happy to help.
I’d look into women on waves, as well as viewing your closest options in clinics outside of Texas, and abortion funds that can help you get to them if necessary just so you have a plan.
No. 1247957
>>1247953Here’s some additional things too.
>Fenugreek Stimulates uterine contractions in early pregnancy, but increases the risk of bleeding too heavily if your dose is too high. Use with caution.
>Goji Berry Large amounts of goji berry (10 grams a day) can cause uterine contractions and bleeding leading to a miscarriage. This is within the safe daily intake for fresh or dried Goji, but if you suffer a rash or stomach trouble stop.
Do not use if you are on diabetes or blood pressure drugs
>Papaya Specifically raw papaya contains a white fluid high in prostaglandin and oxytocin which boost labor like contractions of the uterus. Along with papain enzyme that interrupts the production of progesterone which can cause the body to abort as it interrupts the natural process.
>Parsley Parsley can be eaten or consumed in tea form, it is high in vitamin c, the oils in it also help thin the uterine walls and soften the cervix.
>Peppermint Causes uterine contractions when consumed in high enough amounts.
>Pineapple Greenier pineapples are high in bromelain more than the yellow ones. The enzyme is responsible for breaking down protein. Fetus early on are mostly protein. Drinking enough pineapple juice can also potentially cause softening of the cervix and encourage bleeding promoting the abortion of the fetus.
>YarrowStimulates the uterus, can help prevent heavy bleeding during.
No. 1248067
>>1248016You do realize that those abortion clinics in other states are going to be overburdened with a huge increase in demand. It's gonna be hard to fit in all the women who need abortions. You may not be able to get an appointment in a reasonable amount of time in the legal state nearest you. Which will make the appointments difficult to schedule, which will make it difficult to call out of work. Not to mention women in states like Louisiana that are surrounded by anti abortion states and would need to travel several states over to get access. Factoring in gas prices right now if you drive there, hotel costs, recovery time…it's absolutely an undue burden and not an easy task even if the women is doing well financially.
>if you have time to sit on lolcow all day that means you have money to drive a few hours to get an abortion and drive backAh yes because if you can take a few minutes out of your day to browse an image board and post something, that means you can totally carve several days out of your schedule no problem!
I can tell by your use of "whinging" that you're a britbong. You're clearly not familiar with the scale of the US and just how massive it is. It takes a couple of hours to drive across your entire country. It takes 13+ hours to drive across Texas (without stopping)…and it's not even the largest state. Stfu about things you clearly don't understand
No. 1248103
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nonnie yeehaw
Drove across Texas one time. Hit a spot with no reception. No nothing. Not even a radio station for over an hour.
No. 1248120
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>>1248106Party about what? In all honestly 4th of July in my family has never been about celebrating America and it's just a reason to get with family and have fun, but I don't even want to do that this year.
No. 1248258
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>>1248106I'm super excited for fireworks! They're illegal in my city but if I drive an hour out or so there's still stands like picrel, not sure where I'm going to blow them up yet but I'll bring friends and alcohol and bbq
No. 1248754
Why are so many people rich city people moving to small towns? I can’t handle it, I’m living in a shit hole house because there’s literally no where me and my boyfriend can afford in my own hometown. I was born and raised here, it’s so small I don’t even wanna say the population size on here. When I was young, houses and lots of land you could buy for like 150k, now the average house can be up to 500k to a huge portion going over 1 million! None of these fuckers contribute shit to the community because they work online, go to local charity events, commute, or straight up keep it empty to move into “when they are ready to retire”. Our schools are literally shutting down multiple days a year because of low funds and no staff to even keep it open everyday. So many young people that were born here are now living in cars, because all these rich people want to open airBnBs, love how “pretty it is!!!!”, or want a vacation home they leave vacant for years.
Sorry this turned into a full vent, but I’m stressed. The place I even got was out of luck of knowing someone. It’s literally a safety hazard to live here because they won’t fix shit.
No. 1249029
>>1249011Proud of you nona! Just remember most agree with you, the crazies might flip you off but they don't matter.
Anybody in red states moving to blue?
No. 1250580
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Happy 4th, anons. Another year in this hellhole.
No. 1250670
>>1248769I can’t wait til winter and they realize they can lose power for about a week at a time and can’t access their jobs online! Have actually scared some people that were going to rent when we told them that, they don’t even research the places they will live kek
>>1248821>>1248843If that wouldn’t risk my families business reputation I would consider it to be honest. Remembering now, at the beginning of Covid a lot of businesses were putting “Locals only” on their windows which caused a huge fuss.
>>1249101I’m sorry this happened, I hope you’re doing better now. These rich people do not care even a little, as I have had to rent from a few of them. Most have a property manager since they own like 30 homes in the fucking area, they will lie and cheap out on you and do everything to take your safety deposit.
No. 1250735
NONNY I watch this video every year kek. I wonder where this kid is now.
No. 1250739
I ordered some stickers from I am going to be putting them around town.
The stickers are free to order and I find this site to be a great resource. I live in a blue state but the state over from me has
trigger laws on abortion so I'm going to be putting stickers around there as well since I live next to the border.
No. 1252163
>>1199121>>1201089I know these are old posts but I don't frequent this thread often and wanted to give some insight. The quality of food has probably gone down more because restaurant owners and GMs are all cheap bastards and workers in the US have gotten sick of it. The food industry is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of workers and for good reason. Despite all the skill, training, and knowledge required to be an actual good cook/chef, many restaurants in the US refuse to pay reasonable wages. I have worked specifically in fine dining as a chef and have 10 years in this industry. Despite some restaurants making millions in sales each year, charging $100+ for a steak with no sides, the cooks in the back with years and years of experience are making dog shit. And it's even worse in a lot of non-fine dining places. Then when COVID hit, many restaurants decided they wanted to run with skeleton crews so not only were cooks making very little but now had to do the jobs of 3 people so that the restaurant could save money. Many people have now left the industry altogether, so now EVERYONE is desperate to hire new people, even if they are unskilled and shit at cooking, on top of being barely staffed anyway. And that's really why the food tastes worse. And GMs refuse to listen when you suggest upping wages for the BOH staff, explaining that doing so would encourage skilled workers to apply and would help with employee retention but they won't listen.
nonnie, I was just talking to my bf about how New England would be better off splitting off. A smaller country with a smaller population is easier to manage anyway. Various states have tried to secede over the decades and even gotten the votes for it but the government won't allow it. The US military is too strong so no state or groups of states could ever go to war for their freedom, either.
No. 1252186
>>1118166they tried doing this to women with coalfax (coalburner database) and femfax (slut database) and I'm pretty sure once the domain owner found out what they were being used for it was shut down immediately.
This idea is far more innocent, true, but its the same premise and would likely also be shut down.
No. 1252278
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>>1252119NTA but it was in Chicago during a Fourth of July parade.
No. 1252652
>>1252354A white woman who dates a black man
"she needs coal to keep her hot"
Also called snowbunnies.
The websites were taken down but there is still a 9chan board dedicated to it
No. 1255878
>>1252152Underrated post. What the fuck is happening lately that we're travelling backwards in views? I even see anti marijuana propaganda on my apple news apple when it was just being praised years ago in articles for having benefits for illnesses. I get that Trump is the cause for these republican laws that are in place, but how does something this major like illegal abortion, illegal gay marriage, and the like happen so suddenly? Everyone just sat on their ass and okay'd it? And who are the dumbfucks that voted for these piece of shits? It's all corrupt.
And to add to the end of your post, the food here is absolutely tainted and tastes like shit. I have ibs on the daily after just being in Sweden with no issues PLUS better tasting food.
No. 1255920
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>>1255882>>1255882I am too, nona. Anytime I actually leave the house with my parents I sit in the back of the car and take in the moment because I don't know if one of us or all of us will die during our outing.
No. 1255933
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>>1252683Both ways should get equal amount of scrutiny, I agree with you. I’m not a stupid scrote wignat who’s against interracial relationships either, I just think it’s a very complex reason why black people in general seek out white partners that my “community” (ew) denies. I am black so I can give you an answer that isn’t “america hates women (because the only women in this country is apparently white women and you can’t criticize them without them having a tantrum lol)” or “democrats are the REALLLL racists!!” or something like that. There was a study a few years ago that I’m not even fully sure on the validity on that black women, what I am, are the least desired when it comes to romance, dating, beauty, however you interpret it. It’s not like this was unknown knowledge anyways, this is apart of the trauma that many black girls go through by being seen as intrinsically ugly compared to their lighter skinned counterparts in every facet of Western life that we are forced to be apart of. Tl;dr it’s why we tape fake hair to our heads to hide our real textures and use damaging chemicals to “relax” our hair, anything to cloak our true ancestry because being “black” is seen as socially shameful in every society or culture you come across. Anyways, in that study black men are way more likely to date outside of their race, white women are surprisingly more tribalistic that we thought and date inside their race and black women because of historical context are more loyal to black men than they are to us. The interracial dating of black men/white women is a strategic move of self-hatred done by black men, it’s like a weaponization against black women because we are close to being what they are, it’s a
toxic mix of misogyny and racism that’s called misogynoir. Low-value black men tend to get into relationships with the ugliest, fattest white woman because it doesn’t matter if a white person is mediocre, it’s the racial status that they have that the black man desires. For example it’s why someone like emma chamberlain is able to be successful because she has marketability that is less controversial. In the context of very few black male immigrants, they use white women who have more status and resources than them to get into the country they’re trying to immigrate to. That’s all I can really say without writing a full on essay nonna kek, hope you read it. I just hope one day this stupid fucking colonial categorization of race like black, white, asian, gets destroyed because it’s too simplified and retarded.
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>>1252683cause the fact is most relationships between black women and white men tend to be rarer and when they do happen they are more often then not 'normal', I am a product of a black father and white mother and I know many others who products of these unions and we all have had more or less the same story, our fathers were absent and or
abusive for most of our lives and we had mothers who didn't know how to deal with a mixed child and on some level didn't want too, our fathers families weren't help either and they all rejected us and would rather comfort the full grown man, also add in shit like colorism and featurism and you become disgusted by just how much black men hate the women of their own race, that said its still a lot more complicated then how I explained it
>>1255929>"probably"Oh, honey, they most definitely get mad about it. They love to act as if 'da white man' and 'bitter black females' are full of hate and jealousy about interracial relationships, but these men are down right callous when it comes to black women with white and other non-black men. Look up the social media posts on any news story involving a black woman with a white man, and you'll see them hoping the woman gets harmed or even celebrating her death (e.g., Lauren Smith-Fields dying on a date with a white man). Hell, there was even a story from the 2000s of a group of black male Marines gang r–ing and killing a black woman in from of her white Marine husband then killing him. It was written off as a lesser crime instead of the hate crime that it was. Their collective lack of achievement, their pride only being in their dick size (something they didn't have to actually work to achieve), promotion of the falsehood that black women aren't desired outside this community and thus only have black men as an option, and hatred of black women with non-black men comes down to them not wanting to compete against other men because they know they'll lose.
>>1255946Fact. I've peaked so hard on them over the last five years, it's not even funny. When I started seeing content from them celebrating (paraphrasing their words here) the 'breeding out of black females' via their IR relationships and seeing more non-black women marching for them instead of 'ugly black bitches' I was done. They can rot for all I care.
>>1255963Black femicide was 1 death every 6 hours in late 2021, every 5.5 hours in early 2022, and now it's increased to every 5 hours (some are saying 4.8 hours). Men in our community would rather blame black women and non-black men for this travesty than look in the damn mirror.
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I hate election season so fucking much and I have no idea why I keep getting this shit in the mail. I voted to legalize pot like 5 years ago leave me alone
No. 1262333
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I'm 100% for abortion but i hate the fact that people are actually willing to get off their ass and protest over abortion even though the vast majority of them most likely won't ever had one but don't even bother lifting a finger for inflation aka price gouging, housing shortages, lack of decent jobs and healthcare etc something that is undeniably ruining their life a lot more currently than abortion
No. 1262366
>>1262333Economic issues aren't as blatant an attack on a specific group's human rights, and they aren't as tangible or easily understood. Abortion is not complex, everyone knows what it is and why it's necessary, the economy is way more complex. In fact, the people least affected by it are most likely to understand it because rich people tend to be financially literate.
Inflation and housing are problems in my country, for example, but I don't know enough about it to protest. Who would I be protesting against, the reserve bank? Property investors? The government as a whole? And what kind of legislation or change would I be asking for? Wanting that stuff fixed doesn't mean I know what exactly needs to be done, it's hard to fight for something without an actual goal. But abortion is clear cut and I know everything I need to know to have a stance on it.
No. 1262470
>>1262461I’m so sorry
Nonnie, where I live it’ll be a high of 65 all next week
No. 1263063
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>>1154879im sorry this is so late, you're probably not gonna see this but i forgot i posted in this thread. im east TN i hear that people just…dont get drivers ed class. and it reeeeeally shows. they dont use turn signals. they don't know what the fast lane is for. they don't know to pull to the middle of the intersection while waiting to turn left at a light. going anything less than like 15 over any speed limit will have someone riding your ass and dangerously swerving around you. ive seen more horrible crashes living here for 2 yrs than anywhere ive ever lived. driving is chaos and there's barely any traffic cops so basically anything goes…
i live in Knoxville. personally i am poor so i could never afford Gatlinburg but theres tons of cute rural cities for you to choose from around here. they have drug problems eating them alive tho and no one in america cares.
as for the racism someone asked abt…im white and east TN is prob the whitest place ive ever lived so i dont have the best insight into the race relations cause i dont see them. no one says explicitly racist things to me abt others but there's hella confederate flags. id probably worry a little in really run down rural towns i don't know if i was a
POC. regardless it seems as if most races can live peacefully together here. the black people here seem less agitated and tense than other places ive lived but the Mexicans clearly don't like anyone else but other mexicans. in general the whites here are kinda….untermensch. i dont have any excessive white self hatred or anything but it's actually a bit funny thinking anyone could consider the white race naturally superior after taking a stroll down the main strip in Gatlinburg.
No. 1263913
>>1263894You are so fucking retarded if you think vacations are a necessity. Europeans and the rest of the world had unarguably worse lockdowns and none of them are running around having bougie vacations during the worse inflation in history
You probably won't even bother to budget during your own vacation either
>What do you mean I shouldn't get a ritz Carlton suite? Are you saying poors deserve to sleep on the floor?>Of course I'm going to eat at the most expensive steakhouse in the city why shouldn't I? Poor people deserve nice food too how dare you tell me I should eat bugs insteadPeople like you made me so fucking embarrassed to be American. Just stop or at the very least stop playing mental gymnastics to defend your childish bullshit
No. 1267372
>>1267294Absolutely dystopian. Thanks for sharing
nonny. Also I encourage anyone who is in this situation to also be cautious about using the internet/using text messages to communicate about potentially being pregnant. The amount of datamining smartphones/apps do is astonishing. If you’re in this situation and it may be dangerous for you I encourage going as “off grid” about it as possible.
No. 1269935
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>>1268836There would be a lot of intentional, manually set moving parts required to get from a doctor’s office to Enfamil, all of them illegal or immoral. Meanwhile rewards programs are basically automated IRL targeted ads. If you go to Walgreens and use your rewards account exclusively to buy toothpaste, you’re going to get emails for deals on toothpaste. At CVS if you enter your phone number at the kiosk, you’re going to get printed coupons for toothpaste.
Also worth mentioning that Walgreens privacy policy literally green lights this and says you consent to it when you interact with them in any way, including signing up for their rewards card. They also say that they “share” (read: sell) your data to any number of disclosed or undisclosed “affiliates.”
No. 1270624
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>>1270570I’m thinking about Colorado in a year when I can sell my stupid house in Texas without capital gains tax (and with the trajectory of the housing market here I’ll probably make $150k off it.) I’ve got friends in Golden, going to go see how I like it. After these 110 degree days I’m ready to GTFO.
>>1270595DMV isn’t awful, just prohibitively expensive. NoVA might as well be its own state and they’re consistently blue but after this semi-recent incident they’re a LOT less TRA. TLDR: a TIM sexually assaulted and sodomized two teenage girls in high school bathrooms. The parents were legitimately outraged and there were violent protests. Even the news outlets weren’t like “um respect her pronouns please,” they’re calling him a he and at 15 he’s a registered sex offender now. No gender fuckery to be found. No. 1273776
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>>1118166Samefagging but holy shit kek
No. 1279895
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Is anyone else pretty worried about Monkeypox? I know people are saying it's only gay men getting it, but I just don't know how true it is. My state only has a few cases so far, and I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad. I am aware that it's still rare in the states with the most cases though.
I'm really just so sick of all these illnesses. I wasn't even this worried when COVID came around.
No. 1279905
>>1279895>I know people are saying it's only gay men getting itWasn't there just some cases of it found in children? I am kinda worried but part of me also feels like it's just being given the COVID fear mongering treatment
I wonder if every new illness is going to be treated like this from now on
No. 1279913
>>1279897I genuinely can't tell if this is the tranny that keeps trying to pull a "reverse uno" or not.
>>1279905I think so, and recently a pregnant woman got it as well. I get what you mean about fearmongering and I am honestly trying to not read too much about it so I don't freak out. Also hoping whatever this is doesn't last 2+ years like covid.
No. 1279989
>>1271701I'm in Atlanta and the homeless situation is similar to what you describe but probably more sensitive of a topic due to homelessness here being more prevalent among black men. I never used to fear homeless men in particular but I was a
victim of sexual battery in the last year which changed my perspective. These men have nothing to lose and like to assert their power over random women on a daily because they are economically the lowest of men. Normie non-homeless men will ignore them as you get catcalled and do nothing to help which is the most blackpilling thing of all. You can even be a
victim of battery like I was and no one will say anything.
To make matters worse, if you called APD for a while they would make you wait on the line to speak to someone. Even with our crime at its worst, it's still bad to suggest that we need to fund the police, every time you get people claiming that it's racist and it's going to cause more harm than good. You always have people trying to divert the conversation to super long-term shit like funding schools and helping black men when we need to have police protecting women and girls from these men.
At this point, I just want to work remote because it's hopeless.
No. 1280061
>>1279992I'd say to not let my own experience bother you but tbh it is pretty bad. Certain areas used to not be bad but nowadays the crime has moved towards Buckhead and other ritzy areas so those spots aren't safe anymore either.
Suburban areas outside of the city are developing a lot so if you're open to it, I'd suggest looking into living outside of the city.
No. 1280071
>>1280061Damn anon, I grew up in Brookhaven and can't imagine what it might be like there now. It wasn't the safest place in the world 20 years ago, but you weren't faced with economic realities like homelessness constantly.
I wonder if unhoused people are shitting on the rich rich lawns like they used to in the Marta stations.
No. 1280190
>>1280152Americans are a paradox. They'll admit it's harder than ever to own a home or even get an apartment and if you have no support system (which American families are shit tier and stuck on "tough love" and to move out at 18), and no connections you're bound to be homeless. But at the same time they'll claim all homeless are druggies who think they're too good to work at McDonald's and just wanna live off the government because that's what hobo bobby from under the bridge does. Now young Americans are literally scraping the skins off their back and spending every penny they can to live in a pod with 12 other people or wasting a fuck load of gas with 2-4 hour round trip commutes from cheaper areas and to an area with affordable wages, which never go hand and hand, because who wants to live with family or even live in their car when they can give 70% of their paycheck to a bloodsucking landlord who can keep those pods expensive for that reason
Tbh I respect homeless people or people who live with their families well into their 30s before I respect millennials who want to live in a box in a big famous city for an outrageous price a month just so they can say they have an apartment in NYC or whatever.
No. 1280219
>>1280205I do feel bad for young people who went tons into debt chasing college since it's shoved down our throat since middle school. So many of my colleagues have the OPTION of living with their non-
abusive parents to save money, working in manual labor jobs that offer tuition reimbursement but they don't because they're too obsessed with individualism and TikTok fake Hypebeasts of zoomers claiming to be multi billionaires from onlyfans, Amazon dropshipping, or shit tier "investment" tips are making it worse since they try to pedal the idea that anyone could just become super rich if they just do this or that or even worse, desperate people will lose money trying to do these things. On the other side you have boomers who think working just any old job will solve all of your problems. I'm not even that smart but I fell for the "poor people do Amazon FBA", lost a small bit of money but luckily closed my account before it got too serious, it boggles my mind a lot of these people will dig up mountains of debt without learning anything
No. 1280581
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No. 1282550
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>>127377>>1280140A bit ot but this reminded me of this group chat where women shared info of creepy men on their campus and administration started complaining that they were ostracizing people.
No. 1287924
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>>1287917reminds me of this tiktok that has been going around lmao
No. 1289234
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>>1280581chinese commmieblocks have more soul than these duplex suburban condos
No. 1289496
>>1289476>>1289228Former bottom level goon… the agency has faced massive amounts of attrition, retirements when covid happened (boomers are most of the workforce), and the budget being wasted in Washington pocketlining vs attracting and training an effective workforce and updating the ancient tech they use. It's a massive clusterfuck.
There's also the fact that Intuit, who owns turbotax, lobbies to keep this entire system as complicated as possible, many YouTubers cover this topic.
No. 1298330
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>>1298325>noooo you need to experience the hustle and bustle of the city and step over a crackhead every morning as you leave your door, otherwise you have no priorities!!!11nonnie LMAO
No. 1298332
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>>1298321Girl have you ever been to Mississippi?
No. 1298339
>>1298332Still wealthier than >80% of the world's population
>>1298337i'm talking about buying your own plot of land
No. 1298365
>>1298356>summers are insufferably hothm ok
>half the people are openly racistwould you prefer the northeastern racism where landlords charge more for black people, and uber drivers avoid people with black sounding names?
>nobody wants to move there, so no cultural diffusion. Middle eastern restaurant? Indian grocery store? What’s that?lmfao, moving to high crime hellscapes where you can be charged with murder if you defend yourself all MUH CURRY AND FALAFEL
>no beautiful landscapesthat is LITERALLY how it is in the northeast, except there's more greenery in the south
No. 1298379
>>1298321Absolutely not. I moved out the south for this reason even "shitter" places up north are better than good places in the south
>Child molesters galore, it was normalized for grown ass men to be dating actual middle schoolers. Up north even in country towns you'd have the town kick your ass for that>EVERYTHING IS DIRTY. Litter everywhere, no one takes care of their pets so everyone's family dogs and cats are ran over in the streets>Wages DO NOT match the price of living, some places are worse than NY imo. >The worst customer service you could imagine>Worst medical care in the world, Louisiana and Mississippi have extremely high infant mortality rates>Dirty air, dirty waterEven "good" vacation spots in Florida are messed up unless you're using them for boating since the water is so fucking polluted and it ends up getting overrun by loud dumbass kids and drunk adults. I remember in Texas the peak of COVID people were fighting over hotel rooms and even crack motels were hitting the hundreds of dollars.
No. 1298395
>>1298374if they're only talking about the southeast (when they said the landscape is nothing but rolling green hills), then i'm gonna assume they're comparing it to the northeast. duh?
>>1298385the sane people? WHERE LMAOOO you can't even take public transportation in the northern states without getting molested (one woman was raped on a train in philly while everyone recorded) and not to mention all the asian people that get murdered in nyc and san fran for being .. asian.
you're like one of those suburban redditor faggots that live in cushy suburbs, you have no idea what it's like to actually live in a place like nyc, and you're being a cunt because some people may not live the ~cultural enrichment~ of living like sardines and having no rights.
No. 1298407
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>>1298385same anon
also southerners actually developed their own culture
what is the culture of the north? the coastal villages in maine and mass is what's holding up the rest of the north in terms of culture. what is nyc culture? rats, getting groped by crackheads while you wait for your train, uppity smug assholes like you, and shitty greasy food but it's ok because it's ~foreign~
No. 1298443
>>1298428I literally grew up here to albanian immigrant parents, it's fucking horrid, especially if you're poor. I never knew how good america could be until I visited the south/northwest.
it smells bad
people litter, because who cares about making your area look pretty when you're inside a sardine can
the people in charge claim to value infrastructure so much but train stations look like they'll cave in any moment
homeless people everywhere, and nobody cares, if anything the people in charge put a bandaid on the issue and say "ok homeless, as long as you don't bother me in my comfy suburb/luxury condo, you can use this station as your home and bother the peasants instead"
and the thing that makes me want to leave the most: self defense laws
a scrote breaks into your home and tries to hurt you, you shoot and kill him, YOU get charged with murder. if that happens in some small southern town, the cops will just be like "good job lol".
oh and there's also rent and zoning laws
i don't want to buy a huge mcmansion OR live in a 3k a month studio apartment, so my plan is to renovate an old trailer or build a cabin, but that's virtually impossible in nyc or anywhere in the northeast for that matter.
No. 1298494
>>1174720I owe $30k.
Rent won't stop going up. It went up 30% in one year in my city. Wages have not increased. I already couldn't pay these loans before, and now no one can. If biden doesn't pause it longer or wipe them it will be chaos. People are squeezed too hard. If they can bail out banks and forgive the PPP loans they can wipe the student loans to, for once, do one thing to help the middle class.
>>1198115I also feel like the abortion ban is just retaliation for the left pushign things too far, especially troon stuff. People are fed up and are reactively hitting back however they can. trans bullshit directly caused Roe vs Wade to be overturned.
No. 1298495
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>>1298443AYRT and I also grew up here to poor immigrant parents. I just wanted to know because, despite my own gripes with the city, I don't necessarily feel the urge to leave. You do have
valid points, but I worry that leaving would just be leaving one set of problems behind for a new one. I was fearful for my parents safety during the height of covid since we're Asian, but we were fortunate nothing happened to any of us.
MTA sucks some serious ass but I appreciate that we have the option of widespread public transportation, and is quite walkable. I didn't get my license until recently but I like the option of not having to pay for a car and its associated costs in order to get to work or the store.
I've travelled and lived abroad but haven't seen much of the U.S. (only been to SF for work) so I don't really know how much "better" the rest of the US is though.
No. 1298506
>>1223344Yes. People refuse to admit that compared to Europe, America has a massively lower quality of life regarding employment law. In Europe they get 5 weeks PTO. That's unheard of here, I'd say the majority of people get 0 PTO at all. Europeans also work only 32 or 35 hours a week, while Americans are a minimum 40, and salaried positions are known to abuse staff for 60 or even 80. The IRS for example has a minimum workweek of 50 hours, not including on call. I always feel burnt out from this culture. Remote work is a blessign but even still, low pay and lack of benefits, lack of job security, and no PTO are making me incredibly resentful. My productivity is dropping like a rock because I am not paid enough, have no healthcare, and need about five vacations to catch up on what i've given up.
I'm also tired of employers lying to me about every little thing and everything being a game to them. For example, they can't just be up front about the salary, no. It's all a game where they try to pay you as little as possible without you realizing. Or a bait and switch where the recruiter tells you it's 60k and then the hiring package comes and the paper says 45k, and if you don't read it carefully then you sign away your rights and have no recourse against it.
>>1223353Boomers LOVE firing people. They're absolutely demonic. they'll fire someone for no reason at all just because it gets them off to ruin someone's life.
pretty sure I legitimately had PTSD from the way 2 companies in a row fired me, no notice, no performance issues, but they treated me like a criminal and made a huge show of throwing me out of the building and firing me in front of as many people as they could. They never do it in a nice way. They wait until you commute all the way in, are sitting down peacefully conducting your work, and then you get the shoulder tap and taken to a room where they grill you and say horrible things about you and have a security guard walk you out before you can even finish your tea or collect your things. I really hate this country I want to cry just remembering it. God I hate them.
No. 1298517
>>1298511America also has a car worship problem because the car industry spent a lot of time and money grooming us from the 1920’s on. Roads used to be for people. Cars got on them and killed kids. Mothers got upset. Cars almost got banned. Business panics starts paying newspapers and politicians. Misinformation shaping our culture. Having the
victims of a crime labeled the insults of the time Jay.
No. 1298527
>>1298511maybe the oil companies are bribing DAs to release prolific criminals back onto the streets so that people will drive instead of use public transportation, thus killing for the second time public transit in america.
>>1298517I'm glad there have been a lot of discussion and videos about this lately. I generally hate reddit but r/fuckcars has been having actual impact
I hate how fucking loud cars are. Cities are not loud at all, cars are loud. not just bikes has a video on it. but all i hear outside is HOOONK HOOOOONK, BRRRR BRRRR BRRRR from retarded scrotes in street racing cars with extra loud engines so they can pretend they have a big penis and feel tough. and then they're constantly getting in crashes so i have to hear the fucking fire sirens and ambulance going out to extricate their mangled body from the crash scene. and because of zoning the only place condo blocks can be built is along high traffic stroads so it's loud and the air stinks of exhaust. while single family houses get the nice low traffic streets with all the trees and parks. god i hate this country so much. every detail of how i have to live here is designed to be as miserable as possible.
No. 1298537
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What were your cool art installations you grew up with? They removed it some years ago, but I always loved this weirdo building.
No. 1298543
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>>1298537Demolished for a luxury highrise.
No. 1298544
>>1298532The generation prior to the boomers went through hell to get better labor laws and worker protection, unions, healthcare, paid time off, and 40 hour maximum work weeks. The boomers benefited from it all, then gutted it for the following genenrations so they could profit at the expense of others.
American boomers are indescribable. They're the most malevolent, entitled, decadent, selfish, inconsiderate, reprehensible people ever born. They get off on emotionally abusing staff under them too. boomer managers will bully and criticize and run tyrannical campaigns against people just trying to do their work and go home, just for fun. meanwhile the boomer lives like a king and the person actually doing work is barely surviving financially.
boomers brought back unpaid internships. literal slavery. all their own internships were paid of course, and paid very well.
No. 1298548
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>>1298537wynwood walls/wynwood area
No. 1298551
>>1298517>>1298527I dunno, america is huge and there's more than enough room for cars, although we should have some kind of elevated highways so we stop fucking up nature.
we just need less people. our population is slowly going down so that's good.
No. 1298554
>>1298548look at all those disgusting cars everywhere
do we really need an asphalt river ferrying 50 mph deathboxes every 50 yards?
No. 1298702
>>1298699so i can run it back and forth to the mechanic? i do not want to be forced to own a car. any car. if you gave me a free car i still wouldn't want to be bothered with it. i do not like cars. i do not want to drive a car. i do not want to see cars on the streets. i hate everything about cars.
god i hate america so much
No. 1298706
>>1298702yeah cars are lame, I'm obsessed with motorcycles.
but cars do provide you with freedom. you can escape an
abusive moid and drive across the country if you want to with a car.
It's not like everything was better before we had them, we simply used and abused horses and mules.
No. 1298780
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>you must choose between sitting in an oversized hot box that can't even get out of it's own way, or take public transportation and hope you don't get stabbed by a hoodrat
for me, it's mopeds/motorcycles
>far more fuel efficient
>literally only slightly bigger than a bicycle depending on the model
>cagers hate you
>women on bikes isn't super common in the west so you're a novelty
need I say more?
No. 1298788
>>1298720You can argue that city living is extremely stifling, and it's true, but to live in a sprawling suburban
wasteland with no easily accessible public transport is also not freeing. You are isolated to your lot of land, and you
must have a car to get around. I can't see it as freeing because there is no freedom of choice. It's either you have a car to get around, or you don't. You have the money to buy and keep a car, or you don't.
I live in the city and I drive and have access to my family's car. I love to drive and I appreciate the fact that I can go basically wherever I want, but I would never want to live in a place where it is my only option. I'm thankful I can borrow my family's car for my own little trips and I'm hesitant to buy my own because it's a money sink and I don't want to drive myself to work and deal with all of that when I can just take the train or bus to work instead.
>>1298750It is far too optimistic of me but I wish people who lived outside cities would advocate more for public transportation because, at the end of the day, I think it is something that the public benefits from having. People will shit on public transportation all day long. "It's too crowded" or "it's too dirty" or "it's too dangerous" but widespread, easily accessible public transportation is an overall benefit. Of course their criticisms are not unfounded, but who doesn't benefit with access to it?
No. 1298802
>>1298782I looked at the stats, the majority of motorcycle deaths are usually retarded moids racing each other without helmets/leather, often drunk
>>1298793will just guzzle gas while you're sitting in stop-and-go traffic, i've been in so many cars with people who refused to turn on the ac for that reason
No. 1298821
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>>1298788suburbia is gross and american mcmansions are an eyesore, it doesn't help that HOA will fine you if you even put lawn chairs on your own property
everyone will roast me but i do love the aesthetic of higher end trailer parks
no huge ugly houses, narrow roads, no sidewalks because it's expected to just walk on the road for that reason, colorful decorations, community centers, etc.
No. 1298825
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>>1298821if you add cherry blossoms, redditors would think this is some cozy japanese suburb
No. 1298836
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>>1298834trailer parks get such a bad rep, but at least they can make their little homes look pretty
No. 1298856
>>1298702I completely feel you anon. Near where i live there is some kind of attempt to make the place walkable but everything being tucked away in subdivisions makes their efforts kind of useless. I wish they would put more pedestrian crossings at intersections because I am sick of almost running people over.
>>1298706Public transport literally means people are removed from the road meaning less traffic and higher standards when issuing driving licences can be enforced.
No. 1298886
>>1298881>you can have a normal housenot everyone wants to live in a big house, also trailer homes are pretty much the same size as apartments you find in the city.
>extreme examples of expensive houses like mcmansionsexcept it's not extreme. go to any suburb in places like arizona, texas, colorado, etc, and you find a lot of these houses.
you have a consooooomer attitude that makes you think "oh it's not a two story suburban house? damn that's sad"
trailer parks (the ones I posted that people willingly choose to live in, not the rural ones full of pillpoppers living in squalor), are a good medium between cities and suburbia. you get your own property, but you don't have to share walls with anyone. I lived in apartments my entire life, having loud neighbors over you fucking sucks.
No. 1298907
>>1298898idk where to even start
you're mad because I like the way certain trailer parks are laid out? yes, people should live like that if they choose to. not everyone wants huge homes, like what don't you understand? they're nice in the sense that you get your own living space that you can decorate on the outside, but you don't need to commit to an actual house.
also i'm spoiled because.. apartment??????
No. 1298909
>>1298901>like i'm very confused by statements like theseHere’s something easier for you to understand:
Not all of the US outside of cities is made up of flyover mcmansion suburbs like you keep implying.
No. 1298927
>>1298909ok but once again, i'm not referring to rural people. we're comparing suburbia to the city, and I am simply saying that the layout of CERTAIN trailer parks is a decent alternative.
>trailers are fairly cheap compared to an actual house>large trees, cute small houses, with little distance between each neighbors.>you get your own space, ie not sharing walls with people>you actually live near other people>kids can play in the roads without mowed down or having some karen call the police >you can paint your trailer or do whatever you want with your trailer, and it's encouraged to make it look less sterile and poverty mode. and your problem is..? he efficient land use, density, and curved streets are all things that other stick-built suburban neighborhoods could learn from.
but I already know how you're gonna reply next "um achshually some trailer parks are bad though"
No. 1298929
>>1298925Why are you so butthurt about this? Are you
triggered because no one cares about small town america?
No. 1299064
>>1298780deathtraps. mopeds look cute but hte tiny wheels catch even small potholes and will wipe out. i live in a rainy city full of hills, i wouldn't ride a motorbike here. same for bikes–rain, nah. public transit is the best. no fear of your transit ever getting stolen by a deranged hobo with an angle grinder.
>>1298788i lived in suburbs when i was younger and always felt smothered and trapped there. you go outside and everything looks the same, just mcmansion houses and sterile patches of lawn. miles and miles of the same shit. i bet everyone who grows up in suburbs gets on drugs.
No. 1299065
>>1298911the concept of HOAs drive me into a rage. i was looking at condos to buy and the HOA fee is anything from $200 a month to $800 or more. For nearly identical buildings, same (zero) amenities. it just screams fraud to me. and what am i supposed to do, conduct a fucking audit on the HOA board? i bet most of them are skimming the cookie jar.
>>1298991the only "small towns" in america that aren't dead or full of meth are tourist locations (which you can't afford) and college towns.
>>129906155+ communities make me livid. boomers drive up the cost of housing, then make blantantly discriminatory housing super special just for them so they don't have to live in the shitty mess they made of this country. they give me a-log fantasies.
No. 1299069
>>1299067just one more way boomers fuck us over
like the social security scam. we'll spend our lives paying in and never see a penny of that money back. and there's no way to opt out. 14% of your income, stolen, you will never see it again. they admitted ss is bankrupt and they keep stealing my money for it. god damned boomer entitlement program that I can't opt out of.
i really have to get into scamming old people, i'm so fed up with their greedy wrinkled bullshit. i'm going to contract super-corona and spread it to all the 55+ communities.
No. 1299075
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>>1299071i can't drive motorized vehicles because i'm dumb and scared and a bad driver okay just let me have my trains
No. 1299344
>>1299065HOA fees for my building are going up to $800 and I fucking hate it. We have no amenities, not even a doorman. My dad is a part of our co-op's board and it's a fucking shitshow 24/7. He argued with them to install more security cameras and they got mad at him for it and tried to make him pay back the board for the money spent… for more cameras throughout our block that would be better for everyone…? Lots of other stupid shit and lots of infighting. My uncle used to be on the board 15+ years ago and they were talking about how much money the property had in savings and it dwindled from like 10mil+ to around or less than 5mil now.
The only thing my dad abuses his position for is parking spots in the garage kek.
No. 1299682
>>1299344Maybe you live in my city because those are the kind of fees I'm seeing. Zero amenities, $800 a month. Meanwhile condos in FL have an entire waterpark in the building, 2 tennis courts, a dock, a dance hall, and an alligator farm, and their HOA is $250 a month.
I'm not typically a fan of govt regulation but HOA fees actually really do need govt regulation. All i can imagine are power-tripping facebook-hams thinking they're Marie Antoinette because they're on the HOA board. I really love apartment living and want a condo but HOA insanity is pushing me towards townhomes. I cannot deal with shit like that. I wonder how often HOA meetings end in throwing hands.
No. 1299705
>>1299344oh no yours too
nonny? mine's been trying to get off the board for years and move on somewhere else but they keep electing him and his dumb ass won't say no. the board members are all technically adults, but most of them are so pathetic and disorganized that I wonder how any of them survived a boomer childhood. he's got everyone's shit together three separate times now and i stg their retarded infighting and constant demands are going to stress him to death
>>1299682All HOAs need to be regulated or abolished. they're shit for the residents, they're shit for potential residents, they're shit for non-residents, and they're shit for any half-competent board members. I've lived in neighborhoods with and without HOAs and I still have fuck all clue what these associations supposedly bring to a neighborhood other than loud ass weekly landscapers and petty aesthetic fines.
No. 1299729
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>>1299705for a condo building as opposed to a single family house suburb, the HOA is supposed to cover mutual expenses relating to maintenance, insurance, and repair of the building. however boomers took them over, drove the fees up so they could have a personal slush fund, and weaponized the board for narcissistic power fantasy fulfillment. i've heard nothing but horror stories about them, it's unregulated, unaudited, and rife for abuse. people really need to get a fucking life. it's the same as parents who get on the PTA board and think they're the queen of france.
americans can't have anything nice. i don't think condo buildings are viable here unless HOAs are regulated. I'm going to buy a townhouse and dodge this bullshit. also, some condos prevent you from renting out your own property, and others control the price you can rent it for. it's out of control and needs legislation to address.
No. 1299751
>>1299747Those neighborhood ones were "to keep property values up" by forming a nag brigade to harass people who don't clip their grass within 1/16 of an inch to regulation and prevent people from putting non-grass plants in their front yard. ie boomer sociopathy and megalomania. boomers actually paid hundreds of dollars a month to have their own house micromanaged by power tripping narcissistic bureaucrats.
europeans don't have this type of shit by the way.
No. 1300192
>>1300184there are hoas that demand what now? what explanation could they
possibly have for that? do they think it'll keep predator animals out of their neighborhood because it sure fucking won't
No. 1300462
>>1299682I'm in NYC. Also, I live in a co-op and my parents bought it instead of renting, so that's a whole other shitty headache in itself. $800 HOA fees and we don't even technically own the fucking place kek. My friend recently bought a condo for $150k but it's crazy fucking far, and her HOA fees are over $1k and only amenity is a doorman. So… it's not as bad as it could be, I guess.
I'm set to inherit my parents apartment, so I will unfortunately be paying whatever these stupid bitches decide until I die (on top of dealing with them ugh). I just can't give up this apartment. Even if/when the HOA fees go up to $1k or even $2k, I would never be able find a similarly sized apartment in a great location with lots of shops/restaurants and so close to multiple train lines in the same price range. It is (unfortunately) a fucking steal of a price.
>>1299705I don't know why the fuck my dad won't get off the board because he clearly fucking hates everyone on it. He's also stupid in his own right though, so everyone hates him too. I think he stays to spite them all. Hoping his retardedness won't give the board a reason to deny my future application because I'll mcfucking lose it if they try that shit.
No. 1300498
>>1300197you might know them as "condo fee" because it's not a home owner's association per say, it's a condominium's shared expense fund. but they use the same term (HOA) for both on some real estate sites.
>>1300258those types of people are so pathetic and it's super common to see in the boomer generation. little snitch nazis. if it were me she'd end up with sugar in her gas tank.
No. 1307285
Don't wanna dox myself but I'm stuck in a massive, sprawling metroplex and over the last five or so years I've noticed the sprawl become even worse. Every single open space either has a for sale/construction sign on it, or is actively being developed. You used to be able to go out behind most neighborhoods and walk into a field or a lightly wooded area, but it's almost all shitty prefab apartments or shopping complexes now. The amount of out of state plates is increasing, too, and I just don't understand why the fuck anyone would move here unless you like shopping dated fashion trends, eating overpriced Americanized 'ethnic' food, terrible also overpriced bars, and driving every fucking where. The actual city at the center of this mess is zoned strangely too, and the closer you get to it the more stark the contrast is between the rich and poor areas because they're built on top of one another. Is every growing Midwest/Southern state like this? Where do I have to go to escape this shit, Alaska?
No. 1307636
>>1307305I can’t imagine trying to call other people retarded all while regurgitating the same overused and easily debunkable fb right wing boomer talking point of the week when it comes to BLM.
1. BLM yard signs can be bought from any number of vendor who has since decided to capitalize on the merchandising of the phrase because it’s not trademarked and anyone can profit from it, therefore to say anyone with a BLM yard sign contributed money to the specific BLM chapter you’re referring to to embezzle is blatantly foolish
2. Despite the boomer “antifa is coming for us” circlejerk, BLM isn’t a monolith and isn’t a nationwide org where everybody who says BLM or wears a BLM shirt has the same beliefs or even is a part of a chapter. The BLM group that has been blown up for “embezzling 90 million” was one state specific NONPROFIT organization that was named BLM and isn’t representative of it as a whole. That’s like saying The Westboro Baptist Church is representational of all churches nationwide despite them being 1 well known shitty chapter of a specific congregation.
3. The chapter that became a nonprofit org wasn’t even found embezzling the full 90 million, again, that’s another regurgitated talking point of BS from FB headlines boomers don’t bother to read into further. The investigation found that 1-3 of the founding members of that chapter who went on to go on the board once they became a nonprofit were found to be using some of the funds for inappropriate and personal uses. Still wrong but not this hilarious 90m figure folks keep quoting, and still not representative of everyone who volunteered with that chapter who had no idea this was even happening til the whistle was blown.
4. That same chapter who continues to be cited for “spending 90m on a mansion” did good work, despite the shitty behavior and mismanagement common in the nonprofit industrial complex and the opportunism shown by those who stole donated funds. That mansion that repubtards love to quote and say “see!? they’re fake!” that this specific chapter invested in was and still is being used as housing for families and family members of those lost to police violence. There are reciepts of this going back to the purchase of the mansion itself. The property was bought for good and used for the intended purpose.
5. Stop making it so obvious you form your complex nuanced opinions on nationwide sociopolitical issues from reshared Facebook headlines. Engage with a human.
(nobody cares) No. 1310439
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Whenever I hear people want to go to New Orleans for vacation I'm like ???. I find it so bizarre because there's like a romanticized cultured version of NOLA that's all jazz music and beautiful French Quarter homes but in reality that's like only like one block of the city. Of course travel guides are going to pick the most flattering areas to show like pic rel but I think a lot of people would be disappointed to find out a lot of the rest is really run down urban decay with broken pavements and abandoned buildings. There are usually people playing music on the street so you will hear live music at least. Also a lot of homeless and literal shit on the streets but that's normal for a big city anywhere I guess.
I think the other percentage of people want to travel there for the 'party life' and Mardi Gras but if you have a downtown area in a closeby city you can just bar hop there honestly and it'll probably be better. Mardi Gras literally makes the streets trashed with plastic beads everywhere and broken beer bottles. I will say the food is good only if you can't get authentic Cajun food where you are kek
It's sad because there is a lot of historical significance to the city but imo it's mot worth spending hundreds to go there just read about it online
No. 1315035
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>>1314565the full plan. why not get rid of the predatory loan interest rate entirely? middlemen (navient etc.) should be cut out entirely imo, it should all be handled at the federal level.
anyway, i'm pleased. graduating in 2020 actually had some benefits. never paid a dime in student loans thanks to the freeze, saved up money since i'm back home, now 20k will be wiped from my bill and i'll only have to pay 5k which i can do easily
No. 1315064
>>1315044No offence but how many times are non-Americans gonna ask this? No, kettles aren't that common here but they're not unheard of. There are other methods of heating water. Tea also isn't as popular here as other drinks so it's also not considered a necessity to most people. If more people drank tea here then I'm sure kettles would be more common in our homes, like coffee makers.
Me personally, I prefer tea over coffee and still don't own a kettle because I just don't think it's important and it would probably go unused.
No. 1315074
>>1315044I own a kettle and use it daily. Most americans don't drink hot tea.
>>1315035It'll be nice to get 20k knocked off. I tried logging into the website just to check my balance and it's all down lmao. Too much traffic blew the server up. I think i had 28k and i qualify for the 20k but god only knows. it would be nice to be debt free by 2024… boomers are so angry about this, they're losing their minds. but they pretend the PPP bailouts didn't happen. so a boomer who took 70k in free money last year spins around and screams at us that we don't deserve 10k in loans wiped after dealing with fraudulent loan processors, predatory interest, and a destroyed economy (2x). they're really disgusting and i cant wait for them all to die.
No. 1315217
>>1315118It blows my mind how evil they are, and they're not ashamed at all. It doesn't hurt them in any way, but because it helps someone who isn't them, they do anything to villainize them, saying they were irresponsible and majored in dumb things and are lazy and entitled and it's theft. And they don't say a word about any misappropriation of taxmoney to far worse causes, like israel or the PPP loans which were all stolen by literal rich people. But some 26 year old who can't afford rent gets their debt lifted and these grugs come slithering out of the baseboards screaming in rage. It's horrifying. There is something fundamentally messed up with american culture because half the country are radicalized angry hateful loud idiots. They don't even understand why they're angry. Zero anger at PPP loan forgiveness. But a college kid getting their shackles lightened a bit and they're ready to riot. It's just evil.
There are people who want to start a family but can't afford to, and now with this I see people saying they can finally try for a child, and these angry assholes act like they're stealing money from their pocket to go party and buy luxury cars. Like wtf. Many of them even pretend to be christian and/or patriots. but they act exactly the opposite. They're loud, dumb, and very aggressive, and frankly I just don't want to live in this country anymore. I'm not even democrat either, independent. 10k isn't even a lot. Many people have 50k of debt. Many of these people have paid more than 10k in taxes just the past two years. I'm just embarrassed to be American at this point. Anti-intellectualism is insanely
No. 1315235
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>>1310439>the rest is really run down urban decay with broken pavements and abandoned buildingsMaybe I'm weird but that is what I would visit the US to see. Where I live is rural and everything is so pristine and well kept. If I went on holiday I would want to see something completely different. Buying a Harley and touring the southern US to look at decayed industrial towns, abandoned mines, oil refineries and superfund sites is something I would love to do.
No. 1315244
>>1315226It really bothers me, they all sound like someone's
abusive parents and you can just imagine having to live with people who are angry and violent all the time and seem to hate everyone around them. If they have such a great life, why are they so angry and stingy to help other people? Do they realize their own kids and their kids' friends are included in these people with student debt? They're so fucking miserable it just reminds me of all the worst people I've ever known, they all act like that. Like, if people with childhood cancer suddenly could get free treatment, would you be angry about it, or happy? The worst is that they pretend to be Christian but clearly are not Christian in spirit and haven't read the Bible, Jesus would be ashamed of them. They refuse to have any civil discussion or logical debate, they just scream and belch and talk about their oversized pickup truck.
I wish I only spoke some crazy language like Norwegian and never knew English.
No. 1315253
>>1315235Well… you're a little off there. Abandoned industrial areas will be in the rust belt around the great lakes, mines in appalachia and california. You don't really want to go there love, some of the towns near them are very sketchy. the people who could afford to leave when local industry/economy collapsed did leave, the only people remaining were anti-social (think serial killer or rapist or drunkard), poor, or very stupid and stubborn. They aren't nice towns and are dangerous. The empty mines are full of rusted equipment and chemical contamination and cave-in risk. Most of them are gated off to keep teenagers from getting themselves killed in. Any place with any industry left, well, they can smell really bad and the chemicals pollute the air, within a day or two you would notice yourself feeling sick with an irritated throat and eyes. People who live in those places are poor, miserable, and extremely hostile. And the stuff about weird boonies or cultists who kidnap travelers is actually real. So you'd probably just end up raped and murdered by a 300 lb bald guy with chlamydia.
There are sites similar that are really cool but you have to know where you're going and go with a group. The safe ones are often tourist attractions now.
No. 1315330
>>1315326Pretty much in every way but officially, yes. I don’t say this to alarm you
nonny because by every metric I’ve seen it’s true. I guess you could argue we’re at the precipice of one but I think it’s splitting hairs at that point.
No. 1315822
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>>1315253If I were to do it, I'd start in Phoenix, Arizona so I could see the mines and old towns like Bisbee, go through New Mexico and into the old Texas oil fields, down to the coast into Louisiana where the massive oil refineries are around Baton Rouge and New Orleans, then continue along the coast onto to Jacksonville. While it's something I'd like to do, I have my motorcycle license and I could probably afford it, I'm a homesteader so I could never leave for that amount of time. It's more of a fantasy than something that will actually happen.
>>1315260I live in a national park in my country which is why I want to see something so different.
No. 1316959
>>1316934Hate trannies. Love urbanism, hate suburbanites, love human rights for women
Tough choices these days.
No. 1321410
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I love city life but american cities fucking suck. I'm done with this place, I hate how I can't walk down the street without hoodrats catcalling me or blasting their shitty music at night.
I guess the only other affordable escape option is to move to a rural area, but that seems lonely as hell.
No. 1321575
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>>1321573Samefag. This is one of the many photos from the bike rides, it's not NSFW though.
No. 1321592
>>1321573I think it's kinda funny, not a lot of things that allow nudity that
arent sexualized anymore. It looks like a lot of older wrinkly people too, hope that puts off the pervs who just want to see nude women on bikes kek
No. 1321864
>>1315244I wish I could find the tweet again, but I seriously saw someone arguing that "Jesus had a CHOICE to sacrifice himself" meanwhile they did not have the choice to have their tax dollars used towards cancelling student debt… as if we really have a choice in what our tax dollars go to. I sure fucking wish I had that choice! Put more of my money in towards education and building infrastructure instead of on the fucking military.
I've never read the bible and I'm not completely familiar with Christianity but to say Jesus at least had the choice while she did not feels… extremely wrong.
No. 1328104
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I hope all the nonnies effected by the flash floods are staying safe. Such a huge area being effected right now and so suddenly.
No. 1337094
>>1335838Not saying you should move here but I live in NYC and have a friend who lives in a rent stabilized apartment by himself on a 50k yearly salary. He has a normal social life, and he lives on the upper east side. The outer boroughs used to be a good option but are also becoming prohibitively expensive now, but there are some rent stabilized apartments here and there or even non-rent stabilized apartments going for a "decent" price. I think it depends on how much you like going out that will play a big role too.
MTA can really suck ass sometimes, but you can get damn near anywhere you want to with it, or close enough and then easily walk over. Safety is dependent on time of day and where you are kek.
No. 1337600
>>1337565not a burger but reminds me of this thread woman gets assaulted randomly on the street and the mass consensus are to defend the perpetrator? how even?
No. 1337611
>>1337572>>1337588>>1337600I wanted to reply to more but I’m a mobile fag
I love the fact that coastal libs will make fun of my shithole (Appalachia) for being poor, but you also don’t see us being
victims of the knock out game, getting mugged at gunpoint, our stores getting flash mob robbed, etc.
Never felt more comfy and proud to be a southern bumpkin.
No. 1337614
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check your states self defense laws first. you’ll literally be tried for murder in a place like ny or Cali.
No. 1337974
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This is the kind of shit I see on the news DAILY, I don’t live there anymore but it’s fucking ridiculous. Males get a free pass to be fucking psychotic impulsive apes, how is setting fires not a threat? And people act like this no bail system will be any different.
No. 1337986
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>>1337974jfc these are the scrotes that did it. "Teens" made them sound like middle schoolers, these disgusting psychos are adults.
No. 1338017
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People put effort and money into getting violent criminals out because they think it’s racist for black dudes to sit in jail waiting for court. Oh he killed his girlfriend, that’s a risk we were willing to take seeing he had prior DV charges.
No. 1350202
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Is is possible to find afforable rent in Boston, Massachusetts? I may have to relocate there for a new job but I honestly am panicing cause that place is hella expensive. Not to mention I'm not totally sure how many hours I'm going to be able to get in since I'll be so new. Is $1000 or less possible? Even places outside of boston within a 45 minute vicinity is okay but gosh I really hope I don't get assigned there. Cost of living looks like a total nightmare and this will be my first time living away from home.
No. 1350264
>>1350243>>1350258Thanks nonnies. I've been browsing zillow for hours and it's pretty depressing. Maybe I'll take a break for a lttle bit. I'll check out the train systems and try to educate myself on them.
>>1350256Thanks I'll try my best to network and ask around
No. 1352559
>>1352557“it’s projected to be a tropical storm”
it’s going to be a category 3 once it hits landfall lmao
No. 1352602
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>>1352591have you tried
No. 1354256
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>>1352611when i posted, the part of the state i'm in was projected to only get tropical storm conditions but obviously it's ramped up. i'm not on a coast so i wasn't super concerned on a personal level
anyways, hope any pinellas county anons were able to safely evacuate
No. 1354857
>>1350202There is no affordable rent anywhere anymore. I live in a similar city. The rent is $1350 for something the size of a literal closet. 225 sq ft. the problem is rent has exploded following the explosion of house prices because of shithead speculators and corporate parasites. But house prices will crater and RENT WILL NEVER GO DOWN. landlords are greedy and exploitative, rent will never be reasonably priced again.
i am so fucking tired of living in a humiliatingly small place. it is legitimately driving me insane to be here. there are prison cells that are larger. and it's still prohibitively expensive for this crapbox.
>>1350264zillow is crap for rentals.
No. 1355762
>>1355547Colorado or New Mexico perhaps, if you want to stay in the southwest area. CO is more expensive but some of the outlying cities aren't too bad like Colorado springs touristy things and eating out are pricey there but rent isn't bad (1000 for a 1bdr, 1300 for a 2br)
New Mexico is cheaper but has higher crime. Cost of living in Albuquerque is cheap and rent can be really cheap (650 for a 1br, 1100 for a 2).
Both states have really blue cities and get more conservative as you get rural but that's the norm.
No. 1358298
>>1357976You should but don't open your mouth about how great it is since one of the biggest ways america capitalizes on things is what's in.
Just look what they did to RVs, camping which was for hillbillies and poor's and when rich people decided it was cool now poor people can't afford this shit either.
Vacation towns, even for lower end ones that are supposed to be a cheap weekend getaway made it to where you need to save up upwards of thousands just to spend a weekend at the nearest beach and the experience has been heavily watered down too since Americans still cross these damn places anyway even if they're charging hundreds for damn plastic food and staying at a dirty oil filled beach. Being a homeowner and not an icky trailer owner is cool now so they're capitalizing on the fact Americans, at any cost, will pay thousands a month to own the dingest home in the neighborhood or "fix" it up to sell for double, so now you have Americans going in major debt for homes they'll never be able to pay off just to be able to say they're a home owner and not a poor apartment renter or living with their parents.
Going to college was supposed to just be an option but not something your family forced you to do and wasn't majorly pushed by schools, now all Americans went in major debt to get some general studies type shit just to say they have a college degree and didn't go to an icky trade school and/or just start working after high school. I hate that America capitalizes on desperation but hate even more that it works, especially for Americans that don't even need it like those who have families that are willing to support them where as the people who are all own their own on their 18th birthday are essentially fucked all the way up and "rags to riches" will never ever be a thing again unless you suck dick, sell drugs or do some stupid shit like spend every waking moment on TikTok until you become famous by fighting celebrities
No. 1358474
>>1358316Yep. They want a big house just to have one kid and make the 3 other rooms some stupid shit. They want a big yard just to cut grass and grow a single tree that was already there and want a big truck just to drive to McDonalds
If it was up to me, I'd exclusively allow people to use such for utility/actually need it than just rich fucks trying to show off. Why not save a big house for a family who will actually use it? Or a big yard for someone who'd actually grow a great deal of plants? I don't understand
No. 1358537
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>>1358474I'd rather have a comfy condo or townhouse, but 99% of what gets built is mcmansions even though my generation doesn't want them. They have better profit margins. You have to live somewhere, you can't crap out your ideal housing from your butthole. Because of zoning laws in most places in the US you can ONLY build single family houses. So antiquated zoning laws prevent anything except mcmansions from being built, essentially. our heritage 13-colony style brick townhouses? literally illegal to build now. NIMBY boomers will not allow the zoning laws to be changed (though some cities are giving them the finger and upzoning anyway.)
So it's more complicated than just "burger fat, burgar want bige hoom." I'd give my left ovary to live in pic rel but it is literally ILLEGAL to build these. america is a fucked up retard country. (ignore british flag, that really is in philly.)
No. 1358548
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>>1358537and even now that zoning allows townhouses in some places (usually only along the busiest noisiest fucking stroads!) they build these modernist lego block looking soy towers that look like a 12 year old designed them in minecraft. these are still leagues better than mcmansions but they aren't comfy looking and i have concerns for the durability of the materials used.
No. 1358775
>>1358623thanks for the warning nonna. i won't buy one then. 80% of new construction here is either lego townhouses or lego 5+1s. they say brick isn't earthquake safe but at least it doens't rot.
>>1358693i got chiggers a ton as a kid. had to dig the fuckers out of my skin with my fingernails. 'ate chiggers.
No. 1363224
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How's living in Minneapolis nonnies? The cost of living seems decent but Minnesota is a pretty boring state from a west coast perspective though I am interested anyways since it's not a very republican state
No. 1364077
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>>1298836>>1298825>>1298821My family owns and manages a trailer park. Old trailers are made with asbestos and it's hard to get rid of them. If you end up in a park then I'd suggest getting new or used but not made before 1999. Also note you'd only own the trailer while the lot is owned by the park we call them "lot fees". It's rare to have a park that doesn't have them. One last thing is the skirting needs to be replaced when it gets busted I swear that's the biggest thing people never do. While my trailer park is starting to turn around there's still trailers that look like this.
No. 1367314
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No. 1367421
>>1364077How did your family get to own a trailer park?
My mom and aunt live in a 50+ community one and honestly think the lot fees could be used a lot better to help benefit the whole park.
No. 1367447
>>1367314>if you oppose cops, then the next time you get in trouble, call a crackheadthis has me dying. ah fuck me the local crackheads set off fireworks last night next to my building, 1am. ah fuck me. nonnas really, please don't defund the police. we need those retarded scrotes to wrangle the even more violent and retarded scrotes. you do not know the forces you play with. i have seen things. i have seen a hobo pop his head out of a dumpster like a cartoon and begin yelling at people/delusions. i have seen a crackhead strip fully naked and dance on the sidewalk. i have seen crackheads shitting on the busstop benches. police are a necessary evil to keep the tide of crackheads at bay.
my god there are so many crackheads.
No. 1367495
>>1367447Babe are you safe?
That's like an extreme amount of crackheads, or do you live downtown.
No. 1367758
>>1367495I'm used to it. It's the tourists and college kids who are not safe. They walk around with earbuds and no situational awareness believing nothing can ever harm them. Then a wild junkie attacks and they're surprised.
>>1367510agree with the schizo/zombie polarity. I miss the oldtime junkies who were predictable and chill. the new drugs seem to make them violent and unpredictable. apparently it's fentanyl from china/CIA. surprisingly i've only seen a few dead hobos, you'd think more would kick the bucket. tired of them setting everything on fire though.
No. 1369944
>>1367974I'd even go as far as to argue that its even easier to eat healthy here than in some parts of Europe. Where I'm from (UK) there was outcry against putting calories on menus because it would
trigger EDs - even though it was proposed to combat obesity and help those with diabetes. In the US I've been able to lose weight and gain some muscle because gym memberships are dirt cheap, I can see the calories when I do go out to eat, and it's so cheap to cook yourself.